HOUSE CUSP RULERS 3rd House cusp in Aries / 9th House cusp in Libra (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Aries-Aries / Libra-Libra): Their thinking is impulsive. There ma be a l!t !" activit #ith br!thers an$ sisters% !r a l!t !" arguments #ith them. The e&change a l!t !" i$eas #ith their neighb!rs% #hich ma !r ma n!t be accepte$ b the neighb!rs' !r the neighb!rs i$eas ma n!t be accepte$ b Aries here. The listen t! ever!nes phil!s!ph an$ believe in true eualit bet#een all men. A"ter being e&p!se$ t! all si$es% the c!me t! the truth in a "air an$ unbiase$ #a #a an$ can% in turn% teach these truths in an eas manner. *!#ever% the ten$ t! attract marriage partners #h! $!minate them% !r vice versa. +ec!n$ Decanate (Aries-Le! / Libra-Auarius): Libra-Auarius): Their min$s are active an$ the have a l!t !" i$eas the #ant t! share #ith pe!ple in their envir!nment. envir!nment. The ma be lea$ers in their neighb!rh!!$% #here the ma teach chil$ren. The $! a l!t !" thinking an$ are m!re success"ul i" the have partners #ith #h!m t! share their th!ughts. ,t takes them a #hile t! make up their min$s' but !nce the establish phil!s!phies !" li"e% the use these same phil!s!phies t! help !thers. hen Libra is balance$ in their higher abstract i$eas% the can pr!ect themselves in ver unattache$ #as% an$ have a knack !" helping !thers help themselves. Thir$ Decanate (Aries-+agittarius / Libra-Gemini): *ere is the pers!n #h! sprea$s all the ne#s ar!un$ his !r her c!mmunit an$ the "irst !ne in the neighb!rh!!$ #h! is a#are !" a situati!n. art !" the i$ea in $!ing this is that the real l!ve t! in"!rm an$ sprea$ pr!pagan$a ar!un$ an$ especiall the l!ve $!ing this in relati!nship #ith "rien$s. The are capable !" ustice in the a""airs !" men. Their higher min$s can be impartial an$ "air. This pers!ns min$ br!a$ens as he gets !l$er. ,t gives a creative min$ behin$ #hich is keen reas!n an$ l!gic that take them "ar in the #!rl$ !" higher e$ucati!n. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple ma be aggressive an$ argumentative argumentative c!ncerning their pet the!ries an$ i$eas. The have a ten$enc t! create tensi!n an$ instigate rivalr am!ng their br!thers an$ sisters. The are intellectuall intellectuall creative an$ ma !pen up ne# avenues !" e&pressi!n an$ applicati!n. applicati!n. Their phil!s!ph an$ religi!n are base$ !n the harm!ni!us an$ beauti"ul. The like t! travel "!r pleasure #ith partners !r $ear "rien$s. 0an !" them marr in "!reign c!untries !r marr pe!ple !" "!reign birth. The ten$ t! marr pe!ple !" e$ucati!n an$ re"inement. (1eanne Aver) This pers!nalit channels much $rive an$ ambiti!n int! areas !" c!mmunicati!ns. c!mmunicati!ns. The thir$ h!use in a chart in$icates n!t !nl c!ntracts% neg!tiati!ns% c!mmuting% c!mmuting% an$ earl e$ucati!n% but als! teleph!nes% neighb!rs% an$ siblings. ith the sign !" Aries !n the cusp !" this h!use% it is rule$ b 0ars. This pers!n must be !n the g! all the time% running ar!un$ t!#n% "ighting tra""ic% "in$ing challenges in areas !"
c!mmunicati!ns. The aspects t! 0ars in the chart in$icate his basic relati!nship #ith br!thers an$ sisters% perhaps prec!n$iti!ning his later relati!nship t! sch!!l an$ c!mmunicati!ns. c!mmunicati!ns. ," 0ars is #ell aspecte$% he ph!t!graphs his br!thers an$ sisters (an$ relatives in general) as active% pi!neering% inn!vative% an$ c!mpetitive. *e learns h!# t! $eal #ith c!mpetiti!n c!mpetiti!n in a health manner an$ is #illing t! "ight "!r #hat he #ants in neg!tiating agreements agreements !r c!n$iti!ns. +ince 0ars is the planet ruling se&ual activit as #ell as high creative abilit% he ma #ell channel much !" the se&ual% c!mpetitive energ int! matters $ealing #ith c!mmunicati!ns. ,n c!nsi$ering the chart !" an act!r #ith this placement% it is eas t! see h!# the c!mpetitive urge serves him s! #ell. A"ter much aggressive an$ inn!vative activit% activit% he #ill "in$ an !utlet "!r challenging creativit creativit in areas !" c!mmunicati!ns. 0ars als! rules metals. ,nvent!rs% i" this energ is "ull utili2e$% ma #!rk #ith metal !r metal pens all the time. 0usicians #!rk #ith metal strings !n instruments. ,n an area #here 0ars c!l!rs the energ% it is vitall imp!rtant t! release that energ creativel% creativel% rather than in aggressi!n an$ anger% all!#ing that $rive t! $! internal $amage. ,mpatience% temper% an$ aggravati!n can be si$esteppe$ thr!ugh creative activit. activit. ," 0ars is ba$l aspecte$% the ten$enc is t! all!# "rustrati!n t! back up until it reaches the b!iling p!int. Acci$ents Acci$ents an$ !utbursts !" anger ma then be the !nl #a t! release this backe$-up energ. ," a little !l$ la$ in the gr!cerst!re line is sl!#l tring !ur patience% !u ma "eel like kicking her !ut !" the #a an$ then su""er terrible guilt at even having such a th!ught. F!cuse$ creative 0ars activit #ill help heelp !u patient. ," !uve been running "ive miles% releasing !ur energ in a phsical #a% the likelih!!$ !" !becti!ns !ver $elas is $iminishe$ c!nsi$erabl. 3ee$le#!rk% 3ee$le#!rk% mathematics% buil$ing things up #ith hammer an$ nails% $ance% !r an phsical activit helps t! channel the aggressive energ int! sm!!thl "l!#ing acti!n. +ince #riting is a thir$ h!use activit% #!rking #ith a tpe#riter !r metal pen rather than #ith a pencil releases m!re !" this "rustrate$ energ. A pers!n #ith this placement ma "in$ it har$ t! #ait "!r pe!ple. ," there are $elas #ith app!intments% he #ill be m!re amenable% a"ter a #ait% i" he can "in$ an !utlet "!r his energ. 4ne !ung actress actress takes her nee$lep!int nee$lep!int #ith #ith her t! au$iti!ns% au$iti!ns% in case $elas tr her patience an$ upset her care"ul mental preparati!n. +ince the thir$ h!use als! rules c!mmutati!n% it is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement t! #!rk !ut an "rustrate$ energ be"!re tackling tra""ic ams. A l!ng line !" cars caught b s!me unseen snarl is en!ugh t! bring !ut the #!rst in $isp!siti!n. Teleph!nes ma als! tr patience% especiall especiall i" 0ars has $i""icult aspects in the chart. ," aggravati!ns begin t! buil$% the healthiest release is t! e&ercise in !r$er t! keep the $rives "lui$. ,mpatience ma present a $ail challenge "!r an in$ivi$ual #ith this placement. The ninth h!use in the chart in$icates the phil!s!phical phil!s!phical ten$encies% travel inclinati!ns% p!ssibilities p!ssibilities !" rec!gniti!n. This is als! the h!use that $escribes pr!m!ti!n% public relati!ns% publicit% publicit% publishing% an$ legal a""airs. 5enus% the ruler !" Libra !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use% $escribes beaut% pleasure% $ipl!mac% $ipl!mac% graci!usness% charm% an$ art. 5enus als! in$icates the situati!ns a pers!n l!ves. The pers!nalit l!ves t! travel% is graci!us in areas !" public rec!gniti!n% an$ en!s the publicit he receives. 0an !" these pe!ple have a natural inclinati!n "!r the sp!tlight. ," 5enus is #ell aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n is ass!ciatee$ #ith artistic pr!ects% !r is #ell kn!#n "!r his graci!usness an$ charm as #ell as his $ipl!mac. ," 5enus is n!t
#ell aspecte$% there is a ten$enc t! take the eas #a !ut as "ar as publicit an$ pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt are c!ncerne$. Libra is the legal sign. 6!-!perati!n an$ a sense !" ustice are ascribe$ ascribe$ t! Libra. Libra. ,n legal areas% areas% this pers!nalit pers!nalit can shine. shine. The abilit abilit t! harm!ni2e an$ sm!!th !ver $i""iculties is pr!"!un$ i" 5enus is #ell aspecte$. ,n the negative sense% 5enus als! in$icates a ten$enc t! sh!# !nl the m!st "av!rable si$e !" !nesel" in relati!n t! publicit an$ pr!m!ti!n. There ma be a ten$enc t! c!mpr!mise% c!mpr!mise% i" n!t actuall c!p !ut% "!r the sake !" peace. +el"in$ulgence an$ vacillati!n are the negative characteristics !" 5enus.
3rd House cusp in Taurus / 9th House cusp in Scorpio (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Taurus-Taurus / +c!rpi!-+c!rpi!): This makes them sh an$ timi$ in c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns #ith th!se ar!un$ them in their neighb!rh!!$. neighb!rh!!$. The are e&tremel stubb!rn ab!ut i$eas. ,t is $i""icult t! c!nvince them% but !nce c!nvince$ the stan$ "irm. The are ver sharp in s!lving msteries !" mans e&istence% an$ are c!ntinuall $elving int! abstract the!ries. The are e&cellent at getting t! the centre !" things. The $! n!t like "!rmal higher e$ucati!n' the #!ul$ rather teach themselves. The "eel the have better ans#ers% at least "!r them. +ec!n$ Decanate (Taurus-5irg! / +c!rpi!-isces): This #ill cause c!ncentrati!n c!ncentrati!n !n things #ithin the envir!nment !r neighb!rh!!$. The result is struggle !r c!n"lict. The can be t!! analtical #ith their marriage partners i" the bec!me "rustrate$ #ith pe!ple ar!un$ them. The nee$ t! learn that all i$eas can be g!!$% an$ t! accept !thers vie#s. 7ven th!ugh the are ver pschic an$ can un$erstan$ an$ learn the truths !" the universe% the never l!se their !#n i$entities in the c!nsci!us material #!rl$. The m!re ev!lve$ in$ivi$uals attain c!smic c!nsci!usness. The have t! be care"ul because the can g! "r!m this-#!rl$ c!nsci!usness t! !ther-#!rl$ c!nsci!usness in a m!ment an$ can be easil in"luence$ b b!th. *ere% +c!rpi!-isces can enable them t! $elve int! an$ s!lve an mster. Thir$ Decanate (Taurus-6apric!rn / +c!rpi!-6ancer): This placement gives a seri!us min$. 3!b!$ can "!rce an i$ea !n these $ecanate pe!ple. The can be ver rigi$ an$ c!!l t! "rien$s an$ pe!ple in their neighb!rh!!$. The appear a""luent t! !thers% but the ma n!t be. hen the put their stubb!rn min$s t! #!rk !n imp!rtant causes in the c!mmunit% the are at their best. The have p!#er !" mental revelati!n' an$ #hen this talent is c!ntr!lle$ an$ $irecte$% the can s!lve man msteries !" e&istence. hen the learn t! me$itate% the can get t! the center !" religi!us an$ phil!s!phicel phil!s!phicel truths. The ten$ t! be "i&e$ an$ em!ti!nal in their attitu$es% #hich ma bs a stumbling bl!ck in their search "!r the truth. The nee$ t! learn t! be m!re "le&ible% tempering the ten$enc t! be tenaci!us s! the can s! the can receive the "ull intuitive value !" this p!siti!n. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) Being sl!# an$ $eliberate in "!rming their i$eas% these pe!ple are stubb!rn ab!ut changing their min$s !nce a $ecisi!n has been ma$e. Their thinking is c!ncentrate$ c!ncentrate$ !n m!nemaking !r !n artistic en$eav!rs.
The are religi!us an$ phil!s!phical phil!s!phical crusa$ers% !"ten engaging in arguments !ver religi!us belie"s. ," the are inv!lve$ in litigati!n !" an s!rt% there is generall a great $eal !" "ier pr!test. (1eanne Aver) The thir$ h!use $escribes n!t !nl the "iel$ !" c!mmunicati!ns% c!mmunicati!ns% teleph!nes% agreements% an$ neg!tiati!ns% but als! siblings% neighb!rs% an$ relatives in general. ,t als! $escribes the ualit ass!ciate$ #ith the learning pr!cess. hen Taurus is !n its cusp% the speaking v!ice is m!st !"ten mel!$i!us% the manner is s!ciable an$ charming% an$ l!ving "eelings ab!ut "amil an$ pe!ple nearb are prevalent. 5enus% the planet ruling Taurus% is c!nnecte$ #ith peace an$ harm!n% the arts% graci!usnses% an$ $ipl!mac. ," 5enus is #ell aspecte$ in the chart% it $escribes a l!ve !" c!mmunicati!ns% an artistic nature - #hether channele$ int! painting% theatre% !r music - an$ an abilit t! neg!tiate $ipl!maticall. $ipl!maticall. This in$ivi$ual genuinel l!ves br!thers an$ sisters% ph!t!graphing ph!t!graphing them as charming% graci!us% a""ecti!nate pe!ple. pe!ple. *e l!ves sch!!l% !r the learning pr!cess in general% especiall i" it is c!nnecte$ #ith the stu$ !" humanities !r the arts. *e can paint% $ance% act% $esign% !r c!mp!se #!rks !" art. *e is particularl $ipl!matic !n the teleph!ne. 6!mmutati!n !r runing erran$s are als! ascribe$ t! the thir$ h!use. The pers!n #ith this placement en!s running ar!un$% ass!ciating #ith pe!ple in his travels% an$ e&pressing the s!ciable part !" his nature. ," 5enus is n!t #ell aspecte$% the in$iviu$al ma be la2 #hen it c!mes t! erran$s% in$ulgent #ith "amil members !r siblings% an$ incline$ t! keep peace at an price in $iscussi!ns. 5enus $escribes the nee$ "!r beaut an$ harm!n. ," 5enus is less than p!sitive in the chart% the in$ivi$ual ma hesitate t! sa anthing that #ill make #aves% !r upset the status u!. *e ma have t! learn n!t t! take the eas #a !ut "!r the sake !" peace. ," he can bec!me inv!lve$ in artistic pr!ects% he "in$s a release "!r this 5enusian energ an$ learns h!# t! be m!re $irect in areas !" $iscussi!n !r c!mmunicati!n. c!mmunicati!n. *e can surpass the natural instinct t! sa #hat he thinks is e&pecte$ !" him rather than h!# he reall "eels ab!ut a subect. 7valuati!n !" earl relati!nships can pinp!int earl patterns !" e&cessive $ipl!mac. *e #ill never be harsh !r less than tact"ul. *e can "in$ balance thr!ugh precisi!n !" th!ught an$ speech. The p!#er planet% lut!% rules the ninth h!use !" higher e$ucati!n% travel% pr!m!ti!n% legal a""airs% an$ a$vertising% a$vertising% #hen +c!rpi! is !n its cusp. hen this planet is #ell aspecte$% the pers!nalit has an incre$ible abilit t! reach masses !" pe!ple thr!ugh pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% publishing% publishing% !r b #!rking #ith p!#er"ul !rgani2ati!ns. lut! $escribes areas !" greatest e""ectiveness an$ p!tenc. ,t als! in$icates the area #hich brings the greatest change in li"e. ,n terms !" Transacti!nal Analsis% it $escribes $escribes the chil$ eg! state. state. The chil$s message is: , #ant #hat , #ant% #hen , #ant it. lut!nian energ is ver similar. ,t can in$icate c!mpulsi!n !r manipulati!n. lut! is als! the planet !" trans"!rmati!n trans"!rmati!n !r transmutati!n. transmutati!n. The smb!l!g !" the ph!eni& rising "r!m the ashes is relate$ t! the planet lut!. +c!rpi!% rule$ b lut!% has t#! si$es: it is either the serpent !r the eagle. hen this energ is trans"!rme$ b m!tivati!n !" the highest kin$% it $escribes tremen$!us magnetic magnetic abilit t! trans"!rm !thers lives. ,t is like a p!#er"ul b!$ !" #ater that either is $estructive (#hen at "l!!$ level)% !r can light up cities (#hen h!!ke$ up t! an electrical plant). ith $i""icult aspects t! lut!% the pers!nalit ma attract negative publicit !r be tempte$ t! gain publicit thr!ugh manipulati!n !r chil$like rebelli!us antics. ," lut!
is #ell aspecte$ in the chart% an e&cepti!nall magnetic magnetic presence naturall attracts rec!gniti!n. This in$ivi$ual is m!st e""ective #hen he sprea$s the eagle-like #ings t! reach !ut t! humnait. Thr!ugh transmutati!n !" his !#n higher min$% he trans"!rms lives !" mankin$ b seeming t! $! ver little. The ninth h!use $escrives travel% $istances% an$ c!untries a#a "r!m the h!melan$. The in$ivi$ual ma have a c!mpulsi!n t! et ar!un$ the #!rl$% plaing #ith the beauti"ul pe!ple "r!m man c!untries. *e m#a #ant t! live in the internati!nal s!cial stream. 8uite p!ssibl he #ill n!t acc!mplish his g!als% an$ ma !ccasi!nall "eel the rug pulle$ !ut "r!m un$er him as a result !" manipulati!n manipulati!n !r e&clusi!n. *!#ever% #hen his m!tivati!n is trans"!rme$ trans"!rme$ "r!m the chil$s #ill - , #ant #hat , #ant% an$ , $!nt care h!# , get it - t! the higher #ill% m!tivate$ b the $esire t! $! #hat is g!!$ "!r all c!ncerne$ !r humanit as a #h!le% he ma in$ee$ acc!mplish his g!als. *e ma in$ee$ et ar!un$ the #!rl$ in ass!ciati!n #ith beauti"ul pe!ple "r!m all c!untries% acc!mplishing miracles thr!ugh his p!#er"ul abilit t! in"luence. The subtle $i""erence in m!tivati!n m!tivati!n li"ts him t! the state !" true p!#er. *e ma have t! be #illing t! let g! !" an negative !r n!n-pr!$uctive n!n-pr!$uctive situati!n% n! matter h!# c!m"!rtable !r tempting. *e #ill rarel g! unn!tice$. *e has a naturall #i$e sphere !" in"luence. *e can be publishe$% be c!nnecte$ #ith his !#n instituti!n !" higher learning% manu"acture% imp!rt% $istribute. *e can pla +vengali% !r inspire pe!ple !n the highest level.
3rd House cusp in Gemini / 9th House cusp in Saittarius (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Gemini-Gemini / +agittarius-+agittarius): +agittarius-+agittarius): The kn!# ever!ne in the envir!nment envir!nment (!r tr t!) an$ are versatile an$ "rien$l t! all. Their appr!ach t! their neighb!rs an$ imme$iate ass!ciates is thr!ugh mental interests. (The neighb!rh!!$ neighb!rh!!$ ma n!t nee$ ne#spapers #ith this pers!n in the area.) The are a #alking in"!rmati!n centre. *!#ever% the nee$ t! learn t! listen m!re. The ma be s! attune$ t! telling ne#s that the "ail t! get the !ther pers!ns p!int !" vie# !r t! "!ll!# up a st!r. The can pre$ict the "uture because !" their keen insight int! the situati!n at han$. The can si2e up a pr!blem an$ see h!# it #ill pr!gress. The can si2e up!n see$ i$eas !r th!ughts an$ carr them t! a c!nclusi!n' hence their insight int! the "uture. 0!re than an!ne else% the sh!ul$ "!ll!# their !#n intuiti!ns. The are the eternal !ptimists. The are e&tremel "uture-!riente$ #ithin their lives. There are n! pr!blems #ith their being able t! step int! ne# areas !" gr!#th. The reach ne# levels !" un$erstan$ing as easil as s!me!ne else gets up in the m!rning an$ $rinks a cup !" c!""ee. +ec!n$ Decanate (Gemini-Libra / +agittarius-Aries): Their c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns #ith !thers are never $irect an$ t! the p!int. The al#as pla b!th si$es against the mi$$le' hence the take the l!ng #a ar!un$. The tr t! be s! "air that the lack $irectness' there"!re the can be ver ine""ective in $ealing #ith c!n$iti!ns in the envir!nment. envir!nment. This is #hen everthing is peace"ul. hen there is a great $eal !" turm!il the can be the $ipl!mat% the peacemaker. 0uch !" this is trie$ !r taken !ut !n the marriage partner "irst. The partner is the guinea pig. This is the pi!neer !" ne# tren$s #ith the capacit t! see h!# these inn!vati!ns #ill #!rk !ut in the "uture. The set things int! acti!n using great insight "!r the gr!#th. The get even better the !l$er the bec!me an$ are !pen t! higher c!smic c!nsci!usness.
Thir$ Decanate (Gemini-Auarius / +agittarius-Le!): The are ver !riginal in their #ritings an$ e&pressi!ns. hen the reali2e the "acts !" a situati!n the #ant t! impart this kn!#le$ge t! !thers in the neighb!rh!!$. The "eel ever!ne has a right t! kn!# the truth. The like t! travel ar!un$% mainl because the are restless' h!#ever% the restlessness restlessness is !nl an in"luence that takes them in search !" kn!#le$ge an$ e&perience. This p!siti!n gives great !riginalit an$ in$epen$ence. in$epen$ence. The have br!a$ an$ !ptimistic !utl!!ks behin$ #hich lie belie" in l!ve an$ its abilit t! give strength an$ cheer"ulness. The crave applause an$ can $ramati2e enthusiasm "!r religi!us re"!rm% thereb in"luencing !thers. The #ill be behin$ an legal acti!n that inv!lves the betterment !" chil$ren !r !" the arts. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple like t! be kn!#n "!r their !riginalit an$ in$ivi$ualit. in$ivi$ualit. The are intelligent an$ versatile in e&pressing i$eas% an$ thrive !n being c!nsi$ere$ s! b !thers. The like t! $iscuss their i$eas #ith relatives an$ neighb!rs. The nee$% h!#ever% t! "!cus an$ c!ncentrate their th!ughts in !r$er t! bring them t! "ruiti!n. The have str!ng% $e$icate$ religi!us belie"s% #hich generall "!ll!# c!nventi!nal c!nventi!nal patterns. There is a natural interest in phil!s!ph an$ higher e$ucati!n. The are al#as l!nging "!r greener pastures an$ have peri!$ic "its !" #an$erlust. (1eanne Aver) 0ercur rules the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns #ith Gemini !n its cusp. +ince 0ercur is the planet !" intellect% th!ught% speech% an$ #it% the pers!n #ith this placement is a naturall g!!$ c!nversati!nalist% c!nversati!nalist% a "act c!llect!r% an$ mentall stimulating. *e is up !n the latest in"!rmati!n ab!ut #hats happening in the #!rl$% !r at least in his !#n envir!nment. envir!nment. *e en!s e&changes !" i$eas #ith his neighb!rs% an$ relates t! his br!thers an$ sisters !n a mental level. 0ercur is the planet that rules #riting an$ the mental pr!cess in general. Gemini is air% uick% an$ "acile. The $ualit implie$ b Gemini in$icates an abilit t! get cl!se t! a situati!n t! investigate it #ell an$ then a nee$ t! pull a#a t! retain s!me !bectivit. !bectivit. ,t can appear that !ne #ith this placement can see b!th si$es !" a uesti!n an$ ma be arbitrar at times. *is active min$ is never still% an$ he ma n!t st!p l!ng en!ugh t! "!rm c!nclusi!ns. But i" !u #ant t! kn!# ab!ut !bscure "acts% check them !ut #ith him. *e #ill be #ell in"!rme$ ab!ut alm!st anthing. anthing. G!ssip is attribute$ t! str!ng Gemini characteristics% as the mental curi!sit is insatiable. *e is a master at $iscussi!n% as his "ascinating i$eas c!ver such a range !" t!pics. ,t ma be har$ t! pin him $!#n t! agreements an$ c!ntracts% "!r his restlessness keeps him !n the m!ve% "in$ing ne# an$ unparallele$ #as !" e&pressing th!ught. *e can appear t! "lit "r!m !ne subect t! an!ther% et he #ill never be b!re$ !r b!ring. 0ercur als! is relate$ t! the a$ult eg! state in terms !" Transacti!nal Analsis. The a$ult part !" !urselves is the c!mmunicat!r% "act c!llect!r. ," 0ercur is #ell aspecte$ in an in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n #ith this placement is #ell able t! per"!rm !n a mental level. *is "acilit in sch!!l can make him a "!rerunner in the realm !" i$eas% et his restless min$ ma be $i""icult t! $iscipline. ," 0ercur is ba$l aspecte$% that restlessness can keep him in h!t #ater. ,mpatience !ver an $elas% a$$e$ t! the nee$ "!r stimulati!n% stimulati!n% makes him investigate anthing ne# that c!mes !n the h!ri2!n% an$ this can s!metimes get him int! mischie". *e can bec!me uite b!re$ #ith r!utine meth!$s !" learning. *e can s!metimes be t!! uick
t! e&pl!re subects in $epth% pre"erring t! skim the sur"ace% et his #i$e range !" interests c!uple$ #ith the "acilit an$ spee$ !" his th!ught make him a natural in the "iel$ !" c!mmunicati!ns an$ i$eas. This pers!n has a built-in sense !" phil!s!ph. *e can be uite universall min$e$. *is g!!$ "!rtune has t! $! #ith matters at a $istance% travel% higher e$ucati!n% a$vertising% pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rts% an$ publicati!n. The planet 1upiter rules the ninth h!use #hen +agittarius is !n its cusp. 1upiter is the planet that is calle$ the greater bene"ic. ,n simpler terms it means luck an$ !ptimism. 1upiter% the ruler !" +agittarius% is ass!ciate$ #ith religi!n% teaching% an$ sales. herever 1upiter is place$ in a chart is in$icative !" a blessing in that area. ,t is the "!cus !" his !ptimism an$ e&pectanc. ,t in$icates #here the in$ivi$ual #ants a challenge an$ is #illing t! set g!als. erhaps because !" the !ptimism an$ #illingness t! reach !ut% g!!$ "!rtune an$ abun$ance are returne$ t! this pers!n. hen he travels% he rest!res his sense !" hum!r an$ bec!mes uite e&pansive. *e can be phil!s!phicall tune$ in t! !ther c!untries. 7nthusiasm lea$s t! inv!lvement inv!lvement in a$vertising% pr!m!ti!n% pr!m!ti!n% legal a""airs% an$ higher e$ucati!n. *e can be a g!!$ salesman in these areas. Fling is ass!ciate$ #ith the ninth h!use as #ell. il!ts have t! sh!# a great $eal !" 0artial energ% $aring% an$ c!urage. This pers!n can be recharge$ b travel% #hich rest!res his natural phil!s!phical turn !" min$. The abilit t! set g!als an$ be challenge$ b things ust !ut !" reach keep this pers!n a#ake an$ stimulate$. ,t enables him t! $eal #ith career matters that can !ther#ise bec!me te$i!us an$ "ull !" resp!nsibilit. resp!nsibilit.
