114 Heirs of Dr. Mario S. INTAC and Angelina Mendoza- A"THOR : JA""A * +itle to te land as transferred to Inta Intacc v. CA and Spouses Marcelo Roy Jr. and Josefina S(/S'S I"+A 0Angelina, niece of IR'"'( om e Mend Mendoz ozaa-Roy Roy,, and and Spou Spouse sess Domi Domina nado dorr Loza Lozada da and and rais raised ed11 tro troug ug Deed Deed of A2sol 2solut utee Sale Sale.. Daug Daugt ter erss of Martina Mendoza-Lozada. IR'"'( claim tat te sale as simulated, and as 3ust [G.R. No. 173211; October 11, 2012] supposed to 2e used so te spouses can get a loan. S ruled TOIC: ontracts ! Definition " " #$%& in fa4or of Ireneo5s daugters, finding tat tere as no real intent, 2ased on e4idence, to sell te property. property. ON!NT!: M'"D()A, J. #ACT$% SAL6AI(" 7ermin. +ey ere te oners of te su23ect property, ++ "o. 898&& of 1. IR'"'( Mendoza, married to SAL6A te Registry of Deeds of ;, situated in
e &'( 2 )i(s% Josefina and Martina 0respondents1. Sal4acion 2eing teir stepmoter. ?ile still ali4e, e also too@ care of is niece 0Angelina1, from $ years of age until se got married. marr ied. +e property as ten co4ered 2y ++ "o. #%&$%. 3. October 2*, 1+77: IR'"'(, it SAL6AI("5s consent, eecuted a deed of a2solute sale in fa4or of Angelina and er us2and Mario 0S(/S'S I"+A1. Despite te sale, Ireneo and is family, including te respondents, continued staying in te premises and paying te realty taes. 4. 1+2% IR'"'( died intestate. SAL6AI(" and R'S("D'"+S remained in te premises. *. After SAL6AI(" died, R'S("D'"+S still stayed. /p to te present 0time of decision at S1, tey are in te premises, paying te real real estate taes tereon, leasing leasing out portions of of te property, property, and collecting te rentals. -. +e contro4ersy arose en respondents sougt te cancellation of ++ "o. 898&&, claiming tat te sale as only simulated and, terefore, 4oid. Spouses Intac resisted, claiming tat it as a 4alid sale for a consideration. 7. #ebr'r/ #ebr'r/ 22, 1++4% R'S("D'"+S filed te omplaint for ancellation of te ++ against S(/S'S I"+A 2efore R+, R+, praying not only for for te cancellation of te title, title, 2ut also for its recon4eyance recon4eyance to tem. . A 20, 1++*% ending litigation, Mario died and as su2stituted 2y is eirs, is sur4i4ing spouse, Angelina, and teir cildren, namely, Rafael, Bristina, Ma. +ricia Margarita, Mario, and ocolo, all surnamed Intac 0petitioners1. +. R!$ON!NT$ O$!#INA '( ARTINA 'ver% 5'6 ?en Ireneo as still ali4e, Spouses Intac 2orroed te title of te property from im to 2e used as collateral for a loan from a financing institutionC 5b6 tat en Ireneo informed respondents a2out te reuest of Spouses Intac, tey o23ected 2ecause te title ould 2e placed in te names of said spouses and it ould ten appear tat te couple oned te propertyC propertyC 5c6 Ireneo, oe4er, tried to appease tem, telling tem not to orry 2ecause Angelina ould not ta@e ad4antage of te situation considering tat e too@ care of er for a 4ery long timeC 5(6 tat during is lifetime, e informed tem tat te su23ect property ould 2e eually di4ided among tem after is deatC 5e6 and tat tey ere te ones paying te real estate taes o4er said property property.. 5f6 after after te deat of Ireneo in #=E8, a conference conference among relati4es relati4es as eld erein erein 2ot parties ere present including SAL6A SAL6AI("C nepe MARI'++(C MARI'++(C Ireneo5s 2roter A/R'LI(. A/R'LI(. 