DetailedEngineering fo. TopsideFacilitySyslemsof Gas CompressionPlatformat DragonOilfield
DISCLAIMER rn a@odance lvirhvSP pc cy we advlsethai neiLherVSP its srstercompaniesnor a.y dnecbr or emptayeeof VSPoflssistercompanes!ndenakesany.esponsibiltyinanywaywharscevertoa.ype6on,otnerrhanro PVGAS,in respecrotlh s d@uhent.
Approval Approval
XNLD'Vietsovpetro" PHONGLUAT
x d c N H A No L r . , i 6 |
Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsot Gas Compression Platform at DragonOil{ield DETAILEDENGINEERING
.ccordancewithVSP polcy, we adviselhal neith€rVSP,its sEle:conpanles nof aiy d reclcr o. edplcyee of P o. ts
[email protected] respo.sibilty I any \!ay whalsoeve.loany person,olhsrlhan to GAS ii rcsDectolthis document.
*,"+i'"vii,il,i' @"-.,"..."^. !
Numberof pa,oes70 ( n c l u dn g l h i s p a g e )
VN DdQon OilF eld\lC.o,Engneern€\l0 04- N\104.04 s P c 0 0 c c P . c c P . ) r . c 7 - s F - ! iRDpr,0 l . < r u m . " Ga.sra So6cleton doc
XNLD'VietsovpetroPHoNG l ri^-
xAc r'rsAtriaqN ,. ;Z
**,-,!Fltd Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasComprcssion Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECTFICATION TABLEOFCONTENTS 1
PURPOSE. . ........
Definitions.. ....
Unltsol N4easlre ..
F a cl i l i eLso c a l i o r
l\,4ei6orological data.
. . . . . _ . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 8 .. . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1 1 ... . .......... . ........ 11
2 . 6 D e s i gLni l e . . . . . . . . 2.7 UtiltyAvailabe..
. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1 2
2.8 CeanDeveiopment l,4echanism
2.9 Noiseorileria
.... .....12
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . _ 1 2
2 . T 0E m i s s i o Ln imits...
..... ....... ........ .. .... . ....t3
_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
niernaton Cao d €as n dS i a n d a r.d. .s. . . .
3 . 2 P r c j e cSip e c i f i o ca n ts . . . . . . . . . . . .
..... ....18
c ia l a s h e e t s . 3.3 ProjeD 34
. . . . .. . . .
. . . . . . . .j 8
Projecl Drawngs .... ....
. 18
3.5 Order'of Precedenc
............ . ... ....... .. ...l9
ConditionsoIServ]ce.................................. .......................20
Vendor Exceptio.s..
4.3 Vendor Slandard Equipmenl ........ . ...... GENEMLREQUIREI\4ENTS.,..., ,.,. 51
MalerialT€c€ab tyandCartificalon............
5.3 WejghlConirol
.. .. .. ..
... .
..... . .. ......_....21 ..., . ,,,22 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2 2 ..... ..... . ... .......23 .. . .... . ... .... . ... 3
TransportL ao t i ao dn
Cedifying Auihorily..
...........23 23
TECHNICAL REQUREIVENTS,-.,.. ,,...,, . - 017 - S P - 0 0 1 DGCP-GCP-0
.. 21 P a q e3 o i 7 0
P H O N GL U A I '
x r i c r u H A nB A N' l c oRlGtNi,4![U-::?
g-":y-*'t DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsot Gas Compression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION
lng.ess Pmiecioir.
. .... ..24
6 . 4 C e b lEe n t r i e s . . . . . . 65
...... ...............25
CableGlands ..... ..
6.6 CableluQs.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2 6
6.7 CableSupportand hstallaton [4at€ra|s...........
6 . 8 N . 4 LCral tb l T e r a n s i(tls, 4 C T ) . . . . .
6.9 CableTerrn nations.
6 10 Electrical ContacB
.28 . ..2A
6 1i lnstrum€nt Cable.
6 12 Tubins andFiliings.
... . ..... . 30
613 lnstr!fient Pfocess Connections......
....... . ......_..... ...31
6 14 RadioFrequ€ncy ht€rference .......................... 6 15 Earthquake Loading
. . . . .... ..31 . . . ................ ......... ..32
6 1 6 P l a nEr l e c k i € l S u p p i.i.e. s _ . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . 3 2
617 PlantEarthing Systems forInstrumentatron..... 6'18 Hazafdous AreaRequirements.--.-...................
... ..32
..... .. .. . .........33
6 19 Envircnmental Protection........ ...--...
. . .. .... U
6 20 MateialRequrements. ......... ._............... .....
..... .... .. . .......34
.. .. .. .......36
7 . 1 S h l l d o w n V a l v e , B l o w d o w n V a l v e a n d l s o l a t o n V a l v e . . .. ..... . . . . ............ 3 6 7.2 Pressure Safety Val
......... .
7.3 ConlrolValve andPressure RegulaleVave....
..,......... .,... ..36
7.4 RuptrreD sc or EurslngDisc. ..... 7.5 Solenod Valve..... ...
. ..... ._36
.. . . ....
7.0 Pressurenstftrment
.. ... ........ 36 .. .. . . . 36
7.8 L€velInstfurnent... 7.9 F owlnstrumenl
xNfd"f,lBtg8vFtril P H O N GL 4
P a g ea o l 7 0
oAru, ic inc Nri..nr.r
DetailedEnginee.ingfor TopsldeFacllitySystemsof Gas Compression Platformat DragonOiltield INSTRUMENT GENERALSPECIFICATION
D G C PG C P 0 1 { 7 , S P 0 0 1
x A c N H 4 NB A Nu { ) t '
m*",--I Detailed Englneering for TopsideFacility Systemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION INARODUCTION The Drago. oilneldis locatedin lhe CJu Long Bas n. app.oxmateiy 120 km otrshorefrornthe Vungla! coasl ofVieinam at a waler depthoiapp.oximateiy56 nrel€rs Dragonoilfleld was discoveredin 1984and developedby V etsovp€trcJolnt Venilre with the llrst oi productionn 1994.The recerl, ol productions abolt 1 rnilLlontones per yea.. A! presenttme, in th€ Dragonoi ied lhere afe two fx€d offshor€ oll productnn pLatforms (RP I and RP 3), and welread platfonnRCZ nstaled and producedcrlde oil. The thnd oil prodlction patform (namedRPz) s being hooked!p and w I be pul nlo prodlction in the mlddleof 2009. Besideof productonplailormsthere ate a lol ol well head p atfoms (ca led RCs).There Ere conneclingpipelineslorcrude olland Gaslift(100 batg) betweenWhile Tiger o i l f i e l da n d D r a s o no i l f i e l d . Gas consumplionfor gasliftwells is pfovded from Wh ie Trgeroi lield by 8 sub sea pipeLne, locaiedapproximalely28.5 tm 10Norlhof Dmgonoi ile d. Al presentiime, all assocatedgas from the welLshas not been ulilizedand |s d rcctea to llare on RPI and RP3 to burn aid The Tortoise'shelloi fe d is locatedapproxmately20km in ihe SouthernD.agono ield. Th€ a n'Japan Joinl Tortojse'she[neld was discoveredin 1999 and deveoped by Vietnam-RLrss
[email protected] (VRJ JOC), th€ iifsl oil wil be in 2009- Todos€'shell oil fleld wili have one (1)well head platformand willbe tied to Dragonproductionplaiforrn To recoverand ulllizeassociatedgas llared al oflshofeln lhe Dragon o fleld, Petrovieinam plans to develop Oragon & Todoiseshe gas unlizalon projecl, whlch comprjsesof gas galhedng pip€line system and D.ason Gas Comprcsslo. Paifom The D€gon Gas CompressionPlatfo.m(DGCP)!s inl€ndedto be buill ciose to producton platformRP3 and wellheadplatforri RC2 (see Figlre 1.1). DGCP w lalso be lLnkedto RP3 ihrougha bridgewlihapproximatey 60m lenglhand il w I be a parl of the Cenlra ProcessingPladormRP3. DGCP wlll be a dependenlprocesspialform etc with main uliiitiesprovldedby RP3 slch as producedwaler syslem,accommodation, Ihe subjectof ths projectwill be designedto prccess0.85-0.9M[4SC[,iDassocialedgas at the inlel battery limit. Platformdscharge gas (wlth pressure110barg)wil! be connecledto exlstng gaslltt p;celln€syslem ior field gasllltconsumploni excess gas wir beexported to White lgef ield by lhe same ppeline. Processedcondensatewill be .ecovered.Noavy condensale (back condensale)vvill be deslgned 1o pump lo oil orocessng syslem rn productionplaiform RP3 Light condensate(whitecordensate)wlL be deslgnedto pump to CenlralCompresslonP atforminWhile TigerField The Dragon& To.to se she I Gas Uti zailonProjectconsisisof fo!r (4) r.air packases .
PackaqeNo1: Topsideof DGCP.
PackageNo2: JacketA Structlrs of DGCP
P a c k a g eN o 3 :S u bs e a p i p e n e & R s e r
P a g e6 o l 7 0
D G C PG C p { 1 - 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1
m-,:l,l*** ! OetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof cas Cornpression Platformat DragonOilfield
Packag€No4:Livingquarlor ptariomlopsce wI divtd€intoth.ee(3)subpackages PackageNo1- DragonConrpression as lollowifgs PackageNolA: TurbneCompress (SL[4) on syslenrs Package NolB:Topside factities sysl€ms oi DGCp PackageNolC Topsde struclure & LinkingBftdge The protectof utilizalonof associated gasandgastiftfiom DragonandTortois+sheoitfi€td hasbeenplanedsincel\,4arch 2008 Fotowng the ptan,petrovietnam SourhEasl cas projecl ManagementBoard (PVSEG)rs nomnatedas an Invesiorfor ths projectand JV 'Vielsovpelro' as an EPC coni.aclor,who carriesout the Engneerng,procurement and construction lo complete theproject.
-07-SP-001 DGCP-GCP-01
,\}iLd tVi
P H O N GL U + i
x / i c N H A Ne A w c d c
DelailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasComDression Platform at Dragon Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERALSPECIFICATION PURPOSE This docurnentaetineslhe rnifimurn.eq!remenls lor design, maierals fabrcatlon, inspeclion, t6sting,paintng,pfeparation lor snLpment, and documentation for lhe supplyol inslrumeftsto b€ instaledat theDragonGasCompression P atform(DGcP). 2.1
'V JointVenture etsovpetro Nornnat€dThirdPa.iy Insp€ctonAgency
Prolecloala Sheets Governingtechnicaldocuments for lhe sp€cifc iiem(s)f6r pufchase PfoieclOrawngs
Ref€fencodrawngstorthe specificltem(s)for p!rchase JolntVentrJre "Vietsovpetrc' Vendor of Equipment includingSub-Vendors(s)appoint€dby lh€ Vendorto carryoul parlor all lhe \mrk
2.2 Abbreviations
Conro Sysleri HAZOP
D rect Cufrent
O gilal Inpul
DlagonGas CompressorPla$orm
D gilalOutpul
DoublePoleOo!ble Thrcw
EnqineerifgProcuf€mentafd Constructon
Emer9encySi!tdown syslem
Fire and Gas FactoryAcceptanceTesl
DGCP-GCP-0 1-07-SP-001
x NLE{fl9fPtsovpetro" PHONG LU/rT XAC NHAN AAN L,1C
PageI oi 70
oetailedEngineering for TopsideFacilitySystomsof GasCompression Platfo.mai DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION HAZOP
HazardandOperabiirty S{udy
Heath Saiely,andEnvifonment
Healing,Venlllalion andAircondiiion ng
Installauon, operaton,and[r]6intenance
Inspecuon andTestPlan
ManualAlarm Callpoinl Alowabe lvorkingPressu.e [4ax]mum
[4eanTimelo R€pair
NonDestruclive Er€minalion
NominajPlpe S ze
DiagEm P pingandlnstnrmenl
Polychloro bipheny s
Programmable LogicConlroller
OualityAssuance/ OlalityControL
RingTypeJo nt
Level Saf61yntegrlty
Single PoleDoLrbleThrow
SparePansandhlerchang€ ab i1yRgcord
Unnt€rruptib€ Power Supply
VefdorDalaRequirenents List 'Vielsovpet.o Jont Veatu re
-07-SP-001 oGcP-GCP-01
Page9 of 70
ifiId--"vietsovPetro" Lu41er-rclnc
m::.tr*-f DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Platfofm at Dragon Oilfield
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 2.3 Llnits of Measure The des gn shal be perlormeduslnglhe followingS Syslemof unils.
Vol!me (9ases)
Standardcubic nretres
F ow(llquid)
F ow(sas)
cLbicrn€iresper hour
SCMDsmr/dor Srnlh
slandardcubrc mekes per day or per S t a n d a . cdo n d to n a 1I 0 1 3 b a r a , 1 5 o C
KJ SpecilicHeal
Kilojo!les per Kilogram-per degree
KiloVy'atls c€nlpoiseor m lliPasc€l-sec HeatTransl€r co€ffrcentKJ/m"ch
Kilojoulesp€r squar€ meire per degree m e t r e so r m i l m e l r e s
Kg/m3or g/ml
Kllogramper cLb c metreor gram per nrililitre
m/sor Km/h
persecondor Kliometr€s pe. lMelres
P a g e1 0 o f 7 0
x A c N H A Na A NG o c
m:y1"..*. t DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilltySyslemsof cas Compression Platformat DragonOitfiold INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 2.4 FacilitiesLocation Thelocauon of DGCPptatiorm isasfolows: DragonoLlfied Viehanl
Otrshorc, abo!1120Xm South- Eastof rhe portof Vung Lalilude
1o7o5o E
Plafom Elevation
i Aboulth aboveseatevet,tevet t(c€ tardeck)
;""*;-Meteorologicaldata AmbientAkTemperature
R€lalive Aif Humidity
Seasonalcoindsare c haractericticat for this
D rection
45.8m/s(average wilhinl0.ninutesintervat) 44.3m/s{average wilhn 10 m nutesjnrervat)
DesignLife Allifslruments shallbesuitabte forminimum Jifedu.ato.of20years
-07-SP-001 DGCP-GCP,01
Page11ui 70
X N L D" V r e i s o ' / P e t r o '
p t r o H cr u i r xAc r'rpArieAN, ic
oF:.'-'- ENlr:
"t Le'-
g:::-*'t Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 2.7 UtilityAvailable 830 550 Electrical
KPagal 65 .C KPaga(65 .C
400VAC,(nonUPS),501-tz, 3 phase 230VAC(fon UPS),50 Hz 1 phase 220VAC(UPS),50 Hz,1 phas€ 24VDC(UPS)Ungrounded
VenCorshall staleatlulitityrequirenrenrs in 2.8 CleanDevelopment Mechanism The CleanOeleopment[.4echanisrn lnder th€ Kyoroprotoco {CDit) s an arfangemenr allowinglndustrlalised countfieswith a gr€enhouse reducrion comnritment las to investrn prcjectsltratreducaemissions in devetoprng countries as an alternatlve lo rnoreexp€nsve emissronreductionsn thek own countrtes. A cruciaieatureot an approvedCDMcadon pfolectis thal it has eslabtished lhat the pannedreductonswoutdnoi occlr withoutthe addlUonaincentiveprovidedby emrssion reduclions credirs,a conceptfor |his projectatso kfownas additonaIty Thenrel€ingsyslemcomponenls sha be desgned!nderCDMcofsderations. The Vendorshalttake a, necessarystepsto m nimjsefugiUveernissions, teakageano envlronmenra dtscharges. TheVendorshaltadvtsethe estmatedcomposrlon andqlaniLry ot ernssonsexpected durins slarl-up, normaoperaliof andanyupsetcondttons. 2.9
Noise Criteria A nstruments underconlinuous operalon sha|havea maxlmun hrnt noisetevetof 85 dB(Al SPLat 1 m ln alldkecUon unessnotedotheruise on ihe projectD€laSheets
2.10 EmissionLimiis Vendorshal m ninrisefugrlveemissrons or instrurnenl desgn,constructon andlnslalta|on.
Page 12 ol 7A
xNLD.TietsovPetro" puorucrulr x A c t : H A N6 A N ' c
m":':r*-..f, Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystems of GasColnpression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 3
GEI]ERAL DESCRIPTION InternationalCodes and Standards As s!ppl€menledby this specification, the foLtowing codes,srandafdsand regLrtatjons sha VietnameseGovernment Regulations The Proleclwlll be deveioped and matntained in comptiance with tegislative andgovernment requrr€ments of Viehan, includlng lhefotlowing .
