Growing Faith
by W. V. Grant
Contents 1 I Don’t Have The Faith..........................................................5 2 I Am Reaping What I Sowed...............................................35
Chapter I 1
I Don’t Have The Faith
Another very ommon e!"#e that #ome we$$%meaning peop$e "#e to &eep 'rom o(taining hea$ing i# that they do not have the 'aith. They may #ay it in another way ("t #ti$$ it ha# the #ame meaning. It may #o"nd $i&e thi#) *I' I o"$d +"#t gra#p the 'aith., Some #ay) *-ray that I wi$$ have the 'aith., Thi# i# a very ommon e!"#e) and #ti$$ #ome 'ai$ to rea$ie that the devi$ i# giving them that e!"#e +"#t a# he i# giving mi$$ion# o' #inner# e!"#e# to &eep them 'rom (eing #aved. He give# many e!"#e# to &eep them 'rom reeiving the Ho$y /ho#t. He i# a #$y o$d devi$. I' 0e#"# had to "ote #ript"re# to him to overome him) then I’m #"re that we are no (etter than 0e#"#. I' yo" want to overome him) and have 'aith to overome him) +"#t (egin to $oo& into the Word o' /od and #ee i' that e!"#e wi$$ #tand. "ote /od’# Word to the devi$ and he wi$$ '$ee.
Everyone Has Faith The ord te$$# "# that He ha# given everyone a mea#"re o' 'aith. 1 When yo" te$$ me that yo" do not have the 'aith I wi$$ a#& yo" what yo" did with the 'aith /od ha# given yo". The an#wer to thi# "e#tion 'or many peop$e i# that their 'aith ha# died. What do yo" mean4 Do yo" mean to te$$ me that 'aith an die4 e#) that i# +"#t what I want to te$$ yo". How an yo"r 'aith die4 The ord #ay# when yo" "it doing thing# 'or /od yo"r 'aith wi$$ die. Faith witho"t wor&# i#
“... according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith” 6Rom. 12738.
Growing Faith
dead.2 I' yo" want yo"r 'aith to ome a$ive +"#t (egin wor&ing 'or /od. 9(ey Him and do tho#e thing# He ha# (een a#&ing yo" to do: then He wi$$ (egin to do the thing# yo" have (een a#&ing Him to do. That i# the way to have 'aith. For yo" have no rea#on to (e$ieve Him 'or thing#) or $aim Hi# promi#e) i' yo" do not meet Hi# ondition#. ;very promi#e ha# a ondition. ;very time 0e#"# #tarted to wor& a mira$e in the
Don’t Let Your Faith Die How an one &eep hi# 'aith 'rom dying4 Do #omething a(o"t it. How an yo" &eep a (a(y 'rom dying4 Fir#t) yo" m"#t 'eed it. o" wo"$d not give a yo"ng (a(y (read and (ean# wo"$d yo"4 To &eep it in good ondition phy#ia$$y yo" wo"$d (rea& the (read "p #o yo" o"$d &now it wo"$d (e dige#ted. o" wo"$d 'eed it (a(y 'ood. Then it wo"$d grow. 3 In#tead o' #tanding "pon the who$e Word o' /od) or the who$e 8. 3 “We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly...” 6II The#. 1738.
I Don’t Have The Faith
thi# (read #ha$$ never h"nger.@ That doe# not mean that yo" wi$$ #tay in good ondition (y +"#t eating o' thi# (read one per wee&) or one per month. How wo"$d yo"r (a(y do i' yo" +"#t 'ed it one a wee& or one eah month4 S"ppo#e yo" 'ed it $ot# today and in a wee& 'rom now 'eed it 'ive mea$# at one. It o"$dn’t dige#t it. Remem(er the Word o' /od i# the (read o' i'e. We #ho"$d eat it reg"$ar$y. We give o"r#e$ve# to 0e#"# a$$ at one) or #ho"$d) and He give# Him#e$' to "# day (y day. What wo"$d happen i' yo" 'ed the (a(y +"#t $i&e yo" #ho"$d) and never give it anything to drin&4 We a$$ &now it wo"$d die. o' What yo"(read mean wi$$ (y that4 0"#t thi#7 The witho"t Spirit i# the water i'e.do5 A# not &eep "# a$ive water) #o the Word wi$$ not &eep yo"r 'aith a$ive "n$e## yo" have the Spirit o' /od. The $etter &i$$eth ("t the Spirit mað a$ive. o" m"#t have the Spirit a$#o. It wi$$ wor& (oth way#. o" &now that a (a(y annot $ive on the water witho"t the (read: #o yo"r 'aith annot $ive on the Spirit witho"t the Word. 0e#"# #aid yo" do great$y err (y not &nowing the Sript"re# nor the power o' /od. What made the apo#t$e# men o' great 'aith 'or mira$e#4 They gave them#e$ve# ontin"a$$y to the Word o' /od and prayer. I' we a(ide in Him and Hi# Word a(ide# in "# we an have whatever we a#& o' Him. ? David #aid no p$ag"e o"$d ome nigh o"r dwe$$ing i' we wo"$d ma&e hi# tr"th o"r #hie$d and ("&$er and wo"$d a(ide in the #eret p$ae o' the mo#t High. > @ “This is that bread which came down from heaven... e that eateth of this bread shall live forever” 60ohn ?758. 5 “!ut whosoever drinketh of the water that " shall give him shall not thirst# but the wate r that " shall give him shall be in him a well of water s$ringing u$ into everlasting life” 60ohn @71@8. ? “"f ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” 60ohn 157>8. > “e that dwelle th in the secret $lac e of the most igh shall abide under the shadow of the %lmighty... e shall cover thee with is feathers, and under is wings shall thou trust& is truth shall be thy shield and
Growing Faith
There'ore) we m"#t have (oth the Word and the Spirit to grow) +"#t a# the (a(y #ho"$d have (oth the water and the (read to grow. I' we 'eed o"r 'aith on the water and the (read a# o'ten) and a# reg"$ar$y) a# we do o"r (odie# we wi$$ have more 'aith. Don’t yo" have a reg"$ar time to eat and to #$eep4 I' yo" o"nt yo"r #o"$ a# important a# yo"r (ody then remem(er that 'aith wor&# thro"gh the #o"$ when yo"r 'aith i# a$ive. Feed yo"r #o"$ a# o'ten) and a# reg"$ar$y) a# yo" do yo"r (ody and yo" wi$$ have $ive 'aith. I' yo" depend on the Spirit a$one yo" wi$$ get o'' into 'a$#e imagination#. /od hate# vain imagination#. o" wi$$ get vi#ion# and new $ight# notaording aordingtoto/od’# the Word yo"r reve$ation# m"#t (e Word)o'or/od. i# itA$$ not o' /od) and i# o' the wrong #pirit. I' yo" have a reve$ation that it i# not /od’# Wi$$ to hea$ yo") then that reve$ation i# not aording to /od’# Word) and i# given (y the wrong #pirit. I' yo" depend on the Word a$one then yo" may a$#o get o'' into 'a$#e dotrine#. He that doeth the wi$$ o' /od &noweth the dotrine. He that doeth the Word ha# 'aith 'or hi# hea$ing. o" an’t "nder#tand /od’# Word i' yo" do not o(ey it. There are $ot# o' peop$e who #tand on the #treet orner# and arg"e the Word o' /od who don’t &now what they are ta$&ing a(o"t) (ea"#e they do not do Hi# wi$$. The devi$ "ote# Sript"re#. <"t he "ndermine# 'aith. Faith $eave# (y hearing #ome peop$e. A per#on who doe# not do /od’# Word) that he a$ready "nder#tand#) (eome# ($ind. They do not "nder#tand the 71>8.
I Don’t Have The Faith
ome# (y hearing and hearing (y the Word o' /od. That mean# *(y doing the Word o' /od., I' yo" have #pirit"a$ ear# with whih to hear yo" wi$$ aept it. A per#on who doe# not o(ey the Word o' /od i# $i&e a per#on who $oo&# into a g$a## and 'orget# how he $oo&#. He wi$$ not (e ($e##ed in hi# deed# 6or in hea$ing8. oo& into the per'et $aw o' $i(erty and ontin"e therein) i' yo" want to (e #et at $i(erty) and (e #et 'ree 'rom the (ondage o' #i&ne##) di#ea#e) and ha(it#.
Exercise the Bay I' yo" want the (a(y to grow into a man give it e!eri#e. What wo"$d happen to the (a(y i' yo" never gave it any e!eri#e4 It wo"$d not grow. It wo"$d (e de'ormed) or (e a dwar') or it wo"$d die. We a$#o m"#t e!eri#e o"r 'aith. Some &i$$ their 'aith (y ta&ing an a#pirin. How4 It got no e!eri#e.
