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2013 Thomson Reuters South 4s"a )r"'ate 5"m"ted
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Su!reme ourt o( Ind"a 23 4u$ust 2011
Inderjit Singh Grewal v State of Punjab and another Case No : r"m"nal 4!!eal o 163 o( 2011 -4r"s"n$ out o( S5)-rl. o 7787 o( 2010. en!h : onble *r Just"+e ;alb"r S"n$h hauhan, onble Mr Just"+e ) Sathas"'am Citation : 2011 Indla& S 671, -2011. 12 S 88, 2012 455 MR -r". 369, 2012 -2. %5J 9, JT 2011 -11. S 177, 2011 -2. <5R 87, 2011 -=. RR-r"m"nal. 1, 2011-9. S45> 29, ?2011@ 10 SR 7 Summary : Aam"ly B )ersonal r"m"nal ode o( r"m"nal )ro+edure, 1973, ss =68, =82 %uard"ans and Cards 4+t, 1890 "ndu Marr"a$e 4+t, 19, ss 13;, 23-2. Ind"an )enal ode, 1860, ss 107, 120;, 191, 193, 376, =0, =06, =3, =984 )rote+t"on o( Comen (rom *omest"+ D"olen+e 4+t, 200, ss 12, 2-(., 28, 32 *"'or+e Ma"ntenan+e Dal"d"ty 4!!ellant and res!ondent no 2 &ere marr"ed and had a son *ue to d"((eren+es they de+"ded to $et d"'or+e and !ro+eed"n$s &ere ad#ourned (or !er"od o( 6 months )art"es a!!eared be(ore ourt on se+ond mot"on, !et"t"on &as allo&ed and marr"a$e &as d"ssol'ed Res!ondent no 2 ("led +om!la"nt be(ore SS) a$a"nst a!!ellant alle$"n$ that de+ree o( d"'or+e obta"ned &as a sham transa+t"on om!la"nt &as sent to S) and a(ter enqu"ry &as +ondu+ted "t &as re!orted that !art"es had been l"'"n$ se!arately a(ter d"'or+e and no +ase &as made out a$a"nst a!!ellant 4$$r"e'ed by order o( ourt a!!l"+at"on &as ("led by a!!ellant u/s =82 r) (or quash"n$ +om!la"nt Res!ondent no 2 ("led "'"l Su"t "n seeE"n$ de+larat"on that de+ree o( d"'or+e, &as null and 'o"d as "t had been obta"ned by (raud &"th "m!u$ned #ud$ment and order d"sm"ssed a!!l"+at"on ("led by a!!ellant en+e, "nstant a!!eal Chether #ud$ment and de+ree o( +om!etent Tr"al ourt +ould be de+lared null and 'o"d "n +ollateral !ro+eed"n$s, that too, +r"m"nal !ro+eed"n$s eld, "( a de+ree &as 'o"d ab "n"t"o, de+larat"on to that e((e+t had to be obta"ned by !erson a$$r"e'ed (rom +om!etent +ourt su+h de+larat"on +ould not be obta"ned "n +ollateral !ro+eed"n$s Res!ondent no2, &ho d"d not +han$e her stand "n se+ond mot"on and obta"ned a sham de+ree o( d"'or+e as alle$ed by her asEed r"m"nal ourt to s"t "n a!!eal a$a"nst #ud$ment and de+ree o( +om!etent Tr"al ourt om!la"nt &as ("led be(ore Ma$"strate &h"le de+ree o( d"'or+e had been $ranted by *"str"+t Jud$e o( another d"str"+t There(ore, "t &as "n+orre+t that subord"nate r"m"nal ourt +ould s"t "n a!!eal a$a"nst #ud$ment and order o( su!er"or Tr"al ourt, ha'"n$ d"((erent terr"tor"al #ur"sd"+t"on >'"den+e addu+ed by res!ondent no 2 +ould not be taEen "nto +ons"derat"on so lon$ as #ud$ment and de+ree o( Tr"al ourt subs"sts )erm"tt"n$ Ma$"strate to !ro+eed (urther &"th +om!la"nt under !r o'"s"ons o( the 200 4+t &as not +om!at"ble and "n +onsonan+e &"th de+ree o( d"'or+e &h"+h st"ll subs"sts and thus, !ro+ess amounts to abuse o( !ro+ess o( ourt In "nstant +ase, !erm"tt"n$ ourt to !ro+eed &"th +om!la"nt &ould be tra'esty o( #ust"+e Thus, "m!u$ned #ud$ment and order &as set as"de 4!!eal allo&ed
