A Implementation Implementation Guide for BW/HR BW/HR Document Document Version 1.0
April 2001
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BW/HR Implementation Implementation
Table of Contents ASAP for BW Accelerator........................................................................................................................1
TABLE TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS...................... ............................................. .............................................. .............................................2 ......................2 1. PURPOSE........ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ........... ... 4 2. SOFTWARE SOFTWARE VERSION SUPPORTED ....... ............... ................ ................. ................. ............... ........... ........ ........ ........ ......5 3. BW/HR REPORTING REPORTING STRATEGY STRATEGY........ ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ............... ........... ........ ........ ....... ... 5 3.1. Overview ...............................................................................................................................................5 ............................................................................................................................................... 5 3.2. HR Reporting Tools ...........................................................................................................................6 ........................................................................................................................... 6 3.3. BW or R/3 Repor Reporting ting Decision Decisi on Criteria ............................. ............................................................ ................................................... .......................... .......... ....8 8
4. BW/HR SPECIFI SPECIFICS CS........ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ .............. .......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... 10 4.1. HR Business Contents ....... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............................... ............................ ....10 10 4.2. Master Data Centric ............................ ............................................................ ............................................................... .............................................. ...................... ............. ........ ..11 11 4.3. Time Depend ency ............................. ............................................................ ............................................................... ....................................................... ............................. ........... .....12 12
5. BW/HR IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH APPROACH ....... ............... ................. ................. ................ .............. .......... ........ ...... .. 12 5.1. General Genera l Project Strat egy and Planning ............................... .............................................................. ........................................................ ........................... ..13 13 5.2. Rapid Implementation .....................................................................................................................13 .....................................................................................................................13 5.3. Iterative Phased Implementation ....... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ................ ....................... ..............14 14
6. ACTIVATING ACTIVATING BUSINESS CONTENTS CONTENTS........ ................ ................. ................. ............... ........... ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... .. 14 6.1. General Proce Procedur duree and Consid Considerati erations ons ............................. ............................................................ ..................................................... ............................ ......14 14 6.2. Consideration Consid eration when Implementing PA and Organization Management ....... ................................ .........................16 16 6.3. Consideration when Implementing Personnel Development ....... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ................ ........17 17 6.4. Considerati Conside ration on when Implem Implementin enting g Payroll Accounting Accounti ng ............................... ........................................................... .............................. ..18 18 6.5. Consideration when Implementing Time Management ....... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ........................ .................18 18 6.6. Consideration when Implementing Compensation .......... ................. ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ...................... ...............19 19 6.7. Consideratio Consider ation n when Implem Implementin enting g Benefit Benefitss............................ ........................................................... ..................................................... ......................20 20 6.8. Consideration when Implementing Training and Events....... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............................ ....................22 22
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7. ENHANCING HR BUSINESS CONTENTS BY EXAMPLE – US COUNTRY SPECIFIC........ ................ ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ .............. .......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... 23 7.1. General Planning Consid Considerat erations ions ............................... .............................................................. .......................................................... ................................. .......... ....24 24 7.2. Enhancem ent Procedures for US Country Specific examples ........ ............... ............... ............... .......................... ...................25 25
8. APPENDIX........ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ .............. .......... ........ ...... .. 31 8.1. Payroll Extraction Error Recovery Procedure ........ ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. .............................. .......................31 31 8.2. YSET439 Delta recovery module source listing....... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. .............................. .......................32 32 8.3. Customer Exit_SAPLRSAP_002 sample code co de for SSN S SN & Ethnicity ........ ............... .............. ............... ................. .........33 33
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PURPOSE This document is intended to provide customers, partners and consultants who plan to implement BW/HR with critical considerations to facilitate the development of a cost effective implementation strategy with tips & hints to aid a successful implementation. With release 2.0B of the SAP Business Information Information Warehouse Warehouse (SAP BW), SAP BW has become a robust data warehouse solution to serve reporting needs . It integrates state-of-the-art Data Warehouse technologies with SAP business knowhow. It provides a platform to integrate the data from operative R/3 applications as well as from any other business application and external data source such as databases, online services and the Internet. The SAP Business Information Warehouse enables Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) to format the information of large amounts of operative and historical data. OLAP technology enables multidimensional analyses according to various business perspectives. The pre-configured Business Information Warehouse Server for Server for core areas and processes ensures information views within the entire enterprise. With the much-enhanced functionality in BW 2.0 and a superior set of new business contents in BW 2.1C, SAP SAP BW has offered an environment that could satisfy all enterprise reporting needs. This is especially true under one of the following conditions: •
When data integration integration from multiple multi ple source systems is a requirement.
When your transactional transactional systems (OLTP) have been overly extended extended and it experiences experiences severe performance problem while high performance performance reporting is a requirement. requirement.
When a unified user interface is essential in your environment.
However, there are special considerations should be given depending on the functional areas. In the R/3 Human Capital Management or HR functional area, there has been a substantial amount operational reporting functions in an R/3 environment. To determine the most prudent BW/HR implementation strategy to achieve a most cost effective implementation, one must first understand the available HR reporting tools and the cross system HR reporting options. The first section of this document provides a summary of available HR reporting tools and the decision criteria to form the implementation strategy. The second section of this document provides unique characteristics and the special considerations when configuring BW/HR. While HR has delivered a rich set of the pre-delivered business contents, most the country specific data are absent in the standard business contents. This document further discusses the techniques to extend business contents with two examples of US specific enhancement as a point of reference.
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Software Ve Version Su Supported This document was written specifically for BW version 2.0B and 2.1C.
BW/HR Reporting Strategy 3.1.
BW 2.0B and beyond provides a multitude of important reporting capabilities including the Report to Report Interface1 and the Remote Cube2 functionality. The Report-to-Report Interface technology allows drill through capability from a BW query to another BW query or an InfoSet Query3 as well as to a R/3 reports or R/3 transactions. These important functionalities have opened up a variety of design consideration under the umbrella of BW reporting. It diminishes the system boundary. You now can evaluate all available HR reporting tools and making the most cost effective decision in determining the reporting strategy. With the integration of the role based activity group in the workplace and in BW, either workplace or BW can serve as a single point of entry for all your HR reporting needs. With the single sign-on and the properly defined system authorization, authorized end users do not need to know which system a particular report was executed on. As an implementer of the HR reporting strategy, it is important to understand what tools are available under which system environment and the proper use of the each to achieve the cost effectiveness without sacrifice the flexibility, performance and usability. The diagram below depicts a pyramid of three different types of data in HR and the proper reporting environment for each as a general rule of thumb. The The top of the pyramid is for the survey and benchmarking. They They are most suited to be residing in the Benchmarking environment and the SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management System) balanced scorecard. The bottom layer of the detail operational reporting is most appropriate to be executed against transactional data in the Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) (OLTP) environment. The middle layer of Decision Support and statistical analysis is where BW, an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) environment most suited for.
