106 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES-OFFICE OF THE COURT ADMINISTRATOR, Complainant, vs !UD"E I"NACIO I"NACIO # MACARINE, MACARINE, M$ni%ipal M$ni%ipal Ci&%$it Ci&%$it T&ial T&ial Co$&t, "'n ($na, ($na, S$&i)ao *'l No&t', R'spon*'nt AM No MT!-10-1++0 !$l 1, .01. /Fo&m'&l AM OCA II No 10-..-MT!2 #&ion, ! Topi%3 Topi%3 F&''*om F&''*om o4 A5o*', F&''*om F&''*om to Can)' A5o*' an* Ri)t to T&av'l7 Constit$tional Constit$tional "$a&ant'' Un*'& S'% 6, A&t III o4 t' Constit$tion Do%t&in'3 T' &i)t to t&av'l is )$a&ant''* 5 t' Constit$tion Ho8'v'&, t' '9'&%is' o4 s$% &i)t is not a5sol$t' OCA Ci&%$la& No :;-.00< *o's not &'st&i%t 5$t m'&'l &')$lat's, 5 p&ovi*in) )$i*'lin's to 5' %ompli'* 5 =$*)'s an* %o$&t p'&sonn'l, 5'4o&' t' %an )o on l'av' to t&av'l a5&oa* To >&'st&i%t> is to &'st&ain o& p&oi5it a p'&son 4&om *oin) som'tin)7 to >&')$lat'> is to )ov'&n o& *i&'%t a%%o&*in) to &$l' ?$i%@ Fa%ts3 1 T' O%' O%' o4 t' Co$&t A*minist&ato& A*minist&ato& Bl'* an a*minist&ativ' a*minist&ativ' %as' a)ainst !$*)' Ma%a&in' 4o& violation o4 OCA Ci&%$la& Ci&%$la& No :;-.00< a OCA Ci&%$la& Ci&%$la& No No :;-.00< :;-.00< &'$i&'s &'$i&'s tat =$*)'s =$*)'s an* %o$&t p'&sonn'l p'&sonn'l m$st m$st s'%$&' a t&av'l a$to&it 4&om t' OCA 5 s$5mittin) t' 4ollo8in) *o%$m'nts3 i 12 appli%ation appli%ation o& l'tt'&-&'$'st l'tt'&-&'$'st a**&'ss'* a**&'ss'* to t' Co$&t Co$&t A*minist&ato& A*minist&ato& statin) t' p$&pos' o4 t' t&av'l a5&oa*7 ii /.2 appli% appli%atio ation n 4o& l'av' l'av' %ov'&in) %ov'&in) t' p'&io* p'&io* o4 t' t&av' t&av'll a5&oa*, a5&oa*, 4avo&a5l &'%omm'n*'* &'%omm'n*'* 5 t' E9'%$tiv' !$*)'7 !$*)' 7 an* iii /<2 %'&tiB% %'&tiB%atio ation n 4&om t' Statisti%s Statisti%s Divisio Division, n, Co$&t Mana)'m Mana)'m'nt 'nt O%', O%', OCA as to t' %on*ition o4 t' *o%@'t . S$% &'$i& &'$i&'m'n 'm'nts ts m$st 5' %ompl't'* %ompl't'* an* an* s$5mitt'* s$5mitt'* t8o 8''@s 8''@s 5'4o&' 5'4o&' t' *'pa&t$&' *at' An* 4ail$&' to %ompl't' s$% &'$i&'m'nts 8ill 5' s$5='%t'* to *is%iplina& *is%iplina& a%tion < On A$)$st .<, .00;, !$*)' !$*)' Ma%a&in' Ma%a&in' 8&ot' 8&ot' to Co$&t A*minist&ato& A*minist&ato& !os' o&t$)al o&t$)al '&' '&' t &'$'stin) tat ' 5' allo8'* to t&av'l to Hon) on) 8it is 4amil 4o& is 6 5i&t*a on S'pt'm5'& 10-1:, .00; H' also stat'* tat is t&av'l a5&oa* sall 5' %a&)'* to is ann$al 4o&%'* l'av' : H' *i* not s$5mit &'$i&'m' &'$i&'m'nt nt . 8i% 8i% is appli%ation appli%ation 4o& 4o& l'av' His appli%ation appli%ation &'main'* $na%t'* $pon !$*)' Ma%a&in' Ma%a&in' still still 8'nt 8'nt to Hon) Hon) on) on) 6 On !an ., .010, ' 8as in4o&m'* tat is appli%ation 8as *isapp&ov'* *isapp&ov'* 4o& 4ail$&' 4ail$&' to %ompl't' t' &'$i&'m'nts a His a5s'n%'s a5s'n%'s sall sall not 5' *'*$%t'* 4&om 4&om is l'av' l'av' %&'*its %&'*its 5$t 4&om is sala& %o&&'spon*in) %o&&'spon*in) to t' s'v'n /+2 *as tat ' 8as a5s'nt, p$&s$ant to S'%tion 0 o4 t' Omni5$s R$l's on ('av', 5 H' 8as also &'$i&'* &'$i&'* to s$5mit an '9planation '9planation on is 4ail$&' 4ail$&' to %ompl 8it t' %i&%$la& a5ov'
