Online Inventory Management System Software Requirement Specification
Online Inventory Management System
Software Requirements Specification Course Title: Software Project Lab 2 Course Code: SE 505
Online Inventory Management System Version ersi on 1!
10/03/2012 Su"mitted to: Md. Shafiul Alam Kha A!!i!tat Profe!!or "!titute of "formatio #echolo$% #echolo$% &i'er!it% (f )ha*a
Su"mitted "y:
Ati!h )i+o$*or
Mutta*i Ahmed
Software Requirements Specification
Page 1
Online Inventory Management System
Revision History Date 3.3.2012
Description Version 1.0
Author Atish Kumar Dipongkor
Comments First Revision
Muttakin Ahmed Khan 10.3.2012
Version 1.1
Second Revision Md. Ashraful Hoque
Document Approval The following Software Requirements Specifications have been accepted and approved by the following: Signature Printed Name Title Date A!!i!tat Profe!!or Md. Shafiul Alam IIT ,University of Dhaka Kha Supervisor, Project Team
Software Requirements Specification
Page 2
Online Inventory Management System
Contents E"S"( )(4&ME# 1.
"S#(..................................................................................................................................................."" APP(AL............................................................................................................................................""
1.1 P&P(SE 1.2 S4(PE 1.3 L(SSA 1.6 E7EE4ES 2.
1 1 2 2
2.1 8&ES#"(ES 2.2 S#AKE(L)E9S P("# (7 "E: 2.3 4(LLA,(A#"(
3 6 6
3. EEAL )ES4"P#"(.......................................................................................................................................5 3.1 P()&4# PESPE4#"E 3.2 4&E# SS#EM AALS"S 3.3 P()&4# 7&4#"(S 3.6 P(#E#"AL &SE (7 #E (7 #E SS#EM 3.5 &SE 4AA4#E"S#"4S 3.; ASS&MP#"(S A) )EPE)E4"ES
5 ; < <
6. E8&"EME# AALS"S....................................................................................................................................= 6.1 E>#EAL "#E7A4E E8&"EME#S 4.1.1 User Interfaces 4.1.2 Hardware Interfaces 4.1.3 Software Interfaces 4.1.4 Communications Interfaces 6.2 7&4#"(AL E8&"EME#S 4.2.1 General Functional Requirements 4.2.2 Functional Requirements for Production Controller 4.2.3 Functional Requirements for Production Suer!isor 4.2.4 Functional Requirements for "dministrator 4.2.# $ualit% Function &elo%ment 6.3 (?7&4#"(AL E8&"EME#S 4.3.1 Performance 4.3.2 Relea'ilit% 4.3.3 "!aila'ilit% 4.3.4 Securit% 4.3.# (aintaina'ilit% 4.3.) Porta'ilit% 4.3.* +erational Requirement 4.3., &esi-n Constraints
= 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 16 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15
5. AALS"S M()ELS..............................................................................................................................................15 5.1 S4EA"( ,ASE) M()EL #.1.1 Use Case &ia-ram #.1.2 "cti!it% &ia-ram #.1.3 Swim ane &ia-ram 5.2 7L(: M()EL Software Requirements Specification
1; 16 18 19 20
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Online Inventory Management System
#.2.1 &ata flow model /le!el 0 5.2.2 &ata flow model /le!el 1
20 21
5.3 4LASS M()EL #.3.1 Class &ia-ram #.3.2 CRC &ia-ram 5.; ,EA"(AL M()EL #.4.1 State Reresentation &ia-ram #.4.2 Sequence &ia-ram #.4.3 Colla'oration &ia-ram
22 22 23 26 24 25 26
#ist of $igure 7i$ure 1? 4urret S%!tem 7i$ure 2? &!e 4a!e )ia$ram 7i$ure 3? Acti'it% )ia$ram 7i$ure 6? Swim Lae )ia$ram 7i$ure 5? )ata 7low )ia$ram @Le'el 0 7i$ure ;? )ata 7low )ia$ram @Le'el 1 7i$ure -? 4la!! )ia$ram 7i$ure
Software Requirements Specification
; 11< 1= 20 21 22 23 26 25 2;
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Online Inventory Management System
1 Introduction " !oftware idu!tr% reuiremet e$ieeri$ i! oe of the mo!t im+ortat +art! of !oftware e$ieeri$ +roce!!B which oe $i'e! u! the +ro+er !ceario! what the cu!tomer! watB aal%Ci$ their eed! ad chec*i$ the fea!ibilit% what the% eedB e$otiati$ a rea!oable !olutio etc. " !oftware idu!trie!B a !oftware +roject be$i! whe a bu!ie!! eed i! idetified. So the fir!t !te+ i! we eed to uder!tad the cu!tomer eed!. 7i$ure out a rou$h fea!ibilit% aal%!i!B ot ol% the cu!tomer9! eed but al!o with the +eo+le who are a++aretl% i'ol'ed with the itroduci$ !%!tem. " thi! +ha!e after iteracti$ with our cliet DSlee* 7a!hio Ltd.B we $et !ome reuiremet! for a i'etor% maa$emet !olutio. #hi! +a+er will be more ea!eful after commuicati$ with our cliet with their more !+ecific reuiremet!. At the !ame timeB i thi! +a+er we will focu! o "'etor% maa$emet module. A$ai thi! +a+er i! a +artial !ubmi!!ioF more detail will be icluded a! +er commuicati$ with the etire !ta*eholder9!.
11 %urpose #he +ur+o!e of thi! documet i! to +re!et a detailed de!cri+tio of the (lie "'etor% Maa$emet S%!tem. "t will eG+lai the +ur+o!e ad feature! of the !%!temB the iterface! of the !%!temB what the !%!tem will doB the co!trait! uder which it mu!t o+erate ad how the !%!tem will react to eGteral !timuli. " thi! documet we will tr% itroduce our !ta*eholder! alo$ with their re!+ecti'e 'iew+oit!B de!cribe the eGi!ti$ +roblemB combii$ tho!e 'ariou! 'iew +oit!B balaci$ tho!e to reach a ultimate Dtheoretical !olutio of the idetified +roblem!B $eerati$ $ra+hical re'iew! throu$h uified modeli$ la$ua$e @&ML to formulate the +roblem! ad the +ro+o!ed !olutioB the +roject !co+e ad the +roject !chedule. eGt we +re!et the !olutio icludi$ !%!tem aal%!i!B the de'iatio betwee fial ad iitial de!i$B the fuctio of our "'etor% maa$emet !%!tem ad te!ti$ +la. 7iall% we e'aluate our wor* o differet a!+ect!B +re!et area! of im+ro'emet ad coclu!io.
