T h e co nten ts of this boo klet are based on my study of the old texts concerning the legendary magickal order of the Golden Dawn. Let us begin with the following exercise. exercise. (A) Sit, eyes eyes closed. closed. B reathe in slowly, slowly, hold, brea the o ut slowl slowly. y. Con tinue doing this for one m inute. (B) Now, for a few few m om ents, think of som ething fun ny or som ething w hich m akes you you happy. happy. (C) (C) Open your eyes eyes and thin k o f the things tha t you most want. D o th is for a mom ent, bu t then make as if you are going to to speak y our wish(es), wish(es), but don’t don’t. (D) Close Close your eyes and thin k of your faith in mag ick to make y our wishes come come true. You You are are now ready to take the O ath of the H ermetic O rder of the Golden Dawn. Reading from here, say: ‘I furthe r prom ise and swear swear that w ith the divine perm ission, I (st (state ate full name) w ill from th is day forward apply m yself to the G reat Work, which is to purify and exalt my spiritual nature so that with the divine aid aid I may at length attain to be more than h um an, and thus gradually raise raise and u nite m yself to the high er and divine genius and tha t in this ev ent I will will not abuse this this power entrusted to me. Am en.’ fe e l , smell N o w clos cl osee y o u r eyes ey es a n d im a g in e th e th in g s y ou w a n t to c o m e tru tr u e : fee a n d taste taste them. Now say: ‘Peace to all good above all, so as I will, so shall it be. Amen.’ 3
Th is was performed by mem bers of the G olden Dawn to increase their magickal pow er. You are now about to in cre ase your ow n po wer. T h e fo llow in g eigh t ac ts shou ld be do ne twice, and p erform ed thre e times a day. 1. Stan d facing east. Im agine a shin ing w hite ligh t from above en tering you r head. 2. Now, reach up w ith a rig ht finger pre tend ing you are touchin g this ligh t that is en tering your head. W ith you r finger you draw this ligh t to your forehead. 3. Now im agine it as a yellow triangle of air covering the u ppe r part o f you r body. N ow sp eak slow ly and lo udly : ‘SH A M -D Y E-E L-C H A F . 4. Now see a black triangle of soil (represen ting the earth) covering the lower pa rt of your body. P oint your han d downwards, speaking slowly and loudly. ‘A H DOH-NYE-HA-AH-RETZ’. 5. See a red triang le of fire over the rig ht side of you r body, touch your rig ht shoulde r and say slowly and loudly: ‘YODE-HE-VAV-HEY-TZAH-BAH-OTH’. 6. N ext im agine a blue triangle of water, covering your left shoulder. Speak slowly and loudly. ‘ E L - O H - H E E M - T Z A H - B A H - O T H ’ . 7. Interlocking fingers, hand ben ding outw ards imagine a wheel of brigh t light in the cen tre of your body, un iting all triangles. 8. See the lig ht at the crown of your head c onn ecting to the inn er worlds and speak slowly the wo rd ‘E T H ’. Perform this ritua l for two weeks. On the th ird week perform the following four times every m orning: (A) (B) (C) (D)
Inhale. Im agine the fire triangle. Ho ld. Imag ine the water triangle. Exhale. Im agine the air triangle. Em pty, hold. Imag ine the earth triangle.
At th e e nd of three w eeks you will feel an inc redible sense of equ ilibrium and an aw akening o f your psychic powers. An im m ediate effect for me was the sensing of the presence o f m y late father. I could smell his scent everywhere. T his gave me a great sense of comfort.
