Lagna Lord’s Placement in Different Houses
In vedic-astrology, much significance significance is assigned to Lagna, the sign which rises in the horizon at the time of birth. This has a predominant say in the nature of the native, his outlook towards life and the overall personality. In addition to the planets placed in the Lagna, the placement of lagna lord in different houses has predominant influence on the native and represents the life events which would have dominating
influence on the native’s thinking and personalities.
Event though the classics narrate the results of the placement placement of the lagna lord in different houses, there is meagre explanations on why such results are given. If the basic principles principles are not well well understood, the application of the principles to real life cases becomes difficult. This article attempts to explain the principles behind the results narrated in the Jyotish classics. I am not saying that, whatever is
explained here is “the correct” explanation. However, I am
sure, this would guide the aspirants to work on similar lines and demystify the subject. I apologize to the learned readers, if some of explanations are misleading. The explanation for each placement of the lagna lord in
different houses is divided into two parts. Part I attempts to explain the results narrated by Parashara in his immortal classic Brhat Parashara Hora Shastra while part II narrates the results given in Satya Jatakam and Crux of vedic astrology. The article is concluded with the narration of the results given in Brhat Parashari Hora Shastra translated by Harihara Mazumdar in Bengali Language as well as a summary of the whole article. Lagna and Lagna lord Lagna represents the ideals of the native and his intelligence.
Wherever the Lagna lord is placed, the native’s ideals and
intelligence is focused on the area of life, represented by the concerned house. In one of the discussion with Gurudev Pt. Rath, he happens to mention that since lagna also represents the house of fame. Thus whichever planet is placed in the lagna, the relations shown by that house shall become famous. Thus if the lagna lord is placed in the Lagna, the person becomes famous, since lagna represents the native himself, while placement of the 3rd lord in the lagna makes the younger coborn famous.
Let’s see what others say about the placement of lagna lord in different houses.
Satya Jatakam: When the lagna lord is placed in different houses with Shubha yoga, native gains from the indication of the houses where the lagna lord is placed. However if the lagna lord is placed with Ashubha yoga in different houses, the native shall lose due to the indications of the house. COVA: These results will apply to the house occupation of lord of lagna as well as lord of the lagna nakshatra. Matters concerning the mind (e.g. intelligence, enemies, fortunes etc) shall be more evident from the Lord of the Constellation whereas those concerning the physical body shall be seen from the Lord of the sign. The sign occupied by the Lord of the ascendant is called Paka Lagna and represent the seat of intelligence; the areas in life where the intelligence of the native is focussed. Thus what we shall be seeing now is the results of placement of Paka Lagna in different houses. Lagna lord in Lagna
If the Lagna Lord is in Lagna itself, the native will be endowed with Good health (dehasukhabhāg) and prowess (bhujavikram ī ). He will be intelligent (manasv ī ), fickle-minded (cañcala), will have two wives (dvibhāryo) and be passionate (parago'pi).
ऱनेशे ऱनगे देहस जवकम। ् भ ुि ुखभाग मनवी च ऱ ैव जै भाय ऩरगोऽजैऩ व॥ १॥ lagneśe lagnage dehasukhabhāg bhujavikram ī | manasv ī cañcalaścaiva dvibhāryo parago'pi va ..1.. Good health & Prowess: The Lagna is the place of ideals, intelligence, vitality etc. Whenever the Lagna lord is placed in the Lagna, the native is endowed with high energy, vitality, good health and strong ideals. Intelligence: They are also intelligent as they the lord of intelligence is placed in the house of intelligence. They are always in pursuit of realizing their ideals and lead a principled life. Usually they are not seemed to compromise with their principles and hence they are very difficult to convince on ideas alien to their own.
