ACKNOWLEDGMENT I expr expres esss than thanks ks and and grat gratit itud udee to Miss. Miss. B.JE B.JEHA HAN N
H.O. H.O.D D
M.B.A(IT), VIF COLLAGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY for his encouraging support and guidance in carrying out the project.
I would like to express gratitude and indebtedness to Miss.B.JEHAN Faculty member, for his valuable advice and guidance without which this project would not have seen the light of the day.
I thank Mr. Sagar, Project guide, GALAXIE software solutions for providing us with an excellent project and guiding me in completing our project successfully. I would like to thank all the staf stafff membe embers rs of GALA GALAXI XIE E soft softwa ware re solu soluti tion onss for for thei theirr kind kind cocooperation. I would like to thank my parents for being supportive all the time, and I am very much obliged to them.
SRIKANTH.T (05D51E0034)
3. SYSTEM SYSTEM ANAL ANALYSI YSIS S 3.1 Existing System 3.2 Proposed System 3.3 Feasibility Study
Emp Employee In Info Mo Module
Adm Admini inistra strati tion on Mod Module ule
Proj Projec ectt Mana Manag gemen ementt Mod Module ule
4.4 4.4
Train rainin ing g Mana Manage geme ment nt Modu Module le
Comp ompensation Re Report
Soft Softwa ware re Requ Requiiremen ementts
Hardware Requirements
7. SYST SYSTEM EM DESI DESIGN GN 7.1 Detailed Design 7.1.1 UML Diagrams 7.2 Database Design 7.2.1 Dataflow Diagrams 7.2.2 Database Tables 7.2.3 Screens.
To develo develop p a sof softw tware are applic applicati ation on that that suppo supports rts the applic applicati ation on specific to the HR automation in an intranet specific to a company there by allowing the integration of all the employees pertaining to that that organiza organizatio tion. n.
To keep track track of all the other depart departmen ments ts
related to that organization such as marketing, development etc.
To allow the HR of an organization to update the employee details when ever there is a change in the employee profile pertaining to that that organi organizat zation ion..
To bring bring onto a string string the employee employee specifi specific c
suggestions and make them free to post their requirements to the HR thus thus brin bringi ging ng the the orga organi niza zati tion on more more spec specif ific ic regar regardi ding ng the the maintenance of the organization.
The HR center is a powerful application designed to allow companies to stre stream amli line ne thei theirr huma human n reso resour urce ce task tasks s and and manag anager er thei theirr employees more efficiently Employee and Company Information Employee Time, Attendence, and Leave Request HR Documentation Management (i.e. insurance insurance forms, W-2’s W-2’s etc.)
The HR Center Center includ includes es a co compr mprehe ehensi nsive ve employ employee ee inform informati ation on database, work information, beneficiary information, and more for each ea ch empl employ oyee. ee. It co come mes s stan standa dard rd with with empl employ oyee ee se self lf-s -ser ervi vice ce acces ac cess s allowi allowing ng employ employees ees to update update their their perso personal nal inform informati ation, on, request time off or input their daily timesheet entries. It also has role role –bas –based ed ac acce cess ss leve levell co cont ntro roll that that is func functi tion onal ally ly base based d on whether a user is an employee, a manager, or an HR admistrators. With HR center managers and HR admistrators can manage an track
1.1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To develop a software application that supports Specific to the HR Auto Automa mati tion on in an intr intran anet et to a co comp mpan any y ther there e by allo allowi wing ng the the interaction of all the employees pertaining to that organization. To keep track of all the other departments related to that organization like marketing, research r esearch etc.,
To allo allow w the the HR depa depart rtme ment nt of an orga organi niza zati tion on to upda update te the the empl employ oyee ee deta detail ils s when when ever ever ther there e is a chan change ge in the the empl employ oyee ee profile pertaining to that organization. To bring on to a string the employ employee ee specif specifica icatio tion n sugge suggesti stion ons s and make make them them sure sure to post post their requirements to the HR.
Allow a for the creation of an application specification to the human resource that maintain the intranet automation of the HR software i.e., i.e., which contains the data related to the employee.
