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words for ielts reading
This spreadsheet contains the 3,000 most frequent "core academic" words (lemmas) in 120 million words of the COCA Academic texts ( More details on this and related lists can be found at For more details on the construction of the list, see: Gardner, Dee and Mark Davies. (2013) "A New Academic Vocabulary List". In Applied Linguistics. To be considered a "core academic word", it must: 1) Occur at least 50% more frequently in the academic portion of COCA than would otherwise be expected (per million words). In other words, 1.50 or higher in the [ratio] column. 2) Have a good "dispersion" [disp column] across the nine domains of academic (a Juilland "d" measure of at least 0.80, for those who know what that means) 3) Have at least 20% of the "expected" frequency in at least seven of the nine domains 4) Not occur more than three times as much as "expected" in any of the nine domains The columns in the sheet are as follows: [ID]: The "rank order" of each word, which is based on the [COCA-Acad] column (the frequency of the word in COCA Academic) [word]: Note that these are actually lemmas, so that provide = {provide, provides, provided , and providing } [PoS]: Part of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb [COCA-All]: The overall frequency in COCA (when COCA was 425 million words; it's now 450 million words) [COCA-Acad]: The frequency in the 120 million words of COCA Academic [ratio]: How much more frequent the word is in COCA-Academic than the "expected" frequency. For example, if a word occur 425 times overall in COCA (which is 425 million words in size), then it should occur about 120 times in the 120 million words of COCA-Academic. If it occurred 180 times, then it occurs at 1.50 times the expected frequency. [disp]ersion: The Juilland "d" measure of how "evenly" the word is spread across COCA-Academic range: In how many of the nine domains does the word occur with at least 20% of the expected frequency These columns are followed by the frequency in the nine domains of COCA-Acad, which is in turn followed by numbers for each of the nine domains showing the relative frequency compared to the "expected" frequency. The expected frequency is based on the size of each domain. So a figure of 1.39 means that it occurred 39% more frequently in that domain than the expected frequency.
CLICK HERE to access the entire list, with hyperlinks to extensive information on each word
word study group system social provide however research level result include important process use development data information effect change table policy university model experience activity human history develop suggest economic low relationship both value require role difference analysis practice society thus control form report rate significant figure
PoS n n n j v r n n n v j n n n n n n n n n n n n n j n v v j j n r n v n n n n n r n n v n j n
factor interest culture need base population international technology individual type describe indicate image subject science material produce condition identify knowledge support performance project response approach support period organization increase environmental source nature cultural resource century strategy theory product method goal likely note represent general article similar environment
n n n n v n j n n n v v n n n n v n v n n n n n n v n n v j n n j n n n n n n n j v v j n j n
language determine structure section common occur current available present term reduce measure involve movement specific focus region relate individual quality establish author seek compare growth natural various standard example management scale argue degree design concern state therefore examine pattern researcher task traditional finding positive central act impact
n v n n j v j j v n v n v n j v n v j n v n v v n j j n n n n v n n n v r v n n n j n j j n n
reflect recognize context relation maintain African concept discussion associate design particularly purpose address define particular benefit survey effective apply contain understanding production form association reveal range affect attitude status necessary function indeed present global conflict achieve conduct critical perform discuss exist improve observe demonstrate unit total modern
v v n n v j n n v v r n v v j n n j v v n n v n v n v n n j n r j j n v v j v v v v v v n j j
literature result experience principle element challenge control historical aspect perspective basic measure tradition belief western procedure test category tend technique outcome significantly generally future mean importance application feature influence basis interaction refer communication negative primary characteristic European lack obtain potential variety component following access contribute assume express
n v v n n n v j n n j v n n j n v n v n n r r j n n n n n n n v n j j n j n v j n n j n v v v