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System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Master Adventures and The Grave of the Prince of Lies © by Øone Roleplaying Games
The Grave of the Prince of Lies by Mario Barbati Graphic Design by O’Bully English Editor/Proofreader: Gaming Frontier Cartography by Guido Barbati and O’Bully Art by Stefano Guida
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast® Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission. Every Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. A) The following elements in this book is hereby designated as open game content, in accordance with the open game licence: 1- All the monsters stats and their descriptions. B) the following elements in this book are hereby identified as “product identity”: 1- All not mentioned at the point “A” 2- Øone Roleplaying Games identifying marks and product titles. 3-All artwork, maps and graphic design. The reproduction or retransmission of this book, except for his open gaming content, without written permission of the copyright holder is expressly forbidden, except for the purpose of reviews. ‘D20 System’ and the ‘D20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the D20 System License version 3.0. A copy of this License can be found at Product Code: MA04 First edition: september 2003
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SUMMARY 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 9 10 11 12 16
Setting the Stage Background Clues Scaling the Encounter The Grave 1, Entrance 2, Antechamber 3, The Crypt Monsters Ice Keyguardian Ice Warrior Icelord Map Battlemaps Battlemaps Checklist
4 In this small encounter you will meet three hideous undeads featured in Øone Game’s adventure: “Deadly Ice”. These monsters will provide an interesting challenge because some of them have abilities that require more than just brute force to defeat them. If your referee plans to run “Deadly Ice” please note that this encounter could spoil some fun aspects of the adventure for a player.
against dark elves. For over a year, Anhaeym claimed to be making diplomatic missions in the newly discovered friends all the while bringing treasures and information to the priestess. Eventually the entire dwarven army was lured into an underground ambush and exterminated by the dark elves. The dwarven kingdom was conquered and the priestess proclaimed herself queen.
Setting the Stage
From that day forward. the surviving dwarven people called Anhaeym “The Prince of Lies”. Years later, the dwarves gathered an army and regained their stolen land. In the last few moments of the battle, The Prince of Lies was betrayed and killed by the priestess herself who then committed suicide. A proper burial was denied to the Prince of Lies and his men. Their bodies were thrown in a glacier and forgotten as the shame of their people, forever branded as traitors.
You can place this encounter in your ongoing campaign. It is suitable for a standard party of 4-5 level but can easily be scaled up. Since all the monsters are undead, a cleric or a character with turning ability would prove useful; a rogue would also be useful for detecting trap. This encounter is set in a cold environment; if you don’t have this feature in your dungeon you may assume the entire area is enveloped in magical cold. This three-room encounter can be plugged into an existing dungeon or placed in a cave complex. If you wish to expand the adventure you will find useful information in the background below.
The Prince of Lies was a renegade dwarf who lived about two centuries ago. The dwarf, named Anhaeym, was, in the beginning, considered a great warrior. His father, the king, ruled over a wealthy underground kingdom, which knew no rivals. A vicious dark elf priestess who dwelled with her minions far below the dwarven realm, was bent on conquering all the realm. But she knew meager minions could not face the awesome force of the entire dwarven army. Treachery and deceit were going to be necessary for her to succeed. Using all the means at her disposal she studied all the royal family members, looking for a candidate for her subtle plan. She discovered that Anhaeym was not the bold warrior the people said: the dwarf was a coward and a luxury slave. The priestess returned in her hideout and organized her plan. She sent one of her minions, polymorphed as dwarf, to be ambassador to the king. He claimed a peaceful realm of dwarves, their kingdom deep in the earth, would like to discuss an alliance between the two people. The dwarven fraud requested the sending of a bold and noble warrior to return with them as an ambassador. The king, hoping to break his son of his cowardly ways, sent Anhaeym himself with a number of loyal guards. The group was quickly overwhelmed by the dark elves. All but Anhaeym were slain. The dwarf was taken before the priestess. She knew of Anhaeym’s weaknesses and took advantage of them. In a brief time, the dwarf became a willing slave of the priestess. He returned to his kingdom weaving a tale of a powerful dwarven realm who needed assistance
Many years later an evil necromancer named Zhamyl found the frozen bodies. He discovered the prince and his bodyguards had transformed into a rare form of undead. The necromancer, through his art, discovered Anhaeym’s story and decided to use the powerful Icelord and his dreadful Ice Warriors to protect his own treasure. He then built the Grave of the Prince of Lies.
