: Education
Lecturer: Akmal,M.Hum.,M.Sc,Ph.D
: En!li"h
: PB% Main Buildin! &'P( ) rd Floor
: En!li"h $or Hotel
: Akmaltan+un!-iki!ri"m!
Su*+ect ode
: M//
Mo*ile : 012 1)13 45666
#$$ice hour: 2.00 78.00 &MonFriday(
our"e De"crition: The course “English for Hotel”, the continuation of the Hotel Management Course, is offered to the students at the 7th semester. It is specially designed for the students who may pursue their career in the hotel industry.or!ing industry.or!ing in the hotel industry may lead them to come across many types of tra"ellers. #ome will $e $usiness guests, others will $e tourists and "isitors. Many will spea! different language other than students% own. Chances plenty of hotel guests will spea! English. The students should $e e&uipped with the !nowledge how to spea! politely to a guest in English 'conceptual s!ill() they should practice tal!ing and ser"ing '*ractical s!ill ( the hotel "isitors accordingly, either to ta!e reser"ations or offer solution to the "isitors complains complains 'Managerial #!ill( and o$ser"e the hotel code of conduct 'Educated $eha"ior(. The topic co"ers co"ers important words and e+pressions used on the o$ in the hotel industry, polite re&uest and responses, understanding oral instruction, answering telephone, chec!-out con"ersation, handling complaints, etc.
our"e o*+ecti9e": y the end of the course, the students should $e a$le to ) /. understand $asic concept of hotel ser"ices and the importance of correct pronunciation of words and e+pressions, 0. understand detail parts of the hotel hotel and e+pressions used 1. practice and use proper e+pressions to the "isitors and others, 2. gi"e solution to the "isitors% complaints
eachin! eachin! Method: Throughout the course, the lecturer will apply some teaching methods such as Colla$orati"e - ased 3earning, Competiti"e-ased 3earning, *ro$lem-$ased 3earning, *roect-$ased learning, Case-$ased learning, and Tas!-$ased learning. 4uring the course, the students should acti"ely communicate in English regardless of the grammatical errors. The instructors ser"e as scaffolders who only gi"e e+posure and pro"ide language model to the students. 5inety percent of the class meeting will $e gi"en to the students to interact to each other through different tas!s..
#tudents are e+pected to attend all the scheduled meetings on time. $senteeism policy follows the regulations made $y the academic office. In general, the students are allowed to s!ip classes no more than 1 times within /2 meetings. There will $e no e+cuse signature on the attendance list. Durin! the cla"", the "tudent" are not allo;ed to !et out o$ the room more than 3 time"
Format o$ !rou Paer: Paer:
Title Co"er, Ta$le of content, 8pening, 4iscussion, Conclusion and 9eferences 'you may also use on :line resources $ut don%t do copy paste( Format o$ Pre"entation 6 ;reeting, se&uences of presentation, presentation, and &uestion < answer session.
Standard ometence : Comprehending "oca$ularies, phrasal "er$s and idiomatic e+pressions used in the hotel and using them in sentences appropriately.
Scorin! and E9aluation: #coring system of the course is di"ided into three main categories6 conceptual s!ill, practical s!ill, and ethical s!ill scores.
4etail e+planations are gi"en $elow) ate!orie"
Conceptual s!ill
*ractical #! #!ill
Ethical #! #!ill
%tem" to *e e9aluated
Clas s room tas!
