PAGE 1 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
LE T T H I S BE YOUR GUI D E Welcome to a select family of passionate, forward-thinking trainers. If you’re reading this then I don’t need to tell you that online training is a great way to make training a career. The systems in the 1K Extra course have been designed and tested to work both for people who want to keep online training as a side business, or for those who want to make 100k or more a year doing it (which has happened already countless times). As with any new venture, you have the opportunity to direct its development. I’ve given you all of the tools in this course but ultimately how you build your business will be dictated by you. This book is your guide. Stepby-step you’ll be filling in checklists and worksheets and transferring the important information onto master documents to create a snapshot of your business.
given you all of the “ I’ve tools in this course but
ultimately how you build your business will be dictated by you. This book is your guide.
I know how daunting a task like this is for some. There’s a lot to do and a lot to consider. Allow me to take a minute to explain how this workbook is set up to enable you to focus on the task at hand while systematically building your business from the ground up and offset the dreaded analysis paralysis. Just like the course, this book is split up into two sections: Jumpstart and Advanced. Each lesson has a section in this book associated with it.
As you watch the videos, you’re meant to have two things handy: the binder and this workbook. In the binder are all slides from the lessons with spaces to write notes as you listen to me explain the systems involved just like you would in school. Each lesson’s section in this workbook is a bit different. All of them have the length of the video, point(s) of interest, and a summarizing quote. Beyond that, some have sections for you to write ideas and begin to develop your business. Others have notes and lists that I felt were important enough to include for easy reference. In addition, I’ve included every script that you’ll ever need for getting clients and sales calls. Multiple times throughout the workbook I’ll prompt you to write your conclusions from the lesson onto the checklist. These checklists will become a snapshot of your business for easy reference. I’ve also included a number of worksheets for reference in this book. Some documents you will need multiple copies of because you’ll be filling one out with each potential client while others will be a single document that grows with your business and is meant to be kept on your computer. You can download these files directly onto your computer from www.1kextra. com/extras (I’m original huh?). Congratulations on deciding to take the plunge and begin your journey into creating more freedom in your business, your life, and your mind. I’m honored that you chose me to help show you the way. -Jonathan Goodman CSCS (Creator and Head Coach of the Personal Trainer Development Center thePTDC)
PAGE 2 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
TABLE OF CONTENTS JUMP S TA RT M OD U L E - What Does Your Freedom Number Look Like - Building Your Packages - What To Name Your Services - Legalities - Calendars - Software - Offering Support - The Sales Call (The 12 Steps To A Sales Call) - Getting Clients Via Email - Meshing Online And Offline Training - Getting Your Client To Renew - Jumpstart Checklist
A DVA N C E D M O DU LE - The Two Ways To Offer Your Training - Building Your Video Library - Web Form - Templating - Passive Client Getting Systems - Active Client Getting Techniques - Building A Squeeze Page
D I SC L AI M E R All information in this book and the entire 1K Extra course is property of J. Goodman Consulting Inc. The information is meant to be used for educational purposes only. Jonathan Goodman, thePTDC, and J. Goodman Consulting Inc.will not assume any liability or be responsible for anything caused by the utilization of this information"
PAGE 3 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
t r a t s p m Ju Module What Does Your Freedom Number Look Like | Building Your Packages | What To Name Your Services | Legalities | Calendars | Software | Offering Support | The Sales Call (The 12 Steps To A Sales Call) | Getting Clients Via Email | Meshing Online And Offline Training | Getting Your Client To Renew
PAGE 4 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
W H AT D O E S Y O U R F R E E D O M NUMBER LOOK LIKE? Video Time – 15:16
Point of Interest
Write down your essential expenses (Rent, food, funds to care for others, occasional treat + special outing.)
Write down your continued funds (what you’re already making either passively or doing what you love to do and want to continue doing)
Calculate your freedom number based on the following equation:
“Freedom is providing yourself the opportunity to fail PAGE 5 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
B U I L D I N G Y O U R PA C K A G E S POINTS OF INTEREST 3:28 – Your service offerings 13:37 – 3 service levels
Video Time – 22:43
List all of the services that you could offer with a value below:
Potential services • • • • • • • • •
Mindset training presentation Monthly design Monthly nutrition design Daily tips Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly phone consultations Email support Skype movement screen A membership program Positive messages / affirmations
Write down your 3 packages and the services offered for each on the Jumpstart Checklist on page 42
Complete the section for how many clients you need for each package on the Jumpstart Checklist on page 42
“More isn’t better… Just enough is better” PAGE 6 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
W H AT T O N A M E Y O U R S E R V I C E S Video Time – 14:36
POINTS OF INTEREST 8:35 – Examples of names
Choose 10-15 possible names. Write them below.
“ Yo u ’ r e n o t a p e r s o n a l t r a i n e r a n y m o r e . ” PAGE 7 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
LEGALITIES POINTS OF INTEREST 1:03 – Waivers / Forms to Include
Video Time – 4:20
Below is an example waiver. This is meant for information purposes only and J. Goodman Consulting Inc. is not responsible if you choose to use it in your business. Training / Coaching Waiver and Release Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ Home Phone: _____________________ I hereby agree to participate in the exercise program given by ____________ and (herein known as “coach”) upon the understanding and condition that: 1. I acknowledge that the coach has advised me of medical risks that may result from such participation and represent to the coach that I have consulted my personal physician if I have been advised to do so by the Par-Q and I am physically capable of such participation without injury. 2. I am aware of the medical risks associated with participating in an intense exercise program, including the possibility of injuries resulting from the activities performed such as jumping, weight lifting, stair jumping/running, and all other physical activities associated with the exercise program. 3. I recognize the risks of illness or injury inherent in a group exercise program and am participating in the coaches program upon the express agreement and understanding that I am hereby waiving and releasing the coach from any and all claims, costs, liability, expenses or judgments including attorney’s fees and court cost (herein, collectively “Claims”) arising out of my participation in the coaches programs or any illness or injury resulting there from, and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Trainers from and against any and all such Claims. 4. I hereby execute and deliver this waiver and release to induce the coaches to permit me to participate in its program. SIGNATURE OF PARTICIPANT ___________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________________________________
“Protect yourself” PAGE 8 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
CALENDERS Video Time – 4:20
List all of the reminders that you will set when a new client signs up.
POINTS OF INTEREST 2:13 – List of possible reminders to include 5:35 – How to schedule calls Possible reminders include • • • • • • • • • • •
Send new workout Book consultation Book assessment Renew package (1 week before expiry) Email support Send nutrition plan Office hours Send check in email or random hello Send random gift Answer weekly emails Email potential clients
Write down the steps to setting up your calendars here Copy down your reminder list onto the Jumpstart Checklist on page 42
“Focus on what matters: free your time and your mind.” PAGE 9 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
SOFTWARE Video Time – 7:59
“Save your time, and your mind” PAGE 10 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
OFFERING SUPPORT Video Time – 18:01
Write down the questions you most commonly get to include on your F.A.Q.
