Aspen Fired Heater Maximize process throughput through more efficient design and operation of your fired heaters Aspen Fired Heater is the latest generation of thermal design software for the simulation and rating of
process fired heaters. Fired heaters are found on almost every process unit in a petroleum refinery and are widely used in petrochemical and bulk chemical production. Correct design and operation of heaters is vital for achieving overall plant operational objectives in terms of efficiency and achievement achievem ent of desired product slate. The Challenge: Reduce Risk, Gain More Control of Fired Heaters Ninety percent of the energy consumed in a typical refinery is associated with fuel burned in fired heaters. Heaters are vital to the operation of distillation and conversion units. These devices are highly complex heat transfer units involving combustion, radiation, and convective heat transfer, often interacting with several streams in a process. Changes in feedstock or crude composition must be considered carefully in terms of the local process conditions within a heater. Without careful control, heaters can suffer from excessive coking and even tube failure, with serious consequences to safety and plant availability.
The AspenTech AspenTech Solution: Flexible Modeling to Adapt to Changing Conditions The sophisticated modeling of Aspen Fired Heater allows designers to explore a wide range of heater configurations. For many designers, Aspen Fired Heater brings modeling flexibility and ease-of-use with full integration of firebox and convection section processes, combined with draft calculations. It offers the reliability of Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating models for process heat transfer and pressure drop along with the well-stirred or long-furnace models of firebo firebox x radiation. Aspen Fired Heater simulations provide heater operators operators with insight into local processs conditions to facilitate optimal oper proces operation ations, s, maxi maximizi mizing ng throughp thro ughput ut and ene energy rgy eff efficien iciency cy without impairing safety or reliability. It also allows users to examine local heat flux and tube metal temperatures in the firebox and convection section, thereby avoiding unstable flow regimes in two-phase operations and bringing a better balance of throughput, firing rate, and where applicable, steam injection to the process.
Aspen Fired Heater reports range from thermal summary screens to comprehensive incremental output.
Aspen Fired Heater Wide Range of Applications Aspen Fire Fired d Heat Heater: er: Key Technical Features
Fired Fi red hea heater ter des design ign inv involv olves es bala balanci ncing ng the the therma rmall and hy hydra draulic ulic requirements for the main process stream and the subsidiary
• Combined modeling of firebox and convection section
streams in the unit, while avoiding excessive capital cost. The
• Up to 10 process streams in a single heater
configurations necessitate the use of a powerful tool like
• Handles cylindrical and cabin fireboxes
Aspen Fired Heater. Heater. Its detailed modeling capabilities provide
• Firebox well-stirred and long-furnace
an accurate assessment of local metal temperatures, allowing
radiation models • Firebox wall tubes (vertical horizontal and helical coil)
complexity of the interactions and the wide range of possible
users to select the most appropriate tube materials. In modern plant operation, profitability is highly dependent on how well heaters are running. If feedstocks change or pre-heat
• Central tubes and cell-type fireboxes
train tr ainss fou foull up, the app appro ropri priate ate fir firing ing ra rate te is not eas easy y to det determ ermine ine..
• Up to 9 process convection section tube banks and processes
Similar Sim ilarly ly,, if fue fuell cha change ngess are re requi quire red, d, an acc accura urate te mod model el is mos mostt
• Tubes can be plain or finned
effici eff icienc ency y whi while le av avoid oiding ing ope operat rating ing reg regime imess tha thatt may jeo jeopar pardiz dize e
• Convection Convection section tubes with high round fins, serrated fins, circular fins, and rectangular fins • Flexible, easy-to-use user interface • Full Full pro proces cesss ther thermal mal and hyd hydrau raulic lic calc calculat ulation ionss using Exchanger Design and Rating methods • Combustion calculations for up to 4 fuels in the firebox • Fuels can be selected from a standard set of 5 common fuels or specified by gaseous composition or for liquid fuels by ultimate analysis • Outputs include the heater overall thermal performance in addition to many detailed reports • Evaluation of local process conditions, temperatures, and pressures
important. Asp important. operators ators achie achieve ve maxim maximum um Aspen en Fir Fired ed Heat Heater er helps oper the run-time of the unit (due to excess coking), or that may even impair the integrity of heater pressure parts. By modeling a heater in the program, operators gain insight into local conditions, which goes far beyond that revealed by instrumentation. Three major physical property databases are included in Aspen —Aspen en HYS HYSYS YS® Therm Thermodynami odynamics cs COM Interf Interface, ace, Fired Fir ed Heate Heaterr—Asp the leading package in oil & gas processing, Aspen B-JAC standard properties package, which handles many common industrial fluids, and Aspen Properties®. These databases provide access access to more than 1,100 components and include a range of industry-standard VLE methods and mixing rules. Aspen Fired Heater has a utility to import process data and stream properties from Aspen HYSY HYSYS S ®. This allows users to quickly set up studies of heater performance from the Aspen HYSYS process flowsheet.
