NEW BORN CARE Objectives
Describe the normal characteristics of a term newborn. Assess a newborn for normal growth and development. Formulate nursing diagnoses diagnoses related to a newborn or the family of a newborn. Identify expected outcomes for a newborn and family during the first 4 weeks of life. lif e. Plan nursing care to augment normal development of a newborn, such as ways to aid parent-child bonding Implement nursing care of a normal newborn, such as administering a first bath or instructing parents on how to care for their newborn. Evaluate expected outcomes to determine effectiveness of nursing care and outcomes achievement. Use critical thinking to analyze ways that the care of a term newborn can be more family centered. Integrate knowledge of newborn growth & development and immediate care needs with the nursing process to achieve quality maternal and child health nursing care.
The Neonate
From birth through the first 28 days of life Also called “the newborn period” Adaptation to extrauterine life requires r equires rapid and profound physiologic changes This includes aeration of the lungs, rerouting of the circulation and activation of the GI tract Behavioral states: quiet sleep, active sleep, drowsy, alert, fussy, and crying 2/3 of all deaths that occur during the 1st year of life occur during this period; more than half occur in the 1st 24 hours after birth---an indication of how hazardous this time is for an infant How well a NB makes major adjustments depends on his or her: Genetic composition o The competency of the recent intrauterine i ntrauterine environment o The care received during the neonatal period o o
PRINCIPLES IN IMMEDIATE NEW BORN CARE 1st day of life 1. initia initiatio tionn and mainte maintenan nance ce of respir respirati ation on (used bulb syringe initiate a/w)
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
establish establishment ment of extra uterine uterine circulatio circulationn cont contro roll of body body temp temp intake intake of adeq adequa uate te nou nouris rishme hment nt establ establish ishmen mentt of waste waste elim elimina inatio tionn prev preven enti tion on of inf infec ectio tionn establish establishment ment of an infant infant parent parent relationsh relationship ip dev’t dev’t care that that balanc balances es rest rest and stimula stimulation tion or menta mentall dev’t dev’t
Immediate care of the newborn. A-airway (most neonatal deaths with in 24 h caused by inability to initiate a/w, lung function begins after birth only)
body temperature B- body C-check/asses the newborn D-determined identification I. Establish and Maintain a Patent Airway / Effective Respiration
Nursing Interventions: 1. Wipe Wipe the mouth mouth and and nose nose secretio secretions ns after after delivery delivery of the the head head 2. Suction Suction secret secretions ions from from the the mouth mouth and nose prope properly rly.. Catheter Suctioning
1.) Place head to side to facilitate drainage 2.) Suction mouth 1st before nose -neonates are nasal breathers 3.) Period of time -5-10 sec suctioning, gentle and quick Prolonged and deep suctioning can lead to hypoxia, laryngo spasm, brady cardia due to stimulation vagal nerve 4.) Evaluate for patency -cover nostril and baby struggles there’s a need for additional suctioning
2 “If not effective, requires effective effective laryngoscopy to open a/w. After deep suctioning an endotracheal tube can be inserted and oxygen can be administered by an (+) pressure bag and mask with 100% oxygen at 40-60b/m.”
Nsg alert: No smoking Always humidify to prevent drying of mucosa Over dosage of oxygen can lead to scarring of retina leading to blindness ( retro lentalfibrolasia or retinopathy of prematurity) When mecomium stained (greenish) never administer oxygen with pressure ( O2 pressure will push mecomium inside)
3. Stimulate Stimulate the baby baby to cry if baby does does not cry spontan spontaneous eously ly or if baby’s baby’s cry is weak. “A crying infant is a breathing infant. Effective cry means effective breathing ”
Do not slap the buttocks but rub the soles of the feet Do not stimulate the NB to cry unless the secretions have been suctioned to prevent aspiration The normal infant cry is loud & lusty. Observe for the ff. abnormal cry: High-pitched cry : hypoglycemia, increased ICP Weak cry: prematurity Hoarse cry: laryngeal stridor
4. Oral mucus mucus may cause cause the NB NB to choke, choke, cough cough or gag during during the first first 12 to 18 hours of of life. Place Place the neonate in a position that would promote drainage of secretions Trendelenburg (contraindicated to Increased ICP) Trendelenburg Side-Lying 5. Keep the nares nares patent. patent. Remove Remove mucus and and other particles particles w/c can can cause obstruct obstruction ion as newborns newborns are “obligatory nasal breathers” until they are about 2-3 weeks old. 6. Give O2 as needed needed.. Oxygen Oxygen should be given given for 20-30 20-30 minutes minutes when the neonate neonate remains remains cyanotic cyanotic or tachycardic after initial suctioning and stimulation. * asphyxiation → hypoxia → hypercapnia(↑ CO2) → acidosis → coma → death •