Two wives: Maharishi’s proposition on the presence of two
wives may look somewhat odd. However this only shows that the native will have the vitality to have sexual relationships with many females. However, it can not be implied that the native would have low sexual morals or infidelity. Though this proposition was valid in ancient times, where multiple wives were allowed in the society, in modern times, this is valid only in cultures, where multiple marriages are still allowed. Fickle mindedness: Lagna lord behaves like both Sun and the Moon and while the Lagna lord placed in the Lagna, it carries the effect of the Sun and the Moon on the Lagna. Thus it gives, intelligence and vitality as represented by Sun, however also Moodiness and fickle mindedness as represented by the Moon s influence on the Lagna. In addition, Moon influence on the Lagna also gives the urge to have sex with multiple partners. Thus, for the significance of the multiple sexual partners to be valid, Moon should also be strong and influence the Lagna. This indication is strengthened if Mars is influenced by Venus or Mercury is under the influence by Moon. Here, influence means aspect, conjunction or placement in Trine. Since Lagna also represents the body of the native, the intelligence of the person is focused in maintaining the body and they are constantly in effort to keep their body fit and ’
beautiful. They spend lot money in procuring the materials which would make their body fit and presentable. Additional notes: It is said that whenever a planet (excluding the luminaries and the nodes) is placed in exaltation or own sign in a Kendra, it constitutes the Mahapurusha Yoga. A person born in the Mahapurusha yoga has distinctive qualities granted by elements of the planet involved in such yoga. Since Lagna is a Kendra, placement of the Lagna lord in the Lagna inevitably constitute the Mahapurusha yoga. Satya Jatakam: If the Lagna lord is placed in the Lagna, endowed with strength and having a Shubha yoga, the person will be very powerful, having the qualities indicated by the lord of the lagna and will become a famous leader of his men. COVA: If the Lord is in the ascendant, the native is strong, fickle minded, brave, intelligent, with two or more wives, Mahapurusha (great person) and blessed by the Sun God. Lagna lord in Second house If the Lagna Lord is in second houses, the native will be gainful (lābhavān), scholar (paṇḍitaḥ), happy (sukhī), good natured (suśīlo), be religious (dharmavi), honourable (mānī) and will have many wives and be virtuous (bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ).
ऱनेशे धनगे बाऱो ऱाभवान ्पऩड स ुखी। स ु त ॥ २॥ ्जैवमानी बह ुशीऱो धमर ुणय ु दारग lagneśe dhanage bālo lābhavān pa ṇḍitaḥ sukhī | suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāragu ṇairyutaḥ ..2.. Gainful: For such natives, the intelligence and ideals are focused in the 2nd house of family, wealth and food. This makes them always in pursuit of accumulating more and more money and increasing their bank balance. The like good food and can also make connoisseur of food or good chef. Scholar: 2nd house being the house of speech and also resided by goddess Sarasvati, the goddess of knowledge and wisdom, when the Lagna lord is placed in the 2nd house, he is blessed by Goddess Lakshmi. This makes the person learned and wise. While seen in the context of the 5th house, the house of knowledge, 2nd is placed in the 11th from it. Hence, it shows gain of objective of knowledge or applying the knowledge in real life, since 11th house rules gain of objectives.
Happy & Good natured: Second house is also the house of family. The presence of the Lagna lord in the 2nd house makes the native is committed towards the family. The commitment can also be extended to the family outside his immediate family, all the relations, and his community in whole. The native shall constantly try to fulfil the requirement of his family or the community. This also makes the native respectable in the eye of the family and the community and honourable too. Religious & Honourable: Along with the 9th house, the 2nd house is also the house of Vishnu, since 2nd house is the house of sustenance and Vishnu is the sustainer. Vishnu gives the dharmic ideals to the person and takes him on the path of dharma as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavat Gita. Placement of the Lagna lord in the 2nd house thus makes the person inclined towards dharma and dharmic activities. However for this indication to fully manifest, the karaka for dharma, Sun should also be well placed in the horoscope and preferably influence the houses of dharma. Multiple Marriages: Second house is the 8th house from the 7th house and thus rules the 2nd marriage. When the lagna lord is placed in the 2nd house, the native craves for relationship beyond the marital relationship. The native is highly passionate and provided the planets which can give passion (Venus- Mars or Mercury- Moon) are also under picture, the native shall have relationships outside the social boundaries. This also means that the native have multiple marriages with the break of former marriage concludes into latter marriages. This indication however comes true, only if the 8th house is afflicted (malefics in 8th and/or 8th lord weak and afflicted). Since Lagna lord also brings the influence of Moon on the 2nd house while placed there, the natives sometimes find their wealth fluctuating, since Moon shows fluctuations to the indications where it is placed. Satya Jatakam: If the lagna lord is placed in the 2nd house endowed with strength and having Shubha yoga, the native will become rich and enjoy all kinds of happiness. COVA: If the Lord is in the second house, the native is scholarly, wealthy, happy, religious, honourable and passionate. Progenic bliss will be hard to obtain.