TheV etnarnP€troleum Law
TheVietnamEnvkonmentat Reguatioos tor Oi andGasOperarions
TheVetnanrEnvircnmentat Law
Vietnames€Acts, Codes and Standards TCVN3254
Explosionsalety-General Requnemenls
F e Syslemand alarmslstems-TechnicalRe!uirements
Fire detectionand alam Systems-TechnicatReqLt rernenrs
Fhe Exling!lshingSyslems,G€reraJ Requiremen:sfo. Destgn tnslaltalion
American Gas Association {AGA) OrinceN4elering of Natura cas Compressibiliiy and Supercompressibtlily lor Nat!latGas and other
AmerlcanNationalStandardsInstitute(ANSt) ANS B 1.20.1
Pipethreads,cenera purpose(|NCH)
S l e e P i p eF l a n g e sF, l a n g € V d a l v e sa n d F f i n g s
ANS 816.10
V a l y e- F l a n g e dT. h r e a d e da,n dw e t d i n gE n d
H y d r o s l a t bc o d ya n d e a k t e s i i n go f i s o t aot n v s l v € s
-07-SP-001 DGCP-GCP,01
P H O N G LI , I A T
enN 1c xac r.ruAu
my:r..*"'t OetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dragon Oilfield INSTRUMENT GENERALSPECIFICATION ANS|B16.37
l-lydroslallc Testng ol Contro Vatves
ANS FCI 70.2
LeakTestingof conrfotvatves
ANS 81.20.1
P l p eT h r e a d sG, e n € r aPl u r p o s e (tnch)
TemperatufeLieasurern p es enrThernrocoLr
American Petroteum Institute (APl) API 6D
Specication for Pipeline Valves(sleergate, ptugandcheckvaves)
RecommendedPraciicefor Analysis,Design, lnslalarion and Teslinq of BasicSudaceSlstems on OffshoroProductronpiaoorms
API RP 505
Cassificationof LocalonsJorElect c6llfstatlaltonsat pelroteunrFacitfli€s Cl€ss led as Class1 ZonEO,Zone 1 aN Zone 2
Sizln€, Selection and InstalLationof Press! re-Reiievng Dev ces in R e f n $ € s , P a r l a n dP a r l l l
Gu deiorPress!re Reliefand Dep.essuringSystenrs
F angedSieelSai€tyR€rielvarves
CommercialSe3l Tighinessof Safety Rettef valves v,,rh Metat to Metal Seats N4anual on Instalarionol RefineryInstrumentsand ConirotSystems (O!toi'pr il) Processlvleasurement lnsh!m€nlation
Transnrission Systems
ProcessInslrLrmenls and Conlrol
Valve nspedons and Tesl ng FireTesl of Sofl Seated1/4tum Valves
AP 21
N4anua o' Petroleum Measuement Standards, Chapter 2j l\.4easurement UslngElecaonicMeteringSyslems
D G C PG C P , 0 1 - 0 7 SP-001
X N L D' V i e t s o v P e t r o " PHONG LUe.-]-
/t (4Zz=-
t",-,*-'*.'! DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Platfqrmat DragonOilfield INSTRUIVIENT GENERALSPECIFICATION API'!4PfuIS
ManLl3lof Petro:eumlVeasufement Slandards(MPMS)
AmericanSocietyof MechanicalEngineers(ASME) AS[4EPTC19.3Psrforrnance TestCodeTemperalure l\,,leasuren]enl American Society for Testing and Materlals(AST[.]) ASTI',4 ,q269
Slainless SteeTube
Siainless Stee Filtngs
British Standards 8S 5501
Electric€lAppafalustor PotenliallyExplosiveAinrospheres
BS EN 60529
Specilcalionfor degreesof prolectiorprovidedby enclosures(lP) codes
lnternational ElectrotechnicalCommission (lEC) IECSTO-801
Parl3- El l andRFIimmlrnit
IEC60092-373Shipboard fexiblecoariacabes IEC60092-359Specfcatronfor nsulaUon andshealh tEC 60221
Polyvntl chloride nsLriated cabes of raleovoltagesup to and includrng 444t750V
F i r o r o s i s l i ncgh a r a c t e f l s t c s o l e l e c t r i c c a b l e s
lEc 60332-1
T e s l s o n e l e c i r i cc a b l e sl n d e r f f e c o n d t o n s P a r t 1 : T e s l s o n a s t n g l e vei(lcalinsulaledwire or cabe
lEc 60332-3
Tests on €lecldc cables lnder ire condtons Pad 2r Tesls on a singte smallverdcalinsuatedcopperwneor cable
tEc 60529
Degreesoi prolectonprovidedby enclosures(lP Code)
tEc 61508
FLrnctionasafely of elechcal/eectronic/programmab e eleclronicsalety
IEC 61000-4-2 Electromagnetic Compatb ly {E[4C)- Parl 4: Test ng and lvleasurement Technrqles" Seclron2. E eclrostalicDischargelmrnunityTest EC 61000'4'3
Electromagnetic Compatblrlly(El'fC) - Part 4 Tesllng and l\,{easurement Techniques Section 3: Radbled, Radlo Freqlefcy, Electromagnetic F i ea l m m u n i t y T e s l
xNL6+IYiETS5Ytetro' PHONG LU .
Y dr: NHAN ? r
I 'iiir,l_Gtt -Ai-
P a g el 5 o f 7 0
m::q'"-.t Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION IEC61131-3
Prog€mmabteconlroefs- part 3rprogramrn ng tanguages
EleckcalAppafatus for Exposivecas Atmospheres
FireResslingCharacrerstics oi E ectrtcCables
Teslson EtectricCabt6s underF re Conditons
lEc 548
Inlernaliof al thermocoupte R€lerence Tabtes
Induslfal plalinum resistance ther.forneter senSors
lhstituteof ElectricalandElectronicEngineers(IEEE) IEEESTD 472 SurgeWithsrand Capabires IEEEC37.90.1 StandardSurgoV/trhsrafdCapabitty(SWC)Tesrstor proiective Retays andRetaySystems R |EEE515
Standard fof theTeslngDesgn,Instatation, and t\,tatntenance ot Heal iracrng
Standard pans Revsionof IEEEStd730for Software QuatilyAssufance 84 and Redesrgnalion of tEEE 730.1-89itEEE Compller Sociely Documeni
Standard for Software Contiguration [{anagemcntpans
Gude to SoftwareConfigLrralion ManagemenlEEE Compul€rSociety
IEEE 802 3
I E E E8 0 2 . 4
B r c a d b a nTdo k e nB l s i n e s sS L a n u a r o
Instrumentation, SystemsandAutomationSociety(lSA) ISA5 1
lnsirumsntaton Sy.rbolsandrdenlncalo.
ISA57 0 0'1
Oua ty Slandard tor InsrrrmentAtr
Appticalon of SatsiyInsirumented Syslems fo. thep.ocessIniuslries
Parl1, pedomance ReqLrirements, Combustbte pad ti, cas Delectors Instaation,Ope€tonandti/anlen.fceol Combustib e cas Detectols
ISA571 01
Eivnonmenra Condriois for pfocesstrteasu.€menl andControtSyslems: Temp€raiufe andHumdity
-07-sP-001 DGCP-GCP-01
fflfd?VEFovPetro" ct-toncru4t ; d E N H A NB i N
P a g er Oo i 7 0
@Y':..-*f, Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompressjon Platformat DragonOilfietd INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION ISAS7104
Envi.onmentat Condlionsfoi processl,4€asurenreni afd ContfotSystems: Airborne Contamnants
ISAS7501 01
Flowequaijons for sizingconrrot vatves
Facelo FaceDimensons for Ftansed ctobeSt'4eCont.o/Vatves
Faceto FaceO mesions ior FLange essConlrotValves
InternationalOrganisationtor Standardisation(lSO) ISO5167
Measurem€.t of FtuidFtowbyt\4eans oi Orificeptales
QLraityManag€menland euatity Ass!rance Slandards_ pat 3: Gudetines fortheApp catonof ISO9001io theDevetopmext, Supptyand Maiftenance ofSoftware FirctEdron
tso 9001
Qla ly Syslems- Modefor OlalityAsslraice in Design.Developmenr, Pfocuclion,nsialblionandSeNicing SecondEditon
lso 9004-1
Ola ity l,4anagement and QualitySysremEements, part 1. cu detnes F rst Edltion
tso 7066-1
Assessnrent ot Uncenainty in Carbraiion a.d LJseof FtowMeasure.nent Devces- parl 1:tin€arCatibraUon Realionships
tso 5168
Measuremerl or Furd Ftow- Estimation of Lrncerrainiy ot a FrowRate
lso 6976
Calculaton oi CaorilicValues,Densily,Retalive DensriyandWobb€lndex fiomComposiiof
NationalAssociation of Corrosion Engjneers(NACE) NACEMR0175 Sulndesrresscracking resistant mera|icmateiatsfo. oitietdeqLriomenl National Electrical ManufacturersAssociation {NEMA) NEMA 250
Enclosuesfor Elecvicat Equpment(1OOO VottsMaximum)
National Fire Protection Association (NFpA)
DGCP-GCP 01-07sP-001
XNLD'rvioteovPetro P H O N GL U A T
aAr.rl;Cc xnc r.rnAr.r ()RIGIT{AL
P a g e1 7a l 7 0
@":r,:*! DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof cas Compression Platform at Dragon Oiltield
NalionalF re AlarrnCod€ Sla'rdafdslor P!rged and pressuriseaEnctosuresior Eectricat Equipment ( N a l o m l F n eC o d e sv, o t 7 )
Other Bodies ReportEE170E.98ER & E Version1.0 AtarmManag€ment c ! idetrnes Engineeng Equipmenl Maieriats Use|sAssociatjon (EEMUA) P u b l i c a t i oNno . 1 9 1 ,
ArarmSystems-a Guidero DesigrA,{anagem€ntand
EEC direclive9/3gi/EEC
fSE DlsplayscreenEquipment Regutations
GuideneforInslrument AasedSafetySysiems
3.2 ProjectSpecifications DGCP-GCP-o t -07-PH_001rnslrumenlalon andControtphtosophy DGCP-GCP41,O7_SP-008 Specfcationfo. ShUdownVatve -o7,sP-009 Specifcation DGCP,GCP-01 tor pressureSaf€tyV2ve DGCP-GCP{1_07-SP_0i 0 Sp€cilcaton lor ControtVa ve DGCP-cCP-{3 01_RP-001 Basisof Design(BoD) DGCP-cCP{4_06-SP-015ManualVavesSpeciitcation DGCP,cCP{4-06_SP-0 i6 PipingSpecifcation 3.3 Project Datasheets DGCP-cCP-04-O7,DS-001 hsl L-e.l Datasneerio. r ieo .-svJne-l(ro_Lj DGCP-GCP{4.07-DS.OO8 Insi.urnenl DalaShe€tior Shutdown Valv€ DGCP,GCP-04_07_DS_0og Inslrumenl DalaSheeifor ftessureSaietyVatve DGCP-cCP-04 07_DS_010Inst.ument DataShe€tfor Colko Vatve DGCP-cCP"04-09_DS_OOl rnsr!mentDaraSheetfor F&GDetecror (NOiD) 3.4
Project Drawings DGCP,GCP{1-07.J{21 Instrument HookUpDrawngs DGCP-cCP-Ol,o7,J{22 lnstrumeni Typtca I InsralationDrawinSs
XNLD"VieisovPetro" P H O N GL T ' A -
xAc rwnr.:e.oru ic oRlG!r$p"-
Paqe 18 ol 70
Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof cas Gompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION DGCP-GCP{1{7-J{23
Insvument Typtcat Earthing Detas
3.5 Order of Prec€dence ln lhe ev€nt of any coni c1 arising betweef this Specificationand o l h e r d o c u i n € n i ss l e d herein, refef comments to the purchaser for clariJicalionbefore desgn o. fabricaton commences,Theorder of precedenceihalapp ies is as follows 1 ApplicableStatuto.yCodesand Standard
3 PfojectData Sheets 4. This Sp€cificalon 5. ProjectDrawlngs 6. ProlectRefereice Doc!rients 7. CompanyDocuments 8- InternationatCod€sand Standards
DGCP-GCP{ I -07-SP-001
P a g e1 9 0 1 7 0
O*r:.*-* t Detailed Englneering tor TopsideFa.ilitySysiemsofcas Compression Platformat DragonOillietd ]NSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION SCOPE OFSUPPLY Th€ Vendorshat be €sponsibtefor ihe design,manuiacture, teslng and sLrpplyof nsr!menrsrnaccofdance prolectDaraSheets wih thjsSpeciftcation andassociated The Vendoris furtherrespons b e for rhes€t€cUon, sizing,catcutaiion, o: the instruments and ior thesupplyof appropriat€ catcutalions anddocumentaton as spectiied The Vendorshaltensurethatwofkrnanship, ,nateias and quatiryconjrclare to the highest standards ior alldetveredequjpmenr andthalontyprovenlechniques anddesignar€uUised. The VendorshaticonJirm thattheyare abt€ro fLry supporlthe teslingand servicing of lhe lnstruments and10offerspeciatjsi assislance whereapproprate Eachinsrrument sha consisroi a comptete tactoryasssmbted uni1.the un 1shal b6 suitabte ior lhe duty es detaitedon the appropriate pfojecrDataSheer fuly tesr€dand readyfor EachLrnit shal be comptele with,butnol imitedto lhefo owingequiprrrent andreqlirements .
Fullyassembl6d Instfunentwith accessor ss
Packagng andmalkngfor transpori
Inspection andTesung
Documenlaton, drawings andce.tircation
StarlupandCommjssonlng Spareprds
Conditions of Service The nstr!me.tshaltbesuitabte for thedeflnedprocess condttrons andfor rse on iheofishore pratiormDragonCompression plafformmarineenvifonrnent ptatfomtocaledin DragonOll 4.2
Vendor Exceptions The Vendorshallbe responsibte to submI rogerher wi:hthe Tender,a tist o: deviations or exceplrons to tlrisSpecijtcaiionln theebsence oi anyexceplions, it wi|]be conslrued lhatthe Vendorf! ycornpleswjthlhisSpecfrcarion.
DGCP-GCP,01-07,0 S0P1
X N L D" Vi e t s o v P e t r o ' PHONGLUAT
N sANodc Fnc r.ruA oRlGlhnl\L
( ,4--:'.-
myy.--,! Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOillietd INSTRIJMENT GENERALSPECTFICATION 4.3
Vendor SiandardEquipm€nt The V€ndormayofferslandardequiprn ent whch is suirablefor rhe specfreddesign, service and environm€nlal condilions, whereconmerciatof technicabendts may b€ iuslified.tn suchcasesthe Vendofshatlprovidea lser ltstdemonstrat n9 slgnncanr, retiabte oosraino ej(pe.ie-ce fo lheeo!D"1er(o,fe.eo,-rdersnia-se^icaco.dlionc In.uenoo.sra alsi idenllfyall excepiiofsto thespecfication asdetajedin Secion 4 2
DGCP GCP-01,07-SP_001
X NLDRsWstgovpetro" P H O N GL U A T
P z g e2 1 o l 7 0
x ^ c N H AN B A Nc d c
,:). ('@,=
m:::l:*-* E Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystems of cas Platformat DragonOitfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION GENERALREQUIREMENTS 5.1
Mat€rialsSelection & Corrosion Control ATImaleriats shal be as detaiedin th]sSpecincatonprojectData Sheetsard refe€nced speclflcations. Whenmateri€ts are notspectfied theV€ndormayofierlher sianda.dmater; sultablefor serviceard operalng/desrgn condttionsin a coastal martne safi tad€r t rs notthe inlention ofthisspeciticatron to excludethesLlbstilution ol othsrmaterials of equal or superiorqualily.Hovleverthe Vendormustobtatnwriten approvat from the plrchaser belofeproceeding withsLrbstitution and/or fabncaron. Careshallbe lakenin the se ectionof .nat€ria s usedwithinthe inslrument a.d accessoies ass€mblies to minimis€coffosionindlcedby processcondirionsenviro.mentat conditions andcombinatons of dissmtarr,retals All ilemson the instrument andaccessores assembty thal ar€ exposedto lhe environment shallbe of a non,conod ng nrateiai. Type304 staintess steetand simiarnon rnoybdenum auslenitic sratntess steels(e.9.302, 303)afe notacceptable dle 10chtodde sensjlrurly. Ailmateria s shat b€ newandunused, of cu.renrmanufacturer andireefromd€fect Alunrniumsha norbe usedtor anypanotrheequrpmenr nar maycomeInrocontactwththe processflLrd The use of Atumintum in any component shatibe subjectto apprcvatby !h€ Eollingshalibe ot likemateftat to th€equpmenlsuppied. Ait bottingmateriats ir pressudsed servrc€ stra b€ in accordanc€ wirhDGCp_Gcp_o4 06,Sp016,pipingSpecfrcaiio;, All.materials(inctuding gaskersand sealants)shal be free fforn the folowinghazardols
Polychlorob ph€nyts {pCB)andrheirtsomels
Allhazarddus materats sta besuppted vritha matertat safety datasheet(n4SDS)
D G C PG C P 0 1 - 0 7S P 0 0 1
Page22 ol 70
xric rusA n a.,irl ic ORIGIi.J,T-..-
@-1-:*^f, Detailed Engineering lor TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERALSPECIFICATION 5.2 Matsrial Traceabilityand C6rtification All materials usedshai havefullchemicalanaysisandmechanica iestcertfcatiofandshajl be idenlliiabl€ by rneansof cerlifiedmarkingsretatingto th€ avaitabte €llhenticmate.ial certi'cates.Maleriatcerlification requrrements shat be in accodancewiih N4al€riats in lvlanufactLj€ ard EN 10204,,t\,letac products _ Typesof Inspecton documents' 3.1Ccertitcalion shal be suppledin hydrocafbon andotherhazardolss€rucesand3 jB in olherservcestor wenedandpr€ssu.e retaining compon€nts. Al chel.nbalanaysessha be certfied by prodlcl checkanaysrswith th6 exceptionof Carbon Steel (Non-NACE)and Bronzefor whch tadt€ anatysislrjll be acceptabte. Cerlificaton for bolUng shattbeto Standard Designation 3.jB onlessstatedotheMse Wh€fe supplernentary requrementsor impacttestrfgin excessof the productspecilication are specili€d,rhe Vendorsha p.ovidecerlilicaronprovingthat bottingmeets the specified reqLrircmenls TheVendorsha keepalaiabt€rnanuiacturefs reportselc for examnationby the Purchaser o. theirfepresentative, for a minimumperiodof nveyea,s.t\,4inor componenr; for which the maieriatsare not specificay designated shatihave physic:tand chemtcal properlies corsislentwiththarofthe rnajorcomponents. [.laterials {or use in coidservice(0.C and betow),aloy steetmaleriats, and mateiats6 mm thickor lessshallnot be hardstampedor popma.k€d.A[ markings sha be by vibrc-erching or by Purchaser apprcved patnt Whereihe equiprnenl operalesin a corrostve servic€(e.S carbondioxtdedissolved if ,wet nydrocarbongas) all processweted materialsshal be suitabteio. corosive service. Corosivecomponents in the processfluidand the requirem€nr ror NACEcedt,icatJon, is ndicaledor theProjectDalaSheets. 5.3 W6i9ht Control The Vendorshall erercse an acliveweghl conl.olslstenr throughcutthe desgr and fabricalonoflh€ Equipmenl.TheVendorshal submilanEquipment We;ghiDalaSh;etwilh weighlandcentreofgraviryintomaton. 5.4
Transportation Loads lf €qlired lhe Vendorsha provjdetrafspodalion supports for oadng an.j ranspodingihe assembed ard completed packages fromVendofs worksby eilherroadand/orsea
Certifying Authority The Purchasershal enslre lhal alt applicabtetechncat documenta|on or nspeclion requr€mentsspecinedby the CedifytngAlthoriry are inct!dedir rhts Specificalion or associal€d ProlectDataSheets
oVibtsovPetro" XNLD
Page23 ol 70
i A c N r HrA. ra A N ' ORIG'lI i.,'r'
DetailedEngineerinq for ToDsideFacility Systemsof cas Cornpression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
General rngenerat,irstr|rn,ent desgnandseleclion sha totow DGCp_ccp,o1-07-pH 00t ' nstr!mertatron andControtphiosophy. All field transmitrsssha be microprocessor bas€d,intrinscaltysale (tS) for equpment locatedinahazardousareaexceptsotenoidvatves,whchwitoeexptoso;p;ooitt,pJ.. ",. Al lransmi|ersshal haveintegrajLCDindica
roca, roop nd caror sha,o;",* ,n"*jiliii:iff'."JH,#::'il:ji;i i Hj,ji TwoMnd-hetd catibra|orrconfisurarjon " unilssha b" *oot,"a," !""ur" confguration or c€tibration fromanypointin the toop.
Sealsand purgesshallbe usedas nec€ssan / to €nsure'e iable'nskumentperfomance, subiectto the purchas€r's approvar. Arllransmilrers andinstr!ments sha be catibft
carr ecortwrhequipmeir;; ;; ;l;:,fi i::1:,".1':i?iff i,i:I:;-lu; ";";iland kansnilter.Funclionat;ecks Depfovidedfor eachinstrumenl loggedon sitepriorlo inslaltaton.