The referee may want to scatter some clues or hints before the encounter takes place. These clues can be found in another part of the dungeon or during a previous game session. -The party finds the body of a former adventurer with a scratched note in his pocket which reads: “Find the Grave of the Prince of Lies but beware its guardians, they protect an evil but valuable treasure: the keys lie.” -The party finds a spellbook in the treasure hoard of a defeated enemy. The spellbook is bound in black leather and contains a number of first level arcane necromantic spells. Seamed under the cover of the book (Search DC 20) there is an old map. The map shows a location (the referee can place the grave wherever it best fits into his campaign) which is labeled : the Grave of the Prince of Lies. A sidenote, written in a different script than the map, says: Great treasure, but you must be afraid of the lies. -The party finds a stone box during their journey into a dungeon. The box lid is engraved with: “Six Keys, Six Lies for the Prince Of Lies”. Inside the box there is a sheet of blue velvet with the discolored outlines of six large keys.
Scaling the Encounter
Scaling this encounter is quite easy since two of the monsters presented here (the Icelord and the Ice Warrior) probably won’t be defeated by simply bashing them with weapons. Magic, especially fire-based, will be more effective but
5 ultimately sound reasoning is the key to success in this encounter. To make it suitable for a 6-7 level party add a +2 turn resistance to the Ice Keyguardians (you may assume that the area is cursed and the undeads gain benefit from ancient evil magic). Add a +2 turn resistance and a Spell Resistance 18 to the Ice Warriors (and eventually pump up their hit points). Add a Spell Resistance 20 to the Icelord. To downgrade the encounter to a party level 2-3, halve the number of Ice keyguardians and the Ice Warriors and eliminate the turn immunity of the Icelord. Then consider the magical traps on the false door already discharged or substitute them with less damaging magical traps.
The Grave 1-Entrance As the PCs approach the area where the door is situated, they begin to feel colder; a Listen check (DC 20) could reveal an unnerving ice-on-ice noise. Six hideous Ice Keyguardians lurk in the shadows here, they attack at first sight using their blocking ice ability, then trying
to surround a PC and kill him. Ice Keyguardian (Dwarves) (6): CR 2; Medium-Size Undead (cold); HD 3d12; hp 20, 19, 13, 21, 18, 25; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 20 ft.; AC 15 (+ 2 Dex, +3 natural);BAB +1; Grp +2; Atk Keyring slam +3 melee (1d8); Full Atk Keyring slam +3 melee (1d8); SA Blocking Ice; SQ Undead, immunities, cold subtype; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 8. Skills and Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (keyring), Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse. The Keyguardians are the tireless guardians placed by the evil necromancer to protect his treasure. Each carries a rusty key ring he uses as a weapon. One of the keys on the key ring is different from the other, being bigger and made of bronze. These keys each fit into a different keyhole of the bronze door. If the Icelord in room 3 is not destroyed, these Keyguardians reform in 1d4 days.
6 The entrance door is made of bronze and its surface is divided into six sections, each one bearing a keyhole. The surface of the door appears to be covered with frost and is very cold to the touch. On the stone lintel of the door a phrase is deeply engraved (in common): “this is the Grave of the Prince of Lies, stay away or your lies will destroy you.”
Prince of Lies. Through an archway on the opposite side of the entrance, few steps lead down to another chamber.
