a) Easements Cid v. Javier, 108 Phil 239; G.R. No. !1"11#. J$ne 30, 19#0. Notarial prohibition is required to start the running of prescription. prescripti on. Also Registratio Registration n of the Immovable Immovable without without the registration of the easement extinguishes the easement. •
FACTS: %he easement in dis&$te here is an easement o' li(ht and vie, hi*h is a ne(ative easement. %he res&ondents Javier, et al are the oners o' the +$ildin( standin( on their lot ith indos overlooin( the ad-a*ent lot. Res&ondents have *laimed that the had a*/$ired + &res*ri&tion an en'or*ea+le easement o' li(ht and vie arisin( 'rom a ver+al &rohi+ition to o+str$*t s$*h vie and li(ht. %he loer *o$rts have r$led in their 'avor.
Note easement o' li(ht and vie is *ontin$o$s and a&&arent so it is s$+-e*t to &res*ri&tion. ISSUES: hether or not the res&ondents rene P. Javier, et al., oners o' a +$ildin( standin( on their lot ith indos overlooin( the ad-a*ent lot, had a*/$ired + &res*ri&tion an en'or*ea+le easement o' li(ht and vie arisin( 'rom a ver+al &rohi+ition to o+str$*t s$*h vie and li(ht, alle(ed to have +een made $&on &etitioners &rede*essor!in!interest as oner o' the ad-oinin( lot, +oth o' hi*h lots +ein( *overed + %orrens % orrens titles. RULING: NO. 4rt538s re/$irement is a 6'ormal a*t7 and not -$st an ver+al or ritten a*t. 6ormal a*t7 *ontem&lated in art538 in the : Civil Code &ertains to an instr$ment a*noled(ed +e'ore a notar &$+li*. Pres*ri&tion 'or a ne(ative easement onl +e(ins hen there is a notarial &rohi+ition + the dominant estate. Res&ondents *o$ld have not a*/$ired the easement + &res*ri&tion +e*a$se the have not '$llled this re/$irement. Even ass$min( the have a*/$ired it, the easement no lon(er e
ran*is*o v. Pae=, Pae=, 5" Phil 239; G.R. No. 31118. Jan$ar 1", 1930. >enedi*to v. Co$rt o' 4&& eals, 13" Phil 122; G.R. No. !22?33. @e&tem+er 25, 19#8,A 19#8, A
loilo Cold @tora(e v. B$ni*i&al Co$n*il, 2" Phil "?1; G.R. No. ?012. Bar*h 2#, 1913. 4C%@ loilo Cold @tora(e loilo) *onstr$*ted an i*e and *old stora(e &lant in the *it o' loilo. %he near+ residents started to *om&lain that the smoe 'rom the &lant as ver in-$rio$s to their health and *om'ort. %he B$ni*i&al *o$n*il then ordered to investi(ate thro$(h a *ommittee and the re&orted that the *om&laints ere ell!'o$nded. •
%he B$ni*i&al Co$n*il then &assed a resol$tion orderin( loilo to elevate the smoesta*s and i' not done the ere re/$ired to *lose or s$s&end o&erations. @e*. 39 -) o' the B$ni*i&al *ode 6to de*lare and a+ate n$isan*es7. loilo then led this a*tion @@DE N the B$ni*i&al Co$n*il has the ri(ht to de*lare the &lant a n$isan*e as o&erated and a+ate it FE: No R4% N$isan*es H anthin( that oreth h$rt, in*onvenien*e, or dama(e. N$isan*es are o' 2 *lasses N$isan*es &er se H $n/$estiona+l and $nder all *ir*$mstan*es n$isan*es s$*h as (am+lin( ho$ses and et*. and N$isan*es &er a**idens.
%he a$thorit to de*ide hen a n$isan*e e$t s$*h &oer *annot +e taen to a$thori=e the e
Bonteverde v. Generoso, 52 Phil 123; G.R. No. 28"91. @e&tem+er 29, 1928.
