What is Quantum Touch? File: quantum touch/print outs/What is QT Quantum-Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energ of the !od to promote optimal well wellne ness ss"" Life Life Force orce Ener Energ g## also also known as $chi% in &hinese and $prana% in 'anskrit# is the (ow of energ that sustains all li)ing !eings" Quantu Quantumm-T Touch ouch teach teaches es us how to focus# amplif# and direct this energ# for for a wide range ange of !ene* ene*ts ts with surp surpri risi sing ng and and ofte often n e+tr e+trao aord rdin inar ar results" Quantum-Touch is an e,ecti)e method for for reduc educin ing g !ack !ack pain pain # reali ealign gnin ing g struct structur ure# e# !alanc !alancing ing organ organs# s# gland glands s and sstems# reducing muscle aches# healing inuries# healing !urns# and so much more" Quantum-Touch is eas enough to !e lear learne ned d ! chil childr dren en## et et powe powerf rful ul enough to astound phsicians# chiropractors# phsical therapists# and a host of health professionals" .ne of the real os of this work is that we trul dont know the limits of what is possi!le" 0our lo)e has tremendous impact to !ene*t those around ou" 1Quantum-Touch has !ecome integrated into m practice of surger for for !rea !reast st canc cancer er pati patien ents ts"" 2ain ain is reduc educed ed## scar scars s heal heal fast faster er## spas spasms ms rela+# depression and fear turn to hope and healing# healing# and patients patients are aware that the are lo)ed as well as recei)ing quallit surgical care"1
3eorge 3eorge 4 We!!er# e!!er# 56# F7&'# 7&'# 8reast 8reast surgeon 9no 9no+)il +)ille le &omp &omprrehen ehens si)e i)e &enter# 9no+)ille# T
8rea 8reast st
Benefts o QT The !od has an e+traordinar e+traordinar a!ilit to heal itself and Quantum-Touch helps to ma+imi;e the !od> => > whol wholen enes ess s gi)e gi)en n the the prop proper er conditions" 2eople ha)e reported a wide range of orga organi nic c cond condit itio ions ns that that ha)e ha)e !een !een helped helped through through QuantumQuantum-T Touch" To gi)e some sense of the spectrum of things we ha)e encountered# pract practiti ition oners ers ha)e ha)e repor reported ted )arin )aring g degr degree ees s of impr impro) o)em emen entt with with pain pain relie elief# f# canc cancer er## re(e e(e+ smp smpat athe heti tic c dstr dstrop oph h sndr sndrome ome## reduc reducing ing li)er li)er en;me le)els# infections# hdro hdrocep cephal halus# us# impro impro)ed )ed eesi eesight ght## and much# much more" Quantum-Touch does not claim to treat or heal speci*c conditions@ the e,ecti e,ecti)en )eness ess of Quantu Quantumm-T Touch ouch is !ased on an indi)idual
Acceleration Process
5 partner and B ha)e seen a spontaneous remission of primar li)er cancer in a patient who was told she had C months left to li)e" That was D ears ago" We ha)e seen a spontaneous remission of !reast cancer" B ha)e used it in asthmatic (air-ups" We ha)e seen re)ersal in the deformities of rheumatoid arthritis" We ha)e used it in the treatment of panic attacks with success" We ha)e used it on a client with incapacitating histor of migraine headaches" We ha)e a client who canceled her scheduled !ack surger after !eing treated with Quantum-Touch" 'oooooooo# es# B can name people who ha)e !een
Atili;ing it in the operating room as a nurse anesthetist# with phsiologic monitoring in place# B can gi)e ou oodles of documentation of the e,ecti)eness of Quantum-Touch" This is one of the latest of m ad)entures" B was gi)ing a fellow anesthetist a !reak recentl# and the surgeon was D hours into tring to *+ a ti!ial fracture that would not reduce" The .4 nurses know *rsthand of m a!ilities# and smiled when B went into m <)oodoo< mode" 6oing a )ector analsis# B noted that the femur was also a,ected ! the ti!ial fracture" 8 utili;ing Quantum Touch # the ti!ia realigned itself under (uoroscopic )isuali;ation to the ama;ement of the surgeon and the radiolog technician" The returning