* O"n",r* r"O
Intrihsically Safe Circuit Forinlrlnsicajly safe{tS)jnslr!rnent circus, galvaficrypeisotators shaltbeused. lsoa(ngbaraers shaI be of the pluq_in tvDe_ o L n , € ! da . a t o d l a - b a c ^ o a n e r e . n , l a f o n
The lS solatorsshal be cenrtied for connection
arearheceriirication shar;r;;;";;;;;;ffiln"i'j,"n]:non
" ""n*
Ingress Protection All.equipmenr tocatedoutsideinctuding €nlres and btankhgptugsslra be dlst tishtand p,""ll" rninimum or rp65accodfsto tEc60s2e. yl;", rnsrr;e",. " ro pu.chaseis shaI be subjecl "",;;il.,;;; approvat. Instr!r - -n€n6 molfled n €qLripment roomswithout air conditlo.efmeyhaverpt ""i*6"" Inslrument€tion sha be abteto withslandfot or envr.nme,.racondirions, b,t aso thepefiodc resrinsofinu o",,n" o, r,," no"'luf:rJ;:ted
D G C P - G C P { {I 7 S P . { ) O I
Page2. ol70
g*:r**..8 ffif:
ropside Faciritv svstems of GasCompression :lBE"jISror
Cable Entries Cableentriesto instfliments shetbe Z" N
bush,.s Eecrrca 0"",""" :l:::::ni;J:,ilT1,ff;:f;::'J:j 0,11":: """""","0,"
caeableofpreventing thetransport of prccessmeoE ntomfduitsorlunctionboxes Instr!menlation cabte€nkiesfor encosuressha be %, NpT femate as € m nimum 6.5 Cableclands
h generat,cabtegrandsshaitgeneraUy be of the mechancacompression ly?eand sharl inctud€inregratfaciltes fo. securin!and bonding lhe armourngoi the fr," orrno manuhcllrershatspecifva nominaled grandtvpeano.o", *-*** a "rUL. rn,r i"i* "".i cabl€ grandsshat be of a typ€whichs lurry nspectaore wilholt the needto disrurbcabre 1e.m/nations orlhe eafihconUnuity ot armourc amptng andearthjng. Cab€gtands shaltmaintain at leastlhe s lfotecrionasainsli.s€ss or drsr andmoisrure as rheequrpm"", ,ff;:r"::i:ror """ "",," Cableglandsfor teminalionat equipment in haza.dous areasshalthavecomponent approval by a recognised cedfyngaujhorly. Cabe glandsshaltbe madeof nickel-cadrniun ptaledbrass,:raveNpT lhreadsand the lengthoithreadshal be thatat teastfive(5)th.€ads are n tneuquipm"nt entryto ensurethecedification "ngag"O is nxain{atned "ncro";ro Ar grandsshat be suppredwith wsath€rproof shfolds of thermosetling fubbermalerial suitable for ihe envlfonmen!, {tanreretardanl, hatogen f,eeaid lowsmokee;ission. AdaptorsandreduceG for cabtegtandsshal be madeof lhesarnemaierialas theglaod. Whereadaptors or reducers areused,or t€r
shar hav6 componenr,,,."" ;;;;;ili::J":"ffi11'ffi:llJ:'"":f,ff:il,:iT: equipmenl lype.
Ali,cableglands shaiibe provid€dwith neoprene sea Ing wash€.sbetweenrhe gtandand the outertace ofrhe equipmenlorgtand pate. Al Cable gla.ds shal be pfovidedwirh earth lags sea ing washer and locknuls.Eanh tags a.d rocknutsshal be of brass Serratedwasher sha be providedto dampef v,U"t,"" oiii" cabtegtand/equipment€ssembtywhich may toosen the cabtegland. Cab e glandsfor lse u,ithannoured/b€idedcabte wit be d!al_ce.tifiedExd and Exe Gtands so cenitiedrnaybe used n combinaljo.wiih apparaius havinganv other iorm oi ceiirication rmposilionof this req!irenrenrensuresihar
conrusior be,ween seem n,v;,;;;;",;i ;";,*;:H"J:,[:ji:T
*,*, t
C€b e glandsior lse v/ithnon_armoured cab e wrrioe specr ed for lp raiing a.d considerar on shal be grvenlo th6 !se of plastictypes
D G C PG C P O I O 7 . S PO O 1
Page25 ot 70
myy**il DelailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacility Systemsof cas Compression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION cabieglandslor electrcate! u pmenlir nonhazardoLs areaswilbe slandardndoortype. Cablelugs
Crmpingtypecabletugsot approprare sze shoutdsiritfo. the co.€ cross,secrion of power andContralcabtes. Necessary s €eviigshaltbe provided overthetugs ConductoG shaI be fttedwithapproved prcrnsulaled crimp€dpinsfor connecUon tnloctamp lypelemlnalsorf ledwithcdmptlgs for studtermnas. Llgs shate therbe pre_insLrlated or heaishrinksh.oudssha b€ fjttedto un-insLrtated rugs. Allc€be lugsandcrimpsshaI be of rhepropri€ly manufacr!re a.d of the i^sutaled typeafd lne core nsulalion sha rot be cLrtbackso ta. ihatbarecoppe.s exposeawhenttrelug or Cl mp pinsandlugsshatbe subiecred roCOMpANyapprova CableSupportand lnstallationMaterials 6 7.1
Cabletraysupporiandaccessories Cabe taddersuppodnaleriatshallbec:rbonsteelo AST[4436or equva
ent parts Al of the supporisystemand ts accessories shal be free from bufs and sharp prorfusrons ro prevenldamageto cablesduringinstaation. Wherecut at ste, raw edges shallbe property repaireC andpfotected witha suilabepa nt. A cable supportsyslernshal be provtdedto suppoi cabing, ifstatjed pa€ et or pependicular lo strLrctlrat nremb€rs. Whenonlyoneor twotowvottageor conirotcablesare lo be runon a padicr]tar routelhen(Jntslrut channelor ftalbarmaybe used Standaftilray sgctionsandcomponeirts sha[ be lsed The rad]ls shaitb€ compatibte with themrnimum bendi.gradusot thesupporteo caDe. Al hardwarewhichwi b€ usedto fix the cabretraysor tadders(nuts, bolts,elc ) shailbe stanlesssteet 6 1.2
Cable Tag and [,4arker Cable markerc shal be of srai.tesssreetsheet 316 grade on wh]ch the cabte nunrberhas been p nled by rneansof etedcpher punches.Alt cable markersshall be red jo lhe cabe usrngnyton coated stainlesssleet cabie tes. Cab e ma.ke.ssha be identjfiedal each eno a n da t b o i f s i d e so f a r y l f a n s i tp e n e t r a t r oann d a l b o t ht e r mf a t i o n ooinls. Tlre cabi€sarjd co.e identifyng lerru es shaltbe suppliedof approved make and quatity.The fertulesshall be c rcltar alphanumeric tlpe. Adhesivewmp aroundlypes a.e nor acc€piabte. Cab€ cores sha[ be idenlifiedw]th permanentmark€rs The feru ing detats sha| include C a b l en u L ' r b e/ fC o r en u m b e/r T € r m i n antu m b e r .
x A c N H AN e A i l r ' i c
P.ge 26 of 70
oy-.*- ! Detai,edEngineeringfor ToDsideFacilitySystems of cas Compression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
CableTe Al cabtetes sha| be siainless steel316gradewilhnytoncoated. The cab{eties,wtr:ng/ rnarkng accessories shaltbe of pafdutt,BAND{T ThomassI Be,. Hetlermann Tlon or app.oved equal
The cabtetadde.sandtraysshaltbe uitra,violet resistantend suitabtetor nslaationin an of{shor€ environment. Thetifespanshallberntnrmum Z0 ye3rs The cabietaddersand traysshat be m;
rhey sha be made ofstai ; il];;;i::TH:i,j:::#l.rui::ii5:::l'"",tT StainlessSteel:Slraighlsec|onandfittin 'li.* m€de ofArstrvp€ 316srainlass :il :til' sraer. r,""""","" (t'nn") o' corlgaled " boltoms shall oe weldedlo ""'"0",1t::::^':t the srderaitswrthrype 3,6 .a ,etweldingwire Hardware sha be AtStType316 ",",n""" starnress steet. LadderCabteTraysshallconsisloJ two ongitldinal members{sideraiis)witn transverse members{rungs)weided to lhe sde ra s. Rungsshat be space;300rrn'"; ;;"n spacingin radiused ltttrngs sha|be ifdush "";,;r.
wd,hEach tuns .,'' ;"**".
;:i::il:.:::,::"1i1: "i;;;.",1ilJ::,J::":T,","'i""i
cabtekay wjiha saf€tyfaclo.of 1.SwhensLrpponed as a simptespanandtestedperNEMA VE 1 5.2 Straightsectjorsshal be suppiedin slandard 3000mmtengths.Cabtetray/ladder widths shattbeshownon dra\eings at MOT 6.8
Multi-Cable Transits (|VCT) L4ulli-cable lransitsshat atrvaj,s be usedwherecaoteshaveto pass: , Throughwa s, roors:nd floorsor
,azaroous areas **,,.",
J5:lT;:","**''"" " *"i:fi
o''oomsto open
. Throughbtastwaltsofnrew6ls, " or tnrcughsorddecks l,iulli-cabtetfansitsare lo be e]thera ft
mnmum ormar nesmde . , ",,,ilfff::";::[iil", ililH:T';l l;"J; materiatil is to be frxedinio.A ","" transI fran oe suilablefor weldlnginloplace
lange typet€ns framessn",,no,o" u."ol"t "n'"
Cablernsenbtocksare to be manutactur€d irom halogenfree,nonfammabte,nturnescenl erasrcrner c poymer.Theyarero be nradeavaitabte tn modutes zesfrom15 m" a ,ZO|n", and lo be abe lo s€at cabtesfrom 3 mm lo 100 mm in dianretarwithoutadditjonat modflcatiofon instalalon Eachsize of blockis to toterate andseat€ 3 mm variailon in cabtesize.Theindivtduabtocl narvesare to b€ c eadycotour cod€dwilhlhe mint.nurn andmaxrnumcablediar",", *f,,J,, DGCP-GCP,01 07_SP_001
XNLD 'Vi6idovpetrc"
Page 27 ot 70
P H O N GL U A I X A C N H A N E ] A NI ' ) C
: ()RlGtf\.1P.:-
g::*:"*'f DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dragon Oilfietd
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION s desrgned to sea clearlyident{iedon bolhexterfa surfacesio ensLrre correcrnslalation Eachpar of blockhatvesis io be manltactured tncorpo.ating sea ng groovesatongthe inlerna iaces to enabledisptacernent of spar€ rnaierataroundthe cabie when undef compress on to ensuregastightandwatertighlseating. Stawlatesare lo b€ manufactured from br€ssor sbinlessslee and insertedbenveen horzonla .owsoi €able nsertbtockswithinlhe stee fiameltself.WherepressLtrc in exc€ss of 3.5 bar is expected, slayplat€swhichhavebe€nslirabtytested,are to be usedrogerher withan addUona5 mm packingstripfof ncroased compress ofr. The compfession systemis lo cornprise of a compression ptaleand end_packer. Thethreepaatendpacker unltis to be tnstaledffomore sld€,afd onlyorce an exlernalcompression too has corecUycompressed the transr.The side etementsoi lhe end packerare ro incofporale st€e pinslo evenlydistribLrie pressure to lhe compression pLat€. Al componenls of lhe transitsystemarero be tubricated with a sr conetujrtcantto ensure eas€oi installaiion andposstbte t!luredemo!nling for cablea eraIons Where electromagnelic compalbtity is requtred,the tfanstt sysrem is io meet the r€qLrrrcmenls oi89/336/EEC E!ropeanOirective l,4ullicabetlansilssha havethefoltowiigcerliJication fequrcments: ' Tesledsnd approv€dA C assmarineapptications as deiinedby the l\4OandSOLAS 74 regulatonsregafdingcabtepef€irationsare such r.at penolrahorssholtd b€ capabeof restricling the effecrsof fre to the sameiegfee as the deckor butkhead lhroughwhi€htheypassandshatibetesledaccordingty_ . Approv€d for'H CtassHydrocarbon (.letFjreTest) appticatjons ' Aocepled andapprov€d by Lloyds,DNV ABSafd BV. . ConshJcted andtesledto DtN4102-9andtEC60092-390 6.9
CableTerminations All t€rmiGionsshallbe screv/clamptypeterminals for 2 5 mm, conductors nrinimum (no flyngleads)andcorrectty cerliited wherenecessary. lfsutaledcr rnptugsshal be usedfor €tl cablecoreconnections, withorlyoneconductor p€rteftninaiside Allcabecores/ pairs,incllding spares sha belermrnared. Eleclrical flying eadsshallbe term'nated . a suilaby appovei tuncron bot
6.10 ElecVicalContacts Allrelalsandswitchesshallbehermetcalys€ated, andthoseu|tlsed n 24 VDCcontro|ogic circuitsshal havegoldptaredcontacts rated0.5Ampat 24 VOC Thoseiniedacing w|r tield equipmentshaiibs rated2 Amp24VDC
DGCP-GCP 0 1 0 7 - S P0 0 1
Page28 al 70
X N L D" V i e t s o v p e l r o " PHONG LUAT XAC NHAN BAN '
.' (
,4'4 '
m:t:** f, Detailed Engineering tor TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION All switchcontacts shailbeSpDt minmurn 6.11 lnstrumentCable fypes andsizessha be as fo ows:
l n d i v l d u a l s c € e n , 1m . 5r n z conduclors.SinaleDan
] I n dv d u a l a n dO v e r a ls c r e e n ,
Individua screen, 1.5mm? DO & 24 VDC
0 75 m0'?condlctors.[/ultioairs Overa lscreen, 1.5mm,
N o s c r e e n2, . 5 m m ' ? c o f d u c t o rZs , No screan,2.5nrm'conductorc,
krger s zes shal be lsed whererequnedlo keep cabtevoltagedrcp betow 2./oof the suppty voltage. Cablecorcs shaltbe cooured as to o!rs: 24VDCDgilatCircuits:
posilve_WhiteNegatve,Biack Posillve- While, Negalive- Back
Cableoutersheathsshatbe coouredasio ows: Intr isically Salei
Tho conduciorof Ihermocoupte exrenson pahs snati be soljd alloy wire that is
Cablesshallb€offshoretypecomlying wth tEC60092 Cabes shallbe categorized as iolows: Category 1 - FireRetardantType Cablesof thistypeshatlbe usedfor all circuttsnorcoveredby Caregory 2 ,nd shal compty wilhlhe reqLrtr€menrs or rEC60332-3 (care_cory C) Calegory2 - Fire ResistantType Cab es of lhis type shai be used rof atcrcLrts rhar have a safety related iu.crion, or are req!fed ro remain operarionalunder emerceicy conditions Ths inct!des alr parts of F&G
D G C P , G C P - 0 1 , 0S7P 0 0 1
PEge29 oi 70
LD'lVietsovpetro" PHONG LUAT
eiN . ic ixAc r'rHAr.r C)RlGEiri-*,,
Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompresslon Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION systenis,ESD syslems,waming beacans,lrc contro slstems, and power supp ies to those systems.Thess cables shail complywi:h the requiremenlsof tEC 6C331and tEC 60332,3 (cetegoryC)or better
6.12 TubingandFittings AlLtubngandftiingssha (OD), be lmp€rtal siz€sexpressed in nominat oltsdediameter andarlthreadsshal be NPT. Processlo-instrun"6nl lmpulselines pneumatic supples(downskeam oi iitter/rcgLrlalo.s) and pneumatic gnal s linesshaLl be rui n seamless 316sslubjngto ASTM4269(uNSs31600). lmpulselinesshaLbe 1/2 O0, DneLrrnalLc ItresshaI be 3/8' OO unt€sssoecificaoolcations reauiretireuseofothersizes Stainlesssteel tubingsize and wal thicknesses sha be as detaled betow.Maximum allowabe workingpressures led arealsodeta for eachsizeandwallthickness % ODx 0.035'
% oD x 0.065'
63 MPagause
3/8 OD x 0.035"
wa thickness
3/8'ODx 0.065
39 MPagauge
Z' ODx 0.065'
lNote 3r8 and 1r'tub,ng a'e tre prefered srTes N,leticsize and 0.048 wa1 thicknesstubingshaLinot be lsed Threadedconnectionsshall be NPT ior all componentsand piping and tubin€ stsrems for processand ulilitr€sconnec|ons TFE ihreadsealaft shallbe used on al threededconnecUons. Tape shall not be used. Iubjng and fillings sha bo 31655 unless specfted otietuis€. Tube ftrings shatbo twin ferrulecompressionlype.Al iittingssha be lhe sane approvedbrand Tubing s hal be supporl€dand prot€ctedby sbin ess steelangle/channeor taddedtrayalong the complete length of each run and shatt be fasten€dw(h staintesssleel saddtesat a maximumof 1rn intervalson slraightftlns. Channelor lray supportfor tublngruns shal be siz€dfor a rninimumcapaoty of 30% greater AILpneumatc exha'rsl pods and b.eathersshall be filled with bug screens,insb[ed facing
D G C PG C P . O l0 7 S P { o 1
Page 30 of 70
xAc NHANeAi';c ic OR!GIFi"-.
M::':--..t Dotailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystems of GasCompression Platfo.mat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 6,13 InstrumentProcessConnections All instrument conneclions to pioeworksha|be 3/4,NpT,exceptthernrowejtswhicnshal be 1-112'ANS RFttange. Inslrument conneclions lo vesselsshallbe minimized tvithpreference g ven to placement in prpes.vesse connections shaltbeasiotows:
OrliceDP Flow
Leve Gauge
2 Flang€
Exteror LevelSwLtch
4 Fiange
Leve DF Pressurelnstrumenl. (Vesset)
%' NPT 1 "F l a n g e
%, NPT
PfessLreinsk!ment (P p ns) A n a v s e r( P . o i n o l
2 FJanEe
%' NPT
"ul t-1|t2" F ange
Thermo well(Vessel) Thennow€ll(Piplis)
1-112F arye
%" NPT
rnstrumentbrdles shal be constructed of 3 p]pe wrh 2" ANst RF Rangedvessel connecions,fited with 1/2, NpT v€nt and drcingatevaves top and bolrom.Bridtedrain valvesshal be €onnecled to thectos€ddrans system . Leveirnstruments, brides andstandptp€s shallbe providea with isola(onvalvesof thesane s ze andratingas thevessettapping. Flangesshal be in accordance \MthANS 816.5withgasketfac€sudaceroughness timted to a naximum oI6.3m crcn 6-14 Radio Frequency Interterence Equpmentshallbe unafiected by radolransmrss ons Bandpass and/orbandslop fitterssha[beitted,as necessa.] Transmissrofs fromihe rcdrocommunicatons syslenw I rakeptacen lhe lotowingbands. wheretheanticipat€d powerts as indicaled orderoftransmjlted 1.5-22GHz
D G C PG C P , 0 1 - 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1
Page31 ol 70
XNLD"Vietsovpetro" P H O N GL U A T X A C N H AN R A N '
my::*-"'il DetailedEngineeringfo. TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compressioh Platformat DragonOilfield
118-T40 MHz
150-163 f.4Hz
450-470MHz A 5 watt R[.4S ha.d,he.dtransmitier in the50 2OOand400,460 MHzbands,positonedwirr the m d po ntsof i5 aerat no morelhan300mm frome ecrronic.s modutes(withpan€ doors open), shatlnot impairor degrade thep€rformance oflhatmodute 6.15 EarthquakeLoading As all of the Purchaser,s sitesarc subjeclto sesmicactvity a instumenreleciricat trames panersand rackssha be securety fixedin positionTheVendoasStr!ct!ratEngineers shatl be conslrtedcn al proposed iixingdetaisandforrnats. 6-16 Plant ElectricalSupplies Thefolowngvoll€lessuppties shal be useo] rrslrum€nt, ConlrolLogc andSot€noid Suppy,
2 4 VD C . 1 0 % / + 1 5 % f r o mU p S
InstrumentAC S!pp es
220VAC15% 50 HztuomUpS
LocalInstr!mentli !minailon
230VAC15% 50 Nz
Arleq!ipmentsha b€ suitable fo. opemtion betueei theabovelirnts of the retevanl suppty voLtage andshalloperate co.reclty w h n thefo|owings! pptyvaiations: . Vo tag€depressiof 1080%of syslemvolagelor up to 10secofdsdurng motorsra.Ung .