1! Scope #he outcome of the +roject would be automated i'etor% maa$emet !er'ice .#he !oftware will ha'e all commo feature! ad fuctioalitie! alo$ with !ome other !+ecial facilitie!. •
#o +ro'ide u!er efficiet wor*i$ e'iromet.
&!er friedl% iterface for the tar$et !ta*eholder!.
Pro+er moitori$ facilit% for the authorit%.
Ea!% maiteace ad admii!tratio.
E!ure hi$h le'el of !ecurit%.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
#hi! !%!tem will hel+ i trac*i$ record! !o that +a!t record! ca be 'erified throu$h them ad oe ca ma*e deci!io! ba!ed o the +a!t record!. #hi! !%!tem will com+lete the wor* i a 'er% le!! time re!ulti$ i le!! time co!um+tio ad hi$h le'el of efficiec%.
1& 'lossary (ey Terms
ead% Made armet!
"'etor% mea! a li!t com+iled for !ome formal +ur+o!e
Productio 4otroller
:ho $uide ad !u+er'i!e +roductio wor*.
8ualit% 4otrol
"teret "formatio S%!tem
Software euiremet S+ecificatio
)ata 7low )ia$ram
Productio 4otroller
1* References • • • • • • crc Model.html. htt+H//e.wi*i+edia.or$/wi*i/&ifiedIModeli$ILa$ua$e htt+H//e.wi*i+edia.or$/wi*i/euiremet!Iaal%!i! htt+H//rf+tem+late!.techolo$%e''etor%?maa$emet?$armet!.html htt+H//www.!lide!!a/ieee?<30?1==
1+ Overview #he eGt cha+ter i! idetif%i$ !ta*eholder!. " thi! cha+ter $i'e! a o'er 'iew who are directl% or idirectl% de+ed o the de'elo+i$ !%!tem ad what i! their +oit of 'iew. #he eGt cha+terB the eeral )e!cri+tio !ectioB of thi! documet $i'e! a o'er'iew of the fuctioalit% of the +roduct. "t de!cribe! the iformal reuiremet! ad i! u!ed to e!tabli!h a coteGt for the techical reuiremet! !+ecificatio i the eGt cha+ter.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
#he 7orth cha+terB euiremet! S+ecificatio !ectioB of thi! documet i! writte +rimaril% for the de'elo+er! ad de!cribe! i techical term! the detail! of the fuctioalit% of the +roduct. #he fifth cha+terB Aal%!i! model !ectio. " thi! !ectio of thi! documet there are !ome model dia$ram!. Li!t of all the!e aal%!i! model! u!ed i de'elo+i$ !+ecific reuiremet! . All the !ectio! of the documet de!cribe the !ame !oftware +roduct i it! etiret%B
! Sta,e-olders #he !ta*eholder! of the !oftware +roject are tho!e +eo+le or +o!itio! who are directl% or idirectl% affected or effected b% the +roject. #he !ta*eholder! ad u!er! who are mo!t immediatel% i'ol'ed i a "'etor% maa$emet !%!tem ca be di'ided i to four $rou+!B the% areH EGecuti'e! ad u++er maa$emet. Productio 4otroller. Productio !u+er'i!or. #he root le'el wor*er!. S%!tem de'elo+er!.
!1 .uestioners 1. 2. 3. 6. 5. ;. -.
ow the +roce!!e! wor*J :ho are the +rimar% ad !ecodar% actor! of the whole +roce!! all throu$hJ :ho will be the 'ital actor! i the reuired !%!temJ :hat i! the u!ual wor*i$ +rocedure for a orderJ :hat are the major flaw! that forced %ou to automated maa$emet !olutioJ :ill it be more !+ecific i term! of !ome major flaw! %ou wat u! to !ol'eJ ow will %ou a++reciate the fuctioal facilitie! a! a admii!trator of the +ro+o!ed !%!temJ <. :ho are the +eo+le %ou wat to directl% to iteract with the !%!tem ad what !hould be their domaiJ =. :hat e'et !tart! the u!e ca!eJ 10. ow doe! the u!e ca!e edJ 11. Are there a% o+tioal !ituatio! for the u!e ca!eJ 12. ow the +roce!!e! will wor*B if the !%!tem will become automatedJ
!! Sta,e-olders view point
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
)ifferet Sta*eholder! achie'e differet beefit! form a !oftware !%!tem. 4o!euetl% each of them ha! a differet +oit of 'iew. So we ha'e to reco$iCe the reuiremet! from multi+le 'iew +oit. 7or thi! "'etor% maa$emet !%!tem +oit of 'iew of !ta*eholder! i!H •
EGecuti'e! ad u++er maa$emet behold! the +eo+le who are cocered with
com+a% maa$emet ad com+a%9! fiacial !tate!. #he% alwa%! deal with the +rofitabilit% ad icrea!i$ +roductio uit. So their 'iew about the !%!tem i! how to utiliCe the !%!tem to $ai hi$he!t +rofit. Productio cotroller i! the +eo+le who !u+er'i!e a +art of a +roductio uit. #he% will iteract with our !%!tem to i+ut the data of their !ubordiate wor*er!. #heir 'iew +oit would be to i+ut that iformatio without a% *id of difficultie! ad maitai the +ri'ate accout! of each wor*er
#he +roductio !u+er'i!or! are the +eo+le who act a! the !ubordiate! of the +roductio cotroller!B ad the% mu!t ha'e the real iteractio! with the root o+eratio. #hi! i! ot ece!!ar% that e'er% !u+er'i!or will ha'e di!ti$ui!hed area! to wor* withF there ca be more tha oe !u+er'i!or to !u+er'i!e a !i$le acti'it%B whe it9! a lar$er oe. #he !u+er'i!or! are re!+o!ible to chec* the $i'e i+ut ad the outcome! the% maa$ed to +roduce. A! the!e iformatio are reuired for the o+eratio of our !%!temB +roductio !u+er'i!or! are idetified a! oe 'ital !ta*eholder. (e of the idirect !ta*eholder! of our +ro+o!ed !%!tem i! the root le'el wor*er! of
M !ectorB who u!e to do the +rimar% le'el job! of cutti$B +riti$B ad combi$ all the +art! to$etherB or a% other job! for eGam+le. A! becau!e of our limitatio of re!ource!B all the wor*er! wo9t u!e our !%!tem freuetl%. ,utB for occa!ioal +o!!ibilitie!B !ome of them will u!e hi! !%!temB ad their illiterac% mu!t be co!idered b% the !%!tem de'elo+er!.
