Sophomores Batch Primer UP College of Law 2nd Semester, AY 2014-2015
Disclaimer: Please note that some of the information in this primer may not accurately reflect the subject and or the professor it actually pertains to for the incoming semester. The use of this primer is limited only to members of Batch 2017 and Evening 2018!
Curriculum: Day Program
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Curriculum: Evening Program
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Approved by the Board of Regents at its 1297th Meeting on 28 March 2014. Applies to all units except the MBA and MS Finance programs of the Virata School of Business, the MM Program of UPEPP and UPEPO, and the Sprin -ASIA pro ram of the School of Urban and Re ional Plannin . For the Mid ear session, 3-unit lecture classes meet two 2) hours dail , Monda to Frida , for 24 class da s. Deadline for application for transfer subject to finalization. * A special removal schedule outside this period may be implemented by the Unit subject to removal fees.
** Appeals submitted beyond the deadline will be processed for the following term. *** Per OSU, BOR Meetings are usually held every last Thursday of the month. However, the BOR Chair or UP President may ask for a r e-scheduling of the said meeting. For December, the BOR Meeting is usually held on the same day as the Lantern Parade. Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (ACLE) is an activity of the UPD Student Council (USC) and is held once every semester. (Schedule subject to USC approval.) )LK$> *
What to expect: Administrative Law Professor: Prof. Alfredo Molo III Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Agpalo, A2015 Reviewer, Beda Reviewer, Admin. Code Book 7, Constitution, Admin Code books from the library, De Leon From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 2.82 Scores: 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4 What can you say about your professor? Recitation is still random. Agpalo is a useful book but not required. Discussion is based on the book. General sentiment is that the grades were issued randomly. Same teaching style as Legal Method. I think same grade binigay niya halos sa lahat. He talks a lot about non-Admin Law stuff (but are still relevant in your legal profession). The discussions are simple and straight to the point but he does ask a lot of good questions that would force you to think outside the box. When he teaches the subject, he teaches it very well. But 70% of the class is about his "mission" as a professor to lead students into a healthy practice of profession. More of like a legal ethics class. Darts Mahirap siya timplahin. Very moody. Pero oks naman siya magturo. "Power trips" on "favorite" students. Try to be low profile during the start of the sem. For students whom he notices (for example, fell asleep, came in late, laughed when something wasn't funny, top 5 students in the batch), expect to be called almost every meeting. Mas bagay siyang prof sa Legal Method kaysa sa Admin. Very strict. You can't even look at the clock while he's holding class b ecause he'll think you can't wait to leave his class. Got a lot of nice life/lawyer life advice from the prof but v ery temperemental Moody in class. Vague basis for final grade •
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Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Don't be on his bad side so you don't get called for recitation for more than necessary. Wala, darts talaga. Sana maswerte kayo sa darts. Read the reviewers. They do help. Read books outside of the scope of the class for the departmentals. Pray na maganda yung tama ng darts sayo. And kupal si sir, sana wag ka nyang makupal. Pero may point naman yung pangugupal niya. And alam mong performance lang yun to make you a better student. Pero darts talaga si sir. Yung exam more of application ng lahat ng tinuro niya. Stick to the law and the cases. That's pretty much it, no need to read annotations. Get only the gist of the case. He doesn't like going into the details. Also, be on your toes. He likes hypothetical problems. Study, look submissive, be bibo but not mayabang, be quiet I don't think anyone read the entire administrative code. Very few provisions were discussed, so focus on the doctrines. • • • • •
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What to expect: Administrative Law Professor: Dean Salvador Carlota Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: None except laws & cases assigned, A2015 Admin Law Reviewer (for recits and exams), No prescribed textbook, Beda Reviewer, Laws and Jurisprudence From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 1.62 Scores: 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4 What can you say about your professor? You will learn for sure When you say the word he's looking for, you're good and he'll take over the discussion. Canalized Dean Carlota's Admin Law was definitely one of the lighter subjects during that semester. His class could be best described as maximum learning through minimum effort, meaning you could survive the class using the reviewer and/or digests