CLOUTERRE 1991 Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991 For Designing, Calculating, Constructing and Inspecting Earth Support Systems Using Soil Nailing
Presses de l'ENPC, 28 Rue des Saints-Peres 75343 Paris Cedex 07, France Tel. 33 (1) 44 58 28 30
Original Document: Recommandations CLOUTERRE -1991 ISBN 2-85978-170-6
English Language Translation: Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991 Printed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) with the permission of the Presses de l'ENPC. All copyrights to future reproduction are retained by the Presses de l'ENPC. Neither the FHWA nor the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) will authorize or expressly permit any other party to distribute copies of this document in France.
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No.
3. Recipient's Catalog No.
PB94-109980 5. Report Date Auqust 1993
4. Title and Subtitle RECOMMANDATIONS CLOUTERRE 1991 (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
6. Performing Organization Code 8. Performing Organization Report No.
7. Author(s) See Introduction for further information on authors of original French version and translation of the English version. 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
9. Performing Organization Name and Address See Introduction
11. Contract or Grant No. 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address English Translation Published by Federal Highway Administration 400 Seventh Street,m SW. Washington, D.C. 20590
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes See introduction for further information on authors of original French version and translation of the English version.
16. Abstract The Recommandations CLOUTERRE 1991 - constitute the culmination of the French National Project CLOUTERRE, which was conducted from 1986 to 1990 with a total bUdget of 22 million French francs. These "Soiling Nailing Recommendations" represent a major contribution·to the engineering community interested in the cost effective earth excavation support system known as soil nailing. Nailing, a recent technique of reinforcing in-place soils, started in France in the first wall built in Versailles in 1972. Since then, the French experience has continued to progress to the point that in 1990 more than 100,000 square meters of walls were built on highway, railway, and building construction projects. This remarkable development is due to the two principal advantages of soil nailing: its financial competitiveness compared to other earth support systems and its speed of construction. However, one must also credit the National Project CLOUTERRE that has greatly eased the dissemination of the technology to National and international audiences. Soil nailing techniques have been used since the 1970s and technical papers have been published at geotechnical conferences around the world since its inception. However, as late as 1992 no document that summarizes the whole design and construction process, from geotechnical investigation to field quality control, as this one does was available. Shortly after publication by the Presses de IEcole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (EN PC), bilingual engineers recognized the value of producing an English translation of the document. This document is a faithful translation of the original book published by the Presses of ENPC. It was prepared under the general supervision of Mr. Francois Schlosser, the Scientific Director of the French National Project CLOUTERRE and President of Terrasol in Paris.
18. Distribution Statement
17. Key Words Nails, soil nails, soil nailing, soil-nailed wall, anchored wall, reinforced earth, ground modification, retaining wall, French National Project Clouterre 19. Security Classif. (of this report) Unclassified
Form DOT F 1700.7
No restrictions. This document is available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161
20. Security Classif. (of this page) Unclassified
Reproduction of completed page authorized
21. No. of Pages 321
22. Price
inches feet yards
fluid ounces gallons cubic feet cubic yards
square square square acres square
inches feet yards miles
When You Know
29.57 3.785 0.028 0.765
645.2 0.093 0.836 0.405 2.59
25.4 0.305 0.914 1.61
MUltiply By
milliliters liters cubic meters cubic meters
square millimeters square meters square meters hectares square kilometers
millimeters meters meters kilometers
To Find
foot-candles foot-Lamberts
fc fl 10.76 3.426
5(F-32)/9 or (F-32)/1.8
lux candelalm 2
Celcius temperature
grams kilograms megagrams
4.45 6.89
newtons kilo pascals
• SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380.
poundforce poundforce per square inch
Fahrenheit temperature
Ibf Ibf/in2
28.35 0.454 0.907
ounces pounds short tons (2000 Ib)
oz Ib T
NOTE: Volumes greater than 1000 I shall be shown in m3 .
II oz gal
yd2 ac mi 2
yd mi
N kPa
Ix cdlm 2
g kg Mg
ml I m3 m3
mm 2 m2 m2 ha km 2
mm m m km
N kPa
Ix cdlm 2
g kg Mg
ml I m3 m3
mm 2 m2 m2 ha km 2
mm m m km
Celcius temperature
0.0929 0.2919
1.8C + 32
newtons kilo pascals
0.225 0.145
inches feet yards
ft3 yd'
II oz gal
yd 2 ac mi 2
in 2
yd mi
foot-candles foot -Lamberts
Fahrenheit temperature
Ibl Ibl/in2
(Revised June 1993)
pOllndforce poundlorce per square inch
ounces oz pounds Ib short tons (2000 Ib) T
fluid ounces gallons cubic feet cubic yards
square square square acres square
inches feet yards miles
To Find
lux candelalm 2
0.035 2.202 1.103
0.034 0.264 35.71 1.307
0.0016 10.764 1.195 2.47 0.386
0.039 3.28 1.09 0.621
MUltiply By
grams kilograms megagrams
milliliters liters cubic meters cubic meters
square millimeters square meters square meters hectares square kilometers
millimeters meters meters kilometers
When You Know
The French National Research Project CLOUTERRE and the resulting manual Recommandations CLOUTERRE -1991 are important contributions to the engineering
community interested in the cost effective earth excavation support system known as Soil Nailing. Soil nailing techniques have been used since the 1970s and technical papers have been published at geotechnical conferences around the world since its inception. However, there is at this time (1992) no document that summarizes the whole design and construction process, from geotechnical investigation to field quality control, as this one does. Shortly after publication by the Presses de l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC), Paris, France, bilingual engineers recognized the value of producing an English translation of the document. This document is a faithful translation of the original book published by the Presses of ENPC. It was also prepared under the general supervision of Mr. Fran~ois Schlosser, the Scientific Director of the French National Project CLOUTERRE, Professor at the ENPC, and President of Terrasol, Geotechnical Consultants, Paris. In this book, the reader will find many references to French publications and to agencies that produce documents in France relevant to the subject. Titles of French publications are listed as originally referenced, along with an English translation of the title. French abbreviations for the various agencies involved have been maintained in the text. A list of abbreviations is included showing both the proper title and a translation. This is to provide the reader with a reasonably good indication of what organization in his or her own country would produce similar publications, guidelines, specifications, or regulations. The translators also found the need to develop a list of the agreed translations of various terms and expressions. These are presented in the Lexicon. This is not a true dictionary in the technical sense, but represents the translators' experience in dealing with soil nailing terms in common use in the U.S.A. Some additional comments are in order about the translation, which has been a truly international team effort. The first translation of the document was made by Mr. Bernard Myles and associates at Soil Nailing Limited, Cardiff, UK, together with contributions from the Transport Research Laboratories of the UK Department of Transport. Various chapters from that document were then distributed to Messrs. Claude Plumelle, Professor (CNAM), Consultant at the CEBTP; Daniel Raynoud, Engineer at the CEBTP; Philippe Unterreiner, Assistant Professor (ENPC), Research Engineer (CERMES); and John
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Walkinshaw, P.E., G.E., Regional Geotechnical Engineer for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in San Francisco, California. These corrected chapters were retyped and redistributed for final review and further corrections. In this process, all chapters received at least a double review by Messrs. Unterreiner and Walkinshaw for technical accuracy of the translation. In the process some minor typographical errors in the original document were corrected. The final document was then submitted to an American editor prior to printing. The whole effort would not have been possible without the patient and tireless assistance of Ms. Pat Thoburn (Soil Nailing Limited, Cardiff, UK) and Mr. Philippe Unterreiner (CERMESENPC/LCPC, Paris, France), who coordinated the effort and kept the translators on schedule. Financial support for redrafting the figures (done at Terrasol using the originals) and publication of the manual was given by Mr. Douglas Bernard, Director of the FHWA Office of Technology Applications, Washington, D.C., under the guidance of Mr. John Hooks, Chief of the Structures and Soils Application Branch. In France, the translation was sponsored by the Direction des Affaires Economiques et Internationales (DAEI), Ministere de l'Equipment, du Logement, des Transports et de L'Espace (MELTE).
In the United Kingdom, Soil Nailing Limited has received financial support from its parent company, Ryan Group Limited, for the preparation of the prepublication document. Participants were sponsored by their respective companies or agencies with much time donated by each individuaL
The Soil Nailing Recommandations 91 constitute the culmination of the French National Project CLOUTERRE, which was conducted from 1986 to 1990 with a total budget of 22 million French francs. Nailing, a recent technique of reinforcing in-place soils, started in France with the first wall built in Versailles in 1972. Since then, the French experience has continued to progress to the point that in 1990 more than 100,000 square meters of walls were built on highway, railway, and building construction projects. This remarkable development is due to the two principal advantages of soil nailing: its financial competitiveness compared to other earth support systems and its speed of construction. However, one must also credit the National Project CLOUTERRE that has greatly eased the dissemination of this technology to National and International audiences. The Soil Nailing Recommandations 91 are the result of an important team effort of reflections and synthesis and represent well the five years of research, studies, and tests of the National Project. They should allow for a large development of soil nailing and, notably, its use in permanent structures in Geotechnical Engineering; this is the second application of limit state concepts to ground reinforcement, after the Recommandations sur la Terre Armee (Reinforced Earth Recommendations) published by the Direction des Routes (French Highway Administration) in 1979. The present stage of knowledge has allowed us to develop only design concepts for dimensioning at ultimate limit state; the design at service limit state is at the present time an area of research and study for future years.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Please allow me to thank all the participants of the French National Project CLOUTERRE and particularly those who have participated in the preparation and editing of these recommendations. C. MARTINAND
Directeur des Affaires Economiques et Internationales Ministere de l'Equipement, du Logement des Transports et de l'Espace
These recommendations have been compiled from studies of the French National Project "CLOUTERRE" (dou =: nail, terre =: soil) carried out from 1986 to 1990 by a group of contracting authorities, prime contractors, research centers and laboratories, consulting firms, and construction companies under the auspices of The Economic and International Affairs Division (DAEI - Direction des Affaires Economiques et Internationales) of The Ministry of Public Works, Housing, Transport and Space (MELTE Ministere de l'Equipement, du Logement, des Transports et de l'Espace), and the National Federation of Public Works (FNTP - Federation Nationale des Travaux Publics).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
This study and research program has been financed by members of the National Project: Bachy, Ballot, Bouygues, CEBTP, ENPC-CERMES, Cofiroute and Socaso, DDE de la Moselle et de Savoie, DDST de la Martinique, EMCC, FNTP, Fougerolle, Gie Semed Dumez, IMG, Intrafor, Forezienne d'Entreprises, LCPC, Laboratoires Regionaux de l'Est Parisien, de Lorraine et du Rhone, Ministere des Transport du Quebec, Sade, Scetauroute, Sefi, SEMALY, SETRA, Societe du Metro de Marseille, Soletanche, SpieBatignolles, Terrasol, with the support of the DAE!. The French National Project CLOUTERRE included a management committee presided over by R. Soulas and a scientific committee presided over by F. Schlosser. The running of the Project was guaranteed by R. Soulas, R. Aris, F. Schlosser, and C. Plumelle. These recommendations comprise seven chapters compiled by six working groups under the direction of the scientific committee and finalized by the editing committee.
The following have taken part in drawing up and editing these recommendations:
Scientific Committee of the French National Project CLOUTERRE President: F. Schlosser Members M. Boucherie (Socotec) P. de Buhan (LMS) J.M. Forestier (DAEI) N. Goulesco (Bouygues) G. Haiun (SETRA) M. Lenoire (FNTP) G. Maraficaud (Intrafor) P. Unterreiner (CERMES-ENPC/LCPC)
J.R. Brulois (Bachy) P. Delage (CERMES-ENPC/LCPC) J.-P. Gigan (LREP) D. Gouvenot (Soh~tanche) L. Hurpin (Bouygues) I.-P. Magnan (LCPC) C. Plumelle (CEBTP) P. Vezole (Forezienne d'Entereprises)
Members of the Editing Committee D. Allagnat (Scetauroute) F. Blondeau (Terrasol and Blondeau Consultants) G. Bolle (Spie-Batignolles) J.R. Brulois (Bachy) J.-P. Clautour (Sefi) P. de Buhan (LMS) B. Gicquel (Bouygues) N. Goulesco (Bouygues) Y. Guerpillon (Scetauroute) C. Heurtebis (SETRA) M. Khizardjian (LRR) Y. Matichard (LRL) A. Morbois (Scetauroute) A. Raharinaivo (LCPC) B. Simon (Terrasol)
M. Besson (Intrafor) M. Boucherie (Socotec) S. Buzet (Bouygues) P. Clement (Bachy) P. Delmas (LCPC) J.-P. Gigan (LREP) D. Gouvenot (Soletanche) G. Haiun (SETRA) L. Hurpin (Bouygues) J. Marchal (LRR) G. Mercieca (CEBTP) C. Plumelle (CEBTP) M. Salomon (CEBTP)
Spokesmen M. Boucherie (Socotec) A. Guilloux (Terrasol) C. Plumelle (CEBTP)
J.-P. Gigan (LREP) G. Haiun (SETRA) F. Schlosser (Terrasol)
Editing Committee: J. P. Magnan (LCPC) J. Salen<;on (LMS) P. Unterreiner (CERMES-ENPC/LCPC)
C. Plumelle (CEBTP) F. Schlosser (Terrasol)
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
List of Symbols and Definitions
H L Sv Sh La Ls
~ 11 i
m m m m m m m m degree degree degree degree
Aa Ae
m2 m2
De Da
Definition Height of nailed wall Length of nails Vertical spacing of nails Horizontal spacing of nails Anchor length of nails Grouted length of nails Drill hole diameter (grouted bars) Diameter of bar Inclination of nails on the horizontal Angle of inclination of the talus on the horizontal Batter of facing Angle of incidence of nails on the normal to the failure surface Section of metallic bar Grouted section
kN kN kNm kN kN kN kN kN
Til M
To Tmax Te TL Tc
Definition Shear force in the nail Axial force (or tension) in the nail Bending moment in the nail Axial force (or tension) in the nail at the facing Maximum axial force (or tension) in the nail Critical creep force (axial) Ultimate skin friction force Elastic limit of the reinforcement
Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991
kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
p 0'0 .1.0'
Normal stress Tangential stress Pressure on the nail Initial normal stress on the nail Increase in normal stress due to dilatancy Vertical normal stress in the soil
m m m m m m m m without
y z X Y,Z
Dx, Dy, Dz Dh Dv
Horizontal axis parallel to the soil nailed wall Horizontal axis perpendicular to the soil nailed wall Vertical axis Longitudinal axis along the nail Transverse axes to the nail Relative soil-nail displacements Horizontal displacements at top of wall facing Vertical displacements at top of wall facing Linear deformation tensor
Viscosity of grout
List of Symbols and Definitions
ah av all
m/s 2 m/s 2 m/s 2
Definition Horizontal acceleration Vertical acceleration Nominal acceleration
rm r sJl r Q1 r y
without without
Definition Partial safety factor Load factors
Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991
degree degree degree without without kPa kPa
11 11* c'
wL wp PI Ie Sr W WOPN
e K Ko Ka Kp Po
Yd Yw Ys I
E Ea Ee EM Es 10 ks kp
qs R ll
Mo M max cre
% % % % % % %
without without without without without kPa kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m3 m4 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa m kN/m3 kN/m3 kPa kPa kN kN kNm kNm kPa kPa
Definition Effective friction angle of the soil Undrained friction angle of the soil Dilatancy angle of the soil Real coefficient of soil-nail friction Apparent coefficient of soil-nail friction Drained cohesion of the soil Undrained cohesion of the soil Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index Consistency index Degree of saturation Water content Optimum water content (standard proctor) Void ratio Earth pressure coefficient Coefficient of earth pressure at rest Active earth pressure coefficient Passive earth pressure coefficient Horizontal earth pressure between nails Total unit weight of soil Effective unit weight Dry unit weight Unit weight of water Specific unit weight of the solids Nail moment of inertia Young's modulus Young's modulus of the bar Young's modulus of the grout Pressuremeter modulus of the soil Modulus of subgrade reaction Transfer length of the nail Coefficient of subgrade reaction Initial slope of soil-nail skin friction mobilization law Limit pressuremeter pressure Unit skin friction Tension resistance of the nail Shear resistance of the nail Plastic moment of the nail in simple bending Plastic moment of the nail in composite bending Steel elastic limit Tension stress at failure of the grout
List of Symbols and Definitions
Yc Yb
kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m3 without kN/m3 kN/m3
kN kN kN kN
Definition Cement batch weight Bentonite batch weight Water batch weight Cement/water ratio Unit weight of cement Unit weight of Bentonite
Definition Permanent loads Loads due to water Variable loads Accidental loads
without without without without without without
Density of nails Total number of nails Minimum number of preliminary tests Classification index of the structures Global corrosion index Global classification index of the structures Resistance measured (Wenner method) Apparent specific resistance Opposite value of the logarithm of the value expressing the hydrogenion concentration in moles/liter
n N C L4 I R p
n Ocm without
Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991
Forces Stresses Displacements Angles
a,p X
e i ~ 11
Positive in tension Positive in compression Oriented from the nail head to its tip (inside the reinforced mass) Positive below the horizontal Positive below the normal to the failure surface Positive above the horizontal Positive for a facing inclined inward
Preface (to the English Translation) Preface (to the original French Document) Introduction
v vii ix
List of symbols and definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xiii Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
DURABILITY OF STRUCTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Chapter 7:
ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 LEXICON
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
1.1. Definition of a soil nailed wall Constructing a soil nailed wall involves reinforcing the soil as work progresses in the area being excavated by the introduction of passive bars, which essentially work in tension. These are usually parallel to one another and slightly inclined downward. These bars can also work partially in bending and by shear. The skin friction between the soil and the nails puts the latter in tension. Using this method, and working from the top downward, a mass of reinforced soil is gradually built up. In order to keep the soil from caving in between the bars, some sort of facing needs to be installed. This is generally made with some shotcrete reinforced by a welded wire mesh. This facing can be vertical, battered to a wide variety of angles, or made up of a series of benches (Figure 1). The passive bars are often referred to as "nails" and the soil reinforcing technique is known as "soil nailing." Once it has been constructed, a soil nailed wall shows a certain similarity with a Reinforced Earth wall. However, the fact that a soil nailed wall will have been built downward with the soil being reinforced in situ, while a Reinforced Earth wall is constructed by building an embankment that is then strengthened as the work progresses, constitutes an essential difference. By its very definition, a soil nailed wall is difficult to build under a water table. In these circumstances, special procedures will need to be introduced, such as pumping operations to lower groundwater levels, drainage, etc.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
10 Clusaz (1981)
10 Plagne
Sand and gravel
Grouted nails Driven steel an les
A30 Freeway Knutangg,J 1987)
Figure 1. Examples of soil nailed walls.
Lyon subway
t 1986)
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
1.2. Building phases A soil nailed wall is constructed in successive phases from the top to the bottom, comprising (see figure 2): 1) Excavation, generally limited to 1 or 2 meters deep and possibly limited in length depending on the type of ground being stabilized. 2) The introduction of subhorizontal or inclined nails into the in situ soil. 3) Building a facing wall on site (shotcrete over a welded wire mesh or fibrous concrete) or installation of precast elements (or panels) that can be architecturally treated in various ways.
1_ Excavation
3 _ Reinforced
shotcrete (or prefabricated facing panels)
2 _ Installing the nails
4 _ Excavation
Figure 2. Construction phases of a soil nailed wall.
During the excavation phase, the soil must remain stable. This calls for some degree of short-term cohesion in the soil, although it does not need to be highly cohesive. About 4 kPa cohesion in Fontainbleau sand was sufficient to assure stability of one meter excavation phases in the first CEBTP experimental wall of the Project CLOUTERRE. If the soil shows little sign of cohesion, it is possible to carry out the excavation in slots; phases 2 and 3 are
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
carried out in that order, although these can be reversed, i.e., the shotcrete can be applied before the nails are introduced. Nails can be installed in two principal ways: Either by drilling and then grouting with cement grout or mortar in a predrilled hole, Or by either percussive methods or vibro-drilling. In 1989, soil nailing with grouted nails accounted for just over half the total number of square meters of the soil nailed in France. Other techniques are currently being developed. These combine vibration driving with injection processes. In the United Kingdom and France, certain techniques have appeared recently that involve driving nails by a compressed air launcher or a pyrotechnic launcher. The nails are generally made of steel, although other materials have been used, in particular glassfibers. In the case of reinforced shotcrete, the facing wall is constructed to a calculated thickness that depends, mainly, on the grid layout of the nails, but the actual volume of shotcrete, because of over excavation of the planned cross-section used, is often higher. Unlike other techniques, such as Reinforced Earth, the building of a soil nailed wall involves a critical phase with respect to local or overall stability. The latter can be lower during the building phase than when the wall is finally built. Local excavation stability during the earthwork phase depends directly on the height of soil excavated, as was shown in the tests and experiments conducted for the CEBTP No.2 experimental wall of the Project CLOUTERRE (figure 3).
Fontainebleau sand
('f =38
=4 kPa )
. .'
"j'_ Failure
. . .... surface Struts [
a- Stable
b _ At stability limit
Figure 3. Stability of excavation phases in CEBTP NO.2 experimental wall (French National Project CLOUTERRE, 1989).
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
Weepholes must always be provided through the facing so that any water infiltrating the structure can drain away. In areas subject to internal hydraulic flows of water, it is appropriate to install drainage measures, such as: Subhorizontal drains. Drainage details, such as geocomposites installed before the facing wall is constructed.
2.1. Origins of soil nailing The origins of soil nailing come, in part, from techniques developed for rock bolting and multianchorage systems, and also from Reinforced Earth techniques, which in practical terms show close similarities to the soil nailed technique. Among those structures or reinforcing techniques for in situ soil that are reasonably close to soil nailed walls, the following should be given special mention: Retaining walls using anchored bars and faced with reinforced concrete constructed in schists in 1961 (Bonazzi and Colombet, 1984) (figure 4). The Austrian method for supporting galleries and tunnels as developed by Rabecwiz (1964). This method is now often used in place of traditional earth supports.
Alluvio _ _-o
Figure 4. Overflow spillway of Notre-Dame-de-Commiers, 1961 (Bonazzi and Colombet, 1984).
This latter technique involves reinforcing the ground using anchored bars (bolts) all around the gallery immediately after the face has been excavated, thus allowing an appreciable
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
reduction in the amount of final lining required (figure 5). The nails used are usually between 3 and 6 meters long.
disPlacemeot~ \ Unloaded arch ~/
tI I
~ Reinforced ground mass
\ \
I~~,' Mesh
Reinforced concrete - -
confinig pressure
Pi : initial pressure
Figure 5. Traditional and Austrian tunnelling method for lining a gallery: principle and behavior.
2.2. Developments in the use of soil nailing for earth support systems
The development of the soil nailed wall has progressed as follows: 1) First wall built at Versailles in 1972/73 by the companies Bouygues and Soletanche during work on adding SNCF railroad tracks (Rabejac et Toudic, 1974). This involved a temporary wall being built in Fontainebleau sand, using a high density of short nails anchored with grout (figure 6). This was the first time the soil nailing technique was used on a wall in France. 2) First experiment on a full-scale structure in Germany (Stocker et al., 1979). The wall was built using grouted nails and was loaded to failure with a surcharge at the top.
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
3) First attempt at "industrialization" with the development of the first prefabricated facing components in France (Louis, 1981). 4) National research project for soil nailing (French National Project CLOUTERRE 1986-1990) commissioned by the DAEI (Ministry of Public Works) with the support of the National Federation of Public Works and the Ministry of Research.
Reinforced concrete '",,- wall
- ----- - __ ,
Fontainebleau· 21
I .
E,isting->JQ!l ~
I' ff I I
It is also interesting to note here the parallel developments that have taken place in techniques for building earth support systems that are also based on the reinforcement of in situ soil, and which bear certain similarities with soil nailing, such as:
Grouted nails
Figure 6. Soil nailed wall at Versailles (Rabejac and Toudic, 1974).
The root pile technique (in France referred to as "micropiles"), which has been developed in Italy by Lizzi (1979), and which is also used for the construction of earth support structures. This falls midway between the stabilization of slopes and reinforced soil walls (figure 7).
Figure 7. Sloped soil nailed wall with micropiles (Lizzi, 1977).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The technique with multiple prestressed anchors: Commonly called "anchored or tie back walls" where the structure is again built in phases and from the top down (figure 8) (Blondeau et al., 1987). The main difference with a soil nailed wall is in the use of prestressed anchors instead of nails. This technique reduces the magnitude of horizontal displacement during excavation.
25.00 m
39.40 NGF
------------Ground ~=~~-11-,L-~l,.-:~ anchors 640kN
Anchore d wall kN
__ Ground -\ Nails
\ OOChO: 6.00NGF
"=-3.80 I-------'-="---'-''---IIFOUNDATION RAFT
Figure 8. Anchored wall, 35 meters high and mixed soil nailed wall (Blondeau et aI., 1987).
At present, the highest vertical facing wall constructed using the soil nailing technique is the temporary wall built in connection with the excavations for the Opera at Montpellier. This wall, which surrounds the excavation, is 21 meters high and was constructed using the percussive technique (method of Hurpin) in fine cemented sand (figure 9a).
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
a. 21-meter high vertical soil nailed wall (Montpellier Opera, 1985).
Shotcrete facing Grouted nails Steel bars ep32mm
Soil: Clayey grovel alluvia
Grouted nails Steel bars
ep40 mm
b. Inclined soil nailed wall, 28 meters high (Southern entrance of Dombes Tunnel, Rhone-Alpes TGV line, 1990). Figure 9. Highest soil nailed walls built in France (as of 1990).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
It is, in fact, a combined wall, since at its top it uses a row of prestressed anchors. The
highest soil nailed wall built to date without using active anchors is to be found at the southern end of the Dombes tunnel, built for the TGV as part of the east Lyon by-pass. Some 28 meters in height, it has a batter of 17° (figure 9b). Although data collection has not been easy, in France, during 1988, it is believed a minimum of 50,000 square meters of soil nailed walls were constructed. For example, cut and cover sections built as part of the TGV Atlantique line as it exits Paris, involved nearly 40,000 m 2 of soil nailed walls built over a two-year period. Outside France the technique has also seen developments in Germany and Austria, and it is beginning to be used in the USA. However, in overall terms, worldwide development is still in its infancy. By far the majority of structures being built are still temporary, although 1988 and 1989 saw the construction in France of more short-, medium-, and long-term structures. More rapid development of the technique would need: Soil nailing to be used for permanent structures. This was one of the aims of the National Project CLOUTERRE; it is this lack of experience of how long and how well soil nailed structures will last (corrosion of the nails) that has, until now, limited the technique to temporary structures only. An improved, more aesthetic facing by the implementation of new techniques (prefabricated concrete components, etc.).
2.3. Soil nailing and patents The concept of soil nailing has not been patented, nor is it patentable, given the large number of precedents that exist in this field. However, numerous technology patents have been, and can be, taken out. These relate mainly to the nails and the facings (prefabricated components). In addition, several patents deal with systems for protecting the nails against corrosion.
2.4. Advantages and drawbacks The main advantages of soil nailing for excavation support systems are: Reduced construction equipment/materials. Rapid construction. Readily adaptable to different sites. Readily adaptable to heterogeneous soils. Competitive cost.
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
To construct a soil nailed wall requires only a limited amount of light equipment: an earthworking machine for the excavation, a drilling machine and grout-injection equipment or a mechanical hammer for installing the nails, and a pump for spraying the concrete if the facing comprises reinforced shotcrete. The work is completed rapidly because it is being done at the same time as the excavation. Even though the technique is simple, the construction of a soil nailed wall requires both care and skill on the part of the company in charge. Soil nailing is readily adaptable to otherwise difficult sites as long as no prior excavation work is needed and light equipment can be used. In particular, it allows structures to be built on slopes where access is difficult. It can also be built in segments and, if necessary, on a curve or with benches. Although the majority of soil nailing research and studies undertaken to date have been limited to homogeneous soils, this technique also adapts well to heterogeneous soils insofar as the density of nails can be adapted to the type and the resistance of soils found. Grouted nails can pass easily through locally heterogeneous soils with occasional boulders; it is also possible, if space allows, to locally modify the orientation, length, or density of the nails. The soil nailing technique represents a most competitive cost solution in that it combines speed, simplicity and the use of light equipment. However, soil nailing does have certain drawbacks, for example: Lateral and vertical movements inherent to the very nature of the technique itself. Use limited to soils that have no water table or that are protected by a reduction in the water table level. Use can be difficult or delicate in certain soil conditions - cohesionless sands, caving sands, soils containing pockets of water, soils containing a high quantity of clay where the moisture content might increase after construction, and frost-susceptible soils. With regard to both short- and long-term structures, particular attention should be paid at all times to the durability of any nails used in corrosive soils and to long-term movements, particularly those caused by creep in clays. Lateral and vertical displacements constitute a limitation that is particularly important on urban sites because of the presence of other structures in the vicinity. In fact, as will be shown in paragraph 3.4. of chapter 2, the upper part of the facing of a soil nailed wall displaces both laterally and vertically during the course of construction. The extent of these displacements can vary from between one and four thousandths of the height of the wall (figure 10). These displacements affect the surface of the neighboring soil, but reduce with distance from the facing. It is also important to check that the existing structure is able to tolerate, without any damage, a horizontal deformation of the soil Eh in extension, together
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
with a differential vertical movement (distortion 'Yu) over a distanceA from the facing (See the values given in paragraph 3.4.2. of chapter 2).
Existing structure
>.. = H [1 - ton
Displacement of facing
Figure 10. Use of soil nailing technique on an urban site with existing structures nearby.
Generally speaking, the attenuation of the displacements away from the facing is not linear (Peck, 1969) and can sometimes be concentrated at a fissure that forms at the end of the upper nails. Where the existing structure is unable to tolerate these distortions, the design may have to include prestressed anchors and whalers at the top of the nail. Even with these measures it is important to check again during construction that displacements are kept within a tolerable level for the existing structures. The building of soil nailed walls below a water table should not be undertaken without prior permanent lowering of the water table to protect the structure against pore water pressures. These precautions are taken in order to resolve the problems associated with building the structure, as well as the problems of its long-term stability. The limitations posed by the type of soil found impose several constraints. In cohesionless sands, it is not possible to ensure the stability of a near-vertical excavation, even one that is limited in both length and height. Caving sands and water pockets may lead to instability of the structure and have serious repercussions. In order to try to avoid this situation, the soil will need to be drained as the excavation work progresses. Certain precautions must be taken where clay soils are found to prevent the ingress of water, that will lead to a loss of strength in the soil and consequently a significant reduction in the soil/nail friction. Finally, recent
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
experiences with soil nailed walls built in mountainous districts have shown that frostsusceptible soils create problems as a result of the swelling that occurs under the influence of frost and its effect on the soil nailed. Appropriate measures should therefore be taken, either by increasing the size and number of nails to absorb the effects of the pressure caused by this swelling or by installing an insulating structure next to the facing (a Texsol wall, prefabricated wall panels) to prevent the freezing front from penetrating the soil.
General background
The technique of reinforcing soil by the use of "nails" is relatively recent, as was noted in the previous section. From the very beginning, France has lead in this field, both practically and theoretically. However, following the initial spurt of using soil nailing for short-term earth support structures at the beginning of the eighties, developments for medium- or long-term structures were still being held up by the lack of recommendations and regulations. To respond to this need, the Project CLOUTERRE (Memorandum of Presentation - April 1986) was set up in 1985 at the initiative of the DAEI and the FNTP. This national project conforms with the structure of all other national projects. Thanks to its original financing, more than 21 organizations from different backgrounds have been able to participate together in a research project that resulted in 1991 with the writing of the recommendations that are presented here.
The participants and financing of the project
Besides the DAEI, which initiated the project and which financed approximately 15 percent of the 21 million francs budget, 21 other participants from widely varying backgrounds also took part. These have included public and semi-public organizations (7), public and private contracting authorities (3), and building contractors (11), who, among them, have financed more than 85 percent of the Project CLOUTERRE either by direct contributions or by supplying materials and manpower.
The research program
The aim was to promote the use of soil nailing, both for short-, medium-, and long-term structures, based on the recommendations issued. The areas of application needed to be welldefined and the level of knowledge improved. It was on this basis that the research program was launched in 1986 and finished in 1991. The Project CLOUTERRE did not set out to develop or research new construction techniques, which are the responsibility of the contractors; it sought only to conduct research targeted at improving understanding of the behavior and design of the structures built.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Four central areas of research were therefore defined and studied: 1) To better understand the behavior of soil nailed walls.
2) To define the limitations of the process. 3) To improve methods for designing structures. 4) How to use soil nailing for long-term structures. The first area involved not only the overall behavior of a soil nailed wall when it fails (internal and external stability) and under service loads (deformations and movements of the soil nailed mass), but also the local behavior where soil and nail interact, which is a vital element for the internal stability of any soil nailed structure. Studies into the internal stability of a soil nailed wall during the excavation phase were carried out with the full-scale experimental soil nailed wall CEBTP No.2 (CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, December 1989) and using centrifuge models of walls under construction (French National Project CLOUTERRE, LCPC, October 1987 and December 1989). The deformations and movements of soil nailed walls under service loads have themselves been studied with measurements taken on several inservice structures together with numerical analysis (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CERMES, October 1986, October 1988, and December 1989).
In addition to the full scale soil nailed wall of the CEBTP Experiment No.1, which was instrumented and monitored from the time of its construction until it failed (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, May 1986), five other soil nailed structures built by different owners in France have been instrumented within the Project "CLOUTERRE": The A 71 Vierzon-Bourges Highway (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, October 1987 and December 1989); the RN 90 by-pass of Aigueblanche, Esserts cut section (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CETE Rhone-Alpes, March 1988 and French National Project CLOUTERRE, LRPC, December 1989); the A 30, Knutange-Hayange highway section, Bois des Chenes Tunnel (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CETE de l'Est, November 1987 and March 1988); cut section of the terminus for Line D of the Metro-Lyon, Venissieux (French National Project CLOUTERRE, INSA Lyon, October 1988); sloping wall at the A6-A40 (split) at Macon (French National Project CLOUTERRE, Scetauroute, March 1988). As far as soil/nail interaction is concerned, a principal input in the soil nailing design, it has been possible to significantly extend our knowledge of the factors involved, thanks to the numerous experimental, numerical, and theoretical studies conducted as part of the Project CLOUTERRE. The experimental studies comprised not only original laboratory research, development of a local normal pressure gauge on a bar 20 mm in diameter and housed in a sample tested in a triaxial testing chamber (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CERMES, December 1989); the shearing of sand samples reinforced by rods or metal piates (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CERMES, September 1987, June 1988, and December 1989); direct shear tests between sand and steel with a normal stiffness imposed (French National Project CLOUTERRE, IMG, October 1989); pull-out tests on nails in a calibrated chamber (French National Project CLOUTERRE, IMG, May 1987) but also full scale tests conducted by the CEBTP; pull-out tests on several types of nails (French National Project CLOUTERRE,
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
CEBTP, June 1987, June 1988, and December 1989); and shearing of a sand mass reinforced with vertical nails (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, June 1988). Data have also been compiled on more than 450 pull-out tests carried out by contractors and this has made it possible to set up the only data bank that exists in this field (CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, December 1987). This data bank makes it possible to estimate for the preliminary design the soil/nail interaction parameters by using charts (chapter 3, appendix 1). The theoretical and numerical aspects of the soil/nail interaction were developed in two directions: 1) Development of the interface behavior law of skin friction from pull-out tests results (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, June 1988 and December 1989). 2) Development and use of interface elements in computer modelling of soil nailed walls (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CERMES, December 1989, and French National Project CLOUTERRE, IMG, May 1988 and March 1989). For the second direction of the research, the objective was to determine the limitations of the soil nailing technique by bringing together all the participants with their experiences. This has allowed the definition of the soils for which nailing is well-suited, those presenting some risk, and those to exclude. The third direction of the research-improved design methods---eonsisted of comparing the various design methods used in France, studying the influence of the various parameters, notably the soil/nail interaction, and calibrating the design methods against real cases. The fourth direction of the research was to study the corrosion and durability of nails (French National Project CLOUTERRE, TERRASOL, December 1989).
Full-scale tests on soil nailed walls at the CEBTP
The originality of the Project CLOUTERRE lies in the fact that three fully instrumented experimental soil nailed walls were built by the CEBTP and monitored from construction to failure. Each of these experimental walls was conceived to study a different failure mode. The CEBTP No.1 experimental wall failed through breakage of the nails after partial saturation of the soil from the top of the wall (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, May 1986). The CEBTP No.2 experimental soil nailed wall, on the other hand, failed by increasing the height of the excavation phase (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, December 1989). The CEBTP No.3 experimental soil nailed wall was failed through progressive shortening of the lengths of the nails (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, December 1989).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
To provide the best experimental conditions, each of the three walls was built in Fontainebleau sand, which had been excavated, replaced, and compacted under strict compaction control. Like many natural sands, it contained a small percentage of fines, which when combined with the water used with compaction, possessed sufficient apparent cohesion to ensure the stability of the various excavation phases during the course of construction. •
First experiment CLOUTERRE at the CEBTP (1986)
The soil nailed wall built as part of this experiment was constructed in excavation phases of one meter in height, and used grouted nails 6 to 8 meters long. Its total height was 7 meters. The structure had been designed with a sufficiently low safety factor for failure by breakage of the nails (F = 1.1) so that it would be possible to break it easily by gradually saturating the soil, starting at the top of the wall. The effect of saturation was to reduce the apparent cohesion and to increase the overall weight. The total failure of the structure was prevented because the shotcrete embedded itself in the foundation soil. Thanks to the instrumentation developed, it has been possible to carry out a number of measurements (tensions in the nails, displacements of the facing and distortion of the soil nailed mass, etc.) both during and after construction and up to the point of failure. Moreover, the excavation of the soil nailed wall, once collapsed, allowed a detailed and more fruitful investigation to be conducted into the behavior of the structure at failure (figure 11).
__ ---l
Water filled basin
~~:_~_9_e---1mif---_----" 27em
Figure 11. Post-failure observations of the first full-scale experimental soil nailed wall (CEBTP-French National Project CLOUTERRE 1986).
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
Second experiment CLOUTERRE at the CEBTP (1989)
The aim of the second CEBTP experimental wall was to look into the stability, both local and global, of the soil nailed mass during the excavation phase. For this, a soil nailed wall 6 meters high was built then brought to failure point through extending the height of excavation at the foot of the wall from 1 to 3 meters. During the first excavation phase (1 meter high excavation), the excavation - like the wall - was stable. During the second excavation phase (2 meters high), local failure occurred and stabilized itself through arching. In overall terms, the wall remained stable. During the third pass (3 meters high), the effectiveness of the arch was destroyed and local failure propagated to the surface level. This in turn led to overall and internal failure of the wall (figure 12).
h (m) 6
1.80 m
. ---nails
Failure surface 3
Figure 12. Post-failure observation of the second full-scale experimental soil nailed wall (CEBTP - French National Project CLOUTERRE, 1989).
Third experiment CLOUTERRE at the CEBTP (1989)
The third CEBTP experiment with a soil nailed wall sought to study the type of failure caused by the nails being too short. A soil nailed wall 6 meters high was therefore constructed and brought to failure point by gradually reducing the length of the telescopic
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
nails (comprising nails slid into tubes). After reducing the length of the nails to a minimum, the whole of the soil nailed mass sank 0.27 cm and slid along a well-defined failure surface, which was demarcated by the nails (figure 13). The uniform lengths of the nails used at the outset of the trial were gradually reduced during the course of the experiment until finally very short nails were used at the base of the wall (0.50 m), increasing, as a function of height, up to 2.30 meters at the top. This layout imposed the shape of the failure surface which corresponded to a failure limit between a failure due to lack of adherence and the external failure mode.
Protective frame
Shotcrete facing Crack ___::-j"oj,-~
Extracted parts of telescopic nails
Struts in contact with frame after failure
E o o r<)
Fontainebleau sand {
'P': 38
C': 4 kPa
Figure 13. Post-failure observations on the third full-scale experimental soil nailed wall (CEBTP-French National Project CLOUTERRE, 1989).
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
Internal Reports of the French National Project CLOUTERRE. Memoire de presentation du Projet National "CLOUTERRE," Avril 1986.
Memorandum of Presentation of the National Project CLOUTERRE. CEBTP (1986). Compte rendu de l'experimentation en vraie grandeur de la paroi clouee No 1. Rupture d'une paroi clouee par cassure des armatures, Mai 1986.
Report on the experiment No.1 of a full-scale soil nailed wall. Failure of soil nailed wall as a result of breakage of the nails. CERMES (1986). Modelisation numerique du clouage, Octobre 1986.
Numerical modelling of soil nailing. CERMES (1986). Etude du clouage en modele reduit, Octobre 1986.
Study of soil nailing using small scale models. IMG (1987). Essais de laboratoire realises en chambre de calibration (pre-rapport), Mai 1987.
Laboratory tests carried out in a calibration chamber (initial report). SETRA (1987). Le renforcement des ouvrages en Terre Armee, Aout 1987.
Reinforced earth structures. CEBTP (1987). Essais de traction sur differents types de clous dans du sable de Fontainebleau (pre-rapport), Juin 1987.
Pull-out tests on various types of nails in Fontainebleau sand (initial report). CERMES (1987). Rapports d'avancement, Juillet 1987: I II III
Etude du fluage des sables Essais d'arrachement au triaxial Influence de la mise en place des barres sur Ie frottement en laboratoire
Progress reports: I
Study of creep in sands Pull-out tests in triaxial chamber Influence of installation method of the nails on skin friction in the laboratory
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
CERMES (1987). Essais de sable renforce par des plaques (rapport d'avancement), Septembre 1987.
a la boite de cisaillement
Shear box tests on sand reinforced by plates (progress report). LCPC -
CERMES (1987). Premiers essais en centrifugation, Octobre 1987.
First centrifuge tests. CEBTP (1987). Projet d'instrumentation du mur cloue M4 de l'autoroute A 71 Vierzon, Octobre 1987.
Instrumentation project for the soil nailed wall (M4) section of the A 71 Vierzon highway. CETE DE L'EST (1988). Projet d'instrumentation des parois clouees du tunnel du Bois des Chenes, autoroute A 30, 1987.
Instrumentation project for the soil nailed walls at the tunnel - Bois des Chenes, A 30 Highway. CEBTP (1987). Banque de donnees des essais d'arrachement de clous et autres inclusions rigides, doc. No.1, Decembre 1987.
Data bank containing results of pull-out tests on nails and other rigid inclusions. CETE RHONE ALPES (1988). Project d'instrumentation de la paroi clouee de la tranchee des Esserts RN 90, Mars 1988. Instrumentation project for the soil nailed wall - Esserts cut section of the RN 90
highway. CETE DE L'EST (1988). Compte rendu d'instrumentation et de mesures des parois clouees du tunnel du Bois des Chenes, autoroute A 30, Mars 1988.
Report on instrumentation system and measurements for the soil nailed wall - tunnel at Bois des Chenes, Highway A 30. IMG (1988). La methode des equations integrales aux frontieres appliquee au renforcement des sols, Mai 1988.
Boundary element method applied to the reinforcing of soils. CEBTP (1988). Banque de donnees des essais d'arrachement de clous et autres inclusions rigides, doc. No.2, Juin 1988.
Data bank containing results of pull-out tests on nails and other rigid inclusions. CEBTP (1988). Essais de traction de tubes battus dans du sable de Fontainebleau, Juin
1988. Pull-out tests on tubes driven into Fontainebleau sand. CEBTP (1988). Essais de traction en vraie grandeur de differents types de clous dans du sable de Fontainebleau, Juin 1988.
Full scale pull-out tests of various nail types in Fontainebleau sand. CEBTP (1988). Essais de cisaillement in situ sur soil renforce, Juin 1988.
In situ shear tests on reinforced soil.
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
CEBTP (1988). Rapport final interaction sol-clou, Juin 1988.
Final report on soil/nail interaction. CERMES (1988). PIuage des sables, Juillet 1988.
Creep of sands. SEMALY - INSA DE LYON (1988). Instrumentation d'une paroi clouee Octobre 1988.
a Venissieux,
Instrumentation of a soil nailed wall - Vinissieux. CERMES (1988). Modelisation numerique du mur de Saint-Remy, Octobre 1988.
Numerical modelling of the wall at Saint-Rimy. CEBTP (1989). Banque de donnees des essais d'arrachement de clous et autres inclusions rigides, doc. No.3, Janvier 1989.
Data bank containing details of pull-out tests on nails and other rigid inclusions. IMG (1989). La methode des equations integrales aux frontieres appliquee au renforcement des sols, Mars 1989.
Boundary elements, method applied to the reinforcement of soils. CEBTP (1989). Banque de donnees des essais d'arrachement de clous et autres inclusions rigides (comparaison avec DTU 13.2 et SETRA 1985), doc. No.3 bis), Mars 1989.
Data bank containing details of pull-out tests on nails and other rigid inclusions (comparisons with DTU 13.2 and SETRA 1985). IMG (1989). Essais de cisaillement direct fins, Octobre 1989.
a rigidite normale imposee sur materiaux
Direct shear tests with controlled normal stiffness on fine soils. CEBTP (1989). Mur M4, Autoroute A 71 Vierzon-Bourges, Decembre 1989.
Wall M4, A 71 Vierzon-Bourges Freeway. CEBTP (1989). Compte rendu de l'experimentation en vraie grandeur de la paroi clouee No.2. Rupture du massif de sol cloue en cours de terrassement, Decembre 1989.
Report on the experiment No.2 of a full-scale soil nailed wall. Failure of the soil nailed mass during course of excavation. CERMES (1989). Interaction sol-clou, etude en laboratoire, Decembre 1989.
Soil/nail interaction, laboratory tests. CERMES (1989). Modelisation non lineaire des murs cloues: cas du mur de SaintRemy, Decembre 1989.
Nonlinear modelling of the wall at Saint-Rimy.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
TERRASOL (1989). Synthese des etudes de corrosion pour des ouvrages metalliques enterres, Decembre 1989.
Synopsis of corrosion studies carried out on burried metal structures. CEBTP (1989). Determination du mode operatoire de l'essai de traction sur dou. Test sur deux types de dous suivant un essai a vitesse constante et un essai par palier de fluage, Decembre 1989.
Determining the working method for conducting pull-out tests on nails. Tests on two types of nail with a constant speed test and incremental loading. CERMES (1989). Interaction sol-dou. Etude
a la boite de cisaillement, Decembre 1989.
Soil/nail interaction. Shear box tests. LCPC (1989). Experimentation en centrifugeuse sur massifs en sols doues, Decembre 1989.
Centrifuge experiments on soil nailed walls. CEBTP (1989). Compte rendu de l'experimentation en vraie grandeur de la paroi douee No.3. Rupture du massif de sol c10ue par raccourissement des dous, Decembre 1989.
Report on the experiment No.3 of a full-scale soil nailed wall failure of the soil nailed mass caused by shortening of the nails. CETE RHONE ALPS (1989). Compte rendu de l'instrumentation de la paroi c10uee de la tranchee des Esserts, Decembre 1989.