!& Colla"oration A! iformatio from multi+le 'iew+oit! i! collectedB emer$i$ reuiremet! ma% be ico!i!tet or ma% coflict with oe aother. So co!ideri$ the !co+e of fea!ibilit%B we ha'e collaborated the followi$ li!t of reuiremet! from multi+le 'iew+oit!. #he eGtracted idea! $athered from the i'etor% de+artmet areH •
• • • • • • •
(lie !tatu! of item uatit% i term! of o?hadB o?had a'ailableB re!er'edB orderedB to orderB rejectedB defecti'e ad rewor* able uatitie!. 4om+lete eGci!e fuctioalit% ad $eeratio of eGci!e re$i!ter!. 8ualit% 4otrol ba!ed o 84 +arameter!. Ph%!ical 'erificatio of !toc*. Purcha!i$ ad !ubcotracti$. Accouti$ i'etor% !%chroiCatio. &+date dela% otificatio. Kee+ #rac* of +artial Productio.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
All 7iacial tra!actio! related to +roductio. . #he eGt !te+! of thi! aal%!i! are aal%Ci$ credibilit% ad $o/ o? $o deci!io ma*i$. 7or the!eB thi! team eed! more data to be aal%Ced ad commuicati$ with the cliet. :e ho+e that we will be able to !ubmit the full 7uctioi$ +a+er withi a !hort time. •
& 'eneral )escription &1 %roduct %erspective " thi! moder world of commercialiCatioB $armet! bu!ie!! ha! bee e!tabli!hed a! oe of the flouri!hi$ i ,a$lade!h. "t ha! bee oe of the mo!t flouri!hi$ eG+ort !ector! for our coutr%B a! we ha'e told i bac*$roud. owB our +roject i! cocered with thi! !ector. #hi! i! a hu$e field to co'erB a! hudred! of maa$eable a!+ect! ca be foud to maitai the hi$he!t +roducti'it% of teGtile maufacturi$. :e choo!e the i'etor% maa$emet a! our +referred field to wor*. #o i!tatiateB thi! ca be !+ecified a! a b2b !%!temB from +roducer! to abroad or home dealer! throu$h !ome itermediate bu!ie!! ode!. #he im+ortat deal! that our M !ector are mo!tl% from abroad itere!t!B a! !tated abo'e. Ad our $oal would be facilitate thi! whole +roce!!B from collecti$ raw material! to the fii!hed +roduct !hi+met. &li*e the old da%!B M !ector of ,a$lade!h ha! bee im+lemeti$ a 'ariet% of maa$emet !oftwareB i order to ehace the +roducti'it%B ad to !ati!f% the cu!tomer!9 eed!. A! the!e deal! are 'er% !e!iti'e to hadleB ad there are a lot of 'ariable! that mu!t be maitaiedB the eed of olie iteractio betwee the bu%er ad the !ellerB or e'e !eller to !ellerB i! a mu!tB ad ca +la% a dramatic ifluece o the!e deal!. A! the whole +roce!! ha! multi+le !te+! to the wa% to fii!hed $ood!B a !i$le dela% i a !i$le !te+ ca cau!e dela% i the !hi+met !cheduleB !u++o!e our dela% i cutti$ ca demoli!h the reuired time !tructureB which ca al!o cau!e fiacial dama$e ad bad bu!ie!! re+utatio. #he eGi!ti$ !%!tem! ha'e bee u!i$ ot for !o lo$B ad the maturit% le'el of !oftware idu!tr% i our coutr% i! !till 'er% low. SoB the !%!tem! which are bei$ u!ed i recet da%! i the $armet! idu!tr% do ha'e a lot of bu$!B fuctioal de+edecie! ad de!i$ co!trait!. ,e!ide!B there i! !till a lac*i$ of a com+lete !olutio for maa$i$ $armet! which i! %et to be made. Ad we ha'e to !a%B after !tud%i$B we fid that majorit% of the $armet idu!tr% doe!9t u!e a% automated maa$emet !%!temB where a lar$e amout of +roblem! i maual maa$emet ca be !ol'ed i automated !%!tem. #he thi$ i! mi!!i$ all throu$h ad which we ha'e bee +lai$ to itroduce i the!e *id of u!ual maa$emet !%!temB i! olie iterface to cotrol the !%!tem. "teret ha! bee a +i'otal determier i e'er% a!+ect! life. :e are +ro+o!i$ to itroduce iteret cotrolli$ module of thi! !%!temB !o that the authorit% of our cliet ca moitor ad mai+ulate the !%!temB a! well a! the databa!e throu$h the iteret.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
At the !ame timeB there are techolo$ie! bei$ u!ed to maa$e +a%rollB a++oitmet!B i'etor%B ad i ma% other +ur+o!e!. ,ut a! our major cocer! will be i'etor% orietedB we will focu! the mo!t o that.
