The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
A comprehensive glossary of over 15,000 English language slang and dialect terms from around the world, including: American slang, Australian slang, British slang, Canadian slang, South African slang, Cockney rhyming slang, Irish slang, Scottish slang, Jamaican slang, theatre slang, bingo slang, and Dorset slang.
Deluxe Illustrated PDF Edition
©2004 The Probert Encyclopaedia
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Published in 2004 By The Probert Encyclopaedia
110 PERCENT 110 percent is American sports slang for the extra effort often required to win a difficult contest.
180−OUT 180−out is American military slang for false.
24−7 24−7 is slang for all the time. It is short for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
404 404 is American slang for clueless or naive.
411 411 is American slang for information.
56 56 is American police slang for time off from work.
714S 714s is slang for methaqualone.
911 911 is American slang for an emergency.
98 98 is American slang for a 98 model Oldsmobile motor car.
A BIT OF A BUMBLE A bit of a bumble is Dorset slang for confusion.
A BIT OF CRUMPET A bit of crumpet is slang for a sexually desirable woman.
A BIT OF HOW'S YOUR FATHER A bit of how's your father is British slang for sexual mischief.
A BUGGER'S MUDDLE A bugger's muddle is British slang for a mess.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
A BUTTON SHORT A button short is slang for intellectually deficient.
A CARSE A carse is Dorset slang for of course.
A COLD DAY IN HELL A cold day in hell is slang for never.
A GRAPE ON THE BUSINESS A grape on the business is Australian slang for a person whose presence spoils things for others.
A LA A la is British slang for pretentious.
A PIECE OF CRUMPET A piece of crumpet is slang for a sexually desirable woman.
A PIECE OF GOODS A piece of goods is slang for a person, especially a woman.
A ROD IN PICKLE A rod in pickle is Australian slang for a race horse being secretly prepared for a win and betting coup.
A ROLL JACK RICE COULDN'T JUMP OVER A roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over is Australian slang for a large sum of money.
A SKULL A skull is slang for per person.
A SODA A soda is Australian slang for something easily done; a pushover.
A SQUEEZE A squeeze is American slang for orange juice.
A TO Z A to Z is British rhyming slang for a shed.
A TOUCH OF THE TAR−BRUSH A touch of the tar−brush is derogatory British slang for having a skin colour which suggests black or coloured ancestry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
A'PORTH A'Porth (from ha'porth) is British slang for an unimportant or silly person.
A−COATHED A−coathed is Dorset slang for rotten, diseased.
A−HEAD A−head is Black−American slang for a heavy user of amphetamines.
A−OKAY A−okay is slang for superb.
A−STOGGED A−stogged is Dorset slang for having one's feet stuck in the mud.
A−STOODED A−stooded is Dorset slang for sunk in the ground, stuck in the mud.
A−ZEW A−zew is Dorset slang for no longer yielding milk.
A.C.A.B. A.C.A.B. is British slang for 'All Coppers Are Bastards'.
A.D. A.D. is slang for drug addict.
A.K.A. A.K.A. (also known as) is slang for alias.
AAP Aap is South african slang for a cannabis cigarette.
AARDVARK Aardvark is British slang for hard work, unpleasant tasks.
AB Ab is body−building slang for an abdominal muscle.
ABB Abb is surfing slang for an abnormal person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ABBESS Abbess was 16th to 19th century slang for the mistress of a brothel.
ABDOMINABLE VOORHEAVES Abdominable voorheaves is American slang for to vomit.
ABDUL Abdul is derogatory slang for a Turk or Arab. Abdul is Australian slang for an immigrant.
ABE Abe is British slang for a Jew.
ABEL AND CAIN Abel and Cain is British rhyming slang for rain.
ABERDEENS Aberdeens is British rhyming slang for baked beans.
ABERGAVENY Abergavenny is London cockney rhyming slang for penny.
ABFAB Abfab is Australian slang for first−rate, very attractive, wonderful.
ABIGAIL Abigail was 18th and 19th century slang for a lady's maid. Abigail is slang for an ageing, conservative male homosexual.
ABO Abo is derogatory Australian slang for an aboriginal.
ABOUT DONE About done is British slang for finished. About done is British slang for slightly drunk, tipsy.
ABOUT RIGHT About right is British slang for slightly drunk, tipsy.
ABRAHAM Abraham is British rhyming slang for sham.
ABRAHAM'S WILLING Abraham's willing was old British rhyming slang for a shilling. 4
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ABROAD Abroad is British slang for out conducting criminal activities.
ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE Absent without leave is slang for escaped from prison.
ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY Absofuckinglutely is Black−American slang for without doubt.
ABSORB Absorb is slang for to drink. Absorb is slang for to eat.
ABSOTIVELY Absotively is American slang for absolutely, positively.
ABYSSINIA Abyssinia is British slang for goodbye (I'll be seeing you).
ABYSSINIAN POLO Abyssinian polo is American slang for the game of craps.
AC AC is Black−American slang for the Acura Legend automobile.
AC/DC AC/DC is slang for bisexual.
ACAPULCO Acapulco is slang for cannabis.
ACAPULCO GOLD Acapulco Gold is slang for a particular breed of cannabis from around Acapulco in Mexico. The leaves are golden in colour and supposedly of high quality.
ACCA Acca is Australian slang for academic
ACCELERATED DEATH BENEFITS Accelerated death benefits is insurance industry slang for a policyholder's option to use cash benefits from life insurance to finance medical care during serious illness.
ACCIDENT Accident is British slang for an arrest. 5
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ACE Ace is slang for excellent. Ace is slang for cannabis. Ace is British slang for the anus. Ace is American slang for to achieve the top grade in an examination etc.
ACE HURLER Ace hurler is American slang for a baseball team's best pitcher.
ACE IN THE HOLE Ace in the hole is American slang for a final surprise which will likely guarantee success.
ACE OF SPADES Ace of spades is British slang for the female pubic area. Ace of spades is British slang for completely black. Ace of spades is British rhyming slang for AIDs.
ACE OF TRUMPS Ace of trumps is British slang for a first−class person.
ACE OUT Ace out is American slang for to achieve the top grade in an examination, etc.
ACE−DEUCE Ace−deuce is Black−American slang for three. Ace−deuce is American and Jamaican slang for a best friend.
ACEY−DEUCY Acey−deucy is American slang for uncertain quality, both good and bad.
ACHE AND PAIN Ache and pain is British rhyming slang for rain.
ACID Acid is slang for the drug LSD. (Lysergic acid diethyl amide). Acid is slang for the drug MDMA Acid is West Indian slang for rum. Acid is Jamaican slang for a special unit of the Jamaican police force.
ACID CASUALTY Acid casualty is slang for someone supposedly suffering from impaired faculties as a result of taking LSD (acid).
ACID DROPS Acid drops is British slang for caustic comments, put−downs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ACID FLASH Acid flash is slang for a sudden recurrence of an LSD related experience.
ACID HEAD Acid head is slang for a person who uses LSD (acid).
ACID HOUSE Acid house is slang for a particular youth culture involving synthetic electronic dance−music − known as house − and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs such as ecstasy and LSD (acid).
ACID ROCK Acid rock is slang for a type of guitar−based electric rock music of the late 1960s and early 1970s supposedly influenced by LSD (acid).
ACID TRIP Acid trip is slang for a period under the influence of the drug LSD (acid).
ACKER Acker (shortened from Acker Bilk) is British rhyming slang for milk. Acker is Dorset slang for a friend.
ACKER BILK Acker Bilk is British rhyming slang for milk.
ACKERS Ackers is British military slang for coins, notes, money and especially piastres.
ACORN Acorn is British slang for the head of an erect penis. Acorn was old slang for the head.
ACORN IN A BIRD'S NEST Acorn in a bird's nest is British slang for the male genitalia.
ACORNS Acorns is British slang for the testicles.
ACRE Acre is slang for buttock. Acre is slang for testicle.
ACROBAT Acrobat is Jamaican slang for a fool.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ACROSS THE BOARD Across the board is slang for all−inclusive.
ACROSS THE RIVER Across the river is American military slang for the government (the White House and Congress).
ACT Act is Australian slang for pretending to be something you are not. Act is Australian slang for a fit of temper; a tantrum.
ACT DUMB Act dumb is slang for to feign ignorance.
ACT THE JINNIT Act the jinnit is Irish slang for to behave foolishly, irrationally.
ACT THE LINNET Act the linnet is Irish slang for to flirt.
ACT THE MAGGOT Act the maggot is Irish slang for to play the fool, to clown around.
ACT THE MOHAWK Act the mohawk is Irish slang for to misbehave.
ACTCOM Actcom is American slang for a television action comedy, where every episode is based on a disruption of the status quo, followed by humorous efforts to bring the situation back to normal.
ACTION Action is slang for recreational activities such as gambling, prostitution and drugs.
ACTION MAN Action man is British slang for a devotee of military physical exercise. An excessively macho man.
ACTOR Actor is slang for someone accomplished at playing a role, or bluffing.
ACTUAL Actual is British slang for cash.
ADAM Adam is slang for the drug ecstasy (MDA or methyl diamphetamine).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ADAM AND EVE Adam and Eve is London Cockney rhyming slang for believe. Adam and Eve is American slang for two poached or fried eggs. Adam and Eve is slang for sexual intercourse.
ADAM AND EVE BALL Adam and Eve ball is slang for an early dancing party to which the guests are invited until 12 midnight only.
ADAM AND EVE ON A RAFT Adam and Eve on a raft is American slang for two poached eggs on toast.
ADAM AND EVE ON A RAFT AND WRECK 'EM Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck 'em is American slang for scrambled eggs on toast.
ADAM AND EVE'S TOGS Adam and Eve's togs is British slang for naked.
ADAM ANTS Adam Ants is British rhyming slang for pants.
ADAM FAITH Adam Faith is British rhyming slang for a safe.
ADAM'S ALE Adam's ale is slang for water.
ADAMITICAL Adamitical is slang for naked.
ADAMS Adams (shortened from Adam Ants) is British rhyming slang for pants.
ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE Add fuel to the fire is slang for make a bad or intense situation worse.
ADD INSULT TO INJURY Add insult to injury is slang for aggravate an already difficult situation, further upset someone.
ADDICTION MEDICINE Addiction medicine is American slang for psychiatric treatment used to treat people who suffer from an addiction.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Addled is British slang for muddled, confused due to the effects of alcohol. Intoxicated.
ADOLPH Adolph is British slang for a vibrator.
ADONIS Adonis is slang for an attractive man.
ADRIAN Adrian (shortened from Adrian Quist) is Australian rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
ADRIAN QUIST Adrian Quist is Australian rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
ADVANCE DIRECTIVE Advance directive is medical slang for a patient's written instructions as to what course of treatment should be followed in the event he or she becomes incapable of communicating.
AERATED Aerated is old nineteenth century slang for angry, agitated.
AERIAL Aerial is Bristol slang for area, region, district.
AERIAL PING−PONG Aerial ping−pong is Australian slang for Australian Rules Football.
AEROPLANE BLOND Aeroplane blond is slang for a woman who has dyed her hair blonde.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AEROPLANE SKIRT Aeroplane skirt is slang for a skirt with a very long slit up it.
AF Af is South African slang for a black African.
AFFAIR Affair is political slang for a reception held for the purposes of fundraising and/or honouring the achievements of an individual.
AFGHANI INDICA Afghani Indica is slang for cannabis.
AFICIONADO Aficionado is slang for devotee.
AFRAID OF ONE'S SHADOW Afraid of one's shadow is slang for being easily frightened.
AFRICA SPEAKS Africa speaks is Australian and New Zealand slang for strong liquor imported from South Africa.
AFRICAN African is slang for cannabis. African is Australian slang for a tailor−made cigarette.
AFRICAN LAGER African lager is British slang for the beer Guinness.
AFRICAN QUEEN African queen is British slang for a Black homosexual. African queen is British slang for a White homosexual who prefers Black partners.
AFRICAN TIME African time is South African slang for unpunctuality.
AFRICAN WOODBINE African woodbine is British slang for a cigarette containing cannabis.
AFRICKY Africky is slang for African.
AFRIKS Afriks is South African slang for Afrikaans language lessons. 11
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AFRO Afro is slang for a type of hairstyle consisting of a mass of tight curls allowed to grow out forming a bush around the head. Afro is slang for a black person.
AFRO SAXON Afro Saxon is derogatory slang for a Black person whose lifestyle, opinions and attitudes are those of the White society.
AFROED Afroed is slang for having an afro hair−style.
AFTER After is Australian slang for afternoon.
AFTER DAVY After Davy is slang for affidavit.
AFTER EIGHT MINT After eight mint is British rhyming slang for penniless (skint).
AFTER HAIR After hair is slang for to be pursuing a woman for sex.
AFTER ONE'S OWN HEART After one's own heart is slang for of similar interests or sensibilities.
AFTERBIRTH Afterbirth is slang for rhubarb. Afterbirth is American slang for excessive paperwork.
AFTERBOOMER Afterboomer is newspaper slang for a person born between 1965 and 1974 after the baby−boom of 1946 to 1964.
AFTERGLOW Afterglow is British slang for the winding down period after love making.
AFTERNOON DELIGHT Afternoon delight is British slang for sex in the afternoon.
AFTERS Afters is British slang for an after−hours drinking session.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AG Ag is British slang for aggravation.
Against the clock is British slang for short of time, in a hurry.
AGAINST THE WIND Against the wind is British slang for a struggle, a difficult task.
AGATE Agate is slang for a marble.
AGATES Agates is slang for testicles.
AGGIE Aggie is British slang for a marble.
AGGIE EYES Aggie eyes is British slang for someone who hasn't had enough sleep.
AGGRAVATION Aggravation is British slang for serious trouble. Aggravation is British rhyming slang for station.
AGGRO Aggro is British (Cockney) and Australian slang for aggravation, aggressive troublemaking. Aggro is American slang for wonderful, excellent.
AGGY Aggy is Dorset slang for edgy, with sharp−looking corners. Aggy is Dorset slang for to collect birds' eggs.
AGINNER Aginner is British slang for a dissenter. Aginner is Irish slang for someone who automatically takes the opposite stance.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AGONY Agony is Jamaican slang for sexual pleasure.
AGTEROS Agteros is South African slang for a dawdler, a plodder, a slow walker.
AGUA DE CHANGO Agua de chango is slang for liquid heroin administered nasally.
AH SEH ONE Ah seh one is Jamaican slang for something important, outstanding, meaningful.
AH−AHS Ah−ahs is British slang for defecation.
AHEAD OF THE GAME Ahead of the game is slang for being in an advantageous position.
AI−AI Ai−ai is South African slang for methylated spirits or surgical spirit drunk by alcoholics.
AIKONA Aikona is South African slang for never. Absolutely not. A very definite no.
AIM ARCHIE AT THE ARMITAGE Aim Archie at the Armitage is Australian slang for to urinate.
AIMED Aimed is American slang for identified, singled out, victimised.
AIN'T IT A TREAT Ain't it a treat was old British rhyming slang for street.
AIN'T SHE SWEET Ain't she sweet is British rhyming slang for seat.
AIN'T TODAY STORY Ain't today story is Jamaican slang for a woman who looks younger than she really is.
AIR DIRTY LAUNDRY Air dirty laundry is American slang for to let others know of one's private conflicts or problems.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AIR HOSE Air hose is American slang for shoes worn without socks.
AIR OFF ONESELF Air off oneself is Jamaican slang for to show off, to display one's superior status at someone else's expense.
AIR OUT ONE'S MOUTH ON Air out one's mouth on is Jamaican slang for to speak aggressively or abusively.
AIR THE DICED CARROTS Air the diced carrots is American slang for to vomit.
AIR−DANCE Air−dance was British slang for execution by hanging.
AIRBALL Airball is American slang for a slow, dim, eccentric or unpleasant person.
AIRBRAINED Airbrained is American slang for silly, frivolous.
AIRCRAFT CARRIER Aircraft carrier is basketball slang for a player whose driving force can carry the team to victory.
AIRHEAD Airhead is slang for a stupid or simple−minded person.
AIRMOUSE Airmouse is Dorset slang for a bat.
AIRS AND GRACES Airs and graces is London cockney rhyming slang for faces (people). Airs and graces was London cockney rhyming slang for braces Airs and graces was London cockney rhyming slang for races.
AIRSICK PIGEON Airsick pigeon is British slang for useless.
AISH Aish is Dorset slang for an ash tree.
AITCH DROPPER Aitch dropper is British slang for a Cockney. 15
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AJAX Ajax is British rhyming slang for car tax.
AL CAPONE Al Capone is British and Australian rhyming slang for telephone.
ALA Ala (shortened from Alabaster) is British rhyming slang for plaster.
ALABAMA Alabama is British rhyming slang for hammer.
ALABASTER Alabaster is British rhyming slang for plaster.
ALADDIN'S CAVE Aladdin's cave is British slang for a stash of stolen goods.
ALAN BORDER Alan Border is British rhyming slang for order.
ALAN LADD Alan Ladd is British rhyming slang for unfashionable (sad).
ALAN MINTER Alan Minter is British rhyming slang for splinter.
ALAN WHICKER Alan Whicker is British rhyming slang for one pound (nicker).
ALAN WHICKERS Alan Whickers is British Cockney rhyming slang for knickers.
ALAN'S PSYCHEDELIC BREAKFAST Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast is American slang for to vomit.
ALANS Alans (shortened from Alan Whickers) is British rhyming slang for knickers.
ALASS'N Alass'n is Dorset slang for unless.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ALBATROSS Albatross is slang for an encumbrance; something that causes anxiety. Albatross is medical slang for a patient who never seems to get better, or who is regularly ill with a new ailment, and who sticks with one physician for seemingly endless treatment.
ALBERT Albert (shortened from Albert hall) is British rhyming slang for wall.
ALBERT HALL Albert hall is British rhyming slang for wall.
ALCO Alco is Australian slang for Alcoholic
ALDERMAN'S NAIL Alderman's nail is London cockney rhyming slang for tail.
ALDERSHOT LADIES Aldershot ladies is British bingo slang for the number 44.
ALDERSHOT WHORE Aldershot whore is British rhyming slang for four.
ALDGATE EAST Aldgate East is London Cockney rhyming slang for a priest.
ALDGATE PUMP Aldgate pump is London Cockney rhyming slang for annoyed, displeased (to have the hump).
ALEC Alec is slang for a swindler's victim. Alec is Australian slang for a stupid person.
ALED Aled is British slang for drunk.
ALF Alf is Australian slang for an uncultivated Australian.
ALF GARNET Alf Garnet is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair (Barnet).
ALFALFA Alfalfa is American slang for money. Alfalfa is American slang for tobacco. 17
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Alfalfa is American slang for marijuana.
ALFIE BASS Alfie Bass is London Cockney rhyming slang for gas.
ALFRED Alfred (shortened from Alfred the Great) is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight.
ALFRED THE GREAT Alfred the Great is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight.
ALGERNON Algernon is British slang for a young, upper−class man.
ALI BABA Ali Baba is British slang for an alibi.
ALI G Ali G is British rhyming slang for to urinate (pee).
ALI OOP Ali Oop is British rhyming slang for excrement (poop).
ALIAS Alias is Jamaican slang for dangerous, violent.
ALIAS MAN Alias man is Jamaican slang for a cheat, a hypocrite.
ALICE Alice is Australian slang for Alice Springs.
ALIGHT Alight is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
ALIVE Alive is British slang for having money.
ALIVE OR DEAD Alive or dead was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for the head.
ALKIE Alkie is slang for an alcoholic.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ALKY Alky (alkie) is slang for a heavy drinker or alcoholic.
ALL AFLOAT All afloat was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a coat.
ALL ARMS AND LEGS All arms and legs is slang for weak beer.
ALL BEER AND SKITTLES All beer and skittles is British slang for an easy life.
ALL BEHIND All behind is British rhyming slang for blind.
ALL BEHIND LIKE THE COW'S TAIL All behind like the cow's tail is Irish slang for late.
ALL BETS ARE OFF All bets are off is slang for the situation is entirely different than it was.
ALL BUCK−UP GOES All buck−up goes is Jamaican slang for to abandon all ethical standards.
ALL COME ON TOP All come on top is British slang for a disaster, when everything goes wrong.
ALL COMPLAIN All complain is British rhyming slang for rain.
ALL DAY AND NIGHT All day and night is slang for a life prison sentence.
ALL DAYER All dayer is British slang for an all−day drinking session.
ALL EARS All ears is slang for attentive or listening.
ALL FORLORN All forlorn is British rhyming slang for an erection of the penis (horn).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ALL FRUITS RIPE All fruits ripe is Jamaican slang for everything is okay.
ALL HANDS All hands is nautical slang for a ship's full crew.
ALL MOUTH AND TROUSERS All mouth and trousers is British slang for blustering, boastful, showing off without having the qualities to justify it.
ALL NIGHT RAVE All night rave is British rhyming slang for shave.
ALL OF A DOODAH All of a doodah is slang for in a state of excitement.
ALL OF ONE'S DOGS AREN'T BARKING All of one's dogs aren't barking is American slang for not in one's right mind; scatter−brained.
ALL ON TOP All on top is British slang for superficial.
ALL OVER THE BALLPARK All over the ballpark is American slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray.
ALL OVER THE LOT All over the lot is American slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray.
ALL OVER THE SHOP All over the shop is British slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray.
ALL OVER THE SHOW All over the show is British slang for disorganised, in chaos or disarray.
ALL PISS AND WIND All piss and wind is slang for full of bluster and noise, but without substance.
ALL QUIET All quiet (shortened from all quiet on the Western front) is British rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (cunt).
ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT All quiet on the Western front is British rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (cunt).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ALL RIGHT All right is American slang for acceptable or reliable.
ALL ROUNDER All rounder is British slang for a bisexual.
ALL SAME All same is Jamaican slang for makes no difference, all alike.
ALL SERENE All serene is slang for all's well.
ALL SIR GARNET All Sir Garnet was old slang for highly satisfactory, alright.
ALL SNOT AND TEARS All snot and tears is British slang for mournful, remorseful.
ALL STATIONS All stations is Australian slang for an Alsatian dog.
ALL SYSTEMS GO All systems go is slang for everything is functional and ready.
ALL THE RAGE All the rage is slang describing something which is in the most current fashion.
ALL THE WAY All the way is British slang for full sexual intercourse. All the way is American slang for a snack or meal supplied with all available extras, such as mustard, relish, onions etc.
ALL TITS AND TEETH All tits and teeth is derogatory British slang for a woman who gets on by using her physical attributes rather than her brain. An attractive but stupid woman.
ALL WET All wet is slang for mistaken.
ALL−FIRED All−fired is American slang for excessive; extreme.
ALLEGRO Allegro is slang for lively. 21
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ALLER Aller is Dorset slang for an alder.
ALLEY Alley is slang for a pale or white marble.
ALLEY APPLE Alley apple is American slang for a lump of horse manure.
ALLEY CAT Alley cat is slang for someone who prowls the streets at night looking for sexual partners.
ALLEY OOP Alley oop is basketball slang for a pass that is lobbed far through the air and tipped in by a player waiting near the basket.
ALLEZ OOP Allez oop is British rhyming slang for excrement (poop).
ALLIED IRISH Allied Irish (Shortened from Alled Irish Bank) is Irish rhyming slang for masturbation (wank).
ALLIED IRISH BANK Allied Irish Bank is Irish rhyming slang for masturbation (wank).
ALLIGATOR Alligator is British slang for later. Alligator is Black−American slang for a term used to refer to white jazz musicians, jive people. Alligator is business slang for an investment property that does not bring in enough income to cover expenses, a condition that devours the property's capital.
ALLIGATOR SPREAD Alligator Spread is Wall Street slang for a deal where the commissions are equal to, or larger than, the profit.
ALMIGHTY Almighty was nineteenth century slang for very great; exceedingly.
ALMOND ROCK Almond rock is Cockney rhyming slang for penis (cock).
ALMOND ROCKS Almond rocks is London cockney rhyming slang for socks.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Along for the ride is slang for being unofficially associated with.
ALPHABET BOYS Alphabet boys is British slang for the sanctioning bodies of boxing.
ALPHONSE Alphonse is London cockney rhyming slang for a pimp (ponce). Alphonse is London cockney rhyming slang for a scrounger (ponce).
ALQUITRAN Alquitranis slang for heroin.
ALQUITRANAT Alquitranat is slang for heroin.
ALSO RAN Also ran is horseracing slang for a horse that doesn't finish anywhere near the winners in a race.
ALT Alt is Australian slang for a follower of an alternative lifestyle.
ALTERNATIVE DENTATION Alternative dentation is slang for dentures, false teeth.
ALTERNATIVE ROCK Alternative rock is slang for a type of rock music at the cutting edge of trends, often blending techno, heavy metal, and mainstream pop music with avant−garde styles.
ALVIN Alvin is American slang for an unsophisticated rural−dwelling person.
AMATEUR NIGHT Amateur night is American slang for a special occasion celebrated traditionally by drinking liquor. Amateur night is American slang for an exhibition of more than usual ineptitude.
AMBASSADOR Ambassador is American slang for the penis.
AMBASSADOR OF MOROCCO Ambassador of Morocco is slang for a shoemaker.
AMBER FLUID Amber fluid is Australian slang for beer. 23
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AMBER NECTAR Amber nectar is Australian slang for beer.
AMBIDEXTER Ambidexter was 17th century British slang for a corrupt lawyer, one who takes fees from both the plaintiff and defendant.
AMBIDEXTROUS Ambidextrous is slang for bisexual.
AMBO Ambo is Australian slang for an ambulance or ambulance officer.
AMBULANCE CHASER Ambulance Chaser is American slang for a lawyer who seeks to encourage and profit from the lawsuits of accident victims.
AMEN−PREACHER Amen−preacher is Jamaican slang for a carrion crow.
AMERICAN LAD American lad is Irish slang for fatty bacon imported from the USA.
AMIDSHIPS Amidships is slang for the tummy area.
AMMIT Ammit is Dorset slang for hasn't it.
AMMO Ammo is Australian slang for ammunition.
AMOEBAE Amoebae is slang for phencyclidine.
AMOS AND ANDY Amos and Andy is British rhyming slang for brandy. Amos and Andy is British rhyming slang for shandy.
AMP Amp is slang for a marijuana joint dipped in formaldehyde and smoked.
AMP JOINT Amp Joint is slang for a marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic. 24
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AMP OFF Amp off is UNIX slang to run in background, from the UNIX shell `& operator.
AMPED UP Amped up is slang for very excited.
AMPSTER Ampster is Australian slang for a showman's or trickster's accomplice who starts buying the tickets, goods etc.
AMSCRAY Amscray is slang for go away.
AMSTERDAM Amsterdam is London Cockney rhyming slang for jam.
AMY Amy is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
AMYL Amyl is slang for amyl nitrate.
ANABOLICS Anabolics is slang for any anabolic steroid.
ANABOLS Anabols is slang for any anabolic steroid.
ANARCHISTS Anarchists is Australian slang for non−safety matches.
ANBY Anby is Dorset slang for by−and−by.
ANCHOR Anchor is slang for a juror who has been bribed to influence other jurors to vote for an acquittal. Anchor is slang for a stay of execution. Anchor was old slang for a pick−axe. Anchor is American naval slang for the lowest−ranking class member at the United States Naval Academy. Anchor is American business slang for the main component of a shopping mall or complex.
ANCHORS Anchors is British slang for brakes.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ANCHORS AWAY Anchors away is British rhyming slang for homosexual (gay).
ANDRAMARTINS Andramartins is Irish slang for foolish behaviour, horsing around.
ANDREW Andrew (shortened from Andrew Millar and from Andrew Miller) was nautical slang for a ship, especially a warship. The expression was used between the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy.
ANDREW MILLAR Andrew Millar was nautical slang for a ship, especially a warship. The expression was used between the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy.
ANDREW MILLER Andrew Miller was nautical slang for a ship, especially a warship. The expression was used between the 16th and 19th centuries. In the early 20th century the expression came to mean the Royal Navy.
ANDY CAIN Andy Cain was 19th century London cockney rhyming slang for rain.
ANDY CAPP Andy Capp is rhyming slang for defecation (crap). Andy Capp is rhyming slang for rubbish (crap). Andy Capp is rhyming slang for borrow (tap).
ANDY MAGUIRE Andy Maguire is Australian rhyming slang for fire.
ANDY MCNISH Andy McNish is British rhyming slang for fish.
ANDY PANDY Andy Pandy is British rhyming slang for brandy. Andy Pandy is British rhyming slang for shandy.
ANGEL Angel is theatre slang for a primary financial backer. Angel is slang for a passive male homosexual.
ANGEL CRYSTAL Angel Crystal is slang for phencyclidine.
ANGEL DUST Angel Dust is slang for phencyclidine. 26
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ANGEL HAIR Angel Hair is slang for phencyclidine.
ANGEL LUST Angel lust is nursing slang for a male corpse with an erection.
ANGEL'S KISS Angel's kiss is Australian rhyming slang for an act of urination (a piss).
ANGELA Angela is slang for a passive male homosexual.
ANGLE OF DANGLE Angle of dangle is British slang for the degree of erection depending upon how sexually stimulated a man is by a woman.
ANGLO Anglo is slang for a person of anglo−saxon ethnic origin.
ANGORA Angora is Australian slang for an idiot; fool.
ANGRY FRUIT SALAD Angry fruit salad is computer slang for a bad visual−interface design that uses too many colours.
ANIMAL Animal is slang for a crude, brutish person. Animal is slang for an ugly woman.
ANIMAL COMPANION Animal companion is slang for a pet.
ANIMAL HOUSE Animal house is American slang for a dwelling, especially a college fraternity house.
ANIMAL NIGHT Animal night is Australian slang for a planned bout of bad or excessive behaviour.
ANIMALIST Animalist is slang for an animal rights campaigner or supporter.
ANKLE Ankle is slang for to walk; go. Ankle is theatrical slang for to quit. 27
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ANKLE SLAPPER Ankle slapper is surfing slang for a small wave.
ANKLE−BITER Ankle−biter is Australian slang for a child.
ANKLE−BITERS Ankle−Biters is Australian slang for children, particularly crawling babies.
ANNA MARIA Anna Maria is London cockney rhyming slang for fire.
ANNA MAY Anna May (shortened from Anna May Wong) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad odour (pong).
ANNA MAY WONG Anna May Wong is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad odour (pong).
ANNANAB Annanab is back slang for a banana.
ANNIE Annie is slang for a lorry. Annie is numismatic slang for the American Numismatic Exchange.
ANNIE LOUISE Annie Louise is Australian rhyming slang for cheese.
ANNIE NO−RATTLE Annie no−rattle is Northern Irish slang for someone who waits until a conversation is over before putting their point of view.
ANNIHILATED Annihilated is slang for very drunk.
ANORAK Anorak is slang for a socially inept person with little fashion sense.
ANT'S BOLLOCK ON A BEACH Ant's bollock on a beach is slang for something virtually impossible to find.
ANT'S PANTS Ant's pants is Australian slang for the height of fashion. 28
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ANTE UP Ante up is slang for to pay one's contribution.
ANTENNA SHOP Antenna shop is slang for a shop that displays prototype products in order to test consumer reaction.
ANTHEA TURNER Anthea Turner is British rhyming slang for a job (earner).
ANTI−FREEZE Anti−freeze is slang for a strong drink. Anti−freeze is slang for heroin.
ANTICIPOINTMENT Anticipointment is entertainment industry slang for the disappointment that follows hype when the programme falls short of expectations.
ANTIDOTE Antidote is computing slang for a program used to protect a computer from computer viruses.
ANTSY Antsy is slang for nervous, jumpy, agitated.
ANY TOM, DICK, OR HARRY Any Tom, Dick or Harry is slang for any person at all.
ANYWHEN Anywhen is Dorset slang for at any time.
ANYWHERE Anywhere is Black−American slang for to possess drugs
APE Ape is slang for a primitive, crude, brutish person. Ape is American slang for crazy.
APE SHIT Ape shit is slang for out of control, berserk.
APE−HANGERS Ape−hangers is slang for extra−high bicycle or motorbike handlebars.
APENNY DIP 'Apenny dip is London cockney rhyming slang for ship. 29
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
APIECE Apiece is Dorset slang for for each.
APOLLO PLAY Apollo Play is Black−American slang for the planet earth
APPARATCHIK Apparatchik is slang for a flunky bureaucrat.
APPLAUSE Applause is slang for venereal disease.
APPLE Apple is slang for the head.
APPLE AND PIP Apple and pip is British rhyming back slang for to urinate (sip).
Apple cider is British rhyming slang for spider.
APPLE CORE Apple core is British rhyming slang for twenty pounds (a score).
APPLE FRITTER Apple fritter is London cockney rhyming slang for bitter (beer).
APPLE OF ONE'S EYE Apple of one's eye is slang for beloved, sweetheart.
APPLE PIE Apple pie is rhyming slang for sky.
APPLE PIE ORDER Apple pie order is American slang for neat and tidy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
APPLE PIPS Apple pips is British rhyming slang for lips.
APPLE POLISH Apple polish is American slang for flattery.
APPLE SAUCE Apple sauce is British rhyming slang for a horse, particularly a last finishing race horse that 'ran like a pig'.. Apple sauce is American and Canadian slang for nonsense; rubbish.
APPLE SHINER Apple shiner is British slang for someone obsequious.
APPLE TART Apple tart is British rhyming slang for to break wind from the anus (fart).
APPLE−POLISHER Apple−polisher is American slang for a flatterer.
APPLEJACK Applejack is British rhyming slang for crack cocaine.
APPLES Apples is slang for breasts. Apples is slang for testicles. Apples is Australian slang for fine, perfect, okay.
APPLES AND ORANGES Apples and oranges is American slang for completely different things.
APPLES AND PEARS Apples and pears is London cockney rhyming slang for stairs.
APPLES AND RICE Apples and rice is British rhyming slang for nice.
APPLETON TALKING Appleton talking is Jamaican slang for someone who is drunk and talking nonsense or aggressively.
APPLY LAWYER FOOT Apply lawyer foot is Jamaican slang to run away.
APPLYING A BAND−AID Applying a band−aid is American slang for an inadequate solution to a difficult situation. 31
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
APPOINTMENT TELEVISION Appointment television is television industry slang for the viewing habits of people who plan in advance to watch only certain television programmes.
APRICOT AND PEACH Apricot and peach is British rhyming slang for beach.
APRIL FOOL April fool is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stool.
APRIL FOOLS April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for stools. April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for tools. April fools is London cockney rhyming slang for pools.
APRIL IN PARIS April in Paris is British rhyming slang for the backside, buttocks (aris).
APRIL SHOWERS April showers is London cockney rhyming slang for flowers.
APRON Apron is American slang for a bartender.
ARAB Arab is slang for a wild or shiftless person. Arab is slang for a foreigner. Arab was 19th century British slang for a street urchin.
ARBUCKLE Arbuckle is British slang for a fat person.
ARC Arc is television industry slang for a television series format that allows for the development of characters and storylines over the course of several episodes.
ARCHBISHOP LAUD Archbishop Laud is British rhyming slang for a fraud.
ARCHER Archer is British slang for œ2000 (The amount paid to the prostitute Monica Coughlan by Jeffrey Archer the author and Conservative politician).
ARCHET Archet is Dorset slang for orchard.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ARCHIE Archie was British Great War slang for anti−aircraft fire.
ARCTIC EXPLORER Arctic explorer is British slang for a cocaine user.
ARDLE Ardle is Dorset slang for a muddle, a tangle.
ARE YOUR BOOTS LACED? Are your boots laced is Black−American slang for an inquiry as to whether or not one understands the matter in question.
ARGIE Argie is British slang for an Argentinean.
ARGUMENT ENDER Argument ender is British slang for a fist.
ARGY−BARGY Argy−bargy is British slang for pushing and shoving.
ARIES Aries is slang for heroin.
ARISTOTLE Aristotle is London cockney rhyming slang for bottle.
ARLUS Arlus is Dorset slang for always.
ARM Arm is British slang for power, influence.
ARM AND LEG Arm and leg is British rhyming slang for egg.
ARMCHAIR Armchair is Bristol slang for how much, what do they cost.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Armchair quarterback is American slang for a sports fan who thinks he or she could have made better decisions affecting the outcome of a game.
ARMOUR Armour is American slang for weapons.
ARMPIT Armpit is slang for a very unpleasant place.
ARMSTRONG Armstrong is Black−American slang for a very high note
ARMY Army is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
ARMY AND NAVY Army and navy is London cockney rhyming slang for gravy.
ARMY ROCKS Army rocks is British rhyming slang for socks.
ARMY TANK Army tank is British rhyming slang for an American (yank).
ARNIES Arnies is slang for any anabolic steroid.
ARNOLD Arnold is Jamaican slang for pork.
ARNOLD PALMERS Arnold Palmers is British rhyming slang for farmers.
ARNOLD SCHWARTZENEGGER Arnold Schwartzenegger is British rhyming slang for beggar.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ARNOLDS Arnolds is slang for any anabolic steroid.
AROUND THE WAY Around the way is Jamaican slang for the neighbourhood.
ARREST Arrest is American slang for to accuse someone of dressing out of style.
ARRIVERDERCI Arriverderci (shortened from Arriverderci Roma) is British rhyming slang for coma.
ARRIVERDERCI ROMA Arriverderci Roma is British rhyming slang for coma.
ARROWS Arrows is British slang for the game of darts and the implements used for playing it.
ARSE Arse is British slang for the buttocks or anus. Arse is Australian slang for effrontery; cheek. Arse is a Jamaican slang intensifier.
ARSE ABOUT Arse about is slang for fool about, behave in an irresponsible or silly manner.
ARSE ABOUT FACE Arse about face is slang for back to front, disorganised.
ARSE BANDIT Arse bandit is slang for a homosexual.
ARSE MUSIC Arse music is British slang for to emit wind from the anus.
ARSE OVER TIT Arse Over Tit is slang for to go head over heels or fall.
ARSE SCRATCHER Arse scratcher is British slang for an idler.
ARSE UP Arse up is British slang for to bungle, to make a mess of.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ARSE WIPE Arse wipe is British slang for toilet paper. Arse wipe is British slang for an obnoxious, contemptible person.
ARSE WIPER Arse Wiper is British slang for an obsequious person.
ARSE WIPING Arse wiping is British slang for obsequious behaviour; toadying.
ARSE−END Arse−end is slang for the end, back or bottom of something.
ARSE−LICKING Arse−Licking is slang for sycophantic behaviour.
ARSE−PISS Arse−piss is slang for watery diarrhoea.
ARSEHOLE Arsehole is British slang for the anus.
ARSENAL Arsenal is slang for the male genitals.
ARSY−VERSY Arsy−versy is slang for backwards or upside down.
ARTFUL DODGER Artful Dodger is London cockney rhyming slang for lodger.
ARTFUL FOX Artful fox is theatrical rhyming slang for a theatre box.
ARTHRITIC HANDSHAKE MOB Arthritic handshake mob is slang for the freemasons.
ARTHUR Arthur is British slang for a half pint.
ARTHUR ASHE Arthur Ashe is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ARTHUR BLISS Arthur Bliss is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (piss).
ARTHUR SCARGILL Arthur Scargill is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer (gargle).
ARTICAL Artical is Jamaican slang for genuine, bona fide, sincere, respected.
ARTICHOCKE Artichoke is London Cockney rhyming slang for to smoke.
ARTICHOKE RIPE Artichoke ripe is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pipe used for smoking.
ARTILLERY Artillery is slang for weaponry.
ARTIST Artist is slang for a person devoted to or proficient in something. (E.g.: piss artist, con artist etc)
ARTSY FARTSY Artsy fartsy is American slang for someone pretentiously artistic.
ARTY ROLLER Arty roller is Australian rhyming slang for collar.
ARVIE Arvie is South African slang for afternoon.
ARVO Arvo is Australian slang for the afternoon. Arvo is Australian slang for afternoon tea.
AS AS is slang for methaqualone.
AS THE CROW FLIES As the crow flies is slang for in a straight line measured between two points.
ASCOT HEATH Ascot Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ASCOT RACES Ascot races is London Cockney rhyming slang for braces.
ASH AND OAK Ash and oak is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette (smoke).
ASH COOKIE Ash cookie is South African slang for an untrustworthy, no good person.
ASH TRAY ON A MOTORBIKE Ash tray on a motorbike is slang for useless.
ASH−CANDLES Ash−candles is Dorset slang for the seeds of the ash tree.
ASHES Ashes is slang for cannabis.
ASK Ask is numismatic slang for the wholesale selling price as established by market makers, and listed in the weekly Coin Dealer Newsletter.
ASK FOR A PIECE OF WIFE Ask for a piece of wife is Jamaican slang for to ask a woman for sexual intercourse.
ASS Ass is Dorset slang for have you? Ass is American slang for the buttocks or anus.
ASS BOY Ass boy is derogatory slang for a homosexual.
ASS OVER TINCUPS Ass over tincups is American slang for head over heels.
ASS PEDDLER Ass peddler is Black−American slang for one who sells him or herself sexually.
ASS−KICKER Ass−kicker is American slang for an aggressive person or disciplinarian.
ASS−KISSER Ass−kisser is American slang for a sycophant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ASS−WIPE Ass−wipe is American slang for toilet paper. Ass−wipe is American slang for a contemptible person.
ASSFUCK Assfuck is American slang for a stupid person.
ASSN Assn is Dorset slang for haven't you?
ASTON VILLA Aston Villa is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillow. Aston Villa is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillar.
ASTROTURF Astroturf is British slang for a police informer (supergrass).
AT IT At it is British slang for having sex. At it is British slang for committing a crime, engaged in a confidence trick.
AT THE POST At the post is slang for ready and waiting.
AT THE WASH At the wash is slang for stealing from jackets in public washrooms or changing rooms.
ATE−THE−BOLTS Ate−the−bolts is Northern Irish slang for someone who is a glutton for work.
ATHIRT Athirt is Dorset slang for across.
ATOMIC Atomic is Unix slang for a set of operations that execute all at once and cannot be interrupted.
ATTABOY Attaboy is a slang expression of approval or exhortation.
ATTER Atter is Dorset slang for after.
ATTIC Attic is slang for the human head. 39
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ATTITUDE Attitude is American slang for bad attitude, antisocial behaviour, sullen hostility.
ATTRIT Attrit is American slang for to wear down or dispose of gradually.
AUNT Aunt is slang for the lavatory.
AUNT ANNIE Aunt Annie is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (fanny).
AUNT EMMA Aunt Emma is slang for morphine.
AUNT FANNY Aunt Fanny is a British slang phrase of disbelief.
AUNT HAZEL Aunt Hazel is British slang for heroin.
AUNT JEMIMA Aunt Jemima is American slang for a black woman who accepts and ignores racism. A female version of Uncle Tom.
AUNT JOANNA Aunt Joanna is London Cockney rhyming slang for piano (pronounced 'piana' in Cockney dialect).
AUNT LIL Aunt Lil is London Cockney rhyming slang for pill.
AUNT LILY Aunt Lily is London Cockney rhyming slang for silly.
AUNT MARIA Aunt Maria is old London Cockney rhyming slang for fire.
AUNT MARY Aunt Mary is slang for cannabis.
AUNT NELL Aunt Nell is London Cockney rhyming slang for smell. Aunt Nell is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair gel.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AUNT NELLY Aunt Nelly is British and Australian rhyming slang for belly.
AUNT'S SISTERS Aunt's sisters is London Cockney rhyming slang for ancestors.
AUNTIE Auntie is British slang for the British Broadcasting Corporation. Auntie is British slang for the lavatory. Auntie is Australian slang for The Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Auntie is slang for a middle−aged or elderly male homosexual.
AUNTIE ELLA Auntie Ella is London cockney rhyming slang for umbrella.
AUNTIE ENA Auntie Ena is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cleaner.
AUNTIE MEG Auntie Meg is Australian rhyming slang for a keg.
AUNTIE NELLIE Auntie Nellie is London cockney rhyming slang for belly.
AUNTIE RUTH Auntie Ruth is London Cockney rhyming slang for tooth.
AUNTIE'S RUIN Auntie's ruin is British slang for gin.
AUSSIE Aussie is slang for Australian or an Australian.
AUSSIE SALUTE Aussie salute is Australian slang for using the hand to wave away annoying flies.
AUTOGRAPH Autograph is slang for a signature.
AUTUMN LEAF Autumn leaf is London Cockney rhyming slang for thief.
AVENUE−TANK Avenue−tank is Black−American slang for a bus 41
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AVO Avo is South African slang for avocado pear.
AVORE Avore is Dorset slang for before.
AVRIGHTED Avrighted is Dorset slang for frightened.
AWAY Away is slang for a period in prison.
AWAY AND CLAW MOULD ON YOURSELF Away and claw mould on yourself is Northern Irish slang for go away.
AWAY FOR SLATES Away for slates is Irish slang for on the way to success.
AWAY ON A HACK Away on a hack is Irish slang for lucky, successful.
AWAY THE TRIP Away the trip is Scottish slang for pregnant.
AWAY TO THE HILLS Away to the hills is Irish slang for crazy, mentally unbalanced.
AWAY WITH THE BAND Away with the band is Northern Irish slang for intoxicated, drunk.
AWAY WITH THE FAIRIES Away with the fairies is Irish slang for crazy, insane.
AWAY−DAY Away−day is British slang for a dose of LSD or other hallucinogenic drug.
AWESOME Awesome is slang for wonderful, excellent, very impressive.
AWFUL WEDDED Awful wedded is British slang for a spouse.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
AWKWARD SQUAD Awkward squad is British slang for people who are inexperienced, clumsy or insubordinate.
AWOL AWOL is slang for not present when needed, inexplicably absent.
AX Ax is Dorset slang for to ask.
AXE Axe is slang for any musical instrument, especially a guitar or horn.
AXEMAN Axeman is slang for a man who plays a musical instrument, especially a guitar.
AXLE GREASE Axle grease is British slang for a bribe. Axle grease is American slang for butter. Axle grease is Black−American slang for a stiff pomade for the hair.
AYA Aya was an American slang expression of amazement from 1987 and 1988.
AYLESBURY DUCK Aylesbury duck is London Cockney rhyming slang for fuck.
AYRTON Ayrton (shortened from Ayrton Senna) is British slang for ten pounds, a ten pound note.
AYRTON SENNA Ayrton Senna is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten pounds (tenner).
AZTEC TWO−STEP Aztec two−step is slang for diarrhoea, particularly if suffered abroad.
B B is British slang for bastard.
B AND D B and D is British slang for bondage and discipline, sado−masochistic sex.
B AND S BALL B and S ball is Australian slang for a dance held for bachelors and spinsters
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
B AND T B and T is British slang for bum and tit, a sexual experience.
B− B− is a slang prefix for second rate.
B−40 B−40 is slang for a cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor.
B−52 B−52 is American slang for a lady's beehive hairstyle.
B−BOY B−boy is slang for a male fan of rap music.
B−GIRL B−girl is American slang for a prostitute who frequents bars. B−girl is slang for a female fan of rap music.
B−WAY B−way was 19th century slang for Broadway.
B.A. B.A. (Badass) is American slang for a violent, anti−social or troublesome person.
B.F. B.F. was British slang for bloody fool.
B.M.O.C. B.M.O.C. (big man on campus) is American student slang for an influential fellow student.
B.O.F. B.O.F. (boring old fart) is British slang for an old, has−been person.
B.V.D.S B.V.D.s is American slang for men's underwear.
BAA Baa is Dorset slang for bad.
BAA LAMB Baa lamb is London Cockney rhyming slang for tram. Baa lamb is British slang for a naughty child.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BAALEBOS Baalebos is Yiddish slang for an officious person.
BAB Bab is British slang for kebab.
Babbler is Australian slang for a cook or chef.
BABBLING BROOK Babbling brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for cook. Babbling brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for crook.
BABE Babe is slang for a girl or young woman.
BABE LAIR Babe lair is American slang for a swanky home that is helpful in attracting women for sexual encounters.
BABE MAGNET Babe magnet is slang for an item or person that attracts members of the opposite sex
BABELICIOUS Babelicious is American slang for extremely sexy and attractive.
BABY Baby is slang for a young woman or sweetheart. It is often used as a term of address expressing affection.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BABY BELLS Baby Bells is American slang for the regional telephone companies created by the break−up of American Telephone and Telegraph.
BABY BLUES Baby blues is slang for eyes.
BABY BOOMER Baby boomer is slang for a person born between 1946 and 1964.
BABY CATCHER Baby catcher is American slang for an obstetrician.
BABY CHUTE Baby chute is slang for the vagina.
BABY GRAVY Baby gravy is slang for semen.
BABY M LAWS Baby M laws is American slang for legislation regarding surrogate motherhood.
BABY MAKER Baby maker is slang for the penis.
BABY POP Baby pop is American slang for a young man.
BABY'S EYES Baby's eyes is London Cockney rhyming slang for eyes.
BABY'S PAP Baby's pap is London Cockney rhyming slang for cap.
BABY'S PRAM Baby's pram is London Cockney rhyming slang for jam.
BABY−SITTING Baby−sitting is slang for accompanying someone while they take illegal drugs, in order to instruct or reassure them.
BABYCISE CLASS Babycise class is American slang for a parent and baby exercise class.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BABYLON Babylon is British slang for a racist, white society. Babylon is Jamaican slang for someone who oppresses. Babylon is black slang for a policeman.
BACARDI AND COKE Bacardi and coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for man (bloke).
BACARDI BREEZER Bacardi breezer is London Cockney rhyming slang for man (geezer).
BACCA BOX Bacca box is slang for the mouth.
BACCY Baccy is British slang for tobacco.
BACK Back is American slang for on the side.
BACK ALONG Back along is Dorset slang for some time ago.
BACK BLOCKS Back blocks is Australian slang for the outer suburbs, beyond the city.
BACK DOOR Back door is slang for the anus.
BACK DOOR MAN Back door man is slang for a woman's secret lover, an adulterer.
BACK DOOR TROTS Back door trots is slang for diarrhoea.
BACK DOUBLE Back double is slang for a back street.
BACK END Back end is slang for the buttocks.
BACK END MONEY Back end money is American Hollywood slang for a film's final profits after all expenses have been paid. 47
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BACK EYE Back eye is slang for the anus.
BACK GARDEN Back garden is slang for the anus.
BACK IN THE BOX Back in the box is American slang for back in business following a drug arrest.
BACK OF BOURKE Back of Bourke is Australian slang for anywhere far away.
BACK OFF AND LET THE BREEZE BLOW OVER ME Back off and let the breeze blow over me is Jamaican slang for leave me alone, go away.
BACK PORCH Back porch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a torch.
BACK SLANG Back slang is a type of slang in which the word or words are the reverse of their correct form, for example boy becomes the back slang word yob.
BACK STREET BUTCHER Back street butcher is slang for an abortionist, particularly an illegal one.
BACK TO SQUARE ONE Back to square one is slang for at the beginning of the process again.
BACK WAY Back way is slang for anal sex.
BACK WHEELS Back wheels is slang for the testicles.
BACK−PEDAL Back−pedal is slang for to reverse one's position just when reactions appear unfavourable.
BACK−WHEEL SKID Back−wheel skid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (yid).
BACKDOOR Backdoor is slang for to commit adultery with. Backdoor is slang for to act covertly or deviously. To deceive or betray.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BACKDOOR MAN Backdoor man is black−American slang for a married woman's lover.
BACKDOOR WORK Backdoor work is slang for anal sex.
BACKER Backer is slang for an investor.
BACKFIRE Backfire is slang for to break wind from the anus.
BACKGROUNDER Backgrounder is political slang for a conversation between a government official and a reporter that takes place only on the condition that the official is not quoted directly or named in the report.
BACKHACK Backhack is Dorset slang for to break up clods of earth with a mallet.
BACKHANDER Backhander is slang for a bribe. Backhander is slang for a blow with a hand.
BACKHOUSE Backhouse is Dorset slang for an outhouse.
BACKSEAT DRIVER Backseat driver is slang for a passenger in a car who offers the driver unwanted advice on how to drive. Backseat driver is London Cockney rhyming slang for skiver.
BACKWARDS Backwards is slang for Phenobarbital.
BACKWARDS BUNGEE Backwards bungee is American slang for to vomit
BACON Bacon is slang for money.
BACON AND EGGS Bacon and eggs is London Cockney rhyming slang for legs.
BACON BONCE Bacon bonce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a child molester (nonce). 49
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BACON LARDON Bacon lardon is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (hard on).
BACON RIND Bacon rind is London Cockney rhyming slang for blind.
BAD Bad is Jamaican slang for good; excellent.
BAD BLOOD Bad blood is slang for a longstanding resentment.
BAD BOY Bad boy is Jamaican slang for an aggressive or violent person.
BAD COUGH Bad cough is American slang for to vomit
BAD EGG Bad egg is slang for a troublemaker, a despicable person.
BAD HEJAB Bad hejab is slang for improper Islamic dress.
BAD NEWS Bad news is slang for someone or something regarded as undesirable.
BAD−MOUTH Bad−mouth is slang for to speak unfavourably about; insult.
BADASS Badass is Black−American slang for an aggressive, antisocial or worthless person.
BADEN−POWELL Baden−Powell is London Cockney rhyming slang for trowel.
BADERBUS Baderbus is slang for a wheelchair.
BADERED Badered is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BADGE Badge is American slang for a police officer.
BADGER Badger is slang for a prostitute's accomplice who goes through her client's pockets while she keeps him occupied.
BADGER CRIB Badger crib is slang for a cheap brothel where clients are routinely robbed.
BADGER GAME Badger game is slang for a deception whereby a woman lures a male victim into a compromising position whereupon they are caught by her accomplice who pretends to be the husband. The couple then blackmail or demand money from the victim.
BADLANDS Badlands is slang for a slum or dangerous part of a town or city.
BADLY PACKED KEBAB Badly packed kebab is slang for the vagina.
BADNESS Badness is Jamaican slang for delinquent behaviour, unruliness.
BAG Bag is slang for an unpleasant lady. Bag is slang for special interest, current preoccupation. Bag is slang for arrest or catch. Bag is American slang for a package or measure of drug. Bag is American slang for conceal. Bag is American slang for quit, discontinue. Bag is Australian slang for criticise.
BAG AND BAGGAGE Bag and baggage is American slang for everything one owns.
BAG BITER Bag biter is American slang for a trouble maker.
BAG FILLER Bag filler is slang for a woman who leads a man on, but stops short of having sex with him.
BAG JOB Bag job is slang for a theft or burglary.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BAG LADY Bag lady is slang for a female vagrant, especially one who carries junk in bags.
BAG MAN Bag man is American slang for a person who collects or distributes money for racketeers. Bag man is slang for a male vagrant, especially one who carries junk in bags.
BAG OF BONES Bag of bones is slang for a thin person.
BAG OF COKE Bag of coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (poke). Bag of coke is Australian rhyming slang for a man (bloke).
BAG OF FLOUR Bag of flour is rhyming slang for shower.
BAG OF FRUIT Bag of fruit is London Cockney rhyming slang for suit.
BAG OF MYSTERY Bag of mystery is slang for a sausage.
BAG OF NAILS Bag of nails is slang for disarray.
BAG OF SAND Bag of sand is London Cockney rhyming slang for one thousand pounds (grand).
BAG OF SHELLS Bag of shells is Australian slang for a trifle, an unimportant object.
BAG OF TRIPE Bag of tripe is slang for an unpleasant person.
BAG OFF Bag off is slang for to pair off.
BAG ON Bag on is American slang for to tease; to nag or complain. Bag on is American slang for chastise.
BAG ONE'S FACE Bag one's face is American slang for hide one's face. 52
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BAG SOME RAYS Bag some rays is American slang for to sunbathe.
BAG SOMEONE'S ASS Bag someone's ass is American slang for to leave, go away.
BAG UP Bag up is American slang for to divide marijuana into small amounts and packets.
BAGEL−BENDER Bagel−bender is derogatory slang for a Jew.
BAGGAGE Baggage is slang for a promiscuous woman. Baggage is slang for a hanger−on, especially one who is a liability.
BAGGED Bagged is slang for to be arrested.
BAGGER Bagger is slang for a robber who violently steals rings from their owners fingers.
BAGGIES Baggies is slang for wide shorts as worn by surfers.
BAGGING Bagging is British slang for a packed lunch. Bagging is Australian slang for criticism.
BAGGY GREEN Baggy green is Australian slang for a cricket player in the Australian national team.
BAGPIPE Bagpipe is slang for a boring or monotonous speaker. Bagpipe is slang for the sexual practise of using the armpit to stimulate the genitals. Bagpipe is Black−American slang for vacuum cleaner.
BAGS Bags is British children's slang for an indication of the desire to do, be, or have something. Bags is slang for trousers. Bags is American slang for breasts.
BAGSY Bagsy is British children's slang for an indication of the desire to do, be, or have something.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BAIDIE Baidie is British slang for bad−tempered, aggressive.
BAIL Bail is American and Australian slang for depart or leave.
BAIL ON SOMEONE Bail on someone is American slang for to burden or trouble someone.
BAIL OUT Bail out is slang for to leave quickly.
BAIL UP Bail up is Australian slang for to rob or hold up; delay.
BAIT Bait is slang for an attractive potential sexual partner.
BAKE IT Bake it is slang for to resist the urge to defecate.
BAKED BEAN Baked bean is London Cockney rhyming slang for queen.
BAKED BEANS Baked beans is London Cockney rhyming slang for jeans.
Baked potato is London Cockney rhyming slang for waiter.
BAKER'S DOZEN Baker's dozen is London Cockney rhyming slang for cousin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BAKING−SPITTLE Baking−spittle is northern English slang for the tongue.
BAKKIE Bakkie is South African slang for a pick−up or light truck.
BAKSHEESH Baksheesh is slang for a bribe, tip or payment.
BALACLAVA Balaclava is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (charver).
BALAHU Balahu is Jamaican slang for a boisterous, noisy person.
BALD Bald is American slang for terrible.
BALD HEAD Bald head is snooker slang for red.
BALD TYRE BANDIT Bald tyre bandit is slang for a traffic policeman.
BALDHEAD Baldhead is Jamaican slang for a Rastafarian who doesn't have dreadlocks and a beard. Baldhead is Jamaican slang for a White person. Baldhead was 19th century slang for an old man.
BALE OF STRAW Bale of Straw is American tramp slang for a blonde woman
BALES Bales is slang for cannabis.
BALI BELLY Bali belly is Australian slang for diarrhoea.
BALL Ball is American slang for to copulate with. Ball is American slang for to behave in a boisterous and uninhibited fashion. Ball is slang for to take cocaine or other drugs through the mucous membranes of the sex organs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BALL AND CHAIN Ball and chain is slang for a spouse, usually a wife. Ball and chain is London Cockney rhyming slang for strain.
BALL AND RAT Ball and rat is old London Cockney rhyming slang for hat.
BALL OF CHALK Ball of chalk is London Cockney rhyming slang for walk.
BALL OF FAT Ball of fat is London Cockney rhyming slang for cat.
BALL OF LEAD Ball of lead is London Cockney rhyming slang for head.
BALL SLAP Ball slap is slang for sexual intercourse.
BALL TEARER Ball tearer is Australian slang for something exceptional in its class, for good or bad qualities.
BALL−LESS WONDER Ball−less wonder is slang for a weak, cowardly man.
BALLAST Ballast is slang for food, a heavy meal.
BALLBAG Ballbag is slang for the scrotum.
BALLBREAKER Ballbreaker is slang for a heavy load. Ballbreaker is slang for a woman whose character and behaviour may be regarded as threatening a man's sense of power. Ballbreaker is slang for an overpowering employer or manager.
BALLING Balling is American slang for having sexual relations.
BALLING THE JACK Balling the Jack is Black−American slang for a dance accompanied by lusty handclapping; to work swiftly
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Ballistic is British slang for furious, very angry.
BALLOCKS Ballocks was, until the mid−18th century, slang for the testicles; nonsense.
BALLOON Balloon is slang for safe sex. Balloon is slang for to try a new idea. Balloon is American gambling slang for one hundred dollars. Balloon is American slang for a bed roll. Balloon is drugs slang for to package narcotics for distribution and sale.
BALLOON CAR Balloon car is London Cockney rhyming slang for saloon bar.
BALLOON JUICE Balloon Juice is American tramp slang for idle talk
BALLOON ROOM Balloon room is Black−American slang for the place where marijuana is smoked
BALLOON SOUP Balloon soup was early 20th century American slang for nonsense, empty talk.
BALLOONS Balloons is slang for large breasts.
BALLOW Ballow is American slang for to lay claim to.
BALLROOM WITHOUT A PARACHUTE Ballroom without a parachute is Black−American slang for a marijuana den where no marijuana is available.
BALLS Balls is slang for any anabolic steroid. Balls is slang for the testicles. Balls is slang for nonsense. Balls is slang for courage, nerve. 57
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BALLS−ACHE Balls−ache is British slang for something or someone tedious or trying.
BALLS−OUT Balls−out is slang for full−scale, all−out.
BALLS−UP Balls−up is slang for something botched or muddled. In a mess.
BALLSITCH Ballsitch is slang for a bad tempered person.
BALLSY Ballsy is slang for courageous, spirited, determined.
BALLUP Ballup is American slang for something botched or muddled.
BALLY Bally is British slang for very.
BALMY BREEZE Balmy breeze is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
BALONEY Baloney is slang for nonsense.
BALONIE Balonie is Polari slang for rubbish, nonsense.
BALSAM Balsam is old slang for money.
BALT Balt is derogatory Australian slang for an immigrant to Australia from the Baltic countries.
BAM Bam is slang for to cheat or to wheedle.
BAMA Bama is American slang for Alabama. Bama is Black American slang for the south.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BAMBA Bamba is slang for cannabis.
BAMBER Bamber is American slang for second−rate marijuana.
BAMBOO Bamboo is Jamaican slang for the penis.
BAMBOOING Bambooing is slang for a whipping, a caning.
BAMBS Bambs is slang for Phenobarbital.
BAMBU Bambu is slang for a joint in rolling paper made of hemp.
BAMMY Bammy is Jamaican slang for marijuana.
BAMPOT Bampot is derogatory Scottish slang for an idiot or imbecile.
BANANA Banana is slang for a foolish person. Banana is slang for a homosexual. Banana is Black−American slang for an attractive light skinned Black−American female. Banana was Australian slang for a one pound note. Banana is Jamaican slang for the penis.
BANANA BENDER Banana bender is Australian slang for an inhabitant of Queensland.
BANANA BOAT Banana boat is slang for a ship or boat transporting immigrants from the Caribbean.
BANANA BOY Banana boy is slang for an inmate of a Dr Baranardo's home.
BANANA FRITTER Banana Fritter is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (shitter).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BANANA SPLIT Banana split is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (shit).
BANANA SPLITS Banana splits is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (shits).
BANANA TRUCK Banana truck is American slang for a crazy person.
BANANA−BENDER Banana−bender is Australian slang for a person from Queensland State.
BANANAS Bananas is slang for crazy, berserk.
BAND Band is Australian slang for a prostitute.
BAND IN THE BOX Band in the box is London Cockney rhyming slang for pox.
BAND OF HOPE Band of hope is London Cockney rhyming slang for soap.
BAND RAT Band rat is slang for a girl who follows around and has sex with members of a pop group.
BANDALU BUSINESS Bandalu business is Jamaican slang for a con, a swindle.
BANDIT Bandit is British slang for a homosexual.
BANDIT COUNTRY Bandit country is slang for a place frequented by homosexuals.
BANDIT TERRITORY Bandit territory is slang for a place frequented by homosexuals.
BANDULU Bandulu is Jamaican slang for a confidence artist, a trickster.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BANDY Bandy is British slang for bow−legged as a result of sex. Bandy is Dorset slang for a long, heavy stick with a bent end used to beat dung into the fields.
BANG Bang is slang for cannabis. Bang is slang for sexual intercourse. Bang is Australian slang for a brothel. Bang is slang for an exciting experience.
BANG AND BIFF Bang and biff is London Cockney rhyming slang for Syphilis (syph).
BANG ON Bang on is British slang for to nag, talk incessantly and boringly.
BANG ON THE DRUM Bang on the drum is bingo slang for the number seventy−one.
BANG ONE'S BISHOP Bang one's Bishop is slang for masturbate.
BANG TO RIGHTS Bang to rights is British slang for without hope of escape, undeniable.
BANG UP Bang up is slang for to imprison. Bang up is prison slang for to lock up a prisoner in his cell, especially for the night. Bang up is slang for inject oneself with hard drugs.
BANGED OUT Banged out is slang for full, packed with people.
BANGED TO RIGHTS Banged to rights is slang for caught in the act.
BANGED−UP Banged−up is British slang for imprisoned.
BANGER Banger is British slang for a sausage. Banger is British slang for an old or decrepit vehicle. Banger is drugs slang for a hypodermic syringe. Banger was mid−20th century slang for a kiss. Banger is Australian slang for a morning coat.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BANGERS AND MASH Bangers and mash is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (slash).
BANGLES Bangles is slang for breasts. Bangles is slang for testicles.
BANJAXED Banjaxed is Irish slang for defeated, overcome or overwhelmed.
BANJO Banjo is slang for a guitar. Banjo is Scottish slang for to hit someone as hard as you can. Banjo is Australian and New Zealand slang for a long−handled shovel with a wide blade.
BANJO'D Banjo'd is British slang for very drunk. Banjo'd is British military slang for defeated, beaten.
BANK Bank is slang for the vagina. Bank is Black−American slang for toilet
BANKER Banker is gambling slang for a certainty, a likely result.
BANKROLL Bankroll is slang for to provide the capital for; finance.
BANTER PLAY BUILT ON A COKE FRAME Banter play built on a coke frame is Black−American slang for an attractive young woman.
BAPPER Bapper was old Scottish slang for a baker.
BAPPO Bappo is Australian slang for a Baptist.
BAPS Baps is Irish slang for female breasts.
BAPSOUSE Bapsouse is American slang for to baptise.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BAPTISE Baptise is British slang for to water down spirits in a pub prior to selling them.
BAR Bar was old English slang for a sovereign and now slang for a pound.
BAR BORE Bar bore is British slang for a regular pub customer who has his own seat, and often his tankard behind the bar.
BAR OF SOAP Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for drugs (dope). Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for the Pope. Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for rope. Bar of soap is London Cockney rhyming slang for an idiot (dope).
BAR STEWARD Bar steward is British slang for bastard.
BAR STOOL PREACHER Bar stool preacher is British slang for a pub regular who thinks he knows everything and offers advice on everything.
BAR−FLY Bar−fly is slang for someone who frequents cheap and seedy bars.
BARA Bara is South African slang for Baragwanath Hospital.
BARB Barb is slang for Phenobarbital. Barb is slang for barbiturate.
BARBECUE Barbecue is slang for an attractive female as an object for oral sex.
BARBECUE GRIDDLE Barbecue griddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (piddle).
BARBED WIRE Barbed wire is Australian slang for the beer XXXX.
BARBER Barber is American tramp slang for to talk
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BARBIE Barbie (shortened from barbecue griddle) is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate. Barbie is Australian slang for a barbecue.
BARBIE DOLL Barbie Doll is a derogatory slang term for a woman with artificially dyed blonde and permed hair. Barbie Doll is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gangster's girlfriend (moll).
BARBIES Barbies is slang for Phenobarbital.
BARBS Barbs is slang for Phenobarbital.
BARCLAY'S BANK Barclay's bank is London Cockney rhyming slang for to masturbate (wank).
BARD−PARKER Bard−Parker is medical slang for a scalpel blade.
BAREBACK Bareback is slang for sexual intercourse without the use of a condom.
BAREBUM Barebum is Australian slang for a short jacket, especially a short dinner−jacket worn by waiters.
BARF Barf is slang for to vomit.
BARF BAG Barf bag is American slang for a disgusting or unpleasant person. Barf bag is American slang for an airsickness bag.
BARF CITY Barf city is American slang for a disgusting or revolting place.
BARF SOMEONE OUT Barf someone out is American slang for disgust or nauseate.
BARGAIN Bargain is an Australian slang exclamation showing approval.
BARGE Barge is Black−American slang for to jump 64
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BARGE AND TUG Barge and tug is London Cockney rhyming slang for mug.
BARGEN Bargen is Dorset slang for a small farm or homestead.
BARGES Barges is slang for massive shoes.
BARK Bark is British slang for a miserable, old, man. Bark is British slang for an Irish person Bark is Bilingsgate slang for a crab. Bark is Black−American slang for human skin. Bark is Australian slang for to vomit.
BARK AND GROWL Bark and growl is London Cockney rhyming slang for a trowel.
BARK AT ANTS Bark at ants is American slang for to vomit.
BARKER Barker is slang for a sausage. Barker is old London slang for a pistol. Barker was old slang for a thug. Barker was old slang for a shop tout who stood outside a shop and tried to entice passers−by in. Barker was old American slang for a tout who stood outside a saloon and tried to entice passers−by in. Barker was old American slang for an auctioneer.
BARKER'S Barker's is London Cockney rhyming slang for naked (starkers).
BARKER'S EGG Barker's egg is Australian slang for dog excrement.
BARKERS Barkers is Black−American slang for shoes.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Barking is slang for crazy.
BARKING DOGS Barking dogs is slang for aching, sore or tired feet.
BARKING IRONS Barking irons is slang for a pair of pistols.
BARKING SPIDER Barking spider is slang for the anus.
BARM POT Barm pot is British slang for crazy, silly, eccentric.
BARMY Barmy is slang for insane.
BARMY ARMY Barmy army is British slang for a wild or enthusiastic group of people − particularly the fans who follow the English national cricket team.
Barnaby Rudge is London Cockney rhyming slang for judge.
BARNACLE BILLS Barnacle Bills is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (pills).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BARNES WALLIS Barnes Wallis is British slang for a splashing piece of excrement.
BARNET Barnet (from Barnet fair) is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair.
BARNET FAIR Barnet fair is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair.
BARNEY Barney is British and Australian slang for an argument; fight. Barney is Irish slang for one's head, mind.
BARNEY MOKE Barney Moke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wallet (poke).
BARNEY RUBBLE Barney Rubble is London Cockney rhyming slang for trouble.
BARON Baron is British slang for a prisoner enjoying power and influence over his fellow inmates.
BARRA Barra is Australian slang for barramundi fish.
BARRACK Barrack is Australian slang for cheer loudly.
BARRAKIN Barrakin was old slang for gibberish.
BARREL Barrel is British slang for a fat or rotund person. Barrel is American slang for to go very fast.
BARREL FEVER Barrel Fever is British slang for a hangover.
BARREL OF FAT Barrel of fat is Australian rhyming slang for a hat.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Barrel of treacle was old slang for love, visible affection.
BARREN JOEY Barren joey is Australian slang for a prostitute.
BARRES Barres was old slang for gambling debts.
BARRIKIN Barrikin is British slang for unintelligible language, slang, jargon.
BARRO Barro is Australian slang for embarrassing.
BARRY MCGUIGAN Barry McGuigan is London Cockney rhyming slang for large, big (a big 'un).
BARRY WHITE Barry White is London Cockney rhyming slang for rubbish, poor quality (shite).
BARSE Barse is British slang for the perineum.
BARSY Barsy is British slang for mad, a lunatic.
BART Bart is Australian slang for a girl or young woman, particularly an immoral one.
BARTON Barton is Dorset slang for an enclosed yard for cows.
BASE Base is American slang for to disagree. Base is slang for crack cocaine.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BASE ON Base on is American slang for to criticise.
BASEHEAD Basehead is American slang for a drug user who smokes crack cocaine.
BASH STREET KID Bash Street Kid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid).
BASH UP Bash up is British slang for to thrash; beat violently.
BASHER Basher is British slang for a thug, a bully. Basher is British slang for a shelter or shack built from rubbish and lived in by a vagrant.
BASHMENT Bashment is Jamaican slang for a dance, stage show.
BASHY Bashy is Jamaican slang for attractive, nice, pleasant.
BASIC BROWN Basic brown is American political slang for a person who has little or no interest in, or commitment to, environmental issues.
BASIL Basil − shortened from Basil Fawlty − is London Cockney rhyming slang for fourty pounds.
BASIL BRUSH Bail Brush is London Cockney rhyming slang for thr fungal infection thrush.
BASIL FAWLTY Basil Fawlty is London Cockney rhyming slang for balti.
BASIN Basin is British slang for something that needs no container, such as advice.
BASIN CUT Basin Cut is British slang for a short back and sides haircut achieved by plaing a basin over the head and cutting around it.
BASIN OF GRAVY Basin Of Gravy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a baby. 69
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BASKET Basket is British slang for a bastard. Basket is British slang for a male homosexual. Basket is Black−American slang for the penis and groin.
BASKET CASE Basket case is British slang for some one crazy or insane. Basket case is American and Canadian slang for a person who has had both arms and both legs amputated, or someone who is completely incapacitated or a person who is suffering from extreme nervous strain; a nervous wreck.
BASSING Bassing is slang for getting loud.
BASTE Baste is Black American slang for to attack or ridicule someone behind their back.
BASTE THE TUNA Baste the tuna is slang for to masturbate (said of a woman).
BASTER Baster is American and Australian slang for a house thief.
BAT Bat is British slang for a prostitute. Bat is American and Canadian slang for a drinking spree; binge.
BAT ALONG Bat along is American and Canadian slang for to discuss an idea, proposition, etc. informally.
BAT AN EYE Bat an eye is slang for to show feeling, to respond.
BAT AND BALL Bat and Ball is London Cockney rhyming slang for a market stall. Bat and Ball is London Cockney rhyming slang for wall.
BAT AND BOWL Bat and Bowl is British slang for to be bisexual.
BAT AND WICKET Bat and wicket is London Cockney rhyming slang for ticket.
BAT FOR THE OTHER SIDE Bat For The Other Side is British slang for to be homosexual.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BATCH Batch is Dorset slang for a small rising in the ground.
BATE Bate is British slang for a bad temper or rage.
BATEY Batey is British slang for bad−tempered.
BATH BUN Bath bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for son. Bath bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for sun.
BATH−DODGER Bath−dodger is British slang for an unwashed or habitually dirty person.
BATHERS Bathers is Australian slang for a swimming costume.
BATHTUB Bathtub is skiing slang for the dent left in the snow by someone falling on their buttocks.
BATS Bats (shortened from bats in the belfy) is slang for mad; demented.
BATS IN THE BELFRY Bats in the belfry is slang for mad; demented.
BATT Batt is drugs slang for an intravenous needle. Batt is Polari slang for a shoe.
BATTALION Battalion is old British slang for a gang of thieves.
BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES Batten down the hatches is slang for to secure everything for a terrible storm.
BATTER Batter is British slang for semen.
BATTERY ACID Battery Acid is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BATTING A THOUSAND Batting a thousand is American slang for to be succeeding in an extraordinary way.
BATTLE AXE Battle axe is slang for a feisty, aggressive woman.
BATTLE BOWLER Battle bowler is British slang for a sldier's helmet.
BATTLE THE SUBS Battle the subs is Australian slang for sell goods door−to−door in the suburbs.
BATTLE−CRUISER Battle−cruiser is London Cockney rhyming slang for boozer (pub).
BATTLE−ROYAL Battle−royal was old slang for a serious argument or quarrel.
BATTLER Battler is Australian slang for someone poor.
BATTLESHIP Battleship is London Cockney rhyming slang for the lip. Battleship is London Cockney rhyming slang for back−chat, insolence (lip).
BATTS Batts is slang for Shoes.
BATTY Batty is slang for insane, crazy; odd, eccentric. Batty is Jamaican slang for the buttocks. Batty was old slang for wages.
BATTY BOY See "Botty−Boy"
BAUB Baub is Dorset slang for bulb.
BAUBLES Baubles is slang for the testicles.
BAVEN baven is Dorset slang for a bundle of untrimmed twigs for burning. 72
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BAYONET Bayonet is slang for the penis.
BAZAAR Bazaar is London Cockney rhyming slang for bar.
BAZOO Bazoo is American slang for the mouth.
BAZOOKA Bazooka is London Cockney rhyming slang for snooker. Bazooka is slang for the penis.
BAZOOKAS Bazookas is slang for women's breasts.
BAZULCO Bazulco is slang for cocaine.
BAZUMAS Bazumas is slang for breasts.
BE A SKINNER Be a skinner is New Zealand slang for be out of money; broke; be used up.
BE ALL Be all is American slang for to say.
BE ALL DOMINO Be all domino is slang for the end; finished.
BE ALL OVER Be all over is slang for to be enthusiastic. To do something earnestly. Be all over is slang for to be very affectionate.
BE DIRTY ON Be dirty on is Australian slang for to be offended by or hostile towards.
BE HOT FOR Be hot for is old slang for to have a sexual desire for someone, to lust after someone.
BE LUCKY Be lucky is London slang for goodbye, farewell.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BE MISSING Be missing is American slang for go away.
BE MY GEORGIE BEST Be my Georgie Best is a slang expression of encouragement.
BE MY GUEST Be my guest is a slang expression of encouragement.
BEACHED WHALE Beached whale is nursing slang for an obese patient who is unable to do much for him or herself but lie there with flailing arms and legs.
BEACON Beacon is British slang for a red nose.
BEADLE Beadle is docker slang for a dock policeman. Beadle was old slang for someone wearing a long blue overcoat.
BEADLES Beadles was 19th century American slang for the inhabitants of the state of Virginia.
BEAGLE Beagle is British slang for a heavy smoker.
BEAK Beak is English slang for a magistrate or judge. Beak is slang for a person's nose, especially one that is large, pointed, or hooked.
BEAK OFF Beak off is Irish slang for to play truant.
BEAKER Beaker is slang for a fowl, a chicken.
BEAKER−HAULER Beaker−hauler is slang for a poultry thief who sells stolen poultry door−to−door.
BEALLADONA Bealladona is slang for the drug phencyclidine.
BEAM Beam is Black−American slang for to look. 74
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BEAMER Beamer is American slang for a BMW car.
BEAN Bean is slang for the head. Bean is British slang for a coin. Bean was old British slang for a pound sterling. Bean was old British slang for a guinea. Bean is Black−American slang for the sun.
BEAN COUNTER Bean counter is Australian slang for an accountant.
BEAN'T Bean't is Dorset slang for it isn't.
BEAN−BAG Bean−bag is British slang for an unpleasant person.
Beaner is American slang for an Hispanic American or Mexican.
BEANIE Beanie is Australian slang for a woollen hat.
BEANO Beano is British slang for a celebration, party, or other enjoyable time.
BEANPOLE Beanpole is slang for a tall thin person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BEANS Beans is American slang for dollars (money). Beans is slang for the drug Phenobarbital.
BEAR Bear is slang for an irritable person. Bear is slang for a large, hairy, muscular homosexual. Bear is American slang for a police officer.
BEAR TRAP Bear trap is American slang for a difficult situation.
BEAR'S PAW Bear's paw is London Cockney rhyming slang for a saw.
BEAR−LEADER Bear−leader is slang for an expert who teaches by example.
BEAR−TRACKER Bear−tracker is slang for a detective.
BEARD Beard is slang for a woman's pubic area. Beard is slang for a male escort posing as a boyfriend, lover or husband, often in the case of a lesbian's 'official' partner. Beard is Black−American slang for intellectual or far−out person.
BEARD SPLITTER Beard splitter is British slang for a man who has had sex with many women. Beard splitter is British slang for the penis.
BEARDED CLAM Bearded clam is British slang for the vagina.
BEARDED OYSTER Bearded oyster is British slang for the vagina.
BEARDED WHELK Bearded whelk is British slang for the vagina.
BEARDIE Beardie is British slang for a bearded beatnik.
BEAS Beas is Dorset slang for a cow's udder.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BEAST Beast is British slang for a sex criminal, a child molestor. Beast is British slang for an ugly woman. Beast is American slang for a girl or woman. Beast is American prison slang for a sex offender. Beast is Black−American slang for the white people.
BEASTIE Beastie is American slang for disgusting, coarse. Beastie is American slang for impressive, powerful, enormous.
BEASTMASTER Beastmaster is British slang for an ugly woman's husband.
BEAT Beat is slang for to puzzle or baffle. Beat is American and Canadian slang for to cheat or defraud.
BEAT FOR THE YOLK Beat for the yolk is Black−American slang for to be short of cash.
BEAT OFF Beat off is slang for masturbate.
BEAT ONE'S MEAT Beat one's meat is British slang for masturbate.
BEAT ONES CHOPS Beat ones chops is Black−American slang for to talk.
BEAT ONES SKIN Beat ones skin is Black−American slang for to clap.
BEAT SOMEONE'S BRAINS OUT Beat someone's brains out is slang for to kill by knocking severely about the head.
BEAT THE RAP Beat the rap is American slang for escape punishment, especially a prison sentence.
BEAT THE ROCKS Beat the rocks is Black−American slang for walk on the sidewalk (pavement).
BEAT TO THE SOCKS Beat to the socks is Black−American slang for weariness.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BEATBOX Beat box is slang for a drum machine. Beatbox is slang for a large portable radio, casette player or CD player.
BEATER Beater is Black−American slang for money.
BEATTIE AND BABS Beattie and Babs is London Cockney rhyming slang for crablice (crabs).
BEAUT Beaut is Australian and New Zealand slang for excellent, outstanding, distinctive.
BEAUTY Beauty is an Australian and New Zealand slang expression of agreement or approval.
BEAVER Beaver is slang for the female genitals. Beaver is slang for a woman seen solely as a sex object. Beaver is slang for a long or luxuriant beard.
BEAVER CLEAVER Beaver cleaver is British slang for the penis.
BEAVER SHOT Beaver shot is slang for a close−up photograph of a woman's genitals.
BEBOP Bebop is slang for a style of jazz music featuring nonsense lyrics.
BEBOP GLASSES Bebop glasses is Black−American slang for fashionable sunglasses.
BECHER'S BROOK Becher's brook is London Cockney rhyming slang for look.
BECKER Becker is British slang for a quick act of sexual intercourse.
BED'N Bed'n is Dorset slang for 'kept on', continued.
BEDDERMOS' Beddermos' is Dorset slang for socially superior people (bettermost). 78
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BEDFORDSHIRE Bedfordshire is British slang for bed or bedtime.
BEDWORTHY Bedworthy is British slang for a sexually attractive woman.
BEE Bee is Black−American slang for an idea.
BEE STINGS Bee stings is slang for very small breasts.
BEE'S KNEES Bee's knees is slang for excellent, the best.
BEE−STINGS Bee−stings is slang for small female breasts.
BEECHAM'S PILL Beecham's pill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bill. Beecham's pill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a photograph (still).
BEECHAMS Beechams is British slang for the testicles.
BEEF Beef is slang for a complaint or to complain. Beef is slang for an argument. Beef is slang for sexual intercourse.
BEEF AND MUTTON Beef and mutton is London Cockney rhyming slang for a glutton.
BEEF BAYONET Beef bayonet is slang for the penis.
BEEF BRAIN Beef brain is British slang for a slow witted person.
BEEF BUGLE Beef bugle is Australian slang for the penis.
BEEF CURTAINS Beef curtains is slang for breasts. 79
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BEEF HEAD Beef head is British slang for a slow witted person.
BEEF HEART Beef hart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
BEEF SOMEONE Beef someone is slang for to have sex with.
BEEF UP Beef up is British slang for intensify.
BEEFCAKE Beefcake is slang for men displayed for their muscular bodies, especially in photographs.
BEEFER Beefer is British slang for a male homosexual.
BEEFY Beefy is slang for muscular, strong. Beefy is slang for someone with body odour.
BEEHIVE Beehive is London Cockney rhyming slang for drive. Beehive is London Cockney rhyming slang for five.
BEEMAL Beemal is British slang for lamb.
BEEMOB Beemob is British slang for a bomb.
BEEMOC Beemoc is British slang for a comb.
BEEN ROUND THE BLOCK Been round the block is British slang for experienced, sexually experienced.
BEEN'S Been's is Dorset slang for because.
BEER BARREL Beer barrel is British slang for the stomach.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BEER EATER Beer eater is British slang for someone who loves beer.
BEER GUT Beer gut is British slang for a large stomach.
BEER ME UP SCOTTY Beer me up Scotty is British slang for a request for a beer.
BEER SCOOTER Beer scooter is slang for getting home after a night out drinking heavily and not remembering how one got home.
BEER SHOP Beer shop is slang for a pub.
BEER TRAP Beer trap is British slang for the mouth.
BEER−TOKENS Beer−tokens is British slang for one pound coins, money.
BEER−UP Beer−up is Australian slang for a drinking bout.
BEER−VOUCHERS Beer−vouchers is British slang for one pound coins, money.
BEERED UP Beered up is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
BEERSUCKER Beersucker is slang for the mouth. Beersucker is slang for a heavy drinker.
BEERY Beery is British slang for tipsy.
BEERY NOSE Beery nose is British slang for a drunk.
BEES AND HONEY Bees and honey is London Cockney rhyming slang for money.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BEES BOLLOCKS Bees bollocks is British slang for the business, the most excellent, the best.
BEES KNEES Bees knees is British slang for the business, the most excellent, the best.
BEES WINGERS Bees wingers is London Cockney rhyming slang for fingers.
BEESWAX Beeswax is London Cockney rhyming slang for tax.
BEETLE Beetle is British slang for to hurry.
BEETLE BRAIN Beetle brain is slang for a slow witted person, an idiot.
BEETLE OFF Beetle off is slang for to depart, often in a hurry.
BEETLE'S BLOOD Beetle's blood is British slang for stout beer.
BEETLE−CRUSHERS Beetle−crushers is British slang for heavy work boots.
BEETLE−STICKER Beetle−sticker is slang for an entomologist.
BEETLEHEAD Beetlehead is Dorset slang for a tadpole.
BEETLES AND ANTS Beetles and ants is London Cockney rhyming slang for underpants.
BEETROOT MUG Beetroot mug is slang for a red face.
BEEVO Beevo is American slang for beer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BEEVOS Beevos is American slang for beer.
BEEZA Beeza is slang for a BSA motorcycle.
BEEZE Beeze is slang for penis.
BEEZER Beezer is British slang for a person or chap Beezer is British slang for the nose Beezer is British slang for excellent, very attractive. Beezer is Scottish slang for an extreme example of its kind. Beezer is slang for a BSA motorcycle.
BEEZONKER Beezonker is slang for the nose.
BEF Bef is West Indian slang for stupid, useless.
BEFOK Befok is South African slang for an unhappy, crazy or exhausted person. Befok is South African slang for a ruined spoiled, broken or dysfunctional object.
BEFORE ABE Before Abe is Black American slang for the slave era (pre 1st of January 1863).
BEFORE ABE JIVE Before Abe jive is Black American slang for hard, thankless work.
BEFORE DAY CREEP Before day creep is Black American slang for a surreptitious late−night or early morning visit to one's lover.
BEFORE ONE CAN SAY JACK ROBINSON Before one can say Jack Robinson is slang for very quickly, instantly.
BEG YOUR PARDON Beg your pardon is London Cockney rhyming slang for garden.
BEGGAR Beggar is British slang for a person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BEGGAR BOY'S Beggar boy's (shortened from beggar boy's arse) is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (brass).
BEGGAR BOY'S ARSE Beggar boy's arse is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (brass).
BEGGAR BOY'S ASS Beggar boy's ass is London Cockney rhyming slang for the beer Bass.
BEGGAR MAKER Beggar maker is British slang for a publican, bookmaker.
BEGGAR MY NEIGHBOUR Beggar my neighbour is London Cockney rhyming slang for on the labour (unemployed).
BEGGAR'S LAGGING Beggar's lagging is British slang for three weeks in prison.
BEIGEL Beigel is slang for a losing horse.
BEIGEL BASHER Beigel basher is British slang for a Jew.
BELCH Belch was old slang for second−rate beer. Belch is American slang for a noisy complaint.
BELCH CHASERS Belch chasers is American slang for to vomit.
BELCH WATER Belch water is American slang for soda water.
BELCHER Belcher is slang for a spotted handkerchief. Belcher was 19th century English slang for a thick finger ring. Belcher is slang for a dedicated beer drinker. Belcher is American slang for a complainer, a winger. Belcher is American slang for an informant.
BELFA Belfa was early 18th century slang for a prostitute.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BELFRY Belfry is British slang for the head.
BELL Bell is British slang for a telephone call.
BELL END Bell end is British slang for the head of the penis.
BELL RINGERS Bell ringers is London Cockney rhyming slang for fingers.
BELL ROPE Bell rope was British slang for a hairstyle fashionable in the 19th century in which the hair was worn twisted into two ropes worn one each side of the face. Bell rope is British slang for a long penis. Bell rope is American slang for the penis.
BELL SHINER Bell shiner is slang for homosexual anal intercourse.
BELL THE CAT To bell the cat was old English slang for to undertake something dangerous.
BELL−PLOW Bell−plow is Dorset slang for a horse−drawn waggon fitted with bells.
BELL−RINGER Bell−ringer is American slang for a great success.
BELL−RINGERS Bell−ringers is rhyming slang for fingers.
BELLED UP Belled up is slang for protected by a burglar alarm.
BELLMAN Bellman is slang for a burglar who is expert at dealing with alarms.
BELLOWER Bellower was old slang for a town crier.
BELLOWS Bellows is British slang for the lungs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BELLOWS TO MEND Bellows to mend was old slang for to be out of breath.
BELLOWSED Bellowsed was old slang for to be transported as a convict.
BELLOWSER Bellowser was 19th century British slang for a punch in the stomach. Bellowser was 19th century Australian slang for a sentence of lifetime transportation.
BELLS Bells is British slang for Annabel's nightclub.
BELLS AND WHISTLES Bells and whistles is slang for embellishments, gimmicks.
BELLSWAGGER Bellswagger was old English slang for a noisy braggart, a bully. Bellswagger was 18th century English slang for a womaniser or pimp.
BELLY Belly is Dorset slang for a bundle of thatch.
BELLY FIDDLER Belly fiddler is Black−American slang for guitar.
BELLY−SLOP Belly−slop is slang for the withdrawl method of contraception.
BELLYACHE Bellyache is slang for to complain repeatedly.
BELLYFLOP Bellyflop is slang for a dive landing stomach−first on the water. Bellyflop is slang for a total failure.
BELLYFUL Bellyful is slang for more than one can tolerate.
BELOW THE BELT Below the belt is slang for underhand, spiteful.
BELSEN VICTIM Belsen victim is British slang for a very thin person. 86
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BELT Belt is slang for to give a sharp blow; punch. Belt is slang for to hurry.
BELT AND BRACES Belt and braces is London Cockney rhyming slang for races.
BELT AND BRACES MAN Belt and braces man is slang for an overly cautious person.
BELT LOOSENER Belt loosener is slang for a large meal.
BELT STRAINER Belt strainer is slang for a large meal.
BELT UP Belt up is slang for to stop talking.
BELTER Belter is slang for a rousing or spirited popular song that is sung loudly and enthusiastically.
BELYANDO SPEW Belyando spew is Australian slang for sickness.
BELYANDO SPRUCE Belyando spruce is Australian slang for marijuana.
BEMBE Bembe is West Indian slang for a bully.
BEMUSED Bemused is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
BEN Ben was 18th century slang for a simpleton. Ben was 19th century slang for a coat. Ben was 19th century slang for a lie.
BEN COVE Ben Cove was 17th and 18th century slang for a friend, a good fellow.
BEN FLAKE Ben Flake was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for steak 87
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BEN HUR Ben Hur is London Cockney rhyming slang for a term of imprisonment (stir).
BEN'UM Ben'um is Dorset slang for aren't they?
BENBOUSE Benbouse was 16th century slang for the best beer.
BENCH−LEGGED Bench−legged is American slang for bowlegged.
BENCH−MAN Bench−man is American slang for a judge.
BENCH−POINTS Bench−points is slang for physical advantages.
BENCH−WARMER Bench−warmer is American slang for an idle or ineffectual person. Bench−warmer is American slang for a substitute in a sports team. Bench−warmer is American slang for a tramp, vagrant.
BENCHER Bencher is American slang for an idle or ineffectual person.
BEND DOWN Bend down is slang for to allow to happen.
BEND ONE'S EAR Bend one's ear is British slang for to mag, or talk incessantly. Bend one's ear is Black−American slang for to tell someone something.
BEND OVER Bend over is slang for submit to or invite buggery. Bend over is slang for submit to or yield to abuse or attack.
BEND THE ELBOW Bend the elbow is slang for drink alcohol.
BENDED Bended (shortened from bended knees) is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BENDED KNEES Bended knees is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
BENDER Bender is slang for a bout of heavy drinking and drunkenness. Bender is British slang for a homosexual man. Bender is British criminal slang for a suspended prison sentence. Bender is Black−American slang for human arm. Bender was old English slang for a sixpence.
BENGHAZI Benghazi is London Cockney rhyming slang for the lavatory (karzy).
BENNETS Bennets is Dorset slang for grass seedheads.
BENNIE Bennie is slang for a tablet of Benzedrine (amphetamine sulphate).
BENNY Benny is slang for an amphetamine tablet, especially Benzedrine. Benny is British slang for a simpleton. Benny is British slang for good. Benny is British slang for a Jew. Benny is American slang for a man's overcoat.
BENNY HILL Benny Hill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a drill. Benny Hill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cash register (till).
BENT Bent is slang for dishonest; corrupt. Bent is slang for stolen (as applied to goods). Bent is slang for counterfeit. Bent is slang for crazy; mad. Bent is slang for sexually deviant, especially homosexual.
BENTY Benty is British slang for twenty.
BERESK Beresk is slang for berserk, out of control.
BERK Berk (shortened from Berkeley hunt) is rhyming slang for a despicable person (cunt). Berk is slang for a fool.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BERKELEY HUNT Berkeley Hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a despicable, obnoxious person (cunt).
BERKO Berko is Australian slang for go berserk, mad, crazy.
BERKSHIRE HUNT Berkshire Hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a despicable, obnoxious person (cunt).
BERLEY Berley is Australian slang for rubbish; nonsense.
BERMUDA Bermuda was 19th century British slang for a criminal or debtor safe haven.
BERNHARD LANGER Bernhard Langer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a sausage (banger).
BERNI Berni is slang for cocaine.
BERNI FLINT Berni Flint is London Cockney rhyming slang for without money, penniless (skint).
BERNICE Bernice is American slang for cocaine.
BERNIE Bernie (shortened from Bernie Ecclestone) is British slang for one million pounds sterling. Bernie is American slang for cocaine.
BERNIE'S FLAKES Bernie's flakes is American slang for cocaine.
BERNIE'S GOLD DUST Bernie's gold dust is American slang for cocaine.
BERRIES Berries is British slang for the testicles. Berries is Black American slang for a woman's nipples. Berries is Black American slang for wine. Berries was early 20th century American slang for money.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BERRY Berry is slang for someone who practises kinky sex. Berry is slang for someone who cannot get a sex partner. Berry is British slang for an easy victim for a confidence trickster. Berry is American slang for an easy opponent. Berry is American slang for a testicle. Berry is American slang for a mall packet of drugs. Berry is American slang for a person. Berry was 1930's British slang for a one pound note. Berry was early 20th century American slang for one dollar.
BERTIE Bertie (shortened from Bertie Woofter) is British rhyming slang for a male homosexual (poofter).
BERTIE SMALLS Bertie Smalls is British slang for an informer.
BERTISS Bertiss is Jamaican slang for the buttocks.
BERYL REID Beryl Reid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lead (dog's leash).
BERZONKERS Berzonkers is British slang for a an intense, mad, rage.
BESSIE BRADDOCK Bessie Braddock is London Cockney rhyming slang for the fish haddock.
BESSIE BUNTER Bessie Bunter is British slang for an overweight, fat, girl or woman.
BEST BIB AND TUCKER Best bib and tucker is British slang for one's finest clothes.
BET YOUR BOLLOCKS Bet your bollocks is British slang for a certainty.
BET YOUR BOOTS Bet your boots is British slang for a certainty.
BETTER TO BE BLOWN UP THAN SHOWN UP Better to be blown up than shown up is British slang for better to be brave and fail, than to be cowardly. Death before dishonour.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BETTY Betty is British slang for a girl, especially one who doesn't participate in sports. Betty (shortened from Betty Boop) is London Cockney rhyming slang for soup.
BETTY BOOP Betty Boop is London Cockney rhyming slang for soup.
BETTY GRABLE Betty Grable is London Cockney rhyming slang for table.
BETTY SWOLLOCKS Betty Swollocks is British slang for hot, sweaty, testicles (sweaty bollocks).
Betwattled was late 18th century Dorset British slang for confused, bewildered.
BETWEEN THE HORNS Between the horns is American slang for in the centre of the forehead.
BETWEEN THE JIGS AND THE REELS Between the jigs and the reels is Irish slang for between one thing and another.
BETWEEN THE SHEETS Between the sheets is British slang for in bed.
BETWEEN THE STICKS Between the sticks is bingo slang for the number eighty−six.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BETWEEN THE TWO WS Between the two Ws was 19th century slang for infected with venereal disease.
BEV Bev is salng for an alcoholic beverage.
BEVERAGE Beverage was 19th century British slang for money for alcoholic drink.
BEVVIED Bevvied is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
BEVVY Bevvy is British slang for an alcoholic drink.
BEVVY SHOP Bevvy shop is British slang for a pub.
BEVVY−UP Bevvy−up is British slang for a bout of heavy drinking.
BEVVYPINT Bevvypint is British slang for a pint of beer.
BEX Bex is Jamaican Rastafarian slang for angry.
BEXANDEBS Bexandebs was 19th century London slang for a young Jewish woman.
BEXLEY HEATH Bexley Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
BEYOND THE BEYONDS Beyond the beynds is Irish slang for excessive, unreasonable.
BEYOND THE RABBIT−PROOF FENCE Beyond the rabbit−proof fence is Australian slang for the wild countryside.
BHANG Bhang is slang for cannabis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BHLUUUUGH Bhluuuugh is American slang for to vomit
BI Bi is slang for bisexual.
BIBLE−BASHER Bible−basher is slang for an enthusiastic or aggressive exponent of the Bible.
BIBLE−POUNDER Bible−pounder is slang for an enthusiastic or aggressive exponent of the Bible.
BIBLE−PUNCHER. Bible−puncher is slang for an enthusiastic or aggressive exponent of the Bible.
BIBLE−THUMPER Bible−thumper is slang for an enthusiastic or aggressive exponent of the Bible.
BIBLEBACK Bubleback is British slang for a pious person who frowns on ordinary people.
BICCY Biccy is slang for a biscuit.
BICE Bice is British slang for a two year prison sentence.
BICE OF TENNERS Bice of tenners is British slang for twenty pounds sterling.
BICKETY Bickety is Dorset slang for arrogant, conceited.
BICYCLE Bicycle is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bicycle lamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tramp.
BIDDIE Biddie is Black−American slang for an attractive little girl or small old woman
BIDDIES Biddies is American tramp slang for eggs.
BIDDY Biddy is slang for a woman, especially a middle−aged or elderly woman. Biddy is slang for wine, especially red wine.
BIDE Bide is Dorset slang for to remain, live.
BIDE QUIET Bide quiet is Dorset slang for be still and listen.
BIFF Biff is slang for a blow with the hand. Biff is Irish school slang for a blow to the palm of the hand with a strap or cane as a punishment.
BIFFIN Biffin is British slang for the perineum.
BIFFO Biffo is Australian slang for a fight.
BIFTAD Biftad is American slang for a male student of a preparatory school. 95
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BIG A Big A is British and American slang for AIDS.
BIG ALLEY Big alley is American Tramp slang for a main street.
BIG AND BULKY Big and bulky is Australian rhyming slang for a horse−drawn carriage (sulky).
BIG B Big B is American slang for Baltimore, Maryland.
BIG BAG Big bag is American slang for heroin.
BIG BAMBOO Big bamboo is Jamaican slang for the penis.
BIG BASS Big bass (shortened from big bass drum) is London Cockney rhyming slang for the buttocks (bum).
BIG BASS DRUM Big bass drum is London Cockney rhyming slang for the buttocks (bum).
BIG BEN Big Ben is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten pounds sterling. Big Ben was old London Cockney rhyming slang for ten shillings.
BIG BICKIES Big bickies is Australian slang for a large sum of money.
BIG BLINK Big blink is British slang for death.
BIG BLOKE Big bloke is London Cockney rhyming slang for cocaine (coke). Big bloke was old Australian slang for one's superior, a boss.
BIG BLOW Big blow is slang for a hurricane.
BIG BLUE Big blue is slang for IBM.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIG BOPPER Big bopper is London Cockney rhyming slang for a policeman (copper).
BIG BROWN EYES Big brown eyes is slang for breasts.
BIG BUCKS Big bucks is slang for a large amount of money.
BIG C Big C is slang for cocaine. Big C is slang for cancer. Big C is British slang for a police caution.
BIG CHEESE Big cheese is slang for an important person.
BIG CHILL Big chill is slang for drath.
BIG D Big D is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
BIG DIPPER Big dipper is London Cockney rhyming slang for the slipper, within the context of corporal punishment.
BIG E Big E is slang for being sacked, not being wanted anymore.
BIG EARS Big Ears is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheers. Big Ears (shortened from Big Ears and Noddy) is London Cockney rhyming slang for body, within the context of an attractive torso.
BIG EARS AND NODDY Big Ears and Noddy is London Cockney rhyming slang for body, within the context of an attractive torso.
BIG ENCHILADA Big enchilada is American slang for an important or self−important person.
BIG EYE Big eye is slang for a stare.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIG FIGURE Big figure is slang for a large, musuclar person.
BIG GATES Big gates is slang for prison.
BIG GIRL'S BLOUSE Big girl's blouse is British slang for a weak, ineffectual or pathetic man.
BIG GREEN Big Green is American slang for Dartmouth College, USA.
BIG H Big H is slang for heroin. Big H is British prostitute slang for a heart attack.
BIG HOUSE Big house is slang for a prison. Big house was old slang for a workhouse.
Big I am is British slang for a self important person, an egoist.
BIG JOB Big job is slang for a murder, an assassination, a contract killing.
BIG JOBS Big jobs is British slang for excrement.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIG JUMP Big jump is American slang for death.
BIG MAC Big Mac is London Cockney rhyming slang for dismissal from employment (sack). Big Mac is London Cockney rhyming slang for bed (sack).
BIG MOVER Big mover is Australian slang for someone successful, particularly a man regularly successful with women.
BIG NOISE Big noise is slang for an important person.
BIG O Big O is slang for an orgasm. Big O is slang for opium.
BIG ONE Big one is British slang for one hundred pounds sterling. Big one was old British slang for ten pounds sterling.
BIG POTATO Big potato is slang for an important person.
BIG RED Big Red is American slang for Cornell University, USA.
BIG RED SWITCH In computing, big red switch is slang for the power switch.
BIG SLEEP Big sleep is slang for death.
BIG SMOKE Big smoke is Australian slang for the city.
BIG STICKS Big sticks is Australian slang for Australian rules football goal posts.
BIG TIME Big time is British slang for very.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIG WHEEL Big wheel is slang for an important person.
BIG WIG Big wig is slang for an important person.
BIG−ABLE Big−able is Jamaican slang for massive, frighteningly big.
BIG−AND−PLENTY Big−and−plenty is Grenadine slang for a fat, clumsy, useless person or thing.
BIG−AND−SO−SO Big−and−so−so is Grenadine slang for a fat, clumsy, useless person or thing.
BIG−BELLY Big−belly is Jamaican slang for greedy.
BIG−NOTE Big−note is Australian slang for to boast or praise.
BIG−NOTER Big−noter is Australian slang for a boastful person.
BIGGER STATE THAN CHINA Bigger state than China is British slang for utter chaos and confusion.
BIGGER STATE THAN TEXAS Bigger state than Texas is British slang for utter chaos and confusion.
BIGGER THOMAS Bigger Thomas is Black−American slang for a bad nigger.
BIGHEAD Bighead is slang for an egoist.
BIGITTY Bigitty is Dorset slang for arrogant, conceited.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Bigmouth is slang for a noisy, indiscreet, or boastful person.
BIGNOTE Bignote is Australian slang for an arrogant person.
BIJOU Bijou is Polari slang for small.
BIKE Bike is British slang for a promiscuous woman. Bike is boxing slang for a boxer going backwards around the ring.
BIKER Biker is slang for a motorcycle rider.
BIKIE Bikie is Australian and New Zealand slang for a motorcycle rider or a member of a motorcycle gang.
BIKKIE Bikkie is Australian slang for biscuit.
BILGE Bilge is slang for rubbish, nonsense.
BILGEWATER Bilgewater is slang for a foul−tasting drink, flat beer. 101
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BILINGUAL Bilingual is slang for a lying and boastful person.
BILK Bilk is slang for to cheat someone, especially by withholding due payment.
BILL Bill is slang for the nose Bill is British slang for the police.
BILL AND BEN Bill and Ben is London Cockney rhyming slang for pen.
BILL O'GORMAN Bill O'Gorman is London Cockney rhyming slang for foreman.
BILL SHOP Bill shop is British slang for a police station.
BILL STICKERS Bill stickers is London Cockney rhyming slang for knickers.
BILL−ON−A−BIKE Bill−on−a−bike is British slang for a motorcycle policeman, a traffic policeman.
BILLABONG Billabong is Australian slang for waterhole.
BILLET Billet is British slang for to jeer, to heckle.
BILLIES Billies is American slang for money, dollar bills.
BILLY Billy is slang for a policeman. Billy is slang for the drug amphetamine. Billy (shortened from Billy Liar) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tyre. Billy is Australian slang for a tin used to boil water to make tea in the bush.
BILLY BUNTER Billy Bunter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a customer (punter). Billy Bunter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a train that shunts (shunter). Billy Bunter is British slang for a fat man or boy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BILLY BUTTON Billy Button is ols British slang for a tailor.
BILLY COTTON Billy Cotton is London Cockney rhyming slang for rotten.
BILLY GOAT Billy Goat is London Cockney rhyming slang for coat.
BILLY LIAR Billy Liar is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tyre.
BILLY MAN Billy man is slang for a policeman.
BILLY MUGGINS Billy Muggins is Australian slang for a fool, an idiot, a dupe.
BILLY NO MATES Billy no mates is British slang for a despicable, friendless person.
BILLY SMART Billy Smart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
BILLY THE KID Billy the kid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (yid).
BILLY TWO SHEDS Billy two sheds is British slang for someone who has to go one better than everybody else.
BILLY WHIZZ Billy Whizz is London Cockney rhyming slang for a quiz, a pub trivia quiz.
BILLY WRIGHT Billy Wright is London Cockney rhyming slang for tight in the context of ill−fitting clothes.
BILLY−O Billy−O is British slang for very, extremely, a great amount.
BILTONG CURTAIN Biltong curtain was pre−independence South African slang for the national border.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIMBETTE Bimbette is slang for a silly, empty−headed young girl.
BIMBO Bimbo is slang for an attractive but silly, empty−headed young woman. Bimbo was 1950s British slang for the bottom, backside.
BIN Bin is British slang for to throw away, reject. Bin is British slang for the pocket. Bin is British slang for an asylum. Bin is British slang for a police cell.
BIN LADEN Bin Laden is British slang for someone who wears a turban.
BIND Bind is slang for something annoying; to complain.
BINDLE Bindle is American slang for a small packet of drug powder; heroin. Bindle is American tramp slang for a tramp's bundle.
BINDLESTIFF Bindlestiff is American slang for a migrant vagrant.
BINGHI Binghi is derogatory Australian slang for an Aborigine.
Bingle is Australian slang for a car accident.
BINGO Bingo is British customs officers' slang for an arrest or a successful search. Bingo was 17th century British slang for alcoholic spirits, particularly brandy.
BINNIE HALE Binnie Hale is London Cockney rhyming slang for a confidence trickster's story (tale).
BINS Bins is British slang for binoculars. Bins is British slang for spectacles. 104
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Bins is British slang for eyes. Bins is British slang for headphones. Bins is British slang for loud speakers.
BINT Bint is derogatory Cockney slang for a girl or woman.
BIRCH BROOM Birch broom is London Cockney rhyming slang for a room.
BIRCH BROOM IN A FIT Birch broom in a fit is British slang for wild, unruly hair.
BIRCHINGTON HUNT Birchington hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for cunt.
BIRD Bird is British slang for a woman. Bird (shortened from bird lime) is slang for a prison term (do time).
BIRD BANDIT Bird bandit is British slang for a man who steals another man's woman.
BIRD DROPPINGS Bird droppings is British slang for something derisory or pitiful.
BIRD LIME Bird lime is London Cockney rhyming slang for time.
BIRD'S NEST Bird's nest is London Cockney rhyming slang for an annoying child (pest). Bird's nest is London Cockney rhyming slang for the chest, especially a hairy chest. Bird's nest is British slang for a tangle of wire, string, hair or the like.
BIRD−BATTEN Bird−batten is Dorset slang for to catch birds with nets.
BIRD−KIPPY Bird−kippy is Dorset slang for to keep birds away from corn.
BIRDBATH Birdbath is British slang for a silly person.
BIRDBRAIN Birdbrain is slang for a silly, inane or frivolous person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIRDCAGE Birdcage is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stage.
BIRDING Birding is British slang for chasing women.
BIRDLIME Birdlime is London Cockney rhyming slang for time.
BIRDS AND BEES Birds and bees is London Cockney rhyming slang for the knees.
BIRDWOOD Birdwood is Black−American slang for marijuana.
BIRF Birf is British slang for birthday.
BIRTHDAY SUIT Birthday suit is British slang for naked. Birthday suit was 17th century British slang for a very expensive suit of clothes.
BIS Bis is American slang for a handgun, a pistol.
BISCUIT Biscuit is slang for a gramophone record. Biscuit is slang for a young woman. Biscuit is Black−American slang for human skull or bed pillow. Biscuit was old slang for the face. Biscuit was 19th century American slang for a watch.
BISCUITS AND CHEESE Biscuits and cheese is London Cockney rhyming slang for knees.
BISH Bish is British slang for a mistake.
BISH−BASH−BOSH Bish−bash−bosh is British slang for quickly, efficiently, in quick succession.
BISSEN Bissen is Dorset slang for be not.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIST Bist is Dorset slang for you be.
BIT Bit is slang for activity or subject. Bit is British slang for a one pound coin. Bit is British slang for the perineum. Bit is American slang for disappointed or resentful.
BIT AND PIECE Bit and piece is London Cockney rhyming slang for niece.
BIT OF A BROTHEL Bit of a brothel is Australian slang for a mess.
BIT OF BLACK Bit of black is British slang for black women seen as sex objects.
BIT OF BRUSH Bit of brush is British slang for a woman when viewed as a sex object, or potential sexual partner.
BIT OF CRACKLING Bit of crackling is British slang for an attractive woman.
BIT OF CRUMPET Bit of crumpet is British slang for a woman when viewed as a sex object, or potential sexual partner.
BIT OF FISH Bit of fish is British slang for the vagina.
BIT OF FLUFF Bit of Fluff is slang for a woman, especially a girl friend.
BIT OF ROUGH Bit of rough is slang for a male sexual partner whose lack of sophistication or toughness makes them sexually attractive.
BIT OF SKIRT Bit of skirt is slang for a girl or woman.
BIT OF SLAP AND TICKLE Bit of slap and tickle is British slang for sexual activities.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIT OF SPARE Bit of spare is British slang for a married person's additional lover.
BIT OF STUFF Bit of crackling is British slang for one's partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), a potential sexual partner.
BIT OF THE OTHER Bit of the other is British slang for sexual activity.
BIT OF TIT Bit of tit is British slang for a woman when viewed asa sex object, a potential sexual partner.
BIT ON THE SIDE Bit on the side is British slang for an extramarital relationship.
BIT PREVIOUS Bit previous is British slang for too early, premature.
BIT SPIT Bit spit is American slang for to vomit.
BITCH Bitch is derogatory slang for a spiteful or unpleasant woman. Bitch is slang for an annoying or gruelling task. Bitch is slang for something impressive, admirable. Bitch is slang for a girlfriend.
BITCHIN' Bitchin' is American slang for excellent, first class.
BITCHING Bitching is slang for talking unpleasantly about someone, complaining. Bitching is British slang for seeking sex with a prostitute.
BITCHY Bitchy is slang for sarcastic, spiteful, unpleasant.
BITE Bite is slang for to be taken in by something. Bite is slang for to copy or plagarise. Bite is slang for an instance of coercion, taking money by force.
BITE THE BULLET Bite the bulletis British slang for to suffer without complaint.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BITE THE DUST Bite the dust is slang for to die.
BITER Biter is British slang for a bloodsucker, a beggar, a scrounger, an extortionist.
BITES AND SCRATCHES Bites and scratches is London Cockney rhyming slang for matches (used to ignite cigarettes).
BITHY−WINE Bithy−wine is Dorset slang for bindweed.
BITIES Bities is Australian slang for biting insects.
BITING Biting is slang for selling a graffiti artist's pen name to another person.
BITS AND BOBS Bits and bobs is British slang for possessions, things.
BITSA Bitsa is British slang for a mongrel dog.
BITSER Bitser is Australian slang for mongrel.
BITTER OATH Bitter oath is British slang for a definite oath.
BITTERZWEET Bitterzweet is Dorset slang for a cider apple.
BIVVY Bivvy is British slang for a small tent or shelter.
BIZ Biz is slang for show business. Biz is slang for a sphere of activity.
BIZZIES Bizzies is British slang for the police.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BIZZO Bizzo is British and Australian slang for business, the business, what needs to be done.
BJ Bj is British slang for fellatio (Blow job).
BLAB Blab is slang for to talk about someone, to tell tales, to inform on.
BLABBER Blabber is Australian slang for a television remote control.
BLABBERMOUTH Blabbermouth is slang for someone who talks too much, revealing secrets.
BLACK Black is slang for hashish from the Indian subcontinent. Black is slang for a blackmailer. Black is slang for the black market.
BLACK ACE Black ace is slang for a woman's pubic area.
BLACK AND BLUE Black and blue is London Cockney rhyming slang for a snooker or pool cue.
BLACK AND DECKER Black and decker is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (pecker).
BLACK AND TAN Black and tan is British slang for a capsule of the amphetamine Durophet−M. Black and tan is British slang for a drink consisting of stout or porter mixed with bitter or light ale.
BLACK AND WHITE Black and white is London Cockney rhyming slang for night. Black and white is London Cockney rhyming slang for stingy, mean (tight).
BLACK BAG JOB Black bag job is American slang for a break−in or other covert operation conducted by a government agency.
BLACK BESS Black Bess is London Cockney rhyming slang for yes.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLACK BOMBERS Black bombers is British slang for capsules of the amphetamine Durophet.
BLACK BOX Black box is British slang for a woman wearing a burka.
BLACK EYE Black eye is London Cockney rhyming slang for pie.
BLACK FOOD Black food is slang for the beer Guinness.
BLACK GUNION Black gunion is Black−American slang for a strong, gummy grade of marijuana.
BLACK JOB Black job is slang for a funeral.
BLACK MARIA Black maria is slang for a prison van or police car. Black Maria is London Cockney rhyming slang for fire.
BLACK MONEY BOX Black money box is slang for a London taxi.
BLACK PEARL Black pearl is slang for heroin.
BLACK PENCIL Black pencil is slang for a black man's penis.
BLACK PETER Black Peter is Australian slang for a solitary confinement cell.
BLACK PILLAR BOX Black pillar box is British slang for a Muslim woman wearing a burka.
BLACK RAT Black rat is British slang for a London taxi. Black rat is British slang for a uniformed police officer.
BLACK ROCK DAY Black Rock day is British slang for a very bad day when nothing goes right.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLACK STUFF Black stuff is slang for opium. Black stuff is British slang for tarmacadam.
BLACK STUMP Black stump is Australian slang for a long way away or the horizon.
BLACK TAR Black Tar is American slang for heroin.
BLACK VELVET Black velvet is British slang for a mixture of Guinness and champagne (less properly Guiness and cider). Black velvet is Australian slang for an Aboriginal female sexual partner.
BLACK WIDOW Black widow is slang for a woman who has had many husbands.
BLACK−BOB Black−bob is Dorset slang for a cockroach.
BLACKADDER Blackadder is London Cockney rhyming slang for a ladder.
BLACKBIRD AND THRUSH Blackbird and thrush is London Cockney rhyming slang for a shoe brush.
BLACKHEAD Blackhead is British slang for an immigrant from Eastern Europe or Arabia.
BLACKHEATH Blackheath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
BLACKPOOL ROCK Blackpool rock is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (cock).
BLACKWALL TUNNEL Blackwall tunnel is London Cockney rhyming slang for a ship's chimney (funnel).
BLADDER OF FAT Bladder of fat was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a hat.
BLADDER OF LARD Bladder of lard is London Cockney rhyming slang for a playing card, Great War bingo card. Bladder of lard is London Cockney rhyming slang for New Scotland Yard. 112
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLADDERED Bladdered is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
BLADE Blade is slang for a knife, especially one carried for fighting. Blade is British slang for a quick−witted man.
BLAG Blag is slang for a robbery, especially a robbery with violence. Blag is slang for bluff or mislead. Blag is slang for to seduce a girl. Blag is Polari slang for pick up.
BLAGGER Blagger is British slang for a major thief.
BLAH Blah is slang for worthless talk.
BLANCA Blanca is slang for cocaine.
BLANCH Blanch is American slang for to vomit
BLANCO Blanco is slang for heroin. Blanco is Black British slang for a white person.
BLANK Blank is British slang for snub, refuse to speak to someone. Blank is British slang for a defeat or rejection. Blank is Black British slang for a white person. Blank is American slang for extremely low−grade.
BLANKER Blanker is Dorset slang for a spark, a cinder.
BLANKET Blanket is slang for a bed. Blanket is British slang for an excessively thick skin on custard. Blanket was old British slang for a cigarette paper. Blanket was old slang for an overcoat.
BLANKET FEVER Blanket fever is British slang for an excessive desire to laze in bed.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLANKET TREATMENT Blanket treatment is British slang for to be beaten up by prison officers.
BLANKS Blanks is slang for sterile semen.
BLAST Blast is slang for a party or celebration. Blast is slang for an enjoyable or exhilarating experience. Blast is slang for to smoke marijuana.
BLAST FROM THE PAST Blast from the past is British slang for an old record played on the radio. Blast from the past is British slang for something nostalgic.
BLASTED Blasted is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated. Blasted is British slang for heavily criticised.
BLATHERSKITE Blatherskite is slang for a boastful person. Blatherskite is slang for a villainous or disreputable person.
BLAYDON RACES Blaydon races is North−East British rhyming slang for braces.
BLAZER Blazer is numismatic slang for an un−circulated or Proof coin having above−average lustre and visual appeal.
BLAZES Blazes is slang for hell.
BLEAT Bleat is British slang for to complain. Bleat is criminal slang for to inform to the police.
BLEEDER Bleeder is British slang for a despicable person.
BLEEDING Bleeding is British slang for very.
BLERT Blert is British slang for a worthless, despicable, umpleasant person or thug.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLETHER Blether is Scottish slang for to talk for a long time.
BLIGHTED Blighted is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
BLIGHTY Blighty is British slang for Britain.
BLIKKEYS Blikkeys is American slang for soap flakes masquerading as crack cocaine.
BLIM Blim is British slang for a very small portion of a drug.
BLIMP Blimp is British slang for a pompous, old−fashioned, ineffectual person. Blimp is slang for a fat person. Blimp is slang for a look.
BLIMP OUT Blimp out is American slang for to overeat, to collapse through overeating.
BLIND Blind is British slang for something designed to hide the truth, a cover−up. Blind is gambling slang for to gamble without looking at one's cards. Blind is slang for very drunk, intoxicated. Blind is slang for night−time. Blind is bingo slang for a round number ending in zero, such as 10, 20 and 30. Blind is Black−American slang for to be uncircumcised
BLIND EYE Blind eye is British slang for the anus.
BLIND FART Blind fart is British slang for an odorous emission of wind from the anus.
BLINDER Blinder is British slang for a impressive or exciting action, thing, or person. Blinder is British slang for an act of masturbation.
BLINDING Blinding is British slang for marvellous, great, very good.
BLINDMAN'S BUFF Blindman's buff was London Cockney rhyming slang for snuff. 115
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLINDO Blindo is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
BLING−BLING Bling−bling is slang for gaudy, showy personal adornments or posessions designed for showing off.
BLINK Blink is old British slang for an alcoholic drink.
Blinker is British slang for a punch in the eye.
BLINKERS Blinkers is British slang for the eyes.
BLINKY Blinky is derogatory British slang for a one−eyed person. Blinky is American tramp slang for one with poor eyesight.
BLIP Blip is Black−American slang for anything strange
BLISSED−OUT Blissed−out is slang for ecstatic, euphoric.
BLISTER Blister is British slang for a painful punishment. Blister is British slang for an unpleasant person. Blister is New Zealand slang for a rebuke. Blister is British, Australian and New Zealand slang for a summons to court.
BLITZ Blitz is British slang for to break into a building in order to rob it.
BLITZ OUT Blitz out is British prison slang for to escape from confinement.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLITZED Blitzed is slang for very drunk, intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
BLIVET Blivet is computer slang for an intractable problem or a crucial piece of hardware that cant be fixed.
BLIZZARD Blizzard is slang for cocaine.
BLOAT Bloat is contemptuous slang for a worthless, dissipated person.
BLOATER Bloater is old British slang for a fat person. Bloater is British slang for something large and swollen.
BLOB Blob is British slang for a corpse, especially a road accident victim. Blob is British slang for an ulcer. Blob is British slang for a breast, testicle. Blob is cricket slang for a score of nought.
BLOB WAGON Blob wagon is British slang for ambulance.
BLOCK Block is British slang for the head. Block is British slang for the part of the prison that houses the punishment cells. Block was old British slang for a watch.
BLOCK AND TACKLE Block and tackle is London Cockney rhyming slang for handcuffs (shackles). Block and tackle was old London Cockney rhyming slang for fetters (shackles). Block and tackle was old Cockney slang for a watch and chain.
BLOCK IN Block in was British slang for to have sex with.
BLOCK IT Block it is British slang for to take illicit drugs.
BLOCK OF ICE Block of ice is London Cockney rhyming slang for dice. Block of ice is London Cockney rhyming slang for to cheat, swindle (shice).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLOCKED Blocked is slang for drunk, intoxicated by alcohol or drugs..
BLOCKHEAD Blockhead is British slang for a stupid person.
BLOKE Bloke is British slang for a man, boyfriend.
BLOKE−BIRD Bloke−bird is British slang for a masculine woman.
BLOKESS Blokess is British slang for a woman who behaves in a masculine manner.
BLOKEY Blokey is Australian slang for a male domain; male−orientated.
BLOKISH Blokish is British slang for rowdy female behaviour attempting to immitate rowdy masculine behaviour.
BLOOD Blood was late 19th century slang for a violent action magazine. Blood was 1930s and 1940s American slang for tomato ketchup. Blood was mid 20th century Black American slang for red wine. Blood was 19th century slang for a wallflower. Blood was 19th century slang for to deprive of money. Blood is Black American slang for a fellow black person. Blood is Australian slang for to cause to bleed. Blood is American slang for friend.
BLOOD ALLEY Blood alley is American slang for a place where a four−lane highway narrows to two lanes.
BLOOD AND SAND Blood and sand is slang for menstruation.
BLOOD BALL Blood ball was 19th century slang for an annual butcher's ball.
BLOOD BLISTER Blood blister is Australian rhyming slang for sister.
BLOOD BOX Blood box is American slang for an ambulance. 118
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLOOD BUCKET Blood bucket is American slang for a notoriously rough and rowdy bar.
BLOOD CLAAT Blood claat (blood cloth) is Jamaican slang for a sanitary towel. Blood claat (blood cloth) is Jamaican slang for a despicable, worthless, unpleasant person.
BLOOD CLOTH Blood cloth is slang for a sanitary towel.
BLOOD DONOR Blood donor is British slang for someone who performs fellatio.
BLOOD MEDICINE Blood medicine is American slang for alcohol.
BLOOD OR BEER Blood or beer was a 19th century slang street challenge.
BLOOD RED Blood red is London Cockney rhyming slang for fellatio (head).
BLOOD SPORTS Blood sports is slang for performing cunnilingus on a menstruating woman.
BLOOD WAGON Blood wagon is slang for an ambulance.
BLOOD−RED FANCY Blood−red fancy is slang for a bright red handkerchief.
BLOOD−WORM Blood−worm was 19th century slang for black pudding.
BLOODHOUND Bloodhound is slang for a policeman.
BLOODHOUSE Bloodhouse is Australian slang for a public house with an unsavoury reputation.
BLOODY Bloody is British slang for very.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLOODY BACK Bloody back was 18th century American slang for an English soldier (a redcoat).
BLOODY FLAG IS OUT Bloody flag is out was old slang for intoxicated, drunk.
BLOODY JEMMY Bloody Jemmy was 19th century slang for an uncooked sheep's head.
BLOODY MARY Bloody Mary is American slang for a menstruating woman.
BLOODY MONDAY Blooday Monday was old slang for the last day of the school term.
BLOOMER Bloomer is British slang for a mistake.
BLOOPER Blooper is American slang for a mistake.
BLOOTERED Blootered is Scottish slang for drunk, intoxicated.
BLOOTH Blooth is Dorset slang for blossom.
BLOT Blot is Australian slang for the anus.
BLOTTO Blotto is slang for being intoxicated or drunk.
BLOW Blow is slang for a strong wind. Blow is slang for an unofficial work break. Blow is slang for cannabis. Blow is slang for to spend money freely. Blow is slang for tobacco. Blow is slang for cocaine. Blow is slang for to fellate. Blow is slang for leave, go. Blow is slang for to lose. Blow is American slang for to vomit. Blow is American slang for masturbate. Blow is American slang for inhale a drug. Blow is American slang for to reach orgasm. Blow is jazz slang for to play in a jam session. 120
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Blow is Australian and New Zealand slang for to boast or brag. Blow is nursing slang for a vein to rupture when starting an intravenous procedure.
BLOW A FUSE Blow a fuse is slang for to lose one's temper.
BLOW A GASKET Blow a gasket is slang for to burst out in anger.
BLOW A GUT Blow a gut is Black−American slang for explode with laughter
BLOW AWAY Blow away is slang for to kill someone by shooting them; to defeat decisively.
BLOW BEETS Blow beets is American slang for to vomit
BLOW BILE Blow bile is American slang for to vomit
BLOW BOTH BARRELS Blow both barrels is British slang for to ejaculate.
BLOW BREAKFAST Blow breakfast is American slang for to vomit
BLOW BUBBLES Blow bubbles is British slang for to inform.
BLOW CHANGE Blow change is Black−American slang for to think, talk, write, or play music along the lines of revolutionary principles.
BLOW CHOW Blow chow is American slang for to vomit
BLOW CHOWDER Blow chowder is American slang for to vomit
BLOW CHUNKS Blow chunks is American slang for to vomit
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLOW COOKIES Blow cookies is American slang for to vomit
BLOW DIN−DIN Blow din−din is American slang for to vomit
BLOW DOUGHNUTS Blow doughnuts is American slang for to vomit
BLOW FIRE Blow fire is Black American slang for to do something well.
BLOW FOAM Blow foam is American slang for to vomit
BLOW GAGE Blow gage is Black−American slang for smoke pot
BLOW GROCERIES Blow groceries is American slang for to vomit
BLOW IT IN Blow it in is British slang for to abandon a project, to stop a project, to have a break.
BLOW JOB Blow job is slang for fellatio.
BLOW LUNCH Blow lunch is American slang for to vomit
BLOW OFF Blow off is British slang for to emit wind noisily from the anus.
BLOW ONE'S BEANS Blow one's beans is British slang for to ejaculate, to reach orgasm.
BLOW ONE'S BULKHEADS Blow one's bulkheads is British slang for to ejaculate.
BLOW ONE'S CORK Blow one's cork is British slang for to lose one's temper.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLOW ONE'S MIND Blow one's mind is slang for experience a sudden euphoria or disorientation.
BLOW ONE'S RADIATOR CAP Blow one's radiator cap is British slang for to lose one's temper.
BLOW ONE'S TOP Blow one's top is British slang for to lose one's remper.
BLOW ONE'S TUBES Blow one's tubes is British slang for to ejaculate.
BLOW ONES SOUL Blow ones soul is Black−American slang for to do creative work with passion and honesty
BLOW OUT Blow out is slang for cancel, fail. Blow out is slang for reject someone. Blow out is slang for to cancel. Blow out is slang for to over−eat.
BLOW OUT THE AFTERGLOW Blow out the afterglow is Black−American slang for to turn off the lights
BLOW SOMEONE'S MIND Blow someone's mind is slang for give someone a hallucinogenic drug. Blow someone's mind is slang for astound or overwhelm someone.
BLOW STREET Blow street is British slang for the anus.
BLOW STREET RUNNER Blow street runner is British slang for a wet emission of wind from the anus.
BLOW THE GAFF Blow the gaff is slang for to divulge a secret.
BLOW YOUR EATS Blow your eats is American slang for to vomit
BLOW YOUR MIND Blow your mind is slang for to have a psychedelic experience. Blow your mind is slang for to be astounded or surprised.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLOW−OUT Blow−out is slang for an occasion of over indulgence.
BLOWER Blower is slang for a braggart, or loud talker. Blower is British slang for a telephone. Blower is nursing slang for a mechanical respirator.
BLOWHARD Blowhard is British slang for a boaster.
BLOWHOLE Blowhole is slang for the anus. Blowhole is slang for the mouth. Blowhole is Australian slang for a talkative person.
BLOWIES Blowies is Australian slang for blowflies.
BLOWN AWAY Blown away is slang for killed. Blown away is slang for surprised, overwhelmed.
BLOWN OUT Blown out is slang for rejected. Blown out is American slang for tired, exhausted. Blown out is American slang for ruined, failed.
BLOWSE Blowse was old slang for a prostitute. Blowse was old slang for a slovenly, untidy woman.
Blowsed−up is British slang for under the influence of glue.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLOWSER Blowser is British slang for a glue sniffer. Blowser is slang for a slovenly, untidy woman.
BLOWSING Blowsing is British slang for glue−sniffing.
BLUB Blub is British slang for to cry, weep.
BLUBBER Blubber is British slang for fat, a fat person.
BLUBBER BAGS Blubber bags is British slang for large female breasts.
BLUBBER HEAD Blubber head is British slang for a fool.
BLUDGE Bludge is Australian slang for not doing anything or begging.
BLUDGER Bludger is Australian slang for a scrounger.
BLUE Blue is slang for Phenobarbital. Blue is slang for a policeman. Blue is Australian slang for a fight or argument.
BLUE AND GREY Blue and grey is London Cockney rhyming slang for day.
BLUE ANGEL Blue angel is American slang for a capsule or pill of the barbiturate Amytal.
BLUE BALLS Blue balls is slang for extreme male sexual frustration.
BLUE BAR Blue bar is Jamaican slang for a bar/brothel where strippers/prostitutes perform erotic dances and customers frequently get involved masturbating the performers and hire prostitutes for sex.
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BLUE BIRDS Blue Birds is slang for Phenobarbital.
BLUE BROADWAY Blue Broadway is Black−American slang for heaven
BLUE CHEER Blue cheer is American slang for acid (LSD).
BLUE FILM TO A MAN WITH NO ARMS Blue film to a man with no arms is British slang for anything useless.
BLUE FOOT Blue foot is British slang for a prostitute.
BLUE FUNK Blue funk is slang for a state of great terror or loss of nerve.
BLUE LADY Blue lady is American slang for a form of synthetic heroin.
BLUE MOON Blue moon is London Cockney rhyming slang for spoon.
BLUE OCEAN Blue ocean is South African slang for methylated spirits.
BLUE PETER Blue Peter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a heater.
BLUE PIGEON Blue pigeon was slang for a thief who specialises in stealing the lead from roofs. Blue pigeon was slang for small cut−offs of lead which were taken away from a job and sold as a perk by plumbers.
BLUE PIGEON FLYER Blue pigeon flyer was slang for a thief who stole the lead from the roofs of buildings while posing as a glazier, plumber or similar.
BLUE PIPE Blue pipe is slang for a vein.
BLUE PLUM Blue plum was slang for a bullet.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BLUE RIBBONER Blue ribboner was 19th century slang for a teetotaller.
BLUE ROOM Blue room is American slang for a punishment cell.
BLUE RUIN Blue ruin is British slang for cheap gin.
BLUE SLOP Blue slop is Dorset slang for a thin overall jacket.
BLUE VEIN Blue vein is British slang for an erect penis.
BLUE VEINER Blue veiner is British slang for an erect penis.
BLUE VELVET Blue velvet is American slang for a mixture of the drugs paregoric and pribenzamine used as in injection.
BLUEBERRY HILL Blueberry hill is London Cockney rhyming slang for the police (Bill).
BLUEBOTTLE Bluebottle is British slang for a policeman.
BLUENOSE Bluenose is American slang for a puritanical or prudish person. Bluenose is American slang for someone who considers them self superior. Bluenose is American slang for a sycophant.
BLUES Blues is slang for valium. Blues is slang for depression, feeling sad.
BLUES AND TWOS Blues and twos is British slang for the flashing lights and siren of an emergency vehicle.
BLUEY Bluey is British slang for a five pound note. Bluey is British slang for a pornographic film. Bluey is Australian slang for a red−headed man.
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BLUNT Blunt is slang for cannabis.
BO Bo is slang for cannabis.
BO PEEP Bo Peep is London Cockney rhyming slang for sleep.
BO−PEEP Bo−peep is London Cockney rhyming slang for sleep.
BOAK Boak is Scottish slang for to vomit.
BOARD AND EASEL Board and easel is London Cockney rhyming slang for diesel.
BOARD AND PLANK Board and plank is London Cockney rhyming slang for an American (yank).
BOARDS Boards is British slang for playing cards.
BOAT Boat is slang for phencyclidine. Boat is British slang for big shoes or boots.
BOAT AND OAR Boat and oar is London Cockney rhyming slang for a whore.
BOAT PERSON Boat person is British slang for an illegal immigrant.
BOAT RACE Boat race is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
BOAT−HOOK Boat−hook is London Cockney rhyming slang for a book.
BOB Bob was English slang for a shilling.
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BOB AND DICK Bob and Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for sick.
BOB AND HIT Bob and hit is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate, faeces (shit).
BOB AND WEAVE Bob and weave is London Cockney rhyming slang for to leave. Bob and weave is British slang for to avoid authority or responsibility by keeping moving.
BOB HOPE Bob Hope is British rhyming slang for dope (cannabis). Bob Hope is London Cockney rhyming slang for soap.
BOB HOWLER Bob Howler is British Midlands slang for a moth.
BOB MARLEY Bob Marley is London Cockney rhyming slang for cocaine (charlie).
BOB SQUASH Bob squash is London Cockney rhyming slang for wash.
BOB'S YOUR UNCLE Bob's your uncle is slang for everything is, or will, turn out all right.
BOB, HARRY AND DICK Bob, Harry and Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for sick.
BOBBING AND WEAVING Bobbing and weaving is London Cockney rhyming slang for breathing. Bobbing and weaving is British slang for getting along, getting by.
BOBBING FOR APPLES Bobbing for apples is nursing slang for unblocking a badly constipated patient with one's finger.
BOBBINS Bobbins is northern British slang for rubbish, nonsense, anything useless.
BOBBY Bobby is British slang for a policeman. Bobby (shortened from Bobby Moore) is British slang for twenty pounds sterling (score).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOBBY MOORE Bobby Moore is British rhyming slang for a door. Bobby Moore is British rhyming slang for twenty pounds sterling (score).
BOBBY SOXER Bobby soxer was mid 20th century American slang for a teenage girl.
BOBBYDAZZLER Bobbydazzler is British slang for something or someone impressive.
BOBO Bobo is slang for cannabis.
BOCHE Boche is British slang for a German. Boche is French slang for a rascal.
BOCK Bock is British slang for a jinx.
BOD Bod is slang for body. Bod is British slang for a tedious, intrusive or irritating person.
BODACIOUS Bodacious is slang for fearsome, enormous, impressive, feisty.
BODES DODGY Bodes dodgy is British slang for bad omens.
BODGE Bodge is British slang for to do a slapdash job.
BODGE−UP Bodge−up is British slang for a makeshift repair. Bodge−up is British slang for a mess or disaster.
BODGIE Bodgie is Australian slang for a male member of a particular youth cult.
BODGY Bodgy is British slang for inferior, malfunctioning, dysfunctional.
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BODY Body is slang for a person, especially a suspect, victim or person arrested by the police. Body is Dorset slang for a woman.
BODYSHOP Bodyshop is slang for an employment agency.
BOFF Boff is slang for to hit or punch. Boff is slang for to have sexual intercourse with. Boff is British slang for the buttocks. Boff is American slang for a successful joke. Boff is American slang for a hearty laugh.
Boffo is slang for very good; highly successful.
BOFFOLA Boffola is American slang for a very funny joke.
BOG Bog is British slang for a lavatory. Bog is British slang for to cheat at cards. Bog is British slang for a mess or disaster. Bog is Australian slang for the act or an instance of defecating.
BOG BLOCKER Bog blocker is British slang for something disgusting, repugnant, something that makes you feel sick.
BOG EYED Bog eyed is British slang for eyes that appear puffy from lack of sleep.
BOG OFF Bog off is British slang for go away!
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOG UP Bog up is British slang for make a mess, spoil.
BOG−BRUSH Bog−brush is a slang name for someone with spiky hair.
BOG−ROLL Bog−roll is British slang for toilet paper. Bog−roll is British slang for paperwork.
BOG−STANDARD Bog−standard is British slang for normal, unremarkable, unexceptional.
BOG−TROTTER Bog−trotter is derogatory slang for an Irish person.
BOGAN Bogan is Australian slang for a stupid and feeble person.
BOGART Bogart is slang for to monopolise a cigarette.
BOGEY Bogey is slang for mucous discharged from the nose Bogey is British slang for a jinx. Bogey is British slang for a detective; policeman. Bogey is slang for an enemy aircraft.
BOGEY TEAM Bogey team is British sports slang for a team which usually manages to win despite an apparent weakness.
BOGGER Bogger is British slang for a peeping Tom.
BOGON Bogon is American computer slang for an individual who is considered fake and says false things.
BOGOSITY Bogosity is American computer slang for the extent to which something is considered phoney, or bogus.
BOGUE Bogue is American slang for a period of drug withdrawal. Bogue is American slang for a cigarette.
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BOGULATE Bogulate is surfer slang for surfing without skill.
BOGUS Bogus is American slang for fake; no good.
BOGUS BEEF Bogus beef is Black−American slang for groundless complaint or chatter
BOHO Boho is slang for a scruffy, irresponsible person.
BOHUNK Bohunk is American and Canadian derogatory slang for a labourer from east or central Europe.
BOILED BEEF AND CARROT Boiled beef and carrot is London Cockney rhyming slang for blood (claret).
BOILED SWEET Boiled sweet is London Cockney rhyming slang for seat.
BOILER Boiler is British slang for a woman.
BOILER ROOM Boiler room is American slang for a room in which crooked salespeople use the telephone to sell securities (or other products, services, or commodities) that are hugely overpriced or over represented in value or potential for profit.
BOILERMAKER Boilermaker is British slang for a beer drink consisting half of draught mild and half of bottled brown ale. Boilermaker is American slang for a drink of whisky followed by a beer chaser.
BOILERPLATE Boilerplate is American slang for plain, ordinary.
BOINK Boink is American slang for to have sex with.
BOKE Boke is American slang for to vomit.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOKO Boko is British slang for the nose.
BOLD Bold is British slang for flamboyant, daring, fashionable.
BOLIC Bolic is slang for any anabolic steroid.
BOLINS Bolins is slang for any anabolic steroid.
BOLIVIAN Bolivian is slang for cocaine.
BOLL WEEVILS Boll Weevils is American political slang for conservative Southern Democrats.
BOLLITICS Bollitics is British slang for political correctness carried to absurdity.
BOLLIXED Bollixed is slang for ruined, messed up.
BOLLO Bollo is British slang for bollocks.
BOLLOCK Bollock is slang for a dance. Bollock is slang for severely chastise.
BOLLOCK BRAIN Bollock brain is British slang for a fool.
BOLLOCK BUSTER Bollock buster is British slang for a heavy weight to carry
BOLLOCK CHOPS Bollock chops is derogatory British slang for someone with a fat face.
BOLLOCK−HEAD Bollock−head is British slang for a shaved head.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOLLOCK−NAKED Bollock−naked is slang for completely nude.
BOLLOCKACHE Bollockache is British slang for a disagreeable situation.
BOLLOCKBAG Bollockbag is British slang for the scrotum.
BOLLOCKING Bollocking is slang for a severe telling−off; dressing−down.
BOLLOCKS Bollocks is slang for the testicles. Bollocks is slang for nonsense. Bollocks is a British slang argumentative retort.
BOLLOCKS IN BRACKETS Bollocks in brackets is British slang for a bow−legged man.
BOLLOCKS−UP Bollocks−up is British slang for a mistake.
BOLLOCKSED Bollocksed is British slang for broken, trouble, disfunctional.
BOLLOCKY Bollocky is a British slang term of abuse for a person. Bollocky is Australian slang for completely nude.
BOLO Bolo is American police slang for be on the lookout for.
BOLT Bolt is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug). Bolt is slang for to leave hurriedly, especially to leave a restaurant or shop without paying. Bolt is Dorset slang for to run to seed.
BOLT THE DOOR Bolt the door is London Cockney rhyming slang for a whore.
BOLTED−UP Bolted−up is British slang for falsely accused of a crime or convicted for a crime you didn't commit.
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BOMB Bomb is British slang for a large sum of money. Bomb is British slang for a major storm at sea. Bomb is British slang for to jump into water making a splash. Bomb is British slang for to travel at high speed. Bomb is Australian and New Zealand slang for an old or dilapidated motorcar. Bomb is American slang for to cover a wall with graffiti. Bomb is American football slang for a very long pass. Bomb is American computer slang for to fail miserably. Bomb is street slang for best.
BOMB THROWER Bomb thrower is political slang for an individual unwilling to compromise on an issue, or who disturbs the lawmaking process with unrelenting vocal opposition; the political equivalent of a spoilsport.
Bombadier is British slang for a potato.
BOMBAY ROLL Bombay roll is British slang for stimulation of the penis by rubbing it between a woman's breasts.
BOMBED Bombed is slang for under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
BOMBER Bomber is slang for an illicit drug in pill form. Bomber is slang for a large cannabis cigarette. Bomber is slang for a graffiti artist. Bomber is Black−American slang for a thick reefer. Bomber is naval slang for a Polaris submarine.
BOMBHEAD Bombhead is British slang for someone with a large head.
BOMBIDO Bombido is slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOMBITA Bombita is American slang for a does of amphetamine sulphate.
BOMP ON Bomp was British docker slang for registering at the Dock Labour Board office.
BONA Bona is British slang for excellent, fine. Bona is Polari slang for good.
BONA NOCHI Bona nochi is Polari slang for good night.
BONCE Bonce is British slang for the head.
BONCE PONCE Bonce ponce is British slang for a parasite that lives in the hair.
BONE Bone is slang for to steal or to take possession of. Bone is slang for a die. Bone is slang for a domino. Bone is slang for work hard; a studious student. Bone is slang for a fool, an idiot. Bone is slang for an erect penis. Bone is slang for a thin man. Bone is slang for a mixed−race person, particularly an Anglo−Irish−Black person. Bone is slang for something irritating or annoying. Bone is slang for arrest, capture, seize. Bone is slang for to interrogate. Bone is slang for to betray, to inform on. Bone is slang for to beg for. Bone is slang for to nag or pester. Bone is slang for to look for and find something. Bone is slang for to victimise, to treat unfairly. Bone is slang for to have sexual intercourse. Bone is slang for good. Bone is Australian slang for to jinx, to bring bad luck to. Bone is American slang for a gambling chip. Bone is American slang for one dollar. Bone is American slang for a bribe. Bone is American slang for a cannabis cigarette. Bone is American slang for to drive fast. Bone is Black American slang for a woman. Bone is Black American slang for a cigarette of crack cocaine and tobacco mixed. Bone is Black American slang for a fifty−dollar piece of crack cocaine. Bone is Black American slang for completely, thoroughly.
BONE BOX Bone box is slang for the mouth. Bone box is British slang for a coffin. Bone box is American slang for a hearse. 137
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Bone box is American slang for an ambulance.
BONE FACTORY Bone factory is slang for hospital.
BONE OFF Bone off is British slang for masturbate.
BONE ORCHARD Bone orchard is American tramp slang for graveyard
BONE SHAKER Bone shaker is British slang for a bumpy form of conveyance.
BONE−ACHE Bone−ache is British slang for aches and pains. Bone−ache was 17th century slang for venereal disease.
BONE−BASTER Bone−baster was 17th century slang for a cudgel.
BONEHEAD Bonehead is slang for a stupid or obstinate person.
BONER Boner is slang for a blunder, mistake. Boner is slang for an erection.
BONES Bones is slang for dice. Bones is slang for a ship's surgeon.
BONESHAKER Boneshaker is slang for a decrepit or rickety vehicle.
BONEYARD Boneyard is slang for a cemetery.
BONG Bong is slang for a type of water−pipe with a carburetion hole used for smoking cannabis. Bong is slang for to smoke cannabis with a water−pipe.
BONGO'D Bongo'd is British slang for intoxicated by an illicit drug.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BONITA Bonita is slang for heroin.
BONK Bonk is British slang for to have sex. Bonk is British slang for the penis.
BONKERS Bonkers is British slang for mad; crazy.
BONNIE AND CLYDE Bonnie and Clyde is London Cockney rhyming slang for imitation goods (snide).
BONNIE DUNDEE Bonnie Dundee is London Cockney rhyming slang for a flea.
BONUS Bonus is British slang for a bribe.
BONZER Bonzer is Australian and New Zealand slang for excellent; very good.
BOO Boo is Black−American slang for a derivative of jabooby, marijuana, so called because it sometimes induces anxiety or fear.
BOO AND HISS Boo and hiss is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (piss).
BOO BOO BAMA Boo Boo Bama is slang for cannabis.
BOO KOOS Boo koos is Black−American slang for a large quantity of anything
BOO−BOO Boo−boo is slang for a mistake, error.
BOOB Boob is slang for a female breast. Boob is British slang for a mistake or error.
BOOB TUBE Boob tube is slang for a close−fitting strapless top, worn by women. Boob tube is Australian slang for a strapless, boneless, shapeless brassiere made of a stretch fabric. 139
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Boob tube is American and Canadian slang for a television receiver.
BOOBS Boobs is slang for breasts.
BOOBY Booby is slang for a foolish or ignorant person.
BOOBY HATCH Booby hatch is American slang for a mental hospital.
BOODLE Boodle is slang for money or valuables, especially when stolen, counterfeit, or used as a bribe.
BOOFHEAD Boofhead is Australian slang for a stupid person; a person or animal with a large head.
BOOGER Booger is American slang for nasal mucus.
BOOGIE Boogie is slang for to dance to pop music. Boogie is nursing slang for a tumour.
BOOGIE BOX Boogie box is slang for a portable cassette player, or stereo.
BOOLHIPPER Boolhipper is Black−American slang for black leather coat
BOOLIE Boolie is British slang for an enema.
BOOM Boom is American slang for a car music system. Boom is slang for a party.
BOOM AND MIZEN Boom and mizen is London Cockney rhyming slang for prison.
BOOMER Boomer is Australian slang for a very large kangaroo.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOONDOCKS Boondocks is American slang for a rural community, somewhere out of the way.
BOONG Boong is derogatory Australian slang for a coloured person.
Boopsy is Jamaican slang for a man who provides for a woman and receives nothing in return.
BOOST Boost is American slang for to steal.
BOOSTER Booster is American slang for a shoplifter.
BOOT Boot is Black−American slang for to explain. Boot is American slang for a navy or marine recruit, especially one in training. Boot is American slang for to vomit.
BOOT CAMP Boot camp is American slang for to vomit. Boot camp is American slang for a basic training camp for new recruits to the US Navy or Marine Corps.
BOOT TREES Boot trees is British slang for the feet.
BOOT−SNITCH Boot−snitch is Black−American slang for information
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOOTED Booted is American slang for expelled.
BOOTED ON Booted on is Black−American slang for to be hip
BOOTFACE Bootface is British slang for a miserable face.
BOOTIE Bootie is British slang for a Royal Marine.
BOOTLACE Bootlace is London Cockney rhyming slang for a suitcase.
BOOTLE OF BOOZE Bottle of booze is London Cockney rhyming slang for news. Bottle of booze is London Cockney rhyming slang for betting odds of 2/1 (twos).
BOOTLICKER Bootlicker is slang for a toady, an obsequious person.
BOOTNOSE Bootnose is slang for some one with a broken or mishapen nose.
BOOTS Boots is British slang for tyres.
BOOTSIE AND SNUDGE Bootsie and Snudge was 1960's London Cockney rhyming slang for a judge.
BOOTY Booty is American slang for a woman viewed as a sex object. Booty is American slang for the vagina. Booty is American slang for the buttocks. Booty is Jamaican slang for weak, inferior, second−rate. Booty is Jamaican slang for gullible. Booty was 17th century slang for to cheat.
BOOTY−BANDIT Booty−bandit is American slang for a sodomist. Booty−bandit is American slang for a male homosexual.
BOOTYLICIOUS Bootylicious is American slang for sexually attractive.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOOZE Booze is slang for alcohol. Booze is slang for to drink alcohol.
BOOZE−UP Booze−up is slang for a drinking bout or party.
BOOZED Boozed is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
BOOZER Boozer is British slang for a public house or bar. Boozer is British slang for a drunkard, an alcoholic.
BOP Bop is slang for to dance. Bop is slang for a dance. Bop is slang for move in a fast, but relaxed manner. Bop is slang for hit, punch. Bop is slang for a fast form of jazz.
BOPPER Bopper is American slang for a musician, dancer or devotee of bop.
BOPPERS Boppers is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
BORACIC LINT Boracic lint is London Cockney rhyming slang for skint (broke, without money).
BORAK Borak is Australian and New Zealand slang for rubbish; nonsense.
BORDEAUX Bordeaux is nursing slang for blood in the urine.
BORED OUT OF ONE'S SKULL Bored out of one's skull is slang for extremely bored.
BORN AGAIN VIRGIN Born again virgin is British slang for someone who hasn't had sex for a long time.
BORON Boron is British slang for a bore who knows everything about nothing.
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BORROW AND BEG Borrow and beg is London Cockney rhyming slang for an egg.
BORSTAL Borstal is old English slang for a steep and narrow path up a hill in which one could hide.
BOSS Boss is slang for excellent; fine.
BOSS−EYED Boss−eyed is British slang for awry.
BOT Bot is Australian slang for irritate. Bot is British slang for bottom.
BOTANY BAY Botany Bay is London Cockney rhyming slang for bed (hay). Botany Bay is London Cockney rhyming slang for to run away, abscond,
BOTHER Bother is British slang for trouble, violence, aggression.
BOTHERATION Botheration is slang for a minor annoyance or irritation.
BOTHERMENTS Botherments is British slang for problems, ailments.
BOTTLE Bottle is slang for to injure by thrusting a broken bottle into a person. Bottle is British slang for courage or nerve. Bottle is British slang for money collected by street entertainers or buskers. Bottle is busker slang for to collect money from the bystanders. Bottle is betting slang for odds of 2/1.
BOTTLE AND GLASS Bottle and glass is London Cockney rhyming slang for the buttocks (arse).
BOTTLE AND STOPPER Bottle and stopper is London Cockney rhyming slang for a police officer (copper).
BOTTLE BLONDE Bottle blonde is slang for someone with dyed blonde hair.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOTTLE OF BEER Bottle of beer is London Cockney rhyming slang for ear.
BOTTLE OF DRINK Bottle of drink is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad smell (stink).
BOTTLE OF FIZZ Bottle of fizz is London Cockney rhyming slang for to pick someone's pocket (whizz).
BOTTLE OF KOLA Bottle of kola is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bowler hat.
BOTTLE OF MILK Bottle of milk is British slang for a very white−looking person, someone with no sun tan.
BOTTLE OF POP Bottle of pop is London Cockney rhyming slang for an Italian (wop).
BOTTLE OF SAUCE Bottle of sauce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cart horse.
BOTTLE OF SCENT Bottle of scent is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (bent).
BOTTLE OF SCOTCH Bottle of scotch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a watch.
BOTTLE OF SPRUCE Bottle of spruce is London Cockney rhyming slang for two pounds sterling (deuce). Bottle of spruce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a deuce. Bottle of spruce is London Cockney rhyming slang for betting odds of 2/1. Bottle of spruce was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a tuppence.
BOTTLE OF WATER Bottle of water is London Cockney rhyming slang for daughter. Bottle of water is London Cockney rhyming slang for a quarter of an once of drugs.
BOTTLE OF WINE Bottle of wine is London Cockney rhyming slang for a court fine.
BOTTLE OPENER Bottle opener is British slang for a laxative.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOTTLE OUT Bottle out is British slang for to lose one's nerve.
BOTTLE RETURN Bottle return is nursing slang for removing a bottle stuck by vacuum suction in the anal canal, usually of a gay man.
BOTTLE TOP Bottle top is London Cockney rhyming slang for a police officer (cop). Bottle top is is London Cockney rhyming slang for to catch or take hold of (cop).
BOTTLE UP AND GO Bottle up and go is Black−American slang for to leave.
BOTTLED Bottled is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
BOTTLED PROMISE Bottled promise is British slang for a promise given under the influence of drink, and likely to be broken when sober.
BOTTLES OF BOOZE Bottles of booze is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoes.
BOTTOM BURP Bottom burp is British slang for to expel wind from the anus.
BOTTOM OF A BIRDCAGE Bottom of a birdcage is British slang for very dry.
BOTTY BOY Botty Boy (pronounced batty boy) is Jamaican slang for a homosexual.
BOULDER BONCE Boulder bonce is British slang for a bald headed person.
BOUNCE Bounce is slang for resilience. Bounce is slang for to cheat or to con. Bounce is computer slang for an undeliverable email being returned to the sender. Bounce is British slang for to force a person to leave a place or job; throw out; eject. Bounce is banking slang for to send a cheque back unredeemed because of a lack of funds in the drawer's account.
BOUNCE−UP Bounce−up was British slang in the 1960s for a fight or brawl.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOUNCED Bounced is slang for to be dismissed from employment, rejected, expelled.
BOUNCER Bouncer is slang for a man employed at a club, pub, disco, etc., to throw out drunks or troublemakers and stop those considered undesirable from entering. Bouncer is banking slang for a dishonoured cheque.
BOUNCERS Bouncers is slang for large female breasts.
BOUNCY−BOUNCY Bouncy−bouncy is slang for sex.
BOUNDER Bounder is old British slang for a morally reprehensible person; a cad.
BOUNDING Bounding was old British slang for behaving with unacceptable effrontery or showiness.
BOUNTY BAR Bounty bar is slang for a black person who behaves like and collaborates with white society.
BOVVER Bovver is British slang for rowdiness, especially that caused by gangs of teenage youths.
BOVVER BOOTS Bovver boots is British slang for heavy boots worn by some teenage youths in Britain, and used in gang fights.
BOVVER−BOY Bovver−boy is slang for a youth, particularly a skinhead, who enjoys fighting, conflict, and is always provoking trouble.
BOW AND ARROW Bow and arrow is London Cockney rhyming slang for a barrow. Bow and arrow is London Cockney rhyming slang for sparrow.
BOW AND QUIVER Bow and quiver is London Cockney rhyming slang for liver, liverish, irritable.
BOW DOWN BEFORE THE PORCELAIN GOD Bow down before the porcelain god is American slang for to vomit.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BOW LOCKS Bow locks is British slang for nonsense, rubbish.
BOW−WOW Bow−wow is slang for an unattractive woman. Bow−wow is slang for a dog. Bow−wow is slang for anything inferior, unappealing.
BOWL Bowl is British slang for walk, gait.
BOWL A WIDE Bowl a wide is British slang for to make a mistake.
BOWLER HAT Bowler Hat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a rat.
BOWSER Bowser is British slang for an unattractive woman.
BOX Box is slang for the anus. Box is slang for the male genitals. Box is slang for a coffin. Box is slang for a safe. Box is slang for a guitar. Box is American slang for a portable cassette/radio player. Box is Australian slang for the female genitals.
BOX OF BIRDS Box of birds is British slang for a state of elation, happiness.
BOX OF TOYS Box of toys is London Cockney rhyming slang for noise.
BOX OF TRICKS Box of tricks is London Cockney rhyming slang for the cinema (flicks).
BOX THE FOX Box the fox is Irish slang for to rob an orchard.
BOXED Boxed is Black−American slang for overcome by narcotics or liquor
BOY Boy is slang for heroin. 148
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BOY AND GIR; Boy and girl is London Cockney rhyming slang for a key (twirl).
