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Discussion on 12th house 12th hose denotes - Hospitals, jails, foreign lands, isolated places, spirituality, spirituality, MNCs, during time periods of planets signifying 12th house, one can land up inany of these places, mostly all astrologers say the good part which is going to foreign country, but traeling in own country is also there!! - "ey term here is #$%&'(#%N! so one can isit isolated places in own country also, since our country has lot of diersity, it happens ery much here! for a "ashmere to isit Chennai can also be considered as )oreign land where he is unable to hae a "nown language, "nown food or people! and complete change of surroundings! now the most di*cult part is prediction as to what result will frutify! for eg! ta"ing + here! if 12C$& sig 12th house, one can say natie will get any or more than 1 of the aboe result but which one is the uestion! mostly its seen the supporting houses and which e.acyt planet is inoled, moreoer by loo"ing at complete chart this can be thought oer!!/.perts please share your iews!!