Worksheet outlining grammatical areas used for Cambridge PET sentence transformations (writing part 1)Full description
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Sentence Completion Questions on CATFull description
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Descripción: Sentence Diagramming workbook
Sentence transformation There is a new cinema cinema in our city. city. Our city ____________ a new cinema. The cinema opened in December December.. The cinema ___________ open open since December December A famous architect designed the building. The architect architect ____________ ____________ the building is famous. famous. This cinema is bigger than the the old one. The old cinema cinema wasn’t __________ __________ the new new one. Tickets Tickets can be bought bought online. You You _______________ _______________ tickets tickets online. The cinema closes at !" !" am e#ery day day. The cinema is open ________ ________ !" am e#ery day day. Shall we ha#e dinner at the new Thai restaurant$ %hat ___________________________ dinner at the new Thai restaurant$ The restaurant restaurant is called &Oriental'. &Oriental'. The name ______________________________ ______________________________ is &Oriental'. &Oriental'. ( ha#en’t been here before. This is the )rst )rst time ( _________________ _________________ here. here. All the meals are cooked by the famous chef Yang. The famous famous chief Yang Yang ________________ ________________ all the meals. meals. *atrick told me it was cheap enough to eat here. *atrick told me it wasn’t _______________________ to eat here. +e recommended the special of the day. +e said ( _______________________ try the special of the day. Sue really en,oys playing tennis. Sue is #ery ___________________ ___________________ tennis. Sue prefers playing tennis to #olleyball. Sue likes tennis _________________ #olleyball. There are only only a few tennis courts in this city. city. There aren’t ________________ tennis tennis court in this city. city. Sue ,oined the tennis club two years ago. Sue has been in the tennis club _________________ two years. Sue practices at a tennis court -uite near the house. Sue’s house is not #ery ______________ from from the tennis court. Sue had an important match last month.
There ___________ an important match last month for Sue. Sue won’t impro#e the tennis skills unless she practices a lot. ___________ doesn’t practice a lot she won’t impro#e her tennis skills. &+ow often do you play tennis' / *eter asked Sue. *eter asked Sue how often ___________________ tennis.