1. Which standards govern the specifications for supply of Residual Marine Fuels and Distillate Marine Fuels onboard merchant ships? A. ISO 3012:1999 B. ISO 3648:1996 C. ISO 8216-1:2010 D. ISO 8217:2010 Answer-D 2. Cran !eb deflection readings !ill give a positive indication of A. worn main bearing o!rna"s B. #orsiona" s#ress $e%orma#ion C. s"a&' #(r!s# bearings D. bearing s(e""s s(im $imensions Answer-A ". #he advantage of tie rods over an engine !ithout tie rods is that$ A. )(e engine is *er+ easi"+ a"igne$ a%#er an+ misa"ignmen# (as #a'en ,"a&e be#ween $i%%eren# &om,onen#s o% #(e engine B. )(e engine $oes no# re!ire #(r!s# ,a$s %or #ransmission o% #(r!s# #o #(e s(i,s (!"" as #(e same is being #a'en &are o% b+ #(e #ie ro$s C. )(e engine &om,onen#s are m!&( "ig(#er "ea$ing in o*era"" re$!&#ion is engine weig(# wi#( a (ig( ,ower genera#ion wi#( #(e e"imina#ion o% %a#ig!e s#resses D. )(ere are no a$*an#ages o% engines wi#( #ie ro$s/ be&a!se #ie ro$s re!ire re !ire reg!"ar main#enan&e an$ re,"a&emen# "i'e &onne&#ing ro$s an$ o*era"" engine be&omes more e,ensi*e #o o,era#e Answer-A %. #he purpose of an air cooler in a supercharging system is to$ A. e$!&e #em,era#!re o% s!,er&(arge$ air in or$er #o &on$ense an$ remo*e maim!m ,ossib"e mois#!re %rom #(e air ,rior en#r+ #o #(e engine B. e$!&e #(e #em,era#!re o% #(e s!,er&(arge$ air in or$er #o in&rease #(e $ensi#+ a"so #o &oo" $own be"ow $ew ,oin# #o remo*e mois#!re %rom air ,rior en#r+ #o #(e engine C. Coo" s!,er&(arge$ air #o in&rease i#s $ensi#+ s!&( #(a# #(e $ew ,o in# is no# rea&(e$ #o a*oi$ en#r+ o% mois#!re in#o #(e engine D. Coo" s!,er&(arge$ air #o in&rease i#s $ensi#+ an$ a"so #o 'ee, #(e ,ea' #em,era#!re an$ e(a!s# gas #em,era#!re wi#(in "imi#s Answer-B &. Which of the follo!ing is an e'ample of a solid bearing? A. is#on ,in b!s(ing B. )!rbo-genera#or )!rbo-genera#or #!rbine bearing C. S,ring bearing D. )(r!s# bearing Answer-A (. )n comparison to e'haust valves* intae valves of diesel engines may be fabricated from lo!+alloy steels because A. #(e be*e"e$ e$ges o% #(e in#a'e *a"*es ,ro*i$e %orse"%-&en#ering $!ring sea#ing B. in#a'e *a"*es !#i"ie s#e""i#e-&oa#e$ *a"*e sea# inser#s w(i&( re $!&e wear C. #(e *o"!me o% air ,assing #(ro!g( in#a'e *a"*es is "ess #(an #(e *o"!me o% air ,assing #(ro!g( e(a!s# *a"*es D. in#a'e *a"*es are "ess a%%e&#e$ #o #(e &orrosi*e a&#ion o% e(a!s# gases Answer-D ,. Why is it essential to rene! turbocharger bearings after a preset number of hours of running even if the bearings are in seemingly perfect condition? A. Be&a!se #(e+ are ,rone #o %ai"!re $!e #o ,ro"onge$ e,os!re #o (ig( #em,era#!re &on$i#ions. B. Be&a!se #(e+ are s!be&# #o &+&"i& "oa$ing an$ are ,rone #o %ai"!re $!e #o me#a" %a#ig!e. C. I# is no# essen#ia" #o renew i% &on$i#ion moni#oring s!gges#s ,er%e&# &on$i#ion. D. 5!be oi" &on#amina#ion is bo!n$ #o o&&!r an$ a%%e&# #(e &on$i#ion o% #(e bearings. Answer-B
-. Modern marine turbochargers use a type of compressor