I have simplified this lengthy and complex Golden Dawn ritual. Here is its essence. 4
1. For 24 hou rs avoid ca rdinal activity; avoiding alcohol and loud music. 2. T he following day, before the ritual, for one ho ur build u p w ithin yo urself an excited de sire for wha t you most wish for. 3. Light a wh ite candle, place it on the floor and sit before it. Alternatively, place it on a table and sit on a chair. If it is not practicable to light a candle then imagine the candle. 4. Clasp your hand s together, and call out th e magick nam e repeatedly for about two minutes. I t is: ‘TAPH -THAR A-THA RAT H’. 5. Close your eyes and for about five min utes c ontem plate on th e fact that you have called upon a great mighty spirit of the Holy O rder o f the Golden Dawn. 6. Eyes opened, raise your arms in a wo rshipp ing position and recite three times: ‘Oh, ye great Lords of the Hall of the Two-Fold Manifestation of Truth, who p reside over the weighing of souls in the Place of jud ge m en t before Aeshoari, give me thy ha nds for I am made o f thee. Give me th y ha nds, give me all thy magick powers, tha t I may have given unto me the force and the power and the m ight irresistible, which shall compel this disobedient spirit TAPH-THA RA-THA RATH to appe ar before me now. Now I call thee: TAPH-THA RA-THA RATH ! TAPH-THA RA-THA RATH ! TAPH-TH ARA -THA RAT H! I call and com m and you to appear before me now, so tha t I may accomplish the desires and wants in me now, to manifest into my reality. In my self I am n othin g: in ye I am all self and exist in the self-hood of the mighty eternity! Oh Th oth, Oh Osiris, O h A turn, Oh Ra, Oh Jesus, in the holy power of God I com mand you, TAPH-THARATHA RAT H! Make your presence known to me right now and I shall glorify thy nam e forever more, and gra nt me wha t I ask!’ 7. Close your eyes and dwell on the m igh t of your words. Th in k of the power you have generated. 8. For abo ut ten m inutes recite your wish(es), believing that th ey will become fact. Tell Tap hth ara tha rath wh at you want. You may sense his presence. In the event o f a physical manifestation o f the spirit, fear not. He is under your command. 9. Now say, ‘T hank you for m akin g my wish/wishes come true. F are thee well, oh great spirit.’ 10. Look a t the candle an d believe tha t its flame is also brin gin g your wish to fruition. Allow the candle to burn itself out. DO N OT AL LO W IT T O BURN IF THERE IS A FIRE HAZARD. If in doubt, don’t burn a candle at all, conten t yourself with imagining one. Repeat this ritua l every seven days un til such time as your wish is granted. To be a successful occ ultist you m ust have to tal faith in the o utcome. You m ust no t tell anyone w hat you are doing. T his is a lonely path - it is no-one else’s business - but you will walk with the gods.
A word about evil spirits. My mother was being tormented by a demon, who terrorize d he r in her dreams. My research into medieval m anus cripts revealed that the way to deal with such an entity is to shout at it and threaten it. Tell it: ‘I will destroy you’, or ‘I have the p owe r to send you to hell, i f you do not d epa rt’. I did this eve ry day for ten m inutes, an d m y m othe r was at peace again. I f a spirit seems not mischievous you could make friends with it and speak kind words. It could help you in y ou r psychic work.
4. SPELLS OF TH E GOLDEN DAWN The following is for the evocation o f psychic power. Perform at one o’clock in the morning o f a Monday , tha t is an ho ur after m idn igh t Sunday. With black ink draw on a plain piece of paper or card the magickal box of the moon. On the reverse, draw the plan etary seal o f the m oon. Now, for a few m inutes, c ontem plate having psych ic pow ers: im ag ine you can see in to th e fu ture, th at you can travel on th e astral and communicate with spirits, and all the other gifts of psychic power. H old ing th e pape r in fron t of you, believe in th e power it can give. Now make this evocation: ‘I call and com m and forward the powers of the M oon, in th e names of Yesod and Malkuth and by the sacred name of Gabriel, ruler of the M oon, I invoke thee. I call and co mm and th e powers of the M oon to flood into my life forever. I summ on the pow ers and virtues of the M oon on this n ight a nd at this h our to be present and willing to serve unto me and bring me the power to lift my spirit out of my bod y and travel an yw here in my dream s as I sleep, to see an d hear eve rything w herever I may go. So mote it be.’ Close your eyes for a m om ent, th en open a nd ch an t the m agickal name ‘RANA’ for five m inu tes looking at y our paper, w hilst believing totally that y our wish will be granted. z?