“ Yo u r j o b i s t o e m p o w e r. E n c o u r a g e p e o p l e t o e n j o y t h e p r o c e s s , t a k e o w n e r s h i p o f t h e i r d e c i s i o n s , a n d m a i n t a i n s o m e a u t o n o m y. ” PAGE 11 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Video Time – 18:01
POINTS OF INTEREST 4:55 – The 12 steps of the call 7:27 – Starting the call 15:05 – How to discuss your program 19:39 – The sales proposition
NOTE: I’ve provided the 12 steps two different ways. On the next page you’ll find the 12 steps written out without any explanation. This is meant to serve as a reference for you during the call itself. On the following page, the 12 steps are repeated with my explanation of each step. I’ve also attached a tracking worksheet for you to fill out during each call. You can find a soft copy of this document on the site at to download additional copies.
“Getting to yes!” PAGE 12 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
1. “Hey_________. Thanks so much for jumping on this call with me. [ SMALL TALK]”
2. “OK, here’s how this call is going to work. We’re going to spend a few minutes
talking about your exercise history and goals. At the end if I think one of my programs can help you, I’m happy to chat about it. If not, that’s cool too. Sound good?”
3. “Any health issues I need to know about before we get any further?” 4. “Have you ever had a trainer or coach before?
“Have you ever followed a workout program before?”
5. “You mentioned that you weren’t happy with a previous trainer. Do you mind telling me what happened or why you weren’t happy?”
6. “If we were to meet 3 months from now, what would you want to see happen.” 7. “Sounds like a great goal. What are the biggest obstacles for that happening?” 8. “OK. So if I can show you how we’re going to solve all of these things are you good to get started today?
9. “I think you’d be a great fit for the ___________ Program. Would you like to hear more about that?”
10. “Great. So the program has ___ parts. I’ll go over each one briefly. The first is direction. You mentioned that you were overwhelmed with the variation of advice. Each month I’ll be sending you a workout specifically designed for you to get you closer to _______ (whatever goals they laid out)”
11. “Does this sound like something that you would be interested in?” 12. “OK, so I’ll send you a link to a secure paypal button right now. Once I receive
payment I’ll send you a confirmation package and some documentation to get started.”
PAGE 13 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
The 12 Steps to a Sales Call Explained Step 1 – Small Talk “Hey ___. Thanks so much for jumping on this call with me. What was your favorite character in Lord of the Rings?” Try to start the conversation off on common ground. This is where the relationship-building question you asked on your web form comes in handy. If you have nothing to chat about, tell a quick funny story. For example, I had a call once where I spilled coffee right before. So I told that story to start and we were both laughing at my misfortune. (My entire apartment is carpeted. It’s still stained.)
Step 2 – Take Control of the Call “OK, here’s how this call is going to work. We’re going to spend a few minutes talking about your exercise history and goals. At the end if I think one of my programs can help you, I’m happy to chat about it. If not, that’s cool too. Sound good?” After 1-2 minutes of small talk, you must gain control of the call. This is when you get the first “yes”.
Step 3 – Health History “Any health issues I need to know about before we get any further?” Pretty simple here, just get any issues out in the open.
Step 4 – Exercise History “Have you ever had a trainer or coach before? “Have you ever followed a workout program before?”
Step 5 – Probe Deeper (optional) “You mentioned that you weren’t happy with a previous trainer. Do you mind telling me what happened or why you weren’t happy?” Depending on their response to step 3, you may want more information. If they had a coach before, be sure to ask why they stopped. If your lead has had problems with existing trainers you need to know what they are and assure them that you won’t make the same mistake.
Step 6 - Goals “If we were to meet 3 months from now, what would you want to see happen.” This is a technique called the r-factor quotient. In getting them to visualize how things will be 3 months you make the experience emotional. This is a great test of the relationship as well. If they give you a good answer (and not a superficial one) then you’ve got a good chance of converting them into a client.
Step 7 – Objections “Sounds like a great goal. What are the biggest obstacles for that happening?” Ask them what they believe is holding them back in as many different ways as you can until you feel that you’ve gotten all of their potential objections out in the open. Write down all of their answers in this section (I usually turn on the highlighter as well so it’s easy to see when I’m describing my program in step 9.) I like to finish this part of the call by asking: “OK. So if I can show you how we’re going to solve all of these things are you good to get started today? This is where they will introduce any other potential obstacles. After this point, you should only have to deal with price (which we’ll get to in a bit).
You should have some of this information already if you’ve had any contact with the client. I’d keep it simple though.
PAGE 14 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Step 8 – How to Introduce the Sales Proposition
now. Once I receive payment I’ll send you a confirmation package and some documentation to get started.”
“I think you’d be a great fit for the ___________ Program. Would you like to hear more about that?”
Step 12 – They Object Based Off of Price
Get them to say yes once more.
Step 9 – Describing Your Program
“Would it make things easier for you if we split up the payments? I’ve no problem being flexible. What plan would work for you over the 3 months?”
“Great. So the program has ___ parts. I’ll go over each one briefly. The first is direction. You mentioned that you were overwhelmed with the variation of advice. Each month I’ll be sending you a workout specifically designed for you to get you closer to _______ (whatever goals they laid out)”
If they say that they can’t afford it and don’t present an option right away that would work for them, present one yourself:
Follow this same script to describe each part of your program ensuring that you show exactly how each part of your program will solve your potential clients objections or reservations one by one that they outlined in step 7.
If they still say that they can’t afford it, you can move onto your second option:
Step 10 – One Final “Yes” Before the Price “Does this sound like something that you would be interested in?” Wait for them to say yes. Ideally they’ll say something like, “sounds like the program was specifically made for me.” They also might ask you directly for the price here. All that you want out of this step is to make sure there are no more questions by giving them one last opportunity to bring up anything you haven’t yet solved and to get the third yes. (3 “yes” statements in a sales meeting is a bit of a magic number.)
Step 11 – The Sales Proposition “Great, well I’d love to have you. For the monthly program design, nutrition design, and admission into the accountability group the price is $___ and I ask for a 3 month commitment. So if you’re ready to start today, I can have your first workout to you by _____ (date). Are you ready to get going?”
“No problem. How does splitting it up into 3 monthly payments sound”
“Not a problem. I do have another option that may fit into your price range. It includes a workout sent to you each month with full access to a video library. The price for that package is $_____ . How does that sound?” If they still can’t afford it or object on price, wish them well and end the call. General Notes: Some people will go on for hours if you don’t stop them. You’re in control of the conversation. If they aren’t giving you the information you need, probe deeper. Ask why over and over again. If they start to get off topic, interrupt them politely and ask them a question directly on topic. If they object on anything other than price or having to speak to a spouse (which you really can’t work around but should prepare for by getting the spouse on the call beforehand) then you need to go back and solve that problem before going back to the sales proposition.
If they say yes, great. Make the paypal button as you talk while describing to them the next steps. “OK, so I’ll send you a link to a secure paypal button right
PAGE 15 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
The Biggest Mistakes When Emailing
POINTS OF INTEREST 3:11 – The 4 biggest mistakes when emailing 7:33 – The 5 ways to send an email from best to worst 15:02 – Client benefits 25:01 – The entire system represented visually
1. Pitching your services directly. Don’t directly tell them that you offer training or are asking if they, or anybody they know would be interested. 2. Trying to answer questions and objections. Always try to get them on the phone. 3. Not keeping it tight and sticking with the system. 4. Not being consistent and persistent.