Mid term
=inal e+am
*ower po point de design
3istening acti"ities
#pea!ing acti"ities 'fluency, eye contact, choice of word, content(
riting acti"ities
;roup Communication
=ank o$ the "core :
Percenta!e )0
'rade =an!e &%P( 2.> 1.? 1.> 0.? 0.> /.? /.> >.>
Ba"ic ometence
Meeting / Ha"ing correct
*ronunciation of hotel "oca$ularies
*ronunciation of "oca$ularies and e+pressions used in the hotel $y referring to 9* standard
'rade A CA C 4A 4 E
eachin! and Learnin! Acti9itie" Lecturer:
/. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the *honetic description of hotel "oca$
roll, &uestioning a$out related topic
and e+pressions
which is going to discuss and e+plaining the purpose of learning'$asic competence( 0. E+plains the material '*ronunciation '*ronunciation of general hotel "oca$ularies and E+pressions( 1. *lay the "ideo of Misspelling of se"eral "oca$ularies 2. s!s the students to identify the "oca$ularies and do the correction
Scale @?.>>-/>> 7B.>>-@2.>> 7>.>>-7?.>> B1.>>-B.>> ?B.>>-B0.>> ?/.>>-??.>> 2B.>>- ?>.0? >.>> -2?.>>
/. Identifyi Identifying ng pronunciat pronunciation ion error 0. *ronuncing *ronuncing the e+pression e+pression correctly 1. ;i"ing ;i"ing e+amples e+amples of hotel "oca$ularies 2. E+plaining E+plaining the the meaning meaning of of the "oca$ularies appropriately ?. Constructi Constructing ng sentences sentences using "oca$ularies correctly.
/. Indi"i Indi"idua duall
ime allotment / + />>
Module p 0
assignment 0. Matchi Matching ng
e+ercises 1. 8n-lin 8n-linee
Two minute
phonetics transcription
English E#3li$
?. 4istri$ute the hand out and do some e+ercises B. Disit Disit on-line on-line e+ercises e+ercises 7. Closes Closes the lesson and and gi"es home home assignment Student":
/. 9espond the teacher in opening the class 0. atch atch the "ideo 1. Identify Identify the pronunciatio pronunciation n error 2. 4iscuss 4iscuss other pronunciation pronunciation errors errors ?. 4iscuss 4iscuss differen differentt meaning meaning of each "oca$ularies B. 4o e+ercises e+ercises of spelling spelling names with international a$$re"iation 7. nswer nswer the teacher%s &uestion &uestion 0<1 Ta!ing phone call <
E+pressions used for ta!ing phone
ta!ing different types
calls Ta!ing different types of phone
of phone messages
@. 4o the assignment assignment Lecturer: /. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll,
/. Can deal with with phone pro$lem pro$lemss 0. Identifyi Identifying ng correct correct e+pression e+pression
&uestioning a$out related topic which is
for opening, apologiing,
going to discuss and e+plaining the
offering alternati"e, and
purpose of learning '$asic competence(.
ending phone.
0. E+plains E+plains the material material 'ta!ing phone call( call( to the students
/. Indi"i Indi"idua duall assignment 0. ;roup ;roup wor! wor! 1.;roup / < 0 presentation International
1. ;i"ing ;i"ing alternati"es alternati"es solution solution
2. Ha"ing Ha"ing different different phone phone
0 + />>%
Lin!ua>.com >ideo Module 61
1. s!s the students to listen to the dialogue
in ta!ing phone call
'5T8 lpha$et(
2. s!s the students to do listen to different different types of phone messages ?. s!s the student studentss to do the e+ercises e+ercises B. Closes Closes the lesson and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment Student":
/. 9espond the teacher in opening the class 0. 9ead the material a$out ta!ing phone call 1. 3isten to the tape regarding ta!ing phone call and different types of messages 2. 4o the the e+ercises e+ercises ?. nswer nswer the teacher%s &uestion &uestion 1 <2 Ta!ing 9eser"ation
E+pressions used in reser"ation Fnderstanding information on room rates, room types, hotel facilities ,and currencies
B. 4o assignment assignment Lecturer: /. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll, &uestioning a$out related topic which is going to discuss and e+plaining the purpose of learning '$asic competence(. 0. E+plains E+plains the material material 'ta!ing 'ta!ing hotel reser"ation( to the students
/. Identifyi Identifying ng e+pressions e+pressions used for $oo!ing a hotel 0. Identifyi Identifying ng e+pression e+pression used for room types, hotel facilities 1. *ut the dialogue dialogue in the the correct order 2. E+plaining E+plaining the soluti solution on of reser"ation pro$lems
/. Indi"i Indi"idua duall wor! 0. ;roup ;roup 1 <2 *ro$lems
0 + /? /?>%
Module pp @ http6
with Hotel 9eser"ation and on-line oo!ing
$ritishcouncil .org
1. s!s the students students to do the e+ercises e+ercises one-
?. #ummariing the lesson
2. s!s the &uestions to the students related
to the reser"ation pro$lems 'room rates, hotel facilities, etc( ?. Concludes Concludes the the lesson lesson B. Closes Closes the lesson and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment Student":
/. 9espond the teacher in opening the class 0. 9ead the material hotel reser"ation 1. 4iscuss the "oca$ularies and its usages 2. 4o the the e+ercises e+ercises ?. nswer nswer the teacher%s &uestion &uestion ?