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The Jud$ment &as del"'ered by : ; S hauhan, J 5ea'e $ranted 1 The "nstant a!!eal re'eals a 'ery sorry state o( a((a"r &here the &"(e ("les a +r"m"nal +om!la"nt be(ore the +om!etent +ourt to "n"t"ate +r"m"nal !ro+eed"n$s a$a"nst her husband alle$"n$ that they had obta"ned de+ree o( d"'or+e by !lay"n$ (raud u!on the +ourt &"thout real"s"n$ that "n su+h a (a+ts"tuat"on she hersel( &ould be an a++om!l"+e "n the +r"me and equally res!ons"ble (or the o((en+e More so, the a!!eal ra"ses a substant"al quest"on o( la& as to &hether the #ud$ment and de+ree o( a +om!etent "'"l ourt +an be de+lared null and 'o"d "n +ollateral !ro+eed"n$s, that too, +r"m"nal !ro+eed"n$s 2 Th"s +r"m"nal a!!eal ar"ses (rom the #ud$ment and ("nal order dated 982010 "n r"m"nal M"s+ o M29339 o( 2009 -< B M. !assed by the "$h ourt o( )un#ab B aryana at hand"$arh, by &h"+h the "$h ourt has d"sm"ssed the a!!l"+at"on ("led by the a!!ellant under Se+t"on =82 o( ode o( r"m"nal )ro+edure, 1973 -here"na(ter +alled as r). (or quash"n$ the +om!la"nt o 87/02/09 dated 1262009 ("led by res!ondent no 2 under Se+t"on 12 o( the )rote+t"on o( Comen (rom *omest"+ D"olen+e 4+t, 200 -here"na(ter +alled the 4+t 200. Aa+ts and +"r+umstan+es $"'"n$ r"se to !resent +ase are as under: 3 4 That the a!!ellant and res!ondent no 2 $ot marr"ed on 2391998 at Jalandhar as !er S"Eh r"tes and (rom the sa"d &edlo+E a son, namely, %urar#"t S"n$h &as born on 101999 The !art"es to the marr"a$e +ould not !ull on &ell to$ether be+ause o( tem!eramental d"((eren+es and de+"ded to $et d"'or+e and, there(ore, ("led M4 ase o 168 o( 1992007 be(ore the *"str"+t Jud$e, 5udh"ana under Se+t"on 13; o( "ndu Marr"a$e 4+t, 19 -here"na(ter +alled the 4+t 19. (or d"ssolut"on o( marr"a$e by mutual +onsent In the sa"d +ase, statements o( a!!ellant and res!ondent no 2 &ere re+orded on 1992007 and !ro+eed"n$s &ere ad#ourned (or a !er"od o( more than s"F months to enable them to !onder o'er the "ssue = ; The !art"es a$a"n a!!eared be(ore the +ourt on 2032008 on se+ond mot"on and the"r statements &ere re+orded and both o( them a(("rmed that "t &as not !oss"ble (or them to l"'e to$ether and, there(ore, the learned *"str"+t Jud$e, 5udh"ana '"de #ud$ment and order dated 2032008 allo&ed the sa"d !et"t"on and d"ssol'ed the"r marr"a$e Res!ondent no 2 ("led a +om!la"nt be(ore Sen"or Su!er"ntendent o( )ol"+e, 5udh"ana a$a"nst the a!!ellant on =2009 under the !ro'"s"ons o( the 4+t 200 alle$"n$ that the de+ree o( d"'or+e obta"ned by them &as a sham transa+t"on >'en a(ter $ett"n$ d"'or+e, both o( them had been l"'"n$ to$ether as husband and &"(e She &as (or+ed to lea'e the matr"mon"al home Thus, she !rayed (or #ust"+e The sa"d +om!la"nt &as sent to S), "tyI, 5udh"ana (or +ondu+t"n$ "nqu"ry The sa"d S), "tyI +ondu+ted the (ull(led$ed "nqu"ry and subm"tted the re!ort on =2009 to the e((e+t that