T h e B e n e f i t s o f O n l i n e Tr a i n i n g f o r t h e C l i e n t •Don’t have to go into a gym: Gyms are sometimes uncomfortable environments for clients. In addition, the gym might not be located conveniently for the clients. •Don’t have to work around each other’s schedule: A busy trainer has long wait times for popular spots. This way a client can work out when they want and still benefit from your guidance. In addition, if they are 5 minutes early or late, they don’t lose out. Imagine showing up at 7:36pm and not missing out on 6 minutes! •Offer stronger accountability and support systems: The community that your clients become a part of are only those who are similar to them and struggling and overcoming the same problems. Talk about a supportive environment! •Cheaper than training full time: Training full-time with a trainer in a club is expensive. In addition to having to pay for the trainers 1-on-1 time, you also have to cover
the club overhead. This way you get the benefit of the trainer at a fraction of the price. •Clients can be anywhere: The best trainer for you isn’t necessarily the one who works at the gym around the corner. Online training allows the client to seek out and find the top expert in whatever they specifically need support. •Free client app to track progress (if using Trainerize): See all of your stats, track progress, and communicate with your trainer in real time, on your time. •Able to finally help client’s friends and family who spoke of horror stories at their gyms: Unfortunately there’s a lot of variance in the fitness industry. This way you can help your clients friends and family members who have had bad experiences even if they live far away.
PAGE 16 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Write down all friends or previous clients that you could potentially email (note: write down everybody. You can always delete later)
NOTE: You can find a soft copy of this document on the site at to download additional copies.
“Stay at the top of their minds” PAGE 17 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Catch-Up Email
Red = No response Blue = Respond but no question Green = Favourable response
Email extolling services Email 2
Inquiry Respond with 2 times Email 3 Follow-up 2 days after
Email 4…
Sales Call Follow-up Spreadsheet
John Doe
Husband Jeff and adopted son Gregory. Likes soccer (Manchester United). Will be a great client when I can get him in
NOTE: You can find a soft copy of this document on the site at to download additional copies.
PAGE 18 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
SATIONS R E V O C IL A M E EXAMPLE WITH CLIENTS From Jon: Conversation picks up after initial hello email. All names and locations have been changed. Hey Jeff! Hows everything going? When did you move to She starts with question
Cleveland? ---
He responds and quickly shifts focus back to her.
Hey Jen! I'm doing awesome. Moved out here about a year ago. How are you and Jessica doing? Did you start your own business, or are you still a police officer in Calgary? I was thinking about you and Missy the other day as I was driving from the gym to Chipotle. Those were some good times at ABC Fitness. Are you still working out there? Good job reminiscing. Try to be a bit more Ends with question.
--I did start a business and it has been very slow developing this new product but we are now up and running. I'm still working my full time job to make the bills. We took about a year and a half off from the gym. I had my shoulder fixed and both knees tuned up. We then joined YYZ Fitness but it wasn't a good fit for us. We went back to ABC Fitness about 7 months ago and have been hitting it hard. We PAGE 19 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
go to the Riverdale location and love it there. Are you still training or what are you doing?
She asks about him. Go-time!
--Hey Jen, that sounds awesome, I checked out the Gothem page, and Nice joke
I really feel like that makes you one step closer than anyone else to being batman. I'm doing super awesome, living in Cleveland, still training, been married for about 2 years now. I just launched my own
Add in "because" here. "I'm excited about because...
online coaching business a few months ago which I'm very excited
Be more succinct
about. It gives me a chance to help a lot of people get great results and avoid gym horror stories without having to be in the same gym or Don't talk about your goals. on the same schedule. My eventual goal is to be have all my
business online so I can work and travel at the same time. How are Jessica and the kids doing? Are you selling that Gothem technology to police departments? ---
After talking about online training, end conversation with a period and wait for them to respond. Adding a question about them at the end gives them an easy out to ignore your talk about the online business.
Hi Jeff, You got married! Thats great. Its good to hear that your getting the online business going. Jessica and the kids are doing good. Just trying to get the kids through school and off on their own! Gothem is just now starting to make some headway. We sold one system to the Russian government and one to Benign County. I have
PAGE 20 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
RSATIONS E V O C IL A M E E EXAMPL WITH CLIENTS about 8 others interested so I hope it catches on. Its just a painfully slow process but hopefully it will pay off. I'm not batman but I have a bat-mobile..maybe I'll get a bat suit. Let us know if you make it down this way. We would love to meet you and your wife for dinner. Take care. COMMENTS This started out as a good back and forth. There's obvious rapport between the client and trainer and some nice personal touches were added. Once the pitch for online training happened, the conversation went downhill for the following reasons: 1. The trainer seemed nervous. Sentences were long and convoluted. He would have and including those. 2. He talks about how much better online training will be for him more than the client.
would then add her to his follow-up spreadsheet and send another message in a months time.
PAGE 21 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Not a bad opening but worse than all 5 options. A simple "I was just thinking of you and thought that I would see how things are going" would be better.
Just wanted to check in with you and see how things are going. Again, not bad but could be better by making more
How is your back doing? Hope all is well.
--Thanks for checking in, Kevin.
My back's still a work in progress, but it seems to be gradually improving. I had an MRI which didn't show any obvious problems, so it's likely that there are some neurological issues that will just have to work themselves out over time.
This is a point to write on the client tracking worksheet.
Jeff Montgomery
PAGE 22 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
ATIONS S R E V O C IL A M EXA---MPLE E WITH CLIENTS Glad to hear that, Jeff.
Have you been able to do any weightlifting?
Kevin Poitier
Comments: 1. The emails here seem a bit cold. Likely this is a conversation between a client and trainer who had lost touch. At every point the trainer could have gone the extra 10%
PAGE 23 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
This is worse than the 5 reasons for emailing. A simple, "I was thinking of you..." would be better.
I just wanted to touch bases with you and see how things are going.
Good in recalling that the client likes to race. Make it a bit better by saying something like, "I remember how you used to love to...."
Did you have a good race season? How's your training going? Let me know how you're doing if you have a minute. Best, Biff --Hi Biff
Put on client tracking worksheet.
Last year started out on a bad note. I came down with sciatica, very painful. It traveled down my right leg and atrophied the muscle. I worked hard to come back and by late summer I was pretty much back to 100%, and completed the season with a strong ride in Oregon. Looking forward to racing early next year and have started doing some high RPM rides and weights 3 times a week. Hope you had a great year and look forward to seeing you at some of
PAGE 24 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
ERSATIONS V O C IL A M E E L EXAMP WITH CLIENTS the CA road races next year. Mike --Hey Mike,
Sorry to hear about the injury and glad to hear you are doing better.
What caused the sciatica?
The client resolved the sciatica question so not sure if I would mention it here. I'd likely zone in and offer a great article I "just came across" on weight training for skiing and ask what they're currently doing.
Comments: 1. Not bad. Aside from making the conversation a little bit more personal I feel as if Biff focused on the wrong point. Mike mentioned an injury but quickly resolved it. If he hadn't, I'd follow up with material attached on training to improve sciatica. But since he did and mentions Mike's program before attempting to show how I would improve.
PAGE 25 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
TIONS A S R E V O C IL A EXAMPLE EM CLIENTS WITH Kim responded to an automated email from Jen. This email chain starts after that initial response.
From Jon: The first message was sent by the trainer in response to an automated follow-up. The potential client opted in to her mailing list so all has been passive until this point. The first email was sent Nov 25, 2013 (dates are important here).
Hey Kim,
Great intro! Personal and also pumps the leads ego a bit. A nice way to turn a response into a relationship
I am so sorry to hear about your best friend. I am so glad you’re available to her during this hard time.
