A Critical Review of the Critical Period Research [Scovel 2000]
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A critical book review of Benedict Anderson's "Imagined Communities." He describes the rise of nationalism as a recent phenomena.
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Critical Jurnal Review Metodologi
Tulisan ini merupakan review jurnal nasional. Jurnal ini berisi beberapa masalah-masalah yang dihadapi buruh secara nasional dan solusi-solusi yang ditawarkan. Namun demikian, kekurangan jur…Deskripsi lengkap
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_A Critical Study of the Guhyasamaja Tantra_. Francesca Fremantle’s doctoral dissertation University of London 1971. Fremantle’s translation was a true landmark in Indo-Tibetan studies.
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UNIPAMPA Linguística Aplicada ao Ensino de Língua Inglesa II Professora: Simone Assumpção Assumpção Aluna: Sheila Machado Machado Summar of
A critical re!ie" of the Presentation#Practice#Production Presentation#Practice#Production model $ %achel &riado According to the te't( the PPP model originated in the mid )*th centur and "as adoted $ the Structural Methods +the North American Audiolingual method( the ,ritish Situational Language -eaching Method and the .rench Audio!isual Method/0 -he Structural Methods "ere !er rigid apporaches that "ere seen as a 1solution2 to achie!e fast#learning of a foreing language0 -he Structural Method has $een and is still !er critici3ed( conse4uentl so is the PPP model0 -he $iggest opposers to this model are the defenders of the Le'ical Approach and the -as5#$ased Language -e -eaching0 -he te't aims to address the ma6or criticisms +positi!e and negati!e/ o!er the PPP se4uence model0 It2s important to remem$er that the PPP is not a method or an approach( it is rather a pedagogical pedagogical strateg0 It2s composed of three Ps( and each one of them stands for: 7 P # Presentation: the first step( it2s !er teacher focused0 It can $e deducti!e +"hen the teacher models the target structure or le'ical items/8 or it can $e inducti!e +"hen teacher or the material pro!ides sample structures or conte'tuali3ed !oca$ular and the students are re4uired to un!eil the underling rules and meanings/8 ) P # Practice: the second step is still !er teacher focused in the sense that the students are perfoming controlled acti!ities( "hich the o$6ect is to achie!e accurac of forms8 9 P # Production: it2s the last step and its focus is on the students( the are as5ed to perform more autonomous and creati!e acti!ities such as de$ates( role#plas( discussion( pro$lem#sol!ing( pro$lem#sol!ing( opinion or information gaps( etc0 -he te't goes on to e'plain the !arious criticism this model has recei!ed0 Starting "ith the positi!e criticism( "hich are di!ided into: 70 Positi!e criticism at the pschological le!el -he PPP se4uence dra"s highl accordance to the declarati!e and procedural 5no"ledge idea( "hich states that there are three stages to"ards 5no"ledge attainment: declarati!e +a$out the sstem/( procedural +ho" to use the sstem/ and automatic +"hen ou don2t need to $e thin5ing of "hat our doingsaingproducing/ doingsaingproducing/ )0 Positi!e criticism at the pscholinguistic le!el -his part of the te't is a little curious $ecause it e'plains a$out the $enefits of output practi practice( ce( "hich "hich are man man( nonet nonethle hless ss I don2t don2t thin5 thin5 this this has has to do e'clu e'clusi! si!el el "ith "ith the PPP se4uence( $ut rather an method or approach or strateg "hich ena$les students2 output0 90 Positi!e criticism at the pedagogical le!el &riado e'plains that( according to theor( "hen the classes follo" a pattern and are( therefore( predicta$le( the students feel more comforta$le and that is speciall good to decrease their an'iet and increase their focus and attention( "hich is !er important for $etter learning0 -he negati!e criticisms are: 70 At the linguistic le!el -"o elements are !ie"ed as faults a$out the PPP model0 -he first $eing the fact that the model focus on the learning of strucutes rather than on meaning and !oca$ular0 According to Le"is +7;; Le"is fa!ors le'icon +collocations( idioms( multi#"ord items( etc/0 -he ne't fault is the fact that PPP has a =atomistic nature>( the author uses the "ords of
?escartes to illustrate this nature as the fact that =things should $e di!ided up the $etter to stud them> )0 At the pscholiguistic pscholiguistic le!el -he PPP fa!ors a 4uantitati!e tpe of learning0 -he learning path is e'tremel rigid and seems to $e $ased on the assumption that the PPP se4uence suffices for the ac4uisition of 5no"ledge0 90 At the pscholinguistic pscholinguistic le!el the focus of PPP $eing on the accurac of forms rather than on meaning can $e !er dismoti!ating for students0 -he mechanical drills used $ this strateg are nothing li5e real#life communication0 -he general characteristics of the PPP model disrespect three ma6or principals of pscholiguistics: pscholiguistics: readiness#to#learn( readiness#to#learn( delaed#effect#of#instruction delaed#effect#of#instruction and the silent period0 -he readiness to learn has ma6or conse4uences in material design $oth in acti!it and language content ordering0 Students follo" a natural ac4uisition se4uence( se4uence( and that is process that ta5es a long a time and is not full predicta$le0 ?elae ?elaed#e d#effe ffect# ct#of# of#in instr struct uctio ion n sas sas that that =it is unrea unrealis listc tc to e'pect e'pect studen students ts to ma5e ma5e ac4uaintance "ith a =ne"> language and( "ithin the space of a single lesson( incorporate it into their "or5ing grammar of the language0> -he silent period is a crucial pscholinguistic principle for $eginners0 It sas that learners "ill not spea5 $efore the 1feel2 the possess sufficient linguistic resources0 -he final claim of the article is a$out the contemporar .L- materials !ersion of PPP0 -he author claims that there ha!e $een man small changes in PPP throughout the last decades0 @hereas most of the negati!e criticism relies on the fact that PPP "as a ma6or strateg used $ Structural Methods +"hich are reasona$l outdated methods/0 According to the te't( this ne" "a!e of materials "hich rel on the PPP model follo" this principles: language elements are not reduced to structures8 focused and unfocused s5ill acti!ities8 more attention is gi!en to meaning8 increasing increasing in !ariet of acti!ities( hence the reduction of its rigid and repetiti!e patterns8