Synopsis of the Major Project Online Recruitment System

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The main objective of the Online Blogging System is to manage the details of Blogs,Topic,Idea,Content,Entries. It manages all the information about Blogs, Views, Entries, Blogs. The project …Full description

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The main objective of the Online Shopping System is to manage the details of Shopping,Internet,Payment,Bills,Customer. It manages all the information about Shopping, Products, Customer, Shopping. T...

The main objective of the Online Blogging System is to manage the details of Blogs,Topic,Idea,Content,Entries. It manages all the information about Blogs, Views, Entries, Blogs. The project is tota...

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The main objective of the Online Movie Ticket Booking System is to manage the details of Movie,Ticket,Customer,Show Timing,Audi. It manages all the information about Movie, Booking, Audi, Movie. Th...Full description

The main objective of the Online Food Ordering System is to manage the details of Item Category,Food,Delivery Address,Order,Shopping Cart. It manages all the information about Item Category, Custom...

The main objective of the Online Gas Booking System is to manage the details of Connections, Customers, Payments,Gas, Delivery. It manages all the information about Connections, Bookings, Delivery,...Full description

The main objective of the Online Food Ordering System is to manage the details of Item Category,Food,Delivery Address,Order,Shopping Cart. It manages all the information about Item Category, Custom...

The main objective of the Online Food Ordering System is to manage the details of Item Category,Food,Delivery Address,Order,Shopping Cart. It manages all the information about Item Category,…Full description

Project synopsis for "Online Doctor Management System".


Online Ordering System Project Proposal, which could help to increase the understanding for the online system. This paper aim to share knowledge.