3rd House cusp in Cancer / 9th House cusp in Capricorn (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (6ancer-6ancer / 6apric!rn-6apric!rn): These pe!ple are ver sensitive t! the envir!nment. envir!nment. The usuall $! n!t like stu$ing' but i" the can be reache$ thr!ugh their em!ti!ns in relati!nship t! stu$ing% the resp!n$. F!r instance% i" the accept their teachers !n an em!ti!nal basis% the g! "ull spee$ ahea$. The abs!rb kn!#le$ge rather than acuiring it b reas!n an$ l!gic. The "amil must be #ithing cl!se pr!&imit in their envir!nment t! keep them c!ntente$. Belie"s must be backe$ b l!gical evi$ence. The g! al!ng #ith auth!rities in $ealing #ith s!ciets la#s. The $! n!t like t! travel unless the trip is ver necessar !n a practical basis. The are n!t apt t! stra t!! "ar "r!m the religi!us belie"s !" their "!rebears. +ec!n$ Decanate (6ancer-+c!rpi! / 6apric!rn-Taurus): The s!metimes are t!! blunt in their e&pressi!ns #ith an!ne the $eal #ith% m!re escpeciall #ith partners !r relatives. Beneath their 6ancerian "luctuati!ns the have "i&e$ !pini!ns. There ma be man arguments #ith partners !r relatives because !" "inances% !r the ma amass much m!ne #ith partners. hile the are a""able an$ have pleasing mannerisms% the incline t! be c!nservative #ith their spiritual lives. ,n the area !" phil!s!phical th!ught th!ught an$ i$eas% the learn t! relate t! these i$eas thr!ugh e&perience. 9!u ma sa things an$ the ma seem t! agree because the can be charming% but it has n! meaning t! them pers!nall until the have live$ it. The $! n!t actuall accept anthing until the see it #!rk. Thir$ Decanate (6ancer-isces / 6apric!rn-5irg!): The are a#are !" hi$$en
in"luences #ithin the envir!nment !r hi$$en meanings behin$ #hat pe!ple sa. The seek !ut meanings but the keep their !#n private "eelings t! themselves. The c!mmunicate "eelings "eelings best #ith music an$ p!etr. The seek "rien$ships #here the can talk ab!ut subtle "eelings an$ the a#areness !" "iner vibrati!ns #ith!ut !thers $eman$ing m!re pers!nal in"!rmati!n than the #ant t! give. The #ant "rien$s (an$ s!metimes this relati!nship relati!nship is #ith a br!ther !r sister) #ith #h!m the can $isc!ver these hi$$en meanings in nature an$ li"e itsel". The are t!! sti"" in their sel"-e&pessi!n an$ ten$ t! "!ll!# $ictates !" auth!rit in religi!n an$ s!cial la#. The are n!t gamblers #here religi!us vie#s are c!ncerne$. The are ver $iscriminating an$ like a sure thing in i$eas an$ a""ecti!ns. L!ve$ !nes #ill have t! m!re !r less "!ll!# m!re !rth!$!& religi!us vie#s% !r there #ill be tr!uble. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) A maternal / paternal attitu$e attitu$e prevails t!#ar$ t!#ar$ br!thers br!thers an$ sisters an$ an$ the neighb!rh!!$ neighb!rh!!$ envir!nment. There is much c!ming an$ g!ing an$ "luctuati!n in c!mmincati!n. c!mmincati!n. These pe!ple ten$ t! travel in c!nnecti!n #ith business an$ "inancial a""airs. The are ver tra$iti!nal an$ c!nservative c!nservative in religi!n an$ phil!s!ph. Their phil!s!phical phil!s!phical !utl!!k is restricte$ b materialism. Their humanitarian instincts are e&presse$ thr!ugh their pr!"essi!nal #!rk. (1eanne Aver) This pers!n has a ver sensitive manner !" c!mmunicati!n. *e can be uite tune$ in t! public tren$s an$ pe!ples nee$s. *e e&presses himsel" in a ver perceptive manner. The 0!!n is the ruler !" the thir$ h!use #hen 6ancer is !n its cusp. The 0!!n rules em!ti!ns% vulnerabilit% an$ "eeling% in general. ," the 0!!n is #ell aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n #ith this placement is particularl receptive t! the pe!ple ar!un$ him. ," the 0!!n is n!t #ell aspecte$% he #ill !verreact% get his "eelings hurt% an$ take things t!! pers!nall. *is abilit t! $iscuss matters rati!nall ma be l!#% n! matter #hat the aspects in the in$ivi$ual chart. *e reacts t! !thers in acc!r$ance #ith his !#n em!ti!nal ar$stick. *e can then a$!pt a ver pr!tective% pr!tective% nurturing% nurturing% m!tehring m!tehring "eeling t!#ar$ t!#ar$ pe!ple ar!un$ him. The 0!!n is the planet that relates t! mankin$ in general an$ the c!llective unc!nsci!us. hatever hatever !ne #ith this placement $!es t! relate t! his "ell!# man #ill bring em!ti!nal "ul"illment. As l!ng as he remains in the un$erstan$ing% nurturing r!le% his !#n li"e is enriche$. The 0!!n is relate$ t! magnetism an$ public appeal. ,t is the planet !" the subc!nsci!us min$% the anima part !" the pers!nalit. As the 0!!ns ras pull !n the ti$es% this pers!n can pull !n pe!ples em!ti!ns. ,t is the planet that in$icates special receptivit an$ rapp!rt. ,n earl li"e% the pers!n #ith this placement ma be t!! vulnerable% m!!$% an$ em!ti!nal t! $! especiall #ell in sch!!l. The 0!!n is the "astest-m!ving b!$ in the heavens% s! the m!!$s can change $rasticall% eve "e# h!urs. This chil$ ma relate t! his siblings !n an em!ti!nal level. ,n the p!sitive sense% he $evel!ps pr!tective "eelings t!#ar$ br!thers an$ sisters. ,n a negatives sense% he can be t!! easil hurt b them. *is relati!nship #ith his "amil !n an em!ti!nal level #ill in$icate his $evel!pment $evel!pment al!ng lines !" interpers!nal relati!nships all thr!ugh his li"e. ," th!se earl relati!nships are em!ti!nall satis"ing% he #ill easil assume the pr!tective r!le in later li"e. *e #ill l!ve t! take pe!ple un$er his #ing an$ give c!m"!rt% but he can ust as easil be hurt b lack !" appreciati!n. *e ma s!metimes appear uite
chill !r sh!rt !n smpath% et his attitu$e reall $epen$s !n his abilit t! $! s!mething ab!ut the situati!n. ," s!me!ne presents presents a pr!blem t! him that he can s!lve% he #ill be en!rm!usl receptive. 4n the !ther han$% a helplessness sets in i" he is unable t! help% an$ his $e"enc mechanism is t! appear un"eeling% uncaring. ," the 0!!n is ba$l aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n ma turn in#ar$% ign!ring the plight !" !thers as a sel"-pr!tective sel"-pr!tective $evice. A chil$ #ith this placement placement sh!ul$ be enc!urage$ t! t! let !ut his his "eelings in the the "amil envir!nment envir!nment as #ell as in a creative #a. ," he learns earl !n t! e&press his hurt an$ upsets% #hether thr!ugh talking it !ut% #riting ab!ut it% !r acting it !ut% he #ill learn t! han$le this vulnerable part !" himsel". Later !n in li"e% he #ill turn this t! his a$vantage% as it is this ver sensitivit that enables him t! reach the public in his !#n unusual #a. A chil$ #ith this placement nee$s ample !pp!rtunit !pp!rtunit t! e&press himsel" artisticall% "!r artistic e&pressi!n can be a channel t! release unres!lve$ em!ti!ns. 4ther#ise% these "eelings remain burie$ t! haunt him thr!ugh!ut li"e. The in$ivi$ual is able t! be in t!uch #ith the tren$s !" the times% #hether thr!ugh artistr% #!r$s% p!litics% #riting% speaking% !r singing. *e t!uches the em!ti!ns he shareas #ith mankin$ an$ establishes sensitive b!n$s. ith +aturn ruling the ninth h!use !" rec!gniti!n% the in$ivi$ual ma have s!me "ears ab!ut getting the kin$ !" rec!gniti!n he is reall capable !" attracting. F!r !ne thing% +aturn implies r!utine an$ restricti!n% #hich ma keep him "r!m en!ing en!ing the ease !" living an$ sense !" e&pansi!n he s! $esperatel #ants. ,n a s!rt !" perverse #a% he ma ina$vertentl ina$vertentl trap himsel" in lesser "!rms !" r!utine #hich keep him tie$ $!#n an$ a#a "r!m rec!gniti!n. 4n a subc!nsci!us level% there can be a $eep $!#n' "ear !" attracting an e&tra kin$ !" limelight. +aturn ruling the ninth h!use implies n!t !nl $!es resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit !n a high level% but als! perhaps a sense !" bur$en in c!nnecti!n #ith publicit !r rec!gniti!n. +aturn is the planet that in$icates the heaviest karmic situati!n t! be $ealt #ith in this li"etime. ,t is the planet that relates t! restricti!n% "ear% guilt% insecurit% insecurit% $ut. ,n a negative sense% it means limitati!n% but the p!sitive interpretati!n is resp!nsibilit. The ninth h!use is the h!use !" pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% publicit% travel% higher e$ucati!n% publishing% legal a""airs% phil!s!ph% phil!s!ph% an$ the higher min$. These are the areas that reuire "!cus #hen 6apric!rn is !n the ninth h!use cusp% but !"ten the are the ver areas the native ten$s t! av!i$. The abbalists call +aturn the plapen that 0!ther 3ature puts her chil$ren int!. A plapen represents sa"et an$ securit% securit% et it is restrictive. hen a chil$ is rea$ t! take care !" himsel"% he is release$ "r!m its b!un$aries. e are place$ in a kin$ !" plapen that keeps us sa"e until #e are rea$ t! assume higher resp!nsibilit "!r !urselves. 0an times that plapen is a psch!l!gical !ne. +aturn is als! relate$ t! the parent eg! state - that is% the u$gemental part !" !urselves. ,n a p!sitive sense% the parent als! takes care !" us. hen #e are reall rea$ t! assume the level !" $ut +aturn implies% #e als! begin taking care !" !urselves !n a ne# plateau. e ma never #alk a#a "r!m the inner pressures% et #e can upgra$e them c!nsi$erabl. The in$ivi$ual #ith this placement #ill be e&cee$ingl resp!nsible an$ reliable #ith an task he assumes in c!nnecti!n #ith travel% $ipl!mac% $ealings #ith !ther c!untries. *e is g!!$ at research an$ $etail. *e ma keep himsel" un$er his !#n thumb t! prevent attracting t!! much attenti!n% "!r attenti!n carries its !#n penalties - in s!me "am!us cases% even $eath. F!r such her!es% h!n!r an$ acclaim are heape$ up!n them "!rever% "!r their #illingness t! take up the s#!r$ !" truth an$ $ut. ,t is p!ssible that this impelling kin$ !" $ut is carrie$ !ver "r!m a previ!us time in mem!r. These c!urage!us pe!ple have little little ch!ice in their !#n min$s but t! $! #hat the have t! $!.
That kin$ !" penalt is certainl n!t pre!r$aine$ "!r ever!ne #ith this placement% but !n s!me level this kin$ !" "ear is pr!babl "!r an!ne #ith this placement. The call t! $ut implies har$ship !" s!me kin$% even i" that h ar$ship is simpl l!ss !" privac. The in$ivi$ual cares t!! much ab!ut his public image an$ #hat pe!ple ma think. *e #!ul$ su""er tremen$!usl #ith ba$ press !r publicit. *e cares ab!ut his reputati!n. ,t is easier t! sta !ut !" the pring ee !" the public rather than chance $isaster. ," +aturn is ba$l aspecte$ in the chart% the av!i$ance #ill be e&treme. ," it is #ell aspecte$% the call t! $ut #ill be easier t! assume. ;ntil that ultimate resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit is reall clear% the pers!n #ith this placement can put himsel" un$er interesting pressures. ,n the m!st negative sense% the pers!n #ith 6apric!rn !n the
3rd House cusp in A!uarius / 9th House cusp in Leo (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Auarius-Auarius / Le!-Le!): The are c!ntinuall intereste$ intereste$ in ne# c!ncepts. ,n man cases the are sel"-ma$e pe!ple. The #ill be the !nes in !ur neighb!rh!!$ #h! break the m!l$s. The are e&tremel "rien$l an$ talk t! ever!ne. T! them% ever!ne is their br!ther !r sister. This p!siti!n gives e&treme c!n"i$ence c!n"i$ence in i$eas the have. The g! t! great lengths t! e&press these i$eas. The #ant t! enlighten ever!ne% an$ trul believe in a religi!n !" l!ve. hen the #ant t! en! themselves an$ have a vacati!n !r recreati!n% the like l!ng trips. +ec!n$ Decanate (Auarius-Gemini (Auarius-Gemini / Le!-+agittarius): Le!-+agittarius): +!meh!# !riginal i$eas an$ a great creative min$ !perate #ith an$ / !r in c!nnecti!n #ith "rien$s !r marriage partners. The #!rk best as a team #here there ma be sh!rt trips in the $isseminati!n $isseminati!n !" mental i$eas create$ b !ne !r the !ther% !r b!th. The seem intent up!n e$ucating !thers in a m!st !riginal manner. This is per"ect "!r a lecturing team% especiall i" the partner has an Auarius-Gemini +un !r a Gemini-Auarius +un. ," !u #ant s!mething pr!m!te$% pr!m!te$% seek these pe!ple% "!r the are naturals. 7ven th!ugh the believe #h!lehearte$l in their !#n i$eas% the are br!a$min$e$ ab!ut !urs. The are g!!$ at pr!phec an$ are surprise$ b instinct. Thir$ Decanate (Auarius-Libra / Le!-Aries): The are !riginal in i$eas but are "air c!ncerning !urs i" !u $! n!t agree #ith them. The are intereste$ in pe!ple in the neighb!rh!!$ neighb!rh!!$ !r pe!ple an#here in the #!rl$% an$ #ant ever!ne #h! #ants t! be hear$ t! be hear$. ,t is eas "!r them t! bring t!gether in the c!mmunit $i""erent "rien$s !r gr!ups #h! have varing !pini!ns. hen the use energ that c!ul$ be e&pen$e$ !n pleasure "!r religi!n !r higher e$ucati!nal pursuits instea$% the can g! "ar. hen the use the abilit !" lea$ership t! in"!rm !thers% the br!a$en their !#n h!ri2!ns even m!re. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)
These pe!ple are able t! c!mmunicate c!mmunicate i$eas in e&citing an$ ingeni!us #as. Their i$eas c!me in "lashes !" intuiti!n% but the are capable !" putting them t! practical applicati!n. The are pr!gressive in th!ught% insisting that i$eas have a practical "uncti!n base$ !n values that have st!!$ the test !" time. The think in humanitarian terms. ;nusual an$ peculiar relati!nships e&ist #ith br!thers% sisters% an$ neighb!rs% #h! c!me une&pecte$l int! an$ !ut !" their lives. These pers!ns ma n!t appear t! #ant "ame% but their subc!nsci!us min$s as #ell as their phil!s!ph are s!meh!# geare$ t! attaining it an$ t! achieving p!siti!ns !" imp!rtance in their respective "iel$s !" en$eav!r. The give their phil!s!ph the p!#er !" their being. 0an take l!ng !urnes% either phsicall !r mentall. Their ees are al#as !n $istant g!als. (1eanne Aver) The thir$ h!use in a chart in$icates c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns in general% earl sch!!l ears% an$ "eelings ab!ut the learning pr!cess. ,t $escribes the meth!$s a$!pte$ c!ncerning c!mmunicati!ns% c!mmunicati!ns% $iscussi!ns% an$ relati!nships #ith siblings% relatives% an$ neighb!rs. ;ranus% ruler !" Auarius% $escribes the tpe !" sp!ntaneit the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement $evel!ps in areas !" c!mmunicati!ns. ,n its p!sitive sense% ;ranus $escribes genius ualities an$ high inspirati!n' in its negative sense% it in$icates nerves% rebelli!n% an$ erratic behavi!r. 3erv!us energ ma pr!mpt s!me!ne #ith this placement t! sa #hatever is !n his min$% supp!rting the image !" !ne #ith "!!t-in-m!uth $isease. *e can be impulsive !r erratic ab!ut keeping in t!uch' an$ his "reuent use (!r !veruse) !" the teleph!ne re"lects this. *e is nerv!us ab!ut sch!!l #!rk !r the learning pr!cess in general. 9et he can be brilliant% a genius% ahea$ !" his time% i" he can channel his high mental energ. 7ither he bec!mes tremen$!usl e&cite$ !ver stimulating i$eas% !r he can appear alm!st unc!ncerne$. *is m!!$ seems t! change as "ar as c!mmunicati!ns g!. 7rratic c!ncentrati!n ma make it $i""icult "!r him t! regiment himsel". =!utines $!nt seem t! "it #ith his su$$en bursts !" inspirati!n. The planet ;ranus $escribes electricit% music% electr!nics% healing% inventi!ns% metaphsics% metaphsics% an$ humanitarian c!ncerns. ,t is the planet that rules astr!l!g. ," the pers!n #ith this placement is able t! channel this unusual energ int! a pr!per !utlet c!nnecte$ #ith c!mmunicati!ns% c!mmunicati!ns% he prevents a backup #hich c!ul$ cause mental strain% erratic th!ught pr!cesses% an$ rebelli!n. riters #ith this placement ma "in$ it $i""icult t! keep t! sche$ules an$ r!utines. ,nspirati!n hits at !$$ h!urs% an$ nerv!us energ ma be har$ t! channel !r c!ntr!l. These pe!ple seem t! have a #avelength pitche$ t!! high "!r mun$ane c!nversati!ns% c!nversati!ns% s! their $iscussi!ns ma seem $is!inte$ an$ scattere$. Their th!ughts ma be "ar ahea$ !" their t!ngue% s! their abilit t! present !r$ere$% seuential e&planati!ns is n!t their str!ng p!int. The can s!metimes run !n% rambling in c!nversati!ns. ater seems t! be a g!!$ c!n$uct!r "!r this kin$ !" energ. 4ne pers!n #ith this placement sas his inspirati!n al#as seems t! c!me #hen hes taking a bath. An!ther #riter #riter has $i""icult $i""icult in pinning himsel" himsel" $!#n t! t! the tpe#riter. tpe#riter. *is th!ught th!ught pr!cesses seem t! perc!late best #hen he is m!ving ab!ut% running erran$s !r preparing "!!$. At an une&pecte$ m!ment% inspirati!n inspirati!n can hit. The pers!n #ith this placement is c!nstantl stimulate$% but s!metimes $istracte$% b ne# an$ $i""erent c!ncepts. *e is naturall resp!nsive t! humanitarian nee$s%
e&citement in areas !" $isc!ver% an$ inventi!ns !r c!ncepts that are ahea$ !" the times. +ince ;ranus $escribes learning abilit% as #ell as the th!ught pr!cesses% chil$ren #ith this placement ma be m!re stimulate$ b n!n-mainstream tpes !" e$ucati!n. This chil$ ma be s! "ar ahea$ !" his class that he bec!mes b!re$ an$ easil $istracte$. *e ma learn much "aster i" he has "ree$!m in c!nnecti!n #ith e$ucati!n. A natural envir!nment envir!nment is help"ul help"ul in rest!ring rest!ring peace an$ an$ tranuilit t! his min$. =elati!nships #ith "amil% siblings% an$ neighb!rs are als! $escribe$ b thir$ h!use planets an$ the thir$ h!use ruler. 6!mmunicati!ns #ith "amil memnbers can be sp!ntane!us% e&citing% e&citing% !r unpre$ictable. unpre$ictable. ," the planet ;ranus is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% the pers!n sees his relatives an$ siblings as "ree s!uls% ahea$ !" their time% an$ perhaps geniuses. *e ma als! see them as rebelli!us !r unpre$ictable i" that planet is n!t #ell-aspecte$. *e ma have an uncertain% unpre$ictable% unstable relati!nship #ith "amil% siblings% !r neighb!rs. *e ma ver #ell #ant t! run a#a "r!m "amil in"luence% rebelling in s!me "ashi!n. Free$!m c!mes thr!ugh the c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns "iel$ !r thr!ugh breaking a#a "r!m tra$iti!nal learning patterns. *e can be stimulate$ t! e&press the genius ualities he p!ssesses b $!ing things that are uniue. As l!ng as he has "ree$!m !" e&pressi!n% he can release his nee$ "!r rebelli!n in a health manner. =ec!gniti!n can be imp!rtant t! !ne #ith Le! !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use. 7g! grati"icati!n c!mes easil thr!ugh pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% !r thr!ugh activities that bear his pers!nal stamp. Depen$ing !n his m!tivati!n% he ma #!rk in !r$er t! get e&tra attenti!n "!r his pr!ects% !r he ma ust naturall "in$ the sp!tlight a c!m"!rtable place t! be. The ninth h!use rules travel% the higher min$% publicit% publishing% publishing% an$ rec!gniti!n. Le! is the $ramatic sign% rule$ b the +un. +ince the +un is the energ centre !" !ur universe% the palcement !" the +un in the chart in$icates the area !" greatest vitalit in li"e. Aspects t! the +un $escribe $escribe the ualit ualit !" inner strength% strength% inner vitalit% s!ul s!ul ualit% an$ sense !" sel"-esteem !r eg!. ,t is als! relate$ t! the animus% !r male% $!minant part !" the pers!nalit. ," the +un is #ell-place$ an$ aspecte$ in the chart% there is in$icati!n that the in$ivi$ual has a health sense !" sel"-#!rth. ," m!st !" the aspects t! the +un are p!sitive% the pers!n is m!tivate$ t! step !ut int! the public arena because !" a nee$ "!r e&pressi!n. *e values time an$ energ% is in t!uch #ith his abilit% an$ pr!ects his sel"-assurance int! pr!ects that can eventuall be c!nnecte$ #ith his name. ," the aspects t! the +un are n!t p!sitive% the in$ivi$ual ma be m!tivate$ b a nee$ "!r eg! grati"icati!n. *e ma have a sense !" sel"-#!rth in $irect pr!p!rti!n t! the publicit he receives. The ualit !" his vitalit uite naturall lea$s t! e&pl!rati!n !" !ther c!untries. Travel energi2es this pers!n tremen$!usl tremen$!usl i" the +un is #ell-aspecte$. *is natural curi!sit als! lea$s t! the taking !" chances #ith public ventures% #hich result in success an$ rec!gniti!n% !r ba$ press. This pers!n is als! a natural teacher. +ince the ninth h!use rules higher e$ucati!n% he ma "!cus !n this area. ublishing% a$vertising% a$vertising% an$ lecturing "!ll!# al!ng the same energ lines. 0an act!rs an$ actresses #h! have achieve$ rec!gniti!n thr!ugh publicit are als! publishe$. Travel an$ pr!m!ti!n !" their b!!ks bring them int! the public arena in an!ther "ashi!n. *igher e$ucati!n can als! translate int! the higher min$% !r phil!s!phical c!ncepts. This pers!n can al#as be an ambassa$!r !" g!!$ #ill% #hether he acts in an !""icial capacit !r n!t. This pers!n cares ab!ut sharing his insights an$ c!ncepts !" li"e !n a br!a$ scale. *is
natural curi!sit ab!ut the #!rkings !" the universe easil pr!pels him int! a p!siti!n !" auth!rit. an$erlust is pr!bable% as the nee$ "!r c!nstant challenges c!ntinuall c!ntinuall takes him int! ne# territ!r% b!th literall an$ "igurativel. *e is m!st alive #hen e&pl!ring li"estles li"estles in !ther lan$s. Travel can bec!me as much a necessit as "!!$ an$ $rink. ," the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$% lack !" eg! ma prevent him "r!m the e&pl!rati!n !" either !ther territ!ries territ!ries !r his !#n p!tential. *e ma "ear ba$ n!tices s! much that he $e"eats himsel" be"!re he begins. +el"-e&pl!rati!n +el"-e&pl!rati!n an$ health chance-taking can help him t! $isc!ver a ne# sense !" sel"-#!rth.
3rd House cusp in "iro / 9th House cusp in Pisces (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (5irg!-5irg! / isces-isces): The are t!! critical !" the pe!ple ar!un$ them. The nee$ t! be m!re c!ntent #ith the #a things are in the here an$ n!# an$ n!t be s! #!rrie$ ab!ut their "uture. The must guar$ against tring t! impr!ve pe!ple% an$ n!t c!ncern themselves #ith their !#n health. The can get t!! push #ith their neighb!rs. This ma give spiritualistic ten$encies #ith regar$ t! religi!n. ,t gives "aith in man unseen "!rces that !thers ma n!t have. The can have great belie" in mans abilit t! a$vance t! a higher spiritual l!ve "!r !thers. The can% un$er g!!$ aspects "r!m the rest !" the chart% be in t!uch #ith higher intelligence !" the universe% s! the $! n!t al#as believe in !rth!$!& religi!ns. +ec!n$ Decanate (5irg!-6apric!rn / isces-6ancer): The can be unc!mmunicative% unc!mmunicative% an$ are usuall $issatis"ie$ #ith their envir!nment. The "eel restricte$ b the resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit !" marriage an$ / !r their relatives. The ma #!rk har$ t! change c!n$iti!ns in the neighb!rh!!$. The ultimatel nee$ t! kn!# the reas!n "!r e&istence here !n earth. The greatest m!tivati!n m!tivati!n t! stu$ing higher truths% religi!n an$ phil!s!ph c!mes "r!m subc!nsci!us $rives (the $!nt uite un$erstan$). The are innatel a#are !" the "act that the have much instinctive kn!#le$ge #ithin themselves that the cann!t uite bring t! the sur"ace entirel. The $eepl un$erstan$ the sel"-sacri"icing the!r in the 6hristian religi!n% an$ that higher spiritual l!ve bet#een all men is the ans#er. Their min$s are pschic an$ in tune #ith the c!sm!s. There"!re% #hen the "inall "in$ the ke t! unl!cking the higher instinctive min$% the are unbeatable. Thir$ Decanate (5irg!-Taurus / isces-+c!rpi!): The are the tireless #!rkers in the c!mmunit% c!mmunit% the !nes #illing t! serve causes% especiall th!se initiate$ b "rien$s. ,t ma be m!ne-making schemes in the c!mmunit. The ma be the !nes #h! critici2e br!thers an$ sisters% but al#as in the interest !" impr!ving them. 7ven th!ugh the are ver pschic an$ can un$erstan$ an$ learn the truth !" the universe easil% the never l!se their !#n i$entities in $!ing s!. The m!re ev!lve$ attain c!smic c!nsci!usness. c!nsci!usness. The have t! be care"ul% "!r the can g! "r!m #!rl$l c!nsci!usness t! !ther-#!rl$ c!nsci!usness c!nsci!usness in a m!ment an$ can be easil in"luence$ b b!th. The can $elve int! an$ s!lve an un$ivulge$ secrets. The are creative an$ artistic% an$ lean heavil !n the msteries !" l!ve. L!ve is the area in #hich the can be m!re p!ssessive than the sh!ul$ be. +!meh!#% t!!% l!ve has a c!nnecti!n "!r them #ith religi!n an$ their phil!s!ph !" li"e. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are precise in speech% letter #riting% an$ the "!rmati!n !" i$eas% these
i$eas al#as being practical an$ #!rkable. 1!urnes an$ sh!rt trips are meticul!usl planne$ an$ !rgani2e$. These pe!ple are% h!#ever% critical !" br!thers% sisters an$ neighb!rs. =eligi!n plas a $!minant r!le in the lives !" these pe!ple' an$ their belie"s have a mstical c!nn!tati!n. c!nn!tati!n. ,nsights that seem t! c!me "r!m heaven help them s!lve their pr!blems. 0an !" them have #ritten b!!ks !n mstical subects that have em!ti!nal appeal. The like t! take l!ng !urnes b the sea. (1eanne Aver) ith 0ercur ruling the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns #hen 5irg! is !n its cusp% it #!ul$ appear that #riting !r c!mmunicati!$s c!mmunicati!$s in general #ill be even m!re str!ngl emphasi2e$. This in$ivi$ual has an analtical abilit that can m!$i" his em!ti!nal reacti!ns #hen he all!#s it t! c!me int! pla. ,t emphasi2es his nee$ t! talk% $iscuss things% rea$ an$ learn. ," 0ercur is #ell aspecte$ in the chart% it is eas "!r him t! stu$ an$ learn. +ch!!l sh!ul$ never be a pr!blem as l!ng as he is stimulate$ intellectuall% intellectuall% but $iscipline ma be a pr!blem in earl sch!!l ears. The placement !" 0ercur in the chart is the in$icati!n !" #hat the pers!n #ill talk ab!ut an$ think ab!ut. ith 5irg! !n the thir$ h!use cusp% the native is particularl c!ncerne$ #ith c!mmunit an$ "amil. The thir$ h!use als! rules br!thers an$ sisters' an$ 5irg! is the sign !" criticism an$ analsis. This native ma ten$ t! anal2e his "amil% espeicall br!thers an$ sisters. *e can critici2e them at times% but it can #!rk the !ther #a as #ell. ," 0ercur is n!t #ell aspecte$ in the chart% his siblings can anal2e !r critici2e him. ," there are g!!$ aspects% h!#ever% there #ill be g!!$ c!mmunicati!n c!mmunicati!n bet#een br!thers% sisters% an$ neighb!rs. +ince he thinks ab!ut his "amil% an$ in this instance br!thers an$ sisters in particular% he can als! #rite ab!ut them. The teleph!ne #ill be an imp!rtant instrument !" c!mmunicati!n "!r !ne #ith this placement. *e #ill keep in t!uch #ith pe!ple easil an$ c!nstantl i" 0ercur is #ell place$ an$ aspecte$ in his chart. The general nee$ t! c!mmunicate is stresse$. This pers!n ma $! his best thinking #hen he is #alking% c!mmuting !r running ar!un$ t!#n. *is intellect seems t! be stimulate$ b activit. *e ma get particularl sensati!nal i$eas #hen he is $riving a car. The manner an$ stle !" c!mmunicati!ns can var tremen$!usl. The list !" p!ets an$ artists #ith this placement is l!ng. 3eptune rules the ninth h!use #hen isces is !n its cusp. 3eptune is the planet !" visi!n an$ inspirati!n. inspirati!n. ,t is the altruistic altruistic planet. +ince +ince 3eptune rules rules the ninth h!use !" the higher min$% this pers!n is ver i$ealistic. *e can be inspire$ b high purp!se% visi!n% an$ i$eals. *is sense !" the !verall picture !n a phil!s!phical level can be a natural anti$!te "!r the em!ti!nal ualit !" his pers!nalit. it again emphasi2es his abilit t! be in t!uch #ith the tren$s !" the times an$ t! inspire !thers. The ninth h!use is the h!use that rules a$vertising% publishing% publicit% publicit% an$ pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt. ,t als! rules legal a""airs% $istances% travel% an$ !ther c!untries. ," 3eptune is #ell aspecte$ in the natal chart% this pers!n has a natural $esire t! travel an$ e&pl!re !ther c!untries. *is i$ealistic sense keeps him high !n li"e an$ attracst publicit an$ public attenti!n. 7ither he has a knack "!r publici2ing s!me!ne !r s!mething else% !r the public i$enti"ies #ith him an$ puts him !n a pe$estal !" s!rts. *e can be easil rec!gni2e$ an$ publishe$. ," 3eptune is n!t #ell aspecte$% h!#ever% there is a ten$enc t! !veri$eali2e% sta #ith naivet> instea$ !" realit% an$ set himsel" up "!r $isilluti!nment !" s!me s!rt. *is
abilit t! c!n"r!nt #ill n!t be #ell-$evel!pe$. #ell-$evel!pe$. *e #ill !verglam!ri2e i$eals an$ be let $!#n in s!me #a. *is !#n publicit #ill be either terri"ic !r $isillusi!ning. All !" the act!rs #ith this placement have run the risk !" ba$ publicit at !ne time !r an!ther. 9et man !" the #ell-kn!#n #ell-kn!#n pe!ple #ith it have been li!ni2e$ li!ni2e$ b their "ans. "ans. ," 3eptune is #ell-aspecte$ in teh chart% it is clear that a pers!n #ith this placement has a particular kin$ !" visi!n. *e is able t! see the !verall c!ncept an$ picture. ," 3eptune is n!t #ell-aspecte$% he can c!ntinue !n his merr #a% regar$less !" the truth !" a particular situati!n. ," this in$ivi$ual is able t! take !"" the r!se-c!l!re$ glasses% #!rk past his illusi!ns% an$ still retain the $ream% it seems he has it ma$e. *is instincts are "antastic% his visi!n incre$ible. +ince he reall #ants t! save the #!rl$ !n s!me level% he reaches phil!s!phical heights that give perspective n!t !nl !n his !#n li"e but als! !n the lives !" all th!se ar!un$ him. *e can be the visi!nar% lea$ing !thers b his !#n e&le.
