Annette Capps
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Scrip criptu ture re quot quotat atio ions ns ma mark rked ed AMP AMP are are ta take ken n from from The Amplified Bible, Old Testament copyright !"#$, !"%& by 'onde 'o nder( r(an an )o )orp rpor orat atio ion. n. *ew *ew +est +estam ament ent copyr copyrig ight ht !"$%, !"%& by the ockman -oundation. Used by Permission.
UA*+UM -A/+0 Se(enth Printing 122& !!1,$22 in Print uantum -aith /SB*3!45"&%323"#!%"&$3$32 /SB*3!25 23"#!%"&$3$36 )opyright 1224 by Annette )apps P.7. Bo8 #" 9ngland, Arkansas &126# Published by5 )apps Publishing P.7. Bo8 #" 9ngland, Arkansas &126# Printed in the United States of America. All rights reser(ed under /nternational )opy opyrig right aw. )ont nteent ntss and:o nd:orr co(e o(er ma may y no nott be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the e8press written consent of the Publisher.
CONTENTS /ntroduction
uantum -aith
Mustard Seed and uantum Physics
;ords are 9nergy
Beliefs Produce 9nergy
+hings 7bey ;ords
-requency and
Strange uantum Beha(ior
-aith anguage and uantum +heory
=ifferent >ealm, =ifferent >ules
-aith 9nergy
9(erything is )onnected
/dentifying imiting +houghts and Beliefs
)onfess ;ho ?ou Are /n )hrist
Unlimited Possibilities@
INTRODUCTION / began studying quantum physics because / was curious. / became enthralled when / realied the similarities to how faith works and what esus taught his disciples about the principles of Cmountain mo(ing faithC and Cthe spoken wordC. / ha(e attempted to simplify and share with you some of what / ha(e gleaned through my study as it applies to faith. /f you are interested in studying quantum physics in detail, there are many books a(ailable written in laymenDs language such as CParallel Uni(ersesC by -red Alan ;olf and C+he =ancing ;u i MastersEAn 7(er(iew of the *ew PhysicsC by Fary 'uka(.
/n !"&1, / first heard the teaching on faith and confession. /t took faith in FodDs ;ord to belie(e that you can ha(e what you say. / had ne(er heard such a concept and had it not been for the fact that the principle was plainly written in the Bible, / would ha(e considered it to be cray. 0owe(er, there it was in red letters, spoken by esus no less@ "For verily I say unto you, That hosoever shall say unto this !ountain, e thou re!ove#, an# $e thou %ast into the sea& an# shall not #ou$t in his heart, $ut shall $elieve that those thin's hi%h he saith shall %o!e to (ass& he shall have hatsoever he saith)" Mar* ++-.
ooking at it from a surface le(el, it would seem a ridiculous statement that esus made. 0ow is it possible that spoken words would send a mountain into the seaG -or the past 1& years, it has required faith on my part to belie(e that words are that powerful. >ecent study in the area of quantum physics, howe(er, has con(inced me that what esus spoke is absolute scientific fact@ As / studied the theories of quantum physics, / was reminded of a prophecy gi(en by my father, author and teacher )harles )apps, "Some things which have reqired faith to believe will no longer reqire faith, for it will be proven to be scientific fact!"
;hen esus said in uke !&5#, "I1 you have 1aith as a 'rain o1 !ustar# see#, you oul# say)))", 0e was speaking of the smallest seed that 8
could be seen in 0is time. /f 0e were here today, 0e might say C/f you had faith as an atom...C or e(en smaller, C/f you had faith as a quark Hwhich is a subatomic particleI...C. +he point 0e was making was that small things that cannot be easily seen manifest themsel(es and affect things in this larger world where we li(e. uantum physics is the study of things so small that we cannot see them, yet e(erything we see is made of these subatomic particles. >emember, 0ebrews !!54 says5 "Throu'h 1aith e un#erstan# that the orl#s ere 1ra!e# $y the or# o1 2o#, so that thin's hi%h are seen ere not !a#e o1 thin's hi%h #o a((ear)" +he chocolate cake you ate yesterday was made from things which do not appear. +he recipe calls for water H012I. Before the hydrogen and o8ygen combined into water, you could not see anything, yet the substance for water was there. Before Fod spoke and
said Cet there be lightC, the substance for light was there. +he sound (ibration of 0is words caused the substance to manifest and appear.