Growing Faith
The overomer# are a$$ who wi$$ e#ape the great tri("$ation) and go into the rapt"re) and #it down with 0e#"#. 1C We have to overome a# 0e#"# did. He overame (y the 11
Word o' /od. How an we overome tri("$ation# wor#e than the wor$d ha# ever &nown i' we an’t overome o"r tong"e) or temper) and o"r 'ee$ing#4 How an yo" have 'aith to overome when 0e#"# ome#) i' yo" an’t have 'aith to overome the#e $itt$e a''$ition# yo" have now4 ;!eri#e yo"r 'aith and $et it grow
Be !oote" an" Groun"e" in Faith o" wath a #ta$& o' orn whih ha# (een "#ed to the rain a$$ the time. It never ha# had any dry #pe$$#. The root# are at the top o' the gro"nd. When a #torm ome# it ($ow# over "i&$y. When the #"n #hine# it die#. When the root# are down deep in the gro"nd the wind or the #"n wi$$ not ("dge it. 0e#"# #aid (ea"#e it had no root# it withered away. 0e#"# wa# ta$&ing a(o"t the #eed whih 'e$$ on ro&y gro"nd.
I Don’t Have The Faith
devi$ "ote# that #ript"re wrong. -eop$e $oo& aro"nd and #ee that there are no mo"ntain# (eing moved. There'ore) they on$"de that no one ha# any 'aith the#e day#. =ay(e that i# the rea#on that yo" #ay yo" have no 'aith. Fir#t. I wi$$ #ay that 0e#"# had p$enty o' 'aith. Did He go aro"nd a#ting mo"ntain# into the #ea4 Go. He did not. <"t He moved h"ndred# o' mo"ntain# o' #"''ering) di#o"ragement) and di#tre##. The mo"ntain# o' #i&ne##) #in) and (ondage di#appeared (e'ore the 'aith o' the Son o' /od. 0e#"# #et "# an e!amp$e that we #ho"$d 'o$$ow Hi# #tep#.13 He did a$$ Hi# wor& with the anointing o' the #ame 1@
Ho$y a# wetohave. He #aid #ame wor&# we/ho#t. o"$d do 15 i' He /ho#t went (a& Hi# Father andthe #ent "# the Ho$y We an ("i$d "p o"r 'aith (y praying in the Ho$y /ho#t) 1? and $etting the Ho$y /ho#t teah "# the Word. 1> Then yo" wi$$ notie that 0e#"# wa# not ta$&ing a(o"t 'aith a# $arge a# a grain o' m"#tard #eed. Faith i# not mea#"red (y #ight) or #ie. o" an’t #ee 'aith that #ha&e# invi#i($e mo"ntain#. 1 o" an’t #ee it with the nat"ra$ eye. i&e the atom it i# invi#i($e) ("t power'"$. It wi$$ ($ow "p every mo"ntain and win every (att$e. The m"#tard #eed wa# the #ma$$e#t o' a$$ #eed. When it ame "p it wo"$d re'"#e to (e di#o"raged. It wo"$d &eep 13 “'or even hereunto were ye called& because *hrist also suffered for us, leaving us an exam$le that we should follow is ste$s” 6I -eter 27218. 1@ “ow God anointed (esus of +aareth with the oly Ghost and with $ower& who went about doing good, and healing all that were o$$ress ed of the devil# for God was with im” 6At# 1C738. 15 “-erily, verily, " say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that " do shall he do also& and greater works than these shall he do# because " go unto my 'ather” 60ohn 1@7128. 1? “!ut ye, beloved, building u$ yourselves on your most holy faith, $raying in the oly Ghost” 60"de 2C8. 1> “!ut the *omforte r, which is the oly Ghost, whom the 'ather will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever " have said unto you” (ohn /0&123. 1 “+ow faith is the substance of things ho$ed for, the evidence of things not seen” 6He(. 11718.
Growing Faith
trying regard$e## o' what happened. I' a ro& #ma#hed it to the gro"nd it wo"$d &eep trying. It wo"$d &eep growing. I' it wa# overed "p it wo"$d &eep growing. It wo"$d never get di#o"raged. It wo"$d never give "p. It wo"$d &eep $oo&ing "p and &eep growing. A$$ the winter $ong yo" might thin& it wa# dead. <"t no) it wo"$d #how it#e$' a'ter the 'reee. 0a& Fro#t) and a$$ the o$dne##) wo"$d not a"#e it to (ow down "nder di#o"ragement# and #top trying. It o"$d (e "t down) (r"i#ed) overed "p) and 'roen. To the nat"ra$ eye it $oo&ed $i&e it wa# gone. There were no hope# a# 'ar a# the nat"ra$ eye o"$d #ee. <"t it $i'ted it# head toward the Heaven$y Father and &ept $oo&ing "p. 1B And one day it o"$d (e grown) and (e "#e'"$.2C I' yo" wi$$ ome to yo"r Heaven$y Father with o"rage $i&e that) a$$ the devi$# in he$$ an’t &eep yo" down. A# the m"#tard #eed depended on the nat"ra$ $aw#) and had on'idene in the nat"ra$ $aw# /od made) yo" m"#t have 'aith and on'idene in Hi# Spirit"a$ $aw#. eep $oo&ing "p eep yo"r head "p Re'"#e to (e di#o"raged and don’t give "p hope. eep pre##ing on /od’# Word i# tr"e: +"#t a# tr"e a# Hi# nat"ra$ $aw#. A# $ong a# the #"n #hine#) a# $ong a# the #tar# #hine) a# $ong a# there i# day or night) Hi# Word to yo" annot 'ai$.21 Hi# Word wi$$ $a#t $onger than the heaven#.22 A$$ the time the m"#tard i# (eing "t down) a$$ the time that o$d man 0a& Fro#t #eemed to get the vitory: a$$ thro"gh the 'reee and di#o"raged #tage: ye#) when a$$ the 1B “... 4ake thee a ser$ent of brass, and set it u$on a $ole& and it shall come to $ass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh u$on it shall live” 6G"m. 2178. 2C “Which is indeed is the least of all seeds& but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and it becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof” 6=att. 137328. 21 “Thus saith the 5ord# if ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day or night in their season# then may also my covenant be broken...” 60er. 3372C8. 22 “'or verily " say unto you, Till heaven and earth $ass, one 6ot or one tittle shall in no wise $ass from the law, till all be fulfilled” 6=att. 5718.
I Don’t Have The Faith
(ea"ty wa# gone) when it had no rep"tation) a$$ wa# gone and it# (ea"ty o"$d not (e #een) a$$ d"ring thi# time the root# were reahing o"t. That i# the rea#on it o"$d (e a #he$ter when it wa# $arge. 9ne more I want to #ay) read the Word) and (e rooted and gro"nded in good 'aith and nothing an #ha&e yo". 23 o" wi$$ then (e o' Some (ene'it. When no one #eem# to notie yo") when yo" are (eing tried) when it #eem# there i# no hope) when yo" are 6#o it #eem#8 #et on the #he$') &eep reading Hi# preio"# Word. There yo" get 'aith whih &eep# the #torm# o' do"(t) and the $o"d# o' di#o"ragement# 'rom #ha&ing give "p yo". eep $oo&ing "p eep pre##ing on Re'"#e to
#re You $n"er Con"e%nation& Aording to the Word o' /od we wi$$ have 'aith i' we are not "nder ondemnation. 2@ A woman with a 'i$thy ha(it pro'e##ed to have the Ho$y /ho#t. She to$d me #he didn’t 'ee$ ondemned a(o"t the ha(it. A'ter a 'ew wee&# #he to$d me to pray 'or her that #he o"$d "it the ha(it. I a#&ed her i' #he tho"ght it wa# wrong) or i' #he 'e$t ondemned a(o"t it. She #aid #he did not 'ee$ ondemned a(o"t it) ("t the rea#on #he wanted to "it the ha(it wa# to o(tain more 'aith. ;very time #he a$mo#t got the an#wer to the prayer #he wa# praying) that ha(it wo"$d ome "p (e'ore her and wo"$d hinder her 'aith. So #ome peop$e re'"#e to (e ondemned. They are $oo&ing 'or a y$one or #omething ome andWhen ondemn them.have I' o"r heart# ondemn "# not we to have 'aith. yo" don’t 'aith that prove# that yo" m"#t (e ondemned a(o"t 23 “That *hrist may dwell in your hearts by faith# that ye, being rooted and grounded in love” 6;ph. 371>8. 2@ “!eloved if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God” 6I 0ohn 37218.