3rd House cusp in Libra / 9th House cusp in Aries (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Libra-Libra / Aries-Aries): The nee$ t! have peace"ul an$ beauti"ul surr!un$ings. The are apt t! be the !nes in their neighb!rh!!$s neighb!rh!!$s #h! entertain% an$ #ant ever!ne t! en! themselves. Libra is s!ciable an$ is als! the matchmaker matchmaker #h! tries t! get the single pe!ple t!gether int! c!uples. The $! n!t like t! argue but are e&cellent at $ebate. ith all this c!upling abilit% the seem t! attract partners #h! #ant "ree$!m. Aries bec!mes bec!mes intereste$ intereste$ in l!ng $istance $istance traveling. traveling. The learn learn t! br!a$en br!a$en themselves an$ bec!me m!re !bective. The activel a$!pt s!me "!rm !" religi!n !r phil!s!ph in ass!ciati!n #ith a m!re c!llective #a !" li"e. ,t can give religi!us lea$ership !r initiative in spiritual a""airs. +ec!n$ Decanate (Libra-Auarius (Libra-Auarius / Aries-Le!): The have !riginal i$eas% an$ certainl like it #hen pe!ple agree #ith them. 3aturall the #ant harm!n in the envir!nment% but the #ill $ebate in !r$er t! have !thers un$erstan$ their !pini!ns. The #ant ever!ne t! en! themselves% an$ "!r ever!ne t! be "rien$s. Ab!ve all% the #ant the pe!ple ar!un$ them t! like them. ," the have t! a$ust t! !thers t! get this acceptance% the #ill. This gives enthusiastic lea$ership int! pursuits !" religi!n an$ higher min$ subects. These pe!ple are s!metimes "!rce$ thr!ugh l!ve int! m!re !bective th!ughts ab!ut li"e s! as t! kn!# themselves an$ the pers!n the l!ve better. The "eel as th!ugh the have a special missi!n' an$ #ith their large eg! can success"ull "ul"ill a special missi!n. Thir$ Decanate (Libra-Gemini / Aries-+agittarius): hen the c!mmunicate #ith pe!ple in the envir!nment% the are never $irect an$ t! the p!int. The tr t! be t!! "air% an$ there"!re $! n!t acc!mplish as much. The like their envir!nment t! be peace"ul an$ beauti"ul% but the still can be at their best even i" it isnt. This s!un$s like a para$!& but it is true% "!r then the can be the arbitrat!rs an$ artists% #hich are r!les the l!ve. The cann!t live #ith!ut "rien$s ar!un$ them #ith #h!m t! s!ciali2e. *ere is the pr!phet !" !ptimism. The usuall can tell s!meh!# #hat is ust ar!un$ the c!rner' there"!re the sh!ul$ n!t #alk a#a "r!m s!mething be"!re the get t! the c!rner (an$ the usuall $!nt). This in"luence gives a p!siti!n !" lea$ership #ith all the ne#% pi!neering phil!s!phies% #hich m!re than pr!babl $irects itsel" t! the #el"are !" chil$ren !r an enlargement !" their !#n the!ries !" l!ve.
(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple e&press their i$eas grace"ull. The are "rien$l an$ ust t!#ar$ their br!thers% sisters% an$ neighb!rs. The like t! travel in lu&ur. ," the are #riters% the like t! have partners in their literar en$eav!rs. The instinctivel kn!# that all things !riginate in the 7ternal. As a result !" their visi!nar th!ught% th!ught% their creativit is !"ten e&presse$ e&presse$ $ramaticall. $ramaticall. The $! n!t n!t #ant t! be suppresse$ b tra$iti!nal% religi!us "!rms. 0an !" the me$ieval crusa$er-kings ha$ this placement% an$ t! this $a pe!ple having it ten$ t! be crusa$ers "!r their i$eals. (1eanne Aver) 5enus rules the the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns #hen Libra Libra is !n its its cusp. Libra is the the sign !" $ipl!mac% charm% re"inement% re"inement% grace% an$ beaut' the sign !" the artist an$ the $ipl!mat. The abilit t! c!mmunicate #ith charm an$ $ip!mac is c!uple$ #ith an e&cepti!nal abilit t! neg!tiate. The artistic sense an$ charming #a !" speaking lea$s man natives #ith this placement int! artistic pursuits% #hether in the theatre% in the literar #!rl$% !r thr!ugh art. The native #ith this placement n! $!ubt has man avenues !" creative e&pressi!n' but painting can be an e&cepti!nall e&cepti!nall satis"ing "!rm !" c!mmunicati!n% even as a h!bb. +ince 5enus rules man things ass!ciate$ #ith pleasure an$ beaut% the list !" activities p!ssible "!r !ne #ith this placement is l!ng. 6!mmunicati!ns !" an s!rt h!l$ pleasure "!r the in$ivi$ual% but 5enus is primaril ass!ciate$ #ith the artistic e&pressi!n. A str!ng $ipl!matic abilit enables !ne #ith this placement t! success"ull $eal #ith p!litics. 5enus rules c!l!r% c!l!r% $esign% te&ture% te&tiles% te&tiles% $ec!rating% $ec!rating% $esigning. $esigning. 5enus is c!nnecte$ c!nnecte$ n!t !nl #ith s!ciet but #ith s!cial re"!rm. The in$ivi$ual #ith this $namic pers!nalit has n! tr!uble in bec!ming a champi!n "!r humanit% as his natural $ipl!matic% $ipl!matic% graci!us manner !" speaking can cut thr!ugh t! the c!re !" c!ncern m!re uickl than arguments an$ stri"e. 5enus in$icates in$icates the bargaining bargaining abilit. abilit. Artistic pers!nalities pers!nalities either either use this 5enusian 5enusian trait t! make $eals% an$ t! cement c!ntracts an$ agreements% !r can take the eas #a !ut in areas !" neg!tiati!ns. neg!tiati!ns. e!ple inv!lve$ in art% theatre an$ $ance are n!t!ri!us "!r #!rking in !r$er t! e&press their talent #hile neglecting their !#n best interests% et man #ith this placement are especiall g!!$ at striking a g!!$ "inancial $eal. The aspects t! 5enus in the in$ivi$ual chart can give a str!ng in$icati!n as t! the #a a pers!n c!mes t! agreement. G!!$ aspects t! that planet in$icate an e&cepti!nal abilit t! charm pe!ple int! agreement% #hile $i""icult aspects sh!# a ten$enc t! keep peace at an price an$ a hesitanc t! make #aves. There is al#as a nee$ "!r !ne #ith this placement t! have harm!ni!us interpers!nal $ealings. The aspects t! 5enus in$icate h!# that in$ivi$ual g!es ab!ut getting that civilit an$ rapp!rt he craves. *e either creates harm!n an$ beaut% using 5enus in a p!sitive manner% !r keeps peace b inacti!n% still attaining his g!al !" harm!n but in a passive% less-than-pr!$uctive #a. The ninth h!use in a chart in$icates the impulse t! reach !ut be!n$ perimeters% tuning in t! the higher min$ an$ ina$vertentl ina$vertentl achieving rec!gniti!n. 4n a practical level% it in$icates a$vertising% public relati!ns% pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% legal a""airs% higher e$ucati!n% travel% imp!rting% imp!rting% $ealing #ith c!untries at a $istance. ,t in$icates the state !" phil!s!ph% the #illingness t! e&pan$% the publishing #!rl$.
hen Aries is !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use% the h!use is rule$ b 0ars. That planet is in$icative !" $rive% ambiti!n% $eterminati!n% the "ighting instincts. ,t als! rules se&ualit% metals an$ #ar"are. 3! matter #hat "iel$ is ch!sen% rec!gniti!n rec!gniti!n is attaine$ b aggressive acti!n. 7&tra $rive an$ ambiti!n enable the native t! $eal in c!mpetitive c!mpetitive areas. *e #ill be kn!#n "!r #hatever he pi!neers. The m!re he harnesses aggressive energies% energies% the m!re success he attains. *e ma $isc!ver he has a si&th sense ab!ut pr!m!ti!n% publicit% publicit% publishing. The in$ivi$i$ual can be stimulate$ b ne# "iel$s t! c!nuer. *e ma bec!me m!re energetic an$ #ell kn!#n in c!untries !ther than that !" his birth. ," 0ars is #ell-aspecte$ #ell-aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the energ is #ell-$irecte$. #ell-$irecte$. ," 0ars is n!t #ell-aspecte$% there can be s!me "rustrati!n in c!nnecti!n #ill publicit !r pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt. ,n s!me instances% an publicit is better than n!ne% an$ in man cases hea$lines bear ne#s !" "ights% se&ual escapa$es !r "laring tempers. ,t is up t! ever in$ivi$ual t! utili2e his energ in the manner he ch!!ses% but this pers!n% in particular% can channel pi!neering% aggressive $rive in a #a that #ill bring p!sitive bene"its "!r ever!ne% !r be rec!gni2e$ "!r $!ing ust the !pp!site. ,n an area c!nnecte$ t! legal a""airs% this pers!n can pi!neer ne# tren$s% "ighting "!r !thers !r e&periencing great "rustrati!n #ith his legal battles. Travel can bring re#ar$ an$ challenge% !r "rustrati!n #ith $elas an$ c!n$iti!ns !" "light. *igher e$ucati!n an$ publishing bring !pp!rtunit t! pave the #a "!r !thers% !r c!n$iti!ns "ull !" stri"e% cha!s% an$ !pp!siti!n. 7&cepti!nal lea$ership ualities can bring !pp!rtunit t! this pers!n t! "ight "!r change an$ pi!neer ne# tren$s.
3rd House cusp in Scorpio / 9th House cusp in Taurus (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (+c!rpi!-+c!rpi! / Taurus-Taurus): The c!municate #ith the pe!ple ar!un$ them% an$ ma be ver charming an$ c!mpani!nable t! th!se in their neighb!rh!!$s% neighb!rh!!$s% but !u #ill never reall kn!# anthing ab!ut them. The are secretive% believing believing that #hen pe!ple kn!# t!! much the can use it against them. The partners "inancial images are imp!rtant t! them. ,t helps them pr!ect their !#n sel"-image #ithin their gr!up !r neighb!rh!!$ (an$ has an element !" pri$e in it). Their stubb!rn an$ "i&e$ i$eas ab!ut religi!n an$ phil!s!ph usuall stick #ith them the rest !" their lives. ," the are ever t! change their vie#s% the can be persua$e$ !r illume$ !nl thr!ugh l!ve% but n!t "!rce$. The $! n!t ump t! intellectual c!nclusi!ns. +ec!n$ Decanate (+c!rpi!-isces (+c!rpi!-isces / Taurus-5irg!): The are n!t ver g!!$ at c!mmunicating c!mmunicating #ith their ass!ciates' the ma be either t!! blunt !r secretive. The can be $reamers' an$ much !" #hat the $! takes !n behin$-the-scenes aspects. The present images !" being t!! realistic% but are ust the !pp!site' the gather strength "r!m unseen% unreaslistic "!rces that n!-!ne else kn!#s ab!ut. The can bec!me ver $iscriminating an$ "i&e$% #here religi!n is c!ncerne$. The ma care t!! much ab!ut public acceptance in regar$ t! their religi!us image% an$ n!t "r!m #hat the #ant at their true sel" centre. There are "ears #ithin them that the #ill l!se their grips !n g!!$ !l$ 0!ther 7arth i" the lean t!! much t! the right !r le"t. Thir$ Decanate (+c!rpi!-6ancer / Taurus-6apric!rn): The can be le$ t! stu$
thr!ugh an em!ti!nal attachment but n!t b pure reas!n !r l!gic. The en! entertaining neighb!rs neighb!rs in h!me surr!un$ings% but $! n!t necessaril make a habit !" it. 7ven th!ugh the $! n!t easil !in !rgani2ati!ns !rgani2ati!ns in the c!mmunit% the the #ill #!rk har$ i" it is trul a g!!$ cause. ," religi!us !r phil!s!phical i$eas are n!t practical% the are n!t intereste$. The #ill listen but the must e&perience these things pers!nall. These pe!ple have "i&e$ natures' i" the cant change s!mething% the #ill ign!re it as i" it $!esnt e&ist. *!#ever% thr!ugh l!ve !r the in"luence !" their chil$ren the can be ma$e t! m!$i" i$eas. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are energetic% e&tremel res!urce"ul% an$ creative in their th!ught pr!cesses. +uccinctness an$ "rankness characteri2e their speech an$ c!mmunicati!n. !r$s #ell sai$ "uncti!n as a balm "!r them an$ are beauti"ul music t! their ears. Their phil!s!ph is base$ !n the beauti"ul an$ the practical. The take a $!#n-t!earth vie# !" s!cial c!ncepts an$ religi!n% an$ are n!t likel t! change their vie#s easil !n these subects. The insist !n the ust han$ling !" "inances an$ relati!nships. (1eanne Aver) lut! is the ruler !" the the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns #ith +c!rpi! !n its cusp. lut! is the p!#er planet. The pers!n #ith this placement has a particularl p!#er"ul abilit t! in"luence pe!ple #ith #hat he sas. *is intensit is s! high that he ma n!t reali2e his can kn!ck pe!ple !ver #ith his #!r$s. *e ma unintenti!nall antag!ni2e th!se ar!un$ him b putting t!! much "!rce int! his c!nversati!ns. lut! energ is $namic an$ p!#er"ul. ,t can be $estructive' but i" it is channele$% it can be en!rm!usl e""ective. e""ective. hen the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement bec!mes bec!mes a#are !" his p!#er% he #ill care"ull release that energ !n the highest level. lut! rules the mass me$ia% c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns "iel$s% an$ televisi!n. =eaching masses !" pe!ple is a #a !" trans"!rming the intensit !" this pers!ns abilit t! c!mmunicate. c!mmunicate. Act!rs #ith this placement have particular charisma #ith the public. 6!mmunicati!ns 6!mmunicati!ns an$ the abilit t! neg!tiate an$ m!$erate can pr!pel in$ivi$uals #ith this placement int! p!#er"ul p!siti!ns. hen the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement puri"ies his m!tivati!n t!#ar$ the #ell-being !" all% he rises like the ph!eni& "r!m the ashes t! reach mankin$. The thir$ h!use rules earl sch!!ling as #ell. ,t ma be thr!ugh e$ucati!n that the pers!n gets in t!uch #ith his e""ectiveness. *e n!t !nl trans"!rms !thers but can trans"!rm himsel"% #hen he uses his p!#er"ul abilit t! c!mmunicate !n a highl m!tivate$ level. level. ," lut! is #ell-aspecte$ in the natal chart% the in$ivi$ual is in t!uch #ith his natural abilit t! a""ect pe!ple thr!ugh #!r$s. *e #ill utili2e th!ughts an$ i$eas in an e""ective #a% kn!#ing that he ma n!t have t! sa much in !r$er t! get the message acr!ss. *e #ill #!rk thr!ugh an me$ia that reach pe!ple !n a mass level. ," lut! is n!t #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% the in$ivi$ual ma be tempte$ t! pla games #ith #!r$s% !r be !verl "!rce"ul. +ince sh!rt-$istance travel can be in$icate$ b the thir$ h!use% the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement #ill be attracte$ t! p#!er"ul aut!m!biles% aut!m!biles% m!t!rccles% !r
p!#erb!ats. +ince lut! is als! the planet !" pla% !ne #ith this placement can release a great $eal !" pent-up energ thr!ugh vehicles that challenge his skill an$ release his p!#er. *e ma gain a greater sense !" p!#er #hen he $rives% "lies% !r spee$s acr!ss the #ater. *e ma nee$ t! pla% thr!ugh energ $escribe$ b the thir$ h!use% t! av!i$ antag!ni2ing ever!ne ever!ne ar!un$ him. +ince this h!use als! $escribes relatives an$ neighb!rs% the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement ma live ar!un$ particularl in"luential pe!ple. *is relatives an$ siblings ma be especiall magnetic. ," lut! is ba$l aspecte$% these same siblings% relatives !r neighb!rs ma !ccasi!nall pull the rug !ut "r!m un$er him% sen$ing !ut the message: D! as , sa an$ ask n! uesti!ns. *e ma nee$ t! av!i$ being m!tivate$ b a $esire t! get even #ith th!se pe!ple #h! have "!rce$ !r manipulate$ him. hen Taurus is !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use !" rec!gniti!n% travel% travel% pr!m!ti!n% an$ legal a""airs% 5enus is its ruler. 5enus in$icates #hat !ne l!ves% #here pleasure is $erive$% an$ areas !" charm an$ s!ciabilit. The pers!nalit ma be his m!st charming% $ipl!matic $ipl!matic sel" #hen he is a#a "r!m his natural habitat. *e l!ves travel% an$ ma have best ease !" living in c!untries a#a "r!m his birth #here he "in$s it eas t! attract rec!gniti!n. ,t is the artistic ualities that ma bring the greatest rec!gniti!n rec!gniti!n t! !ne #ith this placement. This is certainl true in the case !" all act!rs% artists% musicians an$ #riters #ith this placement. This ualit als! in$icates a special $ipl!matic $ipl!matic abilit that can bring !pp!rtunit "!r statesmanship. statesmanship. ublishing can als! bring great pr!minance t! !ne #ith this placement. F!r the m!st part% this native receives "av!rable publicit. ,t ma be e&tremel eas "!r him t! attract public rec!gniti!n. rec!gniti!n. hen 5enus is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% this in$ivi$ual #ill be especiall sensitive t! the l!ve !" his public. *e en!s the pleasure an$ ease !" li"e #hen he is travelling% an$ can be uite in$ulgent in satis"ing the taste he easil $evel!ps. *e ma !nl travel in the m!st pleasurable #a% #ith lu&uries acc!mm!$ati!ns all the #a. *e $evel!ps the sensu!us si$e !" his pers!nalit thr!ugh the bene"its !" rec!gniti!n "r!m his "ans. ," 5enus is ba$l aspecte$% the native #ith this placement ma n!t all!# himsel" the pleasures he reall $esires% an$ ma av!i$ making #aves #ith publicit !r pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% especiall #hen he is a#a "r!m his native s!il. *e ma av!i$ e&pressing a p!sitive% $ipl!matic appr!ach. *is phil!s!ph ma be base$ !n the pleasure principle% an$ he ma !verin$ulge his tastes "!r high living #hen he is a#a "r!m h!me. ublicit ma be c!nnecte$ #ith the sensual si$e !" his nature. +ince 5enus is the planet planet m!st ass!ciate$ #ith #ith graci!usness graci!usness an$ s!ciabilit% s!ciabilit% the in$ivi$ual in$ivi$ual can "in$ his greatest happiness #hen he is #illing t! e&press this l!ving si$e !" his nature in c!nstructive #as that #ill bring him rec!gniti!n.
3rd House cusp in Saittarius / 9th House cusp in Gemini (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (+agittarius-+agittarius / Gemini-Gemini): The are e&tr!verts an$ kn!# h!# t! talk t! pe!ple #ithin the envir!nment. The can see the br!a$ vie#p!int% an$ like m!ving m!ving ab!ut b b taking a little a$ventur!us a$ventur!us trip n!# an$ then. The kn!# h!# t! resp!n$% an$ be"!re pe!ple kn!# it the have been caught. 4ne can easil see #h the are #ell-like$. There is a curi!sit ab!ut li"e in "ara#a places. The #!ul$ l!ve t! be #!rl$
travellers. The religi!us appr!ach is thr!ugh intuitive min$ that uses reas!n an$ n!t em!ti!ns. This pers!n can be a teacher !" higher e$ucati!n !r !ne #h! $!es a l!t !" talking ab!ut abstract subects. hether he kn!#s a l!t ab!ut it !r n!t% it s!un$s as i" he $!es. +ec!n$ Decanate (+agittarius-Aries (+agittarius-Aries / Gemini-Libra): These pe!ple are the !nes #h! sprea$ all the ne#s ar!un$ the neighb!rh!!$. The are the "irst !nes in the neighb!rh!!$ neighb!rh!!$ t! be a#are !" situati!ns. The marriage partner #ill n! $!ubt be inv!lve$ in this pr!pagan$a (g!ssip) #ith them% !r there ma be arguments $ue t! this sprea$ing the #!r$ ar!un$. The like t! br!a$cast ne#s because the are naturall curi!us "!r ne# "acts. The lesser sel" #ill sprea$ g!ssip' the higher sel" #ill teach ne# an$ interesting e$ucati!nal "acts t! !thers in !r$er t! impr!ve them. The are capable !" ustice in the a""airs !" man. Their higher min$s can be impartial an$ "air. Their min$s br!a$en as the get !l$er% "!r the can reach their $ecisi!ns #ith!ut em!ti!n. The make e&cellent an$ persuasive !rat!rs. This is a g!!$ placement "!r religi!n an$ phil!s!ph that is accepte$ thr!ugh reas!n an$ l!gic. *!#ever% behin$ all this% the have interests in sel" an$ h!# the are c !ming acr!ss. There is much activit in religi!us gr!ups. Thir$ Decanate (+agittarius-Le! / Gemini-Auarius): These are the pe!ple #h! like t! take l!ng trips "!r "un an$ e$ucati!n. The take pictures an$ then sh!# them t! "rien$s. The en! talking ab!ut their man a$ventures% an$ perhaps have man st!ries t! tell. The treat th!se the entertain like r!alt (especiall i" their guests like it). *!#ever% the $! pre"er t! s!ciali2e #ith pe!ple #h! are inp!rtant !r intellectual. The n!t !nl #ant t! learn ne# things ab!ut liberal phil!s!phies phil!s!phies but #ant t! br!a$cast them t! all #h! #ill listen. The "ace religi!us truth #ith their min$s an$ n!t !nl use reas!n an$ l!gic but can attack establishe$ truth i" it $!esnt agree #ith theirs. Their l!ve li"e an$ creativit (art #!rks) sh!# liberal phil!s!phies. ,n !ther #!r$s% their acti!ns back up their vie#s. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) Libras are phil!s!phic an$ visi!nar in the e&pressi!n !" their th!ughts an$ i$eas. The are c!ncerne$ #ith religi!n an$ s!cial values% an$ esteem i$eas in terms !" their use"ulness in the larger s!cial !r$er. The are gener!us t!#ar$ br!thers% sisters an$ neighb!rs% even th!ugh the ma be separate$ "r!m them. 0an times their sh!rt trips% #hether mental !r phsical% take them t! places the have n!t previ!usl visite$. The The "reuentl receive messages messages "r!m an$ c!mmunicate #ith pe!ple in "ara#a places. The $eman$ that religi!n an$ phil!s!ph be practical in applicati!n an$ l!gicall c!mprehensible. c!mprehensible. 0an Libras like t! #rite ab!ut an$ $iscuss these matters. There are numer!us c!mings an$ g!ings in relati!n t! religi!us activities. (1eanne Aver) 1upiter rules the the thir$ h!use h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns #hen +agittarius is is !n its cusp. This This h!use als! rules earl e$ucati!n% the learning aptitu$e an$ inclinati!ns% an$ relati!nship #ith siblings% relatives% an$ neighb!rs. A cheer"ul !utl!!k !n li"e% natural e&uberance an$ !ptimism% an$ an abilit t! en! hum!r an$ laughter are characteristic !" !ne #ith the placement. *is phil!s!phical bent is as c!ntagi!us as his charm.
1upiter in$icates in$icates happiness% phil!s!ph% phil!s!ph% e&pansi!n% g!als% g!als% selling% an$ areas !" particular g!!$ "!rtune. Act!rs an$ actresses have a special ingre$ient in their makeup #hich enables them t! sell themselves. !liticians% statesmen% an$ #riters share this natural abilit t! c!mmunicate. c!mmunicate. 6hallenges in these areas keep this pers!n high !n li"e. Truth-telling is part !" his nature% even t! the p!int !" bluntness. ith high enthusiasm% he ma pr!mise m!re than he can easil $eliver% but his gestures are #ell-meant. 6!me$ can be a g!!$ vehicle "!r act!rs #ith this placement. hil!s!ph hil!s!ph is the !pp!site si$e !" the c!in. +tretching t!#ar$ ne# kin$s !" r!les can be especiall imp!rtant "!r an act!r #ith this placement. The pr!cess !" learning is !" great imp!rtance t! !ne #ith this placement. *e nee$s c!nstant challenges in areas !" the m!n$. *e ma establish l!ng-range g!als s! that he is c!nstantl stimulate$. stimulate$. hil!s!ph% religi!us c!ncepts% an$ the un$erling patterns !" li"e can especiall interest him. *is e$ucati!n c!ntinues l!ng a"ter his sch!!l ears. *e l!ves t! rea$ an$ is challenge$ t!#ar$ ne# a#arenesses a#arenesses as he is presente$ #ith m!re e&periences. *e has a natural curi!sit ab!ut !ther cultures% !ther li"estles% an$ l!ves t! peer int! !ther neighb!rh!!$s. 7ver$a challenges challenges can stimulate him% an$ he en!s running ar!un$% taking care !" erran$s. *e is a happ c!mmuter% especiall especiall en!ing $rives in the c!untr% as he is a true naturel!ver. *e naturall #ants the m!st lu&uri!us vehivle in his particular price range t! c!mplement c!mplement an$ "acilitate his missi!ns. =elati!nships #ith siblings are usuall uite g!!$. *e is enc!uraging an$ gener!us #ith relatives an$ neighb!rs% an$ attracts a similar resp!nse "r!m them. ," 1upiter is #ell-aspecte$ in the natal chart% he is especiall "!rtunate in these areas. ," it is n!t% there is a ten$enc t! e&pect m!re !" himsel" an$ !" !thers than is al#as p!ssible. *e ma !verestimate his time an$ energ% !versell% an$ let himsel" in "!r $isapp!intment. $isapp!intment. *e sh!ul$ take the pr!mises !" !thers #ith a grain !" salt. *e ma have t! sche$ule m!re taks than he can acc!mplish in !r$er t! challenge himsel" (this can be b!th g!!$ an$ ba$)% an$ have man ir!ns in the "ire s! that at least !ne !" them #ill c!me thr!ugh% prevnting a let$!#n. *e has a natural cest la vie attitu$e. *is hum!r #ill carr him thr!ugh alm!st an situati!n he enc!unters in li"e. 0ercur is the ruler !" the ninth h!use #hen Gemini is !n its cusp. Gemini has an air ualit% an$ is a $ual sign% in$icating an abilit t! see b!th si$es !" the c!in. it in$icates areas #here there is a nee$ "!r e&citement an$ mental stimulati!n. stimulati!n. ,t can sh!# restlessness !r interesting mental activit. The ninth h!use rules pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% legal matters% publicit% travel% $ealings #ith $istance% an$ higher e$ucati!n. ,t can als! $escribe the abilit t! $istribute% imp!rt% !r e&p!rt. The native #ith this placement must be stimulate$ mentall b s!me ninth h!use-relate$ activit !r he bec!mes uickl b!re$. 0ercur in$icates the things he thinks ab!ut. 3e# h!ri2!ns stimulate mental activit. A la#er #ith #ith tis placement placement is particularl particularl a$ept at thinking !n his his "eet. *e is never at a l!ss "!r #!r$s !r i$eas% an$ can cleverl turn a situati!n t! his a$vantage thr!ugh his mental agilit. An act!r #ith this placement is able t! think !" pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal schemes% an$ has g!!$ instincts ab!ut h!# t! attract the necessar attenti!n t! his #!rk. Designers an$ artists #ith this placement can be especiall success"ul at arranging sh!#s% !r "in$ing galleries an$ agents #h! #ill pr!m!te them pr!perl. ,n ma cases% the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement is m!re stimulate$ in c!untries a#a "r!m his place !" birth. 0an pe!ple #ith his p!siti!n have a natural aptitu$e "!r languages. The mental energ seems stimulate$ b "!reign cultures. This in$ivi$ual
ma "eel he simpl kn!#s ab!ut li"e a#a "r!m his place !" birth. *e #ill rea$ ab!ut $istant places% think ab!ut travel% an$ perhaps talk ab!ut his e&periences a#a "r!m h!me. ," 0ercur is n!t #ell-aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% he #ill have $i""icult in e&pressing himsel" in !ther c!untries% at a universit% !r #ith pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt. 7ven #ith a #ell-aspecte$ 0ercur in the natal chart% there ma be times #hen he is saturate$ #ith travel% publicit% an$ pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt. *e #ill then nee$ time al!ne in !r$er t! rest!re his perspective. *e can actuall $! his best thinking al!ne% behin$ the scenes. *e ma nee$ this s!litu$e% peri!$icall% t! rest his active min$. The in$ivi$ual #ith this placement is able t! be publishe$% an$ can lecture% teach% an$ e&press his i$eas !n his s!apb!&. *is natural $ipl!matic abilit e&ten$s e&ten$s t! the un$erstan$ing !" !ther cultures.