the !art"es had been l"'"n$ se!arately a(ter d"'or+e and, no +ase &as made out a$a"nst the !resent a!!ellant o&e'er, he su$$ested to seeE le$al o!"n"on "n the matter 6 * 4++ord"n$ly, le$al o!"n"on dated 262009 &as sou$ht, &here"n "t &as o!"ned that the !art"es had obta"ned the d"'or+e de+ree by mutual +onsent and the alle$at"ons made by res!ondent no 2 a$a"nst the a!!ellant &ere (alse and baseless and the !ur!ose o( ("l"n$ the +om!la"nt &as only to harass the a!!ellant 7 > Res!ondent no 2 subsequently ("led a +om!la"nt under the 4+t 200 on 1262009 The learned Ma$"strate "ssued the summons to the a!!ellant on the same date The Ma$"strate '"de order dated 3102009 summoned the m"nor +h"ld (or +ounsel"n$ The a!!ellant, be"n$ a$$r"e'ed o( the order o( 5d Ma$"strate dated 1262009, ("led a!!l"+at"on dated 13102009 under Se+t"on =82 r) (or quash"n$ the +om!la"nt dated 1262009 8 A In the mean&h"le, res!ondent no 2 ("led "'"l Su"t on 1772009 "n the +ourt o( "'"l Jud$e -Sen"or *"'"s"on., 5udh"ana, seeE"n$ de+larat"on that the #ud$ment and
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de+ree dated 2032008, "e de+ree o( d"'or+e, &as null and 'o"d as "t had been obta"ned by (raud The sa"d su"t "s st"ll !end"n$ 9 % Res!ondent no 2 also ("led a!!l"+at"on dated 17122009 under %uard"ans and Cards 4+t, 1890 (or $rant o( +ustody and $uard"ansh"! o( the m"nor +h"ld %urar#"t S"n$h and the same "s !end"n$ (or +ons"derat"on be(ore the 4dd"t"onal "'"l Jud$e -Sen"or *"'"s"on., 5udh"ana 10 Res!ondent no 2 on 1122010 also lod$ed an AIR under Se+t"ons =06, =98 4, 376, 120; o( the Ind"an )enal ode, 1860 -here"na(ter +alled I). a$a"nst the a!!ellant and h"s mother and s"ster 11 I The "$h ourt '"de "m!u$ned #ud$ment and order dated 982010 d"sm"ssed the a!!l"+at"on ("led by the a!!ellant en+e, th"s a!!eal 12 Shr" Ran#"t Gumar, learned sen"or +ounsel a!!ear"n$ (or the a!!ellant has subm"tted that the "$h ourt erred "n re#e+t"n$ the a!!l"+at"on o( the a!!ellant under Se+t"on =82 r), as none o( the rel"e(s +la"med by the res!ondent no2 +ould be enterta"ned by the +r"m"nal +ourt &h"le deal"n$ &"th the +om!la"nt the +om!la"nt "tsel( "s t"me barred, thus, the Ma$"strate ourt +ould not taEe +o$n"Han+e thereo( The +om!la"nt has been ("led be+ause o( mal"+e "n order to eFtra+t money (rom the a!!ellant More so, the !lea o( (raud alle$ed by the res!ondent no2 "n the +om!la"nt (or obta"n"n$ the de+ree o( d"'or+e be(ore the "'"l ourt as !er her o&n 'ers"on, su++"n+tly re'eals that she hersel( had been a !arty to th"s (raud The "$h ourt (a"led to a!!re+"ate as to &hat eFtent her 'ers"on +ould be a++e!ted as she hersel( be"n$ the a++om!l"+e "n the sa"d o((en+e o( (raud +omm"tted u!on the +ourt >'en "( the alle$at"ons made there"n are true, she "s equally l"able (or !un"shment under Se+t"on 107 I) More so, the rel"e(s +la"med by the res!ondent no 2 "n the +"'"l su"t (or de+lar"n$ the de+ree o( d"'or+e as null and 'o"d and "n another su"t (or $ett"n$ the +ustody o( the +h"ld re(erred to here"nabo'e, &ould meet her requ"rements Thus, the a!!eal deser'es to be allo&ed 13