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There now follows a spell fo r healing, either for mind or body, for yourself or another. Draw the magickal square of M ercury on plain pape r or card and on the reverse draw the planetary seal. Think of the healing desired for a few minutes, then holding your pape r or card with the belief tha t it holds the healing you seek, recite as follows: ‘I call and co mm and th e powers of Mercury, in the holy nam e o f Hod and by the sacred name of Raphael and the archangel Michael who rules Mercury. I invoke thee, cal! and com mand th e hea ling powers of M ercu ry to come into my life forever. I summ on the powers and virtues of Mercury on this day and at this hour to be present and willing to serve unto me and to give the power to heal myself and others and to brin g th e god’s healing into m y life. So mote it be.’ Th is spell is to be perform ed on Wednesday. T her e is a choice of four different times. At one o’clock in the day after the recitation chant the sacred name ‘THAMUR’ for five minutes; if it’s one o-clock in the night, chant ‘RANA’ for five minutes. Eight o’clock in the morning chant ‘BERON’ and eight in the evening chant ‘YAYN’. Chant looking at the square and seal with the belief that you will be successful. 8 5? 5? 5 4- !fa2 63 I *9 iS iq- 52 55 II 10 5b m 23 22. LHf H5 19 18 3 1
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Repeat every Wednesday until a result is obtained. When successful, thank M ercu ry for his blessing. T he following spell is for attracting money and is to be performed on a Th ursda y eith er at one or eight o’clock durin g the day or the same times at night. Using blue ink , insc ribe the magicka l square of J upite r on a plain piece of pap er or card with the pla neta ry seal on the back. T he n dwell for a few minutes utes on all the m oney you need before making the following evocation: ‘I call and co mmand forth the powers of Jupiter, in the h oly name of Chesed and by the sacred name of Sachiel and the archangel Tza dique l who rules Jupiter. I invoke thee, I call and com mand the
powers of Jupit er to flood my life with money th at will last forever. I summ on the powers and virtues of Jup iter on this day and at this ho ur to be presen t an d w illing to serve me w ith all the m oney I desire. So mote it be.’ You have a choice of four tim es whe n to do this spell: at eigh t in th e m ornin g chant the magick name ‘BERON’ for five minutes after making the above evocation; at one o’clock in the afternoon chant ‘THAMUR’. At eight in the evening, ch an t ‘YAYN’ and ‘RANA’ at one o’clock in the m orning. H old the image of wealth as you ch ant. You repeat the spell every Wedn esday until you see a result. Once the resu lt has been obtained , say a short pray er of than ks in your own words.
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Now follows the love-binding spell which can only be done at one o’clock in the m ornin g w hilst the object of your affections is sleeping. Perform on Friday, that is to say, at an h ou r after m idn igh t on Thursday. W ith red ink, reproduce on plain paper or card th e magickal sq uare of Venus on on e side and th e pla netary seal on the other. Believe that you will be successful and recite the following: ‘I call and com ma nd forward the powers of Venus, in the holy nam e of Netzach and in the sacred name o f Anel and the archangel Haniel who rules the plan et Venus. I call upon the powers of Venus to enter my life forever. I summon and invoke the powers and virtues of Venus on this nig ht to be present an d serve me (state your full name here) in my everyday life and let (name of other person) fall with passion for me and be bound to my soul forever and he/she shall be faithful to me to the end. So mote it be.’ If you do not know the name of the person, then describe him/her. Gaze at square a nd seal for a few m inute s th ink ing of you and the o ther person together. Now chant the magick name ‘RANA’ for five m in ute s, all th e while th inkin g of your objective. Repeat this ritual every Friday at one o’clock in the m ornin g un til you have obtained a result: then give thanks to Venus.
