New Castle Disease Virus

Author:  Dian Kusumawardani

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A new and deadly virus has reared its ugly head causing grave concern among the international health community. hCov-EMC aka Human Coronavirus — Erasmus Medical Center was 1st recognized in mid 2012. This deadly mutated strain of coronavirus is appar

In this paper we develop the mathematical model for awareness corona virus disease 2019. The parameter specified I, C, L and t. It has been observed that the chain of infected person depends on lockdown and social distance. Again we observed that the

New and Re Emerging Disease

Information about the human body and it's different kind of affections, ilnesses and diseases.

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Descripción: El documento ha sido descargado desde DISCOVERY CHANNEL EN LA ESCUELA, ahí podrán encontrar más guías de apoyo para los docentes sobre temas muy interesantes.

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This doc is for virus details. Take a chil then pil to read out this.Full description

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