Example of on the job training assigned at mechanical maintenance department.Full description
OJT Narrative Report
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a narrative report about On the job trainingFull description
OJT Narrative Report
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Not yet done. Haha.
Narrative Report
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Narrative on GAD
Narrative ReportFull description
Sample narrative report
Narrative ReportFull description
narrative reportFull description
Allow me to thank the people first behind the success of being here at NMDC and for making our OJT a possible one. First and foremost ! would like to thank "od for his infinite lo#e and guidance throughout m$ practicum. For gi#ing me the strength and knowledge so ! ha#e completed m$ practicum hours. To North North Matri% De#elopment corporation for the support and permission to render m$ On&the& 'ob training to their Compan$. And to all staff of North Matri% De#elopment Corporation who had pla$ed a ma'or part in the ac(uisition of m$ training for imparting their skills knowledge and for treating me not as an emplo$ee but as a part of their famil$. A word of appreciation to Mr. )oger Cuaresma and Mr. )ud$ Manuel our foreman for the knowledge support and for those inspirational words that he had shared with us. Thank $ou for belie#ing in m$ skills and capabilities. *speciall$ to m$ lo#ing famil$ who had been a big part of this endea#or for gi#ing me the courage to do what ! need to. For all the hardships patience lo#e and support. Thank $ou for alwa$s being there for me. To m$ co&trainees co&trainees for helping me to face this challenge. For gi#ing me the knowledge techni(ue and inspiration to pursue m$ training. M$ success could not turn into realit$ without these peo ple who help me in different wa$s. To To all of $ou who had been with me in the completion of the re(uirements. ! appreciate all $our help. Thank $ou #er$ much+
The Narrati#e ,ignificant Accomplishment Accomplishment Conclusion
Appendices OJT ictures with Caption
On the 'ob training is one wa$ b$ which we students are gi#en an opportunit$ to appl$ the theories and computations that we ha#e learned from school. !t also helps us to obtain applicable knowledge and skills b$ performing in actual work setting. Colleges and uni#ersities re(uire their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. For us students an OJT program pro#ides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific 'ob using the real tools e(uipment and documents. !n effect the work p lace becomes a de#elopment #enue for us student trainee to learn more about our chosen field and practice what we ha#e learn from academ$. On the other hand a #aluable OJT program also profits the companies who accept trainees. First OJT or intern pro#ides e%tra manpower for a less significant labor cost than a regular emplo$ee. Most of them are all eager to learn the ropes so chances are high h igh that the$/ll be gi#en a chance chan ce to work on the same compan$ as an emplo$ee after graduating. *mplo$ers can use this internship strateg$ as method in recruiting emplo$ees. ,ince the trainer or super#isor can follow the trainees/ progress progress he can gauge based on performance beha#ior and a nd attitude if the trainee will make good recruit after the completion of his internship. 0e trainees can bring fresh ideas into the organi1ation. "i#en the opportunit$ to con#erse our minds freel$ and without fear we ma$ be able to contribute significantl$ in brainstorming sessions or research and e#entuall$ help impro#e the organi1ations producti#it$. producti#it$. 0hile training the interns emplo$ers are in fact also teach their emplo$ees to guide the trainees b$ stretching their patience de#elop teaching skills and make them more sensiti#e to the needs and mind set of the $ounger $oung er generation. The course of super#ision also teaches them how to share what the$ know and be recepti#e to (uestions. 2ence the internship also becomes an a#enue in training for future managers of the compan$. III. THE NARRATIVE
April 34 5637 was the start of our OJT in North Matri% De #elopment Corporation 8NMDC9 and in there we don/t ha#e specific task to be b e done. !t depends on the instruction or the decision of our foreman. !n the duration of our OJT one great accomplishment ac complishment !/#e done is that ! learned how to install house wiring connections through the influence of m$ co&practicum students. ! learn the line&to& line and line&to&ground wiring connections together with si1es of conductors use starting from the ser#ice entrance which has a conductor si1e of 7.7 mm: 85.; mm<9 going to the panel board where the circuit breakers are being installed going to the 'unction bo% until the con#enience outlet which has a conductor si1e of 4.7mm: 85.6 mm<9 and then the conductor si1e used for the lighting outlet and switch is 5.6mm: 83.; mm<9. =ut North Matri% de#elopment Corporation is speciali1ed in an $ electrical works like house wiring installation constructing distribution line and the like. ,o at the start of our OJT our first pro'ect site is located at Capacuan )i1al Caga$an wherein we are to construct a single phase distribution line and install house wiring connections in e#er$ houses there. ,o before going to the pro'ect site the first thing we do is deli#ering the materials needed for the construction of the distribution line and materials needed for the house wiring installation like distribution pole conductors of an$ si1es transformer fuse cutout circuit breakers switches panel board and the like. And after two weeks ! think think were done in that pro'ect. And our second pro'ect site was located at >api enablanca Caga$an wherein we are also going to construct single phase distribution line and installing house wiring connections which is same through with pro'ect we/#e done at )i1al Caga$an.
!n our sta$ at the pro'ect site !/#e notice a big difference between what our professor taught us in academe and the wa$ wa $ we are in the actual work wo rk setting. Just like in our sub'ect in the pre#ious
semester which is the *lecti#e 3 which focuses on the planning and designing of distribution line. *speciall$ in the naming of materials to be installed in e#er$ erected poles because what wha t ! know in the book we/#e been based our design is let sa$ we know the name of the materials but when we are in the actual installing of the materials we don/t know the name of that material to be installed e#en the si1es of conductor si1es of bolts and nut insulators to be used and the like. That is wh$ ha#ing an internship or OJT is a big help for e#er$ student like me. ,o as our OJT goes b$ !/#e accomplished man$ things 'ust like when we are in the process of what the$ called ser#ice dropping wherein we are install ser#ice drop wire of e#er$ house and installing single phase watthour meter. ! learn how to connec t single phase single phase watthour meter from line to load. And also one thing ! proudl$ to sa$ is that when we are doing the house h ouse wiring installation and what t$pe of connections to be done on e#er$ houses like line to line and line to ground is that ! learned them from m$ co& practicum students.
! therefore conclude that ha#ing an internship or OJT program pla$s a #ital role b$ which we students gi#en a chance to e%plore more about our profession and appl$ what we/#e learn in the academe in the actual work setting.
Service Dropping with Sir Roger Cuaresma
Installing single phase watthour meter
Service Dropping after erecting poles
Delivering Electrical Equipment with Co-OJT’s
Digging (ole for )u' anual Erecting of Electric pole