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Now follows a general spell for success. This is for success in any undertaking. It is to be perform ed on Saturn’s day, Saturday, and can be at eight or one in the day or one or eight at n ight. W ith blue ink, draw the square on a plain piece of paper or card and the planetary seal on the other side. Then dwell for a few minutes on the success you desire before evocating: ‘I call and com m and forward the powers of Saturn , in the holy nam e of Binah and by the sacred name of Cassiel and the archangel Tza phqu iel who rules Saturn. I invoke thee, I call and com mand that the powers of Saturn come into my life forever. I summ on the powers and virtues of Saturn on this day and this hour to be present and willing to serve me an d b ring success. L et me excel, let me win, let me soar. So mote it be.’ Nex t, th in kin g of your success, look at th e square and seal and for five m inutes ch an t ‘TH AM UR ’ if it’s one o ’clock in th e day, or ‘BE RO N’ if it is eight in the morn ing . At nigh t, ‘YA HN ’ at eigh t or ‘RANA’ at one. ,
The next one is called A Sex Slave Spell for Men and is, not unnaturally, ded icated to M ars. Draw th e p lan et’s square and seal on each side of a plain card or paper. Dwell on your objective - an enjoyable task! - for five m inutes a nd then recite: ‘I call and co mm and forw ard the powers of Mars, in th e holy name of Geburah and the sacred name of Zamael and the archangel Khamael who rules Mars. I invoke thee, I call the powers of Mars into my life forever. I sum m on the powers and virtues of Mars on this d ay and h ou r to be presen t and willing to serve me. Bring to me young women of lust and passion who will obey me and crave me from the depths of their soul. Let them burn with passion for me forever. So mo te it be.’ For five minutes, chant the magick name, ‘BERQN’ if eight in the morning; ‘THAMUR’ if at one in the afternoon; ‘YAYN’ if at eight in the evening; or ‘RANA’ if one o’clock at n igh t. Repeat every Tuesday un til a result is obtained. Given th e notorious rep utation of certain members of the Golden Dawn, proceed cautiously. Unless you also accept responsibility for the woman or women concerne d you risk self-destruction, of which M ars is an agent. Th an k him for granting your request and respect him.
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Finally, a spell to protec t you from evil. Insc ribe the magickal square of the sun on a plain piece of paper or card and inscribe the planetary seal on the reverse. For about five minutes, contemplate the idea of a light surroun ding you. Th ink of a force around you which nothing can penetrate. Now make the following evocation: 10
‘I call and co m ma nd forward the powers of the Sun, in the holy name of Tiph areth and by the sacred name of Michael and th e archangel Raphael who rules the Sun. I invoke thee, I command that the powers of th e Sun come into my life forever. I summon th e pow ers and virtues of the Sun, on this day at this hour to be present and willing to serve me in my daily life and bring me loving protection against all evil. L et m e feel the warm and loving angelic prese nt with me everywhere I go and in every thing I do. So mo te it be.’ Needless to say, th is spell sh ou ld be pe rform ed on a Sun day at either eigh t o-clock in the morning or at one in the afternoon. Close your eyes for a moment, the n o pen a nd look at the square and seal and for five m inutes , cha nt ‘BE RO N’ if in the m orning or ‘TH AM UR ’ if in the afternoon. Repea t every Su nday un til you feel it is working, a nd w hen it does give a short pra yer of thanks, in you r own words, to th e sun. ©
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TH E GO LDEN DAWN by Joel Goldstein As one w ould expect o f a secret society, details are ha rd to come by. Th is is a roug h sketch. T h e H erm etical O rder o f the Golden Dawn was found ed by Dr. W. W. Westcott in 1888. A year later his position was usurped by S. L. Mathers, after Mathers’ wife was approached by three M asters in a Paris park. Ma thers had spent years in libraries in Paris and London studying medieval Jewish texts. He published a translation of The Key o f Solomon in 1889 wh ich rem ained archaic to mo st readers un til ‘m od ernise d’ a cen tury later by Carl Nagel with F inb ar r’s pub lication of The Black Seals o fSolomon and The Bible Secrets o f Moses and Solomon. It was a chemist nam ed Cecil Jones who in troduce d Aleister Crowley to M athers and the Golden Dawn. Jones described