Also nice. Immediate transition into a
I believe I can help you change your eating habits.
It’s really exciting to tell people that all of my fat loss and lifestyle coaching services are online. This allows me to help people anywhere in the country
even Haliburton, Ontario. I am not
confined to helping people in my community at a fitness club. It’s also much more cost effective for the client than if I were to coach her in person. Also scheduling never becomes an issue.
clients location.
PAGE 26 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
RSATIONS E V O C IL A M E E EXAMPL WITH CLIENTS I’ve built a couple different packages that vary in price and support to ensure you get exactly what you need in terms of direction, accountability, and support. You know what you need so you can pick what is best for you.
If you’re interested in speaking about it more and get your questions answered, I offer free 15 minute consultations over the phone or Skype. We can set something up as early as next week. Nice and succinct but there's no call to action. Jen needed to have asked when Kim could talk. Looking forward to speaking more, For example, "I offer free 15 minute consultations to answer your questions. Would you like to set one up next week?" Jen
--From Jon: There was no response after the initial email. This was sent from the trainer on Dec 10, 2013.
Are you still interested in changing your eating habits? No response so Jen followed up with the magic 9 word email. Nice!
Cheers, Jen
PAGE 27 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
SATIONS R E V O C IL A M E EXAMPLE WITH CLIENTS --Jen, I am interested, I am just pretty sure that your services are out of my price range. What would the monthly cost of being part of your group session be?
I am read/skimmed the ME diet book. I just don’t know how to get started. The foods confuse me and what I should/shouldn’t eat.
Kim --Marie tell you what, I’d love to chat with you about this. Let’s book a free 30 minute phone call. Here’s a link to my calendar. [TimeTrade link]
Kim offered some objections above but Jen astutely chose to ignore them, offered a longer phone call, and sent a link to ensure that there was no more back and forth. She also knows precisely what Kim will object to during the call and can prepare for it.
Talk soon, Jen --Jen,
PAGE 28 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
I just signed up for a chat with you Wednesday morning. Can I tell you how excited I am. I wanted to know if you would like to see what I have done, where I am at.
Up to Jen to respond and ask for more information request. For example, "sure. Please send me A, B,C in the following format." After responding (if Jen decides to) she should end the email chain with a simple, "talk Wednesday".
1. This is really well done. The only slip up was not asking for a phone call and it led to a no response which Jen astutely followed up with a 9-word email and got the phone call." 2. After the response where Kim voiced her objections (price), Jen could have nervously responded by training to answer them. If she did, chances of getting the sale will go way down. Asking for the phone call with a link gave Kim no other option and Jen can now prepare to deal with the objections.
PAGE 29 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
SATIONS R E V O C IL A M E EXAMPLE WITH CLIENTS From Jon: All names and locations have been changed. Immediately starts with a grammatical / spelling mistake.
Hello stranger Today i was talking to my girlfriend about going to Jasper during the Thanksgiving weekend, and i couldn't help but think about the crazy trip stories you told me. Do you plan on going any soon?
Two different questions. Both good. But focus on one.
If you have a minute, i would love an update. Looking forward to hearing from you. Jim --My passport expired and just waiting for the new one, then No question back and a quick response. Generally a sign it's off to Jasper. ---
of a client not interested in having a conversation. The relationship doesn't seem to be really strong coming in.
Don't you just hate that? i hate the process of waiting for it. When will you be going to Jasper?? same time as me? Jim ---
Either tell a funny story about waiting for it or omit this line. She's giving quick answers, so respond in kind. I would advise just the second line here.
Everything is dependent on the passport. I usually go on a Sunday for the day. I certainly would like to get there a couple of times before winter sets in. Take care and have a great weekend. Jenny Obviously she wants to stop the conversation having put an end ---
to it by wishing Jim a good weekend. When this happens, respond by wishing a good weekend and add to follow-up sheet.
PAGE 30 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
When it comes to sending out unsolicited emails, the only purpose is always to get a response. Think what you feel when somebody sends you an unsolicited email selling something. You probably delete it and don’t give it another thought right?
HUSBAND NAME are doing. If you have a minute, I’d love an update.
It’s also important to never pitch your services in an email. This entire system is based around getting a client to ask you for the sale. The reasons are two fold. The first is that when they ask you for the sale, you’re in charge. The second is that emailing clients is a long-term, relationship-building process. When you pitch a client, it becomes awkward to follow up later on. In never pitching, you can keep up with the client forever as a friend. Always remember that people buy trainers, not training.
Try to be as specific as possible when it comes to details. Including names, locations, or specific wording that your lead has used or would be likely to use. Below are scripts for you to use for the first email to a potential client and your follow-ups. These scripts can also be found at
Initial Emails Hey NAME I ran into your friend NAME on the street today and we started to chat about you. It sounds like you’re doing great. If you have a minute, I’d love a bit of an update. Looking forward to hearing from you. -YOURNAME
Hey NAME I was just thinking about you today and figured that I’d send a quick email to see how you and WIFE/
Looking forward to hearing from you. -YOURNAME
I came across this great article on gluten intolerance and immediately thought of you. I thought that you would be interested as it’s a bit of a different take on the subject. Anyway, I hope you’re doing well. If you have a minute, I’d love to hear how you’re doing. Looking forward to hearing from you. -YOURNAME ATTACH AN ARTICLE. If you want to touch base with an old client, just find an article on whatever they were interested in by perusing the Internet and pass it along saying that you “just came across it”. It’s a nice way to find an excuse for an email.
The Follow-Up Email The goal of the initial email is to get a response. Once they respond they’ll either ask you how you’re doing or answer your question. If it’s the latter, send them another email asking them another question about themselves and continue doing so until they ask about you or stop responding. It might happen that a client attempts to end the conversation with you by using a phrase like “have a great weekend”. If this is the case no problem – wish them well with an appropriate response and add them to your follow-up worksheet to message again in a month’s time.
The script before is meant to be used after they ask how you’re doing. Notice that in the middle of the response the benefits
PAGE 31 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
of online training to the client are hammered in. In addition, it’s made super-specific to the client by reminding them of a frustrating point that they had training and how this fixes that precise issue. You won’t always be able to do it, but when you can, always solve the clients problem that you know they have. Finally at the end I’ve broken the pattern and ended the email abruptly. It’s possible that you’ll be emailing a client multiple times before this always asking them a question at the end. Now you end with a period.
What next? Their only options are to be rude and not respond or to respond and tell you that your program sounds great.
Hey NAME Thanks for asking, I’m doing great! Everything in the gym is going really well but I found that I wasn’t quite reaching as many people as I wanted. So I purchased a course to teach me how to build an entire online training program. It’s really exciting because now I can help people anywhere in the World instead of being confined to helping people at my club. It’s also much more cost effective for the client and scheduling never becomes an issue. (Remember how you and my other client were always jokingly battling it out for that 6pm spot? Well stuff like that never happens anymore.) I’ve built a couple different options so able to help people in whatever way suits them best. While I still love training in a gym, I understand that it’s not best for everybody and this has been a great addition. Very kind of you to ask. YOURNAME Hey NAME Thanks for asking, I’m doing great!