Fidal(o v. >alandan, 91 Phil "89; G.R. No. !3"22. J$ne 13, 1952. :C%RNE :C%RNE 4%%R4C%E ND@4NCE ne ho maintains on his &remises dan(ero$s instr$mentalities or a&&lian*es o' a *hara*ter liel to attra*t *hildren in &la, and ho 'ails to e
%he attra*tive n$isan*e do*trine (ener all is not a&&li*a+le to +odies o' ater, arti*ial as ell as nat$ral, in the a+sen*e o' some $n$s$al *ondition or arti*ial 'eat$re other than the mere ater and its lo*ation. 4C%@ Fidal(o Enter&rises, n*. Kas the oner o' an i*e! &lant 'a*tor in the Cit o' @an Pa+lo, a($na, in hose &remises ere installed 2 tans '$ll o' ater, 9 'eet dee&, 'or *oolin( &$r&oses o' its en(ine. hile the 'a*tor *om&o$nd as s$rro$nded ith 'en*e, the tans themselves ere not &rovided ith an ind o' 'en*e or to& *overs. %he ed(es o' the tans ere +arel a 'oot hi(h 'rom the s$r'a*e o' the (ro$nd. %hro$(h the ide (ate entran*e, hi*h is *ontin$all o&en, motor vehi*les ha$lin( i*e and &ersons +$in( said *ommodit &assed, and anone *o$ld easil enter the said 'a*tor, as he &leased. %here as no ($ard assi(ned on the (ate.7 4t a+o$t noon o' 4&ril 1#, 19"8, Bario >alandan, a +o +arel 8 ears old, hile &lain( ith and in *om&an o' other +os o' his a(e entered the 'a*tor &remises thro$(h the (ate, to tae a +ath in one o' said tans; and hile th$s +athin(, Bario san to the +ottom o' the tan, onl to +e shed o$t later, alread a *adaver, havin( +een died o' Kas&h
%he C4, and the C, too the vie that the Fidal(o Enter&rises maintained an attra*tive n$isan*e the tans), and ne(le*ted to ado&t the ne*essar &re*a$tions to avoid a**idents to &ersons enterin( its &remises. t a&&lied the do*trine o' attra*tive n$isan*e. %he C4 re/$ired Fidal(o Enter&rises, n*. to &a G$illermo >alandan and his i'e, dama(es in the s$m o' P2,000 'or the death o' their son Bario. @@DE@) s a simmin( &ool or ater tan an instr$mentalit or a&&lian*e liel to attra*t the little *hildren in &laL n other ords, is the +od o' ater an attra*tive n$isan*eL RDNG N. %he a&&ealed de*ision is reversed and the Fidal(o Enter&rises, n*. is a+solved 'rom lia+ilit. R4% Nat$re has *reated streams, laes and &ools hi*h attra*t *hildren. $rin( in their aters is alas the dan(er o' dronin(. 4(ainst this dan(er *hildren are earl instr$*ted so that the are s$M*ientl &res$med to no the dan(er; and i' the oner o' &rivate &ro&ert *reates an arti*ial &ool on his on &ro&ert, merel d$&li*atin( the or o' nat$re itho$t addin( an ne dan(er... Fe is not lia+le +e*a$se o' havin( *reated an Kattra*tive n$isan*e.K %he attra*tive n$isan*e do*trine (eneral l is not a&&li*a+le to +odies o' ater, arti*ial as ell as nat$ral, in the a+sen*e o' some $n$s$al *ondition or arti*ial 'eat$re other than the mere ater and its lo*ation. %here are n$mero$s *ases in hi*h the attra*tive n$isan*e do*trine has not +een held not to +e a&&li*a+le to &onds or reservoirs, &ools o' ater, streams, *anals, dams, dit*hes, *$lverts, drains, *ess&ools or seer &ools. n 'airness to the Co$rt o' 4&&eals it sho$ld +e stated that the a+ove vol$me o' Cor&$s J$ris @e*$nd$m as &$+lished in 1950, hereas its de*ision as &rom$l(ated on @e&tem+er 30, 19"9. %here'ore, as Fidal(os tans are not *lassied as attra*tive n$isan*e, the /$estion hether the &etitioner had taen reasona+le &re*a$tions +e*omes immaterial. @it*hon v. 4/$ino, 98 Phil "58; G.R. No. !8191. e+r$ar 2?, 195#. 4C%@ %hese are # *lass s$its a(ainst the Cit En(ineer o' Banila to en-oin him 'rom *arrin( o$t his threat to demolish the ho$ses o' Petitioners herein, $&on the (ro$nd that said ho$ses *onstit$te &$+li* n$isan*es.