Report on instrumentation system for the soil nailed wall - Esserts cut section.
Chapter 1: The Technique Used for Soil Nailed Structures
PUBLICATIONS BLONDEAU, F. and LUCAS, E. (1987). Soutemement d'une fouille de grande hauteur (36 m) par un mur a anorages multiples et environement sensible (Monaco). Actes du Colloque International Interactions Sol-Structure, Paris, Presses de l'ENPC.
Support of an excavation of great height (36 m) by a wall with multiple anchoring systems in a sensitive environment (Monaco). BONAZZI, D. and COLOMBET, G. (1984). Reajustement et entretien des ouvrages de talus. Colloque renforcement en place des sols et des roches, ENPC Press, Paris, 1984.
Correction and maintenance of slopes. GOULESCO, N. and MEDIO, J.M. (1981). Soutenements des sols de deblais a l'aide d'une paroi hurpinoise (autoroute A 86 Nogen-sur-Marne), Revue de I'AFTES (47), Septembre-Octobre 1981. Support of in situ soils by the method of Hurpin (Highway A 86 Nogent-sur Marne). GUILLOUX, A., GONIN, H., and NOTTE, G. (1983). Experiences on a retaining structure by nailing in moraine soils. Proc. of VIIIth ECSMFE, Helsinki 1983. LIZZI, F. and CARNAVALE, G. (1979). Networks of root piles for the consolidation of soils; theoretical aspects and tests on models. Pr\lc. International Symposium on Soil Reinforcement, ENPC, Paris. LOUIS, c., (1981). Nouvelle methode de soutenement des sols en deblais, Revue Travaux No. 553.
New methods of retaining soils in cuts. MEDIO, J.M., GOULESCO, N., and GUEGAN, Y. (1983). Exemples d'application de soutenements doues: dix ans d'hurpinoise.
Application examples of soil nailed walls. Ten years of the method of Hurpin. Sols et Fondations 184. PECK, R.B. (1969). Deep excavations and tunelling in soft ground. State of the art report. Proc. of VIIth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Mexico, 1969. RABCEWICZ, L.V. (1964, 1965). The new Austrian tunnelling method, Parts 1 to 3, Water Power, London, November-December 1964, January 1965. RABEJAC, S. and TOUDIC, P. (1974). Construction d'un mur de soutenement entre Versailles-Chantiers et Versailles-Matelots, Revue generale des chemins de fer, 93 eme annee, pp. 232-237.
Construction of a retaining wall between Versailles-Chan tiers.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
SCHLOSSER, F. (1982). Behavior and design of soil nailing, Proc. Symp. Recent developments in ground improvement techniques, AIT, Bangkok, pp. 319-413. SCHLOSSER, F. (1983). Analogies et differences dans Ie comportement et Ie ca1cul des ouvrages de soutenement en Terre Armee et par douage des sols, Annales de l'ITBTP (418), Serie: Sols et Foundations, 1184-10.1983.
Similaries and differences in the behavior and design of Reinforced Earth and soil nailing, retaining structures. STOCKER, M., KORDER, C.W., CASSLER, G., and CUDEHUS, G. (1979). Soil Nailing. c.R. ColI. Intern Renforcement des sols (2), Paris, ENPC Press, pp. 469-474.
The monitoring of the CEBTP full-scale experimental soil nailed walls, No's. 1, 2, and 3, and the interpretation of the results obtained, enabled the principles governing the behavior of soil nailed structures to be better understood. It has to be recognized that the level of understanding was fairly limited in this field because of the large number of parameters (geometry, length, inclination of nails, nature of the soil, etc.) coming into play, contrary to reinforcement techniques for backfills such as Reinforced Earth, where the geometry, soil, reinforcements, and facings used are far more standardized. To obtain a better understanding of how soil nailing works, the latter will be examined with reference to Reinforced Earth, highlighting the differences and similarities. The first fundamental difference between the two techniques comes from the method and phasing of construction (Schlosser, 1983). Soil nailing is a technique for reinforcing in situ soil, where the soil nailed structure is built by cutting in successive phases. Reinforced Earth is a technique for reinforcing backfills, where the reinforced structure is built as a fill, in successive phases from the bottom to the top. Therefore, very different distributions exist between the two techniques regarding displacements and deformations, as well as stresses in the soil and reinforcements for equivalent geometries. During successive excavations, the soil that will form the soil nailed wall is subject simultaneously to lateral decompression and to settlement. As a result, at the end of construction a slight tilting of the facing occurs where horizontal and vertical displacements are at their maximum at the head. On the contrary, with Reinforced Earth walls, lateral displacements at the foot of the wall increase during the successive phases of backfilling due to the compression of the lower layers caused by the weight of the soil. The result is that, during construction, a slight deformation of the facing occurs at the base of the wall where horizontal displacements are at their maximum (figure 1).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
~ \ \ \ "'-
\ \
\ \
\ \
,, I
, I
Reinforced Earth Wall
Soil nailed wall
Figure 1. Comparison of lateral displacements between a soil nailed wall and a Reinforced Earth wall.
Load at head of nail To (kN) 15
End of phase Beginning of phase 6
af phase 7
Creep after construction) Beginnig of phase 7
5 End of phase 4 End of phase 3
Doys Ot--.----r-,--------r--,----,,--,--,--,--r---.-r-r---,--,----,,--..,.---,-r-,--=200 o 150 100
Figure 2. Progressive loading in tension of nail NO.3 during successive excavation. phases of the first full-scale experimental wall at CEBTP (CLOUTERRE, 1986).
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
The techniques are also significantly different regarding the loading in tension of the reinforcements. In the case of soil nailed walls, the horizontal decompression of the mass during the successive excavations result in preferential tensile stresses in the subhorizontal nails. Tension in a row of nails starts only when the lower levels are being excavated. For example, observing nail No.3 in figure 2, it can be seen that the tension in the nail, which was nil at excavation phase 3, increases progressively with the later phases 4, 5, 6, and 7. Furthermore, the increase in tension in nail No.3, due to excavation j (j = 4, 5, 6 and 7), is all the smaller as j is greater; more precisely the tension of a nail i depends mainly on the three following excavation phases, i+ I, i+2, and i+3. The result is that the lowest rows of nails are the least subjected to tensile stresses. However, at the end of construction, progressive tension of these rows increases due to long-term deformations. Inversely, in Reinforced Earth walls, which are built from bottom up, the lowest reinforcement is the first to be subjected to tension. In spite of these very different modes of tensioning, very interesting and important similarities can be seen when comparing the final distribution of tension in the reinforcements and in the nails. As also observed in many other reinforcement techniques, the tensions in the nails are maximum inside the soil nailed mass, not at the facing. This result is very general and characterizes reinforcement techniques in which the interaction with the soil is continuous along the whole length of the reinforcements. The geometric location of the points of maximum tension T max makes it possible to separate the soil mass into two zones: 1) An "active" zone situated behind the facing, where the skin friction stresses applied by the soil on the nails are directed outward. 2) A "passive" zone where skin friction stresses are directed inward and oppose the lateral displacement of the active zone. For Reinforced Earth, the location of maximum tension Tmax is well-known because of the simplicity of the geometry and of the standardization of the materials. The same cannot be said of soil nailed structures, where the parameters coming into play are more numerous and complex; previous experience has shown that it is more complicated to determine the location of Tmax. This is one of the reasons why no general design method - of the local equilibrium type - that enables the calculation of nail tensions has been developed, despite some interesting attempts (Juran et al., 1990). Basset and Last (1976) gave an interesting mechanical explanation - applicable to any type of reinforcement - of the shape and of the line of maximum tension that could be considered as potential failure surface. Using the concept put forward by Roscoe (failure lines in a material correspond to zero extension lines (e = a)), they have shown that the presence of horizontal reinforcements resisting tension behind a vertical retaining wall completely modified the field of deformations and, that insofar as the reinforced soil could be considered as a material with practically no variation in volume under shear (dilatany angle v = 0), the failure lines became vertical at the head (figure 3).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
a __J.:~H:.~=i=-:li-ct="I=+*"'*"t:~o:.._ -Potential failure surface
a. Without inclusions
b. With horizontal inclusions
Figure 3. Influence of quasi-inextensible nails on the shape of the potential failure surface (Basset and Last, 1978).
It is interesting to note that the difference between passive reinforcements, such as strips or
nails, and active reinforcements, such as prestressed ground anchors, is very significant if one considers the distribution of tension. In a prestressed ground anchor, the tension force is constant over the whole of the free length, while in soil, nail tension varies over the whole length of the reinforcement. Reinforced Earth strips and nails in soil nailed walls behave differently. While Reinforced Earth strips are flexible, work only in tension and take up no shear force or bending moment, nails often have some stiffness that enables them to work not only in tension but also in bending and shear. However, the nails at service loads in a structure are, in practice, not subject to bending and shear, except sometimes locally, near the facing. The facing may s0metimes hang on the nails during the first phases of construction when it is very thick or when the short-term adherence of the ground is small.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
In France, soil nailing has developed around two techniques: The first method, which has been initiated by Hurpin and is often referred to as "method of Hurpin," uses low-capacity nails of short length and fairly close to each other (5" , 5 h :::; 1 m), as in the Reinforced Earth technique. Nails are usually driven. The second method consists of grouting into the soil bars, generally of high capacity (TG > 200 kN). These are of longer length and more widely spaced (5" , 5h > 1 m), and the overall behavior is considered to be similar to that of the previous method as long as 5 v 5 h :::; 6 m 2• The two main differences between the two methods concern: The stresses taken up by the facing (tension To at the head of the nails, local pressure p of the soil); those stresses are much lower in the method called "method of Hurpin," which makes possible the use of thinner facing. The forces and bending moment mobilized in the nails; in the "method of Hurpin," neither shear force nor bending moments are mobilized in the nails because of their small moments of inertia.
Two types of interaction develop in nailing used in retaining structures: The most important interaction is the shear stress (skin friction) applied by the soil along the nail, which induces tension in the nails. A second, less important interaction is the passive pressure of the earth along the nail during the displacement of the latter. The passive earth pressure mobilized makes possible the bending moment and shear force to be mobilized in the nails; this mobilization occurs only if a shear zone develops in the soil nailed mass.
2.1. Soil/nail friction 2.1.1. Similarity between skin friction in a fill and an in situ soil
Experience with Reinforced Earth has shown that friction along a linear reinforcement placed within a soil and subject to tension was affected by the three-dimensional nature of the contact surfaces. In dense granular soil, under the effect of shear stresses 't applied by the reinforcement, the tendency of the zone of soil surrounding the reinforcement to increase its volume is restrained by the low compressibility of the neighboring soil; this results in an increase L1a of the normal initial stress a o applied to the surface of the reinforcement. This is
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
the phenomenon of restrained dilatancy (Schlosser and Elias, 1978) that, in the case of Reinforced Earth, led to the definition of an apparent coefficient of friction 11' defined by:
J1* =
which can be significantly higher than the real coefficient of friction:
This phenomenon was measured in situ for the first time by Plumelle (1979) at the CEBTP during pull-out tests of passive ground anchors that had been buried in an embankment consisting of Fontainebleau sand. Figure 4 shows that, in the immediate vicinity of the ground anchor, the increase .1.0' can reach four times the value of the initial normal stress 0'0'
cr (kPa)
. '.:", :'" :,', .......
.' .. ".: '::., : SAND
"',: "', . :>:... . ',: "
Distance d (an) 2816
Figure 4. Increase of normal stress due to restrained dilatancy around an inclusion that is in tension.
Within the framework of the Project CLOUTERRE (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CERMES, December 1989), this phenomenon was also observed during the pull-out tests of small-scale nails in a minicalibration chamber, while the additional normal stress generated was measured locally. Figure 5 shows, in the case of a smooth nail, the variations of fl' in function of the initial stress and the density of the sand.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
Concerning soil nailing and in situ soils, the same phenomenon of restrained dilatancy for friction on nails was observed by Cartier and Gigan, 1983. It was also shown by Schlosser (1983), that the soil nail unit skin friction qs was practically independent of the depth; the decrease of the apparent friction coefficient fl * with depth, due to the decrease of dilatancy, is compensated by the increase of the normal vertical stress crv = y z; that is to say: (
qs = J.1* (z) 'Y z = constant
\ 0.._
O-("S:::g Smooth nail
Smooth nail (High density sandi I = 85%) (Low density sand, D I D= 45% to 60%)
(J (kRJ)
Figure 5. Variation of
as a function of 0"0 (CERMES, CLOUTERRE, 1989).
Figure 6, taken from observations on the A86 freeway experimental soil nailed wall with driven steel angles (Cartier and Gigan, 1983), illustrates this point. There is therefore a certain similarity between friction in piles and in nails that justifies the use of correlations between the results of in situ tests and the soil nail unit skin friction qs along the nails.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
( kPa ) + Square o Square
angle nails 50x50x5 mm
angle nails 60x60x6 mm
(Values of qA adjusted to equivalent size of square angle nails 50x50x5 mm)
+ +
Average value 90 kPa
50 Fontainebleau sand Depth (m)
o Figure 6. Variations of unit skin friction with depth (after Cartier and Gigan, 1983).
Boulon et al., (1986) have carried out theoretical and experimental studies on the influence of the compressibility of the soil around the reinforcement on the value of qs' using an analogy with a direct shear box with controlled normal stiffness (k = a/iI) Assuming that the thickness e of the zone of sheared soil is small compared to the radius R of the inclusion, stiffness can be expressed as a function of the pressuremeter modulus EM using the formula:
= 2
where R is the radius of the nail. Graphs (figure 7) enable qs to be estimated as a function of the normal initial stress the value k in the case of sands.
and of
2.1.2. Mobilization of skin friction along a nail
Numerous experimental studies were carried out on the mobilization of skin friction in nails within the Project CLOUTERRE that make it possible to predict accurately and completely the results of previous studies (Plumelle, 1979, 1984).
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
00 15
~ R
'k=OMPa/m • k= 1000
• k =5CXX> " 6. k= IOCXX) " D k=20000 " ok=oo "
k = 500 _.- • k = 1000
, 5
A k =0 MPo/m
--- --
~o \
= 25(X)
•okk== 5000 00
o trA":>~ t_-..-_-__ .A __ o 300 6(X) 9:X)
__ A______
0-0 (kPa)
Dense sand. Rough surface.
Loose sand. Rough surface.
Figure 7. Study of the influence of the stiffness of the soil k on the unit skin friction (Boulon et aL, 1986).
As in the case of piles, the mobilization of skin friction requires only a very small relative displacement of the nail in relation to the soil, of the order of a few millimeters, as was confirmed by the pull-out tests in the minicalibration chamber previously mentioned. The mobilization of the local unit skin friction between soil and reinforcement can be validly represented by a bilinear law of the Frank and Zhao type (1982), as shown by the comparison between the theoretical and experimental pull-out curves for the tests carried out in the Fountainbleau sand at the CEBTP (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, June 1988 and December 1989) (figure 8). This law is represented in the plane ('1:, y) by a limiting value at qs and two straight lines having slopes in the ratio of 1 to 5 that intersect at a co-ordinate equal to qJ2. Skin friction can therefore be characterized by two parameters: k~, the slope of the first segment, and qs the ultimate unit skin friction.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Figure 9 shows the stress-displacement experimental curves obtained in pull-out tests conducted by loading increments, at the CEBTP in Fountainebleau sand (Deguillaume, 1991). It can be observed that, for the same type of nail the displacement necessary to reach the limiting value on the loading curve is all the greater as the nail is longer. This is due to the deformation of the nail, which behaves as a rigid nail for the shorter lengths and as an extensible nail for longer lengths. These results are very similar to the results obtained, particularly by the LCPC, regarding the friction along piles.
Tension load at the head of the nail To (kN) 30
Theoretical curve {kJ3= 25 M Palm
Ex erimental curve
q6 - - - - - - -
LJ kJ3/5 q..b
__r----r---r---,-------.--.-------'--'---10 12 14 16 18 8 6 4 Displacement at head (Yo) (mm)
Figure 8. Modelling of an experimental pull-out curve using the Frank and Zhao's law (CEBTP, CLOUTERRE, 1988).
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
'l"o (kPo)
Average unit skin friction 80 L=2m L =3m __-=-=~~---=--=~L =4 m L=6m
L =9m
20 Yo (mm) 2
Figure 9. Pull-out tests on prefabricated nails installed in a backfill: Average unit skin friction curves versus displacement at head (Deguillaume, 1981).
2.1.3. Influence of the type of nail
Within the Project CLOUTERRE, a study was carried out to investigate the friction of several types of nails placed in some Fontainebleau sand: Driven bars (steel angle). Tubes driven and grouted. Bars grouted under gravity in predrilled boreholes. Bars grouted under low pressure in predrilled boreholes. Bars grouted under high pressure in predrilled boreholes. Results (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, June 1988 and December 1989) have shown that nails grouted under gravity presented a wide variability in the parameters k~ and qs of the pull-out curve compared to the other types of nails. In particular, it seems the smoother and more even the walls of the borehole, the lower the values of k~ and qs. This seems to be due to the fact that drilling reduces normal stress to zero and because of that the initial stress aD after installation of the nail is, very low. Besides, drilling irregularities cause important effects of restrained dilatancy leading to high values of the increase of normal stress L\a.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.1.4. Correlations between parameters
qs) and PI
During the Project CLOUTERRE, charts were developed for estimating qs (chapter 3, appendix 1) as a function of the various types of nails mentioned in the previous paragraph and as a function of main soil types (sand, gravel, clay, marl and weathered rock). These charts are based on a database containing more than 450 pull-out tests on nails, obtained from the various members participating in the project. Correlations obtained are different from those obtained by the DTU 13.2, the SETRA 1985 and TA 86, but they are not fundamentally different, as shown in figure 10. It is also possible to estimate the value of the parameter k~ from the following formula, adapted from the work carried out by Frank:
where R is the radius of the nail, EM the pressuremeter modulus, and m a factor, which depends on the nature of the soil and which can vary from 1 to 5. Figure 11 compares the values thus obtained with experimental values for different types of nails.
- - - Clouterre
- - - - DTU
- - - SETRA 1985
(MPo )
Figure 10. Comparisons between the charts from CLOUTERRE, DTU 13.2, SETRA 1985, developed to estimate the unit skin friction qs'
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
(kPa Imm)
m. kJ3 et.
• Clays o Sands A
~ ( kPa Imm) Figure 11. Determination of the coefficient m giving the value of k p to be used in the law (1:, y) (CEBTP, CLOUTERRE, 1989).
2.1.5. Influence of moisture content on skin friction
In a soil with frictional characteristics that, nevertheless contains a nonnegligible fraction of fines, the short-term soil nail skin friction can be greatly influenced by the degree of saturation Sr' Figure 12, which illustrates the influence of this parameter, is taken from experiments carried out during studies performed by the Reinforced Earth Company; the maximum pull-out force is divided by a factor greater than 2 when the moisture content is increased from the optimum water content (Proctor) to the saturation moisture content. The displacement corresponding to this maximum force is divided by 3. In fine-grained soils (clay and silt), the degree of saturation is an essential parameter since, in rapid shear of a saturated soil, the soil nail friction can be reduced to the undrained adhesion (a fraction of the undrained cohesion).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
To (kN) Tension at head Very clayey grovel
of weight from particles smaller than 80p.m,PI=IS)
I Ribbed .
striP Height of overlaying soil, Sm L=2m
" --------- ---------------yo 0.05 Figure 12.
Pull-out tests of a Reinforced Earth ribbed strip in a very clayey gravel. Influence of the degree of saturation.
2.1.6. Mobilization of skin friction with deformation It is the internal deformations of the soil nailed wall, and especially the horizontal extension,
that induce the mobilization of friction along the nails and the tension of the latter. These wall deformations are due to the lateral decompression of the soil as excavation proceeds. Figure 13-which relates to the first full-scale experimented soil nailed wall at the CEBTPshows that, in the case of a soil nailed wall in sand with a ratio of the length of the nails to the height H of the wall (LIH) equal to 1.1, the extension zone is situated mainly at the front of the nailed mass at a distance of 0 to 4 m from the facing. However, in the case of the soil nailed wall built in a clayey soil (M4 wall; Vierzon-Bourges A 71 freeway; French National Project CLOUTERRE; COFIROUTE-SOCASO-CEBTP, December 1989), horizontal extension appears far more uniformly distributed within the soil nailed mass (figure 14).
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
,/" Crocks at failure
4m :-- / -
Shotcrete facing
At failure
End oi e'J-co\Joflon
150 Displacement (mm)
Figure 13. Horizontal displacements in the first full-scale experimental soil nailed wall at the CEBTP (CLOUTERRE, 1986).
Depth (m) 0
n02 !
Inclinometer Facing
(mm) 5 10 15 20
j o n ". . . . . . . .. " , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. . . . .
4 5
Figure 14. Horizontal displacements of the M4 soil nailed wall (clay soils) built at Viezon, monitored by COFIROUTE, SACASO, CEBTP (CLOUTERRE, 1989).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.2. Lateral earth pressure on the nail 2.2.1. Similarity with piles subjected to horizontal loading
The CEBTP experiment No.1 conducted within the Project CLOUTERRE clearly showed that, in the vicinity of a failure surface due to breakage of the nails, a shear zone develops within the soil nailed wall where soil deformations are concentrated (figure 15a). When the nails have some bending, they are subjected to bending stiffness moment and shear forces in addition to tension forces, in the same way as a pile loaded with a horizontal force and a moment at the top (figure 15b). In this case, the deformations of the nails are calculated like piles subjected to a lateral load at the head by using the simplified method of the coefficient of subgrade reaction, which leads to the solution of the equation:
coefficient of subgrade reaction, lateral displacement of the nail, coordinate along the nail, lateral pressure on the nail, diameter of the nail. The solution of this equation introduces the notion of transfer length 10 given by:
= o
4J k4EID s
When the length L of the bar on either side of the shear zone exceeds 310 , the nail can be considered as infinitely long and symmetrical with respect to the shear zone where the bending moment is therefore nil. The coefficient of subgrade reaction ks is generally calculated from the pressuremeter modulus EM! the same way as for piles. The transfer length of the nails is usually in of the order of 10 centimeters. Generally, calculations in the elastic phase must be supplemented by a phase where the soil plastifies. A lateral pressure reaction curve is used that comprises a linear elastic phase corresponding to the coefficient of subgrade reaction ks and a plastic graduated step limited by the ultimate lateral pressure Pu taken as being equal to the limit pressure PI or to the creep pressure PI from the pressuremeter test.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
In soft soil, the plastification of the soil limits the lateral pressure on the nails; in stiffer soils, it is the plastification of the nail.
Water filled basin
5m __
LEGEND ___ Line of maximum tension o
Point of zero moment
~ Zone of sheared soil
a. Failure of the CEBTP No.1 experimental soil nailed wall (1986).
b. Analogy with a pile loaded horizontally at its top (Schlosser, 1982).
Figure 15. Nails subjected to bending moment and shear force.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.2.2. Shear tests on soil reinforced with rigid nails
Several experimental studies with a direct shear box or in situ tests on soil reinforced with rigid vertical or inclined nails were carried out by, among others: Juran et al. (1981); Marchal (1984); Plumelle (French National Project CLOUTERRE - CEBTP, June 1989); Delage et al. (French National Project CLOUTERRE - CERMES, December 1989). The results agree and show (figure 16) that, in addition to the friction angle of the soil, the reinforced soil has an apparent cohesion c* due to the presence of the nails. The apparent angle of friction
a 32
Soil only ,+.; 't'
- -..I
Soil with bars
1 1
(../-/_-"-'........t. "" ~ ""'" ~~J-!~
I 2
a. Juran et al. (1981).
E (%)
E (%)
c' experimental
0" "
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
I Ii' I
F --~">"" .... ".::. ,'.,': ~.~.~. .' .~~~~ ~~ -~
{~'.~',:. ;);.~h~.~r·~;ane
11-'-I--:-'-1+-:-~G;~utednails: borehole q, 63 mm
T (kPa)
o With nails tJ. Without nails
a-(kPa) 10
b. CLOUTERRE CEBTP (1988). Figure 16. Direct shear tests on soil reinforced with vertical bars.
where To is the shear force in a bar on the shear plane and S the total cross section of sheared bars. This is explained by the fact that the presence of the nails significantly modifies the distribution of the normal stress cr and of the tangential stress 't along the shear plane. Finite elements studies showed how complex the behavior was (Juran et a1., 1981). The tests carried out by the CEBTP within the framework of the Project CLOUTERRE, on an in situ sand mass reinforced with grouted bars (see figure 16), have shown that stressdeformation curves in shear tests with and without nails have the same initial modulus of deformation and that the peak was reached for practically the same displacement value. 2.2.3. Influence of the direction of the nails on the mobilization of stresses
All experimental studies carried out, in particular those of Marchal (1984), show that the direction of the nails with respect to the potential failure surface plays a role in the mobilization of tension and shear (figure 17) and, more generally, in the overall shear strength of the reinforced soi1.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Jewell (1980) did verify experimentally that optimum directions for the mobilization of tension in flexible nails corresponded to the directions of maximum extension in nonreinforced soil (that is to say, approximately 30° in relation to the normal at the shear surface) (figure 18), as had been demonstrated theoretically by Basset et aL, (see paragraph I, chapter 2). Therefore, for example, a marked inclination of the nails toward the bottom of a vertically faced wall reduces the tensile forces mobilized in favor of the shear force and bending, as shown by the results of theoretical finite element studies (Shaffie, 1986) (figure 19).
3O-+------Q----,-------.-------, 20+----+-~------'~~-___t---__t
,..- ~"-20
... ----. Rigid bars -30+-----7"t------1f----
angle of inclination of the bars with respect to the normal to the failure sur face
Figure 17. Variations of the ratio between the tensile force and the shear force as a function of the displacement on the failure surface (Marchal, 1984).
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
l-re = 0"..
'('I + 6:( inclu.
• -30
90 ..
Figure 18. Influence of the orientation of flexible nails on the tensions mobilized and the increase of the shear stress at failure (Jewell, 1980).
Displacements: h;',:;,j
2 10
Plostified soil
r-- -- ~ ~ --.~.-:~~~ -;.~- -.-:-:: •
: ~
SOIL NAILED WALL (Horizontal nails)
.. ' .,~. A......
". ,':::. ;F·:.. ,·
' .. ;.'
: ....
':.~ .,'.r
..... , ......:: ".;"- .~;'" <.'
inclined 30° to the horizontal)
Figure 19. Calculations using the finite elements method; influence of the inclination of the nails.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.2.4. Mobilization of the tension, shear force, and bending moment
Concerning the mobilization of tension, shear force, and bending moment when a reinforced soil is subjected to shear, theoretical studies using elasto-plasticity (Schlosser, 1982, 1983; Blondeau et al., 1984), as well as experimental studies (Marchal, 1984), have pointed out the following results: 1) In the shearing of a soil nailed mass, the failure of a nail can occur either by tension-shear at the intersection with the failure plane, or by plastification at the points of maximum bending moment, which are located outside the failure surface (figure 15). The material that forms the nails being selected for its ductility (mild or semihard steel), plastification at the points of maximum bending moment practically never corresponds to rupture of the nails. It is followed by a phase of deformation where plastification is limited and can be schematized by two plastic hinges in the nails, its lateral displacement being limited by the mobilization of the lateral resistance of the soil p". During this mobilization, the nail can break due to tension-shear at the point of maximum shear. 2) The soil-nail bond can also fail according to two modes corresponding to the two types of
interaction: The shear stress can reach its limiting value qs' causing failure through lack of adhesion. The lateral pressure p, applied by the nail on the soil, can reach its limiting value Pu causing the nails to cut into the soil (phenomenon similar to the "wire butter cutter" effect). 3) Within the framework of an elasto-plastic calculation of the soil nail system, the study of the mobilization and combination of the different criteria of the nail resistance and of the soil nail interaction makes it possible to define the multicriteria rule. It enables the mode of failure of the soil nail system to be determined. The principle consists of combining the curves representative of the different criteria of the nail and of its interactions, in the plane (Til, Tc ) corresponding to the point of zero bending moment (M = 0) of the nail, that is to say, at the point of intersection of the nail with the potential failure surface. It is convenient to use the nail's own resistance criterion, for which Anthoine (1987) proposed
the following simplified formula:
in which RIl , Rc and M o are the nail tensile, shear, and bending resistances respectively. The failure of the nail through tension and pure shear (M = 0), which corresponds to the limit behavior of a sheared nail along a joint in a rock, is represented by the equation of an ellipse:
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
and the plastification of the nail at the point of maximum moment (Tc a parabola:
= 0) by the equation of
where a is a constant equal to 3.12 and T,o is the shear force corresponding to the potential failure surface. The plastification of the nail corresponds to a soil nail lateral pressure, whose maximum value on the potential failure surface is:
The value of the soil bearing pressure Pll determines the type of failure that occurs and can be characterized by the following expressions of the shear force on the potential failure surface:
Po (failure by plastification of the soil before the nail)
(failure by plastification of the soil with plastic hinges in the nail) where band c are two coefficients equal to 1.62 and 0.24, respectively. NOTE: In the case of a limit analysis calculation, where it is assumed that the soil is plastified
all along the nail between the two points of maximum moment, one obtains a different formula that yields a multicriteria, which is very close numerically:
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
·flB Failure due to lack of adhesion is expressed by the criterion:
The intersection of these different criteria gives, in the plane (Tn' Tc) corresponding to the point of the nail on the potential failure surface, the multicriteria of figure 20. It enables the respective values of Tc' Tn and M mobilized to be defined at failure of the nail by using a generalization of the normality rule to the present case. It is interesting to note that this multicriteria was established by considering that failure of
the soil by bearing pressure, in the lateral pressure interaction between nail and soil, corresponds to the plastification of a first point in the soil. This is a very conservative assumption and one can, in a more realistic way, consider that the soil is plastified over a certain length of the nail.
o ----
~ Stresses in the -- -.
Potential failure surface
Inclusion first in a plastic state
reD I
Skin friction interaction
Figure 20. Representation of the various interaction mechanisms within the normal force (Tn) and shear force (Tc ) plane; multicriteria approach (Schlosser, 1982).
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
Another approximation has been done by assuming that, in the phase of limited plastification, the plastification of the nail was reduced to two fixed plastic hinges. This is an optimistic assumption since in reality the sections that are the most loaded do not necessarily plastify completely to develop two plastic hinges. These theoretical and experimental results can be compared with observations on real structures, but one must keep in mind that the stresses in a soil nailed wall are different from and more complex than in a simple shear experiment with a shear box. During construction, a lateral decompression of the soil occurs, which loads the nails preferentially in tension. Shear really develops only near failure and locally within the soil mass, along the failure surface; it is then possible to mobilize shear forces in the nails. This was observed in the soil nailed wall of the first CEBTP experiment. However, it must be pointed out that the shear forces thus mobilized remain small compared to the tension forces and that they can be considered as negligible in the case of driven metal nails (bars of small sections). To best use the nails by having them loaded in tension and to limit the deformations in the upper part of the wall, it is preferable to have nails that are placed as horizontally as possible so as to reduce vertical displacements. This is illustrated in figure 19, taken from a theoretical finite elements study.
3.1. Distribution of tension in nails and line of maximum tension Several full-scale experiments carried out before the Project CLOUTERRE had shown that the distribution of tension along the nails in a soil nailed wall was fairly similar to that observed and calculated with the finite elements method in Reinforced Earth walls. In this case, the points of maximum tension in the nails divide the mass into an active zone and a passive zone (see paragraph 2.1. chapter 2). Full-scale experiments, instrumentation of in service structures, small-scale laboratory models and calculations carried out for the Project CLOUTERRE made it possible to know more about this distribution. Generally, the shape and the position of the line of maximum tension, which can be considered as a potential failure surface, are very different from the Coulomb straight line. This line is situated nearer the facing and is curved in shape with, at its head, a vertical part at an approximate distance of 0.3 H from the facing (being the height of the wall), in the case of a wall with a vertical facing and a soil with a horizontal surface (figure 21). However, the inclination of the facing with respect to the vertical and the presence of a slope at the head of the wall modify the position of the line of maximum tension.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
If the influence of the inclination of the nails has been the subject of detailed studies in the Project CLOUTERRE (small-scale models, experiments, finite elements calculations), the influence of the inclination of the facing remains to be studied. As in Reinforced Earth, the ratio To/Tmax of the tension at the facing to the maximum tension, always smaller than I, varies as a function of many parameters; a wide spacing of the nails (horizontal spacing Sh and vertical spacing Sv ) and pronounced rigidity of the facing tend to increase this ratio. Measurements carried out to now show that, under service conditions, the value of this ratio appears smaller than in Reinforced Earth, with an average value of around 0.4 to 0.5 for identical spacing. This is explained by the lateral decompression of the soil occurring during excavation phases before the installation of the nails in the construction of a soil nailed wall.
3.2. Stresses in the soil of a soil nailed structure It is possible to estimate the state of stress in the soil of a soil nailed wall, along the line of
maximum tension from the knowledge of the maximum tension Tmax' by considering the ratio K defined by:
Tmax cos
overburden pressure above the point of maximum tension, vertical and horizontal spacings between nails, inclination of the nails with respect to the horizontal.
This formula, valid in the case of a Reinforced Earth wall with vertical facing, consists of comparing the maximum tension in the nails to the active earth pressure force that would be exerted on the facing if the nails were eliminated but the same lateral displacements maintained. Experiments conducted on real structures, small-scale models, and finite elements calculations show that the state of stress is near K o (coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest) at the head of a soil nailed wall, while, at the bottom, it is lower than the coefficient of active earth pressure K a (figure 22). This is explained, on the one hand, by the fact that the nails strongly limit the displacements of the facing, on the other hand, by an arch effect. When geometry makes it possible (L Yo H), an arch effect develops between the top of the wall and its base, which is restrained. This tends to reduce the maximum tensions at the base (K < K a) and to increase it at the head (K > K o)' This decrease in coefficient K with depth, from K o to K a, is far more marked in soil nailed walls than in Reinforced Earth walls. This is due to the construction method going from top
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
to bottom and from the successive construction stages that, once the top of the wall is built, mobilize the arch effects between the top of the wall and its base.
=::::::::-<::::::::""_~_- PASS IV E ZONE
a. CEBTP No.1, CLOUTERRE, 1986.
0.5 H
(4/: 30° to 36°) ACTIVE ----+IfZONE
S,/=0.7m Sh
b. Cartier and Gigan, 1983. Figure 21. Behavior of a soil nailed wall: passive and active zones, maximum tension line.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
3.3. Mobilization of the bending resistance of the nails Nails, particularly grouted nails, have some bending resistance. To be mobilized, this resistance requires concentrated and important deformations. Models and full-scale experiments have shown that this bending resistance of the nails is only really mobilized in the vicinity of failure when a surface or a zone of shear develops in the soil nailed wall. In fact, as long as the deformations of a soil nailed wall remain small, that is to say, under service state, the bending resistance of the nails is modestly mobilized. In service state and in ordinary structures with subhorizontal nails, the maximum value of the T c / Til ratio of shear to normal forces is negligible in the case of driven metal nails and low to very low in the case of grouted nails. The highest values are reached at the top of the wall, near the facing where bending is at its greatest, because of the construction method (figure 23) of successive excavations from top to bottom. But, when a shear zone develops near failure, bending becomes important, as shown in figure 24, which illustrates the soil nailed wall in CEBTP experiment No.1. The average bending angle of the nails is 20° for a transfer length [0 = 20 cm. Therefore, the bending resistance of the nails is mobilized at ultimate limit states. The bending resistance of the nails, when it is important, tends to orientate the tensions along the failure surface, which has a beneficial effect on safety. This point is not generally taken into account in the design of structures at the present time.
3.4. Deformations and displacements of a soil nailed wall 3.4.1. Internal deformations of walls under in-service stresses The results of the various experiments and instrumentation program on real structures, carried out during the French National Project CLOUTERRE (CEBTP 1, CEBTP 3, Vierzon, Knutange, Aigueblanche, Macon) helped to define the orders of magnitude of extension and distorted deformations to which a soil nailed wall is subjected. As shown in figure 25, it is possible to consider that the average deformations of a soil nailed wall with a horizontal surface can be estimated from the values of three displacement parameters: <>0 <>h <>v
horizontal surface displacement behind the wall, horizontal displacement of the top of the facing, vertical displacement of the top of the facing.
In all instrumented structures, it seems that the horizontal displacement <>h at the head of the facing is about equal to the vertical displacement <>v. Displacement <>0 is generally comprised between 4H/10 000 and 5H/10 000; its value varies inversely to the L/H ratio and also depends on the nature of the soil.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
y. H. Sy
. Sh
\ \
0 ....
2 ..... .....
r;r '"
'" '"
c5 I
F/ \
yH,Sy,S h
1 / \
: \
\ \K
Depth Z ( m)
0.2 K=
Tmax .cose
b. Experimental wall No. 1 at CEBTP (CLOUTERRE, 1986).
a. Experimentation on the wall of the A86 Freeway (Cartier and Gigan, 1983).
\K a
Depth Z (m)
0.1 "-
\ '\
\ 2
0 0
Tmax' cos
y.H. Sv,Sh
Tmax ' cos
y.H. Sv,Sh
0.6 I
\K a
0- Flexible nai Is • -Rigid nails
Under bending moments
c. Reduced scale models (CERMES, CLOUTERRE, 1986).
Finite elements CEBTP
d. Numerical models (finite elements) (CERMES, CLOUTERRE, 1988).
Figure 22. State of stresses in the soil in a soil nailed wall (comparison with Ko and Ka states).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Tmax cos
0.2 /
,, ,
Tc max
'( T max I
e Sv
y H Sv Sh
Tmax cos
• Flexible nails
~ Under bending moments
o Rigid nails
ZI H Figure 23. Mobilization of bending resistance in reduced scale models of soil nailed walls under working stresses (Juran et aI., 1985).
Bending strain €(xI0- 3 ) 7 "'S::""a-:-t-:-u-ra-:-t:7"io-n-:---G=-I-o":""b-a":""'-s-a":'"fe""":"t-y-' phases factor 2.5 1. F = 1.10
7. 1.5
F= 1.00 Failure
CEBTP 1, Clouterre
0.5 0 €1
Row nO?
€ 1- €2 €= - 2 -
L (m) 0
Figure 24. Mobilization of the bending resistance of the nails near the failure surface in the first full-scale experimental soil nailed wall (CEBTP, CLOUTERRE, 1986).
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
1-__ I I
t-- -_ I t- __ I
t-- -
I -- ---_ I I ---I
---- :
,----__ 1
I --------
t------ - - - ---rI __ - - --- -L
° 0
Figure 25. Schematic deformations of a soil nailed wall.
These displacements show that there is a slight distortion of the soil nailed mass. However, very few nail bending measurements have been carried out on the nails. The results do not enable an order of magnitude of bending mobilized in service to be given; it remains very small, in any case, for structures designed normally.
3.4.2. Displacements of the facing
Figure 26a shows a number of results of measurements of facing displacements, at the head of in-service soil nailed walls, obtained in the framework of the Project CLOUTERRE. Horizontal and vertical displacements at the head of the facing seem roughly equal. They are comprised between H/l 000 and 4H/l 000/ H being the height of the soil nailed wall, as shown in figure 26b. More precisely, displacements at the head of the facing depend on the following parameters: Rate of construction. Height of excavation phases and spacing between nails. Extensibility of nails. Global safety factor of the wall. L/H ratio. Inclination of the nails and, in this case, their bending stiffness. Bearing capacity of the foundation soils.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
When the soil nailed wall has a low global safety factor, the values of ()o and of ()h tend to be higher. For the soil nailed wall in CEBTP experiment No.1 from the Project CLOUTERRE, the wall was designed near to failure (F = 1.1), displacement ()h had a value of 3H/1 000. Generally, the wall tilts outward more when its H/L ratio is high. It is therefore normal that the displacements of the facing vary in the opposite direction to the ratio LIH, as shown by figure 26c which corresponds to the phases of the construction of the soil nailed wall of CEBTP experiment No.1 of Project CLOUTERRE. Furthermore, as mentioned in paragraph 2.2.3. of this chapter, a marked inclination of the nails below the horizontal promotes the mobilization of bending moment and shear force to the detriment of tension. As a result, larger displacements of the facing occur, as shown by parametric studies using the finite elements method (figure 19). Note that, as regards the mobilization of forces and moment in the nails, horizontal displacement ()v is related to tension, while vertical displacement ()h has a stronger tendency to mobilize bending moments in a way similar to the behavior of a pile loaded laterally at its head. When a check is carried out to see if existing structures, in the vicinity of a soil nailed wall designed and built according to the present recommendations, can resist the field of displacements caused by the construction of the wall, the following state of the arts rules should be taken into account:
'\ = K
Intermediate soils (rocks)
is used to determinate the length over which deformations are dampened:
H (1 - tanll)
Account must also be taken of the fact that the foundations of the wall can significantly influence the displacements at the top of the wall. 3.4.3. Behavior of the wall during construction
During the construction of the wall, the mobilization of the tension in the nails occurs only during the three to four subsequent excavation phases; then this tension stabilizes (figure 2). This tension corresponds mainly to the lateral decompression of the soil and to the development of successive arch effect as excavation progresses. It is all the more rapid as the height of the excavation is greater. Note that the distribution of tension along the nails evolves as the wall is being built. The To I Tmax ratio, near 1 at the beginning of tension,
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
reaches progressively much smaller values, as a function of the level of the layer considered, going from 0.3 to 0.7 in the case of the soil nailed wall CETBP No.1 (figure 27). Those values can be smaller for narrower spacing. The displacements of the facing bJz and bv , small at the beginning of the construction, increase more quickly than proportionally to the depth. This is due to the influence of the L/H ratio, which decreases as the wall is being built (paragraph 3.4.2. of this chapter) (figure 26c).
~\ (mml
/ all
C E BTP wall,,1 (H=7m)
/ /
CEBTP wall#3 ( H=6m 1
" ' - VIERZON M4 wall
/ / /
/ / /
o 8.
0h (mml
/ 15
Observed displacements on the top of the wall facings.
Horizontal displacement at the top (mm 1
CEBTP wall..1
X :H '000
o Clouterre • Schlosser and Guilloux ,1982
3H / 'XXX)
° • o.0oi'----
H /1000
CEBTP wall'!*'3 Height of wall (ml
b. Horizontal displacements in soil nailed walls. Figure 26. Displacements of the facings of soil nailed walls.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
0.5 Heightofwall(ml
o 2
c. Evolution of normalized displacements (Oh divided by H) of the wall during the different stages of construction.
Figure 26. Displacements of the facings of soil nailed walls.
The local stability of the excavation phases is one of the very important points in the construction of a soil nailed wall. Numerous studies have examined this point in Project CLOUTERRE using full-scale experiments, centrifuge small-scale models, and numerical modelling. The arch effect is the major phenomenon in the local stability of the excavation. It requires good points of support at the level of the upper nails and at the base of the excavation; furthermore, it is very sensitive to the displacements of these supports. Water infiltrations and creep must be prevented by reducing the duration of excavation phases. There exists a critical excavation height that must not be exceeded. If exceeded, the arch effect is destroyed, thus causing a global failure with soil flow along the whole length of the facing. If the nails are flexible, they generally resist this type of failure but the facing drops, which requires a complete taking up operation. The critical height is mainly a function of the nature of the soil; it is generally limited to 2 m only and experience enables it to be determined. When the nature and behavior of the soil lead to a critical height that is too small, the local stability is improved by an arching effect in the horizontal direction by carrying out the excavation in contiguous or alternative slots.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
All observations and monitoring have shown that creep occurs in soil nailed walls after their construction. This shows itself as a slight increase in displacements and additional tension in the nails, especially those at the bottom of the wall.
5 6
Phase Phase Phase Phase
7 6 5 4
Figure 27. Development of stresses in the nails during construction of a soil nailed wall (CEBTP No.1, CLOUTERRE, 1986).
3.5. Behavior of the facing Studies and instrumentation programs conducted for the Project CLOUTERRE did not permit an accurate investigation into the behavior of wall facings. Generally, the facing is subjected to tension To of the nails at the head and to earth pressure Po (z) between the nails. It behaves more or less like a floor slab. It is necessary to know the values of the two parameters To and Po for designing the facing.
A distinction is made between the internal failure of a soil nailed wall and the external failure in which the wall behaves like a monolithic block.
4.1. Failure by breakage of the nails (internal failure) Failure caused by breakage of the nails is the type of failure that has been the subject of most studies by means of small-scale models and full-scale experiments pushed to failure.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The CEBTP experiment No.1, where the soil nailed wall was pushed to failure by saturation, showed that in the vicinity of failure and around the line of maximum tension, a zone of sheared soil develops where the nails are bent. The failure surface that develops in the soil is very close to the line of maximum tension, which can, therefore, be considered as a potential failure surface (figure 28).
LEGEND ----- Maximum tension line o
Point of zero moment
~ Zone of sheared soil
Figure 28. Failure by breakage of the nails during the first full-scale experimental soil nailed wall at CEBTP.
The bending resistance of the nails prevents the development of a clear-cut failure surface like the one that can be observed in small-scale model tests using perfectly flexible nails. With flexible nails, failure is sudden and without warning. The resistance to bending of the nails allows greater deformations before failure; this forms a warning sign and allows more progressive failure to take place. This type of failure can occur in the cases listed below: 1) It may come from underdesigning the cross sections of nails. 2) It may be induced by corrosion of the steel bars in the nails. This type of failure has been provoked on an experimental Reinforced Earth wall (Guilloux et Jailloux, 1979). The observed failure was very sudden and corresponded exactly to the line of maximum tension.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
3) It may be produced by a surcharge on top of the wall, if the wall has not been designed to resist it. This type of failure has been initiated in the experiment of a soil nailed wall in Germany (Stocker et al., 1979). That failure was fairly sudden and the failure surface, whose location on top of the wall was linked to the surcharge, corresponded well to the maximum tension line. 4) It may be induced by saturation of the wall under the effects of water infiltrations (rain or thaw). It is this procedure that was used for the soil nailed wall of the first experiment at the CEBTP. The bending resistance of the bars prevented a complete failure at the destruction of the structure. 5) It may be caused by the ice lenses in frost-susceptible soils. This phenomenon induces tension in the nails next to the facing when the frost front forms within the soil. It was observed recently on some soil nailed walls in the mountains and lead to some facing damages. When the facing is very resistant, nails may break by tension and the wall may fail with the facing being disconnected.
4.2. Failure by lack of adherence (internal failure) This failure is more difficult to model in the laboratory and to provoke in a full- scale structure. This is why it has been much less studied than the failure by breakage of the nails. However, this type of failure is more frequent than the previous one in real structures and results from a poor estimation of the unit skin friction of the nails and/or construction mistakes. Two structures are known to have failed from inadequate adherence; one in service structure, called "Eparris wall" in 1980, and the soil nailed wall of the experiment No.3 at the CEBTP (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, December 1989). The failure by lack of adherence is characterized by the fact that the nails do not have sufficient length in the passive zone to be able to balance the maximum tensions. The nails are then pulled out of the soil. Experience shows that this type of failure is not usually sudden, except in some cases during construction, and that large deformations develop. Figure 29 shows the profile of the displacements that developed during the failure of the Eparris wall, which was constructed in a very clayey soil. In that case, it is the decrease of the mechanical characteristics, and thus of the unit skin friction following heavy rains, that was responsible for the failure.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Failure mecanism
y = 20 kN/m 3 c'= 0
cP =28
Soil unit skin friction: 15 kN 1m 130 kN - - - 330kN
Figure 29. The deformed shape of the Eparris wall after failure.
