2 1. Which of the followin i! "OT #n e$#%&le of # &e'i&he'#l (e)ice #. P'inte' *. Mo+!e c. Me%o', (. e,*o#'(
#. It i! %+ch che#&e' th#n +!in #n off the !helf &#c#e *. It (oe! not t#e # lon ti%e to &'o(+ce c. It %#, not h#)e #ll of the fe#t+'e! th#t #'e 'e8+i'e( (. M#n, othe' co%&#nie! will h#)e thi! !#%e !oftw#'e
2. Which of the followin i! "OT #n o+t&+t (e)ice #. Mic'ofil% *. Mo(e% c. Monito' (. Mo+!e
9. Which t,&e of c#*le i! +!e( fo' c#*le T;< #. Al+%in+%-#llo, *. Co#$i#l c. Fi*e'-o&tic (. Twi!te(-&#i'
. Which of the followin (oe! "OT (e!c'i*e the f+nction! of # %o+!e #. /#! # !et of e,! *. I! # &ointin (e)ice c. /#! # '+**e' *#ll +n(e'ne#th (. Left *+tton i! +!e( to !elect te$t
10. When # flo&&, (i! i! fo'%#tte(= #ll (#t# i! #. Co&ie( to the (i! *. >elete( f'o% the (i! c. Re#( f'o% the (i! (. S#)e( to the (i!
. A i! #n e$#%&le of # (i'ect (#t# ent', (e)ice #. 3#'co(e 'e#(e' *. e,*o#'( c. Mo+!e (. Plotte'
11. A concent'ic 'in on # h#'( (i! i! 'efe''e( to #! # #. 3+ffe' *. C,lin(e' c. Secto' (. T'#c
4. An in5et &'inte' i! *e!t (e!c'i*e( #! #. An o+t&+t (e)ice *. An in&+t (e)ice c. A !to'#e (e)ice (. A %e%o', (e)ice
12. A t,&e of +tilit, +!e( to 'e(+ce the !i?e of file! i! #. file co%&'e!!ion &'o'#% *. t'o+*le!hootin &'o'#% c. #nti)i'+! &'o'#% (. +nin!t#ll &'o'#%
6. Which of the followin (e)ice! i! %o!t !+it#*le fo' !in#lin th#t the'e i! !%oe in the #'e# #. A !en!o' *. A %o+!e c. An OCR Re#(e' (. A the'%o%ete' 7. The two in(! of %#in %e%o', #'e #. P'i%#', #n( !econ(#', *. R#n(o% #n( !e8+enti#l c. ROM #n( RAM (. /#'( #n( !oft . Which of the followin i! TR:E #*o+t w'itin c+!to% !oftw#'e
1. Wh#t i! the co''e!&on(in (eci%#l )#l+e of 1111 @*#!e 2 #. 14 *. c. 6 (. 2 1. Wh#t i! the co''e!&on(in (eci%#l )#l+e of the oct#l n+%*e' #. 2 *. 6 c. 97 (. 21 14. The te'% 3C> 'e&'e!ent! #. 3,te Co(e >eci%#l
*. 3in#', Co(e( >eci%#l c. 3#!ic Co(in >e!in (. 3in#', Co(e( >e!in 16. A netwo' #. O'#ni?e! (#t# #%on co%&+te'! *. Allow! +!e'! to o*t#in (#t# f'o% # cent'#l co%&+te' c. Recei)e! (#t# f'o% one co%&+te' (. En#*le! two o' %o'e co%&+te'! to co%%+nic#te 17. The'e #'e !t#*le !t#te! in # *i!t#*le en)i'on%ent. #. two *. th'ee c. fo+' (. fi)e 1. S,!te% +tilitie!B #. incl+(e fe#t+'e! !+ch #! we*&#e (e!in *. #'e lo#(e( *efo'e the o&e'#tin !,!te% c. h#)e to *e #cce!!e( th'o+h the Inte'net (. &e'fo'% f+nction! !+ch #! checin (i! !&#ce 19. A &o&+l#' co%&+te' inte'f#ce i! #. %onito' *. Co%%#n(-line c. :I (. Men+-('i)en 20. An elect'onic#ll, i(entifie( inte'f#ce fo' ettin info'%#tion into #n( o+t of # co%&+te' i! c#lle( #@n #. 3#, *. Inte'f#ce c. Po't (. E$&#n!ion c#'( 21. A&&lic#tion !oftw#'e (oe! "OT incl+(e #. P'e!ent#tion !oftw#'e *. We* *'ow!e' !oftw#'e c. Wo'( &'oce!!in !oftw#'e (. S,!te%! !oftw#'e 22. Wh#t i! the n#%e of the fol(e' th#t ho+!e! the We* &#e in the fictitio+! :RL i)en *elow<
htt&BDDwww.o+&.co%Ditfo'c!ecDi n(e$.ht% #. *. c. (.