reversed $&on the (ro$nd that, in trin( to demolish their res&e*tive ho$ses itho$t noti*e and hearin(, the *it en(ineer so$(ht to de&rive them o' their &ro&ert itho$t d$e &ro*ess o' la, a&art 'rom the 'a*t that, $nder 4rti*les ?01 and ?02 o' the ne Civil Code, the &oer to remove &$+li* n$isan*es is vested in the distri*t health oM*er, not in Res&ondent *it en(ineer. >e'ore e<&ressin( his intent to demolish the ho$ses in /$estion, Res&ondent had advised and ordered the Petitioners to remove said ho$ses, ithin the &eriods stated in the *orres&ondin( noti*es; that Petitioners do not /$estion, and have not /$estioned, the reasona+leness or s$M*ien* o' said &eriods; that the have never ased Res&ondent herein to (ive them an o&&ort$nit to sho that their ho$ses do not *onstit$te &$+li* n$isan*es. >esides, it is not dis&$ted that said ho$ses are standin( on &$+li* streets, ith the e<*e&tion o' some ho$ses, hi*h are +$ilt on &ortions o' river +eds. t is *lear, there'ore, that said ho$ses are &$+li* n$isan*es, &$rs$ant to 4rti*les #9" and #95 o' the Civil Code o' the Phili&&ines, t is tr$e that 4rti*les ?00 and ?02 o' the same Code &rovide that the distri*t health oM*er shall tae *are that one or all o' the remedies a(ainst a &$+li* n$isan*e are availed o' and that $nder 4rti*le ?02 the distri*t health oM*er shall determine hether or not a+atement, itho$t -$di*ial &ro*eedin(s, is the +est remed a(ainst a &$+li* n$isan*e. Foever, se*tion 31 o' Re&$+li* 4*t No. "09, the Revised Charter o' the Cit o' Banila, s&e*i*all &la*es $&on the *it en(ineer the d$t, amon( others, 6to have *har(e o' the *are o' streets, *anals and esteros 7; to 6&revent the en*roa*hment o' &rivate +$ildin(s on the streets and &$+li* &la*es 7; to 6have s$&ervision o' all &rivate do*s, harves, &iers and other &ro&ert +orderin( on the har+or, rivers, esteros and ateras and iss$e &ermits 'or the *onstr$*tion, re&air and removal o' the same and en'or*e all ordinan*es relatin( to the same7; to 6have the *are and *$stod o' all so$r*es o' ater s$&&l7; to 6*a$se +$ildin(s dan(ero$s to the &$+li* to +e torn don7; and to 6order the removal o' +$ildin(s and str$*t$res ere*ted in violation o' the ordinan*es7. 4rti*les ?00 and ?02 o' Re&$+li* 4*t No. 38#, sho$ld ield to said se*tion 31 o' Re&$+li* 4*t No. "09, not onl +e*a$se the 'ormer &re*eded the latter, +$t, also, +e*a$se said se*tion 31 o' Re&$+li* 4*t No. "09 is a s&e*ial &rovision s&e*i*all desi(ned 'or the Cit o' Banila
hat remains *ommon in all these &etitions is that &etitioners o**$&ied &ortions o' the &$+li* street, itho$t the *onsent o' the a$thorities. ater on, some o' them &aid 6*on*ession 'ees or dama(es, 'or the $se7 o' said &ortions o' the street, to a *olle*tor o' the *it treas$rer, ho iss$ed re*ei&ts ith an annotation that sas 6itho$t &re-$di*e to the order to va*ate.7 Res&ondent Cit En(ineer advised and ordered them to va*ate the &la*e and remove their ho$ses, ith the arnin( that otherise he o$ld eOe*t the demolition o' said ho$ses at their e<&ense. Fen*e, this &etition. @@DE ere the *onstr$*tions o' the ho$ses n$isan*es that *an +e a+ated + the *it en(ineerL FE: es. R4% Petitioners *ontend that said de*isions sho$ld +e
henever the oner or &erson res&onsi+le 'or an $na$thori=ed o+str$*tion shall, a'ter oM*ial noti*e 'rom the &ro&er de&artment, re'$se or ne(le*t to remove the same ithin a reasona+le time, s$*h o+str$*tion shall +e deemed a &$+li* n$isan*e, and the *it en(ineer is a$thori=ed to remove the same at the oners e<&ense. 4(ain, ho$ses *onstr$*ted, itho$t (overnmental a$thorit, on &$+li* streets and ateras, o+str$*t at all times the 'ree $se + the &$+li* o' said streets and ateras, and, a**ordin(l, *onstit$te n$isan*es &er se, aside 'rom &$+li* n$isan*es. 4s s$*h, the s$mmar removal thereo', itho$t -$di*ial &ro*ess or &ro*eedin(s ma +e a$thori=ed + the stat$te or m$ni*i&al ordinan*e, des&ite the d$e &ro*ess *la$se. %he &oli*e &oer o' the state -$sties the a+atement or destr$*tion, + s$mmar &ro*eedin(s, o' hatever ma +e re(arded as a &$+li* n$isan*e; and the le(islat$re ma a$thori=e the s$mmar a+atement o' a n$isan*e itho$t -$di*ial &ro*ess or &ro*eedin(. •
elas*o v. Banila Ele*tri * Co., "0 @CR4 3"2; G.R. No. !18390. 4$($st #, 19?1.
:C%RNE Noise ma *onstit$te a n$isan*e +$t it m$st +e o' s$*h *hara*ter as to &rod$*e a*t$al &hsi*al dis*om'ort and annoan*e to a &erson o' ordinar sensi+ilities.