A. a$ia" %"ow B. Aia" %"ow C. ie$ %"ow D. )!rb!"en# %"ow Answer-A /. Which of the follo!ing is a disadvantage of !ater as cooling medium for pistons* !hen compared to oil? A. C(emi&a" #rea#men# is re!ire$ B. ig(er #(erma" s#resses in ,is#on C. is#on o% more &om,"i&a#e$ $esign D. A"" o% #(e abo*e Answer-D 10. )n a 2+stroe marine diesel engine if the o+ring for acet cooling !ater sealing is leaing then A. )(e wa#er wi"" "ea' $ire&#"+ in#o #(e &ran'&ase B. )(e wa#er wi"" "ea' in#o #(e !n$er ,is#on s,a&e C. )(e wa#er wi"" &ome o!# #(ro!g( #e""-#a"e (o"e ,ro*i$e$ be#ween #(e #wo o-rings D. )(e wa#er wi"" &ome o!# %rom #(e #o, o% &+"in$er a&'e# Answer-C 11. #he lube oil pump used in a diesel engine is a A. *o"!#e ,!m, B. &en#ri%!ga" ,!m, C. $ia,(ragm ,!m, D. gear ,!m, Answer-D 12. #he coating !hich is provided on the valve stem of e'haust valves of modern marine diesel engines is of$ A. i&'e" B. S#e""i#e C. C(romi!m D. imoni& Answer-B 1". Which of the follo!ing statements is true* about slo! speed engines? A. A s&a*enge %ire &an "ea$ #o a &ran'&ase e,"osion B. A s&a*enge %ire &an "ea$ #o $e%orma#ion o% $ia,(ragm ,"a#e C. A s&a*enge %ire &an "ea$ #o $amage #o #ie ro$s. D. A"" o% #(e abo*e. Answer-D 1%. For a t!o stroe engine t!o o+rings are provided on the liner. #he function of the top o+ring is to and function of the lo!er o+ring is to A. Sea" a&'e# &oo"ing wa#er a&# as se&on$ar+ sea" in &ase 1s# o-ring "ea's B. Sea" a&'e# &oo"ing wa#er/ Sea" s&a*enge air C. Sea" s&a*enge air/ Sea" a&'e# &oo"ing wa#er D. Sea" &omb!s#ion gases/ Sea" a&'e# &oo"ing wa#er Answer-B 1&. ven if there is an oil mist concentration inside a crancase* and there is also a hot spot* crancase e'plosion !ill only tae place !hen A. )(e (o# s,o# ,ro*i$es #(e igni#ion #em,era#!re %or #(e oi" mis# &on&en#ra#ion B. ;(en #(e oi" mis# - air mi#!re is in #(e %"ammab"e range C. Bo#( A an$ B D. one o% #(e abo*e Answer-C
1(. 3ome %+stroe engines are fitted !ith a rotorcap on the cylinder head valves. For !hat reason?
A. o#a#e #(e in"e# *a"*e $!ring o,era#ion. B. Dis#rib!#e #(e e(a!s# gas or #(e air in"e# be##er #o im,ro*e &omb!s#ion. C. Im,ro*e #(e s&a"ing s!r%a&e %!n&#ion/ in&rease #(e ser*i&e #ime o% #(e e(a!s# *a"*e in #(e engine D. )o ,re*en# #(e *a"*e s,in$"e %rom s#i&'ing Answer-C 1,. What do you mean by surge limit of a turbocharger? A. C(ara&#eris#i& &!r*e o% a #!rbo&(arger B. or#ion o% &om,ressor &(ara&#eris#i& &!r*e w(i&( "ies on #(e "e%# si$e o% #(e ,oin# o% maim!m ,ress!re C. A "ine oining a"" #(e ,oin#s o% maim!m ,ress!re on &om,ressor &(ara&#eris#i& &!r*es/ $rawn a# *ario!s s,ee$s o% o,era#ion D. aim!m r,m "imi# o% )
2". )n case of 2+stroe marine diesel engines* the top part of the liner forming the combustion chamber e'periences very high pressure induced mechanical stresses as !ell