The door is actually a false one and bears some traps. The true entrance is a secret door situated ten feet to the right of the false door (Search DC 25). Each time a bronze key is inserted into a keyhole and turned, a trap (mechanical or magic) is activated. The traps are individually detectable and may be disabled. From top, clockwise:
As each character enters the room a Discern Lies spell is cast upon them. The referee should secretly roll a Will save (DC 17) for each character and note the result. A powerful spell has been placed on the crypt: each time a lie is spoken in the room, all four of the Ice Warriors that rest in the floor coffins magically reform and jump out to attack anyone in the room. The referee should pay close attention to the character’s answers to the statue and any conversation held in this room. If someone deliberately and knowingly tells a lie, apply the consequences to the character and his party. If the Ice Warriors are defeated, the remains can be destroyed or scattered but they will always reform if animated by a lie being uttered in the room
Keyhole 1-Arrow Trap: CR 1; +10 ranged (1d6/x3 crit); Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 20). Note: 200-ft. max range, target determined randomly from those in its path. Keyhole 2-Poison Needle Trap: CR 2; +8 ranged (1, plus greenblood oil poison); Search (DC 22); Disable Device (DC 20). Keyhole 3-Cold Jet: CR 2; 1 ft. wide, 50 ft. long stream of cold (3d6); Reflex save (DC 13) avoids; Search (DC 25); Disable Device (DC 26). Keyhole 4-Hail of Needles: CR 1; +20 ranged (2d4); Search (DC 22); Disable Device (DC 22). Keyhole 5-Globe of Cold: CR 2; 20 ft. radius hemisphere with the base of the door as its point of origin (3d6); Reflex save (DC 13) avoids; Search (DC 25); Disable Device (DC 26). Keyhole 6-Chill Metal: CR 2; as the spell, affects the holder of the key; will save (DC 13) negates; Search (DC 25); Disable Device (DC 26). 2-Antechamber The secret passage leads to an icy cold crypt; ice stalactites hang from the vaulted ceiling and archways that adorn the chamber. On each the sidewalls there are two small alcoves each illuminated by a faint amber radiance. Each alcove hosts a stone bookshelf containing many books. A life-sized, ice-covered, stone statue of a dwarf wielding a battleaxe is standing in the middle of the antechamber. In each of the four corners of the room there are large stone coffins inset into the floor. The scattered remains of the coffins’ lids are visible on the cold floor. Closer inspection will reveal there are scattered pieces of bones, rusty armor and weapons in and around the burial pits. These are the remains of the four bodyguards of the
Each time someone enters the room a magic mouth appears on the statue and asks “Are you here to steal my master’s treasure?” If a character utters a lie the Ice Warriors reform and spring to the attack (see below).
The bookcases in the alcoves contain nameless books of varying cover colors. Each book, if opened, activates a magic mouth that utters a lie (the referee should choose the lie, based on his campaign world or on party history). These lies are automatically detected by the magic in the chamber (see above) and the Ice Warriors reform and attack. The books contain nothing but blank pages. Ice Warriors (Dwarf) (4): CR 3; Medium-Size Undead (cold); HD 3d12; hp 26, 21, 23, 20; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18 (+5 Chainmail, +1 shield, +2 natural); BAB +1; Grp +4; Atk Battleaxe +5 melee (1d8+6); Full Atk Battleaxe +5 melee (1d8+6); SA chill metal; SQ Undead, immunities, cold subtype, armor skid; AL LE; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 17, Dex 1, Con -, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 12. Skills and Feats: Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), Weapon Specialization (Battleaxe). If these undead creatures are turned they retreat into a corner of the room or into the alcoves but do not go down the steps into the crypt. If a new lie is detected in the room the turning effect vanishes and the Ice Warriors attack again. If the Icelord in room 3 is not destroyed, these Ice Warriors will continue to reform if a lie is uttered in the room. 3-The Crypt Four steps lead down to a darker section of the crypt. The archway that leads to the steps is covered by ice stalactites that make it resemble a great fanged mouth. The second step at the entrance to this room hides a trap. The ice stalactites on the archway actually cover the pointed edges of a portcullis. When someone passes over the steps the trap
7 is triggered but does not hit the one who activated it. Portcullis Trap: CR 2; +10 melee (3d6/x2 crit); Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 20). Note: Damage applies only to those underneath the portcullis. The first character is automatically trapped into the crypt, if some other character was following him, he is subject to the possible damage of the trap. If the trap hits roll 1d6, on 1-3 the character is before the portcullis (in the antechamber) on 4-6 he is past it. If the melee attack scores a critical hit the player character is pinned under the portcullis. Iron portcullis: 2 inches thick, Hardness 10, hp 60, DC to lift 28 Many stalactites hang from the ceiling and a cold rime covers everything in this room. Across the room directly in front of the stairs, under a large arch covered with more stalactites, there is a bookcase with dozens of books. A large stone sarcophagus, on a raised stone platform and framed by brass braziers, is located on the north side of the room. On the stone platform beside the sarcophagus there is a floor tile that can be removed (Search DC 20) to reveal a lever that raises the portcullis. Behind