In the CEBTP experiment No.3, failure was obtained by decreasing the length of the nails in
the passive zone using telescopic nails (figure 13, chapter 1). This type of failure can occur: In fine-grained soils under the effect of saturation or increase in moisture content. During construction, if the length of the nails at the head of the wall is insufficient, especially following an erroneous evaluation of the unit skin friction.
4.3. Failure during excavation phases 4.3.1. Failure due to excessive height of continuous excavation (internal failure)
During the construction of a wall, if the height of the excavation phase is too great, fairly sudden failure can occur through local instability and propagation to the top of the walL In this type of failure, the soil flows behind the facing due to successive elimination of the arch effects.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
The facing drops as one block until stopped by the foundation soil; the nails deform through bending but may not break. This type of failure and instability was the subject of a particular study in the Project CLOUTERRE (see paragraph 3., chapter 1). It proved to be more frequent than the previous ones. To prevent it, the excavation height must be kept lower than the critical height or excavation in slots must be used. 4.3.2. Failure by piping of the soil (internal failure)
This type of failure is rather similar to the previous one in the mode of the failure. It differs from it though by its cause, which is the existence of a pocket of water in the soil due to be nailed. During excavation, pore water pressure in this pocket, together with the resulting water flow forces, destroys the stability of the soil locally in the zone being excavated. Rapid and regressive failures cause the soil to flow behind the facing. A sudden subsidence of the facing occurs that can have repercussions on both sides of the pocket of water. This type of failure is frequent and results either from the heterogeneity of the soil or from the lack of drainage during construction. 4.4. External failure and mixed failure
The external failure of a soil nailed wall occurs generally by sliding along a failure surface, affecting the whole structure and going through the foundations (figure 30b). This type of failure is common to all retaining structures. External failure is due to either poor quality foundation soils or to insufficient length of the nails resulting in global failure that, in part, takes the form of sliding of the wall on its base. Mixed failure relates to a failure surface both in the wall and outside the wall (figure 30c). It combines both internal instability and external instability of the wall. Mixed failure is generally due to nails being of insufficient length, associated with a defect in strength of the nails or in the unit skin friction.
Mixed structures are retaining structures in which the reinforcement of in situ soil combines the nailing technique and other retaining methods (prestressed anchors, bracing system). In general, the aim of a mixed structure is to limit the lateral displacements of the structure or to prevent instability problems from developing (blocking the displacements at the top of the very high wall). Mixed structures are used as well to obtain higher excavation phases or when confronted with problems of instability due to flow of water.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Internal failure.
b. External failure.
Fa i lure surface
Breakage of the nails
c. Combination failure. Figure 30. Different types of failure in a soil nailed wall.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
5.1. Soil nailed wall with a row of prestressed anchors at the upper part This is the most conventional mixed structure, the aim of which is to reduce the lateral displacement of the nailed wall by blocking deformations at the top. Figure 31 shows some examples of mixed structures already built. It is important for the grouted anchorage zone of the prestressed ground anchors to be
separated from the soil nailed wall and placed behind the latter. An approximate rule consists of placing the grouted anchorage beyond the most critical failure surface affecting the whole of the structure, in particular when the aim is to prevent the occurrence of disorders in existing neighboring structures.
5.2. Nailed Tervoile Nailed Tervoile is a technique in which the wall is built in successive excavations, placing the nails and the active ground anchors as work progresses. The facing is placed as excavation progresses (figure 32) and comprises lengths of prefabricated posts, assembled as the work progresses.
5.3. Nailed Berlin wall This technique differs from the previous one by the installation of posts before excavation (figure 33). Nailing makes it possible to increase the distance between the posts by reducing the moments in the facing and the stresses in the posts.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
L=6m L= 6 m :::=--:!J.------I-------~----jl====_-L:7m -} l=9m L=4m
r -_ _ L :
\GrOund anchors
Grouted nails
a. The wall at Ferrieres (EDF, 1981).
FILL . .
__ Whaler beam
Ground anchor • X
H=21 m
b. The wall at Montpellier Opera (1985).
c. The wall at the north entrance of the Cotiere Tunnel (TGV Rhone-Alpes, 1990). Figure 31. Different types of mixed structures.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
Drainage materials
Facing Sections of prefabricated posts assembled in advance
Light facing
Figure 32. Sketch of a nailed Tervoile wall.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Reinforced shotcrete facing
888 ~ ~
8 0
8 8
kJ kJ
Passive nails
Figure 33. Sketch of a nailed Berlin wall.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
ANTHOINE, A (1987). Stabilite d'une fouille renforcee par clouage, Proc. 4th Franco-Polish Conference.
Stability of an excavation stabilized by nailing. BASSETT, RH. and LAST, H.C. (1978). Reinforced Earth below footings and embankments, Proc. ASCE Symp: Earth Reinforcement, Pittsburgh, 222-221. BLONDEAU, F., CHRISTIANSEN, M., GUILLOUX, A, and SCHLOSSER, F. (1984). TALREN: Methode de ca1cul des ouvrages en terre renforcee, Proc. Int. Conference. In Situ Soil and Rock Reinforcement, Paris, 219-224.
TALREN: Design method of reinforced soil structures. BOULON, M., PLYTAS, c., and FORAY, P. (1986). Comportement d'interface et prevision du frottement lateral Ie long des pieux et des tirants d'ancrage, Revue Franc;aise de Geotechnique, Vol.2, 31-48.
Interface behavior and prediction of skin friction along piles and ground anchorages. CARTIER, G. and GIGAN, J.P. (1983). Experiments and observations on soil nailed structures, Proc. 8th ECSMFE, Vol. 2, Helsinki, 473-476. CSTB (1983). Travaux de fondations profondes pour Ie batiment. Document technique unifie 13-2 Sept. 83. Cahier 1877. Commentaires au cahier des charges de Juin 1978.
Deep foundations works for buildings, unified technical document. Commentary to bid documents. DEGUILLAUME, J. (1981). Influence du dimensionnement et des modes de sollicitations sur la capacite des tirants d'ancrage dans un sable fin. These de Docteur Ingenieur de l'Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 erne.
Influence on sizing and loading methods on the capacity of ground anchors in a fine sand. FRANK, R and ZHAO, S.R (1982). Estimation par les parametres pressiometriques de I'enfoncement sous charge axiale de pieux fores dans les sols fins. Bulletin de liaison des laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees No.119, Ref.2712, pp. 17-24 et Journal of Southwestern Jiaotong University, Sichmuan, No.1, 1983, pp. 1-10 (en Chinois).
Estimation through pressuremeter parameters of the settlement under load of drilled shafts in fine soils. GASNIER, Rand PLUMELLE, C. (1984). Etude experimentale en vraie grandeur de tirants d'ancrage. Proc. Int. Conf: Renforcement en place des sols et des roches. Paris. Presses de I'ENPC.
Full-scale experimental study of ground anchors. GUILLOUX, A and SCHLOSSER, F. (1982). Soil nailing. Practical application. Symposium on Soil and Rock improvement Techniques, Geotextiles, Reinforcement Earth, and Modern Piling Methods. Bangkok, November/December.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
JEWELL, RA. (1980). "Some Effects of Reinforcement on the Mechanical Behavior of Soils," Doctor of Philosophy Thesis. Cambridge University. JURAN, 1., SCHLOSSER, F., LOUIS, c., KERNOA, M., and ECKMANN, B. (1981). "Soil Reinforcing by Passive Bars," Proc. 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Stockholm.
JURAN, 1., SHAFFIE, S., and SCHLOSSER, F. (1985). Les soutenements par douage - Etude sur modeles numeriques. Proc. 11th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, San Francisco (3), pp. 1713-1716. Support by nailing - study of numerical models. JURAN, 1., BAUDRAND, G., FARRAG, K., and ELIAS, V. (1990). Kinematical limit analysis for design of soil nailed structures. Journal of Geotech. Div., ASCE, vol.1l6, Janvier. 1990, 54-72. MARCHAL, J. (1984). Reinforcement des sols par c1ouage. Etude experimentale en laboratoire, Proc. Int. Conf. In Situ Soil and Rock Reinforcement, Paris, 275-278.
Reinforcement of soils by nailing - experimental study in the laboratory. MARCHAL, J. (1986). "Clouage des sols. Etude experimentale en laboratoire de l'interaction sol-dou." Bull. de liaison des laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees No. 143, Mai-Juin 1986.
Soil Nailing. Experimental Study in the laboratory of Soil-Nail Interaction. PLUMELLE, C. (1979). Etude experimentale du comportement des tirants d'ancrage. These de Docteur Ingenieur de l'Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 erne.
Experimental study of the behavior of ground anchors. BUREAU SECURITAS (1986). Recommendations concernant lei conception, Ie calcul l'execution et Ie contrale des tirants d'ancrage (TA 86), Edition Eyrolles, 1986.
Recommendations concerning the conception, the design, the construction, and the testing of prestressed ground anchors. SETRA - LCPC (1985). Regles de justification des fondations sur pieux a partir des resultats des essais pressiometriques. Ministere de l'Urbanisme du Logement et des transports. SETRA et LCPC (Octobre 1985).
Rules for the justification of pile foundations from the results of pressuremeter tests. SCHLOSSER, F. and ELIAS, V. (1978). Friction in Reinforced Earth, Proc. Symp: Earth Reinforcement, ASCE, Pittsburgh, 735-763. SCHLOSSER, F. (1982). Behaviour and design of soil nailing. Proc. Symp: Recent Developments in Ground Improvement Techniques, Bangkok, 399-413.
Chapter 2: Soil Nailing in Retaining Structures: Mechanisms and Behavior
SCHLOSSER, F. (1983). "Analogies et differences dans Ie comportement et Ie calcul des Ouvrages de Soutenement en Terre Armee et par Clouage du Sol", Annales de l'Institut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics No.418. Similarities and differences in the behavior and the design of retaining structures of Reinforced Earth and by soil nailing. SCHLOSSER, F., JACOBSEN, H., and JURAN, 1. (1983). Soil Reinforcement, General Report for Speciality Session No.5, Proc. 8th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 3, Helsinki, 83-104. SHAFIEE, S. (1986). Simulation numerique du comportement des sols doues. Interaction sol renforcement et comportement de l' ouvrage. These de Doctorat de l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris. Numerical simulation of the behavior of soil nailing. Interaction soil nail and behavior of the structure. STOCKER, M.F., KORBER, G.W., GASSLER, G., and GUDEHUS, G. (1979). Soil nailing. Proc. Int. Conference on Soil Reinforcement. (2), Paris, Presses de I'ENPC, 469-474.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Possibilities and limitations of the technique
The nailing of in situ soils is a technique largely developed for the construction of short-, medium-, or long-term retaining structures in cuts (see chapter 1). This is because: It readily adapts to site conditions, insofar as it does not need any preliminary
excavations beyond the facing of the structure; also, because of the lightness of the equipment used, it is suitable for sites where access is difficult. It is suitable for heterogeneous soils, insofar as the height of the excavations, the method
for introducing the inclusions, and their density can be fairly easily adapted to the type and resistance of the soils encountered. Because of its speed of construction, and particularly because the general excavation work can be performed almost simultaneously with the various phases of construction of the wall. The main limitations to the use of the technique are caused by local environmental constraints in the immediate vicinity of the structure itself, by special soil conditions to which the technique is not suited, or because there is a water table present. 1.1.1. Constraints linked to the immediate environment
The actual behavior of a soil nailed retaining structure can induce displacements and deformations that might be regarded as an obstacle to the use of the technique, particularly in urban areas. The upper part of the structure's facing moves both laterally and vertically, mostly during the construction phases. These displacements are of the order of one to four thousandths of the vertical height of the structure. However, the values of these displacements depend on a number of factors, particularly the height of the wall, the angle to which the facing is sloped, the density and stiffness of the nails, the quality of earth involved, and the conditions under which the structure is being built (see chapter 2, paragraph 3.4.).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
These displacements in turn affect the surface of any neighboring soil and decrease with the distance from the facing. In practice, checks should be carried out to ensure that any neighboring structures likely to be affected by these deformations will be able to tolerate them without being damaged (see chapter 1, paragraph 2.4. and chapter 2, paragraph 3.4.2.). Certain special design provisions, such as combining soil nailing with prestressed ground anchors (mixed structures), or using head struts, will help reduce those displacements. One should check that any lateral and vertical displacements are still compatible with the degree of deformations that can be tolerated by existing structures. It is also important to remember, however, for all structures, that legal easement needs to
extend beyond the facing, indeed as far as the furthest extremity of the inclusions (nails and ground anchors) (see figure 1).
D 0 o 0 o 0 .
~ ..~:-.--
. I.
c...::r- - -
--i .
I: I
__Permanent easement
---!i I;
Figure 1. Illustration of permanent easement needed for soil nailed walls.
1.1.2. Special soil conditions
While nailing of in situ soils is a technique recognized as suitable in technical terms for most soil types found, it is less suitable under certain conditions. This can be because of the way the structure is being built or sometimes even by its design. The technique does not generally adapt well in the following cases: Where sands have no apparent cohesion and where the stability of the excavation cannot be guaranteed, even though it might be limited in length and height. In more general terms, using the technique on clean, granular, dry soils that have no apparent cohesion is often difficult, even though it may prove possible to take certain precautionary measures (pretreatment of soils by injection, excavation phases built to a lower height, etc.). The cost advantages are quickly lost.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
In very plastic, clayey soils and very sensitive soils, particularly where there is a relatively low unit skin friction value between the soil and the inclusion. In swelling clays or soils that are frost susceptible (Le., on sites where there is a high frost index). In these cases, high forces could develop in the nails and the facing. It should be noted, however, that in the case of frost susceptible soils certain provisions (the introduction of some sort of protection along the length of the facing, for example) could help limit or avoid in situ soils from freezing and avoid all the resulting consequences. In soils known to be highly aggressive with respect to the materials from which the nails and the facing are made, particularly where long-term structures are involved.
1.1.3. Water tables The construction of a soil nailed wall under a water table should not be planned because problems would be experienced both with the building process as well as with the design (stability of the structure, water flows through the facing, etc.). The only exception is if the site can first be properly drained to safeguard the structure against the action of the water table both during its construction phase and during its service life. Generally speaking, such a step will not prove either technically or economically viable except on low permeable soils. The same problem, of course, is encountered with soil types containing small lenses or pockets of granular soil filled with water. This can lead to instability that has grave repercussions on the structure during and after construction.
Choice of the soil nailing technique
The techniques most commonly used for installing the nails are percussion or vibration of the nail into the soil, or grouting the nails into a hole that has been premade, usually by drilling. From the point of view of work involved, both techniques have advantages and drawbacks (see chapter 4).
Driving (mainly percussion) is particularly suitable for soft grounds containing no hard obstacles or too many large blocks, and for lighter nails of average length, not exceeding eight or so meters. For reasons linked to their installation, these nails must have some stiffness; they are therefore made from bars having a fairly high mechanical efficiency (steel angle, metallic tubes, etc.)
The use of driven reinforcement bars raises some technical difficulties when it comes to protecting them against corrosion. Special care must be taken when they are used in either medium- or long-term structures in aggressive soils (see chapter 6). •
With the drilling process, it is possible to use nails of any length and in practically any type of soil. In fact, this is still the only technique possible for very long nails and in soils where they cannot be driven.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
If either one of these two techniques can be used, the choice as to which will be used, will, in
addition to economic criteria, depend on other technical factors, particularly on the type of nail and any potential difficulty in using that nail (stability of the borehole walls, for example), the efficiency of the nail in certain types of terrain (pull-out resistance), and the height of the excavation passes that can be made (see chapter 5). Therefore, in granular soils of loose to medium density, and with a small apparent cohesion, driven nails will be the better option (for the reasons given above).
General geometric layout
1.3.1. Facing-elevation and layout plan
In practice the maximum height of a retaining structure that it is possible to construct using in situ soil nailing remains limited by environmental or economic as opposed to operational constraints. To date, retaining structures up to 28 meters high have been built. On urban sites, and for reasons clearly linked to the amount of space taken up by the works, structures are generally designed with vertical facings (figure 2a). In this sort of situation, a short-to-medium-term structure will most often be found to be economical, even though more and more frequently the facing is designed to be integrated in the long-term structure. Whether for a short-, medium-, or long-term structure, it is recommended that every effort be made to provide the facing with a sloping surface (figure 2b). This will appreciably improve stability, both during construction and during the structure's service life. Again, for both short-, medium-, or long-term structures, and particularly where these are built to a considerable height, a stepped or terraced arrangement is generally found to be best, both technically and aesthetically (figure 2c). It also goes some way toward alleviating the problem of drainage and offers the possibility of easy access to the different parts of the structure. This can prove extremely useful when it comes to maintenance or monitoring of the structure, or if any subsequent work needs to be done on it.
a. Vertical facing
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
Batter 7]
.. r-_,-- . _ . }
'" Drain
b. Sloping facing
c. Stair step arrangement Figure 2. Geometric layouts of facing.
As a general rule, the nails are laid in rows, slightly inclined to the horizontal. As a result, any layout being planned for the structure is essentially limited by the possibilities for installing the nails. In particular, the area needed for the equipment available for reentrant angles and the risk of nails intersecting with one another or with a neighboring area of the facing in the case of salient angles. With the exception of certain special cases, where technical solutions can generally be found (for example, local use of struts for sharp reflex angles on a temporary wall). In practice it is possible to design structures that have a curved or broken line arrangement (figure 3).
• • • • --------:• • • • • •
Figure 3. Perspective view of a soil nailed wall.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
1.3.2. Length, layout, and angle of installation of the nails
The choice as to the length, angle of installation, and layout of the nails depends on a number of factors-in particular on the height of the facing and the angle at which it slopes, the type of nail used (drilled or grouted in a borehole), the quality or the nails involved (on which will depend the soil/nail unit skin friction), and any environmental constraints that might need to be borne in mind. As a general rule, for a structure with a vertical facing, the average length of the nails is about: 0.5 to 0.7 H (H = total height of structure) for driven nails (driven into the soil using the percussive method or vibro-driven), at close centers (approximately one or two nails per square meter). 0.8 to 1.2 H (H = total height of structure) for nails grouted in borehole, laid out in the ratio of about one nail per 2.5 to 6 m 2 of facing. Generally speaking, for anything above one nail per 6 m 2 of facing, it should be pointed out that the soil/nails, when taken together, will no longer behave like a "reinforced soil" material or be sufficiently homogenous with the scale of the structure to satisfy the rules of calculation contained in these recommendations. It should be noted that while the use of driven nails leads in principle to a total length of
nails that is greater than those for nails installed by drilling, it also allows facings that are thinner and less reinforced. In any case, the choice as to one or the other of these two types of nails is in practice largely conditioned by other considerations (see paragraph 1.6.2.). Designing nails of the same length along the whole height of the structure is an usual measure and often the most practical, particularly when it comes to the question of supply and the actual carrying out the work. Moreover, all things being equal, with this solution it is often possible to minimize the easement of the structure (figure 4a).
\ I \
Lengths more of less constant
Lengths decreasing with depth
Lengths increasing with depth (not recommended)
Figure 4. Examples of nail distribution in a soil nailed wall.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
It is, however, possible to design a different layout for the nails in special situations to
respond to certain environmental constraints. Thus, the introduction of longer nails into the upper part might be found to work well for very tall structures (figure 4b). This also allows lateral displacement to be slightly reduced at the head of the structure. On the other hand, an inverse distribution (length of nails increasing with depth) is not suitable and, generally speaking, is not advised (figure 4c). The nails are laid out in rows. They are distributed (in terms of density) over the full height of the structure in order to respond to certain criteria relating to stability or setting. Nails laid out in the upper part of the structure contribute more toward reducing tilting and, in general terms, to any lateral displacement at the head of the facing. Those installed lower down are more efficient in relation to failure as a result of any sliding movement taking place at the base of the structure. This is because of their orientation in relation to the potential failure surfaces and their greater anchorage length beyond these failure surfaces (provided that the nail/facing connection offers sufficient resistance). It is possible to vary the "distribution" of the nails by modifying their unit capacity (length, section) or the vertical spacing Sv and the horizontal spacing Sh between the nails.
Choosing among these different possibilities generally comes down to what is practical in terms of the type of nail and whether there are any existing underground structures present (utilities, foundations for structures, etc.), as well as, to some extent, the views of the company charged with undertaking the work. At the preliminary design phase of the structure (see paragraph 1.6), and unless one is able to draw on specific experience, the usual choice is a uniform distribution of the nails. For installation reasons, the nails are slightly inclined downward from the horizontal. However, the nails are more efficient at controlling lateral displacements of the structure, when there is no inclination. In principle, then, one should seek to use the lowest degree of inclination compatible with the proper installation of the bars. While this inclination can depend on the technology available and the working conditions under which the nails will have to function, as well as on the type and quality of soils in which they are to be introduced, in practice current technologies use an angle of inclination of 50 to 15 0. For obvious practical reasons, and insofar as this is possible, it is preferable to make all the nails inclined at the same angle. Different layouts can, however, be justified in certain special and localized cases; for example, if it is known that some obstacle exists (part of the foundations for an existing building, pipes and cables, etc.), a nonuniform layout may be required.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Construction provisions
1.4.1. Protection against entry of water It is vital that structures be fully protected against the water ingression, which can result in
loads being put on the facing causing it to split or rupture. It could also bring about a rapid reduction in its structure resistance (through the speeding up of corrosion of the reinforcing bars, especially when the water contains aggressive substances). Its appearance maybe spoiled (water staining, cracking, etc.). Even when the ground is not the site of a true water table as such (a situation where, generally speaking, soil nailing is not suitable), there may still be some water entry from, for example, infiltration by surface waters, from random underground flow paths, the presence of pockets of water, or even accidentally damaged pipes. In order to protect the structures against the effects of such water entry, some provisions for drainage must be taken. In order to avoid or limit the infiltration of surface waters into the soil, steps must be taken to catch the water and channel it away.
Protection against groundwaters (figure 5a)
Drainage measures can be provided in several ways. One can use subhorizontal drains, usually comprising of perforated filter tubes installed either by drilling or tamping. Such a layout is recommended for medium- to long-term structures, particularly when the surface of any surrounding ground has no proper system to protect it against the infiltration of surface water flows, or even so that any pockets of water known to exist or found during the construction process can be "discharged." The minimum density of these drains will be about one for every 50 m 2 of facing. In all cases, small weepholes must be provided, perhaps linked to the drainage complex located at the back of the facing before these are concreted over (porous slab, half shells, geotextile composites). These should be laid out in a regular formation with a density of at least one for every 10 m 2 of facing.
Protection against surface waters (figure 5b)
Protection against the infiltration of surface waters running into the soil and along the length of the structure's facing must be taken care of by the installation of devices for collecting and channelling away such water. These should be easy to get to and maintain and, wherever possible, the surface of any surrounding ground should be made impervious to water. When the ground supports a roadway, however, the structure can be protected by making the roadway as impervious as possible and designing watertight ditches or conduits for collecting the water and channelling it away, beyond the zones involved. Where this can be done, it is useful to make the surface slope gently away from the face so that the ditches or conduits and the drainage network can be installed at a sufficient distance from the facing and beyond the roadway.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
Drain Drains Weephole ~.L
a. Protection against groundwaters.
Drainage system
b. Protection against surface waters. Figure 5. Drain layout.
If the structure is supporting a slope, then planting its surface, at least near the wall facing, could afford a degree of protection against water. The same is true of short-term structures, although, generally speaking, simpler short-term solutions can be found. 1.4.2. Embedment of facing toe
Often, for reasons of stability, and to avoid the pressure under the facing exceeding the bearing capacity of the underlying soil, it will be necessary to provide a toe to the facing below the level of the excavation. This construction detail is good also to prevent fines from being carried away by any potential water flow in front of a facing that has been badly "closed off" so as to keep the soil confined behind the facing (figure 6).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
• Loose ground f
Poor "closing off " of facing
• Rocky foundations f ~ O.20m min
\\~,?\\,"~,'t /
Figure 6. Embedment of the facing at the toe of the wall.
The embedment of the toe will depend primarily on the soil properties and the geometry of the facing (height, slope). With medium- to long-term structures, it should never be less than 0.20 meters for rocky soil, and 0.41 meters or H120, whichever is the higher value, in a soil. Normally this requirement will be easily met, for example, by the thickness of the pavement section where a road is constructed.
1.4.3. Aesthetics of the structures
Appearance is an important consideration for medium- to long-term structures. Architectural design will take into consideration the geometry of the cross section (to what angle should the facing wall slope, should it be stepped or terraced, etc.) and the way in which the facing walls are treated. Obviously, one will be looking to hide the heads of the nails in the concrete of the facing. This may result in the facings being thickened, especially around the heads of the nails where they need to be properly covered to prevent the concrete from cracking. One option for improving the aesthetics of the facing might be, for example, to cover it with prefabricated or cast-in-place architectural panels. These elements may also be part of the final structure. In this case, one must design for the loads in the temporary facing to be transferred to the final facing. It should also be pointed out, however, that the final appearance of the structure still relies
on how well it has been conceived with an understanding of the building techniques involved and the care with which it has been erected.
Mixed structures
Walls that are only anchored by prestressed ground anchors or that use only struts fall beyond the scope of this document. It only deals with soil nailed structures which have, at a
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
maximum, two layers of prestressed ground anchors or two rows of struts in their upper part. Such structures are referred to as "mixed structures." These prestressed ground anchors or struts at the top are used to limit the deformations of the soil nailed mass when sensitive structures have already been built nearby (see chapter 1, paragraph 2.4. and chapter 2, paragraph 3.4.2.). 1) When designing mixed structures, prestressed ground anchors must have enough total length so that the anchored length is beyond the soil nailed zone. It is, in fact, most important that the anchored length be located in an area sufficiently well behind the soil nailed mass so as to be able to regard it as "fixed" in relation to a soil nailed wall, as these anchors are being installed to limit displacement. 2) Furthermore, one must ensure that the most critical potential failure surface of any mixed structure does not intersect the anchor zone and is kept at a sufficient distance from it (figure 7).
Most critical potential failure surface
Figure 7. Layout of ground anchors in mixed structures.
It should be noted that, unlike nails, prestressed ground anchors can carry only constant
tensile forces along their free length. In order to design the soil nailed wall, the recommendations given in paragraph 3 of this chapter will be applied. For prestressed ground anchors, refer to the Recommandations TA 86 on design, calculation, construction, and inspection of ground anchors. When using struts and when calculating with limit equilibrium methods, the possibility of buckling must be checked using the compressive elastic limit of the struts.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Preliminary design
1.6.1. Objectives of preliminary design
A preliminary design is needed for a soil nailed wall in the same way as it would be for any other civil engineering structure or any part of a structure, for example, like the foundations. A preliminary design is useful at the pilot planning stage, or when alternatives are being considered, it also enables the feasibility of a soil nailed wall to be assessed and calculated sufficiently accurately so the cost involved can be estimated. As will be discussed in this chapter, the methods used for justifying soil nailed retaining structures are in practice the methods used to analyze a structure's internal and external stability when the geometry, resistance values, and layout of the nails have been determined in advance. They do not help us to calculate the in-service forces in the various rows of nails. Thus, the designer must take advantage of some simple preliminary designs that will enable him to later define the essential characteristics, such as resistance values, lengths, and spacings required by the final design. These preliminary design rules are based on experience gained during the construction of such structures and from parametric studies carried out using the limit equilibrium methods presented in this chapter. In particular, they rely on charts based on results calculated with these limit equilibrium methods. Depending on the given soil conditions, the design of the structure and therefore its preliminary design will depend mainly on: The soil nailing technology used. The level of deformations acceptable for the structures surrounding the excavation. This second factor is only taken into account on a global basis by verifying that the anticipated level of deformation is compatible with the existing structures. At the design stage, the use of nails longer at the top will allow the lateral displacements to be slightly reduced. If these displacements are still too high, other prestressed ground anchors or struts at the top can be used. Preliminary design is only a first step in any project involving soil nailed walls. Whatever the method used for working out this preliminary design, the final structure must conform with the calculation methods presented in paragraph 3.2 of this chapter. The only exception is the so-called "simple" structure, which falls within the "standard" category (see chapter 6, paragraph 2) and is characterized by the following features: homogeneous soil (no water present), height less than 5 meters, no surcharge, no prestressed ground anchors used, geometry of structure and nails conform with charts, no existing structures that could be affected if the wall were to fail, and external stability checked by other means.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
1.6.2. Influence of the technology involved and influence of the geometric parameters
The majority of soil nailed retaining structures constructed in France relate to two distinct . technologies (see chapter 2, paragraph 1): The method of Hurpin with nails driven into the ground on close spacing (Sv and Sh ::; 1 m). Widely spaced grouted nails (1 m 2 ::; Sv . Sh ::; 6 m 2 ). With the first method, the nails are relatively short (length of about 0.5 to 0.7 times the height of the wall). These are driven into the ground at close spacing and generally comprise reinforcing bars, which are driven using either percussion or vibratory methods. With the second method, which uses widely spaced nails, the nails are generally longer (L = 0.8 to 1.2 H when supporting level ground, up to L = 1.6 H for structures that have a slope at their head) and involve nails being grouted into the soil. The choice as to which technology to use is therefore a vital factor at the design stage, since to a large degree it will affect the structure's geometry. As can be seen from table I, the method of Hurpin results in a longer total nail length. This higher density makes it possible to use thinner facings with less steel reinforcing mesh. TABLE I. Order of magnitude of the main characteristic dimensions of soil nailed walls in the case of a vertical facing with a horizontal earth platform.
Nails at close centers (method of Hurpin*)
Widely spaced nails method**
Length of nails
0.5 to 0.7 H
0.8 to 1.2 H
No. of nails per m 2 of facing
1 to 2
0.15 to 0.4
Perimeter of nail
150 to 200 mm
200 to 600 mm
Tensile strength of reinforcing bar (nail)
120 to 200 kN
100 to 600 kN
Density of nailing (paragraph 1.6.3)
0.4 to 1.5
0.13 to 0.6
driven or vibro-drilled reinforcing bars, small diameter grouted reinforcing bars
large diameter reinforcing bars grouted into the soil
The most important geometric parameters relating to the stability of the mass are: -
The length (L) of the nails.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Their angle of installation (8). The batter (11) of the facing. The angle (/3) of the slope with respect to horizontal, above the soil nailed mass. For a same factor of safety for stability, it is possible to vary these parameters at the preliminary design level. Figure 8 shows the weight of the parameters e and 11 on the total length (I.L) of nails per meter length of wall. The calculations are for a soil with no long-term cohesion and for a soil nailed wall, in which the nails work only in tension (with same length, same section, same angle of installation, and same resistance) and having a normal stability (overall safety factor F = 1.5) using the standard definition. The results are as follows. The angle 8 of the nails is generally of limited influence. When working out preliminary designs one can disregard the influence of the angle of installation within the interval: 0::; 8 ::; 20°. With a change in the batter of the facing it is possible to gain 10 percent on the total length of the nails when the tan 11 value changes from tan 11 = 0 to tan 11 = 0.2. Where a soil has some cohesion, the influence is even greater and, all other things being equal, approximately 30 percent can be gained with a cohesion of 20 kPa. The angle ~, as measured from the horizontal of the slope above the mass of reinforced soil, is the parameter that has the greatest influence. A slope of tan ~ equal to 0.2 increases the total length of the bars by nearly 20 percent, and a slope of tan ~ equal to 0.4 results in an increase of 55 percent.
1.6.3. Nailing density parameter
For a soil nailed wall in an homogeneous soil with identical nails (same length, same section and same orientation) arranged in a uniform way, it is useful to introduce the following nondimensional parameter, the so-called "reinforcement density":
x whereby TR = min (Tc , TL ) is the ultimate tensile force that can be mobilized at the head of the nail, Sh Sv are the vertical and horizontal spacings between the nails and L represents the length of the nails. This parameter thus represents the maximum tensile force in a nail as it relates to the weight of the soil reinforced with the grid spacing chosen. It can therefore be used to characterize the density of reinforcement for any part of the facing of any soil nailed wall, particularly where nails with different resistances are used.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
y= 20kN/m3
c'= 0
y>' =30°
T L /L=40kN/ml F=1.5
60 +---1----I---f--+---+--t....
40 +--f=-'j'-...:::-:..::-~ .....=!==~~~--j20 -I---1----I---f--+---+--t--+
~+-10--+---0l----I---+-110f-----1---+-12-0----4-8 (degree)
-\ ---'
60 I--
--- -- -
--- 1'-------
t- ______
... ------
tan /3
8=10 0 I
-- ---
20 0 0
-- .... -- Calculations for nails of constant length (Sv variable -0-
Calculations with constant horizontal nail spacing (Lvariable I Sh=1.5m)
Figure 8. Influence of parameters
e, U,
on the total length of the nails.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
More precisely, one can distinguish between the maximum tensile strength T G of the nail, which can be mobilized when the reinforcing bar fails, and the maximum force that can be mobilized at the head of the nail T L ' which results from the soil/nail skin friction. With the help of the latter, one can define a new nondimensional parameter, d, which is characteristic of the soil/nail skin friction (Gigan, 1987). In order to distinguish it from the former, it is referred to as "nailing density."
The ratio TJL represents the friction force t per meter of nail. The interesting point of defining the nailing density d consists of not having to consider the tensile resistance T G of the bar.
1.6.4. Preliminary design charts The preliminary design phase of a soil nailed wall seeks to define in approximate terms, the lengths, spacings, and resistance values of the nails in order to ensure both the internal and the external stability of the structure. At this stage, except in special cases, one will be looking only at walls in which all the nails are identical and evenly distributed. One will also assume the soil to be homogeneous. The wall to be designed is, then, characterized by a uniform reinforcement density X or nailing density d. At this stage calculations can also be made based on pure tension, Le., by assuming that, whatever the angle of incidence on the potential failure surface, the nails are only working in tension and their bending stiffness can be neglected. Based on limit equilibrium methods, several charts have been published, the most important being those by Gigan (1986) and Juran (1990). Only the Gigan data will be looked at here. Gigan's work was developed on the basis of a calculation program that uses the classic method of vertical slices with circular potential failure surfaces. Any bending in the nails was disregarded. The resistant cross sections of the reinforcing nails were determined in such a way that the tensile strength of nails T G is always greater than the pull-out resistance T L of the nail, calculated for the total length of the nail. The use of this conservative rule can be justified for preliminary design and sometimes has the advantage of considerably simplifying the analysis of the stability of soil nailed walls. In fact, in this case, the only failure criterion to be considered is failure by pull-out of the nails. The charts proposed by Gigan are based on a system of coordinates (tan <1>, N = e/y If) where H is the height of the soil nailed wall, and which characterizes the shear resistance of the soil in question - assumed to be homogeneous. Here one finds isovalue curves for the nailing
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
density d corresponding to the stability limit of the wall. Each chart is presented for one determined L I H value. Figure 9 shows examples of this type of diagram and how they are used. Having located the joint M (tan
which yields
If the nails have been grouted, one can use Sh TL = 118.8 kN with Tc ~ TL •
52,8 kPa
= Sv = 1.5
meters, which results in a value of
It should be noted that these diagrams have only been developed for an angle of installation
of the nails of i = 20°, where the influence of any variation in i was considered negligible, and which involved only simple geometries (vertical facing, horizontal soil at the head, rectangular or trapezoidal section of wall). The full set of charts is included in appendix 2 of this chapter. These charts are simple and quick to use. In this respect they are well-suited for preliminary design requirements, but their results are fairly conservative with regard to the assumptions on both the tensile strength and the pull-out resistance of the nails, especially in the case of nails made with grouted bars.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
N=£ yH 0.3r-----;::=====;;;====;----li--~~~-::---1 T,
L / H
I d= Y~\V L .
= 0.6
2 ton
N=_c_ 0.3 .-------------,------------~ YH
L/H = 0.8 L
I F=
I 2
Figure 9. Examples of charts for preliminary design (Gigan, 1986).
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
In accordance with the evolution of current French regulations for designing Civil Engineering structures, these recommendations are presented in the spirit of "limit state design," as defined in circular 79.25, dated 13 March 1979, relating to the design of constructions (Directives Communes, 1979). They therefore conform with the spirit of other European regulations now in preparation (Eurocodes and European Standards). It should be noted that within this framework, the global safety factor corresponding to the traditional method is replaced by partial safety factors (resistance factors and load factors). With these partial safety factors, it is possible to share the margin of safety among the different parameters (resistances and loads) used in the analysis of stability. Current Civil Engineering regulations distinguish between: Ultimate limit state (ULS) design that the objective of checking that the probability of collapse of the structure is acceptable. Serviceability limit state (SLS) design that may seek to ensure: •
That the probability of not exceeding a threshold deformation considered to be critical is acceptable.
That the stresses applied to any materials used are such that they are likely to stay below thresholds above which durability could be compromised.
The strict application of all these principles, Le., both ultimate and serviceability limit states to soil nailed structures, is not possible given our present knowledge. The aim of this section of chapter 3 is to outline and justify ways of adapting these principles to the design of soil nailed structures. The design is limited to ultimate limit state stability calculations.
2.1. Analysis of stability Stability of a soil nailed wall could be analyzed either by calculating the deformations or by using limit equilibrium analysis. 2.1.1. Calculations of deformations
This type of calculation, which is usually done by using the finite elements method, cannot, given our present knowledge, be used to study the stability and design of soil nailed structures. It has been the subject of research, in particular within the framework of the French Project CLOUTERRE, and developments are proceeding with a focus on the practical implementation of such a method.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.1.2. Limit equilibrium methods
Limit equilibrium methods examine the equilibrium of a volume of soil at failure by taking into account the strength of any materials used. They analyze the structure's internal and external stability by verifying the static equilibrium of a part of the system limited by a potential failure surface. Stability is defined in relation to the most critical potential failure surface. These methods do not allow us to calculate how forces are shared between the different nail rows when the structure is in service. Thus, the positions of nails cannot be optimized to limit the deformations of the wall and prevent any risk of progressive failure by breakage of nails one after another. Two types of methods can be highlighted. 1)
What we shall refer to as "classical" limit equilibrium methods, Le., verifying the equilibrium of a part of the soil mass limited by a potential failure surface and subjected to external forces, and any stresses or forces mobilized respectively in the soil and nails. The latter are determined based on the failure criteria of the materials used together with several assumptions. Classical methods of slices (Fellenius, Bishop) or the perturbation method (Raulin et al., 1974) are examples here. These methods have the advantage of having been widely used for many years in non-reinforced soils where they have been well-calibrated against real measurements. For the last 10 years or so, these methods have also been applied to reinforced structures (Reinforced Earth, soil nailed walls). With these methods, one can analyze stability along internal, mixed, and external failure surfaces and also failure surfaces around the whole structure.
2) The methods based on limit analysis and more recently yield design theory (Salenc;on, 1983), in particular the kinematic approach, study the static equilibrium of one part of the system limited by a potential failure surface. This part is subjected to the effects of external forces, to the resistance stresses that can be mobilized in the soil, and the nails along the potential failure surface, according to the failure criteria of the materials involved. These methods, while mechanically more rigorous than classical limit equilibrium methods because they do not need any additional assumptions, are still not yet sufficiently well-proven under actual conditions. Furthermore, to date, they have only been developed for simple cases of soil nailing with homogeneous soil, simple geometry, no water present, and no shear and bending in the nails (Anthoine, 1990). In both of these types of limit equilibrium methods, the effects of nailing the soil are taken into account in the form of vector forces applied to the points where the nails intersect with the potential failure surface. The forces in the nails are determined based on our knowledge of the various modes of the failure of the soil nailed structure and the corresponding failure criteria for both the soil and nail materials, as well as the soil/nail interaction. Above all, the practical validity of these methods assumes the possibility of simultaneously mobilizing the limit states of the soil and the various nail rows. This implies the strain compatibility at failure of both the nails and the soil, the ductility of the nails, and gradual plastification of the soil. This assumption of the simultaneous mobilization of resistances is,
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
in spite of everything, still a good approximation of the actual - and complicated behavior of soil nailed walls. In addition, these methods assume that the displacements and deformations will still be small enough not to have to take account of any geometric changes in the structure prior to failure. In the case of ductile nails, their reorientation during movement along the failure surface is beneficial to the structure's stability but will not be taken into account in the present recommendations. We might also mention the methods of homogenization (De Buhan and Salen<;on, 1987). This basic principle consists of replacing the heterogeneous medium made by the soil and the nails (assumed to be regularly distributed) by a homogeneous medium that is equivalent from the point of view of limit loading at a macroscopic scale. This approach, which can be applied to more general problems, has already been tried for the design of Reinforced Earth Structures (Schlosser and Long, 1972). It has proved to be very difficult to use for usual practical applications. 2.1.3. Limit equilibrium methods with relative displacements
Another method exists that is based on classical limit equilibrium methods, which considers that the forces in the nails are dependent on the relative displacements along the potential failure surface. This method cannot be included in either of the two previous methods. This approach was initially developed for studying the stabilization of unstable slopes using soil nailing (Delmas et al., 1986). It requires behavior assumptions in order to link together the forces mobilized in the nails and the displacements along the potential failure surfaces. This method examines stability conditions in terms of both displacements and the strength criteria of the materials used. Generally, it seems unsuitable for retaining structures since there is no preexisting failure surface, but it is suitable in the case of some natural unstable slopes. However, if the displacement criteria are not used, this method simply comes down to a classical limit equilibrium method. Given our present knowledge, and in the absence of any available method for calculating displacements, limit equilibrium methods using potential failure surfaces are the approach recommended for designing and justifying soil nailed structures. It must be emphasized that the stability of a soil nailed wall should be studied not only when the structure has been completed, but also at each phase of construction, some of which can be the most critical.
2.2. Assessing displacements
In practice, for many structures, particularly those in urban areas, predicting the displacements is a major concern for the designer. Limit equilibrium methods do not provide any results on displacements. Currently, only experience and measurements allow us to estimate the displacements at the head of in-service walls. Remember that the order of magnitude of displacements measured at the head of soil nailed walls varies from H/1 000 to 4H/1 000 for both the horizontal and vertical displacements (see chapter 2, paragraph 3.4.2).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
This lack of knowledge on deformations and displacements is compensated for in practice through certain basic rules. The overdesign of reinforcements in the first row of nails, in comparison with the results of stability analysis, reduces the deformations at the head of the structure. Choosing an appropriate height for the successive excavation phases limits any decompression of the ground due to the excavation procedures and the resulting deformations of the structure (see chapter 2, paragraph 3.4.1.). Moreover, remember that different distributions of the length or cross section of the nails on one vertical plane through a structure may lead to stability conditions that are calculated as being identical, even though the displacements and forces in the structure are not the same in service. Finally, we cannot separate calculations relating to the stability of the finished structure from those linked to the various building phases. Stability calculations must, in fact, be ongoing from the very first excavation phase to the structure being finished. The layout of the nails plays an important role here and can even be optimized with respect to stability criteria for the intermediate phases. Figure 10 illustrates this. The two geometric layouts show the same stability conditions at completion of the structure and the same length of bars in each cross section. However, the second geometric layout is preferable because the stability conditions are improved during the intermediate construction phases. The nail forces are more effectively spread along the failure surface and the deformations at the head of the structure are reduced.