Growing Faith
#omething. It may not (e the #in o' ommi##ion. It may (e the #in o' di#o(ediene. The wrath o' /od and p"ni#hment wi$$ (e the o"tome o' di#o(ediene) +"#t the #ame a# the #in o' 25
ommi##ion. It i# a$$ #in in the #ight o' /od. I' a per#on #tea$#) he i# a thie'. I' he &i$$#) he i# a m"rderer. I' he $ie#) he i# a $iar. I' we #in we m"#t (e a #inner. itt$e hi$dren) the#e thing# write I "nto yo" that ye #in not. We have on'idene 'or the an#wer to o"r prayer i' we do tho#e thing# whih are p$ea#ing in Hi# #ight and &eep Hi# ommandment#.2? o" m"#t &eep Hi# ommandment#. I' we a(ide in Him and Hi# Word a(ide# in "# we wi$$ have 'aith when we pray. Start wor&ing 'or /od and yo"r 'aith wi$$ ome a$ive. Happy i# the man that ondemneth not him#e$' in the thing whih he a$$oweth. 2> It i# a po##i(i$ity that a man may not (e doing anything whih i# a #in and the a"#er o' the (rethren wi$$ ome "p and te$$ him he i# 'ai$ing /od. 9' o"r#e) i' he agree# with the devi$) and admit# that he i# 'ai$ing /od) he wi$$ have a hard time having 'aith and getting the an#wer to hi# prayer#. I' he admit# he i# 'ai$ing /od then he an’t $oo& into the 'ae o' the Father with on'idene and $aim the promi#e#. For e!amp$e) a yo"ng $ady ame to me and to$d me that #he wa# a$$ed to preah and #he o"$dn’t have 'aith 'or her hea$ing "n$e## #he went and preahed. She to$d me that it wa# an impo##i(i$ity 'or her to preah "nder the 25 “... when the 5ord (esus shall be revealed from eaven with is mighty angels, "n flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that they obey not the gos$el of our 5ord (esus *hrist” 6II The#. 17>%8. 2? “%nd whatsoever we ask we receive of im, because we kee$ is commandments, and do those things that are $leasing in is sight.” “%nd this is the confidence that we have in im, that, if we ask anything according to is will, e heareth us& %nd if we know that e hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the $etiti ons that we desired of im” 6I 0ohn 3722: 571@%158. 2> “ast thou faith7 have it to thyself before God. a$$y is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth” 6Rom. 1@7228.
I Don’t Have The Faith
ir"m#tane#. We prayed 'or another $ady who #aid #he o"$dn’t get her hea$ing "n$e## #he p$ayed the g"itar and #"ng and he$d reviva$#. She o"$dn’t ma&e a t"ne on an in#tr"ment. Tho#e &ind o' peop$e wi$$ have to remain #i& or #top $i#tening to the a"#er o' the (rethren. I’m going to ta&e the #tand that /od i# no hard ta#&ma#ter. He wi$$ not $ay on "# more than we an (ear. Hi# ommandment# are not grievo"#. 2 I' we &eep Hi# ommandment# we wi$$ get the an#wer and have 'aith. /$ory Wo"$d yo" te$$ yo"r $itt$e gir$ to do #omething that #he o"$d not do and then whip her (ea"#e #he didn’t do it4 To a"#e /od o' doing that i# to a"#e Him o' (eing wor#e than we are. 9"r Heaven$y Father wi$$ not a#& "# to do anything whih we annot do. I am g$ad o' that. He $ove# "# a# m"h) and more #o) a# we $ove o"r hi$dren.2B There'ore) i' we a(ide in Him and Hi# Word a(ide# in "#) i' we &eep Hi# ommandment#) i' we dwe$$ in the #eret p$ae o' the =o#t High) i' we a(ide in the #hadow o' the A$mighty) then we an do a# ing Hee&iah did. When he wa# on hi# dying (ed with what hi# peop$e tho"ght wa# an in"ra($e di#ea#e) he t"rned to the wa$$ and to$d /od that he had $ived 'or Him) and wanted to (e hea$ed. 3C Ean yo" #ay that4 They are pa##ing $aw# now to ma&e mery &i$$ing $ega$. Three h"ndred mini#ter# in the State o' Gew or& were in 'avor o' that $aw. nder that $aw when a -hy#iian 2 “'or this is the love of God, that we kee$ is commandments# and is commandments are not grievious” 6I 0ohn 5738. 2B “*an a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have com$assion on the son of her womb7 yea, they may forget, yet will " not forget thee” 6I#. @B7158. 3C “Then he turned his face to the wall, and $rayed unto the 5ord, saying, " beseech thee, 8 5ord, remember now how " have walked before thee in truth and with a $erfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. %nd eekiah we$t sore... " have heard thy $rayer, " have seen thy tears& behold, " W"55 E%5 TEE...” 6II ing# 2C72%58.
Growing Faith
prono"ne# a per#on with an in"ra($e di#ea#e they may go ahead and ta&e their $i'e. nder that $aw they may &i$$ a per#on $i&e ing Hee&iah) and the woman with the i##"e o' ($ood) that the -hy#iian# #ent home to die) (ea"#e they o"$d not he$p her.31 They (oth $ived) however) (ea"#e there are no in"ra($e# with /od. /$ory Some #ay they 'ai$ /od every day 6even i' they don’t8 to &eep 'rom e!a$ting them#e$ve#. I' yo" 'ai$ Him every day yo" are a #inner and need to repent. I' yo" don’t 'ai$ Him every day) yo" m"#t not $et the devi$ get yo"r 'aith (y agreeing with him. I &now o' an o$d woman who #aid #he #inned every day. Someone a#&ed her what #he did whih wa# a #in. A'ter #t"dying awhi$e #he #aid that #he did not &now. She wa# a god$y woman) ("t #he tho"ght that wo"$d (e e!a$ting her#e$' to #ay that #he o(eyed /od) #o #he agreed with the devi$. I' yo" 'ai$ /od every day yo" are #inning every day. He that &noweth to do good and doeth it not to him it i# #in. He that ommitteth #in i# o' the devi$. I' any man #in hi# name wi$$ (e ta&en o"t o' the
Do Li'e Enoch ;noh wa# the type o' the rapt"red #aint#. So I an te$$ yo" e!at$y what yo" wi$$ have to do to ma&e the Rapt"re. He 31 “%nd a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, and had suffered many things of many $hysicians, and had s$ent all that she had, and was nothing bett ered, but rathe r grew worse... %nd he said unto her, daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole# go in $eace, and be made whole of thy $lague” 6=&. 5725) 2?) 3@8.
I Don’t Have The Faith
had thi# te#timony that he p$ea#ed /od. He didn’t get "p and te#ti'y that he 'ai$ed /od every day) or #ay that he wanted the peop$e a$$ to pray that he wo"$d ho$d o"t 'aith'"$ to the end. He wa$&ed with /od and had a te#timony that he p$ea#ed /od. -a"$ had a #imi$ar te#timony when He #aid he wanted the ord to ome. He #aid he had 'o"ght a good 'ight. He $e't a te#timony that he had 'ini#hed hi# o"r#e. He #aid a rown o' righteo"#ne## wa# $aid "p 'or him) and 'or everyone who $oved Hi# appearing. Do yo" have a te#timony that yo" have &ept the 'aith4 He wo"$d $oved to have #een the ord oming 'or he wa# ready) (ea"#e he had &ept the 'aith. There i# a di''erene in -a"$’# te#timony and a per#on who #ay# that he 'ai$# /od every day) and ha# $o#t hi# 'aith. /od ha# no re#pet to per#on#. He i# the #ame today. He hange# not.32 He te$$# "# to ontend 'or the 'aith that ;$i+ah) -a"$) and ;noh had. 33 They had a te#timony that they p$ea#ed /od. They didn’t e!a$t them#e$ve# (y #aying that) 'or that wa# no more than their d"ty. A'ter we o(ey /od and do a$$ He (id# "#) we are to #ay we are "npro'ita($e #ervant#. There'ore) $et’# (e 'aith'"$ and we wi$$ have 'aith. Whatever i# not o' 'aith i# #in. 3@ /et rid o' that e!"#e and get yo"r hea$ing
Faith Is (i%p)e Don’t try to ma&e #omething hard o"t o' 'aith. I heard that a man wa# $oo&ing thro"gh a te$e#ope 'or a worm. He wa# $oo&ing away o'' and #training hi# eye#. Someone #aid) *don’t (e #i$$y) the worm i# right $o#e to yo"r eye#., So 'aith 32 “'or " am the 5ord, " change not...” 6=a$. 37?8. 33 “!eloved when " gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints” 60"de 38. 3@ “%nd he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith& for whatsoever is not of faith is sin” 6Rom. 1@7238.
Growing Faith
i# #o #imp$e peop$e try to ma&e #omething hard o"t o' it. A# I wa# writing the#e $ine# my 'o"r%year%o$d (oy ame r"nning to me #aying) *Daddy) yo" remem(er what yo" #aid: yo" #aid that i' I wo"$d go to #$eep and (e a good (oy at h"rh $a#t night yo" wo"$d give me a ni&e$. /ive it to me: yo" #aid yo" wo"$d., He had on'idene in me that I wa# tr"th'"$. There'ore) I did not want to (etray hi# on'idene. So I gave him the ni&e$. What got it4 He reminded me o' my word. I' he had (een a mean (oy at h"rh he o"$d not have reminded me o' what I #aid) a# he wo"$d not have met the ondition. He had on'idene that he wo"$d get the ni&e$ 'or he &ept my ommandment# and did that whih wa# p$ea#ing in my #ight. That i# the on'idene that 9"r Heaven$y Father want# "# to have in Him. When we remind Him o' Hi# Word) and te$$ Him we have met the ondition) and do it with per'et on'idene) then He i# o($igated to an#wer and He wi$$ an#wer) 'or it i# impo##i($e 'or Him to $ie. 35 I' yo" had never to$d yo"r $itt$e gir$ a $ie) and to$d her that yo" had (o"ght her a do$$ 'or Ehri#tma#) #he wo"$d "ndo"(ted$y #ay) */"e## what =other (o"ght me 'or Ehri#tma#a do$$, She wo"$d do that (e'ore the do$$ wa# pre#ented. 9h) that we wo"$d (e$ieve o"r Heaven$y Father’# Word $i&e that in#tead o' te$$ing a$$ the peop$e in town that we have no 'aith in Hi# Word or promi#e# Who i# to ($ame i' yo" don’t have 'aith4 I' I $oan yo" my ar one per wee&) or one per month) yo" overha"$ it and 'i! theit(ody. I' I"p give wo"$d yo" mynot arordinari$y to &eep) then yo" wi$$ overha"$ and 'i! the (ody. I' yo" +"#t $oan yo"r#e$' to /od one eah S"nday) or one eah reviva$) and re#erve the re#t o' the time 'or yo"r #e$'i#h de#ire# to on#"me on yo"r own $"#t#) then don’t 35 “... in which is was im$ossible for God to lie...” 6He(. ?718.