Lagna lord in Third house If Lagna Lord is in Sahaja Sthana, the native is courageous like a Lion (siṁhatulyaparākramī), endowed with all kinds of
material luxury (sarvasampadyuto), honourable (mānī), have two wives (dvibhāryo), be intelligent (matimān) and blissful (sukhī).
ऱनेशे सिहे िा जैसह ुलयऩराकम। सवसतऩ ैुो मानी जैभाय ममान ्स ुख ी॥ ३॥ lagneśe sahaje jātaḥ siṁhatulyaparākramī |
sarvasampadyuto mānī dvibhāryo matimān sukhī ..3.. Valorous: Third house is the house of valour, younger siblings, communication and sexual morality. When the Lagna lord is placed in the third house the ideals and intelligence (Lagna) is focused on the matters of third house. The symbol of Lion in the matter of courage shows that while the natives of this combination are valorous, they are principled in the matter of courage and will only show the courage at the time of need, like a Lion. However, they are calm and composed at other times and well behaved too. This is similar to the behaviour of Lion, when it is not on its hunting spree. In addition, when the Lion has quenched its hunger, it does not long for its hunt anymore and generously leave the remains for the lesser predators. This indicate that native with this combination shall be generous while courageous and shall not display their courage every now and then. This indication is stronger if Lagna lord is a malefic and/or the 3rd house is aspected by malefics and/or the karaka for valour Mars is well placed. The Karaka s aspect on the house enhances the significations of the house, related to that Karaka. Thus while the Lagna lord is placed in the Lagna, Mars also aspects or placed in the 3rd house, the native is extremely courageous. How he displays his power in this world is a different matter however, which needs to be seen from the 3rd or 6th from the Arudha Lagna. In the real life the quality of courage translates into risk taking behaviour. Hence when the Lagna lord is placed in the 3rd house, such people become high risk taker. Because they are not afraid of anything, they more than often take initiative in whatever comes their way. This makes them a natural leader and respected by their peers. However, as mentioned before this, influence to be strong on the native, the karaka Mars should be well placed and/ or influence the 3rd house. Endowed with Luxuries: The third house is also given the name of Upachaya, which represents growth. When the Lagna lord is placed in the Upachaya, the native like to gain ’
from the environment surrounding them and they are in the pursuit of procuring all the materials of comfort. The important necessities of growth are Intelligence and effort. Among the four upachayas, namely 3/6/10/11, the 3rd and 6th house shows the intelligence required for the growth (from Lagna it is the growth of self) while the 10th and the 11th shows the efforts. Thus, if the Lagna lord is placed in the 3rd house or 6th house, the natives are intelligent and also called Dhi-Mantah. To illustrate this, Maharishi says that the natives with the Lagna lord placed in the 3rd house are Mati-maan (Mati means intelligence and Maan means endowed with). Along with this Maharishi used the term Sukhi or happiness. This is a continuous endeavour of human to attain happiness in their life. Thus a person having the mentioned combination would take any kind of risk to attain the matters of comfort and having a happy life. The key thing here to be noted is that the native would rarely dependent on others to attain the comforts and shall use their intelligence instead. Passionate: Third house is also the house which governs the attitude towards sexual relationships and the sexual morals. Many say that this is also the house of Copulation. The placement of the Lagna lord in the 3rd house also draws the native towards these indications and hence the native becomes passionate. They crave to have sexual relationships with many, however, whether this shall be predominant in the nature of the native can only be seen from the combinations supporting or opposing it. While the combinations Venus- Mars or Moon- Mercury gives high sexual passion, Ketu helps in curbing the same. All the influences needed to be taken before pronouncing the result. This is why Maharishi says that the native with the Lagna lord in the 3rd house have two wives. Satya Jatakam: The person will become famous and powerful with the help of his brothers. He will be proficient in music or astrology. COVA: If the Lord is in the third house, the native is courageous, wealthy, honourable, fortunate, intelligent, happy and passionate. Brothers will be helpful. Lagna lord in fourth house If Lagna Lord is in fourth house, the native will be endowed with paternal and maternal happiness (pitṛmātṛsukhānvitaḥ); will have many brothers (bahubhrātṛ yutaḥ), be lustful (kāmī), virtuous and charming (guṇarūpasamanvitaḥ).