Refer to SAP Service Marketplace BW web page ( -> Online documentatio documentation n -> Business Business Explorer -> BEx Tool Bar Functions -> GoTo 2 Refer to SAP Service Marketplace BW web page -> Online documentation -> Administrator Workbench -> Modeling -> InfoCube -> SAP Remote Cube 3 Refer to SAP Service Marketplace BW web page -> Online documentation documentation -> Administrator Administrator Workbench -> Modeling -> InfoSet
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The 3 Levels of Data Other Divisions and Organisations
Benchmarking Data & Reports
Comparative Measures
s u c o F
MultiDimensional Summaries
Detailed Transactions
a t a D
Managerial Data & Reports
Operational Data & Reports
Decision Support System
Operational System
3.2. HR Reporting ing Tools The HR reporting in the operational system has come a long way. Currently, in HR OLTP environment, more than 200 standard reports are available to obtain up-to-theminute information on corporate Human Resources at the enterprise. SAP HR provides you with a tool (HIS) (HIS) that enables you to report on data along alo ng hierarchical structures, and access standard report easily. Cross application SAP reporting tool (InfoSet Query) enables you to create your own reports and analyze HR data without programming. A tabular format of HR reporting tools listed below categorized the various reporting tools, their intent, their strength and limitations. This should serve as a guide when evaluating against the business reporting requirements and facilitates the selection of the appropriate reporting tools. It is important to recognize that the integration of these tool set combined with a paradigm shift to a new way of information access allows the ultimate performance and cost effectiveness of reporting. For further information about these tools, refer to HR Reporting in the online documentation.
HR Reporting Tools Reporting tool Stan Standa dard rd repo report rt
Purpose Prov Provid ide e solu solutio tions ns for for your your
Advantages Can Can be used used imme immedi diat atel ely y
Limitations Limi Limite ted d flex flexib ibili ility ty Page 6
BW/HR Implementation Implementation
HIS (HR Information System)
InfoSet Query
SAP Query
Business Information Warehouse For more information, see the BW documentation
most frequent reporting requirements Hierarchies are displayed as graphics Reports are executed using selected selected structures or substructures, that is, using preselected sets of objects
No developments required User-friendly User-friendly method of displaying hierarchical structures Integration with InfoSet InfoSet Query and standard reports No need to switch from one HR application to another if you want to execute execute reports from different different applications Little training required User-friendly User-friendly interface Very easy to use No programming required If integrated with SAP Query, you can continue processing queries using SAP Query Set operations enable you to create sets of objects as required for which data must be output Can be included in roles using a suitable InfoSet
Output fields cannot be selected as required Limited flexibility Tool is used to execute standard reports and customer reports It cannot be used to create reports
Extremely flexible No programming required Queries can be provided in the SAP Easy Access menu Includes numerous options for aggregating aggregating data, performing calculations, and displaying graphics Enables Enables you to display multiline lists Enables you to define one basic list and several statistics and ranked lists for each query Analytical reporting tool used Extremely flexible for information and decision- Facilitates complex making purposes calculations (calculation of averages, averages, time t ime series comparisons) Enables you to access non-SAP data Easy to use Uses OLAP technology Includes detailed Business Content (HR
Restricted to data from the R/3 System Each HR query can process data from just one HR logical database: PNP: Administration, PNP: Administration, Time Management, and Payroll PCH: Generally Generally for all areas, but particularly suitable for reporting on data from Personnel Planning PAP: PAP: Recruitment Requires Requires much more training than other options Data is extracted from OLTP OLTP systems, that is, real-time data is not accessed
Intuit tuitiv ive e, general SAP reporting tool used to create customer reports Enables you to create reports for all areas of HR When InfoSet Query is accessed from Human Resources (HR), the Query area and User group parameters parameters already contain values and you can only perform ad hoc reporting . If InfoSet Query is accessed this way, it is called Ad Hoc Query in HR (see HR in InfoSet Query). General SAP reporting tool used to create customer reports Individual definition of user groups, InfoSets, and queries
InfoSets and user groups must be defined in SAP Query before you can use InfoSet Query Multiline lists cannot be displayed
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extractors, InfoCubes, InfoCubes, key figures, and standard queries)
3.3. 3.3.
BW or R/3 R/3 Repo Report rting ing Deci Decisi sion on Crite Criteri ria a
With BW 2.0B functionality, it is possible to fulfill all reporting needs in BW environment. Many BW architects strategize BW/HR implementation riding on this notion without considering the uniqueness of HR and the existing operational reports and tools in an R/3 environment. Undoubtedly, with customized effort to bring a vast amount of R/3 data into BW, one can achieve the goal to deliver all HR reports physically from the BW environment4. The key question to answer is whether we have chosen the most cost effective tool and environment to provide the information needs. The major challenge in the corporate America is that the operational reporting has been a long-standing culture. Many companies, particularly for installations that are implementing R/3 and BW in parallel, have defined the reporting requirements based on the traditional tradition al operational operation al reporting needs. Decision support analysis may not have been the norm. The concept of analytical and decision support reporting is only terminology without practical experience. Drill- down, slice and dice to focus on the exception reporting versus voluminous paper report may still be just a notion. Many list reports and legal reports were defined as business requirements for BW. To realize a most cost effective BW/HR implementation, it is the important for the implementation team to perform a cost benefit analysis in light of BW’s analytical capability and the functionality in BW 2.0 to integrate BW and operational reporting to derive the most effective reporting strategy. Listed below are several positioning considerations: Obtain management sponsorship to promote cultural change for decision support reporting. Establish business scenario to educate the business requirement definition team on BW tools and capabilities. The scenario should include using BW drill through function to R/3 detail level reporting for exceptional analysis to avoid creating un-necessary performance issue in an R/3 environment. Staff the reporting requirement definition team with business experts with analytical reporting needs in addition to the traditional reports team. Establish a requirement definition process to insure each report is justifiable. For example, certain system auditing reports are possible candidates for elimination due to the R/3 integration and data integrity is protected under the new system environment. It should be duly noted that shifting all reporting from R/3 to BW for a gross assumption of performance relieve could result in excessive hardware costs, unnecessary data redundancy and customization maintenance costs. •
The following table of decision criteria depicts a general rule of thumb when determining BW vs. R/3 reporting. Please be aware to make appropriate decision, you should take all criteria and decision points into consideration and avoid taking a single point out of context. 4
However, one cannot expect the equal sophistication of certain long-standing techniques that have been developed in an R/3 HR environment, such as authorization handling.
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Criteria Data integration needed from Cross Functional R/3, New Dimension products, and Non-R/3 system Environments Performance issue in R/3 OLTP system
Uniformed User Interface is essential Data available via standard BW content
Decision Point General rule of thumb
BW •
Heavy information access is required in an OLTP system that already have performance issue based on post tuning performance measurements Same look and feel is essential to the end user information access Type report: Analytical & DSS : Trending & Time series
Data unavailable in BW customization required
Type report: Analytical & DSS : Trending & Time series : Frequency of use –high Customization effort –low to medium
Up to the minute info needed Data in R/3 and data integration from other sources not required
Low volume and for analytical – use remote cube a possibility (be aware of performance impact) Type report: Operational ex: payroll Register. : Legal w/special format : List or Mailing Label
Data unavailable in BW customization required
Frequency of use – low Operational report available in R/3 or legacy system Data Integration from other system not a requirement Customization effort – high
• •
• • • •
Operational Window in R/3 or Legacy systems are very narrow
Customization effort – high Extract loading time - long
• •
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Up to the minute info needed Data in Legacy system and integration is not a requirement
General rule of thumb
Type report: Legacy Operational : Legal w/special format : List or Mailing Label
• •
BW/HR Specifics 4.1.
