10 Steps to Build an SOE How Red Hat Satellite 6 Supports Setting up a Standard Operating Environment
Dirk Herrmann Principal Software Engineer
Benamin !ruell Senior Domain "rc#itect
$ersion 1%0 1&t# "ugust '01(
100 East Davie Street Raleigh NC 27601 USA Phone: +1 919 75 !700 Phone: """ 7!! 2"1 #a$: +1 919 75 !701 P% &o$ 1!5"" Resear'h (riangle Par) NC 27709 USA *in$ is a registere, tra,e-ar) o. *ins (orval,s/ Re, at Re, at Enterrise *in$ an, the Re, at 3Sha,o4-an3 logo are registere, tra,e-ar)s o. Re, at n'/ in the Unite, States an, other 'ontries/ i'roso.t an, in,o4s are U/S/ registere, tra,e-ar)s o. i'roso.t Cororation/ UN8 is a registere, tra,e-ar) o. (he %en ro/ ntel the ntel logo an, 8eon are registere, tra,e-ar)s o. ntel Cororation or its ssi,iaries in the Unite, States an, other 'ontries/ ;4are ;4are (ools vShere vCetner an, ES8i are registere, tra,e-ar)s o. ;4are n'/ Do')er an, the Do')er logo are tra,e-ar)s or registere, tra,e-ar)s o. Do')er n'/ (*< is a Registere, (ra,e ar) o. A8E*%S *i-ite,/
All other tra,e-ar)s re.eren'e, herein are the roert= o. their rese'tive o4ners/ > 2015 = Re, at n'/ (his -aterial -a= e ,istrite, onl= s?e't to the ter-s an, 'on,itions set .orth in the %en Pli'ation *i'ense ;1/0 or later @the latest version is resentl= availale at htt:444/oen'ontent/orgoen B/ (he in.or-ation 'ontaine, herein is s?e't to 'hange 4ithot noti'e/ Re, at n'/ shall not e liale .or te'hni'al or e,itorial errors or o-issions 'ontaine, herein/ Distrition o. -o,i.ie, versions o. this ,o'-ent is rohiite, 4ithot the e$li'it er-ission o. Re, at n'/ Distrition o. this 4or) or ,erivative o. this 4or) in an= stan,ar, @aerB oo) .or- .or 'o--er'ial roses is rohiite, nless rior er-ission is otaine, .ro- Re, at n'/ (he P .ingerrint o. the se'rit=re,hat/'o- )e= is: CA 20 "6 "6 2& D6 9D #C 65 #6 EC C 21 91 "0 CD D& 2 A6 0E
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Executive Summary %ver ti-e the 'o-le$it= o. ( in.rastr'tres in'reases/ &sinesses that se, to rn on a s-all n-er o. h=si'al servers a ,e'a,e ago have ha, to a,, -ore servers to gro4 an, )ee 4ith ne4 te'hnolog=/ (he a,vent o. virtaliation a,,s another la=er o. 'o-le$it= to an alrea,= 'o-li'ate, -ltiven,or environ-ent/ (he reslt is an environ-ent that is ,i..i'lt to navigate an, 'ontrol an, in'reasing laor 'osts/ ith laor 'osts -a)ing nearl= 60F o. overall ( in.rastr'tre 'osts the ri'e o. 'o-le$it= a,,s Gi')l=/ Stan,ar,ie, oerating environ-ents hel sinesses oerate e..e'tivel= an, e..i'ientl=/ Re, at soltions rovi,e a,,itional ene.its s'h as i-rove, (otal Cost o. %4nershi @(C%B etter ( ro,'tivit= an, in'rease, agilit= 4hi'h all ,rive =or siness .or4ar,/ Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith Re, at Satellite rovi,es an i,eal lat.or- .or stan,ar,ie, oerating environ-ents 4ith lo4er (C% an, greater ( e..i'ien'= an, ro,'tivit=/ e 'an i-rove =or otto- line an, in'rease =or sinessH agilit= an, 'o-etitiveness/ (his soltion gi,e rovi,es an e$a-le o. an i-le-entation ase, on a sa-le 'sto-er s'enario that in'l,es a ,istrite, ,ata'enter toolog= sa-le ali'ations an, an e$a-le o. an ( organiation an, its roles/ t is an en,toen, stor= starting 4ith a .resh installation o. Satellite 6 an, a ste=ste 'on.igring o. all ne'essar= Satellite 6 entities to an an,rnning in.rastr'tre 4ith servers an, ali'ations an, their ongoing -aintenan'e/ ost arts o. the set 'an e ato-ate, 4ith the o4er.l ha--er 'o--an,line inter.a'e 4hi'h is ,o'-ente, ,o'-ente, in this re.eren'e re.eren'e ar'hite'tre/ ar'hite'tre/ Nearl= Nearl= all Satellite Satellite entities are are 'overe,/ 'overe,/ #or the -ost 'riti'al ones @'ontent vie4s host gros an, li.e'='le environ-entsB -ltile s'enarios are illstrate,/ &= sing this 'o-rehensive ,o'-entation 'sto-ers 'an 'on.igre Re, at Satellite 6 in a 4a= that est .its their nee,s/ (he .ollo4ing se'tions rovi,e a rie. overvie4 o. ea'h o. the ten stes an, in'l,e the 'ore 'ontent ite-s the Satellite 6 entities 'overe, an, the a'hieve-ents .or ea'h ste/
Step 1, Set up -our S-stem .anagement /nfrastructure % Per.or- a asi' 'on.igration o. Sat6 an, its e-e,,e, Casle/ e also 'reate an organiation an, i-ort the ss'rition -ani.est/ Correson,ing Satellite 6 Entities: Satellite 6 /nstaller Organiation an, Su*scription .anifest Outcome: Io no4 have an an,rnning s=ste- -anage-ent in.rastr'tre an, =or Re, at ss'rition -ani.est loa,e, an, a'tivate,/ Step ', .ap -our 2ocation and Datacenter 3opolog-% 3opolog- % Con.igre t4o ,ata'enters 4ith ,i..erent n,erl=ing virtaliation lat.or-s @RE; an, RE*%SPB one 4ith a DJ/
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Correson,ing Entities: 4apsules an, their 'orreson,ing 2ocations Su*nets an, Domains/ Outcome: Io no4 have three ,i..erent Casles to -anage the three ,i..erent lo'ations/
Step 5, Define our Definitive .edia 2i*rar- 4ontent% -ort so.t4are 'ontent into Satellite 6 .o'sing on ,i..erent so.t4are entr= oints an, .or-ats/ (he 'ontent in'l,es RP a')ages an, Pet -o,les .or Re, at thir,art= an, 'sto- ali'ations/ Correson,ing Entities: Products Repositories (hir,art= an, 'sto- 7P7 !e-s an, S-nc Plans/ Outcome: Io have ,e.ine, -ltile 'sto- an, thir,art= Pro,'ts an, Reositories s''ess.ll= i-orte, their 'orreson,ing 'ontent an, enale, 'ontinal ,ates o. 'ontent sing s=n'hroniation lans/ Step 8, Define -our 4ontent lifec-cle% lifec-cle % *earn the ,i..eren'es et4een content views an, composite content views / *earn ho4 to se the- an, lifec-cle environments to -at'h =or arti'lar s'enario/ Outcome: Io have 'reate, li.e'='le environ-ents an, their aths 4hi'h allo4 =o to segregate the ,ties o. the ,i..erent sta') la=ers @E$a-le: the %S an, the ali'ations rnning on to o. itB an, to 'reate in,een,ent release '='les .or ea'h o. the-/ Step (, Define -our 4ore Build% Build % De.ine =or %S,elo=-ent @'ore il,B 'on.igration an, its 'orreson,ing 'ontent ite-s/ Create lish an, ro-ote 'ontent vie4s sing sa-le Puppet modules 4onfig 7roups an, 4ontent $iews/ Outcome: Io have 'reate, t4o ,i..erent 'oreil, @%SB ,e.initions .or ali'ations rnning on to o. the %S/ (he 'ore il, 'onsists o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ thir,art= a')ages an, so-e sa-le Pet -o,les se, to -a)e the 'ore il, ,e.inition ,e.inition -ore .le$ile/ Step 6, Define our "pplication 4ontent% 4ontent % *earn aot ali'ation la=er 'ontent vie4s @ro.ilesB/ *earn ho4 to asse-le the- 4ith the Core &il, 'ontent vie4s .ro- Ste 5/ Io 'an also learn aot roles an, ro.iles an, the searation o. resonsiilities et4een the %S an, ali'ations/ Correson,ing Entities: Sa-le Puppet modules .or roles an, ro.iles 4onfig 7roups an, 4omposite 4ontent $iews/ Outcome, Io no4 have 5 ,i..erent ali'ations in'l,ing so-e 'o--on in.rastr'tre servi'es an, a t4otier 4e ali'ation/ Step 9, "utomate -our provisioning provisioning%% Con.igre the ato-ate, rovisioning to ,elo= the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s 'reate, earlier/ *earn aot ,i..erent s'enarios .or host gros an, enhan'e, rovisioning that ses ,=na-i' artition tales an, #ore-an hoo)s/ Correson,ing Entities: P:E ; Boot /SO Provisioning 3emplates Host 7roups K "ctivation !e-s 7lo*al Parameters ; Smart 4lass Parameters an,
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Outcome, Io have 'on.igre, all entities reGire, to rovision ne4 servers an, to ,elo= the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s 'reate, earlier = sing Satellite 6 rovisioning te-lates an, ara-eters/ Step =, .ap -our /3 organiati organiation on and roles to -our Satellite setup% setup % a t=i'al ( organiations an, roles to Satellite 6 roles an, the R&AC -o,el/ Correson,ing Entities: >sers ; >ser 7roups Roles and RB"4 @roles er-issions .iltersB/ Outcome: Io have 5 sa-le roles that re.le't the t=i'al roles o. a t4o,i-ensional resonsiilit= -atri$/ (his -atri$ is se, to searate resonsiilities an, to re,'e the 'o-le$it= o. visile entities in the U/ Step &, .anage t#e 4ontent 2ifec-cle 4ontinuousl-% 4ontinuousl- % anage the Satellite 6 'ontent li.e'='le in'l,ing errata -anage-ent 'ontent vie4 ,ate oerations an, et -o,le 'hanges/ Correson,ing Entities: Errata .anagement in'l,ing Errata noti.i'ation e-ails Content Dashoar, an, n're-ental U,ates/ Outcome: Io )no4 ho4 to e$e'te ,i..erent 'ontent ,ate s'enarios an, the ne4 errata -anage-ent .eatres o. Satellite 6/1/ Step 10, "utomate and e?tend -our setup otlines ossile enhan'e-ents @ase, on the set 'hosen in earlier stesB/ So-e e$a-les in'l,e: -orting e$isting hosts Using the host ,is'over= .eatres Using Satellite 6 to sort varios ( ro'esses/ Outcome, Io have so-e i,eas .or enhan'ing the set 'reate, in the earlier stes o. this ,o'-ent/
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Table of Contents E$e'tive S--ar=////////////////////////// S--ar=///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// //// Aot this Do'-ent////////////////////////////////// Do'-ent///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// /////////// 1 (arget A,ien'e////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 ACE as a 'sto-er @an, 'ontentB 'ontentB ?orne=//////////// ?orne=//////////////////// ///////////////// ////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////// 2 Co--ents an, #ee,a')////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 Sta=ing n (o'h///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 Re'o--en,e, Re, at (raining %..erings/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! Re'o--en,e, Re, at Conslting %..erings/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *egal Dis'lai-er///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A')no4le,g-ents/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5
ntro,'tion//////////////// ntro,'tion/////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// ///////////// 6 Stan,ar, Stan,ar, %erating %erating Environ-ent Environ-ent @S%EB %vervie4///////////// %vervie4////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// 6 Re, at Satellite 6 %vervie4//////////// %vervie4///////////////////// ///////////////// ///////////////// ////////////////// ////////////////// ////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// " Re, at Satellite 6 S=ste- Ar'hite'tre////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10 ACE ntro//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11 ACE ( %rganiation %vervie4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ACE Data'enter (oolog= %vervie4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ACE Ali'ation Ar'hite'tre %vervie4////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Na-ing Conventions %vervie4////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 1! 1 15
Ste 1: Set =or S=ste- anage-ent anage-ent n.rastr'tre//////////////////////////// n.rastr'tre////////////////////////////////// ////// 16 nstalling Re, at Satellite 6/1///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 16 Satellite 6 nstallation//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 17 DNS DCP an, (#(P Re'o--en,ations////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 17 Re, at Content Deliver= Net4or) @CDNB//////////////// @CDNB///////////////////////// ////////////////// //////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// 19 a--er Co--an, *ine nter.a'e/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 20 nstall an, Con.igre a--er on a Re-ote ost///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 21 Creating a Ne4 Satellite 6 %rganiation////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 22 -orting =or Re, at Ss'rition ani.est///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 Setting U Ior Revision Control Server @gitB////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25 Setting U Ior onitoring Server/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 26
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Ste 2: a =or *o'ation an, Data'enter (oolog=/////////////////////////////////////// 27 Re, at Satellite 6 Casle Server %vervie4///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2" Sa-le Data'enter (oolog= S'enarios////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !0 S'enario AB Centralie, anage-ent %ne Re, at Satellite .or All Seg-ents///////////// !0 S'enario &B Segregate, Net4or) Jones ithin a Data'enter////////////////////////////////////////// !1 S'enario CB eograhi'all= Searate *o'ations////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !2 S'enario DB Dis'onne'te, solate,///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !! Sa-le ACE Data'enter S'enario//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !! *o'ations////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! Re, at Satellite 6 Co-te Resor'es///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !6 Con.igring Ior ;irtaliation an, Clo, n.rastr'tres as Co-te Resor'es////////// !7 *o'ation ni'h: Con.igring RE; as Co-te Resor'e//////////////////////////////////////////// !" *o'ation &oston: Con.igring RE* %enSta') Plat.or- as a Co-te Resor'e//////// 0 Con.igring ;4are vShere as a Co-te Resor'e//////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 Do-ains//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! Snets///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Re, at Casle nstallation//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7 Sa-le Casle 1: ni'h DJ in the RE; Data'enter/////////////////////////////////////////////// 7 Sa-le Casle 2: &oston Re-ote *o'ation Using RE* %enSta') Plat.or-///////////// 5 User Data/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55
Ste !: De.ine Ior De.initive e,ia *irar= Content////////////////////////////////////// 6! So.t4are Entr= Points an, #or-ats////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6! Satellite Content (=es///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 Satellite Pro,'ts an, Reositories///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 65 Re, at Satellite Pro,'t an, Reositor= Re'o--en,ations//////////////////////////////////////////// 65 Pro,'t an, Reositories Na-ing Conventions////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 66 P Le=s .or Re, at (hir,art= an, Csto- So.t4are////////////////////////////////////////////////// 67 Re, at P Le=s//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (hir,art= P Le=s//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Csto- P Le=s///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -orting P Le=s into Satellite 6////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -orting Re, at So.t4are into Satellite 6/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6" 6" 6" 69 70
o4 to Enale Re, at So.t4are Reositories///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 70 Sele'ting the Aroriate Reositories///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 72 S=n'hronie Reositories////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7!
-orting @RPB Pa')age, (hir,art= So.t4are into Satellite 6//////////////////////////////////////// 76 Creating a ne4 ro,'t in Re, at Satellite////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 76 Sitation 1/ -orting (hir,art= RP Pa')ages .ro- an E$isting =- Reositor=/////// 77 Sitation 2/ -orting (hir,art= RP Pa')ages ithot an E$isting =- Reositor=// 7" -orting %ther @Not RPa')age,B So.t4are into Satellite 6////////////////////////////////////////// "0 Delo=ing Una')age, #iles Using Pet @as Part o. Satellite 6B////////////////////////////////// "1 Pa')aging as RP an, Delo=ing Using Satellite 6 So.t4are anage-ent/////////////////// "1 -orting Pet Content into Satellite 6///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "1 -orting Do')er Container -ages into Satellite 6///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// " Con.igring Reglar Reositor= S=n'hroniation = Using S=n' Plans////////////////////////////// "5
Ste : De.ine =or Content li.e'='le/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "" Satellite 6 Content ;ie4s////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "" Satellite 6 Content ;ie4 *i.e'='le %vervie4//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "9 Content ;ie4 an, Co-osite Content ;ie4 S'enarios/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 90 S'enario AB (he MAll in one Content ;ie4//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 91 S'enario &B ostSe'i.i' or Server (=e Content ;ie4s///////////////////////////////////////////////// 92 S'enario CB ost Se'i.i' Co-osite Content ;ie4s/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9 S'enario DB Co-onent&ase, Co-osite Content ;ie4s////////////////////////////////////////////// 95 Satellite 6 Content ;ie4 Re'o--en,ations//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 96 o4 #ilters or)//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 96 Re'o--en,ations .or #ilters///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 97 Re'o--en,ations .or Content ;ie4s/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 97 Re'o--en,ations .or Co-osite Content ;ie4s @CC;B////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9" ltile Snashots @ClonesB o. Content ;ie4s///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9" CC;s in a De,i'ate, *i.eC='le Environ-ent/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 99 o4 Content ;ie4s 4or) 4ith Pro,'ts an, Reositories//////////////////////////////////////////////// 99 Content ;ie4 Na-ing Conventions//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10! &asi' i,elines .or Na-ing Conventions////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10! Content ;ie4s ;erss Co-osite Content ;ie4s/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10 o4 to Na-e Co-onentsPro.iles @ase, on C;sB////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10 o4 to na-e #inal Delo=-ent Con.igrationsRoles @ase, on CC;sB/////////////////////// 10 (=i'al li.e'='le stages/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 105 Re, at Satellite li.e'='le Environ-ents/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 105 (he Se'ial Role o. the *irar=////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 105 (he Se'ial Role o. the RE* Core &il,////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 106 *i.e'='le Se'i.i' A,atations//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 106
(=i'al *i.e'='le Environ-ent S'enarios/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 107 S'enario AB %ne li.e'='le stage .or ever=thing//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 107 S'enario &B %ne *i.e'='le Environ-ent Path .or All As an, %S///////////////////////////////// 10" S'enario CB ,e,i'ate, li.e'='le ath .or arti'lar ali'ations////////////////////////////////////// 110 S'enario DB Deviant *i.e'='le Paths ReGire an %verall aing///////////////////////////////// 111 ACE S'enario/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 111
Ste 5: De.ine =or Core &il,/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11! &ene.its o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ .or Core &il,s//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11! Re, at A& an, AP 'o-atiilit= 'o--it-ent////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11 Core &il, %vervie4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 115 Core &il, Re'o--en,ations//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 115 o4 to De.ine Ior Core &il,s///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 119 Core &il, Na-ing 'onventions///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 120 Core &il, So.t4are Reositories////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 121 ACE Core &il, Sa-le Pet o,les/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12! Sa-le Pet o,le .or et'-ot, #ile/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12 Sa-le Pet o,le .or A,,itional RP Pa')ages/////////////////////////////////////////////////// 126 Sa-le Pet o,le .or the nt Con.igration/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 127 Sa-le Pet o,le: Jai$ onitoring Agent Con.igration//////////////////////////////////// 127 Sa-le Pet o,le .or rs=slog Con.igration @here: 'lientB////////////////////////////////////// 12" Pet *as o,les st,li an, 'on'at////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12" A,,ing All Core &il, Pet o,les to the Core &il, Content ;ie4///////////////////////// 129 Re, at Satellite 6 Con.ig ros///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 129 Na-ing Conventions//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1!0 Core &il, Con.ig ro////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1!0 Plishing an, Pro-oting the Core &il, Content ;ie4s////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1!1
Ste 6: De.ine Ior Ali'ation Content///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1!7 ACEOs Sa-le Ali'ation Ar'hite'tre/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1!" Sa-le Ali'ation 1: git Server//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1!9 E$a-le: Pet o,le .or git @Server an, ClientB/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1!9 Content ;ie4 .or git Server Pro.ile/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 10 Co-osite Content ;ie4 .or the gitserver Role/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 17 Sa-le Ali'ation 2: Container ost//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 151 Sa-le Pet o,le .or Do')er ost Co-te Resor'e///////////////////////////////////////// 152 Content ;ie4 .or Do')er Pro.ile/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 152
Co-osite Content ;ie4 .or Containerhost Role//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 15! Postnstallation oo) .or Containerhost///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 15 Sa-le Ali'ation !: Central loghost Server//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 15 Sa-le Ali'ation : Satellite 6 Casle////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 155 Content ;ie4 .or Satellite 6 Casle Pro.ile//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 155 Co-osite Content ;ie4 .or Satellite 6 Casle Role//////////////////////////////////////////////////// 156 Sa-le Ali'ation 5: ACE esite//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 157 Sa-le Pet o,le .or ariaD& server ro.ile///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 15" Sa-le Pet o,le .or ACE e Role////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 159 ACE e Con.ig ros////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 159 Content ;ie4 .or ariaD& Pro.ile//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 161 Content ;ie4 .or the or,Press ro.ile/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 162 Co-osite Content ;ie4 .or ACE e Role//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 16!
Ste 7: Ato-ate =or rovisioning//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 166 Provisioning Re'o--en,ations///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 166 Provisioning etho,s///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 172 Para-eters///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 17! loal Para-eters/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 17 S-art Class Para-eters////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 176 De.ine loal Para-eters/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 176 (e-lates/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 179 (e-late t=e overvie4:////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 179 Clone a Provisioning (e-late//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1"1 Partition (ales/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1"! Create the Csto- Partition (ale/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1" Provisioning Set////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1"" Provisioning or).lo4//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 197 %neti-e a'tions////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 19" Reeatale a'tions////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 19" #ore-an oo)s////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 202 #ore-an oo) S'rit Sa-le 1: Containerhost////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 20! #ore-an oo) S'rit Sa-le 2: Ne4 ost Noti.i'ation////////////////////////////////////////////////// 20 #ore-an oo) S'rit Sa-le 2: (S (ool ntegration @onitoringB////////////////////////////// 20 A'tivation Le=s/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 205 Na-ing Conventions//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 205 Create A'tivation Le=s///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 206
Satellite 6 ost ros %vervie4////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 217 Satellite 6 ost ro S'enarios/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 222 S'enario AB #lat ost ro Str'tre//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 22! S'enario &B *i.e'='leEnviron-ent #o'se, ierar'hi'al Str'tre/////////////////////////////// 22 S'enario CB &siness ;ie4///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 225 S'enario DB *o'ation ase,//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 225 Create ost ros///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 226 Provisioning a ne4 host///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 26
Ste ": a =or ( organiation an, roles to =or Satellite set//////////////// 251 o4 Re, at Satellite *ets Io Searate Resonsiilities/////////////////////////////////////////////// 251 Satellite Users an, *DAP Athenti'ation/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 252 Re, at Satellite 6 Role&ase, A''ess Control//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 252 Satellite 6 R&AC Re'o--en,ations///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25! De.ine the E$e'te, (as)s an, Resonsiilities///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25! Start S-all an, A,, Per-issions Ste = Ste////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25! Use Sear'h #ilters to *i-it the A-ont o. Detail///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25 Consi,er Se'on,ar= Entities A..e'te, = a Parti'lar E$e'tion//////////////////////////////////// 25 Use Pre,e.ine, Roles herever Possile////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25 R&AC #o'ses on Role Shaing &t Not Se'rit= 'ontrol///////////////////////////////////////////// 25 (=i'al 'ontent K *i.e'='le Role (=es////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25 ACE ( %rganiation E$a-le///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 255 Sa-le Role 1: Satellite A,-in/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 257 Sa-le Role 2: ( %erations anager @Rea,onl= RoleB////////////////////////////////////////////// 25" Sa-le Role !: *i'ense anage-ent %4ner///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 259 Sa-le Role : Core &il, @%SB S=ste-s Engineering////////////////////////////////////////////////// 262 Sa-le Role 5: alit= Assran'e @AB///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 266
Ste 9: anage the Content *i.e'='le Continosl=////////////////////////////////////// 271 Re, at Errata %vervie4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 271 Content Change Reorting///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 272 Errata Noti.i'ation E-ails/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 272 Satellite 6 Content Dashoar, an, Errata %vervie4///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 27! Satellite 6 Errata anage-ent %vervie4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 27! Use Case 1B U,ating the Core &il,//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 27! 1/ U,ate the Core &il, Content ;ie4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 27 2/ U,ate the A..e'te, Co-osite Content ;ie4s/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 275 refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
!/ Pro-ote the Co-osite Content vie4 (hrogh the Correson,ing *i.e'='le Stages 276 / U,ate All A..e'te, osts (hat &elong to the Correson,ing ost ros/////////////// 276 Use Case 2B Ne4 ;ersion o. the Ali'ation C; 4ith an Un'hange, Core &il,///////////// 27" Use Case !B Core &il, an, Ali'ation C;s U,ate, Si-ltaneosl=//////////////////////////// 279 Use Case B n're-ental U,ates Al= Sele'te, Errata to osts///////////////////////////////// 279 Use Case 5B A,,ing a Ne4 Pet o,le to an E$isting Content ;ie4///////////////////////// 2"2 A,,ing a Ne4 ;ersion or a Ne4 Class//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2"! / Optional : A,, the Ne4 Pet Classes to a Con.ig ro///////////////////////////////////////// 2"5 5/ A,, the Ne4 Pet Classes to All ost ros 4ith hi'h the A,ate, C; is Asso'iate,//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2"5
Ste 10: Ato-ate an, e$ten, =or set///////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2"7 (al) to sQ//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2"7 -orting e$isting hosts////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2"7 -rove =or are -etal rovisioning sing the Dis'over= Plgin//////////////////////////////////// 2"" ntegration o. &a') anage-ent an, S=ste-s anage-ent/////////////////////////////////////// 2"9 o4 Satellite 6 Sorts Ior Se'rit= anage-ent Pro'ess///////////////////////////////////////// 290 o4 Satellite 6 Sorts Ior Servi'e ;ali,ation K (esting @AB Pro'ess/////////////////////// 290 o4 Satellite 6 Sorts Ior Asset K Con.igration anage-ent Pro'ess/////////////////// 291 o4 Satellite 6 Sorts Ior n'i,ent anage-ent Pro'ess////////////////////////////////////////// 291
Aen,i$ Sa-le Pet o,les se, insi,e///////////////////////////////////////// 292 Sa-le Pet -o,le .or nt 'on.igration////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 292 Sa-le Pet o,le .or Jai$ onitoring agent 'on.igration//////////////////////////////// 295 Sa-le Pet o,le .or rs=slog 'on.igration @oth 'lient an, serverB////////////////////// !02 Sa-le Pet o,le .or a,,itional r- a')ages: 'oreil,a')ages///////////////////// !0" Sa-le Pet o,le .or Do')er 'on.igration//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !0" Sa-le Pet o,le .or git 'on.igration @oth 'lient an, serverB///////////////////////////// !10 Sa-le Pet o,le .or rhevagent///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !1 Sa-le Pet o,le .or v-4aretools///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !15 Sa-le Pet o,le .or a'-e4e @.ronten, an, a')en,B/////////////////////////////////////// !16
Aen,i$ : S'rits///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !22 #ore-an oo) 1: 05'ontainerhost/sh////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !22 #ore-an oo) 2: 10logger/sh////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !2! #ore-an oo) !: 01ai$host'reate/sh//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !2!
Aen,i$ : Na-ing Convention/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !26 www%red#at%com
Aen,i$ ;: So.t4are ;ersions %vervie4///////////////////////////////////////////////////// !2" Aen,i$ ;: Contritor *ist/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !!0
About this Document (he ri-ar= goal o. this soltion gi,e is to rovi,e an end)to)end e?ample of software lifec-cle management using Red Hat Satellite 6 / t is ase, on an sample customer scenario in'l,ing sa-le ali'ation ar'hite'tre sa-le ,ata'enter toolog= an, ( organiation an, roles/ eOve trie, to ,es'rie a si-le t realisti' s'enario an, to e$lain all -an,ator= an, a,,itionall= so-e a,van'e, Satellite 6 'aailities an, its 'on.igration/ %r .o's has een -ore on the M4h= instea, o. the Mho4/ (here.ore a signi.i'ant roortion o. this soltion gi,e is 'o--itte, to e?plain t#e non)tec#nical concepts ehin,/ Nevertheless an, given the 'hara'teristi's o. a Re, at Re.eren'e Ar'hite'tre Soltion i,e the i-le-entation has een engineere, 'on.igre, an, vali,ate, in or la/ So-e tools se, an, ite-s ,o'-ente, insi,e are not 'overe, = Re, atOs loal Sort Servi'es sort 'ontra'ts an, 'overage/ eOve -ar)e, all ite-s 4hi'h are not sorte, = Re, at loal Sort Servi'es to avoi, 'on.sion aot it/ eOve trie, to rovi,e in ea'h arti'lar area different potential scenarios to ,eal 4ith an, their a,vantages an, ,isa,vantages/ n ea'h o. these areas 4eOve i')e, one scenario an, documented its tec#nical implementation / ost o. the ato-ation 4eOve se, an, rovi,e, insi,e this soltion gi,e is ase, on a naming convention 4hi'h 4ill e e$laine, in ,etail ea'h ti-e it is se, it an, s--arie, at the en, o. this ,o'-ent/
Target Audience (he target a,ien'e o. this soltion gi,e are ri-aril= customers and partners w#o are new to Satellite 6 / A,,itionall= 4e tr= to hel arc#itects in different areas o. resonsiilit= an, interest to -a)e so-e general ,esign ,e'isions i. the=Ove not een -a,e =et/ (he -ltile s'enarios ,es'rie, in ea'h se'tion are sose, to let the a,ien'e ,e'i,e 4hi'h o. these s'enarios an, in 'onsi,eration o. the ,o'-ente, a,vantages an, ,isa,vantages are the est .it .or their environ-ent or s'enario/ A,,itionall= 4e ,es'rie the te'hni'al i-le-entation o. one 'o-lete 'on.igration to satis.= the nee,s o. eole resonsile .or the tec#nical implementation as 4ell/ (he ,o'-entation o. C* ase, i-le-entation is sose, to hel 'sto-ers -ore .o'sing on ato-ation or integration o. Satellite 6 'aailities into their environ-ent/
ACME as a customer (and content) journey (he i,ea o. sing an sa-le 'o-an= 4ith a ver= li-ite, 'o-le$it= an, ,e'lare, as ?st .on,e, is to rovi,e a customer ourne- w#ic# will *e e?panded over time / (his soltion gi,e is sose, to e'o-e )in, o. a starting oint or foundation document 4hile other stes o. this 'sto-er ?orne= 4ill .ollo4 over ti-e/ De to resor'e an, ti-e li-itations an, to re,'e the 'o-le$it= an, 'ontent length o. this ,o'-ent 4eOve ha, to ,e.ine so-e toi's 4hi'h are ot o. s'oe .or this ,o'-ent/ (he rose o. the .ollo4ing list o. e$'l,e, toi's is to avoi, ,isaointe, rea,ers 4ho are ri-aril= loo)ing .or these toi's 4e ,o not 'over insi,e this soltion gi,e/ (he .ollo4ing Re, at Satellite 'aailities are either onl= 'overe, ver= ser.i'iall= or not at all:
Re, at Satellite 6 -ltiorg 'aailities Re, at Satellite 6 'o-te ro.iles Re, at Satellite 6 Dis'over= .eatre oenSCAP 'aailities o. Satellite 6/1 Re, at A''ess nsights 'aailities o. Satellite 6/1 Ss'rition anage-ent sing virt4ho Do')er -ager anage-ent 'aailities o. Satellite 6/1
So-e other areas are so 'o-le$ .or its o4n an, are 4orth to e 'overe, in -ore ,etails that 4e 'onsi,er to 4rite ,e,i'ate, ,o'-ents targeting these a,van'e, se 'ases or s'enarios/ (he goal o. Ste 10 is to rovi,e so-e i,eas aot these a,van'e, s'enarios 4e -ight 4ill 'over in 'o-ing ,o'-ents/
Comments and Feedback n the sirit o. oen sor'e 4e invite an=one to rovi,e .ee,a') an, 'o--ents on an= soltion gi,es/ Althogh 4e revie4 or aers internall= so-eti-es isses or t=ograhi'al errors are en'ontere,/ #ee,a') allo4s s to not onl= i-rove the Galit= o. the aers 4e ro,'e t allo4s the rea,er to rovi,e their thoghts on otential i-rove-ents an, toi' e$ansion to the aers/ #ee,a') on the aers 'an e rovi,e, = e-ailing re.ar'h.ee,a') re,hat /'o-/ Please re.er to the title 4ithin the e-ail/
Staying In Touch Toin s on so-e o. the olar so'ial -e,ia sites 4here 4e )ee or a,ien'e in.or-e, on ne4 re.eren'e ar'hite'tres an, soltion gi,es as 4ell as o..er relate, in.or-ation on things 4e .in, interesting/
*i)e s on #a'eoo): htts: 444/.a'eoo)/'o- rhre.ar'h #ollo4 s on (4itter: htts: t4itter/'o-Re,atRe.Ar'h Pls s on oogle+: htts: ls /google/'o-0 111521267"!"!072"0!0
Recommended Red Hat Training !!erings A''o-an=ing to this soltion gi,e Re, at o..ers an, re'o--en,s varios trainings an, 'erti.i'ations aron, the toi's ,is'sse, insi,e this ,o'-ent/ (he .ollo4ing Re, at training 'orses are re'o--en,e, an, 'over te'hnologies se, in the re.eren'e gi,e::
Red Hat Satellite 6 "dministration ) RH 805 Re, at Satellite 6 A,-inistration is a laase, 'orse that e$lores the 'on'ets an, -etho,s ne'essar= .or s''ess.l larges'ale -anage-ent o. Re, at< Enterrise *in$< s=ste-s/ Corse arti'iants 4ill learn ho4 to install Re, at Satellite 6 on a server an, olate it 4ith so.t4are a')ages/ #rther Details: htts: 444/re,hat /'o-enservi'estraining rh0! re,hat satellite 6 a,-inistration
Red Hat Server Hardening ) RH 815 Re, at< Server ar,ening @R1!B il,s on a st,entHs Re, at Certi.ie, Engineer @RCE
Red Hat 4ertified S-stem "dministrator 4ertification Pat# An ( ro.essional 4ho has earne, the Re, at Certi.ie, S=ste- A,-inistrator @RCSAB is ale to er.or- the 'ore s=ste- a,-inistration s)ills reGire, in Re, at Enterrise *in$ environ-ents/ (he 're,ential is earne, a.ter s''ess.ll= assing the Re, at Certi.ie, S=ste- A,-inistrator @RCSAB E$a- @E8200B/ #rther Details: htts: 444/re,hat /'o- en servi'es 'erti.i'ationrh'sa refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
Red Hat 4ertified Engineer 4ertification Pat# A Re, at< Certi.ie, Engineer @RCE
Recommended Red Hat Consu"ting !!erings Re, at Conslting has re.ine, an ato-ate, -o,lar enterrise.o'se, 'on.igration -anage-ent strateg= that gives =o .ll visiilit= an, 'ontrol a'ross =or environ-ents/ (here are varios o..erings availale 4hi'h are 'o-le-entar= to this soltion gi,e an, ri-aril= .o'sing on ,esign il, an, ,elo= an S%E to allo4:
Sea-lessl= a,ot ne4 siness initiatives lat.or-s servi'es an, 'aailities/ Re,'e ti-e to i-le-entation/ Estalish stan,ar, -o,lar .le$ile an, ato-ate, ro'esses/ itigate the 'ost o. 'hanging siness ,rivers/
#rther in.or-ation in'l,ing 4hiteaer ,atasheets an, 'sto-er re.eren'es 'ol, e .on, here: htt : 444/re,hat /'o- en servi'es 'onsltingin.rastr'tre stan,ar,ie
#ega" $isc"aimer (his soltion gi,e has een rovi,e, = Re, at t so-e arts o. it are otsi,e the s'oe o. the oste, Servi'e *evel Agree-ents an, sort ro'e,res @htts:a''ess/re,hat/'o-sorto..eringsro,'tionB/ (he in.or-ation is rovi,e, asis an, an= 'on.igration settings or installe, ali'ations -a,e .ro- the in.or-ation in this arti'le 'ol, -a)e the %erating S=ste- nsorte, = Re, at loal Sort Servi'es/ (he intent o. this soltion gi,e is to rovi,e in.or-ation to a''o-lish the s=ste-Hs nee,s/ Use o. the in.or-ation in this arti'le at the serHs o4n ris)/ Pri-aril= thir, art= so.t4are 'o-onents se, to re.le't a t=i'al 'sto-er environ-ent are e$'l,e, .ro- eing sorte, = Re, at/ A,,itionall= the s'rits se, an, rovi,e, insi,e this soltion gi,e are not sorte, = Re, at an, ,istrite, 4ithot an= 4arrant=/ Ea'h ti-e a otentiall= nsorte, ite- is 'overe, a ,e,i'ate, ,is'lai-er has een a,,e, to the a..e'te, se'tion/
Ackno%"edgments Even i. there are t4o athors liste, on the 'over age this re.eren'e is ase, on the i,eas an, 'ontritions o. -an= talente, an, highl= s)ille, eole insi,e an, otsi,e o. Re, at/ (he 'ontent is ase, on a longter- e$erien'e o. varios 'ontritors gathere, over =ears an, in a hge n-er o. ro?e'ts/ riting ,o4n these i,eas revie4ing an, lishing it 4ol, not have een ossile 4ithot the vale, int 'reativit= an, gi,an'e rovi,e, = a lot o. ,i..erent eole/ eOve trie, to a,, a 'o-lete list o. 'ontritors insi,e "ppendi? $, 4ontri*utor 2ist/ e 4ol, li)e to than) ea'h an, ever=one -entione, in this list/
Introduction (he .ollo4ing 'hater rovi,es an overvie4 o. so-e i-ortant ite-s that are e$laine, in -ore ,etail 4ithin the soltion gi,e/
Standard &erating En'ironment (SE) 'er'ie% ith a variet= o. oerating s=ste- ven,ors an, versions server har,4are 'on.igrations an, -anage-ent so.t4are tools s=ste- an, in.rastr'tre a,-inistration e'o-es ,i..i'lt at est/ (his 'o-le$it= reGires a large ( sta.. 4ith ,ee e$ertise in all areas o. the environ-ent .rther in'reasing 'osts/ n a,,ition to interoerailit= isses these -anage-ent 'hallenges lea, to in'rease, ,o4nti-e an, availailit= 'on'erns 4ith less visiilit= an, 'ontrol o. assets/ (hese isses in'rease se'rit= an, 'o-lian'e ris)s/ hen =o have a -ltit,e o. ,isarate ro'esses .or ea'h 'on.igration or oerating s=ste- version the ro'ess o. rovisioning ne4 tools ali'ations virtal -a'hines an, servers e'o-es slo4 an, te,ios an, o.ten hin,ers ( an, siness agilit=/ an= o. these isses 'an e greatl= ,i-inishe, or even eli-inate, = re,'ing 'o-le$it= an, stan,ar,iing art or all o. the ( environ-ent on a set o. ro'esses an, ro'e,res/ anage-ent is si-li.ie, in a stan,ar,ie, oerating environ-ent @S%EB signi.i'antl= in'reasing ( sta.. ro,'tivit= an, s'alailit=/ &e'ase laor 'osts 'ontrite signi.i'antl= to overall ( 'osts i-roving sta.. e..i'ien'= an, ro,'tivit= 'an lea, to 'o-elling savings an, a lo4er total 'ost o. o4nershi @(C%B/ Stan,ar, oerating environ-ents also ene.it ser ro,'tivit= in ter-s o. in'rease, availailit= o. servi'es an, less ,o4nti-e/ ith stan,ar, oerating ro'esses an, ro'e,res ali'ations virtal -a'hines an, har,4are 'an all e ,elo=e, an, 'on.igre, Gi')l= in'reasing .le$iilit= s'alailit= an, siness agilit= an, ro,'tivit=/ oreover re,'e, in.rastr'tre 'o-le$it= allo4s etter 'ontrol o. ( assets i-roves se'rit= an, re,'es 'o-lian'e ris)s/ Stan,ar,iation hinges on in'reasing 'onsisten'= an, re,'ing 'o-le$it= 4ithin an oerating environ-ent/ (he i,eal S%E i-le-ents a ,e.ine, set o. 'o-onents inter.a'es an, ro'esses to e se, throghot the entire ( in.rastr'tre/ hile it -a= see- 'onter intitive stan,ar,iation ,oes not i-l= that all s=ste-s 4ill e e$a'tl= the sa-eV it si-l= -eans that all s=ste-s 4ill have a ,e.ine, )no4n .on,ation on 4hi'h a set o. ali'ations virtal -a'hines an, tools 'an e ilt/ (here.ore stan,ar,iation .o'ses on three -ain areas: si-li.i'ation o. the ( in.rastr'tre
ato-ation an, strea-lining o. -anage-ent an, a,-inistration tas)s/
Simplified consistent infrastructure Re,'ing the n-er o. variations in 'ore te'hnologies s'h as oerating s=ste-s a,-inistration tools an, se'rit= an, 'o-lian'e reGire-ents 'reates an environ-ent that is easier to -anage/
Streamlined Operation hen a li-ite, n-er o. oerating s=ste- versions are ,elo=e, in an ( in.rastr'tre it is ossile to ,e.ine a single stan,ar, set o. oerating ro'e,res an, ro'esses/ (his aroa'h si-li.ies an, strea-lines oeration/
"utomation n'rease, 'onsisten'= an, re,'e, 'o-le$it= e..e'tivel= enale environ-ent ato-ation/ ith onl= a .e4 variations in the 'ore s=ste- .eatres -an= reetitive nonstrategi' tas)s 'an e ato-ate,/ oving =or ( environ-ent to a si-li.ie, 'onsistent ar'hite'tre oens the ,oor to -an= ene.its/
Reduced Downtime #e4er %S variations ,e'rease the statisti'al li)elihoo, o. oerational an, se'rit= isses that 'ase ,o4nti-e/ &etter -anage-ent ra'ti'es reslting .ro- in'rease, in.rastr'tre 'onsisten'= 'at'h isses e.ore the= ring ,o4n s=ste-s an, ali'ations/ Si-li.ie, at'h -anage-ent ensres that s=ste-s are )et to,ate an, online/
2ower Operational 4osts As laor 'osts 'ontrite signi.i'antl= to overall ( 'osts i-roving sta.. e..i'ien'= an, ro,'tivit= 'an lea, to 'o-elling savings an, lo4er total 'ost o. o4nershi @(C%B/ ore E..i'ient ( Sta..: Strea-line, oerations an, ro'esses allo4 a s-aller sta.. to a,-inister a larger n-er o. h=si'al an, virtal s=ste-s -ore easil= an, e..i'ientl=/ E$tre-el= .avorale a,-inistratortos=ste- an, ser ratios are ossile 4ith S%Es/
/ncreased Productivit&e'ase ea'h a,-inistrator 'an -anage a larger n-er o. servers an, sers the
in.rastr'tre 'an gro4 an, s'ale 4ithot ringing on a,,itional sta../ &e'ase ,ee e$ertise in -ltile oerating s=ste-s an, )ernel ,evelo-ent is not reGire, ( sta.. 'an a..or, to .o's on 'ore siness ali'ations/ Ato-ation also retrns valale ti-e to strategi' tas)s that -ove the siness .or4ar,/
Reduced Help Desk @orkloads ith -ore 'onsistent servi'es .e4er hel ,es) ti')ets are .ile, re,'ing the a-ont o. ti-e ( sen,s on hel ,es) 4or)loa,s an, in'reasing ser ro,'tivit= an, ti-e/ #aster ( Resonse (i-es: ith ato-ation ne4 ali'ations 'an e ,elo=e, to a large n-er o. s=ste-s in a .ra'tion o. the ti-e nee,e, .or -anal ,elo=-ent/ Servers an, virtal -a'hines 'an e rovisione, in a -atter o. hors an, -intes instea, o. ,a=s an, hors/
/ncreased /nfrastructure Securit- and 4ontrol Re,'e, in.rastr'tre 'o-le$it= allo4s etter 'ontrol o. ( assets i-roves se'rit= an, re,'es 'o-lian'e ris)s/
7reater Business "lignment and "gilit%n the siness level enhan'e, in.rastr'tre agilit= .a'ilitates in'rease, 'o-etitiveness an, align-ent 4ith goals 4hile re,'e, oerational 'osts ene.it the otto- line/ Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith Re, at Satellite rovi,es an i,eal lat.or- .or stan,ar,iation/ (hese t4o )e= 'o-onentsWthe oerating s=ste- Re, at Enterrise *in$ an, the s=ste-s -anage-ent lat.or- Re, at SatelliteW4or) together to .rther enhan'e the ene.its o. stan,ar,ie, oerating environ-ents/
Red Hat Sate""ite 'er'ie% Re, at Satellite is a s=ste- -anage-ent soltion that -a)es Re, at in.rastr'tre easier to ,elo= s'ale an, -anage a'ross h=si'al virtal an, 'lo, environ-ents/ Satellite hels sers rovision 'on.igre an, ,ate s=ste-s to ensre the= rn e..i'ientl= se'rel= an, in 'o-lian'e 4ith varios stan,ar,s/ &= ato-ating -ost tas)s relate, to -aintaining s=ste-s Satellite hels organiations in'rease e..i'ien'= re,'e oerational 'osts an, enale ( to etter reson, to strategi' siness nee,s/ Re, at Satellite ato-ates -an= tas)s relate, to s=ste- -anage-ent an, easil= integrates into e$isting 4or).lo4 .ra-e4or)s/ (he 'entralie, 'onsole rovi,es a,-inistrators one la'e
.or a''essing reorts an, .or rovisioning 'on.igring an, ,ating s=ste-s/
Provisioning Provision on are -etal virtalie, in.rastr'tre an, on li' or rivate 'lo,sWall .roone 'entralie, 'onsole an, 4ith one si-le ro'ess/ i')l= rovision an, ,ate =or entire are-etal in.rastr'tre/ Easil= 'reate an, -anage instan'es a'ross virtalie, in.rastr'tre or rivate an, li' 'lo,s/ Create 'o-le$ Li')start an, P8E s'enarios 4ith o4er.l variales an, sniets/ Dis'over an, sear'h a'ross nonrovisione, hosts .or rai, ,elo=-ent/
4onfiguration management Anal=e an, ato-ati'all= 'orre't 'on.igration ,ri.t an, 'ontrol an, en.or'e the ,esire, host en,state all .ro- the Re, at Satellite ser inter.a'e @UB/ (his lets =o 'on.igre Re, at Enterrise *in$ s=ste-s -ore e..i'ientl= .or -ore agilit=/ ntegrate s=n'hroniing Pet -o,les/ (his integration rovi,es the ailit= to -anage ro-ote an, ,istrite 'on.igration easil= a'ross =or environ-ent/ Ato-ati'all= 'orre't s=ste- state 4ith 'o-lete reorting a,iting an, histor= o. 'hanges/
Software management Re, at Satellite hels ensre a s=ste-ati' ro'ess is se, to al= 'ontent @in'l,ing at'hesB to ,elo=e, s=ste-sW 4hether the= are ,elo=e, on h=si'al virtal or 'lo, in.rastr'treWin all stages .ro- ,ev to ro,'tion/ (his ensres etter 'onsisten'= an, availailit= o. s=ste-s .reeing ( to Gi')l= reson, to siness nee,s an, vlnerailities/ Content vie4s are 'olle'tions o. RPs 'ontainer 'ontent or Pet -o,les re.ine, 4ith .ilters an, rles/ Content vie4s are lishe, an, ro-ote, throghot li.e'='le environ-ents enaling en,toen, s=ste- -anage-ent/ hile Satellite 5 se, 'hannels an, 'loning 'ontent vie4s in Satellite 6 'ontain oth so.t4are an, 'on.igration 'ontent in one la'e greatl= si-li.=ing -anaging the li.e'='les o. s=ste-s/ ntegrate, 4ith the Re, at Content Deliver= Net4or) @CDNB to let sers 'ontrol s=n'hroniation o. Re, at 'ontent straight .ro- the ser inter.a'e/ Distrition an, .e,eration o. rovisioning 'on.igration an, 'ontent ,eliver= via Re,
at Satellite Casle Server/
Su*scription management Easil= reort an, -a =or Re, at ro,'ts to registere, s=ste-s .or en,toen, ss'rition 'ons-tion visiilit=/ Easil= i-ort an, -anage the ,istrition o. =or Re, at so.t4are ss'ritions/ Reort an, -a =or r'hase, ro,'ts to registere, s=ste-s 4ithin Re, at Satellite .or en,toen, ss'rition sage visiilit=/
Red Hat Sate""ite System Architecture Re, at Satellite 6 is ase, on several oen sor'e ro?e'ts arrange, in the .ollo4ing ar'hite'tre/
reorting a,iting an, troleshooting/
!atello Latello is a ss'rition an, reositor= -anage-ent ali'ation/ t rovi,es a -eans to ss'rie to Re, at reositories an, ,o4nloa, 'ontent/ Io 'an 'reate an, -anage ,i..erent versions o. this 'ontent an, al= the- to se'i.i' s=ste-s 4ithin ser,e.ine, stages o. the ali'ation li.e'='le/
4andlepin Can,lein is a servi'e 4ithin Latello that han,les ss'rition -anage-ent/
Pulp Pl is a servi'e 4ithin Latello that han,les reositor= an, 'ontent -anage-ent/
Hammer a--er is a C* tool that rovi,es 'o--an, line an, shell eGivalents o. -ost e U .n'tions/
RES3 "P/ Re, at Satellite 6 in'l,es a RES(.l AP servi'e that allo4s s=ste- a,-inistrators an, ,eveloers to 4rite 'sto- s'rits an, thir,art= ali'ations that inter.a'e 4ith Re, at Satellite/
4apsule Re, at Satellite Casle Server a'ts as a ro$= .or so-e o. the -ain Satellite .n'tions in'l,ing reositor= storage DNS DCP an, Pet aster 'on.igration/ Ea'h Satellite Server also 'ontains integrate, Casle Server servi'es/ #rther ,o'-entation 'ol, e .on, here: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o- ro,'tsre, hat satellite overvie4
ACME Intro eOre sing a 'o-an= 'alle, ACE as an e$a-le/ ACE is sose, to reresent a t=i'al 'sto-er environ-ent/ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
Aote, All s'enarios an, eole are .i'tional an, an= rese-lan'e to an= erson living or ,ea, is rel= 'oin'i,ental/ ACE has ?st een .on,e, an, the siness -o,el is not .inall= ,e.ine, =et/ (he 'rrent .o's is to estalish an e'o--er'e lat.or- .or varios 'ons-er goo,s/ (he 4e sho s=ste- is 'rrentl= in the ,esign hase an, is not 'overe, in this soltion gi,e/ nstea, 4e .o's on setting the reGire, in.rastr'tres an, the s=ste-s an, ali'ation -anage-ent 'aailities/
ACME IT Organization Overview &e'ase ACE is ran, ne4 the ( %rganiation is still Gite s-all/ Nevertheless ACE has ,e'i,e, to se a tra,itional aroa'h to segregating tas)s 4hile str'tring its ( ,eart-ents/ Althogh ACE has a,,itional ,eart-ents s'h as -an Resor'es *egal an, #inan'e 4e are .o'sing ri-aril= on the .ollo4ing three -ain ,eart-ents an, their tea-s: ( %erations So.t4are Develo-ent ( Servi'es anage-ent (he /3 Operations ,eart-ent is ta)ing 'are o. all ,ata'enter -anage-ent tas)s an, o4ns the entire production environment/ (he= il, an, oversee all infrastructure la-ers in'l,ing 'o-ting @oth h=si'al an, virtalB storage an, net4or) resor'es/ (hese resonsiilities in'l,e -onitoring in'i,ent -anage-ent an, a') restore as 4ell/ n a,,ition the= are resonsile .or all operating)s-stem relate, ite-s in'l,ing %S gra,es an, se'rit= at'hing/ (he Software Development Department creates custom software an, integrates it 4ith !r,art= so.t4are 'o-onents/ (heir resonsiilities in'l,e all ali'ationse'i.i' *uilding and testing activities an, configuration management/
/3 Services .anagement is resonsile .or all arc#itecture and process areas in (/ (hese in'l,e Servi'e ;ali,ation an, (esting @AB Release anage-ent an, Se'rit= anage-ent as the )e= ro'esses/ (his ,eart-ent also a'ts as a *ridge et4een &siness an, ( an, et4een ( %erations an, So.t4are Develo-ent/ (o e etter reare, .or the .tre it re'entl= .on,e, an Emerging 3ec#nologies E3C Department to investigate 'o-ing tren,s an, te'hnologies earl=/
(he .ollo4ing organiation 'hart illstrates 'rrent ACE ( %rganiation str'tre:
n Step = Ma =or ( %rganiation an, Roles 4e 4ill i') so-e t=i'al roles an, e$lain ho4 the= 'ol, e -ae, an, 'on.igre, in Re, at Satellite 6/ %nl= a .e4 ,eart-ents an, 'orreson,ing roles are 'overe, insi,e this soltion gi,e t 4e 4ill e$ten, this 'overage ste = ste in 'o-ing ,o'-ents/
ACME Datacenter Topology Overview ACE is ase, in ni'h er-an=/ (he ri-ar= ,ata'enter is in ni'h as 4ell/ (his ,ata'enter has a segregate, net4or) that is se, .or .ronten, servers 4hi'h are availale to the orl, i,e e/ ost o. the in.rastr'tre servi'es are rnning in ni'h 4here the entire ( oerations organiation is ase, as 4ell/ %nl= the 4e ali'ation ,evelo-ent an, testing are ase, in &oston A in the Unite, States/ &oth lo'ations rn s-all ,ata'enters/ ni'h ses Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation as the n,erl=ing virtaliation lat.or-V in 'ontrast &oston ses the Re, at Enterrise *in$ %enSta') Plat.or-/ (he .ollo4ing ,iagra- illstrates the ,ata'enter toolog= 4hi'h is ,es'rie, in .rther ,etail in Step ':
ACME Application Architecture Overview Sin'e or ACE 'o-an= has ?st een .on,e, an, the siness -o,el is still evolving 4e 'rrentl= have onl= one siness ali'ation: "4.E @e*site 4hi'h is the li' 4e resen'e o. ACE/ A se'on, siness ali'ation is 'rrentl= in the ,esign hase: the ACE esho/ (he ACE 4esite is ase, on the .a-os or,Press ali'ation t the ACE esho 4ill e'o-e a TEE a rnning on to o. T&oss Enterrise Ali'ation Server/ &oth are sing ariaD& as ,ataase a')en,/ (o a'hieve a higher ,egree o. stan,ar,iation ACE has ,e'i,e, to se a stan,ar,ie, ariaD& 'on.igration as share, 'o-onent/ &esi,es these siness ali'ations there are a lot o. in.rastr'tre servi'es reGire, an, ,o'-ente, in this soltion gi,e/ Pri-aril= the .ollo4ing in.rastr'tre servi'es are ins'oe .or this ,o'-ent an, are @at least artiall=B ,o'-ente, as 4ell: the server t=e git server 4hi'h hosts a share, revision 'ontrol s=ste- @e/g/ .or 'entrall= -anage, Pet 'on.igrationsB the ,e,i'ate, M Docker computing resources 4hi'h a't as 'ontainer hosts the server t=e log #ost 4hi'h a'ts as a 'entral re-ote log server the server t=e Satellite 6 4apsule as se, in or ,i..erent lo'ations @a standard server @lain %SB that is ?st rovi,ing a 'ore il,B (he .ollo4ing ,iagra- illstrates the sa-le ali'ation ar'hite'tre se, in this soltion gi,e:
e are also sing so-e ree$isting s=ste-s: Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation as the n,erl=ing virtaliation lat.or Re, at Enterrise *in$ %enSta') Plat.or- as the virtaliation lat.or- se, in the se'on, lo'ation @&oston USB a Jai$ -onitoring server
aming Con'entions 'er'ie% (his soltion gi,e ses a naming convention for nearl- all our Satellite entities / (hese na-ing 'onventions -a)e ossile a lot o. the ato-ation e$laine, in varios 'haters o. this soltion gi,e/ e 'an se attern -at'hing an, reglar e$ressions to .ilter an, ,ivi,e Satellite entities ato-ati'all= into ,i..erent e$e'tion ran'hes ase, on 'on,itions/ Ea'h ti-e 4e se an ite- that .ollo4s or na-ing 'onvention 4e re.eren'e the na-ing 'onvention s--ar= 'hater in "ppendi? ///, Aaming 4onvention at the en, o. this ,o'-ent/ (he .ollo4ing rles al= .or all na-ing 'onventions 4ith onl= a ver= .e4 e$'etions: All entities ase, on or na-ing 'onvention are 4ritten in lowercase letters / (he e$'etion -ight e ro,'ts an, their reositories i. 4e 4ant to se estalishe, an, n'hangeale ven,or na-e notations/ e se a das# et4een the ,i..erent seg-ents o. ea'h na-e attern/ (o searate t4o ite-s 4ithin a seg-ent 4e se underscores/ ost o. the attern-at'hing starts .ro- the le.t so 4e 'an have optional seg-ents at the end or right si,e o. ea'h attern/ (hese seg-ents are se, .or otional version or release tags in so-e e$a-les/ %r na-ing 'onventions are -ost 'riti'al .or: 'ontent vie4s host gros A'tivation Le=s (he hge an, sall= in'reasing n-er o. these entities -a)es stan,ar, na-ing 'onventions ese'iall= i-ortant/
Step 1: Set up your System Management Infrastructure #irst 4e nee, to set the asi' 'o-onents reGire, to egin or set/ n -ost 'sto-er environ-ents so-e o. these 'o-onents alrea,= e$ist/
Insta""ing Red Hat Sate""ite *+ (o install an, 'on.igre Re, at Satellite .ollo4 the instr'tions in 'hater 2 o. the Re, at Satellite 6 nstallation i,e: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l nstallation i, e'haRe,at Satellite nstallation i,enstalling Re, at SatelliteServer /ht-l (he nstallation i,e lists the har,4are an, so.t4are reGire-ents re'o--en,e, .or rnning Re, at Satellite/
How @e Have Satellite 6 Set >p in Our 2a* n or la set 4eOre sing these 'o-onents: Satellite 6 on to o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 as a ;irtal a'hine rnning on to o. Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation 8#S as a .ile s=ste- @ese'iall= .or lB e'ase o. an ato-ati'all= in'reasing n-er o. ino,es/ e -a,e these ,e'isions ase, on the )e= re'o--en,ations in the Performance 3uning 7uide for Satellite 6 and 4apsules 4hi'h =o 'an .in, here: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-arti'les1!"09! (his tale s--aries the s=ste- 'hara'teristi's/ /tem
Satellite Server Release
6/1 Pli' &eta
%erating S=ste-s Release
Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7/1 $"66
Un,erl=ing ;irt Plat.or- Release
Re, at Enterrise *in$ ;irtaliation !/
16!" &
Dis) Sie
200 &
Sate""ite Insta""ation (he ass-tion -a,e is that a Re, at Satellite Server 6 is alrea,= installe,/
Aote, . Re, at Satellite Server 6 is not installe, =et ?st .ollo4 the instr'tions insi,e the etting Starte, i,e 4hi'h 'ol, e .on, here: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o- ro,'tsre, hat satelliteget starte, Aote, #or net4or) 'o--ni'ation et4een Satellite Casle an, osts see: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l nstallation i, ese't Re,at Satellitenstallationi,ePrereGisites/ht-l .or-Re,at Satellitenstal lation i,e PrereGisites ReGire, Net4or) Ports an, htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-arti'les 175!!
