Resting ng Shoulder ay 55 at 30 HU 70 10 RU 70 35 #RU 10 degress supination H$ %&'R 30 30 nee *5 degrees !le+ion &nle 10 % 2rist Slight ulnar deiation
55° abd, 30° hor add (scapular plane) 70°, 10° SU !ull ", !ull sup (HR) 70°, 35° sup 10° sup 30°, 30° abd, slight R *5° 10° %%- .id/ay .id/ay bet/een $n rb rb neutral slight ulnar deiation
More We Get Together
Spinosu4 4iddle 4eningeal aceru4 $6& .agnu4 ertical essel 6ecu4 4issary ein
&rtery $nternal 6arotid &rtery
Isang Linggong Pag-ibig
!ound 8 oose &reolar tissue (Scalp)
unes &bductors at %#' .artes : si #ic Halley .iye iyerul rules es %&d% Hal Halluci luciss #ig #igiiti .ini ini4i (br (breeis) is) Hu/ebes $nterossei ; .edial lantar
9 &#. 9 %# %H (tendon)
0 nothing at all 0-5 ery, ery /ea 1 is ery /ea * is /ea (/ea) 3 4oderate @ so4e/hat strong 5 strong A 7 ery strong B ? 10 ery, ery strong CERE#ELL%!" LO#ES
Bahay Kubo
old> 7 ery ery light ? ery light 11 !airly light 13 so4e/hat hard 15 hard 17 ery hard (at sa bandang huli) 1? ery ery hard
leron*+ Sinta
&ntero, alleo, Spino, .uscle ;one ;one oste
&nt-"alleocerebellu4" Spinocerebellu4> .s- ;one ;one ost-" 6oordination %locculonodular" &rchicerebellu4"estobiDpcerebellu4> balance eCuilibriu4
Fireworks by Katy Perry
R'6 5* E A5 %e4ale @-5 E 55 2'6 510 &;;S 1@0 This material material is for exclusive exclusive use of JROOZ Review Review Center and and its students. students. No part of this this material can be reproduced reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
$Fa/ 4o opening &ng 35G55 4illi4eters /ede rin ang 3 !ingers apag ito ay e+tended aya * !ingers !le+ed agdating sa lo/e e+ %e4oral nec sha!t angle .o na4ay 1*5 ag less 6J& &R& ag 4ore co+a &I& &nteersion BG15 CRANIAL NERVES AECTED
&$6& 5 A 7 $, $ ? 10 .S * 5 7 B .'$US 7 A SFIR< 7 ? 7 3 1 ;'$ .&R#GIU'R 7 A ahat sa 6# in 2allendburg 10 5 A 3 #. 6< 3 A 7 ? ang nasa # 6horus> &ng 6R&<$& <R, 6R&<$& <R I'S 7 ? 10 .L&S;<$& 6ranial
H&.LS$<, HGM< uro 4yosin H&.LS$<, & band actin at 4yosin H&.LS$<, .Gline gitna ng .yosin agGcontraction, HGNone 2aleyK & band HaeyK 6horus> &ctin lang (3+) ang $ '&<# &ng M #$S6 (*+) gitna ng &6;$< #ala/ag M #$S6 4ae up nag S&R6.R
Pyrai! by Chari"e
$$: angle (13G1B°)(<°>15°) !e4ale 1B 4ale 13 ;ibio!e4 sha!t A° u4onti I- &RU. su4obra ay &IU. ;ibial torsion ay *0 I
.obius> congenital loss o! 6< 7 A &$6&> estibub-'asilar &rtery 2allenburg " ateral .edullary Syndro4e
Pamela 1
&ctin> thin !ila4ent .yosin> thic !ila4ent S&R6.R> %unctional unit o! 4uscle
& &lpha e+tra, & I&..& intra ' pregang autono4ic, 6 S;I&
&ot % Co#! by Katy Perry
&> arge, 4yelinated '> .ediu4, 4yelinated 6> S4all, un4yelinated %ast pain> Super !icial Slo/ pain> deep <UR<> !unctional unit o! 6
Leron '( )inta
This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