anesthetist ust smiled and nicknamed me <6r" 8om!a< after the character in 8ewitched" oanne 4 8oer# 4# 8'# &47# 5Ed Timoth Gurst# 87# 82hil# 65'
7 &ase 'tud on 'coliosis ! 'ri 7nanda 'ar)asri 3err came to us with an e+treme cur)ature of the spine known as scoliosis" Gere is a )isual account of the transformation of his spine in onl one hour using Quantum-Touch# with . phsical manipulationH 4emem!er# Quantum-Touch is not ust a!out mo)ing !ones# !ut transforming structures on all le)els" Bf such a transformation is happening phsicall# imagine what must !e happening on the deeper cellular and molecular le)els" ote# this healing took place in onl one hour" 'uch rapid transformations happen frequentl enough# !ut not e)er time" This is representati)e of the !est case" Tpicall# it ma take a few sessions to create this le)el of healing"
5o)ement of 8ones into &orrect 7lignment E)erone can facilitate the mo)ement of !ones within the *rst hours of training# which is astounding to most chiropractors" 8ones glide into alignment within a few seconds or minutes and the
practitioner need not understand anatom# since !od intelligence does the work and decides what should mo)e" 'pontaneous structural realignment causes no trauma# and the adustments hold far !etter than when force is applied" 1Quantum-Touch is an easil learna!le skill that can pro)ide !alance# healing# comfort# and postural realignment"% 6a)id 9amnit;er# 6"&"
Quantum Touch appears to !e the *rst technique that ma trul allow us all to !ecome healers"
~Dr. C. Ph.D"
Founding 2resident of the 7merican Golistic 5edical 7ssociation
!cellent res"lts #ith animals, an% &eo&le general anesthesia
$a$ies, "n%er
The results we see with !a!ies# pets# and people under general anesthesia suggest that the e,ecti)eness of Quantum-Touch is not due to a pschological mechanism such as place!o or suggestion" Bn 2ennsl)ania# pulmonar !lood gas le)els during surger were found to rise su!stantiall if the patient recei)ed Quantum-Touch while under general anesthesia" 'tories of people helping their pets are quite common"
Q"ant"m'To"ch Assists in Dog(s Mirac"lo"s Healing
9la# an ele)en-ear-old mi+-shepherd# had de)eloped a rash upon her forepaws@ she had also de)eloped se)eral csts o)er the ears" 'he was aging" 7fter taking her to two )eterinarians who o,ered nothing that helped" B thought# time to take matters into m own hands" 7 friend had suggested a deto+i*cation protocol" B ga)e her a few droppers full of the medicine o)er a few nights" Bnitiall# she was *ne# so B continued" .ne night within fort minutes of lapping the remed out of her !owl# howe)er# she was whimpering and shaking uncontrolla!l" Those !rown ees that had regarded me with such complete trust were !egging for help" Tremors took o)er !od" The simultaneousl low and high-pitched cr that came from her was painful to witness" B wrapped her in !lankets at the foot of m !ed# said a small praer that this was a mere a!erration and attempted to sleep" Bn the morning# 9la had not mo)ed" Ger ees# e+hausted and pleading# were outlined in a *lm of pain" 'he tried to get up with diIcult# her !ack legs not immediatel recei)ing the snaptic message" 8 night B had to carr her outside to go to the !athroom" Ger !od limp in m arms" B noticed that on her own she could no longer prop herself up# !ut rather collapsed onto the ground" .ne of the largest csts on her !od had dissol)ed# the rash on her paws had diminished# !ut she still wasnt eating and her )italit was dwindling"
The second morning# B had to carr her to her water !owl" Ger !od was hot to the touch@ fe)er had consumed her" 'he no longer looked like she inha!ited her !od# !ut rather was tethered to it# waiting for release"
9la lifted her head and looked right at me@ B simultaneousl recei)ed her look and started !awling" 9la placed her head down# closed her ees and rela+ed into her healing" The (oodgates opened"
With despair setting in a miracle arri)ed# a friend directed me to 9im Luchau for a Quantum-Touch Gealing session for 9la" 9im asked her hus!and# 5ark# who also practices Quantum-Touch# to help with this session# too" 9nowing that hes great with animals# she felt he
