The prpose o! this e"peri#ent is to $etter !a#i%iari&e s 'ith the (on(epts o! series)para%%e% (ir(its in re*ards to !or#%atin* the# into si#p%er (ir(its in 'hi(h 'e (an $etter nderstand and (a%(%ate+ ,y pre!or#in* this e"peri#ent 'e %earn not on%y ho' Oh#-s %a' app%ies. $t ho' to se the vo%ta*e divider !or#%a as 'e%%+ This e"peri#ent a%so *ives s the sa#e a$i%ity as the previos %a$s. to $e a$%e to see ho' (o#ptation o! (rrents. resistan(e. and vo%ta*e app%ies in re*ards to rea% 'or%d #easre#ents+
Ma#erial an* E2%i3"en#: • • • • • • •
One /+/01 resistor One 2+301 resistor One 4+501 resistor One 6701 resistor Photo),oard P,)478 trainer A*i%ent U6/26A M%ti)Meter 9arios si&es o! 'ires
A!ter o$tainin* a%% o! the re:ired e:ip#ent and #ateria%s and %oo0in* (are!%%y over the %a$ report. #y %a$ partner and I $e*an $e *an to deter#ine the #ost e!!i(ient and prod(tive 'a y to !inish the assi*ned
tas0+ My %a$ partner !irst *athered a%% the re:ired #easre#ents !or the resistors and they 'ere re(orded nder ta$%e one+ A!ter this I $e*an deter#inin* the (o#ptations o! ta$%e t'o !or th e vo%ta*e divider !or#%a. and !or Oh#-s %a'+ My %a$ partner si#%taneos%y $e*an ta0in* do'n the #easre#ents o! ea(h o! the resistan(es. (rrents. and vo%ta*es in ta$%e t'o+ ;ro# this point in step three. and e:iva%ent (ir(it 'as dra'n $ased on the (ir(it needed. $y #er*in* R / and R 8.8. 'e 'ere a$%e to #a0e a si#p%i!ied (ir(it+ ;ro# here a*ain I too0 on the responsi$i%ity o! (o#ptin* the ta$%e three (a%(%ations. 'hi%st #y partner too0 do'n the #easre#ents+ A*ain in step 67. the e:iva%ent (ir(it 'as d ra'n $ased on si#p%i!i(ation o! the (ir(it+
?d*in* $y the ta$%e t'o and an d ta$%e three (harts 'e (an (%ear%y see that there is a (%ose re%ation in ter#s o! vo%ta*e divider. and Oh#-s Oh #-s %a'+ %a'+ @e @e (an a%so ta0e a'ay that the (a%(%ations 'ere spot on and a((rate as the #easre#ents 'ere very (%ose+ The step three and 67 e:iva%ent (ir(its are a *reat 'ay to $etter nderstand ho' series)para%%e% (ir(its a(ta%%y a(ta%%y 'or0. and this is a #(h easier 'ay to (a%(%ate as a 'ho%e+ ;ro# the entire e"peri#ent I (an say that the series)para%%e% (ir(its are si#p%y this. !indin* the para%%e% resistors. !indin* !indin* the resistan(e $et'een the#. then (a%(%atin* the re#ainin* resistors and redra'in* the (ir(it as a series+ Then yo si#p%y (an se Oh#-s %a' to ta0e (are o! #ost any (a%(%ationn#$ers yo 'ant+
%r#her Ine#i5a#ion:
;irst yo 'o%d need to (o#$ine R 8%%R 2 as a para%%e% (ir(it+ A!ter this is done it sho%d read arond 8+4<01+ No' 'e (an se the re#ainder o! the resistors as a series (ir(it and add the# p+ So the R T 'o%d $e arond 67+2<01+ Bno'in* that the vo%ta*e is 6/9. 'e (an !ind the vo%ta*e over ea(h resistor sin* the
vo%ta*e divider !or#%a+ ;or R 6 'e si#p%y ta0e
R1 R T
¿ Vs
/+4/9. so 'e 0no' the vo%ta*e over R 6 is
/+4/9+ ;or R / 'e si#p%y se the sa#e e:ation s$stittin* the R 6 !or R / and the res%tin* vo%ta*e over R / 4+8=9+ @e (an (ontine this sa#e e:ation over the ne"t t'o resistors+ So the vo%ta*e over R 8.2 2+669+ The vo%ta*e over R 8 /+/9. and the vo%ta*e over R 2 6+
resistor. 'e (an !ind the (rrent a(ross ea(h+ ;or R 6 'e si#p%y se Oh#-s %a' o!
I =
and 'e (an !ind
ea(h (rrent+ ;or the (rrent a(ross R 6 6+62#A. R / 6+62#A. R 8 8A. and R 2 6A+
Eal%a#ion an* Reie9 ;%e#ion:
6+ A+ ,y (o#$ (o#$in inin in* * R / and R 8 as a para%%e% (ir(it it a(ts as a si#p%er series (ir(it as the para%%e% is added to*ether+ No' on(e the vo%ta*e divider !or#%a is ran a(ross the (ir(it. it is as i! it is $ein* done on a series (ir(it and not a series)para%%e% (ir(it+ ,+ It (o%d. a%tho*h it 'o%d $e di!!i(%t+ R 6 and R / are in series st as R 8 and R 2 are+ So a!ter *ettin* these pt to*ether. they are para%%e%+ So then there is a series o! para%%e% resistors. so then yo te(hni(a%%y (o%d rn a vo%ta*e divider !or#%a !ro# this+ A%tho*h yo 'o%d have to s$stantiate 'hi(h resistor vo%ta*e is 'hi(h+ /+ Aron Arond d the the !irs !irstt (ir( (ir(i itt R 6 and R / the e:ation is 6/9)8+=89) 6/9)8+=89)=+6=97 =+6=97 and !or the se(ond (ir(it R 8 and R 2 the e:ation is 6/v)2+29)3+397 6/v)2+29)3+397 8+ There 'o%d 'o%d $e no resistor resistor yet to $%o(0divi $%o(0divide de anythin* anythin* so the ans'er 'o%d 'o%d $e 6/9) 6/9)6/97
2+ A+ Eit Either her an ope open n or a shor short+ t+ ,+ ,y sin* an a#p#eter a(ross the (ir(it %o(ations in rep%a(e#ent o! the resistors+ 4+ It 'o%d $e =9. =9. the the reason is $e(ase $e(ase it is on the the para%%e% para%%e% portion portion o! the (ir(it. (ir(it. and in a para%%e% para%%e% (ir(it vo%ta*e is the sa#e thro*hot+