the Golden Dawn as nothing more than a ‘gentleman’s club’ wh ich was a neat piece of subterfug e. M athe rs was supposed to have received secret knowledge from an unk no w n Master, whom some speculate to be no other than the ageless Cou nt Saint-Germain. Germany was the source of much of the Order’s thinking, but it claimed insp iration from th e secret Masters of Tib et who governed m an kin d’s affairs. Th e belief in su ch mysterious Masters was at th e heart of the Theo so phical Society founded by Helena Blavatsky. The Golden Dawn graded its members according to an hierarchy of degrees. There were also Orders within the Order, the lower studying b u t n ot practising m agick; the highe r were practi tioners, whilst the elite were in direct contact with the Masters. Th e O rder flourished and at one poin t claimed a hu nd red or more members. M athers was a good org anizer bu t tyrannic al. ‘Possessed by Mars’, acco rding to Crowley, he sought to run the Order in a military fashion. Crowley, another difficult ma n, was m uch influenced by M athers, an d was like him in various ways. Both me n were fixated with titles, hono urs, and o ther superficial trappings. Both sough t to impress and made outrageous claims to bo lster their a uthority over the impressionable. G olden D awn member, th e poet W. B. Keats, considered Ma thers ‘ha lf lunatic, ha lf knave’. Despite the pom posities, the Second Order m et in m odest rented rooms near Euston station and in Hammersmith; also at another London location in Great Que en Street. Crowley regarded m ost o f the mem bers as ‘non -entities’. We have details of his in itiation. The high priest stands before the altar, between two pillars and addresses the h ushe d mem bership. Crowley is robed, hooded and bo und by a triple cord. A voice cries ou t, ‘Ch ild of Earth! Come a nd ente r the Pa th o f Darkne ss!’ A second voice disputes, barring the way of the initiate, ‘Child of Earth! Unclean and unconsecrated! Th ou canno t enter our Sacred Hall.5 ‘Water and fire’ are 12
administered. The high priest: ‘Child, wherefore had thou come to request admission to this order?’ A voice answers on his behalf: ‘My soul is wandering, seeking the light of occult truth, and I believe that in this Order truth may be obtained.’ ‘Are you w illing, before this assembly, to take a grea t and s olem n oa th to keep the secrets of the Order?’ asked the high priest. ‘I am’, replies the neophyte who then kneels and places his hand on a white triangle. He bows his head and is touched by a sceptre. Then, repeating the high priest’s words, he swears the solem n oath. ‘Child o f darkn ess!’ called the h igh p riest, ‘Lo ng have th ou lived in ignorance. Q uit the darkness and enter the light.’ T he hood over Crowley’s head was then removed and he arose with the light of understanding already starting to shine in his eyes. H e acquires a magickal name. The reafter he passed through the O rde r’s various grades which corresponded to the Sephiroth o f the Caballistic Tree of Life, eventually reaching Philosophus, one of the highest grades (though there were grades yet higher). A fusion of Jewish m ystic tho ug ht, B abylonian astrology, Pythagorean numerology and Egyptian mythology seemed to form the bedrock of Golden Dawn ritual. As for it being a ‘gentleman’s club’, it had numerous women mem bers. It seemed to be a magnet for eccentrics, and, notw ithstand ing its rituals for power and w ealth, seemed to rema in poor. Does this mean the rituals did not work? R esearch suggests they did, but no a m oun t of ritual cou ld save these people from themselves. Crowley, for example, who wielded the powe r of life and death and who could sum m on any num ber of spirits for wealth, was forever on the brink of insolvency. N ot su rprising ly, th e O rd er of the Golde n Daw n, plag ue d by in-fighting, did no t last many years. An example: Alan B enn ett and M athers quar relled over Shiva the Destroyer, a Hindu divinity worshipped by Bennett. Bennett claimed that if Shiva’s name was repeated enough, the god would open his shut eye and destroy the universe. Mathers scoffed at this, the notion that the universe depended on Shiva keeping his eye shut. Bennett was adamant, so adopted a yogic posture and began chanting the god’s name incessantly. Mathers flew into a rage and dem ande d he stop. ‘Shiva, Shiva, Shiva . ..’ he went on. Th en M athers produced a revolver, but it made no difference. The destruction of Bennett’s universe was narrowly avoided by the timely interven tion of Mathers’ wife.