2.3. Experimental justifications 2.3.1. Behavior of structures in service and at failure
Since the stability of soil nailed walls is analyzed on the basis of limit equilibrium methods, the experimental justifications for the various assumptions must come from failed structures. This raises a difficulty since instrumentations and observations on structures pushed to failure are always more rare and critical than those from in-service structures. Studies on the behavior of structures at failure can be carried out in three different ways: On scaled-down models in a laboratory. On scaled-down models in a centrifuge. On full-size structures. Laboratory tests on scaled-down models may seem simple to conduct but, in fact, they prove to be both lengthy and complicated if the construction method for the soil nailed walls is to be respected - excavating a mass of soil and installing the nails as the excavation phases
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
Most critical potential failure surface
(F = 1.5)
(~Lj =48m )
per cross section
= 10m
Most crit ica I potent ia I fai lure surface
( F= 1.5 )
( LLi =48m) per cross section
H= 10m
Figure 10. Influence of nail distribution on the deformations of a soil nailed wall.
progress. Many scaled-down models of soil nailed walls have been constructed as Reinforced Earth walls, and this, of course, greatly influences the results. One intermediate solution consists of simultaneously constructing a Reinforced Earth-type wall, together with a fill in front of the wall. The fill is then gradually excavated once the wall has been finished (French National Research Project CLOUTERRE, CERMES, 1986). Few scaled-down models have been successful in reflecting the actual construction method (Fau, 1987). Moreover, scaled-down models tested under laboratory conditions do not respect laws of similarity between prototype and model -laws that result from the fundamental equations of mechanics. As a result, with scaled-down laboratory models of soil nailed walls, it is not possible to conduct reliable studies on the behavior either before or during failure. The results are at best only qualitative and are sometimes not even representative. Centrifuge tests allow us to respect the laws of similarity but run into trouble when it comes to determining whether the building method has been properly represented. Moreover, they are lengthy and costly. As part of the Project CLOUTERRE, the LCPC looked at the stability
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
of the various excavation phases for soil nailed walls based on scaled-down centrifuge models. Experiments on full-size structures pushed to failure are still the most reliable way of studying the behavior of soil nailed walls at failure. Due to the cost involved, however, few experiments have been conducted (Stocker et al., 1979, Plumelle et al., 1986). As part of the Research Project CLOUTERRE, three failure experiments were conducted to study three failure modes: failure by breakage of the nails, failure by pull-out, and failure by instability during the excavations phases. However, many observations and experiments on in-service structures have been conducted during the last 10 years, both in France and other countries. Even though these may not bring any direct information about the behavior of the wall when it fails, they can provide invaluable additional data about how to estimate the deformations of in-service soil nailed walls. 2.3.2. The four failure modes
Scaled-down laboratory models, complemented by several full-scale experiments pushed to failure and observations of structures accidentally failed, have given us clear evidence of four types of failure mode resulting from the following phenomena: Breakage of the nails. Lack of friction between the soil and nails. Instability during excavation phases. Overall sliding of the reinforced soil mass. The first three types of failure are characterized by the internal instability of the soil nailed wall. The latter is characterized by external instability. Except in the case of lack of friction, all these failures involve slip surfaces when the whole soil nailed mass deforms. This is a first justification of the calculation methods using potential failure surfaces to analyze the stability of these four types of failure. 2.3.3. Justifications based on failure in actual structures
Among the accidental or deliberate failures observed during the last 10 years, only two typical failures have enabled us to compare the validity of the methods based on the analysis of potential failure surfaces with reality. These are: The Eparris wall (Schlosser, 1982) accidentally failed following heavy rainfall as a result of lack of friction between the nails and the soil.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
The CEBTP No.1 experimental wall (French National Project CLOUTERRE, 1986), which failed due to breakage of the nails following an increase in the water content of the fill (fed from a pond at the head of the structure). After the Eparris wall failed, a series of pull-out tests were performed and the wall was rebuilt with a sufficiently high overall safety factor (F = 1.5). The CEBTP No.1 wall, which was heavily instrumented, was easily pushed to failure since the original overall safety factor (before the water content was increased) was low (F = 1.10 calculated with a classical limit equilibrium method). In both cases, it was recorded (chapter 3, paragraph 3.2.4.) that the overall safety factor, calculated by analyzing potential failure surfaces, gave a safety factor that was near to 1.0. In both cases, it was necessary to make assumptions on the effects of the water. However, the corresponding ranges for the global safety factors remained small. This gives a second justification of the limit equilibrium methods using potential failure surfaces. It relies, of course, on all these methods being equivalent among themselves, i.e., particularly that they give the same value, or nearly the same value, of the global safety factor whatever the type of soil nailed wall considered. 2.3.4. Simultaneous mobilization of resistances
One basic assumption to any limit equilibrium method is the simultaneous mobilization of all the resistances in play in a soil nailed wall, for example: Resistance of the nail - in particular its tensile strength. Shear resistance in the soil. Pull-out resistance of the nail (unit skin friction). Passive pressure at failure of the soil normal to the nail (ultimate pressure Pu)' This assumption on the "simultaneity of resistances" is only approximated in actual conditions. The nail's tensile strength, like its pull-out strength, is mobilized for very small displacements, a fact that has also been demonstrated by studies and research on deep foundations. On the other hand, in order for it to be fully mobilized, the shear resistance of the soil (peak resistance) needs a certain angular deformation that can be up to several percent. As far as the passive pressure at failure of the soil is concerned (characterized by the ultimate pressure pJ, experience shows (see figure 15, chapter 2) that large-scale deformations are needed if it is to be fully mobilized. Schlosser and Long (1972) have shown experimentally that in the case of reinforcements that are relatively inextensible in comparison with soil deformations, the tensile strength of the inclusions was mobilized more rapidly than the internal friction angle of the soil. The opposite is true (Schlosser and De Buhan, 1990) where extensible reinforcements are involved (geotextiles). Therefore, one might think that with a mild steel and a sufficiently stiff soil, the tensile strength of the nails and the shear resistance of the soil would be mobilized, if not simultaneously, then at least for deformations that were not too radically different.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
With regard to the ultimate pressure Pu , passive pressure at failure of the soil against the nail, this mobilization requires the presence of a shearing zone in the soil nailed wall (figure 15, chapter 2), and therefore large displacements along the failure surface. This corresponds more closely to the mobilization of the residual friction angle than the peak angle. The mobilization of Pu , in the case of nails made with ductile steel, allows compensation for the reduction of the internal friction angle after the peak (residual friction) by the bending stiffness of the nails and by a more advantageous reorientation of the nails along the failure surface. Even though the question of the simultaneous mobilization of the various resistances has not been fully answered, it would nevertheless seem, when using ductile nails, that the global safety factor is near 1 (CEBTP Experiment No.1) when the wall fails due to the breakage of the nails. This is an additional justification for limit equilibrium methods using potential failure surfaces, although further studies on failed structures clearly need to be conducted.
2.4. The French and international contexts 2.4.1. French context
As mentioned in chapter I, paragraph 2.2, the first soil nailed wall was constructed in France in 1972. Its chief feature was that it used a layout of the reinforcements (grouted steel bars) similar to the ones used in Reinforced Earth technique (Sh = Sv = 0.75 m). This meant it was possible to have a homogeneous soil nailed mass, one which, with regard to calculations, could be treated like a monolithic block. On the other hand, the nails were relatively short, a fact justified by the facing having a batter (1/8). The first designs of soil nailed walls were copied from the design of Reinforced Earth. The first specific method for designing soil nailed walls appeared in 1980 with the initial TALREN software package (Schlosser, 1982). This was developed for the construction of a soil nailed wall at La Clusaz in 1980 (Guilloux et a1., 1984). This differed from the in-service design methods of Reinforced Earth structures in that it was a classical limit equilibrium method. It was able to take into account the varying lengths and inclinations of the bars, their bending moments and shear forces, as well as any soil strata present, whatever its nature, and the presence of water in the soi1. These options, which differed greatly from that used for Reinforced Earth, were chosen mainly because of the widely varying geometries of soil nailed walls compared with Reinforced Earth walls: differences in the length of the nails within the same wall, different nail inclinations within one structure, different inclinations of the facing wall, and various geometries of the soil at the head of the wal1. The software was also developed so that it could treat slope stabilization by near-vertical nails (Schlosser and Guilloux, 1982), whereby the bending moment is much more mobilized than the tensile forces. Since it uses classical methods, the TALREN software package tied in well with the design methods used to study the stability of slopes, either Bishop's method of slices or the perturbation method. These methods have been validated over the past 30 years, thanks to widespread use.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
The TALREN software package, developed by the TERRASOL consulting company, was validated on reinforced soil structures that were then either pushed to failure as part of a research project or else accidentally failed. As of 1991, several hundred soil nailed walls designed using the TALREN program have been successfully built. This package, thanks to the perturbation method (Raulin et al., 1975), allows any failure surface to be taken into account, it is also possible to work in heterogeneous soils (multilayered soils with or without lenses) with or without the presence of water. Two other software packages exist to analyze the stability of soil nailed walls by taking into account the bending stiffness and shear forces of the nails. These were both developed during the mid-1980s and are the PROSPER program, developed by the LCPC (Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees) (Delmas et al., 1986), and the NIXESC program, developed by the National School of Public Works (Rajot, 1983). These two packages closely emulate the TALREN program, in particular in their use of a multicriteria analysis to deal with any bending-shearing mobilization in the nails. The PROSPER program is an interesting attempt to take into account displacements. However, these displacements are assumed to be concentrated along and around the potential failure surface. This makes the program more suitable for dealing with displacements in unstable slopes that have been reinforced by soil nailing rather than for retaining walls constructed with soil nailing. During the 1980s, several programs for calculating soil nailed walls were developed either by companies or by research laboratories. These are directly derived from Bishop's classic method of slices and take account only of the tensile strength of the nails. They give satisfactory results only when the nail forces are taken into account in all the equilibrium equations of the reinforced soil mass, and not the overall moment of the nonreinforced soil mass. The presence of nails in fact modifies the normal stresses acting along the failure surface. The Laboratoire de Mecanique des Solides has recently developed the STAR software package (A. Anthoine et al., 1990), which uses logarithmic spirals as potential failure surfaces; it is based on the yield design theory (Salenc;on, 1985). The authors indicate that by using this theory and homogeneous soil, the logarithmic spiral results in a very simple calculation and give a good estimation of the structure's safety compared to any other type of potential failure surfaces. The calculation method differs slightly from other classical methods (methods of slices and perturbation method) particularly in the following respect: It requires no additional mechanical assumptions.
The most critical potential failure surface is never a circle, except in the case of a purely cohesive soil. As of 1991, this software has been developed only for simple geometries, homogeneous soils where no water is present, and only takes account of the nail's tensile strength.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.4.2. International context The German method -
Stocker et ai., (1979)
Since 1979, Stocker et aL, have been proposing a limit equilibrium method for designing soil nailed walls at failure using bilinear failure surfaces. This method, which was developed in the light of experience from laboratory tests on reduced scale models (figure 11), has also been compared with tests on full-sized structures (GassIer and Gudehus, 1981).
Figure 11. Bilinear failure surface used in the Stocker et aI., method (1979).
The structure's global safety factor is defined by the ratio of the resisting forces (soil reaction along the failure plane, tensions in the nails) with the driving forces (weight and loads) and then calculated using the kinematical approach of limit analysis. The resistance at failure TR in every nail is taken as equal to the lowest resistance of either breakage by traction T c or pull-out TL :
Bending moments in the nails are ignored.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
The inclination 81 of the wedge passing through the base of the wall is determined iteratively to obtain a minimum safety factor. The value of angle 82 is taken to be equal to rt/4 +
This method, first developed at the University of California at Davis, is a limit equilibrium method, as well. It assumes that the potential failure surfaces are vertical axis parabolas, the vertices of which are located at the bottom of the facing (figure 12). The soil is assumed to be homogeneous and without water, and the geometry of the wall is simple (vertical facing, horizontal soil surface at the top, parallel nail rows, equidistant and of the same length). The nails are assumed to work only in tension. As with the Stocker method, two blocks separated by a vertical line passing through the extremity of the nails are examined when the failure surface exits beyond the reinforced volume. To calculate the forces between these two blocks, a coefficient K is used, defined as the ratio of the horizontal and vertical stresses, and taken as equal to 0.4 in frictional soils and 0.5 for cohesive soils.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991 y
Figure 12. Shen design method (1978).
The same global safety factor F is taken for both soil and nails, whereby: 't
= e/F
tan g
. (TF TF G
mln - , - ]
Thus, the minimum safety factor value corresponding to the most critical parabola can be calculated. The validity of this method, which is limited to very simple geometries and a specific failure mechanism, has been assessed by analyzing the failure surfaces observed in structures, as well as the heights of walls at failure observed on reduced scale models in centrifuge. The agreement between the forecast and experimental results appears acceptable for the few simple experiments conducted. The method has recently been modified to take account of more complex geometries.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design Juran design method (1990)
Juran has developed a limit equilibrium method to calculate the failure point for soil nailed walls, which is similar to the one he developed for Reinforced Earth (Juran et al., 1977) and has been used as the basis for the current design methods of Reinforced Earth walls. The potential failure surfaces are taken to be logarithmic spirals intersecting the bottom of the wall. The nailed mass is divided into slices parallel to the nails. The assumption formulated is that the horizontal component EH of the force between any two slices remains constant (figure 13a). The soil is assumed to be homogeneous and without water. It is also assumed that the points of maximum traction and maximum shear force in the nail
rows coincide with the most critical potential failure surface, i.e., correspond to the minimum global safety factor. This method is interesting in that it can, by considering the local equilibrium in each slice, be used to calculate the tensile and the shear forces developed in each nail row at their point of intersection with the failure surface. Thus, the soil nailed wall can be designed to avoid any risk of progressive failure through the nail breakage beginning with rupture in one nail row. It does not, however, allow analysis of mixed failures. The shear forces are calculated, based on the assumption that the maximum shear force in a nail is mobilized at the point that coincides with the considered potential failure surface. The bending stiffness of the nails is also taken into account on the basis of the nondimensional parameter N defined as follows:
where ks is the lateral coefficient of subgrade reaction, [0 is the transfer length of the nail, and [0 = (4 E I / ks D?/4, and D is the nail diameter. The maximum tension T" and the maximum shear force Tc in a nail row are determined in accordance with two nondimensional parameters: TN
T" / y H Sv Sh
T c / y H Sv Sh
Figure 13b shows the type of graph proposed to calculate T" and Tc knowing the value of the nondimensional parameter N. This design method was proposed (Juran et al., 1990) for designing soil nailed walls at a serviceability limit state. The assumption is that the peak shear resistance of the soil is mobilized under service conditions along the maximum tension line, irrespective of the value
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
of the wall's global safety factor. This assumption, which is based on an analysis of results from a few full-sized structures (Juran et al., 1988) needs to be justified, both theoretically and experimentally. However, the approach is interesting and merits being looked at in greater depth from the point of view of developing a method to cover the internal design of soil nailed walls for service limit states.
(a )
i= 15° 0.3f----+--
:z 0.2
"7=0 {3=0
0.06'----...... 0.11---0.04 t---~---+---~ ......---"<:-"d----j
O'--------'----L---...L-----l 0.05
o'------'------'---..L-------.JL---.....J 0.05
(b ) Figure 13. Juran design method (1990): charts used to calculate Tn
= Tmax and Te.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
Limit state design -
Assumptions and data
3.1.1. Principles of limit states design
The stability of a soil nailed structure is justified in terms of its ultimate limit state by looking at sufficient potential failure surfaces, whether these intersect the nails or not, to determine the most critical one (figure 14).
Figure 14. Different types of potential failure surfaces.
The application of limit equilibrium methods to soil nailed walls consists of comparing the forces or stresses resulting from the external actions, with the maximum resisting forces or stresses that can be mobilized in the soil nailed mass, for a series of potential failure surfaces. Basic formula
For limit equilibrium methods of slices (Bishop or perturbation method), the equilibrium analysis can be presented using the following symbolic form:
r S3
method factor that takes account the approximations inherent in the design method
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
r m:
partial safety factors
In this symbolic form, the formula: 't(rcG + rQQ = rcwF w + r A FA + rTFT + rRFR) represents the force or stress on the potential failure surface resulting from the combination (marked +) of the actions shown between the parentheses, and where 'tmax (soil nailed) represents the resisting force or stress that can be mobilized in the nailed soil along the potential failure surface. The term 'tmax (soil nailed) thus "incorporates" any increase (or reduction) in the shear resistance of the soil along the potential failure surface due to the presence of nails, the effect of which is to increase (or reduce) the normal stresses on the potential failure surface. The following notations are used for the actions: G : Q: Gw : FA FT FR
permanent loads variable loads effects of water accidental loads ground anchors forces nail forces (reinforcement)
The actions are shown in the above formula with their representative value, which is either the characteristic value defined on a statistical basis or a value defined by a code (nominal value). The characteristic value is defined by the ratio of the most probable value and the dispersion coefficient. One takes for the most probable value its arithmetic average. The dispersion coefficient value is determined to ensure that the characteristic value, maximum or minimum, a minimal probability is not achieved (above or below). Nominal values are carefully fixed by codes on the assumption of known extreme values or on the basis of other values that might be reasonably considered. The way in which the representative values of each action are calculated is explained in paragraph 3.1.2. Each action is ascribed a load factor (rc, r Q, r cw, r A , rt , rr)' The resistance of a given material is expressed by its characteristic value that, in principle, shows an acceptable probability of not being reached. With regard to soils, the geotechnical engineer will give the characteristic values to be taken into account and that will be combined with the corresponding partial safety factor r m' How to account for nails and prestressed ground anchors
The difference between external forces and resistances is conventional and could be subject to different interpretations depending on the design method used and the point of view
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
adopted regarding prestressed ground anchors and nails. In the form shown above, the forces in both nails and prestressed ground anchors are shown as external forces (F R and FT ) through their tangential components on the potential failure surface, and playa role in the resistance ['t max (soil nailed)] with the effect of their normal components on the potential failure surface. In any limit equilibrium method, the values of the forces in the nails FR are calculated for each potential failure surface. This is done by taking account of the nails' resistances and the soil-nail interaction (one might, for example, use the multicriteria approach [see paragraph 3.2.2. of this chapter]). This is why the load factor r R of Fr will be written as the inverse form of the partial safety factor of the nails: 1
r m,R Within the framework of ultimate limit state design, the current rules consider that the forces present in the prestressed ground anchors are external forces and are therefore known; they are independent of the potential failure surface considered. In an ultimate limit state calculation, it would be appropriate to take as the tensile value of a prestressed ground anchor the smallest value between the guaranteed elastic limit of the reinforcing bar and the anchor limit pull-out force. Moreover, steps should always be taken to verify the compatibility between the corresponding total displacement (soil + tie-back) and the deformations experienced by the nail and the soil at failure. Since this design procedure is recognized as complex, the value of the tension will be taken as equal to the lock-off tension, T b , at the same time bearing in mind the soil creep and the steel's "relaxing." The load factor r T of the tensile force FT in the prestressed ground anchor will be taken as being equal to I, given that the tension at failure will be higher than the lock-off tension. (See current regulations for details about lock-off tension values, Recommandations TA 86).
3.1.2. Actions Types of actions
The actions to be considered are as follows: a) Permanent forces (G) of the soil's own weight, either in situ or brought in, and of any structures that form part of the site and/or that affect it, loads caused by buildings located in the structure's area of influence, and long-term surcharges. b) Variable forces (Q) might include:
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The effects of rolling loads, vibrations, cyclic loads. Climatic effects (for example, effects of ice on the heads of the ground anchor rods). c) The effects of water (GJ resulting from pore water pressure in the soil nailed mass. In principle, soil nailed structures must, insofar as possible, have drainage facilities in their area of influence. If, in spite of everything, pore water pressure remains, this absolutely must be taken into account. d) Accidental forces (FA) may be caused by: Earthquakes and impacts. Exceptional hydraulic conditions (flooding). e) Forces in the nails (FR) f)
Forces in the ground anchors (FT) Characteristic values of these actions
The minimum or maximum characteristic values given for a specific action will be chosen depending on whether its effect on the structure is to stabilize or destabilize it with respect to the considered potential failure mechanism. In the absence of any specifications to the contrary being given in the contract documents, the following characteristic values of actions will be used in the above formulae.
1) Permanent forces (G) •
Forces due to weight
For soils and other materials likely to be included in a soil nailed structure, the following characteristic unit weight values will be used: -
Unit weights are assessed on the basis of representative measurements. In the absence of such measurements, the following nominal values may be used on condition that these clearly result in improved safety for the structure (Table II).
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
TABLE II. Nominal values of the density of some soils.
In situ State Soil Type Silt Clay Marl Sand Gravel Chalk Weathered rock
Reinforced concrete: Yb .
Ya . mm
Unit Weight (kN/m 3) loose
Unit Weight (kN/m 3 ) dense
17 17 20 18 18 17 20
20 19 22 20 21 19 22
= Ybmax = 25 kN/m 3
= 78.5 kN/m
The consistency principle requires that one material is considered to have the same typical unit weight values, whatever its effects, stabilizing or destabilizing, with respect to the considered potential failure surface. • Effects of water (G w) Pore water pressures are calculated from the most critical flow net by taking as the unit weight of the water: Ymin
= Ymax = 10 kN/m3
• Forces of prestressed ground anchors (FT ) The tensile forces FT in the prestressed ground anchor will be calculated on the basis of the procedure explained in paragraph It is recommended that the following equation be adopted: FT,min = FT,max = Tb (lock-off load). • Forces of the nails (FR ) The characteristic values of the forces in a nail will be taken to be equal to the limit forces in that nail determined, for example, on the assumption of a multicriteria approach and using characteristic material resistance values (see paragraph 3.2.2. of this chapter). 2) Variable forces (Q) The characteristic values of variable loads are defined in the contract documents. If this is not the case, take as the characteristic values of the variable load on a platform:
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
a kPa
FQ,mzn. FQ,max
10 kPa
3) Accidental actions of type (FA) -
Seismic loading
Forces of a seismic origin, specified in the contract documents or by current regulations, are given by a nominal acceleration value (aN) and by a topographic coefficient (rot). From these values, one deduces the maximum characteristic values of the seismic coefficients to be applied to the actual weight of all or part of the structure. These coefficients are: K H = ± aN / g rot Kv
= + 0.5 K H
(horizontal component) (vertical component)
The plus sign corresponds respectively to an outward horizontal and a downward vertical. The minimum characteristic values are kH
= 0 and kv = a Combination of actions and calculations
The combination of actions and calculations to be considered are:
Fundamental combinations: +r
G. mzn + GW +
r Q
R + _ F_ )
Accidental combinations: R
F -) 't(Gmax +G. mzn +Gw +Q+FA +rT FT +rm,R
where Gmax Gmin
r 51
permanent forces having a destabilizing effect, permanent forces having a stabilizing effect, load factor for the Gmax force, load safety factor for the Gmin force.
For reasons of simplification, only one basic variable force will be considered in all the combination of actions.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
The load factors values of the actions are given in table III. It must be remembered that the forces of the nails FR are reduced by the partial safety factor
r m,R , •
which applies to the nail's failure criterion.
1) r S1 = 1.05 for unfavorable gravitational forces and r'Sl forces.
= 0.95 for favorable gravitational
These values differ from those applied to other permanent forces (rS1 = 1.2 and r'Sl = 0.9), and this is justified because gravitational forces, which are dominant in soil nailed structures, are known with a fair degree of accuracy. Uncertainties may arise with the geometries involved (ground dimensions, excavation elevations, etc.). 2) The consistency principle, already referred to in paragraph above, dictates that a single volume of soil be considered with the same characteristic unit weight value, as well as the same partial safety factors r s 1 or r'Sl , whatever the considered potential failure surface. 3) A partial safety factor equal to 1 will be used when determining the unit weight of water. The calculated buoyant unit weight value will be equivalent to:
= r S1 Y- Yw (overall destabilizing force)
= r'Sl - Yw (overall stabilizing force)
r GW =
1. This again refers to the consideration that, for simplification purposes and in the case of forces linked to pore water pressures or to flows of water that will have to be taken into account, it will be assumed that safety will have already been accounted in the representative Gw values.
3.1.3. Resistances Failure criteria of materials
As indicated in paragraph 2.1. above, the application of limit equilibrium methods to soil nailed structures requires the compatibility of the deformations at failure of the soil and the nails (ductility of the nails, the soil and the soil-nail interface).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
TABLE III. Justification of the stability of the soil nailed wall at ultimate limit state. Partial load factors.
Permanent forces, type G. Soil unit weight de-stabilizing force stabilizing force
Accidental Combination
= =
1.05 0.95
= =
1.20 0.90
lSI 1'51
Other permanent forces unfavorable forces favorable forces
Fundamental Combination
= =
1.0 1.0
= =
1.0 1.0
lSI 1'51
Water pressures
Nail force
l / lmR*
Ground anchor force
Variable forces, type Q (live loads, climatic forces)
1 53
Accidental forces, type FA
= FA
Method factor
• See Table IV -
1 53
Design Resistances
It will be subsequently assumed in the presentation of design methods that this compatibility
exists both for standard nails and the majority of soils. All limit equilibrium methods take into account only the following failure criteria for the materials. •
The soil is characterized by a Mohr-Coulomb type criterium where
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
characteristics Cll and
The nails will be characterized by the three following resistances: RIJ Rc Mo -
resistance to simple tension, resistance to shear force, moment of plastification of the nail in pure bending, which will be determined as shown below.
Soil-nail interaction
With regard to soil-nail interaction, two criteria relating to the two modes of interaction will be examined: The limit skin friction, which will be characterized by the unit skin friction qs. The ultimate bearing pressure Pll under the soil on the nail, which will be taken to be equal to the limit pressuremeter pressure PI . Characteristic values of strength parameters
As indicated in paragraph, the characteristic values of strength parameters of the soil and the soil-nail interactions will be taken to be equal to the most representative average values. •
It will be the geotechnical engineer's responsibility to define the characteristic values for the
shear strength parameters of soils. These must take account of the dispersion, quality, and representativeness of test results. With regard to the soil, one shall take the long-term characteristic values of the internal friction angle
Where nails include a metal reinforcing bar sealed in grout, the strength of the grout will not normally be taken into account, except where this can be specifically justified with the regulations on reinforced concrete (BAEL 83). The characteristic nail strength values (RIJ , Rc and M o) will be calculated on the basis of the guaranteed elastic limit cre of the steel where the nails include a metal reinforcing bar.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Soil-nail interaction
At the project design stage, the characteristic value for the soil nail unit skin friction qs will be determined based on the charts provided in the appendices of this chapter. At the construction stage, the value of qs will be determined from the compulsory pull-out tests in accordance with the procedure given in chapter 4. With regard to the resistance of the soil against the nail, the characteristic value of the ultimate lateral pressure Pu of the nail on the soil will be taken to be equal to the limit pressuremeter pressure PI . Calculation values of strengths
Strength calculation values to be used for justifying the structure will be determined from the characteristic values by reducing them with a factor r m' called "partial safety factor": calculation value
= characteristic value / r m
The r m factor values, both in fundamental and accidental combinations, are shown in table IV overleaf. Please note the following additional comments. 1)
Shear resistance of the soil
For the shear resistance of the soil 't max = C + (j tamp, the partial safety factors r m,s and r m,
The coefficients
= c / r m,c
r m,
r m proposed for the shear resistance of the soil in particular take account of:
Any potential differences between the resistance values of the soil in the structure and those determined from the various tests carried out either in a laboratory or in situ. Any potential consequences for the structure from an area of soil having a local resistance lower than the characteristic values. It is appropriate to remember, as in the analysis of slope stability, that the design for a soil
nailed structure is extremely sensitive to the values taken to be characteristic of the shear strength of the soil, in particular its cohesion. This justifies the adoption of different partial safety factor values for both the angle of internal friction and the cohesion. 2) Normal soil-nail interaction a) The partial safety factor are:
r m'pl values proposed for the limit pressuremeter pressure pi
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
1 for short-term loadings, in particular for excavation phases,
2 for permanent loadings, which brings us back to the fact that the ultimate pressure of the soil in contact with the nail is close to the critical creep pressure.
b) The partial safety factor I'm E for the pressuremeter module EM , which plays a part in the determination of the subgraJ1e reaction coefficient ks will be taken to be equal to 1.0 for all combinations, always provided that the value used by the geotechnical engineer for E results from a sufficient number of representative tests. M 3) Soil-nail unit skin friction: qs
The values of I'm,qs will depend on the way of determining the characteristic soil-nail unit skin friction either from charts or from in situ pull-out tests. It will be noted that the values suggested for
are higher than those used for calculating deep foundations. This is due to the extreme sensitivity of this parameter to the conditions of installing the nails. 4)
One shall take I'm cre = 1.15 for reinforced concrete bars and other steels with an elastic limit lower than 500 MPa, in accordance with existing regulations.
3.1.4. Situations
The whole of the structure must be justified for the situations described below.
In course of construction
This corresponds to the excavation and earthwork phases and the gradual installation of the reinforcements. One phase that, in particular, should be checked is where the earthworks for a section of excavation is completed, although neither the nails nor the facing have been installed. It will be noted that it may be necessary to look at a set of particular parameters when the
structure is in this phase of construction, Le., for different soil resistances and hydraulic considerations.
In Service
This refers to a finished structure.
In an "accidental" situation
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
This situation might correspond to the following situations: Earthquake. Exceptional hydraulic conditions. One shall look at situations from the point of view of an accidental combination of actions.
Table IV.
r m applied to characteristic values of the materials MATERIAL PROPERTIES Fundamental combinations
Accidental combinations
rm,'I'11 rm,c r mc
1.20 1.50 1.30
1.30 1.65 1.40
1.10 1.40 1.20
1.20 1.50 1.30
MILD STEEL elasticity limit
r mcr, e
SOIL-NAIL INTERACTION unit skin friction (tests) unit skin friction (charts)
1.40 1.80
1.50 1.90
1.30 1.60
1.40 1.70
limit pressuremeter pressure pressuremeter modulus
1.90 1.90
2.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.10 1.00
SOIL tangent of the effective friction angle effective cohesion undrained cohesion (
t amp l 1
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
Calculation methods
3.2.1. Stages of calculation
• First design (see paragraph 1.6) For the preliminary design of a structure, the most critical potential failure surface should be sought by simultaneously looking at internal, mixed, and external failures (see paragraph 3.1.1. and figure 14). • Iterations and optimizations Where a structure is unstable, the project will be modified as many times as is necessary, and its verification performed again. If the structure is stable, the design already verified shall be kept, or optimized by making modifications and reverifying it.
3.2.2. Determination of nail forces at failure ("multicriteria" rule) Failure criteria and limit equilibrium methods
The forces in the nail at its point of intersection 0 with the potential failure surface can be represented by a system of forces: Til Tc
normal force,
= shear force, bending moment.
The determination of the forces and moment at which the nails fail, requires the consideration of four failure criteria for the constituents and their interaction with one another: Soil-nail friction interaction: 't ~ qs Soil-nail lateral pressure interaction: p ~ Pll Constituent material: 't ~ k where k is the maximum shear stress of the material from which the nail reinforcement is made.
1) For methods based on yield design theory, it is theoretically possible to take into account both the bending moment and the shear forces in the nails. To date, this aspect has not been developed and only the tensile strength of the nails has been studied. Such a calculation would lead to the determination of the maximum resistance of the nails being dependant first on the soil-nail interaction criteria:
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
lateral pressure: p:::; Pu and, second, by the failure criteria of the nails. Here one might, for example, use the following simplified formula (Anthoine, 1987): (TIt /R It )2 + (TC /R)2 + C
IM/ M o I - 1 :::; 0
which is slightly conservative when compared with Sobotka's formulae (1954, 1955):
or Neal's (1961):
which is also considerably easier to use. With regard to the criterion of lateral pressure (p :::; pJ, its formulation in relation to Tc and M requires, by contrast, an assumption to be made about the distribution of the pressure along the nail (uniform distributions, opposed from one side to another of the failure surface (figure 15), e.g., Brinch-Hansen type distribution). The validity of this assumption needs to be verified by experimental data.
A: Point of maximum moment 0: Point of maximum shear force Figure 15. Schematic distribution of the lateral pressure along the nail.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
The maximum contribution that these criteria allow can be calculated in a similar way to that currently proposed for nails that work only in tension. In other words, by verifying the overall equilibrium of the cross section of the structure, which is bordered by a potential failure surface (Anthoine, 1990). At present, these methods are limited in that only the nail's tensile strength is taken into account. However, where the nails are to be implemented without the introduction of any additional assumptions, this would result in considering the potential failure surfaces as logarithmic spirals (of angle
2. For classical limit equilibrium methods, the combination of the materials' failure criteria and their interactions, as well as the relationships between Til , Tc , and M, have been studied within the framework of an elastoplastic behavior of the soil-nail system (chapter 2, paragraph 2.2.). The relevant multicriteria approach has been in use for several years to design real structures in reinforced soils approach (soil nailing and micro-piles), and has been the subject of experimental verification tests (chapter 3, paragraph 2.3). Four criteria that correspond to four nail failure modes will be considered. • The soil-nail skin friction criterion (el) This criterion, which corresponds to the structure's failure when the nails are pulled out, is represented for a homogenous soil as: T~q1tDL 11
qs is the soil-nail unit skin friction.
D is the perimeter of the nail where D = Dc (borehole diameter) for grouted nails, and D = D a (equivalent diameter) for driven nails.
La is the nail grouted length beyond the failure surface, except where there is no facing or liaison between the head of the nail and the facing. In this case La = L*, the length L* is the shorter of the two lengths between the failure surface and the facing or extremity of the nail in the structure (figure 16).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
a. Nails connected to facing.
= L to = the sma II er of (L I' L 2 ) b. Nails free at their heads.
Figure 16. Determination of pull-out length La.
• Soil-nail lateral pressure criterion (C2) The lateral pressure exerted by the nail on the soil is limited by the ultimate lateral pressure of the soil Pu' Failure by bearing pressure of the soil under a nail may be defined either when Pu is achieved at the single point 0 of maximum shear force (figure 17) (the most conservative assumption), or when the soil is plastification over a maximum length to be defined. In the first - the simplest and most conservative case - an analysis of the nail under combined
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
loading (normal force, shear force and bending moment) as shown in chapter 2, paragraph 2.2.1., gives us the following criterion: Te < T C2,max -
D C2,max
= _e
De = diameter of the nail (grout and reinforcement), 10 = transfer length, pu = ultimate lateral pressure.
In the second case, it will be assumed that the extent of soil plastification under the nail is,
unless justified otherwise, limited to the value nl/2, which corresponds to the distance between the two points of maximum moment as determined by the elastic behavior of the nail and the soil (figure 17), In both cases the result is a criterion that focuses on the shear force Te of the type Te
--- ......
A: Point of maximum moment 0: Point of maximum shear force Figure 17. Schematic representation of the soil-nail interaction (elastic behavior).
• Criteria (3) and (4)
The two criteria (C3) and (C4) involve the forces and moment (Tn' Te , and M) created in the nail when it plastifies either by shearing at 0 (the point of maximum shear force), or by bending moment at A and A' (maximum moment points). To simplify matters, one should assume that the normal force Tn does not vary in the bending zone around the potential failure surface.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Use Anthoine's criterion (1987) to represent the actual resistance of the nail, since this is both simple and slightly conservative:
Criterion (C3)
Nail plastification by shearing occurs at the point of maximum shear force O. This corresponds (for reasons of symmetry) with the point of nail/failure surface intersection, provided the nail lengths between one side and another on the potential failure surface are at least longer than 310 • At the 0 point, the bending moment is zero (M = 0) and the failure criterion, based on the general failure criterion of the nail, can be written as:
(T/R/ + (TjR/ ~ 1
One usually takes Rc
= Rn /2.
In the (Tn' TJ plane, (C3) is represented by an ellipse. •
Criterion (C4)
Using a simplified assumption (see chapter 2, paragraph 2.2.4.), nail plastification by bending moment occurs at the points of maximum moment A and A' located on both sides of the potential failure surface at a distance equal to Ip = 1t lj4 and calculated with an elastic behavior of both soil and nails. Plastification at those points (see figure 14) where the shear force is zero (Tc to the criterion:
with M max
= Mofl - (T,/R,/l
determined by the nail failure criterion.
Based on this value, the following formula gives the shear force at point 0:
= 0), corresponds
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
~o [1 - (T/RJ] a
where A is a constant and is equal to 3.12. In practice, which demands that nails be ductile, plastification at the two maximum moment points A and A' in the initial phase does not imply the failure of the system. Plastification remains localized with two plastic hinges in the nail. These hinges, which initially occur at A and A', move as the nail continues to deform. The value of lp is initially equal to 1t lj4 but then varies in order to meet equilibrium equations and the nail's failure criterion. The calculation of lp in the elastoplastic phase is complicated, and certain experiments, such as the CEBTP No.1 soil nailed wall, tend to show that lp varies even inside the same structure. In the absence of any more detailed information, a simple assumption involves taking lp as constant and equal to 1t 1/4. At point 0, after the two plastic hinges at A and A' have developed, the plastification of the soil under the nail yields the following criterion: Tc
[1 - (T,/RS]
cDe 1a p11
where band c are two constants and equal respectively to 1.62 and 0.24. This criterion respects the equilibrium equations but not the nail's failure criterion. However, by combining (C4) and (C3), the latter criterion is met, and this is the (conservative) measure to be adopted when determining the multicritera approach. An assumption in which the distance lp is different would result in a similar criterion.
Combinations of failure criteria
As indicated in paragraph 2.2.3. of chapter 2, the multicriteria rule (Schlosser, 1981, 1982, 1983) consists of representing the four criteria Cl, C2, C3 and C4 in the (Tn' TJ plane where Tn and Teare respectively the tensile and shear forces. Their intersection is then considered to be the resultant criterion for the forces in the nails at point O. The forces Tn ' Te are expressed by the calculating values that take account of the various coefficients (load factors rand partial safety coefficients r m)' The intersection of these criteria (figure 18) defines a convex domain of stability in which the representative point for the forces in the nail at failure at the point where it intersects with the potential failure surface can, at first, fall anywhere on the outer edge of the domain. It is interesting to note the important role played by the ultimate lateral pressure P1I in the maximum shear force value Te , max resulting from the multicriteria approach:
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
where Tel and Te2 are both functions of Pu. If Pu is sufficiently high, Te,max can reach the value of Re, and in this case the intersection of the criteria is reduced to C1 • This is the limit case for a nail placed in a rocky soil, sheared along a joint. Once the multicriterion has been determined, a rule needs to be chosen for calculating the forces in the nails at failure. Rule for determining forces 1. Tension and compression of the nails
The axial force Tn in the nail can be tension force (Tn> 0) or compression force (Tn < 0). The distinction relies on the orientation of the nail compared with what is believed to be the potential failure surface. Experiments conducted on samples of sand reinforced with metal bars in a large shear box (Marchal, 1984, see chapter 2, paragraph 2.2) have shown that the nail is still strained in tension if it has an angle of incidence i of between -15° and + 90° compared to the normal to the potential failure surface (figure 19a). In practice, the negative limit on i, which corresponds to a nail inclined in the opposite direction to the shear, may be considered as being independent of the shape of the potential failure surface, depending on the relative soil nail stiffness; this angle i varies between _10° and - 20°.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
"8 Potential fai lure surface
Stresses in the inclusion ((3)
R :-
c 2
-c-- ---
Lateral pressure interaction Soil first in a ( .) Inclusion first in (C4) plastic state C2o- 'Plastic state
I ......
Skin friction;.ac..:...t_io_n
~~=-.::..:.....::....~~~.-:-..:.--'-...:...-:...--'-. . .:. . .-:......-:---'-~ _ _~:-='-""'----i_ n
Potential failure surface
Figure 18. Combinations of failure criteria (multicriteria rule). Determination of the forces in the nails.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
a )
Direct shear test (Marchal, 1984)
Tn <0
8: Inclination of the nail from the horizontal
angle between the nail and the normal to the potential failure surface
Figure 19. Nails put into tension or compression, depending on their orientations with respect to the failure surface.
In c1assicallimit equilibrium methods, the nails can be stretched or compressed along the potential failure surface, depending on the value of the angle i, as defined above (figure 19b). As a general rule, when analyzing the internal stability of a soil nailed wall, and whatever the method used for designing at failure, one will not take account of the compression forces in the nails on the potential failure surface studied.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
2. Maximum work rule A rule currently used to determine forces in the nails is the so-called "maximum work rille." The application of this rule to soil nailing (Schlosser, 1981, 1982, 1983) involves the assumption that upon failure, the point P, which represents the forces in a nail, is located at the outer edge of the domain of stability described by the failure multicriteria. The position of this point P on the outer edge is chosen to maximize the work T' "t of the force in the nail, in_the considered failure mechanism, in comparison with the work T* ."t of any virtual force, T' satisfying the multicriteria rule in the nail for the same failure mechanism. This is equivalent to choosing the representative point P so that its projection on the displacement vector is maximized, with "tbeing the displacement of the point of the nail on the potential failure surface considered. In order to determine the force Tin the nail, the knowledge of only the direction of the "tvector is needed. This procedure is equivalent to choosing the point P such that the normal at P on the outer edge of the domain of stability is parallel to the displacement ~ In this second form, the maximum work rule can be interpreted as a normal rule. In practice (figure 18), the point P and the forces Tc ' Tn upon failure of the structure are determined by considering the displacement "t tangent at the point a to the potential failure surface. This means that one needs to look for the point P on the outer edge of the domain of stability, where the tangent is perpendicular to the direction B: NOTE: The limit equilibrium method with relative displacements, as used in nailing unstable
slopes and referred to at the beginning of this chapter, uses a similar procedure of maximization. The forces in the nail are assigned parameters in function of the displacement along the potential failure surface. This principle comes back to the consideration that from the moment one failure criterion is achieved (for an amplitude of displacement), the point representative of the forces on the outer edge of the domain of stability is displaced until it reaches (for an amplitude of displacement 02 > 01) the same position as shown in figure 18. This calculation method must therefore lead to the same results as would be achieved using classical limit equilibrium methods as long as they use failure criteria defined in the same way and with the same multicriteria. On the other hand, with this method it is possible to introduce other rules for calculating forces in the reinforcements based on displacements criteria or resistance thresholds. However, they are only valid when the zone of displacements prior to failure is influenced by a preexisting failure surface that'channels' any displacements. Of course, this is generally what happens to unstable slopes that have been stabilized with soil nailing.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
3.2.3. Calculating the stability of the soil nailed structures
In classical limit equilibrium methods, the study of the internal mixed or external stability of a soil nailed structure is carried out in a similar manner to the studies of the stability of nonreinforced slopes; but forces brought about by the nails along the potential failure surface, as well as additional stresses in the soil, should be also taken into account.
It is necessary to ensure the equilibrium of that part of the structure bounded by the potential failure surface, by taking into account the nail's forces in the three static equilibrium equations. Any method adapted from the calculations of nonreinforced slopes that does not respect this condition is not recommended. Several calculation methods are available, among which the methods of slices (Fellenius, Bishop's simplified) and global methods (perturbation method) can be highlighted. Each is characterized by the type of additional assumptions used to obtain the number of equations necessary to resolve the problem. Among the methods of slices, the simplified form of Bishop's method is the one in which the additional assumptions give the most realistic results. Adapting it to reinforced structures involves the introduction of the forces of the inclusions through their projections (Tn' TJ on both the normal and the tangent to the potential failure surface at the bottom of every slice involved. This takes the form of components oN and oT which are going to be added or subtracted from the components Ni and Ti , which are calculated without the reinforcements in classic Bishop's method (figure 20). Equilibrium is then ensured when the following conditions are met:
In this formula,
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
since these give results that are too approximate, particularly in the case of purely cohesive soils. Whatever the method chosen, it is important to find the volume of reinforced soil showing the most critical stability conditions. Here it must be emphasized that this one can differ greatly from the critical volume of the nonreinforced soil. The study of the external stability is carried out in a similar manner to that of the overall stability of retaining structures. It uses the ultimate limit state methods with the values of the partial safety factors given in this chapter. In the particular instance of a soil nailed structure being built on a site where the initial stability, while ensured, is nevertheless low in comparison with the criterion used for the soil nailed wall, steps should be taken to verify that the latter is having no weakening effect on the initial stability of the site. Where a slope is present, it is useful to verify the stability of any potential failure surface that could occur along the slope, particularly up to a distance 3H from the facing, H being the height of the soil nailed structure.
Figure 20. Calculation of the internal stability of a soil nailed wall using the method of slices.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Figure 21. Specific potential failure surface passing under the toe of the facing.
3.2.4. Examples of calculations and design
Three examples of calculations made for soil nailed walls are presented below. Of the first two, one deals with an accidental failure due to the lack of friction, the other with failure caused by the breakage of the nails in the CEBTP No.1 experimental soil nailed wall, which formed part of the Project CLOUTERRE. These first two examples, details of which have already been published in the literature, are to some extent, a good check for the limit equilibrium methods with regard to the two most observed types of failure found in soil nailing. The third case involves fairly detailed design of a soil nailed wall subject to water and several different soil layers. Example of the Eparris wall
The Eparris soil nailed wall (Schlosser and Guilloux, 1982), was built in February 1981 in a shallow clayey formation that included some areas of sand. Water was found several meters down and, at varying levels, this is evidence of a complicated hydrogeology. When the wall was constructed, several subhorizontal drains, 6 meters long, were installed in the wet zones. The tubes used to house the nails were vibrated into a predrilled borehole and then injected with grouting at a pressure of 100 to 200 kPa. The final equivalent nail diameter was 100 mm. In May 1981, following a period of very heavy rain, the wall failed. Figure 22 shows the kinematics of the failure, which is completely different to those resulting from the breakage of the nails. Pull-out tests on the nails, which were carried out following failure, showed that
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
the soil nail skin friction had a value well below that which had been adopted when planning the design (qs = 45.5 kPa on average, instead of qs = 100 kPa). This showed that the wall had failed due to a lack of soil nail friction. The wall was rebuilt immediately using the same type of nails (tubes), the same diameter of nail (Dc = 100 mm), and the same spacing arrangement (Sv = Sh = 2 m), but with a longer length of nail (L = 10 m). The facing also had a flatter slope (inclination from the vertical 11 = 30° instead of 20°). The structure has behaved perfectly ever since. The stability calculations of the failed wall were first made by taking all the partial safety coefficients as being equal to 1, as well as the load factors and the method factor r S3 ' With these values a coefficient r mill was calculated whereby:
='tmax /'t
which, to some extent, represents the difference between the calculation method and the reality, or can be interpreted as the overall safety factor F as used in traditional calculation methods. It was later noted that a partial safety factor value I m,R higher than 1.0 would not alter I mill as
long as I m,R remained lower than or equal to the minimum for the ratio R,/TL , equal to 7.0 and calculated on the length of nails located beyond the most critical potential failure surface. This shows that the failure of the soil nailed wall has clearly been caused by a lack of soil nail friction. It should be noted that when formulating a pessimistic assumption for a water table at the surface of the soil on the slope, the value of the coefficient I mill is 0.71 (figure 22).
On the other hand, when formulating an assumption of perfect drainage and the absence of any pore water pressures in the domain of soil affected by the nailed mass, the r mill coefficient value is 1.0. The reality lies between these two extremes and is without doubt nearer to the value r mill = La, when it is remembered that subhorizontal drains had been installed. One should also note the uncertainty concerning the final diameter of the nails (Dc = 100 mm), since investigations carried out after failure have shown fairly strong variations in this parameter. This diameter, Dc, resulted from the drilled borehole expanding due to pressure from the injected grout; the heterogeneity of the soil and the different grouting pressures might explain the variations observed in this parameter, which is fundamental in any failure caused by lack of friction. A post-analysis calculation is able to clearly demonstrate the influence of the bending resistance of the nails on the factor I mill' If this resistance is ignored with an assumption based on the absence of pore water pressure, then the value of I mill is 0.92 instead of 1.00. This shows that here the effect of the bending resistance of the nails is to increase the overall
45,5 kPa
500 kPa
9150 kPa
k s Dc
= 0.71
= 1.0
AOJ A9 '(\(j \lQI
0 }3
Steel structural tubing 10 40mm ,00 49mm
. +
0.76 +
. 2
~e\\\'O{C\ ~s\ee\ <\> '2.':>((\((\
Steel structural ___ tubing. 10 40mm, 0049mm
f s 3
fm,r =7.0
fm,P = 1.0
f m , q s =1.0
fm,'f =\.0
f min
Figure 22. Analysis of the stability at ultimate limit state, for the Eparris wall.
Method of perturbations
I f-£
........ 0
S· '"
S Pl
Pl ........
..... .-+
prro ~"1 ro ()
..... \0
ro ~
ro ><
(if Pl ~"1j g;. ~
::r' cr'
o Pl'
ro '<
~ ~
::!' O·
:3 :3 CIl
:a ~
CI) 0
Chapter 3: Conception and Design Example of CEBTP Experiment No.1
The soil nailed wall involved in the first CEBTP experiment, which was carried out as part of the Project CLOUTERRE, was designed so that it would fail because of breakage of the nails. As indicated in paragraph 3.4. of chapter 1, failure was deliberately caused by partly saturating the soil nailed structure with water fed from a pond at the top of the structure. The design of the wall was worked out so as to obtain a small overall safety factor, which was calculated as being equal to 1.10 using the TALREN program and Bishop's method of slices. A few comparisons were made following its failure using the same computer software (Schlosser, 1989). In order to transform the basic inequality referred to in paragraph into an equality, the coefficient r mill was introduced, such that:
Figure 23a shows the internal design calculations used for the wall. These calculations can be redone starting with the fundamental inequality with respect to a failure by breakage of the nails. By including in the calculations the previous inequality, then all coefficients are equal to 1.0, except r mill' which is to be determined, and r m,qs , which was taken to be equal to 4.3, (the value representing the minimum of the ratio TL / R as calculated for the length of the nails located beyond the most critical failure surface) one gets r mill = 1.10. This shows that this coefficient fully corresponds, in respect to these assumptions, to the global safety coefficient F = 1.10 found in traditional methods. Il
Figure 23b shows details of the study of the actual failure for which it was assumed that, following the introduction of the water, it would be possible to distinguish two layers of soil: one, virtually saturated at the base of the wall and having no cohesion (c = 0 kPa), the other not saturated and keeping its initial cohesion (c = 3 kPa). This schematization resulted from the observation at the moment of failure, in that a lower part of the facing had been soaked through to a great extent. The height h of the soaked zone had been taken as the calculation parameter, and the graph given in figure 24a shows the variation of the coefficient r mill at failure in the function of h. It will be noted that where r mill = 1.00, the value of h varies from 2.25 m when the bending resistance of the nails is not taken into account, to 3.25 m when this resistance is taken into account, while the observed value is around 2.5 m. This breakup in two layers of soil having different physical and mechanical characteristics represents an extreme case. Another approach would be to assume that the amount of water poured into the wall is shared uniformly throughout the full height of the zone of wall located under the pond. This assumption gives an average water content w = 19 percent while the initial value was W o = 10.7 percent.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Bishop's method
Soil N
16.6 kN 1m
f st
3 kPo
38" 80 kPo
~ \.\0
1200 kPo
Ks ' B
27500 kPo
f min , 1.0
,,>A .