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19 ID Res!ondent no2 &as eFam"ned "n the se+ond mot"on by the learned *"str"+t Jud$e, 5udh"ana on 2032008, &here"n she stated as under: "y statement was recor!e! on #9.9.200$ alongwith the statement of my husan! %n!er&it 'ingh (rewal. 'i) months time was given to us to pon!er over the matter ut we coul! not reconcile. *ne chil! was orn from our we!loc+ namely (urar&it 'ingh (rewal whose custo!y has een han!e! over y me to my husan! %n!er&it 'ingh (rewal an! he shall loo+ after the welfare of the sai! chil!. We have settle! all our !isputes regar!ing !owry articles an! past an! future permanent alimony. Now there is nothing left out against each other. , !raft of -s.300000/ ....has een receive! y me towar!s permanent alimony an! maintenance an! in lieu of !owry articles left y me in the matrimonial home. We are living separately since 23.9.2005. ,fter that there is no cohaitation etween us. 1here is no scope of our living together as husan! an! wife. % w ill remain oun! y the terms an! con!itions as enshrine! in the petition. % have left with no claim against petitioner No.#. *ur marriage may e !issolve! y passing a !ecree of !ivorce y mutual consent." 20 D The learned *"str"+t Jud$e, 5udh"ana $ranted the de+ree o( d"'or+e dated 2032008 obser'"n$ as under: "1hey have settle! all their !isputes regar!ing !owry articles past an! future alimony....1hey are living separately from each other since 23.9.2005...1he petitioners have not een ale to reconcile....1he petitioners have settle! all their !isputes regar!ing !owry stri!han an! past an! future permanent alimony....1he custo!y of the son of the petitioners is han!e! over to %n!er&it 'ingh (rewal y ,man!eep aur. 1he petition is allowe!. 1he marriage etween the petitioners is henceforth !eclare! !issolve!...." 21 DI The +om!la"nt dated =2009 ("led by res!ondent no 2 be(ore the Sen"or Su!er"ntendent o( )ol"+e, 5udh"ana &as "n'est"$ated by the Su!er"ntendent o( )ol"+e, "tyI, 5udh"ana e re+orded statements o( se'eral ne"$hbours and ma"d ser'ant &orE"n$ "n a!!ellants house and subm"tted the re!ort to the e((e+t that as the husband and &"(e +ould not l"'e to$ether, they obta"ned the de+ree o( d"'or+e by mutual +onsent o&e'er, the +om!la"nant 4mandee! Gaur had alle$ed that she &as "ndu+ed by her husband to $et d"'or+e (or settl"n$ "n the n"ted States and "t &as h"s "ntent"on to E"+E her out (rom the house o&e'er, the husband stated that she had been !a"d Rs3,00,000/ "n the +ourt by dra(t and Rs27,00,000/ "n +ash (or &h"+h the husband Inder#"t S"n$h %re&al had entered "nto an a$reement to sell h"s an+estral !ro!erty The +om!la"nant had not been l"'"n$ &"th the a!!ellant a(ter the de+ree o( d"'or+e and they &ere not ha'"n$ !hys"+al relat"onsh"! &"th ea+h other It &as (urther su$$ested "n the re!ort that le$al o!"n"on may also be taEen 22 DII 5e$al o!"n"on