3rd House cusp in Capricorn / 9th House cusp in Cancer (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (6apric!rn-6apric!rn / 6ancer-6ancer): The $! n!t like small talk. 6!mmunicati!ns 6!mmunicati!ns are !" a seri!us nature. The nee$ t! rela& m!re in c!mmunicating #ith !thers% an$ nee$ t! learn t! laugh. The ma n!t be intereste$ in e$ucating themselves #hen the are !ung' but mental talents gr!# an$ e&pan$ as the age. The struggle "!r acceptance in the envir!nment as prestigi!us members !" it. The $esire t! appear #ise. The can al#as be at h!me "ar a#a "r!m h!me (even in a "!reign lan$) pr!vi$ing the have an em!ti!nal attachment there% !r $evel!p !ne uickl. The have $eep an$ penetrating "eelings ab!ut religi!n an$ the m!ral la#s the live b. Feelings an$ em!ti!ns ma pla a big part in the a$!pti!n !" a religi!n. +ec!n$ Decanate (6apric!rn-Taurus / 6ancer-+c!rpi!): The ma be seri!us in their th!ughts an$ c!ntr!lle$ in their c!mmunicati!ns% but i" !u appeal t! them thr!ugh beaut an$ a""ecti!n% the easil resp!n$. The appreciate beauti"ul surr!un$ings. The seem m!re "le&ible in their thinking than the reall are. The $! n!t easil accept !u as a partner !r a c!n"i$ante% but #hen the $! the #ill never let !u $!#n. *!#ever% the can be eal!us an$ p!ssessive !" the pe!ple the $! accept% #hether marriage partners% "rien$s% !r neighb!rs. The seem t! $! #ell "inanciall #hen the take !n pr!ects !" s!me kin$ in their !#n c!mmunit #hich better the c!mmunit in s!me #a. Things the $! seem t! aut!maticall turn int! m!ne% even i" it $!esnt start !ut that #a. These pe!ple have p!#ers !" mental revelati!n' revelati!n' an$ #hen c!ntr!lle$ an$ $irecte$ the can s!lve the msteries !" e&istence. hen the learn t! me$itate% the can get t! the centre !" religi!us an$ phil!s!phical truths. The learn b the $irect e&periences the themselve sbec!me inv!lve$ in% rather than aca$emicall. The pr!ect strength t! !thers because the themselves can en$ure. Thir$ Decanate (6apric!rn-5irg! (6apric!rn-5irg! / 6ancer-isces): The are the !$$ !nes in the "amil. The are n!t al#as un$erst!!$ in their !#n envir!nments% s! usuall the bec!me unc!mmunicative until the m!ve a#a "r!m h!me. The are intereste$ in seri!us subects an$ are n!t e&actl g!!$ at small talk. hen the ass!ciate #ith an$ help "rien$s% the bec!me m!re c!mmunicative. hen the $evel!p interest in "rien$s% it alleviates the necessit "!r them t! talk ab!ut themselves% themselves% #hich the $! n!t like t! $!. hat the $! like is t! listen t! !thers talk ab!ut themselves% unless there is str!ng Gemini else#here in the chart% #hich #ill then #ater this $!#n. The ultimatel nee$ t! kn!# the reas!n "!r their e&istence. The greatest m!tivati!n
"!r stu$ing higher truths% religi!n% an$ phil!s!ph is l!ve. The $eepl un$erstan$ the sel"-sacri"icing th!r in religi!n% #ith l!ve as the ans#er. Their min$s are ver creative an$ imaginative. imaginative. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are care"ul in the e&pressi!n !" their th!ughts. The never sa !r #rite anthing unless there is a $e"inite reas!n "!r $!ing s!% #hich is #h the have a reputati!n "!r secrec. +ince their #!r$s are care"ull calculate$ "!r ma&imum impact% the can be harsh an$ e&acting in their speech. This is #here the +c!rpi! sting appears. The are em!ti!nal an$ tenaci!us in the areas !" religi!n an$ phil!s!ph. The have "!resight b means !" pschic pr!ecti!n% et the cling t! "amil religi!n. As a rule% the pre"er t! travel b #ater. (1eanne Aver) The thir$ h!use in the chart $escribes c!mmunicati!ns in general% earl sch!!ling% learning habits% teleph!nes% c!mmuting% an$ c!mmunit a""airs% neighb!rs an$ relatives. ith +aturn ruling this h!use% c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns bec!me a "!cal p!int in li"e. +aturn in$icates !nes heaviest karmic situati!n t! be res!lve$% an$ the eventual securit an$ stabilit "!un$ in li"e. ,t al#as in$icates areas #here the pers!n "eels great resp!nsibilit% resp!nsibilit% but can $escribe !verkill #ith per"ecti!nist ten$encies% a bur$ens!me sense !" resp!nsibilit% guilt% an$ "ears. The pers!n #ith this placement can be meticul!us ab!ut $etails% et can pr!crastinate in areas c!ncerning c!mmunicati!ns. ,n sch!!l% he ma #!rr ab!ut his #!rk being per"ect. *e av!i$s tackling the !b in en!ugh time t! c!mplete it pr!perl% an$ can then hi$e behin$ the e&cuse that it #!ul$ have been better i" he ha$ ha$ m!re time. *e #ill re$! a paper man times t! be sure !" its per"ecti!n% per"ecti!n% !r $eci$e it #ill never be right an$ av!i$ it alt!gether. +ch!!l $as ma be b!ring !r te$i!us "!r !ne #ith this placement because he puts himsel" un$er such pressure. The aspects t! the planet +aturn in$icate the natural ten$encies in his learning an$ stu$ habits. ," +aturn is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% he $evel!ps str!ng% resp!nsible stu$ habits that "!rm a base !" securit in later ears. *e appreciates an !pp!rtunit t! sink his teeth int! pr!ects #ith learning !r research% an$ en!s the $etails inv!lve$. *e can p!re !ver $etails in c!ntractual matters% rea$ing the "ine print until he has everthing in !r$er. *e has a str!ng respect "!r the #ritten an$ sp!ken #!r$. ith +aturn str!ng in the natal chart% there is a pr!"!un$ abilit "!r research an$ techn!l!g. techn!l!g. The pers!n #ill leave n! st!ne unturne$ in his uest "!r truth an$ clarit. *e ma !ver$! his research pr!ects' but the "acts #ill al#as emerge. *e ma get b!gge$ $!#n in t!! much technicalit as an av!i$ance tactic% but he buil$s a plat"!rm !" securit #ith each ne# bit !" in"!rmati!n. Be"!re he tackles ne# pr!ects% stu$ is necessar t! give him a sense !" being !n s!li$ gr!un$. *e ma be sl!# t! c!mmit himsel" t! ne# i$eas be"!re his !#n investigati!n. ," +aturn is n!t #ell aspecte$ in the natal chart% insecurit ab!ut his abilit t! c!mmunicate can be uite pr!n!unce$. *e can $islike the teleph!ne% av!i$ running erran$s% an$ be insecure ab!ut his learning abilities because he puts himsel" un$er t!! much pressure. *e c!ul$ bec!me b!re$ !r u$gemental ab!ut sch!!l an$ g! int! str!ng pr!crastinati!n pr!ce$ures. pr!ce$ures. +ince +aturn is relate$ t! the parent eg! state in Transacti!nal Analsis terms% he ma have ha$ u$gemental u$gemental messages that negativel c!n$iti!ne$ his abilit t! learn. ,n the res!luti!n !" satis"ing that u$gemental inner
v!ice% he eventuall learns learns t! assume greater resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit in the c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns "iel$s. 6!mmunicati!ns 6!mmunicati!ns then bec!me a stabili2ing "!rce rather than a "ear. +ince the thir$ h!use als! $escribes the relati!nship #ith br!thers an$ sisters% !r relatives in general% man "eelings !" estrangement estrangement ma be ass!ciate$ #ith "amil relati!nships. A pers!n ma n!t have br!thers an$ sisters% an$ "eel that lack% !r ma attract str!ng parental u$gemental messages "r!m his "amil !r siblings. ," +aturn is #ell-aspecte$% #ell-aspecte$% the "amil an$ siblings represent great securit "!r the in$ivi$ual. *e ma un$erstan$ that insecurities in the pers!nalit !" br!thers an$ sisters prevent the e&pressi!n !" #armth an$ enc!uragement. enc!uragement. ," +aturn is #ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual l!!ks t! his "amil "!r l!ving supp!rt an$ gui$ance. Deep c!ncentrati!n an$ $iligent applicati!n applicati!n can be a p!sitive trait in the make-up !" !ne #ith this placement. The in$ivi$ual ma $isc!ver that #riting is a talent that emerges later in li"e. ith the "reeing !" an insecurities% he ma learn t! e&press m!re than a technical appr!ach t! c!mmunicati!ns an$ #riting% alth!ugh the talent ma al#as ten$ t!#ar$ $etaile$ #!rk. ith 6ancer !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use !" publicit an$ pr!m!ti!n% as #ell as rec!gniti!n "!r the in$ivi$ual% the em!ti!nal nature has much t! $! #ith reacti!ns c!ncerning these matters. +ince the 0!!n% #hich rules% 6an cer% is the "astest-m!ving "astest-m!ving b!$ in the heavens% each $a can bring a $i""erent "eeling ab!ut pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt. ," an in$ivi$ual has a high em!ti!nal level t! begin #ith% in$icate$ b a #ell-aspecte$ 0!!n in the natal chart% he has e&treme sensitivit ab!ut ab!ut the tren$s !" the times. er"!rmers% entertainers entertainers an$ artists sem t! sense #hat the public #ill bu. This in$ivi$ual can be particularl vulnerable t! a$verse publicit% et the public can als! resp!n$ t! him !n a $eep an$ em!ti!nal level. The 0!!n in$icates the hunger nee$s an$ "eelings share$ b mankin$. ,t $escribes the c!llective unc!nsci!us% an$ #!men in particular. ," the 0!!n is #ell-aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n #ith this placement has an innate instinct ab!ut an$ gut reacti!n t! the nee$s !" his "ell!# man. *e easil e&presses his m!thering% nurturing instincts. *e sh!#s a pr!tective nature thr!ugh inv!lvement inv!lvement in publishing !r higher e$ucati!n% !r b getting !n his s!apb!& in s!me "ashi!n. +tatisticall% +tatisticall% the 0!!n is the str!ngest planet in the charts !" #riters. ," the 0!!n is n!t #ell-aspecte$% "eelings an$ em!ti!nal reacti!ns ma get in the #a !" chance-taking. This in$ivi$ual #!ul$ be t!! easil hurt b a$verse publicit% t!! vulnerable an$ an$ sensitive t! an negative negative reacti!n "r!m "r!m pe!ple ar!un$ ar!un$ him. ," he can #!rk thr!ugh his !#n em!ti!nal pain an$ tune in t! #hat !thers are pr!ecting% he begins t! e&p!se his !#n vulnerabilit an$ nee$iness% an$ can then react t! the nee$s !" the public. The ninth h!use als! in$icates "eelings ab!ut travel an$ e&pan$ing the h!ri2!nes in general. ith a #ell-aspecte$ 0!!n% the native #ith this placement can reach pe!ple at $istances "r!m his !#n h!me% an$ ma travel t! satis" em!ti!nal hunger. ," the 0!!n is n!t #ell-aspecte$ in the natal chart% an !verl em!ti!nal em!ti!nal reacti!n t! !ther c!untries !r t! the r!utine !" travel can keep him upset% !verl sensitive% sensitive% an$ vulnerable.
3rd House cusp in A!uarius / 9th House cusp in Leo (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Auarius-Auarius / Le!-Le!): The are c!ntinuall intereste$ intereste$ in ne# c!ncepts. ,n man cases the are sel"-ma$e pe!ple. The #ill be the !nes in !ur neighb!rh!!$ #h! break the m!l$s. The are e&tremel "rien$l an$ talk t! ever!ne. T! them% ever!ne is their br!ther !r sister. This p!siti!n gives e&treme c!n"i$ence c!n"i$ence in i$eas the have. The g! t! great lengths t! e&press these i$eas. The #ant t! enlighten ever!ne% an$ trul believe in a religi!n !" l!ve. hen the #ant t! en! themselves an$ have a vacati!n !r recreati!n% the like l!ng trips. +ec!n$ Decanate (Auarius-Gemini (Auarius-Gemini / Le!-+agittarius): Le!-+agittarius): +!meh!# !riginal i$eas an$ a great creative min$ !perate #ith an$ / !r in c!nnecti!n #ith "rien$s !r marriage partners. The #!rk best as a team #here there ma be sh!rt trips in the $isseminati!n $isseminati!n !" mental i$eas create$ b !ne !r the !ther% !r b!th. The seem intent up!n e$ucating !thers in a m!st !riginal manner. This is per"ect "!r a lecturing team% especiall i" the partner has an Auarius-Gemini +un !r a Gemini-Auarius +un. ," !u #ant s!mething pr!m!te$% pr!m!te$% seek these pe!ple% "!r the are naturals. 7ven th!ugh the believe #h!lehearte$l in their !#n i$eas% the are br!a$min$e$ ab!ut !urs. The are g!!$ at pr!phec an$ are surprise$ b instinct. Thir$ Decanate (Auarius-Libra / Le!-Aries): The are !riginal in i$eas but are "air c!ncerning !urs i" !u $! n!t agree #ith them. The are intereste$ in pe!ple in the neighb!rh!!$ neighb!rh!!$ !r pe!ple an#here in the #!rl$% an$ #ant ever!ne #h! #ants t! be hear$ t! be hear$. ,t is eas "!r them t! bring t!gether in the c!mmunit $i""erent "rien$s !r gr!ups #h! have varing !pini!ns. hen the use energ that c!ul$ be e&pen$e$ !n pleasure "!r religi!n !r higher e$ucati!nal pursuits instea$% the can g! "ar. hen the use the abilit !" lea$ership t! in"!rm !thers% the br!a$en their !#n h!ri2!ns even m!re. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are able t! c!mmunicate c!mmunicate i$eas in e&citing an$ ingeni!us #as. Their i$eas c!me in "lashes !" intuiti!n% but the are capable !" putting them t! practical applicati!n. The are pr!gressive in th!ught% insisting that i$eas have a practical "uncti!n base$ !n values that have st!!$ the test !" time. The think in humanitarian terms. ;nusual an$ peculiar relati!nships e&ist #ith br!thers% sisters% an$ neighb!rs% #h! c!me une&pecte$l int! an$ !ut !" their lives. These pers!ns ma n!t appear t! #ant "ame% but their subc!nsci!us min$s as #ell as their phil!s!ph are s!meh!# geare$ t! attaining it an$ t! achieving p!siti!ns !" imp!rtance in their respective "iel$s !" en$eav!r. The give their phil!s!ph the p!#er !" their being. 0an take l!ng !urnes% either phsicall !r mentall. Their ees are al#as !n $istant g!als. (1eanne Aver) The thir$ h!use in a chart in$icates c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns in general% earl sch!!l ears% an$ "eelings ab!ut the learning pr!cess. ,t $escribes the meth!$s a$!pte$ c!ncerning c!mmunicati!ns% c!mmunicati!ns% $iscussi!ns% an$ relati!nships #ith siblings% relatives% an$ neighb!rs. ;ranus% ruler !" Auarius% $escribes the tpe !" sp!ntaneit the in$ivi$ual
#ith this placement $evel!ps in areas !" c!mmunicati!ns. ,n its p!sitive sense% ;ranus $escribes genius ualities an$ high inspirati!n' in its negative sense% it in$icates nerves% rebelli!n% an$ erratic behavi!r. 3erv!us energ ma pr!mpt s!me!ne #ith this placement t! sa #hatever is !n his min$% supp!rting the image !" !ne #ith "!!t-in-m!uth $isease. *e can be impulsive !r erratic ab!ut keeping in t!uch' an$ his "reuent use (!r !veruse) !" the teleph!ne re"lects this. *e is nerv!us ab!ut sch!!l #!rk !r the learning pr!cess in general. 9et he can be brilliant% a genius% ahea$ !" his time% i" he can channel his high mental energ. 7ither he bec!mes tremen$!usl e&cite$ !ver stimulating i$eas% !r he can appear alm!st unc!ncerne$. *is m!!$ seems t! change as "ar as c!mmunicati!ns g!. 7rratic c!ncentrati!n ma make it $i""icult "!r him t! regiment himsel". =!utines $!nt seem t! "it #ith his su$$en bursts !" inspirati!n. The planet ;ranus $escribes electricit% music% electr!nics% healing% inventi!ns% metaphsics% metaphsics% an$ humanitarian c!ncerns. ,t is the planet that rules astr!l!g. ," the pers!n #ith this placement is able t! channel this unusual energ int! a pr!per !utlet c!nnecte$ #ith c!mmunicati!ns% c!mmunicati!ns% he prevents a backup #hich c!ul$ cause mental strain% erratic th!ught pr!cesses% an$ rebelli!n. riters #ith this placement ma "in$ it $i""icult t! keep t! sche$ules an$ r!utines. ,nspirati!n hits at !$$ h!urs% an$ nerv!us energ ma be har$ t! channel !r c!ntr!l. These pe!ple seem t! have a #avelength pitche$ t!! high "!r mun$ane c!nversati!ns% c!nversati!ns% s! their $iscussi!ns ma seem $is!inte$ an$ scattere$. Their th!ughts ma be "ar ahea$ !" their t!ngue% s! their abilit t! present !r$ere$% seuential e&planati!ns is n!t their str!ng p!int. The can s!metimes run !n% rambling in c!nversati!ns. ater seems t! be a g!!$ c!n$uct!r "!r this kin$ !" energ. 4ne pers!n #ith this placement sas his inspirati!n al#as seems t! c!me #hen hes taking a bath. An!ther #riter #riter has $i""icult $i""icult in pinning himsel" himsel" $!#n t! t! the tpe#riter. tpe#riter. *is th!ught th!ught pr!cesses seem t! perc!late best #hen he is m!ving ab!ut% running erran$s !r preparing "!!$. At an une&pecte$ m!ment% inspirati!n inspirati!n can hit. The pers!n #ith this placement is c!nstantl stimulate$% but s!metimes $istracte$% b ne# an$ $i""erent c!ncepts. *e is naturall resp!nsive t! humanitarian nee$s% e&citement in areas !" $isc!ver% an$ inventi!ns !r c!ncepts that are ahea$ !" the times. +ince ;ranus $escribes learning abilit% as #ell as the th!ught pr!cesses% chil$ren #ith this placement ma be m!re stimulate$ b n!n-mainstream tpes !" e$ucati!n. This chil$ ma be s! "ar ahea$ !" his class that he bec!mes b!re$ an$ easil $istracte$. *e ma learn much "aster i" he has "ree$!m in c!nnecti!n #ith e$ucati!n. A natural envir!nment envir!nment is help"ul help"ul in rest!ring rest!ring peace an$ an$ tranuilit t! his min$. =elati!nships #ith "amil% siblings% an$ neighb!rs are als! $escribe$ b thir$ h!use planets an$ the thir$ h!use ruler. 6!mmunicati!ns #ith "amil memnbers can be sp!ntane!us% e&citing% e&citing% !r unpre$ictable. unpre$ictable. ," the planet ;ranus is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% the pers!n sees his relatives an$ siblings as "ree s!uls% ahea$ !" their time% an$ perhaps geniuses. *e ma als! see them as rebelli!us !r unpre$ictable i" that planet is n!t #ell-aspecte$. *e ma have an uncertain% unpre$ictable% unstable relati!nship #ith "amil% siblings% !r neighb!rs. *e ma ver #ell #ant t! run a#a "r!m "amil in"luence% rebelling in s!me "ashi!n. Free$!m c!mes thr!ugh the c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns "iel$ !r thr!ugh breaking a#a "r!m tra$iti!nal learning patterns. *e can be stimulate$ t! e&press the genius ualities he p!ssesses b $!ing things that are uniue. As l!ng as he has "ree$!m !" e&pressi!n% he can release his nee$ "!r rebelli!n
in a health manner. =ec!gniti!n can be imp!rtant t! !ne #ith Le! !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use. 7g! grati"icati!n c!mes easil thr!ugh pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% !r thr!ugh activities that bear his pers!nal stamp. Depen$ing !n his m!tivati!n% he ma #!rk in !r$er t! get e&tra attenti!n "!r his pr!ects% !r he ma ust naturall "in$ the sp!tlight a c!m"!rtable place t! be. The ninth h!use rules travel% the higher min$% publicit% publishing% publishing% an$ rec!gniti!n. Le! is the $ramatic sign% rule$ b the +un. +ince the +un is the energ centre !" !ur universe% the palcement !" the +un in the chart in$icates the area !" greatest vitalit in li"e. Aspects t! the +un $escribe $escribe the ualit ualit !" inner strength% strength% inner vitalit% s!ul s!ul ualit% an$ sense !" sel"-esteem !r eg!. ,t is als! relate$ t! the animus% !r male% $!minant part !" the pers!nalit. ," the +un is #ell-place$ an$ aspecte$ in the chart% there is in$icati!n that the in$ivi$ual has a health sense !" sel"-#!rth. ," m!st !" the aspects t! the +un are p!sitive% the pers!n is m!tivate$ t! step !ut int! the public arena because !" a nee$ "!r e&pressi!n. *e values time an$ energ% is in t!uch #ith his abilit% an$ pr!ects his sel"-assurance int! pr!ects that can eventuall be c!nnecte$ #ith his name. ," the aspects t! the +un are n!t p!sitive% the in$ivi$ual ma be m!tivate$ b a nee$ "!r eg! grati"icati!n. *e ma have a sense !" sel"-#!rth in $irect pr!p!rti!n t! the publicit he receives. The ualit !" his vitalit uite naturall lea$s t! e&pl!rati!n !" !ther c!untries. Travel energi2es this pers!n tremen$!usl tremen$!usl i" the +un is #ell-aspecte$. *is natural curi!sit als! lea$s t! the taking !" chances #ith public ventures% #hich result in success an$ rec!gniti!n% !r ba$ press. This pers!n is als! a natural teacher. +ince the ninth h!use rules higher e$ucati!n% he ma "!cus !n this area. ublishing% a$vertising% a$vertising% an$ lecturing "!ll!# al!ng the same energ lines. 0an act!rs an$ actresses #h! have achieve$ rec!gniti!n thr!ugh publicit are als! publishe$. Travel an$ pr!m!ti!n !" their b!!ks bring them int! the public arena in an!ther "ashi!n. *igher e$ucati!n can als! translate int! the higher min$% !r phil!s!phical c!ncepts. This pers!n can al#as be an ambassa$!r !" g!!$ #ill% #hether he acts in an !""icial capacit !r n!t. This pers!n cares ab!ut sharing his insights an$ c!ncepts !" li"e !n a br!a$ scale. *is natural curi!sit ab!ut the #!rkings !" the universe easil pr!pels him int! a p!siti!n !" auth!rit. an$erlust is pr!bable% as the nee$ "!r c!nstant challenges c!ntinuall c!ntinuall takes him int! ne# territ!r% b!th literall an$ "igurativel. *e is m!st alive #hen e&pl!ring li"estles li"estles in !ther lan$s. Travel can bec!me as much a necessit as "!!$ an$ $rink. ," the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$% lack !" eg! ma prevent him "r!m the e&pl!rati!n !" either !ther territ!ries territ!ries !r his !#n p!tential. *e ma "ear ba$ n!tices s! much that he $e"eats himsel" be"!re he begins. +el"-e&pl!rati!n +el"-e&pl!rati!n an$ health chance-taking can help him t! $isc!ver a ne# sense !" sel"-#!rth.
3rd House cusp in Pisces / 9th House cusp in "iro (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (isces-isces / 5irg!-5irg!): The are the $reamers. *!#ever% the vivi$ imaginati!n imaginati!n can bec!me bec!me ver artistic an$ "ul"ill "ul"ill a p!sitive p!sitive m!$e !" sel"e&pressi!n necessar t! them. The can be pschic an$ get vali$ spiritual impressi!ns% !r the can succumb t! hallucinati!ns. hallucinati!ns. Their abilit t! c!nnect #ith channels !thers cann!t tap can lea$ t! ver inspiring statements% p!etr% !r music. +!metimes +!metimes e&pressi!ns% h!#ever% can take the "!rm !r sel"-pit% #hich must be #atche$ an$ c!ntr!lle$ i" this p!siti!n is t! be p!sitive.
The are n!t religi!us in the sense that the have unseen " aith% "!r the are t!! critical. The #ant belie"s t! be c!rrect an$ per"ectl s!un$ an$ practical. The believe in rules% an$ cann!t m!ve "r!m the centre t! all!# "!r $i""erences in pe!ple. +ec!n$ Decanate (isces-6ancer / 5irg!-6apric!rn): The are a#are !" hi$$en in"luences #ithin envir!nment% envir!nment% !r hi$$en meanings behin$ #hat pe!ple sa. The seek !ur meanings% but the keep their !#n "eelings t! themselves. The c!mmunicate their "eelings best #ith music an$ p!etr. The seek marriage partners #ith #h!m the can talk ab!ut these subtle "eelings% an$ th!se #h! can share a#areness !" "iner things in nature ar!un$ them. The p!ssibl hear things !thers $!nt hear% an$ "eel things !thers $!nt "eel. Because !" this% the #ant an$ nee$ s!me!ne t! believe in them. hatever the accept here in the ninth h!use !" religi!n an$ phil!s!ph has t! have a material an$ practical bene"it. The ma travel% but usuall !nl "!r business reas!ns. The have a legalistic appr!ach t! religi!n% an$ are usuall ver !rth!$!&. Their pr!ecti!n !" sel" usuall is $!nt make #aves #here religi!n is c!ncerne$. Thir$ Decanate (isces-+c!rpi! / 5irg!-Taurus): The are secretive ab!ut their !#n a""airs% but the #ant t! kn!# #hat lies hi$$en beneath #hat !ther pe!ple sa an$ $!. The are l!al an$ $ev!te$ t! "rien$s an$ pe!ple in the neighb!rh!!$% but like t! kn!# all !thers are $ev!te$ t! them. The $eman$ this l!alt an$ usuall get it. This gives the inclinati!n t! have secret "rien$s an$ alliances. The seem "le&ible an$ !pen-min$e$ #ith religi!n% higher min$ stu$ies% an$ phil!s!ph% phil!s!ph% an$ #ill #!rk #ithin their religi!us c!mmunit #ith !ung pe!ple% etc.% but the are n!t as "le&ible as the seem. T! them this is m!re "un. 7ven s!% the are usuall inclu$e$ !n m!ne-raising c!mmittees "!r religi!us pr!ects. The abilit t! s!rt !ut c!rrect an$ pertinent "acts an$ t! !rgani2e pr!ce$ures makes them s!ught a"ter "!r these pr!ects. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) This p!siti!n creates pers!ns #h! are surprisingl crptic an$ highl em!ti!nal in their th!ughts an$ c!mmunicati!n. 5er !"ten their i$eas are base$ up!n intuitive insights. The !rgani2e their plans an$ i$eas secretl. The als! like t! be al!ne #hen $!ing mental #!rk. Their phil!s!ph is base$ up!n e""icienc an$ har$ #!rk. The have practical i$eas that can be utili2e$ #ithin the e&isting s!cial structure. An phil!s!ph the respect must be c!nsistent in ever $etail. Their a#areness !" $etail an$ their capacit t! $! research c!ntribute t! the "ine legal min$s !" s!me !" them. (1eanne Aver) The thir$ h!use in a chart $escribes the abilit t! c!mmunicate% #rite% learn% an$ neg!tiate. ,t als! $escribes the relati!nship an in$ivi$ual has #ith his siblings an$ relatives in general. ,t can in$icate "eelings ab!ut teleph!nes% $riving a car% an$ the c!n$iti!ns !" earl sch!!l ears. ,t $escribes h!# an in$ivi$ual ph!t!graphs his neighb!rs% br!thers an$ sisters. 3eptune rules this h!use #hen isces is !n its cusp. 7ach planet has a p!sitive an$ negative c!nn!tati!n !r i$enti"icati!n. 3eptune is a trick planet because in its p!sitive interpretati!n interpretati!n it in$icates great visi!n an$ inspirati!n% but in a negative #a it can $escribe $elusi!n an$ lack !" a sense !" realit. ith 3eptune ruling this h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns% !ne imme$iatel grasps
the !verlal picture !n an intuitive level% !r sets !nesel" up "!r a big let$!#n $ue t! an inabilit t! c!n"r!nt !r $eal #ith $etails. 3eptune is relate$ t! str!ng right-brain activit. hen 3eptune is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% the native has the gi"t !" inspirati!n. *is slightest c!nversati!n c!nversati!n #ill inspire s!me!ne else t! live up t! i$eas. *is #!r$s give insight int! pr!blems% an$ he imme$iatel c!mprehen$s !n an intuitive level #hat he stu$ies !r plans t! c!mmunicate. c!mmunicate. *e ma i$!li2e his br!thers br!thers !r sisters% an$ ph!t!graph them as visi!naries. visi!naries. *e ma get his best i$eas #hen he is $riving a car. *e learns easil% en!ing the e&pl!rati!n !" c!ncepts. *e grasps the !verall picture% an$ ma !r ma n!t have pr!blems #ith $etails% "acts an$ "igures. +ince 3eptune rules "ilm% therap% ph!t!graph% an$ i$ealism% i" he is able t! c!mmunicate his th!ughts al!ng th!se lines% he #ill "eel especiall upli"te$. Act!rs #ith this placement can be i$!li2e$ "!r their #!rk in the c!mmunicati!ns c!mmunicati!ns in$ustr. henever this in$ivi$ual can e&press s!me !" his $reams% he recharges his !#n batteries. ," 3eptune is n!t #ell-aspecte$% there is a ten$enc t! be s!me#hat naive% !verl trusting% an$ even ver unrealistic. There can be a "ine line bet#een visi!n% $reams% $reams% an$ a c!n !r scam. The in$ivi$ual ma mitigate s!me !" his s!rr!# b putting !n r!se-c!l!re$ glasses t! hi$e the ugliness !" the harsh% c!l$ realit he sees ar!un$ him. *e ma be $isapp!inte$ b relatives !r siblings% e&pecting them t! be their best selves an$ per"ect. *e ma ten$ t! glam!ri2e pe!ple an$ situati!ns% leaving himsel" !pen "!r $isillusi!nment. $isillusi!nment. *e ma be unable t! c!n"r!nt $etails% an$ "in$ that implie$ agreements have n! basis in "act. *e ma stick his hea$ in the san$ like an !strich #hen it c!mes t! neg!tiati!ns !r c!n"r!ntati!ns. hen a chil$ #ith this placement is taught h!# t! see the br!a$er sc!pe% an$ is then enc!urage$ t! $eal #ith $etails t!!% he ma be able t! learn m!re e""ectivel. ," he tries t! "!cus !n "acts be"!re he un$erstan$s the c!ncept% he can be b!gge$ $!#n% $e"eate$ be"!re he starts. Learning h!# t! visuali2e can help him stu$. hen he is inspire$% he can li"t himsel" an$ th!se ar!un$ him t! great heights thr!ugh e&pressi!n !" his i$eals. *e nee$s t! learn practical applicati!n !" i$eals as #ell. 3eptune is like ph!t!graphing a beauti"ul sunset. ," !ne remembers t! "!cus the camera% the picture is a#e-inspiring. ," the "!cus is "!rg!tten% all that c!mes !ut is a blur !" c!l!r. 3inth h!use matters inclu$e travel% rec!gniti!n% pr!m!ti!nal pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% publicit% an$ $istances !" an kin$. The ninth h!use als! $escribes c!untries "ar a#a "r!m the place !" birth an$ legal a""airs. ith 5irg! !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use% the planet 0ercur $escribes th!se ninth h!use matters. 0ercur is relate$ t! the a$ult eg! state an$ an intellectual activit% activit% such as #riting% speaking% !r even thinking. hatever 0ercur rules in a chart in$icates #hat an in$ivi$ual thinks ab!ut. The intellectual activit !" !ne #ith this placement can be stimulate$ b trips t! "ar!"" places. *e is intereste$ in "!reign i$eas% th!ughts% speech. *e can lecture% be publishe$% !r receive publicit "!r his i$eas. *e can "in$ #!n$er"ul s!luti!ns "!r the pr!m!ti!n !" pr!$ucts% in the a$vertising business% "!r instance% !r "!r the pr!m!ti!n !" pe!ple. *e can be stimulate$ b e&citing intellectual #!rk% but can be uite analtical #hen it c!mes t! the publicati!n !" such i$eas. The a$ult eg! state is c!ncerne$ #ith the c!llecti!n !" "acts an$ the abilit t! present th!ughts an$ i$eas #ith clarit. This in$ivi$ual has a particular abilit t! make $ecisi!ns c!ncerning "!reign p!lic !r the pr!m!ti!!n !" his !#n #!r$s. hen 0ercur is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% it #!ul$ appear that the pers!n #as given ever !pp!rtunit t! $evel!p intellectuall. intellectuall. ," a chil$ is given an !pp!rtunit t! e&press his th!ughts an$ !bservati!ns% he gr!#s up #ith an e&cellent abilit t!
e&press himsel". But i" he #as critici2e$ !r ri$icule$ "!r his !pini!ns% it is $i""icult t! e&press his intellectual !bservati!ns as he gr!#s !l$er. *e ma have t! bec!me angr !r em!ti!nal be"!re he "eels he is hear$. ," his a$ult eg! is care"ull nurture$ al!ng the #a% h!#ever% his a#areness !" practical s!luti!ns bec!mes uite str!ng. *e can be #ell kn!#n "!r his #!r$s. *e ma bec!me inv!lve$ in e$ucati!nal pr!ects% use a lecture plat"!rm as a springb!ar$ t! pr!minence% !r traven a great $eal "!r his #!rk. There is a natural tie-in bet#een #!rk an$ pr!m!ti!n "!r !ne #ith this placement% i" Gemini is !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use% as b!th the si&th an$ ninth are then rule$ b the same planet. hen 0ercur is #eak in the chart% !r ba$l aspecte$% lack !" c!n"i$ence !r clarit ma prevent him "r!m e&pressing himsel" thr!ugh the e&change !" #!r$s an$ i$eas. The aspects t! 0ercur in$icate h!# the pers!n "irst learne$ t! use #!r$s% an$ can in$icate hang-ups !r traumas c!nnecte$ #ith verbali2ati!n. *e ma be "ear"ul !" publicit% !r !verl antag!nistic antag!nistic #ith the press% !r ma use #!r$s in a manipulative #a. Learning h!# t! c!mmunicate can be a challenge as he learns t! sharpen his analtic abilities. *e ma eventuall en! c!llecting $ata c!ncerning #!rl$ events. The ninth h!use als! in$icates travel an$ $istances. 5irg! !bectivit an$ analsis ma here be applie$ t! c!ncerns relating t! "ar-!"" places.