HR Bu Business Conten tents HR delivers a rich set of business contents that cover all HR sub-functional areas with cross sub-functional integration. in tegration. As of BW 2.0B, HR has delivered approximately 15 roles, 120 queries, 70 templates, 34 InfoSources, 17 InfoCubes, 200 key figures figures and 100 characteristics. charac teristics. These out of the box business contents can be used as is or it can be served as a template or example for customer-define business contents. The following table of business contents summary provides a high-level description of the BW/HR BW/HR standard content delivery as of BW 2.1C and BW Plug-in 2000.1. 2000.1.
Human Capital Management Business Contents Application Component
Personnel Administration (PA-PA) Organizational Mgmt. (PA-OS) Personnel Recruitment (PA-RC) Personnel Development (PA-PD) Benefit (PA-BN) Compensation Management (PA-CM)
• • •
• •
Headcounts and Personnel Action Staffing Assignments Applications and Applicant Actions Qualifications Appraisals Benefits Compensation Analysis Adjustments Awards Granted (Long-Term Incentives) Security Data for Awards
R/3 Releases
BW Release
4.0 b
4.5 b
4.6 A
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Compensation Mgmt. (PA-CM) Training & Event Mgmt. (PC)
Personnel Cost Planning Training and Event Mgmt. Professional Training Providers Resource Reservation Payroll Accounting
Time & Labor
Time Sheet
Payroll Accounting (PY) Time Management (PT) Cross Application Time Sheet (CATS) HR MultiCube
Time and Payroll MultiCube
F – Full update only D – Full and Delta update available X - Available
For the detailed business content map, please refer to Business Content section of the BW online documentation on SAP Service Marketplace BW web page under Documentation -> online documentation -> business content -> Human Resources. This is an extremely useful source of information for the gap analysis as the level of detail includes the Infotypes that source the extractor at a technical field names level. With the exception of Payroll Accounting, Time Management and CATS, the HR data sources do not provide delta update5 capability at this time. While this may be a concern of high volume customers in considering the data extraction loading time, several possibilities can elevate this issue. Please refer to the implementation consideration section of each sub-functional area (section 5.2 through 5.4) of this document for the possible alternatives.
Master ter Da Data Ce Centri tric With the nature of the Human Resources business, the people related InfoObjects, such as Employee, Person, and Applicant have h ave tremendous amount of the attributes to describe them. Hence it is master data centric. When reviewing SAP delivered delivered HR business contents, it is important to recognize that although the Employee transaction data source consists of merely two data elements (InfoObjects 0employee & 0calmonth), the critical dimensions for drill down analysis can be brought in from Employee Master data as dimensional characteristics via update rules or as navigational attributes. The former approach is used in the standard delivered business content for the Headcount and Action InfoCube. This approach added more
The delta update function referred in this section section is the delta mechanism provided provided within the R/3 HR data extractor function not the BW delta functionality.
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overheads during the population of the InfoCube, but would yield better performance at query time. And without that we wouldn’t be able to report on the master data history correctly, e.g. changes in cost center, when doing time comparisons in BW queries.
Time Dependency To preserve the Human Resources data for historical evaluation, HR R/3 system records a specific period of validity for each Infotype. In an HR decision support (DSS) environment, this is of particularly importance, as ‘point in time’ analysis is one of the key requirements for HR DSS. DSS. BW/HR business contents delivered by SAP inherited the R/3 time constraints in HR Master Data to enable such essential requirement. Nearly all HR master data is defined as Time Dependent data. There are three types of time constraint master data in HR R/3. Time constraint 1 is predominately used in Personnel Administration and Organizational Assignment data, which means the validity periods of the individual records must not overlap and must not have any gaps. This is quite important to be aware of when you loading master data into BW environment. In time dependent Master data load, any overlapping record will result in error condition. If you have external source of master data to be integrated with R/3 data into BW environment, this will be an important design consideration. This is especially evident for parallel implementation of HR R/3 and BW. Customers who desire converting the current data of active employees in R/3 environment often want to convert history data from legacy systems into BW and using BW as an environment for historical data storage and integration with the active employee data. If such requirement is mandatory, the conversion team must take the time dependency into consideration when integrate Employee, Person and Applicant master data.
BW/HR Im Implem lementat tation ion Approach From the pre-delivered business contents perspective, HR is one of the function area has the richest ric hest set of the contents. conten ts. As of BW release 2.0B along with R/3 Plug-in 2000.1, pre-delivered business contents are available in all HR functional areas. While it is not possible to meeting all customer requirements at one hundred percent, pre-delivered business contents provide the following advantages: It’s pre-configured with complete set of solution from roles to executable queries. It provides the industry best practices and consistent data model from R/3 to BW environments. It provides a fastest way to bring up a ‘Ready to Go’ prototype environment to engage end users in an OLAP, Decision Support environment. It provides a great environment for ‘Cultural Change’ from traditional operational reporting to Information Analysis environment. It provides the best ‘GAP’ analysis environment for the end user to define and implement the ‘True’ business requirements It’s an environment to achieve ‘Quick’ Wins. •
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Therefore, for BW/HR implementation, it is strongly recommended to adopt an Iterative Phased Implementation approach with phase I being a Rapid Implementation of pre-delivered business contents.
5.1. 5.1.
Gene Genera rall Pro Proje ject ct Stra Strateg tegy y and and Plan Planni ning ng Like all system implementation project, it is important to have a concrete project strategy; a well defined project scope; scope; select project team members; schedule training; plan, estimate and obtain hardware and software and develop a well defined project plan. For additional information, please refer to ASAP BW on SAP SERVICE MARKETPLACE/BW or ASAP BW CD.