DNS, DHCP, and TFTP Recommendations (his soltion gi,e ses the iltin DAS DH4P an, 3<3P .eatres 4hi'h 'an e 'on.igre, on an= Re, at Satellite Casle @Satellite Server 6 has an e-e,,e, CasleB/ . =o have not 'on.igre, the DAS DH4P an, 3<3P 'aailities o. Satellite Server 6/1 4e re'o--en, that =o ,o/ Satellite Server is installe, an, 'on.igre, throgh Puppet / &e'ase o. this 'on.igration the katello-installer 'an e sa.el= e$e'te, again/ )atelloinstaller X 'aslet.t tre X 'asle,h' tre X 'asle,h'gate4a= 7"3E@" /P X 'asle,h'inter.a'e /nterface to listen on X 'asle,h'na-eservers DAS1DAS' X 'asle,h'range S3"R3 EAD X 'asle,ns tre X
'asle,ns.or4ar,ers DAS1FDAS' X 'asle,nsinter.a'e /nterface to listen on X 'asle,nsreverse ?%?%?%in)addr%arpa X 'asle,nsserver "ddress of DAS server to manage default, G1'9%0%0%1GC X 'asle,nsone DAS one name default, Ge?ample%comGC
Aote, Rela'e %%% 4ith vali, vales re.le'ting =or arti'lar environ-ent/ E?ample, @n this e$a-le the P a,,ress o. the Satellite Server 6 is: 192/16"/0/50B )atelloinstaller X 'aslet.t tre X 'asle,h' tre X 'asle,h'gate4a= 3192/16"/0/253 X 'asle,h'inter.a'e 3eth03 X 'asle,h'na-eservers 3192/16"/0/503 X 'asle,h'range 3192/16"/0/100 192/16"/0/2003 X 'asle,ns tre X 'asle,ns.or4ar,ers 310/10/10/10V192/16"/0/103 X 'asle,nsinter.a'e 3eth03 X 'asle,nsreverse 0/16"/192/ina,,r/ara X 'asle,nsserver 3127/0/0/13 X 'asle,nsone 3e$a-le/'o-3
4aution, &e.ore =o a'tivate the ,h' ,ae-on on =or net4or) -a)e sre it ,oes not 'on.li't 4ith an= other ,h' ,ae-ons on the sa-e net4or)/ . there is no ,h' server @allo4e,B in =or net4or) =o 'an se Satellite 6 to 'reate oot isos @see 'hater Provisioning .et#ods insi,e Step 9B/ t is also ossile to leverage an alrea,= e$isting P8E in.rastr'tre @t 4e ,o not 'over that ro'e,re in ,etail in this ,o'-entB/ . =o nee, to se -ltile ,h' server on the sa-e net4or) =o 'an li-it =or ,h' o..ers to the 'lients -anage, = this 'asle/ Use this otion in =or snet ,e.initions: ignore n)no4n'lientsV
Do not se this otion i. =o nee, to assign i a,,resses ,=na-i'all= .or 'lients that are not alrea,= 'on.igre, on =or ,h' server/
@arning, Sin'e the Mignore n)no4n'lientsV stana in the dhcpd.conf 'on.igration .ile is not art o. the Pet te-late eing se, 4hen rnning the )atelloinstaller ignore unknown-clients; is re-ove, .ro- the dhcpd.conf .ile 4hen the )atelloinstaller is e$e'te, a se'on, ti-e/ E?ample, E$tra't .ro- /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf : YZ[ snet 192/16"/0/0 net-as) 255/255/255/0 \ ignore n)no4n'lientsV ool \ range 192/16"/0/100 192/16"/0/200V ] Y///[
Red Hat Content Delivery Network (CDN) (he Content Deliver= Net4or) @CDNB is the -e'hanis- that ,elivers Re, at 'ontent in a geograhi'all= 'olo'ate, .ashion/ #or e$a-le 'ontent s=n'hronie, = a Satellite in Eroe 4ol, ll 'ontent .ro- a sor'e in Eroe/ n -ost enterrise environ-ents server s=ste-s have li-ite, a''ess to the internet/ (he= 'an onl= rea'h the se'i.i' en,oints to 4hi'h the= have a''ess/ Io nee, to a''ess the .ollo4ing ,o-ains via ort ! so that =o 'an s=n'hronie 'ontent .ro- the Re, at CDN to =or Satellite Server: Domain
Aote, e re'o--en, that =o ,o not se'i.= the P a,,resses e'ase the a')ages are ,istrite, throgh the A)a-ai net4or) an, the P a,,resses 'an 'hange/ o4ever i. =or .ire4all 'annot se hostna-e .iltering Re, at rovi,es a ool o. P a,,resses .or CDN ,eliver=/ #or .rther ,etails see here: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Ss'rition anage-ent 1 ht-l RS lo'ationa4are/ht-l . Satellite Server 6 has to se a Pro$= Server to rea'h the Re, at CDN rern the katello-installer 4ith the .ollo4ing otions: )atelloinstaller X )atelloro$=ass4or, _Pro$= ass4or, .or athenti'ation @,e.alt: nilB` X )atelloro$=ort _Port the ro$= is rnning on @,e.alt: nilB3 X )atelloro$=rl _UR* o. the ro$= server @,e.alt: nilB3 X )atelloro$=serna-e _Pro$= serna-e .or athenti'ation @,e.alt: nilB3
Aote, #or -ore 'on.igration otions see: )atelloinstaller hel
or htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entation en USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l single nst allation i,ein,e$/ht-l se't Re,at Satellitenstallation i,enstalling Re, at SatelliteServerRnningthenstallationan,Con.igrationProgra-%therCon. igration%tions
Hammer Command #ine Inter!ace a--er is the Co--an, *ine nter.a'e @C*B .or -anaging the Re, at Satellite Server 6 .ro- the shell/ a--er 'an e installe, on an= Re, at Enterrise *in$ Server to 'onne't to the Re, at Satellite Server 6 re-otel= via ter-inal/ a--er is installe, on the Re, at Satellite Server 6 ,ring installation = ,e.alt/ a--er has an intera'tive shell that ses the ash'o-letion .eatre .or 'onvenient
intera'tive sage as 4ell as the histor= .n'tion/ Re, at Satellite also rovi,es a Representational State 3ransfer @RES3B AP/ (he AP gives so.t4are ,eveloers an, s=ste- a,-inistrators 'ontrol o. their Re, at Satellite environ-ent otsi,e o. the stan,ar, 4e inter.a'e/ (he RES( AP is se.l .or ,eveloers an, a,-inistrators 4ho 4ant to integrate Re, at Satellite 4ith 'sto- s'rits or e$ternal ali'ations that a''ess the AP via the stan,ar, =erte$t (rans.er Proto'ol @((PB/ #or -ore in.or-ation see: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entation en USRe, at Satellite6/0 ht-l AP i, ein,e$ /ht-l
Aote, (his soltion gi,e in'l,es instr'tions .or sing the a--er Co--an, *ine nter.a'e .or ea'h ste/
Install and Configure Hammer on a Remote Host (he hammer 'o--an, line inter.a'e is installe, on the Satellite 6 server = ,e.alt t 'ol, e installe, on an= other host as 4ell/ (he reGire, RP a')age rubygem-hammer_cli an, its ,een,en'ies are art o. the Satellite 6 (ools reositor= 4hi'h 4ill e in'l,e, in or Core &il, ,e.inition in Step ( an, there.ore availale to all hosts -anage, = Satellite 6/ Io nee, to rn the .ollo4ing 'o--an, on an= host =o 4ant to se to -anage Satellite 6 re-otel= sing hammer C*: =- install r=ge-ha--er'li
&= ,e.alt ha--er reGires athenti'ation sing =or Satellite 6 login 're,entials: ha--er user password hel
n or,er to er-anentl= store serna-e an, ass4or, a 'on.igration .ile cli_config.yml 'an e 'reate, an, -a,e availale either s=ste- 4i,e or .or an in,ivi,al ser/ a--er C* is = ,e.alt loo)ing .or its 'on.igration in the .ollo4ing ,ire'tories loa,e, in this or,er: •
RbConfigCO!"#$%&sysconfdir&'/hammer/ @(he a'tal vale ,een,s on =or
oeratings=ste- an, r= ,e.alts/B /etc/hammer/ (/.hammer/ ./config/ @'on.ig ,ir in CDB
'sto- lo'ation @.ile or ,ire'tor=B se'i.ie, on 'o--an, line -c CO!"_"#)*_P+,
(he .ollo4ing e$a-le has een 'reate, .or the lo'al s=ste- ser rpmbuild sing the Satellite 6 ser admin via ha--er C*: 'at ho-er-il,/ha--er'li'on.ig/=-l :.ore-an: Enale,isale .ore-an 'o--an,s :enale-o,le: tre Ior .ore-an server a,,ress :host: Hhtts:satellite6/e$a-le/'o-H :serna-e: Ha,-inO :ass4or,: bse'retO
Creating a e% Sate""ite rgani,ation Satellite 6 ses organiations to ,ivi,e hosts into logi'al gros ase, on o4nershi rose 'ontent se'rit= level or other ,ivisions/ Io 'an vie4 'reate an, -anage -ltile organiations = sing either the 4e inter.a'e or the a--er 'o--an, line inter.a'e/ So.t4are an, host entitle-ents 'an e allo'ate, a'ross -an= organiations an, a''ess to those organiations 'ontrolle,/ Ea'h organiation -st e 'reate, an, se, = a single Re, at 'sto-er a''ont t ea'h a''ont 'an -anage -ltile organiations/ Ss'rition -ani.ests 'an onl= e i-orte, into a single organiation/
@arning, Satellite 4ill not loa, a -ani.est that has alrea,= een loa,e, into a ,i..erent organiation/ &= ,e.alt Re, at Satellite 'reates one organiation @'alle, De.alt %rganiationB 4hi'h =o 'an -o,i.= to sit =or o4n installation or ,elete/ n or soltion gi,e set 4e have ,elete, the ,e.alt organiation 'reate, ,ring Satellite 6 installation an, 'reate, a ne4 organiation MACE/ Note that 4e are not sing Satellite 6Os multi)org feature in this soltion gi,e/ (o 'reate a ne4 Satellite 6 organiation: 1/ *ogin as the Satellite a,-in or a ser 4ith the 'orreson,ing role/ 2/ Cli') on MA,-inister ` %rganiations ` Ne4 %rganiation
!/ Enter a na-e lael an, ,es'rition/ / Cli') S-it/
A.ter 'li')ing the S-it tton =o 'an also: Sele't e$isting hosts to e'o-e art o. this ne4 organiation @ta MSele't ostsB/ Con.igre a,,itional roerties li)e sers 'asles snets -e,ia an, te-lates/
e are leaving the ,e.alt 'on.igration .or all these ite-s n'hange,/ e 4ill 'on.igre thein later se'tions o. this soltion gi,e/
$ia Hammer Io 'an also se a si-le hammer C* 'o--an, to 'reate a ne4 organiation: ha--er organiation 'reate na-e 3ACE3 lael 3ACE3 ,es'rition 3S%E Re.eren'e Ar'hite'tre e$a-le org3
Im&orting your Red Hat Subscri&tion Mani!est Re, at Satellite 6 in'l,es ss'rition -anage-ent 'aailities .or all Satellite-anage, s=ste-s/ n 'ontrast to Satellite 5 ea'h organiation a,-inistrator 'an no4 -aintain all ss'ritions 4ithin the ,esignate, Satellite 6 organiation/ Satellite Server reGires a sor'e .or Re, at 'ontent/ (he 'ontent is 'on.igre, = loa,ing a ss'rition -ani.est .ile to the Satellite/ Io 'an otain this .ile throgh the Re, at Csto-er Portal or = 'onta'ting Re, at Sort/ ani.ests rovi,e ss'ritions to 'lient hosts throgh the Re, at Satellite rather than throgh Re, at Net4or)/ (o otain the ss'rition -ani.est .ro- the Re, at Csto-er Portal: 1/ *og in to the Csto-er Portal/ 2/ Cli') Ss'ritions/ !/ %n the Re, at Ss'rition anage-ent Page s'roll ,o4n an, 'li') Ss'rition anage-ent Ali'ations an, then 'li') Satellite/ / %n the er right 'orner o. the Ss'ritions anage-ent Ali'ations age 'li') Register a Satellite/ 5/ Create a na-e to ,istingish =or Satellite .ro- the other Satellite s=ste-s in =or a''ont/ 6/ Sele't Satellite 6/0 .ro- the ,ro,o4n -en as the Satellite version/ t is i-ortant to sele't the 'orre't version as ea'h version reGires a 'ertain sset o. a')ages/ 7/ Cli') Register/ "/ Cli') Atta'h a ss'rition a,, the ss'ritions reGire, .or Re, at Satellite an, then 'li') Atta'h Sele'te,/
Aote, (he -ini-- reGire-ents .or generating a -ani.est are: A vali, Re, at Satellite ss'rition on =or Csto-er Portal a''ont At least one Re, at Enterrise *in$ ss'rition to atta'h to the -ani.est 9/ Cli') Do4nloa, -ani.est to generate an ar'hive in /i .or-at that 'ontains the -ani.est .or Re, at Satellite/
No4 =o 'an loa, the ss'rition -ani.est into Re, at Satellite 6/ &e'ase ss'rition -ani.ests are assigne, to an organiation select an organiation *efore loa,ing a ss'rition -ani.est/ 1/ *og in to the Satellite server/ 2/ Cli') An= Conte$t c An= %rganiation an, sele't the organiation to 4hi'h =o 4ant to assign the ss'rition -ani.est/ !/ Cli') Content c Re, at Ss'ritions an, 'li') anage ani.est in the er right 'orner o. the age/ / n the Ss'rition ani.est se'tion 'li') A'tions/ 5/ Un,er the Uloa, Ne4 ani.est sse'tion 'li') &ro4se/ 6/ Sele't the -ani.est .ile to loa, an, 'li') Uloa,/ Uloa, the ss'rition -ani.est sing a--er C* via the .ollo4ing 'o--an,: ha--er ss'rition loa, organiation 3ACE3 .ile 3t--ani.est/i3
n the soltion gi,e i-le-entation the .ollo4ing ss'rition -ani.est is se,: Su*scriptions
Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliation Pre-i- @2so')etB
Re, at Satellite Casle Server
Aote, (he Re, at Satellite Server 6 ss'rition itsel. ,oes not have to e a,,e, to the -ani.est/ (he ss'rition -ani.est i-orte, to Satellite 6 in'l,es onl= the ss'ritions .or the ro,'ts -anage, = a arti'lar Satellite 6 organiation as long as Satellite 6 itsel. is not registere, to itsel. 4hi'h 4ol, reGire that the 'orreson,ing Satellite 6 ss'ritions are art o. the ss'rition -ani.est as 4ell/ A.ter s''ess.ll= i-orting the -ani.est veri.= an, -anage =or ss'ritions = 'li')ing on Content ` Re, at Ss'ritions/
Setting -& .our Re'ision Contro" Ser'er (git) (o t 'ontent n,er revision 'ontrol 4e se a ,e,i'ate, git server as a 'entralie, revision 'ontrol s=ste-/ e store the .ollo4ing 'ontent ite-s in or git reositor=: All Pet sor'es in'l,ing .iles te-lates an, -o,les refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
All 'sto- so.t4are in'l,ing se' .iles sor'e r-s an, inar= r-s All s'rits se, in this soltion gi,e
Aote, (hogh this soltion gi,e ses git other revision 'ontrol s=ste-s 'an e se, as 4ell @.or e$a-le 'vs sversions an, othersB/ . =o ,o not have a revision 'ontrol server in =or environ-ent =et all reGire, 'on.igrations to set a gitase, RCS server are e$laine, in this ,o'-ent/
Setting -& .our Monitoring Ser'er n or soltion gi,e set 4e se Jai$ as the -onitoring ali'ation/ (he Jai$ server itsel. is alrea,= in la'e so 4e ,o not 'over the installation an, 'on.igration ro'e,re here/ #or a t=i'al sa-le set .ollo4 the installation ,o'-entation: htts: 444/ai$/'o- ,o'-entation !/0 -anal installationinstall .ro- a')ages
Step 2: Map your Location and Datacenter Topology n this ste 4e intro,'e ,i..erent ,ata'enter toologies that reGire ,i..erent Satellite 6 'on.igrations/ (his arti'lar net4or) toolog= o. an environ-ent has even -ore i-a't than .e,erate, lo'ations/ Io 'an se Satellite 6 to rovi,e net4or) in.rastr'tre servi'es or =o 'an leverage e$isting ones an, re.le't e$isting ,o-ains an, snets in the 'on.igration settings/ (he .ollo4ing Satellite 6 entities are e$laine, in this ste: Re, at Satellite 6 Casles d Casle n.rastr'tre Servi'es @DNS DCP (#(PB Re, at Satellite 6 Co-te Resor'es d Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation d RE* %enSta') Plat.or Re, at Satellite 6 *o'ations Re, at Satellite 6 Do-ains Re, at Satellite 6 Snets (he .ollo4ing ,iagra- illstrates the relationshi et4een the n,erl=ing virtaliation lat.or-s 'on.igre, as 'o-te resor'es snets an, ,o-ains lo'ations an, the asso'iate, Satellite 6 Casles in or set/
Red Hat Sate""ite Ca&su"e Ser'er 'er'ie% (he Re, Satellite Casle Server is a Satellite 'o-onent that rovi,es .e,erate, servi'es to ,is'over rovision an, 'on.igre hosts otsi,e o. the ri-ar= Satellite server/ A Satellite Casle Server rovi,es the .ollo4ing .eatres: Content Deliver= No,e .eatres in'l,ing: Reositor= s=n'hroniation Reositor= s=n'hroniation allo4s a Re, at Casle to s=n'hronie 'ontent @=- an, PetB .ro- the Satellite Server to e se, .or content deliery / Content ,eliver= A Re, at Casle lo'ate, on a re-ote site 'an e 'on.igre, as a 'ontent ,eliver= no,e/ (his allo4s hosts 'on.igre, to se this 'asle to .et'h 'ontent .ro- the Casle rather than having to .et'h it .ro- the 'entral Satellite 6 server/ Re, at Satellite Provisioning S-art Pro$= .eatres in'l,ing: DCP in'l,ing SC DCP servers A Re, at Casle 'an a't as a DCP server or integrate 4ith an e$isting DCP server/ Sin'e DCP reGests are ,one throgh roa,'ast the= are nor-all= not roagate, et4een snets an, .or this reason a DCP server nee,s to e resent on ever= snet @alternativel= a ,h' heler servi'e 'an e se,B/ . no DCP server e$ists on a 'ertain snet an, 'onne'ting the 'entral Re, at Satellite 6 server to this snet is not .easile tting a Re, at Casle on this snet 'an resolve the role-/
DNS in'l,ing &in, A Re, at Satellite 6 Casle 'an integrate 4ith a DNS or Real- server/ . the DNS or Real- server are not rea'hale .ro- the Re, at Satellite 6 a Re, at Casle 'an e se, instea,/
(#(P server
A Re, at Casle 'an .n'tion as a (#(P server/ . net4or) restri'tions rohiit the 'lients .ro- sing (#(P to4ar,s the 'entral Satellite the= 'an e 'on.igre, to se, a lo'all= la'e Re, at Casle instea,/
Pet aster in'l,ing Pet CA to -anage 'erti.i'ate signing an, 'leaning (he Re, at Casle rovi,es an integrate, Pet aster .or 'on.igration -anage-ent an, a'ts as an E$ternal No,e Classi.ier @ENCB/ A no,e 'he')s in at reglar asis to Ger= the ENC .or its 'on.igration @Pet Class assign-entB/ hen sing the Pet 'on.igration -anage-ent s=ste- ea'h ti-e a 'lient 'he')s in so-e .airl= resor'eintensive tas)s nee, to e ,one on the Pet -aster/ #or s'alailit= reasons 'lients 'an e 'on.igre, to 'he') in 4ith a Re, at Casle rather than 4ith the 'entral Satellite there= lightening the loa, on the -ain Satellite server/
&aseoar, anage-ent Controller @&CB .or o4er -anage-ent A Re, at Satellite 6 Casle has the ailit= to 'ontrol 'lients &Cs there= o4ering the- on an, o.. .or rovisioning rose/ . net4or) restri'tions revent the -ain Satellite .ro- rea'hing the 'lients &Cs a Re, at Satellite 6 Casle lo'ate, near the &Cs 'an e se, instea,/ (he Satellite Casle Server 'an e se, to solve varios 'hallenges/ hile the ri-ar= rose is to -anage .e,erate, net4or) 'on.igrations -ore e..i'ientl= it 'an e a,,itionall= se, to scale out the Satellite installation/ %rganiations 'an 'reate varios 'asles in ,i..erent geograhi'al lo'ations 4here ,ata'enters are lo'ate,/ (hese are 'entrall= -anage, throgh the Satellite Server/ (his .eatre allo4s hosts in ,istrite, lo'ations to 'o--ni'ate to the 'asle instea, o. ,ire'tl= to the Satellite 6 server itsel./ A,,itionall= it allo4s =o to sele't 4hi'h arti'lar 'ontent sset is -anage, = a se'i.i' 'asle an, there.ore -a,e availale to the hosts ehin, the 'asle/ #or e$a-le a 'asle asso'iate, 4ith a arti'lar li.e'='le environ-ent onl= rovi,es the 'ontent @vie4sB availale in this environ-ents to its hosts/ #rther n.or-ation .or s'aling roses 'an e .on, in the ro,'t ,o'-entation: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l nstallation i, e'haRe,at Satellitenstallation i,enstalling Re,at Satellite CasleServer /ht -l Satellite 6/1 intro,'es a 'ole o. ne4 .eatres aron, isolations o. 'o--ni'ations et4een -anage, hosts an, Satellite 6 server an, 'asles/ An overvie4 o. the Satellite 6
'asle 'o--ni'ations an, the differences et4een Satellite 6/0 an, 6/1 'an e .on, here: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-arti'les175!!
Sam&"e $atacenter To&o"ogy Scenarios Even i. there are -an= -ore t=es an, ossile 'o-inations 4e 4ill .o's on the .ollo4ing ar'hite'tre t=es @ 4hi'h are revalent in -an= 'sto-er environ-entsB:
Scenario A) Centralized Management - One Red Hat Satellite for All Segments (he ar'hite'tre 4ith the lo4est 'o-le$it= is sing a single Re, at Satellite Server to -anage all seg-ents .or all lo'ations an, the ,ata'enter/ (his reGires a set 4here the Re, at Satellite is installe, in one o. these seg-ents an, the seg-ents 'an e ase, on: Net4or) Jones @SnetsB *i.e'='le Environ-ents Do-ains Data'enters Co-te Resor'es Re, at Satellite has ,ire't net4or) a''ess to all other seg-ents/ All -anage, s=ste-s an, en, sers have a''ess to Re, at Satellite
Aote, e ,o not re'o--en, sing a single Satellite Server to integrate re-ote lo'ations/ Using a Re, at Casle has several a,vantages/ #or e$a-le this ra'ti'e 'an save an,4i,th sin'e hosts 'an otain the reGire, ,ata .ro- a lo'al Re, at Casle an, 'an loa, the ,ata onl= on'e .ro- Re, at Satellite Server to the Re, at Casle instea, o. ever= ti-e a host nee,s ne4 a')ages ,ates or an entire installation/ n a,,ition it 'an e Gite 'hallenging to set a rovisioning in.rastr'tre that 4or)s 4hen 'onne'ting to re-ote lo'ations/ Io shol, 'onsi,er the .ollo4ing toologies @,es'rie, in S'enarios & C D an, EB .or this t=e o. sitation/
Scenario B) Segregated Network Zones Within a Datacenter (o .l.ill arti'lar se'rit= reGire-ents -ost ,ata'enters are segregate, into ,i..erent net4or) ones/ Re, at Casle 'aailities 'an e se, to -anage hosts an, Co-te
Resor'es in those segregate, net4or)s to ensre that the= onl= have to a''ess the Re, at Casle Server .or rovisioning 'on.igration errata an, general -anage-ent/ (he Re, at Casle Server is the onl= s=ste- that ,oes nee, ,ire't 'o--ni'ation 4ith the Re, at Satellite Server in this sitation/
Aote, (he DJ Co-te Resor'e 'an e another ,ata'enter -anage, in the sa-e ;irtaliation anager or e a 'o-letel= searate entit=/ A Co-te Resor'e has to e 'reate, .or ea'h ,ata'enter e$isting in oth 'ases @or tenant in 'ase o. RE*%SPB/
Scenario C) Geographically Separate Locations osts in a re-ote lo'ation t=i'all= get their o4n rovisioning an, ,ate in.rastr'tre as a 4a= to lo4er an,4i,th 'ons-tion et4een geograhi'all= searate lo'ations/ Io 'an easil= -anage hosts an, Co-te Resor'es in re-ote lo'ations 4ith a Re, at Casle/
Scenario D) Disconnected / Isolated an= sers o. Re, at Satellite ,elo= in ,is'onne'te, or air gae, environ-ents/ n these se're, environ-ents the Satellite is on a net4or) 4here it 'annot rea'h the Re, at Content Deliver= Net4or) @',n/re,hat/'o-B/ As s'h the Satellite is nale to retrieve 'ontent Mover the 4ire/ (he .ollo4ing Lno4le,gease arti'le rovi,es re'o--en,e, ra'ti'es .or a ser 4ho is setting Re, at Satellite in s'h an environ-ent/ n.or-ation on ho4 to set a ,is'onne'te, Satellite Server 'an e .on, here: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-arti'les1!751!!
Aote, (his ,is'onne'te, Satellite s'enario is not 'overe, in this ,o'-ent/
Sam&"e ACME $atacenter Scenario n or ACE s'enario all hosts in the ri-ar= ,ata'enter in ni'h are ,ire'tl= 'onne'te, to the iltin Casle ase, on the Satellite 6 server itsel./ osts rnning insi,e segregate, net4or)s @DJB an, in the se'on,ar= ,ata'enter in &oston are 'onne'te, to ,e,i'ate, Casles/ (he Satellite Server 4ill e la'e, in the lo'ation munich in er-an= the ,- 'asle is in the lo'ation munich-dm0 an, the re-ote 'asle is la'e, in boston/ (he .ollo4ing tale rovi,es an overvie4 o. the Re, at Casle -aing to location refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
Compute Resource domain an, subnet / 3-pe
4ompute Resource
Re, at Satellite
RE; @a'-erhev-ni'hB
Re, at Casle
RE; @a'-erhev-ni'h,-B
Re, at Casle
10/0/0/02 @-anage, in RE*%SPB
RE*%SP @a'-erhelosostonB
#ocations A *o'ation is 'olle'tion o. ,e.alt settings that reresent a h=si'al la'e/ (hese 'an e neste, so that =o 'an set an hierar'hi'al 'olle'tion o. lo'ations/
Aote: ost Satellite 6 entities 'an e asso'iate, to -ore than one lo'ation an, one lo'ation 'an e asso'iate, to -ore than one entit= @.or e$a-le 'asles 'o-te resor'es host gros rolesB/ %ne o. the a,vantages o. sing lo'ations is that =o 'an assign 1ubnets 2omains Compute Resources et'/ to revent in'orre't host la'e-ent or 'on.igration/ #or e$a-le =o 'annot assign a snet ,o-ain or 'o-te resor'es to a 'asle t onl= to a lo'ation/ (his restri'tion -eans that 'asles ,o-ains snets an, 'o-te resor'es are assigne, to a arti'lar lo'ation/ (he lo'ation is there.ore the logi'al groing .or all .or o. these o?e'ts/ Io nee, to ensre that these relationshis are vali, @.or e$a-le the snet an, ,o-ain are availale .or this arti'lar 'o-te resor'eB/ Create the location throgh the eU: 1/ +dminister ➤ )ocations ➤ !ew )ocation ➤ a,, lo'ation na-e
➤ s-it
2/ Cli') on the location to e,it ➤ sele't Organiations on the le.t si,e Organiation to a,, it to the lo'ation
sele't =or
$ia #ammer, %R3ACE3
*%CA(%NS3-ni'h -ni'h,- oston3 .or *%C in \*%CA(%NS] ,o ha--er lo'ation 'reate na-e 3\*%C]3 ,one
&e'ase the Satellite Server 'an -anage -ltile organiations 4e also have to se'i.= the %rganiation to 4hi'h the lo'ation shol, elong/ (he .ollo4ing a--er 'o--an, assigns all three lo'ations 'reate, earlier to or ACE organiation: .or *%C in \*%CA(%NS] ,o ha--er lo'ation a,,organiation na-e 3\*%C]3 organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
Red Hat Sate""ite Com&ute Resources Re, at Satellite 'an rovision an, -anage s=ste-s a'ross are-etal rivate an, li' 'lo,s/ Re, at Satellite Co-te resor'es are har,4are astra'tions .ro- virtaliation an, 'lo, rovi,ers/ Satellite ses 'o-te resor'es to rovision virtal -a'hines an, 'ontainers/ Sorte, rivate rovi,ers in'l,e Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation o;irt %enSta') ;4are *ivirt an, Do')er/ Sorte, li' 'lo, rovi,ers in'l,e A-aon EC2 oogle Co-te Engine an, Ra')sa'e/ eOve re'entl= lishe, a soltion gi,e ,es'riing the ,elo=-ent o. the Re, at Clo, n.rastr'tre @RCB 'o-onents sing Satellite 6: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-arti'les1!"!
#or this soltion gi,e 4e ass-e that =o alrea,= have an e$isting Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation an, Re, at Enterrise *in$ %enSta') Plat.or- set/
Configuring Your Virtualization and Cloud Infrastructures as Compute Resources n or,er to rovision s=ste-s on to o. the lat.or-s ,es'rie, here =o have to 'on.igre the- as 'o-te resor'es/ e se, the .ollo4ing in.rastr'tre ar'hite'tre .or this soltion gi,e:
Althogh the e-late, ,ata'enter lo'ation in ni'h er-an= is sing Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation the se'on, virtal ,ata'enter in &oston US is sing Re, at Enterrise *in$ %ensta') Plat.or- as the n,erl=ing virtaliation lat.or-/ (he installation an, 'on.igration o. these virtaliation lat.or-s is not 'overe, in this ,o'-ent/ (he ene.it o. sing Compute Resource is that the ;irtal a'hine Container is ato-ati'all= 'reate, an, starte, ase, on a Compute Profile or in,ivi,al settings/ Ne4 hosts 'an e -anage, throgh a single inter.a'e 4hi'h saves a,-inistration ti-e/ A,,itionall= the 'onsole o. the ; 'an also e a''esse, throgh the Satellite eU/ (o e ale to 'onne't a Compute Resource to the Satellite Server the .ollo4ing ort@sB have to e oen:
Endpoint Detail
SE2inu? 3-pe
Satellite Server
Co-te Resor'e
Satellite Server
Co-te Resor'e
'o--le$-ai nortt
Aote, Crrentl= a ,ire't 'o--ni'ation et4een the Satellite 6 server an, all 'o-te resor'es is reGire, even i. hosts rnning on to o. the 'orreson,ing 'o-te resor'e are sing a Satellite 6 'asle to 'o--ni'ate/ (his in'l,es net4or) 'onne'tions to all a..e'te, a,-in servi'es li)e the Re, at Enterrise *in$ %ensta') servi'e en,oints/ Usall= the= have to e on the sa-e net4or) as the Satellite 6 server itsel./ A ,etaile, list o. all reGire, reGire, net4or) orts 'ol, e .on, here: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l nstallation i, ese't Re,at Satellitenstallationi,ePrereGisites/ht-l tal Re,at Satellitenstall ationi,ePrereGisitesReGire,Net4or) Ports
Location Munich: Configuring RHEV as Compute Resource As state, in the intro,'tion 'hater 4e ass-e that Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation is alrea,= installe, an, 'on.igre,/ (he set an, 'on.igration o. RE; is ,o'-ente, in ,etail in the earlier re.eren'e ar'hite'tre MDelo=ing Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation @RE; B .or Servers/ e also have other re.eren'e ar'hite'tres that: Are relate, to arti'lar se 'ases an, se RE; as the n,erl=ing virtaliation lat.or- li)e s'aling SAP or s'aling *AP sta')s Sho4 !r, art= integrations o. S=-ante' ;eritas Clster or S=-ante' Net &a') E$lain varios -igration aths #or a .ll list o. all lishe, re.eren'e ar'hite'tres go to: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o- sear'h )no4le,gease f GK1Ksort relevant KlangageenKarti'le t=eRe.eren'e F20Ar'hite'tre K,o'-entLin, Soltion Arti'le (o 'on.igre RE; as a 'o-te resor'e o. Re, at Satellite 6 =o nee, the .ollo4ing 're,entials: UR* o. RE; @.or e$a-le htts: rhev-/a'-e/'o-aiB *ogin Cre,entials to this RE; environ-ent @serna-e ass4or,B
the RE; ,ata'enter to e se, Optional : ota D o. this ,ata'enter 8509 'erti.i'ate @ato-ati'all= loa,e,B (o 'reate the RE; Compute Resource .or the internal net4or) throgh the eU: 1/ #nfrastructure ➤ Compute Resources ➤ !ew Compute Resource 2/ Sele't R*3 as the rovi,er ➤ .ill in the 'onne'tion in.or-ation ➤ 1ubmit Io 'an also -a the sele'te, RE; environ-ent to arti'lar lo'ations an, organiations -anage, = Re, at Satellite in the eGivalent tas/
$ia #ammer, NAE3a'-erhev-ni'h3 DESC3RE; n.rastr'tre lo'ate, in -ni'h3 USER3a,-ininternal3 PASS3'hange-e3
UR*3htts:rhev-/e$a-le/'o-ai3 PR%;DER3%virt3 %R3ACE3 *%C3-ni'h3 ha--er 'o-teresor'e 'reate X na-e \NAE] X ,es'rition 3\DESC]3 X ser 3\USER]3 X ass4or, 3\PASS]3 X rl 3\UR*]3 X rovi,er 3\PR%;DER]3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%C]3
Reeat the sa-e stes .or the Compute Resource in the DJ net4or) 4ith the 'orreson,ing in.or-ation/
Aote, %virt is the strea- version o. Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation an, is se, as the 'o-te resor'e t=e na-e .or a--er/ Rela'e the variales 4ith the 'orreson,ing vales .or =or environ-ent/ Using Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation as the n,erl=ing virtaliation lat.or- -ight also a..e't other 'on.igrations ,o'-ente, later in this soltion gi,e/ (hogh all RE;se'i.i' virtaliation ,rivers are alrea,= art o. the )ernel in oth RE*6 an, RE*7 we recommend using t#e optional RHE$ agents% (hese hel =o to get a,,itional in.or-ation an, e$e'te 'ontrol 'o--an,s insi,e the gest/ Sin'e the rhevagent so.t4are a')ages are availale in so.t4are 'hannels that are not t=i'all= assigne, to or RE* s=ste-s 4eOre a,,ing the- to or 'oreil, 'on.igration @see Step (B/ eOre a,ating the artition tale te-lates .or or rovisioning so that the= re.le't the na-ing o. the virtal ,is)s in the gests @see Step 9B/
Location Boston: Configuring RHEL OpenStack Platform as a Compute Resource Aote, Di..eren'es in the 'on.igration o. the Co-te Resor'e are highlighte, in *old te$t/
4onfiguring t#e 4ompute Resource
(o 'reate the Re, at Enterrise *in$ %enSta') Plat.or- Compute Resource throgh the eU: 1/ #nfrastructure ➤ Compute Resources ➤ !ew Compute Resource 2/ Sele't RHE# &enStack /"at!orm as the rovi,er ➤ .ill in the 'onne'tion in.or-ation ➤ 1ubmit
$ia #ammer, NAE3a'-erhelososton3 DESC3Re, at Enterrise *in$ %enSta') Plat.or- lo'ate, in oston3 USER3a'-ea,-in3 PASS3'hange-e3 UR*3htt:rhelos/os/e$a-le/'o-:5000v2/0to)ens3 PRO$/DERGOpenstackG 3EA"A3Gr;dG %R3ACE3 *%C3oston3
ha--er 'o-teresor'e 'reate X lo'ations 3\*%C]3 X na-e 3\NAE]3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X rovi,er 3\PR%;DER]3 X rl 3\UR*]3 X ))tenant GIJ3EA"A3KG L ser 3\USER]3 X ass4or, 3\PASS]3
Aote, Io -st a,, multiple Co-te Resor'es 4hen a Co-te Resor'e has several ,ata'enters or tenants @in RE*%SPB/ (o a,, a RE*%SP Co-te Resor'e -ou must add ort 5000 an, v2/0to)ens to the rl/
Configuring VMware vSphere as a Compute Resource Si-ilar to sing other virtaliation lat.or-s alrea,= -entione, sing ;4are vShere as the n,erl=ing virtaliation lat.or- 'an also a..e't other 'on.igrations @s'h as artition tales installation o. a,,itional a')ages @virtaliation ,riversB an, 'on.igration a,atationsB/ Althogh 4e have not se, ;4are virtaliation in or set 4e have a,,e, so-e ;4arese'i.i' enhan'e-ents to or 'oreil, ,e.initions in 'ase =o ,o/
Aote, . =o have Re, at ss'ritions that reGire hosttogest -aing @s'h as ;irtal Data'enter @;DCB nli-ite, est or ;irtaliation SLUS @)no4n as .le$ gestBB =o -st also install virt4ho an a,,itional ti-e/ (his ro'e,re is not 'overe, in this ,o'-ent/ #or -ore in.or-ation on 4h= an, 4hen =o shol, se irt-who see: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-arti'les1!002"! an, htts: a''ess/re,hat /'o-arti'les"069!/ www%red#at%com
$omains Io 'an se Satellite to assign ,o-ain na-es 4ith the Re, at Satellite Casle Server DNS/ (his .eatre lets =o gro an, na-e hosts 4ithin a arti'lar ,o-ain/ (o 'reate the ,o-ain e4ample.com in the eU go to: 1/ #nfrastructure ➤ 2omains ➤ !ew 2omain 2/ %n the 2omain ta enter DNS ,o-ain e4ample.com ➤ sele't the Re, at Satellite as DNS Casle !/ o to the )ocations ta ➤ sele't the lo'ation munich / o to the Organiations ta ➤ veri.= that the organiation +C5* is alrea,= assigne, 5/ Cli') on 1ubmit
*%CA(%N3oston3 ha--er ,o-ain 'reate na-e 3\D%AN]3 ha--er ,o-ain ,ate na-e 3\D%AN]3 organiations 3\%R]3 ha--er ,o-ain ,ate na-e 3\D%AN]3 lo'ations 3\*%CA(%N]3
Subnets Satellite 'an 'reate net4or)s .or gros o. s=ste-s/ Snets se stan,ar, Pa,,ress settings to ,e.ine the net4or) an, se the Re, at Satellite Casle ServerHs DCP .eatres to assign P a,,resses to s=ste-s 4ithin the snet/ (o 'reate the snet 678.89.:.89 4ith the eU go to: 1/ #nfrastructure ➤ 1ubnets ➤ !ew 1ubnet 2/ %n the 2omain ta enter DNS ,o-ain e4ample.com ➤ sele't the Re, at Satellite as DNS Casle !/ o to the )ocations ta ➤ sele't the lo'ation munich / o to the Organiations ta ➤ veri.= that the organiation +C5* is alrea,= assigne, 5/ 'li') on 1ubmit
Aote, . the Re, at Casle han,les the P a,,ress -anage-ent @PAB .or the snet =o 'an 'hoose one o. t4o otions: DH4P (he DCP servi'e on the asso'iate, Re, at Casle -anages entries .or hosts @-a' a,,ress + i a,,ress an, the ne$tserver to oint to the (#(P serverB/ . =o 'hoose DCP the DCP range 'on.igre, ,ring ca&su"e2insta""er -st -at'h the range se'i.ie, on the eU/ /nternal DB (he Re, at Casle rovi,es i a,,resses ase, on the range rovi,e, in the snet 'on.igrationV no e$ternal servi'e is 'on.igre, @.or e$a-le DCPB/ . the host still shol, e rovisione, via P8E =o -st a,, a re'or, -anall= or via .ore-anhoo)s @see Step 9B to the DCP server se,/ Use this otion 4ith the =oot mode stati'/ $ia #ammer, D%AN3e$a-le/'o-3 %R3ACE3 *%C3-ni'h3 DNSPRARI33 SU&NE(ASL33
SU&NE(NE(%RL33 SU&NE(PAS(AR(33 SU&NE(PAEND33 CAPSU*ED 1 ha--er snet 'reate na-e 3\D%AN]3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%C]3 X ,o-ains 3\D%AN]3 X oot-o,e 3Stati'3 X ,nsri-ar= 3\DNSPRARI]3 X -as) 3\SU&NE(ASL]3 X net4or) 3\SU&NE(NE(%RL]3 X gate4a= 3\SU&NE(A(EAI]3 X .ro- 3\SU&NE(PAS(AR(]3 X to 3\SU&NE(PAEND]3 X ia- 3DCP3 X ,h'i, 3\CAPSU*ED]3 X ,nsi, 3\CAPSU*ED]3 X t.ti, 3\CAPSU*ED]3
Aote, Io 'an a'Gire the Re, at Casle D 4ith the 'o--an,: ha--er ott 'sv 'asle list X sear'h 3'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o-3 X gre vi H,H 't ,HH .1
Create the snet to e -anage, = the Re, at Casle capsule-munich.dm.e4ample.com: 1/ #nfrastructure ➤ 1ubnets ➤ !ew 1ubnet 2/ %n the 1ubnet (a ➤ .ill in the 'orreson,ing in.or-ation/ #or PA sele't 2CP an, .or the &oot -o,e static/
$ia #ammer, D%AN3,-/e$a-le/'o-3 %R3ACE3 *%C3-ni'h,-3 DNSPRARI33 SU&NE(ASL33 SU&NE(NE(%RL33
SU&NE(PAS(AR(33 SU&NE(PAEND33 ha--er snet 'reate na-e 3\D%AN]3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X ,o-ains 3\D%AN]3 X oot-o,e 3Stati'3 X ,nsri-ar= 3\DNSPRARI]3 X -as) 3\SU&NE(ASL]3 X net4or) 3\SU&NE(NE(%RL]3 X gate4a= 3\SU&NE(A(EAI]3 X .ro- 3\SU&NE(PAS(AR(]3 X to 3\SU&NE(PAEND]3 X ia- 3DCP3
!/ %n the se'on, ta 2omains ➤ 'he') the ,o-ain dm.e4ample.com / %n the .orth ta )ocations ➤ a,, the lo'ation dm.e4ample.com to the right si,e 5/ ;eri.= that +C5* is alrea,= a,,e, to the %rganiations ta/ #or RE* %SP =o nee, to 'reate the snet so that the DNS Casle 'an 'reate DNS reverse re'or,s @P(RB as the ,o-ain is onl= resonsile to 'reate the .or4ar, re'or,/ (o 'reate the snet that the Re, at Casle capsule-boston.noalocal 4ill -anage: 1/ #nfrastructure ➤ 1ubnets ➤ !ew 1ubnet 2/ %n the 1ubnet (a ➤ a,, the Na-e Net4or) A,,ress an, Net4or) as) !/ %n the 2omains (a ➤ .lag the 'he')o$ noalocal / S-it
$ia #ammer, D%AN3novalo'al3 %R3ACE3 *%C3-ni'h,-3 SU&NE(NE(%RL SU&NE(ASL ha--er snet 'reate na-e 3\D%AN]3 X -as) 3\SU&NE(ASL]3 X net4or) 3\SU&NE(NE(%RL]3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X
lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X ,o-ains 3\D%AN]3
(he Re, at Casle .eatres .or the snets .or boston an, munich-dm 4ill e a,,e, on'e the Re, at Casle installation is 'o-lete/
Aote, . a Re, at Casle activel- provides net4or) in.rastr'tre servi'es @DNS DCPB it 'an @'rrentl=B -anage onl= one su*net @DCP servi'eB an, one domain @DNS servi'eB/ %ther4ise a Casle 'an e asso'iate, 4ith -ltile snets an,or ,o-ains as long as the net4or) in.rastr'tre servi'es are rovi,e, e$ternall=/
Red Hat Ca&su"e Insta""ation e ass-e that no rovisioning in.rastr'tre is availale in the re-ote lo'ation .or installing Re, at Casles/ e re'o--en, that =o install a lain RE* 7/1+ s=ste- 4ithot an= a,,itional a')ages an, that has at least 200 & o. ,is) sa'e .or the /ar .iles=ste-/ #or ,etaile, Re, at Casle rereGisites see: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l nstallation i, ese't Re,at Satellitenstallationi,eRe,at Satellite CasleServerPrereGisite s/ht-l &e'ase the Re, at Satellite 6 Casle is one o. or sa-le in.rastr'tre servi'es in this ,o'-ent 4e 'over 'ontent vie4s an, host gros se, to -anage Casle 'ontent ,e.initions in a,,itional stes/
Sample Capsule 1: Munich DMZ in the RHEV Datacenter Io nee, to ensre that the .or4ar,an,reverse DNS resoltion 4or)s in oth ,ire'tions: 3o the Re, at Satellite Server from the Re, at Casle
@arning, . =o ,o not have the DNS resoltion set 'orre'tl= the 'asleinstaller .ails an, ,isla=s the -essage: (he 'asleinstaller is .ailing 4ith error Col, not set HresentH on ensre: Unro'essale Entit= at :srshare)atelloinstaller-o,les.ore-anro$=-ani.estsregister/3 see the
.ollo4ing )no4le,ge ase arti'le .or -ore in.or-ation: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-soltions 12!09! Con.igre the .ire4all 4ith the reGire, Re, at Casle orts: .ire4all'-, er-anent X a,,ort3!t'3 X a,,ort35671t'3 X a,,ort3"0t'3 X a,,ort3"10t'3 X a,,ort39090t'3 X a,,ort3"0"0t'3 .ire4all'-, reloa,
nstall the Re, at Satellite Certi.i'ate on the Re, at Casle Server: SA(E**(E#DN3satellite/e$a-le/'o-3 r- Uvh htt:\SA(E**(E#DN])atello'a'ons-erlatest/noar'h/r-
Register the Re, at Casle to Satellite sing an a'tivation )e=/
E?ample, (his e$a-le ses the ,e,i'ate, a'tivation )e= .or Casles that elong to the li.e'='le environ-ent PR%D 4hi'h 4e 'reate later in Step 9: %R3ACE3 ss'rition-anager register org 3\%R]3 X a'tivation)e=a'tro,in.ra'asle$"66
Aote, (he a'tivation )e= ensres that the .ollo4ing t4o reGire, =- reositories are enale, @an, no other reositoriesB: rhel7serverr-s rhelserver7satellite'asle6etar-s (hese reositories are rovi,e, throgh the ''vin.ra'asle Co-osite Content;ie4/ (he Re, at Casle shol, e installe, on a RE* 7/1 or ne4er/ e re'o--en, rnning the .ollo4ing 'o--an, to ensre that all ,ates have een alie,: =- = ,ate
nstall the Re, at Casle installer: =- = install 'asleinstaller
&e.ore the Re, at Casle 'an e 'on.igre, =o nee, to create t#e corresponding certificates .or the Casle on the Re, at Satellite Server/ (o 'reate these 'erti.i'ates se the .ollo4ing 'o--an,s to 'onne't to the Re, at Satellite Server 'reate the 'erti.i'ates an, 'o= the- to the Re, at Casle Server CAPSU*E#DN3'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o-3 'asle'ertsgenerate 'asle.G,n \CAPSU*E#DN] X 'ertstar \CAPSU*E#DN]'erts/tar s' \CAPSU*E#DN]'erts/tar root\CAPSU*E#DN]:root
Aote, Io must se the ott generate, .ro- the capsule-certs-generate 'o--an, so that the capsule-installer 'an s''ess.ll= register the Re, at Casle on the Re, at Satellite Server/
Red Hat 4apsule 4onfiguration Si-ilar to or -ain Satellite server itsel. the Re, at Casle .or the lo'ation munich-dm serves the DCP (#(P an, DNS servi'es .or rovisioning/ Rn the capsule-installer 'o--an, wit# the ott .ro- the capsule-cert-generate 'o--an, an, wit# these a,,itional otions: 'asleinstaller arent.G,n 3_rela'e`3X registerin.ore-an 3tre3X .ore-anoath)e= 3_rela'e`3X .ore-anoathse'ret 3_rela'e`3X loathse'ret 3_rela'e`3X 'ertstar 3_rela'e`3X et 3tre3X et'a 3tre3X l 3tre3X Gi,roter 3tre3X reversero$= 3tre3X
te-lates 3tre3X t.t 3tre3X ,h' 3tre3X ,h'gate4a= 3_rela'e`3X ,h'na-eservers 3_rela'e`3X ,h'range 3_rela'e`3X ,h'inter.a'e 3_rela'e`3X ,ns 3tre3X ,ns.or4ar,ers 3_rela'e`3X ,nsinter.a'e 3_rela'e`3X ,nsone 3_rela'e`3X ,nsreverse 3_rela'e`3
(he .ollo4ing tale otlines 4hi'h s4it'hes to se to ensre that a host has to 'o--ni'ate 4ith the Re, at Casle onl- .or rovisioning: Switc#
stores s=n'hronie, 'ontent on the Re, at Casle
is se, .or 'ontent @=- PetB s=n'hroniation
is se, to ensre that tra..i' .ro- a host ist sent to the satellite via the 'asle
store rovisioning te-lates on the 'asle
t.t ,h' ,ns
to enale .ll rovisioning .eatres
Aote, . =o see the .ollo4ing error -essage: 3jetarseH: invali, =te seGen'e in USASC @Arg-entErrorB3 -a)e sre that *AN K *CC(IPE is set to 3enUS/U(#"3: e$ort *ANenUS/U(#" e$ort *CC(IPEenUS/U(#"
A.ter s''ess.ll= rnning the capsule-installer 'o--an, initiate content s-nc#roniation .ro- the Re, at Satellite to the Re, at Casle/ @%n the Re, at SatelliteB *ist all availale 'asles: ha--er 'asle list
D NAE UR* ' 'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o- htts:'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o-:9090 1 satellite/e$a-le/'o htts:satellite/e$a-le/'o-:9090
Please note the Casle D -ar)e, 4ith re, 'olor 4hi'h 4e 4ill se .or .rther 'o--an,s elo4/ nitiate the 'ontent s=n'hroniation: ha--er 'asle 'ontent s=n'hronie i, ' Y///////////
[ Y50F[
2ifec-cle Environments (he Satellitee-e,,e, Casle ato-ati'all= inherits all e$isting )ifecycle *nironments/ Re, at Casles 'an e se, to searate )ifecycle *nironments/ n this sa-le 'on.igration all )ifecycle *nironments are availale to the Re, at Casle lo'ate, in the DJ/ (o assign )ifecycle *nironments to a Re, at Casle: 1/ Navigate to #nfrastructure ➤ Capsules ➤ sele't the Re, at Casle capsule-munich.dm.e4ample.com 2/ Cli') on the )ifecycle *nironments ta ➤ a,, all Environ-ents to the right si,e in or,er to s=n'hronie 'ontent elonging to the 'orreson,ing *i.e'='le Environ-ent to the Re, at Casle/
Aote, At the ti-e o. this 4riting it 4as not ossile to 'o-lete this ste via ha--er C*/ !/ Cli') on the )ocations ta ➤ a,, the lo'ation munich-dm to the right si,e
$ia Hammer, ha--er lo'ation a,,s-artro$= X s-artro$= 3'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o-3 X na-e 3-ni'h,-3
Su*net A,, the Re, at Casle to the Snet dm.e4ample.com: 1/ #ro- #nfrastructure ➤ 1ubnets ➤ sele't the snet dm.e4ample.com 2/ %n the thir, ta Capsules ➤ a,, capsule-munich.dm.e4ample.com as the DCP(#(P an, DNS Casle
$ia Hammer @veri.= the Pro$=D .irstB: Pro$=D@ha--er ott 'sv ro$= list gre 3'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o-3 't ,HH .1B SU&NE(,-/e$a-le/'o*%CA(%N-ni'h,- ha--er snet ,ate na-e 3\SU&NE(]3 X ,nsi, 3\Pro$=D]3 X ,h'i, 3\Pro$=D]3 ia- 3DCP3 X t.ti, M\Pro$=D] X
lo'ations M\*%CA(%N]
Domain A,, the Re, at Casle capsule-munich.dm.e4ample.com to the ,o-ain dm.e4ample.com/ (his a,,ition allo4s =o to -anage DNS re'or,s ato-ati'all= .or the ,o-ain dm.e4ample.com/ 1/ #ro- #nfrastructure ➤ 2omains ➤ sele't the reviosl= 'reate, ,o-ain dm.e4ample.com 2/ %n the 2omain ta ➤ sele't the Re, at Casle capsule-munich.dm.e4ample.com .rothe 2!1 Capsule ,ro,o4n -en ➤ S-it
$ia Hammer @veri.= Pro$=D .irstB: Pro$=D@ha--er ott 'sv ro$= list gre 3'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o-3 't ,HH .1B D%AN,-/e$a-le/'o- ha--er ,o-ain ,ate ,nsi, M\Pro$=D] na-e 3\D%AN]
2ocations ;eri.= that the Re, at Casle Snet an, Do-ain is a,,e, to the 'orreson,ing lo'ation: 1/ +dminister ➤ )ocations ➤ sele't lo'ation munich-dm ➤ veri.= that the Casle Snet an, Do-ain is a,,e, to the lo'ation (he Re, at Casle capsule-munich.dm.e4ample.com is no4 .ll= 'on.igre, an,
oerational .or rovisioining ne4 hosts/
Sample Capsule 2: Boston Remote Location Using RHEL OpenStack Platform #or the RE* %enSta') Plat.or- the Re, at Casle .eatres an, te-lates eing se, are ,i..erent than .or the Re, at Casles -anaging the Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation Environ-ent/ DCP an, (#(P servi'es are not se,/ (he RE* %enSta') Plat.or- -anages the snets itsel. an, .ollo4s an i-agease, aroa'h .or rovisioning/ (he 2omain @in'l,ing the DNS .eatreB is 'on.igre, so that the hosts 'an rea'h the Re, at Casle capsule-boston.noalocal / (o e ale to rovision a ne4 host ase, on an i-age alrea,= e$isting in RE* %SP =o -st a,, the i-age to the list o. i-ages that the Re, at Satellite Server 'an se/
Aote, Io 'an a'Gire a 'lo,ase, RE* 7/1 i-age 'alle, 3L; est -age3 se, on RE* %enSta') Plat.or- here: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o4nloa,s'ontent 69 ver rhel 77/1 $"66 ro,'t ,o4nloa,s 1/ #ro- #nfrastructure ➤ Compute Resources ➤ sele't the Co-te Resor'e acme-rhelosp-boston 2/ Navigate to the #mages ta ➤ !ew #mage !/ #ill in the 'orreson,ing in.or-ation .or the ne4 i-age/ a)e sre to sele't the 'he')o$ 3User ,ata3 an, a,, the serna-e 3'lo,ser3/
Aote, (he root ser is ,ea'tivate, = ,e.alt on the L; est -age/ A,, the Userna-e cloud-user .or the ne4 i-age/
Aote, At the ti-e o. this 4riting it is not ossile to se ha--er C* to 'reate or ,ate an i-age to .lag the 3User ,ata3 'he')o$/
User Data Use User Data to ass in.or-ation 'ontaine, in a lo'al .ile @the rovisioning te-late .ro- the t=e user dataB to an instan'e at lan'h ti-e/ . =o have 'on.igre, the virtal -a'hine to rn the 'orreson,ing servi'e at oot ti-e it retrieves the ser ,ata in.or-ation .ro- the -eta,ata servi'es an, ta)es a'tion ase, on the ser ,ata 'ontent/ (he 'orre't tool .or this is 'lo,init/ n arti'lar 'lo,init is compati*le 4ith the Co-te -eta,ata servi'e as 4ell as the Co-te 'on.ig ,rive/ (he Re, at Satellite Server also rovi,es a provisioning template .or User Data 'alle, 3Satellite Li')start De.alt User Data3/ A.ter =o have oote, a s=ste- .ro- a te-late the rovisioning te-late 4ill e e$e'te, to .rther 'on.igre the s=ste- @.or e$a-le to register
the s=ste- at the satellite install an, to 'on.igre the )atelloagent an, Pet agentB/ hen =o se the 3User Data3 te-late the host initiates 'o--ni'ation to the assigne, Re, at Casle/
Aote, (o e ale to login to a s=ste- rovisione, via RE* %SP 4ith the L; est -age =o must add the ara-eter 3ssh)e=3 to the host 4ith the 'orreson,ing li' ssh)e=/
An alternate aroa'h 4ol, e to 'lone the User ,ata te-late an, then 'hange it a''or,ing to =or se'i.i' nee,s/ (o a,, the rovisioning te-late MSatellite Li')start De.alt User Data .or 'lo, ase, rovisioning: 1/ #ro- osts ➤ Proisioning templates ➤ sele't the te-late 1atellite >ickstart 2efault ?ser 2ata 2/ Navigate to the +ssociation ta ➤ assign the Re, at Enterrise *in$ versions to e se, on %enSta') ➤ 1ubmit
A.ter a,,ing the %erating S=ste- to the te-late =o -st sele't the te-late on the %erating S=ste- si,e as 4ell: 1/ #ro- osts ➤ Operating 1ystem ➤ sele't ever= RE* %S that nee,s to get assigne, the ser,ata te-late 2/ Navigate to the ,emplates ta ➤ sele't 1atellite >ickstart 2efault ?ser 2ata .or the ser,ata ,ro,o4n list ➤ 1ubmit
the .ollo4ing rereGisites in Re, at Enterrise *in$ %enSta'): nstall a Re, at Enterrise *in$ on ersistent storage Con.igre the .loating P Range that has to e a,,e, to the Re, at Casle server Con.igre the net4or) tenant 4ith the roter to an e$ternal net4or) @otsi,e RE* %SP to rea'h the Re, at SatelliteB A,, the P a,,ress o. the host that e'o-es the Re, at Casle server as the DNS server in the DCP 'on.igration/ n the DCP 'on.igration a,, the P a,,ress o. the Re, at Casle server as the DNS server/ Con.igre the Se'rit= ro .or in'o-ing an, otgoing tra..i' A,van'e, #ire4all Con.igration: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entation en USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l nstallatio n i,ese't Re,at Satellitenstallationi,ePrereGisites/ht-l i, !2021"
#or ,etaile, list o. Re, at Casle rereGisites see: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l nstallation i, ese't Re,at Satellitenstallationi,eRe, at SatelliteCasleServer PrereGisite s/ht-l As 4ith other sa-le 'asles 'on.igre, earlier =o nee, to ensre that the .or4ar,an,reverse DNS resoltion 4or)s in oth ,ire'tions: 3o the Re, at Satellite Server from the Re, at Casle
@arning, . =o ,o not have the DNS resoltion set 'orre'tl= the 'asleinstaller .ails an, ,isla=s the -essage: (he 'asleinstaller is .ailing 4ith error Col, not set HresentH on ensre: Unro'essale Entit= at :srshare)atelloinstaller-o,les.ore-anro$=-ani.estsregister/3 see the .ollo4ing )no4le,ge ase arti'le .or -ore in.or-ation: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o- soltions 12!09! /nstall the Re, at Satellite 'erti.i'ate on the Re, at Casle Server: SA(E**(E#DN3satellite/e$a-le/'o-3 r- Uvh htt:\SA(E**(E#DN])atello'a'ons-erlatest/noar'h/r-
Register the Re, at Casle to Satellite sing an a'tivation )e=/ n this e$a-le 4e are sing a ,e,i'ate, a'tivation )e= .or Casles/ (his )e= elongs to the li.e'='le environ-ent
PR%D 4e 'reate in Step 9: %R3ACE3 ss'rition-anager register org 3\%R]3 X a'tivation)e=a'tro,in.ra'asle$"66
/nstall the Re, at Casle shol, on RE* 7/1+ 4ith the ne4est ,ate level: =- = ,ate
/nstall the Re, at Casle installer: =- = install 'asleinstaller
&e.ore =o 'an 'on.igre the Re, at Casle 'an e 'on.igre, =o must 'reate 'erti.i'ates .or the Casle on the Re, at Satellite Server/ 4onnect to the Re, at Satellite Server 'reate the 'erti.i'ates an, 'o= the- to the Re, at Casle Server: CAPSU*E#DN3'asleoston/novalo'al3 'asle'ertsgenerate 'asle.G,n \CAPSU*E#DN] X 'ertstar \CAPSU*E#DN]'erts/tar s' \CAPSU*E#DN]'erts/tar root\CAPSU*E#DN]:root
Aote, Io -st se the ott generate, .ro- the capsule-certs-generated 'o--an, .or the capsule-installer to s''ess.ll= register the Re, at Casle on the Re, at Satellite Server/
Red Hat 4apsule 4onfiguration Run the capsule-installer 'o--an, 4ith the ott .ro- the capsule-cert-generate 'o--an, along 4ith the .ollo4ing a,,itional 'o--an,s: 'asleinstaller arent.G,n 3_rela'e`3X registerin.ore-an 3tre3X .ore-anoath)e= 3_rela'e`3X .ore-anoathse'ret 3_rela'e`3X loathse'ret 3_rela'e`3X 'ertstar 3_rela'e`3X
et 3tre3X et'a 3tre3X l 3tre3X Gi,roter 3tre3X reversero$= 3tre3X te-lates 3tre3X ,ns 3tre3X ,ns.or4ar,ers 3_rela'e`3X ,nsinter.a'e 3_rela'e`3X ,nsone 3novalo'al3X ,nsreverse 3_rela'e`3
Aote, e se, an i-agease, rovisioning -etho, .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ %enSta') Plat.or-/ (his -etho, ,oes not reGire the ,h' an, t.t .eatres/ /nitiate 'ontent s=n'hroniation .ro- the Re, at Satellite to the Re, at Casle a.ter s''ess.ll= rnning the capsule-installer 'o--an,/ @%n the Re, at SatelliteB 2ist all availale 'asles: ha--er 'asle list D NAE UR* ! 'asleoston/novalo'al htts:'asleoston/novalo'al:9090 2 'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o- htts:'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o-:9090 1 satellite/e$a-le/'o htts:satellite/e$a-le/'o-:9090
/nitiate the 'ontent s=n'hroniation: ha--er 'asle 'ontent s=n'hronie i, 5 Y///////////
[ Y50F[
2ifec-cle Environments (he Satellite e-e,,e, Casle ato-ati'all= inherits all e$isting )ifecycle *nironments/ A Re, at Casle 'an e se, to segregate ,i..erent )ifecycle *nironments/ As otline, in the intro,'tion &oston is resonsile .or the ,evelo-ent an, Galit= assran'e o. the 4e lat.or-/ e set a Re, at Casle .or or se'on,ar= ,ata'enter &oston so that 4e 'ol, segregate resonsiilities ase, on )ifecycle *nironments/ eDev an, eA are the onl= )ifecycle *nironments availale to the Re, at Casle lo'ate, in &oston/ (o assign )ifecycle *nironments to a Re, at Casle: 1/ Navigate to #nfrastructure ➤ Capsules ➤ sele't the Re, at Casle capsule-boston.noalocal 2/ Cli') on the )ifecycle *nironments ta ➤ a,, the @eb-2e an, @eb-A+ environ-ents to the right si,e to s=n'hronie 'ontent that elongs to the 'orreson,ing *i.e'='le Environ-ents in the Re, at Casle
Aote, (his ste 'ol, not e ,one via ha--er at the ti-e o. 4riting/ !/ Cli') the )ocations ta ➤ a,, the lo'ation boston to the right si,e
$ia Hammer, ha--er lo'ation a,,s-artro$= s-artro$= 3'asleoston/novalo'al3 na-e 3oston3
Su*net "dd the Re, at Casle to the Snet noalocal : 1/ #nfrastructure ➤ 1ubnets ➤ sele't the snet noalocal 2/ %n the thir, ta Capsules ➤ a,, noalocal as DNS Casle "dd the DNS Casle .or P(R re'or, 'reation: Pro$=D 5 SU&NE(novalo'al *%CA(%Noston ha--er snet ,ate na-e 3\SU&NE(]3 X ,nsi, 3\Pro$=D]3 X lo'ations M\*%CA(%N]
Domain "dd the Re, at Casle capsule-boston.noalocal to the ,o-ain noalocal so that =o 'an ato-ati'all= -anage DNS re'or,s .or the ,o-ain noalocal / 1/ #ro- #nfrastructure ➤ 2omains ➤ sele't the reviosl= 'reate, ,o-ain noalocal 2/ %n the 2omain ta ➤ sele't the Re, at Casle capsule-boston.noalocal .ro- the 2!1 Capsule ,ro,o4n -en ➤ 1ubmit
2ocations $erif- that the Re, at Casle an, Do-ain are a,,e, to the 'orreson,ing lo'ation: 1/ +dminister ➤ *o'ations a,,e, to the lo'ation
sele't lo'ation oston
➤ veri.=
that the Casle an, Do-ain are
(he Re, at Casle capsule-boston.noalocal is no4 .ll= 'on.igre, an, rea,= to rovision ne4 hosts/
Step 3: Define Your Definitive Media Library Content. n a 'ontrolle, ( environ-ent it is 'r'ial that onl= athorie, so.t4are an, 'on.igration versions are se, in ro,'tion/ A De.initive e,ia *irar= is a reositor= that stores an, rote'ts the ,e.initive athorie, versions o. so.t4are an, 'on.igrations/ (he 'orreson,ing 'hangean,release -anage-ent ro'ess ensres that these 'on.igrations are teste, an, Galit=assre, e.ore the= are ,elo=e, to ro,'tion/
So!t%are Entry /oints and Formats So.t4are 'o-es along in varios .or-ats/ So-e o. the- ,een, ri-aril= on their asso'iate, li'ense -o,els/ (he .ollo4ing ,iagra- illstrates a sa-le so.t4are.or-at li.e'=le an, highlights so-e stes that are reGire, *efore Satellite 6 'an -anage these in,ivi,al so.t4are t=es:
. 4e ,ivi,e the so.t4are li.e'='le into the 9 stes visalie, in the gre= 'hevrons 4e 'an ,ivi,e it into the .ollo4ing so.t4areentr= .or-ats: Re, at so.t4are alrea,= a')age, as r- an, P)e= signe,/ (his -o,el alies to all Re, at ro,'ts in the ,iagra-: Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation Re, at Enterrise *in$ an, Re, at T&oss Enterrise Ali'ation Plat.or- @thogh all Re, at ro,'ts are oen sor'e an, availale as sor'e 'o,e or sor'e r- a')ages 4e are .o'sing on the inar= r- a')ages hereB/ So.t4are alrea,= a')age, as RP an, P )e= signe, .ro- a !r,art= ven,or Prorietar= so.t4are 4hi'h is not availale in sor'e'o,e .or-at t onl= as inar= il, artiall= not a')age, as r- an, P)e= signe, %en sor'e tools availale as sor'e 'o,e @an, sall= as inar= il,s .or 'o--on oerating s=ste-s as 4ellB Csto- ali'ations sall= availale as sor'e 'o,e So.t4are that is availale as sor'e 'o,e an, inar= .or-at t not a')age, as r- an, P)e= signe, reMuires additional steps 4hen eing ilt @reslting .or-at: inariesB a')age, @reslting .or-at: r-B P)e= signe, @reslting .or-at: P)e=signe, ra')ageB an, teste, e.ore 4e 'an i-ort it into Satellite 6 as art o. or De.initive e,ia *irar=/
Sate""ite Content Ty&es Io 'an se Re, at Satellite to -anage varios 'ontent t=es = sing ,i..erent 'ontent .or-ats an, entr= oints/ Re, at Satellite 'an a't as the De.initive So.t4are *irar= @DS* (* < v2B as art o. the De.initive e,ia *irar= @D* (* < v!B .ollo4ing the (*< ,e.inition/ e re'o--en, that all 'ontent ,elo=e, to s=ste-s -anage, = Re, at Satellite is also store, -aintaine, an, ,elo=e, via Satellite/ Re, at Satellite sorts the .ollo4ing t=es o. 'ontent: 1/ So.t4are a')age, an, signe, as RP in'l,ing oth Re, at an, .oreign so.t4are 2/ So.t4are an, 'on.igrations a')age, as Pet -o,les !/ Do')er 'ontainer i-ages in'l,ing oth Re, at an, .oreign i-ages n a,,ition to these ,elo=-ent 'ontent t=es Re, at Satellite -anages Re, at errata ,ates )i')start trees an, installation i-ages/ n this ,o'-ent 4e se so.t4are rovi,e, = Re, at an, thir,art= ven,ors or
'o--nities as 4ell as 'sto- so.t4are to ,e-onstrate ho4 these ,i..erent so.t4are t=es shol, e 'on.igre,han,le, ,i..erentl=/
Aote, All nonRe, at an, 'sto- so.t4are se, here is not a art o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ an, ,oes not .all n,er or Pro,'tion Sort S'oe o. Coverage/ (hese reositories an, a')ages are 'onsi,ere, otional an, have not een teste, = or Galit= engineers/ ore -ore in.or-ation aot the sort 'overage o. EPE* see: htt ht ts s: : a''ess a'' ess /re /re,ha ,hatt /'o /' o-so solt ltion ions s1 1075 075! !