$'he has !een with ou since !irth#% 9im shared" $'he has !een a spirit guide for ou# !ut ou couldnt feel her# so she incarnated# so ou would know and feel her"%
While dri)ing to the session# B peered through the rear)iew mirror and noticed 9la had propped herself up for the *rst time in three das" When she met m ga;e in the mirror# B felt her con*rming her openness to this session" This touched me" 7fter we arri)ed# B carried 9la from the car onto a quilt for 9im and 5ark to work with her outside" 9im and 5ark re)erentl attuned their focus to 9la# and e)en asked me to participate" The touched her along her spine and around her neck" 9la accepted our touch" The !egan sweeping and !reathing with 9las clear opening to their lo)ing touch" 9im re(ected# $Within a short time B !egan hearing messages for 9ate coming from 9la" Bt was as if B was !eing asked to speak to 9ate for 9la"% B can clearl remem!er the *rst words 9im spoke: $9la does not want ou to worr if it is her time to go" 'he wants ou to know ou will ne)er !e separate"%
The depth of the lo)e that 9im was con*rming for me rocked m core" B alwas knew 9la and B had a !ond !eond comprehension# !ut to ha)e that !oundless# unconditional lo)e con*rmed outside of mself was hum!ling !eond words" $'he wants ou to know# that she will make sure# ou will alwas feel her"% 9im continued# $9la has had a hard life# and ou ha)e lo)ed her deepl# and she feels that" 'he wishes that ou would open to recei)e the lo)e she has to gi)e ou# as ou so readil gi)e to her"% B felt the searing pain of truth" $'he sas though#% 9im chuckled# $that ou tr and do the !est ou can"% 7s the session continued# B noticed that 9la was no longer tremoring" 9im and 5ark continued !reathing and sweeping# while also contacting and clearing the communication from 9las cranial ner)es to her sacrum" B could feel for the *rst time since she took the medicine her !od was at ease@ 9im remarked at one point that
9la had shifted into processing her !irth trauma" $7nd B feel like she is choosing#% 9im continued" $0es#% B agreed" o more needed to !e said" We would wait and see if 9la choose to sta" The session wound its wa into a deep# peaceful place" 9im and 5ark had graciousl worked on 9la for an hour" 7t the sessions end# 9las ees !rightened and she looked lighter and more )ital" .n the wa home# a mere *fteen minutes after the session# B pulled the car o)er for 9la to relie)e herself" B alread noticed a di,erence in her stance" 'he e)en walked o)er to guinea grass and started to chew" B couldnt !elie)e m ees: B hadnt seen her chew in almost four das" Later in the afternoon# B reali;ed 9la was no longer hot" Ger fe)er was gone" When B carried her down the steps outside# it struck me: her !od was hea)ier" B started to cr !ecause B reali;ed 9la had chosen to sta" .)er the ne+t *)e das# 9la recei)ed a series of acupuncture sessions" Bt is m !elief that the QT session ser)ed as the crossroads of 9las spirit" Each da after that session# B literall watched 9las spirit pour !ack into form" Two das after the session# she was eating meager amounts" 7fter four das# she was eating rice and !roth and could walk on her own for *fteen minutes" .n da *)e# she wagged her tail@ a sight B thought B would ne)er see again" Within se)en
das her full appetite had returned# all of her sstems were functioning with normalc# se)ent-*)e percent of her csts were gone# her rash was gone and the skin of her forepaws was health@ we were !ack to taking our dail fort-*)e minute walks along 9auais 9ealia !each" E)erone who saw her was in awe" B ha)e ne)er witnessed the miracle of lo)e the wa B watched m dog re-incarnate" The healing and the messaging that we shared through 9las Quantum-Touch session has altered me in more was than B can descri!e# and it has granted 9la her life !ack" 8 9ate 8renton 9im Luchau is a certi*ed Quantum Touch Bnstructor K 2ractitioner in 9auai# Gawaii"
)n*ammation %"e ra&i%ly re%"ce%.