Rapid Im Implementati tatio on The following are stages and specific steps for the key tasks of a BW/HR rapid implementation: 5.2.1. 5.2.1. Scoping Scoping the Rapid Implementatio Implementation n phase (Project (Project Preparatio Preparation): n): Which pre-delivered HR functional areas the rapid implementation to be included Will limited US specific enhancement must be included in this phase, i.e. SSN (Social Security Number) and Ethnicity. Determine the end-users and the security requirements during this phase. Develop a high level implementation plan Form the project team. Project team training plan Determine Landscape and Transport Strategy (Basis) Acquire, Install and Test the Technical Environment (hardware, software, database, desk top and connectivity - Basis) •
• • • • •
5.2.2. 5.2.2. Develop Develop the Rapid Impleme Implementati ntation on plan (Blue (Blue Print): Finalize a list of pre-delivered business contents to be activated by functional components, data sources, InfoCubes, InfoObjects, Queries, Workbooks, and roles. Assign responsibility for each components Agree upon the instrument (template) to record the test result and additional requirements requirements Develop evaluation criteria and test plan Establish user ids and security Check database parameter setup for performance Coordinate with DBA for TableSpaces definition Prepare end user training material Testing of BW operating environment (both Plug-ins, BW backend and BW front-end). •
• •
• • • • • •
5.2.3. 5.2.3. Execute Execute Rapid Implement Implementatio ation n phase (Realizatio (Realization) n) Business Contents Activation Populate SAP delivered business contents with customer data Verify the content activation Result • • •
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5.2.4. 5.2.4. Final Final Preparation Preparation for for Rapid Implementa Implementation tion Conduct End User Training Conduct System Tests with End User Feedback Conduct Volume Tests Conduct Stress Tests System Performance Tuning • • • • •
• •
Adjust system parameters Adjust database parameters Review Indexes Review data loading time and evaluate feasible options: Parallel processing; partitioning; multiCube; Review Query performance and feasible options: Aggregation; compression; MultiCube; Iterative performance tuning
Coordinate and Implement Production Scheduling Develop a BW Operations Guide
5.2.5. 5.2.5. Go Live and and Support Support for Rapid Impleme Implementat ntation ion Follow and enhance the Operations Guide Monitor and address production issues, if any End user support Project Go-live Review Define the Scope of next Iteration of Implementation • • • • •
5.3. 5.3.
Iter Iterat ativ ive e Phas Phased ed Imp Imple leme ment ntat atio ion n Once the initial phase is completed, the end users should have sufficient experiences with the new decision support environment to enable a more informed decision when identifying the cost effective business requirements above and beyond what the standard business contents provide. With the template provided to the end users as a requirement feedback tool, end users can now recording the requirement. As a part of good project management and planning each incremental phase should consist the following elements: A crisply defined project scope A well defined HR reporting strategy Sound business requirements Clearly defined expectations Well defined Critical Success Factor for each iteration A Pilot demo at the end of each phase Sound Data model Performance measurement and an alternative plan • • • • • • • •
Activa ivating ing Busine iness Contents This is one of the very key steps to accomplish the rapid implementation and quickly realize the benefits of BW. The following sections provide a step-by-step procedure on how to activate pre-delivered business contents.
6.1. 6.1.
Gene Genera rall Pro Proce cedu dure re and and Con Consid sider erati ation ons s Page 14
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6.1.1. Setting Setting up the Transp Transport ort Environ Environment ment Before setting up a transport strategy and procedure for BW, it is important to first determine the system landscape under BW and the companion R/3 systems. Generally, a three-tier BW landscape and the corresponding corresponding source systems for each is recommended. With such landscape, a transport strategy can be setup as follows: system -> Q/A or Consolidation Consolidation BW system: Develop system • system; upon Successful testing Develop system -> Productive system R/3 source system: Development system -> Q/A or • Consolidation System; upon successful testing Development system -> Productive Productiv e system Checkout the Landscape Strategy Accelerator on SAP SERVICE MARKETPLACE/BW •
Hint: Transport can be done between BW BW or or between R/3 systems, systems, but not between BW and R/3 systems. The The data source activation and data source replication must be done manually!!! You must also make sure a development class other than $tmp is used, as system will not be able to transport local objects. Define a customer development development class, such as ZPBW
6.1.2. 6.1.2. Activating Activating Business Business Conte Contents nts This is carried out in three stages: Activate DataSources in the Source system (R/3) from ‘D’ version (delivered) to ‘A’ version.
Starting Point: logon to R/3 system -> execute Transaction ‘SBIW’ or From BW Admin Workbench -> Source system -> select the target source system -> right mouse click -> customizing for extraction (you’ll be logon to R/3 at a t SBIW Transaction). Continue at Transaction‘SBIW’ -> Expand Business Business Content DataSource -> Execute (clock) Transfer Business Business Content datasource ->Select a valid Application Component or leave it blank for Mass Ma ss Activation -> Select HR and related datasources to be activated -> push button “transfer Datasource” -> Respond to transport requests (use ZPBW development development class) -> Display log and resolve errors. (You may receive warning message re: include not in provider structure – okay) Replicate DataSources in BW system : • The activated DataSource will finally replicated in BW with this step Admin Workbench -> Modelling -> Source system -> highlight ta rget source system -> right mouse click -> select DataSource Dat aSource replication Activate business contents in BW via Install Business Content • Tab.6 Activate SAP delivered business contents as appropriate: Admin Workbench -> Install Business Content -> set the default target source system by clicking the yellow icon with a cross and check mark the default box next to the target ta rget -> select object type (InfoCubes, queries etc.) to be activated -> expand the object -> if •
Alternatively, you could also start with activate the InfoObjects under the relevant IO Catalog choosing Grouping “data flow before and after”; then proceed with activating the desired InfoCubes InfoCubes with “data flow f low before and and after”.
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desired object object is not on the list, right mouse click, search and select> object will appear in the left pane under a given functional area -> drag and drop desired desired object from left pane to the right -> expand the objects -> check mark the object to be activated -> click push button ‘Install” -> select install or install in background depending depending on amount of objects -> check log for error condition -> go through problem resolution resolution process as needed. needed. Activate Transfer structure/Rules of Datasources on BW side: Admin Workbench -> Modelling -> Source system -> highlight target source system -> right mouse click -> select Data Source overview overview -> start with master data (e.g. PA-PA-IO for HR), double click on data source with red line over a circle -> Screen to maintain Transfer structure and rules validate all data fields, including all appended fields which should be presence in the transfer structure -> review transfer rule and fill in the appropriate InfoObject name if absent -> move corresponding corresponding fields from right pane to left by clicking single arrow or click the fire-cracker like icon to let system propose the rules rules -> if there’s special special transformation rules should be coded, click on InfoObject icon (4 th column under Transfer rules) -> Create transformation code and save -> if all look good -> push Activate (fire-work) icon on the top of the screen. Hint: Checkout Online Documentation on SAP SERVICE MARKETPLACE/BW or BW CD. •
6.1.3. 6.1.3. Populate Populate Business Business Conten Contents ts with Custo Customer mer Data Master Data load should take place first: For SAP delivered Master Data can be found under the InfoArea with suffix of –IO, example PA-PA-IO for Master data Personnel Administration. Create an InfoPackage for each InfoObjects with _attr, _text and _hier, and extraction job should be scheduled scheduled and monitored for error-free extraction. In case of error, use Monitor assistance to resolve problems. Transaction Data Load for each functional areas should take place next with option to fill the InfoCubes immediately immediately or as a second step to be loaded from PSA. Testing with both option is recommended recommended for large volume transactions and the duration of load for each should be maintained. A record of the duration of the extraction should be kept to assess if there will be performance issues with production window and potential strategy can be derived. A problem resolution tips and hints are attached att ached in Appendix xx. •
6.1.4. 6.1.4. Data Data Valida Validatio tion n • • • •
6.2. 6.2.