BOY IN THE BOAT Boy in the boat is slang for the clitoris. Boy in the boat was 19th century slang for the navel.
BOY RACER Boy racer is British slang for an irresponsible young, male, car driver who drives fast and dangerously trying to impress.
BOY SCOUT Boy scout is London Cockney rhyming slang for turn to pay for a round of drinks (shout).
BOY SCOUT WITH AGOROPHOBIA Boy scout with agorophibia is British slang for something useless.
BOY SCOUTS Boy scouts is London Cockney rhyming slang for Brussels sprouts.
BOYS IN BLUE Boys in blue is London Cockney rhyming slang for a state of agitation (stew).
BOYSIE Boysie is British slang term of address for a man. Boysie is slang for a kiss on the cheek.
BOYSTOWN Boystown is slang for the male homosexual scene.
BOZO Bozo is slang for heroin. Bozo is American slang for a fool.
BRACE Brace is American slang for accost.
BRACE OF HORNED CORNS Brace of horned corns is Black−American slang for aching feet
BRACELETS Bracelets is slang for handcuffs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BRACES AND BITS Braces and bits is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (tits).
BRACK Brack is American slang for to vomit
BRACKERS Brackers is British slang for without money, penniless.
BRACKET Bracket is British slang for the nose and mouth.
BRAD PITT Brad Pitt is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (shit).
BRADBURY Bradbury was Dorset slang for a one pound note.
BRADFORD CITY Bradford city is London Cockney rhyming slang for a female breats (titty).
BRADFORDS Bradfords (shortened from Bradford city) is London Cockney rhyming slang for female breasts.
BRADS Brads was 19th century British slang for money.
BRADY Brady is Black American slang for a young, suburban, white, middle−class person.
BRAHMA Brahma is British slang for an attractive girl or girlfriend. Brahma is British slang for money, wealth. Brahma is British slang for good.
BRAHMS AND LISZT Brahms and Liszt is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk (pissed).
BRAIN Brian is slang for to hit hard on the head.
BRAIN DAMAGE Brain damage is British slang for a violent lunatic.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BRAIN FAILURE Brain failure is British slang for forgetfullness, mental deficiency.
BRAIN TABLET Brain tablet was 1930's American slang for a cigarette.
BRAINBOX Brainbox is slang for the skull. Brainbox is slang for a clever person.
BRAINS Brains is British criminal slang for the CID. Brains is British slang for an idiot.
BRAINSTEM Brainstem is American slang for an eccentric person.
BRAINSTORM Brainstorm is slang for sudden inspiration, a sudden idea.
BRAINWAVE Brainwave is slang for sudden inspiration, a sudden idea.
BRANDS HATCH Brands Hatch is London Cockney rhyming slang for scratch.
BRANDY AND FASHODA Brandy and Fashoda was late 19th century British slang for brandy and soda.
BRASS Brass (shortened from brass nail) is slang for a prostitute. Brass is British slang for money. Brass is British slang for penniless.
BRASS BAND Brass band is London Cockney rhyming slang for hand.
BRASS HAT Brass hat is British slang for a senior officer in the armed forces or police.
BRASS MONKEYS Brass monkeys is slang for very cold weather.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BRASS NAIL Brass nail is rhyming slang for a tail. Brass nail is rhyming slang for a prostitute.
BRASS NECK Brass neck is British slang for intensely cheeky.
BRASS TACKS Brass tacks is London Cockney rhyming slang for facts.
BRASSED OFF Brassed off is British slang for fed up; disgruntled.
BRASSICK Brassick is British slang for penniless.
BRASSWORK Brasswork is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
BRASSY Brassy is British slang for an ostentatious, loud woman.
BRAT Brat is British slang for a badly behaved child.
BRATTERY Brattery is British slang for a nursery, a creche, a school.
Brave and bold is London Cockney rhyming slang for cold, freezing.
BRAVEHEART Braveheart is British slang for a Scotsman.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BRAWL Brawl is American and Canadian slang for an uproarious party.
BREA Brea is slang for heroin.
BREAD Bread is slang for money. Bread was 17th century British slang for employment.
BREAD AND BUTTER Bread and butter is London Cockney rhyming slang for gutter. Bread and butter is London Cockney rhyming slang for nutter. Bread and butter is London Cockney rhyming slang for putter. Bread and butter is London Cockney rhyming slang for shutter. Bread and butter is London Cockney rhyming slang for stutter.
BREAD AND CHEESE Bread and cheese is London Cockney rhyming slang for sneeze.
BREAD AND HONEY Bread and honey is London Cockney rhyming slang for money.
BREAD AND JAM Bread and jam is London Cockney rhyming slang for pram. Bread and jam was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a tram.
BREAD AND LARD Bread and lard is London Cockney rhyming slang for hard.
BREAD AND SCRAPE Bread and scarpe is British slang for a piece of bread with a thin scraping of butter.
BREAD HOOKS Bread hooks is slang for the hands or fingers.
BREAD KNIFE Bread knife is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
BREADBASKET Breadbasket is slang for the stomach.
BREADCRUMBS Breadcumbs is London Cockney rhyming slang for the gums.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BREADHEAD Breadhead is slang for a person motivated by money.
BREADSPREAD Breadspread is British slang for any kind of fat that can be spread on bread, such as butter or margarine.
BREAK ONE'S DUCK Break one's duck is British slang for to lose one's virginity (said of a man).
BREAK SHINS Break shins is old slang for borrow money.
BREAK UP Break up is slang for to be, or cause to be, overcome with laughter.
BREAKING LUCK Breaking luck is Black−American slang for the first trick of the evening for a prostitute
BREAKNECK SPEED Breakneck speed is British slang for very fast.
BREATH Breath is American slang for onions.
BREEZE UP Breeze up is Black−American slang for the utmost
BREKKERS Brekkers is British slang for breakfast.
BREKKY Brekky is British slang for breakfast.
BREMBLE Bremble is Dorset slang for bramble.
BRENDA FRICKERS Brenda Frickers is British rhyming slang for knickers.
BREW Brew is British slang for tea. Brew is American slang for beer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BREWER'S BUNG Brewer's bung is London Cockney rhyming slang for the tongue.
BREWER'S DROOP Brewer's droop is slang for temporary impotence caused by excessive alcohol consumption.
BREWSKI Brewski is American slang for beer.
BRIAN Brian is British slang for a boaring, vacuous person.
BRIAN O'LINN Brian O'Linn is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
BRICK Brick is slang for a good fellow or a merry person. Brick is British slang for to castrate.
BRICK IN ONE'S HAT To have a brick in one's hat is slang for to be drunk.
BRICK IT Brick it is British slang for a smash and grab robbery. Brick it is British slang for be scared.
BRICKED Bricked is British slang for castrated.
BRICKING IT Bricking it is British slang for be scared.
BRICKS AND MORTAR Bricks and mortar is London Cockney rhyming slang for daughter.
BRIDE AND GROOM Bride and groom is London Cockney rhyming slang for broom. Bride and groom is London Cockney rhyming slang for a room.
BRIDGE Bridge is American slang for a quantity of four.
BRIDGER Bridger is British slang for constipation. 155
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BRIDGET JONESES Bridget Joneses is British slang for large women's knickers.
BRIDGETS Bridgets is British slang for large women's knickers.
BRIEF Brief is British slang for a lawyer, especially a barrister. Brief is British slang for a passport. Brief is British slang for a pawnbroker's ticket. Brief is British slang for a driving licence. Brief is British slang for a membership card. Brief is British slang for a cheque. Brief is British police slang for a search warrant.
BRIG Brig is British slang for a prison.
BRIG'S REST Brig's rest is London Cockney rhyming slang for vest.
BRIGHT AND BREEZY Bright and breezy is London Cockney rhyming slang for easy.
BRIGHT AND FRISKY Bright and frisky is London Cockney rhyming slang for whisky.
BRIGHTON Brighton (shortened from bright and frisky) is London Cockney rhyming slang for whisky.
BRIGHTON LINE Brighton line is bingo slang for the number fifty−nine. Brighton line is bingo slang for the number nine.
BRIGHTON PIER Brighton pier is London Cockney rhyming slang for queer. Brighton pier is London Cockney rhyming slang for disappear.
BRIGHTON ROCK Brighton rock is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (cock). Brighton rock is London Cockney rhyming slang for the dock of a court.
BRILL Brill is British slang for wonderful, exciting, brilliant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BRING DOWN Bring down is slang for to cause to be elated and then suddenly depressed, as from using drugs.
BRING IT UP FOR A VOTE Bring it up for a vote is American slang for to vomit.
BRINGDOWN Bringdown is British slang for a disappointment.
BRINNY Brinny is Australian slang for a stone, especially when thrown.
BRINY Briny is slang for the sea.
BRISTLES Bristles is British slang for a moustache.
BRISTOL CITIES Bristol cities is London Cockney rhyming slang for titties (breasts).
BRISTOLS Bristols (from Bristol Cities) is slang for women's breasts.
BRIT Brit is slang for a British person.
BRITISH RAIL British Rail is London Cockney rhyming slang for stale.
BRITNEY SPEARS Britney Spears is rhyming slang for beers.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Brixton briefcase is British slang for a portable radio/cassette player.
BRIXTON RIOT Brixton riot is London Cockney rhyming slang for diet.
BRO Bro is American slang for brother.
BROAD Broad is slang for a girl, woman or prostitute.
BROADS Broads is British slang for playing cards. Broads is British slang for credit cards.
BROCCOLO Broccolo is Dorset slang for cauliflower.
BROJA Broja is slang for heroin.
BROKEN HEART Broken heart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
BROKEN WRISTED Broken wristed is British slang for a male homosexual.
BROMIDE Bromide is slang for a person who is conventional and commonplace in his habits of thought and conversation.
BROMIDIOM Bromidiom is slang for a conventional comment or saying, such as those characteristic of bromides.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BROMLEY−BY−BOW Bromley−by−Bow is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (dough). Bromley−by−Bow is London Cockney rhyming slang for toe.
BRONCO LAYNE Bronco Layne is London Cockney rhyming slang for pain.
BRONK Bronk is British slang for an erection of the penis.
BRONX CHEER Bronx cheer is American slang for a noise imitating anal wind, made with the lips and tongue.
BRONZE Bronze is British slang for non−silver coins.
BRONZE EYE Bronze eye is British slang for the anus.
BRONZE FIGURE Bronze figure is London Cockney rhyming slang for kipper.
BROOKLYN MATING CALL Brooklyn mating call is American slang for to vomit.
BROOM Broom is Black−American slang for to walk or run
BROOM OFF Broom off is British slang for to get rid of something.
BROOM TO THE SLAMMER THAT FRONTS THE DRAPE CRIB Broom to the slammer that fronts the drape crib is Black−American slang for to go to the clothes closet (wardrobe).
BROOM−BROOM Broom−broom is slang for a car.
BROOMHED Broomhead is slang for a stupid person.
BROTHEL CREEPERS Brothel creepers is British slang for shoes with thick crepe soles. 159
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BROTHEL STOMPERS Brothel Stompers is American slang for shoes with thick crepe soles.
BROTHER AND SISTER Brother and sister is London Cockney rhyming slang for a blister.
BROTHER BUNG Brother bung is London Cockney rhyming slang for the tongue.
BROTHER OF THE BADGE Brother of the badge is London slang for a London taxi driver.
BROWN Brown is British slang for non−silver coins. Brown is British slang for the anus. Brown is British slang for excrement. Brown is slang for heroin.
Brown and mild is London Cockney rhyming slang for wild, very angry.
BROWN BESS Brown Bess is London Cockney rhyming slang for yes.
BROWN BOTTLE Brown Bottle is slang for beer.
BROWN BREAD Brown bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BROWN EYE Brown eye is slang for the anus.
BROWN FOOD Brown food is British slang for bitter, beer, ale.
BROWN HAT Brown hat is London Cockney rhyming slang for cat.
BROWN HATTER Brown hatter is derogatory slang for a male homosexual.
BROWN JOE Brown Joe is London Cockney rhyming slang for no.
BROWN PAPER Brown paper is London Cockney rhyming slang for caper.
BROWN STUFF Brown stuff is British slang for excrement.
BROWN SUGAR Brown sugar is slang for an attractive Black woman. Brown Sugar is slang for heroin.
BROWN TONGUE Brown tongue is British slang for to toady, be obsequitious.
BROWN TROUSERS Brown trousers is British slang for very frightening.
BROWN WINDSOR Bown Windsor is British slang for the anus.
BROWN WINK Brown wink is British slang for a male homosexual.
BROWN−NOSE Brown−nose is slang for to be abjectly subservient to; curry favour with. An abjectly subservient person; a sycophant.
BROWNED OFF Browned off is British slang for bored, disgusted, or angry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BROWNIE Brownie is British slang for a drink of whiskey. Brownie is British slang for a male homosexual.
BROWNIE POINTS Brownie points is slang for credit for good deeds.
BROWNIE−HOUND Brownie−hound is slang for a male homosexual.
BRUCE FOSYTHE Bruce Forsythe is London Cockney rhyming slang for knife.
BRUCE LEE'S Bruce Lee's is slang for erect nipples.
BRUM Brum is British slang for Birmingham.
BRUMMAGEM Brummagem is British slang for Birmingham. Brummagem is slang for counterfeit or gaudy but worthless or a sham.
BRUMMAGEM SCREWDRIVER Brummagem screwdriver is British slang for a hammer.
BRUMMIE Brummie is British slang for a person from Birmingham. Brummie is British slang for the dialect spoken in Birmingham.
BRUNO Bruno is American slang for Brown University.
BRUSH Brush is Australian slang for a woman. Brush is British slang for pubic hair. Brush is British slang for sexual activity.
BRUSH OFF Brush off is slang for to dismiss and ignore a person, especially curtly.
BRUSHET Brushet is Dorset slang for brushwood, scrub.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BRUSSELS SPROUT Brussels sprout is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tout.
BRUSSELS SPROUTS Brussels sprouts is London Cockney rhyming slang for scouts.
BRYAN FERRY Bryan ferry is London Cockney rhyming slang for sherry.
BRYANT AND MAY Bryant and May is British slang for light ale.
BRYANT AND MAYS Bryant and Mays is London Cockney rhyming slang for stays (corsets).
BUB Bub is Australian and New Zealand slang for a baby.
BUBBIES Bubbies is slang for breasts.
BUBBLE Bubble is British slang for a bogus company. Bubble is British slang for for to con, to swindle. Bubble is British slang for a simpleton. Bubble is British slang for to inform.
BUBBLE AND BLISTER Bubble and blister is London Cockney rhyming slang for sister.
BUBBLE AND SQUEAK Bubble and squeak is London Cockney rhyming slang for beak (a magistrate). Bubble and squeak is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Greek. Bubble and squeak is London Cockney rhyming slang for speak. Bubble and squeak is London Cockney rhyming slang for weak. Bubble and squeak is London Cockney rhyming slang for a week. Bubble and squeak is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (leak).
BUBBLE BATH Bubble bath is London Cockney rhyming slang for laugh, joke.
BUBBLE DANCING Bubble dancing is Black−American slang for washing dishes.
BUBBLE GUM Bubble gum is London Cockney rhyming slang for the buttocks (bum). 163
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUBBLE UP Bubble up is British slang for to inform.
BUBBLEBRAIN Bubblebrain is British slang for a simpleton.
BUBBLED Bubbled is British slang for informed upon.
BUBBLED UP Bubbled up is British slang for informed upon.
BUBBLEGUM Bubblegum is slang for crassly commercial pop music aimed at the very young.
BUBBLES Bubbles is British slang for female breasts.
BUBBLY Bubbly is slang for fizzy sparkling wine and Champagne.
BUBS Bubs was old slang for breasts.
BUCCANEER Buccaneer is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual (queer).
BUCK Buck is American derogatory slang for a young male Indian or Negro. Buck is American, Canadian and Australian slang for a dollar. Buck is British slang for sexual intercourse. Buck is slang for a young male member of a street gang.
BUCK AND DOE Buck and doe is London Cockney rhyming slang for snow.
BUCK HOUSE Buck house is British slang for Buckingham Palace.
BUCKET Bucket is slang for to move quickly. Bucket is British slang for a ship or boat. Bucket is British slang for an old car. Bucket is British slang for raining heavily. Bucket is British slang for a lavatory. Bucket is Black−American slang for a car. 164
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUCKET AFLOAT Bucket afloat is old London Cockney rhyming slang for a coat.
BUCKET AND PAIL Bucket and pail is London Cockney rhyming slang for jail.
BUCKET AND SPADE Bucket and spade is London Cockney rhyming slang for a maid − barmaid or spinster.
BUCKET AND WELL Bucket and well is old London Cockney rhyming slang for hell.
BUCKET OF COLD MUD Bucket of cold mud is American slang for chocolate ice cream.
BUCKET OF HAIL Bucket of hail is American slang for a glass of ice.
BUCKET OF SAND Bucket of sand is London Cockney rhyming slang for one thousand pounds sterling (grand).
BUCKET SHOP Bucket shop is American slang for an office or a place where facilities are given for betting small sums on current prices of stocks, petroleum, etc. Bucket shop is English slang for a place where cheap airline seats are sold.
BUCKETING Bucketing is Australian slang for to criticize severely.
BUCKLE MY SHOE Buckle my shoe is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew. Buckle my show is bingo slang for two.
BUCKLEY'S CHANCE Buckley's chance is Australian and New Zealand slang for no chance at all.
BUCKS HUSSAR Bucks hussar was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a cigar.
BUCKSHEE Buckshee is British slang for without charge; free.
BUDDHA Buddha is slang for cannabis. 165
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BUDDHA STICKS Buddha sticks is slang for cannabis.
BUDDY Buddy is American slang for a male friend.
BUDDY HOLLY Buddy Holly is London Cockney rhyming slang for volley. Buddy Holly is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pickled cucumber (wally), a fool (wally).
BUDGIE Budgie is British slang for a talkative person.
BUFF Buff is slang for an enthusiast, expert or aficionado. Buff is slang for muscular, healthy, attractive. Buff is slang for naked. Buff is slang for to swear, to testify. Buff is drugs slang for money. Buff is Irish slang for a self−important person. Buff was old slang for a man, a person.
BUFFALOED Buffaloed is American slang for bullied, cowed, overwhelmed. Buffaloed is American slang for knocked out.
BUFFOON Buffoon is British slang for a stupid person.
BUG Bug is slang for an insect. Bug is slang for a covert listening device. Bug is slang for a virus or infection. Bug is American slang for to irritate or annoy. Bug is computer slang for an unwanted and unintended property of a program or piece of hardware, especially one that causes it to malfunction.
BUG AND FLEA Bug and flea is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
BUG HOUSE Bug house is American slang for a mental hospital.
BUG OUT Bug out is slang for to depart hurriedly; run away; retreat.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUG PATH Bug path is British slang for a parting of the hair.
BUG RAKE Bug rake is British slang for a comb.
BUG RUN Bug run is British slang for a parting of the hair.
BUG WALK Bug walk is British slang for a parting of the hair.
BUG−A−LUG Bug−a−lug is Dorset slang for a scarecrow. Bug−a−lug is Dorset slang for a very untidy looking person.
BUG−FUCKER Bug−fucker is American slang for a man with a very small penis.
BUG−SMASHER Bug−smasher is American slang for a light aircraft, often used derisively by jet pilots.
BUGGED Bugged is slang for angry, irritated. Bugged is slang for suffering from abscesses.
BUGGER Bugger is slang for a person or thing considered to be contemptible, unpleasant, or difficult. Bugger is a humorous or affectionate slang term for a man or child. Bugger is slang for to ruin, complicate, or frustrate.
BUGGER ABOUT Bugger about is British slang for to fool about and waste time; to create difficulties or complications for a person.
BUGGER ALL Bugger all is slang for nothing.
BUGGER OFF Bugger off is British slang for go away.
BUGGERATION Buggeration is British slang for ruin, confusion.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUGGERED Buggered is slang for tired, ruined, useless, broken.
BUGGERLUGS Buggerlugs is a British slang term of address.
BUGGERY GRIPS Buggery grips is British slang for sideburns.
BUGGINS' TURN Buggins' turn is British slang for an automatic privilege that comes in turn to the members of a group.
BUGGY Buggy is American slang for insane.
BUGHOUSE Bughouse is British slang for a run−down building. Bughouse is American slang for a mental hospital or asylum.
BUGLE Bugle is slang for the nose.
BUGLE−DUSTER Bugle−duster is slang for a handkerchief.
BUGLIX Buglix is computer slang for DECs ULTRIX operating system in its earlier severely buggy versions. It is still used to describe ULTRIX, but without venom.
BUGS BUNNY Bugs bunny is British rhyming slang for money.
BUGS IN THE RUG Bugs in the rug is nursing slang for pubic lice.
BUGSY Bugsy is British slang for a mad person.
BUICK Buick is British and American slang for to vomit.
BUILD A SCONCE Build a sconce is slang for run up a score.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUILT Built is slang for physically well−developed.
BUILT FOR COMFORT Built for comfort is British slang for a fat person.
BUILT LIKE A BRICK SHITHOUSE Built like a brick shithouse is slang for strongly or solidly built.
BULL Bull is an American and Australian slang term for a uniformed policeman. Bull is British slang (shortened from bullshit) for exaggerated or foolish talk; nonsense.. Bull was old British slang for five shillings.
BULL AND BUSH Bull and bush is London Cockney rhyming slang for being discharged from employment (push).
BULL AND COW Bull and cow is London Cockney rhyming slang for an argument (row).
BULL ARTIST Bull artist is slang for someone who speaks nonsense while trying to impress.
BULL DUST Bull dust is Australian slang for nonsense.
BULL FIDDLE Bull fiddle is slang for a double bass.
BULL IN THE RING Bull in the ring is nursing slang for a blockage in the large intestine.
BULL MERCHANT Bull merchant is slang for someone who speaks nonsense while trying to impress.
BULL SESSION Bull session is slang for a period of earnest, but shallow conversation.
BULL'S EYE Bull's eye is slang for fifty pounds.
BULLDOZE Bulldoze is slang for to force something to happen through wit or intimidation.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BULLDOZER Bulldozer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a vain exhibitionist (poser).
BULLDYKE Bullldyke is slang for a masculine, dominant or aggressive lesbian.
BULLET Bullet is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug). Bullet is British slang for a playing card with one pip. Bullet is British slang for dismissal, sometimes without notice.
BULLETS Bullets is British slang for hard peas.
BULLOCK'S BLOOD Bullock's bloodis British slang for a cocktail of beer and rum.
BULLOCK'S HEART Bullock's heart is old London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
BULLOCK'S HORN Bullock's horn is old London Cockney rhyming slang for to pawn.
BULLOCK'S LIVER Bullock's liver was old London Cockney rhyming slang for river.
BULLS Bulls is slang for any anabolic steroid.
BULLS WOOL Bulls wool is Black−American slang for stolen clothes.
BULLSEYE Bullseye is British slang for fifty pounds sterling.
BULLSHINE Bullshine is British military slang for an unnecessary regimental routine.
BULLSHIT Bullshit is British slang for exaggerated or foolish talk; nonsense.
BULLY BEEF Bully beef is British slang for a bully. Bully beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for chief. Bully beef is north English rhyming slang for deaf. 170
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BULLYWAYO Bullywayo is British slang for a bully.
BULRUSH Bulrush is London Cockney rhyming slang for a paintbrush.
BUM Bum is British slang for the buttocks. Bum is British slang for to cadge or scrounge. Bum is American slang for something worthless, inferior or bad.
BUM BAG Bum bag is British slang for a bag or improvised sporran, worn around the lower waist.
BUM BANDIT Bum bandit is British slang for a male homosexual.
BUM BOY Bum boy is British slang for a male homosexual.
BUM BUDDY Bum buddy is British slang for a male homosexual.
BUM CHUM Bum chum is a British slang term for a male homosexual partner.
BUM FODDER Bum fodder is British slang for lavatory paper. Bum fodder is British slang for newspaper.
BUM FREEZER Bum Freezer is British slang for an Eton jacket, and any of various similar styles of short jacket worn by men.
BUM FUCKER Bum fucker is British slang for a male homosexual.
BUM GRAVY Bum gravy is slang for diarrhoea.
BUM LICKER Bum licker is British slang for a sycophant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUM RAP Bum rap is American slang for a trumped−up or false charge. An unjust punishment.
BUM STEER Bum steer is American slang for false or misleading information or advice.
BUM SUCKER Bum sucker is British slang for a sycophant.
BUM TAGS Bum tags is British slang for dried excrement stuck to the area around the anus.
BUM UP Bum up is British slang for to praise, speak highly of.
BUM'S RUSH Bum's rush is slang for a forcible ejection, as from a gathering; rapid dismissal, as of an idea.
BUMBERSHOOT Bumbershoot is British slang for an umbrella.
BUMBLEBEE Bumblebee is London Cockney rhyming slang for knee.
BUMBLEBEES Bumblebees is London Cockney rhyming slang for knees.
BUMBOY Bumboy is British slang for a homosexual. Bumboy is British slang for a sycophant.
BUMF Bumf is slang for toilet paper. Bumf is British slang for information on paper.
BUMFACE Bumface is a British slang term of abuse.
BUMFEST Bumfest is British slang for a large gathering of male homosexuals.
BUMFLUFF Bumfluff is British slang for light facial hair on a pubescent boy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUMMED OUT Bummed out is American slang for disappointed, dejected.
BUMMER Bummer is American slang for an idle, worthless fellow, who is without any visible means of support. A dissipated sponger. Bummer is slang for bad luck, an unfortunate experience.
BUMP Bump is slang for remove someone surreptitiously from a waiting list. Bump is slang for ketamine.
BUMP OFF Bump off is slang for to murder or kill.
BUMP START Bump start is British slang for a sudden rousing to action.
BUMP TUMMIES Bump tummies is slang for to have sex.
BUMPERS Bumpers is slang for breasts. Bumpers is slang for tennis shoes.
BUMPH Bumph is slang for toilet paper. Bumph is British slang for information on paper.
BUMPS Bumps is slang for breasts.
BUMSUCKING Bumsucking is British slang for obsequious behaviour; toadying.
BUMSWIZZLED Bumswizzled is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
BUMWAD Bumwad is slang for toilet paper.
BUN FIGHT Bun fight is British slang for a tea party; an official function.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUN IN THE OVEN Bun in the oven is British slang for pregnant.
BUNCE Bunce is British slang for money or profit, perks, bonuses.
BUNCH Bunch is slang for the male genitals.
BUNCH OF FIVES Bunch of fives is slang for a fist.
BUNCO Bunco is American slang for a swindle or fraud.
BUNDLE Bundle is slang for a large quantity of money or other desirable thing. Bundle is British slang for a fight. Bundle is slang for the male genitals. Bundle is American slang for an attractive woman.
BUNDU Bundu is South African and Zimbabwean slang for a largely uninhabited wild region far from towns.
BUNG Bung is a British slang term for a bribe given to police. Bung is British slang for to throw, to hand over. Bung is Australian and New Zealand slang for dead, destroyed or useless.
BUNG IN THE BOTTLE Bung in the bottle is British slang for constipation.
BUNG IT IN Bung it in is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
BUNGALOW Bungalow is British slang for a well endowered, but stupid, man.
BUNGALOW BILL Bungalow Bill is British slang for a stupid man.
BUNGEE JUMPER Bungee jumper is nursing slang for a patient who pulls on his catheter tube.
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BUNGER Bunger is Australian slang for a firework.
BUNGHOLE Bunghole is slang for the anus. Bunghole is slang for to sodomize.
BUNGIE Bungie is British slang for a rubber eraser. Bungie was old British slang for cheese.
BUNGY Bungy is British slang for a rubber eraser. Bungy was old British slang for cheese.
BUNK Bunk is British slang for to abscond. Bunk is British slang for nonsense, rubbish. Bunk is American slang for unfashionable. Bunk is American slang for to cheat.
BUNK IN Bunk in is British slang for to enter illicitly.
BUNK OFF Bunk off is British slang for to play truant, to be absent.
BUNK−UP Bunk−up is British slang for the act of sexual intercourse.
BUNKIES Bunkies is British slang for sexual intercourse.
BUNNY Bunny is British slang for incessant talking or chatter. Bunny is Australian slang for a mug; dupe.
BUNNY BOILER Bunny boiler is slang for an unhinged and overly possessive woman.
BUNS Buns is British slang for food. Buns is American slang for the buttocks. Bus is Australian slang for sanitary towels or tampons.
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BUNSEN BURNER Bunsen burner is London Cockney rhyming slang for earner. Bunsen burner is cricket rhyming slang for a turner.
BUP Bup is British slang for a slice of bread and butter. Bup is British slang for money.
BUPPY Buppy is slang for a member of the black middle−class.
BURDETT−COUTTS Burdett−Coutts was old London Cockney rhyming slang for boots.
BURG Burg is American slang for a town or place.
BURGLAR ALARM Burglar alarm is London Cockney rhyming slang for arm.
BURGOO Burgoo was 17th century naval slang for a thick porridge.
BURIED Buried is British slang for imprisoned.
BURK Burk is British slang for a fool.
BURKE AND HARE Burke and Hare is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chair.
BURL Burl is Australian slang for a try, an attempt.
BURLEYCUE. Burleycue is American slang for burlesque theatre.
BURLINGTON BERTIE Burlington Bertie is bingo slang for thirty. Burlington Bertie is betting slang for odds of 100/30.
BURLINGTON HUNT Burlington Hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a despicable, obnoxious person (cunt). 176
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BURLY Burly is American slang for something difficult.
BURN Burn is British prison slang for tobacco or a cigarette. Burn is British slang for to kill by shooting. Burn is British slang for a swindle in which inferior drugs are sold as first class. Burn is American slang for to electrocute or to be electrocuted.
BURN AND SMOULDER Burn and smoulder is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoulder.
BURN OFF Burn off is British slang for to overtake, outstrip and humiliate another driver.
BURN OIL Burn oil is British slang for to drive an old car.
BURN RUBBER Burn rubber is slang for to drive very fast.
BURN SMOKE Burn smoke is Amerian slang for to go very fast.
BURN SOMEONE'S GOAT Burn someone's goat is American slang for to annoy or infuriate someone.
BURN THE BRITISH Burn the British is American slang for a toasted muffin.
BURN−ARTIST Burn−artist is British slang for a swindler, a cheat, particularly one who sells inferior drugs as first class ones.
BURN−TOAST Burn−toast is British slang for a useless cook.
BURN−UP Burn−up is slang for a period of fast driving, to drive fast.
BURNED Burned is British slang for having been cheated in a sale of drugs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BURNER Burner is British slang for venereal disease.
BURNOUT Burnout is slang for mental or physical exhaustion.
BURNS AND SMOULDERS Burns and smoulders is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoulders.
BURNT Burmnt is old British slang for infected with venereal disease. Burnt is American slang for terrible, hopeless. Burnt is American slang for disappointed. Burnt is American slang for emotionally drained. Burnt is American slang for exhausted.
BURNT CINDER Burnt cinder is London Cockney rhyming slang for winder (window).
BURNT OFFERING Burnt offering is British slang for overcoked food.
BURTON−ON−TRENT Burton−on−Trent is London Cockney rhyming slang for rent. Burton−on−Trent is London Cockney rhyming slang for went.
BURY Bury is slang for to win by a wide margin. Bury is soccer slang for to score a goal.
BURY THE HATCHET Bury the hatchet is medical slang for to sew up a patient with a surgical instrument mistakenly left inside.
BUS AND TRAM Bus and tram is London Cockney rhyming slang for jam.
BUSH Bush is slang for provincial or primitive, rural. Bush is slang for pubic hair. Bush is slang for cannabis.
BUSH LAWYER Bush lawyer is Australian slang for someone who claims to lay down the law, but has no real authority.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUSH PAROLE Bush parole is American prison slang for an escape.
BUSH PATROL Bush patrol is American slang for sexual foreplay. Bush patrol is American slang for sexual intercourse.
BUSHBASHING Bushbashing is Australian and New Zealand slang for the process of forcing a path through the bush.
BUSHED Bushed is slang for exhausted.
BUSHEL AND PECK Bushel and peck is London Cockney rhyming slang for neck.
BUSHEL OF COKE Bushel of coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a man (bloke).
BUSHER Busher is American slang for an amateur, an unsophisticated person.
BUSHEY PARK Bushey park is London Cockney rhyming slang for lark (a joke).
BUSHFIRE Bushfire is London Cockney rhyming slang for tire.
BUSHFIRED Bushfired is London Cockney rhyming slang for tired.
BUSHIE Bushie is Australian slang for a rural or barbaric person, a yokel. Bushie is Jamaican slang for illicitly distilled rum.
BUSHWHACKER Bushwhacker is Australian slang for an unsophisticated person; boor.
BUSHY PARK Bushy Park is London Cockney rhyming slang for lark.
BUSINESS Business is slang for prostitution. Business is slang for a hypodermic syringe. Business is slang for defecation. 179
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Business is slang for anything that needs to be done.
BUSINESS GIRL Business girl is British slang for a prostitute.
BUSK IT Busk it is British slang for to improvise.
BUST Bust is slang for an arrest, particularly for possession of drugs. Bust is slang for an escape from prison. Bust is British slang for to burgle. Bust is American army slang for demotion. Bust is Australian slang for a break−in or burglary.
BUST ONE'S BUNS Bust one's buns is American slang for to exhaust oneself by working.
BUST ONE'S CONK Bust one's conk is Black−American slang for to work hard.
BUSTEL PUNCHING Bustle punching is British slang for frottage.
BUSTER Buster is slang for a person or thing that destroys something. Buster is slang for a man or boy. Buster is British slang for a bet of four or more accumulators. Buster is American and Canadian slang for a person who breaks horses.
BUSTERS Busters is slang for Phenobarbital.
BUSTING Busting is Midlands slang for good, excellent, approval.
BUTCH Butch is slang for markedly or aggressively masculine. Butch is slang for a lesbian who is noticeably masculine. Butch is slang for a strong rugged man.
BUTCH UP Butch up is slang for to become more assertive, tougher, more masculine.
BUTCHER'S Butcher's (from Butcher's hook) is British slang for look.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUTCHER'S HOOK Butcher's hook is London Cockney rhyming slang for look.
BUTT Butt is slang for the backside, buttocks. Butt is American slang for a cigarette.
BUTT OUT Butt out is American slang for stop interfering, keep out, leave.
BUTTER CHURN Butter churn is British theatre rhyming slang for a theatrical act (turn).
BUTTERBALL Butterball is American slang for a fat person.
BUTTERBOY Butterboy is British slang for a novice.
BUTTERCUP Buttercup is British slang for an effeminate male homosexual.
BUTTERCUP AND DAISY Buttercup and Daisy is London Cockney rhyming slang for crazy.
BUTTERED BREAD Buttered bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead.
BUTTERED BUN Buttered bun is bingo slang for one. Buttered bun is old slang for a woman who has sex with a succession of men at a time.
BUTTERED SCONE Buttered scone is bingo slang for one.
BUTTERFLY Butterfly is London Cockney rhyming slang for a neck tie or bow tie.
BUTTFUCK Buttfuck is American slang for to sodomize.
BUTTHEAD Butthead is slang for a stupid person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUTTIE Buttie is British slang for a sandwich.
BUTTINSKI Buttinski is British slang for someone who habitually interrupts.
BUTTINSKY Buttinsky is American slang for an interfering person, some one who butts in.
BUTTNAKED Buttnaked is slang for phencyclidine.
BUTTON Button is slang for the clitoris. Button is slang for the chin. Button is slang for a section of the peyote cactus, ingested for its hallucinogenic effect.
BUTTON IT Button it is slang for shut up, or keep quiet.
BUTTON ONE'S LIP Button one's lip is slang for be quiet, shut up.
BUTTONED UP Buttoned up is slang for taciturn; silent and somewhat tense.
BUTTONHOLE Buttonhole was old British slang for the vagina.
BUTTONS AND BOWS Buttons and bows is London Cockney rhyming slang for toes.
BUTTY Butty is British slang for a sandwich. Butty is Welsh slong for a close friend.
BUVARE Buvare is Polari slang for a drink.
BUY Buy is slang for to accept as true, practical, etc.
BUY A PUP Buy a pup is British slang for to be swindled. 182
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BUY IT Buy it is slang for die or meet with a disaster.
BUY MY BUICK Buy my buick is American slang for to vomit.
BUY THE FARM Buy the farm is American slang for to die.
BUY THE RABBIT Buy the rabbit is slang for to fare badly or come off worse.
BUYER Buyer is British slang for a receiver of stolen goods.
BUZZ Buzz is slang for a rumour. Buzz is slang for cannabis. Buzz is slang for a pleasant sensation, as from a drug such as cannabis. Buzz is slang for a sense of excitement; kick.
BUZZ OFF Buzz off is British slang for go away.
BUZZ WAGON Buzz wagon was early 20th century slang for an automobile.
BUZZ−CRUSHER Buzz−crusher is American slang for someone who ruins a party, a killjoy.
BUZZARD Buzzard is slang for a cantankerous old person.
BUZZCOCKS Buzzcocks is British slang for bollocks.
BUZZER Buzzer is British slang for a pickpocket.
BUZZING Buzzing is British slang for high on drugs or alcohol.
BUZZY Buzzy was mid−18th century slang for slightly intoxicated. Buzzy was early 20th century slang for crazy, eccentric. 183
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BUZZY HOUSE Buzzy house was early 20th century American slang for a lunatic asylum.
BWOTH Bwoth is Dorset slang for both.
BWOY Bwoy is Dorset slang for a boy, a son.
BY By is slang for in one's opinion, as far as one is concerned.
BY A JUGFUL By a jugful is American slang for by a long way or by many degrees.
BY A LONG CHALK By a long chalk is slang for by a long way or by many degrees.
BY A LONG SHOT By a long shot is American slang for by a good distance, by a considerable amount.
BY A LONG SIGHT By a long sight is American slang for by a long way, by a good deal.
BY A STREET By a street is slang for by a long way.
BY CHALKS By chalks is Australian slang for by a long way.
BY PASS By pass is London Cockney rhyming slang for the buttocks (arse).
BY THE CRINGE By the cringe is a British slang exclamation.
BY THE NECK By the neck is Scottish and Irish slang for a bottle of beer served unpoured.
BY'N−BY Byb'n−by is British slang for later on.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
BY−BLOW By−blow was old slang for a bastard.
BY−CHOP By−chop was old slang for a bastard.
BYE−BYES Bye−byes is slang for sleep, unconsciousness.
C C is slang for cocaine.
C AND A C and A is British slang for a bisexual man. C and A is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexial (gay).
C−NOTE C−note is slang for one hundred pounds, one hundred dollars.
CA−CA Ca−ca is British slang for excrement.
CAB RANK Cab rank is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bank.
CAB YAB Cab yab is British slang for money, bank notes. Cab yab is is British slang for a brain−dead person.
CABALLO Caballo is slang for heroin.
CABBAGE Cabbage is slang for a brain−damaged or inert person. Cabbage is British slang for money. Cabbage is British slang for snippets of cloth appropriated by a tailor from a customer's material. Cabbage is nursing slang for a coronary artery bypass graft (a coronary bypass).
CABBAGE HEAD Cabbage head is slang for a simpleton, a fool, an idiot.
CABBAGED Cabbaged is British slang for to be in a drunken stupor.
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CABELLO Cabello is slang for cocaine.
CABIN CRUISER Cabin cruiser is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pub (boozer).
CABMAN'S RESTS Cabman's rests was old London Cockney rhyming slang for women's breasts.
CABOOSE Caboose is British slang for a prison.
CACA Caca is British slang for excrement. Caca is slang for heroin.
CACA−BACCA Cacca−bacca is slang for marijuana.
CACATORIUM Cacatorium was old British slang for a lavatory.
CACK Cack is slang for defecate. Cack is Black−American slang for to go to sleep.
CACK−CATCHERS Cack−catchers is Australian slang for trousers.
CACK−HANDED Cack−handed is British slang for clumsy, inept.
CACKLE Cackle is Polari slang for talk, gossip.
CACKPIPE Cackpipe is British slang for the anus.
CAD Cad is British slang for a unprincipled, contemptible man.
CADBURY ALLEY Cadbury alley is British slang for the anus.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CADBURY CHANNEL Cadbury channel is British slang for the anus.
CADBURY'S Cadbury's (shortened from Cadbury's snack) is London Cockney rhyming slang for back.
CADBURY'S SNACK Cadbury's snack is London Cockney rhyming slang for back.
CADDLE Caddle is Dorset slang for confusion, a muddle.
CADDY Caddy is slang for Cadillac.
CADY Cady is slang for a hat.
CAFETERIA Cafeteria (help your self) is British cricket slang for an easy to hit ball. Cafeteria is British homosexual slang for a place to go for oral sex.
CAFF Caff is British slang for cafe.
CAG MAG Cag mag is Dorset slang for an annoying person.
CAGE Cage is British slang for a prison cell.
CAHOOT Cahoot is slang for a partnership.
CAIN AND ABEL Cain and Abel is London Cockney rhyming slang for table.
CAINE Caine is slang for cocaine.
CAKEHOLE Cakehole is British slang for mouth.
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CAKERY Cakery is British slang for a bakery.
CALABOOSE Calaboose is slang for a prison.
CALAMITY JANE Calamity Jane is London Cockney rhyming slang for a train.
CALBO Calbo is slang for heroin.
CALCUTTA Calcutta is London Cockney rhyming slang for butter.
CALENDAR Calendar is British slang for a year in prison.
CALIFORNIA SPECIAL California special is American numismatic slang for an artificially enhanced coin.
CALL Call is Australian slang for to vomit.
CALL A COPPER! Call a copper! is a British slang cry of alarm.
CALL BUICKS Call buicks is American slang for to vomit
CALL DINOSAURS Call dinosaurs is American slang for to vomit
CALL EARL Call Earl is American slang for to vomit.
CALL FOR HUEY Call for huey is American slang for to vomit
CALL OFF ALL BETS Call off all bets is Black−American slang for to die
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CALL RALPH ON THE BIG WHITE TELEPHONE Call Ralph on the big white telephone is American slang for to vomit
CALL THE SHOTS Call the shots is slang for to have control over an organisation, course of action, etc.
CALL TO THE SEALS Call to the seals is American slang for to vomit
CALL UNCLE RALPH Call uncle Ralph is American slang for to vomit
CALL−BOY Call−boy is slang for a male prostitute.
CALL−GIRL Call−girl is slang for a prostitute.
CALLARD AND BOWSERS Callard and Bowsers is London Cockney rhyming slang for trousers.
CALLARDS Callards (shortened from Callard and Bowsers) is London Cockney rhyming slang for trousers.
CALVIN KLEIN Calvin Klein is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fine. Calvin Klein is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wine.
CAMBER SANDS Camber Sands is London Cockney rhyming slang for hands.
CAMDEN Camden (shortened from Camden Lock) is London Cockney rhyming slang for shock.
CAMDEN LOCK Camden Lock is London Cockney rhyming slang for shock.
CAMDEN TOWN Camden Town is London Cockney rhyming slang for a copper coin (brown).
CAMEL'S HUMP Camel's hump is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (dump).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CAMERER CUSS Camerer Cuss is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bus.
CAMEROON Cameroon is derogatory London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (coon).
CAMILLA PARKER−BOWLES Camilla Parker−Bowles is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Rolls Royce car (Rolls).
CAMISTER Camister was old British slang for a priest, a vicar.
CAMP Camp is a slang expression for homosexual, effeminate or an affectedly theatrical manner.
CAN Can is slang for a lavatory. Can is slang for a prison or police cell. Can is slang for a beer. Can is British slang for a pocket. Can is naval slang for a depth charge. Can is American slang for the backside. Can is American slang for a safe or strong−box. Can is American slang for dismiss from employment. Can is American slang for suppress or conceal something. Can is American slang for to jail someone.
CAN IT Can it is British slang for be quiet, shut up, stop talking.
CAN OF COKE Can O coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a joke.
CAN OF OIL Can of oil is London Cockney rhyming slang for a boil.
CAN OF WORMS Can of worms is slang for an extremely complicated and distasteful state of affairs.
CAN'T TAKE A TRICK Can't take a trick is Australian slang for to be consistently unsuccessful or unlucky.
CANAL BOAT Canal boat is London Cockney rhyming slang for tote.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CANARY Canary is slang for an informer. Canary is theatre rhyming slang for a homosexual (fairy).
CANARY WHARF Canary Wharf is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dwarf.
CANCER BED Cancer bed is British slang for a sun bed.
CANCER STICK Cancer stick is slang for a cigarette.
CANDLE Candle (shortened from candle sconce) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pimp.
CANDLE BASHER Candle basher is British slang for a spinster.
CANDLE SCONCE Candle sconce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pimp (ponce).
CANDLE WAX Candle wax is London Cockney rhyming slang for tax, particularly betting tax.
CANDLES Candles is British slang for secretions from the nose running towards the mouth.
CANDY Candy is slang for heroin. Candy is slang for cocaine. Candy is slang for a dose of LSD taken on a sugar cube. Candy is American slang for a type of dark heroin from Mexico.
CANDY BLUNT Candy blunt is slang for a joint soaked in codeine.
CANDYASS Candyass is American slang for a weak and effete person.
CANDYFLOSS Candyfloss is London Cockney rhyming slang for toss.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CANDYMAN Candyman is slang for a drug dealer.
CANE Cane is British slang for assault, beat up. Cane is British slang for to severely criticise. Cane is British slang for the penis. Cane is British slang for to steal.
CANED Caned is slang for intoxicated, drunk. Caned is slang for high on drugs.
CANER Caner was old British slang for a school teacher.
CANISTER Canister is slang for the head.
CANNED Canned is slang for intoxicated, drunk. Canned is slang for arrested.
CANNY Canny is British slang for sharp−witted, attractive.
CANOE Canoe is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoe.
CANOES Canoes is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoes.
CANOODLE Canoodle is slang for to kiss and cuddle; pet; fondle.
CANS Cans is slang for headphones.
CANTALOUPES Cantaloupes is American slang for the breasts.
CANTEEN MEDAL Canteen medal is British slang for a food stain on one's clothes.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CANUCK Canuck is slang for a Canadian.
CANUK Canuk was a nineteenth and early twentieth century American slang expression for a Canadian.
CANVAS Canvas is British slang for the skin.
CAP Cap is slang for a capsule of an illegal drug. Cap is slang for oral sex. Cap is American slang for to insult, humiliate.
CAPE HORN Cape Horn is London Cockney rhyming slang for a corn.
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Cape of Good Hope is London Cockney rhyming slang for soap.
CAPEESH Capeesh is slang for understand.
CAPER Caper is slang for an activity. Caper is American and Canadian slang for a crime, especially an organized robbery.
CAPITAL CITY Capital City is London Cockney rhyming slang for a woman's breast (titty).
CAPON Capon is slang for a young homosexual man. Capon is slang for a false trail, a false clue, a red herring. Capon is slang for a bloater. Capon was old slang for a eunuch.
CAPPER Capper is American slang for a by−bidder; a decoy for gamblers.
CAPTAIN BLIGH Captain Bligh is London Cockney rhyming slang for pie.
CAPTAIN COOK Captain Cook is London Cockney rhyming slang for book. Captain Cook is London Cockney rhyming slang for look.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CAPTAIN GRIMES Captain Grimes is British rhyming slang for the Times newspaper.
CAPTAIN KANGAROO Captain kangaroo is medical slang for the head of a paediatrics department.
CAPTAIN KETTLE Captain Kettle is London Cockney rhyming slang for to settle, to end an argument.
CAPTAIN KIRK Captain Kirk is London Cockney rhyming slang for Turk. Captain Kirk is London Cockney rhyming slang for work.
CAPTAIN MORGAN Captain Morgan is theatre rhyming slang for organ.
CAPTAIN SCOTT Captain Scott is London Cockney rhyming slang for hot.
CAPTAIN SENSIBLE Captain Sensible is British slang for a responsible, sober man.
CAPTAIN'S LOG Captain's log is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (bog).
CAPTURE Capture is British slang for to seduce, to succeed in a sexual conquest.
CAR Car is Dorset slang for to carry.
CAR SURFING Car surfing is American slang for riding on the roof of a moving car.
CAR−PARK Car−park is London Cockney rhyming slang for an informer (nark).
CARBOLIC NAKED Carbolic naked is British slang for naked, nude.
CARBUNCLE Carbuncle is London Cockney rhyming slang for uncle.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CARCASS TRADE Carcass trade is British slang for the practice of reconstructing dilapidated pieces of old furniture with new veneer to pass them off as antiques.
CARDBOARD BOX Cardboard box is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
CARDIE Cardie is British slang for a cardigan.
CARELESS TALK Careless talk is London Cockney rhyming slang for chalk.
CARGA Carga is slang for heroin.
CARJUN Carjun is Dorset slang for an accordian.
CARK Cark is Australian slang for to break down; die.
CARKED Carked is slang for a ruined situation; an exhausted person.
CARL EARL Carl Earl is American slang for to vomit
CARL ROSA Carl Rosa is London Cockney rhyming slang for a poser.
CARLO GATTI Carlo Gatti is London Cockney rhyming slang for mad, eccentric (batty).
CARN Carn is British slang for money, cash.
CARNEY See "Carny"
CARNIE See "Carny"
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CARNY Carmy is British slang for hypocritical. Carny (carney or carnie) is American and Canadian slang for short for carnival; a person who works in a carnival.
CAROL SINGER Carol singer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a ringer, something that isn't what it appears or claims to be.
CAROON Caroon is British slang for twenty−five pence. Caroon was is British slang for a crown (five shillings).
CARPET Carpet is betting slang for odds of 3/1. Carpet is slang for the female pubic area.
CARPET BAG Carpet bag is London Cockney rhyming slang for three−month prison sentence (drag).
CARROT Carrot is British slang for a large cannabis cigarette.
CARROT CRUNCHER Carrot cruncher is British slang for a country dweller.
CARROT−NOB Carrot−nob was old British slang for a person with red hair.
CARROT−TOP Carrot−top is slang for a person with red hair.
CARRY Carry is slang for to have drugs on one's person.
CARRY−OUT Carry−out is British slang for beer or other alcoholic drink bought from a pub at closing time for consumption off the premises.
CARRYING Carrying is slang for in possession of firearms or illicit drugs. Carrying is British slang for having plenty of money on the person.
CARSE Carse is Dorset slang for course.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CARTWHEEL Cartwheel is American slang for a large coin, especially the silver dollar.
CARVE Carve is British slang for attack with a knife, cut or stab with a knife.
CARVE UP Carve up is British slang for to deliberately ruin someone's chances. Carve up is British slang for to cut in front of another driver.
CARVE−UP Carve−up is British slang for the distribution of something, such as of booty. Carve−up is British slang for a swindle or conspiracy that ruins one's chances.
CARVER Carveris British slang for a knife when used as a weapon.
CARVING KNIFE Carving knife is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
CARZEY Carzey is Cockney slang for a lavatory; toilet.
CAS Cas is American slang for relaxed, nonchalant. Cas is American slang for good, acceptable.
CASABLANCA Casablanc is London Cockney rhyming slang for wanker.
CASCADE Cascade is slang for to vomit.
CASE Case is slang for a mad person. Case is slang for to inspect carefully (especially a place to be robbed). Case is British slang for the last one. Case was old slang for a brothel.
CASED UP Cased up is British slang for to be dressed. Cassed up was old slang living together.
CASER Caser is British slang for twenty−five pence. Caser was old British slang for five shillings. 197
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CASH AND CARRIED Cash and carried is London Cockney rhyming slang for married.
CASH AND CARRY Cash and carry is London Cockney rhyming slang for marry.
CASH IN Cash in is slang for to die.
CASO Caso is British slang for mad, unpredictable.
CASSAVA Cassava is American slang for the female genitals. Cassava is American slang for a woman, especially an available one.
CASTLE RAG Castle rag is London Cockney rhyming slang for flag.
CASTOR Castor (shortened from castor oil) is London Cockney rhyming slang for royal. Castor is Australian slang for good; fine.
CASTOR AND POLLUX Castor and Pollux is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (bollocks).
CASTOR OIL Castor oil is London Cockney rhyming slang for royal.
CASTOR OILS Castor oils is London Cockney rhyming slang for royals − the royal family.
CASTORS Castors (shortened from castor oils) is London Cockney rhyming slang for royals − the royal family.
CASUAL Casual was British slang for a social sub−group of the 1980s identified by wearing expensive designer clothes, being materialistic, and taking part in football hooliganism and shop lifting.
CAT Cat is British slang for bad, awful. Cat is British slang for a spiteful woman. Cat is British slang for a prostitute. Cat is British slang for the vagina. Cat is musician slang for a man.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CAT AND DOG Cat and dog is London Cockney rhyming slang for a catalogue. Cat and dog is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (bog).
CAT AND KITTY Cat and kitty is London Cockney rhyming slang for a woman's breast (titty).
CAT AND MOUSE Cat and mouse is London Cockney rhyming slang for house.
CAT LICK Cat lick is British slang for Catholic.
CAT VALIUM Cat Valium is slang for ketamine.
CAT'S BREAKFAST Cat's breakfast is British slang for a mess, something done badly.
CAT'S FACE Cat's face is London Cockney rhyming slang for an ace playing card.
CAT'S LICK Cat's lick is British slang for a brief wash.
CAT'S MILK Cat's milk is London Cockney rhyming slang for silk.
CAT'S PYJAMAS Cat's pyjamas is slang for a person or thing that is excellent or superior.
CAT'S WHISKERS Cat's whiskers is slang for a person or thing that is excellent or superior.
CATCH A COLD Catch a cold is slang for to make a loss; lose one's investment.
CATCH IT ON THE REBOUND Catch it on the rebound is American slang for to vomit,
CATCH ON Catch on is slang for understand.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CATCH SOME RAYS Catch some rays is slang for to sunbathe.
CATCH SOME Z'S Catch some z's is American slang for sleep.
CATCHED Catched is Dorset slang for caught.
CATEUDYL Cateudyl is slang for methaqualone.
CATHOUSE Cathouse is slang for a brothel.
CATS Cats is slang for to vomit.
CATS AND DOGS Cats and dogs is British slang for heavy rain.
CATTING Catting is slang for to search for available sexual partners.
CATTLE Cattle is British slang for prostitutes.
CATTLE MARKET Cattle market is British slang for a place where women congregate. Cattle market was old British slang for a brothel.
CATTLE TRAIN Cattle train is Black−American slang for a Cadillac.
CATTLE TRUCKED Cattle trucked is London Cockney rhyming slang for exhausted, beaten (fucked).
CATTLED Cattled (shortened from cattle trucked) is London Cockney rhyming slang for exhausted, beaten (fucked).
CATTY Catty is slang for a catapult.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CAUGHT SHORT Caught short is British slang for a sudden urge to go to the toilet.
CAVALIER Cavalier is British slang for an uncircumcised male.
CAVE IN Cave in is slang for to submit or to yield.
CAVY Cavy is British slang for beware.
CECIL Cecil is British slang for 1000 pounds sterling. Cecil is slang for cocaine.
CECIL GEES Cecil Gees is London Cockney rhyming slang for knees.
CEILING INSPECTOR Ceiling inspector is slang for a willing female sexual partner.
CELESTIAL DISCHARGE Celestial discharge is nursing slang for death.
CELESTIAL TRANSFER Celestial transfer is nursing slang for death.
CELLAR FLAP Cellar flap is London Cockney rhyming slang for tap.
CEMENTHEAD Cementhead is American slang for a stupid person.
CENTRE FORWARD Centre forward is British slang for a nine playing card.
CENTRE HALF Centre half is British slang for a five playing card. Centre half is London Cockney rhyming slang for scarf.
CENTURY Century is slang for one hundred pounds sterling or dollars.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CEREB Cereb is American slang for someone who studies hard.
CESS Cess is Irish slang for luck.
CESSY Cessy is British slang for foul, repugnant.
CEST Cest is slang for cannabis.
CFB CFB (clear as a fucking bell) is slang for understood perfectly.
CHAIN AND CRANK Chain and crank is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bank.
CHAIN AND LOCKET Chain and locket is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pocket.
CHAIN GANG Chain gang is British slang for married men.
CHALFONTS Chalfonts (shortened from Chalfonts St Giles) is British rhyming slang for piles (haemorrhoids).
CHALFRONT ST GILES Chalfront St Giles is London Cockney rhyming slang for piles.
CHALICE Chalice is slang for a large cup−shaped container used for smoking marijuana.
CHALK FARM Chalk Farm is London Cockney rhyming slang for arm. Chalk Farm is London Cockney rhyming slang for harm.
CHALKY WHITE Chalky white is London Cockney rhyming slang for light ale.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Chamber of commerce is Black−American slang for toilet
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHAMMER Chammer is Dorset slang for a bedroom.
CHAMPAGNE GLASS Champagne glass is London Cockney rhyming slang for a prostitute (brass).
CHAMPERS Champers is slang for champagne.
CHAMPION Champion is north−east England slang for brilliant.
CHANCER Chancer is slang for an unscrupulous or dishonest opportunist who is prepared to try any dubious scheme for making money or furthering his own ends.
CHANCRE MECHANIC Chancre mechanic is naval slang for a ship's doctor.
CHANDELIER Chandelier is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (queer).
CHANDU Chandu is American slang for to vomit
CHANGE Change is slang for desirable or useful information.
CHANNEL FLEET Channel fleet was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a street.
CHANNEL PORT Channel port is London Cockney rhyming slang for a 'short', a measure of spirits.
CHANNEL PORTS Channel ports is London Cockney rhyming slang for short trousers (shorts).
CHAPOPOTE Chapopote is slang for heroin.
CHAR Char is British slang for a cup of tea.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHARA Chara is British slang for a motor coach.
CHARAS Charas is slang for hashish.
CHARGE Charge is slang for a thrill. Charge is British slang for marijuana, hashish. Charge is American slang for a heroin injection.
CHARING CROSS Charing Cross is London Cockney rhyming slang for a horse.
CHARITY−BANG Charity−bang is slang for a woman who gives sexual favours for free or out of pity.
CHARITY−MOLL Charity−moll is Australian slang for a woman who gives sexual favours for free or out of pity.
CHARLES Charles is British slang for cocaine.
CHARLES ATLAS Charles Atlas is derogatory British slang for a puny man.
CHARLES DANCE Charles Dance is London Cockney rhyming slang for chance.
CHARLES JAMES FOX Charles James Fox is London Cockney rhyming slang for a thetrical box.
CHARLEY Charley is old British slang for a night watchman.
CHARLICK Charlick is Dorset slang for charlock.
CHARLIE Charlie is slang for cocaine. Charlie (shortened from Charlie Hunt) is British slang for a foolish person (cunt). Charlie is British slang for cheap and nasty, flashy, in bad taste. Charlie (shortened from Charlie Wheeler) is Australian rhyming slang for a Sheila (girl). Charlie is Australian slang for a female prostitute. Charlie is American and Australian slang for a member of the Vietcong or the Vietcong collectively.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHARLIE BRADY Charlie Brady was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a hat (cady).
CHARLIE BROWN Charlie Brown is London Cockney rhyming slang for a clown.
CHARLIE CHAN Charlie Chan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a can.
CHARLIE CLORE Charlie Clore is London Cockney rhyming slang for the floor. Charlie Clore is London Cockney rhyming slang for twenty pounds sterling (a score).
CHARLIE COOKE Charlie Cooke is London Cockney rhyming slang for look.
CHARLIE DICKEN Charlie Dicken is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chicken.
CHARLIE DILKE Charlie Dilke was old London Cockney rhyming slang for milk.
CHARLIE DRAKE Charlie Drake is London Cockney rhyming slang for brake. Charlie Drake is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tea break.
CHARLIE FREER Charlie Freer was old London Cockney rhyming slang for beer.
CHARLIE FRISKY Charlie Frisky is London Cockney rhyming slang for whisky.
CHARLIE HOWARD Charlie Howard is London Cockney rhyming slang for coward.
CHARLIE HUNT Charlie Hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a foolish, stupid, obnoxious person (cunt).
CHARLIE MASON Charlie Mason is London Cockney rhyming slang for basin.
CHARLIE NEBS Charlie Nebs is Black−American slang for policeman
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHARLIE POPE Charlie Pope is London Cockney rhyming slang for soap.
CHARLIE PRESCOTT Charlie Prescott is London Cockney rhyming slang for a waistcoat.
CHARLIE RANDY Charlie Randy was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for brandy.
CHARLIE RONCE Charlie Ronce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pimp (ponce).
CHARLIE SMIRKE Charlie Smirke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (berk).
CHARLIE WIGGINS Charlie Wiggins is theatrical rhyming slang for lodgings (diggins).
CHARLIE'S DEAD Charlie's dead is British slang for your underwear or petticoat is showing.
CHARLIES Charlies is slang for breasts.
CHARLTON AND GREENWICH Charlton And Greenwich is London Cockney rhyming slang for spinach.
CHARMING WIFE Charming wife is London Cockney rhyming slang for a knife.
CHARPER Charper is Polari slang for to search.
CHARRA Charra is British slang for a coach.
CHARVER Charver was mid−20th century British slang for sexual intercourse.
CHARVERED Charvered is British slang for exhausted.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHAS AND DAVE Chas and Dave is London Cockney rhyming slang for shave.
CHASE Chase is British slang for to continue gambling after a losing streak.
CHASE ONE'S TAIL Chase one's tail is British slang for to be very busy.
CHASE THE DOG END Chase the dog end is British slang for to urinate.
CHASE THE DRAGON Chase the dragon is slang for taking heroin or opium by smoking it.
CHASING THE DRAGON Chasing the dragon is slang for smoking heroin or opium.
CHASING THE TIGER Chasing the tiger is slang for to smoke heroin.
CHASSIS Chassis is slang for the body of a person, especially a woman.
CHATARRA Chatarra is slang for heroin.
CHATEAU'D Chateau'dis British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
CHATHAM AND DOVER Chatham and Dover is London Cockney rhyming slang for over, finished.
CHATTER BROTH Chatter broth was 18 the century British slang for the beverage tea.
CHATTERMAG Chattermag is Dorset slang for a magpie. Chattermag is Dorset slang for a talkative woman.
CHAUNTER Chaunter is slang for a street seller of newspapers.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHAVVY Chavvy is London Cockney slang for a child.
CHAVVY LAVVY Chavvy lavvy is London Cockney slang for a child's potty.
CHAW Chaw is slang for to steal.
CHAWRY GOODS Chawry goods is British slang for stolen property.
CHEAPO Cheapo is British slang for cheap, basic.
CHEAT THE WORMS Cheat the worms is British slang for to recover from a bad accident or serious illness.
CHEATERS Cheaters is American slang for glasses and sunglasses.
CHECK Check is an American slang interjection for yes.
CHECK IT OUT Check it out is American slang for to pay attention.
CHECK ONE'S OIL Check one's oil is British slang for to masturbate.
CHECK OUT Check out is slang for to die.
CHECK THE WAR Check the war is Black−American slang for command to stop arguing.
CHECK YOUR NERVES Check your nerves is Black−American slang for command to keep cool
CHEEK Cheek is slang for cool confidence; assurance; impudence.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHEEKTOWAGA SCREAM Cheektowaga scream is American slang for to vomit
CHEERFUL EARFUL Cheerful earful is British slang for bad news.
CHEERFUL GIVER Cheerful giver is London Cockney rhyming slang for liver.
CHEESE Cheese is slang for detest. Cheese is British slang for smegma. Cheese is prison slang for to act in a grovelling manner. Cheese is slang for a Dutch person. Cheese is Australian slang for a wife.
CHEESE AND CRACKERS Cheese and crackers is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (knackers).
CHEESE AND KISSES Cheese and kisses is rhyming slang for wife (misses).
CHEESE EFFECT Cheese effect is British slang for a false smile.
CHEESE GRATER Cheese grater is London Cockney rhyming slang for a waiter.
CHEESE IT Cheese it is American slang for beware, hide, run away.
CHEESE−CUTTER Cheese−cutter is slang for an aquiline nose. Cheese−cutter is slang for a large square peak on a cap. Cheese−cutter is slang for a flat cloth cap.
CHEESE−CUTTERS Cheese−cutters is slang for bandy legs.
CHEESEBALL Cheeseball is American slang for an unsavoury or contemptible person.
CHEESEBOX Cheesebox is American slang for a dilapidated vehicle.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHEESECAKE Cheesecake is slang for women displayed for their sex appeal, as in photographs in magazines, newspapers, or films. Cheesecake is slang for pin−up pictures.
CHEESECAKER Cheesecaker is slang for a photographer who specialises in pin−up photography.
CHEESECUTTER Cheesecutter is British slang for a flat cap.
CHEESED OFF Cheesed off is British slang for bored, disgusted, or angry.
CHEESY Cheesy is slang for unpleasant, unsavoury, squalid, disreputable. Cheesy is slang for banal, over−simple, cliched. Cheesy (shortened from cheesy quaver) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a favour.
CHEESY QUAVER Cheesy quaver is London Cockney rhyming slang for a favour.
CHELSEA BUN Chelsea bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for son. Chelsea bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for the sun.
CHELSEA POTTER Chelsea Potter is London Cockney rhyming slang for squatter.
CHELSEA SMILE Chelsea smile is slang for a scar running from the mouth to the ear.
CHELTENHAM BOLD Cheltenham bold is London Cockney rhyming slang for cold.
CHERIE BLAIR Cherie Blair is London Cockney rhyming slang for fare.
CHERNOBYL PACKET Chernobyl packet is computer slang for a network packet that induces network meltdown (the result of a broadcast storm), in memory of the April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl in Ukraine.
CHERRIES Cherries is American slang for the flashing lights on a police car.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHERRY Cherry is slang for virginity or the hymen as its symbol. Cherry is slang for new, fresh and attractive. Cherry is slang for an apprentice. Cherry (shortened from cherry hog) is rhyming slang for dog. Cherry is slang for the glowing end of a cigarette.
CHERRY HOG Cherry hog is London Cockney rhyming slang for dog.
CHERRY METH Cherry meth is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
CHERRY PICKER Cherry picker is old London Cockney rhyming slang for one pound (nicker).
CHERRY RED Cherry red is London Cockney rhyming slang for the head.
CHERRY RIPE Cherry ripe is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pipe used to smoke tobacco. Cherry ripe is London Cockney rhyming slang for nonsense (tripe).
CHESTNUT Chestnut is slang for an old joke or story.
CHESTY Chesty is slang for having large breasts.
CHEVY Chevy is slang for a Chevrolet car.
CHEVY CHASE Chevy Chase is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
CHEW SOMEONE OUT Chew someone out is American slang for to chastise, tell off.
CHEW THE FAT Chew the fat is London Cockney rhyming slang for chat. Chew the fat is slang for to argue over a point; talk idly; gossip.
CHEW UP Chew up is slang for to cause a person to be nervous or worried.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHEWERS Chewers is Black−American slang for teeth
CHI−ACK Chiack is slang for tease, taunt.
Chi−chi is slang for excessively cute, pretentious or twee.
CHIC Chic is slang for good form or style.
CHICANO Chicano is slang for a Mexican American.
CHICK Chick is slang for a girl or young woman, especially an attractive one. Chick is American slang for a passive homosexual partner.
CHICKEN Chicken is slang for a coward. Chicken is slang for a young inexperienced person.
CHICKEN AND RICE Chicken and rice is London Cockney rhyming slang for nice.
CHICKEN FEED Chicken feed is slang for a trifling amount of money.
CHICKEN HEART Chicken heart is London Cockney rhyming slang for wind emitted from the anus (fart).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHICKEN NECK Chicken neck is rhyming slang for a cheque.
CHICKEN PERCH Chicken perch is London Cockney rhyming slang for church.
CHICKEN RANCH Chicken ranch is American slang for a rural brothel.
CHICKEN RUN Chicken run is American slang for a teenage game in which drivers aim their cars at each other to see which will swerve first.
CHICKEN SOUP Chicken soup is British slang for acceptable, fine, okay.
CHICKENHAWK Chickenhawk is slang for a homosexual man who preys on younger men. Chickenhawk is slang for a heterosexual seducer or exploiter of under−age girls.
CHICKENSHIT Chickenshit is slang for cowardly or afraid.
CHICKIE Chickie is American slang for a young girl. Chickie is American slang for a young partner or victim of a dominant male homosexual, particularly in prison.
CHICLE Chicle is slang for heroin.
CHILDREN Children is British slang for a housebreaker's tools.
CHILL Chill (shortened from chill out) is slang for relax. Chill is British slang for to kill.
CHILL OUT Chill out is slang for relax.
CHILLIN' Chillin' is American slang for relaxing.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHILLUM Chillum is slang for a pot containing marijuana or hashish for smoking.
CHILVER Chilver is Dorset slang for a ewe lamb.
CHIMER Chimer is Black−American slang for a timepiece, clock. Chimer is Black−American slang for the human heart.
CHIMLEY Chimley is Dorset slang for a chimney.
CHIMNEY Chimney is British slang for a heavy smoker. Chimney is Black−American slang for the human head.
CHIMNEY AND SOOT Chimney and soot is London Cockney rhyming slang for a foot.
CHIN Chin is British slang for to hit someone hard.
CHIN−PROP Chin−prop is slang for a brooch.
CHIN−SPLITTER Chin−splitter is American slang for a narrow goatee beard.
CHINA China is British rhyming slang for a friend (shortened from china plate, meaning mate).
CHINA BROWN China brown is slang for a particular type of far eastern heroin.
CHINA PLATE China plate is Cockney rhyming slang for mate.
CHINA POT China pot is British slang for great riches.
CHINA WHITE China White is slang for a particularly pure and often lethal variety of heroin.
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CHINESE Chinese is British slang for something difficult to understand.
CHINESE ROCKS Chinese rocks is slang for various varieties of far−eastern crystalline heroin.
CHING Ching is British slang for a five pound note.
CHINK Chink is slang for a Chinese person. Chink is slang for money, change.
CHINK JOINT Chink joint is derogatory slang for a cheap Chinese restaurant.
CHINKER Chinker is slang for five.
CHINKERS Chinkers is slang for coins.
CHINKIE−JOG Chinkie−jog is Australian slang for a slow and steady jog.
CHINKS Chinks is derogatory American slang for Chinese food.
CHINKY Chinky is British slang for a Chinese restaurant or take−away. Chinky is British slang for a Chinese meal. Chinky is British slang for a Chinese person.
CHINLESS WONDER Chinless wonder is British slang for an effete or gormless person.
CHINNY Chinny is boxing slang for an easily knoked down opponent. Chinny is American slang for talkative.
CHINSPLASHER Chinsplasher is slang for masturbation by way of a woman's cleavage.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHINSTRAP Chinstrap is slang for the backside, buttocks. Chinstrap is Northern Irish slang for a tide mark around the neck.
CHINTZ Chintz is slang for a bedbug.
CHINTZY Chintzy is American slang for mean, grasping, miserly. Chintzy is American slang for second−rate.
CHINWAG Chinwag is British slang for talk, to chat.
CHIP Chip was old British slang for a shilling. Chip is slang for a child. Chip is slang for to barrack. Chip is Black American slang for a stolen mobile phone used to make illegal free phone calls.
CHIP IN To chip in is slang for to contribute, as to a fund or to share in the risks or expenses of.
CHIP TOGETHER Chip together is American slang for to contribute, to cooperate.
CHIPHEAD Chiphead is British slang for a technical boffin.
CHIPPENS Chippens is Irish slang for money.
CHIPPER Chipper is slang for lively, cheerful. Chipper is American slang for an occasional user of illicit drugs.
CHIPPERY Chippery was early 20th century slang for an argument.
CHIPPING Chipping is Australian slang for being cheeky, impudent. Chipping is American slang for the occasional use of illicit drugs.
CHIPPLE Chipple is Dorset slang for a spring onion.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHIPPY Chippy is slang for aggressive and hypersensitive. Chippy is British and New Zealand slang for a carpenter. Chippy is British slang for a fish and chip shop. Chippy is American and Australian slang for a prostitute or promiscuous woman.
CHIPS Chips is slang for a carpenter. Chips is British slang for money.
CHIPS AND PEAS Chips and peas is London Cockney rhyming slang for knees.
CHIPSY Chipsy is American slang for someone arrogant and superficial.
CHIRA Chira is slang for marijuana.
CHIRKY Chirky is American slang for cheerful.
Chirpy is slang for cheerful, happy.
CHIRRUP AND TITTER Chirrup and titter was old London Cockney rhyming slang for bitter (beer).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHISEL Chisel is slang for to cut close, as in a bargain or to cheat.
CHISELLER Chiseller is slang for a cheat. Chiseller is Dublin slang for a child.
CHISELLY Chiselly is Dorset slang for tough, chewy.
CHIV Chiv is slang for a knife.
CHIV−MAN Chiv−man is slang for someone expert at handling a knife.
CHIVA Chiva is slang for heroin.
CHIVEY Chivey is slang for to tease. Chivey is slang for noisy. Chivey is slang for to chase about.
CHIVVER Chivver is slang for someone expert at handling a knife.
CHIVY Chivy is English slang for to goad, drive, hunt, throw, or pitch.
CHOAD Choad is American slang for the penis.
CHOADSMOKER Choadsmoker is American slang for a fellator or fellatrix.
CHOAN Choan is American slang for sexual intercourse.
CHOC−ICE Choc ice is London Cockney rhyming slang for dice. Choc−ice is Black American slang for a Black person whose lifestyle, opinions and attitudes are those of the White society.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHOCAHOLIC Chocaholic is slang for someone with an inordinate fondness for chocolate.
CHOCHA Chocha is American slang for the vagina. Chocha is American slang for sexual intercourse.
CHOCK−VULL Chock−vull is Dorset slang for full.
CHOCKER Chocker is British slang for irritated; fed up; full.
CHOCKO Chocko is derogatory British slang for a black person.
CHOCKY JOCKEY Chocky Jokey is British slang for a male homosexual.
CHOCLATE ÉCLAIR Chocolate éclair is London Cockney rhyming slang for prayer.
CHOCO Choco was Australian slang during the Second World War for a member of the citizen army; militiaman, or a conscript.
CHOCOLATE Chocolate is British slang for excrement.
CHOCOLATE BANDIT Chocolate Bandit is British slang for a male homosexual.
CHOCOLATE BISCUIT Chocolate biscuit is London Cockney rhyming slang for risk it.
CHOCOLATE BOX Chocolate box is British slang for the anus.
CHOCOLATE DROP Chocolate drop is slang for a black person.
CHOCOLATE EYE Chocolate eye is British slang for the anus.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHOCOLATE FIREGUARD Chocolate fireguard is British slang for useless.
CHOCOLATE FROG Chocolate frog is Australian rhyming slang for wog (a foreigner or immigrant). Chocolate frog is Australian rhyming slang for dog (an informer).
CHOCOLATE FUDGE Chocolate fudge is London Cockney rhyming slang for a judge.
CHOCOLATE HIGHWAY Chocolate highway is British slang for the anus.
CHOCOLATE STARFISH Chocolate starfish is British slang for the anus.
CHOCOLATE TEAPOT Chocolate teapot is British slang for useless.
CHOICE Choice is British slang for something bad.
CHOIRBOY Choirboy is America slang for an innocent, naive young man. Choirboy is American slang for a new recruit to the police. Choirboy is American slang for someone feigning innocence.
CHOKE Choke is slang for to die.
CHOKE A DARKIE Choke a darkie is Australian slang for to defecate.
CHOKE THE CHICKEN Choke the chicken is slang for to masturbate.
CHOKED Choked is British slang for to be upset, disappointed.
CHOKER Choker is Black−American slang for a neck tie. Choker is slang for a stiff, wide cravat.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHOKEY Chokey is British slang for prison.
CHOLLY Cholly is slang for cocaine. Cholly is Black American slang for a one dollar bill.
CHOMBY Chomby is derogatory British slang for a black person.
CHOMP Chomp is slang for eat or bite.
CHOMPERS Chompers is slang for teeth.
CHOMPING GEAR Chomping gear is British slang for the teeth.
CHONKEYS Chonkeys was 19th century slang for a type of meat pasty sold by street peddlers.
CHOO−CHOO Choo−choo is slang for a train.
CHOOF OFF Choof off is Australian slang for to go away; make off.
CHOOK Chook is Australian slang for a chicken.
CHOOM Choom is Australian slang for an Englishman.
CHOOPS Choops was 19th century Anglo−Indian slang for be quiet!
CHOOSE OFF Choose off is Black American slang for to challenge to a fight.
CHOOSER Chooser is slang for a plagiarist.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHOP Chop is slang for a customised, cut−down motorcycle. Chop is British slang for to give up doing something. Chop is Australian and New Zealand slang for share.
CHOP SHOP Chop shop is American slang for a workshop that customises motor vehicles.
CHOP STICKS Chop sticks is London Cockney rhyming slang for six.
CHOPPED HOG Chopped hog is slang for a customised motorcycle.
CHOPPER Chopper is slang for a helicopter. Chopper is slang for the penis. Chopper is slang for a customised motorcycle with high ape hanger handlebars and lengthened front forks. Chopper is American slang for a sub−machine−gun.
CHOPPERS Choppers is slang for teeth, especially false ones.
CHOPS Chops is British slang for the jaws, lips and mouth. Chops is British slang for fingerprints. Chops is musical slang for embouchure. Chops is jazz slang for skill.
CHOPSY Chopsy is British slang for argumentative.
CHOW Chow is slang for food. Chow is derogatory slang for a Chinese person.
CHOW DOWN Chow down is American slang for to eat a sit down meal.
CHOZZER Chozzer is British slang for a police officer.
CHRISSIE Chrissie is slang for Christmas.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CHRISTEN Christen is slang for to use for the first time.
CHRISTINA Christina is slang for amphetamine.
CHRISTMAS CARD Christmas card is rhyming slang for a train guard.
CHRISTMAS CHEER Christmas cheer is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer.
CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Christmas crackers is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (knackers).
CHRISTMAS DINNER Christmas dinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for winner.
CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas eve is London Cockney rhyming slang for believe.
CHRISTMAS LOG Christmas log is London Cockney rhyming slang for dog.
CHRISTMAS SHOP Christmas shop is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (strop).
CHRISTMAS TREES Christmas Trees is slang for phenobarbital.
CHRISTMAS−CRACKERED Christmas−crackered is British rhyming slang for tired, exhausted (knackered).
CHRISTOPHER LEE Christopher Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (pee).
CHROME−DOME Chrome−dome is slang for a bald person.
CHROMO Chromo is Australian slang for a prostitute.
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CHRONIC Chronic is slang for cannabis.
CHUBB Chubb is British prison slang for to lock.
CHUBBETTE Chubbette is slang for a well−built young woman.
CHUBBY CHOPS Chubby chops is British slang for a fat−faced person.
CHUBBY−CHASER Chubby−chaser is slang for someone sexually attracted to fat people.
CHUCK Chuck is slang for chicken. Chuck is a slang term of endearment. Chuck is slang for to vomit.
CHUCK A CHEESY Chuck a cheesy is Australian slang for to grin.
CHUCK A PIZZA Chuck a pizza is American slang for to vomit
CHUCK UP Chuck up is slang for to vomit. Chuck up is slang for to smell, to suffer from body odour.
CHUCK YOU FARLEY Chuck you Farley is an American slang exclamation of defiance or contempt.
CHUCKAWAY CHARLIE Chuckaway Charlie is British slang for someone careful with his money.
CHUCKING−OUT TIME Chucking−out time is British slang for closing time at a pub.
CHUCKLEHEAD Chucklehead is American slang for a foolish, silly or eccentric person.
CHUDDY Chuddy is Australian and New Zealand slang for chewing gum. 224
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CHUFF Chuff is British slang for to pleasure or delight. Chuff is British slang for the backside. Chuff is British slang for to emit wind from the anus.
CHUFF ADDER Chuff adder is British slang for a male homosexual.
CHUFFED Chuffed is British slang for delighted, pleased.
CHUFFER Chuffer is British slang for a train.
CHUFFING Chuffing is British slang for very.
CHUG Chug is British slang for to drink.
CHUM Chum is British slang for a friend. Chum is American slang for to vomit.
CHUMMY Chummy is a British slang term of address for a suspect.
CHUMP Chump is British slang for the head. Chump is British slang for an idiot, a fool.
CHUNDER Chunder is American and Australian slang for to vomit.
CHUNDER CIRCUIT Chunder circuit is Australian slang for a pub crawl.
CHUNDEROUS Chunderous is Australian slang for nauseating.
CHUNDERSPEW Chunderspew is American slang for to vomit
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CHUNK OF BEEF Chunk of beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for someone in charge (chief).
CHUNK OF WOOD Chunk of wood was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for good.
CHUNKY Chunky is a British slang term of approval or endorsement.
CHUNNEL Chunnel is British slang for the Channel Tunnel.
CHUNTER Chunter is British slang for nag or complain.
CHURCH KEY Church Key is slang for a bottle opener.
CHURCHER Churcher was old British slang for a threepenny piece.
CHURCHWARDEN Churchwarden is slang for a clay tobacco pipe, with a long tube.
CHURCHYARD COUGH Churhyard cough is British slang for a severe cough.
CHURRY Churry is Dorset slang for cherry.
CHUTE Chute is British slang for the rectum.
CHUTIST Chutist is British slang for a male homosexual.
CHUTZPAH Chutzpah is slang for daring effrontery or impressive cheek.
CIG Cig is slang for a cigarette.
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CIGARETTE Cigarette (shortened from cigarette holder) is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoulder.
CIGARETTE HOLDER Cigarette holder is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoulder.
CIGAROID Cigaroid is slang for phencyclidine.
CIGGIE Ciggie is slang for a cigarette.
CILLA BLACK Cilla Black is London Cockney rhyming slang for the back.
CINCH Cinch is slang for an easy task.
CINCIES Cincies is American numismatic slang for 1936 Cincinnati commemorative half dollars.
CINDERELLA Cinderella is London Cockney rhyming slang for the nose (smeller). Cinderella is London Cockney rhyming slang for the colour yellow.
CIRCLE Circle is old British slang for the vagina.
CIRCLING THE DRAIN Circling the drain is medical slang for close to death, but lingering.
CIRCUS Circus is slang for a sex show.
CIRCUS LOVE Circus Love is Black−American slang for an orgy
CISCO KID Cisco kid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid).
CITIZEN Citizen is Black−American slang for a square or white person
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CITREXAL Citrexal is slang for methaqualone.
CITY BANKER City banker is London Cockney rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (wanker).
CITY TOTE City tote is London Cockney rhyming slang for coat.
CIVILIAN Civilian is British criminal slang for someone who is neither criminal nor policeman.
CIVVIES Civvies is slang for civilian clothes.
CIVVY Civvy is slang for civilian.
CIVVY STREET Civvy street is slang for civilian life.
CJ CJ is slang for phencyclidine.
CLACK Clack is British slang for chatter or talk incessantly.
CLACK−BOX Clack−box is slang for the mouth.
CLACKERS Clackers is British slang for false teeth.
CLAG Clag is British slang for bad weather.
CLAIM Claim is British slang for to grab hold of someone. Claim is British slang for to arrest.
CLAIMO Claimo is British slang for a fortuitous accident where no one is hurt but the insurance claim is paid.
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CLAIRE RAYNERS Claire Rayners is London Cockney rhyming slang for the footwear trainers.
CLAM Clam is slang for the mouth. Clam is American slang for a dollar.
CLAM SMACKER Clam smacker is American slang for a lesbian.
CLAM UP Clam up is slang for to keep quiet, to refuse to talk.
CLAMBRAIN Clambrain is American slang for a foolish or stupid person.
CLAMS Clams is American slang for the hands.
CLAMSHELL Clamshell is American slang for a one dollar bill. Clamshell is American slang for the mouth.
CLAMSHELLS Clamshells is American slang for the lips.
CLANG Clang is British slang for to commit a gaffe, make a mistake.
CLANGER Clanger is British slang for a glaring mistake.
CLAP Slap is slang for gonorrhoea, and venereal disease in general.
CLAP EYES ON Clap eyes on is slang for to observe, to see.
CLAP TRAP Clap trap is British slang for a promiscuous woman's vagina.
CLAPPED Clapped is slang for infected with venereal disease.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CLAPPED OUT Clapped out is slang for worn out, exhausted.
CLAPPED UP Clapped Up is slang for infected with venereal disease.
CLAPPER Clapper is slang for the tongue.
CLAPPERS Clappers is British slang for the testicles.
CLAPSED Clapsed is Dorset slang for clasped.
CLAPSTER Clapster is British slang for a promiscuous man.
CLARET Claret is British slang for blood.
CLARET AND BLUES Claret and blues is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoes.
CLARK GABLE Clark Gable is London Cockney rhyming slang for table.
CLARK KENT Clark Kent is London Cockney rhyming slang for corrupt (bent).
CLART Clart is British slang for trouble, a mess.
CLASS ACT Class act is American slang for impressive.
CLASSY Classy is slang for elegant, stylish.
CLASSY CHASSIS Classy Chassis is Black−American slang for an attractive woman's body.
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CLAT−TALE Clat−tale is British slang for a tell−tale.
CLAVY Clavy is Dorset slang for a mantleshelf.
CLAW HAMMER COAT Claw hammer coat is slang for a dress coat of the swallowtail pattern.
CLAY PIGEON Clay pigeon is American slang for a person in a defenceless position; a sitting duck.
CLAY PIGEONS Clay pigeons is British motorcycle courier slang for pedestrians.
CLEAN Clean is slang for innocent; not carrying weapons; not carrying drugs.
CLEAN HOUSE Clean house is American slang for to vomit
CLEAN UP THE KITCHEN Clean up the kitchen is American slang for the dish 'hash'.
CLEANED OUT Cleaned out is British slang for made penniless.
CLEANSKIN Cleanskin is Australian slang for a person without a criminal record.
CLEAR Clear is Dorset slang for very.
CLEAR AS MUD Clear as mud is British slang for unclear, incomprehensible.
CLEAR OUT Clear out is slang for to leave someone with no money. Clear out is slang for to exhaust stocks, goods, etc. completely.
CLEETY Cleety is Irish slang for awkward.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CLEMENT FREUDS Clement Freuds is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids.
CLEMMED Clemmed is British slang for very hungry.
CLEVER DICK Clever Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for brick.
CLEVER MIKE Clever Mike is London Cockney rhyming slang for bike.
CLEVER−CLOGS Clever−clogs is British slang for a know−all.
CLICK Click is slang for to be a great success. Click is slang for to have a naturally smooth relationship. Click is British slang for a robbery. Click is British slang for to obtain some money. Click is American slang for a clique. Click is American military slang for kilometre.
CLICKER Clicker is slang for marijuana dipped in formaldehyde and smoked.
CLICKETTY CLICKERS Clicketty clickers is London Cockney rhyming slang for knickers.
CLICKETY CLICK Clickety click is London Cockney rhyming slang for sixty−six. Clickety click is bingo slang for the number sixty−six.
CLIFFDWELLER Cliffdweller is American slang for someone who lives in a high−rise block of flats.
CLIFFHANGER Cliffhanger is slang for a television program with an unresolved and suspenseful ending.
CLIMAX Climax is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
CLIMB THE RIGGING Climb the rigging is slang for to lose one's temper.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CLIMB THE TREE Climb the tree is slang for masturbate.
CLIMB THE WALL Climb the wall is slang for to have an overly emotional reaction.
CLINCH Clinch is slang for a lovers' embrace.
CLINK Clink is slang for prison. Clink is slang for metal money.
CLINKER Clinker is Dorset slang for an icicle. Clinker is American and Canadian slang for a mistake or fault, especially a wrong note played in music.
CLIP Clip is slang for to defraud or swindle, especially by overcharging. Clip is British slang for to hit someone with a glancing blow. Clip is British slang for to kill. Clip is American slang for speed. Clip is American slang for each.
CLIP ARTIST Clip artist is American slang for a fraudster, cardsharp or confidence trickster.
CLIP JOINT Clip joint is slang for a club or bar which employs hostesses who encourage clients to buy them hugely over priced drinks. Clip joint is slang for a business where customers are regularly overcharged or cheated.
CLIP ONE'S WINGS Clip one's wings is slang for to restrict one's behaviour.
CLIP SIDE OF BIG MOIST Clip side of big moist is Black−American slang for on the other side of the ocean
CLIPDICK Clipdick is derogatory British slang for a Jew.
CLIPPER Clipper is slang for a tout who charges tourists for providing them with the phone number or address of publicly advertising prostitutes.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CLIPPIE Clippie was British slang for a bus conductor.
CLIPPING Clipping is slang for the cheat when a prostitute takes a client's money, but does not supply sex.
CLIQUM Cliqum is slang for phencyclidine.
CLIT Clit is slang for the clitoris.
CLITHOPPER Clithopper is slang for a promiscuous lesbian.
CLITTY Clitty is slang for the clitoris.
CLOAK−AND−DAGGER Cloak−and−dagger is slang for relating to espionage.
CLOAKROOM Cloakroom is American slang for a large anteroom off each of the main chambers in Congress where legislators and staffers conduct informal meetings.
CLOBBER Clobber is slang for to beat or batter. Clobber is British slang for personal belongings, such as clothes and accessories. Clobber is Polari slang for clothes.
CLOBBERED−UP Clobbered−up is British slang for dressed up. Clobbered−up is British slang for burdened.
CLOCK Clock is slang for to strike, especially on the head or face. Clock is slang for to notice or see. Clock is slang for to watch, observe. Clock is British slang for the face.
CLOCKING Clocking is American slang for selling crack cocaine.
CLODHOPPER Clodhopper is slang for a clumsy or boorish person. Clodhopper is British rhyming slang for a policeman (copper). 234
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Clodhopper is British slang for a large boot.
CLOG Clog is soccer slang for to foul an opponent. Clog is British slang for to kick. Clog is British slang for a Dutch person. Clog is British slang for virility.
CLOGGER Clogger is British slang for someone who kicks people, or a soccer player who repeatedly fouls.
CLONE Clone is slang for a gay man of stereotypical appearance. Clone is slang for a fashion follower. Clone is slang for an imitator. Clone is slang for to copy.
CLONE−ZONE Clone−zone is slang for a place where male homosexuals congregate.
CLOSE DOORS Close doors is slang for in secret. Close doors is American slang for to go out of business.
CLOSE RANKS Close ranks is slang for to temporarily set aside differences and join together for a common purpose.
CLOSE THE BOOK Close the book is slang for to bring to a conclusion.
CLOSET CASE Closet case is slang for a homosexual who conceals their homosexuality.
CLOT Clot is British slang for a fool, a stupid person.
CLOTE Clote is Dorset slang for the ywllow waterlily.
CLOTHES PEG Clothes peg is London Cockney rhyming slang for egg. Clothes peg is London Cockney rhyming slang for leg.
CLOTHESLINE Clothesline is sport slang for a blow involving a straight arm to the opponent's neck.
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CLOTHESLINER Clothesliner is British slang for a petty thief.
CLOUD Cloud is American real−estate slang for preventing a sale or transfer of deeds until an unpaid debt is settled on the property.
CLOUD SEVEN Cloud seven is London Cockney rhyming slang for heaven.
CLOUT Clout is British slang for the vagina. Clout is British slang for to hit.
CLOVEN HOOF Cloven hoof is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (poof).
CLOWN Clown is slang for a stupid, foolish, annoying person.
CLOY Cloy is British slang for a pickpocket. Cloy is British slang for to steal from a pocket.
CLUB FED Club fed is American slang for prison.
CLUCKY Clucky is Australian slang for pregnant.
CLUDGIE Cludgie is north British slang for a toilet.
CLUELESS Clueless is American slang for unaware; naive; lacking knowledge; stupid.
CLUM Clum is British slang for an awkward person.
CLUMP Clump is slang for to punch someone.
CLUNK Clunk is American slang for a stupid or dull−witted person. Clunk is American slang for an old and worn out car or truck. 236
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CLUTCHFIST Clutchfist is British slang for a miser.
CLUTEY Clutey is Irish slang for awkward.
CLY Cly was old slang for money. Cly was old slang for a pocket. Cly was 16th century slang for to take. Cly was 17th century slang for to steal.
CLY−FAKER Cly−faker was 19th century slang for a pickpocket.
CLYDE Clyde is Black−American slang for a square.
CLYDESDALE Clydesdale is American slang for an attractive man.
CLYSTER−PIPE Clyster−pipe was 17th and 18th century slang for a doctor, a pharmacy.
COACH−WHEEL Coach−wheel was slang for a five−shilling coin. Coach−wheel was 19th century American slang for a silver dollar.
COACHEE Coachee was slang for a coachman.
COACHMAN ON THE BOX Coachman on the box is British rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
COACHMANS Coachmans (shortened from Coachman on the box) is British rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
COAL AND COKE Coal and coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for penniless (broke).
COAL HEAVER Coal heaver was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a penny (Stever).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COAL SACK Coal sack is British slang for a cul−de−sac.
COALBOXED Coalboxed is British slang for ruined.
COALMAN'S SACK Coalman's sack is London Cockney rhyming slang for dirty (black).
COASTING Coasting is American slang for being under the influence of illicit drugs, in a euphoric state.
Coat is British slang for to tell off, to scold.
COAT AND BADGE Coat and badge is London Cockney rhyming slang for cadge.
COAT HANGER Coat hanger is London Cockney rhyming slang for an old car (banger). Coat hanger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a sausage (banger). Coat hanger is London Cockney rhyming slang for clanger.
COB Cob is British slang for a bad mood.
COB OF COAL Cob of coal is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployment benefit (dole).
COBBER Cobber is old Australian slang for a friend.
COBBLER Cobbler is Australian and New Zealand slang for a difficult sheep that struggles during shearing, often the last sheep to be shorn in the day. 238
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COBBLER'S AWLS Cobbler's awls is London Cockney rhyming slang for balls (testicles), nonsense.
COBBLER'S STALLS Cobbler's stalls is London Cockney rhyming slang for balls (testicles), nonsense.
COBBLERS Cobblers (shortened from Cobblers awl's) is British slang for nonsense.
COCA Coca is slang for cocaine.
COCK Cock is slang for the penis. Cock is British slang for a friend. Cock is British slang for nonsense.
COCK A DEAF ONE Cock a deaf one is British slang for to pretend not to hear.
COCK ALLEY Cock alley is British slang for the vagina.
COCK AND HEN Cock and hen is London Cockney rhyming slang for pen. Cock and hen is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten (especially ten pounds sterling).
COCK LINNET Cock linnet is London Cockney rhyming slang for minute.
COCK SPARROW Cock sparrow is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dart (arrow). Cock sparrow is London Cockney rhyming slang for barrow. Cock sparrow is British slang for a friend.
COCK−ROCK Cock−rock is slang for bombastic, macho, heavy rock music.
COCK−SHY Cock−shy is British slang for a man who is shy to undress in front of others.
COCK−TEASE Cock−tease is slang for a sexually alluring woman, especially one who flirts but doesn't copulate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COCK−TEASER Cock−teaser is slang for a sexually alluring woman, especially one who flirts but doesn't copulate.
COCK−UP Cock−up is British slang for something badly done; to botch.
COCKALEEKIE Cockaleekie is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheeky.
COCKED HAT Cocked hat is London Cockney rhyming slang for an informer, an untrustworthy person (rat).
COCKER Cocker is a British slang form of affectionate address for a male friend.
COCKEREL AND HEN Cockerel and hen is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten.
COCKEYE BOB Cockeye Bob is Australian slang for a sudden storm or cyclone.
COCKLE Cockle is betting slang for odds of 10/1. Cockle (shortened from cockerel and hen) is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten, ten pounds sterling, a ten year prison sentence, ten years of marriage.
COCKLE TO A PENNY BUN Cockle to a penny bun is British slang for racing odds of 10 to 1.
COCKNEY SLANG London Cockney slang is mainly comprised of: 1) Words from Romany, such as 'chavvy' a child, and 'mush' a friend. 2) Words from Yiddish such as 'gazump'. 3) Minced oaths and euphemisms, such as 'Blimey' from God blind me. 4) Armed forces slang picked up in Asia and consisting of Arabic and Hindu words such as 'bint' which is Arabic for a girl. 5) Abbreviations sometimes with 'o' appended, such as 'aggro' aggravation. 6) Back slang, such as 'yob' a boy. 7) Run together phrases such as 'wotcha' originally the greeting 'watch cheer!'. The origins of Cockney rhyming slang are unknown, the general rumour is of a thieves' code, but no evidence exists of such a code and it is more likely to find its origins in early 20th century word play so popular in London during the 1930s.
COCKROACH Cockroach is London Cockney rhyming slang for coach.
COCKSUCKER Cocksucker is slang for a despicable, contemptible person. Cocksucker is slang for a prostitute.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COCKTAIL Cocktail is slang for a mixture of illicit drugs. Cocktail is English slang for a mean, half−hearted fellow; a coward.
COCKY Cocky is slang for pert. Cocky is British slang for swaggering, impudent, arrogant. Cocky is Australian slang for a cockatoo. Cocky is Australian slang for a small farmer.
COCKY'S JOY Cocky's joy is Australian slang for golden syrup.
COCO Coco is derogatory British slang for a black or coloured person.
COCOA Cocoa is London Cockney rhyming slang for say so. Cocoa is derogatory British slang for a black person.
COCONUT Coconut is British slang for a non−white person who collaborates with the white establishment. Coconut is slang for the head. Coconut is American slang for one dollar.
COCOONING Cocooning is American slang for staying at home with the family rather than socialising.
COD Cod is British and Irish slang for to make fun of; tease. Cod is British slang for mock or sham, fake.
COD'S ROE Cod's roe is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (dough). Cod's roe is London Cockney rhyming slang for snow.
CODE BROWN Code brown is nursing slang for when a patient severely defecates in the bed.
CODE YELLOW Code yellow is nursing slang for when the catheter breaks and the patient is covered in urine.
CODS Cods is British slang for testicles.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CODSWALLOP Codswallop is British slang for nonsense, worthless rubbish.
COFFEE Coffee is slang for brown heroin.
COFFEE AND COCOA Coffee and cocoa is London Cockney rhyming slang for say so, think so.
COFFEE AND TEA Coffee and tea is London Cockney rhyming slang for sea.
COFFEE STALLS Coffee stalls is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (balls).
COFFEE−BAR COWBOYS Coffee−bar cowboys was British slang of the 1950s and 1960s for young men who frequented coffee−bars and cafes.
COFFIN DODGER Coffin dodger is derogatory British slang for an old person.
COFFIN NAIL Coffin nail is slang for a cigarette.
COG Cog is slang for to cheat, especially in a dice game by using a loaded die. Cog is British slang for a gear.
COIT Coit is Australian slang for the buttocks.
COJONES Cojones is slang for courage. Cojones is slang for the testicles.
COKE Coke is slang for cocaine. Coke is British slang for phlegm.
COKEHEAD Cokehead is American slang for an habitual user of cocaine.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COKIE Cokie is American slang for an habitual user of cocaine.
COKIES Cokies is British slang for old−fashioned, baggy trousers.
COLD Cold is slang for untraceable.
COLD ENOUGH TO FREEZE THE BALLS OFF A BRASS MONKEY Cold Enough To Freeze The Balls Off A Brass Monkey is slang for very cold weather.
COLD FISH Cold fish is British slang for an unemotional, uncaring person.
COLD MEAT PARTY Cold meat party is Black−American slang for a funeral
COLD POTATO Cold potato is London Cockney rhyming slang for waitor.
COLD TURKEY Cold turkey is slang for the method of curing drug addiction by the abrupt withdrawal of all doses.
COLDIE Coldie is Australian slang for a cold bottle or can of beer.
COLDSTREAM GUARDS Coldstream Guards is London Cockney rhyming slang for playing cards.
COLLAR Collar is slang for hard work. Collar is slang for arrest. Collar is British slang for the head on a pint of beer.
COLLAR A BROOM Collar a broom is Black−American slang for to leave.
COLLAR A DUSTER UP THE LADDER Collar a duster up the ladder is Black−American slang for to climb stairs.
COLLAR A HOT Collar a hot is Black−American slang for to eat lunch or summer. 243
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COLLAR AND CUFF Collar and cuff is old London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual man (puff).
COLLAR AND TIE Collar and tie is London Cockney rhyming slang for lie, tell an untruth. Collar and tie is London Cockney rhyming slang for spy.
COLLAR THE JIVE Collar the jive is Black−American slang for to grasp what is happening.
COLLARED Collared is British slang for arrested.
COLLECT Collect is slang for to receive large sums of money, as from an investment.
COLLEEN BAWN Colleen Bawn is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection of the penis (horn).
COLLEGE College is old British slang for prison.
COLLINS STREET FARMER Collins street farmer is Australian slang for a businessman who invests in farms, land, etc.
COLLY Colly (shortened from Colleen Bawn) is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection of the penis (horn).
COLLYWOBBLES Collywobbles is slang for an upset stomach; a feeling of nervousness.
COLNEY HATCH Colney Hatch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a match.
COLOMBIAN Colombian is slang for cocaine.
COLONEL BLIMP Colonel Blimp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a shrimp.
COLONEL GADAFFI Colonel Gadaffi is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Welshman (Taffy).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COLONEL PRESCOTT Colonel Prescott is London Cockney rhyming slang for a waistcoat.
COLONIC Colonic is British slang for a drink of coca−cola and tonic.
COLOURING THE PATIO Colouring the patio is American slang for to vomit.
COMB AND BRUSH Comb and brush is London Cockney rhyming slang for an alcoholic drink, an alcoholic (lush).
COMBO Combo is Australian slang for a white man who lives with an Aboriginal woman.
COMBOL Combol is slang for cocaine.
COME Come is slang for to ejaculate or for semen.
COME A CLOVER Come a clover is London Cockney rhyming slang for tumble over.
Come a cropper is British slang for to suffer a misfortune, to fall, to have an accident.
COME A GUTSER Come a gutser is Australian and New Zealand slang for to fall heavily to the ground. Come a gutser is Australian and New Zealand slang for to fail through error or misfortune. 245
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COME A STUMER Come a stumer is Australian slang for to crash financially.
COME A TUMBLE Come a tumble is London Cockney rhyming slang for to find out, discover (rumble).
COME ACROSS Come across is slang for to hand over or contribute money, information etc. Come across is slang for to consent to have sex.
COME AND GO Come and go is London Cockney rhyming slang for snow.
COME AT Come at is Australian slang for to agree to do. Come at is Australian slang for presume; impose. Come at is Australian slang for to stomach; tolerate.
COME HARD Come hard is British slang for to act aggressively or threateningly.
COME IT Come it is slang for pretend; act a part; exaggerate.
COME IT HARD Come it hard is British slang for to act aggressively or threateningly.
COME OFF Come off is slang for to have an orgasm.
COME ON Come on is slang for to start to menstruate.
COME ON LIKE GANG BUSTERS Come on like gang busters is Black−American slang for to do something very fast
COME ONE'S GUTS Come one's guts is British slang for to confess.
COME OUT Come out is slang for to reveal oneself as a homosexual.
COME THE ACID Come the acid is slang for be unpleasant or offensive, speak in a caustic manner.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COME THE RAW PRAWN Come the raw prawn is Australian slang for to try to take advantage of, or deceive someone.
COME−ON Come−on is slang for an approach or enticement.
COMEBACK Comeback is British slang for a repercussion.
COMEDOWN Comedown is slang for a depressed or unexcited state. Comedown is slang for depression and exhaustion following a bout of drug use.
COMIC CUTS Comic cuts is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (nuts).
COMIC SINGERS Comic singers was old London Cockney rhyming slang for fingers.
COMICAL FARCE Comical farce is London Cockney rhyming slang for glass.
COMMO Commo is British and Australian slang for communist.
COMMODE HUGGING Commode hugging is American slang for to vomit
COMPLETELY CUTE Completely cute is American slang for attractive, handsome, sexy.
COMPO Compo is Australian slang for unemployment compensation.
CON Con is slang for convict. Con is slang for to swindle, to defraud, to obtain money by false pretences.
CON AND COL Con and Col is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployment benefit (dole).
CON−CHARGE Con−charge is British slang for congestion charge.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CONAN DOYLE Conan Doyle is London Cockney rhyming slang for boil.
CONCERTINAS Concertinas is British slang for trousers which are too long for the wearer.
CONCH Conch is American slang for a hard working student.
CONDO Condo is American slang for condominium.
CONEHEAD Conehead is American slang for a strange and foolish person.
CONER Coner is slang for a pickpocket who makes contact by dropping an ice−cream at his victim's feet.
CONGER EEL Conger eel is London Cockney rhyming slang for inform (squeal).
CONK Conk is English and Australian slang for to hit. Conk is British and New Zealand slang for the nose. Conk is Black−American slang for pomade for the hair; the human head.
CONK OUT Conk out is British slang for a mechanical breakdown. Conk out is British slang for to lose conciousness, to die, to fall asleep.
CONK−BUSTER Conk−buster is Black−American slang for anything mentally difficult.
CONKER Conker is British slang for the nut of the horse chestnut tree.
CONKERS Conkers is British slang for the testicles.
CONNAUGHT RANGER Connaught Ranger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stranger.
CONNECT Connect is slang for to find a source of drugs, especially illegal drugs. 248
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CONNECTION Connection is slang for a supplier of illegal drugs, such as heroin. Connection is slang for a relationship between a criminal and a corrupt official.
Conniption is American and Canadian slang for a fit of rage or tantrums.
CONSHIE Conshie is slang for a conscientious objector.
CONSTANT SCREECHER Constant screecher is London Cockney rhyming slang for a teacher.
CONSTIPATED Constipated is British slang for blocked, especially when speaking of a road.
CONSTIPATION Constipation is London Cockney rhyming slang for a train station.
CONTRACT Contract is slang for a criminal agreement to kill a particular person in return for an agreed sum of money.
CONVO Convo is Australian slang for a conversation.
CONYO Conyo is British slang for the vagina. 249
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COO−YON Coo−yon is Black−American slang for anyone who is crazy
COOEY Cooey is British slang for a pigeon.
COOK Cook is slang for to happen. Cook is slang for to prepare drugs by heating.
COOK UP Cook up is slang for to prepare a drug for use by heating, as by dissolving heroin in a spoon.
COOK WITH GAS Cook with gas is Black−American slang for to be informed about the popular fad
COOKED Cooked is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
COOKIE Cookie is Black−American slang for the female genitalia.
COOKIE−PUSHER Cookie−pusher is American slang for an effete or sycophantic man.
COOKING Cooking is British slang for beer. Cooking is American slang for going well, succeeding.
COOL Cool is American slang for calm; fine, acceptable; Neat; exciting; interesting; very good.
COOL HAND LUKE Cool hand Luke is London Cockney rhyming slang for serendipity (fluke).
COOL IT Cool it is slang for relax.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Cool papa is Black−American slang for a nonchalant male
COOLER Cooler is slang for prison.
COOLIE Coolie is deroagtory slang for a Chinese or oriental person.
COOMBE Coombe is Dorset slang for a small valley.
COON Coon is derogatory slang for a Negro.
COON'S AGE Coon's age is American slang for a long period of time.
COONDIE Coondie is Australian slang for a small stone suitable for use as a missile.
COONIE Coonie is Australian slang for a small stone suitable for use as a missile.
COOT Coot is British slang for a fool, particularly an old fool.
COOTIE Cootie is American and Australian slang for the body louse. Cootie is American slang for an imaginary germ or bug. Cootie is American slang for something repellent but contagious that can be caught from someone one doesn't like. Cootie is American slang for a piece of nasal mucus.
COOTY Cooty is American slang for an infestation of body louse.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COOZE Cooze is American slang for a woman. Cooze is American slang for the female sex organs.
COP Cop is slang for a policeman. Cop is slang for worth; value. Cop is slang for an arrest. Cop is slang for to contract or catch something. Cop is slang for to take a bribe. Cop is slang for to buy illicit drugs.
COP A BROOM Cop a broom is Black−American slang for to leave hurriedly.
COP A DRILL Cop a drill is Black−American slang for to leave walking.
COP A FEEL Cop a feel is American slang for to grope someone sexually.
COP A FLOWER POT Cop a flower pot is British slang for to be severely reprimanded.
COP A PLEA Cop a plea is American slang for to plead guilty to a lesser offence than the one charged (plea bargain).
COP A SQUAT Cop a squat is Black−American slang for to sit down.
COP OFF Cop off is British slang for to find a sexual partner.
COP OUT Cop out is slang for to fail to assume responsibility or to commit oneself.
COP SHOP Cop shop is slang for a police station.
COP SOME ZS Cop some Zs is American slang for to sleep.
COP THE BREWERY Cop the brewery was 19th century slang for to get intoxicated, drunk.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COP THE CURRANT Cop the currant is slang for to surpass. Cop the currant is slang for highly unlikely, improbable.
COPACETIC Copacetic is American and Canadian slang for very good; excellent; completely satisfactory.
COPIOUSLY COUGH ONES COOKIES Copiously cough ones cookies is American slang for to vomit
COPPER Copper is slang for a policeman.
COPPER−NOB Copper−nob was old British slang for a person with red hair.
COPSHOP Copshop is British slang for a police station.
CORE Core is computer slang for main storage or RAM. It Dates from the days of ferrite−core memory and is now archaic as techspeak in most places outside IBM, but is also still used in the UNIX community and by old−time hackers or those who would sound like them.
CORGIS Corgis is British slang for a couple of ghastly individuals.
CORK IT Cork it is British slang for keep quiet.
CORK UP Cork up is British slang for keep quiet.
CORKED Corked is British slang for drunk, intoxicated. Corked is British slang for constipated.
CORKER Corker is slang for something or somebody striking or outstanding.
CORKING Corking is slang for excellent.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CORKSCREW Corkscrew is British slang for bent. Corkscrew is British slang for a laxative. Corkscrew is boxing slang for a blow that ends with a twist of the fist, especially one intended to cut the opponent.
CORN Corn is slang for money. Corn is British slang for an idea, song, etc., regarded as banal or sentimental.
CORN FLAKE Corn flake is London Cockney rhyming slang for fake.
CORN JUICE Corn juice is American slang for whisky.
CORN ON THE COB Corn on the cob is British rhyming slang for job. Corn on the cob is Black American slang for sexual intercourse in which the partners are partially dressed.
CORN SQUEEZINGS Corn squeezings is American slang for illegally distilled whisky.
CORN UP Corn up is American slang for to get drunk, intoxicated.
CORNED BEEF Corned beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for chief. Corned beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for a petty thief.
CORNED BEEF CITY Corned beef city is British slang for a large council housing estate, especially Dagenham.
CORNED BEEF LEGS Corned beef legs is British slang for red, bloychy legs.
CORNER−BOY Corner−boy is British slang for an idle youth.
CORNFLAKE Cornflake is American slang for an eccentric, crazy or silly person.
CORNHOLE Cornhole is American slang for the anus. Cornhole is American slang for anal intercourse. 254
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Cornhole is American slang for an aggressor, a bully.
CORNHUSKER Cornhusker is American slang for a farmer.
CORNICHON Cornichon was 19th century slang for a poor shot.
CORNISH DUCK Cornish duck is British slang for a pilchard.
CORNISH PASTIE Cornish pastie is London Cockney rhyming slang for attractive (tasty).
CORNISH PASTIES Cornish pasties is British slang for a particular style of men's shoe with a moulded sole considered unfashionable.
CORNPONE Cornpone is Black American slang for a rustic, particularly a Southern rustic.
CORNPOPPER Cornpopper is American slang for a large truck. Cornpopper is American slang for a cheap and noisy car.
CORNS AND BUNIONS Corns and bunions is rhyming slang for onions.
CORNSTALK Cornstalk is Australian slang for a native Australian. Cornstalk is Australian slang for a tall thin man.
CORNY Corny is slang for trite or banal Corny is slang for sentimental or mawkish.
CORPORAL Corporal is British slang for two pounds sterling.
CORPORAL KLINGER Corporal Klinger is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unregistered player (ringer).
CORPORATION COCKTAIL Corporation cocktail was 1950s and 1960s British slang for milk with coal gas bubbled through it.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CORPORATION POP Corporation pop was 1950s British slang for water.
CORPSE Corpse is British slang for to kill. Corpse is theatre slang for to laugh or cause to laugh involuntarily or inopportunely while on stage.
CORPSE−REVIVER Corpse−reviver is American slang for a stimulant alcoholic drink taken for a hangover.
CORRINE Corrine is slang for cocaine.
CORY Cory is British slang for penis.
COSH BOY Cosh boy is British slang for a young male thug.
COSMIC Cosmic is British slang for marvellous, fantastic, out−of−this−world.
COSTARD Costard is old slang for the head.
COSY Cosy is British slang for sex.
COT−CASE Cot−case is slang for an invalid.
COTICS Cotics is slang for heroin.
COTTAGE Cottage is slang for a public lavatory.
COTTAGING Cottaging is British slang for visiting or waiting around public toilets in the hope of making sexual contacts.
COTTON Cotton is Black−American slang for the hair of a woman's pudendum.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COTTON ON Cotton on is slang for to understand.
COTTON PICKER Cotton picker is American slang for an unpleasant person. Cotton picker is derogatory American slang for a Black person.
COTTON WOOL Cotton wool is London Cockney rhyming slang for hunting for sexual quarry (pull).
COTTONTAIL Cottontail is American slang for an attractive woman.
COTTONTOP Cottontop was old American slang for a promiscuous woman who kept up a respectable appearance.
COUCH CASE Couch case is slang for an eccentric or mad person.
COUCH HOCKEY Couch hockey is slang for sexual intercourse on a couch.
Couch potato is slang for a lazy person whose recreation consists chiefly of watching television and videos.
COUCH SLOUCH Couch slouch is British slang for a lazy person.
COUGH Cough is British slang for to confess to a crime, to reluctantly give up information.
COUGH AND CHOKE Cough and choke is London Cockney rhyming slang for smoke.
COUGH AND SNEEZE Cough and sneeze is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COUGH AND SPLUTTER Cough and splutter is London Cockney rhyming slang for butter.
COUGH DROP Cough drop is slang for poison. Cough drop is slang for something disagreeable. Cough drop is South African slang for an attractive woman.
COUGH UP YOUR VITTLES Cough up your vittles is slang for to vomit.
COUGHING CHUNKS CURL AND HURL Coughing chunks curl and hurl is American slang for to vomit
COULDA Coulda is slang for could have.
COULDN'T GIVE A CANDY Couldn't give a candy is British slang for don't care.
COUNCIL GRITTER Council gritter is rhyming Slang for the anus (shitter).
COUNCIL HOUSES Council houses is London Cockney rhyming slang for trousers.
COUNTERJUMPER Counterjumper is contemptuous slang for a salesman in a shop.
COUNTRY Country is Jamaican slang for Montego Bay.
COUNTRY COUSIN Country cousin is London Cockney rhyming slang for dozen.
COUNTRY PANCAKE Country pancake is British slang for a cow−pat.
COUPLE OF BOB Couple of bob is London Cockney rhyming slang for plegm (gob). Couple of bob is London Cockney rhyming slang for job. Couple of bob is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cloth used to clean a scoreboard (swab).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COUPON Coupon is Scottish slang for the face.
COUSIN Cousin is Gay slang for an older man's younger lover. Cousin is American slang for a mosquito. Cousin was 16th century British slang for a confidence trickster's victim. Cousin was 17th century British slang for a prostitute.
COUSIN ELLA Cousin Ella is London Cockney rhyming slang for umbrella.
COUSIN SIS Cousin Sis is London Cockney rhyming slang for drinking (piss).
COUSINS Cousins is British slang for Americans.
COUSSEN Coussen is Dorset slang for couldn't you?
COUTER Couter was old British slang for one pound sterling.
COVE Cove is old slang for a man or boy. Cove is British slang for old−fashioned.
COVENT GARDEN Covent Garden was old British rhyming slang for a farthing. Covent Garden is London Cockney rhyming slang for pardon.
COVER WITH THE MOON Cover with the moon is American tramp slang for to sleep in the open
COVERED WAGON Covered wagon is London Cockney rhyming slang for a disagreeable woman (dragon).
COW Cow is British slang for an unpleasant lady. Cow is American slang for a hamburger. Cow is Australian slang for a difficult task. Cow is Australian and New Zealand slang for something objectionable.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Cow and calf is London Cockney rhyming slang for half. Cow and calf is London Cockney rhyming slang for laugh.
COW AND GATE Cow and gate is London Cockney rhyming slang for late.
COW COCKY Cow cocky is Australian slang for a small−scale cattle farmer.
COW COLLEGE Cow college is American slang for a college in an obscure town or remote place.
COW JUICE Cow juice is British slang for milk.
COW PIE Cow pie is British slang for a cow−pat.
COW'S CALF Cow's calf is London Cockney rhyming slang for half, especially 50 pence or a six−month prison sentence.
COW'S LICK Cow's lick is London Cockney rhyming slang for prison (nick).
COW'S LICKER Cow's licker is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pound (nicker).
COW−HORNS Cow−horns is British slang for high, curved handlebars on a bicycle or motorbike.
COWBOY Cowboy is slang for a reckless or irresponsible young person. Cowboy is British slang for a bad workman.
COWBOY JOB Cowboy job is espionage slang for an unauthorised scheme. Cowboy job is British slang for badly done or skimped workmanship.
COWBOY OUTFIT Cowboy outfit is British slang for a firm or organisation that specialises in shoddy workmanship or dubious business practices.
COWDENBEATH Cowdenbeath is Scottish rhyming slang for teeth.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
COWING Cowing (shortened from cow and calf) is slang for laughing.
COWS AND KISSES Cows and kisses was old British rhyming slang for a wife (missus).
COYOTE Coyote is American slang for someone who preys on illegal immigrants coming to the USA from Mexico, mainly an unscrupulous agent.
COZZER Cozzer is British slang for a police officer.
CRAB Crab is British slang for a disagreeable person. Crab is British slang for someone who persistently borrows money. Crab is British slang for a sideway skid of a vehicle.
CRABS Crabs is slang for pubic lice.
CRACK Crack is slang for a joke. Crack is slang for a processed form of cocaine hydrochloride used as a stimulant. Crack is slang for to share. Crack is slang for split. Crack is British slang for first−rate. Crack is British slang for the anus. Crack is British slang for to break into. Crack is Irish slang for a good time. Crack is old British slang for the vagina. Crack was 17th century British slang for a prostitute.
CRACK A BROWN Crack a brown is Australian slang for emit wind from the anus.
CRACK A CRIB To crack a crib is slang for to commit burglary.
CRACK A FAT Crack a fat is Australian slang for to have an erect penis.
CRACK A STIFFIE Crack a stiffie is British slang for to have an erect penis.
CRACK HEAD Crack head is slang for a crack addict. 261
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CRACK HOUSE Crack house is slang for a place where the drug crack cocaine is prepared, sold or consumed.
CRACK IT Crack it is British slang for to succeed, to solve a problem.
CRACK ON Crack on is British slang for to talk incessantly, to boast.
CRACK UP Crack up is slang for to be, or cause to be, overcome with laughter.
CRACK WISE Crack wise is slang for to make witty or cheeky remarks. Crack wise is Black−American slang for an obvious square who uses a profusion of hip terms in an effort to be accepted on the scene.
CRACKAJACK Crackajack is slang for an individual of marked ability or excellence, especially in some sport.
CRACKER Cracker is British slang for a thing or person of notable qualities or abilities. Cracker was American slang for a cowboy.
CRACKERS Crackers is British slang for insane.
CRACKING Cracking is British slang for extremely good.
CRACKLE Crackle is British slang for money.
CRACKLING Crackling is British slang for an attractive woman.
CRACKPOT Crackpot is British slang for mad, insane, crazy.
CRACKS Cracks is old British slang for nuts.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Cracksman is slang for a burglar and especially a safe−breaker.
CRADLE SNATCHER Cradle snatcher is British slang for someone with an amorous attachment to a much younger partner.
CRAMP Cramp is Black American slang for an unpleasant, unpopular woman. Cramp is American slang for to annoy. Cramp is American slang for to execute, to kill.
CRANBERRY EYE Cranberry eye is American slang for a bloodshot eye.
CRANK Crank is slang for the penis. Crank is slang for amphetamine. Crank is slang for heroin.
CRANK THE CHICKEN SWITCH Crank the chicken switch is American military slang for to eject from an aircraft or space craft.
CRANK UP Crank up is slang for to inject a narcotic drug.
CRANNICK Crannick is Dorset slang for a root of furze or gorse.
CRAP Crap is slang for excrement. Crap is slang for to defecate. Crap is slang for heroin. Crap is slang for nonsense; rubbish.
CRAP OUT Crap out is American slang for to make a losing throw in craps. Crap out is American slang for to fail; withdraw. 263
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Crap out is American slang for to rest. Crap out is slang for to fail to do or attempt something through fear.
CRAP−RACK Crap−rack is British slang for a car park.
CRAPHOUSE Craphouse is slang for a toilet.
CRAPOLA Crapola is American slang for misleading or worthless information, contemptible behaviour.
CRAPOLOGY Crapology is British slang for nonsense talk.
CRAPPER Crapper is slang for toilet. Crapper is slang for the anus.
CRAPPO Crappo is British slang for cheap, worthless, poor quality.
CRAPPY Crappy is slang for worthless, rubbish, of low quality.
CRASH Crash is computer slang for a sudden, usually drastic failure. Crash (shortened from crash out) is slang for to spend the night at a place.
CRASH CART Crash cart is nursing slang for a wheeled unit with a defibrillator for cardiac arrest, medications, and other life−sustaining items for use in emergency resuscitation.
CRASH OUT Crash out is slang for to sleep; pass out; to spend the night at a place.
CRASH PAD Crash pad is slang for a place to sleep or live temporarily.
CRASH−HOT Crash−hot is Australian slang for excellent, first−rate.
CRASHER Crasher is British slang for a bore.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CRASHING Crashing is slang for excellent, first−rate.
CRASHPAD Crashpad is slang for a temporary place to sleep.
CRATE Crate is slang for an old car, aeroplane, etc.
CRATEHEAD Cratehead is slang for a fool, an idiot.
CRAWLARSE Crawlarse is slang for a servile flatterer.
CRAWLER Crawler is slang for a servile flatterer.
CRAZY Crazy is slang for very good or excellent.
CRAZY RIM Crazy rim is Black−American slang for a handsome hat
CREAKER Creaker is Black−American slang for an old person
CREAM Cream is slang for to ejaculate. Cream is slang for to comprehensively defeat. Cream is slang for to severely beat. Cream is slang for to steal from an employer.
CREAM CRACKERS Cream crackers is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (knackers).
CREAM PUFF Cream puff is London Cockney rhyming slang for a state of annoyance (huff). Cream puff is British slang for an effeminate man.
CREAM−CRACKERED Cream−crackered is British rhyming slang for exhausted, worn−out (knackered).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CREASE UP Crease up is slang for to be or cause to be greatly amused.
CREATE Create is British slang for to make a fuss or uproar.
CREATURE−FEATURES Creature−features is a form of mild abuse.
CREATURES Creatures is British prison slang for prison warders.
CRED Cred is British slang for street credibility.
CREEP Creep is slang for a person considered to be obnoxious or servile.
CREEPEN JUNNY Creepen junny is Dorset slang for a woodlouse.
CREEPER Creeper is British slang for a thief who specialises in robbing hotels or brothels. Creeper is British slang for a soft−soled shoe. Creeper is British slang for a slow acting drug.
CREEPERS Creepers is slang for body lice.
CREEPING JESUS Creeping Jesus is derogatory slang for an obsequious or servile person. Creeping Jesus is slang for a hypocritically religious person.
CREEPS Creeps is slang for repugnance, fear, unease.
CREEPSHOW Creepshow is slang for frightening, grotesque, unpleasant.
CREMATED Cremated is British slang for ruined, destroyed, defeated.
CREVICE Crevice was old slang for the vagina. 266
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CREW Crew is British slang for a street gang. Crew is American slang for a group of young people.
CRIBBAGE PEG Cribbage peg is London Cockney rhyming slang for leg.
CRIDDLE Criddle is Dorset slang for to curdle.
CRIM Crim is Australian and New Zealand slang for a criminal. Crim is British slang for Christmas.
CRIMBO Crimbo is slang for Christmas.
CRIMEA Crimea is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer.
CRINGE Cringe is British slang for Christ. Cringe is British slang for embarrass.
CRINGE−MAKING Cringe−making is British slang for sickening, embarrassing.
CRINKLE Crinkle was 1950s British slang for banknotes, money.
CRINKLY Crinkly is British slang for an old person.
CRIPPLE AND CRUTCH Cripple and crutch is London Cockney rhyming slang for to borrow money (touch).
CRIPPLEWARE Crippleware is computing slang for software that has some important functionality deliberately removed, so as to entice potential users to pay for a working version.
CRISPY Crispy is American slang for suffering from a hangover.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CRISPY CRITTER Crispy critter is American nursing slang for a badly burned patient.
CROAK Croak is slang for to die; to kill.
CROAKER Croaker is British slang for a doctor who prescribes for addicts.
CROCK Crock is British slang for a person or thing, such as a car, that is old or decrepit. Crock is British slang for to become or cause to become weak or disabled. Crock is American slang for nonsense, something worthless. Crock is American medical slang for a hypochondriac.
CROCKED Crocked is British slang for injured. Crocked is American and Canadian slang for drunk.
CROCODILE Crocodile is London Cockney rhyming slang for smile. Crocodile is CB slang for someone with a powerful transceiver, who talks but can't hear others.
CROCODILE DUNDEE Crocodile Dundee is London Cockney rhyming slang for flea.
CROCUS Crocus is slang for a bad doctor.
CRONK Cronk is British slang for a decrepit old car.
CROOK Crook is Australian and New Zealand slang for feeling ill; unpleasant; bad; of poor quality.
CROOP Croop is Dorset slang for bent low down.
CROPE Crope is Dorset slang for crept.
CROPPER Cropper is slang for a fall on one's head when riding at full speed, as in hunting; hence, a sudden failure or collapse.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CROSBY, STILLS AND NASH Crosby, Stills and Nash is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (slash).
CROUTON Crouton is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (root on).
CROW Crow is slang for a lookout. Crow is British and Australian slang for an old or ugly woman.
CROWD Crowd is American slang for a quantity of two.
CROWDED SPACE Crowded space is London Cockney rhyming slang for a suitcase.
CROWN Crown is slang for to hit over the head.
CROWN AND ANCHOR Crown and anchor is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unpleasant person (wanker).
CROWN JEWELS Crown jewels is London Cockney rhyming slang for tools. Crown jewels is British slang for the male genitalia.
CRUCIAL Crucial is Jamaican slang for very good.
CRUCIFY Crucify is slang for to defeat, ridicule, etc., totally.
CRUD Crud is slang for a sticky substance, especially when dirty and encrusted. Crud is slang for an undesirable residue from a process, especially one inside a nuclear reactor. Crud is slang for something or someone that is worthless, disgusting, or contemptible. Crud is slang for a disease; rot.
CRUDDY Cruddy is slang for unpleasant, inferior, worthless.
CRUISE Cruise is British slang for looking for a pick−up, looking for casual sex.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CRUMB Crumb is slang for a contemptible person. Crumb is American slang for to ruin, to mess up.
CRUMBLE Crumble is British slang for old or senile people.
CRUMBLE RUMBLE Crumble rumble is British slang for an altercation between elderly people.
CRUMBLY Crumbly is British slang for an old person.
CRUMMY Crummy is slang for of little value; inferior; contemptible. Crummy is British slang for unwell or depressed.
CRUMPET Crumpet is British slang for a woman, women.
CRUMPET MAN Crupmet man is British slang for a womaniser.
CRUNCHIE Crunchie is derogatory South African slang for an Afrikaner. Crunchie is American slang for a lesbian.
CRUSHER Crusher is British slang for a boring or tedious person. Crusher was old British slang for a policeman.
CRUST Crust is slang for impertinence. Crust is British slang for head. Crust is British slang for money, a wage.
CRUST OF BREAD Crust of bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for head.
CRUSTY Crusty is British slang for a very dirty person.
CRUT Crut is slang for dirt.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CRUTCH Crutch is British slang for the genitals. Crutch is British slang for a pair of matchsticks or a split match used to hold the end of a cannabis cigarette. Crutch is Australian and New Zealand slang for to clip wool from the hindquarters of a sheep.
CRUTCH CHEESE Crutch cheese is British slang for secretions collected in an unwashed vagina.
CRY BEEF Cry beef is British slang for to shout an alarm at a crime scene.
CRY HUGHIE Cry Hughie is slang for to vomit.
CRY RALPH Cry Ralph is slang for to vomit.
CRY RUTH Cry Ruth is slang for to vomit.
CRYPPIE Cryppie is slang for cannabis.
CRYPTONITE Cryptonite is slang for cannabis.
CRYSTAL Crystal is slang for cocaine.
CRYSTAL T Crystal T is slang for phencyclidine.
CRYSTAL TAC Crystal TAC is slang for phencyclidine.
CUBE Cube is slang for a very conforming person.
CUBEHEAD Cubehead is American slang for a user of LSD.
CUCKOO Cuckoo is British slang for crazy, mad, insane. 271
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CUCKOO'S NEST Cuckoo's nest is British slang for a mental institution.
CUDDLE AND KISS Cuddle and kiss is London Cockney rhyming slang for miss (a girl). Cuddle and kiss is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (piss).
CUDDLED AND KISSED Cuddled and kissed is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
CUE Cue is Dorset slang for an ox shoe.
CUE BALL Cue ball is Black British slang for a white person.
CUFF Cuff is American slang for to put someone in handcuffs. Cuff is slang for a Black person.
CUFF LINK Cuff link is Australian rhyming slang for a drink.
CUFFY Cuffy is slang for a Black person.
CUJO Cujo is American slang for a person whose love for risk−taking endangers other people.
CULLY Cully is slang for friend.
CULVER Culver is Dorset slang for a dove.
CUMULOT Cumulot is British slang for to ejaculate.
CUNDY Cundy is Australian slang for a small stone suitable for use as a missile.
CUNNING STUNT Cunning stunt is British rhyming slang for an idiot (cunt).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CUNNY Cunny is British slang for the vagina.
CUNNY WARREN Cunny warren was 18th century British slang for a brothel.
CUNT Cunt is slang for the vagina. Cunt is slang for a woman. Cunt is slang for a despicable, mean or obnoxious person. Cunt is slang for a stupid person, an idiot.
CUNT TEASER Cunt teaser is British slang for a sexually alluring man, especially one who flirts but doesn't copulate.
CUNT−HOOKS Cunt−hooks is slang for fingers.
CUNT−ITCH Cunt−itch is British slang for a woman's strong desire for sex. Cunt−itch is British slang for vaginal thrush.
CUNT−SHOP Cunt−shop is British slang for a brothel.
CUNT−STRUCK Cunt−struck is slang for domineered over, or ruled by a woman, henpecked. Cunt−struck is British slang for obsessed with sex.
CUNTED Cunted is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
CUNTHEAD Cunthead is British slang for a very stpid person.
CUNTSTABLE Cuntstable is deogatory British slang for a police officer.
CUP OF TEA Cup of tea is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (pee). Cup of tea is London Cockney rhyming slang for see.
CUPCAKE Cupcake is American slang for a cute or attractive woman. Cupcake is American slang for an eccentric person.
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CUPID STUNT Cupid stunt is British slang for a stupid person (stupid cunt).
CUPIDS ITCH Cupids itch is American tramp slang for any venereal disease
CUPPA Cuppa is slang for cup of.
CURA Cura is slang for heroin.
CURLEYWIG Curleywig is Dorset slang for an earwig.
CURRANT BREAD Currant bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead.
CURRANT BUN Currant bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for son. Currant bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for nun. Currant bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for run. Currant bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for sun.
CURRANT CAKES Currant cakes is London Cockney rhyming slang for delirium tremens (shakes).
CURRANT CAKIE Currant cakie is London Cockney rhyming slang for shaky.
CURRANTS AND PLUMS Currants and plums is London Cockney rhyming slang for gums.
CURRENCY Currency is old Australian slang for native−born Australians, as distinct from British immigrants.
CURRY AND RICE Curry and rice is London Cockney rhyming slang for price.
CURRY MUNCHER Curry muncher is British slang for an Indian Asian.
CURSE Curse is slang for menstruation. 274
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CURTAINS Curtains is slang for the end of something.
CUSHDY Cushdy is British slang for fine, wonderful.
CUSHTI Cushti is British slang for fine, wonderful.
CUSHTI MANTI Cushti manti is British slang for excellent.
CUSHTI RYE Cushti rye is British slang for top man.
CUSHY Cushy is Cockney slang for easy, soft, comfortable.
CUSTARD Custard is British slang for semen.
CUSTARD AND JELLY Custard and jelly is London Cockney rhyming slang for telly (television).
CUSTARD CREAM Custard cream is London Cockney rhyming slang for dream.
CUT Cut is slang for to dilute or adulterate. Cut is music slang for a record, album track or musical extract. Cut is British slang for drunk, intoxicated with liquor.
CUT A CHUCKLE Cut a chuckle is British slang for to laugh.
CUT A MELON Cut a melon is American and Canadian slang for to declare an abnormally high dividend to shareholders.
CUT A PERSON SOME SLACK Cut a person some slack is American slang for show a person understanding, give them a chance.
CUT A RUG Cut a rug is slang for to dance. 275
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CUT AND CARRIED Cut and carried is London Cockney rhyming slang for married.
CUT AND PASTE Cut and paste is American medical slang for to surgically open a patient, find that there is no hope for treatment, and sew them up without delay.
CUT AND SCRATCH Cut and scratch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a match.
CUT IT Cut it is slang for to succeed.
CUT LUNCH Cut lunch is Australian slang for sandwiches.
CUT OF ONE'S JIB Cut of one's jib is British slang for character, personality.
CUT SOME CHEESE Cut some cheese is British slang for to emit foul smelling wind from the anus.
CUT SOME SLACK Cut some slack is British slang for to give leeway, to relieve the pressure.
CUT STICK To cut stick is slang for to make off clandestinely or precipitately.
CUT THE MUSTARD Cut the mustard is American slang for to come up to expectations.
CUT YOURSELF A BIG SLICE OF CAKE Cut yourself a big slice of cake is British slang for to boast, to talk highly of oneself.
CUT−DOWNS Cut−downs is slang for short trousers made by cutting the legs off longer trousers.
CUT−OFFS Cut−offs is slang for short trousers made by cutting the legs off blue jeans.
CUT−PURSE Cut−purse was old slang for a pickpocket who specialised in cutting the strings tieing a purse to a belt.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
CUTAWAYS Cutaways is slang for short trousers made by cutting the legs off blue jeans.
CUTESY Cutesy is slang for sickenly sweet.
CUTIE Cutie is slang for a person regarded as appealing or attractive, especially a girl or woman.
CUTOUT Cutout is Australian slang for the end of shearing.
CUTS AND SCRATCHES Cuts and Scratches is London Cockney rhyming slang for matches.
CUTTER Cutter is British slang for a knife.
CUTTY Cutty is Dorset slang for a wren.
CUTTY SARK Cutty sark is London Cockney rhyming slang for a police informer (nark).
CYCLINE Cycline is slang for phencyclidine.
CYCLONA Cyclona is slang for phencyclidine.
CYCLONE Cyclone is slang for phencyclidine.
CYRIL LORD Cyril Lord is London Cockney rhyming slang for bald.
D D is slang for illicit drugs. D was Australian 19th century slang for a detective.
D AND D D and d is slang for drunk and disorderly.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
D FOR DUNCE D for dunce is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (bunce).
D'OYLY CARTE D'Oyly Carte is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
D.A. is British slang for a style of hairstyle in which the hair is scraped back and greased into a curl on the nape of the neck. D.A. is British slang for drug addict.
D.K. D.K. is American slang for to snub someone, to feign ignorance.
D.M.'S D.M.'s is British slang for Doctor Marten's footwear.
D.O.A. D.O.A. is slang for unconscious, inert.
D.O.M. D.O.M. (dirty old man) is British slang for a lecherous man.
DA Da is Dorset slang for to.
DAB Dab is British slang for fingerprint. Dab is British slang for bad.
DAB ON Dab on is British slang for to sign on at the unemployment benefit office.
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DABS Dabs is British slang for fingerprints.
DACHA Dacha is Polari slang for the number ten.
DACHSHUND Dachshund is British slang for a large piece ofexcrement.
DAD AND MUM Dad and mum is London Cockney rhyming slang for rum.
DAD'S ARMY Dad's Army was Second World War British slang for the Home Guard. Dad's Army is London Cockney rhyming slang for mad, eccentric (barmy).
DADDIO Daddio is slang for a man.
DADDLER Daddler is British slang for a small coin. Daddler was old British slang for a silver three penny piece.
DADDY Daddy (shortened from dada and mum) is London Cockney rhyming slang for rum. Daddy is British slang for the best, the most superior, the largest. Daddy is British slang for a dominant inmate among prisoners. Daddy is British slang for a dominant or older male homosexual.
DAFFADOWN DILLY Daffadown dilly is London Cockney rhyming slang for silly.
DAFFODIL Daffodil is British slang for a naïve and innocent young man.
DAFFY Daffy is British slang for a large sum of money. Daffy is British slang for mad, eccentric, crazy.
DAFIDOWNDILLY Dafidowndilly is Dorset slang for a daffodil.
DAFT Daft is British slang for frivolous; giddy; insane.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DAFT AND BARMY Daft and barmy is London Cockney rhyming slang for army.
DAG Dag is Australian slang for dried sheep dung. Dag is Australian slang for a stupid or unpleasant person.
DAGENHAM GIRL PIPER Dagenham girl piper is London Cockney rhyming slang for windscreen wiper.
DAGGA Dagga is South African slang for cannabis, marijuana.
DAGGY Daggy is Australian slang for stupid, unpleasant.
DAGO Dago is derogatory slang for a person of Hispanic origins.
DAILY BREAD Daily bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for the head of a family.
DAILY DOUBLE Daily double was old British rhyming slang for trouble, bother.
DAILY EXPRESS Daily Express is London Cockney rhyming slang for to dress, a dress.
DAILY MAIL Daily Mail is London Cockney rhyming slang for tale. Daily Mail is London Cockney rhyming slang for ale. Daily Mail is London Cockney rhyming slang for bail. Daily Mail is London Cockney rhyming slang for nail. Daily Mail is London Cockney rhyming slang for the backside, buttocks (tail). Daily Mail is British slang for the sex.
DAINTIES Dainties is American and Australian slang for women's knickers.
DAIRY BOX Dairy Box is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
DAIRYLEA Dairylea is British slang for smegma.
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DAISY Daisy is slang for an excellent person or thing. Daisy is slang for a male homosexual or effeminate man.
DAISY BEAT Daisy beat is London Cockney rhyming slang for to cheat, swindle.
DAISY BEATERS Daisy beaters is slang for the feet.
DAISY CHAIN Daisy chain is slang for a group of people taking part in serial sexual activity.
DAISY CUTTER Daisy cutter is cricket slang for a ball bowled in such a way that it stays close to the ground.
DAISY DORMER Daisy dormer was old British slang for a bed warmer.
DAISY ROOTS Daisy roots is London Cockney rhyming slang for boots.
DAKS Daks is slang for trousers.
DAMABLANCA Damablanca is slang for cocaine.
DAMAGE Damage is slang for expense, cost, charge.
DAME Dame is slang for a woman.
DAMN ALL Damn all is slang for absolutely nothing.
DAMN AND BLAST Damn and blast is British racing slang for last.
DAMON HILL Damon Hill is British slang for an amphetamine pill.
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DAMP Damp is British slang for ineffectual, feeble. Damp is British slang for a drink. Damp is British slang for the vagina. Damp is British slang for sexually aroused (applied to a woman).
DAMPER Damper is Black−American slang for a savings bank
DAN DARES Dan Dares is London Cockney rhyming slang for flairs.
DAN LENO Dan Leno is London Cockney rhyming slang for a boozy trip to the seaside (beano).
DANCE Dance is old British slang for a flight of stairs. Dance is British slang for to steal from the upper floors of a building. Dance is British slang for to hang.
DANCER CASES Dancer cases is British slang for footwear.
DANDRUFF ON WHEELS Dandruff on wheels is nursing slang for scabies or any other personal protein that moves and can be shared.
DANG Dang is American slang for the penis. Dang is American slang for a woman.
DANGLER Dangler is slang for the penis. Dangler is Australian slang for a male sexual exhibitionist (flasher). Dangler is British slang for a trailer attached to a truck or tractor. Dangler is American slang for a trapeze artist.
DANGLERS Danglers is slang for the testicles.
DANK Dank is slang for cannabis.
DANNY LA RUE Danny La Rue is London Cockney rhyming slang for the colour blue. Danny La Rue is London Cockney rhyming slang for clue.
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DAP Dap is Black−American slang for dapper
DAPPER DAN Dapper Dan is British slang for a well−dressed man.
DAPS Daps is British slang for tennis shoes, plimsolls. Daps is Dorset slang for a likeness, resemblance.
DARBIES Darbies is British slang for handcuffs. Darbies is British slang for hands. Darbies is British slang for fingerprints. Darbies was old slang for fetters, shackles.
DARBY AND JOAN Darby and Joan is London Cockney rhyming slang for moan. Darby and Joan is London Cockney rhyming slang for alone. Darby and Joan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a phone.
DARBY BANDS Darby bands is London Cockney rhyming slang for hands.
DARBY KELY Darby Kelly is London Cockney rhyming slang for belly.
DARK MEAT Dark meat is slang for a black or coloured sexual partner.
DARKERS Darkers is slang for sunglasses.
DARKIE Darkie is slang for a black or coloured person.
DARKMANS Darkmans is British slang for night−time.
DARKS Darks is British slang for night.
DARKY COX Darky Cox is theatre rhyming slang for a box.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DARLING BUDS OF MAY Darling buds of may is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual (gay).
DARLING DAUGHTER Darling daughter is London Cockney rhyming slang for water.
DARLING WIFE Darling wife is London Cockney rhyming slang for knife.
DARREN GOUGH Darren Gough is London Cockney rhyming slang for cough.
DASH Dash is slang for money, a bribe or tip.
DASHER Dasher was 18th and 19th century slang for an ostentatious prostitute. Dasher was 18th and 19th century slang for a promiscuous woman. Dasher was 19th century slang for a smart young person who attended lots of parties. Dasher is West Indian slang for a well dressed man. Dasher is West Indian slang for a womaniser.
DATE Date is Australian slang for the anus. Date was British mid−20th century slang for a stupid, silly or weak person.
DATE AND PLUM Date and plum is London Cockney rhyming slang for the backside (bum).
DATE MATE Date mate is American slang for friend of the same sex who accompanies one on a double date. Date mate is Australian slang for a male homosexual partner.
DATE RAPE DRUG Date Rape Drug is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
DATE ROLL Date roll is Australian slang for a toilet roll.
DAVID David is British slang for semen.
DAVID BECKHAM David Beckham is London Cockney rhyming slang for a necktie (Peckham).
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DAVID BOWIE David Bowie is London Cockney rhyming slang for windy (blowie).
DAVY CROCKETT Day Crockett is London Cockney rhyming slang for pocket.
DAVY JONES' LOCKER Davy Jones' locker is nautical slang for lost at sea. Davy Jones' locker is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unwanted caller (knocker).
DAVY LARGE Davy Large is British rhyming slang for a barge.
DAWK Dawk is Dorset slang for to push.
DAY AND NIGHT Day and night is London Cockney rhyming slang for light.
DAY'S A DAWNING Day's a dawning is London Cockney rhyming slang for morning.
DAY−GLO Day−glo is slang for gaudy.
DAYLIGHTING Daylighting is slang for working on a second job during daylight hours.
DAZZLER Dazzler is British slang for the sun.
DE FACTO De facto is Australian slang for a live−in−lover.
DE−BAG De−bag is British slang for to forcibly remove someone's trousers.
DE−DYKE De−dyke is slang for remove or conceal evidence of lesbianism.
DE−FROSTED De−frosted is American slang for heated, agitated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DEAD AND ALIVE Dead and alive is British slang for a misreable person.
DEAD AND ALIVE HOLE Dead and alive hole is British slang for a miserable, depressing place.
DEAD BANG Dead bang is American slang for caught red−handed.
DEAD BODY Dead body is British slang for a boring person who doesn't like to socialise.
DEAD DUCK Dead duck is slang for a person or thing doomed to death, failure, etc., especially because of a mistake or misjudgement.
DEAD EYE Dead eye is British slang for the anus.
DEAD EYE DICK Dead eye Dick is British slang for a male homosexual.
DEAD FROM THE NECK UP Dead from the neck up is British slang for stupid.
DEAD LOSS Dead loss is London Cockney rhyming slang for boss.
DEAD MEAT Dead meat is slang for a person who is dead, about to die or inevitably doomed.
DEAD PRESIDENT Dead president is Black−American slang for paper money
DEAD RABBIT Dead rabbit is British slang for an impotent penis.
DEAD SOLDIER Dead soldier is slang for an empty bottle of alcohol. Dead soldier is American slang for leftovers.
DEAD TO RIGHTS Dead to rights is American slang for certainly.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DEAD WEIGHT Dead weight is British slang for a member of a team or workforce who is not needed, or is useless.
DEADASS Deadass is American slang for a very boring, feeble or stupid person.
DEADBEAT Deadbeat is slang for a poor or homeless person. Deadbeat is slang for a poor scrounger. Deadbeat is slang for a worthless or stupid person.
DEADHEAD Deadhead is slang for a very stupid, lifeless, boring person. Deadhead is slang for a fan of the rock group 'The Grateful Dead'. Deadhead is American slang for to drive a vehicle empty or without passengers.
DEADLEG Deadleg is British slang for a feeble, lazy or disappointing person.
DEADLEGS Deadlegs is British military slang for a cripple or someone who refuses to get out of bed.
DEADSHIT Deadshit is Australian slang for a contemptible person.
DEAF AND DUMB Deaf and dumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for the buttocks (bum). Deaf and dumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for a plum.
DEAL Deal is slang for to sell any illegal drug. Deal is British slang for a portion of drugs.
DEALER Dealer is slang for a person who sells illegal drugs.
DEANER Deaner is British slang for a five penny piece. Deaner was British slang for a shilling.
DEARIE ME Dearie me is bingo slang for three.
DEATH SEAT Death seat is American and Australian slang for the seat beside the driver of a vehicle.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DEATH WARMED UP Death warmed up is British slang for very ill, very tired.
DEB Deb is slang for a debutante. Deb is American slang for a girl member of a gang.
DEB'S DELIGHT Deb's delight is British slang for an eligible, but simple, young man.
DECK Deck is slang for to knock someone to the ground. Deck is slang for a package of illicit drugs. Deck is slang for a skateboard. Deck is slang for a surfboard.
DECK CARGO Deck cargo is British slang for women's breasts.
DECK IT Deck it is British slang for to make a car travel at top speed.
DECK UP Deck up is slang for prepare for injection or inject with a drug, usually heroin.
DECKO Decko is British slang for to have a look.
DECORATE PAVEMENT Decorate pavement is American slang for to vomit
DEECE Deece is Black−American slang for a dime
DEEDLE Deedle is British slang for a dunce, a foolish person, a simpleton.
DEEFER Deefer (shortened from D for dunce) is London Cockney rhyming slang for money.
DEELAB Deelab is British slang for bald.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DEELYBOPPER Deelybopper is slang for a set of imitation antennae worn on the head.
DEENAH Deenah is British slang for assistance, a hand.
DEEP SEA DIVER Deep sea diver is British rhyming slang for a five pound note (fiver).
DEEP SEA FISHERMAN Deep see fisherman is British slang for a confidence trickster operating on board an ocean liner.
DEEP SHIT Deep shit is British slang for serious trouble.
DEEP SIX Deep six is British slang for a grave.
DEEP THROAT Deep throat is slang for deep fellatio. Deep throat is slang for an informant.
DEEP−SIX Deep−Six is British slang for to bury someone. Deep−six is American slang for to dispose of something, such as documents completely; destroy.
DEERACKS Deeracks is British slang for playing cards.
DEERAY Deeray is British slang for a yard, three feet.
DEERIB Deerib is British slang for a woman.
DEERUT Deerut is British slang for excrement.
DEF Def is hip−hop slang for very good, excellent.
DEFROSTED Defrosted is British slang for angry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DEKKO Dekko is British slang for a look, or glance. The term derives from the Hindi word for look!, dekho! And entered service around the 19th century.
DELANTZ Delantz is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
DELATESTRYL Delatestryl is slang for any anabolic steroid.
DELATS Delats is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
DELAUD Delaud is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
DELHI BELLY Delhi belly is slang for diarrhoea.
DELI Deli is slang for a delicatessen.
DELIDA Delida is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
DELIVER STREET PIZZA Deliver street pizza is American slang for to vomit.
DELO Delo is British slang for old.
DELO LIB Delo lib is British slang for the police.
DELO NAM Delo nam is British slang for a husband, old man.
DELO NAMMOW Delo nammow is British slang for wife.
DELOES Deloes is British slang for old people.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DELOG Delog is British slang for gold.
DEMENTOID Dementoid is American slang for crazy, demented.
DEMO Demo is slang for demonstration.
DEMOLISH Demolish is slang for crack cocaine.
DEMON Demon is Black−American slang for a dime. Demon is Australian slang for a detective.
DENIS Denis is old British slang for the police.
DENIS LAW Denis Law is London Cockney rhyming slang for a saw.
DENIS WISE Denis Wise is London Cockney rhyming slang for a rise.
DEP−TESTOSTERONE Dep−testosterone is slang for any anabolic steroid.
DEPTH CHARGE Depth charge is British slang for a pint of beer with a small glass of spirit dropped in it and drunk in one go.
DERBY Derby is Black−American slang for oral sex.
DERBY BRIGHTS Derby brights is London Cockney rhyming slang for lights.
DERBY KELY Derby Kelly is London Cockney rhyming slang for belly.
DERI Deri is British slang for a derelict building used by tramps.
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DERO Dero is Australian slang for a tramp or derelict.
DERRO Derro is British slang for an unfortunate, inferior or unpleasant person..
DERRY Derry is slang for a derelict house, especially one used by tramps, drug addicts, etc.
DERRY AND TOMS Derry and Toms was British Second World War rhyming slang for bombs.
DERRY−DOWN DERRY Derry−down−Derry is British theatre rhyming slang for sherry.
DES O'CONNOR Des O'Connor is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead (gonner). Des O'Conner is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fallen horse (gonner).
DES RES Des res is British slang for desirable residence.
DESDY Desdy is British slang for a persistent moaner.
DESHY Deshy is London slang for an immigrant from Bangladesh.
DESIGNER DRUG Designer drug is slang for an illicit drug produced artificially by chemists, rather than occurring in nature.
DESK PIANO Desk piano is Black−American slang for typewriter
DESMOND Desmond is British slang for a lower second university degree, a 2/2.
DESMOND HACKETT Desmond Hackett is London Cockney rhyming slang for a jacket.
DESPERATE DAN Desperate Dan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a sun tan.
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DESTROYED Destroyed is slang for intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
DETHRONED Dethroned is British slang for a homosexual man evicted from a public toilet in which he was seeking sex.
DETOX Detox is slang for a course of withdrawal from drugs or alcohol.
DEUCE Deuce is slang for two dollars, two pounds. Deuce was old British slang for two pence.
DEUCE AND ACE Deuce and ace is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
DEUCE ODIMS AND DARKS ON THE CUTBACK Deuce odims and darks on the cutback is Black−American slang for forty−eight hours ago.
DEUCE OF BENDERS Deuce of benders is Black−American slang for knees.
DEUCE OF HAIRCUTS Deuce of haircuts is Black−American slang for two weeks.
DEUCE OF NODS ON THE BACKBEAT Deuce of nods on the backbeat is Black−American slang for two nights ago.
DEUCE OF PEEKERS Deuce of peekers is Black−American slang for two eyes.
DEUCE OF TICKS Deuce of ticks is Black−American slang for two minutes.
DEVIL SCREECHER Devil screecher is Dorset slang for a swift.
DEVIL'S BUCKIE Devil's buckie is slang for a perverse, refractory youngster.
DEWBERRY Dewberry is Dorset slang for a large blackberry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DEWBIT Dewbit is Dorset slang for an early morning light snack served while the dew is still wet.
DEWDROP Dewdrop is British slang for a drop of nasal fluid hanging from the nose.
DEWEY Dewey is British slang for the number two.
DEX Dex is slang for Dexedrine.
DEXIE Dexie is slang for Dexedrine.
DEXO Dexo is slang for Dexedrine.
DEXY Dexy is slang for Dexedrine.
DHOBYING Dhobying is British slang for washing clothes.
DIAGONAL STREET Diagonal Street is South African slang for the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
DIAL Dial is British slang for the face.
DIAMBISTA Diambista is slang for cannabis.
DIAMOND Diamond is British slang for first−rate, superb, admirable.
DIAMOND−CRACKING Diamond−cracking is Australian slang for breaking rocks as part of a prison sentence.
DIANA DORS Diana Dors is London Cockney rhyming slang for ladie's underwear (draws).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DIAPER Diaper was 1930s and 1940s slang for clothes. Diaper is Black American slang for a sanitary towel.
DIAPER THE BABY Diaper the baby is Black American slang for to put on a sanitary towel.
DIB Dib is slang for a contribution, portion or amount of money. Dib is British slang for a partly−smoked cigarette, extinguished and saved for later.
DIBBLE Dibble is slang for a policeman.
DIBS Dibs was 19th century slang for money.
DICEY Dicey is British slang for risky.
DICK Dick is slang for a detective. Dick is slang for penis. Dick is slang for a fool. Dick is slang for nothing. Dick is slang for to have sex with. Dick is British slang for to look at. Dick is slang for to mess around with.
DICK 'N' ARRY Dick 'n' Arry is British slang for a dictionary.
DICK AROUND Dick around is slang for to mess around with.
DICK DUNN Dick Dunn is London Cockney rhyming slang for sun.
DICK EMERY Dick Emery is London Cockney rhyming slang for memory.
DICK OUT Dick out is American slang for to persevere.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Dick Turpin is London Cockney rhyming slang for gherkin. Dick Turpin is bingo slang for thirteen.
DICK UP Dick up is slang for to make a mess of.
DICK VAN DYKE Dick van Dyke is London Cockney rhyming slang for bike.
DICKBRAINED Dickbrained is slang for stupid.
DICKEY Dickey is slang for a hat.
DICKHEAD Dickhead is slang for a stupid person.
DICKLESS TRACY Dickless Tracy is Australian slang for a policewoman.
DICKORY DOCK Dickory dock is London Cockney rhyming slang for clock. Dickory dock is London Cockney rhyming slang for penis (cock).
DICKY Dicky is British slang for shaky, insecure, faulty. Dicky is British slang for a detachable shirt front. Dicky is British slang for an old shirt. Dicky is British slang for a clip−on bow−tie. Dicky is British slang for the penis. Dicky is British slang for unwell.
DICKY BIRD Dicky bird is London Cockney rhyming slang for word.
DICKY DIDDLE Dicky diddle is British slang for urination (piddle).
DICKY DIRT Dicky dirt is London Cockney rhyming slang for shirt.
DICKY UP Dicky up is British slang for to get dressed up in one's best clothes.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DICKY−BOW Dicky−bow is British slang for a bow−tie.
DIDDICOI Diddicoi is British slang for a gypsy.
DIDDIES Diddies is British slang for sexual intercourse. Diddies is Dorset slang for gypsies. Diddies was old British slang for the penis.
DIDDLE Diddle is British slang for to cheat, to swindle. Diddle is British slang for to masturbate.
DIDDLEY DIDDLEY BAND Diddley diddley band is British slang for an Irish folk group.
DIDDLO Diddlo is British slang for crazy, silly.
DIDDLY SQUAT Diddly squat is American slang for nothing at all.
DIDDLY−DUM Diddly−dum is British slang for perfect, fine.
DIDDY Diddy is British slang for a fool. Diddy is British slang for small, cute and appealing.
DIDDY RIDE Diddy ride is British slang for to mastrubate between a woman's breasts.
DIDLE Diddle is British slang for to cheat. Diddle is slang for to have sex. Diddle is slang for to stimulate sexually with the fingers.
DIDN'T OUGHT Didn't ought is London Cockney rhyming slang for the drink port.
DIDN'T OUGHTA Didn't oughta is London Cockney rhyming slang for water.
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DIE Die is British slang for fo fail.
DIESEL BOOTS Diesel boots is British slang for cheap everyday footwear.
DIESEL DYKE Diesel dyke is slang for an aggressive or masculine lesbian.
DIESEL FITTER Diesel fitter is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer (bitter).
DIG Dig is slang for to understand, appreciate, enjoy. Dig is American slang for to work hard, especially for an examination.
DIG IN THE GRAVE Dig in the grave is London Cockney rhyming slang for shave.
DIG IT Dig it is American slang for Do you understand? A command to understand or pay attention.
DIG MY GRAVE Dign my grace is London Cockney rhyming slang for shave.
DIG OUT Dig out is British slang for to criticise, to abuse.
