Final Exam on Criminal Procedure for Criminology Students (Set B)
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Criminal Procedure Flowchart Rules of Court Criminal Procedure Remedial Law RULE 110 Prosecution of Offenses RULE 111 Prosecution of Civil Action RULE 112 Preliminary Investigation R…Full description
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CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ONE SHEET FOURTH AMENDMENT Fourth Amendment protects from unreasona!e searches and se"#ures$ Stand"n%& D must sho' o'nersh"p or possessor( "nterest "n the p!ace searched o r "tems se"#ed$ After stand"n% "s esta!"shed) as*& +, -as the search or se"#ure ( a governmental agent. agent . /, D"d the search 0"o!ate the defendant’s reasonable expectation of privac. privac . No REO! "n REO! "n open f"e!ds) %ara%e !eft outs"de the home) an account records) hand'r"t"n%) sound of 0o"ce) car on pu!"c street$ 1, If there appears to e REOP and search 'as ( %o0ernment a%ents) then as* "f there 'as a 'arrant and 'hether "t 'as proper!( e2ecuted. If not) can the search e sa0ed ( the %ood fa"th e2cept"on. -ho does not ha0e stand"n% to sue. Passen%ers "n a car 'ho do not c!a"m the( o'n the car) or o'n the th"n%s ta*en out of the car and dru% dea!er r"ef!( on the prem"ses of someone e!se for dru% purposes -arrant re3u"rements& Neutra! and detached ma%"strate) ased on proa!e cause 4tota!"t( of c"rcumstances,) prec"se on "ts face) proper!( e2ecuted 4'"thout unreasona!e de!a( and *noc* and announce,$ Exceptions to "arrant re#$irement& re#$irement& Searches "nc"dent to !a'fu! arrest 4on!( person and '"n%span ma( e searched, Automo"!e e2cept"on e2cept"on 5 Th"s re3u"res re3u"res proa!e cause that 0eh"c!e conta"ns fru"ts) fru"ts) "nstrumenta!"t"es "nstrumenta!"t"es or e0"dence e0"dence of a cr"me$ Po!"ce ma( search the ho'! car) and ma( open an( pac*a%e or !u%%a%e as !on% as "tem the( are !oo*"n% for can e h"dden "n those compartments$ P!a"n 0"e'& Po!"ce ma( se"#e propert( '"thout a 'arrant 'here the( are !e%"t"mate!( on the prem"ses) and d"sco0er e0"dence of cr"me "n p!a"n 0"e'$ Consent& Must e 0o!untar( and "nte!!"%ent and person must ha0e author"t( to consent Stop and Fr"s*& Po!"ce off"cer ma( stop a person '6out proa!e cause 'here there "s reasona!e susp"c"on of cr"m"na! act"0"t( 4!o'er standard than proa!e cause,$ Scope "s !"m"ted to p at do'n of outer c!oth"n%$ Hot pursu"t and e0anescent e0"dence In0entor( or "mpound search Po!"ce chec*po"nt at the order or for sor"et( chec*s