PROJECT OVERVIEW AND LIMITTIONS: This project can be used to identify a employee in the organization. The The proj projec ectt main mainta tain ins s the the deta detail ils s of the the enti entire re empl employ oyee ee.. Each Each employee is given with different employee Id. In this this I ca can n use use the the vb.n et lang langua uage ge.. Ba Back ck end end is ms-a ms-acc cces ess. s. Dura Durati tion on of this this proj projec ectt is 3 mont months hs .i was was disc discus usse sed d the the tota totall modules of HR department. Limits are there. In this project I was taken only HR department from organization.
2.0 COMPANY PROFILE GALAXIE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Galaxie Software Solutions is an IT solution provider for a dynamic environm environment ent where business business and technolog technology y strategies strategies converge converge.. Thei Theirr appr approa oach ch focu focuse ses s on new new ways ways of busi busine ness ss co comb mbin inin ing g IT innov innovati ation on and adopti adoption on while while also also lever leveragi aging ng an organi organizat zation ion’s ’s current current IT assets. assets.
Their work work with large large global global corpora corporations tions and and
new products or services and to implement prudent business and technology strategies in today’s today’s environment. Galaxie’s range of expertise includes : •
Software Development Services
Engineering Services
Systems Integration
Customer Relationship Management
Product Development
Electronic Commerce
IT Outsourcing
We apply technology with innovation and responsibility to achieve two broad objectives: •
Effect Effective ively ly addres address s the busine business ss issue issues s our custo customer mers s face face today.
Generate new opportunities that will help them stay ahead in the future.
This approach rests on: •
str strateg ategy y
wher where e
arch rchitec itect, t,
inte integ grate ate
and and
mana anage
technology services and solutions solutions - we call it AIM for success. success. •
A robust robust offsho offshore re develo developm pment ent method methodolo ology gy and and reduc reduced ed demand on customer resources.
A focus on the use of reusable frameworks to provide cost and times benefits.
They combine the best people, processes and technology to achieve excellent results - consistency. We offer offer customers customers the advantages of: Speed : They understand the importance of timing, of getting there before the competitio competition. n. A rich portfolio portfolio of reusable, reusable, modular modular framework frameworks s helps jump-st jump-start art projects. projects.
Tried and tested methodolo methodology gy ensures
that we follow follow a predictable, predictable, low - risk path to achieve results. results. Our track record is testimony to complex projects delivered within and evens before schedule. Expertise : Our teams combine cutting edge technology skills with rich domain expertise. What’s What’s equally important important - they share share a strong strong customer customer orie orient ntat atio ion n that that mean means s they they ac actu tual ally ly star startt by list listen enin ing g to the the customer. They’re focused on coming up with solutions that serve customer requirements today and anticipate future needs. A full service portfolio: They They offer offer custo customer mers s the adva advanta ntage ge of being being able able to Archit Architect ect,, integrate integrate and and manage technol technology ogy services services..
This means means that they
can ca n rely rely on on one, e, full fully y ac acco coun unta tabl ble e so sour urce ce inst instea ead d of tryi trying ng to integrate disparate multi vendor solutions Services: GSS GSS is provid providing ing its servic services es to Sain Sain Medicame Medicaments nts Pvt.
Ltd. Ltd.,
Grac Grace e Drug Drugs s and and Ph Phar arma mace ceut utic ical als s Pv Pvt. t. Ltd. Ltd.,, Alka Alka Drug Drugs s and and Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Hi-tech Steels, Real Foods,Ravi Foods ,to name name a few.
With With their their rich exper expertis tise e and experie experience nce in
information technology they are in the best position to provide software solutions to distinct business requirements r equirements.
The HR Admin Administ istra ratio tion n falls falls short short of contro controlli lling ng the employ employee’ ee’s s activities in analyzing his/her strengths and weakness. The decision for appraisal of assigning next project to the employee or to train him/her to enhance the skills – where lies with proper projection. He is not provided with the detailed project information done or to be assigned based on Application / Verticals.
Need of extra manual effort.
It used to take much time to find any employee
Not very much accurate.
Danger of losing the files in some cases.
Decis Decisio ion n in as assi sign gnin ing g prop proper er skil skillf lful ul hand hands s for for the the proj projec ectt is an important issue in HR Module. The HR Administrator should report with the personal holding the necessary skills required for the project assignment. The decision in making analysis about the employee’s skills is a prime prime important before booting in. The proposed system system of HR Mo Modu dule le is the the right ight soft oftware to be inco incorrpor porated ated int into the the Automation of HR Software for helping the organization needs with respect to skilful Human Resource.