only, not to mention that Dean Carlota clearly has mastery over the subject. THE BEST. His teaching style is very structured. The semester starts out slow but he picks up the pace once he feels that the class is prepared to handle more cases. He gives 1 or 2 high grades at the end. Dean Carlota teaches Admin Law well. After the sem. The studen t will still remember the concepts taught in his class. Very knowledgeable, enthusiastic and does not need other materials to discuss the subject. Comes to class without notes but knows all the cases and the l aws. 1 case per student sa recit. Mix of cases and concepts sa exam. Discu ssion will mostly be cases. Memorize his definition of administrative law because it's a useful catch-all response for his exam. Checks attendance, gives extra points for those who are never absent. I think that's what saved me from failing because I wasn't able to study for his finals. Try not to get bored or fall asleep in class because you might miss something. His discussions are meaty, so take notes. Asks students to memorize certain definitions. Siya ang master ng Admin. Textbook nyo na yung reviewer niya. Hes fair. He conducts recitation mainly about the cases assigned. You don't have to be very particular about all the facts. • • • •
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Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: study all the cases for real Read all the cases and note what he says about them. Also, study samplexes. Nothing except to study Use the reviewers. Recitations are relatively quick, so focus on t he doctrines. Make sure you stay awake. His classes are usually early in the morning. His mind is still sharp; do not try to bullshit your way around him. ALWAYS answer the question! Do not try to work your way around a recit. One can survive on digests alone. The recitations are very quick -- you must know how to identify the doctrine. There are even cases when the recitation does not even last more than a minute. • • • • •
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Make a block digest pool and digest the cases before the sem even starts. This way, you can exert your time during the sem to other subjects such as CivPro. Use A2015's reviewer. Everything's there. If you get Dean Carlota, study the cases in advance. Make digests BEFORE class starts. Digest pool Likes the basics, or as he says, the "Pepe and Pilar." There is a reviewer at Blessings that can help. Memorize the definition of Administrative Law. Has a slight bias towards girls. Lumabas last year sa finals yung requisites for subpoena. His outline is based on Justice Cortes' book. You can just focus on the facts and issues relevant to the subject heading. Always read the dissenting opinion!
Professor: Jose Layug Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Admin Law by Cruz From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 2 Scores: 1, 3 What can you say about your professor? Chill magturo. Chill. 1 to 2 people recite per class, but they recite a lot of cases. Meron naman digests. • •
Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the incoming sophomores: Just listen to him. listen to the prof, read the cases • •
What to expect: Credit Transactions Professor: Prof. Hector de Leon Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: De Leon Book and Codal From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 2.44 Scores: 2, 4, 1, 1, 4, 1, 5, 3, 1 What can you say about your professor? Recitation is based on syllabus. His book is too redundant. You can live by the codal. Exam is easy. Voluntary recit for cases, and summary before class. Repeats everything you say sa recit. Follows the rules, 1% per point sa midterms and finals. Madali midterms, MCQ. Also sa finals madali rin kasi basic yung questions. He is very fair. He knows everything by heart. He speaks, breathes and eats credit transactions. I like that he shares to us his work experience that is relevant to the topic, so it is easier to understand the application of the topics He's really really good. His lectures are enough for you to make your own review er. Just remember everything he will teach in class because those will be the only ones that will be asked in the exams. Exams are easy to perfect :) Chill. :) MCQ for the midterms na 1% of the grade each question. Madali yung finals. Spoonfeed kung spoonfeed. Very fair. Very nice guy. Hindi namamahiya. Yun nga lang, he gives the answer agad pag mali ka. The best. Effective teaching method. Chill recits. He's very nice, so don't abuse it. He likes making mind maps. He's a bit scatter-brained. He's so nice! Fair. Does not embarrass students. Exams are based on codal + his book. •
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Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Not a hard prof. No need for survival tips. Read the codal plenty of times because they are indeed helpful. Read any book while trying to create practical examples in your head. Cred it Transactions is a very practical subject. Be patient kasi paulit ulit si sir pero it's for your benefit naman. :) Read his book! And study for the midterms and finals. Useful subject in the future, particular in corporation/commercial law. Take note of these maps. Better yet, try getting a copy from an upper batch. Sobrang unreliable yung textbook niya for his own class. (kind of ironic, huh?) Just read De Leon and study the codal. • • •