4C%@ elas*o +o$(ht three 3) ad-oinin( lots. Fe sold to 2) o' these to Beral*o and maintained the last one as his residen*e. Beral*o *onstr$*ted on their lots a s$+!station at a distan*e o' 10!20 meters aa 'rom a&&ellants ho$se. %he *om&an also +$ilt a *on*rete all at the sides alon( the streets +$t &$t $& onl an interlin ire 'en*e &revio$sl a saali all) on the +o$ndar ith a&&ellant. 4n $n*easin( so$nd emanates 'rom the s$+station, *a$sed + trans'ormers. @$*h, a&&ellent *ontends, *onstit$te a n$isan*e hi*h has orsened his health *ondition and has loered the val$e o' his &ro&ert. @everal itnesses *ame 'orth +$t their testimonies ere va($e and im&re*ise. Resort as made to a so$nd level meter. %he a$di+le so$nd 'rom diOerent areas in elasos &ro&ert as meas$red in terms o' de*i+els. t as 'o$nd that the so$nd e<*eeded the avera(e intensit levels o' residen*es. @@DECan there +e a n$isan*e *a$sed + noise or so$ndL FE: es. @everal 4meri*an de *isions are *ited shoin( that noise is an a*tiona+le n$isan*e. n 'a*t, Ient$* v. 4nderson dealt ith noise emanatin( 'rom ele*tri*al ma*hiner and a&&lian*es. %he determinin( 'a*tor, hoever, is not -$st intensit or vol$me. t m$st +e o' s$*h *hara*ter as to &rod$*e a*t$al &hsi*al dis*om'ort and annoan*e to a &erson o' ordinar sensi+ilities. Foever, a&&ellants testimon is too &lainl +iased. Nor are the itnesses testimonies revealin( on a**o$nt o' diOerent &er*e&tions. Conse/$entl, so$nd level meters ere $sed. 4s stated a+ove, the so$nd e<*eeds avera(e residential de*i+els. 4lso, the testimonies o' a&&ellants &hsi*ians hi*h ere more relia+le sin*e the a*t$all treated him, $nlie the a&&ellees) &oint to the noise as havin( *a$sed a&&ellant loss o' slee&, irritation and tension eaenin( his *onstit$tion. Nota+le lastl is the 'a*t that in the Ient$* *ase, here the n$isan*e as ordered a+ated, the avera(e readin( as "" de*i+els hile in the instant, the readin(s in*l$de 52, 5", and 55. %he de*ision (oes on to dis*$ss the &ro&er aard o' dama(es. >$t Beral*o as ordered either to trans'er the 'a*ilities or red$*e the &rod$*ed so$nd to aro$nd. arrales v. Cit Baor o' >a($io, "" @CR4 239; G.R. No. !2"2"5. 4&ril 11, 19?2. FACT! PlaintiO as the holder o' a m$ni*i&al li*ense to sell li/$or and sari!sari (oods. hen the tem&orar +$ildin( here she had her stall as demolished in order that the *it mi(ht *onstr$*t a &ermanent +$ildin(, PlaintiO as ordered to move her (oods to another tem&orar &la*e $ntil the &ermanent +$ildin( as *om&leted. nstead, PlaintiO +$ilt a tem&orar sha* at one end o' the Ri*e @e*tion, >a($io Cit Baret itho$t seein( &rior &ermit 'rom an *it oM*ial. hen the &oli*e threatened to demolish the sha*, PlaintiO so$(ht an in-$n*tion +e'ore the C hi*h ased her that she &resent &ro&er &ermit. D&on 'ail$re o' &etitioner to *om&l ith the order, the C denied the &etition 'or in-$n*tion, and the &oli*e then demolished the sha*. •
I"#! 1) N the sha* or tem&orar stall as a n$isan*e; 2) N the &oli*e oM*ers are lia+le 'or dama(es in e
2) 4**ordin( to 4rti*le ?0? o' the CC, a &$+li* oM*ial e
the alle(ed n$isan*e as not reall so +$t the trial *o$rt 'o$nd that it as in 'a*t a n$isan*e. ndeed it ma +e said that the a+atement thereo' as not s$mmar, +$t thro$(h a -$di*ial &ro*eedin(. %he denial o' &etitioners &etition 'or in-$n*tion as in eOe*t an a$thorit 'or the &oli*e to *arr o$t the a*t hi*h as so$(ht to +e en-oined. %imoner v. Peo&le, 125 @CR4 830; G.R. No. !#2050. Novem+er 25, 1983. Tim!"r #s. $"%&" •