I Don’t Have The Faith
e!pet Him to overha"$) or re'i$$ yo") or 'i! "p yo"r (ody. 3? That i# the who$e thing in a n"t#he$$ I' o"r heart ondemn "# not we have 'aith. -re#ent yo"r#e$') yo"r (ody) a# a $iving #ari'ie) ho$y) and aepta($e to /od. He wi$$ 'i! "p that whih (e$ong# to Him. <"t Hi# g$ory He wi$$ not give to another. 3> He i# +ea$o"# over yo" when yo" "#e yo"r (ody 'or other thing# +"#t a# yo" are over yo"r wi'e when #he give# her attention to other# in#tead o' yo".
Can*t You Be)ieve Go"& Faith i# (e$ieving /od and ta&ing Him at Hi# Word. et there are #o many peop$e who go aro"nd over town te$$ing peop$e they an’t (e$ieve /od. I# that very m"h adverti#ement 'or Him. Wi$$ that e!a$t Him4 0"#t what do yo" thin& He thin How do yo" thin& He 'ee$# when we ta$& that way4 9h) don’t yo" thin& He wo"$d 'ee$ m"h (etter i' we wo"$d go aro"nd over town and te$$ the peop$e who do not &now /od) and other# a$#o) that we (e$ieve everything that the ord #ay#4 A'ter a$$) it i# not a "e#tion i' we have the 'aith) ("t the "e#tion i#) do yo" thin& He i# tr"th'"$4 Do yo" thin& He i# hone#t. Hi# Word i# either the tr"th or it i# a $ie. It i# impo##i($e 'or Him to $ie. There'ore) we #ho"$d te$$ everyone we meet that we (e$ieve /od) that we 'ind Him tr"th'"$) and there i# no do"(t ("t what Hi# Word i# tr"th. Thi# way we wo"$d ("i$d 'aith in#tead o' tearing down 'aith. 0"#t how wo"$d yo"r h"#(and 'ee$ i' yo" to$d everyone 3? “" beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye $resent your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acce$table unto God, which is your reasonable service” 6Rom. 12718. “9e ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it u$on your own lusts” 60a#. @738. 3> “" am the 5ord& that is my name& and my glory will " not give to another , neither my $raise to graven images” 6I#. @278.
Growing Faith
over town yo" meet "p with) that yo" wi#h yo" o"$d (e$ieve him. S"ppo#e I wo"$d hear yo" #aying thi#) *I wi#h I o"$d (e$ieve my h"#(and. I have tried and tried #o hard to (e$ieve him) ("t I +"#t an’t., I wo"$d 'orm the opinion very #oon that yo" had a $iar 'or a h"#(and. o" o"$dn’t tr"#t him. He m"#t (e "ntr"e to yo". o" m"#t have tried him over and over) and he ha# $ied to yo" #o m"h yo" have gotten to the p$ae that yo" an’t depend on anything he #ay# anymore. -ro(a($y he i# a dr"n&ard and a $iar) or a heat. Gow i' I wo"$d draw that opinion o' yo"r h"#(and (y hearing yo" ma&e #"h #tatement# a(o"t him) what opinion do peop$e 'orm o' /od) who have never &nown Him) i' yo" ma&e p"($i the #tatement that yo" wi#h yo" o"$d (e$ieve Him ("t +"#t an’t. They thin& He ha# (een "n'air in Hi# dea$ing#) or at $ea#t they are not entied to ome and tr"#t in the ord. 3 et’# (e are'"$ not to in#"$t /od $i&e that) 'or the way #pirit"a$ $aw# 6that (ring "# ($e##ing and an#wer#8 operate i# on o"r on'idene in Him. Go wonder that He p"t# the "n(e$iever# with the m"rderer# and ad"$terer# and a$$ the (ad peop$e. 3B n(e$ie' i# o' the devi$ and /od i# again#t it. That i# the rea#on /od #ay# that he that (e$ieveth not #ha$$ (e damned.@C He '"rther #ay# he that (e$ieveth not /od) ha# made Him a $iar. @1 He wi$$ not wor& 'or "# when we ma&e Him a $iar. I have never $ied to my wi'e. And #he ha# no rea#on 'or 3 “'or " am 6ealous over you with godly 6ealou sy& for " have es$oused you to one husband, that " may $resent you as a chaste virgin to *hrist” 6II Eor. 11728 3B “... how that the 5ord having saved the $eo$ le out of the land of Egy$t, afterward destroyed them that believed not” 60"de 58. “!ut the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and the whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their $art in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone& which is the second death” 6Rev. 2178. @C “... but he that believeth not shall be damned” 6=&. 1?71?8. @1 “e that believeth on the )on of God hath the witness in himself& he that believeth not God hath made im a liar#...” 6I 0ohn 571C8.
I Don’t Have The Faith
not (e$ieving me. I' I wo"$d go to her today and te$$ her that I had (o"ght and paid 'or a new oat down at a ertain #tore) and te$$ her to get it whi$e #he i# in town) I (e$ieve #he wo"$d go in and a#& 'or the oat witho"t 'ee$ing that #he wo"$d (e denied the oat) or (e em(arra##ed when #he a#&ed 'or her new oat. I (e$ieve that (e'ore #he reahed town #he wo"$d te$$ her $ady 'riend# #he met on the #treet) *I have a new oat down at that #tore) and I m"#t go (y a'ter it., Gow i' my wi'e ha# on'idene $i&e that in me why #ho"$dn’t we have on'idene in o"r &ind) tr"th'"$) Heaven$y Father4 et’# te$$ peop$e that o"r hea$ing i# (o"ght and paid 'or) and it i# o"r#. I' my wi'e #aid #he had a new oat (e'ore #he #aw it on the gro"nd# that it wa# paid 'or) then we an #ay that we have o"r hea$ing on the gro"nd# that it i# paid 'or) even (e'ore we #ee it. I o"$d go a #tep '"rther and #ay I give a reeipt to my wi'e where I paid 'or the oat. The merhant’# name i# #igned meaning that the oat wa# paid 'or in '"$$. How an #he &eep 'rom (e$ieving4 I' #he wo"$d (e$ieve in me why #ho"$d we not (e$ieve in /od4 -hi$ippian# @71B i# a $ear reeipt that we have a$$ we need.@2 I#aiah 5375 i# a reeipt that o"r hea$ing i# paid 'or. Fir#t -eter 272@ i# a reeipt that o"r hea$ing i#) *-aid in F"$$.,@3 e#) a$$ my wi'e m"#t do i# to +"#t go a'ter the oat. I' #he (e$ieve# it i# there #he wi$$ go a'ter it. There'ore) a$$ we m"#t do i# go a'ter o"r hea$ing. I' yo" rea$$y (e$ieve /od) yo" wi$$ ome a'ter(e$ieve it. o"/od. wi$$ o" not go aro"nd te$$ing peop$e yo" +"#t an’t wi$$ not #ay) *I am goingthat to go "p @2 “!ut my God shall su$$ly all your needs according to his riches in glory by *hrist (esus” 6-hi$. @71B8. @3 “!ut e was wounded for our transgressions, e was bruised for our ini:uities& the chastisement of our $eace was u$on im# and with is stri$es we are healed” 6I#. 53758. “Who is own self bare our sins in is own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness& by whose stri$es ye were healed” 6I -eter 272@8.
Growing Faith
there and #ee i' I get anything., o" wi$$ not #ay) *I' it i# 'or me) I want it., o" wi$$ #ay) *I am going a'ter my hea$ing., And yo" wi$$ arry it (a& with yo". /$ory
You Have Faith in +ther Things When yo" #tart to town) and it i# raining) yo" #tep on yo"r #tarter) and then yo" t"rn on the wind#hie$d wiper. I' it i# night time yo" t"rn on the $ight#. I' it i# o$d yo" t"rn on the heater and de'ro#ter. o" wo"$dn’t t"rn any o' the#e thing# on i' yo" had no 'aith in them. o" wo"$d $eave them o''. And yo" wo"$dn’t even #tart to town. So have a# m"h 'aith in yo"r Heaven$y Father a# yo" do in yo"r o$d ar. T"rn on the power.