#th House cusp in Aries / $%th House cusp in Libra (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Aries-Aries / Libra-Libra): *ere Aries "in$s !ut he nee$s t! #!rk "!r a living. There is a great $eal !" energ here that can be put t! g!!$ use in #!rk !r service reuiring great phsical e&pen$iture. The learn t! take care !" their health at an earl age an$ can c an bec!me abs!rbe$ in this task m!st !" their lives. There is karma c!nnecte$ c !nnecte$ #ith marriage !r partnerships. r!mptings seem t! c!me "r!m the subc!nsci!us !r patterns "r!m an!ther li"etime. This is c!rrecte$ !r helpe$ thr!ugh sacri"icial service given given "!r the true partner !" their s!ul rather than sel"ish interests. +ec!n$ Decanate (Aries-Le! / Libra-Auarius): The $irecti!n !" their mental p!#ers can bec!me m!re $iscriminating an$ analtical. The are ver har$ #!rkers but the #!rk best al!ne because the ten$ t! make $ecisi!ns be"!re the think ab!ut ir rather that take !r$ers. ," the #!rk ver har$% the can make a name "!r themselves in their ch!sen "iel$. The #ill al#as have attitu$es an$ !pini!ns that are unc!nventi!nal. The ma get int! tr!uble #ith their "amilies an$ / !r marriage parnters because the are s! br!a$min$e$. +ecretl the like t! sh!ck pe!ple% #hich !u $! n!t reali2e until !u kn!# them better. Thir$ Decanate (Aries-+agittarius / Libra-Gemini): These pe!ple nee$ t! have a !b #here the can m!ve ab!ut !r travel. The als! nee$ a !b #here the $! n!t "eel as i" the are ust an!ther pebble !n the beach. A !b t! them is making a l!t !" m!ne even th!ugh the ma have an!ther i$eal !" #hat the #!ul$ like t! $!. The are n!t intereste$ in little !bs% but #ill $! a little !b i" there is a pr!mise !" a bigger !ne !n the h!ri2!n. The nee$ t! learn that se& sh!ul$ be ass!ciate$ #ith l!ve% n!t lust' then subc!nsci!us c!mple&es c!mple&es the have ab!ut se& #ill be c!rrecte$. The usuall $!nt suspect the ahve se&ual hangups% but the all!# em!ti!nal sel"-in$ulgence t! take
h!l$ !" their "eelings. *!#ever% the can $evel!p rare percepti!n int! the !ccult #!rl$ an$ their se&ual lives. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are e""icient% p!#er"ul% an$ !riginal in tackling tasks that #!ul$ seem imp!ssible t! !thers. +ince the get m!re acc!mplishe$ e""icientl e""icientl than $! th!se b!rn un$er an !ther si&th h!use cusp sign% the appear t! be sel"-pr!pelle$ in all that the $!. Being natural lea$ers% the have a ten$enc t! be s!me#hat b!ss t! sub!r$inates an$ c!-#!rkers. The e&ten$ a helping han$ #hen !thers are in tr!uble% but the e&pect the ai$e$ in$ivi$ual t! abs!rb the strenth an$ sel"-su""icienc nee$e$ t! c!ntinue !n al!ne. +c!rpi!s #h! en! the seclusi!n !" places !" beaut are m!re re"ine$ an$ gentle than the #!ul$ have !ne believe. Their hi$$en strength is their innate sense !" ustice an$ "air "air pla% but their sel"-un$!ing sel"-un$!ing ma c!me "r!m their unc!nsci!us unc!nsci!us $esire "!r lu&ur. (1eanne Aver) Activit is is essential in !r$er !r$er "!r !ne #ith this pers!nalit pers!nalit t! remain remain health an$ serene. hen Aries is !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use !" health an$ #!rk% a pi!neering ualit can enable the pers!n t! channel his energ in a p!sitive #a. 0ars% #hich rules Aries% is the planet !" se&ual energ% creative $rive% "ight% ambiti!n% aggressive acti!n% pi!neering ten$encies% an$ $eterminati!n. $eterminati!n. ," that energ is backe$ up% $amme$ up% it turns int! "rustrati!n% aggravati!n% impatience% impatience% an$ temper. ,n !r$er t! release an e&cess !" 0ars energ% a pers!n nee$s an !pp!rtunit in his #!rk t! release the $rive an$ ambiti!n c!nnecte$ #ith this kin$ !" energ. ," he is inv!lve$ in c!mpetitive c!mpetitive "iel$s% !r #here he uses a great $eal !" phsical energ% the 0artian energ is channele$ in a health #a. +ince 0ars als! rules metals% #!rk $!ne #ith a tpe#riter% tpe#riter% metal sculpture% !r metal t!!ls helps release an buil$-up !" "rustrati!n !r impatience. 0usical instruments instruments #ith metal strings can als! pr!vi$e a channel "!r the release !" pent-up energ. Athlets utilise their str!ng 0ars energ in the "iel$ !" sp!rts. 4pera singers naturall e&pen$ tremen$!us phsical energ in singing. Film stars utili2e their $rive in c!mpetiti!n in their #!rk as #ell as the energ that is e&pen$e$ in the #!rk. ," 0ars is #ell-aspecte$ #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% !pp!rtunities !pp!rtunities "!r much activit in !b areas are in$icate$. The in$ivi$ual can $eal #ith stri"e !r arguments an$ can act as a tr!ublesh!!ter. *e is easil able t! "ight "!r the rights !" his c!-#!rkers. 0ars als! $escribes inn!vati!n. ," 0ars is n!t #ell-aspecte$% an in$icati!n !" "rustrati!n% aggravati!n% an$ stri"e is p!ssible. ,n areas !" health% $namic an$ abun$ant energ is inherent% !r "rustrati!n !r lack !" !pp!rtunit t! use up the Aries energ creates nerves% temper% !r a ten$enc t! attract acci$ents. *e can cut himsl"% burn himsel"% trip !ver things in an e""!rt t! release this 0ars "!rce. There is a p!ssibilit !" high bl!!$ pressure !r bl!!$ $is!r$ers% since 0ars als! rules bl!!$. +urge!ns an$ $!ct!rs #ith this placement use knives an$ instruments ma$e !" metal in their #!rk% an$ $eal #ith bl!!$ an$ acci$ents all the time. D!ct!rs must necessaril have an abun$ance !" phsical vitatlit in in !r$er t! #!rk #!rk l!ng% har$ h!urs. 0an $!ct!rs $!ct!rs pre"er a great $eal !" phsical acticit t! "ill up leisure h!urs. Tennis% running% skiing an$ s#imming are e&cellent #as t! channel an e&cess !" the aggressive energ that g!es al!ng #ith this $namic placement. The t#el"th h!use in a chart in$icates areas that are submerge$% unseen% $i""icult t!
e&press. ,n s!me interpretati!ns% it in$icates restricti!n. ,t can als! $escribe the subc!nsci!us min$ an$ pr!cesses% an$ ma be the ualit that is m!st str!ngl an$ easil e&presse$ #hen the in$ivi$ual is al!ne !r in c!m"!rtable circumstances. circumstances. hen the barriers are $!#n% t#el"th h!use matters can be release$. 5enus rules Libra Libra !n the cusp cusp !" the t#el"th t#el"th h!use. 5enus 5enus in$icates in$icates l!ve% peace% peace% harm!n% serenit% beaut% pleasure% an$ sensualit. ," this planet is #ell-aspecte$% the pers!n #ith this pers!nalit nee$s t! g! !"" b himsel" t! rest!re his inner serenit. ,t is #hen he is "are "r!m the ma$$ing cr!#$ that he "eels the m!st peace an$ harm!n. *e ma n!t easil sh!# his $ipl!matic% serene si$e% !r be able t! e&press his l!ve nature% but he #ill "eel it str!ngl #hen he is rela&e$ an$ c!m"!rtable. c!m"!rtable. *e is s! p!#er"ul an$ e""ective in !ther areas that the $ipl!matic% sensual% pleasure-l!ving part !" him ma be submerge$. ,ntensit is the m!st visible pers!nalit trait% et there is a $eep-seate$ subc!nsci!us nee$ "!r l!ve an$ a""ecti!n. ," 5enus is #ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual has an inner talent "!r artistr. *e is able t! get in t!uch #ith his creative% artistic e&pressi!n #hen he is al!ne. 0an artists are b!rn #ith this placement. The nee$ "!r s!litu$e in creating art in an "!rm is !bvi!us% but it is interesting t! n!te the ualit !" the pers!nalit !" the artists b!rn #ith this placement. The p!#er !" the pers!nalit belies the $eep% sensitive nature that is reveale$ in their #!rk. ,t is necessar t! l!ve the s!litar time in !r$er t! pr!$uce great #!rks !" art. ," 5enus is n!t #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% the in$ivi$ual ma n!t be able t! harness his artistic talent% e&press the l!ve nature% !r even sh!# a""ecti!n. The aspects t! the planet 5enus in$icate the bl!cks !r inhibiti!ns t! that e&pressi!n. ," Taurus is !n the seventh h!use cusp% then 5enus als! rules the h!use !" marriage an$ l!ve% in #hich case the pers!n #ith this placement is especiall likel t! "in$ restricti!n in l!ve matters. *e ma have t! learn h!# t! all!# l!ve% peace an$ harm!n int! his li"e. *is e""ectiveness e""ectiveness is #ith!ut uesti!n. *is nee$ t! pla is #ell-establishe$% but the inner peace !" min$ an$ harm!n !" spirit are ver necessar "!r !ne #ith this pers!nalit. L!ve ma be elusive% but the inner harm!n that can help t! bring tranuilit int! his li"e can be $evel!pe$. $evel!pe$. ith m!re e&pressi!n !" $ipl!mac% tact% an$ graci!usness% the in$ivi$ual can a""ect pe!ple an$ situati!ns ar!un$ him in a pr!"!un$ #a. *e can trul trans"!rm himsel" an$ !thers.
#th House cusp in Taurus / $%th House cusp in Scorpio (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Taurus-Taurus / +c!rpi!-+c!rpi!): The #!rk ver har$ in their str!ng $rive "!r "inancial accumulati!n. accumulati!n. As a result the usuall gain substantial #ealth. Because !" this great c!ncentrati!n !" energ int! #!rk% their health ma su""er. The ma have thr!at tr!uble !r ulcers. The nee$ t! learn that se& sh!ul$ be ass!ciate$ #ith l!ve% n!t lust' then subc!nsci!us c!mple&es c!mple&es the have ab!ut se& #ill be c!rrecte$. The usuall $!nt suspect the have have se&ual hang-ups% but the the all!# em!ti!nal em!ti!nal sel"-in$ulgence sel"-in$ulgence t! take h!l$ !" their "eelings. *!#ever% the can $evel!p rare percepti!n int! the !ccult #!rl$ an$ their se&ual lives. +ec!n$ Decanate (Taurus-5irg! / +c!rpi!-isces): This pr!$uces pe!ple #h! are sticklers in regar$s t! health. The ma have greater success in businesses $ealing #ith health matters. These pe!ple never hesitate t! !""er their services t! !thers%
alth!ugh the can be sl!# #!rkers. 7ven th!ugh the ma be ver em!ti!nal c!ncerning their se& li"e% an$ ma hi$e their sensitive an$ "eeling natures% the sh!# the #!rl$ a m!re e&tr!verte$ nature. There are karmic c!n$iti!ns c!nnecte$ #ith se&% !r certain sacri"ices !n their parts #ith !r "!r se&ual partners. The $eath !" s!me!ne ver cl!se t! them #ill bring ab!ut a $rastic change in them. Thir$ Decanate (Taurus-6apric!rn / +c!rpi!-6ancer): There is an inclinati!n t! #!rk ver% ver ver har$ !r t! be be ver% ver ver la2' but but the $esire t! be b!ss has t! be curbe$. curbe$. The $e"initel #!rk "!r m!ne% but must like #hat the $!. The can !rgani2e their #!rk #ell. The $!nt al#as like their !#n em!ti!nal attitu$es ab!ut se&% s! the unc!nsci!usl buil$ up c!mple&es the must eventuall transcen$. transcen$. The "ight an$ tr t! keep this part !" their natures un$er c!ver. The must learn t! bring se& !ut !" hi$ing an$ t! assign it its pr!per regenerative r!le in l!ve. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ples #!rk is practical% but the en! pr!ects the c!nsi$er beauti"ul an$ artistic. The #ill #!rk har$ !nl i" the can see a m!netar gain "r!m their e""!rts. Their health is generall r!bust% pr!vi$ing the $! n!t !vereat !r bec!me sel"in$ulgent in an #a. Their hi$$en supp!rt is their res!urce"ulness. The are able t! perceive an valuable things that !thers have !verl!!ke$. The als! kn!# h!# t! cultivate hi$$en talents in !thers. Their $!#n"all can be cause$ b secret resentments an$ c!nceale$ l!ve a""airs. (1eanne Aver) This pers!n is especiall sensitive t! harm!n in the #!rk envir!nment. envir!nment. *e reacts t! c!l!r% vibrati!ns% an$ pe!ple% nee$ing serenit an$ pleasant c!n$iti!ns m!st !" all. *e can be artistic !r $ipl!matic at #!rk% but must l!ve #hat he is $!ing "!r greatest success. 5enus rules the si&th h!use !" health #hen Taurus is !n its cusp. 5enus is the planet planet that $escribes $escribes beaut% beaut% harm!n% harm!n% graci!usness% ease !" living% living% an$ sel"-in$ulgence !r la2iness. Tact% charm% an$ s!cial graces ma be imp!rtant in #!rk areas "!r this in$ivi$ual. The aspects t! 5enus in$icate #hether the pers!n utili2es his artistic nature in areas !" #!rk !r instea$ ten$s t! take the eas #a !ut. ," 5enus is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% then artistic% creative !ccupati!ns lea$ t! pleasure in #!rk. *e ma be inv!lve$ in situati!ns #here a sense !" s!cial ustice is especiall imp!rtant. *e #ill be m!st charming an$ s!ciable #ith c!-#!rkers. ," 5enus is n!t #ell-aspecte$% #ell-aspecte$% he ma hesitate t! make #aves in a !b situati!n !r be un$iscipline$ an$ sel"-in$ulgent in getting the !b $!ne. The si&th h!use als! in$icates health c!n$iti!ns. 5enus rules s#eets an$ sugar. This native ma ten$ t! !verin$ulge in g!!$ an$ $rink% n!t kn!#ing #hen t! sa n!. 4verin$ulgence 4verin$ulgence can cause #eight gain. Lack !" pr!per $iet can unbalance the areas !" the b!$ rule$ b the Ascen$ant% causing $igestive an$ energ pr!blems ," 5enus is negative in the chart% a ten$enc t! hp!glcemia is pr!babl% in$icating a nee$ t! av!i$ e&cess use !" sugar. ," the pers!n !ver$!es the intake !" s#eets% he augments the sluggish% la2 "eeling that prevents accelerate$ pr!$uctivit pr!$uctivit #ith #!rk. ith Taurus !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use% preparing beauti"ul "!!$ can be an i$eal
artistic !utlet. *e ma be a g!urmet c!!k% !r take great care t! make the setting beauti"ul. The si&th h!use in$iactes animals in the chart as #ell. This in$ivi$ual l!ves animals% but ma sp!il his pets #ith lavish care. 5enus $escribes l!ve an$ a""ecti!n. *e ma e&pen$ much !" his l!ve nature !n pets that are pampere$ an$ gr!!me$. The creati!n !" harm!n an$ l!ve is essential #ithin an service capacit. *e ma take care !" "amil members% animals% !r c!-#!rkers% !r e&ten$ his range t! humanit at leage. As l!ng as he has harm!ni!us living% his health #ill be e&cellent. The $esire "!r "ine "!!$% "ine #ines% an$ c!n$iments ma lea$ t! l!#ere$ vitalit% et pleasure is essential "!r !ne #ith this placement. Fin$ing creative artistic #!rk pr!ects can mitigate a $esire "!r t!! much "!!$ an$ $rink an$ keep this happ-g!-luck in$ivi$ual in$ivi$ual in "ine shape. Being !ver#eight is still a $istinct p!ssibilit #ith this placement% h!#ever. Directing energ int! pr!$uctive an$ pleasurable pursuits is imp!rtant "!r vitalit an$ g!!$ health. health. The true p!#er !" the in$ivi$ual lies !n a subc!nsci!us% inner level. 0!tivati!ns 0!tivati!ns have much t! $! #ith the !uter c!n$iti!ns !" his li"e. ," he lives up t! his true p!tential% this in$ivi$ual seems able t! act as an instrument "!r the a#akening !" mankin$. *e can trans"!rm an$ a""ect man pe!ple b saing an$ appearing t! $! little in an !bvi!us #a% et the p!#er !" his th!ughts is pr!"!un$. The p!#er"ul planet lut! rules the t#el"th h!use #hen +c!rpi! is !n its cusp. This planet $escribes the ualit !" energ that g!verns the secret th!ughts !" this pers!n. Behin$ that cheer"ul "a?a$e lies intensit an$ $namic energ. lut! can be $escribe$ as a p!#er"ul% turbulent b!$ !" #ater that can be $estructive i" le"t unc!ntr!lle$. ," that b!$ !" #ater "l!!$s the riverbanks% the $amage can be severe. 9et i" that same b!$ !" #ater is $amme$ up% it can pr!$uce en!ugh electricit t! light up cities. The energ !" lut! can be m!st $i""icult t! $eal #ith because !" its ver p!#er an$ intensit. 0!st !"ten% #ith lut! ruling this behin$ the scenes h!use% the in$ivi$ual is una#are !" the p!#er !" his inner th!ughts. ," he reali2e$ he c!ul$ hurt pe!ple b #hat he thinks% he #!ul$ have t! be m!re care"ul t! channel his th!ughts c!nstructivel. c!nstructivel. ,t #!ul$ appear that !ne #ith this placement has achieve$ a level !" ev!luti!n #here he subc!nsci!usl kn!#s man secrets !" the universe. +ince t#el"th h!use matters are $i""icult t! e&press !vertl% he ma have resistance t! the e&pressi!n !" p!#er. *e relates that energ t! evil !r $!#n"all% an$ ch!!ses t! ign!re it #ithin himsel". 9et hs is p!#er"ul !n a subc!nsci!us level% #hether he kn!#s it !r n!t. lut! $escribes the chil$ eg! state in terms !" Transacti!nal Analsis. The chil$s str!ngest message is: , #ant #hat , #ant #hen , #ant it% an$ , #ant it m #a. lut! can be relate$ t! #ill. The unev!lve$ #ill is like the chil$s message% but the higher #ill is in tune #ith universal c!nsci!usness. c!nsci!usness. lut! is als! the planet !" trans"!rmati!n. trans"!rmati!n. herever it is l!cate$ in the chart in$icates the area !" the greatest pers!nal trans"!rmati!n trans"!rmati!n in li"e. 0an times the trans"!rmati!n ma c!me as a result !" having the rug pulle$ !ut "r!m un$er% h!#ever. 0!tivati!n 0!tivati!n ma be the ke #!r$ "!r the use !" this p!#er"ul% trans"!rming trans"!rming energ. ,n its negative state% in$icate$ b $i""icult aspects t! lut!% the ke #!r$ ma be revenge. The in$ivi$ual ma have an inner m!tivati!n m!tivati!n !" ,ll get even% ,ll sh!# !u !r ,m g!ing t! get #hat #hat , #ant even i" , have t! run right right !ver s!me!ne t! $! it. The pers!nalit ma !r ma n!t be c!nsci!usl a#are !" this m!tivati!n. Like a chil$% he sas , #ant that situati!n% ...that !b% !r ...that pers!n rather than , #ant the right situati!n% pers!n% !r !b. *e is p!#er"ul en!ugh t! get #hat he #ants% but ma $isc!ver that a better situati!n a#aite$ him ust ar!un$ the c!rner i" he h a$ let himsel" be !pen t! it. *e "in$s himsel" trappe$ in his !#n games% an$ ma live t! regret !utsmarting himsel".
hen lut! is #ell-aspecte$% !r #hen the in$ivi$ual is #illing t! change a negative situati!n% he is able t! tune int! higher #ill% is #illing t! let g! !" an situati!n that is n!t sueak-clean% an$ "in$s himsel" $ealing !n a much m!re e""ective level than he might have $reame$ p!ssible. p!ssible. The #illingness t! let g! can be a 6atch-@@% h!#ever. *e "eels that unless he pushes an$ "!rces !n a subc!nsci!us level% manipulates an$ man!euvres in#ar$l% in#ar$l% n!thing #ill happen in his li"e. *e has $i""icult trusting the universe t! pr!vi$e the right c!n$iti!ns "!r his gr!#th. As l!ng as he #ants things his #a% like the chil$% he gets things his #a. ;n"!rtunatel% ;n"!rtunatel% his visi!n is limite$% as he is unable t! see the higher plan !" his li"e. The #illingness t! h!!k up t! the universal plan puts him in tune #ith n!t !nl his !#n inner rhthm but als! a rhthm !" much higher vibrati!n. *e is s! e""ective b $!ing alm!st n!thing e&cept thinking that he is ama2e$ b the results. hen the inner m!tivati!n is "!r the g!!$ !" all% "!r mankin$ as a #h!le% an$ #hen he% b his !#n "ree #ill% $eci$es t! act as an instrument "!r !thers% he is given all the c!n$iti!ns he th!ught he #ante$ #hen #!rking "r!m his little #ill !r chil$ eg!. G!!$ies c!me in $i""erent #as% h!#ever. hatever is nee$e$ "!r his #!rk seems t! appear alm!st catalsticall. catalsticall. ,t is as i" he pulls back all that p!#er !" th!ught% transmutes it t! a pure% inn!cent level% h!!ks up t! his inner h$r!electric plant (the universe) an$ pr!cee$s t! light up cities. ,na$vertentl% ,na$vertentl% he creates a v!i$ !n the mun$ane level that enables him t! pull in c!n$iti!ns that he nee$s an$ #ants. The pers!nalit has such p!#er !" th!ught that he can actuall trip pe!ple up #hen he is angr. *is th!ughts are like silver bullets% hitting the mark #ith accurac. 4thers can sense his "eelings even th!ugh una#are !" his hi$$en anger. *e ma $! harm !n a pschic level #ith!ut kn!#ing it% !r he ma be a#are !" an abilit t! pla #ith min$s. *is "eelings !" revenge are ust like a b!!merang% h!#ever% h!#ever% in that the ultimatel back"ire !n him. 0e$itati!n is e&tremel imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement% since he can bec!me such a p!#er"ul "!rce "!r g!!$. *e can upli"t an$ energi2e !thers #ith his th!ughts. hen he trans"!rms the lives !" th!se ar!un$ him% he imme$iatel imme$iatel trans"!rms his !#n. hat he "!rmerl trie$ t! acc!mplish b "!rce% he n!# acc!mplishes #ith ease. *is !#n "ree #ill lea$s t! the ultimate $estin an$ t! the rappr!chement #ith c!smic c!nsci!usness.
#th House cusp in Gemini / $%th House cusp in Saittarius (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Gemini-Gemini / +agittarius-+agittarius): +agittarius-+agittarius): The c!nsci!us min$ $eals #ith #!rking c!n$iti!ns. ,t gives the c!rrect kin$ !" intuiti!n !n h!# t! g! ab!ut $!ing the !b. Because the use a l!t !" phsical an$ nerv!us energ% their health can su""er% especiall the nerv!us sstem. The nee$ t! learn t! rela& regularl r egularl an$% again% it gives the nee$ t! breathe $eepl. These pe!ple ma be critical ab!ut religi!n but #ill keep their i$eas t! themselves. 7ven s!% their attitu$es #ill seem practical t! !thers. The certainl hi$e their enthusiasms an$ !pen-min$e$ness m!st !" the time% but #hen li"e presents pr!blems that innate !ptimism the p!ssess is #ell use$. The can #!rk har$ "!r religi!us gr!ups !r s!me higher-min$ e$ucati!nal e$ucati!nal centre. The are usuall #ell !n the #a t! having s!mething "igure$ !ut an$ #!rke$ !n be"!re their ass!ciates even get starte$. +ec!n$ Decanate (Gemini-Libra (Gemini-Libra / +agittarius-Aries): +agittarius-Aries): The like pe!ple ar!un$ them #hen the #!rk an$% m!re especiall% the $! better !bs #hen the have "ell!#
empl!ees empl!ees #ithin talking range. eace"ul surr!un$ings are essential. Their #!rk must have variet% an$ is best in an 5enusian tra$e such as beauti"ul cl!thing% $ec!rating% art !bects% e#eller. The p!ssess subc!nsci!us $rives "!r intellectual superi!rit. The #ant t! un$erstan$ all !" the hi$$en la#s !" nature. The ma hi$e $esire "!r lea$ership "!r a #hile% but "aith in themselves% m!tivate$ m!tivate$ b str!ng energ c!ming "r!m h!me r!!ts% "inall pushes this pers!n !ut int! the !pen #ith a "!rce n!-!ne can resist. Thir$ Decanate (Gemini-Auarius / +agittarius-Le!): These pe!ple are at their best !n a !b #here the can use the creative min$. There is a nee$ here t! have a !b #here there is "ree$!m t! m!ve ab!ut "r!m place t! place t! satis" the nee$ t! be $iversi"ie$. The seek #!rk #here the can c!mmunicate #ith man pe!ple' !ther#ise the bec!me "rustrate$ an$ have nerv!us pr!blems. The are ingeni!us in "in$ing #as t! make m!ne. The can be unkn!#n $!n!rs t! religi!us !r !ther #!rth#hile causes. This c!ul$ make them ver spiritual% !r it c!ul$ give a spiritual hang-up #ith the subc!nsci!us $rive "!r appr!bati!n. hen the give !" themselves themselves t! s!cial services !" s!me kin$% the are spirituall e&pan$e$. 4ne !" the pr!blems is that the never talk ab!ut the partners "inancial situati!n !r an !ther pr!blem their marriage ma enc!unter. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are versatile an$ ingeni!us in !rgani2ing their #!rk% an$ can han$le several !bs at !nce. Their "raternal attitu$e t!#ar$ c!-#!rkers an$ empl!ees is !ne !" the secrets !" their management abilit. The have numer!us i$eas !n h!# t! increase e""icienc. hen the are al!ne% an$ rem!ve$ "r!m the business #!rl$% the are phil!s!phicall!riente$. Their phil!!sph !" li"e is the hi$$en supp!rt gui$ing an$ inspiring their thinking. Their un$!ing ma c!me as a result !" l!"t aspirati!ns #hich the are unable t! "ul"ill in their present circumstances. (1eanne Aver) These pe!ple must be stimulate$ intellectuall in their #!rk in !r$er t! be "ul"ille$. ,ntellectual challenge keeps keeps them health% as the #a the think has much t! $! #ith the c!n$iti!n !" their b!$. 0ercur rules the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service% an$ health #hen Gemini is !n its cusp. 0ercur in$icates mentalit% intellect% intellect% an$ the a$ult eg! state. Gemini is an Air sign an$ a $ual sign. The in$ivi$ual can be m!re pr!$uctive #hen he is #!rking !n t#! pr!ects at !nce% !r #hen his min$ can "lit "r!m !ne i$ea t! an!ther. 0ercur als! rules the v!ice. ," this in$ivi$ual can e&press his th!ughts an$ v!ice his !pini!ns% he remains happ an$ health. This in$ivi$ual reacts in a p!sitive #a t! mental challenges in his #!rk. *e cann!t stan$ t! be b!re$ #ith his !b% s! he c!nstantl nee$s ne# mental stimulati!n in #!rk situati!ns. The aspects t! 0ercur in the chart in$icate h!# he "uncti!ns !n an a$ult level. ," the planet is #ell-aspecte$% he c!mmunicates i$eas clearl% e&presses !pini!ns in a c!ncise manner% $isseminates in"!rmati!n in"!rmati!n easil% an$ is curi!us ab!ut activit ar!un$ him. *e "in$s #!rk situati!ns that #ill be stimulating. ," 0ercur is n!t #ell-aspecte$% he can scatter his mental energ% an$ be unable t! e&press himsel" #ith clarit' an$ he c!ul$ repress man !" his i$eas. *e c!ul$ "in$ himsel" in a p!siti!n #here his a$vice is ign!re$% !r #here mental aggravati!ns keep him in illhealth. Disagreements Disagreements !ccur #ith c!-#!rkers% !r g!ssip !ccupies his time an$ energ.
