Shows the Bag Filter ducting and suction hood design stepsFull description
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Deskripsi lengkap
Bag FiltersFull description
njhbikycfhmbvFull description
Flow gas rate Temperture Concentration of the dust in ga Average Average diameter diameter of the the particl particl Tye of dust to be handled Calculation of filtering area Total filtering area required as Volume occupied by filter Consumption of Compressure Surface occupied by the filter Assumptions of bag size Diameter of the bags to be fixe Length of the bags
No of bags required DISTRIBUTION Number of Rows in the Bag ho Number of Columns in the Bag Formulas used in designing 2
The filtering surface (SF) given in m is estimated using the following expression:
SF m 2
0.26 F c0.18
Where: 3
F = gas flow at 25 °C given in m /min c = concentration of dust given in g/m
φ = average diameter of the particle, in μm 3
For example, con F=700 m /min , c = 40 g/m , φ = 50 μm :
SF m 2
0.26 700 (40) 0.18
350 (50)
Volume occupied by the filter (m )
= 0.33 0.33 · SF 3
Consumption of compressed air (Nm /h)
= 0.215 · S
Surface occupied by the filter (m )
= 0.047 · SF; 19 m fo
In case the values of “c” and “ φ” are unkown an appropriate expression is: ,