Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT DESIGNATED FAMILY COURT !"nch #$% D"&up"n Cit'
MARIAN RIVERA Petitione!% ( )e!sus (
CI*IL CASE NO+ ,-$$#./(01 FOR FOR2 Decl Decl"! "!"t "tio ion n of Null Nullit it' ' of
M"!!i"&e DINGDONG DANTES, Respon3ent+ 4 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (4
PRE-TRIAL PRE-TRIAL BRIEF PETIT ETITIO IONE NER R b' the un3e un3e!!si&n si&ne3 e3 coun ounsel sel 5ono!"ble Cou!t 6ost !espectfull' !espectfull' st"tes2
"n3 "n3
unto unto this this
BRIEF STATEMENT OF PETITIONER’S CLAIMS AND DEFENSES This is "n "ction fo! Decl"!"tion of Nullit' of M"!!i"&e un3e! A!ticles $/ 7 /1 of the Ne8 F"6il' F"6il' Co3e+ ,+ !espon3 !espon3ent ent "n3 petitione petitione!! "!e husb"n3 husb"n3 "n3 8ife9 -+ th"t th"t both both !espo !espon3e n3ent nt "n3 petitio petitione! ne!s s "!e "!e clini clinic"l c"ll' l' foun3 foun3 to be ps'c ps 'cho holo lo&i &ic" c"ll ll' ' inc" inc"p" p"ci cit" t"te te3 3 to co6p co6pl' l' 8ith 8ith the the esse essent nti" i"ll !e:uisites of 6"!!i"&e i3enti;e3 "s !espon3ent h")in& N"!cissistic Pe!son" e!son"lit lit' ' Diso! Diso!3e! 3e! 8ith 8ith Anti(S Anti(Soci oci"l "l T!"its !"its 8hile 8hile petiti petitione one!! is sus >s f!us f!ust! t!"t "tio ion n of !espo espon3 n3en ent> t>s s 6e! 6e!cu!i cu!i"l "l ch"n ch"n&e &e of 3isp 3ispos osit itio ion% n% "bus "busi) i)e e "n3 "n3 6"ni 6"nipu pul" l"ti ti)e )e con3 con3uc uct% t% i66" i66"tu tu!i !it' t'%% e4cess cessi) i)e e spen3in& "n3 "3ulte!ous "3ulte!ous con3uct9
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1+ th"t !espon3ent f"ile3 to &i)e lo)e% e6otion"l suppo!t "n3 ;3elit' to the 6"!!i"&e9 ?+ th"t !espon3ent 3enies "ll the "lle&"tions of the Petitione!+
WILLINGNESS TO ENTER INTO AN AMICABLE SETTLEMENT OR ALTERNATIVE MODES OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION "+ Sub@ect to " conc!ete p!opos"l th"t is f"i! "n3 !e"son"ble "n3 " !ecip!oc"l 6"nifest"tion of openness f!o6 Respon3ent% Petitione! is open to the possibilit' of "6ic"bl' settlin& this 3ispute b+ Petitione! !espectfull' sub6its th"t the 3esi!e3 te!6s of "n' "6ic"ble settle6ent 8oul3 in)ol)e the 3is6iss"l of the petition on the &!oun3 of l"c= of c"use of "ction% "n3 the p"'6ent of 3"6"&es p!"'e3 fo!+
SUMMARY OF FACTS AND PROPOSED STIPULATION OF FACTS ,+ The i3entit' of p"!ties "s petitione! "n3 !espon3ent9 -+ The f"ct of 6"!!i"&e% p"!ties h")in& been 6"!!ie3 on Dece6be! -% -- 9 $+ The " chil3 8"s bo!n in 8e3loc=9 #+ The no p!ope!t' 8"s "c:ui!e3 b' both spouses9 "n3% .+ Thei! 3e(f"cto sep"!"tion "n3 the "bsence of coh"bit"tion bet8een the spouses+
PROPOSAL FOR ADMISSION ,+ th"t both !espon3ent "n3 petitione!s "!e clinic"ll' foun3 to be ps'cholo&ic"ll' inc"p"cit"te3 to co6pl' 8ith the essenti"l !e:uisites of 6"!!i"&e i3enti;e3 "s !espon3ent h")in& N"!cissistic Pe!son"lit' Diso!3e! 8ith Anti(Soci"l T!"its 8hile petitione! is su
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ISSUES TO BE TRIED OR RESOLVED Bhethe! o! not !espon3ent is ps'cholo&ic"ll' inc"p"cit"te3 to co6pl' 8ith the essenti"l !e:uisites of 6"!!i"&e 8hich is " )"li3 &!oun3 un3e! A!t+ $/ "n3 /1 of the Ne8 F"6il' Co3e to 3ecl"!e the 6"!!i"&e " nullit'+