Sate""ite /roducts and Re&ositories Re, at Satellite 6 ses Satellite Pro,'ts to asse-le arti'lar reositories that elong to these ro,'ts together/ A ro,'t 'an 'onsist o. -ltile reositories/ n the oosite to 'ontent vie4s e$laine, later 4hi'h are sose, to e ser-o,i.iale ro,'ts are )in, o. a -aster 'o= o. the original reositories/ Pro,'ts are also se, to han,le ss'ritions/ #or Re, at so.t4are s=n'hronie, to Re, at Satellite 6 the 'orreson,ing ro,'ts are ato-ati'all= 'reate,/
Red Hat Sate""ite /roduct and Re&ository Recommendations . =o have 'sto- or thir,art= so.t4are an, Pet 'ontent =o -st -anall= 'reate =or Satellite Pro,'ts/ Sin'e =o 'an se Pro,'ts to n,le varios reositories that -ight e slit o.. later into ,i..erent 'ontent vie4s 4e re'o--en, that =o 'reate as few Products as possi*le% (he minimum reMuired num*er of Products is determined *- t#e 7P7 ke-s se, to sign the RP a')ages insi,e the reositories/ &e'ase =o 'an onl= assign one P to a Pro,'t =o nee, to have at least one Pro,'t .or ea'h P)e= signatre/ Io 'an slit ,i..erent versions an, ar'hite'tres o. S; or 'sto- so.t4are into ,i..erent Pro,'ts t 4e re'o--en, that =o *undle all Products and variants of eac# software wit#in one Product as long as the= se the sa-e P )e= @see aoveB/ (his n,ling is still vali, i. these ,i..erent versions an, variants are -anage, = ,i..erent roles @searation o. resonsiilitiesB an, -ight there.ore e slit into ,i..erent 'ontent vie4s later/ Another determining factor for t#e total num*er of Products are t#e s-nc#roniation s-nc#roniation plans @e$laine, later in this 'haterB/ hen 'reating a Pro,'t =o 'an sele't the aroriate s=n'hroniation lan .or this ro,'t/
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
hen =o enale Re, at reositor= s=n'hroniation @Content ` Re, at ReositoriesB Satellite 6 ato-ati'all= 'reates the 'orreson,ing Pro,'ts an, in'l,es the sele'te, reositories/ Unli)e 'sto- Pro,'ts =o 'annot -o,i.= these Red Hat Products @.or e$a-le = sing a ,i..erent na-e or s=n'ing t4i'eB/ n 'ontrast to Satellite 5 Satellite 6 ,oes not allo4 =o to 'lone reositories an, Pro,'ts/ Re, at Satellite Pro,'ts are se, .or inherent Satellite 6 su*scription management / &e'ase ss'ritions are -ae, to Pro,'ts instea, o. Reositories =o 'ol, 'reate in,ivi,al Pro,'ts .or all thir,art= so.t4are i. =o 4ant to tra') their sage on an in,ivi,al asis/ #or instan'e i. =o are sing ,i..erent versions o. a thir,art= ro,'t that are ase, on different contracts and license or su*scription fees 4e re'o--en, 'reating in,ivi,al ro,'ts .or ea'h o. the- to etter tra') their li'ense or ss'rition 'ons-tion/
Aote, /ndependent of its license or su*scription t-pe Red Hat and all ot#er Products @thir, art= an, even 'sto- ro,'tsB an, their asso'iate, so.t4are reositories need to *e managed using t#e Satellite 6 su*scription su*scription management / Ea'h o. these Pro,'ts an, reositories nee,s to e e$li'itl= enale, insi,e an a'tivation )e=/ Please see the relate, a'tivation )e= se'tion in Step 9/ &e'ase =o 'annot se the sa-e reositor= insi,e -ltile 'ontent vie4s that are sta')e, together as a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 so-e s'enarios -a= .or'e =o to 'reate two Products wit# t#e same same repositor- @not share, t a'tall= 'on.igre, an, s=n'hronie, t4i'eB/ #or -ore ,etails see the EPE* e$a-le insi,e the 4ontent $iew Recommendat Recommendations ions 'hater/ . so.t4are reositories share the sa-e P )e= an, s=n' lan =o 'an 'reate a RHE2)maor)version)independen RHE2)maor)version)independentt product 'ontaining reositories .or ,i..erent RE* -a?or releases/ eOve 'reate a single Pro,'t .or Jai$ -onitoring so.t4are 'ontaining oth RE*6 an, RE*7 Jai$ so.t4are reositories/ &e'ase ro,'ts .or Re, at so.t4are are 'reate, ato-ati'all= in the ne$t stes 4e have to 'reate Pro,'ts onl= .or thir,art= so.t4are @,ivi,e, = ea'h ven,orB an, one Pro,'t .or all ACE 'sto- so.t4are/ e also lan to 'reate a single Pro,'t .or all 'sto- ACE 'ontent that 'ontains one -ore -ore so.t4are @=-B an, 'on.igration @PetB reositories/
/roduct and Re&ositories aming Con'entions As state, earlier 4e are sing a na-ing 'onvention in this soltion gi,e that etter sorts ato-ation = enaling .iltering an, attern -at'hing/ &e'ase Satellite 6 ri-aril= ses Pro,'ts to tra') so.t4are 'ons-tion @s'h as li'ense or ss'rition -anage-entB Pro,'t na-es are not signi.i'antl= i-ortant/ As a reslt 4e are sing a si-le an,
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
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nonin,ing na-ing 'onvention .or Pro,'ts ri-aril= 'onsisting o. the ven,or or strearo?e't na-e an, the ro,'t na-e or rose/ . the ro,'t is se'i.i' to a arti'lar -a?or or -inor release o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ @.or e$a-le e'ase ,i..erent P )e=s are se, to sign itB 4e a,, an otional thir, seg-ent: _ ven,or or strea- ro?e't ` ) _ ro,'t na-e or rose ` Y _ RE* release ` [
Aote, Pro,'t an, reositor= na-es .or Re, at Pro,'ts an, their asso'iate, reositories are ato-ati'all= 'reate, ase, on na-es ,e.ine, = Re, at/ n -ost 'ases Pro,'t an, reositories na-es have to e se, in 'on?n'tion @.or e$a-le 4hile a,,ing a,,ing a reositor= reositor= to a 'ontent 'ontent vie4B/ %nl= a .e4 .e4 oerations oerations are ,one ,one ,ire'tl= ,ire'tl= on a reositor= level @.or e$a-le a,,ing a .ilter rleB/
Aote, Even i. the na-e an, lael o. a reositor= 'on.igre, as art o. the Pro,'t have to e niGe onl= insi,e that arti'lar Pro,'t 4e are sing niGe laels .or all reositories a'ross ro,'ts/ Rather than having a stri't na-ing 'onvention .or Pro,'ts an, reositories 4e have trie, to re,'e the total n-er o. Pro,'ts an, reositories/ . =o have a s-aller n-er o. 'stoPro,'ts an, reositories the na-ing 'onvention e'o-es less i-ortant at least 'o-are, to other entities li)e host gros 'ontent vie4s or a'tivations 4hi'h all o''r .reGentl=/
3/3 4eys !or Red Hat5 Third2&arty and Custom So!t%are P )e=s are se, = Re, at an, -an= thir,art= so.t4are ven,ors to sign r- a')ages/ (he= are se, to veri.= the origin an, integrit= o. r- a')ages/ &= ,e.alt Re, at Enterrise *in$ allo4s =o to install onl= those r- a')ages that are P )e= signe, an, .or 4hi'h the relate, P )e= has een i-orte, to the lo'al r- ,ataase/ Io 'an ,isla= all P )e=s i-orte, to a s=ste- r- ,ataase 4ith the .ollo4ing 'o--an,: r- G gg)e= G. HF\na-e]F\version]F\release] ` F\s--ar=]XnH
Re, at Satellite sorts P)e= -anage-ent 4hi'h in'l,es i-orting an, asso'iating the )e=s to one or -ore reositories an, ,elo=ing an, i-orting the- into the r,ataases o. target s=ste-s/ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
(he .ollo4ing sse'tions ,es'rie ho4 to -anage the ,i..erent P )e=s se, in this soltion gi,e/
Red Hat GPG Keys #or all Re, at Enterrise *in$ s=ste-s -anage, = Re, at Satellite the Re, at P Le=s @ht @htt ts s: : a''ess a'' ess /re /re,ha ,hatt /'o /' o- s se' e'r ritit= =t tea ea-) )e= e= B have alrea,= een installe, ,ring the rovisioning o. these s=ste-s/ (he a,vantage is =o ,onOt nee, to ta)e 'are o. i-orting an, ,elo=ing Re, at P )e=s to =or 'lients s=ste-s/ o4ever =o 'annot 'hange these )e=s an, their ,elo=-ent/
Third-party GPG Keys #or thir,art= so.t4are an, 'sto- so.t4are =o have to 'reate or ,o4nloa, the P )e= se, to sign the 'orreson,ing r- a')ages an, i-ort the- into Satellite/ (=i'all= the P )e=s are either lishe, at the 4esite o. =or so.t4are ven,or an, or are art o. the RP a')age reositor= rovi,e, = this ven,or/
Custom GPG Keys Even thogh it is te'hni'all= .easile to 4or) 4ith nsigne, r- a')ages on oth Re, at Satellite an, its 'lient s=ste-s 4e strongl= re'o--en,e, that =o se a 'sto- P )e= to sign =or 'sto- r- a')ages/ #or 'o-rehensive ,o'-entation aot 'sto- P )e=s availale see: ht ts htt s: : a''ess a'' ess /re /re,ha ,hatt /'o /'o-,o ,o' '-e -ent ntat atio ion nen USR Re, e, at Sa Sate tellllitite e5 5/7 /7 ht-l ht-l ett e ttin ing g Starte, i,e i ,ese se't 't Di Digi gita tal l Signatres.orRe,at Ne Net4 t4or or) )Pa Pa') ')ag ages es /h /htt-ll n or,er to se RP a')agesigning 'aailities .or ACE internal so.t4are as 4ell 4eOve 'reate, an ACE P )e= to sign 'sto- a')ages/ eOve 'reate, a ne4 ser br-il,O on or il, host s=ste- an, 'reate, an, e$orte, a P )e= sing the .ollo4ing 'o--an,s: -),ir /gng gg gen)e= ott trn'ate, @,e.alt vales se,B gg list)e=s .ingerrint .ingerrint ho-er-il,/gngring/gg 20"R5"55126 2015052 Le= .ingerrint 7C92 2C!7 "&A "96! 1!C1 175C &! E1"# 5"5 5126
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
refarc#)feed*ack+ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com red#at%com
i, ACE RP &il, Servi'e _r-il,a'-e/'o-` _r-il,a'- e/'o-` s 20"R#C&29"1E 2015052 gg e$ort ar-or 3ACE RP &il, Servi'e _r-il,a'-e/'o-`3 ` PACE
Importing GPG Keys into Satellite 6 Re, at Satellite a'ts as a De.initive e,ia *irar= an, allo4s =o to store an, ,elo= P )e=s .or its target s=ste-s/ As a reslt =o nee, to loa, all P )e=s that elong to the so.t4are =o 4ant Satellite 6 to -anage/ (a)e these stes: 1/ 2/ !/ /
Cli') Cli') on on Conte Content nt ` ` P P Le=s Le=s Cli' Cli') ) on on Ne4 Ne4 P P Le= Le= Enter an arori aroriate ate na-e na-e .or e$a-le e$a-le MPEPE*RE*7 MPEPE*RE*7 Sele't MPaste P Le= Contents Contents an, aste aste in the 'ontent 'ontent .ro.rohtt ht ts s: : ,l ,l /.e,oraro?e't /.e,oraro?e't /org /o rg e ee el R l RPPLEIEPE*7 5/ Cli Cli') Save
Reeat the ro'e,re aove .or all P )e=s that elong to the ro,'ts an, signe, RP a')ages =o 4ant to -anage sing Satellite 6/ n or re.eren'ear'hite'tre i-le-entation 4eOve 'on.igre, 'on.igre, the .ollo4ing .ollo4ing P )e=s: )e=s: 7P7 !e- Aame
P;4areRE* 6
ht t : htt : a') a ')ag ages es /v /v-4 -4ar are e/' /'oo- t too ools ls ) )e= e=s s; ;A ARE RE PAC PACLA LA NP N PDSA DSALEI LEI//
ht ts htt s: : ,l ,l /.e,oraro?e't /.e,oraro?e't /org /o rg e ee el R l RPPLEIEPE* 6
ht ts htt s: : ,l ,l /.e,oraro?e't /.e,oraro?e't /org /o rg e ee el R l RPPLEIEPE* 7
htt ht t : : re reo/ai$/'o-RPPLEIJA&&8
_internal as ,es'rie, aove`
(he .ollo4ing 'o--an,s ,o4nloa, an, i-ort the )e= .or the RE*7 reositor= o. EPE* as an e$a-le: 4get % t-EPE* t-EPE*7/)e= 7/)e= htts:,l/.e, htts:,l/.e,oraro?e't oraro?e't/orge /orgeelRPP elRPPLEI LEIEPE*7 EPE*7
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
ha--er gg 'reate na-e HPEPE*7H organiation ACE )e= t-EPE*7/)e=
A.ter =o have i-orte, =or P )e=s =o 'an vie4 the list o. all P )e=s i. =o 'li') on Content ` P )e=s/
Im&orting Red Hat So!t%are into Sate""ite (he Re, at ss'rition -ani.est 4eOve i-orte, earlier gives a''ess to Re, at ro,'ts an, reositories/ o4ever sin'e -ost ro,'ts have several ar'hite'tres an, ro,'t versions Re, at Satellite Server allo4s the Satellite a,-inistrators to 'hoose 4hi'h reositories are reGire, = their organiations/
How to Enable Red Hat H at Software Repositories (he reositories nee, to e enale, in the Re, at Satellite Server to reare it .or s=n'hroniation/ (his is ,one via Content ` Re, at Reositories:
(he .ollo4ing stes sho4 ho4 to enale a Re, at reositor=: 1/ Cli') Content Content c Re, at Reo Reosito sitories ries// www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
refarc#)feed*ack+ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com red#at%com
2/ Cli') on the ta o. the t=e o. 'ontent to e enale,/ (he tas are: RPs Sor'e RPs Deg RPs &eta S%s Do')er -ages %ther/ !/ E$an, ea'h Re, at ro,'t to e$a-ine the ,i..erent reositor= sets availale = 'li')ing on the arro4 = the ro,'t na-e/ / Choose 4hi'h Re, at reositor= sets =o 4ish to a,,/ Choosing it 4ill ato-ati'all= enale that reositor= .or =or Re, at Satellite server/ 5/ #or e$a-le a 'o--on asi' set o. ss'ritions 4hi'h 'ontain reositories 4ith the latest a')ages .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 4ol, e: 6/ Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server Li')start $"66 6Server Reositor= 7/ Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server RPs $"66 6Server Reositor=
Aote, (he Re, at Satellite (ools reositor= -st e enale, e'ase it rovi,es 'lient s=ste-s registere, to the Satellite Server )atelloagent an, Pet a')ages/
Selecting the Appropriate Repositories n or soltion gi,e i-le-entation 4eOve s=n'hronie, the .ollo4ing reositories:
Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server RP.S $"66 9Server Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server !ickstart $"66 9%1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server k Optional RPs $"66 9Server Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server E?tras RPS $"66 9Server Re, at Satellite 3ools 6 &eta @.or RE* 7 ServerB @RPsB 9Server Re, at Software 4ollections RPs .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server RP.s $"66 6%( Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server !ickstart $"66 6%( Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server k Optional RPs $"66 6%( Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server k E?tras RPs $"66 6%( Re, at Satellite 3ools 6 &eta @.or RE* 6 ServerB @RPsB 6%( Re, at Software 4ollections RPs .or RE* 6 Server $"66 6%( Re, at Enterprise $irtualiation "gents .or RE* 6 Server @RPsB 6%(
A.ter sele'ting the Re, at reositories n,er Content ` Re, at Reositories the 'orreson,ing Re, at ro,'ts are ato-ati'all= 'reate,/ n or soltion gi,e set =o shol, no4 see a ro,'t 'alle, MRe, at Enterrise *in$ Server esi,e other Re, at ro,'ts/
Aote, Io 'annot 'hange the na-e o. ato-ati'all= 'reate, Re, at ro,'ts an, =o 'annot 'lone or s=n' the- t4i'e 4ith Satellite 6/ (o enale the s=n'hroniation o. Re, at So.t4are reositories sing the ha--er C* =o nee, to )no4 the .ollo4ing laels o. ea'h Re, at ro,'t =o 4ant to s=n'hronie:
lael o. Pro,'t lael o. reositor= asear'h o. the reositor= release version o. the reositor=
(he .ollo4ing s'reenshots illstrate 4hi'h ite- n,er Content ` Re, at Reositories rovi,es 4hi'h lael/ (hese s'reenshots are ase, on an e$a-le o. an ol,er version o.
T&oss Enterrise Ali'ation Plat.or- that isnOt se, in this soltion gi,e:
(he 'orreson,ing ha--er 'o--an, to enale this ro,'t in Satellite 6 4ol, e @this is ?st an e$a-le sin'e 4e ,onOt se this arti'lar ro,'t in or soltion gi,eB: ha--er reositor=set enale organiation ACE X ro,'t H NBoss Enterprise "pplication Platform H X asear'hH ?=668H X releaseverH 9Server H X na-e HNBoss Enterprise "pplication Platform 6 RHE2 9 ServerC RP.sC H
Synchronize Repositories A.ter s''ess.ll= enaling the ro,'t 4e nee, to start the s=n'hroniation an, @otionalB a,, it to a reglar s=n' lan/ Use the .ollo4ing 'o--an,s: ha--er ro,'t s=n'hronie organiation ACE X name HNBoss Enterprise "pplication Platform H ))as-nc
ha--er ro,'t sets=n'lan organiation %R X name HNBoss Enterprise "pplication Platform H X s=n'lan H,ail= s=n' at ! a/-/H
Aote, e se the ))as-nc otion to rn the reositor= s=n'hroniation in the a')gron,/ . this otion is not se, =o -st 4ait ntil the s=n'hroniation is .inishe, e.ore the se'on, 'o--an, asso'iates the ro,'t 4ith or s=n' lan/ Using as=n' allo4s s to enale an, s=n' other ro,'ts in arallel/ @arning, A Pro,'t or other entit= 'an have one lael ,ring initial reositor= enaling an, a ,i..erent reositor= lael se, to a,, it to a 'ontent vie4/ /n t#is e?ample t#e repositor- la*els for initial ena*ling are not t#e same ones used later w#ile creating content views / (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate a 'ontent vie4 .or the T&oss Enterrise Ali'ation Plat.or- reositor= enale, aove/ Note ho4 the highlighte, reositor= na-e ,i..ers .ro- the reositor= na-e 4e se, to enale this Re, at ro,'t reositor= earlier/ ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3'va?ossea73 ,es'rition 3T&oss EAP 7 Content ;ie43 X organiation 3%R3
ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X reositor= HNBoss Enterprise "pplication Platform 6%8 RHE2 9 Server RP.s ?=668 9Server H X na-e 3'va?ossea73 X ro,'t HT&oss Enterrise Ali'ation Plat.or-H
Aote, Ese'iall= ro,'ts 4ith a long li.e'='le li)e Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ill 'ons-e a lot o. ,is) sa'e to store all 'orreson,ing a')ages/ Io nee, to ensre that the ,ire'tor= or -ontoint Satellite 6 ses to store a')ages @ /ar/lib/pulpBhas a s..i'ient sa'e e.ore enaling an, s=n'hing these reositories/ (he .ollo4ing )no4le,gease arti'le rovi,es e$a-les .or so-e t=i'al so.t4are reositories an, e$e'te, sa'e reGire,: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-soltions15"9!! (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s have een se, to enale an, s=n'hronie all Re, at ro,'ts se, insi,e this soltion gi,e: RHE29 repos ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X
asear'hH$"66H releaseverH7/1H X na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server @Li')startBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH7ServerH X na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server @RPsBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH7ServerH X na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server R Co--on @RPsBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH7ServerH X na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server E$tras @RPsBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH7ServerH X na-e HRe, at Satellite (ools 6 &eta @.or RE* 7 ServerB @RPsBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions .or RE* ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH7ServerH X na-e HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 ServerH
RHE26 repos #ere onl- RHE2 6%( to provide a legac- core *uild e?ample ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH6/5H X na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server @Li')startBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH6/5H X na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server @RPsBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH6/5H X na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server E$tras @RPsBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH6ServerH X na-e HRe, at Satellite (ools 6 &eta @.or RE* 6 ServerB @RPsBH ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X
ro,'t HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions .or RE* ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH6/5H X na-e HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 ServerH i. 4e are sing RE; 4e nee, the RE; agents in the ,e,i'ate, 'hannel .or RE*6 4hile RE*7 a')ages are in'l,e, in R Co--on ha--er reositor=set enale organiation 3%R3 X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X asear'hH$"66H releaseverH6/5H X na-e HRe, at Enterrise ;irtaliation Agents .or RE* 6 Server @RPsBH s-nc all RHE2 packages ha--er ro,'t s=n'hronie X na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH X organiation 3%R3 as=n' ha--er ro,'t s=n'hronie X na-e HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions .or RE* ServerH X organiation 3%R3 as=n'
Aote, S=n'hroniing all these hge reositories 'an ta)e a .e4 hors/ Io 'an -onitor the 'rrent s=n'hroniation sing Content ` S=n'hroniation Stats/ e nee, to 4ait ntil all reositories have een s''ess.ll= s=n'hronie, *efore 'reating or 'ontent vie4s in the ne$t stes/
Im&orting (R/M) /ackaged Third2&arty So!t%are into Sate""ite Re, at Satellite lets =o -anage an= RPa')age, an, signe, 'ontent an, is not li-ite, to Re,atrovi,e, so.t4are/ #or all nonRe,at 'ontent 4e nee, to 'reate Pro,'ts first% (hen 4e 'an later a,, the- to 'ontent vie4s/
Creating a new product in Red Hat Satellite Cli') Content c Pro,'ts/ 1/ Cli') +Ne4 Pro,'t / 2/ (=e in the na-e o. the ne4 Pro,'t in the Na-e .iel,/ !/ (=e in lael .or the ne4 Pro,'t in the *ael .iel,/ / Sele't a P )e= .ro- the P Le= ,ro,o4n -en/ 5/ Sele't a s=n'hroniation lan .ro- the S=n' Plan ,ro,o4n -en/ Alternativel= sele't the +Ne4 S=n' Plan lin) to 'reate a ne4 s=n'hroniation lan/ 6/ (=e in a ,es'rition o. the ne4 Pro,'t in the Des'rition .iel,/ 7/ Cli') the Save tton to save =or ne4 Pro,'t/
(he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate a 'sto- ro,'t an, reositor= o. t=e =- .or or ACE 'sto- r- a')ages: ha--er ro,'t 'reate na-e3%R3 organiation3%R3 ha--er reositor= 'reate na-e3%R RP Reo3 X organiation3%R3 ro,'t3%R3 X 'ontentt=eH=-H lishviahtttre X rl3CUS(%IUREP%3
&e'ase 4e i-ort RPa')age, so.t4are on a =- reositor= level 4e nee, to ,istingish et4een these t4o sitations: Situation 1% (he so.t4are ven,or rovi,es a''ess to a reo/ Situation '% Io have to -anall= 'reate a reositor= 'onsisting o. these so.t4are a')ages/
Situation 1. Importing Third-party RPM Packages from an Existing yum Repository Satellite 6 rovi,es ato-ate, reositor= s=n'hroniation .or oth: Re, at an, !r, art= so.t4are/ Io 'an se the s=n'hroniation 'aailities .or all e$isting =- reositories/ (he easiest 4a= to 'on.igre reositories an, Pro,'ts is 4ith the reositor= ,is'over= .eatre o. Satellite 6/ (he .ollo4ing ro'e,re ,es'ries ho4 to set a ro,'t 'alle, MRE*6 ;4are (ools an, ,etails s=n'ing the reositor= o. the 'orreson,ing a')ages .or RE*6/ 1/ Cli') Content ` Pro,'t 2/ Cli') on the MReo Dis'over= &tton !/ Enter the UR* htt : a')ages/v-4are/'o- toolses$ 5/12 insi,e the .iel, MUR* to ,is'over an, 'li') Dis'over / Sele't brhel6$"66in,e$/ht-lO @an, 'orreson,ing !2it reo i. se,B .ro- the reslting list an, 'li') the Create sele'te, tton 5/ Sele't a ne4 ro,'t 6/ Enter a na-e lael an, ,es'rition 7/ Sele't the aroriate P )e= @'reate, earlierB "/ Cli') Create
A.ter the age has reloa,e, =o nee, to sele't the reositor= an, 'li') the S=n' No4 tton/
Aote, Even i. there is a reositor= rovi,e, = ;4are 'ontaining ;4are tools .or RE*7 4e no longer nee, to se it/ Starting 4ith RE*7 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 'ontains the oenv-tools 4hi'h are the oen sor'e i-le-entation o. ;4are (ools/ ;4are .ll= sorts the sage o. oenv-tools as art o. Re, at Enterrise *in$/ #or -ore in.or-ation see: htt : )/v-4are/'o- sel.servi'e -i'rositessear'h/,of langageenUSK'-,,isla=LCKe$ternal,207!"0!
Situation 2. Importing Third-party RPM Packages Without an Existing yum Repository . =o have in,ivi,al a')ages =o asi'all= have t4o otions .or loa,ing the- into Satellite/ Io 'an: 1/ Psh the a')ages ,ire'tl= into Satellite 6 sing ha--er C* 2/ anall= 'reate a =- reo sing the 'reatereo tool an, s=n' a')ages
Aote, e re'o--en, that =o t all =or 'sto- an, .oreign a')ages n,er a revision 'ontrol si-ilar to =or @PetB 'on.igration .or oth otions/ $ia Hammer (o loa, a 'sto- a')age via the ha--er 'o--an, line inter.a'e @otion 1B se this 'o--an,: ha--er reositor= loa,'ontent ro,'t 3%R3 X organiation %R na-e 3%R RP Reo3 X ath t-a'-ease'on.ig0/1/r-
Aote, Crrentl= =o 'an loa, onl= one a')age at a ti-e sing the loa,'ontent otion/ . =o rovi,e a reglar e$ression li)e t-a'-e^ 4hi'h 4ol, -at'h to -ore than one a')age .ile the loa, .ails/ (he .ollo4ing s'rit sniet rovi,es a 4or)aron, .or this li-itation: .or a')age in @ls 1 athto=ora')ages^/r-B ,o ha--er reositor= loa,'ontent organiation %R na-e 3%R RP Reo3 ro,'t ACE ath 3a')age3 ,one
As an alternative =o 'an 'an -anall= 'reate a =- reositor= str'tre ot o. a ,ire'tor= o. =or 'sto- or .oreign r- a')ages = sing the 'reatereo tool 4hi'h is availale via the Re, at Enterrise *in$ ase 'hannel: 1/ 2/ !/ / 5/ 6/ 7/ "/
Do4nloa, the sor'es @i. not a')age, =etB Create a r-il, se' .ile @i. not a')age, =etB &il, the inar= r- sing r-il, 'o--an, @i. not a')age, =etB Sign the r- sing a P )e= @i. not signe, =etB Store the reslting r-@sB in a ,ire'tor= Create a lo'al =- reositor= sing 'reatereo a)e this reositor= availale via htt Con.igre this reositor= insi,e Satellite 6
&e'ase the Re, at Portal alrea,= has ,o'-entation aot these toi's 4e ,o not 'over the- in this soltion gi,e/ See these lin)s .or -ore ,etails:
'reatereo sage: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o- soltions9"92 enale htt e$ort: htts: a''ess/re,hat /'o-arti'les 1!!51!
Im&orting ther (ot R/M2&ackaged) So!t%are into Sate""ite #or so.t4are not =et a')age, as a RP =o asi'all= have t4o otions: Delo= na')age, .iles sing Pet @as art o. Satellite 6B or Pa')age the so.t4are as RPs an, ,elo= sing Satellite 6 so.t4are -anage-ent
"dvantages and disadvantages (he a,vantage o. sing Pet .or inar= ,elo=-ent is that =o ,onOt have to ,eal 4ith a')aging an, its @slightB 'o-le$it=/ Io 'an se e$e' state-ents in Pet to ,o4nloa, e$tra't an, e$e'te installer s'rits/ Ese'iall= .or inar= installers @sall= onl= sorte, .ro- the ven,or i. the installer has een se, .or ,elo=-entB the a,vantage is that even i. =o a')age the inar= reslts o. the installer =o still -ight e in a gre= area regar,ing ven,or sort/ #or an overvie4 o. ho4 to se Pet to ,elo= inar= .iles an, installers see: htts: etlas/'o-resentations et 'a-ortlan,2014rangling!r,art=installe rset / Desite the a,,itional e..orts reGire, .or r- a')aging an ali'ation this aroa'h has so-e signi.i'ant a,vantages an, 4e re.er this otion/ Using RP as the ,elo=-ent .or-at rovi,es the .ollo4ing @a,,itionalB ene.its:
Unatten,e, install ninstall Ugra,es an, ,o4ngra,es sorte, ;ersion 'ontrols an, a 'hangelog Ato-ati' resoltion o. ,een,en'ies Con.li't ,ete'tion han,ling No il, tools reGire, on target s=ste-s @onl= on the il, hostB er=ing 'he')s- an, veri.i'ation 'aailities Ailit= to sign RPs 4ith P @re.erre,B
iven this 'o-rehensive list o. a,vantages 4e re'o--en,e, that =o 'onsi,er a')aging =or thir,art= an, 'sto- ali'ations as RPs/ o4ever 4e 4ill e$lain the tar/g ase, s'enario insi,e this soltion gi,e sing the or,Press as a sa-le ali'ation/ e are sing latest version o. or,Press @ htt : 4or,ress /orglatest/tar /g B /1/1 at the ti-e o. this 4riting/ www%red#at%com
Deploying Unpackaged Files Using Puppet (as Part of Satellite 6) &e'ase Pet -o,les 'an 'onsist o. oth te$t an, inar= one otion is to se Pet to ,elo= inar= .iles as art o. Pet -o,les/ &e'ase 4e re'o--en, sing RP a')ages to ,elo= inar= .iles this soltion gi,e ,oes not 'over this se 'ase/
Packaging as RPM and Deploying Using Satellite 6 Software Management (he .ollo4ing ro'e,re ,es'ries the reGire, stes to trans.or- na')age, so.t4are into Satellite-anageale RP 'ontent/ 1/ 2/ !/ /
Do4nloa, the tar/g .ile .ro- ven,ors oen sor'e ro?e't 4esite Pa')age it sing the r-il, 'o--an, Sign it 4ith =or 'sto- P )e= @shol, e loa,e, to SatelliteB Psh the a')age into SatelliteOs 'sto- 'hannel or 'reate a reositor= sing 'reatereo tool an, s=n'hronie it as e$laine, aove
n or soltion gi,e set 4e have not se, 'sto- RP a')ages/ o4ever 4e have 'reate, a 'sto- reositor= as art o. or ACE ro,'t 4hi'h =o 'ol, se in =or environ-ent/
Im&orting /u&&et Content into Sate""ite Pet is a tool .or al=ing an, -anaging s=ste- 'on.igrations/ Pet 'olle'ts s=stein.or-ation or .a'ts an, ses this in.or-ation to 'reate a 'sto-ie, s=ste- 'on.igration sing a set o. -o,les/ (hese -o,les 'ontain ara-eters 'on,itional arg-ents a'tions an, te-lates/ Pet is se, as either a lo'al s=ste- 'o--an, line tool or in a 'lientserver relationshi 4here the server a'ts as the Pet -aster an, alies 'on.igration to -ltile 'lient s=ste-s sing a Pet agent/ (his rovi,es a 4a= to ato-ati'all= 'on.igre ne4l= rovisione, s=ste-s either in,ivi,all= or si-ltaneosl= to 'reate a 'ertain in.rastr'tre/ Satellite 6 ses Pet in several 4a=s: Satellite 6 i-orts Pet -o,les se, to ,e.ine the s=ste- 'on.igration/ (his in'l,es 'ontrol over -o,le versions an, their environ-ents/ Satellite 6 'an i-ort sets o. ara-eters .ro- ara-eterie, Pet 'lasses .roPet -o,les/ Users 'an a''et the ,e.alt vales .ro- Pet 'lasses or rovi,e their o4n at a gloal or s=ste-se'i.i' level/ Satellite 6 triggers the e$e'tion o. Pet et4een the -aster an, the rese'tive
agents on ea'h s=ste-/ Pet rns 'an o''r either: d Ato-ati'all= s'h as a.ter the rovisioning ro'ess 'o-letes or as a ,ae-on that 'he')s an, -anages the -a'hineHs 'on.igration over its li.e'='le/ d anall= s'h as nee,ing to trigger an i--e,iate Pet rn/ Satellite 6 'olle'ts reorts .ro- Pet a.ter the 'on.igration 4or).lo4 'o-letes/ (his hels 4ith a,iting an, ar'hiving s=ste- 'on.igration over long ter- erio,s/ (hese .n'tions rovi,e an eas= 4a= .or sers to 'ontrol s=ste- 'on.igration ase'ts o. the ali'ation li.e'='le sing Pet/ an= Pet -o,les are availale .ro- Pet #orge an, 'an e se, in 'on?n'tion 4ith Satellite 6/ (o s=n'hronie the Pet #orge reositor= 4ith Satellite 6 see these instr'tions: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-soltions129051!
Aote, Crrentl= =o 'annot li-it 4hi'h sset o. a reositor= =o 4ant to s=n'hronie/ n the 'ase o. Pet.orge =o -st s=n' the entire reositor= 4hi'h 'rrentl= 'ontains !2"0 -o,les/ e 4ill 'reate so-e sa-le Pet -o,les in Stes 5 an, 6/ (his 'hater ri-aril= .o'ses on i-orting e$isting -o,les/ n or,er to i-ort Pet -o,les into Satellite 6 4e have t4o otions:
Option 1% Dire'tl= sh the -o,le to the 'orreson,ing Satellite 6 ro,'t reositor= Option '% Store the -o,le in git an, se the git reositor= s=n'hroniation o. Satellite6 #or oth otions the .inal ,estination o. or Pet -o,le in Satellite 6 is the Pet reositor= @as art o. the ACE Pro,'t 'reate, earlierB/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an, ,ire'tl= shes the Pet -o,le into the reositor= @otion 1B: ha--er v reositor= loa,'ontent organiation MACE ro,'t ACE na-e 3ACE Pet Reo3 ath a'-e-ot,/tg
o4ever 4e re'o--en, sing otion 2: Storing the reslting Pet -o,les in git to ensre version 'ontrol an, then s=n'hroniing the git reo or sele'te, -o,les = sing Satellite 6 s=n' lans or -anal s=n'/
. 4e ass-e that there is alrea,= one @or so-eti-es -oreB git servers or reositories in la'e the ne$t stes .o's on sing the e$isting git reositor=@iesB in 'on?n'tion 4ith Re, at Satellite 6/ . =o ,o not have an e$isting git reositor= or ,e,i'ate, server in la'e Step 6 ,es'ries ho4 to set an, 'on.igre a server li)e that/ (o allo4 ato-ati'all= an, reglar s=n'hroniation sing Satellite 6 s=n' lans o. this git reositor= 4e have to trans.or- the git reositor= into a .or-at that Satellite 6 'an se .or s=n'hroniation/ #or instr'tions see: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o- soltions 117!"0! (he reGire, tool let-o,leil,er is alrea,= installe, on the Satellite 6 server = ,e.alt/ &e'ase 4e 4ant to se or git server as the single sor'e o. Pet -o,les 4e nee, to install this a')age on or git servers as 4ell/ See the .ollo4ing Lno4le,gease arti'le .or the reGire, ro'e,re: htts: a''ess/re,hat /'o- soltions1!7"66! A.ter installing this tool 4e 'reate the -o,le reositor=: =- = install let-o,leil,er -),ir var444ht-l-o,les 'h-o, 755 var444ht-l-o,les let-o,leil,er ott,irvar444ht-l-o,les rlgit-=gitserver/'o-:-=-o,les/git ran'h,evelo
#inall= 4e have to a,, a reositor= @t=e: betOB that elongs to the ACE generi' ro,'t that 4e 'reate, earlier an, s=n'hronie it 4ith or git host: ha--er reositor= 'reate na-e3%R Pet Reo3 X organiation3%R3 ro,'t3%R3 X 'ontentt=eHetH lishviahtttre X rl3CUS(%PUPPE(REP%3 ha--er reositor= s=n'hronie organiation 3%R3 ro,'t 3%R3 as=n'
Aote, Althogh the let-o,leil,er er.or-s oth the et-o,le il, an, the l-ani.est 'reation there is a si-ler 4a= to 'reate ?st the l -ani.est/ . =o have alrea,= ilt =or Pet -o,les s''ess.ll= =o 'an se the .ollo4ing s'rit to 'reate the PU*PAN#ES( .ile reGire, .or the Satellite 6 reositor= s=n'hroniation: Qsrinenv ash
.or .ile in ,o e'ho .ilejsha256s- .ile a4) H\ rint 1 ]Hjjstat ' HFsH .ilej ,one
Unli)e the let-o,leil,er tool this aroa'h lets =o store the reslting Pet -o,les in ,i..erent s,ire'tories/ eOre sing this aroa'h as art o. a git hoo) to ato-ati'all= 'reate the l -ani.est @in 'ase a ne4 Pet -o,le is 'he')e, inB/ #or -ore ,etails see the relate, Pet 'on.igration 4hi'h is ,es'rie, as art o. the "4.E git server configuration e?ample in Step 6 /
Im&orting $ocker Container Images into Sate""ite Do')er is an oen sor'e ro?e't that ato-ates ,elo=ing ali'ations insi,e *in$ Containers an, lets =o a')age an ali'ation 4ith its rnti-e ,een,en'ies into a 'ontainer/ *in$ 'ontainers enale rai, ali'ation ,elo=-ent an, si-ler testing -aintenan'e an, troleshooting 4hile i-roving se'rit=/ #or -ore in.or-ation see the et Starte, 4ith Do')er #or-atte, Container -ages on Re, at S=ste-s arti'le on the Re, at Csto-er Portal/ Satellite 6/1 intro,'es ne4 -anage-ent 'aailities relate, to 'ontainers that enale organiations to ,elo= ali'ations rai,l=/ ith Satellite sers 'an easil= -anage version an, ,elo= Do')er 'ontent/ -orting 'ontent an, -anaging the li.e'='le o. 'ontainer i-ages are si-ilar to -anaging other 'ontent t=es @r- an, PetB/ Io have to 'on.igre reositories that 'an e n,le, 4ith Pro,'ts an, then se those reositories insi,e 'ontent vie4s si-ilar to RP a')ages or Pet -o,les/ Io 'an ,e.ine the .ollo4ing Do')er i-age reositories registries: Re, at Do')er -age Registr= @registr=/a''ess/re,hat/'o-B Do')er @htts: registr= /h/,o')er/'o- B Csto- @e/g/ internalB Do')er i-age registries
Aote, At the ti-e o. this 4riting the ne4 Re, at reositor= -anage-ent @Content ` Re, at ReositoriesB ta 'alle, MDo')er -ages ,oes not 'ontain 'ontainer i-ages/ Crrentl= the Re, at 'ontainer i-age registr= has to e 'on.igre, as an Me$ternal registr=/
(he -ain rose o. Satellite 6 in the area o. 'ontainer -anage-ent is to rovi,e Satellite 6 'ontentli.e'='le -anage-ent 'aailities to this se'i.i' 'ontent t=e si-ilar to tra,itional r- an, Pet ase, 'ontent/ (his 'aailit= also in'l,es 'ontainer i-age 'ontent -anage-ent 4hi'h allo4s =o to er.or- lo'al 'a'hing on 'ontainer hosts/ #or this arti'lar soltion gi,e 'ontainer i-age -anage-ent is ot o. s'oe/ All the Do')er-anage-ent 'aailities are ,o'-ente, in the Satellite 6/1 User i,e in a ,e,i'ate, 'hater 'alle, or)ing 4ith Containers/
Aote, n Re, at Satellite =o 'an ,elo= 'ontainers onl- on a Do')er 'o-te resor'e/ As a reslt 4hen =o atte-t to vie4 or 'reate 'ontainers .or the .irst ti-e Satellite ro-ts =o to 'reate a Do')er 'o-te resor'e/ (his soltion gi,e e$lains ho4 to 'reate the reGire, 'ontent vie4s Pet -o,les host gros an, 'o-te resor'e in Step ( Step 6 an, Step 9/
Con!iguring Regu"ar Re&ository Synchroni,ation by -sing Sync /"ans Reglar .reGent s=n'hroniation is reGire, to -aintain ,ata integrit= et4een a')ages as 4ell as -a)ing sre that a')ages are ,ate, to the latest se'rit= .i$es/ Re, at Satellite rovi,es the ailit= to 'reate s'he,le, s=n'hroniation lans that allo4 a')age ,ates at intervals 'onvenient to the organiation/ (he .ollo4ings ro'e,re ,es'ries ho4 to 'reate a ne4 s=n' lan: 1/ 2/ !/ /
Cli') Content c S=n' Plans/ Cli') the Ne4 S=n' Plan lin) to 'reate a ne4 s=n'hroniation lan/ Enter the Na-e Des'rition an, other ,etails .or the lan/ Cli') Save to 'reate the s=n'hroniation lan/
A.ter =o have 'reate, a s=n'hroniation lan =o nee, to asso'iate ro,'ts 4ith that lan to 'reate a s=n'hroniation s'he,le/ (he .ollo4ing ro'e,re ,es'ries ho4 to 'reate a s=n'hroniation s'he,le in Re, at Satellite 6/ 1/ Cli') Content c S=n' Plans an, sele't the s=n'hroniation lan =o 4ant to i-le-ent/ 2/ Cli') Pro,'ts c A,, in the s=n'hroniation lan -ain age/ !/ Sele't the 'he')o$ o. the ro,'t to asso'iate 4ith the s=n'hroniation lan/ / Cli') A,, Sele'te,/
Aote, Althogh =o ,o not have to 'on.igre reglar reositor= s=n'hroniation 4e strongl= re'o--en, that =o reglarl= s=n'hronie at least the Re, at ro,'ts an, reositories/ (he reason .or this @esi,es ato-ationB is that it is -ore e..i'ient/ %ther4ise all reorting o. the errata stats is ase, on the last s=n'hroniation an, the errata stats -ight not e to ,ate/ (hogh Satellite 6/1 ,oes sho4 errata ali'ale to s=ste-s in,een,ent o. its real availailit= @-anage, via 'ontent vie4sB it 'ol, not sho4 errata availale at re,hat/'o- an, insi,e CDN i. the= are not =et s=n'e, to Satellite 6/ (his li-itation also alies i. a 'riti'al errata is lishe, et4een t4o ,ail= s=n' rns/ . there is 'riti'al errata that reGires an e-ergen'= 'hange =o 'an al4a=s s=n' the ro,'t an, reositories -anall= @sing the ha--er C* either on the reositor= or at the Pro,'t levelB/ n or soltion gi,e i-le-entation 4eOve 'reate, the .ollo4ing s=n' lan: Parameter
,ail= s=n' at ! a/-/
Start ,ate
Start ti-e
(he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an, 'reates the ,ail= s=n' lan: ha--er s=n'lan 'reate na-e H,ail= s=n' at ! a/-/H X ,es'rition HA ,ail= s=n' lans rns ever= -orning a ! a/-/H X enale,tre X interval ,ail= X organiation 3%R3 X s=n',ate H2015015 0!:00:00H
All .or-erl= 'on.igre, ro,'ts 4ere a,,e, to this s=n' lan/ get all ro,'ts 4hi'h have een s=n'e, @ignore nots=n'e,B .or i in @ha--er 'sv ro,'t list organiation %R erage 999 gre vi HDH gre vi nots=n'e, a4) # \Hrint 2H]B ,o ha--er ro,'t sets=n'lan s=n'lan H,ail= s=n' at ! a/-/H organiation %R na-e i ,one
A.ter =o i-ort 'ontent .ro- ,i..erent sor'es an, a,, all ro,'ts to the s=n'hroniation lan 'ontent 4ill e ,ate, reglarl= ever= -orning/ Io 'an -onitor the s=n'hroniation stats i. =o go to Content ` S=n' Stats an, then 'li') on E$an, All/ Io shol, see a .ll list o. all =or Pro,'ts an, their reositories/ Io 4ill also see 4hen s=n'ing 4as starte, ho4 long it too) an, i. it has een 'o-lete,:
Step 4: Define your Content lifecycle Satellite 6 intro,'es ne4 'on'ets that sort a,van'e, so.t4are li.e'='le -anage-ent/ &esi,es the Re, at so.t4are reositor= an, errata the .ollo4ing ne4 'on'ets have een intro,'e, 4ith Satellite 6: Casles that rovi,e .e,erate, -anage-ent o. 'ontent @see Step 'B A,van'e, s=n'hroniation -anage-ent .or so.t4are @=-B Pet @gitB an, Do')er i-age @registr=B reositories @see Step 5B *irar= @stageB that a'ts as a De.initive e,ia *irar= @D*B @see Step 5B Pro,'ts as reositor= n,les to tra') their 'ons-tion s'h as .or li'ense -anage-ent roses @'overe, in this steB 'ontent vie4s @C;sB an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s @CC;sB @'overe, in this steB *i.e'='le Environ-ents an, *i.e'='le Environ-ent Paths @'overe, in this steB (hese 'on'ets allo4 .or the i-le-entation o. a,van'e, li.e'='le -anage-ent/
Sate""ite Content 6ie%s Definition Content vie4s are -anage, sele'tions o. 'ontent that 'ontain one or -ore reositories @=- PetB an, that allo4 otional .iltering/ #ilters 'an e either in'lsive or e$'lsive/ Use .ilters to: (ailor a s=ste- vie4 o. 'ontent .or li.e'='le -anage-ent Csto-ie 'ontent to e -a,e availale to 'lient s=ste-s /f ou "re
Content vie4s rovi,e an in#erent versioning / Starting 4ith Satellite 6/1 a 'ontent vie4 version is ,ivi,e, et4een -a?or an, -inor versions/ #or .rther ,etails see the 'ontent vie4 li.e'='le -anage-ent e$a-les rovi,e, insi,e Step &/
4ontent $iews $ersus Provisioning Definition Definitions Content vie4s are o.ten -i$e, 4ith the ,elo=-ent lerint ,e.initions/ Content vie4s onl= ,e.ine the 'ontent -a,e availale to a arti'lar set o. s=ste-s/ (he .inal sset o. 'ontent that is deplo-ed to arti'lar target s=ste-s is ,e.ine, either as art o. the rovisioning ,e.inition @see Step 9B or as a 'o-ination o. oth rovisioning te-late and Pet 'on.igration .iles that are art o. a 'ontent vie4/ (he -aing et4een target s=ste-s an, arti'lar ,elo=-ent 'on.igration is ,one throgh host gros/ Content vie4s an, host gros are roght together via a'tivation )e=s/ Step 9 sho4s a ste=ste ro'e,re .or all reGire, entities an, shol, 'lari.= 4hat to ,o/ @arning, Content vie4s 'an e'o-e ver= 'o-le$ 4ithin a ver= short ti-e.ra-e an, reGire e..ort to -aintain the-/ Using too s-all or too -an= 'ontent vie4s 'an lea, to C; sra4l/ n these sitations =o -a= have a large n-er o. 'ontent vie4s 4ith so-e4hat si-ilar 'ontent that =o -st -aintain reglarl=/
Sate""ite Content 6ie% #i!ecyc"e 'er'ie% (he 'ontent vie4 li.e'='le has the .ollo4ing stages: 1/ 2/ !/ /
Create a ne4 or a,at an e$isting 'ontent vie4 Plish the ne4 @version o. theB 'ontent vie4 Pro-ote the 'ontent vie4 to the ne$t li.e'='le stage@sB Retire @,eleteB a @arti'lar version o. aB 'ontent vie4
Plishing a 'ontent vie4 -a)es it availale insi,e the *irar=/ Ass-ing that @nearl=B all hosts are ss'rie, to a arti'lar li.e'='le environ-ent sing host gros the lishing ste ,oes not a..e't e$isting hosts/ As the ,e.alt a version o. a 'ontent vie4 al4a=s .lo4s .ro- le.t to right in the li.e'='le environ-ent ath/
@arning, Io cannot skip a particular life)c-cle environment Q stage wit#in a promotion pat# / o4ever the s ame content view can *e associated to more t#an one life)c-cle environment pat# and to different stages wit#in t#ese environment pat#s / (he e?ception .or this is the s=ste- level or e-ergen'= errata .eatre/ Starting 4ith Satellite 6/1 =o 'an sele't an, al= errata to in,ivi,al hosts in,een,ent o. the 'rrent 'ontent insi,e the 'ontent vie4/ Using this ne4 .eatre a minor version of a content view 4ill e 'reate, an, ato-ati'all= ro-ote, onl- to t#e lifec-cle environment t#e #ost *elongs to / (his in'l,es s)iing o. -ltile li.e'='le environ-ents/ #rther ,etails 'an e .on, in Ste 9 >se 4ase 8C /ncremental >pdates ) "ppl- Selected Errata to Hosts 'overing this e-ergen'= errata .eatre/
E?ample, (he sa-e 'ontent vie4 'an e ro-ote, to Dev A an, Pro, in one ath t re-ain in stage ADev in a se'on, li.e'='le environ-ent ath/ Step & 'overs ,i..erent 'ontent vie4 li.e'='le s'enarios in ,etail/ e 'reate 'ontent vie4s in the ne$t se'tion/
Content 6ie% and Com&osite Content 6ie% Scenarios Io 'an se 'ontent vie4s an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s to a'hieve -ore than one t=e o. goal/ (his ,iagra- sho4s .or 'o--on s'enarios ho4 'ontent vie4s an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s 'an e se,:
(he ne$t se'tion ,es'ries ea'h o. these s'enarios an, 'an hel =o ,e'i,e 4hi'h one .its est in =or arti'lar environ-ent/
Scenario A) The “All in one” Content View
(his aroa'h to 'ontent vie4s ri-aril= targets re,'ing the total n-er o. 'ontent vie4s/ nstea, =o 'reate a -ltirose 'ontent vie4 that 'ontains all ne'essar= 'ontent .or all @or at least -ostB o. =or s=ste-s/ (his C; 4ol, sho4 the interse'tion o. all or -an= s=ste-s/ Io 'an also slit reositories an, ro,'ts into -ltile 'ontent vie4s/ o4ever =o ,o have the otion to *undle as man- as possi*le repositories into a small num*er of content views/ (he rle o. th- here is the igger the etter/ (o avoi, -aintaining -ore se'i.i' 'ontent vie4s =o 'an even a,, reositories that are not se, = all s=ste-s elonging to the host gros asso'iate, 4ith this 'ontent vie4/
"dvantages Io have a small num*er of content views to -anage/ . 'reating an, -aintaining 'ontent vie4s is a ig 'hallenge @.or e$a-le =o ,o not have the ti-e resor'es or ,is) 'aa'it=B this otion rovi,es an alternative .or at least so-e environ-ents or sset o. s=ste-s/ Content vie4s 'an in'l,e ,i..erent Re, at @an, thir, art=B ro,'ts/ Sin'e ea'h reositor= 'an e in,ivi,all= ss'rie, sing a'tivation )e=s @'overe, in Step 9B this -ight 'ontain reositories not ever= s=ste-s nee,s to e ss'rie, to as 4ell/
Aote, Content vie4s ,e.ine onl= the 'ontent set that 'an e slit into se'i.i' ro,'ts @an, there.ore reositoriesB/ Ea'h ro,'t is asso'iate, 4ith an assigne, ss'rition that is a'tivate, 4ith an a'tivation )e=/ (his otion 4ol, re,'e the n-er o. 'ontent vie4s t it 4ol, also increase t#e num*er of activation ke-s /
Disadvantages (his s'enario li-its =or .le$iilit= an, the ,egree to 4hi'h =o 'an se the 'ontent vie4 'aailities/
E?amples, Io -ight e nale to se .ilters or the= -ight e'o-e hge an, ,i..i'lt to -aintain/ (i-ease, snashots @an i-ortant rose o. 'ontent vie4sB -ight e'o-e ,i..i'lt to se/ . different content sets @reositoriesB are c#anged at the sa-e ti-e this 'hange 'an affect a #uge num*er of s-stems / ,i..i'lt sin'e different content sets @reositoriesB -ight get c#anged at the sa-e ti-e an, affect a #uge num*er of s-stems /
Scenario B) Host-Specific or Server Type Content Views
Satellite 6 -aintains a 1:1 relationshi et4een hosts an, @'o-ositeB 'ontent vie4s/ As a reslt so-e 'sto-ers ,e.ine a dedicated content view for eac# dedicated #ost or server t-pe roleC / (his aroa'h -ight e a goo, otion i.: Io se onl= a .e4 ,i..erent host t=es an, ,o not nee, to segregate ,i..erent la=ers o. resonsiilit=/ Io have a ver= s-all or not ver= 'o-le$ environ-ent/ Io have a larges'ale environ-ent that 'onsists ri-aril= o. si-ilar server t=es li)e a t=i'al PC or Develo-ent environ-ent set/ @(his is a vali, otion e'ase o. the lo4 n-er o. ,i..erent 'ontent vie4s/B
Aote, n -an= t=i'al 'sto-er environ-ents =o -ight have -ore server t=es or roles @thogh at least so-e o. the- -ight rese other Gite si-ilar 'ontent vie4sB/ n an environ-ent o. more t#an 50 different role t-pes one o. the other s'enarios ,es'rie, in this se'tion -ight -a)e -ore sense @ase, on the ass-tion that there are so-e share, ali'ation 'o-onents @ro.ilesB a'ross these serversB/ "dvantages (his s'enario 'o-letel= ,e.ines the 'ontent that is -a,e availale to a arti'lar s=ste- or gro o. s=ste-s/ Io 'an 'hange the 'ontent o. a sele'te, set o. s=ste-s to a single host/ #or a t=i'al -ission'riti'al or lega'= s=ste- this aroa'h -ight e a goo, otion e'ase it avoi,s otential ris)s ase, on share, 'hanges that al= to this 'riti'al s=ste-/
Disadvantages (his aroa'h revents:
the rese o. 'ontent that is share, a'ross several s=ste-s/ (he segregation o. la=ers o. ,ties @.or e$a-le the ,ivision et4een the oerating s=ste- an, the ali'ations on to o. itB/ (o ensre 'onsisten'= o. ,ates to all these ,i..erent hostt=ese'i.i' 'ontent vie4s =o nee, to ensre that ea'h ,ate o. arti'lar 'ontent ite-s @.or e$a-le a arti'lar se'rit= errataB e'o-es art o. all a..e'te, 'ontent vie4s that se the so.t4are a')age eing ,ate,/ (his -eans that =o have to er.or- the 'ontent vie4 ,ate oeration @'hange or a,at .ilter lish an, ro-oteB .or ea'h an, ever= a..e'te, 'ontent vie4/
Aote, Even sing ato-ation li)e ha--er C* sage 4e ,o not recommend this s'enario e'ase it 'an lea, to #ig#er -aintenan'e e..orts/ n a,,ition i. the ,ates 'annot e ,one si-ltaneosl= this role- -ight reslt in ,i..erent 'ontent sets or ,i..erent ti-ease, snashots o. se'i.i' 'ontent vie4s i. 'ontent has 'hange, et4een these ,i..erent 'ontent vie4 ,ates/ (he rle o. th- here is: 3#e #ig#er t#e degree of standardiation is t#e less t#is scenario is t#e *est option / Nevertheless it -ight e a vali, alternative .or some C special or critical s-stems /
Scenario C) Host Specific Composite Content Views
Another aroa'h that targets host or server t=e se'i.i' 'ontent is to 'reate composite content views .or ea'h server t=e or role/ Using 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s -eans =o 'an 'hange ?st a arti'lar sset o. the 'ontent -a,e availale to a host or host gro t leave other 'ontent unc#anged/ Althogh this aroa'h is ossile = sing 'ontent vie4s an, .ilters .or in,ivi,al reositories it is -'h #arder to maintain filter rules than ?st sele't a
arti'lar 'ontent vie4 version/ A t=i'al s'enario is to have a ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4 .or ?st the Puppet 'on.igration/ (his C; is t=i'all= ,ate, -ore .reGentl= than the so.t4are 'ontent that re-ains n'hange,/ Io 4ol, 'hange onl= the Pet 'ontent vie4 version insi,e the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 4hile leaving the so.t4are'ontentrelate, 'ontent vie4 version n'hange,/
"dvantages Using composite 'ontent vie4s -a)es it easier ,eal 4ith 4i,el= ,iverge, release '='les 4hen ,i..erent 'ontent ssets are en'aslate, in ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4s/
Disadvantages Ior vie4 o. the 'ontent is host an, not ali'ation se'i.i'/ t 'an e ,i..i'lt to a'hieve a 'ertain level o. stan,ar,iation ,een,ing on ho4 -an= ,i..erent server t=esroles are se, insi,e an environ-ent/
Scenario D) Component-Based Composite Content Views
(his s'enario 'an hel =o: a'hieve the #ig#est degree of standardiation of commonl- used application components/ et a ,i..erent erse'tive on 'ontent segregation sing Re, at Satellite 6 'ontent vie4s/ n 'ontrast to revios s'enarios this one has an application)component view instead of a #ost)centric or servert=ese'i.i' view/
. =o se the same application component more t#an once as art o. a 'ontent set .or in,ivi,al role t=es it 'ol, e -ove, into a ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4/
E?ample, . PostgresGl is se, as a ,ataase a')en, .or a li' 4esite an, also as a a')en, .or or a') -anage-ent s=ste- a ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4 .or PostgreS* @ro.ileB is se, as a s#ared profile for *ot# role)specific composite content views / "dvantages (his soltion gi,e targets Stan,ar, %erating Environ-ents @S%EB/ %ne o. the ri-ar= goals o. an S%E is a highl= standardied and automated environment to i-rove overall operational efficienc- / e are sing this s'enario insi,e this soltion gi,e/
Disadvantages 3#is scenario ma- cause an increased num*er of content views% Sin'e 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s have to e 'reate, in addition to all 'ontent vie4s this s'enario onl= -a)es sense i. the n-er o. rolese'i.i' 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s ls the inherent resale share, ali'ation 'o-onents is not signi.i'antl= higher than the n-er o. 'ontent vie4s in S'enario & @in,een,ent o. the n-er o. 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s in s'enario CB/ Resing share, ali'ation 'o-onent 'ontent vie4s -a= solve this role-/ . a lot o. in,ivi,al ,erivatives e$ist .or ever= ali'ation 'o-onent this s'enario 4ol, signi.i'antl= in'rease the total n-er o. 'ontent an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s @ese'iall= i. the latter ones are 'reate, .or all ossile 'o-inations o. slightl= ,i..erent ali'ation 'o-onent 'on.igrationsB/
Sate""ite Content 6ie% Recommendations Content vie4s are -anage, sele'tions o. 'ontent 4hi'h 'ontain one or -ore reositories @=- Pet 'ontainer i-agesB 4ith otional .iltering/ #ilters are se, are se, to 'sto-ie 'ontent to e -a,e availale to 'lient s=ste-s/
How Filters Work #ilters 'an e either in'lsive or e$'lsive an, tailor a s=ste- vie4 o. 'ontent .or li.e'='le -anage-ent/ &e.ore sing .ilters =o nee, to understand #ow filters work and consider potential pitfalls / www%red#at%com