;ords are energy and energy affects matter. +he energy of your microwa(e (ibrates the water molecules and heats the water. +he energy of electricity flows to your washing machine and powers the motor that spins the tub and cleans your clothes. So, we can rightfully say that energy affects matter. ?our words are energy and they affect the matter in your life. ;hen you speak the words, C+his is the worst car / ha(e e(er had@ ?ou stupid piece of Junk@C +hose words are (ibrations of energy that affect the atoms that make up that car. /f you speak those words long enough, your car will obey you@ 10
Scientists ha(e performed e8periments with atoms and their subatomic particles such as electrons. /f you paid attention in school, you saw the diagram of an atom with the electron orbiting it like the earth orbits the sun.
+he interesting thing is that scientists ha(e disco(ered that the electron that is shown orbiting the nucleus is not always there in particle form. /t e8ists in a wa(e state Hlike a cloud, e(erywhere at onceI until someone looks at it. ;hen the scientist obser(es it, it suddenly appears as a dot HparticleI. ;hat we all want to know, is, C0ow does it know someone is looking at itGC /t ob(iously is responding to the obser(erDs 11
interaction with it. 7ne of the difficulties in quantum physics is that the particles beha(e somewhat differently for each obser(er, which leads me to the question, C=oes it beha(e according to what the scientist belie(esGC /n any e(ent, we can definitely conclude that esus was right when 0e taught that all matter responds to faith and words. +he substance from which our world is made is influenced and manifested by words. +he things that you desire are made up of atoms. +hey know what you belie(e, hear what you say and beha(e accordingly@
+he thoughts and beliefs that you carry also produce an energy around you. 0a(e you e(er noticed that when you are angry, things go wrong, and people are insulting and 12
angry with youG ?our thoughts and beliefs produce an energy that people can percei(e and react to. /f you belie(e that no one likes you, then you emit that reJecting type of energy, and people will be dri(en away from you. /f you lo(e people and care about them, they will feel that and be drawn to you. 0a(e you e(er been around someone who is pleasant and full of lo(eG /t is an energy you can actually feel. +he energy of lo(e is a powerful drawing card for good in your life. After all, Fod is o(e. ;hen you belie(e that Fod lo(es you and wants you to prosper, then you change your words and beliefs about money. ;hen financial challenges used to come my way, / would fall into fear and begin to say things like, C;ell, now we wonDt be able to pay off the car, house, Hor whate(erI@C +he fear and speaking of it is an energy that affects your
checking account and stops financial freedom. *ow, / ha(e learned to think and belie(e and say, C+hings always work out for me. 9(erything that / do prospers and / ha(e abundance in esusD name.C Fod is not limited to the things that you and / see. +here is an infinite supply of substance waiting to be manifest according to your beliefs and words@
So the 4or# sai#, "I1 you have 1aith as a !ustar# see#, you %an say to this !ul$erry tree, 5e (ulle# u( $y the roots an# $e (lante# in the sea,5 an# it oul# o$ey you)" 4u*e +67
Being the daughter of K)harles )apps, how many times do you think / ha(e heard that Cthings obey wordsCG Many times, / can assure you@ ;ell, bringing things down to their atomic le(el and learning that scientifically these particles respond to people has had a significant affect on my faith. ;hen esus spoke to the fig tree and said, C*o man eat fruit from thee hereafter fore(erC, then that fig tree dried up from the atomic le(el because of 0is words. ;hen 0e spoke to the winds and the wa(es, they obeyed 0im. 0e was teaching us the undeniable Biblical principle that T #$%S OB&' ( O)*S! esus did not demonstrate this Just to pro(e 0e was the Son of Fod. 0e demonstrated it and then told his disciples that they too can speak words of power. 0e wanted us to ha(e the re(elation that we are powerful spirit beings who can speak to the K )harles )apps, author of "The Tonge a +reative orce" and "%od-s +reative .ower (ill (or/ for 'o"
mountains in our life and they will obey us. 7ne of the reasons that some people ha(e a hard time belie(ing this principle is that sometimes it takes a long time for things to manifest from the unseen into this seen realm. /t especially takes a long time when you dig up your seed e(ery day to see if anything is happening yet@ +he seed will produce in its time if you lea(e it alone. =o you belie(e that the words you speak come to passG -rom this time on, listen to what you are saying to the things around you. Are you speaking curses to your checkbookG Are you telling it to dry up from the rootsG 0ow about your childrenG ;hat are you telling themG +hey will obey your CpropheciesC of failure and delinquency. +hings are responding to your words e(ery day, so speak good things to all that surrounds your life. /f you really belie(e esusD words, you will monitor your thoughts and 16