I Don’t Have The Faith
h"ndred do$$ar# down to the -o#t 9''ie. Then yo" hand it over to the -o#t =a#ter and te$$ him that yo" want to #end a money order to #ome ompany to ("y #omething. Do yo" thin& n$e Sam i# tr"th'"$ eno"gh to ta&e are o' yo"r one h"ndred do$$ar#4 o" have 'aith in a tho"#and way# in n$e Sam or yo" wo"$dn’t ta&e hi# promi#e# in money order# or paper money. The trea#"ry o' the .S.A. an go (ro&e. 9"r Heaven$y
Growing Faith
Imagine a 'armer #rathing hi# #eed "p every day to #ee i' he (e$ieve# they are going to ome "p. That i# $i&e yo" (eing prayed 'or and worrying and trying to (e$ieve He ha# #ent Hi# Word and hea$ed yo". Tr"#t the imperi#ha($e a# yo" wo"$d the peri#ha($e. The main rea#on that /od wi$$ not wor& where there i# "n(e$ie' i# that "n(e$ie' i# a$way# o' the devi$. There i# not m"h o' /od where there i# "n(e$ie' in a per#on’# heart. @? We have #een there i# 'aith in a per#on’# heart when he i# +"#t right with /od. We a$#o #ee in 0"de and Reve$ation# 2C that "n(e$iever# are $a##ed with the wor#t peop$e and wi$$ go to the a&e o'a$#o Fireread with=ar& the wor#t $a##ito'p$ain$y #inner#. There'ore) we #ho"$d 1? where #ay#) thro"gh in#piration) that he that (e$ieveth not #ha$$ (e damned. @> In the 'ae o' a$$ thi# I thin& it wo"$d (e wi#e 'or "# to reognie the #o"re o' thi# "n(e$ie' whih i# a"#ing "# not to have 'aith) and do #omething a(o"t it. What m"#t we do a(o"t it i' we have "n(e$ie' in o"r heart#4 0"#t (e hone#t a(o"t it) and #ay) *ord I (e$ieve: he$p @
Tho" my "n(e$ie'., Then thro"gh the mighty anointing o' the Ho$y /ho#t the #ervant# o' /od an gather aro"nd yo" and a#t the "n(e$ieving and do"(ting #pirit# o"t o' yo" and yo" wi$$ (e 'ree. The rea#on I am ma&ing thi# #o p$ain i# (ea"#e we 'ir#t have to rea$ie o"r need o' /od (e'ore we wi$$ on'e## and get he$p 'rom /od. I' we on'e## o"r #in# He i# 'aith'"$ and +"#t to 'orgive o"r #in# and $ean#e "# 'rom a$$ "nrighteo"#ne##. There are noti#many are hone#t eno"gh to on'e## that "n(e$ie' o' thepeop$e devi$: who there'ore) they #eem to thin& it i# @? “%nd e saith unto them, Why are ye so fearful, 8 ye of little faith7 Then e arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea# and there was a great calm” 6=att. 72?8. @> “!ut he that believeth not shall be damned” 6=&. 1?71?(8. @ “%nd straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears. 5ord " believe# hel$ thou mine unbelief” 6=&. B72@8.
I Don’t Have The Faith
an honor to go aro"nd and te$$ the poor peop$e who want to tr"#t /od that they do not have the 'aith. Tr"$y it honor# no one ("t #atan to ma&e #"h remar&#.
Go" !evea)s Hi%se), to Faith Jery o'ten #omeone ome# aro"nd) who i# very ea$o"# 'or the ord) and #ay# #omething $i&e thi#7 *I wi#h yo" wo"$d pray 'or a ertain Kin"ra($e’ down in a ertain #etion o' town. They are a$$ "n(e$iever#. I' /od wo"$d +"#t hea$ him to #how them He an They wo"$d a$$ (e$ieve in /od then., In the 'ir#t p$ae /od doe# not revea$ Him#e$' to "n(e$ie'. He revea$# Him#e$' to 'aith. He re'"#e# to wor& 'or the one# who ma&e Him a $iar. We are #"ppo#ed to (e$ieve the Word o' /od. The wor$d #ay#) *#how me and I wi$$ (e$ieve., The ord #ay#) *
Growing Faith
n(e$ie' wi$$ not do that) 'or "n(e$ie' i# o' the devi$. A man ame "p to me rying a# I wa# wor&ing in a ("ther #hop. I wa# #orry 'or the man. I a#&ed him what hi# tro"($e wa#. He to$d me that hi# (oy had (een given "p to die. Hi# (oy had (een #ent to #evera$ ho#pita$# ("t they a$$ #ent him home to die) #tating that he had t"mor o' the (rain whih wo"$d eat thro"gh the $a#t ti##"e# any min"te. The $onge#t any o' them gave him to $ive wa# 'ive month# and he might go anytime. He had (een to the #tate ho#pita$ 'or nervo"# di#ea#e#. et) no one o"$d do him any good. He had a# high a# twenty%#i! epi$epti 'it# in one night. And it too& 'ive men to ho$d him on the (ed even tho"gh he wa# very #$im) and wea&. He wa# "non#io"# at the time hi# dad ame and to$d hi# #tory to me. He wo"$d get "p in the midd$e o' the night with a #hot%g"n to &i$$ him#e$'. He had (een &nown to get on top o' a high ho"#e and +"mp o''. An evi$ #pirit wa# in him trying to &i$$ him. I to$d the man that hi# (oy wa# a (a&#$ider) and i' he wo"$d repent and get right with /od/od wo"$d hea$ him. He went on down the #treet rying. He #aid that no one o"$d (a&#$ide. And (e#ide# that he #aid the day# o' mira$e# were pa#t. I went to vi#it thi# man’# #on. He wa# "non#io"#. He did not &now when I got there. Hi# wi'e prayed with me (e#ide hi# (ed. Her hope# #eemed to (e a$$ gone. The ne!t evening when I got o'' 'rom wor& and went (y the ho"#e) he wa# ready to go to h"rh. He ame 'orward to (e prayed 'or. Whi$e we were praying 'or him he went into one o' hi# #pe$$# and $oo&ed $i&e he wo"$d die. The devi$ wa# a#t o"t and we got the vitory thro"gh the <$ood o' 0e#"# Ehri#t. A(o"t 'ive year# have gone (y and thi# man ha# never had another 'it a# I &now o'. <"t #ti$$ hi# dad i# '"$$ o'
I Don’t Have The Faith
"n(e$ie') and #ay# he doe#n’t (e$ieve in hea$ing. He #ay# it wo"$d have happened anyway. I o"$d re$ate h"ndred# o' a#e# where peop$e #aid i' peop$e wi$$ get hea$ed or reeive the Ho$y /ho#t they wi$$ (e$ieve it: ("t a'ter it happened they ontin"ed on in "n(e$ie'. There'ore) the 'ir#t #tep 'or them i# to repent and get right with /od) and get the "n(e$ie' a#t o"t) and then they wi$$ have 'aith. The on$y rea#on I mention thi# i# to #how yo" why /od mani'e#t# Him#e$' to 'aith. He want# the g$ory. Hi# g$ory He wi$$ not give to another. The &ind o' 'aith /od $i&e# to #ee i# #imi$ar to the &ind yo" $i&e to #ee. o"r $itt$e gir$ hear# yo" #ay that yo" have (o"ght her a do$$ 'or Ehri#tma#. She +"mp# "p and down. She te$$# a$$ her gir$ 'riend# that #he got a new do$$ 'or Ehri#tma#. i#ten at her ta$& Ehri#tma# ;ve. She ha# not #een the do$$ yet) ("t what i# #he #aying4 *=other (o"ght me a new do$$) goody) goody /"e## what I got 'or Ehri#tma# I got a new do$$., She ha#n’t #een the do$$ yet. A# the ho"r ome# 'or the do$$ to (e p"t on the tree) or pre#ented) #he +"mp# "p and down and #ho"t#) *I’m an!io"# to #ee my new do$$ =other (o"ght 'or me. 9h there i# my new do$$, Wo"$d yo" di#appoint the gir$4 Go) a tho"#and time# no And the ord $ove# yo" a# m"h and more #o) a# yo" $ove yo"r $itt$e gir$. He want# yo" to have that &ind o' on'idene in Hi# Word. What i' yo"r $itt$e gir$ wo"$d go a$$ over town and te$$ a$$ yo"r 'riend# #omething $i&e thi#4 *=other #aid #he wo"$d ("y me a do$$. <"t I an’t (e$ieve her. I wi#h #he wa# tr"th'"$. She might ome to the tree to get the do$$. She might #ee the do$$ on the tree. <"t i' #he did not even (e$ieve yo" wo"$d &eep yo"r word) #he wo"$d pro(a($y #ay) *there i# a do$$ on
Growing Faith
the tree ("t I &now it i# not mine: it i# my $itt$e o"#in’# do$$., I' #he rea$$y didn’t (e$ieve yo" wo"$d ("y the do$$ or &eep yo"r word) #he wo"$d a$ready (e gone when the do$$ wa# ready to (e given away. That i# +"#t a pit"re o' #omeone #ee&ing hea$ing. I' yo" rea$$y don’t (e$ieve /od wi$$ do what He #ay#: i' yo" an’t (e$ieve /od) then yo" wi$$ not wait "nti$ the hea$ing i# mani'e#ted (ea"#e yo" don’t (e$ieve Him. o" are gone when the an#wer ome#. A'ter a$$) 'aith that i# #een i# not 'aith. A'ter yo" #ee it) it ea#e# to (e 'aith right then. /od de$ight# in "# (e$ieving Hi# Word: $et’# not ma&e Him a $iar.