&! Current System /nalysis
$igure 1: 4urret S%!tem. #he $i'e dia$ram i! a !ceario of curret !%!tem. " the +re!et !%!temB whe the admii!trator !ealed the +roductio order the the +eo+le related to the +roductioB !+eciall% P8 Badmii!trator9! ma*e the total +roductio +lai$B ad accordi$ to the +la the ma*e a chec* !heet. Accordi$ to the +roductio +lai$ total +roductio wor* i! di'ided i to +artial +roductio!. #he!e +artial +roductio! are the +art of total +roductio. 4ombii$ thi! etire +artial +roductio elemet total +roductio ta*e +lace. ,ut the fact i! that i each !ta$e of thi! +artial +roductio face +roductio lo!e! becau!e of maual u+dati$ !%!tem. #he% caot follow the chec* !heet +ro+erl%. So the% caot deli'er their !hi+met with i due date. So our cliet wat! a !%!tem which ca +ro'ide automated u+dati$ !%!temB accurate calculatio of +roduced $ood!B +ro'ide +ro+er !toc* iformatioB !ed otificatio if the !hi+met wo9t ta*e +lace o due dateB *ee+ trac* of +artial +roductioB ad all 7iacial tra!actio! related to +roductio.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
&& %roduct $unctions "'etor% Maa$emet S%!tem mu!t be de!i$ed to meet the dictate! of the mar*et+lace ad !u++ort the com+a%! !trate$ic +la. Alo$ with the i'etor% !%!tem armet idu!trie! eed !ome more !+ecial attribute!. #he Software9! for armet are !+eciall% made for maa$i$ the 'ariou! !te+! i order +roce!!i$ of $armet! maufacturi$ +roce!!. #hi! !oftware i! modular i de!i$ ad i! web eabled for remote acce!! a! well a! itraet u!a$e without the eed to i!tall i e'er% machie. "'etor% Maa$emet S%!tem ha! !ome feature! which are badl% eeded for a com+lete "'etor% !%!tem of armet idu!trie!. So the feature! areB • • •
• • • • • • • • •
:eb ba!ed iterface &!er ba!ed Lo$i ? +a!!word ba!ed autheticatio for data +rotectio. )%amic Modular !tructure Each ad e'er% !ectio related to a +roductio ha! !e+arate meu!. Maa$e ma!ter detail! of bu%erB !u++lier ad 'edor. ob :or* trac*i$. aw material trac*i$. Shi+met trac*i$. Product cate$or% ad +roduct !toc* iformatio with 'alue. e+ort! iclude +urcha!eB i!!ue!B !toc*! N cate$orie!. 4u!tomiCed +ac*a$e otificatio S%!tem i ca!e of a% +roce!! dela%. 4hec* !heet automatio.
#he!e feature! are +rimar% reuiremet of our cliet for thi! i'etor% maa$emet !%!tem. #hi! feature li!t will cha$e i term! of cliet demad
&* %otential 0ser of t-e of t-e System #here are two $rou+! of u!er! i our !%!tem. #he% are the +roductio cotroller ad the !%!tem maiteace admii!trator!. #he% ha'e differet authoritie! i our !%!tem which i! !how a! follow!F Productio 4otrollerH #he% are the 4otroller of the +roductio i each ad e'er% !ectio related to total +roductio. #he% ca i!ert the detail +roduct iformatio which i! com+leted. ,e!ide!B the% are able to 'iew order !heet ad !am+le !heet to *ee+ their +roductio accurate. ,ut their autheticatio domai i! limited betwee their fieldB which ca be eGem+lified a! the +roductio cotroller who i! i char$e of cutti$B will ot ha'e the acce!! to the iformatio about +a%roll or cu!tomer!.
Admii!tratorH #he% are authoriCed !taff! to cotrol the !%!tem. #he% are a!!i$ed with differet le'el of authorit% to cotrol differet +art! of the !%!tem li*e i'etor% ad admii!trator!. " additioB admii!trator! are re!+o!ible to maitai databa!e.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
&+ 0ser C-aracteristics #he u!er! of the !oftware are cla!!ified ito two cate$orie! e$i!tered u!er ad ure$i!tered u!er. ,oth u!er! will be able to 'i!it the home+a$e of the web!ite but ol% the re$i!tered u!er i! allowed to $i'e i+ut i the !%!tem. #o wor* throu$h the !%!tem oe u!er !hould $o throu$h !ome fiGed !te+!? • •
7ir!t of all the u!er !hould be re$i!tered. #he !e+arate +roductio module will be +re!eted to the u!er a! a catalo$ for 'iewi$. #he u!er ca brow!e throu$h the cate$orie! to choo!e the module the% de!ire. #he u!er ca i+ut +artiall% com+lete +roductio uatit% of the total +roductio. 7iall% the +roduct will be deli'ered withi a fiGed ad tru!ted time +eriod to the eGt +roductio module. Ad the +roce!! will cotiue util the !hi+met i! com+leted
& /ssumptions and )ependencies After com+leti$ our !tud% about i'etor% ad i'etor% maa$emet !%!temB we thou$ht thatB our "'etor% maa$emet !oftware will be ideal oe i term! of $armet! idu!trie! of our coutr%. Accordi$ to our 'iew that i'etor% !%!tem will 4otai module li*eH "formatio of differet +roduct! cate$or% • •
A'ailable !toc*
Price of differet item!
tra!actio detail!
(e ca al!o eGtract a% re+ort! relati$ to +urcha!e ad Sale.
#he i'etor% maa$emet a++licatio will ha'e all the cate$orie!B
Subcate$orie!B item!B Stoc* detail! ad re+ort!.
#he admii!trator of thi! i'etor% !%!tem will ha'e ri$ht to create +roductB add item! delete item! etc. #he a++licatio will +ro'ide all iformatio of the +roduct!. #he cate$or% will be ta$$ed with !ubcate$or%. A$ai the !ubcate$orie! are ta$$ed with differet item! i the re!+ecti'e cate$or% ad rate of the item. Each item will ha'e a !+ecific bar code. #he rate! will be ta$$ed to the bar code. &!i$ the!e fuctio! the u!er caH Add item! to i'etor% • Edit item! i i'etor% • Add a actio for a item •
#he a++licatio will al!o hel+ to $eerate re+ort! to $et late!t u+date o •
Ma!ter Etr%
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
• • • •
Purcha!e order etr% ecei'e etr% )eli'er% etr% e+ort
#hi! i'etor% !%!tem al!o ha! !ome de+edecie! li*e "f data9! are i!erted it caot be deleted eGce+t admii!trator
&!er ca i!ert a data but ca9t delete
"f data9! are ot i!ertedB u!er caot 'iew r e+ort.
* Requirement /nalysis euiremet Aal%!i! +re!et! the reuiremet !+ecificatioB !oftware ad hardware reuiremet! for both !%!tem de'elo+er! ad !%!tem u!er!B +roce!! model ad data model. " thi! !ectio we !+ecif% the EGteral "terface euiremet!B fuctioal ad ofuctioal reuiremet! of the !%!tem.