As he has such a str!ng sense !" $estin% the in$ivi$ual in$ivi$ual can make signi"icant signi"icant c!ntributi!ns c!ntributi!ns t! the #!rl$ !" i$eas #hen he e&presses his intellect !n an imp!rtant level. Living up t! his karmic $estin makes it imperative t! speak his min$ an$ be the pers!n t! lea$ the #a thr!ugh t! a $ecisi!n. +tatesmen +tatesmen #ith this placement must be able t! think !n their "eet% make s#i"t appraisals !" situati!ns% an$ c!me t! practical c!nclusi!ns. riters% !rat!rs% act!rs% an$ speakers are #illing t! c!mmit their i$eas t! the public !r !n paper. 1!urnalists must be able t! $isseminate in"!rmati!n t! the public #ith rapi$it. 7ver alert t! #hat is g!ing !n in the #!rl$% !ne #ith this p!siti!n must be $iscriminating as #ell. =esearch pr!ects e&cite the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement i" the in"!rmati!n he $eals #ith is stimulating% stimulating% e&citing% an$ ne#. The c!untenance !" this in$ivi$ual can hi$e a $eepl religi!us% phil!s!phical phil!s!phical nature. hen !ne #ith this placement is !n sa"e gr!un$ !r al!ne% he bec!mes hum!r!us% !"ul% an$ enthusiastic. enthusiastic. *is inner happ-g!-luck happ-g!-luck nature pulls pulls him thr!ugh thr!ugh man $i""icult times. ," he can let that !ptimistic pers!nalit pers!nalit emerge m!re !"ten% he learns n!t t! take himsel" !r li"e uite s! seri!usl. Luck lies #ith his secret abilit t! see hum!r in all situati!ns an$ t! see the best in ever!ne. *e ma n!t reveal that part !" his pers!nalit earl in his li"e% an$ ma in "act never be able t! "reel e&p!se the hum!r!us% phil!s!phical phil!s!phical si$e !" himsel". ,t ma be $i""icult "!r him t! let $!#n the guar$ that has pr!tecte$ him since chil$h!!$. *is sa"et lies in the st!ic acceptance he pr!ects - et ! lurks ust behin$ ever u$gemental !bservati!n. ," 1upiter is #ell-aspecte$% #ell-aspecte$% the $eepl private religi!us nature shines thr!ugh as he gr!#s !l$er. *e nee$s time al!ne in me$itati!n% !r simpl tuning in t! nature. *is inner curi!sit c!mpels him t! seek ne# g!als% ne# h!ri2!ns. *e keeps s!me things uiet until hes ha$ a chance t! implement his !ptimistic plans% an$ he can be m!tivate$ b ne# pr!ects that are n!t c!mpletel #!rke$ !ut in his subc!nsci!us% #hile he is "inishing !l$ pr!ects. hen he is b himsel"% he can tune in t! a #ellspring !" bubbling !llanna-ish !ptimism. *e reuvenates himsel" thr!ugh his $eepl religi!us% universal subc!nsci!usness. subc!nsci!usness. ," 1upiter is n!t #ell-aspecte$% the ten$enc t! inner $isapp!intment ma paral2e him in a #a that cann!t be helpe$. *e is n!t m!tivate$ t! accept challenges in li"e% pre"erring t! remain in a rut% reliving !l$ reecti!n messages% av!i$ing his ultimate resp!nsibilit. resp!nsibilit. +ubc!nsci!us $isapp!intment can keep him in limite$ circumstance all his li"e. Fear !" siapp!intment ma be the real inner m!tivati!n !" his li"e. 0an pe!ple #ith this placement $isc!ver a past li"etime spent in high religi!us pursuits. ," th!se pursuits ha$ en$ings !" trage$ !r impris!nment% h!#ever% the inner #!rking !" the min$ c!ntinnues t! rein"!rce th!se c!n$iti!ns thr!ugh!ut his present li"e. The inner threa$ !" h!pe has s!meh!# been severe$. ,t is up t! the in$ivi$ual t! retie th!se threa$s thr!ugh c!nsci!us ch!ice. =e-e&aminati!n !" past c!n$iti!ning is m!re imp!rtant t! !ne #ith this placement than t! alm!st an!ne else. 4ne #!ul$ h!pe that p!#er"ul #!rl$ lea$ers have a str!ng religi!us sense $irecting them "r!m a subc!nsci!us level - !r at least the m!tivati!n !" c!ncern "!r bettering c!n$iti!ns "!r humanit. 1upiter als! $escribes the abilit t! give permissi!n. 7nc!uragement 7nc!uragement "r!m inner levels is essential "!r an!ne #h! has ch!sen a $i""icult task in li"e. ," !ne #ith this placement #ere able t! tap all !" his subc!nsci!us p!#ers% he #!ul$ be able t! transcen$ an "eelings !" limitati!n in his li"e. The ch!ice is entirel up t! him.
#th House cusp in Cancer / $%th House cusp in Capricorn (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (6ancer-6ancer / 6apric!rn-6apric!rn): The place #here the #!rk ma seem like a sec!n$ h!me. The ma treat empl!ees !r th!se am!ng #h!m the #!rk like part !" their "amil. These pe!ple can be nuts ab!ut g!!$ nutriti!n an$ #hat the an$ their "amil eat. ;nc!ntr!lle$ em!ti!nalism can cause seri!us illness. The are "rien$l% #!rl$l% liberal an$ the "!rerunners !" human pr!gress% but behin$ the scenes the live s!litar lives. The secretl lack c!n"i$ence an$ nee$ t! learn t! accept themselves "irst be"!re the can "ull help !thers. The have inner s!rr!#s !" #hich the $! n!t al#as kn!# the s!urce. +ec!n$ Decanate (6ancer-+c!rpi! / 6apric!rn-Taurus): The bec!me $eepl inv!lve$ #ith #!rk t! the p!int !" making it a sec!n$ h!me a#a "r!m h!me. The bec!me ver attache$ attache$ t! the pe!ple pe!ple the #!rk #ith. ," the can turn this $eep nee$ nee$ t! be inv!lve$ int! psch!l!gical psch!l!gical an$ s!ci!l!gical #!rk% it can be put t!gether beauti"ull as a v!cati!n. The ma be "ar ahea$ !" their times #ith s!me !" their i$eas% but their natures are m!re "i&e$ an$ c!nservative than is apparent t! the public. Because !" this% i" their Ascen$ant is in in Auarius their their ;ranian i$eas i$eas ma n!t get get t!! "ar !"" !"" the gr!un$' gr!un$' h!# this in"luence takes shape #!ul$ $epen$ up!n #here ;ranus #as l!cate$ in the chart. 4r% i" Taurus is !n the cusp !" the "!urth h!use% the ma bec!me t!! practical an$ materialistic' h!# this in"luence takes shape #!ul$ $epen$ up!n #here +aturn #as l!cate$ b h!use an$ sign as t! $ut an$ resp!nsibilit. Thir$ Decanate (6ancer-isces / 6apric!rn-5irg!): The ma n!t get s! $eepl inv!lve$ #ith their #!rk that the literall use elb!# grease' but because the like m!ne the #ill man!euver% s!metimes behin$ the scenes% in !r$er t! be success"ul. The are tenaci!us an$ h!l$ !nt! a !b% but "luctuate bet#een bet#een being la2 an$ being active. The have brilliant i$eas an$ can unc!ver man secrets. The secretl "eel !thers criticisms !" them% even i" n!t actuall v!ice$ b an!ne% #hich can hin$er brilliant i$eas c!ming !ut int! the !pen. The can bl!ck their !#n pr!gress b picking !thers apart. ," use$ p!sitivel% this in"luence lea$s them t! #!rk har$ in the service !" humanitarian $reams. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) Because these pe!ple have the gr!up instinct% the #!rk #here there are pe!ple an$ #here there is c!nstant activit% regar$ing their c!-#!rkers as "amil members. Their #!rk !"ten inv!lves civic an$ c!mmunit li"e. Their health is c!ntigent up!n their em!ti!nal state. hen the are em!ti!nall upset% the ma have #hat is c!mm!nl calle$ butter"lies in the st!mach% alth!ugh this is rarel !ut#ar$l apparent. The are m!re c!nservative than the ma like t! a$mit. Alth!ugh the are s!metimes limite$ b unc!nsci!us "ears% their hi$$en strength is the $iscipline that enables them t! #!rk har$ behin$ the scenes. The can be truste$ #ith secrets% an$ the !"ten #!rk !n secret pr!ects. (1eanne Aver) The 0!!n rules the si&th h!use !" #!rk an$ service #hen 6ancer is !n its cusp. The
0!!n in$icates sensitivit% vulnerabilit% vulnerabilit% nurturing% an$ em!ti!n. The 0!!n is the "astest-m!ving "astest-m!ving b!$ thr!ugh the signs !" the 2!$iac% in$icating changeabilit !r m!!$iness% but in the p!sitive sense is relate$ t! the c!llective unc!nsci!us. unc!nsci!us. ,t $escribes the "eelings an$ em!ti!ns #e all share in c!mm!n. hen the 0!!n is #ell-aspecte$ in the natal chart% an in$ivi$ual #ith this placement is naturall attracte$ t! #!rk #here he can be tune$ in t! the nee$s !" pe!ple. +tr!ng service capacit can mean anthing "r!m #!rking in a h!spital !r serving "!!$ in a restaurant t! pr!vi$ing a service !rgani2ati!n. The 0!!n has been pr!ven statisticall b Gauuelin t! be the str!ngest heavenl b!$ in the charts !" #riters. ,t seems that #hen the pers!nalit is #illing t! #!rk thr!ugh his !#n em!ti!nal pain an$ e&p!se his vulnerabilit% vulnerabilit% he can bec!me uite nurturing t! pe!ple% sensing their nee$s !n a $eepl pr!"!un$ level. *e #ill be m!st vulnerbale an$ sensitive ab!ut his #!rk% but als! the m!st un$erstan$ing pers!n !n the !b. ," the 0!!n is n!t #ell-aspecte$% #ell-aspecte$% h!#ever% he can be !verl sensitive% upset ab!ut #!rk all the time% an$ su""er terrible in$igesti!n in c!nnecti!n #ith upsetting #!rk situati!ns. +ince ;ranus $escribes the nerv!us sstem in general% an$ the 0!!n $escribes the $igestive sstem% the biggest health pr!blem ma c!me #ith !verl sensitive reacti!ns% st!mach pr!blems% an$ a $elicate nerv!us sstem. ," he can #!rk in a capacit #here his genius an$ sensitivit are re#ar$e$% his energ is #!rking creativel t! keep him in tune an$ health. henever a particular energ threatens t! bec!me a pr!blem% the #!rking !ut !" that particular energ in a c!nstructive% creative manner enables the release !" steam. 4ther#ise% that negative energ energ backs up an$ eats up the in$ivi$ual "r!m the insi$e. The pers!n b!rn #ith this placement can keep himsel" health b $ealing #ith his em!ti!nal nature thr!ugh releasing nurturing instincts. ,t seems that #hen he un$erstan$s h!# !thers pr!ect their th!ughts an$ "eelings ab!ut themselves int! statements an$ accusati!ns% he is less easil hurt an$ learns n!t t! take things pers!nall. *e then $epers!nali2es #hat might !ther#ise threaten t! $ebilitate him% transmuting this un$erstan$ing int! a m!re pr!"!un$ l!!k at mankin$s patters as a #h!le. The t#el"th h!use in a chart has been $escribe$ b tra$iti!nal astr!l!g as the h!use !" impris!nment% ail% !r h!spitals. ,n psch!l!gical psch!l!gical terms% the t#el"th h!use $escribes the subc!nsci!us min$. ,t in$icates ualities that are $i""icult t! e&p!se !r $eal #ith !vertl. hen 6apric!rn is !n the cusp !" this hi$$en h!use% +aturn rules it. +aturn is the planet !" resp!nsibilit% gravit% !r% in the negative sense% restricti!n !r limitati!n. ,n the language !" Transacti!nal Analsis% +aturn relates t! the parent eg! state. That eg! state is $evel!pe$ b listening t! the real parents messages earl in li"e. The in$ivi$ual transcribes transcribes the same be sa"e messages !nt! a tape that runs insi$e his !#n hea$% until he learns t! re-rec!r$ th!se earl inuncti!ns. hen +aturn rules the t#el"th h!use% h!#ever% th!se restrictive !r supp!rtive parent messages seem t! c!me "r!m a past li"e !r !n a $eepl subc!nsci!us level. 1!hannes 0ichael 0ichael $escribe$ $escribe$ this placement placement in a m!st pr!"!un$ #a. #a. *e sai$: , "eel "eel like ,ve ha$ a sha$!# !n m s!ul. +!metimes , see situati!ns that , kn!# bel!ng t! me% et , $!nt let msel" get them. , am a#are that , st!p msel" !n s!me level. ,t is as i" s!me subc!nsci!us "ear prevents me "r!m grasping re#ar$s. The "antas inv!lve$ in this subc!nsci!us "eeling !" restricti!n !r limiati!n can be unc!vere$ thr!ugh regressi!n sessi!ns. ,t seems as i" a $eep subc!nsci!us "eeling !" ina$euac% perhaps "r!m a past incarnati!n% keeps the in$ivi$ual #earing the hair
shirt. ,t can s!metimes be c!nnecte$ #ith gr!up !r racial guilt% #here the pers!n "eels resp!nsible "!r the "ailure !" a plan !r situati!n. *is inner $ecisi!n is: 3ever again. hen he bec!mes a#are !" that subc!nsci!us sel"-punishment% he can begin t! release energ an$ be a#are !" the inappr!priate reas!n "!r st!pping himsel". ," +aturn is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% h!#ever% much !" that unnecessar punishment seems t! be mitigate$. A $eep sense !" resp!nsibilit enables the in$ivi$ual t! enter li"e $etermine$ t! "in$ his $estin% an$ all!#s him t! value himsel" s! that he can assume the highest resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit !" #hich he is capable. ,n #!rking past his subc!nsci!us "ears% the in$ivi$ul !pens $!!rs that he ma have been a"rai$ !" be"!re. ," he "ears a m!nster behin$ th!se $!!rs% bringing him int! $alight ma reveal that m!nster t! be !nl !ne inch tall. *e #ill then "in$ the true "ree$!m !" li"e an$ a pr!"!un$ spiritual c!nnecti!n t! mankin$% especiall i" the Ascen$ant is Auarius.
#th House cusp in Leo / $%th House cusp in A!uarius (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Le!-Le! / Auarius-Auarius): The nee$ t! l!ve their #!rk% an$ it sh!ul$ be creative in an artistic #a. The have great pri$e in their #!rk i" the like #hat the are $!ing. ," the $!n't% the #ill c!nstantl be $ramatic ab!ut it b intimating that is is beneath them. The are best #!rking #ith partners the care ab!ut. ,t is n!t g!!$ "!r them t! #!rk al!ne' the nee$ s!me!ne #ith #h!m t! share the pri$e !" #!rk #ell $!ne. The ma be the greatest pschics !u kn!#% but ma n!t tell !u ab!ut their e&periences. ," the can "inall break their silence an$ c!me thr!ugh% these @th h!use pe!ple can be am!ng the greatest v!ices !" a higher c!nsci!usness in revealing c!smic truths. The must break "ree an$ help pe!ple #ith their talents. +ec!n$ Decanate (Le!-+agittarius (Le!-+agittarius / Auarius-Gemini): Auarius-Gemini): This gives a capacit "!r #!rking l!ng h!urs an$ "!r seeing l!ng-range c!mmitments. 7mpl!ment 7mpl!ment isnt ust empl!ment' empl!ment' the have a v!cati!n !r business in min$. The vie# is t!#ar$ the "uture% an$ the can lab!r l!ng h!urs #ith !ptimism an$ enthusiasm in that $irecti!n. The are pschic% an$ there is n! "iel$ !" the !ccult #!rl$ #ith #hich the #ill n!t e&periment. +!meh!# +!meh!# the !"ten "eel as i" the are n!t in the right envir!nment envir!nment !r that the are n!t !n the right planet !r right level. The "ight t! be "ree% but the c!ntinuall "eel l!cke$ in a kin$ !" pris!n. Thir$ Decanate (Le!-Aries / Auarius-Libra): These pe!ple #!rk because $eep #ithin their min$ the believe the have special missi!ns in li"e. The are better #!rking "!r themselves% themselves% being their !#n b!sses% #hich gives the initiative t! greater earning p!#er than #hen #!rking "!r s!me!ne else. Their unc!nventi!nal natures an$ c!n$iti!ns in their marriages remain un$er #raps "r!m public kn!#le$ge. There ma be karmic c!n$iti!ns #ith "rien$s in relati!n t! the marriage partner. The can be ver !bective c!ncerning the stu$ !" !ccult la#s. hen the generate themselves% themselves% !r pick themselves up "r!m a $!#n% the #ill g! !"" al!ne !ne time% an$ then at an!ther time the #ill #ant a partner t! help them. ," the ch!!se artistic e&pressi!n t! bring themselves themselves up% the #ill $! much better. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple ma be uite $!mineering !ver c!-#!rkers an$ sub!r$inates' the have
a "eeling !" auth!rit #here #!rk an$ services are c!ncerne$. The gl!r in the sacri"ices the must make in their pr!"essi!n an$ service. Their illnesses are !"ten psch!s!matic psch!s!matic an$ are use$ t! attract attenti!n. The ten$ t! be l!# in vitalit i" the Ascen$ant is in in isces% because because then the 3eptune in"luence in"luence !n their their "irst h!use makes them $issipate their energ. The can bring ab!ut their sel"-un$!ing b bur$ening their ass!ciates #ith their pr!blems an$ b alienating their "rien$s b reuiring c!nstant smpath an$ supp!rt. 4n the p!sitive si$e% their spiritual rapp!rt #ith thier "rien$s can be their hi$$en supp!rt. The have an unc!nsci!us $esire t! serve humanit% an$ a universal a#areness that enables them t! tap the $eeper levels !" c!nsci!usness. (1eanne Aver) ri$e in acc!mplishment is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement. The +un rules Le! !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service an$ health. ,n a chart% the +un $escribes vitalit% eg!% sel"-esteem% an$ sense !" sel"-#!rth. ith g!!$ aspects t! the +un% the in$iviu$al has a natural sense !" $!minance% e&ecutive e&ecutive abilit% an$ lea$ership. *e pr!ects great vitalit% $rama% an$ a sense !" sel"-#!rth% there"!re attracting rec!gniti!n an$ !pp!rtunit. The +un als! $escribes areas that are c!nnecte$ #ith pri$e in the chart. ," the +un is #ell-aspecte$% the pers!nalit must #!rk in areas #here he #ill receive rec!gniti!n' rec!gniti!n' an$ that brings a sense !" pri$e in return. *e must be in a p!siti!n t! e&press his inner eg! an$ vitalit% call the sh!ts% an$ assume a lea$ership p!siti!n. ," the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$% #ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual ma n!t all!# himsel" the right t! #!rk #here his eg! can be str!ke$. *e ma n!t receive rec!gniti!n rec!gniti!n "!r #hat he $!es #ell% an$ ma neglect t! sh!# his lea$ership ualit. Th!se #ith this placement aiming t! #!rk in the glam!ur #!rl$% "!r instance as act!rs% must "irst rec!gni2e their !#n talent% then be $isc!vere$ b s!me!ne else. Therapists #ith this placement must have c!n"i$ence in their abilit be"!re !thers #ill c!me "!r ai$. hen the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$% #ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual ma #ait "!r s!me!ne else t! give him permissi!n t! $! #hat he #ants t! #ithin #!rk situati!ns. *e ma #!rk in !r$er t! receive rec!gniti!n% putting the cart be"!re the h!rse. *is eg! can su""er $amage #hen he is bpasse$ !r ign!re$. +ince the +un $escribes the name !ne makes in li"e% i" aspects in$icate str!ng rec!gniti!n% then the pers!nalit ma be m!tivate$ t! #!rk #here his name is ass!ciate$ #ith a pr!$uct !r a talent. here he assumes the $!minant r!le in his #!rk% he #ill be health an$ vital. *igh energ enables him t! #!rk tirelessl. 9et i" the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$ an$ he #!rks in areas that are n!t eg!-satis"ing% he ma "reuentl "eel a lack !" vitalit. This in$ivi$ual ma sense str!nger energ at times #hen he is rec!gni2e$ an$ l!#ere$ vitalit #hen he is n!t. The m!st imp!rtant thing he can $! "!r himsel" is t! pat himsel" !n the back% #!rk in areas #here he is "ul"ille$% an$ #ait "!r his c!-#!rkers t! give him str!kes i" the are able. 4bective sel"-evalutati!n sel"-evalutati!n brings increase$ energ an$ vitalit. The t#el"th h!use $escribes subc!nsci!us pr!cesses% particular characteristics that are $i""icult t! e&p!se% an$ matters relating t! the !ccult !r pschic realms. hen Auarius is !n the cusp !" this this h!use !" hi$$en hi$$en matters% matters% ;ranus is its ruler. ;ranus is is the planet !" genius% humanitarianism% humanitarianism% healing% an$ the unusual. ,n the negative sense% ;ranus $escribes rebelli!n. There is a ten$enc #ith this placement t! easil leave the b!$. Astral travelling is a c!nstant activit #hen this pers!nalit is a"rai$% !r un#illing% t! $eal #ith unpleasant "acts in "r!nt !" him. *e ma learn this techniue earl in li"e t! av!i$ punishment% punishment%
parents $ispleasure% !r the c!l$% harsh inustice !" li"e. *e can simpl tune !ut an$ take !"" t! realms !" sa"et% traveling !n the #ings !" "antas. This placement can in$icate a high $egree !" sensitivit !r pschism. ;ranus rules electricit. This in$ivi$ual seems t! have a higer $egree !" electricit running thr!ugh his subc!nsci!us% enabling him t! tune in t! !ther pe!ple !r realms ver easil. ,n the p!sitive sense% an$ #ith g!!$ aspects t! ;ranus% this in$icates a healing ualit !n the subc!nsci!us level an$ a high $egree !" ev!luti!n. *e is a genius !n a hi$$en level. ," the Ascen$ant is in isces% he ma sh!# an i$ealistic% visi!nar "a?a$e in !r$er t! c!nceal the "act that he is ver $i""erent !n an inner level. *igh humanitarian i$eals put him ahea$ !" his time in inner realms !" a#areness. hen ;ranus is n!t #ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual ma "in$ this abilit t! leave the b!$ !r pick up the th!ughts !" !thers ver unsettling. *e ma tr t! calm that energ $!#n thr!ugh $rinking !r $rugs% et that makes him even m!re unsettle$ !n the subc!nsci!us level. ,nner rebelli!n makes him run a#a "r!m high a#areness instea$ !" utili2ing that healing energ "!r the sake !" humanit. Tremen$!us sensitivit keeps the inner min$ in a state !" c!nstant change. ;ranus is like the rem!$elling !" a r!!m. As the plaster "alls% the $ust an$ cha!s make c!n$iti!ns m!st nerve-racking. The ten$enc ten$enc t! run a#a "r!m the mess is str!ng% et in s! $!ing the in$ivi$ual can get hit !n the hea$ b "alling plaster. ,"% in the pr!cess% the pers!n $!ns a har$ hat% an$ stan$s calml in the centre !" the mess% kn!#ing that s!!n he #ill have a ne# envir!nment% then changing these c!n$iti!ns can be easier. ;ranus in$icates rem!$elling% rem!$elling% !r greater a#areness% et the breaking up !" !utm!$e$ c!n$iti!ns can be $i""icult. ;ranus rules music% high "reuenc% an$ ra$i!. ith a ba$l aspecte$ ;ranus% it is like having a ra$i! stati!n slightl !""-centre #ith c!n"licting stati!ns bringing in c!n"usi!n s!un$s. ," this inner% subc!nsci!us cha!s is t!! $i""icult% an$ there are t!! man v!ices% the in$ivi$ual ma tr anthing t! help $r!#n !ut the s!un$. *e can sh!rt-circuit himsel" subc!nsci!usl. ," he learns h!# t! tune the ra$i! !" his subc!nsci!us% he has true genius p!tential% pschic abilit !" an e&tra!r$inar level% an$ a healing% humanitarian ualit that !perates !n a hi$$en level. B plugging that pr!"!un$ electrical current int! the right !utlet% he releases light an$ truth t! mankin$% sen$ing !ut in"!rmati!n that ma have been l!st t! civili2ati!n "!r centuries. *e #ill kn!# h!# t! channel the current int! a p!sitive !utlet t! pr!$uce #!rks that heal mankin$. The ackn!#le$gement that he !perates !n a higher "reuenc than m!st pe!ple ma be a "irst step t! the un$erstan$ing !" the genius p!tential. *e #ill e&pl!re spiritual realms that the m!re earthb!un$ ma never be able t! reach% an$ he can catapult !thers int! greater a#areness as a result !" his !#n #illingness t! #!rk thr!ugh the scare an$ e&pl!re the higher realms !" c!nsci!usness. ;ltimatel% ;ltimatel% his greatest "ul"illment c!mes "r!m healing mankin$ thr!ugh his pschic% subc!nsci!us current. ,$ealism has an !utlet% an$ visi!n has a practical applicati!n% in his !uter li"e.
#th House cusp in "iro / $%th House cusp in Pisces (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (5irg!-5irg! / isces-isces): isces-isces): The can #!rk ver har$ i" the can use their analtical abilit al!ng #ith it. Diet is all-imp!rtant% an$ the are !verc!ncerne$ #ith taking care !" themselves. The cann!t stan$ t! be ill% an$ can #!rk themselves int! a nerv!us state i" the think the might bec!me ill !r catch s!mething that is g!ing ar!un$. The nee$ t! have !bs #here "ree$!m is n!t restricte$' !ther#ise% the bec!me e&tremel irritable #ith their "ell!#-#!rkers. The #ill critici2e "ell!# empl!ees% empl!ees% even th!ugh the themselves have a har$ time accepting criticism.
+ensitivit c!mes "r!m a subc!nsci!us s!urce an$ gives them tr!uble that the $! n!t kn!# h!# t! check. The have $eep inner l!neliness. ,t ma give illness !" a psch!s!matic psch!s!matic nature. ,n sel"less service t! !thers #h! are ill% !r #h! su""er mentall !r em!ti!nall% the can relieve their !#n l!neliness an$ su""ering. +ec!n$ Decanate (5irg!-6apric!rn (5irg!-6apric!rn / isces-6ancer): The #!rk har$ an$ have great ambiti!n t! g! higher up the la$$er. The can be impatient% but $! the !b #ell% an$ never let their impatience inter"ere #ith their #!rk. The are best as supervis!rs !r in a lea$ership p!siti!n. The make e&cellent c!-!r$inat!rs. c!-!r$inat!rs. The #!rk s! har$ it can a""ect their health. The have great sel"-pri$e' an$% i" the have a g!!$ h!me% the are happ an$ !utg!ing. *!#ever% an pr!blems #ith the h!me li"e cause them t! su""er silentl as martrs. The never #ant an!ne t! kn!# the are n!t sel"-su""icient. The #ill make a great $eal !" sacri"ice "!r h!me an$ "amil c!m"!rt. Thir$ Decanate (5irg!-Taurus / isces-+c!rpi!): The in"luence #ith this p!siti!n is t! #!rk har$ "!r m!ne. ,t s!un$s simple an$ unc!mplicate$% but #hen !u kn!# them better% the can be bull-hea$e$ an$ stubb!rn in c!nnecti!n #ith n!t !nl their health but als! #!rking c!n$iti!ns. The are intereste$ in c!rrect $iet an$ alm!st "anatical ab!ut it. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) 6are an$ precisi!n characteri2e these pe!ples #!rk' an$ in man respects it is !" superi!r ualit. 9et the !"ten leave s!mething un"inishe$ because their per"ecti!nist ten$encies ten$encies make it $i""icult "!r them t! c!mplete a task !n time% !r because their enthusiasm has #ane$. The have an unc!nsci!us spiritual #is$!m that is n!t apparent !n the sur"ace. The p!ssess an intense empath "!r mankin$% et at times the "eel al!ne. 6!n"usi!n !n the unc!nsci!us level ma s!metimes be their un$!ing. (1eanne Aver) 0ercur rules the h!use !" service% health% an$ !ccupati!n #hen 5irg! is !n its cusp. This in$ivi$ual nee$s tremen$!us mental stimulati!n in !r$er t! sta vital an$ health. *is service capacit has t! $! #ith i$eas an$ #!r$s. riters an$ act!rs use speech an$ mental activit in their !ccupati!ns. Th!ught an$ strateg has a great $eal t! $! #ith the success !" s!me militar lea$ers. ," 0ercur is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% it is eas "!r !ne #ith this placement t! assume resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit "!r e&pressi!n thr!ugh #!r$s. *e can be uite analtical in his #!rk. *is th!ught pr!cesses can have much t! $! #ith health' his !#n an$ that !" !thers. +ince 5irg! is ass!ciate$ #ith purit an$ virginit% health "!!$s !r natural pr!$ucts appeal t! !ne #ith this placement. *e can bec!me uite a#are !" the $esire "!r purit !" b!$. Athletes% "!r instance% nee$ this kin$ !" analtical care an$ b!$ a#areness in !r$er t! per"!rm at peak capacit. 5irg! is ass!ciate$ ass!ciate$ #ith th!ught"ulness th!ught"ulness an$ an$ precisi!n. 3itpicking is s!metimes s!metimes part !" that th!r!ughness. th!r!ughness. 4ne #ith this placement has a natural hea$ start in #!rk c!mbining a nee$ "!r brilliance #ith !ne "!r analsis. ith applicati!n% he is a natural "!r the c!mmunicati!n c!mmunicati!n "iel$s% #hether #riting% $irecting% !r per"!rming. This kin$ !" mentall challenging #!rk is the anti$!te "!r restlessness an$ impatience. As l!ng as
he has an !utlet "!r his intellect an$ a release "!r his th!ughts% he #ill remain health. ,t is negativit c!uple$ #ith inacti!n that brings ab!ut l!#ere$ vitalit an$ lack !" energ. ,nertia an$ mental b!re$!m spell $!!m "!r !ne #ith this placement. +ince 5irg! rules the intestinal tract% it is in this area !" the b!$ that !ne #ith this placement can be m!st a""ecte$. That can incluu$e the $igestive tract in general. ure "!!$ is essential t! retain g!!$ assimilati!n% as #ell as en!ugh e&ercise. These t#! "act!res keep !ne #ith this placement health% happ% an$ pr!$uctive. The area represente$ b the t#el"th h!use in$icates #hat lies ust beneath the sur"ace "!r an in$ivi$ual. ,t is the energ that is less eas t! e&press an$ reveal. ,t is s!metimes subc!nsci!us subc!nsci!us activit. The m!re an in$ivi$ual bec!mes a#are !" #hat is g!ing !n in the $eepest recesses !" his min$% the m!re release !" p!sitive energ is assure$. The t#el"th h!use tra$iti!nall represents h!spitals% ail% an$ incarcerati!n' et% psch!l!gicall% psch!l!gicall% it it represents energ energ !r th!ught th!ught that ma ma be impris!ne$. impris!ne$. ,t als! $escribes the #a #e "eel !r behave #hen #e are all b !urselves% unarm!re$ an$ #ith $r!ppe$ $e"ences. hen isces is !n its cusp% 3eptune rules this h!use !" hi$$en matters. 3eptune is the planet !" $reams an$ illusi!n% high inspirati!n an$ i$ealism% pschic a#areness% high intuiti!n% an$ visi!n. ,n its negative sense% it is the planet !" $isillusi!n an$ $ecepti!n. Behin$ the ascen$ant ascen$ant mask lies a $reamer !" $reams% a visi!nar% an$ an i$ealist. hen this in$ivi$ual is all al!ne% !u can be sure he spins #ebs !" gl!ri!us c!l!rs% th!ugh he might n!t "in$ it eas t! e&press this ualit !" energ !vertl. ," he is able t! inc!rp!rate th!se $reams int! realistic !ut#ar$ events% this pers!n is trul !ne step ahea$ !" ever!ne else. ,n the in$ivi$ual chart% the aspects !" 3eptune #ill in$icate #hether he is simpl a $reamer% #eaving #ebs !" sel"-$ecepti!n% sel"-$ecepti!n% !r he is tuning in t! highl inspire$ i$eas that lea$ t! better c!n$iti!ns in his !#n li"e an$ eventuall in !thers lives. The p!sitive interpretati!n interpretati!n !" 3eptune is the abilit t! create the c!n$iti!ns in the ever$a li"e b visuali2ati!n. ,t is an imp!rtant metaphsical principle that #hatever #e can c!nceive in !ur imaginati!n bec!mes a realit% unless #e $estr! these images b negative thinking !r changing $irecti!n. 1anene +chnei$er calls this abilit sen$ing !ut purchase !r$ers t! the universe. ,t is s!me#hat like planting see$s in the gr!un$. ," #e #ater th!se see$s an$ rea$ the $irecti!ns !n the envel!pe% #e #ill be m!re than likel t! gr!# the kin$ !" "l!#er that c!mes "r!m th!se see$s. The pers!n #ith this placement has a g!!$ abilit t! visuali2e #hat he #ants% sen$ !ut purchase !r$ers% an$ plant health see$s. The !uter c!n$iti!ns in his li"e are ver in$icative !" #hat he thinks ab!ut #hen he is al!ne. ," 3eptune is ba$l aspecte$% he is liable t! ki$ himsel"% !r p!ur p!is!n !n his plants be"!re the have a chance t! gr!#. *e st!ps his purchase !r$ers an$ negates #hat he #ants. 4r he is t!! impatient t! let his $reams bec!me realities. *e pulls his plants up b the r!!ts t! see i" there gr!#ing. The negative !" 3eptune is n!nc!n"r!ntati!n. c!n"r!ntati!n. it is impractical an$ unrealistic. ,t is like eating c!tt!n can$. That lusci!us pink g!!$ness melts in !ur m!uth be"!re !u can get a g!!$ taste. The planet 3eptune rules $reams. 4ne #ith this placement can have a ver active $ream li"e an$ ma receive much valuable in"!rmati!n thr!ugh his $reams. ,t is the ke t! his subc!nsci!us. r!per interpretati!n interpretati!n !" his $reams ma reveal a gi"t !" insight an$ give tremen$!us ai$ t! the !uter li"e. This pers!n can be particularl intuitive an$ pschic. ," he ign!res this insight !r ch!!ses t! neglect its messages% he ma be ign!ring the m!st valuable t!!l he p!ssesses. *e ma have t! learn t! trust his intuiti!n an$ learn the ke t! his !#n particular interpretati!n. interpretati!n. The aspects t! 3eptune in his chart #ill in$icate h!# eas that is "!r him.
ith his interi!r inspirati!n% this in$ivi$ual can $! battle "!r the rest !" humanit.
