A case Digest on ROBLES v. HRET with a copy of its full text, topic under Section 17, of Article 6 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.Full description
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Description : Elizabeth Kaitan EF92
Mary Elizabeth Ty-Delgado V. HRET and Philip Arreza Pichay G.R. No. 2!"#$ %an&ary 2"' 2#" Facts:
Pichay was convicted by final judgment for four counts of libel. On 9 October 2012 Pichay filed his certificate of candidacy for the !osition of "ember of the #ouse of $e!resentatives for the First %egislative&istrict of 'urigao del 'ur. Petitioner filed a !etition for dis(ualification under 'ection 12 of the Omnibus )lection *ode against Pichay before the *ommission on )lections on the ground that Pichay was convicted of libel a crime involving moral tur!itude. 'he argued that when Pichay !aid the fine on 1+ February 2011 the five,year !eriod barring him to be a candidate had yet to la!se. Pichay claimed that libel does not necessarily involve moral tur!itude. #e contended that he did not !ersonally !erform the acts !rohibited and his conviction for libel was only because of his !resumed res!onsibility as !resident of the !ublishing !ublishing com!any. On 1- "ay 201 the Provincial /oard of *anvassers of 'urigao del 'ur !roclaimed Pichay as the duly elected "ember of the #ouse of $e!resentatives for the First %egislative &istrict of 'urigao 'urigao del 'ur. y y,&elgado ,&elgado filed an ad cautelam !etition !etition for (uo warranto warranto before the #$) reiterating that Pichay is ineligible to serve as "ember of the #ouse of $e!resentatives because: 1 he was convicted by final judgment of four counts of libel a crime involving moral tur!itude3 and 2 only two years have !assed since he served his sentence or !aid on 1+ February 2011 the !enalty im!osed on him. #$) held that Pichay did not !artici!ated the writing of the libelous articles but his conviction was in line with his duty as the !resident ! resident of the !ublishing com!any. /ased on the circumstances the #$) concluded that Pichay4s conviction for libel did not involve moral tur!itude. 5ssue: 678 the #$) gravely abused its its discretion amounting to lac lac or ecess of jurisdiction when it failed to dis(ualify Pichay for his conviction for libel a crime involving moral tur!itude $uling: ; sent senten ence ce by fina finall judg judgme ment nt for for a crim crimee invo involv lvin ing g mora morall tur! tur!it itud udee is a grou ground nd for for dis(ualification under 'ection 12 of the Omnibus )lection*ode: 'ec. 12. &is(ualifications. < ;ny !erson who has been declared by com!etent authority insane or incom!etent or has been sentenced by final judgment for subversion insurrection rebellion or for any offense for which he was sentenced to a !enalty of more than eighteen months or for a crime involving moral tur!itude shall be dis(ualified to be a candidate and to hold any office unless he has been given !lenary !ardon or granted amnesty
"oral tur!itude is defined as everything which is done contrary to justice modesty or good morals3 an act of baseness vileness or de!ravity in the !rivate and social duties which a man owes his fellowmen or to society in general. 5n the !resent case Pichay admits his conviction for four counts of libel. 5n ulfo v. Peo!le of the Phili!!ines the *ourt found Pichay liable for !ublishing the four defamatory articles which are libelous !er se with recless disregard of whether they were false or not. he fact that another libelous article was !ublished after the filing of the com!laint can be considered as further evidence of malice. hus Pichay clearly acted with actual malice and intention to do ulterior and unjustifiable harm. #e committed an =act of baseness vileness or de!ravity in the !rivate duties which he owes his fellow men or society in general> and an act which is =contrary to justice honesty or good morals he crime of libel would not even be consummated without his !artici!ation as !ublisher of the libelous articles. One who furnishes the means for carrying on the !ublication of a news!a!er and entrusts its management to servants or em!loyees whom he selects and control s may be said to cause to be !ublished what actually a!!ears and should be held res!onsible therefor whether he was individually concerned in the !ublication or not. ;ccordingly the #$) committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lac of or ecess of jurisdiction when it failed to dis(ualify Pichay for his conviction for libel a crime involving moral tur!itude. 'ince Pichay4s ineligibility eisted on the day he filed his certificate of candidacy and he was never a valid candidate for the !osition of "ember of the #ouse of $e!resentatives the votes cast for him were considered stray votes.