ऱनेशे स ाजैव। ुखगे बाऱ जैऩ ृमा ृस ुख बह कामी ग ्ैा ुणऩसमव॥ ४॥ ृय ु ु भर lagneśe sukhage bālaḥ pitṛmātṛsukhānvitaḥ | bahubhrātṛ yutaḥ kāmī guṇarūpasamanvitaḥ ..4.. Fourth house is the house of happiness and governed by the primary karaka Moon. Since Lagna carry the influence of Sun, the karaka for the Lagna, its placement in the 4th house being the lord of its Karaka Moon, is deemed to be auspicious for the 4th house matters. Since the predominant element for the 4th house is water, which represents love, care and comfort placement of a fiery planet can cause some disturbance. Many brothers: Since lagna lord behave like Sun, placement of the lagna lord in the 4th house can have influence of fiery element on the 3rd house through dharnargala, which cause presence of many brothers. Lustful: Since the 4th house is the house of activities for the 7th house, being the 10th from it, it is also said to be the house of sexual activities. Placement of a fiery planet in the 4th house can make the native lustful or aggressive (fire) in sexual activities. Since Lagna lord represents Sun, its placement in the 4th house can bring the fiery influence here. Virtuous & Charming: Fourth house is the house of heart or inner conscience. Placement of the lord of ideals (lagna lord) in the 4th brings the sense of ideals to the house conscience; hence such natives are conscientious and follow their heart s call in all matters. Thus have can be called as virtuous and charming. Satya Jatakam: The native will acquire must landed property and conveyances. He will inherit the property of his mother and enjoy all kinds of happiness and comforts. COVA: If the Lord is in the fourth house, parental happiness is assured. Endowed with co-borns, properties (virtues and charm), the native leads a happy life. He works with a missionary zeal. ’
Lagna lord in fifth house If Lagna Lord is in fifth house, the native will have mediocre progenic happiness (sutasaukhyaṁ ca madhyamam), will lose his first child (prathamāpaty anāśaḥ), be honourable (syānmānī), angry (krodhī) and be dear to king (n ṛpapriyaḥ).
ऱनेशे स ुगे िो स ुसौयं च मयमम ्। ऩथतमाऩयनाश यामानी कर ्ैोधी न ृपऩऩयत॥ ५॥ lagneśe sutage jantoḥ sutasaukhyaṁ ca madhyamam |
prathamāpatyanāśaḥ syānmānī krodhī nṛpapriyaḥ ..5.. Lose first child: Since 5th house is the house of genesis of children, influence of fiery element can cause disturbance in the matters of children which is ruled by watery element. Thus lagna lord s placement can cause troubles in the matters of begetting children, if not death of first child, since it brings the influence of Sun, wherever it is placed. Honourable: 5th house is the house of power and authority and knowledge among other things. Placement of the Lagna lord in this house brings strong focus of these areas in the life of the native and he attains high position and knowledge and thus respected by his fellow people. Given to anger: 5th house is the house of inner harmony (in Sanskrit it is known as Chitta) and can strongly influence the lagna. Planets placed in the 5th and 9th house can strongly influence the nature and behavior of the native. Since lagna lord carries the tendencies of Sun, its placement in the 5th house can make the person harsh, angry and irascible. Dear to king: Due to presence of the lord of self in the house of knowledge and authority, they can become good political advisors, that s why it is said that such person becomes dear to king. It can also mean that such natives can occupy the positions of power and authority to aid the government or the ruling party. Satya Jatakam: The native will be dear to the king and nobles or he may be adopted by great people and will win the blessings of the deities indicated by the planets having benefic influences on the 5th. COVA: If the Lord is in the fifth house, progenic bliss is not assured and the first child could be lost. The native is honourable, friendly, short-tempered and a favourite of the rulers, but tends to serve others. ’
Lagna lord in the 6th house If Lagna Lord is in Ari Bhava and related to a malefic the native will be devoid of physical happiness (dehasaukhyavivarjitaḥ) and will be troubled by enemies (śatrutaḥ pīḍā), if afflicted by malefics (pāpā ḍhye). However this will not happen if they are under benefic influences (saumyadṛṣṭivivarjite).
ऱनेशे ष गे िाो देहसौजयवपिव। ऩाऩाढये शर ्ैु ऩीडा सौयजैजैवपिवे॥ ६॥ lagneśe ṣaṣṭhage jāto dehasaukhyavivarjita ḥ | pāpāḍhye śatrutaḥ pīḍā saumyadṛṣṭivivarjite ..6..