DIG THE DIP Dig the dip is Black−American slang for take a bath
DIGGER Digger is slang for an Australian or New Zealander, especially a soldier.
DIGITATE Digitate is slang for female masturbation.
DIGS Digs is British slang for temporary accomodation, lodgings.
DILAUDID Dilaudid is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
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DILBERT Dilbert is British slang for a foolish person.
DILDO Dildo is slang for an artificial penis. Dildo is slang for an offensively stupid person.
DILL Dill is British, Australian and New Zealand slang for a fool; an idiot.
DILLIES Dillies is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
DILLY Dilly is American and Canadian slang for a person or thing that is remarkable. Dilly is British slang for the penis.
DIM BULB Dim bulb is American slang for a stupid person.
DIMBO Dimbo is slang for a stupid person.
DIME BAG Dime bag is American slang for a package of drugs worth ten dollars.
DIME DROPPER Dime dropper is American slang for an informer.
DIME SOMEONE Dime someone is American slang for to inform on someone.
DIMMO Dimmo is British slang for a stupid person.
DIMP Dimp is British slang for a cigarette end which can be retrieved, particularly from the street, and relit.
DIMS AND BRIGHTS Dims and brights is Black−American slang for days and nights
DIMWIT Dimwit is British slang for a stupid person.
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DIN−DINS Din−dins is slang for dinner, a meal or food.
DINAH Dinah is British criminal slang for nitroglycerine. Dinah is British slang for a male homosexual.
DINARLY Dinarly is Polari slang for money.
DING Ding is slang for to hit. Ding is slang for to single out for an onerous duty or a reprimand. Ding is derogatory Australian slang for an Italian or Greek immigrant. Ding is Australian slang for a party.
DING DONG Ding dong is London Cockney rhyming slang for song. Ding dong is British slang for an argument,.a fight.
DING DONG BELL Ding dong bell is London Cockney rhyming slang for hell.
DING DONGS Ding dongs is British slang for bell−bottomed trousers.
DINGALING Dingaling is slang for an eccentric or crazy person. Dingaling is slang for the penis.
DINGBAT Dingbat is American slang for an unnamed object. Dingbat is slang for a crazy or stupid person.
DINGDONG Dingdong is slang for a noisy fight or shouting match. Dingdong is slang for a rowdy party. Dingdong is slang for the penis.
DINGE Dinge is derogatory American slang for a Negro.
DINGLEBERRY Dingleberry is slang for a piece of excrement stuck to the hair around the anus. Dingleberry is slang for an eccentric or crazy person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DINGLEY DELL Dingley Dell is London Cockney rhyming slang for a telephone call (bell).
DINGO Dingo is Australian slang for a cheat; a coward.
DINGO'S BREAKFAST Dingo's breakfast is Australian slang for to urinate and look around.
DINGUS Dingus is slang for a obscure or unnamed object. A thing.
DINING AT THE Y Dining at the Y is slang for engaging in oral sex, particularly cunnilingus.
DINK Dink is slang for a silly person, a fool. Dink is slang for a member of a wealthy, but childless couple (double income, no kids). Dink is British slang for to hit someone with a weapon. Dink is Australian and New Zealand slang for to carry a second person on a horse, bicycle, etc. Dink is Australian and New Zealand slang for two people to travel together on a horse, bicycle, etc.
DINKLE Dinkle is British slang for the penis.
DINKUM Dinkum is Australian slang for genuine or honest.
Dinky is British slang for a car. Dinky is slang for a member of a wealthy, but childless couple (double income, no kids yet).
DINKY DOO Dinky doo is London Cockney rhyming slang for twenty−two.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DINKY DOOS Dinky doos is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoes.
DINKY−DI Dinky−di is Australian slang for the real thing. Dinky−di is British slang for fine, perfect.
DINNYHAZER Dinnyhazer is British slang for a knockout punch.
DIP Dip is slang for a pickpocket. Dip is slang for a fool. Dip is slang for sexual intercourse. Dip is Black−American slang for a hat.
DIP AND DRIVE Dip and drive is British slang for to drive.
DIP ONE'S WICK Dip one's wick is slang for to have sex.
DIP YOUR BREAD IN Dip your bread in is British slang for to try, to attempt something.
DIPPER Dipper is slang for phencyclidine. Dipper is slang for a pickpocket.
DIPPING Dipping is slang for picking pockets
DIPPY Dippy is slang for odd, eccentric or crazy.
DIPSHIT Dipshit is slang for a fool.
DIPSO Dipso is slang for an alcoholic or drunkard.
DIPSTICK Dipstick is British and American slang for a stupid person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DIPSY Dipsy is American slang for an alcoholic or drunkard. Dipsy is American slang for a foolish person.
DIPSY−DOO Dipsy−doo is American slang for a fraud or deceit.
DIRT Dirt is slang for heroin. Dirt is slang for money. Dirt is slang for excrement.
DIRT BOX Dirt box is slang for the anus.
DIRT ROAD Dirt road is British slang for the anus.
DIRTBAG Dirtbag is American slang for a promiscuous woman. Dirtbag is American slang for an obnoxious person.
DIRTY Dirty is slang for possessing or containing illegal drugs. Dirty is slang for untrustworthy. Dirty is British slang for sexually adventurous.
DIRTY AND RUDE Dirty and rude is London Cockney rhyming slang for nude, naked.
DIRTY BIRD Dirty bird is Black−American slang for Old Crow Whisky
DIRTY DAUGHTER Dirty daughter is London Cockney rhyming slang for water.
DIRTY DEN Dirty Den is London Cockney rhyming slang for pen.
DIRTY DICK Dirty Dick is British slang for a dirty person. Dirty Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for a police station (nick).
DIRTY DOZENS Dirty Dozens is Black−American slang for a game played by insulting the relatives of the other players 303
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DIRTY FACES Dirty faces is London Cockney rhyming slang for laces.
DIRTY GERTIE Dirty Gertie is bingo slang for the number thirty.
DIRTY LEPER Dirty Leper is London Cockney rhyming slang for pepper.
DIRTY MAC BRIGADE The dirty mac brigade is British slang for lascivious men who delight in pornography and strip clubs.
DIRTY MONEY Dirty money is British slang for the proceeds of a crime.
DIRTY OLD JEW Dirty old Jew was old Bingo slang for the number two.
DIRTY ROTTER Dirty rotter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a squatter.
DIRTY TYKE Dirty tyke is London Cockney rhyming slang for bike.
DIRTY WATER Dirty water is British slang for brown ale.
DIRTYBONES Dirtybones is British slang for a very dirty person.
DIS Dis is Jamaican slang for to disrespect.
DISCHARGED DOWNSTAIRS Discharged downstairs is nursing slang for when a deceased patient is transferred to the hospital's morgue.
DISCO BISCUITS Disco Biscuits is slang for methaqualone.
DISCOMBOBULATED Discombobulated is slang for confused or distracted.
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DISCORAMA Discorama is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
DISCUSS UGANDA Discuss Uganda is British slang for to have sex.
DISGORGE Disgorge is American slang for to vomit
DISGUSTO Disgusto is slang for a repellent person or thing.
DISH Dish is slang for an attractive man or woman. Dish is slang for to defeat, destroy or ruin. Dish is American slang for gossip. Dish is Polari slang for arse.
DISH OF THE DAY Dish of the day is British slang for homosexual (gay).
DISH THE DIRT Dish the dirt is American slang for to spread scandalous or malicious gossip.
DISHY Dishy is slang for very attractive.
DISMAL DESMOND Dismal Desmond is British slang for a miserable person.
DISNEYLAND Disneyland is slang for a fantasy world, a state of delusion.
DISOBEY THE POPE Disobey the Pope is British slang for to masturbate.
DISS Diss is slang for to scorn, to snub, to belittle, disrespect. Diss is Dorset slang for did you?
DISS'N Diss'n is Dorset slang for didn't you?
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DITCH Ditch is slang for cannabis. Ditch is slang for abandon or discard; crash.
DITCH WEED Ditch weed is slang for marijuana of inferior quality, marijuana growing naturally in the wild.
DITCHWEED Ditchweed is slang for cannabis.
DITSY Ditsy is slang for silly, eccentric, twee.
DITZ Ditz is slang for a silly, eccentric or frivolous person.
DIV Div is British slang for a stupid or foolish person. Div is British slang for to swindle.
DIVE Dive is slang for an unpleasant place or a place of low resort; a disreputable bar or nightclub; a dingy hotel; a joint. Dive is slang for cunnilingus. Dive is soccer slang for a feigned foul.
DIVEBOMBING Divebombing is British slang for attacking something with spray painted graffiti. Divebombing is British slang for picking up cigarette ends from the street for relighting and smoking.
DIVER Diver is old slang for a pickpocket.
DIVING Diving is American slang for picking pockets.
DIVING SUIT Diving suit is British slang for a condom.
DIVOT Divot is British slang for a toupee.
DIVULGE DINNER Divulge dinner is American slang for to vomit.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DIVVY Divvy is British slang for odd, stupid, deviant, weak or pathetic.
DIVVY UP Divvy up is British slang for to divide and share out.
DIXIE LID Dixie lid is British slang for a child. Dixie lid is British slang for a Jew.
DIY DIY is British slang for a Jew.
DIY JOB DIY job is British slang for masturbation.
DMT DMT is slang for the synthetic hallucinogenic drug di−methyl triptamine.
DO Do is slang for a cheat or swindle. Do is slang for a robbery. Do is slang for excrement. Do is British slang for assault.
DO A BERTIE Do a Bertie is British slang for to turn Queen's evidence, to inform on one's accomplices.
DO A BUNK Do a Bunk is British slang for a hurried departure, usually under suspicious circumstances.
DO A GLENN MILLER Do A Glenn Miller is British criminal slang for disappear without a trace.
DO A JOB ON SOMEONE Do a job on someone is slang for to deceive, to thoroughly overwhelm or devastate someone.
DO A MELBA Do a melba is Australian slang for to make repeated farewell appearances.
DO A NUMBER Do a number is American slang for to manipulate or trick.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DO A RUNNER Do a runner is British slang for to escape, run−away or disappear.
DO A SKIPPER Do a skipper is slang for sleep rough.
DO A TRAIN Do a train is British slang for to have serial sexual intercourse.
DO AS YOU LIKE Do as you like is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bicycle (bike).
DO FOR Do for is British slang for to severely beat up. Do for is British slang for to murder.
DO IN Do in is slang for to murder. Do in is slang for to exhaust.
DO IT Do it is slang for to have sex.
DO ME A FAVOUR Do me a favour is London Cockney rhyming slang for neighbour.
DO ME GOOD Do me good is London Cockney rhyming slang for wood Do me good is London Cockney rhyming slang for Woodbine cigarettes (wood).
DO MY DAGS Do my dags is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarettes (fags).
DO ONE Do one is British slang for an order to go away.
DO ONE'S CRUST Do one's crust is British slang for to lose one's temper, become very angry.
DO ONE'S HEAD IN Do one's head in is British slang for to drive insane, annoy.
DO ONE'S NUT Do one's nut is British slang for to lose one's temper, become very angry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DO ONE'S SCONE Do one's scone is Australian and New Zealand slang for lose one's temper.
DO OVER Do over is British, Australian and New Zealand slang for to beat up; thrash.
DO SOME METALWORK Do some metalwork is British slang for to leave quickly.
DO SOMEONE DIRT Do someone dirt is slang for to do something vicious to someone.
DO THE ARM AEROBICS Do the arm aerobics is slang for to masturbate.
DO THE BATCHELOR'S SHUFFLE Do the batchelor's shuffle is slang for to masturbate.
DO THE BIRD CIRCUIT Do the bird circuit is American homosexual slang for visiting a succession of bars seeking out the most attractive men.
DO THE BOOK Do the book to is American slang for to serve a life sentence.
DO THE BOOK AND COVER Do the book and cover is American slang for to be imprisoned for the rest of one's life.
DO THE BROWN−EYE EXPRESS Do the brown−eye express is American slang for to sodomise.
DO THE BUSINESS Do the business is slang for to have sexual intercourse. Do the business is slang for to settle a matter conclusively.
DO THE CIVIL Do the civil was 19th and early 20th century slang for to act in a civilised manner, to do the 'right' thing.
DO THE DANCE Do the dance is American slang for to be hanged.
DO THE DEADLY DEED Do the deadly deed is American slang for to have unprotected sexual intercourse. 309
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DO THE DECENT THING Do the decent thing is slang for to act in a manner considered appropriate or suitable.
DO THE DEED Do the deed is American slang for to have sexual intercourse.
DO THE DINGO Do the dingo is slang for to have sexual intercourse.
DO THE DIRTIES Do the dirties is American slang for to have unprotected sexual intercourse.
DO THE DIRTY Do the dirty is slang for to do something unpleasant to someone.
DO THE DO Do the do is Black American slang for to have sexual intercourse.
DO THE DOUBLE ACT Do the double act was early 20th century slang for to get married.
DO THE DOWNY Do the downy is slang for to lie in bed.
DO THE DUTCH Do the Dutch is Canadian slang for commit suicide.
DO THE FISH Do the fish is slang for to suffer blackouts, seizures, convulsions or other side effects following inhaling nitrous oxide.
DO THE FULL SESH Do the full sesh is American slang for to take to the limit, to indulge in completely.
DO THE GENTLEMAN Do the gentleman is slang for to urinate.
DO THE GRACEFUL Do the graceful is slang for to charm, to fascinate.
DO THE GRAND Do the grand is slang for make a great display, to behave ostentatiously.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DO THE HAN SOLO Do the Han Solo is slang for to masturbate.
DO THE HAND JIVE Do the hand jive is slang for to masturbate.
DO THE HANDSOME Do the handsome is slang for to behave in a decent, appropriate, honourable manner.
DO THE HEAVY Do the heavy is slang for to swagger, to show off.
DO THE PACIFIC SLOPE Do the Pacific slope is New Zealand slang for to flee the country when accused of a crime.
DO THE WORK ON SOMEONE Do the work on someone is British slang for to fix, defeat, kill or incapacitate someone.
DO TIME Do time is slang for to serve a prison sentence.
DO UNDER Do under is Black American slang for to defeat, to ruin, to kill.
DO UP Do up is slang for assault. Do up is slang for inject or inhale a drug.
DO WELL Do well is slang for to treat, to entertain. Do well is West Indian slang for to be selfish.
DO WHAT? Do what? is slang for pardon, what did you say?
DO WHICH? Do which? is slang for pardon, what did you say?
DO YOUR BLOCK Do your block is Australian and New Zealand slang for to become angry.
DO YOUR NUT Do your nut is slang for to get angry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DO−DAD Do−dad is British slang for something one can not remember the name of.
DO−HICKEY Do−hickey is American slang for an unspecified thing. Do−hickey is American slang for a spot or pimple. Do−hickey is American slang for the penis.
DO−RE−MI Do−re−mi is slang for money.
DOA DOA is slang for phencyclidine.
DOB Dob is Australian slang for to inform against or report, especially to the police.
DOB IN Dob in is Australian and New Zealand slang for to inform against or report, especially to the police. Dob in is Australian and New Zealand slang for to contribute to a fund for a specific purpose.
DOBBER Dobber (shortened from dobber−in) is Australian slang for an informant or traitor.
DOBBER−IN Dobber−in is Australian slang for an informant or traitor.
DOBIE Dobie is slang for cannabis.
DOCK ASTHMA Dock asthma is British slang for gasps of feigned surprise and disbelief.
DOCKER Docker is British slang for a partly smoked cigarette extinguished for later relighting.
DOCKER'S HOOK Docker's hook is London Cockney rhyming slang for look.
DOCTOR Doctor is slang for to tamper with and arrange for one's own purposes; to falsify; to adulterate.
DOCTOR AND NURSE Doctor and nurse is London Cockney rhyming slang for a purse. 312
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOCTOR COTTON Doctor Cotton is London Cockney rhyming slang for rotten.
DOCTOR CRIPPEN Doctor Crippen is London Cockney rhyming slang for dripping.
DOCTOR DOLITTLE Doctor Dolittle is British slang for a man often seen in the company of ugly women (animals).
DOCTOR FEELGOOD Doctor Feelgood is British and American slang for a doctor who regularly prescribes pleasurable drugs.
DOCTOR JEKYLL Doctor Jekyll is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (freckle).
DOCTOR LEGG Doctor Legg is London Cockney rhyming slang for egg.
DOCTOR WHO Doctor Who is British rhyming slang for two.
DOCTOR'S ORDERS Doctor's order is bingo slang for the number nine.
DOCTORS AND NURSES Doctors and nurses is slang for sex games.
DODDLE Doddle is British slang for something very easy to accomplish.
DODGEMENTS Dodgements is British slang for doubtful, suspect.
DODGEWORK Dodgework is British slang for a lazy layabout.
DODGY Dodgy is British slang for doubtful, suspect. Dodgy is British slang for stolen, illegal.
DODGY JOB Dodgy job is British slang for a criminal case or arrest which is difficult to prove.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DODO Dodo is sang for a foolish person, an idiot. Dodo is slang for a conservative person behind the times.
DOG Dog is slang for a promiscuous woman. Dog is slang for something in a poor condition, worthless, of poor quality. Dog is slang for a sausage. Dog is slang for a wig. Dog is British slang for a share that performs badly on the stock exchange. Dog is British slang for to follow. Dog is derogatory Australian slang for a police informer. Dog is American slang for to abandon, reject or get rid of.
DOG AND BONE Dog and bone is London Cockney rhyming slang for telephone.
DOG AND BONED Dog and boned is London Cockney rhyming slang for stoned.
DOG AND CAT Dog and cat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a mat.
DOG AND DUCK Dog and duck is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fight (ruck).
DOG AND PUP Dog and pup is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cup.
DOG BREATH Dog breath is British slang for bad breath.
DOG BURGER Dog Burger is British slang for a cheap hamburger.
DOG COLLAR Dog collar is British slang for an oversized head on a pint of Guinness.
DOG END Dog end is British slang for a cigarette butt.
DOG EYE Dog eye is British slang for a lookout for a three−card trick team.
DOG IT Dog it is American slang for to perform badly. 314
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DOG OUT Dog out is American slang for to dress smartly.
DOG SOMEONE AROUND Dog someone around is American slang for to pester. Dog someone around is American slang for to behave badly, cruelly, unfaithfully.
DOG TAG Dog tag is American slang for a military personal−identification disc.
DOG TRICK Dog trick is British slang for an act of treachery.
DOG'S BOLLOCKS Dog's bollocks is slang for a person or thing that is excellent or superior.
DOG'S BREAKFAST Dog's breakfast is slang for a mess, a confused mixture.
DOG'S BREATH Dog's breath is slang for a contemptible person.
DOG'S COCK Dog's cock is slang for an exclamation mark.
DOG'S DINNER Dog's dinner is slang for an extravagant display. Dog's dinner is slang for a mess, a confused mixture.
DOG'S MEAT Dog's meat is London Cockney rhyming slang for feet.
DOG'S TOOTH Dog's tooth is London Cockney rhyming slang for truth.
DOG'S WIFE Dog's wife is British slang for an unpleasant woman, a bitch.
DOG−AND−BONED Dog−and−boned is British rhyming slang for intoxicated on drugs (stoned).
DOG−ASS Dog−ass is American slang for bad, worthless, inferior.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOG−BOTHERER Dog−botherer is a British slang expression of abuse.
DOG−END Dog−end is British slang for a cigarette end.
DOGFACE Dogface is American slang for a common soldier.
DOGFOOD Dogfood is American slang for a form of dark, highly refined heroin.
DOGFUCKING Dogfucking is slang for ventro−dorsal sexual intercourse (from behind).
DOGGED−UP Dogged−up is slang for dressed smartly.
DOGGETT Doggett (from Doggett's coat and badge) is Cockney rhyming slang for to cadge.
DOGGETT'S COAT AND BADGE Doggett's coat and badge is Cockney rhyming slang for to cadge.
DOGGIE−DO Doggie−do is slang for dog excrement. Doggie−do is slang for something worthless or repellent.
DOGGIE−FASHION Doggie−fashion is slang for ventro−dorsal sexual intercourse (from behind).
DOGGIE−STYLE Doggie−style is slang for ventro−dorsal sexual intercourse (from behind).
DOGGO Doggo is British slang for intoxicated by marijuana. Doggo is American slang for worthless, inferior or bad.
DOGGY−BAG Doggy−bag is slang for a bag supplied by a restaurant for customers to use to take away uneaten food.
DOGS Dogs is slang for the feet.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOGSBODY Dogsbody is old nautical slang for a dish of peas boiled in a cloth. Dogsbody is old nautical slang for a dish of sea−biscuits soaked to a pulp in water and sugar. Dogsbody is old nautical slang for a junior officer. Dogsbody is old nautical slang for a person given menial tasks.
DOING A HUNDRED Doing a hundred is Black−American slang for very fine shape
DOINGS Doings is slang for a thing or things that are needed. Doings is slang for excrement. Doings is American and Australian slang for ingredients of a dish.
DOINK Doink is British slang for a stupid person.
DOLE BLUDGER Dole bludger is derogatory Australian slang for a person who draws unemployment benefit without making any attempt to find work.
DOLEY Doley is Australian slang for someone who claims unemployment benefit.
DOLL Doll is slang for a pretty girl or woman of little intelligence: it is sometimes also used as a term of address. Doll is British slang for an amphetamine pill. Doll was old slang for a prostitute.
DOLL CITY Doll city is American slang for a beautiful person. Doll city is American slang for a pleasant situation or idea.
DOLL UP Doll up is slang for to adorn or dress oneself or another, especially a child, in a stylish or showy manner.
DOLLAR Dollar is British slang for 25 pence. Dollar is obsolete slang for a five−shilling piece (a crown).
DOLLFACE Dollface is American slang for an attractive or cute person.
DOLLIES Dollies is American slang for the synthetic heroin substitute dolophine (methadone).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOLLOP Dollop is British slang for a piece of excrement.
DOLLS Dolls is American slang for amphetamine pills.
DOLLY Dolly (shortened from dolly bird) is slang for an attractive and fashionable girl, especially one who is considered to be unintelligent. Dolly is Polari slang for pleasant.
DOLLY BAG Dolly bag is British slang for a secret pocket used by dockers to smuggle goods.
Dolly bird is slang for an attractive and fashionable girl, especially one who is considered to be unintelligent.
DOLLY COTTON Dolly cotton is London Cockney rhyming slang for rotten.
DOLLY DIMPLE Dolly Dimple is British slang for a fat person.
DOLLY MIXTURES Dolly mixtures is London Cockney rhyming slang for the cinema (the pictures).
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DOLLY SHOP Dolly shop is British slang for an unlicensed pawnbrokers.
DOLLY VARDEN Dolly Varden is London Cockney rhyming slang for garden. Dolly Varden is London Cockney rhyming slang for Covent Garden.
DOMAN Doman is Dorset slang for a woman.
DOME Dome is slang for the head.
DOMESTIC Domestic is slang for cannabis.
DOMINO Domino is slang for the teeth. Domino is slang for the keys of a piano.
DOMKOP Domkop is South African slang for an idiot; thickhead.
DON Don is British slang for a Spaniard. Don is North American slang for a high−ranking member of the Mafia.
DON JUAN Don Juan is slang for cannabis.
DON REVIE Don revie is London Cockney rhyming slang for a drink (bevvy).
DON'T BE RUDE Don't be rude is London Cockney rhyming slang for food.
DON'T GIVE A FLYING DUCK Don't give a flying duck is British slang for not caring.
DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK Don't give a flying fuck is British slang for not caring.
DON'T GIVE A SHIT Don't give a shit is slang for don't care. 319
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DON'T MAKE A FUSS Don't make a fuss is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bus.
DONA Dona is slang for a woman or girlfriend.
DONAH Donah is slang for a girl.
DONALD DUCK Donald duck is rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (fuck). Donald duck is London Cockney rhyming slang for luck.
DONALD PEERS Donald Peers is London Cockney rhyming slang for ears.
DONALD TRUMP Donald Trump is rhyming Slang for to defecate (dump).
DONE Done is numismatic slang for cleaned, doctored, repaired.
DONE FOR Done for is British slang for broken, ruined, doomed.
DONE LIKE A KIPPER Done like a kipper is British slang for conned or framed.
DONER KEBAB Doner kebab is London Cockney rhyming slang for stab.
DONERED Donered (shortened from doner kebab) is London Cockney rhyming slang for stabbed.
DONG Dong is slang for the penis. Dong is slang for to hit.
DONK Donk is Australian slang for a car engine. Donk is Australian slang for a foolish person.
DONKEY Donkey is British slang for a slow, clumsy person. Donkey is British slang for a manual labourer. 320
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DONKEY DEEP Donkey deep is New Zealand slang for much involved.
DONKEY'S BREAKFAST Donkey's breakfast is slang for a straw mattress.
DONKEY'S YEARS Donkey's years is British slang for a very long time.
DONKEY−LICK Donkey−lick is Australian slang for to defeat decisively.
DONNYBROOK Donnybrook is slang for a brawl.
DONORCYCLE Donorcycle is American nursing slang for a motorcycle.
DOO−WOP Doo−wop is slang for a style of usually harmonious music involving groups of singers.
DOOB Doob is slang for cannabis. Doob is slang for the penis. Doob is British slang for an amphetamine pill.
DOOBRY Doobry is British slang for an unspecified thing. Doobry is British slang for an amphetamine pill.
DOOBS Doobs was 1960s British slang for capsules of the drug amphetamine sulphate.
DOOBY Dooby is Australian slang for shabby, dull, unglamorous.
DOODAD Doodad is slang for an unspecified thing.
DOODAH Doodah is slang for the penis. Doodah is slang for an unspecified thing.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOODLE Doodle is slang for the penis. Doodle is slang for nonsense.
DOODLY−SQUAT Doodly−squat is slang for nothing at all.
DOODY Doody is American slang for excrement.
DOOFAH See "Doofer"
DOOFER Doofer or doofah is slang for an unspecified object or thing. Doofer is slang for a partly−smoke cigarette.
DOOG Doog is slang for good.
DOOGA DOOGA Dooga dooga is Jamaican children's slang for sexual intercourse.
DOOJIE Doojie is American slang for heroin.
DOOK Dook is slang for a hand, fist.
DOOLALLY Doolally (originally doolally tap) is slang for out of one's mind; crazy. It originates from 19th century British military slang referring to the town of Deolali near Bombay.
DOOLAN Doolan is New Zealand slang for a Roman Catholic, especially an Irish one. Doolan is Australian slang for a policeman.
DOOMBRAIN Doombrain is slang for a stupid person.
DOON Doon is slang for a novice or incompetent.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOOR TO DOOR Door to door is bingo rhyming slang for four.
DOORKNOB Doorknob is London Cockney rhyming slang for job. Doorknob was London Cockney rhyming slang for a shilling (bob).
DOORSTEP Doorstep is slang for a thick slice of bread. Doorstep is slang for wait around a private house or accost someone at home.
DOORSTEP BABY Doorstep baby is slang for a foundling, an illegitimate or unwanted baby.
DOOS'T Doos't is Dorset slang for do you.
DOOZE Dooze is American slang for some which is easy to accomplish. Dooze is American slang for to flatter, to bamboozle.
DOOZER Doozer is American slang for someone or something remarkable or impressive.
DOOZY Doozy is slang for excellent, stunning.
DOPE Dope is slang for a stupid person. Dope is slang for information. Dope is slang for opium originally, and now any narcotic drug. Dope is slang for a preparation, mixture or medicinal drug. Dope is slang for to administer with drugs, usually stupefying drugs. Dope is slang for misleading talk. Dope is American slang for a carbonated soft−drink. Dope is American slang for under the influence of drugs or drink.
DOPE OUT Dope out is American slang for to devise, solve, or contrive.
DOPE SHEET Dope sheet is horse racing slang for a publication giving information on horses running in races.
DOPE−BOOK Dope−book is race−track slang for a chart of race horses previous performances.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOPE−FIEND Dope−fiend is slang for a drug addict.
DOPE−RING Dope−ring is slang for a group of people involved in supplying and using illicit drugs.
DOPE−RUNNER Dope−runner is slang for a person who smuggles or traffics illicit drugs.
DOPED−UP Doped−up is slang for intoxicated by drugs.
DOPEHEAD Dopehed is slang for a drug addict.
DOPER Doper is slang for a user of drugs.
DOPESTER Dopester is American and Canadian slang for a person who makes predictions, especially in sport or politics.
DOPEY Dopey is slang for sluggish or dull as though under the influence of a narcotic. Dopey is slang for foolish, silly.
DOPPELGANGER Doppelganger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a susage (banger).
DORADILLA Doradilla is slang for cannabis.
DORIS DAY Doris Day is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual (gay). Doris Day is London Cockney rhyming slang for way.
DORK Dork is slang for a stupid or incompetent person. Dork is American slang for the penis.
DORKY Dorky is slang for dull, silly, gauche.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOROTHY SQUIRES Dorothy Squires is London Cockney rhyming slang for tyres.
DOSE Dose is slang for a venereal infection, especially gonorrhoea.
DOSED UP Dosed Up is slang for infected with venereal disease. Dosed Up is slang for drugged illicitly.
DOSH Dosh is British and Australian slang for money.
DOSS Doss is slang for a place to sleep in such as a bed and also to sleep. Doss is British slang for an unpleasant person.
DOSS AROUND Doss around is British slang for to do nothing in particular.
DOSS DOWN Doss down is British slang for to lie down to sleep.
DOSS MONEY Doss money is British slang for the money required for a night's lodging.
DOSSBAG Dossbag is British slang for a sleeping bag. Dossbag is British slang for a lazy or slovenly person.
DOSSER Dosser is slang for a vagrant. Dosser is British slang for person who sleeps in dosshouses. Dosser was 17th century British slang for a large basket.
DOSSHOUSE Dosshouse is British slang for a cheap lodging house, especially one used by tramps.
DOSSY Dossy is slang for stupid, simple.
DOT Dot is slang for to hit, punch.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOT AND CARRIED Dot and carried is London Cockney rhyming slang for married.
DOT AND CARRY ONE Dot and carry one is British slang for to limp.
DOT AND DASH Dot and dash is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash. Dot and cash is British slang for a moustache.
DOT COTTON Dot Cotton is London Cockney rhyming slang for rotten.
DOT ON THE CARD Dot on the card is British slang for a certainty.
DOTHEAD Dothead is slang for an Asian Indian woman.
DOTS AND CAREFULS Dots and carefuls is British racing slang for to be warned.
DOTTY Dotty is slang for feeble−minded; slightly crazy.
DOTTY ABOUT Dotty about is slang for extremely fond of.
DOUBLE Double is British slang for very, extremely.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Double arsed is British slang for having large, fat, buttocks.
DOUBLE BANKER Double banker is British slang for a sporting contest where points are gained by the winner and lost by the loser.
DOUBLE BEANSHOOT Double beanshoot is British slang for to ejaculate twice without withdrawing.
DOUBLE BUBBLE Double bubble is British slang for twice the normal rate of pay.
DOUBLE CARPET Double carpet is betting slang for odds of 33/1.
DOUBLE DREADS Double dreads is slang for a mixture of the drugs amphetamine and LSD.
DOUBLE DUTCH Double Dutch is British slang for unintelligible.
DOUBLE EVENT Double event is slang for having both syphilis and gonorrhoea. Double event is slang for an act of sex with a virgin that leaves her pregnant. Double event is Scottish slang for an order of a glass of whisky alongside a pint of beer.
DOUBLE EYED Double eyed is British slang for untrustworthy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOUBLE FAIR Double fair is slang for extremely satisfactory.
DOUBLE FIN Double fin is British slang for a ten pound note. Double fin is British slang for two five pound notes. Double fin is American slang for a ten dollar note.
DOUBLE FLUSHER Double flusher is British slang for a large piece of excrement.
DOUBLE GUTS Double guts is slang for a very fat person. Double guts is American slang for a large belly.
DOUBLE HANDFUL Double handful is British slang for ten pounds sterling.
DOUBLE HEADER Double header is British slang for simultaneous fellatio and cunnilingus.
DOUBLE RESULT Double result is British football hooligan slang for a victory against both the opposing team on the pitch and the team's supporters.
DOUBLE ROCK Double rock is slang for crack cocaine diluted with procaine.
DOUBLE TOP Double top is British slang for fourty pounds sterling.
DOUBLE WHAMMY Double whammy is British slang for two blows delivered in quick succession.
DOUBLE YOLKER Double yolker is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unfunny comedian (joker).
DOUBLE−BAGGER Double−bagger is American slang for a hideous or repellent person.
DOUBLE−BLUE Double−blue is former British slang for a specific type of amphetamine sulphate table containing amphetamine and barbiturate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOUBLE−DUGGED Double−dugged is slang for having large breasts.
DOUBLE−FISTED Double−fisted is American slang for strong, tough, over−sized.
DOUBLE−GAITED Double−gaited was mid 20th century American slang for bisexual.
DOUBLER Doubler is slang for an extremely severe blow. Doubler is New Zealand slang for a double measure of spirits. Doubler is Australian slang for a lift on a bicycle.
DOUBLET AND HOSE Doublet and hose is British theatre slang for the nose.
DOUBLOON Doubloon is slang for money.
DOUCHEBAG Douchebag is American slang for a contemptible person.
DOUGH Dough is slang for money.
DOUGHBOY Doughboy is British slang for a blow or heavy punch. Doughboy is British slang for an American soldier. Doughboy is American slang for an Army private.
DOUGHNUT Doughnut is British slang for a fool. Doughnut is slang for a roundabout. Doughnut is slang for a tyre.
DOUGHY Doughy is slang for a baker. Doughy is slang for stupid. Doughy is Australian slang for the buttocks.
DOUGHY OVER Doughy over is Australian slang for in love with.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Douglas (shortened from Douglas Hurd) is British slang for a third−class university honours degree. Douglas (shortened from Douglas Hurd) is British slang for excrement. Douglas is Australian slang for an axe.
DOUSE Douse is slang for to put out; to extinguish.
DOUT Dout is British slang for a cigarette end.
DOVE−TART Dove−tart is slang for pigeon pie.
DOVER Dover is Australian slang for a clasp−knife.
DOVER BOAT Dover boat is London Cockney rhyming slang for coat.
DOVER HARBOUR Dover harbour is London Cockney rhyming slang for barber.
DOVER'S POWDER Dover's powder is slang for the drug opium.
DOVEY Dovey was 19th century slang for attractive, delightful, sweet.
DOWDY Dowdy is slang for to pretend to be insane for the purposes of a practical joke.
DOWLAS Dowlas was 18th and 19th century slang for a linen−draper.
DOWN AMONG THE DEAD MEN Down among the dead men is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
DOWN SIX Down six is Black American slang for properly, correctly.
DOWN THE BLOCK Down the block is British prison slang for solitary confinement.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DOWN THE CARSEY Down the carsey is British slang for lost, wasted.
DOWN THE CHUTE Down the chute is slang for ruined, abandoned, beyond hope.
DOWN THE DRAIN Down the drain is British slang for lost, wasted.
DOWN THE DRAINS Down the drains is London Cockney rhyming slang for brains.
DOWN THE FLUSH Down the flush is slang for ruined, abandoned, beyond hope.
DOWN THE PAN Down the pan is British slang for lost, wasted.
DOWN THE PLUGHOLE Down the plughole is British slang for lost, wasted.
DOWN THE RIVER Down the river is British slang for betrayed. Down the river is British slang for in prison.
DOWN THE ROAD Down the road is British slang for in prison.
DOWN THE TUBES Down the tubes is slang for ruined, abandoned, beyond hope.
DOWN TO LARKIN Down to Larkin is British slang for free, without charge.
DOWN WITH THE DUST Down with the dust is slang for to deposit the cash; pay down the money.
DOWN−AND−DIRTY Down−and−dirty is American slang for deceitful, corrupt, savage. Down−and−dirty is American slang for basic, primitive.
DOWNER Downer is slang for a barbiturate, tranquillizer, or narcotic (such as valium). Downer is slang for a depressing experience. Downer is slang for a state of depression. 331
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DOWNERS Downers is slang for barbiturates, tranquillizers, or narcotics (such as valium).
DOWNHILL Downhill is British slang for the second half of a prson sentence.
DOWNHOME Downhome is American slang for unsophisticated; homely.
DOWNING STREET Downing Street is Bingo slang for the number ten.
DOWNS Downs is slang for secobarbital.
DOWNSTAIRS Downstairs is slang for the genital region. Downstairs is British slang for hell.
DOWNY Downy is slang for cunning; wary.
DOXY Doxy is old slang for a prostitute or mistress.
DOZY Dozy is British slang for slow−witted, foolish.
DR. FEELGOOD Dr. Feelgood is slang for heroin.
DRABBIE Drabbie is British slang for a puritanical person.
DRACK Drack is Australian slang for unattractive, especially applied to a woman. Drack is Australian slang for rubbish.
DRACKS Dracks is British slang for playing cards.
DRACULA Dracula is British slang for an ugly woman.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DRAF Draf is slang for cannabis.
DRAG Drag is slang for to draw on a cigarette or pipe. Drag is slang for women's clothes worn by a man. Drag is slang for a car Drag is London Cockney slang for a three−month prison sentence.. Drag is Polari slang for clothes. Drag was old London Cockney slang for street.
DRAG ASS Drag ass is American slang for to move slowly, unwillingly or lazily.
DRAG DYKE Drag dyke is British slang for a masculine lesbian who likes to dress in men's clothes.
DRAG KING Drag king is British slang for a masculine lesbian who likes to dress in men's clothes.
DRAG QUEEN Drag queen is slang for a male homosexual who wears women's clothes.
DRAG−ASS Drag−ass is American slang for boring, tedious, onerous.
DRAGGED−UP Dragged−up is slang for a man when dressed as a woman. Dragged−up is slang for dressed in flamboyant clothes.
DRAGGIN' WAGON Draggin' wagon is American slang for a low−truck. Draggin' wagon is American slang for a car or van used to impress or seduce the opposite sex.
DRAGGING Dragging is British slang for stealing from cars. Dragging was old British slang for stealing from horse−drawn carts.
DRAGGY Draggy is slang for slow or boring.
DRAGON Dragon is British slang for an ugly woman. Dragon is British slang for a domineering woman. Dragon was old British slang for an ageing prostitute.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DRAGSTER Dragster is slang for a customised car used for drag racing.
DRAGSTRIP Dragstip is slang for a stretch of road used for drag racing.
DRAIN CHARLES DICKENS Drain Charles Dickens is slang for to masturbate.
DRAIN OFF Drain off is slang for to urinate.
DRAIN THE DRAGON Drain the dragon is slang for to urinate.
DRAIN THE LIZARD Drain the lizard is slang for to urinate.
DRAIN THE MAIN Drain the main is American slang for to vomit.
DRAIN THE RADIATOR Drain the radiator is slang for to urinate.
DRAIN THE SNAKE Drain the snake is slang for to urinate.
DRAIN THE TANK Drain the tank is slang for to urinate.
DRAINPIPES Drainpipes is slang for tight trousers with straight, narrow legs.
DRAMA QUEEN Drama queen is slang for a self−dramatizing or hysterical person.
DRAPE Drape is slang for clothes. Drape is British slang for a wide shouldered, long and loose, un−waisted jacket.
DRASH Drash is Dorset slang for to thrash.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DRASHEL Drashel is Dorset slang for a flail. Drashel is Dorset slang for a threshold.
DRATSAB Dratsab is slang for an unpleasant person.
DRAW Draw is British slang for tobacco. Draw is British slang for marijuana. Draw is British slang for a winning bet. Draw is British slang for a two−one honours degree (two won).
DRAW SOME MUD Draw some mud is British slang for to emit wind from the anus along with some excrement at the same time.
DRAW THE CROW Draw the crow is Australian slang for to come off worst, to get the worst part of a share.
DREAD Dread is Jamaican slang for a Rastafarian.
DREADLOCKS Dreadlocks is slang for hair in long, tight ringlets, as worn by Rastafarians.
DREADNOUGHT Dreadnought is slang for a heavyweight boxer.
DREAM Dream is slang for cocaine. Dream was slang for opium.
DREAM BOX Dream box is Black−American slang for human head
DREAMBOAT Dreamboat is old slang for an exceptionally attractive person or thing, especially a person of the opposite sex.
DRECK Dreck is slang for rubbish; a worthless thing.
DREDGEL Dredgel is Dorset slang for a flail.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DREGS Dregs is British slang for a despicable person.
DRIB Drib is British slang for a woman.
DRIBBLE Dribble is Black−American slang for to stutter.
DRIBBLE PHLEM Dribble phlem is American slang for to vomit.
DRIBBLER Dribbler is British slang for an incontinent man.
DRIBS AND DRABS Dribs and drabs is London Cockney rhyming slang for crab lice (crabs).
DRIED BARKERS Dried barkers is Black−American slang for furs.
DRIFF Driff is slang for to leave, escape, go away.
DRILL Drill is British slang for to sleep. Drill is slang for to shoot with a gun. Drill is slang for to have sex. Drill is slang for the penis.
DRILL FOR MARMITE Drill for marmite is British slang for to have anal sex.
DRILLING Drilling is Black−American slang for walking.
DRILLING FOR VEGEMITE Drilling for vegemite is Australian slang for male homosexual anal intercourse.
DRINK Drink is British slang for a small bribe, tip. Drink is Black−American slang for a large body of water.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DRINK−LINK Drink−link is slang for an ATM machine.
DRINKER Drinker is British slang for a pub or club, particularly one that opens out of hours.
DRINKING VOUCHERS Drinking vouchers is British slang for money, coins, banknotes.
DRIP Drip is slang for an insipid, unassertive or boring person. Drip is British slang for to have gonorrhoea.
DRIP DRY Drip dry is London Cockney rhyming slang for to cry.
DRIPPING Dripping is British slang for weak, irresolute, pathetic.
DRIPPING AND TOAST Dripping and toast is London Cockney rhyming slang for a publican (host).
DRIPPING FOR IT LIKE A BUTCHER'S DAUGHTER Dripping for it like a butcher's daughter is slang for sexually active, nymphomaniac.
DRITH Drith is Dorset slang for a drought.
DRIVE THE PORCELAIN BUS Drive the porcelain bus is American slang for to vomit.
DROID Droid is American slang for a stupid, slow−witted or unimaginative person.
DROME Drome is slang for aerodrome.
DRONE Drone is slang for a dull, lifeless person.
DRONG Drong is Dorset slang for a narrow alleyway.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DRONGO Drongo is Australian and New Zealand slang for a slow−witted person.
DRONGWAY Drongway is Dorset slang for a narrow path between hedges.
DROOB Droob is Australian slang for a pathetic person.
DROOLY Drooly is slang for very attractive, appealing or appetising.
DROP Drop is slang for an illicit or covert delivery. Drop is slang for a place where illicit or covert deliveries take place. Drop is slang for take an illicit drug orally. Drop is slang for to knock a person down. Drop is slang for to give birth. Drop is American slang for to give or tell. Drop is Australian cricket slang for a fall of the wicket.
DROP A BOLLOCK Drop a bollock is British slang for to make a mistake.
DROP A BOMB Drop a bomb is British slang for to emit wind from the anus.
DROP A BRICK Drop a brick is British slang for to make a mistake.
DROP A BUNDLE Drop a bundle is slang for to lose a large amount of money.
DROP A CLANGER Drop a clanger is British slang for to make a mistake, particulary a faux pas.
DROP A PUP Drop a pup is Australian slang for to give birth.
DROP ANCHOR IN BUM BAY Drop anchor in bum bay is British slang for yo have anal intercourse.
DROP KNOWLEDGE Drop knowledge is American slang for to share information or experience; to pass the bone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DROP OF NONSENSE Dop of nonsense is British slang for strong drink.
DROP OFF THE PERCH Drop off the perch is slang for to die.
DROP OFF THE TWIG Drop off the twig is slang for to die.
DROP ONE Drop one is slang for to emit wind from the anus.
DROP ONE OUT Drop one out is British slang for to exclude someone.
DROP ONE'S BUNDLE Drop one's bundle is Australian and New Zealand slang for to panic or give up hope.
DROP ONE'S DAKS Drop one's daks is Australian slang for to take off one's trousers.
DROP ONE'S GUTS Drop one's guts is slang for to emit wind from the anus.
DROP ONE'S LUNCH Drop one's lunch is slang for to emit wind from the anus.
DROP OUT Drop out is slang for to withdraw from conventional society, to opt out.
DROP THE LASHES ON Drop the lashes on is Jamaican slang for to beat severely. Drop the lashes on is Jamaican slang for to make a surprising and shocking decision.
DROP TROU Drop trou is American slang for to take down one's trousers.
DROP−KICK Drop−kick is Australian slang for a worthless or miserable person.
DROP−OUT Drop−out is slang for someone who has opted out of society.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DROPDEAD Dropdead is slang for stunning, extreme, sensational.
DROPPED ON Dropped on is slang for punished, reprimanded.
DROPPER Dropper is British slang for a criminal who passes counterfeit money.
DROPPIES Droppies is British slang for self−employed people.
DROPSY Dropsy is slang for a tip or bribe.
DRUGFAG Drugfag is British slang for a cannabis cigarette.
DRUGGY Druggy is slang for a user of illicit drugs.
DRUGHEAD Drughead is American slang for a user of illicit drugs.
DRUGSTORE COWBOY Drugstore cowboy is American slang for a local male show−off.
DRUKKIE Drukkie is South African slang for a hug, an affectionate squeeze.
DRUM Drum is British slang for a house or home. Drum is old British slang for a road or street. Drum is Australian slang for a piece of information or a tip. Drum is Australian slang for a brothel.
DRUM AND BASS Drum and bass is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
DRUM AND FIFE Drum and fife is British military rhyming slang for a knife. Drum and fife is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DRUMMER Drummer is slang for a door−to−door salesperson. Drummer is slang for a housebreaker, a burglar. Drummer is slang for a vagrant. Drummer is Australian and New Zealand slang for the slowest shearer in a team.
DRUMMING Drumming is British slang for selling door−to−door. Drumming is British slang for housebreaking, burglary.
DRUMMOND Drummond (shortened from Drum and fife) is British rhyming slang for a knife.
DRUMMOND AND ROCE Drummond and roce is British slang for knife and fork.
DRUMSTICKS Drumsticks is slang for legs.
DRUNG Drung is Dorset slang for a narrow path between hedges.
DRUNK AS A DUCK Drunk as a duck is British slang for mildly intoxicated. Drunk.
DRUNK AS AN EMPEROR Drunk as an emperor is British slang for very intoxicated, very drunk.
DRURY LANE AGUE Drury Lane ague was 18th and 19th century slang for venereal disease.
DRY BOKE Dry boke is American slang for to vomit
DRY GIN Dry gin is Jamaican slang for marijuana.
DRY LONG SO Dry long so is Black−American slang for dullness or fate
DRY ROOT Dry root is Australian slang for a sexual activity in which two consenting partners stimulate each other in simulated intercourse while the genitals are covered.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DRY−FUCK Dry−fuck is slang for a sexual activity in which two consenting partners stimulate each other in simulated intercourse while the genitals are covered.
DRY−HUMP Dry−hump is slang for a sexual activity in which two consenting partners stimulate each other in simulated intercourse while the genitals are covered.
DS Ds is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
DTS DTs is British slang for delirium tremens.
DUANE EDDYS Duane Eddys is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash, money (readies).
DUB Dub is old British slang for a key. Dub is slang for a style of reggae−music in which already recorded instrumental tracks are electronically altered and overlaid. Dub is American slang for a cigarette. Dub is American and Australian slang for a fool or incompetent.
DUBBED UP Dubbed up is British slang for incarcerated, locked up.
DUBBER Dubber is British slang for a thief specialising in picking locks. Dubber is American slang for a cigarette.
DUBBO Dubbo is Australian slang for stupid, a fool.
DUBLIN TRICK Dublin Trick is London Cockney rhyming slang for a brick.
DUCHESS Duchess (shortened from Duchess of Fife) is British slang for a woman, usually one's wife.
DUCHESS OF FIFE Duchess of Fife is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
DUCHESS OF TECK Duchess of Teck was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a cheque.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DUCHESS OF YORK Duchess of York is London Cockney rhyming slang for pork.
DUCK Duck is slang for a score of zero. Duck is British (Doncaster) slang for a friend (often used as a greeting, 'alright duck?').
DUCK AND DIVE Duck and dive is London Cockney rhyming slang for skive. Duck and dive is London Cockney rhyming slang for survive.
DUCK EGG Duck egg is slang for a score of zero.
DUCK SHOOT Duck shoot is American slang for a very easy task.
DUCK SOUP Duck soup is American slang for something that is easy to do.
DUCK'S ARSE Duck's arse is British slang for a miser. Duck's arse is London Cockney rhyming slang for an informer (grass).
DUCK'S BREAKFAST Duck's breakfast is slang for a drink of water.
DUCKBURG Duckburg is American slang for a rural, provincial town.
DUCKE OF TECK Duke of Tech is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cheque.
DUCKISH Duckish is Dorset slang for twilight.
DUCKS Ducks is Black−American slang for tickets to a social event.
DUCKY Ducky is slang for cute, delightful. Ducky is British slang for a homosexual male.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DUDE Dude is American slang for a person, especially a male.
DUDLEY MOORE Dudley Moore is London Cockney rhyming slang for sore.
DUDS Duds is slang for clothes, general effects.
DUFF Duff is slang for backside, the buttocks. Duff is slang for useless, inferior. Duff is Australian slang for to change the appearance of or give a false appearance to old or stolen goods; fake.
DUFF UP Duff up is slang for to beat or thrash a person severely.
DUFFER Duffer was old slang for a peddler or hawker, especially one of cheap, flashy articles, such as sham jewellery; and hence, a sham or cheat. Duffer is slang for a stupid, awkward, inefficient person. Duffer is Australian slang for an unproductive mine.
DUFFLUF Duffluf is British slang for a fool, an idiot.
DUFUS Dufus is American slang for an eccentric person. Dufus is American slang for a foolish or gauche person. Dufus is American slang for a gadget, an intriguing object.
DUGOUT Dugout is slang for a retired officer, former civil servant, etc., recalled to employment.
DUGS Dugs is slang for breasts.
DUKE IT Duke it is slang for a fight, brawl.
DUKE IT UP Duke it up is slang for a fight, brawl.
DUKE OF ARGYLL Duke of Argyll is London Cockney rhyming slang for a file.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DUKE OF ARGYLLS Duke of Argylls is London Cockney rhyming slang for piles.
DUKE OF FIFE Duke of Fife is London Cockney rhyming slang for knife.
DUKE OF KENT Duke of Kent is London Cockney rhyming slang for bent. Duke of Kent is London Cockney rhyming slang for rent.
DUKE OF YORK Duke of York is London Cockney rhyming slang for chalk. Duke of York is London Cockney rhyming slang for cork. Duke of York is London Cockney rhyming slang for fork. Duke of York is London Cockney rhyming slang for pork. Duke of York is London Cockney rhyming slang for talk. Duke of York is London Cockney rhyming slang for walk.
DUKE ON IT Duke on it is slang for to shake hands.
DUKES Dukes is slang for the fists.
DULL AND DOWDY Dull and dowdy is London Cockney rhyming slang for cloudy.
DULLSVILLE Dullsville is slang for a thing, place, or activity that is boring or dull. Dullsville is slang for the state of being bored.
DUM−DUM Dum−dum is slang for a stupid person.
DUMB Dumb is slang for stupid, ignorant.
DUMB CLUCK Dumb cluck is slang for a stupid or gormless person.
DUMB−HEAD Dumb−head is slang for a stupid person.
DUMBASS Dumbass is American slang for a stupid person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
DUMBBELL Dumbbell is American and Canadian slang for a fool.
DUMBLEDORE Dumbledore is Dorset slang for a bumblebee.
DUMBO Dumbo is slang for a stupid person.
DUMMY Dummy is slang for a stupid person; a fool. Dummy is slang for fake, misleading, untrue. Dummy is slang for the penis. Dummy was old slang for a wallet.
DUMMY UP Dummy up is slang for to keep silent, refuse to speak.
DUMP Dump is slang for a dirty, messy, dilapidated place. Dump is slang for defecate. Dump is slang for excrement.
DUMP ON Dump on is slang for criticise, chastise, blame or denigrate. Dump on is British slang for to abuse.
DUMPER Dumper is British slang for a lavatory. Dumper is British slang for the anus. Dumper is British slang for someone who gets sexual gratification from excrement.
DUMPER TRUCK Dumper truck is London Cockney rhyming slang for fuck.
DUMPLING Dumpling is British slang for a fool.
DUMPLINGS Dumplings is British slang for breasts.
DUMPS Dumps is British slang for money returned to a losing player in a friendly game of cards.
DUMPSEY Dumpsey is Dorset slang for dusk. 346
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DUNCH Dunch is Dorset slang for stupid.
DUNG−PUNCHER Dung−puncher is slang for a male homosexual.
DUNG−SPURRING Dung−spurring is Dorset slang for manure spreading.
DUNKIE Dunkie is British slang for a girl. Dunkie was old British slang for a condom.
DUNKING Dunking is British slang for sex.
DUNKIRK Dunkirk is London Cockney rhyming slang for work.
DUNLOP TYRE Dunlop tyre is London Cockney rhyming slang for liar.
DUNNEE Dunnee is Australian slang for a toilet.
Dunno is slang for I do not know.
DUNOP Dunop is British slang for a pound sterling.
DUPPY Duppy is Jamaican slang for a ghost.
DURBAN POISON Durban poison is slang for a particular strain of South African marijuana. 347
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DUREX Durex is British slang for a condom.
DURRY Durry is Australian slang for a cigarette.
DUST Dust is English slang for to run away very fast. Dust is British building slang for cement. Dust is slang for phencyclidine. Dust is American slang for to kill.
DUST BUNNY Dust bunny is American slang for a ball of fluff in an undusted part of the house.
DUST KITTY Dust kitty is American slang for a ball of fluff in an undusted part of the house. Dust kitty is American slang for the navel.
DUST ONE'S JACKET To dust one's jacket is slang for to give one a flogging.
DUST−BIN Dust−bin is Black−American slang for grave
Dust−up is British slang for a fight.
DUSTBIN Dustbin is British slang for someone or something that will eat anything at anytime.
DUSTBIN LID Dustbin lid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a child (kid).
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DUSTBIN LIDS Dustbin lids is London Cockney rhyming slang for kids.
DUSTED PARSLEY Dusted Parsley is slang for phencyclidine.
DUSTERS Dusters is British slang for the testicle.
DUSTIN HOFFMANS Dustin Hoffmans is London Cockney rhyming slang for Rothmans (cigarettes).
DUSTPAN AND BRUSH Dustpan and brush is London Cockney rhyming slang for the fungal infection thrush.
DUSTY Dusty is British slang for an old person. Dusty is British slang for a dustman.
DUSTY BUTT Dusty butt is Black−American slang for short person whose rear end almost touches the ground
DUTCH Dutch (shortened from Duchess of Fife) is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife. Dutch (shortened from Dutch Plate) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a friend (mate).
DUTCH BEER Dutch beer is British slang for dull, insipid, flat beer.
DUTCH CONCERT A Dutch concert is slang for a so−called concert in which all the singers sing at the same time different songs.
DUTCH COURAGE Dutch courage is slang for the courage of partial intoxication.
DUTCH PEG Dutch peg is London Cockney rhyming slang for leg.
DUTCH PLATE Dutch plate is London Cockney rhyming slang for friend (mate).
DUTCH POT Dutch pot is Jamaican slang for a Dutch oven (a large, heavy, cast iron two−handled saucepan with a close fitting lid used for cooking meat and soup). 349
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DUTCHIE Dutchie (shortened from Dutch Pot) is Jamaican slang for a Dutch oven (a large, heavy, cast iron two−handled saucepan with a close fitting lid used for cooking meat and soup).
DVID GOWER David Gower is London Cockney rhyming slang for shower.
DWEEB Dweeb is slang for a foolish, gormless, unpopular person.
DWELL UP Dwell up is British slang for to stop, to wait.
DYCUE Dycue is British slang for one pound sterling.
DYKE Dyke is slang for a lesbian. Dyke is British slang for a lavatory pan.
DYKIE Dykie is slang for like a lesbian. Dykie is slang for masculine in appearance or behaviour (applied to a woman).
DYNA Dyna (shortened from Dynamite) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fight.
DYNAMITE Dynamite is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fight. Dynamite is British slang for sensational news. Dynamite is American slang for high quality. Dynamite is British and American slang for powerful heroin.
DYNO Dyno is slang for heroin.
DYNOSUPREME Dynosupreme is American slang for excellent, perfect, outstanding.
E E is slang for the drug ecstasy (MDA or methyl diamphetamine).
EACER Eacer is Dorset slang for an acre.
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EACH WAY Each way is British and Australian slang for bisexual.
EACOR Eacor is Dorset slang for an acorn.
EAGLE−HAWK Eagle−hawk is Australian slang for to pluck wool from a sheep's dead body.
EAR SEX Ear sex is British slang for indecent telephone talk.
EAR'OLE Ear'ole is British slang for a dull, gormless person. Ear'ole is British slang for to detain someone in conversation. Ear'ole is British slang for to scrounge. Ear'ole is British slang for to nag or talk incessantly. Ear'ole is British slang for to listen or eavesdrop.
EAR−BANGER Ear−banger is slang for someone who talks incessantly.
EAR−BASHER Ear−basher is slang for someone who talks incessantly.
EAR−BENDER Ear−bender is slang for someone who talks incessantly.
EAR−WIGGING Ear−wigging is British slang for incessant chatter, complaining or nagging.
EARACHE Earache is British slang for incessant chatter, complaining or nagging.
EARBASH Earbash is slang for talk incessantly.
EARL Earl is American slang for to vomit
EARL'S KNOCKING AT THE DOOR Earl's knocking at the door is American slang for to vomit.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
EARLIES Earlies (shortened from early doors) is London Cockney rhyming slang for underpants, knickers.
EARLS COURT Earls Court is London Cockney rhyming slang for salt.
EARLY BEAM Early beam is Black−American slang for in the morning
EARLY BIRD Early bird is London Cockney rhyming slang for advice, talk (word).
EARLY BLACK Early black is Black−American slang for in the evening
EARLY BRIGHT Early bright is Black−American slang for dawn
EARLY DOOR Early door is London Cockney rhyming slang for whore.
EARLY DOORS Early doors is London Cockney rhyming slang for underpants, knickers (draws).
EARLY HOURS Early hours is London Cockney rhyming slang for flowers.
EARLY MORN Early morn is British rhyming slang for an erection (horn).
EARN A CRUST Earn a crust is British, Australian and New Zealand slang for to earn a living.
EARNER Earner is British slang for a scheme or situation which brings financial advantage.
EARS Ears is Black−American slang for to listen.
EARTH PADS Earth pads is Black−American slang for shoes.
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EARTHA KITT Eartha Kitt is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (shit).
EARTHA KITTS Eartha Kitts is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (shits).
EARWIG Earwig is British slang for to eavesdrop. Earwig is British slang for an eavesdropper. Earwig is London Cockney rhyming slang for understand (twig).
EARWIGGING Earwigging is British slang for a severe reprimand. A telling off.
EASING Easing is British slang for relaxing.
EAST AND SOUTH East and south is London Cockney rhyming slang for mouth.
EAST AND WEST East and west is London Cockney rhyming slang for chest. East and west is London Cockney rhyming slang for breast. East and west is London Cockney rhyming slang for vest.
EAST INDIA DOCKS East India Docks was London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox). East India Docks was London Cockney rhyming slang for socks.
EASTER BUNNY Easter bunny is London Cockney rhyming slang for money.
EASTER EGG Easter egg is London Cockney rhyming slang for leg. Easter egg is American slang for a child born nine months after a summer romance.
EASY Easy is slang for sexually available. Easy is British slang for a gullible person. Easy is a British slang expression of derision, triumph or joy.
EASY LAY Easy lay is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Easy meat is slang for a person who is easy to seduce or take advantage of. Easy meat is slang for something easy to achieve or acquire.
EASY RIDER Easy rider is slang for a motorcyclist. Easy rider is slang for a person who seems to succeed without effort. Easy rider is slang for a promiscuous woman. Easy rider is London Cockney rhyming slang for cider.
EASY−PEASY Easy−peasy is British slang for very easy.
EAT Eat is slang for to perform cunnilingus or fellatio.
EAT CROW Eat crow is British slang for accept insult without complaining.
EAT DIRT Eat dirt is slang for accept insult without complaining.
EAT MY SHORTS Eat my shorts is an American slang exclamation of defiance or contempt.
EAT OUT Eat out is slang for to perform cunnilingus.
EAT PUSSY Eat Pussy is slang for to perform cunnilingus.
EAT SHIT Eat shit is British slang for accept insult without complaining.
EATING IN Eating in is nursing slang for having intravenous feeding.
EAU DE COLOGNE Eau De Cologne is British racing rhyming slang for telephone. Eau De Cologne is theatre rhyming slang for a woman (polone).
ECKIES Eckies is British slang for expenses.
ECLIPSE Eclipse is British slang for a very stupid person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ECNOP Ecnop is British slang for a scrounger (ponce).
ECO FREAK Eco freak is derogatory British slang for an environmentalist.
ECO WARRIOR Eco warrior is British slang for a fanatical environmentalist.
ECO−FREAK Eco−freak is slang for someone concerned with ecology and the environment.
ECO−NUT Eco−nut is slang for someone concerned with ecology and the environment.
ECSTACY Ecstacy is slang for 3,4−methylenedioxymethamphetamine: a powerful drug that acts as a stimulant and can produce hallucinations.
ECSTASY Ecstasy is slang for the drug MDA or methyl diamphetamine.
ECU ECU is American nursing slang for Eternal Care Unit, heaven.
EDGAR ALLAN POE Edgar Allan Poe is British racing rhyming slang for money (dough).
EDGAR BRITT Edgar Britt is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (shit).
EDGE CITY Edge city is slang for a dreaded, frightening or exciting sensation or situation.
EDINBURGH FRINGE Edinburgh Fringe is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (minge).
EDMUNDO ROS Edmundo Ros is London Cockney rhyming slang for boss.
EDNA MAY Edna May is London Cockney rhyming slang for way.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
EDWARD HEATH Edward Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for beef. Edward Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth. Edward Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for thief.
EDWARDIAN Edwardian is British slang for a 'teddy boy'.
EDWIN DROOD Edwin Drood is London Cockney rhyming slang for food.
EE Ee is Dorset slang for you.
EEFIL Eefil is British slang for life.
EEFINK Eefink is British slang for a knife.
EEFOC Eefoc is British slang for coffee.
EEJIT Eejit is British slang for an idiot.
EEK Eek is British slang for face. Eek is British slang for face−paint, make−up.
EEKIBE Eekibe is British slang for a bicycle.
EELIM Eelim is British slang for a mile.
EELS AND LIQUOR Eels and liquor is London Cockney rhyming slang for one pound sterling (nicker).
EEMAG Eemag is British slang for a game.
EEMOSH Eemosh is British slang for home. 356
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EFF Eff is a slang euphemism for 'fuck'.
EFF AND BLIND Eff and blind is slang for to use obscene language.
EFFUSING THE NIGHTS EXCESS Effusing the nights excess is American slang for to vomit.
EGABAC Egabac is British slang for cabbage.
EGANARO Eganaro is British slang for orange.
EGG Egg is slang for to throw raw eggs at something or someone.
EGG AND HAM Egg and ham is British rhyming slang for exam.
EGG AND SPOON Egg and spoon is derogatory British rhyming slang for a black person (coon).
EGG ON Egg on is slang for to encourage.
EGGBEATER Eggbeater is slang for an old or primitive motor or motorised vehicle.
EGGHEAD Egghead is slang for an intellectual, scientist, or studious student.
EGGY Eggy is British slang for annoyed, irritated.
EGO MASSAGE Ego massage is slang for flattering reassurance.
EGO PRICING Ego pricing is estate agent slang for placing too high a price on a property based on ones own inflated assumption of its value.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
EGO−TRIP Ego−trip is slang for an exhibition of self−aggrandisement.
EGON RONAY Egon Ronay is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (pony).
EGYPTIAN HALL Egyprian hall is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dance (ball).
EGYPTIAN PT Egyptian PT is British slang for sleeping.
EIFFEL TOWER Eiffel Tower is London Cockney rhyming slang for shower.
EIGHT BALL Eight ball is British slang for a black person. Eight ball is Black−American slang for a square.
EIGHTEEN CARAT Eighteen carat is British slang for first class.
EIGHTEEN PENCE Eighteen pence is London Cockney rhyming slang for sense.
EIGHTY−EIGHT Eighty−eight is Black−American slang for a piano.
EINSTEIN'S HOMEWORK Einstein's homework is British slang for Nike clothing.
EISENHOWER Eisenhower is London Cockney rhyming slang for shower.
EJECTA Ejecta is American military slang for missile debris.
EL PRIMO El primo is American slang for the best, top quality.
EL ROPO El ropo is American slang for a cigar or cannabis cigarette, especially a large one.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ELBAT Elbat is British slang for a table.
ELBOW Elbow is British slang for to dismiss someone, to dispose of or reject something. Elbow is British slang for a pick−pocket's distracting accomplice.
ELBOW BENDER Elbow bender is British slang for an habitual drinker of alcoholic drinks.
ELBOW IN Elbow in is slang for to force oneself into a situation where one is not invited.
ELBOW ROOM Elbow room is slang for space to manoeuvre.
ELDERBERRY Elderberry is British slang for an ageing homosexual.
ELDERS Elders is Australian slang for breasts.
ELECTRIC SOUP Electric soup is slang for alcoholic drink.
ELECTRONIC CADAVER Electronic cadaver is medical slang for a computer simulation of a cadaver used for practising dissection
ELEM Elem is Dorset slang for elm.
ELEPHANT AND CASTLE Elephant and Castle is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (arsehole). Elephant and Castle is London Cockney rhyming slang for a parcel.
ELEPHANT TRANQUILIZER Elephant Tranquilizer is slang for phencyclidine.
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Elephant's trunk is London Cockney rhyming slang for intoxicated. drunk.
ELEVATOR MUSIC Elevator music is American slang for background music.
ELEVATOR SURFING Elevator surfing is American slang for the sport of jumping from the top of one elevator shaft to another.
ELIMINATE Eliminate is slang for to murder in a cold−blooded manner.
ELIZABETH REGINA Elizabeth Regina is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina.
ELKY CLARK Elky Clark is London Cockney rhyming slang for a starting point or meeting place (mark).
ELLA Ella is British slang for ale, beer.
ELLEN TERRY Ellen Terry is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chamber pot (jerry).
ELOESRA Eloesra is British slang for the anus.
ELOPPA Eloppa is British slang for an apple.
ELPANIP Elpanip is British slang for a pineapple. 360
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ELRIG Elrig is British slang for a girl.
ELSIE TANNER Elsie Tanner is London Cockney rhyming slang for a spanner.
ELT Elt is Dorset slang for a young sow which has not yet farrowed.
ELTOB Eltob is British slang for a bottle.
ELTON Elton (shortened from Elton John) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a swindle (con).
ELTON JOHN Elton John is London Cockney rhyming slang for a swindle (con).
ELTROT Eltrot is Dorset slang for cow parsley. E;trot is Dorset slang for hogweed.
EMBALMED Embalmed is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
EMBROCATION Embrocation is British slang for alcoholic drink.
EMLUP Emlup is British slang for a plum.
EMMA FREUDS Emma Freuds is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids.
EMMAS Emmas (shortened from Emma Freuds) is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids.
EMMERDALE FARM Emmerdale Farm is London Cockney rhyming slang for arm.
EMMET Emmet is British slang (particularly used in Cornwall and Dorset) for a tourist, an unwelcome stranger. Emmet is Dorset slang for an ant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
EMMET BUT Emmet but is Dorset slang for an ant hill.
EMOC Emoc is British slang for to ejaculate.
EMPTY CALORIES Empty calories is American slang for food usually high in calories but with negligible nutritional value.
EMPTY−NESTERS Empty−nesters is American real estate (estate agency) slang for people whose housing requirements have changed because their children have grown and left home.
EMULSION Emulsion is British slang for semen.
ENAMEL Enamel is Black−American slang for human skin
END End is British slang for the penis. End is music slang for the absolute best. End is slang for a share in the proceeds of a robbery.
ENDLESS SLEEP Endless sleep is British slang for death.
ENDSVILLE Endsville is American slang for the ultimate, the best, or the worst.
ENEMY Enemy is British slang for the wife.
ENFORCER Enforcer is British slang for a sledgehammer, a battering ram.
ENGELBERT HUMERDINCK Engelbert Humerdinck is London Cockney rhyming slang for a drink.
ENGINEER'S SPANNER Engineer's spanner was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a sixpence (tanner).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ENGINEERS AND STOKERS Engineers and stokers is London Cockney rhyming slang for bailiffs (brokers).
ENGLAND'S LAST HOPE England's last hope is British slang for an unheroic person.
ENGLISH CHANNEL English Channel is London Cockney rhyming slang for panel.
ENGLISH JOINT English joint is American slang for a marijuana cigarette containing tobacco as well.
ENGLISH SPLIFF English spliff is American slang for a marijuana cigarette containing tobacco as well.
ENIN Enin is betting slang for odds of 9/1.
ENO Eno is British slang for one.
ENOCH POWELL Enoch Powell is London Cockney rhyming slang for towel. Enoch Powell is London Cockney rhyming slang for a trowel.
ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM Environmental racism is slang for the exposure of minorities or Third World citizens to environmentally dangerous elements.
ENZEDDER Enzedder was British Great War slang for a New Zealander.
EPSOM RACES Epsom races is London Cockney rhyming slang for braces. Epsom races is London Cockney rhyming slang for a group of friends (faces).
EPSOM SALTS Epsom salts is slang for the drug ecstasy (MDA or methyl diamphetamine).
EQUALISER Equaliser is British and American slang for a handgun.
EQUALIZER Equalizer is American slang for a weapon, especially a gun. 363
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EQUIPMENT Equipment is slang for the male sex organs. Equipment is slang for a woman's breasts.
ERASE Erase is British slang for to murder.
ERBERT Erbert is British slang for a foolish person, a cheeky unwashed child.
ERIC Eric is British slang for an erection. Eric is British slang for a foolish, gauche or unpopular male. Eric is British slang for a German.
ERK Erk is British slang for an aircraftman or naval rating. Erk is British slang for an inferior or tedious person.
ERNIE MARSH Ernie Marsh is London Cockney rhyming slang for grass.
EROS AND CUPID Eros and Cupid is London Cockney rhyming slang for stupid.
ERROL FLYNN Errol Flynn is London Cockney rhyming slang for bin. Errol Flynn is London Cockney rhyming slang for chin.
ERROL FLYNNS Errol Flynns is British racing rhyming slang for binoculars (bins). Errol Flynns is British racing rhyming slang for spectacles (bins).
ERSATZ Ersatz is American slang for imitation.
ESKIMO NELL Eskimo Nell is London Cockney rhyming slang for a telephone call (bell).
ESNORTIAR Esnortiar is slang for cocaine.
ESTUFFA Estuffa is slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ETHNIC Ethnic is Australian slang for an immigrant.
ETHNO Ethno is Australian slang for an immigrant.
EUCHRE Euchre is slang for to defeat or foil thoroughly in any scheme.
EUPHEMISM Euphemism is British slang for the toilet.
EUROTRASH Eurotrash is slang for the European 'jet−set' and their hangers−on.
EVE Eve is slang for the stimulant drug MDEA.
EVE WITH A LID ON Eve with a lid on is American slang for apple pie.
EVEN UP THE SCORE Even up the score is American slang for to make the advantages equal.
EVEN−STEVENS Even−Stevens is slang for fair shares, a fair deal, an equable arrangement.
EVENING BREEZE Evening breeze is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
EVENING NEWS Evening news is London Cockney rhyming slang for bruise.
EVENT Event is American military slang for a nuclear incident.
EVERTON TOFFEE Everton toffe is London Cockney rhyming slang for coffee.
EVERY TUB ON ITS OWN BLACK BOTTOM Every tub on its own black bottom is Black−American slang for to improvise
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
EVET Evet is Dorset slang for a newt.
EVIL Evil is American slang for impressive, admirable.
EXCESS BAGGAGE Excess baggage is slang for someone or something unnecessary, an encumbrance.
EXCHANGE AND MART Exchange and Mart is London Cockney rhyming slang for a prostitute (tart).
EXCHANGE SPIT Exchange spit is British slang for to kiss.
EXCREMENTAL Excremental is British slang for rubbish.
EXE Exe is Dorset slang for an axle.
EXECS Execs is slang for executives.
EXECUTION DAY Execution day is British slang for washing day.
EXERCISE THE FERRET Exercise the ferret is Australian slang for to have sex.
EXES Exes is British slang for expenses.
EXOTICS Exotics is American slang for custom−made or foreign cars.
EXPENSE Expense is Black−American slang for a new born baby
EXPENSIVE CARE Expensive care is medical slang for intensive care.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
EXTRA Extra is British slang for excellent.
EXTRACT THE MICHAEL Extract the Michael is British slang for to mock.
EXTRACT THE URINE Extract the urine is British slang for to mock.
EYE Eye is British slang for the anus.
EYE IN THE SKY Eye in the sky is British slang for a surveillance helicopter or aircraft.
EYE OF A NEEDLE JOB Eye of a needle job is British slang for diarrhoea.
EYE−OPENER Eye−opener is slang for the first drink of the day, or first shot of a drug of the day.
EYE−POPPER Eye−popper is American slang for something sensational.
EYE−TROUBLE Eye−trouble is New Zealand slang for staring.
EYEBALL Eyeball is slang for look at, stare or inspect. Eyeball is police slang for a surveillance operation. Eyeball is police slang for a sighting. Eyeball is Jamaican slang for the favourite child in a household.
EYEBALLER Eyeballer is American slang for someone who thinks they know everything, and delights in telling other people what to do and how to do it.
EYEBALLS IN THE SKY Eyeballs in the sky is London Cockney rhyming slang for spy.
EYEFUCK Eyefuck is slang for to stare or look lasciviously at someone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
EYELASH Eyelash is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (slash).
EYES Eyes is slang for nipples. Eyes is slang for breasts. Eyes is British slang for spectacles. Eyes is British slang for a guide dog. Eyes is American prison slang for mirrors held through the bars of one's cell so as to observe the outside world.
EYES A WINKING Eyes a winking is British slang for very easy, simple.
EYES FRONT Eyes front is London Cockney rhyming slang for a despicable person (cunt).
EYES LIKE PISSHOLES IN THE SNOW Eyes like pissholes in the snow is military slang for deeply sunken, bloodshot eyes.
EYES OF BLUE Eyes of blue is London Cockney rhyming slang for true.
EYETIE Eyetie is British offensive slang for an Italian.
EYETO Eyeto is Australian slang for an Italian.
EYEWASH Eyewash is slang for nonsense, rubbish. Eyewash is slang for cheap liquor.
EYEWATER Eyewater was 19th century slang for gin. Eyewater is American slang for illicitly distilled whisky.
FA F A (fuck all) is slang for nothing.
FAB Fab is slang for brilliant, wonderful.
FACE Face is slang for an outstanding person. Face is slang for effrontery. 368
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Face is Black−American slang for a stranger Face is betting slang for odds of 5/2.
FACE FURNITURE Face furniture is British slang for spectacles.
FACE THE MUSIC Face the music is a slang expression meaning to take the consequences for ones actions.
FACE−ACHE Face−Ache is a mildly offensive slang name for a miserable looking person.
FACED Faced is American slang for drunk. Faced is American slang for humiliated, snubbed.
FACTORY Factory is British slang for a police station. Factory is British slang for a place where drugs are made.
FACTOTUM Factotum is British slang for a promiscuous woman's vagina.
FADDLE Faddle is Dorset slang for a bundle, a load.
FADE Fade is American slang for to leave a place, to go away. Fade is American slang for to meet or cover a bet.
FADED Faded is Black−American slang for a black that fades into a white way of life
FAFF Faff is slang for to fuss, to behave in a confused or disorganised manner.
FAFF ABOUT Faff about is slang for to behave in a confused or disorganised manner.
FAG Fag is British slang for a cigarette, and American slang for a homosexual (see fagot), giving rise to much confusion amongst English tourists asking have you got a fag mate?
FAG PACKET Fag packet is London Cockney rhyming slang for jacket. Fag packet is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tennis racket. 369
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Fag packet is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lot of noise (racket).
FAG TAG Fag tag is American slang for the outside loop at the back of a standard American button−down Oxford shirt.
FAG−ASH LIL Fag−ash Lil is British slang for a woman who smokes heavily.
FAG−END Fag−end is a slang expression for a cigarette butt.
FAG−HAG Fag−hag is slang for a woman who likes and prefers the company of Gay men (fags) over heterosexuals.
FAG−HOLE Fag−hole is British slang for mouth.
FAGGOT Faggot is a slang term for a homosexual man. Faggot is English slang for an old shrivelled woman.
FAGGOT TUNNEL Faggot tunnel is British slang for the mouth.
FAGGOTY Faggoty is American slang for homosexual, effeminate.
FAGGY Faggy is American slang for homosexual, effeminate, camp.
FAINTING FITS Fainting fits is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (tits).
FAIR DINKUM Fair dinkum is Australian slang for just, honest, equable, worthy or approval.
FAIR ENOUGH Fair enough is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (puff).
FAIR GO Fair go is an Australian slang interjection demanding fair or reasonable behaviour.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FAIR GOES Fair goes is an Australian slang interjection demanding fair or reasonable behaviour.
FAIR SHAKE Fair shake is American slang for a fair deal.
FAIRY Fairy is a derogatory slang expression for an effeminate man or homosexual. Fairy is British slang for a garishly dressed prostitute. Fairy was 19th century British slang for a drunken woman.
FAIRY STORY Fairy story is British rhyming slang for Tory. Fairy story is British slang for an unbelievable tale or excuse.
FAIRY TALE Fairy tale is British slang for an unbelievable tale or excuse.
FAKE THC Fake THC is slang for phencyclidine.
FAKE X Fake X is slang for phencyclidine.
FALL Fall is Dorset slang fror autumn.
FALL GUY Fall guy is American slang for a dupe, victim, scapegoat.
FALL OUT Fall out is slang for to fail, blunder, slip up.
FALSE ALARM False alarm is London Cockney rhyming slang for arm.
FALSIES Falsies is British slang for fake breasts or a padded bra worn to make the breasts appear larger.
FAMBLE Famble is slang for a hand.
FAMILY Family is American slang for a mafia organisation. 371
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FAMILY JEWELS Family jewels is slang for the male genitals, the testicles.
FAMILY TREE Family tree is British slang for lavatory.
FAN Fan is slang for an aircraft propeller. Fan is American slang for backside. Fan was 19th century British slang for the vagina.
FANCY DAN Fancy Dan is British slang for someone who looks the part, but fails to deliver.
FANCY MAN Fancy man is slang for a woman's lover.
FANCY PIECE Fancy piece is British slang for a mistress. Fancy piece is old British slang for a prostitute.
FANCY WOMAN Fancy woman is British slang for a mistress.
FANGOGGLING Fangoggling is British slang for covertly looking at naked women.
FANLIGHT Fanlight is British slang for the vagina.
FANNY Fanny is British slang for the vagina. Fanny is American slang for the buttocks.
FANNY ABOUT Fanny about is slang for to mess around or waste time.
FANNY ADAMS Fanny Adams is slang for nothing at all. Fanny Adams is slang for a pitiful small amount. Fanny Adams was 19th century British naval slang for tinned or cooked meat.
FANNY BLAIR Fanny Blair is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair.
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FANNY CRADDOCK Fanny Craddock is London Cockney rhyming slang for haddock.
FANNY FLANGE Fanny Flange is British slang for the clitoris.
FANNY HILL Fanny Hill is London Cockney rhyming slang for pill.
FANNY ITCH Fanny itch is British slang for vaginal thrush.
FANNY MAGNET Fanny magnet is slang for a thing that is believed to attract females.
FANNY MERCHANT Fanny merchant is British slang for someone indecisive, effeminate.
FANNY RAG Fanny rag is British slang for a sanitary towel.
FANNY RAT Fanny rat is British slang for a womaniser or seducer.
FANTABULOSA Fantabulosa is Polari slang for excellent.
FANTASY Fantasy is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Fantod is slang for a state of worry or excitement.
FANZINE Fanzine is slang for a cheaply produced specialist magazine.
FAR AND NEAR Far and near is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer.
FAR−OUT Far−out is slang for splendid, an exclamation of approval; bizarre or avant−garde.
FARAWAY PLACE Faraway place is London Cockney rhyming slang for a suitcase.
FARDEL Fardel is Dorset slang for a bundle, load.
FARE−DODGER Fare−dodger is British slang for someone who rides public transport without paying the fare.
FARLEY Farley is American slang for a man, a boy, a homosexual man.
FARMER GILES Farmer Giles is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
FARMER'S DAUGHTER Farmer's daughter is drug slang for a quarter of an ounce.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FARMERS Farmers (shortened from farmer Giles is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
FART Fart is slang for to break wind from the anus. Fart is slang for a contemptible person.
FART−ABOUT Fart−about is slang for to mess around, waste time. Also followed by around.
FART−ARSE Fart−arse is British slang for to waste time.
FART−SACK Fart−sack is slang for a bed, a sleeping bag.
FASHION VICTIM Fashion victim is British slang for someone who is a slave to the latest fads and fashions.
FAST Fast is slang for the drug amphetamine sulphate. Fast is Jamaican slang for inquistive, nosey.
FAST ONE Fast one is American slang for Ritalin, a type of amphetamine.
FAST TALK Fast talk is slang for fervent, deceptive patter.
FAT AND WIDE Fat and wide is London Cockney rhyming slang for bride.
FAT CAT Fat cat is slang for a privileged, wealthy, cosseted person.
FAT CITY Fat city is Black−American slang for a fine state of affairs.
FAT FARM Fat farm is slang for a health farm or slimming centre.
FAT GUTS Fat guts is London Cockney rhyming slang for nuts, particularly peanuts.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FAT LIP Fat lip is Black−American slang for obnoxious talk
FAT−SLAGS Fat−slags is slang for fat women who are, and look promiscuous.
FATBOY SLIM Fatboy Slim is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gymnasium (gym).
FATHEAD Fathead is British slang for a fool, an idiot.
FATHER O'FLYNN Father O'Flynn is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
FATHER TED Father Ted is British rhyming slang for dead.
FATSO Fatso is slang for a fat person. The term is used as an insulting or disparaging term of address.
FAVE Fave is slang for favourite.
FAW Faw is British slang for a gypsy.
FAWNEY Fawney is British slang for a ring.
FEARGAL SHARKEY Feargal Sharkey is London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (darkie).
FEATHER AND FLIP Feather and flip is London Cockney rhyming slang for sleep (kip).
FEATHERS Feathers is British slang for pubic hair.
FEATURE WITH Feature with is old slang for to have sexual intercourse with. Feature with is Australian slang for to have sexual intercourse with.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FEATURES Features is British slang for the face.
FECAL BURP Fecal burp is American slang for to vomit.
FED Fed is American slang for the FBI.
FEEB Feeb is British slang for beef. Feeb is American slang for a feeble−minded person.
FEED THE FISH Feed the fish is American slang for to vomit.
FEED THE FISHES Feed the fishes is British slang for to drown. Feed the fishes is British slang for to be seasick.
FEED THE FLIES Feed the flies is British slang for to defecate.
FEED THE HOUSEPLANTS Feed the houseplants is American slang for to vomit.
FEED THE PUSSY Feed the pussy is British slang for to engage in sexual intercourse.
FEED THE WORMS Feed the worms is British slang for to die and be buried.
FEED YOUR YOUNG Feed your young is American slang for to vomit.
FEEL Feel is slang for to pass one's hands over the sexual organs of someone.
FEEL A DRAFT Feel a draft is Black−American slang for to sense racism.
FEEL FINE Feel fine is British slang for nine pounds sterling.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FEEL LIKE SHIT Feel like shit is British slang for to feel unwell, hungover.
FEEL ONE'S OATS To feel one's oats is slang for to be conceited or self−important.
FEEL SOMEONE'S COLLAR Feel someone's collar is slang for arrest or take into custody.
FEELERS Feelers is Black−American slang for fingers.
FEET AND YARDS Feet and yards is London Cockney rhyming slang for playing cards.
FEISTY Feisty is slang for spirited, tough and assertive, quarrelsome.
FEMME Femme is slang for a lesbian. Femme is slang for an effeminate or passive male homosexual.
FENCE Fence is slang for a receiver of stolen goods, or a place where they are received. Fence is American military slang for a national border.
FENCER−BENDER Fencer−bender is American slang for someone who poses as a road−accident victim or stages an accident in order to claim compensation. Fencer−bender is American slang for a mild traffic accident.
FENCING Fencing is slang for the business of buying and selling stolen property.
FENDER−BENDER Fender−bender is American slang for a pedestrian who stages traffic accidents in order to claim damages.
FERRET Ferret is slang for the penis. Ferret was British army slang for a POW guard who searched for escape attempts. Ferret was old slang for to cheat, swindle.
FERRY DUST Ferry Dust is slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FERTILIZE THE SIDEWALK Fertilize the sidewalk is American slang for to vomit.
FESS UP Fess up is American slang for confess, own up.
FETCH UP Fetch up is slang for to vomit.
FEW TICKERS Few tickers is Black−American slang for a few minutes.
FEWS AND TWOS Fews and twos is Black−American slang for a small sum of money.
FEYGELE Feygele is Jewish slang for a male homosexual.
FIDDLE Fiddle is slang for to cheat.
FIDDLE FACE Fiddle face is slang for a miserable−faced person.
FIDDLE STICK Fiddle stick is slang for the penis.
FIDDLE−CASES Fiddle−cases is Black−American slang for shoes.
FIDDLE−DE−DEE Fiddle−de−dee is British slang for to urinate (pee).
FIDDLERS THREE Fiddlers Three is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (pee).
FIDGET Fidget is British slang for a secret.
FIELD OF WHEAT Field of wheat is London Cockney rhyming slang for street.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FIFE AND DRUM Fife and drum is London Cockney rhyming slang for bum.
FIFTEEN TWO Fifteen two is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew.
FIFTH WHEEL Fifth wheel is slang for a superfluous or intrusive extra person.
FIFTY WINKS Fifty winks is British slang for death.
FIFTY−LEVEN Fifty−leven is Black−American slang for an uncountable quantity
FIG Fig is slang for to administer stimulating drugs to a horse.
FIGHTING FIFTH Fighting fifth is British military slang for syphilis.
FIGURE OF EIGHT Figure of eight is London Cockney rhyming slang for oral sex (plate).
FILBERT Filbert was old British slang for the head.
FILE File is slang for a shrewd or artful person. File is slang for a pickpocket. File is slang for to pick a pocket.
FILFTH Filfth is British slang for the police.
FILFTHY Filfthy is British slang for extremely wealthy.
FILFTHY BEAST Filfy beast is London Cockney rhyming slang for a priest.
FILL IN Fill in is slang for to attack and injure severely.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FILL UP THE TORY SWIMMING POOL Fill up the Tory swimming pool is American slang for to vomit.
FILLET OF COD Fillet of cod is British rhyming slang for an offensive person (sod).
FILLET OF PLAICE Fillet of plaice is London Cockney rhyming slang for the face.
FILLET OF VEAL Fillet of veal is London Cockney rhyming slang for prison (steel).
FILLETED Filleted is British slang for very disappointed.
FILTH Filth is slang for the police.
FILTHY Filthy is British slang for extremely wealthy.
FIN Fin is slang for a hand. Fin is British slang for a five pound note. Fin is American slang for a five−dollar bill. Fin was old slang for an arm.
FINAGLING Finagling is slang for a devious manoeuvre or manipulation.
FINANCIAL Financial is Australian slang for well−off, solvent.
FIND Find is British slang for to steal.
FINE AND DANDY Fine and dandy is London Cockney rhyming slang for brandy.
FINESSE SOMEONE Finesse someone is American slang for outmanoeuvre someone, cheat someone.
FINEST Finest is British slang for the police. 381
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FINGER Finger is slang for inform on someone. Finger is slang for sexually stimulate with the fingers.
FINGER AND THUMB Finger and thumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for a friend (chum). Finger and thumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for a drum. Finger and thumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for mum. Finger and thumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for rum.
FINGER PIE Finger pie is British slang for manual stimulation of the vagina.
FINGER−FUCK Finger−fuck is slang for sexually stimulating with the fingers.
FINGERED Fingered is numismatic slang for a coin that has had its shiny high points dulled by dabbing one's thumb on it in order to make it receive a higher grade from a grading service.
FINGERS Fingers is British slang for a pickpocket.
FINK Fink is American and Canadian slang for a strike−breaker; blackleg. Fink is American and Canadian slang for an informer, such as one working for the police; spy. Fink is American and Canadian slang for an unpleasant, disappointing, or contemptible person.
FINK OUT Fink out is American slang for to fail to carry something out or through; give up.
FINKO Finko is British slang for the number five.
FINSBURY PARK Finsbury park is London Cockney rhyming slang for arc light.
FINSKI Finski is American slang for a five dollar bill.
FIR Fir is slang for cannabis.
FIRE ALARMS Fire alarms is British slang for arms. Fire alarms is British military slang for firearms. 382
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FIRE THE ACID Fire the acid is West Indian slang for to drink rum.
FIREBALL Fireball is slang for an energetic person.
FIRED UP Fired up is British slang for very drunk. Fired up is British slang for very angry.
FIRED−UP Fired−up is slang for angry, furious. Fired−up is slang for sexually aroused. Fired−up is slang for stimulated by illegal drugs. Fired−up is slang for enthusiastic, excited.
FIREMAN'S HOSE Fireman's hose is Cockney rhyming slang for nose.
FIREPROOF Fireproof is British slang for someone who is safe from blame and trouble.
FIRESHIP Fireship was 17th century British slang for a prostitute with venereal disease.
FIRKIN' Firkin' is slang for very, extremely.
FIRM Firm is British slang for a crime organisation or gang.
FIRMING Firming is British slang for a beating administered by a crime gang.
FIRST AID First aid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a knife (blade).
FIRST AID KITS First aid kits is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (tits).
FIRST BASE First base is American slang for kissing, necking.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FIRST LOT First lot is British slang for the Great War.
FIRST OF MAY First of May is London Cockney rhyming slang for say.
FISH Fish is British slang for the vagina. Fish is British slang for a heavy drinker. Fish is British slang for a con−man's victim. Fish is Black−American slang for a woman.
FISH AND CHIP Fish and chip is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gratuity or piece of information (tip).
FISH AND CHIPS Fish and chips is London Cockney rhyming slang for lips.
FISH AND SHRIMP Fish and shrimp is American rhyming slang for pimp.
FISH AND TANK Fish and tank is British criminal slang for a bank.
FISH BREAKFAST Fish breakfast is British slang for cunnilingus.
FISH DINNER Fish dinner is British slang for cunnilingus.
FISH FINGERS Fish finger is British slang for fingers after they have been used for vaginal stimulation.
FISH SUPPER Fish supper is British slang for cunnilingus.
FISHERMAN Fisherman is British slang for a confidence trickster.
FISHERMAN'S DAUGHTER Fisherman's daughter is London Cockney rhyming slang for water.
FISHERMANS Fishermans is British slang for jealousy. 384
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FISHING Fishing is slang for an attempt to gather information while pretending to be doing something else. Fishing is British slang for sexual intercourse.
FISHING EXPEDITION Fishing expedition is slang for an attempt to gather information while pretending to be doing something else.
FISHING FLEET Fishing fleet is slang for a group of women arriving en masse in search of partners.
FISHTANK Fishtank is slang for a cell or reception area for holding prisoners temporarily.
FISHY Fishy is British slang for suspicious, dubious.
FIST MAGNET Fist magnet is British slang for an unpleasant person.
FISTICUFFS Fisticuffs is slang for a fight.
FISTING Fisting is slang for thrusting the whole hand up a sexual partner's vagina or anus.
FIT Fit is British slang for physically attractive.
FIT TO BE TIED Fit to be tied is slang for very angry or upset.
FIT UP Fit up is British slang for to incriminate someone on a false charge; frame.
FIVE ACRE FARMS Five acre farms was old British rhyming slang for arms.
FIVE BELLIES Five bellies is British slang for an obese person.
FIVE FINGER SHUFFLE Five finger shuffle is British slang for masturbation.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FIVE FURLONG JOB Five furlong job is British slang for someone unable to last very long at something.
FIVE PINTER Five pinter is British slang for an ugly woman.
FIVE STAR NAP Five star nap was British Second World War slang for a Japanese person (Jap).
FIVE TO FOUR Five to four is London Cockney rhyming slang for sure.
FIVE TO TWO Five to two is racing rhyming slang for a Jew.
FIVE TO TWOS Five to twos was old London Cockney rhyming slang for shoes.
FIVE−BOB DEAL Five−bob deal is British slang for a small quantity of hashish or marijuana.
FIVE−FINGER DISCOUNT Five−finger discount is American slang for stolen.
FIVE−MINUTE MOVER Five−minute mover is American slang for a very enthusiastic, energetic sexual partner.
FIVER Fiver is British slang for a five pound note, five pounds sterling.
FIX Fix is slang for to take revenge on; get even with, especially by killing. Fix is slang for to inject a drug. Fix is slang for a crooked contest.
FIXED BAYONET Fixed bayonet is British slang for an erect penis.
FIXER Fixer is slang for a person who makes arrangements, especially by underhand or illegal means.
FIZZER Fizzer is Australian slang for a person or thing that disappoints, fails to succeed, etc.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FIZZHOUSE Fizzhouse is British slang for a pub that doesn't sell real ale.
FLAG Flag was old British slang for a fourpenny piece.
FLAG UNFURLED Flag unfurled is British slang for the world.
FLAGGED Flagged is American slang for reprimanded, identified.
FLAK Flak is slang for criticism, antagonism, aggression.
FLAKE Flake is American slang for an eccentric or crazy person. Flake is Australian slang for shark meat. Flake is American slang for cocaine. Flake is American slang for an arrest made merely to meet a quota, or satisfy public opinion.
FLAKE OF CORN Flake of corn is London Cockney rhyming slang for erection (horn).
FLAKE OUT Flake out is slang for to collapse from exhaustion. Flake out is American slang for to leave a place. Flake out is American slang for to act eccentrically.
FLAKED OUT Flaked out is slang for exhausted, collapsed.
FLAKO Flako is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
FLAKY Flaky is American slang for eccentric; crazy. Flaky is computer slang for unreliable.
FLAM Flam is British slang for a lie.
FLAMER Flamer is American slang for an obvious blunder. Flamer is slang for a flagrant male homosexual. Flamer is British slang for something conspicuous. 387
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FLAMING Flaming is slang for sending rude or offensive messages by computer.
FLAN Flan is British slang for to assault someone with a custard pie.
FLANAGAN AND ALLEN Flanagan and Allen is London Cockney rhyming slang for gallon.
FLANGE TROUBLE Flange trouble is British slang for a problem with the urinary tract.
FLANKER Flanker is British slang for a confidence trick.
FLANNEL Flannel is slang for nonsense.
FLAP Flap is British slang for a length of hair combed over to the side. Flap is British slang for too much talk.
FLAP ONE'S LIPS Flap one's lips is American slang for to speak.
FLAPDOODLE Flapdoodle is slang for foolish talk; nonsense.
FLAPHEAD Flaphead is British slang for a man who combs his hair over to hide his baldness.
FLAPPER Flapper was old British slang for an arm.
FLAPPING TRACK Flapping track is British slang for an unlicensed greyhound track.
FLAPS Flaps is slang for the labia. Flaps is slang for ears
FLAPSHOT Flapshot is slang for an explicit pornographic photograph of the vagina with the labia pulled aside.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FLARGE Flarge is British slang for camouflage.
FLASH Flash is slang for a glimpse of something. Flash is slang for the sensation felt immediately after injecting a narcotic. Flash is slang for ostentatious. Flash is British slang for to expose oneself indecently.
FLASH HARRY Flash Harry is British slang for a show−off.
FLASH OF LIGHT Flash of light is London Cockney rhyming slang for someone who dresses gaudily (a sight).
FLASH ON Flash on is slang for to be inspired by something.
FLASH THE ASH Flash the ash (shortened from flash the ash and oak) is British slang for offer a cigarette.
FLASH YOUR DOVER Flash your dover is Australian slang for use a clasp−knife to cut up food.
Flasher is British slang for a person who indecently exposes himself.
FLAT Flat is British slang for penniless. Flat is British slang for a credit card. 389
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Flat is British slang for a phone card.
FLATBACKER Flatbacker is British slang for a prostitute.
FLATFOOT Flatfoot is derogatory slang for a policeman.
FLATS Flats is British slang for playing cards.
FLAVOUR OF THE MONTH Flavour of the month is slang for the current favourite or fashionable person or thing.
FLAXIE Flaxie is New Zealand sang for a flax−cutter.
FLAYBOTTOMIST Flaybottomist was 18th century British slang for a school teacher.
FLEA AND LOUSE Flea and louse is London Cockney rhyming slang for house.
FLEA BAG Flea bag is London Cockney rhyming slang for an old horse (nag).
FLEA BITE Flea bite is British slang for a small, irritating person.
FLEA RAKER Flea raker is British slang for a combe.
FLEA'S FOOTPATH Flea's footpath is British slang for a parting in the hair.
FLEA−BAG Flea−bag is slang for someone who is a host to fleas, or more commonly an unwashed person. Flea−bag is military slang for a sleeping bag or bed.
FLEAPIT Fleapit is slang for a cheap, dirty cinema.
FLEAS AND ITCHERS Fleas and itchers is Australian rhyming slang for a cinema, a film (pictures). 390
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FLEAS AND LICE Fleas and lice is London Cockney rhyming slang for ice.
FLEECE Fleece is slang for to strip of money slowly, as though fleecing a sheep. Fleece is British slang for pubic hair. Fleece is British slang for a woman.
FLEXIBLE Flexible is British slang for bisexual.
FLEXIBLE FRIEND Flexible friend is British slang for a credit card.
FLICK Flick is slang for a cinema film.
FLICK ONE'S WICK Flick one's wick is New Zealand slang for to hurry up.
FLICKER Flicker is British slang for thick nasal nucous.
FLICKING Flicking is British slang for very. Its an intensifying adjective.
FLICKS Flicks is slang for the cinema.
FLICKS 'N' CHIPS Flicks 'n' chips is British slang for a night out.
FLID Flid is British slang for a thalidomide victim.
FLIM Flim is British slang for a five−pound note. Flim is Jamaican slang for film, movie. Flim was 1940s slang for a five−year prison sentence. Flim was 1910s and 1920s slang for a swindle, a fraud, a confidence trick.
FLIM−FLAM Flim−flam is slang for a deceit or confidence trick involving a tall story.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FLIMP Flimp is British slang for to steal.
FLIMSY Flimsy is slang for banknote. Flimsy is British slang for a counterfeit banknote.
FLING Fling is British slang for a bribe or illicit payment. Fling is British slang for an affair.
FLING FLOOR PIE Fling floor pie is American slang for to vomit.
FLIP Flip is slang for an expression of annoyance. A mild euphemism for fuck. Flip is slang for to fly into a rage or an emotional outburst. Flip is British slang for flippant.
FLIP ONES LID Flip ones lid is slang for losing ones sanity or self control.
FLIPPER Flipper is nautical slang for a hand.
FLIPPERS Flippers is Black−American slang for ears
FLIPPING Flipping is a British slang intensifier.
FLIT Flit is American slang for a male homosexual.
FLITTERMOUSE Flittermouse is Dorset slang for a bat.
FLOATER Floater is slang for a drowned corpse. Floater is slang for floating faeces. Floater is Australian slang for a meat pie floating in soup.
FLOATERS Floaters is slang for spots before the eyes. Floaters is slang for foreign bodies in a glass of beer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FLOATING Floating is slang for intoxicated.
FLOB Flob is British slang for to spit.
FLOG Flog is slang for to masturbate. Flog is English and New Zealand slang for sell.
FLOG THE BISHOP Flog the bishop is slang for masturbate.
FLOG THE DOLPHIN Flog the dolphin is slang for masturbate.
FLOG THE LIZARD Flog the lizard is slang for masturbate.
FLOG THE LOG Flog the log is slang for masturbate.
FLONG Flong is journalist slang for material that is not urgently topical.
FLOORED Floored is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
FLOOZIE Floozie is slang for a girlfriend or boyfriend.
FLOOZY Floozy is slang for a disreputable woman.
FLOP Flop is slang for faeces. Flop is American and Canadian slang for a place to sleep.
FLOPHOUSE Flophouse is American slang for a cheap lodging house, especially one used by tramps.
FLORENCE AND DOUGAL Florence and Dougal is London Cockney rhyming slang for the nose (bugle).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FLORIN Florin is British slang for defecation.
FLOSSY Flossy is American and Canadian slang for showy. The term is especially applied to dress.
FLOUNDER AND DAB Flounder and dab is London Cockney rhyming slang for a taxi (cab).
FLOUR GRADER Flour grader is British slang for a pasty−faced person.
FLOUR MIXER Flour mixer is British Jewish rhyming slang for a girl of a different religion (shixa).
FLOWER POT Flower pot is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cot. Flower pot is London Cockney rhyming slang for hot.
FLOWERS Flowers is slang for cannabis.
FLOWERS AND FROLICS Flowers and frolics is Irish rhyming slang for testicles (bollocks). Flowers and frolics is Irish rhyming slang for nonsense (bollocks).
FLOWERY DELL Flowery dell is London Cockney rhyming slang for cell.
FLUE Flue is British slang for the vagina.
FLUFF Fluff is slang for to make a mistake during a particular endeavour, such as during a performance of a play. Fluff is British slang for women. Fluff was 19th century British slang for female pubic hair.
FLUFFING Fluffing is a British slang intensifier.
FLUKE Fluke is slang for a lucky success.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FLUNKEY AND LACKEY Flunkey and lackey is derogatory London Cockney rhyming slang for a Pakistani (Paki).
FLUSH Flush is British slang for a public toilet.
FLUSHER Flusher is British slang for a lavatory attendant.
FLY Fly is slang for knowing, fully understanding another's meaning. Fly is British slang for a policeman.
FLY A KITE Fly a kite is slang for to issue a worthless cheque.
FLY BY NIGHT Fly by night is British slang for an untrustworthy person. Fly by night is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk (tight).
FLY BY NIGHTS Fly by nights is London Cockney rhyming slang for tights.
FLY FOOD Fly food is British slang for dog's faceces.
FLY MY KITE Fly my kite was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a light, a source of ignition, a match.
FLY TIPPER Fly tipper is London Cockney rhyming slang for a child (nipper).
FLY−PITCHING Fly−pitching is British slang for selling goods at an unauthorised place.
FLY−POSTING Fly−posting is British slang for putting up posters or advertisments on unauthorised places.
FLY−TIPPING Fly−tipping is British slang for dumping rubbish at unauthorised places.
FLYBOW Flybow is British slang for a despicable person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FLYER Flyer is British slang for a suicide who jumps from a tall building. Flyer is racing slang for a quick start.
FLYER WITH THE ROOF SLIGHTLY HIGHER Flyer with the roof slightly higher is Black−American slang for a modified version of a ten gallon hat.
FLYING Flying is British slang for to be high on alcohol or drugs. Flying is British slang for to be on a winning streak.
FLYING DUCK Flying duck is British rhyming slang for fuck.
FLYING TRAPEZE Flying trapeze is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
FNK FNK (fucking new kid) is American military slang for someone on their first operational posting.
FODDER Fodder is British slang for food.
FOG AND MIST Fog and mist is London Cockney rhyming slang for very drunk (pissed).
FOGHORN Foghorn is British slang for someone who talks loudly.
FOLD ONES EARS Fold ones ears is Black−American slang for to advise.
FOLDEROL Folderol is slang for fuss, complications.
FOLDING STUFF Folding stuff is slang for money.
FOO FOO Foo Foo is slang for cocaine.
FOOD AND DRINK Food and drink is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad smell (stink).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FOOD ESCAPE! Food Escape! is American slang for to vomit
FOODIE Foodie is slang for a gourmet consumer or cooking enthusiast.
FOOL AROUND Fool around is slang for to have sex, particularly adulterous sex.
FOOL−FOOL Fool−fool is Jamaican slang for dim witted, uneducated, stupid.
FOOP Foop is British slang for a homosexual.
FOOTBALL KITS Football kits is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (tits).
FOOTBALLS Footballs (shortened from fotball kits) is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (tits).
FOOTLING Footling is slang for trivial, insignificant, minimal.
FOOTY Footy is slang for football. Footy is Dorset slang for small, insignificant.
FOOZLING Foozling is slang for clumsy or bungled. Foozling is slang for trivial.
FOR REAL For real is slang for not as a test or trial; in earnest.
FOR STARTERS For starters is slang for in the first place.
FORBY Forby is London Cockney rhyming slang for Jew.
FOREIGN Foreign is British slang for outside of one's jurisdiction.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FOREIGN LANGUAGE Foreign language is London Cockney rhyming slang for sandwich.
FORGET ME DRUG Forget me drug is slang for valium.
FORGET PILL Forget pill is slang for valium.
FORK Fork is British slang for a pickpocket.
FORK AND KNIFE Fork and knife is London Cockney rhyming slang for life. Fork and knife was old London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
FORK OUT To fork out is slang for to pay money, usually with reluctance.
FORKS Forks is slang for fingers
FORM Form is British slang for a criminal record. Form is British slang for luck.
FORNICATING Fornicating is a British slang intensifier.
FORREST GUMP Forrest Gump is British rhyming slang for defecating (dump).
FORSYTE SAGA Forsyte Saga is London Cockney rhyming slang for lager.
FORTNUM AND MASON Fortnum and Mason is London Cockney rhyming slang for basin. Fortnum and Mason is London Cockney rhyming slang for a basin haircut.
FORTY FOUR Forty four is London Cockney rhyming slang for whore.
FORTY SNOOZEWINKS Forty snoozewinks is slang for a short sleep. 398
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FORTY WINKS Forty winks is slang for sleep.
FOUL−ARSE Foul−arse is British slang for someone who emits wind from the anus loudly or with a bad smell.
FOUR BY TWO Four by two is London Cockney rhyming slang for Jew.
FOUR FLUSH Four flush is American and Canadian slang for bluff.
FOUR FLUSHER Four flusher is American and Canadian slang for a person who bluffs or attempts to deceive.
FOUR POSTER Four poster is London Cockney rhyming slang for toaster.
FOUR−LETTER MAN Four−letter man is slang for a contemptible or unpleasant man.
FOUR−ON−THE−FLOOR Four−on−the−floor is slang for flat out, extremely, excessively.
FOURPENNY Fourpenny is British slang for a blow, especially with the fist.
FOURPENNY ALL OFF Fourpenny all off is British slang for a short haircut.
FOURPENNY BIT Fourpenny bit is London Cockney rhyming slang for hit.
FOURPENNY ONE Fourpenny one is British slang for a blow, a hit.
FOURTH OF JULY Fourth of July is American and London Cockney rhyming slang for a tie.
FOX Fox is slang for a sexually attractive woman.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FOX AND BADGER Fox and badger is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (tadger).
FOX AND HOUND Fox and hound is London Cockney rhyming slang for a round of drinks.
FOXTROT OSCAR Foxtrot Oscar is British slang for go away (fuck off).
FOXY Foxy is slang for sexy; sexually attractive.
FRACTURED Fractured is British slang for without money, poor.
FRAG Frag is American military slang for to kill or wound a fellow soldier or superior officer deliberately with an explosive device.
FRAGGING Fragging is American army slang for killing a fellow soldier.
FRAIL Frail is American slang for a woman.
FRAIL EEL Frail eel is Black−American slang for a good looking woman
FRAME Frame is slang for falsely accusing someone of a crime or having someone convicted for a crime they didn't commit. Frame is British and Black−American slang for the body Frame is Black−American slang for a suit of clothes.
FRAME−UP Frame−up is slang for a conspiracy to incriminate someone on a false charge. Frame−up is slang for a plot to bring about a dishonest result, as in a contest.
FRANCE AND SPAIN France and Spain is London Cockney rhyming slang for rain.
FRANCIS DRAKES Francis Drakes is London Cockney rhyming slang for brakes.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FRANGER Franger is Australian slang for a condom.
FRANK BOUGH Frank Bough is London Cockney rhyming slang for off.
FRANK SKINNER Frank Skinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for dinner.
FRANK ZAPPA Frank Zappa is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (crapper).
FRANKIE DURR Frankie Durr is London Cockney rhyming slang for prison (stir).
FRANKIE FRASER Frankie Fraser is London Cockney rhyming slang for razor.
FRANKIE HOWERD Frankie Howerd is London Cockney rhyming slang for coward.
FRANKIE LAINE Frankie Laine is London Cockney rhyming slang for a toilet chain.
FRANKIE VAUGHAN Frankie Vaughan is London Cockney rhyming slang for prawn.
FRANTIC Frantic is Black−American slang for anything exciting
FRAT Frat is slang for fraternise. Frat is British slang for to break wind from the anus.
FRAZER NASH Frazer Nash is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (slash).
FREAK Freak is slang for an enthusiast. The term is usually used as a suffix, such as Jesus−freak. Freak is slang for to become hysterical. Freak is slang for a hippy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Freak−out is slang for to become agitated with strong emotion.
FREAKING Freaking is a slang intensifier.
FREAKY Freaky is slang for strange; unconventional; bizarre.
FRECKLE Freckle is Australian slang for the anus.
FRED ASTAIRE Fred Astaire is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair.
FRED ASTAIRES Fred Astaires is London Cockney rhyming slang for stairs.
FRED BERK Fred Nerk is slang for a fool or a poor victim.
FRED KARNO'S ARMY Fred Karno's Army is British slang for an incompetent group of people.
FRED PERRY Fred Perry is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chamberpot (jerry).
FRED'S Fred's is British slang for Fortnum and Mason's in London.
FREE THE SLAVES Free the slaves is British slang for to achieve orgasm by masturbation.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FREEBASE Freebase is slang for to refine cocaine for smoking.
FREEBIE Freebie is slang for something given free.
FREELOADER Freeloader is slang for a person who habitually depends on the charity of others for food, shelter, etc.
FREEMANS Freemans is British slang for something obtained for nothing.
FREIGHTED UP Freighted up is British slang for financially secure.
FRENCH French is slang for fellatio, or oral sex in general.
FRENCH BLUE French blue is British slang for the amphetamine drinamyl.
FRENCH KISS French kiss is slang for an open−mouthed kiss with tongue contact.
FRENCH LESSONS French lessons is slang for fellatio. The term is used as discrete advertising by British prostitutes who offer 'French Lessons'.
FRENCH LETTER French letter is slang for a condom.
FRENCH LOAF French loaf is racing slang for four (rofe).
FRENCH PRESIDENT French president is London taxi driver slang for having the meter running.
FRENCH SCREWDRIVER French screwdriver is British slang for a hammer.
FRENCH TICKLER French tickler is British slang for a ribbed condom or other sex aid which fits around the penis and increases clitoral stimulation during intercourse.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FRENCHIE Frenchie is slang for a condom.
FRENCHING UNIT Frenching unit is American slang for the mouth or tongue.
FREQUENT FLYER Frequent flyer is nursing slang for a patient who has stayed in the hospital many times.
FRESH Fresh is British slang for an unpleasant smell. Fresh is American slang for excellent. Fresh is Jamaican slang for tastless, bland.
FRESH FISH Fresh fish is British slang for a newcomer. Fresh fish is British slang for a new and inexperienced prostitute.
FRESH MEAT Fresh meat is British slang for a new and inexperienced prostitute.
FRESH WATER TROUT Fresh water trout is Black−American slang for good−looking women
FRESHER Fresher is slang for a first year undergraduate.
FRIAR TUCK Friar Tuck is British rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (fuck). Friar Tuck is London Cockney rhyming slang for luck.
FRIDGE FREEZER Fridge freezer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a man or boy (geezer).
FRIED Fried is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
FRIED BREAD Fried bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead
FRIED EGG Fried egg is Australian and British slang for leg.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FRIG Frig is slang for masturbate. Frif is slang for sexual intercourse.
FRIGGING Frigging is a slang euphemism for fucking.
FRIGHTENER Frightener is British slang for a person sent to intimidate someone.
FRIGHTENERS Frighteners is British slang for threats of violence.
FRILL Frill is American slang for a girl or woman.
FRIOS Frios is slang for marijuana laced with PCP.
FRIT Frit is British slang for scared, afraid.
FRITZ Fritz is British slang for a German.
FROCK AND FRILL Frock and frill was old London Cockney rhyming slang for chill.
FROG Frog is British derogatory slang for a French person. Frog is British slang for a wallet. Frog is Australian slang for a condom.
FROG AND FEATHER Frog and feather is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wallet (leather).
FROG AND TOAD Frog and toad is London Cockney rhyming slang for road.
FROG IN THE THROAT Frog in the throat was British Great War rhyming slang for a boat.
FROG SPAWN Frog spawn is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (horn). 405
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FROGGIE Froggie is British derogatory slang for a French person.
FROGSPAWN Frogspawn is British slang for semolina or tapioca pudding.
FROLIC PAD Frolic Pad is Black−American slang for a nightclub or dance hall
FROM HERE TO BLOOMS From here to blooms is British racing slang for a long distance.
FROM OUT FRONT From out front is Black−American slang for from the beginning
FROM SOUP TO AFTERS From soup to afters is British slang for from start to finish.
FROM SOUP TO CHEESEBOARD From soup to cheeseboard is British racing slang for from start to finish.
FROM TRAP TO LINE From trap to line is British dog racing slang for from beginning to end.
FRONT Front is British slang for cheek, effrontery. Front is British slang for the legitimate face hiding a dishonest business. Front is British slang for to confront.
FRONT BOTTOM Front bottom is slang for the female genitals.
FRONT DOOR Front door is British slang for the vagina.
FRONT ENTRANCE Front entrance is British slang for the vagina.
FRONT IT Front it is British slang for to face up to someone or something.
FRONT OFF Front off is British slang for to face up to someone or something.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FRONT OUT Front out is British slang for to face up to someone or something.
FRONT PARLOUR Front parlour is British slang for the vagina.
FRONT ROOM Front room is British slang for the vagina.
FRONT WHEEL SKID Front wheel skid is London Cockney rhyming slang for Yid (Jew).
FROST Frost is slang for to snub or ignore; a snub or to be snubbed Frost is slang for to anger or irritate. Frost is slang for a failure.
FROST FACE Frost face was 17th century British slang for a face pitted with smallpox.
FROSTY Frosty is drugs slang for a cocaine dealer.
FRUIT Fruit is old British slang for a fellow, used as a term of address. Fruit is American and Canadian slang for a homosexual. Fruit is British slang for a person considered to be eccentric or insane.
FRUIT AND NUT Fruit and nut is London Cockney rhyming slang for cut.
FRUIT BAT Fruit bat is British slang for a woman who prefers the company of homosexual men.
FRUIT−FLY Fruit−fly is American slang for a male homosexual. Fruit−fly is American slang for a woman who frequents male homosexuals.
FRUITCAKE Fruitcake is slang for a mad or eccentric person. Fruitcake is American slang for a male homosexual.
FRUITING Fruiting is Black−American slang for being promiscuous
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FRUITY Fruity is British slang for sexually suggestive. Fruity is American slang for eccentric or insane.
FRY Fry is Black−American slang for to straighten nappy hair. Fry is American slang for to kill or be killed by electrocution, especially in the electric chair.
FRY DADDY Fry daddy is slang for crack and marijuana.
FRYING PAN Frying pan is slang for a banjo. Frying pan is London Cockney rhyming slang for an admirer (fan). Frying pan is London Cockney rhyming slang for hand. Frying pan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a man.
FUBAR Fubar is an American slang acronym for Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Fubar is American slang for to vomit.
FUCK Fuck is properly slang for sexual intercourse, but also used to describe sex in general.
FUCK ABOUT Fuck about is slang for to play the fool, be irresponsible.
FUCK ALL Fuck all is slang for nothing.
FUCK AROUND Fuck around is slang for to play the fool, be irresponsible.
FUCK OFF Fuck off is slang for go away, get lost.
FUCK PIG Fuck pig is slang for a worthless, contemptible person.
FUCK SOMEONE OVER Fuck someone over is slang for to humiliate, distress, or destroy someone.
FUCK TRUCK Fuck truck is slang for a vehicle used for dating or seduction.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FUCK UP Fuck up is slang for to mess up, or to have fucked up meaning to have messed things up severely.
FUCK YOU CHARLEY Fuck you Charley is an American slang exclamation of defiance or contempt.
FUCK−A−DUCK Fuck−a−duck is a slang expression of disbelief.
FUCKABLE Fuckable is slang for a sexually attractive person considered a desirable sexual partner.
FUCKED Fucked is slang for broken; seriously damaged; seriously injured; in a difficult situation.
FUCKED−UP Fucked−up is slang for in a mess, destroyed, traumatised, confused.
FUCKER Fucker is slang for a person.
FUCKHEAD Fuckhead is slang for a stupid or unpleasant person.
FUCKING Fucking is slang for expressing annoyance.
FUCKPIG Fuckpig is British slang for a contemptible person.
FUCKWIT Fuckwit is slang for an idiot.
FUCKWITTED Fuckwitted is Australian slang for stupid, dim−witted.
FUDDLE Fuddle was originally a late 17th century slang expression for intoxicating drink, by the middle of the 18th century it was slang for intoxication or drunkenness and by the 19th century a confused or muddled state.
FUDDY−DUDDY Fuddy−duddy is slang for an old fashioned (not trendy) person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FUDGE Fudge is a British slang expression of annoyance. Fudge is British slang for excrement.
FUDGEPACKER Fudgepacker is British slang for a homosexual.
FUG Fug is slang for a thick, smelly atmosphere such as that found in a poorly ventilated room.
FUGLE Fugle is slang for to cheat or trick.
FULHAM Fulham is old slang for a loaded die.
FULL Full is American and Australian slang for drunk.
FULL AS A BOOT Full As A Boot is Australian slang for drunk.
FULL MONTY Full monty is slang for the complete amount.
FULL MOON Full moon is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lunatic (loon).
FULL OF BEANS Full of beans is slang for lively.
FULL OF SHIT Full of shit is slang for being mistaken.
FULLY Fully is slang for to commit a person for trial.
FULLY RIGGED Fully rigged is British slang for dressed up.
FUMBLE Fumble is slang for to have impotent or ineffective sex.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FUN AND FROLICS Fun and frolics is Irish rhyming slang for the testicles (bollocks).
FUN−BUNDLE Fun−bundle is slang for a woman or girl.
FUNBAG Funbag is slang for a sexually attractive woman. Funbag is American slang for a prostitute.
FUNBAGS Funbags is British and Australian slang for breasts.
FUNGUS Fungus is slang for facial hair, a beard.
FUNK Funk is slang for a state of panic or terror. Funk is slang for a coward. Funk is American slang for a strong foul odour.
FUNKSTER Funkster is American slang for a performer or fan of funky music.
FUNKY Funky is American slang for foul smelling. Funky is slang for music with a down−to−earth and uncomplicated sound. Funky is slang for fashionable or trendy. Funky is slang for nervous or timid.
FUNNEL Funnel is British slang for the anus.
FUNNY Funny is British slang for peculiar, unusual, weird.
FUNNY BONES Funny bones is British slang for a naturally amusing person.
FUNNY FACE Funny face is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lace.
FUNNY FAG Funny fag is British slang for a marijuhana cigarette.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FUNNY FARM Funny farm is slang for mental hospital.
FUNNY FEELING Funny feeling is London Cockney rhyming slang for ceiling.
FUNNY MONEY Funny money is slang for counterfeit money. Funny money is slang for worthless denominations. Funny money is slang for foreign currency. Funny money is slang for excessive or unearned wealth.
FUR Fur is British slang for female pubic hair.
FUR PIE Fur pie is slang for the vagina.
FUR−DOUGHNUT Fur−doughnut is slang for the vagina.
FURBURGER Furburger is slang for the vagina.
FURPHY Furphy is Australian slang for a rumour or fictitious story.
FURPIECE Furpiece is British slang for the vagina. Furpiece is British slang for a woman.
FURR−BALL Furr−ball is American military slang for a dog fight with multiple fighters from each side.
FURRA Furra is slang for heroin.
FURRY CUP Furry cup is British slang for the vagina.
FURRY MONKEY Furry monkey is slang for the vagina.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
FUSBY Fusby is derogatory slang for a fat woman.
FUSILIER Fusilier is old British military rhyming slang for beer.
FUSILIERS Fusiliers is old British military rhyming slang for ears.
FUSSOCK Fussock is slang for a fat and unwieldy woman.
FUTZ Futz is American slang for the vagina. Futz is American slang for an unpleasant man or boy. Futz is North American slang for waste time, loaf or mess around with.
FUZZ Fuzz is British slang for female pubic hair. Fuzz is British slang for wispy male facial hair. Fuzz is American slang for the police.
FUZZY−WUZZY Fuzzy−wuzzy is slang for a Black fuzzy−haired native of any of various countries. Fuzzy−Wuzzy is slang for a Sudanese soldier. Fuzzy−wuzzy is Australian slang for a native of New Guinea.
G G is American slang for a person; often used to replace someone's name. A friend or acquaintance. G is slang for grand (a thousand). G is slang for a gram, often of cocaine.
G−MAN G−Man is American slang for an FBI agent.
G−RIFFICK G−riffick is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
G.M. G.M. is role−playing game slang for game master, the person in a role−playing game who is responsible for coordinating the story, defining the game world for the players, and acting as an overall supervisor.
G.M.F.U. G.M.F.U. (Grand Military Fuck Up) is British slang for a complete disaster.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
G.Q. G.Q. is American slang for well dressed, fashionable.
G.T.P. G.T.P. (Good To Police) is British police slang for places and people where the police can expect a warm welcome.
GAAN VREK Gaan vrek is South African slang for drop dead!
GAB Gab is slang for talking.
GABBY Gabby is slang for talkative.
GABBY HAYES Gabby Hayes is slang for a talkative person.
GABFEST Gabfest is American slang for a gathering for talk, a prolonged conversation.
GABLE Gable is British slang for the head.
GACK Gack is American slang for to vomit
GADGIE Gadgie is British slang for an old, infirm or senile person.
GAFF Gaff is slang for a place of residence. Gaff is slang for to cheat; hoax. Gaff is slang for foolish talk; nonsense. Gaff was 18th and 19th century slang for a fair, fairground or place of cheap entertainment.
GAFFER Gaffer is slang for a boss. Gaffer is slang for an old man. Gaffer is slang for the chief electrician on a film set.
GAFIATE Gafiate is American slang for to relax on holiday.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GAG Gag was 18th century slang for a hoax. Gag is American slang for to vomit.
GAG ME WITH A SPOON Gag me with a spoon is American slang for an exclamation of exaggerated astonishment or thrilled disgust.
GAG RULE Gag rule is American political slang for an enforced restriction of debate or discussion of an issue within government.
GAGA Gaga is slang for senile, crazy or besotted.
GAGE Gage is slang for marijuana, the term originated in the 17th century from the term for a pipe. During the Middle Ages Gage was slang for a quart pot.
GAGGA Gagga is British slang for a wig.
GAGGER Gagger is American slang for a disgusting person or situation.
GAGGING Gagging is British slang for thirsty.
GAGGING FOR IT Gagging for it is slang for eager for sex or more generally applied to an extreme desire for something.
GAGGLE Gaggle is slang for a group of aircraft.
GAL Gal is American slang for a girl.
GALAH Galah is Australian slang for a fool or simpleton.
GALI Gali is British slang for a Bengali.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GALL Gall is slang for impudence; brazen assurance.
GALLEY YARN Galley yarn is nautical slang for a rumour.
GALLIED Gallied is Dorset slang for frightened.
GALLOUS Gallous was slang for extremely great, fine or handsome.
GALLUP Gallup is slang for heroin.
GALLYBAGGER Gallybagger is Dorset slang for a scarecrow.
GALOOT Galoot is slang for a clumsy or uncouth person.
GALVO Galvo is Australian slang for galvanized iron.
GAM Gam is slang for leg. Gam is British slang for oral sex, originally just fellatio but more recently also cunnilingus. Gam is Black−American slang for to brag or show off. Gam is Australian slang for a sanitary towel or tampon.
GAM CASES Gam cases is British slang for trousers. Gam cases is British slang for tights, stockings.
GAMAROOSH Gamaroosh is slang for oral sex.
GAMBLE AND PROCTER Gamble and Procter is London Cockney rhyming slang for doctor.
GAME Game (from on the game) is British slang for working as a prostitute.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GAME BIRD Game bird is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
GAME OF NAP Game of nap is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cap. Gfame of nap is London Cockney rhyming slang for defecation (crap).
GAMER Gamer is slang for a person avidly involved in role−playing games.
GAMMA 10 Gamma 10 is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
GAMMON Gammon is British slang for a deception.
GAMMON RASHER Gamon rasher is London Cockney rhyming slang for smasher)
GAMMY Gammy is slang for injured, painful, lame or septic. Usually applied to a body−part, and especially the leg.
GAMP Gamp is British slang for an umbrella.
GAMS Gams is British slang for legs. Gams is American tramp slang for a girls legs.
GANDER Gander is slang for an inquisitive look.
GANDHI'S REVENGE Gandhi's revenge is British slang for diarrhoea.
GANDY DANCER Gandy dancer is slang for a railway track maintenance worker.
GANEF Ganef is British slang for a thief. Ganef is American slang for an unscrupulous opportunist who stoops to sharp practice.
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GANG Gang is Black−American slang for a large amount of anything
GANG−SHAGS Gang−shags is Black−American slang for lively parties.
GANGBANG Gangbang is slang for an instance of sexual intercourse between one woman and several men one after the other, especially against her will.
GANGBANGER Gangbanger is American slang for a loyal and committed member of a street gang.
GANGBUSTERS Gangbusters is American slang for something excellent, or impressive.
GANGIE Gangie is Australian slang for an instance of sexual intercourse between one woman and several men one after the other, especially against her will.
GANGSTA Gangsta is American slang for a member of a street gang.
GANGSTER Gangster is Jamaican slang for a criminal, usually an armed robber.
GANJA Ganja is slang for cannabis.
GANK Gank is American slang for to flirt.
Gannet is slang for a gluttonous or greedy person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GANNY Ganny is British slang for Afghani cannabis.
GAP Gap is British slang for the mouth.
GARAGE Garage is slang for dance music not dissimilar to house but with a natural vocalist and a touch of soul.
GARBAGE Garbage is computer slang for the unnecessary data that tends to accumulate over time in a computer system. Garbage is restaurant slang for usable leftovers.
GARBAGE DOWN Garbage down is American slang for to devour hungrily and sloppily.
GARBAGE FEES Garbage fees is American real estate slang for expensive fees charged by lenders at the closing of the sale of a property.
GARBAGE TIME Garbage time is American slang for time left to play in a game when the outcome of the game is indisputably clear.
GARBO Garbo is Australian slang for a dustman.
GARBONZAS Garbonzas is American slang for breasts.
GARDEN GATE Garden gate is London Cockney rhyming slang for magistrate. Garden gate is London Cockney rhyming slang for eight. Garden gate is London Cockney rhyming slang for friend (mate). Garden gate is merchant navy slang for the first officer (mate).
GARDEN GATES Garden gates was old British slang for rates.
GARDEN GNOME Garden gnome is London Cockney rhyming slang for comb.
GARDEN HOP Garden hop was old London Cockney rhyming slang for to inform upon (shop).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GARDEN HOSE Garden hose is London Cockney rhyming slang for nose.
GARDEN PATH Garden path is London Cockney rhyming slang for bath.
GARDEN PLANT Garden plant is London Cockney rhyming slang for aunt.
GARDEN SHED Garden shed is London Cockney rhyming slang for red.
GARETH HUNT Gareth Hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a despicable person (cunt).
GARGLE Gargle is British and Irish slang for an alcoholic drink.
GARGLED Gargled is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
GARIBALDI BISCUIT Garibaldi biscuit is London Cockney rhyming slang for risk it.
GARMENTO Garmento is American slang for a person who works in the fashion industry.
GARN Garn is a London Cockney slang expression of dismissal, defiance or irritation.
GARNISH Garnish is slang for to extort money from.
GARP Garp is slang for a book which becomes an author's first bestseller.
GARRET Garret is British slang for the head.
GARRETTY Garretty is British slang for crazy, mad, very angry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GARY ABLETT Gary Ablett is London Cockney rhyming slang for tablet.
GARY GLITTER Gary Glitter is London Cockney rhyming slang for bitter. Garyt Glitter is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (shitter).
GARY LINEKER Gary Lineker is London Cockney rhyming slang for vinegar.
GAS Gas is slang for a delightful or successful person or thing. Gas is slang for idle conversation.
GAS GUZZLER Gas guzzler is slang for an uneconomical car.
GAS METER THIEF Gas meter thief is British slang for a small−time criminal.
GASBAG Gasbag is British slang for a talkative person.
GASH Gash is slang for surplus to requirements; unnecessary, extra, or spare. Gash is slang for cannabis. Gash is slang for a girl or woman. Gash is slang for a female's genitals.
GASOLINE Gasoline is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
GASP AND GRUNT Gasp and grunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a despicable person (cunt).
GASPER Gasper is slang for a cigarette. Gasper is British slang for a cheap cigarette.
GASSED Gassed is slang for drunk.
GASSER Gasser is slang for something very amusing or impressive. Gasser is American slang for a depressing experience, person, or situation. Gasser is medical slang for an anaesthesiologist. 421
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GASSING Gassing is slang for boasting; insincere or empty talk. Gassing is British slang for pretending to be from a utility company in order to gain entry and rob a house.
GAT Gat is slang for a pistol or revolver.
GATE Gate is a slang suffix for a scandal. Gate is slang for the mouth. Gate is Black−American slang for a jazz musician or other hip person.
GATE ARREST Gate arrest is British slang for arresting a prisoner as he leaves prison for another offence.
GATE FEVER Gate fever is British slang for nervousness felt by prisoners towards the end of their sentence.
GATE OF LIFE Gate of life was old British slang for the vagina.
GATEMOUTH Gatemouth is Black−American slang for gossiper
GATES OF ROME Gates of Rome is London Cockney rhyming slang for home.
GATO Gato is slang for heroin.
GATTER Gatter was 19th century British slang for beer.
GAUGE Gauge was old slang for an alcoholic drink. Gauge was old slang for a pipe or pipeful of tobacco.
GAVAS Gavas is British criminal slang for the police.
GAVEL AND WIG Gavel and wig is London Cockney rhyming slang for to scratch one's anus (twig).
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GAVEL−TO−GAVEL Gavel−to−gavel is American slang for a period from the opening to the adjournment of a session of Congress.
GAWL Gawl is Dorset slang for a bare patch in a field of corn.
GAWP Gawp is British slang for to stare stupidly; gape.
GAY Gay is slang for a homosexual male. Gay is Dorset slang for fresh. Gay was 18th and 19th century British slang for sexually active or immoral.
GAY AND FRISKY Gay and frisky is London Cockney rhyming slang for whisky.
GAY AND HEARTY Gay and hearty is London Cockney rhyming slang for party.
GAY GORDON Gay Gordon is London Cockney rhyming slang for traffic warden.
GAYLORD Gaylord is British slang for an effete or homosexual male.
GAZER Gazer is Black−American slang for a window
GAZUMP Gazump is British slang for to cheat in a house purchase by raising the selling price at the last moment after an agreement has been reached, but before contracts have been formalized.
GAZUNDA Gazunda is slang for a chamber pot.
GAZUNDER Gazunder is American slang for to bargain down the price on a property after a deal has been struck.
GAZUNGAS Gazungas is slang for breasts.
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GBH GBH is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
GDS GDS is slang for phenobarbital.
GEAR Gear is slang for drugs. Gear is slang for clothes, accessories. Gear is slang for top quality merchandise. Gear is British slang for excellent, first rate. Gear is slang for stolen property.
GEARBOX Gearbox is British slang for the female genitals.
GEARHEAD Gearhead is computer slang for a computer programmer.
GEARSTICK Gearstick is British slang for the penis.
GEE Gee is British slang for a stooge who encourages the audience by rushing to buy from a street−seller.
GEE UP Gee up is British slang for a practical joke. Gee up is British slang for to encourage.
GEE VET! Gee vet! is South African slang for hurry up!
GEE−GEE Gee−gee is British slang for a horse.
GEEK Geek is slang for a freak, an insane or disgusting person.
GEEK OUT Geek out is American slang for to behave eccentrically. Geek out is American slang for to search frantically for drug remnants.
GEEK ROCK Geek rock is American slang for crack cocaine.
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GEESE Geese is British slang for a Portugese person.
GEETS Geets is Black−American slang for power or money or both
GEEWILLIES Geewillies is slang for nervousness, tension.
GEEZE BAG Geeze bag is derogatory American slang for an old person.
GEEZER Geezer is slang for a man. Geezer is slang for a confidence trickster's victim. Geezer is slang for an injection of a narcotic drug. Geezer is American slang for a heroin addict. Geezer is Irish slang for a cat. Geezer was early 20th century American slang for a drink of whisky or strong liquor.
GEEZERBIRD Geezerbird is British slang for a masculine lesbian. Geezerbird is British slang for a masculine woman.
GEL Gel is British public school slang for a girl. Gel is British slang for leg. Gel is surfing slang for to calm down.
GELT Gelt is slang for cash or funds; money.
GEM Gem is slang for something or someone special. Gem was 18th century slang for a ring, particularly a gold ring.
GEMORS Gemors is South African slang for confusion, a mess.
GEN Gen is slang for information, facts. Gen was old slang for a shilling.
GENDARMES Gendarmes is British slang for the police.
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GENDER FUCK Gender fuck is gay slang for an open transvestite.
GENDER ILLUSIONIST Gender illusionist is slang for a transvestite.
GENDER−BENDER Gender−bender is slang for a transvestite, a transsexual.
GENERAL General was old slang for a general servant. General is American slang for the penis. General is Jamaican slang for a smart, clever, man. General is South African slang for a prison gang leader.
GENERAL BOOTH General Booth is rhyming slang for tooth.
GENERAL ELECTION General election is rhyming slang for an erection.
GENERAL SMUTS General Smuts is rhyming slang for the testicles (nuts).
GENERALISE Generalise was old slang for a shilling.
GENERATING PLACE Generating place is slang for the vagina.
GENERATION X Generation X is slang for people born after 1965, who have proven to be an indefinable block in many socio−economic analysis.
GENERIC Generic is American slang for a Black person.
GENEROUSLY CUT Generously cut is slang for loose and non−binding, applied to clothing made for large people.
GENIAL genial is British slang for good.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GENTLEMAN ACTOR Gentleman actor is British theatre slang for a bland but handsome actor or actress.
GENTLEMAN OF THE PAD Gentleman of the pad was old British slang for a highwayman. Gentleman of the pad was old British slang for a street−robber.
GENTLEMAN OF THE ROAD Gentleman of the road is British and New Zealand slang for a tramp or vagrant. Gentleman of the road was 18th and 19th century British slang for a highwayman.
GEOFF HURST Geoff Hurst is London Cockney rhyming slang for first. Geoff Hurst is London Cockney rhyming slang for thirst.
GEOFFREY CHAUCER Geoffrey Chaucer is London Cockney rhyming slang for saucer.
GEORDIE Geordie is British slang for someone from Newcastle or Tyneside in north−east England.
GEORGE George is American slang for excellent, first−rate, fine. George is slang for heroin.
GEORGE AND RINGO George and Ringo is London Cockney rhyming slang for bingo.
GEORGE AND ZIPPY George and Zippy is London Cockney rhyming slang for cold (nippy).
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW George Bernard Shaw is London Cockney rhyming slang for door.
GEORGE BLAKE George Blake is London Cockney rhyming slang for snake.
GEORGE MELLY George Melly is London Cockney rhyming slang for belly.
GEORGE MICHAEL George Michael is London Cockney rhyming slang for cycle.
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GEORGE RAFT George Raft is British rhyming slang for a draught of air. George Raft is London Cockney rhyming slang for a banker's draft. George Raft is London Cockney rhyming slang for hard work (graft).
GEORGE ROBEY George Robey is London Cockney rhyming slang for road (toby). George Robey is London Cockney rhyming slang for Toby.
GEORGE THE THIRD George the third is London Cockney rhyming slang for excrement (turd).
GEORGIA CREDIT CARD Georgia credit card is American slang for a siphon used to steal fuel from another car's tank.
GEORGIA HOME BOY Georgia home boy is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
GEORGIE BEST Georgie Best is London Cockney rhyming slang for guest. Georgie Best is London Cockney rhyming slang for pest.
GERM Germ is British slang for an irritating, unpleasant or contemptible person.
GERMAINE GREER Germaine Greer is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer.
GERMAN BANDS German bands is London Cockney rhyming slang for hands.
GERMAN FLUTES German flutes is London Cockney rhyming slang for boots.
GERMANS Germans (shortened from German Bands) is London Cockney rhyming slang for hands.
GERONIMOS Geronimos is slang for barbiturates.
GERRY Gerry is British slang for an old person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GERRY COTTLE Gerry Cottle is London Cockney rhyming slang for bottle.
GERT AND DAISY Gert and Daisy is London Cockney rhyming slang for lazy.
GERTCHA Gertcha is a London Cockney slang exclamation of disbelief.
GERTIE GITANA Gertie Gitana is London Cockney rhyming slang for banana.
GESEECH Geseech was old British slang for an ungly face.
GET Get is slang for start, commence. Get is northern British slang for bastard. Get was 18th and 19th century British and American century slang for an illegitimate person (a bastard). Get was 18th and 19th century British slang for an unpleasant or stupid person.
GET A BODY Get a body is American slang for to kill someone.
GET A CLUE Get a clue is slang for to become aware.
GET A CREEP ON Get a creep on is British slang for to go faster.
GET A FIX ON Get a fix on is slang for to make a reasoned judgement about something.
GET A FOOT IN THE DOOR Get a foot in the door is slang for to get an initial opportunity.
GET A HUSTLE ON Get a hustle on is British slang for to hurry up, to make haste.
GET A JOB Get a job is American slang for to do something useful.
GET A LIFE Get a life is slang for to find something useful or meaningful to do with oneself. 429
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GET A LOAD OF Get a load of is slang for to look at.
GET A MOVE ON Get a move on is slang for to hurry, to speed up.
GET A RAT Get a rat is Australian and New Zealand slang eccentric or insane.
GET A RIFT ON Get a rift on is British slang for to hurry up, to make haste.
GET A RUSH Get a rush is American slang for to become excited or intoxicated.
GET A RUSH ON Get a rush on is British slang for to hurry up, to make haste.
GET A WIGGLE ON Get a wiggle on is slang for hurry up.
GET A WORD IN EDGEWAYS Get a word in edgeways is slang for to find a chance to speak when someone else is speaking excessively.
GET ALL BENT OUT OF SHAPE Get all bent out of shape is American slang for to become angry.
GET ALL THAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH Get all that out of your mouth is slang for stop lying.
GET AT Get at is British slang for to bribe or threaten in order to secure a result.
GET AWAY WITH MURDER Get away with murder is slang for to not be punished for doing something wrong or illegal.
GET AXED Get axed is surfing slang for to be thrown by a wave.
GET BACK ON ONE'S FEET Get back on one's feet is slang for to return to normal after a period of illness or serious problems.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GET BACK TO ONE'S ROOTS Get back to one's roots is slang for to return to, or rediscover one's racial, ancestral or emotional heritage.
GET BEHIND Get behind is slang for approve of, support, empathise with.
GET BENCHED Get benched is American slang for to be removed from play during a team game.
GET BIFFED Get biffed is surfing slang for to be tossed around by a wave.
GET BIG AIR Get big air is surfing slang for to be thrown high into the air by a wave, but not off the board.
GET BUSY Get busy is criminal slang for rob someone.
GET CANNED Get canned is American slang for to be dismissed from one's employment.
GET CATCH Get catch is West Indian slang for to become pregnant.
GET CHINESE Get Chinese is American slang for to get very intoxicated on drugs.
GET COLD FEET Get cold feet is slang for to lose one's nerve at the last moment.
GET CRACKING Get cracking is slang for to hurry.
GET CREAMED Get creamed is surfing slang for to be treated roughly by a wave while surfing.
GET DOWN Get down is American slang for to let oneself go, begin something in earnest.
GET DOWN TO BRASS TACKS Get down to brass tacks is slang for to focus on essentials.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GET GO Get go is Black−American slang for the beginning
GET HITCHED Get hitched is slang for to get married.
GET HORIZONTAL Get horizontal is American slang for to lie down.
GET HOT AND GET LUCKY Get hot and get lucky is an American slang expression for no, a firm refusal.
GET IN ON THE ACT Get in on the act is slang for to become a participant, particularly for profit.
GET IN THE GAME Get in the game is British slang for to become aware of a situation.
GET INTO BED Get into bed is slang for to agree to liase closely with or merge with.
GET IT ON Get it on is slang for to have sexual intercourse and achieve mutual sexual gratification.
GET IT THROUGH ONE'S HEAD Get it through one's head is slang for to understand.
GET IT TOGETHER Get it together is slang for to get organised.
GET IT UP Get it up is slang for to achieve an erection.
GET KNOTTED Get knotted is slang for go away.
GET LAID Get laid is slang for to have sex.
GET LOOSE Get loose is slang for to relax. Get loose is slang for to throw some punches. Get loose is slang for to dance, to have fun.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GET LUCKY Get lucky is slang for to meet someone for a romantic or sexual encounter. To successfully seduce someone.
GET LUNCHED Get lunched is surfing slang for to be treated roughly by a wave while surfing.
GET MODED Get moded is American slang for to be humiliated.
GET NAKED Get naked is American slang for to have fun.
GET NO CHANGE OUT OF Get no change out of is slang for to not be successful in attempts to exploit or extract information from someone.
GET OFF Get off is slang for stop bothering.
GET OFF EASY Get off easy is slang for to escape with little consequence.
GET OFF ON Get off on is slang for to enjoy greatly, to be thrilled.
GET OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT Get off on the wrong foot is slang for to establish a relationship with a bad start.
GET OFF ONE'S BACK Get off one's back is slang for stop nagging someone.
GET OFF THE GROUND Get off the ground is slang for make a successful start.
GET OFF WITH Get off with is slang for to establish an amorous or sexual relationship with.
GET OFF WITH YOUR BAD SELF Get off with your bad self is American slang for be pleased with oneself.
GET ON ONE'S TITS Get on one's tits is British slang for to irritate or annoy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GET ON ONE'S WICK Get on one's wick is British slang for to irritate or annoy.
GET ON SOMEONE'S CASE Get on someone's case is American slang for to harass, badger or interfere.
GET ON SOMEONE'S GOAT Get on someone's goat is slang for to cause annoyance to someone.
GET ON THE BALL Get on the ball is slang for to try harder.
GET ON THE STICK Get on the stick is slang for to start working hard.
GET ONE'S ACT TOGETHER Get one's act together is slang for to get organised, arrange one's affairs, start to perform efficiently or effectively.
GET ONE'S ARSE IN GEAR Get one's arse in gear is slang for to get organised and get going.
GET ONE'S END AWAY Get one's end away is British slang for to have sexual intercourse.
GET ONE'S FEET WET Get one's feet wet is slang for to do something for the first time.
GET ONE'S HEAD TOGETHER Get one's head together is slang for to get organised, arrange one's affairs, start to perform efficiently or effectively.
GET ONE'S JOLLIES Get one's jollies is slang for to derive enjoyment.
GET ONE'S KNICKERS IN A TWIST Get one's knickers in a twist is British slang for to get agitated, flustered or over−excited.
GET ONE'S LEG OVER Get one's leg over is British slang for to have sexual intercourse.
GET ONE'S OATS Get one's oats is slang for to have sexual intercourse.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GET ONE'S REAR IN GEAR Get one's rear in gear is slang for to hurry.
GET ONE'S ROCKS OFF Get one's rocks off is slang for to achieve sexual satisfaction.
GET ONES RUG BEAT Get ones rug beat is Black−American slang for to get a haircut
GET OUT OF HERE Get out of here is American slang for you're lying.
GET OUT OF MY FACE Get out of my face is slang for go away.
GET OUT OF ONE'S HAIR Get out of one's hair is slang for to relieve one of a nuisance.
GET OUTTA HERE Get outta here is American slang for you must be kidding! Stop lying.
GET PAID Get paid is slang for a successful robbery.
GET POUNDED Get pounded is surfing slang for to be tossed around by a wave.
GET PREVIOUS Get previous is Black−American slang for to act in a very forward manner
GET PROSECUTED Get prosecuted is surfing slang for to be treated roughly by a wave.
GET RATS Get rats is Australian and New Zealand slang eccentric or insane.
GET REAL Get real is a slang expression for be serious! Be realistic!
GET SACKED Get sacked is slang for to be dismissed from employment.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GET SHOT OF Get shot of is slang for to get rid of.
GET SMALL Get small is American slang for to disappear, to hide.
GET SOME KICK Get some kick is Black−American slang for to obtain money
GET SOMEONE UP Get someone up is British slang for to bribe or pay off someone. Get someone up is British slang for to entrap or manoeuvre someone.
GET SOMEONE'S GOAT Get someone's goat is slang for to irritate someone.
GET STIFFED Get stiffed is restaurant slang for not to be tipped. Get stiffed is slang for to be conned, overcharged.
GET STUFFED Get stuffed is slang for go away.
GET THE AXE Get the axe is slang for to be dismissed from employment.
GET THE BALL ROLLING Get the ball rolling is slang for to begin.
GET THE GLORY Get the glory is British slang for to become religious.
GET THE GOODS ON Get the goods on is American slang for find proof of guilt, be aware of someone's guilt.
GET THE HOOK Get the hook is entertainment industry slang for to remove a performer from stage when they are performing badly.
GET THE HORN Get the horn is slang for achieve an erection.
GET THE HUMP Get the hump is British slang for to become bad tempered, offended. 436
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GET THE LEAD OUT Get the lead out is American slang for to hurry.
GET THE MESSAGE Get the message is slang for to understand fully.
GET THE NEEDLE Get the needle is British slang for to become bad tempered, irritated, bitter or vindictive.
GET THE PICTURE Get the picture is slang for to understand fully.
GET THE RAP Get the rap is slang for suffer a rebuke; be blamed.
GET THE RUN Get the run is Australian slang for be dismissed from one's employment.
GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD Get the show on the road is slang for to begin.
GET THROUGH Get through is American slang for to obtain drugs.
GET THROUGH TO Get through to is slang for to make someone understand.
GET TO FIRST BASE Get to first base is American slang for to succeed at the first stage of something.
GET TO THE BOTTOM Get to the bottom of is slang for to determine the real cause, determine the full facts about a situation.
GET TO THE HEART Get to the heart of is slang for to determine the most important element.
GET UNDER SOMEONE'S SKIN Get under someone's skin is slang for to upset someone.
GET UP ONE'S NOSE Get up one's nose is British slang for to irritate, annoy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GET WHAT'S COMING Get what's coming is slang for to receive what one deserves, good or bad, but usually a retribution.
GET WIND OF Get wind of is slang for to hear about.
GET WITH IT Get with it is slang for to respond to new ideas, styles, etc.
GET WITH THE PROGRAM Get with the program is American slang for to make oneself aware.
GETTING ANY? Getting any? is a slang greeting referring to sex.
GHB GHB is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
GHERKIN Gherkin is British slang for a fool, an idiot.
GHETTO BOX Ghetto box is slang for a large portable stereo radio−cassette player.
Ghettoblaster is slang for a large portable stereo radio−cassette player.
GHOST Ghost is slang for someone who rarely makes an appearance. Ghost is derogatory slang for a white person. Ghost ius slang for to move silently. Ghost is British slang for a Muslim woman dressed in a white burka. 438
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GHOST OF A CHANCE Ghost of a chance is slang for unlikely, little chance.
GHOST SPEECH Ghost speech is American slang for a legislator's speech that is not actually delivered, but inserted in the Congressional Record as if it had been.
GI US Gi us is Dorset slang for give me.
GIANFRANCO ZOLA Gianfranco Zola is London Cockney rhyming slang for cola.
GIANLUCA VIALLI Gianluca Vialli is London Cockney rhyming slang for cocaine (Charlie).
GIB Gib is slang for trouble, or problems.
GIBLETS Giblets is British slang for the guts, innards.
GIFT OF THE GAB Gift of the gab is slang for having the knack of conversation.
GIFTED Gifted is slang for in possession of special talent.
GIG Gig is slang for a performance by an entertainer, usually by a musician.
GIG ON Gig on is Black American slang for to make a fool of, to deceive.
GIG−LAMPS Gig−lamps is British slang for spectacles.
GIGGLE AND TITTER Giggle and titter is London Cockney rhyming slang for ale (bitter).
GIGGLE FACTORY Giggle faactory is slang for a mental hospital.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GIGGLE FARM Giggle farm is slang for a mental hospital.
GIGGLE HOUSE Giggle house is Australian slang for a mental hospital.
GIGGLE JUICE Giggle juice is British slang for an alcoholic drink.
GIGGLE STICK Giggle stick is slang for a cannabis cigarette.
GIGGLE WATER Giggle water is slang for an alcoholic drink.
GIGO Gigo is computer slang for garbage in, garbage out.
GILBEY'S GIN Gilbey's gin is London Cockney rhyming slang for chin.
GILCUP Gilcup is Dorset slang for buttercup.
GILLIE POTTER Gillie Potter is London Cockney rhyming slang for foot (trotter).
GILLIGAN Gilligan is surfing slang for an idiot.
GIMME Gimme is slang for give me.
GIMMEL Gimmel is betting slang for odds of 3/1.
GIMMER Gimmer is slang for an elderly person.
GIMP Gimp is slang for a crippled or lame person. Gimp is slang for an awkward, clumsy or ineffectual person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GIMPY Gimpy is British slang for a cripple.
GIMS Gims is Black−American slang for the eyes
GIN Gin is Black−American slang for a street fight. Gin is derogatory Australian slang for an Aboriginal woman.
GIN AND FUCK−IT Gin and fuck−iy is British slang for a woman whose sexual favours can be bought for the price of a drink.
GIN GAN Gin gan is British slang for an Indian, a Bengali.
GIN GANS Gin gans is British slang for the testicles.
GIN JOCKEY Gin jockey is Australian slang for a white man who consorts with aboriginal women.
GIN LANE Gin lane is British slang for the throat.
GINCH Ginch is slang for excellence, elegance, style.
GINCHY Ginchy is slang for excellent, skilful, smart, or elegant.
GINGER Ginger is slang for a homosexual.
GINGER ALE Ginger ale is American rhyming slang for gaol
GINGER BEER Ginger beer is London Cockney rhyming slang for engineer. Ginger beer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (queer).
GINGER POP Ginger pop is London Cockney rhyming slang for to be arrested (cop). 441
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GINK Gink is British slang for a man or boy, especially one considered to be odd. Gink is American slang for an idiot.
GINORMOUS Ginormous is slang for huge, vast.
GINTY Ginty is British slang for an Irish person.
GINZY TRADING Ginzy trading is Wall Street slang for the unethical practice of quoting different prices to customers on the same buy and sell order.
GIORGIO ARMANI Giorgio Armani is British rhyming slang for a sandwich (sarnie).
GIP Gip is slang for vomit.
GIPPY Gippy is slang for nausea.
GIRAFFE Giraffe is British rhyming slang for laugh.
GIRL Girl is slang for cocaine. Girl is British slang for a weak or effeminate man.
GIRL AND BOY Girl and boy is London Cockney rhyming slang for saveloy. Girl and boy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a toy.
GIRL−COTT Girl−cott is slang for boycott.
GIRLIE Girlie is British slang for a weak or effeminate person.
GIRLIE−GIRLIE Girlie−girlie is Jamaican slang for flirtatious (applied to a man).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GIRLIEBOY Girlieboy is British slang for an effeminate young male homosexual.
GIRLS AND BOYS Girls and boys is London Cockney rhyming slang for noise.
GIRLY Girly is slang for weak, unassertive, feminine.
GIRT Girt is old Dorset slang for great, big.
GISMO Gismo is British slang for something technical one desn't know the name for. Gismo is American and Canadian slang for a device; gadget.
GIT Git is British slang for an illegitimate person (a bastard). Git is British slang for an unpleasant or stupid person.
GIVE A DOG A BONE Give a dog a bone is British slang for to have sexual intercourse with an ugly woman.
GIVE A HAND Give a hand is slang for assist.
GIVE A PERSON RATS Give a person rats is slang for berate or rebuke.
GIVE A SAMPLE Give a sample is British slang for to urinate.
GIVE AN ORAL SACRIFICE AT THE ALTAR OF THE PORCELAIN GOD Give an oral sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain god is American slang for to vomit
GIVE AND GET Give and get is London Cockney rhyming slang for bet.
GIVE AND TAKE Give and take is London Cockney rhyming slang for cake.
GIVE CHASE Give chase is slang for run after, pursue 443
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GIVE CUTS Give cuts is American slang for to allow someone to go in front of you in a queue.
GIVE FIVE Give five is American slang for to greet someone by hand.
GIVE GROUND Give ground is American slang for to retreat.
GIVE HEAD Give head is slang for perform fellatio.
GIVE IT A SHOT Give it a shot is slang for attempt it.
GIVE IT LARGE Give it large is British slang for to verbally intimidate. Give it large is British slang for to boast.
GIVE IT SOME Give it some is slang for putting some effort into something.
GIVE IT SOME BOOT Give it some boot is British slang for to accelerate.
GIVE IT SOME COG Give it some cog is British slang for to accelerate.
GIVE IT SOME STICK Give it some stick is British slang for to apply some force or pressure.
GIVE IT SOME WELLY Give it some welly is British slang for to accelerate.
GIVE IT THE GUN Give it the gun is slang for to increase speed, effort, etc., to a considerable or maximum degree.
GIVE ONE Give one is British slang for to have se with.
GIVE ONE A TASTE OF PLUM Give one a taste of plum was slang for to wound or kill with a bullet, or gunfire.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GIVE ONE'S EYETOOTH FOR Give one's eyetooth for is slang for to be willing to give anything to have something.
GIVE ONE'S HAND ONE Give one's hand one is British slang for to masturbate.
GIVE ONE'S RIGHT ARM Give one's right arm is slang for to give something of great value.
GIVE SKIN Give skin is American slang for to slap hands with someone, as a form of greeting or celebration.
GIVE SOME SKIN Give some skin is American slang for to slap hands with someone, as a form of greeting or celebration.
GIVE SOMEONE A PIECE OF ONE'S MIND Give someone a piece of one's mind is slang for to chastise someone, to tell someone what one really thinks.
GIVE SOMEONE A SERVE Give someone a serve is Australian slang for criticise or reprimand someone sharply.
GIVE SOMEONE A WEDGIE Give someone a wedgie is American slang for to pull someone's underwear up at the back so that it is uncomfortably wedged in between the buttocks.
GIVE SOMEONE CURRY Give someone curry is Australian slang for to assault a person verbally or physically.
GIVE SOMEONE THE AIR Give someone the air is American slang for reject or dismiss someone.
GIVE SOMEONE THE ARSE Give someone the arse is Australian slang for to get rid of, jilt, dismiss someone.
GIVE SOMEONE THE COLD SHOULDER Give someone the cold shoulder is slang for to behave in an intentionally unfriendly manner, to ignore someone.
GIVE THE AIR Give the air is British slang for to get rid of, to dismiss.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GIVE THE DEVIL HIS DUE Give the devil his due is slang for be fair to someone.
GIVE THE DOG A BONE Give the dog a bone is British rhyming slang for a telephone call. Give the dog a bone is British rhyming slang for sexual intercourse.
GIVE THE RINKY−DINK Give the rinky−dink is American slang for to cheat or swindle a person.
GIVE THE SLIP Give the slip is slang for to escape from.
GIVE THEM HEAPS Give them heaps is Australian slang for to contend strenuously with an opposing sporting team.
GIVE UP THE DIGITS Give up the digits is American slang for to give out one's telephone number.
GIVE UP THE GHOST Give up the ghost is slang for to expire, break−down, totally malfunction from age or use.
GIVE UP THE SHIP Give up the ship is slang for surrender, give up.
GIVE WIFE Give wife is Jamaican slang for a woman's adulterous affair.
GIVEN Given is British slang for an unpleasant, despicable, stupid person.
GIVEN OUT WITH THE RATIONS Given out with the rations is military slang applied to a medal given out automatically without regard to merit.
GLADHAND Gladhand is American slang for to greet people superficially.
GLADYS KNIGHT Gladys Knight is London Cockney rhyming slang for defecate (shite).
GLAM Glam is slang for glamorous.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GLAM ROCK Glam rock is slang for a music genre of the early 1970's characterised by gawdy dress and make−up worn by the performers.