Count Hea)ing in the -ast A'ter yo" pray 'or #omething and (e$ieve that yo" reeive it) o"nt it done. A# $ong a# yo" o"nt it in the '"t"re that i# not the 'aith that get# thing# 'rom /od. A(raham wa$&ed aro"nd hi# o$d 'arm prai#ing /od (ea"#e /od had given him a #on #evera$ year# (e'ore he #aw the #on. He #aid) */od ha# given me a #on.’’ Why o"$d he #ay that4 Why4 Didn’t /od my that4 S"re. /od #aid) *A(raham) I have given yo" a #on., He didn’t #ee the #on. <"t (ea"#e he (e$ieved /od it wa# o"nted "nto Him 'or righteo"#ne##.51 Faith i# not gained (y (egging or #tr"gg$ing. That hinder# yo"r 'aith. Tr"e 'aith i# a #"re 'o"ndation. I' we wi$$ aept the promi#e# o' /od) (e$ieve Hi# Word) and at (e$ieve a# i' it i# tr"e) ma&e them not mere$y that Hethen wi$$)/od ("t wi$$ (e$ieve that He tr"e. doe# Do do it now) and (e$ieve that He (egin# the wor& o' hea$ing in yo"r (ody.
51 “'or what saith the scri$ture7 %braham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness” 6Rom. @758.
I Don’t Have The Faith
Faith Is Courage Witho"t a ertain amo"nt o' o"rage yo" annot do a thing. Witho"t o"rage yo" annot p"t yo"r #hoe# on) or wa#h yo"r 'ae in the morning) $et a$one go to wor&. Ge!t to the wor#t thing in the wor$d i# a rea$ di#o"raged man who ha# no o"rage to try anything. Di#o"ragement i# the (e#t too$ the devi$ ha#. It wa# Sp"rgeon who went #evera$ mi$e# into the o"ntry to an o$d 'arm ho"#e to get a $e##on 'rom the Gightinga$e. The night wa# #o dar& and #tormy thi# noted preaher had deided (irdto wo"$d not (ird appear at the in window. A(o"to'the time he the #tarted (ed the appeared the midd$e the #torm. At midnight when the #torm wa# at it# wor#t he heard the #ong #tart. It thri$$ed the preaher’# very heart. He got o"t o' (ed and #$ipped "iet$y to the window. There wa# the $itt$e (ird in a thorn ("#h) with it# (rea#t again#t a thorn) #inging a# i' it# heart wo"$d (rea&. =r. Sp"rgeon got down on hi# &nee# right there and to$d /od to he$p him to have that m"h 'aith. 9'ten in hi# #ermon# 'rom then on he wo"$d (e heard #aying) *Faith i# the nightinga$e o' the Ehri#tian grae#., Regard$e## o' the do"(t aro"nd yo" &eep tr"#ting. The promi#e# o' 0e#"# i# 'or yo". o" are the hi$d He $ove#. Tr"#t in Him. Have on'idene in Him) and He wi$$ give yo" the de#ire# o' yo"r heart.
How to Get Faith =any #ee& hea$ing (e'ore they &now eno"gh o' the Word o' /od to reate 'aith. Faith ome# (y hearing and hearing (y the Word o' /od. There i# a #tate yo" an get in (y hearing eno"gh o' the promi#e# o' /od to (e ertain o' yo"r hea$ing
Growing Faith
(e'ore yo" are prayed 'or. o" an (e prayed 'or (e'ore yo" reeive eno"gh o' the Word and i' yo" 'ai$ to get yo"r hea$ing it wi$$ #tagger yo"r 'aith. o" wi$$ a$way# $oo& to yo"r pa#t 'ai$"re# when yo" #tart to (e prayed 'or. There'ore) get a$$ the promi#e# yo" an. A#& /od to e#peia$$y revea$ one to yo". Stand on that promi#e and "ote it to the devi$ when yo" 'ee$ a #ymptom. Another tran#$ation o' He(rew# 171 i#7 “'aith is the title;deed to the unseen things we ho$e for.” <1 I' I give yo" a deed to a 'arm and mar& it *paid in '"$$), and yo" have it reorded aording to $aw) that p$ae i# #o m"h yo"r# yo" an #e$$ it (e'ore yo" ever #ee it. o" have on'idene in the government #o m"h yo" wo"$d a$$ the p$ae yo"r# (e'ore yo" #aw it. The Gew Te#tament i# the tit$e%deed to yo"r hea$ing. Don’t yo" (e$ieve /od a# m"h a# yo" do me or the government4
Your Faith Can Grow We have a$ready mentioned that yo"r 'aith an grow. <"t I want to mention one again how yo" an go 'rom 'aith to 'aith.53 o" 'ir#t have nat"ra$ 'aith. o" have dead 'aith. o" have $ive 'aith. o" have $itt$e 'aith. o" have ommon 'aith. How an yo"r 'aith grow4 Read 0"de 2C. 5@ 9ne way to ("i$d "p yo"r 'aith i# to pray in the Ho$y /ho#t. See how -a"$ did thi# to edi'y him#e$'. 55 That wi$$ ("i$d o"r 'aith. Do 52 “+ow faith is the substance of things ho$ed for, the evidence of things not seen.” 6He(. 11718. 53 “'or therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith& as it is written, the 6ust shall live by faith” 6Rom. 171>8. 5@ “!ut ye, beloved, building u$ yourselves on your most holy faith, $raying in the oly Ghost” 60"de 2C8. 55 “e that s$eaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself# but he that $ro$hesieth edifieth the church... 6I Eor. 1@7@8. What is it then7 " will $ray with the )$i rit, and " will $ray with the unde rstanding also.. .” 6I Eor. 1@7158 6Ge!t ver#e #how# that when a per#on pray#) #ing#) or prai#e# in the Spirit
I Don’t Have The Faith
thi# d"ring yo"r #pare ho"r# and yo"’$$ have the gi't o' 'aith.
The -rayer o, Faith o" #ay yo" don’t have the 'aith. I' yo" had the 'aith yo" wo"$d not have to a#& anyone to pray 'or yo". That i# the rea#on that yo" a$$ 'or #omeone to ome and pray 'or yo". That i# the rea#on yo" go to other 'o$& to (e prayed 'or) (ea"#e yo" do not have the 'aith. Don’t depend on yo"r 'aith. 9ne there were 'o"r men who (ro"ght a #i& man to 0e#"#. When 0e#"# #aw their 'aith He to$d him to ari#e and ta&e "p hi# (ed and wa$&. 5? 0e#"# #aw their 'aith. He wi$$ honor 'aith wherever He #ee# it. 9ne there wa# a Go($eman who ame to the ord. He prayed that hi# #on wo"$d (e a$right. 5> We have no reord that the #on &new anything a(o"t it (e'ore he wa# hea$ed. 9ne there wa# a no($eman who ame to the ord. He prayed that ord to have mery on her da"ghter 'or #he wa# ve!ed with the devi$. She h"m($ed her#e$' and &ept praying. Fina$$y 0e#"# to$d her that #he had great 'aith. 5 Her da"ghter wa# made who$e. The woman prayed thro"gh 'or her da"ghter. We have no reord that the da"ghter &new anything a(o"t it at a$$. He ommended the woman’# 'aith. it i# in the "n&nown tong"e.8 6There i# no re#trition on #pea&ing in tong"e# e!ept teahing peop$e witho"t an interpreter. 6v5 v$B8. There i# no re#trition on praying or #inging) or prai#ing in tong"e#. It ("i$d# yo"r 'aith8. -a"$ did $ot# o' hi# #pea&ing i# tong"e# in #eret or he o"$dn’t have #po&en in tong"e# more than them a$$ 6v. 1B8 6v. 18. Go wonder he wa# rewarded open$y 6=att. ?7?8. 5? “When (esus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the $alsy. )on thy sins be forgiven thee... %rise and take u$ thy bed, and go thy way into thine house” 6=&. 275) 118. 5> “(esus saith unto him, Go thy way, thy son liveth. %nd the 4an believed the word that (esus had s$oken unto him, and he went his way” 60ohn @75C8. 5 “Then (esus answered and said unto her, 8 woman, great is thy faith# be it unto thee even as thy wilt. %nd her daughter was made whole from that hour” 6=att. 15728.