• •
Obse Observ rvee preca precauti ution on in givi giving ng oxyg oxygen en Do not give more than 40% O2 as this may lead to retrolental fibroplasia (blood vessels of the eyes become spastic leading to blindness) Use pulse pulse oxim oximete eterr and and monito monitorr O2 conc concent entrat ration ion every every hour hour
7. If the heart heart rate falls falls below 60 60 bpm, cardia cardiacc massage massage may need need to be carried carried out. out. II. Maintain Appropriate Body Temperature Temp Regulation
goal in temp regulation is to maintain it not less than 97.7% F (36.5 C) maintenance of temp is crucial on preterm and SGA (small for gestational age) - babies prone to hypothermia or cold stress o Neonates have “physiologic resilience” wherein they tend to adopt or take temperature of their own environment. (poikilothermic) “cold stress (hypothermia) is more dangerous than hyperthermia” Effects of cold stress Cold stress metabolic acidosis CNS depression Coma Death Every NB is born slightly acidotic. Any new build-up of acid may lead to life-threatening o metabolic acidosis, which can be lethal even to normal newborn infants. The average NB temp.@ birth is around 37.2°C. o o NB lose heat easily because: They have immature temp.-regulating system Of very little amount of subcutaneous fat to provide heat They have a larger body surface area that results in more heat loss They have little ability to conserve heat by changing posture and no ability to adjust its own clothing
Methods of Heat Loss in Newborn • Convection – the flow of heat
from the NB’s body surface to cooler surrounding air; ex: windows,
air conditioners • Conduction- the transfer of a body heat to a cooler solid object in contact with a baby; ex: baby placed on a cold counter • Radiation – the transfer of body heat to a cooler solid obj. not in contact with a baby; ex: cold window or air con
3 •
Evaporation –
loss of heat through conversion of a liquid to a vapor; ex: after delivery, newborns are wet, with amniotic fluid on their skin, tsb
Effects of Hypothermia ( Cold stress) 1.) Hypoglycemia- 45-55
mg/dl normal 50- borderline 2.) met acidosis-
catabolism of brown fats (best insulator of newborns body) will form ketones 3.) high risk for kernicterus- bilirubin in
brain leading to cerebral palsy 4.) additional fatigue to allergy stressful heart
To Prevent Hypothermia 1. Dry Dry and and wra wrap bbab abyy 2. Mechan Mechanica icall press pressure ure – radia radiant nt warm warmer er pre-heated first isolette (or square acrylic sided incubator) 3. Preven Preventt an nece necessa ssary ry expos exposure ure – cover cover baby baby 4. Cove Coverr baby baby with with tin tin foi foill or plas plasti ticc 5. Embrace the baby- kangaroo care 6. Delay initial bath until temp. has stabilized for at least 2 hours. 7. Maintain ambient temp. of nursery at 24°C or 75°F. 75°F. 8. Perform any extensive examination or procedure under radiant heat to prevent heat loss and expose only the part of the body to be examined. 9. Note the presence of any cyanosis: 2 types of cyanosis: a.) central cyanosis b.) peripheral cyanosis hands & feet are cyanotic, due to cold environment and poor circulation
Characteristic of Newborn The end of your journey has come after 40 weeks. The fruit of your labour (literally) will soon be in your hands. There are a few things you might want to know about your new arrival. Typically, a newborn baby has the following characteristic appearance: appearance: •
Weight: Weight: Average 2.8 kg for Indian babies (range 2.5 – 3.2 kg). Babies below 2.5 kg at birth are considered to be low birth weight and need special evaluation. Length : Approximately 50 cm. Remember, small women have small babies and many genetic factors also play a role in
determining the length of the baby.
4 Head: Head: Your baby’s head appears large for the body and may have an elongated shape or appear to have some ‘bumps’. This is due to changes called molding, which occurs in labour and delivery. Small bumps called ‘caput’ usually disappear in 1 – 2 days. Soon the head gets rounder. The head circumference is 33 – 35 cm.
Soft spots or Fontanelles: Fontanelles: There are 2 areas on the head where bone formation is incomplete at birth. The larger
one, in front of the head closes by 6 – 18 months. The smaller one at the back usually closes by 6 weeks. •
Hair : As all people vary, so does their hair. Your baby may have lots of hair or none at all! It depends on familial and racial factors.
Heart beats: beats: Usually the heart rate is 120 – 140 beats per minute.
Respiratory rate (breathing): It is faster than adults, usually 30 – 40 breaths / minute. Breathing may be noisy or stop
for many seconds. This is not uncommon. Colour : Depending on the parents, the skin colour of newborn varies. In general, newborn babies look flushed and pink all over. However, the palms and soles of the feet may look dusky or little bluish soon after birth.