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What to expect: Credit Transactions Professor: Prof. Rocky Reyes Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Credit Transactions by De Leon From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 3.6 Scores: 3, 3, 4, 3, 5, What can you say about your professor? Very slow pace He tells a lot of stories. Prof. Reyes is highly intelligent. However, this does not really manifest in the way he teaches. He can waste two hours of a three-hour class talking about things that are not even remotely related to Credit Transactions. He has, in other words, a habit of going off on a tangent. Loves to share a lot of stories. He does not teach. In a three-hour class, you can spend two hours talking about anything but Credit. He fails a certain percentage of students, regardless of what score they achieved. • • •
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Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Study the provisions and memorize them if you can Learn to answer his exams quickly. His recitations barely make a blip in your grade. Focus on the exams. He usually fails the bottom 10% of the class, unless a lot of people have already dropped. Given that his exams are time pressure Study on your own. He guides rather than teaches. You'll be pressured to study for the bar. HAHAHA! Study on your own. You cannot hope to learn anything about Credit from Rocky Reyes. Be mindful of your scores as well. If you are at or near the bottom of the class in terms of standing, you had better drop the course. • • •
Professor: Prof. Stephanie Gomez-Somera Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Somera's book (can be bought at the Law Center) From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 2.33 Scores: 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 5 What can you say about your professor? The Devil Who Wears Prada Prof. Somera is very strict. You have to study well before every session. But rounds ang recits so prepare well if you know you will get called. Finals is everything. Fail her finals and you will surely fail her class. Too strict and intimidating; the material slips from one's mind because of fear. Very good. Sobrang galing niya • •
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What to expect: Credit Transactions What can you say about your professor? Reminds me of Miranda Priestly from the Devil Wears Prada. Her book is badly formatted but it's good at explaining concepts. you will surely learn Credit Transactions and a lot of practical litigation tips. Passing is not a certainty though, as she one of the most demanding professors in UP L aw. Masaya yung contract negotiation exercise. Shes scary at first but she mellows down after a few sessions. •
Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Hmm...idk Read her book for every session and always be prepared for r ecitation. Don't try to hope that you won't be called. There are no shortcuts. Study!! Read in advance. Study the cases. Review previous subjects like Property Law and ObliCon. Memorize her book. Understand the cases well Make sure you dont just parrot her book. She will ask you to apply the lesson in real life and ask you for strategies For the exam, she asked a lot about the special topics - let ters of credit, warehouseman's lien, trust receipt - so study that, we also had a fria q uestion. Fair exam She wont check your final exam if you dont pass her passing grade sa recitation Volunteer for reporting Attendance is checked every meeting She failed some people in our class. People you didn't e xpect. So study hard Masungit during recits, just be respectful and reasonably assertive and you'll be fine. DO NOT BE MAHIYAIN/GIVE THE APPEARANCE THAT YOU'RE SCARED UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. Shows people their recit grades towards the end of the class. She grades reasonably, unless you gave her the impression that you're mahiyain/scared. Understand the codal provisions well and you'll do well in the exam. The exam is important. Just because you have good recits does not mean you will pass the s ubject this happened to a couple classmates of mine. Finalist si Ma'am. She looks for ""magic words"". Kung bagsak, bagsak so STUDY HARD FOR THE FINALS. Wag papasok nang 'di handa. Kayo rin. Pwedeng mag-volunteer, pero paghandaan. Kung hindi, kayo rin... Exam niya last year: pledge, FRIA, tapos may interest [yun lang naalala ko]. May transaction tapos ipapa-identify sa inyo kung anong contract yun. Dapat alam nyo yung mga elements. Dean also specializes in Credit kaya most likely 100 items yung MCQ nyo. Read the assigned pages of her book at least twice. Memorize the articles. She love s it if you recite without looking at anything. • •