Validate data extraction Validate Query and Workbook data accuracy and usability Validate Web reporting, User Favorits Verify the security setup
Cons Consid ider erat ation ion whe when n Imple Impleme ment nting ing PA PA and Org Organ aniz izati ation on Management 6.2.1. 6.2.1. Genera Generall Plann Planning ing Personnel Administration master data is sourced from various PA InfoTypes. The organizational management InfoObjects are extracted Page 16
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from InfoType 1. The following general implementation considerations should be noted when planning: PA /PD interface (PLOGI/PLOGI, PLOGI/ORGA; PLOGI/PRELI) should be turned on and organizational management fields are populated. Employee Transaction Infosource is populated at a Monthly time dimension. The headcount is calculated at the end of the month. For example, employee 123 transferred from CC (cost center) 111 to CC 999 on December 17. The headcount for employee 123 will be included in the December headcount for CC 111 not CC 999. The FTE FTE (Full (Full Time Equivalent) is calculated based on the capacity utilization, which is populated from BSGRD field of InfoType 8. This is of particular importance if parallel implementation of R/3 HR and BW is taking place. Close coordination with R/3 HR configuration team could insure that SAP delivered standard business contents can be readily used without extra effort for enhancements. •
6.2.2. 6.2.2. Operationa Operationall and Performance Performance Considera Considerations tions PA transaction datasources do not support delta update. It is necessary to perform the full load at the installation defined frequency in order to capture all changes In BW 2.0B, the scheduler contains a new function that allows the automatic deletion of prior load to insure no duplicated records in the InfoCube without manual effort or special coding development. For the excessively high volume of employees and employee action transaction loads, consider using parallel processing (concurrently process) of multiple infopackages by selection criteria (using PERNR range or range of time periods). To speed up the long loading process and to insure that no Oracle Database error be encountered, you should schedule the batch load while BW online query is quiescent and deleted the secondary indices for the subject InfoCube. The secondary indices must be rebuilt and run the database statistics statistics prior to release the system for BW query. •
6.3. 6.3.
Consid Considera eration tion when when Impl Impleme ementi nting ng Person Personnel nel Develo Developme pment nt 6.3.1. 6.3.1. Genera Generall Plann Planning ing As part of SAP standard extractor, Personnel Development delivers two transaction DataSources for Qualifications and Appraisals plus several master data DataSources, including two Qualification/Group hierarchies. They are sourced from InfoType 1000, 1000, 1001, 1033, 1045, 0 and other check & text tables. Personnel Development supports full update only. Customers with Infotype 24 and 25 Qualification and Appraisal data will be extracted, if integration flags “Quali/Quali” “Appsy/Delhi” are turned on (table T77S0).
• •
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6.4. 6.4.
Cons Consid ider erat ation ion when when Impl Implem emen entin ting g Payro Payroll ll Accou Accounti nting ng 6.4.1. 6.4.1. Genera Generall Plann Planning ing The primary sources of extraction for Payroll Accounting are Payroll Result Table (RT Cluster table), Work Place Basic Pay (WPBP) (WPBP) and FI/CO Posting by wagetype. wagetype. The following general implementation considerations should be noted when planning: The standard transaction datasource for Payroll Accounting is delivered at a Monthly time dimension. The month to date payroll result by wage type is concluded by the end of the pay period for the month. The retroactive payroll result applies to the specific month the retro payment is intended for. Customization for the pay period is complicated due to the lack of pay period relevant time dimension in BW (i.e. no time dimension for bi-weekly or semi-monthly). The retroactive and delta update logic would further complicate the customization effort. It is strongly recommend that investigate the use of drill through capability in BW query by narrowing down where the detailed payroll information is needed and jump target to R/3 payroll reports to obtain such information. informa tion. •
6.4.2. 6.4.2. Performanc Performance e Conside Consideration rations s Customer implemented HR Payroll Accounting without FI/CO integration should apply OSS note 140388 for improve the data loading performance. For the initial load of an excessively large volume of payroll accounting data, consider parallel initial load by dividing into multiple infopackages using PERNR or time periods. Once initial loads are completed successfully, you should and must use one single delta update process for subsequent loads •
6.4.3. 6.4.3. Recove Recovery ry of delta delta loads loads In the event that an unsuccessful data load occurred, you have two options to recover: Reload as an initial load for the time periods needed. To reset the initial load flag, please refer to the BW online documentation. Back-out the records in error and then execute YSET439 module. (Refer to appendix for the recovery procedures and the source code listing of YSET439 YSET439 module). •
6.5. 6.5.
Cons Consid ider erat ation ion whe when n Imple Impleme ment nting ing Tim Time e Mana Manage gemen ment t 6.5.1. 6.5.1. Genera Generall Plann Planning ing The SAP standard HR extractor delivers three Time Management datasources. They are Planned Work Time, Actual Time and Employee Quota (entitlement) and they are sourced from Infotype 1, 27, 2001-7 and PCL-B2 cluster. The following general implementation implementati on considerations should be noted when planning for Time Management implementation: Planning of Time type and Quota type assignments: •
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These are the very key evaluation characteristics in Time Management queries. Careful planning of Time type and Quota type assignments can yield certain benefits: o Assigning the R/3 subtypes to fewer time types in BW achieves a summarization of reporting time or quota type would yield a reduction in the amount of data to be transferred hence reduce the data extraction loading loadi ng time. o By grouping the time or quota types in a hierarchical arrangement would enable you to define external hierarchies to improve the query usability. The assignment of reporting time type and quota type can be accomplished on R/3 source system using SBIW transaction -> Customer defined datasources -> Human Resources -> Actual Employee time or Quota Transaction Data -> Defining time types or Defining quota types. Or you can use transaction PDW1 and PDW2 PDW2 to directly define time types and quota quot a types respectively. Create Hierarchy for Time type and Quota type in BW: Multi-level grouping of time type and quota time improves the usability when drilldown results. Once you have setup time type or quota type in an hierarchical manner (refer to paragraphs above), you can easily define the hierarchies in BW. This can be done in BW Administrator Workbench -> Modelling -> InfoObjects -> Highlight the InfoObject (0reptt for time type) -> right mouse click and select create hierarchy. Mapping of Time Units: The time units days and hours have to be mapped from HR-Units to SAP-Units (T006) using the veiw V_T538A_DW_HD (transaction SM30 or OLTP Customizing Customizing SBIW). For For more detail, please refer to OSS note 200829. The OLTP SAP-units (T006) and the BW SAP-Units (T006) should be the same for days and hours chosen in V_T538A_DW_HD! Filters are applied to restricted key figures delivered by SAP like figures are only valid, if the filter values planned hours. The key figures (e.g. unit = hours) are equal to the values of the loaded records in the cube. Time management offers delta update. Please note that in the event there were error conditions during delta load, you can set delta load code ‘R’ to reload last delta run. However, there is only one prior version can be recovered. Please refer to OSS note 33177 for further detail. •
6.6. 6.6.