#th House cusp in Libra / $%th House cusp in Aries (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Libra-Libra / Aries-Aries): These are the pe!ple at !ur place !" empl!ment empl!ment #h! settle the $i""erences% an$ #h! "ight "!r "air treatment "!r all. ,n the en$% h!#ever% the ma incur the enmit !" the empl!ers !r the m!ne pe!ple (c!rp!raate interests) interests) behin$ the empl!ees. empl!ees. This is the pers!n m!re intereste$ in uni!ns than an Aries p!siti!n !n the si&th h!use cusp #!ul$ be. The nee$ t! learn t! sacri"ice themselves "!r s!mething. The nee$ t! learn c!mpassi!n "!r the ill% reali2ing !ther pe!ple su""er t!!. There is a $rive here t! pr!ve their "earlessness. +ec!n$ Decanate (Libra-Auarius (Libra-Auarius / Aries-Le!): The #ant peace"ul c!n$iti!ns #here the #!rk% an$ #ant "airness "!r all% an$ can be c!-!perative #ith management in impers!nal #as. ," the !riginalit an$ inventiveness inventiveness !" their nature are use$ in their v!cati!ns% the the are at their best. Their mental m!tives ma be intense% but the are usuall hi$$en "r!m !thers. The $! a l!t !" s!ul-searching. The are usuall the p!#er behin$ the thr!ne. T! rene# themselves the must get a#a "r!m !thers an$ g! !"" b themselves. The nee$ h!me an$ a place !" their !#n #ithin that h!me t! $! this thinking. Thir$ Decanate (Libra-Gemini / Aries-+agittarius): The nee$ pe!ple a!run$ them #hen the #!rk. eace"ul surr!un$ings are essential "!r them t! $! g!!$ !bs. The are e&cellent i" the #!rk has variet t! it. The have a "lair "!r beauti"ing their envir!nments envir!nments !r neighb!rh!!$s in s!me #a. ,t is their #a !" being !" service. The nee$ t! let g! an$ let a higher spiritual p!#er take !ver. *ere Aries #!rks behin$ the scenes "!r religi!us an$ humanitarian causes. The seem t! sense the real truth !" se& as a reuvenative pr!cess an$ its c!nnecti!n #ith li"e an$ $eath. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are able t! #!rk e""ectivel #ith !thers in matters !" service. The seek harm!n an$ c!-!perati!n #ith their c!-#!rkers' c!-#!rkers' an$ this is pr!babl !ne reas!n "!r their "inancial success. As empl!ers% the are ust% an$ treat their empl!ees as euals. ,mpulsiveness ,mpulsiveness an$ a hea$str!ng ten$enc can be the cause !" their un$!ing% alth!ugh c!urage an$ $ecisiveness are their hi$$en supp!rt. The secretl initiate ne# activities in !r$er t! elu$e c!mpetit!rs. (1eanne Aver) ,t is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement t! en! his #!rk% !r he #ill simpl n!t per"!rm t! the best !" his abilit. The !ther si$e !" the c!in is that he #ill l!ve t! #!rk i" he is $!ing #!rk he l!ves. ," he puts himsel" in a less than harm!ni!us #!rk envir!nment% envir!nment% he #ill "in$ that his energ is l!# an$ he is unable t! acc!mplish #hat he must. Beaut an$ harm!n are essential t! his s!ul. ," he is surr!un$e$ b stri"e an$ $isc!r$% he ma get sick. *!#ever% i" small pr!blems arise% he #ill ump t! the !ccasi!n an$ be the per"ect arbitrat!r an$ neg!tiat!r. As a natural $ipl!mat% it is reall his !b t! keep ever!ne an$ everthing !n an even keel.
5enus is the planet planet that rules rules Libra !n the the cusp !" the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service% service% an$ health. 5enus is the planet !" beaut% s!ciabilit% s!ciabilit% charm% culture% graci!usness% an$ the arts. ,t is clear that this in$ivi$ual nee$s t! "in$ #!rk that is harm!ni!us. *is service capacit is c!nnecte$ t! bringing beaut t! pe!ple. *is natural sense !" artistr impels him t! be inve!lve$ in pr!ects c!nnecte$ t! $esign% "!!$% cl!thing% art an$ pleasure. +ince the pleasure principle is s! str!ng in his pers!nalit% pers!nalit% anthing that is pleasurable is als! success"ul. *e is a natural artist an$ artisan. ," 5enus is #ell-aspecte$ in his chart% he has n! pr!blems in selecting pleasurable% artistic pr!ects "!r his !ccupati!n. ," 5enus is ba$l-aspecte$% h!#ever% there is a ten$enc t! take the eas #a !ut "!r the sake !" peace% !r even t! be la2 #ith #!rk an$ artistic !ccupati!n. The si&th h!use als! in$icates the health !" an in$ivi$ual. 5enus in$icates a natural s#eet t!!th% s! i" 5enus is n!t #ell aspecte$ in the chart there is a p!ssibilit !" hp!glcemia hp!glcemia !r $iabetes. 3! matter #hat the aspects t! 5enus% the biggest $etriment t! g!!$ health is in$ulgence in rich% lusci!us "!!$s an$ $rink that can be har$ t! assimilate in the sstem. La2iness can lea$ t! lack !" e&ercise an$ lack !" pr!per b!$ t!ne as a result. Beauti"ul "!!$ can be especiall enticing enticing t! !ne #ith this placement. ith a ten$enc t! sel"-in$ulgence% sel"-in$ulgence% the pers!n #ith this placement can $isc!ver that a sur"eit "! pleasure can lea$ t! n! energ an$ ma c!ntribute t! a p!ssibl alrea$ la2 ten$enc. 4ne !" the p!sitive #as !" utili2ing this nee$ t! in$ulge is thr!ugh c!!king. The pers!n #ith this placement has a natural abilit #ith the preparati!n !" "!!$% making it beauti"ul t! l!!k at as #ell as t! taste. 0an pe!ple #ith this placement spen$ time learning g!urmet c!!king t! augment a natural talent. The pers!ns artistr #ill shine "!rth in table arrangements% crstal% an$ silver% that c!mplete the painting he creates #ith e$ibles. 0ars rules Aries !n the cusp !" the t#el"th h!use. 0ars is the planet !" aggressi!n% activit% ambiti!n% ambiti!n% an$ $rive. ,t is als! the ruler !" se& an$ #ar"are. T#el"th h!use matters are less eas t! e&press !vertl than #hat is in$icate$ b the "irst h!use. ,t is n!t s! eas "!r this in$ivi$ual t! sh!# aggressi!n% "rustrati!n% temper an$ ambiti!n. Fe# #!ul$ suspect the temper lurking behin$ this in$ivi$uals "aca$e. Because that energ is $i""icult "!r him t! e&press% #hen it emerges it is !ver#helming. ,n a sa"e situati!n% the pers!n is able t! release his true aggressive energies. he #ill be m!st ambiti!us in the $eepest recesses !" his min$% et #ill n!t sh!# this !penl. ,t ma be $i""icult% earl !n% "!r him t! be easil in t!uch #ith his se&ualit' he ma pre"er t! keep that part !" his nature in the $ark. +ince 0ars als! rules phsical activit% this in$ivi$ual ma n!t be incline$ t! c!mpetitive phsical e&ercise !r sp!rts. *is c!mpetitive nature ma n!t be #ell-$evel!pe$ #ell-$evel!pe$ !r easil e&presse$. *is se&ual e&periences ma be #ell-hi$$en - part !" a guilt c!mple&. *e ma als! hi$e the "ighting% trul inn!vative% creative% an$ pi!neering part !" his nature. The m!re this in$ivi$ual is able t! release his pent-up creative% se&ual energ energ in health #as% the less "rustrati!n he has t! bear privatel. +ince the se&ual energ is c!uple$ #ith creative energ% the release can c!me !n man levels' but #ith!ut an release% it buil$s t! bec!me temper% "rustrati!n% impatience% an$ !ver#helming !ver#helming aggravati!n. Things Things ma never happen "ast en!ugh "!r !ne #ith this placement% s! he appears t! be rather $eliberate in his haste t! get ahea$. *e ma have $i""icult in all!#ing himsel" t! be trul pi!neering en!ugh t! e&press the inn!vative part !" his creative energ. La2iness an$ t!! much ease !" living can #eaken his res!lve t! get g!ing !n s!me !" his pr!ects (especiall i" the Ascen$ant is in Taurus).
This native ma have hi$$en rage #hich he $!es n!t sh!#. +ince 0ars rules phsical e&ercise an$ metals% i" he releases s!me !" that rage an$ "rustrati!n #ith activit using metals he #ill "in$ himsel" "ree !" unusual aggravati!ns an$ temper. temper. A #riter can use a metal tpe#riter t! release pent-up "rustrati!ns' a painter using a palette kni"e !r $!ing metal sculpture "in$s his !utlet. Act!rs #!rking !n cl!se$ sets us up much !" their creative c reative energ% #hile singers in rec!r$ing sessi!ns release their "rustrati!ns thr!ugh a great $eal !" phsical activit. 4ne #ith this placement #ill $isc!ver that #!rking #ith metal t!!ls% buil$ing things% an$ getting e&ercise% #hen al!ne% are marvell!us #as t! rechannel s!me !" his creative energ !nt! a ne# level. The "ine c!ntributi!n ma$e t! the re"!rmati!n !" the human c!n$iti!n b !ne #ith this placement is #ell #!rth the e""!rt !" breaking thr!ugh the barriers% #!rking thr!ugh the scare% an$ letting !ut the uniue part !" the creative energ.
#th House cusp in Scorpio / $%th House cusp in Taurus (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (+c!rpi!-+c!rpi! / Taurus-Taurus): This gives them an uncann abilit t! anal2e #hat is #r!ng #ith a !b an$ t! "erret !ut the true "acts% " acts% lea$ing t! impr!ve$ #!rking c!n$iti!ns. c!n$iti!ns. The are n!t e&actl talkative !n the !b ab!ut their pers!nal a""airs. ," !u #ant t! get t! the b!tt!m !" s!mething% hire a pers!n #ith this p!siti!n' the are talente$ $etectives an$ can unc!ver ust ab!ut anthing. The are als! #ell-!rgani2e$ an$ usuall e""icient. There is a hi$$en insecurit ab!ut "inances #ith this in"luence. A subc!nsci!us "eeling !" being unpr!tecte$ $rives them t! #!rr c!nstantl ab!ut having en!ugh. The ma seem "le&ible an$ "ree-#heeling% "ree-#heeling% but $eep natures hi$e "eelings "r!m !thers. +ec!n$ Decanate (+c!rpi!-isces / Taurus-5irg!): Despite seeming attachment an$ $eep inv!lvement inv!lvement in their !bs% there is hi$$en insecurit #here "inances are c!ncerne$% s! this p!siti!n makes use !" !ther versatile talents t! make m!ne. The $! n!t #ant t! be caught #ith!ut s!me alternative #a t! make m!ne% ust in case !ne meth!$ "ails. The nee$ t! give themselves in service t! !thers secretl #ith!ut making a big "uss ab!ut it. ," the are eal!us because !" !thers "inancial successes% !r critici2e them in an #a% their health can su""er. eace"ul "amil an$ h!me c!n$iti!ns are imp!rtant t! eliminate this pr!blem. Thir$ Decanate (+c!rpi!-6ancer (+c!rpi!-6ancer / Taurus-6apric!rn): T! them% #!rking is part !" li"e. The get the "acts an$ use them #ell in "ul"illing the $uties !" their !b. The themselves ma n!t be em!ti!nal% but the kn!# h!# t! pla !n "ell!# empl!ees an$ empl!ers em!ti!nal natures t! increase assets !n the !b% #hether the bene"its are "inancial !r c!-!perative. c!-!perative. *i$$en $rives "!r m!ne an$ p!#er ma be their $!#n"alls. There is a great insecurit in relati!n t! se& partners' the "eel p!#er lies in acuisiti!n !" m!ne an$ a "ul"ille$ se& li"e. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple have t! regenerate themselves thr!ugh the areas !" #!rk an$ service. 4nl b making their i$eas e""ective in a practical #a can the trans"!rm themselves themselves an$ get a ne# start in li"e. This si&th h!use placement !" the highl em!ti!nal +c!rpi! in$icates that the e&pressi!n !r repressi!n !" $esires str!ngl in"luences the natives
health. +! there is a necessit t! use the min$ in such a #a as t! impr!ve the health. The are likel t! be a""ecte$ b c!n$iti!ns "r!m the past that $! n!t change easil. There is a ten$enc t! be m!re persistent !n the unc!nsci!us level than !n the c!nsci!us level. These pe!ples sel"-un$!ing c!mes "r!m their unc!nsci!us materialistic $esires. (1eanne Aver) A pers!n #ith #ith this placement placement can be a c!mpulsive #!rker. #!rker. *e has has a pr!"!un$ abilit t! c!mbine pe!ple "!r #!rk pr!ects. *e is e""ective in an kin$ !" #!rk #here he can be in t!uch #ith his chil$ eg!' he must pla as #ell as #!rk. The planet lut! is the ruler !" +c!rpi! !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use. lut! is the p!#er planet% resembling a turblulent b!$ !" #ater that must be $amme$ up in !r$er t! prevent "l!!$ing an$ c!nseuent $estructi!n. $estructi!n. That same b!$ !" #ater% #hen channele$% can pr!$uce en!ugh electricit t! light up a cit. The kin$ !" energ !ne #ith this placement can generate #ith his #!rk !s similar t! that b!$ !" #ater. ,n a negative sense% the in$ivi$ual can "!rce !thers t! #!rk as har$ as he $!es% c!me !n t!! str!ng% an$ "in$ that he pushes pe!ple a#a "r!m him instea$ !" bringing them t!gether. hen he #!rks c!mpulsivel% c!mpulsivel% he can un$ermine his health. 7ventuall% this e&erti!n catches up #ith him. *e must "in$ #!rk pr!ects that use up an en!rm!us st!re !" vitalit% !r he #ill re$irect that energ int! less than c!nstructive areas. *e is particularl e""ective #hen he reaches pe!ple !n a mass level !r thr!ugh mass-me$ia% "!r his energ ma be t!! str!ng "!r a !ne-t!-!ne kin$ !" c!-!perati!n' c!-!perati!n' he can kn!ck pe!ple !ver #ith!ut kn!#ing it. *is $ecisi!ns at #!rk ma #ell e""ect the lives !" masses !" pe!ple. lut! relates t! the chil$ eg! in Transacti!nal Analsis. The native #ith this placement must av!i$ an trannical manipualati!n% like that use$ b a chil$ #h! #ants #hat he #ants #hen he #ants it. hen he gets in t!uch #ith a universal rhthm% he is m!re #illing t! let g! #hen things $!nt "all int! place easil. *e #ill "in$ he is m!re e""ective #hen he $eals "r!m a p!siti!n !" lai$-back p!#er. *is tremen$!us magnetism enables him t! c!mbine pe!ple m!st e""ectivel% s!metimes acting alm!st in a pr!$ucers capacit "!r his particular gr!up. *e can #!rk m!st e""ectivel #ith ma!r !rgani2ati!ns #ith!ut getting l!st in the shu""le. *is r!bust health #ill never "ail him i" he en!s #hat he is $!ing !n the !b (all !ther "act!rs in the birth chart agreeing - Ap!l!s m!$i"ing n!te). lut!s p!#er is either highl ev!lve$ an$ trans"!rming !r t!tall $estructive. This kin$ !" energ kn!#s n! mi$$le gr!un$. The native #ith this placement must learn t! han$le this all !r n!thing at all appr!ach in his business en$eav!rs% an$ resist an temptati!n t! get even !r e&hibit an ,ll sh!# !u attitu$e !n the !b. =ebelli!n can be a str!ng m!tivati!n in his selecti!n !" an !ccupati!n. The t#el"th h!use is the sect!r !" a chart that rules the !ccult% behin$-the-scenes acti!n% an$ the subc!nsci!us min$. ,t in$icates the ualit that is the m!st $i""icult t! c!nve !vertl. ith this placement !" Taurus% 5enus rules the t#el"th h!use. 5enus is primaril ass!ciate$ #ith the l!ve nature. 0an times% !ne #ith this placement has a $i""icult in e&pressing his l!ve. *e "eels $eepl% but ma n!t be able t! sa , l!ve !u easil. easil. *e #ill sh!# his l!ve in man #as% but the #!r$s can be elusive. elusive. *e #ill be able t! get in t!uch #ith that a""ecti!nate nature #hen he is al!ne. *e #ill !nl be la2 #hen he is c!m"!rtable #ith s!me!ne !r #hen he is !"" b himsel". *e ma have $i""icult rela&ing #hen pe!ple are ar!un$. This pers!n is n!t usuall $em!nstrative $em!nstrative in public. *e ma als! "in$ $i""icult in han$ling the s!cial scene. *e ma be c!m"!rtable #ith #!r$s% i$eas% an$ his intellect (particularl (particularl i" the Ascen$ant is in Gemini)% but n!t s! c!m"!rtable #ith the s!ciable% charming% eas-g!ing part !" himsel". +ubc!nsci!usl% +ubc!nsci!usl% he craves l!ve% ease !" living% an$ beaut. *e begins t!
e&press m!re !" that part !" his nature #hen he has br!ken thr!ugh s!me pr!tective #alls. *e "eels great l!ve an$ a""ecti!n "!r th!se he l!ves% an$ ma n!t kn!# he has tr!uble e&pressing it !vertl. hen he gets in t!uch #ith his represse$ l!ve energ% it can be an anti$!te "!r the "ears an$ insecurities he has ab!ut humanit in general. The turning p!int can c!me thr!ugh his reaching !ut "!r the e&pressi!n !" his l!ve nature !n a pschic level% his #illingness t! take the chance t! sh!# it. ,t can trul trans"!rm his !#n li"e an$ that !" the pe!ple ar!un$ him.
#th House cusp in Saittarius / $%th House cusp in Gemini (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (+agittarius-+agittarius (+agittarius-+agittarius / Gemini-Gemini): Gemini-Gemini): hen it c!mes t! #!rking% the like the larger !bs that have brighter "utures !r that pr!vi$e m!re pers!nal satis"acti!n. The can be e&cellent #!rkers i" the !b all!#s them t! travel !r at least gives them the !pp!rtunit t! travel #ith their min$s. F!r e&le% teaching in higher e$ucati!n !" s!me kin$% !r in a travel agenc. +erving !thers thr!ugh their #!rk is a phil!s!ph !" li"e that takes pri!rit !ver an !rth!$!& religi!n. religi!n. Tr!uble can c!me thr!ugh br!thers an$ sisters because !" s!me tpe !" karma hi$$en "r!m the public% #hich seems t! be a learning e&perience "!r this pers!n. The are g!!$ listeners an$ can learn much b listening t! !thers #h! kn!# ab!ut a subect that interests them. This placement gives an insatiable thirst "!r kn!#le$ge an$ a subc!nsci!us $rive t! rea$ all tpes !" literature. The learn b listening an$ rea$ing% being a$aptable t! b!th. *!#ever% their !#n un$!ig ma c!me "r!m scattering their "!rces t!! #i$el. +ec!n$ Decanate (+agittarius-Aries / Gemini-Libra): 3ever un$erestimate this pers!ns capacit t! plan "!r the "uture an$ t! reach his g!als. ,t is a sure-"ire c!mbinati!n "!r success. These pe!ple ma appear t! be sh (especiall i" the Ascen$ant is in in 6ancer)% but but #hen it c!mes c!mes t! #!rk that lea$s t! "urther a$vancement a$vancement the are g!-getters an$ pi!neers. The kn!# #hat the #ant% an$ #ill n!t settle "!r less. This gives great mental in$ecisi!n% stemming "r!m subc!nsci!us lack !" belie" in themselves. themselves. ,t gives them restlessness in relati!n t! their envir!nment' envir!nment' the ust cant seem t! "eel at h!me in it. The cann!t reali2e #h the are s! unrep!se$% n!t !nl #ith the envir!nment but als! #ith the pe!ple in it. The secretl "eel $eceptive t! the pe!ple the ass!ciate #ith% inclu$ing the marriage partner. Then their c!nscience b!thers them% an$ their h!me li"e su""ers as a result. The appear t! be at peace #ith the !utsi$e #!rl$% but a $eep subc!nsci!us em!ti!nalism $rives them t! l!!k "!r the per"ect envir!nment. envir!nment. Thir$ Decanate (+agittarius-Le! / Gemini-Auarius): The #!rk because the are in"luence$ b the belie" that the are $!ing s!mething ver imp!rtant an$ because the #ant t! accumulate beauti"ul p!ssessi!ns. p!ssessi!ns. The l!ve artistic creati!ns an$ crave t! have them in the h!me. The are pr!babl the st!r-tellers !n the !b "!r the l!ve "un an$ games $uring lunch h!ur. The c!nsci!us th!ughts cann!t al#as be trace$ !r rec!gni2e$ b their !ut#ar$ living e&periences. The seem $riven b subc!nsci!us pr!mptings that cause them t! $! things the cann!t al#as relate t!% inclu$ing se&ual !utlets. *!#ever% this gives them spiritual !bectivit. The keep !pen min$s in !r$er t! learn m!re ab!ut the unkn!#n la#s !" the universe an$ the msteries !" li"e an$ $eath. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)
+ince the native is gener!us in helping !thers% his spiritual sel" is able t! mature thr!ugh service. *!#ever% these pe!ple must be "ree t! "!ll!# their !#n inspirati!n in #!rk. The have a great belie" in "aith healing an$ the p!#er !" p!sitive thinking. The #ill #!rk har$ an$ sel"lessl "!r !thers% believing that i" the help !ne the help all. Their hi$$en supp!rt c!mes "r!m their abilit t! keep their i$eas secret. Thus% the pr!vi$e their !#n impetus "!r gr!#th' et the have a sel"-$estructive sel"-$estructive habit !" $iscussing their !#n em!ti!nal pr!blems% verbali2ing #hat sh!ul$ remain c!nceale$. (1eanne Aver) ith 1upiter ruling the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service% health% an$ "!!$s% this pers!n nee$s c!nstant challenges #hen it c!mes t! these areas. 1upiter in$icates e&pansi!n an$ !ptimism. ,t is the luck planet. The native #ith +agittarius !n the si&th h!use cusp $ives int! ne# pr!ects #ith tremen$!us enthusiasm an$ #ith high h!pes "!r success. ," b!re$!m sets in% h!#ever% that pr!ect is a l!st cause "!r him. *e nee$s t! be challenge$% !n his t!es% an$ able t! e&pan$ c!nstantl in his #!rk. ," he is b!re$ !n the !b% he ma !nce again turn t! "!!$ an$ $rink t! satis" th!se urges "!r em!ti!nal satis"acti!n. satis"acti!n. 4ne #ith this placement has e&travagant tastes in "!!$ an$ $rink. ,n its negative sense% 1upiter in$icates $isapp!intment an$ !verin$ulgence. There"!re% this in$ivi$ual in$ivi$ual nee$s t! be sure he is in a #!rking situati!n that #ill gr!# al!ng #ith him s! hell av!i$ $isapp!intment. $isapp!intment. +ince 1upiter als! in$icates a ten$enc t! !ver$! !r !verin$ulge% it is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement t! $isc!ver his patterns% especiall #hen he is $isapp!inte$% $isapp!inte$% let $!#n% !r hurt. *e is incline$ t! "ee$ his !ral nee$s #ith "!!$% tring t! satis" his em!ti!nal craving b stu""ing himsel". *e can $isc!ver better substitutes "!r his cravings than rich "!!$' his health $epen$s !n it. 1upiter rules the liver% s! !verin$ulgence !verin$ulgence #ill !nl aggravate $igestive $igestive pr!blems. 6!!king "!r !thers is !ne #a t! release man !" his creative urges% especiall suitable "!r th!se #h!se ascen$ant sign is 6ancer. 1upiter als! in$icates a $esire $esire t! be cl!se cl!se t! nature. nature. ,t is essential essential "!r !ne #ith #ith this placement t! "in$ times "!r #alks in the #!!$s t! keep in t!uch #ith the great !ut$!!rs. *e ma als! have a natural green thumb. !rking #ith plants can satis" his nature-l!ving instincts. The t#el"th h!use in a chart is in$icative !" the #a !ne "eels #hen al!ne% as #ell as the ualit that is less eas t! e&press !vertl. hen Gemini is !n its cusp% 0ercur rules this h!use !" hi$$en matters. This in$ivi$ual $!es his best thinking #hen he is al!ne. *is min$ is never still% an$ he is able t! c!me up #ith all the clever things he ma n!t be able t! uickl think !" #hen he is surr!un$e$ b t!! man pe!ple. hen he is e&p!se$ !r in his vulnerable state% the min$ ma take sec!n$ place t! em!ti!nal reacti!ns% particularl particularl i" the Ascen$ant is in 6ancer. ,t is #hen he g!es !"" b himsel" that he is able t! think an$ anal2e. hatever this pers!n can $! t! learn h!# t! e&press himsel" m!re easil is essential "!r his #ell-being. *e ma have t! actuall practise a techniue "!r saing #hat he means an$ meaning #hat he sas. *e ma have t! pull a#a t! get s!me perspective% t! $eci$e #hat he reall thinks ab!ut a particular subect. *is "eelings change "r!m h!ur t! h!ur. An kin$ !" therap #hich enables him t! get in t!uch #ith his th!ughts is especiall help"ul. 0an pe!ple nee$ therap t! get in t!uch #ith their "eelings' i" this in$ivi$ual has a 6ancer Ascen$ant% this #ill n!t be a pr!blem "!r him - in$ee$% he c!ul$ be sai$ t! be t!! much in t!uch #ith his "eelings an$ in nee$ !" the mental
!vervie#. ,n chil$h!!$ the pers!n #ith this @th h!use placement ma n!t be able t! take a$vantage !" his intellect. *e has a clever min$% but ma n!t easil think !n his "eet. ;n$er pressure% the pages blur% the min$ g!es blank% an$ he appears less capable than he reall is. *e can be easil $istracte$ b !ther chil$ren in a classr!!m !r b an min!r $isturbances. hen he is reall !"" b himsel"% he can begin t! think m!re clearl. *e can sharpen his percepti!ns an$ clari" his th!ughts b #riting. ," a chil$ is enc!urage$ earl !n t! put his "eelings !n paper% it can help release him "r!m the s!metimes terrible em!ti!nal em!ti!nal grip he is in. ,t is this abilit t! be stimulate$ mentall mentall #hen he is al!ne that enhances his natural creative abilit. *e can spen$ h!urs #!rking !n a canvas !r at a tpe#riter. *e #ill en! mentall stimulating stimulating activities #hen he is all b himsel". ,n "act% he nee$s t! be stimulate$ !n an intellectual level #hen he is al!ne. *e can rea$% think% an$ s!lve pu22les% in !r$er t! keep himsel" "r!m b!re$!m. ," 0ercur is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% it is eas "!r him t! "in$ that stimulati!n' but i" 0ercur is n!t #ell-aspecte$% he can at times be b!mbar$e$ !n a mental level% !r "in$ a substitute "!r thinking such as televisi!n. The clarit !" his th!ughts #ill be in$icate$ b the planets a""ecting 0ercur. The t#el"th h!use als! in$icates an pschic inclinati!ns. ," !ne #ith this placement is incline$ t!#ar$ the !ccult !r unseen matters% he can $evel!p his pschic talent !n a purel mental level. *e #ill n!t receive an "lashes in the night% !r e&perience sensati!nalism t! in$icate his e&trasens!r percepti!ns. *e #ill simpl begin t! kn!# things. *is kn!#le$ge ab!ut pe!ple an$ patterns #ill gr!# uietl but surel. ," he is able t! $iscipline himsel" t! sit at a tpe#riter !r #ith pen in han$% he ma be surprise$ at the "l!# !" i$eas that c!me t! him at that time. *e bec!mes especiall sensitive t! the th!ught patterns !thers have #hen he "in$s the time t! be al!ne. +!litu$e ma be $i""icult "!r him earl !n% as he is given t!! much time t! think. *!#ever% a"ter a peri!$ !" a$ustment% he ma c!me t! like his !#n c!mpan ver much. Training himsel" t! be $iscipline$ mentall brings him "ull circle t! "ace his true creative abilit. hen he is rea$ t! assume the resp!nsibilit !" his healing gi"ts t! humanit% he #ill unc!ver the true intellectual genius st!re$ in the hi$$en recesses !" his min$.