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What to expect: Credit Transactions Professor: Prof. Raul Vasquez Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Codal, Cases, De Leon/Somera's book From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 3 Scores: 4, 3, 2 What can you say about your professor? he's ok. whimsical and capricious, but not an asshole. if you can endure the recits, the exams will more than make up for it. he's very generous with partial points, so just answer all of the questions (don't linger too long on any one q uestion) and you can pass. has favorites, more forgiving towards girls, but he isn't, like, extra unfair towards boys or anything. Has favorites. Masungit to the guys in the class. Girls should make "pacute" hahaha Labo kausap, weird questions during recit, but fun prof •
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Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: credit also encompasses chattel mortgage, letters of credit, trust receipts, warehouse receipts and financial insolvency and rehabilitation. for these parts, you may want to be aided by annotations, since they can be a bit complicated. Use the Block C Reviewer. Brush up on your OBLICON (memorize rescissbile, voidable and void contracts), PERSONS and PROPERTY. No looking at notes when reciting. No need of detailed recitation of cases. The summaries in the reviewer will do. Finish the exam •
Professor: Prof. Mark Dennis Joven Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: None, digest group From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 3 Scores: 3, 3 What can you say about your professor? a little cranky sometimes, but mabait. Recit is around 1 case per student. Exam questions have both definitions and enumeration based on codal/landmark cases and situational. •
Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the incoming sophomores: Listen to him. Good to take banking with credit transactions. Form a digest group • •
What to expect: Labor and Social Legislation 2 Professor: Prof. Leo Battad Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Azucena (optional) and codal, Everyone's Labor Code by Azucena From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 2.62 Scores: 1, 5, 1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5, 1, 1, 5, 2 What can you say about your professor? Requires a lot of diligence. Handwritten notes. Has high standards but a nice professor. HAND WRITTEN NOTES!! Likes it if students won't read their notes. DON'T EVER APPEAR IN CLASS WITH OTHER PERSON'S NOTES. (or galingan niyo dumiskarte) Midterms ang hirap, pero s/he is generous sa partial points for finals na BTW ay cover to cover! Enjoyed her class and learned a lot She is a very passionate labor lawyer and will instil in you the necessary heart for the laborers. She is very precise and accurate with the labor laws, which is very important for this kind of subject. Haha. Alam nyo na yan. Always side on the rights of the workers. Waste of time. She has very high expectations from every student. If you can choose to not look at your notes, then please do, so you can have a higher grade. Be CONFIDENT when answering questions. Exams are really really hard so study labor ever yday. Sobrang matrabaho si ma'am pero ang dami naming natutunan! <3 Wag uupo sa front row or sa aisle. Pero good thing din if favorite ka ni ma'am so if may opportunity to volunteer, go. And dapat galingan mo pag nagvolunteer ka. Sobrang okay ni Ma'm for Labor 2. Matrabaho, pero worth it. Basta wag ka lang magpapastandout na kapitalista ka or something. Totally unreasonable. Really easy questions for her recits, it's just the hand writing that takes up your time. She's one of the best if you take her seriously. She has what most other law profs lack: showmanship. Don't listen to the others when they say that she's a terror prof. She's neutral. If you pass, you pass because of your own hard work. If you fail, it's all you. I learned more from her than from Daway. Maybe it's the need to handwrite everything. BUT THAT WAS VERY TEDIOUS. • •
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Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Do well in the midterms. Drop if you fail midterms. Magsulat na kayo based on the syllabus! Mahirap kasi if buong labor code kasi magfflip pa ng pages, no time for that during recits. Azucena is really helpful. Don't sit in front, or dun sa last row. Kasi if in front, kayo parati tatawagin. Sa last row, if nobody sits in front, papaupuin niya kayo doon. (yep that's what happened to me) Read the codals. The annotations are only helpful with regard to confusing topics. Write, write, write! • •