. no .ilter is alie, to a 'ontent vie4 all 'ontent @Mever=thingB o. the asso'iate, reositories at t#e time of pu*lis#ing is in'l,e, in this 'ontent vie4 #ilters al= onl= to so.t4are 'ontent @=- reositoriesB t not to Puppet modules/ Io 'an se -ltile .ilters .or ea'h 'ontent vie4/ #or e$a-le sing an Min'l,e .ilter a,,s onl= the a')age @groBs =oOve sele'te, an, e$'l,es all other a')ages/ n'l,ing .ilters ,oes not resolve an- dependencies o. the a')ages liste, in the .ilters/
Recommendations for Filters (est 4hi'h a')ages are reGire, = the a')ages =o 4ant to t insi,e the Min'l,e .ilter/ Io shol, also test i. all ,een,en'ies 'ol, e satis.ie, 4ith =or 'ontent vie4 ,e.inition/ Do not se Min'l,e .ilter insi,e the %S'ore il, 'ontent vie4 to avoi, -issing ,een,en'ies that -ight revent a s''ess.l )i')start o. ne4 servers/ . =o se include filters =o shol, -a)e a reglar hait o. selecting eac# individual repositor- affected *- t#is filter rule / &= ,e.alt a .ilter alies to all reositories @resent an, .treB elonging to this 'ontent vie4/ . =o 'reate an Min'l,e .ilter .or a arti'lar a')age elonging to one o. the asso'iate, reositories an, ,onOt sele't this arti'lar reositor= onl= the a')age ,e.ine, in this .ilter rle 4ill e art o. this 'ontent vie4/ No other a')ages .ro- the other reositories 4ill e availale sin'e the include filter e?cludes all ot#er packages from all repositories insi,e this 'ontent vie4/ Use e?clude filters to stri ,o4n the availale 'ontent an, to e$'l,e a')ages a')age gros or errata/ e 4ill rovi,e an e$a-le a')age that has the e$'l,e .ilter as art o. or 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 ,e.inition/ . =o se a,,itional so.t4are that -ight not e e$tensivel= teste, an, sorte, = a ven,or @.or e$a-le the E$tra Pa')ages .or Enterrise *in$ @EPE*B reositoriesB 4e re'o--en, that =o use include filters to provide onl- t#e packages -ou need for =or s=ste-s instea, o. all o. the reositories/ @ Aote: Io also nee, to in'l,e the ,een,en'ies o. these a')ages/B Io 4ill .in, an e$a-le .or this s'enario in 'hater 4ontent $iew for git Server Profile/
Recommendations for Content Views Content vie4s 'an 'onsist o. an- com*ination of an- content t-pe Satellite 'an -anage in'l,ing: d RP so.t4are a')ages d Errata d Pet -o,les d Do')er 'ontainer i-ages
Even i. =o 'an 'reate a ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4 .or ea'h in,ivi,al reositor= or 'ontent t=e 4e re'o--en, that =o n,le together as -an= reositories as ossile to re,'e the total n-er o. 'ontent vie4s @nless these 'ontent t=es have 4i,el= ,ivergent release '='lesB/ See the Pet e$a-le in Scenario 4C Host Specific 4omposite 4ontent $iews / (he onl= 'ontent t=e 4hi'h shol, not e art o. a 'ontent vie4 are kickstart trees / All )i')start tree reositories have MLi')start in'l,e, in their lael .or e$a-le MRe, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server !ickstart $"66 6/5/ (hese a')ages are onl= .or host rovisioning an, must not *e included in content views and composite content views/ Content vie4s also 'an contain multiple RHE2 versions and arc#itecture repositories/ #or e$a-le one C; 'an 'ontain RE* 6 !2it + RE* 6 6it + RE* 7 6it/ Using -ltile RE* versions an, ar'hite'tres signi.i'antl= re,'es the n-ers o. 'ontent vie4s ese'iall= i. CC;s are se, @see elo4B/ Ss'rition -anager ato-ati'all= assigns the 'orreson,ing RE* -a?or version an, ar'hite'tre/ %n the other han, this increases t#e num*er of packages insi,e the 'ontent vie4 ese'iall= in large vol-e reositories li)e Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith several thosan,s a')ages insi,e/ (his has an a,,itional impact on all content view related operations li)e 'ontent vie4 lishing an, ro-oting/
Recommendations for Composite Content Views (CCV) Io 'an n,le -ltile 'ontent vie4s together as a composite content view% &e'ase o. the 'rrent reGire-ent o. a onetoone relationshi et4een a host @groB an, 'ontent vie4 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 =o must use composite content views if -ou #ave independent content views wit# independent owners#ip and release c-cles / %nl= a CC; 'an ,e.ine the .inal 'ontent that is -a,e availale to target s=ste-s// e re'o--en, that =o 'reate CC;s onl= .or the a'tall= relevant 'o-inations o. C;s/ Do not 'reate CC;s .or all ossile 'o-inations o. 'ontent vie4s/
@arning, All t=i'al configuration options of a content view li)e reositories .ilters Pet -o,les 'ontainer i-ages are not availa*le as configura*le option in a composite content view / A 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 ?st 'o-ines t4o or -ore 'ontent vie4s together/ All these 'on.igration otions have to e set insi,e the n,erl=ing 'ontent vie4 ,e.initions/
Multiple Snapshots (Clones) of Content Views "dvantages
Io 'an se 'ontent vie4s to provide multiple snaps#ots of t#e same repositor- at the sa-e ti-e/ Io 'an se the sa-e 'ontent sor'e reositories an, 'an 'reate ,i..erent snashots ase, on ,i..erent ti-esta-s an, .ilters o. the sa-e 'ontent set/ Io 'an also 'reate -ltile @.or instan'e Muarterl- snaps#otsC o. the sa-e 'ontent an, -a)e it availale to ,i..erent 'lients that reGire ,i..erent 'ontent sets/
Disadvantages Using 'ontent vie4s to rovi,e snashots in'reases the total num*er of content views / Io 'an se 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s to a'hieve the sa-e reslt/ a)e 'ontent vie4s o. ,i..erent ti-ease, snashots an, ?st sele't the 'orreson,ing version o. these 'ontent vie4s insi,e a CC;/ Io 'annot se this -etho, i. =o nee, ,i..erent .ilters sin'e =o 'annot al= .ilters at a CC; level/ o4ever i. =oOre sing 'ontent vie4s onl= as snashots .ilters are nne'essar=/
CCVs in a Dedicated Life-Cycle Environment Io 'an asso'iate a CC; 4ith a ,e,i'ate, li.e'='le environ-ent ath in,een,ent .ro- its internal 'ontent vie4s/ Using CC;s .or a 'ontent li.e '='le -ight -a)e ro-oting the 'ontaine, 'ontent vie4s throgh li.e'='le environ-ents osolete @see Step & .or ,etailsB/
Aotes, A CC; is an a,,itional 'ontent vie4 to -aintain/ . =o -st -aintain a 'ontent vie4 4ithin a CC; =o -a= nee, to 'hange the CC; as 4ell/ As a reslt i. =o release the 'ontent vie4s 4ithin a CC; o.ten the CC; 4ol, also have to e ,ate, .reGentl=/ Satellite 6 ,oes not li-it 4hi'h arti'lar C; version is se, insi,e a CC;/ A 44$ does not enforce using t#e most current 4$ version 4ithin a arti'lar li.e'='le stage an, 'ol, even 'ontain versions that have not asse, a test or A stage an,or are 'rrentl= onl= in the *irar=/
How Content Views work with Products and Repositories A ro,'t @an, its reositoriesB 'an e art o. one or -ore 'ontent vie4s/ Io 'an also 'reate multiple content views wit# t#e same content @ro,'ts an, reositoriesB in arallel/ (his .eatre is hel.l i. =o nee, ,i..erent 'ontent snashots or 4ant to se ,i..erent .ilters @.or e$a-le ti-ease, .iltersB ese'iall= i. one o. the 'ontent vie4s -st not 'ontain a arti'lar a')age @e$'l,e .ilterB/ Io cannot use t#e same repositor- more t#an once inside a composite content view / #or e$a-le i. =o se the sa-e reositor= to n,le t4o 'ontent vie4s =o 'annot t oth 'ontent vie4s into a single CC;/
Operating)S-stem OSC content (o searate %S 'ontent .ro- ali'ation 'ontent =o -st ensre that the OS)relevant content repositories @in'l,ing RE* ase an, 'hil, 'hannels as 4ell as )i')start treesB are part of onl- t#e OS Q 4ore Build 4$ an, not art o. an= other @ali'ationB C;/
Red Hat Software 4ollections RHS42C RSC* rovi,e ne4er versions o. 'o--on so.t4are a')ages that 'ol, e installe, in arallel to the ,e.alt @ol,erB versions that are art o. the relevant RE* version/ . =or ali'ation reGires RSC* =o shol,: Eit#er ,e.ine the- as art o. the Core&il, @then the= 4ill e availale to all ali'ationsB Or @recommended B =o 'an a,, the 'orre't reositor= to ea'h ali'ation 'ontent vie4 that reGires RSC* so.t4are a')ages/ Io 'annot ,o oth/
Puppet .odules Io cannot use t#e same Puppet module more t#an once inside a 44$ @.or e$a-le i. =o have a ,alrose -o,le li)e the one 4e are sing .or or rs=slog 'on.igration @see Step 9B/ Althogh 4e 'an a,, the Pet -o,le bloghostO to or 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 an, a,, it to the ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent vie4 .or loghosts @'vars=slogB 4e 'annot asse-le oth 'ontent vie4s together .or or rolese'i.i' CC; @''vin.raloghostB e'ase o. this li-itation 4ith Pet/ e shol, re-ove the -o,le .ro- the ali'ationse'i.i' -o,le an, instea, se the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4/ #or -ore ,etails see 'hater Sample "pplication 5, 4entral log#ost Server 4here 4e 'reate an, se this -o,le an, 'ontent vie4s/
@arning, . =o -st se the same repositor- more t#an once wit# different filters and inside different content views deplo-ed to a particular s-stem B = sing CC;s =o -a= nee, to ,li'ate the reositor=/
How 3#ese Repositor- 2imitations Relate to Our Solution 7uide E?ample n or soltion gi,e e$a-le 4e originall= 4ante, to se a')ages .ro- EPE* reositories 4ithin ,i..erent la=ers o. or ali'ation ar'hite'tre/ e 4ante, to se the nagioslgins 4ithin EPE* as art o. the 'ore il, an, or,Press .or or ACE 4esite ali'ation/ At the sa-e ti-e 4e ,i, not 4ant to -a)e the entire EPE* reositor= availale to all or hosts an, to have to se .ilters/ Althogh 4e 4ere ale to t4o ,i..erent 'ontent vie4s 'ontaining the
EPE* reositor= an, se ,i..erent .ilters .or ea'h o. the- 4e 4ere not ale to 'reate a Co-osite 'ontent vie4 o. oth e'ase o. the reositor= 'on.li't/ &asi'all= 4e ha, three otions to a'hieve or goal:
Option 1% a)e the entire EPE* reositor= availale to all hosts @reGire, sin'e 4e se it as art o. the 'ore il,B t se t4o .ilters .or the Nagios an, or,Press a')ages/ n this s'enario 4e 4ol, have to a,, a thir, .ilter i. an= other ali'ation rnning on to o. the 'ore il, reGire, an a,,itional a')age 4ithin the EPE* reositor=/ (his otion 4ol, also reGire s to ,ate lish an, ro-ote or 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 ea'h ti-e 4e intro,'e a ne4 ali'ation an, 4ol, in'rease or -aintenan'e e..orts/ Option '% a)e the entire EPE* reositor= availale to all hosts @reGire, sin'e 4e se it as art o. the 'ore il,B 4ithot sing .ilters/ (his aroa'h 4ol, avoi, the a,,itional -aintenan'e e..orts ,es'rie, in %tion 1/ Sin'e the 'ontent vie4 ,e.ines onl= the 'ontent availailit= an, not the ,elo=-ent ,e.inition the a,,itional @eventall= n,esiraleB a')ages are availale to all s=ste-s t not ,elo=e,/ Io shol, ,e'i,e et4een otions 1 an, 2 = loo)ing at 'rrent ris) evalations/ Option 5% Create -anall= a ,e,i'ate, reositor= an, se the hammer repository upload-content 'o--an, @see Step 5 Sitation 2 .or an e$a-leB to sh onl= the reGire, a')ages @in'l,ing ,een,en'iesB into this reositor=/ (his nee,s to e ,one ea'h ti-e the strea- reositor= 'ontent 4ill e ,ate,/ Option 8% Dli'ate the entire EPE* reositor= an, se these ,i..erent reositories insi,e the ,i..erent 'ontent vie4s = sing ,i..erent .ilters/ No4 that 4e have -ove, to sing Jai$ .or -onitoring or hosts this arti'lar 'hallenge has ,isaeare, an, 4e ,o not nee, to s=n' the EPE* reositor= t4i'e/ o4ever 4eOve intentionall= le.t this in.or-ation in this ,o'-ent in 'ase =o are .a'ing a si-ilar 'hallenge/
Puppet and 4ontent $iews (he 'on.igration .iles that are -anage, 4ith Pet 'an either e art o. the so.t4are.o'se, 'ontent vie4 or searate, .ro- it/ So-e 'sto-ers re.er separating t#e Puppet configuration from t#e software content management e'ase o. the ,i..erent shorter release '='les or other reasons/ Io 'an also 'o-ine -ltile so.t4are.o'se, 'ontent vie4s @.or e$a-le one .or the 'ore il, an, another .or the ali'ation serverB 4ith one aggregate, Pet.o'se, 'ontent vie4/ (his C; 'an 'onsist o. a 'on.igration .or oth sta') la=ers @ n,1 relation of software,config B/
Aote, . =o ,onOt -anage =or Pet 'on.igration insi,e a ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4 eac# Puppet module c#ange automaticall- causes a software c#ange at t#e same time if t#e software repositories #ave c#anged since t#e last update / . 4e -anage the Pet 'on.igration = sing a Satellite 6 'ontent vie4 an, the li.e'='le -anage-ent .eatre @an, not = sing 'sto- Pet environ-entsB 4e -st lish an, ro-ote a ne4 version o. the aroriate 'ontent vie4s that 'ontain the ne4 or a,ate, Pet -o,les/ Even i. =o ,onOt se stati' ,ate .ilters .or all so.t4are reositories insi,e a arti'lar 'ontent vie4 the so.t4are 'ontent in the *irar= is ato-ati'all= a,,e, to this 'ontent vie4 4hile lishing/ . the 4a= =o have i-le-ente, =or arti'lar 'hange an, release -anage-ent ro'ess reGires =o to -anage in,een,ent 'on.igration 'hanges 4ithot si-ltaneosl= so.t4are 'hanges the est otion is to se ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4s .or Pet 'on.igration/ Io shol, tr= not to slit the so.t4are an, 'on.igration into searate 'ontent vie4s/ (his ra'ti'e in'reases the n-er an, 'o-le$it= o. 'ontent vie4s an, 'an lea, to M 4$ sprawl/ n this soltion gi,e 4e are not sing ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4s .or Pet 'on.igration/ e -a,e this ,e'ision ase, on ris) esti-ation throgh sing the li.e'='le -anage-ent to test 'hanges e.ore al=ing the- to ro,'tion s=ste-s/ Stalle, so.t4are 'hanges 4ol, onl= ostone the otential role-s an, not solve the-/
How 4ontent $iews "re >pdated Content vie4s are sose, to e 'ontinosl= ,ate, i. ne4er 'ontent is availale in the aroriate reositories @an, s=n'e, to the *irar= sing s=n' lansB/ Crrentl= onl- t#e most current version o. ea'h 'ontent vie4 is availale 4ithin a arti'lar stage/ Io 'annot se .or-er versions o. a 'ontent vie4 4ithin a arti'lar li.e'='le stage/ hen the 'ontent insi,e a C; is ,ate, the version n-er is also in're-ente, @this .eatre rovi,es in#erent version control of content views B/ &eginning 4ith version 6/1 o. Satellite =o 'an ,ate the 'ontent in're-entall=/ See Ste 9 >se 4ase 8C /ncremental >pdates ) "ppl- Selected Errata to Hosts .or .rther ,etails/ &e'ase o. the availailit= o. onl= the -ost 'rrent version =o -ight have s'enarios in 4hi'h it -a)es sense to 'o= a 'ontent vie4 an, allo4 .or multiple versions of t#e same content view in arallel 4ithin the sa-e li.e'='le stage/ So-e 'sto-ers are 'reating -onthl= or Garterl= snashots o. 'ontent @.or e$a-le .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ @RE*BB to o..er -ltile ,ate levels o. RE* in arallel/ #or e$a-le
the= nee, the -ost re'ent version o. RE* .or .ronten, servers t an ol,@erB version .or so-e lega'= ali'ations/ (o avoi, C; sra4l =o shol, se this aroa'h onl= 4hen asoltel= ne'essar=/ Crrentl= 'ontent vie4s -ove unc#anged throgh the ,e.ine, li.e'='le environ-ents/ So-eti-es li.e'='lese'i.i' a,atations are reGire,/ #or instan'e =o -a= nee, to install a,,itional ,egging a')ages or se ,i..erent ,egging or logging 'on.igrations in Dev or A/ Io -st -a)e life)c-cle)environment)specific c#anges insi,e the Pet 'on.igration to ensre that 'ontent vie4s re-ain 'onsistent in all li.e'='le stages/ As -entione, earlier Satellite 6 ,oes not li-it 4hi'h arti'lar C; version is se, insi,e a CC;/ A CC; ,oes not en.or'e sing the -ost 'rrent C; version 4ithin a arti'lar li.e'='le stage an, 'ol, even 'ontain versions that have not asse, a test or A stage an,or are 'rrentl= onl= in the *irar=/ e also re'o--en, that =o delete an- content view versions t#at #ave not successfull- passed a particular test or " stage / (his re'ation revents these C;s eing sele'te, as art o. a CC; in ro,'tion/ Reositories insi,e a 'ontent vie4 ,isla= as =- reositories to Re,atSatellite-anage, 'lients/ Crrentl= =o 'annot se the =-riorities lgin to or,er or rioritie the-/ (here.ore 4e re'o--en, that =o ,o N%( asso'iate -ltile reositories that 'ontain si-ilar so.t4are a')ages 4ith -ltile versions o. a 'ontent vie4/ (his role- is not li)el= to o''r 4ith Re, at so.t4are reositories t it -ight haen 4ith thir,art= so.t4are reositories/ Io still 'an ,e.ine se'i.i' a')age versions as art o. Pet 'on.igration t this nee,s to 'ontinosl= ,ate,/
Content 6ie% aming Con'entions &e'ase 'ontent vie4s are a 'entral ite- o. Re, at Satellite 6 4e re'o--en, that =o se a na-ing 'onvention .or =or 'ontent vie4s that allo4s ato-ation @to e intro,'e, laterB/ #or instan'e the rolease, a''ess 'ontrol -o,el e$laine, in Step = is ase, on these na-ing 'onventions/ "ppendi? ///, Aaming 4onvention rovi,es an overvie4 o. all na-ing 'onventions se, in this soltion gi,e/
Basic Guidelines for Naming Conventions (he arti'lar RE* version is not art o. or na-ing 'onventions/ hen 'reating 'ontent vie4s 4e tr= to 'reate C;s in,een,ent o. RE* releases/ @. =o 4ant to 'reate %Sse'i.i' 'ontent vie4s a,, an a,,itional seg-ent that ,e.ines the %S version/B . =o ,o not se'i.= a version or release the 'ontent vie4 is sose, to e
'ontinosl= ,ate,/ . =o nee, to rovi,e -ltile versions o. the 'ontent in arallel a,, a se'i.i' version or release tag/
Content Views Versus Composite Content Views hen na-ing 'o-onentsro.iles @ase, on C;sB an, .inal ,elo=-ent 'on.igrationsroles @ase, on CC;sB 4e a,, a string to ,istingish et4een the t4o/ (he na-e 4ill then egin 4ith either: C; or CC;
How to Name Components/Profles (based on CVs) Use this tale to ,istingish et4een the ,i..erent t=es o. 'o-onentsro.iles/ /f we are naming % % %
3#en we use t#is string in t#e name % % %
%erating s=ste-s @'ore il,B
Ali'ations rnning on to o. the oerating s=ste-
(hese na-ing 'onvention lea, to the .ollo4ing s'he-a: 'v _ osa ` _ ro.ile na-e ` Y _ version or release ` [
How to name Final Deployment Configurations/Roles (based on CCVs) Use this tale to ,istingish et4een the ,i..erent t=es o. ,elo=-ent 'on.igrationsroles/ /f we are naming % % %
3#en we use t#is string in t#e name % % %
&siness ali'ations
n.rastr'tre Servi'es
All roles that 4ill e 'on.igre, as 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s se the .ollo4ing s'he-a: ''v _ iin.ra ` _ role na-e ` Y _ version or release ` [
Aote, (he sa-e string se, in 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s .or role na-e is se, as the host gro na-e in Step 9/
Ty&ica" "i!ecyc"e stages ost ( organiations ,ivi,e the li.e'='le stages o. oerating s=ste-s an, ali'ations into ! stages: 1/ Dev .or stage Develo-ent 2/ " .or stage (est K alit= Assran'e !/ Prod .or stage Pro,'tion So-e organiations -a= se Plan &il, Rn instea, or have -ore than ?st three stages @E$a-le: Dev (est UA( N( Pro,B/ (his soltion gi,e .o'ses on so-e 'o--on s'enarios starting 4ith a si-le set an, 'ontining 4ith so-e t=i'al enhan'e-ents/ See Ste 9 @RE#B .or e$a-les o. ho4 to se these li.e'='le environ-ents in 'on?n'tion 4ith so-e 'ontent @vie4B li.e'='le s'enarios/ Step ( an, Step 6 sho4 ho4 to 'reate the relate, 'ontent vie4s an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s/
Red Hat Sate""ite "i!ecyc"e En'ironments (he ali'ation li.e'='le is ,ivi,e, into lifecycle enironments 4hi'h -i-i' ea'h stage o. the li.e'='le/ (hese li.e'='le environ-ents are lin)e, in an enironment path/ Io 'an ro-ote 'ontent along the environ-ent ath to the ne$t li.e'='le stage 4hen reGire,/ #or e$a-le i. ,evelo-ent 'o-letes on a arti'lar version o. an ali'ation =o 'an ro-ote this version to the testing environ-ent an, start ,evelo-ent on the ne$t version/
The S&ecia" Ro"e o! the #ibrary (he *irar= is a iltin stage o. Re, at/ All 'ontent that is s=n'hronie, into Satellite -anall= or erio,i'all= sing s=n' lans is store, insi,e the *irar=/ (here.ore the *irar= is si-ilar to (*
The S&ecia" Ro"e o! the RHE# Core 7ui"d Usall= so.t4are li.e'='le -anage-ent .o'ses on a siness erse'tive that is ri-aril= a to,o4n vie4 loo)ing .ro- the tolevel ali'ation ,o4n4ar,s to the n,erl=ing 'o-onents @.or e$a-le ali'ation lat.or- oerating s=ste- an, in.rastr'treB/ (=i'all= a 'ore il, is the s-allest 'o--on ,eno-inator .or all or a arti'lar sset o. =or Re, at Enterrise *in$ S=ste-s/ #or .rther in.or-ation see also the ,etaile, in.or-ation in Step (, Define -our 4ore Build / (he 'ore il, itsel. has a se'ial role in the li.e'='le-anage-ent area/ #ro- the erse'tive o. the tea- 4ho -aintains the Core &il, ever= stage otsi,e o. their o4n @laB environ-ent is Mro,'tion = ,e.inition/ Even the stages 'alle, M,ev or MGa are @.ro- an ( %s erse'tiveB Mro, stages in,een,ent o. their ali'ation'entri' laels/ e ,eal 4ith this e$'etion in a n-er o. 4a=s in'l,ing: ( %s ses the 2i*rar- Stage itsel. .or their initial testing o. a 'ore il,/ . 4e ass-e that this initial testing ,oesnOt ta)e too long the ris) o. 'hange, 'ontent ,ring these tests -ight e a''etale/ ( %s ses a dedicated pre)stage at the stage ne$t to *irar= t e.ore the ali'ation'entri' stage .or all or -ost o. the li.e'='le environ-ent aths @.or e$a-le *irar= ` Ops 3est ` Dev ` A ` Pro,B/ ( %s ses a dedicated life)c-cle environment pat# to il, an, test the 'ore il,/ (his li.e'='le environ-ent ath -ight e se, = other ali'ations or in.rastr'tre servi'es o4ne, = ( %s as 4ell/ &e'ase 4eOre sing at least one ,e,i'ate, li.e'='le environ-ent ath .or or siness ali'ation 4eOre sing the thir, otion insi,e this soltion gi,e/
#i!ecyc"e S&eci!ic Ada&tations Satellite 6 .ollo4s the rin'ile o. content consistenc- across environments / (his -eans that 'ontent .lo4s unc#anged throgh the ,e.ine, li.e'='le environ-ents sing 'ontent vie4s/ Nevertheless in so-e 'sto-er s'enarios li.e'='le se'i.i' a,atations are reGire, @.or instan'e the a,,itional installation o. ,egging a')ages or ,i..erent ,eg or logging 'on.igration in Dev or AB/ (hese 'hanges 'ol, e han,le, insi,e the Pet 'on.igration that is art o. the 'ontent @vie4sB .lo4ing throgh the li.e'='le environ-ents/
Ty&ica" #i!ecyc"e En'ironment Scenarios (he .ollo4ing 'hater elaorates so-e 'o--on s'enarios .or sing Re, at Satellite li.e'='le Environ-ents/ (he .or -ost 'o--on s'enarios are ,es'rie, elo4:
Scenario A) One lifecycle stage for everything (he set 4ith the lo4est 'o-le$it= ,oes not se the li.e'='le environ-ent/ All 'ontent is s=n'hronie, 4ith the *irar= an, all s=ste-s are ss'rie, to the *irar=Os environ-ent ,ire'tl=/ Sin'e this ,oes not allo4 .or an= testing @all 'hanges -a,e in the *irar= are ato-ati'all= alie, to all s=ste-s ,ring the erio,i' rn o. Pet the agentB 4e ass-e that this s'enario is not oti-al/ Nevertheless s-all or si-le sets that ,o not reGire se'i.i' li.e'='le -anage-ent -ight e ale to se this s'enario/ (o ensre at least one ,e,i'ate, transition o. ne4 'ontent to =or ro,'tion s=ste-s the -ost si-le t still reasonale set is to ,e.ine one li.e'='le environ-ent ath 4ith onl= one stage/ Content -ight e ro-ote, .ro- *irar= to this single li.e'='le stage on a reglar asis/ (esting is ,one insi,e the *irar=/ *etOs lael this stage Mgeneri'/
7uidelines for Scenario " Ensre that the 'ontent @so.t4are an, 'on.igrationB =oOre testing 4ithin the *irar= stage is the sa-e as the one =oOre ,elo=ing to =or s=ste-s elonging to the generi' stage/ Ensre that the *irar= 'ontent 4onOt 'hange et4een testing an, ro-otion/ Che') =or s=n' lans to ,eter-ine 4hat s'he,les are se, to ,ate the 'ontent i. the rovi,er reositor= has 'hange,/ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
(o 'reate a li.e'='le environ-ent: 1/ Cli') on Content ` *i.e'='le Environ-ents ` Ne4 Environ-ent Path 2/ (=e in a na-e lael an, ,es'rition/ !/ Cli') the Save tton/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er C* 'o--an,s 'reates a ne4 li.e'='le environ-ent ath that 'ontains ?st the single generi' stage: ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate na-eHeneri'H X riorH*irar=H X organiationACE
"dvantages and Disadvantages (his s'enario lets =o avoi, the a,,itional 'o-le$it= an, e..ort o. li.e'='le -anage-ent/ . =o ,onOt have a ,e,i'ate, so.t4are ,evelo-ent environ-ent an, =o have li-ite, or no internal A 'aailities this s'enario 4ol, let =o ,elo= so.t4are to =or s=ste-s 4ithot testing a great ,eal e.orehan,/ (his aroa'h -ight e ese'iall= relevant .or ( organiations .o'se, on resilien'= @.ast -ean ti-e to resoltionB instea, o. rostness @e$tensive testing e.ore ,elo=ing it to ro,'tionB/ n a resilien'=.o'se, environ-ent a,,itional li.e'=le stages 4ol, slo4 ,o4n the sh o. the resoltion throgh the @nne'essar=B a,,itional stages/
Scenario B) One Lifecycle Environment Path for All Apps and OS (his s'enario leverages the 'ontent ro-otion 'aailities o. Satellite 6 t it ,oes not -a)e a ,istin'tion et4een ,i..erent ali'ations an, oerating s=ste-s -anage, = Re, at Satellite/ (his -eans that all @'o-ositeB 'ontent vie4s @ass-ing 4e still ,ivi,e the %S an, ali'ations sing ,i..erent 'ontent vie4sB are sing the sa-e 'ontent ro-otion ath/ %r soltion gi,e ses these three stages: 1/ Dev .or stage Develo-ent 2/ " .or stage (est K alit= Assran'e !/ Prod .or stage Pro,'tion (he .ollo4ing ha--er C* 'o--an,s 'reates the ne4 ro-otion ath an, in'l,es these three environ-ents: ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3ACE3 na-e 3DE;3 ,es'rition
3,evelo-ent3 rior 3*irar=3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3ACE3 na-e 3A3 ,es'rition 3alit= Assran'e3 rior 3DE;3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3ACE3 na-e 3PR%D3 ,es'rition 3Pro,'tion3 rior 3A3
. =o 'li') on Content ` *i.e'='le Environ-ents =o shol, see this vie4:
n this s'enario all 'ontent vie4s se the sa-e li.e'='le environ-ents an, are ro-ote, throgh the-/ (his s'enario still allo4s .or in,een,ent release '='les .or ,i..erent %S versions or ali'ations e'ase ro-otion is ,one on an in,ivi,al C; level/ #or instan'e =o 'an ro-ote the 'ontent vie4 .or RE*6 to A or Pro, -ore .reGentl= than =o ,o the ali'ation server @an, )ee its ol, versionB an, vi'e versa/
"dvantages and disadvantages (his s'enario ,ivi,es or so.t4are release '='le into ,i..erent stages that are -ae, to ,e,i'ate, 'o-te environ-ents @serversB an, are 'learl= ,istingishe, .ro- ea'h other/ Usall= 4e have 'learl= ,e.ine, transition or han,over ro'e,res et4een these stages as art o. the Change or Release anage-ent ro'ess ,e.inition/ Satellite 6 li.e'='le environ-ents 4ol, re.le't these ro'ess stes insi,e the s=ste-s -anage-ent in.rastr'tre/ (he ri-ar= goal .or this li.e'='le -anage-ent aroa'h is to avoi, isses that a..e't =or ro,'tion s=ste-s = testing e$tensivel= e.orehan,/ (he 4i,er the test 'overage is the lo4er the ris) o. the re-aining isses even =o ,o not have 100F 'overage o. otential
,i..i'lties/ %ne ,isa,vantages is that s'h a reglate, ro'ess reGires e$tra e..ort/ n a,,ition the Dev an, A environ-ent reGire a,,itional resor'es/ &esi,es the 'o-te resor'es reGire, .or these a,,itional environ-ents an, the h-an an, te'hnologi'al e..orts ne'essar= to estalish an e..i'ient A s'enario are large an, reGire a signi.i'ant invest-ent in test ato-ation/ n a resilien'=.o'se, ( organiation ,elo=ing ne4er versions o. so.t4are an, 'on.igration ver= .reGentl= having to sh throgh these a,,itional stages -ight slo4 ,o4n i-le-entation/
Scenario C) dedicated lifecycle path for particular applications n the t=i'al s'enario ,es'rie, aove 4eOve onl= ha, one single 'ontent ro-otion ath .or all oerating s=ste-s an, ali'ations/ n -an= 'sto-er environ-ents this -ight e not s..i'ient ,e to a,,itional reGire-ents as liste, elo4: reGire-ent .or having segregate, release ielines .or @se'i.i'B ali'ations to allo4 in,een,ent release '='les .or arti'lar ali'ations ,e,i'ate, o4ner @sall= the ali'ation o4nerB 4ho ,e.ines 4hi'h arti'lar 'o-ination o. %S @Core &il,B an, ali'ation is se, in ea'h stage ,e,i'ate, 'o-te environ-ents @h=si'al or virtalB o4ne, = these ,e,i'ate, o4ners to e$e'te se'i.i' tests or to ,ivi,e ro,'tion o4nershi as 4ell
Aote, (he na-e an, lael o. ea'h li.e'='le environ-ent -st e niGe 4ithin one t not a'ross -ltile organiations/ n or soltion gi,e 4eOre a,,ing a re.i$ .or ea'h ali'ation t=e 4hi'h o4ns a ,e,i'ate, li.e'='le environ-ent ath/ #rther ,etails =o 'an .in, in the na-ing 'onvention e$laine, in "ppendi? ///, Aaming 4onvention/ "dvantages and disadvantages (he a,vantage o. this s'enario is the a,,itional ,egree o. .ree,o- .or arti'lar ali'ations to 4or) in in,ivi,al li.e'='le environ-ents an, release '='les/ t also allo4s to ,e.ine -ore .ine granlar a''ess level .or in,ivi,al sers an, roles ase, on .ilters @see Step =B/ (he ,isa,vantage is the in'rease, level o. 'o-le$it= to -aintain these li.e'='le environ-ent aths an, the a,,itional .lo4s o. 'ontent @vie4sB a'ross these a,,itional stages/
Scenario D) Deviant Lifecycle Paths Require an Overall Mapping So-e 'sto-er environ-ents have a,,itional reGire-ents in ter-s o. the li.e'='le environ-ent aths/ (hese ,eviant li.e'='le environ-ents 'ol, have a ,i..erent n-er o. stages or the stages -a= e e s,ivi,e, @.or e$a-le a ,e,i'ate, ser a''etan'e testing @UA(B stage .or so-e t not .or all stages or no stage ,ev .or C%(S ali'ationsB/
"dvantages and disadvantages disadvantages (his s'enario -a= etter re.le't a 'o-an=Os nee,s .or reGire, li.e'='le stages aroriate 'o-te environ-ents or in,ivi,al ali'ations/ (his s'enario -ight 4or) est .or 'sto-ers 4ho have an internal internal so.t4are so.t4are ,evelo-ent ,evelo-ent ,eart-ent ,eart-ent t also se so-e C%(S ali'ations that ,o not reGire se'i.i' test stages/ (hese 'sto-ers -ight ene.it .ro,e.ining the oti-al n-er o. li.e'='le stages .or ea'h in,ivi,al ali'ation/ Crrentl= ho4ever Satellite 6 ,oes not rovi,e overall groing or -aing o. so-e stages an, their relationshis/ n .a't the li.e'='le environ-ent aths are 'o-letel= in,een,ent o. ea'h other/ (o have a se'i.i' .lo4 throgh the ,evelo-ent stages -ou must #ave -our own regulated formal process outside of Satellite 6% (he ACE s'enario in the ne$t se'tion ,es'ries otential .lo4s to .ollo4/
ACME Scenario %r ACE organiation has these relevant reGire-ents: %r in,ivi,al in,ivi,al ali'ation ali'ation o4ners o4ners @o. @o. siness siness ali'ationsB ali'ationsB reGire reGire a ,e,i'ate, ,e,i'ate, release ieline in,een,ent o. or 'ore il, an, other in.rastr'tre servi'es -anage, = the ACE ( %erations tea-/ @see also 'hater "4.E /3 Organiation Overview B (hese in,ivi,al in,ivi,al ali'ation ali'ation o4ners are resonsi resonsile le .or ,e'i,ing 4hi'h 'o-inatio 'o-ination n o. 'rrent an, .or-er 'ore il, releases are n,le, together 4ith 'rrent or .or-er ali'ation releases @sing the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 .eatre o. Satellite 6B/ @e 4ill ( Step 6 an, the 'orreson,ing roles in Step =/B 'over this in Step ( in a,,ition a,,ition to to generi' generi' DevAPro DevAPro, , stages stages or or siness siness ali'ations ali'ations reGire reGire a ,e,i'ate, UA( stage/
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(he ACE *i.e'='le Environ-ent %vervie4 loo)s li)e this:
e se the .ollo4ing 'o--an,s to 'reate these li.e'='le environ-ent aths: 'reate the generi' li.e'='le env ath ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3%R3 na-e 3DE;3 ,es'rition 3,evelo-ent3 3,evelo-ent3 rior 3*irar=3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3%R3 na-e 3A3 ,es'rition 3alit= Assran'e3 rior 3DE;3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3%R3 na-e 3PR%D3 ,es'rition 3Pro,'tion3 rior 3A3 'reate the ,e,i'ate, li.e'='le env ath .or a'-e4e ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3%R3 na-e 3eDE;3 ,es'rition 3,evelo-ent3 rior 3*irar=3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3%R3 na-e 3eA3 ,es'rition 3alit= Assran'e3 Assran'e3 rior 3eDE;3 3eDE;3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3%R3 na-e 3eUA(3 ,es'rition 3Pro,'tion3 rior 3eA3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent 'reate organiation 3%R3 na-e 3ePR%D3 ,es'rition 3Pro,'tion3 rior 3eUA(3
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Step 5: Define your Core Build A )e= goal o. setting a Stan,ar, %erating Environ-ent is to in'rease the stan,ar,iation in all the ,i..erent sta') la=ers o. an ali'ation ar'hite'tre/ (he sta') la=er 4ith the 4i,est sage is the n,erl=ing oerating s=ste-/ (he core *uild is the strea-line, stan,ar,ie, Re, at Enterrise *in$ 'on.igration/
7ene!its o! Red Hat Enter&rise #inu0 !or Core 7ui"ds A )e= goal o. setting a Stan,ar, %erating Environ-ent is to in'rease the stan,ar,iation in all the ,i..erent sta') la=ers o. an ali'ation ar'hite'tre/ (he sta') la=er 4ith the 4i,est sage is the n,erl=ing oerating s=ste-/ (he 'ore il, is the strea-line, stan,ar,ie, Re, at Enterrise *in$ 'on.igration/ (here are a 'ole o. ene.its o. sing Re, at Enterrise *in$ as the oerating s=ste- stan,ar, in an enterrise environ-ent/ Re, at Enterrise *in$ sets the stan,ar, an, rovi,es the est set o. .eatres .or stan,ar,iation/
Sta*ilit- and support Enterrise ali'ations an, servi'es reGire a stale .on,ation 4ith a ,e.ine, li.e'='le/ Re, at Enterrise *in$ .eatres a 10=ear li.e'='le 4ith ongoing sort an, ,ates .rolan'h to retire-ent/
Securit&e'ase a se'rit= isse in a stan,ar,ie, oerating s=ste- 4ill a..e't the entire environ-ent it is 'riti'al that an= se'rit= isses are -itigate, Gi')l=/ Re, at .i$es 95F o. all 'riti'al se'rit= isses in Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ithin 2 hors/
Relia*ilitA''or,ing to an DC st,= 'o-anies that stan,ar,ie, on Re, at Enterrise *in$ e$erien'e signi.i'antl= less ,o4nti-e than those oerating -i$e, or ri-aril= nonai, *in$ ,istritions ,e to etter -anage-ent ra'ti'es an, regression testing = oth Re, at an, its artner 'o--nit=/ #rther ,etails 'an e .on, here: htt ht t : : 444 44 4/re /re,ha ,hatt /'o /' o- ro ro-o -o s sta tan, n,ar ar,i ,ie e r rhs hs /h /htt-ll
OE. and /S$ certification Re, atOs large 4ellestalishe, %E an, S; 'o--nities ensre that 'sto-ers 'an e 'on.i,ent that re'ent har,4are innovations are sorte,/ (he= 'an 'hoose .ro- over 1000
115 11 5
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'erti.ie, so.t4are o..erings to -eet their nee,s 4ithot 'o-ro-ising se'rit= reliailit= or sort/
"B/ and "P/ compati*ilitAli'ation stailit= is -aintaine, 4ith A& an, AP 'o-atiilit= et4een Re, at Enterrise *in$ version gra,es/ Ali'ations 4ritten .or a version o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ill rn n-o,i.ie, on an= -inor release ntil the retire-ent o. the version/
Red Hat ABI and API compatibility commitment Dring the li.e '='le o. a -a?or release Re, at -a)es 'o--er'iall= reasonale e..orts to -aintain inar= 'o-atiilit= .or the 'ore rnti-e environ-ent a'ross all -inor releases an, errata a,visories/ . ne'essar= Re, at -a= -a)e e$'etions to this 'o-atiilit= goal .or 'riti'al i-a't se'rit= or other signi.i'ant isses/ #rther-ore -a?or releases o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ 'ontain a li-ite, set o. a')4ar,'o-atile liraries in'l,e, in revios -a?or releases to allo4 .or the eas= -igration o. ali'ations/ (=i'all= Re, at alies 'hanges in s'h a 4a= as to -ini-ie the a-ont o. 'hange an, to -aintain inar= 'o-atiilit=/ E$'etions -a= al= .or 'ontrolle, a')age reases n,er 'ertain 'ir'-stan'es/ Pa')ages in Re, at Enterrise *in$ are 'lassi.ie, n,er one o. .or 'o-atiilit= levels/ an= i-ortant rogra--ing langages an, rnti-es li)e =thon erl an, r= are art o. 'o-atiilit= levels 4hi'h -eans that their A&s an, APs are stale 4ithin one -a?or release o. Re, at Enterrise *in$/ #rther ,etails are rovi,e, insi,e Re, at Csto-er Portal: htt ht ts s: : a''ess a'' ess /re /re,ha ,hatt /'o /'o -a art rti' i'le les sr rhe hell ai 'o'o-at atii iilit lit= = (his 'o-atiilit= 'o--it-ent signi.i'antl= re,'es the te'hni'al ris) o. al=ing 'hanges to the n,erl=ing oerating s=ste- .or the ali'ations rnning on to o. it/ A,,itionall= it ensres that .ro- an ali'ation erse'tive there is no ,i..eren'e i. the %S is rnning on are or on an= other sorte, virtaliation lat.or-/ &ase, on A&AP stailit= in -an= 'sto-er environ-ents 'hanges o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ so.t4are are ,e.ine, as (* @RB Stan,ar, Changes/ A Stan,ar, Change is a re,e.ine, an, reathorie, 'hange 4hi'h is 'onsi,ere, relativel= lo4 ris) or i-a't .ollo4s a ,o'-ente, ro'ess or ro'e,re an, t=i'all= er.or-e, .reGentl=/ (his allo4s -ore .reGentl= 'hanges 4ith lo4er ris) 4hile Re, at Satellite rovi,es the te'hnolog= to ,e.ine ,elo= -aintain an, veri.= these 'hanges over ti-e/
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#rther in.or-ation aron, A&AP stailit= 'ol, e .on, here: htt ht ts s: : a''ess a'' ess /re /re,ha ,hatt /'o /'o -a art rti' i'le les sr rhe hell ai 'o'o-at atii iilit lit= =
Core 7ui"d 'er'ie% %r goal is to a'hieve highest ossile stan,ar,iation o. the oerating s=ste- la=er/ (he 'ore il, shol, .l.ill these reGire-ents/ t shol,:
Provi,e the s-allest s-allest 'o--on ,eno-inator ,eno-inator o. o. all Re, at at Enterrise Enterrise *in$ servers &e in.rast in.rastr't r'tre re @har, @har,4are 4are an, an, virtal virtaliat iationB ionB agno agnosti' sti' Provi,e Provi,e an ali'a ali'ation tion or lat.o lat.or-i r-in,e n,een, en,ent ent %S 'on.ig 'on.igrat ration ion &e a niver niversal sal sie sie that that allo4s allo4s s'ali s'aling ng to to all the the sies sies se, se, &e ase ase, , on a -ini-ini-al al ins instal tallat lation ion Contain Contain a arti artition tioning ing s'he-a s'he-a an, ,e.a ,e.alt lt .iles=s .iles=stete- la=o la=ott Contain Contain all Re, Re, at thir, thir,art= art= an, an, 'sto'sto- so.t4are so.t4are reGir reGire, e, on all s=ste-s s=ste-s Contain Contain all all 'on.ig 'on.igrat ration ion settin settings gs reGire reGire, , on all all s=ste-s s=ste-s (=i'a =i'all= ll= in'l in'l, ,e e asi' asi' har,e har,eni ning ng
Core 7ui"d Recommendations (=i'all= a 'ore il, is 'reate, ,ring server rovisioning = sing )i')start te'hnolog=/ ost o. the 'ore il, 'hara'teristi's are there.ore 'reate, 4hile =o are ,e.ining =or rovisioning @,o'-ente, in the ne$t 'hater: Step 9, "utomate -our provisioningB/ (his se'tion .o'ses on the 'ontent ortions o. the 'ore il,/ (hese in'l,e the ali'ale 'ontent vie4s an, Pet -o,les/ (he .ollo4ing ,iagra- ,es'ries the relationshi et4een @asi'B rovisioning the 'ore il, an, the ali'ations rnning on to o. the 'ore il,:
11( 11 (
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(he so.t4are an, 'on.igration ,elo=e, to =or target s=ste-s ,ring rovisioning are art o. the 'ore il,/ As a reslt the software and configuration set used during provisioning must *e smaller t#an t#e core *uild definition / e re'o--en, that =o se the smallest possi*le software and configuration set for provisioning an, the smallest common denominator of all s-stems to define t#e core *uild/ n or s'enario 4eOre sing the Core a')age gro insi,e the rovisioning te-late an, so-e sa-le Pet -o,les to install all a,,itional a')ages 4hi'h are art o. the 'ore il,/ . 4e e$ten, the a')age set later 4e ,o not nee, to rerovision or e$isting servers sin'e the Pet -o,le 4ill e alie, to all e$isting an, 'o-ing servers/ (he .inal 'ore il, 'on.igration in'l,ing all the ali'ale Pet -o,les are asso'iate, 4ith a dedicated config group/ (his 'on.ig gro 4ill e asso'iate, 4ith all 'orreson,ing host gros in Step 9/ Althogh provisioning t#e configuration does not #ave a life)c-cle management management 'o-onent the lifec-cle of t#e core *uild is -anage, sing the Satellite 6 content view lifec-cle management / #or -ore in.or-ation aot 'ontent vie4 li.e'='le -anage-ent see Step &/ (he 'ore il, rovi,es the .on,ation @oerating s=ste-B o. all =or Re, at Enterrise *in$ s=ste-s an, -ight also 'ontain a')ages ,een,en'ies .or so-e o. the ali'ations rnning on to o. the 'ore il,/ As a reslt =o s#ould update it Muite freMuentl-/ #or
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.rther in.or-ation see also the ali'ation an, 'ore il, li.e'='le -anage-ent e$a-le in Step &/ &e'ase o. Re, atOs A&AP Co--it-ent @e$laine, earlierB the asso'iate, ris) o. -a)ing so.t4are 'hanges to Re, at Enterrise *in$ is 'o-arativel= s-all/ e re'o--en, that =o do not postpone updating -our software% nstea, =o shol, invest in testing and roll*ack capa*ilities / . Satellite 6 is se, to -anage ?st the operating s-stem *ut not t#e applications rnning on to o. it it -ight -a)e sense to se composite content views instea, o. 'ontent vie4s .or ,e.ining a 'ore il,/ (his aroa'h 4ol, let =o -anage all @PetB 'on.igrations 4ithin a ,e,i'ate, 'ontent vie4 to sort in,ivi,al release '='les .or .ast'hanging 'on.igrations an, @-ostl= slo4 'hangingB so.t4are 'ontent/ (he .ollo4ing s=ste-se'i.i' a,atations shol, e made outside the 'ore il, ,e.inition @insi,e the ara-eterase, ali'ationse'i.i' or hostgrose'i.i' ,e.initionsB: lo'ation ,ata'enter region or 'ontr=se'i.i' a,atations @.or e$a-le )e=oar, la=ot ti-eone et'/B li.e'='lestagese'i.i' a,atations @(he 'ore il, is not sose, to e stage se'i.i'/B an= ali'ationse'i.i' a,atations @(hese shol, e art o. the ali'ationOs 'ontent vie4B an= s=ste-se'i.i' a,atations @(hese shol, e art o. the hostgro ,e.inition/B As e$laine, earlier the 'ore il, shol, e #ardware and virtualiation tec#nologagnostic/ &e'ase o. the 'rrent li-itations o. the stati' relationshi et4een hosts an, @'o-ositeB 'ontent vie4s additional 'ontent vie4s 'ol, not e ,=na-i'all= assigne, ,ring rovisioning an, the li.e'='le -anage-ent o. 'ore il,s/ (he core *uild content view s#ould contain all reMuired #ardware and virtualiation drivers .or all target s=ste-s/ Nevertheless =o 'an se )i')start te-lates an, Pet -o,les insi,e the 'ore il, to ,elo= arti'lar har,4are or a virt ,river automaticall-V these )i')start te-lates an, Pet -o,les se ,=na-i' environ-ent ,ete'tion an, 'ontent/ See Ste 7 .or -ore in.or-ation/ (o install the aroriate virtaliation ,rivers 4e nee, to 'on.igre the .ollo4ing ite-s: a,,ing a,,itional so.t4are reositories to or 'ore il, ,e.initions
enaling these reositories sing a'tivation )e=s sing a Pet -o,le to ato-ati'all= install ;4are ,rivers or RE; agents ,een,ing on Pet .a't vales (=i'all= 'ore il,s ,o contain reMuired management software components @.or e$a-le a') -onitoring or s'he,ling agentsB/ . =or -anage-ent so.t4are rovi,es ,i..erent agents .or arti'lar ali'ations @.or e$a-le a se'ial -onitoring or a') agent .or a arti'lar ,ataaseB the core *uild s#ould contain t#e generic software agentC and configuration 4hereas the ali'ation se'i.i' agents an, 'on.igrations shol, e art o. the ali'ation 'ontent @vie4B/
Aote, Io -a= also nee, to slit the reositories e'ase Satellite 6 'rrentl= ,oes not let =o se the sa-e reositories in -ltile 'ontent vie4s .or a s=ste-/ n or soltion gi,e set or RE* 'ore il, 'ontains so.t4are a')ages .or varios virtaliation lat.or-s an, the Jai$ -onitoring agents/ hile ,e.ining 'ore il,s =o -st e a4are o. applicationC dependencies / Crrentl= =o 'annot assign se the sa-e so.t4are reositor= -ltile ti-es in the sa-e s=ste- in,een,ent o. the 'ontent or 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s @see also 'hater 4ontent $iew RecommendationsB/ (his li-itation ,oes not allo4 =o to ,e.ine a ver= li-ite, 'ontent set 4hile =o are ,e.ining the 'ore il, an, then a,, ali'ation ,een,en'ies insi,e ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent vie4s/ n other 4or,s the core *uild content definition #as to contain all dependencies for all applications rnning on to o. 'ore il,/
/n practice this -eans that 4e 4ol, re'o--en, that =o e$'l,e the EPE* reositor= .rothe 'ore il,/ %riginall= 4e se, Nagios 4hi'h is not in'l,e, in RE* t is art o. EPE*/ At that ti-e 4e 4ante, to se EPE*/ &e'ase the -onitoring agents nee,e, to e installe, on ever= s=ste- 4e in'l,e, the EPE* reositor= in the 'ore il, / . 4e 4ant to se a .ilter that restri'ts the 'ontent -a,e availale .ro- the EPE* reositor= to Nagios a')ages 4e 4ol, have an isse i. a arti'lar ali'ation @.or e$a-le or ACE 4esite 4hi'h is ase, on or,Press 'o-ing .ro- the EPE* reositor=B reGire, a,,itional 'ontent .ro- the EPE* reo/ e 'annot assign the EPE* reositor= -ore than on'e @.or e$a-le as art o. the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 an, also as art o. the ACE e 'ontent vie4B/ e re'o--en, that =o se filters to restri't 'ontent availailit= at least .or non)enterprise)grade repositories li)e EPE*/ (his aroa'h -a= reGire a ne4 'ontent vie4 version 4ith a,ate, enhan'e, .ilters ea'h ti-e a ne4 ali'ation nee,s a,,itional a')ages/
Aote, Containers -a)e this arti'lar 'hallenge signi.i'antl= easier/ (he rin'ile o. la=ere, ali'ations @4here oth as an, their ,een,en'ies are in in,ivi,al la=ersB signi.i'antl= re,'es the 'o-le$it= o. -anaging ali'ation ,een,en'ies/ (he 'ore il, shol, also 'ontain the *asic Q minimum reMuired #ardening .or all s=ste-s in'l,ing: 'o--on so.t4are a')age e$'lsions @.or e$a-le net4or) sni..ersB 'o--on so.t4are a')age in'lsions @.or e$a-le itales DS so.t4are et'/B a ,e.alt .ire4all 'on.igration @.or e$a-le onl= se'i.i' orts oen li)e SS + Satellite 6 reGire, ortsB a ,e.alt SElin$ oli'= @.or e$a-le en.or'ing -o,eB 4hi'h -ight e li.te, .or so-e ali'ations later 'o--on oli'ies an, har,ening 'on.igrations tools .or oli'= -anage-ent an, veri.i'ation @.or e$a-le oenSCAPB
Ho% to $e!ine .our Core 7ui"ds .et#od 1, 3#e Eas- "pproac# (he easiest an, -ost 'o--on 4a= to ,e.ine a 'ore il, is ?st to ,e.ine the asolte -ini-- o. reGire, a')ages an, 'on.igrations/ An, then ro'ee, ste=ste to a,, the -ost 'o--on 'on.igrations =o are sing on =or s=ste-s/ .et#od ', Start @#ere ou "re Another aroa'h is to start 4here =o are 'rrentl= 'o-are all the e$isting hosts an, loo) .or si-ilarities so that =o 'an i,enti.= the s-allest 'o--on ,eno-inator/ %. 'orse =o 'an se Satellite 6 'aailities e'ase Re, at Satellite 'an rovi,e all the ne'essar= in.or-ation aot the so.t4are an, 'on.igrations o. =or hosts/ (o see a list o. all 'rrentl= installe, a')ages sing the Satellite 6 eU: 1/ go to osts ` All ost an, sele't one host/ 2/ Cli') on the Content tton on the to le.t/ !/ Sele't the Pa')ages ta/
Aote, As an alternative =o 'an se the Satellite 6 RES( AP to get a list o. all installe, a')ages o. a host/ At the ti-e o. this 4riting a--er C* ,oes not sort this a'tion/
So-e a')ages that are not art o. all s=ste- ,e.initions -ight e 4orth installing on all s=ste-s @ese'iall= i. the asso'iate, ris) 'lassi.i'ation o. these a')ages is lo4B/ #or e$a-le i. onl= a arti'lar gro 4ithin =or organiation is sing vi-enhan'e, instea, o. the re vi a')age =o -ight 'onsi,er a,,ing vi-enhan'e, to all s=ste-s/ Lee in -in, that the goal o. ,e.ining 'ore il,s is to re,'e the asolte n-er o. ,erivatives in =or so.t4are ar'hite'tre/ %. 'orse this aroa'h is also vali, .or the ali'ation an, lat.or- stan,ar,iation 4e 'over in the ne$t se'tion/
Core 7ui"d aming con'entions &ase, on the t4ola=er segregationo.,ties 'on'et e$laine, earlier 4e ,istingish et4een the oerating s=ste- @'ore il,B an, an= ali'ations rnning on to o. it/ e se the strings bosO an, baO to -a)e this ,istin'tion/ %r 'ore il, ,e.initions re.le't a arti'lar RE* release @-a?or an, -inorB even i. the -inor release is the latest an, greatest/ e re'o--en, that =o have oth -a?or an, -inor releases o. RE* an, that =o il, RE*in,een,ent 'ontent vie4s .or the ali'ations rnning on to o. RE*/ Even i. te'hni'all= .easile 4eOve ,e'i,e, not to se an aggregate, 'ore il, ,e.inition a'ross RE* -a?or releases @onl= .easile i. a 'ontent vie4 is se, .or -ltile RE* releasesB/ A 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 'onsisting o. -ltile RE* 'ore il, variants is not ossile in or s'enario e'ase o. the overlaing Pet -o,les/ Sin'e -ost o. or ali'ation 'ontent vie4s are RE*in,een,ent an, ,o not se the otional version or release tag 4eOre a,,ing it here to ,ivi,e or ,i..erent 'ore il,s/ (his aroa'h lea,s to the .ollo4ing na-ing 'onvention ,e.inition .or or 'ore il, 'ontent vie4s: 'vosrhel _ 7Server 6Server `
n -ost 'sto-er environ-ents so-e ali'ations nee, to re-ain on an ol,er -inor release version o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ @sall= e'ase o. 'erti.i'ation an, sort 'ontra't rovisionsB/ (=i'all= these are rorietar= ali'ations .ro- ig so.t4are ven,or 'o-anies/ n so-e 'ases this restri'tion is -ore a 'ontra'trelate, than a te'hni'al ris) ,e to Re, atOs A&AP Stailit= Co--it-ent @see 'hater 8IJ .or .rther ,etailsB/ n these 'ases 4e re'o--en,e, =o 'reate an a,,itional 'ore il, ase, on a arti'lar -inor release version o. Re, at Enterrise *in$/ nstea, o. sing 7Server or 6Server the na-ing 'onvention .or the 'ore il, .or these lega'= ali'ations 4ol, se'i.i'all= loo) li)e this: 'vosrhel _ 6/! 7/0 `
An a,,itional otion 'an e to have a nightl= il, that 4ol, se the 'reation ,ate or so-ething si-ilar as the 'ore il, release version: 'vosrhel _ 20150519 2CI2015 `
nsi,e this soltion gi,e 4e 4ill rovi,e e$a-les .or oth t=es o. 'ore il,s/
Core 7ui"d So!t%are Re&ositories As state, earlier 'ore il,s ,e.ine the s-allest 'o--on ,eno-inator .or so.t4are an, 'on.igrations share, a'ross all @or at least -ostB o. =or s=ste-s/ &e'ase Satellite 6 'annot rese the sa-e reositories in t4o 'ontent vie4s asse-le, together into a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 @see also the 4ontent $iew Recommendations se'tionB or 'ore il, ,oes not include reositories se, = application)specific content views @ese'iall= i. these vie4s reGire ,i..erent .iltersB/ e ,o not include t#e following repositories even i. the= are art o. the enhan'e, set o. so.t4are reositories elonging to the Re, at Enterrise *in$ ro,'t @e$'l,ing the Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions 4hi'h is shie, as a ,e,i'ate, ro,'tB:
Re, at Enterrise *in$ E$tras Re, at Enterrise *in$ %tional Re, at Enterrise *in$ Sle-entar= Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions
%r 'ore il,s 'onsist ri-aril= o. so.t4are a')ages that are art o. the Re, at Enterrise *in$ ase reositor=/ eOre also a,,ing so-e nonRe, at reositories ri-aril= 'o--on tools se, .or s=ste- -anage-ent @a') -onitoringB roses/ e are a,,ing the .ollo4ing so.t4are reositories to or 'ore il,:
Re, at Enterrise *in$ Server RPs @ase oerating s=ste-B Re, at Enterrise *in$ Server Li')start @reGire, .or rovisioningB Re, at Satellite 6 (ools @'lient tools se, in 'on?n'tion 4ith Satellite 6B Jai$ Reositor= @in'l,es the Jai$ -onitoring agentsB
Aote, n 'ontrast to Satellite 6/0 the Re, at Enterrise *in$ Co--on RPs reositor= is not reGire, an=-ore/ All Satellite 6 relate, 'lient tools @.or e$a-le )atelloagent etB have een -ove, into the ne4 Re, at Satellite 6 (ools reositor=/ #or .rther in.or-ation see: htts:a''ess/re,hat/'o-soltions12751!