pologiing during chec! in, chec! out, delegate the complain to appropriate source
B. 4o assignment assignment Lecturer: /. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll, &uestioning a$out related topic
/. Identifyi Identifying ng e+pressions e+pressions for ma!ing and accepting apology 0. Classifyi Classifying ng apologiing apologiing for
/. ;roup ;roup wor! wor! 0. *air *air tas!s tas!s 1. ;rou ;roup p
which is going to discuss and e+plaining
chec! in, chec! out, and other
presentation The *ower of
the purpose of learning '$asic
competence(. 0. E+plains E+plains the material' material' apologiing apologiing and recei"ing guest( to the students 1. s!s the student studentss to do the e+ercises e+ercises on
1. E+plaining E+plaining the delegatio delegation n of complain to appropriate sources
0 + />>%
Module pp
http6GGwww.. http6GGwww englishclu$. com http6GGwww.ih $
chec! in and chec! out, and other complains. 2. s!s the &uestions to the students related to the material gi"en. ?. Concludes Concludes the the lesson lesson B. Closes Closes the lesson and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment Student":
/. 9espond the teacher in opening the class 2.
9ead the material material a$out apologiing for complain
4iscuss the materials a$out chec! out, chec! in, and other complains
2. nswer nswer the teacher%s &uestion &uestion 7<@ 9e&uest and Instructions
Fnderstanding e+pressions for ) 9e&uesting
?. 4o assignment assignment Lecturer:
/. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll,
ccepting re&uest
&uestioning a$out related topic which is
9efusing 9e&uest
going to discuss and e+plaining the
;i"ing instructions
purpose of learning '$asic competence(.
re&uest either for accepting or refusing. 0.
1. s!s the student studentss to do the e+ercises e+ercises on accepting and refusing re&uest.
Correc Correctt answe answers rs of of match matching ing gi"en instruction with the
0. E+plains E+plains the material' material' 9e&uest 9e&uest and Instruction( to the students
Identi Identifyi fying ng e+pre e+pressi ssions ons for for
picture. 1.
/.Class wor! 0+/>>% 0.Indi"idual tas! 1.9ole play
Module pp/2/? http6GGhoteltefl.comGre&u estsG
$le $le to do the the inst instruc ructio tion n
www.uefap.. www.uefap
gi"en $y class-mate
2. s!s the student studentss to do the e+ercises e+ercises on gi"ing instruction with hotel conte+t ?. Concludes Concludes the lesson lesson B. Closes Closes the lesson and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment Student":
/. 9espond 9espond the teacher teacher in opening the class class 0. 9ead the the material material a$out a$out apologiin apologiing g for complain 1. 4iscuss 4iscuss the materials materials a$out chec! chec! out, 2. chec! in, in, and other other complains complains ?. nswer nswer the teacher%s teacher%s &uestion &uestion > s!ing for information < 9ecommendation
s!ing and gi"ing for Information s!ing and gi"ing recommendation
B. 4o assign assignme ment nt Lecturer: /. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll, &uestioning a$out related topic which is
Fnderstand the meaning of the e+pressions used to as! and gi"e information
going to discuss and e+plaining the purpose of learning '$asic competence(. 0. E+plains the material'as!ing material'as!ing and gi"ing gi"ing information( to the students
Fnderstand the e+pressions
2. s!s the student studentss to do the e+ercises e+ercises on as!ing for information and
Module pp /@-/
solution ;roup
www.uefap.. www.uefap
used for ma!ing
lgold.comGspe a!ingGre&uesti
1. E+plaining E+plaining e+pression e+pressionss used to gi"e gi"e and answer recommendation
/.*air wor! 0.*ro$lem
$le to differentiate the uses modal for recommendation such as should, would, had
$etter, etc
?. Concludes Concludes the lesson lesson B. Closes Closes the lesson and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment
nswer the &uestions
/. 9espond the teacher in opening the class 0. 9ead the material a$out apologiing for complain 1.4iscuss the materials a$out chec! out, chec! in, and other complains 2. nswer nswer the teacher%s teacher%s &uestion &uestion // 0 *resenting information < 4escri$ing food 4ishes
*resenting hotel location, rooms and ser"ice
?. 4o assign assignme ment nt Lecturer: /. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll,
0+/>>% Fsing prepositions of place
02-0? http6GGwww.m
Fsing preposition of places
&uestioning a$out related topic which is
4escri$ing 4ishes and $e"erages
going to discuss and e+plaining the
E+plaining hotel facilities
presentation Marriot =<
purpose of learning '$asic competence(.
