Process Equipment Design HandbookDeskripsi lengkap
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Process Equipment Design by Joshi
Piping Hydraulics Fluid Flow Line Sizing and Material SelectionDescrição completa
Piping Hydraulics Fluid Flow Line Sizing and Material Selection
Steel Heat Treatment: Equipment and Process DesignFull description
Structural Analysis and Design of Process EquipmentDescripción completa
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Piping Hydraulics Fluid Flow Line Sizing and Material SelectionFull description
Industrial Process Equipment
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Design calculation for Equipment block foundation
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Process Equipment Design I Part A 1. A pump operating operating under specifi specified ed conditions conditions delivers delivers insufficie insufficient nt quantity quantity of fluid. How it can be set right? 2. Differenti Differentiate ate between between the efficie efficiency ncy of venturi venturi meter meter and orifice orifice meter meter . Define Define overall overall heat trans transfer fer coeffici coefficient ent in heat heat transfe transferr !. Defi Define ne H"# H"# and and $"# $"# %. &hat is meant meant by weeping weeping in a distilla distillation tion column? column? How How it can be eliminat eliminated? ed? '. &hat is meant meant by unbound unbound and bound bound moistu moisture re in a solid? solid? (. Draw a line line s)etch s)etch of a top*driv top*driven en centri centrifuge fuge +. &hy cooling cooling tower towers s are used in process process industrie industries? s? ,. -uggest -uggest a suitable suitable type of storage storage vessel vessel for storing storing liquid liquid ammonia. ammonia. ive reasons reasons for such recommendation. 1/. &hat is meant by steam economy in the design of evaporators? evaporators? 11. &hat is meant by filter ca)e resistance? How it affects filtration? filtration? 12. ive an equation for the calculation of power requirement requirement for an agitator 1. 0ention various types of commercially commercially available crystalliers 1!. 0ention why different pac)ings are used in a distillation or absorption absorption tower 1%. Define adsorption adsorption phenomenon 1'. &hy steam traps are used in heat transfer transfer apparatus? 1(. &hat type of closures are used for pressure pressure vessels? &hy? 1+. &hat are the differences between condenser condenser and a reboiler? 1,. &hy low pressure steam is used in evaporators? evaporators? 2/. &hat is meant by induced induced draft in cooling tower? Part 21. 3a4 A soap )ettle is 1.2% m in diameter diameter and its cylindrical cylindrical height is also 1.2% m. 5t has a conical bottom6 the height of which is /.' m. "he )ettle is made of ' mm mild steel. "he liquid in the )ettle is filled up to a depth of /.% m from the top. A %/ mm outlet is provided at the tip of the conical bottom. 5t is required to install a steam heating coil made of %/ mm i.d. in the )ettle. "he coil is in the cylindrical section of the )ettle. "he total length of heating coil is 1' m. A paddle stirrer made with ! arms is also installed with a suitable gear drive. Draw an half*sectional elevation and plan of the )ettle. "he top of the )ettle is open to the atmosphere. 7r 3b4 "he following design details of a top suspended centrifuge are available8 Diameter of bas)et8 (% cm Height of bas)et8 !% cm -tirrer shaft diameter8 cm "hic)ness of bas)et8 1 cm Draw a sectional elevation of the centrifuge showing details of stirrer connection6 arrangement for the ca)e removal and washing and solids discharge. 22. 3a4 A double pipe heat e9changer uses % cm outer diameter and and cm inner diameter pipe. Draw a sectional elevation showing the return bends. Or
3b4 A solution of :- 2 and ::l! containing %/; 3weight4 each is to be continuously fractionated at atmospheric pressure at the rate of 1+// )g
Temp oC Mole % of CS2 in liqui ( x1) Mole % of CS2 in !"por ( y1)
-pecific heats of :- 2 and ::l! in liquid state are /.,+ and /.++ )=<)g. o: respectively. >atent heats of vaporiation of both :- 2 and ::l! can be assumed to be 12(.+ )=<)g. 2. (") #en$ene i &o 'e onene in " 11 !er&i"l onener "& " r"&e of 6000 *+,-r "&
:ooling water is available at / . -cale factor at shell side is /.1(' and water side is /.2' m2.<)& respectively. :hec) whether this condenser is suitable for the required duty. 7r