The proposed system provides detail general information about the emplo employee yee alo along ng with with Educat Education ional, al, Certif Certifica icatio tion, n, Skill Skill and Projec Projectt deta detail ils. s. It enha enhanc nces es the the HR Ma Mana nage geme ment nt in addi adding ng,, view viewin ing g and and updating employees’ details and generates various reports regarding employee’s skill and experience. Suggestions and Grievances posted by the employees are upheld for taking care of the necessary steps in forwarding company’s obligation. .
3.2.1 3.2.1
Very fast and accurate.
No need of any extra manual effort.
No fever of data loss.
Just need a little knowledge to operate the system.
Doesn’t require any extra hardware device.
At last very easy to find the employees.
3.3 FEASIBILITY STUDY Once the problem is clearly understood, the next step is to conduct feasibility study, which is high-level capsule version of the entered systems and design process. The objective is to determine whether or not the proposed system is feasible. The three tests of feasibility have been carried out.
Technical Feasibility
Economical Feasibility
Operational Feasibility
TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY In Technical echnical Feasibi Feasibility lity study study, one has to test Whether the proposed system can be developed using existing technology or not. It is plan planne ned d to impl implem emen entt the the prop propos osed ed syst system em usin using g jav java technology. It is evident that the necessary hardware and software are available for development and implementation of the proposed system. Hence, the solution is technically feasible.
ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY As part of this, the costs and benefits associated With the proposed system compared and the project is economically feasible only if tangible or intangible benefits outweigh costs. The system development costs will be significant. So the proposed system is economically feasible.
OPERATION FEASIBILITY It is a standard that ensures interoperability Witho Without ut stifli stifling ng co compe mpetit tition ion and innov innovati ation on among among users, users, to the benefit of the public both in terms of cost and service quality. The proposed system is acceptable to users. So the proposed system is operationally operationally feasible.
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4. MODULE DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: The The list list of modu module les s inco incorp rpor orat ated ed with with “Human Human Resou Resource rce Management System” is
This module module information
Employee Info Module
Administration Administration Module
Project Management Module
Training Management Module
HR Reports
deals with the management management such
employee employee details-his
name,qualification,skill,experience,login name,qualification,skill,experience,login id,password,etc., id,password,etc., Importance of modules in any software development side is we can easily understand what the system we are developing and what its main uses are. At the time of project we may create many modules and finally we combine them to form a system.
4.1 Employee Info Module
This This modul module e deals deals with with the manage managemen mentt of informati information on such as
personal personal
employ employee ee
details details name, name, qualifica qualification tion,,
skill, experience, login id, password, etc., Importance of modules in any software development side is we can easily understand what the system we are developing and what its main uses are. At the time time of proj projec ectt we may may crea create te man many modu module les s and and fina finall lly y we combine them to form a system person, so that it can be easily added to the database with any duplication of the data.
- 11 -
4.2 ADMINISTRATION MODULE: This module deals with the management of the employee information such as the hiring of the eligible candidate, payments criteria, his personal information maintenance etc.
4.3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module deals with the management of the projects related with the employee like-projects that were past dealt, current projects in his account etc.
4.4 TRAINING MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module deals with the training of the employee based on his experience and attendance monitoring. Also the information of the projects that need to be trained for the employees based on their experience and skills and the like.
4.5 HR REPORTS MODULE: This module is specified for the purpose of the report generation for the HR on desired requests.
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SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Software Specification Specification
Operating System
5.2 Hard ware Specification: Specification : Processor
Processor Speed :
250 MHz to 833MHz
64MB to 256MB
Hard Disk
2GB to 30GB
Key Board
Intel P-III based system
104 keys
- 13 -
6.LITERATURE SURVEY Visual Basic.NET Introduction to Windows Forms (Visual Basic.NET) Window ndows s
Forms rms
the the
new pla platfo tform for for
Micro icros soft Windo indow ws
appl applic icat atio ion n deve develo lopm pmen ent, t, base based d on the the .NET .NET Fram Framew ewor ork. k. This This fram framew ewor ork k prov provid ides es a clea clearr, obje object ct-o -ori rien ente ted, d, exten extensi sibl ble e se sett of clas classe ses s that that enab enable le yo you u to deve develo lop p rich rich Wind Window ows s appl applic icat atio ions ns.. Additionally, Windows Forms can act as the local user interface in a multi-tier distributed solution. Windows Forms is a framework for buil buildi ding ng Wind Window ows s clie client nt appl applic icat atio ions ns that that util utiliz ize e the the co comm mmon on language runtime. Windows Forms applications can be written in any language that the common language runtime supports. What Is a Form?