0. E+plains E+plains the material material on gi"ing gi"ing information of hotel location, rooms,
E+plaining special food,
ser"ice, and foods foods to the students
$e"erages, and other
1. s!s the student studentss to do the e+ercises e+ercises on
dishes pro"ided in the hotel
Module pp
9ole play ;roup
gallery.comGg $Ghotel-?2?/the-phoeni+hotelyogya!arta-
descri$ing food and $e"erages pro"ided
in the hotel.
2. s!s the &uestions to the students related
to the material gi"en.
?. Concludes Concludes the lesson lesson
B. Closes Closes the lesson and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment
/. 9espond 9espond the teacher teacher in opening the class class 0. 9ead the the material material a$out a$out apologiin apologiing g for complain 1. 4iscuss 4iscuss the materials materials a$out a$out <= 2. nswer nswer the teacher%s teacher%s &uestion &uestion /1 2 4ealing with Complaints / <0
?. 4o assign assignme ment nt Lecturer:
Identifying types of
5egati"e feed$ac!
/. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll,
8n-line feed$ac!
&uestioning a$out related topic which is
costumer%s complaints Fnderstanding how to respond
going to discuss and e+plaining the
to negati"e complain
purpose of learning '$asic competence(. 0. E+plains E+plains the material'ho material'how w to deal with customer complaints( to the students
;i"ing responds to on-line
Indi"idual wor! ;roup
Module pp 10-11,?>-?/
presentation =awlty Tower
Hotel '"ideo(!.com
1. s!s the student studentss to do the e+ercises e+ercises on answering complaints 2. s!s student student to do group presentati presentation. on. ?. Concludes Concludes the lesson lesson B. Closes Closes the lesson and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment
9espon 9espond d the teac teacher her in open opening ing the the class
9ead 9ead the the mater material ial a$out a$out compla complaint intss
4iscuss 4iscuss the the materi materials als a$out a$out written written and and on-line complaints
E+plain E+plain correct responds responds to particular particular feed$ac!
?. /?
nswer nswer the the teach teacher% er%ss &uest &uestion ion
B. 4o assi assign gnme ment nt Lecturer: o$ and its responsi$ilities
8pens the class) class) greetin greeting, g, calling calling the
Fnderstand the o$s and its
#8* of a particular o$ in the hotel
roll, &uestioning a$out related topic
o$ and place to wor!
which is going to discuss and
Matching the o$s with their
e+plaining the purpose of learning
'$asic competence(. 0.
E+plains E+plains the material material 'descri$in 'descri$ing g o$s o$s
Identifying #8* of particular
and their responsi$ilities ( to the
students 1.
s!s the studen students ts to do the the e+ercise e+ercisess on
Fnderstand the o$s and its
o$ and its responsi$ilities.
s!s s!s the &ues &uestio tions ns to the the stude students nts related to the material gi"en.
Class wor! ero+ hand out
Module pp 12-1?