Everything in the gym is going really well but I found that I wasn’t quite reaching as many people as I wanted. So I purchased a course to teach me how to build an entire online training program. It’s really exciting because now I can help people anywhere in the World instead of being confined to helping people at my club. It’s also much more cost effective for the client and scheduling never becomes an issue. I’ve built a couple different options so able to help people in whatever way suits them best. While I still love training in a gym, I understand that it’s not best for everybody and this has been a great addition. I had a number of clients who were making great progress but just couldn’t afford to train multiple times a week. It. Training online is awesome because I can offer the same level of guidance, support, and accountability at a fraction of the price! Looking forward to speaking more, YOURNAME
The 9 Word Email This sequence is to be used whenever somebody has previously inquired about your services but is not a current customer. Perhaps they had a phone call with you and never got back or maybe they asked about training with you and when you offered spots for a phone call they never responded. The first message is 9 words – resist the urge to say anything else. You’ll have to trust me here. The brain can’t handle open-loop messages and the more you say, the less chance that you’ll get a response. If you’re on my email list you’ll notice that I use this email in almost every product launch. The response rate trumps any other email I’ve ever sent. The second email is an A/B email. Give two options. This is designed to get them engaged in your program
PAGE 32 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
thinking specifically about how it will offer them while at the same time keeping the decision easy to make increasing the response rate. After the second email, offer a phone call. There is no other option.
The 2nd email where you offer a link can be replaced with either: Let’s hope on a phone call right now. My number is _____ I’m free the following two times today and tomorrow for a quick talk. Which one works for you?
Subject: The Persons Name (Just their first name so if you were sending it to me it would say “Jon”) Are you still interested in training online? Cheers, YOUR NAME
Following Up Once they respond (and the response rate to the 9 word email is amazing), reply with this short message and give two options. They could be “a workout program” and “a workout program and nutrition plan”
Great. Are you looking for _________ or ________ -YOUR NAME
Following Up Again When they answer you again, get them on the phone as quickly as possible. The response will either be a straight response to your question or they will ask you a different question. Below are emails to use for either scenario. Sounds good. Let’s talk. Book in a consultation via the link below. Great question and I’d love to help but it’s much easier to discuss on the phone. Below is a link to my calendar, please book in a time.
PAGE 33 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
The following are a series of posts to use on Facebook either on a personal or professional page. These are all tried and tested. Some can be copied directly and others are built as a template for you to fill in the blank. I’ve highlighted all areas in yellow where you are meant to fill in information and my notes are in green. Please note that all status updates have a title, a lede, and a call to action. The title grabs peoples attention, the lede is the introductory paragraph where you make a value proposition and highlight the #1 attribute, and the call to action is where you ask them to contact you. Included in these scripts are soft calls to action where you ask anybody to contact you with any questions. The more specific that you can make these requests the better. So instead of saying, “contact me with any questions” you can write “message me through Facebook if you have a question about post menopausal fat loss (or whatever you specialize in). All content in between the lines are status updates you can use or alter in anyway that you want. You should be posting daily tips and a testimonial or transformation pictures of your current clients (with permission of course) at least twice a week (if not more).
The List Lists talking about what people might be missing are more effective. Holding down “alt 8” will create a • on Facebook for your list.
[Did You Know?] 92% of people fail in their New Years Resolutions and 38% of all resolutions are weight loss. Sticking with a program is difficult. Family gets in the way. Work gets in the way. It’s expensive to hire an ongoing trainer. At $50/hr 4x/wk that’s $800/month – yikes! I’ve dedicated my life to attaining the knowledge to help create great programs and understand the psychological motivators to sticking with it. To train with me in person is expensive and I don’t have any space right now but I do offer remote online training and, for a limited time, have a couple of spots available. Some of the many benefits to training with me online are: - It’s much more cost effective. - Don’t have to go into a gym. - Offer stronger accountability and support systems. - You can be anywhere in the World I’m here to make sure that you don’t become another statistic. I guarantee results if you guarantee adherence. To apply, go to LINK OF YOUR WEB FORM OR ASK THEM TO MESSAGE YOU.
PAGE 34 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
The Announcement This is a good one to use when you first announce your program. [It’s Here!] In response to unprecedented demand I’ve been working on something special and… … I can’t tell you how excited I am to announce this! For HOW MANY YEARS YOU’VE BEEN TRAINING I’ve been working with clients in a gym setting. Together, we’ve had some pretty special moments: “ONE LINE TESTIMONIAL FROM A CLIENT WHO HAS LOST A LOT OF WEIGHT. FOR EXAMPLE, “I LOST 20LBS WITH JON. HE’S AMAZING!” Because of the amazing technology that’s now available, I’m now able to take on clients around the World. I’ve built a couple different packages for different needs that vary in price and support to ensure that you get exactly what you need in terms of direction, accountability, and support and don’t pay for anything more. I’m offering limited time starter prices so if you’re ready to make a change, let’s do this! My success is your success. I’m here to make sure you kill it with your fitness goals. To apply, go to LINK OF YOUR WEB FORM OR ASK THEM TO MESSAGE YOU. Oh, and I offer a guarantee on all of my services because I’m so sure that it’ll work for you. My consultation spaces are going quick, so fill out the form right away to get started. -YOUR NAME The Testimonial [AMAZING!] “PUT A TESTIMONIAL HERE” Want to get results like NAME OF PERSON THAT GAVE TESTIMONIAL? I work online with clients all around the World. It’s more cost effective and I offer all the direction, support, and accountability that you need. I’m currently accepting a chosen few clients that I want to help get amazing results. If you think that you’re up to the challenge, follow the link below OR SEND ME A MESSAGE and apply:
LINK TO YOUR COACHING PAGE WITH WEB FORM You can change all aspects of how a link appears in Facebook. Below is a screenshot of an example. I suggest changing the picture to your client and the title of the link to a punchy sentence from your testimonial as I’ve done below.
PAGE 35 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
The Story
Stories are obviously personal. This is one that I’ve made up and while you’re free to copy it, it’s dishonest to post it as an actual client story. That said, storytelling is arguably the most important skill you can possess on social media so my suggestion is to get good at it. SHE COULD HARDLY GET OUT OF BED in the morning. Now she can’t wait to start her day. I’ll call her “X” and she started training with me two years ago having no previous gym experience. Actually that’s not true. She had trained with one trainer before and got injured, but we won’t get into that story. X had no energy; she could hardly get out of bed in the morning. When we first met she complained of “slogging” throughout the day. Her work was suffering and she found herself going home at the end of the day instead of enjoying time with friends. All enjoyment had gotten sucked out of her day. She was dragging her butt out of bed, going to work, and collapsing in front of the TV only to go to sleep so that she could do it all over again. A friend of hers put us in contact and we hit it off right away. X just needed the right push. We started off slow, working with one small change at a time both in her nutrition and exercise routine. She didn’t feel comfortable going into the gym yet, so I gave her a short routine to do at home that slowly increased in intensity and length. Well today X just did her first pull up! I’m so happy I can hardly contain myself. She’s a different person.
PAGE 36 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Oh, and she gets to wear her favorite dress again ;) I only work with people who I know that I can help and train online meaning that I can work with you anywhere in the World. If you’re interested in applying, follow the link below OR SEND ME A MESSAGE and apply: LINK TO YOUR COACHING PAGE WITH WEB FORM
The Picture Make sure to get permission from your clients to take and use pictures of them on Facebook.