Devoid of physical happiness: Sixth is the house of diseases and enemies. The diseases signified by the sixth house is predominantly pathogenic (causes by pathogens such as malaria, flu etc.) and thus can make the native sickly. However, if there are benefic influences, the native shall be free from all diseases and could become a curer of diseases such as a doctor. Troubled by enemies: In addition to enemies, sixth house also rules enemies and thieves. If the lagna lord is placed in the 6th house without any benefic influences the native can be troubled by enemies and suffer due to theft. However if there are benefic influences, the native shall conquer his enemies and free from the troubles of theft. Satya Jatakam: The native may rise to high positions in the army or be a good doctor. COVA: If the Lord is in the sixth house, debts and ill health are indicated. Enemies will trouble him. He will be intelligent and courageous. If benefices aspect or during the period of Lagnesh it will destroy enemies, help in acquiring wealth and a royal status. Early loss of spouse is indicated. Lagna lord in seventh house If Lagna Lord is a malefic and is placed in Yuvati Bhava, the native s wife will not live (long) (bhāryā tasya na jīvati). If the Graha in question is a benefic, one will either face penury (daridro) or a renunciate (virakto) or even a king (nṛpo'pi). ’
ऱनेशे स मे ऩाऩे भायार ् य न िीपव। श ्ैो वा जैवरो वा न ुभऽे टनो दरदर ृऩोऽजैऩ वा॥ ७॥ lagneśe saptame pāpe bhāryā tasya na jīvati | śubhe'ṭano daridro vā virakto vā n ṛpo'pi vā ..7.. Short life to wife: Lagna is the 7th house of maraka from the 7th house of spouse. Reckoning from the 7th house, placement of a maraka in the said house can show short life. Wanderer: 7th house is the house of travel like 3rd, 9th and 12th houses. When Lagna lord is placed in the 7th house, the person wanders about aimlessly, as if trying to find something somewhere, not knowing what. Poverty & renunciation: The poverty mentioned here is more like a sense of deprivation, which comes out of unfulfilled desires. Since 7th house is the house of desires, placement of the Lagna lord in this house, put more than due emphasis to their fulfilment and they are said to leave in a dream world, with many unfulfilled desires. Due to the sense of deprivation, often such native develops a sense of renunciation. It is often said that such natives shall have
fluctuating fortunes. Kinghood: Since placement of the Lagna in a Kendra can make a person well placed in life, placement of Lagna lord in the 7th can also give similar results, which means it can make the person powerful and influential, provided, the Lagna lord is placed with Subha Yoga. Satya Jatakam: The native will reside in foreign countries or in the house of father in law. He will be immoral and have illicit relations with many women. He will be given to pleasures and will adorn himself with sandal paste and garlands. COVA: If the Lord is in the seventh house, wife is short lived; more than one marriage and misfortunes are indicated. Unless the Lagnesh is strong the native could become an ascetic or nomad. If strong, great wealth and prosperity are indicated. Lagna lord in eighth house If Lagna Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be an accomplished scholar (siddhavidyāviśāradaḥ) in occult sciences, be sickly (rogī), thievish (cauro), be angry
(mahākrodhī), be a gambler (dyūtī) and will have extramarital affairs (paradāragaḥ). ऱनेशेऽमगे िा जैस जैव ैाजैवशारद। रोगी चौरो महाकर ्ैोधी ैी च ऩरदारग॥ ८॥ lagneśe'ṣṭamage jātaḥ siddhavidyāviśāradaḥ | rogī cauro mahākrodhī dyūtī ca paradāraga ḥ ..8.. Scholar: Eighth house is the house of occult and governs hidden forms of knowledge. It connects one to the world which is not seen, but experienced. Since it is 5th house from the 4th house of learning, it also shows knowledge gained and consolidated from the initial formal learning. Since it rules hidden forms of knowledge, it can well be associated with research studies, which strives to uncover something which not yet uncovered. Placement of the lagna lord in the 8th house, thus can give the focus of the native life towards the pursuit of research studies and all forms of knowledge. Being the one carrying influence of Sun to the house it is placed, it can show the light of Sun to this house. Sickly: Eighth house is the house of diseases which arise out of physical weakness of the body. If the lagna lord is placed in the 8th house and afflicted then the person suffers from bodily weaknesses which manifest in terms of manifold diseases. Since 8th house is relates to weaknesses carried from previous life, the physical troubles manifest quite early