%rontal puro .otor, @ ri4a, A re4otor .edial ng A supple4entary, at B %rontal eye !ield ? 10 11 1* reprotal 6orte+ ito @@ 'rocaOs &rea, ri4a .otor Speech &rea arietal P%eelingQ oob, Sensory erception 3 1 * ri4ary, 5 7 association 3? angular, @0 supra4arginal &ng 3rd line ay ;H&, e+ept pri4a gnostic area ccipital isual, 17 ri4a Striate 1B 1? &ssociation aa +tra Striate ;e4poral &uditory @1 ri4a @* &ssoc HS6H ILRUS silang dala/a, ** /ernce 'ERT!ANN(, S0n*rome I&a1e 'ert,mann
$ hae IR;S.&<< ;he le!t and the right %inger &gnoria, &graphia &caculia, 1 * 3 &rea 3? &ngular, 'alinthK Energ0 S0,tem
I 2a1e 3 2an*,
e!t and Right #isorientation '&$<;> bilateral Ierst4ann Energ0 S2u44ling
2eight i!ting, 100 4eter #ash ;hro/ing, Fu4ping, #iing E HSH&I< yan 'asetball at 'aseball Ho4enun #ash *00 4eters E I nay an .arathon, 6ross 6ountry Siing, Fog Sating, 10 E ay &R'$6 na S/i4 * to @, B00 #ash * ro/, $ 4ile Run = bo+K =&R, IL6, HSH&I< PLE$%SES
;H&> ;e4poroG%arietal Heteo4odal &ssociation &reas IR;.&<
#a0ang Ple6u,e,
Part0 Roc5 Ant2em +0 L!AO
hosphagen> &; E 6 Syste4 1st 30 secs Ilycogen E actic &cid> (IL6L;$6 SLS;. 30 E ?0 secs&erobic +idatie Syste4 * 4ins-
Lupang &inirang
&ll Scap, &+illary, Sube3labius 65 6A 65 6A 67 .6, at- ecs, ong ;horacic #orsal Scap 65, ;horacodorsal 6A to 6B 6B ;1 Ulnar, .edial eds, &ll roots Radial, .edian Ienito!e4oral 1 *, ahat ng llio 1 ateral %e4oral 6utaneous ay !ro4 * to 3 * 3 @ harap bturator, %e4oral sa iod @ 5 S1 :uadratus %e4oris at Sup- Iluteal S trun @ 5, - $nternus 5 S1 $n!erior Iluteal 5 S1 S* udendal S* S3 S@, iri!or4is S1 S* Sciatic ;ibial sa harap @ to S3 = 6o44on ero4eal sa liod @ to S* DATES TO RE!E!#ER OR CRANIAL NERVES
$o ? 7 1, G 6< 10 ? 7 11 &I& $o ? 7 3, E 6< 10 ? 7 3 arasy4phathetic $o ? 7 5, G 6< 10 ? 7 5 .i+ed E6it Zone, o4 Cranial Ner1e
l!actory 6ribi!or4, ptic 6anal pthal4ic &rtery 6< * Superior rbital, 6ranial
Apologi7e +0 One Repu+lic
1 6ribri!or4 late * optic 6anal 3 6< 5 0> S%
This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
pthal4ic branch 6< 5 $n!- r- Rotunda, .a+illary, .andibular ale, $&. 7 B - - - 7 style Fugular ? 10 11 .agna .edulla Spina nse = &S& 1* the sa4e 6horus> .id .engeal uNutaniNe Sa spinosu4 1- 6arotid uNutaniNe Sa ucenu4 = 6arotid LAC%NAR STROKE
@ S% 5 A
7 B $&. ? Fugular %ora4en 10 11 1*
Lacunar #ri*ge Lon*on #ri*ge
acunar bridge is !alling do/n ;H&&.$S, Sensory !all do/n Sterior i4b, .otor !all do/n $tOs in internal capsule RELE$ES
.> ale .- Rotundo4
&nterior i4b, oice !ace !all do/n #RS&
899 Re4le6e,
899 +0 Sean King,,ton
Fa/ Re!le+es ;rige4inal 'iceps 'radiiorad 65 6A ito, /oohK ;riceps 67 6B atella 3 @ .ed ha4s 5 1, at S1 S* ;ib post @ 5 &chilles S1 S* Upper ;7 ;?, o/er abs 11 1* ronator ;eres 6A 67 6re4asteric ;1* 1 'ulbocaernosus S3 S@ 6re4asteric> (G) Scrotu4 rise (tested side) &bsent> ' U.< U" .<
6re4aster ;1* 1 lantar S1 S* Iluteal @ S3 &nal S* @ SJO'REN(S DSE
&a 1 .iculicN, * SogrenOs, 3 Iougerot @ Sicca, 5 &utoe+o, Schir4er, Rpse 'engal .ani!estations> 6S, Jerosto4ia, &rthritis, #yspareunia R%, &<& arotoid, RaynaudOs, %eer pa ELT:(, ,0n*rome