56 In te said conference, it as said tat Aurelio informed all of tem tat it as Ireneo5s is to a4e te property di4ided among is eirsC 5e6 tat Spouses Intac ne4er raised any o23ectionC 5f6 and tat neiter did tey inform all tose present on tat occasion tat te property as already sold to tem in #=FF. 56Sometime in #==$, after te deat of SAL6A SAL6AI(", rumors spread in te neig2orood tat te su23ect property ad 2een registered in te names of Spouses IntacC 5&6 tat upon 4erification it te (ffice of te Register of Deeds of ;, tey ere surprised to find out tat suc is indeed te case, and te original ++ ad 2een cancelled 2y 4irtue of te a2solute sale eecuted in S(/S'S Intac5s fa4orC fa4orC 5i6 tat te cancellationand te su2seuent issuance of te ne ++ere null and 4oid and ad no legal effect atsoe4er 2ecause te deed of a2solute sale as a fictitious or simulated documentC 586 tat te Spouses Intac ere guilty of fraud and 2ad fait en said document as eecutedC 5)6 tat Spouses Intac ne4er informed respondents tat tey ere already te registered oners of te su23ect property altoug tey ad ne4er ta@en possession tereofC 596 and tat te respondents ad 2een in possession of te su23ect property in te concept of an oner during Ireneo5s lifetime lifetime up to te present.
10. $O"$!$ INTAC:s AN$!R% 5'6 te su23ect property ad 2een transferred to tem 2ased on a 4alid deed of a2solute sale and for a 4alua2le considerationC 5b6 tat te action to annul te deed of a2solute sale ad already prescri2edC 5c6 tat te stay of respondents in te su23ect premises as only 2y tolerance during Ireneo5s lifetime 2ecause tey ere not yet in need of it at tat timeC and 5(6 tat despite respondents5 @noledge @noledge a2out te sale tat too@ place on (cto2er 8&, #=FF, respondents still filed an action against tem. 11. R+ ruled in fa4or of R'S("D'"+ SIS+'RS and AGAI"S+ S(/S'S I"+A. 12. A modified R+ R+ ruling, 2ut still ruled in fa4or of te R'S("D'"+ SIS+'RS.
SAL6AI(" " as 4endors, and I$$"!5$6: ?eter te deed of sale 0dated (cto2er 8&5FF1 eecuted 2eteen IR'"'( and SAL6AI( S(/S'S I"+A I"+A as 4endees in4ol4ing te real property in agasa, ; as a simulated contract or a 4alid agreement.
H!<: "(C In te case at 2enc, te ourt is one it te courts 2elo tat no 4alid sale of te su23ect property actually too@ place 2eteen te alleged 4endors, Ireneo and Sal4acionC and te alleged 4endees, Spouses Intac. +ere as simply no consideration and no intent to sell it. T&e =ri>'r/ cosi(er'tio i (eter>ii t&e tre 'tre of ' cotr'ct is t&e itetio of t&e ='rties. If t&e ?or(s of ' cotr'ct '==e'r to cotr'vee t&e evi(et itetio of t&e ='rties, t&e
9'tter s&'99 =rev'i9. $c& itetio is (eter>ie( ot o9/ fro> t&e e@=ress ter>s of t&eir 'ree>et, bt '9so fro> t&e cote>=or'eos '( sbseet 'cts of t&e ='rties RATIO:
#. A contract, as defined in te i4il ode, is a meeting of minds, it respect to te oter, to gi4e someting or to render some ser4ice. Article #$#E pro4ides: +ere is no contract unless te folloing reuisites concur: 0#1 onsent of te contracting partiesC 081 (23ect certain ic is te su23ect matter of te contractC 0$1 ause of te o2ligation ic is esta2lised. Accordingly, for a contract to 2e 4alid, it must a4e tree essential elements: 0#1 consent of te contracting partiesC 081 o23ect certain ic is te su23ect matter of te contractC and 0$1 cause of te o2ligation ic is esta2lised. All tese elements must 2e present to constitute a 4alid contract. onsent is essential to te eistence of a contractC and ere it is anting, te contract is non-eistent. In a contract of sale, its perfection is consummated at te moment tere is a meeting of te minds upon te ting tat is te o23ect of te contract and upon te price. onsent is manifested 2y te meeting of te offer and te acceptance of te ting and te cause, ic are to constitute te contract. 8. I t&is c'se, t&e CA r9e( t&'t t&e (ee( of s'9e e@ecte( b/ Ireeo '( $'9v'cio ?'s 'bso9te9/ si>9'te( for 9'c) of cosi(er'tio '( c'se '(, t&erefore, voi(. Articles #$9& and #$9 of te i4il ode pro4ide:
Art. #$9&. Simulation of a contract may 2e a2solute or relati4e. +e former ta@es place en te parties do not intend to 2e 2ound at allC te latter, en te parties conceal teir true agreement.