*1 23ternal Interface Requirements *11 0ser Interfaces &!er iterface i! oe of the mo!t im+ortat elemet! i a% !oftware. Mo!t of the !oftware9! are u!ed b% o? techical +er!o!. So the% alwa%! !ee* of u!er friedl% e'iromet i their !%!tem. Ad the u!er iterface ma*e! the !%!tem more familiar to it! u!er. 7or our !%!tem we do ot de!i$ a u!er iterface %et. ,ut the +roce!! i! $oi$ o. *1! 4ardware Interfaces " the curret 'er!io of the !oftwareB it will ha'e o !+ecial hardware iterface with other eGteral !%!tem!. "t will ru i a $eeral?+ur+o!e com+uter !%!tem with $eeral?+ur+o!e hardware ad !oftware. *1& Software Interfaces #he 4urret 'er!io of thi! !%!tem will be built o the followi$ !oftwareH
Server: "teret "formatio !%!tem M!S8L !er'er 200<. M4 3. Client: a'aScri+t. (+eSSL. a'aScri+t @!%chroou!/a!%chroou! Eable ,row!er. • • •
*1* Communications Interfaces All !ort! of commuicatio! betwee !er'er ad cliet +ro$ram! will be u!i$ A)(.E# @Acti'e> )ata (bject! for .E# i! a !et of com+uter !oftware com+oet! that +ro$rammer! Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
ca u!e to acce!! data ad data !er'ice!. "t i! a +art of the ba!e cla!! librar% that i! icluded with the Micro!oft .E# 7ramewor*. "t i! commol% u!ed b% +ro$rammer! to acce!! ad modif% data !tored i relatioal databa!e !%!tem! B thou$h it ca al!o acce!! data i o? relatioal !ource! ad the me!!a$i$ will be doe b% >ML format.
*! $unctional Requirements 7uctioal reuiremet! defie the fuctio! that are reue!ted b% our !ta*eholder! )ifferet fuctio! are eeded b% differet u!er! of the !%!tem. )ifferet admii!trator! ha'e authorit% to maitai the !%!tem. #he !%!tem !+ecifie! the authorit% of the admii!trator. #he admii!trator ha! $ot cotrol o'er the databa!e of the !%!tem. S/e ca ma*e cha$e! to u+date the total i'etor% !%!temB ad the u+date will be carried out d%amicall%.
*!1 'eneral functional requirements: armet +roductio i! combiatio of differet +artial +roductio. #o *ee+ trac* of tho!e +artial +roductio there will !ome module! i the !%!tem tho!e areB S,etc- Su"missionH " the $armet maufacturi$ the fir!t !te+ i!
de!i$i$ the !*etch for the dre!!e! that ha'e to be +re+ared. #hat !*etch cotai! all !ort of iformatio related to the +roduct. So i the time of +roductio wor* thi! !*etch i! followed 'er% !trictl%. (ur cliet wat! fuctioalit% i the !%!tem that the admii!trator ca !ubmit a !*etch i the !%!tem accordi$ to their bu%er that ca a'ailable to all the other u!er! of the !%!tem. Ad thi! !*etch will hel+ the admii!trator to +re+are a well?balaced chec* !heet for the +roductio. %roduction %attern: #he +atter de!i$ i! ta*e for creati$ the +roductio +atter! accordi$ to the !*etch de!i$. #he +roductio +atter i! oe which will be u!ed for hu$e +roductio of $armet!. #he +atter ma*er ma*e! the +atter! o !tadard +atter ma*i$ +a+er. ,ut our cliet wat! a module that will *ee+ all the +roductio +atter accordi$ to their bu%er ame. Spreading: :ith the hel+ of !+readi$ machie!B fabric i! !tac*ed o oe aother i reache! or la%! that ma% $o o'er 100 ft. Lo$ ad hudred! of +lie! @fabric +iece! thic*. ,ut our !%!tem will calculate the amout of fabric +iece! to balace it with the chec* !heet to $et +rofitable +roductio. Cutting: 4utti$ the clothe! to the de!ired !iCe! i! a ma!!i'el% im+ortat job i M bu!ie!!. Sorting: Sorti$ the i'etor% to icrea!e the +roducti'it% i! challe$eB which mu!t be o'ercome to e!ure the be!t maa$emet of the com+a%. #he !orter !ort! the +atter! accordi$ to !iCe ad de!i$ ad ma*e! budle! of them. Sewing: #here are !ewi$ !tatio! for !ewi$ differet +art! of the cut +iece!. " thi! wor*+laceB there are ma% o+erator! who +erform a !i$le o+eratio. (e o+erator ma% ma*e ol% !trai$ht !eam!B while aother ma% ma*e !lee'e i!et!.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
Finishing. Packing. • #he!e module! cotai the databa!e of e'er% wor*er ad !u+er'i!or accout! createdB a! well a! the amout of re!ource!B raw material! ad other facilitie! recei'ed from the authorit%B ad their outcome! mu!t be +o!ted i a re$ular ba!i! b% the +er!o re!+o!ible to hadle a !+ecific moduleB the cotrollerB which i! oted i the fuctioal reuiremet! for cotroller! below. A effecti'e databa!e to !tore im+ortat data of e'er% deal. E'er% module will ha'e !e+arated record for all the tra!actio! occur. Limited eGteral acce!!ibilit%B betwee a com+a% or betwee a !elected $rou+. Limited iteral acce!!ibilit%B oe module ca be maitaied ad mai+ulated b% •
oe +er!o or oe $rou+ of re!+o!ible em+lo%ee!.
*!! $unctional Requirements for %roduction Controller •
,row!e de!ired module!.
,row!e de!ired !u+er'i!or +ortfolio.
otif% the !%!tem about the module reuiremet!.
"+ut +roduct uatit% after com+iled.
)i!tribute reuiremet! betwee the +roductio !u+er'i!or!.
Su+er'i!e iter?wor* !tatio combiatio.
iew +roductio detail! with deli'er% date.
,row!e throu$h differet +roductio area!.
,alaci$ the chec* !heet.