Cons Consid ider erat ation ion whe when n Impl Implem emen entin ting g Comp Compen ensat sation ion 6.6.1. 6.6.1. Genera Generall Plann Planning ing The SAP standard HR extractor delivers three key Compensation datasources. They are Cost Plan Data, Personnel Compensation and Compensation Adjustments. Cost Plan Data, Cost Item and Plan Page 19
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Scenario are sourced primarily from Cluster table PCL5 plus T77KD table; and the Compensation and Compensation Adjustments are from InfoType 08, 14, 15 15 and 380. The The following general implementation considerations should be noted when planning for Compensation and Cost Planning implementation: The Compensation Cubes are not populated from Payroll Results only from Infotype Infotype 08, 14, 15 and 380. Please be aware that Off Cycle payroll is not included currently. Therefore, if bonus is paid out of off cycle payroll period, you will miss that bonus amount. The Bonus payment in datasource 0HR_PA_CM_1 0HR_PA_CM_1 is derived as follows: Bonus = All payments (from IT0014 and 15) – Annual base salary (Ansal from IT0008). IT0008). Please be aware that Table T539J (Base Wage Type Valuation) must be customized to include all wage types encompassing annual salary. Text table for Salary Division in Pay Grade (0CMPSALDV (0CMPSALDV)) in Compensation Adjustment InfoCube (0PACM_C01) (0PACM_C01) does not consist the division text. Customer needs to determine the subdivision and either update via a CSV file or update the text table. This is necessary, if customer intends to use query 0PACM_C01_Q0006. Currently Cost Planning support current planning version (see T77S0 GRPID=PLOGI, GRPID=PLOGI, SEMID=PLO SEMID=PLOGI) GI) and Organizational view only. Other planning versions and the financial view are not supported up to release 2.1C. 2.1C. •
6.6.2. 6.6.2. Operationa Operationall and Performance Performance Considera Considerations tions There is no delta handling in cost planning and compensation datasources. Therefore, when setting up the Infopackages, you should use the automatic deletion function from BW scheduler to avoid duplicated records. Please be aware that due to the detailed level of Cost Planning data, the volume can be tremendous. Careful planning from both data loading and query performance perspectives must be considered. Please see other sections for tips in dealing with high volume data. Also review OSS notes 130253 and 115407. In addition, you should refer to the BW Performance Accelerator on SAP Service Service Marketplace BW web page to query performance considerations. •
6.7. 6.7.
Cons Consid ider erat ation ion when when Impl Implem emen entin ting g Ben Benefi efits ts 6.7.1. 6.7.1. Genera Generall Plann Planning ing The SAP standard HR extractor delivers one key datasource in Benefit area. The Benefit datasource has technical name of 0HR _ PA_BN_1. PA_BN_1. It is sourced from Infotypes 0167, 0168, 0168, 0169, 0170, 0236, 0377, 0379 and several other Benefit check tables and text tables. Infotype 0375 is also read to extract information about whether the employee is highly Page 20
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compensated or not. The Benefit datasource provides general Benefits information (Benefit Area, first/second program grouping), employee groupings (cost grouping, credit grouping etc.) and eligibility. In addition, it also contains information about Benefits costs and contributions. The following general implementation considerations should be noted when planning for BW implementation for Benefits: The data field COSTCONTRB COSTCONTRB in Datasource 0HR_PA_BN_1 0HR_PA_BN_1 controls how costs and contribution are determined. If there are payroll results available, they will be read from the cluster. If there are no payroll results available, only the costs are calculated. In the event that you do not need cost or contribution amount to be populated at all, then you can remove “COSTCONTRB” “COSTCONTRB” data element from the “Transfer Structure” of 0HR _ PA_BN_1 PA_BN_1 data da ta source. SAP delivered data source will contain this field in the Transfer Structure. You may remove it through the following path: Administrator’s workbench -> Modeling-> InfoSource -> Highlight source system for 0HR _ PA_BN_1 PA_BN_1 datasource datasour ce -> right mouse click and choose “Change Transfer Rules” -> Click the “transfer structure” tab -> highlight field name “COSTCONTRB” “COSTCONTRB” -> use the right arrow to “Remove selected InfoObject “ -> Save and Activate the Transfer rules. If benefits contribution is to be extracted, contribution will be summed at a monthly time dimension. Non-monthly pay cycle (weekly or bi-weekly) bi-weekly) will be merged and aligned align ed by the month per payroll check issue date. The transaction data will be extracted at one record per month per employee per plan. •
6.7.2. 6.7.2. Performanc Performance e and Operational Operational Considera Considerations tions There is no delta handling for Benefits datasource. Only full load is supported in data extraction process. Therefore, when setting up the Infopackages, you should use the automatic deletion function from BW scheduler to avoid duplicated records. Customer who has very high volume of employee benefits data and need to reduce extraction loading time may consider to configure your Infopackage extraction process on a monthly basis or quarterly basis or by ranges of Pernrs. Selection criteria, such as Calmonth or Pernr are available to limit the volume of data for each load. However, it is advisable to properly configure your infopackages so that the automatic deletion to avoid duplicated records is taking into consideration. Should you decide to extract Benefits data on a monthly schedule, please be aware that depending on when and your operational processing cycle, the the records for the current month may be incomplete in particular the costs and contributions. Therefore, it is recommended to only extract past months. The fields of datasource 0HR_PA_BN_1 0HR_PA_BN_1 depicted in the table below can be selectively removed, removed, if they are not required for BW reporting purpose or if such data is not filled in R/3 side. This will reduce the volume of data to be loaded from R/3 to BW hence •
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improve data loading performance. This can be accomplished by simply removing the selected object from the “transfer structure”. Please refer to section 6.6.1 6.6.1 bullet item 1 for the procedure.
6.8. 6.8.
Data Provided Eligibility Costs and contributions Return values for Cost grouping feature grouping feature Return values for Credit C redit grouping feature grouping feature Return values for Coverage C overage grouping feature grouping feature Return values for Employee E mployee contribution grouping feature Return values for Employer E mployer contribution grouping feature Return values for Eligibility grouping feature grouping feature
Cons Consid ider erat atio ion n when when Imple Impleme ment nting ing Tra Train inin ing g and Eve Events nts 6.8.1. 6.8.1. Genera Generall Plann Planning ing As part of SAP standard extractor, Training and Events delivers three transaction DataSources for Attendance, Cancellation and Resource Reservations plus several master data DataSources, including four hierarchies for business events, event group and locations. They are sourced from InfoType 1000, 1001, 1021, 1023, 1024, 1036, PAD23, 25, 34 and other check & text tables plus application logic, such sales organization, distribution channels and business event cost allocation. There are many pre-establish structures, restricted and calculated key figures available in T&E InfoCubes for use or as a template to derive customer business rules and saving as your own InfoCubes. In Training and Events, Business Event is the central InfoObject. If Training and Event is not integrated with Organization management, Object type ‘U’ (external company code) will take effect. Cost Center for the event is filled in following sequence: •
If Event-Co Event-Cost st Center Center Evalu Evaluatio ation n Path has has been been maintai maintained ned in T77AW T77AW table (E-K A011 or E-O-K A036/A011), then this Cost Center will be used as default (Evaluation Path in table T77S0 key: SEMIN COSTC). If Cost Cost Cente Centerr not found found in T77AW T77AW,, then it will will be be filled filled with with Cost Cost Center value defined in T77S0 table (key: SEMIN SCOST).