&utoe+ocrenopathy> +ocrine Iland Scir4er Rose 'engal> Special ;est 6S> eratoconuntiitis Sicca Jeropthal4ia #yspareunia> dry se+ parotiditis I5a; Lang +0 Sout2+oar*er
%;L and, R&, U<$& S<.I&L and triad L.H&#<&;HL, I U6R ;HR.'6L;, <U;R<$& (*+) &t 4eron ding &<.$& LA!INA LO#O
Ako ay ay Lobo
S& S&.U
1> ain ;o *> light touch 5>T no+ious isceral a!!erent sti4uli A> 4ech- Signals !ro4 its sin 7> Mona $nter4edia> unconscious proprioception B> co44isual a+ons on possite side o! cord
? peripheral n- (")D 6entral () 10> 6entral canal 'AIT 9
Telep2one +0 La*0 'aga < #e0once
H S;R$ hip ay !le+ed 9 *0, %; %&; ay 15 This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
S/ing no ang hip, !le+ed ito nang *0 30 30 &nd nee na4an !le+ed ito ng A0, 30 at 0 (*+) &neeeee ==-le 10 % < < (*+) !ETS
A ;2ole Ne; !ETS
1-1 ying 1 * 1A Sitting 1? ** sit c /riting standing 1-@ E *-0 (9) /ash"shae *5G*A (9) dress"undress *3G33 2aling 1-*3 * 31 3@3 run 7-@ 6horus> 2heelchair to drie (*-B lang sya) Stair descend 5-* &scending ? * step cli4b 5-7 eating 1-5 2ashing !ace *-0 Sho/er 35 'edpan ay @ Se+ c /i!e 5 +tra4arital B ighthouse/or 1-7 heay 3GA !!ice /or 1-3 E *-3
A ;2ole ne; ;orl* 4rom Ala**in
*G5 I% @G5 '2$
Lo1e !o1e, +0 Nina
;A ;1* > yphoscoliosis 1*3 > Seere hip, seere hip d"l @5 > 4ild hip d"l, 6&6&<$&IUS S1 > 6&6&<&RUS S* > 6la/ing o! ;oes S3S@S5 > Sphincter 6ontrol 'AIT 3
Wal5 t2i, ;a0
#ron t2i, ;a0 +0 La*0 'aga
1*A c4 sa girls, 1@A c4 sa boys 70 to B*, 4ean ng S;R$#
Al;a0, +e m0 SCI
65 indoor /heelchair oer short distance 6A independent (*+) sliding board 67 &ll trans!ers, e+cept /heelchair to !loor (passie) R., /heelchair outdoor use 6BG;1 &4bulation c &ssist ;*Gt10 &4bulation s &ssist ;11G* household, !unctional a4bulation 3S3 6o44unity (*+) a4bulation
Al;a0, +e m0 #a+0 +0 !=C=
elbo/ " (biceps) /rist" elbo/" (triceps) hands 4s U ;run 4s (upper abs) o/er (standing c assist- #eice) 4s-
This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
2hirlpool e+tre4ity H high boy lo/ boy
!aging Sino Ka man
2 /idth ength# #i4ension (inches) 15 *BG3* 1BG*5 *0G*@ 3AG@B at *B *@ 5*G5A 1B labing /alo
%luidotherapy 3B-B E @7-B &ng Hot 6o4press ay @0G@* 2' @0G@@ &t and eloids ay @5G@B Heating ads ay 5* H. Hot &ir 'ath ay 70 E B0 o 6
Cra70 4o0 Cr0 %
$ce ;o/el 10G1@ &ng 6# &6 ay 10G15 666U 10G*5 $6 &6 ay 1* 6# &6 13G1B $6 .&SS&I= not V 15 &EALIN' TI!E
Cra70 4or 0ou +0 !a*onna
&6 = &<;=SR&L 30 1B @ angle inches in"sec not A secs
#irt2*a0 Song
* /ees '# SS 3G@ /ees ang <R A /ees ang ;<#< *G5 /ees %R&6;UR= o! H&<# 10 /ees U (
;ananananan U 3G@ 4os-3GA 4os AGB 4os-BG10 4os &<;R$R 6<;R# * yrs- ld 6<;R# '2 *G3 yrs%U<6;$<& H&<# 3 yrs- ld &6;$L 6<;R# < 3G@ yrsDEOR!ITIES
Empire State o4 !in* +0 Alicia Ke0,
6&$6 E 6$#6R&<$& #LSS;S$S SR
aricose Ulcer
undescended scapula nee> elligrini Steida