'tition'&GsComplainantGs A&)$m'nt • •
!$*)' Ma%a&in' %laims tat it 8as is *a$)t'& 8o 5oo@'* t' t&ip to Hon) on) His 4amil '8 to Manila 4&om S$&i)ao on S'pt'm5'& ;, .00; to %ompl't' t' &'$i&'m'nts However, sensing time constraint and thinking of the futility of completing the requirements before their scheduled ight, he opted not to immediately complete the requirements and simply went ahead with their travel abroad. He thought of submitting his compliance upon his return to Manila. H' a%@no8l'*)'* is mista@' an* &')&'tt'* is 4ail$&' to %ompl 8it OCA Ci&%$la& No :;-.00< H' p&omis'* not to %ommit t' sam' in4&a%tion a)ain H' 4$&t'& &'$'st'* 4o& &'%onsi*'&ation o4 t' OCAGs int'n*'* a%tion to *'*$%t is sala& %o&&'spon*in) to t' s'v'n /+2 *as tat ' 8as a5s'nt, inst'a* o4 %a&)in) is a5s'n%'s to is l'av' %&'*its JJJT' p'tition'& *i*nGt &ais' t' iss$' a5o$t t' &i)t to t&av'l 5$t 8as *is%$ss'* 5 t' SC in t' *'%ision JJJ
R'spon*'ntGs A&)$m'nt3 •
OCA 4o$n* tat !$*)' Ma%a&in' is )$ilt o4 violatin) t' OCA %i&%$la& 4o& t&av'lin) o$t o4 t' %o$nt& 8ito$t Blin) t' n'%'ssa& appli%ation 4o& l'av' an* 8ito$t B&st s'%$&in) a t&av'l a$to&it 4&om t' Co$&t OCA *'%ision3 !$*)' I)na%io # Ma%a&in', MCTC, "'n ($na, S$&i)ao *'l No&t', 5' FINED in t' amo$nt o4 ,00000 4o& Violation 4o& Ci&%$la& No :;-.00< *at'* Ma .0, .00<7 an* %2 t' Finan%ial Mana)'m'nt O%', Finan%' Division, OCA, 5' DIRECTED to DEDUCT t' amo$nt '$ival'nt to t' s'v'n /+2 *as sala& o4 !$*)' I)na%io Ma%a&in' as a &'s$lt o4 is *isapp&ov'* an* $na$to&i'* l'av' o4 a5s'n%' p$&s$ant to S'%tion 0, Omni5$s R$l's on ('av', 8ito$t *'*$%tin) is l'av' %&'*its t'&'o4
Iss$'3 Is t' &i)t to t&av'l a5sol$t'K •
NO It is not a5sol$t'
So$l* !$*)' Ma%a&in' 5' a5solv'* 4o& not 4ollo8in) t' OCA Ci&%$la&K •
Co$&t sai* tat L8' so$l* allo8 im som' l'ni'n% #UT ' *i* violat' t' OCA Ci&%$la& 5 not %ompl'tin) t' &'$i&'m'nts !$*)'s an* %o$&t p'&sonn'l m$st s'%$&' a t&av'l a$to&it 4&om t' Co$&t 4o& t&av'ls a5&oa*
H'l* Rational'3 True, the right to travel is guaranteed by the Constitution. 1âwphi1 However, the eercise of such right is not absolute. !ection ", #rticle $$$ of the %&'( Constitution allows restrictions on one)s right to travel provided that such restriction is in the interest of national security, public safety or public health as may be provided by law. This, however, should by no means be construed as limiting the Court)s inherent power of administrative supervision over lower
