Nokia Academy mcRNC User Interface
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mcRNC User Interface
SCLI short reference (fsclish) Alarm handling via fsclish Useful commands Saving and restoring configuration Adding user
SCLI short reference (1/6) •
mcRNC uses Structured Command Line Interface (SCLI) For configuration, administration, and monitoring Shell for SCLI in mcRNC is fsclish •
Browse available commands in a command, syntax tree view, use command auto completion, and access context sensitive help
Stored as a tree of commands Command to display command tree is cmdtree •
Follow command tree branches by pressing tab button
The generic syntax of SCLI
is a top level command that describes the type of
operation •
is the next level command defined by SCLI modules
The includes the parameters for top level commands
SCLI short reference (2/6) •
Pressing tab key shows the available parameters 3 types of parameters Executable parameter denoted with symbol [X] •
Mandatory parameter denoted with symbol [MX]
Optional parameter denoted with symbol [OX] [X] - Out of the displayed parameters only one can be used with the top level command at a time, leaving rest optional [MX] - All mandatory parameters must be used in the command and can have a default value [OX] - Optional and default values are meaningless exit - to return to upper level command q - to quit long text output •
set config-mode on – to acquire a configuration lock against
parallel configuration management
SCLI short reference (3/6) • fsclish modes •
Interactive mode
Non interactive mode •
Single command mode Batch mode
Interactive mode By typing fsclish in a node of mcRNC •
provides basic command line editing functionalities and access to various commands implemented both as part of the framework and by SCLI framework users
Single command mode Only one command in the command line " Command: fsclish –c "single command •
SCLI short reference (4/6) •
Batch mode The persistent session feature helps to execute multiple single commands in the same SCLI session Useful where the state of preceding commands affect the following commands –c 'single command ' Command:fsclish –p •
An unused persistent session will expire after 1 hour of idle time Command:fsclish –r to clear the persistent session Command:fsclish –f run SCLI batch file
Interrupting command execution Graceful interruption •
Ctrl-C •
Forced interruption Ctrl-C-Ctrl-Z
SCLI short reference (5/6) •
Top level commands •
SCLI short reference (6/6) •
Some top level commands •
networking networking-service
Alarm handling via fsclish (1/3) •
Operation command -> show
Top level domain commands -> alarm
SSH to active CFPU unit
Enter fsclish •
show alarm
Alarm handling via fsclish (2/3) Alarm print out via fsclish r oot @CFPU- 0 [ RNC- 602] > show al ar m act i ve CFPU- 0@RNC- 602 Al ar ms: Li st of Al ar ms
[ 2013- 11- 07 13: 53: 03 +0800]
Al arm I D Speci f i c pr obl em Managed obj ect
: 30740 : 70164 - ETHERNET LI NK FAI LURE : f si pHost Name=EI PU- 1, f sFr agment I d=Nodes, f sFr agment I d=HA, f sCl ust er I d=Cl ust er Root Sever i t y : 4 ( mi nor ) Cl ear ed : no Cl ear i ng : aut omat i c Acknowl edged : no Ack. user I D : N/ A Ack. t i me : N/ A Al ar m t i me : 2013- 11- 06 16: 30: 16: 000 CST Event t ype : x5 ( equi pment ) Appl i cat i on : f shaPr ocess I nst anceName=Net wor kManager , f shaRecover yUni t Name= FSNet wor kManager Ser ver , f si pHost Name=EI PU- 1, f sFr agment I d= Nodes, f sFr agment I d=HA, f sCl ust er I d=Cl ust erRoot I dent i f appl . addl . i nf o : et hs f p12_ r 1 Appl . addl . i nf o : Li nk down --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alarm handling via fsclish (3/3) •
Active alarms show alarm active
Filter active alarm based on severity •
Severity levels -
1 – indeterminate
2 – critical
3 – major
4 – minor
5 – warning
6 – cleared
show alarm active filter-by severity •
Alarm history show alarm history show alarm history-count
Clearing alarm set alarm clear alarm-id
Unit status •
Display the working and standby units (Linux command line)
ilclifunit –u
show has functional-unit unit-info (fsclish version)
To see how the functional units as distributed over the octeons on each node of a BCN box hwcli (Linux command line) •
show hardware state list
(fsclish version)
Display the system status •
show tools system-status brief list
show tools system-status detailed list
Managed Objects commands - SCLI Checking or setting state of Managed Objects (Nodes and Recovery Groups) can be done inside f scl i sh. Below are command examples: •
Checking state of High Availability Services show show show show show
has has has has has
summary state managed-object /*PU* state managed-object /CFPU*/QND* filter node state managed-object /* filter rg state managed-object /*
Lock a functional unit for example CFPU-1 set has lock managed-object /CFPU-1
Lock all recovery groups with QN set has lock managed-object /QN*
To unlock all recovery groups with QN set has unlock managed-object /QN*
To restart EIPU-0 set has restart managed-object /EIPU-0
To switchover /SSH to a different CFPU set has switchover force managed-object /SSH
Managed Objects commands - Linux command (1/2) •
Equivalent command fshascli to check or set state of Managed Objects. Some of the options are: -h, --help (prints information screen of the command) • • • • • • • •
-s, -l, -u, -r, -X, -w, -W,
--state --lock --unlock --restart --shutdown --switchover --forced-switchover
Lock a functional unit for example CFPU-1 fshascli -l /CFPU-1
Lock all recovery groups with QN fshascli -l "/QN*"
To unlock all recovery groups with QN fshascli -u "/QN*"
To see the status of all recovery groups with QND in CFPU-0 and CFPU-1 fshascli -s "/CFPU*/QND*"
To reset the whole mcRNC fshascli -r /
Managed Objects commands - Linux command (2/2) •
State of the recovery groups, recovery units and hardware units can be monitored in table format using fshascli --tab command. fshascli --tab "/*PU*"
(prints node states)
fshascli --tab "/*"
(prints node and recovery group states)
fshascli --tab "/*/*"
(prints recovery unit states)
To see the status of all recovery group with QN* fshascli --tab "/QN*"
Software version To see the SW version (Linux command line)
fsswcli –c
show sw-manage current all
(fsclish version)
Saving the configuration in fsclish This operation has to performed on CFPU in fsclish daemon. To save the configuration, use save snapshot
Unsave configurations may be lost after RNC restarts.
Note: Other commands for snapshot exists. But software build (using sw-manage app-sw-mgmt operations) is now the preferred way to manage different configurations.
Create an account using SCLI commands •
Enter fsclish daemon.
Add user and assign to groups. add user-management user primary-group secondary-groups
Set the password for the newly created user. set user-management passwd set-user-passwd user
Groups commonly used: _nokfsuimanage, _nokfsuimonitor, _nokfsuilog, _nokfsuiseclog, _nokfsuifiletransfer, _nokfsuilimitedbash
One or more groups to be used if more access is required: _nokfsuiwheel, _nokfsuifsclishroot, _nokfsuivendoradmin, _nokfsuifullbash, _nokfsuiusbmanage