ARC 402: Thesis
Case Study Checklist A. SITE LEVEL 1. Site details Location History Nearest Landmark Major Access to site - Entry and Exit Road Geometrics in the site Topography Utilities Water Supply, Electricity, telephone, Sanitary, Fire, Storm water drainage, Waste disposal, etc. Surrounding Context Neighborhood structures, Views-Vistas, Noise from streets, etc. Parking facilities Landscape features Any sustainable aspects, eg: Rainwater harvesting, etc.
B. Building Level 2. Planning study Horizontal & Vertical zoning of spaces. Typology of spaces Hierarchy of spaces 3. Parking Level(s) planning Entry and Exit ramps Spaces and Numbers Signage’s Safety and security Circulation routes Any advanced system of parking 4. Floor Plans study Each level study
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ARC 402: Thesis
Vertical cores - analysis Any philosophy / theme in planning Circulation routes for public (Horiz.,Vert., Visual) Circulation Service routes (Horiz.,Vert.) Administration spaces, service spaces
5. Services Lighting (Natural and Artificial) HVAC Water supply and Sanitation Fire Safety Elevators / Escalators Waste disposal Communication 6. Structural and Constructional Techniques 7. Material Study At Site Level – pavements , Steps, Entrance Flooring, etc., Building Level Flooring details of Common spaces, passages Atriums, Shop Interiors Façade treatments Roof details Wall claddings Service spaces Detailing of any special feature / technique. 8.
Activity Study Use of different spaces Activities in common spaces, passages, around elevators, entrance–exit. Recreational Areas (play zones) Food Courts Seating Spaces and Resting spaces Study and analysis based on Anthropometrics
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