Multiple literacies
Abstract In this research paper we will try to show importance and effects of multiple literacies related to e- learning and knowledge management as well as examining the teaching and evaluation strategies used by teachers in the classroom. To be able to communicate in more than one language today is vital for those who wish to work, compete and succeed in the corporate world. ue to globali!ation and digitali!ation multiple literacy has become normal thing among developed world. In this paper we examine two research survey, first is about regarding the importance and challenges of literacy education, second one is about teachers influence on learning multiple literacy in different parts of "hina. Introduction The theory of multiliteracy encourages the engagement with multiple literacy methods # linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, spatial, and multimodal # to learn and communicate. Multiliteracy encompasses a new modern approach to literacy literacy.. The traditional definition of literacy has been widened to include the understanding of all types of visual and printed texts as well as textual connections including audio, spatial and gestural. There are multiple literacies which are included under the term $multiliteracy.$ The introduction of learning a foreign language in language in schools was the beginning of the more familiar language multiliteracy. Multiliteracies is a term coined by the %ew &ondon 'roup. ()* +ecause the way people communicate is changing due to new technologies, and shifts in the usage of the nglish language within different cultures, a new $literacy$ must also be used and developed.There are two maor topics that demonstrate the way multiliteracies can be used. The first is due to the world becoming smaller, communication between other cultureslanguages is necessary to anyone. The usage of the nglish language is also being changed. /hile it seems that nglish is the common, global language, there are different dialects and subcultures that all speak different nglishes nglishes.. ue to changes in the world, especially globali!ation and an increase in immigration, a debate has arisen about the way students are instructed and learning in school. nglish, and all subects, should evolve to incorporate multimodal ways of communication. +ody0 Method In one of the survey researchers used a )1-item 2uestionnaire developed to investigate participants3 understanding of multiple literacies and their related teaching practices 2uestionnaire consisted of two parts0 4art ) 5items ) # 67 comprised 2uestions that served to
evaluate the general views of participants on multiple literacies, while items in 4art 8 5items 9 # )17 were specifically designed to determine the extent to which participants apply multiple literacies into practice. The response rate was )::;. In second survey researchers used bilingual 2uestioner. 8 women and 61 men returned the 2uestionnaire. ?f these teachers, ):) came from "atholic school boards and =1@ came from public school boards ))9 worked for Brench language boards and =1: for nglish language boards. 7, B F 1.=6, p H .:@. It was found found that most Cong Dong 5G=.>;7 and Ehen!hen 5>>.8;7 teachers employed both print and non-print media in their daily teaching. Eecond survey showed us that the teachers who answered the research 2uestionnaire represent a varied degree of teaching experience, from less than year 5=,6 percent7 to over 8: years 58:,@ percent7, with the largest group 58@,1@ percent7 having 6 to ): years of teaching t eaching experience. Eee Bigure ). %umber of ears ears Teaching Teaching at the lementary le mentary &evel, and Bigure 8. &evel Taught in the 4ast Bor at &east a Bull ear, ear, in Appendices. Appendices. Approximately one third of the schools3 student student population where the respondents res pondents teach are exceptional learners, many with identifiable needs.
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