A,,itionall= 4e are a,,ing the .ollo4ing reositories ,een,ing on the virtaliation lat.or-: in 'ase o. Red Hat Enterprise $irtualiation d RE*7: Re, at Enterrise *in$ Co--on RPs d RE*6: Re, at Enterrise ;irtaliation Agents .or RE* 6 Server RPs in 'ase o. $.ware vSp#ere d RE*6: ;4are (ools Reositor= .or RE*6 d RE*7: not#ing @in'l,e, in RE*7B (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 an, a,, the reositories elonging to or RE*7 'ore il,: ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 X ,es'rition 3RE* Server 7 Core &il, Content ;ie43 organiation 3%R3 so.t4are reositories ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 X reositor= HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server Li')start $"66 7ServerH X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 X reositor= HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server RPs $"66 7ServerH X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 X reositor= HRe, at Satellite (ools 6 &eta .or RE* 7 Server RPs $"66 7ServerH X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 X reositor= HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server R Co--on RPs $"66 7ServerH X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 X reositor= HJai$RE*7$"66H X ro,'t HJai$onitoringH ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 X reositor= H&areosRE*7$"66H X ro,'t H&areos&a')RE*7H
e are also sing an e$'l,e .ilter to .ilter ot arti'lar a')ages that 4e ,o not 4ant to -a)e availale to or target hosts/ As an e$a-le 4e are e$'l,ing the emacs a')ages @althogh there is nothing 4rong 4ith emacsB/ (o re,'e the n-er o. availale a')ages insi,e =or 'ore il, =o 'an also e$'l,e entire a')age gros instea, o. ?st in,ivi,al a')ages/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an, 'reates the .ilter an, .ilter rle/
Aote, Until &J 122""90 is .i$e, =o nee, to se the reositor= D instea, o. its na-e/ e$'l,e .ilter e$a-le sing e-a's a')age ,e to htts:gilla/re,hat/'o-sho4g/'gifi,122""90 =o nee, to rovi,e reositor= D instea, o. na-e other4ise the .ilter alies to all reos REP%D@ha--er 'sv reositor= list na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server RPs $"66 7ServerH X organiation %R gre vi HDH a4) #HH H\rint 1]HB ha--er 'ontentvie4 .ilter 'reate t=e r- na-e He$'l,inge-a'sH X ,es'rition HE$'l,ing e-a's a')ageH in'lsion.alse X organiation 3%R3 reositor=i,s \REP%D] X 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel7Server3 ha--er 'ontentvie4 .ilter rle 'reate na-e He-a's^H X organiation 3%R3 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel7Server3 X 'ontentvie4.ilter He$'l,inge-a'sH
&e.ore lishing or 'ontent vie4 4e -st a,, the reGire, Pet -o,les that elong to or 'ore il,/
ACME Core 7ui"d Sam&"e /u&&et Modu"es (he .ollo4ing se'tion rovi,es so-e asi' e$a-les o. Pet -o,les se, in this soltion gi,e/ Sin'e it 'overs onl= asi' e$a-les an, not all o. the- are the est 4a=s to ta')le a arti'lar role- 4ith Pet e$erien'e, Pet sers -ight 4ant to s)i this se'tion/ Starting 4ith Satellite 6/1 Re, at has in'l,e, a ,e,i'ate, Pet i,e as art o. the Satellite 6 ro,'t ,o'-entation: htts:a''ess/re,hat/'o-,o'-entationenUSRe,atSatellite6/1ht-lPeti,ein ,e$/ht-l
As e$laine, in the 4ore Build Recommendations se'tion 4e are a,,ing so-e sa-le Pet -o,les to a'hieve the goals o. or 'ore il, 'on.igration ,es'rie, earlier/ (his soltion gi,e ses the .ollo4ing sa-le Pet -o,les: A -o,le b-ot,O to -anage the -essage o. the ,a= .ile in et'-ot, A -o,le to install a,,itional r- a')ages 'alle, b'oreil,a')agesO A -o,le 'alle, bntO to set the right nt servers ,een,ing on the lo'ation or li.e'='le environ-ents sin'e 4eOre sing ,i..erent nt servers in so-e o. the A -o,le 'alle, bloghostO to 'on.igre rs=slog re-ote logging @'lient otionB A -o,le 'alle, bai$O to 'on.igre the Jai$ -onitoring 'lient
Sample Puppet Module for /etc/motd File (o ,e-onstrate a t=i'al Pet -o,le li.e'='le in Satellite 6 4eOre starting 4ith a si-le Pet -o,le .or -anaging the /etc/motd .ile / An= ser on an= s=ste- 'ol, ta)e the .ollo4ing stes/
1% 4reate an initial Puppet module that 'reates a -eta,ata te-late .or s/ et -o,le generate a'-e-ot, e nee, to 'reate a -eta,ata/?son .ile .or this -o,le/ Please ans4er the .ollo4ing GestionsV i. the Gestion is not ali'ale to this -o,le .eel .ree to leave it lan)/ Pet ses Se-anti' ;ersioning @se-ver/orgB to version -o,les/ hat version is this -o,lef Y0/1/0[ ` ho 4rote this -o,lef Ya'-e[ ` hat li'ense ,oes this -o,le 'o,e .all n,erf YAa'he 2/0[ ` o4 4ol, =o ,es'rie this -o,le in a single senten'ef ` asi' -ot, 'on.igration as art o. or 'ore il, ,e.inition here is this -o,leHs sor'e 'o,e reositor=f ` here 'an others go to learn -ore aot this -o,lef ` here 'an others go to .ile isses aot this -o,lef `
\ 3na-e3: 3a'-e-ot,3 3version3: 30/1/03 3athor3: 3a'-e3 3s--ar=3: 3asi' -ot, 'on.igration as art o. or 'ore il, ,e.inition3 3li'ense3: 3Aa'he 2/03 3sor'e3: 33 3ro?e'tage3: nll 3issesrl3: nll 3,een,en'ies3: Y \ 3na-e3: 3etlasst,li3 3versionrange3: 3` 1/0/03 ] [ ] Aot to generate this -eta,ataV 'ontinef YnI[ ` I Noti'e: enerating -o,le at ho-eet,eva'-e-ot,/// Noti'e: Polating ER& te-lates/// #inishe,V -o,le generate, in a'-e-ot,/ a'-e-ot,Ra)e.ile a'-e-ot,-ani.ests a'-e-ot,-ani.estsinit/ a'-e-ot,se' a'-e-ot,se''lasses a'-e-ot,se''lassesinitse'/r a'-e-ot,se'se'heler/r a'-e-ot,tests a'-e-ot,testsinit/ a'-e-ot,READE/-, a'-e-ot,-eta,ata/?son
'% Define file attri*utes and t#e templates to se/ e a,ate, the .ile acme-motd/manifests/init.pp to -a)e it loo) li)e this: 'lass -ot, \ .ile \ Het'-ot,H: ensre ` .ile 'ontent ` te-late@3\-o,lena-e]-ot,/er3B o4ner ` root gro ` root -o,e ` H06H ]
5% 4reate a template an, a,at it sing so-e asi' Pet .a'ts/ (his ste ,e-onstrates ho4 to se 'ertain variales/ el'o-e to the host na-e, _F hostna-e F` _F oeratings=ste- F` _F oeratings=ste-release F` _F i. hasvarialef @3ar'hite'tre3B then F`_F ar'hite'tre F`_F en, F` Pet: _F etversion F` #a'ter: _F .a'terversion F` #DN: _F .G,n F` P: _F ia,,ress F` _F i. hasvarialef@3ro'essor03B then F` Pro'essor: _F ro'essor0 F` _F en, F` _F i. hasvarialef@3-e-or=sie3B then F` e-or=: _F -e-or=sie F` _F en, F`
Aote, #or -ore in.or-ation aot sing Pet .a'ts go to: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l Useri,e se't Re,at SatelliteUseri,eStoring an,aintainingost n.or-ation/ht-l se't Re, at SatelliteUseri,eStoringan,aintainingost n.or-ationUsing#a'teran,#a 'ts 8% Build the Pet -o,le: et -o,le il, a'-e-ot,
%n'e =o have s''ess.ll= ilt the Pet -o,le =o 'an .in, the reslting -o,le a')age in tar/g .or-at insi,e the a'-e-ot,)g .ol,er/
Sample Puppet Module for Additional RPM Packages As e$laine, insi,e the 'hater 4ore Build Recommendations the so.t4are ,e.initions insi,e the rovisioning te-lates shol, 'ontain onl= the minimal reMuired set of packages / A,,itional so.t4are a')ages 'an e -aintaine, insi,e the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 to -a)e it easier to adapt t#e software definition of all #osts wit#out reprovisioning or -anal installing ne4 or a,,itional a')ages in all e$isting hosts/ www%red#at%com
e are sing a ver= si-le Pet -o,le that 'ontains ?st the .e4 a,,itional a')ages 4e 4ant to see installe, on all or hosts/ (he arra= insi,e the -ani.est 'ontains .or a,,itional a')ages an, 'an e overri,,en = sing the .a Re, at Satellite 6 S-art Class Para-eter/ 'lass 'oreil,a')ages @ )gs Y vi-enhan'e, s'reen stra'e tree [ B\ a')age\ )gs: ensre ` installe, ] ]
ore ,o'-entation .or this sa-le Pet -o,le is in "ppendi? //
Sample Puppet Module for the ntp Configuration As a se'on, e$a-le 4eOve 'reate, a -o,le that ses nt to 'on.igre the ti-e s=n'hroniation o. all the s=ste-s/ (his e$a-le ses Satellite 6 Smart $aria*les / (his -o,le: nstalls the nt r- a')age Starts the nt ,ae-on Enales the nt ,ae-on .or atostart d (he nt ,ae-on is restarte, ato-ati'all= i. the 'on.igration is 'hange,/ Con.igres nt to s=n'hronie either a single server or a list o. servers d (his 'on.igration is ,one 4ith a te-late/ d t ses Mool/nt/org as ,e.alt t it 'an e overri,,en 4ith S-art Class Para-eters/ ore ,o'-entation .or this sa-le Pet -o,le is in "ppendi? //
Sample Puppet Module: Zabbix Monitoring Agent Configuration (his sa-le -o,le installs the reGire, -onitoring agent a')ages an, starts an, enales the 'orreson,ing ai$,ae-on/ n a,,ition to earlier e$a-les 4eOve se, the blatestO ,e.inition insi,e the a')ages se'tion o. this -o,le to ,e-onstrate the i-a't o. this 'on.igration/ Using the blatestO otion insi,e a Pet -o,le the 'orreson,ing a')ages 4ill e ato-ati'all= ,ate, ,ring the ne$t Pet rn i. the ne4 'ontent vie4 version 'ontaining an ,ate, version o. this a')age has een ro-ote, to the li.e'='le refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
environ-ent the target s=ste- lives in/ (here is no .rther a'tion reGire, to ,ate this arti'lar a')age sing the eUi or C* or AP/ ore ,o'-entation .or this sa-le Pet -o,le is in "ppendi? //
Sample Puppet Module for rsyslog Configuration (here: client) As an e$a-le .or a -ltirose Pet -o,le 4eOve 'reate, a sa-le -o,le to -anage the rs=slog log -anage-ent 'on.igration/ e are sing the sa-e -o,le to -anage oth the 'lient an, server 'on.igrations t are sing ,i..erent Pet 'lasses .or the-/ &e'ase the 'lient 'on.igration shol, e ,elo=e, on all hosts an, is there.ore art o. the 'ore il, ,e.inition 4eOve a,,e, the -o,le to the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4/
Aote, As e$laine, in the Satellite 6 4ontent $iew Recommendations se'tion i. the sa-e -o,le is art o. -ltile 'ontent vie4s =o 'annot asse-le -ore than one o. thetogether into a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/ (here.ore the loghost server 'ontent vie4 @see Step 6B ,oes not 'ontain this -ltirose -o,le e'ase it is alrea,= art o. the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4/ ore ,o'-entation .or this sa-le Pet -o,le is in "ppendi? //
Puppet Labs Modules stdlib and concat Sin'e 4e are sing so-e -o,les .ro- Pet *as .or or ali'ations 4e have a,,e, to 'o--on ,een,en'= -o,les to or 'ore il, ,e.inition: st,li -o,le @stan,ar, lirar= o. resor'es .or Pet -o,lesB 'on'at -o,le @to 'onstr't .iles .ro- -ltile .rag-ents o. te$tB (here.ore 4e ,o4nloa, an, sh the- into the ACE Pet reositor= sing ha--er C*: ,o4nloa, an, sh into 'sto- et reo the etlas -o,les 4e nee, 4get % t-etlasst,li/6/0/tar/g
htts: .orgeai /etlas/'o- v ! .ilesetlas st,li /6/0/ tar/g 4get % t-etlas'on'at1/2/!/tar/g
htts: .orgeai /etlas/'o- v ! .ilesetlas 'on'at 1/2/!/ tar/g
a,, these -o,les to ACE Pet reo ha--er reositor= loa,'ontent organiation MACE X ro,'t ACE na-e 3ACE Pet Reo3 X ath t-etlasst,li/6/0/tar/g ha--er reositor= loa,'ontent organiation MACE X ro,'t ACE na-e 3ACE Pet Reo3 X ath t-etlas'on'at1/2/!/tar/g
Adding All Core Build Puppet Modules to the Core Build Content View (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s a,, the Pet -o,les e$laine, aove to or RE*7 'ore il, 'ontent vie4: .or -o,le in H-ot,H HntH H'oreil,a')agesH HloghostH Hai$H Hv-4aretoolsH HrhevagentH Hst,liH H'on'atH ,o ha--er 'ontentvie4 et-o,le a,, na-e \-o,le] X 'ontentvie4 'vosrhel7Server X organiation %R ,one
Red Hat Sate""ite Con!ig 3rou&s Satellite 6 4onfig 7roups let =o asso'iate -ltile Pet 'lasses to a host gro or to a single host/ (hese are sall= se, to ,e.ine ro.iles @.or e$a-le to 'on.igre an entire ali'ation sta')B/ Con.ig ros are not se'i.i' to an environ-ent so all Pet 'lasses that are availale n,er Configure ➤ Puppet classes 'an e assigne, to a Con.ig ro/
Aote, &e a4are that Pet 'lasses assigne, to a Con.ig ro -a= not e availale in the environ-ent 4here a host is la'e,/ (his isse 'an reslt in the host not eing ale to 'ons-e that arti'lar Pet 'lass/ Pet 'lasses that are not availale to a host assigne, .ro- a Con.ig ro are greyed ot/ Changes -a,e on a Con.ig ro are ato-ati'all= 'hange, .or ever= ost ro that ses that Con.ig ro -eaning that a 'hange onl= nee,s to e -a,e in a single la'e @an, not -ltile la'esB 4here the sa-e Pet 'lasses are se,/ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
Naming Conventions e are sing the re.i$ cfg to -ar) all 'on.ig grosV =o 'an se an= te$t =o re.er a.ter '.g/ '.g _ na-e `
Core Build Config Group e 'reate a Con.ig ro 'alle, cfg-corebuild that 4ill e assigne, to ever- host gro/ (he cfg-corebuild Con.ig ro ses the .ollo4ing Pet 'lasses .or the 'oreil, 'on.igration o. a host:
nt -ot, ai$ git::'lient loghost::'lient 'oreil,Pa')ages rhevagent v-4aretools
(o 'reate the Con.ig ro go to: 1/ Configure ➤ Config groups ➤ !ew Config $roup 2/ nsert the Na-e: cfg-corebuild !/ #ro- availale 'lasses sele't the 'orreson,ing Pet 'lasses .ro- the list aove / Cli') on 1ubmit
Aote, (he reGire, ,een,en'ies stdlib an, concat have not een a,,e, to these 'on.ig gros/ o4ever =o still nee, to ensre that the= are insi,e the sa-e Pet environ-ent/ (his is ato-ati'all= ,one sin'e the= are art o. the sa-e 'ontent vie4/
/ub"ishing and /romoting the Core 7ui"d Content 6ie%s A.ter 4eOve a,,e, all reGire, so.t4are reositories an, Pet -o,les elonging to or 'ore il,s 4e 'an .inall= lish the- an, ro-ote sing or ,e.alt li.e'='le environ-ent ath @'onsisting o. Dev ` A ` Pro, stagesB/ (o lish an, ro-ote these 'ontent vie4s: 1/ Cli') on the le Plish Ne4 ;ersion tton/ 2/ Provi,e a ,es'rition/ !/ Cli') Save/ (he 'ontent vie4 4ill e lishe,/
e nee, to 4ait ntil the lishing ste has een 'o-lete, e.ore ro-oting it to the Dev stage/
Aote, . =o get an error -essage M;ali,ation .aile,: Pet environ-ent 'anHt e lan) 4hile lishing a 'ontent vie4 =o nee, to rn the .ollo4ing 'o--an, to .i$ this: .ore-anra)e 'onsole
(he sa-e reGire-ent alies i. ha--er C* is se, to lish an, ro-ote a 'ontent vie4/ (here.ore 4eOre not sing the ha--er as=n' otion 4hile lishing/
(o ro-ote a 'ontent vie4 sing ha--er C* =o -st have an a,,itional otion: the 'ontent vie4 version D @in the e$a-le elo4: 2"B/
Aote, Content iew #2 an, content iew ersion #2 are two different items / *oo) at the .ollo4ing ott o. the ha--er 'o--an, @in this e$a-le 4e alrea,= have t4o versions lishe, an, 4eOre sing the ase ott .or-at .or etter rea,ailit=B: ha--er ott ase 'ontentvie4 list na-e 'vosrhel7Server organiation ACE Content ;ie4 D: 5 Na-e: 'vosrhel7Server *ael: 'vosrhel7Server Co-osite: Reositor= Ds: 1 2 ! 10 9 ha--er ott ase 'ontentvie4 version list 'ontentvie4i, ! '= D: Na-e: 'vosrhel7Server 2/0 ;ersion: 2/0 *i.e'='le Environ-ents: *irar= D: ! Na-e: 'vosrhel7Server 1/0 ;ersion: 1/0 *i.e'='le Environ-ents:
(o lish an, ro-ote or RE*7 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 sing the -ost 'rrent version o. the 'ontent vie4 sing ha--er =o -st e$e'te the .ollo4ing 'o--an,s: ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 organiation 3%R3 C;D@ha--er 'sv 'ontentvie4 list na-e 'vosrhel7Server organiation \%R] gre vi HContent ;ie4 DH a4) #HH H\rint 1]H B ;Djha--er 'ontentvie4 version list 'ontentvie4i, \C;D] a4) #HH H\rint 1]H sort n ta' hea, n 1j ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote 'ontentvie4i, C;D X organiation 3%R3 X toli.e'='leenviron-ent DE; X i, ;D X as=n' Content vie4 is eing ro-ote, 4ith tas) 177.9,0!a..aa.,07"66ea99
No4 4e have s''ess.ll= 'reate, or RE*7 'ore il,/ Io 'an 'reate lish an, ro-ote the entire RE*6 'ore il, in a si-ilar .ashion = sing the .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s: ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 X ,es'rition 3RE* Server 6 Core &il, Content ;ie43 X organiation 3%R3 so.t4are reositories ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 X reositor= HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server Li')start $"66 6/5H X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= X organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 X reositor= HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server RPs $"66 6/5H X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH there is an in'onsisten'= here et4een RE*7 an, RE*6: RE*6 reo na-e 4ithot 6Server at the en, ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 X reositor= HRe, at Satellite (ools 6 &eta .or RE* 6 Server RPs $"66H X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 X reositor= HJai$RE*6$"66H X ro,'t HJai$onitoringH ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 X reositor= H&areosRE*6$"66H X ro,'t H&areos&a')RE*6H e$'l,e .ilter e$a-le sing e-a's a')age ,e to htts:gilla/re,hat/'o-sho4g/'gifi,122""90 =o nee, to rovi,e reositor= D instea, o. na-e other4ise the .ilter alies to all reos REP%D@ha--er 'sv reositor= list na-e HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server RPs $"66 6/5H X organiation %R gre vi HDH a4) #HH H\rint 1]HB ha--er 'ontentvie4 .ilter 'reate t=e r- X na-e He$'l,inge-a'sH ,es'rition HE$'l,ing e-a's a')ageH X in'lsion.alse organiation 3%R3 reositor=i,s \REP%D] X
'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel6Server3 ha--er 'ontentvie4 .ilter rle 'reate na-e He-a's^H organiation 3%R3 X 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel6Server3 'ontentvie4.ilter He$'l,inge-a'sH a,, v-4are tools an, rhev agent reos ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 X reositor= H;4are(oolsRE*6$"66H ro,'t H;4are(oolsRE*6H ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 X reositor= HRe, at Enterrise ;irtaliation Agents .or RE* 6 Server RPs $"66 6/5H X ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH Pet -o,les 4hi'h are art o. 'ore il, Note: sin'e all -o,les are RE* -a?or release in,een,ent 4eHre a,,ing the sa-e -o,les as .or RE* 7 Core &il, .or -o,le in H-ot,H HntH H'oreil,a')agesH HloghostH Hai$H Hv-4aretoolsH HrhevagentH ,o ha--er 'ontentvie4 et-o,le a,, na-e \-o,le] X 'ontentvie4 'vosrhel7Server X organiation %R ,one C; lish 4ithot as=n' otion to ensre that the C; is lishe, e.ore 4e 'reate CC;s in the ne$t ste ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3'vosrhel6Server3 organiation 3%R3 ro-ote it to DE;APR%D e$ort RE*6C&;Djgetlatestversion 'vosrhel6Serverj e$ort RE*6C;D@ha--er 'sv 'ontentvie4 list na-e 'vosrhel6Server X organiation \%R] gre vi HContent ;ie4 DH a4) #HH H\rint 1]H B e'ho 3,enti.ie, ;ERS%N D \RE*6C&;D] as -ost 'rrent version o. or RE*6 Core &il,/3 e'ho 3Pro-oting it no4 to DE; A an, PR%D/ (his -ight ta)e a 4hile/3 ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote 'ontentvie4i, RE*6C;D X organiation 3%R3 toli.e'='leenviron-ent DE; i, RE*6C&;D ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote 'ontentvie4i, RE*6C;D X organiation 3%R3 toli.e'='leenviron-ent A i, RE*6C&;D ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote 'ontentvie4i, RE*6C;D X organiation 3%R3 toli.e'='leenviron-ent PR%D i, RE*6C&;D
Aotes, #or lega'= ali'ations that reGire a dedicated and usuall- older minor release version of Red Hat Enterprise 2inu? @,e to S;se'i.i' sort or 'erti.i'ation li-itationsB =o -ight 4ant to 'reate an a,,itional ,e,i'ate, 'ore il, variant/ e ,o not 'over this oeration here e'ase the ro'e,re is si-ilar to the e$a-les aove/
e ,i, not create a composite content view containing all core *uild content views e'ase 4e are sing the sa-e Pet -o,les in -ltile 'ore il, 'ontent vie4s/ As a reslt 4e 'ol, not asse-le the- together/
Step 6: Define Your Application Content n the earlier 'haters 4e ,es'rie, ho4 to ,e.ine an, ,elo= an enhan'e, oerating s=ste,e.inition @'ore il,B on to o. an e$isting virtaliation in.rastr'tre/ n a 'lo, 'onte$t this ,es'ries an /nfrastructure as a Service @aaSB set/ (hogh 'ore il, -anage-ent is the .o's area o. Re, at Satellite enhan'ing these 'aailities to a Platform as a Service @PaaSB set @at least .or in.rastr'tre an, a')en, servi'esB is ?st an a,,itional la=er on to o. the set ,es'rie, earlier/ (he integration o. Pet as a 'on.igration -anage-ent tool -a)es it signi.i'antl= easier to ,e.ine ,elo= an, -anage oth the oerating s=ste- an, ali'ations rnning on to o. it/
Aote, Ali'ation ,elo=-ent is not the ri-ar= target o. Satellite 6 even i. te'hni'all= .easile/ e re'o--en, sing a ,e,i'ate, PaaS tool .or this se 'ase s'h as Re, at %enShi.t Enterrise/ All Re, at Satellite 6 entities an, ro'e,res e$laine, earlier 'an e se, i,enti'all= .or ali'ation li.e'='le -anage-ent as .or oeration s=ste- 'ore il, li.e'='le -anage-ent/ n this se'tion 4e 4ill a,at the 'rrent 'on.igration a''or,ingl=/ Sin'e 4e have alrea,= 'reate, the t4o ,i..erent oerating s=ste-s 'ontent vie4s .or RE* 6 an, 7 4e no4 nee, to 'reate the 'ontent vie4s .or the ali'ations rnning on to o. RE*/ A.ter4ar,s 4e 4ill asse-le the- into a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/ e 4ill 'all all .inal server ersonalities 3 roles3 an, all in'l,e, 'o-onents @in,een,ent o. share, or singleroseB 3 profiles%3 (his -eans that all siness ali'ations an, in.rastr'tre servi'es are roles t the inherent 'o-onents @.or e$a-le ariaD& it or,Press an, also or 'ore il, itsel.B are profiles / . 4e -a this rin'ile @ri-aril= 'o-ing .ro- PetB to or Satellite 6 o?e'ts all roles #ave dedicated composite content views that 'ontain one or -ore content views of profiles/ (he -ain reason .or this aroa'h is that the .inal server ersonalit= is 'on.igre, as a host gro an, ea'h host gro 'an onl= e asso'iate, to a single 'ontent vie4 or a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/ t is not ossile to assign -ltile 'ontent vie4s @.or e$a-le or,Press + ariaD& + Core&il,B at this ti-e/ #or .rther ,etails see the 4ontent $iew Recommendations 'hater/ (he ro'e,re .or 'reating a 'ontent vie4 .or an ali'ation is si-ilar to 4hat 4e ,es'rie, earlier 4hen 'reating or 'ore il, 'ontent vie4s/ (he -ain ,i..eren'e et4een the %S @Core &il,B 'ontent vie4 an, the ali'ation 'ontent vie4s is ri-aril= ho4 4e ans4er so-e
,esign Gestions/ n a,,ition to the general ,is'ssion aot sing an ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent vie4 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 or asse-le, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 @'onsisting o. resale 'o-onent 'ontent vie4s as ,is'sse, in Step 8B 4e nee, to -a)e another ,esign ,e'ision insi,e the ali'ation la=er/ ltitier ali'ations 'onsisting o. ,i..erent s'o-onents or sta') la=ers @.or e$a-le .ronten, -i,tier ,ataase a')en,B 'an e installe, in t4o ,i..erent 4a=s: as a single)#ost Q all)in)one setup 4here all 'o-onents are ,elo=e, 4ith the sa-e server as a multi)#ost Q federated setup 4here at least so-e 'o-onents are installe, in a .e,erate, 4a= (hese ,esign 'riteria -ight in.len'e the 'ontent vie4 ,esign ,e'ision as 4ell/ Althogh sing an allinone 'ontent vie4 that 'onsists o. all inherent 'o-onents re,'es the total n-er o. 'ontent vie4s it also in'reases the n-er o. reGire, 'ontrol ara-eters/ . 4e 'reate an allinone 'ontent vie4 an, ,o not 4ant to e$e'te a singlehost @t instea, a .e,erate, setB 4e nee, to 'ontrol the ,elo=-ent o. the arti'lar 'o-onents that =o shol, install on a target host = sing ara-eters han,e, over ,ring the ne4 host ,e.inition/ n or soltion gi,e 4eOve ,e'i,e, to se 'o-onentase, 'ontent vie4s e'ase or ali'ation ar'hite'tre has een ,esigne, to e a -ltihost ,elo=-ent/
ACME8s Sam&"e A&&"ication Architecture All or ACE ali'ations rn on to o. Re, at Enterrise *in$/ Althogh -ost o. the ali'ations rn on to o. RE* 7 4e still se RE* 6 .or so-e servers/ (he .ollo4ing ,iagra- illstrates the relationshi et4een the ali'ations an, the oerating s=steversions:
Sam&"e A&&"ication +1 git Ser'er it is a .ast s'alale ,istrite, revision 'ontrol s=ste-/ (he 'orreson,ing so.t4are a')ages are art o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ an, ne4er versions are also availale in Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions/ e are sing -ltile git servers as ,e,i'ate, revision 'ontrol s=ste-s to 'entrall= -anage varios so.t4are an, 'on.igration ite-s/ (hese in'l,e:
all Pet -o,les ,elo=e, = Re, at Satellite 6 all s'rits se, to ato-ate se'i.i' se 'ases all te-lates 4e have 'reate, or a,ate, insi,e Satellite 6 all so.t4are @sor'e 'o,eB an, 'on.igration .iles se, = ACE so.t4are ,evelo-ent ,eart-ents
e are sing Re, at Satellite 6 to rovision an, -aintain varios git servers ato-ati'all= to enale etter sort o. or ACE so.t4are ,evelo-ent e..orts an, ro?e'ts/
Example: Puppet Module for git (Server and Client) Si-ilar to the 'ore il, Pet -o,les in Step ( the .ollo4ing sse'tion rovi,es so-e asi' e$a-les o. Pet -o,les se, insi,e this soltion gi,e/ Sin'e it 'overs onl= asi' e$a-les an, not all o. the- are ne'essaril= the est 4a= to ta')le a arti'lar role- 4ith Pet e$erien'e, Pet sers -ight 4ant to s)i this 'hater/ (he ri-ar= goal o. this -o,le is to rovi,e a si-le e$a-le o. a -ltirose Pet -o,le se, .or oth the server an, 'lient 'on.igration o. the git revision 'ontrol s=ste-/ n
or ACE sa-le s'enario 4e se onl= the server 'o-onent to rovision the git Pet -o,le reositor= server @e$laine, in Step 1B/ &asi'all= the Pet -o,le er.or-s the .ollo4ing tas)s: nstalls the reGire, so.t4are a')ages an, all its ,een,en'ies d the git19git a')age .ro- the Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions reositor= i. it is a'ting as a git server @,e.altB d the ,e.alt git a')age as art o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ i. it is a'ting as a git 'lient d or an= other a')age na-e rovi,e, as a S-art Class Para-eter nstalls the Aa'he htt server a')age to -a)e the git reositor= availale via htt @reGire, .or reglar reositor= s=n'hroniation in 'on?n'tion 4ith Satellite 6B Starts an, er-anentl= enales starting the htt ,ae-on ntegrates the git inar= ath into ro.ile/, 'on.igration Creates a arti'lar ,ire'tor= .or git reositor= ,ata i. the ,ire'tor= ,oes not alrea,= e$ist d nitialies a git reositor= insi,e the ,ire'tor= i. the reositor= ,oes not alrea,= e$ist Provi,es a git hoo) to 'reate the PU*PAN#ES( .ile ato-ati'all= @reGire, .or reglar reositor= s=n'hroniation in 'on?n'tion 4ith Satellite 6B d %nl= a,,s Pet -o,les that are ilt to the PU*PAN#ES( (he ,etaile, ,o'-entation .or this sa-le Pet -o,le is in "ppendi? //
Content View for git Server Profile e 4ill no4 'reate 'ontent vie4s .or ea'h ali'ation t=e an, asse-le the- 4ith or 'ore il, 'ontent vie4s @'reate, earlierB to 'onstr't servert=ese'i.i' 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s/ n or,er to install a git server on to o. or alrea,= 'on.igre, 'ore il, 4e nee, to install one or -ore a,,itional so.t4are a')ages an, ,o so-e 'on.igration/ &oth shol, e'o-e art o. or 'ontent vie4 'alle, b'vagitO 4hi'h .ollo4s or na-ing 'onvention/ eOre sing the Satellite 6 content searc# .n'tionalit= to .igre ot 4hi'h versions o. git are availale in 4hi'h o. the so.t4are reositories that 4e s=n'hronie, ,ring Step '/ (he .ollo4ing ro'e,re ,es'ries ho4 to sear'h .or a a')age 'alle, bgit^O: 1/ o to Content ` Content Sear'h 2/ Sele't bPa')agesO .ro- the ,ro,o4n -en
!/ Enter bDe.alt %rganiation ;ie4O into the sear'h .iel, elo4 bContent ;ie4sO an, 'li') bA,,O @to get onl= reslts .ro- the original reositories an, not the 'ontent vie4s =o -ight alrea,= have at this ti-eB / Enter bgit^O into the sear'h .iel, elo4 bPa')agesO an, 'li') on bRe.resh resltsO Io shol, no4 see a age si-ilar to this s'reenshot:
(he Reslts sho4 that the git a')age is availale insi,e varios so.t4are reositories/ %n the right =o shol, see the 'oreil, 'ontent vie4 'reate, earlier @b'vosrhel7ServerOB/ . =o 'li') on the bRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerO .iel, it e$an,s to sho4 bRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server RPs $"66 7ServerO/ Io shol, e ale to see that the git version availale in or 'ore il, is git 1%=%5 / . =o go to the bDe.alt %rganiation ;ie4 @or *irar=B =o shol, see a reositor= 'alle, bRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions .or RE* ServerO/ . =o sele't it an, then sele't bRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server $"66 7ServerO =o shol, see that git version 1%& is availale via or Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions reositor=/ . 4e ,onOt nee, to se version 1/9 4e 4ol, not nee, to a,, an a,,itional so.t4are reositor= sin'e version 1/"/! is alrea,= availale throgh or 'ore il, 'ontent vie4/
n oth s'enarios or Pet 'on.igrations shol, e ale to han,le oth versions o. git/ &eing ale to han,le oth versions -eans that Satellite 6 -st e ale to ,eal 4ith the ,i..eren'e et4een the installation o. an RP @4hi'h is art o. Re, at Enterrise *in$B an, the sage o. Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions/ n or ACE s'enario 4eOve ,e'i,e, to se the ne4er version o. git 1/9/ &asi'all= the ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent vie4 .or or git server -st let =o:
a''ess an, enale the Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions reositor= install the git r- a')age 'on.igre a git reositor= @i. one ,oes not alrea,= e$istB rovi,e htt a''ess to the git reositor= to allo4 reglar 'ontent s=n'hroniation
E$'et .or the 'ontent rovisioning o. the Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions reositor= all other tas)s are ,one insi,e the Pet -o,le 'reate, earlier/
4reating t#e content view 1/ 4reate a content view 'alle, b'vagitO .ollo4ing or na-ing 'onvention an, 'li') Save/
'% "dd t#e Red Hat Software 4ollection Repositor-% d n the s'reenshot elo4 4eOve sele'te, the 'orreson,ing ro,'t to shorten the list o. availale reositories:
d Sele't the reositor= an, 'li') on bA,, ReositoriesO/ No4 the entire 'ontent o. the Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions reositor= is availale throgh this 'ontent vie4/
5% 2imit t#e content availa*ilit- to ust git packages *- creating a filter and a rule, d Cli') on bI- ContentO an, b#iltersO/ (here shol, e no .ilter at this ti-e/ d Cli') on the +Ne4 #ilter tton an, .illin a na-e in or 'ase bgita')agesonl=O/ d Sele't Content (=e bPa')ageO an, #ilter (=e bn'l,eO an, a,, a ,es'rition as in the e$a-le elo4/ d Cli') Save/
. =o enter bgitO in the Pa')ages .iel, a list o. all a')ages -at'hing this string ,isla=s:
@arning, t is not enogh to sele't a arti'lar a')age liste, in the s'reenshot aove/ . =o sele't the git19gitall a')age an, tr= to se the 'ontent =o 4ill noti'e that the installation o. git .ails ,e to -issing ,een,en'ies/ As e$laine, in the 4ontent $iew
Recommendations 'hater .ilters ,o not resolve ,een,en'ies/ (o .igre ot 4hi'h ,een,en'ies a arti'lar a')age has start 4ith a 'ontent vie4 4ithot .ilters an, note the a,,itional a')ages that have een installe, .or ,een,en'= reasons/ A.ter that =o 'an a,at =or .ilter rles a''or,ingl=either = sing 4il,'ar,s or = 'reating a,,itional .ilter rles .or ea'h a,,itional ,een,en'=/ A.ter testing it sing the 'ontent vie4 4ithot a .ilter 4eOve noti'e, that all ,een,en'ies -at'h the .ollo4ing attern: git19^/ (here.ore 4e ,i, not sele't a arti'lar ite- in the list o. a')ages t entere, the attern in the Pa')age Na-e .iel,/ Sin'e -ore than one a')age is 'overe, = this attern 4e leave Detail .iel, set to bAll ;ersionsO an, 'li') the +A,, tton/ (hogh in or s'enario it is not 'riti'al @sin'e 4e onl= have one reositor=B =o shol, -a)e a reglar hait o. se'i.=ing the a..e'te, reositories in the 'orreson,ing ta/ %ther4ise this .ilter rle alies to all reositories elonging to this 'ontent vie4/ n short other reositories @to 4hi'h =o ,onOt 4ant to al= .iltersB are also a..e'te, = this n'l,e .ilter/ . the= ,onOt rovi,e the a')age@sB ,e.ine, in or .ilter rle none o. the a')ages insi,e these other reositories are availale to hosts asso'iate, 4ith this 'ontent vie4/ #or .rther ,etails see 'hater 4ontent $iew Recommendations/ / 4lick on t#e T"ffected repositoriesU ta* and select t#e option, b(his .ilter alies onl= to a sset o. reositories in the 'ontent vie4/O Sele't the Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions reositor=/ . 4e 4ere to a,, other reositories to this 'ontent vie4 later in its li.e'='le the .ilter rle 4ol, still e vali,:
5/ "dd t#e Puppet modules created earlier% Cli') the bPet o,lesO ta an, then 'li') the +A,, Ne4 o,le tton/ Io shol, see the -o,le 'alle, git in the list o. availale Pet -o,les/ . =o have several Pet -o,les =o 'an se the .ilter .iel,/ Sele't git -o,le an, 'li') bSele't versionO/ Sele't bUse *atest versionO to avoi, having to ,ate the .ilter rle ea'h ti-e =o ,ate the -o,le/
Pu*lis#ing t#e 4ontent $iew No4 4eOve .inall= 'on.igre, or 'ontent vie4 an, 'an lish it/ www%red#at%com
1/ Cli') the Plish Ne4 ;ersion tton/ 2/ Provi,e a ,es'rition/ !/ Cli') Save/ A.ter the 'ontent vie4 has een s''ess.ll= lishe, it is availale in the *irar= stage/ / Use ha--er C* to e$e'te the .ollo4ing 'o--an, to 'reate the 'ontent vie4 an, lish it: ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3'vagit3 X ,es'rition 3(he ali'ation se'i.i' 'ontent vie4 .or git/3 X organiation 3%R3 a,, the RSC* reo ls .ilter .or git a')ages onl= ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X na-e 3'vagit3 X reositor= HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server $"66 7ServerH X ro,'t HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions .or RE* ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 .ilter 'reate t=e r- na-e Hgita')agesonl=H X ,es'rition H%nl= in'l,e the git r- a')agesH in'lsiontre X reositories HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server $"66 7ServerH X 'ontentvie4 3'vagit3 organiation 3%R3 ha--er 'ontentvie4 .ilter rle 'reate na-e Hgit19^H X 'ontentvie4 3'vagit3 X 'ontentvie4.ilter Hgita')agesonl=H organiation 3%R3 a,, Pet -o,les .ro- %R ro,'t reo to this C; ha--er 'ontentvie4 et-o,le a,, na-e git X 'ontentvie4 3'vagit3 organiation %R no as=n' an=-ore 4e nee, to 4ait ntil its lishe, to 'reate, the CC; ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3'vagit3 organiation 3%R3
As e$laine, in the 'ontent vie4 li.e'='le overvie4 'hater 4e ,o not nee, to ro-ote this ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent vie4 to other li.e'='le stages sin'e 4e onl- promote t#e final composite content view @'onsisting o. oth the ali'ationse'i.i' an, 'oreil, 'ontent vie4sB throgh the 'orreson,ing li.e'='le environ-ent ath/ &t .irst 4e nee, to 'reate the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/
Composite Content View for the gitserver Role
1/ Cli') bContentO ` bContent ;ie4sO/ 2/ Cli') +Create Ne4 ;ie4/ #ollo4ing or na-ing 'onvention 4e .illin b''vin.ragitserverO in the Na-e an, *ael .iel,s an, rovi,e a ,es'rition/ (his ti-e 4e 'he') the bCo-osite ;ie4O sele't o$:
!/ Sele't the t4o 'ontent vie4s to asse-le together: the b'vagitO 'ontent vie4 'reate, earlier an, the b'vosrhel7ServerO 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 'reate, ,ring Step (/ . there are alrea,= -ltile versions availale .or these 'ontent vie4s sele't the aroriate @roal= ne4estB one an, 'li') +A,, Content ;ie4s/ Io 'an ,ole 'he') i. =oOve sele'te, the right 'ontent vie4s an, versions = 'li')ing the b*ist Re-oveO ta/ %r sa-le s'enario alrea,= has a version 2/0/ (here.ore 4e have sele'te, a version 2/0 .or or 'ore il, 'ontent vie4:
/ Cli') the Plish Ne4 ;ersion tton .ill in a ,es'rition an, 'li') Save/
&e'ase 4e nee, *ot# a 'ontent vie4 D an, a 'ontent vie4 version D to asse-le -ltile 'ontent vie4s together into a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 an, 4e need the 'ontent vie4 version D again to ro-ote it 4eOve 4ritten the .ollo4ing .n'tion to ,eter-ine the -ost 'rrent version D o. a 'ontent vie4: .n'tion getlatestversion \ C;D@ha--er 'sv 'ontentvie4 list na-e 1 organiation \%R] gre vi HContent ;ie4 DH a4) #HH H\rint 1]H B ;Djha--er 'ontentvie4 version list 'ontentvie4i, \C;D] a4) #HH H\rint 1]H sort n ta' hea, n 1j e'ho ;D
retrn 0 ]
. 4e ass-e that 4e 4ant to se all the -ost 'rrent versions o. the inherent 'ontent vie4s the .ollo4ing 'o--an, ,eter-ines the version Ds o. oth the 'ore il, an, git ali'ation 'ontent vie4s an, ses the- to 'reate an, lish a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4: RE*7C&;Djgetlatestversion 'vosrhel7Serverj APPC;Djgetlatestversion 'vagitj ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3''vin.ragitserver3 X 'o-osite ,es'rition 3CC; .or n.ra git server3 X organiation %R 'o-onenti,s \RE*7C&;D]\APPC;D] ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3''vin.ragitserver3 organiation 3%R3
A.ter it is s''ess.ll= lishe, the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 is availale in the *irar= an, 'an e ro-ote, to or Dev stage/ Cli') the Pro-ote tton an, sele't the bDevO stage in or ,e.alt li.e'='le environ-ent ath @4hi'h is se, .or all in.rastr'tre servi'esB:
Cli') the Pro-ote ;ersion tton/ Using ha--er C* =o nee, to e$e'te the .ollo4ing 'o--an, to ro-ote the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 to stage Dev:
C;D@ha--er 'sv 'ontentvie4 list na-e b''vin.ragitserver organiation \%R] gre vi HContent ;ie4 DH a4) #HH H\rint 1]H B ;Djgetlatestversion ''vin.ragitserverj ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote organiation 3%R3 X 'ontentvie4i, C;D X toli.e'='leenviron-ent DE; X i, ;D as=n'
Io have no4 s''ess.ll= ro-ote, the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 to or Dev stage so that it 'an e teste, on s=ste-s asso'iate, 4ith this li.e'='le environ-ent an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/ (here.ore 4e nee, to 'reate a,,itional host gros/ &e.ore 'reating those 4e 4ill se the sa-e ro'e,re to 'reate a .e4 other 'ontent vie4s an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s/
Sam&"e A&&"ication 91 Container Host %r ACE E-erging (e'hnologies @E(B Deart-ent investigates ne4 te'hnologies an, their otential to i-rove the e..i'ien'= or e..e'tiveness o. ACE ( an, &siness/ Containers are one o. the -ost e$'iting te'hnolog= ,evelo-ents in re'ent =ears/ Containers rovi,e ali'ation ortailit= .a'ilitate -o,ern ali'ation ,esign 'on'ets li)e -i'roservi'es an, sort agile ,evelo-ent an, Dev%s/ Re, at has een at the .ore.ront o. ringing 'ontainer te'hnolog= to the enterrise 4ith or e$tensive ,evelo-ent 4or) on ro?e'ts li)e *in$ Do')er an, Lernetes/ Container te'hnologies s'h as Do')er 'an rovi,e tre-en,os vale on their o4n t to trl= enale innovation at s'ale it -st e ,elivere, an, -anage, as art o. an ato-ate, or'hestrate, an, intelligent s=ste-/ Crrentl= the E-erging (e'hnolog= ,eart-ent is investigating i. an, ho4 'ontainer te'hnolog= 'an sort the ne4 ACE 4e sho ali'ation 4hi'h is 'rrentl= n,er ,evelo-ent/ ACE E( is ri-aril= loo)ing .or a soltion that sorts the .ollo4ing goals:
A''elerates ,evelo-ent an, ,eliver= Provi,es .or e..i'ient se o. in.rastr'tre ives ,eveloers 'hoi'e %..ers -ltile intera'tion -o,els
A 'rrent .avorite o. this investigation is the ne4 Re, at %enShi.t Enterrise ;ersion !: htts: 444/re,hat /'o- ente'hnologies'lo, 'o-tingoenshi.t (o start e'o-ing .a-iliar 4ith the n,erl=ing ase te'hnologies ACE E( has as)e, the S=ste-s Engineering tea- to rovi,e a 'ole o. test s=ste-s that 'an a't as si-le a 'ontainer host ase, on Do')er te'hnolog= @4hi'h is in'l,e, in Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7B/ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
n or,er to rovision 'ontainer hosts in an ato-ate, .ashion ACE S=ste-s Engineering has rovi,e, three ite-s: 1/ a Pet -o,le to 'on.igre the 'ontainer host a''or,ingl= 2/ a 'ontent vie4 'ontaining the reGire, so.t4are a')ages an, 'on.igration !/ a ostrovisioning hoo) to integrate ne4 hosts ato-ati'all= into the Satellite 6 'o-te resor'es
Sample Puppet Module for Docker Host Compute Resource (his -o,le is se, to 'on.igre a RE*7 host to e'o-e a Satellite 6 'o-te resor'e .or the Do')er t=e/ t: nstalls the reGire, Do')er a')age an, ensres that it is ,ate, i. a ne4er version is availale = sing the blatestO otion @4hi'h 'an e overri,,en = sing a S-art Class Para-eterB Con.igres the /etc/sysconfig/docker 'on.igration .ile a''or,ing to the ,o'-entation in the Satellite 6 User i,e Starts the Do')er ,ae-on an, enales the ,ae-onOs ato-ati' starting #or -ore ,etaile, ,o'-entation aot this sa-le Pet -o,le see "ppendi? //
Content View for Docker Profile (he .ollo4ing 'ontent vie4 has een 'reate, .or the Do')er ro.ile: 4$ Aame
4$ 2a*el
4$ Description
Do')er ost Content ;ie4
4omposite 4$V
>. Repositories
Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server E$tras RPs
Puppet .odules
in'l,e: ,o')er^
2ife)c-cle Env Pat#
DE; ` A ` PR%D
(he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate the 'ontent vie4 a,, the 'orreson,ing Pet www%red#at%com
-o,le to it an, lish the 'ontent vie4: ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3'va,o')er3 X ,es'rition 3Do')er ost Content ;ie43 X organiation 3%R3 ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X reositor= HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server E$tras RPs $"66 7ServerH X na-e 3'va,o')er3 ro,'t HRe, at Enterrise *in$ ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 .ilter 'reate t=e r- na-e H,o')era')ageonl=H X ,es'rition H%nl= in'l,e the ,o')er r- a')ageH in'lsiontre X organiation 3%R3 'ontentvie4 3'va,o')er3 X reositories HRe, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server E$tras RPs $"66 7ServerH ha--er 'ontentvie4 .ilter rle 'reate na-e H,o')er^H X organiation 3%R3 'ontentvie4 3'va,o')er3 X 'ontentvie4.ilter H,o')era')ageonl=H (%D% letHs tr= the latest version @no version .ilterB/ . 4e .igre ot that it ,oes not 4or) a,, a .ilter .or ,o')er r- version here or insi,e the Pet -o,le a,, Pet -o,les .ro- %R ro,'t reo to this C; ha--er 'ontentvie4 et-o,le a,, na-e ,o')er X 'ontentvie4 3'va,o')er3 X organiation %R lish it 4ithot sing as=n' sin'e 4e nee, to 4ait ntil the tas) is .inishe, e.ore ro-oting it ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3'va,o')er3 X organiation 3%R3
Composite Content View for Containerhost Role (he .ollo4ing 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 has een 'reate, .or the 'ontainerhost in.rastr'tre servi'e server role: 4$ Aame
4$ 2a*el
4$ Description
CC; .or n.ra Container ost
4omposite 4$V
=es: in'l,ing the .ollo4ing 'ontent vie4s: 'vosrhel7Server 'va,o')er
>. Repositories
Puppet .odules
2ife)c-cle Env Pat#
DE; ` A ` PR%D
(he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s then 'reate the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 lish an, ro-ote it to the li.e'='le environ-ent DE;: APPC;Djgetlatestversion 'va,o')erj ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3''vin.ra'ontainerhost3 X 'o-osite ,es'rition 3CC; .or n.ra Container ost3 X organiation %R 'o-onenti,s \RE*7C&;D]\APPC;D] ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3''vin.ra'ontainerhost3 X organiation 3%R3 ;Djgetlatestversion ''vin.ra'ontainerhostj ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote organiation 3%R3 X 'ontentvie4 3''vin.ra'ontainerhost3 X toli.e'='leenviron-ent DE; X i, ;D as=n'
Post-Installation Hook for Containerhost n a,,ition to the Pet -o,le a post)installation #ook ato-ati'all= 'on.igres a ne4 host o. this t=e to e'o-e a Satellite 6 Do')er 'o-te resor'e sing a .ore-an hoo) an, the ha--er C*/ #or .rther in.or-ation see the ,o'-entation aot this hoo) in Step =/
Sam&"e A&&"ication :1 Centra" "oghost Ser'er Rs=slog, is a s=ste- tilit= that rovi,es sort .or -essage logging/ (he 'orreson,ing so.t4are a')ages are art o. Re, at Enterrise *in$/ e are sing -ltile logservers in ,i..erent environ-ents/ #or e$a-le 4e have ,e,i'ate, logservers insi,e or DJ environ-ent an, 4e are rnning ,e,i'ate, logservers .or high vol-e log.iles in or A environ-ent e'ase 4e nee, to se ,egging log levels here/ e se this as an e$a-le o. a se'ial t=e o. an ali'ation that reMuires neit#er a content view nor a composite content view / (his se'ial 'ase is vali, .or all ali'ations an, ,ae-ons that: reGire onl= so.t4are that is alrea,= art o. or 'oreil, ,e.inition www%red#at%com
se a -ltirose Pet -o,le that is art o. 'oreil, ,e.inition (he onl= reGire, so.t4are a')age rsyslogd is alrea,= in the 'oreil, 'ontent vie4 an, in a,,ition it is alrea,= installe, = ,e.alt sing the Pet -o,le loghost/ As ,o'-ente, in Step ( 4e have 'reate, a -ltirose Pet -o,le to -anage rs=slog log-anage-ent 'on.igration/ e are sing the sa-e -o,le to -anage oth 'lient an, server 'on.igrations/ e are also sing ,i..erent Pet 'lasses .or ea'h o. the- an, a S-art Class Para-eter to sele't the aroriate 'lass @4hi'h ,een,s on the se 'aseB/ (he onl= ite- that ,istingishes et4een a stan,ar, 'ore il, RE* server an, this role t=e is the Satellite 6 Smart 4lass Parameter / (he ,e.alt vale is set to b'lientO an, there.ore the host gro ,e.inition .or lain 'ore il,s ,oes not reGire a se'i.i' S-art Class Para-eter 'on.igration/ #or the role t=e bloghostO 4e nee, to set this S-art Class Para-eter to bserver in the 'orreson,ing host gro/ (his ara-eter is the onl= ,i..eren'e et4een these t4o host gros/ e 4ill e$lain this ara-eter t=e an, this s'enario later in Step 9/
Sam&"e A&&"ication ;1 Sate""ite Ca&su"e &ase, on or .e,erate, set 4ith -ltile sites an, lo'ations 4e are sing a 'ole o. Re, at Satellite 6 Casles/ (here.ore 4e 'reate, a ,e,i'ate, role t=e/
Aote, &e'ase the 'asle installation ses a ,e,i'ate, installer 4e ,i, not 'reate a Puppet module .or this role t=e/
Content View for Satellite 6 Capsule Profile (he .ollo4ing 'ontent vie4 4as 'reate, .or the Satellite 6 Casle ro.ile: 4$ Aame
4$ 2a*el
4$ Description
Satellite 6 Casle Content ;ie4
4omposite 4$V
>. Repositories
Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs RE*7 Re, at Satellite Casle 6 &eta
Puppet .odules
2ife)c-cle Env Pat#
DE; ` A ` PR%D
Aote, hen this ,o'-ent 4as 4ritten Satellite 6/1 4as in &eta hase/ (here.ore 4e have se, the 'orreson,ing 'hannel/ (his nee,s to e a,ate, a.ter Satellite 6/1 A/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate the 'ontent vie4 a,, the 'orreson,ing Pet -o,le to it an, then lish the 'ontent vie4: ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3'va'asle3 X ,es'rition 3Satellite 6 Casle Content ;ie43 X organiation 3%R3 ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X reositor= HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server $"66 7ServerH X na-e 3'va'asle3 ro,'t HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions .or RE* ServerH e'ho e 3XnXnXne enale the Satellite 6 Casle Reo .or ^^^^&E(A^^^^ here/ 3 e'ho e 3P%S( A lease 'hange this insi,e ste6/sh to the .inal reositor=/XnXnXn3 ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= organiation 3%R3 X reositor= HRe, at Satellite Casle 6 &eta .or RE* 7 Server RPs $"66H X na-e 3'va'asle3 ro,'t HRe, at Satellite Casle &etaH Note: 4e ,o not se a Pet -o,le here ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3'va'asle3 organiation 3%R3
Composite Content View for Satellite 6 Capsule Role (he .ollo4ing 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 4as 'reate, .or the 'ontainer host in.rastr'tre servi'e server role: 4$ Aame
4$ 2a*el
4$ Description
CC; .or Satellite 6 Casle
4omposite 4$V
=es: in'l,ing the .ollo4ing 'ontent vie4s: 'vosrhel7Server 'va'asle
>. Repositories
Puppet .odules
2ife)c-cle Env Pat#
DE; ` A ` PR%D
(he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate an, lish the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 an, then lish it an, ro-ote it to the li.e'='le environ-ent DE;: APPC;Djgetlatestversion 'va'aslej ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3''vin.ra'asle3 X 'o-osite ,es'rition 3CC; .or Satellite 6 Casle3 X organiation %R 'o-onenti,s \RE*7C&;D]\APPC;D] ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3''vin.ra'asle3 X organiation 3%R3 ;Djgetlatestversion ''vin.ra'aslej ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote organiation 3%R3 X 'ontentvie4 3''vin.ra'asle3 X toli.e'='leenviron-ent DE; X i, ;D as=n'
Sam&"e A&&"ication <1 ACME =ebsite (he ACE li' 4esite is 'rrentl= ase, in or,Press/ &ase, on a se'rit= gi,eline .ro- the ACE ris) K se'rit= -anage-ent tea- the .ronten, an, a')en, servers are searate,/ (he .ronten, servers rn insi,e the DJ environ-ent an, the a')en, servers rn in the -ain ni'h lo'ation/ (he .ronten, art 'onsists o. Aa'he PP an, or,Press itsel./ (he ,ataase servers se, as a')en,s are ase, on =S* or ariaD&/ (here is a dedicated lifec-cle environment pat# .or the ACE 4e @'reate, ,ring Step 8B that 'onsists o. eDE; eA eUA( an, ePR%D li.e'='le environ-ents/ &e'ase the 'rrent so.t4are ,evelo-ent is ase, on &oston US the .irst t4o lifec-cle environments @e*)DE$ and @e*)" are asso'iate, to the &oston lo'ation as ,e.ine, in the relate, Satellite 6 'asle 'on.igration:
&e'ase -ost o. the ,evelo-ent an, Ga s=ste-s are non)persistent ACE has ,e'i,e, to se the Re, at Enterrise *in$ %ensta') Plat.or- as the n,erl=ing virtaliation in.rastr'tre in &oston/ (he 'on.igration o. the 'orreson,ing lo'ation 'asle an, 'o-te resor'es 4as ,o'-ente, in Step '/ (he ACE 4e ali'ation ar'hite'tre has three arts: .ronten, 'ontent @Aa'he PP or,PressB a')en, 'ontent @ariaD& or =S*B oerating s=ste- 'ore il, @here: RE*7 .or oth .ronten, an, a')en,B
Sample Puppet Module for MariaDB server profile Sin'e so.t4are ,evelo-ent is ,one = ACE so.t4are ,evelo-ent ,eart-ent all so.t4are an, 'on.igration is ,esigne, an, ,eveloe, in &oston/ (he .ollo4ing Pet -o,les are insi,e the area o. resonsiilit= o. an, have een rovi,e, = the so.t4are ,evelo-ent ,eart-ent/ e are sing the stan,ar, Pet -o,le .ro- Petlas to -anage the =S* an, ariaD& ,ataases: htts: .orge/etlas/'o-etlas-=sGl (his -o,le also reGires the stan,ar, lirar= o. resor'es .or Pet -o,les stdlib0 4hi'h is art o. or 'ore il, ,e.initions/ www%red#at%com
Sample Puppet Module for ACME Web Role #ollo4ing the rolesro.iles -o,el e$laine, earlier the to la=er o. the entire ali'ation sta') has to 'ontain the role @PetB 'on.igration/ n or s'enario 4e 'reate, a -i$e, t=e -o,le that 'ontains oth: the role ,e.inition an, a ro.ile ,e.inition .or the or,Press ali'ation itsel./ (his -o,le installs an, 'on.igres the ACE 4esite ali'ation/ t allo4s s to ,istrite the ali'ation on t4o hosts one .or the .ronten, @Aa'he+PPB an, one .or the a')en, @=S*ariaD&B/ (he .ronten, ,e.inition ,oes the .ollo4ing ite-s: nstalls the Aa'he + PP a')ages sing the stan,ar, Pet -o,le .roPetlas to -anage the Aa'he 4eserver: htts: .orge/etlas/'o-etlasaa'he E$tra'ts the 'rrentl= latest or,Press version 4hi'h is shie, as a .ile throgh the Pet -o,le @version: /2/2B Con.igres /ar/www/html/wp-config.php 4ith the a')en, 'onne'tion ara-eter sing the Satellite 6 S-art Class Para-eters (his -o,le also reGires the stan,ar, lirar= o. resor'es .or the Pet -o,le stdlib an, the concat -o,le 4hi'h are alrea,= art o. or 'ore il, ,e.initions/ Detaile, ,o'-entation .or this sa-le Pet -o,le is in "ppendi? //
ACME Web Config Groups Tst as 4e 'reate, or 'oreil, ,e.inition 4e nee, to asse-le the Pet 'lasses that elong to or ACE 4e roles an, 'o-ine the- 4ith a 'on.ig gro/ e ,istingish et4een the .ronten, an, a')en, ?st as 4e ,i, 4ith or 'ontent vie4 ,e.initions/ (he 'orreson,ing 'on.ig gro .or .ronten, servers 'onsists o. the .ollo4ing Pet 'lasses:
(he 'orreson,ing 'on.ig gro .or a')en, servers 'onsists o. the .ollo4ing Pet 'lasses:
Aote, (he reGire, ,een,en'ies stdlib an, concat have not een a,,e, to these 'on.ig gros/ o4ever =o still nee, to ensre that the= are insi,e the sa-e Pet environ-ent/ (his is ato-ati'all= ,one sin'e the= are art o. the sa-e 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/
Content View for MariaDB Profile (he .ollo4ing 'ontent vie4 has een 'reate, .or the ariaD& ro.ile: 4$ Aame
4$ 2a*el
4$ Description
ariaD& Content ;ie4
4omposite 4$V
>. Repositories
Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs .or RE*6
Puppet .odules
2ife)c-cle Env Pat#
@re-ains in *irar=B
(he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate the 'ontent vie4 a,, the 'orreson,ing Pet -o,le to it an, lish the 'ontent vie4: ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3'va-aria,3 X ,es'rition 3ariaD& Content ;ie43 X organiation 3%R3 sin'e ariaD& is in'l,e, in RE*7 @an, there.ore in RE*7 Core &il,B 4e onl= nee, to a,, RSC* i. 4e se RE*6 i. Y 3RE*6ENA&*ED3 eG 1 [ then ha--er 'ontentvie4 a,,reositor= na-e 3'va-aria,3 X reositor= HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions RPs .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server $"66 7ServerH X ro,'t HRe, at So.t4are Colle'tions .or RE* ServerH X organiation 3%R3 .i ,o4nloa, etlas -=sGl -o,le an, sh it to ACE Pet Reo 4get % t-etlas-=sGl!//0/tar/g htts:.orgeai/etlas/'o-v!.ilesetlas-=sGl!//0/tar/g
a,, these -o,les to ACE Pet reo ha--er reositor= loa,'ontent organiation MACE X ro,'t ACE na-e 3ACE Pet Reo3 X ath t-etlas-=sGl!//0/tar/g ha--er 'ontentvie4 et-o,le a,, 'ontentvie4 'va-aria, X na-e -=sGl organiation %R ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3'va-aria,3 organiation 3%R3
Content View for the WordPress profile (he .ollo4ing 'ontent vie4 has een 'reate, .or the or,Press ro.ile: 4$ Aame
4$ 2a*el
4$ Description
or,Press Content ;ie4
4omposite 4$V
>. Repositories
none @i. or,Press r- se,: EPE* 7B
Puppet .odules
a'-e4e aa'he
@re-ains in *irar=B
(he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate the 'ontent vie4 a,, the 'orreson,ing Pet -o,le to it an, lish the 'ontent vie4: ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3'va4or,ress3 X ,es'rition 3or,ress Content ;ie43 X organiation 3%R3 ,o4nloa, etlas -=sGl -o,le an, sh it to ACE Pet Reo 4get % t-etlasaa'he1//1/tar/g htts:.orgeai/etlas/'o-v!.ilesetlasaa'he1//1/tar/g a,, these -o,les to ACE et reo ha--er reositor= loa,'ontent organiation \%R] X ro,'t ACE na-e 3ACE Pet Reo3 X ath t-etlasaa'he1//1/tar/g
a,, et -o,les .ro- %R ro,'t reo to this C; ha--er 'ontentvie4 et-o,le a,, na-e aa'he X 'ontentvie4 'ontentvie4 3'va4or,ress3 3'va4or,ress3 X organiation organiati on %R role se'i.i' -o,le .or a'-e4e @in'l,es 4or,ress ro.ileB ha--er 'ontentvie4 et-o,le a,, na-e a'-e4e X 'ontentvie4 'ontentvie4 3'va4or,ress3 3'va4or,ress3 X organiation organiati on %R ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3'va4or,ress3 3'va4or,r ess3 organiation organiati on 3%R3
Composite Content View for ACME Web Role (he .ollo4ing 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 has een 'reate, .or the ACE e servi'e server role: 4$ Aame
4$ 2a*el
4$ Description
CC; .or ACE in'l,ing or,Press an, ariaD&
4omposite 4$V
=es: in'l,ing the .ollo4ing 'ontent vie4s: 'vosrhel7Server 'va-aria, 'va4or,ress
>. Repositories
Puppet .odules
2ife)c-cle Env Pat#
eDE; ` eA ` eUA( ` ePR%D
(he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 lish it an, ro-ote it to the li.e'='le environ-ent DE;: APP1C;Djgetlatestversion 'va-aria,j APP2C;Djgetlatestversion 'va4or,ressj ha--er 'ontentvie4 'reate na-e 3''via'-e4e3 'o-osite X ,es'rition ,es'riti on 3CC; .or ACE in'l,ing or,Press an, ariaD&3 X 'o-onenti,s \RE*7C&;D]\APP1C;D]\ \RE*7C&;D] \APP1C;D]\APP2C;D] APP2C;D] X
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
organiation organiati on %R ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3''via'-e4e3 organiation 3%R3 ;Djgetlatestversion ''via'-e4ej ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote organiation 3%R3 X 'ontentvie4 'ontentvi e4 3''via'-e4e3 3''via' -e4e3 X toli.e'='leenvir toli.e' ='leenviron-ent on-ent eDE; X i, ;D as=n'
Cli') on Content ` Content ;ie4s to see a long list o. 'ontent vie4s an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s/
(o list all the 'ontent vie4s 4eOve 'reate, so .ar se ha--er 'o--an,s:
Aote, (his list rovi,es so-e a,,itional in.or-ation that -ight e relevant to =o/ &esi,es the www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
refarc#)feed*ack+ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com red#at%com
'ontent vie4 t=e @'o-osite tre or e-t=B =o 'an also see 'ontent vie4s that have no reositor= Ds asso'iate, 4ith the- @ composite 'ontent vie4s have no reositories asso'iate, 4ith the- = ,e.altB/ (hese are or 'ontent vie4s that se the 'ore il, reositories .or so.t4are @.or e$a-le ariaD& as art o. Re, at Enterrise *in$B an, that onl= 'ontain Pet -o,les/
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
Step 7: Automate your provisioning A high ,egree o. ato-atiation is one o. the )e= .a'tors .or s''ess.ll= estalishing =or Stan,ar, %erating Environ-ent @S%EB/ (he Re, at Satellite Server 6 o..ers -an= .eatres that hel =o to ato-ate =or rovisioning: Para-eteriation Para-eteriation .or rovisioning rovisioning te-lates te-lates an, -anaging 'on.igrations 'on.igrations @i-roves @i-roves the resailit= o. rovisioning te-lates an, Pet 'lasses to a'hieve ,i..erent 'on.igrations ase, on the ara-eters at a host levelB Provisioning Provisioning (e-lates @.or e$a-le e$a-le a 'sto-iale 'sto-iale Li')start Li')start .or .or natten,e, natten,e, installationsB Con.igration Con.igration -anage-ent -anage-ent 4ith Pet Pet @,e.ines @,e.ines the the target target state o. a host host throgh throgh its entire li.e'='leB ost ro ros s .or stan, stan,ar,i ar,ie, e, rov rovisio isioning ning o. server server roles roles &= the ti-e =o .inish this se'tion the Re, at Satellite Server 4ill e 'on.igre, to rovision the Core =uild ase, ase, on a Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server 4ith the .ollo4ing sa-le 'on.igration: Csto Csto-i -ie, e, artit artitio ion n la=o la=ott A,,itio A,,itional nal RP RP a')age a')ages s to the 'ore 'ore a')a a')age ge gro gro throgh throgh P Pet et Stati' Stati' net4o net4or) r) 'on.i 'on.ig grat ration ion Sa-le Sa-le servi' servi'e e 'on.ig 'on.igrat ration ion .or .or nt nt an, re-ote re-ote loggi logging ng A host host 'on.ig 'on.igrat ration ion .or -onit -onitorin oring g 4ith ai$ ai$ as an e$a-le e$a-le n this 'hater 4e 4ill set all reGire, Satellite 6 entities to ,elo= all the sa-le servi'es an, ali'ations 4e have 'reate, in the revios t4o stes:
A lain lain %S Cor Core e &il &il, , serv server er A serve serverr a'ti a'ting ng as as a 'ont 'ontain ainer er host host A server server a'ting a'ting as a Satelli Satellite te 6 'asle 'asle server server A serve serverr a'ti a'ting ng as a git git serv server er A serve serverr a't a'ting ing as a log loghos hostt A serve serverr a'ting a'ting as a @,ataas @,ataaseB eB a')en, a')en, server server .or .or ACE ACE 4e ali' ali'atio ation n A server a'ting as a @or,Pres @or,Pressase,B sase,B .ronten, server .or ACE 4e ali'ation ali'ation
/ro'isioning Recommendations (he server rovisioning 'on.igration is one o. the -ost o4er.l an, 'o-le$ 'on.igrations in Re, at Satellite 6/ (he ri-ar= goal is to rovision ne4 servers ase, on a re,e.ine, 'on.igration 4ith the
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
refarc#)feed*ack+ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com red#at%com
highest ossile ,egree o. stan,ar,iation an, ato-ation as 4ell as to the highest ossile astra'tion la=er @t=i'all= the ali'ationB/ Even i. rovisioning o. the oeration s=ste- @'ore il,B is the -ost 'o--on se 'ase in -an= 'sto-er environ-ents Re, at Satellite rovi,es the 'aailit= to rovision servers that are rea,= to e se, in ro,'tion/ (his 'aailit= in'l,es oth: (he rovisioning rovisioning o. oerating oerating s=ste-s s=ste-s an, an, the ali'ations ali'ations rnning rnning on on to o. o. the %S (he integr integratio ation n into into the entire entire -anage -anage-en -entt tool tool 'hain 'hain (his rovisioning ro,'es 4hat 4e 'all 3rea,=2rn s=ste-s/3 (hese s=ste-s are 'o-letel= 'on.igre, an, 'an e se, in ro,'tion an, test environ-ents i--e,iatel=/ Even i. -an= 'sto-ers have not i-le-ente, these 'aailities =et =o 4ol, nee, to have the- in la'e in a 'lo, s'enario 4here servers @an, ri-aril= ali'ations rnning on to o. the-B 'an e a''esse, throgh a sel.servi'e ortal/ (he ,iagra- elo4 illstrates the asi' 4or).lo4 o. this enhan'e, rovisioning/ (he -ain goals o. this .ll= ato-ate, server rovisioning are:
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
(o e al ale e to rov rovisi ision on a serv server er 4ith 4ithin in a .e4 -intes
(o in'l,e the %S @aaSB an, ali'ation lat.or- @PaaSB
Not Not to to reG reGir ire e -an -ana all inte interve rventi ntion on
Not Not to reGir reGire e -an -anal al os ost tro' ro'es essin sing g
(o have have har, har,4ar 4are e virt virta ali liati ation on se'i.i' a,atations han,le, ato-ati'all=
(o int integ egrat rate e the the s=ste s=ste- ..ll ll= = integrate, into the (S tool 'hain
(o hav have e the the s=ste s=ste- ttes este, te, an, an, ro,'tion rea,= a.ter reoot
(he e..ort reGire, to i-le-ent s'h a .ll= ato-ate, rovisioning -ight e e$tensive/ &t in ter-s o. s=nerg= it 'an e it: 4hile initial rovisioning -ight e a sel,o-l= se, se 'ase at least in ro,'tion the te'hnolog= 'ore is si-ilar to three other se 'ases:
1 ^ @Ali'ation ,elo=-ent is not the ri-ar= target o. Satellite 6 even thogh it is te'hni'all= .easile/ nstea, 4e re'o--en, that =o se a ,e,i'ate, PaaS tool .or this se 'ase s'h as Re, at %enShi.t EnterriseB www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
refarc#)feed*ack+ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com red#at%com
Disaster Recover- Procedures, (he -ain ,i..eren'e et4een initial rovisioning an, er.or-ing a restore is that the ,ata restore 'ol, e triggere, at the en, o. rovisioning/ S-stem 4loning, *ets =o 'reate ro,'tion 'lones @.or e$a-le .or testing 'hanges an, rero,'ing in'i,entsB/ (he -ain ,i..eren'es are the environ-entse'i.i' a,atations @.or e$a-le ,i..erent 'onne'tion 're,entials .or ss=ste-sB 4hi'h shol, e 'overe, an=4a= in the server 'on.igration e'ase the 'ontent @vie4B is ro-ote, n'hange, throgh the ,i..erent li.e'='le environ-ents @see 'hater 4ontent $iew Recommendations .or .rther ,etailsB D-namic #oriontalC Scale)Out : *ets =o a,, a,,itional si-ilar s=ste-s o. the sa-e t=e to a'hieve horiontal s'alailit=/ (he -ain ,i..eren'e is that the ne4 s=stehas to e a,,e, 4ith a loa, alan'er in .ront o. it/ . a loa, alan'er has een se, alrea,= this -ight e alrea,= 'overe, in the ,elo=-ent 'on.igration/
n or,er to rese @initialB rovisioning 'aailities .or restore ,isaster re'over= ro'e,res 4e re'o--en, that =o se a slit artitioning s'he-a to ,ivi,e et4een the so.t4are an, ,ata ,is)s/ e 4ill e$lain this in the Partition (ales se'tion elo4/ &e'ase -ost o. the ato-ation ,is'sse, in this soltion gi,e relies heavil= on a 4or)ing )i')start 'on.igration ever- c#ange in all related o*ects s#ould *e considered carefull-
and tested *efore -ou appl- it to t#e production configuration / (he .ollo4ing se'tion rovi,es so-e gi,an'e on ho4 to re,'e the 'o-le$it= o. the rovisioning 'on.igration an, ho4 to -aintain it e..i'ientl=/ (he 'o-lete installation an, 'on.igration o. the s=ste- -ight not e enogh .or it to e se, in ro,'tion/ Io -st also integrate t#is s-stem into t#e s-stem management tool c#ain ri-aril= .o'sing on -onitoring a') s'he,ling in'i,ent -anage-ent an, so on/ Se'i.i'all= this integration -eans that the ne4 host -st e a,,e, to or -onitoring 'on.igration in a,,ition to the -onitoringrelate, so.t4are installation an, the 'on.igration o. the 'lient/ (his integration -ight also in'l,e re-ote e$e'tions rnning as hoo)s on different servers t#an t#e recentl- provisioned #ost @.or e$a-le on the a') -anage-ent serverB/ n or soltion gi,e 4eHre ,e-onstrating this integration ase, on the -onitoring se 'ase/ #rther enhan'e-ents are liste, in Step 10/ (he ri-ar= goal there.ore is to reduce t#e total num*er of kickstart configurations to an a*solute minimum/ (he .le$iilit= an, ,=na-i' a,otions @oth ara-eter ase, or ato-ati'all= ,ete'te,B hel to 'over as -an= otions an, variants as ossile 4ithin one single )i')start .ile se, = all servers/ %n the other han, an, given the i-ortan'e o. rovisioning .or all the se 'ases -entione, aove 4e re'o--en, that =o 'reate at least one test clone .or ea'h ro,'tion )i')start .ile/ Use this test clone to validate c#anges *efore appl-ing t#em to a configuration used in production / (he vali,ation o. a ne4er version o. a )i')start 'on.igration shol, test as otions as ossile that are 'overe, = the rovisioning 'on.igration @s'h as ,i..erent har,4are an, virtaliation lat.or-s an, ,i..erent ali'ation t=esB/ Re, at Satellite shis 4ith a lot o. ,i..erent te-lates .or rovisioning that -ight alrea,= e sufficient for man- customer environments / &e.ore =o 'lone an, a,at these te-lates 4e re'o--en, that =o veri.= that =o a'tall= nee, to a,at the-/ n -ost 'ases =o -a= onl= nee, to 'reate one or t4o a,,itional 'sto- te-lates/ #or -aintenan'e reasons it is easier to a,, 'sto- te-lates @4hi'h -ight e ase, on the re'on.igre, ones 'lones o. the-B than to a,at the original te-late/ As an alternative to a,,ing .n'tionalit= to the )i')start .iles an, te-lates 'onsi,er adding t#is functionalit- to t#e content managed inside content views instea,/ Step ( otlines that the 'ore il, 'an 'ontain -ost o. these 'aailities that -ight e easier to -aintain e'ase the 'ontent vie4 is sing the inherent li.e'='le -anage-ent 'aailities/ See Step ( .or -ore ,etails/ (hogh it is -'h easier to a,, a M=- = install Byourpackage line into )i')start than it is to 4rite a Pet -o,le an, a,, it to a 'ontent vie4 the -ain ,isa,vantage o. a,,ing this line is that then it alies onl= to s=ste-s that are rovisione,/ . =o 4ant to a,, the reGire,
a')ages to an alrea,= e$isting server =o 4ol, have to rerovision it/ Sre =o 'ol, -anall= a,, the a')ages later sing the eU t that otion ,e.eats the goal o. reeatailit=/ (o avoi, an nne'essar= 'o-le$it= in 'ontent vie4s an, host gros 4e re'o--en, that =o make t#e provisioning configuration fle?i*le enoug# to deal wit# all options t#at are primaril- *ased on t#e different #ardware and virtualiation platforms used in -our environment/ ost o. the- 'an e ato-ati'all= ,ete'te, an, =o 'an se the 'on,itional state-ents in the )i')start 'on.igration to a,at ho4 these a'tions are ato-ati'all= e$e'te,/ . =o are sing ,i..erent har,4are lat.or-s that reGire ,i..erent artition tales @.or e$a-le /de/sda .or stan,ar, har,4are t /de/cciss .or ol,er P serversB 4e re'o--en, that =o 'reate a ,=na-i' environ-ent that han,les all these otions instea, o. 'reating ,i..erent )i')start 'on.igrations .or all o. the-/ Re, at Satellite 'rrentl= onl= rovi,es a version 'ontrol that in'l,es ,i.. an, 'hangereverting 'aailities .or in,ivi,al te-lates/ . =o a,at a te-late =o 'an vie4 the ,i..s an, revert 'hanges = sele'ting the te-late n,er ost ` Provisioning (e-lates ` Ior (e-late an, 'li')ing on the istor= ta:
. =o are sing a,van'e, rovisioning sets that in'l,e a lot o. -o,i.ie, an, enhan'e, te-lates 4e re'o--en, that =o a') an, version 'ontrol these ite-s on a reglar refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
asis/ Either e.ore i-orting the- into Satellite or sing the AP to gather ,o4nloa, an, store all relate, o?e'ts in a revision 'ontrol s=ste-/
/ro'isioning Methods Satellite Server 6 o..ers -ltile 4a=s to oot a host into the Ana'on,a installer to initiate the rovisioning hase/ P:E (he Satellite Server ato-ati'all= -anages a Preoot e8e'tion Environ-ent @P8EB throgh the Re, at Casle .eatres @(#(P an, DCPB/ (he DCP Server assigns the host its net4or) 'on.igration an, ,ire'ts the host to the (#(P Server/ &= ,e.alt the (#(P Server is -anage, throgh the >ickstart default PD*)inu4 te-late to 'reate a t.t oot re'or, that oints the host to its installation 'on.igration/ Boot /SO As an alternative =o 'an se &oot S%s/ &= ,e.alt &oot S%s are generate, 4ith the =oot disk iPD* - host te-late/ (o generate a host se'i.i' &oot S% navigate to @a.ter =o have alrea,= 'reate, the ne4 host entr=B: osts ➤ +ll osts ➤ sele't host to generate oot iso .or ost &Ename& image
➤ sele't
=oot disk ➤ sele't
Aote, &oot S%s have the ,isa,vantage that the= have to e -anall= loa,e, to a Compute Resource or to the &oar, anage-ent Controller o. a h=si'al server in or,er to rovision a host/ /mage Based Another -etho, is #mage-based rovisioning/ (his is onl= availale 4hen a host is rovisione, throgh Compute Resources/ #mages that are availale in the i-age store on a Co-te Resor'e have to e .lagge, so that =o 'an se the- 4ith the Re, at Satellite/ (4o ,i..erent rovisioning t=es are availale 4hen i-agease, rovisioning is eing se,/ (=e .inish @Satellite Li')start De.alt #inishB A 'sto- ostinstallation s'rit that reGires the Re, at Satellite Server to www%red#at%com
'onne't to the host via SS in or,er to e$e'te the s'rit/ (=e ser,ata @Satellite Li')start De.alt User DataB hen a Compute Resource li)e %enSta') or EC2 is se, the user_data te-late 'an e se, .or a rolese'i.i' 'on.igration a.ter i-age ,elo=-ent/ (he user_data te-late is a ost s'rit 4here the #ost 'onne'ts to the Re, at Satellite Server to register itsel. 4ith the assigne, a'tivation )e= to get a''ess to its 'ontent/ (he ser,ata t=e has a -an,ator= reGire-ent .or ser,ata 'aale i-ages @.or e$a-le 'lo,init or another -eta,atare'eiving s'ritB/
Aote, (his -etho, is 'overe, in the S'enario CB i-le-entation at the en, o. Step ' o. this ,o'-ent/ (o assign i-ages to e se, = Re, at Satellite .or rovisioning go to: 1/ #nfrastructure ➤ Compute Resources ➤ sele't the Co-te Resor'e that 'ontains the i-age 2/ Navigate to the #mages ta ➤ !ew #mage !/ #ill in the 'orreson,ing in.or-ation .or the ne4 i-age/ . the i-age is 'aale to e$e'te ser,ata s'rits a)e sre to 'he') the 3User ,ata3 'he')o$/ >sing t#e Satellite 6 Discover-
De.ine rles 4hi'h govern ho4 these ,is'overe, s=ste-s are rovisione,/ (his allo4s rovisioning to o''r ato-ati'all= an, 4ithot .rther intervention Enale Dis'over= to 4or) via Satellite Casles via the solate, Casle .eatre/ ntegrate Dis'over= 4ith e$isting 4or).lo4s via its ne4 a--er C* lgin/
#rther ,etails 'an e .on, here: htts:a''ess/re,hat/'o-arti'les15072!
Para-eters are )e=vale airs that 'an e se, in Proisioning templates as 4ell as .or configuration management FPuppetG/ Para-eters 'an e ,e.ine, in several la'es in a hierar'hi'al -anner/ . the sa-e )e= is se, in -ore than one o. those la'es the -ost se'i.i' one to the host 4ill e se,/ (he Re, at Satellite Server -anages t4o ,i..erent t=es o. ara-eters gloal ara-eters an, s-art 'lass ara-eters/
Global Parameters loal ara-eters are a''essile .or se in Re, at Satellite as 4ell as .or Pet 'on.igration -anage-ent/ Io 'an a''ess gloal ara-eters to se in Re, at Satellite 4herever ER& te-lating is eing se,/ Io 'an a''ess the vale o. gloal ara-eters in: An= t=e o. rovisioning te-late Partition tales (he re'o--en,e, 4a= to a''ess loal Para-eters in a Pet -ani.est is ::variale t variale 4or)s as 4ell/ Para-eters availale to a host .or rovisioning or 'on.igration -anage-ent 4ith Pet 'an e revie4e, at: osts ➤ +ll osts ➤ Sele't the host .or 4hi'h =o 4ant to vie4 the availale ara-eters/ Cli') on the H+5) tton/
Aote, No -atter at 4hi'h level ara-eters are ,e.ine, in the hierar'h= in the en, the ara-eters are al4a=s -a,e availale on a er host asis/ #or this reason the= 'an al4a=s e a''esse, 4ith the variale #ost%paramsWTparameternameUX /
(he .ollo4ing grahi' otlines the gloal ara-eter hierar'h=/
here to ,e.ine Para-eters: loal ara-eters: Configure ➤ $lobal parameters. %rganiation: *o'ation:
+dminister ➤ Organiations ➤ edit ➤ Parameters.
➤ )ocations ➤ edit ➤ Parameters.
➤ 2omains ➤ edit ➤
%erating S=ste-: osts ➤ Operating systems ➤ edit ➤ Parameters. ost ro: ost:
Configure ➤ ost groups ➤ edit ➤ Parameters. osts ➤ +ll hosts
➤ edit ➤ Parameters.
Smart $aria*les 1mart 3ariables are also art o. the gloal ara-eters an, 'an e ,e.ine, on an= level o. that hierar'h= ase, on a -at'her rle eing se, in the s-art variale ,e.inition/ at'her rles are se, to ,e.ine the level o. the hierar'h= to 4hi'h a ara-eter shol, e assigne,/ #or e$a-le to assign a ,i..erent variale ase, on the environ-ent =o 'ol, 'reate a s-art variale -at'her rle li)e this:
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
Aote, t is i-ortant to .lag the 'he')o$ Moverri,e to tell Re, at Satellite to -anage the variale/ 1mart 3ariables are se, in Pet -ani.ests an, 'an e 'on.igre, n,er Configure ➤ 1mart 3ariables
Smart Class Parameters (hese ara-eters are s'oe, @assigne,B to a single Pet 'lass/ %ther than gloal ara-eters class parameters are availale onl= insi,e the Pet 'lass 4here the ara-eter is ,e.ine,/
Define Global Parameters (o rea'h a high level o. stan,ar,iation ACE is sing a single provisioning template .or all hosts no -atter the lo'ation or role o. the host/ (o e ale to 'on.igre hosts ,i..erentl= ase, on the lo'ation ACE ses the lo'ation ara-eters to set the time,one an, "anguage,
Parameter, !e-
Parameter, $alue
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
refarc#)feed*ack+ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com red#at%com
(o ,e.ine the lo'ationase, ara-eters that 4ill e se, in the /ro'isioning tem&"ate se'tion o. this 'hater navigate to:
2ocation munich, 5/ +dminister ➤ )ocations ➤ sele't the lo'ation munich ➤ on the le.t ane sele't Parameters 6/ A,, A,, the the )e=: )e=: time)one an, the vale: EuropeQBerlin 7/ A,, A,, the the )e=: )e=: language an, the vale: en>S%>3<)=
2ocation munich2dm,, +dminister ➤ )ocations ➤ sele't the lo'ation munich-dm ➤ on the le.t ane sele't Parameters A,, the )e=: time)one an, the vale: EuropeQBerlin A,, the )e=: language an, the vale: en>S%>3<)=
2ocation boston, 9/ +dminister ➤ )ocations ➤ sele't the lo'ation munich-dm ➤ on the le.t ane sele't Parameters 10/A,, the )e=: time)one an, the vale: "mericaQAework 11/ A,, the )e=: )e=: language an, the vale: en>S%>3<)=
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
Aote, At the ti-e o. this 4riting the lo'ationlevel ara-eters 'ol, not e assigne, throgh ha--er/ (he .ire4all servi'e an, SE*in$ are not eing se, an, shol, e ,ea'tivate, throgh the rovisioning hase/ ACE is sing gloal ara-eters to ,isale the .ire4all servi'e an, sets SE*in$ into er-issive -o,e/ 7lo*al
Parameter, !e-
Parameter, $alue
Con.igre loal ara-eter: Configure ➤ $lobal parameters ➤ !ew Parameter A,, the na-e: firewall an, the vale: ))disa*led A,, the na-e: selinu? an, the vale: ))permissive
via ha--er:
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
refarc#)feed*ack+ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com red#at%com
ha--er gloalara-eter set na-e 3.ire4all3 vale 3,isale,3 ha--er gloalara-eter set na-e 3selin$3 vale 3er-issive3
Aote, ;ales 'an e hi,,en/ #or e$a-le =o 'an hi,e ass4or,s = 'he')ing the hide 'he')o$ in,ivi,all= .or ea'h ara-eter/ &t e a4are that i. =o are sing the hide 'he')o$ the ara-eter 'an still e seen in clearte?t i. =o loo) at the H+5) ott o. a host/ Aote, Io 'an a'hieve the sa-e 'on.igration state = sing 'on.igration -anage-ent 4ith Pet instea, o. sing rovisioning te-lates/ e re'o--en, that =o a'hieve the sa-e host 'on.igration state 4ith Pet/ (he ene.it o. a'hieving the sa-e host 'on.igration state 4ith Pet is that i-agease, ,elo=-ent reslts in the sa-e host 'on.igration state as $e or oot iso rovisioning/ Para-etriation o. rovisioning te-lates is ,one to sho4 the ossiilities an, 'aailities o. the Re, at Satellite Server/ t is etter to )ee sing the o..i'ial Re, at rovisioning te-lates 4henever ossile e'ase ,ates shie, = Re, at that 'ol, intro,'e ne4 .eatres on the te-lates have to e -erge, -anall= i. =o not sing the o..i'ial te-lates/
Tem&"ates (he Re, at Satellite Server 6 is -a)ing se o. the ER& ER& te-lating te-lating langage 4hi'h is art o. the R= stan,ar, lirar=/ ER& te-lating 'an e se, in all &ro'isioning tem&"ate ty&es an, &artition tab"es/ ER& intro,'es a ne4 .le$iilit= that lets =o rovision Re, at Enterrise *in$ 5 6 an, 7 throgh a single rovisioning te-late/ hen a )i')start .ile is ren,ere, .or rovisioning the ER& 'o,e se, in the te-lates is evalate, an, sstitte, on the Satellite Server 6/
Aote, Pet te-lates also sort the ER& te-lating langage in or,er to se'i.= 'ontent o. .iles/
Template type overview: 3-pe
rov rovision
(he -a -ain te te-late s se, .o .or n natten,e, in installation @Li')startB
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
S'rit that 'an e in'l,e, in another te-late an, share, a'ross -ltile te-lates
Creates a oot/isoV en enales ,e ,elo=-ent in in environ-ents 4ithot DCP an, (#(P
anages (#(P re'or,s .or net4or)ase, installations
Use, in iP8E environ-ents instea, o. P8E*in$
nstall s'rit that is se, to e$e'te 'sto- a'tions in the Fost se'tion ,ring )i')start/
Csto- .inish s'rit se, .or i-agease, ,elo=-ents in RE* %ensta') Plat.or-/
(e-lates are lo'ate, n,er: 10/ osts ➤ Proisioning templates Re, at shis the .ollo4ing i-ortant te-lates to se .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ rovisioning: 3emplate Aame
Satellite Li')start De.alt
Li')start ro.ile -ain installation te-late/ Sniets are nor-all= in'l,e, in this ro.ile t=e/
Li')start ,e ,e.alt P8 P8E*in$
Creates th the (#(P oot rre e'or,
ss ss'r 'ri iti tion on-an anag ager err reg egis istr trat atio ion n
sni snie ett
hen hen a ost ost or ost ost ro ro is asso'iate, 4ith an a'tivation )e= .or rovisioning the 1atellite te-late loa,s the >ickstart 2efault te-late subscription_manager_registration sniet to register the host at the Re, at Satellite Server an, to installs the )atelloagent a')age/
&oot ,is) iP8E host
enerates a hostse'i.i' oot iso
Creates a no,e @hostB se'i.i' et/'on.