Axillary temperature measurement. The thermometer should remain in place for 3 minutes. The nurse presses the newborn’s arm tightly but gently against the thermometer and the newborn’s side, as illustrated III. Perform Initial Assessment APGAR Scoring System
Developed by Dr. Virginia Virginia Apgar in 1958 It is a standardized method for evaluation of the newborn and serves as a baseline for future evaluations. o It is taken twice: initially @ 1 minute, and then @ 5 minutes after birth o Special Considerations: 1st 1 min – determine general condition of baby Next 5 min- determine baby’s capabilities to adjust extra uterinely Next 15 min – dependent on the 5 min o
APGAR Scoring System 1
0 A ppearance
Pale or blue all over absent No response
Body pink, extremities blue Below 100 grimace
A ctivity / Muscle
Limp, flaccid
Some flexion of th the extremities
Tone R espiratory Effort
Slow,irregular,weak cry
(Color) Pulse/♥ rate G rimace/Reflex Irritability
2 Pink all over Above 100 Sneezes,gags, coughs,vigorous cry and foot withdrawal Active motion/ well-flexed Good, strong,lusty cry
APGAR result
0 – 3 = severely depressed, need CPR, admission NICU 4 – 6 = moderately depressed, needs add’l suctioning & O2 7 - 10 =good/ healthy Silvermann & Anderson Scoring System o
Devised in 1956 and is a test used to evaluate or estimate the degrees of respiratory distress in newborns or the respiratory status of premature infants. A NB is observed and then scored on each of five criteria ---0,1 or 2. The scores are then added. (the scores of this system are interpreted as opposite of the Apgar)
Chest Mo Movement
The Silverman & Anderson Scoring Sys System tem 0 1 2 Synchronized respirations Lag on inspiration Seesaw respirations
Intercostal Retraction
Just visible
Xiphoid Retraction Nares Dilatation Expiratory Grunt
none none none
Just visible minimal Audible by stethoscope
Marked Marked Audible by unaided ear
Silvermann and Anderson Scoring Interpretation
0 : no respiratory distress 4-6 : moderate respiratory distress 7-10 : severe respiratory distress
5 IV. Proper Identification of the Newborn Proper Id is made in the delivery room before mother and baby are seperated. Identification Band o Footprints o Others – fingerprints, crib card, bead bracelet o Birth certificate A final identification check of the mother and infant must be performed before the infant can be allowed to leave the hospital upon discharge to ensure that the hospital is discharging the right infant. V. Preventing Infection Credes Prophylaxis – Dr. Crede
-prevent opthalmia neonatorum or gonorrheal conjunctivitis how how tra trans nsmi mitt tted ed – mom mom with with gon gonor orrh rhea ea -
*It is part of the routine care of the NB to give prophylactic eye treatment against gonorrheal conjunctivitis or ophthalmia neonatorum within the first hour after delivery. * Neisseria gonorrhea, the causative agent,maybe passed on to the fetus when infected vaginal and cervical secretions enter the eyes as the baby passes the vaginal canal during delivery. This practice was Ophthalmia neonatorum
Any conjunctivitis with discharge occuring during the first two weeks of life. It typically appears 2-5 days after birth, although it may appear as early as the first day or as late as the 13th.
silver nitrate (used before) – 2 drops lower conjunctiva (not used now) Administering Erythromycin or Tetracycline Tetracycline Ophthalmic Ointment
These ointments are the ones commonly used nowadays for eye prophylaxis because they do not cause eye irritation and are more effective against Chlamydial conjunctivitis. Apply over lower lids of both eyes, then, manipulate eyelids to spread medication over the eyes. Wipe excess ointment after one minute Č sterile cotton ball moistened Č sterile water.
Principles of cleanliness at birth:
Clean hands Clean perineum Nothing unclean to be introduced into the vagina Clean delivery surface Cleanliness in cutting the umbilical cord Cleanliness for cord care of the newborn baby
Before entering the nursery or caring for a baby In between newborn handling or after the care of each baby Before treating the cord After changing soiled diaper Before preparing milk formula.
VI. Preventing Hemorrhage As a preventive measure, 0.5 mg (preterm) to 1 mg (full term) Vit. K or Aquamephyton is injected IM in the NB’s vastus lateralis (lateral anterior thigh)muscle Vit-K – to prevent hemorrhage R/T physiologic hypoprothrombinemia Aquamephyton, phytomenadione or konakion .1 ml term IM, vastus lateral or lateral ant thigh .05 ml preterm baby Vit K – synthesized by normal flora of intestine synthetic due intestine is sterile Vit K – meds is synthetic
6 Procedure for vitamin K injection. Cleanse area area thor thorou ough ghly ly with with alco alcoho holl swab swab and and allow skin to dry. Bunch the tissue of the upper outer thigh (vastus lateralis muscle) and quick quickly ly insert insert a 25-ga 25-gauge uge 5/8-in 5/8-inch ch needle at a 90-degree angle to the thigh. Aspirate, then slowly inject the solution to dist distri ribu bute te the the me medi diccatio ationn even evenly ly and and minimize the baby’s discomfort. Remove the needle and gently massage the site with an alcohol swab. Care of the Cord
The cord is clamped and cut approx. within 30 sec after birth. In the DR, the cord is clamped twice about 8 inches from the abdomen and cut in between. When the NB, is brought to the nursery, another clamp is applied ½ to 1 in from the abdomen and the cord is cut a second time. The cord and the area around it are cleansed w/ antiseptic solution. The manner of cord care depends on hospital protocol or the discretion of the birth attendant in home delivery, delivery, what is impt. Is that principles are followed. Cord clamp is removed after 48 hours when the cord has dried. The cord stump usually dries and falls off within 7-10 days leaving a granulating area that heals on the next 7-10 days. Leave cord exposed to air. Do not apply dressing or abdominal binder over it. The cord dries and seperates more rapidly if it is exposed to air. Report any unusual signs & symptoms that indicate infection: Foul odor in the cord o Presence of discharge o Redness around the cord o The cord remains wet and does not fall off within 7-10 days o o Newborn fever