as high thermal stresses. Which of the follo!ing is a correctly designed liner for catering both the above stresses? A. )(i&' #o, ,or#ion wi#( a&'e# &oo"ing #o #a'e &are o% bo#( #(e (ig( me&(ani&a" an$ #(erma" s#resses B. )(i&' #o, ,or#ion #o #a'e &are o% (ig( me&(ani&a" s#resses w(i"e bore &oo"ing #o r e$!&e #(erma" gra$ien#s C. )(in #o, ,or#ion #o re$!&e #(erma" gra$ien#s an$ (en&e #(erma" s#resses w(i"e s!,,or#ing ribs #o #a'e &are o% me&(ani&a" s#resses D. )(i&' #o, ,or#ion #o #a'e &are o% (ig( me&(ani&a" s#resses wi#( a&'e# &oo"ing &ombine$ wi#( a""owan&e %or #(erma" e,ansion #o minimie #(e #(erma" s#resses Answer-B 2%. Which of these fuel oil impurities can cause ma'imum abrasive damage? A. ;a#er B. As( C. Ca#a"+#i& %ines D. So$i!m Answer-C 2&. )n modern marine 2+stroe diesel engines* is sometimes used as a coating on the underside of the e'haust valve disc* to reduce the rate of hot corrosion. A. mone" B. &(romi!m C. in&one" D. &erme# Answer-C 2(. )rregular circumferential !ear of liner due to diminishing neutrali;ing capacity of cylinder oil a!ay from lubricating holes is no!n as$ A. i&ro sei!re B. S&!%%ing C. S&oring D. C"o*er "ea%ing Answer-D 2,. Which of the follo!ing is a reasonable statement about !ater !ashing of turbine side of a #:C? A. I# "ea$s #o #(erma" s(o&' an$ re$!&es #(e "i%e o% #(e )
!ear? A. >is&osi#+ B. )B C. De#ergen&+ D. S,e&i%i& gra*i#+ Answer-B "1. What is meant by elastohydrodynamic lubrication? A. ?orma#ion o% (+$ro$+nami& %i"m !n$er (ig( ,ress!re wi#( minor e"as#i& $e%orma#ion o% ma#ing s!r%a&es/ $is#rib!#ing "oa$ o*er a grea#er area B. A$$i#ion o% e#reme ,ress!re a$$i#i*e @= #o #(e "!bri&an# C. A$$i#ion o% >is&osi#+ in$e im,ro*emen# a$$i#i*e D. A$$i#ion o% e"as#omer base$ a$$i#i*es Answer-A "2. )n a bypass type filtering system for a medium or high speed diesel engine* the lube oil bypassing the filter A. re#!rns $ire&#"+ #o #(e s!&#ion si$e o% #(e ,!m, B. re#!rns $ire&#"+ #o #(e s!m, C. %"ows #o #(e engine bearings D. %"ows #(ro!g( a se&on$-s#age s#rainer/ re(ea#e$/ an$ re#!rns #o #(e s!m, Answer-C "". #ypes of corrosion in fresh !ater of Diesel ngines A. S#ress B. o# &orrosion C. Bime#a""i& D. Se"e&#i*e ,(ase &orrosion Answer-D "%. Which of the follo!ing types of damages are metal seatings of a valve sub7ect to? Choose the correct alternative. A. Corrosion/ =rosion/ Abrasion/ De%orma#ion B. Corrosion/ ?a#ig!e %ai"!re/ bri##"e %ra&#!re/ &a!s#i& &ra&'ing C. =rosion/ &a!s#i& &ra&'ing/ bri##"e %ra&#!re/ C"o*er "ea%ing D. one o% #(e abo*e Answer-A "&. When 4: stand by F.<. heater to be used for main engine A. S!$$en o,ening ?.O. in"e# *a"*e ,ress!rie$ an$ $amage #(e (ea#er B. ?.O. in *a,or "o&' insi$e (ea#er a""ow s#eam C. ?.O. in"e# *a"*e &a!ses ,ress!re $ro, <= ?.O. ,ress!re s#an$b+ wa#er is no# ,ress!rie$ ma+ &a!se s!$$en &(ange in engine <,er "oa$
"-. When main engine is running in emergency condition !hich of the alarms can>t be
