Vda. de Ouano vs. Republic G.R. NO. 168770, 9 FEBRUARY 2011 FACTS:
1. In 1949, the National National Airo Airort rt !ororatio !ororation n "NA!#, $!IAA% $!IAA%& re'e(e&&or re'e(e&&or a)en(* +r&+e' a ro)ra to e-an' the ah+) Airort in !e/+ !it*. 2. A& an a&&+ran a&&+ran(e (e ro the )oern )oerne ent, nt, there there i& a roi&e roi&e o re(one*an(e or re+r(ha&e o &ai' roert* &o lon) a& ah+) (ea&e& it& oeration or tran&er it& oeration to $a(tan !e/+ Airort. 3. oe oe o5ne o5ner& r& re+&e' re+&e' to &ell, &ell, an' that that the !iil !iil Aero Aerona+ na+ti( ti(&& A'ini&tration ile' a (olaint or the e-roriation o &ai' roertie& or or the e-an&ion e-an&ion o the ah+) ah+) Airort. Airort. 4. he trial (o+rt then then 'e(lare' 'e(lare' &ai' roertie& to /e +&e' +on +on the e-an&ion o &ai' roe(t& an' or'er or +&t (oen&ation to the lan' o5ner&, at the &ae tie 'ire(te' the latter to tran&er (ertii(ate or o5ner&hi or title in the nae o the lainti. . At the the en' en' o 1991 1991,, ah+ ah+) ) Air Airor ortt (o (ole lete tel* l* (ea& (ea&e' e' it& it& oer oerat atio ion n 5hil 5hilee the the $a(t $a(tan an! !e/ e/+ + air airor ortt oen oene' e' to a((oo'ate in(oin) an' o+t)oin) (oer(ial li)ht&. 6. hi& hi& then then ro rot te' e' the the lan' lan' o5ne o5ner& r& to 'e 'ean' an' or or the the re(one*na(e o &ai' roertie& /ein) e-roriate' /* the trial (o+rt +n'er the o5er o einent 'oain. :en(e the&e t5o (on&oli'ate' (a&e& ari&e. 7. In G.R. No. 168812 168812 $!IAA $!IAA i& i& here/* here/* or'ere or'ere' ' /* (o+rt (o+rt to re(one* &ai' roertie& to the lan' o5ner& l+& attorne*%& ee an' (o&t o &+it, 5hile in G.R. No. 168770, the R! r+le' in aor o the etitioner& Oa+no& an' a)ain&t the $!IAA or the re(one*na(e o their roertie& /+t 5a& aeale' /* the latter an' the earlier 'e(i&ion 5a& reer&e', the (a&e 5ent + to the !A /+t the !A aire' the reer&e' 'e(i&ion o the R!. ISSUE: • ho+l' $!IAA re(one* the lan'& to etitioner&; YE
he notion that the )oernent ia e-roriation ro(ee'in)& a(<+ire& +nre&tri(te' o5ner&hi oer or a ee &ile title to the (oere' lan' i& no lon)er tena/le. E-roriate' lan'& &ho+l' /e 'ierentiate' ro a ie(e o lan', o5ner&hi o 5hi(h 5a& a/&ol+tel* tran&erre' /* 5a* o an +n(on'itional +r(ha&e an' &ale (ontra(t reel* entere' /* t5o artie&, one 5itho+t 5itho+t o/li)ation to /+* an' an' the other 5itho+t the '+t* '+t* to &ell. In that (a&e, the ee &ile (on(et reall* (oe& into la*. here i& reall* no o((a&ion to al* the =ee &ile (on(et> i the tran&er i& (on'itional. The a!in" o# a p$ivae land in e%p$op$iaion p$oceedin"s is al&a's condiioned on is coninued devoion o is public pu$pose . Once he pu$pose is e$(inaed o$ pe$e(po$il' abandoned , then the orer o5ner, i he &o 'e&ire& ) (a' see! is $eve$sion sub*ec o# cou$se o he $eu$n a he ve$' leas o# he *us co(pensaion $eceived.
In e-roriation, the riate o5ner i& 'erie' o roert* a)ain&t hi& 5ill. he (andao$' $e+ui$e(en o# due p$ocess o+)ht to /e &tri(tl* ollo5e' &+(h that the &tate +&t &ho5, at the ini+, a )en+ine nee', an e-a(tin) +/li( +ro&e to ta?e riate roert*, the +ro&e to /e &e(ii(a &e(ii(all* ll* alle)e' alle)e' or lea&t rea&ona/l* rea&ona/l* 'e'+(i/le 'e'+(i/le ro the (olaint. ,ublic use) as an e(inen do(ain concep , ha& no5 a(<+ire' an e%pansive (eanin" to in(l+'e an* +&e that i& o =+&e+lne&&, =+&e+lne&&, +tilit*, or a'anta)e, or 5hat i& ro'+(tie o )eneral /eneit @o the +/li(.> I the )en+ine +/li( ne(e&&it*the er* rea&on or (on'ition a& it 5ere allo5in), at the ir&t in&tan(e, the e-roriation e-roriation o a riate lan' (ea&e& (ea&e& or 'i&a 'i&ae ear& ar&,, then then there there i& no ore ore (o)en (o)entt oint oint or the )oern )oernent% ent%&& retentio retention n o the e-rori e-roriate' ate' lan'. lan'. he &ae &ae le)al le)al &it+ation &ho+l' hol' i the )oernent 'eote& the roert* to another +/li( +&e er* +(h 'ierent 'ierent ro the ori)inal or 'eiate& ro the 'e(lare' +ro&e to /eneit another riate er&on. It ha& /een &ai' that the 'ire(t 'ire(t +&e /* the &tate &tate o it& o5er o5er to o/li)e o/li)e lan'o5n lan'o5ner& er& to reno+n(e their ro'+(tie o&&e&&ion to another (itiCen, 5ho 5ill +&e it
re'oinantl* or that (itiCen%& o5n riate )ain, i& oen&ie to o+r la5&. he )oernent (annot la+&i/l* ?ee the roert* it e-roriate' in an* anner it lea&e& an' in the ro(e&& 'i&honor the +')ent o e-roriation. A (on'enor &ho+l' (oit to +&e the roert* +r&+ant to the +ro&e &tate' in the etition or e-roriation, ailin) 5hi(h it &ho+l' ile another etition or the ne5 +ro&e. I not, then it /ehooe& the (on'enor to ret+rn the &ai' roert* to it& riate o5ner, i the latter &o 'e&ire&.
:en(e ) e+ui' and *usice de(and he $econve'ance b' -CIAA o# he lii"aed lands in +uesion o he Ouanos and Inocians. In he sa(e o!en) *usice and #ai$ pla' also dicae ha he Ouanos and Inocian $eu$n o -CIAA &ha he' $eceived as *us co(pensaion #o$ he e%p$op$iaion o# hei$ $especive p$ope$ies l+& le)al intere&t to /e (o+te' ro 'ea+lt, 5hi(h in thi& (a&e &ho+l' r+n ro the tie $!IAA (olie& 5ith the re(one*an(e o/li)ation.