Q Baor 'en*ed &$+li* n$isan*e. Q 4+atement o' &$+li* n$isan*e itho$t -$di*ial &ro*eedin(s, m$ni*i&al maor not *riminall lia+le hen he a*ted in (ood 'aith in a$thori=in( the 'en*in( o' a +ar+ersho& 'or +ein( a &$+li* n$isan*e +e*a$se it o**$&ied a &ortion o' the sideal. 4rt #99 a$thori=es the a+atement o' a &$+li* n$isan*e itho$t -$di*ial &ro*eedin(s. Q Grave *oer*ion is *ommitted hen a &erson ho itho$t a$thorit o' la, shall + means o' violen*e, &revent another 'rom doin( somethin( not &rohi+ited + la or *om&el to do somethin( a(ainst his ill either it +e ri(ht or ron(. Q Elements a. %hat an &erson +e &revented + another 'rom doin( somethin( not &rohi+ited + la, or *om&elled to do somethin( a(ainst his ill, +e it ri(ht or ron(. +. %hat the &revention or *om&$lsion +e eOe*ted + violen*e, either + material 'or*e or s$*h dis&la o' it as o$ld &rod$*e intimidation and *ontrol the ill o' the oOended &art *. %hat the &erson ho restrained the ill and li+ert o' another had no ri(ht to do so, or, in other ords, that the restraint as not made $nder a$thorit o' la or in the e
Estate o' Gre(oria ran*is*o v. Co$rt o' 4&& eals199 @CR4 595; G.R. No. 952?9. J$l 25, 1991. AAA
%amin v. Co$rt o' 4&&eals, 208 @CR4 8#3; G.R. No. 9?"??. Ba 8, 1992. 4C%@ n @e&tem+er 2", 1990, &etitioner m$ni*i&alit re&resented + its maor :omi*iano E. Real led ith the Re(ional %rial Co$rt o' am+oan( a del @$r, >ran*h 23, Bolave, &resided + the &etitioner J$d(e, a *om&laint denominated as KE-e*tment ith Preliminar n-$n*tion and :ama(esK a(ainst res&ondents i*ente Bedina and ort$nata Rosellon. •
%he *om&laint alle(ed that the &lain tiO &etitioner m$ni*i&alit herein) is the oner o' a &ar*el o' residential land lo*ated at Po+la*ion, :$min(a(, am+oan(a del @$r ith an area o' 5,89" s/$are meters more or less; that the &ar*el o' land as reserved 'or &$+li* &la=a $nder Presidential Pro*lamation No. 3#5 dated Bar*h 15, 19#8; that d$rin( the in*$m+en* o' the late Baor sidoro E. Real, @r. or in 1958, the m$ni*i&alit leased an 4rea o' 1,350 s/$are meters to the de'endants res&ondents herein) s$+-e*t to the *ondition that the sho$ld va*ate the &la*e in *ase it is needed 'or &$+li* &$r&oses; that the de'endants reli(io$sl &aid the rentals $ntil 19#?; that therea'ter, the de'endants re'$sed to &a the rentals; that the in*$m+ent maor dis*overed that the de'endants led a KCadastral 4nserK over said lot; that the de'endants re'$sed to va*ate the &la*e des&ite eOorts o' the m$ni*i&alit; that the national (overnment had alloted an a&&ro&riation 'or the *onstr$*tion o' a m$ni*i&al (mnasi$m ithin the &$+li* &la=a +$t the said *onstr$*tion hi*h as alread started *o$ld not *ontin$e +e*a$se o' the &resen*e o' the +$ildin(s *onstr$*ted + the de'endants; that the a&&ro&riation 'or the *onstr$*tion o' the (mnasi$m mi(ht +e reverted +a* to the national (overnment hi*h o$ld res$lt to Kirre&ara+le dama(e, in-$r and &re-$di*eK to the m$ni*i&alit and its &eo&le ho are e<&e*ted to derive +enet 'rom the a**om&lishment o' the &ro-e*t. n *to+er 23, 1990, the &rivate res&ondents led their anser to the *om&laint alle(in( therein that the s$+-e*t &ar*el o' land has +een oned, o**$&ied and &ossess + res&ondent i*ente Bedina sin*e 19"? hen he +o$(ht the s$+-e*t &ar*el 'rom a @$+anan native; that the other res&ondent ort$nata Rosellon leased 'rom Bedina a &ortion o' the &ar*el o' land; that the res&ondents ere never lessees o' the &etitioner m$ni*i&alit; that Pro*lamation No!3#5 iss$ed on Bar*h 15, 19#8 re*o(ni=ed K&rivate ri(htsK; and, that a *ase is &endin( +e'ore the Cadastral *o$rt +eteen res&ondent Bedina and &etitioner m$ni*i&alit as re(ards the onershi& o' the s$+-e*t &ar*el o' land. 4 rit o' &ossession and a rit o' demolition as (ranted. @@DE s entitled to a rit o' &ossession and a rit o' demolition even +e'ore the trial o' the *ase startsL FE: No. Not onl did the m$ni*i&alit avoid the $se o' a+atement itho$t -$di*ial &ro*eedin(s, +$t the stat$s o' the s$+-e*t &ar*el o' land has et to +e de*ided. e have to *onsider the 'a*t that Pro*lamation No. 3#5 dated Bar*h 15, 19#8 re*o(ni=es &rivate ri(hts hi*h ma have +een vested on other &ersons, to it