Quantum-Touch works wonders postsurgicall# as well as on trauma# !urns# and e)en poison oak" .ne nurse told me that a phsician asked her to stop using Quantum-Touch post-surgicall since he could no longer predict how much pain medication to gi)e the patient"
1Bn m )ast e+perience# B<)e ne)er seen anthing to compare with the positi)e results of Quantum-Touch" Bt ena!led a,ected team mem!ers to resume competiti)e pla in a )er !rief period of time following an inur# and the impro)ements seemed to
continue e)en after the therapeutic sessions"1 6uane 3arner# &oach A&'& 5en
motional an% &sychological con%itions res&on% #ell to Q"ant"m'To"ch. 2anic attacks will usuall conclude e+tremel rapidl# and B<)e heard reports of it working well with multiple personalit disorder and o!sessi)ecompulsi)e disorder" Life-force energ can cause one to feel emotionall !alanced and can !ring a!out rapid and profound emotional shifts in a short amount of time" Bt is not uncommon for someone who is e+perience an e+tremel painful emotional state to !e !rought to a state of well !eing in session of = to C> minutes" Bnduction of sleep or deep meditation" Within a!out D-M minutes# most people will start ha)ing their ees mo)ing in)oluntaril if the recei)e a session on their head while the are ling down" These people will often feel as if the had fallen asleep" B am told that there is nothing in pschological literature that would allow people to drift so quickl into sleep unless the were se)erel depressed or had had narcoleps" 5an people feel that the are mo)ing into the fastest and deepest meditation of their li)es" For others# it shows them what it would !e like to meditate deepl"
Distant Healing 6r orman 'heal had de)ised a test he has used for decades on famous people that he termed $world class healers"% Ge found that some of them actuall had the a!ilit to dramaticall a,ect a su!ects EE3 readout from a distance when the su!ect did not know that the were recei)ing a distant healing" 7fter testing me# he tested his secretar# accountant# and some of his nurses" 6r" 'heal wrote that 5an of m sta, were trained and we were a!le to demonstrate that Quantum-Touch# e)en without touching the patientNHO# is capa!le of changing the electroencephalogram"% 4eshaping !unions and deformed or !roken !ones"
We ha)e seen this phenomenon happen occasionall" Timoth Gurst had a multiple fracture of his forearm" When his cast was remo)ed# he had a large !anana cur)e in his forearm" 7fter one session# the !anana cur)e almost completel straightened out" 4e)" White 'quirrel had !een in an accident and later de)eloped a seriousl cur)ed femur !one" Ger doctor wanted to surgicall cut the !one in half and remo)e a wedge and then set the !one at a M-degree angle" 7fter a single session# the !one somehow straightened out and now causes her no pro!lems" From time to time we ha)e also seen !unions reshaping themsel)es# and B)e heard a few other reports of spontaneous healing of !roken !ones"
We don
Ho# Does Q"ant"m'To"ch nergy Healing or- Gealing is a fascinating process which is generall )er poorl understood" 7lthough it ma !e tempting to !elie)e that we can heal other people# it is of utmost importance to reali;e that all healing is self-healing" The !od has an e+traordinar intelligence and a!ilit to heal itself" 3i)en the right energetic# emotional# nutritional# and spiritual en)ironments# the natural state of the !od is perfect health" .ur fa)orite de*nition of a healer is someone who was sick and got well@ a great healer is someone who was )er sick and got well quickl" 7lthough all healing is self healing# we can assist other people heal with their own healing process" Quantum-Touch uses life-force energ Nknown as $chi% in &hinese and $prana% in 'anskritO to facilitate healing" The Quantum-Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplif life-force energ ! com!ining )arious !reathing and !od awareness e+ercises"
Life-force energ is an e,ecti)e tool for healing !ecause of the principles of resonance and entrainment" Bn phsics# entrainment theor is the process where two )i!rating o!ects# )i!rating at di,erent speeds# start to )i!rate at the same speed when energ is transferred !etween the two o!ects" Entrainment shows up in chemistr# nerolog# !iolog# medicine# and more" For e+ample# crickets will chirp in unison and *re(ies will (ash at the same time" Asing the Quantum-Touch techniques# we can create a high frequenc of lifeforce energ" Bf we place this *eld of high energ around an area of pain# stress# in(ammation# or disease# the !od can entrain to the higher frequenc# thus amplifing the !od