Total Event Cost calculation is the sum of the Event cost and all resources related to the Event. For example:
1. 2. 3.
Event Event Cost Cost in Infotype Infotype 1036 1036 consis consists ts of Elect Electric ric Energy Energy cost cost for $20 $20 per day. Individua Individuall resource resource cost costss related related to the event event in IT1036 IT1036 include includess Food, Food, drinks and books. The tot total al Even Eventt Cost Cost will will be be as follo follows ws:: Event Energy $20/day for 5 days $100 Resource Food $10/event 10 Resource Drink $ 5/event 5 Resource Books $50 50 --------------
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Total Event Cost
Currency Currency conv convers ersion ion is based based on the the currency currency type type defined defined in table table T77S0 (key: VMBUD VMBUD WAERS). WAERS). In the event that multiple currencies are required, you may code desired logic in update rules.
To verify verify the result result of event event cost costs, s, you you can use use the repor reportt RHCCOS00 RHCCOS00 on R/3 side for validation. Also, refer to R/3 online documentation for more detail.
Event Capacity (Infotype 1024) calculation involving multiple resources has calculation rules:
1. 2. 3.
The Optimum Optimum capaci capacity ty will will adopt adopt the “low “lowest” est” value value The Minimum Minimum capac capacity ity will will adopt adopt the “high “highest” est” value value The Maximum Maximum capac capacity ity will adopt adopt the “lowest” “lowest” value. value.
Capacity calculation example: Resource PC Room Books - -- - --- -- -Result
Optimum 20 25 22 --- - -- -- 20
Minimum 15 18 14 - -- - -- --- -- -- 18
Maximum 30 32 35 - -- - ---- - -- --- -30
Event charges consist of two types. The first is a proposed charge per attendee. The second is the actual attendee charges by attendee type (Attendee type (object type O/P) is compounded with Attendee •
ID). Example of proposed and actual charges are as follows: Pro Proposed char harge per atten ttend dee in Info Infottype ype 10 1021 $50 $500 Actual charge by attendee type Internal External Organization (for 5) •
$200 300 1000
Integration Considerations: 1. 2.
For interna internall billing, billing, table table T77S0 T77S0 SEMIN SEMIN INLV INLV switc switch h must be be turned turned on to ‘1’ For SD integra integration tion with with external external billin billing, g, table table T77S0 T77S0 SEMIN SEMIN FAKT FAKT switch switch must be turned on.
External Person object type ‘H’ related to object type ‘U’ external company. Status of Transfer to CO: S or U Length of resource reservation is delivered in duration of Days and number of Hours. •
• •
Example: Duration of Event = 2 days Actual no. Hours per day = 2 hours Total hours of resources utilization = 4 hours in a span of 2 days •
Training and Events supports full update only.
Enha Enhanc ncin ing g HR HR Bus Busin ines ess s Con Conte tent nts s by by Exa Examp mple le – US US Cou Count ntry ry Specific While SAP delivered BW/HR business contents is considered to meet approximately 60-80% of of the Decision Support requirements, it does does not currently contain the country specific contents. For example, Employee social security number and Ethnicity are among the most requested enhancements for US customers. This section Page 23
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provides several enhancement considerations considerati ons and the how to implement these two specific examples.
7.1. 7.1.
Gene Genera rall Plan Planni ning ng Con Consi side dera rati tion ons s There are two techniques can be used to extend the BW/HR business contents in an SAP environment: Append new fields to existing extract structures and fill them with SAP customer exits. This is possible for transactional data, master data and texts unless the SAP delivered extract structure is a view. The technical name of the enhancement is ‘RSAP0001’ and the three customer exits are: Transaction data EXIT_SAP EXIT_SAPLRSA LRSAP_001 P_001 Master data and texts EXIT_SAPLRSA EXIT_SAPLRSAP_002 P_002 hierarchies EXIT_SAPLRSAP_004 You can find further information in ‘Extending BW business content’ white paper posted on BW web web page in SAP SAP Service Marketplace Marketplace (alias BW -> documentation). Use Generic Extractor to create new DataSources. There is no programming knowledge in ABAP ABAP necessary, but working with data dictionary is required. The Generic Extractor can be used to create new DataSources for transactional data, master data and texts. The following are the possible sources for the data: Transparent database tables Database views Domain fixed values (text extraction) Functional areas (global) of the SAP Query tables, database views table joins (limited according to ABAP SELECT) SELECT) logical database logical data extraction using self defined report You can find further information in ‘Packet for Generic Data Extraction’ white paper posted on BW web web page in SAP SAP Service Marketplace Marketplace (alias BW -> documentation). •
Prior to begin the tasks of customization using one of the above techniques, few additional considerations are recommended: Do observe the BW/HR reporting strategy as the guiding principal to minimize the customization where makes business sense. Customization can elongate the project duration, complicated future maintenance and upgrades. Do evaluate the design from the overall BW architectural and data model perspectives in determining the type and where the enhancement belong. Do research and understand the business intelligence from R/3 data structure perspective. For example, ethnic origin (Racky) text table contains country id to make it unique. Therefore, when enhancing ethnic origin from Infotype 77, you need to include coding to inlude the country_id (molga) to make it unique and consistent with the ethnicity text. •
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customization work, it is important to have a pre-established pre-established Hint: Prior to start the customization naming convention and coordinate with your local basis group. This includes development development class, class, Infosource name, function module, views, views, extract structures and InfoObject.
7.2. 7.2.
