By Romeman
In Gann's course "Forecasting by Time Cycles," on Page 1, he wrote: "The ancient hunters had a rule that when they were searching to locate an animal in his den, they alw ays followed his tracs bacwards, f iguring that it was the shortest route to his lair!" hat is the thing that that you need to study more than anything else when studying studying Gann# The thing you need to find in its lair# TI$%! &tudy it oer and oer and oer and oer and oer again! "TI$% is the most im(ortant factor," Gann said! htt(:))finance!grou(s!yahoo!com)grou()wheelsinthesy)message)*+"Get the idea of prices out of your head !" !" Gann, Truth of the &toc Ta(e, (! 1. /italics in the original0 &o your Gann study begins and ends with TI$%! oes he tell you what time is# 2o! $ost of us now ery little about time! I made a series of (osts in IT& called 3hat time is it#4 that shows this to be the case! Gann also says: "!!!by a (ro(er study of the re(etition of cycles we can determine the time w hen im(ortant eents will tae (lace in the future! future! !!! "$y calculations are based on the cycle theory and on mathematical se5uences! 6istory re(eats itself! That is what I hae always contended, 77 that that in order to now and (redict the future of anything you only hae to loo u( what has ha((ened in the (ast and get a correct base or starting (oint! $y authority for stating that the future is but a re(etition of the (ast is found in the 8ible! "9ead %ccl! 1: :' The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun!' act mathematical law is only restricted by lac of nowledge of correct data on (ast history to wor from! It is ?ust as easy to figure 1@@ years or 1@@@ years in the future as one one or two years ahead, if you hae the correct starting (oint (oint and now the cycle which is going to be re(eated! "< few years ago een scientific men, not alone the (ublic, would hae laughed at such a thing and refused to beliee it! 8ut mathematical mathematical science, which is the only real science that that the entire ciiliAed ciiliAed world has agreed u(on, furnishes unmistaable (roof of history re(eating itself and shows that the cycle theory, or harmonic analysis, is the only thing that we can rely u(on to ascertain the future! !!! "'6ow do I forecast future cycles#' you may as! In order to forecast future cycles, the most im(ortant thing is to begin right, for if we hae the right beginning, beginning, we will get the right ending! ending! If we now the cause cause of the effect, then there can be no doubt about (redicting the future eent or effect! I hae always l ooed for causes and when once I determine a cause I can always be sure of the effect or future eent which I (redict! IT I& 2BT $ (lained it!" ! ! Gann, The Tunnel Thru the Air, Air , ((! 7Therefore Gann studied time through CC=%&: "!!! eerything wors according to (ast cycles !!!" "cycle theory !!! I& T6% B2= T6I2G that we can rely u(on to ascertain the future!" "Time is the most im(ortant factor!"
If you now little or nothing about astrology, in order to begin to a((roach its study as a cyclical idea of time /which is the way we want to a((roach it0, I highly recommend Palden Henins's Living in Time, which is aailable on7line: htt(:))www!isleofaalon!co!u)time!html ! , which I (osted in IT& and should be stored somewhere in the &olaris !htm ! 6eindel 39a(hael 3&e(harial /alter Gorn Bld0 3Peo(le nown as 'Gann's astrologers'! 3=! %dward Hohndro 3=! H! Hensen4 ou may not want to read 3all their boos4 immediately! That can tae (lace oer time! 8ut when you feel you hae a nowledge of some basic astrological (oints, you might want to wor through, again and again, =uther /3=! H!40 Hensen's boo Astro-Cycles and Speculative Markets, sold by =ambert7Gann! Hensen uses one word where .@ or 1@@ might be more hel(ful, so you will want to wor with him ery methodically and (atiently! 6e was found by IT& inestigators to hae wored for ! ! Gann! t I would read the boos on Ganns recommended reading list! $any aailable free to you here at IT& /more from the list are on the way0! T6%2 I would go oer to the &olaris site and start looing through it! I can almost gaurantee you that by doing this your thining about Gann will hae e>(anded dramatically! Please follow these as I am sure it will hel( !!! I can assure you the best Gann boo is 'The Tunnel Thru The