@$r. 4t the time o' the lin( o' the in stant *ase, the *adastral &ro*eedin(s intended to settle the onershi& over the /$estioned &ortion o' the &ar*el o' land $nder Pro*lamation No. 3#5 ere still &endin(. ne o' the *laimants in the *adastral &ro*eedin(s is &rivate res&ondent i*ente Bedina ho tra*ed his onershi& over the s$+-e*t &ar*el o' land as 'ar +a* as 19"? hen he alle(edl +o$(ht the same 'rom a @$+anan native. Dnder the *adastral sstem, the (overnment thro$(h the :ire*tor o' ands initiates the &ro*eedin(s + lin( a &etition in *o$rt a'ter hi*h all oners or *laimants are *om&elled to a*t and &resent their ansers otherise the lose their ri(ht to their on &ro&ert. %he &$r&ose is to serve the &$+li* interests + re/$irin( that the titles to an lands K+e settled and ad-$di*ated.K @ e*tion 1 Cadastral 4*t SNo. 22593T Government o' the Phili&&ine slands v. 4+$ral, 39 Phil. 99# S1919T. t is a &ro*eedin( in rem somehat ain to a -$di*ial in/$ir and investi(ation leadin( to a -$di*ial de*ree. :ire*tor o' ands v. Roman 4r*h+isho& o' Banila, "1 Phil. 120 S1920T) Parentheti*all, the iss$an*e o' the rit o' &ossession and rit o' demolition + the &etitioner J$d(e in the e-e*tment &ro*eedin(s as &remat$re. hat the &etitioner sho$ld have done as to sto& the &ro*eedin(s in the instant *ase and ait 'or the nal o$t*ome o' the *adastral &ro*eedin(s. a*ed ith these alternative &ossi+ilities, and in the interest o' -$sti*e, e r$le that the &etitioner m$ni *i&alit m$st &$t $& a +ond to +e determined + the trial *o$rt to anser 'or -$st *om&ensation to hi*h the &rivate res&ondents ma +e entitled in *ase the demolition o' their +$ildin(s is ad-$d(ed to +e ille(al. *) L"+'& E's"m"!ts
a) n 'avor o' ad-a*ent &ro&erties RGF% 4 H N CC #"9!#5? 4r*h+isho& o' Banila v. Roenedi*to, 3? Phil ?81; G.R. No. 9989. Bar*h 13, 1918. alderrama v. North Ne( ros, "8 Phil "92; G.R. No. 23810. :e*em+er 18, 192#. North Ne(ros v. Fidal(o, #3 Phil ##"; G.R. No. "233". *to+er 31, 193#. >ernardo v. Co$rt o' 4&&eals, 9? Phil 131; G.R. No. ! ?2"8. Ba 28, 1955. •
ran*is*o v. ntermediate 4&&ellate Co$rt, 1?? @ CR4 52?; G.R. No. #399#. @e&tem+er 15, 1989. :C%RNE ' the en*los$re or isolation as d$e to the &ro&rietors on a*ts, then there *o$ldnt +e an *om&$lsor ri(ht o' a. •
> %FE PRE@:EN% %FE PFPPNE@ PRC4B4%N N. 3#5 RE@ERNG R @CF @%E, PD>C P44 4N: P4GRDN: PDRP@E@ CER%4N P4RCE@ 4N: %FE PD>C :B4N @%D4%E: N %FE BDNCP4% :DBNG4G, PRNCE 4B>4NG4 :E @DR, @4N: BN:4N4. D&on re*ommendation o' the @e*retar o' 4(ri*$lt$re and Nat$ral Reso$r*es and &$rs$ant to the a$thorit vested in me + la, ER:N4N: E. B4RC@, PRE@:EN% %FE PFPPNE@, do here+ ithdra 'rom sale or settlement and $nder the administration o' the :ire*tor o' P$+li* @*hools administration o' the B$ni*i&al Government o' :$min(a(, s$+-e*t to &rivate ri(hts, i' an there +e, *ertain &ar*els o' land o' the &$+li* domain sit$ated in the B$ni*i&alit o' :$min(a(, Provin*e o' am+oan(a del @$r, sland o' Bindanao, . . . t is to +e noted that even +e'ore the Pro*lamation, the &ar*el o' land as the s$+-e*t o' *adastral &ro*eedin(s +e'ore another +ran*h o' the Re(ional %rial Co$rt o' am+oan( a del
4C%@ ot 8#0 as donated + *o!oners Cornelia and ris*a :ila to three sets o' ne oners. ne o' the $ndivided shares as retained + Cornelia hersel'. %his &ro&ert had a 'ronta(e alon( Parada Road and ad-oined a lot oned + E$se+io ran*is*o. @$+se/$entl, the &ro&ert as s$+divided e/$all amon( the ne oners and Cornelia (ot ots 8#0!4 and 8#0! C. Foever, their &artition overlooed the 'a*t that ot 8#0!>, oned + E&i'ania :ila, a nie*e, in*l$ded the entire 'ronta(e o' the &ro&ert, leavin( no a**ess to the Parada Road 'or the other lots. @$+se/$entl, Cornelia sold ot 4 to the sisters E$(enio ho later sold it to Cresen*io Ramos, ho set $& a &i((er in the &ro&ert. Ramos, thro$(h a laer, $ndertoo ne(otiations to as 'or a ri(ht o' a thro$(h the land o' ran*is*o. Foever, these 'ailed as Ramos *o$ld not a**e&t the oOer o' e<*han(e