SystemfreqLrency tote€nceof j1% co ncdentw th theaboveAC votlagevartation.
6_17 Plant Earthing Systemsfor Instrumentation
Threeseparateeafihingsyslerns shatbe provided: . Elect cal SaletyEarth- Bondedto llre sir€eadhgridandui isedfof e ectricat satetyoi melaencosures andchass s onatinstruments ande echcatccmponents '
lnstrument CleanEadh- Ins!aledfromthe silesrrlcrlfe andothermetatwo utitis€a for inslrufientcablescreensand bondedto the mainelecirca eadhngsystemat a
DGCP-GCP,o1-0 S7P 0 0 1
xNLD"Vietsovpelro" P H O N GL U A ]
aAt: ic xac ruuAru _o_[ l{:: i F$;rr 1
PaEe32 ol70
my::-*t 3;?li*:iB';"n";fSror
ropside Facilitv svstems ofGascompression
Intrinsicatty sateea(h_tnsLrtated f.omrhes te strlctureandothermetatwork,!rrtised tor termnatonof S galvanicbaner eadhconneclors,and bofded to the marnejectrtca ea.mrng sysrem ata s nge point
6.18 HazardousArea Requirements The hazdous ar€a ctassific€rion shal be ii accordance wilh ihe rcquirements of Api RPsO5 At €quipmentusedtn hazadous€reasshal be cenifedby appfoved bodiessuchas IEC PTB,CENELEC, BASEEFA, FM,UL.CSA, The nrajorilyof lhe fetd molntsd inslrumenlaionwii be moLrntedrn Cass 1 Zone 2 nazaroousareas, with some in Zone 1 dassinedareas and sonre n .on,hazardous areas For the pupose of standardizaton,at fietdtnstrLrrnents sha| be cediiled for use in Cass 1 Zone 1, croLrp llA, tempe€lurc rating T3 cl?ssted areas This includes all instruments
molnredin ion-hazardolsareaso!tsiderooms
For reasors of standardization, alt fi€td mounted elecl.icat equipment used for inslrumentalion circ!ilsshaIulitizethefielhodsof prot€clonllsted betow,and b€ cerUlsdfof .
- intrinscaltysafeEx i Transmitlerc
Varvepositonswitches - intinsicay saf€ExI
Conlrolvalve post oners intrinsi€tysafeEx
Soenoidvalves- Exposionproof/fameproof Exc
Elecirichand-switchesntrtnscaltysa{e Ex
Signalling lamps- Exposionprcofl{lajn€proot Ex d
Junctonboxestor IntrinscatySafeCircuils _Wealherproof non-sparking cedifiedExe
Junclonboxeslor Non-tnirinstc€ y SaieC rculs_Exptosion proor;FtameproofEx d.
lf speca rnstrurnentaton can not be paovdedwith the abovenrethodsof prot€cton,ihe. allernaivemethodssuttabte for the ctassifedareaand cenifiedby an acceptabeAuthoriiy may be propos€d.The Vendorsha srbrnita technicatreportjlsU{yingthe inskument seleclon forthe Purchaseds consderatoir. The Vendorshali provde a dossierot a[ nazardousarea eq!]pment containing al informatoopertinentlo the hazardous ar€awork.The doss€r sM[ inctudeur ""*"""ry cerliicatesdrawingscatcutat ons,cataogle inforrn at on dataandsoecificalion sheetsetc. li addilion, a eq!ipment andpfoleclive systems mlsr be marked t€gtbly a1d ndetibiy with thetollowiog minimum padculals:
DGCP-GCP-01-07,sP 001
XrufO 'V-ie-iswper.i JHOAIG
x AriC c Nrvr HA itg4^ rJ:.T^l oRq.'
P a q e3 3 o l 7 0
@--:*-.; DetailedEhgiheeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Plattorm at Dragon Oilfietd
Nam€andAddress ol the]\4anufactuer
yea. of Construction
Allinlomaton ess€ftiatto thei:saieuse
6,19 Envirohmentalproteciion All equipmenl andpfolecting enctosures sha| be desigoed andinsiaited to be iiffor_purpose iof the locatconditon.Outdoofequipment shaI hale a weatherproof raiingIo tEC60529ot lP65minimum Wher€h gherdegreesof protection are requfed as palt of the cerlrficaton requremenifu, expLosron protected apparatusthehtghervatueshal be used PaintingandProtective Coatingpaift ng shaI be apptedto inst.urnentation equipment and malerialslhal wtt corode in the envronmertaconditionsn which lhey are instaed. Appiication shallbe fifforpuDoseandcotourssha be appropriate lo codesand standards ard to Purcnasefs preference 6.20 MaterialRequirements 6.20.1 ComponenlMaledats Malerialsshat be serected w th regardto thefo lowtngc| i6ria: . Suilariityior thespecifedprccesscondilions, r,/ith31655tnernn rnumior useoutside fuly enctos€d rooflts. .
Suitabiity ior rhecorfosjve effecrsof theatmosohere
Galvaniccornpatib[ity belweendissim]lar n aterratswith sota|ngbushes,ptares,Lrsed wherenecessary to prevent cor.osion dueto gatvanc action
Purchaserapprcvatsha| b€ obtainedfor lhe use ol atlminumfor any inskument cornponent. Allrntnlr.mayonlybeUsedif no oih€rsujlabe maleriasavaiabefrom the manutact!.er, andshallnot be usedfor anycomponent in conlaclwlh ihe process fluio ti allmtfumis usedfor anyhoirsngof conrponent it shallbe slr aby coatedand cerlifiedas copperfree i.e tessthan0 4%copperbymass.
Matera for atl Ex e lunclon boxes afC Inslrumenielectron cs and lerminatioh holsings sha be31655.
Revso0 n
XNLo"vietsovpiiiF pHc-rNc r uAr
x 41-1H4 n a; r,.- _-
Pag€34 of 70
my:.:-*.! Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacllitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION .
AIJproposed plasticcomponents shal be non-tox c andirreresstantUVstabilised, and compatrb e withlhe environm entst€onditions.
Allsplndes, bushings botitng sdewsetc,shatbe manuiaclured troma suijabe grade ot slainless steet, All brackets,fidingserc shat be fabr caledfrom 31655. All maieralfo. inslrumentation, ifl contactwlh processiluid conrainingCO, In excess ol 1S6KPa partia prcssure,shat be as fotows:
FluidTemo < 7 1' C
Materialto beused ASrNl4182-F316 (31655)
> 7 1' C
ASTI\4 4182-Fsl(2205dupexstee)
6 20.2 l,4oudedPoly€sier Conoonents polyest€lpanssha be anti,slatic lvloulded for hazardous areatocatons,andjn geferatbe constructed iiom Uv-stabiJised gtass.e nforcedpo yester.Surfaceresstancesha be tess than109OHMS.lmpact ressla.celo be-25%(ENS0.14).
D G C PG C p 0 1 , 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1
ovpelro" PHCNG
aAr! c,'ic O R I G (c\ii"a.,
Page35 ot 70
ropsideFaci Iitvsvstems ot GasCompression 3;11i:*:i3':"r"i:"3ror sPEctFtcArroN !!!IEqu!xI eENERAL 7 7.1
INSTRUMENT DESIGN Shutdown Valve, Blowdown Vajve and tsotation
Reierlo Document No.DGCP_GCP_01 ,0Z_S p_008.speciiicalion 7.2 Pressure Safety Vslve ReferIo DocurellNo.DGco.ccp0.-07so 009 'Soecificrlion pressure for SatelyVatue, Control Valve and pressure RegulateVatve - -0/-sp.o. 'Specilicatjon Rpre-to DocumelrNo DCCp-cCp-0 U ForConirotVatve' 7.4 Rupture Disc or Bursting Disc Rupluredisc of bLrrsting disc type pressureretef devicessha nol be used as prtmEryretief oevrces!nress approvedbythe purchaser. For delail specificalion,refer to Doc!ment No DGCp,cCp-C1 07 Sp,O09 Specificauonfor PressureSatetyVatve'
SolenoidVatve Solenoidvatvecoiis shaltbe tow power 24VDC Sotenoidvalves sha be direcr-acUng lype. Allsolenold vakes shall be exptosiofproofand certifed for use in Class I Zon", Cr*O,iA,
T3,hazardous area,andwealherproofed rominimum trOSrn" tooyunC0,. ,",",," ti"ii soenoidvalvesshaltbe 31633 andconnection podsshal be f.rpi. Solenoldvatles sh€l be setectedso thal orificeI "rn,"t,.r']r "iy.; coffecl valve
shar be epory encapsuratea,mourded,and tropilrazrieislarrow
slrokinglinres coirs
Solenord.valv€_sshati come cornptetewiih inl€gral exposron prool 31655 tefrninalionbox equippedv/jthfixed wiringterminatsand a iree_wheeling diode. Manlal resets shatl be providedfo. sotenod vatves on specifiedshutdown or btowdowf
PressufeInstrumenl 76i
Materialsfor processwettedpads of tnstrumer
p,oj€c, p,p nsspecir€iio,''.J.; ;,; ** ;il:":iJ,il:'j:::ff ;fi
-* ." ".l"ff]l
In addiron to the pfocess soraronvarv€ pressureinstrlments shar be providedwirh crose coupledmanlloldsprovd i.q racilitiesfor iso a|on of e *r, i. prr"" ,*, .q, a,.a." ii*A rn
oGcPGCP01 07-SP_001
XNLD"VietsovD eir-..," PHONG LiJl.. X A C N H AN 8 A \
m:ll**-t DetailedEngineeringfof ToDsideFacility Systemsof GasCompression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFTCATION and testing Op gaugesand switch€s be pr-ovrded wth 5 valve manifoldsoP ffansmrners (exc€pting Dp ,"u", rr"n"o,:n:l
prov ded w,h u* "",""n"0" ":n ;'I fl[*1 :il:']::ff Tl":l1l"l" ""0,conneclronand l'4aniioldsshat be with % NPTF process
%.venrdrarf confectron godv and weneo pairs mateial sha| b€ 316 SS ior Etl manifolds Manifoldshallbe protded as pe;data sheet r€quirodrnent Inslrumentsshaltbe mountedabovethe tapprngrorgas
€nd betowfor liq! ds. Pressureinstrurnentsshallbe mounted srrch lhat ihey may be easiv 'emoved and adjusled wrrnolr deronifg impulsetines A| ofessurenstrumentsshal be d fecied 'noJnleo or rrotrled so as 1omrn rnize the length of impulselines. oveFrang€ prorectorssha' nol be appri.dwithoLt the wrrtrenperrnissionof rhe purchaser PfocessftuidsshaI not be piped]ntoany ConrrotRoom/BuIding 7.4.2
Pressureand Differentiat pressLrre Gauges All pressufegaug€sshal be directmou,rl and sha have4 inch dia s with scat€rn Kpa. Gauges shalt withstand150 o/ of the mar m anlictpatodpressurewithout afieclng their car:bralion P!lsation dampenersor sn!bbe.s shatibe I
asrecprocatns purnp and 31655 construclon,wiih a "",,,"""",",":ij"':::::$'jll"J::[:1;:lll:,i':fi;,J,1 screweCretainil
;:.".::;,T,nT" ;$fJ:*lJff; !t"".".,1.y,*,,y.,1^"",,",.il;##i;
oe.shatefp'oof grsss or acrvlicplastc and shsrr r,""" ,u"r n",.'ng" on -;;; u *,.rt" backagrolnd.Btowoutproroctjan shalr be provjdedon al gauses ;."";;" conn€cted direcljyto thepressure " sourceV t"o"ec blowouiptugssharr be instarjed on rnerowersjdeor thecase,or,o"u,,orn,"runun
,lrliHT Acclracy sauses. sha rbewrlhin 15% ::""":::.i:::J:,ff 840 1 ",:i:t::#lfr
Gaugeconneclonsshal be Za NpTM bollol exceptior receivergauges wh ch nravhavez" NprM back connection Bourdo. tubes shn ' n s e r e m er { o - ' a n e e se ' e a r e . , a r j J ' ( p a B e r o w se . F r F * o"' ^::_j:",:"::"n",,
sea,ce upro.00KpdIhe,.",,,." ::: i'ilif"'i;':'"i,,,i:"i #: coefiicient ""#,: andbe prcperry flexed,healirealeoanosrressre ievedfo. minmumhysteresis.
Arl galges shali be s!itabtefor ofishor€rn€ine enyironrnentat condttionAlt t","r""t"-r"a exlernatparts sha becorrosion resstantby chotceoi mater€s. Pressure gaugesshaI be liquidf]liedas sl€noara, usrngfluidsas tsled
D G C PG C P - 0 1 - 0 7 _ S0P 01
P a g e3 / o t 7 0
-s,$[8@1--'; __-!rHoNG Liji:
DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFaciljty Systemsof Gas Platforh at DragonOilfield
up roo.cokPalrtarnurn
. _45'to 65"c
- -_-:,.A
Gaugerangessha be setecledirom those tis that lhe norrnaorerains pressu€wil feadberween ,,, ,no'?Lo,r','ilast'ch "00,"",.",",, 100](P€,160Kpa,2S0Kpa 4OOKpa,600Kpa 1000Kpa1600Kp€,2500Kpa,4OO0 Kpa, 6000Kpa,10,000 Kpa,16,000 Kpa,25,000Kpa. 7 6.3
Pressure andD fferenriatpressureSwicnes s\a oe dapt_rasro.prsro.r)oewrrhr_j-iercd ::":*,:'",.^l: , sed€dsirqtepo.e doubte ihrow(SpDT)mic.o-switch rared1
,a,,e ap,ocess ,sora, o,**,*- "*" lliill"Y?'"ilff; ::":ij':Ii;I::;T"
appliedon ulllilyseruice. Pressure swiiches shalthavetamper_prootset potrtadlusl;ent-, Pressureswitchdeadbandsha b€ tessthan lhe differcnce betvveen the normaloperatng pressure andsetpornl
Sel pointshal noi be lessthanSO%of the shallbe adiusiable wthoulvolali'g the nameproor Inlegrity of rhe ). A separaro covershat giveset po nt adjLrsLnent "*,"n "." ""r,.t:9::The sur'rlch elemenlshafiwthstand
an o without..ross or*'o*."" o*"","",url"n'"lilt""i'i.'.l'"-:J H":1::J;i,#H:::: conrecrron sharlbe botronr entrv,316ss threaded % NprF andeeclrca
"""""",,"" "i.,
Pressure swiichessha| haveprovsiontor slriacemornlingby bodytLgso. nangepressu.e sv/rtcrres shati be suilabtefor ofishoremartfeenvtronmentai *_,L". O, ,""Or".n exrernapartsshallbecoftoston resistant by choiceof materats ""0 7.44
Pressure ard Dttferentapressu reTrafsrnrllers Al Diflerenliapressuretransmitiers sha JseCoptanar pfocessconnections. Al rransmiil€rs shallbe supptied wtthInlegret t\.raniJo d assembly. Transmi'e6sha, inctude;ni;; ;;;;.;". scaledin engrne€nng untts,afd shal be
e,emenr where access pe.,* ,J::[l1i;,1T"T,",;i:T*l:T[: feadtyvisibtea separaleroop-pow€red "**^",Til,lff tndcalorshat be provided T r a n s m l t l efra i u r e m o d e a n d . e t a b i t i i ys h a l tb e i n c l c i e dt n t h e o v e r a i S l I L a n a t y s ifso r l h e ESD and Fire and Gas syslem.Transmtterr
torhe body,arins span sraoecont nuousys::liffil""i:lff iilln,i""jj[:"ff":#:
rraismrrlersshalt b€ \rt ,sma(, communicaiods capabitilyand *n, *"*O"Oi"-0, commlnrcatron lsing HARTprotocor. AnarogJe siln:r oulputshairbe 4 20 nrA,Iwowkes. Oulputshal be inear.Reference €ccuracy shat be eqLrai or belier,*" +i_;.;t;;; cahbralion span. Iransmitterbody studs shaltbe high renste statnlesssteel,or oth€r corosion_res start m€ieri. for highershesst€r,es presslrekansrn ltersshallhave50%over€nn" Oro,"","n DGCPGCP01 07-sP-001
Lu '. v lersovpetroil
Page38 of 70
P H C T GL U A i
o:'*--'f, Dotai16d Engineeringfor TopsideFacililySystemsof Gas Compressioh Platform at Dragon Oilfietd
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION afd Eotrngshal be 31655with% NPTFprocesscornectron and %" ee.tricatconnector,. Encroslrehousinssh€ be rowcoppera umrnrum wrn epoxycoaringand 3 1b ce(ifcaionlo EN 10204shaltbe providedfor a[ pressurereta]nng padswith rh€ tnsrrLrnrent Material certifrcates, pressuretestreportsand catbrationcediticates shat be provtded. Testreport eqlivat€ntof a 22 cei(ificate 10 EN 10204and certficateof comptiance ro Er,r1OZO4. Hazardous areacedificalion shaltbeprovided for lhetrafsmttters. 765
[.4ount ng ^ , 4 o unngtss h a lb e 3 1 6 5 5 b r a c kyep e s u i t a b e f o r m o u n t n g o n a 2 , p i p e s t a n d a n d / o r n a t steel plate Nurs,botrsand washerssha| be 31655 or better Where switchesand other devrcesare groupedand mountedon a gaugeb€ard,or inslrument stand zdi{rsrment or re.nova of eachinstrurn ent sha' be posstble withoLrt the ne€dto d sconnect,d;snr anl€ or removeanyotherinslrumenls ofequipment or deformanyt!bing
7 6.6
ProcessSeats searsystemssha[ b€ usedlo ]sorare pressLrr€ instrumerrs ffomprocessfruidsencounrered in thefol owingservicei .