Conc Conclu lude dess the the less lesson on
Closes Closes the lesson lesson and and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment
/. 3isten 3isten to the teacher in opening opening the class 0. 9ead the material a$out descri$ing o$s 1. 4iscuss 4iscuss the materials materials a$out o$s and their responsi$ilities 2. nswer nswer the teacher%s &uestion &uestion /7 < /@ Ta!ing an order on phone and as!ing for clarification
?. 4o assignment assignment Lecturer: 9ecei"ing phone s!ing for clarification *hone ethics
/. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll,
0+/>> Fnderstand the e+pressions
&uestioning a$out related topic which is
used for ta!ing an order
going to discuss and e+plaining the
through phone
purpose of learning '$asic competence(. 0. E+plains E+plains the material' material' ta!ing ta!ing order through phone( to the students
nswering the &uestions correctly
1. s!s the student studentss to do the e+ercises e+ercises on as!ing for clarification 2. s!s the &uestions to the students related to phone ethics. ?. Concludes Concludes the lesson lesson B. Closes Closes the lesson and gi"es gi"es assignment assignment Student":
;i"ing comments on phone ethics
/.Indi"idual wor! 0.;roup wor! 1.;roup presentation “4o%s and 4on%s 4on%s in Telephoning”
Module pp 1@-2/
/.9espond the teacher in opening the class 0. 9ead the material a$out phone e+pression for ta!ing order 1.4iscuss the materials a$out phoning for clarification 2. 4oing e+ercises on phone ethics ?. nswer the teacher%s &uestion / <0> ;i"ing direction indoors and out
B. 4o assignment Lecturer: *repositions used for gi"ing direction
/.8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll, &uestioning a$out related topic which is going to discuss and e+plaining the
Hotel facilities and their locations
interest in 4own town
Identifying correct preposition for wor! gi"ing direction to certain hotel 0.Class wor! facilities
the students
;i"ing correct direction of hotel facilities
places in town 2.s!s the &uestions to the students related to the material gi"en. ?.Concludes the lesson B.Closes the lesson and gi"es assignment Student":
3isten for it
lesson a!maltanung. mercu$uana.a
1. s!s the students to do the e+ercises on preposition for gi"ing direction and other
purpose of learning '$asic competence(. 0.E+plains the material' gi"ing direction( to
;i"ing direction of places of
Module pp /.Indi"idual
=ill in correct answer of listening cloe
/.9espond the teacher in opening the class 0.9ead the material a$out gi"ing direction 1.4iscuss the materials a$out gi"ing direction in the hotel and in town 2.nswer the teacher%s &uestion 0/ < 00 *aying $ills and 9estaurants
?. 4o assignment Lecturer: E+pression for payment
7. 8pens the class) greeting, calling the roll,
Currency rate
&uestioning a$out related topic which is
t the restaurant
going to discuss and e+plaining the purpose of learning '$asic competence(. 3. E+plains the material' $illing and
e+pressions used at the restaurant( to the students ). s!s the students to do the e+ercises on
illing and 9estaurant. 6. s!s the &uestions to the students related
to the material gi"en. 8. Concludes the lesson 5. Closes the lesson and gi"es assignment Student":
/. 9espond 9espond the teacher teacher in opening the class class 0. 9ead the material material a$out a$out $illing and
Module pp Choose correct respond to the illing &uestions
Identify correct e+pression for currency rates Fse correct e+pression for ser"ing guests at the restaurant
/.Indi"idual wor! 0.*air wor! 1.;roup presentation
9estaurant 1. 4iscuss 4iscuss the materials materials a$out paying paying $ill and dialogues in the restaurant 2.nswer the teacher%s &uestion ?.4o assignment =e$erence"
/. 4asgupta,4 4asgupta,4 '0>>/1(, '0>>/1(, The C of Hospitality Hospitality and Hotel Hotel Industry, Industry, 0. 4uc!worth .M '0>>>(. '0>>>(. English for the the Hotel and Catering Industry6 Highly Highly 9ecommended or!$oo! or!$oo! 8+ford Fni" *ress. 'Main module( 1. 9ed 9i"er team '0>>@(.Chec!ing into a Hotel and s!ing for a 4ifferent 9oom,9ed 9i"er *ress. 2. http6GGwww.$$c http6GGwww.$$!Gworldser"iceGlearningenglishG$usinessGtal .co.u!Gworldser"iceGlearningenglishG$usinessGtal!ing$usinessGunit/telephoneGe+pert.shtml !ing$usinessGunit/telephoneGe+pert.shtml for ma!ing telephone ?. http6GGwww.youtu$e.comGwatchJ"KCpBnMgsuao for *otCast #olution6 3i"e phone phone Call B. 8thers 8thers relate related d referenc references es