= Sh'
fm,e' 1.0
f m,Q5'4.3
fmp'I.O • !
fm,r =1.0
f 53 '1.0
..-£!-2~ ~
Bishop's method
Soil N y
16.6 kN 1m 19.3. kN/m
f st
3 kPa
1.00 o kPa
80 kPa
80 kPo
1200 kPa
1200 kPa
27500 kPa 27500 kPa
Sv = Sh '1 m
fm,'f= 1.0
f min , 1.0
1«1,1\ -- \.cf)
fm,e' 1.0
f m,Q5'4.3 fm,p, =1.0
f 53 =1.0
f m,. =1.0
~~ ~ ~ura h=225m soil ~.
Scale ,
V2.0 du 12/03/91
TERRASOL Figure 23. Design and stability analysis of the actual failure of the first full-scale experimental soil nailed wall (CEBTP, French National Project CLOUTERRE, 1986).
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
h tml
'-,I ..... ..... I
: I
2 Without
...... ~With bending in - '.." the nails
bending: in the nails :
-', "
( a )
w t%l
Average water content
t w = 29% ~
= 100 1
~ With bending
....... ~
..... ....
in the nails
....... .....
, I
.... ....... : fmin =0,98:,
Without bending in the nai Is ..........
.......... ...
(Wo=10.7%,Sr=37 % ) : -.-.-.-.-.---·----------.. ------------r·---I---------------10 L-._ _---r ---r_ _-'---,-_._ _
_ min _
0.95 (
Figure 24. Variations of the factor r min with the average water content wof backfill (CEBTP wall NO.1 - calculations using the TALREN software program).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
By assuming that the cohesion varies linearly as a function of the degree of saturation Sr , and the water content (where c = 0 kPa, Sr = 100 percent) one can trace two curves of the coefficient r min (figure 24b), one taking into account the bending stiffness of the nails, and the other not. It is noted that the value of the coefficient r min upon failure thus falls within 0.95 and 0.98. On the whole, and in spite of the uncertainties inherent in the type of loading used in this full-scale experiment, the results showed that the values r min calculated using classical limit equilibrium methods are a correct approach to reality.
Example of a mixed soil nailed wall with surcharges and partial drainage in a layer system
Here we are looking at the case of a soil nailed wall with a vertical facing, a total height of H = 17 m, comprising five rows of nails and a row of prestressed ground anchors at the top. The nails are shorter at the base but are also placed closer together (figure 25). Prestressed ground anchors have been used in view of the sensitive nature of the structure (buildings and roadway to be constructed at the upper part of the wall) and to reduce the deformations undergone at the top of the structure to acceptable levels. Since the structure was situated in a slope with a water table, drainage of the soil nailed structure was provided. This drainage was effective for the prestressed anchors but only partly effective in the zone of the lowest nails. Figure 25 shows the results from calculations made using the TALREN software package. The typical features of the soils, the surcharges, the nails, and the ground anchors are shown in table V. When designing the structure, the characteristic parameters of the nails and the ground anchors were taken to be such that the factor r min linked to the required values for both the load factors and the partial safety factors had a value of 1.00. It will be noted (figure 25) that this value corresponds to two potential failure surfaces: a circle affecting mainly the nailed structure, and another encircling a large part of the nailed structure and passing through the centers of the prestressed ground anchors, and therefore more representative of the overall stability of the structure.
3.2.5. Simplified methods Assumptions
These methods are referred to as "simplified" because they formulate the assumption that the nails work only in tension.
Ks. B
Sr 3
0.0 0.0
1+ 17
I.;: 07
It 08
1. 00
If 04
I .. 10
I+. 07
1+ 06
1+. 01
.i?ni.: ..
= 125
fm'R = 1.15
f"'Q =150
fm,r =1.15
f m,Qs=1.50
fm,c= 1.65
fm,'f= 1.30
fmin= 1.00
l-i- 03
.:-: /ca~e.: ..... :...
\ l
1.; 04
Ground anchors
If 06
I.;: 04
Calculation done by
C1 5
C1 4
C1 2
Ti 1
1 f 09
If 11
1.;: 02
Figure 25. Ultimate limit state design of a soil nailed wall with surcharges and partial drainage.
Doted (12 March 1931
Sr 4
Units in kN 1 meters, and degrees Calculation method' PERTURBATIONS
36.0 200.0
35.0 160.0
0.0 1. 000
17 .0 1. 050
1. 050
19.0 1.050
1. 050
1. 050
4,' .
1. 050
Co) "
9 ~
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
TABLE V. Values of the parameters in the design example.
SOILS Soil No.
r si
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 20.0 17.0 0.0
1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.00
10.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 200.0 20.0 0.0
25.0 35.0 35.0 36.0 40.0 30.0 0.0
0.0 120.0 160.0 200.0 0.0 80.0 0.0
0 1000 1500 2000 0 500 0
0 17000 26000 46000 0 5500 0
Sr Sr Sr Sr
1 2 3 4
20.0 110.0 22.5 45.0
20.0 110.0 22.5 30.0
1.330 1.200 1.000 1.200
C12 C13 C14 CIS C16
400 400 400 400 400
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
10.50 8.00 5.50 3.50 1.50
13.0 13.0 13.0 12.0 10.0
10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4
L free
L grouted
Ti 1
units in kN, meters and degrees
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
Under these circumstances, there remain only the nail failure criterion and the soil-nail skin friction criterion ('t < qs)' which are detailed below.
a) Skin friction criterion
qs 1tD
La D D
= Dc
= Da
unit skin friction perimeter of the nail anchorage length of the nails beyond the failure surface for grouted nails for driven nails
b) Nail failure criterion This is reduced to: T It
tensile strength of the reinforcing element
The tension force for calculation is then expressed as:
< . _ mm
[q s 1t D La ,
r m qs r m cre
r m, q,
partial safety factor for the unit skin friction. =
partial safety factor for the tensile strength of the reinforcing bar.
Values for these factors are given in table IV. With the exception of this assumption on the behavior of nails in "tension only," the conditions for the study of the stability of the soil nailed structure are identical to those found in general cases. The assumption of a nail working in tension only can be justified for the reasons given below. •
It corresponds to the way the nails work in the majority of structures in service. In fact,
the mechanism of skin friction interaction is preponderant in soil nailed retaining structures and develops with small deformations, before the mechanism of lateral pressure, which is only observed in the immediate vicinity of the failure.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
For certain techniques (driven steel bars), the nails used in retaining structures have a section and inertia small enough, such that the results of calculations with the assumption of "tension only" differ slightly from those where shearing and bending have been taken into account.
Regarding this point, the following comment must, however, be added. On the theoretical level, when using classical limit equilibrium methods, there is not always a beneficial effect from taking account of bending and shearing, in fact, as shown in the multicriteria principle, the value of the force at failure in pure tension RIJ can be significantly higher than the component at failure tension TIJ that results from the combination of tension and shearing. However, in methods based on yield design theories, taking bending and shearing into account, would always be beneficial. One must be careful, given present knowledge, to consider that the "simplified" calculation provides systematically a conservative approach of conditions of stability. Conditions of use
The methods that account for nails working in tension are only applicable to structures where tension is largely predominant when compared with the shear forces and bending moment, and which fulfills the following conditions: Small inertia of the nails. Only slight inclination of bars on the horizontal (never exceeding 20 0 ). Any deformation in the structure result primarily from a lateral soil unloading. No heavy surcharge on top of the structure. With certain nailing techniques, these conditions are fairly well met.
Safety considerations
3.3.1. Practical rules
Each parameter is directly included in the fundamental formula (see paragraph with its "calculation value." •
The calculation value of the actions is the product of the characteristic value defined in paragraph by a load factor r, which varies depending on the actions and on the considered combination of actions, as shown in table III.
The calculation value of the resistances of the soil and the nails is the quotient of the characteristic value given in paragraph by a partial safety factor that varies depending on the material and the combination of actions involved. See table IV.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
The calculation method used for design (method of slices, perturbation method, etc.) is ascribed a factor r S3 , the so-called method factor, which appears in the fundamental formula and has its minimum values:
r S3 r S3
1.125 in fundamental combination =
1.0 in accidental combination
In theory, this method factor should vary depending on how realistic is the chosen failure mechanism and how well results compare with reality. The more simple the type of failure surface, a plane, for example, the more the method factor would have to be raised; but at the present time and in the absence of any in-depth study about this matter, the minimum values given above, provided steps are taken to carefully examine as many circular surfaces as possible (c1assicallimit equilibrium methods) or as many logarithmic spirals as possible (approach based on yield design theory). The distinction between short-, medium-, and longterm structures (see chapter 6) is taken into account during the design by calculating the extra thickness of steel needed to compensate for the corrosion of the steel present at the end of the service life of the structure. Details of this procedure are given in chapter 6.
3.3.2. Illustration In appendix 3, the calculation at ultimate limit state of a wedge held by a nail is presented. This was done to familiarize the reader with the use of load factors r and partial safety factors r m in calculations at ultimate limit state. Equivalences become apparent between these factors and the traditional global safety factor.
4.1. The mechanical role of the facing -
Modelling for the calculations
The facing has several functions. a) It provides a lateral confinement for the soil by ensuring equilibrium between the local pressure p of the soil (assumed in the calculations to be uniform) and the tension To at the head of the nails: p
In practice, however, the local pressure p of the soil between the nails is not uniform. It depends on the deformability and the local displacement of the facing. There is a tendency for arching effects to develop between the nails, which concentrates pressures locally in the vicinity of the nails.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
b) It can support certain exterior loads, such as facing panels or vehicle barriers. This paragraph will not deal with this type of loads. The facing is designed at ultimate limit states. The tensions To at the head of the nails and the pressures resulting from the soil on the facing are therefore considered as permanent and external forces on the facing. Also remember that calculations of the stability of the soil nailed mass at ultimate limit state are made without account taken of the facing's resistance at the point where, what is regarded as the potential failure surface, intercepts the facing. This is justified by the fact that during the construction of the structure, the lowest point of the most critical potential failure surface generally intersects the excavation phase. Designing the facing involves the following steps. 1) Determine the forces at the head of the nails and of the ground pressure on the facing, and 2) Check the facing resistance.
4.2. Determining the forces applied on facing In an attempt to simplify matters, it is generally assumed that the system of forces at the nail facing connection is reduced to the tensile force To and that the ground pressure p is uniform. Two approaches are possible. One can either deduce p by calculating the tension To on the assumption of the maximum tensions that can be mobilized in the nails, or one can calculate p as a local earth pressure using an appropriate failure mechanism and then deduce To' In the absence of any reliable data on the way earth pressure is distributed along the facing, it is recommended that the first approach described above be used. The value of To is deduced from the value of the maximum tension force T max' which can be mobilized by considering a single value for the ratio To / T max in the wall. An assessment of T max in a row of nails is made by taking the minimum value of either the tensile strength or the pull-out resistance of the nails as calculated on an anchorage length La defined in figure 3.16, and weighed by the relevant partial safety factor whereby:
1t DL R] an [q s -----
r ' rm, cr, m, q,
where D = Dc for a grouted nail, D = Da for a driven nail, La = length of anchoring (figure 16). In reality, the experimental results from in-service structures generally show To / T max ratios lower than those observed in Reinforced Earth walls. This is understandable if one remembers that the soil is unloaded during the construction of a soil nailed wall. The values
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
of To / T max depend on a certain number of parameters (the stiffness of the soil, rigidity of the facing, rigidity of the nails, depth and spacing of nails). The most important of these is the spacing between the nails. Bearing in mind the results available from experiments conducted to date, it is strongly recommended to adopt the maximum value of the ratio To / T max given by the following empirical formula:
= 0.5
where 5
To / Tmax
To / T
5 - 05
when 1 ::; 5 ::; 3 m
0.6 when 5 ::; 1 m 1 when 5 ~ 3 m
= max of (5 v and 5il ), expressed in meters.
This formula is derived from an analysis of measurements of the distribution of tensions in walls where the nails were set out on a rectangular grid where 5v ::; 5il • In the other case, the formula will need to be adapted conservatively. Except in special circumstances, the facing will be designed using Tmax values that correspond to the final structure phase, and no design of the facing will be done during the excavation phases.
4.3. Design of the facing The facing is in equilibrium under the effect of its weight, the tensions To at the head of the nails, the pressures and the shear stresses exerted by the soil. It is during the very first phases of excavation that the vertical equilibrium of the facing can be most critical (chapter 5, paragraph, figure 10). During the subsequent phases, the skin friction mobilized at the interface ensures equilibrium. When designing the facing of a finished structure, one does not usually take into account neither the weight of the facing of the shear stresses in the soil or the shear forces at the head of the nails.
Figure 26. Different models for designing the facing.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
It is assumed that pressure is distributed uniformly on the tributary area of each nail. This is
conservative when compared with actual conditions when calculating bending in the facing. The calculation model for the facing is similar to a slab loaded perpendicularly and supporting concentrated loads at the heads of the nails (figure 26). Depending on how the facing is built, the following schematic models apply. 1) Facing built with continuity of reinforcing bars (and standard overlapping lengths)
a) Short term wall (duration of service less than or equal to 18 months): Here the facing is calculated as a continuous slab in both directions, ignoring any cracks that might occur. The construction conditions (installation of reinforcing bars and shotcrete) will need to take into account the actual continuity of the facing (figure 26, la). b) Medium-term wall (from 18 months to 30 years) or long-term wall (more than 30 years). When making the calculations, take into account the fragile nature of the concrete zone between the construction phases by introducing hinges into the model (figure 26, Ib)
2) Facing built without continuity of reinforcing bars or with minimum construction continuity. Here the facing is discontinuous and considered as cut by horizontal bands. Each band is then calculated as a slab that is independent of its neighbors. Sometimes they can be reduced to a one dimensional model and each horizontal band calculated as a beam (figure 26-2).
Justifications of the resistance
Justification of the facing takes two forms: Justification under bending. Justification against punching of the facing around the nail head. All the justifications are carried out in accordance with the current regulations for reinforced concrete (BAEL 83). The most essential points are highlighted below.
4.4.1. Justification under bending
The forces used when making calculations for the facing are detailed in paragraph 4.2 and are ultimate limit state forces. The forces are those resulting from the calculations defined in the previous paragraph 4.3.
a) Facing for a short-term soil nailed wall
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
Calculations for the reinforced concrete used in facing sections are made exclusively at ultimate limit states. The following factors apply: permanent loads r G = 1.35 to be applied to the tensile forces To at the head of the nails concrete: r m,b = 1.50 r m,s = l.15 steel:
b) Facing for a medium- or long-term soil nailed wall The reinforced concrete calculations for the sections of facing are made at both ultimate limit and serviceability limit states. The calculation at ultimate limit states is performed in exactly the same way as for a short-term soil nailed wall. The calculations at serviceability limit states are done when cracking is taken into account. In this event, the permanent forces in the nails at the facing will have To values as defined in paragraph 4.2. and are not weighted. The forces thus obtained are examined according to the specifications of Article A.4.5 of BAEL 83. 4.4.2. Justification of a punching mode of failure around the nail head
In order to account for the concentrations of earth pressure p on the facing around the nails when justifying a punching mode of failure of the facing, it is recommended to adopt To values such that To / Tmax = 1, whatever the layout arrangement. To forces and p pressures will be treated as Qu loads in the sense of Article A.5.2.4 of BAEL 83.
In addition to the articles referred to above, the rest of the BAEL regulations will need to be equally respected, particularly those relating to nonfragility and minimum percentages.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
BIBLIOGRAPHY ANTHOINE, A. (1990). Une methode pour Ie dimensionnement a la rupture des ouvrages en sols renforces. Revue Fran<;aise de Geotechnique No.50, p.5-17. A method for designing at failure reinforced soil structures. BANGRATZ, J.L., and GIGAN, J.P. (1984). Methode rapide de calcul des massifs doues. Proc. of International Colloquium on In Situ Reinforcement of Soils and Rocks, ENPC Press, Paris, p.293-299. Rapid calculation method of nailed structures. BLONDEAU, F., CHRISTIANSEN, M., GUILLOUX, A., and SCHLOSSER, F. (1984). TALREN, methode de calcul des ouvrages en terre renforcee, Proc. of International Colloquium on the In Situ Reinforcement of Soils and Rocks, ENPC Press, Paris, p.219-224. TALREN, Calculation method of reinforced soil structures. DE BUHAN, P., and SALEN\=ON, J. (1987). Analyse de la stabilite des ouvrages en sols renforces par une methode d'homogeneisation. Revue Fran<;aise de Geotechnique NoA1, p.29-43. Analysis of the stability of reinforced soil structures by a homogenization method. DE BUHAN, P., MARIGIAVACCHI, R, NOVA, R, PELLEGRINI, G., and SALEN\=ON, J. (1989). Field design of Reinforced Earth Walls by a homogenization method. Geotechnique No.39,2, p.189-201. . DELMAS, Ph., BERCHE, J.C, CARTIER, G., and ABDELHEDI, A. (1986). Une nouvelle methode de dimensionnement du douage des pentes: programme PROSPER Bulletin de Liaison des laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees No.141, Janvier-Fevrier 1986. A new method for designing slope nailing: PROSPER program. FAU, D. (1987). Le douage des sols, application au soutenement de fouille, etude experimentale et dimensionnement. Doctoral thesis, ENPC Soil nailing, application to excavation retaining structures, experimental study and design. GASSLER, G., and GUDEHUS, G. (1981). Soil Nailing, some aspects of a new technique. Proc. 10th ICSMFE, Stockholm (3) pp.665-670. GASSLER, G., and GUDEHUS, G. (1983). Soil Nailing. Statistical Design. Proc. 8th ECSMFE, Helsinki (2) ppA01-494. GIGAN, J.P. (1986). Application du clouage en soutenement: parametres de conception et de dimensionnement des ouvrages. Bulletin de Liaison des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees No.143, Mai-Juin. Application of soil nailing for retaining structures: conception and design parameters for structures.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
GIGAN, J.P., and DELMAS, P. (1987). Mobilisation des efforts dans les ouvrages cloues. Etude comparative des differentes methodes de calcul. Bulletin de Liaison deslaboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees No.144.
Mobilization of loads in soil nailed structures. Comparative study of different design methods. GUILLOUX, A., and SCHLOSSER, F. (1982). Soil nailing: practical applications. Proc. of Symposium on soil and rock improvement techniques, including geotextiles, Reinforced Earth and modern piling methods, Bangkok, November-December. JURAN, 1., BAUDRAND, G., FARRAG, K., and ELIAS, V. (1990). Kinematical limit analysis for design of soil nailed structures. Journal of Geotech. Div. ASCE, vol. 116, Janvier 90, pp.54-72. RAJOT, J.P. (1983). Introduction du clouage dans une methode globale de calcul de stabilite des pentes. Travail de fin d'etudes, Ecole nationale des Travaux Publics de p. l'Etat, 177.
Introduction of nailing in a global slope stability analysis method. SCHLOSSER, F. (1982). Behavior and design of soil nailing. Proc. of Symposium on soil and rock improvement techniques, including geotextiles, Reinforced Earth and modern piling methods, Bangkok, November-December 1982. SCHLOSSER, F. (1982). Le clouage des sols: comportement et dimensionnement. Stage sur Ie renforcement des sols. Formation continue ENPC.
Nailing of Soils: behavior and design. SCHLOSSER, F. (1983). Analogies et differences dans Ie comportement et Ie calcul des ouvrages de soutenement en Terre Armee et par clouage du sol. ITBTP Journal, No.418, p.8-23, Oct.
Anologies and differences in the behavior and the design of Reinforced Earth and soil nailing. SCHLOSSER, F. (1989). Le Projet National CLOUTERRE. ITBTP Journal, No.473, Mars-Avril.
The National Project CLOUTERRE. SCHLOSSER, F., and LONG, N.T. (1972). Comportement de la Terre Armee dans les ouvrages de soutenement. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Volume I, p.299-306, Madrid.
Behavior of Reinforced Earth in Retaining Structures. Instruction technique sur les directives communes de 1979 relatives au calcul des constructions (DC 79). Bulletin officiel du ministere de l'Environnement et du Cadre de Vie et du ministere des Transports. Fasc. special 79-12 bis, circulaire No.79-25 du 13 mars 1979.
Technical Instruction on Community Directives (1979) relating to calculations of buildings (DC79).
BUREAU SECURITAS (1986). Recommandations concernant la conception, Ie calcul, l'execution et Ie contr6le des tirants d'ancrage (TA86), Ed. Eyrolles.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Recommendations regarding the design, calculation, implementation, and inspection of ground anchors (TA 86). Regles techniques de conception et de calcul des ouvrages et constructions en beton arme suivant la methode des etats-limites BAEL 83. Bulletin officiel fasc. special No.83-45 bis, fasc No.62 titre 1er, section 1. Technical regulations on the design and calculations for structures made of reinforced concrete using the BAEL 83 limit-states method. Regles techniques de conception et de calcul des foundations des ouvrages de genie civil. Facs 62-titre 5 (document provisoire). Technical regulations on the design and calculations offoundations for civil engineering works. Eurocode 7, Geotechnics - Preliminary draft for the European Communities.
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
1. DATA BANK As part of the French National Project CLOUTERRE, the CEBTP was charged with the collection of the results from pull-out tests carried out on nails installed by several members of the project, either on construction sites or on experimental sites. These tests, some 450 in all, were distributed throughout 36 different construction sites (figure 1). However, if we consider a project as one site, one type of soil or one single construction technique, then the tests were performed on 87 different sites.
, :) \
0 00
0 0
,/" ,' ....
... - ........
o o
......... ";"'\"'<9 "'Q.
Figure 1. Location of test sites in France.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The results of the tests now constitute a data bank (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, January and March 1989) and for test purposes the following information was retained: The The The The The
owner. site. soil characteristics. nail characteristics. test results.
The total number of tests for various soil types is shown in figure 2. Sands. Gravel and debris. Marls and Chalks. Clays and Silts. Weathered rocks. Numbers of tests
'" . :..:::.:.;. [2] ....
.... ~
Grovel and debris
~ ~
Marls and chalky soils
~ ~
Cloy and silt
l:'7l ~
Weathered rocks
Figure 2. Distribution of tests as function of soil types; all nail types being put together.
As far as the installation methods were concerned, gravity injection was the most used technique (60 percent of cases as opposed to 30 percent for the driving method and 10 percent for low pressure injection).
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
On the various sites where nail pull-out tests were performed, the soil data were obtained from: Pressuremeter tests (and laboratory tests) Laboratory tests Unreported data
86% 9% 5%
The pull-out tests were conducted in accordance with two installation modes: The majority of the tests were performed under controlled force (creep steps) similar to regular pull-out tests on ground anchors, but somewhat simplified. The rest of the tests were performed under controlled displacement (at constant speed). From all the tests carried out, 27 percent were not taken up to pull-out failure for two reasons: 1) The test objective was to verify the service load of the nail. 2) The elastic limit of the reinforcing bar was lower than the failure load of the anchoring grout.
By establishing a data bank, we are now able to suggest preliminary design charts that (as for piles and prestressed ground anchors) give a correlation between the pressure limit PI as measured with the pressuremeter and the unit skin friction qs' As with piles and prestressed ground anchors, the scattering of the test results is fairly wide (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, January and March 1989, Bel Hadj Amor, 1990). The use of the preliminary design charts does not alleviate the user from performing routine tests (see chapter 4): conformity tests prior to construction, and inspection tests during construction. The charts have been drawn for five types of soil for which we have a significant number of test results: Sand, Gravel, Clay and silt, Marl-chalk, Weathered rock. Two construction techniques were retained: nails drilled and grouted under gravity, and nails directly driven into the soil. Another chart has been prepared for nails grouted with low
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
pressure into gravel (injection pressure at the nail head is generally between 0.2 and 0.5 MPa). Some adjustments have been made using hyperbolic relationships given by the results of shear tests conducted by the Institute of Mechanics in Grenoble (Boulon et al. 1986). The results have shown a good agreement for this type of curve, particularly where granular soils are involved.
For a nail grouted along a given length La' the limit pull-out force computed for a given skin friction, is equal to:
where: D D
= Dc:
borehole diameter for grouted nails,
= D s : equivalent diameter for driven nails (usually steel angles).
The unit skin frictions qs values are taken from the following table and reported in figures 3 to 7. Correspondence between the charts, the soils, and the construction techniques.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Marl Marl-Chalk Weathered to fragmented chalk Weathered Rock
Low pressure Grouting
Drivin g S3
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
qs (MPa) 0.3
SAND 0.25
~ \---
~ ....... V v
--- i-\ i-$1
- -
Pe (MPa) o
Figure 3. Chart to estimate the unit skin friction qs for sand.
qs (MPa) 0.3
CLAY 0.25
0.15 I~
V /'
~ I--
I o
Pe(MPa)1 1
Figure 4. Chart to estimate the unit skin friction qs for clay.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
qs (MPo) 0.7
G2 ~
0.3 0.2
~.- 1 - ' -
V V....
v G3
.- .- .L ' -
Figure 5. Chart to estimate the unit skin friction qs for gravel.
qs(MPa) 0.5
o o
P~ (MPa) I 3
Figure 6. Chart to estimate the unit skin friction qs for marl-chalk
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
qs (MPo ) 0.6
Pe (MPo) 2
Figure 7. Chart to estimate the unit skin friction qs for weathered rock.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
The nailing density d is expressed by the following nondimensional expression:
where: t(kN/m) skin friction force per unit length of nail, y(kN/m 3) soil unit weight, Sv and Sh (m) : vertical and horizontal spacings between nails. This parameter characterizes the reinforcement force developed by the soil nail skin friction interaction as a function of a unit volume of the soil. The value of this parameter shows the amount of reinforcement in the soil and has been evaluated for a large number of structures. Depending on the soil types, the values vary from 0.5 to 1.5 in structures with grouted nails.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Characterization of the soil reinforcement by a single parameter can be useful for the preparation of the design charts for homogeneous soils (Bangratz and Gigan, 1984). The principle is illustrated in figure 9, chapter 3. For a given geometry of a structure defined by the ratio L I H (nail length over wall height), the stability charts are given for different values of nailing densities, d. The charts are drawn in a coordinate system: n = ely H versus tamp, where q> and e are the strength soil parameters. Linearity of the relationship between the different parameters leads to a chart of the global safety coefficient, such as F = OMIOA, M being the representative soil point. Inversely, for a predetermined global safety coefficient F, the charts give the nailing density, and thus the nail spacing can be deduced. The facing, with height H, is vertical and the soil surface at the top of the wall is horizontal and without any surcharge. Two nail distributions have been studied: a) nails having a constant length L I H: 0.6 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.2 b) nails with decreasing length linearly with depth, such as the lengths located beyond the sliding block (inclined to 1t + ! on the horizontal) are constant. 4 2 The lengths midway up the facing are such that: L
I H = 0.6 - 0.8 - 1.0 - 1.2
The charts (figures I and 2) have been prepared for nails with a constant length and for nails inclined below the horizontal e = 20 0 • The results can be corrected for other inclinations by using the charts in figure 3. The nailing density varies from d
= 0.1 to d = 1.0.
3. USING THE CHARTS 1) Choose the chart in accordance with the ratio L I H and the geometry involved (constant nail length or decreasing length). 2) Locate point M representing the soil in the coordinates system (N
= e I yH versus tanq»
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
3) Calculate the nailing density: d
= P qs P
perimeter of the nail section,
qs : unit skin friction.
4) The straight line OM intersects the stability curve corresponding to the value of d at point A. The global safety coefficient is therefore equal to the ratio OM/OA.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991 N =o-f.-
yH 03
-----;:::===~;:::::===;---I-----:--;::~~-I TL L / H 0.6
d= - - ' = - - -
yShSv L
~ l;J
A / /
/ / /
/ / /
N=o- 0.3
~ C=O
Figure 1. Design chart for preliminary design of soil nailed walls with L / H = 0.6 and 0.8 (8 = 20°).
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
N=yH 0 . 3 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - 1 L /H = 1 L
2 ton
yH 0 . 3 . - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - 1 L/H
= 1.2
ian Figure 2. Stability charts for preliminary design of soil nailed walls for L / H = 1.0 and 1.2 (e = 20°).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
F Itan,\,
4 3
L=O.6 H
I L =H r ---1,-----:-_ __ _
3 1---....-::-----;.12
0'------1-----'-----'-----'--__ 30 40 10 20 Inclination
. . . . -. -.
I---tl_---t----+--_ 10.3l 2 1---;---;---+----!' 0.1 N Iton'f
Ion 'f =0
- --
g.1 1N/tan'f
-ra. 3
Figure 3. Corrections for the charts for inclinations other than 20°.
4. SAFETY VERIFICATIONS 4.1. Traditional method The value of qs is taken to be equal to the allowable value of the unit skin friction. The global safety factor of the soil nailed wall is F = OM/OA.
4.2. Calculating at ultimate limit state The coordinates of point M are in this case equal to (tamp / r m,
r m,e
The nailing density is calculated as:
r m, qs yr s 5J
The straight line OM intersects the corresponding design curve for a value of d at point A, which then gives:
r S3
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
Calculating the stability of a soil nailed mass resting on an inclined potential failure plane is presented for academic purposes. This type of calculation is not recommended in practice, as already stated in paragraph 3.2.3. The assumptions and notations are shown in figure 1. The forces acting on the sliding wedge are given in the sketch.
Figure I. Equilibrium of a wedge reinforced upported by one nail. Notations and acting forces on the wedge.
In the event of a plane potential failure surface, the equilibrium condition to be verified is:
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
where: T T max
r S3
projection of the resulting forces on the sliding plane, shear resistance along this plane, method coefficient.
The equilibrium equations yield: T
where: a X
- Tn cos X
Tn sin X) tamp
cH / sina
inclination of the potential failure plane on the horizontal, inclination of the nail with respect to the potential failure plane.
The basic formula, using the calculation values, can be rewritten as:
r S3 (Wsina Using the load factors
r S3 [rSI
Tn COSX) ~ (Wcosa
Tn sin X) tamp
r and the partial safety coefficients r m' we obtain:
· r m,R Wsma - - cos X < -
r m,R
r SI wcosa
tamp -
. Xtamp -Tn- sm -
r m,R
+ --
r m, C
It is observed as discussed in paragraph 3.4.1., that the nail forces playa role both as active
forces (with the projection TIl cos X of the effort Tn ) and as resisting forces (with the increase of resisting force induced by the normal component Tn sinx tan
Comments: Relationship between the load factors, the partial safety factors and the traditional safety factor F. In a traditional calculation, the safety factors are taken into account in the various nail failure criteria (they can be expressed by FR ) and then on the global stability when the structure slides (global safety factor F). For this example of a sliding nailed wedge, the global safety factor F is expressed as:
(T/FR ) sin X tan
Wcosa tan
If we put these two formulae together we can illustrate the following equivalences, which are not equal:
Chapter 3: Conception and Design
rSl .
F on tamp
r S3 ·
F on c
r S3 ·
r Sl • rm,c
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The aim of the geotechnical study is to supply data relating to the behavior of the soil; this will be needed for the design and construction stages of soil nailed walls and should also allow for the monitoring of the interaction between the walls and existing structures.
1.1. Preliminary investigation The owner will prepare a report giving complete details of the site, showing site topography, access roads, the locations of adjacent wall structures and their foundations, and all roads and utilities. The plans, along with cross sections and elevations, will show all structures and facilities on the site, as well, as a perimeter area extending around the soil nailed structure at least 1.5 times the depth of the excavation. All documents will specify the service life of the supporting structure. A preliminary site visit and a review of geological maps will allow the engineer to predict the nature of the soil to be nailed (see chapter I, paragraph 2.4.). In all classes of soils (difficult or not), the field site report must recommend a geotechnical investigation program.
1.2. Soil Investigation From the geotechnical investigation program, the subsurface stratigraphy will be developed for every 200 to 600 m 2 of soil nailed wall. Depending on the complexity and project size or for any significant changes found in the site geology, the stratigraphy for a cross section will cover a distance from the face equal to one and a half times the height of the wall. It will also extend at least two meters below its base, unless it can be demonstrated that the soil at the deeper levels has at least the same quality (Figure la). In sloping ground, the distance from the wall face will be taken as three times the height of the wall (Figure Ib).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The exploratory borings and the soil sampling (disturbed and undisturbed samples) should be carried out in accordance with current French standards.
L ~ 1,5H
I, 2m
L> 3H
® Figure 1. Area of investigation.
For large sites, the soil stratigraphy can be confirmed with destructive production drilling techniques with appropriate data recordings. These drilling parameters will be calibrated with the conventional geotechnical boring advancement techniques used at the site. The development of the stratigraphy with .conventional methods may be supplemented with pressuremeter tests and/ or cone penetrometer tests. The use of dynamic penetrometer tests will enable the penetration of any intermediate compact soil layers and the foundation stratum to be found. It will also provide data on the possibilities of installing metal nails using the percussion method.
1.3. Laboratory and in situ tests The objectives of these tests are: 1) To identify the soil. 2) To determine the soil strength parameters
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
3) To assess the unit skin friction qs based on pressuremeter tests. 1.3.1. Cohesionless soils
1) The identification will consist of performing a sieve analysis, including the fines fraction and determining the natural water content. 2) In determining the strength parameters,
The standard penetration test (SPT), or cone penetrometer tests (CPT), may be used with the usual correlations to estimate the value of the internal friction angle
1) The identification will consist of determining the Atterberg limits, the total unit weight, the natural water content w, and the dry unit weight Yd' 2) For parameters
= 0 since
• Long-term strength parameters of saturated soil One will determine the intrinsic parameters
characteristics are almost equal and the angle of internal friction is close to
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
1.3.3. Characteristic values of strength parameters
The geotechnical engineer is responsible for providing the most probable values, based on in situ and laboratory tests performed on a sufficient number of samples. The characteristic value of the unit skin friction qs is given either by charts (see the appendix to this chapter) or based on the results of in situ tests (see paragraph 2.8.).
1.4. Determination of the soil corrosion potential Chapter 6 - Durability of the structures - gives a global corrosion index. This index depends on the soil's resistivity and pH level.
1.5. Hydrogeological study In order to find the water table and follow its variations, a system must be installed to measure the site hydraulic regime. Depending on the type of soil, the frequency of measurements of the water table variations will need to be increased. Generally, standpipe piezometers will be used. If one or more water tables is present, the permeability of each layer of soil that intersects the excavations needs to be determined.
2.1. Tests objective Since the stability of a soil nailed wall is studied at its ultimate limit state, the main objective of nail tests is to determine the unit skin friction qs. However, it is recommended that during the test, steps be taken to measure all the unit skin friction curves as a function of the relative nail! soil displacement.
2.2. Different types of tests Depending on the objectives of the tests and at what stage of the building schedule they are performed, one can distinguish among: Preliminary tests at the planning stage, even before construction works have started. Conformity tests when work begins on the site. Inspection tests during the construction. All the tests are identical and attempt to prove the quality of the soil nail friction. This is done by applying a static tension at the head of a nail until movement by lack of friction
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
occurs. The selection of the cross section is chosen to avoid breakage of the nail in tension. None of the nails used in these three types of test can be reused or incorporated into the structure.
2.3. Objectives of the different tests 2.3.1. Preliminary tests
In principle, preliminary tests are reserved for soils outside the normal range of applications defined in chapter 1, for validating a new nailing technique, for an important construction site, or if demanded by the owner. They can be carried out by a company other than the one in charge of the construction. The objective is to determine a maximum tension. Preliminary tests are, of course, carried out several weeks in advance of any service nails being installed. The preliminary tests are performed on specific nails installed in test plots. The minimum number of preliminary tests to be conducted account for the wide dispersion observed on real sites. Table I gives the minimum number of tests specified for each type of soil, depending on the facing area that concerns that soil type (figure 2).
m 2 of facing
m 2 of facing
Up to 800
4 000 to 8 000
800 to 2 000
8 000 to 16 000
2 000 to 4 000
16 000 to 40 000
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
1000 m 2 of facing N=9
N° 1
10 m
400 m2 of facing
Figure 2. Example showing the number of tests to be carried out for each different type of soil encountered.
2.3.2. Conformity tests at the beginning of the construction
The objective of these tests is to check the validity of the assumptions on the soil nail unit skin friction value qs taken at the planning stage. The conformity tests are conducted for each different soil layer once the appropriate excavation depth is reached. The wall facing may be used as a reaction block. In that case, one should check that the facing will not be damaged when applying the maximum pull-out force. If no preliminary tests are carried out, the conformity tests are compulsory for all soil nailed
walls. Table 11 gives the minimum number of conformity tests specified for each type of soil, depending on the facing area concerned with that soil type. It is important to distribute the total number of tests evenly throughout the whole structure.
m 2 of facing
m 2 of facing
Up to 800
4 000 to 8 000
800 to 2 000
8 000 to 16 000
2 000 to 4 000
6 000 to 40 000
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
If the company conducting the preliminary tests is not in charge of the construction, conformity tests will still have to be carried out at the beginning of construction. However, if the same nailing technique is used with the same installation procedure, the number of tests could be divided by 2. If the company conducting the preliminary tests is in charge of the construction, no conformity test is required.
2.3.3. Inspection tests during construction
Inspection tests are carried out on nails chosen in advance and for which the cross section has been dimensioned so that failure by pull-out will be reached without causing the nail to rupture. Inspection tests are compulsory for all sites. For each soil layer encountered a minimum number N is fixed as five tests up to 1 000 m 2, with a minimum of one test for each excavation stage. Over 1 000 m 2, the number of tests will be increased by one for each additional 200 m 2• The total number of tests should be distributed evenly throughout the whole structure.
2.4. Contractor's duties If the owner believes the contractor can be exempted from the preliminary tests as defined in
paragraph 2.2.1., the reasons for exemption will be specified in the technical documents. The contractor is responsible for the execution and interpretation of the preliminary, conformity, and inspection tests. The results are given to the owner or his representative who should give agreement before any work can be carried out or continued.
2.5. Nail tests and reaction forms 2.5.1. Nail tests location
The nails to be used in the preliminary tests will be installed in the ground and grouted in the soil layer for which the interaction between the soil and nail is to be measured. The nails used in conformity tests will be installed in the concrete facing when work begins on the soil nailed wall. Tests will be conducted on each soil type or where soil differences occur. The nails to be used in the inspection tests will be installed between the service nails in the soil nailed wall.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.5.2. Reaction forms •
Preliminary tests: Special reaction forms will be built for test nails and the design should
prevent any appreciable rotation of the support. •
Conformity tests: The facing will be used as the reaction form and special attention must be given to the design of the facing to ensure no damage occurs during the tests.
2.5.3. Nail installation for the three types of tests
The procedure for placing the nail (inclination, drilling, installation, and grouting, in the case of a grouted nail) should follow exactly the same procedure as the one planned for the construction work. However, the reinforcing bar can have a higher tensile resistance, such that the nail can fail through lack of adhesion rather than breakage of the nail. The grouted or driven length will be equal to either the actual length of the nails used in the structure, or 5 meters. A minimum free length of 1 meter will be available in order to avoid boundary effects when the supporting plate bears directly on the soil around the nail head (see figure 5).
Test nails
nO 1
Soil nO 2
Figure 3. Layout arrangement of nails used in preliminary tests.
If no free length has been reserved, the stresses induced by the jacking system should be transferred far away from the nail with a whaler-type device. The steel section of the reinforcing bar will be designed so that the maximum tension remains less than O.9Tc . The free length can be much longer for preliminary tests in order to simulate the real overburden conditions of the structure (figure 3).
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
2.6. Nail tests procedure The testing procedures for the three types of tests (preliminary, conformity, and inspection) are identical. 2.6.1. Choice of the procedure
Based on results of research and studies conducted as part of the Project CLOUTERRE (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, June 1988 and December 1989; French National Project CLOUTERRE, CERMES, December 1989), the standard pull-out test used is the controlled displacement test (constant speed) with additional controlled force tests (creep steps). With the controlled displacement pull-out test, it is possible to determine the maximum pullout force Tu the residual force, as well as the value of the initial slope of the force displacement curve (figure 4). The maximum unit skin friction, the residual unit skin friction and the initial slope of the skin friction mobilization curve can be determined from the force displacement curve (see appendix 1 to this chapter).
Force at head
To Peak
Displacement at head Yo Figure 4. Determination of the maximum pull-out force.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
With controlled force test, the critical creep tension Tc and eventually the limit tensile force T L can be measured. Results from a wide number of controlled force tests conducted within the National Project CLOUTERRE or supplied by members of the Project (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, June 1988, March 1989, December 1989) have allowed the development of correlations between the limit tensile force T L and the critical creep tension Tc • These ratios are summarized in table III, which shows the order of magnitude of k = TLIT(I as a function of the type of soil and the installation method used.
Marls and Chalks
For preliminary and conformity tests, irrespective of the type of soil found, an equal number of controlled displacement pull-out tests and controlled force pull-out tests will be conducted. Inspection tests will include controlled displacement pull-out tests for noncreeping soils (Ip < 20) and an equal number of controlled displacement and controlled force pull-out tests for creeping soils (Ip 2 20) (see table IV). TABLE IV. Inspection tests.
All types of structure
Ip < 20
100% controlled displacement pull-out tests
Ip 220
50% controlled displacement pull-out tests 50% controlled force pull-out tests
2.6.2. Choice of the maximum load capacity for the nail tests
For all three types of tests, the real unit skin friction value qs will be determined for each type of soil and nail to check the unit skin friction value estimated on the basis of the pressuremeter test results or some other method by the construction company or the
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
consulting engineer. Where the unit skin friction value measured is higher than the estimated value, tests will be performed until the nail has been extracted fully. The reinforcing bar will be designed such that:
elastic limit of the bar used in the test,
nail's pull-out tension estimated on the basis of geotechnical data or the contractor's experience.
2.6.3. Materials and equipment used during the tests
The equipment used comprises (figure 5) an adjusting wedge to apply the tensile force along the bar axis, a ring-shaped jack and its pump, and a load cell. The load cell ring should indicate the forces with an accuracy of at least 1 percent of the maximum force. It must be possible to reproduce every measurement, particularly those taken during the controlled force tests (creep stages), with an error less than 0.1 percent of the maximum force during each creep stage, independently of the temperature variations. The displacement at the head of the nail should be measured in relation to a fixed point, a system embedded in the ground (figure 5) or any other device that ensures a very stable base. Using this type of equipment, which is simple and quickly installed on a construction site, a sufficiently large supporting plate will be fixed to the nail so that the tip of the sensor capable of measuring to 1/100 mm remains permanently in contact throughout the duration of the test. ..
. '
c·~ ;
. . :", '.
Pacemeter (1mm/mn)
Support rod
Figure 5. Pull-out test set up for a nail.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.7. Controlled displacement pull-out tests (constant speed) 2.7.1. Test procedure Before putting the nail into tension the following points need to be verified: The free length of the nail must be protected by a tube and sufficient space provided between the tube and the supporting plate to avoid any contact throughout the total duration of the test. Where a free length does not exist, jack forces will be taken by a whaler system supporting the loads at a distance of 1 meter away from the nail axis. The system, which comprises the supporting plate, jack, and load cell must be set up in such a way that the bar will not bend prior to testing, thus providing a reliable loaddisplacement curve. The nail will be put into tension at a speed of 1 mm/min, preferably using a manual pump. The margin of error on the speed must be ± 10 percent. This speed can be controlled, for instance, using a pacemeter and a dial graduated every 1/100 mm. The stem should allow minimum travel of 50 mm. The test will be stopped once the tension force has either passed a maximum or has stabilized. It is recommended to plot the force displacement curve. Readings of loads will be made every 1/10 mm (or every 6 seconds) up to 5 mm, thereafter every 1/2 mm (or every 30 seconds) up to the residual load. If no residual load appears, the test will be continued until the tensile force at the head of the nail varies less than 1 percent for a 1 mm displacement.
Figure 6. Failure criteria used in pull-out tests.
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
During unloading, force versus displacement readings will be made at each tenth of the maximum force. The maximum pull-out force T L will be the maximum force value reached during the test. This value, Tu will correspond on the force-displacement curve to either the peak value, the residual value, or the value such that the variation in force per 1 mm is less than 1 percent, or the value for a maximum displacement of 30 mm. 2.7.2. Interpretation of test result
If during the test only the forces are measured, the result obtained will be the maximum pull-out TL • If during the course of the test, both the forces and the displacements at the head of the nail are measured, then not only can the maximum pull-out force be obtained (useful for calculating the ultimate limit state) but also the law which describes the soil nail interaction. This is useful for estimating the displacements in the soil nailed wall, and will be vital for future calculations at serviceability limit state. The interpretation of the results can be based on the skin friction mobilization law presented in figure 7. Eventually, the strength of the grout may be taken into account in the calculations (French National Project CLOUTERRE, CEBTP, June 1988). The calculations of the displacements along the nail during a pull-out test are developed in the appendix of this chapter. The following significant results will be helpful for the interpretation of the test. Distinction will be made between two cases. The behavior of a nail in a soil nailed wall under service conditions far away from the failure and the behavior of a nail at ultimate limit state, i.e., at failure.
qs 2
k,G /5
Figure 7. Skin friction mobilization law (Frank and Zhao, 1982).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
If a tensile force To is applied at the nail head, the nail moves with respect to the soil and
mobilizes the skin friction, which balances the force To' Mobilization of the skin friction is made gradually from the nail head toward the nail tip, the shorter the nail the more rapidly the mobilization occurs (figures 8a, 8b, and 8c).
,, \
\ \
limit state (failure)
\ \
" ....
" ",
Service state
c =£1 + £2 2
12 m
Distribution of the deformations along a nail measured from tests.
Figure 8. Experimental and theoretical distributions of tension forces and deformations along a nail.
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
100 '- '-
'-",-f .....
limit state (failure)
3 m
Theoretical distribution of tension forces along a 3-m-long nail.
To (kN)
400 Ultimate' limit state (failure) 300
Service state
200 ~'-_ _----II
/2 m
L (em)
o 000 c)
Theoretical distribution of tension forces along a 12-m nail.
Figure 8. Experimental and theoretical distributions of tension forces and deformations along a nail.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
When the To force is increased, the skin friction begins to fully mobilize at the head ('t and full mobilization progresses from the head toward the tip (figures 9a and 9b).