dated 262009 had been to the e((e+t that the !art"es had taEen d"'or+e by mutual +onsent due to the"r d"((eren+es The alle$at"on to the eFtent that they had been l"'"n$ to$ether e'en a(ter d"'or+e &ere (alse and baseless and had been labelled only to harass the a!!ellant 23 The "nstant +ase "s requ"red to be +ons"dered "n the a(oresa"d (a+tual ba+Edro! 2= So (ar as the +om!la"nt dated 1262009 "s +on+erned, there had been alle$at"on o( m"sbeha'"our a$a"nst the a!!ellant dur"n$ the !er"od o( year 200 Res!ondent no 2 alle$ed that dur"n$ that !er"od she had not been treated &ell by the a!!ellant, thus, she had to taEe shelter "n the house o( her !arents all her belon$"n$s "n+lud"n$ the do&ry art"+les &ere Ee!t by the a!!ellant and h"s !arents She has (urther $"'en deta"ls ho& both o( them ha'e obta"ned de+ree o( d"'or+e by mutual +onsent as they &anted to settle "n n"ted States and there(ore, they had de+"ded to $et d"'or+e on !a!er so that the a!!ellant may $o to S4 and $et 4mer"+an +"t"Hensh"! by ne$ot"at"n$ a marr"a$e o( +on'en"en+e &"th some S +"t"Hen and d"'or+e her and a$a"n remarry the +om!la"nant She (urther alle$ed that e'en a(ter de+ree o( d"'or+e she had been l"'"n$ &"th the a!!ellant t"ll 722009 and +ont"nued +o hab"tat"on &"th h"m They had '"s"ted se'eral !la+es to$ether dur"n$ th"s !er"od The +h"ld had been (or+"bly snat+hed (rom her by the a!!ellant There(ore, she &as
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ent"tled to the +ustody o( the m"nor +h"ld alon$ &"th other rel"e(s 2 The quest"on does ar"se as to &hether rel"e(s sou$ht "n the +om!la"nt +an be $ranted by the +r"m"nal +ourt so lon$ as the #ud$ment and de+ree o( the "'"l ourt dated 2032008 subs"sts Res!ondent no2 has !rayed as under: "%t is therefore praye! that the respon!ent no.# e !irecte! to han! over the custo!y of the minor chil! (urar&it 'ingh (rewal forthwith. %t is also praye! that the respon!ent no.# e !irecte! to pay to her a sum of -s.#5000/ per month y way of rent of the premises to e hire! y her at u!hiana for her resi!ence. %t is also praye! that all the respon!ents e !irecte! to restore to her all the !owry articles as !etaile! in ,nne)ure , to or in the alternative they e !irecte! to pay to her a sum of -s.2295000/ as the price of the !owry articles. ,ffi!avit attache!." Thus, the rel"e(s sou$ht ha'e been three(olds: -a. ustody o( the m"nor son -b. r"$ht o( res"den+e and -+. restorat"on o( do&ry art"+les 26 It "s a settled le$al !ro!os"t"on that &here a !erson $ets an order/o(("+e by maE"n$ m"sre!resentat"on or !lay"n$ (raud u!on the +om!etent author"ty, su+h order +annot be susta"ned "n the eyes o( the la& as (raud unra'els e'eryth"n$ >qu"ty "s al&ays Eno&n to de(end the la& (rom +ra(ty e'as"ons and ne& subtlet"es "n'ented to e'ade la& It "s a tr"te that Araud and #ust"+e ne'er d&ell to$ether -(raus et #us nunquam +ohab"tant. Araud "s an a+t o( del"berate de+e!t"on &"th a des"$n to se+ure someth"n$, &h"+h "s other&"se not due Araud and de+e!t"on are synonymous Araud "s an anathema to all equ"table !r"n+"!les and any a((a"r ta"nted &"th (raud +annot be !er!etuated or sa'ed by the a!!l"+at"on o( any equ"table do+tr"ne 4n a+t o( (raud on +ourt "s al&ays '"e&ed ser"ously -D"de: Me$hmala B m!has"s added. 31 S"m"lar '"e& has been re"terated by th"s ourt "n Sneh %u!ta ' *e'" Saru! B