“Tetanus microorganism thrives in anaerobic environment so you actually prevent infection if cord is exposed to air”. Full bath – safely given when cord fall Dressing the Umbilical 3 cleans in community
clean hand clean cord o clean surface o betadine or povidone iodine – to clean cord check AVA, then draw 3 vessel cord o
If 2 vessel cord- suspect kidney malformation
- leave about 1” of cord - if BT or IV infusion – leave 8” of cord best access - no nerve
- check cord cord every 15 min for 1st 6 hrs – bleeding .> 30 cc of blood bleeding of cord – Omphalagia – suspect hemophilia Cord turns black on 3rd day & fall 7 – 10 days
Faiture to fall after 2 weeks- Umbilical granulation
- oil bath – initial - to cleanse baby & spread vernix caseosa Fx of vernix caseosa 1. insulator 2. bact bacter erio io-- st static atic Babies of HIV + mom – immediately give full bath to lessen transmission of HIV - 13 – 39% 39% poss possib ibly ly of tran transm smis issi sion on of HIV
Mgt: silver nitrate or catheterization
clea cleann with with norm normal al sal salin inee solu solutio tionn not not alco alcoho holl don’t use bigkis – air persistent moisture-urine, suspect patent uracus – fistula bet bladder and normal umbilicus
dx: nitrazine paper test – yellow – urine mgt: surgery Immediate Care of the Newborn
A irway B ody temperature C heck/ assess the newborn D etermine identification
Stimulate & dry infant Assess ABCs Encourage skin-to-skin contact Assign APGAR scores Give eye prophylaxis & Vit. K Keep newborn, mother, & partner together whenever
Newborn Assessment and Nursing Care Physical Assessment
Temperature - range 36.5 to 37 axillary Common variations Crying may elevate temperature o Stabilizes in 8 to 10 hours after delivery Temperature is not reliable indicator of infection o A temperature less than 36.5 Temp: rectal- newborn – to rule out imperforate anus - take it on once only, 1 inch insertion Imperforate anus 1. atre atretic tic – no anal anal ope openi ning ng 2. agen agenet etia iali lism sm – no no geni genita tall 3. sten stenos os – has has open openin ingg 4. me memb mbra rano nous us – has has ope openi ning ng Earliest sign: 1. no mecomium 2. abd destention 3. foul odor breath 4. vomitous of fecal matter 5. can aspirate – resp problem Mgt: Surgery with temporary temporary colostomy colostomy
Heart Rate
range 120 to 160 beats per minute Common variations
Heart rate range to 100 when sleeping to 180 when crying acrocyanosis Color pink with acrocyanosis Heart rate may be irregular with crying Although murmurs may be due to transitional circulation-all murmurs should be followed-up and referred for medical evaluation Deviation from range Faint sound Cardiac rate: 120 – 160 bpm newborn Apical pulse – left lower nipple Radial pulse – normally absent. If present PDA Femoral pulse – normal present. If absent- COA - coartation of aorta
- range 30 to 60 breaths per minute Common variations
Bilateral bronchial breath sounds Moist breath sounds may be present shortly after birth
Signs of potential distress or deviations from expected findings
Asymmetrical chest movements Apnea >15 seconds Diminished breath sounds Seesaw respirations Grunting Nasal flaring Retractions Deep sighing Tachypnea - respirations > 60 Persistent irregular breathing Excessive mucus Persistant fine crackles Stridor
Breathing ( ventilating the lungs)
check for breathlessness breathlessness if breathless, give 2 breaths- ambu bag 1 yr old- mouth to mouth, pinch nose < 1 yr – mouth to nose force – different between baby & child infant – puff
Check for pulslessness :carotid- adult ♦ Brachial – infants breathless/pulseless CPR – breathless/pulseless Compression – inf – 1 finger breath below nipple line or 2 finger breaths or thumb CPR inf 1:5 Adults 2:30 Blood Pressure
-not done routinely Factors to consider •
Varies with change in activity level Appropriate cuff size important for accurate reading 65/41 mmHg
General Measurements
Head circumference - 33 to 35 cm Expected findings o Head should be 2 to 3 cms larger than the chest o Abdominal circumference – 31-33 cm o Weight range - 2500 - 4000 gms (5 lbs. 8oz. - 8 lbs. 13 oz.) o Length range - 46 to 54 cms (19 - 21 inches) o Anthropometic measurement normal length- 19.5 – 21 inch or 47.5 – 53.75cm, average 50 cm head circumference 33- 35 cm or 13 – 14 “ o
Hydrocephalus - >14”
Chest 31 – 33 cm or 12 – 13” Abd 31 – 33 cm or 12 – 13” Signs of increased ICP
1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)
abnormally abnormally large large head bulging bulging and and tense tense fontanel fontanel increase increase BP and widening widening pulse pressure pressure Decreased Decreased RR, decrea decreased sed PR
#3 & #4 are Cushings triad of ICP
9 5.) projective projective vomitin vomitingg- sure sign of cerebral cerebral irritation irritation 6.) high deviatio deviationn – diplopia – sign sign of ICP older older child 4-6 months- normal eye deviation >6 months- lazy eyes 7.) High pitch shrill cry-late sign of ICp
Skin o o o o
o o o o o o
Skin reddish in color, smooth and puffy at birth At 24 - 36 hours of age, skin flaky, flaky, dry and pink in color Edema around eyes, feet, and genitals ut ero and lubricates Venix Caseosa -whitish, cheese-like substance, covers the fetus while in utero the skin of the NB. The skin of the term t erm or postterm nb has less vernix and is frequently fr equently dry; peeling is common, esp. on the hands & feet pret erm; absent in postterm; shed after 2 weeks in Lanugo -moderate in full term; more in preterm; time of desquammation desquammation Skin color Turgor Turgor good with quick recoil blue – cyanosis or hypoxia – edema Hair silky and soft with individual strands White Grey – inf Nipples present and in expected locations Yellow – jaundice , carotene Cord with one vein and two arteries Cord clamp tight and cord drying Nails to end of fingers and often extend slightly beyond
o o
Acrocyanosis Bluish discoloration of the hands and feet maybe present in the first 2 to 6 hours after birth This condition is caused by poor peripheral circulation , w/c results in vasomotor instability & capillary
stasis, esp. when the baby is exposed to cold.