= qs),
Behavior of nail under service conditions (To < TL)
The skin friction is still in the course of being mobilized (figures 8 and 9). The tip of a short nail will have a displacement similar to that of the head, while for a long nail, the tip displacement will be negligible compared to that at the head (figure 10). Experiments and modelling of the behavior have established that the displacement of the nail head Yo is proportional to the head force To, as long as the Yo displacement does not exceed the Yl value corresponding to the first bend of the skin friction mobilization law (figure 7). With this condition Yo < Yl' the following relationships can be demonstrated and are developed in the appendix: To
displacement at nail head, displacement at nail tip, force at nail head, length (in contact with the soil).
with P k~
perimeter of the nail, initial slope on the skin friction mobilization curve.
When the displacement of the nail head Yo exceeds Yl' the Yo displacement does not remain proportional to the To head force, although the skin friction is not fully mobilized along the nail and the nail is still a long way from failure (figure 11).
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
---------- ~ -- ---
Ultimate limit state (failure)
L (em)
a. Short nail.
7' (kPa) Ultimate limit state (failure)
1- - - - - - - - - -
50 40 30
2 12 m
L (em)
b. Long nail. Figure 9. Distribution of shear stress along a nail.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
To (kN) Load at head of nail
Displacement of the tip Displacement of the head
u 0:; '
- --
y (mm)
To (kN)
Load at the head of the nail ",.,."""'"
Displacement of the tip Displacement of the head
( /)
( /)
L=12 m
u > 1-
J---.. I
o 5
y (mm)
Figure 10. Force/displacement curves at the head and tip of both a short and a long nail.
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
To (kN)
Load at head of nail
L L= 12 m
,X l
~ Calculation of
the force-displacement at the head of the nail assuming that the nail tip is fixed and T'= constant
-+-+-T-? curve
• \ Calculation of the force-displacement
o-? curve at the head of the nail ta king into accunt the unit skin friction mobilization low
50 I I
: -0
/1 /
---- ---
L=2m --------
Displacement of the head of nail
y 2
Figure 11. Theoretical comparison of force-displacement curves at the nail head (based on two different sets of assumptions).
Behavior of nail at failure To
Skin friction is fully mobilized (figures 8 and 9). At failure, the theoretical displacements at the head and tip of the nail will be equal to:
where Yo YLs
displacement of the nail head at failure, displacement of the nail tip at failure,
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
qs ES Ls
nail perimeter, unit skin friction, nail stiffness, length in contact with the soil.
The experimental measurements are in agreement with the theoretical calculations (see appendix to this chapter). At failure, every nail has a displacement at its tip interaction law.
equal to the value Yz of the soil nail
Calculations of the unit skin friction qs
The objective of a pull-out test is to find the maximum pull-out force TL in order to determine the unit skin friction qs' The unit skin friction qs will be calculated using the TL value given in paragraph 2.7.1. and figure 6.
where p Ls
nail perimeter, length in contact with the soil.
NOTE: Even as a first approximation, the comparison of the real force-displacement curve with the theoretical one based on the following two assumptions: The nail tip is fixed and the shear stress is constant along the nail, whatever the pulling force, is wrong. The real forcedisplacement curve can be well-approximated using the skin friction mobilization law. Figure 11 shows simulations for both models and clearly indicates that the first approach is inappropriate, Le., the shorter the nail, the greater the degree of inaccuracy.
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
Yo (mm)
Cumulated displacements
7 6
0.9 T max
3l-_------------- 0 .8 T max
L----------------=-:~-0 6 max 2 l--l - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.5. TTmax ~--------------0.4
~============== I10
0.7 T
TmlJ.( max
0.3 T 0.2 Tma<.
Log t (mi n )
Figure 12. Creep curves of a pull-out test.
Controlled force tests (creep steps)
In tests carried out under rigorous experimental conditions on a same type of soil not susceptible to creep, both controlled force pull-out tests and controlled displacement pull-out tests have shown the same maximum pull-out force Tu 2.8.1. Procedure for controlled force tests
The preparatory work will be the same as for the controlled displacement pull-out test, but the rate of movement will not be measured. Before carrying out a controlled force test, it will be necessary to estimate the limit pull-out force Tw which is used for the determination of the step values. Usually the limit pull-out force TLE is assessed from the controlled displacement pull-out tests (which are always carried out first). The nail is gradually subjected to a pull-out force, which increases up to the estimated limit pull-out force Tw and which must be lower than 0.6 TG so as to limit creep in the steel. Successive loading steps are maintained during 60 minutes, except the 0.7 T LE step, which is maintained during 3 hours. The first loading step is applied at 0.2 TLE •
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The first displacement reading is taken at 0.1 T w during a continuous loading between 0 to 0.2 T LE • The following steps are applied every 0.1 T LE • At each load step, the creep displacement measurement is performed as follows: The tensile force imposed on the nail is measured using a load cell. The level of this force is kept rigorously constant throughout each loading step, however, a variation in the force value of up to 0.1 percent of the estimated limit pull-out force TLE is acceptable. The importance of carrying out real creep tests (at constant force) is emphasized. If this is not done, variations in the levels of force applied to the nail during the course of the loading steps can mask creep phenomena, especially during the first loading steps. During the first steps, the creep should not exceed 1 to 2 tenths of a millimeter. The start of time to is taken at the instant when the load level of the corresponding step is reached. Displacement measurements are taken at each loading step and performed at the following time intervals, to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60 minutes, and then every 15 minutes for the 0.7 TLE loading step, which is then maintained for 3 hours. If necessary, the jack pressure can be adjusted to maintain the force at the required loading step value. Temperature measurements are made at the beginning and the end of each step.
If the soil-grout bond does not fail at the estimated limit pull-out force Tw it will be possible to continue the test in 0.1 TLE increments until the 15th step (not exceeding 0.9 Tc )' After the last step, unloading will be carried out and reading of displacements will be taken every tenth of the limit pull-out force reached during the test. 2.8.2. Interpretation of the controlled force pull-out test results
Drawing of the creep curves
For each creep step, the x axis will be the time (decimal logarithmic scale) between to + 1 min and to + 60 min (or t1 + 180 min for the 0.7 TLE loading step) and the a axis will be arithmetical scale - the displacement (figure 12). For each loading step, the creep curve is characterized by the slope of the tangent to this curve at to + 60 min (or to + 180 min for the 0.7 TLE step). Generally, for the first loading steps, the creep curves are straight lines; at higher loads the creep curves are no longer straight, but in some cases, even for loading steps close to the limit pull-out force, the creep will be represented by straight lines.
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
Slope ex (mm /cycle of log t (min))
o 0.5 Figure 13. Determination of the critical creep tension. Determination of the critical creep tension
The slopes a are reported in graph form using arithmetical co-ordinates where: x axis: the tension values T corresponding to each loading step y axis: the slope a. The critical creep tension Tc is obtained from the plot of the a values (figure 13). The first part of this plot is nearly linear and the second part is concave upward. The critical creep tension Tc corresponds to the last loading step before the curve bends. One can also define a value Tc', as the intersection of the two straight lines. Numerous tests have shown that: Tc '" 0.9 T/c
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991 Drawing of the force-displacement curve
The force-displacement curve will be plotted taking account of any creep displacement observed at each loading step. The limit pull-out force is generally reached when it becomes necessary to continually activate the jack to maintain the load constant.
Determination of the characteristic limit pull-out force
The unit skin friction value qs used in soil nailed wall design will be determined based on the limit pull-out force TL • The minimum number of tests to be carried out is six (see paragraph 2.2) and the most representative average value from the controlled displacement pull-out tests and controlled force pull-out tests will be retained as T L. The parameter qs value is given by the following formula:
qs = where p Ls
nail perimeter, length of the nail in contact with the soil.
A characteristic unit skin friction value qs can then be deduced from the qs values. The surface of the nail is calculated on the basis of the theoretical length in contact with the soil, Le., by subtracting a possible free length. When controlled force pull-out tests do not allow determination of the pull-out limit force Tu then this value can be estimated from the critical creep tension Te, using the ratio shown in table III of this chapter.
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
Internal Reports of French National Project CLOUTERRE CEBTP (1988). Essais de traction en vraie grandeur de differents types de dous dans du sable de Fontainebleau. Juin 1988.
Full size pull-out tests using different types of nails in Fontainebleau sand. CEBTP (1988). Rapport final interaction sol-dou. Juin 1988.
Final report on soil-nail interaction. CEBTP (1989). Banque de donnees des essais d'arrachement de clous et autres indusions rigides (comparaison avec DTU 13.2 et SETRA 1985, doc No.3 bis), Mars 1989. Data base of pull-out tests on nails and other rigid inclusions (comparison with DTU 13.2 and SETRA 1985, doc. No.3). CERMES (1989). Interaction sol-dou. Etude en laboratoire. Decembre 1989.
Soil-nail interaction. Laboratory study. CEBTP (1989). Determination du mode operatoire de l'essai de traction sur dou. Test sur deux types de dous suivant un essai a vitesse constante et un essai par palier de fluage. Decembre 1989.
Determining the operational procedure for pull-out tests on nails. Pull-out tests carried out on two types of nails using a controlled displacement and a controlled force test.
PUBLICATIONS BUREAU SECURITAS (1986). Recommandations concernant la conception, Ie calcul, l'execution et Ie contraIe des tirants d'ancrage (TA 86). Ed. Eyrolles.
Recommendations for designing, calculating, contracting, and controlling ground anchors. PLUMELLE, C. (1979). Etude experimentale du comportement des tirants d'ancrage. These de Docteur-Ingenieur, Universite P. et M. Curie, 1979.
Experimental study of ground anchors. GASNIER and PLUMELLE, C. (1984). Etude experimentale en vraie grandeur de tirants d'ancrage. c.R. Colloque international renforcement en place des sols et des roches. Presses ENPC, Paris.
Full-scale experimental studies of ground anchors.
Chapter 4: Investigation and Tests
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
CALCULATIONS OF NAIL DISPLACEMENTS 1. GENERALITIES Contrary to the notations used in mechanics, the conventions traditionally used in soil mechanics will be adopted when calculating displacements for such inclusions as piles, micropiles, anchors, nails, etc. The displacement y and the coordinate x will be taken positive from the head toward the tip of the nail. If a force To is applied at the nail head, the nail moves with respect to the soil and mobilizes the skin friction that balances the force To in accordance with the skin friction mobilization law shown in figure 1. If the nail was perfectly rigid, compared with the soil, the displacements at both the head and the tip would be identical. Conversely, if the nail was infinitely extensible, compared with the soil, the displacement at the tip would be zero. The real behavior is generally in between, depending, in particular, on the length of the nail, which is generally short in pull-out tests. 1:(kPo)
LI ikp = 25kFb/mm y (mm)
Figure 1. Skin friction mobilization law. (Frank and Zhao, 1982.)
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Accurate calculations of the displacements in the nail versus the applied force at the head of the nail depend on: Nail elasticity - Hooke's law. Skin friction mobilization law defined in figure 1. Length of the nail. The most general case must take into account the progressive skin friction mobilization along the nail as a function of the pull-out force applied at the nail head (figure 2).
• Yo:
displacement of head
Initial position
A Ye:
displacement of tip
Position of nail under a force To
Figure 2. Gradual mobilization of shear stress at both head and tip of the nail as To increases.
Yo < Yl
The displacements at the head and tip of the nail are located on the first linear part of the curve. The displacement at the head is located on the second linear part while the displacement at the tip is located on the first part.
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
Yo> Y2 0< Yl < Yl
The displacement at the head is on the residual part of the curve, the skin friction at the head is fully mobilized, the displacement at the tip is located on the first linear section.
Yl < Yo < Y2 Yl < Yl < Y2
The displacements at both head and tip are located on the second linear part of the curve.
Yo> Y2 Yl < Yz < Y2
The displacement at the head is on the residual part of the curve; the skin friction at the head is fully mobilized and the displacement at the base is located on the second linear part.
The displacement at the head is already on the residual part and the displacement at the tip has reached the residual part. The limit pull-out force is reached, but the nail fails through lack of friction.
Among all the phases of mobilization of the skin friction along the nail, two are of particular interest. The first is the stage at which the displacement at the head is still lower than Yl' This can be regarded as the "elastic" phase. The second is the limit pull-out force, which is reached when the nail tip reaches Y2'
First phase (Yo < Yt)
Assumption: Small displacements and small strains are considered. The reference state will be the initial state. The example is based on a nail driven so that the effects of the grout will not be considered.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
small strains
dy dx
= E e(x)
Hooke's elasticity law of the bar
T(x) = E e(x) ·5
5 E
5: Section of bar
d y
5 E
- 't P dx
p: Perimeter of bar in friction
- k~ Y
't 2
d y dx
E: Young's modulus of bar
5 E
k~ Y
Using the parameter a =
~ __~ 5 E
= M 1 ch(a x) + N 1 shea x)
= a E 5 [M1 shea x) + N1 ch(a x)]
The boundary conditions are:
as homogeneous to
t 1, we can express y(x) and T(x):
x=O x =1
The displacements and the forces can be computed at any point x in the function of the pullout force To and the soil and bar characteristics:
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
ch (a (L - x)) shea I)
To E 5 a
To sh
(a (L - x))
shea l)
displacement at the head (under the conventions adopted, Yo is negative). To E 5 a thea I)
displacement at the tip:
To E 5 a shea l)
The modelling shows that, in theory, there is some displacement at the tip when a force is applied to the head; this corresponds well with the results of tests performed on inclusion of different lengths (from 2 to 12 m). However, the displacement at the tip of a short nail starts to occur at the beginning of the pull-out test (figure lOa of this chapter), whereas in a long nail, the displacement of the tip can only be measured when the force is close to the limit pull-out force (figure lIb of this chapter). It should be noticed that if only the "elastic" phase 0 < Yo < Yl is to be used, there is an
anchor limit length beyond which the nail does not transmit any force to the soil.
If Yo = Yl is considered as the limit of the "elastic domain"
where, th(2)
= 0.964 # 1 then: a I I = 2 II = 2/a
I "2 I
E S P k~
II increases with the stiffness E 5 of the bar and decreases with the stiffness of the soil represents the length of transfer of the tension force from the nail to the soil.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
NOTE: The present simulation has been done for a test conducted up to failure, therefore there is no reason to limit the pull-out capacity of the nail to its "elastic" phase. There is equilibrium as long as the displacement at the tip of the nail does not reach the residual part of the skin friction mobilization curve.
Second phase: at failure
This phase is reached when displacement at the tip is equal to Y2:
At this stage the unit skin friction value becomes constant along the whole length of the nail and is equal to qs: 't
= qs
T=T a - P qs x and Ta dy dx
p qs 1
T 5 E
(according to the conventions adopted, y is negative) Taking y at its absolute value:
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
In the first equation, the expression Tal /2 E 5 represents the lengthening of the nail, for which the tip is clamped, and the unit skin friction is mobilized and constant along the nail. The value Yl' representing the displacement at its tip, must be added to obtain the exact displacement at the nail head. For the same type of nail and the same type of soil, at failure, the tip displacement is obviously the same whatever the nail length. On the other hand, the lengthening of the nail corresponding to the difference between the head and tip displacements is proportional to the square of the length. The theoretical results have been verified by full-scale tests conducted with 2 to 12 m long nails (Deguillaume 1981, Plumelle 1984). The results shown in figure 3 give the theoretical and experimental displacements at the head and tip of the nail at the critical creep tension Te •
Example of a full calculation
Accurate calculations at each phase of mobilization were made using a steel angle of cross section 70 mm x 70 mm x 7 mm. The mobilization of the skin friction was studied without taking into account the possible yielding of the steel above the elastic limit. The skin friction mobilization law is shown in figure 4. Results from theoretical calculations are given for two lengths - 2 m and 12 m - in figures 5 and 6. For each phase, the respective positions of the displacements that occurred at the head and the tip of the nail are shown on the force versus displacement curves.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Nail displacement (mm)
theoretical displacement of nail head
• 5
• e:theoretical displacement
Y {
of nail tip
Length of nail (m)
Experimental displacement at head of nail
o Experimental displacement
tip of nail
Figure 3. Comparisons between the experimental and theoretical displacements of both the head and the tip of 2- to 12-m long nails at the critical creep tension Te .
The rigid behavior of the short (2 m) steel angle will be evident in comparison to the more "elastic" behavior of the long steel angle (12 m).
Chapter 4: Investigations and Tests
To (kN)
280 Experimental Curve
240 7; (kPo)
160 k,t3=25kPo/mm
8 60
Y (mm)
Linear part of curve
Displacement at head of nail 5
Y (mm) o
Figure 4. Theoretical force versus displacement curve at the head of the nail.
In both cases the "elastic" phase is clearly limited to a 1.8 mm soil-nail relative displacement, relative to the value of Yl' For instance, a straight line has been plotted on each graph that corresponds to a simulated head displacement where the tip is deemed to be fixed and a unit skin friction fully mobilized and constant along the nail. Comparisons with the exact curves clearly show that it is wrong and dangerous to try to use this type of simulation.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Load at head
Steel angle nails : 70mm x 70mm x 7rrrn L=2m
100 at head yo and tip
of the nail are about equal
y ( mm
Figure 5. Comparison between two simulated force versus displacement curves for both the head and foot of a short nail. To (kN)
Load at head
Yo = z'Es-'
e ~ ,x '/
."..0 ............
'/ 1/
/0 o
cf )'' "
I 1
Steel angle nails: 70mm x 70mm x 7 mm
" 1
Displacement Ye at tip
of nail
I 1
Displacement yo at head of nail
Displacement y (mm)
1 I
Figure 6. Comparison between two simulated force versus displacement curves for both head and tip of a long nail.
1.1. General Aspects -
Principle governing the construction of the structures
The construction of a soil nailed structure appears as a succession of earthworks, between which operations for inserting reinforcement bars in the in situ soil and installing a reinforced concrete facing - generally shotcrete - takes place. With current technology, the inclusions are generally made of metal and installed by driving straight into the ground or inside a borehole. In the latter case, they are always sealed to the ground by means of cement grout or mortar. Earthworks operations are carried out in phases (generally horizontally) of sufficiently low height to ensure general and local stability of the soil mass in conditions acceptable for the structure itself and for its environment (figure 1). The need for permanently ensuring local stability, especially after each earthworks phase, means that the use of the technique is, in principle, only applicable to soils with sufficient cohesion - at least in the short-term - and without the presence of a water table (eventually after lowering the water table, if possible). Attention must be drawn to the fact that the soil nailing technique discussed here is passive nailing, even if, for various reasons (to ensure the stability of the facing before starting earthworks, for example), the inclusions can be pressed against the facing with some tension. The association of prestressed anchors with soil nailing is not excluded and is a commonly used technique, especially when environmental constraints impose a fairly strict limit on the displacements of the structure. However, the installation of this type of anchor, which is extensively described in the Recornrnandations TA 86 on ground anchors, will not be discussed below.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Part of structure completed
Adjoining excavation
/ Genera I excavation
Figure 1. Excavation and stability.
1.2. Earthworks As work progresses, it is imperative that the conditions of construction of the structures, as set up and taken into account in the justifications by the consulting engineer, be strictly observed. It is essential that good coordination exists during construction; this coordination must also apply to general earthwork operations, or at least part of them, since they can influence structural stability. It is therefore recommended that earthwork operations, including a certain part of the general earthworks, while not carried out by the company responsible for the construction of the nailed structure, must be under its direct control and guidance.
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
1.3. Choice of an installation method for the inclusions The techniques most generally used for installing the inclusions in the ground are driving and drilling. There are, however, some special methods that have not yet been widely developed, but in any case, the rate at which nailing techniques are being developed does not exclude possible improvements to existing techniques, even the introduction of new methods in this field. Generally, the selection of the method of installation is practically one of design data. Frequently, this selection is imposed by certain constraints linked to the nature and characteristics of the ground or to certain requirements relating to the structure itself (geometric characteristics, short-, medium- or long-term nature of the structure and length/characteristics of the inclusions). In other cases it is not uncommon for the design of the structure to be the result of the selection of the technique beforehand. •
Normally, when driving is used to install the inclusions, the latter are not secured by grout injection, the pull-out strength of the inclusions being obtained by adhesion of the inclusions to the ground. However, some special techniques do allow the sealing of an inclusion installed by driving to be carried out with cement, grout, or mortar. Driving is a technique that can be particularly effective when used in loose, noncohesive soil that contains neither hard obstacles nor too many large blocks. Theoretically, driving is best adapted to small- or medium-sized inclusions (not exceeding approximately 8 meters) mainly because of the space taken up by the equipment when the metal device is in one piece, as often is the case, and because of the power of the driving equipment with regard to the rigidity of the inclusions. In any case, it is recommended that the latter be correctly guided during driving. The main disadvantage of driving exists in its limited uses. Its advantages, when used judicially, are speed of installation, flexibility of use, and, especially, that the efficiency of the inclusion is immediate when pull-out strength is obtained directly from adhesion of the inclusion to the ground (no securing with grout is required), as is often the case. •
When the inclusions are installed in a borehole, they are always sealed to the ground, generally by means of a cement grout or mortar. The main advantages of drilling are the wide field of use of the technique, which covers practically any type of ground as long as the means used are well-adapted. The possibility of always obtaining the required length and, very often, of obtaining the pull-out resistance sought, using, if necessary, sealing injection under pressure.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Among the disadvantages of the technique are the necessity of very often having to adapt the drilling technique as a function of variation in the nature and characteristics of the ground, and the fact that this can make the technique somewhat cumbersome. The pull-out strength of the inclusions sealed with cement grout can be fully mobilized only when the grout has reached a certain strength. This can be awkward, particularly in fairly loose soils or for small sites (slowing down the rate of progress of the earthworks). Special sealing conditions can partially remedy this disadvantage. Because of construction requirements (drilling and injection of the sealing grout), inclusions installed in a borehole are inclined on the horizontal (toward the bottom). As a general rule, this inclination must not be smaller than approximately 100. If the inclination of the bars is smaller than this value, particular care must be taken when carrying out sealing operations.
1.4. Selection of the method to be used to lay the concrete of the facing As a general rule, facings of soil nailed structures are made of reinforced concrete: The concrete can be cast-in-place or it can be sprayed with a gun (shotcrete). In some cases, precast concrete or metal elements have been used, but they are very special applications that have not been really developed. Cast-in-place concrete can be suitable when no short-term stability problems exist (ground of sufficient cohesion or the previous placing of a shotcrete protective curtain, for example). This placing technique is adapted when a large amount of reinforcement is used or when the facing must look like shuttered concrete. Generally, this technique is carried out using excavations in slots. Shotcrete is well-adapted to the nailing technique; it is flexible and permits rapid "protection" of the facing built by earthworks. Initially, only dry spraying was recommended for direct application in situ (see AFTES Recommandations). Recent experience has shown that wet shotcrete can be equally effective. However, dry shotcrete is more flexible to use; it allows more immediate use when it is needed, for instance, when local collapse of the ground is likely to evolve rapidly.
1.5. Resources used -
One of the main conditions for the successful construction of soil nailed structures is the ability of the construction company to respond quickly to eventual adaptations of the design caused by risks linked to construction conditions of the structures in ground where the heterogeneity has not always been recognized. This means the use of qualified and experienced staff, who are capable of evaluating certain foreseeable risks and of reacting promptly and efficiently in case of need. It also means the use of well-adapted equipment capable of intervening rapidly (partial refilling, rapid spraying of concrete, pumping) or the possibility of eventually adapting working conditions
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
if the need arises, e.g., change in drilling technique or even method of inserting the inclusions. For fairly large structures, or in the case of highly heterogeneous ground, it is recommended that the possibility of changing the technique of installation of the inclusions be allowed during construction and, in particular, the ability to switch to drilling when driving had been planned. Such an arrangement must be foreseen from the moment construction work is planned (see paragraph 1.7. of this chapter) insofar as late improvisation would have serious consequences, at least on completion time.
1.6. Controls -
Monitoring deformations of the structures
The construction of soil nailed structures - be they short-, medium-, or long-term - is accompanied by controls that, in practice, concern nearly all construction stages: Controls are therefore needed before work begins to check that the specifications concerning materials and products have been respected. Control of the conformity of the methods and conditions of construction decided upon to obtain the required results, specially for grout, concrete, and pull-out strength of the inclusions. Controls during construction address the nature and characteristics of the ground encountered (earthworks, drilling or driving investigations), the quality of the grout and concrete applied, pull-out strength of the inclusions, and respect of tolerances. The behavior of soil nailed walls is also controlled in all cases during construction and service (particularly the monitoring of the displacements and deformations of the wall and, eventually, of the tension in some of the inclusions). The nature of these controls, their consistency and the frequency with which they must be carried out, are defined in chapters 4 and 7. However, it is necessary to recall that provisions relating to these controls must be defined before work begins and stated in the specifications or in quality assurance plans.
1.7. Program for the construction of the structures For the reasons already mentioned, and because of the special constraints imposed by the conditions of laying the materials used in the structures to structural stability during construction, the design and installation of the latter are closely linked. It is therefore important for conditions of construction to be set up in close cooperation with the consulting engineer at the same time as the construction drawings are prepared.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
For short-, medium-, and long-term structures, it is important to establish a program and method statement for the work before the installation begins. Precise data should be given on: The location and the conditions of installation of the inclusions for preliminary tests or conformity tests and technology of these inclusions. The selection of the method(s) of installing the inclusions as a function of the nature and characteristics of the ground concerned. General conditions of construction of the structure and, in particular, different phases of earthworks and the succession of operations carried out at each of these phases. Particular conditions of installation (reinforcement, concrete, phases planned, special zones) and methods envisioned as a function of the constructional provisions appearing on the plans showing the conduct of the work. Controls (resistance of inclusions, sealing grout, concrete), special recordings and measurements (monitoring of the movements of the wall), their frequencies, construction techniques, and names of the people (and eventually organizations) responsible for these different tasks (see paragraph 1.6. of this chapter). Names and qualifications of the managerial staff and construction staff allocated to these different tasks, and the means planned for the execution of the work.
2.1. Earthworks .It is imperative to strictly observe the conditions laid out for the conduct of the earthworks
(phasing, height of earthworks at each phase, length of sections, possible delay before the start of new earthworks phase), and the way in which they were planned and taken into account in the justifications provided by the consulting engineer. They should only be modified with the agreement of the consulting engineer who will ensure beforehand their relevance to the stability of the structure and define, if necessary, the provisions to be adopted to ensure that this stability fulfills the normal conditions of safety. Experience has shown that these provisions concern both earthworks contiguous to the structure and general earthworks, the influence of which on the stability of the mass often appears less obvious. 2.1.1. Height of earthworks
Earthworks contiguous to the structure are carried out in phases. The selection of the maximum height of earthworks at each phase is dependent on the justifications during the
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
phases of the work and on the evaluation of the local stability of the ground. It depends on many factors, especially on the nature and characteristics of the ground, on the more or less thorough knowledge of the latter, on the eventual presence of water (preliminary site investigations, similar work already completed on site or in the vicinity in the same type of formation, previous general earthworks) on environmental conditions, and on the inclination of the facing. At present there exists no general rule for evaluating the maximum height of earthworks. As an example is the soil nailed wall of the CEBTP experiment No.1 (French National Project CLOUTERRE 1986) where earthworks/1m high, in Fontainebleau sand, were stable with an apparent cohesion in the order of 4 kPa. Height must be adapted as a function of the risks of local collapse (figure 2). Thus, in terrain subject to collapse (loose granular soil without apparent cohesion), it could be necessary to use another technique. However, some particular provisions can limit these risks of local collapse (see below). It is recommended that the height of the initial phases of earthworks be reduced (in
particular of the first) if eventual difficulties have not been properly evaluated at the beginning of the work, as it is often difficult to react to them quickly. It is also recommended to lay at least one row of inclusions during each works phase.
Height of excavation
Loca Iized failurG
_ and its possible development over time
Figure 2. Height of earthworks and local stability.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.1.2. Special provisions
Certain special provisions can offer a solution to problems of stability of the mass or local stability:
Construction of the structure in small continuous or alternate slots (photograph of figure 3).
Such provision, more especially adapted to the solution of structural stability problems during construction, is generally decided upon before work begins, but it is constraining as it does not allow a rapid rate of progress and necessitates very good organization of the site. However, in good quality ground, it makes it possible to plan greater height of earthworks (figure 3).
Figure 3. Building a soil nailed wall by alternating excavation sections.
Installation of the inclusions before earthworks operations (a berm must be reserved)
The inclusions can be either inclusions already decided upon or additional inclusions, generally of shorter length. Such an arrangement enables the local behavior of the soil to be strengthened and reduces the time between earthworks and the placing of concrete. It can only prove really effective if the inclusions are placed sufficiently close to each other, and it appears better adapted and easier to install if the inclusions are driven directly into the soil (figure 4).
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
Spreading a thin protective concrete layer immediately after earthworks are completed
The goal is mainly to limit the risks of local collapse by reducing decompaction and weathering of the ground, which is at the origin of this collapse (figure 4).
Protective berm
Protective shotcrete 1f"";;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;::,. ski n -----
-Figure 4. Examples of construction provisions to limit local failures.
When the wall is comprised of angles, the latter are generally built during the same phase when they are "reentrant" and, for reasons of stability, in two phases when they are salient (figure 5). When the already-constructed part of a wall is comprised of prestressed ground anchors, as is often the case in the vicinity of existing structures, there is reason to examine whether special provisions must be made to prevent the action of these anchors - notably that of the vertical forces they induce - from having a harmful influence during the construction of the underlying parts of the structure. 2.1.3. Construction time It is imperative to respect the time specified between the end of construction of one part of
the structure and the succeeding earthworks phase. Indeed, the aim at this time is to enable the parts of the structure already built (facing, inclusions) to reach the strength taken into account in the justifications relating to the earthworks phase. This provision concerns more particularly the concrete of the facing (strength of facing and of the inclusion/ facing bond). When it applies to the sealing ground of the inclusions, (pull-out strength of the reinforcement in its grout), it is necessary to have determined beforehand by means of conformity tests and controls during construction - that both concrete and grout will be able to reach the strength required at this phase of construction.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
• •
• 1\
• • • • • •
• •
Re-entrant" angle
Figure 5. Construction of angles areas.
As a general rule, it is necessary to allow a minimum of 24 hours at least for a grout, mortar, or concrete to reach a certain strength. Even if the overall stability of the mass is assured, it is not recommended that a new phase of earthworks adjacent to the facing be started if the corresponding part of the structure cannot be completed in the same day (installation of the inclusions, reinforcement and concreting of the facing). The aim of such a provision is to prevent a local collapse. In the event of local collapse, if remedial measures are not taken rapidly, the development of far more serious disorders, such as collapse behind the overlying concrete layer, can occur.
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
2.1.4. Anomalies -
In case of an anomaly, notably if the nature or characteristics of the ground are significantly different from those envisioned as affecting structural design, or if conditions of construction have to be modified, the consulting engineer must be warned so that new provisions to be adopted are determined. In case of incidents (abnormal displacement of the wall or collapse), it is essential to take immediate measures to prevent disorders from getting worse.
2.2. Protection against percolation water As a general rule, earthworks must not be carried out below the level of a water table discovered during preliminary site investigation or during construction unless the water table has been efficiently lowered beforehand by pumping wells or deep drains.
Figure 6. Installation of weepholes.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
It is also advisable to protect the soil mass against runoff water that can migrate toward the
facing and infiltrate along the latter. This water can be collected and drained by gutters beyond the zones concerned. However, in spite of such provisions and even in the absence of a recognized watertable, the ground can be subject to water percolation (seepage water) sometimes inherent to building construction methods, such as wet drilling. In these cases, it is necessary to ensure the protection of the "slopes" against water percolation. Protection consists, generally, of positioning subhorizontal drains to collect and drain this water. To prevent eventual pressure from being applied to the still fresh concrete of the facing, it is also necessary to plan the installation of weepholes (figure 6). This arrangement can be completed with the laying of additional drainage systems at the ground/concrete interface. However, it is necessary to ensure that the presence of these systems does not harm the quality of the facing concrete, even if they are correctly fixed in the ground. In any case, it is recommended that these systems, if they are planned, should consist of discontinuous strips or elements.
2.3. Installation of inclusions They are generally positioned after the corresponding earthworks phase. However, the order in which these operations are being carried out can be modified (see paragraph 2.1.2. of this chapter). When this is the case, it is imperative that the final earthwork phase (trimming of the slope or face) be carried out manually in the vicinity of the inclusions to prevent any damage. Generally, the procedure of the different operations necessary for the installation of the inclusions is determined at the end of the reference tests (preliminary or conformity tests), which are carried out before the beginning of the work or at the very beginning of the work. During the course of construction, any change in these conditions that can affect the behavior of the inclusions (in particular, their pull-out resistance) will make it necessary to carry out additional tests to evaluate the influence of these modifications on the behavior of the inclusions and, if necessary, to determine the new provisions to be adopted. NOTE: Many types of inclusion exist that differ in character and/or installation method. The
most commonly used are inclusions directly driven into the soil, including a steel member and inclusions installed in a borehole and sealed in the ground by means of cement grout or mortar, incorporating a high-adhesion reinforcement as used in reinforced concrete or metal tubes. The following provisions concern only these two types. If inclusions differ in nature and characteristics from their constitutive materials (glassfiber, for example), their technology (protective sheaths, separators, injection tubes), or their mode of installation (method of inserting the inclusion in the soil, sealing method), it will be necessary to refer to the rules governing them or to define these rules before work starts in agreement with the consulting
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
engineer and control organizations. In the latter case, preliminary and conformity tests are essential. 2.3.1. Inclusions directly driven into the soil
Constitution of the inclusions
Generally, metal inclusions are made in one piece. If they are not, provisions for joining the separate elements are defined by the consulting engineer and are carried out according to accepted practice. These provisions must ensure the mechanical and geometric continuity (straightness among other things) of the inclusions and must not affect the adhesion to the soil. Inclusions driven directly into the soil, must be sufficiently rigid with regard to their length, the nature and state of compaction of the soil and the power of the driving tools used to avoid buckling. The risk of deviation must be limited to allow the inclusion a good penetration capacity.
Installation (figure 7)
The inclusions are guided while being driven, which ensures more efficient driving while limiting risks of deviation or buckling of the inclusions. It is recommended that the driving time for each inclusion be recorded, as a sudden drop in
time could indicate the presence of zones with weaker characteristics than anticipated. If such an anomaly occurs (which can show itself by insufficient adhesion between inclusion and soil) and is very localized, it is generally possible to apply a simple remedy, for example, driving an additional inclusion in the immediate vicinity of the one whose pull-out resistance is presumed to be insufficient. If the anomaly concerns a large zone, the pull-out strength of the inclusions must be checked and, if an insufficient value is obtained, new provisions should be adopted but must be determined jointly with the consulting engineer (the simplest provision being to increase the density of the inclusions, i.e., their number). The same step can be taken in case of premature driving resistance (impossibility of driving the inclusions or deviation of the latter on hard obstacles) due, for example, to the presence of hard natural or added obstacles or to the presence of soil with a very high state of compaction. However, if the anomaly occurs over a very large area, it might be necessary to adopt a different method for the installation of the inclusions. In any case, one must strongly advise against pulling out an already driven inclusion. It is recommended to completely fill with grout or mortar an inclusion consisting of a tube with an open or obturated base.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Figure 7. Placing a driven inclusion.
Blocking the inclusion against (or in) the facing
The provisions adopted to ensure that the inclusions, consisting generally of steel members, are attached to the facing (or in the facing), are closely linked to the type of section used. These provisions must be correctly designed, justified, and carried out in strict observance of accepted practice. Furthermore, they must not hinder the correct placing of the concrete facing (risk of shadow effect if shotcrete is used; see paragraph 2.5. of this chapter). 2.3.2. Inclusion secured in a borehole
Characteristic of the inclusions
Inclusions consist generally of high-adhesion bars for reinforced concrete (sometimes steel tubes) secured in the ground by cement grout or mortar. As a general rule, except for special provisions that must be justified, the fastening of the reinforcement to the facing is carried out with a nut screwed at the extremity of the nail and tightened against a metal support plate.
If necessary, the nail sections are joined end to end by means of coupling sleeves; the mechanical and geometric (straightness) continuity of the reinforcement must be ensured.
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
The inclusions placed in a borehole must be equipped with centralizers equally spaced (at least one every 3 meters) and preferably nonmetallic for permanent structures and in sufficient numbers to ensure a uniform sealing. In the case of small diameter reinforcements not equipped with centralizers, the quality of the installation of the nails will have to be justified by additional pull-out tests, the number to be determined by the engineer. The nail can also be equipped with a device allowing injection "at the source," Le., injection at the tip of the borehole, generally carried out by means of a small tube attached to the bar when the cement grout or mortar is injected after positioning the nail in its borehole.
The installation of a nail sealed in a borehole necessitates the following operations: Drilling of the hole. Positioning of the nail. Securing the nail in the borehole. As a general rule, nailing, as opposed to the installation of prestressed ground anchors, requires only subhorizontal boreholes of modest dimensions (length rarely exceeding 15 to 18 m and diameter normally between 60 and 120 mm) carried out where there is no water table (at least at the head of the borehole). The nail is generally simply secured in the ground using a gravity grout technique. However, in spite of the apparent simplicity of the installation of securing reinforcement in a borehole, this installation remains a delicate operation requiring qualified and experienced staff. The choice of the drilling methods and equipment to be used is mostly conditioned by the nature and characteristics of the ground in which drilling is carried out. It is also conditioned by the dimensions of the boreholes, by the rate of progress determined beforehand and by: Ensuring the satisfactory behavior of the hole until the bar is sealed. Limiting disturbances in the wall of the borehole. Creating no disruption in the ground in the vicinity of the structure or in the structure itself. The methods and equipment used must fulfill these requirements for all formations encountered. Drilling can be carried out by rotation, percussion, or rotopercussion. Rotary drilling can be executed with: •
A continuous drill auger (figure 8) in fine soil with low compaction containing no blocks and for short drilling lengths.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
A disintegration device (tricone, device fitted with blades, chisel-type tool) fixed at the end of a rod, when there is no risk of collapse of the wall of the borehole.
An open tube, when the risk of collapse or narrowing of the wall of the borehole makes it necessary to hold up the wall and in the absence of blocks.
Figure 8. Drilling using a continuous auger.
A tube or casing (figure 9) and a rod fitted with a tricone or chisel-type tool to destroy hard elements in the ground.
In most cases, drilling is carried out using a drilling fluid (air, water, mud, cement grout, or
foam) and the aim is to raise the sediments and, sometimes, ensure that the wall of the borehole is held up. The choice of drilling fluid is important insofar as the complementary requirements mentioned above depend greatly on this choice. As a general rule, however, and except in specific cases (rocky ground or collapse), wet drilling should be avoided. Percussion drilling alone is used, in principle, to drive casings with lost tips, in coarse ground of low compaction. In practice, it is hardly used but, it can prove extremely welladapted in the (rare) cases where the nature and characteristics of the ground allow it to be used. Rotary percussion enables rotation or percussion to be used separately or to be combined, if necessary. It is the method most often used and best adapted to heterogeneous or varied ground because it is so versatile.
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
Figure 9. Drilling using a casing.
Once the borehole has been completed, the nail is positioned in it and grout or mortar is injected or poured, depending on the provisions established initially. These provisions make it possible to ensure the satisfactory behavior of the wall of the borehole and the continuous coating of the nail. When the nail is introduced after the grout has been poured, it must be lowered sufficiently slowly to prevent soil collapsing from the wall of the borehole (especially by the piston effect). In all cases, the grout or sealing mortar is injected "at the source," that is to say at the tip of the borehole, either using the stand of the drill pipe (or casing) or using a small tube (fitted to the nail before it is inserted into the borehole). The grout sealing the nail is generally cement based stabilized with a small quantity of bentonite and having, as a rule, a cement/water ratio, C/E between 1.7 and 2.4. The mortar sealing the nail is generally a fluid mortar without sedimentation (containing fine, poorly graded sand) with a cement/water ratio, C/E, generally between 1.7 and 2.4. In some cases, special grout or mortar can be used to comply with some particular characteristics of the ground (grout with additives or quick setting grout in open ground, for example). However, attention is drawn to the fact that it may be preferable to treat ground of that type with injection beforehand.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The need for meeting requirements that are sometimes contradictory, such as having a grout sufficiently fluid to correctly coat the reinforcement and sufficiently stiff to prevent important losses (which could prove harmful as regards securing and coating of the reinforcement) can lead to the adoption of special provisions. Thus, in very open rocks (such as rock with large fractures, caving of slopes, or karst terrain), correct sealing of the nail can prove extremely difficult, even impossible, under normal conditions. One of the techniques sometimes used to remedy this situation is to position a very flexible sheath around the bar before inserting it in the borehole. Recall that, generally speaking, all the requirements for carrying out the different operations needed for installing the inclusions are defined before work starts (at the end of the preliminary tests or, eventually, when work starts). In case of modification in the procedure of the work, or if anomalies are observed during drilling (significant variations in some drilling parameters, important losses of drilling fluid) or during the placing of the grout, tests will have to be conducted to control the behavior of the inclusion. If that behavior is not acceptable, special provisions will have to be adopted in agreement with the consulting engineer.
Attaching the inclusion against the facing
The provisions adopted to ensure the attaching of the inclusion against the facing (or in the facing) must be correctly designed, justified, and carried out with strict observance of accepted practice; but they must not hinder the correct installation of the facing concrete. Generally, except for special provisions, the device for blocking the inclusions consists simply of a nut screwed at the extremity of the nails resting on a metal plate. This plate must bear perfectly on the concrete facing. When shotcrete is used, it cannot be placed under the support plate in the presence of the latter (shadow effect).
If partial tension of the inclusion is being considered (if only to ensure that the facing is in contact with the ground), it is essential that the sealing grout and the facing concrete have the required strengths (see paragraph 2.1.3. of this chapter) and that provision be made to allow the separation of the facing reinforcement and the ground for the desired length. The most common provision consists of placing a watertight sheath closed at its base around the reinforcement (figure 10).
2.4. Installation of facing reinforcing bars In all cases, it is recommended to reinforce the concrete facing, even if the facing is only subject to low stresses and if the nails are closely placed. The reinforcement consists of round reinforcing bars or wire mesh generally positioned in layers parallel to the average plane of the facing. The general provisions relating to the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures (regulation provisions and accepted practice) are applicable and completed or modified by the special provisions defined below.
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
--- ---
--- --------- -Risk of the separation of facing from the soil
Increase density of the nai Is (driven nails)
~ \\\~h
Protective sheath
Partial pretensioning
Free leng til of the ba r
Figure 10. Blocking the nails against the facing
When shotcrete is used, any provision liable to cause a shadow effect and thus promote the formation of voids behind the reinforcement during spreading is to be avoided. The distance between two parallel bars must be equal to or greater than 10 cm and, as far as possible, one must avoid the installation of the bars in bunches. If two layers of reinforcements are planned, it is advisable to install them one after the other, the outer layer being placed only after the inner layer has been completely covered with concrete. The plates supporting the inclusions, as well as any other obstacle, must be positioned only after shotcrete has been spread (see paragraph 2.3. of this chapter). The bars must be held by sufficient packing and wedging to help keep the concrete in position when the latter is being spread without being susceptible to displacements or deformations exceeding the allowed tolerances. To this effect, the reinforcement is held together with tie wires or cross welding in principle at all crossing points. The elements thus formed are fixed rigidly both to the adjoining parts of the facing already built, which allows for some reinforcement to be left exposed in those
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
parts, and to the wall of the excavation, which allows for a sufficient number of fixing systems. These fixing systems can consist of rigid sections of bar (round reinforcing bars or small metal sections) fixed beforehand on the wall of the excavation (by driving, for example). They can also consist of the metal bar of the inclusions, subject, however, to the fact that no tension, even partial, has been planned. In principle, such provision is therefore only possible when the inclusions are closely spaced metal inclusions. For long-term structures, the minimum cover of the reinforcement is 3 cm. The thickness is 2 cm when the outer wall of the facing is shuttered.
2.5. Placing the concrete of the facing The concrete of the facing can be cast-in-place behind a shutter (cast-in-place concrete) or shotcrete can be used. The selection of one of these techniques depends on many factors (see paragraph 1.4. of this chapter) and especially on the building conditions decided upon, on the thickness and reinforcement of the facing, and on the final appearance sought. In principle, this selection is made when plans for the execution of the work are set up as it can be closely linked with the building provisions planned. Shotcrete is the most commonly used solution for the installation of facings, mainly because of the flexibility of this technique. Concrete must be placed as quickly as possible after the ground has been laid bare. If these two operations cannot be completed in a single day, they should be postponed. Where no other solution is possible, and when the ground and environmental conditions allow, the placing of the concrete can be deferred as long as protection of the exposed face is ensured, for example, with a thin shotcrete layer. As a general rule, this protective layer is not taken into account in the strength of the facing.
In all cases, the general rules of concreting relating to the technique adopted will have to be respected, in particular as they regard cold weather concreting, curing of concrete, and resumption of concreting. Regarding resumption, note that it will be generally very difficult, and very often impossible, to ensure real resumption of concreting (mechanical continuity of the facing) at the level of the longitudinal and transverse joints between the different phases or sections because the surfaces become dirty and it is impossible to treat them correctly, Le., to clean and make them rough (photograph in figure 11). 2.5.1. Cast-in-place concrete
Because of the impossibility of subjecting concrete to vibration, it is recommended to give the latter sufficient workability to allow correct placing and satisfactory coating of the reinforcement. Furthermore, it is recommended that concreting openings (areas where the concrete is inserted by the shutter) be provided in sufficient number to allow a slight load of the concrete being placed against the hardened concrete of the upper part of the facing already built.
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
Figure 11. Resumption of concreting in successive phases.
2.5.2. Shotcrete
General specifications for shotcrete are defined in the documents referenced in paragraph 1.1. of this chapter. Some essential rules are quoted below giving, where needed, some specific guidelines for the use of shotcrete in the construction of facings for soil nailed structures.
Qualification of the staff
One condition essential to the satisfactory conduct of the work is the use of qualified and experienced staff.
Conformity tests
As a general rule, controls must be carried out before work begins to ensure that the qualities required will be obtained under the building conditions set up (concrete mix design, shotcrete technique, equipment, spreading method). This is the object of the conformity tests (see paragraph, chapter 7). For long-term structures, particularly when conditions of work are difficult (great thickness, large amount of reinforcement), it is recommended to set up real test sections.
Installation of concrete
As a general rule, the spray lance is held perpendicular to the surface to be treated. However, slight inclinations can facilitate better coating of the reinforcement, particularly when the steel reinforcement is quite sizeable.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
In principle, the thickness required is obtained in several layers, the spraying of a new layer
taking place before the end of the setting of the previous layer. No preparation for resumption is then needed as long as the previous layer has not become dirty. When spraying takes place after the setting of the previous layer, it is only necessary to sprinkle the latter with water if its strength is not taken into account in the strength of the facing (a protective membrane, for example), but, if this is not the case, it must be treated to ensure good resumption of the concreting. At each layer, the progression of concrete takes place from bottom to top to limit the risks of the concrete being subject to slump. Concrete that has been dropped must not be reused.