• Flagging of conditions that exceed expected limits • Flagging of unstable flow regimes • Import of process and property data from Aspen HYSYS® • Aspen HYSYS Thermodynamics COM Interf Int erface ace and Aspe Aspen n BB-JA JAC C pro propert perty y dat databan abanks ks
An extensive selection of graphics makes Aspen Fired Heater easier to use.
Aspen Fired Heater Thermal Output Aspen Fired Heater uses the power and flexibility of the Microsoft ® Windows environment to allow you to explore unit geometry and performance detail. In addition, Aspen Fired Heater is designed to support “drag & drop” interfacing with Microsoft Excel, as well as high-level communication with other software. Thermal output includes: • Ov Over erall all he heat ater er th ther erma mall pe perf rfor orma manc nce e su summ mmary ary,, inc inclu ludin ding g de detai tails ls of the he heat at loa load d an and d th the e th ther erma mall ef effic ficie ienc ncy y of th the e un unit it • Exte Extensiv nsive e war warning ning and err error or rep reporti orting, ng, aler alerting ting yo you u to pot potent ential ial ope operat ration ional al pro problem blemss • Ov Overv ervie iews ws of the therm rmal al pe perf rfor orma manc nce e of ea each ch par partt of th the e he heat ater er,, fir fireb ebox ox,, and tub tube e ban bank k • Th Ther ermal mal ov over ervi view ew of ea each ch str strea eam m in the he heate aterr • Co Combu mbustio stion n inf inform ormatio ation n and fue fuell det details ails,, inc includi luding ng calc calculat ulated ed flu flue e gas com compos positio ition n for indi individu vidual al fue fuels ls and fue fuell mix mixtur tures es • Co Compr mprehe ehensi nsive ve inc increm rement ental al out output, put, inc includi luding ng loca locall tem temper peratur atures, es, pre pressu ssures res,, and heat flux • Radi Radiatio ation n inf inform ormatio ation n incl includin uding g zo zonal nal anal analysi ysiss
A number of program defaults helps minimize the required user input.
Graphing is available for enhancing your visual interpretation of output information.
Aspen Exchanger Exchanger Design and Rating
Worldwide Headquarters
Aspen Fired Heater is a part of the Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating family of products. Aspen Exchanger
Aspen Technology, Inc.
Design and Rating products offer state-of-the-art heat exchanger simulation and design based on over 30
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years of industry-leading research. Our aim is to enhance the value of heat transfer solutions by providing the most integrated product offering across the widest range of technologies. This enables our customers to use the mos mostt adva advance nced d phys physica icallylly-base based d mode modeling ling,, fro from m unitdesign and ov overal eralll pro proces cesss desi design, gn, thr through ough
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to optimization and operational monitoring.
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aspenONE Process Engineerin Engineering g Aspen Asp en Exc Exchan hanger ger Des Design ign and Rat Rating ing family of products is a key component of aspenONE Process Engineering for che chemic mical, al, ref refini ining, ng, and E&Pcompa E&Pcompanie nies. s. aspe aspenONE nONE Proc Process ess Engine Engineering ering is an integ integrated rated lifec lifecycle ycle solut solution— ion—
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from conceptual design through to plant startup and operations support—enabling support—enabling our customers to build
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and operate safer, competitive and more reliable process plants. Companies are able to reduce capital
and operating costs, increase engineering efficiency and quality, and accelerate time-to-market—with time-to-market—with payback in months instead of years.
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About AspenTech AspenT Aspe nTech ech is a lead leading ing pro provid vider er of awa awardrd-winn winning ing pro proces cesss opti optimiz mizati ation on sof softwa tware re and serv service ices. s. Aspe AspenT nTech ech’s ’s integrated aspenONE™ solutions enable manufacturers to reduce costs, increase capacity, and optimize operational performance end-to-end throughout the engineering, plant operations, and supply chain management processes. For more information, visit
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