A form is a bit of screen real estate, usually rectangular, that you can use to present information to the user and to accept input from the the user user.. Forms orms ca can n be stan standa dard rd wind window ows, s, mult multip iple le docu docume ment nt inte interf rfac ace e (MDI (MDI)) wind window ows, s, dial dialog og boxe boxes, s, or disp displa lay y surf surfac aces es for for graphical routines. The easiest way to define the user interface for a form form is to place place contro controls ls on its surface. surface. Forms orms are objec objects ts that that expose expose properties properties which define define their appearance, appearance, methods methods which which define their behavior, and events which define their interaction with the user. By setting the properties of the form and writing code to resp respon ond d to its its even events ts,, yo you u cust custom omiz ize e the the objec bjectt to meet meet the the requirements of your application. As with all objects in the .NET Framework, forms are instances of classes. The form you create with the Windows Forms Designer is a class, and when you display an instance of the form at run time, this
- 14 -
class is the template used to create the form. The framework also allows allows yo you u to inheri inheritt from from existi existing ng forms forms to add functi function onali ality ty or modify existing behavior. When you add a form to your project, you can choose whether it inherits from the Form class provided by the framework, or from a form you have previously created. Addit Addition ionall ally y, forms forms are co contr ntrols ols,, becaus because e they they inheri inheritt from from the Control class. Within a Windows Forms project, the form is the primary vehicle for user interaction. By combining different sets of controls and writing code, you can elicit information from the user and respond to it, work with existing stores of data, and query and write back to the file system and registry on the user's local computer. Although the form can be created entirely in the Code Editor, it is easier to use the Windows Forms Designer to create and modify forms. Some So me of the the adva advant ntag ages es of usin using g Wind Window ows s Forms orms incl includ ude e the the following: •
Simplicity and power: Windows Forms is a programming model for developing Windows applications that combines the simplicity of the Visual Basic 6.0 programming model with with the the powe powerr and and flex flexib ibil ilit ity y of the the co comm mmon on lang langua uage ge runtime.
Lower Lower total total cost cost of owners ownership hip:: Windows Windows Forms Forms takes takes advantage of the versioning and deployment features of the commo common n langua language ge runtim runtime e to offer offer reduce reduced d deploy deploymen mentt costs cos ts and highe higherr applic applicati ation on robus robustnes tness s ov over er time. time. This This sign signif ific ican antl tly y
lowe lowers rs
the the
main mainte tena nanc nce e
cost co sts s
for for
applications written in Windows Forms.
- 15 -
Archit Architect ecture ure for for contro controls: ls: Wind Window ows s Forms orms offe offers rs an arch archit itec ectu ture re for for co cont ntro rols ls and and co cont ntro roll co cont ntai aine ners rs that that is base based d on co conc ncre rete te impl implem emen enta tati tion on of the the co cont ntro roll and and cont co ntai aine nerr
clas classe ses. s.
This This
sign signif ific ican antl tly y
redu reduce ces s
cont co ntro roll-
container interoperability issues. •
Security: Wind Window ows s Forms orms take takes s full full adva advant ntag age e of the the securi security ty featur features es of the co commo mmon n langua language ge runtim runtime. e. This This mea means that that Wind indows ows
Forms rms
can be
ever everyt ythi hing ng from from an untr untrus uste ted d
cont co ntro roll
use sed d
impl implem emen entt
runn runnin ing g in the the
browser to a fully trusted application installed on a user's hard disk. •
XML Web services support: Windows Forms offers full supp suppor ortt for for quic quickl kly y and and ea easi sily ly co conn nnec ecti ting ng to XM XML L Web services.