Growing Faith
We o"$d re$ate one in#tane a'ter another where (a(ie#) or in#ane peop$e) have (een hea$ed. It ta&e# the 'aith o' other# mo#t$y when peop$e who have (een dea' and d"m( a$$ their $i'e) are hea$ed. 0"#t remem(er in 0ame# 'ive) the ord #aid 'or the #i& to #end 'or the e$der# o' the h"rh and $et them pray over him anointing him with oi$ in the name o' the ord. The prayer o' 'aith wo"$d #ave the #i& and the ord wo"$d rai#e him "p. 5B I' he had 'aith eno"gh he wo"$d not need to a$$ 'or the e$der#. That #ett$e# it one and 'or a$$. The prayer o' 'aith #ha$$ #ave the #i&. The ord #ha$$ rai#e him "p. Whoever pray# the prayer o' 'aith get# the re#"$t#. <"t yo" need a $itt$e 'aith. Have 'aith in the per#on who i# praying that he an pray the prayer o' 'aith. Have 'aith eno"gh to ome and (e prayed 'or. Have 'aith eno"gh to o(ey /od when He #pea&# to yo" to do #omething. Then yo" #ha$$ #ee it ome to pa##.
The (ixth (ense We &now that the 'ive #en#e# are to"h) ta#te) #me$$) #ight) and hearing. <"t 'aith i# the #i!th #en#e. o" (e$ieve thing# (e'ore yo" #ee them. I' yo" (e$ieve it then yo" wi$$ #ee it. et’# "#e 'or e!amp$e the "ai$# that /od #ent the hi$dren o' I#rae$. S"ppo#e they got down on their &nee# and prayed 'or them. They prayed "nti$ they 'e$t the a##"rane that they wo"$d ome. That i# 'aith. They &new they were oming) 'or they 'e$t the witne##. That i# 'aith. Then they $oo&ed "p and #aw them oming. In another ha$' min"te they reahed "p and a"ght #ome. They 'e$t them. Then they p"t them on the 'ire and #tarted to oo& them. They (egan to #me$$ them. When they were done they ate them. They ta#ted 5B “%nd the $ray er of faith shall save the sick, and the 5ord shall raise him u$...” 60ame# 57158
I Don’t Have The Faith
them. There we have a$$ #i! #en#e#. 0"#t (ea"#e they had not yet ta#ted them that wa# no proo' they were not there) 'or they #me$$ed them. 0"#t (ea"#e they o"$d not #me$$ them wa# no #ign they were not there) 'or they had 'e$t them. 0"#t a min"te (e'ore then) (ea"#e they had not 'e$t them wa# no #ign they were not there) 'or they had heard them. 0"#t (e'ore then) (ea"#e they had not yet heard them wa# no proo' they were not (eing #ent (y the ord) 'or they #aw them. 0"#t (e'ore then) (ea"#e they didn’t #ee them wa# no proo' that /od wa# not #ending them 'or they had the a##"rane in their #o"$#) whih wa# the o' thing# hoped 'or and the evidene o' thing# not#"(#tane #een. ?C They were #tanding on the Word o' /od) whih wa# (etter proo' than any o' their other 'ive #en#e#. There'ore) yo" #ee i' yo" have 'aith it i# #"re$y oming. 0"#t (ea"#e yo" don’t #ee it with yo"r eye# i# no proo' it i# not oming) 'or /od #aid ($e##ed i# he that (e$ieveth 'or he #ha$$ #ee. Faith i# no more 'aith a'ter yo" #ee what 'aith reahe# o"t 'or. The min"te yo" #ee it) it hange# 'rom 'aith to #ight. There'ore) when yo" (e$ieve) wait "nti$ yo" #ee it. Don’t try to #ee it (e'ore yo" (e$ieve. That i# having /od’# program (a&ward. Some even want to 'ee$ it (e'ore they "#e the #i!th #en#e o' (e$ieving) a# /od’# Word ommand# "# to do.?1 et’# a#& /od 'or the #i!th #en#e. When a per#on i# witho"t one o' the 'ive #en#e# they are not a$$ there. They are part$y dead. are the not $i&e intend# 'ornot them to (e. when we areThey witho"t #i!th/od #en#e we are at o"r #e$'So #pirit"a$$y. -ray 'or the #i!th #en#e. ?C “+ow faith is the substance of things ho$ed for, the evidence of things not seen” 6He(. 11718. ?1 “%nd blessed is she that believed& for there shall be a $erformance of those things which were told her of the 5ord” 6"&e 17@58.
Growing Faith
S"ppo#e yo" $ive in a ave whih i# one h"ndred perent dar&: i' yo" have no $ight 'or ten year#) yo" wo"$d $o#e yo"r vi#ion. o" wo"$d (e a# ($ind a# yo" o"$d (e when yo" ame o"t. So i' yo" do not "#e the #i!th #en#e 'or awhi$e yo" wi$$ $o#e it. Faith witho"t wor&# i# dead (eing a$one.?2 =any time# yo" an pray in the Ho$y /ho#t and /od wi$$ drop the gi't o' 'aith right down in yo"r heart. ?3 o" wi$$ have the a##"rane) or the #i!th #en#e) (e'ore yo" #ee. Then it wi$$ #"re$y ome to pa##.
The Fina) (tep A# #omeone ha# #aid) *it’# $i&e the marriage eremony when yo" (ring yo"r a#e to /od. It i# #igna$iing and #ea$ing a great tran#ation.,
?2 “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone” 60ame# 271>8. ?3 “To another faith by the same )$irit# to another gifts of healing by the same )$irit” 6I Eor. 127B8. 6See note @8. ?@ “!ut without faith it is im$ossible to $lease him& for he that cometh to God must believe that e is, and that e is a rewarder of them that diligently seek im” 6He(. 117?8.
Chapter II .
I #% !eaping /hat I (owe"
We$$) i' the Devi$ an’t ome at "# one way) he wi$$ another. Thi# e!"#e i# hard$y worth on#idering: ("t we wi$$ ta&e "p +"#t a $itt$e #pae with it. For there are peop$e who wi$$ "#e thi# 'aith%de#troying e!"#e. ;ven i' they do not #ay it with their mo"th# they wi$$ have it in their mind#. o" may never &now it) ("t they wi$$ ($ame them#e$ve# with their a''$ition# (y #aying they are reaping what they #owed. They thin& that i# the way to (e h"m($e. <"t the way to (e h"m($e) a# we have $earned) i# to reeive yo"r hea$ing) and #top ma&ing /od o"t a $iar.
/e #re a 0ew Creature I' the
Growing Faith
($ood o' 0e#"# too& them away., The Devi$ had to '$ee. The Devi$ wi$$ '$ee every time i' yo" wi$$ "ote a #ript"re to him. 9"r #in# are removed a# 'ar 'rom "# a# the ea#t i# 'rom the we#t. We are no $onger he$d ao"nta($e 'or them. Si&ne## i# the re#"$t o' #in. /od doe# not ho$d "# re#pon#i($e 'or it. ?5
# (inner’s Excuse What wo"$d yo" do i' yo" were trying to get a #inner to reeive #a$vation and he wo"$d p"t "p that e!"#e4 Imagine him #aying7 *I #ay# an’tthat get #aved I have (een very wi&ed) and the 8: 6I#. @37258: 6-#. 1C3712 8: 6At# 371B8) et. ?? “Thou shall sow, but thou shall not rea$...” 6=iah ?7158.
I Am Reaping What I Sowed
reap. A per#on an #ow and another an reap. There'ore) yo" wi$$ not have to reap what yo" have #own i' yo" wi$$ (eome a Ehri#tian. /od #aid we wo"$d have to meet every word we #ay at the 0"dgment. <"t He a$#o te$$# "# that we an #end it on (e'ore "#) #o we wi$$ not have to meet it. It an (e ($otted o"t where it wi$$ not (e on o"r reord.
/or's Both /ays I' yo"r arg"ment i# tr"e a Ehri#tian an never (e $o#t. When a Ehri#tian #ow# good #eed when he i# yo"ng he wi$$ have to reap that #eed when he get# o$d. So he o"$d never (e $o#t. That i# not aording to #ript"re. et "# $oo& into the 'at#. The ord #ay# i' a #inner t"rn# 'rom hi# #in# and doe# righteo"#ne## he wi$$ $ive. We &now that. In the #ame #ript"re he #ay# that i' a righteo"# man t"rn# 'rom hi# righteo"#ne##) and ommit# ini"ity 'or that ini"ity he ommit# he wi$$ die 'or it) and hi# righteo"#ne## wi$$ never (e remem(ered anymore.?> The ord te$$# "# in #o many p$ae# that a Ehri#tian an get to the p$ae where it wo"$d “have been better if he had never known the way of righteousness.” A (rother an #in a #in "nto death. A Ehri#tian an 'a$$ away) ommit the "npardona($e #in) get pa#t 'ee$ing#) have a repro(ate mind) ?> “!ut if the wicked turn from his sins that he hath committed, and kee$ all my which is lawfulthat and he right, shall surely live, hestatutes, shall notand %llthat his transgressions hathhe committed, they shall not be remembered unto him& in his righteousness that he has done he shall live... !ut again when the wicked man turneth from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.3 !ut when the righteous turne th away from his righteousness, and committeth ini:uity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live7 %ll his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned... and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die” 6;e&. 1721%2@8.