PICTURE OF A CLIENT “I can’t believe that I can wear my red dress again!”[START WITH A GREAT QUOTE FROM YOUR CLIENT] This is TAG CLIENT NAME. Located in LOCATION OF CLIENT, we’ve been working together for TIME HE/SHE HAS BEEN TRAINING. So far, so good. As you can see, SHE/HE is doing great and I couldn’t be happier. It’s amazing what one can accomplish with a little commitment and direction. If you’re ready to get started, I’m currently taking on clients all over the world to work with me online. follow the link below OR SEND ME A MESSAGE and apply: LINK TO YOUR COACHING PAGE WITH WEB FORM
PAGE 37 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
HOW TO SPEAK WITH YOUR OFFLINE CLIENTS If you already work with client’s offline then it’s a good idea to reach out to them for potential referrals. They obviously see the value in working with you and everybody has friends and family who live far away enough from your location to make it impossible to train with you. There are two different times to start this dialogue with your client: Directly after a session or calling them on the phone in between sessions. Here’s how the conversation should go: “Hey ____. I’ve got something really exciting that I’d like to speak with you about. Do you have two minutes? Nothing will change in terms of our relationship, but I’ve been working hard behind the scenes to develop a program whereby I can reach and help more people online. I’ve been asked by a number of my clients to refer trainers in other cities and countries because they have had bad experiences with personal training. It’s too bad, but led me to develop a system for helping these people remotely. I’m now proud to offer training services with strong programming and accountability systems over the Internet to people all over the World! Once I put word out to the public via my social networks I expect the program to fill up quickly. Before doing that I want to make sure that I can take care of the friends and family of my current clients. Is there one or two people that you can think of that might have had bad experience with a trainer but is looking to improve their fitness. In particular, I work especially well with people who suffer from chronic low back pain and fat loss.”
At this point, one of 2 things will happen: 1. They mention a name of somebody and give a bit of information about them saying that they’ll put you in touch. Respond with: “That’s great. I’m looking forward to speaking with ___ and seeing if I can help him or her. Thank you for putting us in touch.” When this happens, try to probe your current client for a bit more information on what their contact has struggled with be it an injury, fat loss, or something else. Your client likely won’t pass on word. They might feel uncomfortable talking to their friend or simply forget. Following up conventionally can be awkward and you can’t do it more than once. Do this instead: Follow up with a thank you for offering to put you in touch with your client’s friend. Hopefully it will rejig his or her memory of your conversation that day. Say that you were doing some research and came across an article that you think his or her friend would benefit from. This gives your client a polite nudge to get you in contact with his or her friend and also gives them a reason for putting you two in touch by sending along the article. If there’s no response, ignore and never mention it. It’s not worth making the relationship with your current client awkward.
2. They can’t think of anybody right now. “Not a problem at all. If you do hear anything, please put us in touch.” After speaking with all of your clients, send an email to them all (with their emails under bcc so they are not shared) announcing your online training program. PAGE 38 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Two final notes 1. It’s best to identify one or two specific things that you focus on with your training when speaking with a client. This might trigger their memory to a time when a friend mentioned that “her back hurts” or he “just can’t lose that belly fat”. It’s rare that a client will send an introduction even if they promise to do so. Following up with them can be awkward so knowing what their friend suffers from and sending an article or piece of information to pass along acts as a gentle reminder. 2. Be excited and exude passion during this conversation. You’re amped! This program is awesome! What you say has much less to do with your success than how you say it.
PAGE 39 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
POINTS OF INTEREST 2:05 – Two reasons that clients can’t train all of the time 7:54 – What to offer 12:12 – Example 1: A brand new client 17:56 – Example 2: A client who lives far away 19:35 – Example 3: A post-rehab client
“Provide a better service AND make more money in-person” PAGE 40 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
POINTS OF INTEREST 5:08 – Giving gifts 9:55 – Outlining the next steps
“ U n c o n s c i o u s r e c i p r o c a t i o n – I t ’s a b e a u t i f u l t h i n g ” PAGE 41 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Write down your freedom number ____________ 3 Service offerings: Pac k ag e N a m e
Pack ag e Servi ce Of f eri ngs
Package Pri ce
Write down how many clients you need at each service offering __________________ Write down the name of your online training company _________________________ Complete your waiver and call your insurance provider about coverage Write down your list of calendar reminders to set when a new client signs up
Create your F.A.Q. document and add in all questions. Write down a list of all contacts to email and send out first message. Create your follow-up worksheet. Practice 5 sales calls with a friend or family member. Have them test you with objections.
PAGE 42 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
EXAMPLE DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE TO SEND TO CLIENTS You can download this as a word document to alter and save as your own at The following pages comprise your information package to send to new clients. Send your version of this documentation to a new client immediately after signing them up. What I’ve done for you is built the entire package as a template.
Included in this package are the following sections: Introduction / Hello How the program works (when they get new workouts, nutrition information or any other deliverables). An overview on common workout terminology (introducing new trainees to workout jargon is an incredible way of enhancing self-efficacy and increasing adherence) A description of all legal and health forms that are attached. Rules on gym etiquette (add your own to the list if you like) I’ve pre-written all sections. All packages and programs will differ slightly. Read through the entire package and add in all information where prompted. When you’re finished, save a copy of your template to send to clients when they sign up without my notes. I also suggest that you add in a cover page, header, and footer with your company information although it’s not necessary.
Introduction / Hello Hi ___ (Fill in clients name) I first want to thank you for choosing me as your coach. I’m excited to embark on this stage of your fitness journey with you and will do everything I can to ensure that you succeed. Not only do I want you to be proud of your accomplishments as we proceed, but I want you to enjoy the process. While remote coaching is a relatively new concept, I know that you’ll enjoy it. Before we begin, I’d like you to please read through this short information package. In it is all of the information about your program and what you’re about to get in the coming months. I’ve laid out what I’ll be sending you and when you can expect to receive it in addition to guidelines for support. Included in this package is also information on how the workouts are going to be presented to you and an explanation of all variables. Lastly, there are a couple of waivers and legal documents attached that need to be filled out in full before we begin. Thank you again for choosing me to help you on your health and fitness journey. I’m here for you every step of the way. To your health, PAGE 43 _____ (Your Name) ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
How the Program Works 1. In order to give you the direction, accountability and support that you need there are a couple different facets to this program. I’ll briefly describe them here. 2. How workouts are delivered (i.e. through a software program or emailed directly via excel) and how often they are sent. 3. How nutrition guidelines are delivered (if included). If using email to communicate, add instructions to add your email to the users “safe list” to make sure that they don’t miss anything. 4. Guidelines for how you give support. Repeat all rules for email or when you do Skype calls here. Add a new point and all relevant details for each facet of the program. Make sure that you include when it’s sent, what the format is, and any other notes that they may need to know.
Workout Terminology I wanted to quickly define some terms that will be used throughout. To give you the best workout possible, I give guidelines on a number of different factors beyond sets and reps. Below are definitions of some terms used in workoutnese (my term for workout jargon) that I use to describe the different aspects of the program. Rep – One performance of a single exercise. Set – The number of repetitions performed without stopping. Tempo – The speed at which one repetition is performed. It’s denoted with 4 numbers (ex. 4-0-1-0). Each of the 4 numbers is in seconds. The first number represents the speed of the movement that follows one repetition, the second is the pause, the 3rd is the action phase of the movement, and the 4th is the pause. In the example of a bench press, the first number denotes the speed at which the weight is lowered, the second is the pause at the bottom, the 3rd is the speed at which the bar is pressed, and the 4th is the pause at the top. Rest – The rest is the time in seconds between two sets. Add in any other short forms and notes here (things like writing RDL instead of Romanian dead lift.)