We !elie)e that serious research into life-force energ will ine)ita!l transform our conception of phsics# chemistr# !iolog# medicine# pscholog and !otan leading to an entire new !ranch of science" Bncluding the concept of 1consciousness1 or Life-Force Energ in science will not onl change the sciences fore)er# !ut e)en more importantl# our world will fore)er !e di,erent as people reali;e that their lo)e has impact and their lo)e has )alue" 2rofessional practitioners of )arious modalities ha)e told us that this work can !e seamlessl com!ined with what the know# and in most cases it has transformed their practice" This list includes chiropractors# osteopaths# phsical therapists# acupuncturists# cranial sacral therapists# chi gung instructors# and reiki masters# to name !ut a few" La people disco)er an elegant and profound hands-on healing method that the can e,ecti)el use" Which 4ose 4ecei)ed Quantum-Touch? Terri recei)ed a do;en roses on 5onda as a gift" .n Wednesda# a da that we ha)e a full da of sessions# Terri !rought m wife# Fern# one of the roses as a gift" Fern ran energ into a )ase full of water# then placed the rose into the water and ga)e it one more !oost" The following 'unda# when we held our regular ser)ices at four in the afternoon# Terri !rought the remaining roses to place on our altar" Fern added her rose to the other roses" Fern
alread stood out" 8 the end of the ser)ice# which was held outside under the sun# onl Fern
/hy the To"ch0
B call the work Quantum-Touch !ecause of the awareness that we
her )i!ration to a )er high pitch" Then ! holding their hand o)er the a,ected area# the !od responds ! doing its own healing" 8ut ou don
Has Q"ant"m'To"ch $een ormally teste% Bn m e,orts to )alidate hands-on healing# B met with 6r" Elmer 3reen# considered ! man to !e the father of !iofeed!ack" 6r" 3reen had !een aware of m work for the last D> ears through m *rst !ook# and was enthusiastic when B let him know a!out m new work B had named Quantum-Touch" Thanks to his suggestion# within two weeks B was on a (ight to 'pring*eld# 5issouri to see 6r" orman 'heal" 6r" 'heal was trained as a neurosurgeon# is the author of numerous !ooks# is the founding 2resident of the 7merican Golistic 5edical 7ssociation and was the doctor who tested# introduced and taught classes with 6r" &aroln 5ss" 8eing quite the skeptic# it seems appropriate that he li)es in 5issouri" When B arri)ed# 6r" 'heal asked me to work on mem!ers of his sta," .ne woman had shoulder pain# another !ack pain# and a third had neck pain" These were all relie)ed in less than ten minutes each" 6r" 'heal then decided it was time to put this technique to a !igger test" 7fter B e+plained to him that each person has the a!ilit to hold a resonance that can allow !ones to spontaneousl
glide !ack into alignment with onl a light touch# he led me to a room where a ear old woman was in a great deal of pain su,ering from osteoporosis" .ne of her hips was massi)el higher than the other# and she could !arel walk" There were three phsicians in the room# and the were taking her histor for a!out thirt minutes" When it was time to demonstrate what B do# B asked the elderl woman to stand up and B gentl placed m hands on her hips with a!solutel no pressure# and started to run the energ" 4unning energ in)ol)es the use of speci*c !reathing and !od awareness e+ercises to raise one s )i!ration" This energ has !een descri!ed ! numerous cultures for thousands of ears R it is most commonl called prana# chi or ki" Bn a!out => minutes the woman s hips had completel e)ened out and she could now walk without pain" B e+plained that when the !od recei)es a high )i!ration# it responds in whate)er wa it chooses in order to accelerate the healing process" Quantum !iologist# 3len 4ein# 2h"6" from 0 has found that healers were capa!le of a,ecting the )er winding of 67" Bn order to accomplish this# healing must *rst !egin on a quantum or su!atomic le)el and work its wa though the rest of the !od" 6r" 'heal had a histor of testing what he termed $ world class healers% like .lga Worall# and he found that some of them could actuall a,ect !rain wa)e patterns at a distance" 'o while B was in his clinic# he wanted to
see if B could do it too" Ge was somewhat delighted that B was a!le to profoundl a,ect !rain wa)es patterns# !ut what reall ama;ed him was that all of his sta, mem!ers# who B had trained# were also a!le to a,ect EE3 readings" $Bsnt it great#% B told him $that our secretar# our accountant and one of our nurses all happen to !e world class healers "% 0ou see# we are all trul connected# and its not ust some sort of new age pep talk" Quantum-Touch is unique in how quickl and how powerfull la people as well as professionals learn to do healing work" When 6r" 'heal tested Quantum-Touch# he wanted to see how it worked on his most diIcult chronic pain patients with D> and C> ears of constant chronic pain" These were people who had not !een helped ! an traditional or non-traditional therap" B taught his sta, to use Quantum-Touch and we ga)e these patients group-healing sessions" 7 week after B returned home# 6r" 'heal called me to tell me that the C>-M> pain relief his patients e+perienced from a single session had lasted o)er a week" This impressed him# and those who know 6r" 'heal sa that he is not easil impressed" 6r" orman 'heal wrote the foreword of m !ook# and now includes Quantum-Touch as part of a course for graduate students at 3reenwich Ani)ersit"