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What to expect: Labor and Social Legislation 2 - Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Write down the laws and case digests in advance, i.e. BEFORE classes start Handwritten You need to think like an employee to understand this subject more. Read the codals and jurisprudence prudently. Sulat lang kayo ng notes, and wag kayo mandaya kasi helpful siya lalo na sa finals. Advise for all those taking Battad -- spend more time under standing the law and the cases than on writing the provisions verbatim. Hate her Magsulat na ng codal and RRs habang maaga pa!!! You can only bring handwritten notes to class. This ain't all bad if you know how to take notes. Short lesson on taking notes while studying: Do: write systematically, succinctly and most of all, write with yourself in mind. Write for you, not for her. Don't: write the provisions verbatim. It's a massive waste of time and ink. Also, don't be afraid to speak your mind. No need to read the thicker Azucena. The Azucena lite [Everyone's Labor Code by Azucena] was enough for me--although you really have to read the annotations before class. Everyone knows that you need to handwrite everything, but focus on writing the provisions since there are harder questions on the law. For cases, just read the digests and take minimal notes (except for her favorite cases--take note of the quotable quotes like that "sesementohan para kahit ipis ay di makakapasok" something) since recits are just facts-ratio. • • •
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Professor: Prof. Daway Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Azucena From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 3.6 Scores: 2, 5, 3, 3, 5 What can you say about your professor? Normal pace. Ma'am Daway is very nice as a teacher she is very nice and very knowledgeable about labor. do not abuse her kindness. her exams are a bit difficult, but they're fair. she might make you do a group case study of an employer-union relationship or something similar. Unlike Professor Battad, she doesn't require handwritten notes (at least when we had her). Mabait. Very minimal effort needed. Just come to class having read the provisions and the digests and you'll be fine. She is very motherly. • •
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Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the incoming sophomores: focus on the most important provisions of law, since there are many laws and memorizing all of them would be futile CODAL CODAL CODAL. pay attention to the modifications that have been made to the labor code by the IRR, as well as supreme court interpretations of certain concepts. jurisdiction is a bit complicated in labor, so pay very close attention. She gives higher recit grades to those who recite without looking •
What to expect: Civil Procedure Professor: Prof. Eleazar Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Riano, Remedial Law by Herrera, Codal, Beda Reviewer From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 3.54 Scores: 5, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 5 What can you say about your professor? Nice with recits. Does rounds until round 2. Exam is easy if you study. You will not learn from him. This is purely self-help. MAG-ARAL KAYO KAHIT SOBRANG NAKAKATAMAD SIYA. YOU ARE GOING TO NEED IT I SWEAR!!! (Retain the all caps please para intense kasi i swear matalino si Sir pero masyado siyang mabait (albeit nambagsak siya samin ng 3 students!!!) kaya katamad mag-aral) AGAIN, MAG-ARAL KAYO MAMATAY KAYO SA MCQ!! But Sir is really smart, and he knows the subject very well. Kaya makinig kayo sa kanya. His exam questions, sinasabi niya sa class, so listen to his discussions kahit sobrang boring. He is an amazing and smart remedial lawyer. The only downside is that he is too smart to translate everything into simple terms. Sometimes he forgets that we don't know that much yet about the topic. Very fast paced. He's funny but you won't finish the syllabus. Prof. Eleazar seems to be a brilliant litigator. However, he is not able to impart his knowledge of CivPro to his students effectively. Yet another professor who does not teach very well. Be prepared to study on your own. Eleazar: soft voice, somewhat confusing. Gives equally confusing exams but he says he grades fairly. Did not return said exams, however. He's smart but he doesn't teach properly. He expects you to have mastered the subject when you come to class since he will be asking advance level questions. So it's a selfstudy class. But the brighter side is that you can come to class unprepared (well I guess he doesn't really grade your recitations) as you can just re ad off from your reviewers the answers to his questions and the digests of the cases. Sobrang boring ni sir. Hindi siya magaling magmotivate or magpaintindi. Chill professor. Self-study for the whole sem, you'll just be discussing cases during class. You can get by with digests, just don't cram everything in the end. CivPro will be very difficult to understand when you cram it. Open ended, no structure. Perfect combination for not studying. They say di siya nambabagsak. It's not true. Self-study. •
