This document is the Narrative Report of the concluded Brigada Eskwela on May 28-June 02, 2018 in Sagurong High School, Region V, Division of Camarines Sur. It consists of the accomplishment…Full description
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I just wanna share this document to everyone especially to those who are going to make their own Brigada Eskwela Program in their school. I hope this can help you in creating your own Progra…Full description
Narrative Report on the Annual Schools Maintenace Week
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brigada eskwela
Brigada Eskwela forms for Pre-Implementation Report
guiaDescripción completa
Department of Education Region X District of Alubijid LAGTANG ELEMENTARY S!""L
#$%& 'R(GADA ES)*ELA Action +lan Stage
I. PreImplementation Stage
Persons Involved
To organize Brig rigada ada Eskw Eskwe ela com committ mitte ees and orientation on spec specif ific ic role roles s and and tasks
". #rganiza #rganization tion of Brigada Brigada Eskw Eskwel ela a comm commit itte tees es and and orientat orientation ion on specific specific roles roles and tasks
Teachers& School 'ead& PT(%& Barangay (hairman& S)(
-To conduct $. %ss %ssess essme ment nt of Physi Physical cal School Physical Facilities assessment of Facilitie Facilities s and aintena aintenance nce (oordinator& School 'ead Phys Physic ical al Faci Facili liti ties es !eeds of the school and and ain ainte tena nanc nce e !eeds of the school
Expected Outcomes -Brigada Eskwela (ommittees will e organized organized and persons inol inole ed d will will e oriented.
*anuary $+",
BE Form "& BE Form $
-Physical Faci Facili liti ties es of the school will e asse assess ssed ed and maintenance needs needs will will e identified.
Persons Involved
-To increase pulic /. %docacy and Social %docacy and arketing awareness on and arketing (ommittee& School 'ead inolement in attend district initiated Brigada Eskwela orientation on Brigada Eskwela sec ure pertinent adocacy and marketing materials from the diision0district office for information drie actiities conene target memers of the School Brigada Eskwela (ommittee for awareness of roles and functions relatie to the conduct of rigade Eskwela organize& through the %docacy and arketing (ommittee& arious adocacy and campaign meetings to discuss with potential partners the enefits of the BE program tap local media in disseminating information aout the program
Expected Outcomes Pulic awareness on the BE program will e increased.
Time Frame
Resources Needed
Expected Outcomes
3esource oilization (ommittee
Feruaryarch $+",
BE Form /& BE Form "& ondpapers& printer& ink
-3esources needed& stakeholders to e tapped& olunteers to e inited will e determined and identified.
get the %docacy and arketing (ommittee inited to make presentations on the BE program in different assemlies0meetings of the 1)20Barangay (ouncil encourage more partners to help in Brigada Eskwela y letting them know aout the %dopt-%School 1aw or the 3epulic %ct ,4$4
-To determine the 5. 3esource oilization resources needed& firming-up the kind of partners to e serices and materials tapped& and to e sourced for the olunteers to conduct of Brigada participate in the Eskwela Brigada Eskwela identify possile potential partners who can help send letters of initations to identified potential partners and other stakeholders
Persons Involved
-To prepare for the 4. Firming-up of %ctiities for actual eent the %ctual Brigada Eskwela match e6pected olunteers& materials& and resources against the identified needs of the school and address gaps& if any prepare the opening and closing programs and other related actiities during the week organize working teams according to nature of serices to e done7 masonry& carpentry& electrical0electronics& gardening& painting& etc.& and appoint team leaders make sure that donations are in-kind and that all cash donations are conerted into materials
Persons Involved
School Brigada Eskwela 8orking and Steering (ommittees
Time Frame %pril $+",
Resources Needed financial resources& human resources&
Expected Outcomes -%ctiities for the actual Brigada Eskwela will e firm-up.
II. Implementation Stage
Persons Involved
-To e6ecute all the ". Simple #pening plans y the School Program09ick-#ff (eremony Brigada Eskwela (ommittees $. #rganization and Briefing of 8orking Teams
School Brigada Eskwela 8orking and Steering (ommittees& Stakeholders& ;olunteers& Partners
Time Frame ay $+"<
Resources Needed food for the stakeholders
/. %ctual Implementation of 8ork Plan
5. 3ecording of %ccomplishments
4. :eriefing (ommittees
Expected Outcomes -The Brigada Eskwela will e formally opened. -The working teams will e organized and oriented.
-8ork Plan for the Brigada Eskwela will e implemented. :ocumentation (ommittee
School 'ead
BE Forms 5& 4& and =
%ccomplishme nts will e recorded daily -The working committees will e gien the chance to reflect on the daily accomplishme nts and will e reminded of the things to e done.
=. Final Inspection
Persons Involved
School Brigada Eskwela 8orking and Steering (ommittees
<. (ulminating0(losing School Brigada Eskwela program 8orking and Steering presentation of (ommittees& Stakeholders accomplishments awarding of certificate of recognition to partners0donors forging of pledges of commitment
Time Frame ay $+",
Resources Needed human resources& financial resources
Expected Outcomes -Final inspection of the different work and actiities undertaken during the week will consolidated0f inalized.
ay $+",
financial resources
-% summary of resources generated& work accomplished& lessons learned& and ne6t steps will e presented to all partners0stak eholders who will attend the program.
Persons Involved
III. PostImplementation Stage
-To put together all ". Preparation of the Final the data reflected in %ccomplishment 3eport the different forms completed and sumitted y the different working committees $. Sumission of the Final %ccomplishment 3eport
/. Sustaining Brigada Eskwela upkeep the school send letter of thanks to partners and olunteers
Frame *une $+",
Needed ondpaper& printer& ink& human resources& financial resources
:ocumentation (ommittee& School 'ead
*une $+",
financial resources for the printing and inding of the accomplish ment report
Teachers& School 'ead& )PT% and #ther Stakeholders
>ear round
School Brigada Eskwela 8orking and Steering (ommittees
+repared b,NEL(A E. GRA/E Teac0er (((1Sc0ool (n20arge
NotedGERRY G. /A'R(A +S District Super3isor
Outcomes -% comprehensie %ccomplishmen t 3eport will e made
%ccomplishmen t report will e sumitted on time
-Brigada Eskwela program will e sustained the whole school year through the partnerships formed during the entire conduct of the program.