*!& $unctional Requirements for %roduction Supervisor Lo$i. et u+date from the cotroller. Setti$ the $oal of the $rou+ ad u+dati$ it o the !%!tem. "+ut the wor*er?to?wor*er data. Su+er'i!e ow wor*er $rou+ +erformace. otif% the de+edet wor*i$ $rou+ !u+er'i!or! throu$h the !%!tem. ,alaci$ the $rou+ i+ut ad out+ut. Submitti$ the $rou+ balace !heet to the re!+o!ible cotroller. Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
*!* $unctional Requirements for /dministrator •
Acce!!ibilit% to the whole !%!tem.
Moitori$ the total !%!tem a! well a! the databa!e.
i'i$ the total $oal of a deal a! the i+ut.
4larif%i$ the re!ource!.
)i!tributi$ the job !e$met! to the cotroller!.
etti$ u+date iformatio about the +roductio.
etti$ u+date iformatio about +roductio dela%.
etti$ u+date iformatio about o+eratio.
"'oice iformatio collectio.
4ha$e !etti$!
*!+ .uality $unction )eployment 8ualit% fuctio de+lo%met i! a method to tra!form u!er demad! ito de!i$ ualit%B to de+lo% the fuctio! formi$ ualit%B ad to de+lo% method! for achie'i$ the de!i$ ualit% ito !ub!%!tem! ad com+oet +art!B ad ultimatel% to !+ecific elemet! of the maufacturi$ +roce!!. 87) i! de!i$ed to hel+ +laer! focu! o characteri!tic! of a ew or eGi!ti$ +roduct or !er'ice from the 'iew+oit! of mar*et !e$met!B com+a%B or techolo$%?de'elo+met eed!. #he techiue %ield! $ra+h! ad matrice!. 87) hel+! tra!form cu!tomer eed! ito e$ieeri$ characteri!tic! for a +roduct or !er'iceB +rioritiCi$ each +roduct or !er'ice characteri!tic while !imultaeou!l% !etti$ de'elo+met tar$et! for +roduct or !er'ice. 8ualit% 7uctio )e+lo%met @87) ca be cate$oriCed b%? • • •
ormal euiremet!B EG+ected euiremet!B ad EGciti$ euiremet!.
ere i! the li!t of fuctioal ualit% of our +roductB
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
*!+1 5ormal Requirements ormal reuiremet! are tho!e reuiremet! which !ta*eholder! wat to be a'ailable i the S%!tem. #he ormal reuiremet! of thi! +ro+o!ed a++licatio are $i'e below? •
#he "'etor% S%!tem mu!t *ee+ trac* of all com+iled +roduct! or re!ource! record!B which i! eG+ected to $eerate ad mu!t otif% if re!ource! a!!ociated with the +roductio i! mi!!i$ or order i! icom+lete.
#he !%!tem mu!t ha'e a o+tio to +roduce chec* !heet.
#he !%!tem will +erform authoriCatio of u!er! for !ecurit% +ur+o!e!. All the u!er! a! well a! the admii!trator mu!t ha'e to +erform thi! +art.
All t%+e! of re!ource! ad +rice iformatio related to a% +roductio mu!t ha'e to !tore i the !%!tem.
"f a% *id of cha$e will occurB there will be a u+date o+tio i the !%!temB u!i$ that admii!trator ca cha$e the eGi!ti$ iformatio.
&!er! ca brow!e throu$h differet +roductio module.
#he !%!tem mu!t ha'e the +roductio +la ma*i$ o+tio. E'er% module will ha'e !e+arated record for all the com+ilatio! occur. Limited eGteral acce!!ibilit%B betwee com+aie! or betwee !elected $rou+!. Limited iteral acce!!ibilit%B oe module ca be maitaied ad mai+ulated b% oe +er!o or oe $rou+ of re!+o!ible em+lo%ee!. :ell?!tructured databa!e to !tore i'etor% record!.
*!+! 23pected Requirements EG+ected reuiremet! are tho!e reuiremet! which !ta*eholder! ot metioed to be a'ailable i the !%!tem but he/!he eG+ect! thi! will +ro'ide b% the de'elo+er i the !%!tem. #he eG+ected reuiremet! for our +ro+o!ed !%!tem are $i'e below?
#he !%!tem will cotai u!er friedl% iterface that will be de!i$ed i a maer which im+lemet! fuctioalitie! that are ea!il% acce!!ible b% the u!er!.
#he !%!tem mu!t e!ure databa!e bac*u+!B which are a! recet ad com+lete a! +o!!ible
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
4hec* !heetB +roductio +lai$B ad bac*u+ file! !hould be i readable file format or i cr%!tal re+ort! format.
(rder will be i!!ued accordi$ to bu%er ame. #hi! will hel+ authorit% to deal with their re!+ected bu%er.
*!+& 23citing Requirements
EGciti$ reuiremet! are tho!e reuiremet! which !ta*eholder! ot actuall% wat but the!e reuiremet! ha'e to fulfill to ma*e the !%!tem itere!ti$. #he eGciti$ reuiremet! for our +ro+o!ed !%!tem are $i'e below? •
Productio +lai$ with i'e!tmet ad e!timated +rofit will be calculated throu$h the !%!tem.
ormal u!er! ad admii!trator! ha'e to lo$i throu$h differet lo$i +a$e which will e!ure thatB without admii!trator o oe ca cha$e a% iformatio of a +roductio a! well a! the !%!tem.
S%!tem ha! the otif%i$ !%!tem for a% *id of dela% occur! i the $i'e +eriod. ,ut the !%!tem ca otif% the de+edet wor*i$ $rou+ !u+er'i!or! if the admii!trator! eed them.
Admii!trator! ca di!tribute the job !e$met! to the cotroller!.
*& 5on6$unctional Requirement o?fuctioal euiremet! of a !%!tem !+ecif% the +erformaceB reliabilit%B a'ailabilit%B !ecurit%B maitaiabilit%B +ortabilit% of a !%!tem. So below there are a !hort de!cri+tio each of tho!e o?fuctioal reuiremet!.