con(ersations, because 0o are the one gi(ing substance to your world through words@
All CthingsC HmatterI are made of atoms, including your children, your car, your computer, and your house. *one of these CthingsC is solid, including your kitchen table e(en if it is made of oak. ?ou may not see the space between the atoms in your table, but if you could see that small, you could also see mo(ement. +hatDs right@ ?our kitchen table is (ibrating@ 9(erything has a frequency of (ibration. ?ou (ibrate, your car (ibrates, and e(en the mountain behind your house (ibrates. +hey all ha(e a natural frequency. Fo back to our e8ample of the microwa(e heating your cup of water. 0ow does it do thatG +he frequency (ibration of microwa(es is much higher than that of water. ;hen those 17
high frequency wa(es begin to bombard the water molecules, the electrons in the atoms are e8cited and mo(e more and more rapidly Ha higher (ibrationI. +he result is that the substance HwaterI becomes hotter. +he electrons ha(e Jumped to a higher orbit changing the beha(ior of your water into boiling. ;hen you introduce cold temperature to water, it slows down the (ibrations of the atomic structure to such a degree that the water becomes more solid and freees. All CthingsC respond to the (ibration of energy. ;hat kind of energy are you producingG =o you want your water boiling or froenG Are you introducing faith3 energied high frequency words to your children, finances, and healthG 7r do you introduce low frequency, negati(e words that freee your circumstances into a continual series of crisesG
?ou ha(e a choice to use the energy of your words to change matter. +he things in your life will obey your words. By speaking to obJects such as your computer, CStupid computer@ /tDs going to crash@C you will find that it obeys you. /t doesnDt care whether crashing is a good thing or bad thing, it Just obeys you. 7r you can make another choice when speaking to CthingsC. C+his is a good car. /t always starts and runs well.C
"Bt # wold be l0ing! # have had problems with it," you say. ?es, but do you want to reinforce that which e8ists or change itG By acknowledging the good things about the car, you create a positi(e belief about it which will ultimately change it to what you desire. /magine taking the highest frequency of all, the (ibrating creati(e words of Fod, and changing the (ibration of those CthingsC you want changed@ 19
;hat is it that you desireG +he bigger question is, C;hat are you choosingGC +he possibilities for your life are unlimited@ uantum physics is a realm where the known laws of physics H*ewtonian physicsI no longer apply. /n classic H*ewtonianI physics you can repeat e8periments using the same formulas and get the answers and responses you e8pect. +he e8periments are repeatable. ?ou can e8pect that this is the way things work. -or instance, when /saac *ewton saw the apple fall from the tree to the ground, he disco(ered a natural law, gra(ity. ?ou can e8periment with gra(ity all you like and it will work e(ery time. ;hat goes up must come down@ /f you Jump off the roof of your house, you will always go down, not up. /n the quantum, subatomic arena, there are only possibilities and probabilities. +hings 20
donDt work like you think they should. *othing is there until you look. All that e8ists is only an infinite number of possibilities. 1)emember Jess said, "All thin's are (ossi$le to hi! that $elieveth)" Mark "514I ;hereas gra(ity works whether anyone is present or not Ha tree falls down, not up, e(en if no one obser(es itI, subatomic particles are not there unless someone Han obser(erI looks for them. ;e canDt really know what they are doing, or e(en if they e8ist when we are not looking. /t is possible that they Care notC. / )orinthians !51% says that Fod has chosen the "thin's that are not to $rin' to nou'ht thin's that are)" 0ow can a thing not beG +his scripture makes no sense at all until you bring it down to the atomic le(el. All things are made of atoms, which are made of subatomic particles. +hese particles are not really particles because they e8ist only in a state of possibilities until
someone obser(es them at which point they appear as a thing HparticleI. /f that sounds cray, read 0ebrews !!5! "No 1aith is the su$stan%e o1 thin's ho(e# 1or, the evi#en%e o1 thin's not seen)" ;hen you hope for something, where does it e8istG
Onl0 in 0or mind and heart! /t Cis notC, it is only a possibility. "Throu'h 1aith e un#erstan# the orl#s ere 1ra!e# $y the or# o1 2o#, so that thin's hi%h are seen ere not !a#e o1 thin's hi%h #o a((ear)" He$res ++.