3b4 A thic) walled vessel having an inside diameter of 2% cm and an outside diameter of !/ cm is sub@ected to an internal pressure of 1%/// psi. :alculate the ma9imum induced stress according to the 3i4 ma9imum principle stress theory 3ii4 ma9imum shear stress theory 3iii4 ma9imum strain theory 3iv4 ma9imum strain energy theory 2!.3a4 A solution is to be concentrated from 1/; to '%; solids in a vertical tube evaporator. "he solution has a negligible elevation of boiling point and its specific heat can be ta)en same as that of water. -team is available at 2/.' )Pa and the condenser operates at 1. )Pa. "he feed enters the evaporator at 2,% . "he total evaporation is to be 2%/// )g
Part A 32/ 9 2 B !/ 0ar)s4 1. As the operating temperature increases the design stress decreases 2. &hen radio graphic tests are conducted for pressure vessels6 the @oint efficiency is /.+% for spot radiography and 1.// for 1//; radiography . . Cor stainless steel materials the corrosion allowance is ero. !. Cor elliptical heads the ratio of ma@or a9is to minor a9is is 281 %. &hat losses are ta)ing place in the storage of volatile liquids? vaporation losses6 filling losses6 breathing losses. '. &hat is "0A? "ubular 9changers 0anufacturers Association6 #-A. Heat 9changer design and fabrication :ode. (. :orrosive fluids are passed through tube side of a shell and tube heat e9changer +. affles are provided in agitated vessels to prevent swirling. ,. Cor triple effect evaporators the economy is appro9imately three. 2 1/. Heat transfer coefficient has the units of &<3m .4 in -5. 11. Plate thic)ness8 hole diameter is between EEEEEE8EEEEEE for sieve trays 12. At minimum reflu9 ratio infinite number of plates are required for distillation. 1. Define loading 1!. A redistributor is used for every D 3i.e.6 times the diameter of height4 of the pac)ed section. 1%. 5n a dryer6 number of flights ranges from EEEEED to EEEEED where D is in feet.
1'. Define cut sie for a cyclone separator. 3"he minimum diameter of particle that can be collected with 1//; efficiency4 1(. Cormation of new crystals is termed as EEEEEEEEEE. 1+. &hat is an induced draft cooling tower? 3Air is suc)ed by the fans at the top of the tower4 1,. 5ndicate any two advantages of pressure filter 2/. Define critical speed of centrifuge
Part 3% 9 12 B '/ 0ar)s4 21. 3a4 1/6/// )g
III Part A 32/ 9 2 B !/ 0ar)s4 1. 2. . !. %. '.
Cloating head Heat e9changer is use for large temperature differentials &hy triangular pitch is preferred than square pitch in tube layout in heat e9changer? Differentiate between evaporation and drying CourierFs law applies to EEEEEEEEE Cruit @uice can be concentrated in EEEEEEEEE evaporator "he most common standard sie of a bubble cap is mar)eted with EEEEEEEEE inches diameter cup and EEEEEEEEE inches riser (. Aeotropic distillation is employed to separate EEEEEEEEE mi9ture +. >eaching is applicable to EEEEEEEEE system ,. Clooding occurs in a column due to EEEEEEEEE 1/. Geboiler is considered as one theoretical plate because EEEEEEEEE 11. Gelative humidity is the ratio of vapor pressure of high volatile component6 vapor pressure of low volatile component 12. 0il) is dried to powder in EEEEEEEEE dryer 1. Cor continuous drying of granular materials we use EEEEEEEEE dryer 1!. :rystal sie in a continuous crystallier depends upon EEEEEEEEE6 EEEEEEEEE6 and EEEEEEEEE 1%. 5n case of cooling towers the ratio of rates of heat and mass transfer is indicated by >ewis number 1'. Geaction vessels with the same thic)ness of shell but smaller in diameter withstands higher pressure 1(. &rite an equation for power requirements for an agitator 1+. Draw a diagram of a concrete vessel for storing solids 1,. #nder what conditions of liquids6 vacuum drum filters are used? 2/. &hat is meant by ma9imum yield stress of a metal? Part 3% 9 12 B '/ 0ar)s4 21. 3a4 A shell and tube heat e9changer having 2 shell passes and four tube passes is being used for cooling. "he shell side fluid enters at !// oC and leaves at 2// oC and the tube side fluid enters at 1//oC and leaves at 2// oC. :alculate the mean temperature difference between hot fluid and cold fluid 7r 3b4 Draw a neat s)etch of an evaporator showing the parts such as calenderia and steam heating arrangements 22. 3a4 A gas mi9ture containing '; -7 2 and ,!; dry air is to be scrubbed with fresh water in a tower pac)ed with 1 rasching ring. "he e9it concentration of -7 2 is /.1/ mole;. "he tower is to treat 1/// lb
3b4 Draw a neat s)etch of a distillation column with all the necessary accessories shown. "he column is operated using bubble cap tray. -how separately the arrangement of trays and bubble caps 2. 3a4 Gaw seeds of /.( g