Steam,wateror olhernuidswherefrcezingmay occur
Processlquidsthalvaporize pressure at operaUng andlemperal!re W€l gas\ahLch maycondense in imputse Ines. Highiemperaturef uids. Sealingrnayb€ accomptsh€d wrhsea polsfi ed wtrhar imrnscibteituid by purgtng witha sLritab e nLrid iroma retabtesource,o. byiiled diaphragm seats Sealpolsshallbelabicaredandtestedtnaccordance wth the reevantp p ng ctassjli€ton. TheVendorshalls!bnltcatculalions anddocurnented setection crilerafor draph.agm seats. 7.7 7T1
TemperatureInstrument Thermov/ells Temperalrreeernentsjnstaledon process]ires or vesselsshalibe Instajlei n thermoweis. Thermowe s shal have 1 1/2 ANSI RF flangeprocessconneciionsSensor connectons to lhemo wells shal be %' NpTF. Slatness slee thefmowe Itang6ssha| be raledon€ piping class hjgher that the ppe to which it s connecled(eg. ANS| 300 flange to be used for connectronto an ANSIt 50 raiedp pe). Therrnowe I pressure/temperature .atrngssha be in acco.dafcewith ANSt 810.5-198j
DGCPGCP-01 07,SP-001
PaJ€39 of 70
lrac r.rHqN BAi,
@w",."".*Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacility Systemsof Gas Compression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION Thermo,/r'eltmate.iasha be suitablelor the processmedja generay 3j6SS. or olher materialas requred by the proleclp p,rg specdlcation andthermowe I shal be stamp€dwth lhe material.aominal U dtmefsiontag numb€r,manufacture,s name or Trademark llanufacturesrnodet/Type nurnber andt\,4anufacture s seriatnumb€r_ Thermowellsshattbe fabric€led ffonrdr ed bar stock,with minimumwa thickness oi 4I rnmj6.35mmbores ze afd 6 mmfor Ip tficknessBoreshal be concenkicvvlhlhe ollsioo d ameterto w thin10 % oi wa| thtckness. Tbermow6llsshattb6 desgnedto wilhslandvtbration stressesctrusedby sirean velocity Wake hequencyat rnaximurn iow veLocily shall be less than 80 percentoi h€ natural irequencyof the ihemowd The Vendorshal provideca]cltalionsto AS[,4Epedomance TestCode19.3,Part3 Instruments andApparatus Ternperature Measurement. TherErow€llsshall projectinroth€ c€nhethirdof pipedamete..Whe.e a thermowelis requredjn inesizes3, o. ess a ne sechonenlarged to 4, sha be provrded. Thermowe s sha not be instatted ln etbows.Lagging exlensions sha be provided of nsualedpipng and insulated vessels Thermowellsfor us€as testweltssha be provided witha staintess sreejotuoandciain |.7.2
Temperaiurecauges Temperctu.ecauge shat be bimetatic,non-reserable, hermeticatyseated heavyd!lr, everyange wLthzerc catibralion adjlstmenls.T€mpemtur€ gaugestem nornrnat outstoe diametershai be 6 mm andth€ sterntenglhshaltbe as req{rired by th€ maiingth€rmowe... ThestemshallhaveZ NPTconnection Temperature .ndcarionsrraI be provided by gauges with100mmdiaTs endshaltbewithbtackmarkjng on whitebackground. 316S5conslrucrion The rangeshallbe selectedso that I is norm€ltya manufactlrer srandardrangeand the nomal operalinglemperatueshat be in the middteth rd of the range RangesfumishBd in data sheetsare indtcative ofty. Btddefto ofief ther standardrangesmeelng the above criteda.Wherethe useoirgid sternt€mperature gaLrges woltd hamperreadingot lhe scale, t€mole-mounted gaugeswlh oap laryextenston maybe used.caug€ accuracyshat be +t 'lol"FSDin accordance withASME840.3GradeA. A[ gaugesshaiibe suitabteior offshor€ marineenvironmenlal cond1on.Attint€rnats andexrernatparls shaltb€ coroson resistant l,y choiceof rnaterals.Temp€raiure gaugesshaI be calibrateC andcodiftedby supptier. Fllledcapllary nslruments shattb€ fultycompensated for ambent temperat!reandsha[ nor be lsed for m€asur€merts above420'C.Captttary ani amoLrr shalLbe statnless steeJ. Class rrvaporsystemsarepreieredimercury shaI nol be !sed TernperarLrre gaugescalesha be in "C only.
7 7.3
Temperature Senso.sandTfansmiiers For temperalures up to 350oC,measurement sha be by rneansoi ptatinumrcsislance temperature deteclors,100ohmat 0.C and shal bs n acoordanc€ with tEC 701.aloha= 0 00185Ac('l.ac!<-al oero tEC/5. C a)s A or oer:e. a-o RID eel -irs s-r. oe l v!f€" lyp€ RTDshallhave31635shealt^maieiatwrh MSOnsualior Temperauretransmiflers
-07,SP-001 DGCP-GCP-01
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P HO \ ] G L U A ' : .
xAc nr-rA* aA[r t ORIG!Frr.,
m":::.*^ ! Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsot GasCompression Plattormat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATTON slrallbewith'smart ccmmLrnEations capabitity andshaI be capabteofconrmuncatjon Lrsjng HARTprotocol. Analogue sigra outputsha b€ 4-20nA for 0-1OO pB.cenicahbrared range, twow res Re{erence accuracy shattbeequaor betterlhan+/ O 1o/ool catibrauon spa.. Temperature T€rsminersshoutdbe head-mounred lype unlessolheMisespeci!€dn rhe dalashe€ls TheT.afsmitreroutpltsignashaI be linearwirhthe measufedlemperat!re.An Te.nperature Transmitters sha havegalvafrcsepa:a|onDeMeenthe sensoreternent and t.e oLrtput amplifier. Tlansmitiers shat inctudean LCDindicator scaed in engi.eernglnits, andshallbe mountedintegratyin the heado{ th€ deieclngetenrent whereaccesspermits, otherwrse remolelymounted. Wherethetransmiterindicator is notreadityvisjbtea separar€ rootrpowered indicator shatbe pfovid€d Hazardous ar€ certifcarion sha be provd6d{orrhet.afsmitrers. Thermocoup.os shal onty Deusedabove350"C,or when t c€nbe sho\rnthatlhe mechanicat consauction of an item doesnolpermitlhefillingof an RTD. Surfacemetallempelatl]|es shallbemeasurcd bythermocouptes securedto thesurface Th€rfiocouples sh€ttnormatly be the minerat-insutat€d rnetatshealhed type,isotatedfiom earih Characteristics of mV versusteriperature shat coniormto tEC584.Thernrocouples shall be Type K (Chrome-Aurnet) for the iempe€tuferange 2O"C to 10a0.C For lemp€rar!res _ ptatnum)shal be used above1000"C, (ptalin!m/13y0 Ttle R Rhodiunr 7,8 7.8 1
LevelInstrument General Common Reouiremenls WherepossbLe,vessebrd es with2 ANSIUanges shal be usedtcf mulrpteievelinsrtumem Insta:atrons Proc€ssconvoandESDinslrumenls shatbe mountsdan separate brjdjes Ventanddralnconnecionsshallbe provdedVenlconnec|ons shat be pluggedd.ainand t€stconnoclions shallb€ valvedandpipedto lh6 drainssystem Alternatveevelinstruments suchas c€pacitive, nucleontculrasonic,etc.shaltnot be used wilhartthe P!rchasefsapproval. All evelinstruments sharlbe provided wlh pipingisotation vatves. The prnrarytype of i€vel nstrumenl for remoielransmssionshallba the dispecerlype Otherlypes ol inslrur:lent may be proposeC for the PlrchasersconsLderation whe.ethe d splacertypeis notsulable Fot evelmeasuremenlgreat€. thanndometersandfxed SG. a dfisrentiattypepressure lransmlller shallbe used Conside.ation shaltbe gven to the use of wet tegsin:his aPPcation. Theprmary typeof leve instrlmenrfor teveL sy/ilche s sha be thef oatlype.
D G C PG C P0 r - 0 7 - S P - 0 0 1
xNtLD:VjeG;G;j;; pHo,rtciual
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m::t:"*"* ! DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacility Systemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfietd
INSTRUMEf'lT GENERAL SpECIFtCATtON Leveldisplacerand floatjnsirurnsnts shafibe externatchambertype.Sotiddisplac€rs are prereredto ho,owdispracers, especiarvn hishpressure servicesr"""o, shaI be usedlor soliddisplacers "0""i,"i# Thecorapsepressure of horowcisplacers afd iroarsslraribeefteredon lrreinstrJmeni dala sneet,andmarkedon theinstrument nameplale Al fiangeson the level nstrument pressurer€tainngparissha b€ of the same lyp6and rarng as he processfang€s,andshatbernaccordance wth thevessertr nr specificar on, Thedrainvalveiromal tevetinskuments shal be connecreo tothe platformd.ainssystem ExierfaiCaoeTvpe ** evet insrrLrments sha hale pressurerarnss equarlo or ?:"lin srearerihan th€ fe evantp pirg ctassfcafon requnemenls forfangeovarves Cagematerashallb€ compalible lvithlhevesset rnarera,andshallbecarbonsleejasa Connection forexterna cagesshalbe nriairnum 2,ANSIftanged Flange materia shatlbeca.bon sleetasa minimLrm A positives€atshaltbe usedin transferlng ftoavdspi:cer.notionto tne externa/mecharjsrn wherea lloator dispracer e emeft s emproyed. Al etremar€ges sharibe finedrvrhvenrand dran andtest€onnecionsnomaltyof % NPTF Allextemalcage instruments shatibe d€signed to permitfolaiionof the head,ro.quelube andransnitieror swttchcasein rcJation to thecage^velt portion. Thesta.dardcontig!€lionfor externat cagesshal be sidea.d side. Disolacement Tvoe D sp acementtypetevetinstrumenls shaltbeof theexrerna.ry moLrtedtype. PrefereCrangesare: 356mm
ln casesv/heretheseslepsare loo targeinternrediate ragesof 5S9mm and 1O1Smm may be specined.Forrnngesover1219rrm differential press!reinstruments afe preiered. Dspacerchambers for exlemal disptacers sha havemnmurn2,ANSI 300 RF ftarged Sideand botiom'connecuonsshar be !sed wilh R F F a n g eo . s i n r t t a . c o n r e c r i o n ss i d e a n d I o p c o n n e c i o n ss h a l b e u s e d o n r y i n c a s e s vr'her€this v7olld avoid a pocker in rh€
connectns p ping(onsrnaivessets)
Desrgns usingar ffs or iorquelube extensionsshattbe specfed tor htgh and tow lemperzture services
X frLDR.wgi€ovpctrii PIONG LUI,T
x nc nsAru air i ii
Page 42 ol 70
m:::"":'-'f Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacility Systemsot GasCompression Platformat OragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION Dlsplacer materlashat be compatbl€ wth lhe vessespecjtcationsSp€ciaatlenronshall be paid to cofiectwed ng and heattreatrnent services,Fof inslruments on coldservc€s materials nrayfeq!ke impactlestngbeforenr€nufa.jtlrrjng and stressret;evng after.Tofque tubeshallbe Inconetor t one minrnurn.withny.lon bushng type bearings. A otherwefied parlsshallbe 31655or as approved by purchasef. Connecron ior internar d€ptacershaltbe 4"ANSlilanged unless otheMise specifed andapprcved bythep!rchaser BallFIoatlvpe BdL,sha'tandLr.rsra be3l655","a.lin.m. pressure Diaohraom Differential TWe Bodynang€s andboltsshatbs 31655asa mjntnrum slandad Trm maierialshal be 3i6SS as a minir.Lrm srandardVenydrainconnections shalt be prcvidedr bodyflanges.Direclnrountng ftanggtypedifferentiat p.essu.etransmitershal haveaminmurnl"ANSRFilalrgeUseof condensate potssha be minmzedbyuseor difectiiangesor chemicalyseatedtmpuse I nest.ansmttters 7 A2
Leve!Gauges Cornmon reouremeits Tlbular gaugeglassesshal not be rsed L€ve gaugessha| be nslatedon all vesses. Conlnruous level vsblily shall be proyideC for rhe nomat operalng ra.ge oi at tevel transmillers andlev€laarrnswtches.Levetgauges maybe 9au9eglassor magnetcfo|owef liltingflag lype. cauge gtass prcssur€rarjng shal be based on manufaciurer s pr€ssure/temperatur€ charc. The minirnum ratingJoriransparenlgaugegassesshaLtbe 1 35 M P a @ 4 0 ' C . Galgesshallbe suppledcomplete wilhcarbonsreetoflsettypegaugecocksand 1/2 Npl drainand vent connectron. Gaugecockssha be providedwith 31655 ballcheckptunger, sealandstem,andrenewabte seats.Slandard vetocity checksshallbe ryovrded. Stemsha, havehandwh€es lf hrvo(2) or more g3uge glass ass€mbttes are lsed, the vtsiategtass shal overtap approximately 25 mm minlmum. A blockvaLve shattba inslatl€d betweenrhogaugevatveano sourceofiluidlo permitremovalofthe gaugegiass. The maximum:ngth oi a snge gaugeglassshai be 1.5 metersbelween conneciions Visiblerargeof leve indicators sh3lL coverthefLrllop€rating rangeof processtev€andalarnr or shuldowoleve switchlocations.Covefaqe ol nteruenjng spac€betur'een coitrotedtevel alarm or shutdownpolnt may be omiiledwhereslch cove€ge wolrldserveno usefpurpos€.The vlssle engthof 9au9€Slassesshallbe approximate y 3OO mh and muttiptes thereoiwth toDand boltomo. s de-sdeconnectons. A maximumof iour sectrons sha[ be usedJora s ngle!auge colunn.
D G C P - G C P - -0017 - S P - 0 0 1
rvx; Jx'ric l Q t f i n:i;i
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El:'r.*-t DetailedEngineeringtor TopsideFacilitySystems Platformat OragonOitfield
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION Hvd.ocafbonServce Levet indicalorsin hyorocarbof seruicesshalt be transparenl type gauge glass coumrs nragneticio orvsr tingjtag typeor purchase.approveaequat. Each gauge shat be ftied wilh a p uggedvernano a vetveddrarn connectjon. Processconnectonssha be side and s de 2. ANSI RF Ftange Non,HvdfocarbonService Reflex lype g:uge glass cotLrmnsshat be speciiiedfor at seNices €xcept the following where transp€renl(1hro Jgh-vison)shat be speciied r Liqlids contantngg!m, sedimentor othersotid maieials which njay coat the itutesoi a rcllex glass. .
Liquidsth:l woutdeich gtasssuch as condensf9 water,ior which m ca shietds, shat be
Whefe back iiluminationoi kansparenlgauge gtassts required,tightsmade tor ihal purpose oy lne gauge manufacturershaii be used n accordance with lhe manLtfactureas r e c o m m e n d a t i o nasf d s h a l c o n f o r m l o l h e e t € c i r c a tr e q u r e m e n i so f the arealzonel m i n i m u m )T . h e p o w e r f o r t h et i g h st h a l b e 2 3 0V A C5 0 N z 7.8.3
LevelSv/ltches Level switchsha I be the float type Levei switchessha I have hermelic€ty sealed proxrmity, swllches. Level switch housing shal be suitabe for area cassificalon indcated rr dara sheels Unr€ssothe|wlsespecified,lhe enctosureshal be c€rtifed to foltowing standards Weatherproofhousingtp65 as per tEC 60529 Dual magnelic systofis sha be usecj for a[ levet srtches which use magnetic switch
LevelTfansmitters andControte.s
Transmilterc shallbe ttted wilh LCD ollput ndicators, scated0 _100% Whe:ethjs s rol possibleor desilabl€, a separaletooppoweredndcatorshatbe t,rstaed 7.9
Flow Instrument
T h e V c n d o r s h a l ls e l € c rt o v / m c t c r s b e s t s l t e d r o t h e s e N c e c o n s i d e r n go p e r a t o r a , rnainlenanceand cosl issu€s,generaityproc€ssfow meter sha be orifice type Fo: c!rodv gas rnelenngskid referto Specircauonfor cas meteringpackage Doc.no DGCp.ccp,Oj_ 07'SP'002.The Vendorsha sLrbmla ftow nrereirg tecrnicatrepoftp.ovdingjLrstfca:ionfo, seleclon of tow instru.nents for the purchaseis approvalbeforeinst.umenisar€ oLlrchased
-07-SP-001 oGcP-GCP-01
LD "Vietsovpetro,' pt-toi..lcLlli r
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x A c N H AN a a r u , . ; i oRIGin:.e,"L / _1,]3
m,ryr:r*.'."'! DetailedEnglneeringtor TopsideFacility Systemsof Gas Coirpression Platformat DragonOilfietd
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFTCATION Fows eementsshallbe mountedbetwee.btock vatvesand provrded wth a drainvatveon lhe downstream sde, and sha b€ mou i/r hofrzontal seltdrainingpiplng Fowhelers sharrbe instaredaccording to t"n."nuf,n'"d
j;*iA :i:lT: f:dtoupsrream ". .;;;"; ;;;ili'fij l;il,?Til"ff::,:-i
equippedwithaf LCDmeter catibrated in engifeeriin*n". W** f]"* rol reac:r!access.brp 4o-r g-aoe, ":.]: , o rnorcato,s ","_""it*U"" aro rrani-,,",. .",,, be lemote _ mounled 10r e3sv access.cabte runs berween*,"1i 1io 1'"*'u"" "hall "-;:^,^: v and lransmitters shall be as shod as praclic€bte pror€ctea and ag",n"td"."g"."'t^"nt" itateras and constructonof itow elenr€
specicar onsrro*".ur","nuu" nJf";i:lj::l;":#i Hjr?:L i:ff P ' v'Jl; * . n . " r " , A N S 8 . 6 5 r i r f s o i . a , s . o o"r,uri ," ,,r,." ,orl-"ss 1or r:a;;.;,;;,
,."a.eFlow meterssha hav€ a Sox2smm31635 tag affixed,engravedynrhthe tag nunber in 6mm characte.s,and the iow meterservicein 3mm cnaracters. The Vendorsha provde sizingcatcutarions to.a tnow mere.s. Oit ce p ates
7.9 2
llansmilter rang€and oriice s zing shailbe .
aranged slch that normatyl The difierenliatpressrre at maxinunr flow rate is 25 kpa. ti ctrclnrslancesdictate olherwrse,the differeniialpressure shal be a s]mptemutUpteorifaction of25 kpa
T h e d / D r a d i as h a b e n t h er a n g €o f 0 Z 1 0 0.2S.