DOCUMENTS OR EXIBITS TO BE PRESENTED ,+ M"!!i"&e Cont!"ct ((((E4hibit A Pu!pose2 To p!o)e the e4istence of the 6"!!i"&e bet8een the petitione! "n3 the !espon3ent -+ i!th Ce!ti;c"te of chil3(((((E4hibits Pu!pose2 To p!o)e th"t the chil3 8"s bo!n in 8e3loc= p!io! to the 6"!!i"&e of the !espon3ent "n3 petitione! $+ The Ps'cholo&ic"l Repo!t(((((E4hibit C Pu!pose2 To p!o)e th"t both !espon3ent "n3 petitione!s "!e clinic"ll' foun3 to be ps'cholo&ic"ll' inc"p"cit"te3 to co6pl' 8ith the essenti"l !e:uisites of 6"!!i"&e i3enti;e3 "s N"!cissistic Pe!son"lit' Diso!3e! 8ith Anti(Soci"l T!"its 8hile petitione! is su
A MANIFESTATION OF TEIR AVING AVAILED OF OR TEIR INTENTION TO AVAIL DISCOVERY PROCEDURE OR REFERRAL TO A COMMISIONER "+Consi3e!in& the !el"ti)el' si6ple issues p!esente3% Respon3ent 3oes not inten3 to ")"il of 3isco)e!' "t this ti6e+ b+Sub@ect% ho8e)e!% to " conc!ete "n3 !e"son"ble !e:uest fo! 3isco)e!' f!o6 Petitione!% Respon3ent !ese!)es the !i&ht to !eso!t to 3isco)e!' befo!e t!i"l+
NUMBER AND NAMES OF WITNESSES AND TE SUBSTANCE OF TEIR RESPECTIVE TESTIMONIES Petitione! inten3s to p!esent th!ee - 8itnesses% to 8it2 ,+ M"!i"n Ri)e!"% petitione! -+ P"uleen Lun"% clinic"l ps'cholo&ist Petitione! 8ill be testif'in& on the "lle&"tions in the Petition "n3 8ill p!esent 3ocu6ent"!' e)i3ence+ The Clinic"l Ps'cholo&ist 8ho Page | !
8ill testif' on the ps'cholo&ic"l e)"lu"tion 3one on both petitione! "n3 !espon3ent+ Petitione! M"!i"n Ri)e!"% !ese!)es the !i&ht to p!esent "n' "n3 "ll 3ocu6ent"!' e)i3ence % 8hich sh"ll beco6e !ele)"nt to !ebut !espon3ent>s 8itnesses >% if necess"!'+
APPLICABLE LAWS AND "URISPRUDENCE ,+ P!o)isions on the F"6il' Co3e -+ Applic"ble l"8s "n3 @u!isp!u3ence !ele)"nt on the 6"tte!+
AVAILABILITY FOR TRIAL The petitione! nee3s "t le"st ;)e . t!i"l 3"tes to p!esent its c"se to be "&!ee3 upon 3u!in& the P!e(t!i"l Confe!ence+ RESPECTFULLY SUMITTED to this 5ono!"ble Cou!t this ,? th 3"' of Ap!il -,# "t ustice 5"ll% D"&up"n Cit'% Philippines+
ATTY# GLAI$A MAE G# MASAOY Counsel fo! the Petitione! ,-$ l3&+ Pe!eH l)3+% D"&up"n Cit' IP No+,, 0/#1,# 3t3+ ,(0( ,.D"&up"n Cit' PTR No+, .##0# ,,#,. D"&up"n Roll No+ ,$$0/ MCLE Co6pli"nce III J ,?$-1 Dt3+ M"!ch -0% -,#
Cop' fu!nishe32 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Personal Service A%% L'(')e%* Pa(a+ Counsel fo! the Respon3ent P"l"3o "n3 Associ"tes Asin&"n% P"n&"sin"n
O.e / %*e C'%& P0e.%0 ((((((((((((((((((( Personal Service D"&up"n Cit' O.e / %*e S('.'%0 Ge3e0a( ((((((((((Registered Mail w/ Return Card ,$. A6o!solo St+% Le&"spi *ill+% M"="ti Cit' EXPLANATION
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Pursuant to the Provision of Rule 13, Section 11 of the 1997 Rules in Civil Procedure as Amended, undersigned sumits this !"#lanation that the service of this Pre$ %rial was to &'ce of the Solicitor (eneral ) Registered Mail instead of #ersonal serve in view of lac* of man#ower+
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