Sa,a50an Kita
Ilycopyroniu4bro4ide" Ilycopyrolate 2 2ater
This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
6 H & . S
Hyperhydrosis % %ungal $n!ection
&rthritis .echolyl Scleroder4a
U 6
H & <
Hyaluronidase . de4a 6 inca . &laloid
.uscle Spas4 6alciu4 6hloride .agnesiu4 Sul!ate
R & S 6 &
;enotin &dhesion Sodiu4 6hloride 6alciu4 deposits &cetic &cid
. & # H J
.ethyl Salicylate &ntiG$n!la44atory #e+a4ethasone Hydrocortisone idocaine hydrochloride Jylocaine rocraine hydrochloride
6opper S Sul!ate
' $ & S S #
H % Hay %eer (aso4otor rhinitis) Minc S Sul!ate Ulcer ($ndulent" 6lennal)
&ero +0 Enri?ue Igle,ia,
'rass $odine otassio4 $odine eloids otassiu4 Sul!ate &cetic &cid Salicilate
W&EELC&AIR VAL%ES In,omnia +0 Craig Da1i*
H&<# ; %R is= 3A &R. RS; ; %R is= 30 ;;& ; R;&; ?0 Lou need 3A ; R;&; 1B0 A0 3A0 you need A0+A0 BW ra4p 1*>1
handle E leg rest hand ri4 E hand ri4 /"c bound> reading actiities
3A> sin, handrails 1B> electrical outlet
buttocs to !ront o! /"c G*Q greater troch 9*Q (91 on each side)
'LAS'O$ CO!A SCALEI(ll ne1er get o1er 0ou +0 !:!P
L This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
@ Spontaneous 3 upon co44and * pain 1 /ala .;R
I6S 6 A !ollo/ SR 3GB AGB hrs 5 localliNed .#R&; ?G1* VA @ /ithdra/s .$<R" .$# 13G15 V*0 4ins 3 decorticate * decerebrate 1 /ala S6H 5 oriented Iood prognosis> @ disoriented S6H" SU<# E 6orte+ 3 inappropriate best indicator * inco4prehensible 1 /ala na na4an INTERERENTIAL T&ERAP:
6onstant .%6 100 HM 1 to 10 hN E 4uscle sti4ulation 100 hN E Sy4pathetic at 6hronic ain Rhyt4ic or ariable 1G100 hN er4eability ?0G100 E
#etc2a +0 'oll0 SCI
6@ o/erchair, chin, tongue, sip and pu!! 65 bliCue 6A ertical Handri4 67 /heelchair propulsion /ith open hands, absent !inger !le+or strength &ssistance needed> S6$ 6B /heelchair propulsion /ith closed hands, due to present !inger !le+or strength ;horacolu4barK ;1, ?, 1*, @ in this seCuence ;1G70 to B0 percentage o! ital capacity ;?G100 &% ;1 &% ;? &% @ 2aler ;1 and ;? o!tstrand ;1* and @ Starting !ro4 ;? S/ing to ;? %our point ;1* S/ing to ;?, t/o point @ #eauti4ul Ra*iation
1- IrotthusG#raper #ecreased and p(per4eability), increased ang a(absorption) *- 6osine a/ ?0 degrees (!or 4a+i4u4 absorption) 3- $nerse SCuare &y $(intensity) inerse to d(distance) sCuared @- 'unsen Roscoe (Reciprocity) Reciprocity i(intensity) inerse to the ti4e 5- Rayleigh Scattering, inerse to /aelength to the @ th po/er A- ircho!!Os #ensity ito $ncreased ang $, increased ang heat •
This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
FouleOs a/ $ncreased resistance increate(increased heat, 4eaning, resistance is directly proportional to heat) : X $ S:U&R# R; B- ant Ho!! HR (heart rate) increased by 10 apag increased by A degress ?- 2$< 2aelength, inerse to te4perature 10- %&R&#&L $ (.% produced in the conductor eCuals the rate o! change o! the !lu+ linage, in short, oltage is directly proportional to intensity) 11- enN pposite direction (the direction o! induced current is al/ays opposite the change /hich caused it) • •