courts. *C# Circular +o. &-//0 does not restrict but merely regulates, by providing guidelines to be complied by 1udges and court personnel, before they can go on leave to travel abroad. To 2restrict2 is to restrain or prohibit a person from doing something3 to 2regulate2 is to govern or direct according to rule. To 'ns$&' mana)'m'nt o4 %o$&t *o%@'ts an* to avoi* *is&$ption in t' a*minist&ation o4 =$sti%', OCA Ci&%$la& No :;-.00< &'$i&'s a =$*)' 8o 8is's to t&av'l a5&oa* to s$5mit, to)'t'& 8it is appli%ation 4o& l'av' o4 a5s'n%' *$l &'%omm'n*'* 4o& app&oval 5 is E9'%$tiv' !$*)', a %'&tiB%ation 4&om t' Statisti%s Division, Co$&t Mana)'m'nt O%' o4 t' OCA, as to t' %on*ition o4 is *o%@'t, 5as'* on is C'&tiB%at' o4 S'&vi%' 4o& t' mont imm'*iat'l p&'%'*in) t' *at' o4 is int'n*'* t&av'l, tat ' as *'%i*'* an* &'solv'* all %as's o& in%i*'nts 8itin t&'' /<2 monts 4&om *at' o4 s$5mission, p$&s$ant to S'%tion 1/12 an* /.2, A&ti%l' VIII o4 t' 1;+ Constit$tion + 4or traveling abroad without having been o5cially allowed by the Court, the respondent is guilty of violation of *C# Circular +o. &-//0. Un*'& S'%tion ;/:2, R$l' 1:0 o4 t' R'vis'* R$l's o4 Co$&t, violation o4 S$p&'m' Co$&t *i&'%tiv's an* %i&%$la& is %onsi*'&'* a l'ss s'&io$s %a&)' an*, t'&'4o&', p$nisa5l' 5 s$sp'nsion 4&om o%' 8ito$t sala& an* ot'& 5'n'Bts 4o& not l'ss tan on' /12 mont no& mo&' tan t&'' /<2 monts7 o& a Bn' o4 mo&' tan 10,00000 5$t not '9%''*in) .0,00000 S'%tion <, R$l' IV o4 t' R'vis'* R$l's on A*minist&ativ' Cas's in t' Civil S'&vi%' )&ants t' *is%iplinin) a$to&it t' *is%&'tion to %onsi*'& miti)atin) %i&%$mstan%'s in t' imposition o4 t' p&op'& p'nalt T' Co$&t a* in s'v'&al instan%'s &'4&ain'* 4&om imposin) t' a%t$al p'nalti's in t' p&'s'n%' o4 miti)atin) 4a%ts, s$% as t' 'mplo''Gs l'n)t o4 s'&vi%', a%@no8l'*)'m'nt o4 is o& '& in4&a%tions an* 4''lin)s o4 &'mo&s' 4o& t' sam', a*van%'* a)', 4amil %i&%$mstan%'s, an* ot'& $manita&ian an* '$ita5l' %onsi*'&ations In t' p&'s'nt %as', t' &'spon*'nt, a4t'& l'a&nin) tat is *a$)t'& a* al&'a* 5oo@'* im an* is 4amil in a ot'l in Hon)@on), imm'*iat'l 8'nt to Manila to s'%$&' is t&av'l a$to&it 4&om t' Co$&t Ho8'v'&, 8it t' so&t p'&io* o4 tim' 4&om t'i& a&&ival in Manila on S'pt'm5'& ;, .00; $p to t' tim' o4 t'i& 5oo@in) in Hon)@on) 4&om S'pt'm5'& 1< to 1, .00;, ' 8as p&'ss'* 4o& tim' an* opt'* not to %ompl't' t' &'$i&'* t&av'l a$to&it, 8it t' int'ntion o4 s'%$&in) on' a4t'& is t&av'l T' &'spon*'nt &')&'tt'* is 4ail$&' to %ompl 8it t' &'$i&'m'nts o4 OCA Ci&%$la& No :;-.00< H' a%@no8l'*)'* is mista@' an* p&omis'* not to %ommit t' sam' in4&a%tion in t' 4$t$&' ' %onsi*'& t' o$tlin'* %i&%$mstan%'s as miti)atin) Follo8in) =$*i%ial p&'%'*'nts, t' &'spon*'nt *'s'&v's som' *')&'' o4 l'ni'n% in imposin) $pon im t' app&op&iat' p'nalt 6H7874*87, respondent 9udge $gnacio :. Macarine, Municipal Circuit Trial Court, ;en.
unauthori>ed, shall not be deducted from his leave credits but from his salary is hereby #??8*@7=.