CHAPTER 3 The Research Methodology
This chapter will present the research methodologies will be u se s e d i n t he h e s tu t u dy d y. T hi h i s w iill l i nc n c lu l u de d e t he h e r es e s ea e a rc r c h d es e s ig i g n a nd nd s a m pl p l i ng n g , r e s po p o n d en e n t s o f t h e s t u dy d y , r e s e ar ar c h i n st s t r u me me n t , d a ta ta , gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data.
Research Design The researchers will utilize the descriptive research design since it is most appropriate research method to accomplish the o b j ec e c t i ve ve s o f t h e s t u d y. y. T h e d e s cr c r i p ti ti v e r e s ea ea r c h d e f i n e d a s a providing answers and question such as who, what, where, when, a nd nd
h ow o w a s t he he y r el el at a t ed ed
r es e s ea e a rc rc h
p ro r o bl b l em em
a nd nd
i nv n v o lv l v es es
describing and interpreting the population or phenomenon being studied in details in specific situation using research tools like interviews, surveys and observations. The process of descriptive research will go beyond more of gathering and tabulation of data. It will involve the elements or i n te te r pr p r et e t a ti ti o n o f t he h e m ea e a n in in g o f s ig i g n if if ic i c an a n c es e s o f w ha h a t w iill l b e described.
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T hu s,
d es cr ip ti on
w il l
c om bi ne
w it h
c om pa ri so n
a nd
c o n tr a s t i n vo l v in g m e as u r em e n ts , c l a ss i f ic a ti o n s, a n a l ys i s , a n d evaluation.
Population and Sampling The population of the study will be limited to ninety-five !"# r es po nd en ts
c ov er in g
t he
a re a
o f $ at ar
% ea ch
& es or t.
T he
respondents will be composed of local and foreign tourists who will visit in $atar %each &esort. T he
r es ea rch er s
wi ll
u se
th e
c on ve ni en ce
s am pl in g,
choosing people who are easily available and convenient. 's a set of questionnaires will be given to the respondents of the study to help gather information concerning to the analysis of the study.
Respondents of the Study The researchers chose ninety-five !"# tourists in $atar %each to answer the questionnaires. The respondents were selected considering their availability and willingness to participate in answering the questionnaires. The respondents were categorized as local and foreign tourists in $atar %each.
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The results were presented in tabular form to illustrate the percentage of the two groups of the respondents. The following are the demographic profile of the respondents( Table Distribution of Respondents as to !ocal and "oreign Tourist Type of Tourist
"re#uenc y
!ocal Tourist
"oreign Tourist
ninety- five
r e s p on d e nt s , ) + a r e t h e l o c al t o u ri s ts a n d + a r e t h e f o r ei g n tourists. Table ( "re#uency and Percentage Distribution of Respondent According to )ender )ender
"oreign Tour ist "
!ocal Tour ist "
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Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of r e sp o nd e nt s a c co r di n g t o g e nd e r. 'm o ng
t he
t hi r ty -f i ve
+ "#
foreign tourists, " are male and /! are female. 2hile among the si3ty )*# local tourists, /1 are male and "0 are female.
Table 3 "re#uency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Age Age
"oreign Tour ist
!ocal Tourist
(& years old and
belo+ (,3& years old
3,-& years old
-,%& years old
% years old and
The Country's 1st PolytechnicU
Tota l
Table + shows the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents by age. 'ccording to the table among the thirty-five + "# f o re ig n t o ur i st s, o r + h a v e a n a ge r a ng i ng f ro m 1 * years old and below. / have an age ranging from 1 to +* years o l d w h i c h c o n s ti t u te s / * o f t h e f o r e ig n t o u ri s ts . ) o r h a v e an age ranging from + to /* years old. + of the foreign tourists are aged to / to "* years old. 'nd ! are ranging from " years old and above. 'mong the si3ty )*# local tourists, are aged to 1* years old and below. "" have an age ranging from 1 to +* years old. 2hile * or are aged + to /* years old. 0 of the local tourists have an age ranging from / to "* years old and + are ranging from " years old and above.
Research /nstrument In conducting this research study, the researchers used a survey questionnaire. 's this will be the most convenient way to get the information of the respondents.
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The draft of the questionnaire will be drawn based on the r es ea rc he rs 4 r ea di ng s a nd p re vi ou s s tu di es w it h t he h el p o f professional guidelines given by the professors. ' "-point 5ikert 6cale 7ethod questionnaire will be prepared b y t he r e se a rc h er s t ha t c o nt ai n ed q u es ti on s a b ou t t h e g u es s activity programming in $atar %each &esort.
Data )athering Procedures The
sur vey
questionnaires to the respondents who were allotted " minutes# time to accomplish the questionnaire. 'fter which, the sur veys were tallied and tabulated. The i n f or m a ti o n g a th e r e d w i ll b e c l a ss i fi e d a n d p r o ce s s e d m a n ua l l y with
interpretation of the research result.
Statistical Treatment of Data The information gathered through the help of questionnaire will be statistically analyzed using the following statistical methods.
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0 "re#uenc y0
item8question in the questionnaires where the respondents pick his8her choice. (0 P er ce nt ag e0 T h i s w i l l b e u s e d a s d e s c r i p t i v e s t a t i s t i c s o r something that describes a part of the whole. To describe the profile of the respondents, the percentage will be computed. a . 9 o rm u la ( $: 9 8; 3 ** 2here( $:$ercentage # 9:9requency ;:Total number of respondents 30 1eighted Mean0 This will be
us ed
an al yzin g
a nd
presenting the average of responses. 9ormula( 27 : < (ƒx # 8 ; 2here( 27
: The we ig hte d m ean
< ƒx # : The sum of the product of the frequency ;
: The total number of respondents
- 0 T ,t e st "o r mu la T-test formula was used in case that ther e is a significant d iffe re nc e
b et we en
th e
as se ss me nt s
t he
t wo
g ro up s
r e s p on d e nt s . T h i s w a s u s e d t o d e t er m in e w h e re t h e s i g ni f ic a n t difference e3its. The formula for T-test is given below(
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2here( : mean of the first group : mean of the second group : variance of the first group : variance of the second group : number of respondents in the first group
: number on respondents in the second group
T he in ter prete d
as se ssm en ts by
p rovid ed the
" -poi nt
5 ike rt
r es pon dents 6c ale
7e th od
wer e fo r
interpretation of the evaluation of the guess activity programming offered in $atar %each, %olinao, $angasinan. The concept of the boundary of numerals will be used the following scales.
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2erbal /nterpretatio n
R a n i n g0 T h i s w i l l b e u s e d t o r e i n f o r c e t h e p e r c e n t a g e t o s h o w the proportional importance of an item considered.
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