Ieneral &- arge .yelinated '- .ediu4 Un4yelinated 6- S4all Sensory $a &nnulospiral $b I; $$ %lo/er spray, discri4inatie touch .;R $$$ !ast pain $ slo/ pain Carol o4 t2e Ner1e,
& alpha E $ & beta E $$ & delta E $$$ ure 4otor /ala (pure 4otor neres donot hae correspondence, such as ' and & ga44a) 6 E $, 6 E $ 'CS 4or PEDIA -C2il*ren(, Alp2a+et Coma Scale/
3 E 6ryiing * E hinga hinga (Spontaneous breathing) 1 E apneic @ E !le+"e+tend 3 E /ithdra/s (to pain) * E hypertonic 1 E !loppy (or !laccid) @ E pursuit 3 E intact, reactie (pupils) * E !i+ed, i4paired 1 E !i+ed, paralyNed ;ananan &OR!ONES -Cra70 4or 'lan*,/
ituitary, posterior +ytocin E 4il eection &#H E !luid conseration Hypersecretion E S$#H Hyposecretion E $nsipidus (#iabetes) This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
&nterior (pituitary) Iro/th (Hor4one) Iiant (hyper in children) and the d/ar! (hypo in children) &cro4egaly (hyper in adults) rolactin E 4il production ;SH(thyroid sti4ulating), &6;H(adrenocorticotrophic) hor4ones %SH(!ollicle sti4ulating hor4one) H(euteniNing h4) Ionads ito ;hyroid Iland ;hyro+ine, ;@ E 4etabolis4 Hyper E Iraes ang saet =pap pap pap= Iraes ang sait= 6retinis4(hyperthyroidis4) .y+ede4a(hypothyroidis4) 6alcitonin E calciu4 sa bones (ergo, blood ca leel is lo/ered) arathyroid, hyper and hypo steoporosis, ;etany &drenal .edulla E pinephrine (and
ulse duration (Usec) 6onentional 50 to 100 &cupuncture 150 to 300 'urst 50 G*00 'rie! $ntense 50 E *50 oint Sti4ulation 150 to 300 &cco44odation aries in duration ulse Rate (S) 50 to B0 and !reCuency ng High Rate 1 to 5 ang o/ Rate 6arrier 50 to 100, ulse ;rain 'urst 1G@ ('rie! $ntense ;
%reCuency %6 .%6 H%6
2ads/orth 1G*000 3GA 500
6layton 1G1 1G10 100
%use ulse duration 4s %reCuency HN Sensation
S$#6 0*G1 50 E 70, 100 $ntense stabbing
U<< &6 1 50 .ild pricling
6he4- 'urn ris Surging properties
high Surged
lo/ Surged
< &6 10 50 .ared pricling o/ .uscle surged" nere
This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
S# S# 6ure Rheobase ;anan= S# S# 6ure 6hrona+ie ;anan= Rheobase 300 4s pulse duration * to 10 4illi&4peres 10 to *0 bolts 6R (4ne4onics) 6old, Reinneration, de4a, U U U Heat, #egeneration, #eneration, #2< #2< #2< 6hrona+ie less than 1 4s, -14s %atigue, #eneration, artial #eneration, $sche4ia at de4a, U U U Reinneration #2< #2< #2< e!t
Rooting @ 4os;R, .oro, @ to A 4os &; 5, A, ? Cuilibriu4 AG1@ 4osRELE$ES
Spinal> o/est !or4 o! thining integrated 1B 4os% %le+or 2ithdra/al 6 6rossed e+tension ;raction . .oro S Startle> only pri4itie re!le+ that prolonged throughout i!e I Irasp la4ar"lantar I Ialant R Rooting 'rainste4 ositie Supporting> Stair cli4bing, running & ; rolling, hand to 4outh 4oe4ent S S; Cuadruped, cra/ing ;onic abyrinthine &ssociated R+n 6ortical> highest !or4 o! re!le+es> li!e 'H ptic Righting rotection 'H abyrinthine Cuilibriu4 <'