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that e((e+t has to be obta"ned by the !erson a$$r"e'ed (rom the +om!etent +ourt More so, su+h a de+larat"on +annot be obta"ned "n +ollateral !ro+eed"n$s 33 Res!ondent no2 hersel( had been a !arty to the (raud +omm"tted by the a!!ellant u!on the +"'"l +ourt (or $ett"n$ the de+ree o( d"'or+e as alle$ed by her "n the "m!u$ned +om!la"nt Thus, a++ord"n$ to her o&n adm"ss"on she hersel( "s an abettor to the +r"me 3= 4 !erson alle$"n$ h"s o&n "n(amy +annot be heard at any (orum as eF!la"ned by the le$al maF"m alle$ans suam tur!etud"nem non est aud"endus o one should ha'e an ad'anta$e (rom h"s o&n &ron$ -+ommondum eF "n#ur"a sua memo habere debet. o a+t"on ar"ses (rom an "mmoral +ause -eF tur!" +ause non or"tur a+t"on. *ama$e su((ered by +onsent "s not a +ause o( a+t"on -'olent" non ("t "n#ur"a. The statements/alle$at"ons made by the res!ondent no2 !atently and latently "n'ol'e her "n the alle$ed (raud +omm"tted u!on the +ourt Thus, she made hersel( d"sent"tled (or any equ"table rel"e( 3 The o((en+e o( abetment "s +om!lete &hen the alle$ed abettor has "nst"$ated another or en$a$ed &"th another "n a +ons!"ra+y to +omm"t o((en+e -D"de: Aa$una Ganta ath ' The State o( 4ssam, 4IR 199 S 673 199 Indla& S 129 and Jamuna S"n$h ' State o( ;"har 4IR 1967 S 3 1966 Indla& S 178. I( more than one !erson +omb"n"n$ both "n "ntent and a+t, +omm"t an o((en+e #o"ntly, ea+h "s $u"lty, as "( he has done the &hole a+t alone <((en+e has been de("ned under Se+t"on =0 I) and Se+t"on =3 I) de("nes "lle$al"ty MaE"n$ (alse statement on oath be(ore the +ourt "s an o((en+e under Se+t"on 191 I) and !un"shable under Se+t"on 193 I) 36 Ch"le $rant"n$ the de+ree o( d"'or+e, the statement o( res!ondent no2 had been re+orded "n the ("rst as &ell as "n the se+ond mot"on as ment"oned here"nabo'e )er"od o( more than 6 months &as $"'en to her to th"nE o'er the "ssue o&e'er, she made a s"m"lar statement "n the se+ond mot"on as &ell 37 4s !er the statutory requ"rement, the !ur!ose o( se+ond mot"on a(ter a !er"od o( s"F months "s that !art"es may maEe (urther e((orts (or re+on+"l"at"on "n order to sa'e the"r marr"a$e There "s also obl"$at"on on the !art o( the +ourt under Se+t"on 23-2. o( the 4+t 19 to maEe e'ery endea'our to br"n$ about a re+on+"l"at"on bet&een the !art"es 38 In Ja$ra# S"n$h ' ;"r!al Gaur, 4IR 2007 S 2083 2007 Indla& S 10, th"s ourt held that +on#u$al r"$hts are not merely +reature o( statute but "nherent "n the 'ery "nst"tut"on o( marr"a$e en+e, the a!!roa+h o( a +ourt o( la& "n matr"mon"al matters should be mu+h more +onstru+t"'e, a(("rmat"'e and !rodu+t"'e rather than abstra+t, theoret"+al or do+tr"na"re The +ourt should not $"'e u! the e((ort o( re+on+"l"at"on merely on the $round that there "s no +han+e (or re+on+"l"at"on or one !arty or the other says that there "s no !oss"b"l"ty o( l"'"n$ to$ether There(ore, "t "s merely a m"s$"'"n$ that the +ourts are not +on+erned and obl"$ated to sa'e the san+t"ty o( the "nst"tut"on o( marr"a$e 39 In Smt Sureshta *e'" '