GLAR Glar is British slang for paint.
GLARNEY Glarney is British slang for a marble.
GLASGOW BOAT Glasgow boat is British rhyming slang for a coat.
GLASGOW KISS Glasgow kiss is British slang for a head−butt.
GLASGOW MAGISTRATE Glasgow magistrate is Scottish slang for a herring.
GLASGOW RANGERS Glasgow Rangers is London Cockney rhyming slang for strangers.
GLASS Glass is slang for diamonds or gems. Glass is slang for heroin. Glass is British slang for to strike someone with a broken glass.
GLASS ARM Glass arm is baseball slang for a pitcher's arm that is highly prone to injury or strain.
GLASS CASE Glass case is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
GLASS JAW Glass Jaw is American tramp slang for a coward. Glass Jaw is boxing slang for a boxer's tendency to succumb to a strong hit to the chin.
GLASS OF BEER Glass of beer is London Cockney rhyming slang for ear.
GLASS OF LUNCH Glass of lunch is British slang for lunch that consists of alcoholic drink only.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GLASS OF PLONK Glass of plonk is London Cockney rhyming slang for nose (conk).
GLASS SOMEONE Glass someone is British slang for to hit or slash someone with a bottle or glass.
GLASSHOUSE Glasshouse is British army slang for an army prison.
GLEAMER Gleamer is British slang for excellent.
GLENN HODDLE Glenn Hoddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for a simple taks (doddle).
GLENN ROEDER Glenn Roeder is London Cockney rhyming slang for soda.
GLIM Glim is slang for a light or candle.
GLIMMER Glimmer is British slang for to resist the urge to defecate.
GLITCH Glitch is slang for an unforeseen fault, error or malfunction.
GLITTERATI Glitterati is British slang for fashionable celebrities.
GLITZ Glitz is slang for ostentatious showiness; gaudiness or glitter.
GLITZY Glitzy is slang for gaudy.
GLOB Glob is UNIX slang for using wildcards in file names (e.g. using the term *.BAK is known as globbing).
GLOOPY Gloopy is slang for sticky.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GLOP Glop is British slang for to drink alcohol. Glop is British slang for a thick, viscuous liquid. Glop is British slang for unappetising food.
GLORIA GAYNORS Gloria Gaynors is London Cockney rhyming slang for sports shoes (trainers).
GLORIOUS SINNER Glorious sinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for dinner.
GLORY BE Glory be is London Cockney rhyming slang for the beverage tea.
GLUE FOOT Glue foot is surfing slang for a surfer who is surefooted on the surfboard.
GLUE POT Glue pot is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (twat).
GLUEBAG Gluebag is British slang for a mentally unstable person.
GLUG Glug is slang for to take a drink of alcohol.
GLUTCH Glutch is Dorset slang for to swallow greedily.
GNARLATIOUS Gnarlatious is surfing slang for terrific.
GNARLY Gnarly is American slang for excellent. Gnarly is American slang for awful.
GNASHER SNATCHER Gnasher snatcher is British slang for a dentist.
GNASHERS Gnashers is British slang for teeth.
GNAT BITES Gnat bites is British slang for small breasts. 449
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GNAT'S PISS Gnat's piss is British slang for a weak or insipid drink.
GNAW THE 'NANA Gnaw the 'nana is Australian slang for to perform fellatio.
GO Go is slang for a circumstance or occurrence; an incident. Go is slang for a glass of spirits. Go is slang for to be sexually active.
GO A BUNDLE ON Go a bundle on is British slang for to like very much.
GO ALL THE WAY Go all the way is slang for to have full sexual intercourse.
GO APE Go ape is American slang for become crazy, or very angry.
GO APESHIT Go apeshit is slang for becoming very angry.
GO BALLISTIC Go ballistic is slang for becoming frantic, busy or irate.
GO BELLY UP Go belly up is slang for to die. Go belly up is slang for to fail, collapse, break down. Go belly up is slang for to give in, yield, submit.
GO BORNEO Go Borneo is American slang for to get drunk. Go Borneo is American slang for to behave outrageously, go too far.
GO BUNG Go bung is Australian and New Zealand slang for to fail, collapse or die.
GO BUSH Go bush is Australian slang for to go native.
GO CROOK AT Go crook at is Australian and New Zealand slang for to rebuke or upbraid.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GO DIVINE BROWN Go Divine Brown is London Cockney rhyming slang for fellatio (go down).
GO DOWN Go down is slang for to go to prison, especially for a specified period. Go down is slang for fellatio. Go down is American slang for to happen.
GO DOWN ON Go down on is slang for perform oral sex.
GO FIGURE Go figure is a slang exclamation of puzzlement.
GO FOR A BURN Go for a burn is Australian slang for to drive fast.
GO FOR A BURTON Go for a burton is British slang for to be broken, useless, or lost; to die.
GO FOR BROKE Go for broke is slang for to risk everything in a gambling or other venture.
GO FOR THE DOCTOR Go for the doctor is Australian slang for to make a great effort or move very fast, especially in a horse race.
GO GREAT GUNS Go great guns is slang for to act or function with great speed, intensity, etc.
GO INTO Go into is British slang for to borrow from.
GO INTO ONE Go into one is British slang for to lose one's temper.
GO IT Go it is slang for to do something or move energetically.
GO OFF Go off is slang for to have an orgasm. Go off is Australian slang for premises to be raided by the police. Go off is Australian slang for a racehorse to win a fixed race. Go off is Australian slang for to be stolen.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GO REGULARS Go regulars is criminal slang for share profits.
GO SCRATCH Go scratch is a British slang exclamation of refusal.
GO SOUTH Go south is slang for perform oral sex.
GO SPARE Go spare is slang for become very angry.
GO SQUEEZE YOUR BALLS Go squeeze your balls is British slang for go away!
GO STRAIGHT Go straight is slang for renouncing a life of crime.
GO THE FULL DISTANCE Go the full distance is slang for to be arrested, tried, convicted and sent to prison.
GO THE LIMIT Go the limit is British slang for to have full sexual intercourse.
GO THROUGH Go through is British slang for to have full sexual intercourse.
GO THROUGH THE CARD Go through the card is British slang for to have full sexual intercourse in various positions.
GO TO EUROPE WITH RALPH AND EARL IN A BUICK Go to Europe with Ralph and Earl in a buick is American slang for to vomit.
GO TO GROUND Go to ground is nursing slang for to fall out of a bed or chair.
GO TO HELL IN A HANDCART Go to hell in a handcart is British slang for to come to a bad end.
GO TO POT Go to pot is slang for deteriorating.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GO TO SEE EARL Go to see Earl is American slang for to vomit.
GO UPSTAIRS Go upstairs is British slang for to drink spirits in a pub.
GO WALKABOUT Go walkabout is slang for to daydream, to lose concentration.
GO WALKABOUT IN THE BUSH DOWN UNDER Go walkabout in the bush down under is British slang for to masturbate a woman.
GO−AHEAD Go−ahead is British slang for forward thinking, progressive.
GOALIE Goalie is British slang for the ace in a deck of playing cards.
GOALKEEPER Goalkeeper is British slang for the ace in a deck of playing cards.
GOAT Goat is British slang for a miserable old man. Goat is British slang for a bad man.
GOAT HAIR Goat hair is Black−American slang for bootleg liquor
GOB Gob is British slang for the mouth. Gob is British slang for to spit. Gob is British slang for a punch to the mouth.
GOB IRON Gob iron is British slang for a mouth organ, harmonica.
GOB JOB Gob job is British slang for oral sex.
GOBBLE Gobble is slang for to perform oral sex. Gobble is Black−American slang for to talk
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOBBLEDYGOOK Gobbledygook is slang for nonsense.
GOBBLER Gobbler is British slang for someone who enjoys performing oral sex.
GOBBLER'S GULCH Gobbler's gulch is British slang for a place where homosexuals meet for sex.
GOBSHITE Gobshite is Northern British slang for a contemptible person. Gobshite is Irish slang for a stupid person.
GOBSLUTCH Gobslutch is British slang for a slovenly, messy person.
GOBSMACKED Gobsmacked is British slang for astounded; astonished.
GOBSMACKING Gobsmacking is British slang for astonishing.
GOBSTOPPER Gobstopper is British rhyming slang for the penis (chopper).
GOD ALMIGHTY God Almighty is London Cockney rhyming slang for a nightie.
GOD ALMIGHTY'S COW God almighty's cow is Dorset slang for a ladybird.
GOD DAMN God damn is London Cockney rhyming slang for jam (a preserve).
GOD FORBID God forbid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a child (kid). God forbid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a hat (lid). God forbid is London Cockney rhyming slang for one pound (a quid). God forbid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (yid).
GOD FORBIDS God forbids is London Cockney rhyming slang for kids.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOD IN HEAVEN God in heaven is bingo slang for seven.
GOD LOVE HER God love her is London Cockney rhyming slang for mother.
GOD SAVE THE QUEENS God save the queens is London Cockney rhyming slang for vegetables (greens).
GOD SQUAD God squad is British slang for a religious group.
GOD−BOTHERER God−botherer is British slang for an excessively pious person.
GODAWFUL Godawful is slang for terrible, appalling.
GODDESS DIANA Goddess Diana was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a sixpence (tanner).
GODFATHERS Godfathers was 17th century British slang for jurymen.
GOER Goer is slang for someone sexually active and enthusiastic. Goer is British slang for anything mechanically sound.
GOFER Gofer is slang for an employee or assistant whose duties include menial tasks such as running errands.
GOG Gog was 19th century Welsh slang for anxiety, desire, eagerness.
GOGGLE Goggle is British slang for to stare.
GOGGLEBOX Gogglebox is British slang for a television set.
GOGGLES Goggles is slang for spectacles.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOGGY Goggy is British slang for a misfit.
GOING−OVER Going−over is British slang for a beating.
GOLD Gold is slang for cannabis.
GOLD BRICK Gold brick is American slang for an idler or shirker.
GOLD FISH Gold fish is Black−American slang for sliced peaches
GOLD RING Gold ring is London Cockney rhyming slang for a king playing card.
GOLD WATCH Gold watch is London Cockney rhyming slang for scotch whisky.
GOLD−CARD Gold−card is slang for assert oneself, behave ostentatiously.
GOLDARN Goldarn is North American slang an exclamation of annoyance.
GOLDEN Golden is American slang for excellent, in prime condition.
GOLDEN AGER Golden ager is American slang for an elderly person.
GOLDEN ASS Golden ass is American nursing slang for an affluent mother who treats the obstetrics nurses like servants.
GOLDEN COFFIN Golden coffin is slang for a benefits package payable to an executive's heirs upon his or her death.
GOLDEN GATER Golden gater is Hollywood slang for an awful, unredeemable script.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOLDEN GREASE Golden grease is slang for a bribe or a fee.
GOLDEN HANDCUFFS Golden handcuffs is slang for a compelling package of perks and benefits offered to executives to keep them locked into their jobs for a certain period of time.
GOLDEN HIND Golden Hind is London Cockney rhyming slang for blind.
GOLDEN LEAF Golden leaf is Black−American slang for good marijuana
GOLDEN OLDIE Golden oldie is British slang for anything old but classic.
GOLDEN PARACHUTE Golden parachute is slang for a compensation package offered to executives to entice them to stay on, even though they fear the company will be taken over by an outside party.
GOLDEN SHOWER Golden shower is slang for urinating on someone for sexual pleasure.
GOLDEN SYRUP Golden syrup is British slang for an obvious wig.
GOLDEN−BALLS Golden−balls is slang for the three gilt balls suspended as a sign in the front of a pawn−broker's place of business.
GOLDIE HAWN Goldie Hawn is London Cockney rhyming slang for prawn.
GOLDILOCKS Goldilocks is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
GOLF BALLS Golf Balls is slang for phenobarbital.
GOLGOTHA Golgotha is slang for the meeting place of the heads of universities, colleges or halls.
GOLLIER Gollier is British slang for a lump of coughed up phlegm. 457
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GOLLIWOG Golliwog is an offensive slang name for a black person. Golliwog is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dog. Golliwog is London Cockney rhyming slang for fog.
GOLLIWOGGY Golliwoggy is London Cockney rhyming slang for foggy.
GOLLOPAGOOSE Gollopagoose is British slang for a glutton.
GOLLUM Gollum is slang for a wild, uncatchable throw in a game of Frisbee.
GOLLY Golly is an offensive slang name for a black person. Golly is British slang for a lump of coughed up phlegm. Golly is Australian slang for spit.
GOLPE Golpe is slang for heroin.
GOM Gom is British slang for a gormless, soppy−lloking person.
GOMA Goma is slang for heroin.
GOME Gome is American slang for a tediously studious pupil or student.
GOMER Gomer (Get Out Of My Emergency Room) is British medical slang for an annoying patient.
GONE Gone is slang for in an exhilarated state, as through music or the use of drugs. Gone is slang for excellent, inspired.
GONE CAMPING Gone camping is nursing slang for placed in an oxygen tent.
GONE COON Gone Coon is American slang for a person or thing beyond hope or help.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GONE FOR A BURTON Gone for a Burton is slang for missing, broken. Gone for a Burton was British RAF slang for dead, shot−down.
GONE GOOSE Gone Goose is American slang for a person or thing beyond hope or help.
GONE GOSLING Gone Gosling is American slang for a person or thing beyond hope or help.
GONE NATIVE Gone native is British police slang for a policeman turned criminal.
GONE TO BED Gone to bed is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead.
GONE WEST Gone west is British slang for passed. Gone west is British slang for failed. Gone west is British slang for dead.
GONEF Gonef is British slang for a thief.
GONER Goner is slang for a person or thing beyond help or recovery, especially a person who is dead or about to die.
GONEST Gonest is Black−American slang for the best
GONG Gong is slang for cannabis. Gong is British slang for a medal, especially a military one. Gong is slang for the warning bell on a police car. Gong is American slang for a narcotic drug, especially opium.
GONGA Gonga is British slang for the anus.
GONGAPOOCH Gongapooch is Hindu slang for the bottom, anus.
GONGER Gonger is American tramp slang for an opium pipe
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GONGOL Gongol is British slang for an idiot.
GONGOOZLER Gongoozler was originally slang for an idler who watched activity on a canal. The term is now applied to a person who stares at something unusual for prolonged periods of time.
GONIES Gonies is British slang for the testicles.
GONK Gonk is British slang for a stupid or grotesque person. Gonk is British slang for a prostitute's client. Gonk was British military slang during the 1950's for sleep.
GONNOF Gonnof is British slang for a thief.
GONOPH Gonoph is slang for a pickpocket; thief; swindler; rascal.
GONZO Gonzo is slang for a fool. Gonzo is British slang for intoxicated, drunk. Gonzo is American slang for bizarre or crazy.
GONZO THE GREAT Gonzo the great is London Cockney rhyming slang for in a bad way, in a state of panic, agitation or intoxication (state).
GOO−GOO Goo−goo is slang for an amorous or adoring look. Goo−goo is American slang for a person or group committed to political reform and good government.
GOOB Goob is American slang for an unpopular, awkward person.
GOOBATRON Goobatron is slang for a fool.
GOOBER Goober is American slang for a spot or pimple. Goober is American slang for a fool. Goober is American slang for a globule of spit.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOOD Good is slang for heroin.
GOOD 'UN Good 'un is British slang for a trustworthy person.
GOOD AND BAD Good and bad is London Cockney rhyming slang for father (dad).
GOOD ANSWER Good answer is American slang for that's correct.
GOOD BUDDY Good buddy is citizen band radio slang for a friend.
GOOD DEAL Good deal is American slang for good, excellent, great.
GOOD EGG Good egg is slang for a decent person.
GOOD GUY Good guy is American slang for an honest, decent person.
GOOD HANDS Good hands is slang for a natural ability to catch a ball.
GOOD HEJAB Good hejab is slang for proper Islamic dress.
GOOD HORSE Good Horse is slang for heroin.
GOOD NEWS Good news is British slang for sexual intercourse.
GOOD OIL Good oil is Australian slang for true or reliable facts, information, etc.
GOOD SHIP VENUS Good ship venus is British rhyming slang for the penis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOOD TIME CHARLIE Good time Charlie is British slang for a promiscuous man.
GOOD TIME JANE Good time Jane is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
GOOD TO GO Good to go is American slang for going well.
GOOD−BREEDING Good−breeding is slang for having good manners.
GOOD−FELLOW Good−fellow is slang for a genial, sociable, pleasant person.
GOODEFELLA Goodfella is American slang for a member of an organised crime gang.
GOODIE AND BADDIE Goodie and baddie is London Cockney rhyming slang for an Irishman (Paddy).
GOODNIGHT KISS Goodnight kiss is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piss).
GOODY−GOODY Goody−goody is slang for an offensively virtuous or diligent person.
GOODY−TWO−SHOES Goody−two−shoes is slang for an offensively virtuous or diligent person.
GOOEY Gooey is slang for sticky. Gooey is American slang for a girlfriend.
GOOEY NECTAR Gooey nectar is American slang for an attractive girl.
GOOF Goof is slang for a stupid blunder. Goof is slang for someone who makes stupid blunders. Goof is American slang for to spend time idly or irresponsibly.
GOOF OFF Goof off is American slang for to avoid responsibility. 462
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GOOF ON Goof on is American slang for to laugh at. To make fun of.
Goof up is American slang for to make a mistake or blunder.
GOOF−OFF Goof−off is American slang for a lazy or irresponsible person. Goof−off is American slang for an instance of shirking.
GOOFBALL Goofballs is slang for valium or barbiturates. Goofball is American slang for a fool.
GOOFERS Goofers is slang for valium.
GOOFY Goofy is slang for stupid, fatuous, inane. Goofy is slang for having protuding teeth.
GOOFY FOOT Goofy foot is surfing slang for someone who rides the surfboard with the right foot forward, instead of the left.
GOOG Goog is Australian slang for an egg.
GOOGIE Googie is Australian slang for an egg.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOOGS Googs is American tramp slang for spectacles
GOOGY Googy is British slang for an egg.
GOOGY−EGG Googy−egg is Australian slang for an egg.
GOOK Gook is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate. Gook is derogatory American slang for a person from a Far Eastern country.
GOOLIBOOS Gooliboos is British slang for the testicles.
GOOLIES Goolies is slang for the testicles. Goolies is Australian slang for stones or pebbles.
GOOMBAH Goombah is American slang for a member of an organised crime gang.
GOON Goon is slang for a foolish, clumsy or clown−like person. Goon is slang for a thug. Goon is slang for phencyclidine.
GOON SQUAD Goon squad is slang for a group of thugs enlisted to intimidate someone.
GOONER Gooner is Dorset slang for certainly. Gooner is British slang for an Arsenal football club supporter.
GOONY Goony is American slang for a foolish person.
GOOP Goop is slang for a fool. Goop is American and Canadian slang for a rude or ill−mannered person.
GOOPY Goopy is slang for foolish, clumsy or unfortunate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOOSE Goose is slang for feeling, poking or pinching a persons bottom. Goose is slang for to condemn by hissing. Goose (shortened from goose and duck) is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse.
GOOSE AND DUCK Goose and duck is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (fuck).
GOOSE EGG Goose egg is slang for a score of zero.
GOOSE'S NECK Goose's neck is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheque.
GOOSE−CAP Goose−cap was 19th century slang for a fool, a simpleton.
GOOSEBERRY BUSH Gooseberry bush is British slang for female pubic hair.
GOOSEBERRY PUDDEN Gooseberry pudden is London Cockney rhyming slang for woman.
GOOSEBERRY TART Gooseberry tart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart). Gooseberry tart is London Cockney rhyming slang for the heart.
GOOSEGOG Goosegog is British slang for the fruit gooseberry.
GOOSY Goosy is slang for nervous.
GORBALS KISS Gorbals kiss is British slang for a head−butt.
GORDON Gordon (shortened from Gordon and Gotch) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a watch.
GORDON AND GOTCH Gordon and Gotch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a watch.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Gordon Bennett is Cockney slang for an exclamation of anger or frustration. (The original Gordon Bennet was an early 20th century car−racing promoter).
GORILLA Gorilla is British slang for a hired enforcer, a thug. Gorilla is British slang for £1000 Gorilla is Hollywood slang for a hugely successful film.
GORILLA PILLS Gorilla Pills is slang for phencyclidine.
GORILLA PIMP Gorilla pimp is Black−American slang for a stupid, crude, tactless hustler
GORILLAS IN THE MIST Gorillas In The Mist is London Cockney rhyming slang for intoxicated, drunk (pissed).
GORK Gork is American nursing slang for a patient who is comatose, perhaps brain−dead. Gork is American slang for to anaesthetise.
GOSPEL OAK Gospel oak is old London Cockney rhyming slang for a joke.
GOSS Goss is British slang for gossip, scandal, chatter.
GOT IT GOING ON Got it going on is slang for looking nice, attractive, smart.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GOT ONES BOOTS ON Got ones boots on is Black−American slang for to be wise, hip.
GOT OUT OF PAWN Got out of pawn is London Cockney rhyming slang for born.
GOT TO HAND IT TO Got to hand it to is slang for give credit to.
GOTH Goth is British slang for a follower of doom−laden, bombastic post−punk rock music, characterised by the wearing of black clothing, black−dyed hair, and the wearing of black nail−varnish and eye−liner.
GOUCH OUT Gouch out is British slang for to fail to hit a vein when injecting a drug. Gouch out is British slang for to become semi−conscious.
GOUGE Gouge is American business slang for to intimidate, damage. Gouge is American slang for to over−charge.
GOUGER Gouger is Irish slang for a thug or lout.
GOURD Gourd is American slang for the head.
GOVERNOR Governor is British slang for a boss, chief or leader.
GOY Goy is Jewish slang for a non−Jewish person.
GPPY TUMMY Gippy tummy is slang for diarrhoea, especially as experienced by visitors to hot climates.
GRAB Grab is British slang for overtime. Grab is British slang for a bag.
GRAB A GRANNY Grab a granny is British slang for a young man to seduce an older woman.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GRABBERS Grabbers is slang for the hands.
GRAEME HICK Graeme Hick is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (dick, prick).
GRAFT Graft is slang for work. Graft is slang for a job. Graft is British slang for to work. Graft is British slang for to engage in clever, devious or dishonest money−making schemes. Graft is American slang for dishonesty, bribery.
GRAFTER Grafter is British slang for a worker. Grafter is British slang for a dishonest street trader. Grafter is British slang for a petty criminal.
GRAHAM GOOCH Graham Gooch was London Cockney rhyming slang for the alco−pop drink 'Hooch'.
GRAND Grand is slang for excellent, lovely. Grand is slang for a thousand pounds or dollars.
GRAND CENTRAL STATION Grand Central Station is American slang for a very busy, crowded situation.
GRAND COOLIE DAM Grand Coolie Dam was 1960's London Cockney rhyming slang for ham.
GRANDFATHER CLOCK Grandfather clock is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (cock).
GRANDSTAND Grandstand is American slang for to show off to an audience.
GRANITE BOULDERS Granite boulders is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoulders.
GRANNIE GRUNT Grannie grunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a boring, sensible, old woman (cunt).
GRANNIE'S WRINKLE Grannie's wrinkle is London Cockney rhyming slang for a winkle.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GRANNY Granny is British slang for a prissy old woman.
GRANNY ANNEX Granny annex is slang for a renovation or addition to a residence, which is meant to house an elderly relative.
GRANNY DUMPING Granny dumping is slang for the purposeful disassociation of a family from their elderly relative as a way to force the government to pay the expenses of caring for that relative.
GRANNY FLAT Granny flat is slang for a renovation or addition to a residence, which is meant to house an elderly relative.
GRANNY LANE Granny lane is British slang for the inside lane of a motorway.
GRANOLA Granola is American slang for earthy and health−oriented.
GRAPE−CAT Grape−cat is Black−American slang for one who drinks a great deal of wine.
GRAPEFRUITS Grapefruits is British slang for breasts.
GRAPES Grapes is slang for haemorrhoids.
GRAPES OF WRATH Grapes of wrath is Black−American slang for wine.
GRAPEVINE Grapevine is London Cockney rhyming slang for a clothesline.
GRASP AT STRAWS Grasp at straws is slang for to make futile efforts.
GRASS Grass is slang for cannabis. Grass is British slang for an informer. Grass is British slang for to inform on someone. Grass is British slang for the hair.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GRASS IN THE PARK Grass in the park is London Cockney rhyming slang for an informer (nark).
GRASSHOPPER Grasshopper is London Cockney rhyming slang for copper (policeman).
GRASSROOTS Grassroots is slang for ordinary people.
GRAUNCH Graunch is computer slang for a big mistake.
GRAVE BODILY HARM Grave Bodily Harm is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
GRAVE DIGGER Grave digger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a playing card of the suit of spades (nigger).
GRAVEL AND GRIT Gravel and grit is London Cockney rhyming slang for defacation (shit).
GRAVEL TRAIN Gravel train is American slang for a sugar bowl.
GRAVEYARD Graveyard is British slang for the mouth.
GRAVEYARD SHIFT Graveyard shift is British slang for night work.
GRAVY Gravy is slang for money or gain acquired with little effort, especially above that needed for ordinary living. Gravy is British slang for semen. Gravy is Black−American slang for money or the power it generates. Gravy is theatre slang for good comic lines; laughter easily obtained from an audience.
GRAVY TRAIN Gravy train is slang for employment with excessively high compensation.
GRAZE Graze is British slang for eating while standing up or working.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GREASE Grease is slang for a bribe or protection money. Grease is slang for butter. Grease is Black−American slang for to eat. Grease is Wall Street slang for a huge commission on the sale of a stock that was acquired by the broker or firm at a very cheap price, then sold to a customer.
GREASE BURGER Grease burger is British slang for a low quality hamburger.
GREASE MONKEY Grease monkey is slang for a mechanic.
GREASE ONE'S PALM Grease one's palm is slang for to bribe or tip.
GREASE ONES CHOPS Grease ones chops is Black−American slang for to eat
GREASE THE PALM Grease the palm is slang for to bribe or tip.
GREASE THE TRACK Grease the track is American tramp slang for to jump in font of a train
GREASE THE WHEEL Grease the wheel was 19th century slang for sexual intercourse.
GREASE−BALL Grease−ball is derogatory American slang for a foreigner, especially one of Mediterranean or Latin American appearance.
GREASE−TRAP Grease−trap is American slang for a lunch counter.
GREASE−UP Grease−up is British slang for a meal of fried food, especially a cooked breakfast.
GREASER Greaser is British slang for a mechanic, especially of motor vehicles. Greaser is British slang for a semiskilled engine attendant aboard a merchant ship. Greaser is British slang for a young long−haired motorcyclist, usually one of a gang. Greaser is British slang for an unpleasant person, especially one who ingratiates himself with superiors.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Greasies is Australian slang for a shearer. Greasies is Australian slang for an outback cook, especially cooking for a number of men.
GREASY Greasy is Black American slang for something that is both appealing and appalling. Greasy is American slang for anything to do with the drugs trade.
GREASY BAG Greasy bag is American slang for a bag in which heroin is transported or sold.
GREASY CHIN Greasy chin is slang for dinner. Greasy chin was old slang for the treat given to parish officers in recompense for registering the birth of an illegitimate child.
GREASY SPOON Greasy spoon is slang for a cheap cafe.
GREAT GUNS Great guns is slang for extremely fast; vigorously.
GREAT UNWASHED Great unwashed is British slang for the ordinary people.
GREBO Grebo is British slang for an untidy young rock−music enthusiast.
GREEDY GUTS Greedy guts is slang for a glutton.
GREEK Greek is slang for a swindler; a knave; a cheat. Greek is slang for anal intercourse. Greek is slang for someone who engages in anal intercourse. Greek is slang for unintelligible language. Greek is slang for an Irish immigrant. Greek is slang for a homosexual. Greek is homosexual slang for anal intercourse with a boy as a passive partner.
GREEK LOVE Greek love is slang for homosexual anal intercourse with a boy as a passive partner.
GREEK SHOP Greek shop is South African slang for a corner shop.
GREEK SIDE Greek side is homosexual slang for the backside, buttocks. 472
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GREEKING Greeking is slang for cheating at cards.
GREEN Green is slang for an unsophisticated, naïve person. Green is slang for cannabis. Green is slang for phencyclidine. Green is slang for ketamine. Green is slang for money. Green is slang for sexual intercourse. Green is slang for to swindle, to hoax. Green is American slang for a bottle of beer. Green is American slang for utterly.
GREEN AND BLACKS Green ad blacks is slang for capsules of librium (a tranquilliser).
GREEN CRYSTAL JOB Green crystal job is British slang for over the limit with drink for driving.
GREEN FINGERS Green fingers is British slang for a natural talent for gardening.
GREEN GILBERT Green Gilbert is British slang for a thick piece of nasal mucus.
GREEN LIGHT Green light is slang for official approval.
GREEN MARKETING Green marketing is slang for the efforts of corporations to convince the public that their products are environmentally friendly and that they are ecologically committed on a global scale.
GREEN MONSTER Green monster is surfing slang for a huge wave.
GREEN PRODUCT Green product is slang for an environmentally friendly product.
GREEN ROOM Green room is entertainment slang for a place where performers or guests wait before going on stage. Green room is surfing slang for the tube of a wave, as seen from the inside.
GREEN SEAL Green seal is American slang for a label on a product indicating that it is environmentally friendly.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GREEN STUFF Green stuff is slang for money.
GREEN THUMB Green thumb is American slang for someone with a natural talent for gardening.
GREEN WELLY Green welly is British slang for upper−middle class.
GREEN WELLY BRIGADE Green welly brigade is British derogatory slang for wealthy townspeople who visit the country at weekends.
GREENACRE Greenacre is British slang for an accident.
GREENBACK Greenback is American slang for notes from a dollar upwards.
GREENBACK GREEN Greenback green is American slang for someone willing to spend money on environmental issues and environmentally sound products.
GREENER Greener is British slang for a naïve person.
GREENGAGE Greengage is British theatre rhyming slang for the stage.
GREENGAGES Greengages is London Cockney rhyming slang for wages.
GREENHORN Greenhorn is American slang for an inexperienced and unsophisticated person.
GREENIE Greenie was British slang for a pound note. Greenie is British slang for nasal mucus. Greenie is British slang for a naïve person. Greenie is American slang for the beer Heineken. Greenie is American slang for an environmentalist.
GREENLOCK Greenlock is American slang for traffic congestion surrounding national parks and forests during the high tourist season.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GREENMAIL Greenmail is slang for money paid by a company to thwart the efforts of those attempting a takeover.
GREENS Greens (shortened from greengages) is London Cockney rhyming slang for wages. Greens is British slang for sexual fulfilment.
GREENS AND BRUSSELS Greens and brussels is London Cockney rhyming slang for muscles.
GREENWASHING Greenwashing is slang for a company's extensive public relations efforts to convince consumers or investors that it is environmentally friendly
GREENY Greeny is slang for nasal mucous.
GREGORY PECK Gregory Peck is Cockney rhyming slang for a cheque. Gregory Peck is Cockney rhyming slang for neck.
GREGORY PECKS Gregory Pecks is Scouse rhyming slang for trousers (kecks)
GREM Grem is Australian slang for a novice or incompetent surfer.
GREMLIN Gremlin is slang for an unexplained flaw, malfunction or error. Gremlin is surfing slang for a novice surfer.
GREMMIE Gremmie is Australian slang for a novice or incompetent surfer.
GREVILLE STARKEY Greville Starkey is London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (darkie).
GREVIOUS BODILY HARM Grevious Bodily Harm is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
GREY Grey is British slang for a conventional conformist. Grey is derogatory Black−American slang for a white man.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GREY AREA Grey area is slang for a matter that is uncertain.
GREY GHOST Grey ghost is American slang for a legislator's top aide.
GREY MARE Grey mare is London Cockney rhyming slang for fare.
GREY MARKET Grey market is slang for retail enterprise that is neither entirely legitimate nor illegal.
GREY MATTER Grey matter is slang for the brain.
GREY−MARE Grey−mare is slang for a wife.
GREYBEARD Greybeard is slang for an elderly man.
GREYGLE Greygle is Dorset slang for a bluebell.
GREYHOUND Greyhound is Black−American slang for to run fast. Greyhound is British slang for a very short skirt.
GRIEF Grief is slang for trouble, hassle.
GRIEFO Griefo is slang for cannabis.
GRIEFY Griefy is British slang for depressing, troublesome.
GRIFA Grifa is slang for cannabis.
GRIFF Griff is slang for information; news.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GRIFTER Grifter is American slang for an untrustworthy, suspect, or dishonest person.
GRILL Grill is slang for to interrogate. Grill is American slang for the face.
GRIMSBY DOCKS Grimsby docks is London Cockney rhyming slang for socks.
GRIND Grind is British slang for sexual intercourse. Grind is American slang for a person, especially a student, who works excessively hard. Grind is surfing slang for to surf aggressively and well.
GRIND TO A HALT Grind to a halt is slang for to come to a slow, complete stop.
GRINDAGE Grindage is slang for food.
GRINDER Grinder is slang for a sandwich served on an Italian roll. Grinder is British slang for a sportsman who wears down his opponents by relentless pressure. Grinder is nautical slang for a winch that controls the sails of a sailboat. Grinder is surfing slang for a large wave.
GRINDERS Grinders is British slang for the teeth.
GRIP Grip is slang for a film set technician. Grip is Dorset slang for to tie up in sheaves.
GRISTLE GRABBER Gristle grabber is British slang for an untrustworthy, treacherous person.
GRIT Grit is slang for courage, integrity and determination.
GRITCH Gritch is slang for to complain.
GRIZZ Grizz is British slang for a grey beard.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GROAN AND GRUNT Groan and grunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a woman (cunt).
GROCER'S SHOP Grocer's shop is London Cockney rhyming slang for an Italian (wop).
GROCKLE Grockle is British slang for an unwelcome outsider, tourist, alien or visitor.
GRODY Grody is American slang for cheap, unpleasant, of poor quality, shabby.
GROG Grog is slang for alcoholic drink. Grog is slang for to drink an alcoholic drink.
GROGAN Grogan is British slang for a thick head of hair.
GROGANS Grogans is American slang for bushy sideburns.
GROID Groid is derogatory slang for a black person.
GROIN Groin is British slang for a diamond ring.
GROK Grok is slang for to understand.
GROLLEY Grolley is British slang for a look or glance.
GROMMET Grommet is British slang for an unnameable object. Grommet is British slang for a woman viewed as a sex object. Grommet is British slang for sexual intercourse. Gromet is surfing slang for a novice surfer.
GRONK Gronk is computer slang for to clear a jammed machine.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GRONKED Gronked is computer slang for dysfunctional.
GROOVE Groove is slang for an enjoyable situation or experience. Groove is slang for to experience a sensation of well−being, to feel in−tune with one's surroundings. Groove is British slang for a facial scar.
GROOVER Groover is slang for a fashionable person. Groover is slang for a tedious and studious person.
GROOVY Groovy is slang for attractive, fashionable, or exciting. Groovy is American slang for tedious and dull.
GROPE Grope is slang for to feel or fondle the body of someone for sexual gratification.
GROSS Gross is British police slang for gross indecency. Gross is slang for disgusting, distasteful.
GROSS OUT Gross out is American slang for to disgust or repel someone.
GROSS PLAYER Gross player is Hollywood slang for a film star so successful that he or she commands a percentage of a film's gross income.
GROSS−OUT Gross−out is American slang for a disgusting act or situation.
GROSVENOR SQUARES Grosvenor Squares is British rhyming slang for flared trousers (flares).
GROT Grot is British slang for rubbish; dirt.
GROTBAG Grotbag is British slang for a slovenly, unpleasant person.
GROTTEN Grotten is Dorset slang for a pasture for sheep.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GROTTY Grotty is British slang for unpleasant, nasty, or unattractive. Grotty is British slang for of poor quality or in bad condition; unsatisfactory or useless.
GROUCHO MARX Groucho Marx is London Cockney rhyming slang for an electrician (sparks).
GROUND The ground is British slang for the area under the jurisdiction of a particular police station.
GROUND APPLE Ground apple is Black−American slang for a brick or rock or stone
GROUND RATIONS Ground rations is Black−American slang for sexual intercourse
GROUND ZERO Ground zero is military slang for the place at which a nuclear missile strikes.
GROUNDED Grounded is slang for confined to home.
GROUP−GROPE Group−grope is slang for a group sex session.
GROUPIE Groupie is slang for an ardent fan of a celebrity, especially a pop star.
GROUSE Grouse is Australian and New Zealand slang for excellent.
GROUT Grout is Dorset slang for to dig a small ditch.
GROWL AND GRUNT Growl and grunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a woman (cunt).
GROWLER Growler was British slang for a four−wheeled hansom cab. Growler is American slang for any container, such as a can, for draught beer.
GROWLING SPLASH MONKEY Growling splash monkey is American slang for to vomit
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GROWZY Growzy is computer slang for a slow and sluggish computer.
GROYNE Groyne is British slang for a diamond ring.
GRUB Grub is slang for food. Grub is American slang for scrounge.
GRUBBIN' Grubbin' is American slang for delicious food.
GRUDGE MATCH Grudge match is British slang for a contest in which there is genuine bad feeling between the opposing participants.
GRUESOME AND GORY Gruesome and gory is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (cory).
GRUEY Gruey is British slang for distasteful, unpleasant.
GRUMBLE AND GRUNT Grumble and grunt is British rhyming slang for cunt, used as 'a bit of grumble' meaning an attractive woman.
GRUMBLE AND MUTTER Grumble and mutter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bet (flutter).
GRUNGE Grunge is slang for a type of punk/metal/thrash crossover music with its encumbrance of scruffy. fashions. Grunge is American slang for dirty, distasteful, sordid.
GRUNGEY Grungey is slang for scruffy, smelly, grimy.
GRUNT Grunt is British slang for to emit wind from the anus. Grunt is derogatory American slang for an infantry soldier or US marine, the term was especially used during the Vietnam War.
GRUNTER Grunter is slang for a very primitive, slovenly or ignorant person. Grunter is British slang for a pig. 481
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Grunter is British slang for a policeman. Grunter is British slang for a miserable person. Grunter is Australian slang for a promiscuous woman.
GRUNTLED Gruntled is slang for satisfied or gratified.
GRUNTS Grunts is American slang for food.
GUARDIANISTA Guardianista is British slang for a left−wing politician, teacher or official.
GUBBINS Gubbins is British slang for paraphernalia of something.
GUCCI GULCH Gucci gulch is American slang for the lobbying community in Washington, D.C.
GUCK Guck is slang for a sticky substance.
GUDGEON Gudgeon is slang for a person who is easy to trick or cheat. Gudgeon is Dorset slang for a short−forked stake used in hedging.
GUERRILA MARKETING Guerilla marketing is slang for a marketing tactic that calls for people to distribute samples of a product in order to determine immediate consumer response.
GUFF Guff is slang for to break wind, anally. Guff is slang for ridiculous or insolent talk. Guff is British slang for a messy, sticky substance.
GUFFIE Guffie is British slang for to break wind from the anus.
GUILLEMOT Guillemot is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (twat).
GUINEA Guinea is derogatory American slang for an Italian or a person of Italian descent.
GUINEA PIG Guinea pig is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wig. 482
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GUIVER Guiver is British slang for a well−dressed, arrogant young man.
GUM−BEATING Gum−beating is Black−American slang for talking.
GUMBALL Gumball is American slang for a dark−coloured, highly−refined form of heroin.
GUMBALLS Gumballs is American slang for the flashing lights on the roof of a police car.
Gumby is slang for a gormless, clumsy, dull person.
GUMMY Gummy is British slang for a toothless person.
GUMP Gump is British slang for a fool.
GUMSHOE Gumshoe is American and Canadian slang for a detective or one who moves about stealthily.
GUN Gun is British slang for the penis. Gun is British slang for to accelerate a motor vehicle with force. Gun is British slang for a smoker's pipe. Gun is Black−American slang for to look. Gun is American slang for an armed criminal; gunman. Gun is Australian and New Zealand slang for an expert.
GUN FOR Gun for is American slang for try very hard to achieve.
GUN SHY Gun shy is American slang for very cautious. 483
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GUNCHESTER Gunchester is slang for the sardonic nickname given to Manchester during the early 1990s after a series of shootings involving several local gangs.
GUNFIRE Gunfire is British slang for wind emitted from the anus.
GUNG−HO Gung−ho is slang for excessively eager, enthusiastic, assertive.
GUNGA DIN Gunga Din is British rhyming slang for chin.
GUNGE Gunge is British slang for a sticky substance.
GUNGEON Gungeon is Black−American slang for potent marijuana
GUNGUN Gungun is slang for cannabis.
GUNK Gunk is British school slang for a misfit. Gunk is slang for muck, goo, a sticky substance, rubbish, debris.
GUNNER SUGDENS Gunner Sugdens is British slang for long, baggy, old−fashioned short trousers.
GUNPOWDER Gunpowder is Black−American slang for gin
GUNPOWEDER PLOT Gunpowder plot is London Cockney rhyming slang for hot.
GUNS Guns is American slang for muscles.
GUNSEL Gunsel is Jewish slang for a gunman, a hired thug. Gunsel is American slang for a catamite. Gunsel is American slang for a stupid or inexperienced person, especially a youth. Gunsel is American slang for a criminal who carries a gun.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
GUNSHIP Gunship is British slang for an unmarked police car.
GUNSLINGER Gunslinger is slang for a gunfighter or gunman, especially in the Old West.
GUPPIE Guppie is slang for a Gay Upwardly Mobile Professional.
GUPPY Guppy is journalist slang for an environmental yuppie.
GUPTA Gupta is British slang for an Indian, Pakistani.
GURGLE Gurgle is British slang for an alcoholic drink.
GURGLER Gurgler is British and Australian slang for a toilet.
GURK Gurk is British slang for to belch. Gurk is Australian slang for to break wind from the anus.
GUT Gut is slang for the belly; paunch.
GUT REACTION Gut reaction is slang for instinct.
GUT−ROT Gut−rot is slang for cheap, low−quality alcoholic drink or food. Gut−rot is slang for stomach ache.
GUTLESS Gutless is derogatory British slang for cowardly, weak, feeble.
GUTSACHE Gutsache is slang for a miserable, complaining person.
GUTSY Gutsy is slang for gluttonous; greedy. Gutsy is British slang for full of courage, determination, or boldness, brave. 485
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Gutted is British slang for devastated, deeply disappointed, saddened, shocked.
GUTTER SNIPE Gutter snipe is slang for a neglected boy running at large or a street Arab.
GUTTER WEAR Gutter wear is American slang for hip, sloppy, tatty clothing.
GUTTY Gutty is British slang for full of courage, determination, or boldness, brave.
GUV Guv is a British respectful slang term of address for a man.
GUY Guy is slang for a man or person.
GUY FAWKE Guy Fawke is London Cockney rhyming slang for walk.
GUZUNDER Guzunder is British slang for a chamber pot.
GUZUNTER Guzunter is British betting rhyming slang for a customer (punter).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Guzzle is British slang for to drink. Guzzle is British slang for beer.
GUZZLED Guzzled is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
GVVNOR Guvnor is British slang for a boss, chief or leader.
GWEEB Gweeb is American slang for a stupid, dull, person.
GWEEBO Gweebo is American slang for a stupid, dull, person.
GWEEP Gweep is computer slang for a computer user who only knows enough about computers to do their job, and no more.
GWOT Gwot is American slang for a contemptible person.
GYM CANDY Gym Candy is slang for any anabolic steroid.
GYM RAT Gym rat is American slang for someone who spends too much time in a gym.
GYP Gyp is slang for to swindle, cheat or defraud. Gyp is slang for a swindle. Gyp is British and New Zealand slang for severe pain; torture.
GYPPO Gyppo is slang for a gypsy. Gyppo is slang for an Egyptian.
GYPPY TUMMY Gyppy tummy is British slang for diarrhoea.
GYPSY Gypsy is British theatre slang for a dancer or chorus girl. Gypsy (shortened from Gypsy kiss) is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piss).
GYPSY KISS Gyspy kiss is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piss). 487
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GYPSY MOTH Gypsy Moth is American slang for a liberal to moderate Republican politician.
GYPSY'S WARNING Gypsy's warning is London Cockney rhyming slang for morning.
GYPSYS Gypsys (shortened from Gypsy's warning) is London Cockney rhyming slang for morning.
GYVER Gyver is British slang for a well−dressed, arrogant young man.
H H is slang for heroin.
H DROPPER H dropper is British slang for a Cockney.
H.A. H.A. is British slang for home address.
HA'PENNY Ha'penny is old British slang for the vagina.
HA'PENNY DIP Ha'penny dip is London Cockney rhyming slang for sleep (kip). Ha'penny dip is London Cockney rhyming slang for a ship.
HA'PENNY STAMP Ha'penny stamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tramp.
HA'PORTH Ha'porth is British slang for an unimportant or silly person.
HA−HA Ha−ha is slang for cannabis or other euphoric drugs.
HABIT Habit is slang for an addiction.
HACHE Hache is slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HACK Hack is slang for a journalist. Hack is slang for a cough. Hack is Black−American slang for anger or annoyance; a white person; Hack is slang for cope with.
HACK INTO Hack into is slang for penetrate a computer system.
HACK IT Hack it is slang for succeed, manage in spite of adversity, put up with.
HACK OFF Hack off is slang for to annoy, to irritate.
HACKED Hacked is slang for annoyed, irritated, resentful.
HACKED−OFF Hacked−off is slang for annoyed, irritated, resentful.
HACKER Originally, a hacker was someone who made furniture with an axe. In computing slang, a hacker is a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. Also, one who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.
HACKETTE Hackette is British slang for a female journalist.
HACKLE Hackle is Dorset slang for work.
HACKNEY MARSH Hackney Marsh is old London Cockney rhyming slang for a drinking vessel, a glass.
HACKNEY MARSHES Hackney Marshes is London Cockney rhyming slang for spectacles, binoculars (glasses).
HACKNEY WICK Hackney Wick is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (prick).
HAD OVER Had over is British slang for tricked, duped or deceived.
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HADDOCK Haddock (shortened from haddock and cod) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a sod.
HADDOCK AND BLOATER Haddock and bloater is old London Cockney rhyming slang for a car (motor).
HADDOCK AND COD Haddock and cod is London Cockney rhyming slang for sod.
HAEMORRHAGE Haemorrhage is American slang for tomato ketchup.
HAEMORRHOID HITMAN Haemorrhoid hitman is British slang for a male homosexual.
Haggis is British slang for a Scottish person.
HAGGISLAND Haggisland is British slang for Scotland.
HAIL Hail is American slang for ice.
HAIL AND RAIN Hail and rain was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a train.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HAIL MARY Hail Mary is American football slang for a very long high pass into the end zone, made in the final seconds of a half or of a game.
HAIR OF THE DOG Hair of the dog is slang for an alcoholic chaser which will help relieve the symptoms of a hangover, usually needed on the morning after a drinking binge.
HAIR PIE Hair pie is slang for cunnilingus. Hair pie is slang for the female genitals.
HAIR−UP Hair−up is British slang for a fight between women.
HAIRBALL Hairball is American slang for an unpleasant, despicable person.
HAIRCUT Haircut is British slang for a short prisn sentence. Haircut is Black−American slang for to be robbed or cheated; to be abused in some way by a woman
HAIRCUT AND SHAVE Haircut and shave is London Cockney rhyming slang for grave.
HAIRLESS Hairless is British slang for very angry; raging.
HAIRPIN Hairpin is British slang for a male homosexual.
HAIRY Hairy is slang for difficult or problematic. Hairy is slang for scaring, dangerous, or exciting. Hairy is British slang for old.
HAIRY DOUGHNUT Hairy doughnut is British slang for the vagina.
HAIRY FAIRY Hairy fairy is British slang for a hairy male homosexual.
HAIRY−ARSED Hairy−arsed is British slang for wild, primitive, uncouth or rugged.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HAIRY−LEGS Hairy−legs is slang for an uncouth, primitive person, especially an unkempt or masculine female.
HALE AND HEARTY Hale and hearty is London Cockney rhyming slang for a party.
HALE AND PACE Hale and Pace is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
HALF Half is British slang for half of a pound sterling, ten shillings, fifty pence.
HALF A CROWN Half a crown was London Cockney rhyming slang for the colour brown.
HALF A DOLLAR Half a dollar is London Cockney rhyming slang for a collar.
HALF A GROSS Half a gross is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (dose).
HALF A NICKER Half a nicker is London Cockney rhyming slang for vicar.
HALF A STRETCH Half a stretch is criminal slang for six months imprisonment.
HALF A SURPRISE Half a surprise is British slang for a black eye.
HALF AND HALFER Half and halfer is British slang for a bisexual.
HALF INCH Half inch is British rhyming slang for steal (pinch).
HALF IRON Half iron is British slang for a bisexual man.
HALF OF MARGE Half of marge is British criminal slang for a police sergeant(sarge).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HALF OUNCE Half ounce is London Cockney rhyming slang for slang for a beating (bounce). Half ounce is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheat (bounce).
HALF OUNCE OF BACCY Half ounce of baccy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Pakistani child (Paki).
HALF OUNCER Half ouncer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a doorman (bouncer).
HALF PAST TWO Half past two is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew.
HALF PINT Half pint is slang for a child or short adult.
HALF STAMP Half stamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tramp.
HALF TRACK Half Track is slang for phencyclidine.
HALF−A−BAR Half−a−bar was British slang for ten shillings. Half−a−bar is British slang for fifty pence.
HALF−A−DOLLAR Half−a−dollar is British slang for a half−crown.
HALF−ASSED Half−assed is American and Canadian slang for incompetent; inept. Half−assed is American and Canadian slang for lacking efficiency or organization.
HALF−CUT Half−cut is British slang for drunk, intoxicated with liquor.
HALF−INCH Half−inch is rhyming slang for pinch (to steal).
HALF−MAST Half−mast is British slang for a semi−erect penis.
HALF−SHAVED Half−shaved is American slang for partly intoxicated. 493
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HALF−SOAKED Half−soaked is northern British slang for foolish, daft.
HALFWAY HOUSE Halfway house is British slang for a semi−erect penis.
HALFWAY THERE Halfway there is bingo slang for the number fourty−five.
HAM Ham is slang for an amateur radio enthusiast. Ham is slang for an exaggerating, unconvincing, incompetent actor or actress.
HAM AND BEEF Ham and beef was 19th century British prison rhyming slang for a chief warder (chief).
HAM AND EGGS Ham and eggs is London Cockney rhyming slang for legs.
HAM FAT Ham fat is Black−American slang for a mediocre person or thing
HAM SHANK Ham shank is British rhyming slang for wank. Ham shank is British rhyming slang for an American (Yank).
HAM−FISTED Ham−fisted is slang for clumsy.
HAMBONE Hambone is London Cockney rhyming slang for telephone.
HAMMER Hamer is slang for to beat, punish, or chastise. Hammer is slang for the accelerator pedal of a vehicle. Hammer is British slang for a bodyguard. Hammer is British slang for to work hard on a laborious task. Hammer is British slang for inclination. Hammer is old slang for the penis. Hammer is Black−American slang for beautiful woman
HAMMER AND DISCUS Hammer and discus is London Cockney rhyming slang for facial hair (whiskers).
HAMMER AND NAIL Hammer and nail is London Cockney rhyming slang for to follow (tail). 494
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HAMMER AND SAW Hammer and saw is London Cockney rhyming slang for the police (law).
HAMMER AND TACK Hammer and tack is British building rhyming slang for back.
HAMMERED Hammered is British slang for totally drunk, intoxicated.
HAMMEROIDS Hammeroids is British slang for supporters of the West Ham United football club.
HAMPDEN ROAR Hampden roar is British rhyming slang for twenty pounds sterling (score).
HAMPSHIRE HOG Hampshire hog is British slang for an inhabitant of the county of Hampshire. Hampshire hog is British slang for a dish of boiled bacon and vegetables.
HAMPSTEAD HEATH Hampstead Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
HAMPSTEADS Hampsteads (from Hamsptead Heath) is Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
HAMPTON COURT Hampton Court is London Cockney rhyming slang for salt.
HAMPTON WICK Hampton Wick is London Cockney rhyming slang for prick (penis).
HAMS Hams is Black−American slang for human legs
HAN SOLO Han Solo is British slang for to masturbate.
HANCOCKS Hanccks is British slang for half an hour.
HAND Hand is betting slang for odds of 5/1.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HAND AND FIST Hand and fist is London Cockney rhyming slang for very drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
HAND JIG Hand jig is American prison slang for masturbation.
HAND JIVE Hand jive is American slang for to dance with the hands, moving the hands in time to the music. Hand jive is American slang for to masturbate.
HAND JOB Hand job is British slang for masturbation. Hand job is American slang for insincere flattery. Hand job is American slang for an unpleasant person.
HAND LIKE A FOOT Hand like a foot was old 18th century slang for poor handwriting.
HAND SHANDY Hand shandy is British slang for masturbation.
HAND−JOB Hand−job is slang for masturbation (usually of a male by a female).
HAND−ME−DOWNS Hand−me−downs is slang for second−hand clothes.
HANDBAG Handbag is British slang for a male escort. Handbag is British slang for to frustrate, attack or obstruct. Handbag is British slang for money. Handbag is slang for style of house music which has a more poppy and accessible quality, often crowd−pleasing.
HANDBAGS AT TWENTY PACES Handbags at twenty paces is British slang for a half−hearted fight in which neither party wants to hurt the other.
HANDCUFFS Handcuffs is Black−American slang for an engagement ring or wedding ring
HANDFUL Handful is British slang for the quantity five. Handful is British slang for a five−year prison sentence. Handful is British slang for five pounds sterling.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HANDFUL OF SPRATS Handful of sprats is British slang for vaginal stimulation.
HANDICAP Handicap is British slang for venereal disease (clap).
HANDICAP CHASE Handicap chase is British slang for face.
HANDKERCHIEF−HEAD Handkerchief−head is Black American slang for a subservient, white−stereotyped Black woman. A female 'Uncle Tom'. Handkerchief−head is American derogatory slang for an Arab.
HANDLE Handle is slang for a person's name or title. Handle is slang for sexual intercourse. Handle is slang for to masturbate. Handle is American slang for the penis. Handle is American slang for to manhandle. Handle is Australian and New Zealand slang for a glass of beer. Handle was old slang for the nose.
HANDLES Handles is American slang for excess fat rings around the stomach. Handles is American slang for female breasts.
HANDLEY PAGE Handley Page Handley Page is British theater rhyming slang for stage.
HANDS AND FEET Hands and feet is London Cockney rhyming slang for meat.
HANDSHAKE Handshake is British slang for a tip or bribe.
HANDSOME Handsome is British Cockney slang for excellent, impressive.
HANDSOME RANSOM Handsome ransom is Black−American slang for a large quantity of money.
HANDWRITING Handwriting is British slang for size and appearance.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HANDY Handy is British slang for adept, devious, virile, brutal. Handy is British slang for useful, near, ready. Handy is British slang for good, useful, admirable.
HANDYMAN Handyman is British slang for an impotent man or a man wh suffers from premature ejaculation.
HANG Hang is Black−American slang for a job, especially one taken or held grudgingly
HANG A LOUIE Hang a Louie is American slang for take a left turn.
HANG A RALPH Hang a Ralph is American slang for take a right turn.
HANG A YOOIE Hang a yooie is British slang for make a U−turn when driving a car.
HANG FIVE Hang five is slang for ride a surfboard at full speed with the toes of one foot hooked over the front.
HANG LOOSE Hang loose is American slang for stay relaxed.
HANG ONE ON Hang one on is slang for hit or punch.
HANG OUT Hang out is slang for to relax. To gather; to be at or with. Hang out is slang for a place to meet or get together.
HANG TEN Hang ten is slang for ride a surfboard at full speed with the toes of both feet hooked over the front.
HANG THE RAP ON Hang the rap on is slang for charge a suspect with circumstantial evidence.
HANG−UP Hang−up is slang for an emotional problem, a psychological disturbance.
HANGAR LANE Hangar Lane is London Cockney rhyming slang for a nuisance (pain) 498
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HANGEN Hangen is Dorset slang for the sloping egde of a hill.
HANGIN Hangin is slang for unattractive, nasty, unsavoury.
HANGINGS Hangings is British slang for the male genitalia.
HANGNAIL Hangnail is London Cockney rhyming slang for a slow, dawdling person (snail).
HANK MARVIN Hank Marvin is London Cockney rhyming slang for starving.
HANKY−PANKY Hanky−panky is slang for sex.
HANNIBAL LECER Hannibal Lecter is London Cockney rhyming slang for ticket inspector.
HANPAT Hanpat is Dorset slang for fit and ready.
HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON Hans Christian Anderson is British slang for a policeman who forges evidence to get a conviction. Hans Christian Anderson is British slang for a liar.
HANSEL AND GRETEL Hansel and Gretel is London Cockney rhyming slang for kettle.
HANSOM CABS Hansom cabs is London Cockney rhyming slang for crab−lice (crabs).
HAPAWALU Hapawalu is numismatic slang for an 1883 Hawaiian pattern 12 inch coin.
HAPPENING Happening is American slang for exciting, stimulating, up to date, fashionable. Happening is slang for a spontaneous artistic event, or an event at which participants ad−lib.
HAPPY BOLLOCKS Happy bollocks is British slang for a miserable man.
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HAPPY DUST Happy dust is slang for cocaine. Happy dust is slang for PCP. Happy dust is slang for amphetamine.
HAPPY FAG Happy fag is British slang for a marijuana cigarette.
HAPPY FEET Happy feet is nursing slang for having a grand mal epileptic seizure.
HAPPY HOURS Happy hours is London Cockney rhyming slang for flowers.
HAPPY JUICE Happy juice is British slang for alcoholic drink.
HAPPY PILL Happy pill is British slang for a tranquilliser tablet.
HAPPY POWDER Happy Powder is slang for cocaine.
HAPPY STICK Happy stick is slang for a cannabis cigarette.
HAPPY−PRATT Happy−pratt is British slang for a miserable woman.
HAPS Haps is Black−American slang for happenings, refers to any significant incident
HARBOUR Harbour is British slang for the vagina.
HARBOUR LIGHT Harbour light is London Cockney rhyming slang for correct (right).
HARD Hard is slang for heroin. Hard is British slang for tough; aggressive; uncaring. Hard is British slang for miserly.
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HARD BAKED Hard baked is British slang for constipated.
HARD CASE Hard case is British slang for a tough, uncompromising person.
HARD CHEESE Hard cheese is slang for bad luck.
HARD DOG Hard dog is American slang for a trained attack dog.
HARD HIT Hard hit is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (shit).
HARD LABOUR Hard labour is London Cockney rhyming slang for neighbour.
HARD NUT Hard nut is British slang for a tough, uncompromising person. Hard nut is Australian slang for a hard to break horse.
HARD SKULL−FRY Hard skull−fry is Black−American slang for a heavily greased and shiny conked hair−do
HARD SPIEL Hard spiel is Black−American slang for jive talk
HARD STUFF Hard stuff is British slang for strong alcoholic liquor.
HARD UP Hard up is slang for without money.
HARD WORD Hard word is slang for rejection or condemnation.
HARD−ARSE Hard−arse is slang for a tough, unyielding, severe person.
HARD−ARSED Hard−arsed is slang for severe, aggressive, tough, uncompromising.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HARD−FACED Hard−faced is British slang for brazen, shameless, unfeeling.
HARD−HAT Hard−hat is American slang for a construction worker. Especially one with right−wing attitudes.
HARD−ON Hard−on is slang for an erect penis.
HARDBAG Hardbag is slang for in an attempt to further categorize house music, this name was applied to handbag tunes which had the hard quality of European hardhouse.
HARDBODY Hardbody is American slang for a young Californian male, especially one involved in body−building.
HARDCORE Hardcore is slang for thoroughly criminal, deviant or sexually debauched. Hardcore is slang for a style of fast, loud, aggressive music which developed from punk rock during the early 1980s.
HARDHOUSE Hardhouse is slang for a heavier variety of house music which errs towards techno in its intensity and speed.
HARDLEG Hardleg is Black−American slang for any man or an ugly woman
HARDROCK Hardrock is slang for a tough uncompromising man.
HARDWARE Hardware is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
HARE AND HOUND Hare and Hound is London Cockney rhyming slang for a round of drinks (round).
HARICOT Haricot (shortened from haricot bean) is Australian rhyming slang for a homosexual (queen).
HARICOT BEAN Haricot bean is theatre rhyming slang for an overt male homosexual (queen). Haricot bean is Australian slang for a male homosexual.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HAROLD Harold (shortened from Harold Macmillan) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a villian. Harold (shortened from Harold Pinter) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a splinter.
HAROLD LLOYD Harold Lloyd is British slang for to slip a lock using a trip of celluloid or plastic.
HAROLD MACMILLAN Harold Macmillan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a villian.
HAROLD PINTER Harold Pinter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a computer printer. Harold Pinter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a splinter.
HAROLD WILSON Harold Wilson is London Cockney rhyming slang for a large spanner (stillson).
HAROLDS Harolds is Australian slang for trousers or underpants.
HARP Harp is slang for a harmonica.
HARPIC Harpic is British slang for crazy, deranged.
HARPOON Harpoon is slang for a hypodermic syringe. Harpoon is slang for a harmonica. Harpoon is London Cockney rhyming slang for spoon.
HARRIS TWEED Harris Tweed is London Cockney rhyming slang for a small, ineffectual man (weed).
HARRY Harry is British slang for heroin.
HARRY BLUFF Harry Bluff is London Cockney rhyming slang for snuff.
HARRY DASH Harry Dash is London Cockney rhyming slang for lairy (flash).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HARRY GROUT Harry Grout is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cigarette (snout).
HARRY HUGGINS Harry Huggins is London Cockney rhyming slang for muggins.
HARRY LAUDER Harry Lauder is theatre rhyming slang for border. Harry Lauder is British military slang for soldiers of the Border Regiment. Harry Lauder is London Cockney rhyming slang for order Harry Lauder is London Cockney rhyming slang for a prison warder.
HARRY LIME Harry Lime is London Cockney rhyming slang for time.
HARRY MONK Harry Monk is London Cockney rhyming slang for semen (spunk).
HARRY NASH Harry Nash is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (cash).
HARRY POTTER Harry Potter is London Cockney rhyming slang for squatter.
HARRY RANDALL Harry Randall is London Cockney rhyming slang for candle. Harry Randall is London Cockney rhyming slang for handle.
HARRY RONCE Harry Ronce is London Cockney rhyming slang for someone who lives off immoral earnings (ponce).
HARRY TAGG Harry Tagg is theatre rhyming slang for bag.
HARRY TAGGS Harry Taggs is rhyming slang for trousers (bags)
HARRY TATE Harry Tate is bingo slang for eight. Harry Tate is London Cockney rhyming slang for late. Harry Tate is London Cockney rhyming slang for plate. Harry Tate is London Cockney rhyming slang for a state of agitation or nervousness (state). Harry Tate is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight. Harry Tate is British merchant navy slang for mate.
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HARRY TATES Harry Tates is London Cockney rhyming slang for Player's Weights cigarettes.
HARRY WRAGG Harry Wragg is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette (fag).
HARRY, TOM AND DICK Harry, Tom and Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for sick.
HARRY−STARKERS Harry−Starkers is British slang for naked.
HARVEST MOON Harvest moon is London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (coon).
HARVEY Harvey is British slang for a V sign.
HARVEY NICHOL Harvey Nichol is London Cockney rhyming slang for pickle (plight).
HARVEY NICHOLS Harvey Nichols is London Cockney rhyming slang for pickles.
HARVEY SMITH Harvey Smith is British slang for a V sign.
HAS BEENS Has beens is London Cockney rhyming slang for green vegetables (greens).
HASBIAN Hasbian is British slang for a former lesbian now practising heterosexual relations.
HASH Hash is slang for the resin from marijuana plants pressed into cakes or slabs.
HASHBURY Hashbury is American slang for the Haight−Ashbury district of San Francisco.
HASHISH Hashish is slang for the resin from marijuana plants pressed into cakes or slabs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HASSEN Hassen is Dorset slang for have you not?
HASSLE Hassle is slang for to subject someone to bother, harrassment; intrusive complications.
HAT Hat is Black−American slang for any female
HAT AND COAT Hat and coat is London Cockney rhyming slang for boat.
HAT AND FEATHER Hat and feather is London Cockney rhyming slang for weather.
HAT AND SCARF Hat and scarf is London Cockney rhyming slang for bath.
HAT HOLDER Hat holder is British slang for the head.
HAT PEG Hat peg is British slang for the head.
HAT RACK Hat rack is British slang for the head.
HATCH Hatch is British slang for drink, drain one's glass.
HATTIE JACQUES Hattie Jacques is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunken trembles (shakes).
HAUCK Hauck is Dorset slang for to cough.
HAUL ASS Haul ass is American slang for get moving, get into action.
HAUL OFF Haul off is American slang for launch an attack.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HAVE Have is slang for to put in an awkward position or to have the advantage of. Have is slang for sexual intercourse.
HAVE A DOWN ON Have a down on is British slang for too dislike.
HAVE A LIVER Have a liver is British slang for to be grumpy.
HAVE A POP AT Have a pop at is British slang for to insult, to rile.
HAVE A SCENE Have a scene is slang for to have a sexual relationship or affair with someone.
HAVE A SNOUT ON SOMEONE Have a snout on someone is Australian slang for to have a grudge against someone.
HAVE A WORD WITH Have a word with is British slang for beat up.
HAVE ALL YOUR BUTTONS Have all your buttons is slang for bright, clever.
HAVE IT AWAY Have it away is slang for to have sexual intercourse. Have it away is slang for to escape, to run away. Have it away is slang for to steal.
HAVE IT AWAY ON ONE'S TOES Have it away on one's toes is British slang for escape, run away.
HAVE IT IN Have it in is British slang for to have sexual intercourse.
HAVE IT OFF Have it off is British slang for sexual intercourse. Have it off is British slang for to fight. Have it off is British slang for to be successful.
HAVE IT ON ONE'S TOES Have it on one's toes is British slang for to escape, to run away.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HAVE IT ON THE THUMB Have it on the thumb is British slang for to hitchhike.
HAVE IT THROUGH THE SLIPS Have it through the slips is British slang for to escape without being caught.
HAVE ONE'S ASS IN A SLING Have one's ass in a sling is American slang for be in trouble.
HAVE OVER Have over is British slang for to cheat, swindle.
HAVE SOME BOLLOCKS Have some bollocks is British slang for to be brave, daring.
HAVE SOMEONE OVER Have someone over is British slang for trick, deceive or dupe someone.
HAVE THE ARSEHOLE Have the arsehole is British slang for to be fed up, or bored.
HAVE THE DECORATORS IN Have the decorators in is slang for to menstruate.
HAVE THE GOODS ON Have the goods on is slang for having information which enables one to have a hold on someone.
HAVE THE HOTS Have the hots is slang for to have a sexual desire for someone, to lust after someone.
HAVE THE IKE Have the ike is British slang for to be fed up, or bored.
HAVE THE PAINTERS IN Have the painters in is slang for to menstruate.
HAWAII Hawaii is British slang for fifty pounds sterling.
HAWAIIAN HOMEGROWN HAY Hawaiian homegrown hay is slang for cannabis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HAWK Hawk is American slang for to vomit. Hawk is British slang for spit.
HAWK THE FORK Hawk the fork is Australian slang for work as a prostitute.
HAY Hay is American slang for marijuana.
HAY BAG Hay bag is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
HAY−EATER Hay−eater is Black−American slang for any white person.
HAYMAKER Haymaker is boxing slang for a wild swinging punch.
HAYSTACK Haystack is London Cockney rhyming slang for back.
HAZEL Hazel is slang for heroin.
HAZING Hazing is American slang for teasing or humiliation.
HE−SHE He−she was 19th century British slang for an effiminate male homosexual.
HEAD Head is slang for a drug user. Head is slang for a toilet. Head is slang for fellatio. Head is slang for cunnilingus.
HEAD HONCHO Head honcho is slang for the most important boss.
HEAD JOB Head job is slang for fellatio. Head job is slang for a crazy person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HEAD RAKE Head rake is British slang for a comb.
HEAD SERANG Head serang is Australian slang for a person in authority; the boss.
HEAD TRIP Head trip is slang for self−obsessive behaviour. Head trip is slang for delusion, incoherence, self−contemplation, especially when drug induced.
HEAD−BANGER Head−banger is slang for a fan of rock music, usually wearing jeans and leathers. From their habit of shaking their heads violently whilst dancing.
HEAD−HUNTING Head−hunting is American slang for the destruction or neutralization of political opponents.
HEAD−ON−A−POST Head−on−a−post is slang for Chlorpromazine hydrochloride.
HEADBANG Headbang is slang for to nod one's head violently to the beat of loud rock music.
HEADCASE Headcase is slang for a mad person.
HEADCHEESE Headcheese is Black−American slang for various cheap grades of pork meat
HEADLAMPS Headlamps is slang for breasts. Headlamps is slang for nipples, especially when erect.
HEADLIGHTS Headlights is British slang for female breasts.
HEADSHRINKER Headshrinker is slang for a psychiatrist.
HEAP Heap is British slang for an old and unreliable motor vehicle.
HEAP OF COKE Heap of coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a man (bloke). 510
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HEART Heart is American slang for a dexedrine pill.
HEART−ON Heart−on is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
HEARTH RUG Hearth rug is London Cockney rhyming slang for bug. Hearth rug is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (mug).
HEARTS OF OAK Hearts of oak is London Cockney rhyming slang for without money (broke).
HEAT Heat is slang for aggravation. Heat is slang for criticism or abuse. Heat is American slang for the police.
HEATER Heater is American slang for a pistol.
HEATSEEKER Heatseeker is IBM slang for a customer who can be relied upon to always buy the latest version of an existing product.
HEAVE Heave is American slang for to vomit.
HEAVE−HO Heave−ho is slang for a rejection or dismissal.
HEAVEN Heaven is slang for cocaine.
HEAVEN AND HELL Heaven and hell is British military slang for a shell. Heaven and hell is London Cockney rhyming slang for a smell.
HEAVENLY Heavenly is slang for valium.
HEAVENLY BLISS Heavenly bliss is London Cockney rhyming slang for kiss.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HEAVENS ABOVE Heavens above is London Cockney rhyming slang for love.
HEAVES Heaves is slang for an attack of vomiting.
HEAVY Heavy is slang for unpleasant or tedious. Heavy is slang for someone employed for their intimidating physical presence. Heavy is slang for using, or prepared to use, violence or brutality.
HEAVY BEVVY Heavy bevvy is British slang for strong beer. Heavy bevvy is British slang for a long drinking session.
HEAVY GEAR Heavy gear is British slang for strong marijuana.
HEAVY METAL Heavy metal is slang for generally, highly amplified rock music and its associated long hair and fashions.
HEAVY MOB Heavy mob is British slang for a team of strong−arm enforcers.
HEAVY WET Heavy wet is Black−American slang for rain storm
HEBE Hebe is slang for a Jew.
HECCCCCHLUUUG Heccccchluuug is American slang for to vomit
HEDGE AND DITCH Hedge and ditch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stallholder's location (pitch).
HEDGEHOG Hedgehog is London Cockney rhyming slang for a foreigner (wog).
HEDGEHOPPER Hedgehopper is British slang for a pilot or airforce recruit.
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HEEB Heeb is slang for a Jew.
HEEBIE Heebie is slang for a Jew.
HEEBIE−JEEBIES Heebie−jeebies is slang for apprehension and nervousness, unpleasant imaginations or fantasies.
HEEL Heel is American slang for a contemptible person.
HEESH Heesh is American slang for hashish.
HEESHIE Heeshie is British slang for an effiminate male homosexual. Heeshie is British slang for a transvestite.
HEIFER Heifer is American and Australian slang for a young woman.
HEIGHT Height is American slang for excellent, first−rate.
HEINIE Heinie is American slang for the backside, buttocks.
HEIST Heist is slang for a robbery.
HELL'S WAITING ROOM Hell's waiting room is British slang for a diabolical, horrible place.
HELLA Hella is an American slang prefix meaning very.
HELLACIOUS Hellacious is American slang for appalling, awful, horrifying.
HELLERY Hellery is Canadian slang for wild or mischievous behaviour.
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HELMET Helmet is slang for the tip of the penis.
HELTER SKELTER Helter skelter was Second World War London Cockney rhyming slang for an air−raid shelter.
HEN Hen is Scottish slang for a woman.
HEN NIGHT Hen night is slang for a female social gathering, especially a pre−wedding celebration.
HEN PARTY Hen party is slang for a female social gathering, especially a pre−wedding celebration.
HENLEY REGATTA Henley regatta is London Cockney rhyming slang for idle talk (natter).
HENRIETTA Henrietta is London Cockney rhyming slang for a letter.
HENRY Henry is British slang for heroin. Henry is British slang for an eighth of an ounce of marijuana.
HENRY FONDA Henry Fonda is London Cockney rhyming slang for Honda 90 cc motorbike.
HENRY HALLS Henry Halls is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (balls).
HENRY MEVILLE Henry Meville is London Cockney rhyming slang for Devil.
HENRY MOORE Henry Moore is London Cockney rhyming slang for door.
HENRY NASH Henry Nash was old London Cockney rhyming slang for money (cash).
HENRY THE THIRD Henry the third is London Cockney rhyming slang for excrement (turd).
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HEP Hep is American slang for in style. Knowledgeable.
HEP CAT Hep cat is American slang for someone who's hip, aware, knowledgeable, in tune with the times.
HER Her is slang for cocaine.
HER INDOORS Her indoors is British slang for one's wife, or female partner.
HERA Hera is slang for heroin.
HERB Herb is slang for cannabis.
HERBA Herba is slang for cannabis.
HERBIE RIDES Herbie Rides is London Cockney rhyming slang for trousers (strides).
HERE AND THERE Here and there is London Cockney rhyming slang for chair.
HERMAN FINK Herman Fink is theatre rhyming slang for ink.
HEROINA Heroina is slang for heroin.
HERRING Herring (shortened from herring and kipper is London Cockney rhyming slang for stripper.
HERRING AND KIPPER Herring and kipper is London Cockney rhyming slang for stripper.
HERRING BONE Herring bone is London Cockney rhyming slang for telephone.
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HET Het is slang for heterrosexual. Het is Dorset slang for to heat. Het is Dorset slang for hot.
HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE Hey diddle diddle is Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piddle). Hey diddle diddle is Cockney rhyming slang for fiddle. Hey diddle diddle is Cockney rhyming slang for a violin (fiddle). Hey diddle diddle is Cockney rhyming slang for middle.
HEY JUDE Hey Jude is London Cockney rhyming slang for food.
HI JIMMY KNACKER Hi Jimmy Knacker is London Cockney rhyming slang for tobacco.
HIBBER−DE−HOY Hibber−de−hoy was old British slang for a young hooligan.
HICKEY Hickey is American slang for a love bite.
HICKORY DICKORY DOCK Hickory dickory dock is London Cockney rhyming slang for clock.
HICKSVILLE Hicksville is American slang for a backward provincial place.
HIDE THE SAUSAGE Hide the sausage is slang for sex.
HIDE−AND−SEEK Hide−and−seek is Cockney rhyming slang for boutique. Hide−and−seek is Cockney rhyming slang for impudence (cheek). Hide−and−seek is Cockney rhyming slang for the cheek.
HIGH High is slang for a pleasantly intoxicated state. Usually these days with regard to drug taking.
HIGH AS A KITE High as a kite is London Cockney rhyming slang for intoxicated, drunk (tight).
HIGH BALL High Ball is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
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HIGH FULHAM High Fulham is slang for a die loaded to ensure a high throw.
HIGH NOON High noon is London Cockney rhyming slang for spoon.
HIGH ROLLER High roller is slang for a person who spends money extravagantly or gambles recklessly.
HIGH STEPPER High stepper is British slang for a fashion concious person. High stepper is London Cockney rhyming slang for pepper.
HIGH YELLOW High yellow is American slang for a light−skinned black woman.
HIGH−FIVE High−five is slang for a gesture of greeting or congratulation in which two people slap raised right palms together.
HIGH−HAT High−hat is American slang for behave condescendingly.
HIGH−MEN High−men is slang for weighted dice, so called on account of them being loaded to show high numbers.
HIGHLAND FLING Highland fling is London Cockney rhyming slang for king. Highland fling is London Cockney rhyming slang for sing.
HIKE Hike is slang for a departure or journey.
HILL AND DALE Hill and dale is London Cockney rhyming slang for tale.
HILLMAN HUNTER Hillman Hunter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a customer (punter).
HIMBO Himbo is British slang for an older woman's younger boyfriend.
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HINGES Hinges is Black−American slang for ones elbow
HINKY Hinky is American slang for suspicious, doubtful.
HIP Hip is slang for in style. Hip is slang for knowledgeable.
HIP−HOP Hip−hop is slang for dance music genre with rapping, originating from black American street culture.
HIPPED Hipped is American and Canadian slang for very enthusiastic about.
Hippy is slang for a person who adopts the characteristic style of 1960s look with long hair, worn jeans, etc. , whose rejection of conventional values is often embellished with drug taking, usually hallucinogens.
HIPPY GUMBO Hippy gumbo is slang for the dirty, squalid or loutish aspects of hippy people.
HIPSTER Hipster is slang for an enthusiast of modern jazz.
HIS NIBS His nibs is a slang mock title used of someone in authority.
HISTORY History is a slang prediction or threat of impending doom.
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HIT Hit is slang for an injection of a drug. Hit is slang for to drink excessive alcohol. Hit is slang for assassinate or murder. Hit is slang for to solicit or borrow money from. Hit is slang for a visit to an Internet website. Hit is is British slang for a robbery. Hit is British slang for to adulterate or dilute drugs before selling them Hit is American slang for to serve a drink to.
HIT AND MISS Hit and miss is London Cockney rhyming slang for kiss. Hit and miss is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piss). Hit and miss is London Cockney rhyming slang for alcoholic drink (piss).
HIT AND MISSED Hit and missed is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk (pissed).
HIT AND RUN Hit and run is London Cockney rhyming slang for done. Hit and run is London Cockney rhyming slang for sun.
HIT IT Hit it is musical slang for start playing.
HIT MAN Hit man is slang for a hired assassin, especially one employed by gangsters.
HIT ON Hit on is American slang for to attempt to seduce, accost sexually or romantically. Hit on is American slang for to aggress, bully or criticize. Hit on is American slang for to beg money.
HIT THE BRICKS Hit the bricks is slang for to start or resume travelling.
HIT THE HAY Hit the hay is slang for to go to bed.
HIT THE POST Hit the post is British slang for to be unlucky.
HIT THE ROAD Hit the road is slang for to start or resume travelling.
HIT THE SACK Hit the sack is slang for to go to bed. 519
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HIT UP Hit up is slang for to inject oneself with drugs, particularly heroin.
HITCH Hitch is slang for marry.
HITCHED Hitched is slang for married.
HITS Hits is numismatic slang for noticeable marks or nicks on a coin, particularly on the central effigy.
HITTER Hitter is slang for an impressive performer, a successful person. Hitter is slang for an assassin.
HIVER Hiver is British slang for someone supposedly infected with HIV.
HIZZULF Hizzulf is Dorset slang for himself.
HO Ho is Dorset slang for to care. Ho is American slang for a whore.
HO−HUM Ho−hum is slang for something dull or tedious.
HOBBLEDEHOY Hobbledehoy is old British slang for a youth.
HOBO Hobo is American slang for a tramp or vagrant.
HOBO COCKTAIL Hobo cocktail is Black−American slang for a glass of water.
HOBO JUNGLE Hobo jungle is American slang for a shanty town.
HOBSON'S CHOICE Hobson's choice is London Cockney rhyming slang for voice.
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HOBSON−JOBSON Hobson−jobson is the British slang linguistic process whereby foreign words or phrases are anglicized for use by English speakers; such as 'plonk' from the French vin blanc, and hocus−pocus from the Latin hoc est corpus.
HOCK Hock is slang for credit or debt. Hock is slang for to pawn something.
HOCK UP A FURBALL Hock up a furball is American slang for to vomit
HOCKEY Hockey is slang for spitting. Hockey is slang for a globule of spit. Hockey is slang for a disgusting substance, such as excrement. Hockey is American slang for rubbish, nonsense.
HOCKS Hocks is Black−American slang for the feet
HOCKSHOP Hockshop is slang for a pawnbrokers.
HOD Hod was British 1950s slang for a female sexual partner.
HOD OF MORTAR Hod of mortar was old London Cockney rhyming slang for porter beer.
HOG Hog is slang for a greedy person. Hog is slang for a motorcycle, particularly a Harley Davidson. Hog is slang for an unpleasant woman. Hog is slang for PCP. Hog was British slang for a shilling.
HOG−TIED Hog−tied is American slang for incapacitated.
HOG−WILD Hog−wild is slang for uncontrolled, unrestrained behaviour.
HOG−WIMPERING Hog−wimpering is British slang for abject, helpless. Hog−wimpering is British slang for very intoxicated.
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HOGGINS Hoggins is British slang for sexual gratification.
HOGSNORTON Hogsnorton is British slang for a glutton.
HOICK Hoick is British slang for to spit.
HOIST Hoist is slang for to steal, particularly by shoplifting or pickpocketing. Hoist is slang for a thief, particularly a shoplifter or pickpocket. Hoist was 18th century slang for a two−man robbery in which one man would stand upon the other in order to effect a high−rise entry into a building. Hoist is American slang for to raise and down a drink, particularly beer.
HOISTER Hoister is slang for a thief, particularly a shoplifter or pickpocket.
HOITY−TOITY Hoity−toity is slang for arrogant, condascendingly superior.
HOKEY Hokey is slang for corny; sentimental. Hokey is American slang for contrived; phoney; counterfeit.
HOKEY COKEY Hokey cokey is London Cockney rhyming slang for karaoke.
HOKUM Hokum is slang for claptrap; bunk. Hokum is slang for obvious or hackneyed material of a sentimental nature in a play, film, etc.
HOLD Hold is American slang for without.
HOLD ON THE SLACK Hold on the slack was old slang for skulk, be lazy.
HOLD YOUR NOISE Hold your noise is British slang for be quiet. Shutup.
HOLDING Holding is British slang for to be in possession of money. Holding is Black−American slang for possession of illegal drugs.
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HOLDING FOLDING Holding folding is British slang for to be in possession of money.
HOLE Hole is slang for the anus. Hole is slang for the vagina. Hole is slang for the mouth. Hole is slang for a one−person cell, solitary confinement. Hole is slang for a difficult and embarrassing situation.
HOLE IN ONE Hole in one is slang for a bullet wound through the mouth or rectum.
HOLE IN ONE'S OWN SHOE Hole in one's own shoe is British slang for to be the cause of one's own misery.
HOLE IN THE GROUND Hole in the ground is London Cockney rhyming slang for one pound sterling.
HOLE IN THE WALL Hole in the wall is British slang for an ATM cash machine.
HOLED BELOW THE WATER LINE Holed below the water line is British slang for impotent.
HOLLER Holler is British slang for to give information to the police. Holler is British slang for to run.
HOLLER AND SHOUT Holler and shout is London Cockney rhyming slang for a German (Kraut).
HOLLER BOYS HOLLER Holler boys holler is London Cockney rhyming slang for a collar.
HOLS Hols is British school slang for holidays.
HOLY FRIAR Holy friar is London Cockney rhyming slang for liar.
HOLY GHOST Holy ghost is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pub landlord (host). Holy ghost is London Cockney rhyming slang for post. Holy ghost is London Cockney rhyming slang for toast.
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HOLY JOE Holy Joe is British slang for a religious man.
HOLY LAND Holy Land is British slang for an area populated by Jews (originally Whitechapel in London).
HOLY NAIL Holy nail is London Cockney rhyming slang for bail.
HOLY SMOKE Holy smoke is London Cockney rhyming slang for coke.
HOLY WATER Holy water is British slang for whisky and water. Holy water is London Cockney rhyming slang for daughter.
HOLYFIELD'S EAR Holyfield's ear is London Cockney rhyming slang for year.
HOMBRE Hombre is slang for heroin. Hombre is slang for man.
HOME ON THE RANGE Home on the range is London Cockney rhyming slang for strange.
HOME RUN Home run is American slang for full sexual intercourse.
HOMEALONG Homealong is Dorset slang for homewards.
HOMEBOY Homeboy was American slang for a close friend. Homeboy is American slang for a street−gang member.
HOMEGROWN Homegrown is slang for cannabis.
HOMELY Homely is British slang for plain.
HOMER Homer is American slang for full sexual intercourse. 524
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HOMEWORK Homework is British slang for an attractive woman.
HOMEYS Homeys is slang for a home loving young professional.
HOMO Homo is slang for a male homosexual.
HONCHO Honcho is slang for a boss, an important person. Honcho is American military slang for the leader of a commando team.
HONEY Honey is a British slang term of endearment. Honey is British slang for darling.
HONEY BLUNTS Honey blunts is slang for marijuana cigars sealed with honey.
HONEY MONTH Honey month was 17th century British slang for the first month of a marriage.
HONEY OIL Honey Oil is slang for ketamine.
HONEYPOT Honeypot is slang for the vagina.
HONG KONG Hong Kong is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad smell (pong). Hong Kong is London Cockney rhyming slang for wrong.
HONK Honk is slang for to vomit. Honk is slang for to smell very badly. Honk was British slang during the 1950's for to drink to excess.
HONK UP Honk up is slang for to vomit. Occasionally shortened to honk.
HONKED Honked is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
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HONKER Honker is slang for a nose, especially a large nose.
HONKERS Honkers is British slang for Hong Kong.
HONKIES Honkies is American slang for the buttocks.
HONKING Honking is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
HONKING DOWN Honking down is British slang for raining hard.
HONKY Honky is derogatory Black American slang for a white man.
HONKY−TONK Honky−tonk is American and Canadian slang for a cheap disreputable nightclub, bar, etc.
HOOCH Hooch is slang for liquor, particularly illicitly produced alcoholic liquor.
Hood is American slang for a gangster.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HOOEY Hooey is slang for nonsense; rubbish.
HOOF Hoof is slang for a foot.
HOOF IT Hoof it is slang for to walk. Hoof it is slang for to leave, or walk away. Hoof it is slang for to dance.
HOOFER Hoofer is slang for a dancer, particularly a chorus−girl or other professional dancer.
HOOFING Hoofing is slang for dancing.
HOOHA Hooha is British slang for a commotion.
HOOK Hook is British slang for to steal. Hook is British slang for a pickpocket. Hook is British slang for a stmbling block, a catch to a deal.
HOOK IT Hook it is British slang for to leave, run away.
HOOK UP Hook up is British slang for to meet.
HOOKED Hooked is slang for addicted.
HOOKER Hooker is American and Canadian slang for a draught of alcoholic drink, especially of spirits. Hooker is American and Canadian slang for a prostitute.
HOOKIE Hookie is old British slang for a Jew.
HOOKING Hooking is American slang for working as a prostitute; soliciting for prostitution business.
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HOOKS Hooks is slang for hands.
HOOKY Hooky is slang for truancy. Hooky is British slang for stolen, of dubious provenance. Hooky is British slang for a Jew.
HOOKY STREET Hooky street is British slang for a place where stolen goods are bought and sold.
HOOLIE Hoolie is slang for a wild, noisy party or celebration.
HOOLIVAN Hoolivan is slang for a police van with protective grills for use in riots against hooligans.
HOON Hoon is Australian slang for a lout, hooligan or disreputable youth. Hoon was Australian slang for a pimp.
HOOP Hoop is British slang for the anus.
HOOP OUT Hoop Out is American slang for play basketball.
HOOPLA Hoopla is American and Canadian slang for noise; bustle. Hoopla is American slang for nonsense.
HOORAY Hooray is British slang for an offensive, rowdy upper−middle class young man.
HOORAY HENRY Hooray Henry is British slang for an offensive, rowdy upper−middle class young man.
HOOSEGOW Hoosegow is American slang for jail.
HOOT Hoot is Australian and New Zealand slang for money.
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HOOTCHIE COOTCHIE Hootchie cootchie is American slang for sexual caresses or erotic dancing.
HOOTER Hooter is British slang for the nose. Hooter is American slang for a marijuana cigarette.
HOOTERS Hooters is American slang for breasts.
HOOVER Hoover is slang for an expensive car that attracts the girls. Hoover is slang for eat or drink very rapidly.
HOOVERIN Hooverin is American slang for to vomit
HOOVERVILLE Hooverville is American slang for a shanty town, or a place where the homeless go to sleep.
HOP Hop is British slang for an illicit drug. Hop (shortened from John Hop) is Australian rhyming slang for cop, a policeman.
HOP A BABE Hop a babe is American slang for to have sex with a woman.
HOP INTO Hop into is Australian and New Zealand slang for to attack a person. Hop into is Australian and New Zealand slang for to start or set about a task.
HOP IT Hop it is British slang for go away.
HOP IT AND SCRAM Hop it and scram is London Cockney rhyming slang for ham.
HOP THE WAG Hop the wag is British slang for to play truant from school.
HOP−O'−MY−THUMB Hp−o'−my−thumb was old English slang for a person of short stature, a dwarf.
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HOPHEAD Hophead is British slang for a beer drinker. Hophead is American slang for a heroin or opium addict.
HOPPED−UP Hopped−up is slang for under the influence of narcotics.
HOPPER Hopper is American slang for a toilet bowl.
HOPPING HUT Hopping hut is London Cockney rhyming slang for a promiscuous woman (slut).
HOPPING POT Hopping pot is London Cockney rhyming slang for lot.
HOPPY Hoppy is British slang for a lame person. Hoppy is British slang for a beer drinker.
HOPS Hops is British slang for beer.
HOPSCOTCH Hopscotch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a watch.
HORACE Horace is British slang for the penis.
HORIZONTAL DANCING Horizontal dancing is slang for sexual intercourse.
HORIZONTAL REFRESHMENT Horizontal refreshment is slang for sexual intercourse.
HORIZONTAL RELAXATION Horizontal relaxation is Australian and New Zealand slang for sexual intercourse.
HORIZONTAL RUMBLE Horizontal rumble is American slang for sexual intercourse.
HORIZONTAL WORKER Horizontal worker is American slang for a prostitute.
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HORIZONTALS Horizontals is British slang for sexual intercourse. Horizontals was 1920's and 1930's American slang for sexual intercourse.
HORK Hork is American slang for to steal. Hork is American slang for to spit. Hork is American slang for to vomit.
HORLICKS Horlicks is British slang for a mess.
HORMONE Hormone is American slang for a sexually aggressive person.
HORMONE FIX Hormone fix is American slang for sexual activity.
HORMONES Hormones is American slang for courage.
HORN Horn is slang for the penis. Horn is slang for an erection of the penis. Horn is slang for sexual excitement or lust. Horn is slang for the nose. Horn is slang for a trumpet. Horn is slang for a pipe used to smoke crack cocaine. Horn is American slang for a drink. Horn is American slang for the telephone. Horn is American slang for to inhale a narcotic drug. Horn is Jamaican slang for extramarital sex, an affair.
HORN BAG Horn bag is Australian slang for an attractive woman or girl.
HORN COLIC Horn colic was old slang for an involuntary erection of the penis.
HORN IN Horn in is American slang for to interrupt, intrude, interfere.
HORN MOVIE Horn movie is slang for a pornographic film.
HORN OF PLENTY Horn of plenty is bingo slang for twenty. 531
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HORN−CHILD Horn−child is Jamaican slang for the offspring of adulterous sexual intercourse.
HORN−GROWER Horn−grower is slang for a married man.
HORN−MAD Horn−Mad was slang for lecherous, very lustful. Horn−mad was 18th and 19th century slang for extremely jealous, especially when one's wife has slept with another man.
HORN−MERCHANT Horn−merchant is slang for a married man.
HORN−THUMB Horn−thumb was 19th century English slang for a pickpocket, so named on account of the habit of cutpurses of wearing a thimble of horn on their thumb to avoid cutting themselves with their knife.
HORNBUG Hornbug is American slang for someone obsessed with sex.
HORNDOG Horndog is American slang for a sexually aggressive person. Horndog is American slang for to pursue for sex.
HORNED−UP Horned−up is American slang for sexually excited.
HORNER−MAN Horner−man is Jamaican slang for a man with a reputation for sleeping with other men's wives.
HORNET Hornet is slang for an ill−tempered, unpleasant person.
HORNETS Hornets is American slang for bullets.
HORNETY Hornety is slang for angry.
HORNIFICATION Hornification is slang for an erection of the penis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HORNIFIED Hornified was 18th and 19th century slang for to be cuckolded.
HORNIFY Hornify is slang for to cuckold.
HORNING Horning is slang for boasting, showing off. Horning is slang for heroin. Horning is slang for inhaling a narcotic drug.
HORNSWOGGLE Hornswoggle is slang for to cheat or trick; bamboozle.
HORNY Horny is slang for a feeling of sexual excitement, lustful.
HORRORBALL Horrorball is slang for an unpleasant person.
HORRORS Horrors is slang for a fit of depression or anxiety.
HORRORSHOW Horrorshow is slang for something shocking or horrifying. Horrorshow is slang for something impressive or sensational.
HORS D'OEUVRES Hors d'Oeuvres is British rhyming slang for nerves.
HORSE Horse is slang for heroin.
HORSE AND CARRIAGE Horse and carriage is London Cockney rhyming slang for garage.
HORSE AND CART Horse and cart is London Cockney rhyming slang for fart. Horse and cart is London Cockney rhyming slang for heart. Horse and cart is London Cockney rhyming slang for start.
HORSE AND CARTS Horse and carts is London Cockney rhyming slang for darts.
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HORSE AND TRAP Horse and trap is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (clap). Horse and trap is London Cockney rhyming slang for crap.
HORSE AND TROUGH Horse and trough is London Cockney rhyming slang for cough.
HORSE FEATHERS Horse feathers is American slang for nonsense.
HORSE MARINE Horse marine is nautical slang for an awkward, lubbery person. The term originates from the 19th century joke of mounted soldiers being completely out of place on ship. In fact, during towards the end of the 19th century marines were occasionally used on horseback.
HORSE PIDDLE Horse piddle is British slang for a hospital.
HORSE TRANQUILIZER Horse tranquilizer is slang for phencyclidine.
HORSE'S ASS Horse's ass is American slang for a fool.
HORSE'S COLLAR Horse's collar is British slang for a promiscuous woman's vagina.
HORSE'S HOOF Horse's hoof is British and Australian rhyming slang for a male homosexual (poof).
HORSEBITE Horsebite is slang for heroin.
HORSED Horsed is slang for under the influence of heroin.
HORSESHIT Horseshit is slang for rubbish; nonsense.
HORSEY SET Horsey set is British slang for wealthy country−folk.
HOSE Hose is American slang for to have sex with. Hose is American slang for to cheat, to defraud. 534
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HOSEHEAD Hosehead is American college slang for an idiot.
HOSER Hoser is American slang for a fraud, a deceitful person, a cheat. Hoser is American and Canadian slang for a promiscuous man, a womaniser. Hoser is Canadian and American slang for an idiot.
HOSS Hoss is Dorset slang for a horse.
HOSS−TINGER Hoss−tinger is Dorset slang for a dragonfly.
HOT Hot is slang for impressive or good of its kind. Hot is slang for sexually attractive. Hot is jazz slang for arousing great excitement or enthusiasm by inspired improvisation, strong rhythms, etc. Hot is slang for stolen, smuggled, or otherwise illegally obtained. Hot is American military slang for under hostile fire.
HOT AND COLD Hot and cold is London Cockney rhyming slang for gold.
HOT BEEF Hot beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for thief.
HOT CACK Hot cack is Australian slang for the latest news.
HOT CROSS BUN Hot cross bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for gun. Hot cross bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for nun. Hot cross bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for run. Hot cross bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for son. Hot cross bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for sun.
HOT DINNER Hot dinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for winner.
HOT KNIVES Hot knives is slang for a method of smoking cannabis without the aid of tobacco. Burning the cannabis between two hot knives and drawing the smoke into a recepticle before inhaling.
HOT PANTS Hot pants is slang for a feeling of sexual arousal. Hot pants is slang for brief shorts. 535
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HOT POOP Hot poop is slang for the latest news.
HOT POTATO Hot potato is slang for a delicate or awkward matter. Hot potato is London Cockney rhyming slang for waiter.
HOT ROLLER Hot roller is American slang for a stolen car.
HOT SEAT Hot seat is American slang for the electric chair.
HOT SHIT Hot shit is slang for something impressive, exciting, superlative.
HOT SQUAT Hot squat is American tramp slang for the electric chair
HOT TAMALE Hot tamale is American slang for a sexually arousing woman.
HOT TO TROT Hot to trot is slang for eager and enthusiastic for sex.
HOT TODDY Hot toddy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a sexual attractive body.
HOT−DOG Hot−dog is American slang for to perform very well, to show off. Hot−dog is American slang for something outstanding, spectacular, successful.
HOT−WIRE Hot−wire is slang for to start the engine of a motor vehicle by bypassing the ignition switch.
HOTEL Hotel is British slang for a police station.
HOTPOT Hotpot is Australian slang for a heavily backed horse.
HOTS Hots is slang for intense sexual desire; lust.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
HOTSHOT Hotshot is American slang for to administer a lethal injection of a narcotic.
HOTSY−TOTSY Hotsy−totsy is slang for splendid.
HOTTIE Hottie is British and Australian slang for a hot water bottle.
HOTTING Hotting is British slang for stealing cars for entertainment.
HOUDINI Houdini is British slang for to escape, to disappear.
HOUND Hound is British slang for a reprehensible person. Hound is British slang for a young male thug. Hound is American and Canadian slang for an enthusiast.
HOUNDS ON AN ISLAND Hounds on an island is American slang for sausages on beans.
HOUNSLOW HEATH Houslow Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
HOUSE House is slang for a contemporary dance music epitomised by its 4/4 beat and use of samples. Vocals and melodies tend not follow the verse / chorus tradition, as they are just samples which need to be fitted into the four bar repetitive base structure. American house is often distinct from British or Italian house.
HOUSE OF FRASER House of Fraser is London Cockney rhyming slang for razor.
HOUSE OF LORDS House of Lords is London Cockney rhyming slang for corduroy−trousers (cords).
HOUSE OF WAX House of wax is London Cockney rhyming slang for five pounds sterling (Jacks). House of wax is irish slang for a lavatory.
HOUSEMAID'S KNEE Housemaid's knee is London Cockney rhyming slang for a key. Housemaid's knee is London Cockney rhyming slang for sea.
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HOUSEWIVE'S CHOICE Housewive's choice is London Cockney rhyming slang for voice.
HOUSEY−HOUSEY Housey−housey is London Cockney rhyming slang for feeling unwell, rundown (lousy).
HOVIS Hovis is British slang for dead. Hovis is British slang for the head.
HOW D'YOU DO How d'you do is British slang for a commotion or brawl. How d'you do is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoe. How d'you do is London Cockney rhyming slang for trouble, agitation (stew).
HOW DO How do is Dorset slang for how do you do.
HOW'S TRICKS? How's tricks is slang for how are you?.
HOW'S YOUR FATHER How's your father is British slang for the penis. How's your father is British slang for sexual intercourse. How's your father is British slang for a bad state of affairs. How's your father is British slang for something nameless, or for which the name has been forgotten. How's your father is London Cockney rhyming slang for lather. How's your father is London Cockney rhyming slang for palaver.
HOWARD'S WAY Howard's Way is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual (gay).
HOWL Howl is slang for a person or thing that is very funny. Howl is slang for a prolonged outburst of laughter.
HRN HRN is slang for heroin.
HROUN Hroun is Dorset slang for round.
HUBBA Hubba is American slang for crack cocaine.
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HUCKLE Huckle is American slang for an effeminate homosexual.
HUCKLEBERRY FINN Huckleberry Finn is Australian rhyming slang for gin.
HUCKMUCK Huckmuck is Dorset slang for dirty, slovenly.
HUEY Huey is slang for a helicopter. Huey is American slang for to vomit.
HUFF Huff is slang for to sniff an illicit drug. Huff is British slang for to expel air from the anus.
HUFFY Huffy is slang for irritable, indignant, angry.
HUG THE PORCELAIN WISHING WELL Hug the porcelain wishing well is American slang for to vomit.
HUGH JAMPTON Hugh Jamptonis British slang for a man with a large penis.
HUGH JOOTER Hugh Jooteris British slang for a man with a large nose.
HUGHIE Hughie is British slang for to vomit. Hughie is British slang for a piece of green phlegm.
HUGHIES Hughies is British slang for green vegetables (greens).
HUGS AND KISSES Hugs and kisses is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife (missus).
HUM Hum is British and Irish slang for to smell unpleasant. Hum is Australian slang for to scrounge.
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HUM−HOLE Hum−hole is slang for the mouth.
HUMDINGER Humdinger is American slang for an excellent person or thing.
HUMMER Hummer is Black−American slang for a small error; also getting something free
HUMONGOUS Humongous is slang for exceptionally large; huge or enormous.
HUMP Hump is slang for sexual intercourse. Hump is slang for to carry or heave.
HUMPED−UP Humped−up is British slang for angry, irritated, annoyed.
HUMPTY Humpty is British slang for annoyed, resentful. Humpty is British slang for sexually aroused.
HUMPTY DUMPTY Humpty Dumpty is British slang for broken, ruined. Humpty Dumpty is British slang for a depressed person, a moaner.
HUMPY Humpy is British slang for annoyed, resentful. Humpy is Australian slang for an aboriginal's shack.
HUN Hun is British slang for darling. Hun is a British slang term of endearment.
HUNCHFRONT Hunchfront is British slang for a woman with very large breasts.
HUNDRED TO EIGHT Hundred to eight is British rhyming slang for plate.
HUNDRED TO THIRTY Hundred to thirty is London Cockney rhyming slang for dirty.
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HUNG Hung is slang for sexually endowed.
HUNG UP Hung up is slang for impeded by some difficulty or delay. Hung up is slang for in a state of confusion; emotionally disturbed.
HUNG UP ON Hung up on is slang for obsessively or exclusively interested in.
HUNGRY HORACE Hungry Horace is British slang for someone who is always hungry.
HUNGRY TRACK Hungry track is Australian slang for a section of road on which a vagrant finds it hard to find work or food.
HUNK Hunk is slang for a sexually attractive man.
HUNKIE Hunkie is American slang for a Hungarian.
HUNKY−DORY Hunky−dory is slang for fine, in good order, perfect.
HUNTLEY Huntley (shortened from Huntley and Palmer) is British rhyming slang for karma.
HUNTLEY AND PALMER Huntley and Palmer is London Cockney rhyming slang for farmer. Huntley and Palmer is London Cockney rhyming slang for karma.
HUNTLEY AND PALMERS Huntley and Palmers is London Cockney rhyming slang for piles (farmers).
HURL Hurl is Australian and South African slang for to vomit.
HURRICANE DECK Hurricane dexk is London Cockney rhyming slang for neck.
HURRICANE LAMP Hurricane lamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for tramp. 541
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HURRY UP VAN Hurry up van was British 1950s slang for a police car.
HUSBAND AND WIFE Husband and wife is London Cockney rhyming slang for knife.
HUSH PUPPIE Hush puppie is London Cockney rhyming slang for a high−earning, high−profile professional (yuppie).
HUSTLE Hustle is slang for to earn or obtain something forcefully. Hustle is slang for to work as a prostitute. Hustle is Black−American slang for to survive by any means possible. Hustle is American slang for to solicit business.
HUSTLE YOUR BUSTLE Hustle your bustle is British slang for hurry up.
HUSTLER Hustler is slang for a prostitute. Hustler is slang for someone who deliberately plays badly in order to secure an attractive wager on himself later. Hustler is slang for an intrusive, importunate or over−assertive person.
HUZ Huz is Dorset slang for a prostitute.
HUZBIRD Huzbird is Dorset slang for an obnoxious person (literally 'child of a whore').
HYDE PARK Hyde Park is theatre rhyming slang for mark. Hyde Park is London Cockney rhyming slang for an informer (nark).
HYDRAULICS Hydraulics is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (bollocks).
HYMIE Hymie is offensive slang for a Jew.
HYPE Hype is slang for a hypodermic needle or injection. Hype is slang for to market or promote a product using exaggerated or intensive publicity. Hype is Black−American slang for a deception.
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HYPED UP Hyped up is slang for stimulated or excited by or as if by the effect of a stimulating drug.
HYPER Hyper is slang for agitated; keyed up.
HYPO Hypo is slang for a hypodermic syringe.
I AM BACK I am back is British slang for crack cocaine.
I AND I I and I is Jamaican Rastafarian slang for me.
I DESIRE I desire is British slang for a fire.
I SHOULD COCOA I should cocoa is slang for say so.
I SUPPOSE I suppose is London Cockney rhyming slang for nose.
I'LL BE THERE I'll be there is London Cockney rhyming slang for chair.
I'M AFLOAT I'm afloat is London Cockney rhyming slang for boat. I'm afloat is London Cockney rhyming slang for an overcoat.
I'M SO FRISKY I'm so frisky is London Cockney rhyming slang for whisky.
I'M WILLING I'm willing was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a shilling.
IAN RUSH Ian Rush is British slang for a paintbrush.
ICE Ice is slang for a diamond or diamonds. Ice is slang for a concentrated and highly potent form of methamphetamine with dangerous side effects. Ice is slang for to kill. 543
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ICE COLD Ice cold is American and Australian slang for a beer.
ICE CREAM Ice cream was British 1950's slang for a man. Ice cream is slang for a white man.
ICE CREAMER Ice creamer is British slang for an Italian. Ice creamer is American slang for an occasional drug user.
ICE MAIDEN Ice maiden is slang for a cold, aloof, frigid woman.
ICE MAN Ice man is American slang for a jewel thief. Ice man is American slang for a professional killer.
ICE−CREAM Ice−cream is slang for someone who talks tough but acts cowardly.
ICE−CREAM FREEZER Ice−cream freezer is rhyming slang for a man (geezer).
ICE−CREAM HABIT Ice−cream habit is slang for occasional drug use.
ICE−CREAMER Ice−creamer is British slang for an Italian.
ICEBERG Iceberg is American slang for a person considered to have a cold or reserved manner.
ICEBOX Icebox is slang for a solitary confinement cell.
ICED Iced is Black−American slang for imprisoned
ICKY Icky is slang for distatestful, unpleasant. Icky is slang for sickly, sentimental, cloying.
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IDDY Iddy is London slang for a Jew.
IDEA−POT Idea−pot is Black−American slang for the mind
IDEAL HOME Ideal home is slang for a comb.
IDEY Idey is British slang for a fire.
IDIOT BOARD Idiot board is a slang name for an autocue.
IDIOT BOX Idiot box is slang for a television set.
IDIOT DANCING Idiot dancing is British slang for a form of frenzied and abandoned dancing which takes place on the spot.
IDIOT PILLS Idiot Pills is slang for phenobarbital.
IDIOT'S LANTERN Idiot's lantern is slang for a television set.
IF SO BE If so be is Dorset slang for if it is.
IFFY Iffy is slang for questionable, dubious, doubtful, suspicious.
IGG Igg is Black−American slang for ignore
IKEY Ikey is derogatory British slang for a Jew.
IKEY MO Ikey Mo is derogatory British slang for a Jew.
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ILIE NASTASE Ilie Nastase is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (carsey).
ILL Ill is slang for phencyclidine.
ILLIES Illies is slang for tobacco and pot rolled together and dipped in PCP.
ILLIN' Illin' is slang for sick, unhealthy. Illin' is slang for stupid, crazed, unbalanced. Illin' is slang for bad, not cool.
IMBO Imbo is Australian slang for an imbecile.
IMMABBE Immabbe is Dorset slang for maybe.
IMPENDING SOCIAL DISASTER Impending social disater is American medical slang for a dark pattern in an abdominal x−ray indicating a major gas buildup.
IMPORT Import is Canadian slang for a sportsman who is not native to the area where he plays.
IMPOT Impot is British public school slang for an imposition − a written task imposed as punishment for misbehaviour.
IMSHI Imshi is slang for go away.
IN In is slang for fashionable, modish.
IN A DEUCE In a deuce is British slang for in a pair.
IN A PIG'S ARSE In a pig's arse is a slang expression of violent enial, refusal, dismissal.
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IN A PIG'S EYE In a pig's eye is a slang expression of violent enial, refusal, dismissal.
IN AND OUT In and out is British slang for sexual intercourse. In and out is London Cockney rhyming slang for snout. In and out is London Cockney rhyming slang for spout. In and out is London Cockney rhyming slang for sprout. In and out is London Cockney rhyming slang for stout. In and out is London Cockney rhyming slang for tout.
IN BED WITH In bed with is British slang for allied to, in partnership with.
IN BETWEEN In between is Australian rhyming slang for a male homosexual (queen).
IN BITS In bits is slang for mentally confused.
IN BOTHER In bother is British slang for in trouble.
IN CAREY STREET In Carey Street is British slang for bankrupt, in severe financial difficulties.
IN COLLAR In collar is British slang for employed.
IN COOSE In coose is Dorset slang for of course.
IN COSTUME In costume is American police slang for in uniform.
IN DEEP SHIT In deep shit is slang for in trouble.
IN DOCK In dock is British slang for out of action, sick, incapacitated.
IN DUTCH In Dutch is slang for in trouble.
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IN EFFECT In effect is British slang for in action, at large, happening.
IN FRONT OF In front of is Black−American slang for to have control of a situation
IN HOCK In hock is slang for pawned.
IN LIKE FLYNN In like Flynn is British slang for to be in a favourable position.
IN LUMBER In lumber is British slang for in trouble.
IN QUEER STREET In Queer Street is British slang for in financial difficulties.
IN SCHTUK In schtuk is British slang for in trouble.
IN SHIT STREET In shit street is British slang for in trouble.
IN SHTOOK In shtook is British slang for in trouble.
IN SHTUK In shtuk is British slang for in trouble.
IN STOOK In stook is British slang for in trouble.
IN SWELL STREET In Swell Street is British slang for wealthy.
IN THE ALLEY In the alley is American slang for serve as a side dish.
IN THE BAG In the bag is American slang for intoxicated. In the bag is American slang for ruined. In the bag is American police slang for demoted.
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IN THE CHAIR In the chair is British slang for the person whose turn it is to pay.
IN THE CLOSET In the closet is British slang for hiding one's homosexuality.
IN THE CLUB In the club is British slang for pregnant.
IN THE DOGHOUSE In the doghouse is slang for being out of favour.
IN THE FLYNN In the Flynn is slang for successful. In a comfortable or advantageous position.
IN THE FRAME In the frame is slang for identified as a suspect in a crime, believed to be responsible for a crime.
IN THE GROOVE In the groove is slang working well; in harmony with other people, aware of what is happening.
IN THE MOOD In the mood is London Cockney rhyming slang for food.
IN THE NUDDIE In the nuddie is British slang for naked.
IN THE NUDE In the nude is London Cockney rhyming slang for food.
IN THE RATTLE In the rattle is nautical slang for in trouble; on the commander's report of defaulters.
IN THE RAW In the raw is British slang for naked.
IN THE SHIT In the shit is slang for in trouble.
IN THE SOUP In the soup is slang for in trouble.
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IN THE TRAP In the trap is British slang for ready and waiting to go.
IN YOUR EYE In your eye is a slang expression of violent enial, refusal, dismissal.
IN−AND−OUT MAN In−and−out man is British slang for an opportunist thief.
IN−OUT In−out is slang for sexual intercourse.
INDEX Index is Black−American slang for the human face
INDIA India is British slang for marijuana, cannabis.
INDIAN CHARM Indian charm is London Cockney rhyming slang for arm.
INDIAN HEMP Indian hemp is slang for marijuana, cannabis, hashish.
INDICA Indica is slang for cannabis.
INDIE Indie is slang for a type of guitar orientated music derived from punk. Indie has generated its own fashions as with most youth music. Originally an abbreviation of Independent, it refers to being a record label not affiliated to a major label such as Sony or EMI.
INDIE−KID Indie−kid is slang for a person who is keen on Indie music and wears its fashions.
INDIJAGGERS Indijaggers is British slang for indigestion, a stomach upset.
INDO Indo is slang for cannabis.
INDUCE ANTIPERISTALSIS Induce antiperistalsis is American slang for to vomit
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INEXPRESSIBLES Inexpresibles is old slang for breeches; trousers.
INK Ink is Black−American slang for cheap wine
INKED Inked is slang for intoxicated.
INKSPOT Inkspot is British slang for a black person.
INKWELL Inkwell was 19th century British slang for the vagina.
INKY Inky is slang for intoxicated.
INKY BLUE Inky blue is London Cockney rhyming slang for flu.
INKY SMUDGE Inky smudge is London Cockney rhyming slang for a judge.
INSECTS AND ANTS Insects and ants is London Cockney rhyming slang for underpants.
INSIDE Inside is slang for in or into prison.
INSIDE JOB Inside job is slang for a crime committed against an organisation or property, by a person belonging to that place or organization.
INSIDE LEFT Inside left is British slang for the ten in a deck of playing cards.
INSIDE RIGHT Inside right is British slang for the eight in a deck of playing cards.
INSPECTOR OF MANHOLES Inspector of manholes is British slang for a male homosexual.
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INSTANT CUSTARD Instant custard is British slang for premature or very quick ejaculation.
INSTANT KARMA Instant karma is slang for a hallucinogenic drug.
INSTANT ZEN Instant zen was American 1960's slang for a hallucinogenic drug.
INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT Intelligence department is British slang for the head.
INTENSE Intense is American slang for good, positive.
INTERCOURSE Intercourse is slang for sexual intercourse.
INTERCOURSED Intercoursed is British slang for exhausted.
INTERFACING Interfacing is slang for communicating, getting on well with.
INTERIOR DECORATING Interior decorating is British slang for sexual intercourse.
INTO Into is slang for interest, like whats your bag ?, what are you into ?
INVERSE GUT Inverse gut is American slang for to vomit
INVOLUNTARY PERSONAL PROTEIN SPILL Involuntary personal protein spill is American slang for to vomit
IRENE HANDL Irene Handl is London Cockney rhyming slang for candle.
IRISH Irish (from Irish jig) is Cockney rhyming slang for wig.
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IRISH APPLE Irish apple is slang for a potato.
IRISH APRICOT Irish apricot is slang for a potato.
IRISH CONFETTI Irish confetti is slang for stones, rocks and other debris thrown during a riot or demonstration.
IRISH JIG Irish jig is Cockney rhyming slang for wig. Irish jig is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette.
IRISH PLUM Irish plum is slang for a potato.
IRISH ROSE Irish rose is London Cockney rhyming slang for nose.
IRISH SCREWDRIVER Irish screwdriver is British slang for a hammer.
IRISH STEW Irish stew is London Cockney rhyming slang for blue. Irish stew is London Cockney rhyming slang for true.
IRISH WAY Irish way is British slang for anal intercourse between a man and a woman.
IRON Iron (from Shooting Iron) is slang for a pistol or revolver. Iron (from Iron Hoof) is rhyming slang for poof. Iron is British slang for money. Iron is British slang for a crowbar. Iron is American slang for a splint−like support for a malformed leg.
IRON DUKE Iron duke is London Cockney rhyming slang for fluke.
IRON GIRDER Iron girder is London Cockney rhyming slang for murder.
IRON HOOF Iron Hoof is rhyming slang for poof.
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IRON HOOP Iron hoop is London Cockney rhyming slang for soup.
IRON HORSE Iron horse is London Cockney rhyming slang for course. Iron horse is London Cockney rhyming slang for toss.
IRON MAGNET Iron magnet is British slang for a heterosexual man who attracts homosexuals.
IRON MIKE Iron Mike is London Cockney rhyming slang for bike.
IRON TANK Iron Tank is London Cockney rhyming slang for bank.
IRONS Irons is British slang for cutlery.
IRVING Irving is American slang for a boring person or nonentity.
ISAACS Isaacs is London slang for a fat person.
ISABELLA Isabella is London Cockney rhyming slang for umbrella.
ISADORA Isadora is British slang for a long scarf.
ISLE OF MAN Isle of Man is London Cockney rhyming slang for pan.
ISLE OF WIGHT Isle of Wight is London Cockney rhyming slang for right. Isle of Wight is London Cockney rhyming slang for alright. Isle of Wight is London Cockney rhyming slang for light. Isle of Wight is London Cockney rhyming slang for tight.
ISSUM Issum is Dorset slang for are they?
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ITCH AND SCRATCH Itch and scratch is London Cockney rhyming slang for match.
ITCHY Itchy is slang for restless, eager.
ITCHY PIGS Itchy pigs is British slang for a dish of seasoned pork rind (pork scratchings).
ITEM Item is slang for a current sexual relationship; item is slang for an actual or potential sexual partner.
IVAN Ivan is slang for a Russian.
IVORIES Ivories is slang for the teeth. Ivories is slang for the keys of a piano Ivories is slang for dice. Ivories is slang for billiard balls.
IVORY PEARL Ivory pearl is London Cockney rhyming slang for girl.
IVORY SNATCHER Ivory snatcher is British slang for a dentist.
IVORY THIEF Ivory thief is British slang for a dentist.
IVY Ivy is British slang for a stupid woman.
IXNAY Ixnay is slang for no, not, none.
IXNAY OFAY Ixnay ofay is American slang for no white people allowed.
J J is slang for cannabis.
J ARTHUR J Arthur (shortned from J Arthur Rank) is British rhyming slang for masturbation (wank). J Arthur (shortned from J Arthur Rank) was 1940's British rhyming slang for a bank. 555
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J ARTHUR RANK J Arthur Rank is British rhyming slang for masturbation (wank). J Arthur Rank) was 1940's British rhyming slang for a bank.
J CARROLL NAISH J Carroll Naish is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (slash).
J.T. J.T. is British slang for the penis. J.T. is British slang for Jamaican patois.
JACK Jack is slang for nothing. Jack is slang for a police officer. Jack is slang for an informer. Jack is vagrant slang for methylated spirits. Jack is drug slang for heroin. Jack is British slang for an erection. Jack is British slang for to ejaculate. Jack is American slang for money. Jack is Australian slang for tired or fed up.
JACK AND DANNY Jack and Danny is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (fanny).
JACK AND JILL Jack and Jill is British slang for a male and female police officer working as a partnership. Jack and Jill is London Cockney rhyming slang for hill. Jack and Jill is London Cockney rhyming slang for bill. Jack and Jill is London Cockney rhyming slang for till. Jack and Jill is London Cockney rhyming slang for pill.
JACK AND JOAN Jack and Joan is London Cockney rhyming slang for alone.
JACK AND VERA Jack and Vera is London Cockney rhyming slang for the Daily Mirror newspaper.
JACK BENNY Jack Benny is London Cockney rhyming slang for a penny.
JACK DEE Jack Dee is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (pee).
JACK DOYLE Jack Doyle is London Cockney rhyming slang for a boil.
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JACK FLASH Jack Flash is London Cockney rhyming slang for crash. Jack Flash is London Cockney rhyming slang for smash. Jack Flash is London Cockney rhyming slang for hashish (hash).
JACK FROST Jack Frost is London Cockney rhyming slang for lost.
JACK HORNER Jack Horner is London Cockney rhyming slang for corner.
JACK IN Jack in is slang for to abandon or leave an attempt or enterprise.
JACK IN A BOX Jack in a box is slang for an unborn child, a foetus.
JACK JONES Jack Jones is London Cockney rhyming slang for alone.
JACK KETCH Jack Ketch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a prison sentence (stretch).
JACK MALONE Jack Malone is London Cockney rhyming slang for alone.
JACK OF DIBS Jack of dibs is British slang for a generous man.
JACK OF LEGS Jack of legs is British slang for a tall, long−legged man.
JACK OF NO TRADES Jack of no trades is British slang for a useless man.
JACK OF SPADES Jack of spades is London Cockney rhyming slang for sunglasses (shades).
JACK OF TALL TALES Jack of tall tales is British slang for a liar.
JACK OFF Jack off is slang for to masturbate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JACK RANDALL Jack Randall is London Cockney rhyming slang for a candle.
JACK SHIT Jack shit is American slang for nothing.
JACK SPRAT Jack Sprat is London Cockney rhyming slang for brat. Jack Sprat is London Cockney rhyming slang for fat.
JACK STRAW Jack Straw is British slang for an insubstantial man.
JACK SURPASS Jack Surpass is London Cockney rhyming slang for glass.
JACK TAR Jack Tar is slang for a sailor. Jack Tar is London Cockney rhyming slang for bar.
JACK THE LAD Jack the lad is British slang for a self−assured, cocky young man. Jack the lad is London Cockney rhyming slang for bad.
JACK THE RIPPER Jack the Ripper is London Cockney rhyming slang for kipper. Jack the Ripper is London Cockney rhyming slang for slipper. Jack the Ripper is London Cockney rhyming slang for stripper.
JACK UP Jack up is slang for to inject oneself with a drug, usually heroin. Jack up is British slang for to arrange or organise, especially at short notice.
JACK−A−DANDY Jack−a−Dandy is London Cockney rhyming slang for brandy.
JACK−IN−THE−BOX Jack−in−the−box is British slang for venereal disease (pox).
JACK−THE−LAD Jack−the−lad is British slang for a young man who is regarded as a brash, loud show−off.
JACKANORY Jackanory is British slang for a tale, a lie. Jackanory is British slang for a police informant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JACKDAW Jackdaw is London Cockney rhyming slang for jaw.
JACKDAW AND ROOK Jackdaw and rook is British theatre rhyming slang for a script (book).
JACKED OFF Jacked off is slang for annoyed, angry.
JACKED−UP Jacked−up is slang for excited, agitated.
JACKET Jacket is American slang for a personal file or dossier.
JACKET AND VEST Jacket and vest is London Cockney rhyming slang for west.
JACKIE Jackie is derogatory Australian slang for an Aborginal.
JACKIE DASH Jackie Dash is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (slash).
JACKIE TRENT Jackie Trent is London Cockney rhyming slang for corrupt (bent).
JACKING Jacking is British slang for talking, gossip.
JACKS ALIVE Jacks alive is London Cockney rhyming slang for five pounds sterling (five).
JACKSIE Jacksie is British slang for the buttocks or anus.
JACKSON POLLOCKS Jackson Pollocks is rhyming Slang for the testicles (bollocks).
JACOBS CRACKERS Jacobs crackers is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (knackers).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JACQUES COUSTEAU Jacques Cousteau is British slang for a dive.
JAFFA Jaffa is British slang for a sterile man.
JAG Jag is slang for intoxication from drugs or alcohol. Jag is slang for a bout of drinking or drug taking. Jag is slang for a period of uncontrolled activity.
JAGGED Jagged is slang for intoxicated. Jagged is slang for high on drugs.
JAGGER'S LIPS Jagger's lips is London Cockney rhyming slang for chips.
JAIL BIRD Jail bird is slang for a prisoner; one who has been confined in prison.
JAILBAIT Jailbait is slang for a potential or actual sexual partner younger than the legal age of consent.
JAKE Jake is British slang for methylated spirits. Jake is Jamaican slang for a tourist. Jake is Australian and New Zealand slang for satisfactory; all right.
JAKES Jakes is old slang for the lavatory.
JALOPY Jalopy is slang for an old car.
JAM Jam is slang for something desirable. Jam is British slang for good luck. Jam is British slang for menstrual blood. Jam is American slang for to leave; to go.
JAM DUFF Jam duff is British slang for a male homosexual (puff).
JAM JAR Jam jar is London Cockney rhyming slang for car. 560
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JAM PIE Jam pie is London Cockney rhyming slang for eye.
JAM RAG Jam rag is British slang for a sanitary towel.
JAM RAID Jam raid is British slang for menstruation.
JAM ROLL Jam roll is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployment (dole). Jam roll is British prison rhyming slang for parole.
JAM SANDWICH Jam sandwich is British slang for a police car.
JAM TART Jam tart is London cockney rhyming slang for heart. Jam tart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to break wind from the anus (fart). Jam tart is London Cockney rhyming slang for sweatheart. Jam tart is Australian slang for a girl or woman. Jam tart is Australian slang for to break wind from the anus (fart).
JAMAICA RUM Jamaica rum is London Cockney rhyming slang for thumb.
JAMBOREE BAGS Jamboree bags is British slang for breasts.
JAMES James is British rhyming slang for a first−class honours degree (James the First).
JAMES GANG James gang is British slang for a firm of incompetent or roguish builders.
JAMES HUNT James Hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for front. James Hunt is British slang for an unpleasant person (cunt).
JAMES RIDDLE James Riddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piddle).
JAMMED Jammed is American slang for intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JAMMIES Jammies is British slang for pyjamas.
JAMMY Jammy is British slang for pleasant; desirable. Jammy is British slang for lucky.
JAMMY DODGER Jammy dodger is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (roger).
JAMPON Jampon is British slang for tampon.
JAMPOT Jampot is British slang for the vagina.
JANE Jane is slang for a girl or woman. Jane is slang for a women's toilet. Jane is slang for a female prostitute.
JANE DOE Jane Doe is American slang for an anonymous or unnamed woman.
JANE Q Jane Q is American slang for an average woman.
JANE RUSSELL Jane Russel is London Cockney rhyming slang for mussel.
JANE SHORE Jane Shore is London Cockney rhyming slang for a whore. Jane Shore was old London Cockney rhyming slang for floor.
JANET STREET PORTER Janet Street Porter is British slang for a quarter of an ounce of a drug.
JANG Jang is American slang for the penis.
JANGLE Jangle is British slang for to gossip, chat. Jangle is British slang for a gossip, chat.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JANGLED Jangled is slang for disturbed, nervous.
JANKERS Jankers is British slang for military punishment.
JANNY Jabby is East London slang for a Punjabi.
JANOO Janoo is Dorset slang for do you know?
JAP JAP is American slang for a young Jewish girl. Jap is slang for a Japanese person or object.
JAP'S EYE Jap's eye is British slang for the penile opening.
JAR Jar is British slang for a pint of beer. Jar is British slang for fake jewellery.
JAR OF JAM Jar of jam is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pram. Jar of jam is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tram.
JARMIES Jarmies is British slang for pyjamas.
JARRED Jarred is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
JARRED UP Jarred up is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
JARVEY Jarvey was old British slang for a hackney carriage or the driver of a hackney carriage.
JASPER Jasper is British slang for a wasp. Jasper is Black−American slang for lesbian
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JASPER CARROT Jasper Carrot is London Cockney rhyming slang for a parrot.
JAVA Java is American slang for coffee.
JAW Jaw is slang for impudent or abusive talk. Jaw is British slang for incessant talking.
JAWDROPPER Jawdropper is British slang for something shocking.
JAWING Jawing is slang for scolding; clamorous or abusive talk.
JAY Jay is slang for a cannabis cigarette. Jay is Dorset slang for joy. Jay is American slang for a victim or dupe.
JAY PURPLE Jay Purple is slang for ketamine.
JAZZ Jazz is slang for deceitful talk. Jazz is slang for tease or provoke. Jazz is slang for unspecified things. Jazz is slang for ornamentation, decoration, showiness. Jazz is American slang for sexual intercourse
JAZZ BAND Jazz band is London Cockney rhyming slang for a hand.
JAZZ HOUSE Jazz house is derogatory British slang for a lively pub with loud music.
JAZZ UP Jazz up is slang for to decorate, ornament. Jazz up is slang for liven up, stimulate.
JAZZY Jazzy is slang for showy, glittery.
JEAMES Jeames was old British slang for a footman; a flunky. 564
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JEAN−CLAUDE VAN DAMME Jean−Claude Van Damme is London Cockney rhyming slang for ham.
JEE GEE Jee gee is slang for heroin.
JEEBIES Jeebies is American slang for unpleasant fanatsies, unpleasant imagainations, nameless terrors.
JEEBY Jeeby is American slang for unpleasant fanatsies, unpleasant imagainations, nameless terrors.
JEEJEE JeeJee is slang for heroin.
JEEK Jeek is American slang for fashionable, smartly dressed, stylish.
JEEP Jeep is slang for a vehicle. Jeep is slang for a paper collar used by a drug user to secure a needle to an eye−dropper before injecting a heroin and water solution. Jeep is American slang for an inept or stupid person. Jeep is Black American slang for a drunkard. Jeep was mid−20th century American slang for a cartoon character.
JEETER Jeeter was mid−20th century American slang for a rustic or peasant.
JEETLED Jeetled is Northern Irish slang for exhausted.
JEEZ Jeez is slang for a profane exclamation of surprise, frustration.
JEEZER Jeezer is American slang for a man or fellow. Jeezer is American slang for something remarkable, fantastic.
JEEZLY Jeezly is American slang for inferior.
JEFF Jeff is derogatory Black−American slang for a White rustic person, particularly a Southerner. Jeff is derogatory Black−American slang for a White racist. Jeff is derogatory Black−American slang for a dull, stupid person. Jeff is Black−American slang for to talk with a view to deceiving, or seducing. Jeff is 565
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Black−American slang for to behave obsequiously towards White people. Jeff is American slang for to lie. Jeff is American slang for to tease, to joke with.
JEFF ARTIST Jeff artist is American slang for a liar, a confidence trickster. Jeff artist is Black−American slang for a Black person who behaves subserviently towards White people.
JEFF DAVIS Jeff Davis is Black−American slang for to talk with a view to deceiving, or seducing.
JEFFER Jeffer is slang for a rustic, a peasant.
JEFFREY Jeffrey is British slang for œ2000 (the amount paid to the prostitute Monica Coughlan by Jeffrey Archer the author and Conservative politician).
JEJO Jejo is slang for cocaine.
JEKYLL AND HYDES Jekyll and Hydes is London Cockney rhyming slang for trousers (strides).
JEKYLLS Jekylls is British slang for trousers.
JELLIED EEL Jellied eel is London Cockney rhyming slang for wheel.
JELLIED EELS Jellied eels is London Cockney rhyming slang for wheels, transport.
JELLIES Jellies is slang for phenobarbital. Jellies is British slang for cheap sandals made of coloured transparent plastic.
JELLY Jelly is British slang for semen. Jelly is British slang for gelignite. Jelly is Black−American slang for without charge.
JELLY BEAN Jelly bean is British slang for drugs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JELLY BOX Jelly box is slang for the vagina.
JELLY−BELLY Jelly−belly is slang for a fat person.
JELLY−ROLL Jelly−roll is Black−American slang for ones lover; a term for the vagina
JELLYBEANS Jellybeans is British slang for drugs, particularly amphetamine tablets.
JELLYBONE Jellybone is British slang for telephone.
JEM MACE Jem Mace is old British rhyming slang for the face.
JEMMINESS Jemminess was 19th century British slang for spruceness.
JEMMY Jemmy was old British slang for smart. Jemmy was old British slang for a baked sheep's head.
JENNY Jenny is slang for a generator.
JENNY HILL Jenny Hill is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pill.
JENNY LEE Jenny Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for flea. Jenny Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for a key. Jenny Lee was old London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
JENNY LIND Jenny Lind is London Cockney rhyming slang for wind.
JENNY LINDER Jenny Linder is London Cockney rhyming slang for window.
JENNY LINDY Jenny Lindy is London Cockney rhyming slang for windy. 567
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JENNY RIDDLE Jenny Riddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piddle).
JENNY WREN Jenny Wren is London Cockney rhyming slang for Ben Truman beer.
JERE Jere is British slang for excrement. Jere is British slang for the anus. Jere is British slang for a male homosexual.
JEREMIAH Jeremiah is London Cockney rhyming slang for fire.
JEREMY BEEDLE Jeremy Beedle is London Cockney rhyming slang for aggravate, annoy (needle).
JERICHO Jericho is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chamberpot (po).
JERK Jerk is slang for a fool.
JERK SOMEONE AROUND Jerk Someone Around is American slang for irritate, harass or subject someone to humiliation.
JERK−OFF Jerk−off is slang for masturbate.
JERKIN' THE GHERKIN Jerkin' the gherkin is slang for male masturbation.
JERKOFF Jerkoff is American slang for an obnocious male person.
JERKWAD Jerkwad is abusive American slang for a masturbator.
JERKWATER Jerkwater is American and Canadian slang for inferior and insignificant.
JERRY Jerry is British slang for a German. Jerry (shortened from Jericho) is British slang for a chamber pot. Jerry (shortened from Jeremiah) is British slang for a fire. 568
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JERRY DIDDLE Jerry Diddle is British slang for illegal business (fiddle). Jerry Diddle is American slang for a violin.
JERRY LEE Jerry Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (pee).
JERRY O'GORMAN Jerry O'Gormanis London Cockney rhyming slang for mormon.
JERRY QUARRY Jerry Quarry is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lorry.
JERRY RIDDLE Jerry Riddle was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piddle).
JERRY−CUM−MUMBLE Jerry−cum−mumble is London Cockney rhyming slang for be discovered (rumbled). Jerry−cum−mumble is London Cockney rhyming slang for tumble.
JERSEY SIDE OF SNATCH PLAY Jersey side of snatch play is Black−American slang for to be over forty.
JESSIE Jessie is Scottish slang for an effeminate, weak, or cowardly boy or man. Jessie is Black−American slang for a red−head vixen.
JESUS BOOTS Jesus Boots is British slang for thong−type sandals.
JESUS FREAK Jesus Freak is slang for a born−again Christian.
JET Jet is slang for ketamine.
JET FUEL Jet fuel is slang for phencyclidine.
JEW Jew is British slang for a miser. Jew is British slang for to get the better of someone financially.
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JEW SOMEONE Jew someone is slang for to outmanoeuvre someone in a financial deal.
JEW'S CANOE Jew's canoe is British slang for a Jaguar or other large car.
JEW'S ROLLS ROYCE Jew's Rolls Royce was mid−20th century British slang for a Jaguar car.
JEWIE LOUIE Jewie Louie is British slang for showy, flashy, ostentatious, in bad taste.
JEWISH Jewish is British slang for mean, avaricious.
JEWISH LIGHTNING Jewish lightning is American slang for arson.
JEWISH PENICILLIN Jewish penicillin is British slang for chicken soup.
JEWISH PIANO Jewish Piano is slang for a cash register.
JEWISH TANK Jewish tank is British slang for a London taxi.
JEWISH TYPEWRITER Jewish Typewriter is slang for a cash register.
JIB Jib is Black−American slang for bouth
JICK HEAD Jick head is Black−American slang for a drunk.
JIFFY Jiffy is slang for a moment, a short time.
JIG Jig is British slang for a lie, a ruse, a swindle. Jig is Australian slang for to play truant from school.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JIG IT Jig it is British slang for an easy win.
JIG−A−JIG Jig−a−jig is slang for sexual intercourse.
JIGGER Jigger is slang for the penis. Jigger is derogatory British slang for a black person.
JIGGERED Jiggered is British slang for exhausted. Jiggered is slang for astonished.
JIGGLE AND JOG Jiggle and jog is London Cockney rhyming slang for a French person (frog).
JIGSAW PUZZLE Jigsaw puzzle is London Cockney rhyming slang for muzzle.
JILL Jill is British slang for a policewoman.
JILL OFF Jill Off is slang for to masturbate (of a woman).
JILLION Jillion is American slang for a very large number or amount.
JILLOCK Jillock is British slang for a foolish person.
JIM Jim is British slang for a man who derives sexual pleasure from browsing in sex shops.
JIM AND JACK Jim and Jack is London Cockney rhyming slang for the back.
JIM BROWN Jim Brown is London Cockney rhyming slang for the West End of London (town).
JIM MASON Jim Mason is London Cockney rhyming slang for basin.
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JIM PRESCOTT Jim Prescott was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a waistcoat.
JIM SKINNER Jim Skinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for diner.
JIM−DANDY Jim−dandy is American slang for excellent.
JIMBO Jimbo is American slang for crack cocaine.
JIMJAMS Jimjams is slang for pyjammas. Jimjams is slang for delirium tremens.
JIMMY Jimmy (shortened from Jimmy Riddle) is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piddle). Jimmy is British slang for an injection of a narcotic drug, especially heroin. Jimmy is a Scottish slang familiar form of address.
JIMMY BOYLE Jimmy Boyle is London Cockney rhyming slang for kitchen foil.
JIMMY BRITS Jimmy Brits is British and Australian rhyming slang for diarrhoea (the shits).
JIMMY FLOYD HASSELBANK Jimmy Floyd Hasselbank is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
JIMMY GRANT Jimmy Grant is London Cockney rhyming slang for an immigrant. Jimmy Grant was old London Cockney rhyming slang for an emigrant.
JIMMY HILL Jimmy Hill is London Cockney rhyming slang for pill.
JIMMY HIX Jimmy Hix is London Cockney rhyming slang for a drugs fix.
JIMMY LOGIE Jimmy Logie is London Cockney rhyming slang for nasal reside (bogie).
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JIMMY NAIL Jimmy Nail is London Cockney rhyming slang for sale. Jimmy Nail is London Cockney rhyming slang for stale.
JIMMY O'GOBLIN Jimmy O'Goblin is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pound coin (soverign).
JIMMY RIDDLE Jimmy Riddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piddle).
JIMMY ROLLOCKS Jimmy Rollocks is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (bollocks).
JIMMY WHITE Jimmy White is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cheque (kite).
JIMMY WILDE Jimmy Wilde is London Cockney rhyming slang for mild.
JIMMY YOUNG Jimmy Young is London Cockney rhyming slang for bung. Jimmy Young is London Cockney rhyming slang for tongue.
JIN−JANG Jin−Jang is slang for the penis. Jin−Jang is slang for a woman's sex organs.
JINGLE Jingle is British slang for money. Jingle is American slang for a telephone call.
JINGLE BELL Jingle Bell is London Cockney rhyming slang for girl.
JINGLE−JANGLE Jingle−Jangle is American slang for money.
JINGLED UP Jingled up is Dorset slang for muddled.
JINX Jinx is slang for a person, object, influence, or supernatural being which is supposed to bring bad luck or to cause things to go wrong.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JISS Jiss is slang for semen.
JISSOM Jissom is slang for semen.
JISSUM Jissum is slang for semen.
JITNEY Jitney is slang for a nickel; five cents.
JITTERS Jitters is slang for nerves.
JIVE Jive is American slang for words; jokes; language. Jive is American slang for deliberately misleading or deceptive talk.
JIVE TALK Jive talk is slang for a style of speech which was developed to accompany swing music during the 1930s and 1940s, and which uses black musician slang and a picturesque rhymthic phraseology.
JIVE−ASS Jive−ass is American slang for deceitful, pretentious, worthless.
JIZZ Jizz is slang for semen.
JOAN OF ARC Joan of Arc is London Cockney rhyming slang for lark. Joan of Arc is London Cockney rhyming slang for park. Joan of Arc is British and Australian rhyming slang for shark.
JOAN RIVERS Joan Rivers is London Cockney rhyming slang for shivers.
JOANIE Joanie is American slang for old−fashioned, outdated, boring.
JOANNA Joanna (shortened from Aunt Joanna) is London Cockney rhyming slang for piano.
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JOB Job is slang for a crime. Job is slang for a person, thing or action. Job is British slang for a punch.
JOB AND FINISH Job and finish is British slang for work without scheduled hours in which the employee leaves when the job is finished.
JOB SOMEONE Job someone is slang for to beat someone.
JOBBED Jobbed is slang for to be convicted for a crime one didn't commit. Jobbed is British slang for punched. Jobbed is British slang for finished.
JOBBIE Jobbie is British slang for to defecate. Jobbie is British slang for excrement.
JOBBY Jobby is slang for a lump of excrement.
JOBSWORTH Jobsworth is slang for a person who is very pedantic at work; named after the oft heard, I cant let you do that, its more than my jobs worth.
JOCK Jock is slang for a Scottsman. Jock is slang for an un−named male. Jock is slang for a jockey. Jock is American slang for an athlete, sportsman. Jock was 18th century slang for the genitals.
JOCKEY Jockey is British slang for a prostitute's client. Jockey was 1950's British slang for a male. Jockey is British slang for a policeman. Jockey is British slang for a driver or pilot.
JOCKEY'S WHIP Jockey's whip is London Cockney rhyming slang for sleep (kip).
JOCKEY'S WHIPS Jockey's whips is London Cockney rhyming slang for chips.
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JOCKSTRAP Jockstrap is British slang for a Scotsman.
JODRELL BANK Jodrell Bank is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
JOE Joe is slang for a victim or dupe. Joe is American and Canadian slang for a man or fellow. Joe is American slang for for coffee.
JOE BASKI Joe Basksi is London Cockney rhyming slang for taxi.
JOE BLAKE Joe Blake is London Cockney rhyming slang for steak. Joe Blake is London Cockney rhyming slang for stake. Joe Blake was London Cockney rhyming slang for cake. Joe Blake is Australian rhyming slang for a snake.
JOE BLAKES Joe Blakes is London Cockney rhyming slang for shakes.
JOE BLOGGS Joe Bloggs is British slang for an average or typical man.
JOE BLOW Joe Blow is slang for an average, ordinary man.
JOE BROWN Joe Brown is British rhyming slang for town.
JOE BUCK Joe Buck is slang for fuck.
JOE COLE Joe Cole is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployment benefit (dole).
JOE DAKI Joe Daki is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Pakistani (Paki).
JOE ERK Joe Erk is London Cockney rhyming slang for berk.
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JOE GOSS Joe Goss is London Cockney rhyming slang for boss.
JOE GURR Joe Gurr is London Cockney rhyming slang for prison (stir).
JOE HOOK Joe Hook is London Cockney rhyming slang for book. Joe Hook is London Cockney rhyming slang for crook.
JOE HUNT Joe Hunt is British rhyming slang for a foolish, stupid, obnoxious person (cunt).
JOE LOSS Joe Loss is London Cockney rhyming slang for toss.
JOE MACBRIDE Joe Macbride is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (ride).
JOE PUBLIC Joe Public is slang for the general public.
JOE RONCE Joe Ronce is London Cockney rhyming slang for ponce.
JOE ROOK Joe Rok is London Cockney rhyming slang for book. Joe Rook is London Cockney rhyming slang for crook.
JOE ROOKIE Joe Rookie is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bookmaker (bookie).
JOE ROURKE Joe Rourke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pickpocket (fork).
JOE ROYLE Joe Royle is London Cockney rhyming slang for boil.
JOE SAVAGE Joe Savage is London Cockney rhyming slang for cabbage.
JOE SHMO Joe Shmo is American slang for an average man. Joe Shmo is American slang for a victim, dupe. 577
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JOE SIX−PACK Joe Six−Pack is American slang for an average or typical man.
JOE SKINNER Joe Skinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for dinner.
JOE SOAP Joe Soap is British slang for a person who is regarded as unintelligent and imposed upon as a stooge or scapegoat (dope). Joe Soap is New Zealand slang for an average or typical man.
JOE STRUMMER Joe Strummer is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unlucky or unpleasant experience (bummer).
JOE TANK Joe Tank is London Cockney rhyming slang for bank.
JOES Joes is Australian slang for depression.
JOEY Joey is British slang for a fool, dupe, victim. Joey is British prison slang for a package smuggled in or out of prison. Joey was old British slang for a clown. Joey was British slang for a threepenny coin. Joey is Australian slang for an effeminate man. Joey is Australian slang for a young kangaroo. Joey is Australian slang for a baby.
JOEY THE PLUM Joey the plumis British slang for a fool, a dupe.
JOGUE Jogue was old British criminal slang for a shilling.
JOHARITO Joharito is slang for heroin.
JOHHNIE RAY Johhnie Ray is London Cockney rhyming slang for day.
JOHN John is slang for the lavatory. John is prostitute slang for a prostitute's client. John was 19th century slang for a sweetheart. John is British slang for a condom. John is a British slang form of address for a man.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JOHN BULL John Bull is London Cockney rhyming slang for full. John Bull is Cockney rhyming slang for an arrest (pull). John Bull is Australian slang for drunk.
JOHN CLEESE John Cleese is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
JOHN DILLON John Dillon was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a shilling.
JOHN DOE John Doe is American slang for an unnamed male. John Doe is American slang for one's signature.
JOHN HANCOCK John Hancock is American slang for one's signature.
JOHN HOP John Hop is British and Australian rhyming slang for cop, a policeman.
JOHN MAJOR John Major is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pager.
JOHN O'GROAT John O'Groat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a coat.
JOHN O'GROATS John O'Groats is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual gratification (oats).
JOHN PEEL John Peel is London Cockney rhyming slang for eel.
JOHN PRESCOTT John Prescott is London Cockney rhyming slang for waistcoat.
JOHN Q CITIZEN John Q Citizen is American slang for the average man−in−the−street.
JOHN ROSCOE John Roscoe is American slang for a pistol or revolver.
JOHN SELWYN GUMMER John Selwyn Gummer is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unlucky or unpleasant experience (bummer). 579
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JOHN THOMAS John Thomas is British slang for the penis.
JOHN WAYNE John Wayne is London Cockney rhyming slang for a train.
JOHN−JOHN John−John is a British derogatory form of address for an Asian man.
JOHNNIE HORNER Johnnie Horner is London Cockney rhyming slang for corner.
JOHNNY Johnny is British slang for a condom. Johnny is British slang for a jack in a deck of cards.
JOHNNY CASH Johnny Cash is British slang for hashish. Johnny Cash is London Cockney rhyming slang for to urinate (slash).
JOHNNY COTTON Johnny Cotton is London Cockney rhyming slang for rotten.
JOHNNY GILES Johnny Giles is London Cockney rhyming slang for piles.
JOHNNY RANN Johnny Rann is British slang for food (scran).
JOHNNY RAW Johnny Raw is slang for a novice; new recruit.
JOHNNY REGGAE Johnny Reggae is British slang for a young West Indian male.
JOHNNY ROLLOCKS Johnny Rollocks is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (bollocks).
JOHNNY RONCE Johnny Ronce was old London Cockney rhyming slang for ponce.
JOHNNY RUTTER Johnny Rutter was old London Cockney rhyming slang for butter.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JOHNNY SKINNER Johnny Skinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for dinner.
JOHNNY VAUGHAN Johnny Vaughan is London Cockney rhyming slang for pornography (porn).
JOHNNY WALKER Johnny Walker is London Cockney rhyming slang for a talkative person (talker).
JOHNNY−COME−LATELY Johnny−come−lately is slang for a brash newcomer, novice, or recruit.
JOHNNY−NO−STARS Johnny−no−stars is slang for a young man of low intelligence.
JOHNNYDOM Johnnydom is British slang for a condom.
JOHNSON Johnson is British slang for a prostitute's enforcer or pimp. Johnson is American slang for the penis. Johnson is American slang for the backside, buttocks.
JOINT Joint is slang for a disreputable establishment, such as a bar or nightclub. Joint is slang for a cannabis cigarette.
JOINT OF BEEF Joint of beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for boss (chief).
JOKER Joker is derogatory slang for a person.
JOLLIES Jollies is slang for pleasure, thrills.
JOLLOP Jollop is slang for medicine. Jollop is slang for a large portion, lump or serving.
JOLLY Jolly is British slang for the head. Jolly is British slang for a Royal Marine. Jolly is British slang for a cannabis cigarette.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JOLLY ALONG Jolly along is British slang for to encourage someone.
JOLLY D Jolly d is a British slang expression of approbation.
JOLLY JOKER Jolly joker is London Cockney rhyming slang for a poker.
JOLLY POPPER Jolly popper is British slang for an occasional drug user.
JOLLY ROGER Jolly Roger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lodger.
JOLLY−BEAN Jolly−bean is British slang for a benzedrine tablet; amphetamine pill.
JOLLY−UP Jolly−up is British slang for a drinking session or party.
JOLSON STORY Jolson Story is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (cory).
JOLT Jolt is slang for the sudden initial effect of an illicit drug. Jolt is slang for an injection of a narcotic. Jolt is slang for a drink of strong alcohol.
JONAH Jonah is Australian rhyming slang for shark (Joan of Arc).
JONATHAN ROSS Jonathan Ross is London Cockney rhyming slang for toss.
JONES Jones is Black American slang for the penis. Jones is American slang for a drug habit.
JONNEEK Jonneek is Dorset slang for honest, straightforward.
JOOK Jook is Jamaican slang for to pierce or prick, especially with the penis. 582
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JOPETTY−JOPETTY Jopetty−jopetty is Dorset slang for anxious, agitated.
JOSH Josh is slang for to tease someone in a bantering way.
JOSSER Josser is British slang for a simpleton; fool. Josser is British slang for a fellow; chap. Josser is Australian slang for a clergyman.
JOURNO Journo is slang for a journalist.
JOY Joy is slang for heroin.
JOY BANG Joy Bang is American slang for to take a dose of a narcotic for occasional pleasure.
JOY JUICE Joy juice is slang for an alcoholic drink. Joy juice is slang for semen.
JOY OF MY LIFE Joy of my life is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
JOY POP Joy Pop is American slang for to take a dose of a narcotic for occasional pleasure.
JOY POPPER Joy Popper is slang for an occasional drug user. Joy Popper is slang for a user of heroin &c. who injects into the flesh or intramuscularly rather than into a vein.
JOY SMOKE Joy smoke is slang for marijuana; hashish.
JOYNSON−HICKS Joynson−hicks is British theatre slang for six.
JOYPOP Joypop is slang for to take addictive drugs occasionally without becoming addicted.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JOYSTICK Joystick is slang for the penis. Joystick is slang for a cannabis cigarette.
JOZZER Jozzer is British slang for the penis.
JU−JUBES Ju0jubes is slang for breasts.
JUBBIES Jubbies is British slang for a woman's breasts.
JUBBLY Jubbly is British slang for money, wealth.
JUBNUTS Jubnuts is southern English slang for fragments of dung clinging to the rear of sheep &c.
JUDGE DREAD Judge Dread is London Cockney rhyming slang for head.
JUDI DENCH Judi Dench is London Cockney rhyming slang for stench.
JUDY Judy is Northern British slang for a girl or woman. Judy is British slang for a prostitute.
JUDY AND PUNCH Judy and Punch is British rhyming slang for lunch.
JUG Jug is slang for a prison; a jail; a lockup. Jug is British slang for to imprison. Jug is British slang for to drink alcohol. Jug is British slang for a pint of beer.
JUG AND PAIL Jug and pail is London Cockney rhyming slang for jail.
JUG HANDLES Jug handles is British slang for large and prominent ears.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JUG UP Jug up is British slang for to imprison. Jug up is British slang for to frink alcohol.
JUGGED Jugged is slang for imprisoned. Jugged is slang for intoxicated.
JUGGINS Juggins is British slang for a silly person, a dupe.
JUGHEAD Jughead is British slang for a fool.
JUGS Jugs is British and Australian slang for breasts. Jugs is British slang for ears.
JUICE Juice is slang for electrical power. Juice is American slang for alcoholic drink. Juice is American slang for gossip; interesting news. Juice is American slang for buyers commission payable at an auction.
JUICE BACK Juice back is Black−American slang for to drink liquor
JUICE JOINT Juice joint is American slang for a bar.
JUICE UP Juice up is American slang for to make lively.
JUICED Juiced is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
JUICED−UP Juiced−up is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
JUICER Juicer is American slang for an alcoholic.
JUICY Juicy is slang for voluptuous or seductive.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JUICY PITS Juicy pits is British slang for sweaty arm−pits.
JUKE Juke is American military slang for avoid enemy fire and flak.
JULIAN CLARY Julian Clary is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (fairy). Julian Clary is London Cockney rhyming slang for lairy.
JULIAN DICKS Julian Dicks is London Cockney rhyming slang for six.
JULIUS CAESAR Julius Caesar is London Cockney rhyming slang for a flat cap (cheeser). Julius Caesar is London Cockney rhyming slang for freezer. Julius Caesar is London Cockney rhyming slang for a man (geezer).
JUMBLY Jumbly is British slang for a jumble sale.
JUMBO Jumbo is British slang for a fool, a large and slow, dimwitted person. Jumbo is British slang for the buttocks. Jumbo is American slang for crack cocaine.
JUMBO'S TRUNK Jumbo's trunk is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated.
JUMP Jump is slang for sexual intercourse.
JUMP BAIL Jump bail is slang for to abscond while at liberty under bail bonds.
JUMP SALTY Jump salty is American slang for to suddenly become angry.
JUMP SHOT Jump Shot is American slang for to vomit.
JUMP SOMEONE'S BONES Jump someone's bones is American slang for to have sexual intercourse with someone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JUMP START Jump start is medical slang for to defibrillate, or restore normal contractions of the heart through the use of drugs or an electric shock.
JUMP−UP Jump−up is British slang for stealing from the back of a lorry.
JUMPER Jumper is British slang for a thief who specialises in stealing from offices. Jumper is derogatory Irish slang for a person who changes religion; a convert.
JUMPING JACK Jumping Jack is London Cockney rhyming slang for black.
JUNCO Junco is slang for heroin.
JUNCTION Junction is British slang for the area of London around Clapham Junction.
JUNGLE Jungle is American slang for a gathering place for the unemployed.
JUNGLE BUNNY Jungle bunny is derogatory slang for a black person.
JUNGLE JIM Jungle Jim is London Cockney rhyming slang for swim.
JUNGLE JUICE Jungle juice is slang for alcoholic liquor, especially home−made liquor.
JUNGLE MUSIC Jungle music is derogatory British slang for popular music.
JUNGLY Jungly is British slang for disorganised, messy, primitive, unsophisticated.
JUNK Junk is slang for heroin.
JUNK FOOD Junk food is British slang for unsophisticated food of a perceived low nutritional value.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
JUNK MAIL Junk mail is British slang for unsolicited advertising sent by post.
JUNKER Junker is American slang for a dilapidated car. Junker is American slang for a drug addict.
JUNKIE Junkie is slang for a drug addict.
JUNKY Junky is slang for a drug addict.
JUST AS Just as (shortened from just as I feared) is London Cockney rhyming slang for beard.
JUST AS I FEARED Just as I feared is London Cockney rhyming slang for beard.
JUVE Juve is slang for a juvenile delinquent. Juve is slang for juvenile court or custody. Juve is show−business slang for a juvenile lead actor.
JUVIE Juvie is slang for a juvenile delinquent. Juvie is slang for juvenile court or custody. Juvie is show−business slang for a juvenile lead actor.
K K is slang for one thousand. K is slang for Ketamine. K is slang for a kilogram of any illicit drugs. K is slang for a homosexual. K is British slang for a knighthood.
K−12 K−12 is American teaching slang for a child's time at school.
K−HOLE K−hole is slang for ketamine.
K.I.S.S. K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) is slang for avoid unnecessary complications.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KA−CHING Ka−ching is slang for an opportunity to make money.
KAALGAT Kaalgat is South African slang for naked.
KAALVOET Kaalvoet is South African slang for barefoot.
KAAPEE KaaPee is south African slang for the Conservative party.
KAARTJIE Kaartjie is South African slang for a very small quantity of cannabis.
KAASKOP Kaaskop is South African slang for a Dutchman.
KABA−KABA Kaba−kaba is West Indian slang for a low class, worthless, rough person.
KABAC GENALS Kabac genals is slang for backslang.
KACK Kack is Black−American slang for fellow or dude.
KAFE Kafe is British slang for a cafe.
KAFFIR Kaffir is derogatory slang for a black person.
KAKER Kaker is British slang for something unpleasant.
KALAKIT Kalakit is slang for cannabis.
KALE Kale is American slang for money.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KALIED Kalied is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
KAMIKAZE Kamikaze is British slang for cold weather.
KANGA Kanga is Australian slang for a pneumatic drill. Kanga is Australian rhyming slang for a prison warder (screw).
KANGAROO Kangaro is London Cockney rhyming slang for a jew. Kangaroo is British and Australian rhyming slang for a prison warder (screw).
KANGAROO CARE Kangaroo care is American slang for infants held and nurtured by their mothers or others in an effort to provide essential emotional bonding while undergoing medical procedures.
KANGAROO COURT Kangaroo court is slang for a group of individuals who take it upon themselves to pass judgment and punishment on someone.
KANGAROO IT Kangaroo It is Australian slang for to squat.
KANGAROO VALLEY Kangaroo valley is British slang for Earl's Court.
KANGAROOS IN THE TOP PADDOCK Kangaroos in the top paddock is Australian slang for crazy, eccentric, deranged.
KAPLONKER Kaplonker is British slang for a crowbar.
KAPUT Kaput is British slang for broken beyond repair.
KARACHI Karachi is slang for heroin.
KARMA Karma is slang for one's personal destiny or fate. Karma is slang for an aura, impression.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KARZY Karzy is slang for a lavatory.
KATE ADIE Kate Adie is London Cockney rhyming slang for lady.
KATE AND SYDNEY Kate and Sydney is London Cockney rhyming slang for steak and kidney.
KATE KARNEY Kate Karney is London Cockney rhyming slang for army.
KATE MOSS Kate Moss is London Cockney rhyming slang for toss.
KATHERINE DOCKS Katherine docks is London Cockney rhyming slang for socks.
KAY Kay is slang for ketamine.