o' land at the rate o' 1s/m to 3s/ms, s$&&osedl the *$stom o' the &la*e. ater that ear, Ramos s$**eeded to o+tain a &assa(ea thro$(h ot 8#0!>, thro$(h the inter*ession o' Co$n*ilor %on(o. ne<&li*a+l, Ramos &$t $& a 10!'t *on*rete all on his lot hi*h *losed the ver same ri(ht o' a. ran*is*o rea*ted + re&la*in( the +ar+ed ire 'en*e on his lot alon( the road ith a stone all. Ramos then led a *om&laint here the *o$rt (ranted a rit o' &reliminar mandator in-$n*tion dire*tin( ran*is*o to remove the stone all. Event$all the *o$rt r$led a(ainst ran*is*o. %he C4 also aMrmed the said de*ision. ran*is*o ar($es that in vie o' the last &ara(r a&h o' 4rt. #"9, his lot *annot +e *onsidered a servient estate s$+-e*t to a *om&$lsor easement o' ri(ht o' a in 'avor o' Ramos lo. @@DE N ran*is*o ma +e *om&elled to (ive a ri(ht o' a to the Ramos lot FE:R4% N. 4 *om&$lsor easement o' a *annot +e o+tained itho$t the &resen*e o' " re/$isites &rovided in 4rt. #"9 and #50, hi*h the oner o' the dominant tenement m$st esta+lish 1) %hat the dominant estate is s$rro$nded + other immova+les and has no ade/$ate o$tlet to a &$+li* hi(ha 4rt. #"9, &ar. 1); 2) 4'ter&amento'&ro&erindemnit4rt.#"9,&ar.1,end); 3) %hat the isolation as not d$e to a*ts o' the &ro&rietor o' the dominant estate; and ") %hattheri(hto'a*laimedisatthe&ointl east&re-$di*ialtotheser vient estate; and inso'ar as *onsistent ith this r$le, here the distan*e 'rom the dominant estate to a &$+li* hi(ha ma +e the shortest. 4rt. #50). %he C4 overlooed that Ramos had alread +een (ranted a**ess to the &$+li* road thro$(h ot 8#0!>. Fe also ine<&li*a+l (ave $& that ri(ht o' a**ess + allin( oO his &ro&ert 'rom the said &assa(ea. Eviden*e s$+mitted shoed the e
!%he +$rden o' &rovin( the e
512"), sit$ated in a&$!a&$ Cit, on hi*h a resort and hotel is *onstr$*ted. %he ad-oinin( &ro&ert oners on %@ 5123! 4 4N: 5123!C. Prior to Costa+ellas *onstr$*tion o' its +ea*h hotel, the ad-oinin( &ro&ert oners &assed thro$(h a &assa(ea hi*h traversed Costa+ellas &ro&ert the &assa(ea (oes to the &rovin*ial road). %his &assa(ea as *losed hen the *onstr$*tion o' the hotel +e(an >D% another ro$te a*ross Costa+ellas &ro&ert as o&ened thro$(h hi*h the ad-oinin( &ro&ert oners ere alloed to &ass. ater, Costa+ella 'en*ed its &ro&ert hen it *onstr$*ted the se*ond &hase o' its +ea*h hotel. %his *losed the alternative &assa(ea and &revented the ad-oinin( &ro&ert oners 'rom traversin( an &art o' it. %he ad-oinin( &ro&ert oners led an a*tion 'or in-$n *tion +e'ore the C. %he *laimed that the &assa(ea is an 6an*ient road ri(ht o' a7 that had +een in e
n this *ase, there is a+sent an shoin( that the ad-oinin( &ro&ert oners had esta+lished the e
En*arna*ion v. Co$rt o' 4&&eal s, 195 @CR4 ?"; G.R. No. ??#28. Bar*h 11, 1991 :C%RNE 4n easement o' ri(ht o' a e
4C%@ %omas En*arna*ion is the oner o' the dominant estate hi*h is +o$nded on the north + the servient estates o' E$se+io de @a($n and Bamerto Basi(no, on the so$th + a dried river and the %aal ae. %he servient estate is +o$nded on the north + the National Fi(ha. Prior to 19#0, &ersons (oin( to the national hi(ha o$ld -$st *ross the servient estate at no &arti*$lar &oint. n 19#0, @a($n and Basi(no en*losed their lands ith a 'en*e +$t &rovided a road&ath 25 meters lon( and a+o$t 1 meter in idth. 4t this time, En*arna*ion started his &lant n$rser +$siness on his land. hen his +$siness Vo$rished, it +e*ame more diM*$lt to trans'er the &lants and (arden soil thro$(h the $se o' a &$sh*art so En*arna*ion +o$(ht an oner!t&e -ee& 'or trans&ortin( the &lants. Foever, the -ee& *o$l d not &ass thro$(h the road&ath so he a&&roa*hed @a($n and Basi(no asin( them i' the o$ld sell to him 1 1W2 meters o' their &ro&ert to add to the e
En*arna*ion then instit$ted an a*tion +e'ore the R%C to see the iss$an*e o' a rit o' easement o' a ri(ht o' a over an additional idth o ' at least 2 meters. %he R%C dismissed the *om&laint 'or there is another o$tlet, hi*h is thro$(h the dried river +ed. %his as aMrmed + the C4 th$s the *ase at +ar. @@DE hether or not En*arna*ion is entitled to an idenin( o' an alread eio Fon(, 195 @CR4 ?"8; G.R. No. 9059#. 4&ril 8, 1991. X$imen v. Co$rt o' 4&& eals, 25? @CR4 1#3; G.R. No. 112331. Ba 29, 199#. :C%RNE n easement o' ri(ht o' a, that easement here the a is shortest and ill *a$se least &re-$di*e shall +e *hosen; +$t i' the to *ir*$mstan*es do not *on*$r in a sin(le tenement, the a here dama(e ill +e least shall +e $sed even i' not the shortest ro$te. %his is so +e*a$se least &re-$di*e &revails over shortest distan*e. •
