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Free For 30 Days 101 quick tips to get laid,Read often 1. Every date is a learning experience. experience. 2. It's a numbers numbers game. 3. Always be on the prowl. prowl. 4. The worst she can say is "no." "no." 5. Put urself out there (online dating, meet-ups, meet-ups, volunteer). 6. Confidence Confidence leads to momentum. DISCOVER NEW BOOKS
7. Google her before before the date.
8. Research and pick a chill spot for the date. 9. Prepare a few after date options nearby. 10. Work is an applicable excuse for everything. everything. 11. Get an apartment with with a view. 12. Change ur sheets when expecting expecting company. 13. Cold streaks and dry spells are to be broken by fat girls. 14. Work out at least 5 days a week. 15. Always seem busy. 16. Limit phone conversations conversations to 15 minutes. 17. Never be abrupt or pushy. pushy. 18. Never get stressed out. 19. Every girl is a unique unique creature. 20. Daddy issues = short term fun; long term none. none. 21. Catch up on current events, just in case. 22. Learn how to cook one money money meal. 23. U have the most interesting life in the world. world. 24. It's not cheating if u're not not committed. 25. Never ask “what r u thinking?" thinking?" 26. First date = drinks; Second date = dinner. dinner.
28. Ex-girlfriends Ex-girlfriends are ex’s for a reason. 29. Chicks love attention. attention. 30. Befriend a gay gay guy. 31. Lock all electronic devices (especially ur phone and laptop). 32. Gifts are for suckers. suckers. 33. Cut the nails, wax the back and trim the pubes. 34. It is always a game game at first.
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35. Don’t make promises. promises. 36. Throw a chick flick on ur Netflix queue. queue. 37. Online dating: dating: 1 face pic = fat. 38. Beware of the office hookup (proceed with caution). caution). 39. Hide the porn. 40. Be nice in public and bad in bed. bed. 41. Learn to snap a bra off with one hand. DISCOVER NEW BOOKS
42. Innocent fibs fibs never hurt anyone. 43. It's not an interview. 44. Remove emotion from the the equation. 45. Double book a night (proceed with caution). caution). 46. Come prepared with interesting interesting stories. 47. Walk the line between confident confident and cocky. 48. When in doubt, doubt, smile. 49. She already knows if she wants to bang u, so relax. 50. Look for signs (playing (playing with hair or straw, lack of eye contact). 51. Stay clear of the friends friends zone. 52. Friends with benefits benefits does not last. 53. Avoid Indian and Mexican Mexican food. 54. Take a preemptive preemptive dump. 55. Always have one drink before the date. 56. A girl who doesn’t drink drink is a girl u don’t want. 57. Show up 5 minutes minutes late. 58. Greet her with a kiss on the cheek and mini hug. 59. Generic compliments compliments do actually go a long way. 60. Take control at all times. times. 61. Break down her her wall.
62. Feed off body body language. 63. Don’t be a hero, refrain from offering offering advice. 64. Don't mention mention ur mom. 65. Bring up topics, topics, but let her talk. 66. Do not ever bring up politics, news or religion. 67. Talk politics, news and religion religion if u want the date to end. 68. Never mention marriage marriage or kids. 69. Throw out a subtle insult insult in an overly sarcastic tone.
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70. Treat her and everyone around u with with respect. 71. Take a bathroom break halfway thru the the date to reassess. 72. Look for an opportunity opportunity to place ur hand on her thigh. 73. Never let her her pay. 74. Tip 25% plus and make make her see. 75. Dessert is to be served at ur apartment. apartment. 76. The application of lip gloss implies progress. progress. DISCOVER NEW BOOKS
77. Eyes above neck (unless she walks ahead of u). 78. Know when to turn it on. on. 79. Choose ur words words carefully. 80. She's as horny horny as u are. 81. Bring up drugs. drugs. If she smokes, get pot. 82. Women can smell desperation. desperation. 83. Win over her friends. 84. Absolutely Absolutely no PDA. 85. Avoid overly affectionate affectionate words. 86. Her self esteem is as a large as u want it to to be. 87. After the date say "I look forward to seeing u again." 88. End of night text – “I had fun” – no more, no less. 89. Always have a spare outfit outfit at work. 90. Have an exit exit plan. 91. If it's not happening, happening, just walk away. 92. U should know after two dates. dates. 93. No sex by the third date, it’s time to move on. 94. Wait at least 1 day before responding. No more more than 3. 95. There is always someone someone hotter. 96. A breakup text is an acceptable method.
97. Someone always gets hurt. hurt. Don't make it u. 98. If she doesn’t call u back after two attempts, forget forget her. 99. Avoid stalker stalker mode. 100. Persistence is more creepy than flattering. flattering. 101. Ur first impression is a lasting impression. So don’t mess up!
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