htt& www.o+&.co% itfo'c!ec in(e$.ht%
2. T#!he'# i! %+ch %o'e inte'e!te( in co%&+te' h#'(w#'e #n( ci'c+it (e!in. She %#, w#nt to con!i(e' # c#'ee' in #. En(-+!e' !+&&o't *. S,!te%! eninee'in c. Elect'ic#l eninee'in (. Co%&+te' !cience 2. A file with e$ten!ion .$l! i! %o!t liel, #!!oci#te( with # #. (#t#*#!e *. we* &#e c. &ict+'e (. !&'e#(!heet 24. An e$#%&le of # &'e!ence chec i! #. E$#%inin whethe' o' not # fiel( i! the 'e8+i'e( t,&e in # (#te fiel( *. Re8+i'in # +!e' to ente' hi! o' he' e%#il #(('e!! twice c. Te!tin th#t onl, lette'! #'e ente'e( in # n#%e fiel( (. En!+'in th#t n+%*e'! #'e &o!iti)e in # 8+#ntit, o'(e'e( fiel( 26. The E$it co%%#n( i! loc#te( in the %en+ #. File *. Win(ow c. Tool! (. Sh+t(own 27. A !ec+'it, *+ffe' *etween # co%&#n,! &'i)#te netwo' #n( #ll e$te'n#l netwo'! i! c#lle( # #. Fi'ew#ll *. P#!!wo'( c. P'inte' (. ;i'+! 2. A co%&+te' )i'+! i! #. !oftw#'e w'itten with %#licio+! intent to c#+!e #nno,#nce o' (#%#e *. # %etho( of enco(in # %e!!#e
c. !%#ll (e)ice th#t !c#n! the %e!!#e! on ,o+' co%&+te' (. tool th#t %onito'! ,o+' e%#il 29. A %o)e! th'o+h netwo'! #n( o&e'#tin !,!te%! *, #tt#chin it!elf to (iffe'ent &'o'#%! #n( (#t#*#!e!. #. Fi'ew#ll *. P#!!wo'( c. Wo'% (. ;i'+!
c. 6 'ow!= col+%n! (. 'ow!= 6 col+%n! 4. !oftw#'e wo+l( *e the MOST #&&'o&'i#te fo' !howin info'%#tion in &oint fo'% on # l#'e !c'een #. >#t#*#!e *. &'e!ent#tion c. '#&hic! (. S&'e#(!heet G+e!tion! 6 to #'e *#!e( on the !&'e#(!heet *elow
0. In # netwo'= #ll note! #'e connecte( to # cent'#l h+* #. 3+! *. St#' c. Rin (. Loc#l 1. When !#)in # !inle (oc+%ent= # file n#%e= the ('i)e #n( fol(e' in which to !to'e the (oc+%ent %+!t *e !&ecifie( #. Onl, when +!in the S#)e co%%#n( *. Onl, when +!in the S#)e A! co%%#n( c. E)e', ti%e the S#)e co%%#n( i! +!e(= #n( e)e', ti%e the S#)e A! co%%#n( i! +!e( (. The fi'!t ti%e the S#)e co%%#n( i! +!e(= #n( e)e', ti%e the S#)e A! co%%#n( i! +!e( 2. The %ini%+% n+%*e' of 'ow! #n( col+%n! in # wo'( t#*le i! #. e'o *. 2 'ow! #n( 1 col+%n c. 2 'ow! #n( 2 col+%n (. 1 'ow #n( 1 col+%n . Wh#t t,&e of !oftw#'e i! +!e( fo' c'e#tin lette'! #n( othe' (oc+%ent!< #. >#t#*#!e *. Wo'( P'oce!!o' c. S&'e#(!heet (. O&e'#tin P'o'#% . To c'e#te # t#*le fo' 4 &eo&le= cont#inin the he#(in! n#%e= #(('e!! #n( # 'efe'ence n+%*e' #t the to&= ,o+ will nee( #. 4 'ow!= col+%n! *. 'ow!= 4 col+%n!
@HHH fi %c8 !! HHH 6. Cell C cont#in! #. A fo'%+l# *. A f+nction c. A '#ne (. A '#&hic 7. If the content! in cell C #'e co&ie( to cell! C4 th'o+h C7= then cell C7 cont#in! #. 3HC1 *. 3HC7 c. 37HC1 (. 37HC . The 'e!+lt in cell C i! #. 2.7 *. 27 c. 0.27 (. 0 G+e!tion! 9 #n( 0 #'e *#!e( on the '#&hic *elowB @HHHFi e%&t,!li(e2HHH
9. The '#&hic i! c#lle( # #. Pict+'e *. Rect#nle c. Sc'een (. Sli(e 0. To #(( # title JInt'o(+ctionB #. >o+*le clic on the lon 'ect#nle #n( t,&e the wo'( *. >o+*le clic on the !%#ll 'ect#nle #n( t,&e the wo'( c. Clic on the lon 'ect#nle #n( t,&e the wo'( (. Clic on the !%#ll 'ect#nle #n( t,&e the wo'( 1. The o*5ect! in the (i#'#% *elow ill+!t'#te
#. *. c. (.
