A list of Dargahs for Ziyarat with Summary of each
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List of Dargahs In Hyderabad 1. Hazarath Syed Yousufain Chisty 2. Hazarath Syed Shareefain Chisty (These two great Saints are the disciples of “Hazrat Kaleeullah !ahan"adi #.$. % whose &argah Shareef is infront of #edfort' "eside !aa as)id &elhi* +. Hazrat Khaoosh ,i"la #.$. -. Hazrat Khwa)a ah"oo"allah Hazrat Khwa)a ah"oo"allah is not only /nown as a great Sufi saint "ut a 0ersatile genius' a great scholar' a great preacher' educationist' oralist' the re0i0er of sunnah' an indwelling reforer. . &argah f Sufi Saint Hazrat Hussain Shah 3ali 4. azar565$/das f Hazrat Shah Syed Sharfuddin Soharwardi (#a*'7ahadi Shareef' Hydera"ad 7 &argah f 8aous Sufi Saints f Hydera"ad5Hazrat Syed !ahangir 7eeran (#a* $nd Hazrat Syed Shah 9urhanuddin $uliya (#a* .
:. Hazarath Syed ohiuddin ohiuddin 7eera 7eera ;. Hazarath Syed <)ale Shah Saa" 1=. Hazarath Syed !alal Shah Chisty 11. Hazarath Syed !alal Shah Khadari 12. Hazarath Syed Chirag Shah "a"a 1+. Hazarath Syed >azar eha"oo" $li Shah Khadari Hazrat Khwa)a ah"oo"allah is not only /nown as a great Sufi saint "ut a 0ersatile genius' a great scholar' a great preacher' educationist' educationist' oralist' the re0i0er of sunnah' an indwelling reforer' a proinent poet' a theologian' and possessed of 0ery high and perfect spiritual /nowledge. Hazrat Khwa)a ah"oo"allah was "orn on 2;th sha"an 124+ Hi)ri in ,azipura' a locality in the old city of Hydera"ad near historic charinar. Hazrat Khwa)a ah"oo"allah?s full nae was Syed ohaed Siddi@ $li Hussaini $lias Kha)a iya. His poetical nae was Khul@. ah"oo"ullah was the nae gi0en to hi "y the $lighty Creator Creator through /ashf /ashf (spiritually* (spiritually* 1-. Hazarath Syed $"dullah Shah Khadari. The Auliya is belongs to AAL Mubarak ( Descendent ) of Hazrat Shaik Abdul Khader illani !iz"an !iz"an allahi Thalaah Alaihi# Alaihi# a$#aeen% 1. Hazarath aulana oiziddin Tur/ey (Koheer* 14. Hazarath uradshah &holi (#.$.* uradnagar. 1 | Pag e
41. Hazarath Syed Khwa)a Hussain Shah ali (Toli Chow/i* 42. Hazarath Syed is/een Shah 9a"a ( #ahathullah alaih * ' 7ahadi Shareef 4+. Hazrat Shay/h ul5asha?i/h Seyyid uhaad Hasan !eeli5Kaleei Chishti (who was a "lood descendant descendant of Hazrat Hazrat Khwa)a $"dul5,adir $"dul5,adir !eelani* !eelani*
4-. Hazrat Shay/h ul5asha?i/h Seyyid uhaad $"u5Hashi adani Chishti' the urshid of Hazrat Sufi Enayat Khan.
4. Hazrat Syed $hed 9adepah (#$* 44. ,utu" ul Hind hafiz syedna ir shu)auddin hussain @adri r.a. who was the great wali of his tie and founder of first islaic school and /han/a in hyd and the Hazrath Kaha)a ana"oo"
4:. azar5e5u"ara/ azar5e5u"ara/ of Hazarath Syed Siddi@ Shah 9a"a rh. Et is located in side the ehdipatna ilitary area. Et is said that he was a great saint who used to pray in a )ungle surrounded surrounded "y wild anials. anials.
4;. azar5e5u"ara/ of Hazarath iran Shah Hussaiani rh. This azar also located near &argah Hazarat Hussain Hussain Shah 3ali rh (at Shai/pet*. Et is "elie0e that he was a great saint of his tie and his gra0e is located inside a ca0e.
A=. Sayed Sultan Sha /hadri hanfi5sufi auliya. #epalle' Funtur &istrict' $ndhra 7radesh A1. Hazrat Shah ohaed Hassan ,i"la (#$* $"ul
A-. Shai/ ul Esla aulana Hafez Hazrat $nwar ulla Shah 8aroo@i (#$* was the 8ounder of !aia >izaia. A. &argah5e5Hazrat &argah5e5Hazrat 3attan (#$*5Chisty5Chaan5Hydera"ad (#$*5Chisty5Chaan5Hydera"ad A4. Hazrat Syed Sahe" 9a/riyaan 3ale (#$* AA. Hazrat Shai/ !i Halli $"ul
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