+he )oncordant iteral *ew +estament says, ")))so that hat is $ein' o$serve# has not %o!e out o1 hat is a((earin')" Hwhat is (isibleI +his is a statement that could ha(e been made by a physicist@ ;hat makes it appearG ?ou, the obser(er, 22
with faith that gi(es substance to your hopes and dreams. -aith obser(es that which Cis notC, and gi(es it substance so that it may appear and become (isible. +he key to manifesting matter, is to interact with that which Cis notC so that it becomes what you hope for. ?our e8pectations and beliefs Hor what you obser(eI is of primary importance. /f you obser(e and e8pect failure, sickness or disaster, that is e8actly what will manifest. +here are an infinite number of possibilities that e8ist for your life. ?ou alone ha(e the power to choose which possibility becomes reality in your life. )hoose wisely.
+he way things work in quantum theory is so weird and biarre that we really donDt 23
ha(e the language to describe it. +his is one of the reasons that most people ha(e no interest in quantum physics. /t simply isnDt understandable to most people. /f / could show you an e8ample of subatomic beha(ior in this macro world where we li(e, you would be able to grasp the idea. But sometimes the quantum micro world seems upside down and backwards from what we obser(e e(eryday in the natural HmacroI world. As / studied quantum physics, it sounded (ery familiar to me. /t sounded like Cfaith languageC. All / had been taught o(er the years about faith and confession suddenly sounded scientifically possible. All the things / accepted on faith because esus taught them, now sounded as if esus was speaking the language of quantum principles. After all, Just how biarre is it to say that words can mo(e mountainsG
/n order to belie(e the words of esus, it is necessary to let go of old ideas and open yourself to new ones. ?ou let go of your beliefs in the way you think things work and accept a new set of beliefs. +he principles of faith and confession that esus taught seem like nonsense when seen from a worldly point of (iew, but esus said that we are not of this world. ;e are in the world, but not of it Hohn !&5!#I. ;e operate in a different set of laws which esus called the laws of the kingdom of Fod. +he kingdom of Fod is the realm where Fod li(es.
+he laws of the kingdom of Fod defy e8planation. +hat is because they do not operate strictly in the material, physical le(el, but on a higher o(erriding principle that is the basis of creation. Fenesis chapter ! tells us 25
that Fod spoke the unseen into e8istence by 0is ;ord. ;ords are unseen (ibrations that ob(iously ha(e an effect on manifesting or changing matter. ?ou may ha(e already e8perienced these laws that defy e8planation. 0a(e you e(er planted a financial seed in faithG 0ow is it possible that a person can gi(e away L!2.22 and be L!22.22 or L!222.22 richerG Huke #54%I. +here is no mathematical e8planation as to how this principle works. Fi(ing away dollar bills does not make them multiply. And if it did, it would multiply in the recei(erDs hand not the gi(erDs hand. ?et this is e8actly how esus taught that the principles of the kingdom of Fod operated. +he classic laws of physics, specifically gra(ity says that a !%2 pound man cannot walk on top of a surface of water without sinking. So esus must ha(e known about a law that supersedes the law of gra(ity.