. i! co%%onl, +!e( fo' We* #&&lic#tion! i!B #. CKK *. CO3OL c. /TML (. Li!& . T#! +!e( fo' fo'%#ttin font! in /TML #'e I 3D3 II IDI III :D: I; /1D/1 #. *. c. (.
#. *. c. (.
# Sli(e l#,o+t * Ani%#tion !ettin! c P#e l#,o+t! ( Colo' !che%e!
2. In the followin (i#'#%= t'#n!ition effect! *een !et on !li(e@!
# 1 #n( 2 * #n( c 1 #n( ( 2 #n(
I onl, I #n( II I= II #n( III I= II= III= #n( I;
4. An #()#nt#e of +!in /TML to c'e#te # *#!ic we* &#e i! th#t #. #ll wo'( &'oce!!o'! c#n (i!&l#, the (oc+%ent *. #ll *'ow!e'! c#n (i!&l#, the (oc+%ent c. it will &'int *ette' th#n # wo'( &'oce!!in (oc+%ent (. it i! e#!ie' to w'ite in /TML 6. The &#'t of # (#t#*#!e th#t i! +!e( fo' e#!, in&+t of (#t# i! #. Fo'%! *. G+e'ie! c. Re&o't! (. T#*le!
6 7. i! "OT #n e$#%&le of # co%%on (#t# t,&e fo+n( in %o!t (#t#*#!e! #. >#te *. "+%*e' c. Te$t (. e, . APPE"> #. A((! 'eco'(! to the to& of # (#t#*#!e t#*le *. >elete! 'eco'(! f'o% the to& of # (#t#*#!e t#*le #n( o&en! the t#*le c. A((! 'eco'( #t the en( of # (#t#*#!e t#*le (. >elete! 'eco'( f'o% the en( of # (#t#*#!e t#*le 9. In!te#( of +!in !,%*ol! to 'e&'e!ent &'o'#% loic= +!e! !t#te%ent! th#t #'e Enli!h-lie. #. &!e+(oco(e *. %#chine l#n+#e c. low-le)el l#n+#e! (. flowch#'t! 40. The onl, l#n+#e th#t # co%&+te' (i'ectl, inte'&'et! i! l#n+#e. #. #!!e%*l, *. %#chine c. non&'oce(+'#l (. &'oce(+'#l 41. IPO (i#'#%! #. Ill+!t'#te the !t'+ct+'e of the &'o'#% *. :!e !,%*ol! to &'e!ent #cti)itie! c. S&ecif, the in&+t to the &'o'#% #n( the o+t&+t &'o(+ce( (. S&ecif, the loic of the &'o'#% 42. An if-then-el!e !t'+ct+'e i! &#'t ofB #. !e8+ence *. 'e&etition c. !election (. o'(e'in 4. Re&etition! incl+(eB #. if-then-el!e *. c#!e c. (o-while (. !e8+ence
4. The followin loo& will *e e$ec+te( ti%e!. FOR co+nt B 0 to >O w'iteln@JHN #. 0 *. c. (. H 44. In P#!c#l= Jiniti#li?in # )#'i#*le %e#n!B #. c'e#tin &'oce(+'e! to +!e the )#'i#*le *. (ecl#'in the t,&e of )#'i#*le c. i)in the )#'i#*le #n !t#'t )#l+e (. w'itin co(e th#t +!e! the )#'i#*le. 46. To #!!in 4 to the )#'i#*le CO:"T %e#n! th#t CO:"T !ho+l( *e #. ch#' *. intee' c. 'e#l (. !t'in 47. P'o'#%%in l#n+#e! th#t #'e cl#!!ifie( #! low-le)el l#n+#e! incl+(e I 3ASIC II M#chine Co(e III P#!c#l I; A!!e%*l, l#n+#e #. *. c. (.
I #n( I; I #n( III II #n( III II #n( I;
4. An inte'&'ete' #. Con)e't! the &'o'#% line *, line *. Con)e't! the enti'e &'o'#% co(e in one !te& c. E$ec+te! the &'o'#% efficientl, (. >oe! not h#)e #n, e''o'! 49. The fi'!t !te& in !ol)in # &'o'#% i! #. >e)elo& the #lo'ith% *. E)#l+#te !ol+tion! c. S&ecific#tion #n( (e!in (. Te!t the !ol+tion 60. The te'% +!e( to 'et'ie)e (#t# f'o% e,*o#'( ent', i! c#lle( #. W'ite
7 *. P'int c. Re#(
(. St#'t