Satell telliite Li')s ')start tart De. De.alt #ini inish
.inis inish h
Satellite Li')start De.alt User Data
www%red#at%co www%red#at%com m
refarc#)feed*ack+ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com red#at%com
Aote, #or an overvie4 o. the )i')start otions that 'an e se, in the rovisioning te-late see: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Enterrise *in$7 ht-l nstallatio ni,ese't )i')start s=nta$ /ht-l
Clone a Provisioning Template Proisioning templates that are shie, = Re, at are not allo4e, to e e,ite, ,ire'tl=/ (he te-lates are lo')e, to ensre that a host 'an al4a=s e s''ess.ll= rovisione, 4ith these te-lates/ oreover the te-lates -a= e enhan'e, 4hen the Re, at Satellite Server 4ill e ,ate,/
(o 'hange a rovisioning te-late or se a ara-eter insi,e it 0 it -st e cloned/ n this ,o'-ent the te-late 1atellite >ickstart 2efault is the onl= one that 4ill e 'lone, an, a,ate, to se the reviosl= ,e.ine, ara-eters at the gloal an, lo'ation level/ (o 'lone a te-late navigate to: 7/ osts ➤ Proisioning templates "/ %n the ro4 4ith the na-e 1atellite >ickstart 2efault0 go to the right si,e an, 'li') on the clone tton 9/ %n the Ne4 (e-late age .ill in the na-e ACME 4ickstart $e!au"t 10/Rela'e the variales a/ rela'e langage 4ith: lang BEI Jhost.params%KlanguageL' E / rela'e selin$ 4ith: selinu4 BEI Jhost.params%Kselinu4L' E '/ rela'e .ire4all 4ith: firewall BEI Jhost.params%KfirewallL' E ,/ note that the ara-eter time-one is alrea,= se, = ,e.alt i. availale/
via #ammer, Do4nloa, the e$isting Provisioning te-late ha--er te-late ,- na-e 3Satellite Li')start De.alt3 ` 3t-t-/s),3
E,it the .ile t-t-/s), to rela'e the variales liste, aove -ort the te-late n,er the ne4 na-e %RACE ha--er te-late 'reate X .ile t-t-/s), X na-e 3\%R] Li')start ,e.alt3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X t=e rovision
Aote, All ne'essar= Proisioning templates shol, alrea,= e assigne, to the Organiation = ,e.alt i. =or te-late is -issing navigate to: +dminister ➤ Organiations ➤ sele't Organiation ➤ sele't ,emplates on the le.t si,e ➤ 'he') the -issing te-late in the le.t o$ to assign it to the Organiation ➤ 'li') the 1ubmit tton
/artition Tab"es Partition tables are a t=e o. proisioning template/ (he= are lo'ate, n,er another se'tion e'ase it is o.ten the 'ase that the sa-e host te-late is eing se, 4ith ,i..erent artition la=ots ase, on the role assigne, to a host/
Partition tales are 'reate, n,er: osts ➤ Partition tables (here are t4o )in,s o. artition tales static an, dynamic/
Static Partition 3a*le As the na-e i-lies stati' artition tales 'ontain a .i$e, artition la=ot/
D-namic Partition 3a*les D=na-i' artition tales enale an a,-inistrator to 'reate a ,i..erent artition la=ot ,=na-i'all= 4ith onl= one artition tale/ A ,=na-i' artition tale 'an -a)e se o. ER& K &ash/ n these 'ases ER& is evalate, on the Re, at Satellite an, the &ash 'o,e is e$e'te, on the host itsel. ,ring installation/ #or e$a-le the s4a sie o. a artition 'an e a ,i..erent sie ase, on the -e-or= availale/ (o in.or- the Re, at Satellite Server that a artition tale shol, e ,=na-i' la'e hashtagFMG2ynamic at the to o. the artition tale/ D=na-i' _artition tale 'on.igration`
A D=na-i' artition tale has to e lo'ate, at /tmp/diskpart.cfg on the .iles=ste- o. a host at the Fre se'tion o. the )i')start ro'ess/
E?ample, D=na-i' 'at __E%# ` t-,is)art/'.g ero-r =es 'learart all initlael art s4a sie 20"
art oot .st=e e$t sie 500 asri-ar= art .st=e $.s sie 096 gro4 E%#
Create the Custom Partition Table @arning, (he .ollo4ing in.or-ation has een rovi,e, = Re, at t is otsi,e the s'oe o. the oste, Servi'e *evel Agree-ents an, sort ro'e,res/ (he in.or-ation in this arti'le 'ol, -a)e the %erating S=ste- nsorte, = Re, at loal Sort Servi'es/ n this 'hater 4e sho4 an e$a-le o. ho4 o4er.l sing ,=na-i' artition tales 'an e/ o4ever se o. the in.or-ation is at the serHs o4n ris)/ e 'reate a ,=na-i' artition tale 4ith the .ollo4ing 'aailities: Uses Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 an, 7 d .or RE*6 ses the e$t .iles=sted .or RE*7 ses the $.s .iles=ste Uses the sa-e artition la=ot .or the %erating S=ste- an, a ,i..erent ali'ation la=ot on a se'on, ,is) ase, on a,,itional sniets hen a se'on, ,is) is availale loa,s a neste, artition tale d the .irst ,is) is se, .or the %erating S=ste- onl= d the se'on, ,is) is se, .or the ,ata @ali'ationB onl= the neste, artition tale is loa,e, 4hen a ara-eter 'alle, Jhost.params%KptableL' is availale/ the neste, artition tale is a sniet lo'ate, n,er the rovisioning te-lates an, .ollo4s this na-ing 'onvention: tale _ org ` _ tale na-e ` E$a-le: talea'-egit
4hen the host is rerovisione, the .iles=ste- la=ot an, the ,ata on the se'on, ,is) re-ain availale/ Aote, ER& 'o,e @_F///F`B is evalate, on the Re, at Satellite Server/ &ash 'o,e is e$e'te, on the 'lient in the Fre se'tion o. the Li')start .ile/
(o 'reate the ,=na-i' artition tale .or Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 an, 7 go to: osts ➤ Partition tables ➤ !ew Partition ,able Enter the na-e: ptable-acme-os-rhel-serer Co= K aste the artition la=ot .ro- the o$ elo4 into the )ayout te$t .iel, Sele't the %S .a-il= Red at S-it D=na-i' _F i. host/oeratings=ste-/-a?or/toi ` 6 F` _F .st=e 3$.s3 F` _F else F` _F .st=e 3e$t3 F` _F en, F` PRDSL@a4) HYvs[,a'0,0 \rint Ve$it]H ro'artitionsB gre E G HYvs[,'1,1H ro'artitions KK SECDSL@a4) HYvs[,'1,1 \rint Ve$it]H ro'artitionsB gre E G HYvs[,1'1,11H ro'artitions KK E8S(N3tre3 e'ho ero-r `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho 'learart ,rives \PRDSL] all initlael `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho art oot .st=e _F .st=e F` sie512 on,is)\PRDSL] asri-ar= `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho art v/65 sie1 gro4 on,is) \PRDSL] `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho volgro vgs=s esie!276" v/65 `` t-,is)art/'.g _F i. host/ara-sYHtaleH[ F` _F sniet 3talea'-e\host/ara-sYHtaleH[]3 F` _F en, F` e'ho logvol .st=e _F .st=e F` na-elvroot vgna-evgs=s sie20" .sotions3noati-e3 `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho logvol s4a .st=e s4a na-elvs4a vgna-evgs=s sie20" `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho logvol ho-e .st=e _F .st=e F` na-elvho-e vgna-evgs=s sie20" .sotions3noati-esrGotagrGota3 `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho logvol t- .st=e _F .st=e F` na-elvt- vgna-evgs=s sie102 .sotions3noati-e3 `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho logvol sr .st=e _F .st=e F` na-elvsr vgna-evgs=s sie20" .sotions3noati-e3 `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho logvol var .st=e_F .st=e F` na-elvvar vgna-evgs=s sie20" .sotions3noati-e3 `` t-,is)art/'.g
e'ho logvol varlog .st=e _F .st=e F` na-elvlog vgna-evgs=s sie20" .sotions3noati-e3 `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho logvol varloga,it .st=e _F .st=e F` na-elva,it vgna-evgs=s sie256 .sotions3noati-e3 `` t-,is)art/'.g
via #ammer, Create the .ile /tmp/tmp.ptable-acme-os-rhel-serer.ptable 4ith the artition tale la=ot aove Uloa, the artition tale ha--er artitiontale 'reate na-e talea'-eosrhelserver os.a-il= 3Re,hat3 .ile t-t-/talea'-eosrhelserver/tale
(he Neste, Partition (ale .or the git server has to e 'reate, as a sniet n,er rovisioning te-lates:
osts ➤ Proisioning templates ➤ !ew ,emplate Enter the na-e: ptable-acme-git Co= K aste the 'o,e elo4 into the te-late e,itor S4it'h to the ,ype ta ➤ .lag the 'he')o$ 1nippet S4it'h to the )ocation ta ➤ a,, all three lo'ations S-it
_F i. host/oeratings=ste-/-a?or/toi ` 6 F` _F .st=e 3$.s3 F` _F else F` _F .st=e 3e$t3 F` _F en, F` i. YY \E8S(N] [[V then e'ho volgro vg,ata esie!276" v/1!0 `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho art v/1!0 .st=e3lv-v3 sie1 gro4 on,is) \SECDSL] `` t-,is)art/'.g e'ho logvol srvgit .st=e _F .st=e F` na-elvgit vgna-evg,ata sie1 gro4 .sotions3noati-e3 `` t-,is)art/'.g eli. YY n \SECDSL] [[V then e'ho logvol srvgit .st=e _F .st=e F` na-elvgit vgna-evg,ata sie1 gro4 .sotions3noati-e3 no.or-at `` t-,is)art/'.g .i
via #ammer, Create the .ile /tmp/tmp.ptable-acme-git.ptable 4ith the artition tale la=ot aove
Uloa, the artition tale ha--er artitiontale 'reate na-e talea'-egit os.a-il= 3Re,hat3 .ile t-t-/talea'-egit/tale
Aote, ER& 'o,e is 4ritten in le/ &ash 'o,e is 4ritten in orange/
/ro'isioning Setu& &e.ore a host 'an e rovisione, throgh the Re, at Satellite Server several o?e'ts have to e 'on.igre, an, 'o-ine,/ (he .ollo4ing grahi' otlines ho4 these o?e'ts are 'o-ine, an, the ne$t se'tion gives a ste=ste e$lanation o. the ro'ess:
(o e ale to rovision a host =o must go throgh the .ollo4ing set: "ssign t#e Operating S-stem to a Provisioning 3emplate Asso'iate the Operating 1ystems 4ith the Proisioning template =o lan to se/ ou must first asso'iate an Operating 1ystem 4ith a Proisioning template e.ore that (e-late 'an e sele'te, in the Operating 1ystem -en/
A,, the %erating S=ste-: osts ➤ Proisioning ,emplates #ollo4 the sa-e stes .or the .ollo4ing te-lates: d ACE Li')start ,e.alt d &oot ,is) iP8E host d Li')start ,e.alt P8E*in$ d Satellite Li')start De.alt User Data Sele't the te-late ➤ s4it'h to the +ssociation ta ➤ a,, all %erating S=ste-s S4it'h to the )ocations ta ➤ a,, all lo'ations S4it'h to the Organiations ta ➤ veri.= that the organiation is alrea,= assigne, or assign it S-it
via #ammer, %RACE ha--er os list a4) # 33 HRe,at \rint 2]H se, sH H 4hile rea, RE*Release ,o ha--er te-late a,,oeratings=ste- X na-e 3\%R] Li')start ,e.alt3 X oeratings=ste- 3\RE*Release]3 ha--er te-late a,,oeratings=ste- X na-e 3Li')start ,e.alt P8E*in$3 X oeratings=ste- 3\RE*Release]3 ha--er te-late a,,oeratings=ste- X na-e 3&oot ,is) iP8E host3 X oeratings=ste- 3\RE*Release]3 ha--er te-late a,,oeratings=ste- X na-e 3Satellite Li')start De.alt User Data3 X oeratings=ste- 3\RE*Release]3 ,one
"ssign t#e "rc#itecture 3emplates and Partition 3a*le to an Operating S-stem
A,, the Ar'hite'tre Provisioning te-lates an, Partition tale: osts ➤ Operating systems #or ea'h %erating s=ste- that nee,s to e s=n'hronie, .ollo4 these stes: d %n the Operating 1ystem ta ➤ .lag the 'he')o$ 4N_9 d S4it'h to the Partition ,able ta ➤ .lag the ptable-acme-os-rhel-serer an, >ickstart default d S4it'h to the #nstallation media ta ➤ .lag the nstallation -e,ia 'orreson,ing to the sele'te, Operating 1ystem d S4it'h to the ,emplates ta ➤ sele't the .ollo4ing te-lates: rovision: ACE Li')start ,e.alt &oot,is): &oot ,is) iP8E host P8E*in$: Li')start ,e.alt P8E*in$ ser,ata: Satellite Li')start De.alt User Data d S-it
via #ammer, %RACE ha--er os list a4) # 33 HRe,at \rint 2]H se, sH H 4hile rea, RE*Release ,o ha--er os a,,ar'hite'tre title 3\RE*Release]3 X ar'hite'tre $"66 ha--er os a,,tale title 3\RE*Release]3 X artitiontale 3talea'-eosrhelserver3 ha--er os a,,tale title 3\RE*Release]3 X artitiontale 3Li')start ,e.alt3 ha--er os a,,'on.igte-late title 3\RE*Release]3 X 'on.igte-late 3Li')start ,e.alt P8E*in$3 ha--er os a,,'on.igte-late title 3\RE*Release]3 X 'on.igte-late 3\%R] Li')start ,e.alt3 ha--er os a,,'on.igte-late title 3\RE*Release]3 X
'on.igte-late 3&oot ,is) iP8E host3 ha--er os a,,'on.igte-late title 3\RE*Release]3 X 'on.igte-late 3Satellite Li')start De.alt User Data3 ,one
"ssign t#e 4apsule
A,, a Re, at Casle to a snet: !/ #nfrastructure ➤ 1ubnets / Con.igre ea'h snet a''or,ing to the .ollo4ing tale: Su*net ta*
4apsules ta*
2ocations ta*
.or DCP (#(P an, DNS Casle: satellite/e$a-le/'o-
.or DCP (#(P an, DNS Casle: 'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le /'o-
.or DNS Casle: 'asleoston/novalo'al
5/ S-it
via #ammer, er= the Re, at Casle D
ha--er 'asle list
Output, D NAE UR* 1 satellite/e$a-le/'o htts:satellite/e$a-le/'o-:9090
Assign the Re, at Casle to a 'orreson,ing Snet e$a-le/'o Pro$=D1 SU&NE(e$a-le/'o *%CA(%N-ni'h ha--er snet ,ate na-e 3\SU&NE(]3 X ,nsi, 3\Pro$=D]3 X ,h'i, 3\Pro$=D]3 ia- 3DCP3 X t.ti, M\Pro$=D] X lo'ations M\*%CA(%N]
"ssign t#e Red Hat 4apsule to a Domain A Re, at Casle -st e assigne, to a 2omain i. the Casle -anages an A re'or, on the DNS Server/
A,, a Re, at Casle to a 2omain: #nfrastructure ➤ 2omains Con.igre ea'h ,o-ain a''or,ing to the .ollo4ing tale: Domain
Domain ta*
2ocations ta*
DNS Casle: satellite/e$a-le/'o-
DNS Casle: 'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o-
DNS Casle: 'asleoston/novalo'al
via #ammer, "ssign Red Hat 4apsule to t#e corresponding Su*net e$a-le/'o D%ANe$a-le/'o *%CA(%N-ni'h ha--er ,o-ain ,ate na-e 3\D%AN]3 lo'ations 3\*%CA(%N]3 ,-/e$a-le/'o D%AN,-/e$a-le/'o *%CA(%N-ni'h,- ha--er ,o-ain ,ate na-e 3\D%AN]3 lo'ations 3\*%CA(%N]3 novalo'al D%ANnovalo'al *%CA(%Noston ha--er ,o-ain ,ate na-e 3\D%AN]3 lo'ations 3\*%CA(%N]3
"ssign t#e Domain to a Su*net A Do-ain has to e assigne, to a snet: (o i,enti.= the ,o-ain to 4hi'h the snet elongs to /f t#e Red Hat 4apsule DAS feature is used to -anage the DNS reverse one/
A,, a Do-ain to a Snet #nfrastructure ➤ 1ubnets A,, ea'h ,o-ain a''or,ing to the .ollo4ing tale Su*net
Domains ta*
.lag the ,o-ain e$a-le/'o-
.lag the ,o-ain ,-/e$a-le/'o-
.lag the ,o-ain novalo'al
via #ammer, e$a-le/'o SU&NE(e$a-le/'o D%ANe$a-le/'oha--er snet ,ate na-e 3\SU&NE(]3 X ,o-ains M\D%AN] ,-/e$a-le/'o SU&NE(,-/e$a-le/'o D%AN,-/e$a-le/'oha--er snet ,ate na-e 3\SU&NE(]3 X ,o-ains M\D%AN] novalo'al SU&NE(novalo'al D%ANnovalo'al ha--er snet ,ate na-e 3\SU&NE(]3 X ,o-ains M\D%AN]
$erif- t#e 4ompute ResourceUs Organiation and 2ocation Io 'an li-it the se o. a Compute Resource = assigning it to an organiation an, to se'i.i' lo'ations/
(o veri.= the Compute ResourceLs organiation an, lo'ation assign-ent: / +dminister ➤ Organiations ➤ +C5* a/ sele't Compute Resources on the le.t ane ➤ veri.= all Compute Resources are a,,e, b. 1ubmit 5/ +dminister ➤ )ocations ➤ .or ever= lo'ation @-ni'h -ni'h,- an, ostonB a/ sele't Compute Resources on the le.t ane ➤ veri.= that the Compute Resource .or this lo'ation is a,,e,/ b. 1ubmit
via #ammer, %RACE *%CA(%NS-ni'h-ni'h,-oston C%PU(ERES%URCEa'-erhev-ni'h ha--er 'o-teresor'e ,ate organiations M\%R] lo'ations M \*%CA(%NS] na-e M\C%PU(ERES%URCE] C%PU(ERES%URCEa'-erhev-ni'h,- ha--er 'o-teresor'e ,ate organiations M\%R] lo'ations M \*%CA(%NS] na-e M\C%PU(ERES%URCE] C%PU(ERES%URCEa'-erhelososton ha--er 'o-teresor'e ,ate organiations M\%R] lo'ations M \*%CA(%NS] na-e M\C%PU(ERES%URCE]
"ssign t#e 2ocation to an Organiation
(o a,, a lo'ation to an organiation: 6/ +dminister ➤ Organiations ➤ +C5* 7/ sele't )ocations on the le.t ane "/ A,, the three lo'ation munich0 munich-dm an, boston to the sele'te, ite-s 9/ S-it
via #ammer, %RACE *%C-ni'h ha--er lo'ation a,,organiation na-e M\*%C] organiation M\%R] *%C-ni'h,- ha--er lo'ation a,,organiation na-e M\*%C] organiation M\%R] *%Coston ha--er lo'ation a,,organiation na-e M\*%C] organiation M\%R]
"ssign and verif- location assignments ;eri.= that the .ollo4ing o?e'ts are assigne, to the 'orreson,ing lo'ationV other4ise the= have to e a,,e,/
(o veri.= the o?e't assign-ent: "/ +dminister ➤ )ocations ➤ .or ever= lo'ation 9/ Ensre that the ele-ents reGire, .or the lo'ation are a,,e, a/ .or ever= o?e't on the list ➤ sele't the o?e't on the le.t ane i/ e,ia: ACE*irar=^ ii/ %rganiation: ACE iii/ Casle: sele't the Casle .or the lo'ation iv/ Environ-ents: .lag the 'he')o$ +ll enironments v/ Snet : sele't the Snet .or the lo'ation vi/ (e-lates: .lag the 'he')o$ +ll templates vii/ Do-ains: sele't the Do-ain .or the lo'ation viii/ ost ros: .lag the 'he')o$ +ll host groups i$/ Co-te Resor'es: sele't the Co-te Resor'e .or the lo'ation 10/S-it
Aote, Environ-ents are lishe, 'ontent @'ontentvie4sB an, not the *i.e'='le Environ-ent/ (he Casle .or the lo'ations -ni'h,- an, oston 4ill e assigne, a.ter the= are installe,/
/ro'isioning =ork!"o% (he rovisioning 4or).lo4 gives an overvie4 o. the stes that a host e$e'tes ,ring rovisioning/
#or rovisioning 4e ,i..erentiate et4een t4o ,i..erent t=es o. a'tion one-time actions an, repeatable actions a'ross an entire host li.e'='le/
One-time actions A'tions that are e$e'te, onl= on'e on a host ,ring rovisioning an, are e$e'te, not to 'hange ,ring the 4hole li.e'='le o. a host/ %neti-e a'tions are 'on.igre, in templates on Satellite Server 6/ So-e e$a-les o. oneti-e a'tions: "ction Partitioning S=ste- *angage S=ste- (i-eone
Repeatable actions A'tions to ensre a s=ste-Os target state ,ring the 4hole li.e'='le o. a host/ Use reeatale a'tions i. the 'on.igration on a host 'ol, 'hange a.ter initial rovisioning/ Reeatale a'tions are e$e'te, throgh Satellites configuration management / So-e e$a-les o. reeatale a'tions: "ction DNS 'on.igration N(P 'on.igration S=ste- har,ening
Aote, e re'o--en, that =o 'on.igre ever=thing on a host throgh 'on.igration -anage-ent 4henever ossile/
Provisioning Workow overview
1% 4reate a Aew Host in Satellite refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
De.ine a host re'or, on the Re, at Satellite Server 4here the hostOs role is assigne, as 4ell as host se'i.i' in.or-ation @ostna-e Do-ain Snet P///B
Aote, &e'ase o. the Casle .eatre o. the Re, at Satellite Server se, in this soltion gi,e (#(P DCP an, DNS re'or,s are 'reate, ato-ati'all= ase, on the in.or-ation rovi,e, .ro- the host re'or,/ '% 4reate a $. (he Satellite Server 'onne'ts to the 'on.igre, 4ompute Resource an, 'reates a virtal -a'hine @;B ase, on the se'i.i'ation .ro- the Compute Profile that =o have se, or throgh a -anal ,e.inition ,ring host 'reation/ A.ter4ar,s the ; is starte, so that it 'an er.or- the installation/
Aote, . an= ste is not e$e'te, s''ess.ll= ,ring the host 'reation on the Satellite Server or ; 'reation on the Compute Resource0 the integrate, 4or).lo4 engine @htts: gith/'o- D=n.lo4 ,=n.lo4 B rolls a') the 'hanges an, ,isla=s a noti.i'ation that ,es'ries 4hat 4ent 4rong/ 5% P:E or Boot /SO (he host is 'on.igre, 4ith the net4or) in.or-ation .or loa,ing the Ana'on,a installer an, .or loa,ing an, sing the Li')start ro.ile/
Aote, A &oot S% 'an e se, to oot the host into Ana'on,a i. DCP .or P8E 'annot e se, in =or environ-ent/ 8% Bootstrap "naconda nitialise Ana'on,a @Re, atOs installation rogra-B
6% uer- t#e Server Definition Ana'on,a 4ill reGest the hostOs Li')start ro.ile .ro- the Satellite Server/
9% 7enerate !ickstart %n the Satellite Server the Proisioning templateFsG 4ill e ren,ere, .ora hostse'i.i' www%red#at%com
Li')start ro.ile/ (he te-lates 4ill e ren,ere, 4ith the in.or-ation rovi,e, ,ring 1% 4reate a Aew Host in Satellite in this ro'e,re/
Aote, (o revie4 a Li')start ro.ile e.ore er.or-ing the a'tal installation @it is se.l to 'he') a Li')start ro.ile .or s=nta$ errors .or e$a-le or i. it 'an e ren,ere, s''ess.ll=B navigate to: ost s ➤ +ll osts ➤ sele't host .or 4hi'h to ren,er the )i')start te-late ➤ sele't the ,emplates ta ➤ .or the rovisioning te-late 'li') on the arro4 ,o4n tton ➤sele't reiew
=% Retrieve t#e !ickstart Profile Ana'on,a retrieves the Li')start ro.ile an, 4ill e$e'te it/
&% "ppl- t#e
10% /nstall .inimal Software nstall the Re, at Enterrise *in$ Server 4ith the -ini-al set o. a')ages/
11% 4onfigure t#e Static Aetwork
&e.ore the s=ste- 'an register itsel. on the Satellite Server stati' net4or)ing -st e 'on.igre,/
1'% Register at Satellite (he host 4ill se +ctiation >eys to register itsel. to the Satellite Server/ %n'e it is registere, it 'an a''ess its FCompositeG Content-3iew on the )ifecycle *nironment asso'iate, 4ith that +ctiation >ey /
15% E?ecute Puppet .odules All 'o-onents that are assigne, to the host throgh its role 4ill e installe, an, 'on.igre,/ (hese also in'l,e the 'o-onents ,e.ine, in the Core &il, as those that are inherite, to ever= host/
18% 4onfigure a remote server optionalC (his ste allo4s =o to e$e'te a 'sto- s'rit on the Re, at Satellite Server in ,i..erent stages o. the rovisioning hase/ (he 'sto- s'rit 'ol, .or e$a-le 'onne't to a re-ote server or it 'ol, 'reate a host re'or, on the -onitoring server/
Foreman Hooks #ore-an hoo)s are a lgin engine se, = Re, at Satellite that lets =o rn 'sto- hoo) s'rits on #ore-an events/ (hese hoo)s 'an e se, to trigger varios a'tions on the Satellite Server itsel. or on e$ternal s=ste-s/ (hese allo4 an eas= integration 4ith varios other tools se, insi,e an environ-ent/ ore ,etaile, in.or-ation aot #ore-an hoo)s 'an e .on, on the o..i'ial ro?e't age: htts: gith/'o- the.ore-an.ore-an hoo)s n this soltion gi,e 4e rovi,e three sa-le hoo)s to ,e-onstrate the .n'tionalit= o. #ore-an hoo)s an, to rovi,e e$a-les .or otential se 'ases: a hoo) s'rit that a,,s a ne4 host as a Satellite 'o-te resor'e o. t=e Do')er i. it elongs to the aroriate host gro @'ontainerhostB a hoo) s'rit integrating an a,,itional logging or a,iting tool that generates log -essages ea'h ti-e #ore-an is rovisioning a ne4 server a hoo) s'rit to a,, a ne4 host to Jai$ -onitoring ato-ati'all=
A hoo) is e$e'te, n,er the "oreman ser an, al4a=s gets e$e'te, 4ith t4o arg-ents/ (he .irst arg-ent is the event @'reate ,ate ,estro=B the se'on, arg-ent is the o?e't that 4as hoo)e, @in this e$a-le the hostna-e o. a hostB/
Foreman Hook Script Sample 1: Containerhost oo)s lo'ate, in the sa-e ,ire'tor= are e$e'te, in alhaeti'al or,er/ e re'o--en, that =o se a n-eri'al na-ing 'onvention to ensre the roer e$e'tion or,er/ Io -st 'reate a se'i.i' s,ire'tor= str'tre on the Re, at Satellite 4here the #ore-an hoo)s are store,/ (he s,ire'tor= .or the o?e't -st 'ontain another s,ire'tor= .or the event/
Aote, before_proision event is starte, a.ter a host has 'o-lete, its %erating S=ste- installation/ (o 'reate the s,ire'tor= str'tre: *ogin on the Re, at Satellite Server throgh ssh an, 'reate the ,ire'tor= str'tre: mkdir -p /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks/host/managed/before_proision/
"/ Pla'e the s'rit <_containerhost.sh .ro- the "ppendi? // into the ?st 'reate, ,ire'tor= 'hange the o4nershi to #ore-an an, -ar) it as e$e'tale: 'ho4n .ore-an/.ore-an /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks/host/managed/before_proision/<_containerhost. sh chmod u4 /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks/host/managed/before_proision/<_containerhost. sh
&= ,e.alt the Re, at Satellite Server is rnning in SE*in$ -o,e en.or'ing/ (his -o,e ensres that the SE*in$ 'onte$t is set 'orre'tl= .or the s'rits to e e$e'te,: restore'on Rv# srshare.ore-an'on.ighoo)s
Aote, (he 'orreson,ing SE*in$ 'onte$t is foreman_hook_t / Sin'e this is an alias to bin_t 'onte$t =o 4ill see the latter i. =o veri.= the SE*in$ 'onte$t/
Foreman Hook Script Sample 2: New Host Notification As 4e sai, earlier this hoo) s'rit 'reates a,,itional log -essages ea'h ti-e #ore-an rovisions a ne4 server/ t 'an e se, to ,eg or test .ore-an hoo) 'aailities an, it also 'an e se, to integrate an a,,itional logging or a,iting tool that is noti.ie, ea'h ti-e a ne4 server is 'reate,/ (he hoo) s'rit itsel. is Gite si-le sin'e it in'l,es onl= a single 'o--an, sing the t4o arg-ents it 4as e$e'te, 4ith @a'tion an, hostB: logger 1 2
Si-ilar to the other e$a-le the s'rit nee,s to e la'e, in the aroriate ,ire'tor= an, -a,e e$e'tale/ A,,itionall= the SE*in$ se'rit= 'onte$t nee,s to e restore, as 4ell/ &e'ase the logger 'o--an, reGires a 'ertain er-ission 4e nee, to 'reate a s,oers rle .or it insi,e the /etc/sudoers 'on.igration .ile: .ore-an A**@A**B
Foreman Hook Script Sample 2: ITSM Tool Integration (Monitoring) (he thir, sa-le s'rit ato-ati'all= a,,s a ne4 host to the Jai$ -onitoring 'on.igration = sing the Jai$ AP/ (his aroa'h allo4s s to t ea'h ne4 server n,er -onitoring 'ontrol/ . ne'essar= this s'rit 'an e e$ten,e, to se .ilter rles to al= onl= to arti'lar servers @.or e$a-le onl= .or servers elonging to the PR%D li.e'='le environ-ent t not to DE; or AB/ (he 'ontainerhost sa-le e$laine, earlier 'an e rese, there.ore e'ase it in'l,es this )in, o. 'on,ition/ (his sa-le s'rit =o 'an .in, insi,e "ppendi? // .igres ot AC a,,resses o. this host via ha--er C* an, han,overs hostna-e an, AC a,,resses to the Jai$ -onitoring server to enale an, 'on.igre so-e asi' re,e.ine, 'he')s/
Aote, (he Jai$ ro Ds an, te-late Ds .or CP ing test an, *in$ %S te-lates are har,'o,e, an, nee, to e a,ate, to =or environ-ent/
Acti'ation 4eys A'tivation Le=s are a registration to)en se, in a Li')start .ile to 'ontrol a'tions at registration/ (hese are si-ilar to A'tivation Le=s in Re, at Satellite 5 t rovi,e onl= a sset o. .eatres e'ase Pet 'ontrols a')age an, 'on.igration -anage-ent a.ter registration/ A'tivation Le=s are se, to ss'rie a host against the Latello art o. the Re, at Satellite Server so the host 'an a''ess the so.t4are reositories insi,e the @'o-ositeB 'ontentvie4s/ As -entione, in Ste ! e$li'it su*scription and repositor- management to ena*le or disa*leC is reMuired for all products including Red Hat t#ird part- and custom productsC/ ltile +ctiation >eys 'an e se, in a 'o--a searate, list to register a host on the Satellite Server/ (he .irst )e= on the le.t si,e has a se'ial role an, ,eter-ines: 9/ (he *i.e'='le Environ-ent to 4hi'h a host elongs 10/(he @Co-ositeB Content;ie4 assigne, to a host Ever= )e= @the .irst an, all the .ollo4ing )e=sB in the list 'an: !/ A,, the host to ost Colle'tions / A,, ss'ritions .or the host to 'ons-e 5/ Enale Product Content reositories elonging to the @Co-ositeB Content;ie4
Aote, Even i. other )e=s in the list have a Content;ie4 an,or *i.e'='le Environ-ent i. it is not the .irst )e= in the list this in.or-ation is ignore, .or registration/ &= ,e.alt the registration 4ill e ,one throgh the te-late sniet 'alle, subscription_manager_registration an, ses the A'tivation Le=s liste, in the ara-eter kt_actiation_keys/
Naming Conventions •
A'tivation Le=s start 4ith the re.i$ act as an areviation .or A'tivation Le=/ (he ne$t art o. the na-e ,etails li.e'='le environ-ent to 4hi'h the host is assigne,/ (he thir, @iin.raB ,e.ines 4hi'h 'o-osite 'ontentvie4 to se/ (he .orth art @role na-eB is the ost ro na-e in'l,ing its -eta arent i. se,/
(he .i.th art ,e.ines the ar'hite'tre/
As a reslt the a'tivation )e=s have the .ollo4ing na-ing str'tre: a't _ li.e'='le environ-ent ` _ iin.raos ` _ role na-e ` _ ar'hite'tre `
Create Activation Keys (o 'reate a'tivation )e=s: Navigate to: Content ➤ +ctiation keys ➤ !ew +ctiation >ey A,, the na-e .or the a'tivation )e= ➤ sele't the *i.e'='le Environ-ent ➤sele't the Content;ie4 Save S4it'h to the 1ubscription ta ➤ 'li') on the sta +dd ➤ assign ss'ritions @nee,e, to a''ess Product ContentG ➤ +dd 1elected S4it'h to the Product ContentG tab ➤ enale reositories d #or the soltion gi,e the .ollo4ing a'tivation )e=s have to e 'reate,: Aame
Product 4ontent
B Re, at Enterrise *in$
B Re, at Satellite (ools 6
B Re, at Satellite Casle
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server
B Jai$ onitoring
B Re, at Satellite Casle 6/1 B Jai$onitoring
a'tro,in.ra'asle$"6 6
a't,evin.ragitserver$"6 6
B Re, at Enterrise *in$
B Re, at Satellite (ools 6
B Jai$ onitoring
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server B Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions B Jai$onitoring
Product 4ontent
B Re, at Enterrise *in$
B Re, at Satellite (ools 6
B Jai$ onitoring
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server
a'tro,in.ragitserver$"6 PR%D 6 a't,evin.raloghost$"66
B Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions B Jai$onitoring a'tGain.raloghost$"66
a't,evin.ra'ontainerhost $"66
B Re, at Enterrise *in$
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server
B Jai$ onitoring
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server E$tras B Jai$onitoring
a'tGain.ra'ontainerhost$ "66
a'tro,in.ra'ontainerhost $"66
a't,evin.ra'oreil,rhel 6server$"66
B Re, at Enterrise *in$
B Re, at Satellite (ools 6
B Jai$ onitoring
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 6 Server B Jai$onitoring
a'tGain.ra'oreil,rhel6 server$"66
a'tro,in.ra'oreil,rhel 6server$"66
a't,evin.ra'oreil,rhel 7server$"66
B Re, at Enterrise *in$
B Re, at Satellite (ools 6
B Jai$ onitoring
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server B Jai$onitoring
a'tGain.ra'oreil,rhel7 server$"66
a'tro,in.ra'oreil,rhel 7server$"66
a't4e,evia'-e4e.r onten,$"66
Product 4ontent
B Re, at Enterrise *in$
B Re, at Satellite (ools 6
B Jai$ onitoring
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server
B Jai$onitoring B EPE*7APP
a't4eGaia'-e4e.ro nten,$"66
a't4eatia'-e4e.r onten,$"66
a't4ero,ia'-e4e. ronten,$"66
a't4e,evia'-e4e a')en,$"66
B Re, at Enterrise *in$
B Re, at Satellite (ools 6
B Jai$ onitoring
B Re, at Enterrise *in$ 7 Server
B Jai$onitoring B EPE*7APP
a't4eGaia'-e4ea ')en,$"66
a't4eatia'-e4e a')en,$"66
a't4ero,ia'-e4e a')en,$"66
via #ammer, Create ost Colle'tions %R3ACE3 .or C in 6Server 7Server RE* in.ra i gitserver 'ontainerhost 'asle loghost a'-e4e a'-e4e.ronten, a'-e4ea')en, $"66 ,o ha--er host'olle'tion 'reate na-e \C] organiation 3\%R]3 ,one ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent list organiation 3\%R]3 a4) # 33 HYY:,igit:[[ \rint 2]H se, sH H 4hile rea, *CEN; ,o
ha--er host'olle'tion 'reate na-e @e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB organiation 3\%R]3 ,one rhel7server %R3ACE3 ARC3$"663 (IPE3os3 R%*E3rhel7server3 *CEN;S3DE; A PR%D3 SRE*@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliationB \rint X"]3B SJai$@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Jai$onitoringB \rint X"]3B SACE@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 ACEB \rint X"]3B .or *CEN; in \*CEN;S] ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB *CEN;UPPER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB ha--er a'tivation)e= 'reate X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel7Server3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X organiation 3\%R]3
SDs3\SRE*] \SJai$] \SACE]3 .or SD in \SDs] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,ss'rition X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X ss'ritioni, 3\SD]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
ostColle'tion3RE* 7Server $"66 \*CEN;UPPER]3 .or C%**EC(%N in \ostColle'tion] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,host'olle'tion X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X host'olle'tion 3\C%**EC(%N]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
Content*aels3ACEJai$onitoringJai$RE*7$"66 rhel7serverr-s3 .or C*A&E* in \Content*aels] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= 'ontentoverri,e X
'ontentlael \C*A&E*] X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 X vale 313 ,one ,one rhel6server %R3ACE3 ARC3$"663 (IPE3os3 R%*E3rhel6server3 *CEN;S3DE; A PR%D3 SRE*@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliationB \rint X"]3B SJai$@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Jai$onitoringB \rint X"]3B SACE@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 ACEB \rint X"]3B .or *CEN; in \*CEN;S] ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB *CEN;UPPER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB ha--er a'tivation)e= 'reate X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel6Server3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X organiation 3\%R]3
SDs3\SRE*] \SJai$] \SACE]3 .or SD in \SDs] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,ss'rition X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X ss'ritioni, 3\SD]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
ostColle'tion3RE* 6Server $"66 \*CEN;UPPER]3 .or C%**EC(%N in \ostColle'tion] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,host'olle'tion X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X host'olle'tion 3\C%**EC(%N]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
Content*aels3ACEJai$onitoringJai$RE*6$"66 rhel6serverr-s3
.or C*A&E* in \Content*aels] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= 'ontentoverri,e X 'ontentlael \C*A&E*] X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 X vale 313 ,one ,one C%N(ANER%S( %R3ACE3 ARC3$"663 (IPE3in.ra3 R%*E3'ontainerhost3 *CEN;S3DE; A PR%D3 SRE*@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliationB \rint X"]3B SJai$@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Jai$onitoringB \rint X"]3B SACE@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 ACEB \rint X"]3B .or *CEN; in \*CEN;S] ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB *CEN;UPPER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB ha--er a'tivation)e= 'reate X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''vin.ra'ontainerhost3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X organiation 3\%R]3
SDs3\SRE*] \SJai$] \SACE]3 .or SD in \SDs] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,ss'rition X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X ss'ritioni, 3\SD]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
ostColle'tion3'ontainerhost RE* 7Server $"66 \*CEN;UPPER]3 .or C%**EC(%N in \ostColle'tion] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,host'olle'tion X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X host'olle'tion 3\C%**EC(%N]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
Content*aels3ACEJai$onitoringJai$RE*7$"66 rhel7serverr-s rhel7servere$trasr-s3 .or C*A&E* in \Content*aels] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= 'ontentoverri,e X 'ontentlael \C*A&E*] X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 X vale 313 ,one ,one CAPSU*E %R3ACE3 ARC3$"663 (IPE3in.ra3 R%*E3'asle3 *CEN;S3DE; A PR%D3 SRE*@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliationB \rint X"]3B SJai$@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Jai$onitoringB \rint X"]3B SACE@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 ACEB \rint X"]3B SCasle@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Satellite Casle ServerB \rint X "]3B .or *CEN; in \*CEN;S] ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB *CEN;UPPER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB ha--er a'tivation)e= 'reate X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''vin.ra'asle3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X organiation 3\%R]3
SDs3\SRE*] \SJai$] \SACE] \SCasle]3 .or SD in \SDs] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,ss'rition X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X ss'ritioni, 3\SD]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one ostColle'tion3'asle RE* 7Server $"66 \*CEN;UPPER]3 .or C%**EC(%N in \ostColle'tion]
,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,host'olle'tion X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X host'olle'tion 3\C%**EC(%N]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
Content*aels3ACEJai$onitoringJai$RE*7$"66 rhel7serverr-s3 .or C*A&E* in \Content*aels] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= 'ontentoverri,e X 'ontentlael \C*A&E*] X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 X vale 313 ,one ,one *%%S( %R3ACE3 ARC3$"663 (IPE3in.ra3 R%*E3loghost3 *CEN;S3DE; A PR%D3 SRE*@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliationB \rint X"]3B SJai$@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Jai$onitoringB \rint X"]3B SACE@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 ACEB \rint X"]3B .or *CEN; in \*CEN;S] ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB *CEN;UPPER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB ha--er a'tivation)e= 'reate X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel6Server3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X organiation 3\%R]3
SDs3\SRE*] \SJai$] \SACE]3 .or SD in \SDs] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,ss'rition X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X ss'ritioni, 3\SD]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
ostColle'tion3loghost RE* 6Server $"66 \*CEN;UPPER]3 .or C%**EC(%N in \ostColle'tion] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,host'olle'tion X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X host'olle'tion 3\C%**EC(%N]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
Content*aels3ACEJai$onitoringJai$RE*6$"66 rhel6serverr-s3 .or C*A&E* in \Content*aels] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= 'ontentoverri,e X 'ontentlael \C*A&E*] X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 X vale 313 ,one ,one (SER;ER %R3ACE3 ARC3$"663 (IPE3in.ra3 R%*E3gitserver3 *CEN;S3DE; A PR%D3 SRE*@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliationB \rint X"]3B SJai$@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Jai$onitoringB \rint X"]3B SACE@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 ACEB \rint X"]3B .or *CEN; in \*CEN;S] ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB *CEN;UPPER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB ha--er a'tivation)e= 'reate X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''vin.ragitserver3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 SDs3\SRE*] \SJai$] \SACE]3 .or SD in \SDs] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,ss'rition X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X
ss'ritioni, 3\SD]3 X organiation 3\%R]3
ostColle'tion3gitserver RE* 7Server $"66 \*CEN;UPPER]3 .or C%**EC(%N in \ostColle'tion] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,host'olle'tion X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X host'olle'tion 3\C%**EC(%N]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
Content*aels3ACEJai$onitoringJai$RE*7$"66 rhel7serverr-s rhelserverrhs'l7r-s3 .or C*A&E* in \Content*aels] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= 'ontentoverri,e X 'ontentlael \C*A&E*] X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 X vale 313 ,one ,one ACEE&#R%N(END %R3ACE3 ARC3$"663 (IPE3i3 R%*E3a'-e4e.ronten,3 *CEN;S3eDE; eA eUA( ePR%D3 SRE*@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliationB \rint X"]3B SJai$@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Jai$onitoringB \rint X"]3B SACE@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 ACEB \rint X"]3B SEPE*7APP@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 EPE*7APPB \rint X"]3B .or *CEN; in \*CEN;S] ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB *CEN;UPPER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB ha--er a'tivation)e= 'reate X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''via'-e4e3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X organiation 3\%R]3
SDs3\SRE*] \SJai$] \SACE] \SEPE*7APP]3 .or SD in \SDs] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,ss'rition X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X ss'ritioni, 3\SD]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
ostColle'tion3a'-e4e a'-e4e.ronten, RE* 7Server $"66 \*CEN;UPPER]3 .or C%**EC(%N in \ostColle'tion] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,host'olle'tion X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X host'olle'tion 3\C%**EC(%N]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one Content*aels3ACEJai$onitoringJai$RE*7$"66 rhel7serverr-s ACEEPE*7APPEPE*7APP$"663 .or C*A&E* in \Content*aels] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= 'ontentoverri,e X 'ontentlael \C*A&E*] X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 X vale 313 ,one ,one
ACEE&&ACLEND %R3ACE3 ARC3$"663 (IPE3i3 R%*E3a'-e4ea')en,3 *CEN;S3eDE; eA eUA( ePR%D3 SRE*@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Re, at Enterrise *in$ 4ith S-art ;irtaliationB \rint X"]3B SJai$@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 Jai$onitoringB \rint X"]3B SACE@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 ACEB \rint X"]3B SEPE*7APP@ha--er 'sv 'svsearator HH ss'rition list erage 9999 organiation \%R] a4) #33 3@X1 EPE*7APPB \rint X"]3B .or *CEN; in \*CEN;S] ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB *CEN;UPPER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:lo4er:[H HYY:er:[[HB
ha--er a'tivation)e= 'reate X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''via'-e4e3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X organiation 3\%R]3
SDs3\SRE*] \SJai$] \SACE] \SEPE*7APP]3 .or SD in \SDs] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,ss'rition X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X ss'ritioni, 3\SD]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one
ostColle'tion3a'-e4e a'-e4ea')en, RE* 7Server $"66 \*CEN;UPPER]3 .or C%**EC(%N in \ostColle'tion] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= a,,host'olle'tion X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X host'olle'tion 3\C%**EC(%N]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 ,one Content*aels3ACEJai$onitoringJai$RE*7$"66 rhel7serverr-s ACEEPE*7APPEPE*7APP$"663 .or C*A&E* in \Content*aels] ,o ha--er a'tivation)e= 'ontentoverri,e X 'ontentlael \C*A&E*] X na-e 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]\(IPE]\R%*E]\ARC]3 X organiation 3\%R]3 X vale 313 ,one ,one
Sate""ite Host 3rou&s 'er'ie% ost ros greatl= hel in standardiation an, automatiation an, i-rove overall operational efficienc- .or a hostOs entire li.e'='le/ A ost ro is a lerint @te-lateB .or il,ing a ost 4here o?e'ts are 'o-ine, to ,e.ine ho4 a host shol, loo) a.ter ,elo=-ent/ (he host gro a'ts as the ,e.inition o. the target state o. a server/ n or s'enario the .inal target is eGivalent to a role @in'l,ing ro.ilesB/(his in'l,es the 'ontent vie4 @4hi'h ,e.ines the availale RP .iles an, Pet -o,lesB an, the Pet 'lasses to al= @4hi'h lti-atel= ,eter-ine the so.t4are an,
'on.igrationB/ ost ros are se, to ,e.ine Mrea,=2rn s=ste-s as e$laine, in the Provisioning Recommendations se'tion/ ost ros 'an e neste,/ hen a ost ro gets a parent assigne, all ,e.ine, o?e'ts are inherite, to the child. See the se'tion Host 7roup Scenarios .or an e$lanation o. the a,vantages o. the neste, ost ro .eatre/ (he .ollo4ing grahi' gives an overvie4 o. all o?e'ts that 'an e ,e.ine, in a single ost ro/ As =o 'an see host gros are a )e= ele-ent o. Satellite 6 asse-ling -an= entities 4e have 'on.igre, earlier together/
Host 7roup Parent hen a arent is assigne, to a ost ro all ,e.ine, o?e'ts are inherite, = that arent/ Aame Enter the na-e o. the ost ro/ 2ifec-cle Environment Sele't the li.e'='le environ-ent to 4hi'h the ost rovisione, 4ith this ost ro shol, elong/ 4ontent $iew Io must sele't a li.e'='le environ-ent *efore =o 'an sele't a 'ontent vie4/
Puppet Environment hen a 'ontent vie4 is sele'te, the Re, at Satellite ato-ati'all= assigns the Pet environ-ent that elongs to it/ (he Pet Classes ta is #idden ntil a *i.e'='le Environ-ent an, a Content ;ie4 are 'hosen/ Puppet 4lasses Assign Pet Classes to a ost ro/ Pet o,les o.ten 'ontain s'lasses that e$ist onl= .or the internal Pet -o,le str'tre an, are not inten,e, .or ,ire't 'ons-tion/ S'lasses that are not inten,e, .or ,ire't 'ons-tion 'an e e$'l,e, = a .ilter so onl= 'lasses that are inten,e, to e assigne, to a host 'an e seen/ o,le e$a-le: nt -ani.ests init/ install/ ara-s/
(he Re, at Satellite Server o..ers to assign an= o. the .ollo4ing 'lasses to a host or host gro: nt nt::install nt::ara-s
(o e$'l,e the 'lasses nt::install an, nt::ara-s .ro- the sele'tion sin'e the= shol, not e assigne, alone to a host or host gro 0 'reate the .ollo4ing .ile 5/ Create .ile 'at __ E%# ` srshare.ore-an'on.igignore,environ-ents/=-l :.ilters: Qr=rege$ Hara-sH Qr=rege$ HinstallH E%#
4onfig 7roups A,, a Con.ig ro to a ost ro/
hen Pet 'lasses are assigne, to a Con.ig ro all Pet 'lasses availale 'an e assigne, to the 'lass no -atter throgh 4hi'h 'ontent vie4 or Pet environ-ent the= are -a,e availale/ hen the Con.ig ro is assigne, to a ost ro onl= the Pet 'lasses availale in the Pet environ-ent are reall= se, = the host host gro/ Pet 'lasses that 'annot e se, e'ase the= are not availale in the Pet environ-ent shol, e gre=e, ot/
Domain Sele't a Do-ain/ (he Do-ain is se, to 'on.igre a osts #DN/ . the DNS Casle .eatre is 'on.igre, the asso'iate, ,o-ain is se, to 'reate an A re'or,/ Su*net Snets are availale to e sele'te, onl- if the= are assigne, to the Do-ain/ Realm hen a real- is 'on.igre, a 'o-ter a''ont 'an e ato-ati'all= 'on.igre,/ Aote, (his .eatre is not 'overe, in this soltion gi,e/
Operating S-stem
"rc#itecture Sele't the %erating S=ste- ar'hite'tre/ Operating S-stem
All %erating S=ste-s that o..er the sele'te, ar'hite'tre are ,isla=e, .or sele'tion/ Partition 3a*le %nl= the artition tales that 4ere reviosl= assigne, to the %erating S=ste- 'an e sele'te,/
Para-eters o. a ost ro level are ,e.ine, here/ e are sing the ara-eter ptable0 .or e$a-le to ,e.ine 4hi'h artition tale sniet shol, e se, to set a se'on, har, ,is)/ hen a ara-eter is 'hange, on a ost ro it is also ,ire'tl= inherite, = hosts alrea,= rovisione, throgh the ost ro an, also = an= host assigne, to the ost ro a.ter rovisioning/
"ctivation !e-s
A 'o--asearate, list o. a'tivation )e=s is a,,e, here/ (he A'tivation Le=s ta is hi,,en ntil a *i.e'='le Environ-ent an, a Content ;ie4 are sele'te,/ (he A'tivation )e= ta lets =o a,, the ara-eter kt_actiation_keys 4ith a se'i.ie, vale 4hi'h is se, = the sniet subscription_manager_register ,ring the rovisioning hase/
Ever= lo'ation 4here the ost ro is rovisione, is a,,e, here/
&e'ase ost ros 'an e share, et4een organiations =o nee, to a,, the organiations that se the ost ro/
Sate""ite Host 3rou& Scenarios (he .ollo4ing se'tion ,es'ries -ltile host gro s'enarios/ &e'ase there is no onesie.itsall aroa'h an, ea'h 'sto-er environ-ent has ,i..erent reGire-ents an, riorities 4e ,es'rie .or ,i..erent host gro s'enarios 4ith their in,ivi,al a,vantages an, ,isa,vantages/ (he ri-ar= ,i..eren'e et4een s'enarios & C an, D is that ea'h one o..ers a ,i..erent erse'tive on ho4 to str'tre or searate =or host an, ali'ation ,ivisions/ %ne s'enario that 'ol, 'o-e ver= 'lose to a er.e't 4orl, 4ol, e to 'o-ine these three s'enarios an, in'l,e a -lti,i-ensional vie4 o. this set/ Un.ortnatel= e'ase this aroa'h is 'rrentl= not ossile 4e 'annot ,o'-ent it here/ . =o s4it'he, to a -lti,i-ensional vie4 the 'rrent 1:1 relationshi et4een host gros an, hosts 4ol, have to e re-ove,/
Aote, i$ing these ,i..erent hierar'h= t=es is ossile an, -ight e the est otion in a t=i'al 'sto-er environ-ent 4here so-e server roles shol, e ,ivi,e, into one o. these t=es an, other server roles into another/ #or e$a-le =o 'ol, se the siness vie4 in s'enario C www%red#at%com
.or siness ali'ations t ,ivi,e in.rastr'tre servi'es ase, on s'enario D or even A/ Io 'an se different structure t-pes side)*-)side *ut not for t#e same #ost groupC / (he .ollo4ing .or s'enarios are ,es'rie, in .rther ,etail elo4:
Scenario A) Flat Host Group Structure A t=i'al starting oint .or sing host gros is to start 4ith a 'o-letel= .lat str'tre/ n this aroa'h all host gros are 'reate, si,e = si,e an, no nesting is se,/ . =or environ-ent is si-ilar to or ACE sa-le s'enario an, =o are sing ,i..erent li.e'='le stages an, -ltile 'o-inations o. ali'ations an, %S versions =o nee, to 'reate host gros .or ea'h relevant 'o-ination o. these ! ite-s/ (he rose o. an a'tivation )e= is to assign a 'ontent vie4 or 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 to a arti'lar host/ Sin'e the asso'iation 4ith a arti'lar li.e'='le environ-ent ,eter-ines 4hi'h 'ontent vie4s are availale insi,e this environ-ent =o must have an a'tivation )e=/ n or sa-le .lat host gro str'tre 4e are sing the .ollo4ing na-ing 'onvention: _ *C EN; ` _ in.ra i ` _ ro.ile ` _ %S release an, ar'hite'tre `
Io -ight nee, to a,at this to =or nee,s/
"dvantages (he ri-ar= a,vantage o. a .lat str'tre is the li-ite, 'o-le$it= e'ase =o avoi, sing
hierar'hi'al an, inheritan'e -o,els/ n an environ-ent 4ith a high ,egree o. stan,ar,iation or 4ith onl= a .e4 ,i..erent roles t=es or hosts this s'enario is the est otion/
Disadvantages (he -ain ,isa,vantage is not sing inheritan'e/ (here.ore =o 'ol, en, 'reating a hge n-er o. nearl= si-ilar host gros that have -ore 'o--onalities than ,i..eren'es/
Scenario B) Lifecycle-Environment Focused Hierarchical Structure (his s'enario ses inheritan'e/ t ,ivi,es the li.e'='le environ-ents insi,e the .irst level o. the hierar'h= tree/ (hen the se'on, level slits ot the %S release version an, the ar'hite'tre/ #inall= the thir, level 'ontains the role t=e/ Io 'ol, s4a the se'on, an, thir, level/ (he i,ea ehin, this aroa'h is that the to level 'ontains the li.e'='le environ-ents 4hi'h are reGire, to sele't a arti'lar 'ontent vie4 that has een ro-ote, into this li.e'='le environ-ent/ All li.e'='leenviron-entse'i.i' ara-eters are assigne, to the .irst hostgro level/ (his aroa'h 'an e an a,vantage in 'sto-er s'enarios 4here resonsiilities are ,ivi,e, a-ong li.e'='le environ-ents @.or e$a-le i. there is a ,e,i'ate, o4ner .or the Dev A an, Pro, stagesB/ (he se'on, level ,e.ines the arti'lar 'ore il, ,e.inition @.or e$a-le .or RE* 7B/ All 'o--on 'on.igrations elonging to the in,ivi,al 'ore il, ,e.initions are alie, here/ (he %erating S=ste- an, a'tivation )e=s 4hi'h enale a''ess to these ss'ritions an, reositories are sele'te, an, alie, here/ (he thir, level a,,s the ali'ationse'i.i' 'on.igrations an, ara-eters an, ,e.ines the final ,e.inition o. the target s=ste-s/ (=i'all= the 'on.igration gros 4ith levels li)e this e$a-le are se, to si-li.= the Pet 'on.igration -anage-ent in this area/
"dvantages (he -ain a,vantage o. this aroa'h is that the inheritan'e -o,els .ollo4 the relationshi -o,els in Satellite 6/ (he li.e'='le environ-ent ,e.ines the availale 'ontent vie4s/ Ptting the oerating s=ste- 'ore il, on to o. the ali'ation level allo4s etter stan,ar,iation on the %S level/ oreover this s'enario lets =o searate resonsiilities a'ross li.e'='le stages/
%ne ,isa,vantage is that this hierar'hi'al str'tre -ight not e intitive .or so-eo,= 4ho is loo)ing .ro- the to ,o4n either .ro- an ali'ation @sinessB or .ro- a hosterse'tive/ A,,itionall= this s'enario in'reases the -aintenan'e e..orts .or all ali'ationrelevant 'on.igrations e'ase ea'h ali'ation o4ner no4 has to 6 host gros to -anage @ass-ing that there are ! li.e'='le stages an, 2 ,i..erent 'oreil, versionsB/ (his aroa'h -ight e est .or a,van'e, Pet sers 4ho are .ollo4ing Pet est ra'ti'es e'ase all Pet 'on.igrations are oth li.e'='lestage an, %St=e in,een,ent/
Scenario C) Business View n this s'enario the host gro hierar'h= is .ollo4ing the siness or ali'ation'entri' vie4 4hi'h loo)s .ro- the to @ali'ation levelB ,o4n @oerating s=ste- + li.e'='le stageB/ n or e$a-le @rovi,e, aove an, ,o'-ente, in this soltion gi,eB 4e have a,,e, an a,,itional la=er o. searation et4een the to an, otto- la=ers/ (his la=er lets =o gro the ,i..erent server t=es @.or e$a-le the a')en, an, .ronten, serversB e'ase this inet4een la=er either a..e'ts or is a..e'te, = the lo'ation an, net4or) relationshi @.ronten, servers are insi,e a DJ t a')en, servers are notB/
"dvantages (his aroa'h allo4s s to segregate ,i..erent relevant 'hara'teristi's o. the .inal hosts an, sho4 ho4 the .inal hosts are asso'iate, 4ith the host gros in the otto- level o. the hierar'h=/ t allo4s a,,itional la=ers .or segregating net4or) or se'rit= an, etter sorts the Pet.o'se, -anage-ent o. 'o-le$ 'on.igrations @ass-ing that Pet -o,les are %Sin,een,ent an, sort -ltitier ,e.initions sing a roles ro.ile atternB/
Disadvantages (he ,isa,vantage @ase, on the -an,ator= assign-ent o. a arti'lar li.e'='le environ-ent to a 'ontent vie4B is that the lo4est hierar'h= level must in'l,e the li.e'='le stage or needs to *e the li.e'='le stage @i. =o a,, a ,e,i'ate, la=er at the otto-B/ (here.ore 'ontent or 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s 'an e assigne, onl= to hosts at this level/ (he other levels are ri-aril= .or ara-eters an, 'on.igrations share, a'ross the inherent o?e'ts/
Scenario D) Location based (his aroa'h is est .or gloal 'sto-ers 4ho have a lot o. .e,erate, lo'ations @.or e$a-le in the retail verti'alB/ n these 'ases it -a)es sense to str'tre the host gros ase, on lo'ations/
"dvantages (he -ain a,vantage is that the ,istrition o. lo'ations ,ata'enters an, the resor'es insi,e the- is aligne, to the host gro str'tre/ . a lo'ation is asso'iate, to a Casle an, a,,itionall= to arti'lar host gros the ,ata'enter toolog= an, host gro str'tre .ollo4s the sa-e logi'/ n a s'enario 4here the ,ata'enter toolog= or .e,erations ,eter-ine -an= other attrites this aroa'h 4ol, e the est otion/
Disadvantages (his s'enario 'o-li'ates the stan,ar,iation o. 'ore il,s an, ali'ations a'ross lo'ations or ssi,iaries/ n 'o-le$ environ-ents 4ith a hge n-er o. ali'ations an, ,i..erent 'on.igrations the n-er o. host gro 'hanges that are reGire, .or ea'h 'on.igration 'hange in'reases signi.i'antl=/ n or soltion gi,e 4eOve ,e'i,e, to se s'enario & @e$laine, in .rther ,etail elo4B/
Create Host Groups S'enario &B *i.e'='leEnviron-ent.o'se, hierar'hi'al str'tre is the hostgro s'enario i-le-ente, in this soltion gi,e ,o'-ent/ (o 'reate a ost ro go to: 5/ Configure ➤ ost groups ➤ !ew ost $roup . 1pecify the information according to the table below @(he se'i.ie, entries are ,e.alts that =o 'an 'hange 4hen a ne4 host is rovisione,/B 7. 1ubmit #or the soltion gi,e 'reate the .ollo4ing ost ros:
2ifec-cle Environments O*ect Host 7roup
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA:
$alue ,ev ,ev
Pet aster:
Puppet 4lasses
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
Parameter 2ocation
-ni'h -ni'h,-
"ctivation !e-
Aote, Create the sa-e ost ro .or the >a &rod5 %eb2de'5 %eb2>a5 %eb2uat an, %eb2&rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 5/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent via #ammer, %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-oston3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent list organiation 3\%R]3 a4) # 33 HYY:,igit:[[ \rint 2]H se, sH H 4hile rea, *CEN; ,o i. YY \*CEN;] 3*irar=3 [[V then 'ontine .i ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e @ e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[H B X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X li.e'='leenviron-ent 3\*CEN;]3 X et'aro$=i, 1 X etro$=i, 1 X 'ontentsor'ei, 1
Red Hat Enterprise 2inu? 6
Host 7roup
Puppet 4lasses
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
,ev rhel6server$"66 ,ev 'vosrhel6server @ato-ati'all= assigne,B satellite/e$a-le/'osatellite/e$a-le/'osatellite/e$a-le/'o-
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
$"66 Re,at 6/6 ACE*irar=Re,atServerRe,atE nterrise*in$6ServerLi')start$"66 6Server talea'-eosrhelserver ^^^^^^^^
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
Parameter 2ocation
-ni'h -ni'h,-
"ctivation !e-
Aote, At the ti-e this ,o'-ent 4as 4ritten the Con.ig ro cfg-corebuild 'ol, not e assigne, via ha--er/ Please a,, it manuall- to ever- Red Hat Enterprise 2inu? Host 7roup i. the ha--er 'o--an, is se, to 'reate the str'tre/ Create the sa-e ost ro .or the >a &rod environ-ent/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro
a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent '/ Content;ie4 2/ Pet Classes a/ '.g'oreil, @has to e a,,e, again ,e to *i.e'='le Environ-ent 'hangeB !/ A'tivation Le= a/ 'hange the environ-ent art
via #ammer, AT%R363 N%R353 %S@ha--er ott 'sv os list a4) # 33 3Re,at \AT%R] \rint X2Ve$it]3B ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-3 P(A&*ENAE3talea'-eosrhelserver3 D%AN3e$a-le/'o-3 .or *CEN; in DE; A PR%D ,o i. YY \*CEN;] 3*irar=3 [[V then 'ontine .i *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3rhel\AT%R]server\ARC]3 X -e,i- 3\%R]*irar=Re,atServerRe,atEnterrise*in$ \AT%R]ServerLi')start\ARC]\AT%R]\N%R]3 X arenti, \ParentD] X ar'hite'tre 3\ARC]3 X oeratings=ste- 3\%S]3 X artitiontale 3\P(A&*ENAE]3 X snet 3\D%AN]3 X ,o-ain 3\D%AN]3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel\AT%R]Server3 X environ-enti, @ha--er ott 'sv environ-ent list erage 999 a4) # 33 3L(\%R]\*CEN;]'vosrhel\AT%R]Server \rint X1]3B gD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro setara-eter X hostgroi, 3\gD]3 X na-e 3)ta'tivation)e=s3 X vale 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]osrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]3 ,one
Red Hat Enterprise 2inu? 9
Host 7roup
Puppet 4lasses
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
,ev rhel7server$"66 ,ev 'vosrhel6server @ato-ati'all= assigne,B satellite/e$a-le/'osatellite/e$a-le/'osatellite/e$a-le/'o-
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
$"66 Re,at 7/1 ACE*irar=Re,atServerRe,atE nterrise*in$7ServerLi')start$"66 7Server
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
talea'-eosrhelserver ^^^^^^^^
Parameter 2ocation
-ni'h -ni'h,- oston
"ctivation !e-
Aote, At the ti-e this ,o'-ent 4as 4ritten the Con.ig ro cfg-corebuild 'ol, not e assigne, via ha--er/ Please a,, it manuall- to ever- Red Hat Enterprise 2inu? Host 7roup i. the ha--er 'o--an, is se, to 'reate the str'tre/ Create the sa-e ost ro .or the >a &rod5 %eb2de'5 %eb2>a5 %eb2uat an, %eb2&rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent '/ Content;ie4 2/ Pet Classes www%red#at%com
a/ '.g'oreil, @has to e a,,e, again ,e to *i.e'='le Environ-ent 'hangeB !/ A'tivation Le= a/ 'hange the environ-ent art
via #ammer, AT%R373 %S@ha--er ott 'sv os list a4) # 33 3Re,at \AT%R] \rint X2Ve$it]3B ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-3 P(A&*ENAE3talea'-eosrhelserver3 D%AN3e$a-le/'o-3 ha--er li.e'='leenviron-ent list organiation 3\%R]3 a4) # 33 HYY:,igit:[[ \rint 2]H se, sH H 4hile rea, *CEN; ,o i. YY \*CEN;] 3*irar=3 [[V then 'ontine .i *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3rhel\AT%R]server\ARC]3 X -e,i- 3\%R]*irar=Re,atServerRe,atEnterrise*in$ \AT%R]ServerLi')start\ARC]\AT%R]Server3 X arenti, \ParentD] X ar'hite'tre 3\ARC]3 X oeratings=ste- 3\%S]3 X artitiontale 3\P(A&*ENAE]3 X snet 3\D%AN]3 X ,o-ain 3\D%AN]3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel\AT%R]Server3 X environ-enti, @ha--er ott 'sv environ-ent list erage 999 a4) # 33 3L( \%R]\*CEN;]'vosrhel\AT%R]Server \rint X1]3B gD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro setara-eter X hostgroi, 3\gD]3 X na-e 3)ta'tivation)e=s3 X vale 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]osrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]3 ,one
.eta Parent
Host 7roup
Host 7roup
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent:
rhel6server$"66 infra ,ev
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent:
rhel7server$"66 infra ,ev
Aote, Create the sa-e ost ro .or the >a an, &rod environ-ents .or r#el6)server)?=668 an, r#el9)server)?=668 / Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e via #ammer, AT%R373 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-3 .or *CEN;*%ER in ,ev Ga ro, ,o ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3in.ra3 X arenti, \ParentD] X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 ,one
AT%R363 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-oston3 .or *CEN;*%ER in ,ev Ga ro, ,o ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3in.ra3 X arenti, \ParentD] X
organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 ,one
7itserver O*ect
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
,evrhel7server$"66in.ra gitserver ,ev ''vin.ragitserver @sele'te, ato-ati'all=B
Puppet 4lasses
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
@inherite,B @inherite,B
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
@inherite,B ^^^^^^
Host 7roup
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
-ni'h -ni'h,-
"ctivation !e-
Aote, Create the sa-e ost ro .or the >a an, &rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent 2/ Pet Classes refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
a/ Resele't the Pet 'lasses @the= have to e sele'te, again e'ase the Pet Environ-ent 'hange,B !/ A'tivation Le=
via #ammer, AT%R373 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-3 .or *CEN; in DE; A PR%D ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]Xin.raB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3gitserver3 X arenti, \ParentD] X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''vin.ragitserver3 X environ-enti, @ha--er ott 'sv environ-ent list erage 999 a4) # 33 3L(\%R]\*CEN;]''vin.ragitserver \rint X1]3B X et'lasses Hgit::serverH gD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]XgitserverXin.raB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro setara-eter X hostgroi, 3\gD]3 X na-e 3)ta'tivation)e=s3 X vale 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]in.ragitserver$"663 ,one
Host 7roup
Puppet 4lasses
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
,evrhel7server$"66in.ra 'ontainerhost ,ev ''vin.ra'ontainerhost @sele'te, ato-ati'all=B
Classes: Con.ig ro:
,o')er @inherite,B
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Do-ain: Snet:
@inherite,B @inherite,B
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
Li')start ,e.alt ^^^^^^
Parameter 2ocation
-ni'h -ni'h,-
"ctivation !e-
Aote, Create the sa-e ost ro .or the >a an, &rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent 2/ Pet Classes a/ Resele't the Pet 'lasses @the= have to e sele'te, again e'ase the Pet environ-ent 'hange,B !/ A'tivation Le= via #ammer, AT%R373 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-3 .or *CEN; in DE; A PR%D ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]Xin.raB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3'ontainerhost3 X arenti, \ParentD] X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''vin.ra'ontainerhost3 X environ-enti, @ha--er ott 'sv environ-ent list erage 999 a4) # 33 3L(
\%R]\*CEN;]''vin.ra'ontainerhost \rint X1]3B X et'lasses H,o')erH gD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]X'ontainerhostXin.raB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro setara-eter X hostgroi, 3\gD]3 X na-e 3)ta'tivation)e=s3 X vale 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]in.ra'ontainerhost$"663 ,one
Host 7roup
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
,evrhel7server$"66in.ra 'asle ,ev ''vin.ra'asle @sele'te, ato-ati'all=B @inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Puppet 4lasses
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
Li')start ,e.alt
Parameter 2ocation
"ctivation !e-
Aote, www%red#at%com
Create the sa-e ost ro .or the >a an, &rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent 2/ Pet Classes a/ Resele't the Pet 'lasses @the= have to e sele'te, again e'ase the Pet environ-ent 'hange,B !/ A'tivation Le=
via #ammer, AT%R373 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h3 .or *CEN; in DE; A PR%D ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]Xin.raB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3'asle3 X arenti, \ParentD] X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''vin.ra'asle3 X environ-enti, @ha--er ott 'sv environ-ent list erage 999 a4) # 33 3L(\%R]\*CEN;]''vin.ra'asle \rint X1]3B gD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]X'asleXin.raB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro setara-eter X hostgroi, 3\gD]3 X na-e 3)ta'tivation)e=s3 X vale 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]in.ra'asle$"663 ,one
Host 7roup
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings:
,evrhel6server$"66in.ra loghost ,ev ''vin.raloghost @sele'te, ato-ati'all=B
Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Puppet 4lasses
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
@inherite,B @inherite,B
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
Li')start ,e.alt ^^^^^^
Parameter 2ocation
-ni'h -ni'h,-
"ctivation !e-
Aote, Create the sa-e ost ro .or the >a an, &rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent 2/ Pet Classes a/ Resele't the Pet 'lasses @the= have to e sele'te, again e'ase the Pet environ-ent 'hange,B !/ A'tivation Le= via #ammer, *%%S( AT%R363 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-3 .or *CEN; in DE; A PR%D ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X!