the sarcophagus, inset into a raised niche, there is another life-sized statue of a dwarf holding a battleaxe. The statue is covered with ice and has the same twisted expression of hate on his face. The stone statue is actually an Icelord (Anhaeym), he attacks anyone who enters the room spending the first full round to cast his Circle of Cold. Icelord (Dwarf) (1): CR 6; Medium-Size Undead (cold); HD 6d12; hp 47; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC 32 (shifting ice armor); BAB +3; Grp +7; Atk battleaxe of frost +8 melee (1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold damage); Full Atk battleaxe of frost +8 melee (1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold damage); SQ Undead, immunities, cold subtype, shifting ice armor, turn resistance +3; SA Kneeling Command, Circle of Cold; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7; Str 18, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 14, Cha 16. Skills and Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Battleaxe) Inside his crypt the Icelord cannot be turned due to powerful magic placed upon the area, if lured outside, however, he can be turned normally. This Icelord gains a +2 to his attack roll to hit dark elves, due to the fact that this race brought Anhaeym to an infamous death. The bookcase is another dangerous trap. It contains nameless books with various cover colors. If any book is pulled out of the case (before each one of them) the stalactites begin to rain down. The books contain nothing but blank pages.
Stalactites trap: CR 2; +10 ranged (1d6/x3 crit), 1d4 stalactites; Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 20). The stalactites can hit any character within 5ft from the place the book is removed (determine random if more than one character is present). The stalactites magically reform in 1d4 turns. Note that the trap is mechanical (a ceiling tile moves as a book is pulled causing the stalactite to fall), the stalactites reform by magical means. The stone sarcophagus contains the treasure of Zhamyl, the necromancer. A double-bottom can be detected by comparing the inside height of the sarcophagus with the outside or by a Search Check (DC 25). The players will find a big spellbook, a case with two scrolls, three stoppered vials, a wand and a ring contained within. The black leather book contains all Zhamyl’s necromantic arcane spells from first to fifth level (which spells the book contains is left to the referee’s discretion). The book also hides an explosive runes spell on its first page. A dispel magic (DC 21) will neutralize the spell without harming the spells contained within. If someone reads the first page, anyone within 10ft. are subject to the explosion for 6d6 points of damage (Reflex save DC 17, for those within 10’ not reading the book). The two scrolls are fireball and wall of fire. The vials are three potions of cure serious wounds. Wand of Cone of Cold with 16 charges left. A ring of warmth The referee is free to change the treasure to suit his own campaign.
8 Monsters Ice Keyguardian (Dwarf) Medium-Size Undead (cold) Hit Dice: 3d12 (20 hp) Initiative: +6 (Dex + Improved Initiative) Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2 Attack: Keyring slam +3 melee Full Attack: Keyring slam +3 melee Damage: Keyring 1d8 Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attack: Blocking Ice Special Qualities: Undead, cold subtype Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 8 Skills:Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (keyring)B, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Environment: Cold, underground Organization: Patrol (5-20) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: Level Adjustment:The Ice Keyguardian is an undead skeleton who was once a guardian of some kind, dead in a cold place with a malevolent presence nearby. The Ice Keyguardian is the remains of a person who died in a cold place. In life the character was in charge of guarding a cell or a particular place or a treasure, etc. The skeleton may belong to any humanoid race. An evil presence caused the skeleton to animate and continue to do his former job tirelessly. The bones of these skeletons seem covered by a thin layer of gleaming ice. This ice gives to the Ice Keyguardian a natural armor class of +3. When the skeleton moves it produces a unnerving ice-on-ice scraping noise. Combat: The Ice Keyguardian fight holding a rusty ring with keys in his fist and slamming it violently on the foes. The favorite tactics of these undead is to use their blocking ice ability in the first
round and then surround a blocked character and hit him until he falls. Blocking Ice (Sp): Once every six rounds, starting from the first round of combat, the Ice Keyguardian can use this devious spell-like ability as a standard action. The Blocking Ice ability creates a block of ice on the feet of the target up to 60ft. away (it can affect a 5ft foot square, for multi-legged creatures), sticking them to the floor. Any creature targeted must make a Reflex save DC 12 or be immobilized on the floor. The block lasts until it melts (if the temperature is over 32F°). The immobilized creature can chip away the ice, hitting it automatically. The ice has 20hp and a magical hardness of 2. The creature trapped may also try a Strength check DC 20 to break free. An immobilized creature loses his dexterity bonus and cannot move. An arcane spellcaster trapped in ice trying to cast a spell with somatic components suffers 20% of spell failure. Cold Subtype: Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save (half damage). Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Immunities (Ex): They take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.