Par,onage @ Turner
hrenic, &+illary, Radial, Suprascapullar, Spinal &ccessory, ong ;horacic 'rachiala le+us arsonage .ale (co44only a!!ected) .otor (co4ponent o! neres) a--a- $diopathic 'rachial
;o ery cold 6old 6ool ;epid
T2e more ;e get toget2er
6 1G13 13G1B 1BG*7 *7G33-5 33-5G35-5 35-5G3A-5 3A-5G@0 @0GA0
o! 1 35G55 55GA5 A5GB0 B0G?*
?AG?B ?BG10@ 10@G115
#ASAL 'AN'LIA" coor*ination tec2nicalit0 o4 mou(tB ,2ort ,tor0
Si < 4ay 6 &ng &G& ni I Si <;$< ang I 'uti si 6orpus ang 6, I 6R'RU.> S4oothing o! 4oe4ents
Womani7er +0 #=S=
6ontents ng nec, iba anterior at posterior &<;R$R $
-Papara77i +0 L= 'aga/
Supine at Side 'ending ay *5, cough 5 to 35 aughing @0 to 50 2aling 15, ;run Rotation ay *0, Super4an ay 1B0 6horus> ag *0g ang ni $%;, 73 ang '<; <, 1A? ang S;R&$IH; < S$#L$
S;&<# 100, S; '$&;- SR ay 150, S; c 2$IH;S **0 VITA!INS < PRO#LE!S -I ;ant to 2a1e Vitamin,/
agulang a sa & 4ay <$IH;'$<#<SS sya, Sa # R$6;S sya sa '&;&, sa &#U;S S;R.&&6$& H.L;$6 &<.$& ess sa , ;6HRS agulang a sa , #UIG#UI ag '1 'R$G'R$ yan '1* R<$6$US &<.$& .&6R6L;$6 sa %$6, sa $R< .$6R sya $ s/ear S6URL sa $;- 6, <$&6$< &IR& &EREDITAR: !OTOR SENSOR: NE%ROPAT&:-&!SN/
$ $$ $$$ $ $ $$
#ac59 +0" R'O
6H&R6; .&R$ ;;H &#U; .&R$ ;;H S;;&S #FR$<S R%SU.OS 1*3 (HL;&.$6 &6$#) S$< 6R'&R #I<R&;$< (%R$#R$6H &;&J$&) ;$6 &;RHL (<UR$;$S) R;$<& $I.<;S&
ELECTRO P&:SIOLO': -Tattoe* on m0 min*/
&node &cidic * Ias arge %e/ Slo/ %or4ing 'ubbles in Hyperre4ia, o/ Ris !or 'urn HyperpolariNation &ng anyang <6 Sclerosis ang e!!ect nya sa nere Sclerotic na4an ang sa protein helingerOs a/ 6666 666 $nnerated 6&&6 #ennerated &66& .edication ng 6athode '$&SS# lng to R%JS
(6areless 2hisper)
%le+or 2ithdra/al ay 1G* 4os6rossed +tension ;raction *G5 .oro 5GA Irasp al4ar @GA lantar ay ? PEDIA RELE$ES 1
Spinal Re!le+es $ntegration panes 1G* ang !irst t/o %le+or +tensor &huK *
*G5 ;R&6;$< to 5GA ang .R hK ;&; ang R;$
Rooting (%eeding) 3 (9) Supporting ay A &;
.$#'R&$< R%JS (6ortical) nset ang haba inesK 'oHo right ' *
ara eCual ang tone A na lang ang R< 7GA S$; SU$< ?G1* :U&#RU# iyan
This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
&.&R IR&S$
&R BG? Si ;e
2'6 nor4al 5G10 ag 4ore than 5 $IH; J lang SS than 5 /ith %eer 6$ ang J ag less than 1, 4as standard prec&;RS 150G@50= K ag less than *0 &R. &#$ ag *0 to 30 light e+e 30 to 50 .#= J 6horus> H.&;6R$; sa .ale @* to 5* Sa %e4ale 37 to @7 'et/een ng