Art. #$9. An a2solutely simulated or fictitious contract is 4oid. A relati4e simulation, en it does not pre3udice a tird person and is not intended for any purpose contrary to la, morals, good customs, pu2lic order or pu2lic policy 2inds te parties to teir real agreement.
If te parties state a false cause in te contract to conceal teir real agreement, te contract is only relati4ely simulated and te parties are still 2ound 2y teir real agreement. >ence, ere te essential reuisites of a contract are present and te simulation refers only to te content or terms of te contract, te agreement is a2solutely 2inding and enforcea2le 2eteen te parties and teir successors in interest.
$. In a2solute simulation, tere is a colora2le contract 2ut it as no su2stance as te parties a4e no intention to 2e 2ound 2y it. H+e main caracteristic of an a2solute simulation is tat te apparent contract is not really desired or intended to produce legal effect or in any ay alter te 3uridical situation of te parties.H #9 HAs a result, an a2solutely simulated or fictitious contract is 4oid, and te parties may reco4er from eac oter at tey may a4e gi4en under te contract.H #& 9. I t&e c'se 't bec&, t&e Cort is oe ?it& t&e corts be9o? t&'t o v'9i( s'9e of t&e sb8ect =ro=ert/ 'ct'99/ too) =9'ce bet?ee t&e '99ee( ve(ors, Ireneo and Sal4acionC and te alleged 4endees, Spouses Intac. + &ere ?'s si>=9/ o cosi(er'tio '( o itet to se99 it. ritical is te testimony of Marietto, a itness to te eecution of te su23ect a2solute deed of sale. >e testified tat Ireneo personally told im tat e as going to eecute a document of sale 2ecause Spouses Intac needed to 2orro te title to te property and use it as collateral for teir loan application. Ireneo and Sal4acion ne4er intended to sell or permanently transfer te full onersip of te su23ect property to Spouses Intac. Marietto as caracterized 2y te R+ as a credi2le itness. &.
Aside from teir plain denial, petitioners failed to present any concrete e4idence to dispro4e Marietto5s testimony. +ey claimed tat tey actually paid #&%,%%%.%% for te su23ect property. +ey, oe4er, failed to adduce proof, e4en 2y circumstantial e4idence, tat tey did, in fact, pay it. '4en for te consideration of %,%%%.%% as stated in te contract, petitioners could not so any tangi2le e4idence of any payment terefor. +eir failure to pro4e teir payment only strengtened Marietto5s story tat tere as no payment made 2ecause Ireneo ad no intention
to sell te su23ect property. Angelina5s story, ecept on te consideration, as consistent it tat of Marietto. Angelina testified tat se and er us2and mortgaged te su23ect property sometime in July #=FE to finance te construction of a small ospital in Sta. ruz, Laguna. Angelina claimed tat Ireneo offered te property as e as in deep financial need. Granting tat Ireneo as in financial straits, it does not pro4e tat e intended to sell te property to Angelina. etitioners could not adduce any proof tat tey lent money to Ireneo or tat e sared in te proceeds of te loan tey ad o2 tained. And, if teir intention as to 2uild a ospital, could tey still afford to lend money to Ireneo And if Ireneo needed money, y ould e lend te title to Spouses Intac en e imself could use it to 2orro money for is needs If Spouses Intac too@ care of im en e as terminally ill, it as not surprising for Angelina to reciprocate as e too@ care of er since se as tree 0$1 years old until se got married. +eir caring acts for im, ile tey are deemed ser4ices of 4alue, cannot 2e considered as consideration for te su23ect property for lac@ of uantification and te 7ilipino culture of ta@ing care of teir elders.