If the central circulation is adequate, the blood supply should return quickly when the skin is blanched with a finger. Blue hand handss and and nail nailss are poor poor indic indicat ator or of oxygen oxy genati ation on in NB. The nurse nurse should should assess the face & mucus membranes for pinkness reflecting adequate oxygenation
Mongolian Spots
Patch of purple-black or blue-black color distributed over coccygeal and sacral regions of infants of AfricanAmer Am eric ican an or Asia Asiann desc descen ent. t. Not Not malign malignan ant.t. Resolv Resolves es in time. time. They They grad gradua uall llyy fade fade duri during ng the the firs firstt or seco second nd year year of life life.. They They ma mayb ybee mistaken for bruises and should be documented in the NB’s NB’s chart.
lacy pattern of dilated blood vessels under the skin Occurs as a res result of general circulation fluctuations. It may last several hours to several weeks or may come and go periodically. Mottling maybe related to chilling or rolon ed a nea.
o o o
Physiologic Jaundice
Hyperbilirubinemia not associated with hemolytic disease or other pathology in the newborn. Jaundice that appears in full term newborns 24 hours after birth and peaks at 72 hours. Bilirubin may reach 6 to 10 mg/dl and resolve in 5 to 7 days. If jaundice occurs within 2 days – pathologic jaundice If jaundice occurs at 3rd-7th days of life – physiologic jaundice Jaundice is first detectable on the face (where skin overlies cartilage) and the mucus membranes of the mouth and has a head-to-toe progression. *Evaluate it by blanching the tip of the nose, the forehead, for ehead, the sternum, or the gum line. This procedure must be done with appropriate lighting. Another Another are to assess is the sclera. Jaundice maybe related to breastfeeding, hematomas, immature liver function, bruises from forceps, blood incompatibility, incompatibility, oxytocin induction or severe hemolysis process
Nsg Resp: 1. cover cover eyes eyes – preven preventt reti retinal nal damage damage 2. cover cover genita genitals ls – preve prevent nt priapi priapism sm – painful continuous erection 3. chang changee posi positi tion on reg regul ular arly ly – eve evenn exposed to light 4. incr increa ease se fld fld int intak akee – due due pron pronee to dehydration 5. mo moni nito torr I&O I&O – wei weigh gh bab babyy 6. mon monito itorr V/S V/S – avoid avoid use use of oil oil or or lotio lotionn due- heat at phototherapy = bronze baby syndrometransient S/E of phototherapy
Care of Newborn in Jaundice Phototherapy Is the exposure of the NB to high intensity light. o Maybe used alone or in conjunction w/ exchange transfusion to reduce serum bilirubin levels. o Decreases serum bilirubin levels by changing bilirubin from the non-water soluble form to o water-soluble by products that can be excreted. Nursing Interventions: 1. Exposing Exposing as much of the the NB’s NB’s skin as possible possible however however genitals genitals are are covered covered & the nurse monitor monitorss the genitals genitals area area for skin irritation 2. Eyes are covered covered with with patches patches or eye shields shields and are removed removed at least least once per shift shift to inspect inspect the eyes eyes 3. Monitor Monitor temp. temp. closel closelyy & ↑ fluids fluids to to compens compensate ate water loss 4. NB is repo reposit sition ioned ed q 2° and and stimul stimulati ation on is prov provide ided. d. • NB will will have have loose loose green green stoo stools ls and and gree greenn colore coloredd urine urine..
Exchange Transfusion Is the withdrawal and replacement of newborn’s newborn’s blood with donor blood. o
Milia which are exposed to sebaceous glands, appear as raised white spots on the face, esp. across the nose. No treatment is necessary, bec they will clear within first month. Infants of African heritage have a similar cond condit itio ionn call called ed tran transi sien entt neon neonat atal al ustular melanosis.