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What to expect: Civil Procedure Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Read all sample questions in Riano before taking midterms/finals. Most likely the question is already there. MAG-ARAL KAYO. Arellano notes are really helpful. And alam ni Sir na nag-eexist siya =)) Also, Block B 2015 case digests. Read the ROC over and over again. Memorize if you can. self-study should be intense Herrera sucks. Don't waste your time on that book. Self-study. Some of the questions in the recitations come from Riano, so it might be useful to read both Herrera and Riano if you have the time. Study on your own. Prof. Eleazar will rush through remedial law in order to finish it on time. The exams are also very difficult. Consult the bar que stionnaires for exercises. Eleazar: Read Riano. He has a detailed outline (find this online or ask from upperclassmen) which will help for the first few weeks of the semester. Beyond that, Riano! Codal, codal, and more codal. Same technique you will use for all remedial law subjects. Makinig kayo sa lectures niya kahit walang incentive. Super chill ng recit i think hindi graded. Pero makinig kayo at mag-aral pa rin sa class kahit na super katamad pumasok. Basahin mo yung beda at codal, oks ka na. CODAL Start with the rules of court, go to the cases, read the annotations only if you don't understand the rule. Civ Pro is a gargantuan subject. It won't help if you rely on this professor to learn. You'll have to study almost entirely on your own here. Self. Study. •
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Professor: Prof. Calica Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Rules of Court, Riano, Bautista, Regalado, Beda Reviewer From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 3.5 Scores: 4, 3, 2, 5, What can you say about your professor? it seems like he focuses on cases, but actually roc is the most important to him (as it should tbh). he will keep calling people until someone says the right answer. he's nice, won't shout or anything like that. group reports supplement cl asses. He's slow in moving on in the outline, so he'll probably just lecture on the last few page(s) by himself in the last meeting(s) without having recitations. Discussions and recitations are very detailed, so note the factual details in cases; as this is a procedure class. Very lenient and easygoing but asks difficult questions during recit. Kabisado niya lahat ng kaso as in. Di kayo makakalusot pag di nyo alam yung details. No one (AFAIK) has seen him get angry, kaya wag nyo na lang subukan. Always comes in late (so class is always extended); usually does not show up on the first day. Hindi nambabagsak. •
What to expect: Civil Procedure Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the incoming sophomores: Read the rules of court. seriously. before you even thin k about reading the cases, read the assigned rules and sections. unless your professor is ridiculously thorough (aka prof avena) the chances that you will finish all 71 rules is nil. prepare and study accordingly. there may be a new set of rules of civil procedure to be promulgated by 2015-6. just a heads up :) Calls out people at random, so some may not get to recite until the v ery end of the semester. Has a ""handwritten-notes only"" policy, but does not usually enforce it . To be sure, keep handwritten notes in handy para may ""pantakip"". :D Exams: Modified true or false; essay. Jurisdiction lang idi-discuss hanggang midterm; tapos mabilisan na lahat afterwards (reporting na lang), so self-study na lang. •
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Professor: Prof. Lumba Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Rules of Court From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 1 What can you say about your professor? THE BEST. •
Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Read your codal! Learn his style when it comes to answering his qui zzes. You'll learn a lot if you study well. He focuses on the nuances of the law rather than spoonfeeding you with everything. •
Professor: Prof. Victoria Avena Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Herrera's annotations on Remedial Law From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 3.67 Scores: 4, 4, 3 What can you say about your professor? Matrabaho. Laging overtime. Detail-oriented. Super detailed when it comes to recitation. Memorize the provisions verbatim. You will need hardcopies of the cases so you can keep up with her especially when you're on deck. Recitation will last a minimum of 3 days in order to get a passing grade. Brilliant but impatient • • •
Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: study hard She hates people who are unprepared. Mapapa-'sitdown' ka agad, which means you get a 4 or worse 5 as your recit grade. STUDY HARD and dont lose your mind • •
What to expect: Agency & Partnership Professor: Prof. Dionne Sanchez Textbooks/Materials used for the entire semester: Agency & Partnership by De Leon, Beda Reviewer From a range of 1-5 with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, how would you rate your professor? Average: 2.2 Scores: 1, 2, 2, 2, 4 What can you say about your professor? She bases her rules on her impression of the block, whether the block studies hard or not. Prof. Sanchez is a good professor, though she is a bit strict. During my time, we were only allowed to have our syllabi and codals on the desk. I heard that the incoming juniors were only allowed to have their syllabi on their desks. She's really nice. The ladies need to up their game since she expects more from you. She is a good professor and teaches well. She has a clean table policy, so be prepared to write your notes on your syllabus. Even the codal is not allowed. If any of your gadgets make sound(s) during class, she'll give a quiz. •