4C%@ 4nasta*ia X$imen to(ether ith her +rothers @otero, @$l&i*io, 4ntonio) and sister R$na) inherited a &ie*e o' &ro&ert. %he share o' 4nasta*ia as lo*ated at the e!1). t is +o$nded on the ri(ht + the &ro&ert o' her +rother @otero ot >! 2). 4nasta*ias nie*e, olanda, later +o$(ht a &ortion o' the lot o' her $n*le 4ntonio ot >!#!4), hi*h as lo*ated ri(ht +ehind 4nasta*ias and @oteros land. olanda +o$(ht it thro$(h her a$nt 4nasta*ia ho as then a*tin( as 4ntonios admin istratri<. 4**ordin( to olanda, hen 4nasta*ia oOered her the &ro&ert 'or sale she as hesitant to +$ as it had no a**ess to a &$+li* road. >$t 4nasta*ia ass$red her that she o$ld (ive her a ri(ht o' a on her ad-oinin( &ro&ert 'or P200.00 &er s/$are meter. olanda then *onstr$*ted a ho$se on the lot $sin( as her &assa(ea to the &$+li* hi(ha a &ortion o' 4nasta*ia s &ro&ert. hen olanda nall oOered to &a 'or the $se o' the &atha, 4nasta*ia re'$sed to a**e&t the &ament, and +arred olanda 'rom &assin( thro$(h her &ro&ert. olanda later &$r*hased the other &ortion o' the lot o' 4ntonio ot No. >!#!>), lo*ated dire*tl +ehind the &ro&ert o' her &arents ho &rovided her a &atha +eteen their ho$se, +ehind the sari!sari store o' @otero, and 4nasta*ias &erimeter 'en*e. %he store is made o' stron( materials and o**$&ies the entire 'ronta(e o' the lot. %he m$ni*i&al road *annot +e rea*hed ith 'a*ilit +e*a$se the store itsel' o+str$*ts the &ath so that one has to &ass thro$(h the +a* entran*e and the 'a*ade o' the store to rea*h the road. olanda led an a*tion &rain( 'or a ri(ht o' a thro$(h
4nasta*ia s &ro&ert. %he &ro&osed ri(ht o' a as at the e
tenement, the a hi*h ill *a$se the least dama(e sho$ld +e $sed, even i' it ill not +e the shortest. 4s +eteen a ri(ht o' a that o$ld demolish a store o' stron( materials to &rovide e(ress to a &$+li* hi(ha, and another ri(ht o' a hi*h altho$(h lon(er ill onl re/$ire an avo*ado tree to +e *$t don, the se*ond alternative sho$ld +e &re'erred.
P4R% 4 H NCC #58!### ao v. Feirs o' 4l+$ro, 33 Phil "8; G.R. No. 103?2. :e*em+er 2", 1915. •
GF% Y E H NCC ##?!#?3 Cortes v. $!%i+o, 2 Phil 2"; G.R. No.911 . Bar*h 12, 1903. a+ie v. i*ha$*o, 11 Phil 1"; G.R. No. 3598. J$l 2", 1908. @aen= v. i($eras Fermanos, 13 Phil ###; G.R. No. 2085. 4$($st 10, 1909. 4mor v. lorentino, ?" Phil "03; G.R. No. "838". *to+er 11, 19"3. Gar(antos v. anon, 108 Phil 888; G.R. No. !1"#52. J$ne 30, 19#0. •
@@DE N the lon(er ro$te, as &ro&osed + olanda, is less &re-$di*ial to the &arties in this *ase FE: E@. olanda on) R4% 4rti*le #50 o' the Ne Ci vil Code e<&li*itl states that the easement o' ri(ht o' a shall +e esta+lished at the &oint least &re-$di*ial to the servient estate and, inso'ar as *onsistent ith this r$le, here the distan*e 'rom the dominant estate to a &$+li* hi(ha ma +e the shortest. %he *riterion o' least &re-$di*e to the servient estate m$st &revail over the *riterion o' shortest distan*e altho$(h this is a matter o' -$di*ial a&&re*iation. hile shortest distan*e ma ordinaril im&l least &re-$di*e, it is not alas so as hen there are &ermanent str$*t$res o+str$*tin( theshortest distan*e; hile on the other hand, the lon(est distan*e ma +e 'ree o' o+str$*tions and the easiest or most *onvenient to &ass thro$(h. n other ords, here the easement ma +e esta+lished on an o' several tenements s$rro$ndin( the dominant estate, the one here the a is shortest and ill *a$se the least dama(e sho$ld +e *hosen. Foever, as elsehere stated, i' these to 2) *ir*$mstan*es do not *on*$r in a sin(le
@l$i*e (ate H NCC #"? %anedo v. >ernad, 1#5 @CR4 8#; G.R. No. ##520. 4$($st 30, 1988. 4ala de Ro
NUISANCE (Arts. 69,-** NCC) @mart Comm$ni*ations, n*. v. 4lde*oa, G.R. No. 1##330, @e&tem+er 11, 2013. •