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Temporar( Temporar( detent"ons re3u"re reasona!e susp"c"on ased on art"cu!a!e facts$ Adm"n searches HO% TO ATTA&' ATTA&' ADM())(*(+(T, OF O F E-(DEN&E Excl$sionar R$le& R$le& A 7ud%e8made 7ud%e8made doctr"ne that proh""ts the "ntroduct"on of e0"dence ota"ned "n 0"o!at"on of a th th th defendant9s : ) ; ) or < Am r"%hts$ Under the ru!e) "!!e%a!!( ota"ned e0"dence "s "nadm"ss"!e "nadm"ss"!e at tr"a!) and a!! =fru"t of the po"sonous tree> must a!so e e2c!uded$ +imitations. ?rand +imitations. ?rand 7ur() c"0"! c"0"! proceed"n%s) paro!e re0ocat"on proceed"n%s) 0"o!at"ons of state !a') %ood fa"th defenses) "mpeachment) M"randa) defect"0e search 'arrant$ Fr$it of t/e !oisono$s Tree Doctrine & a!!o's the court to e2c!ude a!! e0"dence ota"ned or der"0ed from that or"%"na! po!"ce m"sconduct$ Exceptions& Exceptions & E0"dence ota"ned ffrom rom a source "ndependent of the or"%"na! "!!e%a!"t() "!!e%a!"t() "ne0"ta!e d"sco0er() "nter0en"n% "nter0en"n% acts of free8'"!! on the p art of the D) 0"o!at"ons of *noc* and not"ce$
HO% TO ATTA&' ADM())(*(+(T, OF )TATEMENT) !rivilege against self0incrimination protects compelled testimonial evidence1 -ol$ntari -ol$nt arines ness s& 8 Tota!"t( Tota!"t( of c"rcumstances$ Nature of D and ho' confess"on 'as ota"ned$ Lo' !e0e! tr"c*er( "s accepta!e "$e$ po!"ce can te!! D that co8consp"rator confessed$ Coerced confess"on used to e a!'a(s "nadm"ss"!e ut no su7ect to harm!ess error$ Confess"ons ota"ned "n0o!untar"!( ma( not e used for co!!atera! purposes such as "mpeachment Miranda Doctrine 8 F"fth Amendment r"%ht to not se!f8"ncr"m"nate se!f8"ncr"m"nate 5 M"randa 'arn"n% "s a pre8re3u"s"te to the adm"ss""!"t( of an( statement made ( the accused dur"n% custod"a! "nterro%at"on$ M"randa 'arn"n%s app!( to e0en pett( offenses$ App!( M"randa 'hen 'hen the person "s "n custod( 4o7ect"0e 4o7ect"0e test for 'hen D "s not free to !ea0e, !ea0e, and "f there there "s an "nterro%at"on "nterro%at"on 4an( conduct that the po!"ce *ne' or shou!d ha0e *no'n cou!d produce a dama%"n% statement, Assert"on of r"%ht r"%ht to rema"n s"!ent s"!ent must e e2p!"c"t) e2p!"c"t) unam"%uous$ Statements made "n 0"o!at"on of M"randa adm"ss"!e to "mpeach$ L"m"tat"ons& M"randa does not app!( to 3uest"on"n% ( pr"0ate secur"t( %uards@ on the scene 3uest"on"n%@ 3uest"ons as*ed at a rout"ne oo*"n% ut s!urred response can e used as c"rcumstant"a! e0"dence@ test"mon( test"mon( to IRS@ %rand 7ur( test"mon(@ tru!( 0o!untar( statements@ 3uest"on"n% "n 7a"! ce!! ( underco0er po!"ce a%ents$ 2t/ Amendment Rig/t to &o$nsel 0 -hen) upon hear"n% the M"randa 'arn"n%) someone "n0o*es h"s r"%ht to counse!) re8 "n"t"at"on of "nterro%at"on ( the po!"ce '6out h"s attorne( present 0"o!ates the D9s ;th Amendment r"%ht to counse!$ The r"%ht to counse! "s not offense spec"f"c$ The po!"ce must stop "nterro%at"on on a!! "ssues
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ONE SHEET )(3TH AMENDMENT R(4HT TO &OUN)E+ R"%ht to ass"stance of counse! "n a!! cr"t"ca! sta%es of cr"m"na! prosecut"on after 7ud"c"a! proceed"n%s ha0e e%un$ R"%ht "s offense8spec"f"c& R"%ht at custod"a! "nterro%at"on) post char%e !"neup or sh o' up) %u"!t( p!ea and sentenc"n%) appea!s No r"%ht at photo ID or ta*"n% of ph(s"ca! e0"dence) paro!e or proat"on re0ocat"on proceed"n%s and post8 con0"ct"on proceed"n%s