PAGE 44 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Notes on Gym Etiquette Because I won’t be with you in the gym, I feel that it’s important to ensure that you follow the unwritten rules. You might notice others breaking these “laws of the iron” but I want you to get as comfortable in the gym as possible as quickly as possible. Here are the five most important rules to consider throughout your workout. 1. Respect the no-lift zone Don’t ever lift a weight within 5 feet of the dumbbell rack. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing shoulder press, split squat, biceps curls, or goblet squats or anything else. Pick up your weights and take 5 giant steps back. 2. Avoid the “Ab zone”. Most gyms have a designated area for mats, balls, bosu balls etc. Don’t bring heavy weights into that area. It’s designated for stretching and ab work. By taking up their space you force them to take up your space (see the next point). 3. Keep your mats out of the way. Don’t set up a mat in between two benches in the free weight zone and do crunches unless you want a weight dropped on your head. Even if the gym is empty set up your mat out of the way. Either stick to the “ab zone” or place your mat in a corner out of the way. Think proactively. Where might somebody want to work out over the course of your set? Don’t set up there. 4. Avoid walking in front of somebody else in the middle of a set. If somebody is in the middle of their set NEVER cross their field of vision. Take the long way around if you have to. If you can’t take the long way around, wait for them to finish their set before walking in front. 5. Put your weights away.
Forms Attached Attached in this package are a couple forms for you to fill out and send back before sending you your first program. Choose any of the forms that apply and delete the others. They are: Par-Q – This is a standard form that all clients have to fill out. If you check yes to any of the questions I will need to send you another form to have filled out by your doctor before we continue. Par Med-X – This is the standard form that all clients above 55 years of age or that checked “yes” to any questions on the Par-Q. This form needs to be filled out by a doctor, signed, and send back. Par Med-X for Pregnancy – This form acts both as an information package and a document that needs to be filled out by your doctor, signed, and returned. Exercise Waiver and Release – This is a form certifying that I advised you of all risks and took necessary precautions in building your program. It needs to be signed and returned.
PAGE 45 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Advanced Module The Two Ways To Offer Your Training | Building Your Video Library Webform | Templating | Passive Client Getting Systems | Active Client Getting Techniques | Building A Squeeze Page
PAGE 46 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Video Time – 20:54
POINTS OF INTEREST 2:55 – Monthly coaching 9:29 - Programs
Write down a list of niches and goals of that niche that you might want to target:
Write down major events in your target market’s lives that they might want to prepare for. Note: these might be societal events like New Years or personal events, like having a baby
“Choose your audience, identify a specific goal, and build a program that helps them achieve it!” PAGE 47 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Video Time – 7:24
POINTS OF INTEREST 1:23 – Creating a master database 4:10 – The 2 options for uploading
The 5 steps for building a video library 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Create a master database Choose an afternoon and attempt to film all in one go (drink lots of coffee). Editing – Ideally shoot the video so that no editing is needed. Bulk upload. Integrate with software if you’re using it.
There is a copy of this form ready to download at Exercise category (ex. Lower body pull) Exercise name Exercise name Exercise name Exercise name Exercise name Exercise name Exercise name
Exercise category 2
“Create your master database once and you have it for life.” PAGE 48 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
WEB FORM Video Time – 10:06
POINTS OF INTEREST 1:53 – What to include 5:46 – Eliminating objections
Questions to include in order 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
First and last name. Age. G e n d e r. Phone number / Skype (optional) Rapport building questions (For example, a favorite book, movie, or quote). “Why would you be a good client” “Why did you choose me for training” Prequalifying question: “Are you willing to invest $X on your fitness” Compliance question: Please rate your willingness to make a big change to your fitness moving forward from 1-10 Is there somebody else who is going to be involved in your fitness journey (a spouse)?
Code for contact form 7 For a regular area
[text* first-name] [text* last-name]
For a check box
[checkbox* gender "M" "F"]
For a text area
[textarea* services class:customtextarea]
Submit button
Note: I’ve included a video Example where I take you through What services do you offer/want to offer: [services] creating a contact form that you can watch at:
“ Yo u r i n i t i a l c o n s u l t h a p p e n s o n l i n e … w i t h o u t y o u . ” PAGE 49 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
T E M P L AT I N G Video Time – 10:21
POINTS OF INTEREST 1:55 – Possible groupings 2:40 – Building your templates 5:38 – What considerations might change
Write down the major goals of the 3 groups that you’ve chosen to target.
POSSIBLE GROUPINGS • • • • • • • •
18-28 year old male for aesthetics 16-28 year old female for aesthetics 28-45 year old female for aesthetics 28-45 year old male for aesthetics Post-natal women 45+ male or female looking for improve ments in body comp and maintenance of quality of life Athletes in a specific sport (i.e. golfers). Note that this is often position specific as well. Specific injuries for prehab / rehab
“Most clients don’t need an entirely new program from scratch.” PAGE 50 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Video Time – 22:48
POINTS OF INTEREST 5:26 – How to create a free course 16:42 – Using Kindle as a lead generator
Steps to preparing a free course: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Brain map a topic 3-4 different times. Create a master map from the 3-4 small ones. W r i t e a l l s u b - t o p i c s o n c u e c a r d s a n d o r g a n i z e o n t h e f l o o r. Rearrange the cards into an order you’re happy with (should be 10-15) writing stories to refer to, tips to include, and topics to cover on each one. 5. Write out a short email on each topic usually 300-1,000 words. Each topic is one email. 6. Don’t worry about covering the topic in depth, say what needs to be said for your target population which is usually quite basic material. 7. Tie emails together by introducing each day and telling the reader what to expect for the next email. 8. After the 5th email, start including a call to action to apply for your coaching program with a link to your coaching page. 9. I use Aweber but any major email marketing software will work. 10. Create a follow up sequence including all topics as a separate email.
“Get your rods in the water and let em’ catch some fish.” PAGE 51 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Kindle Book Release for List Building Amazon is one of the best search engines around and it also ranks great in Google. This, in addition to the notoriety of becoming an author, is a great reason to get a Kindle book up on Amazon. Fortunately, it’s not as hard as you think. This short document will walk you through the process on how to use Kindle as a lead generator. Keep in mind that the goal is not to make money directly from your Kindle book. While you might make some, it won’t be significant. The purpose is to use Amazon’s search engine to reach a new audience both actively during a free promotion and passively through targeted keywords.
The Book Itself Writing a book is no small task. A free Kindle book using the tactic I’m about to explain should be somewhere in the 10,000-20,000 word range. There are two ways to compose the book. - As a giant list. (i.e. 50 Tips on Fat Loss for New Mothers) - As a book with an organized structure. (i.e. What New Mothers Need to Know About Fat Loss) If writing a giant list, you can attempt to crowdsource the effort. You likely know a lot of people who can contribute. Choose your subject and create a Google document asking chosen friends and experts to contribute by adding in their tip and 3-4 sentences explaining it. Aside from making your job easier, having more contributors in the book means that more people will help promote it when it is released. If you’re writing a book with organized structure, start by brainstorming the idea. Afterwards, write out each section on cue cards and so that the process becomes fill-in-the-blank to make your job easier. I go over this in its entirety in an article I wrote called Procrastination is Opportunities Natural Assassin. Once the book is written it’s time to find an editor. I suggest hiring a professional to make sure that your final product is clean. You can find a professional editor on oDesk to clean up grammar, spelling, and punctuation relatively cheap. I’ve gotten 11,000 word documents edited for less than $100. It all depends on how clean the original manuscript that you hand in is.