Growing Faith
reeive a de$"#ion) have their on#iene #eared) or get a #ed"ing #pirit.? It i# po##i($e to #ow wheat and reap thorn#. ?B That happen# when a righteo"# man t"rn# 'rom hi# righteo"#ne## and ommit# #in. I' that i# tr"e) it i# a$#o tr"e that we an #ow thorn# and reap wheat. There'ore a wi&ed man) i' he aept# 0e#"#) an enter into the harve#t 'or whih other# have $a(ored) and not have to reap what he #ow#. >C In the #ame #ript"re whih #ay# we wi$$ reap what we #ow -a"$ goe# on to e!p$ain in d"e #ea#on we wi$$ reap what we #ow) i' we 'aint not. In other word# a per#on who 'aint#) and #top# wor&ing 'or /od) wi$$ not reap what he #ow#. I' that i# tr"e) it i# a$#o tr"e that yo" an #top wor&ing 'or the Devi$ and go to wor&ing 'or /od) and not have to reap what yo" #owed 'or the Devi$. >1 Don’t yo" &now that yo" an hange a weed path into a orn path4 Aording to yo"r arg"ment) a piee o' gro"nd) when #own in weed#) an never have anything grown on it e!ept weed#. Go) yo" an hange it into a orn path. o" an get rid o' the weed#. /et rid o' yo"r weed# o' e!"#e# and do"(t#) and #ow the good #eed o' the Word o' /od) and yo" wi$$ reap a harve#t o' 'aith and hea$ing Aording to yo"r arg"ment) i' a per#on i# hea$thy when he i# yo"ng he an never (e #i& when he (eome# o$d. It’# a poor r"$e that wi$$ not wor& (oth way#. o" an hange yo"r weed path into a orn path.
? R"n the#e re'eren e# 'or proo'7 6II -eter 27218: 6I 0ohn 571?8: 6He(.. ?71%?8: 6;ph . @71B8: 6Rom. 1721) 28: 6I Tim. @71%?8) et. ?B “They have sown wheat, but they shall rea$ thorns...” 60er. 127138. >C “" sent you to rea$ that whereon ye bestowed no labour& other men laboured,, and ye entered into their labors” 60ohn @738. >1 “%nd let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall rea$, if we faint not” 6/a$. ?7B8.
I Am Reaping What I Sowed
Let the /or" Be (own =any time# we an #ow today and reap tomorrow. o" an (rea& the $aw# o' hea$th today and reap #i&ne## tomorrow. Have yo" not reaped yo"r rop4 Gow yo" an #ow another rop. I have #een the Word (ring a harve#t the #ame day it wa# #own. /od’# Word i# the #eed. =any time# it wi$$ reap very rapid$y. Whi$e -eter wa# yet #pea&ing) the Ho$y /ho#t 'e$$ on a$$ them that heard the Word. When -hi$$ip went and preahed 0e#"# to the peop$e) he reaped a harve#t on the #ame Thi# manyintime# in the wa# 2 Another tho"ght i# thi#7 We an reap what other# have #own. That (eing the a#e then #omeone an #ow the #eed and we an enter into their $a(o"r#. We an reeive #a$vation and reap a harve#t o' hea$ing the #ame day. I' it ta&e# a 'ew day#) or wee&#) 'or the #eed to (ring 'orth 'r"it) depending on what &ind o' gro"nd it i# #own on) +"#t wait patient$y. Remem(er the "n#een wor& i# (eing done thro"gh 'aith. A 'armer ha# 'aith in the #eed he #ow#. He doe# not #rath "p hi# #eed every day to #ee i' they are rea$$y doing the wor&. That wo"$d &i$$ them. I have #een peop$e that impatient: a'ter the Word ha# >2 “%nd some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth...” 6=&. @758.
Growing Faith
(een #own in their heart# they 'ee$ aro"nd to #ee i' they an 'ee$ any pain. They want to #ee the re#"$t# at one. I' a 'armer did that) and #rathed "p hi# #eed) and never had any 'aith in the nat"ra$ #eed) he wo"$d never reap a harve#t. We #ho"$d have a# m"h on'idene in the "nperi#ha($e #eed o' the Word o' /od a# the 'armer ha# in the peri#ha($e #eed in the nat"ra$. I' the #eed ha# (een #own) +"#t have on'idene that the hea$ing i# oming. The 3 So $et the #eed o' the Word (e #own in yo"r heart. I' yo" don’t #ee re#"$t# +"#t wait. I' yo" (e$ieve that what#oever a man #oweth he wi$$ reap) (e weary in we$$ doing) yo" wi$$ reap hea$ing i' yo" +"#t don’tdon’t 'aint. Don’t $et do"(t# (e #own. Sow the Word o' /od. Faith ome# (y hearing the Word o' /od. o"r heart i# /od’# 'ie$d.
/e #re $n"er Grace Aording to that arg"ment no one o"$d reeive hea$ing. The Devi$ wi$$ te$$ "# that we have a$$ #own (ad #eed. And he i# orret 6("t /od’# grae over# the wor$d8. We wo"$d never &now when to tr"#t /od 'or o"r hea$ing. We a$$ (rea& nat"ra$ $aw# #ometime#. I o"$d have never o(tained my hea$ing. The man who 'e$$ o"t o' the window wa# the a"#e o' it. He had no ("#ine## going to #$eep. -a"$ o"$d have to$d him that it wa# impo##i($e 'or him to (e hea$ed) (ea"#e he wa# the a"#e o' it. G9 The grae o' /od wa# e!tended even to him. -a"$ reaped the harve#t (y hi# teahing that very night. That man wa# hea$ed) even i' he wa# the a"#e o' it (y going >3 “'or we are labourers together with God& ye are God=s husbandry, ye are God>s building” 6I Eor. 37B8.
I Am Reaping What I Sowed
to #$eep.>@ It wa# the 9$d aw that #aid) “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” I' we had gotten what wa# d"e "# we wo"$d have a$$ (een in He$$ $ong ago. When a per#on de#erve# death 0e#"# ta&e# hi# p$ae and give# him $i'e. Thi# i# /od’# grae
/hat Does the Bi)e (ay& Do we ever 'ind in the 5 When He 'orgive# He 'orget#. That wo"$d in$"de a$$ o' yo" and any(ody Than& /od 'or Hi# /rae Here i#
>@ “%nd ?aul went down and fell on him, and embracing him said, trouble not yourselves, for his life is in him” 6At# 2C71C8. >5 “4any are the afflictions of the righteous# but the 5ord delivereth him out of them all” 6-#. 3@71B8. “Who forgiveth all thy ini:uities# who healeth all thy diseases” 6-#. 1C3738. “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” 6=&. 1?718. “%nd the $rayer of faith shall save the sick and the 5ord shall raise him u$...” 60ame# 57158.
Growing Faith
and He wi$$ hea$ "#. >? What more proo' do yo" want4 The diret) p$ain promi#e# o' /od are a$$ we need. Te$$ the Devi$ he wi$$ have to (ring o"t another one o' hi# e!"#e#: that one wi$$ not #tand "p "nder the #earh$ight o' the Word o' /od.
/hy Try to Get /e))& I' yo" rea$$y (e$ieve that yo" are going to have to reap what yo" #ow why don’t yo" at $i&e yo" (e$ieve it4 Then I wi$$ (e$ieve yo" (e$ieve it. I' yo" have to &eep the di#ea#e) then it i# "#e$e## to ta&e mediine. o" o"$d give that money to the ord. o" an’t get we$$ any way. Why wo"$d yo" go to every ho#pita$ and dotor in the o"ntry4 Te$$ the dotor# what yo" te$$ me. Te$$ them there i# no "#e in trying to ta&e mediine) or trying to get we$$) 'or yo" wi$$ have to #"''er the re#t o' yo"r day#) (ea"#e yo" did not $ive right in yo"r yo"ng day#. I &now a good (rother who wa# #"''ering. He to$d me the rea#on he did not reeive hi# hea$ing7 wa# that he #owed hi# wi$d oat# whi$e he wa# yo"ng4 A# $ong a# he (e$ieved that) it wa# aording to hi# 'aith. When I e!p$ained to him the Word o' /od) he went and wa# prayed 'or again. The $a#t time I #aw him he #aid he had reeived hi# hea$ing. He wa# g$ad I to$d him the tr"th and #et him right. What I am te$$ing yo" ha# (een te#ted o"t. It wi$$ wor&) (ea"#e it a$#o i# the eterna$ Word o' /od. I' we &eep that e!"#e we might a# we$$ ($ot hea$ing o"t o' the ? “'ools becau se of their ini:uit ies are afflicted. Their souls abhorreth all manner of meats& and they draw near unto the gates of death. Then they cry unto the 5ord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distress. e sent is word %+@ E%5E@ TE4, and delivered them from their destructions” 6-#. 1C>71>%2C8.
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