*&1 %erformance (ur +ro+o!ed i'etor% maa$emet !%!tem will be u!ed i armet idu!tr%. #here are lot of iteral ad eGteral o+eratio which are iter?related with each other for fruit full +roductio. So the commuicatio amo$ each ed !%!tem !hould be ti$htl% !cheduled ad the otificatio !hould be !et i timel% maer.
*&! Relia"ility #he +roductio +roce!! i the $armet idu!trie! i! a combiatio of differet o+eratio!B which $eerate lot! of data. #he!e data lo!e ca cau!e hi$h dama$e to a !+ecific module a! well a! to the total +roce!!. So if the reliabilit% i! ot cofirmedB thi! lac*i$ will affect the +roductio +erformace.
*&& /vaila"ility
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
#hi! !%!tem will be dedicated to a +articular cliet. So the a'ailabilit% will be re!tricted of thi! !%!tem.
*&* Security #hi! !%!tem will deal with hu$e amout of data. So !ecurit% i! a +rime i!!ue of our !%!tem. So the !%!tem !hould be !ecured from eGteral iterfere b% +ro'idi$ efficiet !ecurit% to the etire !%!tem.
*&+ Maintaina"ility Software maiteace i !oftware e$ieeri$ i! the modificatio of a !oftware +roduct after deli'er% to correct fault!B to im+ro'e +erformace or other attribute!. Maitaiabilit% of !oftware i! cate$oriCed i four cla!!e!H •
Ada+ti'e deali$ with cha$e! ad ada+ti$ i the !oftware e'iromet.
Perfecti'e accommodati$ with ew or cha$ed u!er reuiremet! which cocer fuctioal ehacemet! to the !oftware.
4orrecti'e deali$ with error! foud ad fiGi$ it.
Pre'eti'e cocer! acti'itie! aimi$ o icrea!i$ !oftware maitaiabilit% ad +re'et +roblem! i the future. So to maitai our !%!tem we will tr% to cocetrate o thi! four cla!!e!.
Portabilit% i! the de$ree to which !oftware rui$ o oe +latform ca ea!il% be co'erted to ru o aother. Portabilit% i! hard to uatif%B becau!e it i! hard to +redict o what other +latform! the !oftware will be reuired to ru. So to ma*e our !%!tem +ortable we ha'e to u!e la$ua$e!B o+erati$ !%!tem! ad tool! that are ui'er!all% a'ailable ad !tadardiCed.
*&7 Operational Requirement #he !%!tem ca be 'iewed b% o+e !ource MoCilla 7irefoG. #he !%!tem i! !u++orted b% the ""S@"teret iformatio9! !%!tem. #he team u!ed M!S8L databa!e to de'elo+ ad maitai the databa!e maa$emet !%!tem!.
*&8 )esign Constraints :he the +roject team i! !tarted to de!i$ the !%!temB at that time the team alwa%! trie! to meet all the reuiremet! of their cliet +ro+erl%. ,ut !ome time cliet9! ma*e the job difficult for the team to de!i$ the !%!tem b% rai!i$ !ome la!t momet reuiremet!. #hi! i! co!idered a! mai co!trait! of de!i$i$ a !%!tem. Sometime cliet! do ot $i'e the +ro+er iformatio which i! eeded b% the team to de!i$ !oftwareB becau!e of com+a% +olicie!. At that !ituatio !oftware +roject team !tart their wor* without +ro+er o'er'iew throu$h the eGi!ti$ !%!tem to de!i$ ew oe. Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
+ /nalysis Models Aal%!i! model i! oe of the mo!t im+ortat +art! of SS. All the model! $i'e u! clear 'iew of the de'elo+i$ !%!tem. " thi! !ectioB here i! the li!t of all aal%!i! model! u!ed i de'elo+i$ !+ecific reuiremet! of the curret de'elo+i$ !%!tem.
Scenario "ased model: • • •
&!e 4a!e )ia$ram. Acti'it% )ia$ram. Swim lae )ia$ram.
$low Model •
)ata 7low )ia$ram.
Class Model: • •
4la!! )ia$ram. 44 )ia$ram.
9e-avioral model: • • •
State tra!itio )ia$ram. Seuece )ia$ram. 4ollaboratio )ia$ram.
+1 Scenario 9ased Model
5.1.1 Use Case diagram " !oftware ad !%!tem! e$ieeri$B a u!e ca!e i! a li!t of !te+!B t%+icall% defii$ iteractio! betwee a role or actor ad a !%!temB to achie'e a $oal. #he actor ca be a huma or a eGteral !%!tem.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
"itiall% after aal%Ci$ the reuiremet! of our cliet we otif% two +otetial actor! i our +ro+o!ed !%!tem. ,ut thi! ca cha$e a% time whe their reuiremet! are modified. So i thi! !%!tem ormal u!er! are +roductio cotroller!. #he% ca brow!e throu$h their +roductio related module!. #he% ca 'iew all the +roductio detail!B all the +artial +roductio area! related to their +roductioB ca create chec* !heet accordi$ to order uatit%.
$igure !: &!e 4a!e )ia$ram
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
( the other had admi ca cha$e !%!tem !etti$!B u+date o+eratio iformatioB &+date +roductio iformatio etc.
+1! /ctivity )iagram Acti'it% dia$ram! are $ra+hical re+re!etatio! of wor*flow! of !te+wi!e acti'itie! ad actio! with !u++ort for choiceB iteratio ad cocurrec%. " the &ified Modeli$ La$ua$eB acti'it% dia$ram! ca be u!ed to de!cribe the bu!ie!! ad o+eratioal !te+?b%?!te+ wor*flow! of com+oet! i a !%!tem. A acti'it% dia$ram !how! the o'erall flow of cotrol.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
$igure &: Acti'it% )ia$ram. "f we co!ider the $i'e acti'it% dia$ramB it will ea!ier for u! to fid out !te+?b% !te+ o+eratioal wor*flow! of total !%!tem. :he the +roce!! !tart! it will allow a u!er to !elect hi!/her ow autheticatio. "f the u!er lo$$ed i a! a Admii!tratorB the u!er ha! the authorit% to !elect o+eratio betwee cha$e !etti$! of the wor*i$ module ad u+date iformatio of the +roductio.