The lpp€r |ange value of lhe fow in
rower ranse va,!e, toprov." r,r:lT:T,:T:":;::H'::::" ",,"
-" * "
l,4ultiple differential pressurelransrnitters si in servicewherea srnse o r'|ceprate is ,equ,r€d ro conunlo!sry."- *er ","";1;:j::d OrlfEeplalesshaltbe squareodge,constructed from31655anChavean identiicalion -'-"tab exrornatro lheprocess, withlhetotov,,ing rnformatiof slamped ontheupstream sill
Orificebore size (specitiedor catculated) o {oorecorrectedto 20"C) Line Srz€
Orificeplates,fanges and ftr.gs sha be faofrcaied rn accordance wrth AGA , Gzs ireasurement Committee, Repoi No 3 {AGA3) The ptarerinish shal be 15 20 m cro-inch roughness. Th€ Vendorshaltprovidea rneasuremenr reponshowlngthat the oriiiceplatets
D G C P . G C P . O0l7 S P . O O l
XNLD'Vie-iwpetro _PHONG LUA; x A c N H A NB ; n , r ; : ORIGI'
Topside Facitiry systems of cascompression
3i-111:1::l,l1"]lngJor Platforrh at DragonOilfietd
INSTRUI\4ENT GENERALSPECIFICATION wthin the toterance limirot lhe AGA 3 The measurer.enl must be lraceabteto a kn()M prinaryreference slandardsuchas NtST. srn'pex or Junror,or eqLrivarent type,orificecariefs sha be preferedov€r.onv€ntonal oriticecarrerson ttvehydrocarbon service Orifcec€ffiersof 8,,or tes".n" i *"" " """*n
:""ff j'::Xfii;:.i: f ::ln"Tiff":il,:Ji,iffi J::"";,il" t?f"rff :::"1U1'["j
specrslpositonrngsetscrews Theseshat be permanenlty Insta|edalin" s o l h a t i m p i n g e so n t h e p t a t ec a i f e r o n a . f o u r e d g e s J, i xn g t s p o s i o x .""., T h e " J""0,""",* i"r"*|| hav€ a lop s€t screw lhar preventslhe ftflfs fiom beingfrrV *aud off rnre""'rhl iJ,ri-u| r" fully se€tedand c€nlefsd Where conventionatorjf ce c€niersare alowed by the purchaser,laeysha be in acijordane _. w t i l , h ep p i n gc a s s . , i c €1r ,to^ a , e a m i n r n L m t , / n n c , " ; " . " n n o i . . ^ ^ . * , . ' -
'";:[i'"jii, 2 and pped equ jack wth i;"::: *'"*" :# iii "lJillilll,iil ensuremaiingflangesare a ignedcorecflV "lj where possibe, orlficeassembies shat I
jn:t: f'ji"T"* ::: 1/2 Npr and be 45. abov"n",-","iiifri1o.1[X:11 ""
oovvnsrrearn tappingsshat be orienrared 90. ro each olher Differentiat p;essurc,ow transmitlerc shatibe fi(ed witha 3-vave nanifod,mounteddkecNy to lhe r"""il", ;". rnanifold sha be ixed to the mountingarrangemeni, a owinghe transmitler to be f.eety rom.v€dwthoLridisrr.bingf.purserines.whe€ possibre the transminer shourdbe clse coupledto lhe processro keep lubtngtength10 a mnnrLrm Cenerarty, ior non 'scar measuremenr the straighltengthsof uostream anddownslfeam pipewofkrun for an o fi€ installat,on shattbe 15Dand BOrespectjvely (10Oand 5D minimum)ro custoAymnVer application, the upstfeamand downstreal
Addi, ona rrnc€,ta nry" ., , o,o o, . ?"lli:'Ji,:5::i;",l:Lf i,"j; " ":,""Tj:t:,1[ No conneciionssha b€ rna.iein eiher i|l
rha,n theorfce,anse rapp nss. *" ;:j,"HliT:il:iffil ;il,:i::fi-."J:,."1i:i st.aiglrleningvanesar€ not rcqukedand gas meterruns are setfdrainino
upstr€am €lbows n rnofe than on€ pane shalt be avoided to m nimjzevodcity piping and eqLrprnenlshatl be aranged so that fashing does not occur at or upsrreamoi ortice piates. For mllliphase iow measlrement such €s wetstream flows, ihe preierred melhod or measufementrs by means oi sqlare,edge ecc€ntricbore orfice p ate Oth€rflow etemenrs rnay also be consideredfor this applicaUone g venluri tubes or vo ex rneters Eccenkrc, segrnentaror quadrantedged orifces may be us€d fof specal servces such as s!ny, wet gas or hightyviscousservrce. 7I3
VariabteArea [,4eters Varable area ltow ind cators sha be used fof nline fluid measLrremenl fo. toca tndcatro,l only a nd shal have pfecisionbore meterng rubewilh setf gu ided f]oats rowraresha be nc cated by the verijca posiUonof th€ floa1ormagne|ca y ccupledponter
DGCP-GCP,0 J-07-SP_001
Revision 0
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XNLD "VietsofrElJa Pt-lOlrC iUAr xACt\Hp ^, it,tt ie
DetailedEngineeringfof TopsideFacility Systemsof GasCompression Platform at Dragon Oitfield INSTRUMENT GENERALSPECIFICATION lvetrlpals n (o-taclw.r lnsprocess f -.a s1dt.e a minimumof 31655 GtassiiJbemeters sr'e, .or be usec A-rou.eonete-ssra 1"v. a r n e t a r t u b e w t t h m a g n e t c a l yc o l j p e d rnleg.alirdicalor. hd catorsshathavea readabieiow rangefrom10%ro 100%or rre maximumflowrate with lhe flormalflowbehaeen 50 to 100'/.oflhe spaf range. L9.4
ReskiciionOrtficeptales The Vendor sha[ provideca]cualionsIor stzins,a.td for slress c€lcutationto vatidateplete 0rEkness
7.10 Fire and Gas Detectors 7.101 cenera Ihe seteclion of FEc rnslrlmenlinctudjrginslaaton sha provide,etiabte faitsafeoperaliof withemphasson simpciiyot insr€ation,maintenance andtestig onryFaG instruments havinga provenandestabiished h sioryof sLccessfulnsta'ation and operalion in theoffshore main€environmentsha tbe suppied. F&GinstrLiments shalibesuppredca b-ted in accordance withthe purchasersdatasheets. Thesetedton of insirumenls sha]laken:)ccotinisurraunding conditonswth no compromjse on accu.acyorpsrtormance Whefean alern€tives proposedlhe Vendorshaltprovdedocumentatjon lo suppodthe atternalive equiprnentand provenhistoryn th€netd. The Vendorshaltprovidea compereset oi caibrationand t€sl accessori€s with a[ FEc AIF&G instrlmertsshat interfac€ direcflyto the purchase/sF&Gsystem,whichw l be a IaulitolerantpLC All F&c nslrumenls shaltprovideto.rgtermstabtityand highresistance lo vibrarionanC TheVendorshattprovdep.e-nsta|ed€nd of tinemoniroingdevces and/or z€n6fdiode€, wherereqLrked Deleclofcomponents shallb€ construct€d frorn3j6 SS to m ntmisecoroson {rorna rnarine ptaslc,sutablefor the rnarne envtronment. envifonrnent, salso acceptabe butshallbe fesislenlto prolonged hightemper€l!res andUVradiation t om djrectsunlightexposure 7.102
E ectricatCharaciertstics Al F8c lnslrumenrs sha|be energised al 24VDCofly GasdeteclorEnatogue oLrtputs shal be usedtor F&Ginskuments suchas gasdetectors and fame dei€ctors.OtherF&c insrruments sha usernon oredconlactolrtours
-07-SP-001 DGCP-GCP-01
xFzuiBDds/EG;tF;I6; -=ircOUC r ur.-'"
x nc rvl.iar.rJAi
Pag€47 ot 70
m*:1"--,t Detailed Engiheering for TopsideFacility Systemsof GasCompression Platform at DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION AnalogLre outputsshattbe oop poweredand ranged0 to 20 mADC,where4 10 20 mA conveystf€ operatingfange(e.9 d/.LELLEL.m,ppn) and O lo 4 nA span conveysth€ instrument fauttandstatLrs. The Vendofshalt provdedocumenta|on io supporlthe reliabrttyof the faul and status ird caton (0 to 4 nrA)feature,definelhe outpLrl signa tevettessihan 4 nrAfor eachfautt/ statLrs afd provded€iaisof testslo ensuethatth€d€vic6cannotfai in theaarmcondilion F&G nstrlm€ntshavng digta o!tpL.j1 shalthaveb! t in provisions for endof iinemonrtorino conoo.elts. lh€ rrct-son o.lfe,e coroo']eltsm-srnorinva.aa.ede!c€ centic€ton ani sha be suppledby rheVendor Restslor vaiuessha be advisedby purchaser lo slit the selectedF&Gsvsten 7.10.3 PoinlFlammabte cas Derector The basisof measurenenlof hydrccarbon gas €oncentration shal be by infrared(tR) Theponliammablegasdetectofshal beof ihe mu]t spectrurirypeto detecthydrccarbons. Mosthydrocafbons absorbat thtsfreqlencyandtheoutputfrcmlhe detectors reatedto the amountor gas present The rctationshtp betweenthe hydroc€rbon absorplonand the detectorortpul rs inhereniynontin€a and thereforepointilammabtegas det€ctorsshan Incorporate a tinearisalion crcuitto compensate for thisand producea tinearfesponse ro a broadbandol gases lR deleclo.sourcesha prcvidetonglermstabiltty andhrghr€sistance ro lib€tioi andshock. The po nt flammabte gasdeteclorshatJhavea meansto seticompensare andautomalical , correctforsmaltchangestn theopticat corjrponenls r€rnovingaiydrfi. Thedelecto.shatihavea prcwarningteajuretharideniifies the needfor mainte.ance whitsr remaining fillllLrnctional TheVendorshal advisethetongte.rnstabtityforzeroandspan ThelR gasdetectorshaI intedace directyto thepLlrchasefs F&c systemandsha havethe following outputs: .
0lo 4 mAfallt andca ibraiionstatuslevel
4 to 20 rnApropo.tional to the010100%LELca ibratedto methane
Supplier shalladvse on oth€ravaitabe optjons, €.g RS,485 andFART. Gasdelectofs shallnotbefitted,,!ith flamearrestors. Gasceteclors sha beftt€dMthweath€rshjetds, whererequi.ed. The.esponse lime shal be befterlhanS seconds to 90%of ina response folowng a step chargein concenlratjon. Where lR po:nt deteclorsutitisemffors they shathave Cesignfe€rLrres that prevenl condensat o:ron th€opricatsuriaces
D G C P - G C P - -0017 - S P - 0 0 1
xNLD:Via;o;t;i pgorucLu.i. -l
P a g e4 8 o f 7 0
x ric r.rHnru iiii
m::r**f, DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof cas Compression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION Warningol windcwcontamnationsha I be provtdedby an ,opticsrequirecteanng" outputbut remalniully functonat. Gas concenkationssha be in o/"LELof lhe specifedcomposrjon. Deteclorswttt be inst€ied on 3.16SS sudace molnted ftttings n point ocations process n n?zardousareasand atv€ntilationand combustonair ftakes. The d€toctorshat .€ma n fu y fwcliona with a slpp y of cower between18 VDC to 30 VD(j and have a stalt up I r,reof no morethan 30 seconds. Detectorsmay b€ installedtn difficulllo access locations. The Vendor shaLtp.ovde the facilityiof remole catb€ron, inc !ding approprate gassingheads,r!bing and quick connecr couplngs 7.10.4
Open Path Flamnabe Gas Deteclor
The basis of measlr€.nenl ot hydrocarbongas cofc€ntration sha be by infrared (tRl lR open path gas dei€ctorsshattcompriseseparatekansmiller and .€ceiverunirsalowins gas concentralionwthin a specifieddislanceto be m6as!redw thoutthe use of reftsctors Responselirne shallbe bellerthan 3 secondsfotowinga stepchang€;f conc€ntraljon Blockedbeam shallra se an atarmonty(<4 mA) afteran adjLrslabte lime deiay. Deleclorssha be calibrated1omelhanewith a rangeof0 io 5 LEL m. The detectorshallremainfu ty functionatwiih a powersuppy bet^reen18 to 30 VDC The Vendor shal providedeiaits that demonslralethe immunity io direcl and reftecliv€ sunlighland vibralion. Transmilterand receiverpairs will be nstattedif |nc of sight tocaUonscoveringproc€ss hazardousareas, The Vendo.shallprovideallnec€ssaryaignnrent.catbra|on 1oos and sofhrare The Vendorshallprovidedetailsof unllsspeca ised lo mon,torHVAC nlakes. It shoud be notedlhai someopen palh gas deteciortocationsare potenla iy tineofstght with theflafe. The Vefdor shall:dvise on deteclorsuiiabi ty and inriiationsoi this lype of s€ryice. 7 10 5
Po nt Toxic Gas Delector The basic m€asLrrement for loxtc gas conceftralionsha be etecirochemjcat.The Vendor may proposeallenatv€s w(h eq!alor bellerperlo.rnancecharacterislcs M e a s ! d n gr a . g eo f i h e d e r e c t osrh a l b e a s a m i n m u m , 0 t o l 0 0 p p n r H ? S w i l h a r € s o t u t i o n o l 1ppm. Deteclors w I be instaled al poinl locations N process hazardolrsa€as that have the potentialto leak hydrccarbongasesconlainng hydfogensu phideconcenkairons.
DGCP-GCP01 07-SP 001
XtlrD "VltslBbvperro
xAc NHAN eir,rcBi gRtGtf$AL (,.=r--
u*,.**'E Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOillleld INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION fhe slabiliiyofthe d€tsciorshaUb€suchthat. .
Repeatab lity
zero<= rloo/oor measureo varLre sensitiv tY<= !0 05PPm
Effectsof Humidily
zero<= 10.001ppm / % retalivehumtdiy sensitiv ty <= 10.0170 ofmeasuredvaLue / % retaitve zero<=10.005ppm / month <= 15%ot measured sensitivily val!e/ year
Responselime shall be bellerthan20 secondsto 90%of fina responseioltowing a slep changein concenkaiion The sensor sha operatenormaty (rot be damaged)vr'herexposedio gas coic€ntrations less than 10 t mes lhe lange maxtmurnfor a perod of t hour The deteclcr shal reman luttyfunclionatwith a power s!ppty rangrngbellveen10 VDC to 30 VDC The sensorshal havea guaranteediite expectarcyof 3 years Replacementof the sefso. shatl be inrerchangeabein the {ietd and shat not invotve subsequentr€-catbrationotthe un t. Deleciors rnay be lnsla ed in diJfcui jo access toca:ons The Vendor shal providethe facilityfor remote catibration,icluding appropralegassingheads, lubin! and qutckconnecr
7 . 1 0 . 6 F l a m eD e t e c t o f Flame delectorsshal be kip€ infiared13lR)rnulti-sp€ctrum type for deleclirg hyd.ocarbon fires The detectorlnit shattbe rnmuneto conrnuous cr pu sating radiationsourcesother t h a n h y d r o c a r b oinf e s . T h e V € n d o rs h a t p r o l d e d e t a s o f f l a m e d e t e c r o r e s p o n s st o differentfue lypes. Flame det€clorsha I havea 0 to 20rnAanatogueoutpur,wh€rethe 4 to 20 mA rangedenoles normal/ flf€ condjtionsand sub 4 mA denotesdetectorstatusand f€u t cond Uons. The Vendor shall providoa methodof fedlc rg the effectsoi o m st or satt waler f tm buitd up which have the poteitia to reducethe detectorsensitivityand demonst.al€abrtityto cope wrthra I or waler sprayo.lenses Deteclorsshal have laclilyfor checkingoptrca ntegfityand provdefautr aann outpuiwhen the oplics becornesdirly Deiecto.s shall be soar btind. protsctivedsvioesanc or sofhvareshal bs tncorporaiedta eiminale the posslbilityoi a€rms bernggeneratedfrcrn lranslenl stte condtions slch as l g h t i n g , l i g h t nn g o r w e d i n g
DGCP,GCP-01-0 S7P - 0 0 1
ml:y:.*-f Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragohOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION The responselime stu]] be equatto or b€tterthan 3 seconds to respondro a 01m, gasotine pan iie at a minimum distanceof 45 m. The Vefdor shal provide detats ol;ebcto, response10gas jet fires Detectorconevisionshat b€ grealerlfan or equatto 90 d€gfees Delectorsshattbe insta ed in proess hazadous areas, equipmenipackages Flamedetectorshal remajnfuty functionatwith a power supptybetweer T8V DC to 30V DC Flam6 delectorlocaUonsif some cases sha I przcticalybe in line of s ght wjlh the site na.c. The Vendorsha tadvise on delectorsunabittyand tmitalions n this typ;oi se.vice. 7.10 7
Smok€ Oeteclor ronsationtype smokedetecrorssha r nol be us€d as they contan a radioactivesource afd r€q! irc specialdjsposat@nsideralons The photoopticatsrnokedetectorshaltbe oi the tightscalterprincrple containinga pLrsing tR ernittrngdiode which can not be ,,saen,by lh€ photo dlode assemsty moL,ntej *itni labyrinthchamber.Srnoke enleflng lhe chambe, ,,!rt scatt€r " infrarediight putses anC be delectedbya phoiodtodeassembty. P l . o t oo p t i c € l s m o kdee t e c t o rssh a t o n i yb e s ! p p r : e o .
Smoke detectorssh6 | alarm beiore obscuratontevelsare greerer than 12.5% / metre, but nolbefo.ethey exce€d2% / rnetr€ Deleclofssha I be designedto accommodaleend of line rnonttorng components,End of line monnofrngcomponentssha noi invaUdat€ the cedificaitonofihe deiectof. Deteclorsshatt b€ providedwith mounUngfacitilt€stor cetng, sunrace and duct molnt nc Fo, ducl -lounredoelecro.srne Jr is st d oe suootiedconDterp,.h saro.a s'Eler. P o w e r s ! p p l ys h a t t b e2 4 V D C . Convenliona I Tvo€ Once the detector]s activatedthe ufir shal seti tatch €nd be reset onty by the femovatot powe.. The Cetectorsha be fittedwilh a red tED to indicate [ ]s in atafm Deleclolsshallbe coffgufed in a m!lipoint paralelckcu I configulatron. S! polier shaI provid€pre,insiaL ed end oi line monito. fg devicesaid zene. diodes where Oeteclorsshail nteriacedirec|y tollre purchasersFAG systemwth due regard lo . Qulescentcurrent/ Resstance .