)urrent medical science says that lepers and cripples cannot be healed and restored to perfect health in seconds or minutes. /t takes time. =id esus bypass timeG Scientists and e(en small children know that solid matter cannot pass through walls. esus assumed a form that walked through a wall. =id he transform his physical matter into energy that passes through matter like radio wa(es through the walls of your homeG +hese beha(iors were so strange that many people choose to belie(e that they did not happen, because it is not possible in the physical, macro world where we li(e. Physical laws we take for granted were superseded by the person of esus )hrist and can be superseded by those who accept the principles of the kingdom of Fod. ")))He that $elieveth on !e, the or*s that I #o shall he #o also& an# 'reater or*s than these shall he #o& $e%ause I 'o unto !y Father" ohn !65!1. 27
By comparing quantum physics with spiritual laws, / want to present you a different way of thinking, and by doing so open a whole new a(enue and understanding of the faith that mo(es mountains.
-aith is an unseen energy force. /t is not matter, but it creates matter and actually becomes matter. +he faith that you use to call forth the manifestation of healing or finances changes form when the manifestation takes place. +hat is because faith3energied words con(erts energy to matter. ;ords are the catalyst that turn the substance of faith into physical manifestation. -aith is the raw material from which all matter is made. 0ebrews !!5! says that "1aith is the su$stan%e)))" It is the invisi$le su$stan%e 1ro! hi%h your (hysi%al orl# as an# is %reate#) 28
Fod used faith3substance and word3 energy to create the uni(erse. 0e spoke and the (ibration HsoundI of his words released the substance that became the stars and planets. ;ords are the carrier of substance. +hey carry the substance to where(er it is directed. /f you direct your faith toward your bank account with the intention of filling it to o(erflowing, then your word3energy (ibrations causes your bank account to become a magnet for the substance of money. Money HsubstanceI will begin to come to you through a (ariety of different places. /f you direct your faith to the healing of your body, then your words carry healing energy to the cellular le(el of your body. 7n the (ibrations of your words, faith3substance is carried to your body where it becomes healing3substance. ust as Fod created the uni(erse by faith3 29
substance and word3energy, you create your own uni(erse by your faith and your words. /f you donDt like what you ha(e created, you can change it@
/n quantum mechanics, the obser(ation of something changes it. ?ou can ne(er really be sure if it e(en e8isted before you looked. Because you looked, you actually interfered with whate(er was before you looked. /f this sounds confusing, it really isnDt. /t Just means that we affect e(erything around us Just by how we see it or what we belie(e. esus said to the centurion in Matthew chapter %, ")))as you have $elieve#, so $e it #one unto thee)" /tDs a good thing he belie(ed his ser(ant was healed@ 7ur perceptions return to us e8actly what we percei(e. 0ow you interact with this quantum field 30
of possibilities, the unseen realm from which all is created, determines what manifests in your life. ;e ha(e been gi(en an empty slate and esus said it is up to us what we choose to put on it HMark !!514316, Matthew "514I. ;ith the disciples, esus used farming to illustrate 0is point. ;hate(er you sow, that you will reap. /f you sow corn, you reap corn. 0owe(er, if you choose to sow weeds, you will reap weeds. ;e ha(e been programmed in this world to sow the wrong kind of seed and then wonder what happened. 9(erything has become separate and disconnected, but quantum physics brings us again to the reality that esus taught that all things are interconnected. Fod is not up in hea(en sitting on his throne sowing seeds and making choices for us that may be bad or good@ ;e are sowing our own seeds and making our own choices for good or e(il. 31
"I %all heaven an# earth to re%or# this #ay a'ainst you, that I have set $e1ore you li1e an# #eath, $lessin' an# %ursin' there1ore %hoose li1e that $oth thou an# thy see# !ay live)" Deuterono!y .9+: "Death an# li1e are in the (oer o1 the ton'ue)" /rover$s +;-+
;e make the choices. ;hat you do and belie(e affects e(eryone and e(erything around you. ?ou actually create your own reality. ?our perception of life becomes your life. +hat is why it is so important to change your perceptions, beliefs and e8pectations so that they agree with the abundant life that has been pro(ided. Are you percei(ing and belie(ing in the blessings or cursesG
/n order to change your circumstances or any CthingC in your life, you first go to the controlling beliefs in your life. ?our heart and your words must agree to produce the kind of mountain mo(ing words esus said we could ha(e. ")))$ut shall $elieve that those thin's hi%h he saith shall %o!e to (ass)))" Mar* ++-.