2.6. Stability of the facing It is necessary to make provisions to avoid any risk of vertical displacement of the overlying
facing already built when starting on the following earthworks phase (figure 10). The seriousness of this risk depends mainly on some design factors (inclination of the facing, its thickness, type and number of inclusions) and construction factors (length of section, reinforcement, and overlapping of the reinforcement with that of the neighboring sections), on the characteristics of the ground in contact with the facing, and on the strength of the concrete of the facing when underlying earthworks start. With current technology, this risk is far less acute with inclusions directly driven into the ground, generally densely placed, with thinner facing than with drilled inclusions, which are much more widely spaced and require a thicker facing. Certain constructional provisions can limit this risk. In particular one could: Improve the adhesion of the facing to the ground, for example, by adding some short metal elements driven beforehand in the ground. Improve the "hooking up" of the facing element to adjoining elements by providing in the latter some reinforcement left exposed. Build the structure in "primary-secondary" slots. Build an additional horizontal one meter wide facing at the top of the wall. Partial pretensioning of the nails. The last of these provisions, well-adapted to drilled inclusions, demands that both concrete and grout have sufficient strength to stand the stresses applied and that the nails have a certain free length at their heads (see paragraph 2.3.2.).
Chapter 5: Wall Structures Construction
REFERENCES TA Recommandations 86. Ground Anchors Specifications 86. Recommandations AFTES, publiees dans Ie numero special d'avril1981 de la revue de l'AFTES Tunnels et ouvrages souterrains. Recommendations of Earthquake Engineering concerning tunnels and underground structures. Recommandations STRRES et AFB (September 1985). STRRES and AFB specifications. Fascicule 65 du CCTC (execution des ouvrages de genie civil en beton pre-constraint). Construction of Civil Engineering structure using reinforced or prestressed concrete.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The aim of this chapter is to explain the design and design rules that must be applied to soil nailed structures insofar as they affect the aging process of the materials used, Le., reinforcement (bar and grout) and facing. These recommendations only apply, of course, to structures whose service life and the environment in which they are situated are such that the phenomena of aging will have time to develop fully. Distinctions should also be made among: Short-term structures, whose service life is less than or equal to 18 months. Medium-term structures, whose service life is between 18 months and 30 years. Long-term structures, whose service life is between 30 and 100 years. These recommendations only apply to medium- or long-term structures since obviously the aging phenomena over an 18-month period will, in reality, be negligible, and short-term structures only need protection in particularly aggressive sites (see paragraph 4). However, where structures have been built using nails with prestressing steel strands for the nail reinforcement, the standards for ground anchors (in France, Recommandations TA 86) should be used for corrosion protection. Because the majority of soil nailed walls have been built using nonalloyed steel nails and a concrete facing, these recommendations apply principally to these two types of materials. It should also be noted that an experimental wall using fiberglass nails was built as part of
the Project CLOUTERRE, but the studies concentrated mainly on questions of soil nail friction and not on the structure's durability (French National Project CLOUTERRE, Scetauroute-SAPRR March 1988). Generally speaking, the aging process in the materials used can be taken into account in one of the following three ways:
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
• Protection by providing additional thickness (passive) Here the phenomenon of aging is left to take its natural course. Sizing of the structure's nails is based on the estimated residual nail cross section at the end of the structure's service life.
Protection by coating the nail
Here attempts are made to slow the aging process by protecting the nail against attack from aggressive substances by coating them (galvanization, paint, etc.). This has the effect of delaying the aging process, although it is not able to fully overcome it. The nail's residual resistance will again be taken into account (this can be higher than the level provided by the previous case, although lower than for noncorroded materials).
Protection by sleeve (active)
The attempt here is to eliminate totally the aging process by surrounding the reinforcing material with other materials that play practically no mechanical role, but perform the role of barrier. The long-term resistance is the same as that of the original material, without reduction. NOTE: Cathodic protection has been excluded on technical grounds and because its installation is not compatible with soil nailing techniques.
With permanent structures, the purpose for which the structure is planned and the consequences of failure will influence the designer's choice of safety factor (will it be subjected to surcharges or harsh environmental conditions, such as water laden with de-icing salts, etc.). In practice, an index C is defined, and this is used to classify the structure. This classification will be the basis for designing protective measures (see paragraph 4.2.1. of this chapter). There are two main types of structure:
• Critical structures: Soil nailed walls that show at least one of the following features: Very high
10 m).
Structure supporting heavy surcharges: graffic, railways, concentrated loads (pylons, etc.). Aggressive environments: polluted aquifer, structures under roadways treated with de-icing salts. Structures where excessive deformations or failure might lead to wide-scale damage: sensitive buildings and service networks nearby (located at a horizontal distance less than
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
three times the height of the soil nailed structure; this distance includes a margin of safety), excavations running alongside heavily used traffic routes (freeways, major roads and railways). One chooses C ~ 2 for critical structures (2 is the minimum recommended value; the owner or client can use a higher value, but this will need to be shown in the construction specifications).
Standard structures: These are soil nailed walls that do not have any of the previously mentioned characteristics.
One chooses C
= 0 for standard structures.
3.1. Objective and area of application This section seeks to describe a method for assessing the likelihood of corrosion in soil nailed structures using nonalloyed steel bars that come into direct contact with the soil or that are likely to do so if the cement grouting should crack. The likelihood of these elements corroding not only depends on the properties of the metal materials used and the corrosive factors of the soil in question but also on the heterogeneity of the ground through which one single nail passes, plus external electrical influences. Given the wide range of factors influencing the corrosion phenomena, this document tries to present an appreciation of the probability of corrosion occurring, although where doubt exists, the matter should be referred to a specialist. This chapter also applies to structures built on soil sites, whether or not there is pure or brackish water present.
3.2. General principles Steel reinforcements in nails can, should they come into contact with soil and water, suffer two different types of corrosion. Uniform corrosion results in an average reduction in the thickness of the nails. Localized corrosion at specific points: this takes the form of pitting, sometimes deep, sometimes not, which can be altogether more severe than uniform corrosion.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
3.3. Evaluating the corrosiveness of the soil 3.3.1. Overall corrosiveness index
The table given below specifies the weighing ascribed to each of the four main assessment parameters used to evaluate the corrosiveness of soils. It was compiled on the findings from an analysis of buried metal culverts (reference CEFRACOR).
TABLE I. Overall corrosiveness index.
Criterion Type of Soil
Features • Texture heavy, plastic, sticky impermeable clayey-sand light, permeable, sandy, cohesionless soils
• Peat and bog/marshlands • Industrial waste - clinker, cinders, coal - builders' waste (plaster, bricks) • Polluted liquids - waste water, industrial - water containing de-icing salts
Weight A of Criterion
2 1 0 8 8 4
6 8 Resistivity
p < 1000 Q cm 1 000 < P < 2 000 2000
Moisture Content
Water table - brackish water (variable or permanent) Water table - pure water (variable or permanent) Above water table moist soil (water content> 20%) Above water table - dry soil (water content < 20%)
<4 4il5 5il6 >6 Global index
5 3 2 0 8
4 2 0 4 3 2 0 Sum of above: LA
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
The value of the weight of criterion "A" chosen in "Types of Soil," for example, would be the maximum value applicable to that soil from the subgroups "Texture," "Peat," "Industrial Waste," or "Polluted Liquids." The maximum weight for each of the four criteria is less or equal to eight. The corrosiveness of the soil is shown as a global index LA, which is obtained from adding together the weighing values set for each of the four evaluation criteria. 3.3.2. Electrolytic effect of electric currents: "stray" currents
Some electric currents, direct or alternating with very low frequencies (16.67 Hz = 50/3), circulate in the soil. These may come from industrial installations, neighboring cathodic protection installations, etc., and can result in corrosion caused by electrolytic action. This risk must be evaluated in a special study.
Determining which characteristics will be used when assessing the corrosiveness of soils
3.4.1. Type of soil
This is first looked at from the point of view of the local geology. Examination will be limited to distinguishing between fine soils, typified by a high percentage of clay present (plastic, heavy, sticky or impermeable soils), and primarily granular soils that have few colloids and have weak cohesion, and are permeable and friable. As a first breakdown, "heavy" textured soils are fine grained soils classified by the LPC as having more than 50 percent by weight of the particles smaller than 80 rtm). "Light" textured or granular soils are those with less than 50 percent by weight of the particles smaller than 80 rtm.
If no identification tests have been carried out, one simple method for assessing the texture of a soil and its level of compaction is to manually form a sample of slightly damp soil into a small ball: Heavy textured soil will form a cohesive ball.
3.4.2. Resistivity
Resistivity measurements use the classical methods for measuring the global resistivity of the soil through a depth more or less equivalent to the distance between the electrodes (see appendix of this chapter). The inspection depth should correspond to the height of the soil nailed wall. Other measuring methods can also be used (for example, penetration using a probe, the magneto-acid method, etc.).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
3.5. Phreatic water table The presence of a permanent or variable phreatic water table affects the corrosion process because of its effect on the permeability to air, resistivity, etc. Geotechnical investigations (see chapter 4) will generally identify their presence. In addition, during the soil sampling operation, it will usually be possible to observe water infiltration into the boring after 10 or more minutes.
If there is no water table, the water content in the soil will be measured from the sample taken. The water content in a soil sample is found using the standard methods: Either in a laboratory using the oven dried moisture content test. Or, on site using alcohol drying.
3.6. pH The pH level in most natural soils is between 5 and 9. Natural soils, where the pH is lower than 6, will only be found in peats or siliceous soils from primary geological formation stages. Highly acid or highly alkaline pHs values are usually an indication of pollution originating from industrial processes (cinders, slag, clinker, industrial tipping, and miscellaneous waste, etc.). The pH measurement will be found in accordance with the test procedure shown in the appendix.
3.7. Interpreting the results On the basis of the overall corrosiveness index LA obtained from table I, soils can be classified as follows: TABLE II.
Index LA
Highly corrosive
9 to 12
5 to 8
Average corrosiveness
Slightly corrosive
> 13
Soil Features
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
4.1. Generalities The phenomena of corrosion, and thus the protective devices required to counter these, differ depending on the type of steel used ("standards," those with a high elastic limit, alloys, or steels that can be made passive). Nails are either installed by driving or by laying them inside a borehole and then anchoring them into the earth using a cement grout. This cement grout will be subjected to tensile stresses, so it is likely that some fine and regular cracking will occur. Since it is impossible to assess with any degree of accuracy the width of this cracking, and even though it might only be slight (in the order of tenths of millimeters), it cannot be proved absolutely that the cement grout will form a watertight barrier between the reinforcing bar and the soil. If cracking does occur, the reinforcing nail can come into contact with the electrolyte carried by the moisture in the soil. Concentration of the electrolyte should not, however, be feared, and by the same token, the cracking in the cement grout would not be able to generate any more severe corrosion phenomena than those resulting from the reinforcement coming into direct contact with the soil. The cracking of the cement grout does not, therefore, necessarily constitute an aggravating factor in terms of its triggering or encouraging corrosion phenomena. In conclusion, whatever the technological method used, the hypothesis will be formulated that any reinforcement that is not protected by some sort of covering will be in direct contact with the soil.
4.2. Standard steels (elastic limit
O"e :::;
Generally speaking, any metal part manufactured from standard steel that comes into contact with the soil corrodes in a more or less homogeneous manner. This manifests itself through a gradual and relatively uniform reduction in thickness of any exposed steel surface. The dissolved steel is replaced by the compact and more expansive ferric hydroxide. The tradition of using standard steel for elements to be installed in soil of any kind is widespread and dates back many years (piles, culverts and cables, sheet-piling, etc.). Laboratory studies, together with observations made on actual structures, have given us a good understanding of the corrosion phenomena that can affect these steels. It is therefore possible nowadays to make relatively reliable predictions for the behavior of
such steels when they are buried in soil, if we know the degree of aggressivity of the surrounding environment, the length of time they will be exposed, and what type of protection is being planned. Generally speaking, such predictions must deal with a loss of thickness equivalent to the thickness neutralized through corrosion. In fact, because these losses in thickness are nonuniform, the ratio "relative loss of resistance/relative loss of
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
thickness" is higher than 1. In practice, this coefficient is directly integrated into the loss of thickness values given below (which also include the average "geometric" loss of thickness and the effect of it being nonuniform). Protective systems can be classified into four categories: Thickness sacrificed to corrosion. Protection from plastic or steel sheathing. Galvanization. Nonmetallic protective coating. The first two methods are currently in use, but there has been little practical experience with the other two in soil nailing. 4.2.1. Thickness sacrificed to corrosion
This is the most simple and most widely used system of protection. The products of corrosion that appear over time form a protective coating between the steel and its immediate surroundings. This coating does not form a barrier around the steel in the mechanical sense; instead, by modifying the environment immediately surrounding the reinforcing bar, it changes the kinetics of the chemical reactions, which in turn manifests itself through a slowing down in the rate of corrosion. To determine the thickness of steel to be sacrificed to corrosion, the following steps will need to be followed: 1) Find the index C, which typifies the class of structure (see paragraph 2.). 2) Find the global corrosiveness index LA of the soil (see paragraph 3.). 3) In the light of the overall index I = LA + C, use the table below to find the additional thickness needed when sizing nonprotected steel in accordance with the required service life (total reduction of diameter or thickness, including both sides). TABLE III.
Overall Index I I Classification
Short-term ::::; 18 months
Medium-term 1.5 to ::::; 30 years
Long-term 30 to ::::; 100 years
::::; 4/IV
5 to 8/III
9 to 12/II
plastic sheath*
Protective plastic sheath must be provided*
•A metal casing is not recommended unless there are special reasons for using it.
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
4.2.2. Protection using plastic sheath
This system involves the installation of a casing made of some corrugated plastic material (polypropylene, polyethylene or similar, or, more rarely, steel). The annular space between the casing and the reinforcing bar is filled with cement grout or some other kind of sealant, which is nonaggressive to either the steel or the casing. This system is not recommended for driven nails because of the risks of damage when they are installed. This system, then, is used to prevent any contact between the soil and the reinforcement. The steel from which the reinforcement is made will not, therefore, be able to deteriorate. In order for this system to be fully efficient, it is important for the casing to be absolutely watertight and totally sealed at the base and up to the facing. Moreover, the casings should be capable of resisting the stresses to which they will be subjected. Corrugated plastic casings are generally used to make sure that the tensile stress to which the bar (steel) is subjected can be transferred. For further information see Recommandations sur les tirants d'ancrage - TA 86, (French recommendations on Ground Anchors). With this plastic sheath, which is strongly recommended for "corrosive" soils (class II), and vital for "highly corrosive" soils (class I), no thickness to be sacrificed to corrosion will be taken into account. NOTE: If metallic casings are used they must be at least equivalent to half the additional
thickness shown in table III. This is to ensure they will fulfill their protective role during the whole of the structure's life.
This type of protection is currently in low demand in soil nailed structures. The principle is as follows: In the case of galvanized steel, the corrosion by-products of zinc (zinc hydroxides in particular) initially form a protective screen. The zinc coating initially delays the appearance of any corrosion in the steel and, subsequently, slows its development once the zinc has been transformed to dry oxide. Zinc is more highly electronegative than steel. If steel is unprotected in places (as a result of accidental damage during handling or because of deterioration caused by corrosion), it forms an electrochemical battery and any adjacent zinc is "sacrificed" in order to protect the iron. As a result of the phenomenon of spontaneous cathodic protection, the zinc also assures some uniformity of corrosion. The thickness of the zinc must be sufficient (80 11m minimum) to guarantee efficient protection, but not too thick because it must adhere to the steel properly. Whatever the circumstances, the zinc coating must conform to French Standard NFA 91121 - Hot Galvanizing (Galvanization a chaud).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
However, zinc protection, albeit readily valid in principle, has not yet had the benefit of being widely used in the area of soil nailing. Also, it requires that the same type of steel be used throughout the structure, particularly when it comes to anchorage heads and connecting sleeves (thread). There is also serious risk of damage during installation, particularly for driven nails. As a result, given our present level of understanding and technology, the same additional thicknesses used for bare steel will be used here (see paragraph 4.2.1.). 4.2.4. Protection with nonmetallic coating
This involves a coating of paint, such as thick bituminous paints, traditional tar, or tar improved with resins, epoxy-resins, etc. These coatings form a screen that will give some protection to the steel but only for a limited period, generally about 10 years or so. Unlike galvanization, the by-products of the coatings, when breaking down, form no protective barrier likely to alter its electrolytic nature upon coming into contact with the reinforcing steel. Furthermore, this type of coating poses problems of adhesion and the threat of damage when the nails are installed. For all these reasons, current thinking is that where long-term structures are concerned, the efficiency of a painted coating will be nil (in practice, therefore, the same additional thickness values will be used as for bare steel - see paragraph 4.2.1. of this chapter).
4.3. High strength steels with a high elastic limit (a e > 500 MPa) This type of steel is characterized by its strong susceptibility to stress corrosion when put into tension. This mainly applies to steels whose elastic limit is higher than 900 MPa, and even at low working stress levels. In order to ensure the steel is kept free from this sort of problem in long-term structures, the only effective solution is to prevent any contact between the steel and the electrolyte. Therefore, protective casings are systematically used - see Recommandations TA 86 for the precautions to be taken.
4.4. Alloyed materials and passive steels Here we are concerned with metals such as stainless steel or aluminum alloys. When they come into contact with their environment, these materials become coated with a protective layer of oxides that prevent any attack on the base metal. However, when this protective layer is locally destroyed (either mechanically or chemically), an electrochemical battery is formed where the layer of oxide plays the role of the cathode and the base metal that of the anode (reverse phenomenon to that produced in the case of galvanized steel).
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
This battery then becomes the subject of intense current corrosion that, beginning at a one single pin size perforation, results in the rapid destruction of the base metal. If certain chemicals are present in the soil, particularly chlorides, the probability of this sort of damage occurring is heightened. The phenomenon of corrosion in these materials is difficult to forecast, therefore, it is impossible to keep it in check. These materials should not, therefore, be used unless they are 100 percent insulated from the electrolyte. In fact, lack of experience in the use of this type of material in soil nailed sites means that, for the moment, they have to be rejected altogether.
5. REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION USING "SYNTHETIC MATERIALS" Based on our current level of knowledge, several types of material are now being proposed as reinforcements for soil nailing: Fiberglass. Carbon fiber. Plastic materials. Kevlar (aramid). Generally speaking, lack of experience in the use of these materials means that greater care must be exercised. Given our current level of knowledge, we suggest they should be reserved for experiments and standard structures (as defined in paragraph 2 of this chapter). Under certain conditions, however, there can be situations where protection of the nails will be provided by plastic materials. The stipulations of the British Standard BSI DD 81-1982 allow for the use of plastic materials (polypropylene and polyethylene) for the protection of long-term ground anchors, provided the protective measures are carried out in the factory, and the use of UV-sensitive plastic, provided it includes carbon black.
In long-term structures, the facing forms an integral part of the soil nailing process and its durability must be taken into account just as for the nail itself.
6.1. Concrete facing
• Shotcrete: see the recommendations on the application of shotcrete to underground structures, published in the AFTES Review (July 1982), as well as the technical regulations contained in BAEL 83.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
In particular: The cements used must comply with AFNOR Standards NFP 15-300 to 305 - 311 - 350. It should be noted that pure Portland cements (CPA) are not appropriate for aggressive soils. Potential additives (particularly accelerated setting agents) must be compatible with the cement used, be free of chlorides and must not corrode the reinforcing bars. The position of the reinforcements (usually welded mesh) in the layer of shotcrete, as well as the subsequent cover of the reinforcements, must correspond to the recommendations and regulations referred to above. The minimum cover is 30 mm.
• Cast-in-place concrete - please see the standard regulations regarding reinforced concrete for the concrete itself as well as any reinforcings. In particular, the cement used should correspond to the same criteria as for shotcrete. A minimum cover of 20 mm will be provided. Attention is also drawn, however, to the problem of cold joints in the concrete which are always difficult to achieve correctly (see chapter 5) and where fissuring often occurs. This can encourage corrosion of the concrete reinforcements. The problem can be dealt with if special care is taken when these joints are matched (injection of finishing agent, etc.).
• Prefabricated concrete panels: the same regulations as above apply with the addition of the following: Minimum thickness must be respected (50 mm). Sufficient curing before installation to avoid the risk of splitting and/ or fissuring. Thermal expansion must be taken into account.
6.2. Facing with steel panels These panels can be made from standard steel, but provision must be made for the anticipated loss of thickness due to corrosion in keeping with the service life expected of the structure and the problems of thermal expansion (when joints are installed).
6.3. Facing with other materials With regard to durability, plastic materials pose problems with certain soils and cement-based materials with which the panels come into contact. The additional problem of aging brought about through atmospheric conditions must be considered with certain plastic materials used as protective facing or lagging. Compared to the nails, laggings are subject to less aggressive conditions, especially mechanical stresses. Therefore, it could be possible to select materials having more common
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
properties (plastic materials, wood, stone, etc.). However, the strength and durability of these materials must be justified with regard to the service life of the structure.
7.1. Generalities The nail head is generally connected to the facing with a bearing plate. This area of the head, particularly the part located at the ground interface, is the area most exposed to corrosion. • In addition to the various stresses that have developed as the work progresses, numerous other stresses of varying intensity might also exist, particularly: Stresses caused by variations in temperature and that, depending on the circumstances, can occur in cycles that last from several hours to several months. Stresses due to variations in the hydrometric conditions in the ground, assisted by thermic variations, and that cause "breathing" in the soil. Stresses on the facing caused by temporary hydrostatic pressure following heavy rainfall. Stresses due to the water in the soil expanding in icy conditions. • These stresses can cause the concrete around the nail to crack unless it is adequately reinforced and may break the bond of the anchoring grout in the vicinity of the head. If this cracking becomes worse, the steel will be subjected to direct attacks of corrosion because it is being alternately exposed to air and water. This water might even be loaded with some sort of de-icing salts, fertilizers, industrial waste, etc.
• However, beyond a certain distance from the face, the impact of these forces is reduced, and standard protective measures of cement grout and/or additional thickness of steel will allow normal functioning to continue. This distance varies depending on the type of ground; it can be estimated as 0.30 m to 0.50 m beyond the point where facing and ground interface. On the other side of this interface, the head of the nail is usually embedded in either shotcrete or cast-in-place concrete. It is therefore safe from corrosion as long as the thickness of the covering conforms with the recommended standards. However, in the case where the head is not embedded (i.e., when using prefabricated facing) it must be protected using a cap filled with cement grout (C/E = 2.4 to 2.6) or a mortar containing 500 kg/m3 of cement, or one of the products given in the P2 protection chart contained in the Recommandations TA 86 (figure 1).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
7.2. Types of protection • Protection involves reinforcing the area around the nail heads to prevent cracking that will otherwise occur from loading conditions previously mentioned. It also involves preventing the cracks from being in contact with the outside atmosphere. The use of a plastic or metal "trumpet" around the nail's structural element allows for this protection. The precautions to be taken for the installation of both the "trumpet" and the support plate are described in the diagram given in figure 1. •
For nail heads embedded in concrete, the following important points must be followed: The head must be structurally designed and arranged in the facing so that it transfers stresses to the concrete but does not cause it to crack either on the soil interface or the exterior face. The "trumpet" (0.30 m minimum in length) must fit solidly with the head. The whole layout - head, "trumpet" and reinforcing of the facing - should be such that the concreting can be properly carried out (shotcrete or cast-in-place concrete). Provisions must be made for filler and vent tubes for filling between the "trumpet" and the nail, as well as between the "trumpet" and the ground; particular attention should be paid to the area just beyond the "trumpet," which must be fully filled.
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
2 3 4 5 6 7
Concrete failure must be calculated according to the BAEL 83 code. The connecting zone between the nail head and the trumpet must be perfectly sealed. A structural connection between the trumpet and the nail head is a good method. This area becomes a dangerous zone if it is poorly sealed. It is necessary to make sure the seal is formed by filling with grout. This zone must be filled because it is the assurance that the area C has been filled.
Bearing plate set so that the dimensions hand e allow for the proper distribution of the loads without spalling. Nail: Generally a ribbed bar or other steel section with high adherence to grout. Structural concrete facing : shotcrete or eastin-place. Steel or plastic trumpet. Grout or mortar filling the trumpet. Grout or mortar filling the boring. Reinforcing steel (mesh). Figure 1. Important details in the "head-nail-facing" layout.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Venting --=tube
Injection tube ep 16 x 12, split 20cm at its base
a. Protection provided by additional thickness.
Venting tube IMPERMEABLE
in corrugated
%/ 'W//.'
; Device for connecting head with corrugated I ~sheath, welded at the head and filled with mortar after installation
b. Protection using a plastic sheath.
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
:~!"Sealant (polyurethane foam)mortar
Paper plug
ep 75/80
PVC tube
Structural plate ----,---r (load distribution)
Cement grout ~~
",'-.•. j
Stuck in place using epoxy resine
//--_ 1-/ ·~~~~i 1/-
Protective paint
/'. 0
Anchoring grout Injector tube (10/14)
/ /';(L
Prefabricated plate
c. Prefabricated panels. Figure 2. Examples of nail head corrosion protection.
If there are any drainage features near the nail heads, the "trumpet" will be sealed into the ground using a non penetrating product or an insulating system of the injectable separator type. The figures shown in 2a, 2b, and 2c, are examples of the various types of protection the nail heads can be given (embedded or not, shotcrete or cast-in-place, prefabricated panels, etc.). •
Where nail heads are not embedded, the Recommandations TA 86 (P2: Protection) will be followed with the possibility of filling using cement grout.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
The recommendations given in this chapter, have been developed with the clear understanding that more long-term monitoring is needed. The recommendations apply to any structure whose service life is anticipated in terms of several tens of years, and sometimes deal with phenomena whose progress is not always fully understood. This monitoring entails a periodic inspection of the reinforcing bar samples for corrosion control at regular intervals. This will be done by sample reinforcing elements, installed during construction, being extracted at regular intervals to ensure that any subsequent corrosion does not call into doubt the hypotheses on which its structural design was based. The practical considerations involved (installation procedures, number, timetable, and tests to be carried out), concerning these bar samples are described in paragraph of chapter 7.
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
BIBLIOGRAPHY AFNOR (1990): Corrosion pour les sols. Evaluation de la corrosivite: Canalisations enterrees en materiaux ferreux non et peu allies. Norme A05250. Corrosion for soils. Evaluation of corrosivity: buried metal pipes - steel and some alloys. Evaluation de la corrosivite: Ouvrages en acier enterres (palplanches et pieux). Norme A05251. Evaluation of corrosivity: buried steel structures (sheet piles and other pipes). Acier galvanise ou non mis au contact de materiaux naturels de remblais (sols). Norme A05252. Bare or galvanized steel in contact with natural fill materials (soils). BUREAU SECURITAS (1986). Recommandations concernant la conception, Ie calcul, l'execution et Ie contrale des tirants d'ancrage (TA 86), Ed. Eyrolles, 1986. Recommendations for design, construction, and control of ground anchors. DARBIN, M., JAILLOUX, J.M., and MONTUELLE, J. (1979). Experiences et recherches concernant la durabilite des armatures de Terre Armee. Bulletin de Liaison des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees No.99, Janvier/Fevrier 1979. Experiences and research on the durability of Reinforced Earth reinforcements. LCPC - SETRA (1979). Ouvrages en Terre Armee - Recommandations et Regles de l'art, Septembre. Reinforced earth structures, recommendations and state of the art. NEVEUX, M. (1968). La corrosion des conduites d'eau et de gaz, Ed. Eyrolles. Corrosion of water and gas pipes. RAHARINAIVO, A. (1985). La durabilite des materiaux pour Ie renforcement des sols. Congres europeen de corrosion, Nice, Novembre 1985. Durability of materials used for soil reinforcement ROMANOFF, N. (1957). Underground corrosion. National Bureau of Standards, 579 USA/1957.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
SPECIFIC TEST METHODS DETERMINING THE pH VALUE OF A SOIL SAMPLE Mix the soil sample with distilled water in the ratio of one part soil to two parts water (by weight). Soils in which the water content is high (> 40%), muds or sludge for example, are analyzed in the condition in which they are found. All the soils must have a fluid consistency. Standard equipment is used to determine the pH level - see the following standards for details of sample taking and measuring: NF T 01-012: pH metrie - Solutions etalon pour l'etalonnage d'un pH metre. Measuring pH levels - standard solutions to be used when calibrating a pH. NF T 01-013: pH metrie - Mesure electrochimique au moyen d'une electrode de verre. Vocabulaire et methode de mesure. Measuring pH levels - electrochemical measurements using a glass electrode. Glossary and measuring methodology.
In a laboratory
Weigh out about five grams of the soil sample in a porcelain crucible or refractory dish. Heat in an oven for two hours at 105°C. Leave to cool in a desiccator, then weigh and reheat to 105°C for an hour.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Continue the drying process until a constant weight is achieved. The moisture content is calculated as follows: p -p
Moisture content
= weight of sample before drying (g)
= constant weight after drying (g)
On site
_ 0_
Weigh out about 100 g of the soil sample, which should be crumbled into a metal receptacle. Sprinkle the sample with alcohol (about 20 cm3) and ignite the mixture. Reweigh the sample after the alcohol has burned. The approximate moisture content is calculated in the same way as in the laboratory test:
P - P Moisture content = 100 _o-=-_ P Po
= weight of sample before drying (g)
= constant weight after drying (g)
The Wenner method with four probes (see figure 1)
This measurement is taken from the surface of the soil. Four metal electrodes are arranged in a straight line at equidistant intervals (length 50 cm, diameter 1 cm). These are then connected by conductors to a quadripolar resistance bridge (alternating current is used).
Figure 1. Wenner method of measuring resistivity of the soil.
Chapter 6: Durability of Structures
The depth of soil encompassed in the measurement roughly corresponds to the distances between the electrodes "a". The apparent specific resistance of the soil can be calculated using the formula:
p =21taR
where R is the resistance measured between the two middle electrodes.
Cane probe method (see figure 2)
This method involves pushing into the ground a probe fitted with either two or four electrodes and linked to an alternating current resistance bridge (Kohlrausch, etc.). The method tests only a small volume of soil in the vicinity of the probe tip. For more details, see Neveux, 1968.
Sounding probe
Koh Irausch bridge Ewphone
Figure 2. Cane probe for measuring soil resistivity.
The retrieved soil sample is cleaned of any gravel or stones it might contain. Resistivity is measured in a specific cell (with two or four electrodes). The naturally moist soil is densely compacted into the cell to duplicate as closely as possible the in situ density of the soil. To determine the minimum potential ground resistivity, water without minerals is added in volumes of 10, 20, and 30 percent - and mixed with the soil sample. Make sure that proper homogeneity is achieved and that any soluble salts are put into the solution before resistivity level is measured. The minimum resistivity value found after the water has been added will be used when evaluating absolute corrosiveness levels from tables.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
This resistivity value will have been corrected to reflect the effects of temperature as shown in the following ratio:
P (t)
where: t taken.
x (to -
= the temperature of the soil (in degrees Celsius) to
x x
p (t) /
= = =
18°C 0.03 where t < 18°C 0.02 where t > 18°C
t) ]
at the time the measurement was
INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Passive soil nailing is often associated with the use of prestressed ground anchors, particularly on urban sites, so that the magnitude of displacements in the structures can be limited. It is important to remember that the difference between passive nails and prestressed ground
anchors is not limited simply to the fact that the latter are put into tension. This is of particular importance because it is not uncommon, for a variety of reasons, for so-called passive nails to be tightened against the facing after they have been put into partial tension (or traction). The difference between passive nails and prestressed ground anchors extends well beyond this particular aspect of their installation. The technology involved, the nature and qualities of the steels used, the durability of the steels and the way corrosion protection is addressed, the field inspections during construction, and even justification for their use during design are all differences worthy of discussion. For prestressed ground anchors, these aspects are dealt with in the Recommandations TA 86 developed by SECURITAS, which should be consulted. Only the recommendations concerning passive soil nail inclusions are dealt with here.
1.1. Materials used for nail reinforcements 1.1.1. Metal reinforcements The metal reinforcements must be manufactured from the following types of steel: High adherence bars made from a steel included on the list of accepted or authorized bars compiled by the Acceptance and Inspection Committee for Reinforced Concrete
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
(Commission d'agrement et de contrale des armatures pour beton arme); the specified elastic limit must be lower than or equal to 500 MPa. Nonalloyed steels that are not the subject of an acceptance procedure (profiles or rolled merchant bars, rods, extruded bars, etc.) but that conform to the relevant French standards: "Shades and Qualities," "Dimensions and Tolerances" ("Nuances et Qualites," "Dimensions et Tolerances").· The specified elasticity limit must be lower than or equal to 400 MPa. Nonalloyed "soft" steels used in the oil industry. The use of high-strength steels (elastic limit higher than 500 MPa) for passive inclusions is not recommended mainly because of their low resistance to bending. It must also be remembered that because they are highly prone to stress corrosion, the use of
high strength steels, without exception, requires the same protection as prestressed ground anchors given in the Recommandations TA 86. The heads of the anchoring devices must be protected the same as prestressed bars, and the anchoring devices themselves (nuts, couplings, support plates, etc.) must be made of nonalloyed steel so that no galvanic corrosion cell is formed. In all cases, prestressing steel must come from the approved list prepared by the Inter-Ministerial Commission for Prestressing (Commission Interministerielle de la Precontrainte). NOTE: For the reasons explained in chapter 6, passive and alloy steels must not be used in
soil nailing. 1.1.2. Nonmetal bars
As a general rule, bars are made of metal; however, in certain cases where special requirements need to be met, other materials have sometimes been used. Fiberglass is a case in point when it was used as a short-term measure to facilitate the subsequent destruction of the reinforcements. Materials other than steel are not used except in short-term soil nailed structures or as part of an experiment. This is because our current level of understanding into the way these materials work is still not sufficiently advanced, particularly their long-term behavior and durability. For the reasons given above, and until such time as we have more sophisticated understanding of these materials, only metal inclusions (Le., steel) will figure in the specifications.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
1.2. Procedures and materials for protecting nail bars against corrosion 1.2.1. Protection for standard steels
See recommendations contained in chapter 6. 1.2.2. Protection for prestressing steels
Types of protection and the conditions for implementing them must conform with the Recommandations TA 86 developed by SECURITAS (January 1986).
1.3. Grout used for securing the nails This paragraph deals only with cement-based grouts, which are the types used in the majority of cases. 1.3.1. Specifications for grout components
Cements must conform to the stipulations of NFP 15-301 and the NF-VP lists, as issued by AFNOR. The type of cement used must be chosen in keeping with the aggressivity of the local environment (ground water), the type of structure (long-term or short-term) and the duration of the excavation phases. In aggressive settings (see chapter 6), the type of cement used must be chosen from the relevant COPLA lists. Other criteria might have a bearing on the type of cement chosen, such as its short-term resistance or how long it takes to set. If there are plans to use prestressing steel, the specifications contained in the Recommandations TA 86 relating to chlorine and sulphur levels must be respected:
Total chlorine Total sulphurs/sulphides
~ ~
0.05% of the weight of the cement 0.15% of the weight of the cement
Water in the grout must conform to standard NFP 18-303.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Specific ingredients and additives
Any additives used must conform to NFP 18-103 and NFP 18-331 to 338 standards, and be stamped with a mark signifying that they comply with the relevant French standards, otherwise they can be chosen from the CaPLA list of approved additives.
In the case of medium-term or long-term soil nailed walls, additives must not contain any substance that would prove harmful to steel. A compatibility study must be made if more than one additive is used. 1.3.2. Specifications relating to grout mix design
Grouts are mixtures of cement and water, possibly stabilized by a small quantity of bentonite. The cement/water ratio is generally between 1.5 and 2.2. The bentonite dosage should not exceed 10 to 15 kg/m3 • Special grouts can be used in fissured, karstic, or very porous ground in order to limit the quantities needed. These can be: Grouts with fillers (fine sands, fly ashes, etc.). Stiff grouts in which the set time is speeded up by the use of additives (sodium silicate is the most commonly used). Special grouts, etc. 1.3.3. Checking the quality of the grout
Checking that the grout components conform
Care should be taken to ensure that the grout components comply with the stipulations of paragraph 1.3.1. and to the contract documents.
Conformity and control tests
The usual tests check such things as the composition of the grout, uniformity of production, the conformity to the design, the mechanical resistance of the grout, etc. Some of these tests are carried out either before work starts on the building site (conformity tests and preliminary pull-out tests) or during the course of construction. The following factors are measured: Density. Viscosity.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
Resistance (simple compression).
In most cases these tests will be the only ones required. However, in special circumstances, additional tests can be carried out (measuring the time needed for the grout to set, temperature measurement, test tube settling measurements and spin-drying using a filter press). It is not anticipated, however, that these additional tests will be systematically carried out. • Density Measurements Measurements are taken using either: BAROID scales with liquid grout, or Hydrostatic (submerged) weighing using hardened grout. These measurements can then be used to check the composition of the grout. Indeed, by looking at the volumic weights of: the cement the bentonite the water
Yc = 29.5kN/m3 (CLK) to 31 kN/m3 (CPA)
= 25.5 to 26.5 kN/m3 Yw = 10 kN/m3 Yb
and the respective proportional weights of the cement (C), the bentonite (B) and the water (E), the density of the grout, using the weight ratios C/E and B/C, are expressed using the formula:
d 1
Yw +-
B C /
• Viscosity Measurements Viscosity is traditionally measured using a Marsh flow cone with a 5 mm-diameter nozzle. The viscosity v is expressed in seconds and corresponds to the flow of a grout volume of 946 cm3 (standard API 13B). The initial viscosity of the grouting is generally regulated, whatever its composition, to ensure it is stable (only low sweating rate or none at all). Experience demonstrates that this result is obtained for values of around 50 seconds. In this range of values, the simple-to-use Marsh cone test is perfectly suitable.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
However, with high viscosity levels, the values rapidly become meaningless (v > 80 seconds). Here, the modified Marsh cone - also called the LCPC cone with adjustable nozzle should be used.
• Simple compression resistance At the moment, there is no standardized method for this type of test; the sample sizes are not standardized. The method recommended involves putting the grouting sample into hermetically sealed cylindrical moulds with a cross sectional area of about 12 m 2• The samples should have a height to width ratio of 2. However, other sampling modes are also acceptable, particularly cube-shaped samples. The shape of the samples should then be specified. Simple compression resistance is measured in grouts that are 7 days and 28 days old, and wherever possible after 24 or 48 hours. The need to know the short-term resistance of the grout stems from the fact that the nails are subjected to tensile stresses from the time of the excavation layer following the one in which they were installed (often involving a period of less than 24 hours). Since it is not always possible to carry out short-term compression tests on site, the following diagrams (figure 1) can be consulted to help with the choice of grouts. These give data on the way the grouts' resistances develop over time depending on: The classification and type of cement. The C/E ratio. These diagrams reveal the following: The dispersion of the test results is relatively high for class 55 CPA grouts where the C/E ratio is equal to 1.5. This high performance cement is not especially recommended in situations where the grout can become diluted. Temperature also influences the way its resistance develops. The dispersion noted when testing CLK cements is explained primarily by differences in the origin of the cements (their compositions are therefore different). Where the nails are subjected to tensile stresses within 24 hours, a minimum indicative resistance of 5 MPa after 24 hours of the mix design is required. A higher resistance can be achieved using special grouts. Attention is drawn to the fact that simple compression resistance can show strong dispersions over fairly short periods of time.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
Portland cement
Portland cement
Slag cement (elK 45) CL ASS 45
C "[=2
a.. ~
u z e:t
~=2 E
.f..=15 E I
(f) (f)
a.. ~
:y) (d)
0 0
:y) (d)
30 (d)
Figure 1. Simple compression resistance of grout versus time (Document Soletanche).
If the need exists, traction tests on young grouts can be used to verify proper adhesion between the grout and the reinforcement. Test frequency
Density and viscosity measurements must be taken during conformity tests and inspection tests, as well as once per work shift. Simple compression resistance measurements can be taken at the same time as the conformity tests. However, inspection tests need not be taken systematically since the time-scales needed for the test results to become available are often incompatible with work schedules.
1.4. Concrete bars for the facing Facing bars can be made from high-adherence reinforcing bars or welded mesh. The types of steel used must meet the specifications of NFA 35-015 to NFA 35-022. Furthermore, the high-adherence reinforcing bars and welded mesh chosen must have been approved by the Inter-Ministerial Commission on the Approval and Inspection of Reinforced Bars for Reinforced Concrete (Commission interministerielle d'homologation et de contrale des armatures pour beton armee). Certification documents must be supplied before work starts.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
1.5. Concrete to be used for the facing (shotcrete or cast-in-place) 1.5.1. Shotcrete
At the moment there are two methods for placing shotcrete:
• Dry method A mixture of small aggregates and cement is transported in a flow of compressed air to the placement nozzle. Water is added as the mix exits the nozzle and is being placed.
• Wet method The fresh concrete, having first been blended with the mixing water, is pumped to the placement nozzle. This can be done either pneumatically (diluted flow), or using a concrete pump (dense flow). Specifications relating to the concrete mix design
• Small aggregates The aggregates used for either dry or wet methods must conform with current French standards NFP 18-301 or NFP 18-302. The granulometric curves must be well-graded so that rates on the shooting will be achieved. For guidance the AFTES or AFB Recommendations are reproduced (see figure 2).
a ) Ma x i murn grain size
ep 8 mm
.. w
(%) 100
L.« Y
00 6
K y-
< ~V
k r'-.: y
...« "-.: y'? " <1'"
123 1 26 129 13O~132133134135136137138139 140141 142 1431 44 I 0.00 10.16 10.315 10.63 ~ISI~I~121~1~1~1~1 ~18110 112.5)1612°1 20
Figure 2. Granulometric curves for shotcrete. Aggregates only (in accordance with AFTES Recommendations).
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
b) Maximum grain size
¢ 12,5mm
(%) 100 r------.---r---r-----,--..---,,----,---r---r---r---,-~..,._~-.~---=----,------,
80 1-----+--l--+--I-+-+--+-+--I-J.-+-l-/--J,..."'<;',,'ky~2Cl_-I__.J_____j
601----j---I---I---I-I-+-I-H~/~(\~",)4..'y_+_l__f-_l__l__l /<:'."-.:Y 4"
. . .-.;.' ,_v
201------l--J---::~"""~,,~ ' -=----+-+-+-f--l-+-+-+MAXIMUM GRAIN SIZE _ ~~Y'" I ep 12.5mm o MODULES
c) Maximum grain size
140 141
:AISIIO 12.5)16120
20123 1 26 129 ro\3lI32j33134l35136137 138 39
¢ 16mm
(%) 100
--< K»'
K<: \>-v :'-.> tY> ..< ~ >;. v ,<-
60 4
20 0
....«: ""- .>
./. ~
SIEVE SIZE ep (mm)
.'\. :.> y " '-
'" y
k-<~ ~ 20 23 I 26 129 /30/31132133134135136137138139
0.16 10.315 10063~ISI~ ~121 ~I ~I ~ I~
140 141 I ~ IS 110
142143144 1 le.5 J 16120
Figure 2. Granulometric curves for shotcrete. Aggregates only (in accordance with AFTES Recommendations).
The tolerance allowed for the building contractor in relation to the optimum granulometric curve used by the owner or the quality control engineer following the preliminary or conformity tests, must be less than ± 10 percent. It is recommended that sand with only a low percentage of flat grains be used. The gravel should have a flatness ratio lower than 0.30. For preference, rounded aggregates should be used rather than crushed ones.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
When using the dry method, the water content of the aggregates should be homogeneous and remain low (2 to 4 percent). It is recommended that the aggregates be stored under cover.
• Cements All cements should conform with the specifications of standard NFP 15-301 and be included on the NF-VP lists issued by AFNOR. If the cement is to be exposed to sea water or to waters with a high sulphate content, the suitability lists for cements compiled by COPLA and published annually by the relevant Ministry should be consulted. If either acidic or very pure water is present, the choice of cement will have to be justified. CLK and CHF cements can be used.
• Water The water used must comply with standard NFP 18-303.
• Specific additives and special ingredients The placing of the shotcrete can be made easier and its in situ quality improved by using the following products: Traditional concrete additives, for example, to speed up its set time, plasticizers, etc., must meet the specifications contained in standards NFP 18-103 and NFP 18-331 to 338. They must be stamped with the relevant NF mark authorizing their use or be chosen from the COPLA list of approved additives. Stiffening additives complying with NFP 18-103 are defined as being "additives whose main function is to encourage adherence of the concrete and its being held in place without slumping after it has been sprayed on to the surface, irrespective of the slope of that surface." It is recommended that preliminary or conformity tests be carried out on the building site in
order to assess the amount of additives required, bearing in mind the type of cement used and the conditions under which it is to be placed.
If more than one additive is to be used, a compatibility study should be carried out before the conformity test. The use of calcium chloride and chlorinated adjuvants will only be authorized within the limits set down in DTU No. 21-4, "Technical prescriptions regarding the use of calcium chloride and chlorinated additives in the manufacture of grouts, mortars and concretes." (Prescriptions techniques concernant l'utilisation du chlorure de calcium et des adjuvants contenant des chlorures dans la confection des coulis, mortiers et betons.)
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
NOTE: The word "additive" is used when these products represent less than 5 percent of the weight of the cement, and the words "special ingredients" are used when this percentage is more than 5 percent. 0) Shotcrete (dry method)
(%l 100 Pass ing
MODULES 20 23 26 SIEVE SIZE 0.08 0.16 0.315
29 OO~I 32 33134 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 063~ 0 l(l (J) q l!1 ~ q q "'! 8 10 12.5 16 . 0"':.-''''': (\J (\J r<1 ¢ lCl (J)
44 20
b) Shotcrete (either wet or dry method)
(% )
Pass ing
eo 60
4u I"\I----+--..<+~--",~,,~tv~~!-Y~-I-t-+-+-+ SIZE
Ol----..,--..L....,--!-r-''----,r----'-r-'--r',.-'-r-'-,.-'-,-'-,.--'--.-......--'-t--'-Ir----''r-'-,---'-..--''-r--+---, MODU LES
29 3031
SI E:(~;! ZE 0.08 0.16 0.315 0,63
d ~I KJ
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
12.: 16
Figure 3. Granulometric curves for shotcrete. Aggregates - cement mix (in accordance with AFTES Recommendations).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Specifications regarding the mix design (composition and proportions) of fresh concrete
• Composition and grain sizes The composition of the shotcrete must be defined bearing in mind that in situ concrete has a cement content higher than its original rate. This is due to the rebounds that modify the percentage of coarse elements (particularly when using dry method). Shotcrete must have a proportion of fine elements (< 0.08 mm) higher than or equal to 17 percent of the weight of the mixture (aggregates, cement, and any fines that may have been used). For guidance, see the granulometric bands given in the AFTES or AFB Recommendations. These apply to both the dry and wet methods and are included in figure 3.