9 Ice Warrior (Dwarf) Medium-Size Undead (cold) Hit Dice: 3d12 (20 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) AC: 18 (+5 Chainmail, +1 shield, +2 natural) Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+4 Attack: Battleaxe +5 melee Full Attack: Battleaxe +5 melee Damage: Battleaxe 1d8+6 Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attack: Chill Metal Special Qualities: Undead, cold subtype, armor skid Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 Abilities: Str 17, Dex 11, Con -, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 12 Skills:Feats: Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), Weapon Specialization (Battleaxe) Environment: Underground, crypts Organization: Squad (5-20) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: None Alignment: Neutral Evil Advancement: Level Adjustment: Ice Warriors are ex-bodyguards or elite warriors who have spent the life to protect someone and now are buried with him in an icy cold place. They continue to protect the person they served in life. They appear as mendacious, grim looking, armored skeletons with a cold light in their eyes. Their rusty armor appears covered with a dirty frost. Combat: The ice warriors remains the fighter they were in life and will defend their charge until destroyed. Usually they cast their chill metal spell over the most armored opponent, then go in melee relying on their Armor Skid ability. Chill Metal (Sp): Once per day the Ice Warrior is able to cast a chill metal, as per the spell. The range is 30’, it can affect a single target and the saving throw is DC 13. Armor Skid (Su): The armor of the Ice Warrior is always covered with a thick layer of rime. The rime is magical and belongs to the ice warrior,
not his armor. All the physical attacks that hit the ice warrior have a chance of doing no damage, because the rime causes the weapon, or the projectile, to skid away. The more powerful the blow, The higher the chance is of the skid. When an Ice Warrior is hit, half the total amount of damage round up, then multiply by 10. This is the nodamage-chance percentile you must roll. Example: an ice warrior is hit for 8 points of damage, the no-damage chance is 40% (8/2= 4 x 10 = 40). Make a percentile roll, if you get 40 or less the blow deals no damage. Note that the blow is considered to have hit, so the weapon could discharge any spell stored (like shocking grasp).