Erythema toxicum
Is an eruption of lesions in the area surrounding a hair follicle that are firm, vary in size from 1-3 mm, and consist of a white or pale yellow papule or pustule w/ an erythematous base. It is often called “ newborn rash” or “fleabite” dermatitis The rash may appear suddenly, suddenly, usually over the trunk and diaper area and is frequently widespread. The lesions do not appear on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet. The peak incidence is 24-48 hours of life.
Harlequin Sign
The color of the newborn's body appears to be half red and half pale. This condition is transitory and usually occurs with lusty crying. Harlequin Coloring may be associated with to an immature vasomotor reflex system.
BIRTH MARKS Telangiectatic nevi (stork bites)
Appear as pale pink or red spots and are frequently found on the eyelids, nose, lower occipital bone and nape of the neck These lesions are common in NB w/ light complexions and are more noticeable during periods of
3 types Hemangiomas
a.) Nevus Flammeus – port wine stain – macular purple or dark red lesions seen on face or thigh. NEVER disappear. Can be removed surgically b.) Strawberry hemangiomas – nevus vasculosus – dilated capillaries in the entire dermal or subdermal area. Enlarges, disappears at 10 yo. c.) Cavernous hemangiomas – communication network of venules in SQ tissue that never disappear with age. Nevus Flammeus (port-wine stain)
A capillary angioma directly below the epidermis, is a non-elevated, sharply demarcated, red-to-purple area of dense capillaries. Macular purple The size & shape vary, but it commonly appears on the face. It does not grow in size, does not fade in time and does not blanch. The birthmark maybe concealed by using an opaque cosmetic cream. If convulsions and other neurologic problem accompany the nevus flammeus,----5th cranial nerve
Nevus vasculosus (strawberry mark)
A capillary hemangioma, hemangioma, consists of newly formed and enlarged capillaries in the dermal and subdermal layers. It is a raised,clearly delineated, dark-red, rough-surfaced birthmark commonly found in the head region. Such marks usually grow starting the second or third week of life and may not reach their fullest size for 1 to 3 months; disappears at the age of 1 yr. but as the baby grows it enlarges. Birthmarks frequently worry parents. The mother maybe especially anxious, fearing that she is to b lame (“Is my baby marked because of something I did?”) Guilt feelings are common when parents have misconceptions about the cause. Identify and explain them to the parents. Providing appropriate information about the cause and course of birthmarks often relieves the fears and anxieties of the family. Note any bruises, abrasions,or birthmarks seen on admission to the nursery. nursery.
Head circumference should be 2 cm greater gr eater than chest circumference Assess fontanelles and sutures - observe for signs of hydrocephalus and evaluate neurologic status Craniosynostosis Microcephaly macrocephaly
o o
o o o
Face, Mouth, Eyes, and Ears
Assess and record symmetry Assess for signs of Down syndrome. Low set ears Assess history for risk factors of hearing loss Test Test for Moro reflex- elicited by a loud noise or lifted slightly above the crib and then suddenly lowered. In response, the NB straightens arms and hands outward while the knees flexed. Slowly the arm returns to the chest as in embrace. The fingers spread, forming a C and the newborn may cry. This lasts up to 6 months of age. Check for presence of gag, swallowing reflexes, coordinated with sucking reflex Check for clefts in either hard or soft palates Check for excessive drooling Check tongue for deviation, white cheesy coating
o o o o
o o o o
Eyes o o o o
(pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation) Assess for PERLA (pupils Assess cornea and blink reflex Note true eye color does not occur before 6 months May have blocked tear duct
Heart and Lungs
Assess and maintain airway Assess heart rate, rhythm - evaluate murmur: location, timing, and duration o Examine appearance and size of chest o Note if there is funnel chest, barrel chest, unequal chest expansion Assess breath sounds and respiratory efforts - evaluate color for pallor or cyanosis Breasts are flat with symmetric nipples - note lack of breast tissue or discharge
Abdomen appears large in relation to pelvis o Note increase or decrease in peristalsis o Note protrusion of umbilicus Measure umbilical hernia by palpating the opening and record o Note any discharge or oozing from cord o Note appearance and amount of vessels Auscultate and percuss abdomen o Assess for signs of dehydration o Assess femoral pulses o Note bulges in inguinal area o Percuss bladder 1 to 4 cm above symphysis o Voids within 3 hours of birth or at time of birth
13 o
o o o o o o o
Pseudomenstruation: the discharge w/c can become tinged ti nged w/ blood and is caused
by withdrawal of
maternal hormones Smegma: a white cheeselike substance is often present between labia. Removing it may traumatize tender tissue Phimosis : tight foreskin or prepuce; w/c sometimes lead to early circumcision Cryptoorchidism: undescended testes ;if the testes did not go down Orchidopexy: repair of undescended testes before 2 y/o Penis: urethra should be at the tip of the penis Hypospadias : if the opening opening is at the ventral surface Epispadias: if the opening is at the dorsal surface Hydrocele – swelling due to accumulation of serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis of the testis or in the spermatic cord
Anus o o o
Inspect anal area to verify that it is patent and has no fissure Digital exam by physician or nurse practitioner if needed Note passage of meconium
Extremities Tic dwarfism : very short arms o o Amelia : absence of arms Phocomelia : absence of long arm o o Polydactilism: more fingers; extra digits on either hands or feet Syndactilism: webbing; fusion of fingers or toes o o
o o o o
*Inspect the hands for normal palmar creases. A single palmar crease called SIMIAN line is frequently present in Down’s syndrome Adactyl : no foot Down’s syndrome : inward rotation of little fingers Clubfoot/ talipes deformity – inward rotation of foot fingers. Erb-Duchenne paralysis (Erb’s palsy) : resulting from injury to the 5th and 6th cervical roots of the brachial plexus; usually from a difficult birth; it occurs commonly when strong traction is exerted on the head of the NB in an attempt to free a shoulder lodged behind b ehind the symphysis pubis in the presence of o f shoulder dystocia.