in the native s life. Thievish & Angry: If the lagna lord is afflicted in the 8th house, such natives suffer due to thieving psychology. When the lagna lord is placed in the 8th house, Lagna will be placed in the 6th house from the Lagna lord, showing that the person shall suffer from the weakness signified by the 6th house. Gambler: Eighth house is the house of gambling and hidden wealth, hence placement of the lagna lord in the eighth house make the native gambling and invest his wealth in financial instruments where the risk is very high. The gain or loss of money through gabling however is dependent on the benefic or malefic influences on the lagna lord in eighth. Immoral: Eighth house is the house of break of marriage being the 2nd house of Maraka from the house of marriage, 7th. Placement of the Lagna lord in the 8th house makes the native neglect the marital relationship and involve in extramarital adventures. However, it is more dependent on affliction to Venus and the Lagna lord. When the lagna lord is afflicted, the ideals are weak and such native compromise their principles often. Thus if the lagna lord is placed in the 8th house with benefic influences, then this indication is largely mitigated. Satya Jatakam: The native will have long live but will be poor. He shall be helpful and courteous and in his behaviour. He will be sweet spoken, hardworking and driven by the sense of duty. COVA: If the Lord is in the eighth house, the native is learned, diseased, short-tempered, unfortunate, a gambler, profligate and disrepute. Married life will be miserable and wealth nil. ’
Lagna lord in ninth house If Lagna Lord is in Dharma Bhava, the native will be fortunate (bhāgyavāñ), dear to people (janavallabha ḥ), be a devotee of Śrī Vishnu (viṣṇubhaktaḥ), eloquent (paṭurvāgmī) and be endowed with wife, sons and wealth (dāraputradhanairyutaḥ).
ऱनेशे भायगे िाो भायवा नवलऱभ। जैवण ु त॥ ९॥ ुभ ऩट ु वाम दारऩ ुधतनय lagneśe bhāgyage jāto bhāgyavāñjanavallabha ḥ | viṣṇubhaktaḥ paṭurvāgmī dāraputradhanairyuta ḥ ..9.. Fortunate & Endowed with wife, sons and wealth: Ninth house is the house of good luck and fortune. Placement of the lord of self in the 9th house of fortune, make the person
fortunate and the person accomplishes whatever he does without many obstacles. Since the karaka of the 9th house, Jupiter is a friend of Sun; the karaka for the Lagna, such placement of the Lagna lord in the ninth house is very fortunate combination and the native is endowed with all round happiness of family, wealth etc. Dear to people: The natives of this combination are good natured, philanthropic and amicable, which makes them popular among their community and dear to them. Devotee of lord Vishnu: Ninth house is the house of dharma and the beholder of dharma is lord Vishnu. Placement of the Lagna lord in the 9th house gives the blessings of lord Vishnu and such natives would be a keen devotee of lord Vishnu. Skilful: When the lagna lord is placed in the ninth house, Lagna falls in the 5th house from the Lagna lord, this makes the 5th house indications quite strong over the native and he becomes quite able and skilful to carry out various activities. Eloquent in speech: Since the karaka for speech is Jupiter, placement of Lagna lord in the 9th house, karaka for which is Jupiter and Sun being a friend of Jupiter, enhance the significations of Jupiter. Hence such natives shall be eloquent in speech. This is equally true when the lagna lord is placed in the 2nd, 5th and 11th, whose karaka is also Jupiter. The significations of various sense organs are: Sight : Sun & Mars (fire) Smell : Mercury (earth) Taste : Venus (water) Touch : Saturn (air) Placement of the lagna lord in the houses signified by different planets shall show prominence of particular sense organs over others. Satya Jatakam: The native will be charitable and devoted to preceptor. His father will be reputed and the native shall gain property and wealth from his father. COVA: If the Lord is in the ninth house, the native is fortunate, popular, skilled, eloquent with a happy family, wealth and blessed by Jupiter (Sri Maha Vishnu). Lagna lord in Tenth house If Lagna Lord is in Karma Bhava, the native will be endowed with paternal happiness (pitṛsaukhyasamanvita ḥ), royal honour (nṛpamānyo), famous in his community (jane khyātaḥ) and will doubtlessly have self-earned wealth (svārjitasvo na saṁśayaḥ).
