Butterfy Reiki: Transormation & healing / meditations rom Paul Fixuw
4 Grounding meditations
Staying connected with the root dimension: two meditations & introduction: To be actie as energy healer! do energy work and shamanic or magical work a good and strong grounding is adised" The next meditation makes this #ossible: to install a grounding connection with the center o the earth" $ou can diide the meditation in two #arts: the %rst #art instructs how to ground your body! the next #art instructs how to ground your energy belt" The %rst meditation gies most o us enough grounding stability! howeer when you want to do #owerul energy work you like to do the next #art the second meditation also: to ground your energy body" '(ee here or also the #icture) There are ar e tw two o co conn nnec ecti tion ons s tha hatt you can make: one goes rom your body to the center o the earth *ere you connect with
conn co nnec ecti tion on st star arts ts r rom om th the e se seco cond nd chakr ch akra: a: th this is is be behi hind nd yo your ur na nael el"" + #ermanent
color ore ed
conn co nnec ecti tion on ne need eds s to go de dee# e# in insi side de ,art ,a rth h to it its s ce cent nter er an and d go goes es to th the e #lace #la ce tha thatt ini initia tiated ted the beg beginn inning ing o dimensions -.ero! what is dee# down in the center o ,arth #lanet" The beam that goes down into the earth has a color and you need to %nd out! to eel and to try what color eels
Butterfy Reiki: Transormation & healing / meditations rom Paul Fixuw
and an d wo work rks s th the e be best st o orr yo you" u" +te terr th that at yo you u as ask k th that at th this is co conn nnec ecti tion on st stay ays s #ermanent"
1 You can start this meditation in a standing position. You stand strong on your two feet on the ground. Make your mind silence for a while and relax. You need to visualize visua lize a beam of light going from [a litt little le bit ] above your navel to the cent center er of the Earth Earth down there you can feel the life force of our root dimension. !his beam of light is like a tube and the size in diameter you can give it is in between " and #" cm $% and & inch' . Y You ou can start visualizing this beam of light( try to )nd the color that )ts and feel the best for you. $*ee also the picture for these colors'. You can start with(
Green: light green , silver green, dark green, and green mixed with blue. Then try blue: blue: light blue, silver blue and dark blue . Purple Purple:: light purple, ello dark purple, shiny purp purple. le. Red: lig light ht red red,, dar dark k w: red d br brig ight ht re red. d. Orange: dee deep p ora orange nge,, lig lighte hter r bright and re white gold..... oran or ange ge,, si silv lver er or oran ange ge an and d ve very ry li ligh ghtt or oran ange ge:: almost yellow. dark and strong yellow, light yellow, greenish yellow. Try to use also silver, +hen you found the color that feels the best the strongest well )tted for you then keep this in your memory and install this connection( ,eep on visualizing this beam( keep this beam of light the color you want( tell it to stay there permanent( Your intention is to keep having this grounding connection permanent( you program this as part of your life and existence. -or the )rst weeks and maybe months you check or this grounding is still present. old this visualization for / till #0 minutes and then continue with the second meditation( 1n extra strong grounding connection. connection. 0e can gie our sel a second grounding1connection" There is an energy belt around our body that we can stabili.e and anchor" These are our beams that go also down inside the earth and connect there with the root the center" The our beams o light meet the root dimension in the center o the earth" T Two wo o these
Butterfy Reiki: Transormation & healing / meditations rom Paul Fixuw
beams are at the right and let side! one is in ront and one in the back" 2 Lets
start the meditation: -rom your energy belt that is around your body there are four [2] beams of light going to the center center of Earth.
*tart this this meditation meditation in a standing position. position. You You
stand strong on your two feet on the ground. You need now to visualize four beams of light that have a diameter between / and #0 cm $3 and 2 inch'. *tart with visualizing these four other beams of light which are going to the Earth center. !hey connect the energy belt around your body to the root dimension in the center of the Earth. 4ow again we have to )nd out which colors those four beams of light need to have( we do this by trying out the colors. Try blue: light
blue, silver blue and dark blue. Purple: light purple, dark purple, shiny purple. Red: Red: light red, dark red bright red. Orange: deep orange, lighter orange, silver orange and very light orange: almost yellow. ellow: dark and strong yellow, light yellow, greenish yellow. Try to use also silver, bright shining white and shining Gold. +hen you found out which color feels the best you can use this hold this and use this. !he color that feels the best for you needs to stay( for a / till #/ minutes keep on visualizing this beam and tell it that it has to stay there permanent( You say that your intention is to keep having this th is grou ground ndin ing g conne connect ctio ion n
perm pe rman anen ent. t.
1sk that this grounding becomes
permanent. 5ast step( 4ow visualize all the beams of light one from the second chakra and four that goes from the energy belt to the center of Earth. 6ive it the right colors ad do this for 30 minutes. !ry to keep the mind silence. -eel how strong you stand on your two feet7 0hen you ound or this our light beams the matching colors and the center beam you need to look ater that the connections stay: To hae this connection installed and staying there 2 #ermanent as #ossible1 you need to #rogram this by saying sayin g that this your wish and inten intention" tion" 3heck 3heck the %rst day4s and week weeks s or your grounding is still #resent! eel how it is to walk! to moe! to do energy work with this strong grounding root connection" Beore you start any energy work! start
Butterfy Reiki: Transormation & healing / meditations rom Paul Fixuw
giing gi ing or re recei ceiin ing g ini initiat tiation ions! s! att attune unemen ment"" t"""or "or doi doing ng yog yoga a ex exer ercis cises" es""" "" or els else e make sure your grounding is strong and actie"
0hen you hae 5uestions #lease write me" +lso when you want to hae adise rom a #sychic clairoyant adiser and Reiki master/ sound healer and 6#roblem soler6 #lease contact me" For more meditations and or inormation about Reiki: see Butterfy Reiki:
Transormation & healing acebook grou#" (ee to# right o #age: -F78,("
ith Greetings !aul "i#uw$