Alarmclrrent/ Resistance
The delectorsyslemshal beranged accordingy,Vendorshaltadvise. Ducl [4oL]rtedSmokeDetectors
DGCPGCP-01 07-sP001
L &dyVibtsovpe lro PIlONG LUAI
xAc NHAN eA[, ;i
Page51of 70
Facrritv svstems orcas ffi?lij,:ifl'fiillsrorropside INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION Wheredetoctionof srnoken HVACdlcl builtdrct alr samprerLrnits siar be ut isedwhichperr,, ,n" ,purpose "r,",,r,,:]"^i:::''ud'
rromtheductsha,bes!m;;;,;;;;:;1"":J"-iT:,::,:::1:":"",ji:X1J" ", Dlcl samp ng Lrnttsfor exlernatducis s
coffosion proored andoraoo,"on.*l" ""Jij.ii""j"':1tt'il;","
.onsrrocr on,sutabrv
snrokedetectors for ducrnrornlngshatalarmpdorto an obscurario. everof6 650/0 / mer€ 7.10.8 HeatDetecior coneral Heatdetectorc shatJbe usedfor appticaUofs wheresnokedetectors a.e notpracica. As perSOLASrequnem€nts, heatdelector. ed roope,.tebetweeftherangeor 54'c and78'C ontywhenrn" r".o",r,rr" i-"lll^l",ierrif s ra|sedrolhisrangeat a ralet6srerlhan1.Cper rnnLrle Powersuppty shajtbe 24VDC. Rateof Rts€HealDetectors Poirl typercreof ris€he3tderectors sr: t
'fil,i,$fi:: rserype. surabre rorno,rn*, ;;";;,ff'Jil: il:,',lff ::: :?i"",i d€vicein a nrui! po/nlcirculconfiguralion Detectorsshattbe ollhe ptLrgtn baseiype. Rate oi rise heal deteclorc strall have no moving pads and shall operate on the twn therrnistorprincipteo. simitar so|d slat€ ctrcLrtry The vendor shall provide delalls oJ aovanragesand disadvaniages of each. Sensilivityof the devce shat femain subslantrary unaffecledwhen supplied v th vollage tangrngtrom 18 to 3! vDc. l4ounling bases shal be supptied as s!rface mounled and semi recessed types as appropriate l4ounl]ngbasessha be supp ed comptetewith terfiiiratsproteciionafd c rcuitcontinuiiyresr p i u gi n ! n i t s . Rale ComoensaledHeat Oeteclof Poinl typ€ rate comp€nsalsd,self feslorable,hear i€iecrors si_a be ot the ftrarinelype and cor.prise a grade 316 SS ba.ret containi.
v€rs,on sharbesuppried, u"*" **r*
Tnetetector sha| be suilabe for norrnalyopen rwo wire operalo., sLperyisedby an end of r i n ed e v i c ei n a m ! t i p o i n rc k c u i ct o n f q u r a t o r l The vendor shat provde pre_rnstar€dend or n€ monrrorng devrces,rnstaied within a l u n . ! o n o o xw h e r e . e q r t i e d
iHillmtr -8dW'i.
@Yf.^-t Detalled Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL S?ECIFICATION Detectorsshallbe ava abe wttha rangeof operaing ternperature set points For areas wherehighambi€nttemperatrres aree)(pected ihe faiilrgsha be 27 i 'C aboveiireambient Eachdeleclorshaltbe suppt,ed readyfilledto a mefatlunctiofbar incoroorat ng twocabe entriesin additionro tharrequired for mounling andtesninarion of thedetector.T;e detector andj!nctionboxshal provjdea combnedratingof tF6Sas a m nimlm T€rmlnaton compartmenl idsshal be supptied wrihrelaining shps. To faclitaielesiinglhe deiectorfternatwidng to thelunclion boxtermnas shatbe va a ptug andsocketarrangement. Fransible Bulbsfor WetptoeSvstems Frangible bulbsar€ fixedlempemture devicesthatbreakat a spectiedlemperailro.These are usedto dir€cllyactivalesprinkersin a fixedwaterextingutshing system,ndepefdenlof lhe iacirilyF&Gsystem. Ffangiblebulbsha i be ratedro ope.ateat 68.C. Intheareaswherehigh ceitingtemperatures are exp€ctedlhe frangibe butosha be,ated at a m iimum of 30'C abovehighesi ambienr
lernperalure antictpated
Sprnkle.headssho!ldbe ol the Lrpr ght franglblebutbtypeand atrachto pipeworkvra
a NpT
The spdnkl€rhead sha be cornparible with coppe.nicketp pelvork 7 . 1 0 . 9 M a n l a t A a r mC a t p o n t s
Ggllral Manuaalarmcattpoints(MACS) sha becontrnuousty montoredfarwirngopenandshon
circut fa!lts
MACSlocatedir the processareas shaLbe constructedtrom 316 SS. Fr|e.esistant heav duty GRP is acceptablefor !s€ wrhin rhe accommodation ptatforrn. MACSshal b€ red in cotour. MACSshall have an etectrca rat ng ot 24 VDC and havc facititiesfor ar east iwo %. cab e MACSshall havefacititiestor the nstaflariorot seres afii end ot tjne moniroringconrponents. ConventionalTvpe N4ACS of the conventonaltypeshal be ofthe tifl i].p pressblrlon lalchingi}?€ 7 1 0 . 1 0 G a s B e a c o . s/ S l r o b e s Beaconssha I b€ of the fash fg xenontypewith 60 flashesper minule Gas beacons/ strobesshaitbe ratedat 24 VDC < Mans.
LOnev;atsovpe frA PHONG LUti-
i"19g;,41_ur* f)R!Gtr{-
Page53 ot 70
@y.:::r."""'f, D€tailod Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof cas Compression Platformat DragonO fjeld INSTRUMENI GENERAL SPECIFICATION Construcrion sha be 3i6 SS or heavydutyGRpw(h s red€poxyp? nlinish Gasbeacons / strcbeslensshalL be red I co our. 710.Ti Audible Warnngs(Sounders) Audible lrarnings shatt beas a mtnlmLrm oLrlplt 110dB(A)alj meter sounde.s shailbe.ated al24vDc,< 2 !vars. Conslruction shattbe 316SSor heavyd!ty cRp wttha redepoxypantfinish. 7.11 Annunciator Sold stateannunciaio.sshat be provtded for visualandaudibe indrcauonof criticaatams, incudjngacUvation or maiiunctonof ESDiF&Gsystemsand activa|onot maintenance or s1art,!pbypassesLampteslandatarmacknowtedge pushbuitonssha be provided for each ann'rncialo.syslem 20% spare spaceshat be providedon each annunciaror system. Spafesshallbe pfovtd€d compelewiihun-€ngraved wirdowsand ogiccards. Preferfed windowsize is nominatTsrnm wideby 50n,mhigh.Annuncalorlampsshatbe LED 7.12 Instrum€ntJunctionBoxes 7121
Gene'al lnstrumeftjunctonboxesshattbs cerliried for l]se in lhe h:zardoLrs area n whcirlheyare nstaled.Fof intrinscaltysaiecircuttsboxescenf ed IncfeasedSaretyEx e shal be used For noninlrnsically safecircuils,boxesce.litedExposion,proof/Fbmeproof Ex ,d sha be used.Boxesshaltprovde m.imumtp65ingress protecion
7 T2.2 Construclon Increased Safety Junctionbox construction shaltbe 15 mn 3161SS Boxesshal be bolromenlrywith a removable 31655glandplate.Thegtandptaiesha be dr ledandtapped; 6mmthcktor taperedthreadsand3mmthick{or paral€tihreads.Theptalesha be boted10the boxwitf 31655bolts,sealedwilha neoprene gasketandftitedwithan 8 nrmeethtngstud.At cabes shallenlerfromlhe bottom. Boxesshallhaveiourexternalmounting lugs,twotop andbottom,dr ed with10 firmfixtng A f! s ze removable staiilessst€etgearp atesha[b€ filtednsde €achbox Teminas sha be Ex e raii,mounted lLnnet-1ype, madeoi rnelamin€. Wirrg ductssha|]be coouredbtue. Boxessha havedoo.shngedartwopontswtha neop.ene seatfi(edairolrnd. Hrnges sha be the llftofi pintlelyp€,conslrucled of slaint€ss sieet;p anoh ngesare notacceprabte
-07-SP-001 DGCP,GCP-01
X N L D" V i e t s o v p r e t r p
Page 54 of 70
xn c NHAN enru ,. lir.
gry:y**t Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasComp.ession Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERALSPECIFIGATION A restrainingm€chanrsmshat preveniopeningnrorethan j60.. Scfewdriv€Foperated door latchessha lbe fittedatthe top and bottom. In addition to the rnarufactureis ceirication tabet each junctjon box sfal have an ldenlficaUonlabel attached ro the box wilh 3i6SS screws in a manner wtrich wi nor invalidatethe hazardousarea cedficalon The abet shal b€ constrlcled ot wh]1e_btack_ wtut€laminatedptasUc.The tabetshal inctudean engravedTag No. An adcitonal lag stalifi! " lntdnsic€ly Safe Crrcuitsshal be inslated. Th s sha] be btue_s,tr le_btueaminaredplastic. Exoosion Prooi Exposion proofju.ction boxesshallbe constflcleCfrom EDoxycoat€dcopperfreeatuminunr or d uc1le st6eL,casl iron shaLnot be used. Boxes shall h av€ al l€asttour sxternalmountlng lugs, driliedwith 10 mm fixfg holes,afd an 8 mm exlernatearih iLrg.A futLsize removabb stainlesssteelgea. p ate sha b€filted insrceeacnDox. Cables shall enter from the bottom and 2C%spare entriesshal be prov.ded.Cablesenrries shall be driiled and tapp€d tosuitrhe requiredgtands and fi ed wirh cerlfied brass ptugs Junclionbox Liis shallhavs cast hingestntegra to the box wilh staintessstee pins. Eachj! nciionbox shal havea n id€nl fication a bel, in addirionthe manufacl,ier s certification label,aliached with 310SS screwsin a mannerwhich lvitl nol invatidatelhe hazardousarea certiiication.The labelshal be construcledoiwhite-btack-whiteaminatedp asUc. Terminalsshall b€ rail mountedtunne-type,rnad€of me arnine. 7.13 Equipment Panels 7.13.1 Consklclion Panels for indoor use wil be conslrucled lron mnmLrrn thickness 2mm mitd sleeL. D m e n s o n ss h a l lb e a s p e r c o n s t r u c l i odnr E w n g sb u l t h e p f e i e r e d i s n o m i n a l y6 0 o m m^ 6 0 0 m mx 2 m , s u t a b l e f o . 1 9 r a c km o u f t e de q L l p r n e n t The panel shall be of toLdedor box ffarnecons(uctionwith a joints fultywetdedand ground S!fficienl cross bracingand panel stifienerssha|| be pravid€dto p.€v€nt blckttng durins hand ng, shipping and nomal service.The cross bfaci^g and sliffenersshall nol hnde. acc€sslo infemalequipment. RernovablePad eyes sha L be pfovidedto alow lhe cabinetto be fted withoulcausingany bendng or deformaton Any slLrdsrequred for attachingnr nor comgonenlsshall be eilher weLdedlo the backoi the paner pate o. supporledfrom the lnternalffaming No evidenceof these suppodingsllrds s h a l l b ev i s i b l eo n i h e p a n e l l a c ep a c e . All pafels shall be s!pplied with a channellron plnrh and removebe gtand p ate. Sufficient b o l t h o l € ss h a l lb e p r o v l d e dl e l b o l l o m b € c e s 1 0$ e c u f ea s s e m b e dP a n e l s l E n c o s L r r oe s
DGCP-GCP-01-07-SP 001
P;ge 55 of 70
xAc NHANsAu r:5-c i oE!GEf.,{4"L
@:::r:-*.t Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystensof cas Compression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION The Vendofshallensufetire systemdesignis suchthai no oveFheating of anycomponent occurswithno extracooltngmedium Cabinetsshatthave eitherrciterof tockabte|tl of{ doofsof a slfcient nurnberto alow Installation, modification and mantenance lo oll equiprnenl withtnthe pane.Oesgnshal consroor lne rernovat of eqL'liprnerl withoutthe necessryro .emoveolhereq!ipmenrta $in 7.132
Finish All exposedste€tsudaceslhat are nor 31655,or are aready prctected in af approved mannershaI be panledin accordance w]thth€ approv€d projectspecificalion rorprotect"" coalr.gsaadccrrosiof.
A fve ltre conrarer of eachtype/co or of painlshal b€ supptied wlh thesysternfo. sitelse ColorFjnish €xterof As advisedbythepufchas€f Interior
7.13.3 PaoelCarnponents lnternalParelcomponents exceptnecessary lermnalions,shaltnol be rnounted tessthan 250 mm fromfloorof panet_ jnctuding All componenls lamps,pLrsh_b!ttons, retaysterminal bocks,swtchesandat m scelaneous electricai devicessha] be heavydutyindustrialyp€in accordance withaI specfred,equire.n ents nc]Lrding retevant Srandards All controls, t.unking.tubing,v/j ng etc sha[b€ suitabty andnrmtysuppo.red.Controts and relat€dequipmentsha be easty accessibte ior ma ntenance,adjuslment,r€rnovator All eeclricatcomponertsshall be rnounledand wired usingl.rethodsand materjaE confomingto lhe reevantstandardsfor the a.ea c assifcalionand type of protecrion empoy€d.Alinsuating nrateialshaltbe flamefelardant,non{oxicand have o\d futogen conlentas a minirnum 7.T3.4 CablnetNam€plaies Engraved .am€pt€tes shaI be req!iredfarthe ide.UfcaUon of eachcabinet,on boththeiiont and r€:r facias. The rumepatessha noi be iastenej to lh€ tifl off lype dooG of th€ cabinets.Nameplales shalrbe fasrened lo eachcabinelwrtaa minnum of twosetf_tapping slainlesssteelscrews Namepatessha be while/btacb\rhile tlaffottie,wlh a telt€rhelghtof4mm mtninrum. Nameplates shalibe provdedlo tdenlityternrinat b ockrowsafd a I itemsof equipment lhat afe notbutkmaloriatllerns, th s shal inctude cabt€nulrberstocatedon |re cabinets de of the associaled g andptate.
Page56 of 70
P H O N Gt i r . r
x ric rvHAN eAru. f"
u ":,:r-*"" ! DetailedEngineeringforTopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
celerel The cabinetshai be tinedwithl .
A door switchopera|ngan tntema fluorescenr,amp.
A dolb e 230 VAC 13 Amp swrchedpowersocket.
The cabinetsha beequpped wjth aitnecessarye ectricalfLrses and cifc!t breakefsto alow sate operationoiequipmentpowe.edfrom the cabinet. Glandino Gland plal€s shatthave bo {ixingswjth txed f!1s or studs. Gtafd ptates sha be suitaby marked 10 fac tate coiiecl tine,upwjth cabtes and ft)(ings Cabe shalt be te|minaredinlo enclosuresusiig mechanicatlype compressiongtands, as approved by the purchase, Glanding1osate area enclosurssha I b€ carrledout us n9 stufitngg ards, hav ng out€, s€ar All glands shatt b€ mad€ 31655 and soft seatingwashers sha be Lrseclo mainlajnthe rnlegrly ol the encoslre. A cable giands shajt be providedwith eadhrng lags. Where requiredal bondng berweeng ands sha be canted out internalty(i e inside lhe enctoslrel by means ofeadh tag washeGor bodrngptales
E€d![s Thecabinelshatthavethreeseparare earthousesi .
Chassis€adhfor theerrthingofeq!ipmenroutercasea.d cabte€molring
lnstrlment earlh, rsoated lrom lhe cabinel,for the rerrnLnatonof cabte screensand
Intrinscaly saie eadh
Each will be separatey connectedlo lhe pani eadhing sysiem The cabifel wil aso have ea(h studson lhe gtandptale,door and pafe chassistor connectLofto ihe ptantearth
Wdls V€ntedfame r€tardantwfewaysshattbe inslaed to supporta internatwirirg.Thesesh€tl be s zedio give40%sp:.e capacitySeparaied w re waysshaI be p.ovtded fo. AC and DC voltages, andfor intrnscatlysafeandnon-intfinsicajy safe.W r ng vr'irhtn lhe panetsha be sizedso thal the vot-dropbelweenthe supptyrerminatand the tnternateqlipmentand/of outgong Iemi.alsatckc!tfuttoadcondition sha notexceed 2%arth€nomifavottage, minimum size100mm' Wk fg shaI be flanreretardant andteminalton shal beviains!latedcrimpp ns Termrnals
DGCP-GCP.0 l -07-sP-00 I
xNLD"vielsoE;tt pHoruc LuA.r
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x A c N H A Na A r ur { 6
Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacility Systemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERALSPECJFICATION Termnalsshallcomply withthefo owirgfequi.€mems . Teminal bocks sha' be mi rnourted,screwctamptype sLrjtabte for a 25 mmr conduclor minimum, 25%sparelo be provided forfutLrre expanson. .
A separaletermrnal shal be paovided for eachconductor.Wh€fe:hesystemrtegr:y requires lwo coresin oie ter..nal (eg ing cjcuts) thesestatbe cjinpedjnloa cor.monconnector
A separateterminalshallbe providedfor atrncomtnga.d oLtgoingco.estncluding spares,24 VDCcircuts shat beiesrdisconnect knifelype.
TerminalbLocks shallbe instalted in an accessible positonsutabe for rhe proposed inconringor outgoingcablelocaton.Anchorifgpointssha be prcvidecto preveni slresson ifdividuElwires andlerminals.
A minimumof 50 mrnon bolhsldesof lermtnatons shalLbe prcvtdedfor w.ng space Paraielterminalblocksshal b€a minimum oi 100mmapart.
Sufticient cablein lhe formof a nealloopmListbe leftal eachwireend to a olvfof one f|rrtherconnection to be made
VYir€ sp icingis notacc€ptabte.
Al Wringshal be deniified wiihunlquenumbered sleevetypeferrutesai eachwrreend andshownon wiringd agrams.
Colo!r Codlna Color codingofwiring withinlhe panelshallbein accordancewith the iollowlngsched! e 220 VAC
B ack
B ack
24 VDCD g tal Circuirs
Analogue Tra.smssion(i,Usledpar)
The iollowingshall€lso havean outershealhor dentifyingbards n ihe fo:owng colours int.insicaly Saie
Ligtt A ue
XNLD'Vietsovpetro" P H O N GL U A T
Ar'reA,"* c6b ]xAcrrrn I ORtGtfvA.E_
Page58 oi 70
@l:::t:""".f Detailed Engineering for TopsjdeFaciljtySystemso, GasCom Prarrorm at DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION Seofeaalion Segregation of WLrig Components shal be carefuy considered at ihe des]gnsrageand provrsron madeto s€rsfyrherequiremenls. Thefolowing$rringsha be run separatjyfrom olherwirin-a andhavectearly id€nlifled andsegregared termjnaisecuons: . 220VACS ppties .
24 VDCIntrtnscaty SafeSlgn€s
24 VDCNon_lsSignas
Themocoupte wiri.g(wireddkectto insrrumeni notviaintedaceternrjnats)
Resstance Bulbwrng
[4iscelaneors signatssuch6s frequency/pulse/anarysrs elc.
C rcJitProlection Circuilprotection devicesshaltbe of coftectratrngto proteclwift.g/tnsirumertation and to providediscriminalion betweenmarnand sLb,circuirs The foilowngdevicesshal be ,
Doube PoteMiniatureCtrcuilBfeakercshaltbe providedon at .natns supptycircuits.