\*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]Xin.raB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3loghost3 X arenti, \ParentD] X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X 'ontentvie4 3'vosrhel6Server3 X environ-enti, @ha--er ott 'sv environ-ent list erage 999 a4) # 33 3L(\%R]\*CEN;]'vosrhel\AT%R]Server \rint X1]3B gD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]XloghostXin.raB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro setara-eter X hostgroi, 3\gD]3 X na-e 3)ta'tivation)e=s3 X vale 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]in.raloghost$"663 ,one
A,, 5atcher-3alue .or the S-art Class Para-eter mode to vale ser'er ase, on the ost ro: Con.igre ` Pet Classes ` sele't log#ost -o,le Sele't the (a: S-art Class Para-eter Sele't the S-art Class Para-eter mode ar) the Override 'he')o$ A,, at'her;ales d at'h: hostgro,evrhel6server$"66loghost d ;ale: server d at'h: hostgroGarhel6server$"66loghost d ;ale: server d at'h: hostgroro,rhel6server$"66loghost d ;ale: server
Aote, At the ti-e o. 4riting a at'her;ale ha, to e a,,e, .or ever= "oghost ost ro entr=/ acmewe*
Host 7roup
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
,evrhel7server$"66 a'-e4e 4e,ev ''va'-e4e @sele'te, ato-ati'all=B @inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Puppet 4lasses
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
@inherite,B @inherite,B
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
@inherite,B @inherite,B
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
Li')start ,e.alt ^^^^^^
Parameter 2ocation
-ni'h -ni'h,- oston
"ctivation !e-
Aote, Create the sa-e ost ro .or the we*)>a5 %eb2uat an, %eb2&rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent
via #ammer, AT%R373 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-oston3 .or *CEN; in eDE; eA eUA( ePR%D ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3a'-e4e3 X arenti, \ParentD] X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X 'ontentvie4 3''via'-e4e3 X environ-enti, @ha--er ott 'sv environ-ent list erage 999 a4) # 33 3L(\%R]\*CEN;]''via'-e4e \rint X1]3B ,one
acmewe* frontend O*ect
Parent: Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
,evrhel7server$"66a'-e4e .ronten, 4e,ev ''va'-e4e @sele'te, ato-ati'all=B
Puppet 4lasses
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
@inherite,B @inherite,B
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
@inherite,B @inherite,B
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
Li')start ,e.alt ^^^^^^
Host 7roup
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
-ni'h -ni'h,- oston
"ctivation !e-
Aote, Create the sa-e ost ro .or the we*)>a5 %eb2uat an, %eb2&rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent 2/ Pet Classes a/ Resele't the Pet 'lasses @the= have to e sele'te, again e'ase the Pet environ-ent 'hange,B !/ A'tivation Le= via #ammer, AT%R373 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-oston3 .or *CEN; in eDE; eA eUA( ePR%D ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]Xa'-e4eB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3.ronten,3 X arenti, \ParentD] X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X et'lasses Ha'-e4e::.ronten,H gD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]Xa'-e4eX.ronten,B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro setara-eter X hostgroi, 3\gD]3 X na-e 3)ta'tivation)e=s3 X vale 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]ia'-e4e$"663 ,one
acmewe* *ackend
Host 7roup
Na-e: *i.e'='le Environ-ent: Content ;ie4: Pet Environ-ent: Casle Settings: Content Sor'e: Pet CA: Pet aster:
a')en, 4e,ev ''va'-e4e @sele'te, ato-ati'all=B
Puppet 4lasses
Classes: Con.ig ro:
Do-ain: Snet:
@inherite,B @inherite,B
Operating S-stem
Ar'hite'tre: %erating S=ste-: e,ia:
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Partition tale: Root ass4or,:
Li')start ,e.alt ^^^^^^
@inherite,B @inherite,B @inherite,B
Parameter 2ocation
-ni'h -ni'h,- oston
"ctivation !e-
Aote, Create the sa-e ost ro .or the we*)>a5 %eb2uat an, %eb2&rod environ-ents/ Clone the ost ro an, a,at the .ollo4ing in.or-ation: 1/ ost ro a/ Na-e / *i.e'='le Environ-ent 2/ Pet Classes a/ Resele't the Pet 'lasses @the= have to e sele'te, again e'ase the Pet environ-ent 'hange,B !/ A'tivation Le= via #ammer, AT%R373 ARC3$"663 %R3ACE3 *%CA(%NS3-ni'h-ni'h,-oston3
.or *CEN; in eDE; eA eUA( ePR%D ,o *CEN;*%ER@e'ho \*CEN;] tr HYY:er:[H HYY:lo4er:[[HB ParentD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]Xa'-e4eB \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro 'reate na-e 3a')en,3 X arenti, \ParentD] X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%CA(%NS]3 X et'lasses Ha'-e4e::a')en,H gD@ha--er ott 'sv hostgro list erage 999 a4) #33 3@X! \*CEN;*%ER]Xrhel\AT%R]server\ARC]Xa'-e4eXa')en,B \rint X1]3B ha--er hostgro setara-eter X hostgroi, 3\gD]3 X na-e 3)ta'tivation)e=s3 X vale 3a't\*CEN;*%ER]ia'-e4e$"663 ,one
Aote, Ever=thing is no4 reare, .or the Re, at Casle installation an, 'on.igration i. =o 4ant to set a Re, at Casle go a') to Step ' .or ,etaile, instr'tions/
/ro'isioning a ne% host Sin'e 4e have no4 'on.igre, all reGire, Satellite 6 entities 4e 'an rovision a ne4 host to veri.= that the 'on.igration 4or)s/ As an e$a-le 4e are rovisioning a ne4 host insi,e or DJ net4or) sing the RE*7 'oreil, 'ontent vie4/ Cli') on osts ` Ne4 osts/ %n the .irst ta enter or a,at the .ollo4ing ite-s:
Enter a hostna-e: 'oreil,test,ev1 *eave the %rganiation n'hange, @ACEB Change *o'ation to -ni'h,- Sele't the host gro: in.ra'oreil,,ev Sele't a'-erhev-ni'h,- as the ,elo=-ent target @'o-te resor'eB Change the li.e'='le environ-ent to DE; Sele't the RE*7 'oreil, 'ontent vie4: 'vosrhel7Server (he Pet environ-ent shol, e ato-ati'all= a,ate, Sele't 'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o- as 'ontent sor'e Sele't 'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o- as the Pet CA Sele't 'asle-ni'h/,-/e$a-le/'o- as the Pet aster
(he .inal Ne4 ost 'on.igration shol, loo) li)e this:
Sele't the Pet Classes ta/ &e'ase the 'on.ig gro '.g'oreil, 4as assigne, to the host gro sele'te, in the .irst ste 4e ,onOt nee, to 'hange an=thing here/
Sele't the Net4or) ta an, 'hange oth Do-ain an, Snet to ,-/e$a-le/'o-/ (he P a,,ress sggestion shol, e ato-ati'all= a,ate, to the 'orreson,ing P range/
Sele't the %erating S=ste- ta/ Sin'e all ite-s liste, on this ta are alrea,= ,e.ine, in the 'orreson,ing host gro ,e.inition all =o nee, to ,o here is enter the root ass4or, .or this server/
Sele't the ;irtal a'hine ta/ ere 4e nee, to -a)e the .ollo4ing 'hanges: 5/ %tional: A,at the n-er o. virtal CPU 'ores o. the ; @4e are sing 2B 6/ A,at the virtal -e-or= o. the ; @4e are sing 2 & -ini-- is 1 &B 7/ Cli') on A,, nter.a'e to a,, a net4or) inter.a'e to this ; a/ Enter a na-e @eth0B / Sele't the 'orreson,ing net4or) @here: or ;*AN 99B "/ Cli') on A,, ;ol-e a/ Enter the ,is) sie @or 'sto-ie, artition tale talea'-eosrhelserver reGires at least 20 &B/ e are sing 25 & @= ,e.alt thin rovisioning is se, an, as long as the Preallo'ate Dis) 'he')o$ is not sele'te, the real ,is) sa'e 'ons-tion 4ill e lo4er than 25 &B/ / Sele't the ootale ra,io tton
Aote, t -ight e 'on.sing/ n a,,ition to the thir, ta Net4or) 4e nee, to e$li'itl= a,, a net4or) inter.a'e here/ Io -st ,o the sa-e 4ith the vol-e/ o4ever i. the rovisioning -etho, as 'on.igre, in the oerating s=ste- ta is net4or) ase, instea, o. i-age ase, an, these t4o ite-s are reGire, to 'reate a virtal -a'hine the 'rrent version o. Satellite 6 ,oes not ato-ati'all= rovi,e e-t= or re,e.ine, .iel,s to 'on.igre these reGire, vales/ e leave the last t4o tas @Para-eters an, A,,itional n.or-ationB n'hange, an, then 'li') S-it/ A.ter a 'ole o. -intes or ne4l= 'reate, host shol, e liste, n,er the osts ` Content osts ta/
Step 8: Map your IT organization and roles to your Satellite setup ( organiations are in a state o. 'onstant .l$/ n site o. this environ-ent -an= ( organiations ase their 'rrent str'tre on arti'lar te'hnologies or ro,'ts/ (his t=e o. str'tring 'an severel= li-it an ( organiation sin'e -an= so.t4are ven,ors have signi.i'antl= e$an,e, their ro,'t se 'ases an, the ro,'ts the= o..er/ Pls -an= e-erging te'hnologies have ,isrte, ho4 'sto-ers 4or) 4ith arti'lar ro,'ts s'h as so.t4are,e.ine, net4or)s or storage/ A t=i'al ( organiation is ,ivi,e, into nits 4ith ,i..erent roles an, resonsiilities/ Deen,ing on the sie an, str'tre o. an ( organiation the roles an, resonsiilities 'an e organie, in -an= ,i..erent 4a=s/ So-e o. the- are ,ire'tl= relate, to ho4 Re, at Satellite Server is se, so-e o. the- not/ n the .ollo4ing se'tion 4e 4ill ,es'rie so-e 'o--on roles an, ho4 Re, at Satellite sorts the-/
Ho% Red Hat Sate""ite #ets .ou Se&arate Res&onsibi"ities Re, at Satellite o..ers varios otions to sort roles/ Re, at Satellite: Sorts oth users and roles / Satellite 'an assign ,e.alt organiations an, environ-ents to sers so that 4hen sers 'reate ne4 entities these ,e.alts are ato-ati'all= se,/ Users 'an also e assigne, a ,e.alt role 4hi'h ,e.ines their er-issions an, a''ess levels/ UsersO assigne, roles give the- rights to see an, -anage organiations an, environ-ents/ Sorts aggregating ,i..erent organiation @nitsB 4ithin one single Satellite server = sing Re, at Satellite .ulti)Org 'on'ets Provi,es the 'aailit= to isolate the o4nershi o. s=ste-s @,elo=-ent targetsB .rothe a'tal 'ontent @,elo=-ent 'ontent s'h as %S or ali'ation 'ontentB Allo4s the in,een,ent li.e'='le -anage-ent o. 4ontent $iews to sort in,ivi,al o4nershi o. arti'lar s=ste- sta') la=ers @.or e$a-le the %S lat.or- an, ali'ation la=ersB/ Satellite also sorts aggregating .or-erl= in,een,ent o4nershis into 4omposite 4ontent $iews/ %..ers in,een,ent so.t4are lifec-cle environment aths to 'reate in,een,ent li.e'='le stages an, environ-ents .or in,ivi,al o4nershi an, release '='les Sorts the granular definition o. a''ess levels .or all o?e'ts -anage, 4ithin Satellite/ (his .eatre sorts role)*ased access control RB"4C 'on'ets/
Sate""ite -sers and #$A/ Authentication A Satellite 6 ser ,e.ines a set o. ,etails .or in,ivi,als 4ho se the s=ste-/ Users 'an e asso'iate, 4ith organiations an, environ-ents so that 4hen the= 'reate ne4 entities the ,e.alt settings are ato-ati'all= se,/ Users 'an also have one or -ore roles atta'he, 4hi'h grant the- rights to vie4 an, -anage organiations an, environ-ents/ Re, at Satellite in'l,es the otion to se a *ight4eight Dire'tor= A''ess Proto'ol @*DAPB servi'e .or ser in.or-ation an, athenti'ation sing one or -ore *DAP ,ire'tories/ (he reGire, stes to 'on.igre *DAP athenti'ation are ,o'-ente, in the Re, at Satellite User i,e/ n or soltion gi,e 4e are not sing *DAP athenti'ation/
Red Hat Sate""ite Ro"e27ased Access Contro" Re, at Satellite .eatres a .inegraine, a''ess 'ontrol s=ste- that allo4s =o to 'sto-ie sets o. roles to re'isel= the ,esire, allo4e, a'tions/ Ea'h a'tion on a resor'e t=e @host host 'olle'tion li.e'='le environ-ent 'ontent vie4 et'/B 'an e 'ontrolle, 4ithin ea'h role an, =o 'an restri't the in,ivi,al o?e'ts via a sear'h Ger=/ So-e re,e.ine, roles are availale 4ith a re,e.ine, set o. .ilters/ (o see this list o. re,e.ine, roles 'li') on A,-inister ` Roles:
(hese te-lates 'an e 'lone, an, a,ate, or enhan'e, to se'i.i' nee,s/ Alternativel= =o www%red#at%com
'an 'reate ne4 roles .ro- s'rat'h: Start 4ith an e-t= role an, then a,, all reGire, .ilters/ #or ea'h o. the 6 ,i..erent resor'e t=es =o 'an sele't one or -ore er-issions that elong to a arti'lar resor'e t=e @e/g/ vie4 e,it 'reate ,eleteB/ n a,,ition =o 'an al= .ilters to restri't these er-issions to a arti'lar sset o. ele-ents/ #or .rther ,etails see the 'orreson,ing 'hater in the Satellite 6 User i,e: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l Useri,e 'ha Users an,Roles/ht-l
Aote, &e'ase o. its granlar -o,el .or ,e.ining roles an, ase, on PetOs o4er.l 'on.igration-anage-ent 'aailities Satellite 6 'an -anage oth oerating s=ste-s an, lat.or-s rnning on to o. Re, at Enterrise *in$/ Satellite 6 'an also e se, to -anage ali'ations t Re, at o..ers a ,e,i'ate, tool .or -anaging lat.or-s an, ali'ations Re, at %enShi.t Enterrise/
Sate""ite R7AC Recommendations Satellite 6Os Role&ase, A''ess Control @R&ACB lets =o assign granlar er-issions an, a''ess 'ontrols to all Satellite 6 o?e'ts/ &e'ase o. the hge n-er o. o?e'ts @in,i'ate, = the 6 ,i..erent resor'e t=esB tr=ing to ,e.ine an enhan'e, er-ission set 'an e'o-e a trial an, error ?orne=/ (he .ollo4ing re'o--en,ations shol, hel =o ,e.ine 'sto- roles an, their er-issions/
Define the Expected Tasks and Responsibilities A goo, 4a= to egin is to thin) aot 4hat a arti'lar role is sose, to ,o an, 4hi'h Satellite 6 entities -ight e a..e'te, = these tas)s/ Io 'ol, thin) aot the resonsiilities o. this role an, ho4 =o 4ol, ,e.ine the or,er et4een t4o roles/ #or e$a-le i. a ser asso'iate, 4ith this role is sose, to e$e'te an a'tion li-ite, to a arti'lar sset o. an entit= =o nee, to ,e.ine this sset/ %r A an, S=sEng sa-le roles -ight hel here/ (he ,i..eren'es et4een the- ,e.ine the on,aries et4een t4o sets o. resonsiilities/ Io 'an se .ilters to li-it the asso'iate, er-issions/
Start Small and Add Permissions Step by Step . tests o. a role have not gone 4ell start 4ith a ver= li-ite, set o. er-issions an, then a,, a,,itional er-issions ste = ste/ %n'e the e$e'tion is s''ess.l revie4 =or .ilters an, 'he') i. so-e o. the- are nne'essar=/ . =o are nsre re-ove a .ilter or er-ission an, test again to see i. the e$e'tion still 4or)s/ Usall= =o nee, -ore Mvie4 er-issions an,
Me,it or M,elete er-issions/ . =o re-ove nne'essar= vie4 er-issions the n-er o. visile ite-s ,e'reases an, the 'o-le$it= o. the ser inter.a'e ,e'reases as 4ell/
Use Search Filters to Limit the Amount of Detail an= roles in a tra,itional ( organiation have a ver= li-ite, area o. resonsiilit=/ o4ever there -ight e a 4i,er area o. interest/ #or e$a-le the ali'ation server o4ner is resonsile .or the ali'ation server t -ight have an interest to see @rea,onl= a''essB the 'rrent 'ore il, ,evelo-ent to get earlier a''ess to in.or-ation aot otential 'o-ing 'hanges/ Usall= areas o. interest shol, e han,le, -ore on a 'rosstea- 'o--ni'ation an, 'ollaoration lan t the rea,onl= er-issions in Satellite 6 4ol, also hel sers get an overvie4 aot other areas o. interest/
Consider Secondary Entities Affected by a Particular Execution So-eti-es =o nee, to 'onsi,er 4hi'h se'on,ar= entities are a..e'te,/ #or e$a-le a 'ontent vie4 ro-otion ato-ati'all= 'reates ne4 @or 'hanges e$istingB Pet environ-ents .or this li.e'='le environ-ent an, 'ontent vie4 'o-ination/ (here.ore =o nee, to a,, 'reate an, e,it er-issions .or the resor'e t=e @PetB MEnviron-ent i. this role is e$e'te, to ro-ote 'ontent vie4s/ #or .rther ,etails see M Sample Role (, ualit"ssurance "C in this 'hater/
Use Predefined Roles Wherever Possible As -entione, earlier Satellite 6 shis so-e re,e.ine, roles that 'an e se, alone or as art o. a role 'o-ination/ #or .rther ,etails see MSa-le Role 2 an, MSa-le Role in this 'hater/
RBAC Focuses on Role Shaping But Not Security control (he 'rrent .o's o. Satellite 6Os rolease, a''ess 'ontrol is -ore on role shaing in the U @so.t settingsB than on se'ring or li-iting a''ess @har, settings en.or'e-entB to varios o?e'ts or tas)s/ (he e$a-les rovi,e, in this 'hater ri-aril= .o's on hi,ing nne'essar= o?e'ts .ro- sers 4ho are not sose, to ,eal 4ith all Satellite 6 entities/
Ty&ica" content ? #i!ecyc"e Ro"e Ty&es (here are varios 'riteria .or ,istingishing a-ong ,i..erent roles 4ithin an ( organiation/ n this soltion gi,e 4e 4ill .o's on the .ollo4ing ! t=es o. roles:
Roles elonging to a arti'lar o4ner o. an ali'ation or se'i.i' arts o. ( servi'es @.or e$a-le ,i..erent o4ners o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ as the oerating s=steverss o4ners o. ali'ation servers an, ,ataase serversB Roles elonging to a arti'lar stage o. the so.t4are li.e'='le/ (hese roles sall= have ,e,i'ate, reGire-ents an, tas)s an, in -ost 'ases also sing ,e,i'ate, 'o-te resor'es to .l.ill these tas)s @.or e$a-le the roles 'ol, e ,ivi,e, a-ong the lan il, rn hases 4here ea'h hase has one or -ore o4nersB Roles elonging to se'i.i' tas)s that are artiall= in,een,ent .ro- the roles ,es'rie, aove @.or e$a-le se'rit= -anager li'ense -anagersB (he .ollo4ing i'tre illstrates the ,i..erent areas o. resonsiilities in a .rag-ente, ( organiation 4ith in,ivi,al roles .or ea'h li.e'='le stage o. ea'h sta') la=er:
ACME IT rgani,ation E0am&"e As -entione, in the intro,'tion or e$a-le the ACE ( %rganiation is str'tre, as .ollo4s:
Pri-aril= 4e ,ivi,e resonsiilit= areas into oerating s=ste-s an, ali'ation resonsiilities/ n a,,ition 4e have a 'ole o. 'ross.n'tional roles that ta)e 'are o. varios t=i'al ( ro'ess areas/
Aote, Crrentl= =o nee, to se the er-issionsO Ds instea, o. their na-es 4hen sing ha--er C* to 'on.igre the roles an, .ilters ntil the .ollo4ing g is .i$e,: htts: gilla/re,hat /'o-sho4g/'gi fi, 12!0"" (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s list all the availale er-issions an, their Ds: ha--er .ilter availaleer-issions erage 500 D NAE RES%URCE 1 vie4ar'hite'tres Ar'hite'tre 2 'reatear'hite'tres Ar'hite'tre ! e,itar'hite'tres Ar'hite'tre ,estro=ar'hite'tres Ar'hite'tre 5 vie4a,itlogs A,it 6 vie4athenti'ators AthSor'e*,a 7 'reateathenti'ators AthSor'e*,a " e,itathenti'ators AthSor'e*,a 9 ,estro=athenti'ators AthSor'e*,a 10 vie4oo)-ar)s &oo)-ar) Y///[
2!2 rhtele-etr=vie4 @is'ellaneosB 2!! rhtele-etr='on.igrations @is'ellaneosB 2! ,o4nloa,oot,is) @is'ellaneosB
Aote, So-e o. these er-ission Ds have 'hange, 4ith Satellite 6/1 @even et4een the rivate an, li' etaB/ So i. =o have se, er-issions alrea,= =o -ight nee, to a,at thea''or,ingl=/
Sample Role 1: Satellite Admin (he Satellite A,-in is the tolevel a,-in role 4ith nli-ite, a''ess 'ontrol to all Satellite o?e'ts in'l,ing all -anage, o?e'ts @s=ste-s an, ali'ationsB/ (here.ore the least 'o-le$ set is to se the Satellite A,-in role .or all sers 4or)ing 4ith Re, at Satellite/ Ea'h ser 'an e assigne, to the A,-in role ?st = sele'ting the 'orreson,ing 'he')o$ 4hile 'reating sers n,er the Roles ta:
n a,,ition to the -aster A,-in role Satellite 6 shis 4ith t4o a,,itional re,e.ine, roles 'alle, banagerO an, bSite anagerO 4hi'h also in'l,e a lot o. rivileges an, -ight e s..i'ient .or -ost a,-inistrative tas)s as 4ell/ Althogh this set -ight e s..i'ient .or s-aller ( organiations that have onl= li-ite, @or
even noB a''ess 'ontrol or searation o. resonsiilities 4e strongl= re'o--en, that =o not se the A,-in role @or an asso'iate, serB as the er-anent ser to login an, 4or) 4ith Re, at Satellite in a rolesegregate, environ-ent/
Sample Role 2: IT Operations Manager (Read-only Role) *etOs start 4ith a si-le e$a-le/ %r ( %erations anager is not sose, to se Satellite 6 or -anage ite-s insi,e Satellite 6/ Nevertheless he 4ants to get an overvie4 aot varios ite-s han,le, = Satellite 6/ Sin'e this role is not e$e'te, to -a)e an= 'hanges a rea,onl= role 4ol, e s..i'ient .or it/
@#at /s 3#is Role Supposed to DoV ;ie4 all Satellite 6 entities in rea,onl= -o,e
RB"4 4onfiguration for t#is Role &ase, on the e$e'te, tas)s .or this role 4e a,, the re,e.ine, 6ie%er role to this ser/ (o see the @longB list o. asso'iate, er-issions that are ,e.ine, .or this role go to A,-inister ` Roles an, 'li') on the #ilter insi,e the ;ie4er ro4/ Role Resource 3-pe
predefined permission set
Io 'an assign this re,e.ine, role to a ne4 or e$isting ser i. =o go to A,-inister ` Users an, then sele't the e$isting ser or 'reate a ne4 one/ nsi,e the roles ta sele't the ;ie4er role:
Role 4reation >sing Hammer 42/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate a ser an, role an, a,, the 'orreson,ing er-issions to the role: ha--er ser 'reate .irstna-e ?i- X lastna-e os-gr X login ?i-os-gr X -ail ?i-os-grge$a-le/'o- X ass4or, Hre,hatH X athsor'ei,313 X organiations \%R] a,, the re,e.ine, ;ie4er role to this ser ha--er ser a,,role login ?i-os-gr role ;ie4er
Sample Role 3: License Management Owner nsi,e the Ris) K Se'rit= anage-ent tea- there is a role .or ta)ing 'are o. li'ense an, ss'rition -anage-ent to satis.= varios 'o-lian'e reGire-ents/ (hogh this -ight not e a t=i'al Satellite ser this role 'an ene.it .ro- Satellite 6 ss'rition -anage-ent an, reorting 'aailities/ Using ver= restri'tive er-ission .ilters 4e 'an hi,e the 'o-le$it= o.
-anage, o?e'ts insi,e Satellite an, ?st .o's on the se'i.i' tas)s 4ith 4hi'h this role is asso'iate,/
@#at /s 3#is Role Supposed to DoV loa, ne4 ss'rition -ani.ests @,o4nloa,e, .ro- the Re, at Csto-er PortalB into Satellite 6 -onitor the ss'rition tiliation .or Re, at ro,'ts -onitor the ss'rition tiliation .or !r,art= ro,'ts -onitor the tiliation o. ,i..erent sortlevelse'i.i' ss'ritions @.or e$a-le -onitor ho4 -'h the host is sing re-i- vs/ stan,ar, sort level agree-entsB
RB"4 4onfiguration for t#is Role &ase, on the e$e'te, tas)s .or this role 4e a,, the .ollo4ing er-issions to it/ Sin'e this ,es'ries a -ini-- set o. er-issions =o -ight 4ant to a,, so-e -ore/ Role Resource 3-pe
a''ess,ashoar, -=organiations vie4statisti's
Pro,'ts an, Reositories
-ort-ani.est ,elete-ani.est atta'hss'ritions natta'hss'ritions vie4ss'ritions vie4organiations
(he .inal er-issions 'on.igration 'an e revie4e, n,er A,-inister ` Roles/ Sele't the role an, 'li') on #ilters:
Role 4reation >sing Hammer 42/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate a ser an, role an, a,, the 'orreson,ing er-issions to the role: ha--er ser 'reate .irstna-e li'ense lastna-e -anager X login li'ense-gr X -ail rootlo'alhost/lo'al,o-ain X ass4or, H$D6JhT"H X athsor'ei,O1O X organiations \%R] ha--er role 'reate na-e li'ense-gr ha--er ser a,,role login li'ense-gr role li'ense-gr vie4hosts ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 7 role li'ense-gr vie4reorts ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 12 role li'ense-gr vie4ro,'ts ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 209 role li'ense-gr -=organiationsa''ess,ashoar,vie4statisti's ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 22!!"12 role li'ense-gr vie4ss'ritionsatta'hss'ritionsnatta'hss'ritions i-ort-ani.est,elete-ani.est ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 2121521621721" role li'ense-gr
. 4e login as this ser 4e 'an see that the navigation ar has een signi.i'antl= re,'e, to onl= a .e4 ite-s that are relevant .or this ser:
Sample Role 4: Core Build (OS) Systems Engineering (he ne$t role 4or)s insi,e the ( %erations ,eart-ent as art o. the S=ste-s Engineering tea-/ (his tea- ,e.ines an, 'reates ne4 versions o. or 'ore il, ,e.initions an, is ta)ing 'are o. the 'orreson,ing Pet 'on.igrations that are art o. the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4s/ Sin'e A is a tea- that 'onsists o. a 'ole o. tea- -e-ers 4e se user groups instea, o. in,ivi,al sers here an, assign the role to this ser gro/
@#at /s 3#is Role Supposed to DoV
'ontrol so.t4are i-orts = sing reositor= s=n'hroniation 'ontrol Pet -o,le i-orts = sing reositor= s=n'hroniation or ,ire't sh ,e.ine 'reate an, e,it 'oreil, 'ontent vie4s lish 'ontent vie4s an, ro-ote the- to the DE; stage 4hi'h is the test stage .or ( %erations 'reate an, e,it all ite-s relevant .or rovisioning @rovisioning te-lates ara-eters i-ages artition tales et'/B il, 'reate e,it an, ,estro= hosts to test ne4 'ontent on nonersistent hosts vie4 e,it an, 'o-te to -anage the n,erl=ing 'o-te in.rastr'tre in stage DE; vie4 an, e,it host gros an, 'on.ig gros to test Pet 'on.igration 'hanges
Sin'e this is Gite a long list an, 4e 4ol, nee, to a,, -ost o. the 2! er-issions to this role 4eOve ,e'i,e, to se a role 'o-ination here/ eOve a,,e, the re,e.ine, anager role to this role an, then 'reate, an, a,,e, another role that limits the er-issions rovi,e, = the anager role to ust the DE; environ-ent/ (he n-eros er-issions o. the re,e.ine, anager role 'an e investigate, n,er A,-inister ` Roles/ Cli') on #ilters in the anager role tale ro4:
RB"4 4onfiguration for 3#is Role &ase, on the e$e'te, resonsiilities o. this role 4e a,, the .ollo4ing er-issions to it/ Sin'e this ,es'ries the -ini-- set o. er-issions =o -ight 4ant to a,, -ore/ Role Resource 3-pe
predefined permission set
Pro,'ts an, Reositories
'reatero,'ts e,itro,'ts ,estro=ro,'ts s=n'ro,'ts
name Y cv)osZ
Content ;ie4s
vie4'ontentvie4s 'reate'ontentvie4s e,it'ontentvie4s lish'ontentvie4s ro-oteorre-ove'ontentvie4s
*i.e'='le Environ-ents
ro-oteorre-ove'ontentvie4s name Y DE$ toenviron-ents
*i.e'='le Environ-ents
Pet 'lass
vie4et'lasses 'reateet'lasses e,itet'lasses ,estro=et'lasses i-ortet'lasses
(he .inal er-issions 'on.igration 'an e revie4e, n,er A,-inister ` Roles/ Sele't the role an, 'li') on #ilters:
Aote, this s'reenshot sho4s onl= the a,,itional er-issions that are art o. the s=seng role/ Sin'e 4eOve a,,e, this e$ten,e, er-ission set an, also se, the re,e.ine, anager role er-issions the .inal er-ission set is an interse'tion o. oth/ Role 4reation >sing Hammer 42/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate a ser an, role an, a,, the 'orreson,ing er-issions to the role:
%S S=sEng sers ha--er ser 'reate .irstna-e rett X lastna-e s=seng X login retts=seng X -ail retts=senge$a-le/'o- X ass4or, Hre,hatH X athsor'ei,313 X organiations \%R] ha--er ser 'reate X .irstna-e -i)e X lastna-e s=seng X login -i)es=seng X -ail to-s=senge$a-le/'o- X ass4or, Hre,hatH X athsor'ei,313 X organiations \%R] 'reate the s=seng gro an, assign oth sers to it ha--er sergro 'reate na-e s=sengteaha--er sergro a,,ser na-e s=sengtea- ser retts=seng ha--er sergro a,,ser na-e s=sengtea- ser -i)es=seng 'reate the s=seng role an, assign the Ga gro to it ha--er role 'reate na-e s=seng ha--er sergro a,,role na-e s=sengtea- role s=seng a,, the re,e.ine, anager role to this gro ha--er sergro a,,role na-e s=sengtea- role .anager Pro,'ts 'reatero,'tse,itro,'ts,estro=ro,'tss=n'ro,'ts ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 20921021121221! role s=seng #*(ERED: vie4'ontentvie4s'reate'ontentvie4se,it'ontentvie4s lish'ontentvie4sro-oteorre-ove'ontentvie4s ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 19019119219195 sear'h Hna-e 'vos^H role s=seng #*(ERED: ro-oteorre-ove'ontentvie4stoenviron-ents ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 20" sear'h Hna-e DE;H role s=seng vie4li.e'='leenviron-ents ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 20 role s=seng
Pet'lass vie4et'lasses'reateet'lassese,itet'lasses ,estro=et'lassesi-ortet'lasses ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 11511611711"119 role s=seng
Sample Role 5: Quality Assurance (QA) (his role is art o. the ( Servi'es anage-ent ,eart-ent an, is sose, to ensre that ever=thing is teste, roerl= e.ore eing ,elo=e, to ro,'tion/ A has its o4n ,e,i'ate, li.e'='le stages an, a ,e,i'ate, environ-ent 4ith 'o-te resor'es 4hi'h the= se to test all ne4 'ontent an, 'on.igrations/ (his role has onl= li-ite, e,it er-issions .or 'ontent sin'e this ,eart-ent is not sose, to .i$ isses t onl= ,ete't an, reort the-/ Sin'e A is a tea- that 'onsists o. a 'ole o. tea- -e-ers 4e are sing user groups instea, o. in,ivi,al sers an, 4e 4ill assign the role to the ser gro/
@#at /s 3#is Role Supposed to DoV i-ort 'ontent into the A stage/ (he 'ontent has een -ar)e, as Mrea,= to test = the so.t4are ,evelo-ent an, s=ste-s engineering tea-s 'reate an, e,it composite 'ontent vie4s/ (hese CC;s shol, ,e.ine ne4 or a,ate, com*inations of immuta*le content and configuration ,e.initions in the inherent 'ontent vie4s @the CC;s shol, e$'l,e e,it er-issions on an in,ivi,al 'ontent vie4 levelB/ rea,onl= a''ess to all reGire, ite-s that A is sose, to se t not e,it 'reate il, an, ,estro= hosts to test so.t4are an, 'on.igrations
Aote, DonOt e 'on.se, e'ase the 'ontent vie4 ro-otion er-ission ses a .ilter that li-its the ro-otion to the A stage instea, o. PR%D/ . 'ontent is ro-ote, to a arti'lar stage this ne4er 'ontent is ato-ati'all= i')e, = all hosts asso'iate, to this 'ontent vie4 an, li.e'='le environ-ent @at least the Pet 'on.igrationB/ As o. to,a= there is no 4a= to segregate 'ontent transition into a stage environ-ent an, the ,elo=-ent itsel./ . 'ontent is ro-ote, to an environ-ent it 4ill e ato-ati'all= i')e, all hosts asso'iate, to this environ-ent i. the ersionI)atest otion is se, insi,e Pet 'on.igrations/ Sin'e onl= the ( %erations Pro,'tion Sort tea- is resonsile .or the PR%D environ-ent the A tea- -st not e allo4e, to ro-ote 'ontent to the PR%D stage/ (his alies .or other roles in earlier stages as 4ell/ %nl= the A tea- itsel. is allo4e, to ro-ote 'ontent in the A environ-ent &U( the o4ners o. DE; are not allo4e, to/ RB"4 4onfiguration for 3#is Role &ase, on the e$e'te, resonsiilities o. this role 4e a,, the .ollo4ing er-issions to it/ Sin'e this ,es'ries a -ini-- set o. er-issions =o -ight 4ant to a,, -ore/
Role Resource 3-pe
vie4environ-ents 'reateenviron-ents e,itenviron-ents ,estro=environ-ents i-ortenviron-ents
vie4tas)s vie4statisti's a''ess,ashoar,
vie4environ-ents 'reateenviron-ents e,itenviron-ents ,estro=environ-ents i-ortenviron-ents
ost 'lass
ost ro
vie4hostgros e,ithostgros
vie4hosts 'reatehosts e,ithosts ,estro=hosts il,hosts o4erhosts 'onsolehosts i-ioot etrnhosts
Pet 'lass
S-art ro$=
vie4s-artro$ies vie4s-artro$iesatosign vie4s-artro$ieset'a
Pro,'ts an, Reositories
ost 'lass
*i.e'='le Environ-ent
vie4li.e'='leenviron-ents e,itli.e'='leenviron-ents
*i.e'='le Environ-ent
ro-oteorre-ove'ontentvie 4stoenviron-ents
name Y "
Content ;ie4s
vie4'ontentvie4s 'reate'ontentvie4s e,it'ontentvie4s lish'ontentvie4s ro-oteorre-ove'ontentvie 4s
name Y ccvZ
(he .inal er-issions 'on.igration 'an e revie4e, n,er A,-inister ` Roles/ Sele't the role an, 'li') on #ilters:
Role 4reation >sing Hammer 42/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s 'reate a ser an, role an, a,, the 'orreson,ing er-issions to the role: ha--er ser 'reate .irstna-e ?ane X lastna-e Ga login ?aneGa X -ail ?aneGae$a-le/'o- X ass4or, Hre,hatH X athsor'ei,H1H X
organiations \%R] ha--er ser 'reate .irstna-e to- X lastna-e Ga login to-Ga X -ail to-Gae$a-le/'o- X ass4or, Hre,hatH X athsor'ei,H1H X organiations \%R] 'reate the Ga gro an, assign oth sers to it ha--er sergro 'reate na-e Gateaha--er sergro a,,ser na-e Gatea- ser ?aneGa ha--er sergro a,,ser na-e Gatea- ser to-Ga 'reate the Ga role an, assign the Ga gro to it ha--er role 'reate na-e Gaser ha--er sergro a,,role na-e Gatea- role Gaser
vie4environ-ents'reateenviron-entse,itenviron-ents ,estro=environ-entsi-ortenviron-ents ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s !567 role Gaser vie4tas)svie4statisti'sa''ess,ashoar, ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 1"12!" role Gaser vie4environ-ents'reateenviron-entse,itenviron-ents ,estro=environ-entsi-ortenviron-ents ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s !567 role Gaser e,it'lasses ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 66 role Gaser vie4hostgros e,ithostgros ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 7072 role Gaser vie4hosts 'reatehosts e,ithosts ,estro=hosts il,hosts o4erhosts 'onsolehosts i-ioot etrnhosts ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 77576777"79"0"2 role Gaser vie4lo'ations ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s "7 role Gaser vie4organiations ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 105 role Gaser vie4et'lasses ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 115 role Gaser vie4s-artro$ies vie4s-artro$iesatosign vie4s-artro$ieset'a ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 1!21!61!9 role Gaser -=organiations ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 22! role Gaser vie4ro,'ts ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 209 role Gaser e,it'lasses ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 66 role Gaser vie4li.e'='leenviron-entse,itli.e'='leenviron-ents ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 20206 role Gaser
#*(ERED: vie4'ontentvie4s'reate'ontentvie4se,it'ontentvie4s lish'ontentvie4sro-oteorre-ove'ontentvie4s ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 19019119219195 sear'h H name Y ccvZ H role Gaser #*(ERED: ro-oteorre-ove'ontentvie4stoenviron-ents ha--er .ilter 'reate er-issioni,s 20" sear'h H name Y " H role Gaser
Step 9: Manage the Content Lifecycle Continuously (his se'tion .o'ses on li.e'='le -anage-ent over ti-e/ (his se'tion ass-es that: All re'entl= 'reate, 'ontent an, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s are in la'e/ (he hosts asso'iate, to these 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s are an, rnning/ %r nightl= 'ontents=n'hroniation lan ensres that Re, at an, thir,art= so.t4are reositories are ,ate, 'ontinosl=/
Red Hat Errata 'er'ie% So.t4are 'hanges to -ost Re, at ro,'ts are ,elivere, via in,ivi,al ,ates )no4n as errata a,visories @throgh the Re, at Csto-er Portal or other athorie, ortalsB/ Errata a,visories 'an e release, in,ivi,all= on an asnee,e, asis or aggregate, as a -inor release/ Re, at has three ,i..erent ,ate t=es: Re, at Securit- A,visor= @RSAB Re, at Bugfi? A,visor= @R&AB Re, at En#ancement A,visor= @REAB n a,,ition se'rit= errata are 'lassi.ie, into ,i..erent i-a't levels .ollo4ing the Co--on ;lnerailit= S'oring S=ste- @C;SSB s'oring -o,el:
Criti'al -a't -ortant -a't o,erate -a't *o4 -a't
(he .ollo4ing lin)s rovi,e .rther ,etails aot these toi's: sse Severit= Classi.i'ation: htts: a''ess/re,hat /'o-se'rit= ,ates'lassi.i'ation Re, at Se'rit= Data etri's: htts: 444/re,hat /'o-se'rit= ,ata-etri's Re, at C;E Errata Dataase: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o- se'rit='ve Re, at Errata are art o. the 'ontent set 4ithin the Re, at reositories si-ilar to RP a')ages )i')start trees an, installation i-ages/ (he= are s=n'e, 4ith Satellite 6 along 4ith its asso'iate, a')ages ,ring reositor= s=n'/ n or soltion gi,e the= are s=n'e, ever= night at ! a/-/ sing the s=n' lan ,e.ine, in Step 5, Define our Definitive .edia 2i*rar4ontent%/
Content Change Re&orting . =o 4ant to see ho4 -an= ne4 a')ages have een s=n'e, ,ring the ,ail= night s=n' =o 'an 'he') = sing the the s=n'hroniation stats overvie4: Content ` S=n' Stats/ (he .ollo4ing s'reenshot rovi,es an e$a-le o. 4hat haens 4hen 'ontent 'hanges/ n this arti'lar s'enario onl= the Satellite 6 Casle &eta reositor= has 'hange, an, the Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions .or RE* have re-aine, n'hange,/ @&e'ase 4e 4rote the ,o'-ent e.ore Satellite 6/1 A the e$a-le ses a eta reositor=/B
Errata oti!ication Emai"s S=n'hroniation noti.i'ation e-ails 'an e 'on.igre, .or ea'h ser/ (o 'on.igre e-ails:
As a Satellite A,-inistrator navigate to A,-inister c Users Cli') the serna-e o. the ser =o 4ant to e,it/ %n the ail Pre.eren'es ta sele't ail enale, to enale ,ates/ Sele't the t=e o. noti.i'ations the ser 4ill re'eive/
Aote, (o re'eive noti.i'ations aot 'hange, 'ontent sets a.ter s=n'hroniing a reositor= sele't the bSatellite s=n' errataO noti.i'ation ite-/ . =o 'reate a ne4 ser =o 4ill not e ale to see the 'he')o$es .or these three
,i..erent noti.i'ations ntil =oOve s-itte, the ne4 ser an, resele'te, hi-/
Sate""ite Content $ashboard and Errata 'er'ie% Satellite 6 Content Dashoar, rovi,es an overvie4 that in'l,es oth s=n' stats an, errata overvie4 4i,gets/ n a,,ition n,er Content ` Errata =o 'an see a ,etaile, list o. errata an, the a..e'te, 'ontent hosts/
Sate""ite Errata Management 'er'ie% Re, at Satellite rovi,es tools to inse't an, .ilter errata allo4ing .or re'ise ,ate -anage-ent/ (his 4a= =o 'an sele't relevant ,ates an, roagate the- throgh 'ontent vie4s to sele'te, 'ontent hosts/ n Re, at Satellite t4o )e=4or,s ,es'rie errata 4ith regar, to their relationshi to the availale 'ontent hosts: Ali'ale: errata alies to one or -ore 'ontent hosts 4hi'h -eans it ,ates a')ages resent on the 'ontent host/ Ali'ale errata are not =et a''essile = the 'ontent host/ nstallale: errata alies to one or -ore 'ontent hosts an, it has een -a,e availale to the 'ontent host/ nstallale errata are resent in the 'ontent hostOs li.e '='le environ-ent an, 'ontent vie4 t are not =et installe,/ (his 4a= errata 'an e installe, = sers that have er-issions to -anage 'ontent hosts t are not entitle, .or errata -anage-ent at higher levels/ (he .ollo4ing se'tion e$lains ,i..erent s'enarios an, ho4 to .l.ill these sing Re, at Satellite 6/
Aote, Crrentl= Errata are onl= availale .or Re, at Pro,'ts @an, the EPE* reositor=B/ (hir,art= so.t4are an, 'sto- so.t4are sall= ,o not shi errata an, 'sto- errata are not in Satellite 6 =et/ (his li-itation ri-aril= a..e'ts >se 4ase 8C /ncremental >pdates ) "ppl- Selected Errata to Hosts in this Ste/ All other se 'ases 4or) .or all so.t4are sor'es/
-se Case +) -&dating the Core 7ui"d Dring ste 5 4e ,e.ine, or ,i..erent 'ore il,s @share, 'ontent sets se, = all hostsB/ Pri-aril= the 'ore il, 'ontains a 'ore set o. a')ages that are art o. Re, at Enterrise *in$ as the oerating s=ste-/ Errata affecting one or more core *uilds automaticall-
affect a #uge num*er of s-stems% (here.ore these ,ates are -ore 'riti'al than those that a..e't onl= a s-all sset o. s=ste-s/ n this s'enario 4e ass-e that all Pet 'on.igrations re-ain n'hange,/ %nl= the so.t4are a')ages insi,e the 'ontent vie4 for t#e core *uild are ,ate,/ e 4ill 'over 'hanges to Pet 'on.igrations in another s'enario/ #or -ore re'o--en,ations aot Petrelate, 'hanges see M >se 4ase (C "dding a Aew Puppet .odule to an E?isting 4ontent $iew in this Ste/ (he 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 has the .ollo4ing en,toen, ,ate '='le:
U,ate the 'oreil, 'ontent vie4/ U,ate the a..e'te, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s/ Pro-ote the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s throgh the aroriate li.e'='le stages/ U,ate the host@sB that elong to the host gros/
1. Update the Core Build Content View Satellite ,ates its so.t4are reositories ever= night = sing the s=n' lanes 'reate, ,ring Ste 1/ (o al= all 'ontent availale at a 'ertain ti-e lish a ne4 'ontent vie4 versionV all 'ontent that has een s=n'hronie, into Satellite sin'e the last ti-e this 'ontent vie4 4as lishe, is no4 ato-ati'all= a,,e, to its 'ontent/ hen 4e sa= Mato-ati'all= 4e -eans that the total n-er o. a')ages an, errata in the ,ate, 'ontent vie4 4ill e higher than in the ol, version if the content has changed. @Re, at reositories gro4 'ontinosl= e'ase 4e ,o not re-ove a')ages t onl= a,, ne4er onesB/ (o ,ate the Core &il, Content ;ie4:
o to Content ` Content ;ie4 Sele't the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 b'vosrhel7ServerO Cli') the Plish ne4 version tton/ Enter an aroriate ,es'rition @.or instan'e bn.iltere, 'ontent ,ate a= 26th 2015O an, 'li') S-it/ (he ne4 'ontent vie4 version is lishe,/ Io shol, see a higher n-er o. a')ages/ A.ter 4eOve s''ess.ll= ,ate, the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 .or RE* 7 4e 'an ro-ote throgh the ,e,i'ate, li.e'='le environ-ent ath se, = ( %erations @DE;`A`PR%DB an, e$e'te the asso'iate, tas)s asso'iate, to this environ-ent or li.e'='le stage @ri-aril= testingB/ (he .ollo4ing ha--er 'o--an,s lish an, ro-ote the ne4est version to stage Dev:
ha--er 'ontentvie4 lish na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 organiation ACE C;D@ha--er 'sv 'ontentvie4 list na-e 3'vosrhel7Server3 organiation \%R] gre vi HContent ;ie4 DH a4) #HH H\rint 1]H B ;Djha--er 'ontentvie4 version list 'ontentvie4i, C;D a4) #HH H\rint 1]H sort n ta' hea, n 1j ha--er 'ontentvie4 version ro-ote 'ontentvie4i, C;D organiation ACE as=n' toli.e'='leenviron-ent DE; i, ;D
Aote, Until =o have ,ate, the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s that 'ontain the RE* 7 'ore il, 'ontent to the 'rrent version all oerations e$e'te, reviosl= have no i-a't on the ali'ations rnning on to o. the 'ore il,/
2. Update the Affected Composite Content Views (o -a)e the 'ontent 'hange relevant to ali'ations an, hosts sing the RE* 7 'ore il, 4e nee, to ,ate the 'orreson,ing 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s no4/ #irst 4e nee, to .igre ot 4hi'h 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 is sing or re'entl= ,ate, 'oreil, 'ontent vie4/ Using the e U =o nee, to investigate ea'h 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 to i,enti.= i. it is sing the 'ore il, 'ontent vie4 4eOre loo)ing .or: Cli') on Content ` Content ;ie4s/ Sele't a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/ Cli') on the Content ;ie4s ta to see the inherent 'ontent vie4s insi,e/ @Ea'h Content ;ie4 that ses or RE*7 Core &il, nee,s to e ,ate,/B Cli') the E,it tton ne$t to the version o. the 'oreil, 'ontent vie4 an, sele't or ne4 version/ Cli') on Plish Ne4 ;ersion/ A.ter =o have s''ess.ll= lishe, the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 =o 'an ro-ote it to the ne$t li.e'='le stage/
Aote, n .tre releases o. Re, at Satellite =o -ight have the otion to ato-ati'all= se the latest version o. a 'ontent vie4 insi,e a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/ (he 'orreson,ing R#E .or this .eatre is here: htts: gilla/re,hat /'o-sho4 g/'gi fi, 1177766
3. Promote the Composite Content view Through the Corresponding Lifecycle Stages A.ter s''ess.ll= lishing the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 =o -st ro-ote it throgh the 'orreson,ing li.e'='le environ-ent ath/ As -entione, in revios Stes =o ,o not nee, to ro-ote the the inherent 'ontent vie4s e'ase the entire 'ontent o. the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 is ro-ote,/ (his is also tre in 'on?n'tion 4ith 'asles in 'ases 4here 'asles are asso'iate, to arti'lar li.e'='le environ-ents @.or e$a-le in or 'ase the stages beDE;O an, beAO are asso'iate, to the 'asle in the &oston lo'ationB/
4. Update All Affected Hosts That Belong to the Corresponding Host Groups A.ter =o have s''ess.ll= ro-ote, the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 to .rther li.e'='le environ-ents the 'ontent ato-ati'all= e'o-es availale to all host @grosB asso'iate, to this @'o-ositeB 'ontent vie4 an, li.e'='le environ-ent/ . =o 'li') on osts ` Content ost =o 'an see a list o. all Satellite 6 -anage, hosts in'l,ing the installale errata availale to these hosts/ n the e$a-le elo4 =o 'an see several errata in or ne4 version o. the 'ontent vie4/ (hese errata are availale to the thir, host 'oreil,testsrv7/,-/e$a-le/'o-/
A.ter sele'ting this host an, 'li')ing on the Errata ta 4e 'an also see a list o. these installale errata/ Note that 4e le.t the MSho4 .ro- sele'tion as MCrrent Environ-ent/ As a reslt 4e see the 2 errata in total that are installale to this host/
(o ,e-onstrate the ,i..eren'e et4een installale an, ali'ale errata 4e no4 'hange the MSho4 #ro- list to M*irar= S=n'e, Content/ 3#e num*er of availa*le errata increases from '8 to 51% (his 'hange -eans that there are 7 a,,itional errata in the *irar= that are not art o. the 'ontent vie4 version in this environ-ent @Pro,B/
&e'ase 4e lant to ,es'rie the ali'ale errata in MUse Case B n're-ental U,ates Al= Sele'te, Errata to osts letOs 'hange the Sho4 .ro- .iel, a') to MCrrent Environ-ent/ No4 4e 'an sele't arti'lar errata or all 2 errata at the sa-e ti-e/ A.ter =o sele't all an, 'li') on MAl= Sele'te, Satellite 6 as)s i. =o are sre/
Cli') Al=/ Io 4ill see a rogress ar an, a list o. the errata that are 'rrentl= alie, to the sele'te, host/ . the oeration has een s''ess.ll= 'o-lete, go a') to the osts ` Content osts overvie4 age/ No4 all ! test s=ste-s have no re-aining installale errata/ (he s=ste-s ,ate, to their 'rrent 'ontent vie4 version in this li.e'='le environ-ent/
-se Case 9) e% 6ersion o! the A&&"ication C6 %ith an -nchanged Core 7ui"d Use Case 2 is si-ilar to the 'ore il, s'enario e$laine, aove/ (he sa-e stes al= e$'et .or those involving the ali'ation 'ontent vie4: U,ate the ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent vie4 U,ate the a..e'te, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s www%red#at%com
Pro-ote the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 throgh the 'orreson,ing li.e'='le stages U,ate =or host elonging to the host gros n or ACE s'enario 4e ass-e that the ,e,i'ate, o4ners o. the ali'ation sta') la=er er.or- these oerations/ See Step = .or .rther ,etails/
-se Case :) Core 7ui"d and A&&"ication C6s -&dated Simu"taneous"y n this s'enario the release nit is the .ll ali'ation sta')/ All so.t4are 'o-onents are ,ate, at the sa-e ti-e/ (he ro'e,re no4 in'l,es ,ating all inherent 'ontent vie4s/ (he or,er in 4hi'h =o ,ate the 'ore il, an, the ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent vie4 ,oesnOt -atter/ (he ro'e,re has these stes:
U,ate the 'oreil, 'ontent vie4 U,ate the ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent vie4 U,ate the a..e'te, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s Pro-ote the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 throgh the 'orreson,ing li.e'='le stages U,ate the host elonging to the host gros
-se Case ;) Incrementa" -&dates 2 A&&"y Se"ected Errata to Hosts (he three revios s'enarios start 4ith the 'ontent an, then -ove to the target hosts/ Satellite 6/1 rovi,es an a,,itional 4a= to ,ate servers = starting .ro- a host an, then -oving to the 'ontent/ (he overvie4 age n,er Content ` Errata lists all errata availale to 'ertain hosts in =or environ-ent/ As e$laine, earlier this age sho4s oth ali'ale an, installale errata/ n these revios s'enarios 4e ,ate, the 'ontent vie4s an, -a,e the 'ontent availale to the a..e'te, hosts/ e sele'te, bnstallaleO an, nsele'te, bAli'aleO to sho4 onl= the ,ates -anage, = or re'entl= ,ate, 'ontent vie4s/ n this se 'ase 4e ,i, not ,ate the 'ontent vie4s t instea, alie, @'riti'alB errata to the a..e'te, hosts/ Satellite 6 ato-ati'all= 'reates lishes an, ro-otes a ne4 'ontent vie4 minor version to the li.e'='le environ-ents 4ith 4hi'h the host @groB is asso'iate,/ nstea, o. sing the Errata overvie4 n,er Content ` Errata start 4ith osts ` Content osts/ n the thir, 'ol-n Mnstallale Errata =o 'an see the errata that are availale t have not =et een installe, on this arti'lar 'ontent host/ Io 'an see the t=e o. errata @RSA R&A REAB an, the total n-er o. availale errata o. ea'h t=e/
&e'ase Use Case 1B alrea,= ,es'ries ho4 to al= installale errata 4eOre going to ass-e that =o no longer have installale errata an, =or s'reen loo)s li)e this:
. 4e no4 'hange the Sho4 #ro- list to M*irar= S=n'e, Content 4e 'an see a single se'rit= errata in the *irar=/ &t this errata is not =et in the 'ontent vie4 version in this li.e'='le environ-ent/ n 'ontrast to the ro'e,re in Use Case 1B 4e 'annot sele't an, al= this errata e'ase it is not in the 'ontent vie4 version/
(he lin) in this in.or-ation oints to the Content ` Errata overvie4 age/ . 4e 'li') the lin) www%red#at%com
an, se the .ilter to ,isla= ?st this arti'lar Re, at Se'rit= A,visor= 4e 'an no4 sele't this errata/
A.ter 'li')ing Al= Errata 4e 'an see a list o. the 'ontent hosts a..e'te, = this errata/ n this s'enario 7 hosts are a..e'te,/ e sele't the -ost 'riti'al one or ro,'tion Satellite 6 'asle server an, then 'li') Ne$t an, Con.ir-/ A.ter 4e have s''ess.ll= 'o-lete, the in're-ental ,ate the ,etails s'reen sho4s 4hi'h 'ontent vie4s have een a..e'te,:
(his oeration has a'tall= er.or-e, the .ollo4ing tas)s: Create, a ne4 -inor version 1/1 o. the 'oreil, 'ontent vie4 'vosrhel7Server
4here the oenssl a')ages are art o. the reositories insi,e this 'ontent vie4/ Create, a ne4 -inor version 2/1 o. the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 ''vin.ra'asle 4hi'h is the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 asso'iate, 4ith this host 4ithin this host gro Pro-ote, the 'ontent vie4 to the PR%D li.e'='le environ-ent 4here the sele'te, host is lo'ate, (he ,i..eren'e et4een the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 version '%0 an, the ne4er version '%1 are the .ive a')ages asso'iate, 4ith this errata as liste, in the revios s'reenshot/ hile the .or-er C; version 2/0 'ontains onl= 1091 a')ages the ne4 -inor version 2/1 'ontains all these ls the 5 ne4 a')ages @1096B/
@arning, hen =o go to a host an, ,ate it 4ith errata e sre to sele't the #ost and content view 'he')o$/ %ther4ise even i. =o sele't arti'lar errata an, se'i.i' hosts to ,ate ea'h ,ate 'reates a ne4 -inor version o. the asso'iate, 'ontent vie4 or 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/ (he in're-ental ,ate -anage-ent 'reates lishes an, ro-otes a ne4 -inor version o. the a..e'te, 'ontent or 'o-osite 'ontent vie4/ "ll #ost groups and #osts associated to t#is content view and lifec-cle environment now #ave access to t#is new content at t#e same time% 3#e content is not limited to t#e #osts originall- selected for t#is operation/
-se Case <) Adding a e% /u&&et Modu"e to an E0isting www%red#at%com
Content 6ie% (he iggest ,i..eren'e et4een the so.t4are a')age 'hanges in the revios s'enarios an, the Pet 'on.igration 'hange in this se 'ase is that eac# Puppet c#ange automaticallimplies a software c#ange at t#e same time if t#e software repositories #ave c#anged / See the 4ontent $iew Recommendations 'hater .or -ore ,etails/
Our Solution Guide and Dedicated Content Views n this soltion gi,e we are not using dedicated content views for Puppet configuration/ %r set .ollo4s this ro'ess: Io -a)e a 'hange to the Pet 'on.igration (hat 'hange is lishe, ato-ati'all= to the 'ontent vie4/ All so.t4are a')ages s=n'e, to Sat6 sin'e the last ti-e the 'ontent vie4 4as lishe, are no4 art o. that 'ontent vie4/ n or oinion the a,vantages o. or set ot4eigh the ,isa,vantages/ Stalle, so.t4are 'hanges 4ol, onl= ostone the otential isses not solve the-/
Adding a New Version or a New Class (he .ollo4ing ro'e,res are the sa-e .or these si-ilar se 'ases: A,,ing a new version o. an e$isting Pet -o,le A,,ing a new class insi,e an e$isting Pet -o,le Io 4ol, ta)e these asi' stes to er.or- one o. these se 'ases relate, to Pet -o,le 'hanges: @(hese stes ass-e the ne4 @version o. aB Pet -o,le is alrea,= she, or s=n'hronie, into the 'sto- Puppet reositor=/ See Step 5 .or .rther in.or-ation/B / A,, the ne4 Pet -o,le or 'hange the version @i. not set to )atest B o. an e$isting -o,le insi,e the 'ontent vie4 an, lish the ne4 version o. the 'ontent vie4 @'ore il, or ali'ation se'i.i'B/ @a)e these 'hanges on the Pet o,les ta/B 5/ U,ate the a..e'te, 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s/ 6/ Pro-ote the 'o-osite 'ontent vie4 throgh the 'orreson,ing li.e'='le stages/ 7/ Optional A,, the ne4 Pet 'lasses to a 'on.ig gro/ "/ A,, the ne4 Pet 'lasses to all host gros 4ith 4hi'h the a,ate, C; is asso'iate,/ (hese a,,itional stes are reGire, onl= i. =o a,, ne4 Pet -o,les or ne4 'lasses to e$isting -o,les/
(he .ollo4ing se'tions rovi,e -ore ,etails aot ea'h o. these stes/
1% "dd a Aew Puppet .odule or "dapt an E?isting $ersion &e.ore =o 'an a,, a ne4 -o,le or sele't a ne4er version o. it the -o,le -st e she, to or s=n'e, 4ith Re, at Satellite/ See Step 5 .or .rther ,etails/
/f it is an e?isting module and t#e Puppet module version inside t#e content view #as *een set to latest =o ,o not nee, to a,at the version o. this -o,le on the Pet o,le ta o. the 'ontent vie4/ . it is a new module @either in a arti'lar 'ontent vie4 or in generalB =o nee, to a,, this Pet -o,le initiall= to this 'ontent vie4: Cli') the Pet o,les ta insi,e the 'ontent vie4/ Cli') the A,, Ne4 o,le tton/ A @otentiall= longB list o. all Pet -o,les availale in Satellite ,isla=s/ Use the .ilter .iel, to -a)e it easier to .in, the -o,le/ Cli') the Sele't ;ersion tton o. the -o,le =o 4ant to a,,/ A ne4 age that 'ontains all availale versions o. the -o,le ,isla=s Io 'an either: d Sele't a arti'lar version or d Set it to Use *atest/
Aote, . =o set it to >se 2atest a ne4er version o. the Pet -o,le ato-ati'all= e'o-es art o. the 'ontent vie4 i. the 'ontent is lishe,/ Ea'h ti-e a ne4 'ontent vie4 version is lishe, an, if t#ere is also a newer version of t#e Puppet module availale the ne4er version o. the -o,le ato-ati'all= e'o-es art o. the ne4 'ontent vie4 version/ . the ne4er version o. the -o,le 'ontains ne4 Pet 'lasses =o ,o not nee, to ,o an=thing else/ (he content view manages t#e entire Puppet module including all its in#erent classes / o4ever i. =o 'reate a ne4 'lass =o -st ta)e an a,,itional ste in the host gro an, or -a)e a,atations to the 'on.ig gro as e$laine, in the ne$t se'tion/
'% >pdate t#e "ffected 4omposite 4ontent $iews (his ste is si-ilar to ,ating 'o-osite 'ontent vie4s in the revios se 'ases/ Io 'an ta)e the sa-e asi' stes as in M1/ A,, a Ne4 Pet o,le or A,at an E$isting ;ersion/
5% Promote t#e 4omposite 4ontent $iew 3#roug# t#e 4orresponding 2ifec-cle Stages n earlier se 'ases in this se'tion 4e e$lain ho4 to ro-ote a 'o-osite 'ontent vie4
throgh the 'orreson,ing li.e'='le stages/ Io 'an ta)e the sa-e asi' stes here/ As a art o. 'ontent vie4 'reation an, ro-otion Re, at Satellite 6 ato-ati'all= 'reates a ne4 Pet environ-ent .or ea'h 'o-ination o. a 'ontent vie4 an, a li.e'='le environ-ent/ (his Pet environ-ent shol, no4 'ontain or -o,le/ Io 'an vie4 this ne4 Pet environ-ent on the Con.igre c Environ-ents age/
3ip, . =o have s''ess.ll= i-orte, a Pet -o,le a,,e, it to the 'ontent vie4 an, ro-ote, the 'ontent vie4 throgh li.e'='le stages t 'anOt see the -o,le insi,e the 'orreson,ing Pet environ-ents =o -ight have a t=o insi,e =or Pet -o,le/ . =o 'an see the -o,le insi,e the sa-e Pet environ-ent on the .iles=ste- on Satellite 6 server in /etc/puppet/enironments t not sing the eU on Con.igre ` Environ-ents a t=o insi,e the Pet 'ol, e the 'ase/ n or 'ase a -issing 'o--a at the en, o. a line le, to this s'enario/
4. Optional : Add the New Puppet Classes to a Config Group n Step 9 4e 'reate, so-e 'on.ig gros/ (hogh 'on.ig gros are not -an,ator= the= -a)e it easier to -anage an in'reasing n-er o. Pet -o,les an, their inherent 'lasses/ nstea, o. sele'ting in,ivi,al Pet 'lasses insi,e a host gro or 4hile rovisioning ne4 hosts =o 'an asse-le ,i..erent 'lasses into a 'on.ig gro/ (his ro'ess -a)es it easier to assign host gros an, hosts/
Aotes, . =o are creating a new Puppet module or a newer version of a module that 'ontains ne4 Pet 'lasses =o nee, to a,at the asso'iate, 'on.ig gros/ . =o make c#anges to an e?isting Pet 'lass =o ,o not have to a,at 'on.ig gro/
5. Add the New Puppet Classes to All Host Groups with Which the Adapted CV is Associated (he sa-e asi' rles al= .or host gros as .or 'on.ig gros: . =o are creating a new Puppet module or a newer version of a module that 'ontains ne4 Pet 'lasses =o nee, to a,at the asso'iate, host gros/ . =o make c#anges to an e?isting Pet 'lass =o ,o not have to a,at the host gro/ (o a,at a host groOs asso'iation:
/ o to Con.igre ` Pet Classes/ (o the right o. ea'h Pet 'lass =o see the 'rrentl= asso'iate, host gros/ . 4e ass-e that 4e are tal)ing aot a ne4 'lass @in an e$isting or as art o. a ne4 Pet -o,leB the list o. host gros shol, e e-t= at this ti-e/ 5/ Cli') on the Pet 'lass na-e/ 6/ %n the ne4 s'reen sele't the host gros to 4hi'h the Pet 'lass shol, e assigne,// 7/ . =o are sing S-art Class Para-eter or S-art ;ariales in the -o,le sele't the 'orreson,ing tas an, a,at a''or,ingl=/ "/ Cli') S-it/ (he Pet 'lass is no4 asso'iate, 4ith the 'orreson,ing host gros/
@arning, %n'e =o 'li') S-it no .rther a'tion is reGire, .or the target s=ste-s/ All 'hanges are i--e,iatel= availale to the 'orreson,ing 'lient s=ste-s/ &= ,e.alt all the 'lient s=ste-s shol, e ,ate, 4ith these 'hanges in the ne$t !0 -intes @this is the ,e.alt interval o. a Pet rn ,e.ine, insi,e /etc/puppet/puppet.conf other4iseB/ . =o 4ant to al= the 'hanges i--e,iatel= 4ithot 4aiting on the ne$t rn =o 'an log into the host an, en.or'e an i--e,iate rn = sing the .ollo4ing 'o--an,: et agent no,ae-onie oneti-e veroseV
Io 'an also -onitor all 'hanges on the Satellite 6 Dashoar,/
Step 10: Automate and extend your setup (his ste shol, rovi,e so-e i,eas aot otential e$tensions o. the set 4e 'o-lete, in revios stes/ So-e o. the- go e=on, the ri-ar= rose o. Satellite 6 an, the targete, se 'ases/ o4ever Satellite 6 an, ese'iall= its C* an, AP 'aailities allo4 a lot o. otential enhan'e-ents .rther ato-ation an, integration o. Satellite 6 as art o. a 4i,er or'hestration o. the tool 'hain/ e have not 'o-lete, an, ,o'-ente, all ossile enhan'e-ents/ &t at least so-e o. these e$tensions an, .rther ato-ations -ight e'o-e arts o. 'o-ing ,o'-ents/ (he s'enarios -entione, elo4 are otsi,e o. the the s'oe o. the oste, Servi'e *evel Agree-ents an, sort ro'e,res @htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-sort o..eringsro,'tionB/ (he= rovi,e an overvie4 aot otential enhan'e-ents as artiall= seen in varios 'sto-er ro?e'ts an, environ-ents/
Ta"k to us@ . =o have other se 'ases =o 4ant s to 'over or have tistri')s that =o 4ol, li)e to share 4ith the Satellite 6 'o--nit= 'onta't s at re.ar'h.ee,a')re,hat/'o- / eO, love to hear .ro- =o/ . 4e se =or 4or) 4e 4ill a,, =o to or 'ontritor list/
Im&orting e0isting hosts (=i'all= an organiation -a= have hosts that have not een -anage, = Satellite 6 in the ast/ (hese hosts 'annot e -anage, = Re, at Satellite server nless the= are i-orte, .irst/ Usall= these hosts have een -anage, over Re, at Net4or) @RNB in the ast 4hi'h is the ,e.alt registration oint .or all Re, at Enterrise *in$ installations/ #or Re, at Satellite 5 'sto-ers 4ant to -igrate their hosts .ro- Satellite 5 to Satellite 6 Re, at rovi,es a ,e,i'ate, transition ,o'-entation: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o- )no4le,gearti'les 11"76! (o register an e$isting host to =or Re, at Satellite 6 server ta)e the .ollo4ing stes:
Ensre that the registration rereGisites have een .l.ille,/ Ensre a roer ti-e s=n'hroniation @sage o. nt, or 'hron= re'o--en,e,B/ nstall the Re, at Satellite 6 CA 'erti.i'ate/ Register the host sing ss'rition-anager/ Designate the 'orreson,ing organiation an, a'tivation )e= ara-eters/ nstall the )atelloagent a')age/ nstall an, 'on.igre Pet/ refarc#)feed*ack+red#at%com
(he rereGisites an, all .ollo4ing stes are ,o'-ente, in ,etail insi,e the Re, at Satellite 6 User i,e: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l Useri,e in,e $/ht-l se't Re,at SatelliteUseri,eCon.igring osts .orRegistration
@arning, tOs i-ortant to e a4are o. the host gro an, the 'ontent vie4 asso'iate, 4ith the a'tivation )e= se, ,ring registration/ (his host an, ese'iall= the Puppet classes asso'iate, 4ith this host gro @an, all 'on.igrations ,e.ine, insi,eB automaticall- applies to t#is #ost ,ring the ne$t Pet rn/ (his asso'iation et4een the Pet 'lasses an, the host gros -ight lea, to unforeseea*le and critical c#anges to the host 'on.igration/ n .a't the s-stem and its application could *ecome unusa*le / &e.ore registering a s=ste- =o nee, to ensre that all 'on.igrations ,e.ine, ri-aril= in the eGivalent host gro ,e.initions 4onOt over4rite an, ,a-age an= e$isting 'on.igrations o. this host/ Althogh this oint is not as 'riti'al e 'are.l that the content view asso'iate, to the host gro 4ith 4hi'h the a'tivation )e= is asso'iate, provides all reMuired software repositories w#ic# are currentl- used *- t#ese #osts / (he sa-e thin)ing alies to the inherent update level/ issing so.t4are reositories or ol,er ,ate levels than the alrea,= installe, ones -ight revent =or s=ste-s .ro- eing roerl= ,ate, ,ring so.t4are -aintenan'e/
Im&ro'e your bare meta" &ro'isioning using the $isco'ery /"ugin (he #ore-an Dis'over= lgin in Re, at Satellite Server a,,s etalasaServi'e @aaSB .eatres/ &are-etal hosts on Satellite Server-anage, net4or)s 'an e oote, over the net4or) throgh P8E into strie,,o4n Re, at Enterrise *in$ s=ste-s rnning .ro-e-or= to 'olle't an, sen, har,4are .a'ts to the Satellite Server/ A.ter the= have oote, these s=ste-s aear as ,is'overe, hosts on the Satellite Server/ A,-inistrators 'an se these 'olle'te, har,4are .a'ts to rovision s=ste-s re-oving the nee, to -anall= 'olle't AC a,,resses an, other har,4are in.or-ation an, re,'ing the ti-e reGire, to rovision hosts/ A.ter the rovisioning 'on.igration is 'o-lete the #ore-an ,is'over= lgin sen,s a reoot 'o--an, to the ,is'overe, host an, the installation egins/ (he host then -oves .ro- the Dis'overe, osts list in the Satellite Server to the All osts list/ www%red#at%com
#or -ore in.or-ation see: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/1 ht-l Useri,e in,e $/ht-l 'haRe,at SatelliteUseri,eUsingthe #ore-anDis'over=Plgin Satellite 6/1 e$ten,s this 'aailit= an, allo4s the a,-inistrator to ,e.ine rles that govern ho4 these ,is'overe, s=ste-s are rovisione,/ Provisioning 'an o''r ato-ati'all= an, 4ithot .rther intervention/ Detaile, ,o'-entation is availale here: htts: a''ess/re,hat /'o-'o--ent 92!2!!