KAYF Kayf is British slang for a cafe.
KAYLIED Kaylied is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
KAZOO Kazoo is American slang for the buttocks.
KB KB is British slang for a knock back.
KECKS Kecks is British slang for trousers. Kecks is Dorset slang for a stem of hemlock.
KEEK Keek is Scottish slang for excrement.
KEEL−HAULING Keel−hauling is West Indian slang for a flogging.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KEEN Keen is American and Canadian slang for very good.
KEEN AS MUSTARD Keen as mustard is British slang for enthusiastic.
KEENO Keeno is British slang for an enthusiast.
KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP To keep a stiff upper lip is slang for to keep up one's courage.
KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE Keep a straight face is slang for to restrain oneself from laughing.
KEEP AN EYE ON Keep an eye on is slang for to observe, watch over.
KEEP CAVE Keep cave is British school slang for keep watch, lookout.
KEEP COOL Keep cool is slang for to keep one's composure, stay calm.
KEEP DOG−EYE Keep dog−eye is British slang for to keep a look out.
KEEP ON KEEPING ON Keep on keeping on is Black−American slang for perseverance.
KEEP ON TRUCKING Keep on trucking is slang for carry on.
KEEP ONE'S EAR TO THE GROUND Keep one's ear to the ground is slang for to pay close attention to everything one hears.
KEEP ONE'S END UP Keep one's end up is British slang for to do one's share of work or pay one's share.
KEEP ONE'S HAIR ON Keep one's hair on is British slang for to stay in control.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KEEP SHTOOM Keep shtoom is slang for keep quiet; don't tell.
KEEP TABS ON Keep tabs on is slang for to keep informed about.
KEEP UP WITH THE JONESES Keep up with the Joneses is slang for to compete with one's peers in trends and fashion.
KEGGED Kegged is slang for intoxicated.
KEGGER Kegger is American slang for a beer party.
KEISTER Keister is American slang for buttocks.
KEITH MOON Keith Moon is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lunatic (loon).
KELLY'S EYE Kelly's eye is bingo slang for the number one.
KELPER Kelper is British slang for an inhabitant of the Falkland Islands.
KELT Kelt is British slang for money.
KEMELS Kemels is Black−American slang for shoes.
KEN Ken was British slang for a house which is a resort for thieves. Ken is American slang for a dull, conformist man.
KEN DODD Ken Dodd is London Cockney rhyming slang for a roll of money (wad).
KEN DODDS Ken Dodds is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (cods).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KENNEL Kennel is American slang for a poor quality house.
KENNETH BRANAGH Kenneth Branagh is British slang for a computer scanner.
KENNINGTON LANE Kennington lane is London Cockney rhyming slang for pain.
KENSINGTON GORE Kensington gore is British theatre slang for artificial blood.
KENTISH TOWN Kentish Town is London Cockney rhyming slang for brown.
KERB CRAWLER Kerb crawler is slang for a person who drives slowly to view street prostitutes, with business in mind.
KERFLUMMOX Kerflummox is slang for to confuse, bamboozle.
KERMIT Kermit is British slang for a French person.
KERMIT THE FROG Kermit the frogtoilet (bog). Kermit the frog is London Cockney rhyming slang for snog.
KERN Kern is Dorset slang for a seed. Kern is Dorset slang for to seed.
KERRY PACKERED Kerry Packeredis British slang for knackered.
KERRY PACKERS Kerry Packers is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (knackers).
KETTLE Kettle is British slang for a watch.
KETTLE AND HOB Kettle and hob is London Cockney rhyming slang for Bob. Kettle and hob is London Cockney rhyming slang for fob. 594
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KEVIN Kevin is British slang for a common, vulgar, boorish young man without sophistication.
KEVINISH Kevinish is British slang for common, uncouth; vacuous.
KEWPIE DOLL Kewpie doll is slang for an excessively cute, over dressed or over made−up girl or woman. Kewpie doll is Australian rhyming slang for a prostitute (moll).
KEY Key is slang for essential, emblematic, supreme. Key is American slang for a kilogram of an illicit drug. Key was old slang for the penis.
KEYED UP Keyed up is slang for agitated, nervous.
KEYHOLDING A ROUND TRIPPER Keyholding a round tripper is Black−American slang for to be witness to an extraordinary event.
KEYHOLE Keyhole is British slang for the vagina. Keyhole is British slang for to pick a lock. Keyhole is British slang for to busk at the front door of a pub or other building.
KEYHOLING Keyholing is British slang for busking outside the front door of a building.
KEYSTONE COP Keystone cop is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chop.
KHARZI Kharzi is British slang for a toilet.
KHYBER PASS Khyber Pass is London Cockney rhyming slang for arse. Kyber Pass is London Cockney rhyming slang for glass.
KIBBLE Kibble is American slang for food, a meal.
KIBITZ Kibitz is American slang for to give unwelcome advice.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KIBITZER Kibitzer is American slang for an onlooker or spectator, especially one who gives unwelcome advice.
KIBOSH Kibosh is slang for nonsense. Kibosh is British slang for an eighteen month prison sentence. Kibosh is British slang for eighteen pence.
KICK Kick is slang for to give up. Usually referring to the giving up of addictive drugs. Kick was old British slang for sixpence.
KICK AND PRANCE Kick and prance is London Cockney rhyming slang for dance.
KICK AROUND Kick around is slang for to discuss easily and informally. Kick around is slang for to go about without any plans.
KICK ASS Kick ass is American slang for to punish or forcibly restore order. Kick ass is American slang for to make trouble, behave aggressively.
KICK BACK Kick back is American slang for to relax. Kick back is American slang for a bribe.
KICK IN Kick in is slang for to begin.
KICK IN THE BOLLOCKS Kick in the bollocks is British slang for a shock.
KICK IT Kick it is slang for to die.
KICK IT APART Kick it apart is American tramp slang for to lay out the details
KICK OFF Kick off is slang for to start trouble. Kick off is American slang for to die. Kick off is slang for to leave, go away.
KICK ON Kick on is Australian slang for to struggle on despite difficulties. 596
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KICK OUT THE JAMS Kick out the jams is American slang for to let go of all inhibitions.
KICK STOMP Kick stomp is American slang for to dance.
KICK STONES Kick stones is West Indian slang for to be unemployed.
KICK THE BUCKET Kick the bucket is slang for to die.
KICK THE HABIT Kick the habit is slang for to give up an addiction.
KICKASS Kickass is American slang for aggressive, rousing, forceful, tough.
KICKED TO THE CURB Kicked to the curb is American slang for totally rejected.
KICKER Kicker is American and Canadian slang for a hidden and disadvantageous factor, such as a clause in a contract. Kicker is American slang for a clincher. Kicker is American slang for something exciting. Kicker is American slang for loan fees.
KICKERS Kickers is slang for shoes, boots. Kickers was 19th century slang for the feet.
KICKIN Kickin is slang for full of life and energy.
KICKING Kicking is British slang for a physical assault, beating. Kicking is American slang for excellent.
KICKING IT Kicking it is American slang for to be busy or doing something.
KICKS Kicks is British slang for trousers. Kicks is Black−American slang for shoes. Kicks is slang for thrills.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KICKSIES Kicksies is slang for trousers.
KICKSTART Kickstart is slang for sudden action.
KICKSY Kicksy is American slang for exciting, stimulating, spirited.
KICKY Kicky is American slang for exciting, stimulating, spirited.
KID Kid is slang for a child or young person.
KID CREOLE Kid Creole is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployment benefit (dole).
KID STUFF Kid stuff is slang for child pornography. Kid stuff is slang for paedophilia.
KID'S STUFF Kid's stuff is slang for something considered fit only for children.
KIDDLE Kiddle is Dorset slang for a kettle.
KIDDO Kiddo is slang for a younger person than oneself. Often used affectionately.
KIDDY Kiddy is slang for to deceive; to outwit; to hoax. Kiddy is slang for a young fellow; formerly, a low thief.
KIDLET Kidlet is British slang for a small child.
KIDNEY PUNCH Kidney punch is London Cockney rhyming slang for lunch.
KIDOLOGY Kidology is British slang for the art of lying.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KIDS' STUFF Kids' stuff is slang for something considered fit only for children. Kids' stuff is slang for something considered simple or easy.
KIDSTAKE Kidstake is London Cockney rhyming slang for fake.
KIDVID Kidvid is American slang for children's television or videogram programmes.
KIF Kif is Moroccan slang for marijuana or hashish.
KIFE Kife is British slang for a woman, in a sexual context. Kife is British slang for sex.
KIFER Kifer is British slang for to have sex. Kifer is British slang for a woman seen as a sex object.
KIKE Kike is derogatory American and Canadian slang for a Jew.
KIKI Kiki is American slang for a bisexual. Kiki is American slang for a male homosexual.
KILBURN Kilburn (shortened from Kilburn Priory) is London cockney rhyming slang for diary, especially a police diary.
KILBURN PRIORY Kilburn Priory is London cockney rhyming slang for diary, especially a police diary.
KILKENNY Kilkenny is London Cockney rhyming slang for penny.
KILKENNY CATS Kilkenny cats is London Cockney rhyming slang for mad, insane (bats).
KILL Kill is slang for to finish, complete.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KILL IT Kill it is surfing slang for to surf well.
KILL SHOT Kill shot is American sports slang for a deliberately overly aggressive tackle which is meant to impair the future performance of the player who was tackled.
KILL THAT NOISE Kill that noise is American slang for shut up, stop talking.
KILLER Killer is slang for very difficult. Killer is slang for cannabis. Killer is American slang for very fashionable, trendy. Killer is slang for very difficult.
KILLER BEES Killer bees is Wall Street slang for support personnel, such as attorneys or public relations professionals, used by a company to battle a takeover attempt.
KILLER CARDS Killer cards is American slang for collector cards featuring the images, statistics, and grisly stories of murderers and serial killers.
KILLER WEED Killer Weed is slang for phencyclidine.
KILLING FLOOR Killing floor is American slang for a place where sexual intercourse takes place.
KILT Kilt is British slang for a girl or woman. Kilt is British slang for sex.
KILTIE Kiltie is British slang for a Scotsman. Kiltie was Great War British military slang for a Scottish soldier.
KINDA Kinda is slang for kind of.
KINDY Kindy is Australian slang for a kindergarten.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang King is slang for cocaine. King is American slang for a male with an extreme characteristic or habit.
KING CANUTE King Canute is London Cockney rhyming slang for boot.
KING DEATH King Death is London Cockney rhyming slang for breath.
KING DICK King Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for brick. King Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for stupid (thick).
KING DICKIE King Dickie is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bricklayer (brickie).
KING FAROUK King Farouk is London Cockney rhyming slang for book.
KING HIT King hit is Australian slang for a blow from behind, a stab in the back. King hit is Australian slang for a knockout blow.
KING LEAR King Lear is London Cockney rhyming slang for ear. King Lear is British theatre rhyming slang for a male homosexual (queer).
KING'S HEAD King's head is London Cockney rhyming slang for shed.
KING'S PROCTOR King's proctor is London Cockney rhyming slang for doctor.
KINGDOM COME Kingdom come is London Cockney rhyming slang for bum. Kingdom come is London Cockney rhyming slang for rum.
KINGS AND QUEENS Kings and queens is London Cockney rhyming slang for beans.
KINIFEE Kinifee is British slang for a knife.
KINK Kink is slang for a sexual deviant. Kink is slang for a sexual perversion. 601
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KINKY Kinky is slang for given to unusual sexual practices, perverse.
KINKY BOOTS Kinky boots is British slang for women's knee or thigh−length leather boots.
KIP Kip is slang for sleep. Kip is slang for a place to sleep.
KIP DOWN Kip down is slang for to sleep.
KIPLING Kipling is a British slang term of approval.
KIPPER Kipper is British slang for the vagina. Kipper is British slang for a wide tie. Kipper is British slang for an unreliable person. Kipper is British slang for a coward. Kipper is derogatory Australian slang for Englishman.
KIPPER AND BLOATER Kipper and bloater is London Cockney rhyming slang for a motor vehicle (motor). Kipper and bloater is London Cockney rhyming slang for a photograph.
KIPPER AND PLAICE Kipper and plaice is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
KIPPER SEASON Kipper season is British slang for a slack period of trade.
KIPPERED Kippered is British slang for devastated, trounced.
KIRP Kirp is British backslang for penis (prick).
KISS AND CUDDLE Kiss and cuddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for a muddle.
KISS ASS Kiss ass is slang for to act obsequiously.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KISS ME HARDY Kiss me Hardy is London Cockney rhyming slang for Bacardi.
KISS ME QUICK Kiss me quick is London Cockney rhyming slang for an idiot (prick).
KISS OF DEATH Kiss of death is slang for condeming to certain doom or failure.
KISS OF LIFE Kiss of life is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
KISS OFF Kiss off is American and Candian slang for to ignore or dismiss rudely and abruptly.
KISS THE PORCELAIN GOD Kiss the porcelain god is slang for to vomit.
KISS UP Kiss up is American slang for to behave like a sycophant.
KISS−ASS Kiss−ass is American slang for a sycophant.
KISSER Kisser is slang for the mouth.
Kissing tackle is British slang for the mouth, lips.
KISSING THE CAN Kissing the can is American slang for to vomit
KIT Kit is British slang for clothes.
KIT AND CABOODLE Kit and caboodle is slang for everything, the complete amount.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KIT−KAT Kit−Kat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (prat).
KIT−KAT SHUFFLE Kit−kat shuffle is British slang for female masturbation.
KITCHEN RANGE Kitchen range is London Cockney rhyming slang for change.
KITCHEN SINK Kitchen sink is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Chinese person (chink). Kitchen sink is London Cockney rhyming slang for stink.
KITE Kite is slang for a worthless cheque Kite is British slang for an aeroplane. Kite is British slang for the stomach. Kite is British slang for an alcoholic or junkie. Kite was 19th century slang for a false or worthless document.
KITE FLYER Kite flyer is slang for someone who issues worthless cheques.
KITE MAN Kite man is slang for someone who issues worthless cheques.
KITING Kiting is slang for passing dud cheques.
KIWI Kiwi is slang for a New Zealander.
KIYER Kiyer is Dorset slang for a gypsy.
KLEENEX Kleenex is British slang for a stupid person.
KLEPTO Klepto is slang for kleptomaniac.
KLINK Klink is slang for gaol, prison.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KLUDGE Kludge is slang for a cumbersome, overcomplicated thing or situation.
KLUTZ Klutz is American and Canadian slang for a clumsy or stupid person.
KLUTZY Klutzy is American slang for foolish, clumsy.
KNACKER Knacker is British slang for to tire or exhaust. Knacker is Irish slang for a despicable person.
KNACKERED Knackered is British slang for worn out, exhausted.
KNACKERS Knackers is British slang for the testicles.
KNAP Knap is Dorset slang for a small hill.
KNAVE Knave is British slang for an unwitting courier of explosives, a sacrificial bomb−carrier.
KNEE BENDER Knee bender is British slang for a religious person.
KNEE−JERK Knee−jerk is slang for a reflex action.
KNEE−TREMBLER Knee−trembler is British slang for sexual intercourse while standing up.
KNEEBANGERS Kneebangers is surfing slang for the long, baggy shorts favoured by surfers.
KNEEL BEFORE THE PORCELAIN THRONE Kneel before the porcelain throne is American slang for to vomit
KNEES UP Knees Up is slang for a party or celebration.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KNICKER LOOSENER Knicker loosener is British slang for an aphrodisiac, an alcoholic drink.
KNICKER−BANDIT Knicker−bandit is British slang for a fetishistic thief who steals women's underclothes from washing lines.
KNICKER−WRECKER Knicker−wrecker is British slang for a sexually aggressive and successful male seducer.
KNICKERS Knickers is a British slang exclamation of defiance or annoyance.
KNICKS Knicks is British slang for knickers.
KNIFE AND FORK Knife and fork is London Cockney rhyming slang for pork.
KNOB Knob is British slang for the penis. Knob is British slang for to have sex.
KNOB CUSTARD Knob custard is British slang for semen.
KNOB JOB Knob job is slang for male masturbation.
KNOB POLISHER Knob polisher is British slang for an unpleasant person (a wanker).
KNOB−CHEESE Knob−cheese is British slang for smegma (a sebaceous secretion found under the foreskin).
KNOB−END Knob−end is British slang for a stupid, unpleasant person.
KNOB−HEAD Knob−head is slang for an idiot, imbecile.
KNOB−THROB Knob−throb is British slang for lust, sexual desire.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KNOB−TWISTER Knob−twister is Australian slang for a bookmaker.
KNOBBLY KNEES Knobbly knees is London Cockney rhyming slang for keys.
KNOBROT Knobrot is British slang for syphillis.
KNOBS Knobs is Black−American slang for knees. Knobs is American slang for breasts.
KNOCK Knock is slang for to criticize. Knock is slang for sexual intercourse. Knock is British slang for to kill. Knock is British slang for a certainty. Knock is British slang for to fail to repay a debt. Knock is British slang for to impress.
KNOCK A NOD Knock a nod is Black−American slang for to go to sleep
KNOCK AT THE DOOR Knock at the door is bingo slang for the number four.
KNOCK BACK Knock back is slang for a refusal or rejection. Knock back is prison slang for failure to obtain parole.
KNOCK DOWN Knock down is Australian slang for to spend a cheque Knock down is Australian slang for to drink.
KNOCK GALLEY−WEST Knock galley−west is American slang for knock into confusion, inaction, or unconsciousness.
KNOCK INTO A COCKED HAT Knock into a cocked hat is slang for to outdo or defeat.
KNOCK IT OFF Knock it off is slang for stop it.
KNOCK IT ON THE HEAD Knock it on the head is British slang for to stop, decist. 607
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KNOCK OFF Knock off is slang for to kill. Knock off is slang for to rob or steal. Knock off is slang for to have sexual intercourse with; to seduce. Knock off is slang for to stop working and leave. Knock off is slang for a police raid. Knock off is slang for a fake copy. Knock off is slang for to stop, to decist.
KNOCK ON THE DOOR Knock on the door is bingo slang for the number four.
KNOCK ON WOOD Knock on wood is slang for masturbate.
KNOCK ONE'S OWN THING Knock one's own thing is Belize slang for masturbate.
KNOCK ONE'S WIG Knock one's wig is Black American slang for to comb one's hair.
KNOCK OUT Knock out is British slang for to sell or distribute.
KNOCK OVER Knock over is slang for to rob.
KNOCK SOMEONE'S BLOCK OFF Knock someone's block off is British slang for to hit someone hard.
KNOCK THE TAR OUT OF Knock the tar out of is American slang for beat severely.
KNOCK THEM BANDY Knock them bandy is British slang for to evoke a favourable response.
KNOCK THEM COLD Knock them cold is British slang for to evoke a favourable response.
KNOCK THEM DEAD Knock them dead is British slang for to evoke a favourable response.
KNOCK THEM STIFF Knock them stiff is British slang for to evoke a favourable response.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KNOCK UP Knock up is slang for to make pregnant.
KNOCK−ABOUT Knock−about is Australian slang for a tramp. Knock−about is West Indian slang for a cheap and poor quality prostitute.
KNOCK−AROUND Knock−around is Australian slang for a tramp.
KNOCKBACK Knockback is British slang for a rejection.
KNOCKED OUT Knocked out is slang for very impressed.
KNOCKED UP Knocked up is American slang for pregnant. Knocked up is Australian slang for exhausted.
KNOCKER Knocker is British slang for a debtor, someone who borrows money. Knocker is British slang for a door−to−door salesperson. Knocker is British slang for a door−to−door tout for an antique dealer, who tries to trick the gullible or identify targets for burglary. Knocker is British slang for a breast.
KNOCKER AND KNOB Knocker and knob is London Cockney rhyming slang for job.
KNOCKERS Knockers is slang for breasts.
KNOCKIE Knockie is British slang for sex.
KNOCKIE−KNOCKIE Knockie−knockie is British slang for sex.
KNOCKING HER DEAD ONE ON THE NOSE EACH AND EVERY DOUBLE TREY Knocking her dead one on the nose each and every double trey is Black−American slang for to get a paycheck every sixth day.
KNOCKING ON Knocking on is British slang for getting old. 609
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KNOCKING SHOP Knocking shop is British slang for a brothel.
KNOCKOUT Knockout is slang for impressive, wonderful, first−rate.
KNOLLERS Knollers is British slang for the testicles.
KNOLLY BIKE Knolly bike is British slang for a low−cc motorbike used by would−be taxi drivers to learn the streets.
KNOT−HEAD Knot−head is slang for a fool or dim−witted person.
KNOTHEAD IS BRITISH SLANG FOR A STUPID PERSON. KNOTTED Knotted is slang for tied, referring to the score of a game.
KNOTTY ASH Knotty ash is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash.
KNOW ONE'S ONIONS Know one's onions is British slang for to be aware.
KNOW ONES ONIONS Know ones onions is British slang for knowledgeable and to be competent in ones task.
KNOWLEGE BOX Knowlege box is Black−American slang for the head
KNUCKLE Knuckle is slang for to hit, beat up. Knuckle is British slang for a fistfight.
KNUCKLE DUSTER Knuckle duster is slang for a metal contrivance worn about the knuckles of the fist and used to add force to a blow and disfigurement to the victim of the blow.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Knuckle sandwich is slang for a punch in the mouth or face.
KNUCKLEHEAD Knucklehead is slang for an idiot.
KNUCKS Knucks is slang for a knuckleduster.
KO Ko is boxing slang for a knockout.
KODE Kode is slang for the secret language of homosexual men used to communicate with one another.
KOH−I−NOOR Koh−I−noor is British slang for a Jewish prostitute.
KOJAK Kojak is British slang for a bald tyre.
KOOK Kook is American slang for an eccentric or crazy person.
KOOKY Kooky is slang for crazy, eccentric.
KOORIE Koorie is derogatory New Zealand slang for a Maori. Koorie is New Zealand slang for an unpleasant or unpopular person. Koorie is derogatory Australian slang for an aborigine.
KOPASETIC Kopasetic is Black−American slang for excellent
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KOSHER Kosher is slang for correct, legitimate.
KOTCHEL Kotchel is British slang for a lot, a great quantity.
Kraut is derogatory slang for a German.
KRAUT ROCK Kraut rock is slang for German rock music.
KREMLIN Kremlin is British slang for New Scotland Yaed.
KRIPTONITE Kriptonite is rhyming slang for web site.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
KRYSTAL Krystal is slang for phencyclidine.
KUGEL Kugel is South African slang for a daughter of wealthy parents whose interests lie in her wardrobe, appearance, boyfriend as a posession and spending money.
KUNGFU FIGHTER Kungfu fighter is rhyming Slang for lighter.
KUNTA KINTE Kunta Kinte is British slang for a black person.
KURI Kuri is derogatory New Zealand slang for a Maori. Kuri is New Zealand slang for an unpleasant or unpopular person. Kuri is derogatory Australian slang for an aborigine.
KURVA Kurva is British slang for a prostitute.
KUTU Kutu is New Zealand slang for body louse.
KUWAITI TANKER Kuwaiti tanker is British rhyming slang for an unpleasant person (wanker).
KVETCH Kvetch is slang for to complain, whine. Kvetch is slang for a person who complains constantly, a whiner.
KYF Kyf is British slang for a woman seen as a sex object.
KYLIE MINOGUE Kylie Minogue is London Cockney rhyming slang for a rogue.
LA La is Australian slang for a toilet.
LA BUENA La Buena is slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LA−DI−DAH La−di−dah is London Cockney rhyming slang for car.
LA−LA−LAND La−la−land is British slang for a state of drugged or intoxicated euphoria.
LABONZA Labonza is Australian slang for a belly or paunch. Labonza is Australian slang for the buttocks.
LABOUR SKATE Labour skate is American slang for a trade−union official.
LACE Lace is slang for spirits added to coffee or some other beverage. Lace is slang for a potent additive added to a drink or narcotic.
LACE CURTAIN Lace curtain is slang for foreskin. Lace curtain is London Cockney rhyming slang for Burton beer. Lace curtain is British slang for beer.
LACE INTO Lace into is slang for to attack, either verbally or physically.
LACE JOINT Lace Joint is slang for a marijuana cigarette laced with crack; also called Geek or Gig Joint.
LACED MUTTON Laced mutton is old slang for a prostitute.
LACED UP Laced up is British slang for fully occupied, obligated, embroiled. Laced up is British slang for completed, accomplished. Laced up is British slang for repressed, inhibited.
LACKS Lacks is British slang for lacrosse.
LACKY−BAND Lacky−band is a slang corruption of the words elastic band.
LADDETTE Laddette is British slang for a swaggering, drunken, uncouth young woman.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LADDISH Laddish is British slang for boisterous, uncouth, macho.
LADIES AND GENTS Ladies and gents is London Cockney rhyming slang for common sense.
LADY Lady is slang for cocaine.
LADY FROM BRISTOL Lady from Bristol is London Cockney rhyming slang for pistol.
LADY GODIVA Lady Godiva is London Cockney rhyming slang for a five pound note (fiver).
LADY JANE Lady Jane is slang for vagina. Lady Jane is slang for marijuana.
LADY MUCK Lady Muck is British slang for a woman who behaves high−handidly, a snobbish woman.
LADYBOY Ladyboy is British slang for a male homosexual.
LAFF Laff is slang for amusement.
LAG Lag is slang for a convict. Lag was old British slang for to be transported for a crime, or for a convict transported for a crime. Lag was 17th century British slang for water. Lag is Australian slang for to inform on someone.
LAGER AND LIME Lager and lime is London Cockney rhyming slang for time.
LAGER LOUT Lager lout is British slang for a drunken, uncouth male.
LAGERED UP Lagered Up is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LAGGED Lagged is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
LAGGING Lagging is British slang for a period of imprisonment.
LAH−DI−DAH Lah−di−dah is London Cockney rhyming slang for car. Lah−di−dah is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigar. Lah−di−dah is London Cockney rhyming slang for star. Lah−di−dah is British slang for snobbish, snooty.
LAID BACK Laid back is slang for relaxed, easy−going.
LAID OUT Laid out is American slang for drunk, intoxicated, under the influence of drugs.
LAIR Lair is Australian slang for a flashy man who shows off.
LAIRISING Lairising is Australian slang for showing off, being flashy.
LAIRY Lairy is British slang for loud, boistrous. Lairy is Australian slang for gaudy or flashy.
LAKES OF KILLARNEY Lakes of Killarney is London Cockney rhyming slang for mad, insane (barmy). Lakes of Killarney is London Cockney rhyming slang for two−faced (carney).
LAKIE Lakie (shortened from Lakes of Killarney) is London Cockney rhyming slang for mad, insane (barmy). Lakie (shortened from Lakes of Killarney) is London Cockney rhyming slang for two−faced (carney).
LAL BROUGH Lal brough is London Cockney rhyming slang for snuff.
LALA Lala is Australian slang for a toilet.
LALLIES Lallies is British and Polari slang for legs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LALLY Lally is British slang for snuff.
LAM Lam is American and Canadian slang for a sudden flight or escape, especially to avoid arrest.
LAMB DOWN Lamb down is Australian and New Zealand slang for to persuade someone to spend all their money on alcohol. Lamb down is Australian and New Zealand slang for to squander all one's money on alcoholic drink.
LAMBETH Lambeth is British slang for to wash.
LAMBETH WALK Lambeth walk is London Cockney rhyming slang for billiard chalk.
LAME Lame is American slang for conventional or uninspiring.
LAME DUCK Lame duck is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (fuck).
LAME−ASS Lame−ass is American slang for a feeble, disappointing person.
LAMEBRAIN Lamebrain is slang for a dim−witted person.
LAMP Lamp is slang for to look at. Lamp is British slang for to hit, assault, attack.
LAMP ALONG Lamp along is Irish slang for to go along at a great pace.
LAMPS Lamps is Black−American slang for ones eyes.
LANCASHIRE LASS Lancashire lass is northern English rhyming slang for glass.
LANCASHIRE LASSES Lancashire lasses is northern English rhyming slang for glasses. 617
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LANCE Lance is British slang for the penis. Lance is British slang for to have sexual intercourse. Lance is Dorset slang for sloping ground.
LANCEJACK Lancejack is British military slang for a lance corporal.
LAND OF HOPE Land of hope was old British rhyming slang for soap.
LAND OF THE RISING HAGIS Land of the rising hagis is British slang for Scotland.
LAND ONE Land one is British slang for to connect with a punch.
LANDOWNER Landowner is British slang for a person. Landowner was Great War British military slang for a dead and buried soldier.
LAP LUNG BUTTER Lap lung butter is American slang for to vomit
LARD Lard is British slang for fat, a fat person.
LARD−ARSE Lard−arse is slang for a fat person.
LARD−HEAD Lard−head is slang for a dim−witted person.
LARDO Lardo is slang for a fat person.
LARDY Lardy is derogatory British slang for a fat person. Lardy is British slang for last.
LARGE Large is slang for excellent. Large is British slang for one thousand.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LARRIKIN Larrikin is Australian and New Zealand slang for a hooligan.
LARRUP Larrup is slang for to beat.
LAS Las is South African slang for money; a loan or a contribution of money.
LASH Lash is British slang for to urinate. Lash is West Indian slang for enthusiastic, energetic sexual intercourse. Lash is Australian slang for a rampage, a bout of wild behaviour. Lash is Australian slang for an attempt, to try.
LAST CARD IN THE PACK Last card in the pack is London Cockney rhyming slang for back. Last card in the pack is London Cockney rhyming slang for sack. Last card in the pack is British theatre rhyming slang for snack.
LAST DEBT Last debt is Black−American slang for death.
LAST OUT Last out is Black−American slang for death.
LAST SHAKE OF THE BAG Last shake of the bag is British slang for the youngest child in a family.
LATCHECO Latcheco is British slang for a scavenger.
LATERAL COOKIE TOSS Lateral cookie toss is American slang for to vomit.
LATHER Lather is slang for semen.
LATTIE Lattie is Polari slang for house.
LAUGH AND JOKE Laugh and joke is London Cockney rhyming slang for smoke.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LAUGH AND TITTER Laugh and titter is London Cockney rhyming slang for bitter (beer).
LAUGH AT THE CARPET Laugh at the carpet is American slang for to vomit.
LAUGH AT THE LAWN Laugh at the lawn is American slang for to vomit.
LAUGH AT YOUR SHOES Laugh at your shoes is American slang for to vomit.
LAUGH OUT OF THE OTHER CORNER OF THE MOUTH Laugh out of the other corner of the Mouth is slang for to feel regret, vexation, or disappointment after hilarity or exaltation.
LAUGH OUT OF THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUTH Laugh out of the other side of the Mouth is slang for to feel regret, vexation, or disappointment after hilarity or exaltation.
LAUGHING BOY Laughing boy is British slang for a morose, sullen or serious−looking person. Laughing boy is British slang for someone who is offensively cheerful.
LAUGHING GAS Laughing Gas is slang for nitrous oxide.
LAUGHING GEAR Laughing gear is British slang for the mouth.
LAUGHING JUICE Laughing juice is slang for alcoholic drink.
LAUGHING SOUP Laughing soup is slang for alcoholic drink.
LAUGHING WATER Laughing water is slang for alcoholic drink.
LAUNCH LUNCH Launch lunch is American slang for to vomit.
LAUNDER Launder is slang for to legitimize cash gained illegally or immorally. 620
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LAUREL AND HARDY Laurel and Hardy is London Cockney rhyming slang for bacardi.
LAV Lav is slang for a toilet.
LAVA Lava is British slang for semen.
LAVENDER Lavender is slang for a homosexual man.
LAWFUL WEDDED Lawful wedded is British slang for a spouse.
LAWN Lawn is British slang for the hair.
LAY Lay is slang for to have sex with someone. Lay is slang for a potential sexual partner. Lay is slang for a plan; a scheme.
LAY ACROSS THE DRINK Lay across the drink is Black−American slang for the continent of Europe
LAY AN EGG Lay an egg is American and Canadian slang for to make a joke or give a performance, etc., that fails completely.
LAY BY Lay by is Australian slang for to reserve an item in a shop by putting a deposit on it.
LAY DOWN Lay down is slang for surrender, abase oneself.
LAY IRON Lay iron is Black American slang for to tap dance.
LAY ME IN THE GUTTER Lay me in the gutter was old London Cockney rhyming slang for butter.
LAY ONE ON SOMEONE Lay one on someone is slang for to hit or punch someone. 621
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LAY OUT Lay out is British slang for to knock someone out in a fight.
LAY RUBBER Lay rubber is American slang for to drive very fast.
LAY SOME PIPE Lay some pipe is Australian slang for to have sex.
LAZYITIS Lazyitis is British slang for bone idle.
LAZZY Lazzy is British slang for elastic.
LEAD IN ONE'S PENCIL Lead in one's pencil is British slang for male virility.
LEAD POISONING Lead poisoning is American slang for death or injury resulting from being shot with bullets.
LEAF Leaf is slang for cannabis. Leaf was old British slang for a one pound note.
LEAK Leak is slang for an act of urination.
LEAK AIR Leak air is American slang for to talk nonsense.
LEAKY BLADDER Leaky bladder is London Cockney rhyming slang for ladder.
LEAN AND FAT Lean and fat was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for hat.
LEAN AND LINGER Lean and linger is London Cockney rhyming slang for finger.
LEAN AND LURCH Lean and lurch is London Cockney rhyming slang for church.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LEAP Leap is British slang for sexual intercourse.
LEAPER Leaper is slang for a stimulant drug.
LEARY Leary is Dorset slang for empty. Leary is Dorset slang for hungry. Leary is Dorset slang for tired.
LEATHER Leather is British slang for a wallet. Leather is British slang for a purse. Leather is British slang for a middle−aged male jet−setter, an ageing suntanned playboy.
LEATHER MERCHANT Leather merchant is British slang for a pickpocket.
LEATHERBOY Leatherboy is slang for a motobike enthusiast. Leatherboy is slang for a young male homosexual. Leatherboy is slang for a young male prostitute.
LEATHERING Leathering is slang for a beating.
LEATHERNECK Leatherneck is slang for a member of the U.S. Marine Corps.
LEAVE LUNCH Leave lunch is American slang for to vomit
LECH Lech is slang for to sexually lust after. Also spelt letch.
LECHY Lechy is British slang for lecherous.
LECKY Lecky is British slang for electricity. Lecky is Liverpudlian slang for electric.
LEE MARVIN Lee Marvin is London Cockney rhyming slang for starving.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LEE VAN CLEEF Lee Van Cleef is London Cockney rhyming slang for beef.
LEECH OFF Leech off is slang for to behave like a parasite.
LEERY Leery is slang for wary, suspicious, shy, cautious. Leery is British slang for alert, clever. Leery is British slang for bad tempered. Leery is British slang for untrustworthy, devious, cunning.
LEFT AND RIGHT Left and right is London Cockney rhyming slang for fight.
LEFT BACK Left back is British slang for a playing card with three pips.
LEFT FOOTER Left footer is British slang for a catholic.
LEFT HALF Left half is British slang for a playing card with six pips.
LEFT HANDER Left hander is British slang for a homosexual.
LEFT IN THE LURCH Left in the lurch is London Cockney rhyming slang for church.
LEFT−HANDED BATSMAN Left−handed batsman is British slang for a homosexual.
LEFTFIELD Leftfield is slang for taking an unconventional view or stance.
LEG Leg was old British slang for a disreputable sporting character.
LEG BAIL Leg bail is slang for to escape from custody by running away.
LEG BEFORE WICKET Leg before wicket is London Cockney rhyming slang for a major mistake (ricket) Leg before wicket is London Cockney rhyming slang for ticket. 624
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LEG IT Leg it is slang for to run hurriedly.
LEG OF BEEF Leg of beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for thief.
LEG OF MUTTON Leg of mutton is London Cockney rhyming slang for button.
LEG OF PORK Leg of pork is London Cockney rhyming slang for chalk.
LEG−BITER Leg−biter is slang for a small child.
LEG−MAN Leg−man is slang for a man whose favourite part of the female anatomy is the legs.
LEG−OPENER Leg−opener is slang for strong alcoholic drink, or an inncoent drink laced with alcohol.
LEG−OVER Leg−over is slang for to have sex.
LEGGNER Leggner is British slang for a one year prison sentence.
LEGHOLDERS Legholders is British slang for trousers.
LEGIT Legit is slang for legitimate.
LEGLESS Legless is slang for very drunk.
LEGOVER Legover is British slang for sexual intercourse.
LEGS Legs is British slang for eleven.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LEGS ELEVEN Legs eleven is bingo slang for the number eleven.
LEICESTER Leicester (shortened from Leicester Square) is London Cockney rhyming slang for chair.
LEICESTER SQUARE Leicester Square is London Cockney rhyming slang for chair.
LEISURE HOURS Leisure hours is London Cockney rhyming slang for flowers.
LEKKER Lekker is South African slang for pleasing, enjoyable, or likeable.
LEMON Lemon is slang for person or thing considered to be useless or defective. Lemon is slang for a fool or an embarrassed person. Lemon (shortened from lemon and lime) is London Cockney rhyming slang for time. Lemon is Black American slang for the penis.
LEMON AND DASH Lemon and dash is London Cockney rhyming slang for flash. Lemon and dash is London Cockney rhyming slang for slash. Lemon and dash is London Cockney rhyming slang for wash.
LEMON AND LIME Lemon and lime is London Cockney rhyming slang for time.
LEMON CURD Lemon curd is London Cockney rhyming slang for a woman (bird). Lemon curd is London Cockney rhyming slang for excrement (turd).
LEMON DROP Lemon drop is London Cockney rhyming slang for a policeman (cop).
LEMON FLAVOUR Lemon flavour is London Cockney rhyming slang for favour.
LEMON SQUASH Lemon squash is London Cockney rhyming slang for wash.
LEMON SQUEEZER Lemon squeezer is London Cockney rhyming slang for man (geezer).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LEMON SQUEEZY Lemon squeezy is London Cockney rhyming slang for easy.
LEMON TEA Lemon tea is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (pee).
LEMONADE Lemonade is London Cockney rhyming slang for spade.
LEMONS Lemons is slang for the breasts.
LEMONY Lemony is Australian slang for angry or irritable.
LEN HUTTON Len Hutton is London Cockney rhyming slang for button.
LEND A HAND Lend a hand is slang for assist.
LENGTH Length is British slang for a six−month prison sentence. Length is British slang for the penis.
LENNY THE LION Lenny the lion is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexiual (iron).
LENO Leno is slang for cannabis.
LEO SAYER Leo Sayer is rhyming slang for something that lasts all day.
LERGI Lergi is British slang for an unspecified disease.
LES Les is slang for lesbian.
LESBO Lesbo is slang for lesbian.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LESSIE Lessie is slang for lesbian
LET IT ALL HANG OUT Let it all hang out is slang for to behave without inhibition.
LET OFF Let off is slang for to fart.
LET ONE DOWN FOR ONES CHIMER Let one down for ones chimer is Black−American slang for steal someones watch
LET RIP Let rip is British slang for to emit wind frm the anus. Let rip is British slang for to emit a torrent of abuse (rip and tear). Let rip is British slang for to emit a torrent of aggression.
LETCH Letch is British slang for a lecherous person. Letch is British slang for to stare lustfully at women.
LETHAL WEAPON Lethal Weapon is slang for phencyclidine.
LETTUCE Lettuce is slang for money.
LEVELS Levels is betting slang for evens (1/1).
LEVER ARCH FILES Lever arch files is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
LEVY AND FRANK Levy and Frank is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
LEW Lew is Dorset slang for a shelter from the wind.
LEZ Lez is slang for lesbian.
LEZZIE Lezzie is slang for lesbian 628
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LIBBER Libber is slang for a feminist.
LIBKEN Libken was old slang for a house or lodging.
LIBS Libs is slang for librium capsules.
LICK Lick is slang for to perform cunnilingus. Lick is slang for a short musical phrase, usually on one instrument. Lick is American slang for to smoke crack cocaine.
LICK UP Lick up is slang for to be obsequious as in arse licking.
LICKS Licks is slang for plangent sequences of musical notes played on an electric guitar.
LID Lid is salng for a hat. Lid is slang for a crash helmet. Lid is British slang for ceiling. Lid is British slang for a wig. Lid is Black−American slang for the sky. Lid is American slang for a measure of marijuana.
LIDDY Liddy is American slang for crazy.
LIE DOWN Lie down is slang for surrender, abase oneself.
LIE LOW To lie low is slang for to remain in concealment or inactive.
LIFE AND DEATH Life and death is London Cockney rhyming slang for breath.
LIFE AND SOUL Life and soul is British slang for a jolly, fun−loving, extrovert person.
LIFE PEER Life peer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (queer).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LIFE−PRESERVER Life−preserver is American slang for a ring doughnut.
LIFER Lifer is slang for a prisoner condemned to life imprisonment. Lifer is slang for a member of the armed services who has volunteered for long service.
LIFFEY WATER Liffey water is British and Irish slang for the beer Guiness. Liffey water was old British and Irish rhyming slang for porter beer.
LIFT Lift is slang for arrest or capture. Lift is slang for to steal.
LIFTIES Lifties is American slang for height−enhancing soles worn inside shoes.
LIFTS Lifts is American slang for height−enhancing soles worn inside shoes.
LIG Lig is British theatre slang for to freeload, to enjoy oneself at someone else's expense. Lig is British theatre slang for an opportunity for freeloading.
LIGGER Ligger is British theatre slang for a person who habitually takes advantage of what is freely available; a hanger−on or freeloader, a gate−crasher.
LIGHT A SHUCK Light a shuck is slang for leave in a hurry.
LIGHT AND BITTER Light and bitter is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (shitter).
LIGHT AND DARK Light and dark is London Cockney rhyming slang for park.
LIGHT ENDER Light ender is British slang for a member of the idle rich.
LIGHT FINGERS Light fingers is British slang for a thief, a shoplifter.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LIGHT OF LOVE Light of love is British prison slang for a prison governor.
LIGHT OF MY LIFE Light of my life is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
LIGHTEN UP Lighten up is slang for to relax, to take things less seriously, calm down, cheer up.
LIGHTHOUSE Lighthouse is British slang for a drinker's red−nose.
LIGHTLY AND POLITELY Lightly and politely is Black−American slang for to effect smoothly, as though without effort.
LIGHTMANS Lightmans was 19th century British slang for daytime.
LIGHTNING Lightning is a British slang name for a slow person. Lightning is American slang for crack cocaine.
LIGHTS Lights is British slang for the senses. Lights is British slang for matches.
LIKE Like is American slang for completely, totally; an interjection used for emphasis.
LIKE A BUTCHER'S DAUGHTER Like a butcher's daughter is slang for sexually active, nymphomanic.
LIKE CHEESE Like cheese is Black−American slang for any strong odor
LIKE JACK THE BEAR JUST AINT NOWHERE Like Jack the Bear just aint nowhere is Black−American slang for an expression of disappointment, worthlessness.
LIKE JAPAN Like Japan is British slang for cold.
LIKE SIXTY Like sixty is slang for at a great rate. 631
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LIKELY LOAD Likely load is British slang for an alert, smart, cheeky youth.
LIKKI LIKKI Likki likki is Jamaican slang for greedy, never satisfied.
LILAC Lilac is slang for a male homosexual or effeminate man.
LILIAN GISH Lilian Gish is London Cockney rhyming slang for fish.
LILLEY AND SKINNER Lilley and Skinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for diner. Lilley and Skinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for beginner.
LILLIAN GISHED Lillian Gished is Scottish rhyming slang fror drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
LILLY LAW Lilly Law is Polaris slang for the police.
LILS Lils is British slang for breasts.
LILY Lily is slang for an effeminate man.
LILY SAVAGE Lily Savage is London Cockney rhyming slang for cabbage.
LIMBER Limber is Dorset slang for flaccid.
LIMBLESS Limbless is Dorset slang for to bits.
LIME Lime is caribbean slang for to sit or stand around on the pavement.
LIMEHOUSE CUT Limehouse cut is London Cockney rhyming slang for a paunch (gut).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LIMER Limer is caribbean slang or a hanger−on.
LIMEY Limey is American and Canadian slang for a British person.
LIMMER Limmer is Dorset slang for a painter. Limmer is Dorset slang for an artist.
LIMO Limo is slang for a limousine, a luxury car.
LIMP WRISTED Limp wristed is British slang for weak, effeminate, homosexual.
LIMP−DICK Limp−dick is slang for a weak, innefectual, irresolute person.
LIMP−WRISTED Limp−wristed is slang for a feeble, effeminate man.
LINCOLN'S INN Lincoln's Inn is London Cockney rhyming slang for hand (fin). Lincoln's Inn is London Cockney rhyming slang for five pounds (finn). Lincoln's Inn was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
LINE Line is slang for cocaine. Line is slang for a portion of a powdered drug for snorting. Line is slang for something said for effect, especially to solicit for money, sex, etc.
LINEN DRAPER Linen draper is London Cockney rhyming slang for paper (newspaper).
LINGAM Lingam is slang for penis.
LINGO Lingo is slang for language; speech; dialect.
LINT−BRAIN Lint−brain is American slang for stupid or foolish person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LINT−HEAD Lint−head is American slang for stupid or foolish person.
LION'S LAIR Lion's lair is London Cockney rhyming slang for chair.
LION'S ROAR Lion's roar is London Cockney rhyming slang for snore.
LION'S SHARE Lion's share is London Cockney rhyming slang for chair.
LIONEL Lionel is British slang for the penis.
LIONEL BART Lionel Bart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
LIONEL BLAIRS Lionel Blairs is British rhyming slang for flared trousers (flares).
LIP Lip is slang for verbal impudence or backchat.
LIP SERVICE Lip service is slang for fellatio.
LIPPY Lippy is slang for impertinent, cheeky, insolent. Lippy is Dorset slang for wet, rainy.
LIPS Lips is slang for the labias.
LIPSTICK Lipstick is American slang for a feminine lesbian.
LIQUID E Liquid E is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
LIQUID ECSTASY Liquid ecstasy is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LIQUID G Liquid G is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
LIQUID INCENSE Liquid Incense is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
LIQUID LAUGH Liquid laugh is American slang for to vomit.
Liquid lunch is slang for a lunchtime session of alcoholic drinking.
LIQUID SCREAM Liquid scream is American slang for to vomit.
LIQUID X Liquid X is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
LIQUIDATE YOUR ASSETS Liquidate your assets is American slang for to vomit.
LIQUOR UP Liquor up is American and Canadian slang for to become or cause to become drunk.
LIQUORED UP Liquored up was 19th century British slang for intoxicated, drunk. Liquored up is American slang for intoxicated, drunk.
LISTENERS Listeners is British slang for the ears.
LISTING TO STARBOARD Listing to starboard is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LIT Lit is British slang for a pallet.
LIT UP Lit up is slang for drunk. Lit up is slang for drugged, especially on heroin.
LITSOME Litsome is Dorset slang for cheerful.
LITTER LOUT Litter lout is slang for a person who tends to drop refuse in public places.
LITTERBUG Litterbug is American and Canadian slang for a person who tends to drop refuse in public places.
LITTLE AND LARGE Little and large is London Cockney rhyming slang for margarine (marge).
LITTLE BIG HORN Little Big Horn is British motorcycle courier slang for Hyde Park Corner.
LITTLE BIT Little bit is British slang for a niece.
LITTLE BO PEEP Little Bo Peep is London Cockney rhyming slang for sleep.
LITTLE BOY BLUE Little Boy Blue is London Cockney rhyming slang for a prison warder (screw).
LITTLE BOY'S ROOM Little boy's room is slang for a gentleman's toilet.
LITTLE BROWN JUG Little brown jug is London Cockney rhyming slang for a plug.
LITTLE D Little D is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
LITTLE EVA Little Eva is Black−American slang for a loud−mouth white girl
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LITTLE GIRL'S ROOM Little girl's room is slang for a ladies' toilet.
LITTLE IKE Little ike is British slang for a child.
LITTLE JOBS Little jobs is British slang for urination.
LITTLE MAN Little man is slang for the clitoris.
LITTLE MISS MUFFET Little Miss Muffet is London Cockney rhyming slang for stuff it.
LITTLE MORE Little more is Jamaican slang for goodbye.
LITTLE NELL Little Nell is London Cockney rhyming slang for bell.
LITTLE PETER Little Peter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a coin meter.
LITTLE PRINCESS Little princess is American numismatic slang for an American 1841 $2.50 gold piece.
LITTLE RED RIDING HOODS Little red Riding Hoods is British criminal slang for stolen goods.
LITTLE TITCH Little Titch is London Cockney rhyming slang for itch.
LITTLE−EASE Little−ease was old British slang for the pillory or stocks of a prison.
LITTLEWORTH Littleworth is British slang for an unimportant, insignificant, unpleasant person.
LITTY Litty is Dorset slang for light, cheerful.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LIVE BLANKET Live blanket is Jamaican slang for a sexual partner.
LIVE EEL Live eel is London Cockney rhyming slang for field.
LIVE−IN LOVER Live−in lover is slang for an unmarried cohabitee.
LIVELY Lively is London Cockney slang for quickly.
LIVENER Livener is British slang for an alcoholic drink.
LIVER ROUNDS Liver rounds is medical slang for an outing to a pub or bar after a tough case or a good job, for the purpose of drinking, debriefing, and decompressing.
LIVERBIRD Liverbird is British slang for a girl or young woman from Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL'S AT HOME Liverpool's at home is British slang for the menstrual cycle.
LIZA MINNELLI Liza Minnelli is London Cockney rhyming slang for television (telly).
LIZARDS Lizards is slang for footwear made from dead reprile skin, such as snakeskin or crocodile−skin.
LLOYDS LIST Lloyds list is London rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
LOAD Load is slang for a full quantity of semen. Load is slang for a personal supply of an illict drug. Load is Australian slang for a venereal infection. Load is Australian slang for to plant drugs or stolen property on someone. To having someone convicted for a crime they didn't commit by manufacturing evidence.
LOAD OF HAY Load of hay was old British rhyming slang for day.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LOAD UP Load up is American slang for to take illicit drugs.
LOADED Loaded is slang for drunk, intoxicated. Loaded is slang for wealthy.
LOADIE Loadie is American slang for a drunkard or habitual drug user.
LOADS Loads is slang for secobarbital.
LOADSA Loadsa is slang for loads of.
LOADSAMONEY Loadsamoney is British slang for someone flaunting excessive wealth.
LOAF Loaf is slang for life. Loaf (shortened from loaf of bread) is British rhyming slang for head. Loaf is British slang for an elderly person.
LOAF OF BREAD Loaf of bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for head. Loaf of bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead.
LOB Lob is British slang for to throw away, dispose of.
LOB ON Lob on is slang for an erect penis.
LOBE Lobe is British slang for a dull, conformist person.
LOBO Lobo is Black−American slang for an ugly girl.
LOBSTER Lobster is slang for a person who is sunburnt. Lobster is a slang expression of contempt for a gullible, awkward, bungling, or undesirable person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LOBSTER AND CRAB Lobster and crab is London Cockney rhyming slang for taxi (cab).
LOBSTERTAILS Lobstertails is Black−American slang for a case of crabs.
LOCK Lock is British slang for the vagina. Lock is American slang for a certainty.
LOCK−IN Lock−in is British slang for an after−hours drinking session at a public house.
LOCKER ROOM Locker Room is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
LOCKEROOM Lockeroom is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
LOCKJAWED Lockjawed is British slang for intoxicated.
LOCO Loco is slang for insane. Loco is American slang for a locomotive.
LOCO WEED Loco Weed is American slang for cannabis.
LOCUS Locus is British slang for to drug someone prior to robbing them.
LOCUST Locust is British slang for someone who will eat anything.
LODGER Lodger is British slang for a flea. Lodger is British slang for a head louse.
LOFT Loft is British slang for the head.
LOG Log is slang for phencyclidine. Log is slang for a piece of excrement. 640
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Log is Australian slang for a lazy, inert person.
LOG−ROLLING Log−rolling is slang for unofficial, or dubious, collaboration undertaken for mutual benefit.
LOGHEAD Loghead is British slang for a stupid person.
LOID Loid (from Harold Lloyd) is British slang for to slip a lock using a trip of celluloid or plastic. Loid is slang for a strip of celluloid used by criminals to open spring locks.
LOIE Loie is Dorset slang for lie.
LOLLAPALOOZA lollapalooza is American slang for something excellent, spectacular, or wonderful.
LOLLIES Lollies is Australian slang for sweets, confectionary.
LOLLIPOP Lollipop is British slang for the penis. Lollipop is London Cockney rhyming slang for to inform on someone (shop). Lollipop is London Cockney rhyming slang for drop. Lollipop is London Cockney rhyming slang for the police (cop).
LOLLY Lolly is British, Australian and New Zealand slang for money. Lolly is British slang for to inform on someone.
LOLY WATER Lolly water is Australian slang for soft drink.
LOMBARD Lombard is British slang for a wealthy but stupid or unpleasant person.
LONDON FOG London fog was old London Cockney rhyming slang for dog.
LONDON TAXI London taxi is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (jacksie).
LONDONDERRY Londonderry was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for sherry.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LONE RANGER Lone Ranger is London Cockney rhyming slang for danger. Lone Ranger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stranger, particularly one thought to be a plain clothed policeman.
LONELY ART Lonely art is British slang for masturbation.
LONG ACRE Long Acre is London Cockney rhyming slang for a baker.
LONG AND LINGER Long and linger is American rhyming slang for a finger. Long and linger is American rhyming slang for inform on (finger).
LONG AND SHORT Long and short is London Cockney rhyming slang for the drink port.
LONG DRINK OF WATER Long drink of water is slang for an insipid, bland, ineffecrual person. Long drink of water is slang for a tall, thin person.
LONG FIRM Long firm is British slang for a fraud; a dishonest business that buys goods on credit and sells them quickly before disappearing without paying the bills.
LONG GREEN Long green is American slang for money.
LONG JOHN Long John is British slang for silver coins.
LONG POCKETS Long pockets is British slang for a miser.
LONG STREAK OF MISERY Long streak of misery is British slang for a tall, thin person.
LONG STREAK OF PISS Long streak of piss is slang for a tall thin person.
LONG TOM Long Tom is military slang for a cannon.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LONG UN Long un is British slang for 1000 pounds sterling. Long un was old British slang for 100 pounds sterling.
LONGBEARD Longbeard is slang for an old person.
LONSDALE BELT Lonsdale belt is British criminal rhyming slang for money (gelt).
LOO Loo is British slang for a lavatory.
LOO−BE−LOO Loo−be−loo is London Cockney rhyming slang for flu.
LOOK FOR O'ROURKE Look for O'Rourke is American slang for to vomit
LOOK SICK Look sick is slang for to be outclassed.
LOOKER Looker is slang for an attractive person.
LOOKING GLASS Looking glass was 17th century British slang for a chamber pot.
LOOKSY Looksy is slang for an inspection, a gander.
LOOKZEE Lookzee is Dorset slang for look and understand.
LOON Loon is slang for a crazy, eccentric or insane person. Loon is slang for to behave in an uninhibited, light−hearted manner.
LOON ABOUT Loon about is British slang for to behave in an uninhibited, light−hearted manner.
LOON OUT Loon out is British slang for to behave in an uninhibited, light−hearted manner.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LOON PANTS Loon pants is British slang for a variety of flared cotton, canvas or velvet trousers.
LOONY Loony is slang for an insane person.
LOONY BIN Loony bin is British slang for a mental hospital.
LOONY TUNE Loony tune is slang for a mad or eccentric person.
LOONY TUNES Loony tunes is slang for a mad or eccentric person.
LOONY−BIN Loony−bin is slang for mental institution.
LOOP THE LOOP Loop the loop is London Cockney rhyming slang for soup.
LOOP−LEGGED Loop−legged is British slang for intoxicated.
LOOPED Looped is American slang for intoxicated.
LOOPY Loopy is slang for mad, insane.
LOOSE Loose is slang for relaxed, nonchalant. Loose is British slang for sexually promiscuous.
LOOSE CANNON Loose cannon is American slang for a dangerously uncontrolled person.
LOOSE CHANGE Loose change is medical slang for a nearly severed limb that will require amputation.
LOOSE JAW Loose jaw is British slang for a gossip.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LOOSE SCREW Loose screw is British slang for a mad person.
LOOSENERS Looseners is American slang for prunes.
LOOT Loot is slang for money.
LOOTWORTHY Lootworthy is British slang for a worthwhile investment.
LOP Lop is Dorset slang for to lounge, to idle.
LOP−COCK Lop−cock is British slang for a circumcised penis.
LOPLOLLY Loplolly is Dorset slang for a lazy person, an idler.
LOPPY Loppy is Dorset slang for idle.
LORD AND MASTER Lord and master is London Cockney rhyming slang for a sticking plaster.
LORD AND MASTERED Lord and mastered is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (plastered).
LORD AND PEER Lord and peer is London Cockney rhyming slang for ear.
LORD LOVAT Lord Lovat is London Cockney rhyming slang for shove it.
LORD LOVELL Lord Lovell is London Cockney rhyming slang for shovel.
LORD MAYOR Lord Mayor is London Cockney rhyming slang for swear.
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Lord Muck is British slang for a man perceived to be behaving high−handedly, a snob.
LORD OF THE MANOR Lord of the manor was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a six pence (tanner).
LORD OF THE PIES Lord of the pies is British slang for a fat person. Lord Of The Rings Lord of the rings is British slang for a promiscuous male homosexual.
LORD SUTCH Lord Sutch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a clutch. Lord Sutch is London Cockney rhyming slang for crotch.
LORD WIGG Lord Wigg is London Cockney rhyming slang for pig.
LORDS Lords is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride.
LORETTA YOUNG Loretta Young is London Cockney rhyming slang for tongue.
LORNA DOONE Lorna Doone is London Cockney rhyming slang for spoon.
LOSE FLOURESCENT CHRISTMAS CHEER Lose flourescent christmas cheer is American slang for to vomit.
LOSE IT Lose it is British slang for to lose control, become enraged.
LOSE ONE'S BOTTLE Lose one's bottle is British slang for to lose one's nerve, to have one's courage desert one.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LOSE ONE'S COOL Lose one's cool is slang for to lose one's composure or temper.
LOSE ONE'S MARBLES Lose one's marbles is slang for to become deranged, feeble−minded or crazy.
LOSE ONE'S RAG Lose one's rag is British slang for to lose one's temper, to lose control of oneself.
LOSE SOME CHOPPED CARROTS Lose some chopped carrots is American slang for to vomit.
LOSE WEIGHT Lose weight is American slang for to vomit.
LOSE YOUR LUNCH Lose your lunch is American slang for to vomit.
LOST AND FOUND Lost and found is London Cockney rhyming slang for one pound sterling.
LOT Lot is old British slang for a car. Lot is British slang for semen.
LOTION Lotion is British slang for alcoholic drink.
LOTSA Lotsa is slang for lots of.
LOTTA Lotta is slang for lot of.
LOU REED Lou Reed is British slang for amphetamines (speed).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Loud is slang for ostentatious; likely to attract attention; gaudy; for example a loud style of dress; loud colours.
LOUD AND CLEAR Loud and clear is London Cockney rhyming slang for expensive (dear).
LOUIE Louie is British slang for a sixteenth of an ounce of marijuana. Louie is American slang for a left−hand turn.
LOUIS Louis is British slang for a sixteenth of an ounce of marijuana. Louis is American slang for a left−hand turn.
LOUNGE LIZARD Lounge lizard is slang for an idle frequenter of fashionable bars.
LOUSE Louse is slang for to ruin or spoil.
LOUSE HOUSE Louse house is British slang for a cheap hotel or lodgings.
LOUSE LADDER Louse ladder was 17th century British slang for a dropped stitch in a stocking.
LOUSER Louser is Irish slang for a mean nasty person.
LOUSY Lousy is slang for provided with an excessive amount of something. Lousy is British slang for miserly.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LOUSY BROWN Lousy Brown is London Cockney rhyming slang for Rose & Crown (pub).
LOUSY LOU Lousy Lou is London Cockney rhyming slang for flu.
LOUTHOUSE Louthouse is British slang for a rough pub.
LOVE Love is a slang term of endearment.
LOVE AND HATE Love and hate is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight.
LOVE AND KISSES Love and kisses is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife (missus).
LOVE AND MARRIAGE Love and marriage is London Cockney rhyming slang for a carriage.
LOVE BLOBS Love blobs is British slang for testicles.
LOVE BOAT Love boat is slang for marijuana dipped in formaldehyde; PCP.
LOVE BUBBLES Love bubbles is British slang for breasts.
LOVE BUMPS Love bumps is British slang for breasts.
LOVE DRUG Love Drug is slang for methaqualone.
LOVE HANDLES Love handles is slang for folds of flesh at the waist or a paunch.
LOVE LUMPS Love lumps is British slang for breasts.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LOVE MUSCLE Love muscle is slang for the penis.
LOVE−IN Love−in is slang for a gathering involving displays of mutual affection.
LOVE−IN−A−PUNT Love−in−a−punt is British slang for week beer, watered down spirits.
LOVE−JUICE Love−juice is British slang for semen.
Loved up is slang for in love, infatuated.
LOVELIES Lovelies is slang for marijuana laced with PCP.
LOVELY Lovely is slang for phencyclidine.
LOVER'S TIFF Lover's tiff is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (syph).
LOW Low is Dorset slang for allow, admit, think.
LOW BUDGET Low budget is British slang for sleazy, sordid, shabby, poor.
LOW FULHAM Low Fulham is slang for a die loaded to ensure a low throw.
LOW LIGHT JOB Low light job is British slang for a need to go to the toilet.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LOW RENT Low rent is American slang for shabby, sordid, inferior.
LOW RIDER Low rider is American slang for a devotee of custom cars. Low rider is American slang for an unpleasant youth.
LOW−HEEL Low−heel is Australian slang for a prostitute.
LOW−LIFE Low−life is slang for nasty, unsavoury, despised person or persons. Low−life is slang for a member or members of the underworld.
LOW−WHEEL Low−wheel is Australian slang for a prostitute.
LOWIE Lowie is Australian slang for a prostitute.
LUBBLY JUBBLY Lubbly jubbly is a British slang expression of approval.
LUBE Lube is slang for lubrication.
LUBRA Lubra is Australian slang for an aborigine woman.
LUBRICATE Lubricate is British slang for to drink.
LUBRICATED Lubricated is slang for intoxicated.
LUCK OUT Luck out is American slang for to be lucky. Luck out is American slang for to be unlucky.
LUCKY CHARM Lucky charm is London Cockney rhyming slang for arm.
LUCKY DIP Lucky dip is London Cockney rhyming slang for a collection of money (whip). 651
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LUCKY LEGS Lucky legs is British slang for thin legs.
LUCOZADE Lucozade is derogatory London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (spade).
LUCY LASTIC Lucy lastic is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
LUCY LOCKET Lucy Locket is London Cockney rhyming slang for pocket.
LUDE Lude is slang for the hypnotic sleeping drug Quaalude (methaqualone).
LUDING−OUT Luding−out is slang for the hypnotic sleeping drug Quaalude (methaqualone).
LUDS Luds is slang for methaqualone.
LUG Lug is slang for a stupid or awkward man. Lug is Dorset slang for a pole.
LUG−HOLE Lug−hole is English slang for the ear.
LUGER LOUT Luger lout is London Cockney rhyming slang for a German (kraut).
LUGGAGE Luggage is British slang for the male genitals.
LULU Lulu is slang for a person or thing considered to be outstanding in size, appearance, etc. Lulu is bingo slang for a mistaken claim.
LUMBER Lumber is British slang for trouble, a burden. Lumber is British slang for a fight, a struggle. Lumber is American slang for a toothpick.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LUMBERED Lumbered is British slang for burdened with.
LUMBERJACK Lumberjack is London Cockney rhyming slang for the back.
LUMMOCK Lummock is slang for a large and clumsy, stupid person.
LUMMOX Lummox is slang for a large and clumsy, stupid person.
LUMP Lump is British slang for a large person.
LUMP IT Lump it is slang for to patiently suffer or endure something.
LUMP OF COKE Lump of coke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a man (bloke).
LUMP OF ICE Lump of ice is London Cockney rhyming slang for advice.
LUMP OF LEAD Lump of lead is London Cockney rhyming slang for head.
LUMP OF SCHOOL Lump of school is London Cockney rhyming slang for fool.
LUMPADUMP Lumpadump is British slang for excrement.
LUMPING Lumping is British slang for large, heavy and ungainly.
LUMPS Lumps is slang for breasts.
LUMPY GRAVY Lumpy gravy is British military rhyming slang for the Royal Navy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LUNATIC SOUP Lunatic soup is slang for alcoholic drink.
LUNCH Lunch is American slang for to vomit
LUNCHBOX Lunchbox is slang for the belly, abdomen. Lunchbox is slang for the male genitals.
LUNCHING AT THE LAZY Y Lunching at the lazy Y is slang for engaging in oral sex, particularly cunnilingus.
LUNDY Lundy is British slang for a collaborator, traitor.
LUNGS Lungs is slang for breasts.
LUNK Lunk is slang for a slow−witted person.
LUNKHEAD Lunkhead is slang for a slow−witted person.
LURGHI Lurghi is British slang for an unspecified, unknown illness.
LURK Lurk is Australian and New Zealand slang for a scheme or stratagem for success.
LURKER Lurker is British slang for a disreputable, suspicious, unpleasant person. Lurker is British slang for an unlicensed street trader. Lurker is Australian slang for a petty criminal, fraudster, cardsharp.
LUS LUs is slang for methaqualone.
LUSH Lush is slang for a heavy drinker, especially an alcoholic. Lush is slang for intoxicating liquor. Lush is British slang for very attractive, desirable.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
LUSH ROLLER Lush roller is slang for a mugger who preys upon drunkards.
LUSHED Lushed is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
LUSHER Lusher is slang for a prostitute who targets drunks.
LUSTY Lusty is slang for sexually excited.
LUVVIE Luvvie is British slang for an actor or actress.
LYCRA−LOUT Lycra−lout is derogatory British slang for an arrogant, road−hogging cyclist.
M M is slang for morphine.
M & MS M & Ms is slang for secobarbital.
MA BELL Ma Bell is American slang for the Bell Telephone Corporation.
MAC Mac is a North American slang term for a male stranger used as a familiar address. Mac is British slang for a mackintosh, raincoat.
MAC GIMP Mac Gimp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pimp.
MACARONI Macaroni is a derogatory slang expression for an Italian. Macaroni is London Cockney rhyming slang for pony (25 pounds). Macaroni is London Cockney rhyming slang for excrement (pony and trap).
MACAROON Macaroon is derogatory London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (coon).
MACE Mace is British slang for a swindle, a con. 655
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MACER Macer is British slang for a swindler.
MACHINE GUN Machine gun is slang for a hypodermic syringe.
MACHISMO Machismo is slang for assertive maleness.
MACHO Macho is slang for assertively male.
MACHO UP Macho up is slang for to behave more assertively, courageously.
MACK Mack is slang for a pimp.
MACKEREL Mackerel is slang for a procurer; a pimp. Mackerel is British slang for a fool.
MACKEREL AND SPRAT Mackerel and sprat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (prat).
MACONOCHIE Maconochie is military slang for a tinned meat and vegetable stew, especially as supplied to soldiers on active service. Maconochie is military slang for the stomach.
MAD Mad is slang for extremely.
MAD BEER Mad beer is British slang for strong beer.
MAD DOG Mad Dog is slang for phencyclidine.
MAD HATTER Mad hatter is London Cockney rhyming slang for natter.
MAD MAN Mad Man is slang for phencyclidine. 656
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MAD MICK Mad Mick is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pick axe.
MAD MONEY Mad money is American slang for money put aside by a woman incase she is stood up or abandoned by her date. Mad oney is slang for money put aside for frivolous self−indulgence.
MADAM Madam is slang for nonsense; humbug.
MADAME DE LUCE Madame de Luce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a con artist (spruce).
MADAME TUSSAUD Madame Tussaud is London Cockney rhyming slang for bald.
MADCHESTER Madchester is slang for Manchester.
MADE MAN Made man is slang for a member of the Mafia.
MADE−IN Made−in is British slang for a 'two−one' honours degree.
MADZA Madza is British slang for a half.
MAE WEST Mae West is London Cockney rhyming slang for breast. Mae West is London Cockney rhyming slang for chest. Mae West (named after the large breasted actress of the same name) is slang for an inflatable life jacket, especially as issued to the U.S. armed forces for emergency use.
MAG Mag is old British slang for a halfpenny.
MAGGIE Maggie is slang for a magpie. Maggie is slang for margerine. Maggie is British slang for a pound coin.
MAGGIE MAY Maggie May is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual (gay).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MAGGIE THATCHER Maggie Thatcher is London Cockney rhyming slang for a scratch card (scratcher).
MAGGOT Maggot is slang for a despicable, dirty, insignificant person. Maggot is British criminal slang for money. Maggot is Dorset slang for a fancy, a whim.
MAGGOTY Maggoty is slang for very drunk. Maggoty is Australian slang for annoyed, angry.
MAGGY Maggy is Jamaican slang for a Magnum revolver.
MAGIC Magic is British slang for excellent. Magic is American slang for the drug phencyclidine.
MAGIC DUST Magic dust is American slang for the drug phencyclidine.
MAGIC MIST Magic mist is American slang for the drug phencyclidine.
MAGIC MUSHROOMS Magic mushrooms is slang for any hallucinogenic mushrooms.
MAGISTRATES COURT Magistrates Court is London Cockney rhyming slang for a drink of spirits (short).
MAGNOLIOUS Magnolious is slang for magnificent, splendid, large.
MAGOO Magoo is British slang for a newborn baby.
MAGPIE Magpie was 19th century British slang for a halfpenny. Magpie is British military slang for a shot from a rifle which strikes the outermost division but one of a target, and is signalled by a black and white flag.
MAGSMAN Magsman is slang for a street swindler, a confidence man. Magsman is Australian slang for a storyteller. Magsman was old slang for a first−class con artist. 658
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MAHATMA GANDHI Mahatma Ghandi is London Cockney rhyming slang for brandy. Mahatma Ghandi is London Cockney rhyming slang for shandy.
MAID Maid is Dorset slang for a girl. Maid is Dorset slang for a virgin. Maid is Dorset slang for a daughter.
MAIDEN'S WATER Maiden's water is British slang for weak beer. Maiden's Water is British slang for lager.
MAIDSTONE JAILER Maidstone jailer was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a tailor.
MAIN Main is Dorset slang for great, mighty.
MAIN DRAG Main drag is slang for the main or central street.
MAIN LINE Main line is slang for to inject a drug into a vein. Main line is slang for a vein.
MAIN MAN Main man is American slang for a boss or leader. Main man is American slang for a woman's partner, boyfriend, husband or protector. Main man is American slang for one's best friend.
MAIN SQUEEZE Main squeeze is American slang for one's boyfriend, girlfriend or sweetheart. Main squeeze is American slang for the most important person, a boss or leader.
MAJOR LODER Major Loder is British racing rhyming slang for soda water.
MAJOR STEVENS Major Stevens is British racing rhyming slang for evens.
MAKE Make is slang for to seduce. Make is British slang for sexual intercourse. Make is British slang for to steal. Make is British police slang for identify. Make is American slang for an identification or instance of recognition. Make is American slang for a check on identity. 659
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Make is American slang for a sex partner. Make is American slang for to identify or recognise.
MAKE A CONNECTION Make a connection is slang for to establish a source for buying illicit drugs, or to succeed in buying some drugs.
MAKE A MONKEY OF Make a monkey of is slang for to make a fool of.
MAKE A MOVE Make a move is British slang for to leave.
MAKE A MUCK OF Make a muck of is British slang for to ruin or spoil.
MAKE A PIG'S EAR OF IT Make a pig's ear of it is slang for a botched job.
MAKE A TRIBUTE TO DISNEY Make a tribute to Disney is American slang for to vomit.
MAKE AN OFFERING TO THE PORCELAIN GOD Make an offering to the porcelain god is American slang for to vomit.
MAKE BABIES Make babies is slang for to have sex.
MAKE CHOWDER Make chowder is American slang for to vomit.
MAKE FOOD OFFERINGS TO THE CHINA GODS Make food offerings to the china gods is American slang for to vomit.
MAKE IT SNAPPY Make it snappy is slang for be quick! Hurry up!
MAKE ONE Make one is British slang for to accompany. Make one is British slang for to escape from prison.
MAKE ONESELF BUSY Make oneself busy is British slang for to interfere.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MAKE OUT Make out is American slang for heavy petting or to have sex.
MAKE PAVEMENT ASTERISKS Make pavement asterisks is American slang for to vomit.
MAKE THE FUR FLY Make The Fur Fly is American slang for make a disturbance or stir up trouble.
MAKE THE SCENE Make the scene is Black−American slang for to go to where ones friends gather. Make the scene is slang for to arrive, be present at a place or to achieve a position.
MAKE THEM CRY Make them cry is American slang for with onions.
MAKE TRACKS Make tracks is British slang for to run away, to escape.
MAKE WITH Make with is American slang for to proceed with the doing, showing, etc. of.
MAKE−OUT ARTIST Make−out artist is American slang for a seducer or stud.
MAKING THE RIFFLE Making the riffle is American tramp slang for succeeding.
MAKINGS Makings is slang for the tobacco and cigarette paper used for rolling a cigarette.
MALARKEY Malarkey is slang for silliness or nonsense.
MALCOLM SCOTT Malcolm Scott is British theatre rhyming slang for hot.
MALKY Malky is Scottish slang for to hit hard.
MALL RAT Mall rat is American slang for a teenager who spends their spare time in shopping malls meeting friends there.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MALLIE Mallie is American slang for a teenager who spends their spare time in shopping malls meeting friends there.
MALTESER Malteser is British slang for a bald black man.
MAMA COCA Mama Coca is slang for cocaine.
MAMMY RAMMER Mammy rammer is slang for a despicable person.
MAMPI Mampi is Jamaican slang for a big or fat woman.
MAMPUS Mampus is Dorset slang for a crowd of people.
MAMZER Mamzer is Yiddish slang for bastard.
MAN ALIVE Man alive is bingo slang for the number five.
MAN AND WIFE Man and wife is London Cockney rhyming slang for knife.
MAN AROMA Man Aroma is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
MAN IN THE MOON Man in the moon is London Cockney rhyming slang for a mad person (loon).
MAN O' WAR Man o' war is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bore.
MAN ON THE MOON Man on the moon is London Cockney rhyming slang for spoon.
MAN THE LIFEBOATS Man the lifeboats is British slang for to make a quick escape.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MAN TRAP Man trap is London Cockney rhyming slang for excrement (crap).
MAN WHO RIDES THE SCREAMING GASSER Man who rides the screaming gasser is Black−American slang for a policeman in a patrol car.
MAN WITH HEADACHE STICK Man with headache stick is Black−American slang for a policeman.
MAN WITH THE BOOK OF MANY YEARS Man with the book of many years is Black−American slang for a judge in a courtroom.
MANCHESTER CITY Manchester City is London Cockney rhyming slang for a female breast (titty).
MANDIES Mandies is slang for methaqualone.
MANDRAKE Mandrake is slang for methaqualone.
MANDRETS Mandrets is slang for methaqualone.
MANDREX Mandrex is slang for methaqualone.
MANDY Mandy is slang for a tablet of methaqualone (Mandrax).
MANERS Manners is Jamaican slang for situation, moral ambience.
MANFRED MANN Manfred Mann is London Cockney rhyming slang for van.
MANGARIE Mangarie is Polari slang for food.
MANGE Mange is British slang for rotten, mouldy, bad.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MANGLE AND WRING Mangle and wring is London Cockney rhyming slang for sing.
MANGLE AND WRINGER Mangle and wringer is London Cockney rhyming slang for finger. Mangle and wringer is London Cockney rhyming slang for singer.
MANGOES Mangoes is American slang for the breasts.
MANHOLE Manhole is British slang for the vagina.
MANHOLE COVER Manhole cover is London Cockney rhyming slang for brother.
MANICURE Manicure is American slang for remove the stalks and seeds from marijuana before selling it.
MANJ Manj is British theatre slang for food.
MANK Mank is slang for a person from Manchester, England.
MANKY Manky is British slang for scruffy, dirty, distasteful or disgusting.
MANOR Manor is slang for the home district felt to belong to a person or gang. Manor is slang for a police district.
MANTOVANI Mantovani is London Cockney rhyming slang for women viewed as sex objects (fanny).
MANYANA Manyana is British slang for tomorrow.
MAP Map is slang for the face.
MAP OF FRANCE Map of France is slang for a stain on a bed sheet. Map of France is slang for a patch of vomit. 664
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MAP OF IRELAND Map of Ireland is slang for a stain on a bed sheet. Map of Ireland is slang for a patch of vomit.
MAP OF TASMANIA Map of Tasmania is Australian slang for female pubic hair.
MARABUNTA Marabunta is slang for an ill−tempered woman.
MARACAS Maracas is slang for breasts. Maracas is British rhyming slang for testicles (knackers).
MARBLE Marble is slang for the head.
MARBLE ARCH Marble Arch is London Cockney rhyming slang for starch.
MARBLE HALLS Marble Halls is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (balls).
MARBLE ORCHARD Marble orchard is slang for a graveyard.
MARBLE TOWN Marble town is Black−American slang for a cemetary.
MARBLE WOOD Marble wood is joiner's slang for a form of variegated ebony resembling black and white marble, much sought after for use in marquetry.
MARBLES Marbles is slang for testicles. Marbles is slang for commone sense, sanity. Marbles is slang for money, wealth.
MARBLES AND CONKERS Marbles and conkers is London Cockney rhyming slang for mad, insane (bonkers).
MARCHING DUST Marching Dust is slang for cocaine.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MARCHING POWDER Marching Powder is slang for cocaine.
MARDARSE Mardarse is British slang for a weak person.
MARDIE Mardie is British slang for a weak person.
MARDY Mardy is slang for someone who is easily upset or scared.
MARE Mare is British slang for a woman. Mare is British slang for a queen in a deck of cards.
MARGARET ROSE Margaret Rose is London Cockney rhyming slang for nose.
MARGATE SANDS Margate sands is London Cockney rhyming slang for hands.
MARI Mari is slang for cannabis.
MARI LANZA Mario Lanza is Australian rhyming slang for cancer.
MARIA MONK Maria Monk is London Cockney rhyming slang for semen (spunk).
MARICON Maricon is British slang for a male homosexual.
MARIE CORRELLI Marie Correlli is London Cockney rhyming slang for telly (television).
MARIGOLD Marigold is British slang for an effeminate male homosexual.
MARK Mark is slang for a suitable victim, especially for swindling. (Known as the mark or a mark). Mark is slang for a meeting place.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MARK SOMEONE'S CARD Mark someone's card is British slang for to tip someone off, give someone a warning.
MARLO Marlo is British slang for bad.
MARMALIZE Marmalize is British slang for to destroy, utterly defeat, beat−up.
MARMELISE Marmelise is British slang for to destroy, utterly defeat, beat−up.
MARMITE Marmite is London Cockney rhyming slang for rubbish, nonsense (shite).
MARMITE DRILLER Marmite driller is British slang for a male homosexual.
MAROON Maroon is British slang for a fool.
MARPS Marps is British slang for marbles.
MARQUIS OF GRANBY Marquis of Granby is a British slang nickname for a bald man.
MARQUIS OF LORNE Marquis of Lorne is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (horn).
MARRER Marrer is Geordie slang for a friend, mate.
MARRERS Marerrs is British slang for the knees.
MARROWBONES Marrowbones is British slang for the knees.
MARS AND VENUS Mars and Venus is London Cockney rhyming slang for penis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MARS BAR Mars bar is British slang for the penis. Mars bar is British rhyming slang for a scar, particularly a facial scar caused by a blade.
MARSHMALLOW REDS Marshmallow Reds is slang for secobarbital.
MARTEN Marten is Dorset slang for a heifer that does not breed.
MARTIAN In computing slang, a martian is a packet sent on a TCP/IP network with a source address of the test loopback interface [].
MARTIN LUTHER KING Martin Luther King is British newspaper distribution industry rhyming slang for string.
MARTIN−LE−GRAND Martin−Le−Grand is London Cockney rhyming slang for hand.
MARTY WILDE Marty Wilde is London Cockney rhyming slang for the beer Mild.
MARVIE Marvie is American slang for marvelous.
MARY Mary is drug slang for morphine. Mary is Australian slang for an Aboriginal woman or girl.
MARY ANN Mary Ann is British slang for a male homosexual, an effeminate man. Mary Ann is London Cockney rhyming slang for fan. Mary Ann is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (fan). Mary ann is London Cockney rhyming slang for a hand.
MARY BLANE Mary Blane is London Cockney rhyming slang for rain. Mary Blane was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for train.
MARY ELLENS Mary Ellens is London Cockney rhyming slang for large breasts (melons).
MARY GREEN Mary Green is London Cockney rhyming slang for a queen in a deck of cards.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MARY HINGE Mary Hinge is British slang for a hairy vagina.
MARY JANE Mary Jane is slang for marijuana.
MARY JANE WARNER Mary Jane Warner is slang for marijuana.
MARY ROSE Mary Rose is London Cockney rhyming slang for nose.
MARY WARNER Mary Warner is slang for marijuana.
MARYLOU Marylou is London Cockney rhyming slang for glue.
MASH Mash is British slang for to make tea.
MASHED POTATO Mashed potato is London Cockney rhyming slang for waiter.
MASHER Masher is slang for a charmer of women. Masher was 19th century British slang for a fashionable young person.
MASSIVE Massive is British slang for a gang.
MASTER BATER Master Bater is British slang for a bachelor.
MATABY Mataby is British slang for a high quality herbal marijuana originating from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire).
MATCH OF THE DAY Match of the day is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual (gay).
MATE Mate is British slang for a friend. The term is also a polite form of address to strangers.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MATELOT Matelot is slang for a sailor.
MATER Mater is public school slang for mother.
MATEY Matey is Jamaican slang for a man's second lover.
MATHESON LANG Matheson Lang is London Cockney rhyming slang for slang.
MATINEE Matinee is Australian slang for sexual intercourse in the daytime.
MATTRESS−MUNCHER Mattress−muncher is Australian slang for a passive male homosexual.
MAU MAU Mau mau is East African slang for a Ugandan motorcycle policeman who directs traffic.
MAU−MAU Mau−mau is British slang for a black person. Mau−mau is American slang for to harass, bully, coerce. Mau−mau is American slang for a black activist. Mau−mau is American slang for a black street−gang member.
MAUD AND RUTH Maud and Ruth is London Cockney rhyming slang for truth.
MAUI−WOWIE Maui−Wowie is slang for cannabis.
MAULERS Maulers is British slang for the hands.
MAVEN Maven is American slang for a nightclub host.
MAX Max is slang for at most, to the maximum extent.
MAX FACTOR Max Factor is London Cockney rhyming slang for an actor, both a performer and someone who pretends or feigns injuries. 670
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MAX MILLER Max Miller is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillow.
MAX WALLS Max Walls is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (balls).
MAXIBOLIN Maxibolin is slang for any anabolic steroid.
MAXWELL HOUSE Maxwell House is London Cockney rhyming slang for mouse.
MAYO Mayo is slang for heroin.
MAZAWATTEE Mazawattee is London Cockney rhyming slang for mad, insane (potty). Mazawattee is London Cockney rhyming slang for a potty.
MAZOOMA Mazooma is slang for money.
MAZUMA Mazuma is British and American slang for money.
MAZZARD Mazzard was old British slang for the head.
MCALPINE'S FUSILIERS McAlpine's fusiliers is British slang for building labourers.
MCGARRET McGarret is British slang for fifty pounds sterling.
MCP MCP is slang for a sexist man.
MDA MDA is slang for the drug methyldiamphetamine.
ME 'N' YOU Me 'n' you is British slang for a menu.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ME AND YOU Me and you is British slang for a menu. Me and you is British slang for sexual intercourse (screw). Me and you is British bingo rhyming slang for two.
ME ELBOW Me elbow is an Irish slang exclamation of disbelief, dismissal.
MEAL TICKET Meal ticket is slang for a person, situation, etc., providing a source of livelihood or income.
MEAN Mean is slang for excellent, skilful, wonderful.
MEAN MACHINE Mean machine is slang for an impressive, fast, powerful machine or vehicle.
MEAT Meat is British slang for a person as a sex object. Meat is British slang for the penis.
MEAT AND TWO VEG Meat and two veg is British slang for the male genitals. Meat and two veg is London Cockney rhyming slang for Reg.
MEAT EATER Meat eater is British slang for a prostitute who carries out oral sex.
MEAT INJECTION Meat injection is British slang for sexual intercourse.
MEAT MARKET Meat market is slang for a place where people congregate searching for sexual partners.
MEAT PIE Meat pie is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fly (both the insect and trouser fly).
MEAT PUPPET Meat puppet is American slang for a prostitute.
MEAT RACK Meat rack is slang for a place or occasion where available sexual partners are on display.
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MEAT WAGON Meat wagon is slang for a police van. Meat wagon is slang for an ambulance. Meat wagon is slang for a hearse.
MEATBALL Meatball is American and Canadian slang for a stupid or boring person.
MEATBALL SURGERY Meatball surgery is American slang for clumsy or incompetent surgey, operations acrried out in difficult or primitive conditions.
MEATHEAD Meathead is slang for a stupid person.
MEATHOOKS Meathooks is slang for the hands.
MEATY Meaty is British slang for big, powerful. Meaty is British slang for a sexually attractive woman.
MECHANIC Mechanic is slang for a card−sharp. Mechanic is salng for a professional killer.
MECHANICAL DIGGER Mechanical digger is derogatory London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (nigger).
MEDICINE Medicine is slang for intoxicating liquor.
MEDICINE MAN Medicine man is slang for a useless doctor.
MEDIUM Medium is Irish slang for the Irish language.
MEDZA Medza is British slang for a half.
MEET Meet is is British slang for a rendezvous.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MEET HELL Meet hell is Jamaican slang for to live in great poverty and hardship.
MEET MY FRIENDS RALPH AND EARL Meet my friends Ralph and earl is American slang for to vomit.
MEG RYAN Meg Ryan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (iron).
MEGA Mega is slang for fantastic, extremely good, great, or successful. Mega is slang for very, extremely.
MEGABUCK Megabuck is American and Canadian slang for a million dollars.
MEGABUCKS Megabucks is slang for an enormous amount of money.
MEGILLAH Megillah is slang for anything, such as a story or letter, that is too long or unduly drawn out.
MEK−MEK Mek−mek is Jamaican slang for quarrelsome. Mek−mek is Jamaican slang for to hesitate, to be indecisive, to attempt something half−heartedly.
MELKPENS Melkpens is South African slang for a young, naive , inexperienced person.
MELLOW Mellow is slang for relaxed, unaggressive, free from tension and inhibition.
MELLOW OUT Mellow out is slang for to relax, to become serene.
MELODY LINGERS Melody Lingers is London Cockney rhyming slang for fingers.
MELONHEAD Melonhead is British slang for a policeman.
MELONS Melons is slang for the female breasts.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MELTED OUT Melted out is Black−American slang for to be without money.
MELVIN Melvin is American slang for a boring person.
MELVYNN BRAGG Melvynn Bragg is British rhyming slang for cigarette (fag). Melvyn Bragg is British rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (shag). Melvyn Bragg is British rhyming slang for a contemptible person (slag).
MEMBER Member is slang for the penis.
MEMORY BOX Memory box is Australian slang for the mind.
MEMSAHIB Memsahib is British slang for one's wife.
MEN OF HARLECH Men of Harlech is London Cockney rhyming slang for garlic.
MENDIC Mendic is Australian slang for ill, sick.
MENSCH Mensch is slang for a reputable, admirable person.
MENTAL Mental is British slang for insane, crazy.
MERCH Merch is American slang for merchandise. Stolen goods.
MERCHANT BANKER Merchant banker is British rhyming slang for a contemptible person (wanker).
MERKIN Merkin is slang for the female genitals. Merkin is slang for an artificial vagina used as a sex aid.
MERLIN THE MAGICIAN Merlin the magician is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pigeon. 675
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MERRIES Merries is British slang for fairground rides.
MERRY AND BRIGHT Merry and bright is London Cockney rhyming slang for an illumination, light. Merry and bright is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (tight).
MERRY GO ROUND Merry go round is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pound sterling.
MERRY OLD SOUL Merry old soul is London Cockney rhyming slang for coal. Merry old soul is London Cockney rhyming slang for hole.
MERSH Mersh is slang for commercial.
MERYL STREEP Meryl Streep is London Cockney rhyming slang for sleep.
MESHUGGENER Meshuggener is slang for mad, crazy, insane.
MESS−AROUND Mess−around is Jamaican slang for a cake made of flour that has to be stirred for a long time.
METAL Metal is slang for money.
METALLICS Metallics is British slang for coins.
METAQUANS Metaquans is slang for methaqualone.
METH Meth is slang for Methedrine (methamphetamine) a form of stimulant.
METHODY Methody is Irish slang for a Methodist.
METHS Meths is British slang for methylated spirits.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
METHY Methy is British slang for an alcoholic that drinks methylated spirits.
METHYLTESTOSTERONE Methyltestosterone is slang for any anabolic steroid.
METTLE Mettle is British slang for semen.
MEXICAN Mexican is slang for valium.
MEXICAN BREAKFAST Mexican breakfast is slang for a cigarette and a glass of water.
MEXICAN MUD Mexican mud is American slang for a highly−refined, dark−coloured form of heroin imported from Mexico.
MEXICAN OATS Mexican oats is American slang for nonsense.
MEXICAN PROMOTION Mexican promotion is American slang for a better job but one that brings with it no increse in salary.
MEXICAN RAISE Mexican raise is American slang for a better job but one that brings with it no increse in salary.
MEXICAN REDS Mexican Reds is slang for secobarbital.
MEXICAN TWO STEP Mexican two step is slang for diarrhea.
MEXICAN VALIUM Mexican Valium is slang for valium.
MEXICAN WAVE Mexican wave is London Cockney rhyming slang for shave.
MEZOOMAS Mezoomas is slang for breasts.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MI Mi is Jamaican slang for I.
MI A NUH Mi a nuh is Jamaican slang for I am not.
MIAMI VICE Miami vice is London Cockney rhyming slang for ice.
MICHAEL Michael is British slang for a drugged drink. Michael is British slang for a temporary lavatory.
MICHAEL CAINE Michael Caine is London Cockney rhyming slang for pain.
MICHAEL HUNT Michael Hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for vagina (cunt).
MICHAEL MILES Michael Miles is London Cockney rhyming slang for piles.
MICHAEL SCHUMACHER Michael Schumacher is London Cockney rhyming slang for tobacco.
MICHAEL WINNER Michael Winner is British suburban rhyming slang for dinner.
MICK Mick is slang for an Irish man or a Roman Catholic.
MICK JAGGER Mick Jagger is Scottish rhyming slang for lager.
MICK O'DWYER Mick O'Dwyer is London Cockney rhyming slang for fire.
MICKEY Mickey is Australian slang for the female genitals.
MICKEY BLISS Mickey Bliss is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (piss).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MICKEY FINN Mickey Finn is slang for a drink containing a drug to make the drinker unconscious, usually formed by the combination of chloral hydrate and alcohol.
MICKEY MOUSE Mickey Mouse is British slang for an item that is inferior, pathetic, toy−like. Mickey Mouse is London Cockney rhyming slang for house. Mickey Mouse is London Cockney rhyming slang for scouse.
MICKEY ROONEY Mickey Rooney is London Cockney rhyming slang for insane (loony).
MICKEY ROURKE Mickey Rourke is London Cockney rhyming slang for pork.
MICKIE MOST Mickie Most is London Cockney rhyming slang for toast.
MICKY BLISSER Micky Blisser is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (pisser).
MICKY DUFF Micky Duff is London Cockney rhyming slang for cannabis (puff). Micky Duff is London Cockney rhyming slang for unwell (rough).
MICROCHIP Microchip is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Japanese (Nip).
MICRODOT Microdot is slang for a dose of the drug LSD sold as a blot on paper.
MID Mid is Dorset slang for might.
MIDDEN Midden is Dorset slang for a dungheap.
MIDDLE LEG Middle leg is slang for the penis.
MIDDLE STIMP Middle Stimp is British slang for the penis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MIDDY Middy is Australian slang for a medium−sized beer glass. Middy is British slang for a toilet.
MIDLAND BANK Midland Bank is British rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
MIDLAND BANKER Midland Banker is British rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (wanker).
MIFFED Miffed is slang for annoyed.
MIGHTA Mighta is slang for might have.
MIGHTY MOUTH Mighty Mouth is British slang for someone who talks too much and spreads gossip or reveals secrets.
MIGHTY QUINN Mighty Quinn is British slang for LSD.
MIKE Mike is British slang for to idle; wait about.
MIKE AND IKE Mike and Ike is American slang for salt and pepper.
MIKE DICKIN Mike Dickin is London Cockney rhyming slang for chicken.
MIKE MALONE Mike Malone is London Cockney rhyming slang for telephone.
MIKES Mikes is American military slang for minutes.
MILE END Mile End is London Cockney rhyming slang for friend.
MILK Milk is British slang for semen. Milk is British slang for to siphon petrol from a car. Milk is British slang for to extract the maximum benefit from a situation. 680
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MILK JUG Milk jug is London Cockney rhyming slang for an easily duped person (mug).
MILK OF AMNESIA Milk of amnesia is slang for Propofol, a milky white drug used as a substitute for Sodium Pentathol to put patients to sleep.
MILK RUN Milk run is slang for something very easy or safe. Milk run is British slang for a regular, scheduled journey or process.
MILKBAR COWBOY Milkbar cowboy is Australian slang for a young male who shows−off hanging around cafes and street corners.
MILKER Milker is British slang for the vagina.
MILKMAN'S HORSE Milkman's horse is London Cockney rhyming slang for cross, angry.
MILKO Milko is slang for a milkman.
MILKTOAST Milktoast is American slang for a weak and meek man.
MILKY Milky is British slang for weak, cowardly.
MILKY BAR Milky bar is British slang for a very pale person.
MILKY WAY Milky way is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual (gay).
MILL Mill is slang for to fight, especially with the fists.
MILLARD Millard is Dorset slang for a large, white moth.
MILLENIUM DOME Millenium dome is London Cockney rhyming slang for comb. 681
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MILLER Miller is Dorset slang for a large, white moth.
MILLER'S DAUGHTER Miller's daughter is London Cockney rhyming slang for water.
MILLIGNA Milligna is British slang for a typing error.
MILLION Million is British slang for a great person. Million is British slang for extremely unlikely.
MILLIONS ON Millions on is British slang for a certainty.
MILLWALL RESERVES Millwall reserves is London Cockney rhyming slang for nerves.
MILLWALLY Millwally is derogatory slang for a Millwall FC supporter.
MILQUETOAST Milquetoast is American slang for a weak and meek man.
MILTON KEYNES Milton Keynes is London Cockney rhyming slang for beans. Milton Keynes is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual men (queens).
MIMI Mimi is British slang for a selfish person.
MIN Min is British slang for the vagina.
MINCE Mince is Polari slang for walk effeminately.
MINCE PIES Mince pies is London Cockney rhyming slang for eyes.
MINCER Mincer is British slang for a male homosexual.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MINCES Minces is British slang for eyes.
MIND BENDING Mind bending is British slang for fantastic, amazing, staggering.
MIND GAMES Mind games is British slang for a battle of wills.
MIND'S EYE Mind's eye is British slang for the anus.
MIND−BLOWING Mind−blowing is slang for totally astonishing.
MINDER Minder is slang for an aide to someone in public life, especially a politician or political candidate, who keeps control of press and public relations. Minder is slang for someone acting as a bodyguard, guard, or assistant, especially in the criminal underworld.
MINDFUCK Mindfuck is slang for a disorientating experience. Mindfuck is slang for a sexual fantasy.
MINESWEEPING Minesweeping is British slang for stealing drinks from the tables of bars or discotheques while the owners are away dancing.
MING Ming is London criminal slang for the police. Ming is British slang for to smell bad.
MINGE Minge is British slang for the vagina. Minge is British slang for women considered as sexual objects.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Minger is British slang for someone dirty and smelly.
MINGING Minging is British slang for dirty, rubbish, unattractive, disgusting, worthless. Minging is British slang for smelly.
MINGY Mingy is British slang for unpleasant, mean.
MINI MOKE Mini moke is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cigarette (smoke).
MINI MOUSE Mini mouse is a British slang name for a skinny legged woman waering a mini−skirt.
MINK Mink is American slang for a woman. Mink is American slang for the female genitalia.
MINNIE Minnie is British slang for the vagina.
MINT LEAF Mint leaf is slang for phencyclidine.
MINT SAUCE Mint sauce is British slang for evading capture, on the run.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MINTED Minted is slang for wealthy, financially secure.
MINTIE Mintie is Australian slang for to comfort.
MISBEHAVE Misbehave is London Cockney rhyming slang for shave.
MISERY−GUTS Misery−guts is British slang for a depressive, morose or complaining person.
MISS A PENALTY Miss a penalty is British slang for to make a glaringly obvious mistake.
MISS FITCH Miss Fitch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a spiteful woman (bitch).
MISS PIGGY Miss Piggy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cigarette (ciggy).
MISSING SLATE Missing slate is British slang for crazy, mad, insane, eccentric.
MISSIONARY Missionary is British slang for a sole white person among a group of black people.
MISSUS Missus is slang for wife or girlfriend.
MISTER NICE−GUY Mister nice−guy is slang for a kind, pleasant person.
MITHER Mither is British slang for to fuss and bother. To complain.
MITS Mits is slang for the hands.
MITT Mitt is slang for a hand. Mitt is slang for a boxing glove.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MITTEN Mitten is slang for a boxing glove.
MIX AND MUDDLE Mix and muddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for cuddle.
MIXEN Mixen is Dorset slang for a dungheap.
MIXER Mixer is British slang for a troublemaker.
MIZZLE Mizzle is slang for to go.
MIZZOG Mizzog is British slang for a miserable person.
MJ MJ is slang for cannabis.
MO Mo is slang for moment. Mo is British slang for a police informant. Mo is American slang for homosexual−like behaviour.
MOANING MINNIE Moaning minnie is slang for a person who persistently grumbles.
MOB Mob is slang for a gang of criminals. Mob is British slang for to nag. Mob was 17th century British slang for the ordinary people. Mob was old English 17th century slang for a promiscuous woman or prostitute.
MOB SCENE Mob scene is slang for an extremely crowded situation.
MOBILE Mobile is British slang for a tea break. Mobile is American teenage, college and street slang for attractive.
MOBILE DUNGHEAP Mobile dungheap is British slang for a dirty, smelly person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MOBSTER Mobster is American slang for a gangster.
MOBY Moby is British slang for a mobile phone. Moby is American slang for huge, enormous.
MOBY DICK Moby Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for a police station (nick). Moby Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for prison (nick). Moby Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool, an idiot (prick). Moby Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for unwell (sick).
MOCKER Mocker is Australian slang for clothing.
MOCKERS Mockers is British slang for misfortune, a curse, frustration.
MOCKINGBIRD Mockingbird was old British theatre rhyming slang for word.
MOCKLE Mockle is derogatory American slang for a Jew.
MOCKNEY Mockney is British slang for someone trying to sound like a cockney, and failing. A classic example of a mockney was Dick Van Dyke in the film 'Mary Poppins'.
MOD Mod is British slang for a member of a 1960's youth culture characterised by an obsession with fashionable clothing, the riding of a motor−scooter, and the listening and dancing to to ska music.
MODE Mode is British slang for fashionable, pretentious.
MODS AND ROCKERS Mods and Rockers is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (knockers).
MOER Moer is a South African slang expression of fury or disgust. Moer is a South African abusive slang expresion of address.
MOFFRATITE Moffratite is Dorset slang for a hermaphrodite.
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MOG Mog is British slang for a cat.
MOGADORED Mogadored is London Cockney rhyming slang for beaten by a problem (floored).
MOGGIE Moggie is British slang for a cat.
MOGGY Originally moggy (a derivation of Maggie) was slang for a girl or an untidy woman. Since the early 20th century it has been used as a slang expression for a cat.
MOJO Mojo is slang for a magic charm. Mojo is slang for an unnamed object. Mojo is slang for cocaine.
MOKE Moke is British slang for a donkey. Moke is Australian slang for an inferior type of horse.
MOLDY Moldy is Black−American slang for out of style
MOLDY FIG Moldy fig is Black−American slang for one who refects the new jazz
MOLE Mole is slang for a prison inmate who secretly gathers information from the prison population and reports it to the warden; a spy.
MOLL Moll is slang for the female accomplice of a gangster. Moll is slang for a prostitute.
MOLL−BUZZER Moll−buzzer is British slang for a pickpocket who targets women.
MOLLETS Mollets is slang for phenobarbital.
MOLLY Molly (shortened from Molly O'Morgan) is London Cockney rhyming slang for an organ.
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MOLLY MAGUIRED Molly Maguired is London Cockney rhyming slang for tired.
MOLLY MALONE Molly Malone is London Cockney rhyming slang for telephone.
MOLLY O'MORGAN Molly O'Morgan is London Cockney rhyming slang for an organ.
MOMMA Momma is slang for a female follower of the Hell's Angels.
MOMMET Mommet is Dorset slang for a scarecrow.
MOMMY TRACK Mommy track is American slang for the path a woman takes when she chooses to pursue motherhood and a career.
MOMSER Momser is slang for a contemptible person. Momser is slang for a cheeky, enterprising person.
MONA LISA Mona Lisa is London Cockney rhyming slang for freezer. Mona Lisa is London Cockney rhyming slang for pizza.
MONA LOTT Mona Lott is British slang for an habitual complainer.
MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK Monday morning quarterback is American slang for a sports fan who dispenses wisdom the day after a game.
MONDO Mondo is slang for extremely; very.
MONEY Money is American slang for one's best friend.
MONEY BOX Money box is British prostitute slang for the vagina.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MONEY IN THE BANK Money in the bank is British slang for a financial certainty.
MONEY MAKER Money maker is British prostitute slang for the vagina.
MONEY TO BURN Money to burn is slang for more money than is necessary.
MONEY−CUFFEE Money−Cuffee is West Indian slang for a spendthrift.
MONG Mong is British slang for an idiot.
MONGIE Mongie is British slang for a stupid person.
MONGREL Mongrel is Australian and New Zealand slang for an unpleasant or worthless person.
MONICA ROSE Monica Rose is London Cockney rhyming slang for the nose.
MONIKER Moniker is slang for a person's name or nickname; signature.
MONKEY Monkey is British slang for 500 pounds. Monkey is British slang for a Japanese person. Monkey is British slang for a menial worker. Monkey is British slang for drug addiction. Monkey is British slang for devious. Monkey is British slang for suspicious, not right. Monkey is American slang for an additional lover. Monkey is American slang for a mortgage. Monkey is American and Canadian slang for $500. Monkey is Australian slang for a sheep.
MONKEY AROUND Monkey around is slang for to behave foolishly or to fiddle with.
MONKEY BUSINESS Monkey business is slang for behaviour that is unethical, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate.
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MONKEY DUST Monkey Dust is slang for phencyclidine.
MONKEY JESUS Monkey Jesus is West Indian slang for a very ugly person.
MONKEY PARADE Monkey parade was British slang for a parade of courting and hopeful single teenagers.
MONKEY RUN Monkey run was British slang for a parade of courting and hopeful single teenagers.
MONKEY SUIT Monkey suit is slang for a uniform.
MONKEY WALK Monkey walk was British slang for a parade of courting and hopeful single teenagers.
MONKEY'S Monkey's is British slang for a damn.
MONKEY'S COUSIN Mokey's cousin is British bingo rhyming slang for 12 (a dozen).
MONKEYS' TAILS Monkeys' tails is London Cockney rhyming slang for nails
MONOLITHIC Monolithic is British slang for intoxicated by drugs.
MONOPOLY MONEY Monopoly money is British slang for a vast, unobtainable sum of money.
MONSTER Monster is slang for cocaine.
MONSTER FODDER Monster fodder is role−playing slang for characters in a role−playing game who are weak and used as bait or tests for hazardous maneuvers.
MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE Montezuma's revenge is slang for diarrhoea.
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MONTEZUMAS Montezumas is London Cockney rhyming slang for bloomers.
MONTGOMERY CLIFT Montgomery Clift is London Cockney rhyming slang for lift.
MONTHLIES Monthlies is slang for menstruation.
MONTHLY BILL Monthly bill is American slang for a woman's menstrual period.
MOO Moo is derogatory British slang for a woman, especially a stupid or unpleasant woman. Moo is Black−American slang for money
MOO JUICE Moo juice is American slang for milk.
MOOCH Mooch is slang for to loiter or walk aimlessly. Mooch is slang for to behave in an apathetic way. Mooch is slang for to sneak or lurk; skulk. Mooch is American slang for one who borrows from others constantly.
MOODY Moody is British slang for a sulk. Moody is British slang for a lie. Moody is British slang for illegal, counterfeit, of dubious value or quality.
MOODY AND SANKEY Moody and Sankey is London Cockney rhyming slang for a deception (hanky−panky).
MOODY SHREWDIE Moody shrewdie is British slang for a clever ruse or pretence that achieves its objective.
MOOEY Mooey is British slang for rotten. Mooey is British slang for the face. Mooey is British slang for the vagina.
MOOI Mooi is South African slang for pleasing; nice.
MOOJIN Moojin is West Indian slang for a foolish person. 692
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MOOK Mook is an American slang expression of abuse.
MOOLAH Moolah is slang for money.
MOON Moon is British slang for a month. Moon is British slang for the face. Moon is slang for to expose one's buttocks to passers−by.
MOONER Mooner is British slang for a mad person.
MOONHEAD Moonhead is British slang for a bald headed person.
MOONIE Moonie is slang for a person who follows the teachings of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
MOONLIGHT Moonlight is slang for to work a second job.
MOONLIGHT FLITS Moonlight flits is London Cockney rhyming slang for women's breasts (tits).
MOONROCK Moonrock is slang for crack cocaine laced with heroin.
MOONSHINE Moonshine is British slang for nonsense, rubbish.
MOONY Moony is British slang for crazy or foolish.
MOOSE Moose is slang for an unattractive person.
MOOT Moot is Dorset slang for the stump of a tree.
MOOZO Moozo is slang for a Muslim.
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MOP AND BUCKET Mop and bucket is London Cockney rhyming slang for fuck it.
MOP−TOP Mop−top is slang for someone with long, untidy hair.
MOPHO Mopho is British slang for a mobile phone.
MOPOKE Mopoke is Australian and New Zealand slang for a slow or lugubrious person.
MOPPED Mopped is American slang for beaten up.
MORE OR LESS More or less is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dress.
MORE THAN ELEVEN More than eleven is bingo slang for the number thirty−seven.
MORE−ISH More−ish is slang for requiring more indulgences.
MORECAMBE AND WISE Morecambe and Wise is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pay rise.
MOREISH Moreish is British slang for appetizing, tempting.
MORIARTY Moriarty is British rhyming slang for a party.
MORK AND MINDY Mork and Mindy is London Cockney rhyming slang for windy. Mork and Mindy is British slang for the Independent newspaper.
MORNING AFTER Morning after is slang for the after effects following a period of revelrous behavior; in particular a long evening of drinking alcohol.
MORNING GLORY Morning glory is British slang for a race horse that performs well in the pre−race gallops but fails to perform in the race. Morning glory is British slang for sex before breakfast. Morning glory is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (cory). 694
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MORPH Morph is slang for to change shape, from the word metamorphosis. Morph is slang for morphine.
MORRIS MINOR Morris Minor is London Cockney rhyming slang for a blackeye (shiner).
MORTAL Mortal is slang for long and tedious.
MORTAR AND TROWEL Mortar and trowel was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a towel.
MOSH PIT Mosh pit is American slang for an open area near a concert stage where people are deposited after being carried overhead from the back of a concert crowd to the front; once there, he or she slam dances for a little while and then slips back into the crowd.
MOSHING Moshing is British slang for dancing in a packed scrimmage to heavy metal or other loud and fast music.
MOSS Moss was 19th century British slang for female pubic hair. Moss is Black−American slang for ones hair.
MOSSBACK Mossback is American political slang for someone who is so conservative in opinion that they may be likened to a stone or an old tree covered with moss.
MOT Mot is British slang for a prostitute. Mot is Dublin Irish slang for a girl or young woman, especially one's girlfriend. Mot was 18th century British slang for a woman.
MOTA Mota is slang for cannabis.
MOTHER Mother is American slang for a despicable person. Mother is American slang for a male homosexual.
MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Mother and daughter is London Cockney rhyming slang for water.
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MOTHER BROWN Mother Brown is London Cockney rhyming slang for London's West End (town).
MOTHER GOOSE Mother goose is London Cockney rhyming slang for motor vehicle fuel (juice).
MOTHER HUBBARD Mother Hubbard is London Cockney rhyming slang for cupboard. Mother Hubbard is British slang for a lie, an untruth, a fairy story.
MOTHER KELLY Mother Kelly is London Cockney rhyming slang for jelly. Mother Kelly is London Cockney rhyming slang for television (telly).
MOTHER MACHREE Mother Machree is London Cockney rhyming slang for the drink tea.
MOTHER OF ALL Mother of all is American slang for biggest or best.
MOTHER OF MINE Mother of mine is bingo slang for the number nine. Mother of mine is London Cockney rhyming slang for nine pounds sterling.
MOTHER OF PEARL Mother of pearl is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wife (girl).
MOTHER'S HELPER Mother's helper is slang for valium.
MOTHER'S MILK Mother's milk was 1960's British slang for the beer Guinness.
MOTHER'S PRIDE Mother's pride is London Cockney rhyming slang for bride.
MOTHER'S RUIN Mother's ruin is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
MOTHER−FUCKER Mother−fucker is American slang for a contemptible person.
MOTHER−IN−LAW Mother−in−law is London Cockney rhyming slang for a saw. 696
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MOTHERFUCKER Motherfucker is American slang for a person or thing, especially an exasperating or unpleasant one. It is often shortened to mother.
MOTION LOTION Motion lotion is slang for vehicle fuel, petrol and diesel.
MOTOR Motor is British slang for a car.
MOTOR BOAT Motor boat is London Cockney rhyming slang for throat.
MOTORHEAD Motorhead is slang for an fficionado of motorbikes or fast cars. Motorhead is slang for an amphetamine user.
MOTORING Motoring is British slang for making good progress.
MOTORMOUTH Motormouth is American slang for someone who talks excessively.
MOTT Mott is British slang for the female sex organs.
MOTTING Motting is British slang for pursuing women for sex.
MOTZER Motzer is British slang for a Jew.
MOUEL Mouel is Dorset slang for a field mouse.
MOULDIES Mouldies is British slang for copper coins.
MOULDY Mouldy is slang for boring; dull. Mouldy is British slang for miserly. Mouldy is British slang for old fashioned, out of date.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MOULIN ROUGE Moulin Rouge is British theatre rhyming slang for a comedian's stooge.
MOUNTAIN BIKE Mountain bike is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lesbian (dyke).
MOUNTAIN PASSES Mountain passes is London Cockney rhyming slang for spectacles (glasses).
MOUNTAINS OF MOURNE Mountains of Mourne is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (horn).
MOUSE Mouse is Black−American slang for one's pocket. Mouse is slang for a dark−coloured swelling caused by a blow; a black eye.
MOUSE IN THE PANTRY Mouse in the pantry is British criminal slang for a thief who takes more than his share of the loot.
MOUSE MILKING Mouse milking is American slang for spending a large amount of effort for disproportionately small results.
MOUSE TRAP Mouse trap is London Cockney rhyming slang for nap.
MOUTH ALMIGHTY Mouth almighty is British slang for a loud person.
MOUTH BREATHER Mouth breather is British slang for a stupid, morose person.
MOUTH HARP Mouth harp is Black American slang for a harmonica.
MOUTH OFF Mouth off is British slang for to talk excessively and out of turn. Mouth off is British slang for to brag.
MOUTH−BREATHER Mouth−breather is slang for a primitive, brutish person.
MOUTHFUL Mouthful is British slang for a torrent of verbal abuse. 698
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MOUTHPIECE Mouthpiece is slang for a lawyer.
MOUTHY Mouthy is British slang for talkative, boastful, impudent.
MOUTI−MOUTI Mouti−Mouti is Jamaican slang for a gossip. Someone who talks too much.
MOVER Mover is slang for a sexually enthusiastic person. Mover is slang for someone or something dynamic, successful, extrovert or fast.
MOW THE LAWN Mow the lawn is Black−American slang for to comb the hair.
MOXIE Moxie is American and Canadian slang for courage, nerve, or vigour.
MOZ Moz is Australian slang for a hex.
MOZART Mozart is Australian slang for intoxicated, drunk.
MOZART AND LISZT Mozart and Liszt is London Cockney and Australian rhyming slang for intoxicated, drunk (pissed).
MOZZER Mozzer is British slang for luck, good fortune.
MOZZLE Mozzle is British slang for luck.
MOZZLE AND BROCHA Mozzle and brocha is London Cockney rhyming slang for a door knocker.
MOZZY Mozzy is British and Australian slang for mosquito.
MR ARNOLD Mr Arnold is Jamaican slang for pork.
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MR BIG Mr Big is slang for the head of an organisation, especially of a criminal organisation.
MR FUZZGUG Mr Fuzzgug is Australian slang for everyman.
MR GUB Mr Gub is Australian Aborigine slang for the White man.
MR HYDE Mr Hyde is London Cockney rhyming slang for snide.
MR MAGOO Mr Magoo is London Cockney rhyming slang for clue. Mr Magoo is British rhyming slang for defecate (poo).
MR MENTION Mr Mention is Jamaican slang for a man popular with the women.
MR SAUSAGE Mr sausage is slang for the penis.
MR WHIPPY Mr whippy is slang for flagellation.
MRS CHANT Mrs Chant is London Cockney rhyming slang for toilet (aunt).
MRS DOYLE Mrs Doyle is London Cockney rhyming slang for boil.
MRS DUCKETT Mrs Duckett is London Cockney rhyming slang for bucket.
MRS FUZZGUG Mrs Fuzzgug is Australian slang for everywoman.
MRS MOPP Mrs Mopp is British slang for a cleaner.
MRS MORE Mrs More is London Cockney rhyming slang for floor.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MTF MTF (must touch flesh) is derogatory slang for a sexually over−eager man.
MUCK Muck is slang for filth or dirt; rubbish. Muck is British slang for semen. Muck is British building slang for mortar.
MUCK ABOUT Muck about is slang for to mess around, or fool about.
MUCK IN Muck in is British slang for to share something, such as duties, work, etc. with other people.
MUCK UP Muck up is slang for ruin or spoil.
MUCK−UP Muck−up is slang for a bungled event.
MUCK−UP DAY Muck−up day is Australian slang for the last day of school before the annual examinations, marked by practical jokes and other student pranks.
MUCKAMUCK Muckamuck is American slang for a self−important VIP.
MUCKER Mucker is British slang for friend.
MUCKY Mucky is slang for rude.
MUCKY PUP Mucky Pup is slang for a dirty person, especially a dirty child. Mucky Pup is Australian slang for a promiscuous person.
MUD Mud is slang for opium.
MUD IN YOUR EYE Mud in your eye was old London Cockney rhyming slang for tie.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MUD LARK Mud lark is slang for a person who cleans sewers, or delves in mud. Mud lark is slang for a street urchin. Mud lark is Australian slang for a racehorse that runs well on a wet or muddy course.
MUD MUROTUGORA Mud Murotugora is slang for heroin.
MUDDY TRENCH Muddy trench is London Cockney rhyming slang for French.
MUDSUCKER Mudsucker is American slang for an unpleasant or despicable person.
MUFF Muff is slang for the female sex organs, vagina, pubic hair.
MUFF−DIVE Muff−dive is slang for to perform cunnilingus. A muff−diver being someone who indulges in cunnilingus.
MUFFIN Muffin is slang for the female genitals.
MUFFIN BAKER Muffin baker is London Cockney rhyming slang for constipation (quaker).
MUFFIN THE MULE Muffin the mule is London Cockney rhyming slang for fool.
MUG Mug is slang for a fool, often gullible, especially someone who is easily swindled. Mug is slang for the face or mouth.
MUG BOOK Mug book is British slang for a police book containing pictures of known criminals.
MUG PUNTER Mug punter is British slang for someone who bets stupidly.
MUG SHOT Mug shot is British slang for a police photograph.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MUG UP Mug up is British slang for to study a subject hard, especially for an exam.
MUG−SHOT Mug−shot is slang for a portrait photograph. Often with regard to a police photo of a criminal.
MUGGED BEHIND FIVE Mugged behind five is Black−American slang for speaking with the hand shielding the lips.
MUGGINS Muggins is British slang for a fool, someone easily outwitted, often said with regard to oneself.
MUGGLES Muggles is American slang for marijuana.
MUGGO Muggo is British slang for a tea break.
MUGWUMP Mugwump is American slang for an important, powerful person.
MUJER Mujer is slang for cocaine.
MULDOON Muldoon is British slang for a spotty or acned person.
MULE Mule is slang for someone who carries illicit drugs through customs, a drug smuggler. Mule is derogatory Jamaican slang for a woman without children.
MULLED Mulled is British slang for intoxicated.
MULLER Muller is British slang for to beat severely. Muller is British slang for to defeat conclusively. Muller is British slang for to eat or drink greedily.
MULLIGAN STEW Mulligan stew is British military slang for Irish Stew. Mulligan stew is London Cockney rhyming slang for two.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MULLIGATAWNY Mulligatawny is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexualy aroused (horny).
MULLIGRUBS Mulligrubs is slang for a griping of the intestines; colic; and hence a sulk.
MULTI−COLOURED YAWN Multi−coloured yawn is American slang for to vomit.
MULTI−FACED Multi−faced is British slang for a very untrustworthy person.
MUM AND DAD Mum and dad is London Cockney rhyming slang for very angry (mad).
MUMBLE AND MUTTER Mumble and mutter is London Cockney rhyming slang for butter.
MUMBLEFUCKER Mumblefucker is British slang for an irritatingly clumsy, inept or fastidious person.
MUMMERSET Mummerset is British slang for the imitation of rustic west Country speech employed by actors.
MUMMYSUCK Mummysuck is British slang for a weak, effeminate man, a mummy's boy.
MUMP Mump is British slang for to beg.
MUMP−HOLE Mump−hole is British slang for an unofficial place of refreshment for patrolling policemen.
MUMPER Mumper is British slang for a beggar.
MUMPING Mumping is British slang for begging.
MUMS AND DADS Mums and dads is London Cockney rhyming slang for cricket pads.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
MUNCHIES Munchies is American slang for food snacks.
MUNCHKIN Munchkin is slang for a cute, small, child.
MUNG Mung is slang for dirt, muck.
MUNGA Munga is Australian and New Zealand slang for food.
MUNJAY Munjay is West Indian slang for a large dumpling.
Munnu is West Indian slang for romance.
MUNT Munt is derogatory South African slang for a black person.
MUNTA Munta is British slang for an ugly person.
MUNTU Muntu is derogatory South African slang for a black person.
MUPPET Muppet is British slang for an officious person in uniform. Muppet is British slang for an idiot, a fool. Muppet is British slang for a retarded, incapacitated or grotesque person.
MURDERATE Murderate is slang for murder, defeat.
MURDERATION Murderation is West Indian slang for a severe beating.
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MURPHY Murphy is British and American slang for potato.
MURRAY MINT Murray mint is London Cockney rhyming slang for penniless (skint).
MUSCLE Muscle is British slang for an enforcer or bodyguard. Muscle is Black−American slang for bluff; false.
MUSCLE MARY Muscle Mary is slang for a muscular male homosexual.
MUSCLE RELAXANTS Muscle Relaxants is slang for valium.
MUSH Mush is British slang for the mouth; face. Mush was old British slang for an umbrella.
MUSHE Mushe is West Indian slang for a Syrian. Mushe is West Indian slang for a Chinese.
MUSHIES Mushies is slang for mushrooms.
MUSHROOM Mushroom is British slang for an unimportant worker who is not kept informed. Mushroom was old British slang for an umbrella.
MUSHY Mushy is slang for sentimental, cloying.
MUSHY BRAINED Mushy brained is British slang for senile.
MUSO Muso is slang for a musician or person particularly interested in music.
MUSTARD Mustard is slang for enthusiasm. Mustard is British slang for skilful. Mustard is British slang for sexualy attractive.
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MUSTARD AND CRESS Mustard and cress is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dress.
MUSTARD PICKLE Mustard pickle is London Cockney rhyming slang for cripple.
MUSTARD POT Mustard pot is London Cockney rhyming slang for hot. Mustard pot is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (twat).
MUSTARD POTS Mustard pots is British slang for brown−coloured boots.
MUSTEE Mustee is Barbadian and Guyanan slang for a White and mulatto half−cast child.
MUTANT Mutant is slang for a clumsy, foolish person.
MUTIE Mutie is slang for a daring exponent, a devotee.
MUTT Mutt is slang for an inept, ignorant, or stupid person. Mutt is a slang for a mongrel dog.
MUTT AND JEFF Mutt and Jeff is London Cockney rhyming slang for deaf.
MUTT'S NUTS Mutt's nuts is British slang for the best.
MUTTON Mutton is Cockney rhyming slang for deaf (Mutt and Jeff).
MUTTON DAGGER Mutton dagger is slang for the penis.
MUTTON DUMMIES Mutton Dummies is Northern Irish slang for plimsoles, trainer shoes.
MUTTON PIE Mutton pie is London Cockney rhyming slang for eye.
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MUTTON−EYE Mutton−eye is British slang for a person with a squint.
MUTTONHEAD Muttonhead is slang for a stupid or ignorant person; fool.
MUUNA Muuna is Jamaican slang for the female genitals.
MWOORISH Mwoorish is Dorset slang for very good, moreish.
MY FRIEND My friend is Northern Irish slang for menstruation.
MY OLD DUTCH My old Dutch is London Cockney slang for wife.
MY WORD My word is London Cockney rhyming slang for excrement (turd).
MYRNA LOY Myrna Loy is London Cockney rhyming slang for saveloy.
MYRTLE Myrtle is Australian slang for sexual intercourse.
MYSTERY BAG Mystery bag is British and Australian slang for a sausage.
MYSTERY BAGS Mystery bags is British and Australian slang for sausages.
MYSTIC MEG Mystic Meg is London Cockney rhyming slang for leg.
MYXO Myxo is Australian slang for myxomatosis.
N'YAM N'yam is Jamaican slang for eat.
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N'YAM AND RUN N'yam and run is Jamaican slang for to accept hospitality and then leave quickly and disrespectfully (eat and run).
N.T.D. N.T.D. (Not Top Drawer) is British snobbish slang for disapproval, low quality.
NAB Nab is British slang for unemployment benefit. Nab is British slang for to arrest, to capture. Nab is Black−American slang for a policeman.
NABBER Nabber was 19th century British slang for a policeman.
NABE Nabe is American slang for a neighbourhood. Nabe is American slang for a neighbour.
NADGERS Nadgers is British slang for testicles.
NADS Nads is American slang for testicles.
NAFF Naff is British slang for rubbish, useless; inferior; in poor taste. Naff is Polari slang for dull; heterosexual.
NAFF OFF Naff off is slang for go away.
NAFFED−OFF Naffed−off is British slang for fed up.
NAFFING Naffing is British slang for very.
NAG Nag is slang for a horse.
NAG PIE Nag pie is British slang for marriage.
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NAIL Nail is slang for to identify, catch or punish someone. Nail is slang for a hypodermic needle, used for injecting drugs. Nail is British slang for a cigarette.
NAIL IN ONE'S OWN SHOE Nail in one's own shoe is British slang for to be one's own worse enemy.
NAILED ON Nailed on is British slang for a certainty.
NAILS AND TACKS Nails and tacks is London Cockney rhyming slang for fax.
NAM Nam is American slang for Vietnam.
NAMBY Namby is British slang for a weak, cowardly person. Namby is British slang for a committed opponent of a controversial environmental policy.
NANA Nana is slang for banana. Nana is British slang for a fool, an idiot. Nana is Australian slang for the head.
NANCY Nancy is slang for an effeminate male, homosexual.
NANCY BOY Nancy boy is slang for an effeminate male, homosexual.
NANCY LEE Nancy Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for flea. Nancy Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
NANNY Nanny is Jamaican slang for money. Nanny is Jamaican slang for a 500 dollar bill.
NANNY GOAT Nanny goat is London Cockney rhyming slang for boat. Nanny goat is London Cockney rhyming slang for tote. Nanny goat is London Cockney rhyming slang for coat. Nanny goat is London Cockney rhyming slang for throat.
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NANNY GOATING Nanny goating is London Cockney rhyming slang for courting.
NANOO Nanoo is slang for heroin.
NANTI Nanti is Polari slang for nothing, none.
NANTS Nants is Polari slang for nothing, none.
NANTUCKET Nantucket was 1970's London Cockney rhyming slang for bucket.
NANTY Nanty is British and Polari slang for no, none, nothing.
NAP AND DOUBLE Nap and double is London Cockney rhyming slang for trouble.
NAPOO Napoo is British slang for finished, no more.
NAPPER Napper is British slang for the head.
NAPPER WRAPPER Napper wrapper is British slang for a turban.
NAPPLES Napples is Bristol slang for apples.
NAPPY HAIR Nappy hair is slang for pubic hair.
NAPS Naps is Dorset slang for leather knee protectors.
NAR Nar is Dorset slang for never, no. Nar is Jamaican slang for never, no, not.
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NARC Narc is American slang for a narcotics agent.
NARCO Narco is American slang for a narcotics agent.
NARK Nark is British, Australian and New Zealand slang for an informer or spy, especially one working for the police. Nark is British slang for a person who complains irritatingly. Nark is London Cockney slang for stop it. Nark is Australian and New Zealand slang for a spoilsport.
NARK IT Nark it is British slang for stop it.
NARKED Narked is slang for annoyed.
NARKING DUES Narking dues is British slang for punishment meted out because of information given against one.
NARKS Narks is British slang for the police.
NARKY Narky is slang for annoyed, ill tempered.
NARN Narn is Dorset slang for none.
NASEEM HAMED Naseem Hamed is London Cockney rhyming slang for bald (spamhead).
NASHO Nasho is Australian slang for compulsory military training; conscription.
NASTIES Nasties is British slang for underwear, swimming trunks. Nasties is Black−American slang for sexual desire.
NASTY Nasty is slang for the sex organs. Nasty is slang for sex.
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NASTY PARTY Nasty party is British slang for the Conservative party.
NAT KING COLE Nat King Cole is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployed (dole). Nat King Cole is London Cockney rhyming slang for a mole. Nat King Cole is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bread roll.
NATCH Natch is British slang for 'Natural Dry Cider'. Natch is Black−American slang for naturally.
NATHANIEL Nathaniel is London Cockney rhyming slang for hell.
NATIONAL DEBT National debt is London Cockney rhyming slang for bet.
NATIONAL FRONT National Front is London Cockney rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (cunt).
NATIONAL HUNT National hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for boldness, cheek (front).
NATIVE Native was old British slang for a black person.
NATTUM Nattum is Australian slang for sex.
NATTY Natty is slang for smartly and stylishly dressed.
NATURE'S QUAALUDE Nature's quaalude is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
NAUGHTIES Naughties is British slang for sexual intercourse.
NAUGHTON AND GOLD Naughton and gold is London Cockney rhyming slang for the common cold.
NAUGHTY Naughty is British and Australian slang for an illicit or criminal act. Naughty is Australian and New Zealand slang for an act of sexual intercourse. 713
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NAUGHTY BITS Naughty bits is British slang for the genitals. Naughty bits is British slang for sexual scenes in a film or show.
NAUSE Nause is British slang for a nauseatingly unpleasant person. Nause is British slang for a nuisance. Nause is British slang for to ruin, to break.
NAUTICAL MILES Nautical miles is British rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
NAUTICALS Nauticals is British rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
NAVASOTA Navasota is London Cockney rhyming slang for motor.
NAVIGATOR Navigator is London Cockney rhyming slang for potato.
NAVIGATOR SCOT Navigator Scot is London Cockney rhyming slang for baked potato (potato hot).
NAVVY Navvy is British slang for a manual labourer, an unskilled construction worker or road digger.
NAZI SPY Nazi spy is London Cockney rhyming slang for pie.
Neanderthal is British slang for an uneducated thug.
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NEAR Near is Dorset slang for miserly.
NEAR AND FAR Near and far is London Cockney rhyming slang for bar. Near and far is London Cockney rhyming slang for car.
NEAR ENOUGH Near enough is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (puff).
NEAT Neat is slang for good; pleasing; admirable.
NEATO−KEANO Neato−keano is American slang for exceptionally good.
NEBBIES Nebbies is slang for Phenobarbital.
NEBBISH Nebbish is British slang for a fool, an ineffectual, clumsy or pathetic person.
NEBECH Nebech is slang for a fool, an ineffectual, clumsy or pathetic person.
NEBESH Nebesh is slang for a fool, an ineffectual, clumsy or pathetic person.
NECK Neck is slang for impudence, daring. Neck is slang for to kiss passionately.
NECK BREAKER Neck breaker is British slang for a full bladder.
NECK−OIL Neck−oil is slang for alcoholic drink.
NECKTIE−PARTY Necktie−party is American slang for a hanging.
NED KELLY Ned Kelly is Australian rhyming slang for belly. Ned Kelly is London Cockney rhyming slang for television (telly). 715
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NED SKINNER Ned Skinner was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for dinner.
NEDDY Neddy is British criminal slang for a cosh. Neddy is British slang for a horse.
NEEDLE Needle is British slang for to make jibes at, irritate.
NEEDLE AND COTTON Needle and cotton is London Cockney rhyming slang for rotten.
NEEDLE AND PIN Needle and pin is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin. Needle and pin is London Cockney rhyming slang for thin.
NEEDLE AND THREAD Needle and thread is London Cockney rhyming slang for bread.
NEEDLE MATCH Needle match is British slang for a contest in which there is genuine bad feeling between the opposing participants.
NEEDLE PARK Needle park is American slang for a public place where drug users frequent in order to inject.
NEEDLE−DICK Needle−dick is slang for someone with a small penis.
NEEDLES AND PINS Needles and pins is London Cockney rhyming slang for twins.
NEGATIVE CHUG Negative chug is American slang for to vomit.
NEITHER SHIT NOR SHINOLA Neither shit nor Shinola is American slang for not one thing nor another.
NELL GWYN Nell Gwyn is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
NELLIE Nellie is British slang for an ineffectual, weak, effete person. Nellie (based on Nell Gwyn) is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin. 716
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NELLIE BLY Nellie Bly is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fly.
NELLIE DEAN Nellie Dean is London Cockney rhyming slang for the green snooker ball. Nellie Dean is London Cockney rhyming slang for a male homosexual (queen).
NELLIE DEANS Nellie Deans is London Cockney rhyming slang for green vegetables (greens).
NELLIE DUFF Nellie Duff is London Cockney rhyming slang for life (puff).
NELLY Nelly is Australian slang for cheap wine.
NELSON EDDIES Nelson Eddies is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash (readies).
NELSON EDDY Nelson Eddy is London Cockney rhyming slang for ready.
NELSON MANDELA Nelson Mandela is Cockney rhyming slang for 'Stella' (Stella Artois lager).
NELSON RIDDLE Nelson Riddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for a swindle (fiddle). Nelson Riddle is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (piddle).
NEMBIES Nembies is slang for Phenobarbital.
NERD Nerd is slang for an imbecile; a stupid and feeble person.
NERD PACK Nerd pack is American slang for a plastic liner for a breast pocket which stops pen ink from staining the material.
NERDY Nerdy is slang for socially unacceptable behaviour.
NERF Nerf is slang for to bump another vehicle slightly with one's own vehicle. 717
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NERK Nerk is slang for a fool or an unpleasant person.
NERTS Nerts is American slang for testicles. Nerts is American slang for nothing. Nerts is American slang for nonsense.
NERVE Nerve is slang for audacity; assurance. Nerve was 18th and 19th century slang for a dashing man−about−town.
NERVER Nerver is slang for a bracing drink. Nerver is American slang for a gate−crasher.
NERVO AND KNOX Nervo and Knox is London Cockney rhyming slang for pox. Nervo and Knox is London Cockney rhyming slang for television (box). Nervo and Knox is London Cockney rhyming slang for socks.
NERVOUS WRECK Nervous wreck is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheque.
NESH Nesh is Dorset slang for tender.
NESSELTRIPE Nesseltripe is Dorset slang for the weakly one of a family of animals or children.
NET Net is slang for the internet. Net is betting slang for odds of 10/1.
NETTER Netter is British slang for a ten pound note,
NETTIE Nettie is North−East British slang for a lavatory.
NEVER AGAIN Never again is London Cockney rhyming slang for the beer Ben Truman.
NEVER FEAR Never fear is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer.
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NEVERSWEAT Neversweat is British slang for a lazy person.
NEVIS Nevis is British slang for seven.
NEVS Nevs is betting slang for odds of 7/1.
NEW DELHI New Delhi is London Cockney rhyming slang for belly.
NEWGATE GAOL Newgate gaol is London Cockney rhyming slang for tale.
NEWGATE'S KNOCKER Newgate's knocker is British slang for something very black, dark.
NEWINGTON BUTTS Newington Butts is London Cockney rhyming slang for guts.
NEWP Newp is American numismatic slang for new purchase.
NEWS OF THE SCREWS News of the Screws is British slang for the News of the World newspaper.
NEWS OF THE WORLD News of the world is British slang for a gossip.
NEWTED Newted is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
NEWTON AND RIDLEY Newton and Ridley is London Cockney rhyming slang for tiddly (drunk).
NEWTON HEATH Newton Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
NFG NFG (No Fucking Good) is British slang for useless, of poor quality.
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NIAGARAS Niagaras is rhyming slang for testicles (balls).
NIAGRA FALLS Niagra Falls is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (balls). Niagra Falls is London Cockney rhyming slang for nonsense (balls). Niagra Falls is British theatre rhyming slang for stalls.
NIBBLE Nibble is British slang for bar snacks.
NIBBLES Nibbles is British suburban slang for party snacks.
NIBHEAD Nibhead is British slang for a gormless or comical young person.
NICE ENOUGH Nice enough is London Cockney rhyming slang for a male homosexual (puff).
NICE ONE, CYRIL Nice one, Cyril is London Cockney rhyming slang for squirrel.
NICELY DONE Nicely done is British slang for pleasantly drunk, intoxicated.
NICK Nick is slang for to arrest. Nick is British slang for to steal. Nick is British slang for prison or a police station.
NICK COTTON Nick Cotton is London Cockney rhyming slang for rotten.
NICK OFF Nick off is British slang for to play truant.
NICK−BENT Nick−bent is British slang for to be temporarily homosexual due to, and for the duration of imprisonment.
NICKEL BAG Nickel bag is American slang for a portion of marijuana or another drug worth five dollars.
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NICKEL NOTE Nickel note is Black−American slang for a five dollar bill.
NICKEL−AND−DIME Nickel−and−dime is American rhyming slang for time. Nickel−and−dime is American slang for trifling, cheap.
NICKER Nicker is British slang for a pound sterling (and formerly a sovereign also).
NICKER BITS Nicker bits is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (shits).
NICKLE AND DIME Nickle and dime is American slang for trifling, cheap or petty.
NICKY BUTTS Nicky Butts is London Cockney rhyming slang for nuts.
NIEBLA Niebla is slang for phencyclidine.
NIFF Niff is British slang for a bad smell.
NIFFY Niffy is British slang for smelly, pungent, stinking.
NIFFY−NAFFY FELLOW Niffy−naffy fellow was 17th century British slang for a trifler.
NIFTY Nifty is slang for stylish. Nifty is British slang for a fifty−pound note.
NIG−NOG Nig−nog is slang for a fool. Nig−nog is slang for a contrary, irritating person. Nig−nog is derogatory slang for a black person.
NIGEL Nigel is British derogatory slang for an upper−class male.
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NIGEL BENN Nigel Benn is London Cockney rhyming slang for pen.
NIGERIAN LAGER Nigerian lager is British slang for Guinness stout.
NIGGER Nigger is derogatory slang for a black person. Nigger is Jamaican slang for a contemptible person.
NIGHT AND DAY Night and day is London Cockney rhyming slang for grey. Night and day was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a theatrical play.
NIGHT BOAT TO CAIRO Night boat to Cairo is London Cockney rhyming slang for a DSS cheque (Giro).
NIGRA Nigra is derogatory American slang for a black person.
NIK NIK Nik nik is slang for police. Nik nik is Moroccan slang for sexual intercourse.
NIKI LAUDER Niki Lauder is London Cockney rhyming slang for cocaine (powder).
NIMBIES Nimbies is slang for Phenobarbital.
NIMBY Nimby (an acronym for Not In My Back Yard) is slang for an opponent of controversial legislation.
NINCUM NOODLE Nincum noodle was early 19th century slang for a poverty stricken fool, idiot.
NINE Nine is Australian slang for a 9−gallon beer keg. Nine is American slang for a 9 mm calibre pistol.
NINE CORNS Nine corns is British Lincolnshire slang for a pipeful of tobacco.
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NINE PENN'ORTH Nine penn'orth was old British slang for a nine−month prison sentence.
NINE SHILLINGS Nine shillings was old slang for audacity, calm, nonchalance.
NINE WAYS FROM BREAKFAST Nine ways from breakfast is slang for in all sorts of ways.
NINE WINKS Nine winks is slang for a very short nap.
NINE−ACRE SMILE Nine−acre smile is Canadian slang for a broad smile.
NINE−BOB NOTE Nine−bob note is British slang for a homosexual. Nine−bob note is British slang for a sexual deviant. Nine−bob note is British slang for something fake, counterfeit or crooked.
NINE−DAY BLUES Nine−day blues is slang for gonorrhoea.
NINE−DOLLAR BILL Nine−dollar bill is American slang for a homosexual.
NINE−EIGHT Nine−eight is American slang for a 98 model Oldsmobile motor car.
NINE−INCH KNOCKER Nine−inch knocker is slang for the penis.
NINE−MILE NUTS Nine−mile nuts is slang for something to eat or drink that is considered sustaining.
NINE−TAIL BRUISER Nine−tail bruiser was old slang for a cat−of−nine−tails whip.
NINE−TO−FIVE Nine−to−five is slang for a regular, full−time, ordinary employment.
NINE−TO−FIVER Nine−to−fiver is slang for an office worker.
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NINEPENCE Ninepence was 19th century slang for the vagina.
NINEPENNYWORTH Ninepennyworth was mid−20th century slang for a nine−month prison sentence.
NINEPINS Ninepins was 19th century slang for the body.
NINER Niner is slang for a convict serving a nine−year sentence. Niner is Australian slang for a woman in her ninth month of pregnancy.
NINETEEN CANTEEN Nineteen canteen is South African slang for a very long time ago.
NINETEENER Nineteener is Australian and New Zealand slang for an unpleasant, untrustworthy person.
NINETEENTH HOLE Nineteenth hole is golfing slang for the bar in a golf clubhouse.
NINETY DAYS Ninety days is American craps slang for the score of 9.
NINETY DOG Ninety dog was Victorian−era slang for a pug dog.
NINETY−DAY WONDER Ninety−day wonder is American slang for an inexperienced or temporary employee. Ninety−day wonder is American military slang for an inexperienced junior officer.
NINETY−NINE Ninety−nine was mid 20th century Australian slang for anal intercourse.
NINETY−SIX Ninety−six was mid 20th century American gay slang for homosexual anal intercourse.
NINETY−THREE Ninety−three was mid 20th century Australian slang for anal intercourse.
NING−NANG Ning−nang is Australian and New Zealand slang for a fool.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NING−NONG Ning−nong is Australian and New Zealand slang for a fool.
NINNIES Ninnies is slang for the female breasts.
NINNIFIED Ninnified is slang for foolish.
NINNY Ninny is slang for a fool, a simpleton. Ninny is American slang for a Black person.
NINNY BROTH Ninny broth was old slang for coffee.
NINNY JUGS Ninny jugs is American slang for the female breasts.
NIP Nip is slang for to snatch. Nip is slang for steal. Nip is slang for a Japanese person.
NIP−IN Nip−in is British slang for a café, pub or coffee stall.
NIPPER Nipper is slang for a child or young adolescent. Nipper is British slang for a persistent borrower.
NIPPERHOOD Nipperhood is slang for childhood.
NIPS Nips is slang for nipples.
NIRRUP Nirrup is Dorset slang for a donkey.
NISH Nish is British slang for free, without charge.
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NISHTA Nishta is British slang for free, without charge.
NIT Nit (a shortened form of nitwit) is British slang for a foolish and stupid person.
NIT NURSE Nit Nurse was British slang for the school nurse who inspected children's heads for parasites.
NITCH Nitch is Dorset slang for a bundle of sticks, hay, wood or straw.
NITERIE Niterie is slang for a nightclub.
NITRATES Nitrates is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
NITRO Nitro is slang for nitroglycerin.
NITS AND LICE Nits and lice is London Cockney rhyming slang for price.
NITSO Nitso is British slang for nothing.
NITTO Nitto is British slang for keep quiet, don't do it. Nitto is British slang for none.
NITTY Nitty is British slang for silly, foolish.
NITTY−GRITTY Nitty−gritty is slang for essentials, small details.
NITWIT Nitwit is British slang for a foolish and stupid person.
NIX Nix is slang for not, or nothing.
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NIX OUT Nix out is Black−American slang for to throw away.
NIXIE Nixie is slang for nothing.
NIXIES Nixies is British slang for things that aren't charged for.
NIXON Nixon is American slang for a spurious or fraudulent deal.
NO No is Jamaican slang for do not.
NO COW No cow is American slang for without milk.
NO DICE No dice is American and Canadian slang for a refusal or rejection.
NO FT No FT is British criminal slang for no comment.
NO GO No go is slang for a failure; a fiasco.
NO SOAP No soap is American and Canadian slang for not possible or successful.
NO SPRING CHICKEN No spring chicken is slang for no longer young.
NO STRESS No stress is American slang for don't worry.
NO WAY No way is slang for a strong denial, such as that's impossible.
NO−GOODNIK No−goodnik is British slang for an unreliable, despicable person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NO−NO No−no is slang for something forbidden, impossible, inadvisable.
NOAH Noah is Australian slang for a shark. Noah is London Cockney rhyming slang for park. Noah is London Cockney rhyming slang for nark.
NOAH'S ARK Noah's ark is London Cockney rhyming slang for park. Noah's ark is London Cockney rhyming slang for nark. Noah's ark is London Cockney rhyming slang for dark. Noah's ark is London Cockney rhyming slang for lark.
NOB Nob is slang for a person in a superior position in life; a nobleman. Nob is British slang for to copulate. Nob is British slang for the head. Nob is British slang for to strike upon the head.
NOBBER Nobber is British slang for the number nine.
NOBBINS Nobbins is British slang for money thrown into a boxing ring by the crowd in appreciation of a good contest.
NOBBLE Nobble is slang for to cheat. Nobble is slang for to tamper with, damage. Nobble is slang for to disable a race−horse or greyhound.
NOBBY Nobby is slang for stylish; modish; elegant; showy; aristocratic; fashionable.
NOBBY HALLS Nobby Halls is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (balls).
NOBBY STILES Nobby Stiles is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
NOD Nod is British slang for go−ahead, approval.
NOD OFF Nod off is slang for to fall asleep.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NOD OUT Nod out is slang for to lapse into a stupor, especially on heroin.
NODAD Nodad is British slang for diabolical clothing.
NODDLE Noddle is slang for the head, intelligence, common sense.
NODDY Noddy is British slang for a buffoon, a simpleton, someone clumsy or ungainly.
NODDY BIKE Noddy bike is British slang for a Velocette motorbike.
NODDY HOLDER Noddy Holder is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoulder.
NOGGERHEAD Noggerhead is Dorset slang for a stupid person.
NOGGIN Noggin is British slang for the head. Noggin is British slang for a drink. Noggin is British slang for a fool, an idiot.
NOGHEAD Noghead is British slang for a fool.
NOISE Noise is slang for heroin.
NOISE FUNNELS Noise funnels is British slang for the ears.
NOISE−OINTMENT Noise−ointment is British slang for an inquisitive person.
NOMMUS Nommus was 19the century British criminal slang for someone.
NON COMPOS Non compos is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NON−SKID Non−skid was 1940's London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid).
NONCE Nonce is prison slang for a rapist or child molester; a sexual offender.
NONG Nong is Australian slang for a stupid or incompetent person.
NOO−HOW Noo−how is Dorset slang for in no way or shape.
NOO−WHEN Noo−when is Dorset slang for never.
NOODGE Noodge is British slang for an irritating and pathetic person.
NOODLE Noodle is slang for to improvise aimlessly on a musical instrument. Noodle is slang for the head.
NOODNIK Noodnik is American slang for an irritating, boring or stupid person.
NOOGIE Noogie is American slang for a kiss or hug. Noogie is American slang for petting.
NOOK AND CRANNY Nook and cranny is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (fanny).
NOOKIE Nookie is British slang for sexual intercourse. Nookie is Black−American slang for the vagina.
NOONER Nooner is slang for a drink at lunchtime. Nooner is American slang for sex at midday.
NOOSE IS HANGING Noose is hanging is Black−American slang for state of readiness
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NOOV Noov is British slang for nouveau riche.
NORA BATTY Nora Batty is London Cockney rhyming slang for tatty.
NORK Nork is Australian slang for a female breast.
NORKS Norks is Australian slang for breasts.
NORM Norm is derogatory British gay slang for a heterosexual.
NORMA SNOCKERS Norma Snockers is British slang for a girl with large breasts.
NORMAN NORMAL Norman Normal is British slang for a very conventional, conformist person.
NORMANDY BEACH Normandy Beach is London Cockney rhyming slang for a speech.
NORMOUS NUTT Normous Nutt is British slang for a know−all.
NORTH AND SOUTH North and South is London Cockney rhyming slang for mouth.
NORTH POLE North pole was old London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (hole).
NORTHANTS Northants is London Cockney rhyming slang for underpants.
NORVIE Norvie is South British slang for someone from northern England.
NOSE Nose is slang for cocaine. Nose is British slang for a spy. Nose is British slang for an eavesdropper. Nose was 19th century British slang for a detective. Nose was 18th century British slang for an informer. 731
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NOSE AND CHIN Nose and chin was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for gin. Nose and chin was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for win.
NOSE CANDY Nose Candy is slang for cocaine.
NOSE DROPS Nose drops is slang for liquefied heroin.
NOSE HOSE Nose hose is medical slang for a nasogastric tube, inserted through the nose into the stomach in order to drain it.
NOSE ITCH OF SUMMER Nose itch of summer is British slang for hay fever.
NOSE JOB Nose job is slang for a surgical remodelling of the nose for cosmetic reasons.
NOSE RAG Nose rag is slang for a handkerchief.
NOSE WIDE OPEN Nose wide open is Black−American slang for to be in love.
NOSE−BAG Nose−bag is slang for food or a meal.
NOSE−SHIT Nose−shit is British slang for nasal mucous and debris.
NOSEBLEED POSITION Nosebleed position is British slang for an unusually high position, usually within a league.
NOSER MY KNACKER Noser my knacker is London Cockney rhyming slang for tobacco. Noser my knacker (smell my testicles) was 19th century London Cockney slang for go away! Get lost!
NOSH Nosh is British slang for food Nosh is British slang for to eat.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NOSH SOMEONE OFF Nosh someone off is British slang for have oral sex with someone.
NOSH−UP Nosh−up is slang for a good meal.
NOSHER Nosher is British slang for a lover of food and eating. Nosher is British slang for someone skilled in oral sex. Nosher is a British slang term of address for a man.
NOSTRIL INTRUDER Nostril intruder is British slang for an annoying person.
NOT A BEAN Not a bean is slang for to be without money.
NOT ALL THERE Not all there is British slang for a person who is a little insane, crazy or mad.
NOT GO NAP ON Not go nap on is Australian slang for to hold in disfavour.
NOT KNOW SHIT FROM SHINOLA Not know shit from Shinola is American slang for be ignorant or innocent.
NOT MANY BENNY Not many Benny is British slang for a definite yes.
NOT ON Not on is British slang for unacceptable.
NOT ON YOUR LIFE Not on your life is slang for impossible.
NOT ON YOUR NELLIE Not on your Nellie (shortened from not on your Nellie Duff) is London Cockney rhyming slang for absolutely not (not on your life).
NOT QUITE Not quite is Australian slang for mentally deficient.
NOT RIGHT Not right is British slang for wrong, suspect. Not right is British slang for mad, eccentric, crazy, insane. 733
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NOT THE FULL QUID Not the full quid is Australian and New Zealand slang for mentally subnormal.
NOT TO RUN A DRUM Not to run a drum is Australian slang for a racehorse to fail to perform as tipped.
NOT WORTH A CRUMPET Not worth a crumpet is Australian slang for utterly worthless.
NOTE Note is British slang for one pound sterling.
NOUGHTIES Noughties is British slang for the years 2000 to 2009.
NOUS Nous is slang for common sense; intelligence.
NOVICES CHASE Novices chase is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
NOW OR NEVER Now or never is London Cockney rhyming slang for clever.
NOW−NOW GIRL Now−now girl is Zimbabwean slang for a modern, fashionable young woman.
NOWHERE Nowhere is slang for worthless, inferior, hopeless, uninteresting. Nowhere is Black−American slang for a dull person.
NOWHERESVILLE Nowheresville is slang for an uninteresting, unimportant place.
NOWT Nowt is British slang for nothing.
NOWTY Nowty is slang for moody, angry.
NOZZER Nozzer is British slang for a new naval recruit.
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NUB Nub is slang for the neck. Nub is slang for sexual intercourse. Nub was 17th and 18th century slang for the gallows.
NUBBIN−HEAD Nubbin−head is Black American slang for a fool, a simpleton.
NUBBING Nubbing is slang for sexual intercourse.
NUBBING COVE Nubbing cove was slang for the hangman.
NUCLEAR Nuclear is American slang for enraged, very angry.
NUCLEAR SUB Nuclear sub is London Cockney rhyming slang for public house (pub).
NUDDY Nuddy is British slang for naked.
NUDGE Nudge is American slang for a nagging person, a nuisance. Nudge is slang for to have sexual intercourse.
NUDGER Nudger is slang for the penis. Nudger is American slang for a male homosexual.
NUDNIK Nudnik is slang for an irritating, boring or stupid person.
NUGGET Nugget is British slang for a one pound coin.
NUKE Nuke is slang for to attack or destroy with nuclear weapons.
NUKER Nuker is slang for a microwave oven.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NUKES Nukes is slang for nuclear weapons.
NUMB−NUTS Numb−nuts is slang for an idiot.
NUMBER Number is slang for a cannabis or marijuana cigarette. Number is slang for an act of betrayal. Number is slang for a sexual partner. Number is slang for to identify or single out someone
NUMBER ONE Number one is slang for urination.
NUMBER THIRTEEN Number thirteen is American slang for marijuana.
NUMBER TWO Number two is slang for defecation.
NUMBER−CRUNCHER Number−cruncher is slang for a calculator, a handler of complex numbers.
NUMBER−CRUNCHING Number−crunching is slang for handling complex calculations.
NUMBERS Numbers is slang for cannabis.
NUMBSKULL Numbskull is slang for a fool.
NUMERO UNO Numero uno is slang for someone or something superlative.
NUMPTY Numpty is British slang for an idiot.
NUN'S HABIT Nun's habit is London Cockney rhyming slang for talk (rabbit).
NUNCH Nunch is Dorset slang for lunch. 736
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NUNNIE Nunnie is American slang for the buttocks.
NUPPENCE Nuppenceis British slang for no money.
NUREMBERGS Nurembergs (shortened from Nuremberg trials) is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids. (Piles).
NURSE Nurse is slang for to cheat or swindle. Nurse is slang for a passenger vehicle to closely follow another so as to poach its passengers.
NURSERY RHYME Nursery rhyme is London Cockney rhyming slang for crime.
NURSERY RHYMES Nursery rhymes is London Cockney rhyming slang for the Times newspaper.
NURTLE Nurtle is American slang for sexual intercourse.
NUT Nut is slang for the head. Nut is slang for to head butt. Nut is slang for an eccentric person. Nut is slang for a devotee. Nut is slang for the tip of the penis. Nut is Australian slang for a hard to break horse.
NUT CRUSHER Nut crusher is British slang for a domineering woman.
NUT HOUSE Nut house is slang for a mental hospital.
NUT OUT Nut out is slang for to go crazy, to lose control of oneself, to run amok.
NUT ROLL Nut roll is Black−American slang for someone who plays stupid.
NUT UP Nut up is slang for to go crazy, to lose control of oneself, to run amok.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NUT−ROCK Nut−rock is British slang for a bald person. Nut−rock is British slang for a crazy person.
NUT−SACK Nut−sack is slang for the scrotum.
NUTCASE Nutcase is slang for an insane or very foolish person.
NUTCRACKERS Nutcrackers is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (knackers).
NUTHOUSE Nuthouse is slang for a mental hospital or asylum.
NUTMEG Nutmeg is London Cockney rhyming slang for leg.
NUTNEY Nutney is British slang for defecation. Nutney is British slang for excrement.
NUTS Nuts is slang for the testicles. Nuts is slang for insane. Nuts is slang for women's breasts. Nuts is slang for extremely fond of or enthusiastic about.
NUTSHELL Nutshell is slang for a crash helmet.
NUTTER Nutter is British slang for a lunatic.
NUTTINESS Nuttiness is slang for craziness, eccentricity.
NUTTY Nutty is slang for insane. Nutty is Jamaican slang for smartly and stylishly dressed.
NYETSI Nyetsi is American slang for useless, worthless, no good.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
NYMPH Nymph was 17th century British slang for a prostitute.
NYMPHO Nympho is slang for a promiscuous woman.
O O is slang for opium. O is slang for oral sex.
O.D. O.D. is slang for to overdose.
O.G. O.G. is American slang for an older and respected gang member.
O.J. O.j. is slang for orange juice.
O.P. O.P. is British slang for an observation post.
O.P.P. O.P.P. is slang for phencyclidine.
O.S. O.S. is Australian slang for overseas.
O.T.T. O.t.t. is slang for Over The Top, meaning excessive, outrageous, wild.
OAK Oak is British slang for joke.
OAK AND ASH Oak and ash is British theatre rhyming slang for cash.
OARS AND ROLLOCKS Oars and rollocks is London Cockney rhyming slang for nonsense (bollocks).
OATER Oater is American slang for a western film.
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OATS Oats is slang for sperm (with regard to being seeds). Oats is British slang for sexual gratification.
OATS AND BARLEY Oats and barley is London Cockney rhyming slang for Charlie.
OATS AND CHAFF Oats and chaff is London Cockney rhyming slang for path.
OATSY Oatsy is slang for spirited, assertive, restive.
OBADIAH Obadiah is British slang for a domestic fire.
OBBO Obbo is British police slang for observation.
OCEAN LINER Ocean liner was London Cockney rhyming slang for a black−eye (shiner).
OCEAN PEARL Ocean pearl was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a girl.
OCEAN WAVE Ocean wave is London Cockney rhyming slang for shave.
OCKER Ocker is Australian slang for an uncultivated or boorish person.
OCKERINA Ockerina is Australian slang for an uncultivated or boorish woman.
OCTOPUS Octopus is British slang for a sexually importunate man.
ODAY Oday is American slang for money.
ODD Odd is slang for a policeman Odd was 19th century British slang for homosexual.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ODD−LOT Odd−lot is slang for a police car.
ODDBALL Oddball is slang for an eccentric person, a nonconformist.
ODDBOD Oddbod is British slang for a strange, eccentric person.
ODDS Odds is British slang for to risk, to take a chance on.
ODDS AGAINST Odds against is British slang for unlikely to happen.
ODDS AND SODS Odds and sods is slang for bits and pieces.
ODDS IT Odds it is British slang for to take a chance, to take a risk.
ODDS ON Odds on is British slang for likely to happen.
OEDIPUS REX Oedipus Rex is London Cockney rhyming slang for sex.
OFAY Ofay is derogatory American slang for a white person.
OFF Off is American slang for to kill.
OFF ONE'S BLOCK Off one's block is slang for insane, mad.
OFF ONE'S BOX Off one's box is slang for intoxicated.
OFF ONE'S CHUMP Off one's chump is slang for insane, mad.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OFF ONE'S CRUST Off one's crust is slang for insane, mad.
OFF ONE'S FACE Off one's face is Australian slang for intoxicated, under the influence of drugs.
OFF ONE'S HEAD Off one's head is slang for insane, mad.
OFF ONE'S NUT Off one's nut is slang for insane, mad.
OFF ONE'S ONION Off one's onion is slang for insane, mad.
OFF ONE'S ROCKER Off one's rocker is slang for insane, crazy.