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presentation of petition the parties must have een living separately. 1he e)pression 7living separately7 connotes to our min! not living li+e husan! an! wife. %t has no reference to the place of living. 1he parties may live un!er the same roof y force of circumstances an! yet they may not e living as husan! an! wife. 1he. parties may e living in !ifferent houses an! yet they coul! live as husan! an! wife. What seems to e necesssary is that they have no !esire to perform marital oligations an! with that mental attitu!e they have een living separately for a perio! of one year imme!iately prece!ing the presentation of the petition. 1he secon! re6uirement that they 7have not een ale to live together7 seems to in!icate the concept of ro+en !own marriage an! it woul! not e possile to reconcile themselves. 1he thir! re6uirement is that they have mutually agree! that the marriage shoul! e !issolve!." :mphasis a!!e!; =0 Aor $rant o( d"'or+e "n su+h a +ase, the ourt has to be sat"s("ed about the eF"sten+e o( mutual +onsent bet&een the !art"es on some tan$"ble mater"als &h"+h demonstrably d"s+lose su+h +onsent -D"de: "tesh ;hatna$ar ' *ee!a ;hatna$ar, 4IR 2011 S 1637 2011 Indla& S 26. =1 Res!ondent no2, &ho d"d not +han$e her stand "n the se+ond mot"on and obta"ned a sham de+ree o( d"'or+e as alle$ed by her asEed the +r"m"nal +ourt to s"t "n a!!eal a$a"nst the #ud$ment and de+ree o( the +om!etent "'"l ourt The +om!la"nt &as ("led be(ore the Ma$"strate, Jalandhar &h"le the de+ree o( d"'or+e had been $ranted by the *"str"+t Jud$e, 5udh"ana "e o( another d"str"+t There(ore, "t "s beyond our "ma$"nat"on as under &hat +"r+umstan+es a subord"nate +r"m"nal +ourt +an s"t "n a!!eal a$a"nst the #ud$ment and order o( the su!er"or "'"l ourt, ha'"n$ a d"((erent terr"tor"al #ur"sd"+t"on =2 In the (a+ts and +"r+umstan+es o( the +ase, the subm"ss"on made on behal( o( res!ondent no2 that the #ud$ment and de+ree o( a "'"l ourt $rant"n$ d"'or+e "s null and 'o"d and they +ont"nued to be the husband and &"(e, +annot be taEen note o( at th"s sta$e unless the su"t ("led by the res!ondent no2 to de+lare the sa"d #ud$ment and de+ree dated 2032008 "s de+"ded "n her (a'our In '"e& thereo(, the e'"den+e addu+ed by her !art"+ularly the re+ord o( the tele!hone +alls, !hoto$ra!hs attend"n$ a &edd"n$ to$ether and her s"$natures "n s+hool d"ary o( the +h"ld +annot be taEen "nto +ons"derat"on so lon$ as the #ud$ment and de+ree o( the "'"l ourt subs"sts
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o"da >ntre!reneurs 4sso+"at"on ' o"da B