• Cement proportions For dry shotcreting the proportion of cement must be at least equal to 300 kg per cubic meter of sand and gravel. For wet shotcreting, the proportion of cement is higher and must reflect a minimum of 400 kg per cubic meter of concrete.
• Water/Cement Ratio - W/C With dry shotcreting, it is recommended that the W IC ratio be between 0.4 and 0.5 so that the amount of rebound can be reduced and resistance improved. With wet shotcreting, the W IC ratio depends principally on how easy it is to place with the site conditions. However, this ratio cannot be too high, otherwise it could result in shotcrete's shrinkage. A plasticizer can be used to reduce the W IC ratio. Controlling the quality of the shotcrete
• Checking the shotcrete mix design It is important that the shotcrete's ingredients be verified to ensure they conform with the
specifications of paragraph and with the special provisions of the contract documents. The main data to be supplied is: Granulometric curve of the aggregates. Technical description of the cement. Water analysis. Technical description of the additives and special ingredients.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
Conformity tests and inspection tests of shotcrete
The usual inspections, which can be carried out either before work starts on site or during the course of construction, need: Samples of fresh concrete for laboratory analysis. Samples of hardened concrete for mechanical tests in a laboratory.
• Samples of fresh concrete Sampling must be conducted on the concrete facing immediately after the concrete has been placed. These samples are used to inspect the granulometric features and actual composition of the in place concrete.
• Samples of set concrete Sampling can be carried out:
a) In place on the concrete facing Samples are taken by coring the concrete once it has hardened. This method, however, has one drawback; the cores extracted could contain fragments of reinforcement and this is liable to distort the results of the mechanical tests.
b) In boxes specially manufactured for this purpose This method is the one most generally used. See AFTES or AFB Recommendations (referred to below) for the sampling methodology. The concrete is shot into flat boxes by the identical method proposed during the actual construction process, i.e., machinery, ingredients, methodology, adjuvants, special ingredients, etc. Boxes with wooden bottoms are used, the surface being greater than or equal to 0.25 m 2, and the width greater than or equal to 0.40 m. The small side of the box is placed vertically or to a slope of less than 20° from the vertical. The concrete thickness is around 15 cm so that samples may be cored and cut to produce cylinders 12 cm high and 6 cm in diameter (2 to 1 ratio). These samples are taken from the middle area of the box, from inside a circle some 0.3 m in diameter (figure 4).
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
6 em
J==~--I-- Zone of sampling must be a minimum of 150mm thickness
Figure 4. Sampling techniques of shotcrete (in accordance with AFTES Recommendations).
The handling and storage of sampling boxes and the samples taken must conform with the standards currently in force for concrete.
• Laboratory tests on samples of hardened concrete The most common tests are: Apparent density. Simple compression (resistance). In certain special cases, traction or splitting tests may also be carried out. •
Sampling and testing frequency
a) Conformity tests Conformity tests should be carried out systematically on all medium- and long-term structures. As a minimum, these will involve: 3 compression (resistance measurements) tests at 7 days. 3 compression (resistance measurements) tests at 28 days. Tests are also recommended for short-term structures.
b) Inspection tests during construction The frequency of sampling, as well as the type and number of tests, must be as defined in the contract documents.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
For guidance, it is recommended that tests be carried out for large scale works every 80 m 3, as a minimum: 3 compression (resistance measurements) tests at 7 days. 3 compression (resistance measurements) tests at 28 days. 1.5.2. Cast-in-place concrete
The facing of the soil nailed wall can be made with cast-in-place concrete using forms. Specifications for the ingredients, composition, and proportions used
These specifications must conform to DTU 2.3.1: "Facings and walls with formed concrete," (Parois et murs en beton banche). The proportion of cement is usually at least equal to 350 kg per cubic meter of concrete. Inspecting the quality of the concrete •
Checking the mix design
This inspection is exactly the same as the one defined for shotcrete (see paragraph
Inspection tests during construction
This inspection involves conducting simple compression tests on samples taken from the concrete when it was placed. The sampling frequency, as well as the type and number of tests, must be as defined in the contract documents. As a guide, for large-scale works it is recommended that tests be carried out every 80 m 3 as a minimum: 3 compression (resistance measurements) tests at 7 days. 3 compression (resistance measurements) tests at 28 days.
1.6. Drainage materials and devices 1.6.1. Purpose of drainage
Drainage must prevent the facing from becoming accidentally overloaded. This is important since soil nailed walls are not generally designed for hydrostatic pressures. The drainage devices will have to contend with: -
Seasonal or perched water tables and unanticipated underground flows.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Ingress of rainwater or accidental leaks from water mains.
1.6.2. Drainage devices used
The drainage system can include the following devices: Weepholes, possibly linked to drainage complexes (minimum density 1/10 m 2 ). Subhorizontal drains comprising slotted pipes installed by drilling. These drains can be protected by a geotextile filter. Vertical drainage elements placed against the soil and behind the concrete facing half-pipes, porous panels, grooves, geo-composites, etc. In addition any sources of running water above the wall must be arrested (gutters, ditches, trenches, etc.). 1.6.3. Drainage materials
Drainage materials must comply with relevant standards, any recommendations in force, and with technical descriptions supplied in advance by the manufacturers.
Perforated drainage pipes
These are PVC or metal pipes that are slotted in the factory. The drainage slots are between 0.5 mm and 2 mm wide. The number and size of the slots is determined from an analysis of the flow and the likelihood of the slots becoming blocked. Attention is drawn to the risk of corrosion with steel pipes.
Ceramics or porous concrete
The manufacturer's technical descriptions must specify the distribution of the grain sizes and the cement content of these elements, as well as their permeability and drainage capacity.
Drainage sands and gravels
These comprise nondegradable materials. The amount passing the 80 micrometer (size #200 sieve) should not exceed 3 to 5 percent, and the sand equivalent should be greater than 50.
Filter Geotextiles
These must conform with the Recommendations issued by the French Committee on Geotextiles (Comite Fran<;ais des geotextiles).
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
2.1. Documents to be produced before work starts 2.1.1. Document specifying the structural design of the soil nailed wall Plan view, cross sections, and elevations of the soil nailed wall in relation to the soils profile developed for the site, details of existing buildings and service mains (located behind the wall within a distance at least equivalent to 1.5 times the height of the excavations). These should show the bottom of the general excavations and the locations of excavations for footing blocks, longitudinal beams, elevators, etc. Size and layout of reinforcing bars used in the facing. Type of nails - length, diameter, inclination, horizontal and vertical spacing. Details and steps to be taken to ensure proper linkage between nails and reinforced concrete facing. 2.1.2. Drainage devices
Description, design, and positioning of drainage devices. Measures being planned for collecting the waters. 2.1.3. Detailed plan showing the various phases involved in the excavation, nailing, and construction of the reinforced concrete facing
2.2. Inspections to be carried out during construction 2.2.1. Checking conformity of the ground and its hydrogeology with the geotechnical data available
Verify, both during excavation phases and when drilling holes in which the nails are to be located, that the ground corresponds to the description provided by the geotechnical study: type, thickness, and dips in the various subsurface layers. Document any fractured zones, pockets of permeable ground, as well as the sources of water, seeps or oozing, ground, etc.
If any discrepancy is noted between the findings during construction and the hypotheses on which the project was designed, immediate steps will need to be taken to rectify the matter.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
2.2.2. Inspecting to ensure that the work conforms with the construction documents
Displacements around a soil nailed wall largely depend on the way in which it is constructed. The following points must therefore be very carefully checked:
Installation of the nails
Grouted nails installed in boreholes Making the boreholes: The drilling method must be adapted to meet the type of ground encountered. Conditions under which the sealing or anchoring grout is injected: The anchoring grout must be injected through the bottom of the drill hole. If there is loss of grout, corrective steps need to be taken.
Centering the nails: Provision should be made for a sufficient number of centralizers and for these to be regularly distributed along the nail. In certain cases (small diameter reinforcing bars), it is important to ensure that the nails have been properly installed (see chapter 5, paragraph 2.3.). Each nail installed should be recorded on an individual or collective data sheet according to the density of the nails described in the client's specifications. The sheets will show the following details: Date, foreman's name. Installation area and number of nails. Temperature. Drilling equipment, drilling fluid used. Length, inclination, and diameter of drilling. How much sealing or anchorage grout was used; injection pressure. Length and diameter of the nail reinforcements. Any incidents noted during the course of the drilling, sealing or installation of the reinforcements: sources of water, loss of drilling fluid, loss of cement grout, difficulties installing the reinforcements, etc.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
Driven nails Penetration of the nails into the ground: In the event of difficulty driving them in (resistant ground and obstructions), it might be necessary to reconsider the choice of driving equipment, to modify the section of the angle irons, or perhaps even to change the technique being used to instal the nails. A data sheet must be compiled for each 8-hour shift. This sheet must give full information on the installation of all nails using the percussion method: Date, foreman's name. Number of nails driven into place, area where nails were installed. Driving equipment used. Length, inclination and reinforcement characteristics. Type of ground at the facing. Any incidents noted during the course of the driving: Difficulties with penetrating the ground, deviation, rapid penetration, etc.
Planning the various construction phases
If the ground is found to be unstable, steps can be taken to reduce the length and height of the excavation phases (even to the point of using excavation in slots).
In addition, it is important that the excavations and the placing of the concrete facing be done on the same day. A minimum time must be allowed between successive excavation phases so that the nail sealing or anchorage grout and the concrete of the facing are sufficiently resistant. Placing shotcrete
Certain precautions must be taken to ensure that the shotcrete facing adheres well to poor ground.
As recommended in chapter 4, on-site tests should be carried out on nails (which should not be reused) to verify the calculations on which the design of the anchoring lengths were based. Chapter 4 gives details of how many and what testing procedures will be needed.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
It should be possible to conduct additional tests on any nails that would not be incorporated
into the final wall should any anomalies, local heterogeneity, or difficulties in installing them be encountered and which might cast doubt on the results from preliminary or earlier tests. Again, these tests must be carried out as indicated in chapter 4.
4.1. Checking the behavior of a soil nailed wall during construction. 4.1.1. The need for inspections
Any soil nailed wall, be it short-, medium-, or long-term, must be inspected during its construction. Some of these inspections are compulsory, others are recommended and can be demanded by the client or the engineer. 4.1.2. Defining the inspections
The inspections must be defined in advance of the excavation phases and any soil nailing operation. Details will be given in the special provisions (Terms and Conditions) set out in the contract documents and will specify: The person in charge and the person who will carry out the inspections. The types of inspections called for and whether these are compulsory. The frequency of inspection. The predicted thresholds and permissible thresholds. Measures to be taken if these thresholds are exceeded.
4.1.3. Types of inspection and their purposes
Inspecting for evidence of movements
Inspecting for horizontal and vertical displacements of the facing
This first inspection is compulsory. It is usually carried out by optical surveys taken between a fixed base and grouted benchmarks on the facing. If the excavations are trenches, this inspection may also be made with convergence points using an extensometer.
Inspecting for movements in the soil nailed mass
This may be called for under certain special conditions: -
If the site includes an unstable slope.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
If structures on (or near) the soil nailed mass are sensitive to movements, etc.
This check is conducted with inclinometers that are lowered into the soil nailed mass inside grouted tubes to a depth below which no movement will occur (4 to 5 m). It also may be possible to implant inclinometers at the back of the soil nailed mass.
Checking the tension in the nails
In certain special cases, the tension in the nails can be verified using appropriate devices (load cells, strain gauges, etc.).
Visual inspections of the concrete facing, checking the drainage and piezometric levels
It is compulsory that a detailed record be kept of the sources of any water found in the
immediate area of the concrete facing. This record should address the functioning of the drainage devices installed and the way they are affected by changes in climatic conditions. The results of these visual examinations might lead to changes in the drainage system provided in the construction plans. In a special case where piezometers are installed behind the concrete facing, it is imperative that water levels be monitored over a period of time. 4.1.4. Inspection timetables
Inspections should be carried out: Systematically at each new excavation phase. After the wall has been completed, periodically until such time as the movements have stabilized. In a case where large deformations are recorded, the number of inspections will need to be increased.
If piezometers have been installed, readings must be taken at least once a week during the construction phase.
4.2. Checking the behavior of the soil nailed wall when it is in service 4.2.1. The need for inspections
Soil nailed walls must be periodically inspected during their service life. This inspection is particularly important if the following features are present:
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
A very high soil nailed wall (;:::: 10 m). Sloping site. Structures supported by the wall are sensitive to movements. 4.2.2. Defining the inspections
Inspections of a soil nailed wall during its service life must be defined in a document, which will also give details of: The organizations charged with performing the inspections. The type of inspection involved and procedures. Inspection frequency. Predicted measurements and warning thresholds. 4.2.3. Type of inspections and procedures
Checking for movements
The inspections to be made are identical to those defined in paragraph The checking for displacements of the facing is compulsory. Inspection checks for displacements within the soil nailed mass might be necessary under certain special conditions: Site involving an unstable slope. The structures supported by the wall are sensitive to displacements.
Checking the tensile forces in the nails
The types of measurement that might need to be carried out are identical to those defined in paragraph
Inspecting the drainage facilities and piezometric levels
Any inspection into how the drainage facilities are working must, without fail, address the following: Conditions in the facing (moist zones, dripping, etc.). Flow rates from the drains and weepholes. Water level in the piezometers. It is necessary to record any changes noted in the drainage devices used: concretions,
alterations, plugging, corrosion, etc.
Inspecting the durability of the nails: bar samples for quality control
In medium- or long-term soil nailed walls, it is compulsory, from time to time, to check the
condition of the reinforcing bars for signs of corrosion.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
This inspection means that steps must be taken in advance to install bar samples for quality control during the course of construction of the soil nailed wall. This will involve the use of bars identical to those used for the nails, although of a shorter length (about 1.0 m to 1.5 m). If the nails are being grouted, the bar samples are not coated with grout so that any cracking of this grout over time can be taken into account. The installation of the bar samples for quality control is performed by pushing or driving them through holes prepared in the facing. The bar samples must be designed so that they can be extracted at a later date (with a threaded head, for example). The heads of the bar samples must be protected against corrosion (pitch, grout, grease, etc.). The choice as to where these bar samples should be located must take into account the corrosiveness of the soils. Chapter 6 gives a corrosiveness table on a scale from I to IV. The bar samples should be representative of the different degrees of corrosiveness to be found on the site. However, there is no reason for installing these bar samples in soils where the structures are being built with nails fitted with a protective sheath. Before installation, each bar sample must be numbered, weighed and identified on an "as built" plan held by the client. Each bar sample must undergo: Visual examination of the reinforcements in order to verify the extent of the corrosion and the depth of any pitting. A test to find the comparative weight of the bar sample after this has been fully cleaned of rust (by scouring, washing, or brushing). Mechanical tension tests to determine its residual resistance to failure. 4.2.4. Inspection frequency
Inspecting for displacements of the soil nailed wall and for tension in the nails
These inspections are made at least once a year during the first ten years, thereafter every five years. In the event of any anomaly being noted, this frequency must be increased.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Inspecting the drainage devices
The inspection frequency for the drainage facilities must be adapted to reflect the local hydraulic conditions surrounding the structure. It can be the same as for the inspections to check the structure's behavior (see paragraph
In certain areas, the inspection frequency of the drainage devices should be increased during both the wet and the dry seasons.
Inspecting the durability of the structure
The inspection frequency should be adapted to correspond to the degree of corrosiveness found in the ground. In soils that have only low or average levels of corrosiveness, the inspection should be made at least every 10 years. It is recommended that the first inspection be carried out during the
first five years. At each inspection, two bar samples (minimum) are extracted for each class of corrosiveness. These bar samples are not put back in place. 4.2.5. Maintaining the drainage network
Maintenance of the drainage network must, so far as possible, be taken into account when the soil nailed wall is being designed. Easy access points should be planned. Maintenance involves cleaning out the drainage pipes, the weepholes, and collectors (using water or air pressure jets, brushes, etc.).
If the drainage pipes become blocked, and it is impossible to improve their performance by cleaning, the devices affected will need to be replaced.
Chapter 7: Specification and Inspections
BIBLIOGRAPHY RESSE, c., and VENUAT, M. (1981). Projection des mortiers, betons et platres. Spraying mortars, concretes and plasters. BUREAU SECURITAS (1986). Recommandations concernant la conception, Ie calcul, I'execution et Ie contr6le des tirants d'ancrage (TA 86) - Ed. Eyrolles. Recommendations for using, designing, constructing, and testing ground anchors. AFTES Groupe de travail No.6. Texte des recommandations relatives mise en oeuvre du beton projete, Juillet 1982. Recommendations concerning the technology of shotcreting.
a la technologie et a la
Association Fran<;aise du Beton (AFB). Guide du beton projete, Recommandations pour la mise en oeuvre. Guidelines for shotcrete-Recommendations for placing shotcrete. DTU No.21-4 (1977). Prestations techniques concernant l'utilisation du chlorure de calcium et des adjuvants contenant des chlorures dans la confection des coulis, mortiers et beton, Octobre 1977. Technical prescriptions regarding the use of calcium chloride and chlorinated additives in the manufacture of grouts, mortars, and concretes. DTU No.23-1 (1976). Parois et murs en beton banche, Janvier/Fevrier 1976. Facings and walls with cast-in-place concrete.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Autoroute 86 Freeway 86
Association Fran<;aise des Travaux en Souterrain French Association for Underground Works
Association Fran<;aise du Beton French Concrete Association
Association Fran<;aise de Normalisation French Standard Association
Beton Arme aux Etats Limites Reinforced Concrete at Limit States
Ciment/Eau Cement/Water
Bentonite/Ciment Bentonite/Cement
Centre Fran~ais del' Anti-Corrosion French Center for Protection Against Corrosion
Ciment CPA
Ciment Portland Artificial Artificial Portland Cement
Ciment CLK
Ciment Laitier Clinker Clinker Slag Cement
Ciment CHF
Ciment Haut Fourneau Blast Furnace Cement
Commission Interministerielle Permanente des Liants Hydrauliques, des Adjuvants, des Betons, Mortiers et Coulis Permanent Inter-Ministerial Commission for Cements, Additives, Concretes, Mortars and Grouts
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Etats Limites Ultimes Ultimate Limit States
Etats Limites de Service Serviceability Limit States
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees National School of Bridges and Roads
Centre Experimental de Recherches et d'Etudes du Batiment et des Travaux Publics Experimetal Center for Research and Studies on Building and Public Works
Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Mecanique des Sols Center for Teaching and Research on Soil Mechanics
Direction des Affaires Economiques et Internationales Economic and International Affairs Division
Document Technique Unifie Unified Technical Document
Direction Departementale des Services Techniques Departmental Service of Public Works
Federation Nationale des Travaux Publics National Union of Public Works
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees Central Laboratory of Bridges and Roads
Norme Fran<;aise French Standard
Poly-Chlorure de Vinyle Polyvinyl Chlorite
Optimum Proctor Normal Standard Proctor Optimum
Route Nationale Highway
Service d'Etudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes Design Service of the Highway and Freeway Administration
Syndicat National des Entrepreneurs specialises des Travaux de Reparation et de Renforcement des Structures National Federation of Contractors Specialized in Reparation and Reinforcement Works of Structures
Recommandations TA 86
Recommandations Tirants d' Ancrage TA 86 Recommandations on Ground Anchors
Ultra-Violet Ultraviolet
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
LEXICON The following list of translated terms is included for those who wish to refer to the original publication, Recommandations CLOUTERRE 1991.
Abaques Acier passivable Actes du colloque Actions Adimensionnel Adjuvant
Charts (or graphs) Passive steel Conference proceedings Actions (more general term): loads, forces Nondimensional Admixture
Ajouts specifiques Alluvions Alluvions argilo-graveleuses Altere Ancrage precontraint
Special ingredients Alluvia
Angle de dilatance (du sol) Angle de flexion Angle rentrant Angle saillant Annexe Armature Armature battue Armature nervuree (Terre Armee) Armature vibro-foncee Autoroute Banches Bande Barbacane Bardage Barres ou clous scelles
Barre nervuree
Clayey gravel alluvia Altered or weathered Prestressed ground anchor (Prestressed tieback) Dilatancy angle (of soil) Bending angle Reentrant angle Salient angle Appendix Bar Driven bar Ribbed strip (Reinforced Earth) Bar vibrated into the soil Freeway Forms Slab element Weephole Lagging Grouted bars or nails (when cement grout used, general case. When resins are used (rock bolting) or the agent is unknown-anchored is more generic. Deformed bar
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Barre tE~moin Batiment sensible Battage Berlinoise Beton banche
Bar sample for quality control Sensitive building Driving (percussion) Berlin wall (king piles and lagging) Cast-in-place concrete
Beton projete (arme) Brais Bureau d'etudes Butee laterale Butons
(Reinforced) Shotcrete Pitch Consulting engineer Lateral earth pressure Struts
Cadencemetre Calcaire Cales dynamometriques Centreur Ciment de laitier Clou Clous disposes suivant grid une maille rectangulaire Clous scelles gravitairement Coefficient d'applatissement Coefficients de ponderation (ponderateurs) des actions Coefficient de methode Coefficients partiels de securite Coefficient de reaction laterale du sol Coefficient de securite globale Combinaison accidentelle Combinaison d'actions Combinaison fondamentale Complexe drainant Composition des laitiers Conception, calcul et design dimensionnenment Confinement Corniere Corniere battue Contrainte
Pacemeter Chalk Load cells Centralizer Cement slags Nail Nails set out on a rectangular
Nails grouted under gravity flow Flakiness index Load factors Method factor Partial safety factors Lateral coefficient of subgrade reaction Global safety factor Accidental combination Combination of actions Standard combination Drainage system Slags composition Design Confinement Steel angle Driven steel angle Stress
Contrcles de conformite Ccte Couche de fondation (d'une route) Coulis Coulis de ciment Coulis de scellement Critere(s)
Conformity tests Elevation SUbgrade Grout Cement grout Anchoring grout Criterion/criteria
Debits d'exhaure Deblais Deformation Deversement Dilatance (angle de) Dilatance empechee Dimensionnement Disposition des clous Duree de service
Flow rate Cut Deformation Outward titling Dilatancy (angle of) Restrained dilatancy Design Layout of nails Service life
Eau saum~Hre Eau tres pure Eaux d'infiltration Eaux de ruissellement Eaux souterraines polluees Eboulis Eclatement du beton Ecoulements souterrains aleatoires Efforts Elevation Emprise Epaufrure Essais Essais de convenance ou conformite Essais de contrcle (en cOurs de travaux) Essai par paliers de chargement Essais prealables Etapes geologiques primaires Etat actuel des connaissances Etat limite de service
Brackish water Pure water Subsurface waters or groundwaters Surface waters Polluted aquifer Debris (mass of fallen rocks) Spalling of concrete Random underground water flows Forces or stresses Elevation Easement Spalling Tests Conformity tests Inspection tests (during construction) Test with incremental loading Preliminary tests Early geologic formation stages Present state of knowledge Serviceability limit state
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Etat limite ultime Etuve Evacuateur de crues Excavation par plots alternes Exemple Extension laterale
Ultimate limit state Oven Overflow spillway Excavation in slots Example
Fiche de parement Fil a couper Ie beurre Filetage Fluidifiant Fonc;age statique Fonc;age dynamique Fondation d'une route Frettage Frottement lateral limite Frottement lateral unitaire Fruit du parement
Facing embedment Wire butter cutter Thread Super plasticizer /high range water reducer Sinking (static loading) Driving (dynamic loading) Subbase (road) Restraint Ultimate skin friction Unit skin friction Batter of facing
Galerie Gaine Gelif (sol) Granulats Gres
Gallery Sleeve or sheath Frost susceptible (soil) Aggregates Sandstone
Assumption (hypothesis)
Inclinaison (des clous) Indice de gel Injection gravitaire Intense
Angle of installation (of the nails), inclination Frost index Gravity injection Severe
Design calculations, justifications
Limite elastique (garantie) Lineaire de clous Lit de clous
(Guaranteed) elastic limit Total length of nails Nail row
Lateral extension
Loi de mobilisation du frottement lateral Longueur de transfert
Skin friction mobilization curve (law) Transfer length
Maillage Maillage large Maillage rectangulaire Maillage serre Maitre d'oeuvre Maitre d'ouvrage Maitre d'ouvrage delegue Manchons de raccordement Marne Marno-ca1caire MELT Memoire de presentation Methode de ca1cul a la rupture Methode des perturbations Methode Hurpinoise Metre Mise en traction Module(s) Moment d'inertie Moraine Mur incline Multicritere Mur cloue mixte Mur en sol cloue Mur epingle
Spacing (grid) Widely spaced nails Nails set out on a rectangular grid Nails at close spacing Engineer Owner, Contracting Authorities Project Manager Connective sleeve Marl Marl - limestone complex Ministry of Public Works Memorandum of presentation (at) Limit equilibrium method Perturbation method Method of Hurpin Meter (preferred spelling by u.s. Government) Tensioning Modulus (moduli) Moment of inertia Moraine Sloped or battered wall Multicriteria approach Mixed soil nailed wall Soil nailed wall Anchored wall
Objectif Optimum Proctor Normal (OPN) Ouvrage courant Ouvrage sensible Ouvrage simple
Objective, aim Optimum water content (Proctor) Standard structure Sensitive structure Simple structure Creep stage
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Palier de fluage Panneaux d'habillage Par metre de largeur du mur Par profil Parois et murs Pente Permanent Perspective Phases d'execution Phases d'excavation Pic Pied de parement Pied de dou Piezometre ouvert Plancher champignon Plaque a rigidite normale imposee Plastification Plateforme routiere Poids des terres Poids volumique Poin<;onnement Points delicats Poutre filante Predimensionnement Pression de fluage Prescriptions Procedure d'agrement Profondeur de fiche du parement Projeteur Projet National Fran<;ais CLOUTERRE Provisoire Pulverulent Pylone
Facing panels Per meter run of wall Per cross section Facings and walls Slope Long-term Perspective Construction phases Excavation phases Peak or maximum Facing bottom Nail tip Stand pipe piezometer A slab with concentrated loads Plate with controlled normal stiffness Plastification Road pavement Overburden pressure Volume unit weight Punching mode of failure Delicate, sensitive, or important points Whaler beam Preliminary design Critical creep pressure Regulations Approval procedure Embedment of facing Planner French National Project CLOUTERRE Short term Cohesionless Pylon
Radier de fondation Rayon de courbure
Foundation raft Radius of curvature
Reprise de betonnage
Soil investigation Controlling Regulation Code of practice Fill or backfill (backfill implies placement after construction) Resumption of concreting
Resistance de butee du sol Ressuee Revetement Rigidite normale Rotule Rupture externe Rupture interne Rupture mixte
Passive pressure Sweating Coating Normal stiffness Hinge External failure Internal failure Mixed failure
Sable greseux Sable boulant Sable pulverulent Sensible Schema Schematique Schematiser Schiste Schistes alteres Situations Silicate de soude Sollicitations Sols meubles
Cemented sands (sandstone) Caving sand Cohesionless sand Sensitive (critical) Sketch Schematic Approximate Schist Altered schists Situations Sodium silicate Stresses or forces Soft grounds or soils
Earth support system (more generic than retaining structure) Underground, subsurface Surcharge Slip or failure surface Injector separator Cut slope
Reconnaissance des sols Regissant Reglementation Regles de l'art Remblais
Souterrain(e) Surcharge Surface de glissement Systeme isolant, type separateur injecteur
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
Talus raidis Talus Temporaire Temoins de durabilite Teneur en eau determinee selon la methode d'etuvage Tension de blocage Terrassement Terre-plein Tete du dou Tirant Torseur des forces Trace en plan Traction critique de fluage Traction limite TL Tube 40/49
Valeur caracteristique Valeur de calcul Valeur nominale Valeur representative Venues d'eaux Voies ferrees Voute de decharge
Slope Medium term Bar samples for quality control Oven-dried water content
Lock-off or tie-off tension Excavation, earthwork Platform Head of nail Ground anchor / tieback Forces system Plan view Critical creep tension load Limit or maximum pull-out tension or force Structural tubing (inside/outside size in mm) Characteristic value Calculation value Nominal value Representative value Water entry Rail lines Unloaded arch
French Standards with Corresponding ISOIASTMIBSUDin
The following Standards can be obtained from AFNOR (Association Fran<;aise de Normalization). Where English translations are available from AFNOR, the English titles are listed. Where available, International (ISO) or European (EU) standards, which are close to the French standards, are referenced. However, they should be considered as similar rather than as equivalent standards. The European (EU) standards will eventually supersede National Standards. The French standards prefixed "NF" have been homologated. Those not prefixed are either being homologated or have been cancelled since publication of the Recommandations CLOUTERRE 1991.
NF A 35-015 (available in English)
Armatures pour beton arme-ronds lisses. Steels for concrete reinforcement. Plain round bars. Similar but not equivalent to EU 80, EU 81, EU 82.
NF A 35-016 (available in English)
Armatures pour beton arme-barres et fil machine a haute adherence. Steels for concrete reinforcements. High adherence bars and wirerods. Similar but not equivalent to EU 80, EU 82.
A 35-017 (cancelled and replaced by A 35-016)
Armatures a haute adherence pour beton arme-prescriptions concernant la forme. High adherence steels for concrete reinforcements.
A 35-016
Armatures pour beton arme. Barres et fils machine a haute adherence. Steels for concrete reinforcement. High adherence bars and wirerods.
NF A 35-018 (available in English)
Armatures pour beton arme-aptitude au soudage. Steels for concrete reinforcement. Weldability.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
NF A 35-019
Armatures pour beton arme-fils adherence.
a huate
Steels for concrete reinforcement. High adherence wirerods. A 35-020 (available in English)
Produits en acier. Armatures a huate adherence pour beton arme. Dispositifs de raboutage et d'ancrage.
Steel products. High adherence bars for reinforced concrete. Devices to join and anchor. A 35-021 (cancelled and replaced by A 35-022)
Filtres trefiles lisses destines des treillis soudes.
a la fabrication
Smooth wiredrawing filters for fabrication of welded meshes. A 35-022 (replaces A 35-020, A 35-021, and A 35-022)
Armatures pour beton arme-Treillis soudes et elements constitutifs.
Concrete reinforcing bars-Welded wire and components. NF A 91-121
Galvanisation par immersion dans Ie zinc fondu (galvanisation a chaud). Produits finis en fer, acier, fonte.
Galvanization by immersion in molten zinc (hot galvanization). Products in iron, steel, and cast iron. Equivalent to ISO 1460, ISO 1461. A 05-250
Corrosion par les sols. Evaluation de la corrosivite. Canalisations enterrees en materiaux ferreux non ou peu allies.
Corrosion by soils. Evaluation of corrosivity. Buried pipes made with steel, slightly or nonalloyed. A 05-251
Corrosion par les sols. Evaluation de la corrosivite. Ouvrages en acier enterres (palplanches et pieux).
Corrosion by soils. Evaluation of corrosivity. Buried steel structures (sheet piles or piles).
French Standards with Corresponding ISO/ASTM/BSI/Din
A 05-252
Corrosion par les sols. Aciers galvanizes ou non mis au contact de materiaux naturels de remblais (sols). Corrosion by soils. Steels galvanized or not placed into contact with natural backfill materials (soils).
NF P 15-300 (available in English)
Liants hydrauliques-verification de la qualite des livraisons, emballage et marquage. Hydraulic binders. Verification of supply quality, packing, and labelling.
NF P 15-301 (available in English)
Liants hydrauliques-definitions, classification et specifications des ciments. Hydraulic binders: definitions, classification, and specifications of cements.
P 15-302
Ciments Portland. Portland cements.
(cancelled) (cancelled)
Ciments Portland de fer. Iron Portland cements.
P 15-304 (cancelled)
Ciments de haut fourneau. Blast furnace cements.
P 15-305 (cancelled)
Ciments de laitier ou clinker. Clinker slag cements.
P 15-311
Ciments metallurgiques mixtes. Mixed metallurgic cements.
P 15-350
Commentaires generaux communs aux normes de liants hydrauliques. General comments common to the standards on hydraulics.
P 15-303
NF P 18-103
Adjuvants pour beton, mortiers et coulis. Definitions, classification et marguage. Admixtures for concrete, mortars, and grout: definitions, classification, and labeling.
NF P 18-301 (available in English)
Granulats naturels poure betons hydrauliques. Aggregates: natural aggregates for hydraulic concrete.
Soil Nailing Recommendations-1991
NF P 18-302 (available in English)
Granulats. Laitier critalise de haut-foumeau. Structural concretes crushed. Slag.
NF P 18-303 (available in English)
Beton. Mise en oeuvre. Eau de gachage pour beton de construction. Concrete preparation: mixing water for structural concrete.
NF P 18-336 (available in English)
Adjuvants pour betons, mortiers et coulis-reducteur d'eau-plastificants. Admixtures for concrete, mortar, and grout. Water reduces plastizers.
NF P 18-337 (available in English)
Adjuvants pour betons, mortiers et coulis. Reducteurs d'cau. Plastifants. Admixtures for concrete, mortar, and grout. Set retardants.
NF P 18-338 (available in English)
Adjuvants pour betons, mortiers et coulis. Entraineurs d'air. Admixtures for concrete, mortar, and grout. Entraining agents.
NF T 01-012
pH-metrie-solutions etalons pour l'etalonnage d'un pH-metre. Measuring pH levels - Standard solutions to be used when calibrating a pH meter.
NF T 01-013 (available in English)
pH-metrie-Mesure electrometrique du pH au moyen d'une electrode du verrevocabulaire et methode de mesure. pH measurements. Electrometric pH measurement by a glass electrode. Vocabulary and measurement method.
Table of Contents
Preface (to the English translation) v vii Preface (to the original French document) Introduction ix List of symbols and definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xiii xix Table of conversion for SI Units Contents xxi Chapter 1:
DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE 1.1. Definition of a soil nailed wall 1.2. Building phases
HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 2.1. Origins of soil nailing 2.2. Developments in the use of soil nailing for earth support systems 2.3. Soil nailing and patents 2.4. Advantages and drawbacks
THE FRENCH NATIONAL PROJECT "CLOUTERRE" 13 13 3.1. General background 3.2. The participants and financing of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 3.3. The research program 3.4. Full-scale tests on soil nailed walls at the CEBTP 15
Chapter 2:
1 1 3 5 5 6 10 10
SOIL/NAIL INTERACTION 29 2.1. Soil/nail friction 29 2.1.1. Similarity between skin friction in a fill and an in situ soil 29 2.1.2. Mobilization of skin friction along a nail 32 2.1.3. Influence of the type of nail 35 2.1.4. Correlations between parameters (k ~' q) and Pi 36 2.1.5. Influence of moisture content on skin friction 37 2.1.6. Mobilization of friction with deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.2. Lateral earth pressure of nail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 40 2.2.1. Similarity with piles subjected to horizontal loading
Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991
2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4.
Shear tests on soil reinforced with rigid nails 42 Influence of the direction of the nails on the mobilization of stresses . . . 43 Mobilization of the tension, shear force, and bending moment . . . . . . . . 46
BEHAVIOR OF STRUCTURES 49 3.1. Distribution of tension in nails and line of maximum tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.2. Stresses in the soil of a soil nailed structure 50 52 3.3. Mobilization of the bending resistance of the nails 3.4. Deformations and displacements of a soil nailed wall 52 3.4.1. Internal deformations of walls under in-service stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 55 3.4.2. Displacements of the facing 3.4.3. Behavior of the wall during construction 56 59 3.5. Behavior of the facing
TYPES OF FAILURE OF SOIL NAILED WALLS 4.1. Failure by breakage of the nails (internal failure) 4.2. Failure by lack of adherence (internal failure) 4.3. Failure during excavation phases 4.3.1. Failure due to excessive height of continuous excavation (internal failure) 4.3.2. Failure by piping of the soil (internal failure) 4.4. External failure and mixed failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
59 59 61 62
MIXED STRUCTURES 5.1. Soil nailed wall with a row of prestressed anchors at the upper part 5.2. Nailed Tervoile 5.3. Nailed Berlin wall
63 65 65 65
Chapter 3:
62 63 63
CONCEPTION OF STRUCTURES - CODE OF PRACTICE 73 1.1. Possibilities and limitations of the technique 73 1.1.1. Constraints linked to the immediate environment 73 1.1.2. Special soil conditions 74 1.1.3. Water tables 75 1.2. Choice of the soil nailing technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 1.3. General geometric layout 76 1.3.1. Facing - elevation and layout plan 76 1.3.2. Length, layout, and angle of installation of the nails 78 1.4. Construction provisions 80 1.4.1. Protection against entry of water 80 1.4.2. Embedment of facing toe 81 1.4.3. Aesthetics of the structures 82 1.5. Mixed structures 82
Table of Contents
1.6. Preliminary design 1.6.1. Objectives of preliminary design 1.6.2. Influence of the technology involved and influence of the geometric parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.3. Nailing density parameter 1.6.4. Preliminary design charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
84 84 85 86 88
PRINCIPLES USED WHEN CALCULATING THE DESIGN OF STRUCTURES 91 2.1. Analysis of stability 91 2.1.1. Calculations of deformations 91 2.1.2. Limit equilibrium methods 92 2.1.3. Limit equilibrium methods with relative displacements 93 2.2. Assessing displacements 93 2.3. Experimental justifications 94 2.3.1. Behavior of structures in service and at failure 94 2.3.2. The four failure modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 2.3.3. Justifications based on failure in actual structures 96 2.3.4. Simultaneous mobilization of resistances 97 98 2.4. French and international contexts 2.4.1. French context 98 2.4.2. International context 100 100 The German method - Stocker et al., (1979) The Shen method, USA (1978) 101 Juran design method (1990) 103
GENERAL METHOD FOR STUDYING THE STABILITY OF A SOIL NAILED STRUCTURE 105 3.1. Limit state design - Assumptions and data 105 3.1.1. Principles of limit state design 105 Basic formula 105 How to account for nails and prestressed ground anchors 106 3.1.2. Actions 107 Types of actions 107 Characteristic values of these actions 108 110 Combination of actions and calculations 3.1.3. Resistances 111 111 Failure criteria of materials Characteristic values of strength parameters 113 Calculation values of strengths 114 3.1.4. Situations 115 3.2. Calculation methods 117 3.2.1. Stages of calculation 117 117 3.2.2. Determination of nail forces at failure ("multicriteria" rule) Failure criteria and limit equilibrium methods 117 Combinations of failure criteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Rule for determining forces 124
Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991
3.2.3. 3.2.4.
3.3. Safety 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 4.
Calculating the stability of the soil nailed structure Examples of calculations and design Example of the Eparris wall Example of CEBTP Experiment No.1 Example of a mixed soil nailed wall with surcharges and partial drainage in a layer system Simplified methods Assumptions Conditions of use considerations Practical rules Illustration
128 130 130 133 136 136 136 140 140 140 141
JUSTIFYING THE FACING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 141 4.1. Mechanical role of the facing - Modelling for the calculations 141 4.2. Determining the forces applied on facing 142 4.3. Design of the facing 143 4.4. Justifications of the resistance 144 4.4.1. Justification under bending 144 145 4.4.2. Justification of a punching mode of failure around the nail head 146
Appendix 2:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 152
STABILITY CHARTS FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF SOIL NAILED WALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 157
USING THE CHARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 158
SAFETY VERIFICATIONS 4.1. Traditional method 4.2. Calculating at ultimate limit state
162 162 162
Table of Contents
Appendix 3:
Chapter 4:
GEOTECHNICAL STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1. Preliminary investigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2. Soil investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3. Laboratory and in situ tests 1.3.1. Cohesionless soils 1.3.2. Cohesive soils Characteristic values of strength parameters. . 1.3.3. 1.4. Determination of the soil corrosion potential 1.5. Hydrogeological study
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 167 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 167 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 168 169 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 170 , 170 170
NAIL TESTS 2.1. Tests objective 2.2. Different types of tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.3. Objectives of the different tests 2.3.1. Preliminary tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.3.2. Conformity tests at the beginning of the construction 2.3.3. Inspection tests during construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.4. Contractor's duties 2.5. Nail tests and reaction forms 2.5.1. Nail tests location 2.5.2. Reaction forms 2.5.3. Nail installation for the three types of tests 2.6. Nail tests procedure 2.6.1. Choice of the procedure 2.6.2. Choice of the maximum load capacity for the nail tests 2.6.3. Materials and equipment used during tests 2.7. Controlled displacement pull-out tests (constant speed) 2.7.1. Test procedure 2.7.2. Interpretation of test result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Generalities Behavior of nail under service conditions (To < T L) • • • • • • • •• Behavior of nail at failure To = T L • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Calculations of the unit skin friction qs 2.8 Controlled force tests (creep steps) 2.8.1. Procedure for controlled force tests 2.8.2. Interpretation of the results of the controlled pull-out test . . . . . . . . .. Drawing of the creep curves Determination of the critical creep tension Drawing of the force-displacement curve 2.9 Determination of the characteristic limit pull-out force
170 170 170 171 171 172 173 173 173 173 174 174 175 175 176 177 178 178 179 180 182 185 186 187 187 188 188 189 190 190
Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991
GENERALITIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 193
CALCULATIONS OF DISPLACEMENT 2.1. First phase (Yo < Yl) 2.2. Second phase: at failure 2.3. Example of a full calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
195 195 198 199
Chapter 5: WALL STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 1.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 1.1. General aspects - Principle governing the construction of the structures 203 1.2. Earthworks 204 205 1.3. Choice of an installation method for the inclusions 1.4. Selection of the method to be used to lay the concrete of the facing 206 206 1.5. Resources used - Equipment 1.6. Controls - Monitoring deformations of the structures 207 207 1.7. Program for the construction of the structures
CONDUCT OF THE WORK 2.1. Earthworks Height of earthworks 2.1.1. 2.1.2. Special provisions 2.1.3. Construction time 2.1.4. Anomalies - Incidents 2.2. Protection against percolation water 2.3. Installation of inclusions 2.3.1. Inclusions directly driven into the soil Constitution of the inclusions Installation (figure 7) Blocking the inclusion against (or in) the facing 2.3.2. Inclusion secured in a borehole Characteristics of the inclusions Installation Attaching the inclusion against the facing . . . . . 2.4. Installation of facing reinforcing bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5. Placing the concrete of the facing 2.5.1. Cast-in-place concrete 2.5.2. Shotcrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6. Stability of the facing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .. ...........
........... ...........
208 208 208 210 211 213 213 214 215 215 215 216 216 216 217 220 220 222 222 223 224 225
Table of Contents
Chapter 6:
DURABILITY OF STRUCTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
CLASSIFYING SOILS ACCORDING TO THEIR AGGRESSIVITY . . . . . 3.1. Objective and area of application 3.2. General principles 3.3. Evaluating the corrosiveness of the soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1. Overall corrosiveness index 3.3.2. Electrolytic effect of electric currents: "stray" currents. . . . 3.4. Determining which characteristics will be used when assessing the the corrosiveness of soils 3.4.1. Type of soil 3.4.2. Resistivity 3.5. Phreatic water table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6. pH 3.7. Interpreting the results
. . . . . . . . . . 229 229 229 . . . . . . . . . . 230 230 . . . . . . . . . . 231 231 231 231 . . . . . . . . . . 232 232 232
PROTECTION FOR METALLIC REINFORCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 4.1. Generalities 233 4.2. Standard steels (elastic limit cre ~ 500 MPa) 233 4.2.1. Thickness sacrificed to corrosion 234 4.2.2. Protection using plastic sheath 235 4.2.3. Galvanization.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 4.2.4. Protection with nonmetallic coating 236 4.3. High strength steels with a high elastic limit (cre > 500 MPa) 236 4.4. Alloyed materials and passive steels 236
DURABILITY OF THE FACING 237 6.1. Concrete facing 237 6.2. Facing with steel panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 6.3. Facing with other materials 238
PROTECTING THE NAIL HEADS AND AREAS THAT INTERFACE WITH THE FACING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 239 7.1. Generalities 239 7.2. Types of protection 240
MONITORING OF THE CORROSION PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
245 247
Soil Nailing Recommendations - 1991
Chapter 7: 1.
SPECIFICATION AND INSPECTION OF MATERIALS 1.1. Materials used for nail reinforcements 1.1.1. Metal reinforcements 1.1.2. Nonmetal bars 1.2. Procedures and materials for protecting nail bars against corrosion 1.2.1. Protection for standard steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Protection for prestressing steels 1.3. Grout used for securing the nails 1.3.1. Specifications for grout components Cements Water Specific ingredients and additives 1.3.2. Specifications relating to grout mix design 1.3.3. Checking the quality of the grout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking that the grout components conform Conformity and control tests Test frequency 1.4. Concrete bars for the facing 1.5. Concrete to be used for the facing (shotcrete or cast-in-place) 1.5.1. Shotcrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications relating to the concrete mix design Specifications regarding the mix design (composition and proportions) of fresh concrete Controlling the quality of the shotcrete 1.5.2. Cast-in-place concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications for the ingredients, composition, and proportions used Inspecting the quality of the concrete 1.6. Drainage materials and devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purpose of drainage 1.6.1. 1.6.2. Drainage devices used 1.6.3. Drainage materials
251 251 251 251 252 253 . . . . . . 253 253 253 253 253 253 254 254 . . . . . . 254 254 254 257 257 258 . . . . . . 258 258 262 262 . . . . . . 265 265 265 . . . . . . 265 265 266 266
CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION OF A SOIL NAILED WALL 267 2.1. Documents to be produced before work starts 267 Document specifying the structural design of the 2.1.1. soil nailed wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 2.1.2. Drainage devices 267 2.1.3. Detailed plan showing the various phases involved in the excavation, nailing, and construction of the reinforced concrete facing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 267 2.2. Inspections to be carried out during construction 267 2.2.1. Checking conformity of the ground and its hydrogeology with the geotechnical data available 267
Table of Contents
Inspecting to ensure that the work conforms with the construction documents 268 Installation of the nails 268 Planning the various construction phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Placing shotcrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
CHECKING THE BEHAVIOR OF A SOIL NAILED WALL 4.1. Checking the behavior of a soil nailed wall during construction 4.1.1. The need for inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Defining the inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3. Types of inspection and their purposes Inspecting for evidence of movements Checking the tension in the nails Visual inspections of the concrete facing, checking the drainage and piezometric levels . . . . . . . . 4.1.4. Inspection timetables 4.2. Checking the behavior of the soil nailed wall when it is in service 4.2.1. The need for inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2. Defining the inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3. Type of inspections and procedures Checking for movements Checking the tensile forces on the nails Inspecting the drainage facilities and piezometric levels Inspecting the durability of the nails: bar samples for quality control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4. Inspection frequency Inspecting for displacements of the soil nailed wall and for tension in the nails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspecting the drainage devices Inspecting the durability of the structure 4.2.5. Maintaining the drainage network
269 270 270 . . . . . 270 . . . . . 270 270 270 271 . . . . . 271 271 271 . . . . . 271 . . . . . 272 272 272 272 . . . . . 272 . . . . . 272 273 . . . . . 273 274 274 274
Table of Contents