Cosmic Power Attack Rituals by Larry Hool
The following rituals are only for use against anyone who is trying to m ake your life a misery. T he y sho uld n ot be used against anyone you are merely in conflict with. If you are genuinely th e victim of someone’s unw arranted malicious intent, then you are entitled to psychically attack that person. First, perform the opening Cosmic Power (CP) ritual as follows. See a white light over your head. Slowly breathe in, im agining the light en tering your body throu gh the crown of your head and leaving through your feet as you breathe out. Now speak th e following: ‘I call upon the inner planes to listen and assist me in my venture. Please, Anzel, Nitik a an d O piel come to me. Tho u, all gods, come to my assistance! So mote it be.’ If possible, light a black candle w hich should be left to bu rn. If there is a fire risk th en you shou ld no t use a candle. Now speak firmly the following: ‘Seek out my enemy, KAY-VAY-KEY and MAIN-DEE-AL, no m atter where he (she) may be. Go to th e ends of the e arth if need be! Scourge him with the rods of vengeance, overcome his mind. I com m and this of thee in the au thority of the words of power: KESSSEA-HEH. So mote it be.’ T he following is particula rly effective against one of the opposite sex who is bearing lies and slander ag ainst you. Do the openin g CP ritual, light a black candle (if possible; if there is a fire risk, do n’t) and speak firmly: ‘By the power invested in me, I comm and thee AH -K NE E-E LL and KAH -AH-M E-AH to close the m outh and eyes of (here state person’s name), who maligns me. Visit him (her) when he sleeps and plant fright a nd dread so that he no longer maligns me. Obey me with the wo rd o f power: GAY-BOO-RAH-VAHV. So mote it be.’ T he following is particularly effective for dealing with someone who is unju stly harassing you. Begin with the opening CP ritual and then speak three times the following: ‘T ho u, SAY-EAT-ELL and O LE -M E AH , lie in wait for my enemies. Send fire and force into the ir m inds w hen the y next harass me. I seal this comm and w ith the w ord of power: TEE-FAR-ATEYOD. So m ote it be.’ 14
T H E A T T A CK C A N C E L L A T IO N R I T U A L Once you f ed your ene my is totaily helpless and conquered, you will eventually need to cancel your attack. To withdraw the devastating effects of your cosmic power, ca rry out the opening CP ritual an d th en say: ‘These forces whom I com mand withdraw from th e scene of battle. Stay with me and hear my future calls. I command thee with the word o f power: N eat-sank-heh. So mote it be.’ Your enemy will at once be released from the effects of your ritual, but you can, at any time, tu rn it back onto your enemy if you find he/she has no t had enough, or wh en th e person is trying to make your life a misery again. Jus t carry out the appro priate ritua l an d he/she is back in y our power again.
Y O U AR E N O W W E L L , E Q U I P P E D T O O V E RC O M E YOUR ENEMIES No m atter w hat your enemies are tryin g to do to you, th ey can b e k ept a t bay and be to tally defeated by th e force of your CP Th e rituals and inc antations in this ch apter focus your CP and attack the minds of your foes at in n er levels. You can now choose your spell and find almo st imm ediate peace and harmony, free from hassles, and do so easily and automatically. You know how to manipulate your cosmic power. Why or how it works is unim por tant. You are looking for concrete results, not reasons. It is my desire that you find everything you seek, as I and hundreds of other pe op le all over th e world, who have lear ned th e simple secrets o f cosmic power, have done. I f any thing threaten s th e perfection of your existence, perform the spell th at will banish it. I f you find a gap in your material or emotional life, let your cosmic pow er fill it, quick ly an d easily.