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REVIEW OF LITERATURE Nitin Joshi, D. P. Mishra (2011 The aim of the study is to understand the behaviour of the
customer in the State of Maharashtra which is one of the most developed states of India. The study was carried out to understand the customer awareness on environment friendly car (EFC). The obective of the study is to understand the awareness levels and create awareness of the EFC so that the efforts of the manufacturin! the !reen car will be achieved. S"SS version #$.% has been used for analysis of the data. Five hundred respondents have been as&ed to fill in a 'uestionnaire. The study has been done &eepin! in mind a!e !roup and the !eo!raphical area of the respondents. ith reference to the a!e !roup it is observed that there is no si!nificant difference in the awareness levels but with reference to the !eo!raphy it is observed that there is a si!nificant difference in the awareness levels with reference to the EFC U. Thiri!"ras"n#ari (2011 *rand E'uity is the added value endowed by the brand to the
"roduct. +lthou!h the idea of usin! a name or a symbol to enhance a product,s value has been &nown to mar&eters for a lon! time brand e'uity has !ained a renewed interest in recent years. The obectives of the study were to analyse the importance of various factors li&e brand &nowled!e brand preference brand loyalty brand application etc. in car mar&et in "ondicherry. The primary data were collected from three hundred car owners throu!h an interview schedule. From the five factors brand application factor has been rated as the most important factor in car industry. This study shows that it is possible to ascertain where a company should focus its improvement efforts in order to ma&e it payoff. Pro$. Pa%%a&i Pa%%a&i '. '. an)o#* an)o#* (2011 (2011 This research paper is based on the findin!s of comparative
study of service 'uality of Maruti Su-u&i and yundai Showrooms in /a!pur. Service 'uality is a fundamental aspect of service provision and this is especially the case with motor vehicles where substantial profits are !enerated in the servicin! of vehicles. The study was conducted usin! a convenience sample of forty respondents who were owners of Maruti and yundai cars. The 'uestionnaire was a self0completion 'uestionnaire consistin! of 12 'uestions. Dr A+o Jos*!h (2011 3ne of the most important factors that influence purchase of passen!er
cars in India is the availability of auto finance or consumer credit. This empirical study analyses the behavioural pattern e4hibited by passen!er car customers towards auto loan schemes and
Financiers when they purchase their cars. The study was based on the data collected from five hundred and twenty five passen!er car owners consistin! of professionals employees of public and private sector businessmen and a!riculturist in 5a&shina 6annada district of 6arnata&a State. The respondents have been broadly cate!orised into three !roups on the basis of ori!inal price ran!e of their cars vi-. cars in the price ran!e of o f 7s. 1 8 9 la&hs 7s. 9 8 2 la&hs and 7s. 2 8 : la&hs. The study findin! indicates that the most important three factors considered by car purchasers while decidin! auto finance company compan y were less processin! time easy documentation and e4planation of the financin! scheme by the staff. this study study focu focuse sess on the cons consum umer er Dr P. Natara+a Natara+an n an# U. Thiri!" Thiri!"ras ras"n#a "n#ari ri (2010 (2010 this preference of !lobal brands vs. local brands in the Indian car industry. Consumer brand perceptions have substantial implications in mar&etin!. The customers, preference towards local and !lobal brands is studied by administerin! a structured interview schedule with one hundred and fifty customers in "ondicherry city. The findin!s of the study advised that the consumers who possessed !lobal car brands preferred their car brands due to factors such as !lobal presence worldwide reputation and the 'uality of bein! imported. Consumers made favourable perceptions on the country wherein they tend to associate factors such as superior 'uality technical advancements moderni-ation etc. to the country from which the brand had ta&en its ori!in. Consumers who owned a local brand evaluated the local brand in a favourable manner wherein they tended to associate the brand to India,s stron! automobile sector ma&in! 'uality and technically efficient cars. authors in their their articl articlee studie studied d the "#hara "# harani ni Ra-in#r Ra-in#ran an an# aathr aathri#*i#*-ii (2010 (2010 The authors customer customer satisfact satisfaction ion of yundai yundai i#% in Coimbatore Coimbatore city. The research is descriptive descriptive in nature. nature. The sample desi!n adopted for the study was the simple random samplin!. The sample si-e was one hundred which included only owner of yundai i#% cars in Coimbatore city. The customer,s e4pectations over a yundai i#% were identified and it was found to be based on certain factors. The most motivated factor to buy yundai i#% car was also found out (5esi!n and Style). The attributes li&e suspension and handlin! were identified to be below par for a yundai i#%. /%**nt "#haar an# V*nata!ath (200 The study is on the influence of peer !roup in
the purchase of a car with reference to Coimbatore 5istrict. It was also found that the influence of friends is hi!her for the purchase of small si-ed and an d mid0si-ed cars.