Enhanc Enhanceme ement nt Proc Procedu edures res for US Countr Country y Speci Specific fic exam example ples s 7.2.1. Determining what to use and where to extend the content for Employee SSN and Ethnicity In planning for the enhancement, the following research result has been derived: Like employee nationality, gender, Social Security number and ethnicity are attributes for an employee and also applies to any person that would be included in Human Capital system. These are attributes should be sharable among InfoCubes. Hence, it was determined to extend 0Person Master Data and fill the data fields via customer exit. Further investigate the HR source of extraction, it has determined that the following mapping and additional data fields are needed to make these two data elements unique: •
Description Person id modifier Person id (SSN) Country_id Ethnicity
Infotype/table PA0002 PA0002 PA0001/T005 PA0077
SSN (Social (Social Security Number) does not require text description, but Ethnicity will need a new datasource called Ethnicity Text. To create this new datasource dataso urce from T505S Ethnicity text table, generic extractor with a database view would be the simplest approach. •
7.2.2. 7.2.2. Extending Extending 0perso 0person n Master data for for Ethnicity Ethnicity and and SSN 1) Extend 0Person Master data extract structure: In R/3: Transaction SBIW -> subsequent processing of datasource -> Edit datasource -> Appl component PA-PA-IO -> select 0person_attr -> click enhance data source -> structure name default defau lt as ZAHRMS_BW_IO_ ZAHRMS_BW_IO_PERSO PERSON N -> Maintain the append structure for 0Person_attr as follows: •
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Save and use ZBWP as development class and use BW enhancement transport. 2) Develop Customer exit code: Click on the Functional Enhancement push button to obtain project management of SAP Enhancement screen (CMOD) Create a new n ew or use existing project HRBW, enter description as necessary Click on Enhancement and enter RSAP0001 RSAP0001 for BW data extraction exits Click Components and an d select Exit_SAPLRSAP Exit_SAPLRSAP_002 _002 or master data enhancement enhancement Create ZXRSAU02 ZXRSAU02 include module. (Refer to sample code in Appendix 8.3) Save transport with your development class (such as ZBWP). Activate user exit and project. Go back to Edit data source for 0person_attr screen and turn off hidden field flag, if it was marked. 3) In BW: BW: Acti Activate vate the the new new enhance enhancemen ments: ts: •
• •
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Replicate data sources for 0person_attr on BW side. Add new InfoObjects (create them if needed) to 0person master data attributes Activate 0person Update transfer structure for 0person_attr by moving the added InfoObjects to the left. Update transfer rule by selecting objects with same domain or properly selected InfoObject (see attached) Activate the transfer structure
• •
• •
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4) Repop Repopulat ulatee 0Per 0Person son Master Master Data Data Create the Infopackage for 0Person master data, if not already exists. Schedule 0person master data load Activate new master data 0Person??? •
• •
7.2.3. 7.2.3. Create Create Ethnicity Ethnicity Text Text DataSource DataSource with Generic Generic Extractor Extractor 1) Define Define Ethnicity Ethnicity IO IO Text Text View View named named ZV_T50 ZV_T505S_ 5S_TXT TXT
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2) Create Create Zethni Zethnic_t c_text ext DataSo DataSource urce In R/3: Transaction SBIW -> Generated DataSource ->Maintain Generic DataSource -> Create Text ‘Zethnic_Text’ as shown below: •
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3) In BW: BW: Activate Activate new new DataSource DataSource (refer (refer to section section 7.2.2 7.2.2 step 3). 4) Lo Loadin ading g the new Ethnic Ethnicity ity Text Text tabl tablee Create the Infopackage for Zethnic_text table. Schedule Zethnic_text data load • •
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Appendix 8.1. 8.1.
Payr Payrol olll Extra Extract ctio ion n Error Error Rec Recov over ery y Proc Proced edur ure e 8.1.1. Determine Determine the State of of Affairs Affairs Go to Administrator Workbench and select the InfoCubes tab Highlight Payroll InfoCube (Payroll 0PY_C01). Go to the top of the screen and click on the Monitor Icon Choose Time selection “Yesterday and today” or “In the past week” depending on the starting date of the run; the system will display both Action, Employee and Payroll Accounting Transactions that have been processed during the selected period. Unsuccessful runs will have either a yellow or a red status indicator. Double click on the Payroll Accounting Run to be recovered. Follow the “Analysis” steps to obtain more information on the reason of failure, including “Job Overview” in the source system. If the run was abended for any reason, the “Analysis” will lead you to the dumps for the date and date –1. Look for the dump with “ALEREMOTE “ALEREMOTE”” userid and within the range of time of your run. Note the reason if you need further assistance from others. Exit “Analysis”. At the Monitor: Detail screen, select “Update Data” tab in the middle of the screen. Scroll down and view the number of yellow and red status indicators. Typically, the Payroll Transaction will take well over 200 data packets. If the Payroll Delta Update run has not processed more than ½ of the data packets successfully, it would be less time consuming and less prone to error by taking the “Full Back Out Procedure” list below. If there are less than a dozen yellow and red status indicators, take the Partial Back Out Procedure. 8.1.2. 8.1.2. Full Full Back Back Out Proced Procedure ure Follow the procedures: Determine the state of affair, but seek the previous successful run date for the Payroll Delta Transaction and note the date. lin e, execute Logon to HRP system; At the command line, transaction SE38. “YSET0439”. Execute Program “YSET0439”. At the range selection, enter Pernr range from 00000001 to 000999999. At the run date, enter the date of last successful run date determined at the first step of this procedure. Turn off ‘Test’ flag Execute by clicking the green check mark with a white flower on the top. Page 31
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System will generate a list of records reset back to last successful run date. Select menu path ‘System -> List -> Save-> local file’ to Save listing on your local drive as your Record.
8.1.3. 8.1.3. Partia Partiall Back Out Proce Procedur dure e Follow the procedures: Determine the state of affair, but seek the previous successful run date for the Payroll Delta Transaction and note the date. Go back to the current failed run; Scroll down to the unsuccessful data packet that has a “yellow” or “red” status indicator. Note the data packet number. Steps to Locate the Failed Pernr Range: Back up and highlight the last successful data, click on the “Tool box” icon on the bottom left of the screen which will bring you to the current data packet in PSA. Select the data packet and enter the last 500 record numbers (e.g. if data packet consists record 000001 000001 to 0012500; 0012500; enter 12000 to 12500 in the bottom of this screen). The actual records will be displayed. Scroll down to the bottom and note down the Pernr (employee) number that was last successfully processed. The Start Pernr range of the failed data packet = Pernr + 1. 1. Locate the next successful data packet after the failed data packet. Click Click on the “Tool box” icon on the bottom left of the screen which will bring you to the current data packet in the PSA. Select the data packet and enter the first 500 record numbers (e.g. if data packet consists record 000001 000001 to 0012500; 0012500; enter 000001 000001 to 000500 in the bottom b ottom of this screen). The actual records will be displayed. Scroll down to the bottom and note the Pernr (employee) number that was last successfully processed. The End Pernr range of the failed data packet = Pernr -1. -1. Repeat the Steps to Locate Failed Pernr Range for each Failed Data Packet. CAREFULLY CAREFULLY record each set of Pernr Ranges. Logon to HRP; At the command line, execute transaction SE38. “YSET0439”. Execute Program “YSET0439”. At the range selection, enter each set of the Failed Pernr Ranges At the run date, enter the date of the last successful run date determined at the first step of this procedure. Turn on the ‘Test’ flag, if you want to run a simulation; turn it off for a real run. Execute by clicking the green check mark with a white flower on the top. System will generate a list of records reset back to last successful run date. Select menu path ‘System -> List -> Save-> local file’ to save the listing on your local drive as your record. 8.2. 8.2.
YSET YSET43 439 9 Delta Delta rec recov over ery y modu module le sour source ce list listing ing Page 32
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Custom Customer er Exit_S Exit_SAPL APLRSA RSAP_0 P_002 02 samp sample le code code for SSN & Ethn Ethnicit icity y
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE ZXRSAU02 * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: L_T_OBJECT L_T_OBJECT LIKE
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