OFF ONE'S SCONE Off one's scone is Australian slang for angry or insane.
OFF ONE'S TROLLEY Off one's trolley is British slang for insane, crazy.
OFF THE CHAIN Off the chain is Australian slang for free, unrestrained, unrestricted.
OFF THE COB Off the cob is Black−American slang for out of style or backwards
OFF THE HOOK Off the hook is slang for out of trouble, freed from a difficult situation. Off the hook is Australian slang for a married man out for the night with male friends. Off the hook is American slang for ill, in a bad temper, nervous. Off the hook is American slang for something so good it transcends description.
OFF THE HOOKS Off the hooks was old slang for ill−tempered. Off the hooks was 19th century slang for at once, immediately. Off the hooks was 19th century slang for dead. Off the hooks was 18th century slang for crazy, eccentric. Off the hooks was 17th century slang for to be unrestrained, to behave to excess.
OFF THE HORN Off the horn was 19th century slang for very tough and chewy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OFF THE NAIL Off the nail was 19th century slang for slightly intoxicated, tipsy.
OFF THE RUNWAY Off the runway is American slang for very thin.
OFF THE TOP Off the top is slang for taken first.
OFF THE WALL Off the wall is slang for eccentric, unusual.
OFF−SIDE Off−side is British slang for unfair, improper behaviour.
OFF−SIDER Off−sider is Australian slang for an assistant.
OFF−THE−WALL Off−the−wall is slang for new or unexpected in an unconventional or eccentric way.
OFF−TIME JIVE Off−time jive is Black−American slang for a weak excuse.
OFFER A SACRIFICE TO RALPH, THE PORCELAIN GOD Offer a sacrifice to Ralph, the porcelain god is American slang for to vomit.
OFFER OUT Offer out is British slang for to challenge to a fight.
OFFICE Office is British slang for to warn. Office is old British slang for a toilet.
OFFICE WALLAH Office wallahis British slang for someone who works in an office.
OFFICE WORKER Office worker is London Cockney rhyming slang for shirker.
OFFIE Offie is British slang for an off−licence (liquor store).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OFFY Offy is slang for an off licence.
OGGIE Oggie is British slang for a Cornish pasty.
OGGLE Oggle is British slang for to eye lasciviously.
OGLE Ogle is Polari slang for look, admire.
OH MY DEAR Oh my dear was old London Cockney rhyming slang for beer.
OH MY GAWD Oh my gaws was old London Cockney rhyming slang for bald.
OI JIMMY KNACKER Oi Jimmy Knacker was London Cockney rhyming slang for tobacco.
OIK Oik is derogatory British slang for a person regarded as inferior because of being ignorant, ill−educated, or lower−class.
OIL Oil is British slang for alcoholic drink. Oil is Black−American slang for a pay−off to authorities; a bribe.
OIL LAMP Oil lamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for tramp.
OIL LEAK Oil leak is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Sikh.
OIL SLICK Oil slick is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Spaniard (Spick).
OIL TANKER Oil tanker is London Cockney rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (wanker).
OILED Oiled is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
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OILY Oily is British slang for a stupid, unsophisticated person.
OILY RAG Oily rag is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette (fag). Oily rag is British slang for an inexperienced or incompetent motor mechanic.
OINK Oink is slang for a person with one income and children. Oink is British slang for to eat greedily.
OINKER Oinker is British slang for a policeman. Oinker is British slang for a greedy person. Oinker is American slang for a vulgar, obnoxious or greedy person.
OK OK was slang and is now colloquial English for all right, correct.
OKAY Okay was slang and is now colloquial English for all right, correct.
OKEY DOKE Okey doke is London Cockney rhyming slang for cocaine (coke). Okey doke is London Cockney rhyming slang for coca−cola (coke). Okey doke is London Cockney rhyming slang for the contents of a wallet (poke).
OKIE Okie is American slang for an inhabitant of Oklahoma. Okie is American slang for an impoverished migrant farm worker, especially one who left Oklahoma during the Depression of the 1930s to work elsewhere in the USA.
OKIE CREDIT CARD Okie credit card is American slang for a siphon used to steal fuel from another car's tank.
OLD AND BITTER Old and bitter is British slang for a mother−in−law. Old and bitter is British slang for a miserable, old person.
OLD BAG Old bag is slang for an elderly woman. Old bag is London Cockney rhyming slang for an old or infected prostitute (hag).
OLD BANGER Old banger is slang for a dilapidated old car.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OLD BILL Old Bill is British slang for the police.
OLD BOILED EGG Old boiled egg is British slang for the OBE.
OLD BOOT Old boot is British slang for a woman, particularly an unattractive or ugly one.
OLD BUCK Old buck is British slang for backchat, lairy talk.
OLD CHAP Old chap is British slang for the penis.
OLD COOT Old coot is British slang for a cantankerous old person.
OLD DART Old dart is Australian slang for England.
OLD DUTCH Old Dutch is London Cockney slang for wife.
OLD FELLOW Old fellow is slang for the penis.
OLD FOGEY Old fogey is London Cockney rhyming slang for nasal reside (bogey).
OLD FRYING Old frying is British slang for a husband. Old frying is British slang for a father.
OLD GIT Old git is British slang for a cantankerous old person.
OLD GOOSEBERRY Old gooseberry is London slang for wife.
OLD HAT Old hat is British slang for old fashioned. Old hat was 17th century British slang for the vagina.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OLD HEAVE HO Old heave ho is British slang for dismissal, rejection.
OLD IRON AND BRASS Old iron and brass is London Cockney rhyming slang for grass. Old iron and brass is British military rhyming slang for a pass.
OLD JAMAICA RUM Old Jamaica rum is British naval slang for sun.
OLD KING COLE Old king Cole is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployment benefit (dole).
OLD KIT BAG Old kit bag is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette (fag).
OLD LADY Old lady is slang for one's mother, wife, girlfriend.
OLD LAG Old lag is British slang for an habitual criminal or former prison inmate.
OLD MAN Old man is slang for one's father, husband, boyfriend. Old man is an amateur radio slang greeting for a man or male friend.
OLD MONEY Old money is British slang for imperial measurement.
OLD NAG Old nag was British military rhyming slang for cigarette (fag).
OLD NELLIE Old Nellie (based on Nellie Dean) is British slang for an older male homosexual.
OLD OAK Old oak is British rhyming slang for London (the Smoke).
OLD POT AND PAN Old pot and pan is London Cockney rhyming slang for old man (husband).
OLD RAG Old rag is London Cockney rhyming slang for flag.
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OLD SKOOL Old skool is American slang for over five years old; not hip.
OLD SWEAT Old sweat is British slang for an old soldier. Old sweat is British slang for someone experienced in his field.
OLD TROUT Old trout is British slang for a middle−aged or elderly woman.
OLD WHIP Old whip is British naval slang for ship.
OLDIE Oldie is slang for an old person or parent. Oldie is slang for a popular music record released more than a year ago.
OLIVER CROMWELL Oliver Cromwell is London Cockney rhyming slang for understand (tumble).
OLIVER REED Oliver Reed is British rhyming slang for amphetamine (speed). Oliver Reed is London Cockney rhyming slang for tobacco (weed). Oliver Reed is London Cockney rhyming slang for cannabis (weed).
OLIVER TWIST Oliver Twist is London Cockney rhyming slang for fist. Oliver Twist is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed). Oliver Twist is London Cockney rhyming slang for wrist.
OLLERROD Ollerrod is Dorset slang for cowslip.
OLLIE Ollie is British slang for a marble.
OLLIE BEAK Ollie Beak is London Cockney rhyming slang for Sikh.
OLLY Olly is British slang for amphetamine.
OLOGY Ology is British slang for a science degree.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OMAR SHARIF Omar Sharif is London Cockney rhyming slang for trouble, problems (grief).
OMEE Omee is Polari slang for a man.
OMEE POLONY Omee polony is Polaris slang for a homosexual man.
OMI Omi is British and Polari slang for a man.
OMI−PALONE Omi−palone is Polari slang for homosexual.
OMIPOLONE Omipolone is British slang for a male homosexual.
OMIPOLONI Omipoloni is British slang for a male homosexual.
ON On is a slang euphemism for the menstrual cycle.
ON A FIZZER On a fizzer is British military slang for in trouble, likely to face a disciplinary hearing.
ON A PENSION On a pension is British criminal slang for a corrupt policeman.
ON A PROMISE On a promise is British slang for due to receive something to one's benefit. On a promise is British slang for due to receive sex.
ON A RAFT On a raft is American slang for on toast.
ON A ROLL On a roll is slang for enjoying a series of successes or a run of good luck.
ON A SOLOMONS On a Solomons is British slang for on to a good money−making scheme or racket.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ON AND OFF On and off is London Cockney rhyming slang for cough.
ON CANVAS On canvas is British slang for in solitary confinement, in prison.
ON HOLIDAY On holiday is British slang for temporarily in prison.
ON ONE On one is British slang for under the influence of MDA or ecstasy. On one is British slang for in the know. On one is British slang for out thieving.
ON ONE'S ACE On one's ace is British slang for alone.
ON ONE'S JACK JONES On one's Jack Jones is British slang for on one's own.
ON ONE'S OWN HOOK On one's own hook is slang for on one's own initiative.
ON ONE'S TOD On one's tod is slang for being alone.
ON SOMEONE'S HAMMER On someone's hammer is Australian and New Zealand slang for in hot pursuit of someone.
ON SPEC On spec is British slang for at a risk.
ON THE ABRAHAM On the Abraham is British slang for taking time off work pretending to be ill.
ON THE BLINK On the blink is slang for something mechanical being temporarily out of order.
ON THE BLOB On the blob is British slang for menstruation.
ON THE BREW On the brew is Scottish slang for to be unemployed.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ON THE BUM On the bum is slang for leading the life of a tramp. On the bum is slang for engaged in begging. On the bum is slang for malfunctioning.
ON THE CARDS On the cards is British slang for likely to happen.
ON THE CELLAR On the cellar is British slang for scrounging, looking to borrow some money.
ON THE CLUB On the club is British slang for away from work due to sickness, especially when receiving sickness benefit.
ON THE CROSS On the cross is slang for dishonesty.
ON THE DRIP On the drip is British slang for on hire purchase.
ON THE EARHOLE On the earhole is British slang for engaged in cadging or borrowing money.
ON THE ELBOW On the elbow is British slang for engaged in cadging or borrowing money.
ON THE FLOOR On the Floor is London Cockney rhyming slang for poor.
ON THE FLY On the fly is British slang for in a rush, having no time.
ON THE FRITZ On the Fritz is American slang for malfunctioning, out of order.
ON THE GAME On the game is slang for working as a prostitute.
ON THE HOOK On the hook is slang for waiting. On the hook is slang for in a dangerous or difficult situation.
ON THE HORN On the horn is British slang for having an erection. 751
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ON THE HURRY−UP On the hurry−up is British slang for at full speed.
ON THE JOB On the job is British slang for engaged in sexual intercourse.
ON THE KNOCK On The Knock is British slang for on credit or hire purchase. On The Knock is British slang for engaged in selling or canvassing door to door.
ON THE KNOCKER On the knocker is British slang for going from door to door trying to sell something of dubious value or to persuade the gullible to sell antiques or other items for far less than their worth.
ON THE LAY−BY On the lay−by is Australian slang for on hire purchase.
ON THE MUD On the mud is British slang for an almost empty beer glass.
ON THE NEEDLE On the needle is slang for habitually injecting heroin or another narcotic.
ON THE NEST On the nest is British slang for involved in sexual intercourse.
ON THE NEVER−NEVER On the never−never is British slang for on hire purchase, on credit.
ON THE NOSE On the nose is Australian slang for smelly, rank.
ON THE OTHER BUS On the other bus is British slang for homosexual.
ON THE PISS On the piss is slang for the situation or event of getting drunk.
ON THE PULL On the pull is British slang for in the act of attempting to meet a sexual partner.
ON THE Q.T. On the q.t. is slang for discreetly, secretly.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ON THE RAG On the rag is slang for menstruating.
ON THE RAGGED EDGE On the ragged edge is American slang for on the extreme edge.
ON THE RAZZLE On the razzle is slang for a spree or good time.
ON THE RORY On the Rory is slang for poor, penniless.
ON THE SCHNOZZ On the schnozz is American slang for precisely, exactly on time.
ON THE SQUARE On the square is slang for being a Freemason.
ON THE STRAP On the Strap is British slang for on credit or hire−purchase.
ON THE TAP On the tap is slang for begging, asking for a loan.
ON THE THUMB On the thumb is British slang for hitch−hiking.
ON THE TURKEY On the turkey is British criminal slang for being sought by the police and evading capture.
ON THE UP−AND−UP On the up−and−up is slang for genuine, bona fide.
ON THE WAGON On the wagon is British slang for being teetotal.
ON THE WALLABY On the wallaby is Australian slang for wandering about looking for work.
ON THE WAY OUT On the way out is British slang for dying.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ON THE WONK On the wonk is British slang for crooked.
ON TICK On tick is British slang for on duty, present.
ON TILT On tilt is American slang for unsteady, unbalanced.
ON TOP On top is British slang for caught in the act.
ON VELVET On velvet is slang for in a condition of ease, advantage, or wealth.
ON WHEELS On wheels is American slang for takeaway (meal).
ON YOUR BIKE On your bike is British slang for go away!
ON YOUR CYCLE On your cycle is British slang for go away!
ONCE A WEEK Once a week is London Cockney rhyming slang for a magistrate (beak). Once a week is London Cockney rhyming slang for impudence (cheek).
ONCE EVERY PANCAKE DAY Once every pancake day is British slang for very rarely.
ONCE OVER Once over is slang for inspect, look carefully.
ONCER Oncer was British slang for a one−pound note. Oncer is Australian slang for a person elected to Parliament who can only expect to serve one term.
ONE AND EIGHT One and eight is London Cockney rhyming slang for plate.
ONE AND ELEVEN PENCE THREE FARDEN One and eleven pence three farden was old London Cockney rhyming slang for I beg your pardon.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ONE AND HALF One and half is London Cockney rhyming slang for scarf.
ONE AND T'OTHER One and t'other is London Cockney rhyming slang for brother. One and t'other is London Cockney rhyming slang for mother.
ONE AND TWO One and two is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoe.
ONE EYED TROUSER SNAKE One eyed trouser snake is slang for the penis.
ONE FOR HIS NOB One for his nob is British slang for an extra payment, a tip. One for his nob was London Cockney rhyming slang for a shilling (bob).
ONE FOR THE TARMAC One for the tarmac is British slang for one last drink. One For The Road One for the road is British slang for one last drink.
ONE IN THE DEPARTURE LOUNGE One in the departure lounge is British slang for to need to defecate imminently.
ONE MORE TIME One more time is bingo slang for the number seventy−nine.
ONE OFF THE WRIST One off the wrist is British slang for masturbation.
ONE OVER THE EIGHT One over the eight is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
ONE UNDER One under is British slang for a suicide on a railway line.
ONE UP THE WHEEL One up the wheel is British lorry driver slang for urination.
ONE WAY POCKETS One way pockets is British slang for a miser.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ONE−ER One−er is British slang for 100 pounds sterling.
ONE−EYED TROUSER SNAKE One−eyed trouser snake is slang for the penis.
ONE−HORSE One−horse is American slang for second−rate; inferior; small.
ONE−NIGHT STAND One−night stand is slang for a very brief sexual fling.
ONE−TO−ONE One−to−one is slang for cocaine.
ONE−UP One−up is slang for to out−do, to better or snub someone.
ONESER Oneser is British slang for a one−pound note or pound coin.
ONION Onion is British slang for the head.
ONION ACT Onion act is Black−American slang for anything or situation considered extremely wrong
ONS Ons is British soccer slang for a throw−in.
OODLES Oodles is slang for a large amount.
OOF Oof is British slang for money.
OOH LA LA Ooh la la was British rhyming slang for a bra.
OOJAMAFLIP Oojamaflip is British slang for an unspecified or un−nameable thing.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OONE Oone is Dorset slang for one.
OONO Oono is British slang for one.
OP Op is slang for a surgical operation.
OPEN A MOUTH Open a mouth is British slang for to start an argument.
OPEN ONE'S LUNCH Open one's lunch is Australian slang for to emit wind from the anus.
OPEN PACKY Open packy is Jamaican slang for to reveal one's innermost thoughts.
OPEN SLATHER Open slather is Australian and New Zealand slang for a situation in which there are no restrictions; free−for−all.
OPEN THE DOOR Open the door is bingo slang for the number four.
OPPO Oppo is British slang for opposite number, partner. Oppo is British slang for a military operation.
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Opportunity knocks is British rhyming slang for a fox.
ORANGE Orange is British slang for a word with which no rhyming word can be found. Orange is slang for LSD.
ORANGE PIP Orange pip is British rhyming slang for a Japanese (nip).
ORANGE SQUASH Orange squash is British rhyming slang for money (dosh).
ORANGE SUNSHINE Orange sunshine is slang for LSD. 757
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ORBITAL Orbital is British slang for an acid house party.
ORCHESTRA STALLS Orchestra Stalls is London Cockney rhyming slang for balls (testicles).
ORCHESTRAS Orchestras is British slang for testicles.
ORCHESTRATION Orchestration is Black−American slang for an overcoat.
ORDER BUICKS OVER THE BIG WHITE PHONE Order buicks over the big white phone is American slang for to vomit.
ORGAN Organ is British slang for the penis.
ORGAN GRINDER Oragan grinder is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bodyguard (minder).
ORGAN RECITAL Organ recital is American slang for to vomit.
ORGANIC OUTPUT Organic output is American slang for to vomit.
ORGANIC QUAALUDE Organic quaalude is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
ORINOKO Orinoko is London Cockney rhyming slang for cocoa. Orinoko is London Cockney rhyming slang for a poker.
ORNAMENTS Ornaments is British slang for a man's genitalia.
ORPHAN ANNIE Orphan Annie is London Cockney rhyming slang for vagina (fanny).
OSCAR Oscar is British slang for unrestrained, out of control, wild. Oscar is American tramp slang for to walk away. Oscar is Australian slang for cash; money (shortened from Oscar Asche). 758
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OSCAR ASCHE Oscar Asche is British and Australian rhyming slang for cash.
OSCAR WILDE Oscar Wilde is London Cockney rhyming slang for rhyming slang for the beer mild.
OSSIFER Osifer is slang for a policeman.
OSWALD Oswald is British slang for an ounce.
OTCHO Otcho is British slang for the number eight.
OTHER END Other end is East London slang for London's West end.
OTHER MAN Other man is Black−American slang for the white man
OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN Other side of the coin is slang for an opposing point of view.
OTHER WAY Other way is British slang for stolen. Other way is British slang for anal sex. Other way is British slang for a homosexual.
OTIS REDDING Otis Redding is London Cockney rhyming slang for wedding.
OTTER Otter is Polari slang for the number eight.
OU Ou is South African slang for a man.
OU−DI−DU−DAT Ou−di−du−dat is Jamaican slang for an Asian Indian.
OUCH−HOUSE Ouch−house is British slang for a rough pub or club.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OULAP Oulap is South African slang for a penny.
OUMA Ouma is South African slang for any elderly woman.
OUMAN Ouman is South African slang for a veteran. Ouman is South African slang for an experienced soldier.
OUNCE OF BACCY Ounce of baccy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Pakistani (Paki).
OUPA Oupa is South African slang for any elderly man.
OUPA JUICE Oupa juice is South African slang for alcoholic drink. Liquor.
OUR FOOD AINT COOKED IN THE SAME POT Our food aint cooked in the same pot is Jamaican slang for we are too different to get along. I'm better than you.
OUR FOOD DON'T COOK Our food don't cook is Jamaican slang for we are too different to get along. I'm better than you
OUSSIE Oussie is Northern Irish slang for over−inquisitive.
OUT Out is slang for to declare publicly the homosexuality of someone. Out is slang for living or behaving openly homosexual. Out is street slang for crazy.
OUT COLD Out cold is slang for unconscious.
OUT IN THE COLD Out in the cold is slang for not included.
OUT IN THE LEFT FIELD Out in the left field is slang for completely wrong.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OUT LIKE A LIGHT Out like a light is slang for fall into a deep sleep quickly.
OUT OF HAND Out of hand is slang for out of control.
OUT OF HERE Out of here is slang for gone; go.
OUT OF IT Out of it is slang for dazed, distracted, euphoric, semi−conscious.
OUT OF ONE'S BOX Out of one's box is slang for crazy. Out of one's box is slang for intoxicated by drugs or drink.
OUT OF ONE'S HEAD Out of one's head is slang for crazy. Out of one's head is slang for intoxicated by drugs or drink.
OUT OF ONE'S LEAGUE Out of one's league is slang for to be in a situation where one is surrounded by people who are more skilful, experienced and sophisticated than oneself.
OUT OF ONE'S PRAM Out of one's pram is slang for crazy. Out of one's pram is British slang for very angry.
OUT OF ONE'S SKULL Out of one's skull is slang for crazy. Out of one's skull is slang for intoxicated by drugs or drink.
OUT OF ONE'S TREE Out of one's tree is slang for crazy. Out of one's tree is slang for intoxicated by drugs or drink.
OUT OF ORDER Out of order is British slang for transgressing. Out of order is British slang for incapacitated, particularly by drink or drugs.
OUT OF SIGHT Out of sight is slang for extreme or very unusual.
OUT OF THE BLUE Out of the blue is slang for unexpectedly.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OUT OF THE GAME Out of the game is British slang for unconscious or totally incoherent on alcohol.
OUT OF THE LOOP Out of the loop is American slang for being uninformed of inside goings−on.
OUT OF THIN AIR Out of thin air is slang for from nowhere, from nothing.
OUT OF WHACK Out of whack is slang for dysfunctional.
OUT TO LUNCH Out to lunch is slang for insane, crazy, deranged. Out to lunch is slang for unconscious, incapacitated by drink or drugs.
OUT−AND−OUTER Out−and−outer is slang for a thorough or thoroughgoing person or thing. Out−and−outer is slang for a person or thing that is excellent of its kind. Out−and−outer is slang for an extremist.
OUTASIGHT Outasight is slang for superb, excellent, sensational.
OUTERS Outers is British slang for not wanted, barred.
OUTFRONT Outfront is American slang for open, frank, honest, straightforward.
OUTIE Outie is South African slang for a vagrant, a tramp.
OUTING Outing is slang for declaring publicly the homosexuality of someone.
OUTJIE Outjie is South African slang for a child, a small person.
OUTLAW Outlaw is Jamaican slang for an errant person or criminal., a gang member. Outlaw is American slang for exceptional, outstanding. Outlaw is West Indian slang for wild, barbarous, crude.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OUTSERT Outsert is advertising slang for a self−contained and detachable advertising supplement within a newspaper or magazine.
OUTSIDE Outside is slang for not in prison.
OUTSIDE RIGHT Outside right is British slang for the seven in a deck of cards.
OUTSIDER ART Outsider art is slang for art produced by people not considered part of the mainstream.
OUTTAKE SHOW Outtake show is American slang for a television program consisting of a series of homemade or professional video clips strung together around a common theme.
OVARY TICKLER Ovary tickler is British slang for the penis.
OVER ONE'S HEAD Over one's head is slang for beyond one's comprehension.
OVER THE EDGE Over the edge is slang for hysterical; in an emotional crisis or panic. Over the edge is slang for to excess.
OVER THE HILL Over the hill is military slang for absent without leave or deserting.
OVER THE MARK Over the mark is Canadian slang for tipsy.
OVER THE STILE Over the stile is London Cockney rhyming slang for trial.
OVER THE TOP Over the top is British slang for extreme; outlandish, outrageous, bizarre.
OVER−DO Over−do is Jamaican slang for showing off.
OVER−RIPE FRUIT Over−ripe fruit is British slang for an elderly homosexual. 763
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OVERALL Overall is British slang for a working man.
OVERCOAT Overcoat is British slang for a condom.
OVERCOAT MAKER Overcoat maker is London Cockney rhyming slang for undertaker.
OVERKILL Overkill is slang for excessive.
OVERNIGHTS Overnights is American slang for the ratings of a single night of television.
OVERSEEN Overseen was 17th and 18th century slang for tipsy.
OVERSHOT Overshot was 17th century slang for tipsy, drunk, intoxicated.
OVERSIGHT Oversight is slang for a mistake.
OVERTAKEN Overtaken was 18th and 19th century slang for drunk, intoxicated.
OWEN NARES Owen Nares is London Cockney rhyming slang for chairs.
OWL−GAL Owl−gal is Jamaican slang for a promiscuous woman.
OWN GOAL Own goal is British slang for a suicide. Own goal is British slang for a self−inflicted mistake.
OWSLEY ACID Owsley acid is slang for a high−quality type of LSD.
OXFORD BAG Oxford bag is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette (fag).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
OXFORD SCHOLAR Oxford Scholar is London Cockney rhyming slang for collar. Oxford Scholar is London Cockney rhyming slang for dollar.
OXO CUBE Oxo cube is London Cockney rhyming slang for the London Underground (tube).
OXYS Oxys is slang for any anabolic steroid.
OYSTER Oyster is slang for a globule of phlegm. Oyster is slang for a very taciturn person.
OYZENS Oyzens is British slang for trousers.
OZ Oz is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug). Oz is Australian slang for Australia.
OZONE Ozone is slang for phencyclidine.
OZZIE AND HARRIET Ozzie and Harriet is American slang for a stuffy, middle−aged, middle−class, respectable, domestic couple.
P−DOPE P−dope is slang for 20−30% pure heroin.
P.C. P.C. is slang for politically correct.
P.C.P. P.C.P. is slang for phencyclidine.
P.D. P.D. is slang for an embarrassing situation.
P.D.A. P.D.A. (public display of affection) is American slang for overt kissing, hugging etc.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
P.D.Q. P.D.Q. is slang for pretty damn quick.
P.I. P.I. is slang for private investigator.
P.J.S P.J.s is American slang for pyjamas.
P.L.U. P.L.U. is British slang for people like us.
P.M.S. MONSTER P.M.S. monster is American teen slang for a menstruating woman.
P.N.G. P.N.G. is British slang for to declare someone unwelcome (persona non grata).
P.O. P.O. is British slang for go away! (piss off).
P.R. P.R is derogatory American slang for a Puerto Rican.
P.T. P.T. is British slang for a sexually alluring woman, especially one who flirts but doesn't copulate (prick teaser).
PAC PAC is American slang for Political Action Committee, an organisation created to promote a specific political agenda through a combination of lobbying and fundraising.
PACIFIC SLOPE Pacific slope is New Zealand slang for the countries of the Pacific rim.
PACK Pack is slang for to be capable of inflicting a blow. Pack is Irish slang for friendly.
PACK A ROD Pack a rod is American slang for to carry a gun.
PACK HEAT Pack heat is American slang for to carry a gun; be armed with a gun. 766
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PACKET Packet is slang for the male genitals. Packet is slang for a large sum of money. Packet is military slang for a bullet or missile. Packet is military slang for trouble. Packet was old slang for a false report.
PACKET FROM PARIS Packet from Paris is Australian and New Zealand slang for a baby.
PAD Pad is slang for a person's residence. Pad is slang for a bed or bedroom.
PAD OF GALLOPING SNAP−SHOTS Pad of galloping snap−shots is Black−American slang for a motion picture theatre (cinema).
PAD OF STIFFS Pad of stiffs is Black−American slang for a funeral parlour.
PAD OF STITCHES Pad of stitches is Black−American slang for a hospital.
PADDINGTON BEAR Paddington bear is London Cockney rhyming slang for pear.
PADDLE Paddle is slang for to hit, beat, thrash.
PADDLERS Paddlers is British slang for the feet. Paddlers is British slang for children's beach shoes.
PADDLES Paddles is Black−American slang for the hands.
PADDY Paddy is slang for a rage or an upset. Paddy is slang for an Irish person. Paddy is British criminal slang for a padlock.
PADDY AND MICK Paddy and Mick is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pickaxe. Paddy and Mick is London Cockney rhyming slang for obtuse, stupid (thick).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PADDY O'ROURKE Paddy O'Rourke is London Cockney rhyming slang for talk.
PADDY RAMMER Paddy Rammer is London Cockney rhyming slang for hammer.
PADDY'S EYEWATER Paddy's eyewater is Irish slang for illicitly distilled whisky, poteen.
PADDYWAGGON Paddywagon is slang for a secure police van.
PADLOCK Padlock is British slang for the penis (cock).
PAFGHANI Pafghani is British slang for black hashish.
PAG Pag is Northern Irish slang for a useless person.
PAIL Pail is Black−American slang for the stomach.
PAIN Pain is British slang for someone or something troublesome, a nuisance.
PAIN IN THE ARSE Pain in the arse is slang for something or someone who is troublesome or tedious. Pain in the neck is a less vulgar version.
PAIN IN THE NECK Pain in the neck is slang for something or someone who is troublesome or tedious. Pain in the neck is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cheque.
PAINFUL Painful is American slang for bad.
PAINFUL EXPERIENCE Painful experience is British slang for a pest, an annoying person.
PAINT Paint is slang for to drink. Paint is Australian slang for cheap red wine. Paint is American gay slang for to defecate during anal intercourse. 768
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Paint is basketball slang for a free−throw lane, which is usually a different colour from the other floor markings.
PAINT ONESELF INTO A CORNER Paint oneself into a corner is American slang for to get oneself into a situation that is difficult to get out of.
PAINT THE BACK SEAT Paint the back seat is American slang for to vomit.
PAINTED MISCHIEF Painted mischief is slang for playing cards.
PAINTED PEEPER Painted peeper was 19th century British slang for a black eye.
PAIPSEY Paipsey is Jamaican slang for insipid, weak, unattractive.
PAIR OF NICKERS Pair of nickers is British slang for two pounds sterling.
PAKI Paki is derogatory British slang for an Indian Asian. Paki is British slang for an Asian−operated shop. Paki is British slang for low quality black hashish.
PAKI BASHING Paki bashing is British slang for the attacking, intimidation and harassment of Indian Asians
PAL Pal is slang for a friend.
PALADIC Paladic is British slang for speech, talk.
PALATIC Palatic is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
PALEFACE Paleface is derogatory Black slang for a white person.
PALL MALL Pall Mall was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a girl.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PALM OFF Palm Off is slang for to trick someone into taking something or believing something.
PALM OIL Palm oil is British slang for a bribe.
PALMER Palmer is Dorset slang for a caterpillar.
PALONE Palone is Polari slang for a woman.
PALOOKA Palooka is American slang for a stupid or clumsy boxer or other person.
PALOOKAVILLE Palookaville is American slang for a rustic town. Palookaville is American slang for oblivion.
PAMPASS GRASS Pampass grass is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (arse).
PAN Pan is British slang for the face or head. Pan is American slang for to turn out.
PAN OUT Pan out is slang for to turn out, result.
PANAMA Panama is slang for cannabis.
PANATELLA Panatella is Black−American slang for the finest grade of marijuana
PANCAKE Pancake is British slang for a flat−chested girl.
PANGY Pangy is British slang for five pounds sterling.
PANK Pank is Dorset slang for to pant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PANORAMAS Panoramas is London Cockney rhyming slang for pyjamas.
PANSY Pansy is slang for effeminate, homosexual.
PANSY CORPS Pansy corps is British slang for homosexual men.
PANTOMIME COW Pantomime cow is London Cockney rhyming slang for a row.
PANTS Pants is a 21st century British slang expression of defiance. Pants is Black−American slang for any male person
PANTS AND VEST Pants and vest was London Cockney rhyming slang for 'best bitter'.
PANTS DOWN Pants down is slang for an embarrassing situation.
Pants man is Australian slang for a promiscuous male, a seducer or stud.
PANTYWAIST Pantywaist is American slang for an effete person, a weakling.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PAPA Papa is slang for a masculine lesbian. Papa is slang for an older homosexual man. Papa is Black−American slang for a male lover or husband.
PAPA OSCAR Papa oscar is British slang for go away! (piss off).
PAPBROEK Papbroek is South African slang for a coward, a weak and ineffectual man.
PAPER Paper is theatre slang for a free ticket.
PAPER BAG Paper bag is London Cockney rhyming slang for nag.
PAPER BAG JOB Paper bag job is slang for an ugly person.
PAPER BLUNTS Paper blunts is slang for marijuana within a paper casing.
PAPER DOLL Paper doll is London Cockney rhyming slang for moll.
PAPER HAT Paper hat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (prat)
PAPERHANGER Paperhanger is American slang for a counterfeiter.
PARA Para is slang for paratrooper. Para is British slang for paranoid.
PARACHUTE Parachute is slang for a parasol. Parachute is slang for a mixture of crack cocaine and either heroin or phencyclidine.
PARACKI Paracki is slang for the drug paraldehyde.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PARADISE Paradise is slang for the upper gallery of a theatre. Paradise is slang for cocaine.
PARAFFIN Paraffin is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
PARAFFIN LAMP Paraffin lamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tramp.
PARAKEET Parakeet is American slang for a Puerto Rican.
PARALLEL PARKING Parallel parking is American slang for sexual intercourse.
PARALYSED Paralysed is slang for extremely intoxicated, very drunk.
PARALYTIC Paralytic is slang for extremely intoxicated, very drunk.
PARANADA Paranada is British slang for something free of charge.
PARANGLES Parangles is Jamaican slang for bustle and confusion.
PARAPHERNALIA Paraphernalia is slang for the apparatus and equipment used for taking illicit drugs.
PARBREAKE Parbreake is American slang for to vomit
PARCEL BOUNCER Parcel bouncer is British slang for a postman.
PARCEL FROM PARIS Parcel from Paris is Australian and New Zealand slang for a baby.
PARES−400 Pares−400 is slang for methaqualone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PARK A CUSTARD Park a custard is slang for to vomit.
PARK A TIGER Park a tiger is slang for to vomit
PARK ONE'S ARSE Park one's arse is slang for sit down.
PARK ONE'S BUM Park one's bum is slang for sit down.
PARK ONE'S CARCASS Park one's carcass is slang for sit down.
PARK SPOILER Park spoiler is British slang for a new−age traveller or tinker.
PARKER−BOWLES Parker−Bowles is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Rolls−Royce car.
PARKIE Parkie is British slang for a park keeper.
PARKING Parking is American slang for kissing and cuddling in a car.
PARKY Parky is British slang for cold.
PARLAMAREE Parlamaree is British criminal rhyming slang for a street−trader's accomplice who encourages the crowd by pretending to be a customer (a gee).
PARLEY Parley is American slang for to relax, to calm down.
PARLEYVOO Parleyvoo is British slang for the French language.
PARNEY Parney is British slang for water, particularly rain.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PARO Paro is British slang for paranoid.
PARRICK Parrick is Dorset slang for a small, enclosed field.
PARRO Parro is British slang for paranoid.
PARSLEY Parsley is slang for cannabis.
PARTICK THISTLE Partick Thistle is London Cockney rhyming slang for a whistle.
PARTY Party is American slang for to enjoy oneself.
PARTY DOWN Party down is American slang for to let oneself go, to enjoy oneself to the full.
PARTY FAVOURS Party favours is American slang for drugs that turn up at social events.
PARTY ON Party on is American slang for have a good time, hope you enjoy yourself.
PARTY−POOPER Party−pooper is slang for someone who is miserable and a kill−joy.
PASH Pash is slang for an infatuation.
PASS IN ONE'S ALLY Pass in one's ally is Australian slang for to give in; die.
PASS MUSTER Pass muster is American slang for to meet required standards, expectations, or approval.
PASS THE BONE Pass the bone is American slang for to share your knowledge and experience; to drop knowledge.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PASS THE BUCK Pass the buck is slang for to divert responsibility or blame onto someone else.
PASSION FRUIT Passion fruit was mid−20th century British slang for the testicles.
PASSION KILLER Passion killer is slang for clothing that discourages or inhibits sexual attraction.
PASSION PIT Passion pit is American slang for a cinema, or other venue for seduction.
PASSION WAGON Passion wagon is slang for a vehicle used for dating or seduction.
PASSON Passon is Dorset slang for parson.
PASTE Paste is slang for to beat up. Paste is American slang for semen.
PASTEBOARD Pasteboard is slang for a card or ticket.
PASTING Pasting is slang for a thrashing; heavy defeat.
PAT AND MICK Pat and Mick was old London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (prick).
PAT AND MIKE Pat and Mike is London Cockney rhyming slang for bicycle (bike).
PAT CASH Pat cash is London Cockney rhyming Slang for to urinate (slash).
PAT DOWN Pat down is slang for to frisk, search a person.
PAT MALONE Pat Malone is Australian rhyming slang for alone. Pat Malone is Australian rhyming slang for personal name.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PATCH Patch is slang for one's territory or area of jurisdiction. Patch is British slang for a bald spot. Patch is American slang for the percentage of the proceeds of a crime that must be given to corrupt police officers for protection from arrest.
PATER Pater is British public school slang for father.
PATHOGRAPHY Pathography is slang for a popular type of biography which highlights a subject's failings, scandalous behaviour, brushes with the law, and other unsavoury features.
PATOOTIE Patootie is American slang for the buttocks.
PATRICK SWAYZE Patrick Swayze is London Cockney rhyming slang for crazy.
PATROL Patrol is American slang for to wander aimlessly while deciding an evening's events or entertainment.
PATSY Patsy is American and Canadian slang for a person who is easily cheated, victimised, etc.
PATSY CLINE Patsy Cline is London Cockney rhyming slang for a line of cocaine.
PATTER−COVE Patter−cove is slang for a fake priest who specialises in performing illegal marriage ceremonies.
PATTIE Pattie is British slang for a first class degree.
PATTY HEARST Patty Hearst is British rhyming slang for a first−class honours degree (first).
PAUL ANKA Paul Anka is London Cockney rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (wanker).
PAUL MCKENNA Paul McKenna is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten pounds sterling (tenner).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PAUL WELLER Paul Weller is London Cockney rhyming slang for the beer Stella Artois.
PAVAROTTI Pavarotti is British slang for ten pounds sterling.
PAVEMENT PIZZA Pavement pizza is American slang for a patch of vomit in the street.
PAW Paw is slang for the hand. Paw is slang for to handle roughly.
PAW CASES Paw cases is slang for gloves.
PAWNEE Pawnee is British slang for a body of water, such as a lake or pond.
PAX Pax is British school slang for a call signalling an end to hostilities or claiming immunity from the rules of a game: it is usually accompanied by a crossing of the fingers.
PAY ME RENT Pay me rent is Australian rhyming slang for tent.
PAY THE FREIGHT Pay the freight is slang for to take responsibility for an expense, pay the bill.
PAY THROUGH THE NOSE Pay through the nose is slang for to pay an excessive amount for something.
PAY−OFF Pay−off is slang for reward.
PAYDIRT Paydirt is slang for profit, reward, success.
PAYOFF Payoff is slang for the end result, the outcome. Payoff is slang for the profits of a crime. Payoff is slang for a final payment for services rendered. Payoff is slang for what one deserves. Payoff is American slang for a bribe. Payoff is Black American slang for a generous person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PAYOFF QUEEN Payoff queen is Gay slang for a homosexual who prefers to pay for sex.
PAYOL Payol is Trinidadian slang for a mixed−race person who retains traces of Spanish ancestry and culture. Payol is Grenadine slang for a Spanish speaking person, especially a Venezuelan.
PAYOLA Payola is slang for the bribes paid to radio stations to guarantee air time for a record.
PAZZER Pazzeris British slang for a parent.
PEA Pea is Australian slang for ideal, the perfect choice, favourite. Pea is Australian slang for someone in a favourable position.
PEA−BRAIN Pea−brain is slang for someone who is stupid.
PEACE AND QUIET Peace and quiet is London Cockney rhyming slang for diet.
PEACE PILL Peace Pill is slang for phencyclidine.
PEACH Peach is slang for to inform against an accomplice.
PEACHY Peachy is American slang for wonderful, excellent.
PEACOCK Peacock was old Australian slang for to acquire the best pieces of land in such a way that the surrounding land is useless to others.
PEANUT Peanut is American and Canadian slang for a small or insignificant person.
PEANUT BUTTER Peanut butter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a crazy person (nutter). Peanut butter is American slang for a powerful, dark−coloured form of heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PEANUTS Peanuts is slang for a trifling amount of money.
PEAR AND QUINCE Pear and quince is Australian rhyming slang for a prince.
PEARL HARBOUR Pearl Harbour is slang for cold weather.
PEARL−DIVER Pearl−diver is slang for a washer−up.
PEARLIES Pearlies is British slang for teeth.
PEARLS Pearls is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
PEARLY GATE Pearly gate is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dinner plate.
PEARLY GATES Pearly gates is slang for teeth.
PEARLY KING Pearly king is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (ring).
PEARLY WHITES Pearly whites is British slang for teeth.
PEARS Pears is Australian slang for breasts.
PEARSHAPED Pearshaped is British slang for messed up, gone wrong.
PEAS IN THE POT Peas in the pot is London Cockney rhyming slang for hot.
PEASE PUDDING HOT Pease pudding hot is London cockney rhyming slang for nasal mucous (snot).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PEASHOOTER Peashooter is slang for a low power firearm. Peashooter is London Cockney rhyming slang for the nose (hooter).
PEASOUP Peasoup is slang for a dense fog. Peasoup is American slang for a French−born immigrant. Peasoup is American slang for a French−Canadian. Peasoup is American slang for the French−Canadian language.
PEASOUPER Peasouper is slang for a dense fog. Peasouper is New Zealand slang for a teetotaller. Peasouper was 19th century Australian slang for a newly arrived British immigrant.
PEAT−REEK Peat−reek was old Scottish slang for illicitly distilled whisky.
PEB Peb was early 20th century Australian slang for a young gangster.
PEBBLE Pebble was old boxing slang for a difficult opponent. Pebble is Australian slang for someone difficult to deal with.
PEBBLE MILL Pebble Mill is London Cockney rhyming slang for an illicit drug (pill).
PEBBLE−BEACHED Pebble−beached is slang for poor, destitute. Pebble−beached is slang for dazed, absent−minded.
PEBBLES Pebbles is slang for the testicles. Pebbles is slang for crack cocaine.
PEC Pec is slang for pectoral muscle.
PECK Peck is slang for food. Peck is slang for to eat. Peck is slang for money. Peck is slang for a perfunctory kiss. Peck is Black American slang for a White person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PECK ALLEY Peck alley is slang for the throat.
PECK AND PERCH Peck and perch is old slang for board and lodging.
PECK AND TIPPLE Peck and tipple was 18th century slang for food and drink.
PECK'S BAD BOY Peck's bad boy is American slang for a naughty child.
PECKAGE Peckage was old slang for scraps of food.
PECKER Pecker is British slang for spirits. Pecker is British slang for the nose. Pecker is American and Canadian slang for the penis.
PECKER CHEESE Pecker cheese is American slang for a build−up of muck found under the foreskin.
PECKER SNOT Pecker snot is American slang for semen.
PECKER TRACKS Pecker tracks is American slang for semen stains.
PECKERHEAD Peckerhead is American slang for a slow−witted, clumsy, stupid person.
PECKERWOOD Peckerwood is Black American slang for a White person.
PECKHAM Peckham (shortened from Peckham Rye) is London cockney rhyming slang for a tie.
PECKHAM RYE Peckham Rye is London cockney rhyming slang for a tie.
PECKING AND NECKING Pecking and Necking is Black American slang for foreplay; kissing and cuddling.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PECKINGS Peckings is Black American slang for food.
PECKISH Peckish is slang for hungry.
PECKS Pecks was mid−20th century slang for food.
PECNOSTER Pecnoster is slang for the penis.
PECS Pecs is American slang for pectoral muscles.
PECULIAR Peculiar was 17th century slang for a wife. Peculiar was 18th and 19th century slang for a mistress.
PED Ped is American slang for a pedestrian.
PEDAL Pedal is Australian slang for to send a message by radio.
PEDAL MUSIC Pedal music is American slang for stamping feet.
PEDAL YOUR DOGS Pedal your dogs is American slang for go away!
PEDAL−PUSHER Pedal−pusher is American slang for a cyclist.
PEDDLE OUT Peddle out is American slang for to sell one's possessions.
PEDDLE PUSSY Peddle pussy is slang for to work as a prostitute.
PEDESTALS Pedestals is old slang for the feet.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PEDIGREE CHUM Pedigree Chum is British slang for an eligible bachelor. Pedigree Chum is British slang for semen.
Pedlar's pack is London Cockney rhyming slang for dismissal from employment (sack).
PEDO Pedo is American slang for a waste of time.
PEDRO Pedro is American slang for a Spanish−speaking person.
PEE Pee is slang for to urinate.
PEE−SHOOTER Pee−shooter is British slang for the penis.
PEEING Peeing is slang for urinating.
PEEL OFF Peel off is slang for to undress.
PEEL OFF A MASS Peel off a mass is Jamaican slang for to hand out money.
PEELER Peeler is American slang for a striptease dancer. Peeler was old British slang for a policeman.
PEELING A FINE GREEN BANANA Peeling a fine green banana is Black−American slang for making love to a very pretty light−skinned girl 784
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PEEPER Peeper is slang for eye.
PEEPS Peeps is slang for sleep.
PEERPERS Peepers is slang for eyes.
PEFF Peff is Dorset slang for soft, rotten wood.
PEG IT Peg it is slang for to die.
PEG OUT Peg out is slang for to die.
PEG−LEGGER Peg−legger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a beggar.
PEGGY SUE Peggy Sue is London Cockney rhyming slang for clue.
PELF Pelf is old British slang for money.
PELLETS Pellets is American slang for the drug Ritalin.
PEN AND INK Pen and ink is London Cockney rhyming slang for stink.
PEN AND INKER Pen and inker is London Cockney rhyming slang for stinker.
PEN PUSHER Pen pusher is slang for an office worker.
PENALTY KICK Penalty kick is British slang for a certainty.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PENCIL Pencil is slang for the penis. Pencil was 17th century British slang for a small brush.
PENCIL GEEK Pencil geek is American slang for a tediously studious person.
PENCILLER Penciller was old British slang for a bookmaker's clerk.
PENGUIN SUIT Penguin suit is slang for formal male evening wear.
PENHOLDER Penholder is British theatre rhyming slang for shoulder.
PENN'ORTH OF BREAD Penn'orth of bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for head.
PENN'ORTH OF CHALK Penn'orth of chalk is London Cockney rhyming slang for walk.
PENNY BANGER Penny banger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a faux pas (clanger).
PENNY BLACK Penny black is London Cockney rhyming slang for the back.
PENNY BUN Penny bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for one. Penny bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for sun. Penny bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for son.
PENNY FOR THE GUY Penny for the guy is London Cockney rhyming slang for pie.
PENNY GAFF Penny gaff was 19th century slang for a popular music hall or theatre.
PENNY LOCKET Penny Locket is London Cockney rhyming slang for pocket.
PENNY STAMP Penny stamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tramp. 786
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PENNY−A−MILE Penny−a−mile is London Cockney rhyming slang for smile.
PENNY−A−POUND Penny−a−pound is London Cockney rhyming slang for ground.
PENNY−COME−QUICK Penny−come−quick was London Cockney rhyming slang for a confidence trick.
PENNYBOY Pennyboy is Irish slang for an employee whose duties include menial tasks, such as running errands.
PEP PILL Pep pill is slang for a tablet of amphetamine.
PEPPERMINT FLAVOUR Peppermint flavour is London Cockney rhyming slang for favour.
PEPPERMINT ROCKS Peppermint rocks is London Cockney rhyming slang for socks.
PERAMBULATOR Perambulator was 17th century British slang for a measuring wheel.
PERCH Perch is British slang for a bed.
PERCHER Percher is British slang for a gullible person.
PERCIA Percia is slang for cocaine.
PERCY Percy is slang for the penis. Percy (shortened from Percy Thrower) is London Cockney rhyming slang for telephone (blower).
PERCY THROWER Percy Thrower is London Cockney rhyming slang for telephone (blower). Percy Thrower is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lawnmower.
PERICA Perica is slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PERICO Perico is slang for heroin.
PERISHER Perisher is slang for a badly behaved, annoying person.
PERK UP Perk up is Australian slang for to vomit.
PERP Perp is American slang for a criminal, a wrongdoer.
PERRY COMO Perry Como is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (homo).
PERSONAL Personal is British slang for a small quantity of cannabis or another drug.
PERSONALS Personals is Australian slang for ladies underwear.
PERTY Perty is Dorset slang for pretty.
PERUVIAN Peruvian is slang for cocaine.
PERUVIAN FLAKE Peruvian flake is American slang for high quality cocaine.
PERUVIAN MARCHING POWDER Peruvian marching powder is slang for cocaine.
PERUVIAN POOF Peruvian poof is British slang for a cowardly man.
PERV Perv is Australian slang for an erotic glance or look.
PERVE Perve is slang for pervert. Perve is English slang describing the voyeuristic watching of women by men in pubs and clubs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PERVY Pervy is slang for perverted.
PET Pet is a slang term of endearment, especially popular in the north−west.
PETE MURRAY Pete Murray is London Cockney rhyming slang for curry.
PETE TONG Pete Tong is London Cockney rhyming slang for wrong.
PETER Peter is slang for a safe, till, or cash box. Peter is slang for a prison cell. Peter is slang for the witness box in a courtroom. Peter is American slang for the penis. Peter is slang for to become exhausted, to run out, to fail.
PETER COOK Peter Cook was 1960's London Cockney rhyming slang for book.
PETER O'TOOLE Peter O'Toole is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stool.
PETER PAN Peter Pan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a van.
PETERMAN Peterman is slang for a burglar skilled in safe−breaking.
PETERS AND LEE Peters and Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (pee). Peters and Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
PETROL TANK Petrol tank is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
PETROL TANKER Petrl tanker is London Cockney rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (wanker).
PETTICOAT LANE Petticoat Lane is London Cockney rhyming slang for pain.
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PEW Pew is British slang for a chair.
PEWTER Pewter is British slang for silver coinage. Pewter is British slang for a computer.
PEYTON PLACE Peyton Place is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
PEZ Pez is Black−American slang for hair on the head or face
PG TIPS PG Tips is London Cockney rhyming slang for large lips.
PHASE OUT Phase out is American slang for to fall asleep, to become unaware.
PHAT Phat is American slang for cool; very good. Phat is American slang for attractive (referring to a woman). Phat is American slang for someone who is respected, looked up to. Phat is Skateboarder slang for large; huge, big or high
PHEASANT PLUCKER Pheasant plucker is British slang for an unpleasant person (fucker).
PHENNIES Phennies is slang for Phenobarbital.
PHENOBARB Phenobarb is slang for Phenobarbital.
PHENOM Phenom is American slang for someone or something outstanding, phenomenal.
PHENOS Phenos is slang for Phenobarbital.
PHIL MCBEE Phil McBee was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a flea.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PHIL THE FLUTER Phil the fluter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gun (shooter).
PHILHARMONIC Philharmonic is London Cockney rhyming slang for tonic water.
PHILLY BLUNT Philly Blunt is slang for a cigar with marijuana replacing tobacco.
PHIZ Phiz is slang for the face.
PHIZOG Phizog is slang for the face.
PHOTO FINISH Photo finish is London Cockney rhyming slang for the beer Guinness.
PHUZA Phuza is South African slang for alcoholic drink, liquor.
PHUZA−FACE Phuza−face is South African slang for an alcoholic.
PHYLLIS DIXIE Phyllis Dixie is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (pixie).
PHYSIC Physic is slang for to punish. Physic was old slang for sexual intercourse.
PHYSICAL JERK Physical jerk is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (berk).
PHYZOG Phyzog is British slang for the face.
PIANO Piano is British slang for faint, delicate, indisposed, not feeling well.
PICCADILLY Piccadilly is London Cockney rhyming slang for chilly. Piccadilly is London Cockney rhyming slang for silly.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PICCADILLY CIRCUS Piccadilly Circus is British slang for a very busy, crowded situation.
PICCALILLI Piccalli is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (willie).
PICCOLO AND FLUTE Piccolo and flute is London Cockney rhyming slang for suit.
PICCOLOS AND FLUTES Piccolos and flutes is rare London Cockney rhyming slang for boots.
PICH Pich is back slang for a chip.
PICK Pick is Dorset slang for a hayfork.
PICK AND CHOOSE Pick and choose is London Cockney rhyming slang for booze.
PICK UP ONE'S DRUM Pick up one's drum is British slang for to storm off in a temper.
PICK UP STICKS Pick up sticks is bingo rhyming slang for six.
PICK−UP Pick−up is slang for a free ride in a motor vehicle. Pick−up is slang for a pick−me−up.
PICKLE Pickle is British slang for the penis.
PICKLE AND PORK Pickle and pork is London Cockney rhyming slang for talk.
PICKLED Pickled is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
PICKLED ONION Pickled onion is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bunion.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PICKLED PORK Pickled pork was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for chalk.
PICKY Picky is slang for choosy, particular, fastidious.
PICTURE FRAME Picture frame is American tramp slang for the gallows
PICTURE IN THE ATTIC Picture in the attic is British slang for a young person who tries to act much older than they are.
PIDDLE Piddle is British slang for to urinate.
PIDDLE ABOUT Piddle about is slang for to mess around, waste time.
PIDDLED Piddled is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
PIDDLING Piddling is slang for trivial, insignificant.
PIDDLING IT DOWN Piddling it down is slang for raining.
PIE 'N' LIQUOR Pie 'n' liquor is British London Cockney rhyming slang for vicar.
PIE AND MASH Pie and mash is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash. Pie and mash is London Cockney rhyming slang for ostentatious (flash). Pie and mash is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (slash).
PIE AND ONE Pie and one is London Cockney rhyming slang for a son. Pie and one is London Cockney rhyming slang for the sun.
PIE CAN Pie can is northern British slang for a fool, a dope.
PIE IN THE SKY Pie in the sky is American tramp slang for Ones reward in the hereafter. 793
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PIE−EATER Pie−eater is Australian slang for a poor, unimpressive or unfortunate person.
PIE−EYED Pie−eyed is slang for drunk, intoxicated, unable to see straight.
PIECE Piece is slang for a girl or woman regarded as an object of sexual attraction. Piece is slang for a graffiti artist's picture or art. Piece is American slang for a gun.
PIECE OF PISS Piece of piss is British slang for something very easy to accomplish.
PIECE OF PUDDING Piece of pudding is British slang for something very easy to accomplish.
PIECE OF SHIT Piece of shit is British slang for a contemptible person.
PIECES OF EIGHT Pieces of eight is London Cockney rhyming slang for weight.
PIEDRA Piedra is slang for heroin.
PIES Pies is Black−American slang for the eyes
PIFF Piff is British slang for nonsense.
PIFFLE Piffle is slang for nonsense, drivel.
PIFFY Piffy is British slang for dubious, doubtful, suspect.
PIG Pig is slang for a policeman/woman. Pig is slang for a girl. Pig is female slang for a sexist male. Pig is slang for a segment of orange. Pig is British slang for a slow racehorse. Pig is British slang for a slow greyhound. Pig is British slang for a vehicle that habitually breaks−down. 794
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Pig is British slang for an unpleasant job or task. Pig is British slang for a fat and ugly woman. Pig is British slang for a greedy person.
PIG AND ROAST Pig and roast was British army Second World War rhyming slang for toast.
PIG IN THE MIDDLE Pig in the middle is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (piddle).
PIG IT Pig it is British slang for to behave in a disgusting manner.
PIG LATIN Pig latin is slang for coining slang terms by rearranging the syllables in a word.
PIG MEAT Pig meat is Black−American slang for an older woman
PIG OFF Pig off is slang for go away.
PIG OUT Pig out is British slang for to eat to excess.
PIG'S BREAKFAST Pig's breakfast is British slang for a mess, an outrageous failure.
PIG'S EAR Pig's ear is London Cockney rhyming slang for beer.
PIG'S FRY Pig's fry is rare London Cockney rhyming slang for a tie.
PIG'S TROTTER Pig's trotter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a squatter.
PIG−HEADED Pig−headed is slang for obstinate.
PIG−OUT Pig−out is slang for to eat to excess.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PIGEON Pigeon is slang for an unsuspecting victim of sharpers.
PIGFUCKER Pigfucker is slang for a disgusting, despicable, unpleasant person.
PIGGY BANK Piggy bank is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
PIGLET Piglet is British slang for a rude, obnoxious child. Piglet is Australian slang for an unattractive girl.
PIGMOBILE Pigmobile is slang for a police car.
PIGSHIT Pigshit is slang for rubbish.
PIGSKIN Pigskin is slang for a saddle.
PIGSKIN BUS Pigskin bus is Australian slang for the penis.
PIGSTICKER Pigsticker is slang for a large sharp hunting knife.
PIGSTY Pigsty is British slang for a police station.
PIGSWILL Pigswill is British slang for nonsense talk.
PIKER Piker is slang for a wild bullock. Piker is British slang for a gypsy or new−age traveller. Piker is American, Australian and New Zealand slang for a lazy person; shirker. Piker is slang for a mean person. Piker is New Zealand slang for a useless person; failure.
PIKEY Pikey is British slang for a gypsy. Pikey is British slang for a vagrant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PILE OF BRICKS Pile of bricks is Black−American slang for any building in a city
PILE−DRIVER Pile−driver is British slang for a male homosexual.
PILGARLIC Pilgarlic is British slang for a bald−headed man.
PILL Pill is slang for to blackball. Pill is slang for a ball or disc. Pill was 19th century British slang for an unpleasant or boring person.
PILL−HEAD Pill−head is slang for an amphetamine user.
PILL−PATE Pill−pate was old English slang for a friar.
PILL−POPPER Pill−popper is slang for a user of pills.
PILL−SHOOTER Pill−shooter is slang for a doctor.
PILLAR AND POST Pillar and post is London Cockney rhyming slang for a ghost.
PILLARS Pillars is Black−American slang for human legs
PILLOCK Pillock is British slang for idiot, fool. Pillock was old British slang for the penis.
PILLOCKS Pillocks was 19th century slang for stupid talk; nonsense.
PILLOW Pillow is British slang for to have sexual intercourse.
PILLOW−BITER Pillow−biter is British and Australian slang for a passive male homosexual. 797
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PILLS Pills is slang for hydromorphone hydrochloride. Pills is slang for testicles.
PIMP Pimp is slang for cocaine. Pimp is Australian and New Zealand slang for a spy or informer.
PIMP STEAK Pimp steak is Black−American slang for a hot dog
PIMP STICK Pimp stick is American tramp slang for a cigarette
PIMPLE Pimple is British lorry−driver slang for a hill.
PIMPLE AND BLOTCH Pimple and blotch is London Cockney rhyming slang for whisky (scotch).
PIMPLE AND WART Pimple and wart is London Cockney rhyming slang for port. Pimple and wart was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a quart.
PIMPS Pimps is British slang for something very easy.
PIMPSY Pimpsy is British slang for easily accomplished.
PIN AND NEEDLE Pin and needle was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a beetle.
PIN THE RAP ON Pin the rap on is slang for charge a suspect with circumstantial evidence.
PIN−UP Pin−up is slang for a person whose photo has appeared in a magazine for their looks.
PINBALL WIZARD Pinball wizard is British police slang for someone who claims to have seen and heard nothing.
PINCH Pinch is slang for to steal. Pinch is slang for a police arrest. 798
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PINEAPPLE Pineapple is slang for a hand grenade.
PINEAPPLE CHUNK Pineapple chunk is British military rhyming slang for a bed (bunk). Pineapple chunk is British military rhyming slang for escape (bunk). Pineapple chunk is suburban British rhyming slang for drunk. Pineapple chunk is British rhyming slang for junk. Pineapple chunk is Scottish rhyming slang semen (spunk).
PINEAPPLE YOURSELF Pineapple yourself is British slang for go away!
PING Ping is British slang for to urinate.
PINGUS Pingus is slang for valium.
PINHEAD Pinhead is slang for a fool, an idiot. Pinhead is slang for a small−minded, petty person. Pinhead is slang for someone with a small head and a proportionately large body.
PINK Pink is slang for homosexual. Pink is slang for a supporter of left−wing political ideas.
PINK LINT Pink lint is rare London Cockney rhyming slang for penniless (skint).
PINK PANTHER COUNTRY Pink panther country is British slang for Durham.
PINKIE Pinkie is slang for a white person. Pinkie is slang for the little finger.
PINKO Pinko is American slang for someone with liberal or left−wing political leanings.
PINKS Pinks is slang for secobarbital.
PINKY AND PERKY Pinky and perky is London Cockney rhyming slang for turkey. 799
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PINNED−UP Pinned−up is British slang for tense, frightened. Pinned−up is British slang for under the influence of heroin or other drugs which reduce the pupils of the eyes to pinpricks.
PINS Pins is slang for the legs.
PIP Pip is British slang for a bad temper or depression. Pip is British slang for to emit wind from the anus quietly, but audibly.
PIPE Pipe is British slang for to look at, to watch. Pipe is British slang for a tunnel. Pipe is British slang for the penis. Pipe is British slang for to cry, to weep. Pipe is British slang for to talk. Pipe is drug slang for a vein. Pipe is American slang for something easy to do, especially a simple course in college.
PIPE AND DRUM Pipe and drum is London Cockney rhyming slang for the buttocks or anus (bum).
PIPE ONE'S EYE Pipe one's eye is slang for to weep.
PIPE YOUR EYE Pipe your eye is British slang for cry.
PIPECLAY Pipeclay was old slang for to clear off.
PIPER Piper is British and American slang for a crack cocaine smoker. Piper is British slang for a work−place spy, a lookout.
PIPES Pipes is British slang for the respiratory system.
PIPSQUEEK Pipsqueek is slang for a feeble, ineffectual person.
PISS Piss is slang for to urinate. Piss is slang for weak beer. Piss is slang for nonsense. Piss is British slang for to waste, to squander. 800
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Piss is Australian slang for beer.
PISS ABOUT Piss about is slang for to behave in a casual or silly way.
PISS ARTIST Piss artist is slang for a time waster. Piss artist is British slang for a regular drinker, a drunkard.
PISS FLAPS Piss flaps is British slang for the labia.
PISS HOME Piss home is British slang for to win a race easily.
PISS IN Piss in is British slang for to win a race easily.
PISS IN THE SWIMMING POOL Piss in the swimming pool is British slang for to spoil something.
PISS IN THE WIND Piss in the wind is slang for to attempt to do something futile.
PISS IT Piss it is British slang for to succeed without effort.
PISS OFF Piss off is slang for go away.
PISS ONESELF Piss oneself is British slang for to laugh uproariously.
PISS POT Piss pot is slang for a chamber−pot, potty
PISS PROUD Piss proud is British slang for an erect penis due to a need to urinate.
PISS SOMEONE OFF Piss someone off is slang for to irritate, anger or annoy someone.
PISS−DOWN Piss−down is slang for to rain. 801
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PISS−ELEGANT Piss−elegant is American slang for smart, refined, fashionable.
PISS−FLAPS Piss−flaps is slang for the female genitals, particularly the labias.
PISS−POOR Piss−poor is slang for terrible, of low quality.
PISS−TAKE Piss−take is British slang for an act of mockery, parody..
PISS−TANKED Piss−tanked is British slang for a cigarette made damp by wet lips.
PISS−UP Piss−up is slang for a drinking session.
PISSABED Pissabed is Dorset slang for dandelion.
PISSANT Pissant is American slang for trifling, paltry, insignificant.
PISSED Pissed is British slang for intoxicated, drunk. Pissed is American slang for angry.
PISSED OFF Pissed off is British slang for angry, upset or depressed.
PISSER Pisser is slang for something annoying or disappointing. Pisser is slang for the toilet.
PISSHEAD Pisshead is slang for a drunkard. Pisshead is American slang for an unpleasant person.
PISSHOLE Pisshole is British slang for a public toilet.
PISSING Pissing is slang for urinating. 802
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PISSING DOWN Pissing down is British slang for raining heavily.
PISSING IT DOWN Pissing it Down is slang for raining.
PISSPOT Pisspot is British slang for a chamber pot, or bucket used for urinating in. Pisspot is London Cockney rhyming slang for a drunkard (sot).
PISSY Pissy is slang for weak, watery, as applied to drinks. Pissy is slang for insignificant, trivial, inferior. Pissy is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
PISTOL Pistol is British slang for the penis. Pistol is American slang for an attractive, active, powerful, wonderful person.
PISTOLS Pistols is Black−American slang for zoot trousers.
PIT Pit is slang for bed. Pit is slang for a dirty, sordid place.
PIT STOP Pit stop is slang for a pause in a drinking bout to visit the toilet. Pit stop is slang for a pause in a journey for refreshments.
PITCH Pitch is slang for a persuasive sales talk, especially one routinely repeated.
PITCH A BITCH Pitch a bitch is Black−American slang for to complain
PITCH AND TOSS Pitch and toss is London Cockney rhyming slang for boss.
PITCH INTO To pitch into is slang for to attack; to assault; to abuse.
PITS Pits is British slang for the absolute worst.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PITS Pits is slang for phencyclidine.
PITT STREET FARMER Pitt street farmer is Australian slang for a businessman who invests in farms, land, etc.
PIXIE Pixie is British slang for a male homosexual.
PIXILATED Pixilated is slang for drunk.
PIZZA Pizza (shortened from Pizza Hut) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a promiscuous woman (slut).
PIZZA HUT Pizza Hut is London Cockney rhyming slang for a promiscuous woman (slut).
PIZZAFACE Pizzaface is slang for someone with bad spots, or acne.
PIZZLE Pizzle is slang for the penis.
PLAIN Plain is Dorset slang for homely, unaffected.
PLAIN AND GRAVY Plain and gravy is London Cockney rhyming slang for the Royal Navy.
PLAIN AND JAM Plain and jam is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tram.
PLANET OF THE APES Planet of the apes is London Cockney rhyming slang for grapes.
PLANETS Planets (shortened from planet of the apes) is British slang for grapes.
PLANK Plank is British slang for a dull−witted person. A fool, and idiot. Plank is slang for a solid−bodied electric guitar. Plank is American slang for to have sex with.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PLANK−HEAD Plank−head is British slang for a stupid person.
PLANT Plant is slang for a plan; an artifice; a swindle; a trick. Plant is slang for to deliver a blow. Plant is slang for an undercover policeman, or a spy.
PLANT BEETS Plant beets is American slang for to vomit
PLANTED Planted is British slang for buried.
PLANTING Planting is British slang for a funeral.
PLASTER Plaster is slang for to strike or defeat with great force. Plaster is military slang for to shell or bombard heavily.
PLASTER OF PARIS Plaster of Paris is London Cockney rhyming slang for the backside (Aris).
PLASTERED Plastered is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
PLASTIC Plastic is slang for superficially attractive yet unoriginal or artificial. Plastic is slang for artificial, shallow, insincere. Plastic is slang for a credit card or bank card or store card.
PLAT Plat is Australian slang for a stupid person.
PLATE Plate (shortened from plate of ham) is slang for to perform fellatio.
PLATE OF BEEF Plate of beef is criminal rhyming slang for a prison chief warder.
PLATE OF HAM Plate of ham is London Cockney rhyming slang for fellatio (gam). Plate of ham was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a tram.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PLATE OF MEAT Plate of meat is London Cockney rhyming slang for street.
PLATE−CAPTAIN Plate−captain is American slang for someone who works clearing tables in a restaurant or café.
PLATE−FACE Plate−face is Australian slang for an oriental−looking person.
PLATE−RACK Plate−rack was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a hack (horse).
PLATES AND DISHES Plates and dishes is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wife (missus).
PLATES AND DISHES Plates and dishes is London Cockney rhyming slang for wishes.
PLATES OF MEAT Plates of meat is London Cockney rhyming slang for feet.
PLATING Plating is slang for fellatio.
PLATTER Platter is American and Canadian slang for a gramophone record.
PLATTERS Platters is Black−American slang for the feet.
PLATTERS OF MEAT Platters of meat is London Cockney rhyming slang for feet.
PLAY AROUND Play around is slang for to be sexually promiscuous.
PLAY DOCTORS AND NURSES Play doctors and nurses is slang for to engage in sexual activity.
PLAY FOOTSIE Play footsie is slang for to indulge in amorous or flirtatious caresses with the feet. Play footsie is slang for to flirt with.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PLAY GOOSEBERRY Play gooseberry is British slang for to be the unwanted third party present at a romantic assignation.
PLAY HARDBALL Play hardball is American slang for to behave ina tough, unrelenting manner.
PLAY HOOKY Play hooky is slang for truancy.
PLAY HOSPITALS Play hospitals is slang for to engage in sexual activity.
PLAY IT COOL Play it cool is slang for to act calmly.
PLAY SILLY BUGGERS Play silly buggers is British slang for to act the fool, to mess around.
PLAY SOLITAIRE Play solitaire is British slang for to masturbate.
PLAY SOLO Play solo is British slang for to masturbate.
PLAY THE HOP Play the hop is British slang for to truant from school.
PLAY THE WHALE Play the whale is Australian slang for to vomit.
PLAY THE WHITE MAN Play the white man is British slang for to be honourable, to be fair, to play by the rules.
PLAYERS Players is British slang for terrorists. Players is British slang for speculators.
PLAYING THE DOZENS WITH ONE'S UNCLE'S COUSIN Playing the dozens with one's uncle's cousin is Black−American slang for having the wrong approach to everything.
PLEASURE AND PAIN Pleasure and pain is London Cockney rhyming slang for rain.
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PLEAT Pleat is slang for a facial scar.
PLEB Pleb is slang for an inferior, insignificant or commom person.
PLEBBY Plebby is slang for common, ordinary.
PLENTY Plenty is Black−American slang for good
PLIM Plim is Dorset slang for to swell up, to expand, to rise.
PLINK−PLONK Plink−plonk is British rhyming slang for cheap wine (vin blanc).
PLOD Plod is British slang for a uniformed policeman.
PLONK Plonk (shortened from plink−plonk) is British slang for wine, especially cheap wine.
PLONKER Plonker is British slang for the penis. Plonker is British slang for a fool, idiot.
PLONKO Plonko is Australian slang for an alcoholic, especially one who drinks wine.
PLOP Plop is slang for to defecate.
PLOT−UP Plot−up is British slang for to park a vehicle.
PLOUGH Plough is British slang for to fail an examination. Plough is old British slang for to have sexual intercourse.
PLOUGH THE DEEP Plough the deep was old London Cockney rhyming slang for go to sleep.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PLOUGHED Ploughed is American slang for intoxicated, drunk.
PLUCK Pluck is Black−American slang for cheap wine Pluck is slang for to fleece or swindle.
PLUG Plug is slang for a shot, blow, or punch. Plug is slang for to shoot with a gun. Plug is slang for to punch or strike. Plug is slang for a tampon. Plug is slang for to have sexual intercourse. Plug was old American slang for a high, tapering silk hat. Plug is American slang for a worthless horse.
PLUG THE MUG Plug the mug is Black−American slang for to stop talking.
PLUG−UGLY Plug−Ugly is American slang for a city tough; ruffian.
PLUGGED Plugged is slang for shot with a gun.
PLUGGED IN Plugged in is slang for ware of current trends and fashions.
PLUGGED−UP Plugged−up is slang for menstruating.
PLUM Plum is British slang for a fool.
PLUM DUFF Plum duff is London Cockney rhyming slang for a male homosexual (puff).
PLUMBING Plumbing is British slang for the urinary system.
PLUMPETTE Plumpette is British slang for a fat young woman.
PLUMS Plums is slang for the testicals.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PLUNGE Plunge is slang for to have sexual intercourse.
PLUNGER Plunger is slang for the penis.
PLUNGEWORTHY Plungeworthy is slang for an attractive woman.
PLUNK Plunk is slang for a large sum of money.
PLY Ply is Dorset slang for to bend.
PLYMOUTH ARGYLL Plymouth Argyll is criminal slang for a file. Plymouth Argylls Plymouth Argylls is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
PLYMOUTH CLOAK Plymouth cloak was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a cudgel, a cosh (oak).
PO Po was British slang for a chamber−pot, potty, toilet.
POCK Pock is slang for a policeman.
POCKET BILLIARDS Pocket billiards is British slang for manipulating one's penis and testicles through the trouser pocket.
POCKET POOL Pocket pool is American slang for manipulating one's penis and testicles through the trouser pocket.
POCKET ROCKETEER Pocket rocketeer is slang for a man who habitually masturbates through his trouser pocket.
POD Pod is American slang for marijuana.
PODGE Podge is a slang name given to overweight or obese person.
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PODGER Podger is British slang for the penis. Podger is British slang for sexual intercourse. Podger was old British slang for a cosh.
POET Poet was early 20th century British slang for a man with long hair.
POGEY Pogey is canadian slang for financial or other relief given to the unemployed by the government; dole.
POGO Pogo is slang for a dance style created by British punks in 1976/77. Involves jumping up and down whilst remaining stiff bodied.
POGO STICK Pogo stick is British rhyming slang for the penis (prick). Pogo stick is British rhyming slang for a fool, an obnoxious person (prick).
POINT PERCY AT THE PORCELAIN Point Percy at the porcelain is slang for urinate.
POINTY−HEAD Pointy−head is American slang for an intellectual or a person of excessive refinement.
POISON Poison is British slang for an unpleasant person.
POISON DART Poison dart is British rhyming slang for wind emitted from the anus (fart).
POISON DWARF Poison dwarf is British slang for an obnoxious small person.
POKE Poke is slang for to have sex with. Poke is slang for a punch. Poke is slang for a paper bag. Poke is slang for a wallet.
POKE−HOLE Poke−hole is slang for the vagina.
POKER Poker is British slang for the penis.
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POKEY Pokey is American slang for a prison or cell.
POKIES Pokies is American and Canadian slang for jail.
POLACK Polack is derogatory slang for a Pole or a person of Polish descent.
POLARI Polari is a form of slang which was prevalent during the 1950s and 1960s among London's homosexual and theatre cultures. Polaris is formed from a mixture of other slangs, and languages including Romany, Italian, Yiddish and Naval slang.
POLE Pole is slang for the penis.
POLE−HOLE Pole−hole is slang for the vagina.
POLER Poler is Australian slang for an idler or sponger.
POLISH Polish (shortened from polish and gloss) is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (toss).
POLISH AND GLOSS Polish and gloss is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (toss).
POLISH OFF To polish off is slang for to finish completely.
POLISHER Polisher is slang for a obsequious flatterer.
POLITICAL ASYLUM Political asylum is British slang for the House of Commons.
POLL Poll is British slang for a talkative person. Poll was 19th century British slang for to snub.
POLL TOPPER Poll topper is British slang for a wig. 812
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POLLUTED Polluted is American slang for intoxicated; drunk.
POLLY FLINDER Polly Flinder is London Cockney rhyming slang for window. Polly Flinder is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cinder.
POLLY PARROT Polly parrot is London Cockney rhyming slang for carrot.
POLLY WASH DISH Polly wash dish is Dorset slang for a pied wagtail.
POLLY WOLLY DOODLES Polly wolly doodles is London Cockney rhyming slang for noodles.
POLLYWOG Pollywog is slang for a tadpole. Pollywog is slang for a novice or inexperienced sailor.
POLO MINT Polo mint is London Cockney rhyming slang for penniless (skint).
POLONE Polone is British slang for a woman.
POLONY Polony is British slang for a girl.
POLTROON Poltroon is British slang for a fool, an idiot.
POLVO Polvo is slang for heroin.
POLVO BLANCO Polvo Blanco is slang for cocaine.
POLVO DE ANGEL Polvo de Angel is slang for phencyclidine.
POLVO DE ESTRELLA Polvo de Estrella is slang for phencyclidine.
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POM Pom is Australian and New Zealand slang for an Englishman.
POMGOLIA Pomgolia is Australian and New Zealand slang for Britain.
POMMY Pommy is Australian and New Zealand slang for an Englishman.
POMPEY WHORE Pompey whore is bingo slang for the number four.
PONCE Ponce is British slang for a pimp. Ponce is British slang for an ostentatious, effeminate male. Ponce is British slang for an idler. Ponce is British slang for to take advantage of, to borrow.
PONCE ABOUT Ponce about is British slang for to behave in a showy and irresponsible manner.
PONCE AROUND Ponce around is British slang for to behave in a showy and irresponsible manner.
PONCED−UP Ponced−up is British slang for smartly dressed.
PONCEY Poncey is slang for effeminate.
PONG Pong is British slang for an unpleasent smell. Pong is derogatory Australian slang for an oriental.
PONGO Pongo is slang for a black person, a foreigner. Pongo is British slang for a smelly person. Pongo is British slang for a person with a large nose. Pongo is Australian and New Zealand slang for an English person. Pongo is military slang for a soldier or marine.
PONGOLIA Pongolia is Australian and New Zealand slang for Britain.
PONIES Ponies is British slang for racehorses. 814
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PONTE Ponte is Polari slang for one pound sterling.
PONTOON Pontoon is British slang for a 21−month prison sentence. Pontoon is British slang for twenty guineas (21 pounds sterling).
PONY Pony is slang for a small glass of beer. Pony is British slang for twenty−five pounds sterling.
PONY AND TRAP Pony and trap is London Cockney rhyming slang for to defecate (crap).
POO Poo is British slang for excrement. Poo is British slang for shampoo. Poo is British slang for champagne.
POOCH Pooch is slang for a dog. Pooch is British slang for an unattractive woman.
POODLE Poodle is British slang for a slow, leisurely stroll or drive.
POODLE−FAKER Poodle−faker is slang for a young man or newly commissioned officer who makes a point of socialising with women; ladies' man.
POOF Poof is British slang for a male homosexual.
POOFED UP Poofed up is British slang for a man gaily or extravagantly dressed.
POOFHOUSE Poofhouse is British slang for a pub frequented by homosexuals.
POOFISM Poofism is British slang for homosexuality.
POOFIST Poofist is British slang for a homophobe.
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POOFTER Poofter is slang for a homosexual, usually male.
POOFY Poofy is British slang for effeminate, homosexual − applied to men
POOH Pooh is slang for excrement.
POOMP Poomp is British slang for wind emitted from the anus.
POON Poon is Australian slang for a stupid or ineffectual person. Poon is American slang for the female genitals. Poon is American slang for women viewed as sex objects.
POON UP Poon up is Australian slang for to dress flashily.
POONA Poona was 19th century British slang for a sovereign, or one pound sterling.
POONCE Poonce is Australian slang for a male homosexual. Poonce is Australian slang for a stupid person.
POONY Poony is British slang for a fool, a dope, an idiot.
POOP Poop is slang for to emit wind from the anus, to fart. Poop is slang for excrement. Poop is American and Canadian slang for information; the facts.
POOPED Pooped is slang for exhausted.
POOPER Pooper is slang for the anus.
POOR RELATION Poor relation is London Cockney rhyming slang for railway station.
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POOSA Poosa is South African slang for alcoholic drink, liquor.
POOT Poot is slang for to emit wind from the anus.
POOTLE Pootle is slang for to meander, or wander slowly.
POOVE Poove was 1960's British slang for a male homosexual.
POP Pop is slang for a carbonated drink, like cola. Pop is slang for take a drug in pill form or as an injection. Pop is slang for to punch, hit. Pop is slang for to give birth. Pop is slang for to have sex with. Pop is slang for to kill. Pop is British slang for to pawn. Pop is British slang for an unspecified distance. Pop is British slang for an orgasm. Pop is British slang for to insult, to scold. Pop is British haulage slang for diesel.
POP A GASTRIC ZIT Pop a gastric zit is American slang for to vomit.
POP A VEIN Pop a vein is American slang for to become apoplectic with anger.
POP A WINDOW Pop a window is criminal slang for to break a window as part of a 'smash and grab' raid.
POP GOES THE WEASEL Pop goes the weasel is British haulage rhyming slang for diesel.
POP IT Pop it is slang for to die.
POP ONE'S ROCKS Pop one's rocks is slang for to ejaculate, to achieve orgasm.
POP ONES CLOGS Pop ones clogs is slang for to die.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
POP−POP Pop−pop is British slang for a moped.
POPCORN Popcorn is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (horn). Popcorn is London Cockney rhyming slang for pornography (porn).
POPE OF ROME Pope of Rome is London Cockney rhyming slang for home.
POPEYE THE SAILOR Popeye the sailor is London Cockney rhyming slang for tailor.
POPPER Popper is slang for a small vial of amyl or butyl nitrate.
POPPERS Poppers is slang for amyl or butyl nitrate.
POPPLE Popple is Dorset slang for pebble.
POPPY Poppy is slang for heroin. Poppy is British Cockney slang for money.
POPPYCOCK Poppycock is British slang for nonsense, rubbish talk.
POPSHOP Popshop is British slang for a pawnbroker's.
POPSY Popsy is British slang for an attractive young woman.
PORCELAIN PROJECTILES Porcelain projectiles is American slang for to vomit
PORK Pork is American slang for to have sexual intercourse.
PORK AND BEANS Pork and beans is British rhyming slang for Portugese.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PORK CHOP Pork chop is British rhyming slang for a policeman (cop).
PORK DAGGER Pork dagger is slang for the penis.
PORK PIE Pork pie is British London rhyming slang for a lie.
PORKER Porker is slang for a fat person. Porker is slang for a policeman.
PORKIES Porkies is slang for lies.
PORKY Porky is British slang for a lie.
PORKY PIE Porky pie is British London rhyming slang for a lie.
PORKY PIG Porky Big is London Cockney rhyming slang for big. Porky pig is London Cockney rhyming slang for generous, kind (big).
PORRIDGE Porridge is slang for a term in prison.
PORRIDGE WOG Porridge wog is English slang for a Scottish person.
PORT AND BRANDY Port and brandy is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexually aroused (randy).
PORT WINSTON Port Winston was slang for the mulberry harbour at Arromanches in Normandy, France during the Second World War.
POSER Poser is British slang for a show−off, a pseud.
POSH Posh is Dorset slang for having money. Posh is Dorset slang for smart. 819
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POSH AND BECKS Posh and Becks is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (sex).
POSH SYDNEY Posh Sydney is British slang for an upper−class boy.
POSSE Posse is slang for close friends or a street gang. Posse is jamaican slang for a criminal gang or secret society.
POSSUM BELLY Possum belly is American tramp slang for to ride on top of a passenger train
POSTAGE STAMP Postage stamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pub's bar (ramp).
POSTIE Postie is slang for a postman.
POSTMAN'S KNOCK Postman's knock is London Cockney rhyming slang for a clock.
POT Pot is slang for a toilet. Pot is slang for cannabis.
POT AND PAN Pot and pan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a man − usually a husband or father
POT HOUSE Pot house is rare British slang for a lunatic asylum.
POT OF GLUE Pot of glue is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew. Pot of glue is London Cockney rhyming slang for a queue.
POT OF HONEY Pot of honey is London Cockney rhyming slang for money.
POT OF JELLY Pot of jelly is London Cockney rhyming slang for belly.
POTASH AND PERLMUTTER Potash and perlmutter was early 20th century London Cockney rhyming slang for butter. 820
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POTATO MASHERS Potato mashers is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth (gnashers).
POTATO PEELER Potato peeler is Australian rhyming slang for a woman (Sheila).
POTATO PILLING Potato pilling was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a shilling.
POTATO TRAP Potato trap is old British slang for the mouth.
POTATO−HEAD Potato−head is slang for a person with coarse or indistinct features. Potato−head is slang for a stupid person.
POTATOES IN THE MOULD Potatoes in the mould is London Cockney rhyming slang for cold.
POTCH Potch is slang for inferior quality opal used in jewellery for mounting precious opals.
POTHEAD Pothead is slang for a habitual user of cannabis.
POTLESS Potless is slang for poor, having no ready cash, skint.
POTS AND DISHES Pots and dishes is theatre rhyming slang for wishes.
POTTED Potted is slang for under the influence of cannabis. Potted is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
POTTER Potter is British Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew.
POTTY Potty is British slang for eccentric, slightly mad, impractical.
POULTICE Poultice is British slang for an obnoxious person. Poultice is Australian slang for a large sum of money, especially a debt. 821
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POUND Pound is Australian slang for a solitary−confinement cell or wing in a prison.
POUND NOTE Pound note was old London Cockney rhyming slang for coat.
POUND NOTEISH Pound noteish was British slang for pompous, snobbish.
POUND OF BUTTER Pound of butter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a mad person (nutter).
POUND OF LEAD Pound of lead is old London Cockney rhyming slang for the head.
POUND ONE'S MEAT Pound one's meat is slang for masturbation − applied to a man.
POUND ONE'S PORK Pound one's pork is slang for masturbation − applied to a man.
POUND ONE'S PUDDING Pound one's pudding is slang for masturbation − applied to a man.
POUND ONE'S WEENIE Pound one's weenie is slang for masturbation − applied to a man.
POUND THE EAR Pound the ear is American tramp slang for to sleep
POUNDS AND PENCE Pounds and pence is London Cockney rhyming slang for sense.
POUR IT ON Pour it on is slang for to exaggerate a tale of woe. Also pour it on thick for more emphasis.
POUR ONES OVERINDULGENCE Pour ones overindulgence is American slang for to vomit
POWDER Powder is slang for cocaine.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
POWDER ONE'S NOSE Powder one's nose is slang for to sniff cocaine or another powdered drug.
POWDER PUFF Powder puff is British slang for an effeminate male. Powder puff is British slang for a weak or gentle hetrosexual man. Powder puff is British slang for a henpecked husband.
POWDERED CHALK Powdered chalk is London Cockney rhyming slang for walk.
POWER Power is slang for to travel with great speed or force.
POWER AND GLORY Power and glory is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (cory).
POWER BARF Power barf is American slang for to vomit
POWER BOOT Power boot is American slang for to vomit
POX Pox is slang for venereal disease.
POX OF Pox of is British slang for fed−up with.
POXY Poxy is slang for having or having had syphilis. Poxy is British slang for rubbish, crass, inferior, worthless.
POZZY Pozzy is British slang for jam.
PR PR is slang for cannabis.
PRANG Prang is British slang for to knock, damage or crash.
PRANNET Prannet is British slang for a fool. 823
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PRANNOCK Prannock is slang for fool, idiot.
PRANNY Pranny is British slang for idiot. Pranny is British slang for the vagina.
PRAT Prat is British slang for a foolish, idiotic person. Prat is British slang for the buttocks. Prat is British slang for the vagina.
PRAT ABOUT Prat about is British slang for behave stupidly or irresponsibly.
PRATFALL Pratfall is American and Canadian slang for a fall upon one's buttocks.
PRATTY Pratty is British slang for unmanly, stupid.
PRAWN Prawn is British slang for a fool, an idiot.
PRAWN CRACKERS Prawn cracker is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (knackers).
PRAY AT THE PORCELAIN ALTAR Pray at the porcelain altar is American slang for to vomit
PRAY TO THE PORCELAIN GODDESS Pray to the porcelain goddess is American slang for to vomit
PRAY TO THE PORCELAIN GODS Pray to the porcelain gods is American slang for to vomit
PRAYER Prayer is slang for a chance or hope.
PRAYER BONES Prayer bones is Black−American slang for the knees
PRAYING AT THE PORCELAIN ALTAR Praying at the porcelain altar is American slang for to vomit. 824
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PRAYING TO THE PORCELAIN PRINCESS Praying to the porcelain princess is American slang for to vomit
PREEMIE Preemie is slang for a premature infant.
PREGGARS Preggars is a slang corruption of the word pregnant.
PREGGERS Preggers is slang for pregnant.
PREPPIE Preppie is American slang for a student or former student of a preparatory school. Preppie is American slang for a young upper−class person.
PRESCOTT Prescott is British slang for a punch, particularly a left−handed punch.
PRESS Press is slang for cocaine.
PRESS AND SCRATCH Press and scratch was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a match.
PRESS THE FLESH Press the flesh is Black−American slang for shake hands.
PRETENDICA Pretendica is slang for cannabis.
PRETTY LIPS Pretty lips is derogatory British slang for someone with full lips.
PRETTY−BOY Pretty−boy is slang for an attractive young man.
PREVIOUS Previous is British slang for a criminal record. Previous is British slang for premature, impetuous, presumptous.
PRICK Prick is slang for the penis. Prick is slang for a fool. Prick is derogatory slang for a disliked man. 825
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PRICK TEASER Prick teaser is slang for a sexually alluring woman, especially one who flirts but doesn't copulate.
PRICK−LICK Prick−lick is British slang for fellatio.
PRIDE AND JOY Pride and joy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a boy.
PRIG Prig is old British slang for steal; thief.
PRILE Prile is British slang for three of a kind in a game of cards.
PRIMO Primo is slang for marijuana mixed with crack or embalming fluid.
PRINCE ALBERT Prince Albert is slang for a pierced penis
PRINCESS DI Princess Di is London Cockney rhyming slang for pie.
PRINGLE Pringle is British slang for a 1970s and 1980s social sub−group of young, trendy people characterised by the wearing of designer−label sports clothing.
PRIVATE PARTS Private parts is slang for the genitals. Often shortened to privates.
PRIVATE RYAN Private Ryan is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (iron).
PRIVATES Privates is slang for genitals.
PRIVET Privet is British slang for hair.
PRO Pro is slang for a prostitute.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PROD Prod is British slang for a Protestant.
PRODDY Proddy is British slang for a protestant.
PROG Prog is British slang for to prowl about for or as if for food or plunder. Prog is British slang for food obtained by begging.
PROJECTILE STYLE Projectile style is American slang for to vomit
PROLE Prole is derogatory British slang for a proletarian.
PRONG Prong is slang for penis.
PRONTO Pronto is slang for now or immediately.
PROPS Props is Black−American slang for legs
PROT Prot is Australian slang for a Protestant.
PROTEIN SPILL Protein spill is American slang for to vomit
PROVIDE A SPECIMEN Provide a specimen is British slang for to urinate.
PRUNE Prune is British slang for a foolish person.
PRUNE AND PLUM Prune and plum is London Cockney rhyming slang for the backside (bum).
PRUSSIAN GUARD Prussian guard is British rhyming slang for a playing card or a bingo card.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PS AND QS Ps and qs is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoes.
PSEUD Pseud is British slang for pretentious, pseudo.
PSYCH ONESELF UP Psych oneself up is slang for to work oneself up into a state of preparedness or aggression.
PSYCH SOMEONE OUT Psych someone out is slang for to unnerve someone.
PSYCHADELIC SPIT Psychadelic spit is American slang for to vomit
PSYCHEDELIC Psychedelic is slang for hallucinatory.
PSYCHO Psycho is slang for psychopath.
PSYCHOPATHIC Psychopathic is London Cockney rhyming slang for traffic
PUCK Puck is Irish slang for a sharp blow. Puck is Irish slang for to strike hard; punch.
PUD Pud is British slang for the penis.
PUDDING Pudding is British slang for the penis. Pudding is British slang for filler in a car's bodywork. Pudding is British slang for a fool. Pudding is British slang for an unborn child. Pudding is British criminal slang for meat laced with a sleeping drug used to knock out a guard dog.
PUDDING AND BEEF Pudding and beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chief prison officer (chief).
PUDDING CLUB Pudding club is British slang for pregnancy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PUDDINGS AND PIES Puddings and pies is London Cockney rhyming slang for eyes.
PUDDLE Puddle is slang for to mess up, to confuse.
PUDDLED Puddled is northern British slang for insane, crazy, mad.
PUDDLEJUMPER Puddlejumper is derogatory British haulage slang for a small commercial vehicle.
PUFF Puff is slang for breath. Puff is slang for a male homosexual. Puff is British slang for cannabis.
PUFF AND DART Puff and dart is London Cockney rhyming slang for start.
PUFF AND DRAG Puffa nd drag is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigarette (fag).
PUFF−BUCKET Puff−bucket is American slang for a braggart.
PUFFED AIR Puffed air is Black−American slang for having no food.
PUFFER Puffer is British slang for a smoker.
PUFFERS Puffers is British slang for cigarettes.
PUFFY Puffy is British slang for cannabis.
PUG Pug is slang for a boxer. Pug is British slang for to secretly store.
PUGGLED Puggled is Dorset slang for stupid. 829
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PUGGY Puggy is British slang for someone with an overly upturned nose..
PUGNOSE Pugnose is British slang for a flattened nose.
PUKE Puke is slang for to vomit.
PUKKA Pukka is British slang for authentic, first−rate, genuine.
PUKY Puky is slang for disgusting, sickening, awful.
PULL Pull is British slang for to achieve a communing with a desirable person. Pull is British slang for to arrest. Pull is slang for to drink.
PULL A ROCK Pull a rock is American slang for make a mistake (usually applied to baseball).
PULL A STROKE Pull a stroke is British slang for to succeed in a clever manoeuvre or deception.
PULL AND PUSH Pull and push is British slang for to masturbate.
PULL DOWN THE SHUTTER Pull down the shutter was old London Cockney rhyming slang for butter.
PULL FINGER Pull finger is New Zealand slang for to stop dawdling, get a move on, increase efficiency.
PULL IN Pull in is slang for to arrest.
PULL OFF Pull off is slang for masturbate.
PULL ONE'S FINGER OUT Pull one's finger out is slang for to stop dawdling, get a move on, increase efficiency.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PULL ONES PUD Pull ones pud is slang for to masturbate.
PULL RANK Pull rank is British rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
PULL SOMEONE'S JACKET Pull someone's jacket is American police slang for to arrest someone. Pull someone's jacket is American police slang for to withdraw someone's file or dossier to consult, amend or destroy it.
PULL THE PLUG Pull the plug is slang for to commit suicide or die, or to terminate in general (such as a running computer process).
PULL−THROUGH Pull−through is British military slang for a tall, thin person.
PULLET Pullet is British slang for a young male passive homosexual partner of an older man.
PULLEYS Pulleys is Black−American slang for suspenders
PULLING POWER Pulling power is British slang for sexual attraction.
PUMP Pump is British slang for the heart. Pump is British slang for the penis. Pump is British slang for to emit wind from the anus noisily. Punp is American slang for to have sex.
PUMP IRON Pump iron is slang for to exercise with weights; do body−building exercises.
PUMP SHIP Pump ship is British military slang for to urinate.
PUMP THE STUMP Pump the stump is Black−American slang for to shake hands
PUMP−OUT Pump−out is British slang for to urinate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PUMPERS Pumpers is slang for any anabolic steroid.
PUMPIN Pumpin is slang for lively, energetic, thrilling.
PUMPKIN Pumpkin is Black−American slang for the moon, or the sun
PUMPS Pumps is British slang for tennis shoes. Plimsolls.
PUNAANY Punaany is Jamaican slang for the vagina. Punaany is Jamaican slang for sexual intercourse.
PUNCH AND JUDY Punch and Judy is London Cockney rhyming slang for moody.
PUNCTURED Punctured is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
PUNK Punk is slang for a bumptious but insignificant, contemptible person. Punk is slang for an adherent of a youth sub−culture centered around 'punk rock' music.
PUNK AND GUT Punk and gut is American tramp slang for bread and cheese
PUNK ROCKER Punk Rocker is slang for heroin with cocaine, with crack, with Ecstasy (MDMA), or with LSD and marijuana.
PUNKETTE Punkette is slang for a female punk rocker.
PUNTER Punter is British slang for a customer of any business. Punter is British slang for a gambler, a speculator.
PURLER Purler is Australian slang for something outstanding in its class.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PURPLE HEARTS Purple hearts is slang for amphetamine tablets.
PURPLE PATCH Purple patch is slang for a period of success, good fortune, etc.
PURPLE RAIN Purple rain is slang for phencyclidine.
PURSE Purse is British slang for the vagina.
PURSER'S NAME Purser's name is nautical slang for a false name.
PUSA Pusa is South African slang for alcoholic drink, liquor.
PUSH Push is slang for a crowd; a company or clique of associates; a gang. Push is Australian slang for a street gang. Push is slang for to sell illegal drugs.
PUSH ABOUT Push about is slang for to bully; keep telling a person what to do in a bossy manner.
PUSH IN THE TRUCK Push in the truck is British haulage rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (fuck).
PUSHER Pusher is slang for a supplier of illegal drugs.
PUSHING UP DAISIES Pushing up daisies is slang for dead.
PUSS Puss is slang for a girl or woman. Puss is British slang for the face. Puss is American slang for the face, mouth. Puss is Irish slang for a gloomy or sullen expression.
PUSSER Pusser is American naval slang for according to navy regulations.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PUSSY Pussy is slang for vagina. Pussy is slang for women viewed as sex objects. Pussy is slang for a weak, harmless man. Pussy is slang for furs. Pussy is slang for a coquettish woman.
PUSSY MAGNET Pussy Magnet is British slang for something which attracts women. Often used in context of a car.
PUSSY WILLOW Pussy willow is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillow.
PUSSY−WHIPPED Pussy−whipped is slang for domineered by a woman.
PUSSYCAT Pussycat is British slang for harmless.
PUT A SOCK IN IT Put a sock in it is British slang for be quiet.
PUT AND TAKE Put and take is London Cockney rhyming slang for cake.
PUT IN THE BOOT Put in the boot was British Great War slang for shoot.
PUT IT ABOUT Put it about is British slang for promiscuous.
PUT ON Put on is slang for a hoax or piece of mockery. Put on is slang for an affected manner or mode of behaviour.
PUT ON THE BLOCK Put on the block is New Zealand slang for to gang rape.
PUT ONE ON A CROSSTOWN BUS Put one on a crosstown bus is Black−American slang for to deliberately confuse someone
PUT ONE ON SOMEONE Put one on someone is slang for to hit or punch someone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
PUT ONE'S HANDS UP Put one's hands up is slang for surrender, confess, give in.
PUT ONE'S LEGS UNDER SOME ONE'S MAHOGANY To put one's legs under some one's mahogany is slang for to dine with some one.
PUT ONE'S NOSE OUT OF JOINT To put one's nose out of joint is slang for to humiliate one's pride.
PUT OUT THE LIGHTS AND CRY Put out the lights and cry is American slang for liver and onions.
PUT SOMEONE AWAY Put someone away is British slang for kill someone.
PUT SOMEONE DOWN Put someone down is slang for to snub, belittle or humiliate someone.
PUT SOMEONE ONE Put someone on is slang for to tease or mock.
PUT THE ACID IN Put the acid in is British slang for to spread malicious gossip.
PUT THE ACID ON Put the acid on is Australian and New Zealand slang for to extract a loan, favour, etc from.
PUT THE BITE ON Put the bite on is slang for to pressurise someone, especially for repayment of a loan of money.
PUT THE BOOT IN Put the boot in is slang for to kick a person, especially when he is already down. Put the boot in is slang for to harass someone or aggravate a problem. Put the boot in is slang for to finish off. something with unnecessary brutality.
PUT THE BOOTS TO Put the boots to is American tramp slang for to have sexual intercourse
PUT THE FRIGHTENERS ON Put the frighteners on is British slang for menace, threaten or intimidate.
PUT THE ISSUE ON SOMEONE Put the issue on someone is Black−American slang for to train them military style 835
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PUT THE KIBOSH ON Put the kibosh on is slang for frustrate, ruin, prevent, jeopardise, or jinx.
PUT THE MOCKERS ON Put the mockers on is British slang for frustrate or jeopardise, or jinx.
PUT THE NIPS IN Put the nips in is Australian and New Zealand slang for to exert pressure on someone, especially in order to extort money.
PUT THE NUT ON Put the nut on is British slang for to head−butt someone.
PUT THE TIN HAT ON Put the tin hat on is British slang for to finish, to end, to put to a complete stop.
PUT THE WIND UP Put the wind up is British slang for to scare.
PUT UP A BLACK Put up a black is British slang for to make a mistake.
PUT−ON Put−on is slang for a deception, fraud, cheat.
PUT−TO Put−to is Dorset slang for in difficulties.
PUTDOWN Putdown is slang for a snub or humiliation.
PUTZ Putz is British slang for the penis. Putz is American slang for a foolish, clumsy, or unlucky person.
PYRAMID Pyramid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid).
QS Qs is slang for methaqualone.
QUAALUDES Quaaludes is slang for methaqualone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
QUACK Quack is slang for a doctor.
QUACKERS Quackers is British slang for a duck or ducks
QUADS Quads is slang for methaqualone.
QUAIL Quail is slang for a girl or young woman.
QUAINT Quaint is British slang for homosexual.
QUAKE ONES GIZZARD Quake ones gizzard is American slang for to vomit
QUAKER Quaker is British slang for hard excrement.
QUAKER OAT Quaker oat is London Cockney rhyming slang for coat.
QUAL Qual is slang for valium.
QUANDONG Quandong is Australian slang for a woman.
QUARTER Quarter is military slang for quartermaster.
QUARTER PAST TWO Quarter past two is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew.
QUARTER TO TWO Quarter to two is British rhyming slang for Jew.
QUAS Quas is slang for methaqualone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
QUASIMODO Quasimodo is London Cockney rhyming slang for soda water.
QUATRA Quatra is Polari slang for four.
QUAVER TUB Quaver tub was 17th century British slang for a Quaker meeting house.
QUEAN Quean was old British slang for a male homosexual.
QUEASE Quease is American slang for to vomit
QUEEN Queen is slang for an effeminate male homosexual.
QUEEN MUM Queen mum is London Cockney rhyming slang for the backside (bum).
QUEEN OF SPADES Queen of spades is British slang for a woman who has been widowed more than once.
QUEEN OF THE MAY Queen of the may is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual(gay).
QUEEN OF THE SOUTH Queen of the south is London Cockney rhyming slang for mouth.
QUEEN VIC Queen Vic is London Cockney rhyming slang for ill (sick). Queen Vic is London Cockney rhyming slang for perverted (sick).
QUEENS PARK RANGER Queens Park Ranger is London Cockney rhyming slang for a stranger.
QUEENSBURY RULES Queensbury rules is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (balls).
QUEER Queer is slang for a homosexual.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
QUEER SCREEN Queer screen is slang for a forged banknote.
QUEER STREET Queer street is British slang for bankruptcy.
QUEER−BASHER Queer−basher is slang for a thug who preys on male homosexuals.
QUEER−BASHING Queer−bashing is British slang for the activity of making vicious and unprovoked verbal or physical assaults upon homosexuals or supposed homosexuals.
QUEER−ROLLING Queer−rolling is British slang for robbing male homosexuals.
QUICHE OUT Quiche out is British slang for to eat to excess or greedily.
QUICK SILVER Quick Silver is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
QUICKIE Quickie is slang for a hurried or short−lived sex act.
QUID Quid is British slang for one pound sterling. Quid was old British slang for a sovereign. Quid was very old British slang for a guinea.
QUIDLET Quidlet is British slang for a pound sterling.
QUIDLETS Quidlets is British slang for money.
QUIDS−IN Quids−in is slang for in profit.
QUIFF Quiff is slang for to emit wind from the anus noisily. Quiff is British slang for a pompadour hairstyle, a kiss−curl or backcombed or wavy fringe. Quiff is British slang for a male homosexual. Quiff is British slang for the vagina. Quiff is British slang for sexual intercourse. Quiff is British and American slang for a prostitute. 839
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QUILL Quill is American slang for a match−book cover folded to hold cocaine, heroin, methedrine etc for sniffing.
QUIM Quim is British slang for the female sex organs.
QUINCE Quince is Australian slang for a male homosexual or effeminate male.
QUOD Quod is British slang for prison.
QUOIT Quoit is British and Australian slang for anus.
R&R R & R is slang for rest and recuperation; rest and relaxation.
R AND R R and R is slang for rape and robbery. R and R is slang for relaxation. R and R is slang for rock and roll.
R G KNOWLES R G Knowles was British theatre rhyming slang for holes.
R2 R2 is slang for valium.
RAAS Raas is a Jamaican slang for the backside. Raas is abusive Jamaican slang for go away!
RAASCLAAT Raasclaat is Jamaican slang for a rag used to wipe the backside.
RABBI Rabbi is American slang for a senior official who exerts influence or patronage on behalf of a person.
RABBIT Rabbit (shortened from rabbit and pork) is Cockney rhyming slang for to talk, often unceasingly. Rabbit is derogatory slang for a person who is a novice or bad at a sport or game. Rabbit is Australian and nautical slang for a smuggled or stolen article. Rabbit is Australian and nautical slang for borrow, steal.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RABBIT AND PORK Rabbit and pork is London Cockney rhyming slang for talk.
RABBIT FOOD Rabbit food is slang for fresh, uncooked fruit and vegetables.
RABBIT HUTCH Rabbit hutch is London Cockney rhyming slang for the groin (crutch).
RABBIT'S PAW Rabbit's paw is London Cockney rhyming slang for to scold (jaw).
RABBIT−O Rabbit−o is Australian slang for an itinerant seller of rabbits for food.
RACE NORMING Race norming is educational slang for the practice of adjusting the scores on standardized tests to reflect the relative rank of the person taking the test within the test score norms of his or her own race.
RACE OFF Race off is Australian slang for hurry away. Race Off is Australian and American slang for to seduce.
RACK Rack was formerly American slang (it's now conventional language) for a bed or bunk. Rack is slang for sleep.
RACK ATTACK Rack attack is American slang for a bout of extreme laziness.
RACK MONSTER Rack monster is slang for someone who sleeps a lot.
RACK OFF Rack off is Australian slang for to go away, to leave.
RACK ONE'S BRAINS Rack one's brains is slang for to search one's memory; think hard trying to remember.
RACK OUT Rack out is American slang for to lie down, to sleep.
RACKED−OFF Racked−off is British and Australian slang for irritated, disgruntled, annoyed. 841
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Racked−up is American slang for tense, nervous, worried.
RACKET Racket is slang for a scheme, dodge, trick, or the like.
RACKET−JACKET Racket−jacket is Black−American slang for a zoot suit
RACKS OF MEATS Racks of meats is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (tits).
RAD Rad is American slang for fine, excellent, fashionable, very enjoyable.
RADDIE Raddie is British slang for an Italian.
RADDLED Raddled is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
RADICAL Radical is slang for very good; excellent.
RADIO ONE'S Radio one's is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (runs).
RADIO RENTAL Radio rental is Londonc Cockney rhyming slang for crazy, deranged, insane (mental).
RADISH Radish is British slang for a fool, an idiot.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RAF RAF is British slang for an ugly woman (Rough As Fuck).
RAFFERTY Rafferty is Australian and New Zealand slang for no rules at all.
RAFFLE TICKET Raffle ticket is London Cockney rhyming slang for a mistake (ricket).
RAFT Raft is American slang for a large collection of people or things taken indiscriminately.
RAFTING ON THE RIO CACA Rafting on the Rio Caca is American medical slang for massive diarrhoea.
RAG Rag is slang for a newspaper. Rag is British naval slang for a sail, flag or ensign. Tag is British slang for the worst horse in a arace. Rag is British and American slang for a sanitary towel. Rag is American slang for to tease, put down, criticize. To nag or complain. Rag was slang for a banknote. Rag was slang for a small amount of money. Rag is slang for the curtain in a theatre.
RAG AND BONE Rag and bone is London Cockney rhyming slang for lavatory (throne).
RAG IT Rag it is slang for push to the limits. Usually applied to driving a vehicle. E.g.He always rags it when hes in a hire car.
RAG OUT Rag out is American slang for to put on ones finest clothes; dress up.
RAG WEEK Rag week is British slang for the menstrual period.
RAG, TAG AND BOBTAIL Rag, tag and bobtail was 17th century British slang for the peasantry, the poor, riff−raff.
RAG−BAG Rag−bag is British slang for a scruffily dressed person.
RAG−HEAD Rag−head is slang for an arab. 843
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RAG−TOP Rag−top is slang for a convertible car.
RAGE Rage is American slang for to have a good time. Rage is Australian slang for a wild party or celebration.
RAGGED OUT Ragged out is American slang for smartly dressed. Ragged out is American slang for distasteful, unpleasant.
RAGGEDY−ARSED Raggedy−arsed is British slang for poor, needy.
RAGGEDY−ASS Raggedy−ass is American slang for unkempt, uncouth, disorganised.
RAGGING Ragging is slang for well dressed Ragging is American slang for complaining, harassing.
RAGING Raging is British rhyming slang for a first−class honours degree.
RAGMANS COAT Ragmans coat is British slang for an untidy and very hairy vagina.
RAGS Rags is slang for clothes.
RAGTIME Ragtime is slang for disorderly; disreputable.
RAGWEED Ragweed is slang for cannabis.
RAH−RAH Rah−rah is Australian slang for a devotee of Rugby Union football. Rah−rah is American slang for enthusiasm or excitement.
RAIDER Raider is financial slang for an individual who rushes in and acquires other companies by buying large amounts of shares (stock).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Railings is British slang for the teeth.
RAILROAD Railroad is American slang for to force something to happen through wit or intimidation. The British equivalent is bulldoze.
RAILROAD BULL Railroad bull is American slang for a railway policeman.
RAILROAD FLAT Railroad flat is American slang for a flat whose floor plan requires one to walk through one room to get to the other.
RAILWAY THINKING Railway thinking is American slang for the belief that the events of history (on both a grand and on a personal scale) repeat themselves.
RAIN AND POUR Rain and pour is London Cockney rhyming slang for snore.
RAINBOW Rainbow is boxing slang for a discoloured bruise. Rainbow is drug slang for a multi−coloured pill.
RAINBOW TROUT Rainbow trout is London Cockney rhyming slang for a German (Kraut).
RAINBOWS Rainbows is slang for phenobarbital or other multi−coloured pills.
RAINCOAT Raincoat is British slang for a condom.
RAINCOAT BRIGADE Raincoat brigade is slang for habitual watchers of pornographic films.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RAINMAKER Rainmaker is American slang for a person thought to be a creative leader in developing business.
RAINY DAY WOMAN Rainy day woman is American slang for cannabis.
RAISE EYEBROWS Raise eyebrows is slang for to cause surprise or disapproval.
RAISE SAND Raise sand is American slang for fight, a disturbance.
RAISE THE DEVIL To raise the devil is slang for to cause a great disturbance; to make great trouble.
RAJPUTANA Rajputana was old British slang for a banana.
RAKE Rake is British slang for to search thoroughly. Rake is British slang for a comb.
RAKE DOWN Rake down is American slang for to win at cards, or other games.
RAKE IT IN Rake it in is slang for to earn a lot of money.
RAKE OVER THE COALS Rake over the coals is slang for to criticise.
RAKE−OFF Rake−off is slang for a share of profits, especially one that is illegal or given as a bribe.
RAKER Raker is slang for a heavy bet on a horse. Raker is British slang for a comb.
RALEIGH BIKE Raleigh bike is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lesbian (dyke).
RALLY Rally is American slang for to behave outrageously.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RALPH Ralph is American slang for to vomit
RALPH LYNN Ralph Lynn was early 20th century London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
RAM Ram is slang for a sexually active man. Ram is British slang for to have sexual intercourse. Ram is Australian slang for an accomplice in, or the act of assisting in, a petty crime.
RAM−JAM FULL Ram−jam full is slang for crammed full.
RAM−SAMMY Ram−sammy is slang for a family quarrel; a noisy gathering; a fight.
RAMBO Rambo is British slang for a strong, powerful man. Rambo is British slang for a weak, puny man.
RAMBOLD Rambold is slang for aggressive, excessively enthusiastic.
RAMBUNCTIOUS Rambunctious is slang for lively, troublesome.
RAMMER Rammer is British slang for the penis.
RAMMIES Rammies is Australian and South African slang for trousers.
RAMP Ramp is British slang for the bar in a public house. Ramp is British slang for to rob with violence. Ramp is British slang for a swindle, especially one involving exorbitant prices. Ramp is slang for forcing a bookmaker to pay a pretend bet. Ramp is Australian slang for a search of a prisoner or prison cell.
RAMP UP Ramp up is British slang for to arrange, to organise.
RAMPACIOUS Rampacious is slang for high−spirited.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RAMPAGE Rampage is American slang for to search frantically.
RAMPED−UP Ramped−up is British slang for the price something is set at.
RAMPS Ramps is British slang for a fake fight staged as a diversion for a confidence trick.
RAMPSMAN Rampsman is slang for a person who commits robbery with violence.
RAMROD Ramrod is slang for an erect penis.
RAMSGATE Ramsgate (shortened from Ransgate Sands) is London Cockney rhyming slang for assistance (hand).
RAMSGATE SANDS Ramsgate Sands is London Cockney rhyming slang for hands.
RANCHY Ranchy is American slang for dirty, disgusting, indecent.
RANCID Rancid is American slang for awful.
RANDOLPH SCOTT Randolph Scott is London Cockney rhyming slang for a spot, pimple.
RANDOM Random is American slang for out of the ordinary, eccentric. Random is American slang for ordinary. Random is American slang for a stranger.
RANDY Randy is British slang for sexually aroused, lecherous. Randy is Dorset slang for a party.
RANGON Rangoon is London Cockney rhyming slang for prune.
RANJITIKI Ranjitiji is old London Cockney docker rhyming slang for tricky. 848
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RANK Rank is black American slang for insult; put someone down. Rank is American slang for to back out of a commitment. Rank is American slang for disgusting.
RANKER Ranker is American slang for a person who backs out of a commitment.
RANKING Ranking is Jamaican slang for possessed of style; fashionable; exciting, powerful.
RANNYGAZOO Rannygazoo is American slang for a prank; horseplay.
RANTALLION Rantallion is British slang for a man with a very short penis.
RANTING Ranting is British slang for a style of aggressive stand−up poetry recital.
RANTY TANTY Ranty tanty is slang for a prostitute.
RAP Rap is slang for a rebuke. Rap is slang for the theft of a purse. Rap is slang for a kind of music sometimes called hip−hop characterized by lyrical talking. Rap is slang for to talk, especially volubly. Rap is slang for a rebuke or adverse criticism. Rap is slang for an identification from among a group of suspects. Rap is Irish slang for a halfpenny. Rap is Irish slang for money. Rap is Australian slang for congratulations. Rap is American slang for to talk. Rap is American slang for a criminal accusation. Rap is American slang for a prison sentence. Rap is Black American slang for an impromptu talk or discussion. Rap was 18th century slang for barter. Rap was 18th century Irish slang for a counterfeit halfpenny.
RAP CENTRE Rap centre is American slang for a meeting−place for group discussions.
RAP GROUP Rap group is American slang for a group that meets to dicuss problems, etc.
RAP SESSION Rap session is American slang for a conversation, a discussion.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RAP SHEET Rap sheet is American slang for a police record.
RAPID−FIRE Rapid−fire is British slang for premature ejaculation.
RAPIDDO Rapiddo is British slang for quickly.
RAPPER Rapper is slang for someone who raps. Rapper is slang for a forcible oath or lie. Rapper is slang for a complainant; plaintiff; a prosecutor.
RAPT Rapt is slang for delighted.
RAQUEL WELCH Raquel Welch is London Cockney rhyming slang for belch.
RARE Rare is British slang for good, yes, a slang term of agreement.
RARING TO GO Raring to go is slang for eager, ready for action.
RASH Rash is slang for wonderful.
RASHER AND BUBBLE Rasher and bubble is London Cockney rhyming slang for double, usually a dartboard double.
RASPBERRY CHARLOTTE Raspberry charlotte is British slang for to vomit.
RASPBERRY RIPPLE Raspberry ripple is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cripple.
RASPBERRY TART Raspberry tart is Cockney rhyming slang for the heart. Raspberry tart is Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
RASPER Rasper is slang for a harsh or unpleasant person or thing. Rasper is slang for a remarkable or extraordinary thing. 850
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RASPING Rasping is slang for a remarkable or extraordinary.
RASS Rass is Black American slang for the buttocks; the anus. Rass is Black American slang for a contemptible person. Rass is Black American slang for anal sex.
RASTA Rasta is slang for Rastafarian. Rasta is slang for cannabis.
RASTA BOX Rasta box is slang for a large portable stereo radio−cassette player.
RASTUS Rastus is American derogatory slang for a typical black person.
RAT Rat is slang for an informer; stool pigeon. Rat is American slang for a newly recruited cadet. Rat is American slang for to inform or testify against another person.
RAT AND MICE Rat and mice is London Cockney rhyming slang for dice. Rat and mice is London Cockney rhyming slang for rice.
RAT AND MOUSE Rat and mouse is London Cockney rhyming slang for house. Rat and mouse is London Cockney rhyming slang for louse.
RAT BOY Rat boy is slang for a person in a drug community who has an ability to test the purity and potency of a drug, usually by testing the drug on themself.
RAT ON Rat on is slang for to inform on or betray someone.
RAT OUT Rat out is slang for to abandon, to betray.
RAT PACK Rat pack is slang for a gang of disorderly young people.
RAT RACE Rat race is slang for the daily cycle of work, eat and sleep. 851
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RAT TRAP Rat Trap is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Japanese person (Jap).
RAT−ARSED Rat−arsed is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
RAT−BOY Rat−boy is American slang for a male killer of policemen.
RAT−FACED Rat−faced is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
RAT−HOLE Rat−hole is American slang for a hide or store, especially one for money.
RAT−RUN Rat−run is Britisg slang for a side street used by fast commuter traffic.
RAT−STINKER Rat−stinker is British slang for an obnoxious, despicable person.
RAT−STINKING Rat−stinking is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
RATBAG Ratbag is slang for someone who doesn't behave properly. Ratbag is slang for a despicable, obnoxious person.
RATBAGGERY Ratbaggery is Australian slang for nonsense, eccentricity.
RATCATCHER'S DAUGHTER Ratcatcher's daughter is London Cockney rhyming slang for drinking water.
RATE Rate is slang for to think highly of. Rate is American slang for deserve.
RATE−BUSTER Rate−buster is American slang for a worker whose high productivity threatens or causes a reduction in rates.
RATFINK Ratfink is slang for an unpleasnt, contemptible person, especially an informer. Ratfink is American slang for a strike breaker. 852
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RATHE Rathe is Dorset slang for soon, early.
RATHOLE Rathole is slang for a disgusting, squalid place.
RATHOUSE Rathouse is Australian and New Zealand slang for a mental hospital.
RATS Rats is Australian slang for deranged; insane.
RATSHIT Ratshit is Australian slang for worthless, inferior, utterly disappointing.
RATTED Ratted is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
RATTER Ratter is Australian slang for someone who steals opal from another person's mine.
RATTLE Rattle is old slang for hurry; work energetically. Rattle is British slang for to have sex with someone.
RATTLE AND CLANK Rattle and clank is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bank.
RATTLE AND HISS Rattle and hiss is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (piss).
RATTLE AROUND Rattle around is slang for something to be somewhere, though one is not sure quite where.
RATTLE SOMEONE'S CAGE Rattle someone's cage is slang for to provoke, disturb, rouse.
RATTLEBRAIN Rattlebrain is slang for a light−minded person, full of idle talk.
RATTLED Rattled is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
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RATTLEHEAD Rattlehead is British slang for a person listening to a personal stereo in a public place.
RATTLER Rattler is slang for a train. Rattler is slang for a fast horse or a remarkably good specimen of something. Rattler is British slang for a womaniser, a seducer.
RATTLESNAKES Rattlesnakes is London Cockney rhyming slang for delirium tremens (shakes).
RATTLETRAP Rattletrap is slang for the mouth.
RATTY Ratty is slang for irritable. Ratty is American slang for shabby; dilapidated.
RAUNCH Raunch is slang for lack of polish or refinement; crudeness.
RAUNCHY Rauncht is slang for lecherous, vulgar, or smutty; openly sexual; lusty; earthy. Raunchy is American slang for disgusting.
RAVE Rave is slang for to enjoy oneself wildly or uninhibitedly. Rave is British slang for a fad or fashion. Rave is slang for a temporary passionate infatuation.
RAVE−UP rave−up is British slang for a wild party.
RAVER Raver is British slang for a person who leads a wild or uninhibited social life. An unrestrained hedonist. Raver is British slang for a male homosexual.
RAVERS Ravers is slang for furious; angry.
RAVEY Ravey is slang for in the manner of a rave.
RAVI SHANKAR Ravi Shankar is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unpleasant person (wanker).
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RAVING Raving is slang for the act of going to a rave.
RAW Raw is surfing slang for very good, terrific.
RAW DEAL Rw deal is slang for an unfair arrangement or conclusion.
RAW MEAT Raw meat is slang for the sex organs. Raw meat is slang for sexual intercourse.
RAW PRAWN Raw Prawn is Australian slang for a con or a lie.
RAW RECRUIT Raw recruit is British slang for neat spirits.
RAWALPINDI Rawalpindi is London Cockney rhyming slang for windy.
RAY−GUN Ray−gun is British slang for a hand−help speed−measuring device.
RAYS Rays is British slang for sunshine.
RAZOO Razoo is American slang for ridicule; an expression of contempt or derision. Razoo is American slang for to ridicule, provoke or arouse. Razoo is Australian and New Zealand slang for an imaginary coin of very little or trivial value.
RAZOR BLADE Razor blade is offensive London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (spade).
RAZOR GANG Razor gang is railway slang for a team of investigators seeking ways if increasing productivity.
RAZOR−BACK Razor−back is Australian and New Zealand slang for a lean and scraggy cow or bullock. Razor−back is American slang for a circus hand. The term is especially applied to a circus hand who loads and unloads the wagons.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RAZORBLADE Razorblade is British rhyming slang for a Black person (spade).
RAZZ Razz is American and Canadian slang for to make fun of; deride.
RAZZLE Razzle is slang for a spree or good time.
RAZZLE−DAZZLE Razzle−dazzle is slang for a noisy or showy fuss or activity.
RAZZMATAZZ Razzmatazz is London Cockney rhyming slang for jazz music.
RAZZO Razzo is slang for the nose.
RE−ENTRY Re−entry is slang for the return to normality after the effects of an LSD experience have worn off.
RE−UP Re−up is American slang for re−enlist.
REACH Reach is American slang for bribe.
REACH FOR THE SKY Reach for the sky is slang for the instruction to raise one's hands. Reach for the sky is slang for to try to attain one's dream.
REACHER Reacher was American gangster slang for a long−range gun, a rifle.
READ AND WRITE Read and write is London Cockney rhyming slang for fight.
READ BETWEEN THE LINES Read between the lines is slang for to understand someone's meaning by correctly imagining what was left unsaid.
READ MY LIPS Read my lips is slang for listen carefully to what I am saying.
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READ ONE'S SHIRT Read one's shirt is slang for to search one's clothes for lice.
READ THE RIOT ACT Read the riot act is slang for chastise severely.
READ THE TOILET Read the toilet is American slang for to vomit
READER Reader is criminal slang for a pocketbook. Reader is slang for a marked playing card.
READIES Readies is slang for money.
READY Ready is slang for cash. Ready is British slang for to bribe. Ready is American music slang for excellent, fully competent.
READY ROCK Ready rock is slang for heroin.
READY UP Ready up is Australian slang for prepare or manipulate in an improper way.
READY−UP Ready−up is Australian slang for a swindle, fake, a case of fraudulent manipulation.
READY−WASH Ready−wash is British slang for crack cocaine.
REAGAN DEMOCRAT Reagan Democrat is American slang for a conservative Democrat voter.
REALITY CHECK Reality check is American slang for an examination of one's thoughts to see if one is being realistic or wishful.
REALITY PROGRAMMING Reality programming is American slang for television shows that feature real people in real situations.
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REAM Ream is slang for genuine. Ream is British and American slang for anal intercourse. Ream is American slang for cheat; swindle. Ream is American slang for treat unfairly.
REAMER Reamer is slang for someone who engages in anal intercourse.
REAR Rear is slang for a public lavatory.
REAR ADMIRAL Rear Admiral is British slang for a male homosexual. Rear admiral is American slang for proctologist.
REAR GUNNER Rear gunner is British slang for a male homosexual.
REAR UP Rear up is British slang for to lose one's temper.
REAR−ENDER Rear−ender is London Cockney rhyming slang for a male homosexual (bender). Rear−ender is American slang for an automobile accident in which the front of one vehicle strikes the rear of another.
REC Rec is British slang for a local recreation ground.
RECCE Recce is military slang for reconnaissance or reconnoitre.
RECCO Recco is military slang for a reconnaissance. Recco is Australian slang for recognition.
RECESS Recess is criminal slang for the room for slopping out in a prison.
RECKLESS EYEBALLING Reckless eyeballing is Black−American slang for looking with desire at forbidden persons
RECKON Reckon is slang for to regard as good.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RECKONING Reckoning is Dorset slang for wages.
RECON Recon is military slang for reconnaissance.
RECORD CHANGER Record changer is American slang for an unskilled menial worker.
RECORD HOP Record hop was old slang for a dance at which the music was provided by records.
RECYCLE YOUR LUNCH Recycle your lunch is American slang for to vomit
RED Red is slang for phenobarbital. Red is British slang for golden; made of gold.
RED & BLUES Red & Blues is slang for secobarbital.
RED BIDDY Red biddy is British slang for cheap red wine or methylated spirits.
RED BIRDS Red Birds is slang for secobarbital.
RED BUD Red Bud is slang for cannabis.
RED BULLETS Red Bullets is slang for secobarbital.
RED CROSS Red cross is American tramp slang for morphine
RED DEVIL Red devil is London Cockney rhyming slang for a spirit level.
RED DEVILS Red Devils is slang for secobarbital.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RED DILLIES Red Dillies is slang for secobarbital.
RED DOLLS Red Dolls is slang for secobarbital.
RED EYE Red eye is British slang for a sore anus. Red eye is British slang for a long, sleepless, overnight flight.
RED FLAG IS FLYING Red flag is flying is British slang for menstruating.
RED FLANNEL Red flannel is British slang for the tongue.
RED GRAVY Red gravy is Black−American slang for blood
RED HOTS Red hots is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (trots).
RED INK Red ink is British slang for cheap and unpalatable red wine.
RED JELLEY BEANS Red Jelley Beans is slang for secobarbital.
RED LEAD Red Lead is American tramp slang for Ketchup
RED NED Red ned is Australian slang for any cheap red wine.
RED PIPE Red pipe is slang for an artery.
RED RAG Red rag is slang for the tongue. Red rag is nautical slang for the red ensign.
RED RAW Red raw is bingo slang for the number sixty−four.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RED RUM Red rum is London Cockney rhyming slang for quiet, timid (dumb).
RED SAILS IN THE SUNSET Red sails in the sunset is slang for menstruation.
RED SEA PEDESTRIAN Red Sea pedestrian is slang for a Jew.
RED TAPER Red taper is British slang for a bureaucrat.
RED, WHITE AND BLUE Red. White and blue is London Cockney rhyming slang for flu. Red. White and blue is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoe.
RED−EYE Red−eye is American slang for a coarse and fiery whisky. Red−eye is American slang for tomato ketchup.
RED−HOT Red−hot is Australian slang for extreme, unreasonable, or unfair.
RED−HOT POKER Red−hot poker is American slang for a frankfurter or hot dog.
RED−INKER Red−inker is British slang for a recorded arrest.
REDBREAST Redbreast is slang for an officer or soldier wearing a red jacket or waistcoat.
REDDICK reddick is Dorset slang for a robin.
REDDOCK Reddock is Dorset slang for a robin.
REDEYE Redeye is American slang for inferior whiskey. Redeye is slang for an aeroplane flight leaving late at night or arriving early in the morning. Redeye is Canadian slang for a drink incorporating beer and tomato juice.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
REDLINING Redlining is American slang for an illegal lending policy that does not allow loans for property in certain areas. It is used to control the racial composition of neighbourhoods in the USA.
REDNECK Redneck is American slang for a rustic bigot.
REDS Reds is slang for menstruation. Reds is slang for secobarbital.
REDSHANK Redshank is slang for a duck.
REDSHIRT Redshirt is American slang for keeping a player from competing in a season so as to take advantage of their being able to compete in the following season. Redshirt is American slang for delaying a child's entry into nursery so that they have more time for physical and emotional development before entering school.
REEB Reeb is British slang for beer.
REEF Reef is criminal slang for picking a pocket; steal; obtain dishonestly. Reef is slang for a hand−rolled cannabis cigarette.
REEFER Reefer is slang for a hand−rolled cannabis cigarette. Reefer is criminal slang for a pickpocket.
REEK Reek is slang for stink.
REEKER Reeker is American medical slang for a smelly patient.
REELINGS AND ROCKINGS Reelings and rockings is London Cockney rhyming slang for stockings.
REELS OF COTTON Reels of cotton is London Cockney rhyming slang for rotten.
REEN Reen is British slang for a girlfriend.
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REEPO Reepo is American slang for a repossesser of cars on which credit payments have lapsed.
REF Ref is slang for referee.
REFFO Reffo was Australian slang for a European refugee after the Second World War.
REFILL Refill is British slang for a convict serving a life sentence.
REGAL Regal is British slang for lager.
REGGIE AND RONNIE Reggie and Ronnie is London Cockney rhyming slang for a condom (Johnny).
REGGIES Reggies is British slang for aircraft spotters.
REGIMENTAL Regimental is military slang for maintaining or observing strict discipline.
REGINALD DENNY Reginald Denny was mid−20th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a penny.
REGO Rego is Australian slang for the registration of a motor vehicle.
REGULAR GUY Regular guy is American slang for a likeable, unpretentious person.
REGULARS Regulars is criminal slang for profits.
REGURGITATE Regurgitate is American slang for to vomit
REJECT Reject is British slang for useless, substandard, worthless.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RELAXERS Relaxers is slang for valium.
RELEASE A CHOCOLATE HOSTAGE Release a chocolate hostage is slang for to defecate.
RELLO Rello is Australian slang for a relative.
REMUSTER Remuster is military slang for be assigned to other duties. Remuster is military slang for assemble again.
RENE Rene is British slang for a young, female, working−class Londoner. Rene is British slang for a girlfriend.
RENT BOY Rent boy is slang for a male prostitute.
RENT PARTY Rent party is Black−American slang for a party given in ones home to make money to pay the rent.
RENTACOP Rentacop is slang for a security guard.
RENTER Renter is slang for a male prostitute.
RENTS Rents is American slang for parents.
REP Rep is school slang for repetition.
REPO MAN Repo man is American slang for a repossesser of cars on which credit payments have lapsed.
REPPLE DEPPLE Repple depple is American military slang for a replacement depot where soldiers stationed overseas gather before going home.
REPTILE Reptile is British slang for a despicable person. 864
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REPTILES Reptiles is slang for footwear made from dead reptile skin, such as snakeskin or crocodile−skin.
RESPECT Respect is a Jamaican slang term of respect and approval.
RESULT Result is British slang for a favourable outcome.
RETARD Retard is derogatory British slang for a stupid person. Retard is American slang for a person with learning difficulties (mentally handicapped).
RETCH Retch is American slang for to vomit
RETIREMENT AGE Retirement age is bingo slang for 65.
RETREAD Retread is slang for a retired soldier recalled for temporary service. Retread is American slang for providing a retired person with new training for new employment.
RETTES Rettes is American slang for cigarettes.
REUBEN Reuben (from Reuben Sandwich) is American slang for a large sandwich served hot, made of rye bread and containing meat, cheese and sauerkraut.
REVENUER Revenuer is American slang for a revenue officer or cutter.
REVEREND RONALD KNOX Reverend Ronald Knox is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
REVERSE DIARRHOEA Reverse diarrhoea is American slang for to vomit.
REVERSE DRINK Reverse drink is American slang for to vomit.
REVERSE GEARS Reverse gears is American slang for to vomit. 865
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REVERSE GUT Reverse gut is American slang for to vomit.
REVERSE PERISTALSIS Reverse peristalsis is American slang for to vomit.
REVERSE WINSTON Reverse Winston is British slang for a V sign.
REVIVER Reviver is British slang for the first drink of the day.
REVUSICAL Revusical is American slang for a light theatrical entertainment combining elements of a revue and a musical.
REVVED UP Revved up is British slang for excited.
REYNOLDS Reynolds is slang for valium.
RHINO Rhino is British slang for money.
RHINOCERAL Rhinoceral is slang for rich.
RHINOCERICAL Rhinocerical is slang for rich.
RHUBARB Rhubarb is slang for nonsense or worthless stuff. Rhubarb is British slang for meaningless babble, empty talk. Rhubarb is London Cockney rhyming slang for a loan (sub). Rhubarb is military slang for low−level flying for opportune strafing. Rhubarb is American and Canadian slang for a heated discussion or quarrel.
RHUBARB PILL Rhubarb pill is London Cockney rhyming slang for hill. Rhubarb pill is London Cockney rhyming slang for bill, invoice.
RHUBARBS Rhubarbs is London Cockney rhyming slang for subscriptions (subs).
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RHYME Rhyme is Jamaican slang for to joke, to tell a funny story.
RHYME UP Rhyme up is Black American slang for improvise. The term is generally used in blues music composition.
RHYMER Rhymer is Jamaican slang for a comedian. Someone who tells jokes.
RHYTHM AND BLUES Rhythm and blues is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoes.
RIAH Riah is British and Polari slang for hair.
RIB Rib is slang for to tease, make fun of. Rib is old slang for a wife or woman. Rib is old American slang for to discredit or intimidate someone.
RIBAND Riband is old slang for a ribbon.
RIBBER Ribber is old slang for a blow to the ribs.
RIBBON Ribbon was 17th century slang for a bell−pull. Ribbon is old slang for gin or other spirits.
RIBBON AND CURL Ribbon and curl is London Cockney rhyming slang for girl.
RIBBONS Ribbons is slang for reins.
RIBBY Ribby is slang for dirty, shabby or seedy; run−down, unpleasant.
RIBROAST Ribroast is slang for to beat soundly.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RICE DON'T COOK IN THE SAME POT Rice don't cook in the same pot is Jamaican slang for we are too different to get along. I'm better than you.
RICE−BURNER Rice−burner is American slang for a Japanese motorcycle.
RICHARD Richard is slang for a detective. Richard is British slang for the penis.
RICHARD AND JUDY Richard and Judy is London Cockney rhyming slang for moody.
RICHARD BRIARS Richard Briars is London Cockney rhyming slang for pliers.
RICHARD BURTON Richard Burton is London Cockney rhyming slang for curtain.
RICHARD GERE Richard Gere is London Cockney rhyming slang for homosexual (queer).
RICHARD THE THIRD Richard the Third is London Cockney rhyming slang for a woman (bird) Richard the Third is London Cockney rhyming slang for excrement (turd). Richard the Third is London Cockney rhyming slang for word.
RICHARD TODD Richard Todd is London Cockney rhyming slang for cod.
RICHIE Richie is British slang for the penis. Richie or richy is derogatory American slang for wealthy young person.
RICHY See "Richie"
RICK Rick is slang for rickshaw. Rick is slang for fictious or spurious. Rick is slang for an error. Rick is British slang for a member of a phoney three−card trick team who is seen to 'win', thereby encouraging others to bet.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RICKET Ricket is slang for a blunder or mistake.
RICKY−TICK Ricky−tick is American slang for an even, repetitive or monotonous rhythm. The term is also used to describe trite, old−fashioned and unsophisticated music.
RIDDLE Riddle is Dorset slang for a coarse sieve.
RIDDLE−ME−REE Riddle−me−Ree is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (pee).
RIDE Ride is slang for sexual intercourse. Ride is slang for to transfer from a local gaol to prison. Ride is American slang for a mode of transportation; car. To go, usually by car. Ride is jazz slang for an easy flowing or swinging rhythm. Ride was Scottish slang in the late 17th century for a particular gold coin issued by James VI.
RIDE SOMEONE'S ASS Ride someone's ass is American slang for to nag, to harass.
RIDE THE DOLPHIN Ride the dolphin is slang for masturbate.
RIDE THE GUN Ride the gun is American slang for to ride in the front passenger seat of a car.
RIDE THE PORCELAIN BUS Ride the porcelain bus is American slang for to suffer from diarrhoea.
RIDE THE PORCELAIN HONDA Ride the porcelain Honda is American slang for to suffer from diarrhoea.
RIDE THE REGURGITRON Ride the regurgitron is American slang for to vomit
RIDEMAN Rideman is American slang for the operator of an amusement park ride. Rideman is jazz slang for a musician playing in an easily flowing or swinging rhythm.
RIDEOUT Rideout is jazz slang for a final chorus.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RIDGE Ridge is slang for gold or a gold coin. Ridge is Australian slang for good, alright, genuine.
RIDGE RUNNER Ridge runner is American slang for a southern mountain farmer.
RIDGY−DIDGE Ridgy−didge is Australian slang for good, alright, genuine.
RIDING THE SQUIRREL TRAIN Riding the squirrel train is American medical slang for a patient who has awakened in a confused state and is trying to get out of bed, pulling at his tubes, etc.
RIFF Riff is slang for a short, repeated sequence of musical notes, usually played on a guitar.
RIFF−RAFF Riff−Raff is London Cockney rhyming slang for a café (caff). Riff−Raff is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Welsh person (taff)
RIFFLE Riffle is British slang for to manipulate the male sex organs so as to arouse them to a state of erection.
RIFLE Rifle is British slang for the penis.
RIFLE RANGE Rifle range is London Cockney rhyming slang for change (money).
RIG Rig is slang for the penis. Rig is slang for a transceiver. Rig is American slang for a large van or bus. Rig is drug slang for the equipment needed to inject.
RIGHT Right is criminal slang for reliable, trustworthy, friendly or sympathetic towards criminals.
RIGHT BACK Right back is British slang for the number two in a deck of playing cards.
RIGHT HALF Right half is British slang for a number four in a deck of playing cards.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RIGHT ON Right on is American slang expression of an enthusiastic agreement or approval.
RIGHT−ON Right−on is American slang for greatly approved of, up to date, or relevant.
RIGHTEOUS Righteous is American slang for excellent; of good quality; of the preferred type.
RIGID Rigid is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
RIM Rim is slang for to lick, kiss, or suck the anus of one's sexual partner. Rim is slang for to sodomise. Rim is American slang for the edge of the semi−circular desk around which newspaper sub−editors work. Rim is American slang for cheat or swindle.
RIN−TIN−TINS Rin−Tin−Tins is London Cockney rhyming slang for legs (pins).
RIND Rind is slang for impudence, effrontery. Rind is Black−American slang for ones skin.
RING Ring is slang for the anus. Ring is slang for change or substitute. The term is frequently applied to fraudulently changing the identity of something (usually a motor car). Ring was old slang for money obtained by begging or extortion.
RING IN Ring in is Australian and New Zealand slang for fraudulently substituting something.
RING MASTER Ring master is British slang for a male homosexual.
RING SNATCHER Ring snatcher is British slang for someone who prefers anal intercourse.
RING SOMEONE'S BELL Ring someone's bell is slang for to bring someone to sexual climax. Ring someone's bell is slang for to make someone aware of you.
RING THE SHED Ring the shed is Australian slang for beating all the other shearers in a shed at sheep−shearing. 871
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RING−PIECE Ring−piece is slang for the anus.
RINGBURNER Ringburner is British slang for a hot curry.
RINGER Ringer is slang for a person or thing that is almost identical to another. Ringer is slang for a false number plate on a stolen motor vehicle. Ringer is slang for an unregistered player in a team who plays under the name of a legitimate team member. Ringer is slang for a second−hand car made to appear younger than it is. Ringer is slang for a stolen car whose appearance and number plates have been changed. Ringer is Australian slang for an expert.
RINGO STARR Ringo Starr was 1960's British rhyming slang for a car.
RINGTAIL Ringtail is American slang for a worthless or irritable person; a hobo.
RINKY−DINK Rinky−dink is British slang for cute, neat, smart. Rinky−dink is London Cockney rhyming slang for pink. Rinky−dink is American slang for something shoddy, worn out, antiquated or worthless.
RINKY−TINK Rinky−tink is American jazz slang for a piano on which simple repetitive tunes are played.
RIO Rio is slang for a thousand.
RIO GRANDE Rio Grande is slang for a thousand.
RIOT Riot is slang for a person who occasions boisterous merriment.
RIP Rip is slang for a mean, worthless thing or person, such as a scamp, a debauchee, a prostitute, or a worn−out horse. Rip is American slang for a fine imposed on a policeman for for an infraction of regulations. Rip is slang for steal. Rip is Australian slang for to annoy intensely.
RIP AND TEAR Rip and tear is London Cockney rhyming slang for swear.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RIP OFF Rip off is slang for to steal from or cheat someone. Rip off is slang for an article or articles stolen. Rip off is slang for a grossly overpriced article.
RIP THE PISS Rip the piss is Glaswegian slang for to tease, to laugh at someone.
RIP VAN WINKLE Rip Van Winkle is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (tinkle).
RIP−OFF Rip−off is British slang for a fraud, overpriced goods.
RIP−OFF ARTIST Rip−Off artist is slang for a fraudster, a thief.
RIP−RAP Rip−Rap is London Cockney rhyming slang for to borrow (tap).
RIPE Ripe is slang for fine, excellent. Ripe is slang for complete; thorough. Ripe is slang for excessive; exorbitant. Ripe is slang for slightly indecent; risque. Ripe is British slang for smelly, pungent.
RIPPED Ripped is slang for under the influence of marijuana. Ripped is American slang for killed.
RIPPER Ripper is slang for huge, extreme, startling, etc. Ripper is Australian slang for something of particular excellence, especially an attractive woman.
RIPPING Ripping is British slang for excellent; splendid.
RIPPY Rippy is British slang for excellent, thrilling.
RIPSNORTER Ripsnorter is slang for a person or thing noted for intensity or excellence.
RIPSTITCH Ripstitch is British slang for an unruly, wild, reckless person. 873
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RISE Rise is slang for an erection of the penis.
RISE AND SHINE Rise and shine is London Cockney rhyming slang for wine.
RISING DAMP Rising damp is London Cockney rhyming slang for cramp.
RIT Rit is slang for the drug Ritalin.
RITZY Ritzy is slang for luxurious or elegant.
RIVER LEA River Lea is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
RIVER NILE River Nile is London Cockney rhyming slang for smile.
RIVER OUSE River Ouse is London Cockney rhyming slang for booze.
RIVER TYNE River Tyne is London Cockney rhyming slang for wine.
RIVERINA Riverina is London Cockney rhyming slang for five pence (deana). Riverina was London Cockney rhyming slang for a shilling (deana).
RIVETS Rivets is slang for coins (money).
RIZZER Rizzer is British slang for candidate with risible chances.
RMPTITUM Rumptitum is British slang for the backside.
ROACH Roach is slang for the butt of a cannabis cigarette. Roach is American slang for policeman. Roach is American slang for despicable person, especially an immoral or unattractive woman. 874
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ROACH AND DACE Roach and Dace is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
ROACHA Roacha is slang for cannabis.
ROAD APPLES Road apples is American slang for horse droppings.
ROAD BREW Road brew is American slang for beer.
ROAD KID Road kid is slang for a young tramp.
ROAD PIZZA Road pizza is British and American slang for an animal run over and flattened.
ROAD SAUCE Road sauce is American slang for beer.
ROAD'S UP Road's up is British slang for when a woman is menstruating.
ROADIE Roadie is slang for a rock group's assistant. Roadie is American slang for beer.
ROADSTER Roadster is British slang for a hunter who keeps to the roads instead of following the hounds across country.
ROAR UP Roar up is Australian slang for abuse or reprimand.
ROARER Roarer is British slang for a flagrant male homosexual. Roarer is American slang for an extremely good thing.
ROARING Roaring is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
ROARY Roary is British slang for a domestic fire. 875
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ROAST Roast is British soccer slang for to pass another player, avoiding a tackle, with ease.
ROAST BEEF Roast beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth.
ROAST JOINT Roast joint is London Cockney rhyming slang for pint.
ROAST PORK Roast pork is London Cockney rhyming slang for fork. Roast pork is London Cockney rhyming slang for talk.
ROAST POTATO Roast potato is London Cockney rhyming slang for waiter.
ROASTED DUCK Roasted duck was 1930's London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (fuck).
ROB Rob is slang for steal.
ROB ROY Rob Roy was late 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a boy.
ROBE Robe is Australian slang for a wardrobe.
ROBERT E LEE Robert E Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for a key. Robert E Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for knee. Robert E Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (pee). Robert E Lee was London Cockney rhyming slang for a quay.
ROBERTA FLACK Roberta Flack is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bed (sack). Robert Flack is London Cockney rhyming slang for dismissal (sack).
ROBERTSON HARE Robertson Hare was London Cockney rhyming slang for a pear.
ROBIN COOKS Robin Cooks is London Cockney rhyming slang for attractive (looks).
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ROBIN HOOD Robin Hood is London Cockney rhyming slang for good, well−behaved. Robin Hood is London Cockney rhyming slang for wood. Robin Hood was London Cockney rhyming slang for a Woodbine cigarette (wood).
ROBIN HOODS Robin Hoods is London Cockney rhyming slang for goods. Robin Hoods is London Cockney rhyming slang for woods. Robin Hoods was London Cockney rhyming slang for Woodbine cigarettes (woods).
ROBIN REDBREAST Robin redbreast was old slang for a Bow Street runner (an early London policeman).
ROBINSON AND CLEAVER Robinson and Cleaver was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a fever.
ROBINSON CRUSOE Robinson Crusoe is London Cockney rhyming slang for do so.
ROBITAL Robital is slang for valium.
ROBY DOUGLAS Roby Douglas is British slang for the anus.
ROCHAS DOS Rochas Dos is slang for valium.
ROCHE Roche is slang for valium.
ROCK Rock is slang for a jewel, especially a diamond. Rock is American slang for a coin, usually a dollar. Rock is slang for a small piece of crack or crystallized cocaine. Rock is American slang for throw stones at.
ROCK 'N' ROLL Rock 'n' roll is British slang for Moroccan hashish. Rock 'n' roll is British slang for unemployment benefit (dole). Rock 'n' roll is London Cockney rhyming slang for hole.
ROCK AND BOULDER Rock and boulder is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoulder.
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ROCK CANDY Rock candy is Black−American slang for diamonds
ROCK CHOPPER Rock chopper is Australian slang for a Roman Catholic.
ROCK HOUSE Rock house is American slang for a premises where crack cocaine is processed or sold.
ROCK JOCK Rock jock is slang for a mountain climber.
ROCK OF AGES Rock of Ages is Cockney rhyming slang for wages.
ROCK PILE Rock Pile is American slang for prison.
ROCK SCORPION Rock scorpion is military slang for a civilian resident of Gibraltar.
ROCK−HEAD Rock−head is American slang for a stupid person.
ROCK−HOG Rock−hog is slang for a labourer engaged in tunneling through rock.
ROCKER Rocker is British slang for a member of a youth cult of the early 1960s characterised by the wearing of a leather jacket, enthusiasm for motorcycles and 1950s rock and roll music.
ROCKET Rocket is British slang for a reprimand. Rocket is British slang for the penis.
ROCKET FUEL Rocket fuel is slang for strong drink, particularly mixed spirits. Rocket Fuel is slang for phencyclidine.
ROCKET ROOM Rocket room is medical slang for a nursing unit room where a high number of deaths occur.
ROCKET SOCKET Rocket socket is British slang for the vagina. 878
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ROCKET−ON Rocket−on is slang for an erect penis.
ROCKETS Rockets is slang for breasts.
ROCKFIST Rockfist is British slang for a miser.
ROCKFORD FILES Rockford File is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
ROCKING HORSE Rocking horse is London Cockney rhyming slang for sauce.
ROCKING HORSE MANURE Rocking horse manure is British slang for something very rare, non−existant.
ROCKING HORSE SHIT Rocking horse shit is British slang for something very rare, non−existant.
ROCKS Rocks is slang for the testicles. Rocks is American slang for money. Rocks is American slang for ice cubes.
ROCKWASH Rockwash is British slang for crack cocaine.
ROCKY Rocky is british slang for Moroccan hashish. Rocky is nautical slang for a member of the Royal Naval Reserve.
ROD Rod is slang for the penis. Rod is American slang for a pistol.
ROD LAVER Rod Laver is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bet made to safeguard another (saver).
ROD UP Rod up is American slang for arm oneself with a gun or guns.
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ROD−WALLOPER Rod−walloper is slang for a male masturbator.
RODDED UP Rodded up is American slang for armed with a gun or guns.
RODDER Rodder is American slang for a person who converts cars into hot rods.
RODMAN Rodman is slang for a gunman.
RODNEY Rodney is British slang for an upper−class male idiot.
RODS Rods is British slang for the store Harrods.
ROE Roe is British slang for semen.
ROGAN JOSH Rogan josh is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (dosh).
ROGER Roger is British slang for sexual intercourse. Roger was 16th century slang for a begging vagrant pretending to be a poor Oxford or Cambridge scholar. Roger is old slang for a goose. Roger is old slang for a man. Roger is a slang acknowledgement of assent or agreement.
ROGER HUNT Roger Hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for cunt.
ROGER MOORE Roger Moore is London Cockney rhyming slang for snore.
ROGERING IRON Rogering iron is British slang for the penis.
ROGUE AND VILLAIN Rogue and villain was Cockney rhyming slang for shilling.
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ROLAND RAT Roland Rat is London Cockney rhyming slang for an idot (prat).
ROLAND YOUNG Roland Young is London Cockney rhyming slang for the tongue.
ROLL Roll is slang for to have sex. Roll is slang for rob, especially applied where the victim is asleep or drunk or drugged. Roll is Black−American slang for a wad of paper money;
ROLL A DRUM Roll a drum is British slang for a police search.
ROLL ME IN THE DIRT Roll me in the dirt was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a shirt.
ROLL ME IN THE GUTTER Roll me in the gutter was Great War London Cockney rhyming slang for butter.
ROLL−UP Roll−up is slang for to make a cigarette by hand; a hand−made cigarette. Roll−up is Australian slang for an assembly or meeting.
ROLLER Roller is slang for a thief who robs people who are asleep, drunk or drugged. Roller is slang for tenacious nasal debris. Roller is British slang for a Rolls−Royce car. Roller is American slang for a policeman.
ROLLICK Rollick is slang for to chastise.
ROLLICKING Rollicking is slang for a reprimand, a telling off.
ROLLING Rolling is slang for very wealthy. Rolling is slang for swaying or staggering. Rolling is British slang for wealthy. Rolling is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
ROLLING BILLOW Rolling billow is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillow.
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ROLLING STONE Rolling stone is London Cockney rhyming slang for bone.
ROLLMOPS Rollmops is London Cockney rhyming slang for the police (cops).
ROLLOCK Rollock is British slang for a reprimand.
ROLLOCKS Rollocks is slang for the testicles.
ROLLS ROYCE Rolls Royce is London Cockney rhyming slang for voice.
ROLLY Rolly is British slang for phlegm which is spat.
ROM−GEM Rom−gem was old slang for a diamond ring.
ROMAN CANDLE Roman candle is British slang for a parachute jump in which the parachute fails to open. Roman Candle is British slang for a Roman Catholic. Roman Candle is London Cockney rhyming slang for sandal.
ROMAN COLLAR Roman collar is British slang for an excessive head on a pint of Guiness.
ROMANTIC BALLAD Romantic ballad is London Cockney rhyming slang for salad.
ROMPUMS Rompums is slang for marijuana mixed with horse tranquilizers.
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Ronan Keating is London Cockney rhyming slang for a meeting.
RONK Ronk is northern British slang for to stink. Ronk is northern British slang for a foul smell.
RONNIE BARKER Ronnie Barker is London Cockney rhyming slang for a marker pen.
RONNIE BIGGS Ronnie Biggs is London Cockney rhyming slang for lodgings (digs). Ronnie Biggs is British slang for abscond.
RONSON Ronson was 1950's British slang for a pimp. Ronson was British Second World War slang for the early model Sherman tank.
RONSON LIGHTER Ronson lighter is British slang for the anus (shiter).
ROO Roo is slang for kangaroo.
ROOF Roof is slang for a hat. Roof is British slang for the head.
ROOFERS Roofers is slang for valium.
ROOFIES Roofies is slang for valium.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ROOFS Roofs is slang for valium.
ROOINEK Rooinek is South African slang for a British or English speaking South African.
ROOK Rook is slang for a swindler or cheat, especially one who cheats at cards. Rook is slang for to overcharge, swindle, or cheat. Rook is slang for a crowbar.
ROOKERY Rookery is slang for a row or disturbance.
ROOKERY NOOK Rookery nook is London Cockney rhyming slang for a book.
ROOKIE Rookie (rooky) is slang for a new recruit or novice in a profession.
ROOSTER Rooster is slang for a male homosexual, particularly a predatory prison inmate homosexual. Rooster is British slang for a man. Rooster is American slang for an informer. Rooster is American slang for a conceited or lascivious person.
ROOT Root is slang for cannabis. Root is slang for the penis. Root is slang for a forecful kick. Root is Australian and New Zealand slang for sexual intercourse. Root is Australian slang for a female sexual partner.
ROOT FOR Root for is British slang for to support, to cheer for, to encourage.
ROOT−FACED Root−faced is Asutralian slang for looking morose.
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Rooted is Australian slang for tired , defeated, broken, destroyed.
ROOTIN' TOOTIN' Rootin' tootin' is American slang for lively, noisy, boisterous, rip−roaring.
ROOTS Roots is Jamaican slang for authentic, culturally and ethnically sound.
ROOTY Rooty is military slang for bread.
ROOTY−TOOT Rooty−toot is slang for something noisy and lively, especially an early form of jazz.
ROPE Rope is slang for valium. Rope is slang for marijuana. Rope is slang for tobacco. Rope is slang for deliberately losing a race by holding back. Rope is British slang for a large penis. Rope is American slang for to entice; to inveigle; to decoy. Rope is American slang for a cigar.
ROPE−A−DOPE Rope−a−dope is boxing slang for a tactic whereby a boxer rests against the ropes shielding himself with his arms and goading his opponent to throw tiring and ineffective punches at him.
ROPE−YARN Rope−yarn is nautical slang for a day or half−day designated a holiday.
ROPEABLE Ropeable is Australian and New Zealand slang for a horse that is wild and intractable. Ropeable is Australian and New Zealand slang for angry.
ROPER Roper is old slang for someone fit to be hanged.
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ROPEY Ropey is slang for suspicious or of poor quality.
ROPHIES Rophies is slang for valium.
ROPHYNOL Rophynol is slang for valium.
ROPLES Roples is slang for valium.
RORT Rort is Australian slang for a swindle or small time confidence−trick. Rort is Australian slang for a wild party. Rort is slang for shout or complain loudly.
RORTER Rorter is Australian slang for a swindler, a confidence trickster, a cheat.
RORTY Rorty is slang for boisterous, rowdy, lively. Rorty is slang for coarse, earthy.
RORY Rory is British slang for the floor. Rory is British slang for a door. Rory is British slang for very poor.
RORY O'MORE Rory O'More is London Cockney rhyming slang for floor. Rory O'More is London Cockney rhyming slang for door. Rory O'More is London Cockney rhyming slang for poor. Rory O'More is London Cockney rhyming slang for whorer.
ROSCOE Roscoe is American slang for a pistol or revolver.
ROSE Rose is British slang for a virginal vagina.
ROSEANNE BARR Roseanne Barr is London Cockney rhyming slang for bra.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Rosebud is London Cockney rhyming slang for potato (spud). Rosebud is London Cockney rhyming slang for a hole in the heel of a sock (spud).
ROSES RED Roses red is London Cockney rhyming slang for bed.
ROSEY Rosey is slang for tea.
ROSIE Rosie is British slang for tea.
ROSIE LEE Rosie Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
ROSIE LOADER Rosie Loader is London Cockney rhyming slang for soda.
ROSIE O'GRADY Rosie O'Grady is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lady.
ROSIN Rosin is slang for an alcoholic drink.
ROSIN−BACK Rosin−back is slang for a horse used by a bareback rider or acrobat.
ROSINER Rosiner is Australian slang for a strong alcoholic drink.
ROSY Rosy (shortened from Rosy Lee) is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea. Rosy is slang fro drunk; tipsy.
ROT Rot is slang for nonsense. Rot is Dorset slang for a rat. Rot was Victorian slang for ridicule.
ROT−GUT Rotgut is slang for a bad spirituous liquor, especially when adulterated so as to be very deleterious.
ROTPOT Rotpot is British slang for a rascal.
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ROTTEN Rotten is slang for extremely. Rotten is British and Australian slang for intoxicated; drunk.
ROTTEN ROW Rotten row is London Cockney rhyming slang for bow. Rotten row is London Cockney rhyming slang for blow.
ROTTER Rotter is British slang for a worthless, unpleasant, or despicable person
ROTTLETRAPS Rottletraps is Dorset slang for household goods.
ROTWELSCH Rotwelsch is a form of slang spoken by criminals in Germany and Austria.
ROUF Rouf is criminal slang for four. Rous is betting slang for odds of 4/1.
ROUGH AS BAGS Rough as bags is Australian and New Zealand slang for coarse, uncouth.
ROUGH AS GUTS Rough as guts is Australian and New Zealand slang for coarse, uncouth.
ROUGH AS SACKS Rough as sacks is Australian and New Zealand slang for coarse, uncouth.
ROUGH HOUSE Rough House is slang for rough, disorderly, or noisy behaviour.
ROUGH MUSIC Rough music was old slang for a noisy uproar intended to display public outrage or discontent at the behaviour of other people.
ROUGH SCUFF Rough scuff is American slang for a rough or disreputable person.
ROUGH SPIN Rough spin is Australian slang for bad luck.