Rich graphics: graphics: Wind Window ows s Forms orms is on one e of the the firs firstt ship ship vehicles for GDI+, a new version of the Windows Graphical Devi Device ce Inte Interf rfac ace e
(GDI (GDI)) that that supp suppor orts ts alph alpha a
blen blendi ding ng,,
texture texture brushes, brushes, advanced advanced transfo transforms, rms, rich text support, support, and more. •
Flexible Flexible controls: controls: Wind Window ows s Forms orms offe offers rs a rich rich se sett of cont co ntro rols ls that that enco encomp mpas ass s all all of the the co cont ntro rols ls offe offere red d by Windows. These controls also offer new features, such as "fla "flatt look look"" styl styles es for for butt button ons, s, radi radio o butt button ons, s, and and chec check k boxes.
Data awareness: Windows Forms offers full support for the ADO data model.
Active ActiveX X contro controll suppor support: t: Wind Window ows s Forms orms offe offers rs full full support support for ActiveX ActiveX controls. controls. You can easily host ActiveX controls in a Windows Forms application. You can also host a Windows Forms control as an ActiveX control.
Wind indows
Forms rms
tak takes
adv advanta antag ge
the the
common language runtime enhanced licensing model. - 16 -
Printing: Window Windows s Forms Forms offers offers a printi printing ng frame framework work that that enable enables s applications to provide comprehensive reports.
Accessibility: Wind Window ows s Forms orms co cont ntro rols ls impl implem emen entt the the interfaces defined by Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA), which which make make it simple simple to build build applic applicati ations ons that that suppor supportt accessibility aids, such as screen readers.
Design Design-ti -time me
suppor support: t:
advantage of the meta-data and component model features offe offere red d by the the co comm mmon on lang langua uage ge runt runtim ime e to prov provid ide e thorou thorough gh design design-ti -time me suppor supportt for both both co contr ntrol ol users users and and control implementers. Crystal Reports Crystal Reports for Visual Basic .NET is the standard reporting tool for Visual Visual Bas Basic. ic.NET NET;; it brings brings the abili ability ty to create create inter interact active ive,, presen presentat tation ion-qu -quali ality ty co conte ntent nt — which which has has been the streng strength th of Crystal Reports for years — to the .NET platform. With Crystal Reports for Visual Basic.NET, you can host reports on Web and Windows platforms and publish Crystal reports as Report Web Services on a Web server se rver.. To presen presentt data data to users users,, you could write code code to loo loop p throu through gh recordsets and print them inside your Windows or Web application. However However,, any work beyond basic basic formattin formatting g can be complica complicated: ted: cons co nsol olid idat atio ions ns,,
mult multip iple le leve levell
tota totals ls,,
char charti ting ng,,
and and
cond co ndit itio iona nall
formatting are difficult to program. With Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET, you can quickly create complex complex and professi professionalonal-look looking ing reports. reports. Instead Instead of coding, coding, you use the Crystal Report Designer interface to create and format the repo report rt yo you u need need.. The The powe powerf rful ul Repor eportt Engi Engine ne proc proces esse ses s the the formatting, grouping, and charting criteria you specify.
- 17 -
Report Experts Using the Crystal Report Experts, you can quickly create reports based on your development needs: •
Choos Choose e from from repor reportt layou layoutt optio options ns rangi ranging ng from from standa standard rd reports to form letters, or build your own report from scratch.
Display charts that users can drill down on to view detailed report data.
Calculate summaries, subtotals, and percentages on grouped data.
Show TopN or BottomN results of data.
Conditionally format text and rotate text objects.
ACTIVE X DATA OBJECTS In Visu Visual al Ba Basi sic c .Net .Net,, thre three e data data acc cces ess s inte interf rfac aces es are are avail availabl able: e:
Activ Ac tive e X Data Objects Objects(( ADO), Remote Remote Data Object Objects s
(RDO) and Data Access Objects (DAO). These access interfaces are used to access the data from database.
Why use ADO? Consis sisten tently tly
acce ces ssing sing
dat data
wit within hin
the the
ent enterpr erpris ise e
challenge for today's business applications. ODBC provides the first step toward overcoming this challenge by enabling applications to access access relationa relationall databases databases.. However However,, as developers developers and system system architects want to include nonrelational data sources and to work in environments such as the Internet, they encounter the dilemma of either developing their own data-access paradigms or working with application program interfaces (APIs) that are incompatible in the new environments. Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) along
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