B, Barlow's (dislocation) maneuver. Baby's thigh is
grasped and adducted (placed together) with gentle downward
A, The asymmetry of gluteal and thigh fat folds seen in
infant with left developmental dysplasia of the hip.
D, Ortolani's maneuver puts downward pressure on the hip
and then inward rotation. If the hip is dislocated, this maneuver forces the femoral head over the acetabular rim
Clubfoot o
Nurse examines feet for evidence of talipes deformity (clubfoot) Intrauterine positions can cause feet to appear to turn inward - "positional" clubfoot To determine presence of clubfoot, nurse moves foot to midline - if resists, it is true clubfoot
C , Dislocation is palpable as femoral head slips out of acetabulum.
14 B, To determine the presence of
clubfoot, the nurse moves the foot to the midline. Resistance indicates true clubfoot.
Nursing Role Be knowledgeable about normal newborn variations and responses that indicate further investigation Respiratory distress o Central cyanosis o Thermoregulation problems o Dehydration o TALIPES – “clubfoot” Teaching a.) a.) Equi Equino noss – pla plant ntar ar During physical and behavioral assessment, identify family's need for teaching flexion – Involve family early in care of infant o horsefoot Process establishes uniqueness and allays concern o b.) b.) Calc Calcan aneo eous us – Teaching dorsiflexion – heal lower that Feeding cues o foot anterior Alert state o posterior of foot Cord care o flexed towards Sleeping o anterior leg Neurological Status c.) c.) Varus arus-- foot foot turn turnss in Assessment begins with period of observation d.) d. ) Valgus algus-- foot foot tur turns ns Observe behaviors - note: out State of alertness o Equino varus- most Resting posture o common Cry o Quality of muscle tone o Motor activity o o Jitteriness – feeling of extreme nervousness Differentiate causative factors o Examine for symmetry and strength of movements Note head lag of less than 45 degrees Assess ability to hold head erect briefly Reflexes Immature central nervous system (CNS) of newborn is characterized by variety of reflexes Some reflexes are protective, some aid in feeding, others stimulate interaction o Assess for CNS integration o Protective reflexes are blinking, yawning, coughing, sneezing, drawing back from pain Rooting and sucking reflexes assist with feeding “?What reflexes should be present in a newborn? Reflexes are involuntary movements or actions. Some movements are spontaneous, occurring as part of the baby's usual activity. Others are responses to certain actions. Reflexes help identify normal brain and nerve activity. Some reflexes occur only in specific periods of development. The following are some of the normal reflexes seen in newborn babies””
- When the the sole of the foot is firmly stroked, the big toe bends back toward the top of the foot and the other toes fan out. This is a norm normal al refl reflex ex up to abou aboutt 2 years of age. Babinski Babinski ref reflex lex
Tonic neck reflex
Grasp reflex
- When a baby's head is turned to one side, the arm on that side stretches out and the opposite arm bends up at the elbow. This is often called the "fencing" position. The tonic neck reflex lasts about six to seven months.
Tonic neck reflex
Stroking the palm of a baby's hand causes the baby to close his/her fingers in a grasp. The grasp reflex lasts only a couple of months and is stronger in premature babies. Palmar & Plantar Grasp reflex -
Palmar & Plantar Grasp Reflex
Moro reflex
The Moro reflex is often called a startle reflex because it usually occurs when a baby is startled by a loud sound or movement. In response to the soun sound, d, the the baby baby thro throws ws bac back his/ his/he herr head head,, extends out the arms and legs, cries, then pulls the arms and legs back in. A baby's own cry can startle him/her and begin this reflex. This reflex lasts about five to six months.
Step reflex -
This This refl reflex ex is also also call called ed the the walking or dance reflex because a bab babyy appe appear arss to take take step stepss or danc dancee when when held held upri uprigh ghtt with with his/ his/he herr feet feet touc touchi hing ng a soli solidd surface.
Rooting Reflex
- This reflex begins when the corner of the baby's mouth is stroked or touched. touched. The baby will turn his/her his/her head and open his/her mouth to follow and "root" in the direction of the stroking. This helps the baby find the breast or bottle to begin feeding. Root reflex
Suck reflex
Root Rootin ingg help helpss the the baby baby beco become me read readyy to suck. When the roof of the baby's mouth is touched, the baby will begin to suck. This reflex does not begin until about the 32nd week of pregnancy and is not fully developed until about 36 weeks. Premature babies may have have a weak weak or immatu immature re sucki sucking ng abilit abilityy because of this. Babies also have a hand-tomout mo uthh refle reflexx that that goes goes with with root rooting ing and and sucking and may suck on fingers or hands.