-. +us, te ourt agrees it te courts 2elo tat te uestioned contract of sale as only for te purpose of lending te title of te property to Spouses Intac to ena2le tem to secure a loan. +eir arrangement as only temporary and could not gi4e rise to a 4alid sale. ?ere tere is no consideration, te sale is null and 4oid a2 initio.
I t&e c'se of
a party5s consent to a contract of sale is 4itiated or ere tere is lac@ of consideration due to a simulated price, te contract is null and 4oid a2 initio. 'mpases suppliedK E. ore i>=ort't9/, Ireeo '( &is f'>i9/ cotie( to be i =&/sic'9 =ossessio of t&e sb8ect =ro=ert/ 'fter t&e s'9e i 1+77 '( = to t&e =reset. T&e/ eve ?et 's f'r 's 9e'si t&e s'>e '( co99ecti ret'9s. If Spouses Intac really purcased te su23ect property and claimed to 2e its true oners, y did tey not assert teir onersip immediately after te alleged sale too@ place ?y did tey a4e to assert teir onersip of it only after te deat of Ireneo and Sal4acion (ne of te most stri@ing 2adges of a2solute simulation is te complete a2sence of any attempt on te part of a 4endee to assert is rigt of dominion o4er te property. #F =.
(n anoter aspect, $=oses It'c f'i9e( to s&o? t&'t t&e/ &'( bee ='/i t&e re'9 est'te t'@es of te su23ect property. +ey admitted tat tey started paying te real estate taes on te property for te years #== and #==F only in #===. +ey could only so to 081 ta receipts 0Real roperty +a Receipt "o. $##%&, dated April 8#, #===, and Real roperty +a Receipt "o. $##%#, dated April 8#, #===1. #E "oticea2ly, petitioners5 ta payment as 3ust an aftertougt. +e non-payment of taes as also ta@en against te alleged 4endees in te case of Lucia arlos Alio 4. >eirs of Angelica A. Lorenzo.#= +us, 7urtermore, Lucia religiously paid te realty taes on te su23ect lot from #=E% to #=E F.?ile ta receipts and declarations of onersip for taation purposes are not, in temsel4es, incontro4erti2le e4idence of onersip, tey constitute at least proof tat te older as a claim of title o4er te property, particularly en accompanied 2y proof of actual possession. +ey are good indicia of te possession in te concept of oner, for no one in is rigt mind ould 2e paying taes for a property tat is not in is actual or at least constructi4e possession. +e 4oluntary declaration of a piece of property for taation purposes manifests not only ones sincere and onest desire to o2tain title to te property and announces is ad4erse claim against te State and all oter interested parties, 2ut also te intention to contri2ute needed re4enues to te Go4ernment. Suc an act strengtens ones 2ona fide claim of acuisition of onersip.