Include a Call to Action The goal of your Kindle book is not to make money directly from sales of the book. You might make some, consider that a bonus. Throughout the book, add numerous calls to action to join your email list. This might be through a free report that the reader gets or maybe you just want to tell them to sign up for updated info. Kindle books have live hyperlinks in them so link to your squeeze page or website often. Where you put these calls to action doesn’t matter too much other than you want one in the first 10 pages and one at the end of the book. Reason being, Amazon allows anybody to preview a Kindle book before they buy. These previews have live links. So it’s conceivable that somebody will not buy your book but will click the link to sign up for your email list. I also suggest including a stronger call to action at the end of the book. A headline like, “want more?” works well.
PAGE 52 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Converting to Kindle This is a pretty easy process. In order to upload a file to Kindle in must be in .mobi format. This can be done any of a number of different ways: - If using Scrivener as a word processor (which you should be using because it’s awesome) you can export directly to a .mobi file ready for upload. - A basic Google search will find you a number of services. Depending on the complexity and length of your file, it should cost $50-$100. - has gigs for conversion for $5. I wouldn’t suggest this unless your book is very short and simply. For a cover, 1200*1800 is a good dimension ratio but you can Google the advantages and disadvantages of different sizes. Again, you can get a simple cover design done on but the difference between a successful Kindle book and one that falls flat is often the cover. The designer that I use is Cassie Drake (cassieldrake@gmail. com). You can find great designers using oDesk or eLance as well. A great cover should cost $100-$200.
Uploading to Amazon + Setting Tags Go to and sign up. You will see an option to add a new title. Once you do, you will have a number of steps to follow: - Enter the title. - Enter a description. This is important if you hope for your book to be found in searches. It takes some finessing but ensure that your chosen keywords are included in the description. - Enter a publication date. - Check off the box that it is not a public domain book. - Choose two categories. Sometimes obscure works a bit better. Getting a book to show up in a search for major categories like “fitness” can be tough but you may be able to rank for a lesser category. (A trick is that women purchase more so if you can, try to rank in the female categories more than the male ones.) - Add in 7 keywords. Choose words that you think people in your target audience would search for. (A trick is to go to magazines that service your niche and use their wording.) - Upload the .mobi file for your book and cover. You can choose whether to enable DRM or not. - Setting the Price. Price the book at $9.97 to start so that it seems like a bigger discount when it’s free. - For a week after the free period, raise the price to $2.99. After that, bring the price back up to $9.97 until the next free promotion.
PAGE 53 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
The Kindle KDP Select Program This is where the magic happens. The KDP Select program does a couple things when you join it. It allows members who pay to be in the program to download your book for free. A pool of money of all of the memberships is divided up between everybody with their books in the program depending on how many times their book has been downloaded. The income you get from this won’t be too significant and isn’t the aspect of the program I want you to pay attention to. It allows you to put your book up for free. For a total of 5 days in every 180-day period, you can phase your book for free. Putting your book up for free is where the true power of this system lies. If done right, you can get your book to jump up the Amazon charts in a day or two and have 1,000s of downloads. These are all people interested in your types of services. Success begets success. Once a book gets high on the charts, more people download it, and the cycle continues. Since you included a lot of links to your email list or coaching page, all of these people become leads. Once you put the book up for sale again the sales may go up a bit but don’t count on it. This strategy is to make money on the back end and use the Kindle book as a list builder.
Why I Like This so Much It’s different. The same blogosphere, Facebook, and even Twitter audience is pretty saturated. It’s also a way to make some money from what is effectively a sales letter. If you do it right, your book might hit #1. Then you can say that you had the #1 book on Amazon for your niche.
How to Phase it in for Free After you upload your book to Kindle, follow these steps: 1. Get at least 5 friends to jump on and give it 5-star reviews. 2. Choose a 2 or 3-day window for your book to go free. 3. Submit the book to a ton of free Kindle listing websites. I’ve included a bunch below to get you started. 4. When you submit your books you will need to tell them the dates your book will be free. Some of the sites also request more information. Freebooksy, for example, has an entire questionnaire to fill out but also gives your book a profile. 5. When the day comes, email your existing list and blast the book out on Facebook / Twitter. When I say blast, I mean blast. Amazon’s rankings work largely based off of time. You want a lot of people to download the book in a short period of time. 6. Book off time during the period when your book is free and keep up with the free Kindle book sites. 7. Tweet out the articles mentioning you and share them on Facebook. 8. Take screen shots of your book high on the list and watch your email list fly. 9. Repeat this twice every 90 days for 2 or 3 days and do it multiple times throughout the year. PAGE 54 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Helpful Links The Map and Flip System for beating procrastination to help you with the writing A great list of 72 web sites that promote free Kindle books to send your free promotion to Here are a couple other major free Kindle book websites:
PAGE 55 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Video Time – 40:21
POINTS OF INTEREST 1:41 – Webinars 10:59 – Twitter 21:12 – Flyers 27:12 - Facebook
Steps to Hosting a Webinar
What goes on a flyer?
1. 2. 3.
- Logo. - Call attention to your specific audience. - Picture specific to your audience (i.e. demographic) - Your offer clearly stated (link to an information page with a web form). - A takeaway (either as a “take this flyer”) or a tear off piece. - You want people to take it with them. - Be unique and try to get the reader to smile. - Most flyers are spammy advertisements; let your personality shine through.
4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
Choose your topic. Write out all aspects of your topic to cover. Sign up for webinar jam, OptimizePress 2.0, and Scarcity Samurai. Identify the major pain points that your topic solves for your audience. Put word out to all of your networks about the webinar inviting people to join making sure to make note of the pain points that your webinar solves. Present an absolutely killer webinar! Make a pitch at the end for your training. Follow up to all attendees the next day about training.
Steps to Using Twitter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Fix up your profile: Headshot, link bio to about or testimonial page. Decide on search terms to track. Sign up for Hootsuit and create columns Set an alarm in your calendar to check Hootsuite twice a day for 5 minutes. Respond to Tweets by being helpful. Don’t be afraid to link to others.
Action Steps for Using Facebook: 1.Using graph search, identify 4 groups that you will join and become an active member of. 2.Decide on an upcoming yearly event and create a group surrounding it featuring a free workout.
“Time to crank it up!” PAGE 56 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Video Time – 31:29
POINTS OF INTEREST 2:28 – Registering a domain 5:45 – Getting hosting 7:12 – Setting nameservers and installing Wordpress 12:23 – Installing OptimizePress 2.0
“Always aim to add 100x more value to your leads than you’ll ever charge them” PAGE 57 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.
Yo u m a d e i t a l l t h e w a y t h r o u g h ? Yo u ’ r e awesome! Congratulations!
PAGE 58 ©J. Goodman Consulting Inc. This workbook was produced exclusively for the 1K Extra course. It cannot be reproduced in anyway without the expressed written consent of J. Goodman Consulting Inc.