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ROUGH TRADE Rough Trade is British slang for a prostitute's violent or sadistic customer. Rough trade is homosexual slang for a tough or violent sexual partner, especially a lorry driver, construction worker, or docker, casually picked up.
ROUGH−AND−TUMBLE Rough−and−tumble was originaly boxing slang for a haphazard or random instance of fighting.
ROUGH−IT Rough−it is slang for to live without all the usual pleasures and amenities.
ROUGH−UP Rough−up is slang for an informal trial or contest. Rough−up is slang for a fight or brawl.
ROUGHIE Roughie is Australian slang for something unfair, especially a trick. Roughie is Australian hores racing slang for an outsider that wins.
ROUGHNECK Roughneck is slang for a rough or violent person; thug. Roughneck is slang for a worker in an oil−drilling operation.
ROUND HEELS Round heels is American slang for sexually promiscuous.
ROUND OF APPLAUSE Round of applause is British slang for venereal disease.
ROUND ON Round on is slang for inform on.
ROUND THE BEND Round the bend is British slang for insane, crazy, eccentric.
ROUND THE HOUSES Round the houses is slang for all over the body. Round the houses is British slang for a long and futile mission. Round the houses is London Cockney rhyming slang for trousers.
ROUND THE TWIST Round the twist is British slang for insane, crazy, eccentric.
ROUND THE WORLD Round the world is British prostitute slang for oral stimulation of the whole body.
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ROUND TRIP MEAL TICKET Round trip meal ticket is American slang for to vomit
ROUNDER Rounder is American slang for an habitual criminal or drunkard. Rounder is American slang for a transient railway worker.
ROUNDEYE Roundeye is slang for a white person. Roundeye is British and American slang for the anus.
ROUNDHEAD Roundhead is British slang for a circumcised male. Roundhead is derogatory American slang for an immigrant from northern Europe, particularly a Swede.
ROUNDHOUSE Roundhouse is boxing slang for a swinging punch or style of punching.
ROUST Roust is American slang for harassement or beating up, particulary by the police during a police raid.
ROW Row is slang for attack or assail.
ROW IN Row in is slang for conspire with.
ROW OUT Row out is British slang for exclude someone.
ROW−SHAY Row−shay is slang for valium.
ROWDY−DOW Rowdy−dow is slang for boisterous noise or uproar.
ROWDY−DOWDY Rowdy−dowdy is slang for characterised by boisterous noise.
ROWTON HOUSES Rowton houses is London Cockney rhyming slang for trousers.
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ROY Roy is Australian slang for a trendy Australian male.
ROY CASTLE Roy Castle is London Cockney rhyming slang for arsehole.
ROY HUDD Roy Hudd is London Cockney rhyming slang for potato (spud). Roy Hudd is London Cockney rhyming slang for blood.
ROY ROGERS Roy Rogers is London Cockney rhyming slang for inderior tradesmen (bodgers).
ROYAL Royal is slang for a member of a royal family. Royal is Jamaican slang for a non−West Indian black person. Royal is west Indian slang for a mixed Black−Chinese person. Royal is Black−American slang for a West Indian. Royal is Trinidadian slang for the buttocks. Royal is American slang for very.
ROYAL ALBERTS Royal Alberts is Australian slang for strips of cloth used as sock replacements. Royal Alberts is Australian slang for rough lace−up boots.
ROYAL BLUES Royal Blues is slang for LSD.
ROYAL BOB Royal Bob is slang for gin.
ROYAL BOOZER Royal boozer is slang for a heavy drinker.
ROYAL DOCKS Royal docks is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
ROYAL FUCKING Royal fucking is American slang for harsh, or very bad treatment.
ROYAL MAIL Royal mail is London Cockney rhyming slang for bail.
ROYAL NAVY Royal navy is London Cockney rhyming slang for gravy.
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ROYAL POVERTY Royal poverty is slang for gin.
ROYAL REPOSE Royal repose is slang for the Queen's Bench prison.
ROYAL SALUTE Royal salute is bingo slang for the number 21.
ROYALIE Royalie is Australian slang for an effeminate young man, a male homosexual.
ROZZER Rozzer is slang for a policeman/woman.
RUB Rub is slang for to masturbate. Rub is nautical slang for a loan.
RUB DOWN Rub down is British criminal slang for a police search.
RUB OFF Rub off is slang for female masturbation.
RUB OUT Rub out is slang for to murder. Ruck Ruck is prison slang for a fight.
RUB UP Rub up is slang for masturbate.
RUB−A−DUB−DUB Rub−a−Dub−Dub is London Cockney rhyming slang for pub. Rub−a−Dub−Dub is London Cockney rhyming slang for club. Rub−a−Dub−Dub is London Cockney rhyming slang for a loan or advance of money (sub).
RUB−OFF Rub−off is slang for masturbate.
RUBBEDY Rubbedy is Australian slang for a pub.
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RUBBER Rubber is slang for a condom. Rubber is slang for a car tyre.
RUBBER AROUND Rubber around is American slang for turn the head to look at something.
RUBBER BOOT Rubber boot is British slang for a condom.
RUBBER CHEQUE Rubber cheque is slang for a cheque that bounces.
RUBBER DUCK Rubber duck is British slang for fuck.
RUBBER GLOVE Rubber glove is British slang for love.
RUBBER JOHNNY Rubber Johnny is British slang for a condom.
RUBBER−CHICKEN CIRCUIT Rubber−chicken circuit is American slang for an after−dinner speaking circuit.
RUBBER−HEEL Rubber−heel is slang for someone who investigates members of his own organisation.
RUBBERNECK Rubberneck is slang for to stare inquisitively.
RUBBISH Rubbish is slang for to deride, condemn, Rubbish is Australian and New Zealand slang for disparage; criticise severely.
RUBBISHING Rubbishing is slang for a through denigration.
RUBBITY Rubbity is Australian slang for a pub.
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Rubblehead is American slang for an idiot.
RUBBY Rubby is Canadian slang for rubbing alcohol, especially when mixed with cheap wine for drinking.
RUBE Rube is derogatory American and Canadian slang for an unsophisticated countryman.
RUBIES Rubies is Black−American slang for ones lips
RUBIK'S CUBES Rubik's cubes is London Cockney rhyming slang for pubic hair (pubes).
RUBY Ruby is slang for blood. Ruby is British slang for curry.
RUBY MURRAY Ruby Murray is British rhyming slang for curry.
RUBY RED Ruby red is London Cockney rhyming slang for head.
RUBY ROSE Ruby rose is London Cockney rhyming slang for nose.
RUBY−DAZZLER Ruby−dazzler is Australian and New Zealand slang for something of exceptional quality.
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RUCK Ruck is slang for inform; give information about a crime or criminal. Ruck is slang for rebuke, reprimand. Ruck is British slang for a brawl.
RUCK AND ROW Ruck and row is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unpleasant woman (cow).
RUCK ON Ruck on is slang for reject or disown a person.
RUCKING Rucking is British slang for a brawl.
RUCTIONS Ructions is British slang for serious consequences. Ructions is Dorset slang for trouble, rioting.
RUDDOCK Ruddock is slang for gold, a gold coin or money.
RUDDY Ruddy is a British slang expression of annoyance, a euphemism for bloody.
RUDDY−HELL Ruddy−hell is slang for an expression of surprise or frustration.
RUDE BITS Rude bits is British slang for breasts and genitals.
RUDE BOY Rude boy is Jamaican slang for a male gang member, a street−wise young man.
RUDIE Rudie is slang for sex. Rudie is Jamaican slang for a rude boy.
RUDOLPH Rudolph is British slang for a red nose.
RUDOLPH HESS Rudolph Hess is London Cockney rhyming slang for a mess.
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RUFF Ruff is Black−American slang for a quarter.
RUFFIES Ruffies is slang for valium.
RUFFLE Ruffle is slang for valium.
RUFFLES Ruffles is slang for handcuffs.
RUG Rug is slang for a wig. Rug is gambling slang for safe, secure.
RUG RAT Rug rat is slang for a child.
RUGCUTTER Rugcutter is Black−American slang for one who dances a lot.
RUGGER BALL Rugger ball is British slang for nothing.
RUGGER BUGGER Rugger bugger is British slang for a sportsman.
RUIN Ruin is slang for gin, especially poor quality gin.
RUIN AND SPOIL Ruin and spoil is London Cockney rhyming slang for oil.
RUINED Ruined is British slang for intoxicated, drunk.
RUM Rum is old slang for good, fine, excellent. Rum is British slang for strange, odd, peculiar. Rum was 18th century slang for a poor country clergyman in Ireland.
RUM−BUM Rum−bum is slang for a drunkard. 896
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RUM−HOUND Rum−hound is American slang for a habitual heavy drinker.
RUM−JAR Rum−jar was slang for a particular type of German trench mortar bomb.
RUMBLE Rumble is slang for put out unceremoniously, handle roughly. Rumble is slang for understand; recognise or discover a person's wrong doing. Rumble is slang for a fight. Rumble is American slang for to be involved in a gang fight. Rumble is criminal slang for an interruption in the course of a crime; an alarm; a tip−off.
RUMDUM Rumdum is American slang for stupefied through drink; unconcious; stupid. Rumdum is American slang for a habitual drunk; a stupid person.
RUMMISH Rummish is slang for odd or strange.
RUMMY Rummy is slang for strange, odd, peculiar. Rummy is American slang for a habitual heavy drinker. Rummy is American slang for a stupid or gullible person.
RUMP Rump is British slang for to copulate.
RUMPO Rumpo is British slang for sexual intercourse.
RUMPOT Rumpot is American slang for a habitual heavy drinker.
RUMPY−PUMPY Rumpy−pumpy is slang for a sexual liason.
RUN Run is slang for an initial euphoric sensation following taking a narcotic. Run is military slang for bring a charge against.
RUN INTO THE GROUND To run into the ground is American slang for to carry to an absurd extreme or to overdo.
RUN OF THE GREEN Run of the green is British slang for to drive along a road and have every traffic light green. 897
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RUN OF THE MILL Run of the mill is slang for ordinary.
RUN OFF AT THE MOUTH Run off at the mouth is American slang for to talk excessively.
RUN SOME OFF Run some off is British slang for to urinate.
RUN, TRIP AND FALL Run, trip and fall is slang for valium.
RUN−DOWN Run−down is American horse−racing slang for a list of entries and betting odds.
RUN−IN Run−in is criminal slang for a place to store stolen goods.
RUN−OFF Run−off is slang for urination.
RUN−OUT Run−out is slang for escape. Run−out is slang for a mock auction.
RUNAROUND Runaround is slang for an evasion, obstruction or confusing response.
RUNNER Runner is slang for a detective. Runner is slang for a freelance antique dealer. Runner is British slang for an escape. Runner is nautical slang for a sailor employed for a single short voyage. Runnis is American slang for the leader of a street gang.
RUNNER AND RIDER Runner and rider is London Cockney rhyming slang for cider.
RUNNING DOG Running dog is slang for a servile political follower.
RUNS Runs is slang for to have diarrhoea.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
RUNT Runt is slang for a despicable person.
RUPERT Rupert is British slang for an upper−class male.
RUPERT BEARS Rupert bears is London Cockney rhyming slang for shares.
RUPTURED DUCK Ruptured duck is American military slang for a damaged aircraft. Ruptured duck is American military slang for the discharge badge given to ex−servicemen.
RUSH Rush is slang for a surge of pleasurable feelings from taking drugs. Rush is slang for to cheat, especially by grossly overcharging.
RUSSEL CROWE Russel Crowe is London Cockney rhyming slang for money (dough).
RUSSEL HARTY Russel Harty is London Cockney rhyming slang for a party.
RUSSIAN DUCK Russian duck is London Cockney rhyming slang for fuck. Russian duck was 20th century London Cockney rhyming slang for dirt, grime (muck).
RUSSIAN−TURK Russian−Turk was 19th century British slang for work.
RUSSIANS ARE COMING Russians are coming is British slang for premenstrual tension.
RUSSKIE Russkie is slang for a Russian.
RUSSKY Russky is slang for Russian.
RUST Rust is British slang for bronze coinage.
RUST−BUCKET Rust−bucket is slang for a dilapidated rusty old car. 899
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RUSTLE Rustle is slang for to stir about energetically; to strive to succeed; to bustle about.
RUSTY DUSTY Rusty dusty is Black−American slang for the buttocks
RUUD GULLIT Ruud Gullit is London Cockney rhyming slang for dismissal (bullet).
RUX Rux is nautical slang for a disturbance or uproar.
RYAN GIGGS Ryan Giggs is London Cockney rhyming slang for lodgings (digs).
RYAN'S DAUGHTER Ryan's daughter is London Cockney rhyming slang for water.
RYEBUCK Ryebuck is Australian slang for well, good, excellent, genuine.
S AND M S and M is slang for sado−masochism.
S.A. S.A. is American slang for sex appeal.
S.P. S.P. (starting price) is British slang for the odds on a horse; essential information, the known form.
S.T.P. S.T.P. is slang for a particular hallucinogenic drug similar to, but more powerful than LSD.
SAB Sab is British slang for sabotage.
SABBING Sabbing is British slang for sabotage.
SABU Sabu is British slang for an Indian person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SAC Sac is slang for a saccharine tablet. Sac is chess slang for sacrifice.
SACCHARINO Saccharino is British slang for a pseud.
SACK Sack is slang for bed. Sack is slang for being fired from a job (getting the sack). Sack is criminal's slang for a coat pocket.
SACK ARTIST Sack artist is slang for a womanizer, seducer.
SACK OUT Sack out is American slang for go to bed and sleep.
SACK RACE Sack race is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
SACK TIME Sack time is slang for bed time. Sack time is American slang for the time spent in bed.
SACK−IT Sack−it is slang for stop it, put an end to something.
SACKS OF RICE Sacks of rice was old London Cockney rhyming slang for mice.
SAD Sad is slang for pathetic, lonely, boring. Sad was old slang for bad, naughty, or troublesome.
SAD AND SORRY Sad and sorry is London Cockney rhyming slang for lorry.
SAD SACK Sad sack is American slang for a characteristically depressed or confused person.
SADDAM HUSSEIN Saddam Hussein is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pain.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SADDLE TRAMP Saddle tramp is American slang for an itinerant cowboy.
SADDLEBAGS Saddlebags is slang for labia majora. Saddlebags is slang for a very large scotum.
SADDLING PADDOCK Saddling paddock is Australian slang for a place where sexual contacts are easily made, or where prostitutes await customers.
SADDO Sado is slang for a lonely, unfashionable, boring person.
SADIE AND MASIE Sadie and Masie is slang for sado−masochism.
SADITTY Saditty is Black American slang for affecting an air of superiority.
SADO−NASO Sado−maso is American slang for sado−masochist.
SAFE Safe is British slang for good, fine. Safe is American and Canadian slang for a condom.
SAFE AND SOUND Safe and sound is London Cockney rhyming slang for ground.
SAFETY Safety is Black−American slang for ones bed.
SAFFY EYES Saffy eyes is slang for puffy, baggy sleepy eyes.
SAG WAGON Sag wagon is slang for a van which follows a bicycle race and picks up exhausted riders.
SAILOR'S FAREWELL Sailor's farewell is nautical slang for an abusive farewell.
SAILOR'S PLEASURE Sailor's pleasure is nautical slang for a time set aside for preparing to go ashore. 902
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SAILORS Sailors (shortened from sailors at sea) is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
SAILORS AT SEA Sailors at sea is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
SAILS Sails is nautical slang for a ship's sailmaker. Sails is Black−American slang for the ears.
SAINT AND SINNER Saint and sinner is London Cockney rhyming slang for dinner.
SAINT MORITZ Saint Moritz is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (shits).
SAL Sal is theatre slang for salary.
SALAD Salad is British slang for a member or supporter of the Social and Liberal Democratic party (SLD). Salad is slang for money.
SALAD BASKET Salad basket is slang for a police van.
SALAD DODGER Salad dodger is slang for an overweight person.
SALAMI Salami is American slang for penis. Salami is American slang for a foolish person.
SALFORD DOCKS Salford Docks is London Cockney rhyming slang for rocks.
SALFORD DOCKS Salford docks is British nautical rhyming slang for rocks.
SALISBURY CRAG Salisbury Crag is British rhyming slang for heroin (skag).
SALLY GUNNELL Sally Gunnell is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tunnel, particularly London's Blackwall Tunnel. 903
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SALLY−ANN Sally−Ann is slang for the Salvation Army.
SALMON AND SHRIMP Salmon and shrimp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pimp.
SALMON AND TROUT Salmon and trout is London Cockney rhyming slang for stout (beer). Salmon and trout is London Cockney rhyming slang for snout. Salmon and trout is London Cockney rhyming slang for gout. Salmon and trout is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tout.
SALOME Salome is British slang for a slow, unhurried, dawdling person.
SALT Salt (usually old salt) is slang for a sailor. Salt is slang for expensive. Salt is British slang for a girl. Salt is British slang for dandruff. Salt is American slang for heroin. Salt is commercial slang for fraudulently increasing the apparent value of an invoice etc.
SALT BEEF Salt beef is London Cockney rhyming slang for a thief.
SALT CELLARS Salt cellars is British slang for the cavity above a woman's collar bone.
SALT HORSE Salt horse is slang for salted beef.
SALT JUNK Salt junk is slang for hard salt beef used at sea. Salt junk is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated.
SALT WATER Salt water is British slang for tears, upset.
SALTASH LUCK Saltash luck is nautical slang for a thankless or fritless task that involves getting soaked to the skin.
SALTED Salted is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SALTEE Saltee is old Polari slang for a penny.
SALTY Salty is American slang for a tough and aggressive sailor. Salty is American slang for a seagoing ship.
SALTY WATER Salty water is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
SALVADORE DALI Salvadore Dali is London Cockney rhyming slang for cocaine (Charlie).
SALVATION Salvation is London Cockney rhyming slang for a station.
SALVATION ARMY Salvation Army is London Cockney rhyming slang for mad, cray, eccentric (barmy).
SALVE Salve is slang for flattery, ingratiation.
SALVO Salvo is Australian slang for a member of the Salvation Army.
SAM CORY Sam Cory is London Cockney rhyming slang for a story.
SAM HILL Sam Hill is an American slang euphemism for hell.
SAM SLICK Sam Slick is American slang for a resourceful trickster.
SAMANTHA EGGAR Samantha Eggar is London Cockney rhyming slang for a beggar.
SAMANTHA JANUS Samantha Janus is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus.
SAMBO Sambo is derogatory slang for a black person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SAMMIE Sammie is Autralian and New Zealand slang for sandwich.
SAMMO Sammo is Autralian and New Zealand slang for sandwich.
SAMMY Sammy is British slang for a sandwiche. Sammy is old slang for a ninny or simpleton.
SAMMY HALLS Sammy Halls is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (balls).
SAMMY LEE Sammy Lee is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (pee).
SAMMY WIDGE Sammy Widge is British slang for a sandwich.
SAMPLE Sample is British slang for urine.
SAMUEL PEPYS Samuel Pepys is London Cockney rhyming slang for a feeling of unease (creeps).
SAN FAIRY ANN San Fairy Ann is a British Great War slang exclamation of indifference or a resigned acceptance of a state of affairs.
SAN TOY San Toy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a boy.
SANCHO Sancho is British slang for a male homosexual.
SANCTIFICATION Sanctification is slang for blackmail, usually applied to the blackmailing of a diplomat for the extortion of political favours.
SANCTIFY Sanctify is slang for blackmailing a diplomat for the extortion of political favours.
SANCTION Sanction is military intelligence slang for permission to kill an individual. 906
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SAND Sand is slang for sugar. Sand is American slang for courage, determination.
SAND AND CANVAS Sand and canvas is nautical slang for clean thoroughly.
SAND−HILLER Sand−hiler is slang for a poor White living in the sandy hills of Georgia and South Carolina.
SANDBAG Sandbag is slang for deliberately underperform in a race or competition in order to gain an unfair advantage. Sandbag is American slang for to attack unexpectedly. Sandbag is American slang for to out manoeuvre. Sandbag is American slang for to drive at high speed.
SANDRAS Sandras is British slang for the testicles.
SANDWICH Sandwich is British slang for group sex involving three people.
SANDY Sandy (shortened from Sandy McNab) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a taxi (cab).
SANDY MCNAB Sandy McNab is London Cockney rhyming slang for a taxi (cab). is London Cockney rhyming slang for a body louse (crab).
SANDY POWELL Sandy Powell is London Cockney rhyming slang for a towel. Sandy Powell is London Cockney rhyming slang for a trowel.
SANGER Sanger is British slang for a sandwich.
SANKEY Sankey was mid−20th century West Indian slang for a hymn.
SANTA CLAUS Santa Claus is London Cockney rhyming slang for hands (paws).
SANTA'S GROTTO Santa's grotto is London Cockney rhyming slang for very drunk, intoxicated (blotto).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SAP Sap is slang for a simpleton. Sap is slang for a person who studies hard. Sap is American slang for a club of bludgeon. Sap is American slang for hit with a club. Sap is Eton slang for study, bookwork.
SAPHEAD Saphead is slang for a simpleton.
SAPPING Sapping is slang for studying hard.
SAPPY Sappy is slang for silly or fatuous.
SARAH GAMP Sarah Gamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lamp.
SARNIE Sarnie is northen British slang for sandwich.
SASHAY Sashay is slang for to walk proudly.
SASS Sass is American slang for to speak or behave insolently towards someone. Sass is American slang for impudence, insolance.
SATCHEL−MOUTH Satchel−mouth was early 20th century Black American slang for a person with a large mouth.
SATIN Satin is slang for gin.
SATIN AND LACE Satin and lace is London Cockney rhyming slang for face.
SATIN AND SILK Satin and silk is London Cockney rhyming slang for milk.
SAUCE Sauce is slang for impudence. Sauce is slang for alcohol. Sauce is slang for a narcotic drug. Sauce is British slang for to have sex. 908
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Sauce is medical slang for any disgusting bodily secretion, including vomit.
SAUCED Sauced is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
SAUCEPAN LID Saucepan lid is Cockney rhyming slang for one pound (quid). Saucepan lid is Cockney rhyming slang for a child (kid). Saucepan lid is Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid).
SAUERKRAUT Sauerkraut is derogatory American slang for a German.
SAUSAGE Sausage is slang for the penis. Sausage was old slang for a type of German trench mortar bomb. Sausage was old slang for a German.
SAUSAGE AND MASH Sausage and mash is London Cockney rhyming slang for cash. Sausage and mash is London Cockney rhyming slang for a crash.
SAUSAGE GRAPPLER Sausage grappler is Australian slang for a male masturbator.
SAUSAGE ROLL Sausage roll is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployment (dole). Sausage roll is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pole. Sausage roll is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Polish person (Pole). Sausage roll is London Cockney rhyming slang for poll. Sausage roll is London Cockney rhyming slang for the head (poll).
SAUSAGE SANDWICH Sausage sandwich is slang for a sexual act involving one man and two women. Sausage sandwich is British slang for masturbation of the penis between a woman's breasts.
SAUSIE Sausie is New Zealand slang for sausage.
SAV Sav is Australian slang for saveloy.
SAVER Saver is racing slang for a hedging bet.
SAVOURY RISSOLE Savoury rissole is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lavatory (piss hole). Savoury rissole is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dirty, unpleasant place (piss hole). 909
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SAVVY Savvy is slang for to know, or understand.
SAW GOURDS Saw gourds is American slang for snore loudly.
SAW WOOD Saw wood is American slang for attend to one's one affairs.
SAW−HANDLE Saw−handle is old slang for a pistol with a grip like the handle of a saw.
SAWBONES Sawbones is old slang for a surgeon or doctor.
SAWBUCK Sawbuck is American and Canadian slang for a ten−dollar bill.
SAWNEY Sawney is British slang for silly, daft, foolish.
Sax is slang for saxophone. Sax was early 20th century Australian slang for sixpence.
SAXA Saxa is Australian slang for saxophone.
SAY Say is Polaris slang for six.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SAY GOODBYE Say goodbye is London Cockney rhyming slang for die.
SAY GOODBYE TO Say goodbye to is British slang for to accept as lost.
SAY GOODNIGHT TO Say goodnight to is British slang for to accept as lost.
SCAB Scab is slang for a person who breaks a work strike, a blackleg.
SCABBARD Scabbard is British slang for the vagina.
SCABBERY Scabbery is Australian slang for strike−breaking, betraying one's fellow workers.
SCABBY EYE Scabby eye is London Cockney rhyming slang for pie.
SCADS Scads is American slang for a great deal, a large quantity, especially of money.
SCAFFOLDING Scaffolding is British slang for orthodontic braces.
SCAG See "Skag"
SCAG JONES Scag Jones is American slang for an addiction to heroin.
SCAG NOD Scag nod is American slang for a state of drowsiness caused by taking heroin.
SCALD Scald is slang for being infected with venereal disease. Scald was old slang for to infect with venereal disease. Scald is Irish slang for the beverage tea. Scald is Irish slang for to reprimand, to scold.
SCALDED Scalded is slang for to be suffering from venereal disease. 911
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SCALDER Scalder is slang for a veneareal disease.
SCALDY Scaldy is Irish slang for a bald person.
SCALE Scale is Scottish and American slang for a coin; money. Scale is Australian and New Zealand slang for swindle, cheat, steal. Scale is Australian and New Zealand slang for ride on public transport without paying.
SCALER Scaler is Australian and New Zealand slang for a swindler or cheat. The term is especially applied to someone who rides public transport without paying the fare (in Britain a fare−dodger).
SCALLY Scally is slang for a miscreant person. Scally is British slang for a young man. Scally is British slang for a delinquent. Scally is British slang for a male inhabitant of Liverpool. Scally is Scouse slang for a tearaway.
SCALLYWAG Scallywag is slang for a rascal, good−for−nothing person. Scallywag is American slang for an ill−conditioned cow.
SCALP Scalp is slang for to sell tickets for more than their face value. Scalp is rare British slang for a wig.
SCALPER Scalper is American slang for a ticket−tout.
SCALPING Scalping is slang for profiteering, particularly by re−selling tickets at an inflated price. Scalping is British slang for a very short haircut.
SCALY Scaly was old slang for a poor shabby, despicable, person.
SCAM Scam is slang for a trick or con.
SCAMMERED Scammered is old slang for drunk, intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCAMP Scamp is slang for to perform in a hasty, neglectful, or imperfect manner; to do superficially.
SCANDIHOOVIAN Scandihoovian is American slang for a Scandinavian.
SCANDY Scandy is New Zealand slang for a Scandinavian.
SCANMAG Scanmag is old slang for a scandal or gossip magazine.
SCAPA Scapa (shortened from Scapa Flow) is London Cockney rhyming slang for go, make a quick exit.
SCAPA FLOW Scapa flow is London Cockney rhyming slang for go, make a quick exit.
SCAPEGALLOWS Scapegallows is old English slang for one who has narrowly escaped the gallows for his crimes.
SCARBOROUGH FAIR Scarborough Fair is London Cockney rhyming slang for hair.
SCARE PARTY Scare party was mid 20th century Black American slang for a halloween party.
SCARECROW Scarecrow was Second World War military slang for a manoeuvre or weapon of a purely deterrent effect.
SCARED FARTLESS Scared fartless is Canadian slang for extremely frightened. Terrified.
SCAREDY−CAT Scaredy−cat is slang for someone who is, or appears to be frightened.
SCAREHEAD Scarehead is slang for a sensational newspaper headline.
SCARF Scarf is American slang for food. Scarf is American slang for eat greedily.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCARPER Scarper is slang for to go in haste. Scarper is Polari slang for to run off.
SCAT Scat is American slang for whiskey. Scat is slang for heroin.
SCATTER GUN Scatter gun is British slang for the anus.
SCATTERS Scatters is British slang for diarrhoea.
SCATTY Scatty is American slang for bad tempered.
SCAVENGER PIT Scavenger pit is Dorset slang for a rubbish dump.
SCAVVY Scavvy is British building−site slang for a scaffolder.
SCENE Scene is slang for a fashionable activity or pursuit. Scene is slang for a state of affairs, a situation.
SCENE−CHASER Scene−chaser is British slang for someone who assiduously cultivates different groups of people in order to realise excitement.
SCHINDLER'S LIST Schindler's list is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
SCHITZY Schitzy is slang for schizophrenic or exhibiting the effects of hallucinogenic drugs.
SCHIZ Schiz is slang for schizophrenic.
SCHIZO Schizo is slang for schizophrenic but more generally applied to a person showing mental problems and incapabilities.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCHIZZED−OUT Schizzed−out is American slang for deranged. Schizzed−out is American slang for intoxicated, drunk.
SCHIZZO Schizzo is slang for schizophrenic but more generally applied to a person showing mental problems and incapabilities.
SCHLEMIEL Schlemiel is American slang for a clumsy or unlucky person.
SCHLEMIELS ON WHEELS Schlemiels On wheels is British slang for bad or reckless motorists.
SCHLEP Schlep is slang for to tiresomely lug around, to do lots of leg work. Schlep is British taxi slang for a long distance.
SCHLOCK Schlock is American slang for goods or produce of cheap or inferior quality; trash.
SCHLONG Schlong is American slang for the penis. Schlong is American slang for a contemptible person.
SCHLUB Schlub is American slang for a lazy person, a slob.
SCHLUCK Schluck is American slang for a clumsy person.
SCHLUMP Schlump is American slang for a slow−witted or slovenly person.
SCHMALTZ Schmaltz is slang for sugary and corny sentiments.
SCHMALTZY Schmaltzy is slang for sugary and corny sentiments.
SCHMECK Schmeck is American slang for a sniff, a taste. Schmeck is American slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCHMECKER Schmecker is American slang for a heroin addict.
SCHMEET Schmeet is American slang for heroin.
SCHMEGEGGE Schmegegge is American slang for a contemptible person; an idiot. Schmegegge is American slang for nonsense.
SCHMENDRIK Schmendrik is American slang for a contemptible, foolish or immature person.
SCHMO Schmo is American slang for a dull, stupid, or boring person.
SCHMOCK Schmock is American slang for a stupid or contemptible person; oaf.
SCHMOOZE Schmooze is American slang for to chat or gossip.
SCHMUCK Schmuck is American slang for a stupid or contemptible person; oaf.
SCHMUTTER Schmutter is slang for clothing.
SCHMUTZ Schmutz is American slang for dirt, filth, rubbish.
SCHNOCKERED Schnockered is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
SCHNOOK Schnook is American slang for a stupid or gullible person.
SCHNORRER Schnorrer is American slang for a person who lives off the charity of others; professional beggar.
SCHNOZZ Schnozz is American slang for the nose.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCHNOZZLE Schnozzle is American slang for the nose.
SCHOOL School is slang for a group of drinkers who regularly congregate for drinking bouts. School is slang for gamble in a school of gamblers. School is British slang for a borstal. School is American slang for to teach a lesson to. To win or do something decisively better than someone else. School was old slang for a gang of thieves or beggars working together.
SCHOOL−MARM School−marm is American slang for a tree which has forked to form two trunks.
SCHOOLIE Schoolie is Australian slang for a schoolteacher.
SCHOONER ON THE ROCKS Schooner on the rocks is nautical slang for joint of meat roasted and surrounded by potatoes or batter.
SCHTUM Schtum is slang for quiet, silent.
SCHVARTZER Schvartzer is slang for a black person.
SCHWARTZE Schwartze is derogatory slang for a black person.
SCISSORS Scissors is a slang expression of disgust or impatience.
SCLERRY Sclerry is British slang for an alcoholic.
SCOB Scob was old school slang for a large wooden storage box that also served as a desk.
SCOFF Scoff is British slang for to eat. Scoff is British slang for food.
SCOFFING FISHHEADS AND SCRAMBLING FOR THE GILLS Scoffing fishheads and scrambling for the gills is Black−American slang for having a very difficult time 917
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SCONCE Sconce was Oxford university slang for a fine imposed for a breach of university discipline. It is now a challenge to an undergraduate to drink a tankard of beer in one draught as a penalty for a minor misdemeanour such as a breach of etiquette. Sconce is slang for the head, the skull and also, brains, sense and discretion.
SCONE Scone is Australian and New Zealand slang for the head.
SCONNER Sconner is British slang for someone devoid of pubic hair.
SCOOBY DOO Scooby Doo is British prison slang for a prison warder (screw). Scooby Doo is British rhyming slang for clue.
SCOOP Scoop is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate. Scoop is slang for a large quick gain, as of money. Scoop is American slang for defeat; get the btter of.
SCOOT Scoot is slang for to walk fast or to go quickly or to run hastily away.
SCOOTER Scooter is slang for a small car; a single−decker bus.
SCOOTS Scoots is American slang for dollars.
SCOPE Scope (shortened from periscope) is British slang for the penis.
SCOPE OUT Scope out is American slang for investigate or assess.
SCOPER Scoper is British slang for someone with cerebral palsy.
SCORCH Scorch is British slang for to drive or ride very fast. Scorch is British slang for to deliberately set fire to something.
SCORCHING Scorching is British slang for arson.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCORE Score is slang for to buy some illicit drugs. Score is slang for to have casual sex with someone. Score is slang for twenty pounds, twenty dollars. Score is British slang for a success. Score is prostitute slang for to obtain a client.
SCORP Scorp is military slang for a scorpion.
SCORPION Scorpion is military slang for a civilian resident of Gibraltar.
SCOTCH Scotch is betting slang for evens (1/1).
SCOTCH COFFEE Scotch coffee is slang for hot water flavoured with burnt biscuit.
SCOTCH EGG Scotch egg is British rhyming slang for leg.
SCOTCH MIST Scotch mist is British slang for a mirage, something insubstantial or non−existent. Scotch mist is British slang for pouring rain. Scotch mist is London Cockney rhyming slang for drunk, intoxicated (pissed).
SCOTCH PEGS Scotch pegs is London Cockney rhyming slang for legs.
SCOTLAND Scotland (shortened from Scotland the brave) is London Cockney rhyming slang for shave.
SCOTLAND THE BRAVE Scotland the brave is London Cockney rhyming slang for shave.
SCOTSMAN Scotsman is British slang for nine pounds sterling.
SCOUR Scour was slang for to wear fetters or sit in the stocks. Scour was slang for cruising the streets at night causing minor damage and harrassing travellers and watchmen.
SCOURING POWDER Scouring powder is British slang for cocaine. 919
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCOUSE Scouse is British slang for Liverpool, its inhabitants or dialect. Scouse is British slang for second−rate, inferior, no good.
SCOUSER Scouser is British slang for a Liverpudlian.
SCOUT Scout is slang for a pocket watch.
SCOW Scow is Scottish slang for an ugly or ungainly woman.
SCOWBANKER Scowbanker is slang for a loafer; an unscrupulous trader, someone engaging in unfair business practices.
SCRAG Scrag is slang for execute by hanging or strangulation. Scrag is slang for to seize someone roughly by the neck. Scrag is British slang for to torment, tease, attack. Scrag is British slang for the neck. Scrag is American slang for murder or kill. Scrag is rugby football slang for a rough tackle.
SCRAGGER Scragger was British slang for a hangman.
SCRAGGY LOU Scraggy Lou is London Cockney rhyming slang for the flu.
SCRAM Scram is slang for go away quickly. Scram is nuclear physics slang for an emergency and hurried shutdown of a reactor.
SCRAMBLE Scramble is military slang for effect a rapid take−off in an emergency.
SCRAMBLED Scrambled is slang for confused.
SCRAMBLED EGGS Scrambled eggs is slang for the gold embroidery on the peak of a high−ranking military officer's cap. Scrambled eggs is London Cockney rhyming slang for legs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCRAMMED .Scrammed is Dorset slang for twisted, screwed−up.
SCRAN Scran is British slang for food. Scran is nautical slang for food scraps.
SCRANCH Scranch is slang for to grind with the teeth, and with a crackling sound.
SCRAP Scrap is British slang for loose change. Scrap is American slang for an alcoholic drink of poor quality.
SCRAP IRON Scrap iron is British slang for small value loose change.
SCRAP METAL Scrap metal is London Cockney rhyming slang for kettle.
SCRAPE Scrape is British slang for a shave. Scrape is British slang for butter.
SCRAPE THE MUG Scrape the mug is American tramp slang for to shave
SCRAPER Scraper is British slang for a barber. Scraper was old slang for a cocked hat.
SCRATCH Scratch is slang for money, especially paper money. Scratch is slang for something that happens by chance. Scratch is American slang for forge banknotes.
SCRATCH AND SNIFF Scratch and sniff is nursing slang for a gynecological examination.
SCRATCH HOUSE Scratch house is slang for a cheap hotel.
SCRATCHER Scratcher is Irish slang for a scratch−card. Scratcher is American slang for a forger.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCRATCHY Scratchy is slang for irritable or bad−tempered and over−sensitive.
SCREAM Scream is slang for an appeal against a conviction. Scream is slang for to inform on an accomplice in crime. Scream is slang for an urgent message. Scream is American slang for ice cream.
SCREAM COOKIES Scream cookies is American slang for to vomit
SCREAMER Screamer is slang for something remarkable. Screamer is slang for a very amusing thing or person. Screamer is slang for an informer or complainer. Screamer is slang for a flagrant homosexual. Screamer is printer's slang for an exclamation mark. Screamer is jazz slang for a passage featuring loud high notes played on a wind instrument.
SCREAMING Screaming is slang for very amusing or hysterically funny.
SCREAMING HABDABS Screaming habdabs is British slang for a state of mental agitation bordering on hysteria.
SCREECH Screech is Canadian slang for a dark rum Screech is slang for whisky. Screech is slang for any strong cheap alcoholic drink of poor quality.
SCREEN Screen is slang for banknote.
SCREEVE Screeve is slang for a begging letter. Screeve is slang for to write. Screeve is slang for a forged document. Screeve is slang for to draw on a pavement with coloured chalks.
SCREEVER Screever is slang for a forger. Screever is slang for a pavement artist.
SCREW Screw is slang for to fornicate. Screw is slang for to take advantage of, defraud, cheat, or treat unfairly. Screw is slang for a small packet of tobacco. Screw is slang for a key, especially a skeleton key. 922
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Screw is British slang for a prison warder. Screw is British slang for to stare at. Screw is British slang for to break into.
SCREW AROUND Screw around is slang for to behave clumsily, irresponsibly. Screw around is slang for be sexually promiscuous.
SCREW LOOSE To have a screw loose is slang for to be a little insane or mad.
SCREW SOMEONE AROUND Screw someone around is slang for to cause inconvenience to someone, particularly by being indecisive.
SCREW THE POOCH Screw the pooch is American slang for to waste time.
SCREW UP Screw up is slang for to ruin, mess up. Screw up is slang for to traumatise.
SCREW YOU Screw you is slang for a rebuke such as get lost or fuck you.
SCREWBALL Screwball is slang for an odd or eccentric person. Screwball is jazz slang for a fast improvisation or unrestrained swing.
SCREWDRIVER Screwdriver is British slang for a prison governor. Screwdriver is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lazy person (skiver).
SCREWED Screwed is British slang for drunk. Screwed is slang for ruined.
SCREWS Screws is Dorset slang for rheumatism.
SCREWSMAN Screwsman is slang for a burgler; house−breaker; safe−cracker.
SCREWY Screwy is slang for slightly intoxicated; tipsy. Screwy is slang for a mean, parsimonious person. Screwy is slang for unhealthy (refering to a horse). Screwy is slang for winding (refering to a track or road). 923
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Screwy is slang for mad, eccentric, absurd.
SCRIBBINS Scribbins is British slang for something, an item that can not be named.
SCRIBBLER Scribbler is British slang for a writer.
SCRIBE Scribe is Black−American slang for a letter
SCRIKE Scrike is northern British slang for to cry.
SCRIKEY Scrikey is slang for tearful.
SCRIMSHANK Scrimshank is British military slang for to shirk duty, work.
SCRIP Scrip is slang for a prescription. Scrip is American slang for paper fractional currency.
SCRIPT Script is theatre slang for an author's written copy of a work. Script is American slang for a prescription, especially one for narcotic drugs.
SCROACHY Scroachy is British slang for mouldy, covered in fungus.
SCROTE Scrote is British slang for an unpleasant person.
SCROUGE Scrouge is slang for to crowd or to squeeze.
SCRUB Scrub is slang for a cancellation or abandonment, especially of a flying mission. Scrub is horse racing slang for to urge a horse forwards by moving the arms and whip rhythmically forwards and backwards alongside its neck. Scrub is military slang for severely reprimand; punish. Scrub was old slang for a shabby, seedy person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Scrubber is slang for a vulgar, coarse and sexually amenable or promiscuous woman. Scrubber is Australian and New Zealand sport slang for a non−professional competitor.
SCRUFFBAG Scruffbag is British slang for an untidy, unkempt person.
SCRUFFS Scruffs is British slang for dirty, unkempt clothes.
SCRUMMY Scrummy is slang for delicious, pleasent.
SCRUMPTIOUS Scrumptious is slang for nice; particular; fastidious; excellent; fine.
SCRUNGY Scrungy is slang for dirty, grimy, sleezy, shabby, unpleasant.
SCUBA Scuba was British slang for a supporter of the Social and Liberal Democrat party.
SCUBA DIVER Scuba diver is London Cockney rhyming slang for a five pound note. (Fiver).
SCUD Scud is Dorset slang for a rain storm.
SCUDDICK Scuddick is slang for a small coin of very little value; something very samll.
SCUDDY Scuddy is British slang for bad, unpleasant.
SCUFFER Scuffer is northern British slang for a policeman.
SCUFFLE Scuffle is American slang for obtain money with difficulty.
SCUFFLE THROUGH Scuffle through is American slang for make a living with difficulty and by degrading means.
SCUG Scug is Etonian and Harrow slang for an unpopular or undistinguished boy. 925
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SCULLY AND MULDER Scully and Mulder is London Cockney rhyming slang for shoulder.
SCUM Scum is slang for a worthless person or group. Scum is American slang for semen.
SCUM−SUCKER Scum−sucker is American slang for a contemptible, degenerate person.
SCUM−SUCKING Scum−sucking is American slang for disgusting, contemptible.
SCUMBAG Scumbag is slang for a despicable person or one who is sleazy.
SCUMWAD Scumwad is American slang for a despicable person or one who is sleazy.
SCUNGE Scunge is Australian and New Zealand slang for to borrow. Scunge is Australian and New Zealand slang for a dirty or worthless person. Scunge is Australian and New Zealand slang for a person who borrows, especially habitually.
SCUNGY Scungy is Australian slang for dirty, messy, unkempt, sodid.
SCUNNER Scunner is British slang for a despicable, traitorous, devious person.
SCUPPER Scupper is slang for to overwhelm, ruin, or disable. Scupper is slang for a prostitute. Scupper is military slang for kill in an ambush.
SCURF Scurf is slang for an employee accepting less than the usual rate of pay or an employer paying less than the usual rate.
SCUSI Scusi is slang for excuse me.
SCUT Scut is slang for an objectionable person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SCUTTLEBUTT Scuttlebutt is American slang for rumour or gossip.
SCUZZ Scuzz is slang for a disgusting, objectionable person.
SCUZZED OUT Scuzzed out is slang for disgusted.
SCUZZY Scuzzy is slang for filthy, dirty.
SEA BAG Sea bag is slang for a heavy artillery shell.
SEA DOG Sea dog is slang for a sailor.
SEA DUST Sea dust is American slang for salt.
SEAGULL Seagull is New Zealand slang for a casual, non−union, dock labourer.
SEAM−SQUIRREL Seam−squirrel is American military slang for a louse.
SEAN CONNERY Sean Connery is London Cockney rhyming slang for a coronary, heart attack.
SEBASTIAN COE Sebastian Coe is London Cockney rhyming slang for toe.
SEBASTIAN COES Sebastian Coes is London Cockney rhyming slang for a quick exit (toes).
SECCY Seccy is slang for secobarbital.
SECKO Secko is Australian slang for a sexual pervert or sex offender.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SECONAL Seconal is slang for secobarbital.
SECOND BANANA Second banana is slang for a performer in vaudeville, etc., who plays a role subordinate to another; any person in a or secondary position to another.
SECOND STOREY WORK Second storey work is American slang for gaining illegal entry into a private home.
Secretary bird is slang for a young woman employed as a secretary.
SECTION EIGHT Section eight is American military slang for a discharge from the army under section eight of army regulations, on the gounds on insanity or the inability to adjust to army life.
SEE See is slang for read music.
SEE ALRIGHT See alright is British slang for to care of financially. To look after.
SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY See you next Tuesday is a British slang euphemism for 'cunt'.
SEEDS Seeds is slang for cannabis.
SEEDY Seedy is slang for old and worn out; exhausted; spiritless; and also, poor and miserable looking; shabbily clothed; shabby looking. 928
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SEEING−TO seeing−to is British slang for a beating, an assault. Seeing−to is British slang for sexual inetrcourse.
SEEK AND SEARCH Seek and search is London Cockney rhyming slang for a church.
SEEM AN I Seem an I is Dorset slang for it seems to me, in my opinion.
SEG Seg is American slang for segregation.
SEGGY Seggy is slang for secobarbital.
SELDOM SEEN Seldom seen is London Cockney rhyming slang for the Queen.
SELINA SCOTT Selina Scott is London Cockney rhyming slang for a spot, pimple.
SELL Sell is slang for a hoax or cheat.
SELL A BUICK Sell a buick is American slang for to vomit
SELL A DUMMY Sell a dummy is British slang for to trick, to deceive, to lie to.
SELL A PUP Sell a pup is British slang for to con, to swindle.
SELL CARS Sell cars is American slang for to vomit.
SELLER Seller is British slang for a shop.
SEMI Semi is American slang for a large truck or lorry (an articulated lorry).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SEMOLIA Semolia is Black−American slang for a fool
SEMOLINA Semolina is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cleaner.
SEND Send is slang for to arouse emotionally.
SEND THE TROOPS IN Send the troops in is British slang for to ejaculate inside a woman.
SEND UP Send up is slang for to send to prison.
SENDER Sender is American slang for a person who arouses others emotionally.
SENEGAMBIAN Senegambian is derogatory American slang for a Black person.
SENSATION Sensation was old slang for a taste or small quantity of liquor.
SENT DOWN Sent down is British slang for sentenced to imprisonment.
SENT UP Sent up is American slang for imprisoned.
SENTIMENTAL SONG Sentimental song is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad smell (pong).
SEPPO Seppo is British London taxi−driver slang for an American.
SEPTEMBER MORN September morn is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (horn).
SEPTIC Septic is slang for nasty, rotten. Septic (shortened from Septic Tank) is British and Australian rhyming slang for American. (Yank). *Sequilo Sequilo is slang for methaqualone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SEPTIC TANK Septic tank is London Cockney rhyming slang for an American (Yank).
SERGEANT Sergeant is British slang for three pounds sterling.
SERGEANT−MAJOR'S COFFEE Sergeant−major's coffee is American military slang for coffee with milk.
SERGEANT−MAJOR'S TEA Sergeant−major's tea is military slang for strong sweet tea. Sergeant−major's tea is American military slang for tea with rum.
SERNYL Sernyl is slang for phencyclidine.
SERPICO 21 Serpico 21 is slang for cocaine.
SERVICE Service is slang for sexual intercourse.
SESH Sesh is British slang for a drinking session or bout.
SET Set is slang for mark as prey for robbing or apprehending. Set is American slang for a gang.
SET UP Set up is slang for an event the result of which is prearranged.
SET−DOWN Set−down is American slang for a sit−down meal.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Set−to is slang for an argument or fight.
SETTER Setter is British slang for the number seven. Setter was old slang for a person employed to spy on intended victims; a police spy or informer.
SETTLE Settle is British slang for to work out a bet. Settle is American slang for sentence someone to a prison term.
SEVEN AND SIX Seven and six is London Cockney rhyming slang for in difficulty (a fix).
SEVEN DIALS Seven dials is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids (piles).
SEVEN OUT Seven out is American slang for make a losing throw of seven in the game of craps.
SEVERE Severe is slang for impressive or excellent.
SEW Sew is Black−American slang for to perform autoerotism
SEW UP Sew up is old slang for exhaust; tire out; confound, outwit, cheat, swindle.
SEX Sex is slang for sexual intercourse.
SEX BOMB Sex bomb is slang for a very attractive, desireable person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SEX ON A RIVERBANK Sex on a riverbank is British slang for weak beer (a pun on fucking near water).
SEX ON A STICK Sex on a stick is British slang for an attractive, but very thin woman.
SEX UP Sex up is slang for increase the sexual content of something; arouse.
SEXATIONAL Sexational is slang for sexually sensational.
SEXCAPADE Sexcapade is slang for sexual escapade.
SEXERCISE Sexercise is slang for sexual activity perceived as exercise. Sexercise is slang for exercise designed to increase sexual attractiveness or performance.
SEXING Sexing is British slang for having sex.
SEXPERT Sexpert is slang for sexual expert.
SEXPOT Sexpot is slang for a person, especially a young woman, considered as being sexually very attractive.
SEXTON BLAKE Sexton Blake is London Cockney rhyming slang for cake. Sexton Blake is London Cockney rhyming slang for a forgery (fake).
SEXY Sexy is slang for attractive or enticing.
SHAB Shab was old slang for a contemptible or worthless person. Shab was old slang for get rid of.
SHAB−RAG Shab−rag is slang for scruffy, shabby, dilapidated.
SHABANGING Shabanging is slang for heroin dissolved in liquid and taken through the nose using a nasal spray bottle. 933
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHABAROON Shabaroon is slang for an unkempt, disreputable person.
SHABBA RANK Shabba Rank is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbation (wank).
SHABBEROON Shabberoon is British slang for a tramp.
SHABU Shabu is slang for phencyclidine.
SHACK Shack is slang for a tramp. Shack is slang for a small house or shop. Shack is American slang for the brakeman or guard on a train.
SHACK−UP Shack−up is slang for to live with outside of marriage, to co−habit.
SHACKERETTE Shackerette is Australian slang for a female live−in lover.
SHACKLES Shackles is American tramp slang for soup, broth or stew.
SHADE Shade is American slang for a receiver of stolen goods.
SHADES Shades is slang for sunglasses.
SHADY Shady is slang for dubious or corrupt.
SHAFT Shaft is slang for trick or cheat. Shaft is slang for unfair or harsh treatment. Shaft is slang for sexual intercourse. Shaft is slang for the penis. Shaft is slang for a sexual partner.
SHAFTED Shafted is slang for tricked or cheated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHAFTING Shafting is slang for harsh, ruinous, unfair treatment.
SHAFTS Shafts is Black−American slang for ones legs
SHAG Shag is slang for sexual intercourse. Shag is Australian slang for abandoned and alone. Shag was American slang for a boyfriend, girlfriend or escort.
SHAG ONE'S HAND Shag one's hand is British slang for masturbate.
SHAG−BAG Shag−bag is military slang for a prostitute.
Shagged is slang for worn out, tired, exhausted.
SHAGGER Shagger is slang for a person who copulates.
SHAGGERS BACK Shaggers back is British slang for back ache caused by too much sex.
SHAGGING WAGON Shagging wagon is British and Australian slang for a vehicle used for dating or seduction.
SHAGNASTY Shagnasty is British slang for an unpleasant man.
SHAGROON Shagroon was New Zealand slang for an early settler in Canterbury from a place other than Britain, especially Australia.
SHAKE Shake is British slang for to alert, rouse. Shake is British slang for masturbate. Shake is Australian slang for to steal. 935
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Shake is American slang for a party. Shake was old slang for sexual intercourse.
SHAKE AND SHIVER Shake and shiver is theatre rhyming slang for a river.
SHAKE DANCER Shake dancer is American slang for a femal dancer who shakes her breasts to music.
SHAKE DOWN Shake down is American slang for to extort money from, especially by blackmail or threats of violence. Shake down is American slang for to search thoroughly.
SHAKE HANDS WITH THE UNEMPLOYED Shake hands with the unemployed is slang for urinate. The term is used by men.
SHAKE YOUR SHAMBLES Shake your shambles was 17th century slang for go away.
SHAM Sham is slang for champagne.
SHAMED−UP Shamed−up is British slang for humiliated.
SHAMPOO Shampoo is slang for champagne.
SHAMPOO THE RUG Shampoo the rug is British slang for to ejaculate over a woman's pubic hair.
SHAMPSTEADS Shampsteads is British slang for false teeth.
SHAMUS Shamus is American slang for a police or private detective.
SHANGHAI Shanghai is slang for to intoxicate and ship a person, such as a sailor, while in this condition. Shanghai is slang for to force or trick someone into doing something, going somewhere, etc. Shanghai is Australian and New Zealand slang for to shoot with a catapult.
SHANK Shank is British and American slang for a homemade knife. Shank is British slang for to stab. 936
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHANT Shant is slang for a quart mug, or other mug and its contents, usually alcoholic drink.
SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT Shape up or ship out is slang for achieve an acceptable standard of performance or leave.
SHAPES Shapes is American slang for dice which have been bevelled to make them fall with particular faces showing.
SHAQ−FU Shaq−Fu is American slang for to vomit
SHARD Shard is Dorset slang for earthenware.
SHARK Shark is nautical slang for a customs officer. Shark is American slang for a very capable and intelligent student. Shark was 18th century slang for a pickpocket.
SHARKS Sharks was old nautical slang for the press−gang.
SHARON Sharon is British slang for an uncultured, working class girl.
SHARON STONE Sharon Stone is London Cockney rhyming slang for telephone.
SHARP Sharp is slang for an expert. Sharp is slang for excellent, smart, neatly fashionable, well−equipped. Sharp is British slang for to cheat, swindle, con. Sharp is American slang for a second−hand car in excellent condition.
SHARP AND BLUNT Sharp and blunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (cunt).
SHARPER'S TOOL Sharper's tool is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool.
SHARPIES Sharpies was Australian slang for a 1950s teen movement characterised by short−hair and aggression.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHASSEN Shassen is Dorset slang for shall not.
SHAT Shat is slang for to have defecated.
SHATTEN Shatten is Dorset slang for should not.
SHAUN SPADAH Shaun Spadah was 1920's London Cockney rhyming slang for a car.
SHAVE Shave is American military slang for an unauthenticated report. Shave is American slang for an excessive premium on a bill of exchange. Shave was old slang for steal.
SHAVEN HAVEN Shaven haven is British slang for a hairless pubic region of a woman.
SHAVER Shaver is British slang for a man.
SHAVING CREAM Shaving cream is British slang for excrement.
SHAWL Shawl is Irish slang for a prostitute.
SHE She is slang for cocaine. She is Jamaican slang for her.
SHE−MALE She−male is slang for a transvestite She−male is slang for a passive homosexual.
SHE−MAN She−man is British slang for a transvestite. She−man is British slang for a butch woman. She−man is British slang for an effeminate man.
SHE−OAK She−oak is Australian slang for Australian brewed beer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHE−OAK NET She−oak net is Australian slang for a safety net fitted to a ship's gangway to prevent drunken sailors falling into the water.
SHEBANG Shebang is slang for a situation, matter, or affair.
SHED Shed is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SHEEN Sheen is slang for bad money. Sheen is American slang for a car (automobile).
SHEENY Sheeny is derogatory slang for a Jew.
SHEEP−DIP Sheep−dip is slang for low quality alcoholic drink.
SHEEPSHAGGER Sheepshagger is British slang for a countryman. Sheepshagger is British slang for a Welshman.
SHEEPSKIN Sheepskin is American slang for parchment diploma received on passing a degree.
SHEET Sheet is British slang for a one pund note. Sheet is slang for an American dollar bill.
SHEETS Sheets is slang for phencyclidine.
SHEILA Sheila is Australian slang for a woman.
SHEKELS Shekels is slang for money.
SHELF Shelf is British slang for the top of a fat woman's backside. Shelf is Australian slang for to inform upon; a police informer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHELL Shell is American slang for a dollar. Shell is American slang for a beer, a beercan.
SHELL MEX Shell Mex is London Cockney rhyming slang for sex.
SHELL−LIKE Shell−like is British slang for the ear.
SHELLAC Shellac is slang for to beat, defeat completely.
SHELLACK Shallack is British slang for to defeat comprehensively.
SHELLACKED Shellacked is American slang for intoxicated.
SHELLACKING Shellacking is American slang for a complete defeat; a sound beating.
SHELLBACK Shellback is slang for a sailor who has crossed the equator, an experienced sailor.
SHEMOZZLE Shemozzle is slang for a muddle, complicated situation; a quarrel, brawl or melee.
SHENANIGANS Shenanigans is slang for unruly behaviour, nonsense.
SHEPHERD Shepherd is Australian slang for follow a person with the aim of cheating them.
SHEPHERD'S BUSH Shepherd's Bush is London Cockney rhyming slang for the face (moosh). Shepherd's Bush is London Cockney rhyming slang for push.
SHEPHERD'S PIE Shepherd's pie is London Cockney rhyming slang for the sky.
SHEPHERD'S PLAID Shepherd's plaid is London Cockney rhyming slang for bad.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHERBERT Sherbert is British slang for an alcoholic drink, particularly beer. Sherbert is Australian slang for beer.
SHERBERT DAB Sherbert dab is London Cockney rhyming slang for a taxi (cab).
SHERBERT DIP Sherbert dip is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gratuity (tip).
SHERM Sherm is slang for tobacco and pot rolled together and dipped in PCP.
SHERMAN Sherman (shortened from Sherman tank) is British rhyming slang for mastrubate.
SHERMAN TANK Sherman tank is British rhyming slang for mastrubate (wank). Sherman tank is London Cockney rhyming slang for an American (yank).
SHERMANS Shermans is slang for phencyclidine.
SHERRY Sherry is slang for run away.
SHICE Shice is British slang for to cheat, to swindle. Shice is old slang for counterfeit money; nothing, something worthless.
SHICER Shicer is old slang for a worthless or contemptible person or thing; a swindler or cheat.
SHICKER Shicker is Australian and New Zealand slang for alcoholic drink; liquor. Shicker is Australian and New Zealand slang for intoxicated.
SHICKERED Shickered is Australian and New Zealand slang for drunk; intoxicated.
SHICKERY Shickery was old slang for shabby, rickety. Shickery was old slang for drunk.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHICKSA Shicksa is British slang for a non−Jewish girl.
SHICKSTER Shickster was old slang for a promiscuous woman.
SHIFT Shift is slang for to move quickly.
SHIKSE Shikse is American Jewish slang for a non−jewish female.
SHILL Shill is slang for a house player in a casino. Shill is slang for a confidence trickster's assistant, especially a person who poses as an ordinary customer, gambler, etc., in order to entice others to participate. Shill is American slang for a police truncheon.
SHILLING TABERNACLE Shilling tabernacle was slang for a Baptist or Methodist tea−meeting where refreshments were available for a shilling.
SHILLINGS AND PENCE Shillings and pence is old London Cockney rhyming slang for common sense.
SHILLY−SHALLY Shilly−shally is slang for vacillation. Shilly−shally is slang for an indecisive person.
SHIM Shim is slang for a strip of celluloid used by criminals to open spring locks. Shim is slang for a transvestite. Shim is slang for an effeminate or passive homosexual.
SHIM SHANKING Shim shanking is Dorset slang for being careless.
SHIM−SHAM Shim−sham is American slang for nervousness.
SHIMMY Shimmy is slang for a woman's petticoat. Shimmy is slang for a man's shirt. Shimmy is slang for the game chemin de fer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHIN Shin is American slang for to run about borrowing money hastily and temporarily. Shin is American prison slang for a contraband weapon, a gun or knife.
SHIN−PLASTER Shin−plaster is American and Australian slang for a bank note, especially one of low denomination. Shin−plaster was Canadian slang for a twenty−five cent note.
SHINDIG Shindig is slang for a party.
SHINDY Shindy is slang for an uproar or disturbance; a spree; a row; a riot.
SHINE Shine is British slang for money. Shine is derogatory American slang for a Black person.
SHINED−ON Shined−on is American slang for ignored, disregarded.
SHINER Shiner is slang for a black eye. Shiner is slang for a bright piece of money. Shiner is slang for a jewel. Shiner is slang for a window−cleaner. Shiner was old slang for a mirror used in cheating at cards.
SHINGLES WITH A SHIMMY Shingles with a shimy is American slang for toast and jam.
SHINNER Shinner is American slang for a person who borrows money.
SHINY AND BRIGHT Shiny and bright is London Cockney rhyming slang for alright.
SHINY BUM BRIGADE Shiny bum brigade is British slang for office workers.
SHIP IN FULL SAIL Ship in full sail was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a pint of ale.
SHIP OUT Ship Out is slang for depart.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHIP OVER Ship over is American military slang for re−enlist, volunteer for a tour of duty.
SHIP UNDER SAIL Ship under sail was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a tale as told by a con man.
SHIRALEE Shiralee is Australian slang for tramp's bundle of personal belongings.
SHIRLEY BASSEY Shirley Bassey is London Cockney rhyming slang for chassis.
SHIRT AND COLLAR Shirt and collar was old London Cockney rhyming slang for two shillings and six pence (a dollar).
SHIRTLIFTER Shirtlifter is derogatory slang for a male homosexual.
SHIRTY Shirty is slang for getting angry or upset.
SHIT Shit is slang for faeces. Shit is slang for nonsense. Shit is slang for a contemptible, obnoxious or worthless person. Shit is slang for defacation. Shit is slang for awful, inferior, worthless.
SHIT A BRICK Shit a brick is slang for be scared.
SHIT AND DERISION Shit and derision is British slang for confusion, mess, a terrible state of affairs.
SHIT BRICKS Shit bricks is slang for to be very scared.
SHIT CREEK Shit creek was 19th century naval slang for a stagnant or dangerous backwater or river.
SHIT DISTURBER Shit disturber is slang for a malicious gossip. Shit disturber is Canadian slang for a trouble maker, a kill joy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHIT HEAD Shit head is slang for an annoying or troublesome person.
SHIT HOLE Shit Hole is slang for a dirty and unpleasant place.
SHIT ON Shit on is slang for humiliate, reprimand, cheat, deceive, cause trouble for.
SHIT ON A SHINGLE Shit On A Shingle is American military slang for creamed chipped beef on toast.
SHIT ON ONE'S OWN DOORSTEP Shit on one's own doorstep is British slang for to do something damaging which will ruin one's own environment.
SHIT ONES PANTS Shit ones pants is slang for be terrified.
SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT Shit or get off the pot is slang for make a decision or take action one way or another, or else give someone else the opportunity to do so.
SHIT OUT Shit out is slang for to act in a cowardly manner.
SHIT SACK Shit sack is slang for a nappy.
SHIT SCARED Shit scared is slang for terrified.
SHIT SHOVER Shit shover is British slang for a male homosexual.
SHIT STABBER Shit stabber is British slang for a male homosexual.
SHIT STIRRER Shit stirrer is slang for a malicious gossip.
SHIT YOURSELF Shit yourself is slang for be scared.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHIT−ASS Shit−ass is Canadian slang for very unpleasant, worthless, contemptible.
SHIT−BAG Shit−bag is British slang for an obnoxious or despicable person.
SHIT−CHUTE Shit−chute is slang for the anus.
SHIT−FACED Shit−faced is slang for drunk.
SHIT−FOR−BRAINS Shit−for−brains is slang for a particularly stupid person.
SHIT−HOLE Shit−hole is slang for a lavatory. Shit−hole is slang for a dirty, unpleasant place.
SHIT−HOT Shit−hot is slang for first rate, excellent. Shit−hot is slang for enthusiastic, very keen.
SHIT−KICKER Shit−kicker is slang for a menial worker.
SHIT−KICKING Shit−kicking is slang for wild, primitive, earthy.
SHIT−LIST Shit−list is American slang for a black list.
SHIT−SCARED Shit−scared is slang for very frightened.
SHITBAG Shitbag is British slang for an unpleasant person.
SHITCAN Shitcan is Australian slang for to denigrate. Shitcan is American slang for to reject, to throw away.
SHITFACED Shitfaced Shitfaced is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated. 946
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SHITHEAD Shithead is British slang for an habitual marijuana smoker.
SHITHEEL Shitheel is American slang for an unpleasant or obnoxious person.
SHITHOUSE Shithouse is slang for a messy or dirty domicile. Shithouse is slang for toilet. Shithouse is Australian slang for terrible, inferior, worthless.
SHITLESS Shitless is slang for extremely scared.
SHITS Shits is slang for diarrhoea.
SHITSTAIN Shitstain is slang for a contemptible person.
SHITSTINKING Shitstinking is slang for a horrible place.
SHITTER Shitter is slang for lavatory, toilet. Shitter is slang for the anus.
SHITTY Shitty is slang for disgusting, contemptible, awful. Shitty is slang for soiled with faeces.
SHITTY−HELMET Shitty−helmet is British slang for a male homosexual.
SHIV Shiv is slang for a knife.
SHIVER AND SHAKE Shiver and shake is London Cockney rhyming slang for cake.
SHLEP Shlep is slang for to drag, pull, or carry. Shlep is slang for to drag oneself, to move or travel with difficulty. Shlep is slang for a long, tedious or tiring journey. Shlep is American slang for a tedious, feeble or irritating person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHLEPPER Shlepper is slang for a clumsy, inept, irritating person. Shlepper is slang for a sluttish, slovenly, immoral person. Shlepper is American slang for a scrounger.
SHLEPPY Shleppy is American slang for irritating, tedious and awkward.
SHLOCK Shlock is slang for shoddy, inferior.
SHLOCKMEISTER Shlockmeister is American slang for someone who sells shoddy goods. Shlockmeister is American slang for a television quiz master.
SHLUB Shlub is American slang for a worthless person, an oaf.
SHMARMY Shmarmy is British slang for smarmy, offensive, ingrtiating, smug.
SHMEG Shmeg is British slang for an idiot.
SHMEGEGGE Shmegegge is American slang for a contemptible, stupid, person.
SHMO Shmo is slang for a foolish person.
SHMOOZE Shmooze is American slang for to chat or gossip at length.
SHNICKEL Shnickel is slang for the penis.
SHNIDE Shnide is British slang for snide, sneering.
SHNORRER Shnorrer is slang for a scrounger.
SHODDY DROPPER Shoddy dropper is Australian and New Zealand slang for a seller of cheap or falsely describe clothing. 948
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SHOE Shoe is American slang for excellent, admirable, fashionable.
SHOES AND SOCKS Shoes and socks is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
SHOEY Shoey is military slang for a shoeing−smith in a cavalry regiment.
SHOFUL Shoful is old slang for counterfeit money. Shoful is old slang for a hansom cab.
SHONICKER Shonicker is derogatory American slang for a Jew.
SHONK Shonk is british slang for the nose. Shonk is derogatory slang for a Jew.
SHONKY Shonky is slang for Jewish. Shonky is Australian slang for unreliable, dishonest. Shonky is Australian slang for someone engaged in irregular or illegal business activities.
SHOO−FLY Shoo−Fly is American slang for a policeman, usually in plain clothes, detailed to watch and report on other policemen.
SHOO−IN Shoo−in is American slang for a certainty. Shoo−in is American slang for allowing a race−horse to win easily.
SHOOL Shool is slang for beg.
SHOOMERS Shoomers is British slang for patrons of acid house music clubs.
SHOOT Shoot is slang for discard, get rid of. Shoot is slang for ejaculate. Shoot is slang for inject a drug. Shoot is slang for heroin. Shoot is slang for leave hurriedly. Shoot is American slang for anger, annoyance.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHOOT A CAT Shoot a cat is British slang for to vomit.
SHOOT ONE'S BOLT Shoot one's bolt is slang for ejaculate.
SHOOT ONE'S LOAD Shoot one's load is slang for ejaculate.
SHOOT ONE'S MOUTH OFF Shoot one's mouth off is slang for to talk indiscreetly; to boast or exaggerate.
SHOOT ONE'S WAD Shoot one's wad is slang for ejaculate.
SHOOT ONES LOAD Shoot ones load is slang for to ejaculate semen.
SHOOT THE BREEZE Shoot the breeze is American and Canadian slang for to pass time talking lightly.
SHOOT THE BULL Shoot the bull is American and Canadian slang for to pass time talking lightly. Shoot the bull is American and Canadian slang for To boast or exaggerate.
SHOOT THE SHIT Shoot the shit is American slang for to talk, to gossip.
SHOOT THROUGH Shoot Through is Australian slang for to leave or disappear.
SHOOT UP Shoot up is slang for to inject someone, especially oneself with a drug, especially heroin.
SHOOT−UP Shoot−up is slang for to inject a drug.
SHOOTER Shooter is British slang for a gun. Shooter is American slang for a measure of spirits intended to be drunk in one swallow.
SHOOTING GALLERY Shooting gallery is British slang for a place where drug users gather to inject themselves. Shooting gallery is American slang for a house where heroin addicts inject themselves. 950
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHOOTING GRAVY Shooting gravy is Black−American slang for when an addict reinjects his own cooked blood
SHOOTING IRON, Shooting iron is American slang for a firearm.
SHOOTING STICK Shooting stick is British slang for the penis.
SHOP Shop is slang for dismiss someone from employment. Shop is British slang for to tell or inform on someone. Shop was old 17th and 18th century slang for prison. Shop is theatre slang for employment.
SHOPKEEPER Shopkeeper was old slang for an article that remained unsold in a shop for a long time.
SHOPPER Shopper is slang for an informer.
SHOPPING Shopping is slang for illicit drugs brought from a dealer.
SHOPPY Shoppy is slang for a shop assistant.
SHORT Short is British slang for a measure of a spirit or liquer. Short was old British slang for a measure of gin.
SHORT AND CURLIES Short and curlies is British slang for pubic hair.
SHORT ARM Short arm is slang for the penis.
SHORT ARMS Short arms is British slang for a miser.
SHORT DOG Short dog is American slang for a bottle of cheap wine or spirits.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHORT EYES Short eyes is American prison slang for a child molester.
SHORT HAIRS Short hairs is slang for pubic hair.
SHORT OF A SHEET Short of a sheet is British slang for a simpleton, a crazy person.
SHORT OUT Short out is American slang for to lose one's temper.
SHORT−ARM INSPECTION Short−arm inspection is military slang for an inspection of the penis for venereal disease.
SHORT−ARSE Short−arse is slang for a short person.
SHORT−CHANGE Short−change is slang for to cheat or swindle.
SHORT−EYES Short−eyes is American prison slang for a child molester.
SHORT−HOUSE Short−house is British slang for a short person.
SHORT−STUFF Short−stuff is American slang for a small person, a child.
SHORTARSE Shortarse is slang for a small person.
SHORTHOUSE Shorthouse is British slang for a short person.
SHOT Shot is slang for worn out, exhausted. Shot is slang for intoxicated, drunk. Shot is slang for an injection.
SHOT DOWN Shot down is British slang for infected with venereal disease.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHOT STOPPER Shot stopper is British slang for a condom.
SHOTGUN Shotgun is slang for drinking the entire contents of a can of beer in one go, through a hole punched in the bottom. Shotgun is slang for blowing the smoke from a cannabis cigarette into another person's mouth.
SHOULDER Shoulder was old slang for a coach driver picking up passengers without consulting the proprietor. Shoulder is old slang for embezzle another person's money.
SHOUSE Shouse is Australian slang for a toilet.
SHOUT Shout is British slang for a round of drinks. Shout is British slang for an emergency request for help. Shout is American slang for speak to the point. Shout is Australian slang for to vomit. Shout is Australian slang for to buy someone something, to treat someone.
SHOUT AND HOLLER Shout and holler was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a collar.
SHOUT AT YOUR SHOES Shout at your shoes is American slang for to vomit
SHOUT EUROPE AT THE SINK Shout Europe at the sink is American slang for to vomit
SHOUTING TO HUEY AND RALPH Shouting to Huey and Ralph is American slang for to vomit
SHOVE IT Shove it is American slang for desist from a course of action.
SHOVE OFF Shove off is slang for go away.
SHOVE SHIT UPHILL Shove shit uphill is slang for sodomise.
SHOVEL Shovel is tramp slang for a spoon.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHOVEL AND BROOM Shovel and broom is British and American rhyming slang for room.
SHOVEL AND PICK Shovel and pick is London Cockney rhyming slang for an Irish person (Mick). Shovel and pick is London Cockney rhyming slang for prison (nick).
SHOVEL AND SPADE Shovel and spade is London Cockney rhyming slang for a knife or razor (blade).
SHOVELLER Shoveller is British slang for a building site labourer.
SHOVELS Shovels is slang for the spades suit in a deck of cards.
SHOVELS AND SPADES Shovels and spades is London Cockney rhyming slang for AIDS.
SHOVER Shover is old slang for someone who passes counterfeit money.
SHOW Show is British slang for an accidental display of a woman's underwear or naked body. Show is military slang for a raid, battle, or war.
SHOW ONE'S STUDS Show one's studs is slang for to be ruthless, brutal.
SHOW OUT Show out is British slang for a woman's signal of interest in a man.
SHOW−OFF Show−off is slang for to act pretentiously, to overly display ones knowledge.
SHOW−UP Show−up is American slang for a police identity parade.
SHOWBOAT Showboat is British slang for to be ostentatious.
SHOWCROP Showcrop is Dorset slang for a shew.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHOWER Shower is derogatory British slang for a person or group, especially a group considered as being slack, untidy, etc.
SHOWER BATH Shower bath is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten shillings or 50 pence (a half).
SHPEW Shpew is American slang for to vomit
SHRAPNEL Shrapnel is slang for small change.
SHRED Shred is slang for a tailor. Shred is slang for defeat overwhelmingly.
SHREDDIES Shreddies is British slang for revolting, tatty, shredded underwear.
SHREWD−HEAD Shrewd−head is Australian and New Zealand slang for a shrewd or cunning person.
SHREWDIE Shrewdie is Australian and New Zealand slang for a shrewd or cunning person.
SHRIMP Shrimp is slang for to lick, suck and kiss the toes for sexual gratification.
SHRIMPER Shrimper is American slang for a foot−fetishist.
SHRIMPING Shrimping is American slang for toe sucking.
SHRINK Shrink (shortened from headshrinker) is slang for a psychiatrist.
SHRINKER Shrinker is slang for a psychiatrist.
SHRUBBERY Shrubbery is British slang for pubic hair.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SHTICK Shtick is slang for a comedian's routine; act; piece. Shtick is slang for a person's characteristic behaviour. Shtick is slang for a gimmick, trick, ruse.
SHTOOK Shtook is slang for trouble.
SHTOOM Shtoom is slang for silent; dumb.
SHTUM Shtum is slang for silent, unspeaking.
SHTUP Shtup is slang for push. Shtup is slang for have sexual intercourse.
SHUCK Shuck is slang for deceive or fool someone.
SHUDDER Shudder is British slang for sex.
SHUFFLEBUTT Shufflebutt is slang for a fidgety, restless person.
SHUFTY Shufty (from the Arabic for look) is British slang for to have a look.
SHUNT Shunt is motor racing slang for a crash.
SHUSH BAG Shush bag is Polari slang for a hold−all.
SHUSHY Shushy is slang for a camp, extravagant style.
SHUT EYE Shut eye is British slang for constipation.
SHUT IT Shut it is slang for be quiet. 956
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SHUT YOUR FACE Shut your face is slang for an abrupt request to stop talking; be silent.
SHUT−EYE Shut−eye is slang for sleep.
SHUTTER−BUG Shutter−bug is slang for an enthusiastic photographer.
SHUVVER Shuvver is British slang for a chauffeur.
SHY Shy is slang for lacking, such as the team is shy two players. Shy is slang for dubious or suspect.
SHYLOCK Shylock is slang for a moneylender. Shylock is slang for a Jew.
SHYPOO Shypoo is Australian slang for a public house selling inferior liquor.
SHYSTER Shyster is British slang for an undesirable, contemptuous, unpleasant person. Shyster is American slang for a trickish knave; one who carries on any business, especially legal business, in a mean and dishonest way.
SICE Sice was old slang for a sixpence.
SICK Sick is American slang for craving or withdrawing from an addictive drug.
SICK SQUID Sick squid is British slang for six pounds sterling (six quid).
SICKENER Sickener is slang for a dissappointment.
SICKIE Sickie is slang for a day off work sick.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SICKLE Sickle is British slang for a cycle.
SICKO Sicko is slang for a disturbing and unsavoury person. A pervert.
SIDE Side is British slang for insolence, arrogance, or pretentiousness. Side is slang for a recording.
SIDE−ARMS Side−arms is American slang for salt and pepper.
SIDE−WHEELER Side−wheeler is American slang for a left−handed person.
SIDEBOARD Sideboard is old slang for a stand−up collar.
SIDEKICK Sidekick is criminal slang for a side−pocket.
SIDEWAYS Sideways is Black American slang for goodbye.
SIDEWINDER Sidewinder is slang for a heavy swinging blow from the side, which disables an adversary. Sidewinder is amateur radio slang for a SSB station.
SIDLEY Sidley is British slang for elegantly stealthy, furtive.
SIEVE−HEAD Sieve−head is British slang for a forgetful person.
SIGGING Sigging is Black American slang for comepting in rounds of ritualised mocking.
SIGHT Sight is slang for a good deal, a large amount. Sight is slang for something shocking. Sight is Australian slang for to tolerate. Sight is Australian slang for to observe.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SIGMUND FREUDS Sigmund Freuds is London Cockney rhyming slang for haemorrhoids.
SIGNIFIER Signifier is American slang for a person who boasts or makes insulting remarks in competitve exaggeration.
SIGNIFY Signify is American slang for boast or make insulting remarks in competitve exaggeration.
SIGOURNEY WEAVE Sigourney Weaver is London Cockney rhyming slang for the pubic region of a woman (beaver).
SILAS HOCKINGS Silas Hockings was old British theatre rhyming slang for stockings.
SILENT COP Silent cop is Australian slang for a small concrete marker set in the middle of a road or crossroads to direct the flow of traffic.
SILENT HORROR Silent horror is British slang for a quiet but pungent emission of wind from the anus.
SILENT NIGHT Silent night is London Cockney rhyming slang for light ale.
SILENT TERROR Silent terror is British slang for a quiet but pungent emission of wind from the anus.
SILICON CHIP Silicon chip is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Japanese person (nip).
SILK Silk is American air−force slang for a parachute.
SILLIKIN Sillikin is old slang for a simpleton, a naive or silly person.
SILLY HOUSE Silly house is slang for mental hospital.
SILLY MONEY Silly money is British slang for a ridiculous price.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SILLY MOO Silly moo is slang for a idiotic or foolish woman.
SILO Silo is British slang for an asylum seeker.
SILO BUSTER Silo buster is slang for a missile which can destroy an enemy missile in its silo.
SILVER AND GOLD Silver and gold is London Cockney rhyming slang for old.
SILVER BAR Silver bar is American military slang for a Lieutenant or Marine 1st Lieutenant.
SILVER SPOON Silver spoon is London Cockney rhyming slang for the moon.
SILVERTAIL Silvertail is Australian and New Zealand slang for a socially prominent person.
SILVERY MOON Silvery moon is abusive London Cockney rhyming slang for a black person (coon).
SIM Sim was old slang for an evengelical christian (Simeonite).
SIMOLEON Simoleon is slang for a dollar.
SIMOLEONS Simoleons is American slang for money.
SIMP Simp is British and American slang for a simpleton.
SIMPATICO Simpatico is slang for agreeable, pleasant, friendly.
SIMPLE SIMON Simple Simon is London Cockney rhyming slang for diamond.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SIN BIN Sin bin is slang for a school where pupils excluded from other schools are sent. Sin bin is Australian slang for a car or van used primarily for sex. Sin bin is sport slang for an area off the field of play where a player who has committed a foul can be sent to sit for a specified period.
SIN BOSUN Sin bosun is nautical slang for a ship's captain.
SIN−SHIFTER Sin−shifter is slang for a clergyman.
SINBAD THE SAILOR Inbad the sailor is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tailor.
SINEX Sinex is British slang for an annoying person.
SING Sing is American slang for to confess or act as an informer.
SING LUNCH Sing lunch is American slang for to vomit
SING PSYCHEDELIC PRAISES TO THE DEPTHS OF THE CHINA BOWL Sing psychedelic praises to the depths of the china bowl is American slang for to vomit
SING TO THE SINK Sing to the sink is American slang for to vomit
SINGER Singer is slang for an informer.
SINGLE−O Single−o is American slang for alone, without an accomplice.
SINGLETON Singleton is British slang for a single person.
SINK Sink is slang for to drink down. Sink is slang for to conceal and appropriate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SINKER Sinker is American slang for a dollar. Sinker is old slang for a doughnut.
SINSEMILLA Sinsemilla is slang for cannabis.
SIP Sip is backslang for to urinate (piss).
SIPHON Siphon is slang for to urinate.
SIPPERS Sippers is nautical slang for a sip of rum from someone else's tot as a reward or in celebration.
SIR ALEC Sir Alec is British slang for a pinto of Guinness.
SIR ANTHONY BLUNT Sir Anthony Blunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (cunt).
SIR LANCELOT Sir Lancelot is British slang for a promiscuous man.
SIR PAUL Sir Paul is British slang for a condom.
SIR WALTER SCOTT Sir Walter Scott is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pint glass (pot).
SISSY Sissy is slang for an effeminate, weak, or cowardly person.
SISTER Sister is slang for a male fellow homosexual.
SIT BESIDE 'ER Sit beside 'er is London Cockney rhyming slang for a spider.
SIT DOWN Sit down is slang for to submit, to give in, to suffer in silence.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SIT−DOWN Sit−down is slang for to defecate. Sit−down is American slang for a free sit−down meal.
SIT−DOWN JOB Sit−down job is British slang for defecation.
SITE Site is American nautical slang for a job or situation.
SITTER Sitter is American slang for a person employed to sit in a bard and induce people to buy drinks. Sitter is slang for a sitting−room.
SITUATIONER Situationer is journalist slang for a an article constituting a general report on some situation.
SIWASH Siwash is derogatory slang for a North American Indian.
SIX Six is Black−American slang for grave.
SIX AND EIGHT Six and eight is London Cockney rhyming slang for a state of agitation or nervousness (state). Six and eight is London Cockney rhyming slang for honest (straight).
SIX BY SIX Six by six is slang for a six wheel truck with six−wheel drive.
SIX MONTHS HARD Six months hard was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a bingo card.
SIX PACK Six pack is slang for a flat, muscular stomach.
SIX TO FOUR Six to four is London Cockney rhyming slang for a whore.
SIX−PACK Six−pack is slang for strong and evident abdominal muscles.
SIXER Sixer is slang for a six−month prison sentence. 963
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SIXPENN'ORTH Sixpenn'orth is old British slang for a six−month prison sentence.
SIXTY−EIGHT Sixty−eight is British slang for fellatio.
SIXTY−NINE Sixty−nine is slang for simultaneous, mutual oral sex.
SIZE QUEEN Size queen is slang for a male homosexual who favours sexual partners based upon the size of their genitals.
SIZZLE Sizzle is Black−American slang for to be dangerously subject to arrest, usually for the possession of illegal drugs
SKAG Skag (scag) is slang for a cigarette or cigarette stub. Skag (scag) is slang for the narcotic drug heroin.
SKANK Skank is slang for an ugly, dirty person.
SKANKING Skanking is slang for a swinging and jerking style of dancing characteristic of reggae and 'two−tone' music. Skanking is Jamaican slang for bahving disreputably.
SKANKY Skanky is slang for dirty, unwashed, unattractive.
SKAT Skat was 1980's slang for fashionable.
SKATE Skate is American slang for a person; fellow. Skate is American slang for avoid work or duty, shirk. Skate is American slang for a worn−out, decripit horse.
SKEDADDLE Skedaddle is slang for move, go away or flee as if in a panic.
SKEETER Skeeter is British slang for a mosquito.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SKEEZICKS Skeezicks is American slang for a rascal; rogue.
SKEIN OF THREAD Skein of thread was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for bed.
SKELDER Skelder was old slang for beg a living claiming to be a wounded ex−serviceman. Skelder was old slang for to cheat, swindle or defraud a person.
SKELL Skell is American slang for a homeless person, particularly a homeless New Yorker living in the subway system.
SKERRET Skerret is slang for a tiny amount.
SKETCH Sketch is slang for a small quantity; a drop.
SKETCHLEY'S AERIAL Sketchley's aerial is British slang for a makeshift aerial made from a wire coathanger.
SKEW Skew is old slang for a cup or wooden dish.
SKEW−WHIFF Skew−whiff is British slang for crooked, not straight, not perpendicular.
SKIBBY Skibby was American army slang for a female prostitute.
SKID Skid is slang for to leave, to go away. Skid is British slang for to make do with little money. Skid is slang for heroin.
SKID ARTIST Skid artist is British slang for an expert getaway driver.
SKID ROW Skid row is slang for a dilapidated section of a city inhabited by vagrants, etc.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SKIDLID Skidlid is slang for a crash helmet.
SKIDMARK Skidmark is slang for a faecal smear or stain.
SKIDOO Skidoo is American slang for depart hurriedly.
SKIDS Skids is Australian slang for fate, hard luck.
SKIFFLE Skiffle is Black−American slang for a party given in ones home to make money to pay the rent.
SKILL Skill is a British slang expression of admiration, appreciation, approval.
SKILLIGALEE Skilligalee is nautical slang for an inspid drink; tea, coffee.
SKILLY Skilly (shorterned from skilligalee) is nautical slang for an inspid drink; tea, coffee.
SKIM Skim is American slang for conceal or divert part of one's income to avoid paying tax.
SKIMMING Skimming is slang for taking money illegally. Skimming is British slang for illegally taking credit card details by passing the card through a reader.
SKIN Skin is slang for a skinhead. Skin is slang for a cigarette paper used for rolling a cannabis cigarette. Skin is slang for to strip of money or property; to cheat. (See also fleece). Skin is slang for a purse or wallet. Skin is slang for to rob, defraud. Skin is slang for beat or overcome completely. Skin is slang for a condom. Skin is American slang for a dollar.
SKIN AND BLISTER Skin and blister is London Cockney rhyming slang for sister.
SKIN AND GRIEF Skin and grief is British slang for a very thin person. 966
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SKIN CHIMNEY Skin chimney is slang for the vagina.
SKIN FLICK Skin flick is slang for a film containing much nudity and explicit sex for sensational purposes.
SKIN GAME Skin game is slang for a swindling trick.
SKIN OUT Skin out is American slang for abscond.
SKIN UP Skin up is slang for to roll a joint.
SKIN−POP Skin−pop is slang for the subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of a narcotic.
SKINFUL Skinful is slang for a sufficient quantity of alcohol to make one drunk.
SKINHEAD Skinhead is slang for a bald person. Skinhead is slang for a member of a working−class youth culture characterised by short cropped hair, the wearing of American shirts, jeans and typically leather boots.
SKINK Skink is derogatory Black British slang for a white person.
SKINNED RABBIT Skinned rabbit is British slang for a flacid penis.
SKINNER Skinner is Australian slang for a racing result very profitable to bookmakers.
SKINNY Skinny is American slang for information.
SKINNY AS A BROOM Skinny as a broom is London Cockney rhyming slang for bridegroom.
SKINNY−DIP Skinny−dip is slang for to swim naked.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SKINPOP Skinpop is slang for to inject a drug into the flesh rather than a vein.
SKINS Skins is slang for drums. Skins is slang for tyres. Skins is slang for skinheads.
SKINT Skint is slang for having no money, poor.
SKINTITIS Skintitis is British slang for being without money, poor.
SKIP Skip is slang for an escape. Skip is slang for an escapee. Skip is British slang for a boss. Skip is British slang for a place to sleep. Skip is British slang for an old, dilapidated or cheap vehicle.
SKIP AND JUMP Skip and jump is London Cockney rhyming slang for the heart (pump).
SKIP BAIL Skip bail is slang for jump bail.
SKIP IT Skip it is slang for abandon a project. Skip it is slang for abscond, disappear.
SKIP KENNEL Skip kennel is slang for a lackey; a footboy.
SKIP−TRACER Skip−tracer is American slang for a bounty hunter.
SKIPPER Skipper is slang for a place for sleeping rough. Skipper is slang for a person who sleeps rough, a vagrant. Skipper is British slang for a captain. Skipper is military slang for a commander in the army or airforce. Skipper is American slang for a police captain or sergeant.
SKIPPERING Skippering is British slang for sleeping rough, to be homeless.
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SKIPPY Skippy is American slang for a male homosexual. Skippy was American army slang for a female prostitute.
SKIRT Skirt is slang for a woman or women.
SKIT Skit is British slang for to tease.
SKITE Skite is Australian slang for boasting.
SKIVE Skive is slang for to evade doing ones task or duty.
SKIVER Skiver is slang for a person who persistently avoids work or responsibility. An idler.
SKIVVIES Skivvies is slang for underwear.
SKIVVY Skivvy is slang for a servant for menial tasks. Skivvy is American slang for a man's T−shirt or vest.
SKOOKUM HOUSE Skookum house is American slang for jail.
SKOSH Skosh is American slang for a small amount, a little.
SKRIM SHANKING Skrim shanking is Dorset slang for being careless.
SKULL Skull is slang for a chief or an expert. Skull is American slang for the head. Skull is American slang for to strike a person on the head. Skull is American slang for fellatio. Skull is Australian slang for to drink alcohol.
SKULL ORCHARD Skull orchard is slang for a cemetery.
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SKULL−DRAG Skull−drag is Black−American slang for any performance or task that taxes the mind heavily
SKULLED Skulled is slang for intoxicated, drunk, ynder the influence of drugs.
SKUNK Skunk is slang for potent marijuana. Skunk is slang for a worthless or contemptible person or thing. Skunk is American and Canadian slang for to defeat overwhelmingly in a game. Skunk is American military slang for an unidentified surface craft.
SKUNK WEED Skunk weed is slang for cannabis.
SKUNKY Skunky is slang for smelling bad.
SKY Sky is slang for raise a price by bidding high. Sky is slang for position high up. Sky is slang for to throw or toss something into the air. Sky is Black−American slang for refers to the blue uniform of a law−enforcement agent.
SKY DIVER Sky diver is London Cockney rhyming slang for five pounds sterling (fiver). Sky diver is British slang for a pickpocket.
SKY PILOT Sky pilot is slang for a priest. Sky pilot is slang for a person licensed as a pilot.
SKY ROCKET Sky rocket is London Cockney rhyming slang for pocket. Sky rocket is American slang for an enthusiastic cheer.
SKY THE WIPE Sky the wipe is Australian slang for throw in the sponge, give up, admit defeat.
SKY−BLUE Sky−blue is nautical slang for barley broth. Sky−blue is slang for gin.
SKYER Skyer is British slang for a pickpocket.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SKYLARK Skylark is London Cockney rhyming slang for a park.
SKYMAN Skyman is slang for an aeronaut. Skyman is British slang for a pickpocket.
SKYSCRAPER Skyscraper is slang for ball hit high in the air. Skyscraper is London Cockney rhyming slang for paper.
SLAB Slab is Black−American slang for bread
SLACK Slack is slang for a prostitute. Slack is slang for to urinate. Slack is Jamaican slang for immoral.
SLACK TWISTED Slack twisted is Dorset slang for untidy. Slack twisted is Dorset slang for careless.
SLACK−JAW Slack−jaw is slang for a talkative person.
SLAG Slag is British slang for a prostitute or promiscuous woman. Slag is British slang for a despicable man. Slag is British slang for a petty criminal. Slag is British slang for to insult, criticise, denigrate. Slag is Australian slang for to spit.
SLAG DOWN Slag down is prison slang for to give a verbal lashing to.
SLAG OFF Slag off is British slang for to denigrate, criticise, insult.
SLAG−OFF Slag−off is slang for to verbally put down someone or something.
SLAGGER Slagger is British slang for a critic, a reviewer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SLAGGING Slagging is British slang for criticism, denigration, abuse.
SLAGGY Slaggy is British slang for criminal, reprehensible.
SLAISTER Slaister is British slang for a messy eater, a dribbler, a dirty, slovenly person.
SLAM Slam is slang for harsh criticism or abuse. Slam is American slang for an insult.
SLAM BARF Slam barf is American slang for to vomit
SLAM DANCING Slam dancing is slang for a form of danicing in which the devotees hurl themselves at eah other, at walls and at the stage.
SLAMMED Slammed is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
SLAMMER Slammer is slang for prison.
SLANG The definition of slang varies from source to source, however the generally accepted definition among the public is of language which is very informal (that is more so than colloquial language which is simply informal) or much below the standard level of education. Hence the dividing line between slang and colloquialisms is very fine, and moving. Many terms start as slang, and become adopted as standard language. Similarly, the precise meanings of slang terms varies through the ages. Because the term slang also encompasses vocabulary not in general use, many dialectal words may also be considered slang.
SLANGS Slangs was old slang for fetters, leg−irons.
SLANGWHANG Slanwhang is American slang for use abusive or violent language.
SLANT Slant is slang for an oriental person. Slant is slang for an occassion, chance or opportunity for a journey.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SLANT−EYES Slant−eyes is derogatory American slang for an oriental person.
SLAP Slap is slang for a meal, feast. Slap is theatre slang for face makeup. Slap is Jamaican slang for sexual intercourse.
SLAP−AND−TICKLE Slap−and−tickle is British slang for petting, kissing and caressing. Slap−and−tickle is London Cockney rhyming slang for pickle.
SLAPHEAD Slaphead is slang for a balding person.
SLAPPER Slapper is British slang for a sexually easy woman, or tart; a prstitute, slut.
SLAPSIE MAXIE Slapsie Maxier is London Cockney rhyming slang for a taxi.
SLASH Slash is British slang for to urinate.
SLASHER Slasher is slang for a violent man, particularly one who uses a knife.
SLASHER MOVIE Slasher movie is slang for a type of film in which victims, usually women, are slashed with knives, razors, etc.
SLATE Slate is slang for beat or thrash severely. Slate is slang for criticise severely.
SLATHER Slather is American slang for thrash, defeat thoroughly; castigate.
SLATING Slating is slang for a severe punishment or beating. Slating is slang for a severe reprimand or crtiticism.
SLATS Slats is slang for the ribs; buttocks. Slats is Australian slang for the vulval labia.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SLAUGHTER Slaughter is British slang for too large, the term is applied to clothes. Slaughter is British slang for to consume a whole bottle of spirit in one session. Slaughter is British slang for to win conclusively.
SLAUGHTERED Slaughtered is slang for very intoxicated by drink or drugs.
SLAUGHTERHOUSE Slaughterhouse is slang for a cheap brothel.
SLAUGHTMOBILE Slaughtmodile is slang for a motor vehicle driben by a joyrider, a drunk or other bad driver.
SLAVE MARKET Slave market is slang for an employment exchange.
SLAY Slay is slang for to impress.
SLAY ONE Slay One is Black−American slang for a request to be told stunning news
SLEAZE Sleaze is slang for shabbiness, sordiness, immorality. Sleaze is slang for move in a sleazy fashion.
SLEAZEBAG Sleazebag is slang for a despicable, sleazy fawning person.
SLEAZEBALL Sleazeball is slang for a despicable, sleazy fawning person.
SLEAZEBUCKET Sleazebucket is slang for a despicable, sleazy fawning person.
SLEAZO Sleazo is American slang for something sleazy, especially pornographic.
SLEAZY Sleazy is slang for sodid, squalid, shabby, dispreputable.
SLEDGE Sledge is British slang for to barrack. 974
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SLEDGEHAMMER Sledgehamer is British slang for lacking subtlety, lacking tact.
SLEDGING Sledging is sporting slang for heaping insults on an opponent so as to break their concentration.
SLEEP Sleep is slang for a short prison term.
SLEEPER Sleeper is slang for a sleeping−pill. Sleeper is betting slang for a winning bet that remains unclaimed for a long time.
SLEEPERS Sleepers is slang for phenobarbital.
SLEEPING POLICEMAN Sleeping policeman is British slang for a speed−bump across a road designed to slow down traffic.
SLEEPY PILLS Sleepy Pills is slang for phenobarbital.
SLEIGH−RIDE Sleigh−ride is American slang for an implausible story, hoax or deception Sleigh−ride is American slang for a narcotic drug, particularly cocaine. Sleigh−ride is American slang for the feeling of euphoria following the taking of a narcotic drug, particularly cocaine.
SLEW−FOOT Slew−foot is American slang for someone clumsy.
SLEWED Slewed is slang for somewhat drunk, intoxicated.
SLICE OF HAM Slice of ham is London Cockney rhyming slang for fellatio (gam).
SLICE OF TOAST Slice of toast is London Cockney rhyming slang for ghost.
SLICE−AND−DICE Slice−and−dice is American slang for a violent horror movie in which victims are cut up (a slasher movie).
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SLICEING ONE'S CHOPS Sliceing one's chops is Black−American slang for talking.
SLICKSTER Slickster is American slang for a swindler.
SLIDE AND SLUTHER Slide and sluther is London Cockney rhyming slang for brother.
SLIDE ONES JIB Slide ones jib is Black−American slang for to talk
SLIDES Slides is Black−American slang for shoes
SLIM JIM Slim Jim is slang for a bootlace tie of the type worn by cowboys.
SLIME Slime is slang for an obnoxious person. Slime is Australian slang for to ejaculate.
SLIMEBAG Slimebag is slang for a repugnant person.
SLIMEBALL Slimeball is slang for a repugnant person.
SLIMEBUCKET Slimebucket is slang for a repugnant person.
SLING YOUR HOOK Sling your hook is British slang for go away.
SLINGER Slinger is British slang for a workman who ties a rope around a load so that it can be picked up by a crane.
SLINGERS Slingers is slang for bread soaked in tea.
SLIP A LENGTH Slip a length is slang for to fornicate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SLIP INTO Slip into is slang for assail with blows, attack.
SLIP IT TO SOMEONE Slip it to someone is British slang for have sex with someone.
SLIP ONE OVER ON Slip one over on is slang for to hoodwink or trick.
SLIPPERY SID Slippery Sid is British slang for a Jew (Yid).
SLIT Slit is slang for the vagina. Slit is slang for a female.
SLITHER AND DODGE Slither and dodge is London Cockney rhyming slang for a branch of a union or the Freemasons (lodge).
SLITTY EYE Slitty eye is offensive British slang for an oriental person.
SLO−MO Slo−mo is slang for slowly.
SLOANE RANGER Sloane ranger is British slang for a sub−category of British youth comprising young, upper−middle or upper class people, educated at public school, and affecting certain modes of behaviour.
SLOB Slob is slang for a uncouth, unsavoury or fat person.
SLOBBERCHOPS Slobberchops is slang for a person with a salivery mouth.
SLOG ONE'S GUTS OUT Slog one's guts out is British slang for work very hard.
SLOGGER Slogger is criminal slang for a weapon comprising a heavy weight attached to a strap or thong.
SLOMVOSH Slomvosh is London Cockney rhyming slang for wash. 977
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SLOOP OF WAR Sloop of war is London Cockney rhyming slang for a whore.
SLOP Slop is slang for police.
SLOPE Slope is slang for to depart; to disappear suddenly. Slope is derogatory slang for an oriental, especially a Vietnamese.
SLOPE OFF Slope off is slang for to leave, to depart surreptitiously.
SLOPEHEAD Slopehead is derogatory slang for an oriental, especially a Vietnamese.
SLOPEY Slopey is derogatory American slang for an oriental, especially a Chinese.
SLOPPING−UP Slopping−up is American slang for a drinking bout.
SLOPPY JOE Sloppy Joe is slang for a large, baggy, jumper.
SLOPS Slops is American and Australian slang for beer. Slops is slang for police.
SLOSH Slosh is British slang for a heavy blow. Slosh is British slang for to hit. Slosh was 1950's British slang for beer. Slosh is American slang for move around aimlessly, loaf about. Slosh was 19th century British slang for alcoholic drink.
SLOSH AND MUD Slosh and mud is London Cockney rhyming slang for a collar stud.
SLOSHED Sloshed is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
SLOSHER Slosher is British slang for a losing bet.
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SLOT Slot is slang for a slot−machine. Slot is slang for the vulva. Slot is American slang for the middle of the semi−circular desk around which newspaper sub−editors work. Slot is gay slang for the anus. Slot is Australian slang for a prison cell. Slot is military slang for kill or injure someone by shooting them.
SLOUGH Slough is slang for imprison.
SLOWMO Slowmo is British slang for a slow, idling person.
SLUDGEGULPER Sludgegulper is British slang for a glutton.
SLUG Slug is British slang for an obnoxious person. Slug is late 19th century slang for a dollar and also for a counterfeit coin. Slug is Australian slang for charge excessively.
SLUG AND SNAIL Slug and snail is London Cockney rhyming slang for a finger or toe nail.
SLUG−FEST Slug−fest is American slang for a hard hitting boxing match or baseball game.
SLUG−NUTTY Slug−nutty is American slang for punch−drunk.
SLUGFEST Slugfest is British slang for a lengthy boxing match.
SLUGGERS Sluggers is American slang for side whiskers worn from the chin to the ear.
SLUICE ONE'S GOB Sluice one's gob is slang for drink heartily.
SLUICE THE THROAT Sluice the throat is British slang for to drink.
SLUM Slum was old slang for a room. Slum is American criminals' slang for cheap or immitation jewellery. 979
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SLUM BURNER Slum burner is slang for an army cook.
SLUM GUN Slum gun is slang for a field kitchen.
SLUMGULLION Slumgullion is American and Canadian slang for an inexpensive stew.
SLUMMOCK Slummock is British slang for a lazy, untidy person.
SLUSH Slush is slang for food of a watery consistency. Slush is slang for counterfeit paper money. Slush was nautical slang for the oils and fats obtained from boiling meat.
SLUSH AND SLURRY Slush and slurry is London Cockney rhyming slang for curry.
SLUSH FUND Slush fund was nautical slang for a fund of money raised from the sale of slush and used to buy luxuries for the crew.
SLUSH PUMP Slush pump is American slang for a trombone.
SLUSHY Slushy is Australian slang for an unskilled kitchen assistant.
SLUTTY Slutty is slang for sluttish.
SLY Sly is Australian and New Zealand slang for illicit.
SMACK Smack is slang for heroin. Smack is British slang for to eat noisily.
SMACK IN THE EYE Smack in the eye is London Cockney rhyming slang for pie.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SMACK OFF Smack off is British slang for to masturbate.
SMACKED−OUT Smacked−out is slang for addicted to heroin. Smacked−out is slang for under the influence of heroin.
SMACKER Smacker is slang for a loud kiss. Smacker is slang for a pound note or dollar bill.
SMACKEROO Smackeroo is slang for a pound note or dollar bill.
SMACKERS Smackers is slang for money.
SMACKHEAD Smackhead is slang for a heroin addict, junkie.
SMALL POTATOES Small potatoes is slang for an insignificant amount, often with regard to money.
SMALL−TIME Small−time is slang for insignificant, worthless. Small−time is slang for the lower ranks of a profession.
SMARM Smarm is Dorset slang for to dirty, to soil.
SMARMITE Smarmite is British slang for a smarmy, ingratiating person.
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Smarmy is slang for obsequious, condescendingly flattering.
SMART MONEY Smart money is British slang for financial acumen. Smart money was 17th century British slang for a serviceman's disability pension.
SMART−ARSE Smart−arse is slang for a person who smuggly displays their intelligence.
SMART−ASS Smart−ass is slang for a person who smuggly displays their intelligence.
SMARTMOUTH Smartmouth is American slang for to cheek, to speak disrespectfully of someone.
SMARTS Smarts is British and American slang for know−how, intelligence, or wits.
SMASH Smash is American slang for an alcoholic drink, particularly wine. Smash is American slang for a wild or rowdy party. Smash is criminals' slang for a counterfeit coin. Smash is criminals' slang for loose change, coins. Smash is criminals' slang for pass counterfeit money.
SMASH AND GRAB Smash and grab is London Cockney rhyming slang for a taxi cab.
SMASH MOUTH Smash mouth is American slang for to kiss.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SMASHED Smashed is slang for drunk, intoxicated. Smashed is slang for under the influence of drugs.
SMASHER Smasher is slang for something very large or extraordinary. Smasher is criminals' slang for someone who passes counterfeit money.
SMASHEROO Smasheroo is American slang for a smash hit.
SMASHING Smashing is slang for excellent, brilliant.
SMEAR Smear is American slang for to defeat completely. Smear is slang for kill or destroy by bombing.
SMEAR AND SMUDGE Smear and smudge is London Cockney rhyming slang for a judge.
SMEARS Smears is British slang for a window cleaner.
SMEECH Smeech is Dorset slang for dust.
SMEESH Smeesh was 19th century slang for a loose fitting dress.
SMEG Smeg is British slang for a foolish or dirty person. An idiot.
SMEG−HEAD Smeg−head is slang for an imbecile, an unliked person.
SMEGGY Smeggy is slang for unsavoury, horrible.
SMELLER Smeller is slang for the nose. Smeller is slang for a blow to the nose. Smeller is slang for something exceptionally violent or severe.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SMELLY BREATH Smelly breath is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chef.
SMICKS Snicks is slang for a share.
SMIDGE Smidge is slang for a little, a small amount.
SMIDGEN Smidgen is slang for a little, a small amount.
SMIDGIN Smidgin is slang for a little, a small amount.
SMILE Smile is American slang for have a drink.
SMILE AND SMIRK Smile and smirk is London Cockney rhyming slang for work.
SMILE AND TITTER Smile and titter is London Cockney rhyming slang for bitter (beer). Smile and titter was London Cockney rhyming slang for a mixture of mild and bitter.
SMOKE Smoke is slang for a cigarette. Smoke is slang for to use marijuana for smoking. Smoke is slang for to move, drive, ride, etc., very fast. Smoke is derogatory American slang for a Black person. Smoke is American slang for to kill. Smoke is Australian slang for depart, slope off.
SMOKE HADDOCK Smoked Haddock is British racing rhyming slang for a paddock.
SMOKE−HO Smoke−Ho is Australian slang for a work break.
SMOKE−O Smoke−o is Australian slang for a work break.
SMOKER Smoker is British slang for a dilapidated old car.
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SMOKEY Smokey is American slang for a police officer.
SMOKEY BEAR Smokey Bear is American slang for a type of wide−brimmed hat. Smokey Bear is American and Australian slang for police.
SMOKEYS Smokeys is American and Australian slang for police.
SMOKIES Smokies is American and Australian slang for police.
SMOKO Smoko is Australian slang for a work break.
SMOOTHIE Smoothie is slang for a person who is over stylish and suave.
SMOTHER Smother is British slang for an overcoat.
SMOTHER GAME Smother game is British slang for picking pockets with the aid of a concealing overcoat.
SMOUCH Smouch is slang for a Jew. Smouch was old slang for dried tree leaves used to adulterate tea. Smouch is American slang for acquire dishonestly; pilfer.
SMOUSE Smouse was old slang for a Jew.
SMOUT Smout was old slang for do causal work in a printing house where one was not regularly employed.
SMOWY Snowy is old slang for linen.
SMUDGE Smudge is slang for a photograph taken by a street or press photographer.
SMUDGER Smudger is British London slang for a friend. Smudger is British slang for a photographer. 985
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Smudger is British London slang for a flatulent person.
SMUG Smug was old university slang for a hard−working student. Smug is slang for steal. Smug is slang for to arrest.
SMUGGED Smugged is slang for arrested, caught by the police.
SMUSH Smush is slang for the mouth.
SNACK Snack is Australian slang for something easy to accomplish.
SNACK ATTACK Snack attack is slang for a bout of compulsive eating. Hunger.
SNAFFLE Snaffle is slang for to grab, seize or steal. Snaffle is slang for arrest.
SNAFU Snafu is slang for an impossible situation, a mess of incompetence. Snafu (Situation Normal, All Fuck Up) is military slang for confusion or chaos regarded as the normal state.
SNAG Snag is Dorset slang for sloe. Snag is Australian slang for sausages.
SNAGGER Snagger is Australian slang for a slow or inexpert sheep−shearer.
SNAGS Snags is Australian slang for sausages.
SNAIL Snail is slang for a slow driver.
SNAIL−MAIL Snail−mail is slang for post, mail.
SNAKE CHARMER Snake charmer is military slang for a bugler. 986
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SNAKE EYES Snake eyes is American slang for tapioca. Snake eyes is American slang for a throw of two ones with a pair of dice. Snake eyes is American slang for bad luck.
SNAKE IN THE GRASS Snake in the grass is British slang for an informer, a tell−tale. Snake in the grass is London Cockney rhyming slang for a glass.
SNAKE JUICE Snake juice is Australian slang for any strong alcoholic drink, especially when home−made.
SNAKE'S HISS Snake's hiss is London Cockney rhyming slang for utination (piss).
SNAKE−BITTEN Snake−bitten is American slang for unlucky, doomed to misfortune.
SNAKES Snakes is Australian slang for urine, to urinate. Snakes is Australian slang for a toilet.
SNAKY Snaky is Australian and New Zealand slang for angry, irritable.
SNAP Snap is British slang for a snack. Snap is British slang for a packed lunch. Snap is British slang for a glass ampoule of amyl nitrate Snap is American slang for an easy task or soft option.
SNAPPER Snapper is slang for a ticket inspector. Snapper is slang for a photographer. Snapper is slang for a young man. Snapper was old slang for an accomplice.
SNAPPERS Snappers is slang for false teeth. Snappers is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
SNAPPY Snappy is slang for stylish, neat.
SNAPS Snaps is slang for handcuffs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SNARF Snarf is American slang for eat or drink quickly or greedily.
SNARLER Snarler is Australian slang for a discharge.
SNART Snart is British slang for to snigger or snort with derision. Snart is British slang for to sniff or inhale. Snart is British slang for to sneeze.
SNATCH Snatch is slang for robbery. Snatch is slang for an act of kidnapping. Snatch is slang for vagina. Snatch is slang for women. Snatch is slang for a hasty copulation.
SNATCH 22 Snatch 22 is British slang for an ugly woman.
SNATCH IT Snatch it is Australian slang for resign, taking the wages due.
SNATCH ONE'S TIME Snatch one's time is Australian slang for resign, taking the wages due.
SNAVEL Snavel is slang for steal, take.
SNAZZ Snazz is slang for elegance, showiness.
SNAZZED−UP Snazzed−up is slang for smart, elegant, dressed−up, embelished.
SNAZZY Snazzy is slang for smart or attractive in an ostentatious way.
SNEAK Sneak is slang for an informer, someone who tells tales.
SNEAKSMAN Sneaksman is slang for a petty thief.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SNEAKY PETE Sneaky Pete is American slang for very cheap, low quality alcoholic drink, especially dregs of wine.
SNEEZE Sneeze is slang for cocaine. Sneeze is slang for pepper. Sneeze was old slang for snuff.
SNEEZE CHEEZE Sneeze cheeze is American slang for to vomit
SNEEZE CHUNKS Sneeze chunks is American slang for to vomit
SNEEZER Sneezer is slang for a snuff box. Sneezer is slang for the nose. Sneezer is slang for a handkerchief. Sneezer is slang for a strong drink. Sneezer is slang for something exceptionally good, strong or violent.
SNIB Snib is slang for a petty thief.
SNIDE Snide is slang for sham jewellery. Snide is British slang for illegal, counterfeit, dishonest. Snide is British slang for a person who isn't what they seem. Snide is British slang for a nasty remark. Snide is Australian slang for a stolen pearl.
SNIFF Sniff is slang for cocaine. Sniff is slang for an inhaled drug. Sniff is slang for glue or other chemical used for sniffing.
SNIFF A POWDER Sniff a powder is Black−American slang for to run away and leave
SNIFFER Sniffer is slang for the nose. Sniffer is slang for someone who inhales drugs.
SNIFFER AND SNORTER Sniffer and snorter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a reporter.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SNIFTER Snifter is slang for a small amount of alcoholic drink. Snifter is American slang for cocaine addict. Snifter is American slang for a portable radio direction−finder. Snifter is American slang for a small quantity of cociane sniffed through the nose.
SNIFTY Snifty is American slang for haughty, disdainful.
SNIG Snig is slang for nasal mucus. Often extended to sniggy.
SNIP Snip is slang for something easily achievable. Snip is slang for a bargain. Snip is slang for a tailor. Snip is slang for handcuffs. Snip is slang for a small, insignificant, irritating person.
SNIPCOCK Snipcock is British slang for a male Jew.
SNIPE Snipe is American slang for a cigarette or cigar butt. Snipe is American slang for gold prospecting.
SNIPER Sniper is Australian slang for a non−union worker.
SNIPES Snipes is slang for scissors.
SNIPPY Snippy is slang for irritatingly critical.
SNIPS Snips is British slang for scissors.
SNIT Snit is slang for a small, obnoxious person. Snit is slang for a small, insignificant person. Snit is American slang for a state of agitation, rage or a sulk.
SNITCH Snitch is slang for the nose. Snitch is slang for to tell on somebody, to inform. Snitch is slang for an informer Snitch is slang for to steal; take, especially in an underhand way. 990
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SNOB Snob was Cambridge University slang for someone not a member of the university.
SNOCKERED Snockered is American slang for drunk; intoxicated. Snockered is American slang for completed, solved, finished.
SNODGER Snodger is Australian and New Zealand slang for something excellent; first−rate.
SNOG Snog is slang for to kiss lengthily, passionately or lustfully.
SNOG AND FUCK Snog and fuck is City of London slang for the Dog and Duck pub.
SNOLLYGOSTER Snollygoster is American slang for a shrewd and unprincipled person. The term is especially applied to politicians.
SNOODLING Snoodling is Dorset slang for drizzling, finely raining
SNOOKER Snooker is British slang for to put someone in an awkward position or situation. Snooker was old slang for a newly joined cadet at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.
SNOOKERED Snookered is slang for defeated, thwarted.
SNOOP AND PRY Snoop and pry is London Cockney rhyming slang for cry.
SNOOT Snoot is slang for the nose. Snoot is slang for a snobby person.
SNOOTY Snooty is slang for conceited, snobby.
SNOOZE Snooze is slang for something tedious or boring. Snooze is slang for a bed.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SNOOZER Snoozer is slang for a thief who steals from the building in which they are staying. Snoozer is slang for a man. Snoozer is slang for a bed.
SNOOZING AND SNORING Snoozing and snoring is London Cockney rhyming slang for boring.
SNORE Snore is slang for something boring or tedious. Snore is slang for sleep. Snore is slang for a bed.
SNORE−PIG Snore−pig is British slang for a heavy snorer.
SNOREGASM Snoregasm is British slang for a wet dream.
SNORER Snorer is slang for a person who snores.
SNORK Snork is Australian and New Zealand slang for a baby. Snork is Australian slang for a sausage.
SNORKER Snorker is Australian slang for a sausage. Snorker is Australian slang for the penis.
SNORKY Snorky is slang for elegant, well−dressed.
SNORT Snort is slang for cocaine. Snort is slang for an instance of sniffing a drug. Snort is slang for the snorkel on a submarine. Snort is slang for an alcoholic drink. Snort is slang for a single does of an inhaled drug.
SNORTER Snorter is slang for the nose. Snorter is British slang for something outstandingly impressive or difficult. Snorter is British slang for something or someone ridiculous.
SNOT Snot is slang for nasal mucus. Snot is slang for the residue left after smoking amphetamine. 992
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Snot is slang for semen. Snot is slang for an obnoxious person. Snot is slang for a punch on the nose. Snot is American slang for to treat disdainfully.
SNOT GROVELLER Snot groveller is slang for a toady.
SNOT RAG Snot rag is slang for a handkerchief.
SNOT−NOSED Snot−nosed is slang for childish, conceited or contemptible.
SNOTNOSE Snotnose is slang for a childish, conceited or contemptible person.
SNOTRAG Snotrag is British slang for a handkerchief.
SNOTTY Snotty is slang for over proud and conceited. Snotty is slang for contemptible; nasty. Snotty is slang for suffering from catarrh.
SNOUT Snout is slang for a paid police informer. Snout is slang for the nose. Snout is slang for to inform. Snout is British slang for a cigarette or tobacco.
SNOUT−FACE Snout−face is slang for a contemptible person.
SNOUTCAST Snoutcast is slang for a smoker.
SNOUTER Snouter is slang for a tobacconist.
SNOW Snow is slang for cocaine. Snow is British slang for silver coins. Snow is Black slang for a white person. Snow is American and Canadian slang for to deceive or overwhelm with elaborate often insincere talk.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SNOW AND ICE Snow and ice is London Cockney rhyming slang for price.
SNOW BALL Snow ball is slang for a mixture of heroin and cocaine.
SNOW CONE Snow Cone is slang for cocaine.
SNOW JOB Snow job is British slang for a lie, an excuse. Snow job is American slang for deceipt, browbeating, manipulation.
SNOW OUT Snow out is slang for to lose one's conciousness or bearings.
SNOW SEALS Snow Seals is slang for cocaine.
SNOW WHITE Snow White is slang for cocaine.
SNOW WHITES Snow Whites is London Cockney rhyming slang for tights.
SNOW−BLIND Snow−blind is slang for addicted to cocaine.
SNOWBALL Snowball is slang for a Black person. Snowball is slang for to con, to trick, to deceive.
SNOWBALL'S CHANCE IN HELL Snowball's chance in hell is British slang for no chance at all, impossible.
SNOWBIRD Snowbird is slang for a cocaine user. Snowbird is British slang for a female cocaine dealer.
SNOWBIRD Snowbird is American slang for a person addicted to cocaine, or sometimes heroin.
SNOWDROP Snowdrop is slang for to steal clothes from clothes lines. Snowdrop is slang for a military policeman. 994
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SNOWDROPPER Snowdropper is British slang for someone who steals clothes from washing lines.
SNOWED Snowed is slang for under the influence of cocaine.
SNOWFLAKE Snowflake is slang for crack cocaine.
SNOWMAN Snowman is American slang for someone who deceives others with words, a con man.
SNOZZ Snozz is slang for a large nose.
SNOZZLE Snozzle is slang for the nose.
SNUB Snub is American slang for a snub−nosed revolver.
SNUBBY Snubby is American slang for a snub−nosed revolver.
SNUBS Snubs is a slang expression of indifference or contempt.
SNUFF Snuff is slang for to die. Snuff is slang for to kill. Snuff is slang for to sniff cocaine. Snuff is slang for cocaine.
SNUFF DIPPING Snuff dipping is slang for chewing tobacco.
SNUFF IT Snuff it is British slang for to die.
SNUFF MOVIE Snuff movie is slang for a violent movie showing real murders.
SNUFF OUT Snuff out is slang for kill, murder. 995
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SNUFF−IT Snuff−it is slang for to die.
SNUFFBOX Snuffbox was old slang for the nose.
SNUFFER Snuffer is slang for the nostrils.
SNUFFY Snuffy is slang for someone who gets sexually aroused by smelling underwear. Snuffy is old slang for tispy, drunk.
SNUFTY Snufty is British slang for someone who receives sexual pleasure from sniffing clothes, seats etc.
SNUGGLE Snuggle is slang for a bed.
SNURGE Snurge is slang for an obnoxious person; a tell−tale.
SO So is old slang for a homosexual.
SO WHAT So what is slang for an exclamation of indifference.
SO'JER So'jer is Dorset slang for soldier.
SO'S So's is Dorset slang for souls (people). So's is Dorset slang for so as.
SO'ST So'st is Dorset slang for so as to.
SO−AND−SO So−and−so is slang for a contemptible person.
SOAK Soak is American and Canadian slang for to overcharge. Soak is British slang for to pawn. Soak is slang for a person who drinks to excess. 996
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SOAKED Soaked is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
SOAKER Soaker is slang for a hard drinker.
SOAP Soap is slang for soap−opera. Soap is slang for to flatter; to wheedle. Soap is American and Canadian slang for money, especially for bribery.
SOAP AND FLANNEL Soap and flannel is London Cockney rhyming slang for panel.
SOAP AND LATHER Soap and lather is London Cockney rhyming slang for father.
SOAP AND WATER Soap and water is London Cockney rhyming slang for daughter.
SOAP DODGER Soap dodger is slang for a dirty person who refuses to wash.
SOAP−DODGER Soap−dodger is British slang for a dirty, smelly, unkempt person.
SOAPY Soapy is slang for flattering or persuasive. Soapy is slang for someone who refuses to wash.
SOAPY BUBBLE Soapy bubble is London Cockney rhyming slang for trouble.
SOB SOB is a slang abbreviation for son of a bitch. Sob is British slang for one pound sterling.
SOCK Sock is school slang for food, especially cakes and sweets.
SOCK−PUPPET Sock−puppet is American slang for a stupid person, especially an unoriginal one who copies other people's ideas.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SOCKDOLAGER See 'Sockdologer'
SOCKDOLOGER Sockdologer is American and Canadian slang for a decisive blow or remark. Sockdologer is American and Canadian slang for an outstanding person or thing.
SOCKED IN Socked in is American and Canadian slang describing an airport closed by adverse weather conditions.
SOCKET Socket is slang for the vagina.
SOCKET MONEY Socket money is slang for money paid for sex.
SOCKING Socking is slang for exceedingly; very.
SOCKO Socko is slang for stunningly effective or successful.
SOD Sod is British slang for a despicable person. Sod is British slang for am awkward task.
SOD OFF Sod off is British slang for go away.
SOD−ALL Sod−all is British slang for nothing.
SODA Soda is American slang for cocaine.
SODDEN Sodden is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
SODDING Sodding is British slang for very.
SODOM AND GOMMORAH Sodom and Gommorah is London Cockney rhyming slang for borrow. 998
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SOFA LOAFER Sofa loafer is British slang for an idler.
SOFT Soft is slang for banknotes.
SOFT BOY Soft boy is Jamaican slang for a male homosexual or effeminate man.
SOFT IN THE HEAD Soft in the head is slang for stupid, dimwitted.
SOFT SAWDER Soft sawder is slang for seductive praise; flattery; blarney.
SOFTBALLS Softballs is slang for phenobarbital.
SOFTSHOE Softshoe is slang for to move surreptitiously, cautiously and quietly.
SOFTY Softy is slang for a weak, feeble or over sentimental person.
SOGGIES Soggies is British slang for breakfast cereal.
SOGGY Soggy is a slang name for an inept, feeble person.
SOILED DOVE Soiled dove is slang for a prostitute.
SOLAR SEX PANEL Solar sex panel is British slang for a man's bald head.
SOLD ON Sold on is slang for uncritically attached to or enthusiastic about.
SOLDIER Soldier is old slang for to malinger or shirk.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SOLDIER ANTS Soldier ants is London Cockney rhyming slang for underpants.
SOLDIER BOLD Soldier bold is London Cockney rhyming slang for the common cold.
SOLID Solid is slang for excellent, admirable, impressive. Solid is British slang for hashish.
SOLID SENDER Solid sender is American slang for an exciting musician.
SOLLICKER Sollicker is Australian slang for something very large.
SOLO SEX PANEL Solo sex panel is British slang for the hand.
SOMATOMAX Somatomax is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
SOME PIG Some pig is Black−American slang for talk
SOMERSET MAUGHAM Somerset Maugham is London Cockney rhyming slang for warm.
SOMETHING ELSE Something else is slang for something or someone outstanding, excellent, exceptional.
SOMETIMEY Sometimey is American slang for variable, unstable.
SON OF A BITCH Son of a bitch is British and American slang for a worthless or contemptible person.
SON OF A GUN Son of a gun is American and Canadian slang for a rogue or rascal.
SONG AND DANCE Song and dance is British slang for a spectacle, exhibition. Song and dance is London Cockney rhyming slang for chance. Song and dance is London Cockney rhyming slang for a male homosexual (nance). 1000
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SONG OF THE THRUSH Song of the thrush is London Cockney rhyming slang for brush.
SOOGEE Soogee is nautical slang for to clean with soogee−moogee.
SOOGEE−MOOGEE Soogee−moogee is nautical slang for a cleaning fluid made with caustic soda used for cleaning woodwork and paintwork.
SOOK Sook is Australian slang for an over−emotional person, a cry−baby.
SOOKY Sooky is Australian slang for sulky, sullen. Sooky is Australian slang for sentimental.
SOONER Sooner is American slang for someone who acts prematurely. Sooner is Australian slang for an idler or shirker. Sooner is Australian slang for an ineffective or obstructive person or thing.
SOOTY Sooty is derogatory British slang for a Black person.
SOOTY AND SWEEP Sooty and sweep is London Cockney rhyming slang for sleep.
SOPERS Sopers is slang for methaqualone.
SOPES Sopes is slang for methaqualone.
SOPPY Soppy is slang for feeble, sickly sentimental.
SORE Sore is American slang for angry, upset.
SORE−FOOT Sore−foot is British slang for an Asian man.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SOREHEAD Sorehead is slang for one who is disgruntled by a failure in politics, or the like.
SORROWFUL TALE Sorrowful tale is London Cockney rhyming slang for gaol.
SORRY AND SAD Sorry and sad is London Cockney rhyming slang for bad. Sorry and sad is London Cockney rhyming slang for dad.
SORT Sort is British slang for an attractive woman. Sort is Australian slang for a girl or woman.
SORT OUT Sort out is British slang for beat up. Sort out is British slang for to resolve, to take care of.
SORTED Sorted is slang for an expression of excellence such as brilliant.
SOSSIE Sossie is New Zealand slang for sausage.
SOUL COUGHING Soul coughing is American slang for to vomit.
SOUL FOOD Soul food is Black American slang for traditional Southern states food.
SOUL KISS Soul kiss was mid 20th century American slang for a deep kiss.
SOULIE Soulie is slang for a fan of soul music.
SOUND Sound is slang for O.K., wonderful. Sound is slang for music, especially rock, jazz, or pop.
SOUND ON Sound on is American slang for taunt, criticise.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SOUNDING Sounding is Black−American slang for flirting
SOUNDO Soundo is slang for sound asleep.
SOUNDS Sounds was mid−20th century slang for tunes or music.
SOUP Soup is slang for nitroglycerin.
SOUP AND GRAVY Soup and gravy is London Cockney rhyming slang for navy.
SOUP MAN Soup man is slang for a safe−breaker.
SOUP STRAINER Soup strainer is slang for a bushy moustache.
SOUP UP Soup up is slang for to modify so as to enhance performance.
SOUPED UP Souped up is slang for having had its performance enhanced. Often applied to vehicles.
SOUPY Soupy is American military slang for a meal or summons to a meal.
SOUSE Souse is slang for a habitual drunkard.
SOUSED Soused is slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
South of France is London Cockney rhyming slang for dance.
SOUTH POLE South pole is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (hole).
SOUTHEND PIER Southend pier is London Cockney rhyming slang for ear.
SOUTHEND PIERS Southend piers is London Cockney rhyming slang for ears.
SOUTHEND−ON−SEA Southend−on−sea is London Cockney rhyming slang for urinate (pee).
SOUTHPAW Southpaw is slang for a left handed person. It is heard regularly with regard to boxers.
SOUVENIR Souvenir is slang for to steal, pilfer. Souvenir is British slang for venereal disease caught on holiday. Souvenir was American military slang during the Great War for a bullet or a shell.
SOV Sov is British slang for one pound sterling.
SOW Sow is British slang for an unpleasant woman.
SOW ONE'S WILD OATS Sow one's wild oats is slang for to indulge in adventure or promiscuity.
SOW'S−BABY Sow's−baby is slang for a young pig.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SOW−BELLY Sow−belly is American slang for salted side of pork.
SOZZLE Sozzle is slang for imbibe an intoxicating drink.
SOZZLED Sozzled is slang for drunk, but not incapacitated.
SPACE Space is American slang for to daydream.
SPACE CADET Space cadet is slang for a person who is or appears to be habitually intoxicated through taking drugs.
SPACE OUT Space uut is slang for hallucinate, experience a state of drug induced euphoria.
SPACECAKE Spacecake is slang for a cake made with marijuana.
SPACED OUT Spaced out is slang for to be experiencing a state of drug induced euphoria; out of touch with reality.
SPACEROCK SpaceRock is slang for phencyclidine.
SPACEY Spacey is slang for ambient, ethereal. Spacey is slang for vague and dreamy, as if under the influence of drugs.
SPACK Spack is an Australian slang term of disapproval or doubt.
SPACKER Spacker is slang for someone or something useless.
SPACY Spacy is slang for disorganised; out of touch with reality.
SPADE Spade is derogatory slang for a Black person, usually a man.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPADGER Spadger is Dorset slang for a sparrow.
SPAG Spag is British slang for spaghetti. Spag is derogatory Australian slang for an Italian.
SPAG BOL Spag bol is British slang for spaghetti bolognaise.
SPAGHETTI Spaghetti is derogatory slang for an Italian.
SPAGHETTI BENDER Spaghetti bender is derogatory slang for an Italian.
SPAGHETTI−EATER Spaghetti−eater is slang for an Italian.
SPAM Spam is computer slang for a message posted without variation a number of times; an electronic mail shot.
SPAM CAN Spam can was a slang for a type of streamlined locomotive previously used by British Rail.
SPAM FRITTER Spam fritter is British rhyming Slang for the anus (shitter).
SPAM MEDAL Spam medal is military slang for a medal awarded to all members of a force.
SPAMHEAD Spamhead is British slang for a bald man.
SPANISH Spanish is British slang for liquorice.
SPANISH ARCHER Spanish archer is British slang for a rejection or dismissal.
SPANISH GUITAR Spanish guitar is London Cockney rhyming slang for cigar.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPANISH MAIN Spanish main is London Cockney rhyming slang for a drain.
SPANISH ONION Spanish onion is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bunion. Spanish Waiter Spanish waiter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a potato.
SPANK THE MONKEY Spank the monkey is slang for to masturbate.
SPANK THE PLANK Spank the plank is slang for to play the guitar.
SPANKER Spanker was old 17th century slang for a gold coin.
SPANKERS Spankers was old 17th century slang for money.
SPANKING Spanking is British slang for a severe beating.
SPANNER Spanner is British slang for an attractive woman.
SPARE Spare is British slang for an unattached woman. Spare is British slang for out of control, furious.
SPARE RIB Spare rib is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lie (fib).
SPARE−TYRE Spare−tyre is slang for a roll of fat around ones midrift.
SPARK Spark is slang for an electrician. Spark is British slang for to knock−out.
SPARK OUT Spark out is British slang for to pass out, become unconcsious.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPARK UP Spark up is slang for lighting a cigarette.
SPARKLE Sparkle is slang for gems.
SPARKLER Sparkler is British slang for a lie.
SPARKLERS Sparklers was old slang for bright or shiny eyes. Sparklers is slang for jewels, gems.
SPARKO Sparko is British slang for asleep, unconcious.
SPARKS Sparks is slang for an electrician or radio−operator. Sparrow's fart is slang for daybreak, very early in the morning.
SPARROW BRAIN Sparrow brain is British slang for an idiot.
SPARROWFART Sparrowfart is slang for dawn, early morning.
SPARROWHAWKING Sparrowhawking is British slang for preying on young people for sex.
SPASM BAND Spasm band is Black−American slang for musicians who get together with homemade instruments and form a group.
SPASTIC Spastic is derogatory slang for a clumsy, incapable, or incompetent person.
SPAT Spat was 1950's British slang for a filter−tipped cigarette.
SPAZ Spaz is derogatory slang for a clumsy, incapable, or incompetent person.
SPAZZ OUT Spazz out is American slang for lose physical or emotional control; be overcome. 1008
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SPAZZMOBILE Spazzmobile is British slang for an invalid car. Spazzmobile is British slang for an old, decrepit car.
SPEAK Speak (shortened from speakeasy) was American slang for an illegal drinking establishment during prohibition.
SPEAKEASY Speakeasy was American slang for an illegal drinking establishment during prohibition.
SPEAR Spear is Australian slang for dismiss from employment. Spear is American slang for beg.
SPEAR THE BEARDED CLAM Spear the bearded clam is Australian slang for to have sex with a woman.
SPEARCHUCKER Spearchucker is derogatory slang for a black person. Spearchucker is slang for a savage, wild person. Spearchucker is slang for a javelin thrower.
SPEC Spec is American slang for an elaborate show; a spectacle.
SPECHIE Spechie is Jamaican slang for a revolver, a .38 Special.
SPECIAL Special is Australian slang for a convict given special treatment on account of his education, social class, etc.
SPECIAL K Special K is slang for ketamine.
SPECIAL LA COKE Special la Coke is slang for ketamine.
SPECKS Specks is slang for rotten or bruised fruit.
SPECKY Specky is British slang for a person who wears spectacles.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPECS Specs is slang for spectacles.
SPEE Spee is British slang for a friend, comrade.
SPEED Speed is slang for the drug amphetamine sulphate.
SPEED LIMIT Speed limit is bingo slang for the number thirty.
SPEEDBALL Speedball is slang for a mixture of heroin with amphetamine or cocaine.
SPEEDFREAK Speedfreak is slang for an amphetamine addict.
SPEEDING Speeding is slang for being under the influence of amphetamine.
SPEEDRAP Speedrap is slang for talking fast and excessively while under the influence of amphetamine.
SPEELER Speeler is Australian slang for a swift horse.
SPELL Spell is old slang for a theatre.
SPELLKEN Spellken is slang for a theater.
SPELUNKER Spelunker is American slang for someone who explores caves.
SPEND Spend was old slang for have an ejaculation; semen.
SPEND A PENNY Spend a penny is British slang for to urinate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPENDING Spending is British slang for money.
SPENG Speng is Jamaican slang for a gun.
SPENT Spent is derogatory Jamaican slang for a worn−out, used, woman.
SPEW Spew is slang for to confess. Spew is slang for to vomit. Spew is American slang for to ejaculate. Spew is Black American slang for to argue violently.
SPEW CHUNKS Spew chunks is American slang for to vomit
SPEW SNACKS Spew snacks is American slang for to vomit
SPEW SPUDS Spew spuds is American slang for to vomit
SPEW THE WILD OATS Spew the wild oats is American slang for to vomit
SPIC Spic (also spelt spick and spik) is derogatory American slang for a person from a Spanish−speaking country in South or Central America or a Spanish−speaking community in the USA.
SPICK IS SLANG FOR AN HISPANIC PERSON. Spick is British slang for a Spaniard.
SPICKETTY Spicketty is Dorset slang for speckled.
SPIDER Spider is Australian slang for a mixed alcoholic drink, usually lemonade and brandy.
SPIEL Spiel is slang for a persuasive speech, sales patter.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPIELER Spieler is slang for a gambling club, or gambling game. Spieler is British slang for a confidence trickster, a swindler. Spieler is Australian and New Zealand slang for a card sharp; a gambler; a swindler.
SPIFFED Spiffed is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
SPIFFING Spiffing is old British slang for excellent; splendid.
SPIFFLICATE Spifflicate is British slang for to beat−up, to thoroughly defeat.
SPIFFLICATED Spifflicated is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
SPIFFS Spiffs is slang for a money bonus given to an employee for selling old or unwanted stock.
SPIFFY Spiffy is slang for smart; stylish, dapper.
SPIFLICATE Spiflicate is British school slang for to destroy; annihilate.
SPIGGOTY Spiggoty is derogatory American slang for a person from a Spanish−speaking country in South or Central America or a Spanish−speaking community in the USA.
SPIKE Spike is slang for a casual ward of a hostel or formerly workhouse, offering temporary accommodation to the homeless. Spike is slang for a quantity of alcohol added to a drink. Spike is slang for a High Church Anglican; an Anglo−Catholic. Spike is slang for a hypodermic syringe.
SPIKE UP Spike up is slang for to inject oneself.
SPIKE−BOZZLE Spike−bozzle is old military slang for render ineffective; sabotage, destroy.
SPIKY Spiky is slang for ritualistic.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPILL Spill is slang for a small tip of money. Spill is slang for to confess, to own up. Spill is slang for to reveal a secret.
SPILL ONE'S GUTS Spill one's guts is slang for divulge as much as one can; confess completely.
SPILL THE BEANS Spill the beans is slang for to reveal a secret.
SPILL THE GROCERIES Spill the groceries is American slang for to vomit
SPILLING Spilling is Black−American slang for talking
SPIN Spin is slang for fail an examination. Spin is British slang for a police search. Spin is Australian and New Zealand slang for an experience or piece of luck. Spin was old Australian slang for a five−pound note.
SPIN SOMEONE'S DRUM Spin someone's drum is British slang for to make an official search of someone's house.
SPINACH Spinach is British slang for banknotes.
SPINE−BASHER Spine−basher is Australian slang for an idler, loafer.
SPINIKEN Spiniken was old slang for a workhouse.
SPINNING AT THE TRACK ON FOOLS DIM Spinning at the track on fools dim is Black−American slang for to go dancing with a girl
SPIRY Spiry is slang for highly distinguished.
SPIT Spit is American slang for rubbish, nonsense. Spit is American slang for nothing.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPIT AND DRAG Spit and drag is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cigarette (fag).
SPIT AND SAWDUST Spit and sawdust is British slang for a basic and unpretentious bar, a public bar.
SPIT CHEESE Spit cheese is American slang for to vomit
SPIT CHIPS Spit chips is Australian slang for to be very angry.
SPIT ROAST Spit roast is slang for a woman who while performing fellatio is being simultaneously penetrated from the rear.
SPIT TACKS Spit tacks is Australian slang for to be very angry.
SPIT−SPOT Spit−spot is slang for fine, excellent.
SPITBALL Spitball is American slang for a half−hearted accusation, a spiteful but feeble attack.
SPITCHERED Spitchered is slang for ruined, made inoperative.
SPITFIRE Spitfire is British slang for a cigarette lighter.
SPITHEAD PHEASANT Spithead pheasant is nautical slang for a bloater; a kipper.
SPITTING FEATHERS Spitting feathers is slang for very thirsty.
SPIV Spiv is British slang for a man or boy who makes a living by underhand dealings or swindling; black marketeer.
SPLASH Splash is slang for water. Splash is slang for to swim, to paddle. Splash is slang for a bath, a shower. 1014
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Splash is slang for mineral water. Splash is slang for to urinate. Splash is American slang for amphetamines.
SPLASH OF RED Splash of red is American slang for tomato soup.
SPLASH PAPER Splash paper is slang for toilet paper put into a lavatory to prevent splashing.
SPLASH THE BOOTS Splash the boots is slang for to urinate.
SPLATTER MOVIE Splatter movie is slang for a type of film depicting lots of graphical and bloody murders.
SPLAY Splay is American slang for marijuana.
SPLIB Splib is Black American slang for a Black person.
SPLICE Splice is British slang for to have sex with. Splice is slang for to unite in marriage.
SPLICED Spliced is slang for married.
SPLIFF Spliff is Caribbean slang for a cannabis or marijuana cigarette.
SPLIT Split is slang for to divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach. Split is slang for depart; leave. Split is slang for the vagina. Split is slang for to share. Split is British slang for a detective.
SPLIT PEA Split pea was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
SPLIT PEA SPEW Split pea spew is American slang for to vomit
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPLIT−ARSE Split−arse is old military slang for a reckless airman.
SPLITTER Splitter is old hunting slang for a first−rate hunt.
SPLOSH Splosh is slang for money. Splosh is slang for the drink tea. Splosh is British slang for a woman, women. Splosh is British slang for sexual intercourse.
SPLURGE Splurge is American slang for a blustering demonstration, or great effort; a great display.
SPOD Spod is British slang for a clumsy, socially inept person.
SPOFFISH Spoffish is old slang for fussy, officious.
SPOIL Spoil is slang for inflict serious bodily injury on.
SPON Spon is British slang for money. Spon is British slang for a fool.
SPONDULICKS Spondulicks is slang for money.
SPONDULIES Spondulies is British slang for money.
SPONGE Sponge is slang for a heavy drinker. Sponge is slang for a tough boxer, one who can take a lot of punishment.
SPONK Sponk is British slang for infatuated.
SPOOF Spoof is computer hacking slang for forge.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPOOFED Spoofed is computer hacking slang for forged, fake.
SPOOK Spook is slang for an undercover agent, spy. Spook is slang for a Black person. Spook is slang for become alarmed, take fright.
SPOOKED Spooked is slang for frightened, nervy.
SPOOKY Spooky is American slang for pertaining to spies.
SPOON Spoon is slang for a measure of heroin. Spoon is old−fashioned slang for to kiss and cuddle.
SPOONY Spoony is old slang for foolishly or stupidly amorous.
SPORES Spores is slang for phencyclidine.
SPORRAN Sporran is British slang for pubic hair.
SPORT Sport is slang for close a door so as to indicate that one is busy.
SPORTING LIFE Sporting life is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
SPOT Spot is slang for mark or note as a criminal or suspect. Spot is American slang for to lend money to someone, to pay for someone.
SPOTTED DICK Spotted dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for sick.
SPOTTERS Spotters is Black−American slang for ones eyes
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPOTTY DOG Spotty dog is London Cockney rhyming slang for a foreigner (wog).
SPOUT OFF Spout off is British slang for to talk pompously.
SPRAG Sprag is Australian slang for confront or accost aggressively.
SPRASI ANNA Sprasi Anna was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a sixpence (tanner).
SPRAT Sprat was old slang for a sixpence.
SPRAUNCY Sprauncy is slang for smart, showy or spruce.
SPRAY THE OVARIES Spray the ovaries is slang for to ejaculate inside a woman during unprotected sex.
SPRAZER Sprazer was old slang for a sixpence.
SPREAD Spread is old slang for butter. Spread is old slang for a shawl.
SPRING Spring is slang for an escape or rescue from custody or prison. Spring was old slang for offer a higher price.
SPRING FOR Spring for is American and Australian slang for pay for a treat.
SPRINGER Springer is slang for a navy physical−training instructor. Springer is slang for a racehorse on which the betting odds suddenly shorten.
SPRINKLE Sprinkle is British slang for to urinate.
SPRITSAIL−YARD Spritsail−yard is slang for disable a shark or similar by thrusting a spar or piece of wood through the snout or gills. 1018
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPROG Sprog is British slang for a child. Sprog is British RAF slang for a recruit.
SPROG BOG Sprog bog is British slang for a potty.
SPROGGED UP Sprogged up is British slang for pregnant.
SPROOT Sproot is slang for a pus−filled spot.
SPROUT Sprout is slang for a small child. Sprout is American slang for to vomit
SPRUCE Spruce is slang for lie, deceive, malinger. Spruce is slang for a cheap imitation, a fake.
SPRUCER Sprucer is slang for a person who tells tall stories; a trickster.
SPRUIK Spruik is Australian slang for to speak in public. The term is used especially of a showman or salesman.
SPRUNG Sprung is slang for tipsy, drunk.
SPUD Spud is slang for someone who is ugly. Spud is British slang for a potato. Spud is British slang for a hole in the heel of a sock. Spud is Dorset slang for a small spade.
SPUD BARBER Spud barber is slang for someone who peels potatoes.
SPUD ISLAND Spud Island is slang for Prince Edward Island.
SPUD−BASHING Spud−bashing is British military slang for the task of peeling potatoes, given as a punishment.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SPUDS Spuds is slang for potatoes.
SPUNK Spunk is slang for spirit, courage. Spunk is slang for semen.
SPUNK BUCKET Spunk bucket is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SPUNK RAT Spunk rat is Australian slang for an attractive young person.
SPUNK STAIN Spunk stain is British slang for an obnoxious person.
SPUNK STAINED Spunk stained is British slang for an adulterous woman who has been discovered.
SPUNK UP Spunk up is slang for to ejaculate semen.
SPUNKER Spunker is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SPUNKY Spunky is slang for spirited.
SPURT Spurt is slang for a small amount or quantity.
SPUTNIK Sputnik is British slang for a potent form of hashish.
SQUAD CAR Squad car is police slang for below.
SQUAD HALT Squad halt is British military rhyming slang for salt.
SQUADDIE Squaddie is British slang for a soldier.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SQUADROL Squadrol is American slang for a small police van.
SQUANDERLUST Squanderlust is American slang for a strong desire to waste money or assets.
Square is slang for not−hip; boring; old−fashioned. Square is slang for a conventional, old−fashioned person.
SQUARE OFF Square off is Australian slang for placate, apologise.
SQUARE PUSHING Square pushing is Dorset slang for courting.
SQUARE RIGGER Square rigger is derogatory British rhyming slang for a black person (nigger).
SQUARE−BASHING Square−bashing is British military slang for the drill on a barrack square.
SQUAREHEAD Squarehead is slang for a German. Squarehead is slang for a boring, unfashionable person.
SQUASHED Squashed is American slang for intoxicated, drunk.
SQUAT Squat is American slang for nothing at all. Squat is American slang for to defecate. 1021
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SQUATTER Squatter is Black−American slang for a chair
SQUAW Squaw is slang for woman or wife.
SQUAWK Squawk is slang for a radio message. Squawk is American slang for inform. Squawk is American slang for complain, protest. Squawk is American slang for an identification signal transmitted by an aircraft.
SQUEAK Squeak is slang for a criminal who informs on others. Squeak is slang for confess; turn informer. Squeak is slang for information. Squeak is British slang for a young, naïve teenager. Squeak is British racing slang for a chance.
SQUEAKER Squeaker is slang for an informer.
SQUEAL Squeal is slang for to inform, to grass.
SQUEALER Squealer is slang for an informer.
SQUEAMISH Squeamish is Dorset slang for sickly, nauseous.
SQUEEGEE BAND Squeegee band is nautical slang for an improvised musical band.
SQUEEZE Squeeze is slang for the neck. Squeeze is slang for silk, and especially a silk tie. Squeeze is slang for a plan. Squeeze is slang for an impression of an object made for criminal purposes. Squeeze is British slang for money. Squeeze is American slang for a girlfriend.
SQUEEZE THE LEMON Squeeze the lemon is slang for to urinate. Said of a man.
SQUEEZE−BOX Squeeze−box is nautical slang for a harmonium. Squeeze−box is slang for an accordion, or a concertina. 1022
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SQUEEZER Squeezer is slang for a pimple. Squeezer is slang for the hangman's rope.
SQUELCH Squelch is slang for a decisive argument; a crushing retort.
SQUIB Squib is Australian and New Zealand slang for a coward.
SQUID Squid is British slang for one pound sterling. Squid is American slang for a studious pupil.
SQUIDGE Squidge is American slang for someone given the worrying or troublesome duties of another person.
SQUIDGEY Squidgey is slang for feeling soft, squashy or soggy.
SQUIFF Squiff is Australian slang for a drunkard. Squiff is Australian slang for a drinking bout.
SQUIFFED Squiffed is British slang for slightly drunk, a little intoxicated.
SQUIFFER Squiffer is slang for a concertina; organ−bellows, an organ.
SQUIFFY Squiffy is slang for a little drunk, slightly intoxicated.
SQUIFFY DOO Squiffy doo is British slang for dubious, doubtful, suspect.
SQUIGGLE Squiggle is British slang for a signature.
SQUILLION Squillion is British slang for an enormous quantity.
SQUINCH Squinch is Dorset slang for a small amount, a pinch. 1023
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SQUIRISH Squirish was old slang for foolish.
SQUIRLY Squirly is American slang for restless.
SQUIRREL Squirrel is slang for marijuana and PCP.
SQUIRREL− FOOD Squirrel−food is slang for crazy, mad, eccentric.
SQUIRT Squirt is slang for a diminutive person. Squirt is slang for to urinate. Squirt is slang for to ejaculate.
SQUIRTER Squirter is slang for a revolver.
SQUISH Squish was old slang for marmalade.
SQUIT Squit is British slang for an insignificant person. Squit is British slang for nonsense; rubbish.
SQUITS Squits is British slang for the runs, having diarrhoea.
SQUITTERS Squitters is Dorset slang for diarrhoea.
SQUIZ Squiz is Australian and New Zealand slang for a look or glance, especially an inquisitive one.
SQUIZZED Squizzed is American slang for drunk or tipsy.
SQUOT Squot is Dorset slang for flattened, squashed.
SRI LANKA Sri Lanka is British rhyming slang for an obnoxious person (wanker). 1024
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ST CLEMENT St Clement is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lemon.
ST GEORGE St George is British slang for a man who likes the company of ugly women.
ST LOUIS BLUES St Louis Blues is rhyming slang for shoes.
ST MARTINS−LE−GRAND St Martins−le−Grand is London Cockney rhyming slang for hand.
STAB Stab is printers' slang for establishment.
STAB−MAN Stab−man is printers' slang for a printer on weekly wages rather than piece−rate.
STACK Stack is slang for excellent, fantastic. Stack is slang for inferior, negative. Stack is slang for a vertical overhead exhaust pipe on a truck or similar vehicle.
STACKED Stacked is slang for having large breasts.
STACKERS Stackers is slang for any anabolic steroid.
STAFF OF LIFE Staff of life is Dorset slang for the penis.
STAG Stag is slang for an informer. Stag is slang for comprised of, or just for men. Stag is slang for to watch or observe. Stag is American slang for to attend a social gathering without a female partner.
STAG DANCE Stag dance is American slang for a dance by men only.
STAG PARTY Stag party is American slang for a party consisting of men only.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STAGE FREIGHT Stage freight is British theatre slang for light ale.
STAGE−DOOR JOHNNY Stage−door Johnny is American slang for a man who hangs around stage doors seeking the company of actresses.
STAGGER Stagger is slang for an attempt or try. Stagger is slang for a rough preliminary rehearsal of a play.
STAGGER LEE Stagger Lee is Black−American slang for angry black man
STAGGER−JUICE Stagger−juice is Australian slang for strong alcoholic drink.
STAINS Stains is British slang for unfashionable, tedious, studious people. Stains is British slang for a socially inept man.
STAIR DANCING Stair dancing is British slang for stealing from office blocks.
STAIR JUMPING Stair jumping is British slang for stealing from office blocks.
STAKE Stake is American slang for a saved sum of money; a store of provisions.
STAKEOUT Stakeout is slang for a police surveillance of an area, house, or criminal suspect.
STAKEY Stakey is Canadian slang for well provided with money.
STALIN ORGAN Stalin organ was military slang for a Soviet multi−barrelled rocket launcher used during the Second World War.
STALK Stalk is slang for the penis, especially an erect penis. Stalk is slang for effrontery.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STALK FEVER Stalk fever is Australian slang for lust.
STALK−ON Stalk−on is slang for an erection of the penis.
STALL Stall is slang for an accomplice used to create a diversion by a thief, especially by a pickpocket.
STALLION Stallion is slang for a sexually active man.
STAMINA Stamina is Jamaican slang for sexual endurance.
STAMMER AND STUTTER Stammer and stutter is London Cockney rhyming slang for butter.
STAMP Stamp is British slang for the size and build of a person. A person's appearance.
STAMP AND GO Stamp and go is naval slang for the performance of an order to sailors to carry out certain duties. Stamp and go is West Indian slang for a codfish fritter.
STAMPERS Stampers was slang for shoes or feet.
STAMPS Stamps is slang for legs.
STAN AND OLLIE Stan and Ollie is London Cockney rhyming slang for an umbrella (brolly).
STAND Stand was old slang for an erection of the penis.
STAND AT EASE Stand at ease is London Cockney rhyming slang for cheese.
STAND FROM UNDER Stand from under is London Cockney rhyming slang for thunder.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STAND IN Stand in is British slang for the cost.
STAND ON Stand on is British slang for to trust.
STAND ON ME Stand on me is slang for believe me, trust me, rely on me.
STAND ONE'S CORNER Stand one's corner is British slang for to pay one's fair share.
STAND SAM Stand Sam is old slang for pay expenses, such as at a meal.
STAND STILL FOR Stand still for is British slang for to tolerate, to suffer, to accept.
STAND THE BROADS Stand the broads is British slang for to be duped, hoodwinked.
STAND THE THREE−CARD TRICK Stand the three−card trick is British slang for to be gullible, to be easily conned.
STAND TO ATTENTION Stand to attention is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pension.
STAND−OFF Stand−off is slang for a postponement of payment due.
STAND−ON Stand−on is slang for an erection of the penis.
STAND−OVER Stand−over is Australian slang for bullying, threatening.
STAND−OVER MAN Stand−over man is Australian slang for someone who extorts by threats, a protection racketeer.
STAND−UP Stand−up is slang for fail to keep an engagement. Stand−up is British slang for a comedian. Stand−up is American slang for honourable, reliable, steadfast. Stand−up is American police slang for an identity parade. 1028
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STANDERS Standers is slang for the legs.
STANLEY KNIFE Stanley knife is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wife.
STAR Star is slang for cocaine. Star is prison slang for a convict serving his first prison sentence. Star is Jamaican slang for mister, a term of respect like the English 'sir'.
STAR'S NAP Star's nap is London Cockney rhyming slang for to borrow (tap).
STAR−FUCKER Star−fucker is slang for an ardent fan of a celebrity, especially a pop star.
STARCH Starch is American boxing slang for knockout or floor.
STARDUST Stardust is slang for cocaine.
STARE−CAT Stare−cat is slang for someone who stares inquisitively.
STARGAZER Stargazer is American slang for a horse that holds its head well up when trotting.
STARK NAKED Stark naked was old slang for undiluted liquor.
STARKERS Starkers is British slang for naked.
STARKO Starko is slang for naked.
STARRY NIGHT Starry night is London Cockney rhyming slang for nonsense, rubbish (shite).
STARSKY AND HUTCH Starsky and Hutch is London Cockney rhyming slang for the crotch (crutch).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
START Start is old slang for a prison.
STARVE THE CROWS Starve the crows is Australian slang for an expression of surprise, impatience, etc.
STARVER Starver is Australian slang for a saveloy.
STASH Stash is slang for to hide. Stash is slang for illicit drugs.
STATE State is British slang for a mess, a disaster. State is British slang for an ugly or weird looking person. State was British 1960's Mod slang for a pseudo−Mod, someone who tried to look like a Mod but failed.
STATIC Static is slang for aggravation, interference, hassle, confusion, criticism.
STEAK AND BUBBLE Steak and bubble is London Cockney rhyming slang for trouble.
STEAK AND KIDNEY Steak and kidney is London Cockney rhyming slang for Sidney.
STEAK AND KIDNEY PIE Steak and kidney pie is London Cockney rhyming slang for eye.
STEAL Steal is slang for a bargain. Steal is slang for something easily accomplished.
STEALER Stealer is slang for a finger.
STEALERS Stealers is Black−American slang for the fingers
STEAM Steam is Australian slang for cheap wine.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STEAM IN Steam in is slang for aggressively join in, rush in to join. Especially when joining a fight.
STEAM PACKET Steam packet is London Cockney rhyming slang for a jacket.
STEAM TUG Steam Tug is rhyming slang for mug. Steam tug is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bug.
STEAM TUGS Steam tugs is London Cockney rhyming slang for drugs.
STEAM UP Steam up is slang for to excite or make angry.
STEAMBOATS Steamboats is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
STEAMED Steamed is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
STEAMED UP Steamed up is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
STEAMER Steamer is slang for a homosexual man, especially one who seeks passive partners; slang for a wetsuit. Steamer is British slang for a racehorse whose odds are drastically cut. Steamer is Australian slang for a clash of sporting teams characterised by rough play.
STEAMERS Steamers is British slang for gangs of muggers who operate in force.
STEAMIE Steamie is British slang for a laundrette.
STEAMING Steaming is slang for extremely drunk, intoxicated. Steaming is British slang for mugging as a gang in force. Steaming is British slang for furious, very angry. Steaming is British slang for very, extremely.
STEAMROLLER Steamroller is slang for an unsubtle, undiplomatic person. Steamroller is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bowler hat. 1031
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STEAMY Steamy is slang for lurid, sexually explicit.
STEEN Steen is American slang for a large number of.
STEENTH Steenth was American slang for sixteenth. Steenth is American slang for the latest in a long series.
STEEP Steep is slang for Excessive.
STEERER Steerer is American slang for a person who entices people to a meeting with a swindler or racketeer.
STEFFI GRAF Steffi Graf is London Cockney rhyming slang for bath. Steffi Graf is London Cockney rhyming slang for laugh.
STELLENBOSCH Stellenbosch is South African slang for transfer a person, especially a military person, to a post of minimal responsibility in response to incompetence or a lack of success.
STEM Stem is American slang for a main street or a street frequented by beggars and tramps. Stem is American slang for to beg on the street. Stem is American slang for a pipe used for smoking opium or crack.
STEMS Stems is Black−American slang for the legs
STENCH−TRENCH Stench−trench is British slang for the anus.
STENCHFOOT Stenchfoot is British slang for foot odour.
STEP ON Step on is drug slang for to adulterate.
STEP UP Step up is Jamaican slang for to increase one's status.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STEP−OFF Step−off is Black−American slang for a street curb
STEPHEN FRY Stephen Fry is London Cockney rhyming slang for pie.
STEPHENSON'S ROCKET Stephenson's rocket is London Cockney rhyming slang for pocket.
STEPPER Stepper was slang for a treadmill.
STERKS Sterks is Australian slang for a fit of depression, irritation or annoyance.
Sterrika is British slang for a thug, a violent man.
STEVE MCQUEEN'S Steve McQueen's is Cockney rhyming Slang for jeans.
STEVEN Steven is old slang for money.
STEVIE WONDER Stevie Wonder is London Cockney rhyming slang for thunder.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STEW Stew is British slang for alcoholic drink.