Dr V.3.3a"shi .3.3a"shi (2004 This study is conducted in South est aryana which consists of
*hiwani *hiwani and Mahendr Mahendra!a a!arh rh distri districts cts.. The study study endeavo endeavour ur is to invest investi!at i!atee empiri empirical cally ly customer,s preference towards a passen!er car brand. "re0purchase and postpurchase behaviour of the customers were evaluated and factors influencin! the customers were determined by "erceptual mappin! obtained from Multi0dimensional scalin!. 3verall results indicate that in South est aryana re!ion customers are more influenced by friends and relatives than dealers and salespersons. Maruti dominates the mar&et with three of its brands namely Maruti ;%% +lto and a!on07. *rand name fuel efficiency and price were found to be primary determinants for buyin! car in this re!ion. /hi#a5ara an# A%$r*# (2006 The study postulates that there are certain factors which
influence the brand preferences of customers. ithin this framewor& the study reveals that customers !ive more importance to fuel efficiency than other factors. They believe that the brand name tells them somethin! about product 'uality utility and technolo!y and they prefer to purchase passen!er cars which offer hi!h fuel efficiency !ood 'uality technolo!y and durability and are priced reasonably. A.M."r*sh (2007 This research reports and measures customer satisfaction with small cars in
*an!alore *an!alore city. The research research identified identified sales support support vehicle vehicle desi!n desi!n purchase purchase support support cost of ownership and deli!ht features as underlyin! factors of customer satisfaction. The research tries to ran& small cars on these factors. The study also tries to find out whether customer satisfaction varies amon! customers on the basis of demo!raphics.
automotive ve indust industry ry is now facin! facin! new and pressi pressin! n! challen challen!es !es.. "it "it Jain (2007 (2007 The automoti
Ran)anathan.R Ran)anathan.R (2008 is study =Consumer Mar&ets and *uyer *ehaviour of Cars= ar!ued
that brand ima!e could be increased increased by the advertisement advertisement which clearly showed the features features of the cars. The result of the study was that the necessity was the first factor of choosin! the car and milea!e was an important factor e4pected from the car. . M"ra%i#har (2008 The research analysts *usiness >ine in his article ="assen!er Car 0
5isti 5istinct nct Si!ns Si!ns of Maruti Maruti== said said that that mana!i mana!in! n! costs costs improv improvin! in! produc productiv tivity ity and effici efficient ent investments into research and development would be the &ey parameters that would determine the competitiveness of car manufactures especially the home !rown ones. This would come into sharpe sharperr focus focus for companies companies that attemp attemptt to !o !lobal !lobal with their their produc products ts as import importss of passen!er cars in the premium sedans cate!ory become an increasin!ly attractive proposition. Dr 3. /hi#a5ara *t. a%. (2009 The researchers undertoo& a study on =*rand "reference of
"assen!er Cars 0 + Study with Special 7eference to Coimbatore City in Tamil /adu= ar!ued that the customers !ave more importance to fuel efficiency than to other factors. They believed that the brand name was e4planatory of product 'uality utility and technolo!y. Consumers preferred to purchase passen!ers cars as they offered hi!h fuel efficiency !ood 'uality technolo!y and durability and could be purchased at a reasonable price. 3. Maran an# Dr . Ma#ha-i (2002 Their study ="assen!er Cars? Enormous Scope for
5evelopment= ar!ued that a demand for cars was dependin! on many factors. The &ey variables found were per capita income new models availability and pricin! rate of interest finance schemes fuel cost depreciation norms public transportation facilities duties and ta4es. The first four factors have a positive relationship with demand whereas the others have an inverse relationship with demand. Ra)h"-ir rini-asan (2000 e analysed the potential impact of the removal of 'uantitative
restrictions on the import of used cars on passen!er car manufacturin! companies in India. e reasoned that one could !et an imported used car for around 7s.@ la&hs (AS B 21%) ta&in! into account the price of the used car in a forei!n country import duty and shipment cost. e also observed that while lower price would be attractive to Indian buyers service related problems and !overnment restrictions would be dissuadin! factors.
Thee study study concl conclude uded d that that a pra!m pra!mat atic ic appro approac ach h by the the 'h"-ana 'h" -ana Raa%i Raa%in)a n)a (1 (1 Th !overnment was needed to prevent the onslau!ht by the import of used cars as the 'uantitative restrictions and local content re!ulations were to be lifted as per the orld Trade 3r!anisation a!reement. Naraanan (14 e analyses the effects of dere!ulation policy on technolo!y ac'uisition and
comp compet etit itiv iven enes esss in the the Indi Indian an auto automo mobi bile le indu indust stry ry duri durin! n! the the #:;% #:;%ss and and find findss that that competitiveness has depended on the ability to build technolo!ical advanta!es even in an era of capacity0licensin!. In a liberalised re!ime this would depend on firms, ability to brin! about technolo!ical chan!es as inferred from the behaviour of new firms in the sample considered. Further vertical inte!ration could score over subcontractin! in a liberal re!ime. This is probably because of the entry of o f new forei!n firms that produce technolo!ically superior and !uaranteed 'uality vehicles and choose to produce most of the components in0house. is stud study y =+ Cons Consum umer er *ran *rand d "ref "refer eren ence ce for for Mo Moto torr Cars Cars in M"r")anan#a M"r")anan#a (16 is Coimbatore City‖ stated that the factors that influenced consumers in the preference of a car were were price price and desi!n desi!n and after after sales sales servic services es provide provided d by the dealer dealer.. "rice "rice and desi!n desi!n influenced more to buy Maruti and +mbassador Cars and further revealed that the after0sales service was !ood. Ara#hana 3rishna (19 e views that buyers, purchase behavior can be influenced not only
by the current price of a product but also by what price they e4pect in future. C "ar& et al. (#::9) assessin! consumer &nowled!e have observed that consumer &nowled!e is an important construct in understandin! consumer behaviour such as information search and information processin!. +n increase in self0assessed &nowled!e was associated with a decrease in the utili-ation of sales person,s recommendations.