ऱने दशमे िा जैऩ ृसौयसमव। न ृऩमायो िने या वािजैवो न संशय॥ १०॥ lagneśe daśame jātaḥ pitṛsaukhyasamanvita ḥ | nṛpamānyo jane khyāta ḥ svārjitasvo na sa ṁśayaḥ .. 10.. Paternal happiness: Similar to the placement of the Lagna lord in the 4th house, natives with the lagna lord in the 10th house are endowed with paternal happiness. Many say that 10th represent father, being the 7th from the 4th house. Even though shastras clearly mention the 9th to be the house of father, nevertheless, 10th house is also found to have a great say on the happiness from father in particular and parents in general. Royal honour: 10th house is the domain of karma in this life. Placement of the Lagna lord in the 10th house makes the person dutiful and focuses the life of the native towards fulfilling his duty. If they are bound to government, this quality does not get unnoticed and they are recognized for their contribution to the state and people. Fame: Similar to Lagna, 10th house is also the house of fame. Placement of the Lagna in the 10th house can give undying fame to the native, provided there is Shubha yoga on the 10th. In addition to this combination, influence of Moon or Jupiter can accentuate the indication. Self made: Since 10th house is the house of duties and activities, when lagna lord is placed in the 10th house, such natives rarely take any help and support from others, rather tread their path alone. Since they are bound to their duties and action, they are often successful in their endeavours and thus can categorically be called a self made man. Satya Jatakam: The person shall acquire name and fame. His occupation will be the one denoted by the lord of the tenth house. He will gain power and authority, if the lagna lord is strongly placed. COVA: If the Lord is in the tenth house, the native is honourable, famous, self-made, blessed by his parents and Sri Ganesha, ambitious and prosperous. Lagna lord in eleventh house If Lagna Lord is in Labha Bhava, the native will always be endowed with gains (sadā lābhasamanvita ḥ), amicable (suśīlaḥ), fame and achievements (khyātakīrtiśca) and many wives (bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ).
ऱनेशे ऱाभगे िा सदा ऱाभसमव। स ु त॥ ११॥ ुशीऱ याकजै बह ुणय ु दारग
lagneśe lābhage jātaḥ sadā lābhasamanvita ḥ | suśīlaḥ khyātakīrtiśca bahudāragu ṇairyutaḥ ..11.. Gainful: Eleventh house is the house of gain and placement of lagna lord in this house can indicate gains from various sources. Virtuous: Similar to 2nd house placement of the Lagna lord, placement of the lagna lord in the 11th house can make the native virtuous, since the like the 2nd house karaka for the 11th is also Jupiter. Such natives feel happier by helping others and are charitable in nature. Since, placement of any house lord in the 11th house enhance the indication of the house, placement of lagna lord in such position can give strong ideals and determination to the native. Fame: Since lagna is the house of fame, placement of the lagna lord in the house of gain, shows gain of fame. Due to their good qualities they are also honoured in their communities. Achievement: Eleventh is the house of gains and fulfilment of objectives. Hence lagna lord in the 11th house, enable the native to fulfil his objectives even under adverse circumstances. Many wives: Many wives here do not necessarily mean that the native is passionate and licentious. It can only mean that the native can sustain a big family due to the accessibility to the resources they have. In cultures which allow multiple marriages, it can show multiple marriages too. Satya Jatakam: The native will be fortunate and be famous. He will gain in all enterprises and be benefited by his elder brother. He shall acquire the articles indicated by the 11th lord. COVA: If the Lord is in the eleventh house, the native will have a good income, reputation, love affairs/ wives and will have excellent qualities of head and heart. He will be blessed by Sri Hara. Lagna lord in Twelfth house If Lagna Lord is in Vyaya Bhava and is devoid of benefic aspect or conjunction, the native will be bereft of physical happiness (dehasaukhyavivarjita), will spend unfruitfully
(vyarthavyayī) and be angry (mahākrodhī). ऱनेशे यभावथे देहसौजयवपिव। थर ्यी महाकर ्ैोधी श ुभयोगपिवे॥ १२॥ lagneśe vyayabhāvasthe dehasaukhyavivarjita ḥ | vyarthavyayī mahākrodhī śubhadṛgyogavarjite ..12..