bypassed A. 5O "ow ,ress!re B. a&'e# wa#er (ig( #em, C. is#on &oo"ing wa#er (ig( #em, D. A"" #(e abo*e Answer-D "/. Which of the follo!ing !ill be re6uired to be done in order to reduce sulphur corrosion of main ngine Components? A. In&reasing #(e a#omia#ion ,ress!re o% %!e" ine&#ors B. ?i##ing e(a!s# *a"*es wi#( *a"*e ro#a#ors C. !nning engine a# or near norma" sea "oa$ D. De&reasing #(e ?.O. ,!ri%ier %ee$ ra#e/ r!nning #wo ,!ri%iers in series one a&#ing as ,!r i%ier an$ o#(er as &"ari%ier Answer-A/ B/ C an$ D %0. 3udden stop of diesel engine multiple choices@ A. air in s+s#em B. wa#er in s+s#em C. air %i"#er &(o&'e$ D. wa#er in air %i"#er Answer-A/ B an$ C %1. Mi'ed lubrication consist of A. i #wo "!bes oi" B. Con#amina#ion o% (+$ro$+nami& "!be oi". C. ie$ grease an$ oi" Answer-B %2. #he muffling of e'haust gas noise in % stroe au'iliary engines in achieved by A. A""owing #(e gas #o e,an$. B. C(ange #(e $ire&#ion o% #(eir %"ow. C. Coo" #(e gas wi#( ine&#e$ wa#er. D. Coo" #(e gas wi#( s&a*enges air. Answer-A an$ B %". 4n au'iliary engine turbocharger maes strange noises !hen the load changes. #he engine parameters ho!ever are absolutely fine. 4n e'ternal e'amination of turbocharger parameters as stated in the manual also reveals nothing. Would you A. Con#in!e #o r!n #(e engine an$ wai# %or some #ime B. S#o, #(e engine %or a w(i"e an$ ma'e some &(e&'s C. e$!&e #(e "oa$ o% #(e engine D. !n i# on s#ea$+ "oa$ #o ma'e some &(e&'s. Answer-B %%. #o avoid the engine running too long on critical speed during start up it is necessary to A. S#ar# a# s,ee$s abo*e &ri#i&a" s,ee$. B. S#ar# a# s,ee$s !s# be"ow &ri#i&a" s,ee$ an$ !i&'"+ mo*e a&ross #(e &ri#i&a" s,ee$. C. S#ar# a# maim!m s,ee$ an$ !i&'"+ bring $own #o !s# abo*e &ri#i&a" s,ee$. D. ="imina#e #o#a""+ #(e (aar$s o% &ri#i&a" s,ee$ b+ ignoring i#. Answer-B %&. 3upercharging an e'isting medium speed naturally aspirated engine !ill A. e$!&e weig(# o% #(e engine. B. e$!&e b!"' o% #(e engine. C. In&rease eis#ing ,ower. D. In&rease ,is#on s,ee$. =. e$!&e %!e" &ons!m,#ion. Answer-C an$ =
%(. When using lo! sulfur fuel oil for mission Control 4reas C4A3@* ideally the #9B of
the cylinder oil used should be A. 5ower #(an norma" B. ig(er #(an norma" C. Same as norma" D. Same as norma" i% #(e %ee$ is 'e,# (ig(er Answer-A %,. Which of the follo!ing functions is done by a cam operating an e'haust valve? A. I# go*erns #(e #iming o% o,ening an$ &"osing o% #(e *a"*e. B. I# go*erns #(e s,ee$ a# w(i&( #(e *a"*e o,era#es C. I# go*erns #(e amo!n# o% o,ening o% #(e *a"*e D. A"" o% #(e abo*e Answer-D %-. )n the latest concept of =ariable 5eometry #urbocharging* angle can be varied to match the turbocharger at varying engine loads A. Com,ressor *ane B. )!rbine b"a$e C. o"e ring b"a$e D. Di%%!ser ring b"a$e Answer-C %/. Directional intae ports in diesel engines are used to A. re$!&e air &(arge #!rb!"en&e B. in$!&e air swir" C. $e%"e&# (o# &omb!s#ion gas awa+ %rom #(e *a"*es D. o,,ose #(e e%%e&#s o% ,is#on in$!&e$ s!is( Answer-B &0. Why does a chain stretch in service? A. D!e #o ,"as#i& e"onga#ion B. D!e #o (ig( #em,era#!re e,ansion C. D!e #o wear on ro""ers an$ b!s(es D. D!e #o #(e ,(enomenon o% &ree, Answer-C