#th House cusp in Capricorn / $%th House cusp in Cancer (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (6apric!rn-6apric!rn (6apric!rn-6apric!rn / 6ancer-6ancer): The "eel a str!ng sense !" $ut t!#ar$ #!rk% an$ #ill be ver $epen$able. ," !u #ant $i""icult !bs $!ne% call up!n them' the can #!rk l!ng h!urs. The ten$ t! #!rr ab!ut their health% #hich can lea$ t! hp!ch!n$ria. hp!ch!n$ria. Their c!mpetence an$ $e$icati!n t! their !bs usuall pa them #ell "inanciall. These are the pe!ple #h! are !n time at #!rk. The have $eep em!ti!ns% but usuall keep these em!ti!ns t! themselves. The are usuall $reamers% an$ have big $reams that ma never c!me true. These pe!ple can be gener!us but "eel ba$l #hen their "amilies !r th!se the l!ve $! n!t appreciate their gener!us natures. The pr!babl #!nt sa #hen the are hurt' there"!re% the turn l!ve$ !nes !"" man times be"!re the pr!blem can be cleare$ up. +ec!n$ Decanate (6apric!rn-Taurus / 6ancer-+c!rpi!): The #!rk har$ because it is $ut an$ because the like status an$ the p!#er !" auth!rit. 4nce the attain auth!rit !n the !b% the $! n!t give up the p!#er easil. The nee$ t! learn t! let !thers help them% "!r the ten$ t! $! it all themselves.
Deep #ithin them% the #ant t! be l!ve$ an$ nurture$' an$ the can be !ut#ar$l e&tr!verte$% e&tr!verte$% but the sensitive part !" their nature an$ the hurts "r!m it the #ill hi$e. This ma give an unc!nsci!us c!mple& regar$ing se&% l!ve% an$ / !r the partners m!ne% i" the are marrie$. +!meh!#% the hurt ma stem "r!m their earlier h!me c!n$iti!ns !r relati!ns #ith a parent. Thir$ Decanate (6apric!rn-5irg! / 6ancer-isces): The are e""icient #!rkers% but ma #!rk s! har$ their health can su""er. The #!rr a great $eal ab!ut "inances. The save !n little things s! the can bu the big things. The "eel a $eep resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit t! their #!rk an$ have t! #atch their per"ecti!nist ten$encies s! the $! n!t get !ut !" han$% especiall in relati!nship t! !ther empl!ees. empl!ees. The can #!rk themselves int! a nerv!us "ra22le i" the $!nt st!p tring t! be such tr!uble-sh!!ters. tr!uble-sh!!ters. Fin$ing mistakes an$ pr!blems is "ine% but !ver$!ing it is s!mething else. ," success"ul "inanciall the are happ% !utg!ing an$ #ell-a$uste$ t! li"e. *!#ever% pr!blems in the h!me li"e #ill ten$ t! make them su""er silentl. The #ill be secretive ab!ut their se& mates an$ #ill $! much $a$reaming c!ncerning them% especiall i" the are temp!raril n!t #!rking !ut right. There ma be pr!blems #ith a marriage partner an$ "inances' either the partner is t!! tight an$ / !r the 6ancerisces is t!! gener!us !r greatl lacks gener!sit (it is an in"luence that creates e&tremes). ," the ascen$ant is in Le!% the have great pri$e an$ a r!all !riente$ nature% s! it is especiall the case that the secretl make sacri"ices "!r their partner !r l!ve$ !nes an$ #!ul$nt #ant them t! kn!# it "!r the #!rl$ (@th h!use in"luence !" hi$$en a""airs). (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are intensel seri!us ab!ut their pr!"essi!ns. An!ne #h! sc!""s at their en$eav!rs at #!rk #ill have t! "ace their pri$e (especiall i" the Ascen$ant is in Le!). hen the #!rk har$% the are !rgani2e$ in their #!rk. The seek seclusi!n an$ privac in their $!mestic envir!nments. The use their h!mes "!r c!ntemplati!n an$ spiritual searching. The ma !ut#ar$l appear str!ng an$ una""ecte$ b criticism% especiall i" the ascen$ant is in Le!% but actuall the are surprisingl m!!$ an$ em!ti!nall vulnerable. vulnerable. The rarel sh!# h!# $eepl hurt the are b reecti!n an$ rebu"". (1eanne Aver) +aturn rules the si&th h!use !" #!rk% health% an$ sense !" service% #hen 6apric!rn is !n its cusp. ith!ut the stabili2ing in"luence !" this planet% #e #!ul$ have $i""icult in c!mpleting tasks% staing gr!un$e$% !r atten$ing t! $ut. 0an times% !ne #ith this placement #ill #!rk $iligentl in areas #here he takes !n less than trul satis"ing resp!nsibilit. resp!nsibilit. *e ma pick #!rk that is limiting an$ un"ul"illing. hen he #!rks% he #!rks l!ng% har$ h!urs. 1ust the !pp!site can be true t!!' he ma av!i$ #!rk alt!gether because he kn!#s his ten$enc t! put himsel" un$er incre$ible pressure% !r "!r "ear that he #ill never be per"ect en!ugh% !r #ill never get !ut "r!m un$er $ea$lines an$ pressures. hen +aturn rules the si&th h!use% h!#ever% !ne can learn t! assume the kin$ !" resp!nsibilit that is ultimatel !n the right track. ,n the m!st p!sitive sense% an$ #hen +aturn is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% a native #ith this placement is a $e$icate$ #!rker% l!ving r!utine an$ stabili2ing $iscipline. *e #ill be able t! #!rk th!se l!ng% har$ h!urs happil% put himsel" un$er $ea$ling pressures% an$ reall sink his teeth int! satis"ing pr!ects that reuire his assuming higher resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit in line #ith the abilities suggeste$ b the ascen$ant sign. *e is
capable !" tackling matters reuiring $etail !r research. 6ertainl% resp!nsibilit resp!nsibilit is his "!rt>. Technical matters appeal t! his sense !" per"ecti!n. *e #ill n!t en! things that are t!! eas. ," +aturn is ba$l aspecte$ in the natal chart% the pr!blem lies in the !vere&aggerate$ nee$ t! be nee$e$ !n the !b. The in$ivi$ual #ill #!rk t!! l!ng% t!! har$% an$ #ith t!! little rec!gniti!n% until he is s! !verbur$ene$ that he ma have t! get sick t! get !ut "r!m un$er that pressure. *e can be pulle$ in b negative str!kes% #!rking all the har$er t! please s!me!ne #h! ma never be please$. ," the native can learn t! rec!gni2e that his sense !" $e$icati!n #ill enable him t! assume resp!nsibilit !n the highest level% perhaps #!rking success"ull "!r himsel"% he #ill never #!rk at anthing he $!esnt en! !r that is n!t a "irst step t!#ar$ an ultimate g!al. Learning a techniue #ill give this in$ivi$ual assurance !" his value in an #!rk situati!n. *e nee$s t! be !n sa"e gr!un$ t! be sel"-c!n"i$ent in his #!rk. ith +aturn ruling the h!use !" health% there is alm!st al#as a nee$ t! be $iscipline$ ab!ut health matters matters an$ t! maintain a strict regimen. *e nee$s t! live a $iscipline$ li"e in !r$er t! have energ "!r his #!rk. *e nee$s a certain am!unt !" sleep' but% m!st imp!rtantl !" all% he nee$s t! learn #hen t! sa n!. *e ma $isc!ver an allerg t! certain "!!$s% !r a nee$ t! be care"ul ab!ut !verin$ulgence #ith "!!$ an$ $rink. *e ma have a lack !" calcium in the b!$ #ith a ten$enc t! sti""ness !" muscles !r spine. L!#ere$ resistance an$ vitalit can c!mpel him t! l!!k "!r stimulants instea$ !" t! the pr!per $iet an$ vitamin suppl. +ince 5enus is the natural anti$!te t! +aturn% a""ecti!n an$ t!uching can imrp!ve his health. =!utine massage #ill have a $e"inite therapeutic e""ect. A care"ul e&aminati!n !" an u$gemental messages "r!m chil$h!!$ ab!ut ab!ut har$ #!rk an$ $ut #ill #ill enable the in$ivi$ual t! release himsel" psch!l!gicall "r!m the nee$ t! !ver#!rk an$ be !verbur$ene$. The t#el"th h!use in$icates the "acet !" the pers!nalit that is m!st $i""icult t! reveal. ,t in$icates #hat is g!ing !n subc!nsci!usl !r behin$ the scenes. ith 6ancer !n the cusp !" this h!use% the em!ti!nal nature can be the pr!blem area. The 0!!n% ruler !" 6ancer% in$icates "eelings% em!ti!ns% sensitivities% sensitivities% m!!$s% an$ the anima part !" the pers!nalit. ,t is eas "!r this pers!n t! be $!minant% n!t s! eas "!r him t! be vulnerable. The in$ivi$ual in$ivi$ual tries n!t t! let himsel" be seen #hen he is #!un$e$. #!un$e$. ," he stas !ut !" sight "!r a #hile% !u can be sure he is $ealing #ith a heav em!ti!nal situati!n. ," his pri$e is hurt% he #ill have t! g! !"" b himsel" t! lick his #!un$s' he simpl has t! #!rk it !ut in his !#n #a. This is particularl true i" the ascen$ant is in Le!% since the Le! ascen$ant pers!n "eels a sense !" resp!nsibilit t! his public al#as t! be seen at his best% an$ "eels his survival has t! $! #ith the e&pressi!n !" regalit. 9!u ma have have t! be ver ver cl!se t! t! this pers!n t! enable him him t! c!n"i$e c!n"i$e the s!urce !" his tr!ubles. *e ma n!t even let his "amil kn!# #hen s!mething is #r!ng. As he gr!#s !l$er% h!#ever% he can be m!re in t!uch #ith his "eelings% an$ ma be better able t! e&press that vulnerable part !" himsel". *e ma have t! learn h!# t! $eal #ith his em!ti!ns% #!rking thr!ugh his !#n pain% t! "eel "ree t! e&press !vertl his nurturing capacit. *e #ill eventuall be !n ver sa"e gr!un$ in e&pressing his "eelings i" he is #illing t! g! thr!ugh that pain"ul pr!cess !" e&p!sure. *e can "reuentl appear unc!ncerne$ #ith s!me!ne elses pr!blems% an$ #ill rarel in$ulge in the sharing !" #!es. *e ma "eel $eepl "!r !ur pr!blem% but #ill !vertl enc!urage !u t! put !ursel" t!gether an$ carr !n. *e #!nt t!lerate t!! much sel"pit. *is !#n survival issues have t! $! #ith sh!#ing strength !" pers!nalit% n!t nee$iness. hen the in$ivi$ual learns t! integrate the sensitive% vulnerable anima part !" his
pers!nalit #ith the e&teri!r% he is in a better p!siti!n "!r taking charge !" his particular #!rl$.
#th House cusp in A!uarius / $%th House cusp in Leo (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (Auarius-Auarius (Auarius-Auarius / Le!-Le!): hen the #!rk% the #ant t! $! things their #a% an$ the get int! tr!uble !n the !b because !" this. The nee$ !bs #here the can put int! practice their special an$ !riginal i$eas. The sh!ul$ have their !#n business because then the can put their inventiveness t! #!rk an$ make it c!unt. This can give su$$en changes in #!rking c!n$iti!ns !r health. This p!siti!n als! gives them e&treme inner nerv!usness !r p!!r circulati!n. This is the pers!n #h! is the p!#er behin$ the thr!ne !r #h! is $riven b a subc!nsci!us $esire "!r $!minance !r lea$ership% lea$ership% an$ ma al#as "eel m!re !r less unappreciate$. unappreciate$. The marriage partner gets the brunt !" this $rive (the negative si$e !" it% that is)% !r the in$ivi$ual ma $evel!p $evel!p !pen enemies as a result. The "rustrate$ rulership #ill take its !ut#ar$ e&pressi!n !n !thers. +ec!n$ Decanate (Auarius-Gemini (Auarius-Gemini / Le!-+agittarius): Le!-+agittarius): The #!rk best #hen the remain impers!nal in relati!nship t! their "ell!# empl!ees. The c!mmunicate easil #ith them% but m!stl $ail c!mmunicati!n #ith "ell!# empl!ees is ab!ut the !b !r casual subects. The ma have t#! t#! !bs at !nce% !nce% an$ are best #hen m!ving m!ving ab!ut% c!mmunicating #itht all tpes !" pe!ple. These pe!ple are clever an$ have the angles all "igure$ !ut% an$ are acting up!n them be"!re !u kn!# #hat the angles are. There is a subc!nsci!us $irve "!r intellectual supremac supremac that superse$es anthing else ab!ut them. The take tremen$!us pri$e in $!mestic a""airs an$ #ant everthing han$le$ right. The als! have great integrit in regar$ t! the "amil that !thers ma n!t kn!# ab!ut' h!#ever% there als! ma be a secret su""ering in regar$ t! a "amil member. Thir$ Decanate (Auarius-Libra / Le!-Aries): The can be !riginal an$ ingeni!us #hen the #!rk. The can be t!! in$epen$ent% but charm lets them get b #ith it. The are the $ipl!mats !" the gr!up !" empl!ees. The are s!ciable% an$ #!rk easil in gr!ups. The #!rk because the like t! spen$ m!ne !n !bects !" ualit an$ "ine #!rkmanship. The have a $eep interest in the partners "inances% but !thers might n!t suspect this. The are als! m!re intereste$ in an$ reuvenate$ b se& than the #ant t! a$mit !r #ant !ther pe!ple t! kn!# ab!ut. The have a $rive "!r purit that hi$es their $eep pers!nal nee$ !n the phsical level. There is a struggle t! turn the $rive int! spiritual areas. There is a p!#er pr!blem in a lea$ership r!le that $!es n!t sh!# itsel" at "irst. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) These pe!ple are creative an$ !riginal in their #!rk. The treat c!-#!rkers as "rien$s% an$ en! gr!up pr!ects. *!#ever% the l!se interest in a pr!ect i" all the gr!up members are n!t #illing t! see it thr!ugh t! its c!mpleti!n. The are generall meth!$ical in their pr!"essi!ns% empl!ing !riginal techniues% an$ humanitarian in their service. The p!ssess ast!nishing strength that is n!t apparent until the are teste$. This $epth !" #illp!#er is their unc!nsci!us supp!rt. Their sel"-un$!ign ma c!me "r!m pri$e an$ hi$$en eg!tism.
(1eanne Aver) The planet ;ranus rules the si&th h!use !" service% #!rk% an$ health #hen Auarius is !n its cusp. This planet is calle$ the great a#akener. ,t $escribes high energ that is alm!st electrical in its ualit. ,t can als! in$icate su$$en an$ une&pecte$ changes in ccles !" li"e. ,n its p!sitive sense% ;ranus rules genius p!tential% unusual ualities% an$ an ingentive appr!ach. ,n its negative c!nn!tati!n% it in$icates $isrupti!n% une&pecte$ change% an$ the $esire t! run a#a. The native #ith this placement nee$s t! be inv!lve$ in #!rk pr!ects #here he can n!t !nl sh!# his genius but als! "in$ his !#n uniue% !riginal appr!ach. That ma inclu$e being able t! set his !#n time sche$ule. *e ma be a n!nc!n"!rmist in the tpe !" #!rk he ch!!ses% an$ perhaps #ith the #a in #hich he #!rks% $isc!vering a talent "!r acc!mplishing tasks rapi$l. *e #ill #ant the latest electr!nic euipment !r c!mputers t! help him. +ince ;ranus rules anthing c!nnecte$ t! electricit% electr!nics% ra$i!% unusual !r ne# age health meth!$s% astr!l!g% inventi!ns% inventi!ns% music% an$ rec!r$ings% this native can "in$ satis"acti!n thr!ugh #!rk in an !" these areas. *e ma $evel!p his !#n !riginal c!ncepts in c!nnecti!n #ith his !b. ," the native #ith this placement has a #ell-aspecte$ ;ranus ;ranus in the natal chart% he #ill be #illing t! $! "ree-lance #!rk an$ e&press his true inventive genius. *is nerv!us energ is channele$ c!nstructivel% there"!re his health is e&cellent. ," that planet is ba$l aspecte$ in the natal chart% he ma resist r esist $!ing "ree-lance !r uniue kin$s !" #!rk% all!#ing his nerv!us energ t! back up% creating pr!blems #ith health. ,n chil$h!!$% this in$ivi$ual can be pr!ne t! nerv!us reacti!ns% rashes% allergies% !r unusual health pr!blems. *e ma have asthma !r ec2ema% !r be acci$ent-pr!ne. *e #ill be less susceptible t! these reacti!ns i" he uses these energies !vertl an$ creativel. ;ranus rules anthing that is ahea$ !" its time. ,t als! in$icates humanitarian traits. ,n a p!sitive sense% it in$icates sp!ntaneit' in a negative #a% it sh!#s unreliabilit an$ rebelli!n. This planet als! rules "ame% high rec!gniti!n% an$ inspirati!n. As l!ng as the in$ivi$ual all!#s himsel" t! be in areas #here he is inspire$ an$ in the limelight% he releases energ that !ther#ise c!ul$ cause nerves. *e ma "in$ his true #!rk b rebelling against !r$inar tasks. *e can have ups an$ $!#ns% an$ "ace une&pecte$ c!n$iti!ns c!nnecte$ #ith #!rk. *e ma "in$ great change in #!rk-relate$ areas in mi$-li"e% g!ing thr!ugh str!ng seven-ear ccles. *e can "in$ that the c!nsumpti!n !" alc!h!l can be particularl inuri!us t! health. *e ma tr t! calm his nerves thr!ugh $rink !r $rugs% such as tranuili2ers. ,t can be m!re c!nstructive t! "in$ unusual #!rk% buil$ a name "!r himsel"% an$ get in t!uch #ith his healing p!tential. The characteristics e&presse$ b the ascen$ant are th!se easiest t! $eal #ith% #hereas th!se ualities $escribe$ b the t#el"th h!use are the m!st $i""icult. ith Le! !n the cusp !" the t#el"th h!use !" hi$$en matters% the +un rules the animus part !" the pers!nalit% an$ s! it ma be $i""icult "!r !ne #ith this placement t! sh!# his true eg! an$ $!minance earl !ne. T#el"th h!use matters can be m!re c!m"!rtabl e&presse$ in s!litu$e !r !n a subc!nsci!us level. The +un in$icates the $ramatic part !" the pers!nalit. ,t als! $escribes the e&ecutive% lea$ership lea$ership p!tential an$ the vitalit !r animati!n. ith the +un ruling the t#el"th h!use% the in$ivi$ual ma n!t easil e&press his $!minant ualities. *e ma
"in$ it easier t! e&press his sense !" $rama #hen he is al!ne !r #!rking !n cl!se$ sets. An act!r #ith this pers!nalit ma be m!re in tune #ith "ilm an$ televisi!n than #ith stage #!rk% !r he ma "in$ rehearsal time al!ne essential "!r his $evel!ping a sense !" himsel" an$ his p!tential. A #riter !r artist nee$s t! #!rk al!ne in !r$er t! tap his $!minant energies. An!ne #ith this placement ma "eel the nee$ t! g! !"" al!ne "!r a "e# minutes in a bus $a t! res!re his vitalit. The in$ivi$ual #ith this placement ma have a natural curi!sit ab!ut !ccult matters !r metaphsical c!ncepts% et his practical min$ ma prevent him "r!m e&pl!ring these matters !vertl. *e ma have a natural sense !" attunement #ith universal energ% but !nl use his kn!#le$ge t! b!lster his activit in the bus mun$ane #!rl$. 4ccasi!nall !ne #ith this placement ma have t! e&perience s!me har$ kn!cks t! his eg! in !r$er t! pr!pel him int! a higher e$ucati!n !" the sel"% in the true sense. 7ventuall it is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement t! get in t!uch #ith his c!re% an$ there"!re the nee$ "!r a $eeper meaning !" li"e. *e #ill then be m!re easil able t! vitali2e himsel" an$ his e&istence. *e can $eal #ith practical matters !n a $i""erent level #hen he "in$s #as t! e&press his real eg! an$ sense !" sel"-#!rth. ith str!nger inner attunement an$ s!ul c!ntact% this in$ivi$ual bec!mes a#are !" h!# he can be !" true service t! humanit. *e i$enti"ies c!smicall #ith mankin$% mankin$% an$ puts his min$ t! #!rk t! $isc!ver in"!rmati!n% perhaps perhaps thr!ugh research% that #ill bring "!rth nee$e$ "acts. *is min$ an$ #!r$s can bec!me channels !" e&pressi!n that can pr!vi$e imp!rtant t!!ls "!r a#areness !" all mankin$.
#th House cusp in Pisces / $%th House cusp in "iro (Bernice Grebner) First Decanate (isces-isces / 5irg!-5irg!): hen the are ill% it #ill be $i""icult "!r the $!ct!rs t! $isc!ver the cause. The cann!t "uncti!n at their best !n !bs #here the have t! atten$ t! little $etails. ," the have causes% the can sacri"ice much time% #!rk% an$ e""!rt in their pursuance. T! get the m!st !ut !" the abilit t! #!rk% the must be #!rking #ith an i$eal in min$' !ther#ise% the can be i$le hal" !" the time. 6riticisms stem "r!m a subc!nsci!us pr!mpting. The have health pr!grams that cann!t be trace$ t! their !rigin. Drugs are $anger!us "!r this placement. 4verattenti!n t! the $etails !" presenting a beauti"ul appearance can bec!me a hang-up. +ec!n$ Decanate (isces-6ancer / 5irg!-6apric!rn): The ma n!t get s! $eepl inv!lve$ #ith their !bs that the #!rk har$er than an!ne else' but because the have instincts "!r kn!#ing #hat pe!ple #ant an$ #ill $!% the "all int! an$ are success"ul in acuiring an h!n!rable p!siti!n' hence attracting a g!!$l sum !" m!ne. The have t! #atch that "eelings $!nt get hurt #ith "ell!# empl!ees. The can make m!untains !ut !" m!lehills #ith regar$ t! these hurt "eelings. There can als! be a ten$enc t!#ar$ much illness !n the !b. There are str!ng karmic ties #ith the "amil% an$% as a result% the ma serve either !ne !" their parents !r the #h!le "amil tirelessl. *!#ever% the #!rl$ ma never reali2e h!# much the reall $! "!r relatives. The can be in#ar$l critical #here !thers are c!ncerne$' an$% because !" this% their health ma su""er. The nee$ t! learn t! serve !thers #ith un$erstan$ing an$ c!mpassi!n an$ t! learn that the $i""erences in all men are immaterial. Their #a is n!t necessaril the !nl right #a. Thir$ Decanate (isces-+c!rpi! / 5irg!-Taurus): The $! n!t like phsical lab!r. The #!ul$ rather manipulate !thers t! $! the #!rk. The $! n!t attack #!rk' the tr t! incite s!me!ne else t! $! part !" their share als!. ," the can help it% !u #!nt kn!#
!u are $!ing $!ing s! much !" !" #hat the are supp!se$ t! t! be $!ing. 9!u als! #!nt #!nt kn!# h!# much m!ne the make. Getting the best !ut !" their talents #!ul$ be t! seek #!rk #here the can cater t! pe!ple #h! are #ill% !l$% !r su""ering in an #a. ,n an kin$ !" #!rk #here pe!ple are m!re !r less helpless% the e&cel. Their health su""ers "r!m !ver-accente$ !ver-accente$ pr!blems relate$ t! the partners "inances. There is either a lack !"% !r tightness #ith% m!ne. art !" the c!ncern #ith m!ne c!ul$ be !ver health treatment !" the mate !r the native himsel"% #ith this p!siti!n. (Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker) ,n matters !" #!rk an$ service% circumstances reuire unsel"ish $ev!ti!n "r!m these pe!ple. The are smpathetic t! c!-#!rkers an$ empl!ees. +!metimes% h!#ever% the assume m!re #!rk than the can e""ectivel han$le% thereb creating c!n"usi!n an$ pr!blems. The ma bec!me hp!ch!n$riacs i" the are l!!king "!r an escape "r!m their pr!"essi!nal resp!nsibilities. resp!nsibilities. Their health is c!ntingent up!n their em!ti!nal state !" being. The ten$ t! bring ab!ut their !#n $!#n"all b e&cessive #!rr an$ nagging ab!ut trivial p!ints. Their hi$$en supp!rt% h!#ever% is their abilit t! $ev!te meticul!us attenti!n t! sec!n$ar $etails that !thers ma #ell !verl!!k. The substratum !" their en$eav!rs is #ell planne$ an$ !rgani2e$. (1eanne Aver) 3eptune rules the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service% an$ health #hen isces is !n its cusp. 3eptune is the planet !" $reams% i$ealism% an$ visi!n. ,t als! rules therap% !r psch!l!g% psch!l!g% an$ the glam!ur #!rl$. The pers!n #ith this placement nee$s a visi!n an$ a c!ncept. *e nee$s t! #!rk in i$eal surr!un$ings. *e ma have t! "in$ a $ream t! keep him g!ing. ," he bec!mes $isillusi!ne$ #ith his #!rk% he ma su""er health pr!blems as #ell. The artistic #!rl$ h!l$s a special lure an$ attracti!n t! !ne #ith this placement. *e can e&press his i$eals an$ $reams thr!ugh "ilm% ph!t!graph% an$ "ashi!n. *is special talent lies in c!nceptuali2ing the master plan. *e can create #!rk thr!ughthe pr!cess !" visuali2ati!n% seeing the en$ results rahter than the situati!n at han$. ," 3eptune is #ell-aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!nalit is success"ul in his e""!rts t! create i$eal situati!ns in c!nnecti!n #ith #!rk. ," 3eptune is n!t #ellaspecte$% a naive appr!ach ma lea$ t! ultimate $isillusi!n. Therap using imaginative meth!$s is the vehicle !" #!rk an$ service ch!sen b s!me #ith this placement. 4thers ma be pschics% !r #riters !r artists e&pl!ring metaphsical metaphsical themes. Film% #hether m!ving !r still% is a 3eptunian-rule$ 3eptunian-rule$ !ccupati!n. +!me actresses #ith this placement begin their careers as ph!t!graphic m!$els. ," 3eptune is ba$l aspecte$ in a natal chart% the in$ivi$ual ma never "in$ an #!rk i$ealistic en!ugh t! meet his nee$s. *e is attracte$ t! pr!ects that appear high in c!ncept an$ m!tivati!n% m!tivati!n% but ma !"ten "eel le$ $!#n the gar$en path #hen all is n!t up t! his stan$ar$s. ,n this instances% a realistic !utl!!k c!mes #ith the rem!val !" the r!se-c!l!re$ glasses. An abilit t! visuali2e an$ create i$eal #!rk circumstances is natural t! !ne #ith this placement. *e must remember t! bring his c!ncepts int! realit thr!ugh practical applicati!n. The t#el"th h!use in$icates areas that are $i""icult t! release earl !n in li"e. The pers!n #ith 5irg! !n its cusp ma have t!! learn t! e&press his analtical ualit. *e ma never uite acc!mplish the abilit t! clearl an$ c!ncisel sa #hat he means
#ith!ut c!uching it in s!!thing $ipl!matic terms. ," he is !n sa"e gr!un$% he #ill have n! $i""icult in being uite precise% t! the p!int% an$ clear' but th!se #h! $!nt kn!# him #ell ma see !nl the charming si$e !" his pers!nalit. ,n n! #a is this in$ivi$ual attempting attempting t! hi$e his min$' it is ust that his earl survival $ecisi!ns have t! $! #ith the characteristics in$icate$ b the sign !n the Ascen$ant% n!t n!t analsis. *e $!es his best thinking all al!ne% s!metimes s!metimes "eeling scattere$ #hen surr!un$e$ b t!! man pe!ple. ," he is c!n"use$ ab!ut a situati!n% he nee$s time al!ne t! gather perspective. Alth!ugh he ma be able t! think !n his "eet in a lecture situati!n !r #ith a pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt an$ legal a""airs% !u can bet he has spent much time ruminating !"" b himsel". This is a p!sitive ualit "!r !ne #h! #rites% must rehearse al!ne% !r must per"ect the re!rgani2ati!n !" pr!ects. ith!ut $istracti!ns% he is able t! be uite sharp an$ clear% practical an$ !bective. *e ma en! stu$ing !r intellectual pr!cesses% pr!cesses% stimulati!n that he can think ab!ut #hen he is a#a "r!m the pring ee !" the public. Auth!rs must #rite al!ne% $esigners must $esign al!ne% an$ c!mp!sers are inspire$ #hile al!ne. 7ventuall% the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement is c!m"!rtable c!m"!rtable in e&pressing his intellectual !bservati!ns. !bservati!ns. *e #ill never be critical t! the p!int !" hurting s!me!ne% since this is n!t his li"e "uncti!n as in$icate$ b his ascen$ant sign. *e ma be able t! #rite criticall h!#ever. *is pschic a#areness !r percepti!ns can be ute acute% c!ming t! him !n a plane !" kn!#ingness. kn!#ingness. *e $!esnt receive "lashes !" inspirati!n' he simpl kn!#s. *is subc!nsci!us min$ is active !n a c!mpletel intellectual level. 0an pe!ple #ith this placement have acute percepti!ns percepti!ns an$ str!ng intellectual capacities% et !u ma kn!# them "!r uite a #hile be"!re the e&press their c!nversant brilliance.