#%. (n te oter and, respondent eirs failed to present e4idence tat Angelica, during er lifetime, paid te realty taes on te su23ect lot. +ey presented only to ta receipts soing tat Ser4illano, Sr. 2elatedly paid taes due on te su23ect lot for te years #=E%-#=E# and part of year #=E8 on Septem2er E, #=E=, or a2out a mont after te institution of te complaint on August $, #=E=, a clear indication tat payment as made as an aftertougt to gi4e te sem2lance of trut to teir claim. +us, te su2seuent acts of te parties 2elie te intent to 2e 2ound 2y te deed of sale. 'mpases suppliedK
##. T&e =ri>'r/ cosi(er'tio i (eter>ii t&e tre 'tre of ' cotr'ct is t&e itetio of t&e ='rties. If t&e ?or(s of ' cotr'ct '==e'r to cotr'vee t&e evi(et itetio of t&e ='rties, t&e 9'tter s&'99 =rev'i9. $c& itetio is (eter>ie( ot o9/ fro> t&e e@=ress ter>s of t&eir 'ree>et, bt '9so fro> t&e cote>=or'eos '( sbseet 'cts of t&e ='rties.8% As eretofore son, te contemporaneous and su2seuent acts of 2ot parties in tis case, point to te fact tat te intention of Ireneo as 3ust to lend te title to te Spouses Intac to ena2le tem to 2orro money and put up a ospital in Sta. ruz, Laguna. learly, te su23ect contract as a2solutely simulated and, terefore, 4oid. In 4ie of te foregoing, te ourt finds it ard to 2elie4e te claim of te Spouses Intac tat te stay of Ireneo and is family in te su23ect premises
as 2y teir mere tolerance as tey ere not yet in need o f it. As earlier pointed out, no con4incing e4idence, ritten or testimonial, as e4er presented 2y petitioners regarding tis matter. It is also of no moment tat ++ "o. #%&$% co4ering te su23ect property as cancelled and a ne ++ 0++ "o. 898&&18# as issued in teir names. +e Spouses Intac ne4er 2ecame te oners of te pro perty despite its registration in teir names. After all, registration does not 4est title. As a logical conseuence, petitioners did n ot 2ecome te oners of te su23ect property e4en after a ++ ad 2een issued in teir names. After all, registration does not 4est title. ertificates of title merely confirm or record title already eisting and 4ested. +ey cannot 2e used to protect a usurper fro m te true oner, nor can tey 2e used as a sield for te commission of fraud, or to permit one to enric oneself at te epense of oters. >ence, recon4eyance of te su23ect property is arranted. 88 +e ourt does not find accepta2le eiter te argument of te Spouses Intac tat respondents5 action for cancellation of ++ "o. 898&& and te recon4eyance of te su23ect property is already 2arred 2y te Statute of Limitations. +e reason is tat te respondents are still in actual possession of te su23ect property. It is a ell-settled doctrine tat Hif te person claiming to 2e te oner of te property is in actual possession tereof, te rigt to see@ recon4eyance, ic in effect see@s to uiet title to te property, does not prescri2e.H 8$ In Lucia arlos Alio, it as also ritten: +e loer courts fault Lucia for allegedly not ta@ing concrete steps to reco4er te su23ect lot, demanding its return only after #% years from te registration of te title. +ey, oe4er, failed to consider tat Lucia as in actual possession of te property. It is ell-settled tat an action for recon4eyance prescri2es in #% years, te rec@oning point of ic is te date of registration of te deed or te date of issuance of te certificate of title o4er te property. In an action for recon4eyance, te decree of registration is igly regarded as incontro4erti2le. ?at is sougt instead is te transfer of te property or its title, ic as 2een erroneously or rongfully registered in anoter persons name, to its rigtful or legal oner or to one o as a 2etter rigt. >oe4er, in a num2er of cases in te past, te ourt as consistently ruled tat if te person claiming to e te oner of te property is in actual possession tereof, te rigt to see@ recon4eyance, ic in effect see@s to uiet title to te property, does not prescri2e. +e reason for tis is tat one o is in actual possession of a piece of land claiming to 2e te oner tereof may ait until is possession is distur2ed or is title is attac@ed 2efore ta@ing steps to 4indicate is rigt. +e reason 2eing, tat is undistur2ed possession gi4es im te continuing rigt to see@ te aid o f a court of euity to ascertain te nature of te ad4erse claim of a tird party and its effect on is title, ic rigt can 2e claimed only 2y one o is in possession. +us, considering tat Lucia continuously possessed te su23ect lot, er rigt to institute a suit to clear te cloud o4er er title cannot e 2arred 2y te statute of limitations.:89'mpases suppliedK ?>'R'7(R', te petition is D'"I'D. S( (RD'R'D.