10 Icelord (Dwarf) Medium-Size Undead (cold) Hit Dice: 6d12 (39 hp) Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative) Speed: 20 ft., AC: 32 (see below) Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+7 Attack: Battleaxe of frost +8 melee Full Attack: Battleaxe of frost +8 melee Damage: Battleaxe of frost 1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold damage Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attack: Kneeling Command, Circle of Cold Special Qualities: Undead, cold subtype, shifting ice armor, turn resistance +3 Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 14, Cha 16 Skills: Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Battleaxe) Environment: Underground, crypts Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 6 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Lawful Evil Advancement: Level Adjustment: The Icelords are evil undeads buried in icy cold crypts who in life occupied a command position (like princes or kings). Princes or kings (or anyone who in life occupied a command position) who turned to evil and were buried in icy cold crypts may become Icelords. They hate all living beings but most of all they despise those of their own kind. The Icelord resembles the person he was in life but his face is frozen in a twisted expression of hate. A thick layer of bluish magical ice covers all the body,
including the head. This ice forms a magical armor and a magical weapon (see below). Combat: The Icelord is a fearful opponent. He usually begins combat by taking a full round action to use his Circle of Cold ability and then dives into melee targeting one of his kind, if present. His axe is considered a battleaxe of frost when wielded by the Icelord, and adds cold damage to every hit it scores. He attempts to face one foe at a time to get maximal benefit from his armor. If two or more foes surround him he will try to use his Kneeling Command ability. Circle Of Cold (Sp): Once per day the Icelord can cast a Circle of Cold 10 ft. radius. Every creature that falls in that area must make a Fortitude save DC 16 or suffer the effect of a slow spell. Exiting from the area ends the slow effect and re-entering requires a new saving throw. The circle of cold lasts for ten rounds. Kneeling Command (Su): Once every three rounds the Icelord may, as a free action, utter the phrase (in his native tongue): “Kneel before your king!”. This is a supernatural ability similar to a command spell. The commanded creature, if able to understand the language, must make a Will save DC 15 or fall on his knees with his beard (chin) touching the floor and stay in that position for 1 full round. Shifting Ice Armor (Su): The thick layer of ice that covers the body of the icelord “shifts” everytime a hit is attempted. If a single attack is made on the icelord, all the ice shifts in the point of the impact giving to the icelord an AC of 32. If two simultaneous attacks are made on the icelord, the armor divides in two parts, giving to the icelord an effective AC of 16 (32/2) against each blow. If three simultaneous blows are attempted the AC would be 11 (32/3 rounded up), and so on. Note that “simultaneous” means that a character must ready an action and attempt to hit at the same time of his companions; it is not enough to hit the icelord in the same round. Spells that require an attack roll also count for calculating the icelord’s AC. The shifting ice is clearly visible to the foes of the icelord. Cold Subtype: Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save (half damage). Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.
roleplaying GAMES
Antechamber The Grave of the Prince of Lies © Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
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Antechamber The Grave of the Prince of Lies © Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
roleplaying GAMES
The Crypt The Grave of the Prince of Lies © Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
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The Crypt The Grave of the Prince of Lies © Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only
Battlemaps Master Checklist Map ID
Available in
Room 18
She-Minotaur Lair
The Minotaur
Room 5
The Funnel Room
The Minotaur
Room 1 (Dungeon)
Stone Statues and Secret Door
The Andwan Legacy
Room 6 (Dungeon)
Treasure Vault
The Andwan Legacy
Room 16 (The Ruined Temple)
Banquet Room
The Twenty Sides of the Evil
Room 8 (Tomb)
Guard Post
Deadly Ice
Room 11 (Tomb)
Guards’ Quarters
Deadly Ice
Room 2
The Grave of the Prince of Lies
Room 3
The Grave of the Prince of Lies
Battlemaps Floorplans, Inn Vol. 1
Common Room
Battlemaps Floorplans, Inn Vol. 1
Battlemaps Floorplans, Inn Vol. 1
Battlemaps Floorplans, Inn Vol. 1
Bedroom with Toilet
Battlemaps Floorplans, Inn Vol. 1
Master Bedroom
Battlemaps Floorplans, Inn Vol. 1
Genius’ Room
Battlemaps Floorplans, Inn Vol. 1
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 1
Alchemist’s Laboratory
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 1
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 1
Dark Temple
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 1
Torture Chamber
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 1
Entrance Room
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 1
Fountain Room
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 1
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 1
Ruined Pool
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
Conjurer Room
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
Staircase Down
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
Bridge Room
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
Altar Of The Spider God
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
Guard Room
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
Magical Well
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
The Forge
Battlemaps Dungeon Rooms Vol. 2
(*) Free Battlemaps are available for download at
In this small encounter, previously published in Gaming Frontier magazine, suitable for four 4-5 level characters but easily scalable, you will meet three hideous undeads featured in Øone Game’s adventure: “Deadly Ice”. These monsters will provide an interesting challenge because some of them have abilities that require more than just brute force to defeat them. If your referee plans to run “Deadly Ice” please note that this encounter could spoil some fun aspects of the adventure for a player. Furthermore, the monster have been revised and updated to 3.5 rules. This short encounter contains: • An exciting encounter you can plug in any existing campaign or dungeon • Three hideous ice undeads • Two beautiful battlemaps