=o you sincerely hold the belief that your words can change, demolish, or heal that which e8ists, and create that which does not e8istG /f you donDt belie(e that you are as powerful as esus said, then why notG /s it because you feel unworthy, less than, or inferiorG ;here did this belief come fromG
?our schoolmates, parents, siblingsG /f you hold negati(e thoughts and beliefs, then you must disco(er them and change your beliefs. Until you unco(er the hidden beliefs that control your life, you will not be able to operate in the kind of power esus said we ha(e. ;hat you belie(e in your heart is the controlling force of your life. ?ou are either controlled by faith or fear. /tDs fairly easy to identify negati(e, limiting thoughts and beliefs.
They bring fear. They make you feel bad. They manifest in your life as hoelessness! and e"e#tations of si#kness! o$erty! failure and defeat. They make you feel stu#k.
?ou can reprogram your beliefs by speaking energiing, life3gi(ing words of power. Speak only what agrees with who )hrist said you are and you can eliminate the 34
old belief system that has dominated you. >emember, what is seen is created from what is unseen. ?our outward circumstances are a reflection of your beliefs. Before you can change circumstances, you must change yourself. +o speak to the mountain and ha(e it remo(ed, you must belie(e those things you say will come to pass. 0earing yourself speak HconfessI what Fod has said about you, puts faith in your heart and changes your perceptions and interactions with the world around you.
These confessions when spo/en alod will case the energ0 of faith to rise to new levels in 0or heart! 'o will be qic/ened to operate in a higher level of faith and e2pectation! / am strong in the ord and the power of
0is might. / draw my strength from 0im, that strength which 0is boundless might pro(ides. H9phesians #5!2.I KKK / am strengthened with all might according to his glorious power. / can do all things through )hrist who strengthens me. H)olossians !5!!, Philippians 65!4.I KKK +he same spirit that raised )hrist from the dead dwells in me and quickens my mortal body. H>omans %5!!.I KKK +he law of the spirit of life in )hrist esus has made me free from the law of sin and death. H>omans %51.I KKK / am complete in )hrist and the fullness of 36
Fod dwells in me. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge dwell in me through )hrist esus. H)olossians 154,"3!2.I KKK ;isdom in my heart is like water in a deep well, / am a person of understanding and / draw it out. HPro(erbs 125$ Amp.I KKK / ha(e perfect knowledge of e(ery circumstance and situation in life for the Spirit of +ruth dwells in me. Hohn !#5!4.I KKK / am deli(ered from the power of darkness. / know the truth and the truth has set me free. Hohn %541.I KKK esus said that whate(er / bind on earth is bound in hea(en and whate(er / loose on 37
earth is loosed in hea(en. / now loose the blessings of Fod to flow into my life. / e8pect to be o(ertaken by goodness. HMatthew !%5!%.I KKK +he 0oly Spirit teaches me all things and brings all things to my memory. / know and remember who / am. / now use my words and my faith to manifest FodDs highest and best for me@ Hohn !65#.I
By taking these scriptures and the principles of FodDs ;ord, you can access the unlimited possibilities for your life. 'o are gi(ing substance to your world through words@
-or more information on the power of your words, read the following books by )harles )apps5 +he +ongue, A )reati(e -orce -aith And )onfesssion FodDs )reati(e Power ;ill ;ork -or ?ou $2!3%6131$&# office $2!3%6131!24 fa8 www.charlescapps.com
Annette Ca((s is the daughter of author and teacher )harles )apps. She is an ordained minister, businesswoman, and pilot. Since the age of !6, she has ministered in churches and se(eral foreign countries. A licensed pilot, she has flown her airplane throughout the United States, conducting seminars on a wide range of Bible subJects.
+he practical nature of her teaching is demonstrated in her tape series, which include such titles as C0ow to 0arness the Power of ?our +houghtsC, C+he >oad to 9motional 0ealingC, and C/dentifying Spiritual AbuseC. /n addition to the book, 3antm aith, Annette has authored three other books entitled, )everse the +rse in 'or Bod0 and &motions, 4nderstanding .ersection, and Angels!