( the other had if the u!er lo$$ed i a! a +roductio cotrollerB after 'alid autheticatio the +roductio cotroller ca $i'e i+ut i the !%!tem to e!ure the +artial +roductio of the total +roductio. " a% !tate of the +roductio if the dela% i! occurredB +roductio cotroller ca otif% admii!tratio about the dela% to hadle !hi+met related i!!ue!.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
5.1.3 Swim #ane )iagram A !wim lae i! a 'i!ual elemet u!ed i +roce!! flow dia$ram!B or flowchart!B that 'i!uall% di!ti$ui!he! re!+o!ibilitie! for !ub?+roce!!e! of a bu!ie!! +roce!!.
$igure *: Swim Lae dia$ram #hi! i! the !wim lae 'iew of our +ro+o!ed !%!tem accordi$ to +re!et reuiremet! .S%!tem colum !how! the etire o+eratioal fuctio .ad admii!trator ad +roductio cotroller colum !how! the ta!* that the% will do u!i$ the !%!tem
+! $low model 5.2.1 Data flow diagram
A data flow dia$ram @)7) i! a $ra+hical re+re!etatio of the OflowO of data throu$h a iformatio !%!temB modeli$ it! +roce!! a!+ect!. (fte the% are a +relimiar% !te+ u!ed to Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
create a o'er'iew of the !%!tem which ca later be elaborated. )7)! ca al!o be u!ed for the 'i!ualiCatio of data +roce!!i$ . A )7) !how! what *id! of data will be i+ut to ad out+ut from the !%!temB where the data will come from ad $o toB ad where the data will be !tored. "t doe! ot !how iformatio about the timi$ of +roce!!e!B or iformatio about whether +roce!!e! will o+erate i !euece or i +arallel
$igure +: )ata 7low )ia$ram @Le'el 0
)ata flow diagram level ;<: )7) le'el 0 B i! the re+re!etatio of the !%!tem which ca ol% !how! the i+ut! ad out+ut! of the !%!tem without deali$ with a% fuctio ad file or databa!e i!!ue. " the $i'e fi$ure thi! i! the data flow dia$ram @Le'el 0 for our +ro+o!ed i'etor% maa$emet !%!tem. 4otrol +ael ad the +lai$ i! two i+ut etit% which ca $i'e data commad to the !%!temB all the i+ut! will +roce!! i the !%!tem ad the out+ut! will 'iew i the di!+la% +ael or a! otificatio. Ad the !%!tem al!o ca +roduce chec* !heet accordi$ to $i'e +lai$.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
$igure : )ata 7low )ia$ram @Le'el 1 )ata flow diagram #evel 1<: )7) le'el 1B i! the re+re!etatio of the !%!tem which ca 'i!ualiCe the relatio amo$ the fuctio! ad the file or databa!e with the i+ut! ad out+ut!. 4otrol +ael ad +lai$ etit% ca $i'e i+ut commad to the !%!temB which ca +roce!! b% !ome fuctio! i thi! !%!tem li*e iteract with u!erB cofi$ureB ad u+date i+utB di!+la% !tatu!. #here i! a databa!e related with cofi$ure fuctio which oe ca modif% +roductio iformatio. Ad di!+la% !tatu!B otificatioB chec* !heet ca +roduce out+ut de+ed o all the fuctio! which cofi$ure i+ut!.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
+& Class Model +&1Class )iagram " !oftware e$ieeri$B a cla!! dia$ram i the &ified Modeli$ La$ua$e @&ML i! a t%+e of !tatic !tructure dia$ram that de!cribe! the !tructure of a !%!tem b% !howi$ the !%!tem! cla!!e!B their attribute!B o+eratio! or method!B ad the relatio!hi+! amo$ the cla!!e!.
$igure 7: 4la!! )ia$ram
" the abo'e eG+o!ed dia$ram Module9 i! the +aret cla!! which ha! two child cla!!e! Admii!trator9 ad Productio 4otroller9. (rder 4la!! deal! with all the !te+! related to order ad maitaied b% admii!trator. Store ad Shi+met9 cla!! maitaied b% +roductio cotroller.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
+&! Class Responsi"ility Colla"oration )iagram
$igure 8: 44 )ia$ram A 4la!! e!+o!ibilit% 4ollaborator @44 model i! a collectio of !tadard ideG card! that ha'e bee di'ided ito three !ectio!B Sectio 1H A cla!! re+re!et! a collectio of !imilar object!. Sectio 2H A re!+o!ibilit% i! !omethi$ that a cla!! *ow! or doe!. Sectio 3H A collaborator i! aother cla!! that a cla!! iteract! with.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
+* 9e-avioral model +*1 State Representation )iagram
$igure =: State e+re!etatio )ia$ram. A !tate dia$ram i! a t%+e of dia$ram u!ed to de!cribe the beha'ior of !%!tem!. State dia$ram! reuire that the !%!tem de!cribed i! com+o!ed of a fiite umber of !tate!F !ometime!B thi! i! ideed the ca!eB while at other time! thi! i! a rea!oable ab!tractio. Ma% form! of !tate dia$ram! eGi!tB which differ !li$htl% amo$ each other. " the $i'e fi$ureB thi! i! the !tate re+re!etatio dia$ram for our +ro+o!ed !%!tem. " the $i'e fi$ure there are four !tate!B fir!t oe Dreadi$ !tate ju!t read the i!tructio!. Secod oe Dcom+ari$ !tate com+are! the $i'e commad. :he the !tate com+are +a!!wordB if the +a!!word i! i'alidB total !%!tem will be loc*ed for a while. (r if the +a!!word i! 'alid it will mo'e a !te+ ahead to !elect o+eratio what the !%!tem allow a u!er.
Software Requirements Specification
Online Inventory Management System
+*! Sequence )iagram
$igure 1;: Seuece )ia$ram A !euece dia$ram i a &ified Modeli$ La$ua$e @&ML i! a *id of iteractio dia$ram that !how! how +roce!!e! o+erate with oe aother ad i what order. "t i! a co!truct of our +ro+o!ed !%!tem9! Seuece 4hart. A !euece dia$ram !how! object iteractio! arra$ed i time !euece. "t de+ict! the object! ad cla!!e! i'ol'ed i the !ceario ad the !euece of 4ommad eGcha$ed betwee the object! eeded to carr% out the fuctioalit% of the !ceario.
Software Requirements Specification