Observable characteristics of newborn should be evaluated while not disturbing baby Gestational assessment tools examine the following physical characteristics Resting posture o Skin o Lanugo o Sole (planar) creases o Breast tissue o Ear form and cartilage distribution o Evaluation of genitals o
Male genitals
Preter Preterm m newborn newborn’’s testes testes are not within within the scrotum. The scrotal surface has few rugae. score 2
Term newborn’s testes are generally fully descended. The entire surface of the scrotum is covered by rugae. Score 3.
Female genitals
Newborn has a prominent clitoris. The labia majora are widely separated, and the labi labiaa minor minora, a, view viewed ed late latera rall llyy, woul wouldd protrude beyond the labia majora. Score 1. The gestational age is 30 to 35 weeks.
B, The clitoris is still visible.The labia
minora are now covered by the larger labia majora. Score 2. The gestational age is 36 to 40 weeks
C , The term newborn has well-developed, large
labia majora that cover both clitoris and labia minora. Score 3.
Neuromuscular Components
Square window sign A, This angle is 90 degrees and suggests an immature
newborn of 28 to 32 weeks’ gestation. Score 0.
A 30- to 40-degree angle is commonly found from 39 to 40 weeks’ gestation. Score 2-3.
C ,
A 0-degree angle can occur from 40 to 42 weeks. Score 4.
(C) Used with permission permission from V.Dubowitz, MD, Hammersmith Hospital, London, England.
17 Assessment of Gestationa
l Age
Findings Sole creases Breast nodules Scalp hair Ear lobe Testes estes and Scrotu Scrotum m
-Ballards & Dobowitz Less 36 weeks (Preterm) Anterior transverse crease only 2mm Fine & fuzzy Pliable testes testes in lowe lowerr canal canal Scrotum – small few rugae
37 - 38 Occasional creases 2/3 in 4mm or 3.5 mm Fine & fuzzy Some cartilage Some intermediate
39 and up Covered with creases > 5 or 7mm Coarse & silky Thick cartilage Testes pendulus Scrotum full extensive rugae
Signs of Preterm Babies
Born after 20 weeks, after 37 weeks -frog leg or laxed positon -hypotonic muscle tone- prone resp problem -scarf sign – elbow passes midline pos. - square window wrist – 90 degree angle of wrist - heal to ear signabundant lanugoSigns of Post term babies:
> 42 weeks - classic sign – old man’s face - desquamation – peeling of skin - long brittle finger nails - wide & alert eyes BIRTHMARKS:
1. Mongolian Mongolian spots spots – stale gray gray or bluish bluish discoloratio discolorationn patches patches commonly commonly seen across across the sacrum sacrum or buttocks buttocks due due to accumulation of melanocytes. Disappear by 1 yr old 2. MIlla – plugged plugged or unopen unopened ed sebaceou sebaceouss gland . white white pin point point patches patches on on nose, chin chin or cheek. cheek. 3. Lanugo Lanugo – fine, fine, down downyy hair hair – common common preter preterm m 4. Desquamati Desquamation on – peeling peeling of of newborn, newborn, extreme extreme dryness dryness that begin sole sole and and palm. palm. 5. Stork bites (Taleng (Talengeicta eictasi si nevi) nevi) – pink pink patches patches nape of neck neck hair will grow as child grows old 6. Erythema Toxicum Toxicum – (flea (f lea bite rash)- 1 st self limiting rash appear sporadically & unpredictably as to time & place. 7. Harlequin Harlequin sign sign – dependent dependent part is is pink, pink, independen independentt part is blue blue (side lying – bottom part is dependent pink) 8. Cutis Marmorato Marmorato – transit transitory ory mottling mottling of neonates neonates skin skin when when exposed exposed to cold. cold. 9. Hemangi Hemangiom omas as – vascul vascular ar tumo tumors rs of of the the skin skin 3 types Hemangiomas
a.) Nevus Flammeus – port wine stain – macular purple or dark red lesions seen on face or thigh. NEVER disappear. Can be removed surgically b.) Strawberry hemangiomas – nevus vasculosus – dilated capillaries in the entire dermal or subdermal area. Enlarges, disappears at 10 yo. c.) Cavernous hemangiomas – communication network of venules in SQ tissue that never disappear with age. - MOST DANGERIOUS – intestinal hemorrhage Skin color blue – cyanosis or hypoxia White – edema Grey – inf Yellow – jaundice jaun dice , carotene Vernix Caseosa – white cheese like for lubrication, insulator
Babies with special needs Some babies may need some extra attention from you and the doctor after birth. These include: •
Low birth weight babies (less than 2.5kg).
Babies born too early (premature).
Babies with pathological jaundice.
Babies with infection.
Those needing an operation soon after birth.
Those with low blood sugar.
Babies of diabetic mothers.