nergy 1ollo#s )ntention
Energ reall does follow thought" .ur lo)e has more impact than anone knows# and when ou learn to direct the life-force energ# the possi!ilities are trul e+traordinar" 67# molecules# cells# tissue# organs and e)en the position of !ones all respond to the powerful )i!ration of our lo)e as e+pressed through the lifeforce energ that comes through our hands" Gands-on healing is real# natural# and an easil learned# !asic human skill that clearl shows us that our lo)e is far more wondrous and powerful than an of us know" 0ou sa $our Lo)e has impact%# what do ou mean ! $Lo)e?% NE+cerpt from page CD of Quantum Touch: The 2ower to Geal D>>P re)ised edition Gealing work is all a!out lo)e# and the practitioner learns to hold a )i!rator *eld of this lo)e" To clarif m terms# when B sa $ lo)e#% B am not speaking in the traditional sense of the sort of lo)e that a mother has for a child# a hus!and for a wife# or a!out a winged cheru! with a !ow and arrow" B m speaking of a more !asic form of lo)e R one that is more innate and intrinsic" Ga)e ou e)er watched children pla? The seem to alwas sa# $Watch meH% 'o whether ou are from the child s culture or an other culture# whether ou speak the language or not# if ou sit there simpl watching that child# he or she will feel lo)ed" 'impl gi)ing our attention to a child is automaticall e+perienced as an act of lo)ing" This is what B call
nonenculturated or nonassociati)e lo)e !ecause it has nothing to do with our !ackground# our race# religion# politics# or other !eliefs ou ma hold" Quantum-Touch is a!out !eing present# which is an e+pression of our essence" B would call this kind of lo)e $ preconditional% and !elie)e that our )er nature and essence is made up of the fa!ric of lo)e" Whether ou !elie)e it is there or not Nin m opinionO is irrele)ant" This lo)e is the essential nature of our !eing that comes through our hands regardless of our mood" 0our fundamental# instincti)e# and most !asic energ is that of lo)e" 0ou don t ha)e to work at it R it is who ou are" 7s a rock does not ha)e to tr to !e more $ rock-like% and water does not ha)e to tr to !e wetter# we do not ha)e to tr to ha)e more essence of lo)e" We can# howe)er# endea)or to acknowledge how much lo)e there reall is" Bntent is something that happens so automaticall# most people ust miss it" When ou simpl walk across the room# ou alread generated the intention to do so" 0ou see# lo)e and intention are among the most natural qualities we ha)e" Bf ou are reading this !ook to learn to do healing# ou alread ha)e suIcient lo)e and intention to do a wonderful o!"
Ho# asy is Q"ant"m'To"ch to 2earn
B teach people some )er simple !od awareness e+ercises and some )er simple !reathing e+ercises" When the !reathing and the !od awareness e+ercises are linked together# the are running life force energ in a terri*c# powerful wa" This is not a hard skill" This is an e+tremel eas thing that people can do" B am con*dent that e)erone will !e a!le see that the can mo)e !ones into alignment with a light touch# on the *rst da of class" B get a lot of o watching people measure a standing persons hips# clearl identif that one hip is o)er an inch higher on one side# then moments later# ust touching the hips# !ecome astounded that the !ones ust melted !ack into place" 8 the wa# since no force is used# the adustments tend to last a )er long time or ma e)en !e permanent" 'ince no in)asi)e force is generated# the !od does not push against the change" &an children learn Quantum-Touch? &hildren ust lo)e this work# and B often ha)e kids in m classes" Bt reall seems to !e something that !oosts a childs self-esteem to see that the can do something so completel ama;ing" B want the kids to know that the world is a magical place and the are full capa!le doing wonderful things" Gow does Quantum-Touch work with other healing modalities?
.ne of the unique qualities of Quantum-Touch is that it elegantl works in conunction with an other healing modalit# and is a great stand alone therap as well" &hiropractors tell me that it is an ad)anced form of chiropractic since !ones glide !ack into alignment with onl a light touch" 7cupuncturists# naturopaths# osteopaths# phsical therapists# 4eiki masters# chi gung# cranial sacral practitioners# U ou name it# the all tell me that this work transforms their practice" Quantum-Touch allows people to easil hold an e+tremel high )i!ration in their hands through !reathing and !od awareness e+ercises" This can cause a *eld of energ that can profoundl accelerate healing in organs# glands and tissues of the !od@ pain and in(ammation are rapidl reduced as a consequence of the healing"