STEW−BUM Stew−bum is American slang for an habitually drunk tramp.
STEWART GRANGER Stewart Granger is London Cockney rhyming slang for danger.
STEWED Stewed is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
STEWED PRUNE Stewed prune is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tune.
STEWIE Stewie is Black−American slang for a drunk
STICK Stick is slang for hassle, excessive criticism, trouble. Stick is slang for a cannabis cigarette. Stick is slang for a police truncheon. Stick is slang for a very serious, dull, repressed person. Stick is slang for a pickpocket's associate, decoy. Stick is slang for the penis. Stick is slang for a snooker cue. Stick is slang for to stab.
STICK IN THE MUD Stick in the mud is slang for a boring, unadventurous, old−fashioned person.
STICK OF CHALK Stick of chalk is London Cockney rhyming slang for walk.
STICK OF ROCK Stick of rock is London Cockney rhyming slang for the penis (cock).
STICK ONE ON Stick one on is British slang for to punch.
STICK−UP Stick−up is slang for a robbery at gunpoint.
STICKIE Stickie is slang for a member of Sinn Fein.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STICKS Sticks is slang for rural, remote areas such as in the countryside. Sticks is slang for the legs. Sticks is slang for a drummer. Sticks is slang for goal posts. Sticks is slang for cricket stumps.
STICKS AND STONES Sticks and stones is London Cockney rhyming slang for bones.
STICKSING Sticksing is British slang for pick pocketing.
STICKY Sticky is slang for awkward, unpleasant. Sticky is slang for a glue sniffer. Sticky is British slang for a liqueur. Sticky is Irish slang for associated or connected with the official IRA
STICKY BEAK Sticky beak is Australian slang for an interfering, inquisitive person.
STICKY BUN Sticky bun is London Cockney rhyming slang for a son.
STICKY DOG Sticky dog is cricket slang for a sticky wicket.
STICKY FINGER Sticky finger is slang for manual stimulation of the vagina.
STICKY TOFFEE Sticky toffee is rhyming slang for coffee.
STICKY−BEAK Sticky−beak is Australian slang for to interfere in other people's affairs.
STICKY−FINGERED Sticky−fingered is slang for liable to steal.
STICKY−NOSE Sticky−nose is slang for a glue sniffer.
STIFF Stiff is slang for a dead body. Stiff is slang for to kill. 1035
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Stiff is slang for very large, strong, or costly; powerful. Stiff is slang for drunk, intoxicated. Stiff is slang for something considered a failure or flop. Stiff is slang for a rigid, boring, person. Stiff is slang for a person to be pitied. Stiff is slang for a drunk. Stiff is slang for a vagrant. Stiff is slang for a loser. Stiff is slang for to knock unconcious. Stiff is British slang for to have sex with. Stiff is American and Canadian slang for to cheat; swindle. Stiff is American slang for to treat harshly. Stiff is Australian slang for unlucky.
STIFFENER Stiffener is slang for a reviving or fortifying alcoholic rink.
STIFFIE Stiffie is British slang for an erect penis. Stiffie is British slang for an invitation card. Stiffie is South African slang for a 3.5 inch floppy diskette.
STIFFING THE STROLL Stiffing the stroll is Black−American slang for act of standing on the corner
STIFFY Stiffy is slang for an erect penis.
STILL Still is slang for a stillborn child; a stillbirth.
STILL SHITTING YELLOW Still shitting yellow is British slang for very young, still a baby.
STILTS Stilts is British slang for long legs. Stilts is Black−American slang for the legs.
STIM Stim is slang for a stimulating drink or drug.
STING Sting is slang for a hoax; a trumped−up or fake story. Sting is American slang for a confidence trick, a fraud, an act of extortion. Sting is American slang for a scheme to entrap criminals.
STINGING NETTLE Stinging nettle is British rhyming slang for a kettle.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STINGO Stingo is old slang for strong ale or beer.
STINK Stink is slang for a fuss, a palaver. Stink is slang for a bad performance by an individual.
STINK−FINGER Stink−finger is slang for the middle finger.
STINK−WEED Stink−weed is slang for marijuana.
STINKARD Stinkard is nautical slang for a petrel, a fulmar.
STINKER Stinker is slang for a contemptible person. Stinker is slang for a poor performance by a sportsman. Stinker is slang for a difficult task.
STINKIBUS Stinkibus is slang for bad liquor, adulterated spirits.
STINKING Stinking is slang for extremely objectionable. Stinking is British slang for very rich. Stinking is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
STINKING RICH Stinking rich is British slang for very rich, very wealthy.
STINKO Stinko is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
STINKPOT Stinkpot is slang for a person or thing that stinks. Stinkpot is slang for a person considered to be unpleasant.
STINKS Stinks is slang for suspicious.
STINKY FINGER Stinky finger is slang for the manual manipulation of a woman's genitals.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STINKY PINKY Stinky pinky is slang for the manual manipulation of a woman's genitals.
STINKY−FINGER Stinky−finger is slang for the middle finger.
STIPE Stipe is slang for a stipendiary magistrate. Stipe is slang for a stipendiary racing steward.
STIR Stir is slang for prison.
STIR−CRAZY Stir−crazy is slang for mentally disturbed as a result of being in prison or otherwise confined.
STIRLING MOSS Stirling Moss is London Cockney rhyming slang for toss.
STIRRER Stirrer is British slang for a troublemaker, a malicious gossip.
STIRRUP Stirrup was old slang for flog with a stirrup−leather or with a shoemaker's stirrup.
STITCH Stitch is American slang for something funny.
STITCH UP Stitch up is slang for cause someone to be convicted, especially by informing on them. Stitch up is slang for secure a deal to one's advantage. Stitch up is slang for a swindle, con or unpleasant situation.
STIVER In early 20th century English slang, a stiver was any coin of little value.
STOCIOUS Stocious is slang for intoxicated, drunk.
STOCKING FILLERS Stocking fillers is slang for female legs.
STOCKS AND SHARES Stocks and shares is London Cockney rhyming slang for stairs. 1038
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STODGE Stodge is slang for food.
STOGIE Stogie is American slang for a cigar.
STOINKER Stoinker is British slang for a fat, smelly person.
STOKE ON TRENT Stoke on Trent is London Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual (bent). Stoke on Trent is London Cockney rhyming slang for stolen (bent).
STOKE ON'E BOILER Stoke one's boiler is British slang for masturbate.
STOKE ON'E FURNACE Stoke one's furnace is British slang for masturbate.
STOKED Stoked is slang for excited, pleased or hooked on.
STOKERS Stokers is nautical slang for cinders which escape through the funnel of a steam engine.
STOLYPIN'S NECKTIE Stolypin's necktie was old slang for the hangman's noose.
STOMACH OVERFLOW ERROR Stomach overflow error is American slang for to vomit.
STOMP Stomp is slang for to physically assault someone, to beat up.
STOMP ON Stomp on is slang for to physically assault someone.
STOMPER Stomper is slang for a plank or board used by crop circle hoaxers for flattening crops.
STOMPERS Stompers is American slang for thick−soled shoes. Stompers is American slang for heavy boots. Stompers is Black−American slang for ones shoes or feet. 1039
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STOMPIE Stompie is South African slang for a partially smoked cigarette put out for relighting later. Stompie is South African slang for a worthless remnant.
STOMPING Stomping is slang for lively, energetic.
STONE Stone is slang for cannabis.
STONE BONKER Stone bonker is British slang for a certainty.
STONE END Stone end is Australian slang for an intolerable situation or place.
STONE FINISH Stone finish is Australian slang for an intolerable situation or place.
STONE GINGER Stone ginger is British slang for a certainty.
STONE JUG Stone jug is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dupe (mug).
STONE−BROKE Stone−broke is American and Canadian slang for completely without money; penniless.
STONED Stoned is slang for under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
STONEFACED Stonefaced is British slang for never showing emotion.
STONES Stones is slang for the testicles.
STONEWALL BONKER Stonewall bonker is British slang for a certainty.
STONK Stonk is military slang for a concentrated artillery bombardment.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STONKER Stonker is slang for an erect penis, usually implying sizeable. Stonker is British slang for something big, stunning, devastating, powerful.
STONKERED Stonkered is slang for completely exhausted or beaten; whacked. Stonkered is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
STONKERS Stonkers is British slang for breasts.
STONKING Stonking is slang for impressively large; extremely. Stonking is slang for excellent.
STONY Stony is British and Australian slang for completely without money; penniless.
STONY−BROKE Stony−broke is British slang for completely without money; penniless.
STOODED Stooded is Dorset slang for stuck.
STOOGE Stooge is slang for someone who is taken advantage of by another. Stooge is RAF slang for to fly or move about aimlessly. Stooge is British slang for an innocent stand−in at an identity parade.
STOOK Stook was old slang for a pocket handkerchief.
STOOL PIGEON Stool pigeon is American slang for a person acting as a decoy.
STOOLIE Stoolie is American slang for a police informer.
STOOLING Stooling is Black−American slang for informing on someone
STOOP Stoop was slang for the pillory.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STOP AND GO Stop and go is London Cockney rhyming slang for a toe.
STOP AND RUN Stop and run is bingo slang for the number eighty−one.
STOP AND START Stop and start is London Cockney rhyming slang for the heart.
STOP ONE Stope one is Australian slang for take a drink.
STOP THIEF Stop thief is London Cockney rhyming slang for beef.
STOP TICKING Stop ticking is British slang for to die.
STOP−THE−CLOCK Stop−the−clock is Northern Irish slang for a pessimist.
STOPPED Stopped is slang for Phenobarbital.
STOPPER Stopper is slang for a hard piece of excrement that causes constipation.
STOPPERS Stoppers is slang for Phenobarbital.
STOPPO Stoppo is slang for a break from work; a rest. Stoppo is criminal's slang for a rapid escape in order to avoid detection.
STORES Stores is aeronautical slang for the guns, bombs and similar carried on an aircraft.
STORK Stork is American slang for make pregnant.
STORMER Stormer is slang for something very big or excellent.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STORMING Storming is slang for marvellous, brilliant.
STORY Story is British slang for a lie. Story is British slang for information.
STOSHIOUS Stoshious is British slang for drunk, intoxicated. Stoshious is British slang for discreet, silent.
STOT Stot is Scottish slang for to stagger drunkenly
STOTIOUS Stotious is Scottish slang for drunk, intoxicated.
STOTTER Stotter is slang for a very attractive girl.
STOUSH Stoush is Australian and New Zealand slang for to hit or punch; a fight.
STOVE−UP Stove−up is American slang for exhausted, run down.
STOW Stow is British slang for cease from, to stop.
STRADADICTOMY Strapadictomy is British slang for lesbianism.
STRADIVARIUS Stradivarius is British slang for a dishonest way of making money. A fiddle.
STRAFE Strafe is slang for to punish harshly.
STRAIGHT Straight is slang for a heterosexual. Straight is slang for unmixed or undiluted. Straight is slang for conventional in views, customs, appearance, etc. Straight is slang for not using narcotics; not addicted. Straight is slang for honest, trustworthy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STRAIGHT AND NARROW Straight and narrow is London Cockney rhyming slang for a wheelbarrow.
STRAIGHT ARROW Straight arrow is American slang for honest, trustworthy, straightforward.
STRAIGHT−SHOOTER Straight−shooter is American slang for honest, trustworthy, straightforward.
STRAIGHT−UP Straight−up is slang for true.
STRAIGHTEN Straighten is slang for repay money to someone. Straighten is slang for to bribe.
STRAIGHTEN OUT Straighten out is slang for bribe, corrupt. Straighten out is slang for to put right.
STRAIGHTENED−OUT Straightened−out is slang for bribed, or otherwise corrupted.
STRAIGHTENER Straightener is slang for a fight that will put an end to a long−running argument or feud.
STRAIN OFF Strain off is slang for to urinate.
STRAIN THE GREENS Strain the greens is British slang for to urinate.
STRAIN THE POTATOES Strain the potatoes is Australian slang for to urinate.
STRAMASH Stramash is British slang for a fight, an altercation.
STRAMMEL Strammel is slang for straw. Strammel is slang for hair.
STRANGELY WEIRD Strangely weird is London Cockney rhyming slang for a beard. 1044
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STRANGLE A DARKIE Strangle a darkie is Australian slang for to defecate.
STRANGLER Strangler is British slang for an enviably lucky person. Strangler is British slang for a necktie,
STRAP Strap is British slang for credit. Strap is Irish slang for a shameless or promiscuous woman.
STRAP−OIL Strap−oil is slang for a beating.
STRAP−ON Strap−on is slang for a strap−on dildo.
STRAPPED Strapped is slang for lacking, short of.
STRAPPED FOR CASH Strapped for cash is British slang for short of money.
STRAPPER Strapper is slang for an apprentice, a learner or a junior.
STRAW BASHER Straw basher is slang for a straw hat, a boater.
STRAW YARD Straw yard was old slang for a night shelter for the homeless.
STRAWBERRIES Strawberries is slang for secobarbital.
STRAWBERRY Strawberry is American slang for a prostitute who sells sex for drugs.
STRAWBERRY RIPPLE Strawberry ripple is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cripple.
STRAWBERRY TART Strawberry tart is London Cockney rhyming slang for the heart.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STREAK Streak is slang for a rapid move, a journey made at a fast rate. Streak is slang for to run naked in public. Streak is British slang for a very tall, thin person.
STREAKER Streaker is slang for someone who runs naked in public.
STREET Street is racing slang for a long winning margin. Street is American slang for having fashionable awareness, acceptable on the street.
STREET CRED Street cred is slang for having fashionable awareness, acceptable on the street.
STREET−SMART Street−smart is American slang for familiar with fashionable street culture. Street−smart is American slang for cunning in the ways of urban life.
STREETCAR Streetcar is military slang for a shell.
STREETMAN Streetman is American slang for a petty criminal who operates on the streets, especially a pickpocket or drug dealer.
STREETWISE Streetwise is slang for familiar with fashionable street culture. Streetwise is slang for cunning in the ways of urban life.
STREEVUS MONE ON THE REEVUS CONE Streevus mone on the reevus cone is Black−American slang for a jitterbug expression that has no meaning.
STRETCH Stretch is slang for to hang or be hanged by the neck. Stretch is slang for a year of imprisonment. Stretch is slang for a year. Stretch is American slang for a tall, thin person.
STRETCHED Stretched is slang for hanged.
STRETCHER Stretcher is Australian and New Zealand slang for a camp bed. Stretcher is slang for an exaggeration or lie.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STREWTH Strewth is slang for an exclamation of surprise, frustration.
STRIDERS Striders is Black−American slang for trousers
STRIDES Strides is slang for trousers.
STRIKE Strike is slang for steal goods, rob a person. Strike is slang for make a sudden demand for repayment of a loan. Strike is British slang for one pound sterling. Strike is British slang for a match. Strike is American slang for induce a person to pay money through threats or blackmail.
STRIKE ME DEAD Strike me dead is London Cockney rhyming slang for bread.
STRIKER Striker is British slang for a match.
STRINE Strine is slang for Australian speech.
STRING String is slang for a fishing−line. String is American slang for a type of confidence trick. String is American slang for deceive.
STRING BEANS String beans is London Cockney rhyming slang for jeans.
STRING VEST String vest is London Cockney rhyming slang for a nuisance (pest).
STRINGBEAN Stringbean is slang for a tall, thin person.
STRINGS Strings is American slang for a group of prostitutes working for the same person.
STRIP Strip is slang for unpack or unload.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STRIPE Stripe is slang for a scar. Stripe is British slang for one pound sterling. Stripe is British slang for a police car.
STRIPE UP Stripe up is British slang for to con, to cheat, to swindle.
STRIPED Striped is British slang for cheated, conned, swindled, short−changed.
STRIPER Striper is military slang for an officer who has a stripe or stripes on his uniform, especially in the navy.
STRIPES Stripes is American slang for a striped prison uniform.
STRIPPERS Strippers is slang for high cards cut slightly wedge−shaped for the purpose of cheating.
STRIPY Stripy is nautical slang for a long−service able seaman with good conduct stripes.
STROKE Stroke is slang for masturbate. Stroke is slang for a liberty, an underhand trick. Stroke is American slang for pornographic; masturbatory.
STROKE BOOK Stroke book is slang for a pornographic publication.
STROLL ON Stroll on is a British slang expression of disbelief. Stroll on is a British slang expression of respect and admiration.
STROLLER Stroller is South African slang for a homeless street beggar.
STRONG Strong is Australian slang for truth, the facts.
STRONG IT Strong it is British slang for to behave aggressively. Strong it is British slang for to take a liberty. Strong it is British slang for to lie extravagantly. To exaggerate. 1048
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STRONG JOINT Strong joint is American slang for a corrupt gambling house or game.
STRONZER Stronzer is slang for an unpleasant person.
STROP Strop is British slang for to masturbate. Strop is British slang for a bad mood, a sulk.
STROP THE MULLIGAN Strop the mulligan is Australian slang for to masturbate.
STROPPY Stroppy is British slang for aggressive, uncooperative, irritable.
STRUCK Struck is slang for to borrow money of or to make a demand upon.
STRUGGLE AND STRAIN Struggle and strain is London Cockney rhyming slang for train.
STRUGGLE AND STRAINERS Struggle and strainers is London Cockney rhyming slang for trainers.
STRUGGLE AND STRIFE Struggle and strife is London Cockney rhyming slang for life. Struggle and strife is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
STRUGGLE BUGGY Struggle buggy is Black−American slang for an old rundown car
STRUGGLE−FOR−LIFER Struggle−for−lifer is slang for someone who has to struggle to live.
STRUM Strum is slang for female masturbation.
STRUNG OUT Strung out is slang for emotionally stressed, in mental turmoil. Strung out is slang for addicted to a drug. Strung out is slang for suffering or distressed because of the lack of a drug.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STUBBLE−JUMPER Stubble−jumper is Canadian slang for a prairie grain farmer.
STUBBY Stubby is Australian slang for a small bottle of beer.
STUCK ON Stuck on is slang for keen on or infatuated with.
STUCK−UP Stuck−up is slang for conceited, snobbish.
STUD Stud is slang for a sexually promiscuous man. Especially one who is good at sex. Stud is Dorset slang for ponderous, pensive, still and thoughtful.
STUDENT Student is American slang for an inexperienced taker of drugs, especially one who takes small or occasional doses.
STUDSLEY Studsley is American slang for a smart dressed, sophisticated, elegant man.
STUFF Stuff is slang for to copulate. Stuff is slang for a drug, especially cannabis. Stuff is slang for to dismiss, to throw away, to destroy, to abandon. Stuff is British slang for to get the better of someone. Stuff is British slang for to thwart someone.
STUFF ONE'S CRAW Stuff one's craw is Jamaican slang for to overeat.
STUFF−IT Stuff−it is slang for an exclamation of rejection or contempt.
STUFFED Stuffed is British slang for ruined, abandoned, broken. Stuffed is British slang for sated.
STUFFER Stuffer is customs slang for a drug smuggler who conceals drugs in a bodily passage.
STUK Stuk is South African slang for a promiscuous woman.
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STUKACH Stukach is Russian slang for an informer, a stool−pigeon.
STUKKIE Stukkie is South African slang for a woman viewed as a sex object. Stukkie is South African slang for a girlfriend.
STUMBLE Stumble is British slang for to emit foul smelling wind from the anus.
STUMBLEBUM Stumblebum is American slang for a vagrant, a tramp.
STUMBLERS Stumblers is slang for Phenobarbital.
STUMER Stumer is slang for a forgery or cheat. Stumer is British slang for something worthless. Stumer is British slang for a mistake.
STUMP Stump was old slang for money. Stump was old slang for go away. Stump is slang for penniless.
STUMP IT Stump it is slang for to run away; to escape.
STUMPS Stumps is slang for the legs.
STUMPY Stumpy was old slang for money.
STUNG Stung is slang for to be overcharged. Stung is slang for to lend someone money and not get it back. Stung is Australian slang for drunk; intoxicated.
STUNNED Stunned is Australian and New Zealand slang for drunk.
STUNT Stunt is military slang for an attack or advance.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
STUPE Stupe is American slang for a stupid person; clot.
STUPEFI Stupefi is slang for valium.
STUTTER AND STAMMER Stutter and stammer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a hammer.
SUB−CHEESE Sub−cheese is military slang for everything.
SUBBIE Subbie is slang for a subcontractor.
SUBBY Subby is British slang for a sub−contractor.
SUBJECT Subject is book trade slang for liable to discount.
SUBMARINE Submarine is American slang for sabotage.
SUBMARINES Submarines is American tramp slang for doughnuts
SUBSTANCE Substance is British slang for cannabis, hashish, marijuana.
SUBWAY ALUMNI Subway alumni is American slang for city−dwelling supporters of a college football team, who are not graduates of the college.
SUCK Suck is slang for fellatio. Suck is criminal slang for a breast−pocket. Suck is slang for a sycophant. Suck was old slang for a deception. Suck is American slang for repellent, inferior, worthless. Suck is Canadian slang for a worthless or contemptible person.
SUCK FACE Suck face is American slang for to kiss.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SUCK IN Suck in is slang for to deceive or defraud.
SUCK OFF Suck off is slang for to give oral sex to someone.
SUCK UP Suck up is slang for to flatter, be obsequious.
SUCK−HOLE Suck−hole is Australian slang for a sycophant. Suck−hole is Australian slang for a contemptible person.
SUCKER Sucker is slang for a gullible person. Sucker is British slang for a boiled sweet.
SUCKER LIST Sucker list is criminal slang for a mailing list containing the names and addresses of victims who have been successfully conned by a mailing fraud, such as a competition scam.
SUCKER−PUNCH Sucker−punch is American slang for to attack from behind.
SUCKY Sucky is American slang for unpleasant, disagreeable, contemptible.
SUCTION Suction was old slang for drinking alcoholic liquor.
SUDDEN Sudden is Australian slang for fast, efficient. Sudden was old Australian slang for brutal, ruthless.
SUDDEN DEATH Sudden death is American slang for a potent alcoholic drink.
SUDS Suds is American and Canadian slang for beer or the bubbles floating on it.
SUDSER Sudser is American slang for a soap−opera.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SUEDEHEAD Suedhead was British slang for a member of a 1970s youth culture in which the members wore their hair slightly longer than the skinheads.
SUET Suet is British slang for human fat.
SUEY POW Suey pow is American slang for a cloth used to clean an opium bowl.
SUFF Suff was 19th century New Zealand slang for sufficient.
SUFFER Suffer is an Australian slang expression of contempt, defiance, challenge.
SUFFOLK BANG Suffolk bang is nautical slang for an inferior hard−cheese.
SUGAR Sugar is slang for heroin. Sugar is slang for morphine. Sugar is salng for cocaine. Sugar is slang for money. Sugar is slang for nice. Sugar is Black−American slang for a kiss Sugar was 1960's slang for LSD.
SUGAR AND HONEY Sugar and honey is London Cockney rhyming slang for money.
SUGAR AND SPICE Sugar and spice is London Cockney rhyming slang for ice. Sugar and spice is London Cockney rhyming slang for nice.
SUGAR CANDY Sugar candy is London Cockney rhyming slang for brandy. Sugar candy is London Cockney rhyming slang for handy.
SUGAR DADDY Sugar daddy is slang for a wealthy, older, male lover.
SUGAR STICK Sugar stick is rhyming slang for the penis (prick).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SUGAR UP Sugar up is British slang for to bribe.
SUICIDE BLOND Suicide blond is slang for a woman with hair dyed blond.
Suit is slang for a white−collar worker, business executive.
SUITABLE CASE Suitable case is British slang for eccentric, mad, insane.
SUITED AND BOOTED Suited and booted is British slang for dressed smartly.
SULPHITE Sulphite is slang for a person who is spontaneous and original in his habits of thought and conversation.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SUMBITCH Sumbitch is American slang for son of a bitch.
SUMO Sumo is British slang for a fat man.
SUMOS Sumos is British slang for large female nipples.
SUNBEAM Sunbeam is Australian slang for a piece of crockery or cutlery laid for a meal but remaining unused.
SUNDAY BEST Sunday best is London Cockney rhyming slang for a vest.
SUNDAY MORN Sunday morn is London Cockney rhyming slang for an erection (horn).
SUNDAY MORNING NIGHTMARE Sunday morning nightmare is slang for the after effects following a period of revelrous behaviour; in particular a long evening of drinking alcohol.
Sunday punch is American slang for a knockout punch or blow.
SUNDOWNER Sundowner is British slang for an early evening drink. Sundowner is Australian and New Zealand slang for a tramp, especially one who seeks food and lodging at sundown when it is too late to work. Sundowner is New Zealand slang for a lazy sheepdog.
SUNFISH Sunfish is American slang for the bucking of a horse in which each shoulder is lowered in turn.
SUNNIES Sunnies is Australian slang for breasts.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SUNNY SOUTH Sunny south is London Cockney rhyming slang for mouth.
SUNSHINE Sunshine is a British slang form of address. Sunshine is slang for a type of LSD.
SUP Sup is slang for to drink.
SUPE Supe is slang for a supernumery. Supe is slang for superintendent.
SUPER Super is criminal slang for a watch. Super is school slang for remove a pupil from a class or school on account of their age.
SUPER ACID Super Acid is slang for ketamine.
SUPER C Super C is slang for ketamine.
SUPER GRASS Super Grass is slang for phencyclidine.
SUPER JOINT Super joint is slang for phencyclidine.
SUPER WEED Super Weed is slang for phencyclidine.
SUPERBITCH Superbitch is slang for an extremely unpleasant or malicious woman.
SUPERCHARGE Supercharge is slang for crack cocaine.
SUPERGRASS Supergrass is British slang for very strong marijuana. Supergrass is British slang for an informer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SURF Surf is slang for to leisurely browse web sites.
SURF−BUM Surf−bum is slang for a surfing enthusiast who frequents beaches suitable for surfing.
SURFBOARD Surfboard is slang for a flat−chested girl. Surfboard is slang for a promiscuous girl.
SURFIE Surfie is Australian and New Zealand slang for a young man whose main interest is in surfing, especially when considered as a cult figure.
SURGICAL TRUSS Surgical truss is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bus.
SURPLUS Surplus is American military slang for dispose of as surplus to requirements.
SURREY DOCKS Surrey docks is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox).
SUS Sus is British slang for suspicion; a suspect.
SUS LAWS Sus laws was British slang for the law that authorized the arrest and punishment of suspected persons frequenting, or loitering in, public places with criminal intent. In England, the sus law formed part of the Vagrancy Act of 1824 which was repealed in 1981.
SUSHI BAR Sushi bar is British slang for the vagina.
SUSIE ANNA Susie Anna was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a sixpence (tanner).
SUSPENDED Suspended is slang for a suspended sentence.
SUSS Suss is slang for to work something out, to understand, to discover, to deduce. Suss is slang for knowledge, understanding.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SUSS OUT Suss out is British slang for to work out. Suss out is British slang for investigate.
SUSSED Sussed is slang for knowledgeable, well−informed. Sussed is British slang for found out, discovered.
SUSSO Susso is Australian slang for money paid by the government to an unemployed person.
SUSSY Sussy is slang for suspicious or suspected.
SUZI Suzi is British slang for the number four.
SUZIE COBOL Suzie COBOL is computer slang for a coder straight out of training school who knows everything except the value of comments in plain English.
SUZIE WONG Suzie Wong is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bad smell (pong). Suzie Wong is London Cockney rhyming slang for a song.
SWAB Swab is slang for an uncouth or worthless fellow.
SWABBER Swabber is slang for an uncouth fellow.
SWACKED Swacked is slang for in a state of intoxication, stupor, or euphoria induced by drugs or alcohol.
SWADDLER Swaddler is derogatory Irish slang for a Protestant.
SWADDLING Swaddling is derogatory slang for Methodism. Swaddling is derogatory slang for a Protestant.
SWADDY Swaddy is British slang for a private soldier.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SWAG Swag is slang for property obtained by theft or other illicit means. Swag is slang for goods; valuables.
SWALLOW Swallow was slang for a female KGB agent who seduced men for purposes of espionage. Swallow is British slang for an alcoholic drink. Swallow is British slang for taking an illicit pill. Swallow is British slang for to accept a story without question. Swallow is British slang for to back down from an argument.
SWALLOW AND SIGH Swallow and sigh is London Cockney rhyming slang for a collar and tie.
SWALLOW BOBBY Swallow Bobby is Australian slang for make a false customs declaration or affidavit.
SWALLOW THE ANCHOR Swallow the anchor is old British slang for to surrender oneself to the police.
SWAMP Swamp is British slang for the vagina. Swamp is Australian slang for work as a cattle−driver's assistant.
SWAMP DONKEY Swamp donkey is slang for an unattractive woman.
SWAMPER Swamper is Australian slang for a person who obtains a lift.
SWAN Swan is slang for an aimless journey conducted for reconnaissance or pleasure. Swan is American slang for declare, swear, be bound. Swan is derogatory slang for go with a superior air.
SWAN LAKE Swan lake is London Cockney rhyming slang for cake.
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Swankpot is slang for an ostentatious or boastful person.
SWANKY Swanky is slang for swaggering, pretentious, boastful when applied to a person or imposing, stylish or posh when applied to a building etc.
SWANNEE RIVER Swannee river is London Cockney rhyming slang for liver.
SWAP Swap is slang for be dismissed from employment. Swap is slang for change one's clothes.
SWAP OFF Swap off is slang for cheat, or take in.
SWAP SPIT Swap spit is American slang for kiss, particularly deep kissing.
SWAPPER Swapper is slang for something very big, especially a lie.
SWASH Swash is slang for worthless stuff, nonsense.
SWATCH Swatch is Scottish slang for a look.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SWATCHEL Swatchel is slang for Punch in a Punch−and−Judy show.
SWAVE Swave is slang for suave, polite, charming.
SWEAR AND CUSS Swear and cuss is London Cockney rhyming slang for bus.
SWEAT Sweat is British slang for trouble, problem, hassle, worry. Sweat is British slang for a soldier, especially one who is old and experienced. Sweat is American slang for pressurise someone.
SWEAT EQUITY Sweat equity is American slang for an interest in a property earned by a tenant in return for helping with its upkeep or renovation.
SWEAT ON Sweat on is British slang for to wait anxiously.
SWEAT−BOX Sweat−box is slang for a small, narrow prison cell.
SWEAT−HOG Sweat−hog is American slang for an ugly person. Sweat−hog is American slang for a difficult student singled out for special instruction.
SWEATY SOCK Sweaty sock is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Scot (Jock).
SWEDE−BASHER Swede−basher is slang for a farm worker or rustic.
SWEENEY Sweeney is British slang for a barber. Sweeney is British slang for officious security guards.
SWEENEY TODD Sweeney Todd is London Cockney rhyming slang for the flying squad.
SWEEP Sweep is slang for to remove listening devices from a place.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SWEEP ONE'S CHIMNEY Sweep one's chimney is British slang for to masturbate.
SWEET Sweet is slang for excellent. Sweet is British slang for sugar. Sweet is Australian slang for satisfactory or in order; all right.
SWEET F A Sweet F A (sweet fuck all) is slang for nothing. Sweet F A is slang for a pitifully small amount.
SWEET LUCY Sweet Lucy is American slang for wine, particularly cheap, sweet wine.
SWEET PEA Sweet pea was old London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
SWEET SMURF Sweet Smurf is slang for a cigar dipped in embalming fluid.
SWEET−PEA Sweet−pea is a slang term of affection.
SWEET−TALK Sweet−talk is slang for to flatter with gain as an objective.
SWEETENER Sweetener is slang for a bribe.
SWEETIE Sweetie is derogatory British slang for an effeminate male homosexual.
SWELL Swell is slang for excellent; first−class. Swell is British slang for a well−off single woman.
SWELL−HEAD Swell−head is slang for a self−important, conceited person.
SWIFT Swift is British slang for to give false evidence. Swift is British slang for to plant false evidence, to fabricate. Said of the police.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SWIFTIE Swiftie is slang for a trick, ruse, or deception.
SWIFTLY FLOW Swiftly flow is Australian rhyming slang for go.
SWIG Swig is slang for to drink greedily.
SWILL Swill is British slang for beer.
SWILLAGE Swillage is British slang for beer.
SWILLED Swilled is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
SWINDLE SHEET Swindle sheet is slang for expense account.
SWING Swing is slang for to be hanged. Swing is slang for to be lively and modern. Swing is slang for be promiscuous, engage in group sex or swapping casual sexual partners.
SWING BOTH WAYS Swing both ways is slang for to enjoy sexual partners of both sexes (be bisexual).
SWING THE LEAD Swing the lead is slang for to waste time, to shirk ones duties.
SWINGE Swinge was old slang for drink up.
SWINGER Swinger is slang for a person regarded as being modern and lively. Swinger is slang for a promiscuous person who regularly swops sexual partners with other like−minded people.
SWINGERS Swingers is slang for the testicles.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SWINGLE Swingle is American slang for a lively single person, especially one who goes out seeking a sexual partner.
SWINGSTER Swingster is slang for a musician who plays jazz with swing.
SWIPE Swipe is slang for to steal. Swipe is American slang for a groom or stable boy.
SWIPES Swipes is British slang for beer, especially when poor or weak.
SWIPEY Swipey was old slang for drunk or tipsy.
SWISH Swish is American slang for an effeminate male homosexual.
SWISHER Swisher is slang for a cigar with marijuana replacing tobacco.
SWISHY Swishy is slang for effeminate.
SWISS ARMY KNIFE Swiss army knife is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife.
SWITCH OFF Switch off is British slang for to ignore.
SWITCH ON Switch on is slang for to take or become intoxicated by drugs. Switch on is slang for to introduce someone to drugs. Switch on is slang for to arouse emotionally or sexually.
SWITCH−HITTER Switch−hitter is American and Canadian slang for a bisexual person.
SWITCHED−ON Switched−on is slang for excited, under the influence of drugs. Switched−on is British slang for fashionable. Switched−on is British slang for alert, bright.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SWITCHEROO Switcheroo is American slang for a surprising or unexpected change or variation.
SWIVEL EYED Swivel eyed is British slang for untrustworthy. Machiavellian.
SWIZZ Swizz is slang for a swindle.
SWIZZLE Swizzle is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
SWOON Swoon is British slang for to fake being knocked−out, to take a dive.
SWOOP Swoop is Black−American slang for to leave quickly
SWORD Sword is British slang for the penis.
SWORDSMAN Swordsman is British slang for a sexually active man. Swordsman is British slang for a receiver of stolen property.
SWOT Swot is slang for work or study at school. Swot is slang for a person who studies hard. Swot is slang for study a subject hard or hurriedly.
SWY Swy is Australian slang for two, especially formerly a two−shilling piece, a two year prison sentence. Swy is Australian slang for the game of two−up.
SYLVESTER STALLONE Sylvester Stallone is London Cockney rhyming slang for alone.
SYNOGOGIAN Synogogian is slang for a Jew.
SYNTHETIC COCAINE Synthetic cocaine is slang for phencyclidine.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
SYPH Syph is slang for syphilis.
SYRUP Syrup is British rhyming slang for a wig.
SYRUP OF FIGS Syrup of figs is British rhyming slang for a wig.
SYSOP Sysop is slang for a computer system operator.
SYSTEM D System D is slang for a bluff, an unscrupulous way of keeping or getting out of trouble.
T T is slang for marijuana.
T AND A T and A (tit and ass) is American slang for scantily clad or naked women.
T AND E T and E (tired and emotional) is British slang for drunk, intoxicated.
T REX T Rex is British slang for sex.
T'WADDEN T'wadden is Dorset slang for it was not.
T.B.A. T.B.A. is American slang for to be avoided.
T.H. T.H. is betting slang for odds of 8/1.
T.L.U. T.L.U. (tight little unit) is surfer slang for an attractive, compact girl.
T.N.T. T.N.T. is slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
T.S. T.S. is American military slang for tough shit; tough situation; tough stuff; typescript.
TA−TA KISS Ta−ta kiss is London Cockney rhyming slang for teasing (taking the piss).
TA−TAS Ta−tas is British slang for a walk.
TAB Tab is slang for tablet. Tab is slang for an ear. Tab is slang for a cigarette. Tab is slang for an elderly woman. Tab is Australian slang for a young woman or girl. Tab is theatre slang for a tableau curtain or one of its suspending loops. Tab is military slang for march over difficult terrain with heavy equipment.
TAB ACTION Tab action is Black−American slang for to borrow
TAB SHOW Tab show is American slang for a short version of a musical, especially one performed by a travelling company.
TAB−END Tab−end is slang for a cigarette butt.
TABBY Tabby is slang for a young woman or girl, especially an attractive one.
TABLE−ENDER Table−ender is slang for an act of copulation on or at a table.
TABLETS Tablets is British slang for the testicles.
TABNAB Tabnab is nautical slang for a savoury snack, a bun or pastry.
TABS Tabs is British slang for the testicles. Tabs is Black−American slang for ones ears
TACEVAL Taceval is military slang for the evaluation of tactical planning and deployment. 1068
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TACHE Tache is British slang for a moustache.
TACK Tack is slang for squalor, shabbiness, seediness. Tack is slang for cheap, inferior, in bad taste. Tack is slang for join a couple in marriage.
TACK ATTACK Tack attack is British slang for a bout of bad taste.
TACKER Tacker is British slang for a child.
TACKINES Tackiness is slang for bad taste, vulgarity.
TACKLE Tackle is British slang for a watch chain. Tackle is British slang for the male genitals.
TACKY Tacky is slang for of poor taste, lacking style.
Taco−bender is derogatory American slang for a Mexican, a Hispanic person.
TAD Tad is slang for a little, a small amount.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TADGER Tadger is slang for the penis.
TAFF Taff is British slang for a Welshman.
TAFFETY Taffety is Dorset slang for choosy.
TAFFIA Taffia is British slang for a group of Welshmen.
TAFFY Taffy is British slang for a Welshman Taffy is slang for flattery or soft phrases.
TAG Tag is slang for a person following another as a detective or spy. Tag is slang for a graffiti artist's signature or identifying mark. Tag is boxing slang for strike an opponent.
TAGGED THE PLAY WITH THE SLAMMER ISSUE Tagged the play with the slammer issue is Black−American slang for the act of putting a troublesome person in jail
TAGGER Tagger is slang for a graffiti artist.
TAIG Taig is British slang for a Roman Catholic.
TAIL Tail is slang for a woman. Tail is slang for the female genitals. Tail is slang for a male sexual partner.
TAILOR−MADE Tailor−made is slang for a cigarette made in a factory rather than rolled by hand.
TAILPIPE Tailpipe is American slang for the anus.
TAIWAN Taiwan is British slang for a 2:1 university degree.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TAKE Take is slang for to cheat, deceive, or victimise. Take is slang for an inhalation from a cannabis cigarette or pipe.
TAKE A BATH Take a bath is slang for to suffer a financial loss, to suffer a commercial setback.
TAKE A CHILL PILL Take a chill pill is slang for relax.
TAKE A DIVE Take a dive is slang for to feign a foul or knockdown in sports.
TAKE A HORN Take a horn is Jamaican slang for to accept that one's partner is having or had an affair, without complaint.
TAKE A POP AT Take a pop at is slang for to attack, to hit, to lash out at.
TAKE A POWDER Take a powder is American and Canadian slang for to run away or disappear.
TAKE A RAINCHECK Take a raincheck is slang for to postpone.
TAKE DOWN Take down is American slang for to kill.
TAKE FIVE Take Five is slang for have a brief rest or respite from ones task.
TAKE IT EASY Take it easy is slang for a parting salutation to not let life get one down.
TAKE NAMES Take names is American slang for to take control, to chastise.
TAKE ONE'S LUMPS Take one's lumps is American slang for to suffer misfortune.
TAKE OUT Take out is slang for to kill or destroy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TAKE SIGHTS Take sights is criminal slang for observe, watch closely.
TAKE THE ARTHUR Take the Arthur is British slang for to mock, to verbally assault.
TAKE THE BISCUIT Take the biscuit is slang for to be regarded (by the speaker) as the most surprising thing that could have occurred.
TAKE THE HUFF Take the huff is British slang for to take offence, to lose one's temper.
TAKE THE MICHAEL Take the Michael is British slang for to mock.
TAKE THE MICK Take the Mick is British slang for to mock.
TAKE THE MICKEY Take the Mickey is British slang for to mock.
TAKE THE MICKEY BLISS Take the Mickey Bliss is London Cockney rhyming slang for to mock (take the piss).
TAKE THE PISS Take the piss is slang for to ridicule, cruelly joke with; to mock.
TAKE THE SHAME Take the shame is slang for to accept the blame for something, often publicly.
TALENT Talent is British slang for an attractive person.
TALK TO GOD ON THE BIG WHITE TELEPHONE Talk to god on the big white telephone is American slang for to vomit
TALK TO HUEY DOWN THE BIG WHITE TELEPHONE. Talk to Huey down the big white telephone is American slang for to vomit
TALK TO JOHN ON THE PORCELAIN TELEPHONE Talk to john on the porcelain telephone is American slang for to vomit
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TALK TO RALPH ON THE BIG WHITE TELEPHONE Talk to Ralph on the big white telephone is American slang for to vomit
TALK TO RALPH ON THE CAMODE−A−PHONE Talk to Ralph on the camode−a−phone is American slang for to vomit
TALK TO THE CARPET Talk to the carpet is American slang for to vomit
TALK TO YOUR SHOES Talk to your shoes is American slang for to vomit
TALK TURKEY Talk turkey is slang for to perform oral sex.
TALL POPPIES Tall poppies is Australian slang for prominent people.
TALLET Tallet is Dorset slang for a hay loft over a stable.
TAM RAG Tam rag is British slang for a sanitary towel, tampon.
TAMP UP Tamp up is American tramp slang for to assault or beat
TAMPI Tampi is slang for cannabis.
TAN Tan is slang for to beat or flog.
TANK Tank is slang for to defeat heavily. Tank is British slang for a police car. Tank is American slang for a firearm. Tank is American slang for a jail cell.
TANK FILLER Tank filler is British slang for a woman who leads a man on sexually, but doesn't go through with sexual intercourse.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TANK UP Tank up is slang for to imbibe a large quantity of alcoholic drink.
TANKED Tanked is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
TANKED UP Tanked up is slang for drunk and in a state rowdiness.
TANKER Tanker is British slang for a heavy drinker.
TANKY Tanky is nautical slang for a petty officer in charge of a ship's freshwater tanks and other stores. Tanky was slang for a member of the British Communist Party who supported military intervention by the Soviet Union to preserve Communist regimes.
Tanned is slang for beaten, thrashed.
TANNER Tanner was old British slang for a sixpence.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Tap is target shooting slang for a shot fired from a gun. Tap is slang for arrest a person. Tap is slang for to borrow.
Tap city is American slang for penniless
TAP−DANCE Tap−dance is slang for a clever evasion, a devious manoeuvre.
TAP−DANCER Tap−dancer is slang for someone who avoids danger by clever, devious, dishonest actions and luck.
TAP−OUT Tap−out is British slang for an ATM, a cash machine.
TAPE Tape is British slang for to size up a situation or person. Tape is American tramp slang for the tongue. Tape is British military slang for a stripe. Tape was old slang for gin.
TAPIOCA Tapioca is slang for temporarily penniless. Tapioca is London Cockney rhyming slang for a joker in a deck of cards.
TAPPED Tapped is slang for insane or a mentally unstable.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TAPPED−OUT Tapped−out is American slang for penniless. Tapped−out is American slang for exhausted, worn−out, tired.
TAR Tar is American slang for heroin.
TAR AND FEATHER Tar and feather is London Cockney rhyming slang for a leather jacket.
TARANTULA−JUICE Tarantula−juice is American slang for inferior whiskey.
TARD Tard is American slang for a stupid person.
TARDLE Tardle is Dorset slang for tangle, entanglement.
TARMAC Tarmac is slang for to make quick visits flying from one airport to airport in quick succession.
TARNAL Tarnal is American slang expression of annoyance for damned, infernal.
TARNATION Tarnation is American slang for damned, damnable, infernal.
TART Tart is slang for a prostitute, or promiscuous woman. Tart was an old slang term of endearment for a girl or woman. Tart is Australian and New Zealand slang for a wife or girlfriend.
TART ABOUT tart about is British slang for to behave flamboyantly. Tart about is British slang for to behave in an irresolute and disorganised manner.
TART FUEL Tart fuel is British slang for the bottled alcopop's regularly drank by young women.
TART UP Tart up is slang for to smarten up.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TARTAN BANNER Tartan banner was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a sixpence (tanner).
TARTAR Tartar was old slang for a strolling vagabond, a thief or beggar.
TASH Tash is British slang for a moustache.
TASSEL Tassel is slang for the penis.
TASSIE Tassie is Australian slang for Tasmania or a Tasmanian.
TASSLE Tassle is slang for the penis.
TASTE Taste is American slang for an alcoholic drink.
TASTE DINNER Taste dinner is American slang for to vomit
TASTY Tasty is British slang for attractive, desirable. Tasty is British slang for aggressive, competent in combat. Tasty is British slang for an alcoholic drink.
TAT Tat is slang for rubbish. Tat is old slang for collecting old rags for profit.
TATAH Tatah was 19th century British slang for a hat.
TATE AND LYLE Tate and Lyle is London Cockney rhyming slang for audacity (style).
TATER Tater is British slang for an idiot.
TATER−TRAP Tater−trap was old slang for the mouth. 1077
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TATERS Taters is slang for potatoes. Taters (shortened from potatoes in the mould) is London Cockney rhyming slang for cold.
TATERS IN THE MOULD Taters in the mould is London Cockney rhyming slang for cold.
TATIES Taties is British slang for potatoes.
TATS Tats is slang for loaded dice. Tats is Australian slang for teeth, especially false teeth.
TATTER Tatter is slang for a refuse gatherer.
TATTIE−TRAP Tattie−trap was old slang for the mouth.
TATTLER Tattler is slang for a watch, and especially a striking watch. Tattler is Black−American slang for an alarm clock.
TAVISH Tavish is British slang for a Scot.
TAX Tax is slang for to steal a portion of someone's money from them.
TAXI Taxi is American slang for a prison sentence of between five and fifteen years.
TAXI RANK Taxi rank is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bank. Taxi rank is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
TAXI−CABS Taxi−cabs is London Cockney rhyming slang for body lice (crabs).
TAYTERS Tayters is British slang for potatoes. Tayters is British slang for very cold or freezing weather.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TD OFF Td off is slang for angry, annoyed, pissed of.
TEA Tea is old American and Canadian slang for marijuana. Tea is old slang for alcoholic liquor.
TEA AND COCOA Tea and cocoa is London Cockney rhyming slang for say so.
TEA AND TOAST Tea and toast is London Cockney rhyming slang for mail (post).
TEA CADDY Tea caddy is London Cockney rhyming slang for an Irishman (paddy).
TEA FOR TWO Tea for two is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew.
TEA FOR TWO AND A BLOATER Tea for two and a bloater was old London Cockney rhyming slang for a motor vehicle (motor).
TEA GROUT Tea grout is London Cockney rhyming slang for a boy scout.
TEA LEAF Tea leaf is London Cockney rhyming slang for a thief.
TEA POT LID Tea pot lid is London Cockney rhyming slang for Yid/Quid/kid.
TEA STRAINERS Tea strainers is London Cockney rhyming slang for old and tatty, holed, sports shoes (trainers).
TEA TOWEL HOLDER Tea towel holder is British slang for the anus.
TEABAG Teabag is London Cockney rhyming slang for an unplesant person (slag).
TEABOARDY Teaboardy is slang for superficially pleasant and slickly painted.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TEACH Teach is slang for a teacher.
TEAED Teaed is American slang for in a state of euphoria induced by alcohol or marijuana.
TEAED−UP Teaed−up is American slang for in a state of euphoria induced by alcohol or marijuana.
TEAFER Teafer (shortened from tea for two) is British slang for a Jew.
TEAGUE Teague is British slang for a Roman Catholic.
TEAHEAD Teahead is slang for a habitual user of cannabis.
TEAM Team is criminal slang for a gang.
TEAPOT Teapot is British slang for an excessive drinker of tea.
TEAPOT LID Tewapot lid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a child (kid). Teapot lid is London Cockney rhyming slang for one pound sterling (quid). Teapot lid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid).
TEAR Tear is American and Australian slang for a spree or prolonged drinking bout. Tear is American sport slang for a successful run, a winning streak.
TEAR IT UP Tear it up is American slang for approach something with abandon. Tear it up is Jazz slang for play unrestrainedly and with verve.
TEAR OFF A BIT Tear off a bit is Australian slang for copulate with a woman.
TEAR OFF A PIECE Tear off a piece is Australian slang for have sex.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TEAR ONE OFF Tear one off is slang for to seduce, to have sex.
TEAR−ARSE Tear−arse is slang for a very busy person.
TEAR−UP Tear−up is slang for a spell of wild destructive behaviour. Tear−up is Jazz slang for an unrestrained, rousing performance.
TEARAWAY Tearaway is slang for a wild, reckless, youth. Tearaway was old slang for a mugger.
TEARING Tearing is old slang for impressive, splendid, grand.
TEARS Tears is Black−American slang for pearls
TEASE Tease is slang for a sexually provocative person who entices but doesn't satisfy. Tease was 19th century slang for flog.
TECATA Tecata is slang for heroin.
TECHNICOLOR YAWN Technicolor yawn is Australian slang for to vomit
TECHNICOLOR YODEL Technicolor yodel is American slang for to vomit
TECHNICOLOUR BURP Technicolour burp is American slang for vomit.
TED FRAZER Ted Frazer is London Cockney rhyming slang for a razor.
TED HEATH Ted Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for beef. Ted Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for teeth. Ted Heath is London Cockney rhyming slang for a thief.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TEDDY BEAR Teddy bear is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pear.
Teddy boy is British slang for a member of a 1950s youth cult characterised by the wearing of a long drape cost, drainpipe trousers and thick crepe−soled shoes and a liking for jitterbug and later rock 'n' roll music.
TEE OFF ON Tee off on is boxing slang for to land a lot of accurate punches without reply.
TEENTH Teenth is drug slang for a sixteenth of an ounce.
TEENYBOPPER Teenybopper is slang for a young teenager, usually a girl, who avidly follows fashions in clothes and pop music.
TEFLON Teflon is association football slang for a poor goalkeeper.
TEFLON BRAINED Teflon brained is slang for forgetful.
TELETUBBY Teletubby is British rhyming slang for a husband (hubby).
TELL Tell is American slang for a hint or clue.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TELL THE TALE Tell the tale is slang for deceive or trick with a plausible story. A hoax.
TELLYBELLY Tellybelly is British slang for a large, fat gut.
TEN Ten is American slang for a superb specimen. Ten is Jamaican slang for an attractive woman (ten out of ten).
TEN COMMANDMENTS Ten commandments is British slang for a wife's fingers.
TEN TO TWO Ten to two is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew.
TEN TO TWOS Ten to twos is British slang for sticking out feet.
TENDENCIES Tendencies is British slang for homosexual tendencies.
TENDERFOOT Tenderfoot is American slang for a delicate person; one not inured to the hardship and rudeness of pioneer life.
TENNIS RACKET Tennis racket is London Cockney rhyming slang for a jacket.
TENT PEG Tent peg is London Cockney rhyming slang for an egg.
TERENCE STAMP Terence Stamp is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pub counter (ramp).
TERRIBLE TURK Terrible Turk is London Cockney rhyming slang for work.
TERRY WAITE Terry Waite is London Cockney rhyming slang for late.
TEVISS Teviss was old British slang for a shilling.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TEX RITTER Tex Ritter is London Cockney rhyming slang for British beer (bitter). Tex Ritter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lavatory (shitter).
TEXAS LEG SPREADER Texas Leg Spreader is slang for Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate.
TEXAS TEA Texas Tea is slang for cannabis.
THAI STICKS Thai Sticks is slang for bundles of marijuana soaked in hashish oil: marijuana buds bound on short sections of bamboo.
THAISTICKSWISHER ThaistickSwisher is slang for cannabis.
THAT AND THIS That and this is London Cockney rhyming slang for urination (piss).
THAT'S TORN IT That's torn it is British slang expressing that an unexpected event or circumstance has upset one's plans.
THATCH Thatch is British slang for pubic hair.
THATCHER Thatcher was English slang for a pound coin.
THE ALL−OVERS The all−overs was nineteenth century American slang for a feeling of nervousness or revulsion.
THE ALUM The alum is American slang for the ideal, exactly what one desires.
THE BAKED BEAN The baked bean is British rhyming slang for the Queen.
THE BEAST The Beast is slang for heroin.
THE BIG A The big A is Australian slang for being sacked. 1084
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THE BIG APPLE The Big Apple is American slang for New York City.
THE BIG HOUSE The big house is American slang for prison.
THE BIG SMOKE The big smoke is slang for London. The big smoke is slang for a large town or city.
THE BIG SPIT The big spit is slang for to vomit.
THE BILL The Bill is British slang for the police.
THE BIN The bin is British slang for mental hospital or an asylum.
THE BLACK ROLLS ROYCE The Black Rolls Royce is British slang for death.
THE BLOCK The block is British slang for solitary confinement.
THE BLOWER The blower is British slang for telephone.
THE BOLLOCKS The bollocks is British slang for the absolute best.
THE BOONDOCKS The Boondocks is American slang for a wild, desolate, or uninhabitable country; a remote rural or provincial area.
THE BOOT The boot is slang for dismissal from employment; the sack.
THE BOUNCE The bounce is slang for rejection, to be dismissed from employment. The bounce is slang for fate.
THE BOX The box is slang for television. 1085
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THE BURBS The burbs is American slang for suburbs.
THE BUSINESS The business is British slang for excellent, first−rate, the very best. The business is British slang for sexual intercourse.
THE CAN The can is slang for the toilet.
THE CATBIRD SEAT The catbird seat is American slang for an advantageous or privileged position.
THE CHAIR The chair is American slang for the electric chair.
THE CHILLED ARTICLE The chilled article is Australian slang for a cold beer.
THE CHOP The chop is slang for dismissal from employment.
THE CLAP The clap is slang for gonorrhoea.
THE COMPANY The company is slang for the CIA.
THE D.T.S The D.T.s is slang for delirium tremens; trembling as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.
THE DADDY The daddy is American, Canadian and Australian slang for the supreme or finest example.
THE DEEP FRY The deep fry is nursing slang for cobalt therapy.
THE DRAIN The drain is British slang for the Waterloo and City line on the London underground.
THE DRINK The drink is British slang for the sea. The drink was London docker slang for the river Thames.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
THE DRIP The drip is British slang for hire purchase, paying by instalments.
THE FILFTH The filfth is slang for the police.
THE FIRM The firm is British slang for a criminal gang, a group of organised football hooligans.
THE FRONT The front is British slang for an important street, area or demarcation line.
THE GAS WORKS The Gas Works is London slang for the Houses Of Parliament (so named because of the amount of 'gassing' − empty talk − that is conducted there).
THE GATE The Gate is British slang for the Notting Hill Gate district of London.
THE GERBIL The gerbil is British teachers' slang for the Thatcher government's Education Reform bill of 1988.
THE GOD SQUAD The god squad is slang for evangelical people.
THE GOODS The goods is slang for first rate merchandise. The goods is slang for incriminating evidence.
THE GREATEST The greatest is slang for an exceptional person.
THE GROVE The grove is slang for the area of Ladbroke Grove and Notting Hill in London.
THE HAWK The hawk was British slang during the mid−1960s for LSD.
THE HEADS The heads is slang for a toilet.
THE HEAT The heat is American slang for the police.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
THE HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE The hey diddle diddle is Cockney rhyming slang for the middle.
THE HORN The horn is slang for the penis. The horn is slang for an erection. The horn is slang for a telephone.
THE HORNIES The hornies is slang for sexual desire, lust.
THE HORRORS The horrors is slang for a fit of terror. The horrors is slang for menstruation.
THE HUMP The hump is slang for annoyed, resentful, depressed. The hump is American slang for a Camel brand cigarette.
THE JERSEY YODEL The Jersey yodel is American slang for to vomit.
THE JIMMIES The Jimmies is Australian slang for nervousness. The Jimmies is Australian slang for diarrhoea.
THE JOE BLAKES The Joe Blakes is Australian slang for the DT's.
THE JOINT The joint is American slang for prison.
THE JUNCTION The Junction is British slang for the area of London around Clapham Junction.
THE KNOCK The knock is British slang for stolen goods. The knock is British slang for credit, hire purchase. The knock is British slang for the arrival of the police.
THE KNOWLEDGE The knowledge is British slang for the London taxi drivers' exam which proves close familiarity with London's streets.
THE KREMLIN The Kremin is British slang for New Scotland Yard police headquarters. 1088
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
THE LABOUR The labour was old British slang for the labour exchange, unemployment.
THE LANDSCAPE The landscape is British slang for the scene, the environment surrounding the location of a crime or stake−out.
THE LEAST The least is American slang for something very bad, disappointing or of the worse quality.
THE LUMP The lump is British slang for the casual work system in the building trade.
THE MAGIC WORD The magic word is Australian slang for fuck. The magic word is British slang for please.
THE MAN The man is Black American slang for the police, the government, the white establishment or a person in authority. The man is slang for a sports champion, pop singer or other person who is the top practioner of their craft. The man is slang for a supplier of illicit drugs.
THE MAN UPSTAIRS The man upstairs is slang for God.
THE MARZIPAN SET The marzipan set is British slang for very rich, but not aristocratic, people.
THE MET The Met is British slang for the London Metropolitan Police force.
THE MILK ROUND The milk round is British slang for the annual tour of universities and higher education establishments by prospective employers.
THE MOB The mob is American slang for organised crime; a gangster syndicate.
THE MOST The most is slang for wonderful.
THE MUNCHIES The munchies is slang for hunger, especially when brought on by smoking cannabis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
THE MURPHY The murphy is American slang for a confidence trick in which valuables lodged for safe keeping are stolen or swapped for worthless goods.
THE NADGERS The nadgers is British slang for a state of nervous agitation, irritation, distress.
THE NAME'S HUNT NOT CUNT The name's Hunt not cunt is British slang for no, a refusal, a term of rejection for a stupid suggestion.
THE NEEDLE The needle is British slang for irritation, resentment, provocation.
THE NICK The nick is British slang for a police station or prison.
THE NIGHT'S A PUP The night's a pup is Australian slang for it's early yet.
THE NOD The nod is slang for assent, agreement.
THE NUTS The nuts is British slang for the best.
THE OFFICE The office is slang for a hint or signal.
THE OLD BOY The old boy is slang for the Devil.
THE ORDER OF THE BOOT The order of the boot is British slang for dismissal, rejection, refusal.
THE OTHER The other is slang for sexual intercourse or activity.
THE PACKET The packet is slang for everything.
THE PEOPLE The people is American slang for one's peer group.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
THE PIPE The pipe was British slang for the London underground railway system.
THE PITS The pits is slang for the worst possible person, place, or thing.
THE PLOD The plod is British slang for uniformed police.
THE POCKS The pocks is slang for the police.
THE POUND The pound is Australian slang for a solitary−confinement cell or wing in a prison.
THE POX The pox is slang for venereal disease.
THE REAL MCCOY The real McCoy is slang for the genuine person or thing.
THE REAL THING The real thing is slang for the genuine article.
THE RED−EYE The red−eye is slang for an early−morning or overnight flight.
THE RHUBARBS The rgubarbs is American slang for the suburbs.
THE RIGHT STUFF The right stuff is American slang for sterling qualities.
THE ROCK 'N' ROLL The rock 'n' roll is British rhyming slang for Social security payments (the dole).
THE ROUGH END OF THE PINEAPPLE The Rough end of the pineapple is Australian slang for a disadvantagous position.
THE ROYAL ORDER The royal order is Australian slang for dismissal from one's job.
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THE RUNS The runs is British slang for diarrhoea.
THE SHAKES The shakes is slang for delirium tremens.
THE SHINY The shiny is slang for money.
THE SHITS The shits is slang for diarrhoea.
THE SHITTER The shitter is slang for a toilet.
THE SHOVE The shove is slang for dismissal from employment.
THE SHUFFLE The Shuffle is slang for Chlorpromazine hydrochloride.
THE SKITTERS The skitters is Scottish slang for diarrhoea.
THE SLAMMER The slammer is slang for prison.
THE SMOKE The smoke is slang for London. The smoke is slang for a large town or city.
THE SMOTHER GAME The smother game is British slang for pickpocketing.
THE SNIP The snip is British slang for a vasectomy.
THE SOCHE The soche is British slang for the Department of Social Security (DSS).
THE SPANISH ARCHER The Spanish archer is British slang for a rejection.
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THE STEEL The steel was 19th century British slang for prison.
THE STICKS The sticks is slang for the countryside.
THE STRENGTH The streng this British slang for the facts, truth, information.
THE STRONGBOX The strongbox is British slang for a solitary confinement prison cell.
THE SWEENEY The Sweeney is British rhyming slang for the Flying Squad.
THE SYPH The syph is slang for syphilis.
THE THIRD DEGREE The third degree is slang for close questioning, interrogation.
THE THREE R'S The three R's was old slang for basic education − 'reading', 'riting' (writing), and 'rithmetic' (arithmetic).
THE THREEPENNY BITS The threepenny bits is Australian rhyming slang for diarrhoea (the shits).
THE TIME OF DAY The time of day is slang for to pay attention to. It is usually used in the negative, as 'won't give him the time of day'.
THE TOM−TITS The Tom−tits is Australian slang for diarrhoea. The Tom−tits is Australian slang for a felling of intense dislike, discomfort.
THE TOMS The Toms is Australian slang for diarrhoea. The Toms is Australian slang for a felling of intense dislike, discomfort.
THE TOPS The tops is British slang for a person or thing of top quality.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
THE TRAYS The trays is Australian slang for diarrhoea.
THE TREATMENT The treatment is slang for the usual manner of dealing with a particular type of person.
THE WET The wet is Australian slang for the rainy season.
THE WET SEASON The wet season is Australian slang for a woman's menstrual period.
THE WHIRLING PITS The whirling pits is British slang for giddiness, nausea.
THE WHOLE BOILING The whole boiling is slang for the whole lot.
THE WIDOW The widow is British slang for Veuve Clicquot champagne.
THE WORKS The works is slang for full or extreme treatment, often a very severe beating.
THE WORST The worst is slang for something contemptible, miserable, inferior, awful.
THE Y The Y is American slang for the YMCA.. The Y is American slang for the male homoseual community.
THE YARD The yard is British slang for Scotland Yard.
THE−SHORT−AND−CURLIES The−short−and−curlies is British slang for pubic hair.
THELMA RITTER Thelma Ritter is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lavatory (shitter). Thelma Ritter is London Cockney rhyming slang for the anus (shitter).
THELONIUS MONK Thelonius Monk is London Cockney rhyming slang for semen (spunk).
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THERE YOU ARE There you are was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a pub bar. There you are is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea (char).
THEYDON BOIS Theydon Bois is London Cockney rhyming slang for noise.
THIC Thic is Dorset slang for that.
THIC THERE Thic there is Dorset slang for that.
THICK AND THIN Thick and thin is London Cockney rhyming slang for chin. Thick and thin is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
THICK AS PIGSHIT Thick as pigshit is slang for very stupid.
THICK EAR Thick ear is slang for a slap around the head, often used as an idle threat.
THICKIE Thickie is British slang for a slow−witted, stupid, unintelligent person.
THICKO Thicko is British slang for a slow−witted, stupid, unintelligent person.
THIMBLE AND THUMB Thimble and thumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for rum.
THING Thing is slang for activity.
THINGY−MA−BOB Thingy−ma−bob is slang for something whose name escapes one.
THINKER Thinker is British slang for the brain.
THIRD LEG Third leg is slang for the penis.
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THIRTEEN AND A BAKERS Thirteen and a bakers is British slang for no difference, the same.
THIS AND THAT This and that is London Cockney rhyming slang for bat. This and that is London Cockney rhyming slang for hat.
THOMAS COOK Thomas Cook is London Cockney rhyming slang for look.
THOMAS TILLING Thomas Tilling was London Cockney rhyming slang for a shilling.
THORA HIRD Thora Hird is British rhyming slang for a bird. Thora Hird is British rhyming slang for excrement (turd).
THORAZINE SHUFFLE Thorazine shuffle is American medical slang for a shambling step often seen in psychiatric patients sedated with thorazine, an antipsychotic drug.
THOUSAND PITIES Thousand pities is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (titties).
THOUSE Thouse is Dorset slang for without. Thouse is Dorset slang for unless.
Thrash is slang for a wild celebration, dance, party. Thrash is slang for a variety of very fast rock music. 1096
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THREADS Threads is slang for clothes.
THREE AND ME Three and me is bingo slang for the number twenty−three.
THREE BLIND MICE Three blind mice is London Cockney rhyming slang for rice.
THREE PARTS GONE Three parts gone is British slang for drunk, intocixated.
THREE SHEETS TO THE WIND Three sheets to the wind is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
THREE−WHEEL TRIKE Three−wheel trike is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lesbian (dyke).
THREEPENNY BITS Threepenny bits is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea. Threepenny bits is London Cockney rhyming slang for breats (tits).
THRILL Thrill is slang for an orgasm.
THROAT Throat is American slang for a studious person.
THRONE Throne is slang for a toilet pedestal.
THRONE ROOM Throne room is slang for a toilet.
THROTTLE A DARKIE Throttle a darkie is Australian slang for to defecate.
THROTTLE ONE Throttle one is Australian slang for to defecate.
THROTTLE PIT Throttle pit is Australian slang for a toilet.
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THROW Throw is slang for to vomit.
THROW A MENTAL Throw a mental is American slang for lose one's composure, lose one's temper.
THROW A SICKIE Throw a sickie is slang for falsely claim to be ill.
THROW A WOBBLY Throw a wobbly is slang for become very angry.
THROW DINNER Throw dinner is American slang for to vomit.
THROW ONE'S VOICE Throw one's voice is Australian slang for to vomit.
THROW OUT Throw out is slang for to become angry.
THROW UP Throw up is slang for to vomit.
THRUST Thrust is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
THUMBSUCKER Thumbsucker is British slang for a baby, an immature weakling.
THUMP−UP Thump−up is British slang for a beating, an assault.
THUMPING Thumping is slang for huge or excessive. Thumping is British slang for a beating, an assault.
THUNDER−BAGS Thunder−bags is Australian slang for men's underpants.
THUNDER−BOWL Thunder−bowl is British slang for a toilet.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
THUNDER−CHUNDER RAINBOW PARFAIT Thunder−chunder rainbow parfait is American slang for to vomit.
THUNDER−THIGHS Thunder−thighs is slang for a heavily−built woman.
THUNDER−THIGHS Thunder−thighs is British slang for someone with fat legs.
THUNDERBOX Thunderbox is slang for a portable box−like lavatory seat that can be placed over a hole in the ground. Thunderbox is slang for a portable lavatory. Thunderbox is British slang for a toilet.
THUNDERING Thundering is slang for very great.
TIC−TAC Tic−tac is British slang for a signal or sign. Tic−tac is London Cockney rhyming slang for fact.
TICK Tick is British slang for a smaller, insignificant and irritating pupil. Tick is Black−American slang for a minute
TICK OFF Tick off is slang for to reprimand.
TICKED OFF Ticked off is slang for angry, annoyed.
TICKER Ticker is slang for the heart. Ticker is slang for a watch.
TICKET Ticket is British slang for the correct thing to do. Ticket was British slang for a would−be 'mod'.
TICKETY−BOO Tickety−boo is slang for fine, all right, in order.
TICKLE Tickle is British slang for a hint. Tickle is British slang for a minor success. Tickle is British slang for a slight expression of interest. 1099
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Tickle is British slang for money obtained without working. The proceeds of crime.
TICKLE THE IVORIES Tickle the ivories is slang for to play the piano.
TICKLE THE OVARIES Tockle the ovaries is British slang for to have sexual intercourse.
TICKLE THE PICKLE Tickle the pickel is slang for to masturbate.
TICKLE YOUR FANCY Tickle your fancy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a male homosexual (nancy).
TICKLED PINK Tickled pink is slang for very pleased.
TICKY−TACKY Ticky−tacky is American slang for shoddy, inferior.
TIDDEN Tidden is Dorset slang for it is not.
TIDDIES Tiddies is Dorset slang for potatoes.
TIDDLE Tiddle is British slang for to urinate.
TIDDLED Tiddled is slang for a little drunk, intoxicated.
TIDDLER Tiddler is British slang for something very small. Tiddler was British slang for the decimal half−penny coin.
TIDDLER'S BAIT Tiddler's bait is London Cockney rhyming slang for late.
TIDDLY Tiddly is slang for a little drunk, intoxicated. Tiddly is slang for a drink. Tiddly is British slang for a Chinese person
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TIDDLY WINK Tiddly wink is London Cockney rhyming slang for drink. Tiddly wink is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Chinese person (chink).
TIDDLY−DUM Tiddly−dum is British slang for tedious, dull, boring.
TIDDLYWINK Tiddlywink is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Chinese person (chink). Tiddlywink is London Cockney rhyming slang for drink.
TIDDY Tiddy is British slang for small.
TIDDY OGGIE Tiddy oggie is British slang for a Cornish pastie.
TIDDYVATE Tiddyvate is Dorset slang for to decorate oneself.
TIDE'S OUT Tide's out is British slang for an emptied glass of beer. Tide's out is Southern British slang for a glass of beer with excessive head.
TIDY Tidy (shortened from tidy and neat) is London Cockney rhyming slang for eat.
TIDY AND NEAT Tidy and neat is London Cockney rhyming slang for eat.
TIE OFF Tie off is slang for to apply a tourniquet to a limb so as to expose a vein for injecting a narcotic into.
TIE ONE ON Tie one on is slang for to get drunk, intoxicated.
TIE THE NOOSE Tie the noose is British slang for to get maried.
TIE THE RAP ON Tie the rap on is slang for charge a suspect with circumstantial evidence.
TIGER Tiger is slang for a forceful, formidable person. 1101
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TIGER TANK Tiger tank is London Cockney rhyming slang for masturbate (wank).
TIGER'S MILK Tiger's milk is slang for very strong alcoholic drink.
TIGER'S SWEAT Tiger's sweat is slang for very strong alcoholic drink.
TIGHT Tight is slang for to be frugal or not generous. Tight is slang for drunk. Tight is American slang for friendly, close.
TIGHT−ARSE Tight−arse is slang for a mean, selfishly frugal person.
TIGHT−ARSED Tight−arsed is slang for mean, stingy.
TIGHTEN ONE'S FACE Tighten one's face is American slang for shut up, keep quiet.
TIGHTLIP Tightlip is British slang for someone who can be trusted with a secret.
TIGHTWAD Tightwad is American and Canadian slang for a stingy person; miser.
TIGRE Tigre is slang for heroin.
TIGRE DE BLANCO Tigre de Blanco is slang for heroin.
TIGRE DE NORTE Tigre de Norte is slang for heroin.
TIJUANA BIBLE Tijuana bible is American slang for a pornographic magazine or book.
TIJUANA CREDIT CARD Tijuana credit card is American slang for a siphon used to steal fuel from another car's tank.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TILBURY DOCKS Tilbury Docks is London Cockney rhyming slang for venereal disease (pox). Tilbury Docks is British slang for socks.
TILE Tile is old British slang for a hat.
TILT Tilt is British slang for an erection.
TIM Tim is British slang for the telephone speaking clock.
TIMBER Timber was old British slang for a pub bar.
TIME Time is slang for a prison sentence.
TIME−BOMB Time−bomb is slang for an illicit drug taken orally, wrapped in paper or pastry so that it is absorbed later.
TIN Tin is slang for money.
TIN BATH Tin bath is London Cockney rhyming slang for a scarf.
TIN CUPPING Tin cupping is British slang for begging.
TIN HAT Tin hat is British slang for terminate, finish, stop. Tin hat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (prat).
TIN LID Tin lid is London Cockney rhyming slang for a Jew (Yid).
TIN PAN ALLEY Tin pan alley is slang for an area in a city where the popular−music industry is based.
TIN PLATE Tin plate is London Cockney rhyming slang for a friend (mate). 1103
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TIN TACK Tin tack is British rhyming slang for fact. Tin tack is British rhyming slang for dismissal from employment (sack).
TIN TANK Tin tank is London Cockney rhyming slang for a bank.
TIN−ARSE Tin−arse is slang for lucky.
TIN−CUPPING Tin−cupping is slang for begging for money.
TINA TURNER Tina Turner is London Cockney rhyming slang for a learner driver.
TINCTURE Tincture is British slang for an alcoholic drink.
TINFISH Tinfish is slang for a torpedo.
TING−A−LING Ting−aling is London Cockney rhyming slang for a king in a deck of playing cards. Ting−a−ling is London Cockney rhyming slang for a ring.
TINHORN Tinhorn is American slang for a cheap pretentious person, especially a gambler with extravagant claims.
TINIES Tinies is British slang for pieces of excrement caught on anal hairs.
TINKER Tinker is a British slang term of endearment. Tinker is British slang for the penis.
TINKERBELL Tinkerbell is British slang for an effeminate man.
TINKLE Tinkle is slang for to urinate. Tinkle is slang for a telephone call. Tinkle is slang for money.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TINKLE THE IVORIES Tinkle the ivories is slang for play the piano.
TINKLER Tinkler is British slang for the penis.
TINNED DOG Tinned dog is slang for tinned meat.
TINNIE Tinnie is Australian slang for a can of beer.
TINNY Tinny is Australian slang for a can of beer.
TINS OF BEANS Tins of beans is London Cockney rhyming slang for jeans.
TINSEL TOWN Tinsel town is slang for Hollywood, USA.
TINY Tiny is British slang for a small child.
TINY TIM Tiny Tim is London Cockney rhyming slang for five pounds sterling (flim).
TINY TTERS Tiny taters is British slang for a trifling amount.
TIO TACO Tio Taco is American slang for a Hispanic American who collaborates with the establishment.
TIP Tip is British slang for a dirty, messy, squalid place.
TIP OFF Tip off is slang for to give information secretly.
TIP OUT Tip out is Black−American slang for to have sex with someone other than ones spouse.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TIP THE WINK Tip the wink is slang for to give a hint or suggestion.
TIPS Tips is betting slang for odds of 11/10.
TIRED Tired is American slang for old, repeated, overused. Definitely not hip!
TISKET Tisket is British slang for a bastard.
TISSEN Tissen is Dorset slang for it is not.
TISWAS Tiswas is British slang for a state of confusion.
TIT Tit is slang for a woman's breast. Tit is slang for a despicable, stupid, or unpleasant person. Tit is slang for a button, knob, nipple. Tit is slang for women.
TIT ABOUT Tit about is British slang for to behave in a disorganised and ineffectual manner.
TIT AROUND Tit around is British slang for to behave in a disorganised and ineffectual manner.
TIT FOR TAT Tit for tat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a hat. Tit for tat is London Cockney rhyming slang for chat.
TIT WANK Tit wank is British slang for stimulation of the penis by rubbing it between a woman's breasts.
TIT WILLOW Tit willow is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pillow.
TIT−BAG Tit−bag is slang for a brassiere.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TIT−MAN Tit−man is slang for a man whose preferred part of the female anatomy is the breast.
TITCHY Titchy is British slang for tiny.
TITFER Titfer is British slang for a hat.
TITHEAD Tithead is British slang for a policeman. Tithead is British slang for an idiot, a fool.
TITTIE Tittie is slang for breast.
TITTY Titty is slang for breast.
TIZZY Tizzy is slang for a confused, flustered state.
TO AND FRO To and fro is London Cockney rhyming slang for snow.
TO AND FROM To and from is Australian rhyming slang for an Englishman (pom).
TO BE IN THE STRAW, To be in the straw is slang for to be brought to bed.
TO DIE To die is American slang for excellent, wonderful.
TO PUT THE KIBOSH ON To put the kibosh on is slang for to terminate, to destroy or to ruin.
TO SUFFER A RECOVERY To suffer a recovery is Australian slang for to have a hangover.
TO THE MAX To the max is slang for totally, to the limit.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOAD Toad is slang for a liar.
TOADSKINS Toadskins is American tramp slang for paper money
TOADSUCKER Toadsucker is an American slang term of abuse.
TOASTED Toasted is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
TOASTED BREAD Toasted bread is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead.
TOASTING Toasting is slang for the chanting of a rhythmic narrative over a background of reggae music.
TOBGUE SUSHI Tongue sushi is slang for an open−mouthed kiss with tongue contact.
TOBLER Tobler (shortened from toblerone) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a telephone.
TOBLERONE Toblerone is London Cockney rhyming slang for a telephone.
TOBY Toby is British slang for a police division.
TOBY JUG Toby jug is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (mug).
TOBY JUGS Toby jugs is London Cockney rhyming slang for ears (lugs).
TOD SLOANE Tod Sloane is London Cockney rhyming slang for alone.
TODDLE OFF Toddle off is slang for to casually leave.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TODGER Todger is British slang for the penis.
TODGER DODGER Todger dodger is British slang for a lesbian.
TOE Toe is Australian slang for speed (velocity).
TOE RAG Toe rag is London Cockney rhyming slang for promiscuous woman (slag).
TOE−JAM Toe−jam is slang for the dirt found between the toes.
TOENAIL Toenail is printers' slang for a parenthesis.
TOERAG Toerag is British slang for a contemptible or despicable person.
TOEY Toey is Australian slang for nervous or anxious.
TOFF Toff is British slang for a rich, well−dressed, or upper−class person, especially a man.
TOFFEE Toffee is British slang for nonsense, empty talk, flattery.
TOFFEE WRAPPER Toffee wrapper is London Cockney rhyming slang for the head (napper).
TOFFEE−NOSED Toffee−nosed is slang for snobby.
TOG Tog is Black−American slang for to dress fashionably
TOGETHER Together is slang for self−possessed, competent, and well−organized; mentally and emotionally stable.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOGGED TO THE BRICKS Togged to the bricks is Black−American slang for dressed extremely well
TOGS Togs is slang for clothes. Togs is Australian slang for clothes, but more usually a swimming costume.
TOILET Toilet is slang for disgusting, squalid, vulgar.
TOILET BOWL LOVE Toilet bowl love is American slang for to vomit
TOILET ROLL Toilet roll is London Cockney rhyming slang for unemployment benefit (dole).
TOILET−TALK Toilet−talk is slang for obsecen conversation.
TOKE Toke is slang for food. Toke is slang for to smoke a joint, cigarette, pipe etc. Toke was old British prison slang for a lump of bread.
TOKYO ROSE Tokyo Rose is London Cockney rhyming slang for nose.
TOLE Tole was mid−20th century slang for a street fight or brawl.
TOM Tom is slang for a prostitute. Tom (shortened from tomfoolery) is slang for jewellery. Tom (shortened from tom−tit) is slang for defacation. Tom (shortened from Tom Mix) is slang for an injection of a narcotic.
Tom and Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for sick.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOM AND JERRY Tom and Jerry is London Cockney rhyming slang for happily drunk (merry).
TOM CAT Tom cat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a doormat.
TOM CRUISE Tom Cruise is London Cockney rhyming slang for drink (booze).
TOM DOOLIES Tom Doolies is London Cockney rhyming slang for the testicles (goolies).
TOM FINNEY Tom Finney is London Cockney rhyming slang for skinny.
TOM HANKS Tom Hanks is British slang for thanks.
TOM HARRY Tom Harry is British slang for sick.
TOM HOUSE Tom house is British slang for a pub where prostitutes meet clients.
TOM MIX Tom Mix is British rhyming slang for fix (inject a narcotic drug). Tom Mix is British slang for a predicament or difficult situation. Tom Mix is bingo slang for the number six. Tom Mix is British racing slang for odds of 6/1.
TOM NODDY Tom Noddy is American slang for a body.
TOM PATROL Tom patrol is British slang for the vice squad.
TOM PEPPER Tom Pepper is British slang for an habitual liar.
TOM SAWYER Tom Sawyer is British slang for a lawyer.
TOM SQUAD Tom squad is British slang for the vice squad. 1111
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TOM THACKER Tom Thacker is London Cockney rhyming slang for tobacco.
TOM THUMB Tom Thumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for rum. Tom Thumb is London Cockney rhyming slang for the bottom (bum).
TOM TUG Tom Tug is London Cockney rhyming slang for a parasite (bug). Tom Tug is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gullible person (mug).
TOM, HARRY AND DICK Tom, Harry and Dick is British slang for sick.
TOM−FOLLERY Tom−foolery is London Cockney rhyming slang for jewellery.
TOM−TIT Tom−tit is rhyming slang for to defacate (shit).
TOMAHAWK Tomahawk is Australian slang for to shear a sheep roughly or so as to cut the skin.
TOMATO Tomato is American and Canadian slang for a girl or woman.
TOMATO CAN STIFF Tomato can stiff is American tramp slang for one of the lowest bum
TOMATO PUREE Tomato puree is London Cockney rhyming slang for jury.
TOMATO SAUCE Tomato sauce is London Cockney rhyming slang for a horse.
TOMBSTONES Tombstones is slang for teeth.
TOMCAT Tomcat is americal slang for prowl looking for sexual activity.
TOMFOOLERY Tomfoolery is rhyming slang for jewellery.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOMMIES Tommies is slang for tomatoes.
TOMMY Tommy is an affectionate slang term for the British private soldier. It derives from Tommy Atkins, which was a name heading a specimen form sent out from the War Office. Tommy is old British slang for bread.
TOMMY COOKER Tommy cooker was German Second World War slang for the early model Sherman tank.
TOMMY COOPER Tommy Cooper is London Cockney rhyming slang for super.
TOMMY DODD Tommy DoddGod. Tommy Dodd is London Cockney rhyming slang for odd, peculiar.
TOMMY FARR Tommy Farr is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pub counter (bar).
TOMMY FULFIGER Tommy Fulfiger is British slang for fat, obese.
TOMMY GUNS Tommy Guns is London Cockney rhyming slang for diarrhoea (runs).
TOMMY O'RANN Tommy O'Rann is British rhyming slang for food (scran).
TOMMY RABBIT Tommy rabbit is British slang for a pomegranate.
TOMMY ROLLER Tommy Roller was 19th century London Cockney rhyming slang for a collar.
TOMMY ROLLOCKS Tommy Rollocks is London Cockney rhyming slang for bollocks.
TOMMY STEELES Tommy Steeles is London Cockney rhyming slang for eels. 1113
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOMMY TRINDER Tommy Trinder is London Cockney rhyming slang for window.
TOMMY TRIPE Tommy Tripe is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pipe. Tommy Tripe is London Cockney rhyming slang for to observe (pipe).
TOMMY TUCKER Tommy Tucker is London Cockney rhyming slang for a gullible person (sucker).
TOMMY TUPPER Tommy Tupper is London Cockney rhyming slang for supper.
TOMMY−GUN Tommy−gun is slang for a hypodermic syringe.
TOMMYROT Tommyrot is British slang for nonsense.
TOMORROW IS LONDON COCKNEY RHYMING SLANG FOR BORROW. TON Ton is British slang for a score or achievement of a hundred, especially a hundred miles per hour. Ton is British slang for one hundred pounds sterling.
TON−UP Ton−up is British slang for 100 mph.
TON−UP KID Ton−up kid is British slang for a teenage or young motorcyclist.
TONGS Tongs is slang for heroin.
TONGUE AND GROOVER Tongue and groover is British slang for a toady, a sycophant.
TONGUE BATH Tongue bath is British slang for an all−over licking.
TONGUE JOB Tongue job is slang for oral sex.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TONGUE SUSHI Tongue sushi is American slang for a deep kiss.
TONGUE WRESTLE Tongue wrestle is slang for passionate kissing.
TONGUE−BATH Tongue−bath is slang for a deep kiss. Tongue−bath is slang for cunnilingus.
TONGUE−JOB Tongue−job is slang for a deep kiss. Tongue−job is slang for cunnilingus.
TONK Tonk is slang for to kick something hard. Tonk is British slang for sexual intercourse. Tonk is Australian slang for a fool. Tonk is Australian slang for an effete or effeminate man.
TONKA TOY Tonka toy is London Cockney rhyming slang for a thug, a street−wise young man (boy).
TONKING Tonking is British slang for sexual intercourse.
TONY BENN Tony Benn is London Cockney rhyming slang for ten.
TONY BLAIR Tony Blair is British rhyming slang for hair.
TONY COTTEE Tony Cottee is London Cockney rhyming slang for potty.
TONY HATCH Tony Hatch is London Cockney rhyming slang for a match.
TOO MUCH Too much is slang for excellent, exceptional, outstanding.
TOOHIEHALL Toohiehall is slang for phenobarbital.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOOIES Tooies is slang for phenobarbital.
TOOKUS Tookus is British slang for the backside, the buttocks.
TOOL Tool is slang for the penis. Tool is slang for a fool. Tool is slang for a gun, weapon. Tool is slang for to drive. Tool is British slang for to attack with a razor.
TOOL ALONG Tool along is slang for to move casually.
TOOL AROUND Tool around is slang for to idle, loaf.
TOOL CHEST Tool chest is slang for the vagina.
TOOL UP Tool up is British slang for to arm oneself.
TOOL−UP Tool−up is slang for to arm oneself, usually with a gun.
TOOLBOX Toolbox is slang for the vagina.
TOOLKIT Toolkit is slang for the male genitalia.
TOOLS Tools is slang for cutlery. Tools is slang for equipment used for injecting drugs.
TOOP Toop is British slang for a wig, a hairpiece.
TOOT Toot is slang for a drinking spree. Toot is slang for to snort drugs. Toot is slang for an inhaleable drug, especially cocaine. Toot is British slang for shoddy, inferior second−hand goods. 1116
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Toot is Dorset slang for to cry. Toot is Australian slang for a lavatory.
TOOTH BOOTH Tooth booth is Black−American slang for a dentists office
TOOTHPICK Toothpick is slang for a bowie knife.
TOOTIN' Tootin' is American slang for absolutely.
TOOTING BEC Tooting Bec is London Cockney rhyming slang for food (peck). Tooting Bec is London Cockney rhyming slang for a kiss (peck).
TOOTING STOMPS Tooting stomps is Black−American slang for low−quarter shoes
TOOTSIE ROLL Tootsie roll is American slang for a form of dark coloured heroin from Mexico.
TOOTSIES Tootsies is slang for toes.
TOP Top is slang for to kill.
TOP BANANA Top banana is slang for the leading person, the boss.
TOP BOLLOCKS Top bollocks is slang for breasts.
TOP DOG Top dog is slang for the leader, boss.
TOP FLAT Top flat is British slang for the head.
TOP FLOOR Top floor is British slang for the head.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOP GUN Top gun is British slang for 100 pounds sterling (ton).
TOP HAT Top hat is London Cockney rhyming slang for an idiot (prat). Top hat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a rat.
TOP JOB Top job is criminal slang for a murder.
TOP JOHNNY Top Johnny is British slang for the best performer.
TOP JOINT Top joint is London Cockney rhyming slang for a pint.
TOP JOLLY Top jolly is British slang for the boss, the leader of a gang.
TOP MAN Top man is British slang for a vulgar, an unfashionable man. Top man is British slang for primary man.
TOP OF THE FORM Top of the form is London Cockney rhyming slang for warm.
TOP OF THE SHOP Top of the shop is bingo slang for the number ninety.
TOP ONE Top one is slang for excellent, expressing that something is the best.
TOP STOREY Top storey is British slang for the head.
TOP WEIGHT Top weight is British prison slang for the maximum sentence allowed by law.
TOP WHACK Top whack is British slang for at the most, the highest possible amount.
TOPPER Topper is slang for some thing that excels, surpasses, or is extraordinary of its kind. Topper is British slang for a conceited, arrogant person. A windbag. 1118
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TOPPING Topping is slang for fine or gallant.
TOPPO Toppo is British slang for first rate, excellent, the best.
TORCH Torch is slang for to set alight, to commit arson. Torch is slang for an arsonist.
TORCH JOB Torch job is slang for an instance of arson.
TORPEDO Torpedo is British slang for a violent thug or paid murderer. Torpedo is American slang for a hired gunman.
TORRIDIDDLE Torrididdle is Dorset slang for bewildered, almost mad.
TOSH Tosh is slang for rubbish, nonsense. Tosh is British slang for small change. Tosh is British decorating slang for to paint. Tosh is a British slang term of address.
TOSHER Tosher was British 19th century slang for a city slum−dweller who survived by searching the sewers for valuables and small coins.
TOSHEROON Tosheroon was old British slang for a half−a−crown
TOSS Toss is slang for rubbish, worthless, useless. Toss is slang for to deliberately lose a match or game. Toss is slang for to search a premises. Toss is British slang for to masturbate. Toss is Australian slang for to defeat.
TOSS IN ONE'S ALLY Toss in one's ally is Australian slang for to give in; die.
TOSS OFF Toss off is slang for to masturbate.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOSS YOUR COOKIES Toss your cookies is American slang for to vomit
TOSS YOUR TACOS Toss your tacos is American slang for to vomit
TOSS−POT Toss−pot is slang for a drunkard. Toss−pot is slang for a foolish, weak, unpleasant person.
TOSSED Tossed is American slang for searched, ransacked.
TOSSER Tosser is British slang for an idiot, imbecile, a worthless person.
TOSSING COOKIES Tossing Cookies is American slang for to vomit.
TOSSLE Tossle is British slang for the penis.
TOTAL Total is slang for to kill or destroy, to completely wreck.
TOTAL WRECK Total wreck is London Cockney rhyming slang for a cheque.
TOTALLY Totally is American slang for very; very much.
TOTSIE Totsie is British slang for a girl.
TOTTER Totter is British slang for a rag and bone man.
TOTTIE Tottie is British slang for sexually alluring people, potential sexual partners.
TOTTIES Totties is Dorset slang for the feet.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOTTY Totty is British slang for sexually alluring people, potential sexual partners.
TOUCH Touch is slang for to induce to give or lend; to borrow from or to steal from. Touch is British slang for good fortune.
TOUCH AND TAP Touch and tap is London Cockney rhyming slang for to borrow (cap).
TOUCH ME ON THE KNOB Touch me on the knob was old British slang for a shilling (bob).
TOUCH OF THE OTHER Touch of the other is British slang for an unspecified illness.
TOUCH OF THE TAR−BRUSH Touch of the tar−brush is derogatory British slang for having a skin colour which suggests black or coloured ancestry.
TOUCH UP Touch up is slang for to sexually molest.
TOUCHED BY THE MOON Touched by the moon is London Cockney rhyming slang for a lunatic (loon).
TOUGH Tough is slang for stand firm, hold out against. Tough is British slang for a thug.
TOUGH BOUNCE Tough bounce is slang for misfortune.
TOUGH COOKIE Tough cookie is slang for a strong unyielding person.
TOUGH GUY Tough guy is slang for a particularly tough male.
TOUGH NUT Tough nut is slang for a difficult or obstinate person.
TOUGH SHIT Tough shit is slang for hard luck. 1121
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TOUGH TITTY Tough titty is slang for hard luck.
TOUGHIE Toughie is British slang for a thug.
TOURISTAS Touristas is American slang for diarrhoea.
TOUT Tout is Northern Irish slang for an informer.
TOWEL Towel is Australian slang for to assault or beat a person.
Towel head is slang for an Arab.
TOWER Tower (shortened from Tower Bridge) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fridge.
TOWER BRIDGE Tower Bridge is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fridge.
TOWER HILL Tower Hill is London Cockney rhyming slang for to kill.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TOWER OF PISA Tower of Pisa is Black−American slang for leaning
TOWN Town is Jamaican slang for Kingston.
TOWN BIKE Town bike is slang for a promiscuous local woman.
TOWN CRIER Town crier is London Cockney rhyming slang for a liar.
TOWN HALLS Town halls is London Cockney rhyming slang for testicles (balls).
TOWNS AND CITIES Towns and cities is London Cockney rhyming slang for breasts (titties).
TOY Toy is British slang for imitation, false. Toy was 19th century British slang for a watch.
Toyboy is slang for an older woman's young male lover.
TRACKS Tracks is slang for needle marks or injecting scars on the limbs of a drug addict.
TRAD Trad is slang for traditional jazz.
TRADE Trade is slang for a prostitute's client. Trade is homosexual slang for a sexual partner or sexual partners collectively. 1123
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TRADESMAN'S ENTRANCE Tradesman's entrance is British slang for the anus.
TRAF Traf is British slang for to expel wind from the anus.
TRAFALGAR SQUARE Trafalgar Square is London Cockney rhyming slang for a chair.
TRAFF Traff is British slang for wind emitted from the anus (fart).
TRAIL BOSS Trail boss is British slang for the leader of a team of incompetent or crooked builders (cowboys).
TRAILS Trails is slang for cocaine.
TRAIN Train is slang for serial sexual intercourse.
TRAIN SURFING Train surfing is slang for joy−riding on the top or outside of a train.
TRAIN WRECK Train wreck is medical slang for a patient who is badly injured or has a lot of medical problems.
TRAINSPOTTER Trainspotter is slang for a socially inept person.
TRAMP Tramp is slang for a prostitute or promiscuous girl or woman.
TRAMP'S NECK Tramp's neck is British slang for very thirsty.
TRANK Trank is drug users slang for slang for tranquillisers.
TRANKS Tranks is slang for tranquillizers.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TRANNIE Trannie is British slang for a transistor radio.
TRANNY Tranny is British slang for a transistor radio. Tranny is British gay slang for a transvestite. Tranny is British slang for a Ford Transit van.
TRANQS Tranqs is slang for tranquillizers.
TRAP Trap is slang for the mouth.
TRAPPY Trappy is British slang for someone who talks too much, a gossip, a boaster.
TRAPS Traps is slang for drums, a drum kit.
TRASH Trash is slang for to attack or destroy someone or something wilfully or maliciously. Trash is slang for to criticise severely.
TRASHED Trashed is slang for worn−out or drunk, intoxicated. Trashed is drug slang for high on drugs.
TRASHED OUT Trashed out is American slang for exhausted.
TRAVEL AGENT Travel agent is drug slang for a dealer of LSD.
TRAY Tray is Polari slang for the number three.
TRAY−BITS Tray−bits is Australian slang for diarrhoea.
TREACH Treach is hip−hop slang for good, excellent.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TREACLE TART Treacle tart is London Cockney rhyming slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart).
TREASURE Treasure (shortened from treasure hunt) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a despicable person (cunt).
TREASURE HUNT Treasure hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for the vagina (cunt). Treasure hunt is London Cockney rhyming slang for a despicable person (cunt).
TREBLE CHANCE Treble chance is London Cockney rhyming slang for a dance.
TREE−SUIT Tree−suit is Black−American slang for coffin
TREES Trees is slang for cannabis.
TRENDOID Trendoid is slang for a self−concious, fashionable person.
TREY Trey is Polari slang for the number three.
TREY OF SOUS AND A DOUBLE RUFF Trey of sous and a double ruff is Black−American slang for forty cents
TREZZ Trezz is British slang for the number three.
TRICH Trich is slang for trichomoniasis.
TRICK Trick is slang for trichomoniasis. Trick is slang for a prostitute's client. Trick is slang for fancy, attractive, sophisticated. Trick is American slang for to sell sexual favours.
TRICK CYCLIST Trick cyclist is slang for a psychiatrist.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TRICKERATION Trickeration is Black−American slang for to show off
TRIFF Triff is British slang for terrific, wonderful, exciting.
TRIG Trig is Dorset slang for to prop up. Trig is Dorset slang for to lever.
TRIG ONES WIG Trig ones wig is Black−American slang for to think fast
TRIGGER Trigger is British slang for a slow−witted, stupid person.
TRILBY Trilby is slang for feet. Trilby is British slang for a fool.
TRILBY HAT Trilby hat is London Cockney rhyming slang for a fool (prat).
TRIM Trim is slang for to cheat, to swindle.
TRIMMED Trimmed is slang for cheated, swindled.
TRIMMER Trimmer is British slang for a hypocrite, someone who changes their behaviour to suit their surroundings.
TRIP Trip is slang for the time spent under the influence of a hallucinatory drug such as LSD. Trip is slang for a tablet or dose of LSD. Trip is slang for a state of mind.
TRIPEHOUND Tripehound is British slang for an unpleasant, obnoxious person.
TRIPPED−OUT Tripped−out is slang for under the influence of LSD.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TRIPPY Trippy is slang for exhibiting the effects of psychedelic drugs. Trog Trog is British slang for to walk energetically, to trek. Trog is British slang for a slow−witted, simple person.
TROJAN Trojan is American slang for a condom.
TROLL Troll is slang for an ugly person, usually referring to a woman. Troll is gay slang for to stroll around looking for sexual partners; to cruise.
TROLLEY Trolley (shortened from trolley and tram) is London Cockney rhyming slang for ham.
TROLLEY AND TRAM Trolley and tram is London Cockney rhyming slang for ham.
TROLLEY AND TRUCK Trolley and truck is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (fuck).
TROLLEY DOLLY Trolley dolly is British slang for an air hostess, air steward.
TROLLEYS Trolleys is northern British slang for underwear, specifically knickers and underpants.
TROLLEYWAGS Trolleywags was 19th century British slang for bags.
TROLLING Trolling is Polari slang for walking. Trolling is Usenet slang for deliberately starting arguments.
TROMBONE Trombone is British slang for telephone.
TROMBONES Trombones is bingo slang for the number seventy−six.
TRONK Tronk is British slang for a foolish, clumsy, contemptible person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TROOPS Troops is British slang for personnel. Troops is British slang for semen.
TROPICAL FISH Tropical fish is Scottish rhyming slang for to urinate (piss).
TROPPO Troppo is Australian slang for mentally affected by a tropical climate.
TROT Trot is British slang for a Trotskyite. Trot is American slang for a student's crib.
TROTS Trots is slang for having diarrhoea.
TROTTER−CASES Trotter−cases is British slang for shoes, footwear.
TROTTERS Trotters is slang for feet.
TROUBLE AND FUSS Trouble and fuss is London Cockney rhyming slang for bus.
TROUBLE AND STRIFE Trouble and strife is London Cockney rhyming slang for wife. Trouble and strife is London Cockney rhyming slang for life.
TROUBLES AND CARES Troubles and cares is London Cockney rhyming slang for stairs.
TROUGH Trough is British slang for to eat.
TROUSER Trouser is British slang for to pocket. Trouser is British slang for men seen as sex objects.
TROUSER BANDIT Trouser bandit is British slang for a male homosexual. Trouser Chuff Trouser chuff is British slang for to emit wind from the anus.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TROUSER SNAKE Trouser snake is slang for the penis. Trouser snake is slang for a disreputable, reprehensible person.
TROUSER TRUMPET Trouser trumpet is British slang for the penis.
TROUT Trout is slang for an unattractive woman.
TRUB Trub is British slang for trouble.
TRUCKING Trucking is slang for a form or exaggerated gait with the body leaning back, and taking large strides. Trucking is slang for persevering.
TRUG Trug is slang for a dirty, scruffy person.
TRUGGY Truggy is slang for dirty, scruffy, unkempt.
TRUMP Trump is slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart). Trump is slang for a good fellow; an excellent person.
TRUMP THE HUMP Trump the hump is Black−American slang for climb the hill
TRUMPET Trumpet is British slang for to emit wind from the anus (fart). Trumpet is old British slang for telephone.
TRUNCHEON FODDER Truncheon fodder is British slang for an unruly mob.
TRUNCHEON MEAT Truncheon meat is British slang for a victim of police brutality.
TRUNK AND TREE Trunk and tree is London Cockney rhyming slang for knee.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TRUNKER Trunker is British slang for a loory driver.
TRY ON Try on is slang for attempt.
TS Ts is slang for secobarbital.
TUANOLS Tuanols is slang for phenobarbital.
TUB Tub is slang for a boat. Tub is slang for a fat person.
TUB OF LARD Tub of lard is British slang for a fat person.
TUBBY Tubby is a slang nickname given to a fat person, often of short stature.
TUBE Tube is slang for television. Tube is slang for a coward. Tube is British slang for a person. Tube is Scottish slang for a fool. Tube is Australian slang for a bottle or can of beer.
TUBE STEAK Tube steak is American slang for the penis.
TUBULAR Tubular is slang for excellent, quality, impressive.
TUCK Tuck is slang for food.
TUCK IN Tuck in is slang for to eat, usually with enthusiasm.
TUCK IN WITH Tuck in with is British slang for to sleep with, to have an affair with.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TUCK UP Tuck up is slang for to swindle, to cheat, to short−change.
TUCKED UP Tucked up is British slang for incarcerated, locked up.
TUCKED UP AND SNUGGLED Tucked up and snuggled is slang for in bed.
TUCKER Tucker is Australian slang for food.
TUCKERED Tuckered is slang for exhausted.
TUCKERED OUT Tuckered out is slang for exhausted.
TUDE Tude is American slang for having a surly, defiant, negative disposition.
TUEHALL Tuehall is slang for phenobarbital.
TUFT Tuft is British slang for a titled Ox−Bridge undergraduate.
TUFT HUNTER Tuft hunter is British slang for a sycophant.
TUG Tug is slang for an act of masturbation. Tug is British slang for an arrest or detention of a suspect. Tug is British slang for to stop someone, to call over.
TUG O' WAR Tug o' war is London Cockney rhyming slang for a promiscuous woman or a prostitute (whore).
TULIP Tulip is slang for a male homosexual.
TUMBLE Tumble is slang for sexual intercourse. Tumble is slang for an arrest, capture or detention. Tumble is British slang for an attempt. 1132
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TUMBLE TO Tumble to is slang for understand, become aware.
TUMMY BANANA Tummy banana is slang for the penis.
TUN Tun is Dorset slang for a chimney.
TUNA Tuna is American slang for a girl, woman. Tuna is American slang for sexual activity. Tuna is American slang for the female sex organs. Tuna is American slang for marijuana.
TUNE IN Tune in is slang for to make or become more aware, knowledgeable, etc. about something.
TUP Tup is British slang for to have sexual intercourse.
TURD Turd is slang for a lump of faeces. Turd is slang for an unpleasant or contemptible person or thing.
TURD BURGLAR Turd burglar is British slang for a male homosexual.
TURF Turf is slang for the area felt to belong to a person or gang.
TURF OUT Turf out is slang for to expel something or someone.
TURISTAS Turistas is American slang for diarrhoea.
TURKEY Turkey is American slang for a stupid or idiotic person. Turkey is American slang for a dramatic production that fails; flop.
TURKEY−NECK Turkey−neck is American slang for the penis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TURKISH BATH Turkish bath is Cockney rhyming slang for laugh.
TURMIT Turmit is Dorset slang for turnip.
TURN A TRICK Turn a trick is prostitute slang for to service a customer.
TURN OUT Turn out is Black−American slang for to initiate a beginner to the scene
TURN OVER Turn over is slang for to rob. Turn over is British slang for to raid or search a premises.
TURN SOMEONE OVER Turn someone over is British slang for to cheat, to rob someone. Turn someone over is British slang for to attack, to beat someone.
TURN TURK Turn Turk is old English slang for to convert to Islam.
TURN−OFF Turn−off is slang for to disgust.
TURN−ON Turn−on is slang for to excite, often sexually.
TURNED−ON Turned−on is slang for aware, fashionable. Turned−on is slang for sexually aroused. Turned−on is slang for stimulated, fascinated.
TURPS Turps is Australian and New Zealand slang for alcoholic drink, especially beer.
TUSH Tush is American slang for the backside, buttocks.
TUSHIE Tushie is American slang for the backside, buttocks.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TUSHROON Tushroon is Black−American slang for money
TUTTI−FRUTTI Tutti−frutti is slang for an effeminate, frivolous or ridiculous man.
TUTTY Tutty is Dorset slang for a nosegay of wild flowers.
TUX Tux is American slang for a tuxedo (dinner jacket).
TV Tv is slang for transvestite. TV is British slang for television.
TWANG Twang is slang for masturbate.
TWAT Twat is British slang for the vagina. Twat is British slang for a foolish or despicable person.
TWEAK Tweak is motor racing slang for to tune a car or engine for peak performance. Tweak is American slang for to suffer physical symptoms of drug withdrawal. Tweak is slang for to fine−tune.
TWEAK OF THE THUMB Tweak of the thumb is bingo slang for the number fifty−one.
TWEAKER Tweaker is slang for an engineer's small screwdriver, used for fine adjustments.
TWENTY−FIVE Twenty−five is American slang for LSD.
TWERP Twerp is slang for an imbecile, an insignificant, obnoxious person.
TWIG Twig is British slang for to understand.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
TWIGS Twigs is slang for cannabis. Twigs was 1950s British slang for matches.
TWILLIE Twillie is British slang for a foolish, clumsy or stupid person.
TWIMP Twimp is American slang for a foolish or insignificant person.
TWINE ON Twine on is slang for to rant, talk incessantly.
TWINKIE Twinkie is American slang for a male homosexual. Twinkie is American slang for a cute, attractive person.
TWINKLE Twinkle is a slang term of endearment.
TWIST Twist is American slang for a girl.
TWIST AND TWIRL Twist and Twirl is rhyming slang for girl.
TWISTICAL Twistical is American slang for crooked; tortuous; hence, perverse; unfair; dishonest.
TWIT Twit is British slang for an idiot, foolish, or absurd person. Twit is Dorset slang for to tease, to taunt.
TWITCHER Twitcher is British slang for a bird watcher, especially an over−enthusiastic one.
TWITE Twite is Dorset slang for to tease, to taunt.
TWO AND EIGHT Two and eight is London Cockney rhyming slang for state (tension).
TWO CAMELS Two camels is Black−American slang for ten minutes 1136
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TWO EYED STEAK Two−eyed steak is an old early 20th century slang expression for a cooked herring.
TWO FAT LADIES Two fat ladies is bingo slang for the number eighty−eight.
TWO FINGERS Two fingers is slang for the English insulting gesture of the V−sign using two fingers (which originates from the bowmen at Agincourt, taunting the French with their bow−string fingers).
TWO−BIT Two−bit is American and Canadian slang for worth next to nothing; cheap.
TWO−POT SCREAMER Two−pot screamer is Australian slang for a person easily influenced by alcohol.
TWO−TIME Two−time is slang for to be unfaithful to ones partner.
TWOC Twoc is slang for taking Without Consent. The term is applied to stealing vehicles.
TYKE Tyke is slang for a person from Yorkshire, England. Tyke is Australian slang for a Roman Catholic.
U−IE U−ie is slang for a U−turn.
U.S. U.S. is British slang for useless, broken.
U.VS U.Vs is American slang for sunshine, ultra−violet rays.
UMBRELLA Umbrella is British slang for the penis.
UMPTEEN Umpteen is slang for many, a lot of.
UN−EAT Un−eat is American slang for to vomit
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
UNCLE Uncle is British slang for a pawnbroker. Uncle (shortened from Uncle Dick) is London Cockney rhyming slang for sick. Uncle is an American slang cry of surrender, to admit defeat. Uncle is American slang for the law enforcement agencies.
UNCLE BERT Uncle Bert is London Cockney rhyming slang for shirt.
UNCLE BILL Uncle Bill is British slang for police.
UNCLE BOB Uncle Bob is British slang for police.
UNCLE DICK Uncle Dick is London Cockney rhyming slang for sick.
UNCLE FRED Uncle Fred is London Cockney rhyming slang for bread.
UNCLE MAC Uncle Mac is British rhyming slang for heroin (smack).
UNCLE NED Uncle Ned is London Cockney rhyming slang for bed. Uncle Ned is London Cockney rhyming slang for head. Uncle Ned is London Cockney rhyming slang for dead.
UNCLE SAM Uncle Sam is slang for the USA.
Uncle Tom is slang for a black person who collaborates with an oppressive white community. A black person who forgets their roots and tries to be white.
UNCOOL Uncool is slang for unsophisticated; unfashionable. 1138
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UNDER Under is British slang for sexual activity.
UNDER HEAVY MANNERS Under heavy manners is Jamaican slang for oppressed.
UNDER THE TABLE Under the table is slang for drunk.
UNDER THE WEATHER Under the weather is slang for out of sorts, not currently in good health.
UNDERARM Underarm is British slang for underhand, suspicious. Underarm is British slang for illegal, illicit.
UNDERCHUNDERS Underchunders is Australian slang for underpants.
UNDERDAKS Underdaks is Australian slang for men's underpants.
UNDERGROUND Underground is slang for belonging to an 'alternative' society, counterculture, resistance group, or criminal organisation.
UNDERKECKS Underkecks is British slang for underpants.
UNDERPINNING Underpinning is American slang for the legs.
UNDERSCRUB Underscrub was 19th century slang for an under grown or insignificant person.
UNDERWHELMED Underwhelmed is slang for disappointed, unimpressed.
UNDUB Undub was 18th century slang for to unlock, unfasten or open a door etc.
UNGLUED Unglued is slang for upset, helpless, out of control, unbalanced, in a state of nervous crisis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
UNHEALTHY Unhealthy is slang for dangerous to life.
UNHINGED Unhinged is slang for insane, mentally unstable and unpredictable.
UNHIP Unhip is slang for unaware, unfashionable.
UNIT Unit is slang for the genitals. Unit is slang for a sexual partner or potential sexual partner.
UNLOAD Unload is slang for defecate. Unload is slang for to emit wind from the anus.
UNMENTIONABLES Unmentionables is slang for underwear. Unmentionables is slang for genitals.
UNREAL Unreal is slang for fantastic. Unreal is slang for outrageous, unreasonable.
UNSTRUNG Unstrung is slang for upset, helpless, out of control, unbalanced, in a state of nervous crisis.
UNSTUCK Unstuck is slang for upset, helpless, out of control, unbalanced, in a state of nervous crisis.
UNTHINKABLES Unthinkables is British slang for underwear. Unthinkables is slang for genitals.
UNTIED Untied is slang for upset, helpless, out of control, unbalanced, in a state of nervous crisis.
UNTOGETHER Untogether is slang for incompetent or badly organized; mentally or emotionally unstable.
UNTOQUE Untoque is slang for cannabis.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
UNWRAPPED Unwrapped is slang for upset, helpless, out of control, unbalanced, in a state of nervous crisis.
UP Up is slang for affected by narcotics. Up is American theatre slang for having forgotten one's lines.
UP AGAINST THE WALL Up against the wall is an American slang expression of rage, defiance, menace.
UP EACH OTHER Up each other is Australian slang for engaged in mutual flattery.
UP ON BLOCKS Up on blocks is slang for menstruating.
UP ONESELF Up oneself is Australian slang for smug, self−satisfied.
UP SHIT CREEK Up shit creek is slang for in serious trouble.
UP THE CREEK Up the creek is slang for in trouble.
UP THE DUFF Up the duff is slang for pregnant.
UP THE POKE Up the poke is British slang for pregnant.
UP THE POLE Up the pole is British slang for pregnant.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Up the spout is British slang for pregnant.
UP THE STICK Up the stick is British slang for pregnant.
UP THE WALL Up the wall is slang for to become, or cause to become, crazy or furious.
UP TIGHT Up tight is slang for frigid, conventional, stressed.
UP TO SNUFF Up to snuff is slang for not likely to be imposed upon; knowing; acute.
UP YOURS Up yours is slang for an exclamation of anger, defiance.
UPCHUCK Upchuck is American slang for to vomit
UPFRONT Upfront is slang for assertive, straightforward, trustworthy.
UPPER Upper is slang for a stimulant drug, usually amphetamine sulphate.
UPPERS Uppers is slang for stimulant drugs.
UPRIVER Upriver is slang for in prison.
UPSTAIRS Upstairs is slang for in the head. Upstairs is slang for the breast area. Upstairs is slang for heaven.
UPSTATE Upstate is American slang for in prison.
UPTIGHT Uptight is slang for tense, repressed, humourless. Uptight is American slang for satisfactory.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
UPZIDES WITH Upzides with is Dorset slang for retribution, getting even with.
URBAN SURFING Urban surfing is slang for riding on the outside of a moving vehicle.
URGER Urger is Australian slang for a person who is unwilling to take risks, speculate, etc., on his own account, especially one who encourages others to do so.
USE ONE'S LOAF Use one's loaf is slang for to think, use ones ingenuity.
USER User is slang for an habitual drug user.
USING Using is slang for addicted to heroin, or another hard drug.
USING MONKEY WATER Using monkey water is slang for Shabanging.
UTE Ute is American slang for a utility vehicle, a light truck, a van.
V V is British slang for very. V is American tramp slang for five dollars
V AND T V and T is British slang for vodka and tonic.
V−8 V−8 is Black−American slang for an unfriendly female
V.A.T. V.A.T. is British slang for vodka and tonic.
V.C. V.C. is American slang for Viet Cong, a north Vietnamese combatant.
VAC Vac is British slang for a university or other higher education holiday.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
VACUUM CLEANER Vacuum cleaner is Black−American slang for ones lungs
VADA Vada is Polari slang for see, look at.
VAG Vag is American slang for a vagrant.
VAL Val (Valley girl) is American slang for a member of a 1980s youth culture based on the children of affluent parents characterised by their recreational shopping and hedonism.
VALIUM Valium is slang for valium.
VALL−TO Vall−to is Dorset slang for to set to, to commence, to start.
VALLEY GIRL Valley girl is American slang for a member of a 1980s youth culture based on the children of affluent parents characterised by their recreational shopping and hedonism. Valley girl is slang for valium.
VALO Valo is slang for valium.
VALS Vals is slang for valium.
VALSPEAK Valspeak is American slang for the jargon of Valley girls, as spoken in California in the early 1980s.
VALUMS Valums is slang for valium.
VAMOOSE See "Vamose"
VAMOS See "Vamose"
VAMOSE Vamose (also vamos and vamoose) is slang for to depart quickly; to depart from.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
VAMP Vamp is slang for a seductress.
VAMP UP Vamp up is British slang for to intensify, to make more effective. Vamp up is British slang for to improvise.
VANILLA Vanilla is homosexual slang for non−penetrative and conventional sex.
VARDER Varder is British slang for to see, to look at.
VARDY Vardy is British slang for to see, to look at.
VEARIES Vearies is Dorset slang for fairies. Vearies is Dorset slang for weasels.
VECTOR−SPEW Vector−spew is American slang for to vomit
VEEP Veep is slang for a very important person.
Veg−out is slang for to vegetate, chill−out, idle, loaf, relax.
VEGGIE Veggie is slang for vegetarian.
VELCRO Velcro is slang for a lesbian.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
VELCRO−HEAD Velcro−head is slang for a Negro.
VELVET Velvet is slang for gambling or speculative winnings. Velvet is slang for a gain, especially when unexpectedly high.
VENTILATE Ventilate is slang for to shoot someone full of holes.
VENTILATE SOMEONE'S SHORTS Ventilate someone's shorts is American slang for to give someone a severe telling−off.
VERA LYNN Vera Lynn is London Cockney rhyming slang for gin.
VERBAL Verbal is slang for a criminal's admission of guilt on arrest. Verbal is slang for backchat, aggressive, or scathing talk.
VERBAL DIARRHOEA Verbal diarrhoea is slang for incessant and aimless talk.
VERBOTEN Verboten is slang for forbidden.
VET Vet is American slang for a veteran soldier.
VETTE Vette is American slang for a Chevrolet Corvette sports car.
VEX Vex is Jamaican slang for to angry, to annoy.
VEX−MONEY Vex−money is Trinidadian slang for money carried by a woman to a date so that she can pay for her own transport home if she has to.
VEXED Vexed is Jamaican slang for angry, annoyed.
VIBE Vibe is slang for the atmosphere or feelings in a situation. 1146
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
VIBE ON Vibe on is American slang for to be sympathetic toward, understanding.
VIBES Vibes is slang for feelings, atmosphere, mood.
VIBRATIONS Vibrations is slang for instinctive feelings supposedly influencing human communication.
VIC Vic is Black−American slang for a victim
VICIOUS Vicious is slang for impressive, powerful, exciting.
VIDRIO Vidrio is slang for heroin.
VILLAIN Villain is slang for a criminal.
VILLE Ville is Black−American slang for popular suffix often attached to any word as an intensifier
VIM Vim is slang for exuberant vigour and energy.
VINE Vine is Black−American slang for a suit of clothing
VINO Vino is slang for cheap inferior wine.
VINYL Vinyl is slang for gramophone records.
VIPER Viper is Black−American slang for drug dealer
VITAMIN A Vitamin A is slang for LSD. Vitamin A is slang for the drug ecstasy.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
VITAMIN C Vitamin C is slang for cocaine.
VITAMIN E Vitamin E is slang for the drug ecstasy.
VITAMIN P Vitmin P is American nursing slang for a small dose of the diuretic Lasix given to stimulate urination in post−operative patients.
VITAMIN T Vitamin T is slang for marijuana.
VITAMIN V Vitamin V is medical slang for valium or other tranquilliser.
VITAMIN X Vitamin X is slang for the drug ecstasy.
VITAMINS Vitamins is slang for capsules or tablets of illicit drugs.
VLAM Vlam is South African slang for methylated spirits.
VLUMMOX Vlummox is Dorset slang for flummox, confusion.
VOCE Voce is Polari slang for the voice.
VODDY Voddy is British slang for vodka.
VOETSEK Voetsek is South African slang for go away!
VOGUE Vogue is Polari slang for cigarette.
VOLK Volk is Dorset slang for people, folk.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
VOM Vom is slang for vomit.
VOOMPSE Voompse is Jamaican slang for to pay attention to.
VOTCH Votch is Polari slang for the voice.
VREK Vrek is South African slang for to die.
VUZZ Vuzz is Dorset slang for furze, gorse, whin.
WACK Wack is slang for a cigar dipped in embalming fluid.
WACK−OFF Wack−off is slang for to masturbate.
WACKED Wacked is slang for tired, worn out.
WACKO Wacko is slang for crazy, insane.
WACKY Wacky is slang for crazed, insane, eccentric.
WACKY BACKY Wacky backy is slang for marijuana or cannabis.
WAD Wad is slang for a large quantity, especially of money. Wad is slang for the male genitals. Wad is British military slang for a bun.
WADDEN Wadden is Dorset slang for was not.
WADERS Waders is Black−American slang for boots
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WAFFLE Waffle is slang for to talk aimlessly.
WAG Wag is Australian slang for to play truant.
WAG OFF Wag off is slang for to play truant.
WAG−IT Wag−it is British slang for to play truant.
WALDO Waldo is American slang for a fool.
WALK Walk is slang for to go free. Walk is slang for to escape, to disappear.
WALKING PAPERS Walking papers is slang for notice of dismissal.
WALKING−STICK Walking−stick was a late 19th century satirical slang expression for a candidate to the House of Commons nominated by a political association and subject to them in Parliament.
WALLACE AND GROMIT Wallace and Gromit is Cockney rhyming slang for vomit.
WALLAH Wallah is British slang for a person.
WALLOP Wallop is slang for strong alcoholic drink. Wallop is British slang for beer.
WALLOPER Walloper is Australian slang for a policeman.
WALLY Wally is British slang for an idiot or imbecile. Wally is British slang for a pickled gherkin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WALLYBASHER Wallybasher is British slang for a person employed by a rock group to protect them from intrusive fans.
WALLYHUMPER Wallyhumper is British slang for someone employed to move equipment around.
WAMBLE Wamble is Dorset slang for wander.
WAMBLE−CROPPED Wamble−cropped is slang for sick in the stomach and also, crestfallen and dejected.
WAMMERS Wammers is British slang for breasts.
WANG Wang is slang for the penis.
WANGLE Wangle is slang for to obtain by scheming.
WANK Wank is British slang for to masturbate.
WANK MAG Wank mag is slang for a pornographic magazine.
WANK OFF Wank off is British slang for masturbate.
WANK STAIN Wank stain is British slang for a tedious, obnoxious person.
WANKER Wanker is British slang for a masturbator. Wanker is British slang for a contemptible person.
WANKERED Wankered is British slang for very drunk, intoxicated.
WANKY Wanky is slang for rubbish.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WANNABE Wannabe is slang for an aspirant or imitator.
WANT Want is Dorset slang for a mole.
WAR−PAINT War−paint is slang for make−up (cosmetics).
WARB Warb is Australian slang for a dirty or insignificant person.
WARBY Warby is Australian slang for someone or something filthy, inferior, defective.
WARE Ware is Dorset slang for crockery.
WAREHOUSE Warehouse is British slang for to hold or attend an acid house party.
WAREHOUSING Warehousing is British slang for the practice of arranging acid house parties.
WARM FUZZIES Warm fuzzies is American slang for affection, comfort, friendliness, compliments.
WART Wart is slang for an irritating, bumptious or unpleasant person.
WARTS Warts is American slang for olives.
WASH Wash is slang for the chemical purifying of cocaine to produce other drugs, such as crack.
WASP WASP is slang for white Anglo−Saxon protestant.
WASTE Waste is slang for to kill, to thoroughly beat up.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WASTE GOOD BEER Waste good beer is American slang for to vomit
WASTED Wasted is slang for exhausted. Wasted is slang for drunk. Wasted is slang for showing signs of habitual drug abuse.
WATER Water is slang for methamphetamine; PCP; a mixture of marijuana and other substances within a cigar.
WATER SPORTS Water sports is slang for urination as a sex game.
WATERING HOLE Watering hole is slang for a pub.
WATERWORKS Waterworks is Black−American slang for tears
WAVE Wave is slang for phencyclidine.
WAX Wax is hip−hop slang for a vinyl record.
WAXY Waxy is British slang for bad−tempered or irritable; angry.
WAY Way is American slang for very; too much. A positive affirmation to the statement 'no way.'
WAY−OUT Way−out is slang for unusual, unconventional, avant garde.
WAZZ Wazz is slang for to urinate.
WAZZOCK Wazzock is slang for an imbecile.
WEAPON Weapon is slang for the penis. 1153
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WEAR Wear is British slang for to accept.
WEAR A SMILE Wear a smile is Black−American slang for to be naked
WEASEL Weasel (shortened from weasel and stoat) is London Cockney rhyming slang for coat. Weasel is slang for a sly, devious, vicious person. Weasel is British slang for to behave in a devious, sly or underhand manner. Weasel is British slang for to carry luggage in order to extract a tip.
WEASEL AND STOAT Weasel and stoat is London Cockney rhyming slang for coat.
WEASEL WORDS Weasel words is slang for insincere.
WEATHER Weather is air−crew slang for bad weather or turbulence.
WEB Web is slang for the world wide web.
WEDDING TACKLE Wedding tackle is British slang for the male genitals.
WEDGE Wedge is slang for money, wealth. Wedge was 18th century slang for silver.
WEDGED Wedged is British slang for wealthy.
WEE Wee is slang for to urinate.
WEE−WEE wee−wee is slang for to urinate; urine.
WEED Weed is slang for a cigarette, tobacco. Weed is slang for cannabis. Weed is British slang for a weak and ineffective person. Weed is British slang for to steal, embezzle.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WEEDHEAD Weedhead is slang for a marijuana smoker.
WEEDY Weedy is British slang for weak and ineffective.
WEENIE Weenie is American slang for a frankfurter−type of sausage. Weenie is American slang for the penis. Weenie is American slang for an ineffectual or tedious person.
WEENIE−WAGGER Weenie−wagger is American slang for a male masturbator. Weenie−wagger is American slang for a male sexual exhibitionist.
WEENSY Weensy is slang for tiny, miniscule.
WEEPIE Weepie is slang for a sentimental film.
WEEPING WILLOW Weeping Willow is London Cockney rhyming slang for pillow.
WEEPY Weepy is slang for a film that is sentimentally emotional.
WEIGHT Weight is British slang for a pound of a drug, especially cannabis. Weight is American slang for narcotics.
WEIGHT TRAINERS Weight Trainers is slang for any anabolic steroid.
WEIRD OUT Weird out is American slang for to behave in an eccentric manner, to undergo a disturbing change of mood.
WEIRDIE Weirdie is slang for a non−conformist.
WEIRDO Weirdo is slang for a non−conformist.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WEISENHEIMER Weisenheimer is American slang for an obnoxious person who knows everything.
WELCH Welch is slang for to fail to repay a debt or obligation.
WELCHER Welcher is slang for someone who fails to repay debts or obligations.
WELL Well is British slang for very.
WELL HUNG Well Hung is slang for having a large penis.
WELL STACKED Well−stacked is British slang for a woman of voluptuous proportions.
WELL−OILED Well−oiled is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
WELLIE Wellie is British slang for to dismiss. Wellie is British slang for to defeat, to bully, to attack.
WELLIE−WANGING Wellie−wanging is British slang for a sport in which the contestants try to throw a Wellington boot the furthest distance.
WELLY Welly is British slang for brute force. Welly is British slang for to kick forcefully.
WELSH Welsh is slang for to cheat by avoiding payment of bets or to dishonourably avoid the fulfilment of a pecuniary obligation.
WELSHNUT Welshnut is Dorset slang for a walnut.
WENCH Wench is slang for a girl, a woman.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WENDY Wendy is British slang for a week, feeble, ineffective and contemptible person.
WENWIES Wenwies is slang for tedious people who always talk about themselves.
WERDEN Werden is Dorset slang for were not.
WET Wet is slang for feeble, emotional, effeminate. Wet is slang for drunk, intoxicated. Wet is British slang for a liberal−minded Tory. Wt is British slang for sexually aroused.
WET GOODS Wet goods is slang for intoxicating liquors.
WET SCENE Wet scene is American slang for a gory killing.
WET WEEKEND Wet weekend is British slang for a miserable, morose, depressing person.
WETBACK Wetback is American slang for an illegal immigrant from Latin America.
WHACK Whack is slang for phencyclidine. Whack is slang for heroin. Whack is British slang for a portion, share or allowance. Whack is American slang for a contract killing. Whack is American slang for to kill. Whack is American slang for an eccentric person.
WHACK OFF Whack off is slang for to masturbate.
WHACKED Whacked is British slang for exhausted.
WHACKER Whacker is slang for an eccentric person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang Whacko is a slang exclamation of happiness, delight, etc. Whacko is slang for crazy, eccentric.
WHACKTABACKY Whacktabacky is slang for cannabis.
WHACKY Whacky is slang for crazed, insane, eccentric.
WHACKYWEED Whackyweed is slang for cannabis.
WHAM−BAM−THANK−YOU−MA'AM Wham−bam−thank−you−ma'am is slang for a cursory sexual act.
WHAMMERS Whammers is British slang for breasts.
WHAMMY Whammy is American slang for a supernatural power, a spirit, a curse.
WHANG Whang is slang for the penis.
WHANGER Whanger is slang for the penis.
WHAT IS UP? What is up is slang for what is going on?
WHAT'S UP What's up is American slang for what's new or happening?
WHAT−FOR What−for is slang for a severe reprimand.
WHATCHAMACALLIT Whatchamacallit is slang for something whose name escapes one.
WHATS YOUR SONG KING KONG Whats your song King Kong is Black−American slang for how do you feel?
WHATSIT Whatsit is slang for an unnamed thing. 1158
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WHEAT Wheat is slang for cannabis.
WHEELIE Wheelie is slang for driving a vehicle with it's front wheel or wheels off the ground.
WHEELMAN Wheelman is slang for a getaway driver.
WHEELS Wheels is slang for a motor vehicle or bicycle.
WHEELS−MAN Wheels−man is slang for a getaway driver.
WHEEZE Wheeze is British slang for a trick, idea, or plan.
WHERE'S IT AT Where's it at is slang for the real place of action.
WHIFF Whiff is slang for to sniff cocaine. Whiff is British slang for to have an unpleasant smell; stink.
WHIFFY Whiffy is British slang for unpleasantly smelly.
WHINGE Whinge is slang for to complain.
WHIP SOME SKULL Whip some skull is American slang for to perform fellatio.
WHIPLASH HUSTLER Whiplash hustler is American slang for a pedestrian who stages traffic accidents in order to claim damages.
WHIPPER−SNAPPER Whipper−snapper is Australian slang for a lawn trimmer.
WHIPPETS Whippets is slang for amyl nitrate (or any associated inhalant drug).
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WHIPSTITCH Whipstitch is American slang for an instant; moment.
WHIRLY−BIRD Whirly−bird is slang for a helicopter.
WHISTE AND FLUTE Whistle and flute is London Cockney rhyming slang for suit.
WHISTLE Whistle (shortened from whistle and flute) is London Cockney rhyming slang for suit.
WHISTLE BAIT Whistle bait is slang for an attractive girl or woman.
WHITE White is slang for heroin.
WHITE BREAD White bread is American slang for someone virtuous and dull.
WHITE CROSS White cross is American tramp slang for cocaine
WHITE ELEPHANT White elephant is slang for something requiring much care and expense and yielding little profit, hence any burdensome possession.
WHITE LADY White Lady is slang for cocaine. White lady is slang for heroin.
WHITE LIGHTNING White lightning is slang for strong, illicitly distilled grain alcohol. White lightning was 1960s and 1970s slang for white tables of LSD.
WHITE LILIES White lilies is Black−American slang for bed sheets
WHITE SATIN White satin is slang for gin.
WHITE SPACE White space is slang for free time. 1160
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WHITE TELEPHONE White telephone is slang for a toilet bowl.
WHITE TRASH White trash is slang for poor white people living in the southern USA. White trash is slang for decadent rich white people.
WHITE−KNUCKLE White−knuckle is slang for terrifying.
WHITENER Whitener is British slang for cocaine.
WHITEY Whitey is American slang for a white person.
WHIZZ Whizz is slang for amphetamines.
WHOLE HOG Whole hog is slang for the complete amount.
WHOOPSIE Whoopsie is slang for excrement, a deposit of faeces.
WHOOPSY Whoopsy is slang for excrement, a deposit of faeces.
WHOP Whop is slang for to hit. Whop is slang for to defeat.
WHOPPER Whopper is slang for something very large.
WHOPPING Whopping is slang for very large.
WHORE Whore is slang for a prostitute. Whore was 11th century British slang for an adulteress.
WHOREHOUSE Whorehouse is slang for a brothel. 1161
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WHORESUCKER Whoresucker is American slang for a contemptible person.
WI' Wi' is Dorset slang for with.
WICK Wick is British slang for the penis.
WICKED Wicked is slang for fantastic, excellent, very good.
WIDDLE Widdle is slang for to urinate.
WIDE Wide is British slang for unscrupulous and astute.
WIDE−ON Wide−on is slang for an erect penis.
WIDGET Widget is slang for a device, a small contraption, an unnamed product.
WIDGIE Widgie is Australian slang for a female larrikin or budgie.
WIDOW Widow (shortened from widow Twankey) is London Cockney rhyming slang for an American (Yankee).
WIDOW TWANKEY Widow Twankey is London Cockney rhyming slang for an American (Yankee).
WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND Widows' and orphans' fund is American slang for money given as a bribe.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
Wig is slang for to censure or rebuke; to hold up to reprobation; to scold.
WIG OUT Wig out is slang for to go crazy, to lose self−control.
WIGGER Wigger is British slang for a white man who is trying to act like a black man. The term is especially applied to a white rapper.
WIGGING Wigging is British slang for a rebuke or reprimand.
WIGGY Wiggy is slang for crazy, eccentric, irresponsible. Wiggy is Black−American slang for pleasing
WILD Wild is slang for exciting, impressive, excellent.
WILD OATS Wild oats is slang for the indiscretions of youth, especially dissoluteness before settling down.
WILDING Wilding is slang for running amok.
WILF Wilf is British slang for a fool.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WILLIAM William is British slang for the police.
WILLIE Willie is British slang for the penis.
WILLIE−WELLIE Willie−wellie is British slang for a condom.
WILLIES Willies is slang for nervousness, jitters, or fright.
WILLY Willy is slang for the penis.
WILTSHIRE Wiltshire is British slang for impotence.
WIMP Wimp is slang for a feeble or ineffectual person.
WIMP OUT Wimp out is slang for to fail to do or complete something through fear or a lack of conviction.
WIMP−BOD Wimp−bod is British slang for a tedious, unfashionable person.
WIMPISH Wimpish is slang for feeble, weak.
WIMPO Wimpo is slang for feeble, weak.
WIMPY Wimpy is slang for feeble, weak.
WIND AND KITE Wind and kite is Cockney rhyming slang for web site.
WIND−BONKER Wind−bonker is British surfing slang for a wind surfer.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WIND−UP Wind−up is slang for to infuriate or tease.
WIND−UP MERCHANT Wind−up Merchant is slang for a person who winds−up (teases) other people regularly.
WIND−WANKER Wind−wanker is British surfing slang for a wind surfer.
WINDBAG Windbag is slang for a person who talks incessantly.
WINDER Winder is slang for a blow taking away the breath.
WINDJAMMER Windjammer is slang for a performer on a wind instrument.
WINDOW Window is slang for an opportunity. Window is slang for a period available for meetings, appointments, or other tasks.
WINDY Windy is slang for afraid, nervous or frightened.
WING Wing is slang for to throw away.
WING IT Wing it is slang for to improvise, ad lib. Wing it is slang for to eave, go away.
WING−WONG Wing−wong is British slang for an object whose name is unknown or forgotten.
WINGDING Wingding is slang for a lively party or festival.
WINGE Winge is slang for to complain.
WINGS Wings is slang for heroin.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WINK Wink is Dorset slang for to wind. Wink is Dorset slang for to winch. Wink is Dorset slang for a motor vehicle starter handle.
WINKER Winker is slang for an eye, eyelash or eyelid.
WINKIE Winkie is British slang for the penis.
WINKLE Winkle is British slang for the penis.
WINKLE−PICKERS Winkle−pickers is British slang for shoes with pointed toes.
WINKY Winky is British slang for the penis.
WINO Wino is slang for a habitual and often destitute drunkard.
WIPE Wipe is slang for to kill, to destroy. Wipe is Australian slang for to snub, to ignore. Wipe is old (Victorian) English slang for a handkerchief.
WIPE ONE'S NOSE OF To wipe one's nose of is slang for to deprive of or to rob.
WIPE OUT Wipe out is surfing slang for to be capsized by a wave. Wipe out is slang for to fail.
WIPE−OUT Wipe−out is slang for a failure.
WIPED OUT Wiped out is slang for exhausted. Wiped out is slang for intoxicated. Wiped out is slang for devastated, ruined, defeated.
WIRED Wired is slang for stressed up, nervy or anxious. Wired is American slang for well−connected. 1166
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WIRER Wirer is slang for a pickpocket.
WISE Wise is slang for being informed, in the know, possessing inside information.
WISE−UP Wise−up is slang for to become aware.
WISEACRE Wiseacre is American slang for an insolent, smug person.
WISEASS Wiseass is American slang for an insolent, smug person.
WISH BOOK Wish book is American slang for a mail−order catalogue.
WITCH Witch is slang for a despicable, nasty, or spiteful woman.
WITCH−DOCTOR Witch−doctor is slang for a psychiatrist.
WITCHY Witchy is slang for mysterious, uncanny.
WITH−IT With−it is slang for fashionable.
WITHYWIND Withywind is Dorset slang for bindweed.
WITTER Witter is British slang for to talk tediously, to fuss.
WIZZ Wizz is slang for amphetamines.
WIZZARD'S SLEEVE Wizzards sleeve is British slang for a large, cavernous vagina.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WMBA Wamba is British slang for money.
WOB Wob is British slang for a piece, a lump.
WOBBLEFATS Wobblefats is American slang for an obese person.
WOBBLER Wobbler is British slang for erratic, neurotic or extreme behaviour.
WOBBLY Wobbly is British slang for erratic, neurotic or extreme behaviour.
WODGE Wodge is British slang for a lump, a slice.
WOG Wog is slang for a Black person. Wog is Australian slang for to spit or for an illness such as the flu.
WOG GUT Wog Gut Wog gut is British slang for diarrhoea.
WOLF Wolf is slang for a predatory male. Wolf is American slang for to vomit.
WOLLIE Wollie is slang for rocks of crack rolled into marijuana cigarette.
WOMBLE Womble is British slang for a foolish, clumsy or unfortunate person.
WONK Wonk is American slang for a studious student.
WONKY Wonky is slang for unstable or misaligned. Wonky is American slang for overly−studious.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WONT Wont is Dorset slang for a mole.
WOOD Wood is slang for cannabis.
WOODBINE Woodbine is Australian slang for an Englishman.
WOODEN Wooden is Australian slang for to fell or kill a person or animal.
WOODENTOP Woodentop is British slang for a uniformed policeman.
WOODIE Woodie is American slang for an estate car, a station wagon. Woodie is American slang for a vehicle used by a surfer to transport people and boards to the beach.
WOOF Woof is British slang for a male homosexual. Woof is American slang for to vomit.
WOOFTER Woofter is British slang for a male homosexual.
WOOLAH Woolah is slang for a hollowed out cigar refilled with marijuana and crack.
WOOLIE Woolie is slang for a blunt with marijuana and crack.
WOOLIES Woolies is British slang for the chain store Woolworth's.
WOOLLOOMOOLOO YANK Woolloomooloo yank is Australian slang for an Australian who imitates American manners or speech.
WOOLLY Woolly is American and Australian slang for sheep.
WOOLY BLUNTS Wooly blunts is slang for marijuana and crack or PCP.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WOOP WOOP Woop Woop is Australian slang for any backward or remote town or district.
WOOZY Woozy is slang for dizzy.
WOP Wop is derogatory slang for an Italian.
WOPS Wops is Dorset slang for a wasp.
WOPSY Wopsy is Dorset slang for a wasp.
WORD UP Word up is American slang for to speak out, to tell the truth, to say something meaningful.
WORDLE Wordle is Dorset slang for the world.
WORK Work is slang for to cheat or swindle. Work is Jamaican slang for sexual intercourse.
WORK OUT Work out is American slang for to be tough, intimidating.
WORK OVER Work over is slang for to assault or thrash.
WORK THE ORACLE Work the oracle is British police slang for to invent an oral statement of guilt.
WORKING GIRL Working Girl is slang for a prostitute.
WORKING THE LEMON Working the lemon is British slang for stealing from coats left in public washrooms.
WORKS Works is slang for an addicts equipment necessary for injecting drugs.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WORM Worm is Black−American slang for to study. Worm is slang for a policeman.
WORM−EATER Worm−eater is slang for a person who drills holes in fake antique furniture to simulate worm holes.
WORSE Worse is Bristol slang for 'where have you'. Worse is Bristol slang for 'where has it'.
WORSE BIN? Worse bin? Is Bristol slang for 'where have you been?'
WORSHIP AT THE PORCELAIN ALTAR Worship at the porcelain altar is American slang for to vomit.
WORSHIP RALPH AT THE GREAT PORCELAIN THRONE Worship Ralph at the great porcelain throne is American slang for to vomit.
WORSHIP THE PORCELAIN GOD Worship the porcelain god is American slang for to vomit.
WOTCHER Wotcher is slang for hello.
WOTSIT Wotsit is slang for an unnamed thing.
WOW Wow is slang for to impress or excite.
WOWSER Wowser is Australian and New Zealand slang for a fanatically puritanical person. A teetotaller.
WRAP Wrap is slang for a portion of crack cocaine.
WRAP UP Wrap up is slang for stop talking.
WREATH Wreath is American slang for cabbage.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WRECK THEM Wreck them is American slang for scramble the eggs.
Wrecked is slang for very intoxicated with alcohol or drugs.
WRETCH Wretch is American slang for to vomit.
WRINKLY Wrinkly is slang for an elderly person.
WRITE ONE'S NAME ON THE LAWN Write one's name on the lawn is slang for to urinate outdoors.
WRITER Writer is slang for a doctor who is prepared to write prescriptions for restricted drugs in exchange for money or favours.
WRONG 'UN Wrong 'un is British slang for a criminal, a bad person. Wrong 'un is British slang for something to be avoided.
WRONGO Wrongo is American slang for a criminal.
WULL Wull is Dorset slang for will.
WUPP Wupp is slang for to thoroughly beat.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
WUSS Wuss is slang for a weak and feeble person. Wuss is Welsh slang for a friend. Wuss is Dorset slang for worse.
WUST Wust is Dorset slang for would you.
WUT Wut is Dorset slang for will you.
WYATT EARP Wyatt Earp is Cockney rhyming Slang for burp.
WYNONA RYDER Wyona Ryder is Cockney rhyming Slang for cider.
X X is slang for a kiss. X is slang for the drug ecstasy.
X'S X's is betting slang for odds of 6/1.
X−AMOUNT X−amount is Jamaican slang for an unspecified amount.
X−OUT X−Out is slang for kill or eliminate.
X−RATED X−rated is slang for a very salacious taboo or something very daring or pornographic.
XD OUT Xd out is Black−American slang for something formerly important that is no longer significant
XTC Xtc is slang for the drug ecstasy.
Y Y is American slang for the YMCA. Y is American slang for the male homosexual community.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
YACK Yack is slang for an exclamation of disgust. Yack is slang for incessant talk, idle chatter. Yack is slang for a laugh or joke.
YACKA Yacka is Australian slang for work.
YACKER Yacker is Australian slang for work.
YACKERS Yackers is British slang for money.
YACKETY−YAK Yakety−yak is slang for noisy, stupid and incessant talking.
YACKY Yacky is slang for disgusting, vile.
YAH Yah is British slang for a former public school student.
YAHOO Yahoo is slang for a lout, an oaf.
YAK Yak is slang for noisy, stupid and incessant talking. Yak is slang for a laugh or joke. Yak is American slang for to vomit
YAKKA Yakka is Australian slang for work.
YAKKER Yakker is Australian slang for hard work.
YAM Yam is Black−American slang for to eat.
YAMMER Yammer is slang for to complain, to wail. Yammer is slang for to talk insistently.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
YANG Yang is American slang for the penis.
YANK Yank is slang for an act of masturbation. Yank is British slang for an American.
YANK OFF Yank off is slang for to masturbate.
YANK SOMEONE'S CHAIN Yank someone's chain is American slang for to mislead, to deceive, to irritate.
YANK SOMEONE'S CRANK Yank someone's crank is American slang for to mock, to mislead, to irritate.
YANKING Yanking is British slang for consorting with Americans.
YAP Yap is slang for to talk incessantly. Yap is slang for talk, chatter. Yap is slang for the mouth. Yap is American slang for a country person.
YARD Yard is slang for the penis. Yard is American slang for one thousand. Yard is American slang for one hundred dollars. Yard is Jamaican slang for Jamaica.
YARD ON Yard on is Black American slang for to be unfaithful.
YARDBIRD Yardbird is American slang for a military recruit. Yardbird is American slang for someone assigned menial outdoor duties. Yardbird is American slang for a convict. Yardbirdis American slang for a vagrant who frequents railway yards.
YARDIE See "Yardy"
YARDMAN Yardman is Jamaican slang for a Jamaican.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
YARDY Yardy (yardie) is a Jamaican slang expression for someone (Jamaican or foreign) who knows their way around the island, and especially the ghetto.
YARK Yark is American slang for to vomit.
YARRA Yarra is Australian slang for crazy, mad, insane.
YATTER Yatter is slang for to talk incessantly, to talk inanely.
YAWN Yawn is slang for something boring, dull, uninspiring.
YAWNSVILLE Yawnsville is slang for something or someone boring.
YEAH−MAN Yeah−man is Jamaican slang for yes.
YEAR Year is American slang for one dollar.
YEASTING Yeasting is Black−American slang for to exaggerate.
YEECH Yeech is American slang for to vomit.
YEGG Yegg is American slang for a burglar or safe−breaker.
YEH Yeh is slang for cannabis.
YELL Yell is British slang for a good joke, a source of hilarity. Yell is British slang for a riotous party. Yell is slang for an instance of vomiting.
YELL AT THE GROUND Yell at the ground is American slang for to vomit. 1176
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YELL FOR HUGHIE Yell for Hughie is American slang for to vomit.
YELLOW Yellow is slang for cowardly. Yellow is slang for oriental women viewed purely as sex partners. Yellow is American slang for LSD.
YELLOW BOY Yellow boy is slang for a gold coin.
YELLOW EYE Yellow eye is Black−American slang for an egg.
YELLOW JACKETS Yellow Jackets is slang for phenobarbital. Yellow Jackets is slang for secobarbital. Yellow−jackets is American slang for Nembutal or other barbiturate pills.
YELLOW SATIN Yellow satin is slang for oriental women viewed purely as sex partners.
YELLOW SILK Yellow silk is slang for oriental women viewed purely as sex partners.
YELLOW VELVET Yellow velvet is slang for oriental women viewed purely as sex partners.
YELLOW−BELLY Yellow−belly is slang for a coward.
YELLOWS Yellows is slang for valium. Yellows is American slang for Nembutal or other barbiturate pills.
YEN SHEE Yen shee is slang for opium.
YEN SLEEP Yen sleep is slang for a trance brought on by smoking opium.
YENTA Yenta is slang for a shrewish woman, a gossip, a crone.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
YENTI Yenti is slang for a shrewish woman, a gossip, a crone.
YER Yer is Dorset slang for ear. Yer is Dorset slang for here. Yer is Dorset slang for to hear.
YERBA Yerba is slang for cannabis.
YERHIA Yerhia is slang for cannabis.
YESCA Yesca is slang for cannabis.
YETI Yeti is British slang for a primitive, repellent or stupid person.
YEWS Yews is Polari slang for eyes.
YID Yid is slang for a Jew. Yid is British slang for a supporter of Tottenham Hotspur football club.
YIKE Yike is Australian slang for a brawl or violent quarrel.
YIKES Yikes is slang for an expression of surprise or astonishment.
YING−YANG Ying−Yang is American slang for the anus. Ying−Yang is American slang for the sex organs.
YINYANG Yinyang is American slang for the anus. Yinyang is American slang for the sex organs.
YIPPY Yippy is slang for a member of the Youth International Party.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
YO Yo is slang for a greeting or an attention grabbing call.
YO−YO Yo−yo is slang for a stupid and easily manipulated person.
YOB Yob (yobbo) is slang for a lout or hooligan.
YOBBO See "Yob"
YODEL Yodel is American slang for to vomit.
YODEL IN THE CANYON Yodel in the canyon is American slang for to perform cunnilingus.
YODEL IN THE VALLEY Yodel in the valley is British and Australian slang for to perform cunnilingus.
YOK Yok is slang for a laugh, a joke.
YOMP Yomp is slang for to walk hard and with vigour. Yomp is military slang for march over difficult terrain with heavy equipment.
YONI Yoni is slang for the vagina.
YONKS Yonks is British slang for an age, a long time.
YONNIE Yonnie is Australian slang for a stone.
YORK York is American slang for to vomit.
YORKSHIRE Yorkshire is British slang for avarice.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
YOU AND ME You and me is London Cockney rhyming slang for tea.
YOU−KNOW−WHAT You−know−what is slang for sexual activity.
YOUNG FOGEY Young fogey is British slang for a well mannered, unfashionable, young person.
YOUNGBLOOD Youngblood is American slang for a Black youth.
YOUR FUNERAL Your funeral is slang for an unpleasant concern for which one must accept the consequences.
YOUT' MAN Yout' man is Jamaican slang for a youth.
YOUTH Youth is Jamaican slang for a hero, young people in general.
YOYO Yoyo is slang for a silly, eccentric, frivolous person.
YUCK Yuck is slang for horrible, vile, distasteful.
YUCKY Yucky is slang for horrid, nasty.
YUKE Yuke is American slang for to vomit.
YUM−YUM Yum−yum is American slang for sugar.
YUMMY Yummy is slang for delicious.
YUPIFY Yuppify is slang for to renovate and improve with a view to attracting professional people.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
YUPPIE Yuppie is slang for a young, snobby, wealthy, professional.
Z CAR Z Car is Australian slang for an official limousine.
Z'D OUT Z'd out is American slang for unable to wake up, sleepy.
Z'S Z's is American slang for sleep.
Z−BIRD Z−bird is American slang for a failure, someone who never achieves anything.
ZA Za is American slang for pizza.
ZAC Zac was Australian and New Zealand slang for a sixpence. Zac is Australian and New Zealand slang for a very small amount of money. Zac is Australian and New Zealand slang for a six−month prison sentence.
ZACATECAS PURPLE Zacatecas purple is slang for a variety of Mexican marijuana.
ZACHARY SCOTTS Zachary Scotts was 1940s and 1950s rhyming slang for diarrhoea (trots).
ZAD Zad was 18th century slang for something or someone crooked.
ZAK Zak is South African slang for money.
ZAMBI Zambi is slang for marijuana.
ZAMBUCK Zambuck was early and mid−20th century Australian slang for a St John's Ambulance man.
ZAMIE Zamie is Jamaican slang for a lesbian.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ZAMIETESS Zamietess is Jamaican slang for a tough, brawling woman.
ZANAX Zanax is slang for valium.
ZANE GREY Zane Grey is Australian rhyming slang for wages (pay).
ZANI Zani is slang for cannabis.
ZANZY Zanzy is Black−American slang for excellent. Zanzy is Black−American slang for attractive.
ZAP Zap is slang for to move quickly, to attack, kill, or destroy with a sudden bombardment. Zap is slang for energy, enthusiasm.
ZAPPED Zapped is slang for killed, destroyed, demolished.
ZAPPER Zapper is slang for a remote control.
ZAPPY Zappy is slang for full of energy.
ZAR Zar was early 20th century Black American slang for somewhere unpleasant.
ZARNDRER Zarndrer is slang for a long, single curl of hair brought from the back over the left shoulder and allowed to fall over the left breast.
ZARP Zarp is South African slang for a policeman.
ZASU PITTS Zasu Pitts was mid−20th century rhyming slang for diarrhoea (shits).
ZAY Zay is slang for a blunt with strychnine or rat poison. 1182
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ZAZZ Zazz is American slang for glamorous, fashionable. Zazz is American slang for to decorate, to make stylish.
ZAZZLE Zazzle is Black−American slang for sexual desire.
ZAZZY Zazzy is American slang for colourful, vivid; stylish, striking. Zazzy is Black−American slang for sensuous, erotic.
ZEB Zeb was 19th century slang for best.
ZEBRA Zebra was 19th century slang for a convict's striped uniform; a convict wearing such a uniform.
Zed is American slang for to fall asleep, to sleep.
ZED ABOUT Zed about is British slang for to wander about in a zigzag manner.
ZEDLAND Zedland was old slang for the West Country (the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset).
ZEE Zee is American slang for a Japanese sports car.
ZELDA Zelda is American slang for a dull, uninteresting girl. Zelda is South African slang for a pure blooded Zulu. 1183
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ZELDA GOOCH Zelda Gooch is homosexual slang for someone unfashionable.
ZEN Zen is slang for LSD.
ZENNIT Zennit is Dorset slang for seven nights, a week.
ZEP Zep is slang for a Zeppelin airship.
ZEPPELIN Zeppelin is slang for a large cannabis cigarette. Zeppelin is slang for a large penis.
ZEPPELINS IN A FOG Zeppelins in a fog is American slang for sausages in mashed potato.
ZERKED Zerked is slang for intoxicated by drugs.
ZERKING Zerking is American slang for odd, eccentric, bizarre.
ZERO Zero is slang for an insignificant person.
ZERO MINUS Zero minus is American slang for unacceptable, impossible.
ZERO OUT Zero out is American slang for to run out of money.
ZERO−COOL Zero−cool is American slang for extremely, impressive, admirable.
ZETZ Zetz is American slang for a punch, a blow.
ZHLUBBY Zhlubby is American slang for coarse, boorish.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ZHOOSH Zhoosh is Polari slang for to fix, to tidy.
ZIB Zib was mid−20th century American slang for someone eccentric.
ZID Zid is Dorset slang for seen, saw, observed.
ZIFF Ziff is slang for a young thief. Ziff is Australian and New Zealand slang for a beard.
ZIG Zig is American slang for a Black person.
ZIG−ZIG Zig−zig is slang for sexual intercourse.
ZIGABOO Zigaboo is American slang for a Black person.
ZIGGERBOO Ziggerboo is Black−American slang for a crazy person.
ZIGZAG Zigzag is slang for marijuana. Zigzag is American military slang for drunk.
ZIGZAGGED Zigzagged is slang for drunk, intoxicated, under the influence of drugs.
ZILCH Zilch is slang for nothing, zero. Zilch is slang for a nonentity. Zilch is American slang for to defeat. Zilch is American slang for to fail. Zilch is American slang for an easy victim. Zilch is American slang for a spot, a pimple.
ZILLION Zillion is slang for a very large number.
ZILLIONAIRE Zillionaire is slang for a very wealthy person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ZIM−ZIM Zim−zim is South African slang for a member of a politically orientated Black youth gang.
ZIMMER Zimmer is American slang for a girl.
ZING Zing is American slang for a sudden attack, retort. Zing is American slang for energy, enthusiasm. Zing is American slang for a high−pitched noise.
ZING UP Zing up is slang for to enliven.
ZINGER Zinger is American slang for something outstandingly good. Zinger is American slang for a wisecrack; punch−line. Zinger is American slang for a surprise question; an unexpected turn of events.
ZINGY Zingy is slang for energetic, enthusiastic.
ZIP Zip is derogatory slang for an Asian person. Zip is slang for nothing. Zip is slang for cocaine. Zip is American slang for an ounce of a drug.
ZIP COON Zip coon is Black−American slang for a subservient Black person.
ZIP GUN Zip gun is slang for a homemade gun capable of firing single shots.
ZIP IT Zip it is slang for shut up, keep quiet.
ZIP ONE'S LIP Zip one's lip is slang for to shut up, to keep quiet.
ZIPPER CLUB Zipper club is American homosexual slang for a venue that plays host to repeated oral sex.
ZIPPER DINNER Zipper dinner is American homosexual slang for quick, spontaneous fellatio in which the trousers are simply undone. 1186
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ZIPPER SEX Zipper sex is American homosexual slang for quick, spontaneous fellatio in which the trousers are simply undone.
ZIPPERHEAD Zipperhead is derogatory slang for an Asian person.
ZIPPERSNIFFER Zippersniffer is slang for a male homosexual. Zippersniffer is slang for a predatory female.
ZIPPO Zippo is slang for nothing. Zippo was American Second World War slang for the early model Sherman tank.
ZIT Zit is slang for a spot, pimple or boil on the skin (acne).
ZIT DOCTOR Zit doctor is American slang for a dermatologist.
ZITSFLEISCH Zitsfleisch is American slang for patience.
ZIZZ Zizz is slang for a short sleep or nap. Zizz is American slang for gaiety, liveliness.
ZIZZY Zizzy is American slang for a nap, a snooze.
ZNEES Znees was old slang for frost.
ZOD Zod is American slang for a fool, a dullard.
ZOFTIG Zoftig is American slang for pleasing, luxuriant, voluptuous.
ZOID Zoid is slang for a clumsy, foolish person.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ZOLA BUDD Zola Budd is South African slang for a taxi. Zola Budd is South African slang for a slow armoured police vehicle.
ZOMBIE Zombie is slang for a dull, vacuous person. Zombie is slang for a UFO.
ZOMBIE JUICE Zombie Juice is slang for Chlorpromazine hydrochloride.
ZOMBOID Zomboid is slang for stupid, dull, inert. Zomboid is slang for drunk, intoxicated.
ZONE OUT Zone out is slang for to lose consciousness due to drugs.
ZONED Zoned is slang for semi−conscious due to drugs.
ZONKED Zonked is slang for worn out, tired, or heavily intoxicated.
ZONKY Zonky is slang for odd; weird.
ZOO Zoo is Dorset slang for so.
ZOO DADDY Zoo daddy is American slang for a divorced father who rarely sees his children.
ZOOB Zoob is slang for the penis.
ZOOBRICK Zoobrick is slang for the penis.
ZOOEY Zooey is American slang for unpleasant, barbaric. Zooey is American slang for hectic, chaotic.
The Probert Encyclopaedia of Slang
ZOOK Zook is American tramp slang for a worn−out prostitute.
ZOOM Zoom is slang for amphetamines. Zoom is slang for cocaine. Zoom is Black−American slang for to obtain something without paying for it; to sneak in.
ZOOMIE Zoomie is American military slang for a pilot.
ZOOT Zoot is Black−American slang for a fashionable and flashy style in clothing.
ZOOT SUIT Zoot suit is British slang for a zipped forensic−evidence bag.
ZOOTY Zooty is American slang for strikingly fashionable.
ZOQUETE Zoquete is slang for heroin.
ZORBA Zorba is slang for to urinate. Zorba is Australian slang for a Greek.
ZORBA THE GREEK Zorba the Greek is rhyming slang for to urinate (leak).
ZOWIE Zowie is slang for energy, force.
ZS Zs (pronounced zeds) is slang for sleep, a nap.
ZSA ZSA GABOR Zsa Zsa Gabor is London Cockney rhyming slang for a whore.
ZUCCHINI Zucchini is American slang for the penis.
ZUKE Zuke is American slang for to vomit. 1189
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ZULL Zull is Dorset slang for a plough.
ZULU Zulu is derogatory slang for a black person. Zulu is astronautical slang for Greenwich Mean Time.
ZUMMIT Zummit is Dorset slang for something.
ZUMMUT Zummut is Dorset slang for something.
ZUP? Zup? Is American teen slang for how are you?
ZURUCKER Zurucker is Australian slang for a policeman.