Bereft of physical happiness: 12th house is one of the
dusthana, however quite feeble in its affect as compared to others namely 6th and 8th house. Placement of the lagna lord in a dusthana can show health troubles. Moreover, since it is house of loss, placement of any house lord show losses related to the significations of the concerned houses. Since lagna represent health, placement of the Lagna lord in the 12th house can show loss of health. However, under benefic influences, it can show recovery from illnesses too, since 12th house governs hospitals. Unwanted expenses: 12th house is the house of losses or expenses. If the lagna lord is placed in the 12th house, such natives cannot save much money, whatever income they have, they shall find the means to spend it. However, if there are beneficial influences on the 12th house, Angry: Since the karaka for the 12th house is Saturn which is an enemy of the karaka for the Lagna, the Sun, it shows the inherent conflict in the nature of the person. Thus this can make a person irascible and short tempered. Satya Jatakam: The native shall be religious and be involved in charitable deeds. He will have a happy and comfortable life. He will be calm and composed. He will do meritorious deeds with a view to achieve happiness in heavenly worlds. He will spend the paternal wealth in good ways; however his wealth will gradually decline. COVA: If the Lord is in the twelfth house, the native will be the cause of his own misfortunes, physical felicity will be lacking and temper will be short. He will be a spendthrift and expenses will depend on the nature of the ascendant/twelfth Lord. Bengali BPHS (Harihar Mazumdar):
Lagna lord in the lagna gives good health, self sufficiency, intelligent, fickle mindedness, two marriages and passion. Lagna lord in either 2nd or 11th makes a person troubled, amicable, religious, honourable, virtuous and endowed with many wives. In addition, placement of the lagna lord in the 2nd house causes difficulties in bearing children. Lagna lord in the 3rd or the 6th makes the native valorous like a lion, endowed with material happiness, two wives, intelligent and blissful. In addition, placement of the lagna lord in the 3rd makes the native fulfil his sexual drives unnaturally; however its placement in the 6th can give health troubles except for those born in Taurus and Scorpio Lagna. But for these
two lagnas, placement of lagna lord in the 6th can give short life to the first spouse. Lagna lord in the 4th or the 10th house gives happiness from the parents, many siblings, passion, virtues and beauty. In addition, when the lagna lord is placed in the 4th house, the person belongs to a good lineage. However, when lagna lord is placed in the 10th house, such native becomes a self made person. When lagna lord is in the 5th house, the native has middling happiness from children. The first child does not survive for such natives and they are short tempered and involved in activities of the govt. such as bureaucracy. When lagna lord is placed in the 7th house, the spouse does not live long; they are sometimes like king and sometimes poor and dejected. When Lagna lord is placed in the 8th or the 12th house, the native becomes expert in occult studies and a scholar, gambler, thievish, extremely angry, passionate and immoral. Lagna lord in the 9th house makes the person fortunate, popular, devotee of lord Vishnu, eloquent speaker, endowed with a good family life (spouse and children) Summary of placement of lagna lord in different houses House# Results 1 Physical happiness and prowess, Intelligent, Fickle-mindedness, Have two wives, Extramarital relationships 2 Gainful, Scholarly, happy, Virtuous, Religious, 3 Valorous, Wealthy, Honourable, Have two wives, Intelligent, Happy 4 Parental happiness, many brothers, Lustful, Virtuous, Charming 5 Mediocre progenic happiness, trouble to first child, Honourable, Angry, Dear to king 6 Only if no benefic aspects, Devoid of physical happiness, Troubled by enemies 7 If benefic lagna lord Wander aimlessly, Face penury, Dejected, If malefic lagna lord become a
king 8 Accomplished scholar, Sickly, Thievish, Angry, Gambler, Extra marital relationship 9 Fortunate, Dear to people, Devotee of Vishnu, Skilful, Eloquent, Endowed with wife, sons and Wealth 10 Paternal happiness, Royal honour, Fame, Selfearned Wealth 11 Endowed with gains, virtuous, Fame, Many Wives 12 Bereft of physical happiness, Spend unfruitfully, Angry Reference: Brihat Parashari Hora Shastra- Santhanam Brihat Parashari Hora Shastra- Harihara Mazumdar 3. Satya Jatakam- Santhanam 4. Crux of Vedic Astrology- Pt. Sanjay Rath