Integration o! 7acku& Management and Systems Management Si-ilar to the -onitoring integration as ,es'rie, insi,e this soltion gi,e a se'on, t=i'al integration oint is a') -anage-ent/ . the arti'lar a')-anage-ent set reGires host or ali'ationse'i.i' 'on.igrationsthe= -ight e'o-e art o. the host or ali'ationse'i.i' 'ontent an, 'on.igration ,e.initions/ ore re'isel= the .ollo4ing otential integration oints are sorte, = Re, at Satellite 6: / ,elo=ing a')-anage-ent agents on arti'lar hosts 5/ 'on.igring the 'lientsi,e a') -anage-ent 'on.igration .iles so that the= 'orreson, to re,e.ine, 'on.igration te-lates .or in,ivi,al ali'ations 6/ ,elo=ing the 'lientsi,e 'on.igration to rn reglar a')s @'hronB 7/ ato-ati'all= a,,ing ne4 hosts to the serversi,e a') 'on.igration = sing .ore-an hoo)s "/ installing an, 'on.igring the a')-anage-ent server 9/ installing an, 'on.igring so.t4arease, s'aleot storage se, as a')en, storage .or a') @.or e$a-le Re, at lster StorageB 10/a')ing the Satellite 6 'on.igration and ,ata So-e o. the ite-s -entione, aove are art o. 'o-ing ,o'-entation that is 'rrentl= in rogress/ Starting 4ith version 6/1 Re, at Satellite shis 4ith t4o ne4 s'rits katello-backup .or a')ing an, katello-restore .or restoring a Satellite 6 server/ See the Satellite 6 User i,e .or ,etails on ho4 to a') an, restore the Satellite 6 'on.igration .iles an, ,ata: htts: a''ess /re,hat /'o-,o'-entationen USRe, at Satellite6/0 ht-l Useri,e se't
Disaster Re'over= /ht-l
Ho% Sate""ite Su&&orts .our Security Management /rocess Re, at rovi,es a hge n-er o. se'rit=relate, te'hnologies that hel 'sto-ers ensre that their s=ste-s 'an e rote'te, against varios t=es o. se'rit= ris)s e..i'ientl=/ Tst a .e4 o. these te'hnologies in'l,e: Se'rit= Enhan'e, *in$ .ire4alls s;irt a,it, SSSD ,- oenSCAP .ile s=ste- en'r=tions an, -an= -an= -ore/ n a,,ition Re, at has -an= se'rit=se'i.i' 'erti.i'ations o. varios Re, at ro,'ts an, other ven,ors also rovi,e a roa, e'os=ste- o. 'o-le-entar= se'rit=relate, ro,'ts/ Re, at rovi,es se'rit=relate, training an, ,o'-entation s'h as the M Re, at Enterrise *in$ Se'rit= i,e or the MServer ar,ening (raining Corse @R 1!B / Satellite sorts se'rit= -anage-ent in varios areas: errata noti.i'ations an, reorting e..i'ient ,ate an, errata -anage-ent errata -anage-ent in,een,ent o. the 'rrent 'ontent availailit= set @ali'ale vs/ installaleB in'l,ing ato-ate, 'ontentset a,atations @'ontentvie4 -inor releasesB oenSCAP integration .or veri.=ing the resen'e o. at'hes 'he')ing s=ste-se'rit= 'on.igration settings an, e$a-ining s=ste-s .or signs o. 'o-ro-ise ,elo=-ent an, 'on.igration o. varios se'rit=relate, te'hnologies an, 'on.igrations veri.i'ation o. ,elo=e, a')ages an, 'on.igrations sing iltin veri.i'ation 'aailities o. r- .or-at an, Pet segregation o. ,t= an, .inegranlar a''ess 'ontrol .or all Satellite 6 entities
Ho% Sate""ite Su&&orts .our Ser'ice 6a"idation ? Testing (A) /rocess Satellite 6 'an e se, in varios 4a=s to sort AE a'tivities as art o. the Servi'e ;ali,ation an, (esting ro'ess/ (he .ollo4ing s'enarios leverage the varios 'aailities rovi,e, = Re, at Satellite 6: 'reating 'oies o. e$isting ro,'tion s=ste-s to rero,'e errors an, test .i$es 'onsi,ering li.e'='lestagese'i.i' a,otion @.or e$a-le the a,,itional installation o. testing tools or a,ate, 'on.igrations .or test s=ste-s sing ara-etriation an, environ-entse'i.i' 'on.igrationsB sing ato-ate, s=ste- rovisioning @reGire, .or the .ast sin o. test s=ste-s an,
environ-ents ese'iall= .or nonersistent test environ-entsB -anaging roles an, a''ess ase, on R&AC .eatres to sort role 'on'ets an, aroval 4or).lo4s ,e'oling release '='les throgh in,een,ent release -anage-ent an, li.e'='le environ-ents to sort s-aller an, .aster 'hanges an, -an= -ore So-e 'sto-ers have i-le-ente, e..i'ient testing @ to Continosntegrationli)e environ-entsB ase, on Satellite 6 an, so-e enhan'e-ents that leverage its AP an, C*ato-ation 'aailities/
Ho% Sate""ite Su&&orts .our Asset ? Con!iguration Management /rocess Satellite 6 a'ts as a 'entral s=ste- -anage-ent tool a'ross ,i..erent har,4are an, virtaliation lat.or-s an, in'l,es all so.t4are an, 'on.igration assets -anage, = =or Satellite/ t also has a''ess to an, rovi,es a lot o. in.or-ation aron, its -anage, entities/ (he .ollo4ing list rovi,es so-e e$a-les o. ho4 Satellite 6 'an e se, to sort this 'ore ro'ess o. ( Servi'e anage-ent: overvie4 o. all assets -anage, = Satellite 6 in'l,ing are-etal an, virtal assets an, their general in.or-ation @.or e$a-le ven,or -ainoar, 'i ,evi'es -e-or= ' et'/B ,etaile, overvie4 o. all so.t4are an, 'on.igration o?e'ts .or ea'h in,ivi,al s=ste ,e.ine, release ,e.initions that se 'ontent vie4s as ti-ease, snashots o. 'ontent .inegranlar a''ess 'ontrol o. ea'h 'on.igration o?e't t=e in'l,ing rea,onl= roles .or reorting a,iting enhan'e, 'on.igration -anage-ent in'l,ing ,ri.t -anage-ent an, reorting ase, on Pet rovisioning o. all in.or-ation via C* an, AP to allo4 e$ort to or s=n' 4ith e$ternal 'on.igration -anage-ent s=ste-s or tools
Ho% Sate""ite Su&&orts .our Incident Management /rocess Satellite 6 'an sort the in'i,ent -anage-ent ro'ess in varios 4a=s: 'entralie, overvie4 o. all s=ste-s in'l,ing reorting @,ashoar,B ,etaile, in.or-ation o. ea'h s=ste- in'l,ing the event histor= o. re'ent 'hanges integration o. Re, at A''ess nsights as a ne4 .eatre o. Satellite 6/1
Appendix I - Sample Puppet Modules used inside (his se'tions lists all Pet -o,les se, in the soltion gi,e in'l,ing a short ,es'rition 4hat the= 'on.igre an, 4hi'h ara-eters the= reGire/
Sample Puppet module for ntp configuration 4onfigures, nstallation o. nt r- a')age Starting nt ,ae-on Enaling nt ,ae-on .or atostart d ill e restarte, ato-ati'all= i. 'on.igration is 'hange, Con.igre nt to s=n'hronie .ro- a single or list o. servers d Con.igration throgh te-late d Uses Mool/nt/org as ,e.alt 'an e overri,,en throgh S-art Class Para-eter .anifestinit%ppC, 'lass nt @ ntServers Hool/nt/orgH B\ a')age \ HntH: ensre ` installe, ] .ile \ Het'nt/'on.H: ensre ` .ile 'ontent ` te-late@Hntnt/erHB reGire ` Pa')ageYHntH[ o4ner ` HrootH gro ` HrootH -o,e ` H06H noti.= ` Servi'eYHnt,H[ ] servi'e \ Hnt,H: ensre ` HrnningH enale ` tre hasstats ` tre hasrestart ` tre ]
3emplatentp%er*C, #or -ore in.or-ation aot this .ile see the -an ages nt/'on.@5B nta''@5B ntath@5B nt'lo')@5B nt-is'@5B nt-on@5B/ ,ri.t.ile varlint,ri.t Per-it ti-e s=n'hroniation 4ith or ti-e sor'e t ,o not er-it the sor'e to Ger= or -o,i.= the servi'e on this s=ste-/ restri't ,e.alt )o, no-o,i.= notra noeer noGer= restri't 6 ,e.alt )o, no-o,i.= notra noeer noGer= Per-it all a''ess over the looa') inter.a'e/ (his 'ol, e tightene, as 4ell t to ,o so 4ol, e..e't so-e o. the a,-inistrative .n'tions/ restri't 127/0/0/1 restri't 6 ::1 osts on lo'al net4or) are less restri'te,/ restri't 192/16"/1/0 -as) 255/255/255/0 no-o,i.= notra Use li' servers .ro- the ool/nt/org ro?e't/ Please 'onsi,er ?oining the ool @htt:444/ool/nt/org?oin/ht-lB/ server 0/rhel/ool/nt/org irst server 1/rhel/ool/nt/org irst server 2/rhel/ool/nt/org irst server !/rhel/ool/nt/org irst
[ W+ntpServersX%flatten%eac# do \server\ )[ server [ server [[ if +i*urstena*le true )[ i*urst[ end [ [ end )[ roa,'ast 192/16"/1/255 ato)e= roa,'ast server roa,'ast'lient roa,'ast 'lient roa,'ast 22/0/1/1 ato)e= -lti'ast server -lti'ast'lient 22/0/1/1 -lti'ast 'lient -an='astserver 2!9/255/25/25 -an='ast server -an='ast'lient 2!9/255/25/25 ato)e= -an='ast 'lient Un,is'iline, *o'al Clo')/ (his is a .a)e ,river inten,e, .or a') an, 4hen no otsi,e sor'e o. s=n'hronie, ti-e is availale/ server 127/127/1/0 lo'al 'lo') .,ge 127/127/1/0 strat- 10 Enale li' )e= 'r=tograh=/ 'r=to
in'l,e.ile et'nt'r=to4 Le= .ile 'ontaining the )e=s an, )e= i,enti.iers se, 4hen oerating 4ith s=--etri' )e= 'r=tograh=/ )e=s et'nt)e=s Se'i.= the )e= i,enti.iers 4hi'h are trste,/ trste,)e= " 2 Se'i.= the )e= i,enti.ier to se 4ith the nt,' tilit=/ reGest)e= " Se'i.= the )e= i,enti.ier to se 4ith the ntG tilit=/ 'ontrol)e= " Enale 4riting o. statisti's re'or,s/ statisti's 'lo')stats 'r=tostats loostats eerstats
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: Parameter
ntServers @otionalB
'an e a string @single serverB or arra= @-ltile serversB E$a-le: ntServer bnt/e$a-le/'o-O ntServer Y bnt1/e$a-le/'o-OOnt2/e$a-le/'o-OOnt!/e$a-le/'o-O [
#or S-art Class Para-eter 'on.igration see se'tion S-art Class Para-eters / nt tree: nt 'he')s-s/?son -ani.ests j init/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r te-lates j nt/er www%red#at%com
j tests j init/
Sample Puppet Module for Zabbix Monitoring agent configuration 4onfigures, nstall ai$agent a')age d *atest availale = ,e.alt Start ai$agent ,ae-on Enale ai$agent ,ae-on .or atostart d ill e restarte, ato-ati'all= i. 'on.igration is 'hange, Con.igre d Con.igration throgh te-late .anifestinit%ppC, 'lass ai$ @ version HlatestH server HH a')age Hai$agentH '.g.ile Het'ai$ai$agent,/'on.H B\ a')age \ a')age: ensre ` version ] .ile \ '.g.ile: ensre ` .ile 'ontent ` te-late@Hai$ai$agent,/erHB reGire ` Pa')ageYa')age[ o4ner ` HrootH gro ` HrootH -o,e ` H06H noti.= ` Servi'eYHai$agentH[ ] servi'e \ Hai$agentH: ensre ` HrnningH enale ` tre hasstats ` tre hasrestart ` tre ] ]
3emplatea**i?agent%er*C, (his is a 'on.ig .ile .or the Jai$ agent ,ae-on @Uni$B (o get -ore in.or-ation aot Jai$ visit htt:444/ai$/'o ENERA* PARAE(ERS
*og#ilevarlogai$ai$agent,/log %tion: *og#ileSie a$i-- sie o. log .ile in &/ 0 ,isale ato-ati' log rotation/ an,ator=: no Range: 0102 De.alt: *og#ileSie1 *og#ileSie0 %tion: Deg*evel Se'i.ies ,eg level 0 asi' in.or-ation aot starting an, stoing o. Jai$ ro'esses 1 'riti'al in.or-ation 2 error in.or-ation ! 4arnings .or ,egging @ro,'es lots o. in.or-ationB an,ator=: no Range: 0 De.alt: Deg*evel! %tion: Sor'eP Sor'e P a,,ress .or otgoing 'onne'tions/ an,ator=: no De.alt: Sor'eP %tion: EnaleRe-oteCo--an,s hether re-ote 'o--an,s .ro- Jai$ server are allo4e,/ 0 not allo4e, 1 allo4e,
an,ator=: no De.alt: EnaleRe-oteCo--an,s0 %tion: *ogRe-oteCo--an,s Enale logging o. e$e'te, shell 'o--an,s as 4arnings/ 0 ,isale, 1 enale, an,ator=: no De.alt: *ogRe-oteCo--an,s0 Passive 'he')s relate, %tion: Server *ist o. 'o--a ,eli-ite, P a,,resses @or hostna-esB o. Jai$ servers/ n'o-ing 'onne'tions 4ill e a''ete, onl= .ro- the hosts liste, here/ . Pv6 sort is enale, then H127/0/0/1H H::127/0/0/1H H::....:127/0/0/1H are treate, eGall=/ an,ator=: no De.alt: Server Server_F server F` %tion: *istenPort Agent 4ill listen on this ort .or 'onne'tions .ro- the server/ an,ator=: no Range: 102!2767 De.alt: *istenPort10050 %tion: *istenP *ist o. 'o--a ,eli-ite, P a,,resses that the agent shol, listen on/ #irst P a,,ress is sent to Jai$ server i. 'onne'ting to it to retrieve list o. a'tive 'he')s/ an,ator=: no De.alt: *istenP0/0/0/0 %tion: StartAgents N-er o. re.or)e, instan'es o. ai$agent, that ro'ess assive 'he')s/ . set to 0 ,isales assive 'he')s an, the agent 4ill not listen on an= (CP ort/ an,ator=: no Range: 0100
De.alt: StartAgents! A'tive 'he')s relate, %tion: ServerA'tive *ist o. 'o--a ,eli-ite, P:ort @or hostna-e:ortB airs o. Jai$ servers .or a'tive 'he')s/ . ort is not se'i.ie, ,e.alt ort is se,/ Pv6 a,,resses -st e en'lose, in sGare ra')ets i. ort .or that host is se'i.ie,/ . ort is not se'i.ie, sGare ra')ets .or Pv6 a,,resses are otional/ . this ara-eter is not se'i.ie, a'tive 'he')s are ,isale,/ E$a-le: ServerA'tive127/0/0/1:20051ai$/,o-ainY::1[:!0051::1Y12.'::1[ an,ator=: no De.alt: ServerA'tive ServerA'tive127/0/0/1 %tion: ostna-e UniGe 'ase sensitive hostna-e/ ReGire, .or a'tive 'he')s an, -st -at'h hostna-e as 'on.igre, on the server/ ;ale is a'Gire, .ro- ostna-ete- i. n,e.ine,/ an,ator=: no De.alt: ostna-e ostna-eJai$ server %tion: ostna-ete te- se, .or generating ostna-e i. it is n,e.ine,/ gnore, i. ostna-e is ,e.ine,/ Does not sort UserPara-eters or aliases/ an,ator=: no De.alt: ostna-ete-s=ste-/hostna-e %tion: osteta,ata %tional ara-eter that ,e.ines host -eta,ata/ ost -eta,ata is se, at host atoregistration ro'ess/ An agent 4ill isse an error an, not start i. the vale is over li-it o. 255 'hara'ters/ . not ,e.ine, vale 4ill e a'Gire, .ro- osteta,atate-/ an,ator=: no Range: 0255 'hara'ters De.alt: osteta,ata %tion: osteta,atate-
%tional ara-eter that ,e.ines an ite- se, .or getting host -eta,ata/ ost -eta,ata is se, at host atoregistration ro'ess/ Dring an atoregistration reGest an agent 4ill log a 4arning -essage i. the vale retrne, = se'i.ie, ite- is over li-it o. 255 'hara'ters/ (his otion is onl= se, 4hen osteta,ata is not ,e.ine,/ an,ator=: no De.alt: osteta,atate- %tion: Re.reshA'tiveChe')s o4 o.ten list o. a'tive 'he')s is re.reshe, in se'on,s/ an,ator=: no Range: 60!600 De.alt: Re.reshA'tiveChe')s120 %tion: &..erSen, Do not )ee ,ata longer than N se'on,s in ..er/ an,ator=: no Range: 1!600 De.alt: &..erSen,5 %tion: &..erSie a$i-- n-er o. vales in a -e-or= ..er/ (he agent 4ill sen, all 'olle'te, ,ata to Jai$ Server or Pro$= i. the ..er is .ll/ an,ator=: no Range: 2655!5 De.alt: &..erSie100 %tion: a$*inesPerSe'on, a$i-- n-er o. ne4 lines the agent 4ill sen, er se'on, to Jai$ Server or Pro$= ro'essing HlogH an, HlogrtH a'tive 'he')s/ (he rovi,e, vale 4ill e overri,,en = the ara-eter H-a$linesH rovi,e, in HlogH or HlogrtH ite- )e=s/ an,ator=: no Range: 11000 De.alt: a$*inesPerSe'on,100 AD;ANCED PARAE(ERS %tion: Alias Sets an alias .or an ite- )e=/ t 'an e se, to sstitte long an, 'o-le$ ite- )e=
4ith a s-aller an, si-ler one/ ltile Alias ara-eters -a= e resent/ ltile ara-eters 4ith the sa-e Alias )e= are not allo4e,/ Di..erent Alias )e=s -a= re.eren'e the sa-e ite- )e=/ #or e$a-le to retrieve the D o. ser Hai$H: Aliasai$/seri,:v.s/.ile/rege$Yet'ass4,ai$:/:@Y09[+BX1[ No4 shorthan, )e= ai$/seri, -a= e se, to retrieve ,ata/ Aliases 'an e se, in osteta,atate- t not in ostna-ete- ara-eters/ an,ator=: no Range: De.alt: %tion: (i-eot Sen, no -ore than (i-eot se'on,s on ro'essing an,ator=: no Range: 1!0 De.alt: (i-eot! %tion: Allo4Root Allo4 the agent to rn as HrootH/ . ,isale, an, the agent is starte, = HrootH the agent 4ill tr= to s4it'h to the ser se'i.ie, = the User 'on.igration otion instea,/ as no e..e't i. starte, n,er a reglar ser/ 0 ,o not allo4 1 allo4 an,ator=: no De.alt: Allo4Root0 %tion: User Dro rivileges to a se'i.i' e$isting ser on the s=ste-/ %nl= has e..e't i. rn as HrootH an, Allo4Root is ,isale,/ an,ator=: no De.alt: Userai$ %tion: n'l,e Io -a= in'l,e in,ivi,al .iles or all .iles in a ,ire'tor= in the 'on.igration .ile/ nstalling Jai$ 4ill 'reate in'l,e ,ire'tor= in srlo'alet' nless -o,i.ie, ,ring the 'o-ile ti-e/ an,ator=: no De.alt: n'l,e n'l,eet'ai$ai$agent,/,
n'l,esrlo'alet'ai$agent,/serara-s/'on. n'l,esrlo'alet'ai$agent,/'on./, n'l,esrlo'alet'ai$agent,/'on./,^/'on. USERDE#NED %N(%RED PARAE(ERS %tion: Unsa.eUserPara-eters Allo4 all 'hara'ters to e asse, in arg-ents to ser,e.ine, ara-eters/ 0 ,o not allo4 1 allo4 an,ator=: no Range: 01 De.alt: Unsa.eUserPara-eters0 %tion: UserPara-eter User,e.ine, ara-eter to -onitor/ (here 'an e several ser,e.ine, ara-eters/ #or-at: UserPara-eter_)e=`_shell 'o--an,` See Hai$agent,H ,ire'tor= .or e$a-les/ an,ator=: no De.alt: UserPara-eter *%ADA&*E %DU*ES %tion: *oa,o,lePath #ll ath to lo'ation o. agent -o,les/ De.alt ,een,s on 'o-ilation otions/ an,ator=: no De.alt: *oa,o,lePath\li,ir]-o,les %tion: *oa,o,le o,le to loa, at agent start/ o,les are se, to e$ten, .n'tionalit= o. the agent/ #or-at: *oa,o,le_-o,le/so` (he -o,les -st e lo'ate, in ,ire'tor= se'i.ie, = *oa,o,lePath/ t is allo4e, to in'l,e -ltile *oa,o,le ara-eters/ an,ator=: no De.alt: *oa,o,le
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: / version a/ ,e.alt is latest a')age in'lsive version 'ol, e a,,e, here to in to a
se'i.i' version 5/ server a/ a,, the Jai$ -onitoring server PNa-e 6/ a')age a/ -onitoring a')age na-e @,e.alt: ai$agentB 7/ '.g.ile a/ 'on.igration .ile .or -onitoring agent @,e.alt: et'ai$ai$agent/'on.B ai$ tree: ai$ 'he')s-s/?son -ani.ests j init/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r te-lates j ai$agent,/er j tests j init/
Sample Puppet Module for rsyslog configuration (both client and server) .anifestinit%ppC, 'lass loghost @ -o,e H'lientH server HH serverPort H51H a')age Hrs=slogH '.g.ile Het'rs=slog/'on.H B\ i. -o,e 3'lient3 \ te-late 3'lient3
] elsi. -o,e 3server3 \ te-late 3server3 ] a')age\ a')age: ensre ` installe, ] .ile\ '.g.ile: ensre ` .ile 'ontent ` te-late@3loghostloghost\te-late]/er3B reGire ` Pa')ageYHrs=slogH[ o4ner ` HrootH gro ` HrootH -o,e ` H06H noti.= ` Servi'eYHrs=slogH[ ] servi'e \ Hrs=slogH: ensre ` HrnningH enale ` tre hasstats ` tre hasrestart ` tre ] ]
(e-late@loghostserver/erB: rs=slog 'on.igration .ile #or -ore in.or-ation see srshare,o'rs=slog^rs=slog'on./ht-l . =o e$erien'e role-s see htt:444/rs=slog/'o-,o'troleshoot/ht-l %DU*ES (he i-?ornal -o,le ello4 is no4 se, as a -essage sor'e instea, o. i-$so')/ o,*oa, i-$so') rovi,es sort .or lo'al s=ste- logging @e/g/ via logger 'o--an,B o,*oa, i-?ornal rovi,es a''ess to the s=ste-, ?ornal o,*oa, i-)log rea,s )ernel -essages @the sa-e are rea, .ro- ?ornal,B o,*oa, i--ar) rovi,es ARL -essage 'aailit= Provi,es UDP s=slog re'etion o,*oa, i-, UDPServerRn 51 Provi,es (CP s=slog re'etion o,*oa, i-t' nt(CPServerRn 51
te-late D=na#ile3varlogs=ste-F%S(NAEF/log3 ^/^ fD=na#ile *%&A* DREC(;ES here to la'e a$iliar= .iles or)Dire'tor= varlirs=slog Use ,e.alt ti-esta- .or-at A'tion#ileDe.alt(e-late RSIS*%(ra,itional#ile#or-at #ile s=n'ing 'aailit= is ,isale, = ,e.alt/ (his .eatre is sall= not reGire, not se.l an, an e$tre-e er.or-an'e hit A'tion#ileEnaleS=n' on n'l,e all 'on.ig .iles in et'rs=slog/, n'l,eCon.ig et'rs=slog/,^/'on. (rn o.. -essage re'etion via lo'al log so')etV lo'al -essages are retrieve, throgh i-?ornal no4/ %-it*o'al*ogging on #ile to store the osition in the ?ornal TornalState#ile i-?ornal/state
RU*ES *og all )ernel -essages to the 'onsole/ *ogging -'h else 'ltters the s'reen/ )ern/^ ,ev'onsole *og an=thing @e$'et -ailB o. level in.o or higher/ DonHt log rivate athenti'ation -essagesQ ^/in.oV-ail/noneVathriv/noneV'ron/none varlog-essages (he athriv .ile has restri'te, a''ess/ athriv/^ varlogse're *og all the -ail -essages in one la'e/ -ail/^ varlog-aillog
*og 'ron st.. 'ron/^
Ever=o,= gets e-ergen'= -essages ^/e-erg :o-sr-sg:^ Save ne4s errors o. level 'rit an, higher in a se'ial .ile/
Save oot -essages also to oot/log lo'al7/^ varlogoot/log
egin .or4ar,ing rle (he state-ent et4een the egin /// en, ,e.ine a SN*E .or4ar,ing rle/ (he= elong together ,o N%( slit the-/ . =o 'reate -ltile .or4ar,ing rles ,li'ate the 4hole lo')Q Re-ote *ogging @4e se (CP .or reliale ,eliver=B An on,is) Gee is 'reate, .or this a'tion/ . the re-ote host is ,o4n -essages are soole, to ,is) an, sent 4hen it is again/ A'tionee#ileNa-e .4,Rle1 niGe na-e re.i$ .or sool .iles A'tioneea$Dis)Sa'e 1g 1g sa'e li-it @se as -'h as ossileB A'tioneeSave%nSht,o4n on save -essages to ,is) on sht,o4n A'tionee(=e *in)e,*ist rn as=n'hronosl= A'tionRes-eRetr=Cont 1 in.inite retries i. host is ,o4n re-ote host is: na-ei:ort e/g/ 192/16"/0/1:51 ort otional ^/^ re-otehost:51 en, o. the .or4ar,ing rle
(e-late@loghost'lient/erB: rs=slog 'on.igration .ile #or -ore in.or-ation see srshare,o'rs=slog^rs=slog'on./ht-l . =o e$erien'e role-s see htt:444/rs=slog/'o-,o'troleshoot/ht-l %DU*ES (he i-?ornal -o,le ello4 is no4 se, as a -essage sor'e instea, o. i-$so')/ o,*oa, i-$so') rovi,es sort .or lo'al s=ste- logging @e/g/ via logger 'o--an,B o,*oa, i-?ornal rovi,es a''ess to the s=ste-, ?ornal o,*oa, i-)log rea,s )ernel -essages @the sa-e are rea, .ro- ?ornal,B o,*oa, i--ar) rovi,es ARL -essage 'aailit= Provi,es UDP s=slog re'etion o,*oa, i-, UDPServerRn 51 Provi,es (CP s=slog re'etion o,*oa, i-t' nt(CPServerRn 51
*%&A* DREC(;ES
here to la'e a$iliar= .iles or)Dire'tor= varlirs=slog Use ,e.alt ti-esta- .or-at A'tion#ileDe.alt(e-late RSIS*%(ra,itional#ile#or-at #ile s=n'ing 'aailit= is ,isale, = ,e.alt/ (his .eatre is sall= not reGire, not se.l an, an e$tre-e er.or-an'e hit A'tion#ileEnaleS=n' on n'l,e all 'on.ig .iles in et'rs=slog/, n'l,eCon.ig et'rs=slog/,^/'on. (rn o.. -essage re'etion via lo'al log so')etV lo'al -essages are retrieve, throgh i-?ornal no4/ %-it*o'al*ogging on #ile to store the osition in the ?ornal TornalState#ile i-?ornal/state
RU*ES *og all )ernel -essages to the 'onsole/ *ogging -'h else 'ltters the s'reen/ )ern/^ ,ev'onsole *og an=thing @e$'et -ailB o. level in.o or higher/ DonHt log rivate athenti'ation -essagesQ ^/in.oV-ail/noneVathriv/noneV'ron/none varlog-essages (he athriv .ile has restri'te, a''ess/ athriv/^ varlogse're *og all the -ail -essages in one la'e/ -ail/^ varlog-aillog
*og 'ron st.. 'ron/^
Ever=o,= gets e-ergen'= -essages ^/e-erg :o-sr-sg:^ Save ne4s errors o. level 'rit an, higher in a se'ial .ile/ 'ne4s/'rit varlogsooler Save oot -essages also to oot/log lo'al7/^ varlogoot/log
egin .or4ar,ing rle (he state-ent et4een the egin /// en, ,e.ine a SN*E .or4ar,ing rle/ (he= elong together ,o N%( slit the-/ . =o 'reate -ltile .or4ar,ing rles ,li'ate the 4hole lo')Q Re-ote *ogging @4e se (CP .or reliale ,eliver=B An on,is) Gee is 'reate, .or this a'tion/ . the re-ote host is ,o4n -essages are soole, to ,is) an, sent 4hen it is again/ A'tionee#ileNa-e .4,Rle1 niGe na-e re.i$ .or sool .iles A'tioneea$Dis)Sa'e 1g 1g sa'e li-it @se as -'h as ossileB A'tioneeSave%nSht,o4n on save -essages to ,is) on sht,o4n A'tionee(=e *in)e,*ist rn as=n'hronosl= A'tionRes-eRetr=Cont 1 in.inite retries i. host is ,o4n re-ote host is: na-ei:ort e/g/ 192/16"/0/1:51 ort otional ^/^ _F server F`:_F serverPort F` en, o. the .or4ar,ing rle
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: -o,e d ,e.alt: 'lient set to server to 'on.igre rs=slog .or server se server d e-t= = ,e.alt re-ote log server server has to e a,,e, = P or na-e @to e se, 4hen -o,e is set to 'lientB serverPort d ,e.alt: 51 a')age d ,e.alt: rs=slog '.g.ile d ,e.alt: et'rs=slog/'on. *oghost tree: loghost 'he')s-s/?son -ani.ests jinit/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r
te-lates loghost'lient/er j loghostserver/er j tests j init/
Sample Puppet odule !or additional rpm pa"kages# "orebuildpa"kages ani.est: 'lass 'oreil,a')ages @ )gs Y vi-enhan'e, s'reen stra'e tree [ B\ a')age\ )gs: ensre ` installe, ] ]
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: 1/ )gs a/ ,e.alt: arra= installing: vi-enhan'e, s'reen stra'e tree 'oreil,a')age tree: 'oreil,a')ages -ani.ests j init/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r j tests j init/
Sample Puppet Module for Docker configuration -ani.est@init/B:
'lass ,o')er @ version HlatestH B\ noti.= \3nstalling version version3:] a')age \ H,o')erH: ensre ` version ] .ile \ Het's=s'on.ig,o')erH: ensre ` .ile reGire ` Pa')ageYH,o')erH[ sor'e ` Het:-o,les,o')er,o')erH o4ner ` HrootH gro ` HrootH -o,e ` H60H noti.= ` Servi'eYH,o')erH[ ] servi'e \ H,o')erH: ensre ` rnning enale ` tre hasrestart ` tre hasstats ` tre reGire ` Pa')ageYH,o')erH[ ] ]
.ile@,o')erB: et's=s'on.ig,o')er o,i.= these otions i. =o 4ant to 'hange the 4a= the ,o')er ,ae-on rns %P(%NSHselin$enale, 0/0/0/0:2! ni$:varrn,o')er/so') inse'reregistr= registr=/a''ess/re,hat/'o-H D%CLERCER(PA(et',o')er %n an SE*in$ s=ste- i. =o re-ove the selin$enale, otion =o also nee, to trn on the ,o')ertransitionn'on.ine, oolean/ setseool P ,o')ertransitionn'on.ine, 1 *o'ation se, .or te-orar= .iles s'h as those 'reate, = ,o')er loa, an, il, oerations/ De.alt is varli,o')ert- Can e overri,en = setting the .ollo4ing environ-ent variale/
D%CLER(PDRvart- Controls the et''ron/,ail=,o')erlogrotate 'ron ?o stats/ (o ,isale n'o--ent the line elo4/ *%R%(A(E.alse
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: 1/ version a/ ,e.alt: latest 'an e se, to in Do')er to a se'i.i' a')age version ,o')er tree: ,o')er 'he')s-s/?son .iles j ,o')er -ani.ests j init/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r j tests j init/
Sample Puppet Module for git configuration (both client and server) .anifestinit%ppC, Class is e-t= it is a M-eta 'lass to e ale to ,ire'tl= 'hoose s'lass git::'lient or git::server/ 'lass git \ ]
git,,server ani.est@server/B:
'lass git::server @ reo Het-o,lesH reo,ir HsrvgitH gita')age Hgit19gitH a')ageensre Hinstalle,H B\ e$e' \ 3rhs'la'tivategit3: reGire ` Pa')ageY3gita')age3[ 'o--an, ` 3s'l enale git19 ash3 ath ` 3srin3 ] .ile \ 3et'ro.ile/,s'lgit/sh3: ensre ` .ile -o,e ` 363 o4ner ` 3root3 gro ` 3root3 sor'e ` 3et:-o,lesgits'lgit/sh3 ] a')age \ 3gita')age3: ensre ` a')ageensre ] a')age \ 3htt,3: ensre ` a')ageensre ] servi'e \ 3htt,3: ensre ` 3rnning3 reGire ` Pa')ageY3htt,3[ ] .ile \ 3reo,ir3: ensre ` ,ire'tor= o4ner ` 3root3 gro ` 3root3 -o,e ` 37753 ] e$e' \ 3gitinitare3: 'o--an, ` 3git init are \reo,ir]\reo]/git3 ath ` Y Hotrhgit19rootsrinH HsrinH [ onl=i. ` 3test Q , \reo,ir]\reo]/gito?e'ts3 reGire ` Y Pa')ageY3gita')age3[ #ileY3reo,ir3[ E$e'Y3rhs'la'tivategit3[ [ e.ore ` #ileY3\reo,ir]\reo]/githoo)sostre'eive3[ ] e$e' \ 3git444'lone3:
'o--an, ` 3git 'lone \reo,ir]\reo]/git3 '4, ` 3var444ht-l3 ath ` Y Hotrhgit19rootsrinH HsrinH [ onl=i. ` 3test Q , var444ht-l\reo]3 reGire ` Y Pa')ageY3gita')age3[ Pa')ageY3htt,3[ E$e'Y3gitinitare3[ [ ] .ile \ 3\reo,ir]\reo]/githoo)sostre'eive3: ensre ` .ile o4ner ` 3root3 gro ` 3root3 -o,e ` 37553 sor'e ` 3et:-o,lesgitostre'eive3 ] ]
#iles@ostre'eiveB: Qsrinenv ash ', var444ht-let-o,les KK git ll trn'ate s 0 PU*PAN#ES( .or .ile in @.in, / i 4holena-e 3^)g^/tar/g3B ,o e'ho .ilejsha256s- .ile a4) H\ rint 1 ]Hjjstat ' HFsH .ilej `` PU*PAN#ES( ,one
#iles@s'lgit/shB: Qinash sor'e otrhgit19enale e$ort 8SC*S3js'l enale git19 He'ho 8SC*SHj3
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: reo d Reositor= na-e ,e.alt: bet-o,lesH reo,ir d Dire'tor= 4here the Mreo is la'e, ,e.alt: bsrvgitO gita')age d Re, at So.t4are Colle'tion git a')age version ,e.alt: Hgit19gitH a')ageensre d De.ine 4ether a')age shol, e installe, or re-ove, ,e.alt: Hinstalle,H
git,,client ani.est@'lient/B: www%red#at%com
'lass git::'lient @ gita')age HgitH a')ageensre Hinstalle,H B\ a')age \ 3gita')age3: ensre ` a')ageensre ] ]
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: gita')age d Mgit = ,e.alt 'ol, e rela'e, .or e$a-le 4ith Re, at So.t4are Colle'tions git version a')ageensre d ,e.alt: installe, 'ol, e 'hange, to Masent to re-ove at an= ti-e/ it tree: git 'he')s-s/?son .iles ostre'eive j s'lgit/sh -ani.ests 'lient/ init/ j server/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r j tests j init/
Sample Puppet Module for rhevagent nstall rhev-gestagent a')age onl= i. the s=ste- is rnning on RE; =ervisor there.ore it 'an e assigne, to asoltel= ever= host/ Sets the a')age na-e to rhem-guest-agent-common .or RE*7 an, rhem-guest-agent .or RE*6/ Enales an, starts the servi'e ani.est@init/B: 'lass rhevagent \ i. ro,'tna-e 3RE; =ervisor3 \ 'ase oeratings=ste--a?release \ H7H: \ )g 3rhev-gestagent'o--on3 ] @56B: \ )g 3rhev-gestagent3 ] ] a')age \ )g: ensre ` resent e.ore ` Servi'eYHovirtgestagentH[ ] servi'e \ HovirtgestagentH: ensre ` rnning enale ` tre hasrestart ` tre hasstats ` tre ] ] ]
rhevagent tree: rhevagent 'he')s-s/?son -ani.ests j init/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile www%red#at%com
READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r j tests j init/
Sample Puppet Module for vmwaretools nstall v-4are tools a')age onl= i. the s=ste- is rnning on v-4are there.ore it 'an e assigne, to asoltel= ever= host/ Sets the a')age na-e to open-m-tools .or RE*7 an, mware-tools .or RE*6/ Enales an, starts the servi'e ani.est@init/B: 'lass v-4aretools \ i. virtal 3v-4are3 \ 'ase oeratings=ste--a?release \ H7H: \ )g 3oenv-tools3 servi'ena-e 3v-tools,3 rovi,ert=e 3s=ste-,3 ] H6H: \ )g Y3v-4aretools'ore33v-4aretoolses$no$3[ servi'ena-e 3v-4aretoolsservi'es3 rovi,ert=e 3start3 ] ] a')age \ )g: ensre ` resent e.ore ` Servi'eYservi'ena-e[ ] servi'e \ servi'ena-e: ensre ` rnning rovi,er ` rovi,ert=e enale ` tre hasrestart ` tre hasstats ` tre
] ] ]
v-4aretools tree: v-4aretools 'he')s-s/?son -ani.ests j init/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r j tests j init/
Sample Puppet Module for acmeweb (frontend and backend) nstalls an, 'on.igres the a'-e 4esite ,istrite, on t4o hosts one .or the .ronten, @aa'he+hB an, one .or the a')en, @-=sGl-aria,B d #ronten,: nstalls aa'he + h a')ages E$tra'ts the 'rrentl= latest or,Press version shie, as a .ile throgh et -o,le @version: /2/2B Coies the or,Press .iles to var444ht-l i. the= ,o not alrea,= e$ist there Con.igres /ar/www/html/wp-config.php 4ith a')en, 'onne'tion ara-eter an,ator= to set s-art 'lass ara-eter .or a')en, 'onne'tion d &a')en,: nstalls -=sGl-aria, Con.igres a')en, ,ataase @,ataase na-e ser an, ass4or,B ase, on s-art 'lass ara-eter an,ator= to set s-art 'lass ara-eter .or a')en, 'on.igration ani.est@init/B:
Class is e-t= it is a M-eta 'lass to e ale to ,ire'tl= 'hoose s'lass a'-e4e::.ronten, or a'-e4e::a')en,/ 'lass a'-e4e \ ]
[email protected],/B: 'lass a'-e4e::.ronten, @ ,na-e ,ser ,ass4or, ,host
a'-e4e::ara-s::,na-e a'-e4e::ara-s::,ser a'-e4e::ara-s::,ass4or, a'-e4e::ara-s::,host
B\ in'l,e a'-e4e::4e .ile \ Ht-latest/tar/gH: ensre ` resent sor'e ` 3et:-o,lesa'-e4elatest/tar/g3 ] e$e' \ He$tra'tH: '4, ` 3t-3 'o--an, ` 3tar $v. latest/tar/g3 'reates ` 3t-4or,ress3 reGire ` #ileYHt-latest/tar/gH[ ath ` YHinH[ ] e$e' \ H'o=H: 'o--an, ` 3' r t-4or,ress^ var444ht-l3 reGire ` E$e'YHe$tra'tH[ 'reates ` 3var444ht-l4'ontent3 ath ` YHinH[ ] .ile \ Hvar444ht-l4'on.ig/hH: ensre ` resent reGire ` E$e'YH'o=H[ 'ontent ` te-late@3a'-e4e4'on.ig/h/er3B ] ]
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: ,na-e d ,e.alt: 4or,ress set to overri,e ,e.alt ,ataase na-e
,host d ,e.alt: e-t= set the i a,,ress or .G,n o. the ,ataase a')en, ,ser d ,e.alt: 4 set to overri,e ,e.alt ser to 'onne't to the ,ataase a')en, ,serass4or, d ,e.alt: e-t= set the ass4or, to 'onne't to the ,ataase a')en, ani.est@4e/B: 'lass a'-e4e::4e \ nstall Aa'he 'lass \Haa'heH: ---o,le ` Hre.or)H ] A,, sort .or PP 'lass \H::aa'he::-o,::hH: ] ]
ani.est@a')en,/B: 'lass a'-e4e::a')en, @ rootass4or, a'-e4e::ara-s::rootass4or, ,na-e a'-e4e::ara-s::,na-e ,host a'-e4e::ara-s::,host ,ser a'-e4e::ara-s::,ser ,serass4or, a'-e4e::ara-s::,serass4or, ,serhost 3\,ser]\,host]3 ,serhost, 3\,ser]\,host]\,na-e]/^3 B\ 'lass \ H::-=sGl::serverH: rootass4or, ` rootass4or, ,ataases ` \ 3\,na-e]3 ` \ ensre ` HresentH 'harset ` Ht."H ] ] sers ` \ 3\,serhost]3 ` \ ensre ` resent ass4or,hash ` -=sGlass4or,@3\,serass4or,]3B
] ] grants ` \ 3\,serhost,]3 ` \ ensre ` HresentH otions ` YHRAN(H[ rivileges ` YHA**H[ tale ` 3\,na-e]/^3 ser ` 3\,serhost]3 ] ] overri,eotions ` \ -=sGl, ` \ in,a,,ress ` H0/0/0/0H] Allo4 re-ote 'onne'tions ] ] 'lass \ H::-=sGl::'lientH: reGire ` ClassYH::-=sGl::serverH[ in,ingsenale ` tre ] ]
ReGire, S-art Class Para-eter: rootass4or, d ,e.alt: e-t= set the root ass4or, ,na-e d ,e.alt: 4or,ress set to overri,e ,e.alt ,ataase na-e ,host d ,e.alt: e-t= set the i a,,ress or .G,n o. the ,ataase a')en, ,ser d ,e.alt: 4 set to overri,e ,e.alt ser to 'onne't to the ,ataase a')en, ,serass4or, d ,e.alt: e-t= set the ass4or, .or ,ataase 'onne'tion
Aote, a')en, an, .ronten, ara-eters have to e aligne, in or,er .or the .ronten, to e ale to 'onne't to the a')en,/ Set the ara-eter vales on host level in or,er to e ale to rovision a'-e4e -ltile ti-es/
ani.est@ara-s/B: 'lass a'-e4e::ara-s \
rootass4or, HH ,na-e H4or,ressH ,ser H4H ,serass4or, HH ,host HH ]
(e-lates@4'on.ig/h/erB: _fh ,e.ine@HD&NAEH H_F ,na-e F`HBV ,e.ine@HD&USERH H_F ,ser F`HBV ,e.ine@HD&PASS%RDH H_F ,serass4or, F`HBV ,e.ine@HD&%S(H H_F ,host F`HBV ,e.ine@HD&CARSE(H Ht."HBV ,e.ine@HD&C%**A(EH HHBV ,e.ine@HAU(LEIH Ht =or niGe hrase hereHBV ,e.ine@HSECUREAU(LEIH Ht =or niGe hrase hereHBV ,e.ine@H*%EDNLEIH Ht =or niGe hrase hereHBV ,e.ine@HN%NCELEIH Ht =or niGe hrase hereHBV ,e.ine@HAU(SA*(H Ht =or niGe hrase hereHBV ,e.ine@HSECUREAU(SA*(H Ht =or niGe hrase hereHBV ,e.ine@H*%EDNSA*(H Ht =or niGe hrase hereHBV ,e.ine@HN%NCESA*(H Ht =or niGe hrase hereHBV talere.i$ H4HV ,e.ine@HPDE&UH .alseBV i. @ Q,e.ine,@HA&SPA(HB B ,e.ine@HA&SPA(H ,irna-e@#*EB / HHBV reGireon'e@A&SPA( / H4settings/hHBV
#iles@latest/tar/gB: or,Press ;ersion /2/2: latest/tar/g a'-e4e tree: a'-e4e 'he')s-s/?son .iles j latest/tar/g -ani.ests a')en,/ .ronten,/
init/ ara-s/ j 4e/ -eta,ata/?son Ra)e.ile READE/-, se' 'lasses j initse'/r j se'heler/r te-lates j 4'on.ig/h/er j tests j init/
Appendix II: Scripts Foreman Hook +1 B<containerhost*sh n or,er .or the s'rit 05'ontrainerhost/sh to 4or) the .ore-an ser nee,s a ser to to e$e'te ha--er 4ithot ass4or,/ srshare.ore-an/ha--er'li'on.ig/=-l :.ore-an: :host: lo'alhost :serna-e: a,-in :ass4or,: ^^^^^ :organiation: ACE
a,,itionall= the ser .ore-an 4ants to 4rite te-orar= in.or-ation into a /'a'he .ol,er in his ho-e ,ire'tor=/ Sa,l= .ore-an 'annot 'reate the ,ire'tor= e'ase he is not the o4ner o. his o4n ho-e ,ire'tor=/ (hs 4e have to 'reate the /'a'he ,ire'tor= an, give .ore-an the o4nershi in or,er .or the hoo) s'rit to e e$e'te,/ -),ir srshare.ore-an/'a'he 'ho4n .ore-an srshare.ore-an/'a'he
A,, the s'rit n,er /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks/host/managed/before_proision/ 'ho4n to .ore-an 'h-o, +$ restore'on Rv# srshare.ore-an'on.ighoo)s
'ontainerhost2 @ha--er ott 'sv host list a4) # 33 3'ontainerhost \rint X]3B i. Y n [ then i. YY 3'ontainerhost3 [[ then slee 600 %R33 *%C33 ha--er 'o-teresor'e 'reate X na-e 3\'ontainerhost]3 X ,es'rition 3'ontainerhost \'ontainerhost]3 X rl 3htts:\'ontainerhost]:2!3 X
rovi,er 3,o')er3 X organiations 3\%R]3 X lo'ations 3\*%C]3 .i .i
Foreman Hook 91 +B"ogger*sh
A,, the s'rit n,er /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks/host/managed/before_proision/ 'ho4n to .ore-an 'h-o, +$ restore'on Rv# srshare.ore-an'on.ighoo)s A,, s,o rle
logger 1 2
#or the logger s'rit to 4or) it is -an,ator= to a,, the .ollo4ing s,oers rle in or,er .or .ore-an to se the logger 'o--an,: .ore-an A**@A**B
Foreman Hook :1 B+,abbi0hostcreate*sh
A,, the s'rit n,er /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks/host/managed/before_proision/ 'ho4n to .ore-an 'h-o, +$ restore'on Rv# srshare.ore-an'on.ighoo)s
JA&&8SER;ER33 USER33 PASS%RD33 AU(@'rl i 8 P%S( HContent(=e:ali'ation?sonH , X H\ 3?sonr'3: 32/03 3-etho,3:3ser/login3 3ara-s3: \ 3ser3:3H\USER]H3
3ass4or,3:3H\PASS%RD]H3 ] 3i,3:1 ]H htt:\JA&&8SER;ER]ai$ai?sonr'/h B (%LEN@e'ho AU( a4) # 33 H\rint !]H a4) # 3:3 H\rint 2]HB #DN3\2]3 P@ha--er ott 'sv host list sear'h 3na-e \#DN]3 a4) # 33 3@X2 \#DN]B \rint X5]3B AC@ha--er ott 'sv host list sear'h 3na-e \#DN]3 a4) # 33 3@X2 \#DN]B \rint X6]3B ACA@e'ho \AC] a4) # 3:3 H\rint 1 2 !]HB AC&@e'ho \AC] a4) # 3:3 H\rint 5 6]HB ro D 7 *in$ server (e-late D 1010 (e-late CP Ping (e-late D 10001 (e-late %S *in$ N%(CE . the hoo) ,oes .ail -a)e sre the Ds are the sa-e in Jai$ other4ise a,?st the Ds 'rl i 8 P%S( HContent(=e:ali'ation?sonH , X H\ 3?sonr'3: 32/03 3-etho,3: 3host/'reate3 3ara-s3: \ 3host3: 3H\#DN]H3 3inter.a'es3: Y \ 3t=e3: 1 3-ain3: 1 3sei3: 1 3i3: 3H\P]H3 3,ns3: 33 3ort3: 3100503 ] [ 3gros3: Y \ 3groi,3: 373 ] [ 3te-lates3: Y \ 3te-latei,3: 310103 3te-latei,3: 3100013 ] [ 3inventor=3: \ 3-a'a,,ressa3: 3H\ACA]H3 3-a'a,,ress3: 3H\AC&]H3
] ] 3ath3: H\(%LEN]H 3i,3: 1 ]H htt:\JA&&8SER;ER]ai$ai?sonr'/h
Appendix III: Naming Convention /tem Pro,'t
Aaming 4onvention _ ven,or or strea- ro?e't ` _ ro,'t na-e or rose ` Y _ RE* release ` [ e$a-le: Jai$onitoring ;4are(oolsRE*6
Reositor= .or RPs
_ ven,or ` _ ro,'t ` _ os ` _ variant ` _ version ` _ ar'hite'tre ` _ reo t=e ` E$a-le: v-4aretoolsrhelserver6$"66r-s
Reositor= .or Pet o,les
/f -ou #ave multiple puppet supplier vendor or internal teamsC, generi': _ven,or`_ro,'t`_reo t=e` e$a-le: ai$-onitoringet 4etea-a'-e4eet
*i.e'='le Environ-ent
Y _ ath na-e ` [ DE; A YUA( [ PR%D e$a-le: DE; ` A ` PR%D eDE; ` eA ` eUA( ` ePR%D
'v _ osa ` _ ro.ile na-e ` Y _ version or release ` [ e$a-le: 'vosrhel _ 7Server 6Server ` 'vagit
Co-ositeConten ''v _ iin.ra ` _ role na-e ` Y _ version or release ` [ t;ie4 e$a-le: ''vin.ra'ontainerhost ''vigitserver A'tivationLe=
a't _ li.e'='le environ-ent ` _ iin.raos ` _ role na-e ` _ ar'hite'tre ` e$a-le: 5/ a't,evosrhel7server$"66 6/ a'tGain.ra'ontainerhost$"66 7/ a'tro,ia'-e4e$"66
(his ,een,s on the host gro hierar'h= -o,el se, @see 'hater bost ro S'enariosO .or .rther ,etailsB// . =o are sing a .lat str'tre 4hi'h reGires at least ! t=es @*C EN; APP(IPE RE* ;ERS%NB:
_stage` _'ategor=` _at=e` _rhel -a?or release` Provisioning (e-late
_ org ` _ rovisioning te-late na-e ` e$a-le: ACE Li')start De.alt
Partition (ales
tale _ org ` _ tale na-e ` e$a-le: talea'-egitserver
Co-te Resor'es
_ org ` _ 'o-te resor'e na-e ` _ lo'ation ` e$a-le: a'-erhelososton
Pet o,les
_ athor ` _-o,le na-e` e$a-le: (%sgit
Appendix IV: Software Versions Overview (he entire la set has een ase, on Satellite 6/1/0 @li' etaB/ (he .ollo4ing a')age versions have een se, @=o 'an get this list i. =o 'li') on A,-inister c AotB: nstalle, Pa')ages
'an,lein0/9/9/!1/el7/noar'h 'an,lein'o--on1/0/221/el7/noar'h 'an,leingi'e!/02re,hat1/el7/noar'h 'an,leins'l15/el7/noar'h 'an,leins'lGart2/1/56/el7/noar'h 'an,leins'lrhino1/7R!!/el7/noar'h 'an,leins'lrnti-e15/el7/noar'h 'an,leinselin$0/9/9/!1/el7/noar'h 'an,leinto-'at0/9/9/!1/el7/noar'h elasti'sear'h0/90/107/el7/noar'h in.60/'oe/-'/re,hat/'o-Gi,ro)er1/01/noar'h in.60/'oe/-'/re,hat/'o-Gi,'lient'ert1/01/noar'h in.60/'oe/-'/re,hat/'o-Gi,roter'lient1/01/noar'h in.60/'oe/-'/re,hat/'o-Gi,roterserver1/01/noar'h )atello2/2/0/111/el7sat/noar'h )atello'ertstools2/2/11/el7sat/noar'h )atello'o--on2/2/0/111/el7sat/noar'h )atello,eg2/2/0/111/el7sat/noar'h )atello,e.alt'a1/01/noar'h )atelloinstaller2/!/121/el7sat/noar'h )atelloinstallerase2/!/121/el7sat/noar'h )atelloserver'a1/01/noar'h )atelloservi'e2/2/0/111/el7sat/noar'h liGi,,isat'h0/7/el7/$"66 l,o')erlgins0/2/51/el7sat/noar'h l)atello0/51/el7sat/noar'h lno,es'o--on2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h lno,esarent2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h letlgins2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h lettools2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h lr-lgins2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h lselin$2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h
lserver2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h =thongo.erGi,2/6/22/el7sat/noar'h =thoniso,ate0/5/0/l/el7sat/noar'h =thon)o-!/0/25/l/el7sat/noar'h =thonlin,ings2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h =thonl'o--on2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h =thonl,o')er'o--on0/2/51/el7sat/noar'h =thonlet'o--on2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h =thonlr-'o--on2/6/0/101/el7sat/noar'h =thonGi,0/!06/el7/noar'h =thonGi,G-.0/!05/el7/$"66 Gi,''lient0/!09/el7/$"66 Gi,''lient,evel0/!09/el7/$"66 Gi,'server0/!09/el7/$"66 Gi,'serverlinearstore0/!09/el7/$"66 Gi,,isat'hroter0/7/el7/$"66 Gi,?ava'lient0/!0!/el7/noar'h Gi,?ava'o--on0/!0!/el7/noar'h Gi,roton'0/9/el7/$"66 Gi,G-.0/!05/el7/$"66 Gi,tools0/!0/el7/noar'h r=19!r=ge-)atello2/2/0/511/el7sat/noar'h r=19!r=ge-Gi,-essaging0/!0/01/el7sat/$"66 r=ge-ha--er'li)atello0/0/7/151/el7sat/noar'h r=ge-s-artro$=l1/0/1/21/el7sat/noar'h
Appendix V: Contributor List As state, in the intro,'tion this soltion gi,e 4as 4ritten 4ith a lot o. int an, i,eas .ro-an= ,i..erent eole/ (he .ollo4ing eole rovi,e, invalale int an, i,eas that 4e have trie, to in'ororate an, ,o'-ent as 4ell as 4e 'ol,/ Aame
No* 3itle
ngri, (o4e=
Csto-er Portal Content E,itor Re, at
Davi, Tran
Senior Ar'hite't Re, at
Al.re,o orale?o Alonso
Senior Do-ain Ar'hite't Re, at
(ho- Carlin
Senior alit= Engineer Re, at
raha- ares
Prin'ial Ar'hite't Re, at
Tstin Sherrill
Senior So.t4are Engineer Re, at
a$i- &rgerhot
Soltion Ar'hite't Re, at
al,irio Pinheiro
Soltion Ar'hite't Re, at
&rett (hrer
Prin'ial So.t4are Engineer Re, at
Ross / Stot
(e'hni'al Do-ain Ar'hite't Cre,it Sisse