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Please provide tips that you think would be helpful for the sophomores: Study hard from the get-go and she will be more lenient on materials allowed during class. memorize provisions on agency. Master the annotations. Most, if not all of her questions come from De Leon's annotations. The block must make a good impression, lest her displeasure towards the class be reflected in her exams. She may seem nice but do not test her patience! Study for class since it's only once a week. Do well during recits because it's 50% of the grade! Study your codal for the exams. Read the annotations very well, as her recitations are highly dependent on those. Try to answer as quickly as possible as she is impatient. Lastly, try to make a good impression as a block. It will determine your grades and the difficulty of your final exam. •
List of Subjects and their Prerequisites Law 99 Legal Bibliography
Law 111 Public International Law (PIL)
Units: 1 Prerequisites: None
Law 100 Persons and Family Relations Units: 4 Prerequisites: None
Law 101 Obligations and Contracts Units: 5 Prerequisites: None
Law 102 Property Units: 4 Prerequisites: Law 101
Law 103 Sales Units: 2 Prerequisites: Law 101
Law 104 Torts and Damages
Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
Law 112 Private International Law (PrIL) Units: 2 Prerequisites: Law 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 125
Law 113 Law on Labor and Social Legislation and the Principles of Agrarian Reform (Labor 1) Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
Law 114 Labor and Social Legislation 2 (Labor 2) Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 101, 113
Law 115 Legal History
Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 101 Units: 2 Prerequisites: None
Law 105 Succession Law 116 Legal Method Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 100, 102 Units: 2 Prerequisites: None
Law 106 Corporation Law and Securities Act
Law 117 Legal Theory
Units: 5 Prerequisites: Law 101
Units: 2 Prerequisites: None
Law 107 Credit Transactions
Law 118 Medical Jurisprudence
Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 101
Units: 1 Prerequisites: None
Law 108 Bills, Notes, and Commercial Papers (Negotiable Instruments)
Law 119 Supervised Legal Research and Writing (SLR)
Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 101, 107
Law 109 Criminal Law 1 Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Units: 2 Prerequisites: None
Law 120 Legal Profession Units: 2 Prerequisites: None
Law 110 Criminal Law 2
Law 121 Constitutional Law 1
Units: 4 Prerequisites: Law 109
Units: 4 Prerequisites: None
List of Subjects and their Prerequisites Law 122 Constitutional Law 2
Law 154 Local Governments
Units: 4 Prerequisites: None
Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 121
Law 123 Administrative Law
Law 156 Electoral Processes and Public Office
Units: 3Prerequisites: Law 121, 122 Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 121, 122
Law 124 Remedial Law 1 (Criminal Procedure)
Law 173 Agency and Partnership
Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 101
Law 125 Remedial Law 2 (Civil Procedure)
Law 174 Remedial Law 4 (Special Proceedings)
Units: 5 Prerequisites: Law 124
Units: 2 Prerequisites: Law 124, 125
Law 126 Remedial Law 3 (Evidence)
ELECTIVES Law 130 Civil Law Review
Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
Law 127 Remedial Law 5 (Practicum 1; OLA 1) Units: 4 Prerequisites: Law 124, 125, 126, 174
Units: 5 Prerequisites: Law 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 173
Law 133 Land Titles and Deeds (LTD) Units: 2 Prerequisites: None
Law 128 Remedial Law 6 (Practicum 2; OLA 2) Units: 4 Prerequisites: Law 124, 125, 126, 127, 174
Law 134 Intellectual Property Law Units: 2 Prerequisites: Law 101, 102
Law 136 Commercial Law Review Law 129A Taxation 1 Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
Units: 5 Prerequisites: Law 101, 106, 108, 138, 139
Law 129B Taxation 2
Law 159 Remedial Law Review
Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
Units: 4 Prerequisites: Law 124, 125, 126, 174
Law 138 Transportation and Public Utilities
Law 163 Special Problems in Taxation (SPIT)
Units: 2 Prerequisites: Law 101 Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
Law 139 Insurance Units: 2 Prerequisites: Law 101
Law 169 Philippine Labor Policy (Labor Law Review)
Law 154 Local Governments
Units: 2 Prerequisites: None
List of Subjects and their Prerequisites Law 171 Criminal Law Review Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 109, 110, 121, 122
Law 172 Political Law Review Units: 3 Prerequisites: Law 121, 122, 123, 154, 156
Law 181 Banking and Financial Law Units: 3 Prerequisites: None
List of Subjects and their Prerequisites