DoublePole lso atingSwitchesand s! tabletusessha b6 provided on atis!b-crcLrits
Eachoutgoingor nconrnOcircuitpoweredfrom the cabinetshalt be individuay iLrsed
Povr'erslpply w ngshat be caffied out so th6t orty one main connecrion torhe panet is requiredfor each suppty unlessspscli6d otnerwse in th€ Data Sh€et
D G C PG C P - o 1o 7 - S P - O O i
Page59 of 70
m-*r.*.f Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat 0ragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFTCATION QUALIfY ASSURANCE,INSPECTION AND TESITNG 8.1
QualityAssurance The VenCo.shalldemonslrate that they op€ratea quatitysyslem n accord:ncewlh an internationally recognized standardslch as tSO 9001 The effectiveness oI the qLratity systemandlhe Vendorscompiancewithi1shaltbe subjectto monilcrifgby purclaser anO,n addition, m€yb6 auditedfotiowngan agreedperodor notice. TheVendorshallsubrnila quatilycontrotprogram tor purch:serfeviewarthe I meof Tender The Vendorshal proide lacititres for and cooperare with p!rchaserand Inspecrorc ci!.ing manltactur ng,assembly andlestng. The Vendofshattaso cor0ptyMth the purchaser, HeahhS€iety Environnrentat andqlali1y requkem€nts asdetaiedn Section 2 8.2.9and2.10.
8.2 Inspection The Vendorshall be responsbte for rhe ptanntngand executionof a l tnspectons and tesrs bLrl the P!fchasers representativestra have the righi to witness any or ait of ih€ rnanufacturngactivlies,j.spectionsor rests. T h e V e n d o rs h a l l s u b m iat n t . s p e c t i o a n n dT e s i p a n ( t T p ) f o rp u r c h a s erre v i € wa n dm a r k _ u p follow ng purchaseorder p acement.The tTp sha|] tist all inspectonsand tesrs p.opos.d for lhe equ prnentby the Vendor,betleen ihe date ot o.defingand the dale oJdelvery. T h e P u r c h a s ear n d t h e V € n d o .s h a s i g n o f f t h e f n a l v e r s i o no t t h e l T p , w h r c h l, l r e r c a f t € r , sha form part of the conrractdocurnents. The word Hotd Potnt ind cated n the tTp means that a writtenrequestsha be issued10the Purchaserand the Pu.chaserapponted r€presentalive,and work shalt not pfoceedwrhour lhe Purchaser'sof lhe Plfchasef appointedrepresentalive s attendanc€Lrnlessa witten waiver is givenby the Purchaser. The Vendo. shall p.ovide 14 catenCardays wrilten nolificaton to the purchasef ot every 'Witness or'Hold point identiied on the tTp. Fldhermore, the Vendor sha providea 5 calendarday confirmationnoticeihar the plannedactvity,,!i proceed Vendor shall b€ nolfed oi Purctraseis Companys afd aepresentatrve s Intenttowitn€ssth€ inspectionactivity
p L r r c h a s e ra p p on i e d
lnspectionby the Purchasershallnor reteve the V€.dor of any gua€rtees, responsb ti|es or oblgations to furnish eqLrpment/ marerias to this specifica|onand rhe apprcprat€ projecl Dala Sheets. Any de ays calsed by late notficationor ale cance alion and subsequeft re-teslng sha be lo the Vendor'saccounl
D G C P - G C P . 0 1 - 0 7 -050P1
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Ac rur-rA r.;a ; *-l
m:.1,1**.t DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Cornpression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
Testing The componenetsand rhe assemblyshat receiveiests as required I their specrfcatrons.As m nrr:urn,stanoardcommerciatl€sts ana rhe Iestsrecessary ro demonstrareoperationof the srsl€m sharibe provtdedby vendo.. The Vendor sha/ dsvise and execlte a I
gammedlnfg alslagesof fabrrcation. Resurrs ofsuch iesting sharioe turry aocumeistlJ A I stagesoi iesiingmaybe subjecito wtnessandapprovat by tha purchaser and/ or a ih ro parryverinefas identified bylhe purchaser / Veifer i. the inspectiofandles(ptan The Vendorsha prcvideihe purchaser withat leasr14 calendardaysadvancerolce tc w tnesstestsperformed rnejlhertie Vendofsshopof hissub-Vendor,s shops Thepurchaser and/ or veiiie. shaltfeview testrecoftJs andc€.titc€uon priorlo r€teasng lhe Allteslingshaltbe cariedoulat lheVendors testfactty TesteqLripment shattbe slpp iedby theVendorand shal b€ ca ibral€dwithinsx months of the test dale AIlest equipment usedshal havecurrentce.tificalion ol accuracy:rom an approved teslauthoriy Al lest equ pme rt shattbe catibratedand used in accordancev/ilh rhe Vend 06 The Vendor shall rnaintajn up,lo-dale documentalion at a tmes reflecting lhe
inspectio.L/testing statusof theeqLripment
Cerlificates of Test sha[ be provid€otor each (em of eqLripmenlio prov€ il has b€€n sutislactorily tesredto meet aI fequiremenrs of rs approp ate manufactwingslandards, whetheror not,,1/tnessed byih€ purchasef Whereappropdatetestcertijtcares sha statevatuesfor at lest resuts. Testsfo. whtchtho res! ]s are ndlcaled as passor iai sha be qLra tifi€dby iherelevantacceptafce crileda ThesLrbmittabie documenlation shatnotber€garded €s thetotaLrsqun€menl ThepLrrchas€r maywsh to inspeclretained documentalon suchas internateslresuls,eq!ipmenlogsand faulUcorrection fecords. 6,4
Correclions, Errors and Def€cts lr the coreclionsof any erro,or defeclrnvoveserio!sallerations requri.g reptacernent or pads or majorremova,andrepacement of wetds,lhe approvaot the pL'chasershaltbe obtalnedbeforeproceedrng wilhsuchconections A so, ii thecorrec|onoI theenorrequnes wlnessingby the Inspect€r or a changein ce.tificaies 6suedby the nspeclor, thecorfechofl shallbe madein the presenc€ ofthe Inspectorandrheafiectedcerlificares sha be proped, coffected ands gned. pmento. pa.rsthereoi,including EqLr maleriats of constrLcUon on whch arefoundfteparabte oI injurio!sdefecisrmprcperiabricaton €xcessverepaifsor rhalare ict in accordance wt,,
D G C P , c C P0 1 , 0 7 - S P0 0 1
_ v rersovpelroir
-sARR%],* P H o N GL U A T
m*-::*-* ! DetailedEngineering for TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION the req!irernenbof thedrawtngor Specrfrcation shaI be subjeclto rejeclion at th€ dscretiof of the Purchaser' The equipmenr shal arsobe sub]ected to reject on il such condirions are ' d scov€red afferreleasefromtheVendor's works. if any partof the equtpme nt s dama,iedaftertestshaveb€encompl€red,retesting of th€ affectedpartsis nrandatory. Themethodof rcpairshai be appfovedby thep!r"n"""r-pr,o,to wofkberngsta(€don it. Weldrepai.sarepermssibtefor caslngsanly.Wdd nS s to be in accofdance w tn ASME tX 8.5
Rejection Shoud anyinst.umenl be founddamagedon detivery, or in anyway not in cornpiancewiih the termsof thlsSpeci{icalion, rheyshal be rejectedTheVendofsha immedatetvreptace themireeol charg€wilhsoundinskumeftcomptying wrthlhe pufchaseOrder. Shouldany defectstn the inslrument be rcveateddurng fabricar on, instaltaion, or wh|st l]noernormatestconcilions, ihe jnstruFent shaltbe reiected. The Vendorsha inmediatety replaceit freeof chargewitha solnd instumencomptyingwilhthe puchas e Oder.
Commissioningand Startup The Vendorln theirt€nder,shaltidentityany specar requrem€frso, recomme.darions for Ve.dor supportduringoffshorecommtssioning andslad up of the equLpheftsupptied.Th€ Purchaseisfina accephnc€ot the €qujpmeni wiltbe subjectto a performafce testoncethe equipnenthasb€eninslaledandcommssonedoffshors
E.7 Site Support The Vendor in their tende.,shal provde detaitsoi their afrer saes supporlcapablity. Vendorsshalladvise thehneareslservicerepresentalive andneareslservcefacitly
-07,SP-001 DGCP-GCP,01
P:ge 62 oi 70
m":.11.**! Deta,iled Engineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dfagon Oilfiotd
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION NAMEPLATE REQUIREMENTS All inskumenlassembli€sshattb€ s!ppliedtagg€din €ccordancewith jhe datasheets All jnslrumentsshall b€ sLrpp|edtagged in accordaice wtih the dalasheersdeta ing as a Tag Dates shail be manufacuredfrom 3j6 slaintessstset. Texl and numberingshai be clearlyengraved,painl{ill€dand a mi.imum of6mm nigh. Tag platesfor accessoriesshall be securedusingstajnlesssteel screws,siajnlesssteelwrre or stanlessstee chain E a c h n s t a r m e nal s s e m b ys h a t b e f i t i e dw 1 h a s t a t n t e ss t e e ln a m e p a t ep r c v i d n g ,a s a minimum,lhe followinglntormalion
Olhe. info.rnationwitt be requred dependupontypeoi insrrumenr A l l i n f o r m a U odnl s p l a y e d o n n a m e p t a t essh a t b e n l h e E n g s h L a n g u a g e n S i l n s a r C approvedby lhe Purchasef
Page63 oi 70
p H o w GL u r l r
x191u1,r-;i;.;f ..,
DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacilitySystems of GasCompression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
INSTRUITIENT GENERAL sPEcIFtcATIoN 1O PROTECIIVE COATINGS All equjpmentshat be suitablefor opera(onrf rhe envron.fent referencedin this Corrosion resistant maledats slch as SS316Lshafino!be painledui esscoveredbythermat Insutaton, inwhichcas6thenarerialshabe paint€C Painlprocedlresmav be prcposedby the vendor,blt shar be sLJbjecr to the pLrchasers app.ovat.Refer to DGCp_cCp-o1,07,sp 00i, Technicatspeciricaiicctor o" at*i i_ parnng requ.em€.r. F! lechnicatdataof lhe proposedpaintmanufacture|s,producls is to b€ providedby the VendorwithhisTender.
Page 64 of 70
xN_LD:VGG;GerrF _lr-ipNG
x ac rvirAr.in JiiT xl
my:::"-* t DetailedEnglneerlngfor TopsideFacility Systemsof Gas Compressign rratto.m at Dragon Oilfield
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 11 PREPARATION FORSHIPMENT TheV€ndorsha be fesponsibte fo. prepararon ior shipmenlinctudingi packtngprotection p€servalrontabetngandrnarking ofa[ ilems. A[ portsandopenings shal beseared. Threaded connections shal be prcrected w]thmelariic or moutdedptasliccapsor ptugs. L ne c0nneclions shallbe covered wlh woo( or rrerarr''icr on o Jss (ao'o'ra-,ses ,oe\.Loa.o.e,e1 narera,,o-,," r e n s t t u r e n r a n d tofrrryp'olectl_efacesof ' a 1 g e s ' r c - d a n a g e o J i r n " n o ",",,".'^l"j-l':::: .*","'"o s-ulacesv,hch rnaybe exposedro the armosphere in lransirand subsequenr Y::hjnel stor€ge srra b€ protecl€d withan easilyr€
vendor, butnotunrir rnspec1on. irrequired il]ff
::l j:::::'"'*
coatins appr edbvthe
Wherelemporaryblocktngdevicesare us€
"";;;;;;; p"."nt, i ro",ron i"t "r, i: plovidedio the Purchaser ""* ;in:':ffi:::,H:il,':il","l'lTl Eq!ipment shaJtbo shippedc!nrpletey assernoreo. A l ' F q l i p m e n ts n a . r a J e o e e r t u r . yt e s t e d a . | d . n s p e c l ep dr , o r . o o d c k d g . g N o p a . k a o i n o "ctirifpsstat.conrrercewrho-rlhep.ro.co.sertoft,epLrc.rase.,,,Jr,:";;,i:::"1: notifed of ihe dates of packagingwirh sufiic
inspecrion and re,ease ierr'';":;il.;;,;"Ti"l"lfi:il1:l,1[:ff ff J:::"'**' "
O . e c o p yo f l h e t O M m a n u a t s hlab e s h i p p e d w t r he a c he q ! p m e n y p e i n c u d e i i n a n ofder.
DGCP-GCP O1-07-Sp{
Page 65 of 70
X A C N H AN B A N C l O C
/') ,'4"2-
o"::::'-*.! DetailedEngineeringfor ToDsidsFacility Systemsof Gas Compression Platform at Dfagon Oilfield
INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 12 SPAREPARTSANOSPECIAITOOLS '12.1 Spares TheVendorshal identifythefolorving spares . .
Pre-comm ssjoning, commlssionng andstan-upspares Recommended spar€s|slfor twoyearsoperarron
Spzresshat be lemisedandpfced\4irhtherender. 12.2 Special Tools identirya[ necessafy specraitoo]s(jnctud ns sofrwaferoos) requiredlo ]::^-u:il": penorm "r' mainten€nce roune andanyo1h€r recornmeided lootsfor sp€ciaisedprcce;ures. Speciattoossha be ilemised andpriceswirhtheTend€r. Th€Purchasef shaI agreetheSpeclaToo]srooe tnctuded ln lh€ pu.chaseOrder
DGCP-GCP-01 -07-sP-001
xnc ruHa rusANZii" ORLGB\:,.qE_-
Page66 oi 70
gy:.t::*'! Detailed Engine€ring for TopsideFacilitySystemsof cas Compression Platformat DragonOilfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 13 DOCUMENTATION 13-1 General As a nr nlmum,the Vendors responsible lo provd€documenlatron for the equjprn6nt iterns as definedin rhepO whtchsha inctudeas a minrmurn, thedocumentalon listedbetow.The Vendor s r€sponsibte for a[ documentatio n ]n skict€ccordance w I h the requ rementsof lh s SpecifrcaUon. Furtherdetaitson documentation fequiremenls, tncludng a f!lt VendorDara Req'rirements List(VDRL),shal be provided in thepO. FabrcaUon shallnotcomm€nce unllthepurchaser approves thecalculalion;, d€Wngs,ano anyotherdesigndocumenration or p.ocedures All documentation sha[ befoMardedto thep!rchasersnominated addfess 13.2 Oocument Details 13.21
EqLripment DocLrmenration TheEqupmentdossier shaiinctude, bltnolbetimited lo,the niormation istedb€tow
Complete parlstistsshowagmaterialspecificaitons andstockor drawingnlmbersfor atl parts,ncludtng grawings altnecessary cross-seciional for partsidentification.
Opetalion andmainlenance nslructions
13.2.2 lnslfumeit DalaSheels The Instrumenr Dalasheel shal tnctudeburnotbe imitedto,ihe infofmation lsredbeowl
lVode N4echanical Delails [4atorials ElectricalDelaits ProcessData(whererequred) Setl ngs Range Eazardols afea classilicationand ceftiijcatedetails(typeoi prolection,1!moer ce.lityng aulhorily)
DGCP-GCP 01,07-sP 001
xNLD-V;G;Effi __j!oNG
Lr .
x Ac r,ruA r.rG; i
Page 67 oi 70
m:lv'*-t DetailedEngineeringfor TopsideFacility Systemsof GasCompression Platform at Dragon Oilfield
INSTRUIVIENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION When a nurnberof iteorsare identicai. rher requirementsthese can be coveredby a s ngte specilcationsheer,provd ng a tlag n!mberc are ceafly lsred Where a numberof lems are sirnitar,and tt can be tdentifiedthat these lernscan be sourced ffonr a singt€vendor(e.g contro,vatves),th€nthese tems can be covered as separatettens of a s ngle specilicatronshe€t. A dala sheet coverng each item, Lstng ihe ndividlat item detattsas slatec above,sha be compi€tedtoreach itern The Vendorshat submiths pfoposeddata she€tfor purchas€rapprova. Datasheetsshattbe Seneratedus ng [,ticrasofiExcet. 13.2.3 Inslr!mentDfawings Orawlngssha I be preFr€d oo a CAD baseo sy€remand submrted lo lhe pirchaser fo. The drawin!s shatt ndicatelhe fevisioi Commentsmade to a drawtngby the p!rchaser wrti b e a d d e dp . o r r o l h e r e e a s eo f l l e - e x r . e vs , o n . The Vendo. shatlproducethefolowifg drawingslo covereach instrumenl, as a minrmum .
E ectricatschematics
[,]eohanicahook up dtagrams/instataliof oerans
l n s t i u m e nCl a c L ra t o n s
The Vendorsha I providecerl ited €at.utationsfrrr inslrum€nts,inctudng lhosetisted betow: . Conto va ve sizing .
Regu aror s zng
Reliefva ve and rLrpture disc siztng
Sh'rldownvalve slfokingtime
F o w e t e m e nst t z i n g
Resiriclionoriilces zing and slressafatys s
T h e . m ow e l l w a k ef r e q L r e n c y
DP eveltransmitierranging
Inlnislcally Sale loopca cLrtations, inc udingc€b e, isolalora.d fietddeviceparameterc
Cabte vottagedrop
Anaiys€rfasl looplin e
Page6a of 70
Detailed Engineering tor TopsideFacilitySystemsof GasCompression Platformat DragonO;lfield INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION 13.3 T€nderDocumentation Tenderdoc!rnenkuon sha includethefo owrng .
A, docJTenlal r VDF._ o- as speci,teo
Produciion schedute
rterature Producitechnica
hstrumentcatculations andpreiminarydala she€ts(as apcicabe by typeoi ifskunenil Technical andperfor"Tance dalaas requesled withinrhtsspecitication.
. .
Equipmentdoss el
Instru menI drawinss (asappicabe by rypeof ifslrurnenl)
D fiefs onatdrawings (prelimina.y) ot inslftrment assembty
Prelimtnary weightdata
Confirmation of Material Cerlilic€tion beingofferedior a pressure coftainingpzdsand process weltedmateriats
The VendorshaI s€parately detait€achproposed deviaUon irom the specfcationof data sheets,andsubmitto thepurchasertor approval. 13.4 PurchaseOrderDocumentalion Plrchaseorderdocumentation sha[ inctude rhefot]owngtor apprcvaras a m nim.ril .
Vendordocumentalion tisl
Produclion schedute
Inspecton andteslpan
nslfumenl calcutalions(as app|cabte by typeof instruorent)
Vendordatasheets iic udlngmode numbersandmaterias
Inslrumenr drawngs(asappli€be by lypeoi instrurnent)
Dimenstonat drawngs
Localion ofexternalsupporllor vibration of speciaimourt ng requkeme.l
!!€rghldataoi theconptelety assembieq trrsrumenr
Mai€rial Cedf cation
DGCP-GCP 0l-07sP 001
Revision 0
Paq€69 oi 70
XNLD"Vietsovpetro" P H o N G L l - 'J-
i X A C N H A N g A r ' l,
Detailed Engineering for TopsideFacilrty Systemsof GasCompression Platform at DragonOilfietd INSTRUMENT GENERAL SPECIFICATION .
Hazardous areaequtpment cetrfcate
Hydrautic testcertifcate
DGCPGCP01-07_sP 001
i xNLDybisovpetA P H O I " J GL U A T ] i;-x a c -:-:. - --;-
trgAr.r /1"-r t G; !e A N . --{ ; hl,4.