Ra4p grade B-3W, 1* to 1 length is to rise &t least 3A ang /idth, handrails 4ust be on R ReCuired /hen rise 8 least AQ, or horiNontal run 7* #oor/ay 4a+ depth *@, 4in- /isth 3* ;hreshold sa sliding door less Z ess hal! sa other doors, carpet the sa4e 'athroo4 sin 8 least *? ang height 17Q 4ini4u4 depth &t 4ost @0, !ro4 !loor to 4irror, or paper dispenser ;oilet 17 to 1? ang height Irab bar place4ent 33 to 3A 3A ang length, A"@ ang space 5"@ ang door dia4eter 2heel UGturning radius A0 /idth, length 7B %or/ard lo/ reach 15Q ohK High reach ay @B Side reach na4an ay *@, high/ay clearance /idth 3A aring space *@0 ang length, ang /isth ay ?A A0 + *@0 adacent aisle, space access *W, hotel roo4 the sa4e I#RO!:AL'IA #OD: PARTS -!0 toe,. !0 5nee,/
%ibro4yalgia, 11 out o! 1B This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
.y nees, greater troch, gluteals, at- pi*nd rib, supraspinatus, trapeNius, lo/ ceri cciput, idiin ng @ g '$6S S
&dductor 6anal Saphenous bturator HunterOs 6anal <- to astus .edialis Subsartorial 6anal &dductor 6anal %e4oral &rtery %e4oral ein HunterOs 6anal #eep y4ph essels LI'A!ENTS O T&E SPINE -BSpellF/
& &&; i ;ecto %&& &t Spucha 6hingKKK S:STE!IC L%P%S ER:T&E!AT%S%S -BStor0/
Si upe ay baluga(blacs)D si upe ay loaGloa(psychosis)-
Par,onage > Turner -In honor o* thesinger+ Tina Turner+ it,s her song+ btw+ I ee! a &ero. Parsonage / Turner is Bra"hia# P#e(itis+ in the song are the ner0es a**e"te!1
hrenic, &+illary, Radial, Suprascapular, Spinal &ccessory, ong ;horacic 'rachial le+us arsonage .ale (commonly affected) .otor (component of nerves) Cra70 4or 'lan*, -&orones an! their sour"es+ $#us their a"tion2eron $a2e**e"ts o* hy$er3hy$ose"retion2
ituitary, posterior +ytocin E 4il eection &#H E !luid conseration Hypersecretion E S$#H Hyposecretion E $nsipidus (Diabetes) &nterior ( pituitary ) Iro/th ( Hormone) Iiant (hyper in children) and the d/ar! ( hypo in children) This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.
&cro4egaly (hyper in adults) rolactin E 4il production ;SH(thyroid stimulating), &6;H ( adrenocorticotrophic ) hor4ones %SH (follicle stimulating hormone), H (Leutenizing hm) gonads ito (Thyroid gland ) ;hyro+ine, ;@ E 4etabolis4 Hyper E Iraes ang sait--pap pap pap=Iraes ang sait= 6retinis4(hypothyroidism), .y+ede4a(hypothyroidism) 6alcitonin E calciu4 sa bones ( ergo, blood a level is lo!ered) arathyroid, hyper and hypo steoporosis, ;etany &drenal .edulla E pinephrine (and "orepinephrine) ( #drenal orte$ ) .ineralocorticoid
6onstant .%6 100 HN ( These are the types of %eat reuencies, refer to your handout on *lectro, you+ll see it -nterferential Therapy uses .edium reuency urrents, !hich e$plains the . in the first line)
1 to 10 HN E 4uscle sti4ulation 100 HN E Sy4pathetic at 6hronic ain, Sy4pathetic at 6hronic ain 100 HN E Sy4pathetic at 6hronic ain=
Rhyth4ic or ariable ( 1&1// Hz is most freuently used) ' er4eability ( to increase), de4aGa/K ?0 to 100 E
Iod Ilobal $s $solated 'rilliant 'R6&Os ;o ;R&
%luency 6 R
[ G 6o4prehension " [ G9 Repetitie
G " 9 "[ G9 I$
[ G "[ G9 ' ;4
9 9 "[ G9 2 ;s
This material is for exclusive use of JROOZ Review Center and its students. No part of this material can be reproduced or duplicated without permission from JROOZ.